Under Glass - Classical Glass Corvette Club
Under Glass - Classical Glass Corvette Club
Under Glass - Sept 12, 2010 Annual Tour to Lake Cushman and Spaghetti Feed. More information on Page 9. Page 1 Join the fun at the Capital City Vette Fest VII - Saturday, Sept. 18, 2010 at Titus Will Chevrolet. More information & Registration form on page 15. Newsletter Date September 2010 Schedule Change - The CGCC Book Club meets on the 4th Sunday in September. Join us September 26 at 4PM - Borders Books. CGCC 2011 Executive Board & NWACC Representative Nominees The following members are candidates for 2011 E-Board Officer & NWACC Rep positions. Voting begins at the September General Membership Meeting. Please go to: Classicalglasscorvetteclub.com VOTE FOR 2011 CGCC NWACC REP Cast your vote for ONE candidate— the top 2 will become your NWACC representatives, the 3rd place candidate will become the alternate. President: Dennis Petersen Tony Hyatt Check out the many club pictures and member rides! General Membership Minutes Pages 4 & 5 Under Glass Advertising Room Available - See page 16 Don’t miss the MANY upcoming events! See the Events listing and make your plans now! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! page 13 Vice President: Doug Willrich Rick Ford Elvira Tucker Secretary: Bob Thomas Treasurer: Alisa Dillon Inside this issue: President’s Letter 2 Dinner at the Elks 2 Community Service 6 Annual Tour to Lake Cushman 9 NWACC Autocross Registration 11 CGCC Member Wins Big 12 See page 6-8 for bios. NWACC Representative: Chuck Hulka Lona Hyatt Elvira Tucker Wine Tour Lona Hyatt Special 5 Star Edition coming soon! Chuck Hulka Events & Sunshine Report Capital City Vette Fest 13 14 15 Page 2 Under Glass From the President Hi Tigers! I’m trying to keep my head from spinning due to the fantastic response I have personally received regarding the “5-Star Classic” held in the “Clock Tower Park” area of DuPont, WA this year. A very big THANK YOU to Dennis Beaulieu, all the club sponsors, event sponsors as well as to all the vendors and numerous volunteers and others that helped to make this year’s CGCC annual 5-Star Classic a tremendous success The August meeting had a great turn out. Due to some logistical errors the meeting was going to be in the picnic area of the Elks Club but in the end…we were still able to use the meeting room upstairs and stay out of the rain too! I love driving “Charvette” and having the “Corvette experience”. Judging by the number of people that actually brought their Corvettes (I counted 43) to the meeting, they do too! It was good to see a lot of “new’ people at the meeting and have a brief chat with them. I was able to hand out the ‘Presidents Attendance Award” to Jim Guthrie. I’m sure he will enjoy using the $50.00 gift certificate from Griot’s Garage. Congratulations Jim!! Please remember that all members have a chance to win…you just have to be present when your name is drawn, signed in on the club roster and you also need to be wearing your name tag to collect the prize. REMINDER – The September regularly scheduled membership meeting is on the Second Saturday (11th) of the month. The Board of Directors meeting is on the Thursday (9th) before the membership meeting at “The Grill at Meadow Park”. If you are a committee chairman and can’t attend the board meeting please send your committee report to VP Rick Landry. The September meeting is also the first time you will be able to vote for people to serve on the 2011 Executive Board, Vote for one nominee for the NWACC Committee, one woman and one man for the “Member of the Year”. Thanks to Dennis Shaw, Lona Hyatt and Sheryl Mencke for all the hard work they did getting nominees for the election. Save the wave, Dennis Petersen CGCC President "In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." ~ Albert Schweitzer Dinner at the Elks Club Dinner at the Elks Club before the September meeting will be