AfO Chapter 3: Time to Do it Now and Do it Loud =World of the God


AfO Chapter 3: Time to Do it Now and Do it Loud =World of the God
AfO Chapter 3: Time to Do it Now and Do it Loud =World of the God of Destruction= There have been stories of the legendary/infamous Saiyans and their bravery/recklessness (the stories vary based on what world one travels to). But it has been made clear that throughout history that Saiyans never panicked. Bobby was only learning about this heritage when the “unshakable proof” of this attitude was shattered and left on the floor like crackers left behind by a three year old… and his dilemma was should he laugh or watch in horror. What was it that had destroyed the Saiyan reputation? Vegeta in the middle of a panic attack whilst Bobby’s childhood friend Shea was in the middle of an altercation with the God of Destruction, Beerus. And from what he could see, Shea was winning. Not that there were casualties… oh no, death was all around them. The food had become more dirt than edible delicacies, furniture was broken beyond repair, and the table was buckling from Beerus’ attempts at trying to smash Shea’s face in it while Shea was busy shoving cake in his face. And as stated before, Vegeta the Saiyan Prince, looked like he was in dire need of horse tranquilizer to stop his panic attack. “Seriously Vegeta, you ​
really ​
need to calm down, you look like you’re gonna die of an aneurysm.” The Substitute Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki told him, seeing the prince literally shaking in his boots. “Kurosaki you don’t know Lord Beerus like I do. The God of Destruction has a very short fuse and any slight upset would have everything vaporized!” Vegeta exclaimed. “It’s a miracle he hasn’t killed the brat yet!” “Well since they both know each other it’s not like he’ll actually kill him.” “Shortstack!” “Bitch!” “Second rate Elenari!” “Your ancestors still shits in sand boxes!” “I think at this rate Ichigo, the God of Destruction won’t care, and I’m not one to bet on that.” Uryu added, adjusting his glasses. “How long have they been having their pissing match?” Grimmjow asked. “I’d say about 4 hours, possibly 5.” Vergil answered. More furniture was thrown as Shea jumped Beerus and pulled his ears with the cat stumbling around the room as gracefully as one could with a twenty something year old lunatic on their back. “You know, it’s only been about 3 weeks since we’ve been out of that prison and to be honest, this was ​
the kind of action I wanted to see and or take part of.” Dean Winchester spoke with annoyance, sitting in one of the few chairs ​
destroyed in the temper tantrum. “I was expecting John to say something but I remembered he isn’t here with us,” Riku said. “The further he is away from us, the better.” Lightning spoke as she leaned on one of the trees. Even after three weeks, Mystery’s departure from the group and the reveal that he was spying on them had an effect. Needless to say, other than a few, particularly Bobby and Shea, most of them were not torn up about him gone, in fact, they hoped they never see him again. “You’re still powerful but you certainly have been whipped by that wife of yours.” Beerus looked pleased as he finally threw Shea off his back. Shea jumped to his feet, red as a tomato and pointed at Beerus. “Leave her out of this, litter box user!” Now Beerus didn’t look so pleased. “I AM PERFECTLY POTTY TRAINED THANK YOU VERY MUCH!” “DOESN’T LOOK LIKE IT PRIMA DONNA!” They lunged at each other, armed with food and shoving it in each other’s faces before pulling at each other’s faces like elementary school children. During all of this Whis looked rather pleased which caught Bobby’s attention because certainly ​
he ​
could stop the altercation. “It’s nice to see that some things have not changed,” a voice spoke. Bobby looked and sees Master Yen Sid. “Master Yen Sid!” He exclaimed, bowing deeply. Yen Sid simply nodded at him. Whis sighed, looking less happy. “Looks like time’s up…” He summoned his staff and swiped at the brawler’s feet, a tiny grin showing up as the group watched horror show up on Beerus’ face as he and Shea fell into the lake. There were some bubbles forming on the surface before Shea surfaced, looking like he was in pain as Beerus attempted to use him as some ladder to get away from the water as quickly as possible, looking like a drowned cat and hissing at the water like it made a personal offence at him. “Whis! Get him off me! He’s still got his claws!” Shea yelled, sighing in relief as Whis used his staff again to pick up the drowned God of Destruction and dumping him unceremoniously on the dirt. He then climbed out of the lake, shaking his hair out and frowning at his sagging clothes. “Nice to see you again, Gandalf.” Shea quipped without looking up at him. “You don’t happen to have a magical air dryer do you?” “A pleasure to see you again, Shea,” Yen Sid greeted. “I see you have not changed all that much as well.” “What can I say, if I did it would be the end of the universe. Glad you got here sooner, I was close to beating the purple cat here.” “If you call being tripped into the lake with me clawing at you, ‘beating me’” Beerus said, drying himself off. “You mean with you scared shitless than your regular cat?” Shea retorted with a smirk with Beerus turning his attention at Yen Sid. “While I am greatly honored by your presence, Master Yen Sid, I am to believe you have a reason for coming other than to say hello.” “To the matter at hand, then. As you are all aware, a storm is coming,” Yen Sid started. “Yeah, I think we got that already, Master,” Terra said. “It’s been three weeks.” “Aye, and The Evorsio and my ex­master has been busy in those weeks, have they?” Shea asked. “Indeed they have been. They have already moved on some worlds, inhabitants have fled to the farthest world as they can while those that stayed or were left behind have to suffer The Evorsio’s oppression. And it’s only going to grow worse each day,” Yen Sid explained. “What worlds have been attacked?” Bobby asked. “To list a few: ​
Domino City​
, ​
Rieze Maxia,​
Land of Fire​
, and the ​
Sanctuary of Souls.​
” “Domino City?! Then Grandpa’s in danger!” Yugi exclaimed, concerned for his grandfather. “Not only that, but Karakura Town and the Soul Society’s in trouble too. This is worse than we thought.” Byakuya Kuchiki pointed out. “I’m especially worried about Naruto and the others in the Hidden Leaf Village. We haven’t seen them since after the incident with Sasuke.” Sora added. “​
Rieze Maxia​
too? I just hope Jude and the others are fighting against them...” Bobby spoke to himself. “I understand your concerns but do not worry yourselves. Keeping in contact with the Kais of Otherworld, they’ve told me about a special group assembled from some of the afterlife’s greatest heroes, two of whom are both Bobby and Goku’s fathers.” “Really? Father and Bardock are fighting together?” “My father?” Goku asked, a bit confused from what Yen Sid told him. “Bardock, one of the few strongest low­class Saiyans who tried to fight against Freeza a long time ago just before he destroyed Planet Vegeta.” Bobby explained. “He was the first to teach me on how to use Ki.” “Yes and I’m sure in time you’ll meet with him soon, as well as the members. But also, some of the worlds’ residents under attack have begun to try and fight back, including the group you know in Rieze Maxia.” Bobby sighed with relief after hearing this. “I wouldn’t relax too soon, Blondie. This is only just a taste of what’s to come. I have no doubts of their fighting ability but eventually they may not stand a chance in the long run,” Shea said with brutal honesty. “You really need to work on your pep talk Shea,” Sam Winchester said. “I could but it would do us no favors. This is the brutal reality we live in. I refuse to deceive anyone with false hopes that something good can come out of this. I lived too many lifetimes to see how that blew up in my face and the others. So, I am not sorry if I have to be blunt about this. There comes a time where the bitter pill needs to be swallowed,” Shea explained, unapologetically. “No, I understand, Shea,” Bobby replied. “What are our options?” “Our only best one is to find the rest of the Windrose Knights. That’s when the odds will begin to shift in our favor.” “But what about our worlds, our homes?” Joey asked. “I haven’t forgotten that but the more worlds The Evorsio takes over, the more complicated it will be to search for the Knights. I understand if you feel a little homesick and want to go back, no one’s going to stop you at all if you go that route. Hell, stay here if you still feel that you are not ready to fight them and need more practice. I’m not. I am going to find the Knights, regardless of whatever stands in my way.” “Well don’t forget Adelos you have comrades at your side to help you this time and don’t think twice ​
about saying no because I will see to it that they accompany whether you like it or not.” The God of Destruction advised. “And although some of us like me and Wade can’t really fight, we’ll still help in any way we can.” Mokuba spoke with reassurance. “We’re ​
helping out with this, so I hope you plan to suck it up Shea.” Shinji chuckled. “All for one and one for all! It’s a motto that has gotten me, Donald, and Goofy through some of the toughest battles we’ve fought in the past.” Sora said. “Sounds like a good motto to follow by.” Lightning added, smiling a little bit. “Now that I think about, have you guys thought about what you plan to do?” Bobby asked the Winchester trio. Sam, Dean, and Castiel looked at each other for bit then turned their attention to Bobby. “We’ve talked for a little bit during Shea and Beerus’ little tantrum and we figured that since the moment Sammy and I got our asses thrown into the ​
Bastille ​
and all the info your friend’s told us, we’ve got permanent bulls­eyes on our backs including Cas too so we figured that we’ll join up with your group.” Dean gave his answer to Bobby. “Glad to have you guys with us.” Bobby happily said, shaking the three’s hands. “If the Windrose Knights are hiding in plain sight from The Evorsio and could be on any world, how are we going to locate them?” Ven asked. “You use another Windrose Knight.” Shea answered. “Thankfully you’ve got four. See each knight has a mark that makes up the crest of our group, and when we’re around a Knight that’s in hiding it starts to itch like crazy. Even the leader has a mark, but his is the whole crest.” “So we’re planning on using you guys to walk up to everyone and see which one gives you rash?” Dean asked, confused. “Pretty much.” “I can’t be the only the one that’s scratching their head on this.” “You’re not the only one. We can be doing this forever,” Riku said. “Way I see it, there’s four of us already,” Shiro spoke. “So, why don’t we split up in groups, a Knight in each one? That way we’re spread out and we can cover more ground by going to multiple worlds at the same time.” “While we will be covering more ground, we will also reduce our chances at finding a Knight fast enough if there is only one searching on one world compared to having four Knights in one area, not to mention what can happen if The Evorsio captures one of us,” Shang explained. “Besides, we put up a more stronger fight if we are together.” “I’m hearing this all out first but I will inform you all that if we have to do another rescue it will not be a walk in the park like last time since they know well enough that I am back and that we have one more Windrose Knight, ergo Shiro here. Security on all the prison ships will be tighter than it was originally and they will have better prepared countermeasures against us,” Shea explained. “So it will be impossible to do another rescue then?” Dante asked. “I said, ‘it will not be a walk in the park’. I didn’t say it will be impossible but it will probably do more harm than good. Some of us can die or be permanently damaged in the process. We succeeded by luck on the last one, next one however, we may not be as lucky.” “With that said, wouldn’t it be more preferable if one group with a Knight is captured compared to everyone with all the Knights we have getting captured? We would at least have some remaining to do something rather than all of us unable to do anything,” Shiro continued. “It’s your call, Blondie. Both options have their benefits but also their drawbacks. How do you want to play this?” Shea asked Bobby. Bobby pondered in thought about the two choices. Split up into smaller groups with a Knight in them to go to multiple worlds at the same time which will also hamper the search since there will only be one Knight searching the residents on a huge world. Or stay together and increase the chances of finding a Knight with the four they got but it will be all in one world. Bobby remembered all too well of what happened that got them sent into that hell, ​
The Bastille.​
They were a big group that was taken down in only a matter of seconds. Same thing happened at Yokai when Masque managed to subdue everyone. That was two times. Two times, they were at the mercy of the enemy and by some sheer luck, they managed to survive, not completely unscathed but alive. Would smaller groups be better than a huge group or is it a whole ton worse? What if these groups start getting into it like Bobby and Mystery did, which that in of itself didn’t do wonders for anyone? Bobby doesn’t want anyone to getting captured again to endure whatever horrors await for them. He thinks that Shea must’ve knew that this would be his dilemma, whether to see if he was confident in his decisions like he has been, or that the events that happened to him have changed him for good. Being put on the spot, he can’t say to the group that he doesn’t know what to decide, that’s not going to make it better. Only way to find out was to make a choice and pray that it will go smoothly. “I say we split up and spread the search, one Knight in each group. We’ll have an even better chance at not drawing attention from The Evorsio as well. Since we have a total of four Knights, that means we need to split up into four groups,” Bobby explained. “I think we should stick together. Who’s to say they won’t attack us while we’re separated? And if they cut off our communications we won’t even know that happens.” Samantha pointed out. “Crap you’re right.” “I say together! Besides, I’m a little worried about Magnolia and the guild since we’ve been gone.” Natsu added. “The town and guild was fine when we left to come save you all, but there’s a chance...” Makarov began to say. “So then, any objections to all together?” Gwen asked. Everyone in the group nodded their heads, knowing that they’d rather stick together than be torn apart again by The Evorsio. “I’m happy to see you all staying in high spirits despite what you have experienced.” Yen Sid said. “It’s time I make my leave back to my tower. Just know that if any of you need guidance I will always be available.” “Master please wait!” Bobby called to him. “There’s something I need to ask you about, in private if it’s okay. Give us a minute guys?” The two walked off away from the group as Dean looked onward. “Think it’s got anything to do with the kid’s heritage?” “It is.” Shea spoke. “Considering Yen Sid’s close to Bobby’s family I’m sure he had to keep it a secret too.” The two Masters began discussing personal matters while Joey and Ron hid behind one of the trees. “So, you’ve grown your tail.” Yen Sid stated, eyeing Bobby’s tail wrapped at the waist. “Then the spell had worn off.” “Spell?” “Your father asked me to place a spell on you to keep your tail from growing again after your mother died.” “Because of Kali, right?” Yen Sid nodded. “He was in fear for your life, and knowing the threat she made against your family Eraqus didn’t want to take any chances and since then wanted to only train you in the arts of the Keyblade. Your time in the prison ship must have been the reason to the spell’s waning. I must make apologies from both me and Eraqus.” The truth was revealed to him. Bobby’s Saiyan bloodline was kept from him in order to keep his life safe. Bobby was upset at first, but in all fairness would it have been worse to deal with Kali and The Evorsio in the beginning of his travels? Instead he simply smiled. “Thank you Master, it really does put things at ease for me knowing the truth. And from now on, I plan to fight at my full potential to make my parents proud!” Yen Sid let out a hearty chuckle. “You’ve certainly grown strong over the years Bobby. I know you’ll keep your friends safe in this dire hour. Take care of yourself.” He left in a flash of light while Bobby continued to smile at the spot the Master stood. “You guys satisfied now?” Joey and Ron fumbled and fell on the ground close to Bobby, both laughing nervously. “Eh sorry Bob, we were really curious especially considering a lot of da other things we found at in da ship.” Joey told him. “Yeah, we were just curious that’s all.” Ron added, scratching the back of his head. Bobby chuckled. “Let’s head back to the others and get situated to leave.” ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Groom Lake AFB, NV: Meeting Room, Day= Mystery was sitting in a chair at the bottom line of the u­shaped wooden table in a meeting room. He was wearing his Army service uniform, another reminder of his ties to the military. He was clean shaven, ridding him of the beard he grew on that accursed ship and his hair has been cut short as well. The only thing that was noticeable were the scars he has on his face which looked better than they were on ​
The ​
Despite how clean he looked, he feels ugly on the inside. The beard can be shaven, his bushy hair can be cut, he can shower himself and try to feel comfortable sleeping on a bed many times over and the suffering he went through still haunts him, sometimes making sleep impossible. Consuming and digesting food has been a pain due to the horrible feeling in his stomach, the screams of his friends echoed into his head, he can feel the painful sting of his scars on his face and on his body, he can still feel the pounding his torturers gave him with blunt objects, the burning on his skin, and the feeling of dying and being resuscitated over and over again was making it hard to breathe like he felt they took pieces of his soul away from him to make it hard for him to keep going. It doesn’t help when he feels equally bad for spying on his friends with the fact that he was a spy, and destroying their trust as a result. Efforts from therapy has not been helping, he has a feeling if he does not improve soon they are likely going discharge him on medical grounds...provided they are in a very good mood and don’t just decide to throw him down a hole for the rest of his natural life. He can see across him sixteen members of the council, also called The Council of Nations, sitting at their podiums with some of them being holograms due to them being far away. The members each representing their respective nations from a continent, from the North American continent: the United States, Canada, and Mexico, from the South American continent: Argentina and Brazil, from the European continent: the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, and France, from the Asian continent: Australia, China, India and Japan, and from the African continent: Egypt, South Africa and Nigeria, and that is not getting to their close allied countries that supplies them with resources. One person he noticed wasn’t present was a man only known as the Council Spokesman, other than him being a fair­skinned man, shown by his hands and parts of his exposed head, nothing else is known about him, not even his name. His face was completely obscured in shadow with only his bald head and his hands being seen and wore a business suit. Not to mention his very distinct deep toned voice. He was also the one that gave Mystery the mission and what his orders were. From the get­go there was always something off about him, then again, the same can be said for anyone that talks from the shadows and keeps their identity a secret. It made Mystery wonder what the Spokesman was doing or up to. Sitting next to him on his left is FOXHOUND’s commanding officer in his service uniform, Colonel Alden Harding, a middle­aged man with dark brown hair and some noticeable wrinkles on his face, wearing clear­lensed reading glasses over his eyes to read the documents he is holding. FOXHOUND is an elite black ops unit that is part of the U.S. Army, established by Big Boss in 1971, and disbanded in 2005 from the fallout of the Shadow Moses Incident, FOXHOUND specialized in covert operations that is not known to the public and it’ members have to undergo heavy, rigorous training and learn a number of skills to become what was the equivalent of a human Swiss Army knife, in a manner of speaking. Harding, with the help of others, was responsible for convincing the U.S. government to reinstate FOXHOUND, in the aftermath of the Sons of the Patriots, or SOP, system being shut down, the PMC insurrection led by Ocelot during that time, and The Heartless invasion that came afterwards in 2015. Despite returning to full strength and a number of successful operations in the length of five years, the unit is still under scrutiny with the Shadow Moses Incident still fresh in the military brass’ and government’s memory. Mystery, himself, can recall being skeptical about joining the infamous unit when he was given the opportunity after the invasion and his first journey with Bobby and Shea. On Mystery’s right is his therapy counselor, Dr. Nathan Prescott, wearing a gray suit with a white button­up shirt underneath the jack, looks like in his 40s, has dirty blonde hair, and also wearing glasses, like here to tell the council of his mental state. On the left and right side of the u­shaped table are also more brass that had to be here at this meeting. In the center of the room was a holographic display of what occurred at Ivalice...when he left the his friends...with the images shot from first­person view, Mystery’s view, from the nanomachines they injected into him. The nanomachines they injected him with, recorded his senses: sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch, mental condition, vitals, temperature, pain, pressure, whatever his body felt would make good data. Mystery swore that he would never have any nanomachines put into his body due to the horrible experience with the SOP nanomachines that were injected into him when he was part of the U.S. Army­Marine joint task operation in Eastern Europe to arrest Ocelot, which ended in a humiliating failure where Ocelot managed to hijack the System and locked up all the whole task force’s weapons and vehicles, save for his own troops’ gear, and possibly for shits and giggles, suppressed the task force’s nanomachines causing their suppressed emotions and memories to come back and make the members unable to cope due to the withdrawal. Then came the bloody slaughter. With the task force subdued and pretty much sitting ducks, Ocelot massacred almost the entire task force, the bastard enjoying himself while his troops were firing on them, and escaped. Only a handful survived, one of them was Mystery. The event left Mystery a wreck from the loss of his companions and the emotions and memories that was suppressed in him, giving him the withdrawal syndrome that has affected others who used SOP nanomachines before the shutdown. The condition nearly got him discharged on medical grounds, before The Heartless came, causing the military to keep whoever they had to combat the threat. Mystery never forgot the incident and holds Ocelot personally responsible. When he heard that Ocelot was killed, he was relieved that the bastard got what was coming to him. The feeling changed when he saw him, alive and well, at Yokai Academy, and in person, too. A part of him wished he was fast enough to kill him when he had the chance. He didn’t know if it was real, someone posing as him, or just a hallucination to confuse him since Ocelot’s remains were autopsied and cremated, with his ashes dumped out at sea. Even the council was confused about his sudden reappearance. Considering Ocelot’s manipulative nature, however, ​
everyone ​
in the room agreed that Ocelot fooling the whole world that he is dead and likely had the plan and the means for it, wouldn’t be impossible. When told that he needed to have nanomachines again, he was very hesitant about having them in his system again. To say it was a relief when they removed them out of his body when he got back would be a gross understatement. Mystery took a sip from the glass cup filled with clear water as he finishes explaining what happened at Ivalice. “And that’s the last I saw of them. I came back per mission orders albeit under different circumstances,” he said. “So what can you say is the current relationship with your friends now?” The France councilwoman asked. “Well, I would say despite a few of them, the bridge has been burned indefinitely. If I were to show my face to them again, I believe a lot of them would opt to reduce me to ashes.” “Aren’t you over exaggerating?” The United States councilman spoke up. “No, sir. Especially when one came close to crushing my larynx, which I have to remind you is a man who can bend steel easily without breaking a sweat, and the other close to slitting my goddamn throat. So I am not over exaggerating one bit.” “Did you feel that this could have been avoided if you had just left fast enough?” The United Kingdom councilman asked. “No, sir. Even I did leave without saying anything, I believe Shea would have told them all about this operation and this organization. So, no, it was unavoidable, either way.” “And now, we’re going to have to worry about these...Supermen who can blast lasers from their hands, coming here to intimidate us,” the Mexican councilman spoke. “They won’t, sir. Even if they come here barging through the ceiling, they won’t kill us unless we give them a reason to anyway,” Mystery tried to reassure. “But Mr. Walker, you told us about this brute,” the councilman showed the image of Broly when he broke through the ceiling, carrying a dead Evorsio guard and the other images of him relishing the fighting against the guards and Gekko. “Based on what you told us and learned from Muramasa, this man is dangerous. How can we be sure that he won’t go on a rampage against us? Can Muramasa be sure that he’s on a secure leash?” “I’ll be honest. I’m not too sure about that, either.” Mystery conceded, knowing he raises a fair point. “How ‘bout Muramasa himself, Walker? You had a lot of time to think, how do you view him now with all these...interesting characters he’s bringing in? For a group that likes to say that they are Heroes, they seem to recruit more of their personal enemies, who have done some horrible things to them? Don’t you feel that they are steadily slipping off the pedestal?” The Russian councilman asked. “I say this feels more like a trial than a debriefing.” A mysterious voice spoke. “Who said that?” Mystery asked, looking around. The people in the room looked at him strangely. “Mr. Walker, I am well aware that you went through a traumatic experience but please pay attention. How do you view your friend, Bobby Muramasa and his so­called group of ‘Heroes’ even after they have recruited their worst enemies? Enemies who have done terrible things in the past. What do you have to say to that? And don’t make me repeat myself again.” The Russian councilman reiterated his question again, feeling insulted that Mystery made him repeat the question. “Um...I am confused on that as well, I’m afraid. These guys have done many things that makes you wonder why do they deserve to be on a group with people that want nothing more than to kill them. All I can say is that, since they too have been tortured by The Evorsio, they see a common enemy or have ulterior motives, too. Bobby believes they seek redemption, which I think is misplaced. They don’t want redemption, they want revenge. As for Bobby and the others, they have never crossed the line before and they won’t do it now,” Mystery said, defending his friends. “But they were tortured and suffered as you were, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that they will look for the first opportunity for payback, maybe they won’t cross a line as you had said. But understand, Mr. Walker, that those who seek vengeance will go to great lengths for it. Didn’t you hear the even Bobby himself was not above that?” Dr. Prescott intervened. “You did say, that you heard that once Bobby killed Envy and Sosuke Aizen in anger, after the two killed his friends on separate occasions,” the United States councilman tells to Mystery. “Yes, Bobby isn’t above that either. It doesn’t mean he has crossed the line,” Mystery said. “But if he ever does, or if any of his, or ​
