Kiribati Education Facility (KEF)
Kiribati Education Facility (KEF)
Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) REQUEST FOR TENDER: Supply and Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) May 2016 Part A Instructions to Tenderers Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP III) Part A: Instructions to Tenderers 1 General 1.1 Background The Kiribati Education Improvement Program Phase III (KEIP III) is seeking tenders for supply and delivery of building materials, tools and equipment for the upgrading of primary schools in Kiribati. Tenders are invited from Suppliers to provide a broad range of building materials throughout KEIP III including but not limited to fencing products, cement, steel reinforcing, timber products, steel roofing and accessories, plumbing and electrical products, door and window hardware, anchors and fixings, paint products, etc. Goods will have the durability to withstand heavy wear and the extreme marine environment. Suppliers with the necessary procurement and logistical experience in the Region are now invited to tender for Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati. This is a direct non – formal invitation for quotes under Commonwealth Procurement Rules (July 2014). South Tarawa Location Map – South Tarawa 1.2 Typical new timber ‘kitset’ classrooms Scope of Services Refer Part C – Scope of Services. 1.3 Terms of Payment: Generally, the Supplier will provide itemised invoices at the following stages: 50% of each shipment on ordering of materials; 25% of total contract sum on water delivery and upon production of shipping documents (i.e. Bill of Lading, Insurance Certificate, etc.); 25% on satisfactory inspection and clearance of materials at Betio Port; Payment are to be made in AUD within 30 days of invoice. Shipping will be reimbursed at cost. Marine Cargo Transit Insurance will be reimbursed as a percentage of the total cost of each shipment. Payment will be made in the Supplier’s nominated (tendered) currency within 30 days of invoice. Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Part A - Instructions to Tenderers 1 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP III) Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Refer Part D – Conditions of Contract (draft) for further detail. 1.4 Conditions of Contract Any Contract resulting from this Tender process is subject to the negotiation of a mutually acceptable Contract based on the draft Contract attached at Part C of this RFT. This draft Contract will be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the offer for Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati. 2 Tender Documents 2.1 Cost of Tendering The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its Tender and the Employer will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process. 2.2 Issue of Tender Documents Tenderers are supplied with electronic copies of the Tender Documents only. Electronic files are issued as follows: All Tender Documents in PDF format (locked) Tender Forms T1, T2, T3, T4 and F1 in MS Word Format (for electronic completion by Tenderer) Itemised Pricing Schedule in MS Excel format (for electronic completion by Tenderer) 2.3 Content of Tender Documents This set of Tender Documents includes the following (plus any amendments issued during the tender period): Part A - Instructions to Tenderers Part B – Tender Forms - T1 – Tenderer’s Details - T2 – Relevant Experience - T3 - Financial Capacity - T4 – Technical Approach & key Personnel - F1 – Financial Submission - F2 – Itemised Pricing Schedule - Pro-forma: Statutory Declaration - Pro-forma: Project Date Sheet - Pro-forma: Curriculum Vitae (CV) Part C – Scope of Services Part D – Draft Contract The Tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions, terms and conditions in the Tender Documents. Failure to comply with the requirements of these Tender Documents may result in the Tender being disqualified. Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Part A - Instructions to Tenderers 2 Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP III) 2.4 Clarification of Tender Documents A Tenderer requiring technical clarification of the Tender Documents may direct its inquiries to:- Mr Michael Anterea Infrastructure Manager Kiribati Education Facility Ministry of Education P.O. Box 374, Bikenibeu South Tarawa T: +686 29878 E:[email protected] OR Mr Kautuna Kaitara Procurement Manager Kiribati Education Facility Ministry of Education P.O. Box 374, Bikenibeu South Tarawa T: +686 29878 E: [email protected] Requests for clarification will not be accepted within 5 calendar days of the Tender Closing Deadline. 2.5 Amendment of Tender Documents At any time prior to the Tender Closing Deadline, the Employer may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Tenderer, amend the Tender Documents. The amendment - in the form of a Supplementary Notice - will be sent to all Tenderers who have received the Tender Documents, by email and will be binding upon them. Tenderers must acknowledge receipt of all Supplementary Notices in their Tender. 3 3.1 Preparation of Tenders Language of Tender The Tender submission and all correspondence relating to the Tender shall be written in English. 3.2 Duties and Taxes Tenderers must include all relevant duties, levies and taxes payable in the country of embarkation. 3.3 Price Adjustment The prices quoted by the Tenderer will not be subject to adjustment during the Contract period. 3.4 Currency of Tender and Payment Tenderers must nominate the currency of their Tender (AUD, NZD, FJD, USD, etc). Should their Tender be accepted, the resulting Contract will be prepared in the nominated currency. 3.5 Tender Validity The Tender shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period of not less than 60 days from the date of the Tender Closing Deadline. In exceptional circumstances prior to expiry of the original Tender validity period, the Employer may request the Tenderer for an extension in the period of validity. A Tenderer agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify its Tender. Should a Tenderer decide not to extend the period of validity, the Tender will be deemed to be withdrawn from further consideration. 3.6 Information to be Provided The Tenderer’s TECHNICAL SUBMISSION shall include the following: Technical Form T1: Tenderer’s Details – completed and signed - Copies of current Business Certificates (if any) - Letters of Association / Joint Venture (if applicable) - Statutory Declaration – completed and signed Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Part A - Instructions to Tenderers 3 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP III) Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Technical Form T2: Relevant Experience – completed and signed - Project Data Sheets for 3 relevant projects - Other supporting information (if any) Technical Form T3: Financial Capacity – completed and signed - Documents supporting 3 years annual turnover figures - Documents demonstrating access to finance / credit - Copies of current Marine Cargo Transit Insurance and other insurances Technical Form T4: Technical Approach and Key Personnel – completed and signed - Additional sheets describing the Tenderer’s Technical Approach (if necessary) - Curriculum Vitae (CV’s) for all nominated Key Personnel The Tenderer’s FINANCIAL SUBMISSION shall include the following: Financial Form F1: Financial Submission – completed and signed Financial Form F2: Itemised Pricing Schedule – completed and signed 3.7 Format and Signing of Tenders The Tenderer shall complete and sign the Tender Forms, attach supporting documentation and assemble in the order indicated above. Technical and Financial submissions shall be prepared as two (2) separate Adobe Acrobat PDF files and named as follows: 1_(name of tenderer)_Technical Submission.pdf 2_(name of tenderer)_Financial Submission.pdf The total size of electronic file attachments must not exceed 9 MB per email. Large files shall be submitted in separate emails. 