rek program in danger - UBC Library
rek program in danger - UBC Library
13110 Archives Serico TIRSDAY,.00TODER 31 'rek program in danger by Sarah Morrison UBC's plan for a mandatory student bus pass may die on the table if a controversial proposed vehicle levy is not approved by TransLink's board of directors. Both UBC and Translink, the regional transportation authority, have said that they are close to a deal after months of negotiations over U-Trek, a major part of which is the U-Pass, a mandatory student discount bus pass. But recent controversy over the proposed levy, which would have vehicle owners pay an annual fee based on the weight of their automobiles, has threatened the viability of the U-Pass proposal. The levy, designed to penalise heavier polluters on the road, would raise as much as $100 million per year to fund improvements to roadways and transit services. TransLink has indicated that without a levy or federal funding, significant cutbacks would hurt the number and frequency of existing transit routes; and proposed transportation programs. "If the vehicle levy is not approved, there would likely be no 1J-Pass," said Bill Lambert, TransLink's manager of Programs and Planning. 'No levy, no U-Trek program,' agreed Gord Lovegrove, UBC's director of Transportation Planning, adding that UBC is encouraging TransLink's board to pass the levy. UBC has indicated a preference for a vehicle levy over another increase in bus fares, citing concern for individuals ‘ who have no choi choice but to commute by bus. "There are many that just can t afford the cost of an automobile,' said Lovegrove. He said that the levy is a small additional expense relative to the $5000 to $7000 cost of owning a car, but that another fare increase would significantly affect students who regularly use the transit system. The. U-Trek proposal is part of a greater transportation plan that is aimed at reducing traffic to and from campus. Some time in the next two months, TransLink's board of directors must vote on the levy, before it can be considered for final approval from the Greater Vancouver Regional District council. But Marvin Hunt, a TransLink board member, says that he will not support the vehicle levy. see "U-Trek" on page 3. BAD MOON RISINdtA house on West 11th near campus adds a seasonal touch, to its garden. Or maybe it's just some laundry hung out to dry.... TARA WESTOVER PHOTO victory Soccer Birds finish season against UVic by Trevor Kew It wasn't the prettiest soccer match played at Thunderbird Stadium this year. In fact at times it looked a bit like a battle scene from Braveheark The UBC women's soccer team did emerge victorious from the swamp after two muddy hours, however, with a well-deserved 10 victory over provincial rivals the University of Victoria (UVic) Vikes. The game was played on a rain-soaked patch that had experienced a varsity football game less than 24 hours before. The players sloshed through the quagmire at a fast, even frantic, pace, and there were several tough tackles from both sides as both teams tried to OH NO YOU DON'T: Third-year defender Leanne Westie set the tone. fights for possession. TARA WESTOVER PHOTO The T-Birds held much of the early pressure 'The girls really fought for that one,' said Wone, but were pushed back into their own half by the Vikes 'The goal was a result of our whole team's willpower.' later on. The best chances fell to Leanne Westie, UBC's defence looked rock solid, with keeper Sian whose shot was deflected inches wide, and Jacqueline Bagshawe covering up some minor mishaps. "We can Ferraby, who powered a header off the post. take a step up, and we know that Sian's back there The bog/field continued to play its part in the secholding her own,' explained first year fullback Amber = and half as the game slowed to a midfield battle. Brownlee. 'It's wonderful.' UBC's patience was finally rewarded in the 57th The playoffs are set for next weekend in Victoria, minute, when Vanessa Martino sent across skipping and UBC head coach Mosher's belief in his team's across the muddy goal area towards UBC forward chances seems to be growing by the day. Lysa Wane, a ;ale defender, and the keeper. The 'We played good playoff-type soccer, which is what three players collided and the ball squirted loose into you need to do this time of year: said Mosher who" the Victoria goal. If was- announced as an owrt goal. praised the players for their 6-1-3 record, despite havWone later suggested that she might have got a touch, ing seven rookies on the squad in what was supposed but added modestly that-where the ball ended up was to be a turnaround year. most important. student suing debt collection agency by Natasha Norbjerg A former UBC student is currently entangled in a legal battle with a collection agency over the payment of his federal student loan. Stephen Toban, who graduated from UBC in 1991, says that he was unemployed for the majority of that year, which made it difficult for him to pay the $7000 remaining on the loan. Toban alleges that the agency charged with collecting his loan, Total Credit Recovery Ltd, used unreasonable collection practices when pursuing his debt 'I had every intention of paying my loan back, but [Total Credit] had no right to invade my privacy in the manner that they did,' he said. Deanna Natali, a lawyer for the collection agency, declined to corn- ment on the case, saying that the company would rather wait for the court to decide the outcome of the case. Toban says that his troubles with the collection agency began when he moved to London, England, to look for work after graduation. According to BC Supreme Court documents, while Toban was away in London looking for a job in the finance industry, the Royal Bank forwarded his outstanding loan to the federal government The government then paid for the remainder of the loan and made Total Credit responsible for collecting Toban's debt. Toban said that when he returned to BC in May 1993, he discovered that because of interest see "Lawsuit" on page 3 SH FUN OUR FAVOURITE DAY AND WE'RE XCITED ABOUT S AND TREATS. [email protected] 4.01.P.X! 2 SERVICES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 CLASSIFIEDS ROOM AND BOARD ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE FOR WOMEN AND MEN IN SINGLE & SHARED (DOUBLE) ROOMS IN TOTEM PARK & PLACE VANIER RESIDENCES. The UBC Housing Office has vacancies in single and shared (double) rooms in the junior residences for September. Room and board (meal plan) is available in the Totem Park and Place Vanier student residences for qualified female and male applicants in single and shared (double) rooms on a first-comefirst-served basis. Please come to the UBC Housing Office (1874 East Mall) weekdays during working hours (8:30arn-4:00pm) to obtain information on rates and availability The cost for room and board from September - April is approximately $4,660$5000 depending on meal plan selection. Students may select one of three meal plans. UBC Housing Office 1874 East Mall, Brock Hall Ter: (604) 822-2811 Email: informationehousing.ubc.Ca Selection may be limited for some areas. THE VANCOUVER POLICE DEPARTMENT'S VICTIM SERVICES UNIT is currently recruiting volunteers. Through empathetic understanding and patience, your role is to empower clients as they deal with the aftermath of crime. Volunteers joining the Unit contribute between 3 to 6 hours weekly in their first year. Full fluency in English is required,, but we encourage individuals with extra langnage skills. The next upcoming training class star ts in mid January 2001. Call the Volunteer Recruiting Line at 7172797. THE UBYSSEY, ''see aneous nip oymen STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS seeks progressivepeo .ple to conduct surveys by phone. Flexible hours – 20/35 hrs. per week., 4-6 weeks, with possibility for permanent position. Salary guaranteed plus bonus. No Sales. Call Christina at 681-3030 ext. 44 and leave a voice 'mail. CHOOSE FREEDOM – discover Break Out ... of your rut. Read about , Jesus; allow him to challenge your assumptions. "Breakthrough" Historical eye-witness account of the life and teachings of one of history's most influential figures. Get your free copy in the SUB concourse Choose Freedom Display Wed & Thurs. Nov 1 & 2. Staff Meeting Agenda: WORM COMPOSTING WORKSHOP at UBC on Nov 09 between 121 pm. Cost is $25 for materials. Call 822-9456 for more info. wednesday november 1st 1. elections women's caucus 3. power CUP 4. CUPstuff 5. postmortem 6. udder business VEGGIE LUNCHES – every Tuesday 12:30 – 2: 30 pm, penthouse (3rd floor) in the grad center, 6371 crescent rd., vegetarian and vegan food, suggested donation: $4 WIN $250 – Play the new investment strategy board game Corner the Market at UBC Christmas Gift Fair, SUB Nov 20-24. No cost to enter to reserve your place or call Nigel at 736-4466. 12:30pm at SUB 241k CHRISTIANITY – The Boon or Bain of Political Liberty? Dr, John Redekop, current professor, Political Science, Trinity Western University. Thursday, Nov. 2 Angus 104 7:30pm. . le1114111111111111111111111111 13. ,C.S COOLEST PARTY LINE!!! DIAL: 25-Party* Ads* Jokes* Stories & MORE!!! Free Call! * 18+ * Try it NOW!!! STUDENT MOVEMENTS – need a hand moving in or out of residence? Contact Hugh at 224-0058 (Acadia Road) reliable, available 7 days/week, own HD dolly, rate: $7/hour ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIpN – Professional tutor with experience iiTOEFL, 1P1, University Prep, High School English including grade 12, and ESL all levels. Phone 737-1851. CALL FOR ART– Eating Disorder COMPUTER`- Celeron 633, 64M, ..I5G, 48 x CD, 56K modem, 10/100 network, brand new $600. (604) 951735. = 5ITO Vancouver Asian Film Festival November 3 - 5, 2000 4,4g 4 ®® FREE VANCOUVER ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL GIVEAWAY FOR THE VANeOINER ASIAN FILM FESTIVAL Opening ,Vight: Mato Vedd:ng November 4,1:00 - 3:00pm We have 6 PASSES to give away to: STUDENTS! See films by North American Asian artists at Cinemark Tinseltown Theatre from NOV. 3rd to Nov 5th. looking for a roommate? Punchy Potluck: Crickets, Hanging Out, Yolk, Mount, Beyond These Wails, Shue/ lOng• A Story of My Mother, Suns ii: Suing, Fighting Grandpa.. November 4, 3:30 -5:30pm History With Bar The Choice, Firecracker .Vanjing Vigklarrs. November 4,7:00 -9:00pm Freshmen, .ftshmen November 5, 1:00 3:001mn ome to SUB ROOM 245 to receive your free pass. Got something to sell? UBYSSEY Or lust have an announcement to make? IVE A WA Y Funny Families sode - .7a ,Vy American 1,'acat:oi November 5, 3:30 5:3,0pm Hot Dors: Mat Is China.