friends, do, then it will be a different story,” the United Kingdom councilman said. “Forgive me, council but are you saying that they are a threat?” Mystery asked with a hint of anger showing. “We’re concluding that these ‘Heroes’ are dangerous despite whatever noble intentions they claim they have. If their mental health wasn’t questionable before imprisonment and if they weren’t on some...recruitment drive for fiends, then we may have been cautious of them, maybe seek an alliance but whatever they are now, we cannot take the chance that they could be a danger to all of us. We do not have a reason to trust them,” The Nigerian councilwoman explained. “So, you planning on shooting first, and asking questions later then? With respect, that’s a very bad move, they will retaliate and we don’t want to find out when that happens,” Mystery warned. “If they do plan to come in peace, then we won’t. But if they do come with hostile intentions, then we will. It’s simple as that. They just don’t leave us any reason to have faith in them.” “They will start seeing you as a threat as well,” the mysterious voice spoke again. Mystery made no reaction to the voice, knowing that if he does, they’ll think he’s not paying attention to them again. “What can you tell us about Shea Alister from this incident? The one who revealed your secret?” The German councilwoman asked. “He said that he’s a Puppeteer, one that can manipulate time and souls, and also can see into souls, that’s how he found out,” Mystery said. “I can tell that he has no respect for one’s privacy either if it suits him,” the Canadian councilman spoke. “Let me guess, you guys think he’s a threat, too?” Mystery asked with no surprise. “He’s with the Heroes and footage from what you saw him do shows that, too. So, of course,” the Chinese councilman replied. “That’s not what we’re concerned about’s this talk about Windrose Knights and his knowledge on this Evorsio group is what interests us. Care to elaborate more about these Knights?” “Windrose Knights? Sounds like something that comes out a fairy tale book or something,” A U.S. general spoke up with everyone in the room including Mystery looking at him like he just said something idiotic. “General, this is Project Beyond The Stars, we don’t dismiss these superstitions as ‘fairy tales’ anymore especially after The Heartless invaded our world and the knowledge that other worlds are out there have become more apparent. So learn to use your common sense,” the U.S. councilman scolds him. “What a bloody idiot.” The voice said. “Shut the fuck up!” Mystery’s voice in his head tells to the voice. “All I know is that they are these group of warriors that existed for long periods of time. And they have been fighting The Evorsio for like millions of years. Hard to estimate how long though. He was talking about them before I left. Mentioned they needed to find them. He indicated that he, Shiro Yang, Shang and Cian are Windrose Knights and that there are eleven more that needs to be found, making that fifteen Windrose Knights in total,” Mystery explained. “These Knights are supposed to be the ones to fight against The Evorsio?” The Indian councilman asked. “So I have heard. Other than that, that’s all I know,” Mystery replied. “Now, we come to the big issue at hand, The Evorsio.” The Japanese councilman started. “Based on what we have seen and testimony from refugees of other worlds, this is a threat we cannot ignore. They even knew about this operation. It was only known to the highest members of governments and it was kept top secret.” “Well, at least, they’re not totally brainless,” the voice spoke again. “Who the fuck are you?!” Mystery asked him in his thoughts. “I am your conscience,” the voice jokingly said. “Ha...ha...HA!” “I’m serious. We need to talk more when we’re done with these jokers.” “I have to agree on that, unless they did use mind reading powers on me. We may have been infiltrated. How far it is, though I have no clue.” Mystery replied. “If it is. Then they know what we have been doing here. I fear we may not be ready when they come at the rate they are going especially if they know of our defenses. They can come at any moment,” the South African councilman says to his colleagues. “The Gummi Ships, Enhanced units, UGs, Cyborgs and current technology may not even match their forces,” the Russian councilman replies. “Council, hear me out and let me say, that it is too soon to write off my friends as threats. You and I both know that what you saw on that data is The Evorsio being ten times worse than what you concluded my friends as,” Mystery tells them in hopes they understand. “We need their help more than ever.” “We are not denying that Walker,” the U.S. councilman replied to Mystery. “Admittedly, this is a dire situation we are in. Right now, even seeking an alliance with them IS one our options, a hard one though. That is something that will be discussed though with these guys. As far as this council’s concerned with you, we’re done.” Mystery was confused by that response. “I’m sorry, what?” “We’re done. We only needed you to spy on your friends to see what worlds they go to including themselves for the database and present more opportunities for progression. Granted, The Evorsio coming into it was unpredictable and what happened to you was tragic. And we were aware that the cat would have been let out of the bag early should someone with telepathy or whatever have shown up. That was the risk. To be honest, there really wasn’t a success or failure to this mission since the universe is so friggin’ big.” “What? You actually thought we were going to put you up against wall and shoot you or throw you down the deepest darkest pit where you would not see the light of day? Come on, now. It would not be morally right to condemn you to such fate after what you have been through. You did what you could,” the Russian councilman said. Mystery was silent for a moment and then his face turned to an angry expression as he slowly stood up. “With all due respect, council, go fuck yourselves!” He yells at them, much to everyone’s shock. His counselor sees and placed his hands on his face like he feared it would happen. “Look at all of you, just sitting there in your bloody comfy chairs while they are coming here to rip you all off of it. You and this big operation of yours, it’s a fucking joke! ALL OF IT IS! AND WHO DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO THINK YOU CAN BOSS ME AROUND, EH?! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I AM! I AM­­” Mystery stopped for a minute and then looked around like he just snapped out of it. He looked around and sees everyone is looking at him like he just went nuts. He can see the disappointed look his CO is giving him and his counselor is just staring down at the table. He then looked to see the council, all of them firing daggers from their eyes at him. From what he can tell, he did something ​
stupid. “Colonel, Dr. Prescott, we leave Mr. Walker to your discretion,” the United Kingdom councilman says with a hint of anger in his voice. “Council I...I...apo­­” “Please leave, Mr. Walker. Security will show you the door,” the U.S. councilman said to him. Mystery sees a security guard opening the door for him, as he straightened himself out and started walking out the door with his CO and counselor following him. As they leave into the hallway, his CO was ready to release a storm on Mystery as he took off his reading glasses and placed them in his pocket. “One job, Walker! One simple job! And it was to act professional in there!” Harding chewed him out. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t know what came over me,” Mystery said, still wondering what happened. “You’re damn right, you are! Now I’m going to get a phone call from the general about how one of my operatives made a fool of himself and flat out insulted the council! And who’s going to get the brunt of it all? ME! You know, getting FOXHOUND reinstated was not easy and someone’s always looking for an excuse to pull the plug on it! And guess what? They’re going to be thinking twice of what you said in there and whether they should consider the suggestions of a mad man!” “I know.” “It may have been a reaction. The trauma he suffered from his time in ​
The Bastille ​
was pretty severe, it could have been a whole lot of worse in there if it was something else,” Dr. Prescott said. “I don’t see how that’s supposed to make me feel better, Doctor,” Harding replied to him. “It doesn’t, colonel. But no one got hurt at least.” “How far is this going to push him back now this happened?” “Definitely not cleared for duty yet, not until after a few more sessions, provided if he does improve that is.” “Terrific,” Mystery snarked. “Your sarcasm has been noted, John. You should be glad that we noticed this.” Prescott tells him. “At least, I get to go back home, right? I’m starting to hate this place.” “That desperate to get back, huh?” Harding asked. “Being home could help with recovery. It was probably the stress of the debriefing anyway,” Prescott said. They headed into an elevator with Prescott pushing the button with the number “1” on it. There were other buttons that had the letter “B” with a number, “B” standing for basement which is underground. The level that they are on was B11 and there were still many floors after that, some of them likely still under construction from the expansion. The elevator was in motion as Mystery looked out the window to see the many Gummi Ships being worked on and stored. It was a sight to behold for sure. The Gummi Blocks they collected over the years made a huge jump forward in space and flight technology. As he heard, from all testing, trials, setbacks, and deaths, they finally managed to come up with a design that can sustain flight at high altitudes and space without complications. Project Beyond The Stars, was an international effort formed after The Heartless invasion with hopes of finding ways to combat them should they ever appear again and with the knowledge that other worlds were out there, maybe even do a first contact with what was outside their world and likely form a mutual alliance, which the subject itself is still being discussed. Unfortunately, the shutdown of SOP, along with the war economy, hampered the means to fund the operations of the organization and making progress slow on a lot of projects. On the other hand, information the Patriots covered up was revealed helping pave the way to advanced technological development such as the cyborgs, Unmanned Gears, new Soliton Radars, new weapons, new vehicles, and holographic communications. Then after an attack on ​
Shabhazabad Air Base in Pakistan which around forty of the base’s personnel were massacred including U.S. Senator Steven Armstrong, the war economy became reestablished when President Hamilton and President of Pakistan Farooq Salam agreed to an united front against terrorism with the fallout of that decision reigniting the War on Terror once more. As a result, the war economy helped boosted the funding to the projects, making things go more smoothly. Mystery face saddened as he looks at them, wondering how his friends are going to react if they see this. Would by they be surprised? Glad? Or shocked? Was the mission really worth it, other than destroying the relationship he had with them? “I’ve seen bigger.” The voice piped up. Mystery now noticed that the voice sounded much like his own, except less gravelly and not as strained. He internally raised an eyebrow at the statement before stepping back from the elevator window. The hanger was replaced by one that was much larger, with thousands of ships docked and or being repaired and millions of people running around. As he backed up, three figures moved forward, passing through him to stop at the window. “You would think that the world is coming to an end with the way they’re scurrying.” The figure on the left noted, with the same voice as the one that had been speaking in his head. “Well it’s Kali that gave the orders so it might as well be ending for all they care.” The one on the right that sounded similar to Bobby replied. “We’re not here to shoot the breeze with them though, right ­­­­?” The person’s name was replaced by static. He figured that the right figure had been addressing the center one, who started laughing. It sounded slightly psychotic. “Nah we’re here to shake things up, Lumiere. Nox has already placed the bombs so all we have to do is claim our ship which is… that one.” He pointed to a sleek ship that was about medium sized for that type of craft. “The Limit Break is all fueled and ready to go, all it needs is its crew. Ready guys?” The other figures nodded their heads and they walked forward, vanishing with the scene. “What the hell?!” Mystery exclaimed in his thoughts wondering what he just saw. The elevator came to a stop, reaching the first floor as the Harding and Prescott walked out with Mystery the last one to leave, rubbing his head from he just saw. The walked through the hallway and reached the lobby with an Airman, fancy name for a military individual that is part the United States Air Force, occupying it, keeping an eye of what’s going on. The three headed out clear windowed, sliding doors where a Humvee with an Airman at the wheel was waiting for them. The scorching heat come on them as they left. The facility was surrounded by desert, said desert is of the state of Nevada which climate is almost entirely desert. And the facility they are in is Area 51, officially known as Groom Lake Air Force Base. Area 51 has been the source speculative theories of whether it had anything to do with a UFO that crashed or anything involving aliens, which was farce. The installation’s purpose was development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons well as being a facility used by the Patriots for cyborg experiments, the stuff of nightmares to make any adult quiver in fear. While there are experiments still taking place now, the subjects give their consent rather than it being forced on them and much care is given as well. Due to the facility having been used by the Patriots and its secret nature in general, the project organization saw fit to make it one of their facilities and expanded the base with several additional buildings on the surface. The colonel went into the front passenger’s seat with the doctor sitting in the rear seat on the passenger’s side with Mystery taking up the only backseat on the driver’s side. The driver shifted the vehicle gear and drove on the road in the base. On the way, they can hear jet turbines get closer and farther, telling them that the Gummi Ships are being flown on an exercise. A cell phone ring is heard from Harding’s person as he digs in his pocket to take it out, he then answered the call. “Colonel Harding,” he identified himself into the receiver. “Yes...Mmmhm. I see. And when exactly? Okay, I got it.” He hangs up the phone. “They said our flight back will be ready in about five to six hours. Plenty of time to pack up and be ready to move out.” “Roger that,” Mystery replied, looking out the Humvee window. He notices a group of young trainees going doing push ups, sweating profusely from the heat, while being drilled by an instructor. Likely the Enhanced, those that can wield a Keyblade, which is something of a rare commodity on their world, and those that have special talents naturally or talents brought by other means like science. Cyborgs also fall into the category as well but they go through a different training due to different physical attributes they have. The Humvee finally came to a stop at a building which Mystery knows is the living quarters, the place he had been staying for the last few days, the rest was spent up in the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Maryland during his recovery and examinations. The three exited from the vehicle. “Walker, hold up,” Harding called out, stopping Mystery. “I want you understand things are getting pretty hectic here, first the Denver Incident, Pakistan, then the refugees, and this Evorsio. This is going to be the second time we could be facing another major invasion from an extraterrestrial threat. Which is why some of us are getting antsy.” “I understand, sir.” Mystery replied. “The offer to resign is still on the table if you feel that you have gone through too much. Nothing’s going to happen to your benefits and no one’s going to think twice of you if you do,” the colonel explained. “I appreciate it, sir, but my answer remains the same. I want to get back in the game as soon as I can.” “Admirable, just try to understand that whatever happened to you can be a liability to the unit, maybe a fatal one. You know how that can go.” “I do, sir.” “Since The Evorsio threat demands our attention and the fact that we have a mole, or worse, a sleeper cell around means that everyone is going to be searching up on leads for them and the alert level will likely be raised, too. The public may not know yet but if the situation grows dire they will know about it soon and that can be bad.” “Yeah.” “Also, the council saw fit to leave you the cell phone that you use to call Muramasa on. It should be inside your room. Despite their suspicions, we may not have a choice but to learn what he and his team does know about what’s going on outside with The Evorsio. You two, are still on somewhat good terms, so it won’t be too bad.” “Talking to Bobby won’t be a bad idea either with your recovery since he and the others went through the same event and will better understand you than I can. Another thing is we do need to know of their current mental state and why they do what they do now. Even if they say they’re fine or even look fine, we don’t know about the inside of them. They may deflect or deny what’s going on, maybe they won’t, you should see it coming since you went through it, too,” Prescott explained. “I got it,” Mystery replied. “Last thing I can say is try not to make it just business with him. You’re friends, talk like what friends do.” “I get it. Anything else?” Mystery asked, feeling somewhat irritated. “No, that is all. Remember five to six hours when we have to leave,” Harding says to him, heading into the building. “If you want to talk, then I’ll be in my room,” the doctor tells him as he follows the colonel. Mystery entered into his room and closed the door behind him. He then began to unbutton his service jacket and lay it out on the bed. He heads into the bathroom, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt collar. He turned the light on and opened the cold water on the sink faucet. He buttoned his sleeves and rolled them up on his arms. He then cupped his hands together for the cold water and splashed the water onto his face. He splashes his face again and stares down the sink, pondering in thought about what happened. First, it was nightmares, the pain that he still feels, now he’s hearing a voice that sounds like him and is seeing things that are not there. Not to mention the physical changes he’s been feeling where he is doing feats, normal humans could not do such as being able to jog longer than he needs to and faster than the average jogger and lifting heavier weights than his current strength. He wondered if it is from the trauma or maybe it could be the medication he’s been given. Could it be that necklace that was returned to him from Shea? No matter what he did, the necklace could never leave his side. Something is up with that thing. He proceeds to look at himself in the mirror. “Okay, John, you are just having a rough day. Relax, you are heading back home, the place you have been gone from for a while now. Whatever you’re going through, you’ll get through it,” He said to his reflection, trying to maintain his sanity. “Great, now I feel I am losing it,” he said in thoughts, feeling it did nothing. Mystery splashed his face one more time and looked up in the mirror. Only for his “reflection” to suddenly exclaim, “BOO!” Mystery jumped and held himself against the wall, so he won’t fall as his reflection was laughing his head off. “Did you see the look on your face? Priceless!” He says trying to contain his laughter. “What...the...FUCK?!” Mystery said, weirded out by the reflection as the reflection wiped a tear from his eye. “Woo, about time I popped in. It’s been too bloody long!” He complained and still sees Mystery weirded out. “Oh, what? You’re not going to introduce yourself? Your parents never said it was rude to not introduce yourself? Hm?” “I think I’m going to need to talk to the doctor,” Mystery said as he was about to leave. “Hold on! That is not a good idea, mate. I can tell you that you are completely fine and this is not the medication doing this to ya. So you’re fine as you get. Besides, if you do then you’ll get sent into the loony bin. And trust me, you don’t want that,” the reflection said, trying to get Mystery to listen to him. “We are self aware of strange things happening. Guys who pretend to be your reflection can be one of them.” “They already doubt your mental health for the stunt you pulled in front of them!” “How do you know about that?” Mystery asked, suspiciously. “Uh, I may have had...a...hand in it…” The reflection said reluctantly with Mystery giving him a dirty look. “You...asshole! That’s was you?!” “Well, I was pissed at them and…” “No wonder they doubt me! You have any idea what you have done?” “Hey someone needed to give it to them straight, mate. I was doing you a favor.” “By making me look like a fool? Nice of you. REALLY nice of you!” “You’re going to the doctor, aren’t you?” “I sure as hell won’t now! Considering that if I do that before I can figure what this is all about, I’ll be sent straight into the loony bin!” He mocked the reflection’s words and accent. Mystery and his reflection remained silent for a bit. “So, it’s finally out of your system, yet?” The reflection asked, breaking the silence. “Nooooo, but let’s talk anyway since we’re going to be here for a couple of hours,” Mystery replied, crossing his arms and resting his back against the bathroom wall. “Mystery, or if you want, John Walker.” “Mystery? That’s a really crap­­” Mystery cleared his throat loudly to interrupt him. “Okay, so you like it. Fine. Well, I am Nox.” “The Windrose Knight who controls the Darkness and the Realm of Darkness, and leads The Heartless and Nobodies,” Mystery said. “Not just lead, created them and the realm,” Nox corrected them. “Your creations have been running afoot, Nox. The Heartless have been consuming the hearts of many people and your Nobodies have been a real pain in the ass!” “Hey, don’t hold that against them. They were manipulated.” “Mmmhm,” Mystery did not sound convinced. “But that’s another topic for another time. Right now, you’re wondering why are you seeing me and why am I talking to you...despite how crazy this is going to look to someone if they come walking in...point of the matter of fact are me, and I am you.” Mystery was silent a bit about that but thinks that couldn’t be right. “Bullshit, you got the wrong guy,” Mystery spoke, shaking his head. “I’m not lying. You are a Windrose Knight, you chose to be a protector of the universe.” “A protector?! Now you’re just making me chuckle. You may have been with me like what? My whole life? Did you notice the ‘protecting’ I have been doing?” Nox rolled his eyes. “You know it’s better if I just showed you.” His hand then reached out of the mirror, breaking the barrier of glass and grabbing Mystery by his shirt. “Don’t throw up.” And pulled him in, leaving nothing but a ripple on the surface on the mirror. Mystery felt like he was falling down forever until he landed on what looks like to be pavement. He groaned as he placed his hand on his forehead and stood up. He looked around his surroundings and sees that he was in a dark city of sorts where he can see a giant temple and can also see a large body of water with the beach...shining for some reason. “Ooookay, note to self, scratch Detroit from the list of places to visit,” Mystery says to himself, wondering where the hell he was. “You think this is Detroit?! Boy you need your eyes checked, Detroit has been gone for 75 million years.” Nox snipped as he rose from a shadow. “Not that it was picturesque in its heyday either… ​
is your inner world.” “...I am not going to bother asking how possible it is for a big city to be my ‘inner world’...or...mind...this is already starting to make my head twirl.” “That’s just scratching the surface.” “...There’s another inner world within another inner world within another inner world?” Mystery asked. “It’s not that deep, mate.” “Okay, so why the hell you brought me here? ‘Cause if time flies in the real world­­” “Relax. Time out in the real world moves slower while things here move normally, time relativity you guys call it, I think. And just to answer your other question.” Nox flicked Mystery’s forehead, pushing it back. “OW! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!” Mystery painfully reacted, holding his forehead again, feeling that this is starting to become a pattern. “Why does everyone take it out on my head?!” “Just to make sure your head was pulled out of your arse. Now let’s just start a Q and A session to ease you into this whole shitstorm. Since you asked several, I’ll go first with the answers: Your inner world is basically a separate dimension that you can access in the same way you do a dream; you think about it. I have always been a fan of cities so that’s why the world looks like this. As for the protecting and you being a Windrose Knight and the Heartless business? That isn’t so easy to explain.” “You remember playing those old fashioned video games where you can simply restart the console and the game itself to avoid fucking up? Well that’s kinda what being a WK is.” “You mean having multiple lives?” “Well you’re a complete lost cause but yeah. And with each life or restart you have a different name and you’re placed in a different time and place.” “Shea mentioned that. Specifically, that the WK went through ninety­nine lives in the past.” “And this is the last one, the hundredth life, the one where you have to face the final boss and pray to whatever you worship that you don’t get your ass handed to you.” “Me? I don’t think you recall earlier but I said, ‘you got the wrong guy’. I don’t even remember volunteering to be a WK.” “Technically, you did. Millions of years ago when you were me, you swore to defend the innocent and the universe, and fought whoever threatened it, i.e. The Evorsio and Kali. It almost similar to when you were with the others when you went off to fight Xehanort despite the mission you were given.” “That’s...different…” “Different, how? You, one of those lives that believe that this has been forced on you without a choice in the matter?” “I’ve never been a believer in that whole destiny or that ‘it was meant to be’ crap. I make my own.” “Look, I’m not particularly proud of being the one to put this all on your shoulders or any of the other lives but you have to understand. That years and years, the lives before you have died along with tons of innocents, and Kali and her horde still lives. Even if you weren’t a Knight, it would have been someone else. But, instead it’s you. Now, I also know of the stuff you have done throughout your life and maybe you feel that’s what will make you undeserving, but to be honest, the Windrose Knights are not exactly knights in shining armor or your typical comic book heroes either, even Lumiere, the Windrose Knight of Light isn’t shiny. We chose this path as a way to redeem ourselves for allowing people to die. And being a Windrose Knight doesn’t mean the whole ‘meant to be’ crap.” Mystery merely raised an eyebrow. Nox gave an exasperated sigh. “Being a Windrose Knight means that you ​
make destiny happen for others. If someone’s destiny is to fall in love then we set them up ​
to ​
fall in love or if a country is meant for a change then we set up the change. We’re the force behind destiny that helps it along, otherwise people would be twiddling their thumbs and sitting on their asses all day. As for us, it’s whatever comes our way. It’s actually one of the coolest jobs you could ask for.” “‘Coolest’?! You think I care about a job simply because it looks awesome?! Joining the military and getting into a field where I do fighting looked awesome to me at the time. Years later, and it was the most hardest and dangerous things to ever experience where people died, left and right.” “Okay, I worded that wrong, forgot that you were a veteran and that. It​
one of the coolest jobs but it is dangerous. There, happy? You gotta learn to loosen up these days.” “I’ll loosen up when The Evorsio has been buried six feet under! No, scratch that! Deeper to hell itself where they can burn!” “You want to stop them that badly and get some well­earned payback for what they did to you? What they did to the others? You need to embrace your role in this. You cannot fight them at your current state, and I am not lying when I say, this is your last chance. If you die, then you, and me, are gone for good. Don’t destroy this chance by your own bloody ignorance. Succeed, where I and the others have failed.” “What must I do?” Mystery conceded, feeling this could be the only best option he sees right now. “What all the WK must go Awakening.” “What Shiro went through on ​
The Bastille,​
or the Knight you know as Alexander?” Nox laughed, clutching his stomach at the force of the genuine laughter. “Oh that one. How is that prick by the way?” Mystery was a bit confused by that question but can guess there’s something between them. “He’s doing well...I suppose,” Mystery replied, still confused about the question. “Heh, don’t worry you’ll find why soon enough.” “But I recall him having a seizure when something from his past triggered it. I didn’t have a seizure yet.” “Each WK’s Awakening functions differently, for Alexander, or Shiro, if you want, it was what you said it was. For your case though,” Nox said as he walks around Mystery like he is inspecting him. “Your case is going to be a process, a long one.” “How long?” “For as long as ​
make it to be. You still seem unsure about how this works out.” Nox notices Mystery giving him a look. “Hey, don’t look at me like that, I’m not the masochistic type to go through this 24/7. All I know is that you need to relax and let it take it’s course, fighting it will put you through a world of hurt.” “Fine. While I am waiting, what’s going to happen?” “Bit by bit, your memories from your past ninety­nine lives are going to creep their way into that thick skull of yours, at what points they’ll come I do not know, in your sleep, when you’re taking a shit, whichever. Along with those lives comes with your abilities, experience and powers you acquired from those lives, which will also come in small amounts as well. Buuuuttt...there is a small catch…” “I have to give blood?” Nox gives Mystery an unamused look. “Does it look like we belong in a cult, dumbass? You and I are going to be neighbors, by that I mean, I am going to have the distinct pleasure of being­­” “The annoying voice in my head? Complaining to me how boring it is? Saying what I should be doing and shouldn’t be doing?” “­­and appearing in your reflections whenever you pass by reflective surfaces. Don’t worry, I’ll appear in the reflection when I want to appear in it. So you don’t have to worry about me needing to mimic your movements in public.” “Awwww, you shouldn’t have.” “Between you and me, we’re going to need to work on how to tolerate each other’s presence. You’re an absolute joy to hang out with.” Nox frowned leaning against a wall of shadow. “Being the incarnation of Darkness doesn’t mean you have to be emo and down all the time, so it wouldn’t kill you to smile and throw a joke or two around.” “Shouldn’t be too hard, right?” Nox rolled his eyes and sighed, feeling that this is going to be a ​
long A
​wakening for him. Then again, when was it ever simple for him. “That is until the Awakening is finished, then we merge because after all I’m the part of you that has been locked up. When you’re done, I’ll be gone and you’ll be back to your old self again and by that I mean the you before you were John or Mystery. But if I might make a suggestion: stop swallowing rocks, it damages the throat and that Batman voice isn’t going to get you anywhere with dates… Now with all that said. Hang on to something.” “Hang on to wha­­­?” Mystery was cut off when he suddenly was pulled up into the air and heading upwards to the sky. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” He cursed at Nox as he went into the dark sky. Mystery then sees that he’s back in the bathroom. He looked to his left and right, things seem to be normal from what he can see. He looks at himself in the mirror again to see if it was Nox again. “Nox?” He called out. “Nox? You listening?” He looked around and waited for a response. After a few seconds, nothing. “Hm?” He shrugged his shoulders. As he was about to leave the bathroom… “BOO!” Nox exclaimed in the mirror, scaring Mystery again. Mystery angrily punched the mirror in retaliation. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ “You are strong, child. But you of all people should know that strength fades in time. Your will is mine. Your soul and body is mine. Your sword is mine. Stare down into the eyes of those you love as their life fades away by your hand. Let anyone who strike you down suffer a pain unimaginable, let it sink into their hearts and fill with despair.” A woman’s voice spoke, softly. Kuro sprang up awake as she finds herself in a bed, wearing pajamas. She looked around her surroundings and sees she was in a room. She notices a familiar boy that looks like Shiro, resting his head on her bed, sleeping. She moved in closer and recognized it ​
was ​
Shiro. Anxiety came over her as she snuck out of her bed, trying not to wake Shiro as she tiptoed towards the door. She pushes a button to open the door, only to see Shea standing in front of it outside, causing her to jump. “If you were trying to sneak off, you can’t. The ship is already in motion. If you want, you can get off at our next stop,” he tells her as her eyes were welling up. “Please, I don’t want...I don’t want to make any more trouble than I already have,” she pleaded. “Whatever ‘trouble’ you did was not of your own doing. It was them, and only them.” “But I...I...killed and hurt...a lot of people.” “So have a lot of people but that doesn’t mean much. You didn’t intend to kill people, you were not even in the right mind to make any kind of choice so the blame doesn’t fall on you whatsoever.” He offered her a smile of comfort. “Shiro has been beside himself and I think that if he could he would have moved the moon and stars in order to find you. If you think that you’re the person that we fought then Shiro would have never searched for you.” The moment of ease was destroyed when Shiro snorted and stirred before settling back into sleep. With an eye roll, Shea walked over to Shiro. “Oi, Alexander! Wake your sorry arse up!” He yelled and violently pulled on Shiro’s ear, waking him up. “OOOOWWW! What the hell…?” Shiro stopped his near triad about being woken up when he notices Kuro’s awake. And staring at him. “Kuro!” Shiro couldn’t smile any bigger than when he punches Shea in the gut and pulls Kuro into a loving embrace. “Right...I’m just going to leave you two lovebirds to catch up,” Shea said, holding his gut. As he left, he smiled devilishly. “Are you feeling, okay?” Shiro asked her. Kuro was silent to the question which tells Shiro that maybe it was not the right kind of question to ask her. Then again this is the first time, she is herself in a long time and is still traumatized. “Are your friends okay?” She asked him. “Oh they’re fine. They’re fine. We were more worried about hurting you. Don’t worry, you’re in good company.” “Where are we going? Home?” “No, we are heading to a world called ​
Earth Land,​
home to a guild of mages called Fairy Tail. We’re looking for the rest of the Windrose Knights.” “You’re already searching for the Knights? How many already?” “Shea, who you have already met and been told of, Shang, Cian, and you’re looking at one now. That’s four already, eleven to go.” “Shiro, do you know how much danger you’re putting yourself in?” “I know. It had to happen as some point. ‘Sides, Knight or not, the people who took my girl away and forced her to do horrible things have to pay. For all the years I spent, looking for you. Now, you want to meet the rest of the gang?” “Shiro...I don’t know.” “Hey, no one’s holding it against you for what happened on the ship,” Shiro tried to reassure her. “I know...I just...I just need some time that is all.” “That’s...okay, too. Do you want me to go?” “No, it’s fine.” “We’ll pull through this...together.” Shiro sadly looks at Kuro. There was a time she would be cheerful and happy, now, she’s...changed. He can only imagine what she felt during her time as a puppet for The Evorsio and whatever she was forced to do, she is never going to forget it. His anger against The Evorsio grew. Shea walked into the bridge where some of the Heroes were on the deck. Bobby looked to him and acknowledged his presence. “Everything fine?” He asked. “Yeah, Kuro tried to sneak out of her room, I stopped her...and woke up Shiro as well. The two are catching up,” Shea explained. “She’s been through a lot though, I can’t say if she’ll recover easily. How close are we to Earth Land?” Shea changed the topic. “Still got ways to go,” Sora replied. Shea can tell something is up with Bobby, ever since leaving ​
World of the God of Destruction​
, he can detect that Bobby’s under stress and conflicted. Hell, all over the ship, he can tell mostly everyone’s on edge. Three weeks of trying to get back up to full strength and the memory of being on the prison ship is still fresh in their minds. No matter what bravado they show, inside they worry about the outcome that will happen when they fight The Evorsio again. Shea hopes that their confidence will build when they fight them and become victorious. Of course, there’s a chance where that can be dashed away as well. Feeling that there is still time, Shea sees an opportunity to talk with Bobby about what he’s going through. After all, if the leader cannot function right in a group then it all goes to hell. “Oi, Blondie! You feel like going up for some rounds in the simulator?” Shea asked. “...Sure, things are fine here. Suppose it won’t hurt,” Bobby replied. Bobby followed Shea as they left the bridge and head to the training simulator. Fortunately, it was empty. “What program are we doing?” Bobby asked. “Had to get you away from the others.” Shea replied. “We need to have a talk.” “About what?” “You. What’s eating at you?” “I’m fine.” “Don’t bullshit me. I know when someone lies. You are not alright.” Bobby gave an exasperated sigh. “You really need to know when to stop being nosy. That gets irritating.” “I can’t shut if off even if I wanted to. And this is a time when I need to be ‘nosy’ when you are not at your strongest or what everyone’s been feeling around this bloody ship. I saw it at Beerus’ place before we left. You are having a problem.” “And what is that?” “You are afraid, that’s what. You’re afraid what will happen when we face The Evorsio again.” “Of course, I’m afraid. Everyone is.” “I am afraid, too but I don’t let the fear eat away at me. If I do, then I am not at my best. You are leading this group, don’t let it fall to oblivion!” “I let it ‘fall to oblivion’ back at...Ivalice. I let my fallout with Miles and my anger towards The Evorsio, cloud my better judgement, and all of us paid the price for it. I worry the same will happen when we face them again and that will have to endure more torment if we lose. I still hear Ven, Terra and Aqua screaming, you know? It keeps me awake. Did I even make the right choice in allowing us to stay as a group?” “There you go. If everyone heard that, then that’s when it’ll fall apart again! This group needs you, more than ever. I couldn’t give a rat’s arse if you had agreed to the other choice. I give a rat’s arse when you are not confident about what you are doing. Do you know what I am sensing around this ship? There’s already those doubting you can do it including the risky decisions we have been making in letting Vanitas, Sephiroth, Genesis, Kuja and Broly join us and letting Miles go, with some worried that it can come back to bite us back in the arse. See where I’m going at with this?” “I get it. You’re right. I’m sorry, okay?” “Apologies are words and words are wind. I’m having this talk with you so you are aware of this and when the time does come, you need to be at your bloody best and prove the naysayers wrong. Don’t let what happened at Ivalice, bring you and everyone else down with you. This conflict is an unforgiving one and it’s going to get ​
really ​
ugly.” “Got it. Let’s head back.” Bobby and Shea walked back to the bridge, where quite a bit of the group was conversing with one another. Shea continued onward but Bobby stopped when he saw Broly staring out the window into the Sea of Skies. The Saiyan caught Bobby’s reflection in the window but still looked outward. “What do you want?” He said bluntly. “Surprised to see you around everyone else, including Goku.” “I plan to keep my word and prepare myself for when the time comes to kill Kakarot but right now I want that Reaver’s corpse at my feet!” “You might want to get behind Shea for that, he’s gotta a bigger itch to off him than you.” “Got that right!” Shea called back, grinning at the two of them as they glanced his way and pointed at his ears as if to say ‘I have really good hearing.’ to them. Broly chuckled. “Let me ask you something, why let me accompany you despite our previous conflict?” “Well one, we’ve both been submitted to torture and experiments by The Evorsio and two, someone’s got to keep you in check to make sure you don’t destroy everything. Oh and three, The Evorsio would have made you into a puppet just like your dad did.” Broly glared at Bobby by what he said, but he turned back to face the window. “And what makes me so sure you all won’t do the same?” “Well Vanitas gave us just as much trouble as you but he’s free to do what he pleases, just as long as he doesn’t try anything funny.” Bobby told him. “Doing that now would have me burned at the stake!” Vanitas hollered from the other side of the room. “See? And don’t worry, I won’t make you chat with us if you don’t want to. Give it time, you’ll come around.” Bobby walked off, leaving Broly in his thoughts. “I still say we should watch him.” Sere spoke. “I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him.” “No real worries since Goku Vegeta, Gohan, and Bobby can handle him if Broly does go on the warpath.” Ventus explained. “And us too!” Goten chimed in as he and Trunks placed one arm around each other’s shoulders and raised another in the air. “Once Broly gets a taste of Gotenks, he’ll think ​
twice ​
before messing with us!” Trunks added. “You two certainly have a lot of vigor for ones so young.” Basch chuckled. “They’re Saiyans, so what do you expect?” Vaan reminded him as he chuckled too. Ashelia laughed as well. “I’m glad to see everyone in high spirits now that we’ve rested and are back to full strength.” “That remains to be seen,” Shea said in his thoughts, not desiring to rain on everyone’s parade with his doubtful thoughts. He can only hope that when push comes to shove again, his doubts will be put to rest. If it does however then he’ll have to put them on the spot. Not something he wants to do but it has to be done. He remembers back to what he said to Sam and he meant it, 100%. There is simply too much at stake that is going on right now especially with him and the entire Knights at their last life. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Magnolia Town, Fiore, Earthland: Fairy Tail Guild, Night= Zephyr Arlen vel Tyra, cousin to the Superior of the Marked and Windrose Knight, is not a happy camper. ​
Not happy at all.​
First, he goes on a journey to locate the Fairy Tail guild which he spent ​
doing. When he finally found the guild, he finds it occupied by another guild, who said to him that for mysterious reasons, the ​
whole ​
Fairy Tail guild left, leaving the building for the taking which leads to the next reason. That he went to the guild to get some answers to some very important questions he has but now that’s not going to happen. Finally, in addition to that he has to deal with the group of nine people that he saved back in Traverse Town that ​
won’t stop FOLLOWING him! It’s like he’s a babysitter with children that are begging him for candy or cheerios even though he doesn’t have any and they have no grasp on the concept of shutting up. “Neku! Neku! Say something will ya?” Ok… one of them did. He didn’t even plan on saving them from the Watcher, they were just in the way of the moron that had stepped between him and the Heartless that was running away. Why was he following the little creature (ok it wasn’t following it per se; more like he was chasing it and threatening bodily harm to it if it didn’t stop)? Because it looked like one of the Heartless that Nox had skittering around the ​
Limit Break​
helping out. It’s name was… “Blacky”.... right? ANYWAY he was “following” it when a Watcher, with the little blond girl named Rhyme (who names their kid that anyway) in its grasp jumped down from the Second District hotel and in his way, allowing possible “Blacky” to escape. Obviously Zephyr was pissed but even more so when Alternis (he prefered “Ringabel” for who knows why) tried to swoop in and save the flailing Rhyme and impress this girl Edea, who was making angry dog noises for some reason, and fail. That’s when the rest of the group showed up and that’s when he had enough and took care of business. “If the Fairy Tail guild isn’t here, what are we going to do?” Tiz asked. Zephyr was silent for a moment considering a new plan. With his patience already worn thin, he was mentally grasping at straws now and came up with some plan that hardly was smart or sane, just the evidence of an annoyed Knight. “Fuck it! I’m cracking some skulls!” He yelled out to everyone’s, save Neku, surprise. “I didn’t come all this way, just for my...​
our ​
hard work to be in vain!” “Oooor, we can go to the local pub and…” “ZIP IT, CASANOVA!” Zephyr cut Ringabel off, knowing that he’d want to flirt with the ladies in said ‘local pub’. “UUGGGGHHHH!” “You still here? Piss off! We told you the Fairy Tail guild is no longer here, that is, wasn’t here, hadn’t come back in a long while, and we took the place all to ourselves! Hehhehhehheh…” A male mage chuckled with his companions like they scored the big time. “Mrgrgrgrgr...those people anger me to no end! Have they any shame for taking something that wasn’t theirs to begin with!?” Edea fumed with anger. “Indeed. I do see something that can be salvaged from this,” Joshua spoke. “There hasn’t been a definitive confirmation that the Fairy Tail guild is either dead or indications that they disbanded. In fact, it raises the question why the whole guild is gone when they could have left a few in charge.” “Get to the point Josh!” Beat eagerly spoke. “There had to be have been a situation that would have caused the whole guild to be involved. Either way, if they do return, they’re not going to like that someone just took their home. Now, what if someone stepped in and showed these guys the door? We be saving the guild the trouble of having to reclaim it themselves and we may get something out of it, maybe the answers you been seeking Zephyr. That’s assuming that they don’t just hand out answers willy nilly.” “Right, so Zephyr…” Tiz spoke only to see Zephyr slamming the doors wide open. “And he just started…” “HEY YOU DUMBFUCKS! DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GUILD OR KNOW SOMEONE BY THE NAME OF SHEA ALISTER!?” Zephyr yelled at the top of his lungs, narrowing his eyes as someone tossed a mug at his face as the crowd laughed. He sighed and summoned his black rune covered longsword and strode in. “SAVE SOME FOR ME, ZEPH!” Edea spoke, her sword out and rushed inside. “GERONIMO!” Beat exclaimed, following her. Ringabel wrote something in his journal, then put away his pen and closed it. “Well then, I guess this calls for a gentleman’s touch.” Neku just sighed as he and Tiz grabbed some brooms and walked right in whilst everyone else charged to see if they could clean up some of the upcoming mess. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Morning= “This place...has seen better days,” Bobby said, viewing the mess inside the building like a bomb exploded inside. “Three weeks we left! ​
Three weeks ​
and this place is already a dump!” Gajeel exclaimed. “It’s like a storm just came in and trashed it!” Dean added. Erza walked to one of the tables and examined a cut into the wood. “It’s still fresh.” “Which means that whoever did this is still around, possibly.” Kairi spoke. “Well we should probably get started cleaning everyone.” Makarov informed the group. Gray and Cana began to pick up one of the barrels as the heroes went about cleaning the mess that had been left behind. Soon the guild interior was back to its former homey self and drinks were being poured as a reward for the hard work. Shea wasn't as calm as the rest of the group, swirling his drink as he thought about the cuts that had been left behind in the guild’s interior. Cana sat at the counter next to him with a mug containing more beer than she weighed. “Hey, reeeelax! The guild is back to its former glory and there's not a single black mage to be seen!” Most of the guild chalked the damage up to a black mage with lousy aiming and after searching the perimeter, they and the heroes seemed to calm down. Shea wasn't so convinced. “How can you be so sure that this was done by a single black mage?” “Are you suggesting that ​
someone else ​
trashed the guild?” “I'm suggesting that maybe there was a fight here but you don't seem to be in the mood to listen.” Cana handed Shea a cup filled to the brim with beer. “Why don't we drink on it, lightweight? First person to pass out loses.” The others seemed to be spectating as Shea eyed the liquid. “What do I get if I win?” “I'll listen to your idea.” “And if I lose?” Cana just grinned. “So? You up for it?” Shea slammed down the empty cup. “Sorry what was that? Ready to give up?” Cana briefly twitched before she started chugging down a barrel, setting it down and seeing Shea had downed several bottles of vodka. Her opponent was twirling the lid in his fingers like a certain pirate would with a gold coin. “Did you have enough liquid courage in your system yet, Poppet​
?” Cana felt taken aback by that remark and gritted her teeth. “Oooh, we have not even begun to fight.” She chugged down another cup down her throat. “BRING IT ON!” From afar the Heroes watched and one of them came up with an idea. “So, who wants to bet who wins?” Yamcha asked. “I bet Cana.” “I think we have better things to­” Aqua was cut off from her companions. “Money’s on Cana!” Joey called out. “Same here!” Tristan agreed. “Shea seems to be holding his liquor fine, I bet on him,” Dean said. “It’s your money, bro,” Sam replied to him. “He really has no chance. I say that was just beginner’s luck,” Dante spoke. “Cana,” Ginei said. “Shea, he’s got guts, I’ll give him that,” Booker said. “That remains to be seen,” Kevin said to him. “Cana’s determined,” Vaan said. “Heh, ditto,” Axel replied. “You guys risk your money, I’m going to sit this one out,” Snake said as he chews down on gum and sat a table. “I’ll take his advice,” Gohan agreed and joined Snake. “Am I the only one that is thinking how ridiculous this is?” Aqua said irritatingly as she at next to Auron and Ashe. “You don’t have to tell me twice,” Ashe replied. “I’d be more concerned about what happens ​