4 4.1 Submission of Tenders Tender Closing Deadline Tenders must be submitted electronically to nominated contact indicated per 2.4 of this Instruction to Tenderer no later than 12 noon Friday 22 July 2016 (Kiribati time). Technical and Financial submissions are to be submitted in separate electronic files in pdf format. Tenders submitted well before the Tender Closing Deadline may be modified or withdrawn by means of a modification to the Tender already submitted or by a notice of withdrawal and must reach KEIP III by the due date. The new email must be labelled "MODIFICATION" or "WITHDRAWAL". 4.2 Late Tenders A Tender received after the Tender Closing Deadline is a late tender. A late tender may be excluded from consideration. The Employer in its sole and absolute discretion reserves the right to take into account a late tender. 5 5.1 Tender Evaluation Evaluation and Comparison of Tenders The Employer will evaluate and assess only those tenders determined to be complying with the requirements of the Tender Documents. The evaluation of tenders will be on a ‘value for money’ basis in accordance with Australian Commonwealth Procurement Rules, including but not limited to the following:- Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Part A - Instructions to Tenderers 4 Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP III) Technical capacity for this Contract; Technical Approach and Key Personnel proposed; The quality and durability of products offered; The priced tender schedules. The Employer reserves the right to negotiate a successful tender with any of the Tenderers in the event that none of the tenders received fully meet the evaluation criteria. The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any tender at any time prior to the award of a contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers. The Employer reserves the right to reject all tenders before re-calling tenders from any source including those tenderers who have already submitted tenders. 5.2 Correction of Errors Tenders will be checked by the Employer for any arithmetical errors. If a Tenderer does not accept the Employer’s correction of errors, its tender will be rejected. 5.3 Clarification of Tenders To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of tenders, the Employer may ask Tenderers individually for clarification of their tenders, including products offered or breakdown of prices. The request for clarification and the response is to be via email. No change in the price or substance of the Tender will be sought, offered or permitted except as required to confirm the correction of arithmetical errors discovered by the Employer during evaluation of the tenders. At any time before a Contract is awarded, a Tenderer must, if requested to do so by KEIP III, make available for inspection by KEIP III or persons appointed by KEIP III, all financial records including accounts, profit and loss statements, balance sheets and other relevant information to enable an assessment to be made as to the financial capacity of a Tenderer to undertake the Activity. The Tenderer will allow copies to be made of any such records. 5.4 Right to Conduct Security, Probity and Financial Checks KEIP III, in its absolute discretion, reserves the right to conduct such security, probity and/or financial checks on Tenders and/or Tenderers for the purpose of evaluating Tenders to this RFT or any other stage of the Tendering process for the services described in this RFT, as it deems necessary. 5.5 Disclosure of Information Provided by Tenderers KEIP III’s selection process for services is conducted in accordance with Australia’s Commonwealth Procurement Rules. For the purpose of assessing Tenders, KEIP III is required to pass Tenders to Commonwealth Government Departments and Agencies as KEIP III sees fit and to relevant Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries. It is KEIP III policy not to divulge to a Tenderer information that has been provided in-confidence by another. Tenderers should note that the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (The Act) gives members of the public rights of access to official documents of the Commonwealth Government and its Agencies. The Act extends, as far as possible, rights to access information in the possession of the Commonwealth Government and its Agencies, limited only by considerations for the protection of essential public interest and of the private and business affairs of persons in respect of whom information is collected and held by departments and public authorities. Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Part A - Instructions to Tenderers 5 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP III) 6 6.1 Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Contract Formation Contract Negotiations KEIP III will conduct contract negotiations only with the person identified in the Tender with the authority to negotiate and conclude a Contract on behalf of the preferred Tenderer. In the event that KEIP III is unable to satisfactorily conclude contract negotiations with the preferred Tenderer, KEIP III reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to terminate the negotiations and enter into Contract negotiations with the next ranked Tenderer(s). KEIP III expects the Contract negotiations to be concluded within a reasonable period of time, no longer than two (2) weeks. KEIP III reserves the right to negotiate with the most favourable tenderer should it be deemed that ‘the offering prices are unreasonable or greater than the targets set in the planning process’ as per Commonwealth Procurement Rules. 6.2 Award of Contract Any Contract resulting from the Tender process outlined in this RFT is subject to the negotiation of a mutually acceptable Contract based on the draft Contract attached at Part C of this RFT. This draft Contract will be tailored to meet the specific requirements for Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati. Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Part A - Instructions to Tenderers 6 Part B Tender Forms Technical Forms: T1 – Tenderer’s Details T2 – Relevant Experience T3 – Financial Capacity T4 – Technical Approach & Key Personnel Financial Forms: F1 – Financial Submission F2 – Itemised Pricing Schedule Pro-forma Attachments: Statutory Declaration Project Data Sheet Curriculum Vitae (CV) Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Technical Form T1: Tenderer’s Details Instructions: This form must be completed and signed to confirm the Contracting entity submitting the Tender plus any individuals / companies associated with the bid. Name of Project: Name of Employer: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Kiribati Education Improvement Program Name of Individual or Company: Street Address: Contact Details: Tel: Fax: Mob: Email: Name(s) of Directors (if applicable): Company / Business / Registration / Licence No: Business Certificates (if any): We have attached these business certificates behind this Form:- We are Submitting our Tender in association with (if applicable):- Name: Address: Note: We have attached Letters of Association / Joint Venture (JV) agreements, etc behind this Form:- Pending Litigation: We provide here details of all current legal disputes (if any) involving our Company or members of our team tendering for this Contract: Supplementary We acknowledge receipt of the following Supplementary Notices (if Notice/s: any) issued during the Tender Period: We have attached after this Form, the signed Statutary Declaration in accordance with the pro-forma provided with the Tender Documents. Signature: Name & Position: Duly authorised to sign on behalf of:RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Date: Part B - Tender Forms & Pro-formas Form T1 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Technical Form T2: Relevant Experience Instructions: This form must be completed and signed to allow the suitability of your supply experience in the Region to be evaluated. Name of Project: Name of Employer: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Kiribati Education Improvement Program Detailed written description of my / our experience in supply and logistics in the Region:- I / We were legally engaged and responsible for completing the following supply contracts:1. 2. 3. We have attached after this Form, Project Data Sheets for all 3 contracts listed above. We have attached other supporting information (brochures, clippings, etc) after this Form. I / We are currently working on the following supply / logistics project/s:Name of Project Supply Value (AUD) Estimated Completion Date Employer’s Name & Contacts Signature: Name: RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Date: Part B - Tender Forms & Pro-formas Form T2 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Technical Form T3: Financial Capacity Instructions: This form must be completed and signed to demonstrate your Company’s financial capacity for a project of this scale. Name of Project: Name of Employer: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Kiribati Education Improvement Program Annual Turnover for the last 3 years from SUPPLY and LOGISTICS:Name of Individual / Company Year 1 (AUD) Year 2 (AUD) Year 3 We have attached copies of documents demonstrating the above income after this Form. (Contracts, progress payment certificates, payslips, Tax assessments, etc) (AUD) I / We detail below all proposed sources of finance for this project, including income from other (nonlogistics / supply) businesses, unencumbered real estate (no loans against) , liquid assets (cash), lines of credit (banks, suppliers, shippers) and other financial means:Source of Finance Amount (AUD) We have attached copies of documents demonstrating the above financial capacity after this Form (eg. Bank Letter of Credit, Bank statements, Certificates of Title, etc) I / We provide the following names and contact details for 3 Financial Referees who can confirm the financial good-standing and reliability of the Tenderer under similar contract situations:- We have attached copies of current insurances, including Marine Cargo Transit Insurance (MCTI) and other insurances required for completion of this contract. Signature: Name: RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Date: Part B - Tender Forms & Pro-formas Form T3 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Technical Form T4: Technical Approach and Key Personnel Instructions: This form must be completed and signed to allow your Company’s detailed technical approach and key personnel proposed for THIS project to be evaluated. Name of Project: Name of Employer: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku Primary School) Kiribati Education Improvement Program I / We have described in detail below our Technical Approach for THIS supply project, including but not limited to sourcing of products; partnering with suppliers; credit facilities with suppliers; provenence of products; environmental compliance; sorting and packing containers; BOL / manifest / load list; safety & security; shipping & trans-shipping; risk management; other issues, etc. Note: Supply additional sheets if necessary. We have attached after this Form, additional sheets describing our Technical Approach. I / We nominate the following two (2) Key Personnel for THIS project:1. Name: Years Experience: Position: 2. Name: Years Experience: Position: We have attached after this Form, CV’s for ALL Key Personnel listed above. Signature: Name: RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Date: Part B - Tender Forms & Pro-formas Form T4 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Financial Form F1: Financial Submission Instructions: This form must be completed and signed to confirm that you understand and agree to all conditions and financial implications of Tendering for this project. Name of Project: Name of Employer: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials to Kiribati (Tem’anoku PS) Kiribati Education Improvement Program 1. Scope of Work: We have examined the Tender documents and fully understand the scope of services to be provided under this Contract. 2. Conditions of Contract: We have examined the Conditions of Contract and have read and understood the document. 3. Complete Tender: We acknowledge that all provisions and conditions of the Tender Documents (as amended via Supplementary Notice, if applicable) are fully incorporated and priced into our Tender. We accept that our Tender may be considered non-conforming if Tender Forms and Pricing Schedules are submitted incomplete. 4. Building Materials: We understand that goods to be supplied under this contract must: be highly durable to withstand heavy wear and the extreme marine environment; not contain any asbestos; include only timber and plywood from sustainably harvested sources. 5. Fixed Pricing: We confirm that all pricing in our Financial Submission is fixed for the duration of the 2016 calendar year. 6. Itemised Pricing: We confirm that our itemised price for each product includes: clarification of differences between the product listed and the product we have offered; source costs (purchased and delivered to the Supplier’s yard); all taxes, duties, levies in the embarkation; trimming of longer items to fit in containers (eg. UPVC pipes); hand-loading all shipping containers to equalise loads and minimise waste space; itemised load list / manifest for each container; transport to the wharf for loading; administration costs and Supplier’s margin. 