- .r& Story ofAskpted Chinese Children in Canada, :tiff Shy,' A Hidden Language of Women in China. November 5, 7:00 - 9:00pm Coing Vt. Beau tifal Work/ Karma Local Films by North American Asians All Films in English If you are a student, you can place classifieds for FREE! Cinemark Tinseltown Theatre 88 West Fender, Vancouver, BC For more information, or to place. a classified, visit Room 245 in the SUB or call 822-1654. WANTED: A MODEL TRAIN SET to rent -or buy to use as prop in student film. Doesn't need to work. Call Caro-' line: 809-1807 www.vafforg November 3, 7:30 -9:00pm CLASSIFIEDS UNIVERSITY DRYCLEANERS. ALTERATIONS. Laundry, Drycleaning and dress-making available at 105-5628 'University Blvd. (UBC Village) Ph. 2289414, Special discounts for UBC students. Awareness Week (EDAW): Feb 4-10, 2001.. Do you have a story to express about your experience with disordered eating The Eating Disorder Resource Center of BC (EDRCBC) is looking for your original, artistic expression for our public exhibition and Silent auction. All ages and levels of artistic ability welcome, Submission deadline: Dec 21, 2000. Entry form and info: EDRCBC 806' 9000 Email: [email protected]. ;,..)ary Regular tickets can be purchased in advance at Tinseltown. For Passes or more info, call.• 622 9666 $5.25 + $1 membership $35 Gold Festival Pass $9 Opening Night, $15 w/ reception Telefilm Canada Canada I is Cold de kr. EPRESCWEIOTS OF Every Friday, Students and FOX Rocks Club members save 35-45% off Canucks regular ticket prices. Simply present your FOX Rocks , Club Card or Student ID at any Ticketmaster Ticket Centre or at the Orca Bay Box Office at General Motors Place. Next FOX Rocks Friday game is Nov.3 vs. Pittsburgh. Tickets start at just $21! All games are on Friday nights at 7pm. This offer is only valid for tickets in select price categories. Subject to availability and while quantities last Please show your FOX Rocks Club Card or current Student 10 at time of purchase, This offer cannot be combined with any other ticket offer, Ticket prices include GST but are subject to applicable service charges. NEWS THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 3 Minimum wage rises by Andrea Milek Beginning tomorrow, minimum-wage earners in BC will enjoy an additional $0.45 per hour as the minimum wage increases to $7.60. But the BC government's decision to increase the minimum wage is receiving mixed reviews from economists. David Green, an associate professor of economics at UBC and co-author of a study that examined the effects of minimum wage in BC, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, said that minimum wage is a useful tool in anti-poverty and anti-inequity policies. In his study, released last year, Green and co-author and fellow UBC Commerce profes- sor Michael Goldberg determined that fulltime workers in BC must earn at least $8 an hour to clear the poverty line. The NDP's minimum wage legislation will see the minimum wage increase to $8 per hour next year. 'A basic standard of society seems to be that if you work full-time you ought at least to make the poverty line,' said Green. But Roslyn Kunin, a consulting economist, said that increases to minimum wage affect employment adversely. "The business community [in BC] is appalled. It is another reason for people to not start small businesses and to not hire people,' she said, While Green agreed that an increase in minimum wage can lead to some unemployment, fee... .. . : ... . .opt . Businesses' BC and Yukon office, said that the increase comes at a bad time, when BC is just recovering from a weak economy. Sanatani suggested instead that the working poor could be helped out by targeted tax credits. Craig Riddell, a professor of economics at UBC, said that the minimum wage's negative influence on employment is not immediate and that it does reduce the number of people living below the poverty line. However, he said the increase is a 'crude tool.' "You would like to have an anti-poverty tool that's very targeted on the poor and most of its effect go to help poor families. In the case of the minimum wage, some of it does, some of it doesn't,' he said. to make "U-Trek" from page 1 .. uts less complicated : .• by Sarah Morrison ..... .. • Last year, the AMS promised that an additional $9 fee for AMS Services that 'students voted: • for: .. in • a- referendum ... .. .. .•••• :. • • lors defeated a motion at last week a 'would: be Alma MaterSocie ty; • De Haan said that the'AMS:sheitiick..:::. meet n that could have made it easier n•t throw too many obstacles in the way for students to opt Out Of .bi4t1046.1 ,..fe04:::::: of students wanting to-opt out of these • If passed, the "motion` would' Have pragramS.• ••• • hadZthe;'..Akw.f:$:::::reqiissvSUggested• that • stude nts be •!. .:opvonCOf required read .. a • description of the over the Internet. • -- • •••• programs: pnline before th3' e * could opt CSOffiiti.'CotincgliorwotpreSS S. .dtOn--: out Of any.: fees:, An amendment to this. •• ecru•"1" • •' effect, however, was defeated. . dents migkit opt out without fully oon . ... .. .. .. Services sideririg the consequences, and fund students may opt:: out of • the AMS • . o Sdivië..SS.••••••aS • Bursary . ... Fund, the AMS/Graduate Safewalk and :Speakeasy could be sig Student Society He alth ".: the nificantly • Student' Legal' • Aly• fi- tconcero .. tk . Y:• SSey .. : .f412.4. CatiOUS Society. is During and'. rCriekineahct opting atiti:juSt:Vdrini- divided` into multiple' parts,'`one of sically,' said Neil cle Haan, a Pharmacy which passed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ...This' motion called for co stituert ' re9- 10"Uf1 4 0, fiti•radVeriiSe:Mdre•'Cleirly that their. thing thit makes it easier for and on the AMS exec;.„... .......... providing do sometl he asserts that the effects are often exaggerated. 'What we're really talking about here is not actually laying people off. We're talking about some slowdown in employment gains as a negative side of the impacts, but on the positive side there's actually more money being delivered to low income earners,' he said. According to the BC President of the Canadian Union of Public Employees Barry O'Neill, raising the minimum wage helps stimulate the BC economy. 'All of that money is poured back into the communities and small businesses at higher quantities,' he said. But Suromitra Sanatani, vice-president of the Canadian Federation of Independent 'My constituents are all opposed to it,' said the Surrey city councillor, explaining that Surrey is a car-dependent community. "The problem is that this levy has been originally spun as being a levy for transit, and therefore it's got everybody's back link from its Student Service Centre up,' he said. He added that he believes that if TransLink had website to the AMS health plan publicised the levy more as funding for road maintenance, provider's website, where students can then more car owners would support the proposal. opt out of the health plan_ In spite of the opposition, UBC's student union is lobbying "It's so convoluted and complicated, for fee increases for drivers. the motion that went through, I don't In a letter to TransLink's CEO Ken think the administration can deal with it' Dobell, the Alma Mater Society's Vicesaid Bev Meslo, an Arts representative to President External Affairs Graham Senft Council, who stressed that the motion was wrote, 'Given the recent transit fare just a recommendation to UBC. increase, it was felt that the remaining During the meeting. there were funds should be raised from vehicle ownquestions about whether the AMS could ers.' make recommendations regarding the This is not the first time that the U-Pass Student Legal Fund Society and the proposal has run into problems. Ubyssey Publications Society, both of Earlier this term, UBC and TransLink which are organisations independent were unable to reach a deal on who was to of the. AMS. pay the $3 million for the extra buses that SEN FT The motion Wass' aMended to would be needed immediately if the U-Pass proposal was comremove the mention of the two groups :7 pletely implemented next year. after councillors repeatedly comment.; • But both parties currently favour a four-year phase-in of the etfihatJ the'AMS was overstepping program to begin in September 2001, which would see only boundaries. first-year students required to buy bus passes in the program's '[The)' AMS has no business advocatfirst year. In the second and third years of the program, secing on behalf of an independent organiond-year and third-year students would be added, respectively. sation to the university,' said Rob Nagai, By the fourth year, all students would be required to partician Arts representative. pate in the U-Trek program. • s4u4 inzva.30. THIS BUS IS LEAVIN' THE BUS STATION! ButTransLink's proposed vehicle levy may pose serious problems for a student bus pass program at UBC. Lawsuit from page 1 fees, he owed $10,000—an amount equivalent to the combined total of his original Canadian and provincial student loans. In May 1995, Total Credit filed a $10,000 judgment against Toban. Toban then countersued, alleging that the collection agency had violated Section 14 of the Debt Collection Act, which outlines unreasonable collection practices, and for the loss of wages. The Act states, 'A person must not exert undue, excessive or unreasonable pressure on a debtor, or a member of the debtor's family or household, or the debtor's employer in collecting, negotiating or demanding payment of a debt' Toban is claiming that a London employer withdrew a job offer after contacting Toban's references, who he claims had all been informed by Total Credit Recovery about his credit problem. He believes this information should have remained confidential. 'The whole experience has been terrible and very distressing' Toban said. 'Being in debt does not give a credit agency the right to take away your privacy and give details of your loan to relatives and employers.' Toban is also alleging that Total Credit Recovery made threatening calls to his girlfriend at the time. But in a letter to BC's Debt Collection Office in April of 1999, George Keiser, president of Total Credit Recovery, wrote, "Total Credit Recovery denies all allegations of wrongdoing and has complied with the Act in all issues related to this account' Peter Dowsett, who was at that time the compliance officer investigating the case, Lisa Skakun, SLFS declined to comment when contacted by the Ubyssey. Toban's case, which has received assistance from UBC's Student Legal Fund Society (SLFS), goes to a two-day trial in small-claims court in November. Although Toban has now spent roughly $15,000 on his legal case, he is asking for $10,000 in damages, the max mum amount he can receive in small-claims court Lisa Skakun, a third-year Law student and member of the SLFS' litigation committee, has been helping Toban prepate his case against Total Credit Recovery. 'Situations like Steven's happen all the time, unfortunately. People do not realise the fact that they do have rights in these situations,' ,Skalcun said. + "Situations like Steven's happen a 11 the time, unfortu nately." TARA WESTOVER PHOTO How to avoid a credit mess frit h your student loans 1 When applying for a student loan, plan ahead. Remember that the money you receive does have to be paid back. • Know rights; Figh Ad . the Debt Collection Act before can'e viewed at b14).: //: 3. Ifyour Town is forwarded to a collection agency, do not avoid the • agency because Os could make the situation worse. Try to work • Out a payment plan with the . agency. 'IC believe that you, are being harrassed by a collection agelicy, yoit have the right to file a complaint with the BC governmeat's Director of Debt Collections at (2501387-1627. :„ • of the actions of a collection 5 If you incur..