How to Get Hair That Wows


How to Get Hair That Wows
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l-lowto Get Hair Th
re you sticking with your current
hairsryle simply because you think
inWhite Rock, BC, sap thathaving greathairis all
about recognizing your personal sq{e, because dif-
your age dictates that certain styles
are offlimits? Ifso, it might be time
to shake things up a little.
Stylist Shannon Marie, onner ofUt Hair Salon
ferent looks suit different people "I have one client
who is low-key and goes for a pixie cut like Dame
coOD TTMES March 2013
Dencht, and another dientwho has beautiliil
siher hair with bright-red lowlights in her bangs,"
sap. 'You have to embrace lourself,
and stfe comes out ofthat."
Ofcourse, change isnt easy for everybody, and many ofus get stuck in ruts
when it comes to our looks. "Lots of
pmple are afraid to move forward with
their hair and try something that could
make them look fantastic. It could just
be something as simple as changing the
way you wear your bangs or deciding
not to wear bangs," Marie says.
Some of us cling to our glory days,
staying with the hairsty,le that we've
always thought (or been told) suited
us. But styles change: Marie says that if
you are willing to let go of the pastand you should at least consider it because your curent stFle might not
work for you anl,rnore-you could
end up with hair that looks fabulous
and makes you look years younger.
trust in
a good stylist to gilre you a cut
that works with the hair 1ou have now,
to the hair you used to
"You have to make it work so
as opposed
that the overall volume and terture is
suitable to the shape ofyow face or to
your physique. It is better to keep it
natural than to trF to make it look like
it used to 20 years ago," Fiorio says.
Hair colour is also an area men need
to put a litde thought into, perhaps resisting the temptation to dye their hair
to try to make it look the way it did before they began to go grey. Plenty of at-
tractive famous men are rocking the
"silver fox ' look these days (such
derson Cooper and George Clooney)
and look far bater than they would if
theywere trying to hide the grey. So before you reach for a box ofhair d1,e, ask
your hairstylist for his or her opinion
It's not just women who get stuck in a
sryle rut. LOrdal Professionnel portfo-
takes a professional to
explain why your hair should be dealt
with differently. He or she should tell
you why
is of benefit for you to
change-to make a move to something
more current, maybe just a bit more
Your hairdo
might actually
simple, perhaps reqpecting what is going
on with the natural colour instead of
making it drastically different,' Fiorio
be ahairdon't
At 56, he goes with his natural grey,
which oftan encourages his male clients
to do the same. "They look at my hair
By Lola Augustine Brown
and say, 'I like the faa
that 1ou donl colour
your hair,' but I do! I
litde bit ofmygrey
come through, and
in Toronto sap there are several
things men do with their hair that
really dont flatter them, and the combover is one ofthe worst style crimes.
"The problem with a comb-oyer is
that it is usually pretty obvious and usuallywomen dont find that very attractive
or sexyi' he mys. 'Women prefer
comb-olrcr on a man."
Ifyour hair is thinning, it's better to
short haircut to
need to be let go of.
Tight pincurls are rarely a good
look for anyong but it's one many old-
er women stick to, often because
theyte afraid any other hairsryle will
take too much work. "The days ofthe
perm are over; it's far too severe," says
Shirley Borrelli, who owns an imageconsulting firm in Edmonton. "Some
women get to the point where they iust
can't deal with their hair and they
a perm will fix that, but it's a
cop-out. Nowthere are so many amaz-
ing hair products and tools that will
deal with the frizzies, or whatever your
hair issues are, that you should no
longer use a perm as an option."