Meat Loaf, Baked Potato, Salad & Coffee. The price is $10.00 per person. Contact Rick Landry at [email protected] or 360-832-6990 if you will be joining us. I need the head count by Tuesday evening September 7th. Thanks, Rick Page 3 Under Glass MEMBERSHIP REPORT PLEASE JOIN US! GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Second Saturday of Each Month 7:00 P.M. Lakewood Elks 6313 75th St W Lakewood, WA Dinner & drinks are available prior to the meeting. Come early to meet & greet! Members, prospective members and guests are WELCOME! BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday before the General Membership Meeting @ 7:00pm The Grill at Meadow Park Golf Club Lakeview Drive, Lakewood, WA We had a good turnout for this months meeting and ad two couples join this month. I reported 77 members signed in during my report and had 2 people come in late and signed in afterward. The numbers below reflect the correct updated numbers. Member signed in: 79 Guests signed in: 5 Total in attendance: 84 Guests were: Jim & Judy Adams - Are eligible to join as of this meeting Joe & Valerie Oaks - Joined at this meeting Dave Alcorn - First meeting attended. New Members this month: Don & Joan Greenwood - 2000 Roadster - Black metallic w/gold pearl Joe & Valerie Oaks - 2008 Z06 - Jetstream Blue (Joe & Valerie were formers members to have returned to us!!) WELCOME!!! 2010 Officers & Committee Chairs DENNIS PETERSEN (253) 651-2322 PRESIDENT RICK LANDRY (360) 832-6990 VICE PRESIDENT STEVE GUY (253) 582-2624 SECRETARY ALISA DILLON (253) 853-5873 TREASURER NWACC REPRESENTATIVES Chuck Hulka (253) 853-3118 Ron Waller (253) 884-4464 Lona Hyatt (253) 853-1582 NATIONAL CORVETTE MUSEUM REPRESENTATIVE Len Tucker (253) 568-6647 CLUB SALES Charlene Petersen (253) 691-2348 PARADES Jim Dillon (253) 853-5873 COMMUNITY SERVICE Jan Landry (360) 832-6990 PHOTOGRAPHER George Longhurst (253) 841-4255 EVENTS Chuck & Crystal Hulka (253) 853-3118 PUBLIC RELATIONS Bob & Betty Felker (253) 851-2034 FIVE STAR Dennis Beaulieu (253) 847-4781 FOOD & PHONE Joann Kennedy (253-884-2376 GALA EVENTS Roy & Julie Booth (253) 334-7693 HISTORIAN Billy Chambers (253) 202-0095 MEMBERSHIP Debbie Kaiser (425) 444-5994 Joe Taylor (425) 444-5943 RAFFLE Billy & Nina Chambers 202-0095 ROSTER John Underhill (253) 752-5234 SUNSHINE Liz Longhurst (253) 841-4255 UNDER GLASS Lona Hyatt (253) 853-1582 WEB MASTER David Bailey (206) 617-1320 Page 4 Under Glass General Membership Minutes General Membership Meeting - 8-7-10 Meeting called to order at 7:01pm by President Dennis Peterson. Pres Petersen solicited a motion to accept the meeting minutes as printed in the August Under Glass. Julie Booth so moved, George Longhurst seconded and the motion passed by a majority vote of the membership. VP Landry: Welcome on this beautiful August evening. Michael Ervin was appointed Sergeant-at-Arms. Next month’s pre-meeting feast will be meatloaf with potatoes and salad. Treasurer Dillon: Was not in attendance. VP Landry provided a detailed financial report. 5-Star Chairman Beaulieu: A 5 liter bottle of wine will be presented for Best in Show, The Mayor’s Cup and the Northwest Landing award. Les Schwab has paid their $500 sponsorship fee and also thrown in a $100 battery for auction or raffle. Be sure to introduce yourself to strangers at the show and thank them for coming to our show. Carwash facilities will be available 7am to 8:30am at Jiffy Lube on the morning of the show. MacNamera’s has backed out of the lunch service on the day of the show but will still be hosting hospitality night. Forza will be selling ice cream. Events co-chairs Chuck & Crystal Hulka: Marilyn Underhill discussed the show in Sisters, OR. 7 cars made the trip and of those 6 won a prize. C4 Dillon, C5 Helt, C6 Quintilla (friend of CGCC from Columbia River CC), C6 Minnitti, Modified Underhill, door prize Landry. Steve Guy discussed the Rose City Classic. CGCC members won 12 