NewsLetter July AD1990 - Christian Identity Ministries
NewsLetter July AD1990 - Christian Identity Ministries
Christian Identity Ministries A member of the Congregations of Israel PO Box 146, CARDWELL QLD 4849, Australia Ph: 07-4066 0146 (International 61-7 instead of 07) - [email protected] “Blessed be the LORD God of Israel; For He hath visited and redeemed His people, And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began; That we should be saved from our enemies and from the hand of all that hate us; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our lives.” Luke 1:68-75; the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-Germanic-Scadinavian people are ISRAEL! NewsLetter July AD 1990 The people looked upon Father Samaan as their guide in the field of spiritual and theologi¬ cal matters for he was an authority and a source of deep information on venial and mortal sins, well versed in the secrets of Paradise, Hell, and Purgatory. Father Samaan's mission in North Lebanon was to travel from one village to another, preaching and curing the people from the horrible trap of Satan. The Reverend Father waged constant war with Satan. The peasants honoured and respected this clergyman, and were always anxious to buy his advice or prayers with pieces of gold and silver; and at every harvest they would present him with the finest fruits of their fields. One evening in Autumn, as Father Samaan walked his way toward a solitary village, crossing SATAN AND THE PRIEST is a fable. As you know, fables teach lessons (morals) by using imaginary characters and scenarios. In this fable we see an illustration of the dialectic of Priestcraft. It creates a public image by portraying priests as "fighters of evil." The priest's im¬ age is further enhanced by the invention of a special "adversary" - oneÿ which is vulnerable ONLY to the priests. Thus, a "Satan" is needed to bal¬ ance the equation (the dialectic). This invented "adversary" is the most important feature of churches. He is such an essential element that he is usually the central idol of the churches, and religious folks ciing to him tenaciously. Thus, like a dog chasing his own tail, the followers of "religion" are led around and around the endless circle of dia¬ lectical balance (symbolized in the Taoist circle). This confuses and "opiates" the people, keeping them passive and tractable. Satan and fhe Priest, is a reprint, edited slightly and given a new ti¬ tle. It illustrates that "Satan" was an invention of churchmen and despots the ones who gain by it. - those valleys and hills, he heard a pain¬ ful cry emerging from a ditch at the side of the road. He stopped and looked in the direction of the voice, and saw an unclothed man lying on the ground. Streams of blood oozed from deep wounds in his head and chest. He was moaning pitifully for aid, saying, "Save me, help me. Have mercy on me, Iam dying." Father Samaan looked with perplexity at the suf¬ ferer, and said within himself, "This man must be a thief . . . He probably tried to rob the wayfarers and failed. Some one has wounded him, and 1 fear that should he die 1 may be ac¬ cused of having taken his life." Having thus pondered the situation, he resumed his journey, whereupon the dying man stopped him, calling out, "Do not leave me! I am dying!" Then the Father meditated again, and his face became pale as he realized he was refusing to help. His lips quivered, but he spoke to himself, saying, "He must surely be one of the madmen wandering in the wilderness. The sight of his wounds brings fear into my heart; what shall Ido? Surely a spiritu¬ al doctor is not capable of treating flesh-wounded bodies." Father Samaan walked ahead a few paces when the near-corpse uttered a painful plaint that melted the heart of the rock and editor he gasped, "Come close to me! Come, for we have been friends a long time . . . You are Father Samaan, the Good Shepherd, and 1 am not a thief nor a madman . . . Come close, and do not let me die in this deserted place. Come, and Iwill tell you who Iam." Father Samaan came close to the man, knelt, and stared at him; but he saw a strange face with contrasting features; he saw intelligence with sly¬ ness, ugliness with beauty, and wicked¬ ness with softness. He withdrew to his feet sharply, and exclaimed, "Who are you"? With a fainting voice, the dying man said, "Fear me not, Father, for we have been strong friends for long. Help me to stand, and take me to the nearby streamlet and cleanse my wounds with your linens." And the Fa¬ ther inquired, "Tell me who you are, for I do not know you, nor even re¬ member having seen you." And the man replied with an ago¬ nizing voice, "You know my identity! You have seen me one thousand times and you speak of me each day ... I am dearer to you than your own life." And the Father reprimanded, "You are a lying imposter! A dying man should tell the truth ... I have never seen your evil face in my entire life. Tell me who you are, or Iwill suffer you to die, • soaked in your own escaping life." And the wounded man moved slowly and looked into the clergyman's eyes, and upon his lips appeared a mystic smile; and in a quiet, deep and smooth voice he said, "I am Satan." Upon hearing the fearful word, Fa¬ ther Samaan uttered a terrible cry that shook the far corners of the valley; then he stared, and realized that the dying man's body, with its grotesque distortions, coincided with the likeness of Satan in a religious picture hanging on the wall of the village church. He trembled and cried out, saying, "God has shown me your hellish image and justly caused me to hate you; cursed be you forevermore! The mangled lamb must be destroyed by the shepherd lest he will infect the other lambs!" Satan answered, "Be not in haste, Father, and lose not this fleeting time in empty talk . . . Come and close my wounds quickly, before Life departs from my body." And the clergyman re¬ torted, "The hands which offer a daily sacrifice to God shall not touch a body made of the secretion of Hell . . . You must die accursed by the tongues of the Ages, and the lips of Humanity, for you are the enemy of Humanity, and it is your avowed purpose to destroy all virtue." Satan moved in anguish, raising himself upon one elbow, and respond¬ ed, "You know not what you are say¬ ing, nor understand the crime you are committing upon yourself. Give heed, for 1 will relate my story. Today I walked alone in this solitary valley. When I reached this place, a group of angels descended to attack, and struck me severely; had it not been for one of them, who carried a blazing sword with two sharp edges, I would have driven them off, but I had no power against the brilliant sword." And Satan ceased talking for a moment, as he pressed a shaking hand upon a deep wound in his side. Then he continued,. "The armed angel-I believe he was Mi-1 chael-was an expert gladiator. Had 1 not thrown myself to the friendly ground and feigned to have been slain, he would have torn me into brutal death." With voice of triumph, and casting his eyes heavenward, the Father of¬ fered, "Blessed be Michael's name, who has saved Humanity from this vi¬ cious enemy." And Satan protested, "My disdain for Humanity is not greater than your hatred for yourself . . . You are bless¬ ing Michael who never has come to BRITAIN'S ... REAL ESTATE ... Once again unrestrained bank lending has fuelled a surge in housing prices that has proven unsustainable. ... the mass of borrowed money has prompted ... (a) raise (in) interest rates." The Investment Reporter, p. 1, Hoskins Report SMOKING: Children of women who smoke more than half a a day were twice pack of cigarettes as likely to to be asthmatic. UNFILTERED NEWS Insight, p 47, April 30, 1990. April 1990. 2 your rescue . . . You are cursing me in the hour of my defeat, even though I was, and still am, the source of your tranquility and happiness . . . You deny me your blessing, and extend not your kindness, but you live and prosper in the shadow of my being. . . You have adopted for my existence an excuse and weapon for your career, and you employ my name in justifica¬ tion for your deeds. Has not my past caused you to be in need of my present and future? Have you reached your goal in amassing the required wealth? Have you not found it possible to extract more gold and silver from your followers, using my kingdom as a threat? CHURCH DEFINED "Do you not realize that you will starve to death if I were to die? What would you do tomorrow if you allowed me to die today? What vocation would loving and benevolent God.' Then man turned his back to the great circle of light and saw his shadow upon the earth, and he hailed, 'In the depths of the earth there is a dark devil who loves wickedness.' "And the man walked toward his cave, whispering to himself, 'I am. be¬ tween two compelling forces, one in whom Imust take refuge, and the oth¬ er against whom Imust struggle.' And the ages marched in procession while man existed between two powers, one that he blessed because it exalted him, and one that he cursed because it frightened him. But he never perceived the meaning of a blessing or of a curse; he was between the two, like a tree between Summer, when it blooms, and Winter, when it shivers. "When man saw the dawn of civili¬ zation, which is human understanding, have bought your advice with their poor denars and with the products of their land. What would they buy from you tomorrow, if they discovered that their wicked enemy no longer existed? Your occupation would die with me, for the people would be safe from sin. As a clergyman, do you not realize DIALECTIC PRINCIPLE "In the first hour of the beginning of time, man stood before the face of the sun and stretched forth his arms and cried for the Urst time, saying, 'Behind the sky there is a great and bers of that clan were gathered around the hut of their Chief, talking of the outcome of their day and waiting for their slumber time, a man suddenly leaped to his feet, pointed toward the moon, and cried out, saying, 'Look at the Night God! His face is dark, and his beauty has vanished, and he has turned into a black stone hanging in the dome of the sky!' The multitude gazed at the moon, shouted in awe, and shook with fear, as if the hands of darkness had clutched their hearts, for they saw the Night God slowly turning into a dark ball which changed the bright countenance of the earth and caused the hills and valleys before their eyes to disappear behind a black veil. PRIESTCRAFT you pursue if my name disappeared? For decades you have been roaming these villages and warning the people against falling into my hands. They that Satan's existence alone has created his enemy, the church? That ancient conflict is the secret hand which removes the gold and silver from the faithful's pocket and deposits it forever into the pouch of the preach¬ er and missionary. How can you per¬ mit me to die here, when you know it will surely cause you to lose your prestige, your church, your home, and your livelihood?" Satan became silent for a moment and his humility was now converted into a confident independence, and he continued, "Father, you are proud, but ignorant. 