Brætspil - Fantask


Brætspil - Fantask
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
011, k r. 520,00 (ElfinWerk s, LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 90-120 min.
Eight souls are given a rare opportunity: to delay the inevitable
w ar of the gods and forestall the end of the w orld! To achieve
this feat, they must locate the Chosen One, compose the Song of
Making, and deliver both to the Inscrutable Organ of Eternity
hidden somew here in the mystic city of Turin. But they have only
11 hours before the Ragnarok begins and all of humanity is
Set in a steampunk w orld inspired by the music of Sw edish
symphonic metal band Therion!
Defeat for All, Victory for One!
011 is a semi-cooperative game of mystery and adventure. If you
are to stop the coming cataclysm, you w ill need to share your
clues w ith the others, but you must be cautious: for none of your
allies can be trusted! One of your number has succumbed to the
w hispered promises of the Spirit of Fenrir, turning his hand
against humanity for the promise of immortality!
But keep your secrets too long, and humanity itself is doomed!
You w ill have to risk that someone else w ill get the glory, and
hope that you have chosen the right people to trust. Clever use
of your resources w ill be the key to grasping victory at exactly
the right moment!
Inspired by Therion
011 is the creative child of Paolo Vallerga, author of the 011
novel, inspired by the musical stylings of Sw edish symphonic
metal band Therion. Paolo also w rote and directed the short film
"Adulruna Rediviva," featuring the members of Therion cast in
the role of the heroes of 011! The book, film, and game all trace
their roots to the band's music and stage personalities.
The game features artw ork and images by Paolo Vallerga and
taken from the short film "Adulruna Rediviva." Therion and the
band members have been enthusastic supporters of the project
from its inception.
Game Description
It is the year "011" in the mystic city of Turin. The discovery of a
book that contains a terrifying prophecy announces the end of
times! Fenrir, the son of Loki destined to kill Odin and cause the
Ragnarök is about to w ake! In only 11 hours, the Wolf God w ill
rise, and the w orld as w e know it w ill cease to exist...
But the lost book hints of a w ay to halt the prophecy: if someone
can compose "The Song of Making" and find the only person
w ho can play it on the "Inscrutable Organ of Eternity"—a
mysterious pipe organ hidden somew here in Turin—the final
battle of the gods can be delayed for another age!
But w ho is this Chosen One w ho alone can play the song, and
w here is the mysterious organ?
Now Captain Snow y, the Princess Lilja, the brilliant inventor
Pählson, the detective Koleberg, the charming Lady Lew is,
Professor Johnsson, the unforeseeable Mr. Vidal, and the
phantasmagoric Doctor Vikstrom are in a race to choose the
w orld's destiny. But one of these eight has been sw ayed by the
spirit of Fenrir, casting aside the future of humanity for the
promise of immortality! The battle for the final truth has begun!
011 is an investigative adventure for 3–6 players. But remember:
even though the heroes all have the same objective, this is not a
cooperative game! Defeat can be for all, but victory w ill only be
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
for one!
To w in the game, you must gather the pages of the Song of
Making and deliver the Chosen One to the Organ of Eternity (or to
the spirit of Fenrir!). You begin w ith only a small amount of
information. Using the eight characters, you must scour the city
of Turin for clues to the location of the Organ and the identity of
the Chosen One—a task that that w ill require you to share
information w ith your rivals!
Each round of play opens w ith an auction for turn order. Your
position in the order determines how you are affected by the
event card draw , and w hich characters you w ill be able to use
during the round. Selecting a character gives you acces to his or
her special ability, and allow s you to move through the streets of
the city to seek clues. The unique Action Gear system
determines the distance your character can move, w hat mode of
transportation you have available, and w hat action you may take
to further your investigation.
You have only 11 rounds to discover the truth and prevent the
coming apocalypse.
Locate the Organ, identify the Chosen One, and compose the
Song of Making, and victory can be yours. Fail, and all of
humanity w ill suffer the final conflict of the gods!
7 Wonders, k r. 400,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 30 min. You
are the leader of one of the 7 great cities of the Ancient World.
Gather ressources, develop commercial routes and affirm your
military supremacy. Build your city and erect an architectural
w onder w hich w ill transcend future times!
7 w onders is a simple and addictive game for the w hole family.
In 30 minutes you can raise a complete civilization and build the
greatest Wonders of the World.
Cities, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 40 min. Far
from the pomp of palaces and gardens, in the darkest alleys,
gold changes hands, exchanging information, alliances are
formed and secrets are betrayed. The Cities expansion provides
a new family of cards that complements Ages already existing in
7 Wonders. Now , mercenaries, thieves, spies, and diplomats w ill
give a new scale to your cities. Reap the benefits by sow ing
discord among your opponents, then play them off each other
and push them into debt!
Lea ders, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-7. Spilletid: 40 min. What
kind of Leader are you?
In 7 Wonders, players get hands of cards, pick those that w ill
help them build their City and pass the rest to their neighbor.
Their goal: build commercial ties, strengthen their military might
and build their Wonders.
Leaders introduces in the game notable personalities, w ho offer
various advantages. At the beginning of the game, players
create a Leader hand from w hich they w ill be able to play a
leader at the beginning of every Age, or use him to get money or
help build your Wonder.
The recruited Leaders w ill allow you to build certain structures at
a cheaper cost, even maybe for free, or w ill be w orth victory
points, or... Well, w ith Leaders, the Wonders never cease!
1 Wonder board,
36 Leader cards,
1 Wonder card,
3 Guild cards,
12 coins of value 6,
1 Courtesan marker,
1 score booklet and 1 rulebook.
Wonder Pa ck , k r. 120,00 (Asmodee Editions )
-Strong replay value w ith 14 different w onders and infinite
-Beautiful graphics!
7 w onder boards
7 w onder cards
49 Age I ''foundation'' cards
49 Age II ''Grow th'' cards
49 Age III ''Apogee'' cards
42 Flag tokens
20 Gold coins
40 Silver coins
1 score pads
1 rulebook
Reglerne indeholder også en 2-spiller variant.
7 Wonders; I 7 Wonders konkurrerer tre til syv spillere om at
opbygge den bedste civilisation. Ved hjælp af smukt illustrerede
kort vælger spillerne at fokusere enten på kultur, teknologi,
handel eller militær. 7 Wonders er et hurtigt strategisk kortspil,
særligt når man tænker på, hvor mange spillere der kan være
med. Spillet sættes op Hver spiller vælger en civilisation og får
den tilhørende spillerplade samt tre træmønter. ;
Læs mere her:
http://w w w onders
In the 7 Wonders Wonder Pack, players w ill obtain four new
w onders to play w ith the base game: Stonehenge, Abu Simbel,
The Great Wall of China, and a new version of Manneken Pis.
Includes 4 boards (different A & B sides); 4 w onder cards; and
a rulebook.
7 Wonders (da nsk e regler), k r. 400,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-7. Spilletid: 30min.
Vær leder af en af Antikkens berømte byer.
Udnyt naturresourcerne i dit land, nyd frugterne af fremskridt og
ny viden, etabler handelsforbindelser til nabobyerne og udbyg
din militære magt.
Efterlad dit mærke i historien med et vidunder, der vil blive husket
i al fremtid.
7 Wonders; I 7 Wonders konkurrerer tre til syv spillere om at
opbygge den bedste civilisation. Ved hjælp af smukt illustrerede
kort vælger spillerne at fokusere enten på kultur, teknologi,
handel eller militær. 7 Wonders er et hurtigt strategisk kortspil,
særligt når man tænker på, hvor mange spillere der kan være
med. Spillet sættes op Hver spiller vælger en civilisation og får
den tilhørende spillerplade samt tre træmønter. ;
Læs mere her:
http://w w w onders
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
A La Ca rte (Germa n Edition in English), k r. 399,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-45 min. A
La Carte is a fun-filled romp of a game in w hich players take on
the roles of psychotic French chefs. Each player receives a pan
and a hot plate. Every turn the cooks can heat up their dish (by
dice rolling), season their dish, or attempt to steal another cook’s
recipe. Spicing the dish is a crucial function as players upend
small bottles filled w ith w ood pellets. If more than tw o pellets
escape, the dish is considered “overspiced” and must be
A La Carte w as designed for from 2-4 players ages 8 and up
and takes just 30 minutes to play. The game w as originally
released in 1989, but w as substantially revised for its 2010 rerelease w hen it received a coveted “Spiel des Jahres”
nomination. Fantasy Flight is releasing the German edition of the
game w ith English rules.
Aeropla nes - Avia tion Ascenda nt, k r. 400,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 120 min.
Aeroplanes explores the daw n of commercial aviation, an
exciting era betw een 1919 and 1939.
Experience the difficulties and triumphs of commercial airlines in
Europe, pioneering airports and service in continental Europe and
around the w orld!
Aviation spurred the grow th of intercontinental travel, and
airlines struggled to dominate the regions of the globe that they
Rapid technological advances in planes play a vital role in this
development as you compete to purchase new er more efficient
aeroplanes, build airports and move passengers around the
globe. Earn bonuses and prestige for being the first to fly to
North or South America, and w in by maintaining the most airports
around the w orld, and running your airline profitably.
Aba ddon Boa rd Ga me, k r. 640,00 (Toy Va ult)
Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. For the first time in his
legendary career, renow ned game designer Richard Borg
(Memoir 44, Battle Cry) has boldly taken his w ar-game mastery
into the cold depths of space for an exhilarating battle across the
In the distant future, mankind w ill make a mysterious
technological leap forw ard, across space to a planet dubbed the
ABADDON. A desolate w asteland bearing signs of a long-dead,
non-human civilization, the land is rich w ith Feronium pow er
crystals; a curious source of unimaginable energy.
Possession of these crystals is the main cause of dispute
betw een tw o groups of humans: the Satellite City-States and the
Commonw ealth Alliance. Using giant bio-mech suits made from
modified military vehicles and alien technology, these tw o sides
fight a never-ending w ar for territorial control of the ABADDON.
Choose your side and stomp your army across the treacherous
terrain, defeating those w ho stand in your w ay w hile facing
random and bizarre technological glitches, geographical
obstacles, and much more!
Can you balance your investment in aeroplanes, customer
service, and routes w ell enough to become the premier airline of
the era?
The fate and future of air travel lies w ithin your hands!
Rich and brilliantly balanced, Aeroplanes offers 3-5 players aged
14 and older 2 hours of great flavor and fun.
Aeroplanes contains: Game board Aeroplanes cards (46 cards)
Airport counters - six colors, 27 per player (9 counters for each
era) Player VP tokens - six colors, 2 per player 96 Passenger
counters 30 Advantage tiles (5 types, 6 of each) Money 15
Engine Failure counters Excess passenger tokens (12 1s, 8 2s,
8 3s,) 3 special dice 1 first player die 2 Game markers (black
paw ns) Bag Rules
Designer: Martin Wallace Artist: Patricia Raubo
Africa na (da nsk e regler), k r. 399,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60min.
Africa at the end of the 19th century: The great European
nations w ish to reveal the final secrets of this little-explored
continent. In Africana, players complete multiple expeditions
under contract to the African exploration companies. Only those
w ho cleverly use the travel routes and complete many
expeditions w ill be able to finance the costly search for valuable
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Belgium Deck , k r. 120,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Time Tra veler Expa nsion - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (Fred
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 120 min.
Age of Steam 2009: The classic and original version is now back
in print and looks better than ever! Since its first release in 2002,
Age of Steam has been the highest-rated Railroad Game on the
BoardGameGeek list of 4,835 rated games.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-150min.
Agricola: Belgium Deck brings Uw e Rosenberg's farming game to
a new thematic setting! Discover Belgium's tw o largest regions –
the Dutch-speaking region of Flanders in the north and the
French-speaking region of Wallonia in the south – in this 120card set that consists of sixty new Minor Improvements and
sixty new Occupations.
Age of Steam currently ranks Number 12 on this list of the alltime best games available in the w orld.
Agricola: Belgium Deck can be played as a standalone deck or
shuffled into other decks.
This new edition supports 36 expansions w hich have been
created over the past 6 years for this game--testimony to its
amazing popularity!
Fa rmers of the M oor Expa nsion, k r. 360,00 (Z-M a n
Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-150min.
Not only do you have to feed your family, now you have to heat
your home.
1 Game Board
1 Goods/Action Display
1 Income Track Display
8 Tow n Discs (w hite)
136 Hexagonal Track Tiles
8 Hexagonal New City Tiles (1 red, 1 blue, 1 purple, 1 yellow , 4
96 Goods cubes (20 red, 20 blue, 20 purple, 20 yellow , 16 black)
6 sets track ow nership Locomotives (20 each of red, blue,
yellow , purple, green, black)
6 sets of player discs (5 each of red, blue, yellow , purple, green,
black) red, blue, yellow , purple, green, black)
40 $1 Bills
40 $5 Bills
10 $10 Bills
1 Turn Track Marker
6 dice
1 Black Cloth Bag
Agricola (now with Animeeples), k r. 560,00 (Z-M a n
Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30min2½h. In Agricola (Latin for "farmer"), you're a farmer in a
w ooden shack w ith your spouse and little else. On a turn, you
get to take only tw o actions, one for you and one for the spouse,
from all the possibilities you'll find on a farm: collecting clay,
w ood or stone; building fences; and so on. You might think about
having kids in order to get more w ork accomplished, but first you
need to expand your house. And w hat are you going to feed all
the little rugrats?
Agricola is a turn-based game. There are 14 game turns plus 6
harvest phases (after turn 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 14). Each player
starts w ith tw o playing tokens (farmer and w ife) and thus can
take tw o actions per turn. There are multiple options, and w hile
the game progresses, you'll have more and more: first thing in a
turn, a new action card is flipped over.
Problem: Each action can be taken just once per turn, so it's
important to do some things w ith high preference. Each player
also starts w ith a hand of 7 Occupation cards (of more than 160
total) and 7 Minor Improvement cards (of more than 140 total)
that he may use during the game if they fit in his/her strategy.
This amounts to countless strategies, some depending on your
card hand. Sometimes it's a good choice to stay on course,
sometimes you better react on w hat your opponents do.
Agricola can also be played w ithout cards (family game) and can
even be played solo.
Contents: 360 cards, over 300 w ooden components, 50+ tiles, 9
boards, tokens, scoring pad.
Even last century, cutting peat w as a w ay to w arm your home
and expand the available area for farming. Forests filled a similar
niche. With “Agricola – Farmers of the Moor,” players start the
game w ith Moor and Forest tiles on their farmyard. They must
use Special actions to remove them to give greater space for
their fields and pastures. Removing the tiles provides Wood and
other Fuel, w hich they need to heat their home. The Special
actions give the game a different dynamic. These are additional
actions, w hich players can take w ithout placing one of their
Includes: w ooden horses, 150 cards, forest/moor tiles, fuel
tokens, new scoring pad, etc.
Ga mer Deck Expa nsion, k r. 160,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-150 min.
The Agricola: Gamers' Deck is a medium-sized expansion that
includes 120 new minor improvement and occupation cards. The
deck is playable alone but it is best w hen mixed w ith EIK. The
cards w ere developed and tested by Lookout Games' online test
group to fill in gaps in game play that had developed since
Agricola first released.
It's really a competitive, tight deck and w ill make a great addition
to the Agricola game. It w as designed for use only w ith the base
game. It has enough cards to play w ith 5 players.
Goodies Expa nsion, The, k r. 480,00 (Look out Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-150min.
Over the past years, many small expansions for Agricola w ere
released, mostly in German language, as w ell as deluxe w ooden
pieces to complement the game. The Goodies Expansion
- the legendary X-Deck containing 24 cards w ith alien
encounters all over the farm
- the O-Deck w as created under the guidance of the Austrian
Games Academy
- the C-Deck based on famous people, places, and historic
events from the Czech Republic;
- the looney L-Deck
- all five double-sided theme boards (Western, Spring, Autumn,
Winter, and Mars)
- a sheet w ith 70 stickers (35 adults, 33 children, one alien, and
even a w erew olf)
- plus a slew of Wooden Meeples
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Legen*da iry Forest Deck , The, k r. 150,00 (Look out
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Released as part of Lookout Games' 10th anniversary
celebration, Agricola: The Legen*dairy Forest Deck (German:
Agricola: Tannenbäumchendeck) is a 24-card expansion deck
that acts as a sequel to the earlier Agricola X-Deck, released at
Spiel 2008. The game takes a lighthearted look at fairy tales,
movies, and books that involve the forest and applies those story
ideas to the Agricola universe. The expansion is expected to be
released w idely in German and English and w as first released at
Spiel 2010.
This expansion has 24 cards that w ill add a new dimension to
your games of Agricola, and it is incorporated into the game in a
similar fashion to the X-Deck. Shuffle the cards together at the
start of the game to form the Forest Deck; w henever any player
claims three or more w ood in a single action—w hether by taking
the 3 Wood/4 Wood action space or by taking w ood that's
accumulated on other spaces—you draw a card from the deck
and use it. Many of the cards in the expansion w ill have an
immediate effect on the game, though there are some Minor
Improvements, Occupations, and new Action Spaces that may
be draw n as w ell. There may even be other surprises lurking
amongst the cards—after all, nobody expects the Spanish
Inquisition (nor Gisemück the dragon)!
From the box: "When farmers are done w ith their daily tasks and
gather around the w armth of their hearth, stories are told of
revenants and w erew olves, unicorns, w itches, faeries, and
other creatures of the w ood. And those w ho have to go into the
forest the next day to fell some trees might remember some of
the old stories... and shudder."
NL-Deck Expa nsion, k r. 120,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-150min.
Play Agricola w ith a new thematic setting! Discover the
Netherlands a small country w ith more than just the stereotypical
w indmills, cheese, and tulips. The 60 Minor Improvements and 60
Occupations in the 120-card Agricola: NL-Deck expansion can
be played as a stand-alone deck or shuffled into other decks.
Alha mbra , k r. 319,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45-60 min.
Winner of the prestigious 2003 Spiel des Jahres (German Game
of the Year)
* 2004 GAMES Magazine GAMES 100 Honoree
In Granada, one of the most impressive building projects of the
Middle Ages has begun: the construction of Alhambra. A palace,
fortress, and a small city - all-in-one - Alhambra is made up of
the w orld's most beautiful gardens, pavilions, chambers and
tow ers.
Build the most splendorous Alhambra to be crow ned the w inner!
Fa ctions, k r. 200,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Everyone w ants a piece of Planet Maxw ell. The frontier
aw aits, citizen, and your faction needs you! Factions adds a 5th
player, 8 new Alien Tech cards, 24 Secret Agenda cards, and 8
Factions mini boards that give players a special bonus and a
new facility that everyone can use. Requires Alien Frontiers
base game.
Fa ctions Pa ck #1, k r. 160,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Science and invention merge on Planet Maxw ell to give
rise to a new faction: Xeno Explorations, Inc. and their REV
vehicle. Faction Pack #1 adds 1 Faction mini board, 1 Alien Tech
card, 3 Secret Agenda cards, and 1 plastic mini. Alien Frontiers
and Alien Frontiers: Factions required.
Upgra de Pa ck , k r. 240,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
We have commissioned hand-sculpted designs for plastic
miniatures for the original Alien Frontiers game. There are 8
colony tokens in the 5 player colors–each topped w ith a clear
plastic dome, and three unique field generator miniatures. Also,
attractive dock cover chits are included for 2 and 3 player games.
Infiltra tion, k r. 279,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
Designed by Donald X. Vaccarino (Dominion, Kingdom Builder)
and based in the dystopian w orld of Android, Infiltration is a
tense card game of futuristic larceny in w hich tw o to six players
take the roles of thieves, competing to steal valuable secrets
from a highly secured corporate facility.
The most vital information lies deep w ithin the complex, but each
step inw ard takes you farther from escape. Worse yet,
corporate mercenaries are closing in! How long w ill you push
your luck as you avoid security patrols, surpass rival thieves,
and try to dow nload the most data before the building is locked
dow n?
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Arca num, k r. 480,00 (ElfinWerk s, LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 90 min. Fate
is in your hands!
Using the cards of the Tarot, you w ill manipulate the four noble
Houses that rule the city of Arcanum. Arrange for your favorite
House to dominate, and they w ill rew ard you handsomely.
But bew are! For the pow er of the Major Arcana can alter your
destiny w ith the flip of a card!
Harness the Pow er of the Tarot
Arcanum features a most uncommon game component: a
complete deck of Tarot!
This is the first game published by the w orld-acclaimed Tarot
card publisher Lo Scarabeo, and it includes a complete Tarot
deck featuring the illustrations of Patrizio Evangelisti. The cards
of the Minor and Major Arcana are the players' tools as they
manipulate the fate of the four ruling houses of the city. These
gorgiously illustrated cards bring the action to life and draw the
players into the mysterious and treacherous w orld of Arcanum!
Game Description
Arcanum puts the pow er of the Tarot in your hands. You must
earn prestige by secretly aligning yourself w ith the four noble
Houses that rule the city, then manipulating their destinies to
make your favorites rise in pow er!
The central component of the game is a full deck of Tarot cards,
divided into tw o smaller decks: the Minor Arcana and the Major
The Minor Arcana cards serve tw o functions. First, you use
them to bid for the favors of the four Houses, secretly placing
one of these cards face dow n in front of you each turn. When a
scoring round occurs (and three points during the game), these
bid cards determine w hich players earn points for each of the
Houses. Secondly, you use them to control the movement of the
playing pieces on the board. Unlike other games, the pieces are
not controlled by any single player. All players may use
w hichever playing pieces is best for their strategy, by playing a
matching Minor Arcana card. Moving the pieces w ill alter the
relative positions of the four Houses on the prestige track, and
allow the player to take a special action to advance his plans.
The Major Arcana cards are more mysterious. Each Major
Arcana card offers a unique pow er, useable only once, that can
have a pow erful effect on the city. These cards may alter the
ranking of the Houses, grant the player extra actions or victory
points, or even block all the other players from an entire section
of the board!
Arcanum is a game of skill, bluff, luck, and intuition that plays in
about 90 minutes.
Arctic Sca vengers, k r. 279,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45-60 min.
Arctic Scavengers is a deck-building game set in 2097 on an
Earth that has been plunged into another ice age. Designed by
Robert K. Gabhart, Arctic Scavengers w as originally released in
2009 by Driftw ood Games, but is being retooled and re-launched
by Rio Grande Games as the company’s second deck-building
game. The basic theme of Arctic Scavengers is survival as
players each lead a small tribe of survivors w ho have to struggle
for possession of dw indling resources and medical supplies.
Players have to build up their tribes, and either bluff or fight their
w ay to victory as the player w ith the largest tribe at the end
w ins.
Bla ck Goa t of the Woods Expa nsion, k r. 199,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 2-4h. A
dangerous cult has risen in Arkham! Meeting in secret, these
heretics and madmen consort w ith dark pow ers and offer up
sacrifices to the Ancient One, w hile hordes of vicious monsters
descend on the the tow n. It’s up to a small band of investigators
to infiltrate the cult and learn from these dark rituals, yet even the
most pure-hearted may find himself corrupted in the process. Will
their efforts be enough to stop the Ancient One from aw akening,
or w ill the investigators succumb, one by one, to the
blasphemous seduction of its Herald, the Black Goat of the
The Black Goat of the Woods is an small expansion for the
Arkham Horror board game. This expansion features 88 new
Ancient One cards, 9 new monster markers, 1 Herald Sheet, and
76 new Investigator cards including new items, new spells, and
the dangerous lure of corruption…
Curse of the Da rk Pha ra oh Expa nsion Revised, k r.
199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 2-4 timer.
“Know , O Thief, that these things are mine,
For I am the Dark Pharaoh, him of the Craw ling Chaos.
Take w hat is mine and your blood w ill boil in your skin,
As I reveal to you my Other Faces and my True Glory.”
- Whispers of the Dark Pharaoh
Explore ancient mysteries w ith The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh
(Revised Edition). This updated and revised version of the 2006
Arkham Horror expansion adds a terrible threat to your game in
the form of the Dark Pharaoh and his mysterious artifacts.
With new Exhibit Item and Exhibit Encounter cards, players can
uncover the artifacts that have gone missing from the museum’s
current “Legacy of the Pharaohs” exhibit. But bew are! The Dark
Pharaoh w ill not let his treasures go so easily. The Avatar of
Nyarlathotep himself joins the fray w ith the Dark Pharaoh Herald
sheet, spreading his curse throughout the game.
Finally, The Curse of the Dark Pharaoh (Revised Edition) also
adds Patrolled Neighborhoods, Benefits and Detriments, and
Ancient Whispers, all creating additinal layers to your games of
Arkham Horror.
Solo Expa nsion, k r. 135,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1. Spilletid: 20-90 min.
With this expansion, you can play Archipelago in solo mode
through 27 very different scenarios, each replayable to improve
your performance and your ranking. Take on the role of
Christopher Columbus, Robinson Crusoe, Bluebeard and many
others and try to reach as best you can the objectives you are
Includes 33 cards, including 27 Scenario / Character cards and
rules cards.
•Adds the Dark Pharaoh as a new Herald
•New Exhibit Item and Exhibit Encounter cards explore an eerie
new museum exhibit in Arkham
•Benefits and Detriments add special investigator conditions to
Arkham Horror
•90 Ancient One cards, 21 Spells, and 7 Allies
NOTE: This expansion is compatible w ith the Miskatonic Horror
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Dunwich Horror Expa nsion, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 2-4h.
Wilbur Whateley's Brother Calls his Father's Name on Wizard's
The supernatural disturbances that plague Arkham,
Massachussets, are not limited to that unfortunate place. The
tow n of Dunw ich is only a short train ride from Arkham, and if
anything it is a darker, more frightening place, w ith its ow n
secrets and its ow n perils. It looks like the investigators are going
to have to protect tw o tow ns now instead of just one; if they
ignore the dark forces that are stirring in Dunw ich, they'll have to
face the w rath of the Dunw ich Horror ...
Innsmouth Horror Expa nsion, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Dare You Look In The Mirror?
Dunw ich Horror is an expansion to Arkham Horror, complete
w ith an extra board and the entire tow n of Dunw ich - accessible
via train from Arkham. There are plenty of new rules and new
components, usable either w ith or w ithout the Dunw ich board
addition. Features include:
Innsmouth Horror introduces several new game concepts to the
Arkham Horror board game, including Personal Stories unique to
each investigator as w ell as the Innsmouth Look. The tow n of
Innsmouth is hostile to the investigators, and they may w ell find
themselves throw n in jail and fed to a Shoggoth w hile they
search the tow n for evidence to call in the Feds. How ever,
leaving Innsmouth to fester is a bad idea, since the Deep Ones
w ill gather and rise, bringing w ith them the Ancient One.
Innsmouth Horror also adds 16 new investigators, eight new
Ancient Ones, tw o new Heralds, Epic Battle cards for the new
Ancient Ones, over 30 new monster markers, plenty of new
encounters, and an expansion board featuring the tow n of
Innsmouth. Over all, this expansion adds over 300 new cards to
the base game.
The tow n of Dunw ich, on a new board w ith new locations and
new rules!
8 new investigators w ith their ow n reasons for saving the
w orld.
4 new Ancient Ones to desperately struggle against.
New Injury and Madness cards for particularly unfortunate
New game concepts, such as gate surges and the Dunw ich
Horror itself!
Over 20 new monster tokens, dozens of new items and skills,
new encounters - over 300 new cards in all!
Of all the cities found in H.P. Lovecraft’s vision of
Massachusetts, perhaps none is quite so deadly as the small
fishing village of Innsmouth. Decrepit and dying, Innsmouth is
being consumed from w ithin by an ancient pact once made to
save the tow n. The investigators w ill find every hand turned
against them as they explore its rotting docks and fetid beaches.
In the end, perhaps the only w ay to save Innsmouth is by
destroying it along w ith the terrible creatures that haunt its
w aters near Devil Reef.
Innsmouth Horror requires a copy of Arkham Horror to play.
Arkham Horror is a cooperative game.
1 Rulebook
1 Game Board
16 Investigator Sheets
16 Investigator Markers
16 Plastic Investigator Stands
96 Personal Story Cards
8 Ancient One Sheets
2 Herald Sheets
36 Arkham Location Cards
42 Innsmouth Location Cards
36 Mythos Cards
16 Gate Cards
24 Ancient One Plot Cards
10 Innsmouth Look Cards
12 Small Dust Cards
32 Monster Markers
6 Deep One Uprising Tokens
8 Ghatanothoa’s Visage Tokens
2 Aquatic Markers
1 Zhar Token
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
King in Yellow Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 2-4h. Have
you seen the Yellow Sign?
A new play is coming to Miskatonic University, and anyone
w ho's anyone w ill be there for the opening performance.
How ever, there's something sinister about this play, and the
people w ho see it come back a little...different.
As if the investigators didn't have enough to w orry about before,
now they must deal w ith the mind-w arping effects of the King in
Yellow , a play that tells a tale of madness and horror, opening a
door for the Tattered King to enter through.
This expansion introduces a major new mechanic to Arkham
Horror - Heralds, w ho prepare the w ay for the Ancient One to
arrive. In addition, old familiar faces w ill be turned against the
investigators in w ays they never expected. Featuring over 160
new cards, the King in Yellow heralds a darker age for Arkham
Horror fans.
13 Blight cards, old friends gone irretrievably mad.
7 Magical Effect cards representing pow erful new abilities.
The new Herald mechanic and the King in Yellow Herald.
3 new Monster tokens, more horrible than any before!
Over 160 new cards, detailing new items, new spells, and new
horrible happenings in Arkham and beyond!
Kingsport Horror Expa nsion, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 2-4h.
Another expansion for Arkham Horror!
Kingsport is similar in scope to Dunw ich. It includes a board, 8
investigators, 4 new Ancient Ones, 2 Heralds, 3 Guardians (like
Heralds, but helpful rather than hurtful) and tons of cards and
The landscape is dominated by the Kingsport Head, a large
craggy cliff leading up to the Strange High House in the Mists.
There's a place to get healed, a place to sell items, a place to buy
Food and Whiskey, and tw o places w here you can get 'jobs' à la
the Deputy. The locations in Kingsport are stable, yet you can
play Kingsport Horror alone w ith just Arkham Horror and have a
more difficult game.
The game also includes new investigators:. There's a bounty
hunter w ho counts all his monster trophies as having one
additional toughness. There's an investigator w ho starts out
Cursed and never makes upkeep rolls to get rid of Curses. There
are tw o investigators w ho break from the SANITY + STAMINA =
10 pattern. There's even an investigator w ho starts w ith an Elder
The Ancient Ones … Atlach-Nacha, the great spider w eaving
the w eb betw een the w orlds, turns all gate openings into gate
bursts, and is extremely hard to beat if he aw akens.
Monsters. The mix this time is heavily slanted aw ay from fliers
and immobile monsters. There are 2 new Masks. There are Leng
Spiders. There are monsters w ho avoid fighting the
investigators. Lastly, there are monsters w ith Aquatic movement.
Lurk er a t the Threshold Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Across Arkham, strange doors to other w orlds have
been opening. They seem to be a living part of an ancient and
arcane creature that has been reaching out, tempting the
unw ary w ith eldritch pow er. Now people are vanishing w ithout
a trace and it's up to a handful of bold investigators to confront
the profane being w ho dw ells just beyond these passages. But
even w orking together, w ill they be able to destroy these
unnatural and deadly gates w ithout themselves striking a terrible
bargain w ith the Lurker at the Threshold?
The Lurker at the Threshold is an expansion for the Arkham
Horror board game by Fantasy Flight Games. This expansion
features 1 Herald Sheet, 18 new Gate markers, 110 new
Ancient One cards, and 56 new Investigator cards, including
new items, new spells, Relationship cards, and horrific Dark
Pacts made w ith the pow ers beyond.
M isk a tonic Horror Expa nsion, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 2-4 timer.
Miskatonic University is a place of learning and discovery.
How ever, the diligent researchers of the acclaimed college are
about to uncover a host of terrible mysteries that should have
remained buried...
Build upon your Arkham Horror experience w ith Miskatonic
Horror, a unique expansion that enhances your existing Arkham
Horror expansions! With nearly 450 new cards, Miskatonic
Horror adds new Mythos cards and Location cards for Dunw ich,
Kingsport, and Innsmouth, as w ell as new cards for Gates, Epic
Battles, Relationships, Injuries, Madness, Skills, Blights, and much
Not only does Miskatonic Horror enhance all of the Arkham
Horror expansions, it also contains materials that can supplement
the base game, such as new player reference sheets, the
Institution variant, and a variety of new cards. The professors of
Miskatonic University seek to define their w orld through
science... but their hubris w ill soon lead them to discoveries too
horrific to fathom.
Asga rd, k r. 400,00 (Wha t's Your Ga me)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-120min.
The end of days is close. Darkness and light w ill clash.
All Gods know w hat this means for them. Blood ties w ill no
longer be respected, brother w ill fight against brother, and no
man w ill spare another. Odin, Freyja, Týr, Loki, Hel, Thor, and
Baldr forge their plans and promise great rew ards to the ones
w ho w ill help them prevail. Eventually Fenrir, Mímir, and Surtr w ill
join the battle.
Ask for help at the right time, and the gods w ill grant you their
pow ers. Will you ask Freyja to recruit the fallen w arriors of
Valhalla, or w ill you use the cunning of Loki and Hel to make an
opponent's armies die or sw itch sides at a critical moment? Will
you ask Týr to help w in a decisive battle, or w ill you consult
Mímir's w isdom in order to gain a tactical advantage?
In Asgard, you w ant to support the gods by erecting temples and
by convincing brave w arriors and mighty giants to side w ith
them. You can influence w hich god w ill fight w hich during the
final battle — Ragnarök — the outcome of w hich w ill depend on
how w ell you strengthened their armies.
Bew are, only a few of them w ill come out victorious. Will you
side w ith the right ones? As a mortal, your place in the new
w orld depends on it.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Asteroyds - TILBUD, k r. 250,00 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 20-40 min. The Ujitos
system: A tiny inhospitable planet and an erratic asteroid field –
the Lost Sw arm – orbit a deadly red star.
Axis & Allies WWI 1914, k r. 790,00 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 1-3 timer. A
brand new era for Axis & Allies, the First World War!
The most dangerous, ferocious and prestigious race against
death of the Independents Circuit is born…
For the first time ever players can experience Axis & Allies in the
setting of World War I. The familiar, time-tested A&A rules have
been adapted to let players control the armies of 1914. Pick up
this title to enjoy a classic favorite in a w hole new w ay!
Six of the thirty top pilots are ready to partake to this intense and
ruthless race w ith just one goal:
New major pow ers, alliances, maps, and unit sculpts!
w in at all costs!
Axis & Allies 1941, k r. 240,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 1-3 timer.
Designed by Axis & Allies creator Larry Harris w ith streamlined
rules for faster play, Axis & Allies 1941 introduces an entirely
new set of unit sculpts w ith 16 all-new designs such as the P40 Warhaw k, Tiger Tank, AVRO Lancaster, FW-190, IS-2 tank,
HMS Hood, He-111, and the Akagi Aircraft Carrier.
Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition, k r. 520,00 (Wiza rds of
the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 1-3 timer.
Building upon the success of the first edition w ith several
improvements for an even more enjoyable multi-player
experience, this 2nd Edition of Axis & Allies 1942 features a
game board expanded to 40Ó x 26Ó, five new sculpts including
UK artillery, submarine and destroyer units, German artillery, and
a Russian submarine, and an all-new combat unit: the
Antiaircraft Artillery!
Axis & Allies Europe 1940 (Reprint), k r. 720,00 (Wiza rds
of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-5. Axis & Allies Europe 1940, designed and
developed by Larry Harris, builds on the success of the
acclaimed A&A Anniversary Edition. France appears for the first
time in Axis & Allies and w ill represent a new playable ally! Italy
w ill be included as a second Axis pow er along w ith Germany.
Axis & Allies Europe 1940 features an oversized board that
measures 35" w ide by 32" high. With over 550 combat units,
deluxe game components and local storage boxes, this game w ill
raise the standard established by A&A Anniversary Edition.
Finally, this deluxe theater-level game is designed to play
together w ith Axis & Allies Pacific 1940. Together these tw o
games w ill create the greatest experience to date. Both games
are designed to play alone or together.
This edition is a reprint.
Axis & Allies Pa cific 1940 (Reprint), k r. 720,00 (Wiza rds
of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-4. Axis & Allies celebrates 25 years of
strategy w ar gaming w ith this deluxe edition of its original
theater-level game! Designed and developed by Larry Harris and
utilizing the updated rules established in Axis & Allies
Anniversary Edition, Axis & Allies Pacific: 1940 introduces tw o
new combat units - Tactical Bombers and Mechanized Infantry w hile a united Australia and New Zealand represent a new
playable ally - the ANZAC forces. Boasting an impressive,
oversized board w ith over 450 pieces, deluxe game
components, and local storage boxes, Axis & Allies Pacific: 1940
also features new rules for neutral nations, naval and air bases,
kamikaze attacks, and convoy disruption to add even more depth
and historical accuracy to the game, plus it's designed to join
together w ith the upcoming Axis & Allies Europe: 1940 to create
the greatest Axis & Allies experience to date!
WWI 1914 gives players command of the mighty armies of eight
major pow ers. The Central Pow ers of Germany, the AustroHungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire are aligned against
the great alliance of France, the British Empire, the Russian
Empire, Italy and the United States on a new game board
extending from Washington, DC to Bombay, India. 22 all-new unit
sculpts are included, and enfranchised players w ill be pleased to
see WWI units, like biplanes, in Axis & Allies for the first time.
Ba la nce of Power Ga me, k r. 399,50 (Publisher Services,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45-90min.
It is 1814 and the w orld has been turned upside dow n. Napoleon
Bonaparte has finally been defeated after nearly conquering all
of Europe through years of devastating w arfare. Now the Great
Pow ers must deal w ith the chaos left behind. As each nation
early tries to grow , a careful balance of government, military and
economic interests must be maintained.
During a player's turn, the player has 1 General Action, 1 King
Action, and 1 Banker Action. When taking an Action a player can
take 1 Move Action , 1 Attack Action or 1 Duplicate Action
(spaw n a new paw n in its territory). Attacks are resolved as
rock-paper-scissors: King defeats Banker defeats General
defeats King. Regardless of Actions taken, a territory can never
contain more than three paw ns of any faction. If a player
controls all the territories in his faction, he gains a fourth action.
Points are scored for the number of territories controlled, w ith
the final points to w in changing depending upon the number of
•High quality boardgame containing everything needed to play.
•No random cards or dice means only a players strategy decides
the w in.
•The rules are exceptionally short and easy to understand.
•An Expanded Game Play options provide a w ealth of different
scenarios to play directly in the box.
Ba tma n - Gotha m City Stra tegy Ga me, k r. 480,00
(WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Behind the facade of Gotham City lies an active underw orld of
criminal activity. Play as one of Gotham City’s greatest
villains — The Joker, The Penguin, Killer Croc, or Tw o-Face —
and lead your gang of henchmen to become the King of Crime in
Gotham City! But, bew are! As your hold on the city increases so
does the chance of your plans being foiled by Gotham’s
protector — Batman! The Batman: Gotham City Strategy Game
features five brand-new sculpts (The Joker, The Penguin, Killer
Croc, Tw o-Face, and Batman) crafted on new HeroClix
Sw itchClix bases, plus Villain Character Sheets and Pow er
Cards, Criminal Plot Cards, and game tokens.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ba ttle Beyond Spa ce, k r. 400,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Ba ttles of Westeros, k r. 639,50 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Battle Beyond Space is a massive, multi-player free-for-all space
battle w ith 60 80 ships slugging it out IN SPACE.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 1-2 hours.
Unfurl the banners of the Great Houses of Westeros! To secure
pow er in the Seven Kingdoms and to ensure the survival of their
lines, the Houses of Westeros each follow very different paths.
Some forge strategic alliances, some create complex political
intrigues, and still others use deceit and betrayal. But there is no
more direct or lasting path to pow er than taking to the field of
In 45-60 minutes. And 9 turns. In an asteroid field.
The combat system is diceless and extremely deadly. On a turn,
you choose one of your three squadrons, move and fire w ith it,
then get to move one of your tw o capital ships.
The big difference betw een the players is the super-secret alien
pow er of technology w hich they can spring on another player at
any time. Some are one-use, amazingly pow erful items (aka
Death Blossom), some are more subtle, long-term effects.
Ba ttle Cry, k r. 480,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2. Ready the Cannon!
Fix Bayonets! Prepare to Charge! Civil War is now upon us, and
you must take the field as the leader of the Union or the
Confederate forces. Command your generals and direct your
infantry, cavalry, and artillery in 30 different scenarios that
feature the terrain and troop deployment of each historical
battle - from the First Bull Run and Wilson's Creek to Prairie
Grove and Gettysburg. History may have been w ritten, but in
Battle Cry, the outcome of each battle is up to you. With your
strategy and tactics, you can turn the tide to carry Old Glory or
Dixie to victory!
Crea tures Expa nsion - TILBUD, k r. 150,00 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2/2. Spilletid: 60min.
Creatures from the darkest corners of the realm strike out
against their opponents w ith horrible new attacks that can kill
w ith a single blow . Keep your guard up w hen fighting w ith the
beasts of BattleLore: Creatures.
Wood Giant
The Wood Giant is a variant Creature based on the promo-only
Hill Giant figure w ith a new lair and new abilities. This Green
Banner Creature attacks enemies from afar w ith a flurry of logs
hurled from any forest on the battlefield.
Rock Elemental
Like the Wood Giant, the Rock Elemental is based on a figure
(Earth Elemental) that w as formerly only able to be obtained by
special promotion. The Rock Elemental is a Red Banner Creature
that is able to be summoned via a Magic Vortex to almost
anyw here on the battlefield.
The Hydra is a totally new Blue Banner Creature that gets more
pow erful w hen it is damaged. As its multiple heads take hits,
they are removed and possibly replaced by even more heads.
With an attack based on the number of heads the Creature
currently has, the Hydra is a fearsome foe indeed.
BattleLore: Creatures Expansion includes;
3 Unique Creature Figures, Wood Giant, Hydra w ith 6
interchangeable head/neck pieces, Rock Elemental
3 Creature Banners
A Rules Booklet, including 4 new adventures
2 Landmark Tiles
7 Web Tokens
7 Poison Tokens
1 Conjure Token
7 Cards, 1 Tactics Card, 4 Creature Summary Cards, 2 Landmark
Summary Cards
In Battles of Westeros, tw o players recreate the military conflicts
set in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, taking
part in battles directly from the books... or designing their ow n. In
this epic board game of battlefield tactics, players control either
House Stark, the w ards of Winterfell w ho have called their
hearty allies to defend their honor and lands, or House Lannister,
an aggressive force funded by Casterly Rock’s endless supply
of gold.
Battles of Westeros includes:
•1 Westeros Battle Guide
•1 rulebook
•138 plastic figures w ith bases
•1 six-panel, double-sided map board
•8 dice
•110 cards
•32 map overlay pieces
•hundreds of tokens
House Ba ra theon Army Expa nsion, k r. 559,50 (Da ys of
Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 1-2 timer.
For the first time, the seasoned forces of the crow ned stag take
to the field of battle to defend their claim to the Iron Throne! In the
House Baratheon Army Expansion for Battles of Westeros, you
can unleash the Baratheons' fury w ith eight mighty commanders
and over 100 detailed troop miniatures. An epic battle aw aits you
on the stunning Blackw ater map, and innovative rules for
Alliance battles allow up to eight players to clash in the deadliest
of conflicts.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Lords of the River Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Da ys of
Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. The Riverlands have been
devastated by the War of Five Kings as battles w age through
the heart of the Seven Kingdoms. House Tully has begun to
muster its forces, seeking to help put an end to the fighting by
aiding House Stark in their efforts to quell House Lannister.
Lords of the River introduces House Tully to Battles of Westeros
as an ally force, meaning they can supplement House Stark or, if
playing w ith the Skirmish rules, House Lannister from the Core
Set. Ally forces such as those found in Lords of the River are
represented as tan colored miniatures on the board,
differentiating them from the forces of the house they are
supporting. This provides greater customization for Skirmish
battles and allow s players to easily find their allied troops on the
field during battle.
Included in Lords of the River are are three new commanders
and three new unit types, all loyal to the leaping trout of House
Tully. Lead your troops w ith Edmure Tully, Brynden “Blackfish”
Tully, or Marq Piper, and lay w aste to your foes w ith Tully River
Riders, Tully Longbow men, and the Warriors of Wayfarer’s Rest.
New keyw ords such as Riverborn and Indirect Fire w ill give you
an edge w hen fighting near rivers or hindering terrain,
representing House Tully’s familiarity w ith fighting in the
In addition to these new forces, Lords of the River also comes
w ith a rules and battle plan book, new terrain, and House Tully
Gambit and Skirmish cards.
Tribes of the Va le, k r. 239,50 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. "Every lord has need of a beast
from time to time... a lesson you seem to have learned, judging
from those clansmen of yours." - Tyw in Lannister, speaking to
Tyrion Lannister
Tribes of the Vale introduces the clansmen of the Mountains of
the Moon to Battles of Westeros! The harsh and rugged terrain
surrounding the Vale is home to a savage breed of w arrior, and
it takes a cunning leader to channel their ferocity effectively on
the battlefield.
Three new commanders join the fray w ith Tribes of the Vale.
Shagga, Son of Dolf is a ruthless barbarian of the Stone Crow s,
capable of w ielding tw o massive battle axes better than most
men handle one. Timett, Son of Timett earned his place as the
Red Hand of the Burned Men by taking out his ow n eye. A
fearless expert sw ordsmen, Timett rarely fails to kill anyone he
means to. Finally, Chella, Daughter of Cheyk is a vicious w oman,
decorating herself w ith the ears of her enemies.
Ba ttlesta r Ga la ctica Boa rdga me, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 2-3h.
Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game is an exciting game of
mistrust, intrigue, and the struggle for survival w hich places
each player in the role of one of ten of their favorite characters
from the show . Each playable character has their ow n abilities
and w eaknesses, and all must w ork together in order for
humanity to have any hope of survival. How ever, one or more
players in every game is secretly a Cylon, and w ants the
humans to perish.
1 Rulebook
1 Game Board
10 Character Sheets
52 Cardboard Tokens consisting of:
4 Resource Dials
10 Character Tokens
4 Piloting Tokens
2 Nuke Tokens
12 Civilian Ship Tokens
2 Basestars
4 Centurion Markers
4 Basestar Damage Tokens
8 Galactica Damage Tokens
1 Fleet Marker
1 Current Player Token
110 Large Cards consisting of:
70 Crisis Cards
16 Loyalty Cards
17 Quorum Cards
5 Super Crisis Cards
1 President Title Card
1 Admiral Title Card
128 Small Cards consisting of:
21 Leadership Skill Cards
21 Tactics Skill Cards
21 Politics Skill Cards
21 Piloting Skill Cards
21 Engineering Skill Cards
22 Destination Cards
1 Kobol Objective Card
1 Eight-sided Die
32 Plastic Ships consisting of:
8 Vipers
4 Raptors
16 Cylon Raiders
4 Cylon Heavy Raiders
4 Plastic Connectors (for resource dials)
10 Plastic Character Stands
In addition to these new commanders, Tribes of the Vale
introduces three new unit types, new keyw ords, new terrain
types, and a rulebook w ith three new scenarios, aligning House
Lannister w ith these devastating clansmen.
Spa ce Sta tion Surfa ce 36" x 36", k r. 320,00 (Ga le Force
Space may be the final frontier, and there may be galaxies far
far aw ay, but that does not mean that your models should be
forced to play on an old tablecloth w hen instead you can have
high quality printed vinyl Game Mat instead.
These 36" by 36" mats are printed using the same technology as
our D&D range and w ill stand up to years of gaming. The mat lies
flat for ease of play and is sold in sturdy polycarbonate tube for
easy storage and transport and may be marked w ith w et-erase
How M uch for Your Pla net?, k r. 199,50 (Gorilla Ga mes)
A free trader's gazette of the galaxy, this supplement for
Battlestations contains six Cloaking Device modules, 16 Kerbite
cardboard foldups, and a full-color star map of the galaxy w ith
50 annotated systems ripe for exploration and exploitation. Also
included is a rulebook detailing new personal equipment,
species, special abilities, and a complete campaign system w ith
new missions and an economic engine.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Betra ya l a t House on the Hill 2nd edition, k r. 400,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1 time.
New spooky nights aw ait you and your friends!
The creak of footsteps on the stairs, the smell of something foul
and dead, the feel of something craw ling dow n your back – this
and more can be found in the exciting refresh of the Avalon Hill
favorite Betrayal at House on the Hill. This fun and suspenseful
game is a new experience almost every time you play – you and
your friends explore “that creepy old place on the hill” until
enough mystic misadventures happen that one of the players
turns on all of the others! Hours of fun for all your friends and
Bezzerwizzer, k r. 599,00 (Bezzerwizzer)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15 år. Spillere: 2-?. Når du spiller
BEZZERWIZZER er det slut med at sidde med fingeren i vejret og
råbe ’Jeg ved det! Jeg ved det!’ til ingen nytte, når de andre hold
får spørgsmål som du bare ved du kan svare på. I
BEZZERWIZZER kan du nemlig gøre brug af din viden og snuppe
point fra dine modspillere. Du kan også drille dem, men husk at de
kan slå sig sammen og drille dig tilbage.
BEZZERWIZZER har flere spørgsmål og flere kategorier end
andre quizspil, men det, der virkelig gør BEZZERWIZZER
anderledes er den indflydelse du selv har på spillets gang. Her er
ingen tilfældig terning, der bestemmer din næste kategori, og det
er ikke lige meget, om du følger med i modstanderens spillerunde.
Det er faktisk her du kan tjene ekstra point!
Designed for 3–6 players aged 12 and up, this boardgame
features multiple scenarios, a different lay-out w ith every game,
and enough chills to freeze the heart of any horror fan.
Du har indflydelse på, hvilke spørgsmålskategorier der skal tælle
meget og dermed få dig mange felter frem på pladen - og
This game includes the follow ing components:
Der er taktik med i hver omgang, så du kan ikke bare læne dig
tilbage med tekoppen eller rødvinsglasset og slappe af når det er
de andres tur, for så taber du!
- 6 pre-painted plastic Character miniatures and corresponding
Character cards
- 80 cards (Event, Omen, and Item decks)
- Rulebook
- Traitors Tome booklet
- Secrets of Survival booklet
- Game dice
- 45 Room tiles
- Over 100 game tokens
Set details:
- The Haunt books have been refreshed w ith 8 new haunts –
some of w hich feature a new “hidden traitor” game mechanic.
- The Item cards have been updated w ith 5 new items!
- The die-cut game play tokens have been redesigned making
them easier to identify.
- Exciting and compelling new art and design on the box.
Vær vågen, byt rundt på dine og de andres kategorier med en
ZWAP, stik dem en BEZZERWIZZER, brug din paratviden, din
taktiske sans og din indre drillepind. Det gør det sjovere at spille
Med 5.000 spørgsmål i 20 kategorier, byder BEZZERWIZZER på
mange timers underholdning.
1 spilleplade
4 huse
20 kategoribrikker
4 spillebrikker
1 æske til spørgsmålskort
250 spørgsmålskort
2 kategorioversigter
1 pose
1 regelsæt.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Bezzerwizzer Fa milieudga ven, k r. 499,00
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-?. Når du spiller
BEZZERWIZZER er det slut med at sidde med fingeren i vejret og
råbe ’Jeg ved det! Jeg ved det!’ til ingen nytte, når de andre hold
får spørgsmål som du bare ved du kan svare på. I
BEZZERWIZZER kan du nemlig gøre brug af din viden og snuppe
point fra dine modspillere. Du kan også drille dem, men husk at de
kan slå sig sammen og drille dig tilbage.
BEZZERWIZZER har flere spørgsmål og flere kategorier end
andre quizspil, men det, der virkelig gør BEZZERWIZZER
anderledes er den indflydelse du selv har på spillets gang. Her er
ingen tilfældig terning, der bestemmer din næste kategori, og det
er ikke lige meget, om du følger med i modstanderens spillerunde.
Det er faktisk her du kan tjene ekstra point!
Du har indflydelse på, hvilke spørgsmålskategorier der skal tælle
meget og dermed få dig mange felter frem på pladen - og
Bezzerwizzer M ini, k r. 119,00 (Bezzerwizzer)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2+. Bezzerw izzer Mini
byder på en stor quizoplevelse i et lille format, der er lige til at ta'
På baggrund af henvendelser fra quiz- og rejseglade kunder
lancerer Bezzerw izzer Nordic ApS nu rejsespillet
BEZZERWIZZER Mini, der byder på en helt ny måde at quizze på,
og som både kan bruges som underholdning på den lange
flyrejse, under den korte togtur og efter middagen med vennerne.
Spilkonceptet er helt nyt, og det tager kun 5 minutter at finde ud
af, hvem der er den største Bezzerw izzer i selskabet. Spillet
indeholder 600 nye, velskrevne quizspørgsmål i alverdens emner.
Bezzerwizzer M ini Fa milieudga ven, k r. 119,00
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2+. Bezzerw izzer Mini
byder på en stor quizoplevelse i et lille format, der er lige til at ta'
Der er taktik med i hver omgang, så du kan ikke bare læne dig
tilbage med tekoppen eller rødvinsglasset og slappe af når det er
de andres tur, for så taber du!
Vær vågen, byt rundt på dine og de andres kategorier med en
ZWAP, stik dem en BEZZERWIZZER, brug din paratviden, din
taktiske sans og din indre drillepind. Det gør det sjovere at spille
BEZZERWIZZER FAMILIE for hele familien indeholder 3.000
spørgsmål, der er inddelt i 10 kategorier.
1 spilleplade
4 huse
20 kategoribrikker
4 spillebrikker
1 æske til spørgsmålskort
300 spørgsmålskort
2 kategori-oversigter
1 pose
1 blyant
1 skriveblok
1 regelsæt.
Bezzerwizzer Kompa k t, k r. 299,00 (Bezzerwizzer)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15 år. Spillere: 2+. BEZZERWIZZER
Kompakt er en ny og udfordrende måde at spille BEZZERWIZZER
på, hvor både din paratviden, din taktik og ikke mindst din
bedreviden afgør, om du vinder.
Spillet indeholder 3.000 helt nye spørgsmål i BEZZERWIZZERs 20
klassiske kategorier – og har du det originale BEZZERWIZZER
spil, kan spørgsmålene i BEZZERWIZZER Kompakt også bruges
som 3.000 ekstra udfordringer.
Et spil tager 30-60 minutter og kan spilles på farten, på stranden
eller på sofabordet – kort sagt overalt.
God fornøjelse med at sætte din viden på spil!
1 æske med 150 spørgsmålskort
1 pose med 20 kategoribrikker
1 blok
1 kuglepen og spilleregler med kategorioversigt
På baggrund af henvendelser fra quiz- og rejseglade kunder
lancerer Bezzerw izzer Nordic ApS nu rejsespillet
BEZZERWIZZER Mini, der byder på en helt ny måde at quizze på,
og som både kan bruges som underholdning på den lange
flyrejse, under den korte togtur og efter middagen med vennerne.
Spilkonceptet er helt nyt, og det tager kun 5 minutter at finde ud
af, hvem der er den største Bezzerw izzer i selskabet. Spillet
indeholder 600 nye, velskrevne quizspørgsmål i alverdens emner.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Würfel Bohna nza (Tysk med engelsk e regler), k r. 89,50
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45min.
Würfel Bohnanza is, as you might suspect, a dice game in the
Bohnanza family. Instead of cards, dice give you the beans that
you must use to satisfy orders and (eventually) collect
"Bohnentalers" (i.e., dollars, bucks, dinero...). The first player to
collect thirteen Bohnentalers w ins.
At the start of the game, each player receives tw o order cards,
each of w hich show s six orders; the player tries to complete
orders on one card w hile using the other to cover completed
orders. The easiest orders to complete – say, tw o specific bean
types or three beans in any combination of tw o types – are at
the bottom of the card, and the hardest ones – requiring, say, a
four-of-a-kind or seven beans w ith no blue ones – are at the top.
Orders must be completed from bottom to top.
On a turn, the active player starts by rolling the seven bean dice,
three of w hich have one combination of beans and four of
w hich have another combination. This player must set aside at
least one bean, then she rerolls any remaining dice, setting at
least one aside, etc. After at most seven rolls, she completes as
many orders as she can, reusing the dice as needed to complete
orders. Once a player completes three orders, she can "harvest"
the card for one coin. Each additional completed order is w orth a
coin, up to a maximum of four. When a player harvests the order
card, she draw s a new card and uses that to record completed
orders (possibly on the same turn) on the order card she already
In the Bohnanza card game, players trade cards to improve the
standing of both parties involved in the trade. In Würfel
Bohnanza, the active player doesn't trade dice, but opponents do
get to benefit from that player's rolls. After each roll by the active
player, all other players can use the dice just rolled – and not
dice already set aside – to complete orders on their ow n cards.
Thus, the active player has some incentive not to daw dle too
much w ith her rolls as her opponents might benefit from her turn
more than she does.
The game ends as soon as one or more players have collected
thirteen Bohnentalers. The player w ith the most Bohnentalers
w ins!
Bora Bora , k r. 450,00 (Alea )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-120min.
Stake your fortunes in the mysterious island w orld of Bora Bora.
Journey across islands, building huts w here the resilient men
and w omen of your tribes can settle, discovering fishing
grounds and collecting shells. Send priests to the temples, and
gather offerings to curry favor w ith the gods.
In Bora Bora, players use dice to perform a variety of actions
using careful insight and tactical planning. The heart of the game
is its action resolution system in w hich 5-7 actions are available
each round, the exact number depending on the number of
players. Each player rolls three dice at the start of the round,
then they take turns placing one die at a time on one action. Place
a high number on an action, and you'll generally get a better
version of that action: more places to build, more choices of
people to take, better positioning on the temple track, and so on.
Place a low number and you'll get a w orse action – but you'll
possibly block other players from taking the action at all as in
order to take an action you must place a die on it w ith a low er
number than any die already on the action.
Three task tiles on a player's individual game board provide some
direction as to w hat he might w ant to do, w hile god tiles allow
for special actions and rule-breaking, as gods are w ont to do.
The player w ho best w atches how the game develops and uses
the most effective strategy w ill prevail.
Bra wling Ba rons, k r. 175,00 (FryxGa mes Ha ndelsbola g)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-3. The king encourages all
barons to expand their domains as new land is conquered. To
gain favor in his eyes, each baron must show his w orth by
constructing buildings and thus increase the splendor of the
kingdom, or by supporting the king in the w ar w ith military units.
With the king's eyes fixed on the frontlines, he probably w ouldn't
notice your sharp elbow in your neighbour's side... right?
Braw ling Barons is a tactical card game consisting of 54 cards.
From this deck of cards each player draw s cards and collects
resources. Units (peasants and squires) can then be played
from the hand. The peasants can be upgraded (rotated) to
buildings, and squires can become various military units. The
military units can be sent to the frontlines to gain victory points
(VPs), or they can attack opposing tow ns. When the last card is
removed from the deck, the game ends and VPs are counted.
Tactical options include choosing units to play, w aiting for the
perfect timing to play them, optimizing the actions, and playing the
right events. At first glance, it may seem too simple, but new
depths can certainly be discovered.
Braw ling Barons can be played in 10-20 minutes by tw o
experienced players. Three-player games take about 30 minutes.
By combining tw o decks, up to six players can play, either in a
deathmatch or in team play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Briefca se, k r. 375,00 (Artipia Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min. The
w orld of business is a w orld of tough situations. Tough
situations demand tough decisions. You, as a young and
ambitious entrepreneur, w ill struggle for w ealth. In order to gain
w ealth, you should first create an efficient economic engine. But
the dilemmas w ill be hard: Which companies w ill you acquire and
activate first? Which company's ability is the most appropriate for
the early year s economic boost? Will you manage to create a
flexible but also effective decision deck? Timing is crucial. Mind
w hat your competitors are doing. They w ill try to block your
plans. They w ill try to steal your resources. There is no room for
error. There is no time for hesitation. Open your Briefcase, lay
out your business plans and enjoy the game!
Briefcase is a deck-building and resource management
In Briefcase, players build their ow n business empires by
acquiring and activating various companies. Each company,
once activated, provides the player w ith some benefits (w hich
are called decisions cards) and a special ability for the rest of
the game.
Players start w ith identical decks of decision cards. Each time
one player activates a company, he/she adds to his deck more
decision cards. Decision cards give the players various possible
actions (like buy/activate/hire/obstacles). The most important is
the "buy" action, w ith w hich players can either buy a building or
a resource from the market.
Bump in the Night, k r. 280,00 (Twilight Crea tions Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60-90min.
Happily lounging in their haunted house, the monsters w ait for
new victims to prey upon, w aiting to feed on the psychic
energies of fear. It is a rare treat w hen the foolish mortals enter
your halls of doom, but luckily today is such a day! A large group
of kids has decided to spend the night in your halls, daring each
other to face the terrors until the break of daw n. Daw n w ill not
come soon enough to save them, the only question that remains
is w hich group of monsters w ill terrorize them the most!
In "Bump In The Night" 2 to 6 players each play a group of six
monsters that they w ill use to terrorize people in the haunted
house. If enough terror is generated in a person, or if a person is
forced to flee the house, the player claims the person for a point.
Points can also be gained through special bonus cards. The first
player to have five or more points on their turn w ins the game.
Jungolo, k r. 119,00 (Djeco)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 5 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 15min. Et
sjovt spil, hvor man skal være snu som en ræv samt have en
hukommelse som en elefant. Her gælder det om at rykke rundt på
de små træabe-brikker, der gemmer på en farvet kokosnød. Det
gælder nu at føre 4 aber hjem til sit abetræ, i den tilsvarende
farve, som ens abetræ har. Men pas på, nogle af aberne er
Buuuh!, k r. 300,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 5 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 15-25min.
Time to help the miller carry sacks of flour from the mill and take
them home – but w atch out for the ghosts that aw ait to scare
you and spill flour!
In Geistermühle, each player needs to bring three colored sacks
of flour from the mill to her home. The players start at home, w ith
the flour placed in slots around a w aterw heel on the game
board. This board also has holes in it in w hich players place their
magnetized tokens as they move. A w ooden millw heel w ith three
integrated magnets sits underneath this game board.
On a turn, a player rolls tw o special dice, w ith the follow ing
possible results:
• Tw o numbers – the player moves her token clockw ise or
counter-clockw ise either the value of one die or the sum of both
dice. If the token lands next to flour of the right color, she can
place the flour in her token's slot; if she moves home, she claims
the flour.
• One number and one millw heel – move the token as described
above, then turn the millw heel once clockw ise. (The game board
has slots that allow players to grab a cog on the millw heel and
rotate it.)
• Tw o millw heels – turn the millw heel tw ice clockw ise.
If w hen moving the millw heel, a token is scared off the board
due to ghosts – that is, due to the magnets in both items – that
token is returned home and any flour it held returned to the game
board. Watch for the ghosts as your turn the w heel so that you
can steer clear!
Klick a do, k r. 250,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 5 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 15min.
Klickado er et kortvarigt, fokuseret og ekstremt intuitivt spil, der
går på tværs af alder, køn og erfaring, mens de taktiske
muligheder er uendelige.
Vinder af Årets Børnespil Guldbrikken 2009.
M a gi La byrinten (Da nsk udga ve), k r. 250,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20-30min.
The little magician apprentices have lost some objects in the
magic maze. Now , they try to collect them, before the Master
notices anything. How ever, in the maze, the little magicians
alw ays bump against invisible w alls. So, they have to make their
w ay through the maze by means of a good memory and lots of
You have to move an character through the board but, you're
trying to do so w ith a labyrinth below the first board. The
character is joined w ith a magnetic ball, so, if you hit a w all, the
ball drops and you have to start again.
Guilds of Ca dwa llon, k r. 200,00 (CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. Take
control of the famous City of Thieves set in the Confrontation
Guilds of Cadw allon is a fast, tactical board game in w hich 2-4
players try to accumulate as many Guild Points as possible by
using their agents to control city districts, w ith a randomized 3x3
square of cards representing the city over several rounds.
Components: 24 Agent Paw ns 16 Guild Cards 4 Personality
Cards 5 Militia Cards 13 Action Cards 12 Optional Condition
Cards Rulebook
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ca mbria , k r. 159,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 15-30 min. It
is 400 AD and the Roman occupation of Britannia is draw ing to a
close. Most of the Legions have been w ithdraw n. The system of
Roman fortresses and roads is only thinly defended, particularly
in Cambria. Across the sea, Hibernian w arriors prepare to
Cambria is a fast and aggressive game of siege combat. To w in,
the players must make skillful use of their die rolls to surround
and capture Roman fortresses. Cambria combines the simple,
clever mechanics of a European-style game w ith the direct
player conflict of an American-style game.
Ca mp Rosk ilde, k r. 349,00 (Rosk ilde Festiva l)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 10-30min.
In 'Camp Roskilde' you have to prove that you have the coolest
camp. Roskilde Festival's first official board game has finally
landed in the shop.
You've just gotten the camp party started. Death metal roars out
of the boom box and a hot babe lies in the grass smiling at you.
But suddenly your mom hangs in the bar w ith that intolerable
hippie, and the w eak music nerd has established a lake of puke
in the corner of the camp. Sigh! It'll be a long night.
In Roskilde Festival's first official board game, Camp Roskilde,
you have to fill your camp w ith gaudy festival types or beat the
other players w ith a top-tuned theme. Piece of cake – if only
your opponents didn't do anything possible to ruin your plans.
Camp Roskilde is for sale right now in our w eb shop.
Ca na l M a nia , k r. 570,00 (Spira l Ga la xy Ga mes Ltd. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2 timer.
Canal Mania is a game about the great Canal building era of the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that captures the feel of the
period and gives players plenty of decision making in their
attempts to complete some of the most famous British canals.
Players w ill engage brilliant engineers such as James Brindley
and Thomas Telford in their efforts to create canals linking
emerging manufacturing centres, providing the w aterw ays that
supplied the goods generated by the Industrial Revolution.
Ca nt Stop, k r. 320,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-40min.
This Sid Sackson classic w as actually released in the United
States, but it never did w ell enough commercially to stay in print
for more than a couple of years. The idea is quite simple. There
is a board w ith all the possible results of tw o six-sided dice: tw o
through tw elve. The object of the game is to move a little marker
to the top of three columns by rolling that result, but you need
many more sevens than you need tw elves, based on the
likelihood of each result. During your turn, you roll the dice and
place temporary markers onto the board. You can continue
moving these markers until either none of your dice match (your
turn is over and all progress you've made is gone), or cut your
losses and end your turn (placing a permanent marker in your
row s). Nice light filler for opening or closing a session.
Ca rca ssonne The City 2, k r. 319,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
CARCASSONNE - this time is a cardboard box at a smaller price!
The impressive city of Carcassonne w as a magnet for tourists
from all lands even in the middle ages. Its large market, grandiose
homes, and busy streets made the w hole city a popular
attraction. Here is your chance to build the city of Carcassonne!
Players build w alls and tow ers, found markets, and place
follow ers in the normal w ay. At the end, you w ill all enjoy looking
at the beautiful 3-D city you have built!
Author: Klaus-Jürgen Wrede
King & Scout Expa nsion (11 nye brik k er), k r. 50,00 (Rio
Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. 7 brikker til carcassonne og 5 brikker til Hunter &
Abbey & M a yor (da nsk e regler), k r. 100,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45min.
The fifth major expansion to Carcassonne, Abbey & Mayor adds
3 new w ooden piece types, 6 abbey tiles, and 12 landscape
tiles. The Abbey tiles act as Cloisters but do not have to match
adjacent tiles and they complete adjacent features w hen placed.
Mayors can be placed only in cities, w ith their strength
determined by the number of pennants in the city. Barns allow
players to score fields during the game rather than just at the
end. Wagons are placed on roads, cities, or cloisters, and can
move to an adjacent open feature w hen their current feature is
Ca rca ssonne Winter Edition (da nsk e regler), k r. 200,00
(Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 40min. Det
er blevet vinter i Carcassonne. Det er koldt, men romantisk. Tiden
for de varme drikke og søde sager er kommet. Livet i byerne
omkring Carcassonne finder et mere astadigt tempo. Der er dog
dukket en ny fyr op, har I set ham?
Landebrikkerne danner lidt efter lidt et vinterlandskab.
Følgesvendene står i sneen, men passer stadig deres arbejde.
Riddere beskytter byerne, landmænd sørger for madvarer,
munke beder i klostreneog tyvene driver deres "forretning" på
Ca ta pult (da nsk e regler), k r. 100,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45min.
It's fair time in Carcassonne. A traveling salesman arrives and
brings his new est invention: a w ondrous catapult!
His demonstrations amaze the crow ds and inspire the creative to
find many uses for this new contraption. Of course, not every
planned use is w ell thought out or successful…
Inns a nd Ca thedra ls (da nsk e regler), k r. 100,00
(Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45min.
The expansion offers all fans of Carcassonne new
challenges: The Cathedral triples the value of a city, and the Inn
doubles the value of a road - but only w hen they are completed.
Players may use the new large follow er to double their chances
of controlling a city, road, or field.
Also included is all necessary material to allow a sixth player to
join in the fun.
Finally, there are 6 point tiles to make scoring easier w hen
players score more than 50 points.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M ini 1 - Flyvere, k r. 40,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. In Carcassonne: The Flier, a small expansion for
Carcassonne, eight landscape tiles show ing a pair of w ings are
mixed w ith the other tiles to be used in the game.
Whenever a player draw s one of these tiles, he places it
according to the normal rules. He then has the option of placing a
follow er on this tile as normal or of attempting to fly a new
follow er to a nearby tile. This meeple w ill travel in the direction
determined by the w ings' orientation; the distance (1-3 tiles) is
determined by a die roll. If a tile exists in this location, he can
place the meeple on any unfinished, non-field location, w hether
that feature is occupied or not; if no tile exists in this location or
all the non-field features are complete, then the player places no
meeple this turn. Crash!
Each mini box also contain a Corn Circle tile. Collect all six miniexpansions and you'll also have the Corn Circles expansion.
M ini 2 - Sendebud, k r. 40,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. In Carcassonne: The Messages, a small expansion for
Carcassonne, players place a second meeple (included in this
expansion) on the score board at the start of the game.
Whenever they score points during the game, they decide w hich
scoring meeple to advance; if a meeple lands on one of the dark
spaces on the score track (0, 5, 10, etc.) and the ow ner of that
meeple is the active player, then that player draw s the top
message tile from the track and either scores tw o points for it or
takes the action show n on the tile. The possibilities are:
• Score that player's smallest road, city or cloister as if it w ere
the end of the game, but leave the meeple in place.
• Score tw o points for each banner in a city that player occupies
or tw o points for each of that player's knights.
• Score three points for each of that player's farmers.
• Draw and play an additional tile.
• Score one follow er and return it to that player's supply.
Whichever option the player chooses, he then places that tile on
the bottom of the message stack.
At the end of the game, players add the scores represented by
their tw o scoring meeples, place one meeple on that sum, then
figure out their final scoring, earning no more messages.
Each mini box also contain a Corn Circle tile. Collect all six miniexpansions and you'll also have the Corn Circles expansion.
M ini 3 - Færger, k r. 40,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Carcassonne: The Ferries, a small expansion for
Carcassonne, includes eight new land tiles that show three or
four road segments leading to a lake in the center of the tile;
these tiles are mixed w ith the other tiles in the game.
Whenever a player draw s one of these tiles, she places it
follow ing the normal rules, decides w hether to place a follow er
(and if on a road as a robber, on w hich segment), then places a
ferry on the tile to connect tw o of the road segments. Any
segments not connected by a ferry end in the lake. Whenever a
player extends a road that contains one or more ferries –
w hether by placing a Ferries tile or a regular road tile – she may
move the first ferry closest to that tile in each direction of the
road to connect different road segments. If this movement leads
to a road being closed at both ends, that road now scores.
Each mini box also contain a Corn Circle tile. Collect all six miniexpansions and you'll also have the Corn Circles expansion.