• agency > e the loss f. a job-you have the right to addressyour nation in court under$ection 20 of t.1-.e Act 40. •••: • •• •• • . 4 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 SPORTS THE UBYSSEY BONJOU BoNjouR,. MI EL TREMBLAY IRAN 101-114 iON BUR F.,)( A BILL GLAS$C0 N OV 1 -1 MON-SAT 7:30PM TELUS STUDIO THEATRE CHAN CENTRE FOR THE tstgfoltmiNG‘ARTS TICKETS: REG:116 16t/SR PREVIEW $6 NOVEMBER 1 822 6 FREDERIC WOOD BOX OFFICE SOUTH PACIFIC v CARIBBEAN + LATIN AMERICA Solve real problems in real time! Aged 18-28? Adventurous? Motivated? Spend 6-10 intense week; with an inspiring team in remote communites on high impact projects. Learn new job skills. + Powerful Community Projects: schools, aqueducts & wells + Youth Skills Summits in Indigenous Villages 0 Leadership Skills-building Seminar O 5-day Wilderness Expedition Advanced Wilderness First Aid & Risk Management training From $2,850 + Travel. Programs start Feb., March & summer in Guyana, Vanuatu & Costa Rica. B.C. Application Deadline: November 2, so apply NOW! Call NOW for information! 416.504.3370 STUDENT WORK ABROAD PROG ME Here is your chance to work overseas and have the adventure of a lifetime! A work abroad experience is a fantastic way to enjoy an extended holiday and gain an entirely new perspective on life! Programs are available in Britain, Ireland, France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, & USA. Find out more! Come to an information session. Today November 7tk..: Roam►:, (sup woo Two Talksi.i.11:2:30:g.:3:00 • For more information on SWAP contact: tower beef SUB-822-6890 :TRAvELains vBc Village.-659-2860 SWAP is a program of the Canadian Federation of Students Rugby women get silver by Duncan M. McHugh VICTORIA—Call it deji-vu. In a game reminiscent of last year's championship, the UBC Thunderbirds once again suffered a blow-out defeat at the hands of the University of Alberta Pandas in the gold-medal game of the Canada West Women's Rugby Championship. UBC earned a silver medal in the four-team tournament after a 65-3 loss to Alberta in the final game. 'Our definite goal was to be in this game,' said team co-captain Eleanor Alesi. 'And we made our goal.' Alberta aside, UBC had a very good tournament, starting off the round robin on Friday afternoon with a 5-0 win over the hosts, the University of Victoria Vikes. 'We take it the hard way,' said Jaydeen Williams, UBC's other co-captain. "The score should have been much higher. If we have the chance to score...we don't always capitalise.' 'It was our very first game,' added coach Heather Miller. 'We started playing better in the second half, but the first game, we didn't play well. We had a lot of nervous energy, not making the right decisions at the right time. I liked to get that one over with and settle down and play the way we're supposed to play.' That play came Saturday morning in a 24-0 win over the University of Lethbridge Pronghorns. "That was a much better game,' said Miller. 'Again, [the T-Birds] were a bit tentative the first half Then once they scored the first one, they started thinking a bit more and got into what they had to do.' Saturday afternoon was a different story, though, as a tired UBC team lost its first meeting with Alberta 37-0. "'The Pandas] are a very well-drilled team,' said Williams. 'They've been playing together for a very long time. We're just a developing team. We're just beginning to work together, whereas these girls have worked together in [Under-19] programs all summer.' 'It's just inexperience [on the part of UBC],' points out Miller. 'It's just a matter of the girls learning. The second half was much better than the first half in the game yesterday. We held them to 12 points, the second half Unfortunately, the damage was done in the first half. But to hold them to 12 points, they learned and we corrected things and the girls did what I asked them to in the second half.' However, the problems that plagued UBC persisted into the gold medal game on Sunday afternoon. The Pandas started the scoring after only a minute and a half when Alberta fullback Stacy Crozier fought off T-Bird Cherlyn McKay to score the game's first try. UBC continued to struggle with Alberta's potent offence throughout the first half. After 40 minutes of play, the score was 29-3, with the T-Birds' only points coming from a penalty goal. Alberta continued to dominate in the second half, on its way to racking up a total of nine tries. The Pandas were in fine form, scoring on several long runs and winning the majority of scrums and stealing on line-outs. UBC came close to scoring several times, but couldn't make it through a much larger Panda defence. Some of the T-Birds' difficulties can be attributed to injuries, having lost all-star prop Paula Brouwer and centre Sabrina Celms. Intensity was also a problem for the team. "Despite the scoreboard, we played really great defence' said Williams. 'Technically it was there, but then there were gaps and breakdowns and that's where points were scored.' "There were some moments of brilliance,' said Miller. 'And then we just turned off our brains a couple of times. We relaxed and we can't relax, we have to keep the pressure on all the time. And they relaxed in key areas, where they shouldn't have, "We were very close to scoring a few times and they'd have a scrum and they'd relax and the other team just blew us off. So WEL deserved to lose the scrum, we deserved to lose the possession we had because we weren't with it, and we weren't prepared to fight for the ground we'd just won...We eased up on some key areas, when we should have been working twice as hard. 'The better team won today. I can't take anything away from the U of A team. They deserved to win, they're a very good, well-rounded team,' she said. But despite its mistakes, UBC remained positive. As Alesi pointed out, UBC was the only team to score on the Pandas all weekend. 'We came out really positive.' said Williams. 'We're definitely not ashamed of the way we played. We played really hard.' UBC can also be proud of four players who made the Canada West All-Star team: Sabrina Celms, Paula Brouwer, Leslie Mckenzie, and Cherlyn McKay. And UBC can be proud of its second-place finish. The Birds have a young team, one that's only losing two starters to graduation at the end of the year (they lost ten this year). 'We're happy, we're happy with the way it went,' said Williams. "We came out of the game with our heads up.' • SPORTS THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 Birds lose, but it's not over yet UBC squeaks through to playoffs despite losing the last home game to Alberta in a blowout by Tom Peacock You had a feeling that Friday night was going to be rough for the UBC Thunderbirds when they took the field against the Calgary Dinos, who are second place in the Canada West. And it was. As the rain poured down in earnest, the Dinos trampled all over the UBC's defence. Calgary shot ahead 20-0 by the half, and went on to win the game 33-13. This meant that UBC had lost its final regular-season game, and had to wait until the end of Saturday's game between Regina and Alberta to see if it had clinched a playoff spot. Luckily for the Birds, third-place Regina pulled off the win, and the Birds are still in. They'll fly to Winnipeg next weekend to face the first-place University of Manitoba Bisons in the Canada West semi-final. 'The one thing about this year is that we had inconsistency,' UBC cornerback Simon Quinto said after the game. 'We would be hot one quarter and not another.' Generally speaking, this might have been true, but on Friday night UBC had very few things hot in any of the quarters. The game started off relatively well for the Birds with receiver Scott Rintoul catching a few slippery balls for some first downs, and defensive back Sandy Beveridge getting an interception. Nevertheless, the Birds couldn't drive deep enough to score. Finally the Dinos, led by quarterback Lincoln Blumell, put something together and drove to within striking distance. A pass, into the endzone was called back after a holding penalty, and the Dinos had to settle for a field goal. But the Calgary scoring rush had begun; and it wouldn't stop until the final whistle. During the second quarter, a fumble by UBC quarterback Shawn Olson left Calgary with another good field position, and they knocked another field goal through the uprights. Olson, who was playing with a broken pinky and a badly damaged elbow, decided that he might not be helping the team by staying in, and hit the bench. He was replaced by secondyear pivot Rob Kenney. was frustrated when I thought I was hurting the team by playing,' Olson said later. think you've gotta try winning the football game and if Rob Kenney gives us a better chance of winning the football game, then he's gotta be in there.' Kenney completed his first two passes, but the Birds still could not put anything together. The same couldn't be said for Blumell and his henchmen as they charged down the field for the game's first major. Then, just three minutes later, the Dinos roared at the UBC defence for another touchdown. At the beginning of the second half, a huge kick return by Beveridge put the Birds in a position to score. Olson was back in the game, after receiving multiple shots of cortisone in his hand and elbow, and a few passes later and the Birds had their first touchdown. Hollywood The fans and the reporters in the press box started to pay a little more attention once UBC scored, but all Calgary had to do to win was hang on, and hang on they did. While the UBC defence- gave up 223 yards on the ground and numerous huge pass receptions into the back field, the Calgary defence only allowed 64 yards on the ground, and managed to get eight turnovers. 'The , conditions were unbelievable,' said Javier Glatt, UBC's leading tackler. 'The footing was bad, the ball was wet „We were expecting a lot of run, a lot of run, and they did run, but they were beating us deep. We gave up too many big plays. That's what it comes down to.' Olson was a little choked up after the game, though he said that he hadn't really had enough time to absorb the fact that this was the last time he would play for the Birds at Thunderbird Stadium. 'It's weird. It hasn't really hit me yet, but I think it's starting to. People come up to you, saying this and saying that, and you start crying a bit. It's gonna be weird...' Even though his teammates say that the battered and bruised quarterback should have gone to the hospital four games ago, and his girlfriend says that he's an idiot, there was no doubt in Olson's mind that he had to see the season out . 'Should I have played? For Shawn Olson, yes I should have played because I don't know if I'd have been able to live with myself if I didn't. For a normal person, probably not. If I maybe had enough brain cells I probably wouldn't have played,' he said. Olson's leadership role for the Birds has been a story in itself this year. While many of his fellow veterans have been sidelined by serious injury, Olson refused to sit out a game in spite of barely being able to get up off the couch, and having a hand that looks like a bad Halloween prop. 