1 will disclose to you the his¬ tory of belief, and in it you will find the truth which joins both of our beings, and ties my existence with your very conscience. ing that era, could not be obtained ex¬ cept by arduous toil, La Wiss slept many nights with an empty stomach. "One Summer night, as the mem¬ the family as a unit came into being. Then came the tribes, whereupon la¬ bour was divided according to ability and inclination; one clan cultivated the land, another built shelters, others wove raiment or hunted food. Subse¬ quently divination made its appearance upon the earth, and this was the first career adopted by man which pos¬ sessed no essential urge or necessity." Satan ceased talking for a moment. Then he laughed and his mirth shook the empty valley, but his laughter re¬ minded him of his wounds, and he placed his hand on his side, suffering with pain. He steadied himself and continued, "Divination appeared and grew on earth in strange fashion. "There was a man in the first tribe called La Wiss. I know not the origin of his name. He was an intelligent crea¬ ture, but extremely indolent and he de¬ tested work in the cultivation of land, construction of shelters, grazing of cat¬ tle or any pursuit requiring body move¬ ment or exertion. And since food, dur¬ OCCUPIED: "Dade County, Florida, school board interviewed applicants for school superintendent ... One of the applicants ... Paul Beil ... stated that there should be more Hispanic "At that moment, La Wiss, who had seen an eclipse before, and under¬ stood its simple cause, stepped for¬ ward to make much of this opportuni¬ ty. He stood in the midst of the throng, lifted his hands to the sky, and in a strong voice he addressed them, saying, 'Kneel and pray, for the Evi? God of Obscurity is locked in struggle with the Illuminating Night God; if the. Evil God conquers him, we will all per¬ ish, but if the Night God triumphs over him, we will remain alive . . . Pray now and worship . . . Cover your faces with earth . . . Close your eyes, and lift not your heads toward the sky, for he who witnesses the two gods wrestling will lose his sight and mind, and will re¬ main blind and insane all his life! Bend your heads low, and with all your hearts urge the Night God against his enemy, who is our mortal enemy!' "Thus did La Wiss continue talking, using many cryptic words of his own fabrication which they had never heard. After this crafty deception, as the moon returned to its previous glo¬ ry, La Wiss raised his voice louder than before and said impressively, 'Rise now, and look at the Night God who has triumphed over his evil enemy. He is resuming his journey among the stars. Let it be known that through your prayers you have helped him to overcome the Devil of Darkness. He is pleased now, and brighter than ever.' "The multitude rose and gazed at the moon that was shining in full beam. Their fear became tranquility, and their confusion was now joy. They added that this means teaching 'Anglos' to speak Spanish. (Another applicant for the job stated that) 'for those who oppose it' (Anglos learning Spanish, they can move to) 'Broward County and elsewhere.'" Border Watch, May T990, p. 5, AICF, Box 525, Monterey, Virginia 24465 administrators. Hispanics make up 46% of Dade County public school students and 18% of school administrates. Bell ... also affirmed their support for bilingual education, and 3 commenced dancing and singing and striking with their thick sticks upon sheets of iron, filling the valleys with their clamour and shouting. "That night, the Chief of the tribe called La Wiss and spoke to him, say¬ ing, 'You have done something that no man has ever done . . . You have demonstrated knowledge of a hidden secret that no other among us under¬ stands. Reflecting the will of my peo¬ ple, you are to be the highest ranking member, after me, in the tribe. I am the strongest man, and you are the wisest and most learned person . . . You are the medium between our peo¬ ple and the gods, whose desires and deeds you are to interpret, and you will teach us those things necessary to gain their blessings and love.' "And La Wiss slyly assured, 'Everything the Human God reveals to me in my divine dreams will be con¬ veyed to you in awakeness, and you may be confident that Iwill act directly between you and him.' The chief was assured, and gave La Wiss two horses, seven calves, seventy sheep and seven¬ ty lambs; and he spoke to him, saying, The men of the tribe shall build for you a strong house, and we will give you at the end of each harvest season a part of the crop of the land so you may live as an honourable and respect¬ ed Master.' perpetual being?' "The God of Gods became enraged and said, 'I shall preserve for myself the primary power and the great au¬ thority and the essential secrets, for 1 am the beginning and the end.' "And Bahtaar answered him, say¬ ing, 'Unless you share with me your might and power, I and my children and my children's children will revolt against you!' At that moment, the God of Gods stood upon his throne in the deep heavens, and drew forth a sword, and grasped the Sun as a shield; and with a voice that shook all corners of eternity he shouted out, saying, 'Descend, you evil rebel, to the dismal lower world where darkness and mis¬ ery exist! There you shall remain in ex¬ ile, wandering until the Sun turns into ashes and the stars into dispersed par¬ ticles!' In that hour, Bahtaar descended from the upper world into the lower world, where all the evil spirits dwelt. Thereupon, he swore by the secret of Life that he would fight his father and brothers by trapping every soul who love them.' "As the Chief listened, his forehead wrinkled and his face turned pale. He ventured, 'Then the name of the Evil God is Bahtaar?' and La Wiss respond¬ ed, 'His name was Bahtaar when he was in upper world, but when he en¬ tered into the lower world, he adopted successively the names Baalzaboul, mourns when we are joyous. We must, through my knowledge, examine him thoroughly, in order to avoid his evil; we must study his character, so we will not step upon his trap-laden path.' DIALECTIC APPLIED Satanail, Balial, Zamiel, Ahriman, Mara, Abdon, Devil, and finally Satan, which is the most famous.' Death. Then Satan continued, "Thus divination came to this earth, and thus was my existence the cause for its ap¬ pearance. La Wiss was the first who adopted my cruelty as a vocation. Af¬ ter the death of La Wiss, this occupa¬ tion circulated through his children and prospered until it became a perfect and divine profession, pursued by those whose minds are ripe with knowledge, and whose souls are noble, and whose hearts are pure, and whose "La Wiss rose and started to leave, but the Chief stopped him, saying, 'Who and what is the one whom you call the Human God? Who is the dar¬ ing God who wrestles with the glorious Night God? We have never pondered him before.1 La Wiss rubbed his fore¬ head and answered him, saying, 'My Honourable Master, in the olden lime, before the creation of man, all the Gods were living peacefully together in an upper world behind the vastness of the stars. The God of Gods was their father, and knew what they did not know, and did what they were unable to do. He kept for himself the divine secrets that existed beyond the eternal laws. During the seventh epoch of the twelfth age, the spirit of Bahtaar, who haled the great God, revolted and stood before his father, and said, 'Why do you keep for yourself the power of great authority upon all creatures, hid¬ ing away from us the secrets and laws of the Universe? Are we not your chil¬ dren who believe in you and share with you the great understanding and the FEAR FACTOR 'The Chief repeated the word 'Satan' many times with a quivering voice that sounded like the rustling of the dry branches at the passing of the wind; then he asked, 'Why does Satan hate man as. much as he hates the MENTAL SURRENDER "The Chief leaned his head upon his thick stick and whispered, saying, 'I have learned now the inner secret of that strange power who directs the tempest toward our homes and brings the pestilence upon us and our cattle. The people shall learn all that I have comprehended now, and La Wiss will be blessed, honoured and glorified for revealing to them the mystery of their powerful enemy, and directing them away from the road of evil.' "And La Wiss left the Chief of the tribe and went to his retiring place, happy over his ingenuity, and intoxi¬ cated with the wine of his pleasure and fancy. For the first time, the Chief and all the tribe, except La Wiss, spent the night slumbering in beds surrounded by horrible ghosts, fearful spectres, and disturbing dreams." CHURCH HISTORY Satan ceased talking for a moment, while Father Samaan stared at him as one bewildered, and upon the Father's lips appeared the sickly laughter of gods?' fancy is vast. "And La Wiss responded quickly, 'He hates man because man is a de¬ scendant of Satan's brothers and