awards and the club took the club participation award. Durk Frew took 2nd place in class at the autocross. August 25th Jacket Night to Wally’s Drive-In in Buckley. Meet at the Shell gas station across the street from the Lowe’s on the corner of 37th Ave SE and 5th St SE. Leaving the parking lot at 6pm. Ivar’s-Point Defiance Jacket Night on September 15th. Leaving from Ivar’s at 6:30pm. Going through 5-mile drive and ending at Sonic on 6th Ave near Pearl. Please arrive early for dinner to support our sponsor! Felker’s Pool Party is on the 29th of August. If your last name starts with A-L bring a salad, M-Z bring a desert. Bring your swimsuit and any beverages that you specifically will want. Christman’s will be having their spaghetti feed on September 12th. Bring a desert or a salad along with a special beverage. Winery Tour with Bob & Betty Felker on October 1st through 3rd. This year it will be in southern Oregon rather than Prosser, WA. 9 are signed-up, 3 more spaces are available. Angie Guy discussed the McMenamins Edgefield Winery Tour October 23rd and 24th. McMenamins itself is booked up, but rooms should be available nearby. Be sure to check the sign-up sheets at the front of the room for other events and more details. NCM Representative Len Tucker: $10 raffle tickets for black roadster Satellite bricks are still available around the club’s central brick. 5-Star will be the last opportunity to get one. CGCC 5-Star has been listed as an event on the NCM Newsletter. There is also an advertisement in the American Sports Car magazine. Club Sales co-chairpersons Charlene Peterson and Angie Guy: No new merchandise. Club t-shirts are on sale for $20, $2 off. Great for 5-Star apparel. Come back to place a special order if you have something in mind. VP Landry asked that you contact him if you are interested in a club logo to mount on your vehicle. Club Historian Billy Chambers: Thank you very much for all of the items that have been provided for historical cataloguing. Looking for additional CGCC jackets (from the 80’s if possible) to display in the history tent at 5-Star. Come back to see one of the old albums that he has brought along tonight. Raffle Committee co-chairs Billy and Nina Chambers: Lots of car care products in the raffle this evening. Food and Phone Committee Chair Joanne Kennedy: Please donate! Volunteers are already signed up for the balance of the year, but donations are needed nonetheless. Sue Walsh and Christiene Ervin (new last name) were introduced to the club. They both have been wed in the past month. Membership Committee Chair Debbie Kaiser: 83 in attendance, 77 members and 5 guests. New members this evening: Dawn and Joan Greenwood - black pearl 2000 roadster currently, had an ’81 previously. Guests: Joe & Valerie Oaks – 2008 Jet Stream Blue Z06 Jim & Judy Adams – 1981 coupe Dave Alcorn – 1996 white targa LT4 and a pair of ‘85s Page 5 Under Glass General Membership Minutes (Continued) Webmaster Dave Bailey: Was not in attendance but the webpage looks great! Member present award: Jordi Daley was tasked with picking a number between 1 and 100. She chose 66. The 66th name on the member sign-in sheet this evening was Jim Guthrie. He received a $50 gift certificate to Griot’s. Club Roster Chair John Underhill: It’s confidential. Please wear club apparel to 5-Star. Photo roster is proving to be a little difficult. If you are a MS Publisher expert please let him know. Sunshine Committee chairperson Liz Longhurst: Card sent to Billy Chambers Flowers sent to Kathy Helt Flowers sent to former members whose son was killed in Afghanistan. Jordi Daley is sharing her last regular meeting with us this evening. She is moving to CA to assist in her mother’s care Jim Duschel has suffered a stroke and is having some complications Phil Berven is doing well, but Susan is still confined to a wheelchair and is going stir-crazy Community Service chair Jan Landry: Thank you so