'Shawn Olson is the toughest player I have played with in my life,' Glatt said. 'He is probably the best player I have ever played with. I have never respected someone more...He basically singlehandedly kept us in this season.' Music FEELIN' NO PAIN: UBC quarterback Shawn Olson played in spite of a broken pinky on his throwing hand. TARA WESTOVER PHOTO t011g rey .00Ps.„ arAtiirniitiao. ,gpliGiven and women s crews. coMpetacV.:: • place in the Canada''XI/est. behind Victor Igast, weekend in two head races i1.4e next weekend 1.-&-fthe Canada'West; pionahips. Vkii5ria In Sahli-de/S. Head:: of the Gorge. race/ thirttilt the mens open/vexsityeight, second in the womens opew vexon sity eight. In 1he,junior varsity eights cate-. the vi-S:,,:;.!.1.7f$0: placed third in both the Men'e,:: pa st weekend : events. UBC picked first ' f.Wilimpea:Wesrnen::The13irds::. placein the men's: novice eight rape and ewe the I.e4i50iii14 both,:rrid4'oild eight race. IIn Saturday Barnes. UBC stays" horns next thir&iir the e, . . women's: Calgary einall.bOat raeing UBC's Fraser Pearce won Mtgq:4#4: at • : the men'S openiverSitv s race and Dines an Frida y azxd Saturday' n 6appm. inWar Memorial Gyin. 'UPC was second and tenth in the women's varsity double event • i • dri. Sunday, in the Head of the Elk race, Me Vol eyball I.IBC'sjy. eights were third again, while UBC's crews:: placed:: second:: in the men's e men ;Winnipeg 8 past weekend where: they beat the Weamen eight race, second and third in the women's: quad, though first in the 64 entry in that event. Iii:the •:.4. j3trds face the university of Calgary; tUBC War • Memorial Gym 'this Friday and men's . and women's open/varsity doubles, uBc. placed first and third respectively. ■0, • day night t 8pm, Fashion Adventure fordfocus expectmore 6 SPORTS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 THE HUSSEY, Men's hoops split series if you're happy and you know it if you're angry and you know it [email protected] ca Library Bibliothêque of Parliament du Parlement I MIA Summer Job Opportunity on Parliament Hill! Become a Parliamentary Guide! Join our team of bilingual university students for an unforgettable job on Parliament Hill in summer 20011 Please see our Internet site for application form and more details: Look under "What's Newl" The application deadline is November 20. THE UBYSSEY INVITES YOU TO ENTER OUR by Dustin Cook On/Friday night the UBC men's basketball team kicked off its season with the first of two games against the University of Winnipeg Wesmen. Early on, the Birds came out strong and appeared to be in control of the game as they dropped three consecutive shots from downtown, soaring to a quick 10-point lead. The Wesmen seemed to have little desire to get back in the game; shooting four for 13 from the, free throw line, they were colder than a Winnipeg winter. UBC finished the first half ahead by seven and in the second looked well on their way to an easy victory as they climbed to a 13-point lead. But with 14:27 left in the game, the Birds went south. Their defence completely collapsed and their offence disappeared. The Birds refused to work the ball down low, and repeatedly took low-percentage shots from the perimeter. Winnipeg capitalised on UBC's inability to score and took an 8-point lead. The Birds had trouble containing Winnipeg's speedy guard, Sukhvir Singh, who scored 22 points and was the key to the Wesmen's offence, However, UBC team captain Courtney Kolla sparked a late rally for the Birds as they clawed back to tie the game with 1:55 left. Unfortunately this was as close as they would come—Winnipeg scored on their next possession and held on for a 65-60 win. With both teams shooting poorly ftom the field and with very bad officiating, the game wasn't pretty to watch. The Birds shot a miserable 4for-26 from three-point land and finished the game with a terrible 38 per cent field goal average. Winnipeg's 43 per cent was only slightly better, but in the end it allowed them to squeak out a win. With 16 points and 5 steals, point guard Kolla was the lone standout for the Birds, and was named player of the game. The game was clearly there for the Bird's taking but they gave it away and spoiled new head coach Kevin Hanson's home debut "We started to fall back on our bad habits and play like individuals,' Hanson said. He added that his players lacked discipline, taking 'way too many' shots from the perimeter. Saturday night was a different story. This time it was the Wesmen who started strong as their standout guard Singh scored 14 points in the first half and roasted the Bird's struggling defence. In the first half, the only life that the Birds showed was on the bench—an animated Hanson was warned that his criticism of the referees was not appreciated. Trailing 38-32, at the buzzer it appeared that UBC was destined to relive Friday night However, in the second half the Birds found their thunder. Scoring five straight points, the Birds cut Winnipeg's lead to one. Both teams traded baskets until a huge steal by Pat McKay allowed the Birds to regain the ball. McKay's steal was the turning point of the game because it triggered a 10-point run by UBC. The Bird's charged-up offence shocked the Wesmen and within six minutes, the Birds had Mr-MI:a:WM .”. ....4116r. Enter our Lucky Draw to win 1 PAIR OF TICKETS to see GAHM VS, AVALANCHE TOMORROW @ G.M. Place (Wednesday, Nov. 1st, long Come to SUB Boom 245 to enter. OUBYSSEY GIVEAWAY JI NOVEMBER grand mixture of bargains for every taste: cookbooks, art, health, fiction, nature, music, kids' books and academic "hurts" 6200 UNIVERSITY BLVD. PHONE: 822-2665 WEEKDAYS 9:30 AM- 5:00 PM SATURDAY 11:00 AM- 5:00 PM CLOSED NOV .11 & 13 Remembrance Day I hour FREE Sat north lido, when y parking on the end $20 of rnore! Man, 4 4."44,:k'' 4 11 outscored Winnipeg 18 to 6. Kolla followed in McKay's steps with the next ten points for UBC, and Pete Hodson threw two free throws for a 10-point lead with 9:28 remaining. Finally, at 2:39, the game appeared to be over when McKay drove to the basket and hammered down a two handed slam-dunk. But the Wesmen battled back with a 6point run that sliced the lead to three. With 2:07 left, Winnipeg called timeout and Hanson gathered his players in a huddle. His message was simple: 'Play to win.' Following Hanson's game plan, the Bird's defence held the lead. The Birds then made some clutch free throws, going seven for ten in the final two minutes, that finished Winnipeg off and cemented a 84-77 victory. The Birds showed a lot of character, battling back to win on Saturday—they played a solid team game and almost every player elevated his performance for the rematch. Their 62.5 per cent field goal average was a big improvement from Friday's embarrassing 38.9. The Bird's leaders also elevated their game and stepped up when needed. McKay logged 38:04 minutes of playing time to earn Player of the Game honours with 27 points and nine rebounds. Team captain Kolla played 39:32, scored 20 points in the second half alone to finish with 28, and added nine assists. After the game, Kolla described the win as 'a huge confidence builder.' If the Birds are lucky, they'll be able to build on this confidence when they take on the Dinos next Friday in Calgary. + SPORTS THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 7, Nursing team breaks Rehab streak in T-Cup by Jo-Ann Chiu The losing streak is over. The Nursing team walked away with its first T-Cup victory in three years Friday afternoon, as Inhee Cho carried in the pigskin for the only score of the 7-0 game. The graduation of key players on the Rehab Sciences team, including star quarterback Angie Wensink, and the injury of receiver Christia Molnar-Martens, has meant a building year for head coach Jay LeGuillowr, who has returned for his third Year coaching TLCug. Strong defence by both teams kept the annual all women tackle football match between Nursing and Rehab in a deadlock during the first halt The huge crowd of spectators witneised, a smashing assort ment of tackles. 'I know you feltthat71, I know you did,' snarled UBC varsity running back and Nursing assistant coach Julian Radlein as the Nurses' Leslie McRae knocked Rehab quarterback Megan Patterson (number 71) to the ground. It was in the second half that the Nurses' option quarterback Christina Estey sparked a four-play scoring drive. After connecting on passes to Nicole Lefebure and Cho, Estey then scrambled for a gain of 15 yards before Cho was able to find a hole in the Rehab defence and hustle her way into the endzone. Despite the drizzling rain, the fan turnout was high, and the fans oohed and aahed with the blood-curdling crunch of every tackle. But Suffice it to say that when the football teams are made up of nursing and rehabilitation science majors, and the cheerleaders in drag are occupational therapists, injuries can't be too much of a threat •:■ ru1 e rink Bears NURSING WINS! The Nurses end a long drought in Friday's T-Cup. TARA WESTOVER PHOTO IN.,. Alberta takes two from UBC men's hockey team by Sara Newham The last time the UBC men's hockey team defeated the University of Alberta Golden Bears at the Thunderbird Winter Sports Centre, Ronald Reagan was President. Thirteen years later, the Birds were looking forward to erasing that statistic, but faced a daunting task. Not only were the Golden Bears the two-time defending CIAU champions, they were also undefeated heading into this past weekend. Unfortunately, Alberta's streak was destined to continue as the Birds dropped two points Friday in a 5-3 loss, and the other two Saturday in a 5-2 loss. "We didn't take anything for granted. We weren't intimidated by them," said Rob Teleske. "We were trying to come out and surprisethem, and we really thought they were beatable." Alberta dominated much of the play Friday night, but its domination was due in part to the number of powerplays it was given—UBC couldn't stay out of the penalty box. Alberta's first goal came on a powerplay at 9:18 of the first after Bird right-winger Dustin Paul was evicted for hitting from behind. Three minutes later, Alberta made it 2-0 when the Bears' Ryan Wade beat Peter Brady from the slot Fortunately, UBC managed to cut the lead in half when it received a gift from Alberta. Thunderbird rookie Graham Walker snapped a long shot from the neutral zone that fooled the unsuspecting Alberta goalie Clayton Pool Down 2-1 to start the second, UBC ran into some penalty trouble again. - With Trevor Shoaf off for elbowing. Wade managed to restore Alberta's-two-goal lead when he scored his second of the night after his shot went over Brady's glove and into the net But, after some great pressure in the visitor's territory, de fencemari Mark Je rant scored his first goal as a Thunderbird, from just inside the blueline, making it 32 at the 5:28 mark. Tension between the two teams was high throughout the game as players on each side attempted to accost their opponents in one way or another. UBC head, coach Mike Coflin condemned th e officiating, saying UBC was getting called on penalties more often than Alberta. 