sis¬ ters.' The Chief exclaimed, 'Then Sa¬ tan is the cousin of man!' In a voice mingled with confusion and annoy¬ ance, he retorted, 'Yes, Master, but he is their great enemy who fills their days with misery and their nights with horri¬ ble dreams. He is the power who di¬ rects the tempest toward their hovels, and brings famine upon their planta¬ "In Babylon, the people bowed sev¬ en times in worshipping before a priest tion, and disease upon them and their animals. He is an evil and powerful god; he is wicked, and he rejoices when we are in sorrow, and he who fought me with his chantings . . . In Nineveh, they looked upon a man, who claimed to have known my inner secrets, as a golden link between God and man ... In Tibet, they called the person who wrestled with me The Son of the Sun and Moon ... In Byblus, Ephesus and Antioch, they offered their children's lives in sacrifice to my opponents ... In Jerusalem and Rome, they placed their lives in the hands of those who claimed they hated me and fought me with all their might. on the campaign. Last year Toshiba got a mere slap on the wrist. Their campaign paid off. No one has deeper pockets when it comes to influencing legislation in Washington than the Japanese. The day will come when the American citizen will be thankful for a bowl of rice, and the Japanese will graciously supply it with the help of American politicans. JAPAN'S LOBBY: The U.S. government is not likely to do anything against Japanese trade practices. Two years ago Toshiba was heartily condemned by Congress for selling military electronic equipment to the USSR. Toshiba went to work. Its lobbyists now include former senior administration officials and congressmen. Toshiba spent about $30 million 4 THE ESSENTIAL SATAN SAVING THE CHURCH "In every city under the sun my name was the axis of the educational circle of religion, arts, and philosophy. Mad it not been for me, no temples And Satan stretched his arms and bent his head forward and gasped deeply; his face turned to grey and he resembled one of those Egyptian stat¬ ues laid waste by the Ages at the side of the Nile. Then he fixed his glittering eyes upon Father Samaan's face, and said, in a faltering voice, "I am tired and weak. 1 did wrong by using mywaning strength to speak on things you already knew. Now you may do as you please . . . You may carry me to your home and treat my wounds, or leave me in this place to die." Father Samaan quivered and rubbed his hands nervously, and with apology in his voice he said, "I know now what I had not known an hour ago. Forgive my ignorance. I know that your existence in this world creates temptation, and temptation is a measurement by which God adjudg¬ es the value of human souls. It is a scale which Almighty God uses to weigh the spirits. I am certain that if you die, temptation will die, and with its passing, death will destroy the ideal power which elevates and alerts man. "You must live, for if you die and the people know it, their fear of hell will vanish and they will cease worship¬ ping, for naught would be sin. You must live, for in your life is the salva¬ tion of humanity from vice and sin. "As to myself, I shall sacrifice my hatred for you on the altar of my love for man." Satan uttered a laugh that rocked the ground, and he said, "What an in¬ would have been built, no towers or palaces would have been erected. I am the courage that creates resolution in man ... Iam the source that provokes originality of thought ... I am the hand that moves man's hands ... Iam Satan everlasting. I am Satan whom the people fight in order to keep them¬ selves alive. If they cease struggling against me, slothfulness will deaden their minds and hearts and souls, in ac¬ cordance with the weird penalties of their tremendous myth. "1 am the enraged and mute tem¬ pest who agitates the minds of man and the hearts of women. And in fear of me, they will travel to places of wor¬ ship to condemn me, or to places of vice to make me happy by surrender¬ ing to my will. The monk who prays in the silence of the night to keep me away from his bed is like the prostitute who invites me to her chamber. I am Satan everlasting and eternal. "I am the builder of convents and monasteries upon the foundation of fear. 1 build wine shops and wicked houses upon the foundations of lust and self-gratification. If I cease to exist, fear and enjoyment will be abolished from the world, and through their dis¬ appearance, desires and hopes will cease to exist in the human heart. Life will become empty and cold, like a harp with broken strings. I am Satan everlasting, "I am the inspiration for Falsehood, Slander, Treachery, Deceit and Mock¬ ery, and if these elements were to be removed from this world, human socie¬ ty would become like a deserted field in which naught would thrive but thorns of virtue. I am Satan Courtesy TH_E ..... telligent person you are, Father! And what wonderful knowledge you pos¬ sess in theological facts! You have found, through the power of your knowledge, a purpose for my exis¬ tence which 1 had never understood, and now we realize our need for each other. "Come close to me, my brother; darkness is submerging the plains, and half of my blood has escaped upon the sand of this valley, and naught remains of me but the remnants of a broken body which Death shall soon buy un¬ less you render aid." Father Samaan rolled the sleeves of his robe and ap¬ proached, and lifted Satan to his back and walked toward his home. In the midst of those valleys, en¬ gulfed with silence and embellished with the veil of darkness, Father Sa¬ maan walked toward the village with his back bent under his heavy burden. His black raiment and long beard were spattered with blood streaming from above him, but he struggled forward, his lips moving in fervent prayer for ÿ the life of the dying Satan. According to Marx, "religion is the opium of the people. "This has proven true. However, for the drug to work it requires the chemistry of both elements of the dialectic both Church and Satan. Without the one, the other is unneeded. Without "Satan," the churches have no use. "Satan" is the church¬ es' truest friend. He is absolutely essential to their existence. - editor box 8430, Bedford OREGON 97504 AFRICAN CHRISTIAN - " everlasting. "I am the father and mother of sin, and if sin were to vanish, the fighters of sin would vanish with it, along with their families and structures. "I am the heart of all evil. Would you wish for human motion to stop through cessation of my heartbeats? Would you accept the result after de¬ stroying the cause? I am the cause! Would you allow me to die in this de¬ serted wilderness? Do you desire to sever the bond that exists between you and me? Answer me, clergyman!" 5 peswawsss The call to "unity" is a recurring problem in the Christian Identity movement. When this happens, we see unity advocates, in one form or another, trying to rally everyone around one man, one organization or one written set of official beliefs. "If Identity Christians could just unite into one large group," they reason, "then we could force the world to hear us. God could get things done. Strength in numbers would be our salvation from whatever the forces of evil might be." The idea of "independence" is scoffed at even though that is suppos¬ edly what America was founded upon. "Freedom" is thought of as the power of public approval rather then the power of public indifference. Many have asked me why there isn't more unity among the pastors of the Christian Identity movement and why I don't try harder to unify with other pastors and groups. Refusing to work toward integration and unifica¬ tion is often interpreted as "being quar¬ relsome," or "being a heretic," "a Jew," or "a Commie." However, independence is the strength of freedom. Ihold fast to that principle even though some do not un¬ derstand or agree. Some of my thinking can be found in the following letter that was written in 1984 by Pastor Sheldon Emry in re¬ sponse to Walter White's repeated at¬ tempts to garner Sheldon into his movement to form a united Christian Identity organization. I was working with Sheldon at that time. We had the largest Christian Identity ministry in America, so it would have been easy to bring a great number of Identity people into one corral if White could get Pastor Emry's cooperation. But Sheldon declined because he saw how unify could be used against wellmeaning individuals - and the corral would become a prison. In a world that has recently be¬ come officially "unified" by the new Bush/Gorbechev debacle, indepen¬ dence appears to be all but dead. This is all the more reason why we should be promoting independence and free¬ dom; truth rather than unity and pop¬ ularity. This letter shows another side of "unity" which is hardly ever heard. -Iopefully it will help answer why 1 teach independence instead of unity. — editor "Unity" Letter from Emry to Walter White, 1/10/84: You still persist in your invitations to Christian Israel Pa¬ triot leaders to "unite" to work as a group for "one goal." This is my third letter to you refusing to participate. This letter will go into additional detail as to why Patriots should refuse to "unite Patriots." This will then be sent to my mail list to instruct and warn them. Walter, in communist countries, undercover government agents are used to trick dissident groups to "unite" under one head or to have them gather in one place or to publicly work for one goal. This is done so the bravest and most active antiCommunists can be more easily identified, neutralized and then destroyed by those in power. impugn the motives of those who disagree with me on However, men who have had experience in this, and in Ido not this. worse situations than ours, warn of being tricked into "unit¬ ing" as it could lead to disaster. Let me recount just one fa¬ mous incident where the technique of "unite them to destroy them" was used with almost total success . Prior to "the Bay of Pigs" operation, anti-Castro Cubans in Cuba and in the U.S. were disrupting "Castroism" and