much for the generous cash donations last month! For September please bring: tickets to the Puyallup fair, boys and girls ages 6-12 socks and underwear. For October please bring: notebooks, paper, backpacks, back to school supplies in general, socks and underwear. Gala Events Co-Chairs Roy & Julie Booth: A great time was had at the picnic. Thank you everyone who pitched in to make it happen. Copies of the menu for the Christmas Gala are available at the front table. It will be a buffet set-up, we will have a private room, private entertainment and a sound system. The gala is December 11th at the Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn. Please sign-up by October. Money is due by the November meeting. It will be $30 per person. Parade chair Jim Dillon: Was not in attendance. John Underhill participated in the Seafair Torch Light Parade. He was able to carry one of the Seafair princesses. Rayetta Montgomery and Carol Minnitti also carried dignitaries. It turned into a long day of sitting around waiting. NWACC Report by Chuck Hulka: Autocross on July 18th had 45 entries, each entry took 6 runs. Autocross on August 2nd at Rose City Classic. There were 63 entrants, 4 runs each. Sylvia Flynn (John Annon’s squeeze) won women’s novice. Bob Thomas placed well as did Brian Mencke. Megan Evans, Chuck Brezina and Durk Frew all placed well. John Annon won his class, Kurt Wikstrom and George Schwartz placed well. Next NWACC meeting will be August 29th at the Kit Carson restaurant in Chehalis. CdeO is trying to put together a car show on September 18th. We have a sign-up sheet but the show itself still needs to go through some formal approval by CdeO before it will be official. Public Relations co-chairs Bob and Betty Felker: Were not in attendance. Pres Petersen indicated that all committed sponsors for 2010 have paid up. 2011 sponsors will be approached starting in November. Thanks to Tony Hyatt for updating the club banner with the current sponsors Newsletter Chair Lona Hyatt: Was not in attendance. Please send articles to Lana. Club Photographer George Longhurst: Please forward event photos to Dave Bailey if you wind up attending an event that he has not. Please see George to have your photo taken for the photo roster. A pencil drawing of the Walsh’s and their wedding chapel was shown. See Gary Lyscio for any pieces that you would like to commission. His contact info is in the roster. Old Business: “Nominations and election of officers” President – Dennis Petersen, Tony Hyatt and Ray Helt. Nominations are closed. Vice-President – Rick Ford and Doug Willrich. Nominations are closed. Secretary – Bob Thomas, no other nominations. Therefore Bob Thomas is the Secretary Elect. Treasurer – Alisa Dillon, no other nominations. Therefore Alisa Dillon is the Treasurer Elect. NWACC Representative – Chuck Hulka, Lona Hyatt and Elvira Tucker. Nominations are closed. Ballots will be available and will be signed for during the September and October meetings. You will need to return your ballot by the end of the meeting. The ballot box will remain closed and secured by the sitting Secretary. Absentee ballots will be sent to all members that have not signed for a ballot by the end of the October meeting. All absentee ballots must be received by the meeting day of the November board meeting at which the ballots will be counted. 