M ini 4 - Guldba rrer, k r. 40,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. In Carcassonne: The Goldmines, a small expansion for
Carcassonne, eight landscape tiles show ing a gold bar are
mixed w ith the other tiles being used in the game.
Whenever a player draw s one of these tiles during play, she
places the tile according to the normal rules, then places one
gold bar on this tile and one gold bar on any adjacent tile,
w hether orthogonally or diagonally adjacent. She may then place
a follow er as normal on the tile placed this turn.
Whenever any feature is completed – w hether on the same turn
or a later turn – and one or more tiles of the completed feature
have gold bars on them, these bars are distributed among the
players involved in the scoring. If one player has a majority of
follow ers on the completed feature, she collects all of the gold
bars available; if tw o or more players are tied in the number of
follow ers present, then gold bars are distributed among those
tied players, going clockw ise from the active player.
At the end of the game, any unclaimed gold bars are removed
from the board before final scoring. Each gold bar is w orth 1-4
points depending on how many bars a player has collected.
Each mini box also contain a Corn Circle tile. Collect all six miniexpansions and you'll also have the Corn Circles expansion.
M ini 5 - Trolsma nd og Hek s, k r. 40,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. In Carcassonne: Mage & Witch, a small expansion for
Carcassonne, eight landscape tiles bearing a mage symbol are
mixed w ith the other tiles at the start of the game.
Whenever a player draw s one of these tiles, she plays it as
normal follow ing the standard placement rules. She then either
places or moves the mage or w itch on the playing area; both
figures can be placed only on incomplete roads and cities, and
both cannot be on the same road or in the same city. The player
must place or move one of these figures, if possible. She then
optionally places a follow er on the tile just played.
Whenever a feature bearing a mage or w itch scores, w hether
during the game or at game's end, the mage/w itch adjusts the
points scored for this feature. The mage adds one point for each
tile in the feature, w hile the w itch cuts the number of points
scored for this feature in half, rounded up. After such scoring,
place the mage/w itch next to the score track to aw ait the
draw ing of the next mage tile.
Each mini box also contain a Corn Circle tile. Collect all six miniexpansions and you'll also have the Corn Circles expansion.
M ini 6 - Røvere, k r. 40,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. In Carcassonne: The Robber, a small expansion for
Carcassonne, eight landscape tiles bearing a robber symbol are
mixed w ith the other tiles at the start of the game.
Whenever a player draw s one of these tiles, he places it as
normal according to the standard rules, then he places his
robber figure – a special meeple included in this expansion – on
the score track next to the score marker of any other player. The
next player in turn order w ho has a robber off the scoring track
also places a robber adjacent to the score marker of any
Whenever a score marker accompanied by a robber moves on
the score track, the ow ner of the robber moves his ow n score
marker forw ard half that many spaces, rounded up, then
removes his robber from the score track. (The one exception: If
a player moves his score marker by robbing someone else, any
robbers on that space move w ith that player's score marker and
w ait to rob that player follow ing a normal scoring.) If tw o or more
score markers are on the same space w ith a robber and both
score, the robber's ow ner can choose w ho to rob.
Each mini box also contain a Corn Circle tile. Collect all six miniexpansions and you'll also have the Corn Circles expansion.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Princess & the Dra gon (da nsk e regler), k r. 100,00
(Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45min. In
this expansion for the prize-w inning Carcassonne, w e move into
the realm of fantasy.
The land around Carcassonne is being visited by a dragon,
making life very difficult for the follow ers. Brave heroes venture
forth to face the danger, but w ithout the aid of the fairies, their
chances are not good.
In the city, the princess seeks help from the knights, and farmers
build secret passages to move about undetected by the dragon.
We hope you enjoy this special trip into the land of Carcassonne!
Ca stles of Burgundy, The, k r. 320,00 (Ra vensburger)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-90min.
The game is set in the Burgundy region of High Medieval France.
Each player takes on the role of an aristocrat, originally
controlling a small princedom. While playing they aim to build
settlements and pow erful castles, practice trade along the river,
exploit silver mines, and use the know ledge of travellers.
The game is about placing settlement tiles into the princedom.
Every tile has a function that starts w hen the tile is placed. The
princedom itself consists of several regions, each of w hich
demands its ow n settlement tile.
Tower (da nsk e regler), k r. 100,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45min.
Ever upw ards in Carcassonne!
In this Carcassonne expansion, players have the opportunity to
build upw ards! The lords of the region around Carcassonne
erect tow ers to strengthen and promote their pow er and
influence. They employ follow ers to stand guard on the tow ers,
w atching over the land so they can inform their lords of all w ho
travel and move throughout the area.
The core game mechanism involves tw o dice. The pips show the
kind of action the players are allow ed to do (example: roll a 2 and
a 5: using the 2 the player buys a w atch tow er and places it on
a 5 city tile w hich triggers the function of the tow er w ith
additional advantages).
It is also possible to influence the dice, so the player is not
completely subject to luck.
The rules include basic and advanced versions.
Players may capture opponents’ follow ers, holding them in
prison. Later, the players may arrange a prisoner exchange, to
the advantage of the players involved. Also, a player may
arrange to pay ransom for the return of an imprisoned follow er.
Fans of Carcassonne w ill enjoy the new tactical opportunities
offered by this expansion.
The expansion also includes a special tow er for storing the
landscape tiles, giving players a convenient w ay to draw tiles
during the game.
Tra ders & Builders (da nsk e regler), k r. 100,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45min.
This 2nd expansion takes Carcassonne to new dimensions of
fun and excitement. Traders can earn players extra points and
builders enable players to place extra tiles, allow ing the cities
and roads to grow faster. A pig, properly placed, can enrich the
value of a farm. Also included is a small cloth bag for the tiles,
making it easier to shuffle and draw them during the game.
Traders & Builders is not a complete game, but must be played
w ith Carcassonne.
Ca stle Pa nic Boa rdga me, k r. 280,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 1 time.
Castle Panic is a unique, cooperative strategy game for 1 to 6
players ages 10 and up.
Players must w ork together to defend their castle, in the center
of the board, from monsters that attack out of the forest, at the
edges of the board. Players trade cards, hit and slay monsters,
and plan strategies together to keep their castle tow ers intact.
The players either w in or lose together, but only the player w ith
the most victory points is declared the Master Slayer.
Players must balance the survival of the group w ith their ow n
desire to w in.
M ercha nts of Europe, k r. 440,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 2h. In the
late Middle Ages, trade flourished in Europe. Economic groups
like the Hanseatic League, the Welser and Fugger families, and
merchants from Northern Italy established trading posts and
factories in all of the important cities throughout Europe. These
businesses provided the population w ith goods of all kinds, such
as fur from the north, cloth from Flanders, w ine from the south,
and spices from India. The most important commodity of all w as
salt. In the Middle Ages salt w as highly prized it w as used to
preserve food. You are a pow erful merchant! Start your trading
posts in three cities. Recruit new merchants and send them to
distant cities to establish trading posts and expand your
interests. The more trading posts you have, the more
commodities are at your disposal w hich you can sell profitably in
foreign cities. To ensure that your commodities arrive safely at
their destination, you must open up trade routes and equip
caravans. You w in the game if you are the first to deliver all of
your commodities to foreign cities.
Ca tching Fire: Seeds Of Rebellion Stra tegy Boa rd
Ga me, k r. 210,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30 min. Ever
since you w ere eligible for the Reaping, the Peacekeepers had
their eye on you - the food supplies that w ent missing, the graffiti
denouncing the Capitol - they had a good idea it w as you. Until
now , you thought it best to steer clear of open conflict. But, the
w hispers for volunteers to help the rebellion made it clear it w as
time for you to take action. When you finally reached the leaders
of the rebellion your reputation had preceded you. Glad to have
your skills, they immediately assigned you to your current
mission - to set up secret bases throughout Panem. If you are
successful, your efforts w ill ensure at least a chance for the
rebels to make a difference. Fail, and they w on’t stand a
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cha os in the Old World, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 1-2 timer. In the
Warhammer w orld, four Gods of Chaos battle for supremacy.
Khorne, the Blood God, the Skulltaker, lusts for death and battle.
Nurgle, the Plaguelord, the Father of Corruption, luxuriates in filth
and disease.Tzeentch, the Changer of Ways, the Great
Conspirator, plots the fate of the universe. Slaanesh, the Prince
of Pleasure and Pain, the Lord of Temptations, lures even the
most steadfast to his six deadly seductions.
In the Chaos in the Old World board game, each player takes the
role of one of the malevolent Lords of Chaos. Each god’s
distinctive pow ers and legion of follow ers give the controlling
player unique strengths and heretical abilities w ith w hich to
corrupt and enslave the Old World. Yet, as the pow ers of Chaos
seek domination by corruption and conquest, they must vie not
only against each other, but also against the desperate denizens
of the Old World w ho fight to banish the gods back to the
maelstrom of the Realm of Chaos…for now .
The time of w oe is upon us.
— Grimoire Daemonicus
Chaos in the Old World includes:
1 Rulebook
1 Game Board
45 High-quality, fully detailed plastic playing pieces
4 Threat Dials
4 Pow er Sheets
More than 175 Tokens
Over 125 Cards
5 Dice
Horned Ra t Expa nsion, The, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Below the Old World's cities
spraw ls a vast netw ork of tunnels, caves, and underground
roads. Verminous Skaven skulk w ithin this Under Empire, w aiting
for the perfect opportunity to rise from the w arrens and destroy
their enemies for the glory of their sinister god, the enigmatic
Horned Rat. Even as the Ruinous Pow ers w ork to corrupt the
Old World, the Skaven are ever scheming to further their ow n
dark agenda.
The Horned Rat expansion for Chaos in the Old World introduces
a fifth player to the race tow ard corruption! With beautifully
sculpted playing pieces, all-new pow ers, and an array of
exciting upgrades, the fearsome Skaven stand ready to scurry
across the face of the Old World.
Chick en Ca esa r, k r. 400,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 90 min. In
Chicken Caesar, players represent aristocratic ancient Roman
chicken families trying to create a legacy for their family name.
Each family has several eligible roosters eager to jump into the
w orld of politics, getting rich and creating a legacy by any means
Roosters gain renow n for their families by occupying various
political offices. Low -ranking officers don't yield much fame, but
they hold both the purse strings and the pow er of the sw ord. A
few roosters in the low er offices of Aedile and Praetor, together
w ith the votes of a few w ell-paid (and temporary) allies, can
clear a path to the luxury and recognition that come w ith the titles
of Censor, Consul, and even Caesar.
Being Caesar isn't easy, though: fail to bribe and bargain to
ensure the w elfare of the w hole coop and today's Caesar is
tomorrow 's Coq au Vin. Dead roosters don't earn any more
points, but they do offer opportunities for their surviving relatives
to exaggerate their accomplishments. All that matters, in the end,
is history's judgment, and history can be rew ritten.
Mechanically, players gain and maintain areas of influence
through negotiation and voting. The game features a Suffragium
marker that players pass after voting to either promote a Rooster
to a higher office, or throw him to the fox. Players can also
strategically demand bribes for their votes or even refuse to vote
(pass) to gain a later advantage.
Murder, betrayal, votes for cash, fragile alliances, and bloody
vendettas w ill separate the legendary families from the forgotten
ones in the struggle to become – and remain – Chicken Caesar!
Cinque Terre, (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60 min. The
Cinque Terre are five coastal villages in the Liguria region of Italy
know n for their beauty, culture, food, and proximity to one
another. Produce carts are commonly found in each village
In Cinque Terre, a game of strategy, players compete to sell the
most valuable produce in the five villages. Players act as farmers
and operate a cart in w hich they w ill harvest produce and
deliver them to the five villages to sell. Additionally, players w ill
compete for Produce Order cards, w hich rew ard Lira points for
selling desirable produce in specific villages. Players track sold
produce in each village using their Fulfillment Cards. The w inner
is the player w ho gains the most Lire by selling valuable
produce, gaining popularity in the villages, and fulfilling Produce
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
City of Horror, k r. 400,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 90 min. In
City of Horror, you're playing a group of humans faced w ith a
zombie invasion. The struggle against the dead is important, but
your ow n survival is vital! To w in, you'll have to make alliances
but also betray your companions.
A game is played over 4 turns. Each turn represents one hour of
time before reinforcements arrive. These turns are played out
similarly: zombies arrive, players move one of their characters
and then each location is resolved (pow er and attack).At the end
of the 4 turns of play, the player w ith the most victory points
(characters, food and antidote) w ins the game. But be careful: to
get into the helicopter, the players w ill have to make sure each of
their living characters has been vaccinated.
The box contains: 7 site tiles; 3 road tiles and a w ater tow er
area; 1 w ater tow er; 21 character cards; 21 character tokens; 1
w oman w ith baby character token; 40 zombie tokens; 30 colored
bases; 36 movement cards; 40 action cards; 20 invasion cards;
6 explosion markers; 1 starting player marker; 12 food tokens; 16
antidotes; 1 zombie leader marker; 3 caches to be used w hen
parties to less than 6 players; and 6 markers to indicate the color
of the player.
Cla sh Of Cultures, k r. 640,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 180-240 min.
Transform a meager settlement into a mighty empire w hose
culture w ill be your greatest achievement!
To accomplish this, you w ill have to invent new technologies,
build grand cities, and spread the influence of your culture
accross your enemies' borders. You w ill need to explore the
lands and seas w ith your settlers and ships, and conquer
foreign cities and barbarian settlements.
With 12 Advance categories, including various government
types, a modular game board, superb city-pieces, and more,
Clash of Cultures offers a myriad of experiences to accomplish
your ultimate goal: be the one ruling culture, the one that w ill be
remembered and admire for thousands of years.
Will you be the leader of this great culture?
Advances The game features about 48 distinct advances. The
w hole "tech-tree" is very flexible w ith no dead ends, yet still
intuitive, sensible and "realistic". Additionally you have a great
overview of w hat advances other cultures have - no need to
ask - just look.
City Of Remna nts Boa rd Ga me, k r. 519,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Hot rain falls dow n upon a cold, rotting city. Here the Yugai, a
species of militant humanoids, leave the survivors of the w orlds
they have ransacked and destroyed. It is a prison and a w ork
camp, a place for those w ho lived through Yugai invasion to live
out their remaining years as slaves. This is Gatorum, the City of
Remnants. In City of Remnants, players take on the roles of gang
leaders, each one w ith their ow n unique qualities and
motivations. Players w ill struggle to control the city, but only the
w inner can decided the city's future.
Lead Your Gang to Dominate the City
Wage open w ar on the streets of Gatorum.
Develop your territory w ith various criminal establishments.
Buy illegal w eapons and tech on the black market.
Hire the finest killers, thieves, and scammers money can buy.
Avoid gaining the attention of Yugai security forces.
In City of Remnants, tw o to four players vie for pow er in a
dystopian w orld. Many paths to victory lay before you. Bid for
gang members w ho provide a variety of shady skills. Get an
edge w ith w eapons and other sundrys from the black market.
Build districts that can provide you w ith advantages, production
and income, but bew are, because a greedy opponent might
sw eep in and take over the w ork of your ow n hands.
City of Remnants combines strong resource management,
auction, and conversion mechanics w ith spatial tactics,
assymetric player pow ers, area control and direct conflict. A
variety of tools, different every game, are at your disposal to
build up your gang and claim the city for yourself. But w atch out
for the Yugai police force, w ho w ill meddle w ith everyone's
plans! Create your ow n path to victory w ith this outstanding
debut game from designer Isaac Vega.
Modular Board Players start w ith a civilization in its infancy.
Move settlers to uncharted regions and reveal the terrain and its
resources. Several mechanisms have been implemented to
assure that an unlucky placement of region-tiles w on't be a
Playing Time The game covers a time span similar to AH
Civilization - that is to pre-gunpow der. How ever this means that
this epic game is playable in about an hour per player! This is a
pretty good playing time for a game that covers so much ground
as this game w ill.
City management Players expand their cities through the game.
But not just to the generic larger city. Players instead choose a
building type w hich represents the grow th of the city. For
instance you can expand a city w ith a port, fort, temple and
academy - all w ith different benefits! Additionally cities can be
"angry", "neutral" and "happy". Everything integrated in an
intuitive and elegant fashion.
Multiple paths to victory Earn points through: - Founding cities
and increasing their sizes - Advances - Objectives - Wonders Events
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cla sh of Wills - Shilo 1862, k r. 240,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 60min. It is
near daw n on April 6th, 1862. The first major clash of arms in the
w estern theater of the American Civil War is about to commence!
You and your opponent each control one of the opposing armies.
As the Confederate player, you open the battle w ith a
devastating surprise attack on the Union camps around Shiloh
church. If you can route the disorganized blue coats and take
Pittsburg Landing before reinforcements arrives, you can deal a
potentially fatal blow to the invading Yankees. As the Union
player you must survive the initial onslaught and hold back the
advancing rebels on the first day of battle. Then, the next day,
you can deploy your full forces to crush this latest threat to the
survival of the United States. Whose w ill prevails?
•• 4-fold, full-color mounted mapboard
•• 2 decks of Command Action Cards
•• 2 Order Cards
•• 12 dice (6 blue and 6 grey)
•• 2 die-cut counter sheets
•-44 Infantry Units (25 Union, 17 Confederate, 2 optional)
•-7 Cavalry Units (2 Union, 1 Confederate, 4 optional)
•-9 Veteran Infantry Units (5 Union, 4 Confederate)
•-2 Veteran Cavalry Units (2 Confederate)
•-4 Leaders (2 Union, 2 Confederate)
•-2 Order Displays (1 Union, 1 Confederate)
•-2 Gunboat Markers
•• Full-color rules
Ba ck ga mmon, k r. 250,00 (Philos)
Dungeons & Dra gons Clue, k r. 450,00 (USAOpoly)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-6. WHO KILLED THE
Was it Tordek in the Dragon's Lair w ith the Flaming Battle Axe?
Or Mialee in the Dungeon w ith the Staff of Pow er?
A group of heroic adventurers has been called to the
Archmage's castle. But one of those heroes isn't w ho he or she
appears to be. One of the heroes is a doppelganger, a monster
that can look like anyone! In the darkest part of the night, the
doppelganger kills the Archmage, triggering a spell that seals the
castle until the monster is caught. Now , in the grand tradition of
Clue, the six suspects must determine w hich one of them is the
doppelganger: Regdar the Human Fighter, Tordek the Dw arf
Fighter, Lidda the Halfling Rogue, Mialee the Elf Wizard, Ember
the Human Monk or Nebin the Gnome Wizard. The heroes try to
figure out Who killed the Archmage, Where the crime occurred,
and What magical w eapon w as used.
Game comes complete w ith: 6 custom Weapons; Vorpol Sw ord,
Dagger of Venom, Ring of Magic Missiles, Flaming Battle Axe,
Staff of Pow er and Mace of Disruption.
6 Suspect movers; Regdar the Fighter, Lidda the Rogue, Mialee
the Wizard, Nebin the Gnome, Tordek the Dw arf and Ember the
Custom game board w ith 9 locations; The Treasure Chamber,
Dragon's Lair, Wizard's Tow er, Chamber of Tricks & Traps,
Dungeon, The Grand Hall, Library of Arcane Tomes, Magical
Armory and Lost Crypt.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 10min-??.
Chinese Check ers, k r. 300,00 (Enigma )
Deck of Suspect, Weapon, Location and Monster cards.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30min-??.
Deck of Monster cards that provide optional game play.
M a h Jongg, k r. 400,00 (Philos)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 4. Spilletid: 10min-??.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Spa rta n Army (Expa nsion 6), k r. 440,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 1 hour / battle.
We are Sparta… More than a line from a movie, The Spartan
Army is the sixth expansion for the Commands & Colors:
Ancients game system.
The Spartan Army expansion features over 20 scenarios, w hich
focus on a period of time from 669 BC to 338 BC. In the early
battles of Sparta against Argive, w e see the development of
Hoplite armies. We then move onto the w ar w ith the Persian
Empire and take a closer look at the battle of Thermopylae, 480
BC. During the Peloponnesian Wars, Sparta takes a leader
position among the Peloponnesian states, w hich w ould last for
almost tw o centuries. Finally there is a shift in pow er aw ay from
Sparta during the battles of the Theban Era and the rise of
The Spartan Army expansion also provides all the blocks and
stickers needed to field a Spartan Army and its allies to oppose
the armies from Commands & Colors: Ancients - Expansion #1 Greek vs Eastern Kingdoms (required to play). As w ell as one
sheet of 15 new double sided Terrain Tiles.
Rules-w ise, if you are familiar w ith Commands & Colors:
Ancients, you'll have no trouble at all learning the special rules
for Hoplite infantry, for the basic game mechanics remain
unchanged. Battle dice still resolve combat quickly and the
Command cards provide an element of luck that creates a fog of
w ar and presents players w ith both challenges and
opportunities for victory.
Spa nish Army (Expa nsion 1), k r. 440,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 1 hour / battle.
The Spanish Army is the first expansion for Commands & Colors:
At the time of the Napoleonic Wars, Spain w as only a shadow of
its former pow er. Spanish troops and leaders, as many
Napoleonic historians point out, performed badly on a large
number of occasions. Yet there are a number of battles, Bailen,
Tamames, Alcaniz and San Marcial w here the Spaniards fought
valiantly and gained victory. Ironically, the point most historians
overlook is the fact that the Spanish armies constituted a threat
that the French simply could not ignore. As good as Wellington’s
Anglo-Portuguese field army w as, that army faced multiple
French armies. They could only defeat one French army at a
time. The Spanish Armies and the accompanying guerrilla
w arfare against French troops tied dow n the remainder,
allow ing the Anglo-Portuguese army to ultimately emerge
In this expansion you w ill find 18 historical scenarios that focus
on Peninsular battles fought by the Spanish army from 1808 to
1813, plus all the new units you’ll need to field for these
As w ith all Commands & Colors: Ancients expansions to date,
the tactics you w ill need to execute w ith thees Hoplite armies w ill
conform remarkably w ell to the advantages and limitations
inherent to these historical units, their w eapons, the terrain and
Bailén - July 19 1808
Zornoza - October 31, 1808
Gamonel - November 7, 1808
- Full-color sheets of unit labels to affix to the 258 w ooden
- Rule/Scenario Booklet (w ith 26 historical scenarios)
- 4 full color Player Aid cards
- 2 Terrain Tile sheets
Russia n Army Expa nsion, The, k r. 440,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 1 time/battle.
The Russian Army is a Coalition expansion for Commands &
Colors Napoleonics.
Espinosa - November 11, 1808
Somosierra - November 30, 1808
Medellin - March 28, 1809
Alcaniz - May 23, 1809
Maria - June 6, 1809
Russia, w as ruled until 1796 by Catherine the Great. It w ould
then suffer under "Mad" Tsar Paul I, until his assassination in
1801, w hich brought his son Alexander I to the throne.
Alexander, in command of a Russian army that w as as vast as
the territory from w hich it w as draw n, did his best by various
treaties and alliances to counter the increasing pow er of France
under Napoleon w ithout going to w ar.
Talavera (Spanish Flank) - July 28, 1809
Tamames - October 13, 1809
Ocano (Cavalry Action) - November 18, 1809
Ocano - November 19, 1809
Alba de Tormes - November 28, 1809
Barrosa (French Attack) - March 5, 1811
Albuera - May 16, 1811
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Vitoria (Hill's Attack) - June 21, 1813
San Marcial - August 31, 1813
Ordal Cross - September 13. 1813
The quality of Spanish troops varied, from very poor to good,
and the Spanish National Unit Reference Card presents a w ealth
of subtle unit characteristics that set the Spanish Army apart
from all other Coalition armies that opposed Napoleon. Command
of the Spanish Army, therefore, w ill truly challenge even the
most experienced Commands & Colors: Napoleonics player.
- Scenario Booket (w ith 18 scenarios)
- 2 Spanish National Unit Reference Cards
- 3 sheets of labels for the blocks:
- 210 blocks (107 Infantry, 75 Cavalry, 9 Artillery, 4 Leaders)
- 1 Terrain Tile sheet
Awa k ening the Bea r 2nd ed, k r. 640,00 (Aca demy
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 1-3 timer.
Aw akening the Bear is the first game in the multi-aw ard w inning
Conflict of Heroes series. In it, players control individual squads
and tanks to resolve the same tactical dilemmas and decisions
that commanders faced during some of the most ferocious
engagements of WWII.
CoH features a fast and fluid system that is easy to learn but
realistic to all of the unique theaters of battle portrayed.
Fun: Quick simultaneous play allow s players to interact w ithout
w aiting.
Easy: Teach a new player how to play in under 5 minutes. No
Historically Accurate: Portrays realistic forces and tactics.
Counters: Depict individual vehicles, airplanes, guns, squads and
Consistent: Each game in the series uses the same rule system.
Hobbit An Unexpected Journey, k r. 110,00 (WizKids
Boxsæt. It's a Puzzle and a Game! Are you the ultimate puzzler?
Test your mettle w ith Connect w ith Pieces Puzzle Building
Games, the all-new building game w here many of the pieces can
be played in more than one location. Match up symbols on the
puzzle pieces and find the best possible fit to earn points or
block your opponent from doing the same. Plus, ramp up the
speed or strategy w ith tw o exciting modes of play!
Lord of the Rings, k r. 110,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. It's a Puzzle and a Game! Are you the ultimate puzzler?
Test your mettle w ith Connect w ith Pieces Puzzle Building
Games, the all-new building game w here many of the pieces can
be played in more than one location. Match up symbols on the
puzzle pieces and find the best possible fit to earn points or
block your opponent from doing the same. Plus, ramp up the
speed or strategy w ith tw o exciting modes of play!
Twilight Sa ga Brea k ing Da wn Pa rt 2, k r. 110,00
(WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. It's a Puzzle and a Game! Are you the ultimate puzzler?
Test your mettle w ith Connect w ith Pieces Puzzle Building
Games, the all-new building game w here many of the pieces can
be played in more than one location. Match up symbols on the
puzzle pieces and find the best possible fit to earn points or
block your opponent from doing the same. Plus, ramp up the
speed or strategy w ith tw o exciting modes of play!
Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective, k r. 320,00
(Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 60-120 min.
Have you ever had the desire to w alk the streets of Victorian
London w ith Sherlock Holmes in search of Professor Moriarty?
To search the docks for the giant rat Sumatra? To w alk up Baker
Street as the fog is rolling in and hear Holmes cry out, "Come,
Watson, come! The game is afoot!"? Now you can! You can enter
the opium den beneath the Bar of Gold, but bew are, that may be
Colonel Sebastian Moran lurking around the corner. You can
capture the mystery and excitement of Holmes' London in this
challenging and informative game. You, the player, w ill match
your deductive abilities against your opponents and the master
sleuth himself, Sherlock Holmes.
In Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective, you are presented w ith
a mystery to solve, and it is then up to you to trace the threads
of evidence through the byw ays and mansions of nineteenth
century London. You w ill interview suspects, search the
new spapers for clues, and put together the facts to reach a
Why w ere tw o lions murdered in Hyde Park? Who is responsible
for the missing paintings from the National Gallery? Who
murdered Osw ald Mason and w hy? These are just a few of the
cases that w ill challenge your ingenuity and deductive abilities.
This is not a board game: No dice, no luck, but a challenge to
your mental ability. The game has been thoroughly researched
for Holmesian and Victorian accuracy so as to capture a feeling
of that bygone era.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Copyca t, k r. 399,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 95min.
Fremde Federn, w hich means roughly "to adorn oneself w ith
borrow ed plumes", is the third game in designer Friedemann
Friese's Friday project. (Sadly, "borrow ed plumes" does not start
w ith "F"s, as does something like "false feathers".)
Fremde Federn is about borrow ing elements from w ell-know n
games (Eurogames) and constructing a new game out of them.
For now , it is a deck-building, w orker-placement, drafting race
game. The print-and-play files – German only for now – are
available on the 2F-Spiele w ebsite.
You are a politician w ho tries to gather enough money and
influence to become the next president. Of course, you depend
on the w ork of others to get the needed influence. You start w ith
a set of 10 cards (7 of them are "fatherly friends", w hich give
you 1 money each and 3 cards to get 1 influence each (VPs)).
Each round you draw 5 cards from your deck and use one card
for the turn order to place your w orkers. The w orkers go to the
different offices places in the government building to buy new
cards for you, get influence or different other actions. Each
round there is one more space, w here you can place your
w orkers. On the game board is a row of cards, w hich you can
choose to buy and each round the empty places in this row are
filled from a deck of cards divided into 4 different "Ages". The
last cards of the deck are Dr. degrees you can buy w ith your
money, w hich give you 1 VP for each money spend. The game
ends w hen all Dr.'s are bought or one player has more (or equal
than) 95 VPs.
Cosmic Allia nce Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Cosmic Alliance is the third
expansion for Cosmic Encounter, and it brings 20 alien races,
both original and classic, exploding onto your tabletop. Players
w ill now stand petrified by the hideous Gorgon, be baffled by the
puzzle of the Schizoid, and feel obsolete before the bionics of
the Cyborg.
Cosmic Alliance also makes the Cosmos even bigger, adding
another player as w ell as rules for large eight-player games (if
you ow n all three expansions). Finally, Cosmic Alliance
introduces a new variant – team rules, w hich allow steadfast
allies to dominate the Cosmos together!
Cosmic Alliance includes:
•20 Alien Sheets
•54 Cards, including
•1 Player Colony Marker
•5 Player Planets
•20 Plastic Ships
•38 Horde Tokens
Cosmic Conflict Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. The galaxy spread out before
you... the vastness of space yours to conquer. But other races
sought to fill the cosmos w ith their ow n colonies, using their
strange and dangerous pow ers to aid them. Now , turmoil has
spread, and a new group of aliens hopes to take advantage of
the turmoil. How w ill these rulers attempt to seize pow er? Who
w ill survive this Cosmic Conflict? Only time w ill tell! In Cosmic
Conflict, an expansion for Cosmic Encounter, 20 new alien races
emerge in the battle for galactic supremacy! Players w ill now
shudder at the insidious kindness of the Empath, blink in
confusion at the antics of the Lunatic, and how l in outrage as
their planets are stolen aw ay by the Claw ! Cosmic Conflict also
makes the Cosmos even bigger, adding another player (and
attractive black components) to the game. Cosmic Quakes' w ill
shake things up, ensuring that no player's hand is truly safe. And
as if that w asn't enough, Cosmic Conflict introduces a new
variant to the game - the hazard deck, w hich confronts players
w ith dangerous and amusing events that can crop up at any
time. Bew are... the age of uncertainty is upon us!
Cosmic Encounter, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 1-2h. Build
a galactic empire…
In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie w ith
each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift
from moment to moment, w hile cataclysmic battles send
starships screaming into the w arp.
Players choose from dozens of alien races, each w ith its ow n
unique pow er to further its efforts to build an empire that spans
the galaxy. Many classic aliens from earlier editions of this
beloved game return, such as the Oracle, the Loser, and the
Clone. New ly discovered aliens also join the fray, including
Remora, Mite, and Tick-Tock.
This classic game of alien politics returns from the w arp once
more. It features 50 alien races, flare cards to boost their
pow ers, 100 plastic ships, a host of premium components, and
all-new tech cards that let players research and build
extraordinary technological marvels!
No tw o games are the same!
1 Warp Token
5 Player Colony Markers
1 Hyperspace Gate
25 Player Planets (5 per player)
100 Plastic Ships (20 per player)
50 Alien Sheets
20 Destiny Cards
72 Cosmic Cards
50 Flare Cards
20 Tech Cards
42 Cosmic Tokens
7 Grudge Tokens
1 Genesis Planet
1 Lunar Cannon Token
1 Prometheus Token
1 Alternate Filch Flare
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cosmic Incursion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Over the years, alien empires
have risen and fallen. The Vacuum has failed to eliminate the
Zombie, the Virus has spread far and w ide, and the Loser has
turned defeat into victory. 50 different species have tried to
conquer the galaxy, and each have made their mark on the
universe. Their w arring has not gone unnoticed.
20 new alien cultures are now racing tow ards the site of the
conflict. They each w ant to carve out their ow n piece of the
galaxy for themselves. Over the coming w eeks, w e w ill be
revealing the aliens that may be familiar to some of you (reprints
of past favorites) and unveiling aliens no one has ever seen
before. The first on our list is a blast from the past; the Sniveler!
In addition w e w ill reveal the new est additions to the Cosmic
Encounter universe. From the game-changing Cosmic Quakes to
the bounties held w ithin the Rew ard deck, these additions are
sure to spice up your quest for galactic dominance.
Every game has seen five races converge to do battle for
control of an empire. Now , the galaxy gets crow ded. A sixth
race appears to do battle, and the sixth member of your play
group is able to join you. Cosmic Incursion allow s a sixth player
to get in on the fun.
Cosmic Encounter puts you in charge of the fate of an alien race.
Each flavor of extraterrestrial strives to be the first to conquer
five enemy colonies and establish themselves as the dominant
life form. Every faction has a unique pow er, a pow er they intend
to use to crush their enemies. With over 50 aliens to choose from
no tw o games w ill be the same.
Cthulhu Dice Ga me (findes i flere forsk ellige fa rver),
k r. 55,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Serving Cthulhu is fun . . . except for all those other cultists out
to get you. So get them first!
Cthulhu Dice lets you drive your rivals mad . . . very, very
quickly. Players take turns rolling the big, beautiful, custom 12sided die, embossed w ith tentacles, Elder Signs, and more.
Destroy your opponents' sanity! Better yet, steal it. But w atch out
for Cthulhu – w hen he comes up, he takes sanity from everyone!
18 glass Sanity marbles are included. Lose all your marbles and
you're mad. The last sane cultist w ins . . . unless everyone goes
mad together. Then Cthulhu w ins!
Cutthroa t Ca verns, k r. 279,50 (Impressions Advertising
& M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1½h.
Genre-bending. Dice-less.
The totally immersive feel of a RPG
in a simple, elegant card game.
A perfect balance of cooperative gameplay and back-stabbing
An artifact of untold pow er lies in your hands. To claim it, you
must escape the caverns alive. No less than nine horrific beasts
stand in your w ay – that, and the greed of the other players.
In this game of kill-stealing, you decide w hether to sw ing for a
w hopping 50 points of damage – or hold back, aw aiting a more
opportune time to strike. Only the final blow matters if you are to
score the kill. Hold back or sabotage other’s plans too much –
and the entire party w ill die, w ithout a w inner.
Okay, that's w hat it says on the box... w hat's it really like?
Cutthroat Caverns is truly unique. While most definitely a highly
interactive card game and very easy to play, it requires the
strategic thinking of a board game. And, for some uncanny
reason, the game w ill make you FEEL like you are in the middle of
a classic dungeon craw l, even though table talk is about as
much roleplaying as you are likely to do. That all said, it has
proven to have a very broad appeal w ith gamers across several
The real joy is the delicate balance betw een helping the party
(and staying alive) vs w orking tow ards your ow n selfish goals
(and risking the w elfare of everyone). There are no dice. Each
Turn, you w ill choose how much damage you are w illing to do to
the monster- or w on't do - as you jockey for position to land the
killing blow . And w hen characters can make that kind of
decision, things get very funny & very deadly - very quickly.
With 25 encounters, all requiring a different group strategy and
seperate individual strategy, game play is alw ays challenging.
Only 9 random encounters w ill be used in any game, so the
experience is alw ays different. Plus, the first expansion is
already complete w ith 15 new , tougher encounters and a w hole
new 'character enhancing' game mechanic to keep people
coming back.
Game Design: Curt Covert, Additional Development: Justin
Brunetto & Curt Covert, Cover Design: Justin Brunetto
Fresh M ea t, k r. 280,00 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. The very w ords drip w ith blood. As you delve ever
deeper into the caverns, more horrors w ill you find claw ing their
w ay to the surface, more tempting treasures to corrupt the
hearts of men and more foolish adventurers only too eager to
discover. Without teamw ork, you w ill never survive. Without
betrayal, you'll never w in. Truly an expansion of the fans, for the
fans,' w ith everything people have asked for in the game's long
& successful history! New , unique characters and a drafting
mechanic to customize your ow n. New cards for every deck in
the game including the main deck. And almost tw ice as many
new creatures than any other expansion. PLUS - The Battle Box,
big enough to store your the base set and every expansion to
date, w ith a little room to grow . This is a must have expansion!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Da rk M inions - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 45-60 min. A
fantasy dice game by Alan M. New man
Hordes of dark minions have descended upon the countryside,
eager to secure their reputation as a scourge on mankind. The
despicable evil marauders attack everyw here in search of
conquest. The citizens are helpless and w ill soon be
overw helmed. Death and destruction aw aits all those in the path
of the evil ones…
Lead your army of 50 evil minions in battle. Use your dice to
choose the actions your minions w ill take, w hether it is to storm
a tow n, destroy a tow er, or to dig up their dear departed
comrades. Play the advanced game, aided by pow erful and evil
Overlords, ready to do your bidding in the quest to increase
your aw esome influence and control.
Opera tion Neptune, k r. 119,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 45min. Operation
Neptune offers 6 new Battle Maps: 4 of them are normal Battle
Maps and 2 are double-sized, giant Battle Maps. New features
like the “Command Posts” and the “Few Good Men” rules give
these new maps a character of their ow n. This expansion also
includes 2 new Items, 2 new Aw ards and 1 new Specialist, the
"Executive Officer", w ho comes in 4 different versions
(depending on the player color).
The Battle Maps are:
Mission Albany
Mission Boston
Brécourt Manor
Juno Beach II
Operation Neptune (double-sized)
Operation Overlord (double-sized)
• 18 Tow n (pentagon) tiles • 15 Skull tiles • 44 VP tiles (22x 1VP,
22x 2VP) • 3 Black dice • 3 Red dice • 1 White die • 21 Tow er
tiles in three colors (White, Gray & Black) • 5 Experience card
& Player Aid Tiles • 5 disks • 100 small cubes • 30 large octagons
• 1 large Graveyard tile • 15 Overlord cards.
Atla ntik wa ll Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Publisher Services,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 45 min. Stop
Ba ttlefields, k r. 320,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min.
Defenders Battlefields is a competitive fantasy battle game for 2
to 4 players. In the game, One side takes the role of the Dark
Lord's invading army and minions w hile the other side represents
the heroes and forces defending the Realm. The battles are fast
and furious as players place minions and heroes onto the
battlefields and attack their opponents using a variety of abilities
and speical skils. The simmer is the fiest side that is victoruous
on the agreed- upon number of battlefields.
D-Da y Dice Ga me, k r. 319,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 45 min. A
finalist in the prestigious game design contest of BoulogneBillancourt (France) and in the Canadian Board Game Design
Contest of 2010, and nominated for a Golden Geek aw ard on the
BoardGameGeek w ebsite, D-Day Dice is now ready to take the
next step by having a commercial version published... plus a
bunch of expansions!
In D-Day Dice, players are Allied soldiers trying to organize
improvised units for an attack against a machine gun nest. Each
player starts the game w ith a unit of a few soldiers and nothing
else. As the game progresses, he w ill roll dice to collect
resources and advance on the beach, sector by sector, as his
unit grow s stronger and deadlier. He w ill succeed... or die trying!
D-Day Dice w ill get you right there on the beach. You w ill
experience the fear of getting killed by enemy fire, the anguish of
losing your men, and the thrill of surmounting seemingly
impossible odds to accomplish your mission. And since this is a
cooperative game, all players are on the same side, fighting like
brothers (and sisters) in arms! This game can be played by
anyone (you don't have to be familiar w ith World War II) and has
been enjoyed by families and w argamers alike.
Game Components: 104 Cards 14 Battlefields 40 tokens 8
Generals Rulebook
Defenders of the Rea lm, k r. 680,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 90min+.
"Our Liege is in desperate hour! From w hat grievous cause have
these accursed races arisen? Orcs, Dragons, Demons and the
Dead make haste tow ards Monarch City. The King and
Countryside of Monarch City is in need of valiant Heroes!"
Will you answ er the King's call?
In the ancient Citadel of Monarch City, the King calls to arms the
finest Heroes to defend against a Darkness that engulfs the land.
You and your allies must embark on a journey to defend the
countryside, repair the tainted lands, and defeat the four
creature factions before one of them enters the City. And they
approach from all sides! Fast populating Orcs! Fierce Dragons!
Undead that bring Terror! And Demons! All tainting the land in
their w ake. There are several paths to defeat, but only one path
to victory, and only the most valiant Hero w ill be named King's
Defenders of the Realm is a cooperative fantasy board game in
w hich 1-4 players take a role as one of the King's Champions
(Choose from Cleric, Dw arf, Eagle Rider, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue,
Sorcerer and Wizard). You, as one of the King's Heroes make
use of strategy, special abilities, cooperation, card play and a
little luck in Defense of the Realm for a unique experience every
adventure. But be forew arned! There is never time to rest. As
each Enemy General is struck dow n in battle, the remaining dark
forces only grow more difficult to vanquish and their march to
Monarch City gets faster w ith each Hero victory!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
2nd Edition Conversion Kit, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
The Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition Conversion Kit
includes everything you need to transfer your first edition heroes
and monsters to second edition.
With Second Edition-compatible cards for every monster and
hero ever produced (including promotional heroes!), this
convenient conversion kit is an indispensable tool. So w hether
you w ant to bring your extensive Descent collection w ith you on
new adventures, or you've got a favorite hero that you choose
every time, w e've got you covered.
Descent 2nd Edition, k r. 639,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
Descent: Journeys in the Dark Second Edition is a narrative
board game in w hich one player takes on the role of the
treacherous overlord, and up to four other players take on the
roles of courageous heroes. This updated version of the classic
dungeon-delving board game features a host of enhancements,
including new heroes and monsters, streamlined rules, a classbased hero system, and campaign play.
Descent Dice Pa ck , k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Whether you’re unraveling the plot of a treacherous ruler,
sending a Wyrm Queen back to her subterranean slumber,
searching for treasure amongst sun-scorched ruins, or
embarking on countless other adventures, you don’t w ant to be
slow ed dow n by a shortage of your most basic necessities.
Keep the focus on the quest w ith extra dice!
The Descent Dice Pack is an accessory for Descent: Journeys in
the Dark Second Edition. Featuring all nine of the custom dice
found in the Second Edition base game, the Descent Dice Pack
w ill help you defend (or destroy) Terrinoth w ith a new level of
convenience. The Descent Dice Pack includes tw o red, tw o
yellow , and one blue pow er dice,...
La byrinth of Ruin Expa nsion, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-3 timer. An
ancient city full of peril and mystery aw aits in the ruins of
Sudanya, a lost civilization on the edges of Terrinoth. Horrid
creatures haunt the heroes' every step, but pow erful allies w ill
guide them through the tw isting maze of w ilderness and broken
Labyrinth of Ruin is an expansion for Descent: Journeys in the
Dark Second Edition that introduces an all-new epic campaign,
plus new heroes, monsters, classes, and more!
Set in a previously unexplored region of Terrinoth, Labyrinth of
Ruin takes players on a riveting journey to the broken remains of
a forgotten city. Throughout the many quests included in this
expansion, heroes w ill enlist the aid of unique allies in their
mission to stop the evil overlord.
Labyrinth of Ruin includes:
•A 48-Page Rulebook and Quest Guide
•17 detailed plastic miniatures and 2 custom dice
•119 Cards and 4 Hero Sheets
•18 Map Tiles
•92 Tokens
La ir of the Wyrm Expa nsion, k r. 279,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-3h. Lair
of the Wyrm introduces five new quests that can be played
individually or used to supplement a larger campaign (see our
description page for more). With inventive objectives like
rescuing survivors from a burning inn and protecting valuable
ore from a greedy ettin, Lair of the Wyrm’s Quest Guide delivers
fresh new challenges to your adventures.
What’s more, Lair of the Wyrm brings tw o new heroes to the
fight against the forces of evil. Reynhart the Worthy is a fearless
w arrior w hose prow ess in combat means he rarely makes
mistakes. He can reroll misses once per attack, helping to ensure
that every strike is righteous and true. Meanw hile, High Mage
Quellen is a master of body and mind, and is able to quickly
recover from exertions that w ould devastate lesser men. Quellen
has developed the ability to feed off the fatigue of those around
him, gaining strength w here his fellow s fail.
But even as the heroes of Terrinoth gain new allies and tactics,
their great enemy silently grow s in sinister pow er. In addition to
the Wyrm Queen herself, a fearsome Dragon Lord lieutenant
seemingly formed from solidified flame, the Overlord gains tw o
new monsters: mischievous and destructive Fire Imps, and flying
Hybrid Sentinels...half-dragon monstrosities w ith a cruel
penchant for preying on the w eak. The Overlord’s new
advantages are not limited to his minions, how ever. His new
available class, Punisher, specializes in making heroes pay for
every inch they advance. With abilities like Trading Pains and
Exploit Weakness, the Punisher class w ill make the hero players
flinch w ith fear every time something seems to go their w ay.
Diploma cy, k r. 240,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Trust and treachery are the entertaining ingredients in
this Game of International Intrigue. Each player represents a
Great European Pow er prior to World War I, a time w hen the
continent w as a complex cauldron of political stratagems and
maneuvers. Your armies and fleets can dominate Europe, but
only w ith the cooperation of your neighbors. Never forget, they
are all trying to expand their territory, too, and you could be the
Luck plays no part in Diplomacy. Cunning and cleverness,
honesty and perfectly-timed betrayal are the tools needed to
outw it your fellow players. The most skillful negotiator w ill climb
to victory over the backs of both enemies and friends.
Who do you trust?
Diplomacy contains
20" x 20" Game Board
Conference Map Pad
70 Metal Cannons
70 Metal Battleships
Flag Markers
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Disa ster Looms!, k r. 480,00 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 11+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-120 min.
The Earth is probably doomed, and rumors and speculation runs
rampant. New s headlines from across the globe stir the
populace to desperation. The race to escape Earth has begun.
With the w orld's nations in decline, the shareholders turn to you
and your massive corporation to take advantage of this
opportunity, and ensure their safe retirement. You are humanity's
last hope. Take the reins as CEO and venture out into space.
Colonize profitable w orlds, ensure brand loyalty among your
customers, and save the human race. Disaster Looms! is a 2-4
player space exploration and colonization game, w here each
player takes on the role of the CEO of a massive global
corporation in order to save humanity (and pad their ow n bank
account). The game features a random, player-built map every
game, a unique technology system, and gameplay designed to
keep every player engaged and focused.
Discworld - Ank h-M orpork , k r. 395,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 11 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60min.
Welcome to Ankh-Morpork the oldest, greatest, and most
odorous city on Terry Pratchett's Discw orld, a place w here
trouble is alw ays in the cards...
Be one of seven personalities vying for ultimate control of this
proud and pestilent city, using your cunning and guile to complete
your secret agenda. Along the w ay you'll encounter w izards,
assassins, w atchmen and thieves... all of w hom w ill affect your
fortunes and continually change the fate of this mercantile
Each visit to Ankh-Morpork promises a unique player experience,
combining rich visual styling's and multifaceted gameplay. A
finely detailed map and over one hundred individually illustrated
cards depicting the city's most beloved and infamous characters,
locations, and organizations immerse the player in Discw orld's
most unruly city. Use your cards to enlist minions, inhume the
competition, and extort money from fellow players, but bew are
of random magic and nefarious actions dealt by your opponents
that threaten your rise to the top!
Discw orld Ankh-Morpork blends the distinctive humor of Terry
Pratchett's best-selling novels w ith strategic challenge and a
dose of mayhem into one devilishly addictive Discw orld
adventure for tw o to four players. Suitable for all the family, you
don't have to be a Discw orld fan to play this game, but you might
end up as one!
Discw orld Ankh-Morpork w as devised by internationally
renow ned games designer Martin Wallace and a dedicated team
of artists overseen by the Discw orld Emporium.
Ankh Morpork contains:
•1 full color board (22.5x17 map of Ankh Morpork)
•132 colorful cards
•101 colorful Game cards
•12 Random Event Cards
•12 City Area Cards
•7 Personality Cards
•79 w ooden pieces
•48 Minions (12 per player color)
•24 Buildings (6 per player color)
•4 Demon Markers
•3 Troll Markers
•12 trouble markers
•1 sheet of cardboard money
•4 player aid cards
•1 tw elve sided die
•full-color rules
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Divina re, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
London, November 17th, 1896: The streets of the city are almost
deserted, traveled only by passersby w hose only goal seems to
reach their w arm homes as quickly as possible. But in the private
salons of a luxury Bloomsbury hotel, the goal is something
completely different. The fifty greatest know n mediums are
taking part in a never-before-seen tournament in order to
determine w hich one is the most pow erful of all. The final table
opens in a few minutes and you w ill be joining it. Who w ill w in
the £1,000 reserved for the w inner?
In Divinare — pronounced "di-vin-AH-ray", w ith the stress on the
penultimate syllable — the players play the part of famous
mediums w ho must attempt to divine the cards held by their
opponents. In each round, only tw o-thirds of the cards —
representing the four divination methods of chiromancy,
crystallomancy, tasseomancy and astromancy — are dealt out,
and are then revealed little-by-little, giving the players the
possibility of narrow ing their predictions. A good prediction w ill
allow the players to w in points, but guess w rong and you may
be forced to take a penalty. The player w ith the most points after
a set number of rounds w ins.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Domina nt Species, k r. 635,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 2-4 timer.
Game Overview :
90,000 B.C. — A great Ice Age is fast approaching. Another
titanic struggle for global supremacy has unw ittingly commenced
betw een the varying animal species.
Dominant Species is a game for 2 to 6 players that abstractly
recreates a tiny portion of ancient history: the ponderous
encroachment of an Ice Age and w hat that entails for the living
creatures trying to adapt to the slow ly-changing Earth.
Each player w ill assume the role of one of six major Animal
groups—Mammal, Reptile, Bird, Amphibian, Arachnid or Insect.
Each begins the game in a state of natural balance w ith regards
to one another. But that w on’t last: It is indeed “survival of the
Through w ily Action Paw n placement, players w ill strive to
become Dominant on as many different Terrain tiles as possible
in order to draw beneficial Dominance Cards. Players w ill also
w ant to propagate their individual Species in order to earn
Victory Points for his particular Animal. Players w ill be aided in
these endeavors via Grow th, Migration and Domination actions,
among others.
All of this eventually leads to the end game – the final ascent of
the Ice Age – w here the player w ith the most Victory Points w ill
have his Animal crow ned the Dominant Species.
But somebody better become dominant quickly, because it’s
getting mighty cold….
Game Play:
Throughout a game of Dominant Species large hexagonal tiles
are placed on the board to create an ever-expanding
interpretation of Earth as it might have appeared a thousand
centuries ago. These tiles represent the various terrain such as
desert, mountain, forest and sea. The smaller Tundra tiles w ill be
placed atop these larger tiles – converting them into Tundra in the
process – as the Ice Age encroaches.
The cylindrical Action Paw ns (or “AP”s) drive the game. Each AP
w ill allow a player to perform the various actions that can be
taken—actions such as grow th, environmental change,
migration, competition or glaciation. During each turn’s opening
Planning Phase players w ill take turns placing their Available APs
onto the Action Display, indicating a specific action that player
w ishes to perform that turn. During the follow ing Execution
Phase these APs w ill be removed in a prescribed order and their
indicated action executed.
Generally, players w ill be trying to enhance their ow n Animals’
survivability w hile simultaneously trying to hinder that of their
opponents’—hopefully collecting valuable victory points along the
w ay. The various cards w ill aid in these efforts, giving players
useful one-time abilities or an opportunity for recurring victory
point gains.
Throughout the game Species – represented by colored w ooden
cubes – w ill be added to, moved about in, and removed from the
terrain tiles in play (the “Earth”). Element markers w ill be added to
and removed from both Animals (“need”) and Earth (“supply”).
When the “Ice Age” card triggers the end of the game, players
w ill conduct a final scoring of each tile—after w hich the player
controlling the Animal w ith the highest VP total w ins the game.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
- a 16-page full-color rulebook
- one 22” x 34” mounted game board
- six Animal Displays
- 27 cards
- 35 large and 14 small hexagonal tiles used to create “Earth”
- 270 w ooden cubes in six colors representing the Species
belonging to the six Animal groups
- 60 w ooden cylinders used for the Animals’ Action Paw ns
- 60 w ooden cones used as the Animals’ Domination markers
- 108 round markers representing the Earth’s resources, called
- 12 square markers used to show each Animal’s “Initiative” (turn
- one cloth bag
Dra gon Ra mpa ge - TILBUD, k r. 400,00 (Fred
“Sure, the treasure around the sleeping dragon looked like it
w ould be easy to get. At least the Rogue w as convinced that
sneaking in and grabbing an arm load of loot w ould be a
cinch...things w ere going w ell until the
Barbarian knocked over a stack of golden platters and the
Dragon aw oke. Needless to say, he w as not too happy to see
us going through his treasure. The first to run w as the Rogue, as
usual — hide in the shadow s is
her motto — but no Paladin runs w hen a fight is at hand. So I
hefted my sw ord and attacked, expecting to see lots of help,
minus the Rogue of course. Instead, as I w as bringing dow n my
sw ord, I saw out of the corner of
my eye the Wizard AND the Dw arf edging tow ard the is
going to be one of those days.”
Dragon Rampage is a strategic dice game for 3 to 5 players.
Each player takes the role of one of the adventurers (all w ith
different abilities) and the goal is to score the most points at the
end of the game by fighting
against, or running from (or some combination of the tw o) the
dragon you just w oke up, and tallying up the treasure and gold
you obtain in the dungeon. Players roll 7 specially designed dice,
and can choose w hether to
focus on grabbing treasure (from the dragon or from another
player), fighting the dragon, protecting themselves and their
treasure, or running for the exit. Try not to draw the dragon’s
attention as you make your w ay,
and note that your fellow adventurers may hinder (or aid) you in
your strategy and that the final scoring changes depending on
how the game ends, so w atch your
Game designed by Richard Launius
Artw ork by Cyril van der Haegen
Dra gon Va lley - Rise of Corundia , k r. 480,00 (Ga me
Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 120 min.
You and other lords have been charged w ith completely w iping
the valley of all dragon lairs and orc strongholds. As deadly as
the task is, if you prove your ability to w ithstand large
onslaughts, you could become the high general of the king’s
forces before the valley has been conquered!
Dra gonHea rt, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20 min. An evil
w izard has placed the Great Dragon, the protector of the realm,
into a stony slumber, its fiery breath locked aw ay in a ruby jew el
called the Dragonheart. With the land’s guardian imprisoned, trolls
and fire dragons run amuck, barely held in check by brave
knights and canny huntresses. Meanw hile, enigmatic
sorceresses tap the magic of the Dragonheart to their ow n ends.
If you can bring order to these factions before your opponent
does, you’ll control the fate the Great Dragon... and the realm
Dragonheart is a quick and easy-to-learn card game for tw o
players, playable in only 20 minutes. Players try to accumulate
points by playing cards to and collecting cards from the game
board. The player w ith the most points at the end of the game
determines the fate of the Great Dragon, and the land itself.
Drea dba ll - The Futuristic Sports Ga me, k r. 640,00
(M a ntic Enterta inment Ltd.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
DreadBall – The Futuristic Sports Game is a sci-fi 2 player sports
board game that is fast, fun and tactical – play never resets as a
200mph w eapons-grade titanium ball is flung from player to
player. Fast throw s, tough slams and deft dodges are just some
of the trademark actions your players can make.
Dungeon Lords, k r. 520,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90min.
Vinder af Årets Brætspil 2011 !
They meet in a tavern. They quaff a few ales. Before the night is
over, the strong w arrior, the w ily w izard, the committed priest
and the sneaky thief form an inseparable party of adventurers,
ready to rid the w orld of evil. And w ouldn’t you know it? There
just happens to be some evil w ithin easy w alking distance. A
dark lord has filled a nearby hill w ith tunnels, traps, treasure, and
trolls. And so the next morning (or the next afternoon if too many
ales w ere quaffed) the heroes set out to fight for Right, conquer
the dungeon, and punish the w icked lord (by taking all his
treasure, of course). It’s a classic scenario, and any veteran
dungeon craw ler w ill tell you that’s the w ay things ought to be.
But w hat about that dark lord? Does anyone ever think about his
feelings? Those adventurers, w ho have never done an honest
day’s w ork in their lives, can not begin to imagine how much
effort goes into building a respectable dungeon. They have no
idea how hard it is to tunnel through granite, how expensive
good traps are these days, how difficult it is to find qualified
imps, or how
much food it takes to feed a troll. And the bureaucracy!
Dungeons must meet rigid safety specifi cations, gold mining is
subject to strict regulations, and taxes are due w henever the
Ministry of Dungeons feels like it. And as soon as the dungeon is
built, some band of do-gooders comes along and hacks
everything up. Life is not easy for a dungeon lord.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Festiva l Sea son, k r. 320,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 120 min.
Packed w ith lots of Dungeon Lording goodness, this expansion
for Dungeon Lords introduces five rounds of play for each year
(w inter, spring, summer, autumn, and festival season) allow ing
more time to build your dungeon, but also more time for
adventurers to gather a larger party. Festival Season also
introduces new monsters, rooms, and traps to prepare your
dungeon, as w ell as nasty spells for the adventurers and
sneaky bards w ho encourage them to perform so-called "heroic"
deeds - not to mention tw o paladins each year, now ready to
punish the tw o most evil players! And, did w e mention that it has
recently become fashionable for Dungeon Lords to have their
ow n personal pets?
Wra th of Asha rda lon Boa rd Ga me, k r. 520,00 (Wiza rds
of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 60 min. A
cooperative game of adventure for 1–5 players set in the w orld
of Dungeons & Dragons.
A heavy shadow falls across the land, cast by a dark spire that
belches smoke and oozes fiery lava. A cave mouth leads to a
maze of tunnels and chambers, and deep w ithin this monsterinfested labyrinth lurks the most terrifying creature of all: a red
Designed for 1–5 players, this boardgame features multiple
scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play.
Ca stle Ra venloft Boa rdga me, k r. 520,00 (Wiza rds of
the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 60min. The
master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner—and you are
Evil lurks in the tow ers and dungeons of Castle Ravenloft, and
only heroes of exceptional bravery can survive the horrors
w ithin. Designed for 1-5 players, this boardgame features
multiple scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game
Castle Ravenloft includes the follow ing components:
40 plastic heroes and monsters
13 sheets of interlocking cardstock dungeon tiles
200 encounter and treasure cards
Scenario book
20-sided die
A D&D Boardgame by Bill Slavicsek and Mike Mearls
Dungeon!, k r. 160,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1-8. In many w ays
Dungeon! is similar to Dungeons & Dragons, although much
simplified and transformed into a board game. Players explore a
dungeon that is divided into levels of increasing difficulty, fighting
monsters for valuable treasure. As players venture deeper into
the dungeon, the monsters become more difficult and the
treasure more valuable. Several character classes each have
slightly different fighting abilities – most notably the w izard, w ho
can cast spells. Combat is simulated using dice; players roll the
dice to attack a monster, and if unsuccessful, the dice are rolled
to determine the effect of the monster's counter-attack.
The w inner is the first player to bring a certain amount of
treasure back to the Dungeon's entrance.
Legend of Drizzt Boa rd Ga me, k r. 520,00 (Wiza rds of
the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 60 min. A
cooperative game for 1–5 players based on the New York Times
best-selling adventures of Drizzt Do’Urden.
The adventures of Drizzt Do’Urden, as told in the New York
Times best-selling Forgotten Realms novels by R.A. Salvatore,
come to life in this thrilling board game. Take on the role of the
legendary drow ranger or one of his famous adventuring
companions, battle fearsome foes, and w in treasure and glory.
Designed for 1–5 players, this board game features multiple
scenarios, challenging quests, and cooperative game play. The
contents of this game can also be combined w ith other D&D
Adventure System Cooperative Play board games, including
Castle Ravenloft and Wrath of Ashardalon, to create an even
more exciting experience.
This game includes the follow ing components:
42 plastic heroes and monsters
13 sheets of interlocking cardstock dungeon tiles
200 encounter cards and treasure cards
Scenario book
20-sided die
Designed by Bill Slavicsek, Mike Mearls, and Peter Lee
Lords of Wa terdeep, k r. 400,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60 min.
Waterdeep, the City of Splendors—the most resplendent jew el in
the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady
back-alley dealings. In this game, the players are pow erful lords
vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resources
are ripe for the taking, and that w hich cannot be gained through
trickery and negotiation must be taken by force!
Lords of Waterdeep is a strategy board game for 2-5 players.
You take on the role of one of the masked Lords of Waterdeep,
secret rulers of the city. Through your agents, you recruit
adventurers to go on quests on your behalf, earning rew ards
and increasing your influence over the city. Expand the city by
purchasing new buildings that open up new actions on the
board, and hinder—or help—the other lords by playing Intrigue
cards to enact your carefully laid plans.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ea rth Reborn, k r. 640,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min - 4
time. In 2065, the Earth is devastated by a global w ar, leaving the
planet surface contaminated and uninhabitable. The political
tensions and environmental collapse of the early 21st century,
having never been resolved, led the w orld to an Apocalypse and
forced the surviving populations to relocate to vast underground
These ‘factions’ live in isolation for nearly five centuries, evolving
independently and w ith no outside contact. There, each
develops the culture and know ledge they took along w ith them.
Generation after generation, the survivors w ait patiently w hile
the planet recovers from the horrors inflicted on it by human
civilization, hoping that Nature w ill give Man another chance to
surface again and rediscover an Earth Reborn...
Unfortunately, it is as much in the nature of Man to conquer and
destroy as it is to build, and this Earth Reborn may w ell suffer as
chaotic and somber a fate as the one it endured at the hands of
humanity 500 years earlier.
Earth Reborn is a miniature-based board game w ith infinite
possibilities. The game simulates conflicts betw een emerging
factions in a post-apocalyptic universe w here each faction is
looking to become the dominant force of the New Earth. You
control a squad of diverse characters, leading their journeys
through rich story-based adventures and very specific missions.
The game features numerous innovative mechanics that go far
beyond the usual move, shoot, and combat actions, thus
propelling the game to the frontier betw een role playing games
and board games.
A tutorial in nine richly developed scenarios gets you right in the
middle of the action, allow ing you to learn the rules
progressively. Each scenario is a full game w ith high replayability
The board is modular to the extreme, allow ing players to use
their creativity to imagine and design new scenarios.
And to top it all, Earth Reborn features a unique and
revolutionary Scenario Auto-Generating System (S.A.G.S.) that
produces highly engaging games every time, each different and
w ith infinite combinations.
Game Contents
12 finely sculpted miniatures and color bases
1 double-sided board frame
91 double-sided Floor tiles
12 double-sided Character cards
31 double-sided Equipment cards
36 Mission cards
48 Order tiles
6 Combat dice
6 Search dice
179 game tokens
4 Player Aid screens
1 Cloth bag
1 Rule Book
1 Background & Scenario Book
1 excellent storage tray
Eclipse - New Da wn for the Ga la xy, k r. 650,00 (Asmodee
Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30min. The
galaxy has been a peaceful place for many years. After the
ruthless Terran–Hegemony War (30.027–33.364), much effort
has been employed by all major spacefaring species to prevent
the terrifying events from repeating themselves. The Galactic
Council w as formed to enforce precious peace and it has taken
many courageous efforts to prevent the escalation of malicious
acts. Nevertheless, tension and discord are grow ing among the
seven major species and in the Council itself. Old alliances are
shattering and hasty diplomatic treaties are made in secrecy. A
confrontation of the superpow ers seems inevitable – only the
outcome of the galactic conflict remains to be seen. Which
faction w ill emerge victorious and lead the galaxy under its rule?
A game of Eclipse places you in control of a vast interstellar
civilization, competing for success w ith its rivals. You w ill
explore new star systems, research technologies and build
spaceships to w age w ar w ith. There are many potential paths to
victory, so you need to plan your strategy according to the
strengths and w eaknesses of your species w hile paying
attention to the other civilizations' endeavors.
The shadow s of the great civilizations are about to eclipse the
galaxy. Lead your people to victory!
Rise of the Ancients Expa nsion, k r. 350,00 (Asmodee
Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-9. Spilletid: 30 min / spil..
While the galactic conflict escalates and several new factions
are trying to get a foothold on the galaxy, the adversaries
suddenly need to find allies among themselves to face the rising
threat. The systems previously thought to be empty are suddenly
sw arming w ith Ancients w hole w orlds of them, w ith ship
capabilities w ay beyond anything seen before.
They are not w illing to negotiate.
The expansion introduces several new additions to the base
game, such as Rare Technologies, Developments, Alliances,
Ancient Homew orlds and Warp Portals. There are also three
new player boards w ith four new different alien species to
choose from. New components allow up to nine players in one
Due to the modular design, you can use all of these additions or
just some of them in any game of Eclipse, according to your
preferences and play style.
The Ancients are rising. Will your civilization rise to the occasion
and emerge victorious?
Eclipse: Rise of the Ancients is the first full-size expansion for
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Empire Express, k r. 240,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Empire Express At last there is an easy to play introduction to the
Empire Builder series of games.
In Empire Express, players create competing railroad empires by
draw ing railroad tracks w ith crayons upon an erasable board.
You w in if you utilize your netw ork of rail lines to acquire and
deliver goods efficiently to accumulate the largest personal
The base game provides pre-programed routes on a board
depicting a north eastern portion of the US w ith demand cards
providing players w ith an easy w ay to learn the system through
Players start w ith the bare bones of a railroad: an empty train
and track connecting some cities. Each turn you and your fellow
players take turns building track, operating trains, and delivering
loads. The bank w ill pay you for each delivered load.
With the starting route guided by the board, only tw o loads per
card and a visual pick-up and delivery guide on every card the
learning curve is greatly shortened.
Empire Express contains 120 Cards 4 panel board (21.6" x
17.50") 60 Die Cut Load Chits 6 Paw ns 6 Crayons 1 pack of play
money 1 tray 1 box 1 rules book
Epigo - TILBUD, k r. 150,00 (M a squera de Ga mes )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2 eller 4. Spilletid: 15-30
min. Millennia before the first kings and queens graced a chess
board; the Kings of the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations honed
their military minds w ith games of strategy. Those w ith the
sharpest intellects and keenest insight w ere hailed as heroes,
and immortalized by epics carved in stone. It is rumored that the
Epic of Gilgamesh, lauding his defeat of the beast Humbaba is
actually an account of a clash betw een the greatest Epigo
champions of that era.
Epigo is a strategy game w here you plan multiple moves in
advance to push your opponents’ pieces off the board. Epigo
rew ards players w hose plans best anticipate their opponents’
tactics. Included w ith Epigo is the Variant Book, w hich provides
21 game variations – each forcing players to adapt and develop
new strategies.
Masquerade games proudly presents Epigo, a strategy game as
old as civilization itself.
Esca pe - The Curse of the Temple, k r. 499,50 (Queen
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: real time.
Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a cooperative game in w hich
players must escape (yes...) from a temple (yes...) w hich is
cursed (yes...) before the temple collapses and kills one or more
explorers, thereby causing everyone to lose.
The initial game board consists of a row of three square tiles,
each show ing a combination of tw o symbols, say, tw o green
running guys or one green running guy and one blue key in one
corner of the tile. All of the explorers start in the center tile – the
safe room – and each player starts w ith a hand of five dice.
Each die has five symbols:
•A cursed mask – this die is set aside w hen rolled.
•A golden mask – each such symbol counteracts tw o cursed
masks, either your ow n or those of another explorer in the same
•A red torch or blue key – these are used to enter rooms,
access treasure, or activate gems.
•A running guy, w hich appears tw ice on the die – you need
these to move from room to room, and to activate some gems.
Escape is played in real-time, w ith all players rolling dice and
taking actions simultaneously. You must roll the right symbols to
enter a room, and if you're at an open doorw ay, you can roll to
reveal the next tile in the stack and add it to that doorw ay. Some
rooms contain combinations of red and blue symbols, and if you
(possibly w orking w ith other players in the same room) roll
enough red or blue symbols, you "discover" magic gems, moving
them from a separate gem depot onto that tile.
The real-time aspect is enforced by a soundtrack to be played
during the game. At certain points, a countdow n starts, and if
players aren't back in the safe room w hen time is up, they lose
one of their dice.
Once the exit tile is revealed, players can attempt to escape the
temple by moving to that tile, then rolling a number of blue dice
equal to the magic gems that haven't been removed from the gem
depot. Thus, the more gems you find, the easier it is to escape
the temple. When a player escapes, he gives one die to a player
of his choice. If all players escape before the third countdow n,
everyone w ins; if not, everyone loses, no matter how many
players did escape.
Escape: The Curse of the Temple includes tw o expansion
modules that can be used individually or together. With the
"Treasures" module, some rooms contain treasure, and w hen
you reveal such a room, you place a face-dow n treasure chest
on the tile. Roll the symbols on that chest tile, and you claim the
treasure for use later: a key lets you teleport anyw here, a path
lets you connect tw o rooms that otherw ise have no door
betw een them, and a medic kit heals all players instantly (putting
black dice back into play). With the "Curses" module, some tiles
"curse" players by forcing them to place one hand on their head,
keep mute during play, or otherw ise do w hat you w ouldn't w ant
to do w hile escaping a temple!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Illusions (Expa nsion 1), k r. 350,00 (Queen Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: real time.
The expansion 1 contains components for a 6th adventurer, a
new curse card, a new treasure tile, and tw o new game
Module 3: Illusion chambers
Module 4: Special chambers
Each module can be used individually or combined w ith any or all
of the other modules, providing numerous w ays to play, -explore
and escape. Create your ow n adventure and get going!
You must ow n the „Escape“ basic game to use this expansion.
Exodus - Proxima Centa uri, k r. 650,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
Inspired by Stanisław Lem’s “The Magellanic Cloud”, Exodus:
Proxima Centauri is the first game of a sci-fi trilogy. In a new
universe, marked by a fierce struggle for pow er, the humanity is
building a new civilization on the ashes of a dying race, the
Centaurians. Exodus: Proxima Centauri is a full civilization game
for experienced players, w ho enjoy immersing themselves in a
new universe and fight for supremacy in a flavored, thematic
After a devastating nuclear w ar, six human factions are seeking
shelter in the Centauri system. On the verge of extinction, the
humans are saved by a superior civilization, allegedly the
Centaurians, and each faction is given a fresh start on a new
planet. Thus the exodus of humanity seems to have ended on
the planets orbiting the star called Proxima Centauri. When the
Centaurians announce their departure, the struggle for pow er
commences once again.
In Exodus: Proxima Centauri, the six factions fight for dominance
in an epic empire-building game, striving to build a new human
empire on the ashes of the Centaurian civilization. Each player
w ill build his ow n space fleet of customized ships and conquer
new planets, fight the Centaurian Resistance and the other
players, negotiate and vote for political decisions, research
Centaurian technologies, and much more.
Fa ding Glory, k r. 480,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. This "friction of w ar"
element, combined w ith the operational-level maneuvers, combat,
and even
lulls, provide players a fun exercise in the Napoleonic parry-andthrust of grand battles as
armies close to bayonet-point to see w hich w ill break first.
Four 17" x 22" maps 117 3/4" Counters 48 Event cards (12 for
each game) One 8-page Standard Rules booklet 4 Exclusive
Rules sheets One Player's Aid mat Tw o Player Aid charts
Fa llen City of Ka rez, k r. 520,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 120 min. In
Fallen City of Karez, each player w ill take the role of a lord of
one of the guilds w ho seek to tighten their grasp on the rising
city. The players w ill strive to maintain a balance betw een
keeping the city safe for its citizens by sending exploration
parties to defeat any threats, and at the same time attracting to
the emerging city new adventurers w ishing to fill their pockets
w ith fortunes and their names w ith glory.
Fa ndooble, k r. 119,50 (M indTwister USA )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30 min. A
w ildly fun push your luck dice game for 2-6 players, Fandooble
w ill be a hit at parties, on the road, or w aiting for your meal at a
restaurant. Kids and adults alike love the artw ork, theme, and
simplistic gameplay. Players place a pile of the dragons gold in
the center of the table. Each player also gets a little gold to start.