inflicting grave damage to the communist Castro regime in Cuba. Because of that, communist agents speaking fluent Cuban Spanish were sent into the Cuban community in Florida by our traitorous U.S. State Department to "organize Cubans into one great blow against Castro." The "one great blow" was to be an actual in¬ vasion of Cuba accompanied by an internal uprising of the antiCastro Cubans . Disruptions of Castro by small groups were stopped for months while Cuban Patriots in the U.S. joined in this "one great ef¬ fort to overthrow Communism in the western hemisphere." Cubans and xArnericans who attempted to warn the Cubans they were being led into a trap by the U.S. government were ignored or actually forced out of Florida by U.S. agents so they could not warn the Cubans they might be betrayed. Eighteen months later, the U.S. Navy put hundreds ashore in Cuba at the now infamous "Bay of Pigs," and then pulled out and left them without the promised Navy or air support. Immediate¬ ly the invasion forces were hit by fire from high ground in¬ land. As the Cuban Patriots fired back, they found their U.S. supplied ammo boxes marked .30 caliber had .50 caliber, those marked grenades had mortar rounds, others marked first aid sup¬ plies had food, and on and on. In the first fire fights, ma¬ chine gun crews died with open boxes of carbine ammo, men with carbines died trying to stuff 30.06 cartridges in a too small chamber, .50 caliber machine gun crews were slaughtered sur¬ rounded by broken boxes containing only C-rations, and mortar crews abandoned their mortars because their ammo boxes con- "INSIGHT Magazine joins the ranks with the latest estab¬ lishment push to make interracial dating socially acceptable. On page 40 of their May 14, 1990 issue they show a picture of a prom with a young interracial couple dancing in the foreground. Also in the same picture is a double exposure of another view of the same couple taken as the photographer attempted to find just the right pose to convince the viewer that integration is "in." Insight's handling of this unscriptua! scene is both unfeeling and anti-Christian. They should apologize to their Christian readers and run a series on the historic evils of mixed-marriage. 6 tained canned food, and on and on! goal; " that they should "poo.! their resourc¬ es , " and on and on and on. Betrayed, wounded and dying men had to break open all boxes under fire on the beach to get the right After years of small groups "doing their own thing, " they became discouraged and despon¬ dent, not realizing what they had accom¬ plished. In truth, a few more years of what they were doing in small groups (sabotage in Cuba, clandestine leaflets, slogans painted on walls, raids on communist units, etc.) would have had Castro broken and destroyed. They had been effective! But, in-their eagerness to "get it done right now, " they thought they could do more "together." When the siren song of "Let's all get together and do it in one big blow!" was sung to them by enemy agents in America, they were easily deceived and betrayed. ammo. The smashed and scattered boxes then pre¬ vented them from moving any large amount of supplies inland, ending any hope of sustained combat or victory. Before this treachery was discovered, U.S. agents radioed the pre-planned signal for Cu¬ ban Patriots inland to rise up and begin acts of sabotage to help the invaders. The invaders, now realizing they were betrayed by the U.S., tried to warn the Cuban underground not to ex¬ pose themselves, but found their radios sabo¬ taged with dead batteries, missing parts, or unable to operate on the assigned frequencies They could send no warning, and Castro who had been in on the whole plan with the U.S. from the beginning, killed or arrested most of the underground members within hours . . . Walter, "getting together" was their undoing. The betrayal and loss were so terrible and so effective that even anti-Castro Cubans who were not involved in the fiasco were made sus¬ picious and afraid of all other Cubans. They would no longer trust each other, fearing be¬ trayal, and no effective action against Castro The next event was told by survivors years lat¬ er when some were released or escaped from Cu¬ ban prisons. In spite of the deliberately mis¬ labeled supplies, the invaders got some ammunition sorted out and soon began to kill large numbers of Castro's soldiers who were shooting from the high ground. Then, as they advanced inland past the bodies of Castro's men they had killed or wounded, they discovered they weren't men at all, but 11 and 12 and 13 year old boys dressed in small Cuban soldier's uniforms with guns with short stocks so that at The joint U.S. -Red Cuba (Kennedy-Castro) operation to smash and destroy the anti-Communist Cubans and in Cuba was a total success! The U.S. rulers are doing the same thing now (1984) in Central America, collecting the bravest anti-Communists in each country to "fight the Communists." After "con¬ trolled resistance," they too will be'betrayed, abandoned and destroyed just as were the brave Cubans and - more recently, the antiCommunist Vietnamese and Laotians. This same type of false "resistance to communism, " and betrayal has been used successfully by the Reds and their. secret allies in the U.S. government for over 40 years! (By the. way, it is ex¬ plained in Orwell's "1984.") was ever mounted again! a distance the invaders thought they were shooting at grown men! The sight of the dead little boys and the screams of the wounded ones crying for their mothers so sickened the invaders that they ceased firing and after some confusion, decid¬ ed to attempt to go around the surviving little boys who were still shooting at them and try to make their way to the hills. They formed into small groups and tried it. Once they were broken up, Castro's regular troops, full-grown men who had been waiting a few miles inland, hit them hard with artillery and tanks. Most of the in¬ vading Cubans were killed or captured that day or the UNITE next. A few made it inland only to find that Castro's police and soldiers had al¬ ready killed or rounded up almost all Cuban Patriots who had risen up at the treacherous call from commu¬ nist agents inside the U.S. government! In one fell swoop, the whole Cuban anti- Communist movement inside and outside Cuba was vicious¬ ly betrayed and destroyed. How was it done so easily? Well, fools and communist agents convinced the Cuban Do the antichrists want to stop the Identity Patriots? Will secret Reds try a "Bay of Pigs" type operation on the Right-wing? They may try, but IT WILL WORK ONLY IF PATRIOT LEADERS FALL FOR THE IDEA THAT 'WE NEED TO ORGANIZE IN 1 ONE GROUP OR FOR ONE GOAL. " If hundreds of groups stay apart, the enemy will have to destroy each group separate¬ AND DIE! ly. That will take a long time, arid even as some are destroyed, the necessary pro¬ longed and public attack on Patriotic groups will slowly, then more swiftly, alert, awaken and educate our sleep¬ ing people to the internal Red danger (American pluto¬ crats) . Our Red enemies know that, and fear it. Will they try "togetherness?" Will Pa¬ triot leaders fall for it? 1 orav they will not and that the Almighty God will give us wisdom and have mercy on us, Patriots that all groups should "get together;" that In Jesus Christ, all should "work for one Pastor Sheldon Emry think you live in a 'free' country, you need to listen to these tapes. This month only $20 TAPE OF THE MONTH SFA424 - SFA429 (6 tapes) AMERICA THE CONQUERED, by Pastor Pete Peters. Shows how American (and Australian) people have been reduced to a state of complete slavery! If you do not think of yourself as a slave, and the set posted, cftrismaii Hbrutltp jffluustrttg BOX 146 QLD 4816 CARDWELL PO 7 OTHER LOSSES A Different Approach mmmmmmmmmmmm It seems that modern Americans don't like people who defend them¬ selves - especially if they are innocent. For example, most jury members tend not to believe a defendant who presents his own defense. They are more likely to believe a lawyer speak¬ ing for the defendant. That, in itself is a paradox in light of the fact that most people readily admit that lawyers are professional liars. In other words, Americans apparently assume that everyone is a liar when it comes to de¬ fending himself. A professional liar's word is preferred above one's own word about himself. For this reason, a common saying around the courts is: "He who defends himself has a fool for a client." The record is undeniable. Al¬ though it goes against common sense and logic, and although it is silly and un-Christian, Americans simply do not trust a man who defends himself. Selfdefense has become unacceptable. This is evident, also, with respect to firearms. A victim of an attack who de¬ fends himself is hated while the attack¬ er is pitied and even given court settle¬ ments against his intended victim. By the same token, Americans have not liked hearing Germans de¬ fend Germans. Since World War I, Germans have been labeled bad guys by both media and politicians. Of course, the central accusation is the al¬ leged, planned extermination of mil¬ lions of Jews (ie. the so-called "holo¬ caust") during World War II. These accusations were started by the Jews and then carried on by every politician and broadcaster who could parrot say¬ ings without thinking about them. The accusations were printed and shouted around the world, but mostly in America. For some reason, Americans like accusers. They don't like those who defend themselves, but they like ANY¬ ONE who accuses someone else. America is a prosecutor's paradise. Ac¬ cusation is "in," and defense is "out." Juries automatically assume that defen¬ dants are guilty of something based upon the fact that they have been ACCUSED. The Jews, and the Judaizers, have taken advantage of the American infat¬ uation with accusers. They have been the accusers - the Germans have been the accusees. America has loved the Jews and hated the Germans. The Germans tried to defend themselves by showing the impossibility of the