2011 officers will be announced at the November meeting and will be instated at the December meeting. Be sure to vote for the candidates that are running unopposed, they still need to be voted in formally. Be sure to vote for 3 NWACC Representatives Also be sure to vote for the 2010 Outstanding Member of the Year award. The winner will be announced and presented with their award at the December meeting. Page 6 G Under Glass Community Service Family Renewal Shelter Info: 24-hour crisis line: (253) 475-9010 National 24-hour crisis line: 1-888-550-3915 September Tickets / Passes to Puyallup Fair (adult and kids) Boys and girls underwear / socks (ages 6 – 12) FRS offers a wide variety of services to those who are abused through domestic violence. These services range from a National 24-hour domestic violence crisis line, for emergency advocacy and referral to personalized case management for those victims in the FRS shelter program. October Gift cards to chain stores (ie. Target,Kmart, Fred Meyer and Wal-Mart) Gas, phone & food gift cards Children's books Personal care items November Dolls & Toys Nightgowns/Pajamas Writing journals & Planners Dish sets & pots and pans Manicure & Make-up kits Luggage & backpacks 2011 E-BOARD OFFICER CANDIDATE BIOS PRESIDENT Dennis Petersen I have been asked to provide a little biography for the newsletter. I am currently employed by Lianga Pacific, Inc. located on the Port of Tacoma. I am the warehouse manager and oversee portions of production as well as personnel placement to keep production at optimum performance levels. I have worked at Lianga Pacific, Inc. for 27 years. I am also a Lieutenant (volunteer) with Gig Harbor Fire and Medic One. The “harbor” has nine fire stations that serve the community and I am the company officer at two of them and my basic immediate response when the “tones” go out are from another station as well. I joined Classical Glass Corvette Club with my wife Charlene in February of 2005 and have served as Vice -President for two years and President for last year and am currently the President for this year. If elected again for the 2011 year, one of my goals for the next coming year is to serve as President and help to advise and mentor the Vice-President for the possible nomination to the Presidency for 2012. In my spare time (right – what is that) I love to spend time with my wife, family and friends. My back yard is a work in progress and after that, I love to build remote control planes and play with my trains too. I’m really easy to talk to, fairly easy to listen to and have been told not to bad to look at – most times. Anything else you want to know? Under Glass Page 7 2011 E-BOARD OFFICER CANDIDATE BIOS (continued) PRESIDENT Tony Hyatt A CGCC member since 1999, I have served as your president, vice president, chairman of the 5 Star committee, and co-chaired the Under Glass, Club Sales, Community Service and 5 Star Autocross committees. I retired from the US Army after a 26 year career and spent 12 years as an asset valuation analyst for MetLife Capital before staying home to run Grandpa’s daycare. After three years without “adult” conversation, I gladly went to work part-time for the US Post Office while I wait for Lona to retire. My corvettes are a 1996 Grand Sport Roadster with 57,000 FUN miles on her and our mean, green autocross machine, a 1981 coupe which was built from the ground up by lifetime CGCC member Jerry Frisbie. Another very FUN car. When I’m not behind the wheel, I can be found in front of a BBQ, riding my Harley or spending time with our ever increasing family. At last count, Lona and I have 22 grands and 1 wonderful little great-granddaughter. VICE PRESIDENT Rick Ford I’ve been married to my wife Pat for almost 32 years. We have two sons, 26 and 18. The eighteen year old, Andrew, has recently enlisted in the Air Force and off he goes to boot camp November 29. (proud parents) We've made Washington our home since moving out from Montana in 1989. I'm a Facilities Analyst for the Boeing Company, where I've worked for 22 years. I'm currently assigned to the Renton site, but I have worked at all of the Boeing facilities in the Puget Sound. Pat is a Teacher at Career Academy at Truman High School in Federal Way. My love of cars, motorcycles, and Corvettes, goes back to my childhood. My most early memories have to do with what car the friends, neighbors and relatives drove. I could tell you what my grandpa was driving when he came back from Saudi Arabia in 1962, a 1962 