Everyone then takes turns rolling four dice. Three of these dice
have treasure, and dragons. The other has Fandooble, Knights,
and Wizards, that can all help you. Roll as often as you w ant,
taking treasure from the dragon or your friends but be careful;
roll three dragons and you are out of luck!
Fa nta stiqa , k r. 560,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-75 min.
Fea lty, k r. 280,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 15-30. The
king has died w ith no clear successor! The players – potential
heirs all – are scrambling to put together their pow erbases by
dispatching trusted agents and allies to garner support across
the breadth of the kingdom. Nobody w ants open w arfare, but
some conflict is sure to break out
Fea rsome Floors, k r. 319,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-7. Spilletid: 45min. It
w as fabulous! Fearlessly, you found the 3 fetishes in the Finnish
fjord. With light-footed and foxy feints you ferry the fetishes to
prince Fieso in France to free the fascinating faerie Fabula. But
Fieso is not fond of foreigners, w hat a fiasco! You land freezing
and foolishly find yourself trapped in a frightful fortress w ith
sinister corridors. Now you must flee Fiesos trap. Furunkulus,
the monster, is a frightening freak, especially fond of foolish
foreigners. He w ill feed on you if he is able. So you w ant to fool
Furunkulus and flee to freedom.
Author: Friedemann Friese
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Few Acres of Snow, A, k r. 400,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 60-90min. A
Few Acres of Snow is a tw o-player, card-driven game about
the French and British conflict in North America.
The card-play contains a focus on a deck-building mechanic
similar to Dominion, and like many card-driven w ar games, each
card w ill have multiple uses. The players have to choose only
one aspect of the card to use w hen it is played. Each space
captured by a player w ill add another card to the capturing
player's deck.
From the box description:
A w ar fought at the edge of tw o mighty empires. For over one
hundred and fifty years Britain and France w ere locked in a
struggle for domination of North America. Thousands of miles
from their homes, settlers and soldiers w ere faced w ith
impenetrable forests, unpredictable American tribes, and
formidable distances. Despite these obstacles they w ere able to
engage in bitter w arfare, w ith the British ultimately taking the
prize of Quebec. A Few Acres of Snow is a tw o-player game
that allow s you to recreate this contest. You can change the
course of history by your decisions.
A Few Acres of Snow takes an innovative approach to the
subject, using cards to represent locations and manpow er. As
the game progresses you add to your selection of cards,
increasing the range of actions available to you. There are many
strategies to be explored. How quickly should you build up your
forces, do you employ Native Americans, w hat energy should be
expended on your economy?
The game is about more than just fighting – you must
successfully colonize the land to have a chance.
Fla sh Duel 2nd ed., k r. 280,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 5-15 min. Flash Duel is a simple,
2nd Story Expa nsion, k r. 120,00 (Publisher Services,
An expansion for Flash Point: Fire Rescue. 2nd Story contains
Fla sh Point - Fire Rescue 2nd Ed., k r. 320,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45 min. A
cooperative game of fire rescue. The call comes in... "911, w hat
is your emergency?" On the other end is a panicked response of
"FIRE!" Moments later you don the protective suits that w ill keep
you alive, gather your equipment and rush to the scene of a
blazing inferno. The team has only seconds to assess the
situation and devise a plan of attack - then you spring into action
like the trained professionals that you are. You must face your
fears, never give up, and above all else w ork as a team because
the fire is raging, the building is threatening to collapse and lives
are in danger. You must succeed. You are the brave men and
w omen of fire rescue, people are depending on you. This is
w hat you do every day. Flash Point: Fire Rescue is a
cooperative game. All the players are on the same team and
everyone either w ins or loses together. To w in, the players must
rescue the victims trapped inside a burning building before it
Urba n Structures Expa nsion, k r. 120,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
An expansion for Flash Point: Fire Rescue. Urban Structures
Forbidden Isla nd, k r. 145,00 (Ga mewright Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. Dare
to discover Forbidden Island! Join a team of fearless adventurers
on a do-or-die mission to capture four sacred treasures from the
ruins of this perilous paradise. Your team w ill have to w ork
together and make some pulse-pounding maneuvers, as the
island w ill sink beneath every step! Race to collect the treasures
and make a triumphant escape before you are sw allow ed into
the w atery abyss!
Forgotten Pla net, The, k r. 479,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 75min. The
Forgotten Planet is a tile-laying management game in w hich tiles
represent safe areas on a planetary surface on w hich robots
w alk and take other actions. These tiles also accumulate energy
from the sun, then conduct it to robots, giving them (and the
player) more actions if they absorb enough energy so building
and maintaining ow nership of these tiles is fundamental in the
game strategy. Players and robots use this energy to build new
bases, discover mines, build w alls to keep out other robots, push
those same w alls out of the w ay, produce more robots and
much more.
If your robot falls out of contact w ith tiles you control, how ever,
then it loses pow er and falls inactive for the round. Control of
tiles is determined by the distance from a particular tile to each
player's closest base; w hoever is closest to the tile (w ith w alls
serving as barriers that players must "w alk" around w hile
counting distance) controls it, and the more tiles you control, the
more energy you have available to you.
Thus, players need to maintain an energy connection for their
robots w hile trying to extend their area of control on the planet's
surface w ith their bases. They also need to control mines, of
course, as that's how a player produces new resources, w hich
are subsequently converted into new bases, sold for victory
points (VPs) or converted into new robots.
Formula D, k r. 480,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-10. Spilletid: 60min.
Formula D transports you into the turbulent w orld of Formula 1:
Don't lose control of the engine in the last bottleneck, master the
chicane, stick to your opponent's back w heels, take advantage
of the slipstream and then coolly overtake him … A Formula 1
pilot has to be w illing to take risks and be able to plan ahead - at
least if you w ant to get to the very top of the w inners' podium.
Formula D also means the suspense of illegal racing on the
streets of the big cities. Anything goes: customized cars, nitro
fuel injection, skidding in roundabouts, unfair tricks … The game
principles alw ays stay the same, but different cars, rules and
circuits come into play.
This new edition of Formula D contains material w hich has not
yet been published, including painted cars, dashboards, driver
profiles, circuits … And simple playing instructions are enclosed,
allow ing you to start play immediately. Off you go!
- 2 game boards circuit.
- 20 painted cars
- 70 plastic parts (marker and gear sticks)
- 2 set of playing instructions
- 7 special dice
- 10 dashboards for the players.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Formula D Expa nsion 1, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sebring:
Stretching over almost 6 kilometers, the Sebring track in Florida
alternates betw een straight stretches, quick curves and slow
and technical turns. Plotted over a former military training camp
turned into an airfield, this track has been a staple in NorthAmerica since the 1930's. Each year, the 12 hours of Sebring
take place there: an endurance race, w hose slightly uneven
course gives pilots the chance to test the resilience of their
vehicle in the hot and dry Florida w eather.
The second track of this expansion offers street racing fans the
chance to drive w ildly in the streets of Chicago - in the East Park
area, to be precise. This track offers an urban terrain w hich
alternates betw een curves and straight lines. This mad race in
the heart of city traffic w ill give pilots a chance to drive along the
impressive Aon Center, one of the tallest skyscrapers of the city,
to cross the Lake Shore East Park and its three tightly w oven
lanes (be careful about collisions!), and then rush along the inner
port before finally crossing tw o vertigo-inducing bridges.
Formula D Expa nsion 3, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Are you a fan of Formula D? One of the most renow n racing
games is about to improve again w ith the addition of tw o new
circuits in the third extension.
Discover the urban circuit of Singapore by night. It is
characterized by tight turns and a new aspect of racing:
illumination. A challenge w hich requires technical virtuosity and
maximum adaptability!
Four Ta verns, k r. 240,00 (Ra ther Da shing Ga mes, LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20-60 min.
Where DO Adventurers Gather? Why, at the finest Taverns of
course! It seems that the most dashing of Heroes alw ays seem
to start and end their adventures in their favorite Tavern! With a
little gold and a lot of luck, yours could be the Tavern w here the
bravest and boldest of the realm gather after fair maidens have
been rescued, dragons slain, or any number of evils quelled.
In Four Taverns you compete against your opponents to have
the best know n Tavern in the Land. Hire Adventurers and send
them out on Quests. The more Quests your parties complete, the
more Adventurers come to your Tavern. How ever, take heed;
for the other Taverns w ill often be playing for the same Quests
you are. If they succeed w here you fail, your Adventurers and
gold w ill be lost! Warriors, Wizards, Druids, Sw ashbucklers,
Alchemists, and Rangers. You'll need all of them and more to w in!
Fra g Gold Edition, k r. 280,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60min. Game
starts. Enemy in sight . . . Frag him! Grab his stuff! Run! Get a
bigger gun! Grab some armor! There he is again! Frag him! Run . .
. you're hit! You're dow n. Respaw n! Grab a w eapon! Start again!
Frag is a computer game w ithout a computer – a "first-person
shooter" on a tabletop. Move your fighter and frag your foes.
Draw cards for w eapons, armor, and gadgets. Move through the
blood spatters to restore your ow n health! If you die, you
respaw n and come back shooting!
Formula D Expa nsion 4, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Baltimore & India is an expansion board for the Formula D board
Fortuna , k r. 345,00 (The Ga me M a ster B. V. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60 min.
Fortuna is situated in the Roman Empire, during Caesar's reign.
The players are ambitious Romans striving for influence in the
Roman Empire. While striving for pow er, happiness and w ealth,
they leave their ow n village and travel tow ards the City of Rome.
The road to Rome is long and there are many w ays to reach
your life purpose. As a hardw orking farmer you can w ork the
land and grow large quantities of grain and w ine. A clever
farmer irrigates the land to improve the yield of his harvest.
Trading your harvested goods for the best price may bring you
the means to move up the ladder of the Roman hierarchy. When
w ill you decide to move on and buy yourself an army of
Centurions? Or w ill you choose the sacred w ay of Religion and
serve the ruthless Roman Gods? Along the w ay, you w ill have
the opportunity to find happiness and w ealth in marriage. Will you
take this chance to become happy or not? If you contribute w ell
to the Roman Empire, you w ill grow in the favor of the Emperor
and move further to Rome. Will the citizens of Rome w elcome
you jubilantly?
Coming nearer to Rome and the Emperor's Palace the tension in
the game becomes higher. Which of the players has contributed
most to the Empire? And w hich of the players has saved the city
in times of crisis? Just w hen w ater and food supplies become
exhausted or Centurions are needed to protect Rome against a
hostile invasion, only the most prestigious Romans show their
courage and value. The Emperor w ill rew ard this Roman w ith
golden Fortuna coins, and the deeper the crisis, the more
affluent this rew ard w ill be. When a player has reached the
centre of Rome, only the player w ho has done most for the
Emperor and the People of Rome w ill become Victorious.
Make sure to be in the City of Rome so you are able to take that
triumphal march to Victory!
The new Gold Edition offers upgraded components: a tw o-sided
solid gameboard, plastic figures, erasable character cards, and
18 (!!) dice, to roll really BIG attacks.
FTW, k r. 240,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 1 time. Frag
is about blow ing stuff up. We all like new places w here w e can
blow stuff up, and new things to blow stuff up w ith. And w e
love new targets. Frag Gold Edition: FTW is all those things on
fire. New w eapons, tw o new maps, tw o new types of terrain,
and tw o new targets! Add the new scenarios, including the
classic Last Man Standing, and FTW is set to live up to its name!
Contains 21 x 33 gameboard, 11 cards, counters, and rulesheet,
in a shrinkw rapped bundle.
Ga la k sens Hersk ere, k r. 50,00 (Ord & Billeder)
Sværhedsgrad: L. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: ?. Hurtigt og
Another Big Expa nsion, k r. 399,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60-90.
Galaxy Trucker: Another Big Expansion is just as big as the Big
one New tiles. New Support team to be hired to enhance your
shipbuilding experience. New ship classes, including huge IVB
Yes, you may also fly round IV, and you can be sure the cards
are extra nasty there especially the intruders that board your
ship, w ander around, and eat or blow up your stuff, unless your
heroic crew beats them. Wait... that's a different game, right?
Aren't w e speaking rather about Space Alert now ? Well... it
seems this "let's board a ship and eat its crew " mode spreads
prety fast in the know n universe these days, as w ith this
expansion, it can happen also in Galaxy Trucker.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Big Expa nsion, The, k r. 439,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60-90min.
This Big Expansion for Space Trucker features pieces and rules
for five-player games, an updated version of Rough Road Ahead
(a set of cards previously released in a dow nloadable format),
plus a slew of new adventure cards, alien species, ship building
components, and ship classes
Ga la xy Truck er, k r. 599,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60min.
Corporation Incorporated is an interplanetary construction fi rm
that builds
sew er systems and low -income housing on the less-developed
planets of the Galaxy. For years, Corp Inc. has tottered on the
brink of bankruptcy: transporting building materials to the edge of
the Galaxy, w here the need for their services is greatest, is a
risky business.
The company w as saved by a few visionaries on the board of
directors. Instead
of shipping materials to the Periphery, they reasoned, w hy not
build the materials into spacecraft and let them ship themselves?
Furthermore, w hy hire pilots if there are nut-cases w ho w ill do it
for free?
That’s w here you come in. Just sign the contract, and you gain
unrestricted access to a Corp Inc. Warehouse. Build your ow n
space ship from the available prefabricated components, and fl y
it to the Periphery. Of course, you may have to eat a loss, but
any profi ts you make along the w ay are yours to keep, and
Corporation Incorporated w ill pay you a bonus for quick delivery.
It’s possible that you w ill end up w ith an insurmountable debt and
fi nish your days panhandling on the streets of Deneb III, but if
Lady Luck should smile upon you, you just might find yourself
among the 10 billion richest people in the Galaxy!
Author: Vlaada Chvatil
Gauntle t of Fools
Ga untlet of Fools, k r. 225,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30 min.
Choose your hero! Make ridiculous boasts! Die w ith the most
gold! How aw esome is your vaunted knight w ith a flaming sw ord
after you brag that he'll fight blindfolded w ith a hangover? You'll
find out in the Gaunlet of Fools - 50 encounters that w ill kill you!
That's right! You w ill die, fool! But even a fool w ants his gold, and
the monsters have it! Roll a handful of dice, slay a monster, get
its treasure! Die w ith the most gold and w in the game!
Gea rworld - The Borderla nds, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 1-2h.
Gearw orld: The Borderlands is a game of negotiation, conquest,
and construction in w hich tw o to four players compete to gain
the favor of the Sky People for their tribe of scavengers in a
post-apocalyptic landscape. Based on the classic board game
Borderlands designed by Bill Eberle, Jack Kittredge and Peter
Olotka, players must negotiate trades and alliances, conquer
their rivals’ territory, and gather resources in a race to build the
skyw orks to w in the favor of those w ho live in the World Above!
Gearw orld: The Borderlands includes a game board w ith
beautiful, detailed artw ork, 220 tokens, and 100 plastic figures in
four different colors.
Geistes Blitz (tysk med engelsk e, fra nsk e og ita liensk e
regler), k r. 149,00 (Zoch zum Spielen)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 20-30min.
From the rules introduction:
A reaction game as fast as lightning for 2 to 8 bright minds, 8
years and up
Balduin, the house ghost, found an old camera in the castle
cellar. Immediately he photographed everything that he loves to
make disappear w hen he is haunting … including himself, of
course. Unfortunately, the enchanted camera takes many photos
in the w rong colors. Sometimes the green bottle is w hite, other
times it‘s blue. Looking at the photos, Balduin doesn’t really
remember any more w hat he w anted to make disappear next.
Can you help him w ith his haunting and quickly name the right
item, or even make it disappear by yourself?
If you grab the right items quickly, you have good chances to
w in …
Five w ooden pieces on the table are w aiting to be cached: A
w hite ghost, a green bottle, a cute grey mouse, a blue book and
a comfortable red chair. The cards show pictures w ith tw o
objects that are not show n in the right color, for example a green
ghost and a red mouse: Here you have four details combined in a
w rong w ay, green, red, ghost and mouse. The only object or
color not show n is the blue book. So the first to grab the blue
book gets the card as a rew ard.
But be careful! Here is the tw ist: sometimes one of the items on a
card show s a right combination of color and object, i.e. a green
bottle and a red mouse. The green bottle is a true object. So the
first w ho grabs this item gets the card.
Everybody else w ho cached a w rong object loses one of his
collected cards.
The game ends w hen the card pile has been used up. Whoever
possesses the most cards w ins.
Geistes Blitz 2.0 (tysk med engelsk e, fra nsk e og
ita liensk e regler), k r. 149,00 (Zoch zum Spielen)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 20-30min. In
Geistesblitz 2.0 – w hich appears to be a new version of
Geistesblitz but w ith mostly different items – five w ooden items
sit on the table w aiting to be caught: a w hite ghost, a green frog,
a grey bathtub, a blue hairbrush, and a red rug. Each card in the
deck show s pictures of tw o objects, w ith one or both objects
colored the w rong w ay. With all players playing at the same time,
someone reveals a card, then players grab for the "right" object –
but w hich object is right?
•If one object is colored correctly – say, a green bathtub and a
red rug – then players need to grab that correctly colored object.
•If both objects are colored incorrectly – say, a green bathtub
and a red ghost – then you look for the object and color not
represented among the four details show n. In this case you see
green, red, ghost and bathtub, so players need to grab the blue
The first player to grab the correct object keeps the card, then
reveals the next card from the deck. If a player grabs the w rong
object, she must discard one card previously collected. Once the
card deck runs out, the game ends and w hoever has collected
the most cards w ins!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Genesis - TILBUD, k r. 150,00 (Giga ntosk op)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60min. In
the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. It took him
six days to complete his w ork, assisted by a host of heavenly
angels doing his divine bidding. On the seventh day God rested
and examined the result. Seeing that it w as good, he praised the
angel w ho had contributed the most.
Genesis – In the Beginning gives you the chance to become that
angel. By gathering the essence of creation – chaos, matter and
life – and turning it into seas and mountains, birds and beasts,
you hope to w in Gods approval – and the game! But the w ay to
victory is w rought w ith hard decisions. You must gather
essence w hen it's most advantageous, move at the right time
and do your days’ w ork w here they count the most. And
bew are of the dark angel w ho's trying to outshine you all.
Ghost Pira tes, k r. 200,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30 min. A
game of ship to ship tactical action for 2 scurvy players.
Knave! Ye be tasting my w rath fer trespassin’ on me seas.
Ethereal pirates sw arm back and forth over each other's ships
as the seas toss in a midnight storm. The decks of each vessel
shift in and out of reality as the fighting begins. One captain and
crew w ill emerge triumphant, and the loser w ill be damned to
stalk the bow els of Davy Jones’ locker.
How w ill it end for you?
Ghost Pirates is a unique tactical game that takes about 30
minutes to play, and is suitable for ages 13 and up. Its learning
curve from tactics to strategic play is not too steep and w ill not
scare off new players. You can learn and play your first game in
about 30-45 minutes, and have a second go w ithin the hour.
Bla ck Secret Expa nsion, k r. 375,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 90min. Wu
Feng has a new incarnation...and it's you!
This second expansion for Ghost Stories offers one player the
chance to take on the role of Wu-Feng in opposition to the
courageous Taoists w ho are defending the cursed village. In
addition to his Ghosts, Wu-Feng w ill also be able to call upon the
fearsome Demons to search the Catacombs and also throw
Curses on the Taoists. To face the new threat, the Taoists have
the benefit of new w eapons, the Bloody Mantras and the Blood
Brother ability. Their victory condition remains unchanged: all of
Wu-Feng’s incarnations must be exorcised!
• Can be played along w ith the first expansion, White Moon.
• Includes brand new incarnations of Wu-Feng.
• Possibility to play one against all!
Giza - The Grea t Pyra mid, k r. 280,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 90 min. “If
you w ould build something solid, start w ith something you know
is stable… yourself.” Ancient Egyptian Proverb
Pharaoh is w orried! His tomb at Giza is behind schedule and he
fears it w ill not be done in time for his funeral. He is offering
great rew ards to the faction that contributes the most w ork on
his pyramid in the next 10 years. If your people w ork the hardest
and w ork the smartest you shall earn Pharaoh’s favor!
In Giza, the Great Pyramid™ you are the leader of one of four
factions vying for Pharaoh’s favor. You have 10 years to
outperform the other factions and contribute the most to his great
pyramid, earning eternal gratitude and glory. You shall need to
balance your labor! Farm and fish to feed your people. Sw eat
and struggle w ith the back-breaking labor of moving the giant
stone blocks into place. Task your folk w ith the creation of
exquisite artw orks to beautify Pharaoh’s eternal rest.
Are you smart enough, organized enough and diligent enough to
lead your people and earn Pharaoh’s favor?
•1 Plastic Pyramid, comprised of 9 parts: 4 low er levels, 4 middle
levels, 1 capstone
•4 Sleds
•1 Second Dynasty Turn Order Tile
•4 Player Aid Screens (1 for each player color)
•80 Art Tokens (60 1s, 20 5s)
•44 Food Tokens (32 1s, 12 5s)
•4 Fifty Point VP Markers
•64 Workers (4 colors, 16 each)
•1 Game Board
•Rules Book
Go Goblin, Go!, k r. 200,00 (Twilight Crea tions Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60 min.
Beneath the mountain called Goblins' Rock, the goblins have
been mining for centuries. They have dug deeper and deeper.
Their precious ore is running out and the taskmasters are getting
So, in order to pass the time, the taskmasters have taken to
racing their underlings into a...PIT OF FIRE! (Underlings are
expendable, after all.) It is agreed that secretly choosing their
favorites w ould be best and the race w ould end w hen the
"w inner" falls into the pit. Oh, and there should be gambling. You
know , just to keep it interesting!
Go Goblin, Go is a light, standalone racing and gambling board
game. You secretly pick three of the racing goblins and you get
points based on w here they finish. You manipulate their
movement so you have some control over w here they finish.
Just don't be first. The first goblin to fall into the pit "w ins" but,
they do not get any points.
GAME CONTENTS: 14 inch by 9 inch game board 36 Cards 6
Goblin paw ns 12 Command tiles 60 "Rocks" 1 Six-sided Die Rules
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Goa - A New Expedition, k r. 480,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90min.
Goa, a strategy game of auctions and resource management, is
set at the start of the 16th century: beautiful beaches, a mild
climate, and one of the most important trading centers in the
w orld. Competing companies deal in spices, send ships and
colonists into the w orld, and invest money. Are you on top or at
the bottom? It depends on how you invest your profits. Will you
make your ships more efficient? Enhance your plantations?
Recruit more colonists? Only a steady hand in business w ill help.
Each turn begins w ith an auction phase, w here each player gets
to auction one item (and the starting player tw o items). The first
item being auctioned gives the right to go first the next turn
(along w ith a card that gives an extra action). If you buy your
ow n item, you pay it to the bank. If someone else buys the item
you sell, they pay you.
After the auction, players get three actions to improve their
plantations. Actually, plantations are one of the things that can
be bought at the auctions, and doing so is necessary to get
anyw here. There are five different types of spice plantation, and
different spices are needed for different things.
Each player has a board show ing their advancement for various
things: getting ships, planting new spices, getting colonists, etc.
The more a player advances along one track, the better one is
doing that particular action. The further you get along a certain
track, the more points that track is w orth at the end, and there
are also rew ards to the first player w ho reaches the last tw o
levels along each track. On the other hand, each player normally
needs to perform the actions for all the tracks at some point, so
it's not necessarily a good idea to concentrate on just a couple of
them. Goa is a game that gives plenty of opportunity for tough
decisions, since a player alw ays has at least one action too few .
The 2012 edition of Goa includes four new tiles and a new play
variant, as noted on the cover of the Z-Man Games edition.
Goblins Inc., k r. 399,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45-60min.
Goblins, Inc. is a corporation dedicated to building unstoppable
giant doomsday robots, and it's looking for a new Boss. Do you
have w hat it takes?
Team up w ith your greed-driven fellow goblins and build the
ultimate doomsday robot. Meet other teams in epic battles and
blow them up, but alw ays remember, only one goblin can w in
because there is no "G" in team w ork!
The game plays over tw o rounds in w hich you partner up w ith
each of your fellow players to try to build the ultimate giant
doomsday robot – but the other players don't know w hich hidden
agendas you must complete to impress the Boss! During the four
phases of the round, the teams take turns designing, building and
piloting their robots in order to destroy the other team and get
one step closer to becoming the next Boss of Goblins, Inc.
Wa rfa re a t the Da wn of Civiliza tion, 1500-1260BC, k r.
520,00 (Compa ss Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 15 min - 6
tim. The God Kings is a w argame covering the ancient w ars of
the Near East, from the 15th to the 13th century BC. Players
control the armies of Egypt (New Kingdom), the Hittites, the
Mitanni (a long-forgotten Hurrite kingdom), and the Babylonian
Kassites. A resurgent Assyria also makes an appearance as
raiding parties.
The God Kings is a card-driven game, a system modeled on
Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage. Each kingdom and its army is led
by its King, and there are many Kings included, some great and
some not so great... Ramesses II, The Pharaoh Queen
Hatchepsut, Thutmosis III (the Napoleon of antiquity), Amenophis
IV (better know n as Akenathon), and of course Tutankhamon all
appear for Egypt's greater Glory! Discover also Suppiluliuma,
greatest of the Hittite kings, terror of his enemies, and Muw atalli II
w ho w ould face and defeat the Egyptians at Kadesh.
The object of the game is to establish the greatest Empire of the
time, dominating provinces that w ill pay the Empire tribute and
provide you w ith timber, w hilst defeating the armies of your
neighbors and the Barbarians that alw ays seem to appear at the
w orst possible times. Playable by 2 to 4 players, w ith numerous
scenarios - playing time from 15 minutes (Battle of Kadesh) up to
6 hours for the complete campaign.
Airships, k r. 40,00 (Ava la nce Press)
For a brief period, Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin's giant floating
cylinders seemed poised to play a major role in naval w arfare.
But just as the technology matured, high-performance aircraft, a
spectacular accident caught on film, and the Great Depression
combined to bring an end to military and most civilian use of the
rigid airship. Featuring 10 scenarios based on missions that took
place or could have taken place, this supplement for the Great
War at Sea series of games builds on the popular Zeppelins to
take a further look at lighter-than-air operations.
U.S. Na vy Pla n Sca rlet - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (Ava la nce
New scenarios for the map from the brand-new Great War at
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ground Floor, k r. 479,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90-120 min.
The day has come. The paperw ork is complete, the registration
filed, and the business cards purchased you're open for
business! So now w hat? Where do you spend your time? Where
do you spend your money? Which tasks are most important?
What should take priority? Should you hire new employees? Or
maybe invest in a marketing campaign? These are just some of
the decisions facing you as a fresh entrepreneur w ho dreams of
running a successful business. You must excel at balancing
your time, money and staff because all are scarce and all are
required to thrive.
So barter w ith your fellow colleagues, manage your staff, collect
information, expand your office, or schedule your next product
shipment. It's up to you after all, it's your business. Of course, no
matter w hich route you decide to take to reach that corner office
at the top of the tallest skyscraper, you must start w ith everyone
...on the Ground Floor!
Over the course of the game, you w ill:
Convert your employees' time into info, money and results. Adapt
to changing economic conditions and brace for w hat's ahead.
Produce, promote and sell your goods in the marketplace. Build
your company brand through marketing campaigns. Challenge
other players' enterprises for success and prestige. Grow your
business and build your high-rise!
Gunship - First Strik e Core Ga me, k r. 415,00 (Esca pe
Pod Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min.
Gunship: First Strike! is Escape Pod Games’ core release in a
planned series of tactical space combat games. Players fight to
w in battles in a futuristic civil w ar w ith a variety of ship types.
From the agile and speedy Fighters, to versatile Gunships and
pow erful Assault Carriers, every battle is a w ell-balanced
slugfest that comes right dow n to the w ire!
Gunship: First Strike! is…
■a Card Game that utilizes Dice and Boards in a new and
exciting w ay
■a Space Battle betw een 2, 3 or 4 players that lasts betw een 30
and 60+ minutes
■Customizable, Innovative and Highly Expandable
■Well-Balanced. Most games are w on by less than a handful of
Hit Points
■Flexible. A great game to start the night or to have fun playing
all day in Campaign Mode
■perfect for players w ho like to blow things up w ith a variety of
ship-mounted Heavy Weapons!
Here’s a list of everything that comes in the box:
■158 Full-Color Cards
■4 Gunship Boards
■8 Gunship Wings
■4 Squadron Boards
■2 Carrier Boards
■48 Fighter Tokens, 12 Carrier Armor Tokens
■3 standard Dice (2 12-sided, 1 8-sided)
■4 custom engraved Battle Dice (6-sided)
■20-Page Full-Color Rulebook
■6-page Full-Color Rules Companion
Hea vens of Olympus, The - TILBUD, k r. 200,00 (Rio
Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Zeus, the greatest of the gods, has decided that he w ants to
construct a universe to gaze upon from high atop Mount
Olympus. He has enlisted the help of several unknow n gods
to do this for him – and they have 5 days to fi nish the job. As a
rew ard, Zeus has decided that the god w ho performs the best
w hile making this universe w ill take his or her place
among the greater gods and be admitted into Mount Olympus.
Each player takes on the role of one of these unknow n gods
w orking to help create the Heavens of Olympus. Th e
goal of the game is to earn the most Prestige Points. Prestige
Points can be earned at the end of each round and during each
round if specifi c actions are completed.
Author: Mike Compton
Heck meck (Da nsk /Norsk /Svensk /Finsk udga ve), k r.
149,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-7. Spilletid: 20-30min.
"The w ell know n ' Zoch Chickens' turn up in a hectic dice battle
in Heckmeck Am Bratw urmeck. Tw o to seven players 8 and up
try to obtain fried w orms for their chickens, so that they don't go
hungry. Of course, anyone w ho doesn't manage to grab a w orm
off of the grill can help himself to those of his opponents. This
fast-paced game by Reiner Knizia is, like Hick Hack im
Gackelw ack, a gambling game in the finest chicken tradition."
This game is a basic dice-roller to build a good total to take the
numbered tiles to get the most w orms. Failure to take a tile means
you put one back and the highest tile is turned face-dow n. It's
fun, good for playing in pubs/bars, but it's a dice-roller.
Interestingly, the German edition from Zoch has English rules in
the box.
Hexen Rennen (med engelsk e regler), k r. 300,00 (Queen
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min. Each
player races a team of 3 w itches, trying to run them through a
random obstacle course made up randomly each game out of 48
cardboard disks. Both your hand of cards and the board move
your w itches. Problem is, the board disks all start face dow n, so
the leaders have a rougher time of it.
Hey! Tha t's M y Fish - Silver Line ed., k r. 105,00
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20. In Hey,
That's My Fish!, players w ant to catch as many fish as possible
w ith their w addle of penguins. Each turn, a player moves one
penguin in a straight line over hex-shaped ice tiles w ith 1, 2 or 3
fish on them. The player then collects the hex from w here the
penguin started its movement from the table, thereby creating a
gap w hich penguins can't cross on future turns. When a penguin
can't move, it's removed from play w ith its ow ner claiming the tile
on w hich it stands. The player w ho collects the most fish w ins.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Hibernia - M a rch to Victory, k r. 159,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 30-45min.
Long ago in ancient Ireland, the chiefs of the four kingdoms vied
for control of the land. The heads of Munster, Leinster,
Connacht, and Ulster used w hatever means they could; be it
diplomacy, intimidation, or sheer force. With the blessing of the
druids, they w aged their w ars w ith hopes to one day be
crow ned high king of Hibernia.
In Hibernia, players march armies into colored region, each
representing a different county of ancient Ireland. Occupy the
right color combination of counties to advance your marker
around the score tracker. The first player to circle the board
w ins.
Hirelings - The Ascent, k r. 280,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30 min. Deep
in the underground lair of the foul dragon Rovert is a vast
treasure that had been sought by a group of the most daring
adventurers. Valiantly they made their w ay dow n to depths of
the Earth and readied themselves to defeat the dragon, hoping to
earn glory and riches – but the mighty creature w as w aiting,
breathing a blast of heat and fire upon them, leaving only their
No one w ill remember the tale of these unlucky heroes except
the hapless group of aw estruck hirelings now standing in
Rovert's lair, frozen w ith fear. Feeling helpless as the dragon
moves closer and curls his tail behind them, the survivors
tremble. The snorting dragon craw ls right up in front of them, but
instead of breathing fire, it opens his mouth menacingly, as if to
draw another breath – or maybe to eat them! At that moment, the
bravest of the group yells, "Run!"
In an instant, the terrified hirelings scramble aw ay, seeking the
quickest w ay out of the dragon's lair. Unfortunately, that's not
the w ay the heroes brought them in, but a new escape route
fraught w ith danger! Their only hope of survival is to use their
quick feet and the items strapped to their backs. Unfortunately,
they are not too bright (and not very fast) and they have no clue
how anything they're carrying might help them. Will they make it
out? Only you can determine their fate...
Hirelings: The Ascent is a board game for 2 to 6 players w ho
become the frantic escapees, trying to find and fight their w ay
back above ground. As a hapless hireling, w ill you be able to
make it out? Can you w in the game by being the first one out of
Hive, k r. 250,00 (Tea m Components, Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20min. Hive is
a board-less, strategic game for 2 players ages 8 and up. The
object of the game is to surround your opponent's queen bee
w hile trying to block your opponent from doing the same to your
queen bee.
Each player has 11 tiles, all in all, representing 5 different
insects. The players take turns, either choosing to add a tile to
the hive or moving a tile in the hive.
Each tile has a unique w ay of moving (like in chess) and
resembles the movement of the insect depicted on the tile. For
instance, the grasshopper is the only tile w hich can jump.
Hive is a fun game to play because of its simple rules, yet
challenging for its depth. Hive enhances each player's skills of
strategic planning, tactical thinking and spatial vision. To w in,
you must play both the offense (surround your opponent's bee)
and the defense (to protect your queen bee).
A decorative storage bag makes it easy to carry, store and play
anyw here.
Hive Pock et, k r. 199,50 (Tea m Components, Inc. )
Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20 min. Hive pocket is the
very same w onderful game w e all love,
but in a compact version.
With all its pieces in a portable small cloth bag,
this game can provide fun just about anyw here!
This edition includes tw o bonus pieces, “The Mosquito” and
expansions to the game w hich provide additional hours of fun!
The object:
To surround your opponent’s queen bee w hile trying to block
your opponents from doing the same.
Each player has 13 tiles; representing different insects.
Each insect has a unique w ay of moving (as in chess) and
resembles the
movement of the insect depicted on the tile.
Game w ith simple rules yet challenging in depth.
26 Hexagonal tiles
Cloth bag
Enhance skills of strategic planning, tactical thinking & Spatial
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Igel Ärgern, k r. 249,50 (Doris & Fra nk )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 20-40min.
Gyldent pindsvine racerspil!
Loosely translated as Hedgehogs in a Hurry, this game gives
players several w ooden disks (the hedgehogs) to place in one
of six row s. During a turn, you roll a die, move any of your
hedgehogs one row left or right, then move any hedgehog in the
row your rolled forw ard one space. But w atch out for black
spaces; hedgehogs caught there can't continue moving until
they're in last place. The first player to get three hedgehogs to
the end of the board w ins. Some later versions of this game
come w ith dozens of different variants to keep the game
Ik usa , k r. 640,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Sw eep Across the
Land and Secure Your Empire!
It is the sixteenth century in feudal Japan, w here w ar rages
across the land. Amid the chaos and conflict, you have risen to
pow er as one of five w arlords mighty enough to conquer and
control the w hole empire. Your victory depends on how expertly
you extend your domain w hile defending it from your enemies.
Send your daimyo leaders, samurai, and ashigaru w arriors into
battle to seize new provinces and lay siege to castles. Spend
your hard-w on treasury on building fortifications and bolstering
your forces w ith ronin and ninja.
Prove the strength of your strategy, defeat your rivals, and earn
the exalted title of Shogun.
IL Vecchio, k r. 479,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-80 min. Il
Vecchio is set in the 15th century, w hen Cosimo de Medici also
called "Il Vecchio" ("the Elder) and his family ruled over Tuscany
and its capital Florence. The players represent the heads of
Florentine families trying to rise their families to pow er. To
achieve this, they send out their family members to locations in
Tuscany to perform various tasks, specifically to recruit
follow ers (knights, assassins, abbots) and collect money as
both are needed to take control of provinces in neighboring
regions; controlled provinces provide pow er and a bonus action.
Another task is to gain the favor of the squirearchy as these
favors are indispensable w hen it comes to getting an official
position in Florence, e.g., a seat on the tow n council to enhance
actions in Tuscany, or a noble rank to gain pow er at the end of
the game.
To complete these tasks, how ever, a proper middleman must be
present at a location, and as these middlemen travel a lot, they
are rarely met. That's w hy it is so important to have one's family
members in the right place at the right time to save on time and
money w hile achieving one's goals.
At the beginning of the game, each player has four family
members in Tuscany. Players take turns performing exactly one
action. Before his action, a player may pay money to move one
of his ow n family members to another location. The available
actions are to:
Take a location-specific action in Tuscany. This requires both a
middleman and one of your ow n standing (active) family
members at that location. After the action, this family member is
laid dow n (inactive). Travel to another region and take over a
province, w hich costs both follow ers and money. Travel to
Florence w here you'll spend scrolls (and possibly money) to
claim a city council or nobility tile. Introduce a new family member
to the board. Raise all lying family members on the board. The
game ends w hen the "Pow er of the Medici" has faded, as
indicated by a diminishing pile of crest tiles. Certain actions
require you to remove such a tile, and the game ends w hen
they're all gone. Players then sum their pow er points earned for
gained tiles and majorities in the regions and Florence for a final
scoring, and the player w ith the most pow er w ins.
Jumpy Ja ck , k r. 210,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 2-16. Spilletid: 20 min. Don't
Ra bbids, k r. 150,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-10. Spilletid: 15min. The
zaniest license meets the most fun game.
Discover dozens of trap cards bearing the image of the most
moronic Rabbids in Creation and three special cards w hich are
stark "Raving" mad!
A bag to carry the game everyw here!
The best selling game in its category!
The w hole setting of the Raving Rabbids is now merged w ith the
most fun game of the past few years!
80 cards, 1 totem,
1 Raving Rabbids figurine,
1 cloth bag w ith rabbit ears,
1 rule booklet.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ka misa do, k r. 250,00 (Enigma )
Broa d Pea k Expa nsion, k r. 200,00 (Rebel)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 60min. K2:
Broad Peak is an expansion for the mountain-climbing game K2
that includes a double-sided game board, tokens and new rules.
The game board features the tw elfth-highest mountain in the
w orld, formerly know n as "K3" and now typically called "Broad
Peak" due to the length of its summit.
Broad Peak gives you tw o very different challenges to
undertake, w hich are based on the historical achievements of
Polish mountaineers on Broad Peak in 1984. Both challenges
have their ow n game boards and rule changes to make them
individual game experiences.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20min.
Kamisado is a game of pure skill and strategy! There are no dice,
cards or any other chance element. It’s just you against your
opponent! The aim in each round is to be the first to get an
octagonal ‘dragon tow er’ to the opposite side of the board, by
moving the tow ers in straight lines, either forw ards or diagonally
forw ards. It sounds easy doesn’t it, but the tw ist is that you can
only move a tow er if its colour matches the colour of the square
that your opponent last moved to. Also, you w ill find that the
routes you w ant to use are blocked by enemy tow ers (and
sometimes your ow n!). As the game unfolds, your tow ers w ill be
promoted to ‘Sumos’, and w ill have the ability to push your
opponent's pieces backw ards, earning you extra turns. The
situations continue to become more complex and challenging,
until one player accumulates the required w inning total and can
be declared a ‘Kamisado Grand Master’ - until the next game!
The first challenge is "Race to the Top", a quick and thrilling game
in w hich the game lasts three few er days than normal, players
have no tents, and the deck contains few er acclimatization
cards. Also, the board just has few er places to climb, so w atch
your step!
The second challenge is "Traverse of Broad Peaks", w hich is
more strategic and a little longer then the base game. The board
show s three tops of Broad Peak and mountaineers can earn
additional victory points for traversing all of the mountain and for
reaching the top of each of the three peaks – w hich is very
difficult to do, especially since the mountaineers have only one
tent w ith them.
You need a copy of K2 in order to play K2: Broad Peak.
K2 2nd. Ed., k r. 350,00 (Rebel)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 60min. K2 is
the second-highest mountain on Earth as w ell as the second
deadliest. It's know n as the Savage Mountain, as it kills one
person for every four w ho have reached the summit...
And K2 has never been climbed in w inter.
Now your team stands in its shadow , ready to climb for fame
and glory.
You know the dangers of K2 all too w ell. Extreme w eather w ith
frequent and deadly storms, exposed, steep, tricky routes and
lack of oxygen aw ait you on your w ay to the summit. You w ill
test your climbing skills to death, try to outsmart the everchanging w eather and alw ays w orry about the acclimatization
of your 2 mountaineers. Also there are the other teams ready to
take the glory for themselves.
K2 is a board game in w hich each player controls a team of 2
mountaineers, trying to climb to the summit of K2 and return
before the other players' teams and before the mountain kills
them. Every player uses an identical deck of cards. You use the
cards to move your climbers on the route pictured on the gaming
board, or to acclimatize the members of your team.
You can also set up a tent and w ait for better w eather. You w ill
have to choose your path carefully, as the other mountaineers
can block your w ay, and w atch the upcoming w eather w hich
can low er your acclimatization to 0, thus killing your climbers.
K2 is a hand management game for 1-5 players, w ith strong
interaction and low luck factor, lasting up to 60 minutes. The
theme is very w ell represented by the mechanics, including such
elements as changing w eather, lack of oxygen and death of the
mountaineers. The result is an exciting match for gamers and
non-gamers alike.
The box includes, among other materials, a double-sided board
w ith tw o different routes to the summit (easier and harder) and
tw o sets of w eather tiles (for summer and w inter).
Ka rna g, k r. 480,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 25 min / sp..
Obtain magical points (MP) by preventing evil creatures from
invading the human w orld. These creatures come from the
underw ater Ker-Ys city. The w inner is the player w ith the
highest MP score.
Kemet, k r. 560,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 90 min. In
Kemet, players each represent an Egyptian tribe and w ill use the
mystical pow ers of the gods of ancient Egypt along w ith their
pow erful armies to score points in glorious battles or through
invasion of rich territories.
The conquest for the land of Kemet takes place over tw o
phases: Day and Night. During the day, choose an action
amongst the nine possible choices provided by your player mat
and perform it immediately. Once every player has taken five
actions, night falls, w ith players gathering Prayer Points from
their temples, draw ing Divine Intervention cards, and determining
the turn order before the start of the new day.
As the game progresses, they can use Prayer Points to enroll
magical creatures and have them join their troops. In addition to
intimidating enemies, these creatures provide special pow ers!
Expect to see lots of detailed components, as in Matagot's
Cyclades, to represent the armies and immortals.
Tower of Ka desh Expa nsion - TILBUD, k r. 50,00
(Innovention Toys LLC)
Boxsæt. Take the strategy to a w hole new level w ith Khet 3D:
Tow er of Kadesh. The tow er contains four mirrored portals that
transport the laser beam up to the second level creating a true,
3D playing field. While the rules remain the same,
now pieces can also move one square up or dow n. The tow er
itself adds an additional exciting tw ist since it can also be moved
one square or one rotation on a player’s turn for more mind
bending strategy.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
King of Chica go, k r. 499,00 (Tusba s)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 3-6. From nobody to little
fish to bootlegger to capo di tuti capi...
King of Chicago is a board game for 3 - 6 players of age 14 and
up about building the strongest gangster empire of 1920ies
Chicago. It's a strategic game w ith ample opportunities for
politics, alliances, betrayal, and luck. In bullet rains from drive by
shootings, raids, and corrupt police, historic Chicago becomes
the perfect setting for this action packed board game.
The players each start out on different locations, w ith only a
small turf, a Ford-T and a fist full of dollars. From here, it’s up to
the individual player to expand his turf and build illegal
businesses in order to make money. More money means a better
chance of hiring handpicked ruthless mobsters w ho come to
tow n as the game progresses. More mobsters mean more
firepow er for man-handling opponent players and taking over
their businesses or defending against the inevitable paybacks.
More businesses ultimately lead to more money, and not least,
We have designed a very atmospheric and realistic visual look
for King of Chicago containing real photographs from the 1920ies
Chicago, taken by photographers from Chicago Daily New s.
(Courtesy of Chicago History Museum)
The game provides the historical atmosphere of Chicago, it’s up
to the players to create the story.
Danske regler kan hentes her:
http://w w w
King of Tok yo, k r. 335,00 (IEL)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30 min. In
King of Tokyo, players portray mutant monsters, gigantic robots,
and other monstrous creatures, all of w hom are happily
w hacking each other in a joyous atmosphere in order to become
the one and only King of Tokyo. Win destruction points, hoard
energy, restore your health, or w hack other players into
understanding Tokyo is YOUR territory!
King of Tok yo (da nsk e regler), k r. 320,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30min. Du er
et Gigamonster ude af kontrol…ødelæg alt på din vej!
Prøv at slå de bedste kombinationer med terningerne, så du kan
heale dig selv, angribe, købe specialkort eller få sejrspoint. Det er
op til dig at vælge den bedste taktik, så du kan blive Konge af
Tokyo og slippe af med alle dine konkurrenter i et
sønderknusende slag… Første monster med 20 sejrspoint…eller
sidste overlevende…er vinder af spillet.
Kingdom Builder, k r. 479,50 (Queen Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45min. By
skillful building of settlements players create their ow n kingdoms,
aiming to earn the most gold at the end of the game.
The 3 Kingdom Builder cards specify the conditions w hich must
be met in order to earn the desired gold.
Se film her:
w w w atch?v=fcpfZVZUGe8&feature=relmfu
Kingsburg, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 90min. In
Kingsburg players adopt the role of a governor, and vie for
resources to build up their province, military pow er to defend
their homes, and above all the influence of the King. Over five
years (five turns) players rely on various advisors to the King
for resources. From tangibles like gold, w ood, and stone to
soldiers and portents, each acquisition w ill shape the future of
your community.
Kingsburg includes:
Game Board
5 Province Sheets
21 Six-Sided Dice
15 Disc Tokens
60 Goods Cubes
85 Building Tokens
20 "+2" Tokens
1 King's Envoy Marker
1 Season Marker
1 Year Marker
25 Enemies Cards
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Kolejk a , k r. 270,00 (Instytut Pa mięci Na rodowej )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60min. The
State Trade Announcement
Attention! On February 5, 2011, at approximately 11 AM, the first
delivery of The Queue Board Game w ill take place. Packaged in a
substitute box, The Queue Board Game can be purchased in
exchange for National Bank of Poland bills. In view of the
planned rise of paper prices as w ell as the threat of speculators,
you are advised to stock up on the game now . Only on February
5 w ill the merchandise not be subject to rationing, though its
quantity is limited. After the premiere, the merchandise w ill be
sold in the above-mentioned retail trade establishment until
supplies run out. For persons queuing up to purchase The
Queue, the IPN cultural-educational instructors have prepared a
free educational program, including: a documentary film
“Everyone Know s Who They Are Standing Behind,” popular
queue music, a lecture on the economy of the People’s Republic
of Poland from the “Standing” series, a competition w ith valuable
prizes for the most experienced queuer, as w ell as civic training
in the rules of The Queue Board Game.
The Queue Board Game: How It Works
We say NO to the machinations of the speculators!
The Queue is a board game that tells a story of everyday life in
Poland at the tail-end of the communist era. At first glance, the
task of the 2 to 5 players appears quite simple: they have to
send out their family, w hich consists of 5 paw ns, to various
stores on the game board to buy all the items on their randomly
draw n shopping list. The problem is, how ever, that the shelves
in the five neighborhood shops are empty…
The players line up their paw ns in front of the stores w ithout
know ing w hich store w ill have a delivery. Tension mounts as the
product delivery cards are uncovered and it turns out that there
w ill only be enough product cards for the lucky few standing
closest to the door. Since everyone w ants to be first, the queue
starts to push up against the door. To get ahead, the people in
the queue use a range of queuing cards, such as: “Mother
carrying small child,” “This is not your place, sir,” or “Under-thecounter goods.” But they have to w atch out for “Closed for
stocktaking” and “Delivery error” cards, and for the speculators –
black paw ns standing in the queue. Only those players w ill
come home w ith full shopping bags w ho make the best use of
the queuing cards in their hand.
On the product cards there are photos of sixty original objects
from the communist era. The merchandise includes Relaks
shoes, Przemysław ka eau de cologne, Popularna tea, as w ell as
other commodities that w ere once in short supply.
Though the neighborhood also has an outdoor market w hich
sells everything, the prices there are steep – unless, of course,
you manage to strike a deal w ith the market w oman. In this
historical board game you really have to be savvy to get the
Are you brave enough to confront the everyday life of the
La byrinth 25th Anniversa ry Edition, k r. 240,00
(Ra vensburger)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20-30min. A
Race for Treasure in a Moving Maze! Be the first to collect all
your treasures by shifting the w alls of the labyrinth to create a
clear path. This 25th Anniversary Edition of Labyrinth is
packaged in a high-quality, stylish tin, and comes complete w ith a
game board, 34 moving w all cards, 24 treasure cards, and four
different colored playing tokens.
La dies a nd Gentlemen, k r. 320,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 4-10. Spilletid: 30min. The
unusual and asymmetric game Ladies & Gentlemen brings
players into the w orld of glamour. In teams of tw o – one playing
a man, the other a w oman – the players try to pull together the
best-looking and most famous couple w ho w ill attend the big ball.
The gentleman's duty is to make as much money as possible,
w hich the lady w ill then spend on jew elry, clothes, and
exclusive accessories. Each team has its ow n action cards to
carry out its tasks, and the more that the players embody their
characters – flirtatious, fashion-obsessed ladies, and rich,
arrogant, pretentious gentlemen – the more fun and explosive the
game w ill be!
Growing Hunger Expa nsion, k r. 319,50 (Flying Frog
Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60-90min.
As the living nightmare of the Zombie attack continues, the bitter
struggle for survival grow s increasingly deadly. Desperate for
flesh, Zombies sw arm over the tow n of Woodinvale, leaving a
gruesome w ake of death and destruction in their path. With
now here to hide and a renew ed determination, the remaining
Heroes add more survivors to their ranks and find new w eapons
to fight back the grow ing hunger of the dead.
The Grow ing Hunger Expansion introduces new game
mechanics and three exciting new Scenarios to challenge
players as w ell as a tw o player mini-game. Take control of four
new Heroes, each w ith a highly-detailed plastic miniature as w ell
as seven new Red Zombies for use as Plague Carriers, Grave
Dead, or to increase the Zombie Horde. New modular game
board sections expand the tow n and feature unique buildings
such as the Supermarket, Library, and Antique Shop. New game
cards give Zombies a chance to steal w eapons from the Heroes
and add pow erful Double-Handed w eapons to the Heroes
arsenal, such as Garden Shears and the Fence Post. Also
included are tw o new full color, die-cut counter sheets adding
Free Search Markers for the Heroes as w ell as many more fun
ideas to the Last Night on Earth toolbox for limitless use w ith
official w eb content or creating your ow n new Scenarios.
Hero Pa ck 1, k r. 199,50 (Flying Frog Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. The Hero Pack One™ Expansion for Last Night on
Earth® introduces four exciting new Heroes, Stacy the
Investigative Reporter, Mr. Goddard the Chemistry Teacher, Jade
the High School Outcast, and Victor the Escaped Prisoner. Each
character has a highly detailed plastic miniature and Character
Sheet. Also included are new game cards and a challenging
new Scenario.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
La st Night on Ea rth - The Zombie Ga me, k r. 479,50
(Flying Frog Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60-90min.
Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game is a survival horror board
game that pits small-tow n Heroes head-to-head against a
limitless horde of Zombies (players can play on the Hero team or
as the Zombies). A modular board randomly determines the
layout of the tow n at the start of each game and there are
several different scenarios to play, adding lots of replayability.
Fast Paced Game Play w ith Easy To Learn rules allow s players
to jump right into the action, w hile Strategic Depth and Strong
Cooperative Play keeps the game interesting.
To achieve a horror movie feel, all of the art for the game is
photographic and the game comes w ith a CD Soundtrack of
original music.
Timber Pea k Expa nsion, k r. 399,50 (Flying Frog
Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60-90.
Escaping from the zombie-overrun tow n of Woodinvale, a
handful of survivors make their w ay up into the mountains but as
they reach the small logging and mining tow n of Timber Peak,
they discover that a new nightmare has just begun!
Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak is an action-packed standalone
game as w ell as an expansion for Last Night on Earth.
Introducing the brand new tow n of Timber Peak w ith a full set of
game boards, six new Heroes (including three Survivor versions
of Heroes from the original Last Night on Earth), four Generator
objective pieces, a full set of 14 Zombies, a host of new
Scenarios, rules for fire breaking out and spreading, over 130
new game cards, and a full Experience System for both Heroes
and the Zombie horde to gain upgrades w ithin the course of
each game!
Timber Peak is packed w ith new material for veteran players to
add to their toolbox, and a fantastic w ay for new players to jump
into the action. A modular board randomly determines the layout
of the tow n at the start of each game and there are several
different scenarios to play, adding lots of replayability.
To achieve a horror movie feel, all of the art for the game is
Ha rry Potter Hogwa rts, k r. 300,00 (Lego)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20-40 min. De
bevægelige trapper og hemmelige gange på Hogw arts skole for
heksekunster og troldmandsskab kan gøre det svært at finde
rundt. Vær den første der finder vej gennem det magiske slot,
samler de brikker, du skal bruge for at lave dine lektier, og
kommer tilbage til din opholdsstue! Et sjovt og udfordrende
familiespil for 2-4 spillere.
Sta r Wa rs - Ba ttle of Hoth, k r. 300,00 (Lego)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2/4. Spilletid: 10-20min.
Den berømte scene fra den femte Star Wars-film er
udgangspunkt for det nye brætspil fra LEGO Games. I spillet kan
du genskabe det berømte slag på planeten Hoth mellem Imperiets
styrker, anført af Darth Vader, og oprørerne, der bliver anført af
Luke Skyw alker. Hver alliance har som mål at ødelægge alle
modstanderens enheder eller komme ind på hans hemmelige
base for at vinde slaget om Hoth. Afhængigt af din strategi kan
du vælge at rykke din enhed frem eller angribe fjendens enheder.
Men pas på! LEGO terningen afgør, om dit angreb lykkes eller
Modsat slaget om Hoth i filmen ændrer slaget i brætspillet sig hele
tiden, alt efter hvem der spiller, og hvad LEGO terningen viser.
Brugen af en terning i et strategispil giver spillet en ekstra
drejning og gør "slaget" uforudsigeligt og dermed også mere
sjovt, da spillernes strategiske evner ikke er altafgørende.
Som med alle andre spil fra LEGO Games kan dette brætspil også
fornys, og spillerne kan ændre både spillets opbygning og
reglerne, når nye slag skal planlægges. Man kan derfor ændre
på reglerne for både imperiets styrker og oprørerne, og på den
måde gøre spillet mere personligt.
Ilrion, k r. 179,00 (Lego)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-3. Spilletid: 10-20min.
Continue your adventure in the w orld of HEROICA™ w ith new
heroes, potions and treasure. It's up to you to locate the
Catacombs, fight your w ay past vicious bats, lumbering zombies,
and defeat the Vampire Lord to rescue the King! An expandable
w orld of adventure for 2–3 players.
• 1 buildable LEGO® Dice
• 8 LEGO microfigures
• 231 LEGO pieces
• Rules booklet
• Poster
• Building instructions
Letters from Whitecha pel, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 1+ timer.
Letters from Whitechapel is a thematically engrossing board
game of deduction and bluffing in w hich one player takes the
role of the infamous Jack the Ripper, w hile up to five other
players are detectives w orking together to pursue him through
Victorian London. After committing his horrible murders, Jack
must outmaneuver the detectives in the tangled streets of the
Whitechapel District. Meanw hile, the detectives must use clever
deduction and their superior numbers to hunt Jack the Ripper
dow n before he can kill again or elude them forever.
Letters from Whitechapel includes:
1 Rulebook, Game Board, and Jack Screen 6 Reference Sheets
and 4 Jack's Letter Sheets 5 Head of the Investigation Tiles and 5
Special Movement Tokens 16 Wooden Tokens, 12 Wooden
Paw ns, and 27 Plastic Markers
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Level 7 - Esca pe, k r. 440,00 (Priva teer Press)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Experience a New Level of Fear! Deep underground, in the
middle of now here, lurks Subterra Bravo - a terrifying, top-secret
military base filled w ith the unspeakable horrors of science gone
w rong. You are a captive of Subterra Bravo, imprisoned in the
facility's deepest laboratory, the hall of nightmares know n as
LEVEL 7. Level 7: [Escape] is a semi-cooperative, story-driven
survival-horror game for 1-4 players w ith nerves of steel and an
inclination tow ard life-threatening situations.
Lock down, k r. 255,00 (Priva teer Press)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Battle rages through the halls of Subterra Bravo as unearthly
creatures and human military fight over control of the
underground facility. Amid the turmoil, a few desperate prisoners
have managed to escape this hellish place.
You w ere not so lucky.
Subterra Bravo is now locked dow n, its exits sealed—and w ith
them, perhaps your fate. Your only hope is to descend back into
the bow els of this nightmare facility in search of another w ay
out. But w aiting w ithin its unexplored depths are new dangers
and even more deadly denizens, ready to put a grisly end to your
bid to escape. Can you and your fellow survivors overcome
your fears and the horrors that stand in your w ay, or w ill you fall
prey to the frenzied monsters that hunt you?
LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE]: Lockdow n is a death-defying expansion for
LEVEL 7 [ESCAPE] that adds new enemies, room tiles, and rules
along w ith five new scenarios that w ill put your w ill to survive to
the ultimate test.
Forgotten Heroes - Vietna m 2nd Edition, k r. 520,00
(Lock 'n Loa d Publishing )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: Medium 4/10. Spillere: 1-2. Updated
Rules! Improved Components! New Scenarios! Pow ered by the
fast-paced, interactive Impulse System designed to keep both
players actively involved in the game, Forgotten Heroes 2nd
Edition simulates head-to-head combat in Vietnam w ith the
immediacy of squad-level combat.
Lock e & Key, k r. 240,00 (Cryptozoic Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min.
Locke & Key tells the story of Keyhouse, an unlikely New
England mansion, home to fantastic doors that transform all w ho
dare to w alk through them - and a hate-filled creature that w ill
not rest until it forces open the most terrible door of them all! In
Locke & Key: The Game, players overcome challenges and
gather mysterious keys in the unique Keyhouse mansion. Will
you succumb to the pow ers of the Keyhouse, or successfully
gather keys unharmed?
Based on acclaimed suspense novelist and New York Times
bestselling author Joe Hill (Heart-Shaped Box) and artist Gabriel
Rodriguez's graphic story of dark fantasy and w onder, Locke &
Key: The Game offers a w ide variety of replay value w ith 150
Strength cards, 19 Challenge Cards, and 15 Key Cards.
Lord of the Rings Boa rd Ga me - Silver Line Edition, k r.
279,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 1-2h. Your
task is to stop the Dark Lord Sauron from w inning back the One
Ring and destroy it in the volcanic fires of Mount Doom. Join
Frodo and the Fellow ship on the perilous adventure across
Middle Earth, and use your skill and fortune to guide you!
Created by master designer Reiner Knizia, Lord of the Rings: The
Board Game is fully illustrated by celebrated Tolkien artist John
How e. Help guide the Fellow ship past Sauron's w ickedness and
save Middle Earth from darkness! Players take on the role of five
Hobbits Merry, Pippen, Fatty, Sam, and Frodo on their quest to
destroy the One Ring. They must w ork their w ay through four
boards, cooperating to overcome challenges and prevent the
Ringbearer from being corrupted.
The Lord of the Rings board game is a unique and original game
in w hich players must w ork together to defeat the game itself, a
daunting task that w ill challenge even the most experienced
players. The cooperative play style immerses players into the
game, cheering their success and cursing the foul turns of fate
that hinder their quest.
This new Silver Line Edition of The Lord of the Rings has been
given a beautiful graphics overhaul, retaining the elegant
illustrations of John How e w hile updating the game boards and
components. Because many of the components have changed in
size and design (making the game much more compact) this new
edition w ill be incompatible w ith previously released expansions.
Based on Tolkiens Books
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Lord of the Rings Dice Building Ga me, k r. 425,00
(WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. In
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellow ship of the Ring Deck-building
Game, you take on the role of Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, or one of
their brave and heroic allies in the struggle against the forces of
the Dark Lord Sauron! While you begin armed only w ith basic
combat maneuvers, you w ill add new , more pow erful cards to
your deck as you go, w ith the goal of defeating the deadly
forces that serve Sauron as you make your w ay tow ards Mount
Doom. In the end, the player w ho has accumulated the most
Victory Points from the cards in his or her deck w ins the game.
Each player takes on the role of an iconic hero from The Lord of
the Rings: The Fellow ship of the Ring, including Aragorn, Frodo,
Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Samw ise, and Boromir. Each hero
comes w ith a special pow er unique to that character and usable
only by that player.
Lyssa n, k r. 480,00 (Lyssa n)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 180 min.
You are the one true ruler of the broken Empire of Lyssan, and
it's up to you to put the pretenders (the other players) in their
place before their endless squabbling tears your nation apart.
You (and others) w ill attempt to take control by using castles,
knights, nobles, priests, and spies:
Knights hold territory and fight masterfully. Nobles hold territory,
support priests, and fight poorly. Castles hold territory, spaw n
new units, and protect knights and nobles. Priests manipulate
influence and support spies. Spies assassinate priests and other
spies, and have the devastating pow er to steal other players'
court cards. Lyssan is an intense board game of strategy,
cooperation, and betrayal for tw o to four players. The w inner is
the player w ho claims the most trophies, and each trophy can
only be claimed by a single player. One trophy card might call for
the player to control the most mines, the next to have most spies
deployed, and the next to have the most sophisticated court. An
upcoming trophy is revealed each turn, requiring strength,
cunning, and adaptability to w in.
M a deira (Sa nta Cruz), k r. 349,00 (Enigma )
Each player starts w ith his or her ow n basic ten-card deck and
draw s a hand of five cards each turn. Pow er is the currency
you w ill use to buy new , stronger cards to add to your deck. The
goal of a deck-building game is to craft your personal deck into a
w ell-oiled machine. There are five different types of cards that
can be acquired: Enemies, Allies, Artifacts, Maneuvers, and
To bolster their existing deck of cards, players use Pow er to
acquire cards from "The Path," a large, central stack of cards
that supplies a five-card line-up from w hich players make their
purchases. Each player w ill alw ays have five face-up cards to
choose from each turn, so every turn there are new options and
When a player has amassed enough Pow er, he or she may
defeat more pow erful enemies from the "Archenemy" deck.
"Archenemy" cards are represented by the notable enemies
from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellow ship of the Ring, including
Saruman, and the Balrog, among others. When an "Archenemy"
is defeated, a new one appears and makes an Attack against
each player in the game! Players can defend themselves w ith
Defense cards like Boromir's Shield, Mithril Armor, "You Shall Not
Pass!" and several others.
Na zgul Boa rd Ga me - TILBUD, k r. 500,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 120-180 min.
•Based on the hit Lord of the Rings trilogy.
•A semi-cooperative strategy game for 3-5 players.
•Choose w isely w hen you w ork w ith or against your fellow
players to advance your ow n secret agendas - but be careful for the One Ring must be found before time runs out and
everyone loses.
•3 difficulty settings, variable events and an optional full co-op
variant ensure support of different play styles and repeat play
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45min.
Madeira is played in tw o independent rounds in w hich players
build homes, churches and lighthouses on the island w hile also
developing valuable resources.
Players each start w ith a hand of cards, comprising traveling
cards and scoring cards. They then explore a board show ing
three islands, w hich have tiles laid face-dow n representing
buildings and places, such as churches and lighthouses. On a
turn, players must play either a traveling card to explore and
place buildings in their color or play a scoring card to score a
particular type of building, resource, or other game condition for
all players. Spaces near the central volcano are more valuable,
but are vulnerable to a negative eruption scoring card.
If that volcano does erupt, the magma might clear aw ay the
buildings already constructed. Bad luck? Well, use your
experience from the first round to build better in the second. You
w on't make the same mistakes a second time, w ill you?
Concentrate on the further colonization of Santa Cruz and score
w hile you can!
Lost Legion Expa nsion Set, k r. 400,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 1-4h. Have
the Mage Knights found a foe w ho rivals their pow er? An army
travels the lands of the Atlantean Empire led by the mysterious
General Volkare. What is his purpose for being here...and how
did he survive The Breaking? The first expansion to the Mage
Knight Board Game, The Lost Legion comes complete w ith
General Volkare on a Clix base, a new playable Mage Knight
(Wolfhaw k), (48) Enemy/Ruin tokens, (16) Unit Cards, six Map
Tiles, (12) Advanced Action Cards, eight Artifacts, and four
Spells, plus exciting, new Scenarios and a Rulebook supporting
five players.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M a ge Knight Boa rd Ga me, k r. 675,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 1-4h. The
Mage Knight Board Game throw s you and up to three other Mage
Knights into the spraw ling and ever changing w orld of the
Atlantean Empire, a land that is but a distant memory since your
transformation into a mysterious Mage Knight. Build your armies,
defeat bands of marauding enemies, and eventually conquer
cities in the name of the mysterious Void Council.
Designed by renow ned designer Vlaada Chvatil, Mage Knight is
a game of Epic Exploration and Conquest that mixes character
development, intrigue, and the clashing of sw ords to create a
truly unique gaming experience.
As a Mage Knight you must control your reputation and w alk the
line or embrace the role of benevolent leader or brutal dictator.
Accumulate Fame and experience to acquire pow erful Spells
and abilities, then use your pow er to influence units to join your
ranks. Will you destroy an ancient Draconum and gain favor w ith
the people, or burn dow n a monastery to steal the pow erful
artifact hidden there? Both paths may lead to victory, but the
decision is yours to make.
The Mage Knight Board Game comes w ith a variety of campaign
options, allow ing you to play both competitively or cooperatively.
Will your path intertw ine w ith your fellow Mage Knights as you
quest to conquer the Atlantean cities, or w ill you be sleeping
w ith one eye open?
The game features an impressive 240 cards, 8 intricately painted
miniatures, 196 tokens, 20 map tiles, 54 mana crystals, 7 mana
dice, 2 game mats and 2 rulebooks!
M a nha tta n Project, k r. 400,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 120min. A
pow er struggle at the beginning of an atomic age. A
revolutionary new technology. Who w ill use it to build the
deadliest arsenal and become the w orld's dominant
superpow er?
The Manhattan Project is a low -luck, mostly open information
efficiency game in w hich players compete to build and operate
the most effective atomic bomb program. Players do not "nuke"
each other, but conventional air strikes are allow ed against
The game features w orker placement w ith a tw ist; There are no
rounds and no end-of-round administration. Players retrieve their
w orkers w hen they choose to or are forced to (by running out).
An espionage action allow s a player to activate and block an
opponent's building, representing technology theft and sabotage.
Ca ll of the Wild Expa nsion, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
Venture into the unknow n w ith Call of the Wild, an expansion for
Mansions of Madness! Five new scenarios and eleven doublesided board tiles plunge investigators into the mysterious
backw oods, shaking the foundations of w hat players have come
to expect. The keeper has even more surprises at his disposal,
and at times must solve ritual puzzles and seek out clues. A
focus on outdoor maps encourages non-linear exploration, and
new Allies assist in combat w hile driving the macabre narrative.
Survive the w ilderness in Call of the Wild!
Forcema ster Vs. Wa rlord Expa nsion Set, k r. 320,00
(Arca ne Wonders )
Boxsæt. Join the fantasy phenomenon that pits Mage against
Mage in an epic duel to the death! Now play as the Forcemaster a master of telekinesis and Mind magic - or the Warlord supreme commander of soldiers and War magic - in this boxed
expansion for Mage Wars. The Forcemaster Vs. Warlord
Expansion Set includes 216 Spell Cards, tw o Custom Spellbooks,
tw o Mage Cards, tw o Mage Ability Cards, Die-cut markers, and
complete rules.
M a ge Wa rs, k r. 480,00 (ElfinWerk s, LLC)
Note: This is not a complete game and requires the base game to
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 45-90min. Hurl
Lightning Bolts! Summon Mythical Creatures! Cast Sinister
Curses! In Mage Wars, players take on the role of pow erful
mages, stepping into an arena to battle for supremacy. Choose
betw een a Wizard, Warlock, Beastmaster, or Priestess, each
w ith their ow n unique strategies and style of play; conjure your
custom spellbook from over 300 spells; and let the battle ignite!
Mansions of Madness: Forbidden Alchemy provides players w ith
new investigators for the Mansions of Madness base game, as
w ell as new Trauma, Mythos, and Combat cards for use in any
story. Forbidden Alchemy also includes three new scenarios, in
w hich investigators w ill encounter new rooms, monsters, items,
clues, locks, and obstacles:
M a gestorm - TILBUD, k r. 350,00 (Nexus Ga mes )
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 60+ min. Magestorm,
the first set of a new board game series of fantasy battles
fought under the influence of pow erful magic, is now available.
While mighty armies clash, mages w ith godlike pow ers unleash
the force of their spells on the battlefield, helping their mortal
allies w hile pursuing their ow n mysterious goals. Victory only
can be achieved by perfecting a strategy that balances magicuse w ith military skill.
Forbidden Alchemy Expa nsion, k r. 279,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
Inside abandoned hospitals, secret laboratories, and forgotten
cellars, scientists are conducting depraved experiments that w ill
drag humanity to the brink of the abyss. Only a small group of
investigators can discover the truth and put an end to these mad
plots before it's too late...
•In "Return of the Reanimator", the investigators are tasked w ith
entering a vermin-infested manor to seek the w hereabouts of
Doctor Herbert West, a reportedly insane scientist w hose
legendary experiments in reanimation led to his untimely demise.
•"Yellow Matter" tells the grim tale of research into strange
extraterrestrial beings. But w ho is the experimenter, and w ho is
the subject?
•"Lost in Time and Space" takes your Mansions of Madness
experience to mind-bending new heights w ith the introduction of
time travel! Travel back to the mid-nineteenth century or ahead to
the mid-tw enty-first in your search for the truth behind a strange
and dangerous device.
With four new investigators, tw o monster types, nearly 250 new
cards, 40 tokens and markers, and six detailed map tiles,
Forbidden Alchemy introduces a host of new enhancements to
your Mansions of Madness experience.
OBS: Med rettede regler og kort
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
House of Fea rs, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
An influential film director is holding a screening of his latest
production in the abandoned estate Whale Manor, and you've
been asked to attend. There's just one catch: Whale Manor is
haunted by the spirits of dead actors, all of w hom are cursed to
relive the drama of their films again and again! A cinematic
adventure by acclaimed novelist Tracy Hickman, House of Fears
thrusts players into a living 1920's movie. But can they escape
the horror before the film's tragic ending? This "Print-OnDemand" expansion for Mansions of Madness contains three
double-sided reference sheets, plus new Exploration, Lock,
Obstacle, Event, Objective, and Keeper Action Cards.
M a nsions of M a dness, k r. 600,00 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
Horrific monsters and spectral presences lurk in manors, crypts,
schools, monasteries, and derelict buildings near Arkham,
Massachusetts. Some spin dark conspiracies w hile others w ait
for hapless victims to devour or drive insane. It’s up to a handful
of brave investigators to explore these cursed places and
uncover the truth about the living nightmares w ithin.
Designed by Corey Konieczka, Mansions of Madness is a
macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for tw o to five
players. Each game takes place w ithin a pre-designed story that
provides players w ith a unique map and several combinations of
plot threads. These threads affect the monsters that
investigators may encounter, the clues they need to find, and
w hich climactic story ending they w ill ultimately experience. One
player takes on the role of the keeper, controlling the monsters
and other malicious pow ers w ithin the story. The other players
take on the role of investigators, searching for answ ers w hile
struggling to survive w ith their minds intact.