accu¬ sations against them. They formed or¬ ganizations for the purpose of defend¬ ing the German public image. Meanwhile, the Jews, and the Judaiz¬ ers, just kept right on casting accusa¬ tions. The more the Germans defend¬ ed themselves, the more Americans distrusted them. And the more the Jews accused, the more Americans be¬ But, here is a change of pace! Ca¬ nadian author, James Bacque, has written a book titled OTHER LOSSES in which the Germans are the accusers instead of the accusees. This time, the Germans have a bone to pick with Dwight D. Eisenhower and U.S. policy concerning German World War II pris¬ oners of war. And since Americans love an accusation, perhaps these ac¬ cusations against America, and an American, anti-German president, will get public attention. Defense hasn't worked for the Germans. Maybe now accusations will cause the public to rethink their antiGerman brainwash. Bacque shows Germans as the victims of World War II and a dishonest, anti-German, American president. OTHER LOSSES, by James Bacque, has not yet been openly circu¬ lated in the book stores. However, there have been some widely circulat¬ ed and interesting reviews. Here are some examples: From Time magazine, October 2, 1989: Along the Rhine in 1945, barbedwirc fences enclosed tightly-packed masses of German prisoners of war. Wiihoul tents, they dug crude foxholes and hoarded scraps of cardboard against the biucr spring weather. Without food or water, sonic resorted to eating grass and drinking their urine. Many died of dysen¬ tery, pneumonia, exhaustion, brought on by the cruel neglect of their American capiors. came suspicious of the Germans. It has been a vicious circle - an inesca¬ pable vortex of anti-German propa¬ ganda and sentiment. The Germans have been stymied. They presented facts which prove be¬ yond a doubt that the Jewish accusa¬ tions of a "holocaust" are pure fabricat¬ ed nonsense. However, facts have no impact upon the American public. They don't care about facts, or truth. Defense hasn't worked. Accusation has. It's as simple as that. So alleges Toronto author James Bacque in Other Losses (Stoddard Pub¬ lishing), a controversial Canadian best seller thaL claims al least 960,000 German soldiers died in U.S. and French army camps in the final months of World War II and afterward. "They were victims of deliberate neglect," says Bacque, "be¬ cause Supreme Allied Commander Gen¬ eral Dwight D. Eisenhower withheld sus¬ tenance from a despised enemy. ...A March 10, 1945, message from Eisen¬ hower proposing that German prisoners be deemed 'disarmed enemy forces' rather ring only when a call comes through. That is now changing. As phone companies in the United States install new signaling equipment, they are offering a host of new services that a phone will perform if you just press a couple of buttons. Included are: call trace - this logs the caller's number with the phone company even if the call New Phone Services Phones with memory, automatic dialing, handsfree operation, and digital display, among other things, have become common-place. But they still 8 lhau prisoners of war, since providing the level of rations assured for POWs by the Geneva Convention 'would prove far be¬ yond the capacity of the Allies." Ike's re¬ quest was granted, and adequate food, water and shelter were withheld from the prisoners. Alone among the Western Al¬ lies. the U.S. refused to permit Red Cross inspections of its 200 camps. Quoted from the January and March, 1990, issues of The Canadian Intelligence Service, Bag IS, High River, Alberta TQL 1BQ. More Germans died in American prisoner-of-war camps after the Second World War than were killed fighting on the Western Front. Up to a million Ger¬ man soldiers supposedly died of disease, malnutrition, exposure and neglect in American and French camps, primarily because of a policy implemented by Gen. Dwight Eisenhower. The National Archives in Washing¬ ton (DC) contains an official document called the Weekly Prisoner of War and Disarmed Enemy Forces Report for the week ending Sept. 8, 1945. It shows that 1,056,482 German prisoners were then being held by the U.S. Army in the Euro¬ pean theater, of whom 692,895 were still classified as POWs (Prisoners of War) and the other 363,587 as DEFs (Dis¬ armed Enemy Forces). When die war ended, Eisenhower changed the designation "prisoners of war" (POW) to "disarmed enemy forces" (DBF). This meant terms of the Geneva Convention would not apply to them, and the Red Cross wouldn't have access to camps. A German soldier designated DBF had no right to any food, any shel¬ ter, any water - no right to anything. Quite often, he received not even a single basic necessity of life and died wiLhin days. In the U.S., there is virtually no in¬ terest in pursuing the story. There is even anger at those who want to correct histo¬ ry. It is reminiscent of when the Kremlin routinely rewrote or denied history. Ironi¬ cally, it is now the U.S.S.R. that acknowl¬ edges past sins, and our side which seeks to deny unsavory truth. In the first week of September 1945, 13,051 of the 363,587 DEF Germans died and were listed cryptically as "other loss¬ es." This was equivalent to a death rate of 3.6% per week. At such a rate, all the re¬ maining 350,536 DEFs would have been dead within 28 weeks - before die end of the approaching winter. The civilian death rate immediately outside lite American camps in Germany prisoners and two were selected al ran¬ dom "and taken out and shot and buried was then about 2% per year, or nearly 100 times lower, despiLe the far greater proportion of old people. Since adequate supplies were readily available to the American troops at all limes, the kilfing seems to have been deliberate. As for the 692,895 German soldiers still falsely listed as POWs, the last of them had been actually transferred from POW to DEF status a month ear¬ lier (Aug. 4) by order of General Dwight Eisenhower. Their death rate quickly quadrupled within weeks, from in front of the fence as a deterrent." Bacquc's careful calculations forced 0.2% to 0.8% per week. Assuming the latter rate for the week ending September 8, about 5,543 of the so-called German POWs listed in the report as being alive and in American hands would have died dial very week - and all would have died in just over two years. (The reason this the war in December 1941 through April 1945. Bacquc was ably assisted in his re¬ search by Col. Ernest F. Fisher, a senior historian for the U.S. Army, as well as by oilier highly placed members of the death rate was lower than the 3.67c week¬ ly rate for die longer-term DEFs was simply that tire execrable treatment of the DEFs was cumulative.) Following Eisenhower's order of Au¬ gust 4, dicrc was essentially no such per¬ son as a bona fide German POW in American hands on European soil. Rath¬ er, there were vast concentrations of men (including some women and children) starving to death in open, muddy, dis¬ ease-ridden fields. Peter Worthington, Canadian jour¬ nalist, wrote in ihc Calgary Sun, Jan. 9: "When Iwrote about the Bacquc book in the Financial Post, Igot letters basically supporting it." Christian Fabcr of Waikerton calls himself "one lucky survivor of the policy." During the last days -of the war he surrendered to American forces rather than Russian.! He wrolc: "We.were held seven days in an open field. We never received any food. On the seventh day we were sur¬ prised to see American tanks surrounding the camp...and on the next morning we couldn't believe our eyes - Russians were all around us and the Americans took off." Fabcr escaped, but was recaptured by Americans and turned over lo die Rus¬ sians again. "You can imagine our feel¬ ings towards the Americans." Nearly four years later lie was freed - weighing Less than 100 lbs. Gerhard Fruslcnau of Sidney, B.C., was 19 and in..!09 Panzer Brigade, when he surrendered. He escaped, but later surrendered and was held in a camp where prisoners burrowed underground shelters. He recalls when two men es¬ caped, the officer in charge lined up the him to conclude: Eisenhower had deplored lite Ger¬ mans' useless defense of the Reich in die last months of die war because of the waste of life. At least ten Limes as many Gentians - undoubtedly 800,000, almost certainly 900,000, and quite probably over 1 million - died in tine French and American camps as were killed in all the combat on the Western Front in north¬ west Europe from America's entry into American military. One of Lhem, Col. Philip S. Lauben, Chief of die German Affairs Branch of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force), stated that, in late 1945, "the Yosges (northeast France) was just one big dealh camp (for Germans)." There seems to be little question thai Dwight Eisenhower meets ail die qualifi¬ cations of a certified war criminal, even if Bacquc's figures arc somewhat off. The proof is found in what happened to those Germans fortunate enough to surrender to the British and the Canadians - some 2 million of litem. According to Bacquc, the evidence shows that "almost all con¬ tinued in fair health. In any ease, most were quickly released and sent home, or transferred to die French to help in the postwar work of reconstruction." Bacquc specifically commended George Paiion for behaving towards his POWs in a civilized manner. His Third Army freed vast numbers of German cap¬ tives during May 1945, saving many of them from probably death. Both Generals Omar Bradley and J.C.H. Lee, Com¬ mander Communications Zone (Com Z) Europe, ordered a release of prisoners within a week of the war's end, but a SHAEF order signed "Eisenhower" coun¬ termanded Lhc-m on May 15. While German soldiers from Lhc British and Canadian zones were quickly regaining their strength and helping lo re¬ build Europe (although those handed over to labor in France fared very poor¬ ly), Germans taken by die Americans were dying miserable deaths by the hun¬ dreds of thousands - emaciated figures in diarrhea-smeared clothing, huddling piti¬ fully in watery holes with perhaps a scrap of cardboard over their heads and a rotten of the last person who was trying to reach you; priority call - gives a distinctive ring when a call is received from certain numbers; caller ID - shows on a screen-equipped device the number of the person calling. was very short and the caller has hung up; call block - numbers programmed into the phone hear a message that you are not taking calls right now; repeat call - tries a busy number for up to 30 minutes while still alowing you to make or receive other call; return call - if the phone stops ringing just as you get to it, this function calls the number "The Tufly Times"Thursday 21st June, 1990 9 pviialo for supper. At times, many were reduced to drinking urine and eating gmss. Did all this happen because of one supremely unprincipled and influential man - Eisenhower? Or was Ike in turn in¬ fluenced by a small circle around him or by superiors in Washington? Historians will be probing this question for decades to come. DATES WHICH WILL LIVE IN INFAMY 1944. Eisenhower tells the British ambassador to Washington that the 3,500 officers of the German General Staff should all be 'exterminated.' He also fa¬ vors the liquidation of perhaps 100,000 prominent Germans. Soon after, he writes io his wife, Mamie: 'God, Ihate die Ger¬ mans.' Why? 