gold Thunderbird. Basically, if it has an engine, I like it. I'm mechanical minded and have enjoyed working on cars ever since I got my first car in high school, a 1956 Chevrolet, it was an old drag car that didn't have an engine in it. While working in a transmission shop I built and installed a 327 and a Muncie 4-speed in the car.... ah the memories. I've been playing with cars ever since and like a lot of us "car guys" what I wouldn't give to have a few of the cars now that I had in the past. We originally joined CGCC in 1994 when we had a 1970 roadster, and let our membership lapse after we sold it. After buying our current 1992 ZR-1 Corvette in 2005 we joined again, thanks to Dave Baine. Pat and I enjoy the club for the social aspects that both of us can enjoy together. Page 8 Under Glass VICE PRESIDENT Doug Wilrich A member of CGCC, along with wife Maile, since 2004. Joined after meeting some members at a car show and hearing the Corvette story. Our Car, is a 1999 Magnetic Red coupe! Corvette activities include shows, autocross, jacket nights and following Corvette factory racing as well as SCCA racing. I have enjoyed acting as co-chair of the Community Service committee for the past few years, being a part of many E-Board meetings and getting to know so many great people within CGCC. I’m a Washington native born in Chehalis, WA, a long time ago. Attended Tacoma schools. Worked as commercial pilot most of my life, retired from Alaska Airlines. Still involved in aviation, teaching aviation academics. My other interests include 2 wonderful grandbabies, 5 grown children, sailing, hiking and day tripping around Washington with Maile. SECRETARY Bob Thomas Hi everyone, My name is Bob Thomas, my wife Naomi and I have a home in Edgewood (just north of Puyallup) were we live with our 4 cats. I have lived here in the Puget Sound all my life, born a raised in Federal Way. I currently work at King County as a Senior Network Engineer, I spend my spare time getting my shop put together, working on our property, or working on one of the cars. I have been a member of the Classical Glass Corvette Club for about 2 years. My advice to anyone who joins up is to get out and participate in club events, that’s how you get to know other members and how they get to know you. I was a member of the Tacoma Corvette Club for about 5 years where I served as newsletter editor for two years, and did a brief stint as Vice President. I took a couple of years away from the Vette world, Job loss and parent health issues all led to a couple of not so good years. A lot of those character building moments, and looking back now, it was probably good, it gave me a renewed appreciation for life, my wife and the world’s greatest production car. Over the years I have always liked performance cars and I have had number of them but never quite found the perfect combination. About 15 years ago I purchased my first Corvette, a 1963 Convertible, which I still have; drivable but needed a lot of work (still does). then a 1982 coupe, 1990 Z51 coupe, (both sold) then my current 1996 collector’s edition convertible and 2003 50th Anniversary Edition convertible. I don’t have a favorite, they are all good. Under Glass Page 9 TREASURER Alisa Dillon As you know I have been doing the Treasurer job for 2 years now. What you might not know is that I have been in bookkeeping for 30 plus years and have started two businesses one we started in 1988 and sold it 10 years later and it is still running to this day and the other I started one year ago in July and things are growing quiet nicely. I enjoy what I do and hope to service as your Treasurer for one more year. Being Treasurer has given me an opportunity to get to know the membership. Sincerely, Alisa Dillon SUNDAY SEPT. 12TH, 2010 Annual Tour to Lake Cushman and Spaghetti Feed!! The Tour will be about 110 miles from the Hwy. 16 Weight station. On the Gig harbor side of the Narrows