7. Shipping: We understand that: all goods must be transported in 20GP shipping containers to minimise risk to the cargo during transport and trans-shipping; freight / shipping costs for each shipment will be reimbursed by the Employer at cost; Marine Cargo Transit Insurance (MCTI) for each order / shipment will be based on our nominated percentage of the total cost of goods and freight. 8. Eligibility: We confirm that we have no conflict of interest, and our company, suppliers and sub-contractors have not been declared ineligible by donors or countries in the Region. 9. Tender Validity: Our Tender shall be valid for a period of 60 days from the date and time of closing of the tender and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. 10. Acceptance of Tender: We understand that the Employer intends to enter into a contract with a single Supplier to provide these services. We also understand that the Employer is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender received. 11. Contract Formation: We understand that this Tender, together with the Employer’s written Letter of Acceptance shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared and executed. 12. Attachments: We have attached the Itemised Pricing Schedule after this form. Prices are provided for all items and clarifications are provided where necessary. Signature: Name: RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Date: Part B - Tender Forms & Pro-formas Form F1 Supply of Building and Non-Building Materials for Primary School Kitset Classrooms for Temwanoku Primary School on Tarawa, Kiribati Selected Supplier Adjusted Tender Pricing Schedule for Temwanoku Primary School Kitset Classrooms Date: 25 May 2015 Item Description Total Qty Unit Rate Sub-Total Supplier comments or product proposed NOTES: Tenderer is required to price all items to allow a Value for money assessment of each tender. This schedule must be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Tenderers, Construction Specification, location maps and drawings that form this Tender Set. The required qualities or performance of many materials is defined by listing a particular 'product' in the Construction Specification. Any proposal by the Tenderer to use an alternative product must be supported by technical information demonstrating that the proposed alternative is equivalent (or superior) in all respects. Adjustments made to the Scope of Works before a contract is signed will be based upon the prices provided in this schedule. A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 TIMBER PRODUCTS: 400x90mm Hyjoists, Blocks 262/7.4m long 70x70 H3 TP Blocks, 6/5.8m Long 190x45mm H3 TP Formwork, Beam, Solid Blocks 91/5.8m Long 190x45mm H3 TP Deck Bearers, Deck Joist 78/5.8m Long 140x45mm H3 TP Lintels, Ribbon Plates 95/5.8m 90x45mm H3 TP Top Plates, Tilt Battens 53/5.8m 70x45mm H3 TP Battens 350/5.8m 45x45mm H3 TP Pegs, Ceiling Nogging etc 120/5.8m 70x20mm Kwila (Air Dried) Weather Battens 81/5.8m 190x20mm H3 TP Barge & Fascia 48/5.8 300x50mm Dressed kwila Stringer 25/5.8m Long 290X50mm Dressed kwila Tread 29/5.8m Long 145x45mm Dressed Kwila Hand Rail 20/5.8 Long 90X90mm Dressed kwila Newel Post, 18/5.8m Long 70x45mm Dressed kwila Balusters, 197/5.8m Long 90x20mm Kwila Decking 130/5.8m long 18mm Marine Ply Flooring T & G 2400mm x 1200 6mm Marine Ply Ceiling 2400x1200mm 1938.8 Lm 34.8 Lm 527.8 Lm 452.4 Lm 551 Lm 307.4 Lm 2030 Lm 696 Lm 469.8 Lm 278.4 Lm 145 Lm 168.2 Lm 116 Lm 104.4 Lm 1142.6 Lm 754 Lm 261 sheet 261 sheet Total: B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 CONCRETE: Portland Cement 40kg Polythene Underlay 0.4mm Slab Mesh - 500E Mesh 6.1 X 2.4m SE72 7.0mm @ 200crs Net 12.76sqm 50-65 bar chairs pack of 100 N12mm deformed bar (6m lengths) R10mm bar (6m lengths) Tie Wire 300m/ roll Stainless Steel Strap Brace 30mm x 1.0mm x 15m 316 grade Stainless Steel C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 ROOFING PRODUCTS: Roofing - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Titania White 5.430m Roofing - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Titania White 4.800m Walls- Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 4.800m Walls- Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 3.600m Walls- Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 2.920m Walls- Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 2.770m Walls- Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 2.400m Walls - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 1.50m Walls - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 0.80m Flashing Over Openings 375x95mm cover Sandstone 3m long Flashing 170x50mm<100˚ Sandstone 2.4m length D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 PLUMBING PRODUCTS: 150mm dia. UPVC pipe - DPs 6m 100mm dia. UPVC pipe - DPs 6m 100mm dia. UPVC Bend (90 deg) 20mm diameter UPVC pressure pipe (6m lengths) 20mm diameter UPVC elbow 20mm dia sleeve with female thread (for connecting tap) 20mm diameter UPVC Tee 20mm dia elbow with male thread (for connecting to tank outlet) 20mm gal saddle brackets with gal screws 20mm brass ball-type in-line stop valve 20mm brass ball-type lockable tap with male thread PVC Glue- Solvent Cemnet (500ml tin with intergral bursh Pink priming liquid for UPVC pipe (500ml tin with integral brush) Thread tape (Teflon) E E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS Switchboard 6 Set Complete with Internal Neutral links 20 Amp Cirucit Breaker 10 Amp Circuit Breaker 8 Amp Circuit Breaker 15mm UPVC electrical conduit (6m lengths) 15mm UPVC conduit elbows 15mm UPVC Clip Round Underground Main Cable 6mm- Yellow Colour Circuit wiring using 1.5mm2 cable 100m/roll Circuit wiring using 2.5mm2 cable 100m/roll 4'0" fluorescent light fittings single tube complete (with removable separate starter). General power outlet double complete. Reflective foil sisalation double sided (75m/roll) Ridging 200 cover Titania White 2.4m Barge G300 200x100mm (2.4m length) Gutter 175 Box medium depth (3.0m length) Gutter Brackets Titania White 175 internal brackets 1710 11 79 8 362 127 7 42 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 bag roll sht pack leng leng roll rolls $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 272 shts 13 shts 34 shts 34 shts 80 shts 80 shts 180 shts 36 sht 78 sht 10 sheet 139 sheet 44 roll 47 no 32 no 90 leng 390 no Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 29 12 24 6 15 12 6 24 9 6 3 2 1 3 6m 6m ea leng no. no. no no each no. no tin tin no. 3 3 6 6 30 78 180 300 15 15 78 26 set each each each leng no. no. lm roll roll no no $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) E13 E14 E15 E16 Light switch one way Juntion Box 10pcs per Box Electrical Ground Spike (copper) 4-5.8m long Earthing wire 200m length/roll 26 30 6 1 no Box leng roll F F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F13 F14 PAINTING PRODUCTS: Oil Based Polyurethane Clear Satin 4 Ltr drum Mineral turpentine 20ltr drum Oil Based Pink Primer 10ltr drum Oil Based Undercoat 10ltr drum Exterior Oil Based White Gloss Enamel 4 Ltr drum Paint roller trays 230mm Paint Roller Frame 230mm Paint Roller Sleeve 230mm Paint Roller Frame 100mm Paint Roller Sleeve 100mm 100mm Paint Brush 75mm Paint Brush 50mm Paint Brush- Applicaple for corner/ edges 80 grit Sand paper 50mtr roll 85 32 5 5 10 20 10 30 10 30 10 10 10 1 drum drum drum drum drum ea ea ea each each ea ea ea roll 320 48 26 24 24 12 280 140 110 10 50 20 92 34 50 12900 17000 10 5 3 3 6 2 160 pcs each Rolls each each kg kg kg kg kg kg ea ea ea Box PCS PCS Box Box Box Box Box Box PCS G G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 GENERAL HARDWARE & FIXINGS: M12 x 180mm Bolts, Nuts & Washers HD Gal. 316 Stainless Steel 190x75x50x3mm thick Angle Plate Damp Proof Course 100x10mx0.3mm thick M8 x 75mm Bolts, Nuts & Washers HD Gal. 50mm x 8mm Galv Dyna Bolt 100mm x 4.00mm concrete nail 100mm x 4.00mm galv bullet head nails 75mm x 3.15mm galv bullet head nails 50mm x 3.15mm galv bullet head nails 30mm x 2.50mm galv Clout head nails 30mm x 1.5 Galv Bullet Head Nails Door Handle Passage set. Best quality 100mm SS Butt Hinges 316 Grade (4 x 3 x 2.5mm) 100mm 316 Stainless steel Pad bolts (lock open) Rivets (3.2x9.6mm) 50pcs per Box 50mm T17 Hex head Timber Roof screws with EPDM washers colour-matched 25mm Galv T17 Hex head Timber Cladding screws colour-matched 40mm galv T17 # 8 (4.17 diam) pine screws (500pcs per Box) 30mm galv T17 # 8 (4.17 diam) pine screws (500pcs per Box) 50mm stainless steel self drilling bugle batten screw (hex drive0 (500 pcs per Box) G20 50mm galv self-drilling bugle batten screws (hex drive) (500pcs per Box) 75mm galv self-drilling bugle batten screws (hex drive) (500pcs per Box) 100mm galv self-drilling bugle batten screws (hex drive) (500pcs per Box) G21 150mm galv self-drilling bugle batten screws (hex drive) H H1 H2 H3 SCHOOL FURNITURE Pin Board (1200x1200) Whiteboard (with surround frame & marker rail) MGB-48 2400 x 1200 Blackboard (with surround frame & chalk rail) MGB-48 2400 x 1200 10 1 10 TOTAL FOB COST : Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 no no no $0.00 Anti-Fungicidal Paints Anti-Fungicidal Paints Anti-Fungicidal Paints Supply of Building and Non-Building Materials for Primary School Kitset Classrooms for Temwanoku Primary School on Tarawa, Kiribati Selected Supplier Adjusted Tender Pricing Schedule for Temwanoku Primary School Kitset Classrooms Date: 25 May 2015 Item Description Total Qty Unit Rate Sub-Total Supplier comments or product proposed NOTES: Tenderer is required to price all items to allow a Value for money assessment of each tender. This schedule must be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Tenderers, Construction Specification, location maps and drawings that form this Tender Set. The required qualities or performance of many materials is defined by listing a particular 'product' in the Construction Specification. Any proposal by the Tenderer to use an alternative product must be supported by technical information demonstrating that the proposed alternative is equivalent (or superior) in all respects. Adjustments made to the Scope of Works before a contract is signed will be based upon the prices provided in this schedule. A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 TIMBER PRODUCTS: 90x45mm H3 TP Wall Framing, Trusses 1510/5.8m 45X45MM H3 TP Truss vertical/ center web 50/5.8 200x50 Kwila ( Air Dried) (For making Doors) 54/5.8, 200x25 Kwila (Air Dried)? Jambs etc 46/5.8 70x45mm Dressed Kwila Window Beadings 80/5.8 200x30mm Kwila Desk 100/5.8 75x40mm Kwila Desk 260/5.8 18mm Marine Grade Ply 1200x2400mm Door 9mm Marine Grade Ply 1200x2400mm Walls, Ceiling, Gusset B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 PAINTING PRODUCTS: Mineral turpentine 20ltr drum Oil Based Pink Primer 10ltr drum Oil Based Undercoat 10ltr drum Paint roller trays 230mm Paint Roller Frame 230mm Paint Roller Sleeve 230mm 100mm Paint Brush 75mm Paint Brush 80 grit Sand paper 50mtr roll C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 GENERAL HARDWARE & FIXINGS: 3.15mm- 90mm Gal D-Head Nails for Paslode Air framing gun (Box of 3000) 15 Gauge-38mm DA style Brads For Paslode Bradder (Box of 3000) 316 Stainless Steel Welded Mesh 23.4 x 23.4 x 2.00mm (Roll size 1200mm x 30m) ADOS PVA Adhesive Super Bond Woodworking Glue 20L 8172 Water resistant 30mm galv T17 # 8 (4.17 diam) pine screws (500pcs per Box) 20mm Galv. Fence Staples 100x1mm thick x16m/m Steel Cutting Wheel Makita Sander BO6030 - 150mm Orbital Sander assorted grit for painted surfaces (pk 10) Makita Belt Sander 9924DB 76mm Belt Sander Belts Assorted Grits (each) C9 8758 Lm 290 Lm 313.2 Lm 266.8 Lm 464 Lm 580 Lm 1693.6 Lm 48 sheet 420 sheet $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 10 drum 5 drum 5 drum 20 ea 20 ea 40 ea 24 ea 24 ea 3 roll $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 10 box 20 box 8 rolls 6 Drum 20 box 20 Kg 50 Pcs 80 each $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 80 each $0.00 TOTAL FOB COST: Total: $0.00 $0.00 Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) Anti-Fungicidal Paints Anti-Fungicidal Paints Supply of Building and Non-Building Materials for Primary School Renovation works for Temwanoku Primary School on Tarawa, Kiribati Selected Supplier Adjusted Tender Pricing Schedule for Temwanoku Primary School Kitset Classrooms Date: 25 May 2015 Item Description Total Qty Unit Rate Sub-Total Supplier comments or product proposed NOTES: Tenderer is required to price all items to allow a Value for money assessment of each tender. This schedule must be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Tenderers, Construction Specification, location maps and drawings that form this Tender Set. The required qualities or performance of many materials is defined by listing a particular 'product' in the Construction Specification. Any proposal by the Tenderer to use an alternative product must be supported by technical information demonstrating that the proposed alternative is equivalent (or superior) in all respects. Adjustments made to the Scope of Works before a contract is signed will be based upon the prices provided in this schedule. A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 TIMBER PRODUCTS: 190x45mm H3 TP Beam, Formwork etc 43/5.8 140x45mm H3 TP Ribbon Plate, etc 5/5.8 145x20mm H3 TP Gable Framing (New Toilet Block) 20/5.8 90x45mm H3 TP Tilt Batten, Window, Doors, Trusses etc 310/5.8 70x45mm H3 TP Roof Battens 190/5.8 190x20mm H3 TP Fascia & Barge Board 40/5.8 70x20mm dressed Kwila Window weather batten 50/5.8 12mm Marine Grade Ply 1200x2400mm Furniture 9mm Marine Grade Ply 1200x2400mm 120/Wall lining, 30/Furniture 6mm Marine Grade Ply 1200x2400mm ceiling B B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 CONCRETE: Portland Cement 40kg Polythene Underlay 0.4mm Slab Mesh - 500E Mesh 6.1 X 2.4m SE72 7.0mm @ 200crs Net 12.76sqm 50-65 bar chairs pack of 50 N12mm deformed bar (6m lengths) Tie Wire 100m roll Stainless Steel Strap Brace 30mm x 1.0mm x 15m 316 grade Stainless Steel 380 1 25 10 150 10 10 bag roll sht pack leng roll rolls $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $103.65 $0.00 C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 ROOFING PRODUCTS: Roofing - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Titania White 6.05m Roofing - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Titania White 4.0m- New Toilet Gable Claddings - Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 1.50m Walls- Corrugated Zenex 0.55 Sandstone 2.4m Reflective foil sisalation double sided (75m/roll) Ridging 200 cover Titania White 2.4m Barge G300 200x100mm (2.4m length) Gutter 175 Box medium depth (3.0m length) Gutter Brackets Titania White 175 internal brackets 40 26 15 52 10 20 20 66 190 sht sht sht sht roll each each leng each $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27 D28 D12 D29 PLUMBING PRODUCTS: 100mm dia. UPVC pipe - DPs etc 6m Wash Hand Basn Complete with bracket, cold tap, trap and plug and waste Shower arm Shower rose 100mm Floor grade WC Pan Suite Complete with cistern, seat, lid, gate valce, pan collar and extension inlet pipe to cistern. 100mm diameter UPVC pipe (6m lenghts) 100mm diameter UPVC Bend 100mm diameter UPVC Yee 100mm diameter UPVC Tee Complete with Inspection Opening 100x50mm diameter reudcer 50mm diameter UPVC pipe 50mm diameter UPVC Vent Cap 20mm diameter UPVC pressure pipe (6m lengths) 20mm diameter UPVC elbow 20mm dia sleeve with female thread (for connecting tap) 20mm diameter UPVC Tee 20mm dia elbow with male thread (for connecting to tank outlet) 20mm gal saddle brackets with gal screws 20mm brass ball-type in-line stop valve 20mm brass ball-type lockable tap with male thread 15mm diameter UPVC pressure pipe (6m length) 15mm diameter UPVC elbow 15mm diameter UPVC tee 15mm diameter UPVC union Pink priming liquid for UPVC pipe (500ml tin with integral brush) PVC Glue- Solvent Cemnet (500ml tin with intergral bursh Thread tape (Teflon) 12 1 1 1 1 13 2 13 13 2 1 1 1 10 40 10 5 10 10 10 10 10 30 10 13 2 2 30 leng each each each each each leng each each each each each each leng each each each each each each each leng each each each tin tin each $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 E E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14 ELECTRICAL PRODUCTS Switchboard 6 Set Complete with Internal Neutral links 20 Amp Cirucit Breaker 10 Amp Circuit Breaker 8 Amp Circuit Breaker 15mm UPVC electrical conduit (6m lengths) 15mm UPVC conduit elbows 15mm UPVC Clip Circuit wiring using 1.5mm2 cable 200m/roll Circuit wiring using 2.5mm2 cable 200m/roll 4'0" fluorescent light fittings single tube complete (with removable separate starter). General power outlet double complete. Light switch one way Junction Box 10pcs per Box Earthing wire 200m length/roll 3 3 3 3 40 30 40 5 5 33 35 11 8 1 set each each each leng each each roll roll each each each Box roll $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 F F1 F2 PAINTING PRODUCTS: Mineral turpentine 20ltr drum Oil Based Pink Primer 10ltr drum 10 20 drum drum $0.00 $0.00 249.4 lm 29 lm 116 lm 1798 lm 1102 lm 232 lm 290 lm 60 sheet 150 sheet 200 sheet $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) Water and Termite Proof ( Boiling Water Proof) Anti-Fungicidal Paints F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Oil Based Undercoat 10ltr drum Exterior Oil Based White Gloss Enamel 4ltr drum Paint roller trays 230mm Paint Roller Frame 230mm Paint Roller Sleeve 230mm Paint Roller Frame 100mm Paint Roller Sleeve 100mm 100mm Paint Brush 75mm Paint Brush 50mm Paint Brush- Applicaple for corner/ edges 80 grit Sand paper 50mtr roll G G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 GENERAL HARDWARE & FIXINGS: 316 Stainless Steel Welded Mesh 23.4 x 23.4 x 2.00mm (Roll size 1200mm x 30m) 100mm x 4.00mm galv bullet head nails 75mm x 3.15mm galv bullet head nails 30mm x 2.00mm galv bullet head nails Cabinet lock, 0737 1-1/8 (complete with screws and keys), Furniture 75mm Galv Butt hinges complete with screws, Furniture 100mm SS Butt Hinges 316 Grade (4 x 3 x 2.5mm) complete with screws 100mm 316 Stainless steel Pad bolts (lock open) Hex head roof screws with EPDM washers (50mm long) colour-matched Hex head with seal Valley Fixing Wall Cladding screws (25mm long) colour-matched 40mm galv #8, 4.17 diam pine screws 25mm galv T17 #8 pine screws (Phillips head) - fixing window weather battens/mesh battens (price per 500) 100mm galv self-drilling bugle timber screws (hex drive) 25 40 20 20 30 20 50 30 20 10 2 drum drum each each each each each each each ea roll $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 8 150 100 80 10 4 60 30 5000 2000 4 4 200 rolls kg kg kg each each each each PCS PCS Box Box PCS $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total: $0.00 TOTAL FOB COST : $0.00 Anti-Fungicidal Paints Anti-Fungicidal Paints Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Statutory Declaration I, (name, address and corporation of person making the declaration), do solemnly and sincerely declare, on behalf of the Tenderer and on behalf of myself, that: Definitions 1. In this statutory declaration: “Client” means Coffey (ABN 63 007 889 081); “Services” means the services described in the RFT for this Activity; “Tenderer” means (details of tendering corporation as appropriate); “Tender Price” means the fees, rates and prices indicated by a Tenderer as being the amounts for which that Tenderer is prepared to undertake the Services; Preamble 2. I hold the position of (managing director or other title) of the Tenderer and am duly authorised by the Tenderer to make this declaration on its behalf. Accuracy of Information 3. The information contained in the Tender including CVs of nominated personnel submitted by (name of organisation/company) is factually based and I accept that if such information is found by Coffey to be inaccurate or misleading this may, at Coffey’s sole discretion, result in disqualification of the Tender. Tenderer’s Acknowledgment 4. That (name of organisation/company)’s Tender is made on the basis that it acknowledges that: a) the RFT specifies Coffey’s rights in respect of the RFT and (name of organisation/company) agrees that Coffey may exercise its rights as set out in the RFT in respect of the RFT process; b) (name of organisation/company) sought and examined all necessary information which is obtainable by making reasonable enquiries relevant to Coffey’s requirements, including the risks and other circumstances which may affect a Tender; c) in lodging its Tender (name of organisation/company) did not rely on any express or implied statement, warranty or representation, whether oral, written, or otherwise made by or on behalf of Coffey other than any statement, warranty or representation contained in the RFT; d) (name of organisation/company) did not use the improper assistance of Coffey or Commonwealth employees or ex-employees, or information unlawfully obtained from Coffey or the Commonwealth in compiling its Tender; e) (name of organisation/company) satisfied itself as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Tender; f) (name of organisation/company) is responsible for all costs and expenses related to its involvement in the RFT, including: I. preparation and lodgement of the Tender; II. any subsequent negotiation; and III. any other action or response in relation to the RFT. g) Coffey is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by (name of organisation/company) or any other person in responding to or taking any other action in relation to the RFT, whether or not Coffey terminates, varies or suspends the RFT process or takes any other action permitted under the RFT; and h) (name of organisation/company) will comply with the rules set out in the RFT. RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Tender Pro-Forma Documents Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Availability of Personnel 5. The personnel nominated in the Tender have been approached and have confirmed their availability to undertake the Services at the time specified. Tender Price 6. The Tenderer warrants that it can undertake and complete the Services for the Tender Price. Collusive Tendering 7. Neither the Tenderer nor any of its servants or agents had knowledge of either the technical component of the Tender or the Tender Price for the Services of any other Tenderer prior to the Tenderer submitting its Tender for the Services. 8. Neither the Tenderer nor any of its servants or agents disclosed the technical component of its Tender or the Tender Price for the Services submitted by the Tenderer to any other Tenderer who submitted a tender for the Services or to any other person or organisation prior to the close of Tenders. Cover Bidding 9. Neither the Tenderer nor any of its servants or agents provided information to any other Tenderer, person or organisation, to assist another Tenderer for the Services to prepare a tender known as a “cover bid”, whereby the Tenderer was of the opinion or belief that another Tenderer did not intend to genuinely compete for the contract. 10. The Tenderer is genuinely competing for the contract and its Tender is not a “cover bid”. Unsuccessful Tenderers’ Fees 11. Prior to the Tenderer submitting its tender for the Services neither the Tenderer nor any of its servants or agents entered into any contract, agreement, arrangement or understanding that the successful Tenderer for the Services would pay any money, or would provide any other benefit or other financial advantage, to or for the benefit of any other Tenderer who unsuccessfully Tendered for the Tender. Competitive Neutrality 12. The Tenderer has complied with the principles of competitive neutrality in preparing its Tender (publicly owned Tenderers only). And I make this solemn declaration by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act 1959, and subject to the penalties provided by that Act for the making of false statements in statutory declarations, conscientiously believing the statements contained in this declaration to be true in every particular. (Signature of person making declaration) Declared at ( ) on the ( ) day of ( ) Before me, (Title of person before whom the declaration is made) RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Tender Pro-Forma Documents Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Insert Photo Description of Photo Insert Photo Description of Photo Insert Photo Description of Photo Insert Photo Description of Photo Insert Photo Description of Photo Insert Photo Description of Photo Insert Photo Description of Photo Suggestion: Reduce photos to low resolution before inserting Priority Area 1 - Facilities Improvement Insert Company Name or Logo here Project Data Sheet Project Name: Client Name: Total Value of Goods Supplied (AUD): Client Address: Delivery Location: Country: Start Date (month/year): Duration (months): No. of Deliveries: Name of associated Companies or SubContractors: Company – trade/s Company – trade/s Company – trade/s Company – trade/s Name of senior staff (from your Team) involved and functions performed: Staff name – job description Staff name – job description Staff name – job description Staff name – job description Written description of the overall Project: Project intent and history Main Contractor responsibilities Type of project (construction, hardware, agriculture, roads, etc) . Staging of the project Written description of the involvement / responsibilities of your Team: Range of goods supplied Timeframe / program Coordination with others Packing and handling Shipping and trans-shipping Quality control Risk Management Insurances Lessons Learned Project Referee 1: Name Title / position Company / Address T: M: E: RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Project Referee 2: Name Title / position Company / Address T: M: E: Tender Pro-Forma Documents Part C Scope of Services Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1-nFacilities Improvement Part C: Scope of Services Coffey, on behalf of the Australian Government, manages the Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP). KEIP is upgrading existing primary schools on South Tarawa using pre-fabricated timber ‘kitset’ buildings. Upgrading work at each school involves a contract with a local kitset manufacturer, a contract to erect the kitset buildings, and a contract for renovation of existing buildings. This project provides contractors with all imported materials. The next school site for which materials are required is Tem’anoku Primary School. Coffey invites prospective suppliers with the capacity to source ALL required products to submit a response to tender. Any contract resulting from this tender process is subject to the negotiation of a mutually acceptable contract between the Kiribati Ministry of Education and the nominated supplier. The delivery of materials will be separately packaged and labelled for on-delivery by KEIP to the three contractors as follows: Kitset Factory (timber, plywood, stainless steel window mesh, fixings, paint, etc.) Kitset Site (cement, reinforced steel, timber, plywood, fixings, steel roof and wall cladding, paint, etc.) Renovation Site (cement, reinforced steel, timber, plywood, fixings, steel roofing, paint, etc.) The Supplier’s responsibilities will include but are not limited to: Make available the nominated personnel to manage the order from start to finish; Source high quality / durable / sustainable goods as listed to satisfy the KEIP order; Source and price additional goods (not listed in the Pricing Schedule) if required; Source 40 GP shipping containers as required for the order; Have all goods and containers delivered to a central location / yard; Trim long products (pipes, steel reinforced bar / mesh, etc.) to fit into containers; Hand-pack ALL goods into 20GP shipping containers to avoid damage or loss in trans-shipping; Separate and clearly mark containers for on-delivery by KEIP to 3 contractors; Mix goods in containers to minimise wasted space and equalise loads; Transport locked containers to the wharf for loading; Send all containers on regular scheduled shipping to Betio Wharf, South Tarawa; Pay all duties, taxes and levies in the country of embarkation; Provide the Employer with: Shipping schedule with expected arrival details for South Tarawa; Detailed packing list / manifest for every container; Certificate of currency for Marine Cargo Transit Insurance; Written confirmation of compliance with environmental requirements of the Australian Aid Program (zero asbestos, sustainable source timber and timber products); Confirmation of containers landed in Tarawa. Make good any omissions or damaged goods via the next available shipping; Provide the Employer with Itemised invoicing as outlined in Financial Form F2: Itemised Pricing Schedule. RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Scope of Services Part D Draft Contract Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Part D: Conditions of