'Because the German is a beast.' Eisenhower feels ashamed he bears a German name. Autumn 1944. The North American wheat surplus is greater tlian ever before, nearly one billion bushels. The U.S. corn surplus and potato crop arc also at a record high. March 10. 1945. A message sent by Eisenhower to the Combined Chiefs of Stall (CCS) of Britain and the U.S. rec¬ ommends the creation of an entirely new class of prisoners, Disarmed Enemy Forc¬ es or DEFs. At a press conference in Par¬ is the same day, Ike says: 'If the Germans were reasoning like normal human be¬ ings, they would realize the whole history of the United States and Great Britain is be generous toward a defeated enemy. Wo obscA'e all the laws of the Geneva Convention." to March 19. Eisenhower's special as¬ sistant, General Everett Hughes, visits the American supply depots at Naples and Marseille. In both places, he writes, there arc 'more stocks than we can ever use. (They) stretch as far as eye can see.' Spring. The International Red Cross has over 100,000 tons of food stockpiled in Switzerland. At one point, it sends two U ainloads into the American zone of Ger¬ many, but the food is sent back. The Morgenthau Plan for 'a Carthaginian Peace' in Germany, to use die words of Military Governor Lucius Clay, is implemented through the directive JCS (JoinL Chiefs of Staff) 1067, which specifies to Eisenhow¬ er the policy he must adopt toward every institution in Germany. The directive is largely the work of three of Henry Morgenthau's underlings in the Treasury De¬ partment - Harry Dexter While, Frank Coc and Harry Glasscr. White had not as yet been unmasked as a Jewish fellow •traveler. Anril 11. On the eve of his death, FDR tells Morgcnlhau in Warm Springs, (GA): 'Henry, Iam with you 100%.' Tru¬ man will maintain America's Carthagin¬ ian policy toward Germany for some lime. April 17. The Americans open their enormous Rhcinberg camp, six miles in circumference, with no food or shelter whatsoever. As in the other big 'Rhine meadow' camps opened in mid-April, there are initially no latrines and no wa¬ ter. In some camps, the men arc so crowded they cannot lie down. Mean¬ while, at Camp Kripp, nearRemagen, the half-American Charles von Lutlichau de¬ termines that his German comrades are receiving about 5% as much food as their captors. Complaining to the camp com¬ mander, he is told 'Forget the (Geneva) Convention. You haven't any rights.' Late April. Hcinz Jansscn, a survi¬ vor of the Rhcinberg camp, describes conditions as they were at that lime: 'Am¬ putees slithered like amphibians through the mud, soaking and freezing. Naked to the skies day after day and night after night, they lay desperate in the sand of Rhcinberg or slept cxhauslcdly into eter¬ nity in their collapsing holes.' April 26. The Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS) sends a message to Eisen¬ hower, urging him not to take any more German prisoners after VE Day. He ig¬ nores it. The CCS approves of Ike's pro¬ posed DEF status, but only for certain types of German prisoners. The British refuse to go against the Geneva Conven¬ tion. The CCS orders the illegal DEF stat¬ us be kept strictly secret. By this date, Ei¬ senhower's quartermaster general at SHAEF, Gen. Robert Liltlejohn, has al¬ ready twice reduced rations to German prisoners. A message to Gen. George C. Marshall, signed by Ike, mandates 'no shelter' for Genuan prisoners, despite an unusually cold, wet March and April. May 4. The first German POWs arc transferred to DEF status. Mail to and from all German prisoners is banned for more than a year. Mav 8. Germany surrenders uncon¬ ditionally. The Slate Department wastes no time dismissing Switzerland as die of¬ ficial Protecting Power for German pris¬ oners, contravening the Geneva Conven¬ tion. Slate (Dept.) also informs the international Red Cross that, with no Pro¬ Lech Walesa threatens Germany if..,. ("Le Figaro", the Paris daily, Thurs. April 5, 1990, p.4) Lech Walesa reckons that in the event of a destabilization of Europe by Germa¬ ny, "that country" should "be erased from the tecting Power to report to, there is no point in sending delegates to the camps. From this day forward, prisoners held by the U.S. Army have no access to any im¬ partial observer. The British and Canadi¬ ans also remove llic Swiss protectors, but continue treating lheir Germans decently. Mav. The American Red Cross re¬ ports dial more dian 98% of Americans captured by die Germans will be coming home safely, thanks in part to the food parcels sent to them during the war and promptly delivered by die Germans, Mav 15. Eisenhower and Churchill talk about further reducing the rations for the German POWs. Churchill is informed that the POWs have been getting 2,000 calorics per day (compared to 4,000 for U.S. troops and the 2,150 regarded as die absolute minimum required for sedentary adults living under shelter). Eisenhower docs not tell Churchill dial die U.S. Army is not feeding some DEFs at all and is feeding others at a fraction of 2,000 calo¬ rics per day. Mid-Mav. The Bingen camp, near Bad Krcuznach in the Rhincland, is now holding between 200,000 and 400,000 Germans, with no shelter, food, water or medicine. The death rale for prisoners in the U.S. Rhincland camps is now about 30% per year, according to a U.S. medi¬ cal survey. June 2. The European Theater Pro¬ Marshall issues two reports. One, the last in a series of daily reports, logs 2,870,400 POWs on hand. The other, the first report of the new weekly series, dat¬ ed the same day, logs only 1,836,000. At one point in mid-June, the prisoner strength on the ration list is given as 1,421,559, despite the evidence of Gen. J.C.H. Lee and others that there are prob¬ ably about 4 million. This bizarre book¬ keeping pcrsisis throughout 1945 in ail branches of the occupying army. The ap¬ parent purpose is to obscure the death toll by means of an almost indecipherable mass of conflicting statistics. (Bacquc's greatest coup has been to decipher them.) vost Mid-.Itme. British 'Tommies' lake over the huge Rhcinberg camp from the Americans, saving many thousands of lives. The final act of the 'Yanks' bcfoie the British take charge is to bulldoze one section flat while men arc still living there in holes in the ground. Meanwhile, a team of doctors from the U.S. Army Medical Corps completes its survey of some of the smaller Rhincland camps, holding some 80,000 POWs (not DEFs). They find a death rate 80 times higher map, pure and simple." In an interview publish¬ ed yesterday in the Dutch weekly "Elsevier", the Nobel Peace Prize winner states "having every reason to be preoccupied" with German reunification. "I do not even shrink from 10 that, anything they have known in their professional experience. ÿTuly. Eisenhower becomes military governor of the U.S. zone in Germany. Iic continues to turn back all relief teams from Switzerland, the U.S. and elsewhere. ÿTulv 10. A French Army unit under Gen. Rousseau takes over lire Dictcrshcim camp (near Mainz) from tire Amer¬ icans. He finds 32,000 men and women of all ages in a moribund stale. Another French officer, Capt. Julicn, taking com¬ mand 17 days later, finds a vast mire 'peopled with living skeletons,' male and female, huddling together under scraps of wet cardboard. Horrified, Julicn writes, This is just like tire photographs of Buchcnwald and Dachau.' .Tulv 20. Gen. Liltlejohn receives a memo stating, 'These men (German POWs) are authorized a maximum of 1,150 calorics per day for nonworkers and i,850 calorics for workers.' .Tulv 26. The International Red Cross proposes restoring mail service to the German prisoners. Fearing that the re¬ ality of the death camps might come to light, the U.S. War Department rejects the idea. August 4. Eisenhower orders that all remaining German POWs be stripped of all rights by reducing them to DEF status. August 27. In a long memorandum, Gen. Liltlejohn informs Eisenhower that 1,550,000 Germans who arc supposed to be getting U.S. Army rations arc appar¬ ently receiving nothing. Ike turns a deaf car. The death rate continues to climb. August 30. Max Hubcr, head of the International Red Cross, writes a stinging letter to the Slate Department about American interference in efforts to save starving Germans. Some months later, an evasive response, signed 'Eisenhower,' ar¬ rives in Washington, falsely claiming that giving Red Cross food to enemy person¬ nel is forbidden. Thousands of train cars loaded with decaying food arc sent back to Geneva, to sources in Paris and Brus¬ sels. Hubcr apologies for tying up the French rail system because of all the food being returned to its donors. By now, more than 2 million Ger¬ mans have been discharged from Ameri¬ can custody, including thousands of priests, ministers, doctors and professors. Not a single camp commander or guard was questioned by the Allied press corps about conditions in the prisoner hellholes. Late Summer. Jean-Pierre Pradcrvand, head of the International Red Cross delegations in France, tells Henry W. Dunning, an American Red Cross offi¬ cial, that conditions in the French camps arc worse, in many instances, than in the former Nazi camps. Pradcrvand shows Dunning pictures of the living skeletons. Dunning explains all this to the American Red Cross in Washington, which informs key government officials. Nevertheless, the cover-up continues. Pradcrvand also informs Charles dc Gaulle that one-third of the prisoners handed over to France by the Americans will soon die without a radical change in treatment. De Gaulle continues to show no interest. The prison¬ ers go on dying. Sept. 27. Pradcrvand's pictures of German living skeletons arc shown to Ei¬ senhower in his office. Sept. 30 - Oct. X. The French news¬ paper, Lc Monde, runs a story which be¬ gins, 'As one speaks today of Dachau, in ten years people throughout the world will speak about camps like Saint Paul d'Egiaux.' Oct. 11. 