they drink,” He tells them. As more of them made their choice, Shea had a confident smirk on his face, knowing what the end result is going to be. ​
“Those fools, they have no idea what I’m capable of.” The drinking contest began, five cups in and Shea does not even look like he is getting drunk, the same could not be said for Cana. “Oh, Poppet, what’s the matter? You’re looking a little down there? How ‘bout you forfeit already and save us the trouble?” He mocked. “I’m...still going,” She replied as she drinks down cup and trying to maintain her composure, Shea chuckled. “Suit yourself, it’s your liver on the line here,” he said, drinking another cup. “This is not looking good! Can I change my bet already?” Yamcha pleadingly asked. “Yeah, same here!” Tristan said with Bobby shaking his head. “Nope, you guys made your bets already. Too late to change it now,” he said. “There goes my money,” Joey said with dismay. They kept going and going, and after about almost twenty­five cups in and Shea ​
was still ​
fine, Cana was in trouble as she looked ready to slump over as she laid her head on the table. “Poopppet, oh Poppet, are we still playing here or you ready to yield?” Shea taunted her. Cana could not make any coherent words due to her speech being slurred from the beer as she tried to grab the cup but looked like she was grabbing air due to from her point­of­view, she is seeing multiple cups flying around. She finally grabbed the right one and tried to drink it but she spilled some over herself as she tried to hover the cup where her mouth was at. She pushed herself back too hard in her seat causing her to fall over on the floor, spilling the drink. “Oh man, there goes my spending money!” Kevin yelled, angrily bringing out his wallet, to take out the money that he owed. “That can’t even be right, how the hell do you stay sober after that many cups?!” Yamcha complained. Shea looked at the group with a blank stare. “I can’t get drunk.” The Heroes looked at him confused like they do not comprehend how a feat like that is even possible. “Uh, like how?” Vanitas broke silence. Shea sighed and switched to his true form, drinking a glass of vodka and standing up, showing the heroes that already the heady drink was transformed into energy and sent to several organs. “I have a ​
very ​
high metabolism​
. Thanks to my powers and racial background, I pretty much have to eat or drink something almost all the time to provide energy, otherwise my abilities will drain my life force until I’m dead. I’m like a constantly running battery.” He explained, switching back to his normal form, taking the bottle and downing it rather quickly. “So you pretty much cheated, eh? Sneaky,” Natsu said. “Not really. To cheat, I could have, say used my power to speed up the effect of the alcohol in her system to make her drunk faster which evidently I didn’t since she was getting progressively drunk at the normal rate she does. Another case is when I could have just like move the chair from under her when she didn’t have a clue or move the cup out of her hand, forcing her to spill it, ending the game quicker which I didn’t, obviously. Claiming that I’m cheating at this is like telling a fire dragon to eat peppers and expect them to lose.” Shea shrugged and grabbed some water, kneeling down to Cana who was passed out and placing two fingers on her forehead. The heroes saw the area around her ripple and she woke up. “What happened? I passed out right, but I don’t feel like I did anything.” “I speed up your body’s metabolic reaction to all the drinking.” Shea answered Cana, taking a drink from his bottle. At that moment the front doors slammed open with a shadow in the middle. “THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE FUCKER!” Shea responded with a classic spit­take as the person ran into the room, shoved Shea into a sack and ran off, leaving the guild and the heroes wondering just what the hell happened. That is until Bobby growled. “OH HELL NO! GET BACK HERE!” And ran after the stranger. “He ran when he could have flew?” Booker said, scratching his head. “Heated situations does not give you a whole lot of time to think,” Snake replied, spitting his gum out and took his gun out and started running. “Come on guys! We gotta go get Shea back!” Ruby said as she raced out of the guild. “Ruby, we don’t know who that was! Ughhh!” Weiss groaned as she, Yang, and Blake followed behind, going way past Snake, who looked annoyed that he was getting outrunned by four young girls. Vegeta let out a sigh of annoyance and got to to head the door. “Anyone who plans to go rescue the Elenari better come with!” Vegeta flew out of the guild as Tidus was preparing himself to go. “And we’re off!” Terra, Aqua, Ven, Sora, Goku, Ashe, Ben, Shiro, Kuro, and Riku also decided to aid in Shea’s rescue as the rest of the gang stayed to clean up the guild. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ “ZEHPYR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU!” Shea yelled at the top of his lungs as he kept kicking through the sack. “This is the thanks I get for pulling you out of there?” Zephyr retorted, falling over as Shea kicked him hard enough and scrambled after Shea. He had some rope on hand and managed to tie him up. “Now you’re useless.” He exclaimed, throwing his friend over his shoulder and running once again. “THIS ISN’T A RESCUE! THIS IS GRADE A KIDNAPPING!” Shea screamed. “GIVE ME A KNIFE SO I CAN STAB YOU WITH IT!!” “Not happening, your majesty.” Zephyr responded, passing by the group he traveled with. “YOU GUYS ARE ON YOUR OWN!” “FUCK YOU ZEPHYR! I’M GOING TO SHOOT YOUR BALLS OFF ONCE I’M FREE!” “Well, that was...unexpected,” Ringabel said at the new development. “He didn’t seem to enjoy our company to begin with,” Joshua replied, unsurprised. Suddenly, they saw more people running past them as if they were giving chase, likely after Zephyr. The last one to pass them was a man with a blue bandana wrapped around his forehead sprinting. “I am...getting...too old for this!” He yelled as he kept running after them. “We’ve only been here for a short while and already Zephyr’s pissed somebody off!” Neku sighed. “Tiz,” Agnès spoke, “I think one of the people chasing Zephyr might have been Bobby.” “Are you sure? They all moved too fast for us to tell.” Tiz replied. “She’s not wrong, I saw Bobby too. I can never forget that spiky blonde hair of his.” Edea chimed in. “All I could see were those dashing woman running past us, especially the one with blue hair.” Ringabel let out a lovelorn sigh. Edea growled with annoyance. “Do you have women on the brain constantly?!” “I can’t help being a man who thrives for companionship with a fair lady! It is in my blood!” “That, or you’re just crazy.” Neku mumbled. “Zip it Headphones!” Agnès led the group on the chase through town in hopes of catching up to Bobby and Zephyr. The chase had taken them out of Magnolia Town and out into a grassy field, now with the rescue team catching up to the kidnapper. “Took you guys long enough!” Shea exclaimed as he was bobbing on Zephyr’s shoulder. “Seriously? Do these guys ever give up?!” Zephyr panted. “How ‘bout you let our friend go and we won’t send you back to your Evorsio partners...​
in pieces​
!” Bobby growled, taking Zephyr aback by that remark. “Whoa! Hey there, time out. What made you think that I’m Evorsio?” Zephyr questioned. “Yeah, guys, he’s not Evorsio, just a dumbass!” Shea shouted, prompting Zephyr to smack him on the top of his head. “Whoever you are, let Shea go!” Bobby fired off a Ki blast at Zephyr, but when it hit it just went through and he vanished! “The hell?!” “Over here blondy!” Zephyr taunted, now starting to get farther from him. “No you don’t!” Bobby exclaimed, clapping his hands together and slammed them into the ground creating a 10 foot wall of steel that halted Zephyr. “That’s interesting.” Was all Zephyr said as he was body slammed by Bobby into the steel wall, causing Shea to get tossed into the air. “DAMMIT BLONDYYYYYYYY!” Shea shouted as he kept flying upward. Luckily Goku was able to catch Shea and release him from his binds. “Thanks.” The wall broke when Zephyr was slammed into it, and both he and Bobby fumbled to the ground. “Damn you hit hard!” ♪​
Rowdy Rumble (Kingdom Hearts 2) ​
♪ “Then this is will be harder!” Bobby threw a punch at Zephyr but like with his Ki blast earlier, it phased through him and vanished. “I’m starting to get annoyed with your illusions pal!” “Well you better do something else other than throwing punches like some dumb brute!” Zephyr laughed. “You ​
don’t want to piss me off right now buddy, ​
believe me.​
” “He’s not lying about that, when Bobby’s pissed he’s pissed with a capital ‘P’!” Ben informed him. Zephyr rolled his eyes. “So Goody­Two Shoes Bobby, ready to tussle and ​
​” He summoned a sword out of the shadows and smirked as he ran a hand along the blade, creating crackling electricity along the blade. This reminded Bobby of a few people… “Zeph you’re going to get your ass whooped!” Shea yelled, standing on the sidelines. “And then I’m going to shoot your balls off!” “Sounds like you two have a good friendship.” Riku sarcastically spoke, rolling his eyes. “Mind telling us who this Zeph is?” Goku asked him. “....A Windrose Knight….” Shea groaned. “He’s cousin to the Superior and Seer of the Marked and her royal stand­in slash advisor. In short…. he’s a royal dumbass. YOU HEAR ME ZEPH, YOU’RE A ROYAL DUMBASS!” “Thanks for the compliment!” Zephyr retorted as he dodged a punch from Bobby. “If he’s a Windrose Knight, shouldn’t he be on our side then?” Sora asked. “Why are we going through all this trouble?” “Because he’s a dumbass.” “Not so much as you!” Zephyr countered, blocking an attack from Bobby. “You’re running around with all these people and you’re ​
the heir to the Elenari throne​
! You’ve been missing for six years and you have a bounty on your head!” There was silence as Shea glared at Zephyr. “Bobby… kill him…” He said in the most even tone of voice. “Run that by us again?” Terra asked. “Did I fucking stutter!? I told Bobby to kill him!” “Not ​
you imbecile, the part about you being an heir!” Vegeta exclaimed, punching the top of Shea’s head. Shea muttered something under his breath. “Elenari have two kings, and there are two heirs to the dual thrones. Shea is one of the two heirs.” “I’M GONNA SKIN YOU ALIVE ZEPH!” “I was the one who said that Shea, and skinning me alive would be a tricky thing to do.” Joshua spoke as he and his group had finally caught up with everyone. Shea turned and gave him a fierce death glare as Joshua approach him. “What’re you doing here Josh?” “If you haven’t already guessed it, we came with Zephyr.” “Technically they followed me.” “And you left us.” “Sorry but I don’t have any fucks to give­!” Zephyr was immediately interrupted by a gut punch from Bobby. ​
“Good thing I didn’t eat anything.” ​
He thought. Bobby then gave Zephyr a powerful uppercut, knocking him down on the ground. Zephyr groaned as Shea approached with a powerful aura and a lethal look. Zephyr felt dread or impending doom as since he knew Shea always makes good on his threats. “Okay Shea ​
we got off on the wrong foot here…” He tried to excuse his attempts to no avail as Shea was not listening. Shea then summoned his sword and held the blade part instead of the hilt. “Oh no, wait, wait, I’m... Shea continued to refuse listening to his pleas as Shea hovered the hilt over an…’essential area’ and dropped the hilt. Zephyr let out a scream so loud that probably a world far away would have heard it. Some of the members could not help but wince a bit. “It's not shooting you in the balls but it's a close second. Next time you pull this, I'll feed them to you.” Shea said still very calm about the whole debacle. “Duly… noted…” Zephyr managed out as he was in the fetal position on the ground. Shea poked him several times with the hilt to get him up and moving. “Come on you big baby, we need to get moving. We left half of the crew back at the guild.” As everyone started walking back to the town, Kuro stayed behind the group and looked around their surroundings. Shiro caught notice of her and became concerned. “Kuro, what’s wrong?” He asked. “I..don’t know. I feel like...we’re being watched,” she said, still looking around. “By who?” “The Evorsio perhaps, they have eyes everywhere even to worlds they haven’t conquered yet.” Shiro was starting to worry about what she is saying, his instincts as a Knight telling him she cannot be wrong either. “Kuro, we have to be sure. Are you sure that The Evorsio is watching us?” “I pray not but either way I think we have overstayed our welcome especially after that brief fight. Someone could have seen that by now and who knows who that someone is.” Shiro lowered his head and rubbed his chin, pondering in thought. “We need to inform the others then. We’ll decide on a next course of action since we have found Zephyr. Let’s go.” Both he and Kuro ran to catch up to the group. A distance away, a black blob was hidden in the grass and dirt, it formed black orb looking object in the shape of an eye creeping out of the shades of grass and watched them head into the town. Then the blob reeled its “eye” back into it. “I’ll say it for the umpteenth time now, you guys were following me,” Zephyr once again corrected the party he traveled with as they explained their side of the story of how they met as they were all walking back to the Fairy Tail guild. Neku just rolled his eyes at his statements. “Haven’t heard that excuse so many times already,” he said, annoyed. “Well, you will hear it over and over again, Headphones! So bite me!” “You couldn’t have gotten this far without us, you know? Did you tell them the times we had to save your skin?” Joshua said to him, causing Zephyr to laugh. “Don’t make me laugh!” “Don’t expect fucking Shit for brains to be grateful for anything or ​
anything smart,” Shea interrupted. “Like how ​
made a spectacle with my abduction?” Shea eyed Zephyr accusingly. “It wasn’t a­” Zephyr was interrupted by Shea, who smacked him upside the head. “You know what I mean!” “Hey, it would have been subtle if Blondie here didn’t go and make that big light show with his hands!” Zephyr accused Bobby, who gave him a glare in return. “You kidnapped our friend, you really thought we were just going to take that lying down?” “It doesn’t matter now. Zephyr, you and the others have been followed from the time you encountered that Watcher in Traverse Town,” Shea said. “You mean, you know?” Kuro asked, feeling she is not the only one. “Yes Kuro, I know and you are not dreaming it. I wish you were though...” Shea tells her. “That Watcher was killed though, it didn’t just get back up,” Beat told Shea. “Just because you killed one doesn’t mean you got them all. There is more than one of them and they lack a soul which makes tracking or sensing them impossible. This makes them a huge danger for me, which is imperative that we finish up and leave. No doubt The Evorsio is itching for some payback after our operation on ​
The Bastille ​
and Ivalice and I am not looking forward to who they send for us,” Shea finished as they approached the Fairy Tail Guild and went inside. “Welcome back,” Axel greeted them and noticed the increase in their group. “Aaannnddd seems we got more people, we’re going to need expand the Gummi Ship.” “Who are you?” Edea asked. “Axel, got it memo­” “Yeah, yeah, we know who you are already,” Shea interrupted Axel, pushing him aside. “Where’s a bloody drink? I’m parched after that abduction.” Zephyr sees an opportunity for some payback on Shea for his previous action of striking his family jewels and his remarks of him being a ‘dumbass’ when he and the group are about to pass by a girl with light blue hair tied back with a purple headband with a star on one side, known to the Heroes and Yokai Academy students as Kurumu Kurono. Zephyr just placed his foot in front of Shea’s path causing him to fall towards Kurumu, who reacted too little, too late. He and Kurumu’s lips met and locked with each other. The room fell into dead silence. Shea turned red and got back on his feet, eyes wide with shock and his face red as possible with embarrassment. He tried to say something but all he could manage was stammered syllables and something close to undignified squawking. “Can he resist succubi?” Roza asked Zephyr. “That’d be a surprise if he can.” Jim chuckled. Kurumu was just as bright red as Shea, just standing in her spot with her legs shaking. “Kurumu­chan, are you alright?” Junpei asked her. “Y­Yeah, I just n­need to use the little succubus’s room.” She said. “Juvia will show you where it is.” Juvia spoke as she escorted Kurumu to the restrooms. “Where do you pick these guys up?” Seifer asked, looking slightly annoyed from what he’s seen. Sora laughed nervously. “It may seem strange but when we fight together it’s like we’re in sync.” “That’s how I’ve always felt with Rusty and the gang!” Zidane added, taking a swig from the guild’s beer. “Your Majesty, I really think you shouldn’t drink that!” Steiner exclaimed, trying to prevent Garnet from drinking the foreign liquor. “It’s alright Steiner, I’ve already tasted some when I crowned Queen. Surely the guild’s alcohol isn’t any different from Alexandria’s.” Garnet reassured him before taking a sip. She then began to cough a bit. “Goodness this is strong!” “Blame her. She’s the one who asks for it.” Gajeel said as she pointed to Cana. “WOOOOOOOOOOOOO COME ON GUYS LET’S PARTY!” Masane drunkenly shouted throughout the guild. “I think our uncle would love to come here one of these days,” Yang said with a smile. “Oh no..” Bobby said, covering his hand with his face. “What’s wrong?” Sere asked. “Masane has ​
been known to hold her liquor well. When she drinks, she gets a little crazy.” Bobby explained. “Hey! Who wants to see me take my top off?!” “Correction, ​
crazy.” Bobby raced over and swiped the mug from Masane. “I’m stopping you know before you burn the innocence that’s left from the younger members.” “Party­pooper!” Masane let out a drunken laugh before she stumbled out of her chair and onto the floor. “I think it would be best to let her sleep in my office for the time being.” Makarov stated as he scratched his chin. “I’ll take take her up there Master.” Erza offered as she picked up Masane and carried her to the office. “Sounds like she was a handful during those times.” Basch chuckled. “Most of the time though she was normal for drunken standards. Believe it or not I had my first drink with her and the group we were with in her homeworld.” Bobby added. “Now I’m slightly curious as to how Bobby’s like when he’s got enough drinks in him.” Leon Kennedy pondered, chuckling a bit. “Hopefully he doesn’t make stupid decisions like Jecht has.” Auron teased. “You’re still giving me grip over that Shoopuf after all this time?!” Jecht groaned. “I’ve been true to my word about being sober!” “What do you want, a medal?” Edward Elric huffed, not seeming impressed. “Well no but..” Alphonse stood before Jecht and had a silver medal in his hands. “Here you go Mr. Jecht. It’s your sobriety medal for 10 years!” Jecht took the medal and let out a hearty laugh. “Thanks kid, really appreciate it!” “Here’s to another ten years old man!” Tidus cheered as he took a big gulp. “Hope you don’t plan on being a drinker like your dad.” Tiz cautioned him. “Nah, I’m not really a big drinker. Especially when you’re a star Blitzball ace like me!” “You may be an ace, but I’ll ​
always ​
be the Blitz King!” “You wanna see if your old bones can take it?” Jecht started to laugh. “You’ve got some serious balls kid trying to challenge me to a game!” “Just point us to the nearest ocean and I’ll come out on top!” Zephyr started to laugh and patted Shea on the back. “Y’know for being a prince you have a way of finding some interesting people to hang out with!” “ZEPHYR!” Shea yelled as glass shattering and silence filled the room again. He saw that all eyes were on him again and blushed, facepalming and groaning as a result. “...Well it's about time someone let that cat out of the bag.” Was Zephyr's only remark. “What are you on about now?” Vanitas replied. “Don't. Say. ANYTHING!” Shea warned but Zephyr waved him off. “Shea here is the heir to one of two thrones for his country and people back home. I mean there was his cousins but they adjudicated from it so there's that. But hey goody two shoes..” He pointed to Bobby. “Already knew that years ago as with the rest of our friends.” Bobby walked over to Zephyr and got in his face. “You sure act like you know a lot about me… did we meet somewhere? “ “Take a wild guess Goody­two shoes.” Bobby narrowed his eyes and then widened them stepping back from Zephyr. “No way...for real?!Shit­for­brains?” Zephyr smiled. “Nice of you to finally remember Goody­two shoes.” “‘Shit­for­brains? Goody­two shoes’? Those are some piss­poor nicknames you guys gave each other.” Dean interrupted. “Well when dumb choices almost all the time and have a friend that kept asking women if they needed a hero or some saving then the nicknames fit. Didn't you ever tell these guys the stuff we all did as kids Goody­two shoes?” Zephyr shook his head. “Those are always the best stories. Hell I can even show them our group photo!” He suggested pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. Shea leaped out and grabbed the photo out of Zephyr’s hand. “No, you don’t! They don’t need to know!” “What’s gotten into you, Shea?” Riku asked, concerned. The other shared the same sentiment. “It’s nothing, okay? It’s just a stupid photo! Nothing more!” Zephyr yanked the photo out of Shea’s hand. “It’s my copy of our group photo so I’ll do whatever I want with it! And I am going to show­” Shea tried to jump at Zephyr only for Shea to go through him and hit a wall. Shea looked at Zephyr with an angry look. “Zephyr…” Shea spoke with an eerie tone. “I am already at the end of my patience with you. So be a ​
good Alenthi and!” Zephyr just handed the photo to Bobby. “Suck my dick.” He said with a smirk. Shea tackled him to the ground. “I’LL FEED IT TO YA!” He shouted. Bobby took a look at the photo and saw it was of a group of fifteen kids in something resembling formal wear. Fourteen boys and one girl all wearing nice clothes but was wearing bits and pieces wrong, others were captured in the middle of disaster. All in all what ​
was ​
supposed to be a formal group photo ended in something else. “That’s us?” Bobby asked to Zephyr, who was tangling with Shea on the ground. “Yep, just look at the three boys in the middle front… the drowned rat with a whole mess of cuts with the missing tooth and black eye. Bobby saw the boy and the boy was beaming at him even though he looked like he was wearing something a couple sizes too big for him. “And?” Bobby said. “That’s you.” “Me?! I looked like that?!” Bobby could not believe that it was him. “Oh, I got to look at this now,” Vanitas said, putting his head over Bobby’s left shoulder to see the photo. As soon as he saw it he started laughing. “You ​
were ​
a drowned rat!” Bobby moved it away from him, irritated. “Har, har,” Bobby said. Aqua took a peek of it. “Aw, Bobby. You look adorable!” Bobby’s cheeks turned rosy red with embarrassment. Ra popped out and looked at the photo and his eye caught someone as he took it out of Bobby’s hand and showed it to Roza. “Gee, I wonder who dis wee laddy is with the long ginger hair?” He pointed out a super skinny boy with long red hair was fighting another boy with short black hair while another boy with silver hair who was next to both and ready to jump in at any time. Roza softly smiled at the picture. “While my memory is shot in some areas but I remember this day. That's me, I was fighting all the time. Nemi looks scared here.” Roza shows the photo to Moka. “​
This ​
is how I got to be so strong.” Moka looks at the photo and back at Roza and looks at the photo again. “I didn’t know about this but this was probably taken before I was born.” “I wonder where I’m at,” Shiro asked, yanking the photo from Roza’s hand and looked around at it. “I think if memory serves…” He pinpointed himself as the boy, who was getting a noogie, by way of knuckles being grinded on his head, by another boy who was dark skinned and had black hair. “That’s me, Zaire, or now, Ethan if he is still using that name, was always showing off how he was the toughest of us all. I don’t exactly remember what I said to him at the time but he wanted to get back at me that’s for sure.” Shang and Cian took the photo from Shiro and tried to look for themselves. It was easy to locate themselves as the boy with red, orange pigmentation hair who was getting splashed by the only girl wearing the dress but with her hair down and a tie wrapped around her head looking ready to fight, standing next to him. In front of them was two more boys, one with blonde hair and a tan that could rival Tidus’ and a lazy smile and the other wore heavy makeup, had dyed black hair and was paler than the group. The makeup wearing boy had his suit on fire and had thrown his jacket to the ground to put out the flames while the lazy one was laughing. “That’s us,” Shang confirmed. “I set fire to Alec’s suit causing him to go ballistic. Liam thought that was fucking hilarious. “ “And I splashed you in retaliation,” Cian interjected before she looked at herself in the photo. “I really did not like that dress…” “Dad was really furious afterwards where he grounded us for months without entertainment.” Zephyr popped right in between them. “And yours truly...” He put his finger on the photo and dragged it across until he stopped on top of a boy with dark red hair being choked by a hazel brown haired boy, who had a finger in both the boy’s ears from the red haired boy. “ good ol’ Raph aka Sparrow, a pair of wet willies.” “Thanks, Zeph,” Cian said, rolling her eyes. “As for our dear Star….” Zephyr was interrupted by a glass bottle thrown at his head, breaking on impact and stunning Zephyr. Shea grabs Zephyr by the neck with both hands, choking him. “!” He threatened as Zephyr tried to breath. “…” The few words Zephyr could say as Bobby took the photo from Shang and Cian and looked to where he was and to the two boys next to him. One of them being tanned skin with having the same spiky hair as Shea, was grappling with another boy, who looked slightly taller than him and had fair light skin with dark brown hair, who drove up two fingers from one hand up Shea’s nose while Shea poked both of his eyes out with a finger from both hands. “Wow, that is hardly fitting behavior of a royal heir.” “I WAS SIX!,” Shea replied, his face red again. “Miles was being an arse and I had to bring him down a­” Shea immediately stopped choking Zephyr when he realized what he just said. “‘Miles’? You mean, Jo­, I mean, Mystery,” Ven said, knowing Shea’s discomfort of the name, ‘John’ being called out. “‘Mystery’ that’s what he goes by now?” Zephyr replied, rubbing his neck after being choked by Shea. “Sheesh, horrible choice of a name, but yep, that’s Little Johnny! He hated it when anyone called him that.” Zephyr notices an uncomfortable silence fell on everyone. “Did someone die?” “No, he’s not,” Lightning began with Zephyr breathing a sigh of relief as Lightning looked at the photo. “He must’ve been a real pain as a kid.” Zephyr took the photo back and used a small device to enlarge it above the group. “Believe it or not, he was the closest thing to responsible for the entire group…” He noticed the growing tension in the room. “Ok can someone tell me what he did to make you all so glum?” “He was spying on us for his government and Bobby kicked him out.” Lightning answered, her voice cold. Zephyr looked at Bobby with disbelief. “Is that true? Please tell me you didn't…” “I did.” Zephyr broke a table with one strike of his sword. “FUCK!” The Heroes jumped and Sora grew concerned. “Is something wrong?” Zephyr snapped out of his blow up and looked at the young Keyblade Wielders. “There's more than just ‘something’ wrong now. For all I know, ‘Mystery’ could be dead by now.” The silence and tension now had an edge of horror to it. “Hold on! What do you mean ‘he could be dead by now’?” Sora asked, worry can be heard in his voice. “Exactly what I just said. ‘He could be dead by now’.” Zephyr said to Sora as he digged into his own pockets. “Come on, where are they? I’m sure it was here...” He continued digging. “Ow!” He grunted as he pulled out a live small spider from his pocket. “How did that get there?!” He tossed it aside and searched his other pocket. “AHA! Here it is!” He exclaimed as he pulled out a bunch of papers and slammed it on a nearby table. “That!” They moved in closer to take a look at them. The papers had walls of text along with photos and at the bottom a series of signatures and a number representing the currency. “What’s all this?” Terra asked Zephyr as he stares at one of the papers. “Contracts, forms, from worlds that have sold us out to The Evorsio over the years for riches, removal of a liability, any reason whatsoever,” Zephyr explained. “Go on, Goody Two Shoes, pick that one up.” He said to Bobby, pointing at one paper which he picked up. Bobby looks at the sheet and read it out loud, “​
By royal decree and true power, I hereby declare the half­Saiyan, half­Human offspring, Bobby Muramasa, son of Eraqus and Elena Muramasa, an enemy to the Palamecian Empire for trespassing by the actions of his parents without any form of citizenship, threatening the peaceful stability of our empire, and a threat to every living being of life on our world. In hopes to remove this threat, the Empire will support the group, The Evorsio by any means necessary. In exchange, The Evorsio has promised to recognize the Palamecian Empire as an ally and combine our forces and resources to form an unstoppable force that will tremble the world. Signed, The Emperor of Palamecia, the true and rightful ruler, Mateus​
.” Bobby finished reading the paper. An angry look formed on his face. “Mateus!” He yelled out as he ripped the sheet in half. “HEY! I was saving that for a collection!” Zephyr accosted Bobby, who grabbed Zephyr’s shirt and lifted him up. “What does this have to do with John?! What does it have to do with him?! Tell me!” Bobby yelled at Zephyr as the Keyblade wielders tried to loosen Bobby’s grip on Zephyr to no avail as his grip was stronger. “Bobby, let him go!” Aqua pleaded. “Do you mind putting me down first?!” Zephyr yells at Bobby. “You need to chill out!” “Chill out!? That all you can say when I may have sent my friend to certain doom?!” “You need to hear my words carefully. I said, he ‘could’ be dead. That doesn’t mean that he ​
is dead. See the difference?” Bobby released his grasp of Zephyr. “Believe me, I know the difference. I’ve seen too many close friends die or disappear from mistakes ​
made, mistakes I’ve made sure not to repeat.” Zephyr scoffed. “Welcome to the real world, pal. You think you’re the only one? What I was trying to get at before you rudely interrupted me was that he is not safe even to where he went back to. No one is safe when The Evorsio has you in their sights.” Shea starts to head out towards the door. “Where are you going?” Gray asked him. “Going to save my friend. Not going to waste anytime here moping about it,” Shea finished as he approached the door but stopped midway, sensing something wrong. He looked back at the group. “DUCK!” He shouted as he jumped away the door. An explosion blew through the door, scattering debris and shrapnel towards them as those with magic were quick to summon barriers to block them. Through the smoke, they see Evorsio soldiers running in, clad out with crimson red armor over a black combat uniform. Then they see an imposing figure walking in, being followed by other soldiers. “How do you walk into a house?” A deep toned voice talked as he walked into the guild. “You just knock.” The figure revealed himself to be a white skinned, tall, bald headed man wearing the same clothing and armor as the soldiers. An addition to that is a black cape with a red Evorsio symbol showing, draping over his right shoulder. “Alas where are my manners? I am Lieutenant General Adolf, leader of The Evorsio Army Unit, Blood Ravens.” He saw Shea standing up and grabbed his throat, pulling the struggling young man close. “Hello, ​
Adelos. Did you enjoy your ​
​” The venom practically dripped from his voice as he squeezed Shea’s throat. “M­Major…. As­Asshole…” Shea countered with what oxygen he could inhale. He gripped the hands around his throat and tried to pry them off. Adolf huffed and applied more pressure, watching with satisfaction as the struggle got weaker until Shea went limp in his grip. “Try helping your friends out now.” He whistled and a machine with a glass “coffin” skittered up to him and he dropped Shea’s unconscious body in it. “Let’s avoid another mess like Ivalice, shall we?” Bobby gritted his teeth and charged up. “NO YOU DON’T!” He shouted as he flew towards Adolf but got intercepted by a soldier, who to his shock was charged up in the same energy, and punched Bobby back onto the floor. The Keyblade wielders rushed to his side as Adolf chuckled. “Good thing our experiments paid off. Finding means to fight against Saiyans is expensive.” The machine skittered away and Adolf smirked at Zephyr who was growling. “How’s your cousin? Is she still trapped in the realm of darkness?” “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Zephyr rushed at him with his sword in hand. He swung it only for Adolf to step back dodging the swing. Adolf grabbed Zephyr by the back of his neck and started squeezing it causing him to fall on his knees. “If only you had Nox to help you find her but he’s not here now, is he?” Adolf then kneed upward to Zephyr’s chin, lifted him up and slammed him onto a nearby table, breaking it and cracking the ground hard. “That was three, I really shouldn’t be optimistic of your chances.” “I’re the one who should not be optimistic,” Makarov began as he walked towards Adolf, who seemed unimpressed of the old man. “Especially when you walk into my guild and start causing trouble.” Makarov started growing in size from his short stature along with muscles forming on his body as Adolf raised an eyebrow as his soldiers behind him were a little concerned. Outside the Fairy Tail guild, the Blood Raven soldiers were forcing the townspeople out of their homes, physically and by gunpoint. The soldiers also partaked in pillaging their valuables and vandalising their homes and places of business. Emperor Mateus along with his demonic army appeared in the town and walked towards a group of soldiers waiting outside the guild. “You, soldier,” He asked one of them. “Where is General Adolf?” The soldier turned his attention to the Emperor. “Emperor, the General went into the guild to acquaint himself with the hostiles. He subdued Shea Alister and is having him transported off world as we speak.” “Leave it to that overzealous fool and his ragtag group to try to get all the glory,” Mateus complained. Soon they hear commotion inside the guild and gunfire as the soldiers outside prepared themselves. An explosion occurred sending Adolf and a few durable soldiers flying out and hitting the ground. “Well done, General. I see you have them on the run,” Mateus remarked at him which Adolf growled as he got up. Out of the smoke they see a giant, muscular Makarov, who is the size of a house walking out. “Engage the enemy!” Adolf blurted out to his men. “Kill them all but keep the Windrose Knights alive. Preferably to an inch of their pathetic lives!” On the Heroes side they took cover behind Makarov as the soldiers fired at will and the Emperor sent out his demonic minions. “We cannot allow The Evorsio to take Shea off world! If we lose him, they will work him over to their side as they intended with all of us!” Shang tells them. “Don’t have to tell me twice. Vanitas!” Bobby called out to Vanitas. “Even the odds!” Vanitas grinned. “About time!” He summoned his Keyblade as Unversed appear and fought against the demons. ♪ ​
Destiny’s Force (Kingdom Hearts) ​
♪ The Saiyans opted to strike from above while the rest formed into small strike teams, taking a page out of the Evorsio’s playbook and forming an effective resistance that was helped by the town's special traits it had developed given it was the guild home base. It seemed rather strange as the Heroes seemed to work more together than before… everyone watched each other's backs and tore through the enemy which paid off three weeks of retraining after Ivalice. Emperor Mateus gritted his teeth at the fledgling beginning of something far more dangerous than he has anticipated. Throughout the chaos the containment unit skittered towards him and the frustration turned into something smug. He outstretched his hand as if to bring it faster…until a fireball struck the machine, damaging it and stopping its motion. “You picked the wrong town to attack!” Natsu yelled as he caught up to the machine. He punched through the glass and pulled Shea out. He looked like he was out for blood. Mateus smirked at the fire mage’s appearance. “Natsu Dragneel… you are full of surprises aren't you.” Natsu growled and charged at the emperor, suddenly screaming in pain as he stepped into a trap. “You don't even know who you are, or should I say ​
what ​
you are, do you?” “Oh great, another piece of shit that’s trying to break me by talking me to death,” Natsu rolled his eyes. “The guys on ​
The Bastille h
​ad more class than you!” The Emperor held his staff against Natsu’s chin, the blade touching his skin. “Do not compare me to lesser men… ​
Etherious Natsu Dragneel.​
” He gave a vicious smile as he summoned a book that had “E.N.D.” on the cover. “You’re the brother of Zeref Dragneel… and the guild master of Tartarus. You have killed thousands. You’re a monster​
just like your brother.​
In fact you’re the reason why your dead ‘father’ Igneel vanished. He didn’t want a monster as his son.” Natsu gritted his teeth as flames formed in his hands. “Shut your damn mouth! I won’t let you insult Igneel like that! And whatever else you just blabbed about is nothing but a bunch of lies!” He tossed fireballs at Mateus, who leapt away and cancelled them out with his own Flare spells. “You are either delusional or a fool, what I speak is the truth. Zeref himself told me.” Mateus then encased the book in sparks of lightning, cause Natsu to drop to the ground, writhing in pain. “Do you see now? If any damage is done to the book of E.N.D. you shall suffer greatly. To be quite honest, I never really took a liking to Zeref nor I don’t know why he was enlisted into our ranks.” The book was encased in lightning again as Natsu screamed more. “The only way to rid himself of the curse that he gave himself is if for ​
you ​
to kill him, but unfortunately for him that will never come to pass!” The book was now engulfed in flames, which somehow in crazy ironics inflicted great pain to Natsu. Bobby noticed this and tried to aid him. “That’s enough Mateus!” But before he could get close enough, a young man with black hair suddenly appeared and swiped the book away and used magic to knock Mateus aside. “Don’t even ​
of laying a finger on Natsu. And to be honest, I never liked you either.” The boy coldly said, giving a grim glare to the Emperor. Makarov saw Zeref and was suddenly frozen with fear. “​
Zeref?! What is he doing here?! The last we saw of him was on Tenrou Island...” Emperor Mateus only grinned. “​
Emperor ​
Zeref Dragneel. It’s a ​
pleasure ​
to see you again.” He bowed as the glare grew colder. “I take it you’re here to enact your revenge on the guild?” The guild members stopped fighting and watched the exchange between Mateus and the Black Mage. “I was… until I saw that someone was here for something far worse. When I announced the end of this age, I never expected that would herald your return. You and your group have done far too much damage of the course of history… but this is the final sin I will allow. Natsu is my brother and for harming him I will personally deliver you to the gates of Hell myself!” Zeref announced, dropping into a fighting stance in front of Natsu who was now gravely injured. “Haven’t you learned? Death, life, even the divine ​
bow to me​
!” Mateus declared, charging his Starfall attack, which darkened the sky. Once he finished, he pointed his staff to the brothers. Thousands of small fireballs followed by a meteor the size of the entire town started to descend and Zeref paled as the volley drew closer. Everyone else ducked in a desperate effort to avoid the attack as the Emperor laughed. “Emperor Mateus…” Shea mumbled as he stood up, finding his balance for a second before pulling out the charm he had in his pocket. “​
!” He yelled, throwing the charm at the volley. The charm shined and drew the volley in, becoming brighter once it was done. Then three small beams of light shot out. One “pierced” through Zeref, the second did the same to the book before changing course to Natsu and the last went into the remainder of the Fairy Tail guild. “NO!” Mateus yelled as he saw that the light enveloped the brothers and seemingly destroyed the book before fading away, yet both Dragneel brother stood as the charm dropped down into Shea’s hand. “What did you do!?” He addressed the weary knight. Shea turned his attention to Zeref and gave him a weary smile. “A promise is a promise… and I kept mine, like I said I would.” He answered, watching as the black mage’s eyes widened before falling to his knees and struggling to breathe. Mateus let out a roar that echoed through the town. “Maleficent! Come forth!” A light yellow­green light flashed and Maleficent appeared. “You called, Your Highness?” “Eliminate them!” He hissed as she stood unfazed at him. “Why, Your Highness, were you not saying before that you could take them all on?” “ today, witch!” He angrily spoke with a low toned voice. “Adolf?!” “Oh Emperor, I see you have them on the run,” Adolf repeated the Emperor’s last words to him before as Mateus growled at them. “I WILL HAVE BOTH YOUR HEADS WHEN I AM THROUGH WITH THEM!!” He yelled at them as his form started to change as his body started becoming bulkier, his clothing was darkening and had spikes popping out from his pauldrons, and his face changed to a more monstrous look, having a skull­like face with sharp teeth and red snakes formed on top of his head. “I WILL BURN THIS WORLD INTO ASHES! DIIIIE!!” His voice sounding more demonic and inhuman. The Emperor unleashed a series of powerful Thunder spells unto the town, hitting anything in sight whether it was Evorsio, Hero, or a townsperson. “Oh boy, he’s ​
!” Shiro exclaimed. “That’s what happens when things don’t go his way,” Shea spoke. “Right now, he’s tapped into his Darkness, something he got when he took over Hell. You can say all it took was a temper tantrum that would make Vanitas look behaved.” “Good thing he doesn’t have a light side, right?” Steve said, nervously which Shea shook his head. “You don’t want to find out about ​
that ​
one,” He said to Steve. Then they felt the speed and the pressure of the wind increasing. “I WILL DO WHAT THAT WEAK WILLED ZEREF REFUSE TO DO! I WILL WIPE AWAY THIS TOWN AND YOUR PRECIOUS GUILD!!” “Oh bloody hell!” Shea cursed. “What’s he up to now?” Gray asked. “He’s going to decimate this place with a cyclone!” “How bad?” Goku asked. “Bad enough to make a F5 tornado look harmless in comparison. We need to take that tosser down now!” “We need to also get the townspeople out of here as well even if we can’t save the town itself,” Bobby ordered. “On it. I’ll keep big lord of darkness over there busy and you guys get as many people out,” Zephyr spoke as he paced himself in place and took a few deep breaths. “Step back, boys and girls, this is going to be a doozy.” He finished as a dark orb appeared on his chest and started enveloping him. The orb lifts into the air as Zephyr’s painful grunting can be heard and then he started screaming in pain as the orb started growing larger. His screams started sounding less human and more bestial as roaring can be heard. Then out of the orb revealed itself to be a large gold dragon that was ready to fight. “He can transform into a dragon?!” Joey exclaimed in surprise. “I told you that each Windrose Knight has special abilities…” Shea answered. Zephyr in his dragon form flew towards the Dark Emperor, who retaliated by casting thunder spells at him. Zephyr was quick to dodge the spells as he breathed out gold­colored fire from his throat against the Emperor. The Emperor was unaffected by the flames and countered with using an fiery explosive attack on Zephyr. The magical attack had some effect on Zephyr, knocking him back at bit but no severe damage. Zephyr growls at the Emperor as he spread out his wings, moved them and pushed himself off the ground as he took flight using his wings. “HA! Giving up alread­” Mateus was cut off as Zephyr unleashed a powerful gust against him with his wings, sending him crashing into a burning house. Mateus picked himself up and laughed. “What? A little wind?” He taunted only until he sees Zephyr using his tail to slam down on the house and him inside. The tail came right down on top of him, pinning him to ground. The dragon grinned until another dragon, Maleficent, slammed into Zephyr and clawed at him. The surprise attack left Zephyr unprepared and defenseless as Maleficent held him down and systematically attacked him until he switched to his default form, lying on his side and holding his bleeding stomach, oozing with dark purple blood. “Well…” He coughed out more of his blood. “That...could have gone better.” He looks at Maleficent. “If you’re going to eat me, I’m going to tell you right off the bat that...I don’t taste very good.” “Believe him, he smells like shit!” Shea voiced called out. Maleficent growled and swiped his feet from under him, causing him to cry out in pain as the fall caused one of his feet to break. Zephyr tilted his head back, taking in deep breaths as a mark glowed in a steady pulse on his chest, slowly mending his wounds as he slowly got back on his feet and cracked his neck and knuckles. “Okay hag, I’m ready for round two. Bring it!” He said as he took his sword and gun out as Maleficent faced him. Some of the Heroes saw that the Emperor was continuing with creating the cyclone, unopposed, having an idea that Zephyr was not successful in his fight against him. “He’s going to continue creating that cyclone. We need to stop him!” Terra said, Keyblade at the ready as he runs towards the Emperor until he sees a bunch of him. Terra knows it’s a trick and used his Rockbreaker attack with him glowing a bright brown aura as he smashed against the ground and drawing out three pieces of stone and dirt and spun against them, spreading rock debris against the illusions. Then one of them blocked the debris and fired a lightning attack from his hand with Terra blocking it with his Keyblade. Tifa then runs up behind Terra’s back and jumps up in the air, Materia on her person, she uses one to increase her speed as her flying kick went straight against his face like a bullet train. Caught off guard, Tifa moved out of the way for Terra to charge at him with a white energy glowing in front of him in the shape of a “X” as it hit him, pushing him back. Tifa then clothes lined Mateus and unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks on him. Mateus grew agitated as he casted a spell which slowed Tifa’s speed to normal as he hits her with his staff and fired three balls of energy on her which exploded on her, injuring her. He then saw Terra about to attack him, Mateus stretched his hand out and a gust of darkness came out of his hand, hitting Terra in his eyes. “I can’t see!” Terra yelled. “Good,” Mateus replied as he summoned a spark of light beneath Terra which shocked him repeatedly as he became surrounded by multiple dark orbs that was closing in on him. The orbs came into contact and exploded on contact on Terra, taking him out of commission. Mateus savoring his small victory did not notice Lightning struck him with her Zantetsuken, the sword of her Eidolon, Odin, blades from behind and jumped over him before he could react. She then combined the two hooked blades’ hilt together to make a double­bladed sword and spun around, cutting him again. The two then clashed with Lightning not giving him any breathing room to summon any spells. The two then locked blades with each other. “Don’t expect for him to come to your rescue,” he says to her, her eyes widened with shock. “He is never to going to come back, no matter how much your heart aches for him to come.” “Shut...up!” She hissed. “You don’t know anything!” “I...know...​
, girl. Nothing escapes my knowledge. How it must have felt when he betrayed your trust,, and how you shunned him. There is great pain in you and yet you are conflicted.” “I said, shut up!” “When I kill you, I’ll say to him, that in your dying breath, you cursed his very name and had nothing but contempt for him. Or, perhaps, I can keep you alive long enough for you to see how I’ll rip him to pieces and then watch you fall into despair.” Lightning had enough as she stepped back and slashed at the Emperor’s leg, making him stagger as she separated the blades and swung them with fury with Emperor trying to keep up his defense. Lightning’s blades then slashed off his left horn and cut his left eye. The Emperor growled as he went on the offensive as he casted a wind attack, blowing her into a wall. He delivered a punch to her face, breaking her through the wall. To put salt in the wound, he shocks her with his lightning spells until she can’t get back up as she writhed in pain. “Seems you picked the former then?” He said as he grabbed her by the neck. “Don’t worry, I have a spot for you in Hell.” Mateus then felt a slash from behind as he grunted. He turned and saw Sephiroth with his Masamune out. ​
♪ ​
One Winged Angel (Final Fantasy VII) ♪
​ “Sephiroth,” The Emperor growled at the ex­SOLDIER. “Nice to see you again, ​
” Sephiroth replied. “You will wish that you had not switched sides...traitor!” Sephiroth clashed and locked blades with the Emperor as they stared into each other’s eyes. “You are a monster, Sephiroth. Always was, always will be. You think joining with this ragtag group of rabble and that all of your wrongdoings will be atoned for?” Sephiroth just chuckled softly to the Emperor’s surprise. “Oh, Mateus I still wonder why they keep you around despite how much of a pest you are.” He paused for a moment as he observed him. “You’re starting to get weaker.” The Emperor swung his staff but Sephiroth jumped up on a roof of building with the Emperor following as they continued to fight. Vanitas noticed and saw, and grinned as he sees an opportunity for payback against the Emperor for Yokai. Sephiroth and Mateus locked blades again, the Emperor is visibly straining as Sephiroth remain composed. “Hey, Your Highness, you haven’t forgotten me have ya?” Vanitas yelled out as he fired a series of dark energy blasts from behind, hitting the Emperor and giving Sephiroth an opening as he dashed past him, delivering multiple slashes on the Emperor, cutting him. Vanitas then kicks him in the face, launching him off the building. “You’re not fighting someone who just got out of a hospital bed now!” Vanitas jumped down to the street as Mateus was slowly getting back up. “Awwwww, what’s the matter? Knowing what it feels like when you tried to attack someone who couldn’t stand on their feet?” Vanitas taunted as he summoned three large crystals which focused together and fired a large beam of dark energy at the Emperor, hitting him. Sephiroth then summoned multiple dark orbs surrounding Mateus, the orbs then homed in on Mateus, exploding on him. Mateus was starting to show more damage as he pathetically tried to stand back up again. “It can’ can’t…” The Emperor was breathing rapidly from the battle. “What’s that? Speak loud and clear, so we can hear how much of a pathetic loser you are!” Vanitas kicked him down. “Stop toying with him and finish him off,” Sephiroth coldly said. “Relax, these things take their time.” “Of course…Heavens...” The Emperor said as he stretched his hand out and a series of fireballs, followed by a meteor was raining down on Sephiroth and Vanitas’ position. Sephiroth reacted quickly and flew up as he slashed them to pieces. The Emperor caught Vanitas off guard as he casted a cyclone beneath Vanitas that spinned him around and launched him in the air. “Next time, you won’t be so lucky,” he said as Vanitas crashes down on the ground behind him, head first. “You’re...a know that?” Vanitas replied, covered in minor scratches. Shea watched as the Heroes tried to fight both Mateus and Maleficent, leaving Adolf to knock away guild members like flies. He gritted his teeth as he got back up, knowing that unless he had help he was useless. Kurumu, who had been providing air support with the Saiyans, landed next to him out of breath. “Where’s Goku’s group?” Kurumu pointed to where the Saiyans were now engaged with Adolf, meeting blow with blow in a potential stalemate. “This isn’t good… we need to even the odds but I’m useless unless....” He glanced at Kurumu and smiled. “Would you mind helping me out?” “With what?” She asked, only to get a smirk from him as he pulled out his handgun and loaded it with orbs of energy. “I’m going to need a lift.” He eyed at Kurumu’s wings. She figured it out and sighed. Adolf proved to be quite a powerful foe for the strongest of Saiyans but this didn’t deter them from giving up. Adolf started to laugh. “Your thirst for battle will be all of your undoing you mindless apes!” “Yeah whatever fatass, we’ll still knock your ass all over the town!” Gotenks taunted him. “Boys! Focus on beating him!” Super Saiyan 2 Goku exclaimed to the fused Saiyan. He charged at Adolf, and unleashed a combo of punches and kicks, his Meteor Crash attack, and slammed him into the ground. “Vegeta!” Vegeta in his Super Saiyan 2 form was charging up his attack as his arms were stretched out to the sides. “FINAL FLASH!” The beam of golden light was fired from his hands as it flew along the ground. However Adolf was able to get back on his feet and block it with just his bare hands. “HAHAHA! It’ll take more than ​
to beat me down!” Be careful what you wish for Adolf, cause Broly came soaring down from above, grabbed Adolf by his head and tossed him onto the streets of the town. Adolf spat out a piece of stone as he got up. “That’s…” He cracked his neck, moved his arms a bit. “...more like it.” Broly gave Adolf a psychotic grin that rivals up to Shea as he started to laugh maniacally. “Do you honestly believe you have what it takes to stand up to ​
power?” He began to roar with power as he transformed into his Legendary state. “I’ll pave the streets with your blood!” Gohan sighed. “Was kinda hoping we’d avoid ​
.” “Broly can’t help it, his mind’s as messed up as Shea’s has been thanks to the Evorsio.” Bobby replied. “But don’t forget, I can help keep Broly from destroying Magnolia Town.” “Because you can also go Legendary right?” Gotenks asked. “That, and...this!” Bobby held his charm close to his heart as it began to radiate with light. He tossed it into the sky as a shield began to cover the entire town. “Everyone move now! There’s only enough time until the shield is fully active! Nothing goes in or comes outs unless I tell it to!” The Saiyans forced Adolf out of the town as the rest of the heroes did the same with the rest of the Evorsio forces. Soon Magnolia Town was completed protected in a shield of light. “What impressive power..” The Warrior of Light spoke with awe. “Wait… How did you manage to do that!?” Shea shouted to Bobby. “Not that we won’t need it!” ‘Maybe there’s more to Bobby than I thought… and if that’s true then Mystery…’ “Impressive work Bobby! Now we can fight with our fullest power without worry of the town!” Erza added. “Flame Armor!” Shea looked at the succubus. “Ready to fly?” Kurumu nodded and Shea placed an arm around her shoulder, with his gun in his other hand. Her wings stretched out and they took off into the air. “Let me know if I grab anything! A lady shouldn’t need to worry about speaking up about things!”” Shea said, smirking as he unloaded his gun. The orbs created several powerful spells that landed critical hits on Maleficent and Mateus. He reloaded his gun just as Kurumu strafed left, causing him to swerve and land face first into her chest. He lifted his head and blushed. “S­Sorry…” He turned and unloaded another powerful volley of ancient magic, this time landing solid hits on Adolf and the rest of the soldiers that came with the Evorsio general, evening the odds for the heroes. Mateus summoned another cyclone aimed at the two. “We need to get out of the path! Do you think you can find someplace to land!?” “I could but I wouldn’t be fast enough!” “Then we need to free­fall!” “That’s crazy! We won’t survive!” “Yes we will! Do you trust me!?” Kurumu looked at the incoming cyclone and then at Shea before nodding. “Sorry about this.” Shea said before kissing Kurumu, causing her to lose focus and for her wings to vanish. As they fell he held her tight and manipulated the wind to slow their fall until they landed in a cart of hay that had been left behind in the chaos. “Are you ok?” Shea asked smiling, but then glanced at his foot and left. “Stay there! You’ll be safe where you are!” He yelled as he joined the battle. It was strange, the feelings for Shea began to blossom within Kurumu. Considering the fact that she had her eyes set on Tsukune was complicated, but it didn’t matter anymore. She had plans to bag herself an Elenari mate. Zeref rushes up to Mateus with killing intent as he avoided the traps Mateus set. Mateus casted a spell to slow Zeref’s speed down to a crawl as Mateus fired more orbs of energy against him, hitting him. Zeref, sporting minor injuries, was about to swipe both of his arms around until he stopped and realized that since his curse was lifted, he no longer had possession of the Ankhseram Black Magic, adding to that was that he was mortal now. Mateus grinned as he dashed forward towards him, holding out a bladed end of his staff, Zeref caught the bladed part in time and held his ground as Mateus tried to push his staff in to stab Zeref. “Haven’t you forgotten? You are no longer cursed which also means you are no longer immortal. No more Emperor Zeref, the one who ended countless lives over the many years, just a pathetic mortal,” Mateus taunted. “I consider it a blessing! I maybe put at a disadvantage but at least, I’m free,” Zeref spat back. “And you will die! There’s a place in Hell for traitors such as you.” “If I get sent there, I’ll make sure to start a rebellion.” “And he won’t be alone!” Natsu shouted as delivered a hard punch engulfed in flame to Mateus’ head, breaking the stalemate and sending him flying onto the ground, covering him in dirt. “I may no longer possess the Black Art of killing but I am not completely powerless! Such as this!” The area and everyone present, save for Natsu and Zeref, froze, their color inverted as a result including the Emperor. “Used that magic again huh?” Natsu said. “Hey, what the gold guy said earlier, is it true? Are brother?” Zeref looked away with sadness, trying to find the right words about Mateus revealed to the Fire­Dragon Slayer. “Yes, it is.” Natsu was taken back, his eyes widened with great surprise. “How it possible?” “I will explain everything once the battle is over. Tell me, is Mavis around here by chance?” “The first guild master?” Natsu scratched the back of his head. “The last time the guild’s seen her was when they were coming to rescue us on that prison ship.” “I had to help them find out which world the ship was currently in.” Mavis Vermilion, the founder and first master of the Fairy Tail guild, with the appearance of a young girl wearing a pink dress with wing­like adornments around her ears, appeared before Natsu and Zeref standing next to Castiel. “Mavis, it is good to see you again. But tell me, how did ​
you ​
escape my magic?” Zeref said to Mavis, before turning to Castiel. “As an angel, I can work my around spells like this.” He stated. “I felt a divine presence just before the battle, and it brought me to this girl here. Zeref quickly took ahold of Mavis’s hands as he smiled at her. “The curse of Ankhseram...I no longer have it Mavis!” He quickly let go once he remembered that Mavis was also inflicted by the black magic. “You.. do not have it either?” Mavis nodded. “Adelos’s charm freed me as well. So, do you still plan to go to war even after being freed?” “No, there is no point. All that concerns me is being rid of the Evorsio trash that dared to show its face here.” Zeref’s expression changed to anger as he clenched his fists. “We must act fast, Mateus can find a way to break through my magic.” “On it bro!” Natsu spoke, hands engulfed in flames as he lunged at Mateus, who was struggling to get back on his feet. Natsu threw a series of punches and kicks onto Mateus, repeatedly. He stopped for a second as he holds one fist back and an burst of flame erupted from his elbow, which then propelled Natsu’s punch directly into Mateus’ head. Natsu continued his beatdown on the Emperor until Natsu charged up the fire in his fists, released a massive amount of flames as he proceeds to repeatedly punched Mateus, again, dealing greater damage on him than normal. Natsu then jumped back a few inches from Mateus, as he inhaled and his cheeks bloated up and then released a large burst of fire onto Mateus. “With a flame on the right hand…” A ball of fire formed on Natsu’s right hand. “...and a flame on the left hand…” Another ball of fire on his left hand. “When you combine the flames together…” He joined the two balls a fire to form an even bigger fireball. “​
Fire Dragon’s Brilliant Flame!​
” The flame made contact on Mateus and created a massive explosion on him and the piece of earth he was standing. Time returned to normal as Mateus slowly walked out of the smoke and crater, sporting severe injuries and burns. “…” He sounded exhausted. “...not…” Both Zeref and Natsu just walked up to him and flicked him in the face, knocking him down. “You are.” Zeref quipped. “You’re not so mighty now, are ya?” Natsu joined with the quipping. A panicking Evorsio soldier runs up to Adolf, “General! General!” He panted, trying to make coherent words. “What is it, soldier?!” Adolf shouted, not having the time for anymore nonsense seeing that the odds are not in their favor. “Scouts have spotted a large ship entering this world’s atmosphere. It matches the description of the ​
Limit Break​
, sir!” He finished. Adolf became red as he knows what the soldier was referring to. “No! No! It’s too soon! VICTORY WAS IN MY HAND! DAMN HIM! DAMN HIM!” He was raving like a madman so loud the soldiers and Heroes heard him. “What do we do, sir?” Adolf then grabbed the soldier’s neck, choking him, with intense fury in his eyes as he headbutts him and lets go of his neck. Adolf then proceeded to slam down on the soldier’s head with his foot. After a few more kicks, the soldier’s skull cracked open like a nut, splattering blood and brain matter on him, his uniform and his boot. The soldiers witnessing it did not say a word nor did anything as Adolf inhaled and exhaled repeatedly like someone who let out all of their rage from a meltdown. He faced the group of Heroes and pulled out a whistle carved out of bone. “Maybe this will work…” He blew it, with no noise coming out or what the Heroes thought. That is until Shea let out a scream of agony and fell to his knees, writhing. Adolf smirked. “Well well well Adelos…I have a question for you; what’s the location of the seal?” “S­seal? I don­” Shea screamed again as Adolf blew the whistle again. “AAAAAAAAAAAAA Thr­three, f­f­five…” Then he started keening sounding like a wounded animal as Adolf kept blowing. It was a terrible sight as Adolf started to kick the downed and screaming Knight. Bobby had enough as he charged himself with energy and flew straight into Adolf, interrupting what he was doing. In mid flight, Bobby was punching him repeatedly in the face before he threw him through multiple trees, breaking them. “No more!” He shouted as he snapped the bone whistle in two. “You and your fucking army are done hurting my friends!” Adolf just cackled as he spat out blood from his mouth. “Oh, you stupid fool. What you and your… “friends” went through was only just the beginning of their torment. Like what I’m going to do with Walker when I get my hands on him.” Bobby’s eyes widened with shock. “I should thank you, you know, you basically handed him over to us, ripe for the taking.” He chuckled. “You can add that to your list of failures. You couldn’t save Yokai Academy or Aiko, you couldn’t save Ivalice, or those prisoners that fell prey to the Heartless. You can’t save anyone, much less save yourself. You have dragged your friends into hell with you and have brought nothing but misery on them for the past few months. I can’t help but think that they blame you for what happened, or perhaps even despise you especially since you are starting to bring your worst enemies into the fold. Each day you are just inching towards the same route that your father would never approve of.” Bobby gives him a very dark glare as he summoned his Keyblade in his hand. “Oooh, there he is. There’s those killer eyes in you. Ready to put one more on your belt alongside Envy and Aizen?” Adolf grinned at him. “How about a little push to help? I had a look at some of the interrogation logs and recordings of you and your friends’ time on ​
The Bastille,​
I found some of them rather amusing. Some of my favorites was when they were waterboarding Ventus and then him being shoved into a metal box that he can barely squeeze into, said box only had one hole for air. He was put in there constantly until he could not walk. Another was of Terra where he was put on a medieval rack, ancient but effective, and where by turn by turn, his limbs were getting stretched out and just to up the ante, they put boiling oil on his skin, which caused him to pop out one of his shoulders in his struggling. And there is Aqua...she was stripped bare, had her wrists tied in barb wire behind her back and was suspended from behind high enough for her toes to touch the ground then she was whipped with an Ancient Roman flagrum. She is not going to be going to the beach anytime soon nor any of them that’s for sure.” Bobby shouted in rage as he dashed toward Adolf sidestepped, avoiding the strike as it horizontally cut a tree in half. Adolf punched Bobby in the face and grabbed him by the throat. “You no longer possess the Darkness in you, thanks to Adelos. You cannot have hope to have won this fight in your pure rage, something the Light never supports. You are out of your element, ​
.” Adolf headbutts Bobby, multiple times, spilling blood from Bobby’s nose. He then slammed Bobby through a tree, breaking it, and then slammed him into the grassy ground. “I will beat you to an inch of your life, then I will go find Walker and send him back to you, one small piece of him at a time.” Adolf then battered Bobby’s head with his fists. Blow after blow, Bobby felt his consciousness fading until it went black. At the corner of her eye, Ashelia noticed the beatdown Bobby was suffering from and without a second thought, raced to his aid. “Bobby’s life is in danger! Everyone focus on Adolf before we lose him!” “We won’t!” Ichigo exclaimed as he and all of Bobby’s friends charged onwards as fast they could to help him before it was too late. At that moment, a figure began to move too fast for anyone to see as it came close to the Evorsio soldiers and used a spell to wipe them out completely from existence. “The soldiers! They’re completely gone?!” Makarov exclaimed with surprise. Adolf was about to deliver to the blow that would end Bobby’s life but was soon sent flying into more trees before he was slammed into the ground, creating a giant crater. “Bobby!” Tidus hurried over and saw him covered in blood and bruises all over his face. “He needs help now!” “I’m on it!” Orihime quickly kneeled to Bobby’s side and began to use her healing kido on him. “What the hell is going on? Adolf was just tossed around like a rag doll!” Gajeel spoke. “Whoever it was, they moved too fast for anyone to see.” Weiss pointed it. Zephyr smiled. “There’s only one who’s able to move at that speed, and that’s Iefan!” “The guy that saved us when the ​
Bastille ​
went down?” Bartz asked, remembering the brief encounter back on Ivalice soil. Adolf climbed his way out of the crater, bloodied and bruised and eyes on fire. The mirror­masked man stood at the top as if he was waiting for him. “Well well well, looks like the old man himself came to play! Guess we should get started!” Iefan merely tilted his wife brimmed hat. Before he could make a swing at Iefan, Adolf was instantly lifted into the air and slammed back down repeatedly as the Heroes watched from afar. “Damn, Adolf’s getting owned now.” Junpei couldn’t help but laugh at this. Adolf landed on the ground and stood up, growling. “You're going to PAY!” He shouted running right into Iefan’s staff. What followed afterwards what best described as a one sided ass whooping as Iefan landed blow after blow with his staff. Then Iefan chanted in another language and the surrounding trees came to life and landed their own beat down on the general. Maleficent burned the trees as Mateus dragged the half dead general to his feet. “This isn't over.” With that the three vanished into a Corridor of Darkness. Orihime finished healing Bobby and helped him up. They stared at the man who again tipped his hat and vanished in the form of falling dust. “Is it over?” Sora asked, exhausted and out of breath from the conflict. “I think so…” Goku answered. “GUYS! SHEA ISN'T WAKING UP!” Kairi yelled. She was close to panicking as she was shaking the unresponsive Knight. The Heroes cannot help feel it being the aftermath of Yokai again where they thought he was dead. Bobby ran over and saw that Shea was lying on his back, his eyes open but lifeless and he was rapidly talking in another language, sounding broken and almost mechanical. Snake waved his hand in front Shea’s face and snapped his fingers to get his attention, no reaction. “Nothing, he’s...out of it,” he said, unsure what is wrong with Shea. “35.1108, 33.9536. 35.1108, 33.9536. 35.1108, 33.9536…” was all Shea said having switched from whatever language he was speaking in before. He kept repeating the same thing over again. “Those are decimals but for what?” Leon asked, thinking of the numbers Shea said. “Could be some code or coordinates…” Chris hypothesized. “Or a coping mechanism…” Snake joined in the hypothesizing. “You think repeating a series of decimals is a coping mechanism?” “Hell if I know. I presume it isn’t the first time he went through this and found some way.” “This isn't his coping mechanism…” Zephyr butted in. “In the past and when we were kids he would get by, by working on something with his hands or by going through physical obstacles… but we lost contact when…” he growled. “I should have killed that bitch when I had the chance!” “Misery?” Vanitas guessed. “Maleficent! This was the third time she's been a pain, the first time was five or six years ago. She and that Emperor kidnapped him while he was waiting for a family member to come out of surgery. It was around the time word got around that Bobby was back did he reappeared… I don't know what happened or what they did but this isn't normal for him.” “I saw Adolf blow some sort of whistle, it was made out of bone from what I can tell,” Bobby started describing. “We couldn’t hear any sound but it somehow affected Shea, causing him immense pain. Adolf demanded from him the location of a seal. Before Shea could finish, I stopped Adolf.” “What about that whistle, Blondie?” “I broke it. I figured I get rid of the tool that’s causing Shea harm and stop his suffering.” “Well evidently, it didn’t. We may as well had use that to reverse the effect!” Zephyr scolded. “If we knew how to use it first that is, and I don’t think Adolf would have been all that willing to share us that knowledge,” Zeref informed. “We may as well have made it worse on Shea if we had tried to use it without knowing what to do.” “At the very least, we now know that the decimals are coordinates to this ‘seal’ Adolf was asking for,” Angeal spoke. “But it leaves another question, on what world where the seal would be?” “That’s something we’ll have to ask Shea, once we find a way to snap him out of this,” Akihiko replied, tapping on Shea but still no reaction from him. “Perhaps we can take him to Master Yen Sid. He may know what’s up with him and can help him,” Mickey suggested. “That’s right! He may have an idea what to do,” Sora agreed. Zephyr sighed. “Well, I have no better ideas at this point, so we’ll have to do that. Blondie, make sure you pick up the pieces of that flute you broke,” he ordered to Bobby. “We need to show him the thing that put Shea in this state.” “It’s a whistle,” Bobby corrected. “Sure, sure, whatever.” Zephyr pulled out his phone as it beeped and cursed. “First thing we need to do is get him and the rest of us to a safe place. The Evorsio just sent out a bounty on him, alive and unharmed.” “I shall remain here,” Makarov stated to everyone’s surprise including the Fairy Tail guild members. “What do you mean, Master?” Cana asked. “You know that they will come back, right?” Gray said to him. “Which is exactly why I am staying. Someone needs to inform the Magic Council. As much as I hate them, they have to know of the situation and we have to prepare a defense against them when they do come back.” “You better understand Yoda that finding the rest of Knights is not something that is going to be done overnight. Whatever defense you have may end up falling in seconds. Are you sure about this?” Zephyr tells him in a serious tone. “Any defense is better than no defense. Even if we fail, we, at least, go down fighting rather than letting these pests waltz into our world, unopposed.” Makarov explained. “I will not force any of you to stay with me. I rather you not put your lives at risk.” “Master, you forget that this our home, too,” Erza began, “We will gladly fight to the end to protect it. Bobby, I plan to stay with you and the others, my sword will be as sharp as when we first journeyed with you.” “Same here!” Natsu proudly said, cracking his knuckles. Gray and Lucy simply nodded, signifying that they would continue to travel with them. “I wish you the best of luck then. Zeref and I will do our best to stay in touch with you.” Mavis spoke as Zeref put his arm around her shoulder. Bobby handed Makarov a capsule he took from his pocket. “Use this and it’ll give you a personal computer to use that connects to our ship, I had Bulma make this for me a long while back for situations like these.” “We will use this well. Be careful everyone.” Makarov spoke. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Yen Sid’s Tower= Yen Sid was looking out to the stars from the star­shaped window in his study. From what he can tell, things are not getting better as The Evorsio still expands to other worlds. He was greatly relieved to learn one world though had not and can tell it is the world the Heroes went to. Unfortunately, this bit of good news does not outweigh the bad one as he learned something happened to Shea and the Heroes were on their way to see him, and not a moment too soon. Then Yen Sid hears the door to his study open with some of the Heroes rushing in as Shea, who was being carried by Terra on his back, was still saying the coordinates over and over. “Master Yen Sid, I’m sorry for the rush but we have an emergency!” Bobby panted in his speaking. “What is the matter?” Yen Sid inquired of Shea’s condition. “The Evorsio did something that caused him to be this way and we do not know how to turn him to normal,” Zephyr explained. “The one who did it to him, used this,” Bobby dug in his pocket and took out pieces of the whistle Adolf used against Shea, and showed it to Yen Sid. “When he blew it, we heard nothing but it did something to Shea and Adolf used it to force Shea to give him coordinates to a seal...somewhere.” Yen Sid’s eyes widened a bit. “Did he hear what Shea gave him?” “No, I stopped him before he can hear the rest of it. I destroyed the whistle before he could use it again. Unfortunately, Shea is stuck repeating the coordinates, over and over with no stop.” “I have to examine this,” Yen Sid extended his hand out and Bobby dumped the pieces into his hand. Yen Sid carefully observed the whistle, despite the shape it’s in, he can tell what it is. “I know what this is.” He pointed to a navy blue book on his shelf, which moved out the shelf and landed on top of his desk. The book opened and was flipping through its pages. “Master, what is this seal that they’re looking for?” Aqua asked him as Yen Sid levitated Shea off of Terra’s back and moved him into the center of the room as he floated off the ground in front of Yen Sid and the Heroes. “Something The Evorsio must ​
never ​
find,” Yen Sid tone was serious than it usually is, making it a matter of great importance. “I do not know where it is but I know enough about it that it must never be found. The knowledge of the location was held by a rare few, Shea was one of them.” “Yen Sid, come straight with us now. We need to know,” Bobby insisted as Yen Sid nodded with his face paling. “You deserve to know at this point. It was during one of the many lifetimes, a conflict between Kali and the leader of the Windrose Knights erupted. For what remains a mystery but Kali was sealed. The leader lost his life of course. Unfortunately Kali's influence on the worlds remained in the form of echoes, two of which you have encountered but to this day Kali remains sealed with the location and method of her sealing remains hidden from The Evorsio. I fear though that they will try this again until that information is revealed.” The book stopped flipping its pages as Yen Sid looked at the page as he compared the broken whistle to the one depicted in the image on the page. The whistle on the page is called, ​
Death’s Whisper​
. “What this is, is an ancient weapon, created by the God of Light, Bhunivelze, carved from bone and despite any shape, it has the same function. What this does is cause excruciating pain to a victim while at the same time taking a hold of their mind and force them to obey any commands from the user, resisting resulted in more severe pain. Constant exposure led to the mind and soul to be damaged severely. In ancient times, Bhunivelze used this to torture his enemies and create followers to his cause while ensuring their complete and unquestioning obedience at the same time. It’s even speculated that he may have used it on his own mother, Mwynn, and later on the three fal’Cie deities, Pulse, Lindzei, and Etro. Etro suffered the worst due to her likeness being similar to his mother.” “What kind of god from the Light would create that thing?!” Aqua asked in a repulsed tone. “He despised humanity for their dark traits, considering them impure which also resulted in him hating the Darkness as well and sought out its complete eradication. He felt the solution was to rid sentient beings of their free will and emotions, making them mindless slaves. It’s even said that the bone he used to make that whistle was made from Erembras, ancient beings of Darkness.” “If this was made a long time ago, how are these things still around?” Bobby asked. “Before he was forced into his crystal sleep, he split his whistle into smaller pieces for his followers to use. As time passed, however, they would eventually have fallen into other hands, some who have no idea of its power and consider it just a fossil or a worthless artifact, and those who are aware of it, used it for their own purposes, example being The Evorsio. I would not be surprised if they have other pieces to be used, and that there is still more of these out there.” “How are we unaffected then if Shea was the only one?” “It only works when the user has a person, or persons, in their mind to torture and control. The whistle will know your intent and will use its dreadful power on those people. Anyone else that the user has not targetted will remain unaffected, thus why you were unharmed. The user also needs to know their target’s face, masked targets will not be affected unless the user knows their face before it's covered up. These are also its flaws as it is ill advised to use against multiple person groups who can flank and stop the user. Which is why it’s only preferred usage is in interrogation, brainwashing, and assassinations.” “Anything in that book say about how do we help those that are affected by that whistle?” Riku asked as Yen Sid flipped a page, detailing symptoms of the whistle's effects and the type of severity, and multiple ways to treat it. Yen Sid looked over to Shea, and watched him for a minute to figure out his condition. “What Shea is showing is symptoms of near constant exposure, meaning this is not the first time the whistle was not used on him,” Yen Sid concluded. “This stage is where he be close to insanity and edging closer to losing his mind.” “It had to be when they abducted him as a kid,” Zephyr spoke. “They must have used it on him, God knows how many times.” “In minor cases, it will usually wear off but mental therapy is recommended. But in severe cases such as this, due to being a tool created from a god, a god of light, no doubt, no medicine will work, meaning potions, elixirs, Terran medicine will not heal it. Normal healing magic will not work either which rules out the Cure spells…” The group turned around as Shea screamed in pain, dying off as light returned to his eyes and he blinked, a tiny whimper escaping him as he adjusted to the light in the room. “W­Where…?” “You are in my tower, Shea. You were brought back from Earthland after you suffered from a terrible injury,” Yen Sid explained as he lowered Shea down on his feet. “How do you feel?” “I… I don’t know… I blacked out after Adolf asked me about a seal.” “Don’t worry, you told him nothing,” Bobby reassured. “In fact, you be happy to know that he got his ass kicked...majorly.” “Yep by good ol’ Iefan, who wiped the table with all of them actually,” Zephyr said. “Shame, I didn’t see him,” Shea replied. “You were out of it though for a while. Whatever Adolf did do to you, you were repeating coordinates, which he didn’t hear, thank goodness,” Junpei said. “Coordinates? To where?” Shea was confused. Snake showed Shea a notepad with the coordinates that Shea spoke of. Shea just tilted his head at it. “I have no clue what that is.” “Okay, what about this?” Zephyr asked, picking up the pieces of the whistle from Yen Sid’s desk and showed it to him. Shea immediately reacted by slapping it out of his hand and crushing it with Sora’s Kingdom Key, causing Zephyr to jump as whatever was left of the whistle was reduced to dirt all over the carpet of the study. “Couldn’t you have waited for me to lay it down somewhere?!” “Sorry… a few bad memories came back,” Shea apologized. “Other than that, are you able to go on?” Yen Sid asked him. “You damn well know that I will, Disney,” Shea spoke with confidence. “Shea, I must stress that you have to take your condition seriously. You nearly lost your mind.” “I’ll put that under advisement. I’m not letting some stupid whistle stop me.” “I cannot guarantee the next time will be in your favor, nor your friends’.” “Tell you what, Disney. How ‘bout you stop being worried for me like you’re my parent and let me deal with the Evorsio on my own!? We’ll get along better that way, kay? I’ve had no trouble with people worrying about my safety before and this isn’t going to be the first and only time it happens! ...I’ll be in the ship, Blondie,” Shea left through the door. Some of the Heroes could have sworn they heard him ranting under his breath. “That boy is more stubborn than I thought,” Yen Sid grumbled. “Trust me, if a chicken can still walk without their head for a bit. Shea is the chicken that will still keep going without a head, and then some,” Zephyr explained. “I wouldn’t necessarily compare Shea to a chicken,” Shiro disagreed. “I say he’s more like a mongoose that will keep fighting even when it’s fighting a viper.” “Is there anything else, I can help you with?” Yen Sid asked Bobby. “No, Master. That was it. We’ll be heading out now,” Bobby told him, which gave the others the cue to leave. “Bobby,” Yen Sid called, stopping Bobby. “Keep an eye on Shea. He has a tendency to shrug off concerns towards his own well being even when they are dire ones. I am very certain that they will keep trying until they gain the location of the seal. Do everything in your power to make sure that doesn't happen.” Bobby nodded. “Master, what will happen if I cannot stop it?” “It would be beyond my ability to repair the damage. It requires a very risky solution to cease the effect which has its own dark repercussions.” Yen Sid shows Bobby the page he was reading and Bobby saw a depiction of what looked like someone using Darkness on a victim. “The Light’s opposing element, Darkness.” “That’s...possible?” “It is but as I stated before, risky. We know how much of a danger Darkness is, it can lead to unpredictable results and may end up making matters far worse. Which is why it would require an expert Dark user to the remove the effect with less chance of danger.” Bobby thought of those that uses Darkness on his team. He can tell that they may not have the skill to pull it off. “I don’t think we have someone with that level of skill.” He said in a regretful tone. “There is one such user with the skill to remove the effect...the one who forced Bhunivelze into his crystal sleep, he is a Windrose Knight and the Musketeer of Darkness…” Bobby knew who Yen Sid was referring to. “Nox…” Yen Sid nodded. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Excalibur II: Bridge= Bobby entered into the bridge of the ​
Excalibur II​
as he went towards the window. Shea walked to him with a straight face. “Oi, Blondie, not going to hold it against ya but you don’t have to bring me over to Disney, every time I get hurt,” Shea began. “We didn’t know what to do at the time. We figure we go to him for some insight,” Bobby defended his action. “Clearly I am fine now. We have to find the rest of the Windrose Knights and we cannot waste a second getting daily checkups. Since we found Zeph, we have ten more to find and it seems like our time to find them is growing short.” “Where to thi­” Zephyr rushed into the room along with the rest of the Heroes, looking rather pale. “Guys… I just got an update from a friend in Terra. My­ John… he’s dead.” Bobby was almost at a loss for words from he heard. “Wha..what do you mean? What just happened?” “I have no idea. All I got was that there was an attack and… well…” Zephyr looked away and sighed. “The government has ordered a search for the body and that ‘Project Beyond the Stars’ continues as planned.” Shea fell silent, falling to his knees and doing his best to curl into a ball. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping his knees and his body started shaking. “Star I­” “Leave.” Was all he said, barely audible. Bobby approached him but got a near inhuman growl. “I SAID ​
” He yelled, tears running down his face. “NO! He was my friend too! If anyone should feel like shit now...” All Bobby could think of was only the recent bad memories of when he and Mystery clashed and how he made him leave the group. Once again, Bobby felt the blame for the loss of another friend. He hit his fist into the wall, then proceeded to punch it over and over as he screamed with anger, and then he stopped and dropped to the floor as tears streamed down his face. Bobby then noticed someone out of the corner of his eye despite his vision being watery. “How could you let yourself be...” The feminine voice spoke with saddened anger before footsteps stomped off. Bobby recognized that the voice was Lightning’s. He wiped his face and got up to follow after her. “Lightning!” She just kept walking as Bobby followed behind. “Light!” She starting running, Bobby too. “Lightning stop!” Lightning ducked into her room and slammed the door. Bobby knocked on the door. “I heard you Lightning! Open up!” “Go. ​
.” She sternly spoke from the other side. Bobby continued to knock. “Don’t make me say it again!” Bobby used his cyber­arm’s tech to change one of his fingers into a key and turned to lock to open the door. When he stepped inside, Lightning had her back to him for she was staring out the window. “Congratulations, you got the door open. Want a medal for it?” She sarcastically said. The door slowly closed behind Bobby. “Turn around Claire.” “Why?” “Look at me.” Lightning let out a quivering sigh as she slowly turned to face him. Tears were streaming down. “Happy now?! You’re the first person to see my cry other than my sister.” Bobby studied her body language carefully while staring at her face. His eyes soon got wide as he figured it out. “You..” Lightning tried to push him aside before he could finish as she tried to walk out the door, but Bobby grabbed her arm, stopping her. “You loved him...didn’t you?” She struggled to try to get her arm free. “Let go!” “Answer me Claire! You’ve cared about him ever since you two first met didn’t you?” He asked. She was still, looking down at her feet. She let her arm fall as Bobby let go. “Yes...I did.” “You never said anything?” “How could I? I’ve always made sure that I wouldn’t allow myself to show weakness since the day I began to raise Serah on my own, which meant not being with anyone in a romantic way. When Serah and Snow first started dating, I was jealous to be honest. My little sister was beginning to find love before me.” Lightning’s tone of voice was calm as she explained. “But there was another part of me that was happy for her, despite Snow being a total idiot.” “An idiot who’d fought to the death to keep her safe.” Bobby said, chuckling. Lightning laughed a little. “At least he was always honest about it. When I first met your friend John, I felt my heart beat a little more than usual. As I mentioned I didn’t want anyone to know so I kept it inside. All the battles we fought together up until we escaped the ​
I truly began to care for him so when he told us about him spying on us..” “You were ready to either fill him with lead or sic Odin on him. And that was out of a heart you thought he hurt.” Lightning nodded. “Since then, it’s been harder to keep it inside. Sooner or later everyone’s gonna know.” “It’s clear Shea knows, given his special power.” “Yeah...that. I want to make sure that ​
say it first.” Lightning said, with Bobby chuckling. “You can tell the group yourself Claire…” Shea said, voice devoid of any emotion as he stood in the doorway. “​
” Static could be heard coming from the ship’s computer. “​
” Bobby walked around Lightning and Shea as he made his way to the computer. The transmission was still staticy as he worked to get it clear. “Hold on! Fixing the computer!” “​
” The voice started to become clearer, but still static. “Almost...Got it!” “​
Bobby hello? Can you hear me?”​
Once the voice was clear...Bobby was shocked to hear who it was. “A­A­Aiko?!” “Hai​
, it’s me!​
” “Holy shit guys! Aiko’s contacting us!” Bobby called out his friends. The Heroes clattered over, chatting over disbelief of what they’re hearing. Lightning joined with the others but Shea was standing still, mouth agape and began to tremble a little. “A...Aiko?” He slowly started to walk over to everyone until he reach the computer next to Bobby. “Aiko? Is this really you?” “​
It is Shea­kun. I’m right here talking with you!”​
Shea gave a weak and exhausted laugh before collapsing, Yugi giving a shout as the group gave him room and Bobby caught him before he could hit the floor. “​
Is Shea­kun alright!?”​
Aiko nearly screamed. The Heroes looked at each other, trying to decide what was the best answer. “Define ‘alright’?” Aiko almost turned white. Which meant that wasn’t the best thing to answer with. “Aiko, where are you?” Sora asked. “​
I’’m currently at Olympus Coliseum, why?” “I think it be better to tell you in person of what’s been going on recently,” Bobby said in a remorseful tone.​
“We’ll be there as soon as possible.” She nodded. “​
Alright, I’ll...await your arrival.”​
She cut communications with them. “If it makes anyone feel better, I already have my friend looking more into the matter, who did it, who had a hand in it, who gave the order, everything,” Zephyr was speaking in vengeful tone. “Someone is going to pay for this.” ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Brooklyn, NY: Mystery’s Apartment, Night= Home. At. Last. Those were the words that went through Mystery’s mind as he walked to the door of his apartment. He was now wearing casual clothing, blue jeans, an olive green colored shirt beneath his dark brown leather jacket and hiking shoes. After what was a long flight back, not helping it make it anymore pleasant was his new neighbor, Nox, who was talking about how new everything was while Mystery struggled to get some peace and quiet. He could not help but feel that Nox was doing it on purpose just to get on his nerves. Mystery dug into his pocket and took out a set of keys where he put the key into the keyhole and turned the lock to unlock the door. He pulled the key out and put in his pocket as he picked up a package from the ground. Said package was addressed to Mystery from a friend he knows as Eric Briggs, also called Tigre on field missions. Mystery predicts it’s a birthday present from Eric. Last time they met was when he, along with Abigail Parker, another friend and Mystery’s ex­girlfriend, visited Mystery recovering at Walter Reed before he had to go to Nevada for his debriefing. Mystery remembered them wanting to throw him a birthday/welcome back party since his birthday, March 27th, was coming near and him, obviously, being back from his not­so­fond­of­mission. He was rather reluctant about it but caved in, not that it will not make him feel any better than he is now. As if Mystery felt he did not have enough problems already. He was still struggling of how he was going to break the news to Abby, of how her adopted sister got abducted by only God knows what that monstrosity in Yokai was ​
and ​
how he was powerless to save her and had to live with that failure for three months on a godforsaken prison ship. The real kicker is going to be how Abby will react to being kept in the dark due to Aiko not wanting Abby to know about her and Shea along with her relation to the Heroes, and the fact of her travelling offworld. Aiko wanted to tell her when she felt the time was right. Mystery knew all too well what would happen if Abby did know too soon and likely would have ended up in the same situation he was in. From what he learned from Eric, during the three months he was away, Abby was searching for Aiko when she did not hear anything back from her and was worried to the point she conducted her own investigation which led her to go to Japan and coming to blows with the Yamamoto Clan, a notorious yakuza. This caught the attention of both the United States and the Japanese governments, who were not very happy about rogue American operatives operating without oversight and violating protocols. It forced Harding to restrict Abby to a desk job and Eric, who helped her, to be suspended from the field for a year without pay. They were also slapped down with a persona non grata by the Japanese government, permanently banning them from Japan. Mystery can already imagine she is going to take it as well as he expects. Mystery turned the doorknob, opening the door and walked into his dark filled apartment. He flipped the light switches up, turning the lights on, revealing the interior. A kitchen with a few chairs sitting at the isle, close to the kitchen was a dining table with four chairs, usually used when he has guests over. A living room with a 46” LCD TV on the wall and beneath it a brown colored shelf with the sound bar with two speakers on both sides on top of the surface of it. Resting in the shelf beneath it was a television program receiver from a TV service provider next to it was a 4K Blu­ray player, a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox One. An assortment of Blu­ray and video game cases took up the rest of the shelves and Mystery looked over to another shelf he bought which was starting to get full as well. In front the TV and the shelf was a glass top table with a black metal frame holding it. And no living room can go without furniture as a brown leather couch was in front of the table and in view of the TV. Near the living room was a long cabinet with framed pictures on it and on the wall, which held a lot of memories for him, both pleasant and unpleasant. He can see his bedroom with a queen­sized bed with gray colored pillows and sheets. In his room was also his personal computer which rested on a glass top desk held by black metal frame. He uses it for work and entertainment as well. There was also his closet which held his numerous amount his clothes and shoes.The last thing that did not need much of an introduction was the bathroom. Nothing much has changed to his apartment except for how clean it looks. Mystery makes a note to himself to thank and owe a favor to Desmond Fisher, another friend of his, who also comes from Springfield, Arizona, his hometown, for the house sitting and for handling a certain item, that Mystery sent to him during his recovery. Mystery set the package down on the isle and took his rucksack off of his back and threw it on the couch. He goes over to a window that has been covered with a blind. He pulled the cord, reeling the blinds in showing him a city that is lighting up the night time sky like Christmas lights. His apartment was located in Brooklyn, one of the five boroughs of New York City in the state of New York. It was not what one can think of as an ideal paradise but for Mystery it felt just right for him. “Meh, I’ve seen better,” ​
Nox started talking again, much to Mystery’s chagrin as he sighed. “Oh and to think that you would have finally shut up by now,” Mystery replied to him, screaming as he saw his shadow gain three dimensions and standing behind. “That is a difficult feat and you know it.” Nox smirked. “Still, this place is kind of a dump.” “Like you would know.” Nox snapped his fingers and the apartment was replaced with one that is much grander, with the faint sounds of waves crashing against a cliff, nature, and a lively city rolled into a harmony. The image lasted for a second and the area changed back into Mystery's place. “....shut up.” Mystery walked over to his fridge and opened it. He spotted a bottle of Heineken, took it out and set it on the counter. He took a small cup out of the cupboard, rinsed it in the sink, and set it next to the bottle. Nox was confused. ​
“You’re going to drink before you head to your birthday party where you’ll be drinking some more?” “Well, I’m going to be getting some bad memories when I go there plus the part where I have to tell Abby about Aiko,” Mystery explained as he opened the bottle of beer and poured a small amount of it into the cup. “Which I am NOT looking forward to.” He then picked it up and drank it, the beverage going down into his throat. He exhaled as he put the cup back into the sink. “For your birthday, someone or something sure knows how to take a massive shit on it,” N
​ox remarked. “Gee, thanks,” Mystery replied, unamused by that remark as he checked his phone and looks at a text from Abby, which is telling him that the party will be at a bar called, The Devil’s Pit, a couple blocks down from where he lives. Mystery walked over to the cabinet with the framed pictures. He looks at one with himself, Aiko and Abby, fair skinned and brown hair always wrapped in a bun, during walk in the park. Like him, she was military albeit U.S. Air Force in the Intelligence field before she joined FOXHOUND. He looks at another picture with himself, Eric, who was black with short dark hair and had a more muscular build, Desmond, fair skinned and short dark hair, and Frank Handler, also fair skinned with short blonde hair, during their time in Afghanistan. He, Frank, and Eric were in the same unit and bonded over quite well while he and Desmond took a while due to him and Desmond’s past interaction during his high school years where Desmond was a high school bully. Coming from a crummy childhood where his father was abusive Desmond took it out on others too weak to stand up for themselves or to do anything. It took a few incidents for him to be thrown into a juvenile detention center. Then the shooting came and his entire tune changed afterwards to his surprise as well. The three were pretty much his brother in arms and fought through hell and back. Out of the four of them, only Frank retired from the military and went into the private sector becoming a contractor for ArmsTech, AT for short, Security. AT Security is a defense arms manufacturing corporation contracted to the U.S. government, responsible for creating weapons such as the Gekkos and security systems such as the now defunct SOP. Last he heard from him, his wife, Helen Handler, is pregnant with a son on the way. The rest, like Abby, are currently operatives in FOXHOUND, stationed in Fort Hamilton, an Army garrison and one used by FOXHOUND. Fort Hamilton was located in the southwest corner of Brooklyn, which lucky for Mystery saves him a big trip. He picked another framed pictured up, this one with his family in it, his mother, Evelyn, in her early 30s and had long brown hair draping down her shoulders, his father, Ryan, around the same age as his mother with small brown and a fully grown beard around his mouth, and his older sister with short brown hair reaching her neck, Jane, and himself, as a young boy, in happier times before the shooting, before the accident. His eyes looked over to framed picture of Jane in her police uniform with her hair in a bun. Resting next to the photo was her gold police shield badge. She was a police officer for the Springfield Police Department in their hometown, in Arizona, who was later promoted to detective, shortly after he completed his basic training and infantry school in the Army. He can recalled that on her spare time, she told him she was looking into the shooting and the accident that killed their parents. He didn’t mind but he told her he was more focused with his current career. It unfortunately came to a head and she tried to tell him of her most recent findings but he didn’t want to hear it, believing that she was chasing ghosts and did not want to accept what happened as it was, words that he will eating two weeks afterwards, when she was killed in the line of duty. She was his only family after their parents died, who he looked up to and his final words were just that he didn’t believe her, something he’ll never forget. A ringtone, “Red Alert”, sounded off suddenly on his smartphone, Mystery looked at the Caller ID which said the number was from the “United Parcel Service”, or UPS for short. Mystery was suspicious but he answered the call anyway. “Hello?” He said into the receiver. “Is this a Mr. John Walker?” A male voice on the other end replied. “Yes, this is him.” Mystery rubbed his head, hoping that this is not some offer call. “Ah, good. We were requested by the client to call you about a package you were to receive.” Mystery glanced at the package sitting on the isle. “Yeah, I got it.” “That’s good. The client was insistent that you get the package. We hope you have a blast with it.” The person hung up as Mystery could not help but think those last words sounded like a threat. “I don’t think that’s a #1 fan, wishing you a ‘Happy Birthday’,” ​
Nox feeling in agreement of Mystery’s suspicions. Then the TV came on suddenly and some static interrupted the transmission and to his shock was the words, “WELCOME BACK” appearing with The Evorsio symbol behind them. Mystery looked at the package and cursed under his breath, realizing that inside the package was an explosive device. “That package is not from Eric!” He exclaimed. Mystery sprinted to the door leading out of his room, opened it and was about turn left in the hallway until the explosive detonated, the shockwave of the blast, pushing him into the door of another apartment and threw him across the room, colliding into some objects and landed on the floor, unconscious, covered in dust and scorch marks as the fire started spreading to the rest of the other rooms on the floor. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Raven’s Nest: The Evorsio Base Meeting Room= “THAT TOOK MONTHS TO PLAN OUT!” Abraham shouted at Adolf, who had a brace around his neck and both of his arms and legs in casts. Adolf’s face was also showing some bruises and some areas covered with bandages. Abraham is railing on him for his performance and operation in Earthland, which he did not sanction. In fact, he planned for a full invasion force along with the support of the Alvarez Empire that Zeref was the current Emperor of before he did his 180 degree turn and turned against The Evorsio. But because of Adolf, Mateus, and Maleficent’s attempt, it will have to be postponed due to the opposition preparing for the next attack which forces The Evorsio to get new intel and rethink a new strategy to overcome their prepared defenses. “My efforts were not...without some success,” Adolf weakly spoke due to his injuries. “Two numbers does not give us a location!” Abraham spat back. “And it does not even cover our losses where you lost your entire unit...again or the Alvarez Empire since Zeref turned against us!” “That boy was a fool. What did he honestly expect when he saw his brother was a member of the guild he wanted to destroy?” Mateus spoke, rubbing the temple of his head from the battle. Kefka just chuckled earning him an angry look from the Emperor. “Did I say something to amuse you, jester?” Mateus snarled at Kefka. “That’s the pathetic emotion of love for you even a mass murderer like Zeref was not immune of that for his precious, little brother,” Kefka explained to Mateus. “Let us get back to the topic at hand here,” Abraham cut in. “They have one more Windrose Knight on their team, which means they need to find ten more! No matter how many worlds we take, all of them together is the game changer.” They heard the automatic entrance to the room slide open with Masque walking in, whistling a jovial tune as the door closed behind him. Abraham rolled his eyes in irritation as were the other members of the council, who were not looking forward to his attitude. His presence was greatly detested due to the fact that Masque was new meat and only had one notable achievement under his belt which was his deception of the Heroes and playing a part in the invasion and destruction of Yokai Academy, which he keeps throwing in everyone’s faces, much to their annoyance and he knows it. The reason he was put on the council was so he can be Kali’s eyes and ears with some nepotism suspected. “What’s up?” He introduced. “I got a bit lost when I thought this was a senior citizen’s home but then I realized, ‘Silly me, this is the meeting room.’” He passed by Adolf, giving him a hard tap on the shoulder, causing Adolf to grunt in pain and growl at Masque in anger. Masque then sat down in an empty seat and placed his feet on top of the table and slouched back in his seat. “So, what’s the score now?” “A setback,” Mateus hissed. “That must have been one big ‘setback’, Your Highness,” Masque snided him. “And yet...none of you have even got close to what I­” “Yokai, like you haven’t told us that one a thousand times over,” Reaver sounded annoyed. A ringing is heard from one of the members, a middle aged, dark skinned male, sporting some wrinkles on his face, short black hair and a grown beard. He was wearing a black trench coat with black clothing beneath it. His name was Felix “The Talon” Garrett, Director of The Evorsio Intelligence, which handles intel gathering, sabotage, propaganda, assassination, espionage, and the usual wet works that earns your throat getting slit in your sleep if you find out about it. Nothing goes past him without him knowing about it. He earned the nickname “The Talon” ‘cause of how “sharp” he was, metaphorically and literally. He took out a ringing cellphone from his coat pocket and answered it. “Yes?” He spoke with a deep toned voice. “When?” He asked to the voice on the other end. “Are you sure...uh huh...I see. Find out more. We’ll get back to you.” He hung up and placed the phone back in his pocket. “That was our network on Terra. They’re reporting that someone bombed John Walker’s apartment in New York City...with him in it.” Abraham slammed his fist on the table. “Goddamnit! Why does this day have to get worse? We activate that network and they celebrate the occasion by blowing up his apartment?!” He cursed. “They’re saying it wasn’t them. They were planning on keeping tabs on him, nothing more and then boom. They are looking into it as we speak,” Felix explained. “If they find out who did it, make sure you send that person my way. For denying me the opportunity to make Walker suffer,” Adolf tells him with venom in his voice. “They are reporting his body was not found amongst the wreckage.” Felix replied to him. “Then that means he is not dead,” Masque concluded. “How sure are you?” Maleficent asked him. “During my time occupying Adelos’ body, I’ve seen how Walker fights and how he works. He is a weakling but a very stubborn, crafty weakling. I am pretty sure in that mind of his, he found a way to survive that bomb, even if he was injured from it,” Masque explained as he got up from his chair and started heading toward to the entrance of the room. “And where do you think you’re going?” Abraham asked him. “I’m going to do what you guys have failed to do, twice now. If Walker isn’t dead, then he is hiding or with his friends, leaning more on the former though. And I know a thing or two about drawing rats out of their holes. So you geezers, do me a favor and stay out of my way. And watch the ​