Contract (DRAFT) 1. Definitions Project : Supply and Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku Primary School) Employer : Kiribati Education Improvement Program Team Leader : Kaye Cox, Project Team Leader, Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) T: +686 29878 E: [email protected] Goods : Building Materials Supplier : The successful Tenderer Contract : This agreement between the Employer and the Supplier Contract No: KEF-SH-GDS 562016 Contract Period: May 2016 to August 2016 2. Contract Documents The following documents shall together comprise the contract between the Supplier and the Employer:- 3. (a) General Conditions of Contract (this document); (b) Scope of Services; (c) Letter of Acceptance; (d) Post-tender correspondence and clarifications; (e) Tender submitted by the Supplier Supply Agreement The Supplier agrees to assemble packages of goods and to deliver them in shipping containers to Betio Wharf, South Tarawa by regular scheduled shipping throughout the duration of the Contract. The Employer agrees to take delivery of the goods and pay the Supplier for each shipment received, based on rates fixed for the duration of the Contract. 4. Language This Contract and all correspondence relating to this Contract shall be written in English. 5. Currency This Contract - including all invoicing and payments – shall be in Australian Dollars (AUD). 6. Price Adjustment This Contract - including the Itemised Pricing Schedule - is not subject to adjustment during the Contract period. 7. Quantity of Goods As per Unpriced Order List attached under Part B Tender Forms (Financial Forms). RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Part D – Draft Contract 1 Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) 8. Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Quality of Goods Building materials will be highly durable to withstand heavy wear and the extreme marine environment. Goods supplied throughout the course of this Contract must be equivalent to or exceed the quality of goods offered in the Supplier’s tender. 9. Ordering of Goods As and when required throughout 2016, the Employer will order goods in writing (email, purchase order, etc) quoting the following information: This Contract Agreement (Contract No., name, etc) Order Number and Date For each item ‘listed’ in the Contract: - Item No, Description and Fixed Price - No. of units required and sub-total price For each ‘unlisted’ item - Brief technical description / specification / image - No. of units required Preferred shipment date The Supplier will confirm the following: The nominated member of staff to manage the order from start to finish; Quality and availability of ‘listed’ goods; Technical proposals and costs for ‘unlisted’ goods Total reimbursable shipping and handling costs 10. Sourcing and Delivery of Goods The Supplier will: Source high quality / durable / sustainable goods to satisfy each order; Source and price additional goods (not listed in the Pricing Schedule) if required; Source 20GP shipping containers as required for each order; Have all goods and containers delivered to a central location / yard; Trim long products (pipes, steel reinf bar / mesh, etc) to fit into containers; Hand-pack ALL goods into 20GP shipping containers to avoid damage or loss in trans-shipping; Separate and clearly mark containers for on-delivery by KEIP to 3 contractors; Mix goods in containers to minimise waste space and equalise loads; Transport locked containers to the wharf for loading; Send all containers on regular scheduled shipping to Betio Wharf, South Tarawa; Pay all taxes, duties and levies in the country of embarkation; Provide the Employer with:- Shipping schedule with expected arrival details for South Tarawa; - Detailed packing list / manifest for every container; - Certificate of Currency for Marine Cargo Transit Insurance; - Written confirmation of Australian Aid Program environmental compliance (zero asbestos, timber products from sustainable sources, etc.); - Confirmation of containers landed in South Tarawa; Make good any omissions or damaged goods via the next available shipping. RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Part D – Draft Contract 2 Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) The Employer will: Take delivery of shipping containers at Betio Wharf; Pay all local port charges, taxes, duties and levies; Deliver shipping containers to a site where the goods can be inspected. 11. Inspection of Goods The Employer will: Inspect the quality and quantity of goods for compliance; Instruct the Supplier to make good any omissions or damaged goods (if necessary); In cases of rejection the Employer or Supplier may call for an independent inspection by an arbitrator from the Kiribati Ministry of Public Works and Utilities (MPWU). If a sole arbitrator is agreed by both parties his decision will be final. If joint arbitrators are selected and fail to agree the arbitrators will call for an umpire, to be appointed by the Kiribati MPWU Permanent Secretary. The Umpire’s decision will be final. 12. Invoicing and Payment For each shipment ordered during the Contract period, the Supplier will issue the following invoices: Invoice 1: On receipt of the final order signed by the Project Manager: (a) 120000 part cost of goods ordered; (b) 100% x reimbursable shipping costs; (c) Agreed percentage x [(a) + (b)] to cover Marine Cargo Transit Insurance. Invoice 2: On water delivery and upon production of Shipping documents (i.e. Bill of Lading, Insurance Certificate, etc.) (d) 50% of remaining x total cost of goods ordered less cost of omitted or damaged goods (if any); Agreed percentage x (d) to cover Marine Cargo Transit Insurance. Invoice 3: On delivery of goods to Betio Wharf: (e) Remaining 50% x total cost of goods ordered less cost of omitted or damaged goods (if any); (f) Agreed percentage x (d) to cover Marine Cargo Transit Insurance. Invoice 4: On delivery of replacement goods to Betio Wharf (if necessary): (g) Total (original) cost of replacement goods; (h) Agreed percentage x (f) to cover Marine Cargo Transit Insurance. The Employer will pay approved invoices within 30 days of receipt. All invoices will be issued and paid in the Currency of this Contract. RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Part D – Draft Contract 3 Priority Area 1 – Facilities Improvement Kiribati Education Improvement Program (KEIP) SIGNED by the parties as an agreement. SIGNED for and on behalf of the Employer:- SIGNED for and on behalf of the Supplier:- Signature: ………………………………………. Signature: ………………………………………. Position: ………………………… Date: ….……… Position: ………………………… Date: ….……… Kiribati Education Improvement Program, Ministry of Education PO Box 374, Bikenibeu South Tarawa Republic of Kiribati (Insert Supplier’s Company Name) (Insert Suppliers postal address) Witnessed by:- Witnessed by:- Signature: ………………………………………. Signature: ………………………………………. Full Name: ……………………………………… Full Name: ……………………………………… Annexures Annex A: Scope of Services Annex B: Letter of Acceptance Annex C: Post-tender correspondence and clarifications Annex D: Tender submitted by the Supplier RFT: Supply & Delivery of Building Materials (Tem’anoku PS) Part D – Draft Contract 4