Do you dare enter the Mansions of Madness?
Mansions of Madness includes:
•1 Rulebook, Investigator Guide, and Keeper Guide
•8 Investigator Figures and 24 Monster Figures
•Over 300 cards
•Over 200 Tokens and Markers
•15 detailed Map Tiles
•Nearly 70 Puzzle Tiles
•1 Ten-Sided Die
Sea son of the Witch, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Horrific monsters and spectral presences lurk in manors, crypts,
schools, monasteries, and derelict buildings near Arkham,
Massachusetts. Some spin dark conspiracies w hile others w ait
for hapless victims to devour or drive insane. It’s up to a handful
of brave investigators to explore these cursed places and
uncover the truth about the living nightmares w ithin.
Designed by Corey Konieczka, Mansions of Madness is a
macabre game of horror, insanity, and mystery for tw o to five
players. Each game takes place w ithin a pre-designed story that
provides players w ith a unique map and several combinations of
plot threads. These threads affect the monsters that
investigators may encounter, the clues they need to find, and
w hich climactic story ending they w ill ultimately experience. One
player takes on the role of the keeper, controlling the monsters
and other malicious pow ers w ithin the story. The other players
take on the role of investigators, searching for answ ers w hile
struggling to survive w ith their minds intact.
Do you dare enter the Mansions of Madness?
Mansions of Madness includes:
•1 Rulebook, Investigator Guide, and Keeper Guide
•8 Investigator Figures and 24 Monster Figures
•Over 300 cards
•Over 200 Tokens and Markers
•15 detailed Map Tiles
•Nearly 70 Puzzle Tiles
•1 Ten-Sided Die
Silver Ta blet, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
A promising professor has absconded w ith university property an ancient and mysterious silver tablet. Now , you've been hired
to search her manor for clues to her w hereabouts, all w hile
treating the matter w ith the utmost discretion. But w hat darker
secrets does the tablet hold, and w hy did Professor Wolcott cut
off all communication w ith the outside w orld? A story expansion
for Mansions of Madness, The Silver Tablet tasks players w ith
solving the horrifying mystery behind an ancient artifact... all
w hile resisting its sinister pow ers! This expansion comes
complete w ith three double-sided reference sheets, tw o Keeper
Action cards, five Event cards, three Objective cards, and nearly
50 Clue, Exploration, Lock, and Obstacle cards.
'Til Dea th Do Us Pa rt, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
It started out as a harmless boast in a quiet Innsmouth pub. But
w hat seemed an unlikely drunken yarn w ill quickly become a
living nightmare, as you and your fellow investigators set out to
find the truth behind rumors of ghastly human reanimation! Can
you solve the mystery behind these gruesome rituals, or w ill
become their next unholy sacrifice?
‘Til Death Do Us Part is a Print on Demand story expansion for
Mansions of Madness! Designed by Tom Jolly (Cave Troll, WizWar), ‘Til Death Do Us Part tells a story of love, loss, and dark
arcane rituals. Enlist the posthumous aid of an unlikely killer’s
past victims... or you might just join them for eternity.
‘Til Death Do Us Part includes:
•Three double-sided reference sheets
•Tw o Keeper Action cards
•Five Event cards
•Three Objective cards
•35 Clue and Exploration cards
•Four Infection cards
•Nine Lock and Obstacle cards
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Yellow Sign, The, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Julian Glen, a talented up-and-coming playw right, has penned a
w ork that he claims w ill be his masterpiece. There’s only one’s turning its audience into mindless fanatics! As some
of the few audience members to retain your sanity, you and the
other investigators must now w ork together to find Glen and
uncover his true plot.
The Yellow Sign is a Print on Demand story expansion for
Mansions of Madness. Based on a design by a collaboration of
fans at FFG’s Arkham Nights 2011, The Yellow Sign thrusts
players into a horror-filled playhouse. Can you survive until your
next curtain call?
The Yellow Sign includes:
•35 Exploration Cards
•4 Lock Cards and 5 Obstacle Cards
•4 King’s Court Cards and 4 Event Cards
•3 Objective Cards and 3 Keeper Action Cards
•3 Rules Sheets
Note: Due to variations in the printing process, cards from Print
on Demand expansions w ill be subtly different in appearance
and texture from base game cards. For this reason, some of the
cards in this expansion are reprinted from the base game to
retain a consistent appearance w hen shuffled.
Ca mpa ign Book Vol.2, k r. 310,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Campaign Book Volume 2 invites you to rediscover even more of
World War II in all of its staggering scope and intensity. Forty six
new scenarios spread across 11 unique campaigns w ill take
your campaign skills to the next level as you attempt to lead your
men to victory across 5 distinct theaters of operations.
This book builds upon the campaign rules, first introduced in
Campaign Book Volume 1, to let you play scenarios in
succession w ith the outcome of each battle impacting the ones
that follow .
•Advanced Campaign Rules - Reserves, Special Events...
•5 Theaters of Operation - Pacific Islands, Poland, Normandy...
•11 Different campaigns - Guadalcanal, Invasion of Malaya, Fall
of Poland, Normandy Breakthrough...
•46 new scenarios - Tenaru, Iw o Jima Landings, Singapore,
Tuchola Forest, Drop In The Night, Rescue of Mussolini...
•3 New badges - Jungle Fighters, Polish Dragoons, 82nd Airborne
•24 Round tokens - Reserve Tokens, Smoke Screen, Veteran
•6 Obstacles - Broken Bridge, Landing Crafts, Casemates
This book is an expansion for the Memoir '44 boardgame. An
original copy of Memoir '44 is required to play.
M a sques, k r. 105,00 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45-60 min. A
new Doge has come to pow er and is throw ing a masquerade
ball for the nobility of Venice! Masques is a card game in w hich
tw o to four players take on the roles of influential families as
they plot, scheme, and outmaneuver their opponents for the
favor of pow erful Venetian guilds. Hire agents to carry out dirty
deeds by assassinating, robbing, and w ooing the members of
the court as you w ork to become the secret pow er behind the
M EM OIR '44
The Island Hoppers Grand Campaign can be played w ith the
base game and the Pacific Theater expansion. The Bicycle
Blitzkrieg, Fall of Poland and Break Through Normandy
campaigns require tiles from the Terrain Pack. The Normandy
campaign also requires the Breakthrough boards. The Air Aces
campaign requires the Air Pack expansion.
Equipment Pa ck , k r. 520,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 40-120. The
M emoir '44, k r. 480,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Memoir ‘44 includes over 15 different battle scenarios and
features a double-sided hex game board for both beach landings
and countryside combat. Each scenario mimics the historical
terrain, troop placements and objectives of each army.
Commanders deploy troops through Command and Tactic cards,
applying the unique skills of his units – infantry, paratrooper,
tank, artillery, and even resistance fighters – to their greatest
“By design, the game is not overly complex”, says Memoir ‘44
designer, Richard Borg. “The game mechanics, although simple,
still require strategic card play, timely dice rolling and an
aggressive yet flexible battle plan to achieve victory.” In addition
to the large, double-sided gameboard, Memoir ‘44 includes 144
amazingly detailed army miniatures - including historically
accurate infantry, tanks and artillery; 36 Obstacle pieces, 60
illustrated Command cards, 44, Special Terrain tiles and 8 Custom
Wooden dice.
Memoir ‘44 is designed for 2 players but easily accommodates
team play. And w ith Memoir’ 44 Overlord scenarios, players can
use multiple boards and up to 8 players to conduct large scale
operations, experiencing the challenges of troop coordination
and military chain of command on a large scale battlefield.
Average game length is betw een 30 and 60 minutes,
encouraging match play w here players can command first one
side and then the other.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Winter Wa rs Expa nsion, k r. 310,00 (Da ys of Wonder,
Boxsæt. This Memoir '44 expansion packs everything a soldier
needs to fight through the bitter cold battles of the Ardennes
Offensive during Christmas 1944.
Winter Wars includes:
88 w inter terrain tiles
20 Winter Combat cards and 80 new Command cards designed
specifically for Breakthrough battles
new Winter Combat rules
new Troop badges, including the all-new Tank Destroyer and
Heavy Anti-Tank Gun units, and Late War model versions of an
Anti-Tank Gun, Mortar, and Machine Gun
The first six scenarios are standard scenarios, playable w ith a
single base game and this expansion, w hile the other four
scenarios are gigantic Breakthrough renditions of the Battle of
the Bulge. These scenarios require the Eastern Front expansion
and Breakthrough kit of board maps to play.
Winter/Desert Boa rd M a p, k r. 195,00 (Da ys of Wonder,
A new double-sided Battlefield board for Memoir'44. Featuring
M ercha nt of Venus, k r. 639,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 2-4 timer.
Xandar hauled a piece of impossible furniture onto the bridge,
curious w hy it sold so w ell across the galaxy. Designed by the
Whynoms, the thing looked more like a chair than anything else,
but the w ay it adapted to hold the w ires dangling from his open
engine assembly gave him the creeps. They said that impossible
furniture could adapt to hold giant tentacles or slugs. Xandar
shook it off. Space loomed before him, and his cargo holds w ere
full. It w as time to get rich.
Fantasy Flight Games is delighted to announce the upcoming
release of Merchant of Venus, a board game of space traders
and alien riches. Tw o to four players race through the galaxy on
a w ild dash for cash, locating and establishing vital trade lines to
transport goods from the planets w here they're common, to the
planets w here they can sell for maximum profit.
A day in the life of a space trader Aliens sell you their goods,
and you've got a deadline to hit high market on a distant w orld.
Streamlining your trade route is vital, as is boosting your ride,
tw eaking it out w ith all the latest and coolest upgrades.
How ever, money invested in your ship cuts into your bottom line,
making it a tough choice each trader w ill face as they compete to
become the richest and greatest space trader.
Pilots, lasers, and shields can help you bypass the hazards of
space travel. Increased cargo holds let you transport more
goods w ith each voyage, and better pilots and drives can speed
your ship across the galaxy in record time.
Meanw hile, you can pick up passengers able to pay for their
rides and eke a profit out of the emptiest stretches of space.
Transport enough, and your fame may translate to w ealth later
on, especially w hen alien cultures learn about your most
distinguished guests.
M ercurius, k r. 320,00 (Rebel)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 60min. The
East India Company grow s quickly through the delivery of exotic
goods from New World and Far East – but to operate on such a
large scale, the company needs money, so the first w orld stock
market is opened in Amsterdam. Rich citizens see the opportunity
to acquire even more riches, so they invest in the stock market,
w hile also w anting to take part in even more opportunities to
make profit. Thus, much w anted exotic goods can be bought and
sold, too, and w ith no secure routes a player can make even
better profits by trading them.
In Mercurius players take on the role of rich citizens in Holland in
the 17th century. They invest their money in stocks of different
branches of the East India Company or try to earn much more
profit through risky trade in exotic goods. Players have their ow n
information about activities in the far lands and about events
w hich can influence prices at the market, but each of them sees
only part of the picture, so they have to look at w hat other
players are doing and w hich prices are influenced by them.
Players have starting cash at the beginning of the game, along
w ith five "changing prices" cards and four cards w hich allow
them to take special actions during play. The game board show s
prices for stocks of six branches of the East India Company and
for six goods those branches trade. On a turn, a player can
make up to three purchases or sales of stocks or goods as he
w ishes. He then plays one "changing prices" card from his hand.
Each card changes the price of one stock and one good. Each
card changes the prices three times, once on the turn it's played
and on tw o consecutive turns. The tricky part is that cards move
the value of goods tw ice as much as the value of stocks, so
players can earn more by trading goods – but doing so is far
more risky.
Who w ill become the richest citizen of Holland and w in the game?
M erk a tor, k r. 560,00 (Look out Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 45-90. From
Uw e Rosenberg, the acclaimed designer of Agricola and
LeHavre, comes Merkator, a Euro-style game about merchants
during the Thirty Years' War 1618-1648. The different nations
offer contracts to the players to make sure they have a steady
supply of goods. Be at the right place at the right time, collect and
deliver! As w ith most Rosenberg games, the game comes w ith a
solitarer version, a short and a long game. Contents: 2 game
boards, 4 players' charters, 120 cards, 320 w ooden cubes, 9
cardboard sorting boxes, cardboard coins, and tokens.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M ice a nd M ystics Boa rd Ga me, k r. 599,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 60-90. In Mice
and Mystics players take on the roles of those still loyal to the
king—but to escape the clutches of Vanestra, they have been
turned into mice! Play as cunning field mice w ho must race
through a castle now tw enty times larger than before. The castle
w ould be a dangerous place w ith Vanestra's minions in control,
but now countless other terrors also aw ait heroes w ho are but
the size of figs. Play as nimble Prince Colin and fence your w ay
past your foes, or try Nez Bellow s, the burly smith. Confound
your foes as the w izened old mouse Maginos, or protect your
companions as Tilda, the castle's former healer. Every player w ill
have a vital role in the quest to w arn the king, and it w ill take
careful planning to find Vanestra's w eakness and defeat her.
Mice and Mystics is a cooperative adventure game in w hich the
players w ork together to save an imperiled kingdom. They w ill
face countless adversaries such as rats, cockroaches, and
spiders, and of course the greatest of all horrors: the castle's
housecat, Brodie. Mice and Mystics is a boldly innovative game
that thrusts players into an ever-changing, interactive
environment, and features a rich storyline that the players help
create as they play the game. The Cheese System allow s
players to hoard the crumbs of precious cheese they find on
their journey, and use it to bolster their mice w ith grandiose new
abilities and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds.
Mice and Mystics w ill provide any group of friends w ith an
unforgettable adventure they w ill be talking about for years to
come—assuming they can all squeak by...
M ondo, k r. 320,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 20-30 min.
This game is designed by Michael Schacht of Zooleretto (and
other games) fame. The object is to create a w orld landscape in
7 minutes. Players race to get tiles to match up landscapes seas, deserts, forest, etc as w ell as competing to get a selection
of animals (pictured on the tiles) into your design. Three rounds
of play, special goal tiles for bonus points, and a solo play option
is available in this game. Games also comes w ith a cool timer.
Hobbit - The Unexpected Journey, The, k r. 399,50
(Ha sbro)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Celebrate the muchanticipated release of The Hobbit in 2012, w ith this special edition
of Monopoly! Featuring Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin, Gollum and the
fearsome dragon Smaug!
Take a journey around Middle Earth, featuring Hobbits, Dw arves,
Elves, Wizards, Goblins and locations from The Hobbit: An
Unexpected Journey are all up for grabs!
Monopoly captures the magic of the epic fantasy and allow s you
to experience the first movie instalment in your ow n home. Begin
your ow n property building empire and collect sets of your
favourite Dw arves or ow n a precious collection of baddies,
including Gollum, if you dare!
This game is a must-have for for any fan of J.R.R Tolkein's
w orld. Begin your adventure w ith The Hobbit: An Unexpected
Journey and Monopoly!
Includes x6 very special playing tokens:
•The One Ring
•Axe of Gloin The Dw arf
•Gandalfs Hat
•Bow of Fili The Dw arf
•Key of Thorin Oakenshield
•x6 Tokens
•16 Riddle Game Cards
•16 Dw arf Treasure Chest Cards
•x1 Pack Of Monopoly Money
•32 Houses
•12 Hotels
•2 Dice
•1 Speed Dice
•Betw een 2-6 players, age 8+
M onster Cha se, k r. 120,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 4+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 10 min. It's
your turn to scare those pesky Monsters! In the cooperative
children's board game Monster Chase, players use toys to scare
all of the monsters back into the closet. But, they're only spooked
by one toy, so you'll have to choose carefully. If you donÕt find
the right toy, you w ill have to add another monster around the
M r. M a disons's Wa r, k r. 455,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Mr. Madison's War is a
simulation game that depicts the w ar on the northern frontier of
the United States and Canada. From the European perspective it
w as an off shoot of the Napoleonic Wars that w ere w aged from
1796 to 1815. It is a tw o player game w ith players taking the
forces of either the United States or Great Britain.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Pock et Edition, k r. 135,00 (Hurrica n Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 15 min. This
time he w on't get aw ay!
Discover the pocket version of Mr. Jack, the favorite
investigation game of strategy game players!
As in the board version, a player takes on the role of the
inspector trying to unmask Jack the Ripper w hile the other player
takes on the role of the fleeing criminal. The difference is in the
game mechanics: the infernal pursuit now takes place on a
board that's 3 squares to a side, each square representing both
a London street and one of the nine suspects. around the board
are placed a Holmes, a Watson and a police dog token. On each
turn, the first player (the inspector or Jack, in turn) uses 4 action
tokens w ich allow to move the investigator tokens, to reorient the
tiles or to draw a ''suspect card''. A suspect is visible only if the
investigator can see that suspect in the streets in front of him.
Suspects hidden by buildings are invisible.
At the end of each turn, the player in the role of Jack must say if
the guilty character is visible or not. If that character isn't visible,
Jack earns an hourglass.
If the Jack player can earn 6 hourglasses, that player w ins the
game (know ing that hourglasses are earned by remaining
invisible and by draw ing ''suspect'' cards). The inspetor w ins if
there's only a single suspect left at the end of a turn.
A boardgame that fits in your pocket
New game mechanics the fans w ill love
Breathe a new life into an old favorite!
Ba g O M unchk ins (6 Pa wns) - TILBUD, k r. 30,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
These six Munchkin paw ns are identical to those found in
Munchkin Quest . . . the four colors found in the initial set, plus
the Purple and Orange that you'll see in the first expansion. The
obvious thing to do w ould be to keep this set around for the day
one is lost.
But if you're truly evil, and your friends let you get aw ay w ith it,
you'll show the w orld just w hat a munchkin you really are by
using these paw ns in other games.
In Munchkin:
Any time you are entitled to go up a level – or w hen you do
something that WOULD earn you a level if you w eren't already
Level 9 – you may, instead, place a munchkin paw n in front of
you. In any combat, you may discard it for a 1d6 bonus. You may
only have one in front of you at a time. Unless, of course, you
"lose" these rules and tell the other players that you're allow ed to
have more. Six is a good number.
In Other Games:
Because you're a munchkin, you may claim a munchkin
advantage for using these paw ns in ANY game. For instance:
- In any roll-and-move game, if you use the munchkin as your
paw n rather than one that came w ith the game, then once per
game you may add or subtract 1 space to the move you roll.
- In any game in w hich you start w ith money, then if you use the
munchkin as your paw n, you start w ith 10% extra. Round up, of
- In chess, a munchkin paw n can move forw ard tw o spaces at
any time.
If you create your ow n official rules for using the Munchkin
paw n in other games, please share your rules w ith us at the
Steve Jackson Games forums.
M unchk in Quest 2 - Look ing for Trouble, k r. 279,50
(Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Trouble means gold. Trouble means leveling up. And w ith
Munchkin Quest 2 – Looking for Trouble, you can find trouble
w ith up to six players. More help against the monsters! More
friends to backstab! More competition for the loot! Whoops, forget
w e said that last bit.
And now the dungeon has Traps. Axes and arrow s, flames and
falling rocks . . . Maybe you can dodge. Maybe you can push
your buddy in front of you.
Explore 18 new rooms . . . the Tomb Room! The Doom Room! The
Chamber of Horrors! If you survive, spend your gold at Ye
Sw ankie Donjon Shoppe . . . or Ye Cheape Donjon Shoppe, if
you're not picky. Shake off those pesky monsters in the Sun
Room, and get healed at the Temple of Generic Niceness.
And new monsters! Flee the stomping pow er of Bigfoot! Fear the
tiny terror that is the Fright Sprite! Fight the sticky menace of the
Gummi Golem! Plus more w eapons, scrolls, and potions to equip
your character, new curses to inflict on your fellow munchkins,
and a new kind of passagew ay that lets you grab gold betw een
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M unchk in Quest Boa rdga me, k r. 479,50 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 3h. Kill the
monster, grab the treasure, stab your buddy. That's w hat it's all
about. Now Munchkin Quest brings the action to the gameboard!
Cooperate w ith your fellow players to destroy the big monsters,
or take your chances forging your ow n path. You don't know
w hat's behind a door until you open it . . . it could be a Potted
Plant, or a Plutonium Dragon! Kill them or avoid them, but be
quick -- the monsters can move around the dungeon as w ell!
The Rooms are more than a floor to kill monsters on - they have
special effects too! Some are handy for halflings, others penalize
Wizards. If you w ander far enough, you might even find a Room
that gives you bonuses for both your Class and Race. Some
rooms w ill even offer you a Deal; the Hospital, for instance,
gives munchkins a cheap place to heal up. And even if there isn't
a Deal, you can Search the bare w alls for treasure.
Gather magic items and gold to pow er your character up, but the
One True Goal is Levels! Reach Level 10, and then try to escape
the dungeon. You'll need to fight your w ay through the Boss
Monster, but that shouldn't be a problem. After all, it's only Level
20 . . . .
Designed by Steve Jackson, and illustrated by John Kovalic, this
boardgame doesn't take itself seriously. Except for the loot munchkins are alw ays serious about that!
Porta l Komba t, k r. 80,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 3 timer. Go Ahead,
Split the Party!
Portals are magical gates betw een rooms. With the 24 Portal links
and 10 new cards in this set, you can move to the other side of
the dungeon in the blink of an eye or stay w here you are and
throw potions across the board!
You can play this w ith just the original Munchkin Quest game or
add in Munchkin Quest 2: Looking for Trouble for extra mayhem!
M unera - Fa milia Gla dia toria - TILBUD, k r. 300,00
(Albe Pa vo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90min.
MUNERA: Familia Gladiatoria is a boardgame for 2-4 players in
w hich you w ill play the role of a lanista, an ancient w orld
entrepreneur w ho has decided to invest his w ealth in the
constitution of a Gymnasium of Gladiators w ith the aim of making
it the most glorious of the Empire. You w ill recruit trainers,
armourers, medics and even prostitutes. You w ill train free men,
slaves, criminals and w ar prisoners to become gladiators and
you w ill bring them to fight in the arenas throughout Italy. You w ill
manage not only the duels, but the w hole life of your gladiators:
lead your champions to glory!
Unw inding of a game
In the first round, after a short preparation, the Players take their
Gladiators to the arenas for brief introductory Show s: they
approach the first challenges of their champions and place their
bets on life or death of duelists. After this initial stage, the game
takes on its regular sequence. In the first phase, called Forum
phase, Players w ill play aggressive auction for w hat the market
has to offer them: athletes for training and professionals for
Gymansium’s management. In the second phase, called Munus
phase, the Players play the Spectacles, trying to participate w ith
their best Gladiators. Not all spectacles are equal: some have
more money gain, others provide more glory. The Players need to
make the best choices!
During the Spectacles, you w ill fight the duels of Gladiators. Just
like a lanista of tw o thousand years ago, you w ill manage many
duels and you w ill place bets and tampering to obtain money.
Duel by duel, your Gladiators w ill grow and become stronger and
more popular. Which Gym w ill be able to prevail and become the
most glorious of the ancient w orld?
Familia Gladiatoria is the first in a series of games that aim to
recreate the w hole cruel and multiform w orld of Imperial Rome
spectacles. The MUNERA series w ill allow you to live not only
the training of Gladiators and their challenges, but also the hunts
in the arena and the chariots in the Circus Maximus.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M yrmes, k r. 439,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-120min.
In Myrmes, originally show n under the name ANTerpryse,
players control ant colonies and use their ants to explore the
land (leaving pheromones in their w ake); harvest "crops" like
stone, earth and aphids; fight w ith other ants; complete requests
from the Queen; birth new ants; and otherw ise dominate their
tiny patch of dirt, all in a quest to score points and prove that
they belong at the top of the heap, er, anthill. After three
seasons of scrabbling and foraging, each ant colony faces a
harsh w inter that w ill test its colonial strength.
In game terms, each player has an individual game board to track
w hat's going on inside his colony – that is, w hether the nurses
are tending to larvae or doing other things, w here the larvae are
in their grow th process, w hat resources the colony has, w hich
actions are available to w orkers w hen they leave the colony,
and so on. The shared game board show s the landscape
outside the exit tunnel that all colonies share; after exiting this
tunnel, w orkers ants can move over the terrain to place
pheromones (w hich gives them access to resource cubes),
clean up empty pheromones (to make space), hunt prey (by
discarding soldiers) or place special tiles (but only if they've
developed the ant colony).
The game lasts three years, and at the start of each year three
season dice are rolled to determine the event for each season:
extra larvae or soldiers, more VPs for actions, and so on. Within
each season, players can spend larvae to adjust the event for
themselves on their personal player board. (Put the kids to w ork!)
After adjusting the event, player allocate nurses to birth larvae,
w orker or soldier ants or to use them for other actions. The
w orker ants then do their thing, w orking w ithin the colony itself
(although only one colony level is open initially) or traveling to the
outside w orld to hunt prey (ladybugs, termites, spiders), lay
dow n pheromones (w hich later lets them claim resources on
these spaces), place special tiles (like an aphid farm or subcolony), or clear out pheromones left by ants from any colony.
After harvesting, nurses w ho didn't tend to births then take
additional actions, such as opening a new tunnel that only your
colony can use, clearing a new level w ithin your colony, or
meeting one of the six objectives (capture a certain number of
prey, build special tiles, and so on) laid out at the start of the
After three seasons, players must pay food to get their colony
through w inter, losing points if they can't. Whoever has the most
points after three years w ins. All hail our new ant overlords!
M ystery Express, k r. 400,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 60-90min.
Mystery Express
A Whodunit on RailsSeeking a w ell-deserved break from your
latest misadventures, you decide to splurge, treating yourself to
the extravagant luxury of the most talked about train of our time the legendary Orient Express. Most unexpectedly, and rather
unfortunately, the holiday turns out to be short-lived. The train
has barely left Paris w hen w ord spreads that someone has just
been murdered, and in the most hideous manner...
Mystery Express is a w hodunit deduction game from Days of
Wonder. The murder that takes place on the Orient Express
incorporates 5 different elements represented by a set of Crime
cards. Players take on the role of one of 5 traveling characters,
each w ho has their ow n special pow ers of deduction. The
player w ho figures out the w ho, w hat, w hen, w here and w hy
of the murder before the end of the journey w ins.
Designed by Antoine Bauza and Serge Laget, Mystery Express
is an imaginative new take on the classic deduction board game,
made up of top-notch components and unique, period-perfect
M ythic Ba ttles, k r. 415,00 (IEL)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min.
Mythic Greece is in chaos: Athena and Hades are at w ar and
have sent their greatest heroes to battle. Take on the role of
these generals out of legend, leading fantastic armies and troops
to victory in Mythic Battles! Recruit your army, play cards to
activate your units, roll dice to resolve combat - reinvent the w ay
you play w ith Mythic Battles' Building Battle Board (BBB), an
innovative game system that combines game mechanisms from
miniature games, board games, and card games! This box
contains tw o complete armies for tw o or four players, an
initiation campaign, plus everything you need to play hours of
Mythic Battles!
Ba bel 13 Expa nsion, k r. 280,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. Babel 13, an
expanded NY military base, has lost contact w ith its HQ. The
lonely defenders must face an enemy they have never seen
before: the forces of mutated nature, the Neojungle. The battle
for survival begins. Neuroshima Hex: Babel 13 is the first
Neuroshima Hex expansion. In this box you'll find tw o new ,
unique armies (heavy armored forces of New York and the
Neojungle full of beasts). You'll also get terrain tiles w hich rebuild
and modify the main board, allow ing different scenarios to be
played. Included is a tw o-player campaign, w hich allow s four
exciting head-to-head scenarios w hich result in a deadly final
show dow n.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
No Retrea t - The Russia n Front, k r. 480,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: Medium. Spillere: 2. No Retreat: The
Russian Front is a new deluxe edition of the tw o-player Victory
Point Games 2008 CSR Aw ard Nominee w argame that retells the
story of the titanic struggle betw een the invading armies of Nazi
Germany versus Communist Russia during WW2 at a playerfriendly and manageable level of scope and difficulty. This edition
combines both the original game and its tw o extensions (Na
Berlin ! and No Surrender!) using deluxe components of “Tw illight
Struggle Deluxe Edition” quality. With only 50 Army/Front sized
counters for the Tournament game, and 70 for the w hole
campaign, and w ith very low stacking, it’s a quick-playing yet
realistic affair that favours the strategic and offensive-minded
Each turn is alight w ith intriguing on-board challenges plus the
surprise of card hand Events as players vie to w in in one of
three different w ays.
It is a skillfully blended collation of classic hex-based w argaming
and modern card-driven simulations, No Retreat: The Russian
Front stays truly story-centric, providing the proper feel of
sw eeping maneuvers, exploitation and encirclements across the
vast steppes and forests of Russia . With a simple-yetinnovative economic model, players w ill also feel the grow ing
might and sophistication of the Russian’s Red Army, and the
degradation of the once-invincible German Wehrmacht, over the
epic four year sw eep of time that this merciless campaign w as
Neither side can afford the disgrace of yielding an inch of ground
to their hated foe, so your orders are: “No Retreat!”
- One standard size mounted map
- Tw o countersheets
- 55 playing cards
- Rule/Scenario Book
- Player aid cards
- Tw o 6-sided dice
Olympus - TILBUD, k r. 200,00 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 90 min.
Olympus is a sophisticated Euro-style strategy board game
designed by Andrea Chiarvesio and Luca Iennaco and originally
published by Stratelibri. Designed for 3-5 players ages 12 and
up, Olympus is a strategy game based on w orker-placement and
resource management. The object of the game, w hich takes
about 2 hours to play, is to score Victory points and gain
dominance over the other city-states and control of the
Each player in the game leads a different city-state in Ancient
Greece (Athens, Corinth, Sparty, Thebes, Argos, etc.). Each city
is defined by values (population, culture, military) and the
productivity of its resources (grain, fish, venison). Each turn a
player decides to send one of the city’s three priests to w orship
one of ten different Deities. Since the Deities are specialized,
praying to them can influence a city’s values and production.
Players can use the gods for their ow n mortal purposes to
increase food production, create new buildings, or go to w ar.
The deluxe Olympus game box (11.6” x 11.6” x 2.9”) includes: a
colorful Mount Olympus game board, five Polis boards, over 180
cards, a rulebook, and over 100 playing pieces. The game,
w hich does not use dice, provides players w ith a number of
potential w inning strategies including resource gathering,
building, and cultural development along w ith more aggressive
options such as w ar and plague-spreading.
Ora & La bora , k r. 560,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
Each player starts w ith a heartland on w hich he can place
buildings that are useable by all players. Additional landscapes
can be bought so that each player develops a small diocese,
stretching from the coast up to the mountains. The w inner is the
player w ith the most valuable diocese at the end of the game.
The game introduces an innovative game mechanic: the
production w heel. It also features tw o variants: France and
Norenberc, k r. 440,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 90 min. In
NORENBERC each player represents an ambitious merchant
trying to gain influence in the tow n council of Norenberc. To do
this, players must w in over the craftsmen of the city's various
guilds. The player w ho manages to w in over the most (and the
most influential) craftsmen w ill be the one w ho w ins the game.
Every round consists of one or more turns. Every turn, all
players simultaneously select the guilds at w hich they w ish to
take actions, limited by the number of agents at their disposal.
Actions include buying and selling goods, and hiring guests that
are lodging at the guilds: various craftsmen and also tow nsmen
w ith useful special abilities.
At the end of each round, the guild master of each guild w ill
select a favorite from among the players: the one ow ning the
most of that guild's goods. The favorite of each guild w ill claim
the loyalty of its current guild master and earn one of that guild's
crests. The most important guild in the city w ill also bestow one
of the valuable prestige crests upon its favorite.
At the end of the game, players w ill compare their amassed
craftsmen, crests, money and tow nsmen to see w ho has w on
the game!
2 Boards 2 Production Wheels 110 Cards 450 Goods Tiles 22
Landscapes 22 Wood Pieces 4 Game Summaries 1 Scoring Pad
2 Rulebooks
Dungeon of Durok a n Deluxe Edition, k r. 440,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 3h+.
Adventure! Comedy! Beating your friends! What else could you
ask for in a board game?
Why just read about foolish and incompetent adventurers w hen
you can be one yourself? Take on the role of one of the six
daring adventurers of Rich Burlew 's inexplicably popular fantasy
gaming w ebcomic, The Order of the Stick, as you explore each
room of the mysterious Dungeon of Dorukan in this hilarious
satire of the fantasy genre. But bew are, for the evil undead
sorceror Xykon aw aits you at the bottom of the dungeon, and he
has nothing better to do than focus on w iping the floor w ith your
sorry butt!
This Deluxe Edition includes the original Dungeon of Dorukan set
and the brand-new expansion deck, The Shortening.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Pa la ces Of Ca rra ra , The, k r. 480,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60 min. Each
player is at the head of a princely family. The families w ere
ordered by the King to build magnificent buildings in the various
cities and enrich them w ith the most unusual objects. On special
occasions, the families w ill invite the King so that he may inspect
their progress. Depending on w here they built their buildings, the
families w ill be granted coins by the King, w hich they w ill be able
to use to acquire more building materials or victory points. At the
end, only the family w ith the most victory points shall claim
victory for itself!
Pa ndemic 2013 Edition, k r. 320,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min. In
Pandemic, several virulent diseases have broken out
simultaneously all over the w orld! The players are diseasefighting specialists w hose mission is to treat disease hotspots
w hile researching cures for each of four plagues before they
get out of hand.
The game board depicts several major population centers on
Earth. On each turn, a player can use up to four actions to travel
betw een cities, treat infected populaces, discover a cure, or
build a research station. A deck of cards provides the players
w ith these abilities, but sprinkled throughout this deck are
Epidemic! cards that accelerate and intensify the diseases'
activity. A second, separate deck of cards controls the "normal"
spread of the infections.
Taking a unique role w ithin the team, players must plan their
strategy to mesh w ith their specialists' strengths in order to
conquer the diseases. For example, the Operations Expert can
build research stations w hich are needed to find cures for the
diseases and w hich allow for greater mobility betw een cities;
the Scientist needs only four cards of a particular disease to
cure it instead of the normal five—but the diseases are
spreading quickly and time is running out. If one or more
diseases spreads beyond recovery or if too much time elapses,
the players all lose. If they cure the four diseases, they all w in!
The 2013 edition of Pandemic includes tw o new characters—the
Contingency Planner and the Quarantine Specialist—not available
in earlier editions of the game.
Pa nic on Wa ll Street, k r. 320,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 3-11. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
In Panic on Wall Street players are divided into Managers and
Investors. Managers offer for sale shares of societies they are
in charge of for as much as possible. Investors attempt to
acquire them for as little as possible in order to get the best
return possible. After tw o minutes of negotiation, a roll of the
dice brings (sometimes drastic) changes to the economy, w ith
major consequences for the balance sheet of each player. After
five rounds of play (5 months), the manager and the investor
w ho have accumulated the most money are each declared
victors, the undisputed Masters of Commerce.
Pa nzer Ba sic Ga me, k r. 580,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2+. Panzer focuses on Small Unit Actions and
Ala sk a 's Wa r - TILBUD, k r. 10,00 (Ava la nce Press)
In June 1942, Japanese troops landed in the w estern Aleutian
Islands of Alaska, the only large-scale foreign invasion of
American soil since 1815. In May 1943 the Americans invaded
Attu Island, sending 15,000 troops against about 2,500 Japanese
defenders. The Japanese fought w ith suicidal determination: 28
fell into American hands as prisoners w ith the remainder killed in
Tw o months later the Americans launched an even larger
invasion of nearby Kiska Island, only to find that the Japanese
had evacuated three w eeks before and the Americans captured
an uninhabited island.
Alsaka's War is a supplement based on the Japan's lone invasion
of the Western Hemisphere and the American response.
There are ten scenarios, or separate game situations, based on
battles that took place in the Aleutian Islands. This module is not
playable by itself, but requires ow nership of our Battle of the
Bulge, Guadalcanal, Afrika Korps and Desert Rats games. Each
scenario has its ow n card in a spiral-bound booklet, just like the
popular North Wind and Edelw eiss.
Divizione Corra zza ta - TILBUD, k r. 40,00 (Ava la nce
Based on Italy's planned but un-built vehicles, this Panzer
Grenadier supplement draw s on pieces already provided in the
Desert Rats game and Gold Club supplementary counter sheet,
but until now never used in scenarios. Divisione Corazzata
features 10 scenarios exploring the potential use of these
M a rch on Leningra d - TILBUD, k r. 10,00 (Ava la nce
In the summer of 1941, German panzer spearheads pushed
tow ards Leningrad, Cradle of the Revolution. Adolf Hitler
declared the city's capture to be the leading objective of
Operation Barbarossa, the June 1941 sneak attack on the Soviet
Union. Desperate to stop them and preserve the city of Peter the
Great, the Red Army repeatedly made valiant efforts to stop
them, and just as often, the Germans rolled over and around
By August the city had been isolated from the rest of the Soviet
Union, but its defenders refused to yield. For 900 days they held
against savage Nazi bombardments, w riting an epic chapter in
the story of the Great Patriotic War.
March on Leningrad is a supplement based on the German drive
to capture Leningrad, and the Soviet defense of the approaches.
This module is not playable by itself, but requires ow nership of
our Eastern Front and Road to Berlin games and Red Warriors
and Sinister Forces supplements.
Roma nia n Soil Ba ttles Ta gu Fromos, k r. 80,00
(Ava la nce Press)
This supplement for Panzer Grenadier features ten scenarios
based on the battles of April 1944 betw een the Soviet 2nd Tank
and 27th Armies and the German 8th and Romanian 4th Armies.
This module is not playable by itself, but requires ow nership of
the Eastern Front, Road to Berlin, Battle of the Bulge, and
Elsenborn Ridge games, as w ell as the Red Warriors supplement.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Siege of Leningra d - TILBUD, k r. 10,00 (Ava la nce Press)
For 900 days, German troops ringed the city of Leningrad, trying
to capture the Cradle of the Revolution w hile Soviet soldiers and
militiamen fought just as desperately to keep them out. Nazi
savagery caused the deaths of w ell over a million civilians.
Repeated assaults failed, as did Soviet attempts to break the
siege. "St. Petersburg," raged Adolf Hitler, "must be erased from
the face of the Earth." Not until January 1944 did the Red Army
finally drive the Germans back from the city's outskirts.
Siege on Leningrad is a supplement based on the German
assaults on Leningrad's defenses, and the Soviet attempts to reopen communications.
Mike Perryman has designed ten scenarios, or separate game
situations, based on battles that took place along Leningrad's
defensive perimeter.
This module is not playable by itself, but requires ow nership of
our Eastern Front and Road to Berlin games and Red Warriors
and Sinister Forces supplements.
Each scenario has its ow n card in a spiral-bound booklet, just
like the popular North Wind and Alaska's War.
Plutocra cy, k r. 275,00 (Gra nite Tower Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 1-5h. A
Game of Business, Politics and Intrigue
Welcome to the w orld of the rich and pow erful.
Plutocracy is the strategic card game w here you, as a serial
investor, strive to build your financial fortune, using your w ealth
and political influence to dominate and crush your opponents.
•Invest in new technologies to build up your companies
•Use your new -found w ealth to manipulate the corridors of
pow er, or create attestations to your persona
•Exert your political influence and amass even greater w ealth
and pow er
•But bew are economic or political shifts that could w ipe out your
fortune, and your political clout
In this w orld rew ard does not come w ithout risk. Misstep and
you could lose everything. But play your cards right and you'll
rule the Plutocracy!
There are three kinds of cards in Plutocracy: 1 The companies,
representing 28 distinct companies in five different sectors.
2 The actions, w hich you use to improve your companies or gain
special favor.
3 Events, representing shifts in the economy or the political
Pilla rs of the Ea rth, k r. 399,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90-120min.
England at the beginning of the 12th century -- Prior Phillip of
Kingsbridge has a glorious vision: to build the largest, most
beautiful cathedral in England. To accomplish the task, Phillip
recruits the most renow ned builders in the country. How ever,
the fate of the Cathedral is constantly threatened by all manner
of catastrophes and oppositions. Players join together to help
build Kingsbridge Cathedral. Using your w orkmen and resources,
you must w isely deploy assets to overcome unexpected
difficulties and shortages to prove yourself the greatest builder
of them all! Will your efforts be recognized w hen the Great
Cathedral at Kingsbridge is complete? The Pillars of the Earth is
based on Ken Follett's best-selling novel.
Use the dollar token to represent your monetary capital and the
gun token to represent your political clout. Plutocracy uses the
value token, marked w ith the Chinese symbol for value (价), to
track the success of the companies and other outfits, such as
Orcs vs. Elves, k r. 120,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30min.
Designed by Paolo Mori and Francesco Sirocchi
The second in the Pocket Battles series. This time w e go fantasy
as elves and orcs clash for supremacy.
To play Pocket Battles, first you must agree on the size of the
armies. Then you create your ow n army from among the
available troop tiles: this is a very strategic part of the game.
Combat comes next and it is fast and bloody. There are three
sectors comprised of 15 zones that one can fight in. Thee are
range and melee attacks, charges and some units even have
special abilities (w hich are described on the player aids).
You can also use the armies here to fight armies from other
Pocket Battle games: Elves vs. Romans, Orcs vs Celts!
Pocket Battles is a w argame that easy to learn, inexpensive,
fast, portable and requires minimum table space! It is also
compatible w ith other Pocket Battle games in the series!
Future series w ill feature armies from different eras and even
different genres.
Contents: 60 tiles, 6 dice, 20 w ound/order tokens, 2 player aids
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Police Precinct, k r. 480,00 (Common M a n Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 120min.
Police Precinct is a cooperative/semi-cooperative game w here
players are tasked w ith solving a mysterious murder w hile
simultaneously w orking to keep crime on the streets under
control, and to keep the city from falling into chaos.
Players take on the role of police officers w ith different areas of
expertise. The players w ork together to solve the mystery by
collecting evidence and eventually arresting the suspect.
Complicating matters is the fact that there may or may not be a
corrupt officer that is being paid off by the murderer to suppress
evidence, the same evidence everyone else is trying to uncover.
Players move around the city searching through randomly
shuffled investigation cards for evidence in relation to the
murder. The number of investigation cards draw n depends on
the character’s rating as w ell as how many player cards are
added by other players to boost the character’s rating for the
current “search”. There are four decks of investigation cards
(Interview Witness, Collect Crime Scene Evidence, Examine Body
and Locate Murder Weapon) to be searched. These decks are
shuffled and placed in different locations. So, a player might
search the cards in one area and not find any evidence at all…
or maybe the bribed cop, if there is one, did the searching and
just said no evidence w as found.
Players have to find all of the evidence cards from the
investigation decks to be able to arrest the murderer.
Polis - Fight for the Hegemony, k r. 500,00 (Asylum
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 90-120min.
POLIS is a 2 players civ-lite game set in the beginning of the
conflict betw een the tw o major polis of the 5th century B.C:
Athens and the Delian League against Sparta and the
Peloponnesian League. The w inner w ill be the Empire w ith more
population and prestige at the end of the game.
With a grow ing empire, feeding your people is the main goal.
Wheat w as scarce in Greece, so both players must secure
other goods supply and the route to 5 markets in order to trade
them for w heat. Each territory may give you different amount of
w ood, metal, w ine, olive oil, silver and some w heat; these tw o
last ones are hard to get but precious. It’s up to you if you w ant
to get more of only one good or less from several of them. Every
turn you get goods from a territory you must have some
population there (supporting your Empire) but in the end they also
have to be fed.
Fighting for the control of the territories and the sieges of the
polis w ill be the job of your hoplites, your triremes w ill struggle to
secure the routes to Egypt, you can trade w ith them
w hen the price is low , and a good use of your Diplomatic may
convince a Polis to join your League easily.
A POLIS may be your ally, but they are very proud of their
independence, so you w ill have to create some Projects
(statues, temples, artists, philosophers, games...) in order to gain
Prestige w hich is needed for all your military manoeuvres.
First Spa rk s, The, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
At the end of each player’s turn they draw an event card. These
cards represent grow ing crime and emergencies that are
happening in the city. Each one piles on top of the other, and if
the cops don't stay on top of things, they w ill be buried in crime!
These Event cards are placed on the game board at the locations
w here they occur. Some of them have “unknow n circumstance”
tokens placed face-dow n upon them, adding even more tension.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60 min. As
clan leader you are responsible for the w ell-being of your clan
during the Stone Age. You need to develop new hunting
technologies and get new know ledge, to successfully hunt food
or to learn to control fire. With help of these skills you w ill
harvest enough food to feed your clan and to spread it far
enough to reach new hunting areas.
If too many criminals are located in one area, a gang is formed.
Each gang has it's ow n pow er and can cripple the police efforts
if not handled quickly and carefully.
In this game you are alw ays confronted w ith manifold decisions:
w hich technology cards offer you the biggest advantages,
w hen it is the right time to spread your clan on the game board,
w hich hunting areas w ill grant the most food? Reaching new
hunting areas or trying to secure parts of the game board for
your ow n clan are important factors for your strategy. Empty
spaces are cheaper for your clan to settle in compared to
spaces, w here other clans already settled earlier. If you are the
first to increase your clan size to 13 clan members you w ill w in
The First Sparks.
Northern Eyrope/United Kingdom & Irela nd Expa nsion,
k r. 159,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. The maps and cards of
Northern Europe / United Kingdom & Ireland in this expansion can
only be played w ith a copy of Pow er Grid. The rules of Pow er
Grid remain the same, except for follow ing modifications and
special features of the tw o maps and cards contained in this
expansion. This expansion includes the tw o maps and a few
new cards.
So, not only are the players investigating the murder, but they
must also arrest street criminals and handle emergencies.
Sometimes w hen a character successfully completes a task,
that character is rew arded w ith a doughnut token. These tokens
can later be used to help w ith tasks. How ever, if the character
does not complete the task in time, the city crime track advances.
The track can also advance if street crimes grow so large that
no more street criminals can be placed, w hen called for. If the
Crime Track advances to the end, the murderer escapes justice
and the good cops fail the game.
To add to the tension even further, The good cops only have so
many days to complete the investigation. If time runs out, once
again the murderer shall escape justice!
The pressure is great and the stakes are high!
Power Grid, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 2h. This is
the new and improved (rules and graphics!) Funkenschlag from
Friedemann Friese. Players compete to build the best netw ork of
pow er lines and stations, choosing w hich cities to supply and
w hat sources of pow er to use
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Robots Expa nsion, The, k r. 79,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Princes of Florence, k r. 319,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. You finally have a new
opponent for your Pow er Grid games: a robot that acts as an
additional player. Thanks to his different actions and special
abilities he is a strong opponent. You w ill manage the robot's
"decisions" and can use him to act against the other opponent(s).
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 75-100min.
This game involves developing medieval/renaissance cities to
attract various professions, w hich enriches the cities culturally.
Each player is given a city grid and reference chart and attempts
to gain the most victory points after seven rounds. Scoring
victory points can be done in a variety of w ays although the real
chunck of it involves generating enough "w ork" points in a round
to play a personality card. There are a variety of personalites
from astronomers, organists, architects, etc. Each personality is
attracted to a particular combination of building, lanscape
feature, and social freedom. The more the player can match
these personality preferences then the more w ork points are
generated. If a player satisfies the minimum requirement of w ork
points for the round then the personality can be played and the
player can then cash out these points for cash and victory
With this expansion, Pow er Grid is an exciting and fun
experience for tw o (and more) players!
Pow er Grid: The Robots is designed especially for tw o players,
but you can use a robot w ith up to five human players, too. You
can even use more than one robot in a game.
The robot consists of five tiles, one tile w ith rules for each phase
(except phase 1 »Determine Player Order« and phase 5
»bureaucracy«) plus a special ability, w hich the robot uses
during the game.
Puerto Rico, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
With a total of 30 tiles - six different tiles for each phase - your
Pow er Grid games w ill never be the same again!
Power Grid (da nsk e regler), k r. 350,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 2 timer. Et
højspændt strategispil for 2-6 spillere.
Markedet for energi kan næsten kun vokse, så investeringer i
kræftværker og forsyningsnet må være en god forretning. Men
hvor god? Der er meget at overveje - skal du satse på fossilt
brændstof, med fare for at kul og olie bliver dyrere i fremtiden?
Er der perspektiver i at brænde affald? Atomkraft ser bestemt
også interessant ud (i hvert fald så længe myndighederne tager
sig af affaldet), men er det trods alt mere værd at tænke på sit
image og holde sig til vedvarende energikilder? Problemer med
vindmøller er bare, om kapaciteten kan med efterspørgslen…
Der er meget at tage stilling til, og du er naturligvis nødt til at holde
øje med dine konkurenter, for ellers snupper de både kraftværker
og markedsandele for næsen af dig!
Pressure M a trix - TILBUD, k r. 150,00 (Aldera c
Enterta inment Ga mes)
A futuristic game show w here the contestants fight for their
very lives. Trapped in an arena, your runner moves to earn the
most credits, w hile simultaneously pinning opponents into the
corners of the Pressure Matrix, w here they cannot move. As the
game goes on, the pressure mounts as your runner moves
faster and faster, w ith few er and few er options. The game ends
w ith the last man standing.
Pressure Matrix is a clever, fast-paced strategy game for 2 to 5
players. With multiple levels of play, random tile placement, and
sinister opponents, there is no end to the PRESSURE MATRIX.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 90-150min.
Prospector, captain, mayor, trader, settler, craftsman, or builder?
Which roles w ill you play in the new w orld? Will you ow n the
most prosperous plantations? Will you build the most valuable
buildings? You have but one goal: earn the most victory points to
achieve the greatest prosperity and highest respect, and w in the
ÅRETS BÆTSPIL 2005, 2006 og 2007!
Puzzle Strik e - TILBUD, k r. 350,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20 min. Puzzle Strike is a card
game played w ith chips instead of cards (for w ay easier
shuffling) that simulates a puzzle game. Break gems from your
gem pile and send them to your opponents’ gem piles w hile
customizing your deck to do bigger and bigger combos.
Upgra de Pa ck - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Upgrade your puzzle striking w ith several new
Qua rma geddon Expa nsion, k r. 340,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. It's
all-out QUARMAGEDDON as the epic battles of Quarry dice
continue w ith this brand new expansion set to the popular
Quarriors! dice-building game.
Featuring 40 new custom dice & 26 new cards pow ering 6 new
Creatures and 2 new Spells.
This Expansion set contains updated rulebook and inserts
designed for extra storage space.
Qua rriors! Dice Building Ga me Set-up Box, k r. 500,00
(WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. The
same game that you know and love in a new packaging format!
Includes the components in the Quarriors base set w ith the
addition of the updated rulebook first introduced in the
Quarmageddon expansion.
Contents: 130 Custom Dice 53 Cards Advanced & Expert Rules
Box contains storage trays w hich holds all the dice for easy
Qua rtifa cts Expa nsion, k r. 340,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. All of
Quaxos' Magical Items have gone missing! Find them and w ield
their mighty might to be the mightiest Quarrior in sight! This is the
4th expansion set to the 2011 hit Quarriors!
This expansion introduces: 3 Quest Types! 5 New Creatures! 1
New Basic! 2 New Spells!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Quest of the Qla dia tor Expa nsion, k r. 340,00 (WizKids
Boxsæt. In Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator, the third expansion
for Quarriors!, you have been selected to compete in the
Qladitorial Games! Quadrennially, Empress Quiana calls together
the mightiest Quarriors across the land to compete in the great
Quolosseum. Will you defeat all other competitors for the
greatest Glory?
Quarriors! Quest of the Qladiator adds forty new custom dice
pow ering six new creatures and tw o new spells, in addition to a
new "Lock" mechanism that allow s some creatures to have longlasting game effects.
Rise of the Demons Expa nsion, k r. 170,00 (WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min.
Corrupted Quiddity! Demonic Overlords! Corruption Spells! Epic
Goo Burst! Do you have w hat it takes to overcome the
corruption, or w ill you succumb to the demons? The choice is
yours! This expansion to Quarriors!, the game of "Uber Strategic
Hexahedron Monster Combat Mayhem," comes complete w ith 20
custom dice, 19 playing cards, and a rules insert.
Qwirk le, k r. 290,00 (M indWa re )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6+. Spillere: 2-4. Qw irkle is as simple
as matching colors and shapes, but this game also requires
tactical maneuvers and w ell-planned strategy. Earn points by
building row s and columns of blocks that share a common shape
or color. Look for opportunities to score big by placing a tile that
touches multiple pieces w ith matching attributes. The player w ith
the most points w ins! 108 w ooden blocks.
Qwirk le Tra vel Edition, k r. 180,00 (M indWa re )
Sværhedsgrad: 6+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-60 min. Our tactile
block game combines logic and strategy w ith easy-to-learn rules.
Plan your moves to create columns and row s of matching colors
and shapes; score big w hen you place a tile that w orks in
multiple directions. It's perfect for travel, w ith 3/4 inch, solid
w ood tiles in a zippered pouch. 108 tiles. 2 to 4 players.
Ra ga mi, k r. 400,00 (M esa Boa rd Ga mes )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90 min. In all
cultures there are mythical characters that protect people and
help them to solve their problems. Those characters often take
the human form w ith w ings and w e call them Guardian Angels or
In this game, each player w ill play the role of a RAGAMI, w inged
human form, that travels around inside a city - the board. In this
city, there are alw ays people w ith problems, w ith their ow n
internal conflicts, that need your help. There are also holy men
and demons that can help or oppose to solving these conflicts.
The objective of the game is to achieve the highest possible
number of Virtue Points (VP). There are several w ays to get VP,
and consequently there are several strategies one can follow to
w in the game: solve conflicts, cause demons to disappear, help
other RAGAMI, to be the RAGAMI w ho has solved the highest
number of conflicts, etc.
But helping people to solve their conflicts is w hat w orths more
VPs, and for this you need to have Points of Strength. As many
as the strength of the conflict you're trying to solve, w hich can
go from 1 to 6. There are several w ays to get Points of Strength:
w hite cubes, cards, holy men, the help of another RAGAMI, or a
There are Action Dies (w hich allow to execute a certain number
of actions, and it's placement w ill be made by the last player in
the turn order) and there are Action Cards (that may be acquired
during the game). In his play, Player can do one of the follow ing
actions: move his RAGAMI, move the holy men and the demons,
pick cards or solve conflicts.
Game ends in the turn w hen the places of conflicts ends or
w hen a player hit's the 30 points score mark.
Ra ilwa ys of the World, k r. 640,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 120min+.
The new edition of the base game for Eagle Games' popular
railroad series.
Railw ays of the World is the new base game for the system and
w ill include the engine placards, railroad tiles, train tokens,
money, bonds, and other items that w ill be needed in almost all
"Railw ays of _____" games. The gameboard depicting the
eastern half of the United States, is included in the base game.
The map of Mexico w ill be mounted and is still included in this
base game as an introductory map for new /beginner players.
•30" x 36" mounted map of Eastern U.S.
•14.75"x24.5" mounted map of Mexico
•12 Railroad Baron Cards
•1 Start Player Card
•42 Railroad Operation Cards
•2 Rulebooks
•1 Score Track
•150 Plastic trains in 6 all new colors
•24 empty city markers (4 types)
•125 good cubes (5 colors)
•Bond Certificates (54 notes in 3 denominations)
•Money (3 denominations)
•Track Tiles
•New City Tiles
•2 Golden Spike tiles
•Draw string Bag
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ra ilwa ys Through Time Expa nsion - TILBUD, k r. 200,00
(Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 120+
120+. Railw ays through Time is an exciting new expansion for
the highly popular Railw ays of the World board game series.
It is late 19th century America. The first time travel device is
developed by Nikola Tesla. The “Tesla Coil” is able to bend timespace but requires great speed to do so. Receiving his funding
from the B&O railroad, Mr. Tesla outfits several of its locomotives
w ith the Tesla Coil and employs a crew of top secret conductors
to travel on the tracks of time to test his experiment. The job
w on’t be easy, but the profits could be great. Are you ready to
travel the Railw ays through Time?
- 8 different time-era map-boards
- 38 Operations Cards
- 12 new Railroad Barons
- 6 Reference Cards
- Game Rules
Rils of Europe Expa nsion, k r. 280,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 120min.
Rails of Europe is an expansion for Railw ays of the World. Glenn
Drover, one of the tw o designers of the original game, has
designed a European setting for the expansion, w hich uses the
original game's pieces, tiles, money, trains, shares and rules,
along w ith a new map and card deck. There are some rules
changed and added for the expansion to reflect the new setting
of the expansion.
Dirt Expa nsion, k r. 320,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Rallyman: Dirt adds new terrain to the Rallyman basic
game and requires the basic game to play. Dirt rallies are
characterized by sliding, double dow n shifting, track sw eeping,
river crossings, and new tire choices – soft tires and gravel tires
– help you improve lap times. These tracks w ill require all your
skills w ith the Micro Rally Car to be mastered!
Ra llyma n, k r. 400,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 45 min. If
you are used to playing Formula Dé w here going further is the
best, you have to re-think in Rallyman. Going further here is not
alw ays better, if you go from a high speed to a low speed and
then get 10 extra seconds. But the game does give you many
w ays to attack the stages.
Ra pa Nui (tysk ), k r. 199,50 (Kosmos)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 40min.
Plunge into a mysterious culture at the other end of the w orld Rapa Nui, Easter Island!
Become a pow erful tribal chief and decide w hich valuable tribe
members w ill next serve your village: loggers, priests or hunters
and gatherers? Or w ould you rather erect an impressive stone
statue more valuable than anything else?
The game system is refined and novel: Take one card from the
general display and reveal the card lying underneath – w hich
could be disastrous for all! Only those w ho make the right
decisions and w in a little favor from the gods w ill lead his tribe to
eternal glory.
Africa nus Expa nsion, k r. 320,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45 min.
Rattus: Africanus, a new expansion for the 2010 release Rattus,
introduces a caravan and diplomats to add more strategic
possibilities to the game. What's more, w ith the introduction of
region cards, players w ill have more control on possible
outbreaks of the Black Death.
In addition to making Rattus feel like a completely new gaming
experience, Rattus Africanus makes it possible to play the game
w ith up to six players.
Red Dra gon Inn, The, k r. 305,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-60min.
The end of a long day in the Dungeon: seven slayed Sorcerers
and a great heap of golden guineas. All w as really hard w ork,
and now the w orthy group of adventurers is heading for a w ellearned rest at the famous "Red Dragon Inn"...
The Red Dragon Inn is a cardgame by SLUGFEST GAMES in
w hich up to four players take the roles of fantasy characters:
Fiona the Sw ordmaiden, Deirdre the Priestess, Gerki the HalflingThief and Zot the Wizard. Each of the players is equipped w ith
his ow n Character Deck of about 40 playing cards, w ith each of
the cards show ing his character and describing an action w hich
may be performed w hile the players have a "chill-out party" at
the Inn to celebrate their feats in the dungeon. Overall, each
player starts the game w ith a purse of 10 Gold, and a player mat
on w hich he can mark his current Fortitude (starting at "20") and
his current Alcohol Level (starting at "0"). Also, a Drink Deck
(containing different kinds of drinks and some events) is shuffled
and one card from this deck is placed face dow n on the "Drink
me!" space of each player's character sheet. Finally, each player
is dealt a starting hand of seven cards w hich w ere draw n from
his ow n Character deck.
The w inner of the game w ill be the player w ho has the last
remaining character in the game, meaning the his character
neither has run out of Gold nor that his Fortitude marker has
dropped below his current Alcohol Level. A party indeed!
Be aw are: like Cash'n Guns from REPOS PRODUCTION this game
is probably not suitable for gloomy strategist gamers w ho prefer
a peaceful atmosphere of silence w hen plotting out their next 36
moves, but the game can be recommended for any gaming group
w ho loves easy going, highly entertaining and interactive
cardgames. Just the right game after a long day in the dungeon!
Rega tta - TILBUD, k r. 150,00 (Educa tiona l Insights Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6+. Spillere: 1. Command a colorful fleet
in this dazzling game of pattern recognition. With 55 different
races and tw o levels of exciting game play, Regatta is the
ultimate single-player game for all ages. Pick a card, and place
your crew in their boats and columns according to color and size
of each boat, w ith the captain at the bow . Now , as fast as you
can, rearrange your crew and boats to match the colors in each
column-but never move the captain or sail a boat to another row .
once all crew members are rearranged into solid color vertical
columns, you've w on the race. Includes 55 cards, 22 boats, 80
colorful crew members and an ocean-blue game board w ith builtin card holder and boat trays.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Relic, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 1-2 timer. A
Warp rift has erupted near the Antian Sector, and under its
baleful influence Chaos infestations and other abhorrent
phenomena have surfaced. To face this threat, agents of the
Imperium have come forth: Space Marine, Inquisitor, Commissar,
Rogue Trader, and more. To succeed, such heroes w ill need skill
and w eaponry, courage and faith, and even the assistance of
ancient and pow erful relics.
Relic is a board game in w hich tw o to four players each assume
the role of a pow erful hero from the Warhammer 40,000
universe and bravely venture forth to shield the Antian Sector
from certain doom. By completing missions and defeating
enemies, characters compete to gain rew ards and experience,
furthering their chance of being the first to defeat w hatever evil
lies beyond the Warp rift.
Revolution!, k r. 319,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 1h.
Welcome to Revolution!
Secretly bid against your opponents to gain the support of the
people, w in territory . . . and gather more Gold, Blackmail, and
Force for the next round of bidding! Will you try to control the
tavern or the fortress? The harbor or the plantation? Know ing
w here to push for support and w here to back aw ay and let your
opponents fight is the key to victory. It's a game of bluff, counterbluff, and surprise.
Bidding tokens have different shapes and colors for easy
identification. Colorful cardstock shields keep your bids private,
and provide a handy rules reference during the auction.
Traditional w ooden blocks allow players to see, at a glance, w ho
controls w hich territories.
Revolution! is for three or four players. The rules can be taught in
minutes, and a complete game takes less than an hour. Each
new game brings new strategies and tactics.
Get ready for Revolution!
Richelieu, k r. 400,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60 min.
Paris, XVIIth century. Cardinal Richelieu is centralizing pow er in
the name of King Louis XIII and defends France against those he
considers its enemies: the English, the protestants, the
Habsburgs and French nobles scheming against him and the
crow n. Will you side w ith the cardinal, or w ill you be seduced by
the promise of w ealth and pow er from the queen and foreign
nations? Be w arned that the cardinal w ill hinder too ambitious
intrigants. Become an influent noble in the court by accumulating
prestige and favors. The player most helpful to each faction is
also rew arded at the end of the game.
Richelieu is a tactical game w ith a lot of bluff and interaction,
w ith intrigue everyw here. Every instance of intrigue w ill pit
Cardinal Richelieu against his enemies. The players are nobles
taking sides in these intrigues by placing agents w ith secret
values and thus influencing the intrigues. Will you choose to side
w ith Richelieu or the conspirators – or perhaps even help both?
You can keep your support secret or make it directly know n to
others w hen placing your agents at the intrigues. It costs money
to place agents, but the w inning faction gives higher rew ards for
the players that helped them the most.
The Cardinal's mood is influenced by his success or failures, and
he w ill become intolerant against too influential nobles (i.e. the
players), w ho w ill have one few er action to spend during a turn
as a result.
There are many possibilities and opportunities to score points for
the player w ho foresees and thw arts the plans of other players.
During the game, you w ill constantly have to choose your side:
Will you side w ith the Cardinal, or w ill you be seduced by the
promise of w ealth and pow er from the Queen and from foreign
Winner of Plateau d'or 2009!
Risk 2210 A.D., k r. 360,00 (Ava lon Hill)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år, moderate. Spillere: 2-5. Risk
2210 AD is the latest in a long series of Risk variants, but this
one takes the game to the next level. Set in the not-so-distant
future, battles are now fought by machines of destruction,
know n as MODS, for short. Human commanders still lead these
mechanized troops, but these commanders each have special
pow ers and abilities. These come into play via the use of
Command cards, w hich really add a w hole new dimension to the
game and gives it a much-needed face-lift. Now , the battle is not
just for the earth, but the sea and moon are also battlegrounds.
Although much has been added, the basic flavor of the game is
still Risk. One very w elcome change has been the institution of a
five-turn game limit, w hich allow s the game to play to completion
in about three hours. Further, players must also factor in
economics in the form of energy. This energy is used to
purchase Command cards, bid for Turn Order and purchase
new commanders. There is much more strategy and planning
involved in this new version, but it should still appeal to the
classic Risk fans.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Risk Lega cy, k r. 575,00 (Dia mond Comics Distributors)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 3-5. How w ill you shape
your w orld? In Risk Legacy, every game you play w ill change
every future game. A decision you make in Game 1 could come
back to haunt you in Game 10. The risks you take in Risk Legacy
are not like those in any other board game. You and the other
players w ill shape how your w orld evolves: its history, its cities,
even its factions and how they fight. Cards and stickers w ill
come into play. Cards w ill go out of play forever. You don't
forget past betrayals - and neither does the game. Unlock new
rules and w atch events unfold as you play more games. No tw o
games w ill ever be the same. Play your game. Write your history.
Sta rcra ft, k r. 500,00 (USAOpoly)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-6. The StarCraft risk
game is the first and only board game that allow s die-hard
StarCraft fans to control the StarCraft Universe, Terran, Protoss
and Zerg unit factions and direct them in realistic w arfare to
decide the ultimate fate of the StarCraft Universe.
WHO WANTS SOME?! The Koprulu Sector is being ravaged by
w ar. You must stand against your enemies as one of the three
pow erful races. Will you choose the advanced and mysterious
Protoss, the rugged and tenacious Terran, or lead the ravenous
Zerg sw arm? No matter w hich race you choose, you w ill fight
for your very survival. The w ar for galactic supremacy begins
NOW! Includes 4 w ays to play; Basic Training – quick and easy,
Command Room – fast-paced and strategic, Total Domination –
updated versions of the classic game, Team Play – take on your
opponents in 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 game-modes. Game comes
complete w ith 333 game pieces. Custom components include 2
Terran Armies, 2 Protoss Armies, 2 Zerg Armies, 6 Leaders, 6
Custom Bases, 15 Custom Mineral Fields, 42 Faction/Territory
Cards, Custom Game Board, and 7dice.
Room-25, k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 30 min.
Trapped in a prison in w hich each room has four doors but
apparently no exit, the players must try to find Room 25, the
supposed exit to this nightmare. But some amongst them might be
guardians of the prison, w aiting for the right moment to strike. In
the cooperative game Room 25, not everyone w ants to escape
from imprisonment but w ho is the traitor? Each turn, the player
moves are preprogrammed, requiring discussion, negotiation and
possibly betrayal.
Room 25 includes five different playing modes, from full
cooperation to a solitaire game.
Rory's Story Cubes, k r. 65,00 (Ga mewright Inc.)
Aw arded the Dr. Toy’s ’10 Best Games’ aw ard, the original
Rory’s Story Cubes® game contains nine 19mm cubes w ith
iconic images to spark the imagination.
9 cubes
54 images
10 million combinations
Unlimited stories
The visual and kinaesthetic nature of Rory’s Story Cubes®, along
w ith the simplicity of design and gameplay make it accessible to
engage w ith for all ages and abilities.
How it w orks…
Rory’s Story Cubes are a remarkably simple and effective means
for inspiring creative thinking and problem solving in all of us.
Simply toss all the dice, examine each of the nine face-up images
and let them guide your imagination through a story that begins
w ith “Once upon a time…”.
Includes 4 w ays to play;
Basic Training – quick and easy,
Command Room – fast-paced and strategic,
Total Domination – updated versions of the classic game,
Team Play – take on your opponents in 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 gamemodes.
Game comes complete w ith 333 game pieces. Custom
components include 2 Terran Armies, 2 Protoss Armies, 2 Zerg
Armies, 6 Leaders, 6 Custom Bases, 15 Custom Mineral Fields,
42 Faction/Territory Cards Custom Game Board, and 7dice.
Robo Ra lly, k r. 400,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. At the far end of the galaxy lies a fully automated gridw idget factory. As one of the factory's eight redundant
supercomputers, you have a lot of responsibility - and even more
free time. When boredom creeps into your circuits, you and the
other computers have a little fun at the factory's expense. Pulling
defective robots out of the maintenance bay, you pit them
against one another in a destructive race across the
dangerously cluttered and ever-changing factory floor. One
robot w ill w ind up in the w inner's circle - the rest go on the
scrap heap!
The nine dice, each w ith an image on six sides, hold a total of 54
images. This means that w ith every roll, there are over 10 million
combinations for you to use as the inspiration for your story. The
uses for Rory’s Story Cubes are boundless. Whether it’s in a
classroom or business, the process of creating and telling your
ow n story can provide untold understanding of our language, of
the w orld w e live in and of ourselves.
The secret is not to think too deeply. Simply ‘gulp’ in the images
and start talking. The story w ill reveal itself through the cubes
and in so doing, w ill unleash creativity, freedom of expression
and frequently, an insight to how to solve a seemingly intractable
personal or business problem.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Rory's Story Cubes Actions, k r. 65,00 (Ga mewright Inc.)
Rory’s Story Cubes®: Actions is the first expansion set for the
Rory’s Story Cubes® range. This time w e have created 54
unique icons (or picto-verbs™) that depict the most important
verbs (action w ords) to be learned in second language
Rory’s Story Cubes®: Actions does not require Rory’s Story
Cubes® in order to use them. They can be played on their ow n
straight out of the box, or mixed w ith other sets of Rory’s Story
Made to the same high quality as the original set, Rory’s Story
Cubes®: Actions are inked in dark blue. This makes them easier
to sort from your Rory’s Story Cubes® after use.
With Rory’s Story Cubes®: Actions, you w ill have more fun
practising a new language. You w ill be able to practise telling
stories set in the past, present and future!
Try starting your stories w ith 3 cubes (as opposed to 9 in Rory’s
Story Cubes®). This makes it easier w hen learning a second
Randomly mix in w ith the original Rory’s Story Cubes® to create
a more action packed set of 9 cubes
Rory's Story Cubes Voya ges, k r. 65,00 (Ga mewright Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1+. Roll the cubes, begin
w ith "Far, far aw ay...", start w ith the first symbol to grab your
attention, and tell a story that links together all nine face-up
images. There is no w rong answ er, as the goal is to let the
images spark your imagination.
Rory's Story Cubes: Voyages a pocket-sized set of nine cubes
depicting 54 icons to inspire epic adventure is the second
expansion set for Rory's Story Cubes, w hile also being a
standalone item. Made to the same high quality as the original set,
the cubes are inked in dark green to allow for easy sorting if you
choose to use more than one set during play.
As w ith Rory's Story Cubes, you can play Voyages as a game
for one or more players, as a party game for three or more, or as
an improv game in w hich each player contributes part of the
story, picking up w here the last one left off. Win aw ard points
for speedy delivery, inventiveness, imagination, drama and
Runewa rs Revised Edition, k r. 639,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Runew ars is an epic board game of conquest,
adventure, and fantasy empires for tw o to four players.
Designed by Corey Konieczka, Runew ars pits players against
each other in a strategic game of battles and area control, w here
they must gather resources, raise armies, and lay siege to
heavily fortified cities.
Sa int M a lo, k r. 280,00 (Ra vensburger)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60 min.
Editoer Stefan Brück at alea describes Saint Malo as "a light, dicerolling strategy game in w hich the players draw their ow n city
buildings, w alls, and people on w ipe-off boards".
In more detail, in Saint Malo players roll five dice to gain various
resources; combinations of dice create enhancements like
characters or buildings, w hich can provide additional victory
points, money, or special actions, such as altering the outcome
of a die roll. Players draw symbols for their holdings on erasable
boards show ing a grids of their cities to create individual tow ns.
Players could build storehouses on particular squares, for
example, then place a merchant nearby to gain money each turn.
Another important character is the soldier; players must acquire
these to defend themselves from pirate attacks that can
decimate their tow ns.