genius at work,” he finished as he exited the room through the door. “‘I know a thing or two about drawing rats out of their holes’, BAH! Where does that insignificant pissant come off telling us that?!” Adolf yelled, feeling his pride has taken yet another hit. “Let the boy continue trying to do a man’s job and see it blow up in his face,” a deep voice spoke out. The source of the voice belonged to a tall, light brown skinned man wearing a black business suit. The man had a muscular build, yellow eyes, a shaved head showing black hair and a black beard. He was known as Phocas “The Knight Slayer” Ender, another veteran of The Evorsio and one who should not be trifled with. His human appearance was a mask to hide a pale monster of a man who sported tattoos of his kills all over his body and his yellow eyes being brighter. He is a brutal and yet efficient assassin with a strength that could give a Saiyan a run for their money and possesses senses that lets him track his prey with ease. Phocas has made it his personal mission to hunt down every one of the Windrose Knights. It is said that he has already reserved a special spot for the Windrose Knights to add to what he calls his “collection.” “He does not have long anyway,” Phocas continued. “Once he disappears, he will be out of our hair. It’s only a matter of time.” “I will be looking forward to that day,” Adolf smugly grinned. Abraham gave an exasperated sigh as he walked over to Adolf and punched him in the head, knocking him down to the floor. “I cannot do shit to Maleficent or Mateus for Earthland but I can still punish you. Effective immediately, you are busted down to Major. You will report to Colonel Biggs’ unit and follow his commands. You are dismissed.” He turned his attention to the council. “We’ll resume this meeting in thirty minutes to organize our thoughts!” He left through the door. Abraham looked down on the floor and saw a trail of drips of black sludge. He followed the trail which led him to the men’s restroom. The door automatically slid open for him as he saw Masque at one of the sinks, looking at himself in a mirror as he struggles with himself. From what Abraham knows, it’s a side effect that occurred after Masque separated from Adelos and took shape. For the past three months his condition has been deteriorating and it’s untreatable since he’s a piece of Adelos’ soul that physically split away from the rest of him. There is not an exact estimate of how long he has left but it does not seem to be far away now which could mean that he has weeks or even, days to live. Masque knows it and has tried to go to great lengths to keep it from everybody, unfortunately for him, a few knew about it and the news spread. “Couldn't take the heat or do you need to use the can?” Masque spoke without turning his head. “If that's the case don't let me stop you.” “You don’t have to do this,” Abraham started. “Let the Terran cells handle it.” Masque stared at him through the mirror and ran a hand through his hair, taking a chunk of it with. “My mind's made up. I can't handle being cooped up to serve as her eyes and ears anymore. But its disastrous if I show weakness. So I need to do this.” “What do you think you have to prove by doing this? This will not earn you any respect nor admiration from them,” Abraham said to him. “You're a fraction of one of my students… my kids. All that hate, depression, doubt… You can't remain like this forever.” “I only came out because they used that whistle. You saw what happened… and they're going to use it again and me and my other half. In fact Adolf issued that what remained be pieced together and mass produced.” Abraham gently grabbed his arm and lead Masque to where initiates went and grabbed a razor. He turned it on and started to shave the longer hair away. “You need to go back to being whole again.” “It won't work. My other half is with ​
them ​
and they didn't so much as flinch when something was off.” “That doesn't stop Adelos now does it?” The general turned the razor off and handed it to Masque. “...I'm not coming back…” “And?” Masque looked up at him, looking a lot like Adelos did after he was sentenced to suffer for defying Kali. “And you need to leave. Before it's too late…” he answered, getting out of the chair and handing Abraham a thick file. “No matter what you choose, this has the truth you've been after. I swiped it off Adolf's desk.” He headed out. “At least shower, you don't need to smell like garbage!” Masque let out a bitter laugh. “The general card doesn't work on me.” Then he was gone, having left through a corridor of darkness. Abraham walked out of the bathroom, with his left arm holding the file to his left side. He then saw a furious Adolf, out of his casts, leading a squad of Evorsio special force operators, based on their gear and appearance looking more casual from the usual standards of an usual Evorsio trooper. He motioned the troops to a halt. “Major, I could have remembered, saying that ‘you were dismissed’,” Abraham quipped. “Let us cut the chit chat, General. Where is he?” Adolf questioned him. “Uh, who?” Abraham was clearly messing with Adolf, who was not in the mood for jokes. “We know ‘who’, that abomination that you have tender feelings for, who had just snuck into my office while we were in the meeting, and stole that.” Adolf pointed to the files, Abraham is holding. “Which is classified information, and theft of that without authorization is considered treason, punishable by a slow and painful death.” “That’s a big accusation, major. You have anything to back that up?” “You are holding the file now, sir. I know every one of them. I presume that you took it from that traitorous pest and put an end to him. Unless…” He moves in closer to Abraham. “He gave it to you and you did nothing to stop him which is colluding with a traitor, which makes you a traitor as well,” he hissed as the operators behind him were itching to aim their weapons at Abraham, who placed his right hand on his scabbard. “Watch where you are going with this, major. You are accusing your superior,” Abraham warned with a serious expression. “Rank and position falls flat in the face of treason especially those of higher rank. He is not going to look for Walker, he is going to run to them with his tail in between his legs and try to appeal to the good nature of their hearts, if they don’t kill him first, that is. It would be a mercy for him, compared to what we will do to him.” On the other side of the hallway, another group of soldiers moved in and aimed their weapons at him, surrounding Abraham. “As for the great, former General Richard Abraham, who has just confessed to being involved with the theft of classified information and colluding with a traitor. The penalty for that is death. You should have left with him when you had the chance.” “I don’t think I can talk my way out of this one,”​
Abraham said to himself. “I have warned every unit deployed, and the Terran network, to watch out for Masque and to shoot him on sight. Your security clearance is being revoked as we speak. The base is going to be under lockdown. The mages are already working to block any supernatural teleportation and ‘corridors’ out of here. There is no escaping from here. The only way out is a body bag, yours.” ♪​
Shaded Truths (Birth By Sleep) ♪
​ “And yours, too.” Abraham drew out his officer sabre from the scabbard, that glowed a bright yellow light, and slashed Adolf diagonally across his chest, leaving a deep cut in him. The soldiers immediately opened fire on him. Abraham summoned a bright yellow shield around, blocking their shots. He then bursted the shield, creating a shockwave that knocked all the soldiers down. He starts a running towards a door that closes in front of him. He charged up his sword and swung it a few times at the door, which caused the door to be cut apart as Abraham jumped through the cut apart door and into the next hallway. The alarms sounded by a loud noise that rang throughout the base as he picked up the pace knowing that they are going to be doing everything they can to halt his escape. He summoned a field around the file to keep it levitated at his level and follow him so he won’t have to hold onto it all the time with his hands. He slashed open an elevator door and jumped into the shaft, and stabbed his sword into the wall. He slid downward down the shaft as kept his eyes on what levels he is passing. He saw the number “1” and jumped off, slashing through the door in the process into the floor, catching the attention of the personnel working on the floor. He runs past them as a squad of military police spotted him and gave chase behind him as Abraham followed directions to the hangars as he blew the military police back with force wave. Since they are going to go out of their way to prevent any escape, they are going to be fortifying their security in the hangars. He rushed into the one where his fighter, ​
Star Spear​
, is stored and cut through the door and dashed into the group of soldiers waiting for him. He noticed the shields were up and the blast doors, which were strong enough to resist the blasts from laser to missile armaments on the fighters, were closing down. He placed his attention to the control room on the floor above. He holds his hand up, the people inside noticed and ran out. He fired a series of blasts at it, destroying it which disabled the shields and stopped the doors midway. He runs over to his ship, a black ship with yellow as a secondary color, putting the files in and climbed into the cockpit, strapping himself in with the seat belts and harness. He pushes a button, closing the canopy as he puts his headset, with a microphone and headphones, on his head. He turned the fighter on and was preparing it for take off as he noticed reinforcements rushing in, firing on him and the ship with the shield of his fighter, deflecting the shots from damage but not for long. As he saw them preparing to fire missile launchers at him. The ship lifts off the ground as he pushed forward on the throttle as soon as they fired missiles at him, dodging them in time as the missiles hit and exploded on a few stationed fighters. He flew under the stopped blast door and out of the hangar, and and into the nighttime sky. It was not over yet as anti­aircraft guns and missiles were firing at him as he performed a series of evasive tactics, rolls and activating flares, to avoid getting hit. He can hear a beeping on the console and a light flashing, signaling him that someone is calling him, on the controls and devices. He pushed the button, bringing up a holographic screen of a young adult, dark skinned woman with black hair tied in a bun wearing an Evorsio uniform who is not having a great time or neither were the personnel who were running around in the background. He knows her as Admiral Rosalina Beck, who is in command of his fleet and flagship, ​
The Bright Dawn,​
that transports his army to mission areas as well engage in any naval campaigns. “What. The. Fuck. Did. You. DO?!” The first question she asks him and she is not happy. “First, I hear over the waves, that you attacked General Adolf and his troops and then he orders the whole Evorsio Navy to fire on us...for what exactly?!” “I may have pushed him, one time, too many. It’s a long story,” Abraham said. “Well, I look forward to hearing it. If I make it, that is,” She quipped. “How bad is it up there?” He asks her with a concern look on his face. “Well, I lost a couple of ships, along with the people onboard those. Your flagship, which I am in by the way, has taken a lot nasty hits in particular vital areas. If we stay here any longer, we're going to be become less of a fleet. How ‘bout you? “I just escaped from the base before lockdown and I am in my shuttle. Have whatever is left of the fleet, prepare to warp away from Evorsio­controlled space, use whatever fighter squadrons left to give escort to safety. In the meantime, I’ll fly to the ​
myself. Inform any intact hangar bays that I will be arriving. We’re no longer welcome here.” “Don’t have to tell me twice,” She finished as the screen disappeared. Abraham can see the fighting as his ship exits the atmosphere and sees the mess his fleet is in, fighters were swarming all around, exchanging fire as warships and frigates were firing cannon shots from both sides, with his fleet up against the rest of the Evorsio Navy firing on it. Based on the evident damage the ships in his fleet, they cannot take anymore damage. He then noticed the ships on The Evorsio side stopped firing as he sees a light flashing again and heard the beeping noise as he pushed the button, bringing up the holographic screen, this time it was a different another Evorsio admiral, a middle aged, fair skinned male, with graying hair and a couple of wrinkles on his face. “Admiral Baldwin, what do I owe the pleasure?” Abraham identified and knowing his first name is Robert as well. “General Abraham, you are late to the party. You should have seen it how it started,” the admiral quipped back, he is no stranger to this. “I got caught up, you know how it is, officers wanting to usurp your position, children being rebellious,” Abraham replied, earning a genuine chuckle out of the admiral before he regained his composure to a serious expression. “Let’s get down to brass tacks, General. Most of the Navy here wants nothing more than to see your ship get shot down and burn up on reentry with you in it, screaming in agony. Some of us, me included, want to resolve this reasonably, seeing as how you are man of principle and honor. You got two options and there is no third one. First option, you turn yourself in and face the consequences with dignity and your head held up high, it would salvage what little reputation you have left to your army, and of course we will stop attacking your fleet. The other option, which should be obvious, is you don’t, in which case you are still branded a traitor and since Adolf ordered the Navy to fire on your fleet, that also makes them traitors by association and there is nothing I can do to change that or stop what will happen next. You get the picture,” He explained in a professional tone. “You have now to decide. The Navy is not going to wait this out.” It didn’t take Abraham a second to think of a decision and tell to the admiral what it is. “I don’t think it takes a genius to realize the first option is full of shit. It does not matter what you and those ‘reasonable’ others think, The Evorsio already has too many people turning on them and no doubt they are aching to make an example out of someone. Tell the Navy to make every shot count. Also since I may not have a chance later, tell ​
Major ​
Adolf to go fuck himself and then some.” Abraham cut communications with Baldwin. He increased his speed toward ​
The Bright Dawn ​
as the The Evorsio Navy resumed firing on his fleet. Abraham can see a squadron of fighters flying straight towards him, from the looks of it they do not seem to be on his side as they opened fire on him. He steered his fighter to the right and performed an aileron roll to avoid most of the laser shots but some hit his fighter’s shield. The fighters chased him from behind, still firing at him. Abraham chuckled a bit. “Oh hoh, think you can take ​
from behind?” He pushed a button with a label saying, “MINES”. From beneath his ship, a set of twelve small, circular objects that was flashing red lights, deployed and homed in on the pursuing fighters, destroying some of them on contact. Abraham launch another set of mines at the ships, destroying three more fighters. The fighters got wise and slowed down a bit, firing missiles that were tracking Abraham, no matter where he is going. Abraham uses up his last flares with the missiles hitting and exploded on contact with the flares. Abraham then sees laser firing from right on top of him as he sees the same fighters. The shots were hitting his fighter, damaging the shield. He pulled his fighter up and fired his blasters and missiles at the fighters, hitting and and destroying about five fighters while his fighter took some hits. This time, his shield was down and the hull took damage as the alarm rang inside his fighter, and on a screen, showing him which areas have been hit. He cursed under his breath. “Gee Dick, tell them to make their shots count and they go out of their way to do just that. Nice way to shoot yourself in the foot.” He sees that he was getting closer to ​
The Bright Dawn,​
under heavy fire. “What have they done to you, dear,” he said, not liking how damaged the ship was looking as he opens a radio channel to his headset. “​
Bright Dawn,​
Bright Dawn,​
this is ​
Star Spear​
. I made it but my friends here do not feel like letting me go. That hangar bay is looking better by the second. How copy?” “​
Star Spear​
,” Beck’s voice responded. “You are cleared to land in hangar bay 17 on the starboard side, over!” “Roger that!” He responded. “Hangar bay 17, be advised, I am coming in hot. Took some bad hits and I may crash inside the hangar, inform a fire response crew and tell the rest to get to safety, over.” “Roger, ​
Star Spear​
,” A male voice responded. “Crews are being notified, try to make that landing gentle, over.” “Roger.” His fighter took a few more hits, hitting the wing and affecting the controls as Abraham tried to keep it steady. “Come on, hang in there. We’re nearly there,” he pleaded to the ship. As he flew closer to the hangar bay, the turrets near the hangar bay opened fire on the pursuing fighters. The fighters fired back at the turrets and some continue to fire on Abraham as if making a last desperate attempt to take him down. A few lucky shots hit his fighter and smoke starts coming out as Abraham struggled to keep the fighter steady. The fighter flies into the hangar, landing on the floor and skidding across and breaking some parts off, including a wing. The people inside the hangar control room, closed the blast doors to prevent the pursuing fighters from flying in. Smoke started seeping into the cockpit. Abraham coughed from the smoke as he unstrapped himself, took his headset off and made sure to grab the files. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he blasted the canopy off with a light energy ball. He got out of the fighter as a fire response crew ran in with a high pressure hose and fired a stream of water onto the fighter, dousing the flames. A medical team ran in and were trying to stop and examine the general. “General, we need to check you out,” A medic tried to tell him. Abraham just brushed them off. “I’m fine, I have to get to the bridge immediately!” Back on the world’s surface, inside the base control tower, Adolf was steadily growing unstable as he heard the radio chatter from what was going on above the world’s atmosphere as well as a holographic display of the fleet engaging Abraham’s. Then Abraham’s fleet is shown warping out of their world space. “The fleet warped out. They’re gone,” ​
One chatter said and Adolf smashed a wall in anger, catching the attention of the controllers. “You fucking fools! THAT WAS TWO MORE TRAITORS THAT SLIPPED OUT OF OUR GRASP!!” He shouted at them as he picked up a chair and threw it through a window, breaking it and sending the chair flying down. He grabs one controller by the neck, choking him. “Major! Stand down now!” Garrett’s voice shouted out, stopping Adolf. Phocas walked in, and stopped beside Garrett, crossing his arms with a scowl on his face. Adolf knows better than to mess with both of them as he lets go of the controller, letting him breath. “An emergency meeting with all the higher ups is going to commence soon. Abraham has to be replaced as well as dealing with this issue of treason within our ranks,” Phocas said to him. “Kali is going to appear and she sounded most...​
...displeased with our progress. If I was you, I start praying.” He finished and turned around, walking out of the room. Garrett followed suit. Adolf composed himself and straightened out his uniform. He headed to the direction of the exit and turned his head to the controllers. “Have recovery teams search for any survivors of any ship we destroyed from Abraham’s fleet. We cannot make an example out of Abraham or Masque, then we will make an example out of those survivors. You are to start now,” he ordered them, exiting the room. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ =Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Heights Apartments, Noon= “Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight! Never running from a real fight, she is the one named­­” A ring from his cell phone had interrupted him as he groaned annoyingly. He answered his phone. “Thanks a bunch jerk off, you just put me off track!” “Let me guess, you were singing an anime opening while you were surfing the web?” ​
A female voice spoke on the other end.” “I was really into it too!” “​
Despite the fact that your singing skills are not exactly 100% grand.” ​
She teasingly said. “Oh like yours are any better?” He chuckled. “Anyway what’s up Charlie?” “​
Have heard the news about the apartment fire that happened last night?” “You mean the one in the city at the dead of night?” “​
That’s the one. So I’m sitting in the cafe right now and I was able to hack into the NYPD’s database to see if it was anything demon­related and it was a no go.” “And from what all you’ve told me about everything ​
you ​
learned about hunting, there were no traces of sulfur at the scene right?” “​
Exactly, but I was able to figure out the identity of whose apartment it was: John Miles Walker.” There was silence between the two for a good three minutes. “​
Terry? Are you alright?” The eighteen year old teen was softly crying, to which Charlie was able to hear bits of it. “You okay?” “John, was an old friend of mine. One I hadn't seen in god knows how many years. It was when I was hitchhiking and I meet him and some other kids.” “Guess you all were close then?” “Pretty much. So Charlie, when do you think’s a good time to contact the Winchesters and let them know you’re up and living again?” “I tried to about three months ago but none of their cells were answered, and they’re usually good about answering for certain people.” “Is it possible that that’s connected to all the disappearances across the globe that was happening for the past three months?” “​
Might be, but knowing the boys they’d find a way out if they did get captured. Listen I gotta run but I’ll be back at the apartment later with some food okay?” “Alright, see ya ‘till then Charlie.” Terry hung up his cell as he got up from his desk chair, running his hand through his black hair. His and Charlie’s apartment was a geek’s paradise: All things electronic was at least in some corner of the room. Game consoles, laptops, etc were scattered about. In addition, some anime figures, mangas, and dvd sets were placed out as well. Terry walked over to the window as he gazed out and watched the people scurried about to and from to get to where they need to be. Hearing the news about his friend brought much disdain towards him, which made him start to think about his mother and younger brother whom he hadn’t seen in over five years. His father on the other hand, he’d rather not think about. Terry reached into his pocket and pulled out a torn photo of a young him, his brother Tommy, and his mother Allison standing together with smiles on their faces. “I’ve been away from them long enough. If they’re still in New York City, I’ll pay Mom and Tom a visit.” Just then, his laptop pinged with an email notification so Terry put the photo back in his pocket and went to his computer. Opening the email, his green eyes when wide as his hands shook with fear. “N­ can this be?! This can’t be real!” End of Chapter 3