'The call on Dustin Paul early in the game Was a huge factor when really [it was] a situation where their player fell 'and then our player came and finished the check as he was already falling," said Coflin. "Nils Antons was run at in the third period and [the referee) chooses not to make the same call.' The Thunderbirds received a lift from Jerant's goal and carried the momentum into the third period. Unfortunately, Alberta added its fourth of the night at 3:35 of the final frame. After some hard work in the Alberta zone and a few unlucky bounces, T-bird right winger Rob Teleseke, the UBC player of the game, slipped the Birds' third goal past Pool at 7:27. But UBC's excitement was short-lived as Alberta's Ryan Marsh potted his team's fifth goal, putting the final nail in the T-Birds' coffin. "I think the difference was when they got that powerplay goal in the third. It really kind of put us down. It's one of those things that gets you in the back of the mind as we were really starting to work hard to come back and letting them get a goal like that really hurts,' explainedJerant of the game's turning point ' On Saturday night, both teams changed goalies. UBC elected for Robert File while Alberta picked Dustin Schwartz to start the game. Once again, the Birds couldn't stay out of the penalty box. While Thunderbird forward Ian Lampshire and Jerant were both sitting in the sin bin, Alberta secured a 1-0 lead when Knoblauch started his goal-fest on a shot from the slot. However, UBC evened it up afterJerant shot the puck through a crowd of players, allowing Josh Cinnamon to tip it home. 'There were times GEEKS A HOY! The Applied Science boat races ahead. TARA WESTOVER PHOTO where we had positives, need a perfect game.' The Bears' Knoblauch would we played well and guys worked After the game. File, whose goals complete his hat trick three minutes hard, but there were some key against average was a mere 2.46 moments where we had ,break- later, on a 2-on-1 rush. The bleeding before the weekend, tried to explain stopped there and neither team downs and they capitalised. We've what happened, 'I don't like the five would score in the third. By the end got to make sure we move forward goals either. I would like one or two at of the game, Alberta had out-shot from this and take the positives out the end of the game. It's not always UBC by a combined total of 80-44 for of it and make sure we recognise easy [to make the saves], and Alberta the weekend. The game's final score where 'we [fell) short.' said Josh is probably the best team in Canada was 5-2 for Alberta. Cinnamon, who was named right now. They have awesome goal 'The story of the game was four Saturday's player of the gime. scoring. When they shoot, the guys powerplay goals for them, three in Alberta started the second period are pretty accurate. I should have let the second period, they out-scored on a powerplay. The Bears conin two goals [instead of] five goals.' us 4-1 in the second period. Their trolled the zone and Knoblauch put The Birds _fly to Calgary next powerplay put on a clinic, and we it past File for Alberta's second powweek before returning home again didn't defend very well.' concluded erplay goal of the night Once again, November 10 and 11 to host the UBC tied it up, but Alberta would get -Collin 'There's probably one or two Saskatchewan Huskies, another top goals 'we need the goalie to stop two more power play goals to make team. + because of who we're playing; we it 4-2 by 14:27 in the middle stanza. fla ABOUT TO START: U BC's cross-country team raced at the : BC Championships on Saturday at Jericho Park. Despite 'the muddy conditions. UBC ran well. in the junior women's iide;;:: Airiy Higginbotham finished 7th. Higginbotham, Alice KgriVhfAct KIM Hall plated first in the team category: in the Junior 64016a tell),. Chris Durkin plated 4th, 401QOVtd 076 istdif Other top U BO performances came in the senur women's race (vl'kh was won by tmooft atiitiifid6MK just 156&fidfif:SViineyY by g Melissa Hun:; in and Lisdtleinke, and by Byron Wood eyerkxj*cossNpookyl:Jedyef , Lewiston, taitio.. NICHOLAS BR ADLEY PHOTO • -• • • • 1*S,:: • IV> • 8 DESIGN FEATURE HALLOWE'EN 2000 HALLOWE'EN 2000 ...and all tITO "For the ancient Celts [Oattottieen] was Old Year's Night, and the night of all the witches." punkling, Leslie A Dictionary of Days New York: Facts on Fle, 1988 . PP541 illtdarnaginuphoim n hay: "I will Shasleep neither night nor day inadnl forbid.. times nine awm he d He shsahlalllliv nine Wearyse'nnights Weary hall ebble, Wry, e, peak and pine..." n. An c eth 1 3) Shakespeare (1Ma_b_ Abode ot the ad ; abod ,pt coa. 0," dernned spirits; place, state, ot. wicked* U. . tall nese or misery ; a ,... of (considerabe) den tor captives in Vrisoner's liaise tII other games; goxaM-Imuso ; On Inv nag; peotions; .-.!, tchat the .-.. do you won make things hot tor et N,, him;isike,-,, desperately, estremei (otter, (vtiateee St), fare Person) --box es mere tateuelve); receptacle tor refuse type; •-•-col, spiteful tcathar, at tot, fur for kothc; •-•• or furious woman ; ,-• tiding-speed (usu. ride ,..• adv., -hoinut. fiend; .....-toced,.,r-iisi.* name ot various L a plants. Ilene° rliShStsS u. ,-/,lisal wean adv. St a. OA at), 03 hello. Olt() helta, 014 het,utI.S1 Gott). t- to bide. 4 hu name of various ■atja t. Give 'het,cient ness ; allott.) mad plants supposed to cure species including Christmas tooros I rose. (US, ult. t.a.14Ancient t. GUhelleGreek titlYene, ot genuine Tllier/A kintransa V, o Greet race: subleet ot descent Mt sent descents Pope Bortiface IV introduced All Saints' Day to replace the pagan festival of the dead." [Gulley, Rosemary Ellen. The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits. New York: Facts On File, 1992. p4.] 1 A descent Is a movement from hlr to a lower liT iks !eve or ►n, rev; of th e}vungsters set offf help, but uring the descent three collapsed in d old and rain. —the crash of ws Airbus A300 on it descent into Kathmandu airport 2A descent Is a surface that slopes downward!, for example the side °fa steep hill. On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, fre ewheeling downhill at iremendota speed. 3 When ou want to em ► hasize that a 'nation be- rnittna is Aug. 3 Satanic revels Sept. 7 Marriage to the Beast Satan • Sept. 20 Midnight Host Sept. 22 Feast Day Oct. 29-Nov. 1 All Hallow's Eve design by Nol :v2,12miio . Iwo and Ria21,1 m ea n MO ly4 esili graphics by 14WiThi, and laium .1.Kodr it) ,. ne' 7 re on lasting o t sn apolitical settlem it, ant. Without , their decent Into chaos will be guarantee( ,.,his swift descent from respected academic o 5tru:4, ng small businessman. 4 You use descent to talk about a person's> ',.N-04C(X#4_,.. T: background, al :43u,o!rP7,, status; a for: • 4re prelf- mu; ricandesc 9 10 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 CULTURE THE UBYSSEY, VANCOUVER610811 IlAtiNtIti 000 008 l'004 by Kim The Have you ever wondered if ghosts really exist? And if they do exist, which Vancouver houses and venues do they haunt? _One-and-a-half-hours on the Vancouver Museum's Haunted House Bus Tour divulges accounts of horrific murders, encounters with ghosts, and urban legends—enough macabre and spooky details to make your neck hairs stand on end. Resident ghosts haunt some of the hottest spots in Vancouver. The Hotel Vancouver is said to be haunted by a lady in red,' who patrols the 14th floor. She has been seen walking on an invisible ledge by hotel guests, employees and film crews. Most recently, the X-Files crew saw this lady spectre. Downtown Vancouver also has the Vogue Theatre housing two ghosts, one that dwells in the basement dressing room and the other that lurks in the wing of the left orchestra. Next time you are in Gastown craving pasta, think twice about eating at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Two ladies reportedly saw a red-skinned dwarfish man in a red shirt and red long johns, exiting a cubicle in the ladies washroom. After laughing mischievously, this man then exited the washroom. To the ladies' surprise, staff and patrons did not see the perverted phantom in the restaurant These women supposedly took a picture of this man, but he appeared as a blur. After dinner in Gastown, you might want to skip clubbing at the Purple Onion Cabaret as it has been haunted by a ghost since 1979 when the club used to be called Punchlines. Nearby, the former CPR Terminal—now the Waterfront sea bus and sky train terminal—also boasts some paranormal activity. In 1928, a freak accident occurred while a brakeman was making repairs in the railyard. After he slipped and was knocked unconscious on the tracks, a passenger train ran him over, decapitating him. Since then, several people have attested to seeing the headless brakeman roaming the tracks in the night One urban legend that still haunts UBC is the infamous university hitchhiker who was murdered over 30 years ago after being picked up by a stranger at University Boulevard and Blanca. Many drivers have unknowingly picked up the hitchhiker along the boulevard, only to later discover that she has mysteriously vanished from the backseat BOOK OF SHADOWS: BLAIR WITCH 2 now playing by Greg Ursic Roger Ebert once compiled a list of a thousand things not to do in a horror movie— don't split up to search for the killer/monster, never go in the basement, and so on. I don't remember if Ebert listed it, but one of the big ones should be 'don't return to the, scene of the crime'—any camper at Crystal Lake or insomniac on Elm Street cantell you that. But nobody seems to have told the witch hunters headed for Burkittsville. This sequel to The Blair Witch Project opens with snippets of news stories documenting the effect the first movie had on the people of Burkittsville, highlighting the fact that it was pure fiction. Our intrepid travellers—a Wiccan, a Goth, two researchers, and their recently released mental patient guide—are determined to find out for themselves whether or not there is anything to the legend of the Blair Witch. After a night of binge drinking and drugs, they awake to discover that, five hours of their lives are missing, but not in the usual Oh-God-I'll-neverdrink-again way, but in the there's-something-spooky-going=on kind of way. And now they're wondering what actually happened. The Blair Witch Project either scared you HAUNTED HOUSE BUS TOUR at the Vancouver Museum Oct 31 And the next time you drive through the intersection of Fraser and 33rd, be more conscious of the series of bumps on the road. This isn't just a bad paving job, but rather the burial site of a very big man named Simon Hirschberg, who committed suicide by overdosing on opium. The proprietor during the late 1800s of the now-defunct Leland Hotel, Hirschberg was allegedly to be the first man buried at Mountain View Cemetery—the second oldest cemetery in the city. However, pallbearers had trouble carrying the heavy coffin along the path to the cemetery, so they buried him just outside the cemetery—now the intersection of Fraser and 33rd. By far, the scariest haunted house on the tour was Hycroft Manor, the impressive mansion on McRae Street near Granville and 16th. Protected by an alarm system and a black iron gate, this mansion, now owned by the UBC Women's Club, was originally built for the wealthy and prominent McRae family back in the early 1920s. In 1924, Scottish nursemaid Janet Smith was shot in the head after attending a party at Hycroft, but her body was transported to the house of her employer, Dr. Fredrick Baker in order to protect the reputation of the McRae. Her murder created public furor— rumours of racism, the international drug trade, kidnapping by the 'KKK, torture, and political involvement circulated the city. This contentious murder case has continued to be an unsolved mystery in both Vancouver and Scotland. Since Baker was suspected to be involved in the opium trade, Scotland Yard kept tabs on the whereabouts and activities of Baker. Next year, the British criminal investigation department will -reopen the case of Janet Smith in an attempt to answer remaining questions. If you want to do some detective work yourself, visit Janet Smith's grave at Mountain View Cemetery. And read a copy of the controversial novel Who Killed Janet Smith? But first, be sure to peruse Hycroft mansion, which will be open to the public mid-November for the UBC Women's Club Christmas Craft Fair. And if you have- the guts to stick around after dusk, maybe Janet will show herself to youl f::. CBS:• :..#:>:. evE0-6weelev New Blair Witch movie disappoints stupid or bored you silly, but there's no disputing its' success—costing - only $30,000 to make, it brought in $246 million at the box office. The marketing for the film was brilliant—extensive prerelease coverage, Internet hype (the website drew hundreds of thousands of hits), and its jerky video style was the ultimate manipulation of the reality-TV concept. The combination worked so well that many people were convinced that the events Onscreen actually transpired. Much to its detriment, Book of Shadows (a reference to the journal that witches keep) dissociates itself from the very conventions that made the original movie so fresh. I'm suspicious of any horror movie that peppers its press release with phrases like 'amorphous villains,' 'general conflation,' and 'devolving psychological state.' Shadows demonstrates a classic maxim—a bigger budget does not necessarily mean a better film. Although this movie boasts a heavy-hitting soundtrack, and is helmed by a talented director (ironically renowned for his skill as a documentary filmmaker), it falls prey to the curse of the sequel. And how, Plagued by stilted dialogue, a disjointed plot that jumps around needlessly, characters that are pale representations of people, and horribly amateurish special effects (the animatronic owl would not have fooled a child), there is little to recommend about this movie. More frustrating is, the violence— intended to be shocking, the sequences are poorly filmed, and the blood so obviously fake, that the scenes lose any impact they might have had. But the ultimate death blow for Shadows, however, is that it's a horror film that isn't frightening. The only terror you will experience watching this film, is the time you've lost, and sadly, you will know exactly what bappened.+ CULTURE THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 11 not your average witch by Kate Stanley SPELLBINDING: Madeline Sonik links witchcraft and fiction writing. MICHELLE MOSSOP PHOTO bile many of Vancouver's young people are swathing themselves in black, stealing their mother's brooms and practicing their cackles today, Madeline Sonik will be sitting in a Buchanan classroom, just like another student That is if you define 'just another student' as a practicing witch who manages to balance a creative writing masters program with a rapidly emerging literary Career, editing several collections of Canadian short stories, and mothering two kids. However, the slightly harried-looking Sonik walking towards me, struggling with a Walkman, coffee mug, and backpack, looks every inch like your typical UBC student With her debut collection of darkly evocative short stories, Drying the Bones, Sonik has been called many things, including one of Canada's finest new writers and a innovator in the New Gothic genre. She is also a Black Cord Priestess of the 13th Mystery House and a follower of Wiccan beliefs. 'Right,' Sonik says dryly, as we seat ourselves on the damp bench in the Rose Garden, looking at the mountains beyond. 'The witch angle.' Wicca is an old religion which stems from pagan folk customs and ancient Celtic and Egyptian beliefs, explains Sonik. 'As well as notions of the unconscious, intuition, and feminine empowerment,' she adds. W For Sonik, writing and witchcraft are inextricably linked. 'The 13th House, or my 'coven,' though we don't like to use that committed to creative expression of all kinds,' she says. "[People] are encouraged in their talent or creative outlet' And if her first book is any indication, Sonik's talent is writing. After completing her masters in journalism at the University of Western Ontario, Sonik worked as both a journalist and an editor of collections such as Fresh Blood: New Canadian Gothic Fiction and Entering the Landscape: Re-visioning Nature in Canadian Fiction. But Sonik quickly gravitated towards fiction, a move that she says was integral with 'coming out of the broom closet' think a lot of the negative 'witch' connotations stem from a fear of feminine power,' Sonik explains: 'I 'came out' to state that unconscious feminine power is something I value and need to use. Writing is a particular way of shaping that unconscious energy. I saw the stories as a bringing forward of feminine shadow energy that needed to be addressed.' She takes a sip of her coffee out of her plastic UBC mug and explains that her next novel, scheduled to be published by Harbour Books, is intimately involved with Wicca. 'The novel was actually a dissertation for my Black Cord,' Sonik explains. She clarifies 'I that in the 13th House, earning a Black Cord involves the exploration- of personal energies and unconsciousness, culminating in a final creative project. 'The whole novel is a spell of healing,' she says. 'It actually has a ritual right in it,' she says, giving an ambiguous smile, not wanting to elaborate. But the path to publishing her first book has been long and winding. The 24 stories were written over a 12-year period, revealing a lifetime of diverse experience, particularly memories of growing up in Windsor, Ontario. 'The desire to write came about when I was around 13 or 14. It was a motivation out of tragedy—my father had just died. Maybe it came from a realisation of mortality, the thought that people die and their stories just go. There's just nothing left... But I keep going back to that time and place in my stories because I'm interested in what happened there.' Sonik's introspective examination of mortality, oppression and female empowerment is reflected in the unsettling collection of short stories that are brimming with hauntingly disturbing visions of human nature. use a lot of images to address the reader at an unconscious place,' she says. Sonik explains that the appeal of working with the somewhat unusual genre 'New Gothic' is comparing the traditional Gothic this witch writes fiction DRYING THE BONES by Madeline Sonik Nightwood/Harbour The world of Madeline Sonik's Drying the Bones is one of extremes. In her debut collection of short stories, Sonik tells 24 distinct tales, each a shadowy thread in her dark narrative fabric. Fluctuating between elusive, dream-like visions and startling realism, Sonik's style defies easy labelling. Previously recognised for her contribution to a genre loosely termed 'New Gothic' as editor of the anthology Fresh Blood: New Canadian Gothic Fiction, Sonik cites both the Gothic and magic realism as shaping forces in her work. These genres blur the line between fantasy and reality. New Gothic, in particular, is marked by a concern with the suppressed unconscious, psychological dis- turbances, and internal terrors. In Drying the Bones, horrifyingly real situations collide with fantastical departures into the depths of disturbed psyches. The result is a compelling landscape of shifting realities where the only stable image is a dark vision of human nature: abuse, violence, insanity, repressed sexuality, death, and decay that suck the light out of the human experience. Young women are forced into prostitution, desolate men lose themselves in alcoholism, and children are drugged into oblivion by mental institutions. The characters and settings are unified by an overwhelming sense of crushing oppression. At times it seems that Drying the Bones will sink under the burden of its subject matter. However, Sonik's vivid imagery, from hyper-realistic views of Ontario cornfields to surreal visions of flying horses, transcends the weighty storylines. Drying the Bones also succeeds in portraying the resilience of the human spirit. In the end, hope counters despair, and rebirth conquers death. Sonik manipulates words and language into powerful imagery with electrifying ease. Although Drying the Bones sometimes runs the risk of sinking beneath an overload of overwhelmingly potent pictures, Sonik has an uncanny knack of finding healing potential in the most horrendous of circumstances. Sonik's provocative first book succeeds in challenging our conceptions of life and death, fantasy and reality. + — Kate Stanley fiction to 'the dark feminine consciousness [that] becomes more internalised with the New Gothic.' Her work's seemingly gloomy outlook and the book's numerous fatalities weren't meant to be dark. If the stories seem dark and depressing—I didn't see it that way when I was writing- them. I think people's reaction to them comes from the fact that the psychic reality has, occurred to all of us. . 'In our [Wiccan] world view, death is not something we avoid or fear as anything other than natural.' Gesturing vaguely towards the fallen leaves beneath our feet she continues, 'Like for us, Hallowe'en—we call it Samhain which is an old Celtic word for 'end of summer'—is a death time. Without death nothing new comes.' When asked what she plans to do on Hallowe'en, Sonik smiles broadly. 'I might actually be on VTV. I don't know exactly what they expect..I hope they don't want me to fly in on a broomstick or anything...But, we actually celebrate Hallowe'en on the 28th...' Her voice trails off enigmatically. Then she adds wryly, 'But not in the woods—it's too cold.' Giving that indecipherable grin she adds, 'That whole thing of naked dancing in the woods—we don't do that any more than the average Canadian.' 12 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 CULTURE THE UBYSSEY good target for ............. Tuesday, October 31. 3pm. SUB 241K. . Basic camera use, f-stops, shutter speeds, camera care, film speeds, basic composition. • Bring a camera if you have one. Film provided. I Call Nowi Th LSAT Oct 29, Nov. 18, JAN. 10, JAN. 27 SAT DEC. 16, JAN. 20 MCAT JAN. Nov. 19, MAR. 3 14, INTERNATIONAL TEST PREP CENTRE . 