Bridge. We will have one rest stop. Leave Weight Station @ 11:00 A.M. (SHARP) Eat about 1:30/2:00 P.M. If your last name begins with A-M bring a Salad. N-Z Bring a Dessert. We will have Spaghetti and French bread, Tea and water. You are welcome to bring other refreshments for yourselves. (NOT GOING ON TOUR) We are 4.5 miles from Hoodsport on Hwy #119 (Cushman/Staircase) (Watch for Sign (Cushman Cove Village Div. 14) Gary and Barb Christman (Address) 81 N Fawn Drive Hoodsport Wa. 98548 (253) 691-0486 Gary’s Cell (360) 877-6196 Home See you Sun. Sept 12th. (Save the Wave) Under Glass Page 10 CGCC CLUB SPONSORS Visit us in Lakewood, James Center or the Tacoma Mall Food Court PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS! Page 11 Under Glass Page 12 Under Glass Don Roten wins big with his 2002 Black Roadster…. 1. University Place American Legion Post 138's "UP FEST 2010" on 5 July and took the Most Exotic Award. 2. Emerald Downs Inaugural Horsepower Car Show on 11 June and took the Best Late Model Modified Award. 3. Fort Steilacoom Park Car Show 26 June, took the Most Exotic Award. On the 8th of Aug in Puyallup went to the 2010 Washington State Patrol Memorial Foundation Car Show, took the Award for the Best 1980/Newer Class. Page 13 e Under Glass Wine Enthusiasts, Get ready for a fantastic tour through the Willamette Valley for wine tasting , olive oil tasting, touring , good food ,great fun. Date: October 1-3, 2010 Lodging at the Comfort Inn and Suites in McMinnville. Make your reservations asap. (6 kings and 6 double queens reserved). Oct. 1 , We will meet at 9:30 at the McDonalds off of I-5 and 512 (the standard meeting place). Our first stop will be at the Erath Winery in the Willamette Valley. (PLEASE BRING LUNCH ITEMS TO SHARE , CHEESE, CRACKERS, FRUITS,MEATS, OR SUCH AND WE WILL HAVE A LUNCH PICNIC AT THE WINERY.) Next we will visit an olive oil and wine tasting spot, which is very fun. On to McMinnville for check in at Comfort Inn and Suites Oct 1, dinner at a great Western BBQ and Pub. Lots of room for all of us Oct. 2, Tour Willamette Valley Winery and Bergstrom Wineries ( a few more smaller ones as well) Oct 2, Dinner at Bistro Maison Oct. 3, Tour the Howard Hughes Air Museum at 10:30or 11:00a.m. Head for home. PLEASE RSVP IF YOU ARE JOINING US FOR DINNER, AS WE NEED TO GIVE THE ESTABLISHMENTS A HEAD COUNT BY WED, SEPT 29.. RSVP TO BETTY FELKER : [email protected] SEPTEMBER Sheryl Mencke 9/04 Mercedes Johnson 9/04 Janice Stout 9/05 Joe Peluso 9/11 Rae Thomas 9/11 Jennifer Andres 9/14 Ken Wright 9/19 Troy Loney 9/20 Pat Ford 9/23 Brent Thomas 9/24 Don King 9/25 Vivian Berfield 9/26 Bert Johndrow 9/27 Marty Morin 9/30 Nancy Brezina 9/30 OCTOBER Cheryl Bailey 10/02 Tim Miller 10/02 Terri Wright 10/03 Lona Hyatt 10/04 Linda Rollins 10/04 Michael Murphy 10/07 Mike Alderson 10/08 John Annon 10/12 Elvira Tucker 10/12 Charlene Petersen 10/12 Steve Kehrberg 10/15 Tino Quiroga 10/16 Gerry(Chico) Guzik 10/20 Stan Feldman 10/22 Joe Oaks 10/22 Pat Whitman 10/22 Jon Cox 10/23 10/24 Yvonne Franks George Zaninovich 10/24 Will Franks 10/28 General Membership Minutes (Continued) New Business: Ed Burnett inquired about changing the club logo to include the 2nd bridge over the Narrows. The process for changing the logo is outlined in the club bylaws. He asked just to gauge interest in the change. Michael Thames asked about the location of the club trophy case. It is currently at Titus Service and Tires in Tacoma. It will be moved on an unknown date to Jet Chevrolet. The raffle was executed by Billy and Nina Chambers. The meeting was adjourned by Pres Petersen at 9:06pm. Under Glass Page 14 2010 - Event Calendar SEPTEMBER 9/2 5 Star 2010 Post Wrap-up Meeting @ 7:00PM 9/9 CGCC Board of Directors Meeting @ 7:00PM 9/11 Corvette & High Performance Open House, Black Lake near Olympia - CdeO 9/12 CGCC Cruise to Lake Cushman and new home of the Christman’s. Meet at the Hwy 16 Weight Station on Gig Harbor side of Narrows Bridge. Will leave at 11:00AM Sharp. Pot Luck at Christman’s about 1:30-2:00PM. Spaghetti & French Bread provided. Bring Salads or Desserts & Beverages 9/10-9/12 Seattle in September - Corvette Marque Club of Seattle – Info at www.corvettemarqueclub.com 9/11 CGCC General Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM (Vote for 2011 Executive Board) 9/15 Wed. CGCC JACKET NIGHT- Point Defiance Park 5 Mile Drive Tour and Dinner at Ivar’s. Meet for dinner at Ivar’s on Mildred St and S19th St (James Center across from TCC) at 5:30PM. Tour departs at about 6:30PM. (Don Mulligan Tour Leader) 9/18 Corvettes de Olympia “Capital City Vette Fest VII”, Titus Will Chevrolet at 2255 Carriage Loop Road, Olympia WA. See www.corvettesdeolympia.org 9/18 Cruise-In to Doug Graff’s Classic Reflection Coachworks (CRC), 12 PM to 4 PM. Plant tours & refreshments. 4425 100th Street SW, Suite “H” in Lakewood 9/19 Sun. NWACC Autocross @ Sanderson Field – Shelton, WA 9/26 Book Club @4 PM @ Borders Books, 2508 South 38th Street, Tacoma OCTOBER 10/1-10/3 Oregon Winery Tour with Bob and Betty Felker – Comfort Inn & Suites, McMinnville, OR. 503472-1700. Block of 12 rooms held @ $105/night (Meet 9:30 AM, Oct 1 at McDonalds off I-5 & Hwy 512 end) 10/7 CGCC Board of Directors Meeting @ 7:00PM (Vote for 2011 Executive Board) 10/9 CGCC General Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM 10/17 Book Club @4 PM @ Borders Books, 2508 South 38th Street, Tacoma 10-23-10-24 McMenamins Edgefield Winery & Tour - Troutdale Oregon (Angie Guy Tour Leader) NOVEMBER 11/6 Sat. NWACC YEAR END PARTY AND AWARDS BANQUET, PORTLAND, OREGON (Hosted by Rose City Corvettes) Place & time to follow 11/11 CGCC Board of Directors Meeting @ 7:00PM 11/13 CGCC General Membership Meeting @ 7:00PM 11/21 Book Club @4 PM @ Borders Books, 2508 South 38th Street, Tacoma DECEMBER 12/9 CGCC Board of Directors Meeting @ 7:00PM 12/11 Sat. CGCC Gala Christmas Party at the Muckleshoot Casino at Auburn. Private Banquet Room. Sunshine Report A card was sent to former CGCC members Scott and Tracy Bennedsen on the passing of their son, 1st Lt. Robert Bennedsen, who was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan. Flowers and card were sent to Kathy Helt for the passing of her mother. A card was sent to Billy Chambers after having surgeries on July 19th and July 29th. Congratulations to Mike and Christi Ervin on their marriage July 23rd. Farwell to Jordi Daley as she will be moving to CA on Aug.29th to help her mom out. She does plan on making visits back to WA on the weekends of our meetings. Jim Duschel is recovering from a stroke and newly diagnosed heart problems. Thank you cards were received and read from Billy Chambers, Phil and Susan Berven, and from Ray and Kathy Helt. Page 15 Under Glass Page 16 Under Glass Under Glass Page 17 Advertisers Wanted As in past years, the Under Glass is a great place to advertise your business! Eleven months of the year (February - December) the last two pages of each issue are dedicated to member and non-member paid advertisements. Most ads are standard business card size and in full color. The Under Glass is mailed to all NWACC member clubs, club sponsors and other corvette related individuals and businesses. Each issue is also posted on the club website at www.classicalglasscorvetteclub.com. Yearly Advertising Rates Business Cards (Standard Size) Club Members $40.00 Non Club Members $120.00 Larger Business Cards or Commercial Ads (Up to 1/4 page) Club Members $80.00 Non Club Members $50.00 Fee must be paid in advance to Club Treasurer. Acceptance of ad subject to space available. CLASSICAL GLASS CORVETTE CLUB OF TACOMA P.O. BOX 111208 TACOMA, WA 98411-1208
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Under Glass - Classical Glass Corvette Club
General membership Meeting – March 12th, 2011
Meeting called to order at 7:02 pm by President Tony Hyatt.