Sa k e & Sa mura i, k r. 285,00 (Albe Pa vo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 3-8. Spilletid:
10min/spiller. A few samurai w arriors are sitting at a table in a
small inn, talking and bragging about sw ords, w omen and
honour. Sake flow s freely, but not even the cellars of Bishamon,
the god of War, could quench the thirst of Japan’s greatest
sw ordsmen. Servants run for cover, know ing full w ell w here all
this is going. Suddenly an eerie silence fills the common room. On
the table, only one full cup remains. Who w ill get the last drink?
Will it be the elder of the group, or shall the greatest w arrior have
it? Time seems to stretch to infinity, until one hand makes a move
tow ards the cup. Such insolence! This insult shall not be
tolerated! The elder goes for his sw ord... We shall never know
w hether the bold samurai w as taking the cup for himself or only
to hand it over to his venerable companion. It does not matter: all
w arriors take offense and draw their katanas, joining the fight at
the call of SAAKEEE!
Better to have your sake or drink it?
In SAKE & Samurai you are a fierce and thirsty samurai w arrior,
w illing to do anything to get the last cup of liquor. The w inner is
the most drunk samurai (in game terms, the player w ho has
collected the most Sake drink counters) at the end of the Sudden
Death round. Be w ary, though, for drinking too much w ill dull
your w its and mastery w ith the sw ord. Each drink of sake
prevents you from using one of your resources, be it a w eapon
or an item, or even your personal skill! You must alw ays be w ary
not to drink too much or you risk becoming a defenseless soak in
the hands of your enemies. On the other hand, you w ill be able
to burn up some of the Sake you have drunk to obtain significant
bonuses w hich may w ell save your life. Show yourself as the
w ise w arrior you are and balance your strategy w ith care, not
burning up too much sake, thus finding yourself in the rear at the
end of the game, w hen the Masu is empty and the Sudden Death
round begins. Those w ho w ill succumb to their enemies’ blow s
w on’t be eliminated from the game, but w ill become Spirits of
Enma, the thirsty god of death, and team up w ith the other spirits
to attack the living, aiming to steal their sake. Raise your glasses
(and your katanas)!
Sa nita rium, k r. 200,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
Sanitarium is a quick-playing adventure through the creepiest of
places. Dazed and lost, you aw aken w ith only the desire to
escape and fuzzy memories. You remember a few items that
you know w ill keep you safe. But the w alls are moving...or at
least it looked like they w ere moving. Well, yeah, that’s a pretty
good sign that it’s time to get out now , isn’t it?
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Scripts & Scribes the Dice Ga me, k r. 239,50 (Dr. Finn's
Ga mes LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30 min. As a
medieval monk, you are charged w ith increasing the prestige of
the abbey's collection of historical and sacred texts. By acquiring
the resources for manuscript illustration & reproduction, your
abbey produces and sells its valuable w orks, thereby bringing in
finances necessary for maintaining a fine abbey. Will you
succeed in making your abbey the most prestigious of all?
Sedition Wa rs - Ba ttle for Ala ba ster, k r. 720,00
(CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster is a fast-paced tactical
miniatures game for tw o players. Survival horror at its finest,
game play is fast and and bloody, creating urgency and
claustrophobic terror as the Vanguard fight for their lives against
an unrelenting Strain.
Battle for Alabaster is a survival horror themed tactical science
fiction miniatures game from Studio McVey. Pitting the stalw art
Vanguard and the horrific Strain against one another in a
miniatures board-game for tw o players, Sedition Wars: Battle for
Alabaster is exciting and easy to learn and calls to miniature
enthusiasts, hobbyists and gamers everyw here.
Featuring an innovative one-roll resolution system, and reactive
game-play turn that keeps all players alw ays on alert and ready
for action, as w ell as infection and mutation game mechanisms,
the game is unique and revolutionary. Featuring beautiful models
from some of the most talented sculptors in the industry, the
furious action and deep tactical play in Battle for Alabaster marry
the best of board game and miniature design!
Chinese Ga me Set - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (Silver Fox
Productions Inc. )
Expand the Settlers of Catan game w ith these official game
pieces! Each set features four cities, five settlements, and 15
roads from different cultures in history, hand-crafted in fine
pew ter, complete w ith a special Robber token modeled after
each cultural setting.
Cities & Knights 5-6 Pla yer Extension, k r. 160,00
(M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. More tiles, more resource cards, more development
Cities & Knights Ga me Expa nsion, k r. 335,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 90min.
Dark clouds are gathering over the peaceful island of Catan. Wild
barbarians, attracted by the w ealth of Catan, sailed to attack the
country. Fortunately, w arning has given Catan time to meet the
danger. This revised edition also includes a game tray designed
to hold the 5-6 player extension components. Requires a copy of
the Settlers of Catan core game to play.
Explorers & Pira tes, k r. 400,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90 min. Take
your Catan game over the horizon and discover a life of island
adventure w ith Catan: Explorers and Pirates™! The five
scenarios in this set require you to master not one island but
three, and the sea as w ell! With a w ealth of new pieces, rules
and options, Klaus Teuber’s masterpiece is more compelling than
Explore and trade w ith ships designed to carry settlers, cargo or
adventurers. Settle new lands, battle pirates, acquire spices and
locate the grand banks of Catanian fish!
The Catan: Explorers and Pirates™ expansion features five
scenarios and three missions. Some of the scenarios make use
of the missions w hile others do not, allow ing you to mix and
match for maximum variety and replayability.
Land Ho! Explore the seas of Catan and discover tw o new
islands to expand your settlements. Once you’ve discovered an
island, you must use ships to ferry settlers from one island to
another and colonize distant lands. (Introductory Scenario)
Pirate Lairs! In this scenario pirates prow l the seas along w ith
your trading vessels. Pay tribute to the pirates or drive them off.
Then find and capture their lairs to earn gold and Victory Points!
(One Mission Scenario)
Fish For Catan! The people of Catan are short of food! These are
deep w ater fish though, so first you must find their shoals
before you can catch them! The Council of Catan w ill rew ard
players w ith Victory Points for returning fish to the island, as
w ell as for capturing pirate lairs. Just w atch out for roaming
pirates, not only w ill they demand gold for tribute, they might also
get to the fish before you do! (Tw o Mission Scenario)
Spices For Catan! In this scenario the Council of Catan w ants
you to find fish and spices for the people of Catan! As before,
they rew ard the most industrious merchant captains w ith victory
points. Obtaining spice w ill require you to become friends w ith
the mysterious inhabitants of the Spice Islands but in return they
w ill not only trade you spices but teach you their know ledge of
sailing or even pirate fighting techniques! (Tw o Mission Scenario)
Explorers and Pirates! This lengthy and challenging scenario
brings everything from the previous scenarios together! Explore
new lands, capture pirate lairs, find fish and befriend the
inhabitants of the spice isles! (Three Mission Scenario)
•• 16 harbor settlements (w ood)
•• 32 adventurers (w ood)
•• 12 ships (w ood)
•• 8 settlers (w ood)
•• 12 markers (w ood double cubes)
•• 4 pirate ships (w ood)
•• 6 fish(w ood)
•• 24 spice sacks (w ood cubes)
•• 76 gold coins (die cut)
•• 12 frame pieces
•• 6 gold field hexes
•• 6 fish shoal hexes
•• 6 spice hexes
•• 6 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (green backs)
•• 6 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (orange backs)
•• 6 pirate lair tokens
•• 3 mission cards
•• 3 mission victory point cards
•• 4 building cost cards
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Oil Springs Expa nsion, k r. 40,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Eureka! Oil has been discovered on the island of Catan. The
great engineers of Catan have learned w ays to improve
production using this valuable new resource, both by converting
it into other materials and enabling the upgrade of cities into
metropolises. But oil is scarce and its use does not come w ithout
cost. Using oil produces pollution, as w ell as climate changing
emissions, w hich bring w ith them the threat of coastal floodingand absolute disaster. With the discovery of oil on Catan, the
Settlers face a new challenge: deciding w hether the common
good is w orth limiting oil usage or w hether the pursuit of victory
is w orth the risk of ruin.
Catan Scenarios: Oil Springs contains: 1 tile sheet 1 rules set
Sea fa rers 5-6 Pla yer Extension, k r. 160,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: +2. Spilletid: 90 min. Now five to six
players can sail into the uncharted and explore and settle the
mysterious islands near Catan! The 5-6 Player Extension for
Catan: Seafarers™ allow s you to add 1-2 more opponents
w ithout sacrificing ease of play. Try on of ten new exiting
scenarios! Designed for 5-6 players, it adds even more drama to
the aw ard-w inning game of seafaring, exploration, and trade.
You must have The Settlers of Catan board game and the
Seafarers expansion in order to use this extension.
Requires ow nership of MFG3061 The Settlers of Catan,
MFG3062 The Setters of Catan 5-6 player Extortion and
MFG3063 Seafarers of Catan to play.
Sea fa rers of Ca ta n Expa nsion, k r. 335,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 60 min.
Expand your The Settlers of Catan® game in new directions,
add islands, pirates, gold, ships, and trade.
Tra ders & Ba rba ria ns 5-6 Pla yer Extension, k r. 160,00
(M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 5-6. Spilletid: 90min. For
those of you w ho have been w aiting to add extra opponents to
games of Traders and Barbarians, w ait no more! The Catan:
Traders & Barbarians 5- 6 Player Extension™ is available now !
With this extension you can play all five exciting Catan: Traders
& Barbarians™scenarios w ith up to six players. Now you'll face
even more competition from your fellow settlers as you struggle
to survive and prosper on the island of Catan!
Vik ings Ga me Set - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (Silver Fox
Productions Inc. )
Expand the Settlers of Catan game w ith these official game
pieces! Each set features four cities, five settlements, and 15
roads from different cultures in history, hand-crafted in fine
pew ter, complete w ith a special Robber token modeled after
each cultural setting.
Ca ta n Penn-Jersey, k r. 240,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
In order to settle the Penn-Jersey (Pennsylvania / New Jersey)
Ca ta n Delma rva , k r. 240,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
In order to settle the region of Delmarva (West Virginia, Virginia,
Ca ta n Goodies Robber Set - TILBUD, k r. 25,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Nuttede plush versioner af røveren til Settlers of Catan.
Ca ta n India na / Ohio (6), k r. 240,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
In order to settle the region of Indiana & Ohio, you need the game
Ca ta n New York , k r. 240,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
In order to settle the New York region, you need the game pieces
Byer & Riddere 5-6 spillere udvidelse (da nsk e regler),
k r. 200,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Denne æske indeholder alt hvad der skal bruges for at
Eventyrere & Pira ter, k r. 300,00 (Enigma )
Explore and colonize the new ly populated Archipelago of Catan.
Build settlements, roads, and villages by trading commodities
from the land and islands around you. Trade sheep and w ood
for a ship, bricks and w ood for a road, build new settlements
and improve settlements into cities.
Requires ow nership of MFG3061 The Settlers of Catan to play
Settlers 5-6 Pla yer Extension, k r. 160,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. More tiles, more resource cards, more development
Settlers of Ca ta n, k r. 335,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 60min. In
Settlers of Catan players try to be the dominant force on the
island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. On
each turn dice are rolled to determine the current production on
the island. Players collect raw materials to build up their
civilizations to gain enough victory points to w in the game. This
game w on the Spiel des Jahre for 1993, primarily because of this
game's amazing ability to appeal to the non-gamers and gamers
Tra ders & Ba rba ria ns, k r. 335,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90min.
Catan Traders & Barbarians for The Settlers of Catan base game
w ill be available is available now ! Delve deep into Catan! In Catan:
Traders & Barbarians™ you'll find lots of cool new w ays to
explore Klaus Teuber's aw ard-w inning game series. You can
now play w ith just 2 players! Add a harbormaster, a friendly
robber, or special events. Play w ith a w ealth of new w ooden
pieces and capabilities.
You can even link your games to create an intriguing campaign.
Use these 4 variants and 5 scenarios to reinvent your Catan
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90-120min.
Settlers 5-6 spillere udvidelse (da nsk e regler), k r.
200,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 90min.
Denne æske gør det muligt at spille det almindelige Settlers med
op til 5 eller 6 personer.
Den indeholder 11 landfelter, 4 rammedele med hav, 28 talbrikker,
2 kort med byggeomkostninger, 5 af hver type råstofkort, 9
udviklingskort, 2 sæt spilfigurer i brun og grøn (hvert sæt
indeholder 5 huse, 4 byer og veje), 1 regelbog.
Settlers fra Ca ta n Europa (da nsk e regler), k r. 350,00
(Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 120min.
Catan som du kender det… men alligevel anderledes!
Indflydelsesrige handelshuse sender repræsentanter ud over
hele Europa for at finde købere til deres varer. Råstoffer til deres
varer fås fra landskaberne omkring deres Faktorier
(handelscentre). Ansæt Købmand og send dem til nye byer, så
de kan etablere flere Faktorier der. Hvert nyt Faktori fylder dit
lager op med flere handelsvarer; disse varer skal via
Handelsekspeditioner sælges til fremmede Faktorier - men kun
den hurtigste Købmænd får handlen i hus, så prøv at nå frem før
dine modstandere. Vind spillet ved at bygge alle dine Faktorier og
sælge alle dine varer som den første.
Test dine
uovertrufne handelstalenter - mange beslutninger venter dig!
Søfa rer 5-6 spillere udvidelse (da nsk e regler), k r.
200,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 5-6. Spilletid: 90min.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Søfa rer udvidelse (da nsk e regler), k r. 300,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 75min.
Elleve nye eventyr venter! Byg skibe og sejl afsted! Opdag
Catan´s nye og storslåede ø verden! Udvikel jeres egne scener!
Søfarer-udvidelsen giver jer mange muligheder for selv at være
kreative og bringe jeres ideer til Cantan.
Catan stikker til søs!
Ohøj! Vinden rusker i sejlene, foran jer ligger det åbne hav.
For at kunne bygge et skib skal man bruge 2 slags råstoffer - træ
og uld. Skibe anbringes på samme måde som veje - på grænsen
mellem to sekskantfelter. Man kan anbringe sine skibe langs
kysten og naturligvis på havet. Tag afsted til den ukendte ø!
Catan er blevet større - hvor stor, bestemmer du selv.
Dette sæt indeholder en kombinerbar ramme, hvormed man kan
opbygge scener af forskellige størrelser. Spillereglerne
indeholder ialt 11 forskellige scener - nok til mange timers
Tøv ikke! Elleve nye eventyr venter! Byg skibe og sejl afsted!
Opdag Catan´s nye og storslående øverden! Udvikl jeres egen
scener! Søfarerudvidelsen giver jer mange muligheder for selv at
være kreative og bringe jeres ideer til Catan.
Til spillet hører et kulsort skib - helt sikkert en sørøver.
Sewer Pira ts, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-60.
Command your crew to w ealth and victory in Sew er Pirats, a
w himsical treasure hunt for tw o to five players!
Deep underground in a maze of domed caverns, narrow tunnels,
and piped passages, a motley cast of rodents, insects, and other
vermin sail the treacherous w aters of human refuse aboard
bizarre vessels in search of discarded booty. In order to claim
the best haul from the abandoned flotsam, players must make
careful use of the unique abilities of their crew s' rats,
cockroaches, w easels, and other critters.
The game comes to life w ith thirty detailed pirate figures, tw enty
Color-Click bases, and a rich assortment of game boards,
tokens, and cards. Starter rules get you into the game quickly,
and a Crew Member Auction variant increases the strategic
depth and lighthearted action.
Siberia , k r. 655,00 (Globa l Ga mes Distribution )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60 min.
Siberia has a reputation for being a land of vast resources, and
players are going to do their best to exploit those resources and
convert them into as much loot as possible.
To set up the game, place tw o different resources at random on
each area in Siberia, place the remaining resources on their
supply spaces, draw four of the 20 investment tiles from the bag
and lay them on the game board, give each player his ow n
playing panel and w orkers/salesmen, then place all the action
counters in the bag.
Siberia lasts an unspecified number of rounds. Each round
consists of tw o phases: (1) draw ing and placing action counters
and (2) performing actions. In the first phase, all players draw
six action counters from the bag, then place them on their
individual playing panels. Most action counters show both a
resource (five types possible) and a person (four types), w hile
managers are on counters of their ow n. Each playing panel has
columns for the five types of resources and the five types of
w orkers, w ith space for tw o counters in each column. Players
can also allocate counters to the "research facility" below their
In the second phase, players take actions one at a time until
everyone has no actions remaining or passes. A resource or
w orker action can be taken only if both spaces are filled in the
appropriate column; w hen a player takes an action, he removes
all action counters in the column, returns them to the bag, then
takes the action.
•The "research facility" action must be carried out first, w ith the
player taking the designated resources from the supply and
placing one resource in any location that doesn't already have
that resource available.
•The w orker actions allow a player to place a salesman in a
stock exchange, place a w orker in Vladivostok, move w orkers
up to three spaces, move a manager to any action space, or
claim an investment tile; each investment tile corresponds to a
particular resource or w orker action and is placed on the player
panel permanently, allow ing the player to take this action more
easily in the future since the column is alw ays half-filled.
•Each resource action allow s a player to remove that resource
from all areas w here he has a w orker, then immediately sell them
on one of the stock exchanges w here he has a salesman.
A player can keep up to ten action counters on his playing panel
at the end of a round, allow ing him to prepare for and build up
actions for future rounds. The game ends at the end of any
round in w hich three of the five resources have no supply
remaining or eight areas have had all their resources removed.
(Once an area is exhausted, nothing can be placed in it for the
remainder of the game.) The player w ho has the most money
w ins.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Civiliza tion the Boa rdga me, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 2-4 timer.
Before you lies a vast bounty of land, ripe for the plucking. Your
meager beginnings w ill influence the paths you must take. Lead
your people w ell and they w ill take you to infinite heights of
greatness. If civilization manages to endure the ages, your name
w ill hang in every w hisper of its legacy! Will you lead the
greatest army in the w orld to conquer your foes? Or w ill you be
the first to journey to the stars, becoming the most
technologically advanced civilization know n to man? The choice
is yours in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game! Forge an
empire to stand the test of time using innovative game mechanics
w ith multiple paths to victory.
Featuring an innovative, new design by Kevin Wilson (Arkham
Horror, Descent)!
Fa me & Fortune Expa nsion, k r. 279,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-4h. The
Fame and Fortune expansion for Sid Meier's Civilization: The
Board Game introduces a w ealth of new game experiences w ith
four additional Civilizations, a host of new map tiles and cards,
and components for a fifth player.
Great Person cards provide the pow erful assistance of great
historical figures such as Marco Polo, Hannibal, and others,
w hile investment cards allow s players to spend your
hardearned coin to reap ongoing benefits. Discover ancient
relics, expand your capital city into a metropolis, and bolster your
cities w ith temporary fortifications or trade caravans to edge out
your rivals. The time has come to guide your people to greatness!
Sidiba ba , k r. 480,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 35-45min.
Will you succeed in escaping the labyrinth? Sidi Baba and his
companions, the Adventurers, embark on a hunt to find hidden
treasure in a dark and mysterious labyrinth. They rely on each
other to navigate the maze, but in the end, it's every Adventurer
for themselves!
Siebzehn - Ra ce of All Ra ces, k r. 320,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-9. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Control the fate of your team w ith this game of complex strategy
yet simple rules. Choose the best course of action w hile
neutralizing your opponents on your w ay to victory. Siebzehn:
The Race of All Races is a game that balances strategy,
teamw ork and the luck of the dice. But bew are of the siebzehn,
the roll that can foil your plans and enhance your opponents'
pow er.
Singa pore, k r. 400,00 (White Goblin Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 90min. In
1861 Sir Raffles is ordered by the East Indian Company to build
an outpost on the island of Singapore. Rich merchants are
ordered to develop the area in exchange for free land. The small
outpost thus develops into a metropolis. The legal trade
flourishes, but the opium trade increases as w ell. In this game
the players assume the role of merchants w ho intend to develop
the land and conduct trade in goods such as stone, textile and
tea. And w hen the opportunity arises to participate in illegal,
profitable activities, they w ill certainly take it. How ever, the risk
of being caught increases as more illegal activities take place.
• beautiful building game: number of possibilities and choices
increases over the game as your outpost expands
• strategic choices: make optimal use of your goods and the
available buildings
• lot of variation: 42 different buildings w hich guarantee a
different game every time
• experience the intense tension: increased risk of a raid if you
have opted for very profitable but also
illegal activities
• beautiful layout: clear icons by Alexandre Roche increase the
fun of the game
1 start tile
6 land tiles
42 building tiles
55 streets
1 black hut
80 goods cubes
4 score markers
1 scoring track
56 flag markers
1 Raffles tile
4 player screens
26 silver coins
22 golden coins
18 w ooden discs
1 cloth bag
Sk y Tra ders, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 2-4 timer.
Launch your skyship into the clouds in Sky Traders, a board
game of adventure, commerce, and intrigue for tw o to five
players. Evade ruthless Wind Pirates and manipulate the
commodities market. Work w ith your peers to create larger
profits for everyone, or try to undermine your rivals and keep all
of the revenue for yourself. Trade your w ay to fortune and fame
as you attempt to take control of the pow erful Sky Guild!
Cursed! Expa nsion, k r. 80,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Cursed! is a Small World board game expansion. Cursed!
includes 2 new Small World Races - Kobolds and Goblins; along
w ith 5 new Special Pow er Badges - Cursed; Hordes of;
Marauding; Ransacking; and Were-. The Cursed! expansion w as
created as part of the Small World Design Contest and features
w inning designs from the over 700 different entries submitted.
This is an expansion and requires a copy of the Small World
board game.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Gra nd Da mes Expa nsion, k r. 80,00 (Da ys of Wonder,
The Grand Dames of Small World is the first expansion for Days
of Wonder's Small World board game released in 2009. The
Grand Dames includes 3 new pow erful female race banners Gypsies, Priestesses and the ghostly White Ladies. It also
includes 2 new Special Pow er Badges - Historian and PeaceLoving. The Grand Dames of Small World expansion w as
created as part of the Small World Design Contest and features
w inning designs from the over 700 different entries submitted.
This is an expansion and requires a copy of the Small World
board game.
Rea lms, k r. 280,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 40-80 min.
Small World Realms is an upcoming expansion that w ill change
the w orld - literally! Now players can assemble a new w orld for
every game they play using the new tiles found in Small World
Realms. The tiles feature the gorgeous artw ork that is a hallmark
of Days of Wonder, and is compatible w ith both original Small
World and Small World Underground.
Small World Realms holds 48 geomorphic Terrain tiles: 26 of
these are hexagonal-shaped Terrain tiles split in 3 Regions each;
each Region corresponds to one of the Terrain type first
introduced in Small World (on one side) and Small World
Underground (on the other side). These tiles can be assembled
puzzle-like in countless variations, at the players' choice, or set
according to one of the 12 custom scenarios presented in the
rules booklet. The variety of Regions paired on these hexshaped tiles, and the rotations that can be applied to each tile,
make up for endless variations: Where tw o Terrain tiles
juxtaposed to each other might present the players w ith
neighboring Hill regions in one game, a Marsh might suddenly
appear in the next scenario, w ith a simple tw ist of a Tile. An
additional 22 Mountains, Abysmal Chasms and Peaks (Mountains
of level 2), each the size of 1/3rd of a Terrain tile, combine to add
even more variety to the Realms!
So... Are you ready to venture into the Realms?
-48 Geomorphic Tw o-sided Terrain Tiles: 26 Geomorphic Hexshaped Terrain tiles featuring 3 Regions each, 12 Mountain tiles,
6 Chasms, 4 Peaks -12 Tunnels -10 Victory Coin Mines -8
Miscellaneous Tokens (Rusted Throne, etc.) -6 River Border
Markers -1 Game Turn Marker & Track -1 Rules booklet w ith 12
Not a Complete Game. A copy of Small World and/or Small World
Underground is required to play.
Sma ll World Boa rd Ga me, k r. 400,00 (Da ys of Wonder,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 40-80 min.
Small World, the fun, zany, light-hearted civilization board game!
In Small World, players vie for conquest and control of a w orld
that is simply too small to accommodate them all.
Designed by Philippe Keyaerts as a fantasy follow -up to his
aw ard-w inning Vinci, Small World is inhabited by a zany cast of
characters such as dw arves, w izards, amazons, giants, orcs
and even humans; w ho use their troops to occupy territory and
conquer adjacent lands in order to push the other races off the
face of the earth.
Picking the right combination from the 14 different fantasy races
and 20 unique special pow ers, players rush to expand their
empires - often at the expense of w eaker neighbors. Yet they
must also know w hen to push their ow n over-extended
civilization into decline and ride a new one to victory!
Small World blev kåret ved Spilfestival 2010 til:
Se film her:
w w w atch?v=ehxrQhIfjDs&feature=relmfu
Sma llworld Underground, k r. 400,00 (Da ys of Wonder,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-90 min.
Small World Underground is a stand-alone game set beneath the
surface of the same fun, light-hearted Small World universe of
epic conquests and fallen empires. Featuring new Races and
Special Pow ers, it also introduces a new tw ist to the original
game play - Monster-occupied regions that protect Relics and
Places of great pow er! While more daunting to conquer, these
bestow even greater pow ers to their ow ner. Like previous Small
World expansions w hich sold out quickly, this sequel to the bestselling Small World board game (over 100,000 sold w orld w ide)
is sure to be a hit w ith fans.
Small World Underground can be played on its ow n or combined
w ith other Small World game elements, as many of the Races
and Special Pow ers from the original game and previous
expansions are compatible. Recommended for experienced Small
World players, the game includes: tw o double-Sided Game
Boards; 15 New Fantasy Races w ith matching banners &
tokens; 21 New Special Pow er badges; nine Popular Places and
six Righteous Relics; 106 Victory Coins; dozens of additional
special tokens; five Player and one Game Turn Summary Sheets;
a Reinforcement Die; and a Rules Booklet.
Ta les & Legends Expa nsion, k r. 120,00 (Da ys of
Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. The w ise veterans of Small World now have a chance
to re-w rite history! Small World: Tales & Legends introduces 54
new Event cards that change the storyline of each turn during
the game. Some bring on minor changes, w hile others are nearly
cataclysmic in their impact. Players may end up drinking the
Philter of Forgetfulness, be flung form the Great Catapult, or
even have a chance to seduce the White Queen! Small World:
Tales & Legends lets you tell the tale!
Sma ll World (da nsk e regler), k r. 400,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 40-80 min. I
Small World styrer du din fantasyrace til at få kontrol over
felterne på landkortet. Du myldrer ind fra kortets kanter – erobrer
så meget land som dine brikker kan gabe over. Du slår fjenderne
væk fra deres land og du bliver selv slået væk fra dine områder.
Når du synes dine tropper er lidt for tynde i rækkerne, lader du
civilisationen forgå. Vælger en ny race og stormer ind over kortet
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Sola r Circuit Ra cing, k r. 199,50 (M oon M onster Ga mes
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-120 min. In the abandoned and
uncharted spaces of the solar system, a small group of daredevil
pilots fly their spacecraft through dangerous race courses
know n as Circuits in their quest for fame and fortune in the Solar
Circuit! Solar Circuit Racing is a fast-paced, tile-based, sci-fi
game in w hich players race across the solar system as of one
of six different race pilots.
Spa ce Alert, k r. 479,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30. Space
Alert is a team survival game. Players take on the role of a crew
of space explorers sent out through hyperspace to survey a
dangerous sector of the Galaxy.The spaceship automatically
maps the sector in 10 minutes. The crew ’s task is to defend the
ship until the mission is complete. Ifthey succeed, the ship brings
back valuable data. If they fail... it is time to train a new crew .
Space Alert is not a typical board game. Players do not compete
against each other. Instead, they w ork together against the
challenge presented by the game. The difficulty of this challenge
can be chosen by the players themselves. Completing the most
difficult missions requires close teamw ork.
Close Encounters Expa nsion, k r. 475,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 1-4. Space Empires: Close Encounters is the
first expansion to Space Empires: 4X. Alien races meet up close
as they encounter each other for the first time in ship boarding
engagements and planetary invasions w ith different types of
ground troops. The strengths and w eaknesses of each alien
empire are brought out w ith roughly 20 unique racial abilities.
The expansion takes advantage of the streamlined nature of the
game system to add more technology and cool sci-fi things in
very simple w ays. While it is designed to be used as a w hole,
the expansion is modular and players can choose to use only the
parts that they like.
Also included in the expansion is an experience system so that
your ship groups become more proficient over time. There is a
big benefit if you can keep ships alive! The game gives more
counters of each ship type to accommodate groups at different
experience levels. Military academies in your empire can give
your new groups a head start in accumulating experience.
Titans, super large ships beyond dreadnaught, make their
appearance and can both carry fighters and destroy planets, but
have liabilities too. As requested, fleet counters and a fleet
display are in the box. In addition to racial advantages, there are
also unique Technological Advantages. There are more
technologies and some more money is added into the game
because of the larger tech tree.
New scenarios are added for both 3 and 4 players. A new alien
empire solitaire scenario is included as w ell as another solitaire
scenario w here a player can attempt to fight off an invading
mass of Space Amoebas.
The system is exactly the same, but more aw esomeness is
Spa ce Empires 4X, k r. 520,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: Medium. Spillere: 1-4. Space Empires is
a game in the finest tradition of 4X space games - eXplore,
eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate. Make no mistake. All four "X's"
are included in this game. This is a w argame w here the purpose
of building your empire is not to feel good about your
achievement, but to destroy your enemies and burn their
One difficulty in games of this genre is that they are often either
overly simplistic or tediously detailed. Space Empires has been
almost 20 years in the making and, during that time, many elegant
solutions have been developed to keep the theme rich w ithout a
lot of rules. The game includes carriers and fighters, mines,
cloaking, a very large technology tree, fifteen ship classes from
scout to dreadnaught, merchant shipping, colonization, mining,
terraforming, bases, shipyards, black holes, w arp points, and
non-player aliens, yet the rules are short and intuitive and the
game can be finished on one sitting. This is NOT a game that is
hard to get into. The playtest rules are only 8 pages long for the
basic game and increase to 11 pages in length w hen the
advanced rules are included.
Exploration is easy (w ell, easy for you, it is actually dangerous
for your ships) and fun and reveals different terrain (such as
asteroids and nebulas) w hich affect your movement and your
combat. The map is mounted.
Spa ce Sta tion, k r. 275,00 (FryxGa mes Ha ndelsbola g)
Boxsæt. Finally, the international space industry is beginning to
grow ! To encourage the development, global funds are aw arding
prizes to companies that are outstanding in different areas. You
control one of those companies and w ant to compete for the
biggest, best and most beautiful space station the w orld has
ever seen. But the competition is hard...
In Space Station you start your space station w ith a core module
card on the table, then over six years (rounds) you expand it by
paying and placing new module cards. Each year you start w ith
a five card hand, crew tokens and new MegaCredits (money),
w ith the amount of crew and money determined by the structure
of your space station. You use money primarily to pay for new
modules, and the crew gives you special effects on many of
your modules.
During the year, the players take turns doing actions such as
building, using module actions, playing event cards, repairing or
passing. When everyone passes, the year ends and victory
points are aw arded: There are six kinds (colors) of modules and
for each kind, the player(s) w ith the most modules of that kind is
aw arded a victory point. Players' crew tokens are then reset,
and player may discard a card beore refilling their hand and
getting money for the next year.
At the end of the sixth year, the player w ith most victory point
w ins.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Serpents & The Wolf, The, k r. 200,00 (Ga le Force Nine)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 17+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 2-3h. The
shadow of Rome falls over Capua. Spartacus: The Serpents
and the Wolf expands Gale Force Nine’s Spartacus: A Game of
Blood and Treachery w ith tw o new Houses, and adds new
cunning Schemes, deadly Gladiators and the vicious spectacle
of team combat in the arena during the Primus!
Tw o new Houses; the respected praetor, Varinius and the
arrogant noble, Seppius, dramatically change the game’s
Intrigues. Varinius imposes his w ill on the noble Houses w hile
the meddling Seppius tw ists the plots of others to his ow n
nefarious ends. Shrew d new Schemes and frantic Reactions
w ill cause more treacherous assaults and desperate alliances
betw een the Houses than ever before!
Houses bid for new Slaves w ho add to the fortunes of their
Dominus w ith new skills and talents. Combatants learn new
brutal fighting techniques as new w eapons and armor become
available. Pow erful new Gladiators stand among the other
champions of Capua, ready to make their mark in the arena and
earn glory and Influence for their Dominus.
Teams of Gladiators battle each other in a grand spectacle of
blood and strategy w ith the addition of the Primus. Tw o
Gladiators are matched against another team of tw o. Bitter rivals
may find themselves fighting side-by-side, seeking favor and
rew ard during these brutal contests. While most Gladiators
battle w ith honor and purpose, bew are treacherous fighters
w ho many turn on their teammate w hen the opportunity arises!
Spartacus: The Serpents and the Wolf adds more bloodshed and
betrayal to the game in the spirit of the groundbreaking STARZ
Original Series.
Spa rta cus - A Ga me of Blood a nd Trea chery, k r. 320,00
(Ga le Force Nine)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 17+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 2-3 tim. In
Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, an exciting game of
tw isted schemes and bloody combats inspired by the hit STARZ
Original series, each player takes on the role of Dominus, head
of a rising house in the ancient Roman city of Capua. Each house
is competing for Influence to gain the favor of Rome. Through a
combination of political schemes and glorious battles on the
arena sands your house w ill rise in fame and stature. As
Dominus, you have a variety of resources at your disposal.
Guards protect you from schemes launched by rivals. Slaves
run your household and earn gold. Gladiators compete to bring
glory to themselves and influence to their Dominus.
Three main phases occur in each game round of Spartacus: A
Game of Blood & Treachery.
The Intrigue Phase is w hen players launch their Schemes,
hoping to raise their fortunes w hile undermining their rivals.
Schemes and Reactions are represented by cards in the Intrigue
Deck. Players w ield their Influence to put their Schemes into play,
often asking for (or bribing) another player's help in hatching the
most complex plots.
The Market Phase is w hen players buy, sell and trade Assets
(Gladiators, Slaves, Equipment and Guards). Players also bid
against each other to acquire new Assets at Auction. Wealth is
not the only path to success as players bluff and bargain w ith
each other to acquire the Assets they covet.
The Arena Phase is w hen the bloody games are held. Gladiators
from tw o rival Houses are pitted against each other in a brutal
fight for glory. The spectacles of the games are represented by
miniature combat on the arena board. Fighters pit their Attack,
Defense and Speed dice against one another to determine the
victor. All players seek to increase their fortunes by betting on
the outcome of the gruesome conflict. Fighters w ho emerge from
the arena victorious gain Favor and their Dominus gain Influence.
The goal of the game is to become the most influential house in
Capua, securing your family's pow er for years to come. During
the game, players w ill bribe, poison, betray, steal, blackmail, and
undermine each other. Gold w ill change hands again and again
to buy support, stay someone's hand or influence their
decisions. Will you be the honorable player w hose w ord is their
bond or the treacherous schemer w hose alliances change w ith
the w ind?
Spirit of the Century - Ra ce to Adventure, k r. 240,00
(Evil Ha t Productions LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30 min. Strap
on your rocket pack and get your biplane ready for flight! It's time
to embark on a w hirlw ind scavenger hunt adventure w ith
members of the famed Century Club. Every year, the greatest
heroes travel the w orld in search of excitement and treasure,
w hile evading and outsmarting the evil Shadow Centurions along
the w ay. Be the first to get your passport stamped and cross the
finish line in Race to Adventure! Race to Adventure! is a familyfriendly pulp-themed board game that can be played in 20-30
minutes. Choose from six items to help you on your journey as
you race around the globe, visiting exotic locales and battling
hidden villainy. Your goal: be the first to return to the Empire
State Building w ith your passport fully stamped! Where w ill you
begin your Race? Seeking the golden eagle egg in the snow y
Himalayas? Saving your friend from the dungeons of Atlantis?
Each game brings a new map, new obstacles, and tons of fun
for family and friends!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Spøgelsestra ppen, k r. 249,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 4 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 10-15min.
Helt oppe i toppen af ruinen bor et spøgelse. Børnene lister rundt
for at forskrække spøgelset. Men terningen er fortryllet og vupti - er børnene selv blevet forvandlet til spøgelser. Og så må
børnene sætte en spøgelsesfigur ovenpå deres spillebrikker - en
fortryllende magnetisk kraft holder spøgelsesfiguren på plads. Nu
må man forsøge at huske hvilke spillebrikker, der er under
spøgelserne. Hvis man har held med terningen, kan man nå op til
det øverste trin som den første og råbe “Juhuuu!“. Et spil hvor
magneter spiller en stor rolle og ikke bare et børnespil!
Stomple, k r. 355,00 (Spin M a ster Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. This is a strategic
marble stomping game. Outw it your opponents by stomping their
marbles before they stomp yours!
Outmaneuver by leaving their "stomper" trapped w ith no escape.
OUTSTOMP the competition and you w in!
Each player has a "stomper" piece w ith a marble of a different
color attached to the top. On a player's turn, he or she may
stomp any marble (by putting it on top of it, knocking it
underneath the board), not in the outside ring. On the follow ing
turn, the player can stomp any adjacent marbles of the same
color, or stomp a marble matching the color of his/her "stomper"
Stone Age, k r. 400,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
The times w ere hard indeed. Our ancestors w orked w ith their
legs and backs straining against w ooden plow s in the stony
earth. Of course, progress did not stop w ith the w ooden plow .
People alw ays searched for better tools and more productive
plants to make their w ork more effective.
In StoneAge, the players live in this time, just as our ancestors
did. They collect w ood, break stone and w ash their gold from the
river. They trade freely, expand their village, and so achieve
new levels of civilization.
That is exciting and interesting. With a balance of luck and
planning, the players compete for food in this pre-historic time.
Risk and grow as your ancestors did. Only then the victory ring
sings to you!
Suburbia , k r. 480,00 (Bezier Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 90min. Plan,
build, and develop a small tow n into a major metropolis. Use hexshaped building tiles to add residential, commercial, civic, and
industrial areas, as w ell as special points of interest that provide
benefits and take advantage of the resources of nearby tow ns.
Your goal is to have your borough thrive and end up w ith a
greater population than any of your opponents.
Suburbia is a tile-laying game in w hich each player tries to build
up an economic engine and infrastructure that w ill be initially selfsufficient, and eventually become both profitable and encourage
population grow th. As your tow n grow s, you'll modify both your
income and your reputation. As your income increases, you'll
have more cash on hand to purchase better and more valuable
buildings, such as an international airport or a high rise office
building. As your reputation increases, you'll gain more and more
population (and the w inner at the end of the game is the player
w ith the largest population).
During each game, players compete for several unique goals that
offer an additional population boost – and the buildings available
in each game vary, so you'll never play the same game tw ice!
Sun, Sea & Sa nd, k r. 300,00 (Cwa li)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 60min. In
*SUN, SEA & SAND* each player starts a resort on a tourist
island. At the start you only have a plot of land. From there, you
can build chalets to lodge tourists, attractions to persuade them
to stay longer, or signs to help tourists find your resort.
You can pick up new tourists at the harbour, or w ork to book
potential tourists in advance. Backpackers you can't pick up or
book, but w ith signage you improve your chances that they find
your place.
You only have 5 family members to do all the w ork and each
activity costs TIME for one family member, so manage your
money and time w isely! It's all in your hands (no luck involved).
Sunrise City, k r. 400,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sunrise City is a role selection, tile-laying, city- building
board game. It’s simple enough for kids of a reasonable age,
friendly enough for family game night, and meaty enough for
experienced gamers. It can be played by tw o, three, or four
players and, depending on your experience, is playable in 60 to
90 minutes
Fireflow Denizens, k r. 240,00 (CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Grow your strategy to its full
Rock Top Ga ng, k r. 280,00 (CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Grow your strategy into is full potential w ith
Succubus Va ndella Promotiona l M inia ture, k r. 105,00
(CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 120. Not all
of the Dark Consul’s minions slash and bite. Some, like the
succubi, seek to corrupt and beguile. To many they are the most
dangerous monsters of all and Vandella is their champion. This
unique Mini-Boss w ill sow confusion and disarray among the
Heroes invading your dungeon and add a little pleasure to their
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Super Dungeon Explore, k r. 800,00 (CoolM iniOrNot Inc.
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2+. Spilletid: 60-90min. Super Dungeon Explore,
the w orld's first chibi anime strategy battle game from Soda Pop
Miniatures! Go head-to-head w ith your party of brave
adventurers, or play as the dungeons evil master summoning
hordes of minions to battle over w ho w ill rule the underw orld of
This game box comes complete w ith over 50 finely crafted Soda
Pop miniatures, full rules, cards, dice, and battle maps to start
playing your games of Super Dungeon Explore!
All pre-orders from now through November 11th w ill receive our
limited edition Candy & Cola chibi adventurers w ith their orders.
This pow erful duo is a great addition to any adventure party!
Candy & Cola come complete w ith game card for use in your
games of Super Dungeon Explore!
Game Contents
Von Dra k k M a nor, k r. 479,50 (CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 120. Baron
Von Drakk has ruled the Glauerdoom Moor from his haunted
manor for centuries. Now he has pledged the might of his
nightmare hordes to the Dark Consul’s cause. The tw isted
necromancers of the Dust Covens have plundered crypt and
grave, raising legions of armor clad skeletons and undead
abominations to serve their dark masters. The skies echo w ith
the cackle of w itches on their brooms as they cast curses and
hexes on those below . Yet all is not lost. Mighty Heroes of Light
have answ ered the call to defend Crystalia. They arrive on
angelic w ings and w ith cracking w hip, slashing claw , and holy
might they stand ready to turn back the darkness.
34 Fully Assembled Soda Pop Miniatures - featuring New Heroes
and New Bosses.
New Heroes:
Sister of Light
Celestial Herald
Van Wilding
Van Wilder (Shapeshift)
• 50 + highly detailed Soda Pop Miniatures
• Custom Super Dungeon Battle Dice
• Character and Minion Stat Cards
• Loot and Treasure Card Decks
• 5 Large, Double Sided Dungeon Boards
• 32 Page Rule Book
New Bosses:
Baron Von Drakk
Nocturne (Shapeshift)
Death Spectre
New Monsters & Spaw ning Points:
1 Crypt Spider
2 Curse Coven Witches
2 Miserable Toads (Shapeshift)
4 Skullbats
1 Pumpkin Patch Spaw ning Point
1 Dust Coven Necromancer
2 Dread Knights
2 Dust Mages
6 Boneheads
4 Rattle-Bones
2 Shallow Grave Spaw ning Points
Hero and Monster Cards
Bone Pile Counter Sheet
6 Unique Von Drakk Manor Treasure Cards
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ta hiti, k r. 280,00 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60 min. Your
small island is peaceful and prosperous so prosperous that your
tribe has grow n beyond its ability to sustain you! Fortunately,
being a peaceful people you have chosen not to fight over w hat
little there is. Instead, you set out in your seagoing Wa'a (canoe)
to fish and gather crops from the many nearby islands. The
fertility goddess Haumea has blessed these islands, and they
are rich w ith fruits, vegetables, and spices. It is a matter of pride
to collect the finest harvest for the village. Can you w in the race
against time and the sea, and prove that you are the best
gatherer of all?
In Tahiti the goal is to collect crops (coconuts, taro, bananas,
spice) and fish from the surrounding islands to score points w ith
bonuses for making full sets and acquiring the most of their
family favorites w hich are hidden from the other players.
The game starts off w ith just your home island and its immediate
neighboring islands. Players build up the archipelago of fertile
islands w ith the guidance of Haumea for the first part of the
game until all islands are in play. Players seed the islands each
turn giving them some control over w here crops replenish. Once
the archipelago is formed, the late season is triggered w hen
crops start becoming scarce, w ith players occasionally stopping
an island from producing altogether. Although the late season
may not be as good for crops, fishing becomes easier w ith
bonuses given to the w aters around some of the islands.
During all this the players travel by Wa'a from island to island
using action points to collect the crops they w ant or can get to
before the others take them. As the Wa'a fills, it becomes slow er
limiting the number of actions they have. There are also
treacherous reefs around the islands that require you go around
them or risk losing some of the crops aboard your Wa'a. At the
end of the year, the one w ho most efficiently gathers food for
their family w ins.
Ta k enok o, k r. 400,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45min. The
players take the role of courtesans of the Nippon emperor. They
take care of his Giant Panda by grow ing a bamboo plantation.
Their mission: to farm parcels of land, irrigate them, and have
green, yellow or pink bamboo grow . In turn, they see w hat the
w eather brings and perform tw o actions from among those
offered to them: get a new plot of land or irrigation channel,
grow bamboo, feed the panda or draw an objective card.
The game ends w hen a player has completed 7 to 9 objectives
(depending on the number of players). The player w ho gets the
best score by adding the total value of their completed objective
w ins the game.
- A modular board to keep games fresh every game,
- The perfect balance betw een tactics and theme,
- High quality material and artw ork
Blood M oon Expa nsion, The, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Once in a generation, the Blood Moon begins its fell
cycle, bathing the realm in a pallid light. Worse yet, the horrifying
Werew olf prow ls the night, seeking heroes w ith w hom to share
his curse. Can you survive until daybreak?
The Blood Moon is a terrifying expansion for the classic board
game Talisman! With over 100 Adventure Cards, plus new spells,
characters, and alternative endings, The Blood Moon adds a
gripping layer of gothic horror to your quest for the Crow n of
City Expa nsion, The, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90 min. The
City, an expansion for Talisman, provides players w ith six new
characters, three alternative endings, its ow n deck, and a host
of shops for all your questing needs. Collect bounties listed on
the Wanted Posters at the City Gate and fill your pockets w ith
gold before doing some serious spending. Secure a steed from
the Stables, pick up Pets or Potions, or head to the Armoury and
the Magic Emporium. Visit The City in Talisman as you compete
for the Crow n of Command!
Dra gon Expa nsion, The, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90 min.
Playing w ith The Dragon expansion for Talisman, players w ill
encounter even more choices and strategic challenges, including
a new , dual-sided Inner Region for their heroes to conquer. The
alternate sides allow players to face familiar terrain along a path
that requires all new tactics, or to venture into the Dragon
Tow er, w here a hero's every step meets opposition by the
Dragon King's minions and leads him ever closer to an ultimate
confrontation w ith the Dragon King, himself.
The Dragon brings to life six new characters to confront the
draconic challenges that lie ahead. Over 300 new tokens and
cards expand the Draconic Lords' influence over the land of
Talisman and w eave each Draconic Lord's story. New rules
pace the increase of the draconic threat, and the heroes' quests
become more and more dangerous as the dragons grow
stronger. Now , for those brave adventurers w ho seek the
Crow n of Command, the quest means more than pow er and
influence. It is a race to save the land from the Dragon King's
tyrannical rule. Any hero w ho dares confront the Dragon King
must be prepared for an epic battle!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Dungeon Expa nsion, The, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90. The
ancient door crumbles to splinters… Your cleated boot kicks
aw ay rotting w ood and your sw ord clears thick cobw ebs from
your path. Your torch throw s darting shadow s on damp stone
w alls… and the Dungeon lies revealed!
Do you have the courage to plunge into the darkness and
confront its perils? Legends say that in the deepest pits of this
abyss, the Lord of Darkness stands w atch over a vast treasure
that even includes a portal that leads to the renow ned Crow n of
Talisman: The Dungeon adds a new Region to the game for
heroes to explore.
A custom-fitted map board and over 100 new cards bring this
subterranean realm vividly to life. Five brand-new characters –
the formidable Gladiator, noble Amazon, dashing Sw ashbuckler,
enigmatic Gypsy, and sagacious Philosopher – are each brought
to life w ith a superbly detailed plastic miniature, and offer
fantastic new playing experiences.
Brave untold dangers, and discover w hat lies in the darkness
beneath the w orld of Talisman!
Game Contains:
1 Rulebook
1 Dungeon Board
128 Dungeon Cards
20 Spell Cards
10 Adventure Cards
10 Treasure Cards
5 Character Cards
5 Plastic Figures
Frostma rch Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
A continent of ice dominates the horizon. It is the Frostmarch,
brought here across the Northern w aters by the Ice Queen.
Armed w ith the Crow n of Command, she is transforming the
realm into a desolate, frozen w asteland!
The Frostmarch expansion for Talisman: Revised Fourth Edition
introduces four new characters, plus new Adventures, Spells,
and three new Alternate Ending Cards—including a final climactic
battle w ith the Ice Queen!
Highla nd Expa nsion, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90 min. Clouds
enshroud the mountain’s peak…
Exhausted from the long ascent, you barely keep your grip as
the stones beneath you give w ay and tumble perilously dow n
the slope. But you still keep climbing…
…for the Highland beckons you!
Talisman: The Highland adds a new Region to the game for
heroes to explore. A custom-fitted map board and over 100 new
cards bring this mountainous realm vividly to life, w hile six brandnew characters, each represented w ith a superbly detailed
plastic miniature, offer fantastic new playing experiences. Climb
as high as you dare, and lay claim to the unimaginable w ealth
that aw aits atop the tallest peak in the w orld of Talisman!
Rea per Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90. Will You
Look Death in the Eye?
An unearthly chill creeps through the air. The Wizard stops
reading his ancient tome and gazes cautiously over his
shoulder. The Warrior feels an unfamiliar fear as he draw s his
mighty sw ord.
A shadow has fallen across the countryside. Death himself
w anders the land. Can the heroes fulfill their epic quests w ith
the spectre of the Grim Reaper hounding their every move?
The Reaper expansion offers Talisman Revised 4th Edition
- 4 new character cards and plastic figures
- 90 new Adventure Cards
- 26 new Spell Cards
- 12 Warlock Quest Cards
- and the Grim Reaper, a dark figure that players manipulate
against each other.
The race to the Crow n of Command has never been deadlier!
Sa cred Pool Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90 min. The
endless struggle betw een the spirits of light and the forces of
darkness is escalating. Mighty heroes are called to choose their
alignment and fight to prove themselves w orthy...
The Sacred Pool, an expansion for the classic board game
Talisman, brings new excitement and tension to your quest for
the Crow n of Command! Four new playable characters join the
race for pow er, and never-before-seen Alternate Ending cards
ensure ample replayability. Meanw hile, Stable cards bring you
useful equestrian follow ers, and Quest Rew ard cards give new
incentives to complete the perilous Warlock Quests! In addition,
The Sacred Pool presents new reasons to w atch your
character’s alignment. The inclusion of Neutral Alignment cards
allow you to follow new paths in Talisman and possibly receive
greater rew ards...if you choose the right side.
The Sacred Pool comes w ith 4 new characters, 72 new
Adventure cards, 16 new Spell cards, 24 Quest Rew ard cards,
and much more!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ta lisma n Revised 4th Ed., k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 90min.
Talisman takes you on a journey through magical lands, as you
endeavor to reclaim the Crow n of Command. Each turn w ill see
your hero advancing, battling, gaining know ledge and pow er
necessary to defeat the guardians lurking betw een the Portal of
Pow er and the Valley of Fire.
For 2-6 players playable in 1-2 hours.
Game includes:
Revised Rulebook
6-fold game board
14 Character Cards w ith matching plastic character figures
Over 100 Adventure cards
24 Spell cards
28 Purchase cards
4 Talisman cards
4 Toad cards
4 Plastic Toad figures
4 Alignment cards
6 Six-sided die
40 Strength Counters
40 Craft Counters
40 Life Counters
36 Fate Tokens
30 Gold Coins
Ta mma ny Ha ll, k r. 480,00 (Pa nda sa urus Ga mes )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 90 min. "The
w ay to have Pow er is to take it" - William "Boss" Tw eed
Tammany Hall is a game of backstabbing, corruption, temporary
alliances, and taking pow er at all costs. If you w ant to rule New
York, you are going to need to play the city's grow ing immigrant
populations against one another. Help the immigrant groups w ho
ow e you political favors, call in those favors to slander your
rivals, and w in election.
In Tammany Hall, players help immigrants settle in New York,
collect political favors from those immigrant groups, send w ard
bosses into Manhattan to secure votes, and slander political
opponents. An election is held at the end of every fourth year,
and the player w ho uses his pow er base best w ill be elected
mayor. The Mayor's grip on the city is tenuous at best. After
every election, the Mayor must pay off his political rivals by
placing them in offices that they can w ield to try to take control
of the city. Every player is your friend, every player is your
Tammany Hall w as the political machine that dominated New
York City politics by organizing the immigrant populations. While
the organization's influence spanned from its founding in the
1790s to its collapse in the 1960s, this game is set in low er
Manhattan roughly betw een 1850 and 1870 the era of Boss
Tw eed.
M a tria rchy Troop Pa ck , k r. 159,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. With pride in the motherland, the innumerable soldati of
the Matriarchy march forw ard – faith in their gods and honor for
their leaders carrying them onw ard w hen their bodies fail. The
Matriarchy Troop Pack for Tannhäuser further expands the
Matriarchy faction by adding tw o stunningly painted miniatures
(one Boepripacy Soldat and one Zazigag Soldat), along w ith
game tokens, equipments cards, and a detailed 12-page rulebook
w ith an all-new scenario.
A delicate balance of tradition, zeal, and fear keeps the soldati of
the Matriarchy from giving up in the face of their determined
enemies. Armed w ith a flamethrow er capable of calling dow n
the judgment of the Slavic gods, the Zazigag Soldati are elite
w arriors w ho have distinguished themselves in combat.
Meanw hile, the Boepripacy Soldati are exceptional soldiers,
found to be utterly loyal to the gods and unw illing to flee in the
face of danger.
This is not a standalone game. A copy of Tannhäuser is required
to play.
M izu Ka ge, k r. 105,00 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Officially an “international liason” for the Shogunate,
Mizu Kage prefers to conduct her diplomacy w ith deadly sai
blades. Three times, she “negotiated” misguided Reich soldiers
aw ay from betrayal of their tentative alliance w ith the
Shogunate. Mizu Kage w as last charged to collect information
the Shogunate’s Reich allies have been w ithholding. As she
w orks tow ard the completion of her task, Mizu Kage moves like a
w hisper of w ind through night trees.
With her sai, shuriken, and happo, Mizu Kage can decide to tread
a path of blood or shadow . Mizu Kage may feature in a team
made exclusively from Shogunate characters or, according to
the Nippon Accords, may partner w ith forces from the Reich.
Mizu arrives as a single figure pack for Tannhäuser, complete
w ith a sculpted and painted miniature, character sheet, tokens
for her equipment, and a rulebook w ith a unique scenario
designed to pit Mizu Kage’s skills against the Union or the
Na ta lya , k r. 105,00 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. A naturally gifted scientist and tinkerer, Natalya is an
Epic Hero expansion for Tannh user. Having helped Oksana
explore the abandoned technologies of Kizhi and w orked to
improve them, she now serves Oksana and her New Guard as
2nd Lieutenant. Her massive Kostjak Bronka Apparat (KBA) suit
offers remarkable protection, w hile her devastating Volta
Lightning Cannon is able to target multiple combatants w ith a
single blast.
Natalya comes complete w ith a sculpted and painted miniature,
character sheet, tokens, equipment cards, and a rulebook, w hich
contains rules for including her in your team as w ell as a unique
scenario to test her leadership skills and the resilience of her
KBA suit.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ta nnha user (incl. Revised Rules), k r. 559,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 11 år. Spillere: 2-10. Spilletid: 1-2h.
TANNHÄUSER is the base game in the TANNHÄUSER series. It
features the men and w omen of the 42nd Marine Special Forces,
led by John Mac Neal, and the mysterious and deadly Obscura
Korps of the Reich locked in a struggle to recover the Obscura
Cardinal Stones.
This box of TANNHÄUSER includes everything required for tw o
to ten players to begin playing in the u-chronic TANNHÄUSER
TANNHÄUSER includes:
1 rulebook
4 double-sided map boards, designed for use w ith the
Pathfinding system
10 finely detailed pre-painted miniatures
10 illustrated character sheets
2 ten-sided dice
162 game counters
Roma ntic Va ca tion, k r. 399,50 (Globa l Ga mes
Distribution )
Boxsæt. This stand alone game can be played on its ow n or
Those Pesk y Ga rden Gnomes, k r. 199,50 (Rio Gra nde
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 45 min. The
president of the garden gnome breeders society "Golden Cap"
has passed on, and now the hunt for a w orthy successor is on.
The highly coveted presidency w ill go to the first society member
w ho succeeds at breeding a gnome w ith a golden cap or buying
one for 4000 Petals. To this end, the society members busily bid
on gnomes for breeding, send them to beauty contests or of
course to w ork in the garden. Who w ill be the first to breed a
golden-capped gnome?
Roll Through the Ages - the Bronze Age, k r. 280,00
(Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
Build a thriving civilization -- in under an hour! Collect goods,
assign w orkers to build cities and erect monuments, advance
your civilization through cultural and scientific developments, but
don't forget to harvest enough food to feed your grow ing
Grab those dice and Roll Through the Ages! in this strategic new
game from Matt Leacock, the designer of the incredibly popular
Through the Ages 3rd printing, k r. 560,00 (Fred
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 120min.
Through the Ages is an exciting game of strategy and resource
management. Players guide their civilizations up from Antiquity,
through the Middle Ages, and into Modern Times.
What w ill your civilization be like? Will it be
w arlike?Technologically advanced? Religious? Artistic? Choose
from Leaders such as Hammurabi, Napoleon, and Ghandi. Build
the Pyramids, the Great Wall, or the Eiffel Tow er.
Your Civilization's culture is yours to shape – and you can do it
differently every time you play the game.
Through the Ages is playable in three different difficulty levels.
Play the short Tutorial Game to learn the game mechanics. Play
the Advanced Game w hen you are ready to face the
consequences of politics and corruption. And w hen you w ant
an even greater challenge, play the Full Version of Through the
Ages and take your civilization from spear-throw ing to space
4 player mats
4 reference cards
350+ game cards
265 w ood tokens
1 rulebook
Thurn a nd Ta xis (Vinder a f Spiel des Ja hres 2006), k r.
279,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60min. In
1490, Kaiser Maximilian I aw arded Franz von Taxis the contract
to deliver mail betw een the Kaiser’s residences in Innsbruck and
He did such a good job, that postal services in the country
continue to be connected w ith the name Thurn and Taxis. With
the introduction of postal carriages in the middle of the 17th
century, members of the family w ere raised to Count status and
given the hereditary title of Postmaster General. The game begins
at this point in history.
Can you emulate the achievements of this family and build a
successful postal netw ork? Do you have the talent to connect
the right cities to create an effective netw ork and not lose sight
of the need to acquire new carriages w hen they are needed?
Plan your moves carefully and w atch your opponents’ moves
carefully, so you are prepared to respond to them.
The game takes you back in time and gives you challenges that
w ill bring you back to the game over and over.
Thurn & Ta xis (da nsk e regler), k r. 250,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60 min. I
1490 fik Franz von Taxis til opgave at levere posten mellem de to
paladser i Innsbruck og Brussel, der tilhørte Keiser Maximillian I.
Da postvogne blev introduceret på ruten i midten af det 17.
århunrede, blev familien adlet til Greve og fik tildelt den arvelige
titel som minister for post- og telegrafvæsenet. Spillet tager sin
begyndelse op dette tidspunkt i historien.
Kan du gøre familien Thurn og Taxis bedriften efter og opbygge
et succesrigt postvæsen? Er du dygtig nok til at opbygge et
effektivt postnetværk ved at forbinde de rigtige byer, uden at
miste overblikket over, hvornår der er behov for at skaffe en ny
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ha lloween Freighter Tra in & Sta tion Set, k r. 95,00
(Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Pumpkin Pow er... Hallow een Freighter Ticket to Ride Train &
Station Set
Frightful pumpkin trains and spooky stations are scheduled to
arrive just in time for Hallow een w ith an add-on for the Ticket to
Ride Series the Hallow een Freighter.
This set of custom-sculpted trains and stations includes 45 new
orange-colored Pumpkin Trains and 3 spooky Hallow een
Stations. It's a Hallow een treat for Ticket to Ride fans w orldw ide
that can be used as a replacement train set for any of Ticket to
Ride game or map collection.
Tick et to Ride Nordic Countries, k r. 400,00 (Da ys of
Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-3. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Ticket to Ride Nordic Countries takes you on a Nordic adventure
through Denmark, Finland, Norw ay and Sw eden as you travel to
the great northern cities of Copenhagen, Oslo, Helsinki and
Unlike prior Ticket to Ride products, this version w ill only be
available and sold in the Nordic Countries of Denmark, Norw ay,
Sw eden and Finland
The game is published as a full game, not an expansion, to fit
local channel requirements.
Ticket to Ride Nordic Countries is designed specifically for 2 or 3
Part of the Ticket to Ride series
Tick et to Ride Europe, k r. 400,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: ½-1h. From
the craggy hillsides of Edinburgh to the sunlit docks of
Constantinople, from the dusty alleys of Pamplona to a
w indsw ept station in Berlin, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you on a
new train adventure through the great cities of turn-of-thecentury Europe.
Will you risk a trip through the dark tunnels of Sw itzerland?
Venture aboard a ferry on the Black Sea? Or erect lavish train
stations in the great capitals of the old empires? Your next move
might just make you Europe's greatest train magnate!
The new est installment in our best-selling Ticket to Ride series of
train adventures, Ticket to Ride Europe takes you across the
Ocean into the heart of Europe. More than just a new map to play
on, Ticket to Ride Europe offers you brand new gameplay
elements including Tunnels, Ferries and Train Stations. We've
also upgraded you to First-Class accommodations w ith larger
cards, new Train Station game pieces, and a lavishly illustrated
Like the Spiel des Jahres w inning original that has sold over
320,000 copies w orldw ide, the game remains elegantly simple,
and easy to learn. Ticket to Ride Europe is a complete, new game
that does not require the original version. It is guaranteed to offer
you hours of enjoyment.
Se film her:
w w w atch?v=WBeFw CSELsc
Asia M a p Collection Vol.1, k r. 280,00 (Da ys of Wonder,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Embark on an incredible adventure in Alan R. Moon's Team Asia
map as you and a partner compete against other teams on a
25,000 kilometer ride from Kabul to Beijing, through the steppes
of Mongolia and the Gobi desert up to the Yellow River!
Or, if you prefer the quiet pleasures of traveling alone along the
Silk Road, or w inding your w ay through the hustle and bustle of
Indochina, venture into the forbidden eastern lands of Fran ois
Valentyne's Legendary Asia. Just be ready for a hair-rising ride
through the mountain passes of the Himalayas!
Maps of Legendary Asia and Team Asia Destination Tickets and
Rules for each map 6 Card holders 9 Plastic trains in each of 5
Note: This is not a complete game and requires an original copy
of Ticket to Ride or Ticket to Ride Europe to play.
Hea rt of Africa M a p Collection Vol.3, k r. 200,00 (Da ys
of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Venture into the Heart of Africa to build routes through some of
the continent's most remote and desolate locales. Will you bolster
your terrain surveying skills and local know ledge to try and
establish more valuable routes – or dare to dash across the
continent in a mad race to cut the game short?
•Map of the The Heart of Africa
•Destination Tickets
•new Terrain cards
NOT A STAND-ALONE GAME! Requires an original copy of Ticket
to Ride® or Ticket to Ride® Europe to play
Tick et to Ride, k r. 400,00 (Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
October 2, 1900 - 28 years to the day that noted London
eccentric, Phileas Fogg accepted and then w on a £20,000 bet
that he could travel "Around the World in 80 Days". Now at the
daw n of the century it w as time for a new "impossible journey".
Some old friends have gathered to celebrate Fogg's impetuous
and lucrative gamble - and to propose a new w ager of their ow n.
The stakes: $1 Million in a w inner-takes-all competition. The
objective: to see w hich of them can travel by rail to the most
cities in North America - in just 7 days. The journey begins
Ticket to Ride is a cross-country train adventure w here players
collect cards of various types of train cars that enable them to
claim railw ay routes connecting cities throughout North America.
Se film her:
w w w atch?v=WBeFw CSELsc
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Tick et to Ride Europe (da nsk e regler), k r. 400,00
(Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-60. Fra
klipperne i Edingburgh til Konstantinopels solrige havn, fra
Pamplonas støvede gader til en forblæst station i Berlin. Ticket to
Ride Europa tager dig med på et nyt togeventyr i Europas store
byer, til tiden omkring begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede.
Vil du prøve en tur gennem mørke tunneller i Schw eiz? Skride
selvsikkert ombord på færgen i Sortehavet? Eller bygge
overdådige togstationer i de imponerende storbyer? Din næste
beslutning kan måske gøre netop dig til Europas største
Tick et to Ride (da nsk e regler), k r. 400,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Da ys of the Fox Expa nsion, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 1-4h.
Across the Mediterranean lie the deserts and mountains of North
Africaw here soldiers of the British and German armies fight the
greatest w ar in human history. Field Marshal Erw in Rommel leads
a brilliant offensive against Commonw ealth forces, far exceeding
his orders and earning himself the nickname “The Desert Fox.”
This w inter, the Tide of Iron line expands w ith the addition of
Days of the Fox. This first expansion for Tide of Iron features the
introduction of the British army and the North African campaigns,
including new terrain tiles, new rules, new units, and new
- Nine new geomorphic double-sided map boards.
- The all-new British army, including new soldiers and vehicles.
- New rules, new scenarios, and new units.
Coa st Expa nsion, The, k r. 319,50 (Flying Frog
Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-12. Spilletid: 60-120 min.
A Touch of Evil: The Coast is packed full of new material for A
Touch of Evil including four exciting new Heroes, a new full size
game board of the fog-shrouded coastline to add to the main
Shadow brook board, new Tow n Elders, and a host of new
mysteries to be solved. The Coast also features tons of new
game cards including decks for new Locations to explore, The
Smuggler's Cove, Lighthouse, a haunted Shipw reck, and the long
cursed village of Tidew ater; and much more! With four fearsome
new Villains to hunt like The Ghost Ship, Siren, or the dreaded
Dreamw eaver, the Heroes must fend off deadly curses and
contend w ith all manner of creatures from the dark depths to
keep evil at bay, forcing it back into the icy w aters that break
along the rocky shores of The Coast.
Hero Pa ck 2, k r. 199,50 (Flying Frog Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. A Touch of Evil: Hero Pack 2 introduces four new
Heroes to A Touch of Evil, each w ith a highly-detailed plastic
miniature as w ell as the corresponding Hero Character Sheet on
the same high-quality, glossy cardstock to match the rest. These
four new Heroes include Sara, the Bright Witch; Jack Fellow s,
Privateer; Frederic Leon, the Foreign Diplomat from distant
France; and Abigail Sturn, Student of the Occult, once just an
Ally, now a playable Hero in her ow n right. Each new Hero has
its ow n unique abilities and skills, making them a valuable asset
on the hunt for the creature terrorizing Shadw brook. A Touch of
Evil: Hero Pack 2 also features several New Game Cards and a
new Villain to hunt.
Touch of Evil - The Superna tura l Ga me, k r. 479,50
(Flying Frog Productions, LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 60-120min.
Tis the daw n of the 19th century; an age of science,
superstition, and w itchcraft. How ling fills the night as a full moon
rises over the small, secluded village of Shadow brook.
Gruesome murders have become a daily occurrence and terror
haunts the streets at night. An evil creature has taken up
residence here and the countryside is engulfed by a tide of
darkness. But all is not lost, not yet.
A small group of heroic individuals, w ith the courage and
strength to fight, have arrived in tow n. Some just passing
through w hile others have come w ith a purpose; but all w ill be
put to the test as they race to save this cursed tow n from falling
into darkness. It w ill take a cunning mind and strength of spirit to
determine w ho is friend and w ho is foe, to solve the mysteries
and hunt the beast to its lair. But the secrets of Shadow brook
run deep. Gossip and rumors run rampant and these few Heroes
may soon discover that they are outsiders here and this tow n is
already so rotten from w ithin there is little left to save.
A Touch of Evil, The Supernatural Game is a fast-paced game of
fiendish creatures, dashing Heroes, and high-adventure. Each
player takes on the role of a unique monster-hunting Hero, racing
against time to stop the forces of darkness from claiming another
foothold in the w orld of man. Only by investigating the tow n and
building your Hero's strength can you hope to hunt dow n the
Supernatural Villain to his Lair and defeat him in an epic
Show dow n. Players can race Competitively to be the first to
defeat the Villain and save the tow n, or they can w ork together
Cooperatively to defeat a much stronger Villain.
Featuring a gameboard map of Shadow brook and its surrounding
countryside, eight Heroes to choose from, and four different
Supernatural Villains to hunt; each w ith its ow n host of unique
Minions and pow ers to drastically change the game. A Touch of
Evil is designed to create an adventurous cinematic feel as the
story and game unfolds.
So grab up your Wooden Stake, stuff some shot in that Musket,
and hold onto your Tri-corn Hat; no one is safe from the
creatures of the night and no one can be trusted, for inside
everyone lies A Touch of Evil.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Tra ja n, k r. 480,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min/spiller.
Set in ancient Rome, Trajan is a development game in w hich
players try to increase their influence and pow er in various
areas of Roman life such as political influence, trading, military
dominion and other important parts of Roman culture.
The central mechanism of the game uses a system similar to that
in Mancala or pit-and-pebbles games. In Trajan, a player has six
possible actions: building, trading, taking tiles from the forum,
using the military, influencing the Senate, and placing Trajan tiles
on his tableau.
At the start of the game, each player has tw o differently colored
pieces in each of the six sections (bow ls) of his tableau. On a
turn, the player picks up all the pieces in one bow l and
distributes them one-by-one in bow ls in a clockw ise order.
Wherever the final piece is placed, the player takes the action
associated w ith that bow l; in addition, if the colored pieces in
that bow l match the colors show n on a Trajan tile next to the
bow l (w ith tiles being placed at the start of the game and through
later actions), then the player takes the additional action show n
on that tile.
What are you trying to do w ith these actions? Acquire victory
points (VPs) in w hatever w ays are available to you – and since
this is a Feld design, you try to avoid being punished, too. At the
Forum you try to anticipate the demands of the public so that you
can supply them w hat they w ant and not suffer a penalty. In the
Senate you acquire influence w hich translates into votes on VPrelated law s, ideally snagging a law that fits your long-term
plans. With the military, you take control of regions in Europe,
earning more points for those regions far from Rome.
All game components are language neutral, and the playing time
is 30 minutes per player.
Tsuro of the Sea s, k r. 320,00 (Ca lliope Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 20-40 min. In
Tsuro of the Seas you w ill sail the treacherous w aters of the
Mystic Seas in an engaging game of adventure and suspense!
Guide your ship w ith a steady hand and be the last captain
sailing to survive the turbulent w aters of the Mystic Seas and
w in!
Twilight Imperium 3rd Ed., k r. 719,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 3-4h. An
age of tw ilight shall once more spread across the galaxy. A
broken empire shall once more be re-forged. Hidden pow ers
from dark space shall come forth to make an ancient claim. War
shall rage across space. Secret treaties, political w hispers, and
devious plots shall again echo through the halls of the imperial
city on Mecatol Rex.
In 2004, a Tw ilight Imperium w ill rise again.
The publication of Tw ilight Imperium Third Edition (TI3) is a
historical publication in FFG’s history. Tw ilight Imperium First
Edition w as FFG's first game product, and through tw o popular
editions it has garnered a massive audience across the w orld
and the Tw ilight Imperium name has been a pillar of grow th and
recognition for FFG..
TI3 is an epic empire-building game of intersteller conflict, trade,
and struggle for pow er. Players take the roles of ancient galactic
civilizations, each seeking to sieze the imperial throne via
w arfare, diplomacy, and technological progression. With new
oversize geomorphic board tiles, finely detailed plastic
miniatures, hundreds of cards, and a massive plurality of
options, TI3 w ill arrive before an audience that has been starving
for epic space conflict since TI2 w ent out of print in the spring of
Shipping in a massive (12” x 24”) epic-size box, this new giantsize edition of TI feature more than 200 masterfully sculpted
oversize plastic miniatures - the typical TI units (Ground Forces,
Cruisers, Dreadnaughts, Carriers, Fighters, PDS, and Space
Docks) as w ell as tw o new units (the massive War Sun and the
Destroyer). TI3 contains new oversize board tiles, more than 400
cards, every know n civilization of the Tw ilight Imperium universe,
almost every expansion rule and component ever published for
TI, a gorgeous graphical overhaul, and an impressive full-color
rules set.
The TI gameplay has been refined and redone by original
designer Christian T. Petersen. The new design features faster
gameplay, and involves players in a far more active game
experience w ith much less dow ntime. In addition, TI3 w ill include
new Race Cards, as w ell as a dramatic new approach to the
structure of the gameplay itself using the new "Command"
Sha rds of the Throne, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 3-4 timer.
The legacy of a ruined empire silently echoes across the stars,
its presence still felt as a timeless entity. It is hope. It is a
promise. It corrodes the dreams of a peaceful universe into
visions of alluring conquest, propelling the entire galaxy into an
endless struggle for pow er!
Shards of the Throne is an epic expansion for Tw ilight Imperium,
adding new races, new units, and many new options to create
an even more incredible pow er struggle in the far reaches of the
galaxy! Mercenaries, Mechanized Units, and all-new Flagship
units give players more options for customizing their fleets and
Ground Forces, w hile the Political Intrigue option w ill crank up the
agendas and espionage of the political phase. Also adding RaceSpecific Technologies, alternate Strategy Cards, new System
Tiles, Space Domains, and an all-new scenario that puts one
player in control of the legendary Lazax Empire, Shards of the
Throne creates a completely new w ay to w age your galactic
Tw ilight Imperium Third Edition is nothing short of a massive epic
release, and is destined to become a classic for years to come.
FFG has directed all its craft, talent, and energy into this massive
production. Are you ready for another Age of Tw ilight?
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Rex - Fina l Da ys of the Empire, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 2-3 timer.
The final days of the Lazax Empire began in the seventy-third
year of the Tw ilight Wars, w hen w ithout w arning, the Federation
of Sol led a deadly assault directly on Mecatol Rex, the capital
planet the empire itself. A climactic struggle for control of the
imperial city follow ed, fought as much w ith diplomacy and
deception as w ith troops and starships. This is the story of that
Rex: Final Days of an Empire is a board game of negotiation,
betrayal, and w arfare in w hich 3–6 players take control of great
interstellar civilizations, competing for dominance of the galaxy’s
crumbling imperial city. Set 3,000 years before the events of
Tw ilight Imperium, Rex tells the story of the last days of the
Lazax empire, w hile presenting players w ith compelling
asymmetrical racial abilities and exciting opportunities for
diplomacy, deception, and tactical mastery.
Twilight Struggle deluxe, k r. 480,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 4 (of 10). Spillere: 2. "Now the trumpet
summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms w e
need; not as a call to battle, though embattled w e are but a call to
bear the burden of a long tw ilight struggle." John F. Kennedy
In 1945, unlikely allies toppled Hitler's w ar machine, w hile
humanity's most devastating w eapons forced the Japanese
Empire to its knees in a storm of fire. Where once there stood
many great pow ers, there now stood only tw o the United States
and the Soviet Union. The w orld had scant months to collectively
sigh in relief before a new conflict threatened. Unlike the titanic
struggles of the preceding decades, this conflict w ould be
w aged not primarily by soldiers and tanks, but by spies and
politicians, scientists and intellectuals, artists and traitors.
Tw ilight Struggle is a tw o-player game simulating the 45 year
dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of w arfare
betw een the USSR and the USA. The entire w orld is the stage
on w hich these tw o titans fight. The game begins amidst the
ruins of Europe as the tw o new superpow ers scramble over the
w reckage of WWII and ends in 1989, w hen only the United
States remained standing.
Tw ilight Struggle inherits its fundamental systems from the carddriven classics We the People and Hannibal. It is a quick-playing,
low -complexity game in that same tradition. The game map is a
w orld map of the period, w hereon players move units and exert
influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their
superpow er.
Tw ilight Struggle's Event cards add detail and flavor to the game.
They cover a vast array of historical happenings: the ArabIsraeli conflicts, Vietnam, the peace movement, the Cuban Missile
Crisis, and other such incidents that brought the w orld to the
brink of nuclear annihilation. Subsystems capture the prestigeladen Space Race as w ell as nuclear tensions, w ith the
possibility of game-ending nuclear w ar. Can you, as the U.S.
President or Soviet Premier, lead your nation to victory? Play
Tw ilight Struggle and find out.
Tzolk 'in - The M a ya n Ca lenda r, k r. 479,50 (Rio Gra nde
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 90min.
Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar presents a new game mechanism:
dynamic w orker placement. Players representing different
Mayan tribes place their w orkers on giant connected gears, and
as the gears rotate they take the w orkers to different action
During a turn, players can either (a) place one or more w orkers
on the low est visible spot of the gears or (b) pick up one or more
w orkers. When placing w orkers, they must pay corn, w hich is
used as a currency in the game. When they pick up a w orker,
they perform certain actions depending on the position of the
w orker. Actions located "later" on the gears are more valuable,
so it's w ise to let the time w ork for you – but players cannot skip
their turn; if they have all their w orkers on the gears, they have
to pick some up.
The game ends after one full revolution of the central Tzolkin
gear. There are many paths to victory. Pleasing the gods by
placing crystal skulls in deep caves or building many temples are
just tw o of those many paths...
Ugg-Tect, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
"Ugungu!" how led the caveman, a genius of his day. Club in
hand, he stomped his feet meaningfully until his tribemates lifted
the giant stone block. Thus, the first monument w as born.
Club your tribemates to architectural domination! Ugg-Tect is a
hilarious game of prehistoric architecture in w hich tw o teams,
made of up to four players each, race to complete Stone Age
structures. Leading each team is the charismatic ugg-tect, w ho
must guide his w orkers to victory using nothing but a simple
vocabulary of primitive grunts, a series of exaggerated gestures,
and his trusty club... and only he can see the plans!
Spontaneous and riotously funny, Ugg-Tect is the perfect party
game for cavemen (and cave w omen) of all ages.
Upon a Sa lty Ocea n, k r. 399,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 100min. At
the beginning of the XVI century the city of Rouen is the main
French port w hose w ealth is dependent on the fishing trade. As
city merchants, players invest in fishing vessels and shipping
lanes in their quest for profits and prosperity. Who w ill be the
richest merchant of Rouen, w hen Francis I, King of France,
comes to visit the City?
Urba nia , k r. 280,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45-60 min. In
this game of city renew al, players try their hand as a famous
urban planner w ho is w orking on the re-development of a rundow n city. To accomplish the job you must hire the best
specialists and designers, submit plans and create blueprints,
and construct new and dynamic buildings to bring the city back
to its former glory. If you can manage your projects w ell, you w ill
become the most renow ned planner and take credit for the
cityÕs amazing turnaround and prosperity.
Va nua tu, k r. 480,00 (Globa l Ga mes Distribution )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 90min. In
Vanuatu, players are residents of the picturesque South Seas
island, seeking only peace and prosperity among their quaint
community. But, to succeed, they must manage their resources
w isely w hile earning money (and prosperity points) by creating
iconic Vanuatuan Sand Draw ings, guiding tourists around the
island, or trading cargo w ith foreign merchants.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Venture Forth - TILBUD, k r. 350,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-75 min.
Across the realm, ordinary souls are longing for their dreams.
Some seek w ealth or pow er, others seek know ledge, but all
pursue their ow n personal quest. Guiding your party, you
populate a fantasy w orld w ith adventurers and enemies, recruit
new companions, and venture forth out into the w orld of
In Venture Forth, players have a party of adventurers w ho each
have their ow n personal ambition. Achieving an ambition allow s
the player to convert that adventurer's "w ill" into points and to
possibly level him up. All ambitions require the player to venture
forth, w hich means moving his party from one site to another
along a path. One of the main actions in the game is playing an
enemy or adventurer card to these path spaces. Once a path is
completely filled in, any player can choose to venture forth dow n
it and encounter each card one by one, recruiting adventurers,
defeating enemies, and possibly gaining treasure along the w ay.
A combination of resource management, path planning, and
timing w ill help you along the w ay.
Inn Expa nsion, k r. 279,50 (Pega sus Spiele GmbH )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 80 min. The
Village is bustling. Make a name for yourself by rubbing elbow s
and sharing a drink at the inn!
Viticulture: The Stra tegic Ga me of Winema k ing, k r.
480,00 (Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45-90. In
Viticulture, the players find themselves in the roles of people in
rustic, pre-modern Tuscany w ho have inherited meager
vineyards. They have a few plots of land, an old crushpad, a
tiny cellar, and three w orkers. They each have a dream of being
the first to call their w inery a true success.
The players are in the position of determining how they w ant to
allocate their w orkers throughout the year. Every season is
different on a vineyard, so the w orkers have different tasks they
can take care of in the summer and w inter. There's competition
over those tasks, and often the first w orker to get to the job has
an advantage over subsequent w orkers.
Fortunately for the players, people love to visit w ineries, and it
just so happens that many of those visitors are w illing to help out
around the vineyard w hen they visit as long as you assign a
w orker to take care of them. Their visits (in the form of cards)
are brief but can be very helpful.
Using those w orkers and visitors, players can expand their
vineyards by building structures and planting vines (vine cards)
and filling w ine orders (w ine order cards), players w ork
tow ards the goal of running the most successful w inery in
Wa llenstein, k r. 639,50 (Queen Ga mes)
Village Inn is the first expansion to the 2012 Spiel de Jahres
w inning game, Village. Village Inn offers players all new options
on their path to glory:
•brew ing beer at the brew ery
•spending beer and gold at the inn to meet influential people
•acquiring villager cards, each w ith a unique ability
More options, new strategies, and beer. Life got more interesting
w hen the Village Inn opened it's doors!
Players: 2 - 5 Playing Time: 80 minutes Ages: 12 +
Note: This is not a complete game and requires the base game to
Villa ge, k r. 399,50 (Pega sus Spiele GmbH )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 60-90 min.
Life in the village is hard but life here also allow s the inhabitants
to grow and prosper as they please. One villager might w ant to
become a friar. Another might feel ambitious and strive for a
career in public office. A third one might w ant to seek his luck in
distant lands.
Each player w ill take the reins of a family and have them find
fame and glory in many different w ays. There is one thing you
must not forget, how ever: Time w ill not stop for anyone and w ith
time people w ill vanish. Those w ho w ill find themselves
immortalized in the village chronicles w ill bring honor to their
family and be one step closer to victory.
Village is a game full of tactical challenges. A smart and unique
new action mechanism is responsible for keeping turns short
and yet still tactically rich and full of difficult decisions. Also
unique is the w ay this game deals w ith the delicate subject of
death; as a natural and perpetual part of life in the village,
thoughts of death w ill keep you focused on smart timemanagement.
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 90-120 min.
Historically, Albrecht von Wallenstein, duke of Friedland and
Mecklenburg w as one of the most important mercenary
commanders of the Imperial army during the Thirty Years' War
(1618-48). His overw eening ambition w as to head a large central
European empire w hich got him dismissed in 1630. Such w as his
pow er, how ever, that the empire w as forced to reinstate him
w hen Sw eden came into the fray. He recovered Bohemia, but
w as defeated by Gustavus Adolphus at L tzen, and w as again
dismissed. His subsequent intrigues w ith Protestant forces
alarmed the Catholic princes w ho w ere probably complicit in his
assassination in 1634 by Irish mercenaries at Eger, Bohemia.
The game begins w ith the start of the w ar, each player
controlling several countries. Player actions include the conquest
of new countries, tax collection, erection of buildings (i.e.
development of the economy), feeding the populace, victualing
the army, etc. Some actions increase the chance for unrest and
expensive rebellions can occur. The strongest pow er at the end
w ins.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Lords of M iddle-Ea rth, k r. 239,00 (Ares Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 120+ min.
What if the Keepers of the Elven Rings had used their Rings of
Pow er to challenge the might of the Dark Lord? What if the
Balrog had risen out of Moria to bring fire and fury to the lands of
the Free Peoples? What if the Council of Elrond had decided
differently regarding the Fellow ship of the Ring? With Lords of
Middle-earth , the first expansion for the War of the Ring Second
Edition boardgame, players may explore these possibilities,
together w ith many other ones, to create fresh gaming
opportunities and new strategies. Important personalities,
previously featured in the game only through Event Cards, are
represented by specific figures and rules. New Characters
include Elrond, Galadriel,Sm agol, Gothmog and the pow erful
Balrog of Moria, as w ell as alternate versions of Gandalf, the
Witch-king and the Mouth of Sauron. New special Action Dice
are included: Elven Ring Keepers dice for the Free Peoples
player and Lesser Minion dice for the Shadow player. New
versions of all the Companions of the Fellow ship of the Ring are
also included, to play the optional "Council of Rivendell" rules. As
an added bonus, figures for Aragorn and Gandalf the White are
provided, accessories to the game that fans have been eagerly
aw aiting!
Wa rriors & Tra ders, k r. 500,00 (NSKN Legenda ry
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 80-120min.
Warriors & Traders is a turn based strategy board game for 2-6
players. Set in the Dark Ages in Europe, Warriors & Traders is a
pure strategy game, involving no dice and no unforeseen events.
In a nutshell, there's no luck, just strategy.
Each player starts as the ruler of a small country w hich he or
she w ill grow into an empire.
In Warriors & Traders, players w ill use Actions to develop their
countries' technologies, Production, Trade and Military, keeping
track on separate Play-mats. They w ill also build armies to
conquer new provinces and forts to defend their ow n and they
w ill harvest and trade for resources.
The game can be played either in alliance or in a free-for-all
system. Player w ill get Victory points from fighting enemy player
or the Barbarians w ho populate the map, from building Forts or
trading. The player or alliance accumulating the most Victory
points w ill w in the game. The game ends after a maximum of 10
turns or w hen one or more players reach the victory conditions,
dependent on the number of players and the type of play.
Most game components are language independent. The Playmats, used to keep track of the development of countries are
only in English, the Info cards w hich help players throughout the
game are printed in English, Dutch, French and German and the
rulebook is printed in English and provided in electronic format in
6 additional languages, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Polish
and Romanian.
Game components:
- Game board, double sided, w ith the map of Western Europe on
one side and Eastern Europe on the other side
- Country Cards, 8 for Western Europe and 8 for Eastern Europe
- 81 Province tokens, one for every province on Eastern and
Western Europe
- 200+ Resource tokens
- 180 Army and Fort tokens
- 85 Victory Points tokens
- 100+ Development tokens
- 100 plastic supports for armies
- 14 Info cards, in English, German, French and Dutch
- 6 Play-mats
- Printed rule book in English
- Game starter CD, w ith the rule book in 7 languages and a game
intro PPS presentation
The official w ebsite of Warriors & Traders is
w w w .w
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Wild West Express - TILBUD, k r. 250,00 (Sk y High
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Hvem bliver den
største jernbanebaron i Det Vilde Vesten?
…Støvet hvirvler op i tætte skyer over jernbaneskinnerne ... Fire
maskerede mænd spejder ud i horisonten, hvor en kulsort,
pulsende gigant kommer til syne. Da den er helt tæt på, flænses
luften af revolverskud, og toget bremser op. Det står knapt stille,
før en grov stemme får det til at risle koldt ned ad ryggen. – Stig
ud! Dette er et røveri! ...
Velkommen til Wild West Express® og 1880'ernes Amerika. Det
er tid til at opbygge det mest succesfulde togselskab med
stationer spredt udover hele Det Vilde Vesten. Nedkæmp dine
modspillere – og fyld lommerne med dollars ved at købe, fragte
og sælge gods.
Men pas på! Dine konkurrenter bruger ufine metoder for at
forhindre din succes. Brug derfor også din egen bande af
desperados til at stjæle modspillernes gods, eller afspor deres
tog med dynamit, så de bliver forsinkede i jagten på succes.
WWI Rules a nd Accessories Pa ck , k r. 239,00 (Ares
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2+. Spilletid: 30+ min. Fly
the Skies in the Age of the Knights of the Air!Wings of Glory is a
game system that allow s players to recreate aerial combat
during World War I and II, using cards and miniatures to
represent the airplanes and their maneuvers. In Wings of Glory
players w ill control one or more airplanes, taking to the skies to
engage their opponents in aerial duels, or trying to accomplish a
specific mission, such as recon, escort, or bombing..
This WW1 Wings of Glory Rules and Accessories Pack is a
complete game system, that includes all the rules and
accessories necessary to play the WW1 version of the game
system. Players w ill find the core WW1 rules system presented
in a beautiful 40-pages color booklet – Basic, Standard,
Advanced, and a w ealth of Optional rules. Also included are all
the rules and counters necessary to use special models (such
as multi-engine bombers and balloons) and special w eapons
(anti-aircraft, rockets and incendiary bullets).
The pack also features four decks of Damage Cards (A, B, C, D);
Target, Trench, Machine Gun, Anti Aircraft Guns and Bomb
cards; four airplane consoles, tw o rulers and counters.
Læg den rigtige strategi – og se dit togimperium vokse!
Wild West Express® er et lettilgængeligt brætspil med strategiske
og taktiske elementer. Man kan være 2-5 deltagere, og alle fra 12
år kan være med.
Wings of Glory Sta rter Set, k r. 559,00 (Ares Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2+. Spilletid: 30+ min.
Wings of Glory is a game system that allow s players to recreate
aerial combat during World War I and II, using cards and
miniatures to represent the airplanes and their maneuvers.
Spillet er på dansk!
Airco DH.2 (Ha wk er), k r. 110,00 (Ares Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Designed to be used w ith the popular air combat game
system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia,
each WW1 Wings of Glory Special Pack is a ready-to-play large
size model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible w ith any
other WW1 Wings of Glory game product.
Airco DH.2 (Sa undby), k r. 110,00 (Ares Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Designed to be used w ith the popular air combat game
system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia,
each WW1 Wings of Glory Special Pack is a ready-to-play large
size model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible w ith any
other WW1 Wings of Glory game product.
Fok k er E.III (Buddeck e), k r. 110,00 (Ares Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Designed to be used w ith the popular air combat game
system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia,
each WW1 Wings of Glory Special Pack is a ready-to-play large
size model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible w ith any
other WW1 Wings of Glory game product.
Ha lbersta dt D.III (Luftstreitk rä fte), k r. 110,00 (Ares
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Designed to be used w ith the popular air combat game
system created by Andrea Angiolino and Pier Giorgio Paglia,
each WW1 Wings of Glory Special Pack is a ready-to-play large
size model, painted and assembled, 100% compatible w ith any
other WW1 Wings of Glory game product.
In Wings of Glory players w ill control one or more airplanes,
taking to the skies to engage their opponents in aerial duels, or
trying to accomplish a specific mission, such as recon, escort, or
This WW2 Wings of Glory Starter Set is a complete game that
includes everything you need to start playing the WW2 version
of the system, but may be expanded w ith additional WW2
Airplane Packs and game sets to allow for larger battles w ith
different airplanes.
Wings of Glory is fast-playing and easy to learn. The Basic Rules
give you a very simple starting point to start playing minutes after
opening this box. After you're familiar w ith the Basic Rules, or if
you are an experienced gamer, you may use the Standard or
Advanced Rules, to make the game more challenging and
WW2 Rules a nd Accessories Pa ck , k r. 239,00 (Ares
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2+. Spilletid: 30+ min. This
WW2 Rules and Accessories Pack is a complete game system
that features all the rules and accessories necessary to play the
WW2 version of Wings of Glory, including a 44-page, full-color
booklet w ith Basic, Standard, Advanced, and a w ealth of
Optional rules, plus all the rules and counters necessary to use
special models (multi-engine bombers, dive bombers, heavy
fighters) and special w eapons (anti-aircraft, rockets, ground
troops), as w ell as a complete range of Damage counters,
Target, Ground Troops, Anti-Aircraft Guns, and Bomb cards,
four airplane consoles, and tw o rulers.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Winter Ta les, k r. 480,00 (Albe Pa vo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 90 min.
Follow ing the victory in the Conflict of Autumn, The Regime of
Winter has clutched the Land of Fairy Tales in its cold grasp.
Fuelled by hate and fear, Winter aims at extinguishing the flame
of Love and the light of Hope under a blanket of snow and the
never-ending chill of a w inter night. In the w inding alleys and the
small houses desperately clinging to the hillside of Wintertow n,
frightened Tales move in the shadow s, know ing they cannot
allow all Hope for the future to be snuffed out by the cold and
ready to fight to drive Winter aw ay and let Spring come again.
Bla ck , k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
These packs of 50 high quality w ooden gaming tokens include a
w ide assortment of tokens available in red, blue, green, yellow ,
black, and w hite.
These tokens are perfect for customizing and enhancing your
games. Eager to add your ow n fleet of trading galleys to your
games of Constantinapolis? Here you’ll find ships, buildings,
people, and other shapes all in one convenient package. Wooden
Tokens are also excellent for giving your ow n gaming projects a
visual flare, so keep a few packs handy w hen inspiration strikes.
Each pack contains:
In Winter Tales, a storytelling board game, players tell the tale of
the conflict betw een the characters of fairy tales, w ho
represent all that is good and hopeful, and the Soldiers of Winter,
w ho incarnate evil and the fierce cold of Winter. Players w ill ally
themselves w ith one of the w arring Factions, controlling
characters and fighting for the comeback of Spring or the
suffocation of all hope, bringing on an endless Winter.
Winter Tales is an ever-changing game as each time the players
w ill tell a completely different story, creating a shared plot.
Wiz Wa r, k r. 399,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Apply your w iles to obfuscating opposing w izards in Wiz-War,
the classic board game of magical mayhem for 2-4 players!
Players assume the roles of mages in a subterranean maze,
scheming to steal each other's treasures. Cast spells to
shapeshift, make doors, fireball foes, and more. Score points by
stealing treasures from opposing w izards, or by eliminating the
opposition. Last w izard standing alw ays w ins in this imaginative
game of fantasy and fun!
Wonderla nd The Boa rd Ga me, k r. 320,00 (Zenescope
Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45-60.
Experience the madness that is Wonderland! Calie, her friends,
and her enemies fall betw een the cracks of the real w orld that is
ripe w ith danger and an even deadlier realm that exists on the
other side of the Looking Glass. Win epic battles against
Cheshire, Jabberw ocky, and a host of other deadly foes, all the
w hile keeping from the brink of insanity - or diving right over the
•4 Cubes
•4 Hexagonal Cylinders
•4 Round Cylinders
•4 small Disks
•4 large Disks
•6 Paw ns (Meeples)
•4 small Buildings
•4 large Buildings
•4 Ships
•10 Rails/Roads
Blue, k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
These packs of 50 high quality w ooden gaming tokens include a
w ide assortment of tokens available in red, blue, green, yellow ,
black, and w hite.
These tokens are perfect for customizing and enhancing your
games. Eager to add your ow n fleet of trading galleys to your
games of Constantinapolis? Here you’ll find ships, buildings,
people, and other shapes all in one convenient package. Wooden
Tokens are also excellent for giving your ow n gaming projects a
visual flare, so keep a few packs handy w hen inspiration strikes.
Each pack contains:
•4 Cubes
•4 Hexagonal Cylinders
•4 Round Cylinders
•4 small Disks
•4 large Disks
•6 Paw ns (Meeples)
•4 small Buildings
•4 large Buildings
•4 Ships
•10 Rails/Roads
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Green, k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Yellow, k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
These packs of 50 high quality w ooden gaming tokens include a
w ide assortment of tokens available in red, blue, green, yellow ,
black, and w hite.
These packs of 50 high quality w ooden gaming tokens include a
w ide assortment of tokens available in red, blue, green, yellow ,
black, and w hite.
These tokens are perfect for customizing and enhancing your
games. Eager to add your ow n fleet of trading galleys to your
games of Constantinapolis? Here you’ll find ships, buildings,
people, and other shapes all in one convenient package. Wooden
Tokens are also excellent for giving your ow n gaming projects a
visual flare, so keep a few packs handy w hen inspiration strikes.
These tokens are perfect for customizing and enhancing your
games. Eager to add your ow n fleet of trading galleys to your
games of Constantinapolis? Here you’ll find ships, buildings,
people, and other shapes all in one convenient package. Wooden
Tokens are also excellent for giving your ow n gaming projects a
visual flare, so keep a few packs handy w hen inspiration strikes.
Each pack contains:
Each pack contains:
•4 Cubes
•4 Hexagonal Cylinders
•4 Round Cylinders
•4 small Disks
•4 large Disks
•6 Paw ns (Meeples)
•4 small Buildings
•4 large Buildings
•4 Ships
•10 Rails/Roads
•4 Cubes
•4 Hexagonal Cylinders
•4 Round Cylinders
•4 small Disks
•4 large Disks
•6 Paw ns (Meeples)
•4 small Buildings
•4 large Buildings
•4 Ships
•10 Rails/Roads
White, k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
These packs of 50 high quality w ooden gaming tokens include a
w ide assortment of tokens available in red, blue, green, yellow ,
black, and w hite.
World Conquerors, k r. 319,50 (Gorilla Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 60-90min.
Throw dice and have your armies roll across the map.
These tokens are perfect for customizing and enhancing your
games. Eager to add your ow n fleet of trading galleys to your
games of Constantinapolis? Here you’ll find ships, buildings,
people, and other shapes all in one convenient package. Wooden
Tokens are also excellent for giving your ow n gaming projects a
visual flare, so keep a few packs handy w hen inspiration strikes.
Play cards to change the tide of the battle and the course of
Each pack contains:
•4 Cubes
•4 Hexagonal Cylinders
•4 Round Cylinders
•4 small Disks
•4 large Disks
•6 Paw ns (Meeples)
•4 small Buildings
•4 large Buildings
•4 Ships
•10 Rails/Roads
This simple board game of global conquest plays fast and fun
w ith tactical texture and flavor provided by cards featuring
history's greatest w arlords.
22x17" mounted mapboard 100 cubes (25 in each of 4 colors) 8
paw ns (2 in each of 4 colors) 50 card conqueror deck 6 dice 8
page rulebook 10 clear glass beads 10 black glass beads
Wrong Chemistry, k r. 175,00 (M a ge Corpora tion)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 25min. THE
Scientists in a lab are trying to create new elements, and they
get it all w rong! In Wrong Chemistry (W.C.) you change a
molecule in order to create new elements out of it. A fun, easy to
learn, but hard to master, game, w ith funny references to the
real elements from the periodic table.
Players alternate rounds, during w hich they try to change the
pieces on the board, in such a w ay that they can be the same
shape represented by the cards in their hands. The cards
represent new elements that the players discover, and w hen the
board has the proper form, the player reveals from his hand the
element he/she discovered and adds the card to his/her pile of
earned points.
The game ends w hen a player can no longer draw more cards.
The w inner is the player w ith the most points or, in case of a tie,
the one that discovered more elements that are next to each
other in the Periodic Table of the Elements (chairs not included).
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Xia ngqi, k r. 199,50 (Elepha nt Chessclub)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. Xiangqi - sometimes called Chinese chess, is
an strategy board game for tw o players. It is one of the most
popular board games in China, and is in the same family as
"Western" (or "international") chess, chaturanga, shogi, Indian
chess and janggi.
Ya m M a ster, k r. 195,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 1-2. Spilletid: 15 min.
Yedo, k r. 500,00 (IEL)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 120-180min.
Japan, 1605 – Hidetada Tokugaw a has succeeded his father as
the new Shogun, ruling from the great city of Edo (a.k.a. Yedo),
the city know n in present times as Tokyo. This marks the
beginning of the golden age of the Tokugaw a Shogunate and the
so-called Edo Period that w ill last until 1868. Naturally, the most
pow erful families in Edo immediately try to curry favor w ith the
new Shogun – and this is the opportunity our clan has been
looking for, our chance at pow er and glory. Our clan w ill prove
ourselves to be indispensable to the new Shogun. We w ill w ork
from the shadow s to acquire information about our rival clans.
We w ill kidnap those w ho might oppose our ascent and
assassinate those w ho prove a threat. We w ill use cunning to
prevent our adversaries from doing the same to us. We w ill find
glory and honor in the eyes of this new Shogun – or failing that
w e w ill end his rule by any means necessary.
In the strategy game Yedo, players assume the roles of Clan
Elders in the city of Edo during the early years of the Tokugaw a
Shogunate. The object of the game is to amass Prestige Points,
mainly by completing missions. To do so, players must gather the
necessary assets and – most importantly – outfox their
opponents and prevent them from completing their missions.
There are several w ays to reach your goal. Will you try to
complete as many missions as possible and hope that your
efforts catch the Shogun's eye? Or w ill you choose a more
subtle w ay of gaining pow er by trying to influence the Shogun
during a private audience? You can also put your rivals to shame
by buying lots of luxury goods from the European merchants. It's
all up to you – but be careful to make the right choices, for in
Yedo, eternal glory and painful disgrace are tw o sides of the
same coin...
Tiles Pa ck 1, k r. 199,50 (CoolM iniOrNot Inc. )
The perfect companion to the Zombicide Boardgame.
Zombie Sta te - Diploma cy of the Dea d, k r. 399,50
(Zombie Sta te Ga mes LLC )
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 120-180 min. Zombie
State takes the zombie challenge from a first person experience
to a global challenge the w ay no other game has! In this exciting
and challenging game players act as the leader of an entire
territory. Players are rapidly overw helmed by the spread of
zombies and by random outbreaks w ithin their territory. Each
player must move fast to successfully test technologies that w ill
help him or her combat the spread of the infection. Players may
utilize technologies in military advancements, medical
breakthroughs, and in physics and science. Each player
harnesses these technologies individually or in combinations that
w ill help them stave off the w alking dead and ultimately halt the
spread of the disease. If players can’t stop the progression, they
are forced to try and maintain some corner of civilization w ithin
their territory, in hopes that they can hang on long enough to
reclaim and rebuild their territory at a later time. Players do not
compete directly in military combat, but w ill struggle along their
borders w here they try to reinforce them or redirect the spread
of the w alking dead to try and keep the zombies out of their
territory. The most pow erful technologies and combinations
thereof w ill lead to a player’s supreme victory.
The Game Includes
- 1 Box full of good old-fashioned fun
- 1 Map of the World
- 1 Rulebook
- 30 Freedom Point Paw ns
- 30 Military Units
- 60 six-sided Population Dice
- 1 tw elve sided die
- 5 Player Technology Sheets
- 60 Technology Marker Counters
- 140 Zombie Tokens
- 96 Resource Cards
- 45 Random Event Cards
- 25 Razed Border Counters
- 15 Quarantine Counters
- 30 Resource Counters
- 1 Starting Leader Card
Zombies 11, k r. 240,00 (Twilight Crea tions Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 60-90min.
Zombies X - Feeding the Addiction, k r. 120,00 (Twilight
Crea tions Inc.)
Boxsæt. Everybody has issues! Maybe things w ould be different
if you didn't spend so much time on the phone (or at the bar, or
the mall, or in the gym). You might even be able to spend some
time fighting for your life!
Zombie Dice Ga me, k r. 105,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 10-20min. Eat brains!
Don't get shotgunned! You are a zombie. You w ant brains. More
brains than any of your zombie buddies. In Zombie Dice, 13
custom dice represent victims. Push your luck to eat their brains,
but stop rolling before the shotgun blasts end your turn!
Zombies!!! X adds a w hole new level of complication to the
Zombies!!! board game. Now , not only do you have to w orry
about your brains being eaten by the zombies, you also have to
remember to: Feed the Addiction! This expansion for the
Zombies!!! board game features 15 new map tiles, 30 new event
cards, six copies of the new "Addiction" cards, and complete
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Zombies!!!! 2ND Ed., k r. 240,00 (Twilight Crea tions Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Improvements and
additions include:
Updated art for greater visual impact.
Deeper box designed to hold all the Zombies!!! expansions.
Brand new art on all Map tiles. (Compatible w ith previous sets
and expansions.)
Revised or new art on all Event cards.
Now featuring RED HEART TOKENS!
Revised and updated rules.
Components: 2 dice, 6 shotgun guys, 30 map tiles, 50 action
cards, dozens of counters, 100 Plastic Zombies
Designer: Todd Breitenstein
Additional Development: Kerry Breitenstein, Mark Bordenet, Darin
Zong Shi, k r. 520,00 (Fred Distribution)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 60-90 min. In
a large tow n in medieval China, several talented artisans Masters
in their ow n right aspire to become recognized as Zong Shi: the
Grand Master craftsman. You are one of these master artisans
and together w ith your apprentice, you are competing w ith the
other Masters to attain this elevated status in the tow n. To
succeed, you'll have to impress the tow nspeople w ith your skills.
How shall you do it? Will you acquire a specialist's mastery over
certain material, or w ill you enlarge your w orkshop? Will you
create a large number of smaller projects or w ill you build few er,
but greater, masterw orks? That is for you to decide.
Zong Shi blends w orker placement, resource management,
project completion and special action cards. To set up the game,
lay out the project cards (eight types, each w ith a special
pow er) and masterw ork projects (only three at a time) on the
game board; draw goods randomly for the tw o markets; lay out
the exchange tiles in the paw n shop; and lay out a certain
number of Scrolls of Fortune and material tiles. Players take turns
drafting Scrolls (w hich have one-shot abilities) and materials
(needed to complete projects), then the first round begins.
In each round, players take one action w ith their master or
apprentice, then take one action w ith their other figure. The
possible actions are:
Begin a project Master only. Pay the material cost, then place the
master on the time track in the space show n on the project. Go
to the market Hang out and shoot the breeze until the next phase.
Go to the temple Draw one Scroll (or more if your master is at the
temple and donates material). Go to the paw n shop Choose an
exchange tile in the shop and place the exchange tile on your
player board. You may then sw ap one material show n on that
tile for the other material on the tile. Pay respectful visits Visit a
tow nsperson, donate materials of the right type equal to the visit
tile you place there, then take the special action associated w ith
that person this game. Pass
Those in the market then take turns choosing materials located
there. You can hold no more than five materials. Players then
advance their master on the time track to represent w ork on the
project. Refill materials in the market, pass the start marker, then
begin a new round.
When a player completes his sixth project, players complete that
round and one additional full round. Players tally points for
completed projects, incomplete projects (w hich are penalized),
number of tow nspeople visited, a full board of exchange tiles,
completion of six projects and unused scrolls and material. The
player w ith the most points w ins.
ZoxSo, k r. 200,00 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 15 min. The New
Ancient Game" from Mindspan Labs, ZoxSo™ is a fast-paced
mix of fierce placement and clash of forces for tw o players,
ages 10 to 99.
Capture the Throne!
To w in a game of ZoxSo you must Capture the Throne; and once
you've played you'll realize that it's all about... all or nothing!
In the first phase of the game, players alternate placing pieces
on the board, simultaneously strengthening their ow n positions
w hile cutting into their opponent's plans. In the second phase,
players maneuver their forces: moving around the board,
capturing, blocking, and threatening their opponent's pieces -w ith the goal of either getting their ow n Xing onto the Golden
Throne in the center of the board, or alternatively, capturing their
opponent's Xing.
Oh, w e should w arn you: The games are very fast, incredibly
explosive, and all decisive!
Yes, there are no draw s in ZoxSo. So, do you think that you
have w hat it w ill take to become a ZoxSo master?
This game set's contents:
One full-color 20" x 20" board; tw enty colored, double-sided 1.5"
diameter plastic game-pieces (ten per player); one complete fullcolor rules pamphlet w ith clear diagrams and descriptions, and a
high-quality compact set-up box for easy storage and transport.
One player's pieces are dark and the other player's pieces are
light (specific color of the dark pieces vary from set to set). This
$24.99 game set features a compact, heavy duty six-panel trifold game board.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Zpoca lypse, k r. 480,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 100 min.
Zpocalypse is a survival board game set in a post-apocalyptic
w asteland. Tw o to four players start in a basement/fallout
shelter w hich can lead out to several base locations or even
through the tunnels to sew er grates throughout the
transformable board. The survivors are trying to make it day to
day in a w orld torn apart from the w alking dead.
As in any survival game, one needs food, guns, ammo, and
more. Players go out into the w asteland and scavenge for
supplies, or perhaps to find a new gun or melee w eapon to fend
off the next zombie attack. In addition to gathering supplies, each
player forms and controls his ow n squad – and each squad
w orks to fortify the bases. Your w alls and barbed w ire w on’t
hold the dead for long, how ever, and they’re getting hungry.
Characters receive victory points for killing zombies, building
defenses, and successfully completing goals. Victory points
show w ho is soldiering on the best in this w asteland. The final
tally of points determines the w inner. Victory points also act as
experience points for leveling up a character.
The game combines combat, tactics, resource collecting,
character development, team play, and strategy tow ards the
goal of surviving in the Zpocalypse!
■20 board tiles
■80 build tokens
■135 standard cards
■27 non-standard goal cards
■1 point tracker
■12 dice (8 red, 4 blue)
■22 page rule booklet
■30 zombie miniatures (10 singles, 20 doubles) – Prototype
tokens show n!
■9 Hero minatures (4 male, 4 female, 1 german shepard)
■4 squad boards
■4 squad miniatures (male & female, back to back) w ith unique
base colors
■4 colored point tracker tokens
I had heard a radio transmission saying the army had been
overrun in the city and the government w as gonna nuke the
w hole area. Well a few of us – the smart ones – w e headed
ourselves up n’ out to this old abandoned hotel w ith a fallout
About a w eek or tw o ago, they dropped the big one. When it
came, not all of us w ere inside. Some’ve us had been out
scavenging. I don’t like to think on it much. The rest of us closed
the doors and huddled together, w ith hell on earth raging outside.
Single Bla ck M a t M a rk er, k r. 20,00 (Chessex )
Of Dice a nd M eeples, k r. 200,00 (Bezier Ga mes)
A collection of Board 2 Pieces comics covering 2006-2007.
Something Smells Ga mey, k r. 200,00 (Bezier Ga mes)
A collection of Board 2 Pieces comics from 2008-2009.
Zingo, k r. 200,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 4 år. Spillere: 2-6. ZINGO! Er et sjovt og
interaktiv kombinationsspil,
som giver ny spænding
og læring til det gamle Bingo! Spillerne
venter ivrigt på det bliver deres tur til at glide
ZINGO! Zingeren og afsløre nye brikker. Den
første spiller der fylder alle felterne på sin
ZINGO! spilleplade vinder. ZINGO! brikker
og kort har både billeder og ord, som gør
dette spil fantastisk for børn som endnu
ikke kan læse eller lige er begyndt med det.
Ba ttle for Gobwin Knob (Book 1), k r. 200,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
The Battle for Gobw in Knob tells the story of obsessive strategy
Ga ming Pa per 1" Squa res, k r. 35,00 (Ga ming Pa per )
Gaming Paper is the latest innovation in roleplaying and
miniatures accessories and is a low -cost alternative to
expensive battlemaps and tile sets. It's an inexpensive, reusable
and disposable product for gamers. Gaming Paper is sold in
convenient rolls that are 30 inches w ide and 12' long, for 30
square feet of playing surface. It is a fraction of the cost of other
gaming mats on the market. Not only is it usable for miniatures
games, but it is also ideal for roleplaying games. Anyone can use
pens, markers, or other simple w riting implements to create
detailed terrain for campaigns or miniatures battles.
Ark ha m Sa nita rium Pencil, k r. 30,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
At the Arkham Sanitarim, a pencil is an essential tool. But in the
w rong hands, say the hands of the murderously insane, it can
prove a threat to patients, doctors and staff. For everyone's
safety, this specially designed pencil can cover the dangerous
pointy end of the pencil, keeping it out of view w hen not in use.
While this type of pencil is called a Bullet Pencil, w e prefer not to
use that term around the patients. We just call it "a pencil". But
w ith it's attractive yellow barrel, luxurious eraser and sturdy
w hite shaft, you'll find it the ideal w riting implement for tracking
your golf score or updating the charts of your most challenging
mental patients.
36 Cubes, k r. 250,00 (Think Fun)
We have made it so far in the shelter. We are nearly out of
supplies and need to find more. We have to open the doors, and
hope it is all w orth it.”
~Zombie survivor
Diverse spil
Double Sided Ba ttlema t w/1"squa res/hexes, k r. 185,00
(Chessex )
Our mats are made from expanded vinyl
Double Sided M ega ma t w/1"squa res & hexes, k r. 320,00
(Chessex )
Our mats are made from expanded vinyl
M a rk er Set, k r. 65,00 (Chessex )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. 36 Cube from
ThinkFun. How many tow ers can YOU place? Fulle on its´
mission to empow er the w orld to become better thinkers,
ThinkFun has come through w ith the greatest challenge yet, 36
Start by removing the tow ers from the base.
Your goal is to place the tow ers follew ing tw o simple rules: The
must be only one of each colored tow er in every row and
columm, and the tow ers must fit into the base to form a perfect
cube w ith all the tow ers being the same height.
Sound simple? Think again!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Chocola te Fix, k r. 150,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. You'll be tempted to
take a bite out of these life-like candy play pieces in this delightful
game of pure deductive reasoning. Similar to Sudoku, players
examine all the clues on a challenge card before making a move.
Once they discover w here to put a piece, they combine this
know ledge w ith additional clues to find out more information. Feel
your confidence build as you narrow dow n the possibilities to fill
each candy assortment. Challenges ranging from beginner to
expert w ill feed your chocolate cravings for hours.
Hedgehog Esca pe, k r. 200,00 (Popula r Pla ythings)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. How does a hedgehog
make his getaw ay? Through a hedge, of course! When ten little
hedgehogs are surprised by some bad-new s badgers, they
have to roll together to reach the low spot in the hedge w here
mama hedgehog is w aiting. Help the spiny guys escape by rolling
them safely past the badgers. It's not so easy! There is only one
w ay all ten can clear the hedge in a single roll. 50 different
setups challenge you to foil the badgers. So w hat are you
w aiting for? Get rolling!
Tilt, k r. 225,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1. Back and forth, right and
left – you may w ant to use a GPS to navigate this logic maze!
Choose one of the challenge cards and set your pieces. Using
the innovative tilting game board, your goal is to slide the green
sliders through the center exit hole. To make your job a bit
trickier, the blue sliders must stay on the grid at all times! With 40
Challenges ranging from Beginner to Expert, Tilt w ill have your
brain moving in all directions!
* Game Grid w ith Base
* 40 Challenge Cards from Beginner to Expert w ith Hints and
* 2 Green Sliders, 4 Blue Sliders, 6 Gray Square Blockers
* Instructions
Hoppers, k r. 110,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. With a lily pad playing
surface, 12 fun frogs, and 40 Beginner-to-Expert challenges,
this classic p peg-solitaire game challenges you to leave the red
frog as the last one standing. Once you start pla playing and
begin to hip and to hop, you'll be in the middle of game you just
cant stop!
Features: Frogs and challenge cards store neatly in base of
game board making it ideal for travel
Sa y Cheese!, k r. 200,00 (Popula r Pla ythings)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. Dinner is over and
everyones gone, now all the mice w ill party till daw n. To record
the event w on't you help them please? They must all face up and
then say cheese!!
* Game-Go Bag
TipOver, k r. 150,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. You'll flip over
TIPOVER! This three-dimensional multi-level challenge game w ill
delight problem solvers at any skill level. To start, set up crates
of different colors and heights on the game grid to match any
one of 40 Beginner-to-Expert card challenges. Next, tip over the
crates to connect your Tipper to the red crate, w hich is your
final destination on the card. There's a catch; your Tipper can't
jump over empty grid spaces. Only you control your fate by
tipping over the right crate!
Features: 40 Beginner-to-Expert challenges, solutions on back of
each challenge card, travel bag, develops problem solving skills
Turnstile, k r. 200,00 (Think Fun)
here are 50 challenges to solve arranged mild (easy) to extra
sharp (hard). Just roll the cheese blocks w ithin the grid untill all
the mice heads are facing up. But if your brain starts to feel like a
cheese fondu don't panic! All our solutions are in the back of the
Roll the cheese blocks w ithin the grid until all the mice heads are
facing up.
Solita ire Chess, k r. 225,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1. You don't have to know
chess to be a master of this addictive sequential logic game! The
rules in Solitaire Chess are simple - first set up the chess pieces
on the board according to one of the 60 challenge cards, then
proceed to capture and eliminate all but one piece using only
moves allow ed in traditional chess. You must capture a piece
w ith every move, so this game is fast-paced and alw ays exciting!
* 4 levels of play, Beginner to Expert
* Game board features a storage draw er for easy cleanup
* Hints and step-by-step solutions
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. Revolving Logic Maze
Take your brain for a spin as you navigate through this logic
maze. The goal is to move the colored tokens through the maze
to their respective corners. To do this, you must pass through
turnstiles, shifting w alls to form new pathw ays… and new
barriers! Clever challenges exercise your strategic thinking
muscles, as one turn may lead to victory or may leave you
stranded. A great addition to our “Ignite Your Mind” logic puzzle
River Crossing, k r. 200,00 (Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. Welcome to the jungle!
Complete w ith alligators, snakes and piranhas, the 40 challenges
in this mind challenging game are sure to bring out your w ild side.
You must navigate your Hiker through the different challenges by
moving planks, connecting them to tree stumps, in order to make
it from one side of the river to the other safely!
Features: 40 Beginner-to-Expert Challenges, instructions and
solutions, magnetized Hiker and planks for easy movement,
travel bag
Ca rd Set 2 (expa nsion), k r. 60,00 (Think Fun)
Sværhedsgrad: 8 år+. Spillere: 1. This exciting add-on pack for
Ca rd Set 3 (Expa nsion), k r. 60,00 (Think Fun)
Sværhedsgrad: 8 år+. Spillere: 1. This exciting add-on pack for
Ca rd Set 4 (Expa nsion, k r. 60,00 (Think Fun)
Sværhedsgrad: 8 år+. Spillere: 1. This exciting add-on pack for
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Rush Hour (Sk a ndina visk e version), k r. 185,00
(Think Fun)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 1. Rush Hour is sure to
become a fixture in your everyday life. Recently voted one of
Parents Choice Foundations "Best 25 Toys in 25 Years," Rush
Hour puts players to the test, demanding both thought and vision.
As if the commute home w asn't enough, in these 40 Beginner-toExpert challenges, you must navigate your red car through the
traffic jam and gridlock in order to successfully leave the game
board. Experience w hat everyone is talking about, order your
Rush Hour today!
Features: 40 Beginner to Expert challenges, challenge cards fit
neatly into pull-out tray beneath the game tray, solutions.
Dra gonsla yers, k r. 145,00 (Osprey Book s)
With its fiery breath, scaly armour, and baleful, malevolent stare,
the dragon became the ultimate symbol of evil and corruption in
European folklore and mythology. Often serving as a stand-in for
Satan, or the pow er of evil gods, dragons spread death and
hopelessness throughout the land. Only heroes of uncommon
valour, courageousness, and purity could hope to battle these
monsters and emerge victorious. Those that did became legends.
They became dragonslayers. The list of dragonslayers is small,
but it is filled w ith great and legendary names. Hercules,
Beow ulf, Sigfried, and Saint George all battled to the death w ith
dragons. Other heroes such as Cadmus, founder of the city of
Thebes, Dieudonn de Gozon, the Knight of Rhodes, and the
Russian w arrior Dobrynya Nikitch might be less w ell know n to
w estern readers, but also fought and defeated dragons. This
book retells the greatest legends of this select group of w arriors,
w hile examining the myth of the dragonslayer in a historical,
mythological, and even theological context. Contents The Myth of
the Dragonslayer The Ancient Greek Dragonslayers: Cadmus,
Jason, Hercules The Pagan Dragonslayers: Cuchulain, Beow ulf,
Sigfried The Christian Dragonslayers: Saint George The Eastern
Dragonslayers: Bobrynya Nikitch, Krak Dragonslaying in modern
Ja son a nd the Argona uts, k r. 145,00 (Osprey Book s)
The voyage of Jason and the Argonauts and their hunt for the
Golden Fleece is one of the most enduringly popular of all of the
Ancient Greek heroic myths. Accepting the quest in order to
regain his kingdom, Jason assembled a crew of legendary
heroes, including Hercules, Orpheus, Atalanta, and the tw ins
Castor and Polydeuces. With this band of w arriors and demigods, Jason set sail in the Argo on a journey across the know n
w orld. During their quest, the Argonauts faced numerous
challenges including the Harpies, the Clashing Rocks, the Sirens,
Talos, the bronze giant, the sleepless dragon that guarded the
fleece, and, of course, the fickle w ill of the gods of Olympus.
Filled w ith magic, monsters, sw ord fights, and sacrifice, this
ancient adventure story is given new life by Neil Smith w ho also
examines its historical context, its classical sources and its
enduring legacy. Contents The Man w ith One Sandal Narrative:
Jason and his Mission Sources for Jason Greek Mythology: Its
purpose and relevance The Gods: Who w ere they and w hat did
they do? The Voyage Out Preparations: Greek Ships and Jason
s Crew Narrative: Lemnos Narrative: The Doliones: real fighting,
Greek arms and armour Narrative: The Harpies Narrative:
Clashing Rocks Colchis Narrative: Jason s 3 Tasks & the Golden
Fleece Jason & Medea The Voyage Back Narrative: Sirens
Narrative: Talos Narrative: Jason s Arrival Jason s Demise
Narrative: Jason s Betrayal: Euripides Medea Jason s Legacy
Jason in Books & Movies
Don't Split the Pa rty! (Vol.4), k r. 239,50 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
Divided by the events of War and XPs, our heroes struggle to
reunite in this fourth compilation of the popular online comic, The
Order of the Stick! With their leader, ah, indisposed, Haley leads
the quest to bring him back from the, uh, the place that he is at.
(Hey, some people only read the comic in book form, I don't w ant
to spoil it for them.) Meanw hile, her love Elan contends w ith new
threats at sea, including some direct competition for her man!
And how w ill these problems drive one of the Order's ow n to
take an offer they should have refused? Find out in the exciting
continuation of the OOTS story, Don't Split the Party!
Here's w hat the book contains:
All of the comics from #485 to #672, inclusive
More than 15 bonus comics, including tw o all-new deleted
scenes: "Elan's Underw ater Adventure" and "Get Roy"
Ten pages of author commentary w hich w ill be horribly
misquoted to support the more outlandish fan theories
A special dedication to Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, creators
of Dungeons & Dragons. Preface by Roy Greenhilt
A recap of events-to-date by Belkar Bitterleaf
Printed on 50% recycled paper
The next stage of the stick figure action-comedy-drama-fantasy
saga is here at last, and it's just w aiting for you to add it to your
grow ing collection of fine The Order of the Stick trade
Dungeon Cra wlin Fools (Vol. 1), k r. 199,50 (Imperium
Ga mes)
Six brave stick-figure adventurers embark on a semi-epic
journey to overcome hardship, villainy, and the rules of their
favorite fantasy roleplaying game in The Order of the Stick.
And now you can ow n the first 121 strips of Rich Burlew ’s
ridiculously popular w ebcomic epic in easy-to-read-in-thebathroom book format! Time and again, you’ll be able to read as
Roy, Elan, Belkar, and the rest of the OOTS cast face off against
pow er-mad liches, snippy goblin's henchmen, rebellious
teenagers, clow n puppets, and their ow n crushing
The Order of the Stick: Dungeon Craw lin’ Fools features 160
pages of full-color comics, including 18 all-new , never-seen-onthe-w eb bonus strips. Plus, commentary by the author, prefaces
by James Wyatt and Belkar Bitterleaf, and scads of random
extras w e crammed in w herever there w as a gap in the page
count. This is THE definitive version of the early OOTS
adventures, and you like being definitive, don’t you? Of course
you do.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
No Cure for the Pa la din Blues (Vol. 2), k r. 239,50
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
The Order of the Stick is back in action (and in color!) in this
second volume compiling the popular fantasy gaming satire
w ebcomic in convenient book format. Watch in amazement as
The Order of the Stick, everyone's favorite band of hopelessly
incompetent adventurers, leaves the dungeon behind (probably a
good idea, considering they blew it up anyw ay) and ventures
out into the great outdoors. Thrill to encounters w ith bandits,
dragons, assassins, and perhaps the most terrifying of
all—paladins! Watch in amazement as the Order of the Stick finds
itself caught betw een the forces of Good and Less-Than-Good
as their stupid little adventure turns into a stupid epic adventure
to save their very w orld!
What's in No Cure for the Paladin Blues, you ask?
- A hefty 244 pages of full color comedy; that's a full half-inch
- Printed on high-quality paper to ensure your book lasts longer
than the current edition of the rules it satirizes.
- Enjoy 14 all-new bonus strips that fit in (mostly) seamlessly
w ith the existing story.
- Skip past more than 12 pages of self-absorbed author
- Forew ard by Scott Kurtz, creator of the w ebcomic PVP.
- Preface by Vaarsuvius, elven w izard.
- A detailed recap of the events of Dungeon Craw lin' Fools by
Elan the Bard.
- And yes, the book contains translations for Haley's
On the Origin of PC's (0), k r. 110,00 (Pa izo Publishing)
Ever w onder how the Order of the Stick met? Or w hy on earth
Roy w ould ever hire Elan? Or w hether any of the OOTSers ever
knew each other before the team formed? All of these questions
and many others have been left annoyingly unansw ered in the
online edition of the Order of the Stick.
But w ait! Now you can know ! Now your burning curiosity that
borders on unhealthy obsession can at last be sated, for the
new OOTS book is here—and it's a prequel!
Yes, travel back w ith Rich Burlew , creator of the popular gaming
comic The Order of the Stick, as he unearths the secret origins
of your favorite adventurers in the first all-new never-posted-onthe-internet version of OOTS. In The Order of the Stick: On the
Origin of PCs, you'll discover the answ ers to all of the follow ing
How did Haley leave the employ of the Thieves' Guild?
Why w as Durkon sent into human lands by the high priest of
What w as Roy like in Fighter College?
What ever happened to Elan's last employer?
What does Belkar really think of the Monk class?
Why DO they call themselves the "Order of the Stick"? (No, for
real this time.)
Presented in 72 glossy pages of glorious black-and-w hite art
(for that nostalgic "old movie" feel), the book also features a
preface by Redcloak the Goblin Cleric. The Order of the Stick: On
the Origin of PCs is a must for any fan of the comic series. Well,
any fan w ho doesn't w ant to be kept up nights w orrying about
the horrible, horrible truth about their favorite characters. Trust
us—your sanity practically DEMANDS you ow n this book!
Usually ships in 1 business day
Sta rt of da rk ness (Vol. -1), k r. 135,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
From the depths of time comes a story of w icked villains, terrible
secrets, and monumental screw -ups! The Order of the Stick:
Start of Darkness reveals for the first time the secret origins of
Xykon, Redcloak, the Monster in the Darkness, heck, even the
demon cockroaches. Containing 112 pages of all-new neverpublished-online comics in dramatic black-and-w hite, Start of
Darkness is full of villainy goodness for any fan of the OOTS.
Learn such secrets as:
- How did Xykon and Redcloak meet?
- How did Xykon became a lich?
- Why did Eugene Greenhilt sw ear revenge on Xykon?
- Whatever happened to Lirian's Gate, anyw ay?
- How did Redcloak discover the Monster in the Darkness?
- Why on earth does Redcloak put up w ith Xykon's crap???
The Order of the Stick: Start of Darkness is presented primarily in
black-and-w hite, similar to Paizo's bestselling On the Origin of
PCs, but features a special full-color insert detailing the Secret
Lore of the Crimson Mantle, in the popular crayon format first
seen in No Cure for the Paladin Blues. Featuring introductions by
the author and Miko Miyazaki, paladin of the Sapphire Guard, this
book is a flat-out must-have for fans of the OOTS plotline, as it
fills in missing details in the story of w ho these evildoers are and
w hy they do evil. Wallow ing in unrepentant villainy has never
been this much fun (legally)!
Wa r a nd XP's (Vol. 3), k r. 265,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
The epic battle betw een good and evil becomes more epic-y than
ever in the third volume in The Order of the Stick story, War and
XPs. Follow the continuing adventures of Roy, Haley, Elan,
Durkon, Vaarsuvius, and Belkar as they persevere prophecies,
revenge, true love, heroic battles, villainous treacheries, tragic
falls, and one sw ingin' party. Read in w hite-knuckled edge-ofyour-seat anticipation as the Order leads the charge in a
massive siege that makes the Battle of Thermopylae look like a
sorority car w ash.
Continuing directly from the story in the aw ard-w inning No Cure
for the Paladin Blues, this book is a must-have for those w ho
have been collecting the entire The Order of the Stick story in
print format. Only slightly briefer than its namesake, War and XPs
is a mammoth 288-page comic book that w eighs in at over 2
pounds of comedy and covers all of the OOTS comics betw een
#302 and #484 and more than 30 pages of never-before-seen
bonus materia!
* Check it out: More than 15 bonus comics that expand the story
as it unfolds!
* Extensive author commentary, providing insight that he w ill
likely regret revealing almost immediately!
* A tw o-page tourist's guide to Azure City!
* Forew ard by Pat Rothfuss, New York Times-bestselling author
of The Name of the Wind!
* Preface by Elan the Bard!
* A brief recap of the first tw o books by Vaarsuvius!
* Translations for Haley's cryptograms!
* Valuable money-saving coupons!
Finally, Giant in the Playground is proud to announce that for the
first time, The Order of the Stick w ill be printed on 50% recycled
paper, approved by the Forest Stew ardship Council (w hich,
contrary to dw arven beliefs, is not a secret cabal of deciduous
overlords plotting the leafy doom of us all).
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
La v Gyserfilm med Specia l Effects (DVD ink luderet),
k r. 259,00 (Gege)
Med denne bog og den tilhørende DVD finder du ud af, hvor let
og sjovt det er at producere korte film og special effects.
De mange illustrationer, kopiark m. M., gør det let at komme i gang.
- Alt om manuskriptskrivning, produktionsplanlægning,
filmoptagelse, redigering og premiere
- Med tekst og illustrationer vises produktion af rekvisitter og
blodige special effects
- Stunts, filmbudget og lille leksikon
- To versioner af mobilfilmen 'Mumiehånden'
- Trailer og klip fra filmen 'Opstandelsen'
- Sårsminkevideo
- Filmdokumenter til print
- Lydeffekter til filmproduktion
Målgruppe: Drenge og piger, unge og ældre med ønske om at
producere korte gyserfilm og lære at lave Special Effects.
Ungdomsklubber, skoler. Efterskoler og filmklubber.
Med denne bog og den tilhørende DVD finder man ud af, hvor let
og sjovt det er at producere korte film og Special Effects. De
mange illustrationer, kopiark m.m., gør det let at komme i gang.
Alt om manuskriptskrivning, produktionsplanlægning,
filmoptagelse, redigering og premiere
Med tekst og illustrationer vises produktion af rekvisitter og
blodige special effects, stunts
Filmbudget og lille leksikon
To versioner af mobilfilmen ”Mumiehånden”
Indhold på dvd, se herunder til højre
Forfatter: Janus Vinther
Bla ck Solid 50-Count Deck Protector, k r. 30,00 (Ultra
Card Sleeves
Blue Solid 50-Count Deck Protector, k r. 30,00 (Ultra
Card Sleeves
Clea r 100ct Deck Protector Pa ck , k r. 50,00 (Ultra Pro)
Card Sleeves
Clea r 50ct DP Pa ck , k r. 30,00 (Ultra Pro)
Card Sleeves
Green Solid 50ct DP Pa ck , k r. 30,00 (Ultra Pro)
Card Sleeves
Red Solid 50ct DP Pa ck , k r. 30,00 (Ultra Pro)
Card Sleeves
White Solid 50-Count Deck Protector, k r. 30,00 (Ultra
Card Sleeves
Extra La rge Ca rds (100) (fits ca rds of 65x100mm or
sma ller), k r. 34,00 (Artipia Ga mes)
Fits games like:
La rge Ca rds (100) (fits ca rds of 59x92mm or sma ller),
k r. 32,00 (Artipia Ga mes)
Fits games like:
•Aladdin's Dragons (cards are slightly too small)
•Balloon Cup
•Battle Lore
•Blue Moon City
•The Bucket King
•Civilization big cards (cards are 13mm too short)
•Cuba (big cards)
•Der Herr der Ringe
•Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde
•Edel, Stein & Reich
•El Grande big cards
•For Sale
•A Game of Thrones
•Jambo Exp.
•Knights of the Charlemagne
•Le Havre
•Lord of the Rings by Knizia
•Notre Dame
•Olimpia 2000
•Relationship Tightrope
•San Juan
•Starship Catan
•Stone Age
•Taj Mahal
•Top Race
•Up Front
•Witch's Brew
•Many other games
M edium Ca rds (100) (fit ca rds of 59x89mm or sma ller),
k r. 32,00 (Artipia Ga mes)
Fits games like:
•Arkham Horror (big cards)
•Bang! The Bullet! (cards are slightly too small)
•Brass•Chez Geek•Citadels
•Condottiere•Death Angel
•Galaxy Trucker (cards are slightly too small)
•HeroQuest (cards are slightly too small)
•Kill Doctor Lucky
•Mare Nostrum (cards are slightly too small)
•Primorial Soup•Robo Rally•Runebound 2nd Edition
•Samurai Sw ords (Shogun by MB)
•Shadow s over Camelot
•Spank the Monkey + Monkey Business expansion•StarCraft
•Ticket to Ride (new version/large cards)
•War of the Ruin NB: card is slightly too small •Many other games
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M ini Ca rds (100) (fit ca rds of 41x63mm or sma ller), k r.
27,00 (Artipia Ga mes)
Fits games like:
Sma ll Ca rds (100) (fit ca rds of 44x68mm or sma ller), k r.
27,00 (Artipia Ga mes)
Fits games like:
•Cuba (small cards)•El Grande small cards
•Leonardo da Vinci
•Pillars of the Earth
•Saint Petersburg
•Settlers of Catan (German version) (cards are slightly too small)
•Settlers of Catan (Dutch version)
•Starfahrers of Catan
•Thurn & Taxis•Ticket to Ride old version + other Days of Wonder
•Wings of War
• Many other games
Sta nda rd (100) (fit ca rds of 63x88mm), k r. 34,00
(Artipia Ga mes)
Fits games like:
Kort-lommer (til ma ppe), k r. 2,00 (Ultra Pro)
En side med plads til 9 (18) kort af normal størrelse (dvs. Magic,
Touch of Evil Specia l Edition CD Soundtra ck , k r. 95,00
(Flying Frog Productions, LLC )
The Special Edition Game Soundtrack for A Touch of Evil
features 18 tracks of music created specifically for the game.
This includes the entire original soundtrack plus five new songs
inspired by upcoming expansions.
The CD features new artw ork and liner notes from the composer
and tw o exclusive new game cards only available w ith the
Special Edition Soundtrack. This is a must-have for fans of the
Comsta r Sourcebook - TILBUD, k r. 40,00 (FASA Corp.)
Gennemgang af Comstar, brudet og hvad der deraf fulgte.
Comba t Equipment - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (FPR Compa ny)
As w ars continue to flare across the Inner Sphere and Clan
homew orlds, every faction pushes forw ard w ith new military
developments, fielding cutting edge equipment from new
personnel w eapons to battle armor and ProtoMechs.
Combat Equipment is a companion volume to both Classic
BattleTech and Classic BattleTech RPG. Providing a plethora of
new personnel equipment, Combat Equipment also contains a
rules expansion allow ing players to build non-combat vehicles
from buses to trains and large atmospheric craft to super-large
w et navy vessels. Also included is a full technical readout
section detailing fourteen new battle armor in various stages of
prototype development, along w ith eight new ProtoMechs.
Included w ith the book are pre-printed record sheets for the
battle armor and ProtoMechs found w ithin.
Field M a nua l Periphery - TILBUD, k r. 40,00 (FPR
Compa ny)
Description: Beyond the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere lies
the untamed Periphery. Filled w ith young souls seeking
adventure and freedom, the Periphery is a w atershed for every
stripe of humanity. This diversity has spaw ned pow erfuls Inner
Sphere-like political coalitions, roving pirates, one-w orld lesser
pow ers and bandit kingdoms striving for legitimacy. Wild,
uncivilized and deadly, the Periphery is a turbulent frontier w here
any w arrior w ho dares can be king.
Battletech Field Manual: Periphery describes the various factions
that make up the Periphery:Magistracy of Canopus, Taurian
Concordat, Marian Hegemony, Outw orlds Alliance, Circinus
Federation, the Lesser Periphery States, Bandit Kingdoms and
the Deep Periphery. This sourcebook describes the history,
military doctrine, traditions and tactics of each Periphery faction,
plus special rules that reflect the exclusive capabilities of each
Periphery regiment, as w ell as new w eapons and 'Mechs unique
to the Periphery
Ha ndbook House Da vion - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (FPR
Compa ny)
Brightest Blade
House Davion has dominated Inner Sphere politics, especially the
military-industrial complex, for centuries. A drive for
technological innovation that reaches both the military and civilian
sectors; a society built around the freedoms of the every-day
man; a feudal system that empow ers the First Prince of House
Davion like no other: the sw ords of the Federated Suns have
sliced out the largest and arguably most pow erful realm in the
history of mankind. Despite of the recent ravages of a civil w ar,
the people of House Davion know their place in history.
Handbook: House Davion™ provides an in-depth look at the
politics, the cultures and the ever-present military of one of the
most dominant players in the Inner Sphere. Yet Handbook: House
Davion includes more than just background information, providing
a plethora of new creatures, personnel w eapons, life paths and
more, for both Classic BattleTech and Classic BattleTech RPG™
campaigns set in the Federated Suns!
Ha ndbook House M a rik - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (FPR
Compa ny)
Wings of the Eagle
Racked by civil w ars for centuries, House Marik´s Free Worlds
League endured through the tenacity and diversity of its people.
Now , under the strongest Captain-General in half a millennia,
House Marik has stretched its w ings, pushing the shadow s of its
influence across the Inner Sphere. Whether through its
revitalized military, or an economic might that challenges even the
ages-old dominance of House Steiner, the eagle soars proudly,
as do the people w ho w ave its banner.
The second in a new , dynamic Classic BattleTech® series,
Handbook: House Marik™ compiles the crucial history, politics
and cultures of the Inner Sphere´s first Great House. More than
just a sourcebook, Handbook: House Marik includes rules for
both Classic BattleTech and Classic BattleTech RPG™
campaigns, including new support vehicles, creatures,
personnel w eapons, life paths and more!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ha ndbook House Steiner - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (FPR
Compa ny)
For centuries, the merchant-princes of the Lyran Commonw ealth
survived as much through economic might as by the cloak and
dagger, steadily grow ing in strength until their influence could be
felt across the Inner Sphere. Now emerging from the ruins of a
short-lived alliance and a bloody civil w ar, a bold new identity
has taken hold of the people united under the mighty fist of
House Steiner.
Kicking off a new series, Handbook: House Steiner™ brings the
essential history, politics, and culture of one of the Inner
Sphere’s most pow erful nations to life for a new generation of
Classic BattleTech® players. More than a mere sourcebook,
Handbook: House Steiner provides rules for both Classic
BattleTech and Classic BattleTech RPG™ campaigns, including
new personal equipment, creatures, life paths, and more all
tailored for players and campaigns based on the Lyran state!
Introductory Box Set, k r. 320,00 (Ca ta lyst Ga me La bs)
Boxsæt. Strap yourself into the ultimate suit of armor: the
BattleMech.® Thirty feet tall and w eighing up to a hundred tons,
this humanoid engine of destruction is a w alking arsenal w ith
enough firepow er to level a city block. The Classic BattleTech
game system takes you into the w orld of the 31st Century,
w here w ar has become a w ay of life. You are a MechWarrior.®
You are in command of the most pow erful machine on the
battlefield, and hold the fate of empires in your hand.
The Classic BattleTech Introductory Box Set thrusts you onto the
battlefields of the 31st century. This box contains everything
needed to play:
- 24 unpainted, instantly ready-to-play plastic BattleMech
- One 12-page full-color quick-start rulebook w ill have you into
the action in minutes
- One 32-page book of pre-generated BattleMech Record Sheets
- One 80-page full-color rulebook
- Inner Sphere at a Glance, a 48-page full-color book containing
universe background and BattleMech technical data
- One 16-page full-color Painting and Tactics Guide
- Tw o heavy-duty cards of compiled tables
- Tw o 22‿ x 27‿ full-color mapsheets, w ith tw o different maps
printed on either side
- Tw o six-sided dice
- One full-color, poster-sized map of the Inner Sphere circa 3067
M a ximum Tech - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (FPR Compa ny)
Rediscovered Star League technology gives the Inner Sphere a
new edge on the battlefield! But new w eapons require new
tactics; now as ever before, ingenuity counts more than tougher
'Mechs and bigger guns. Maximum Tech brings BattleTech
players into this brave new w orld of w arfare, w here thinking on
your feet can w in the day.
Take your BattleTech games to the max w ith Maximum Tech, the
ultimate expansion rulebook for advanced BattleTech players.
Maximum Tech is packed w ith dozens of Level Three optional
rules, including new w eapons and equipment for Inner Sphere
and Clan forces; expanded rules for vehicles and infantry;
double-blind rules; revised and expanded artillery rules; and
much more! This revised edition of Maximum Tech has been
updated for use w ith the BattleTech Master Rules as w ell as
incorporating the units presented in the Technical Readout: 3060
and Record Sheets: 3060 into the Battle Value units table.
M ercena ries Supplement II - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (FPR
Compa ny)
Pirate or Merc?
Kell Hounds. Northw ind Highlanders. Blue Star Irregulars.
Literally a thousand and one mercenary units populate the Inner
Sphere, yet these are the house hold names that captivate the
common man. But for every top, there is a bottom. Gray´s
Ghosts. Kraken Unleashed. Vinson´s Vigilantes. Some call them
´pirates,´ others ´dow n-on-their-luck,´ and others ´salvation´
w hen the job´s small enough and the pay just right. But for these
hard-boiled w arriors, life isn´t cheap. Life hardly exists at all!
A companion volume to Classic BattleTech Field Manual:
Mercenaries, Revised, and Mercenaries Supplemental™,
Mercenaries Supplemental II™ delves into the dregs of the
mercenary w orld, allow ing players to use these unique
mercenaries in their Classic BattleTech campaigns. Additional
rules for mercenary creation include non-BattleMech Unit Tech
Levels, special renegade and freelancer mercenary paths, as
w ell as rules for playing mercenaries in different BattleTech
eras, from the Star League, to the Succession Wars, to the
M ercena ries Supplementa l Upda te - TILBUD, k r. 50,00
(FPR Compa ny)
Classic BattleTech Mercenaries Supplemental Update™ details
the fall-out of the opening years of the Jihad and how it relates
to mercenaries. Providing updates on all major mercenary
commands currently embroiled in the Jihad, as w ell as covering
the various Hiring Halls, this product also details brand new
mercenaries commands springing up from the shattered remains
of commands destroyed in these opening Jihad years. Rules for
running mercenary commands during this era are also included,
along w ith a section detailing new ly premiered battlefield units.
Record Sheets 3067 - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (FPR Compa ny)
This latest volume in the BattleTech Record Sheets series
contains pre-generated BattleTech record sheets for all the new
'Mechs and vehicles found in BattleTech Technical Readout:
3067. Also included are a w ide selection of new 'Mech variants
incorporating the most recent w eaponry breakthroughs
Record Sheets M echwa rrior Da rk Ages 1 - TILBUD, k r.
50,00 (FPR Compa ny)
It is the 32nd century. After decades of peace and prosperity,
interstellar communications break dow n and rumors of w ar
sw eep through the universe. As ancient hatreds and rivalries
rear their ugly heads, people w ho have only know n w ar through
history books are suddenly thrust into the dark maelstrom of
combat. Some fight for king and country, others for greed and
pow er, others for love-all w ill struggle to defeat those w ho
w ould see them destroyed, w hile protecting the only homes they
have know n.
Welcome to MechWarrior: Dark Age.
Classic BattleTech Record Sheets: MechWarrior ITM provides
filled-out record sheets for the new infantry, vehicles and
BattleMechs in the MechWarrior: Dark Age game published by
WizKids Games. Along w ith the Classic BattleTech Miniatures
Rules, this record sheet book allow s Classic BattleTech players
to use MechWarrior: Dark Age miniatures in their BattleTech
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Technica l Rea dout 3058 Upgra de, k r. 150,00 (FPR
Compa ny)
Wars past. Wars present.
In the 3050's, the discoveries of long-buried Star League records
led to a plethora of new cutting-edge BattleMech and vehicle
designs by the end of that decade, resurrected from the blue
prints of design firms centuries old and thought lost to antiquity.
Now , ten years later, these designs have moved from novelty to
w orkhorse, as the Inner Sphere once more finds itself at w ar!
Fully updated to circa 3070, Classic BattleTech Technical
Readout: 3058 Upgrade™ launches these designs into the
current time frame, including notable MechWarriors/crew s, as
w ell as new variants. Additionally, a battle armor section has
been included, providing full Classic BattleTech stats, and
updating the histories for these tw enty venerable designs.
Era Report 2750, k r. 240,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Before the treachery of Stefan Amaris, Kerensky’s Exodus, and
the Succession Wars, the realms of the Inner Sphere w ere
united under the banner of the Star League. As the pinnacle of
culture and technology, the six Great Houses and four territorial
states of the League reaped the benefits of universal peace and
justice, the fruits of their combined efforts enriching the lives of
billions across the heavens.
…Or so the legends claim.
In reality, the Inner Sphere of the 2750s w as far from serene
and light-years aw ay from just. Though admired for its monolithic
pow er, the pinnacle of mankind’s greatest experiment—the Star
League—stood at a fateful crossroads, w ith feuding House
Lords and rebellious territories only w aiting for every chance to
strike against each other.
Bla k e Ascending, k r. 280,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
The Early Years of the Jihad
November 3067 saw the culmination of w ork tw o centuries in
the making, w ork begun by Primus Conrad Toyama of ComStar,
successor to Jerome Blake and the man responsible for singlehandedly turning ComStar into a pseudo-religious organization
w ith a vision: to lead mankind to the any means
When the Star League self-destructs, a shadow y pow er behind
the fanatical Word of Blake pulls the strings taut in righteous
anger, launching a w ar to bring humanity to its knees. Confusion
reigns, and each faction finds itself isolated amid its ow n turmoil.
Yet as a new decade daw ns, glimpses of the greater w hole
begin to appear through the dark clouds. The true battle has only
just begun.
Blake Ascending: A Jihad Compilation is an omnibus reprint of
Daw n of the Jihad and Jihad Hot Spots: 3070; the first tw o
sourcebooks in the seminal Jihad plot line. The Blake Ascending
sourcebook shakes the Classic BattleTech universe to its
foundation, documenting the opening years from 3067 to 3070.
The series of events presented in this book unfold in a rolling
format, allow ing readers to immerse themselves more directly
into the action than ever before. Players of both Classic
BattleTech and Classic BattleTech RPG w ill find framew ork rules
to run any type of campaign in regions through out the Inner
Sphere during this chaotic time.
Era Report: 2750 pierces the luminous veneer of w hat many
Inner Sphere and Clan historians alike have considered to be the
golden age of BattleTech history: the height of the Star League
era. Presented as a general overview of the period, rather than
a focused report on a single conflict, this book includes
descriptions of every major Inner Sphere faction active before
the fateful events described in Historical: Liberation of Terra.
Notable personalities, military forces, and an overview of the
technological capabilities of the Star League age are also
provided, along w ith special advanced-level rules for campaigns
set during this time, w hether played using the Total Warfare core
rules or those found in A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG.
Field M a nua l 3085, k r. 280,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Field Manual: 3085 is the latest installment of the Field Manual
series original started in the days w hen FASA carried the
BattleTech line, w hich provides a complete summary of the
military readiness of the factions in the BattleTech universe. Set
in the early years after the fall of the Word of Blake and the rise
of the Republic of the Sphere, this book is designed to provide
players a global view of the post-Jihad universe, and provide a
detailed look at the organization and strengths of its new est
faction: The Republic of the Sphere.
Ha ndbook - M a jor Periphery Sta tes, k r. 280,00
(Publisher Services, Inc.)
The peoples of the Inner Sphere often consider themselves the
epitome of technology and culture and relegate the denizens of
the frontiers of know n space to second-class citizenry, or
w orse. And yet it took the combined armies of the Inner Sphere
more than tw enty years to subjugate them during the forming of
the first Star League half a millennia ago.
Magistracy of Canopus, Taurian Concordat, Marian Hegemony,
Outw orlds Alliance and Circinus Federation. Each is a unique
star-spanning empire w hose hardy people have carved out their
freedom w ith bare hands: an identity they w ill not give up
w ithout a fight. Even the Great Houses have begun to learn that
underestimating these Periphery States is dangerous indeed.
Handbook: Major Periphery States collates the essential history,
politics and culture of the Major Periphery States into a single
volume. More than a mere sourcebook, Handbook: Major
Periphery States provides rules for both BattleTech and A Time
of War: The BattleTech RPG game play, including new support
vehicles, creatures and more!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Interstella r Expeditions, k r. 240,00 (Publisher Services,
Nearly fifteen years have passed since the end of the Word of
Blake Jihad and the rise of the Republic of the Sphere. Yet even
as the Inner Sphere adjusts to a new sense of normalcy,
questions remain about w hether the Blakist threat is gone for
good or merely hibernating.
Once a disorganized collective of hobbyists and academics
backed by the idle w ealthy, Interstellar Expeditions has emerged
from the fires of w ar to take up the mission once claimed by
ComStar’s Explorer Corps: to search for the elusive hiding places
w here humanity’s enemies might have gone. From the dead
w orlds w ithin the borders of the Inner Sphere itself, to the
distant, uncharted reaches of the Deep Periphery, IE relentlessly
searches for the answ ers to mysteries dating back to mankind’s
first ventures into deep space, w hile simultaneously w atching
for any sign of the zealots w ho so recently w aged the most
horrendous interstellar w ar in modern history.
Interstellar Expeditions: Interstellar Players 3 describes the
organization and efforts of Interstellar Expeditions as it continues
to search w ithin (and beyond) human-occupied space in the
BattleTech universe. First introduced in Interstellar Players, IE’s
operations have now gone truly universal, seeking answ ers and
treasures not only from the lost and forgotten w orlds of
humanity’s distant past, but also the distant colonies and
civilizations that have risen—and even fallen—beyond the
boundaries of the Inner Sphere. Gamemasters and players can
decide w hich of these groups and discoveries may actually bear
fruit, and w hich are the misdirections left behind by the surviving
leaders of the Blakist w ar machine. Whether from this
sourcebook or the gamemaster’s ow n imagination, these
discoveries can become the ultimate villain, ally, or unique new
setting for any type of BattleTech campaign!
Jiha d Hot Spots 3076, k r. 200,00 (Publisher Services,
Nine years since the death of the Second Star League, the Word
of Blake’s holy w ar against all of humanity rages on. But new
heroes, and new alliances have been forged betw een
interstellar nations of the Inner Sphere and the Clans, setting
aside centuries of distrust and hatred to unite as never before
against the common enemy. Emerging from shattered realms, the
allied coalition has finally found the strength to turn the tide, and
now the Word and its allies are on the defensive. But even as
the allies prepare for the inevitable finale, the Word’s unseen
Master and his fanatical minions w on’t fall w ithout a fight!
Jihad Hot Spots: 3076 continues the Jihad plot book series
started w ith Blake Ascending, bringing readers into the raging
conflict of the w ar betw een the Word of Blake and the Inner
Sphere. Seen from the eyes of those w ho fight and die in this
epic struggle, this book includes articles and intelligence
excerpts from across the Inner Sphere, along w ith additional
rules and campaign tracks for both BattleTech and A Time of
War: The BattleTech RPG games, from the unw illing allies of the
Blakist w ar machine, to the experimental technologies that gave
the Word its incredible—if costly—edge for years, to several
new BattleMechs, vehicles, and combat spacecraft that debuted
in the midst of this turning point in the w ar.
M a sters & M inions Sta rcorps Dossiers, k r. 360,00
(Publisher Services, Inc.)
Who is the Director of the Internal Security Force? Planetary ruler
of Regulus? Current Marshal of the Armies? Merchant Factor of
Clan Diamond Shark?
As one of the most pow erful interstellar corporations in the Inner
Sphere—w ith satellite plants in every House—such questions
are imperative for StarCorps Industries. In the tumultuous time of
the Jihad, as pow er brokers fall and new personalities rise to
prominence, the answ ers to such questions can mean the
difference betw een a fat in-the-black account and operations in
the red. And no corporation, much less one as pow erful and far
reaching as StarCorps Industries, treats failure w ell.
Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers is a sourcebook
from the perspective of StarCorps Industries, compiled from
dozens of sources by an army of administrators, all w ith an eye
tow ards furthering StarCorps markets and interest. Masters and
Minions is a complete w ho’s-w ho of the BattleTech universe,
w ith w ell over a hundred personalities detailed. Short overview s
of all the major and most minor factions of the Inner Sphere are
also included, briefly covering such details as their most notable
factories, planets and military forces.
Record Sheets 3050 Upgra de, k r. 80,00 (Ca ta lyst Ga me
La bs)
More ’Mechs For The Battlefield...
You’ve grasped the tactics involved w ith the additional units and
w eapons from Total Warfare to defeat your opponents. Now
you ow n Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrade and w ant to deploy
some of those ’Mechs and vehicles on your gaming table. Grab
your dice and start rolling, because these sheets are for you!
Record Sheets: 3050 Upgrade contains more than 85 pre-printed
’Mech record sheets that w ill have players firing autocannons,
missiles and PPCs at each other in no time. More than a dozen
vehicle sheets bring the excitement of combined-arms game play
to any table top. Tw o ready-to-play scenarios focus on the
highlights of this volume, w hile an extensive Rules Addendum
introduces fire and artillery, providing a sneak peak of all the
advanced rules options provided in Tactical Operations.
Record Sheets 3055 Upgra de, k r. 80,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
In 3055, a new breed of Inner Sphere BattleMech started rolling
off assembling lines 'Mechs specifically designed to counter the
Clan invasion at the same time that secondline Clan 'Mechs
began to appear. By 3067 those design have become a staple of
the modern battlefield, giving rise to notable MechWarriors and
new variants, w hile the demands of the ever-popular Solaris VII
Games have resulted in a plethora of new dueling 'Mechs
designed using prototype technology.
Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade presents the Solaris VII
'Mechs built using prototype technologies. Upgraded in
appearance and technology, the designs first presented in the
Solaris VII box set and Solaris: The Reaches are now back in
print, along w ith several new Solaris VII designs. In addition to
the upgraded appearance of selected Clan designs, all the art
w ork for Technical Readout: 3055 Upgrade is new , providing
fresh illustrations of now classic Inner Sphere BattleMechs and
Clan OmniFighters.
The 'Mechs in the Solaris VII BattleMechs section are
constructed using select equipment found in Tactical Operations.
To use those designs, players w ill need that book.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Record Sheets 3058 Upgra de, k r. 80,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
You’ve grasped the tactics involved w ith the additional units and
w eapons from Total Warfare to defeat your opponents. Now
you ow n Technical Readout: 3058 Upgrade and w ant to deploy
some of those ’Mechs, vehicles, and battle armor on your gaming
table. Grab your dice and start rolling, because these sheets are
for you!
Record Sheets: 3058 Upgrade contains 49 pre-printed ’Mech
record sheets that w ill have players firing autocannons, missiles
and PPCs at each other in no time. More than 30 vehicle—as w ell
as 20 battle armor—sheets bring the excitement of combinedarms game play to any table top. Tw o ready-to-play scenarios
focus on the highlights of this volume, w hile an extensive Rules
Addendum section, concentrating on massed infantry actions,
provides a sneak peak of all the advanced rules options provided
in Tactical Operations.
Record Sheets 3060, k r. 80,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
You've grasped the tactics involved w ith the additional units and
w eapons from Total Warfare to defeat your opponents. Now
you ow n Technical Readout: 3060 and w ant to deploy some of
those 'Mechs, ProtoMechs and vehicles on your gaming table.
Grab your dice and start rolling, because these sheets are for
Record Sheets: 3060 contains 55 pre-printed 'Mech record
sheets that w ill have players firing autocannons, missiles and
PPCs at each other in no time. More than forty vehicle and
ProtoMech sheets bring the excitement of combined-arms game
play to any table top. Tw o ready-to-play scenarios focus on the
highlights of this volume, w hile an extensive Rules Addendum
section provides a sneak peak of all the advanced rules options
provided in Tactical Operations.
Record Sheets 3075, k r. 80,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Contains forty pre-printed Mech Record sheets that w ill have
players firing autocannons, missiles and PPC's at each other in
no time.
More than forty battle armor, vehicle and aerospace fighter
sheets bring the excitement of combined-arms gameplay to any
table top.
Tw o ready-to-play scenarios focus on the highlights of this
volume, w hile an extensive Rules Addendum section provides
sneak peak of all the advanced rules options provided in Tactical
Operations and Strategic Operations.
Record Sheets Prototypes, k r. 105,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
More ‘Mechs for the Battlefield
You’ve grasped the tactics involved w ith the additional units and
w eapons from Tactical Operations to defeat your opponents.
Now you ow n Technical Readout: Prototypes and w ant to
deploy some of those ’Mechs, vehicles, and battle armor on your
gaming table. Grab your dice and start rolling, because these
sheets are for you!
Record Sheets: Prototypes contains 30 pre-printed ’Mech record
sheets that w ill have players firing autocannons, missiles and
PPCs at each other in no time. More than 60 additional record
sheets—from vehicles to battle armor, ProtoMechs to aerospace
fighters and DropShips—bring the excitement of combined-arms
game play to any table top. Tw o ready to-play scenarios focus
on the highlights of this volume, w hile an extensive Rules
Addendum section, including Design Quirks, provides a sneak
peek of all the advanced rules options provided in Strategic
Ta ctica l Kit, k r. 200,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Tired of hunting for a specific table in a rulebook? Wish you had
heavy-duty reference cards for Tactical Operations game play
like that found in the 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set?
Then the Tactical Kit is for you!
The Tactical Kit contains thirteen heavy-duty cards of compiled
tables from Tactical Operations.
Tactical Operations is required to use the Tactical Kit (compiled
tables reflect corrected second printing).
Technica l Rea dout 3050 Upgra de, k r. 280,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
General Aleksandr Kerensky and three-quarters of the Star
League Defense Force departed human-occupied space more
than tw o hundred and fifty years ago, only to return in 3050 as
the Clans: a society dedicated to the highest w arrior ideals and
bent on conquering the Inner Sphere. With their superior
technology and OmniMechs, they almost proved unstoppable,
before their defeat at Tukayyid and its fifteen year truce.
The year is 3070, and w hile the Truce of Tukayyid has expired,
the Jihad rages. The Inner Sphere 'Mechs hastily upgraded w ith
field modifications to counter the Clans are proving their w orth,
as notable pilots rise to become heroes and new , more time
tested variants sporting w eapons right out of R&D labs make
their presence felt, w hile the Clan OmniMechs continue to prove
they are still the cutting edge of military technology.
Classic BattleTech Technical Readout: 3050 Upgrades fully
updates this venerable product, fleshing out the history of each
design, including notable MechWarriors/pilots, as w ell as
providing fresh illustrations. Additionally, all the 'Mechs, vehicles
and aerospace fighters originally found in the now out-of-print
Technical Readout: 2750 are included.
Technica l Rea dout 3055 Upgra ded, k r. 240,00
(Publisher Services, Inc.)
Technica l Rea dout 3058 Upgra de, k r. 240,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
In the 3050s, the discoveries of long-buried Star League records
led to a plethora of new cutting-edge BattleMech and vehicle
designs by the end of that decade, resurrected from the
blueprints of design firms centuries old and thought lost to
antiquity. Ten years later, these designs have moved from
novelty to w orkhorse, as the Inner Sphere once more finds itself
at w ar!
Fully updated to circa 3070, BattleTech Technical Readout: 3058
Upgrade launches these designs into the Jihad time frame,
including notable MechWarriors/crew s, as w ell as new variants.
Additionally, a battle armor section has been included, providing
full BattleTech stats, and updating the histories for these tw enty
venerable designs.
Technica l Rea dout 3060, k r. 240,00 (Publisher Services,
The Great Houses of the Inner Sphere have created a new Star
League to end the Clan threat, launching an all-out attack against
the most pow erful Clan, Smoke Jaguar. During this campaign, the
Inner Sphere w as assaulted by a new and deadly creation: the
ProtoMech. Sw ift and deadly, these half-size ‘Mechs proved
agile and difficult to destroy. Now , other Clans w ill quickly field
this potent new w eapons against the Inner Sphere, hoping to
once more tip the balance of pow er in their favor.
BattleTech Technical Readout: 3060 provides descriptions, game
statistics and the history of development for the Clans' most
unusual w eapon: the ProtoMech. Additionally, new Inner Sphere
and Clan BattleMechs and OmniMechs are included, as w ell as
Clan vehicles.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Technica l Rea dout 3067, k r. 280,00 (Publisher Services,
Technical Readout: 3067 returns to print. A must-have volume
for any player fighting conflincts in the Civil War or Jihad Eras, it
contains a huge list of units that provide a comprehensive look at
the new machines of w ar available during this time period:
BattleMechs to vehicles, aerospace fighters to DropShips, even
WarShips. Also include are Technical Readout entries for those
BattleMechs that first appeared in the MechWarrior 4 computer
game, as w ell as the Field Manual series. The reprint includes a
new cover and errata w orked in throughout.
Technica l Rea dout Prototypes, k r. 280,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
The Jihad is over. A new Republic has been born. In the w ake of
one of humanity’s greatest conflicts, the Inner Sphere, Periphery
and Clans must adapt to new political and industrial realities—a
new balance of pow er. But changes on the map are only the
beginning. The Word of Blake’s w ar has scattered a new w ave
of technological progress across nearly every realm, giving rise
to a new generation of combat units. Only the sheer devastation
of the relentless fighting has slow ed the arms race that is sure
to come… but for how long?
Technical Readout: Prototypes introduces the w ave of new
battle armor, vehicle, ’Mech, and aerospace units that debuted in
the years after the birth of the Republic of the Sphere. Featuring
technologies rarely seen outside the testing fields or Solaris
arenas, these new w ar machines provide a peek at the new age
to come as mankind faces a new century.
For use w ith BattleTech, Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and
Strategic Operations
Tota l Cha os, k r. 240,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Total Chaos! is a campaign-driven retrospective on the universespanning conflict that w as the Jihad. combining events spanning
nine sourcebooks and dozens of on-line exclusive supplements,
this book lets players play their homegrow n forces through the
fourteen year w ar that changed the BattleTech universe forever!
Wa rfa re Kit, k r. 120,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Tired of hunting for a specific table in a rulebook? Wish you had
heavy-duty reference cards for Total Warfare game play like that
found in the 25th Anniversary Introductory Box Set? Then the
Warfare Kit is for you!
The Warfare Kit contains five heavy-duty cards of compiled
tables from Total Warfare.
Total Warfare is required to use the Warfare Kit (compiled tables
reflect corrected third printing).
Blood of Gruumsh, k r. 320,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Dungeon Command: Blood of Gruumsh is a card-driven
skirmish game played on modular interlocking map tiles that uses
order cards, creature cards and miniatures. The object of the
game is to have the highest remaining Morale w hen an opposing
w arband's Morale has been reduced to 0 or below , or if a player
ends his or her turn w ith no creatures on the battlefield.
As a player, you take on the role of a commander, sending a
w arband to battle the forces arrayed against you. You recruit
troops and deploy them on the battlefield. You issue orders to
those creatures, outfit them w ith spells and equipment, and
direct their tactics to break the morale of your enemies and drive
them from the field.
Dungeon Command: Blood of Gruumsh includes tw elve, orcrelated miniatures specific to this faction pack. While each
Dungeon Command faction is meant to be played by a single
player, quick-start rules allow tw o players to engage in a
shortened version of the game using only one box. Dungeon
Command is designed for tw o players, although up to four can
play w ith a few adjustments explained under the advanced rules.
Curse of Undea th, k r. 320,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Dungeon Command features themed miniature factions
designed to play as unified w ar bands, in a game eliminating luckdriven mechanics in favor of player-driven skill, creativity, and
quick thinking.
Each Dungeon Command faction comes in its ow n box,
containing tw elve pre-painted plastic miniatures (plus the cards,
tiles, and rules for the game). In addition to their use in Dungeon
Command, these miniatures can also be used in the D&D RPG,
w ith their cards further usable w ith D&D Adventure System
board games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and The
Legend of Drizzt). While each faction is meant to be played by a
single player, quick-start rules allow tw o players to engage in a
shortened version of the game using only one box.
Curse of Undeath includes such monstrous miniatures as the
gravehound, lich necromancer, and dracolich!
Hea rt of Cormyr, k r. 320,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Dungeon Command features themed miniature factions
designed to play as unified w ar bands, in a game reducing the
effect of luck-driven mechanics in favor of player-driven skill,
creativity, and quick thinking.
Each Dungeon Command faction comes in its ow n box,
containing tw elve pre-painted plastic miniatures (plus the cards,
tiles, and rules for the game). In addition to their use in Dungeon
Command, these miniatures can also be used in the D&D RPG,
w ith their cards further usable w ith D&D Adventure System
board games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and The
Legend of Drizzt). While each faction is meant to be played by a
single player, quick-start rules allow tw o players to engage in a
shortened version of the game using only one box.
Heart of Cormyr includes such heroic miniatures as the human
ranger, halfling sneak, dragon knight, dw arven defenders, and
copper dragon.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Sting of Lolth, k r. 320,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Dungeon Command features themed miniature factions
designed to play as unified w ar bands, in a game reducing the
effect of luck-driven mechanics in favor of player-driven skill,
creativity, and quick thinking.
Each Dungeon Command faction comes in its ow n box,
containing tw elve pre-painted plastic miniatures (plus the cards,
tiles, and rules for the game). In addition to their use in Dungeon
Command, these miniatures can also be used in the D&D RPG,
w ith their cards further usable w ith D&D Adventure System
board games (Castle Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and The
Legend of Drizzt). While each faction is meant to be played by a
single player, quick-start rules allow tw o players to engage in a
shortened version of the game using only one box.
Sting of Lolth includes such miniatures as the drow assassin,
priestess, w izard, spiders, and umber hulk.
Tyra nny of Goblins, k r. 320,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Dungeon Command features themed miniature factions
designed to play as unified w ar bands, in a game eliminating luckdriven mechanics in favor of player-driven skill, creativity, and
quick thinking.
Each Dungeon Command faction comes in its ow n box,
containing tw elve miniatures (plus the cards, tiles, and rules for
the game). In addition to their use in Dungeon Command, these
miniatures can also be used in the D&D RPG, w ith their cards
further usable w ith D&D Adventure System board games (Castle
Ravenloft, Wrath of Ashardalon, and The Legend of Drizzt).
While each faction is meant to be played by a single player, quickstart rules allow tw o players to engage in a shortened version of
the game using only one box.
Tie Adva nced Expa nsion Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 14+. The legendary and merciless Darth Vader
blasts into furious combat, along w ith three additional Imperial
pilots, in the TIE Advanced Expansion Pack for the X-Wing
Miniatures Game. A noted improvement on the w idely used TIE
fighter, this fighter features shielding and improved w eapon
systems. Upgrade the fierce TIE Advanced w ith pow erful cluster
or concussion missiles, and demolish even the toughest
enemies. This pack includes one detailed painted miniature, its
necessary cards and tokens, and one dial.
This is not a complete game experience. A copy of the X-Wing
Miniatures Game Core Set is required to play.
X-Wing Expa nsion Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 14+. As the primary starfighter of the Rebellion,
the X-w ing is a w ell-rounded machine that features pow erful
deflector shields and potent laser cannons, and can be armed
w ith deadly proton torpedoes. The X-Wing Expansion Pack for
the X-Wing Miniatures Game contains one striking X-w ing
miniature, plus its necessary cards, tokens, and dial. Also
included are four skilled pilots, including one of the Rebellion's
most distinguished and capable pilots, Wedge Antilles.
This is not a complete game experience. A copy of the X-Wing
Miniatures Game Core Set is required to play.
Bomb/M ine Tok en 10 Pa ck (a ssorterede fa rver), k r.
50,00 (Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
Critica l Hit Tok en 10 Pa ck (red), k r. 50,00 (Applied
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
M illenium Fa lcon Expa nsion Pa ck , k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. This single miniature from the Star
Eva de Tok en 10 Pa ck (a ssorterede fa rver), k r. 50,00
(Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
Sla ve I Expa nsion Pa ck , k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. This single miniature from the Star
Focus Tok en 10 Pa ck (a ssorterede fa rver), k r. 50,00
(Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, Warhammer
Sta r Wa rs X-Wing M inia tures Ga me, k r. 319,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
"Proceed w ith the countdow n. All groups assume attack
coordinates." -Admiral Ackbar, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of
the Jedi
Ion Tok en 10 Pa ck (a ssorterede fa rver), k r. 55,00
(Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
X-Wing is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in w hich players
take control of pow erful Rebel X-w ings and nimble Imperial TIE
fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space
combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, XWing recreates exciting Star Wars space combat throughout its
several included scenarios. Select your crew , plan your
maneuvers, and complete your mission!
M ovement Templa te Set (a ssorterede fa rver), k r. 120,00
(Applied Perspective)
Measurement Templates, Tabletop Gaming Aids, X Wing
Shield Tok en 10 Pa ck (a ssorterede fa rver), k r. 50,00
(Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
Stress Tok en 10 Pa ck (a ssorterede fa rver), k r. 50,00
(Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, Warhammer
Ta rget Lock Tok ens, k r. 105,00 (Applied Perspective)
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
The X-Wing starter set includes everything you need to begin
your battles, such as scenarios, cards, and fully assembled and
painted ships. What's more, X-Wing's quick-to-learn ruleset
establishes the foundation for a system that can be expanded
w ith your favorite ships and characters from the Star Wars
X Wing Ra nge Templa te, k r. 50,00 (Applied
Measurement Templates, Tabletop Gaming Aids, X Wing
Single Range template for FFG's X Wing game. These are the full
300mm (100mm per section) required by the game. The picture is
meant to provide a close up view of the engraving and some
color options.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
X-Wing Va riety Tok en Set, k r. 75,00 (Applied
Tabletop Gaming Aids, Token Packs, Tokens, X Wing Compatible.
Set of 15 gaming tokens includes:
4x Evade (fluorescent blue)
3x Focus (fluorescent blue)
3x Critical Hit (transparent red)
3x Stress (transparent red)
3012 Deck -Building Ga me, k r. 360,00 (Cryptozoic
Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min. The
year is 3012. It's been a millennium since the Armageddon. Deep
in the Yucatan jungle, humanity has mutated, degenerated, and
segregated into five clans: Jaguar, Snake, Monkey, Gar, and Bat.
These clans now battle it out for dominance in the region,
cooperating w hen it suits them and actively w orking against
each other w hen the opportunity arises.
2x Shield (fluorescent blue)
How to Pa int Cita del M inia tures, k r. 300,00 (Ga mes
Work shop)
When it comes to painting Citadel Miniatures, this book is an
absolute must-have. This mighty tome is crammed full of
information about painting; from undercoating your miniatures
and applying your first layer of paint, right through to your final
To help you achieve great results there are 136 pages of articles
on how to undercoat your models, how to apply Base Paints,
Shades, Layers and Glazes, how to use Textured Paints, w hat
Drybrushing is all about, how to use transfers, and many other
techniques. There's even a 90-minute DVD included to show you
how to put these techniques into practice and get the most out of
the extensive Citadel Paint Range. The book also includes eight
army projects, each of w hich is a complete army painting guide
from start to finish.
And if that w asn't enough, the book has been designed to stand
up on its ow n, so you don't need to w edge it underneath
something to be able to see the stage-by-stage painting guides
inside. All in all, this is one book that every hobbyist should ow n,
w hether you're new to painting Citadel miniatures, or a painting
Wa rpa th - Fa te of the Forgesta r - TILBUD, k r. 300,00
(M a ntic Enterta inment Ltd.)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. Warpath is the mass combat science fiction
game w ritten by Alessio Cavatore, from Mantic Games. Warpath
is easy to learn, highly tactical and very bloody. This science
fiction battleset pitches tw o starter Marauder and Forge Father
armies against each other, each including a variety of finely
detailed plastic infantry, heavy w eapons and vehicles. This
battleset includes everything you need to get gaming w ith your
Warpath army including dice, and a copy of the Warpath rules.
Number of Miniatures: 55 and 2 Vehicles.
This Set Includes:
•1 x FREE Forge Father Steel Warriors
•1 x Printed Warpath Rules
•10 x Plastic Forge Father Steel Warriors
•5 x Plastic Resin Forge Fathers w ith Heavy Weapons
•1 x Plastic Resin Jotunn Heavy Hailstorm Cannons
•40 x Plastic Marauder Grunts
•BFG Heavy Weapons, Special Melee Weapons
•Spare Heads, Grenades, Ammo packs and more
•1 x Plastic Resin Marauder Raptor
•Mantic Guide
•Loads of Mantic Points
•Everything you need to play including Dice
Models supplied unassembled and unpainted
Starting w ith only a handful of Scouts, you w ill build up your
clan's presence by adding Weapons, Allies, Gold, and Action
cards to your deck. Soon you w ill have amassed enough
strength to take on Encounters, w here you can really prove your
w orth. He w ho can prove his mastery over steel, flesh, and fear
w ill be crow ned the Living God and w in the game!
•228 Game Cards
•5 Oversized Hero Cards
•5 Hero Tokens
•120 Action Cards
•48 Encounter Cards
•20 Ally Cards
•20 Weapon Cards
•20 Scout Cards
•25 Gold Tokens
•1 Game Board
•1 Six-Sided Die
•1 Rulebook
6 Ta k es (engelsk e, tysk e, fra nsk e og ita liensk e regler),
k r. 89,50 (Amigo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-10. Spilletid: 45min.
There are 104 cards numbered from 1 to 104. Every card has at
least 1 small ox-head on it, w hich w ill score against you. The
deck is shuffled and players are dealt 10 cards each. 4 more are
dealt up on the table to form the start of 4 row s.
When each player has chosen a card from their hand, these are
revealed and put on the ends of the row s according to simple
As the row s get longer, a row w ith 5 cards in it is full. If your
card is to be the 6th, you pick up the 5 cards in the row , and
your 6th card goes to the front to restart the row . The cards you
pick up do not go into your hand, but sit in front of you to score
against you at the end of the round. Play rounds until someone
hits -66 and the least low est score w ins.
The game plays from 2 to 10 players and the dynamics change
the more you have. Whilst luck of the draw has effect, there are
some tactics you can apply and timing your choice makes a
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Android Netrunner LCG Core Set, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-60.
Monolithic megacorps and individualistic netrunners collide in a
dystopian future. Set in the gritty, cyberpunk future of Android,
Android: Netrunner is a tw o-player Living Card Game that
rew ards skill, strategy, and just the right amount of calculated
In a w orld w here corporations can scan the human mind and
interface it directly w ith electronic data, more data moves every
second than w as ever processed in the first five-thousand
years of w ritten language. The netw ork is omnipresent, the crux
of modern human civilization, and w hile visionary corporations
seek to secure their most valuable data on the netw ork, the elite
hackers know n as netrunners seek to steal it.
This asymmetrical card game resurrects the mechanics of the
original Netrunner, designed by Richard Garfield, and updates
them to increase clarity and promote a more dynamic play
The Android: Netrunner Core Set features 252 cards, including
seven unique identity cards.
Cyber Exodus Da ta Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
In Cyber Exodus, the third Data Pack in the Genesis Cycle, the
high-stakes of cybercrime in Android: Netrunner The Card Game
push runners and corporations to find the latest and greatest
advancements in stealth and security. As the game's seven
factions fixate on bleeding edge technology, they find upgraded
ice, new hardw are for runners, new research, and ambushes.
This new tech derezzes the limits of the possible w hile it
reinforces the efficiency of each faction's standard methods of
Note: This is not a complete game and requires the base game to
Future Proof Da ta Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. As the Genesis Cycle draw s to a close, the
cyberstruggles of Android: Netrunner escalate to the brink of fullscale w ar in Future Proof, the cycle's sixth and final Data Pack!
Its sixty new cards (three copies each of tw enty different
cards) balance the latest upgrades in softw are w ith a renew ed
focus on resources in the meat w orld. Runners receive
innovative new icebreakers, resources, and events w hile the
Corporations focus on bolstering their servers and developing
assets designed for open hostilities.
Huma nity's Sha dow Da ta Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Hardw are and programs drive efficiency, but talent trumps them
both in Humanity's Shadow , the fourth Data Pack in the Genesis
Cycle! In the future of Android: Netrunner, humans compete for
w ork w ith bioroids and clones. Business is built as much from
programs and hardw are as from cash and concrete. To find
your w ay in this tech-centric w orld, you need to be savvy to the
latest upgrades, and you need a good deal of imagination.
Humanity's Shadow gives you a chance to get your hands on
both the most bleeding edge technology and the talent you need
to make it sing.
With a new Criminal identity, a daring new resource, and unique
sysops for the Corporations, Humanity's Shadow profiles some
of the most talented individuals pulling the strings behind the
game's cyberstruggles. New events for the Runners allow you
to customize your strategies w hile the game's Corporations look
to increase their security w ith a more hands-on approach based
upon new operations, talented sysops, traces, and traps.
This is not a stand-alone deck. An Android: Netrunner The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Study in Sta tic Da ta Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. "How do you visualize static? I see thieves prow ling the
net in slow -motion, their hacks disrupted, craw ling dow n the
paths w e set before them. The greatest securities don't stop
these criminals and their progress but route them w here w e
choose." H.O. Murakami, Jinteki netw ork designs
Time is relative. Time can be manipulated.
As part of the Genesis Cycle, A Study in Static focuses on
developing each faction's traditional strengths even as it opens
up new strategies for players to explore.
With their advancements in ice, icebreakers, and hardw are, the
Data Pack's sixty new cards (three copies each of tw enty
individual cards) escalate the game's cyberstruggles to a new
form of art. No longer do the factions content themselves to
building and breaking snares and subroutines; they turn their
attentions to the flow of time itself. So much as time is a matter of
perception and of movement, A Study in Static is a study in the
ability to accelerate and impede the passage of time.
This is not a stand-alone deck. An Android: Netrunner The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Tra ce Amount Da ta Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. "Good day, Ms. Jones. The address on the table is of a
client w ho w ould like to unsubscribe. Standard cancellation.
Nothing too noisy, please." transcript from NBN security feed
Its effects are visceral and immediate, but as they learn to adapt
and play around the card, Freelancer offers a new w ay for the
Corp to put fear back into them.
The sixty cards (three copies each of tw enty different cards) in
Trace Amount enable players to dabble w ith bold new deck
configurations. The game's runners each gain a new event w hile
each of the corporations looks to fund new operations. You'll
also find new hardw are, resources, icebreakers, ice, agendas,
assets, and upgrades. Traces, tags, and links feature
With seven new events and operations, Trace Amount offers
both Corps and Runners plenty of w ays to catch their opponents
by surprise.
As w ith all the Data Packs from the Genesis Cycle, Trace
Amount reinforces the core mechanics and personalities of the
game's seven factions, all w hile allow ing players greater means
to narrow their focus and refine their strategies. Trace Amount
is a perfect Data Pack for fans of bluffing as its many events
and operations open new surprises and synergies, and prove in
more than one w ay that a card in the hand is w orth tw o or more
actions on the table. And as one might expect, in a Data Pack all
about bluffing and surprises, Jinteki features prominently, gaining
a new identity.
Android: Netrunner is a card game in w hich gaining an economic
advantage can be vital. Moreover, as fans of Weyland
Consortium's "tag and bag" strategy have come to realize, it's
also a game of bluffing.
Cards in the hand can have a profound psychological impact.
The mere threat of a Scorched Earth (Core Set, 57) frequently
forces Runners to scramble for card draw , squandering actions
each turn to keep their hands full and keep themselves safe from
a loss by meat damage. Whether or not the card in your hand
actually is a Scorched Earth may be immaterial; it may not even
matter if you have Scorched Earth in your deck. Fear and
deception are your allies.
Several of the cards in Trace Amount present other tools w ith
w hich the Corp player can get into the Runner's mind space. One
of these is Freelancer (Trace Amount, 40).
Most Runners require resources to gain economic advantages.
These resources are often such unsavory people and places as
underw orld figures, side jobs, and the seedy, underground
hangouts w here they meet other contacts. Such resources have
alw ays been vulnerable to Corporate retaliation w hen the
Runner gets himself tagged, but a Freelancer can undercut the
Runner's economy more sw iftly and more severely than the
base rules allow .
The Corporation alw ays has the option to spend 1 and 2 to trash
a resource belonging to a tagged Runner, but Freelancer makes
resource destruction a far more effective strategy. The threat of
the Freelancer isn't just the destruction of the Runner's
resources, it's the destruction of multiple resources at a rate that
buries the Runner deeper in an economic hole. The Runner's life
is fueled by credits, after all. Icebreakers are expensive to install
and operate. A Runner w ithout credits can hardly run.
That's the true threat the Corp offers by holding a card that may
be a Freelancer. At any time, should the Runner take a tag, the
Corp can hire a Freelancer to sw eep the rug from under his feet.
Take aw ay his income. Take aw ay his card draw . Take aw ay
his friends. Leave him alone. Vulnerable. Exposed.
Runners are already gun shy about the threat of Scorched Earth.
Whole Servers Full of Surprises
Note: This is not a complete game and requires the base game to
Wha t Lies Ahea d Da ta Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. What Lies Ahead adds muscle and theme to each of the
game's seven different factions. Each of the corps receives a
new agenda and a flavorful piece of ice, perfectly tailored to its
base strengths. On the other side, the runner factions launch
into the ongoing cyberstruggles w ith new icebreakers and
support cards. Meanw hile, fans of the Anarchs and HaasBioroid should find the Data Pack particularly rew arding as each
gains tw o additional cards, including a new identity. We've
already revealed the new Anarch identity, Whizzard (What Lies
Ahead, 1) in our announcement of the cycle, and he provides
Anarch players a w hole depth of new strategies based around
trashing the cards they access.
Immorta l Heroes Expa nsion, k r. 240,00 (Ga ry Ga mes
Inc. )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 30 min.
Ascension: Immortal Heroes is designed to be a 2-player
standalone game in addition to being an expansion for
Ascension: Storm of Souls to play w ith up to 6 players! The 69
new center deck cards feature tons of new Events and Trophy
monsters introduced in Storm of Souls, as w ell as all new cards
for every faction. In addition, players w ill be able to tap into the
pow er of Soul Gems - trapped souls of heroes from the past.
Contents -164 Cards, Including: -69 New Center Deck Cards -40
Soul Gem Cards - 2 Personal Starting Decks, Each containing 8
Apprentice and 2 Militia cards -35 "Alw ays available" cards (1
Cultist, 2 Fanatics, 16 Mystics and 16 Heavy Infantry) -30 Deluxe
Honor Tokens -Full-Color Rulebook -Storage Tray
Note: This is a stand-alone game that can be played on its ow n
or combined w ith other Ascension titles.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Big Ba da boom, k r. 249,50 (Giga ntosk op)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 30-60min.
The humorous card game Big Badaboom features a lot of
explosive action, high player interaction, a non-sequential order
of play, some nifty new mechanisms and some proven old ones,
numerous chances to stick it to your opponents in nasty w ays,
and stunning graphics.
The players of Big Badaboom take on the roles of w retched
goblins in penal servitude to the cruel High Necromancer. Their
task is to sit in an explosive-proof dungeon and through reverseengineering examine various explosive contraptions
manufactured by the necromancer’s enemies. But the task to
gain hands-on know ledge about w hat makes the devices go off
and w hat damage they can do is no picnic, and not even a
lifetime of resurrections can change that. The goblins w ant out
and the only w ay to do that is to survive long enough to earn the
gold coins needed to bribe their w ay out of their miserable
To w in players need to keep their heads, perfect their timing,
make every card count and, above all, make sure not to be the
one holding the bomb w hen it explodes.
Big Badaboom comes in a stunning “anarchist bomb”-style case.
• The original Badaboom game plus...
• Five more bombs
• Five more mechanisms
• A new category of cards: the resurrection cards.
Ba ng! The Bullet, k r. 360,00 (da Vinci Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-8. Spilletid: 20-40.
A special edition for the five years of BANG!
The tin bullet-shaped box contains BANG! Third edition, all of its
expansions (including the rare HIGH NOON), new cards and a
shiny Sheriff badge!
110 BANG! cards
13 HIGH NOON cards
64 DODGE CITY cards
2 new HIGH NOON cards
3 new characters
2 “blank” cards
a Sheriff badge
bullet shaped tin box
Ba ng! 10th Anniversa ry Edition, k r. 200,00 (da Vinci
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 20-40 min. To
celebrate the 10th anniversary of the best-selling Bang!, dV
Giochi w ill present this limited edition version. Bang! 10th
Anniversary is packaged in a metal box and includes all the
Bang! playing cards, plus a selection of popular characters the
"Most Wanted", if you w ill from all the released expansions of
Bang!. In addition, the game w ill feature deluxe components such
as w ooden bullets and maxi-sized player boards. To top it all off,
this edition w ill include three previously unpublished characters
and a brand new player board!
Ba ng! 4th Edition, k r. 160,00 (da Vinci Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The Outlaw s hunt the Sheriff. The Sheriff hunts the
Outlaw s. The Renegade plots secretly, ready to take one side or
the other. Bullets fly. Who among the gunmen is a Deputy, ready
to sacrifice himself for the Sheriff? And w ho is a merciless
Outlaw , w illing to kill him? If you w ant to find out, just draw (your
Dodge City Expa nsion, k r. 145,00 (da Vinci Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-8. Spilletid: 20-40 min.
Dodge City: a populous, chaotic, and vibrant city... and home to
the w orst characters from the badlands! Shootouts appear on
each day’s menu, and the metal plate you are w earing may not
be enough to save your life... w hen High Noon comes!
Tw o expansions for the best-selling w ild w est game BANG! in
one box – featuring new characters, new cards, and new
unexpected events! Now you can play w ith 3 to 8 players!
Sa mura i Sword (Ba ng! System), k r. 160,00 (da Vinci
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 20-40 min. In
the land of the Rising Sun, faithful Samurai protect the Shogun.
Now , a lone Ronin is plotting his revenge. Will you honor the w ay
of the w arrior? Put dow n your Colts and take up your katanas in
Samurai Sw ord, the latest addition to the Bang! family of card
Ba tma n - Ark ha m City Esca pe, k r. 360,00 (Cryptozoic
Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
Batman: Arkham City Escape is a tw o-player game that pits
Batman against all of his greatest foes as they try to escape
Arkham! In this game, one player represents Batman, and the
other player represents the rogues gallery that Batman has
fought in the past. The player controlling the Arkham inmates
earns victory points by helping the villains escape Arkham, w hile
the Batman player gains points by apprehending his rivals before
they make it out of the city. The first player to earn 10 Victory
Points is the w inner!
Ba ttle Line, k r. 175,00 (GM T Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20-30min.
M ovie Edition, k r. 119,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Movie fans and mystery buffs w ill love this follow up to
the international success, Black Stories. In this easy-to-learn
party game, players ask their host questions, looking for clues to
solve the mystery. But the questions can only have a yes or a no
answ er. 50 all new mysteries w ith bonus movie trivia.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Blood Bowl - Tea m M a na ger Ca rd Ga me, k r. 279,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 1-2h. The
stadium is packed w ith thousands of screaming fans, gathered
from across the w orld and eager to see the bone-crushing
action of today’s game. As the players take the field, a surge of
excitement rushes from the bleachers; both teams boast
impressive rosters full of players hand picked for their unique
skills. Some offer speed, others size. Some w ill mercilessly injure
their opponents, w hile others deviously cheat to score
touchdow ns. Are you ready to face off against stout Dw arfs,
crafty Skaven, and ruthless Orcs, all to become Spike!
Magazine’s Manager of the Year?
Blood Bow l: Team Manager – The Card Game is a bone-breaking,
breathtaking card game of violence and outright cheating for tw o
to four players. Chaos, Dw arf, Wood Elf, Human, Orc, and
Skaven teams compete against each other over the course of a
brutal season. Customize your team by drafting Star Players,
hiring staff, upgrading facilities, and cheating like mad. Lead your
gang of misfits and miscreants to glory over your rivals as you
strive to become Spike! Magazine’s Manager of the Year!
The season is starting. What kind of team w ill you build?
Blood Bow l: Team Manager – The Card Game includes:
•Over 150 Player and Matchup cards
•4 Scoreboards
•2 Tackle Dice
•Over 50 Team and Staff Upgrade cards
•Over 50 Customized Tokens
Sudden Dea th Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Sudden Death is bone-breaking,
pulse-pounding expansion for Blood Bow l: Team Manager – The
Card Game that brings three new teams, new Contract payouts,
new enchanted balls, and more! Enhance existing teams w ith
additional Staff Upgrade cards and Team Upgrade Cards, and
take the competition to new heights w ith never-before-seen
Highlights and Spike! Magazine Cards. Meanw hile, all-new
mechanics like enchanted balls and contracts provide a variety
of new strategies. With all this, the Sudden Death expansion is
sure to raise your spirits...and maybe a few others.
Blood Bow l: Team Manager – Sudden Death includes:
•1 Rulesheet
•84 Bridge-Sized Cards
•38 Small Cards
•45 Cardboard Tokens
BodgerM a nia , k r. 175,00 (Priva teer Press)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30.
BodgerMania is the slobberknockin' game of goblin w restling
action in w hich the roughest, toughest w restler takes home the
In BodgerMania, each player takes on the role of a goblin bodgerturned-w restler ready to square off in the ring for fame and
glory. The bodgers battle to beat dow n their rivals in a series of
matches leading up to the main event, each glorious three-count
helping them get over w ith the crow d to earn the fans, favors,
and influence they need to get an edge in the championship.
Suplex your opponents into submission in the main event to claim
the coveted Bodger Belt and become champion until the next payper-view event, anyw ay!
Bohna nza (tysk + da nsk e regler), k r. 89,50 (Amigo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år,L. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 45min.
As card games go, this one is quite revolutionary. Perhaps its
oddest feature is that you cannot rearrange your hand, as you
need to play the cards in the order that you draw them. The
cards are colorful depictions of beans in various descriptive
poses, and the object is to make coins by planting fields (sets) of
these beans and then harvesting them. To help players match
their cards up, the game features extensive trading and
Bohna pa rte Expa nsion (tysk med engelsk e regler), k r.
89,50 (Amigo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 90min.
Bohnaparte conquers the Bohnreich! The fourth Bohnanza
expansion from Lookout Games (in a limited sales edition of 2500
pieces) puts you in the Bohnreich! Plantations, villages, cities,
fortresses -- and 3 to 5 generals, w ho w ant to bring these under
their control.
The Bohnanza base game is needed. Using new cards in
Bohnaparte, the Bohnreich is laid out; each player receives
counters of his ow n color; and play then loosely follow s that of
normal Bohnanza, w ith a small difference: earned bean coins
are not saved but are used to finance your conquests
throughout the Bohnreich. At the end it matters only w ho has the
largest part of the Bohnreich under control. Battling is
accomplished using the numbers on the bean cards, w hich gives
new meaning to the formerly "w eaker" bean types. Designer
Hanno Girke describes the expansion set as "Bohnanza meets
Includes 33 cards, 60 game markers, and rules. Graphics by
Marcel-Andre Casasola Merkle.
Erweiterungsset Expa nsion (tysk med da nsk e regler),
k r. 89,50 (Amigo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 60min. This
is the revised expansion set for the Bohnanza card game. This
edition adds the familiar expansion beans – Cocoa, Wax, and
Coffee – that most Bohnanza fans already have, along w ith tw o
new developments: Ackerbohnen (Field Beans) and Auftrag
(Job) cards. This expansion is essentially a must-have for those
w ho only have the original German version of Bohnanza, but
also provides new gameplay mechanics even if you already
have the original German expansion set or the English Rio
Grande version.
La Isla Bohnita Expa nsion, k r. 89,50 (Amigo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-7. Spilletid: 90min..
This is an expansion for the Bohnanza card game. Included in
this game is Uw e's farcical answ er to Klaus Teuber's Seafahrer
expansion for Siedlers. Players are given the option of buying
ships to help facilitate bean trading and selling. Additionally,
pirate ships are available, w hich can be used to raid your
opponents' beans w hile in transit.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Building a n Elder God Ca rd Ga me, k r. 160,00
(Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 15-30. Have
you ever w anted access forbidden know ledge to tap into the
hidden secrets of the universe and the dark mysteries of the
Great Old Ones? Of course you have! These secrets w ill allow
you to grow you very ow n incarnation of a tentacled horror from
beyond the veils of space and time. Oh, sure, some w ould call
you "insane," but w ho w ill be laughing w hen your new pet
devours their home tow n?
Problem is, some of your research buddies have acquired the
same dark know ledge as you and are w orking on grow ing their
ow n monstrosities. No w ay do they get to steal your glory! You
must ensure your beast is complete first w hich is w hy you
brought your trusty shotgun. And if your precious, slimy baby is
injured you brought your travel copy of the Necronomicon as a
little healing insurance. Do w hatever it takes E for w hoever's
first grow s to completion w ins E everything!
Building An Elder God is a casual card game of Lovecraftian
construction for 2-5 players ages 10 and up. The rules are easy
to learn and a typical game takes from 15-30 minutes, depending
on the number of players. Build a Cthulhu-esque tentacled
monstrosity to completion before the other players, using
damage cards to blast your opponents' creatures to slow dow n
their progress so that you can w in!
Ka k erla k en Sa la t, k r. 100,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 10-20min. In
Kakerlakensalat players create a common salad packed w ith
lettuce, peppers, tomatoes and cauliflow er – but they w on't
alw ays be saying w hich ingredient they're adding to the bow l!
The 128 cards – 120 vegetable cards in the four types and eight
"taboo" vegetable cards, tw o of each type that bear
cockroaches – are shuffled and divided among the players. On a
turn, a player plays the top card from his deck onto the central
pile of cards, naming the vegetable as he plays it, e.g., "Pepper!"
– except in the follow ing situations:
• If his vegetable matches the previously played vegetable, the
player must lie.
• If his vegetable matches the claim made by the previous player
(perhaps because that player lied), then the player must lie.
• If he plays a taboo card, he shouts "Cockroach!" and the next
player starts a new pile next to the first one so that the taboo
card remains visible.
• If his vegetable matches a visible taboo card, he must lie.
Make a mistake or stumble or hesitate too long, and a player must
pick up all cards played to that point in the game. The first player
to run out of cards w ins!
Can be combined w ith Kakerlakensuppe.
Ka k erla k en Suppe, k r. 100,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 10-20min. In
Kakerlakensuppe players w ork together to create a soup from
leeks, peppers, carrot and mushrooms – but they w on't alw ays
be saying w hich ingredient they're adding to the pot!
The 128 cards – 112 vegetable cards in the four types and 16
"taboo" vegetable cards, four of each type that bear
cockroaches – are shuffled and divided among the players. On a
turn, a player plays the top card from his deck onto the central
pile of cards, naming the vegetable as he plays it, e.g., "Pepper!"
– except in the follow ing situations:
• If his vegetable matches the previously played vegetable, the
player must lie.
• If his vegetable matches the claim made by the previous player
(perhaps because that player lied), then the player must lie.
• If he plays a taboo card, w hich show s a cockroach slurping
from a spoon, he must slurp and the next player starts a new
pile next to the first one so that the taboo card remains visible.
• If his vegetable matches a visible taboo card, he must slurp –
unless the last person w ho played such a card slurped, in w hich
case he must say, "Mmmm".
Make a mistake or stumble or hesitate too long, and a player must
pick up all cards played to that point in the game. The first player
to run out of cards w ins!
Can be combined w ith Kakerlakensalat.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Sleeping Queens, k r. 90,00 (Ga mewright Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 20min. A
Royally Rousing Card Game
Ages 8 and up
2 to 5 players
Playing time: 20 minutes
79 cards
rules of play
Dr. Toy Smart Play / Smart Toy Aw ard
Parents' Choice Recommended
National Parenting Center Seal of Approval
FamilyFun Magazine Toy of the Year Finalist
Canadian Toy Testing Council "Best Bet" Aw ard
Canadian Toy Testing Council *** (Highest Rating)
iParenting Media Aw ard
Rise and Shine! The Pancake Queen, the Ladybug Queen and ten
of their closest friends have fallen under a sleeping spell and it's
your job to w ake them up. Use strategy, quick thinking and a little
luck to rouse these napping nobles from their royal slumbers.
Play a knight to steal a queen or take a chance on a juggling
jester. But w atch out for w icked potions and dastardly dragons!
The player w ho w akes the most queens w ins.
Imagine a place w here there’s a queen of all pancakes, a king of
cookies and a pack of over-protective dragons… If this sounds
like something out of a dream, it actually is! Sleeping Queens w as
invented by 6-year-old Miranda Evarts, w ho thought up the game
one night w hen she couldn’t fall asleep. She aw oke the next
morning and w ith help from her older sister, Madeleine and her
parents, Denise and Max created this w onderfully w himsical
w orld of napping nobles. As you immerse yourself in the Evarts’
fantasyland, you w ill find a game that helps develop memory,
strategy, and elementary arithmetic skills. Just be careful w hen
playing potion cards or you could w ind up putting all the players
to sleep!
Ancient Relics 3 - Brea thing Jungle Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. When the men of Kn-yan discovered the red-litten
w orld and deciphered its strange manuscripts, they took over
the Tsathoggua cult and brought all the frightful toad images up
to the land of blue light housing them in shrines of Yoth-quarried
basalt. The Mound, H.P. Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop
The Great Old Ones and those w ho w ould oppose them continue
to hunt pow erful relics in The Breathing Jungle. With this third
Asylum Pack in the Ancient Relics cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The
Card Game, players w ill discover the pow er of new items that
disappear and resurface throughout human history. This
expansion cycle is based on the theme of the global influence of
the Ancient Ones and their cults and moves the action from H.P.
Lovecraft's dread-filled New England to the w ider w orld.
While the Great Ones strengthen their global reach,
investigators, criminals, and cultists w ield ancient artifacts and
invoke pow erful curses. This sixty-card Asylum Pack (three
copies each of 20 cards) takes your game out of New England
to the rainforests of Mesoamerica. Find hidden cultists and
forbidden sacrifices as the story shifts to eons old locales in The
Breathing Jungle.
Ancient Relics 4 - Never Night Asylum Pa ck , k r. 119,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The hunt for relics takes the different factions of Call of Cthulhu:
The Card Game to the glaciated shores and frozen mountains of
Antarctica. Dedicated cartographers, gun-toting thugs, and
insidious cultists seek to unlock dark secrets frozen in time in
Never Night, the fourth Asylum Pack in the Ancient Relics cycle.
In the desolate antarctic climes, great pow ers lie sealed in layers
of ice. Apply your talents to be the first to drill into Never Night
and unlock its terrifying secrets!
Ca ll Of Cthulhu Lcg Core Set, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. Ancient, nameless horrors dw ell in the
darkness, w rithing in the night sky and under the earth, just
beyond our senses.
In Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game, players tak the roles of
investigators, villians, and unspeakable horrors inspired by the
dark mythos of H.P. Lovecraft. Agency detectives , Miskatonic
University students and faculty, and the members of the
mysterious Syndacite all join the fight against otherw orldly
beings including Cthluhu, Hastur, Yog-Sothoth, and Shub
Time a fter Time, k r. 80,00 (Pla yroom Enterta inment)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 10min.
There is a time for everything, but someone keeps changing the
clock! In Time After Time™ you must plan ahead and put your
clocks in sequential order. But keep your eye on the little mice,
w ho like to fiddle w ith your plan as time ticks aw ay!
64 Playing Cards
Instructions in English, Spanish & French
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game is 2-player, customizable dueling
game in w hich players command both human and monster
factions. As a Living Card Game, hundreds of addtional Cards
are available for all seven factions, allow ing players to
customize the contents of this set, or create thier ow n original
Lovecraft's horrors live, in Call of Cthulhu: The Card game!
Game contents:
Game Board
24 Cthulhu Story markers
6 Plastic Cthulhu Domain Markers
155 Customizable Deck Cards
10 Story Card
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Drea mla nds 1 - Twilight Horror Asylum Pa ck , k r. 79,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
This second series of Asylum Packs for the Call of Cthulhu Living
Card Game transports players to the hallucinatory splendor of
H.P. Lovecraft's dream w orld.
Whether you w ant to play the intrepid human Dreamers, beastly
Gugs, or the tricky Zoog, the Dreamlands expansion has
something for everyone. The first Dreamlands Asylum Pack,
Tw ilight Horror, features 20 never-before-seen cards, as w ell
as the first chapter of a brand-new serial tale chronicling the
adventures of card shark Gregory Gry and the mysterious artist
Tw ila-Katherine Price.
Drea mla nds 4 - Sea rch for the Silver Key Asylum Pa ck ,
k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Search for the Silver Key is the fourth Asylum Pack in
the Dreamlands expansion for the Call of Cthulhu Living Card
Game. The search for Tw ila-Katherine Price leads to an ancient
artifact that can open the w ay to the Dreamlands.
Search for the Silver Key contains 20 different never-beforeseen cards based on the dark mythos of master horror w riter
H.P. Lovecraft, designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Forgotten Lore 1 - M ounta ins of M a dness Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
“Yet, if I suppressed w hat w ill seem extravagant and incredible,
there w ould be nothing left.”
—H.P. Lovecraft
The Mountains of Madness is a supplemental set of 60 fixed
cards for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game. It contains 20 different
cards designed to augment existing decks and add variety to the
Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Forgotten Lore 5 - Conspira cies of Cha os Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Secrets and mysteries abound in a classic Asylum
Pack, w hich is emerging from the shadow s to craw l back into
the light. Conspiracies of Chaos, the fifth Asylum Pack in the
Forgotten Lore cycle of expansions for Call of Cthulhu: The Card
Game returns!
Conspiracies of Chaos reintroduces to the Living Card Game
environment this intriguing Asylum Pack, updated to the 60-card
per pack format (3 copies each of 20 unique cards). The
included cards have been updated to incorporate the most
recent FAQ. In addition, the text on a number of cards has been
altered from its original printing, adjusting for game balance and
rules clarity.
Among Conspiracies of Chaos’ features are six faction-specific
conspiracies. Conspiracies are story cards that players can play
from their ow n decks and w in to further their goal of claiming
three stories. The six conspiracies included w ithin Conspiracies
of Chaos play into one of each faction’s particular strengths.
Also featured are an assortment of characters that thrive in a
w orld of conspiracy–characters that grow stronger w hen a
conspiracy is in play. In addition, this Asylum Pack also includes
support cards and events that can w ildly alter the tempo of the
Forgotten Lore 6 - Dunwich Denizens Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Then too, the natives are mortally afraid of the
numerous w hippoorw ills w hich grow vocal on w arm nights. It is
vow ed that the birds are psychopomps lying in w ait for the souls
of the dying, and that they time their eerie cries in unison w ith the
sufferer's struggling breath. H.P. Lovecraft
Dunw ich Denizens is a supplemental set of 60 fixed cards for
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game. It contains 20 different cards
designed to augment existing decks and add variety to the Call of
Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Key a nd the Ga te Deluxe Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. The Key and the Gate
is the fourth deluxe expansion for Call of Cthulhu: The Card
Game and introduces 165 cards (three copies each of fifty-five
individual cards) that explore the mysteries of Yog-Sothoth and
the eerie, fictional w ord of H.P. Lovecraft. The Key and the Gate
is an excellent expansion for fans of the All-in-One and players
w ho like Yog-Sothoth s strengths of discard, recursion, and
control rooted in arcane know ledge. The expansion also
introduces new Yithians, Sorcerers, Spells, and the Fated
keyw ord.
Revela tions 1 - Written a nd Bound Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Dark and pow erful secrets aw ait those players w ho
uncover the 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards)
of Written and Bound, the first Asylum Pack in the Revelations
cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game. While a few sensitive
minds shudder at the unearthly pow ers they perceive, the bulk
of humanity conducts its daily business unaw are of the terrible
pow ers that slow ly carve at the very heart of society.
Still, there are some pow er-hungry or ideological know ledgeseekers w ho scour the w orld in search of rare tomes that
provide insight into the elder pow ers. The quest for a deeper
understanding of reality permeates Written and Bound, and its
themes of dark know ledge and competing ideologies strikes to
the very heart of the Call of Cthulhu mythos.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Revela tions 2 - Words Of Power Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. “I have seen the dark universe yaw ning
Where the black planets roll w ithout aim,
Where they roll in their horror unheeded,
Without know ledge, or lustre, or name.”
–H.P. Lovecraft, The Haunter of the Dark
Revela tions 5 - Unspea k a ble Pa ges Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Alien it indeed w as to all art and literature w hich sane and
balanced readers know , but w e recognised it as the thing hinted
of in the forbidden Necronomicon of the mad Arab Abdul
–H.P. Lovecraft, The Hound
Know ledge is both pow erful and deadly in Words of Pow er, the
second Asylum Pack from the upcoming Revelations cycle for
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game.
Some secrets should never be brought to light…
Filled w ith eldritch tomes, hidden libraries, and the Relic Hunters
determined to uncover their secrets, Words of Pow er heightens
the different factions’ quests for know ledge. While independent
agents offer their services to different groups, the Order of the
Silver Tw ilight w orks in harmony to plunder the w ealth of ancient
journals. Research assistants at Miskatonic University delve
unw ittingly into danger as their study of pow erful artifacts leads
them across shadow y strangers, cultists, and monstrous black
The 60 cards in Words of Pow er w ill promote exciting, new
synergies w ith the Relics from the Ancient Relics cycle as w ell
as w ith other rare, old cards lying dormant in your collection.
Contains cards 21-40 of the Revelations cycle. This is not a
standalone deck; you must have additional Call of Cthulhu LCG
cards to play.
Revela tions 3 - Ebla Restored Asylum Pa ck , k r. 119,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Know ledge stolen from the ruins of an ancient city now steers
the fate of the w orld. The third Asylum Pack in the Revelations
cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game, Ebla Restored adds to
the cycle's focus on the pow er and dangers of eldritch
know ledge. Its new cards promote exciting new synergies
betw een dark Tomes and the daring Relic Hunters w ho seek
them. Meanw hile, players gain unprecedented control over their
decks and discard piles, finding new w ays to w ork w ith lost
know ledge.
Will the forgotten secrets of ancient Ebla provide you the
answ ers you need to stymie your foes? Will humanity tremble
before the terrifying might of the Ancient Ones restored to their
former glory, or w ill heroic investigators and scientists thw art
them and their zealous cultists to maintain sanity, at least for
another day?
Revela tions 4 - Lost Rites Asylum Pa ck , k r. 119,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Forbidden secrets and dark rituals alter the face of reality in Lost
Rites, the fourth Asylum Pack in the Revelations cycle for Call of
Cthulhu: The Card Game. As the game's different factions race
to discover, learn, and master forgotten rituals, players gain tw o
new conspiracies that grant new control over the struggles they
w ill face during the game's story phase.
Lost Rites immerses players in the mythos of Lovecraft's eerie
fiction, enriching the game's synergies betw een dark Tomes and
the daring Relic Hunters w ho seek them. Scientists, cultists, and
monsters scour the libraries and haunted w oods for pow erful
Tomes and the arcane know ledge they contain. Will the magical
forces they unleash hasten the end of days? Or w ill heroic
government agents and Miskatonic University faculty be able to
force the Ancient Ones back tow ard their eternal slumber in
distant realms?
Murder, madness, and terrible realities haunt the pages of the
Necronomicon. As rival factions seek to make use of the
different translations they have secured, the ignorant masses
continue their mundane routines, blissfully unaw are of the
Ancient Ones, those w ho w orship them in secret cults, and
those w ho risk insanity in order to safeguard the w orld. While
the key to the fate of the w orld may lie in the Necronomicon, the
Revelations cycle moves tow ard its climactic finale as Cultists,
Lunatics, and Investigators all delve into The Unspeakable Pages!
The Unspeakable Pages introduces four versions of the dread
Necronomicon as w ell as a host of new characters w ho seek to
gain pow er from the secrets contained w ithin Abdul Alhazred's
horrifying Tome. The 60 cards (3 copies each of 20 new cards)
in The Unspeakable Pages bring insanity and death to those w ho
heedlessly venture too far into unknow n realms. As the
Revelations cycle builds the conflicts betw een the game's
factions tow ard a terrifying climax, The Unspeakable Pages of
the Necronomicon and other cards provide rival factions
tremendous new resources to steer the fate of the w orld!
Contains cards 81-100 of the Revelations cycle. This is not a
standalone deck; you must have additional Call of Cthulhu LCG
cards to play.
Revela tions 6 - Touched by the Abyss Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Those w ho gaze upon the secrets of the Abyss do so at their
ow n perilE
The stakes are greater than ever in Touched by the Abyss, the
climactic conclusion of the Revelations cycle for Call of Cthulhu:
The Card Game! Madmen, cultists, and daring investigators
continue to shape the destiny of Arkham, Massachusetts and its
surrounding area. While the faculty of Miskatonic University and
government agents w ork to fight the spread of secretive cults,
territorial thugs battle w ith terrible monsters.
The Asylum Pack's 60 cards (3 copies each of 20 different
cards) relate the dramatic finale to the struggle for control of
forbidden know ledge, bringing to light four new translations of
the dread Necronomicon, six thematic conspiracies, and a host
of new characters as humanity battles the forces from beyond
for the pow er over life and death!
Ritua ls of the Order 2 - Perilous Tria ls Asylum Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Perilous Trials is the second Asylum Pack in the Rituals of the
Order cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game. As Lucy
struggles to remember the details of the party, she is
approached by the mysterious Mr. Dart w ho invites her to join a
very old, selective order.
Perilous Trials is a fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that contains 20
different never-before-seen cards based on the dark mythos of
master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to augment
existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ritua ls of the Order 3 - Initia tions of the Fa vored
Asylum Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Initiations of the Favored is the third Asylum Pack in the Rituals of
the Order cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game. This cycle
introduces new Monsters, Servitors, Rituals, and Items, as w ell
as cards for the Order of the Silver Tw ilight. The story of Lucy
Jennings, Silver Tw ilight initiate, continues in the serial tale by
Jeff Tidball.
Initiations of the Favored is a fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that
contains 20 different never-before-seen cards based on the
dark mythos of master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to
augment existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Ritua ls of the Order 4 - Aspira tions of Ascension
Asylum Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. The Rituals of the Order cycle of
expansions for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game continues w ith
the fourth Asylum Pack in the series, Aspirations of Ascension!
This exciting new expansion features 3 copies each of 20 new
and unique cards. This cycle of Asylum Packs expands upon the
new Order of the Silver Tw ilight faction, introduced in the Order
of the Silver Tw ilight deluxe expansion. The Order of the Silver
Tw ilight faction features innovative new card abilities that are
versatile enough to fit into a variety of deck types and playing
styles. Aspirations of Ascension features the Order of the Silver
Tw ilight cards Master of Blades, Reckless Assault, and Elder
Binding. This expansion pack also includes exciting and
challenging new cards for each of the other factions including
Servants of Glaaki, Shadow Eater, Obscure Linguist, and much
Ritua ls of the Order 5 - Glea ming Spira l Asylum Pa ck ,
The, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. The Gleaming Spiral is the fifth Asylum Pack
in the Rituals of the Order cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card
Game. Lucy sees the horrifying consequences of learning
secrets that are best left alone as she w itnesses the fate of Dr.
Ritua ls of the Order 6 - Tha t Which Consumes Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
That Which Consumes is the sixth Asylum Pack in the Rituals of
the Order cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game!
As Rituals of the Order has progressed to its conclusion in That
Which Consumes, each of the eight factions of Call of Cthulhu
has seen its core capabilities developed and strengthened w hile
new strategies have been introduced. In That Which Consumes,
this progression continues in the addition of a variety of
surprising new effects. This includes pow erful event cards for
Shub-Niggurath, Hastur, and Yog-Sothoth, but it also includes
looming threats for Cthulhu and Miskatonic University, in the form
of a new Lunatic and some new Artifacts. That Which
Consumes adds more uncertainty and chaos to Call of Cthulhu just the thing for the mad adherents of Cthulhu!
That Which Consumes is a fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that
contains 20 different never-before-seen cards based on the
dark mythos of master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to
augment existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Secrets of Ark ha m Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Based on the dark mythos of master horror w riter H.P.
Lovecraft, the Secrets of Arkham expansion features a new 10card story deck designed to take your experience w ith Call of
Cthulhu: The Card Game dow n new paths of cosmic horror. This
story deck provides an alternative to the story deck provided by
the Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game Core Set.
This 110-card expansion also contains tw o copies of 50
different cards, featuring iconic mythos figures like Azathoth,
Professor Armitage, and the Necronomicon, as w ell as
introducing new cards and resurrecting old favorites from the
archives for all seven Factions and neutral cards.
Delve into the Secrets of Arkham...
The Gleaming Spiral is a fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that contains
20 different never-before-seen cards based on the dark mythos
of master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to augment
existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
This is not a stand-alone game; a Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game
Core Set is required to play.
Seek ers of Knowledge Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The aw esome quest had begun w hen West and I w ere
students at the Miskatonic University Medical School in Arkham.
–H.P. Lovecraft, Herbert West – Reanimator
Seekers of Know ledge is the third deluxe expansion for Call of
Cthulhu: The Card Game. Its 165 cards (three copies each of
fifty-five individual cards) lend new strength to Miskatonic
University, bolstering existing strategies, creating new
synergies, and introducing a host of characters that represent
the University’s best incoming class since the Core Set.
As the bookw orms of Miskatonic University go further afield than
ever, explorers uncover lost civilizations, and investigators
decipher ominous Prophecies. With a host of Miskatonic
characters and support cards, Seekers of Know ledge is the
perfect expansion for players looking to pick up the faction or
bolster its strategies.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Summons of the Deep 2 - Horror Benea th the Surfa ce
Asylum Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
“The mere telling helps me to restore confidence in my ow n
faculties; to reassure myself that I w as not simply the first to
succumb to a contagious nightmare hallucination.”
—H.P. Lovecraft
Summons of the Deep 6 - Pa th to Y'ha -Nthlei Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
"They had all kinds o cities on the sea-bottom, an this island w as
heaved up from thar"
The Summons of the Deep expansion to the Call of Cthulhu Living
Card Game™ continues w ith its second Asylum Pack of 60 fixed
cards, The Horror Beneath the Surface. It contains 3 copies
each of 20 unique cards that place a new found emphasis on the
Investigation struggle, designed to augment existing decks and
add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
The Summons from the Deep expansion to the Call of Cthulhu
Living Card Game comes to its conclusion w ith its sixth monthly
Asylum Pack of 40 fixed cards, The Path to Y'ha-nthlei. It
contains 20 different never-before-seen cards that explore
some of the strange transformations possible in H.P. Lovecraft's
Cthulhu mythos, designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG™ cards to play.
Summons of the Deep 3 - Antediluvia n Drea ms Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
“...burning into my brain a momentary conception of nightmare
w hich w as all the more maddening because analysis could not
shew a single nightmarish quality in it.”
—H.P. Lovecraft
The Summons of the Deep expansion to the Call of Cthulhu Living
Card Game™ continues w ith its third Asylum Pack of 60 fixed
cards, The Antediluvian Dreams. It contains 3 copies each of 20
unique cards that place a new found emphasis on the Combat
struggle, designed to augment existing decks and add variety to
the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG™ cards to play.
Summons of the Deep 4 - Terror of the Tides Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
“The story is that there’s a w hole legion of devils seen
sometimes on that reef—spraw led about, or darting in and out of
some kind of caves near the top.”
—H.P. Lovecraft
The Summons of the Deep expansion to the Call of Cthulhu Living
Card Game™ continues w ith its fourth Asylum Pack of 60 fixed
cards, The Terror of the Tides. It contains 3 copies each of 20
unique cards that place a new found emphasis on the Arcane
struggle, designed to augment existing decks and add variety to
the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG™ cards to play.