1-800-470-2608- #119-2040 W 12TH by Nicholas Bradley THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS Mass Romantic Mint Mint band assembles the heavyweights of Vancouver's pop scene. It was a safe bet that the Yankees were going to win it all again. It makes sense: they rounded up all the stars that the other teams didn't want and put together a team that's more talented and harder working than all the others. But even the Yankees might have a tough time beating the New Pornographers, who have all the stars and they play like they're not even trying. No Jose Canseco, either. If you were a band in a dark alley late at night, you wouldn't want to run into the New Pornographers. They've taken all of this city's cred and put it into one band, making it the perfect target for terrorists who hate pop, or maybe just disgruntled metalheads. If you did blow up the band, then there'd be a whole bunch of sad country fans across the country—Neko Case, who's paying the bills for Mint these days, sings lead and backup on a few of these songs, backed up by the all-star band of Dan Bejar (Destroyer), Carl Newman (Zumpano),John Collins (the Evaporators), Kurt Dahle (Limblifter), and Blaine Thurier, the filmmaker who made a movie, Low Self Esteem Girl starring Newman as a very creepy Christian and Bejar as, well, not himself, but some other shaggy guitar player. The Yankees might beat them in the end, though, 'cause the New Pornographers are definitely a summer team. They're not playing softball, exactly, but their music is very, very pop. The two best Neko tracks, 'Mass Romantic' and 'Letter From an Occupant' (which was one of the hits from Mint's Vancouver Special compilation earlier this year) are catchy, but still sound like the work of a garage band, if an especially good one. 'The Body Says No,' however, is closer to synthy new wave than anything else. The whole album is saturated with a variety of organs and synths, and the songs are unashamedly sugary. Mass Romantic is glam rock—it's over-the-top, you can sing along, and it all demands to be played on the radio. This all works, mostly. There are moments on the album that simply sound too dated to take seriously, and the production is polished to the point of seeming commercial. But still, it's catchy, and you'll sing along whether or not you feel good about it. As an example of local talent, it's a good one. And it's one that people outside of Vancouver—even in New York—would do well to take notice of. snow is by Tom Peacock' 3 CD SNOW Mind on the Moon EMI/Virgin FRIDAY NOV M R 3 E r8 no kr Le i BE ee - iffem.s40 ('TI .ekketrnastancs tiekiitIllaS g Snow is white. He's from Ontario but he sounds like he's from somewhere hotter. He's not. He's from Ontario. But that's not to say that Snow isn't skilled in copying the reggae stylings of say Junior Reid or Eek A Mouse. His 1993 hit, 'Informer,' even though most people loved to hate it, was pretty darn catchy. And let's face it, Snow brought something new, white, and a little bit hyper, to a tired form of black music. But that was 1993. Snow, perhaps sensing that his place on the reggae dancehall landscape is no longer such a novelty, has branched out in different directions on his new album Mind on the Moon. The album is really soft, and consists mostly of jingles about girls. There's plenty of jangly acoustic guitars and barely a hint of the steamy world of dancehall. Basically, the album sucks. Sure the beats thump, and the sound is clean, but there's only so much overproducing can do to save a ter- rible song. On Mind on the Moon, Snow clearly reveals his limited song-writing abilities, and leaves you wondering whether he was actually on the moon when he wrote this crap. He's certainly far from the rough Toronto suburbs where he first honed his vocal abilities. In 'Crazy Feeling,' Snow sings, 'You know I never stopped believing/You turned all my loneliness to truth/Baby don't you break this feeling/Whether or not my heart starts beating/Did I mean a thing to your Someone should tell Snow to stop whining and start rhyming, 'cause what else is a white man gonna do? 4,* CULTURE THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 13 Spriralling patterns GODSPEED YOU BLACK EMPEROR! with Jean Smith and Mecca Normal at the Vogue Theatre Oct to 26 Upon entering the Vogue last Thursday, I had only heard a couple of Godspeed, You Black Emperor! songs before, but I was intrigued. The amount of critical praise that follows this unconventional Montreal nontet is astonishing, and it was evident why. Godspeed You Black Emperor! is one of the tightest bands around, the )21111111. marriage of Sonic Youth at their most avant garde and He ruyk Gorecki. The concert, in support of their new double album, Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven, was much more akin to a classical music performance than to the punk rawk show you'd expect from a motley crew of scraggly French Canadians or the indie boys and girls who showed up to listen. Despite what seems like an improvisational style, Godspeed are, in reality, quite faithful to their recordings. The band builds their songs on patterns, which they then spiral and invert. It can sometimes take 20 minutes for these songs to peak, which was draining for the audience, but once the songs did climax, the results were euphoric. It was those moments when Godspeed showed how hard they really could play and, though I would be on the verge of dozing ofE it was a worthwhile pay-off. Visually, the band is something of a non-entity and stage presence is not one of Godspeed's strong points. They spent most of the concert diligently crouched over their instruments though they compensated for this somewhat with Super 8 loops and slides, which were projected onto a screen behind them. The visuals did a great job setting the mood for the show and, the loops in particular, emphasised the shifting patterns of the music. For one song they looped a pan of a building over and over, eventually doubling and tripling the image, until, at the song's breaking point, whole cityscapes, shot in a frantic hand held style, took over the screen. At an hour and a half, the show was just long enough. Godspeed You Black Emperor! gave a stellar performance that left a very full Vogue Theatre very satisfied and proved them worthy of the praise that's been heaped upon them. I was late and missed the openers, but my friend caught them the previous evening in Victoria and was quite unintentionally amused. Jean Smith replaced the originally scheduled Beans, which would be fine if she weren't one of the two members of Mecca Normal, the other openers.. As it turned out, Smith performed a bunch of songs and then invited guitarist David Lester on to the stage, at which point they became Mecca Normal. Awesome! Apparently, I missed some very earnest, very hard-to-listen-to singing about growing up on a farm and Lester's rock-star-god-channelled-through-the-body-of-a-suburbandad schtick. Maybe it's best I was late. •:* 4 SPEEDING TOWARDS GOD: Well, Godspeed You Black Emperor! was actually meandering and twirling, but whatever. DUNCAN M. MCHUGH AND TARA WESTOVER PHOTO ILLUSTRATION IN see t hrough look at vancouver CITY OF GLASS by Douglas Coupland Douglas & McIntyre Douglas Coupland's entire literary output can be boiled down to the simple story of a disaffected but rather idealistic young man in a charmingly crappy car trying to make his way back to the fictionalised North Vancouver where he grew up and thought up all of those cute pop culture references. Coupland's half-dozen novels are all, to varying degrees, concerned with Doug himself, and his hometown has never been well disguised. He's never been a great novelist—he tends toward the maudlin (Microserfs), his plots have a habit of spiralling out of his control (Girlfriend in a Coma) or fizzling out altogether (Life After God), and he gets caught up in endless digressions (Generation X). Having said that, by ripping off the name of Billy Idol's old punk band and slapping it on his book, he became perceived as a cultural critic par excellence. Generation X came out in 1991, the time, as the band Mudhoney had it, of 'all things flannel and thermal," and it struck some kind of a chord—Coupland had the final say in what was important for the post-Boomer crowd. But he was still obsessed with writing his way home. So now, with City of Glass, Coupland has abandoned the trappings of fiction and written what is essentially a guidebook to Vancouver, which he calls the best city in the world. Coupland is a better essayist than a novelist—Postcards From the Dead made that quite clear. One of the essays in that book, 'This Bridge is Ours,' is his best work: a thoughtful reminiscence about what the Lions Gate Bridge means to Vancouverites, and its symbolic effect as 'one last grand gesture of beauty' before the city ends. by Nicholas BradleY 'This Bridge is Ours' is reprinted as 'Lions Gate' in City of Glass, but it overshadows the rest of the book, which fails to become anything beyond an alphabetical series of brief essays about aspects of Vancouver. This could have been much better than it is: Coupland's choices are fairly obvious—Fleece, the Grouse Grind, Kits, Stanley Park—and he has little new to say about Hemp, Main and Hastings, or Sushi. This is not to say that it's all bad. Much of the book is clever and interesting, and he gleefully anticipates the Big One, when "Ikea and the big-box stores nearby...will become glorious rubble within ten seconds some future rainy afternoon.' And the photos are good, too: colourful, fullpage scenes from Vancouver life: the jocks on Grouse Mountain, the wrinkly old guys tanning in the park, the grow-op bust, the sulphur piles on the North Shore. There's even a useful map showing which Vancouver neighbourhoods correspond with other parts of the world, or at least what they'll look like in a movie shoot (UBC north of University Boulevard doubles as Monterey, CA; the rest stands in for Microsoft.) But overall, City of Glass is too superficial, too predictable to say anything new about this city. It might appeal to tourists, or expatriate Vancouverites, but anyone who lives here would learn more about, say, the West End by actually spending an afternoon there. Coupland's new book is pretty, funny, and full of in-jokes. Like his novels. But also like his novels, CiOi. of Glass feels tossed-off, as if it were written in one go and then forgotten about. Coupland has finally done what he's hinted at all along and written a whole book about Vancouver and its mythology, but he still hasn't really found his way home. art vanco un on m one olnm 14 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 OP/ED THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 VOLUME 82 ISSUE 15 EDITORIAL BOARD COORDINATING EDITOR Daliah Merzaban NEWS EDITORS Alex Dimson Cynthia Lee CULTURE EDITOR Michelle Mossop SPORTS EDITOR Tom Peacock FEATURES EDITOR Nicholas Bradley COPY/VOLUNTEERS EDITOR Tristan Winch PHOTO EDITOR Tara Westover PRODUCTION MANAGER Holland Gidney COORDINATORS RESEARCH COORDINATOR Graeme Worthy LETTERS COORDINATOR Laura Blue WEB COORDINATOR Ernie Beaudin The Ubyssey is the official student newspaper of the University of British Columbia. It is published every Tuesday and Friday by The Ubyssey Publications Society. We are an autonomous, democratically run student organisation, and al students are encouraged to participate. Editorials are chosen and written by the Ubyssey staff. They are the expressed opinion of the staff, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Ubyssey Publications Society or the University ot British Columbia. The Ubyssey is a founding member d Canqcfian University Press (CUP) and adheres to CUP's guiding principles. Al editorial content appearing in The Ubyssey is the prop. erty of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Stories, opinions, photographs and artwork contained herein cannot be reproduced without the expressed, written permission of The Ubyssey Publications Society. Letters to the editor must be under 300 words. Please include your phone number, student number and signature (not for publication) as wet as your year and faculty with al submissions. 