13. 14. 20. The New York Times runs a cover-up report of the death camps by star newsman Drew Middlclon. Interviewed by Bacque in 1988, Middleton admits he never actually visited any of the 50 U.S. camps located within 40 miles of his FrankfurL desk, but was only 'driven by' while being briefed by the military. December. At last, with Eisenhower gone, the U.S. Army allows the first re¬ lief shipments to enter the American gators of Allied atrocities. To this day, the ICRC has remained silent on the sub¬ ject, despite the visits of Pradcrvand and other Red Cross delegates to many of the French camps. Sept. 1989. Bacque's book on the American death camps, Other Losses, is published by Stoddard, a Canadian pub¬ lishing house, after being rejected by 30 American publishers. Saturday Night, one of Canada's most respected maga¬ zines, simultaneously publishes a sum¬ mary of the book as its lead story. With¬ in days, Canada is buzzing about Gen. Eisenhower's war crimes. The authenticity of Bacque's re¬ search has been confirmed by countless survivors of the 'death camps,' and other firsthand witnesses. Our January issue mentioned a few of these Canadian wiuicsscs. Not without significance is the reve¬ lation that this 'Carthaginian peace' in¬ flicted upon Germans was part of tire in¬ famous Morgcnlhau Plan, calling for the destruction of Germany and, apparently, the death of a large number of Germans. But perhaps the most frightening as¬ pect of litis satanic treatment and slaugh¬ ter of German prisoners after the end of the war, is the completeness of its cov¬ er-up by our news media for nearly 45 years." (OTHER LOSSES, by Jaincs Bacque, is available from: A.B.S.. 3434 N Pacific, Mcdford, OR 97501 - S26.95. ) NOTE: This book is NOT avail-* able from Christian Identity! sector. 1947 - 1950s. Nearly all surviving records of thcRhineland death camps arc destroyed. The West German government calculates that 1.7 million German sol¬ diers who were alive at war's end, and known to be in fair health, have disap¬ peared. The Western Allies pin virtually the entire blame on the Soviets. 1950. The first German-language edition of Alliicrtc Kricgsverbrechen is published. Never translated into English, the book gives eyewitness descriptions of the conditions which prevailed in the American camps. 1960s - 1972. The West German Foreign Office under Willy Brandt subsi¬ dizes books denying atrocities or a high death rate in the American camps. 1980s. The International Committee of the Red Cross refuses to open its ar¬ chives to James Bacque and other investi¬ a statement that is not going to make me popular in Germany: if the Germans destabilize Europe anew, in some way or other, then par¬ tition will no longer have to be resorted to, but that country will have to be erased from the map, pure and simple. East and West have at their necessary An InvesdqaiiOfi into the JHom Depths ef Gormen Prisoners fll the Hands ef the Freoib and Americans After World War 1! Courtesy THE AMERICAN CHRISTIAN P0 Box 8430, Medford, Oregon 97504 disposal the advanced technology carry this verdict out." (AFP) to Copied from ZUNDEL THE REPORT, 206 Carlton St TORONTO Ontario M5A-2LI CANADA 11 most A First Aid Kit In A Bottle chemists. APPLICATIONS Christopher Dean says, "What people all over the world have come to realise is that ffea tree oil is fast becoming one of the tea tree oil is a truly remarkable healing most amazing natural remedies known to man agent. and is experiencing such phenomenal growth in popularity by people from all walks of life and all over the world, that demand is current¬ ly outstripping production by almost ten to one. FIRST DISCOVERY Discovered by Aborigines some 40,000 years ago, tea tree oil was brought into promi¬ nence after the first clinical tests were made in the early 1920's by Arthur Penfold, princi¬ pal research chemist at the Museum of Tech¬ nology and Applied Sciences, Sydney. The Australian Government were so amazed with its powers of healing that it commandeered all production during the Second World War for inclusion in standard issue kits for troops to combat a whole host of skin infections including tinea, ulcers, cold sores, heat rashes, and fungal and skin infections. As it could not be readily obtained, the general public quickly forgot about this natural healer and later post war production of synthe¬ including penicillin, largely overshadowed natural remedies and this once highly prized oil paled into obscurity. tic Importantly, at a time when modern society has been saturated by chemical solu¬ tions, tea tree oil appears as one of the first natural remedies that the medical profes¬ sion itself acknowledges as a reputable broad agent." Because the oil has a very low toxicity and is virtually non-irritant, even to sensitive issue, effective treatment is possible in a huge variety of situations from basic cuts, burns and insect bites to deeper skin infections, mouth ulcers, sinus congestions and cold sores. In addition, tea tree oil has also been very successful for a multitude of general untiseptic purposes, cold symptoms, gynaecolo¬ gical conditions, colon infections and herpes blisters. More recently the oil has proved most effective in controlling the yeast infection Candida, which plagues many people, including Aids sufferers. spectrum healing Courtesy BLUE'S COUNTRY MAGAZINE treatments, * * # * (We bought a bottle from Coles to try out and have found this to be a very good product! HR) REDISCOVERY The recent rediscovery of the amazing powers of tea tree oil is largely due to Eric White and his stepson Christopher Dean. Having uncovered early research papers, Eric White established a small plantation in the early 70's. Shortly after this, Christopher Dean developed a stubborn persistent fungus while travelling in Africa which lodged itself under his toe nails. After trying numerous available remedies, a UK specialist from the London School of Tropical Medicine finally recommen¬ ded removal of the toe nail and to "hope for Q.R.T.L, News!. Box 1507, Brisbane 4001 TWIN SURVIVES SELECTIVE ABORTION. An Adelaide couple's decision to abort one twin with a fatal disease and have the other ha$ raised new ethical and legal questions for Australian doc¬ tors. The 24-year-old mother discovered when she was 10 weeks pregnant that one foetus had the hereditary blood disease thalassaemia major. She andher husband - both carriers of thalassaemia - had already terminated one pregnancy after finding the baby would have the incurable disease. Doctors were able to distinguish the male from the female foetus and to ensure that bothhad separate placentas by using ultra-sound equipment. They brought about the death of the male foetus by injecting a lethal dose of potassium chloride through the mother's abdomen into its heart. It died of a heart attack 15 seconds later and eventually degenerated in the womb. The successful Adelaide case, reported in this week's Medical Journal of Australia, is one of only 30 known cases of "selec¬ tive foeticide" in the English speaking world,and is believed to be Australia's first. A radiology expert said that the technique could cause bleeding in the woman and stimulate a spontaneous miscarriage of all the foetuses the mother was carrying. "You al¬ ways take that risk," he said. the best." However, after applying the first batch of tea tree oil brought over by his brother, immediate recovery was evident and within four days there was no trace of the infection. WHAT IS TEA TREE OIL Tea tree oil is the concentrated essence of steam distilled from the leaf of the Austra¬ lian native, Melaleuca alternifolia, found naturally in Northern NSW and Queensland. One 10 tonne of leaves typically yields about litres of oil. The quality of the oil is deter¬ mined by high concentrations of turpines (up to 60%) and low concentrations of cineol (less than 10%). PRODUCTS There is now a range of products avail¬ A slick attorney who journeyed to Califor¬ able including pure tea tree oil, shampoos and nia to try an important case promised to send conditioners, anti-septic cream, sun blockout a telegram to his partner the moment a and soother and a watermiscible oil. In addition decision was announced. At long last .the teleÿ gram arrived, it read "Justice nas triumphed. there is an anti-itch dog shampoo. A range of products is available from His partner wired back "Appeal at once!" 12 was recently newsletter! stated in a , as .. norse's halter". No Vol 2 No2 January/February 1990 fe'i 50 cents Registered Post: qbf 6721 FhC79 Fax 079 7218S5 P O Box 698 Gladstone 4680 problem. There is every reason to believe that Israel is one of the most advanced nations in the development of scalar technol¬ ogy and weapons. (Please, no letters to the effect that Israel is not the true Israel referred to in the Bible and all the other Brit¬ QLD. !