Sq{es on 7th in Regin4 says that there
are those rryho will have their weekly sryle
and sa and then not look at their hair all
week or resq'le it at alJ. 'AlLhough Lhis
might work for some people, others look
lila they've been rotling around on [reir
head bythe end ofthe wees-' she sals.
lot ofpeople are worried that a new hairsq'lewillbetoo diffrcult to maintain, but
I make a real effort to show pmple how
they can do their hair at home using the
tools that they hare. The truth is, a good
cut shouldnt be diffrcult to maintain"
The problem with having a tight
perm or overly coiffed hairstyle is that
it ages you. Fiorio says that the biggest
mistake women of age 50+ make
their hair is to make it look too done
up. "In the styling, the most important
If 1ou've had your hair coloured in
the past and didnt like the regrowtlu
loute in ludc Fiorio says that there has
been an evolution in hair colour in the
past few years. It used to be that hair
thing is to keep something really &esh,
and unfortunately there is still way too
much hairspray being used. You need
to keep hair minimalistic and touchable; the hair should move," he says.
"The heakh of your hair is more important than whether it is going to stay
in place if the wind blows it."
Also, you shouldnt worry that long
hair is offlimi* once )ou get older. "As
long as pu style lour hair properly and
have some low,lights
make itblend."
lio artist Daniel Fiorio ofSalon Daniel
There are certain old-fashioned ideas
about what older women should be
doing with their hair, and these really
Trish Velestuh owner ofthe salon
on what would look best on you.
Suave Men's Styling
Soft and Gorgeous
colour lifted the natural pigment, whidr
meant that as it faded, you ended up
witlr an unnanral-looking warmth in
your hair colour, while today's semipermanent colours dont do that; they
keep the tones ofgrey cool instead.
March 2013 cOoD
it's cut to flatter
"When you get a beautiful white
can pull off
streakygrey, it's magnificent. But when
you get a salt and pepper that's dull,
your face shape, then you
anylookyouwant " Velestuk
says. "Some people are worried that
thdllbe seen as tryingto looktooyoung
for thei age but when you give up, you
look even older," she warns.
Another big mistake is to have the
wrong hair colour. "Whether your
hair is coloured or not, both options
can be wonderful, depending on how
it is dealt with," Fiorio says. More
women are opting to stick with their
grey now, and Fiorio says that whether
suits them depends on their skin
tone and how the grey comes in.
thatt much harder to wear," he says.
with h+, though, salt and pepper can
still look good. "I like to pump up the
contrast, so I put in some really white
highlights and some cooler dark lowIights; that way, the grey hair looks a
lot more alive and very natural."
feel that your hair really does nothing
for you, go get a professional opinion.
Your hair can say a lot about you and
howyou feel about getting older, so you
want to ensure that it is sendirg the
right message. Borrelli advises that we
all mix things up ftom time to time in
order to stay current, "Evay five years
at most, you need to change something," she says. "Go from la1'ers to a
bob, bangs to no bangs, coloured to
Embrace the Change
grey, but something has to change."
dont necessarily have to go too crazy or step too far
outside your comfort zone, but if you
To have srylish hair, 1ou
And why noti A neat new do could
wonderful things to your outlook on
life and the way others perceive you.
Hair Products Tailored to the 50+ Set
It's important to use the right products for older
hair because as we age, our hair becomes coarser and drier, says [Or6al Professionnel portfolio
artist DanielFiorio, of Salon DanielSpa in Toronto.
Here are some products to check out:
. Shoppers Drug Mart carries a new line
aimed at those with thinning hair. Chinese
Herbs Regenerat;ng System by Peter Lamas
promotes thicker and fuller hair and comes in
a shampoo ($22), conditioner ($20), and ReEnergizing Scalp Serum ($4S), ptus a revitalizing nutrient mist and stiling
cream ($20 each). The shampoo and conditioner are also
sold in travel sizes ($7 each),
so you don't have to splurge
too much to try these out.
GOOD Tl MES lvlarch 2013
l-Or6al Paris just launched a new line, Hair
Expertise Power Moisture, which is super-hydrating and will help even the driest hair get
silkier. The line includes a shampoo and a
conditioner ($5.99 each) and a Power Moisture
lnfusion Mask ($9.99).
. lf your post-menopausal hair is frizzy and
hard to manage, KMS California's Silk Sheen
Polishing Serum ($12.90) will help you control
it; simply comb the serum
through wet hair or use it before blow-drying.