10 wit be checked when submissions are dropped off at the editorial office of The Ubyssey, otherwise verification will be done by phone. "Perspectives' are opinion pieces over 300 words but under 750 words and are run according to space. "Freestyle? are opinion pieces written by Ubyssey staff members. Priority wit be given to letters and perspectives over freestyles unless the latter is time sensitive. Opinion pieces will not be run until the identity of .the writer has been verified It is agreed by al persons placing display or classed advertising that I the Ubyssey Publications Society fails to publish an advertisement or if an error in the ad occurs the lability of the UPS wit not be greater than the price paid for the ad. The UPS shat not be responsible for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value or the impact of the ad. EDITORIAL OFFICE Room 241 K, Student Union Building, 6138 Student Union Boulevard, Vancouver, BC. V6T 1Z1 tel: (604) 822-2301 fax: (604) 822-9279 email: [email protected] Ghosts and ghouls Hallowe'en provides a rare chance to hide behind a mask—the chance to discard our dayto-day appearances and all the baggage that just being ourselves entails. Since it takes a lot of time to come up with a costume, we've taken it upon ourselves to come up with some costume suggestions for some of the people on and off campus who have graced our pages or otherwise come to our attention so far this year. Please remember that these are just suggestions. Martha Piper, UBC president: a ghost, because she disappears after Imagine UBC and only comes out for breakfast. Gord Lovegrove, director of Transportation Planning a flat tire, because the U-Pass ain't goin' nowhere. Garth Mullins, campus shit disturber a fluffy bunny, because he's oh-so-quiet when he talks. Danny Ho, assistant director of Parking an electromagnet, because he seems to pick up all things metal—cars and change for parking_ fees—from students on campus. David Strangway, former UBC president Flash Gordon, because he was a 'superhero' here at UBC. Besides—Strangway in tights, whoo hool Maryann Adamec, AMS president a chipmunk, because she's chattering ceaselessly. Graham Senft, AMS VP external affairs: a mad scientist, because he was once seen on campus with a brain in a jar. Bernie Peets, AMS general manager: Scrooge McDuck, because profits in the SUB are soaring. Byron }fender, executive coordinator in the VP, Students office: A greaser, because we have these old pictures of him on file from his days as AMS president where he's wearing sunglasses and this crazy hat. And we swear we'll print them as soon as get the chance. Stockwell Day, Alliance leader: a clown. Because he's a clown. Jean Chretien, prime minister: a clown. Because he's a clown. Mark Fraser, AMS vice-president administration: a mime, because he never talks during AMS Council meetings—you know, the meetings where he's supposed to be working. Brian Sullivan, VP, Students: Charlie Chaplin, because he already wears bow ties— all the time, Lloyd Axworthy, UBC-bound former federal minister of foreign affairs: a lumberjack. Ax, get it...we use that joke too much. The CASA Brain: a beautiful spanish villa, because CASA means house in Spanish and it doesn't mean much else to most students at UBC, Neil Guppy, assistant vice•resident of academic programs: a cat, because cats eat guppies, and Hallowe'en is for dressing scary, and guppies aren't scaly. Nardwuar, the Human Serviette: a fork, because forks are scarier than napkins. Tieg Martin, AMS representative on the Board of Governors: A seahorse because he was last seen dissolving in the SUB courtyard fountain. David Suzuki: Jesus, because he has a lot of disciples. They're called the David Suzuki Foundation. So tonight is the night when ghouls and goblins will haunt the dark corners of campus. If you dare to venture out, remember you were warned. And if someone walks past you, and you try to take their mask off to see who it is, and realise that it isn't a mask at all, but actually grotesque. rotting human flesh, don't scream, because he or she might be your teacher next semester. 3 EP BUSINESS OFFICE Room 245, Student Union Building advertising: (604) 822.1654 business office: (604) 822-6681 fax: (604) 822-1658 ubyssey_ads@' BUSINESS MANAGER Fernie Pereira AD SALES Jennifer Copp AD DESIGN Shalene Takara Sarah Morrison couldn't End Canada On a map. She called Andrea Mlek and Natasha Norbjerg over to help, but they could not nor could Todd Silver or Dustin Cook Sara Newham said that it was somewhere near Luxembourg but Tom Peacock and Alex Dimson knew better, it was in the north, near Archangel in Russia maybe. Cynthia Lee just ducked at them and called Tara Westover over so that she could show her the secret location thatJo-Ann Chiu had gotten from Duncan McHugh just the day before, it was in South America just off the coast of Bread. Regina Yung overheard them whispering what they knew, and laughed, when she told this to Laura Blue they shared a giggle cut they'd once peered at Tristan Winch's atlas and they knew that the page with Canada had been ripped out by Nicholas Bradley. Nick had made a gift out of that page to Holland Glancy back Us grade school, but she couldn't remember much of it cos Michelle Mossop had stolen it when she heard that Trevor Rew and Rate Stanley were paying $ WO a square inch for any cartography. run Tlut made her millions when she found a map cache in Diana Stech's attire She sold most of them to Pars Johal who's dad knew Greg Ursin the map baron of Vancouver. Dallab Menaban told them all that Canada was a type of date, but Graeme, Graeme Worthy, ha knew. They were IN Canada. • ' ..ankiim• • immxdk. 444##%.k. Canadian University Press Canada Post Saks Agreement Mambas assurer CULTURE THE UBYSSEY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2000 No in conve 15 ere by Diana Stech BEYOND THESE WALLS at the Vancouver Asiarl Film Festival at Tinseltown Theatre Nov. 4 For those of us accustomed to Hollywood blockbusters, Gordon Wong's Beyond These Walls will certainly not inspire instant conversiOn to independent films. This seven-minute short being-shown at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival, traces the psychological after-effects of a homosexual relationship gone bad. Awful lines such as 'Does he think of mer litter the film, and- are accorded the weight of Shakespearean soliloquy. But this movie sure ain't the stuff Shakespeare's made of. In fact, film school, drop-out springs more readily to mind. The camera follows a sole actor throughyis daily routine of waking up, shaving, making food, and eating. Odd camera angles slightly distort reality without adding any sort 'of aesthetic appeal, and a disproportionately long shot of a running faucet is quite disconcerting. At the same time, however, the faucet provides a much-needed escape from the wciids of the 'narrator. The internal voice of the protagonist is voiced-over so that we hear his thoughts as he walks through the motions of his day. Maybe somebody should walk Wong through scriptwriting, with the protagonist spurting such pseudo-philosophical lines as neglected my friends, avoided my family, became a prisoner and life ceased to exist beyond these walls.' So the ultimate conclusion that can be made from Wong's film is not to neglect our friends, not to avoid our family, and not to become a prisoner in a relationship. This advice sounds vaguely reminiscent of the relationship counsel within the pages of magazines like Cosmopolitan, YM, Seventeen, and women self-guidance books. Yet, at least these magazines have other useful articles such as 'How to know if he's right for you,' and don't subject you to odd camera shots of running faucets and strange men. But maybe this wasn't the sole philosophy propounded by the film. In an attempt to capture the psychological fallout of this relationship, the narrator darkly says 'the torn flesh was nothing compared to what he did to my mind.' Perhaps, in a vain attempt to be dark and elliptical, Wong tries to evoke psychological trauma. However, the words are quickly dropped and the idea goes absolutely nowhere. But at least it goes there quickly. The one redeeming characteristic of Beyond These Walls is that it is short. Only seven minutes of your life will be wasted if you decide to watch it. And at least you'll have had time to reflect on the image of that running faucet AS IAN film festival ne KARMA LOCAL playing at the Vancouver Asian (NI Film Festival 0 at Tinseltown Theatre Nov. 5 E Taking place in the heart of Manhattan, Karma Local is a look into co the life of an Indo-American male livCL ing in New York City. Bali, played by >, director Darshan Bhagat is a South Asian slacker working at his uncle's subway station newspaper stand. Bali gets caught up, in a mess with some small-time criminals and finds his , way out through the experience Of karma. `; -_ Tn. the film, a bag of stolen money is, handed to Bali by the low life thug Charlie. When this money stolen and the criminals' boss finds put, Bali and Charlie have to come up with the money—fast Bali discovers that it is karma—the Buddhist belief that your actions affect you in the future—which helps him overcome his obstacle. Bhagat does a good job of portraying Bali as a quirky character, but overall this film is dry and lacks adventure. There is very little dialogue in the film, which minimises the oh-screen chemistry between the characters. But the murder scene at the end of the film is intriguing, demonstrating karma at work—you get what you deserve. The film shots are pretty good, capturing the multiculturalism of New York through timelapse photography. Huge New York crowds as well as the infamous New York subway are shown. Far from being a religious and connotative film, Bhagat displays karma by using an everyday setting and exploring the values and stereotypes of South Asians in a foreign land. While it should be considered that this low budget film took five years to produce, it is the film shots, not the plot, that are engaging. Maybe Bhagat's karma will be better in his next feature film. 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