-~v- ish Israelite/American Israelite philosophy: this is a fictional play put on by the blackhats for the ordinary mug punters, not for well-read Christians who will find themselves beheaded the moment they speak out their doubts). Jesus Christ reappearing wo"1'1 be only a minor ' feat om Inate the political scene in Australia as more people become aware of hugi Scenes such as this confronts tioB bet««o the Australian regular and reserve soldiers and civilians may rve anni has been specifically trained in crowd control.but he has never electoral frauds jn recent vears. The New Cltlzeo has aaked de Trace Minister Kim Bea«Wy In the past if o» demonstrations such as the recent airline pilots rail) at a function attended bothered to repSj.As the economic noose tightens arouod the neck of most Australians, there will be ' rouliatse continues pilots will not be the only ones protesting. bv PM Bob Hawke. He was realiv rartied b> their actions and wbllt c economic . . I suggest you read the WAS advertisement JESUS CHRIST FAILURE? A in the January and March issues of the NEW CITIZEN! JUBIIsRK P.O. BOX 310 MIDPINES, CA b\ WjSU-.Bensjed Abortion is not a "new" sin |s the photo above from Eastern Europe? China? Poland? Tj.S.S.R.? NO it is Australia. Question: Would the army (regu¬ lar or reserve) shoot Australian civilians? Question: If Austra¬ lian citizens are burying their guns, as has been rumoured, at what point will they dig them up to use them? The above picture is from THE NEW CITIZEN, which you should be reading. Write to box 698, Gladstone QLD 4680 and send $18 for the next 12 issues. Recently their has been renewed mention of Magna Carta and the 1688 Bill of Rights. Question: Do these still apply to Australia? I seem to recall a few short years ago that someting called "The Australia Act Requests Act" was passed, efectively cutting all ties with the English legal system and at the s ame time, in effect, doing away with the Constitution. Furthermore, during the time of the Constitu¬ tional Commission, I remember reading that one of our Foun¬ ding Fathers (Barton) had specifically said that Magna Carta did not apply to Australians! So, who is right? Man writes new laws, and before they are enacted he has already written new amendments, and changed laws which had been in effect for hundreds of years. There is only one place for all this legislation which is "subject to review during the current year." And that is in the fire! There is only ONE law which never changes! A Law written by the God of Israel Himself. If we adhered to that, TO THE LETTER, we wouldn't be having all these problems today. Problems which are ail listed as curses for disobedience of His Laws, in Deut 28, and Lev 26. The fact that all White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic nations are suffering the same problems proves that these are the descendants of the people to whom this Law was given. This is NOT a fictional play as 13 Dear Publisher, Pagans have always killed their babies. There is nothing new under the sun. Rebellious Israelites who have chosen to live according to pagan prac¬ tices instead of the laws of Yahwehhave always killed their babies, too. Abortion is not a "new" sin. The Bible and historical evidence bear out the fact that abortions have been avail¬ able as long as human beings have been living on the earth. Quite possibly giving "seed to Molech" referred to abortion. It was murder of infants, born or unborn, at any rate. Inlight of the knowledge that pagans and carnal Israelites have always found a way to dispose of their unwanted off¬ spring, why are Christians in an uproar today as if this was something new? If the murder of unborn infants has been going on since the beginning of time, what makes today's Christians think that they can change the ways of the pagans at this late date? They might as well try to get a leopard to change his spots! Action in Christians is commen¬ dable. Action is far preferable to non¬ action. But action, to be effective, must be productive action. It cannot be a "spinning of the wheels" type of action. The Christian "right-to-life" activists HOSK1NS REPORT are spinning their wheels. Operation Rescue, and all its many offshoots are nothing more than a smoke screen which serves to keep the eyes of Chris¬ tians off of the real enemy they should be battling. Christians already know abortion is murder. The pagans, (which includes "paganized" Israelites) could care less, and won't change their ways because of a few protest rallies. Neither will the pagan legislators be able to legislate away a practice as old as time. Babies will always be murdered by pagans. If not out in the open, then behind closed doors, but babies will continue to be murdered. The abortion issuehas been carefully designed and controlled to keep sin¬ cere Christians battling on the wrong front! The enemy can defeat us if they can get us to fight their smoke screens instead of becoming involved inthe real battle. The real enemy of Christians is MAN-MADE CENTRAL GOVERN¬ MENT. We have been enslaved by man-made laws and man-made govern¬ ment. We will never be able to change pagans, but WE CAN battle to ELIMINATE man made government from over us so that we will be FREE to serve our King, Jesus, without human interference of any kind. Don't waste your time trying to eradicate infant murder from Babylon. Your time would be better spent trying to individually and collectively break free from Babylon's grip in order that you can form and live in Christian societies devoid of man-made laws and man-made governments. Instead of cleaning up Babylon, come out of Babylon into the Kingdom! Yours Truly, JL. VotUr Medford, OR LETTERS "Dear Mr. Hoskins: Why do the Republicans and the Democrats always support variations of the same left-wing causes? G. A. - Colorado >ÿ >. "O o o o o co 2- o © JZ t- © CO O) CO © 3 O _> jz H © o ÿd c CD © > "© .c ÿ© © C © © o ro 'o o © CD © c 3 E o JZ CO n Q. © c © O © © .Q ÿ © £ | CO 4_, 3 ra Z c O >ÿ "O cn E .© = 3 >. «£ w 1§ 2 *6 "Hi Dick: For what it is worth ... "thou shall not ...' will not save South Africa from total ruin. ... The answer for this county as well as for the States is This is the Way' - organize and walk co C JD c 03 H « 2 Wco .£ •® "wc - X ÿ O | £03° . «=:©CO *3 ÿ co O o o o o >, o o <5 E M Io o O o i,O o fd Q_ 2 c E -a in it." D. V. - South Africa CO O O 3 a E 5- s "So ÿ£ ~ °i 2 c © t§ © O CO " 8o O o D. "O w — 5 CM c © -Q O Q O O in-2 ©go 2 >. m O «s "T ÿ§ .£ "5 o a- O 8f 8o s*. £ £ Rp « S © o. W 3 Q.-D £ -§ £ o o JZ *- £ 2 9 c c © E2oO © o o c 8 -o 5 co eg "D 8 o p O " « © 3 s§ © ÿ £ cl sz o o 8 5 o °o c o O c £. o o © c £ c •a 5 £ o o o c ® w 5 "© o o o 2 c c o o u co CO CO >< iP © CO >• © £ = S ca §"§ m c « 04 © O © °- 8 2 2 SZ© o 2a) °CO >1 to 2 o JX° C2> m o C13 u w 8-8 •- ° | SS - II| _ I •ÿ= § ° © £ o a| Gi CM_ O © CO in o o © CO Q) o- CO o o9 SE-i _ ÿ S CO ENGLISH: Judge Paul Rosenblatt ruled that the amendment to the Arizona constitution making Engish the state's ofRcal language violated the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of free speech. (Excerpted from Border Watch, May 1990.) VICTORS THE fAEPIk SHOW T& "EDUCATE THE PD&UG: c <n n C C © -2 >. CO © — Q. 2 © = CO K o. o <U CO O E o CO O O ÿo 3 co 03 05 x o CD O CL o H TO .<c/5 SIGNS: W. Va. University has banned sale of tobacco on ALL NEWS, November 17, 1989. /VXWVWTW campus in January. It has now approved the ban on smoking in all University buildings campus-wide, except residence rooms. At the same time the university doesn't dare depart from or question establishment propaganda. a c: CD to wg DC lo co ED: The establishment erects an umbrella over the cow's head to take its mind off the wolves tearing its hind-quarters. Think "health through smoking ban." Don't think "prohibition of 2 "E diversity of opinion." "Controversial" is the code name for the existence of a non-establishment opinion. Only one opinion is allowed on campus today dealing with matters branded "con¬ troversial." Pro-smokers have ruled for 400 years. Let's see how they make out now since the anti-smoking decree has been handed down. This "one allowed opinion" technique is historically used to rule conquered peoples. > 14 > o D.-° -J O O O Tl£ c to £ .Q o O v_- CT) "Dear Mr. Hoskins: It costs $275 to have all the paperwork done and get a permit to own a pistol in NY City. The permit ads have gotten larger since the latest Central Park rapes. Many liberals who speak against private ownership of guns have permits and carry guns." G. W. - New York © 3 5 o 2 "Dear Mr. Hoskins: The president of Panama said, in an interview on TV the other night, that he hoped the aid to Panama is given quickly, since Panama is in arrears on her loans. He said that the payment would clear the way for other needed bank loans, i almost fell out of my seat. So that was it! Noriega drug bust, my eye! Panama was invaded to remove the man who had stopped payment to the banks, and give Panama the money needed to make the payments. Another raid on the public treasury to benefit the banks." B. M. - Ohio >ÿ ÿ— O c © c ED: Both political parties have the same creator. The estab¬ lishment must pre-empt the people's political effort by creating its own opposition party or the people will. If they did, that could be dangerous. Corporate donors are required to sup¬ port both Democrats and Republicans. There is virtually no support given the 3rd parties of the people. Corporations support those whom they are told to support and the people are told to vote only for Madison Avenue slogans paid for by the corporations. This is the establishment's democratic dic¬ tatorship!! "Dear Mr. Hoskins: My sister is a veteran teacher in the public schools. She and others were required to attend a 'workshop' on 'communicable diseases.' They were then given surgical gloves to be worn on playground duty while dealing with any child who had bloodied himself. Meanwhile, parents are being assured that their children are 'in no danger' from playing with AIDS-infected schoolmates." C - California ha o a C © w © © .© 8S si j-> Ej ° 5 c r9 UJ To £ "5 •£ TO cy 'So u o. to bo ÿ CO ~r c: