Paint Application Magazine


Paint Application Magazine
Today’s Challenges
Tomorrow’s Solutions
ABB Technology Days, Auburn Hills USA
Back On Track With Audi – Need for Speed – Robot Production in China
In this issue of Prevision,
you can learn about our
worldwide paint activities.
2005 is going to be a very significant year for us. Right
now our new enhanced robot is the market segment’s
state of the art robot, and 2005 is the year in which this
new robot generation is going to be implemented in the
Many of our other products also provide us with
a clear competitive advantage. Our Paint Application
Process Package, for example, gives us a competitive
advantage through saving time in on-site installation,
in commissioning and requested availability achievement.
Our bells are also generating more and more customer
interest. Our CBS is now well recognized as a premium
product also outside Asia and the next key event will
be the launch of the new bell range. The new range is
modular, has a flexible pattern and high flow spraying and
represents a new generation of bell which will change
paint line design and give us an outstanding advantage.
However, it is not just our products that generate
strong confidence in our solutions. The tools we combine
with our products, such as DispensePac, powder gun and
various software solutions, also play a very important role.
Lastly and absolutely not least on the human side, our
unique worldwide paint team and their strong capabilities
further strengthen our place in the market. We certainly
have the most qualified international team in the industry.
The future looks bright in the paint application
business. With our skilled team and premium products
we are on track to achieving full customer satisfaction.
Our future is in our hands.
Hubert Labourdette
Global Paint Lead Center Manager.
Tormod Gunleiksrud
ABB Robotics Paint.
Powerful relationships
A relationship that doesn’t sparkle with energy is a dying
relationship. ABB’s philosophy is to build and maintain
strong and mutually beneficial relationships with our
customers, based on openness and trust in which we
work together towards well defined common goals.
Customer trust – how do we earn it? Our QDC
program is one way we build customer trust. When we
ship an order, quality is priority number one. Everything
is checked and must be according to spec before being
shipped. Delivery is our second priority, but nothing is
delivered before we can guarantee that it will function
properly. Cost is our third priority. If it costs more than
we expected to meet quality specs and delivery times,
then that’s our problem – not the customer’s.
Focusing on increasing each customer’s profitability
and competitiveness is an important part of the customer
relationship. This, I believe, is best achieved through indepth knowledge of our customers’ processes.
At ABB, we are fortunate to have a lot of customer
process knowledge. However, it is open trust based
customer relationships that give us the very best
conditions for free flow of information and for us to maximize our knowledge of our customers’ processes.
R&D is our third focus. Our customers, to remain
competitive, must have shorter time to market and lower
prices. The only way we can ensure that we keep the
hard-earned trust our customers have in us, is to provide
our customers with what they need when they need
it - and that means putting dedicated and continuous
resources into R&D. We must therefore carefully balance
the use of R&D personnel. Overuse of R&D personnel in
challenging projects will slow down development projects
and over time reduce our ability to give our customers
what they need to achieve their goals.
By keeping a strong focus on these three areas, we will
continue to build sparkling and long lasting relationships
with our customers.
Our challenge is to increase our competitiveness day by day. Carmine Renzulli, Production
Manager for Casappa, welcomes us to his office and, before taking on the subject that brought
us here – the company’s collaboration with ABB, he offers us an insight into the company
Specialists always
understand each other
From left to right: Mr. Arne Sigbjørnsen (ABB Norway),
Mr. Mitsuhiro Yoshihara (Toyota Auto Body), Mr. Yasuo Kouno
(Toyota Auto Body) and Mr. Hideki Mori (ABB Japan).
An unexpected benefit
”With Toyota Auto Body (TAB), one of the goals was to reduce the number of robots
in the paint line. TAB also wanted to reduce the amount of paint used and to cut energy
consumption”. Osamu Yoshida, general manager of ABB’s Technology Department,
describes the solution and how it generated a very unexpected benefit.
– “We came up with a solution that could meet all Toyotaʼs Quality focus
demanding requirements. We went for eight-axis robots, Representatives from Toyota Auto Body recently visited
which have a much greater range of motion and which ABB PRU Paint Robots in Norway. ABB has previously
meant that we could reduce the length of painting booths supplied TAB with more than 100 paint robots. This visit was
and use fewer robots.”
however linked to a new order for phase two at
– “However, the new Cartridge Bell System
the Fujimatsu plant in Japan. ABB got renewed
“It was totally
allows robots to paint both inner and outer
confidence as they were the only supplier
surfaces in one pass by switching bells. This
who could fulfill TABʼs Stop&Go paint line
but certainly
gave us a quality improvement that none of us
requirements. Mr. Mitsuhiro Yoshihara from
had expected. When you paint the interior and very welcome!” TAB pointed out that the accuracy and speed of
exterior at the same time, you avoid the problem
ABBʼs unique Integrated Process System (IPS)
of dust from the interior settling on the newly painted exterior impressed him in particular. He was also impressed by how
so spoiling the finish. The customer was very surprised ABB solves challenges and problems along the way.
by the totally unexpected effect, but it was certainly very – “This visit reinforces and confirms our strong co-operation.
welcome,” says Yoshida.
It is also very valuable to gain an insight into ABBʼs quality
focus. I have great confidence in ABB and your solutions.”
Paint savings
making big impact
on car prices
For one of the world’s newest automobile manufacturers, Proton of Malaysia, ABB provided
a complete robotic paint solution that provides both high quality and reduced paint and thinner
consumption. Muzafar Saboo, head of Proton’s Painting Department, is very satisified having
chosen ABB as his partner:
We manufacture pumps and fixed cylinder gearmotors, and
pumps and fixed or variable cylinder piston motors destined for applications in agriculture, building and industrial
vehicles, materials handling and industry. Our customers
include machinery manufacturers like Caterpillar, Volvo,
Bob-cat, Toro, CNH, Still Wagner, Toyota and DaimlerChrysler. We also have branches in Chicago and Germany
and a sales office in France.
suppliers, and ABB in particular, we now have a total
knowledge of the kind of paintwork we can apply, already
at design level.
We chose ABB after long and careful consideration. We
started out by analyzing our production requirements, and
had a look at various different systems already in operation, including some machine tools automation systems.
In addition to their great quality/price ratio, we chose ABB
Weʼre specialists in the field of “tailor-made” solutions for the reliability of their robots, proven by the systems
and custom production – our
we saw in operation, as well as
R&D department develops around
for the ease of programming the
Carmine Renzulli,
10 prototypes a week – based on
robot exactly to our needs and
Production Manager,
the specifications of constructors
the possibility of eliminating the
demanding special production proneed for final touch-up. What
cesses and who very often send
really convinced us, though,
their inspectors here. Weʼre workwas the complete package that
ing on various fronts to fend off
integrated all components of the
competition from countries with
system. ABBʼs competitors were
low production cost: we keep right
only able to offer us the simple
up with all developments in product
robot, and we would have had to
technology, and are always striving
go to other specialist companies
to improve the quality and service
for the aspects concerning intewe offer our customers, as well as
to reduce our own costs. The decision to automate the paint shop is
We got our aims clear right from
part of this fundamental policy.
the start: maximum results in
minimum time at minimum cost.
Today we have a complete finished
The total collaboration ABB
IRB 540-02
product, that needs no touching-up:
provided allowed us to start up
painting metal part
electrostatic painting and robots
in just a few months and push
for Casappa
have solved our problems. Morethe systemʼs potential to its
over, I can now safely say weʼve
maximum, getting over all the
got the process under total control
teething troubles in the shortest
in terms of quality, consumption
possible time. The systemʼs been
and cost. By significantly reducvirtually problem free ever since
ing our “Lead Time” weʼve really
it was installed. We give ABBʼs
increased our capacity to respond
engineers constant feedback that
to the market. Whatʼs more, weʼre
also helps them improve their
able to give customers more clear
own level of service.
and precise information on delivery
dates and progress updates. This
Together with ABB weʼve started
is a fundamental aspect both for
to work on a robot assisted mequality and service.
chanical processing island for
an aluminium pump body, that
By reducing overspray weʼve also reduced management will allow us to meet our new production demands. Thatʼs
costs and emissions. The fact that the system is so easy to going to be followed by another similar one for the covers.
use – in terms of programming the robot and maintenance We think itʼs important to deal with just one company for
– has also allowed us to simplify the structure of the paint all our robot automation needs.
shop team. Lastly, thanks to the consulting offered by our
Back on track
with Audi
The ABB Cartridge System has caused a 35 per cent reduction in paint consumption for Proton.
– ”We considered ABB to have good systems in terms of have actually had a big impact on the cost per car,” Saboo
safety and reliability. Also, the local support from ABB adds.
Malaysia had a great impact on the decision we
– ”Choosing ABB was a big decision for us,
”The paint
made. Even now we have an ABB guy stationed
especially the cartridge system which was very,
here every day to make sure that the robots run maker came to very new to us. Compared to a conventional
very smoothly,” says Saboo.
robot system where the CCV itself is in the
me asking why
–”We recorded a paint reduction of about 35 per
process arm and there is an an extra meter and a
suddenly our
cent. The paint maker came to me asking why
half of tubing to clean. We discovered that this
paint orders had
suddenly our paint orders had been reduced so
cartridge system saved a lot in terms of cleaning
much. It was then I realized that it came from been reduced so thinner because of the individual cartridges used
the ABB paint system itself. The paint savings
for each color,” concludes Saboo.
Congratulations to ABB Germany for the new
order from Audi. ABB will start painting
the A3, A4 and A6 models in October 2005.
The first phase is for more than 100 paint
robots, mainly for interior painting.
This impressive contract with Audi means
that ABB is now back in business with
the Volkswagen Group. We have not worked
with Volkswagen since 1996.
The new order includes refurbishment
and process improvements at the Audi plants
in Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm.
Keinosuke Aoyama
Manager Lead Center Asia Pacific
Building and
good human
is essential
Keinosuke Aoyama has been with ABB since
1969. For the last fourteen years he has
worked with paint. As Asian Pacific Lead
Center Manager he has had the pleasure
of being part of a team that has built many
strong and successful customer relationships,
including relationships with Toyota, Mazda
and Proton.
– What is the key to these successes?
–“There is no single key to success. Each customer
relationship is different and each customer has a different
set of demands.”
– “For example, in the Toyota Group we have
cooperated with Toyota Body on developing new solutions
that are unique to Toyota. This has given both companies a
lot of benefits. Toyota has for many years both appreciated
and inspired our sales staff, and our R&D and paint process
– “With Mazda, it is our atomizers. Our market share
with Mazda exterior body is 100 per cent. We have
developed a strong long term relationship with Mazda,
which has lead to ABB becoming Mazdaʼs sole atomizer
supplier. We have not been quite so successful with our
robot installations. However, a new project is coming up
and our recent improvements and lower prices may mean
that Mazdaʼs next paint robots will be delivered by ABB.”
– “Malaysian auto manufacturer Proton however
demands the latest solutions, which right now gives ABB
an advantage over its competitors. Reliable technical
support and local service capability are further reasons
why Proton is choosing ABB.”
– “But there is one vital factor that applies to all cases.
Building and maintaining good human relationships,”
says Aoyama humbly.
– What will be ABBʼs primary challenge
in the next few years?
– “It is vital that we continuously develop new
solutions that meet customer demands. Our customers
within the auto manufacturing industry are right now
looking for ways to further reduce production costs and
ecological impact. Production cost reductions usually
mean higher transfer efficiency, smaller booths and less
energy consumption. We must also have affordable prices.
At the moment we are more expensive than most of our
competitors in Asia per single product.
However, as long as customers have problems then
we have business opportunities through providing good
solutions,” says the Lead Center Manager,
who loves working in an ever changing world.
ABB Technology Days • May 18 – 20 • A u b u r n H i l l s U S A
ABB is committed to bringing innovative ideas in automation that result in overall savings,
both initial capital investment as well as operating cost. In arranging the Technology Days,
we let our customers view our vision of the future.
The focus is on
We gotta ship cars!
Today’s challenges
“I am extremely proud
of what was delivered at
our Technology Days.
The attendance was very
high and we received great
compliments,” states
Doug Polkinghorne (Vice
President Proposals
and Process Solutions).
JNAP has the biggest installation of ABB Paint Robots
in North America. The plant produces 1150 Grand Cherokee’s a day.
Unique Powder
Paint Application
• Efficient Techniques to Improve
Sealant Applications
• Intelligent Cavity Foam Injection
• Cartridge Atomizer Paint Process
with Flushable Cartridges
– Wall mount robot
The Cartridge Bell Paint Process with Flushable
Cartridges was one of the most popular Demos.
Demonstrating the Dual Rotary Bell
Atomizer Process.
• New Generation High Output
Waterborne Bell Atomizer with Variable
Pattern Control
• Dual Rotary Bell Atomizer Process
• Alternating Rotary Bell and Spray Gun
Paint Process
• RobotStudioTM PaintPowerPac
for Offline Paint Process Development
and Simulation
• DispencePack for Body in White
The Seminar about “How to
improve Paint Process Efficiencies”
was held by Rick Dobreff
(Technical Manager in Paint).
Zero ABB issues this year
“During my many years in the Paint Line I have learned to
build and appreciate good relationships, and I must say,
we have an overall very good relationship with you guys”,
Hennesy emphasize when talking about the importance
of mutual trust and support. “There have been zero ABB
issues this year and you really have some great people
and resources.”
This unique solution
for switching between
gun and bell was quite
an eye-catcher.
Welcome to ABB Technology Days.
Welcome to ABB Technology Days
The US Paint Lab Team.
Tomorrow’s solutions
At the Technology Days the Paint Lab presented 10
different demos under the same message: How to
improve Paint Process Efficiencies; Innovative ideas in
paint application that will result in cost saving for our
customers. Many of ABBʼs solutions also reduce the
footprint in which the equipment operates. This has a
direct impact on the booth requirements, air usage,
abatement and sludge generation. All of this coupled
with the ability to meet or exceed the customers quality
expectations are ABBʼs message to the customers.
A good relationship, here represented by Andy Flaisch
(Account Manager DaimlerChrysler Paint North America),
Marianne Emmerhoff (ABB Market Communication
Manager) and Dave Hennesy (Paint Area Manager
at JNAP-DC).
• LASD Application
with ABB SoundPac™
• Unique Powder Paint Application
An extended community
“The main challenge for a paint line in automotive is
high performance. I have to be sure that my suppliers
understand the state of the state in my Paint shop before
we put in the equipment. Great technology is not enough.
My suppliers must focus on what they need from us
in order to get signed off.” Paint Area Manager Dave
Hennesy at Daimler Chrysler’s Jefferson North America
Plant (JNAP) in Detroit focuses on the macro high-level
when we ask him about his main challenges. “We gotta
ship cars! And this extended community with ABB on
board can only do so if we help each other out.”
Need for Ease-of-use
Nevertheless, things can always improve and Hennesy
does not let us of the hook that easily. “Although your
technology team has taught us a lot, I sure wouldn’t mind
a simpler user interface. Solutions that are less complex
will save us time and money when training people.”
Paint Lab Demos
at the US Technology Days
Long lasting partnerships
“ABB is looking to form long lasting partnerships with
customers. Many customers are looking for the same,
and ABB has had success with this. Now we need to
raise it to the next level”, Doug Polkinghorne (Vice
President, Proposals and Process Solutions) emphasized
when he talked about what ABB wants to achieve with
the Technology Days. “We let our customers view our
vision of the future and with specific breakout meetings
and feedback sessions; we get a formal chance of
learning our customerʼs vision. In many of these sessions
we have seen that we are in parity with them. Of course
our developments and solutions need to coincide with
our customers. Now the challenge is to capitalize on
this exposure to create opportunities which convert into
Proven Technology
When talking with visitor Linda J. Gerhardt, Senior
Manufacturing Engineer at General Motors Corporation
she points out the importance of proven technology. She
is constantly looking for paint processes that can bring
down the cycle time, but of course with as little risk as
possible. “Some of my most important requirements are
reliable equipment and simple processes. I like what I
have seen here today, and I am particularly interested
to find out more about ABBʼs Cartridge Atomizer Paint
Process with Flushable Cartridges.”
Improving Paint Process Efficiencies
In addition to the Demos in the Paint Lab area, seminar
sessions were held continuously during the Technology
Days. Rick Dobreff, Technology Manager with 21 years
of experience within ABB, presented the session “How
to improve Paint Process Efficiencies”. He gave the
listeners more knowledge of how to reduce paint shop
size and cost, improve the paint waste and environmental
impact and decrease time for model changeover, while
increasing flexibility. The seminar was rounded off
presenting future trends in paint application.
Great enthusiasm and pride
One last item that Polkinghorne would like to express
is the sincere thanks to the entire paint team that put
the presentations and seminars together. “The effort was
enormous especially within the lab environment. There
were many long days but the team was committed and
dedicated to presenting ABBʼs innovations, solutions
and creativity. Now we look to the future with great
enthusiasm and pride.”
Family & Friends Day - May 21st After three intensive
Technology Days with customers, it was time for family
and friends! Children of all ages, proud employees, family
and friends – all in all close to 400 people enjoyed the
impressive technical demo as well as the outdoor barbecue
in nice summer weather.
ABB Atomizer Supply Unit
the expertise
The new Hi Flow Atomizer
Dr. Günther Börner is actively and passionately involved in developing the next generation of
ABB atomizers. He believes that both the quality and environmental aspects of painting have
reached a satisfactory level. The current challenge is however to paint faster. Much faster.
Need for speeeeeeed!
Dr. Börner has been a leading researcher and developer
for ABB since 1993. His doctorate work into high voltage
electrical engineering has for many years been one of the
corner stones of ABBʼs atomizer development program.
Although based in Germany, he works closely with Japan
and spends a lot of time with ABBʼs experts at the atomizer
production plant in Shimada.
“I have taken the European car industryʼs requirements
to Japan and held them up against Asian industry culture.
Europe needs to pay attention to Asian manufacturers.
They are several steps ahead of the rest of the world both
in quality and cost efficiency. Japanese and other Asian car
manufacturers are more closely linked to their customers,
and they are also more focused on technology development.
Toyota, for example, has more paint R&D people than the
Osamu Yoshida in friendly conversation with his
Norwegian Paint colleagues.
Robot training with customer.
rest of the industry put together. This strongly influences our
own product development strategy.”
“ABB is now in the final stages of developing a Hi Flow
atomizer, a new generation atomizer that will meet the
marketʼs need for higher efficiency. The Hi Flow atomizer
can double the painting speed but can still use our current
robot models with only minor modifications.”
“We are currently in a position where we are able to
respond to the rapidly increasing technological changes
and have the knowledge and financial strength to set new
standards. With our latest developments we may even
become a driving force in the automotive industry. But itʼs
hard work”, says the high voltage wizard whose diary looks
like the bonnet of a car painted by ABB – no open spaces.
Dr. Shinichi Yasuda, head of the Atomizer Group.
The R&D Department has recently been reorganized into one single organization.
The reorganization will bring together JPABB’S enormous paint application knowledge
and experience into one unit and give us the ability to out-perform and outpace
our competitors’ R&D.
The new R&D Department is being headed by Osamu Yoshida,
who has over 30 years first-hand experience in paint application. The R&D Department is divided into three groups, Solutions (Systems Engineering), Process (Application Engineering) and Atomizers.
Norio Umezawa is a leading expert in domestic robot applications and will head the Solution Group. The Process group
will be headed by Shiro Yamada, who is an acknowledged
expert in customer side paint applications. Both have more
than 25 years experience in the field.
New products
The Atomizer Group will be headed by Dr. Shinichi Yasuda who has a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Fluid
Dynamics). His role will be to apply the expertise of the
Solution and Process groups in atomizer development and to
ensure that ABBʼs technological advantages are quickly and
efficiently applied in our products and solutions.
The market driven research and development – in close
collaboration with ABBʼs global Atomizer Supply Unit
(ASU) headed by Yuki Miyamoto, is quickly bringing to the
market new, groundbreaking products.
A prime example of ABBʼs technological excellence is
the new High Flow Atomizer being released in 2005. With
capacities two to four times higher than todayʼs atomizers,
combined with high transfer efficiency and high paint finish
quality, the new Atomizer family will give customers significant production savings by enabling them to achieve equal
or better results with fewer atomizers and related equipment.
ABB Japan is soon
to open their new
Atomizer Technology
Institute (ATI).
Dr. Börner and Dr. Yasuda
teaming up for crossborder
R&D in atomizer performance.
The “green” atomizer production plant
in Shimada.
The all new ABB Paint Application Package is the fastest, most user-friendly
and cost-effective Paint Application solution yet.
Flexible, predictable, durable
ABB’s Paint Application Packages (PAP) are pre-engineered, documented
and designed for quick installation and start-up. They include ABB’s
Integrated Process System (IPS) allowing high precision regulation and
high-speed control of applicators (atomizers) and giving accurate
synchronization with robot motion. Overspray is minimized and uniform
paint thickness is ensured.
Unrivaled experience
The vast experience that 36 years and many different types of installations
has given ABB has now been brought together in a series of Paint
Application Packages. These packages will greatly reduce installation time
and increase robot performance.
The standardized and well proven design of the ABB Paint Application
Packages improves reliability and prolongs component lifetimes.
Maintenance intervals are increased and robot system life cycle costs are
significantly reduced. The new design also has fewer and standardized
components for higher serviceability. Optimized component placement
on the robot arm improves arm balance and reduces energy
Flextronics Zhu Hai Painting Shop project for Dell Laptop Cover production is undoubtedly the biggest challenge the Manufacturing Industry
Department has ever taken upon itself. It is also one of the most successful.
They would be used on 7 lines in its Dell laptop covers
paint shop.
In a highly competitive market, ABB robots outperformed their rivals in a host of areas including a better flat
jig solution, surface quality, paint savings, short delivery
times and a competitive price.
a highly competitive team.” Feedback such as this from
Mr. JD Yang, Quality Manager at ComPal, Flextronics
Kun Shan plant at the project closing seminar moves us
to focus on stronger strategic partnerships, more market
share and wider application.
Higher productivity at lower
cost, environmental compliance,
increased flexibility and shorter
execution cycles: there are the major
requirements for the manufactory
automation industry today.
Flextronics, which has its headquarters in Singapore, is a major global company that helps customers design, build, ship, and service electronics
products via a network of facilities in 32 countries
and five continents.
This success played a major role in building a strong
partnership with Flextronics, leading to the purchase
of additional ABB painting robots in the following 2
years. This includes robots for its paint shop for Casio
Electronic Piano keyboards in Dong Guang, the paint
shop for Sony Ericsson mobile phone covers at
its Flex Malaysia office, another 2-5 lines
at Flex Zhu Hai and 2 lines at the Flex
CCE enclosure plant in Shanghai.
With further expected growth in laptop production, Flextronics Enclosure (Zhu Hai) signed two
contracts with ABB to buy 14 paint robots.
“We strongly believe this will be the
beginning of a long lasting relationship
between ABB & ComPalʼs entire value chain, creating
From left to right: Per Vegard Nerseth, President, China, Mats Aghren, Harri Siponen, Kenneth Lamberg, all ABB
ROBOTICS in Vasteras, Sweden, Terje Velde, Robot Production Manager, China, James Zhu, Supervisor of Robot
Production - IRB540, William Gu, Supervisor of Robot Production - IRB1400, Jone B Gjersdal, ABB Robotics
Paint in Bryne, Norway.
Going where the
customers go: ABB
has started robot
production in China
Early March the first ABB IRB 540 robot
rolled off the assembly line in Shanghai,
starting a new era in robot production. This
model was formerly manufactured in Norway, but has now been taking closer to the
market and current focus center of many of
ABB’s global customers.
The move was swift and easy. ABB has been operating
in China since 1994 and currently employs more than
8000 people here, a number that is estimated to increase by another 5000 people within the next three years.
The technology, the routines, systems and infrastructure
were already established and well functioning when the
production was moved.
Per Vegard Nerseth, Company President, ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd. who moved with the IRB 540
from Norway to China, points out that manufacturing in
China also has its cultural benefits.
”The work force here is used to a different intensity. People take great pride in doing their job. And the prouction
technology has the same high international standards as
we are used to,” he claims.
”Our new robot line increases our competitiveness by
allowing us to deliver faster to Chinese customers.
In addition, our new local
team can quickly respond to
requests for spare parts and
after sales service,” says Nerseth.
The high-tech robot line is designed to
produce 1,200 units per year. It will primarily serve Asian customers, but eventually
also other customers worldwide.
The first two paint robots were
delivered to Flextronics Dongguan.
Andy Yan Tao, Ryan Cai YongPin and Michael Mao JianRong
during their preparation in Norway.
This ABB Paint Application Magazine is published by ABB Robotics Paint, Norway
LOKOMOTIV. Photos: ABB, Bitmap, Corbis and Getty Images.
The project of Flextronics Zhu Hai