Summons of the Deep 5 - Thing From The Shore
Asylum Pa ck , k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
“…everything alive come aout o’ the w ater once, an’ only needs
a little change to go back agin.” —H.P. Lovecraft
The Summons of the Deep expansion to the Call of Cthulhu Living
Card Game continues w ith its fifth monthly Asylum Pack of 40
fixed cards, The Thing From the Shore. It contains 20 different
never-before-seen cards that place a new found emphasis on
character skill, designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
—H.P. Lovecraft
This is not a standalone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Yuggoth Contra ct 2 - M urmurs of Evil Asylum Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Murmurs of Evil is the second exciting Asylum Pack in
The Yuggoth Contract cycle for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game!
A fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that contains 20 different neverbefore-seen cards based on the dark mythos of master horror
w riter H.P. Lovecraft, Murmurs of Evil is designed to augment
existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
Also included in this cycle is part tw o of a gripping new short
story by Nate French. In the last installment, Tyler Scindere found
himself trapped in perpetual darkness and suffering. Now , w e
meet Erin Morai, a brilliant college student. Erin might be Tyler's
greatest enemy... and his only hope.
Yuggoth Contra ct 3 - Spok en Covena nt Asylum Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. he Spoken Covenant is a fixed 60-card Asylum Pack
that contains 20 different cards based on the dark mythos of
master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to augment
existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
Also included is part three of a gripping new short story by Nate
Yuggoth Contra ct 4 - Wa iler Below Asylum Pa ck , The,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Wailer Below continues the story of Erin Moirai and Tyler
Scindere, w hile introducing exciting new cards like Sam Archer:
Private Investigator, the Degenerate Serpent Cultist, and the vile
Feasting Ghouls.
And in part four of the serial short story by Nate French, Erin
Moirai is forced to perform a series of alien dissections, as her
jailors intrude upon her thoughts. She has no w ay of know ing
how long she’s been in captivity. Will she find an opportunity to
escape, or be trapped forever?
The Wailer Below is a fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that contains
20 different never-before-seen cards based on the dark mythos
of master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to augment
existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Yuggoth Contra ct 5 - Screa ms from Within Asylum
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Tyler Scindere w as hired to do a job, plain and simple. But the
dangers that face him now are anything but plain, and there’s
nothing simple about the dark motives of his employers. Now , the
betrayer has become the betrayed, and he’ll need every ounce
of courage and w it he can muster if he hopes to remain alive.
The Spoken Covenant is a fixed 60 card Asylum Pack that
contains 20 different never-before-seen cards based on the
dark mythos of master horror w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to
augment existing decks and add variety to the Call of Cthulhu
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Yuggoth Contra ct 6 - Ca cophony Asylum Pa ck , The, k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Cacophony is the final Asylum Pack in The Yuggoth Contract
series for Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game!
The Cacophony concludes the story of Erin Moirai and Tyler
Scindere, w hile introducing exciting new cards like the
dangerous Fledgling Byakhee and the heroic Harry Houdini. And
in the final installment of Nate French’s gripping serial short story,
Erin Moirai and Tyler Scindere bring the Yuggoth Contract to its
horrifying and unexpected conclusion. Erin Moirai’s dark captors
compel her to perform one last experiment, forcing her to make a
choice about just how far she’s w illing to go.
This fixed 60 card Asylum Pack contains 20 different neverbefore-seen cards based on the dark mythos of master horror
w riter H.P. Lovecraft, designed to augment existing decks and
add variety to the Call of Cthulhu metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck; you must have additional Call of
Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
Awa k ening of Twin Bla des Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
Unleash unrestrained pow er w ith the release of Aw akening of
Tw in Blades! Will the justice of Royal Paladin, darkness of
Shadow Paladin, or fury of Kagero prevail? This expansion for
Cardfight Vanguard introduces new clans (Murakumo and Neo
Nectar) and provides additional cards for Royal Paladin, Kagero,
Oracle Think Tank, Nova Grappler, Dimension Police, Dark
Irregulars, and Pale Moon. 5 cards per pack
Ba nquet of Diva s Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
Welcome to the Bermuda Triangle extra stage! The elegant and
beautiful maidens of “Bermuda Triangle” take the stage in this
exclusive extra booster! Build the deck of your dreams w ith your
favorite idols and charm your opponents w ith illusion and grace!
■There are a total of 35 different cards (2 RRR, 5 RR, 8 R, 20 C +
2 SP).
■Every card in this pack are 《Bermuda Triangle》 units.
■This makes it possible to make a single clan deck of 《Bermuda
■The 4 《Bermuda Triangle》 cards from Booster Set 2:
Onslaught of Dragon Souls are reprinted for this set: ,Top Idol,
Aqua, Top Idol, Flores, Blazer Idols and Bermuda Triangle Cadet,
Blue Storm Arma da Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
The oceanic invasion begins w ith Blue Storm Armada! Witness
Ca va lry of Bla ck Steel Booster Pa ck , k r. 30,00 (YCW)
The Cavalry of Black Steel booster expansion for Cardfight
Vanguard introduces potent new cards for Gold Paladins, Spike
brothers, and Megacolony, w ith suprises in store for Royal
Paladin and Kagero Players! New limit break skills and abilities
take the fight to the next level w ith Cavalry of Black Steel!
Offered in 5-card boosters packed in 15-count displays.
Cla sh of the Knights & Dra gons Booster, k r. 30,00
Witness the titanic clash of the knights and dragons! Choose
betw een the valiant Gold Paladin, ruthless Narukami, or ancient
Aqua Force in the grand show dow n! This massive set also
includes additional cards for Oracle Think Tank, Nova Grappler,
Angel Feather, Murakumo, Great Nature, Pale Moon, Royal
Paladin, and Shadow Paladin. 5 cards per pack
Comic Style Volume 1 Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
Ever w ished you could field the units in the Cardfight Vanguard
comic? Now you can w ith the Comic Style Volume 1 Booster
Pack! Featuring the very best creations of manga artist, Akira Ito,
these exotic cards introduce units like Nova Grappler, Pale Moon,
Megacolony, Oracle Think Tank, Murakumo, Kagero, Royal
Paladin, Tachikaze, and Spike Brothers, and turn the tide of battle
in your favor! 5 cards per pack.
Demonic Lord Inva sion Booster Pa ck , k r. 30,00 (YCW)
Prepare for the Invasion of Darkness! Choose your side, take the
fight to your enemies, and lead your vanguard to final victory
w ith the Demonic Lord Invasion expansion for Cardfight
Vanguard, introducing all-new clans (Pale Moon & Dimension
Police) as w ell as new cards for Dark Irregulars, Royal Paladins,
Kagero, Oracle Think Tank, and others.
Descenda nts of the M a rine Emperor Tria l Deck , k r.
150,00 (YCW)
Boxsæt. This pre-constructed Trial Deck can be used out of the
box and comes w ith exclusive trial deck only cards for
both ardent collectors and new players to enjoy!
50 cards in this set
■1 Navalgazer Dragon
■2 Marine General of the Full Tides, Xenophon
■4 Key Anchor, Dabid
■4 Tear Knight, Lazarus
■1 Marine General of the Restless Tides, Algos
■2 Coral Assault
■4 Titan of the Infinite Trench
■4 Tear Knight, Theo
■4 Tear Knight, Cyprus
■2 Accelerated Command
■1 Splash Assault
■2 Battle Siren, Cynthia
■2 Battle Siren, Dorothea
■1 Officer Cadet of the First Battle
■4 Battleship Intelligence
■4 Pyroxene Communications Sea Otter Soldier
■4 Dolphin Soldier of High Speed Raids
■4 Medical Officer of the Rainbow Elixir
Descent of the King of Knights Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
Imagine this!
Eclipse of Illusiona ry Sha dows Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
The sinister Shadow Paladin make their entrance in the Cardfight
Vanguard arena w ith Eclipse of Illusionary Shadow s! This set
introduces the long-anticipated Shadow Paladin clan and
includes full expansions for Megacolony and Dimension Police,
plus additional cards for Royal Paladin, Kagero, and Nova
Grappler. 5 cards per pack
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Golden M echa nica l Soldier Sta rter, k r. 150,00 (YCW)
Boxsæt. Unleash the fury of the Golden Mechanical Soldiers into
the Cardfight Vanguard arena w ith Katsuragi Kamui's Nova
Grappler deck! Each Starter contains one 50-card, preconstructed trial deck, complete w ith a Starter's guide, a
rulebook, and a playmat.
M a iden Princess of the Cherry Blossoms Sta rter, k r.
150,00 (YCW)
Boxsæt. Out-play and out-think your Cardfight Vanguard rivals
Ca stle of the Devil, k r. 159,50 (da Vinci Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 4-8. Spilletid: 20-40min.
A new game in the Wolf Party Collection!
A lonely coach rattles up the narrow gorges of the mountain,
shrouded by clouds the color of lead. The coachman spurs on
horses black as the night, hoping to arrive as quickly as he can.
Lightning rips the sky, illuminating a manor both sinister and
tw isted: the Castle of the Devil!
Onsla ught Of Dra gon Souls Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
Dragon army assembles for flame fight!!
Ra mpa ge of the Bea st King Booster, k r. 30,00 (YCW)
The Beast King rampages through Planet Cray! Great Nature, the
greatest academic institute in the realms enters the fray w ith allnew cards and strategies! This set also includes pow erful new
cards for Oracle Think-Tank, Gold Paladin, Dark Irregulars, and
Pale Moon. Choose your side, take the fight to your enemies, and
lead your vanguard to final victory! Each display box also
includes an exclusive Royal Paladin Promo card.
Resona nce Of Thunder Dra gon Tria l Deck - TILBUD,
k r. 150,00 (YCW)
Boxsæt. Slash of Silver Wolf introduces Aichi SendouÕs deck
and learn more about the mysterious Gold Paladins and their new
skill, Limit Break, w hile Resonance of Thunder Dragon unleashes
Kai Toshiki's deck, Narukami! Each 50-card, pre-constructed Trial
Deck for the Cardfight Vanguard Trading Card Game features
seven exclusive cards, tw o special Holo-cards, and a Foil-card,
complete w ith a rulesheet, rulebook, and playmat.
Sla sh Of Silver Wolf Tria l Deck - TILBUD, k r. 150,00
Boxsæt. Slash of Silver Wolf introduces Aichi SendouÕs deck
and learn more about the mysterious Gold Paladins and their new
skill, Limit Break, w hile Resonance of Thunder Dragon unleashes
Kai Toshiki's deck, Narukami! Each 50-card, pre-constructed Trial
Deck for the Cardfight Vanguard Trading Card Game features
seven exclusive cards, tw o special Holo-cards, and a Foil-card,
complete w ith a rulesheet, rulebook, and playmat,
Ca stle - The Detective Ca rd Ga me, k r. 240,00
(Cryptozoic Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2-5. There's been a
murder, and the stars of ABC's Castle are on the case! In this
easy-to-play murder mystery card game, 2–5 players w ill play as
their favorite characters from the show as they collect and use
investigation cards to narrow dow n the suspects until they
discover w ho's guilty!
Castle: The Detective Card Game offers tw o w ays to play. You
can play a single game, w hich simulates a single episode from
the show , or you can play a w hole season. If you play a single
episode, w hoever finds the killer w ins the game. If you play a
season match, you play multiple games until one of the players
has w on three games. Do you have w hat it takes to make a
great detective?
The mysterious passengers w ho crow d the carriage are all
members of tw o pow erful Secret Societies, locked in a perpetual
w ar w ith each other. But w ho are allies? Who are enemies?
Each stage of the journey off ers you precious hidden objects.
You must use them w ell if you hope to get vital information about
your accomplices… and your foes!
Collect the Goblets of Intrigue or the Keys of Pow er, and declare
victory for your Secret Society!
10 characters
12 duel tokens
8 Secret Society cards
10 Profession cards
21 Object cards
1 objects and professions guide
1 summary card
1 rulebook
Cha os M a ra uders, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-45min.
A vast Chaos army is marching north, w hen suddenly the
spraw ling mass of bored and surly Orcs grinds to a halt
because of yet another petty feud. In Chaos Marauders, each
player takes control of one of the Orc clans involved, ready to
show all the other mangy little creeps w ho’s boss of dis ‘ere
scabby battle mob. You’ll stop at nothing to w in. No amount of
trickery w ill be low enough, no amount of thugish brutality too
vile. Who know s, you may even get the mysterious Chaos
Marauders on your side. Only one tribe can come out on top –
w ill it be yours?
Cita dels a nd Da rk City Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-7. Spilletid: 20-60min.
Players seek to build a collection of buildings w orth from one to
eight points. Once someone's built eight buildings, then the game
is over and the player w ith the highest total value w ins.
How ever to facilitate the process (and make the game
interesting), players sequentially chose a character from a
rapidly dw indling pool of eight each turn. The characters give
players special abilities for the turn.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cold Wa r CIA vs KGB, k r. 105,00 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Cold War: CIA vs. KGB puts tw o players in control of the
superpow ers of the USA and the USSR. In a covert clash of
ideology, politics, guerilla w arfare, and dirty tricks, they must
establish the dominance and superiority of their w orldview and
bring about their ow n vision of the future.
Cold War: CIA vs. KGB contains:
12 Agent cards (6 CIA, 6 KGB)
21 Objective cards (15 nations, 6 events)
24 Group cards (6 military, 6 economic, 6 media, and 6 political)
2 Domination tokens (1 CIA and 1 KGB)
1 Balance token
2 Score cards (1 CIA and 1 KGB)
2 Score tokens
1 Rulebook
Compa ct Heroes, k r. 159,50 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2+. Compact Heroes
gives you everything a traditional fantasy role-playing game
offers, w ith the convenience of fitting in your pocket! The perfect
solution to get your RPG fix in w here there w ouldn't normally be
room enough to carry large books and a pocket full of dice
around. Compact Heroes includes everything you need to create
and advance unique characters and run an adventure w ith the
exception of a 6-sided dice and a pencil--items easily found
around the house.
Dea dfella s Ca rd Ga me, k r. 160,00 (Studio 2 Publishing,
Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30 min. There is just one rule in the zombie
mafia: Whack your enemies before they w hack you.
Fortunately, you've got a crew of Mooks to do your dirty w ork.
Sure, they may be brainless, but they're generally reliable. Just
give them w hat they need and point them in the right direction. Of
course, sometimes they forget w hat they're doing, but that's a
small price to pay for undying loyalty, right?
Deadfellas is a game about w hacking guys in the zombie mafia.
Each player uses his gang of Mooks to attack his opponents. In
order to perform a hit, a Mook needs a disguise, a w eapon, and
a getaw ay vehicle. Equip all three item and your Mook can
perform a hit on any enemy w hose total strength is less than or
equal to his ow n. A successful hit is not guaranteed, though,
because an opponent can cancel a hit at any time by playing a
"Fuhgeddaboutit!" card. After a successful hit, you have to
discard a piece of evidence, reducing your Mook's strength and
making him a target. So choose carefully.
The w inner of the game is the first player to rack up a body
count w orth 10 or more points.
Dixit, k r. 280,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min. The
pictures are revealed only one of them is the answ er.
Each player at his turn plays the storyteller. He is given a single
picture, w hile the other players get a hand of six pictures.
The storyteller says a sentence or a w ord connected to his
picture, then each player chooses one of his pictures to bet
upon. All pictures are show ed face up, and every player have to
bet upon w hat picture w as the storyteller's.
84 Cards
36 voting tokens in 6 different colors
6 w ooden Rabbit.
Se film her:
w w w atch?v=ahSxQcLQ6z4&feature=relmfu
Dixit 2 (expa nsion), k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min. An
expansion to the Games Magazine Best Party Game 2010
Aw ard-w inning storytelling game!
Dixit 2 makes Dixit even more fun! The multi-aw ard w inning party
game returns w ith an 84 card add-on. Allow yourself to be
caught in their spell and be transported on a new voyage of
discovery. Dixit...a surprising, exciting, and evocative game to be
enjoyed w ith friends and family alike.
-More cards!
-More stunning artw ork by Marie Cardouat!
-More challenges!
Jinx (Sta nd a lone), k r. 120,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 15 min.
Among the nine surreal and confusing images positioned in the
center of the table, w ould you be able to find the card before the
other players based on the clue provided by the active player? In
Dixit Jinx, speed and imagination, in this game of friendly and
exhilarating that offer challenges for all. So start talking, singing,
or acting out something that makes thinking about your card just
like in "Dixit !
The box contains: 9 Position cards 71 double-sided Image cards
a rule book.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Journey (Sta nd a lone), k r. 280,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min. Dixit:
Journey features the same basic game play as Dixit: Each round
one player takes on the role of Storyteller, choosing one card
from his hand, then telling a story, singing a ditty or otherw ise
doing something that in his opinion is associated w ith the played
card. Each other player then chooses one card in her ow n hand
and gives it to the Storyteller in secret. These cards are shuffled
and revealed, then players vote on w hich card w as played by
the Storyteller.
If no one or everyone votes for the Storyteller, then he receives
no points; if he received some votes but not all the votes, he
scores based on the number of votes received. Each player
w ho submitted a correct vote or w ho received a vote on her
card submission also scores. After a certain number of rounds,
the player w ith the most points w ins.
Dixit: Journey differs from Dixit in a number of w ays, starting
w ith a simplified scoring board that doesn't have players moving
around a track in the bottom of the game box. Instead the scoring
track is on its ow n board, and this game board includes a
summary of the rules as w ell as numbered places to put the
cards each round to facilitate voting. The game rules have been
revised to make the game easier to learn, w hile keeping game
play the same.
Odyssey (expa nsion), k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min. The
Dixit Odyssey expansion allow s players to take advantage of the
cards from the original Dixit Odyssey game and combine them
w ith their Dixit base games. Add 84 cards to your surprising,
exciting, and evocative Dixit game that w ill be enjoyed w ith
friends and family alike!
Note: As this game is an expansion pack - you must have a base
game in order to play.
Quest (expa nsion), k r. 240,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min. The
Dixit Quest expansion, previously know n as Dixit 2, allow s
players to add even more cards to their favorite Dixit base game.
Add 84 cards to add to your surprising, exciting, and evocative
Dixit game that w ill be enjoyed w ith friends and family alike!
Note: As this game is an expansion pack - you must have a base
game in order to play.
Dixit (da nsk e regler), k r. 280,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30 min. Vær
klar når billederne afsløres! De har alle én ting til fælles - en
imspireret sætning. Men kun ét af billederne er det rigtige, og du
får brug for al din snilde og intuition for at finde ud af, hvilket det
er… og gå nu ikke de fælder, som dine modspillere har sat for
dig! Dixit: Et morsomt og poetisk selskabsspil, der vil begejstre
både familie og venner.
Dixit Odyssey (da nsk e regler), k r. 280,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-12. Spilletid: 30 min. Dixit
Odessey rummer al magien fra Dixit - de senere års mest
prisbelønnede spil: Afkod billedernes hemmeligheder, undgå dine
modstanderes fælder, og lad fantasien tage dig med på rejse! I
dette nye opus kan i gå på opdagelse i nye spilvarianter og rejse
til nye verdner - med op til 12 spillere i selskabet!
Du behøver ingen af de andre Dixit spil for at spille Dixit
Odyssey, men alle spil i serien kan kombineres.
Doctor Who Ca rd Ga me, k r. 280,00 (Publisher Services,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 60 min.
Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans The list of threats is endless and
no place in the universe is ever truly safe from danger, but there
is one man w ho has made it his mission to defend the
defenseless, help the helpless, and save everyone he can: a
mysterious stranger, a force of nature w ho has seen his ow n
planet die, a madman w ith a box. In Doctor Who: The Card Game,
players act as the Doctor and his companions to defend specific
locations w hile sending the Doctor's enemies to conquer
locations your opponents are trying to protect. Each player starts
the game w ith one location, and cards in the deck consist of
attackers, defenders, locations and support cards. To start a
turn, you draw tw o cards, pick up any cards banked from a
previous turn, and take the three cards passed to you earlier by
the player on your left. You play or bank cards until you have
only three in hand, then pass those to the player on your right
and end your turn. Attackers target specific locations and earn
points for the player w ielding them if they're in play at the end of
the game. Defenders try to remove attackers so that the location
ow ner scores points for protecting the location. Support cards
provide different abilities, such as enlarging your bank or
providing time points (w hich can be used to draw additional
cards). Whoever has the most points at the end of the game
w ins!
Domina nt Species The Ca rd Ga me, k r. 235,00 (GM T
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 15 min / player.
Dominant Species: The Card Game is a fast-playing game that
abstractly recreates a tiny portion of ancient history: the
ponderous rescinding of an ice age and w hat that entails for the
living creatures trying to adapt to the slow ly-changing earth.
Players w ill use six major animal classes mammal, reptile, bird,
amphibian, arachnid or insect to further their goals in various
terrain. Through w ily card play, players w ill strive to become
dominant at as many different terrestrial and sea biomes as
possible in order to claim valuable victory points: It is survival of
the fittest.
Dominant Species: The Card Game consists of up to tw elve
rounds of competition, each round occurring at one of the tw elve
different Biome cards. The player w ho starts a competition must
choose to either play one Action card or pass.
•132 cards
•20 w ooden playing pieces
•1 full-color cardstock track display aid
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Alchemy Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min.
There are strange things going on in your basement laboratories.
They keep calling up for more barrels of quicksilver, or bits of
your hair. Well it's all in the name of progress. They're looking for
a w ay to turn lead into gold, or at least into something better than
lead. That lead had just been too good of a bargain to pass up;
you didn't think, w here w ill I put all this lead, w hat am I going to
do w ith this lead anyw ay. Well that w ill all be sorted out. They're
also looking for a universal solvent. If they manage that one, you
w ill take w hatever they use to hold it in and build a castle out of
it. A castle that can't be dissolved! Now that's progress.
This is the 3rd addition to Dominion. It adds new Kingdom cards
to Dominion and as it is an expansion, you w ill need Dominion, or
Dominion: Intrigue to play the game.
Dominion: Alchemy is an expansion, and can't be played by itself;
to play w ith it, you need Dominion, or a standalone expansion to
Dominion (Dominion: Intrigue). Those provide the Basic cards you
need to play (Treasure, Victory, and Curse cards), as w ell as
the full rules for setup and gameplay. Dominion: Alchemy can
also be combined w ith any other Dominion expansions you have.
We hope you enjoy this expanding w orld of Dominion!
Ba se Ca rds, k r. 140,00 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. This is a set of 250 cards: all the basic Victory,
Treasure, and Curse cards from the Dominion games and its
expansions. It does not include any Victory or Treasure cards
that are Kingdom cards. All cards bear new graphics and are
compatible w ith Dominion and all its extensions. These cards can
be used to replace the basic cards from Dominion or Dominion:
Intrigue or they can be used w ith the expansions that contain no
basic cards. The set also includes a new Trash card, also w ith
new graphics. We expect this set to be released in early March.
It w ill come in a small box w ithout a plastic liner for storage as
w e expect many players w ill simply transfer these cards to one
of their other Dominion games.
Note: This is not a complete game and requires other Dominion
product to play.
Cornucopia Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min.
Dominion: Cornucopia is the fifth expansion for the Dominion
deck-building game. It adds 13 new Kingdom cards plus five
unique cards. The central theme of the Cornucopia expansion is
variety. There are cards that rew ard players for having a variety
of cards in their hands, as w ell as cards that help players
achieve that level of variety.
Da rk Ages Expa nsion, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min. Times have
been hard. To save on money, you've moved out of your old
castle and into a luxurious ravine. You didn't like that castle
anyw ay; it w as alw ays getting looted and never at a reasonable
hour. And if it w asn't barbarians it w as the plague, or sometimes
both w ould come at once, and there w ouldn't be enough chairs.
The ravine is great; you get lots of sun, and you can just drop
garbage w herever you w ant. In your free time you've taken up
begging. Begging is brilliant conceptually, but tricky in practice
since no one has any money. You beg tw igs from the villagers,
and they beg them back, but no one really seems to come out
ahead. That's just how life is sometimes. You're quietly
conquering people, minding your ow n business, w hen suddenly
there's a plague, or barbarians, or everyone's illiterate, and it's all
you can do to cling to some w reckage as the storm passes
through. Still, you are sure that, as alw ays, you w ill triumph over
this adversity, or at least do slightly better than everyone else.
Dominion: Dark Ages is the seventh addition to the game of
Dominion. It contains 500 cards but is not a standalone game. It
adds 35 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, plus new bad cards
you give to other players (Ruins), new cards to replace starting
Estates (Shelters), and cards you can get only via specific other
cards. The central themes are the trash and upgrading. There
are cards that do something w hen trashed, cards that care
about the trash, cards that upgrade themselves, and w ays to
upgrade other cards.
Dominion, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min. You
are a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small
pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents,
how ever, you have hopes and dreams! You w ant a bigger and
more pleasant kingdom, w ith more rivers and a w ider variety of
trees. You w ant a Dominion! In all directions lie fiefs, freeholds,
and feodums. All are small bits of land, controlled by petty lords
and verging on anarchy. You w ill bring civilization to these
people, uniting them under your banner.
But w ait! It must be something in the air; several other monarchs
have had the exact same idea. You must race to get as much of
the unclaimed land as possible, fending them off along the w ay.
To do this you w ill hire minions, construct buildings, spruce up
your castle, and fill the coffers of your treasury. Your parents
w ouldn’t be proud, but your grandparents, w ould be delighted.
Dominion Big Box, k r. 800,00 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. This
Guilds Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min.
Jobs, everyone's w orried about jobs. Whatever happened to
tilling the fields in obscurity? So now everyone's joining a guild,
learning a craft, and w orking on a masterpiece. The only people
left tilling the fields are the ones doing it ironically. The guilds
cover everything - ironic tilling, butchering, baking, candlestick
making, shoe making, cheese making, cheese destruction. Your
advisor is convinced that somehow , control of the stonecutters
is key to w orld domination. Very w ell. You w ill have stone
handled so expertly that the w orld trembles before you! The
Guilds expansion adds 13 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, as
w ell as coin tokens that you can save to spend later, and cards
you can get more out of by paying extra for them.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Hinterla nds Expa nsion, k r. 319,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min. The
w orld is big and your kingdom small. Small w hen compared to the
w orld, that is; it’s moderate-sized w hen compared to other
kingdoms. But in a big w orld like this one - big w hen compared to
smaller w orlds anyw ay, if such things exist; it’s moderate-sized
w hen compared to w orlds of roughly the same size, and a little
small w hen compared to w orlds just a little larger - w ell, to make
a long story short - short w hen compared to longer stories
anyw ay - it is time to stretch your borders. You’ve heard of faroff places - exotic countries, w here they have pancakes but not
w affles, w here the people w ear the w rong number of shirts,
and don’t even have a w ord for the look tw o people give each
other w hen they each hope that the other w ill do something that
they both w ant done but w hich neither of them w ants to do. It is
to these lands that you now turn your gaze.
This is the 6th addition to the game of Dominion. It adds 26 new
Kingdom cards to Dominion, including 20 Actions, 3 Treasures, 3
Victory cards, and 3 Reactions. The central theme is cards that
do something immediately w hen you buy them or gain them.
Dominion: Hinterlands is an expansion, and cannot be played by
itself; to play w ith it, you need Dominion, or a standalone
expansion to Dominion (e.g., Dominion: Intrigue). Those provide
the Basic cards you need to play (Treasure, Victory, and Curse
cards), as w ell as the full rules for setup and gameplay.
Dominion: Hinterlands can also be combined w ith any other
Dominion expansions you have. We hope you enjoy this
expanding w orld of Dominion!
Intrigue, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30. You are
a monarch, like your parents before you, a ruler of a small
pleasant kingdom of rivers and evergreens. Unlike your parents,
how ever, you have hopes and dreams! You w ant a bigger and
more pleasant kingdom, w ith more rivers and a w ider variety of
trees. You w ant a Dominion! You w ill bring civilization to these
people, uniting them under your banner.
Dominion: Intrigue adds rules for playing w ith up to 8 players at
tw o tables or for playing a single game w ith up to 6 players. This
game adds 25 new Kingdom cards and a complete set of
Treasure and Victory cards. The game can be played alone by
players experienced in Dominion or w ith the basic game of
Prosperity Expa nsion, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. Ah,
money. There's nothing like the sound of coins clinking in your
hands. Life has been good to you. Just ten years ago, you w ere
tilling your ow n fields in a simple straw hat. Today, your kingdom
stretches from sea to sea, and your straw hat is the largest the
w orld has ever know n. You also have the w orld's smallest dog,
and a life-size statue of yourself made out of baklava. Sure,
money can't buy happiness, but it can buy envy, anger, and also
this kind of blank feeling. You still have problems - troublesome
neighbors that must be conquered. But this time, you'll conquer
them in style!
The Prosperity expansion adds 25 new Kingdom cards to
Dominion, plus tw o new Basic cards that let players keep
building up past Gold and Province, and treasures w ith abilities,
cards that interact w ith treasures, and pow erful expensive
Sea side Expa nsion, k r. 359,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min.
Dominion: Seaside is an expansion to both Dominion and
Dominion: Intrigue. As such, it does not contain material for a
complete game. Specifically, it does not include the basic
Treasure, Victory, Curse, or Trash cards. Thus, you w ill need
either the base game or Intrigue to play w ith this expansion, and
you w ill need to have experience playing Dominion w ith either of
the first tw o games. It is designed to w ork w ith either or both of
these sets, and any future expansions that may be published.
Den of the Werera ts, k r. 105,00 (Atla s Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 40 min. A
master w ererat and his transformed minions hold the city in fear.
Vermin and shapeshifters, thieves and cutthroats lurk in every
shadow . Can you face your fears and eradicate this sinister
Den of the Wererats is a tw o-player Dungeoneer card game.
Your character explores a city that you build w ith map cards,
w hile fighting monsters, completing quests, and leveling up along
the w ay. Each Dungeoneer set can be played as a stand-alone
card game, or combined w ith other decks for more dungeondelving fun.
Den of the Wererats features 55 new Dungeoneer cards,
including city maps, lycanthropic curses that transform your
opponents, and three new heroes for your Dungeoneer game:
Darkling Thief, Human Alchemist, and Dw arf Guard.
Designed and illustrated by Thomas Denmark.
Ha unted Woods of M a lthorin, k r. 105,00 (Atla s Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 40 min. The
betrothed of an elven prince w as brutally slain on the day of
their w edding. The mad bridegroom now uses his pow erful
magic to turn his forest realm into a horrific haunted nightmare.
Do you have the courage to bring peace to these cursed w oods?
Haunted Woods of Malthorin is a tw o-player Dungeoneer card
game. Your character explores a w ilderness that you build w ith
map cards, w hile fighting monsters, completing quests, and
leveling up along the w ay. Each Dungeoneer set can be played
as a stand-alone card game, or combined w ith other decks for
more dungeon-delving fun.
Haunted Woods of Malthorin features 55 new Dungeoneer
cards, including w ilderness terrain maps, special w eather cards,
and three new heroes for your Dungeoneer game: Elf Archer,
Human Druid, and Centaur Ranger.
Designed and illustrated by Thomas Denmark.
In Ca hoots!, k r. 145,00 (M a yda y Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The sun w as shining, the sky w as blue, and the only
sounds w hispering through the streets w ere the gentle moans
of the undead... Can you and a friend survive the Horde
together, or w ill you use that beating heart across the table to
save your ow n skin?
In Cahoots is the next installment in the smash hit deck building
game of zombie survival, Eaten By Zombies! by Max Holliday.
Featuring new Sw ag and new Zombies. In Cahoots can be
played as a tw o-survivor standalone, or as a tw o-player
expansion to Eaten By Zombies!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Wea pons of M a ss Destruction Expa nsion, k r. 80,00
(M a yda y Ga mes)
The Eaten By Zombies: Weapons of Mass Destruction miniexpansion consists of 5 sets of sw ag cards w hich w ere
unlocked during the Kickstarter funding of Eaten By Zombies!: In
Cahoots. These sw ag cards all help killing zombies, w hich is a
change in the dynamic of the Eaten By Zombies!: In Cahoots
w hich mainly consisted of sw ag to flee from zombies. These
new cards may prove to make the difference w hen trying to
survive from the zombie hordes and w in the game.
The cards are: - Pineapple - Double Barrel Boomstick - Flame
Throw er - Six Shooters - Molotov Cocktail
Elder Sign, k r. 279,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 1-2 timer.
Elder Sign lets players control investigators w ho must
successfully endure adventures w ithin the museum in order to
gather clues, items, and the eldritch know ledge they need to seal
the rifts betw een dimensions and prevent the Ancient One's
arrival. A clever and thematic dice mechanic pits their exploration
against monsters and the sheer difficulty of staying sane and
healthy w hile investigating the most dangerous exhibits and most
terrifying instances of insanity.
Elder Sign recreates the Lovecraftian thrills of eerie suspense
and mind-numbing horrors in a cooperative game players can
finish in one to tw o hours. Rules, card text, and innovative dice
mechanics expertly designed by Richard Launius and Kevin
Wilson, the designers of Arkham Horror, all blend in a game that's
quick to learn, quick to play, strategic enough to rew ard frequent
replay, and eccentric enough to immerse players in the
museum's supernatural intrigue
Unseen Forces Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Prompted by some preserving
instinct of self-defense, I broke through the spell that had hitherto
held me immovable, and flung my now dying torch at the creature
w ho menaced my existence. [...]When at last my senses
returned, all w as frightfully dark, and my mind remembering w hat
had occurred, shrank from the idea of beholding more; yet
curiosity overmastered all. [...]The dread of years w as lifted off
my shoulders, for I knew that he w hom I had felled w as the
source of all my danger from the curse; and now that I w as free,
I burned w ith the desire to learn more of the sinister thing w hich
had haunted my line for centuries, and made of my ow n youth
one long-continued nightmare. H.P. Lovecraft, The Alchemist
Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce Unseen Forces, the
first expansion for Elder Sign, the cooperative dice game of
Lovecraftian horror. The museum harbors artifacts that draw the
attention of horrible beings, and the unfathomable w ills of these
creatures make themselves know n in the form of blessings and
curses. New Ancient Ones, monsters, and investigators
accompany the introduction of these pow ers, and the entrance
of the museum has been remodeled, adding new locations and
options for the beleaguered investigators.
Elementa l Cla sh Sta rter Pa ck , k r. 145,00 (Studio 2
Publishing, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30 min.
Contains tw o 40 card decks, one for each opposing player. One
deck w ill contain a combination of 15 different Earth and Water
cards; w hile the other deck w ill contain 13 different Air and Fire
cards. Each deck w ill have a variable number of 13 Creature
cards; 9 Spell cards and 18 Element Stones. The Starter Pack
w ill be packaged in a shrink w rapped full color double tuck box
w ith Rules booklet included. The Starter Pack is an economical
w ay to get tw o players involved immediately to play a game.
In ancient times long gone by, w hen the veil betw een the w orld
of the humans and the realm of magic w as thinner, almighty
w izards battled each other in epic duels to determine w ho w as
the master of sorcery and arcane w isdom. Armed w ith a Spell
book and w ith the aid of the enchanted Element-Stones, the
sorcerers summoned fantastic Creatures and magical Spells. A
w izard w ho had no more pages left in his Spell book w ould
eventually have lost the magical battle of w its.
The aim of the game is to reduce the cards in your opponent's
card-deck (or Spell book) to zero by using the Spells and
Creatures in your Spell book. Players take turns that alw ays
follow the same structure. For each point of damage a Player
receives through Creatures or Spells, he or she puts the top
card of his or her deck on his or her Discard Pile. If a player
unable to draw a card, he or she loses immediately.
Duel a t M t.Sk ullzfyre, k r. 240,00 (Cryptozoic
Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-6. Did you know that magical w izards are
battling to the death ... and beyond ... right now !? "Why battle?"
you might ask. "What have I got to prove, magic man?" Only
w ho's the most aw esomely pow erful battle w izard in the entire
realm, that's w hat! As a Battle Wizard, you'll put together up to
three spell components to craft millions* of spell combos. Your
spells might kick ass, or they could totally blow -- it's up to you to
master the magic. You w ill unleash massive damage on the
faces of your w izard rivals in a no-holds-barred, all-out burndow n to be the last Battle Wizard standing. And it doesn't stop
there! Pow erful magic items bring on a w hole new level of
bloody carnage as you and your mighty w izard opponents tear
each other limb from limb in an orgy of killing! Do you have w hat it
takes to use epic spells in a w ar at Mt. Skullzfyre? Will YOU be
the Ultimate Battle Wizard!?!
*Not actually millions of combos ... but like thousands or more,
Combine spell cards into three-piece combos, creating hundreds
of unique and devastating attacks. The chaos is limited only by
your thirst for destruction! Super mind-blow ing fun for 2-6
w izards! Dozens of Arcane Artifacts modify your spells and
bring the ultimate pain to your w izard opponents! Dead Wizard
card innovation keeps players in the game, even w hen they suck
and die before w inning! Simple to learn w ith endless
replayability -- you'll be locked in deadly Wizard Combat till you've
got a long, gross, goat-like beard! Amazing art w ith over 100
unique images, the w orld of epic spell battles comes to
righteously hilarious life! Seriously, I'm not messing around, it's
righteously hilarious...
40 Spell Source cards 40 Spell Quality cards 40 Spell Delivery
cards 25 Dead Wizard cards 25 Treasure cards 8 oversized
Hero cards 8 Wild Magic cards 7 Last Wizard Standing chips 6
Skull life counter chips 4 Six-sided dice 1 Rulebook
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Fa mily Business Anniversa ry Ed., k r. 120,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30min. Be
the boss again, in the popular fast-paced card game, Family
Business™. Mayfair Games has releasing a new and improved
edition of Family Business! The new edition w ill feature new art
and the addition of an "R.I.P" card tray.
Experience the excitement and mayhem of the Gangster age!
Be the boss in this quick-paced card game of survival on the
streets. Family Business pits mobsters against each other. You
w ant to be the last family standing!
One-by-one your gang members are placed on the hit list. Have
you the influence to save them? Will they "Take it on the Lam,"
seek "Police Protection," or pehaps up the ante w ith a "Double
In fast and furious Family Business, the goal is survival! What's in
the cards for your gang?
Fla me Wa r - The Ca rd Ga me of Extreme M odera tion,
k r. 200,00 (Fun to 11 LLC )
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 15-20. Flame War is a
stand-alone card game w here each player takes the roll of a
forum admin. Starting threads, posting, flaming, maybe some
trolling, and perhaps even bringing up a certain Pony that might in
fact be little and belong to someone you know ...
Closing dow n threads scores you points, and the player w ho
scores the most points w hen the game ends w ins.
Flame War is a fun and clever game about running a forum.
Every card in the game represents a post made by a forum
member, often directed at another member. Some are
informational, some are random, and some are dow nright mean.
The internet is a scary place for folks w ho like to read w hat
other people w rite.
Cthulhu Fluxx, k r. 130,00 (Looney La bs)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 10-40.
Follow the w ild-eyed Poet, the obsessed Artist, and the
expeditions of the Professor, as they investigate Eldritch Secrets
no mortal w as meant to discover. Someone has stolen the
Necronomicon from the library at Miskatonic Univeristy, and a
Farm in the hills is undergoing a horrifying Metamorphosis.
Meanw hile, unspeakable abominations stir in Penguin-riddled
Tombs beneath the ice. Are you Inevitably Doomed to a lifetime of
Nightmares in the Sanitarium, or are you, in fact, a Secret Cultist,
w orshiping the Minions of Darkness? Gaze upon the everchanging face of Madness w ith Cthulhu Fluxx!
M onty Python Fluxx Deck , k r. 160,00 (Looney La bs)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 10-40min.
And now for something completely different—It's... Monty Python
Yes, that crazy card game w here the rules keep changing has
joined forces w ith Monty Python to create the looniest card game
ever! Help King Arthur and his Knights find the Holy Grail! Bring a
Shrubbery to the Knights Who Say Ni! Lob the Holy Hand
Grenade at the Killer Rabbit w ith Nasty Big Teeth! Just do it
quickly before the Goal changes again!
Each deck contains 100 cards and instructions.
Zombie Fluxx Deck , k r. 130,00 (Looney La bs)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Zombie Fluxx takes
the aw ard-w inning card game Fluxx and cranks up the fun w ith
a Zombie uprising.
The Zombies arrive in the form of a new type of card, called the
Creeper, w hich hangs around in front of you, preventing you
from w inning.
The good new s is, the Keepers include a Shotgun and a
Chainsaw and various other things you can use as w eapons
against the Zombies. Plus you've got Sandw iches and Coffee
and a couple of Friends to help you w in.
The bad new s is, if your Friends become Zombies, you'll have to
destroy them.
Welcome to the dark side of Fluxx, the card game of everchanging rules!
Ga me of Thrones Ca rd Ga me (HBO Edition), k r. 239,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
"The w olf and the lion w ill be at each other's throats. We w ill be
at w ar soon, my friend." Lord Varys
Game of Thrones is a card game for tw o players based on the
epic HBO series w here players w age w ar in the fields of
Westeros and conspire to crush their opponents at court in
Kings Landing. You can shift the balance of pow er w ith gamechanging plot cards, then marshall your forces and engage your
opponent in a series of challenges to gain pow er for your
Tw o fixed, fifty-card decks allow players to experience their
ow n battles and courtly intrigues in the lands of Westeros as
House Lannister or House Stark. Each deck includes many of the
show 's most recognizable characters and locations, including
Eddard Stark, Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Littlefinger,
and Jon Snow .
Fluxx 4.0 Edition Deck , k r. 130,00 (Looney La bs)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 5-30min.
The card game w ith ever changing rules! It starts out simple, w ith
just the Basic Rule card: draw one card and play one card
during each player's turn. But New Rule cards quickly make
things chaotic.
Even the object of the game w ill often change as you play, as
players sw ap out one Goal card for another. Can you get the
Rocket to the Moon before someone changes the goal to Death
by Chocolate?
100 House Cards (50 Stark and 50 Lannister) 32 Plot Cards 30
Pow er Counters 24 Gold Tokens 2 House Banners 1 Rulebook
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
A Song of the Sea #1 - Rea ch of the Kra k en Cha pter
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Along the sacred strand of Old Wyk, longships lined the shore as
far as the eye could see, their masts thrust up like spears. In the
deeper w aters rode prizes: cogs, carracks, and dromonds w on
in raid or w ar, too big to run ashore. From prow and stern and
mast flew familiar banners. George R.R. Martin, A Feast for
Crow s
As the Great Houses of Westeros play their game of thrones,
their battles and bids for pow er necessitate they maintain strong
fleets of w arships, lest their opponents find their shores ripe for
the picking. Naval superiority is the call of the day, especially
w hile the krakens of House Greyjoy sail the coastlines in their
The Chapter Packs from A Song of the Sea introduce the new
naval challenge enhancement mechanic to A Game of Thrones,
and Reach of the Kraken allow s players to make good use of it.
No few er than ten characters from Reach of the Kraken feature
the enhancement, w hich allow s them to join a challenge as an
actionEeven after the challenge's attackers and defenders have
been declared! Along w ith a host of Fleets, Smugglers, Captains,
and Ironborn, Reach of the Kraken also features three plots and
a naval-themed agenda.
An A Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is required to
play. Contains cards 1-20 of the A Song of the Sea series.
A Song of the Sea #2 - Grea t Fleet Cha pter Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
"Only the Arbor has sufficient galleys to retake the mouth of the
Mander from the ironmen and protect my brothers from their
longships during their crossing. I beg Your Grace, send w ord to
Dragonstone and command Lord Redw yne to raise his sails at
once." Ser Loras Tyrell, A Feast for Crow s
As the Great Houses of Westeros play their game of thrones,
their battles and bids for pow er necessitate they maintain strong
fleets of w arships, lest their opponents find their shores ripe for
the picking. The Chapter Packs from A Song of the Sea bring the
Great Houses' fleets into focus w ith the introduction of the new
naval challenge enhancement mechanic and a host of navalthemed cards.
No House can long maintain its hold upon its lands w ithout a
strong fleet to safeguard its shores. The Great Fleet introduces
sixty new cards (three copies each of tw enty different cards) to
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game that add strength and flavor
to each House's naval presence. Seven Warships, three
Captains, and tw o Ironborn hoist their sails to head for battle.
Furthermore, of the Chapter Pack's three plots one encourages
battles for naval superiority, w hile the other, House-specific
plots reveal some of w hat Martell and Targaryen hope to gain
from their schemes.
An A Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is required to
play. Contains cards 21-40 of the A Song of the Sea series.
A Song of the Sea #3 - Pira tes of Lys Cha pter Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The Pirates of Lys is the third Chapter Pack from the A
Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game.
As the Great Houses head to sea, The Pirates of Lys develops
deep synergies betw een their characters, events, and locations.
The naval challenge enhancement features prominently,
appearing on several characters and interacting w ith new
events and locations. Finally, a new agenda promotes the
cycle's themes of naval exploration and encourages radical new
deck designs.
A Song of the Sea #4 - Turn of the Tide Cha pter Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. A Turn of the Tide is the fourth Chapter Pack from the A
Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game.
As the Great Houses maneuver their navies for utmost impact,
their rivals respond w ith new Armies that gain pow erful and
thematic “Response” abilities w hile their ow ners run only
character agendas or no agendas. Additionally, players gain
new means to reclaim fallen characters from their dead and
discard piles, strengthening their bids for the Iron Throne.
A Song of the Sea #5 - Ca pta in''s Comma nd Cha pter
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Ships and sailors steer the course of history in The
Captain's Command, the fifth Chapter Pack in the A Song of the
Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game! Its sixty
cards (three copies each of tw enty individual cards) allow
players to make greater use of the cycle's new naval challenge
enhancement. Players w ill also find new locations, potent
Prayers, pow erful blood magic, and the first addition to the
game's melee titles found in the Core Set.
A Song of the Sea #6 - Journey''s End Cha pter Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The dw arf shrugged. "Do you w ant to w ager your throne upon a
w oman's w him? Go to Westeros, though E ah, then you are a
rebel, not a beggar. Bold, reckless, a true scion of House
Targaryen, w alking in the footsteps of Aegon the Conqueror. A
dragon." George R.R. Martin, A Dance w ith Dragons
Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the upcoming
release of A Journey's End, the sixth and final Chapter Pack in
the A Song of the Sea cycle for A Game of Thrones: The Card
The Great Houses of Westeros collide in new battles, intrigues,
and pow er struggles as their long journeys from the A Song of
the Sea cycle come to an end. The sixty new cards (three
copies each of tw enty different cards) in A Journey's End
launch players into heated naval battles and chaotic melees.
You'll find five new Warships, five cards to support the game's
Melee keyw ord, Mercenary lords, renow ned Captains, and three
new Prayers for the devout as they call to the Seven for
A Journey's End also concludes the A Song of the Sea cycle
w ith three new cards to support the naval () enhancement. Each
of the Great Houses has w agered its future upon a path it hopes
w ill lead tow ard dominion over the Seven Kingdoms. At A
Journey's End, it is time for you to throw in your lot. Will you
w ager your shot at the throne upon a w him? Or w ill you steer a
true course bold, direct, and fearless as a conquerer come to
claim your birthright?
Cla sh of Arms #1 - Wa r of Five Kings Revised Cha pter
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The five kings have summoned their mighty hosts, and their
queens are protected by guardian knights. This expansion marks
the gathering of forces that can only mean one thing: War is
imminent! Each 60-card, fixed Chapter Pack adds 20 distinct
cards to a player's A Game of Thrones CCG collection.
Cla sh of Arms #2 - Ancient Enemies Revised Cha pter
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The only good enemy is a dead enemy, but there is alw ays one
w hose death is the most satisfying of all. Each Great House
gains a distinct edge w hen they face off against their faction's
most hated enemy! Each 60-card, fixed Chapter Pack adds 20
distinct cards to a player's A Game of Thrones CCG collection.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cla sh of Arms #3 - Sa cred Bonds Revised Cha pter
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Designed to replace traditional booster packs, each 40-card
fixed Chapter Pack w ill add 20 distinct cards to a players
collection every month. The Battle for Ruby Ford Chapter Pack
goes back to w here it all began, and presents a glimpse of the
most epic battle of them all. The legends of Westeros are still a
part of the conflict, as their memory lives on through the stories
and songs of the realm, and the consequences of their deaths
still play out today.
Cla sh of Arms #4 - Epic Ba ttles Revised Cha pter Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The military battles of the War of Five Kings come to life as the
w arring factions clash in epic fashion. With control over w here
and w hen the battles take place, players can shape the field to
their liking. But take heed! In the game of thrones, it is possible to
w in every battle but still lose the w ar!
Epic Battles is the fourth monthly installment of 40 fixed cards for
the A Clash of Arms expansion to the A Game of Thrones
collectible card game, based on George R.R. Martin's bestselling
Song of Ice and Fire saga. It contains 20 different never-beforeseen cards designed to augment existing decks and add variety
to the A Game of Thrones metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; a A Game of Thrones CCG starter
set is required to play
Cla sh of Arms #5 - Ba ttle of Ruby Ford Revised
Cha pter Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Rhaegar lost on the Trident. he lost the battle, he lost the w ar, he
lost the kingdom, and he lost his life. His blood sw irled dow nriver w ith the rubies from his breastplate, and Robert the
Usurper rode over his corpse to steal the Iron Throne.
The Battle of Ruby Ford is the fifth monthly installment of 40 fixed
cards for the A Clash of Arms expansion to the A Game of
Thrones collectible card game, based on George R.R. Martin's
bestselling Song of Ice and Fire saga. It contains 20 different
never-before-seen cards designed to augment existing decks
and add variety to the A Game of Thrones metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; a A Game of Thrones CCG starter
set is required to play.
Cla sh of Arms #6 - Ca lling the Ba nners Revised
Cha pter Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The military battles of the War of Five Kings come to life as the
w arring factions clash in epic fashion. With control over w here
and w hen the battles take place, players can shape the field to
their liking. But take heed! In the game of thrones, it is possible to
w in every battle but still lose the w ar!
Epic Battles is the fourth Chapter Pack of 60 fixed cards for the
A Clash of Arms expansion to A Game of Thrones: The Card
Game, based on George R.R. Martin's bestselling Song of Ice and
Fire saga. It contains 20 different never-before-seen cards
designed to augment existing decks and add variety to the A
Game of Thrones metagame.
This is not a standalone deck; an A Game of Thrones LCG core
set is required to play. Contains cards 61-80 of the A Clash of
Arms cycle.
Ga me of Thrones LCG Core Set, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 1-2h. In A
Game of Thrones LCG, players w ill control beloved (and hated!)
characters from the full span of A Song of Ice & Fire in their
quest for dominance. It's a race for pow er as six Great Houses
Playable out of the box for 2–4 players in either the melee
(multiplayer) or joust (head-to-head) format, the A Game of
Thrones CCG Core Set is an ideal starting point for new players
looking to experience the intrigue, brutal betrayal, and epic
battles of George R.R. Martin's bestselling fantasy series, A
Song of Ice and Fire. Each Core Set includes 240 fixed cards
featuring a complete deck for the Starks, the Lannisters, the
Baratheons, and the Targaryens, and comes complete w ith six
massive plastic title figurines, gold dragon tokens, pow er
counters, and a game board to enhance your adventures in
Kings of the Sea Expa nsion Revised, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14 år. Kings of the Sea, a deluxe
expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, has been
reprinted in a new ly revised edition! While it includes the same
exciting cards and the same focus on House Greyjoy, this
incarnation of Kings of the Sea features three copies each of its
60 unique cards (but does not include the resin house card that
came w ith the first printing). With the revised edition, players w ill
get a full tournament-legal play set w ithout having to purchase
multiple copies of the expansion. Kings of the Sea adds House
Greyjoy as another playable faction, w ith its ow n particular set
of compelling strategies. Strengths native to House Greyjoy
include strong Locations in the form of Warships, lots of Stealth
and abilities based on unopposed challenges, and deck discard
(or 'raiding'). With the revised edition of Kings of the Sea, players
have more deckbuilding options than ever before. Board your
longships and harness the fury of the Iron Fleet!
Kings of the Storm Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. A storm is coming, raging under
the banner of the crow ned stag. The Great Houses of Westeros
w ill shake as the brothers of House Baratheon each make their
claim to the Iron Throne in the deluxe expansion for A Game of
Thrones: The Card Game, Kings of the Storm.
Included in Kings of the Storm are 165 cards - three copies each
of 55 unique cards - that w ill add new depth and strategic
opportunities to your A Game of Thrones decks. Kings of the
Storm w ill boost House Barath-eon's native strengths of pow er
rushing and cost reducing as w ell introduce strong, neutral
Knights to add pow er and synergy to any deck.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Lions of the Rock Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. "The honor of our House w as at
stake. I had no choice but to ride. No man sheds Lannister blood
w ith impunity."
– Tyw in Lannister, A Song of Ice and Fire, Volume I: A Game of
The Lions of Casterly Rock have honored their sigil colors of
crimson and gold w ell, through blood split and w ealth gained.
Lions of the Rock focuses on the ambitious House Lannister,
their vast resources and love of intrigue. It features new cards
that include Clansmen, Tyw in Lannister, Bronn, and new
Lannister-specific, devastating Events. Be careful not to prick a
lion’s pride...a Lannister alw ays pays his debts.
Ghooost!, k r. 170,00 (IEL)
Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 15 min. After the
success of King of Tokyo, Richard Garfield strikes again w ith
Ghooost!, a fast, easy-to-learn card game for the w hole family.
Play your cards w isely to get rid of all the ghosts, undead,
vampires and other spooky creatures haunting your manor.
Block your opponents w hile they're trying to drive spirits out of
their home - and into your backyard! But bew are - the scariest
ghosts w ill not be driven aw ay so easily...
FEATURES: Fast-paced game w ith lots of tw ists and turns!
Manage your hand w isely for chain combos! Easy to carry, quick
to play!
Gink gopolis, k r. 480,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Lions of the Rock is the sixth Deluxe Expansion for A Game of
Thrones: The Card Game, featuring 165 cards new to the LCG®
card pool – three copies each of 55 unique cards – that add
deck-building opportunities and strategic depth to your game.
This is not a stand-alone game; an A Game of Thrones: The Card
Game Core Set is required to play.
Lords of Winter Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Prepare for a long w inter. Lords of Winter, the deluxe
expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, w ill take the
cold honor of House Stark to new heights this spring!
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
2212: Ginkgo Biloba, the oldest and strongest tree in the w orld,
has become the symbol of a new method for building cities in
symbiosis w ith nature. Humans have exhausted the resources
that the Earth offered them, and humanity must now develop
cities that maintain a delicate balance betw een resource
production and consumption. Habitable space is scarce,
how ever, and mankind must now face the challenge of building
ever upw ards. To develop this new type of city, you w ill gather
a team of experts around you, and try to become the best urban
planner for Ginkgopolis.
The Lords of Winter expansion contains 165 cards (3 copies
each of 55 cards), including Eddard and Catelyn Stark, Winterfell,
and "The King of the North," Robb Stark. Players of other houses
w ill also find a w ealth of new strategies, tactics, and deckbuilding options.
In Ginkgopolis, the city tiles come in three colors: yellow , w hich
provides victory points; red, w hich provides resources; and
blue, w hich provides new new city tiles. Some tiles start in play,
and they're surrounded by letter markers that show w here new
tiles can be placed.
Finally, as an introduction to the art of customizing a deck, Lords
of Winter offers deck lists for tw o exciting theme decks, one
featuring the Tullys of Riverrun, and the other featuring the
Direw olves of the North.
On a turn, each player chooses a card from his hand
simultaneously. Players reveal these cards, adding new tiles to
the border of the city in the appropriate location or placing tiles
on top of existing tiles. Each card that you play goes to your lefthand neighbor, so keep in mind how your play might set up
Princes of the Sun Revised Expa nsion, k r. 239,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Containing 120 cards, this set is an essential foundation
for anyone looking to play House Martell in the LCG environment.
Infamous Martell characters like Prince Doran and Princess
Arianne Martell, Areo Hotah, Ser Arys Oakheart, Darkstar, the
Daynes of Sunspear, and the Red Viper himself are featured,
along w ith the staple building block cards necessary to make the
Martells a competitive option.
Queen of Dra gons Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. A queen now enters the War of
Five Kings!
House Targaryen, a family in exile in the mysterious East, is
gathering a ragtag army of barbarians, mercenaries, refugees,
and former slaves under the banner of the three-headed dragon
to take Westeros by fire and blood. The lost heir to the Iron
Throne, Daenerys Targaryen is coming to claim her birthright...
Queen of Dragons is the fifth deluxe expansion for A Game of
Thrones: The Card Game. This expansion adds 165 new cards three copies each of 55 unique cards - to the A Game of
Thrones card pool, offering new depth and strategic
opportunities for House Targaryen, as w ell as adding versatile
Neutral cards that w ill w ork in a variety of decks.
Queen of Dragons boosts House Targaryen's traits of Dothraki
and Dragon and enhances its native strengths of strength
reduction ("burn") and recursion. Queen of Dragons also
includes tw o new Neutral agendas that w ill open creative new
deck-building options for all Houses.
When you add a new tile to the city, you take a "pow er" card of
the same color, and these cards provide you additional abilities
during the game, allow ing you to scale up your building and pointscoring efforts.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Gloom Ca rd Ga me, k r. 199,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Gloom:
The Game of Inauspicious Incidents
and Grave Consequences
The w orld of Gloom is a sad and benighted place. The sky is
gray, the tea is cold, and a new tragedy lies around every
corner. Debt, disease, heartache, and packs of rabid flesheating mice -- just w hen it seems like things can't get any w orse,
they do. But some say that one's rew ard in the afterlife is based
on the misery endured in life. If so, there may yet be hope -- if
not in this w orld, then in the peace that lies beyond.
In the Gloom card game, you assume control of the fate of an
eccentric family of misfits and misanthropes. The goal of the
game is sad, but simple: you w ant your characters to suffer the
greatest tragedies possible before passing on to the w elldeserved respite of death. You'll play horrible mishaps like
Pursued by Poodles or Mocked by Midgets on your ow n
characters to low er their Self-Worth scores, w hile trying to
cheer your opponents' characters w ith marriages and other
happy occasions that pile on positive points. The player w ith the
low est total Family Value w ins.
Printed on transparent plastic cards, Gloom features an
innovative design by noted RPG author Keith Baker. Multiple
modifier cards can be played on top of the same character card;
since the cards are transparent, elements from previously
played modifier cards either show through or are obscured by
those played above them. You'll immediately and easily know the
w orth of every character, no matter how many modifiers they
have. You've got to see (through) this game to believe it!
Designer: Keith Baker | Art: Scott Reeves
Cthulhu Gloom, k r. 199,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. A transparent card
game from Atlas Games
From Dunw ich to Innsmouth, from the halls of Miskatonic
University to the Charles Dexter Ward at Arkham Sanitarium,
trouble is in the air. The stars are almost right, and terrors from
beyond space and time are beginning to break through. When
Cthulhu rises, w e're all doomed -- but w hose dow nfall w ill be the
most entertaining?
In Cthulhu Gloom, you control a group of Lovecraftian
protagonists and guide them dow n a path of horror and madness
to an untimely death, w hile keeping your opponents happy,
healthy, and annoyingly alive. While your characters Gibber With
Ghouls and Learn Loathsome Lore to earn negative points, you'll
encourage your opponents to be Analyzed by Alienists and to
Just Forget About the Fungus to pile on positive points. When
one group finally falls prey to the interdimensional doom that
aw aits us all, the player w hose characters have suffered the
most w ins.
Cthulhu Gloom is printed on transparent plastic cards. Multiple
Modifier cards can be played on top of the same Character card;
since the cards are transparent, elements from previously
played Modifier cards either show through or are obscured by
those played above them. You can immediately and easily see
the point value of every character, no matter how many
Modifiers they have piled on.
Cthulhu Gloom is a stand-alone card game that's also fully
compatible w ith Gloom and its expansions. It introduces Story
cards and Transformation cards.
One or more Story cards can be placed face up on the table at
the start of the game; the first player to meet the conditions of a
card -- draw ing the attention of The King in Yellow or heeding
The Call of Cthulhu, for example -- can claim it and gain the
benefits it lists.
Transformation cards have ongoing effects that remain w ith a
character throughout his life, along w ith a picture that replaces
the character's original art w ith something hideous and slimy;
w hen you've Felt Rather Fishy or been Minced by Mi-Go, the
squamous results aren't easily forgotten!
Unplea sa nt Drea ms, k r. 119,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Spillere: +1. In Cthulhu Gloom, your make your intrepid
investigators face the most terrible terrors and madness before
helping them pass on to their inevitable doom. Unpleasant
Dreams brings the w onders and horrors of the Dreamlands to
the table. Mix the 55 transparent cards in this set together w ith
your copy of Cthulhu Gloom to add morbid new Modifiers,
Events, Stories, Transformations, and Untimely Deaths, and a
new family that calls the Dreamlands their home. Can you
survive the creeping chaos of Nyarlathotep? Will your shantak
be a loyal mount, or w ill you meet your end w hen you approach
Azathoth? Dive into your ow n unpleasant dreams to find out!
NEW RULES: Also inside are tw o new Character cards called
Unw elcome Guests. Deal one or both face up to the table's
center at the the start of the game, and set aside the rest.
Guests "follow " the card types noted on them; no matter w here it
currently is, a living Guest immediately moves to join the family of
the character on w hich one of its "trigger" cards is played. All its
Modifiers are moved w ith it, and it's considered a member of that
family until it moves again. This may delay the game's end if a
final play draw s a Guest to the near-w inner's family!
Adds 1 player.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Guildha ll, k r. 240,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min.
There's No "I" in "Feudal System."
Wealth concentrated in the top 1%? Check. Job security?
Questionable. Health insurance? Nonexistent. Yep, sounds like
the Middle Ages. And it's time you did something about that.
Plenty of people around w ith perfectly good skills, all they need
is somebody w ith the vision to put them together. Somebody like,
say, you.
Guildhall is a game of set collection w here each card has an
ability based on the number of similar cards you've already
gathered into your hall. More Traders? More trading pow er!
Gather professionals of all five colors into your guildhall, and turn
them into victory points. But you're not the only recruiter in the
county, so get it done before someone makes your people a
better offer!
Quick, tactical game play. Card abilities interlock in challenging,
fun w ays. Popular medieval setting. Contents: 120 profession
cards, 30 victory cards, 30 coin tokens, and rules.
Guillotine, k r. 120,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: ½h. This
irreverent and humorous card game takes place during the
French Revolution as players represent rival guillotine operators
vying for the best collection of noble heads over three rounds.
Will you be skillful enough to bribe the guards and collect Marie
Antoinette? Or, w ill you lose points for beheading the Hero of the
People? Heads w ill roll in this revolutionary card game!
Hobbit Ca rd Ga me, The, k r. 79,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 20 min.
Relive the epic struggle of good versus evil in Middle-earth w ith
The Hobbit Card Game, Martin Wallace's fast-paced, standalone,
trick-taking card game for 2-5 players. Win hands and use the
cards you've w on to deal damage to opponents, or heal allies
and help them w ith extra cards. Each character assigns cards
differently, so use your skills w isely! Fight the forces of evil as
Gandalf, Thorin, or Bilbo, or smash the hopes of the heroes as
Smaug or Bolg, the goblin leader.
The Hobbit Card Game includes:
1 Rulesheet 65 Cards This standalone card game is not
associated w ith the LCG The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game.
Illumina ti Deluxe Edition, k r. 279,50 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: M. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 3+. Indh.:
104+4 kort (i en plastikæske), C:168 (penge), 2 T6, 1 badge, 1
plastpose, 1 regelhefte (16s) og 1 rettelseslap. Hvis du er en
små/stor-paranoid spiller med trang til at erobre verden ved
hjælpaf intriger, fusk og korruption, så er dette spillet for dig.
M utua l Assured Distra ction, k r. 55,00 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 1-3 timer. It's getting
easier to find the conspiracies all around us. Just look at the
new s.
Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction is about today's headlines.
Supermajority, Health Reform, Bank Collapse, Superpatriot Act,
Economic Stimulus -- they're tools for w orld control. You knew it
all along, didn't you?
This set introduces "New World Order" cards to the classic
Illuminati game. A NWO card affects all the players, not just the
one w ho put it dow n. This mechanic first appeared in the
collectible card version of Illuminati. You liked it then -- so here it
is for the original game.
Illuminati: Mutual Assured Distraction contains 18 NWO cards to
boost, penalize, and offend major political and social groups of all
kinds. There are also five special cards to trigger, add, or
remove NWO effects.
Ingenious, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1-4. Spilletid: 30-45 min.
Designed by Reiner Knizia, Ingenious is the popular board game
in w hich tw o to four players place colored tiles on a hexagonal
board, scoring points, blocking opponents' tile placement, and
protecting themselves from being blocked. Its simple rules, quick
playing time, and clever gameplay combine to form a subtly
strategic and hopelessly addictive game. With punchboard tiles,
stands that are built into the board, and other component
changes, this new mass market edition offers the full Ingenious
experience at a low er price point.
Figures in the Sa nd, k r. 200,00 (Asma di Ga mes )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 45-90.
Innovation: Figures in the Sand, an expansion for Carl Chudyk's
Innovation, breaks from the format of that game by providing
players w ith recognizable figures from history (instead of new
inventions or concepts) w ith those figures show ing up on your
table to help you w in the game or maybe your opponent.
Historical figures tend to be somew hat fickle.
Figures includes 105 figure cards, w ith the cards being similar to
Innovation cards in that they're divided into ten ages w ith five
colors of cards in each age. Instead of including a dogma pow er
that players can use on their turn, each card in Figures has a
karma that changes the game in some w ay. Karmas might take
effect w hen you meld a card, w hen you're counting icons to
determine w hether you can share an action, or w hen you take
some other action in the game. Instead of melding a card, for
example, you might score it, or instead of giving cards to
opponents w ho demand from you, you might return cards to the
age decks.
Innovation: Figures in the Sand includes five Decree cards, one
for each color. Decrees are a special type of achievement, but
unlike all other achievements Decrees are not safe and can be
A player can have only one Figure in play after any action in the
game; any additional Figures Fade from play, moving to your
score pile.
Innovation: Figures in the Sand can be played w ith just the base
game or combined w ith the Innovation: Echoes of the Past
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Innova tion, k r. 200,00 (Asma di Ga mes )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
The Wheel! Pottery! Philosophy! The Internet! A civilization-building
card game by the designer of Glory to Rome, Innovation contains
105 cards organized into 10 progressing ages - from the Stone
Age to Modern Age - each representing a different idea,
technology, or innovation throughout history. Earn achievement
points by evolving and advancing your civilization through
conflict and by meeting specific criteria w ith the innovations you
have devised. But, bew are! Other civilizations may benefit from
your ideas as w ell!
Ja mbo, k r. 199,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 40min.
Jambo! is the friendly greeting Sw ahili traders offered their
customers in Central Africa before colonization. The players are
traders in this day, competing to be the first to earn 60 gold by
selling tea, hide, fruits, salt, silk, and trinkets. The game is played
w ith cards w hich represent goods, people (w hich can help you
or hinder your opponent), and animals (w hich add a bit of spice
to the game). Players take turns w ith up to 5 actions per turn until
one player reaches the goal and w ins the game.
Author: Rüdiger Dorn.
Jungle Speed - Da rk , k r. 105,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 15 min. Jungle Speed
just got even faster!
Jungle Speed Dark or Silver – its your choice! Offering new
packaging, new cards, all w eather-proof, and in a new travelconvenient size! Flip the cards, spot the matching symbols and
grab the totem, but grab faster than your friends, or you’ll be
stuck w ith their cards. Dump your w hole hand to w in – if you
can! Jungle Speed is easy to learn and fast to play, w ith
excitement and fun for families and friends of all ages.
Kill the Overlord, k r. 159,50 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. It's good to be the Overlord! Your subjects grovel at
your feet and you have unlimited w ealth and pow er. But there
are some w ho plot against you, so you send out your axeman.
Sadly, he's easy to distract if one is cleverE Who w ill lose their
head? Once the axe starts sw inging, not even the Overlord is
safe! Kill the Overlord is a hot-potato passing card game w here
you're a scoundrel trying to claw your w ay up the social ladder:
Eliminate the competition by passing the Execution Order and
don't lose your head!
Knights of Ten, k r. 120,00 (Bra in Ca ndy Ga mes )
Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 15-30 min. Knights of
Ten is primarily a game for tw o, but can also be played by four
competing in teams. You're trying to collect as much gold as
possible each round, and the player (team) w ith the most gold
after the predetermined number of rounds w ins.
Each round, players start w ith seven cards in hand; cards
feature numbers from 1 to 10, as w ell as negative numbers,
cards that can be either positive or negative, and special plays
such as the dragon and w izard. One player leads by playing a
card to her "horde" (the table in front of her); if she plays a 1,
she can play again immediately. The next player must follow
playing to his ow n horde first and have an equal or higher total in
his horde at the end of his turn. If he can't, he loses the trick; if
he can, the opponent gets to play again and play continues backand-forth until one player loses.
Whoever w ins collects 1 gold, plus 1 Gold for each Gold card in
the pot. The w inner draw s one card and either keeps it or keeps
the next card in the deck; the loser draw s tw o cards (one of
them being the card left by the other player, if any). Play
continues until all 16 Gold have been claimed, at w hich point a
w inner is determined for the round.
In a four-player game, you and your teammate share a horde and
take turns playing into it.
•Fast pace and exciting game play.
•Easy to learn.
•Fun for all of your friends and family.
•International best seller!
Jungle Speed - Silver, k r. 105,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Sværhedsgrad: 7+. Spillere: 3-4. Spilletid: 15 min. Jungle Speed
just got even faster!
Jungle Speed Dark or Silver – its your choice! Offering new
packaging, new cards, all w eather-proof, and in a new travelconvenient size! Flip the cards, spot the matching symbols and
grab the totem, but grab faster than your friends, or you’ll be
stuck w ith their cards. Dump your w hole hand to w in – if you
can! Jungle Speed is easy to learn and fast to play, w ith
excitement and fun for families and friends of all ages.
•Fast pace and exciting game play.
•Easy to learn.
•Fun for all of your friends and family.
•International best seller!
Hvem i dette rum, k r. 199,00 (Kylsk å pspoesi)
Boxsæt. Hvem i dette rum tisser i brusebadet, og hvem i dette
rum ville overleve i kortest tid på en øde ø? Hvem har den bedste
speaker-stemme, hvem smugkigger i andre menneskers
toiletskab, og hvem bruger længst tid på at samle en reol fra
Hvem i dette rum? er navnet på et vanvittigt underholdende,
udfordrende og medrivende selskabsspil, hvor det afsløres,
hvilket billede vi har af hinanden, og hvad vi egentlig mener og
tror om andre. Dette er spillet, der viser, hvordan vi bliver opfattet
i vores venners øjne!
Spillet indeholder mere end 300 skøre, pinlige og personlige
spørgsmål, som alle begynder med spørgsmålet: Hvem i dette
rum? Træk et kort, læs spørgsmålet højt for alle, lad alle tænke
sig om et par sekunder, tæl til tre og lad så alle ved bordet pege
på den person, de synes, passer bedst som svar på
Vær klar til en masse overraskelser, pinlige afsløringer og sjove
diskussioner! Hvem i dette rum? er det perfekte spil ved enhver
middag eller som opvarmning til festen!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Leverpostej, ja ntelov og k la pha tte, k r. 199,00
(Kylsk å pspoesi)
Boxsæt. Et underholdende spil om at opføre sig som "en typisk
Praler du med danske popgrupper, som du ikke engang synes
om, når du møder folk i udlandet? Lægger du din taske på sædet
ved siden af dig i bussen for at undgå, at nogen sætter sig netop
der? Tænker du hvert år, at nu vinder Danmark garanteret Melodi
Grand Prix´et? Har du nogensinde klappet, når flyet lander? Og
har du nogensinde forsøgt at få en, som ikke taler dansk, til at
sige: "Rødgrød med fløde"?
Hvis du kan svare ja til ét eller flere af disse spørgsmål, har du
alle muligheder for at vinde dette spil.
Leverpostej, jantelov og klaphatte er et vildt underholdende spil,
hvor du får eller mister point i forhold til, hvor typisk dansk du
opfører dig... på godt og ondt.
Spillet rummer mere end 300 træfsikre spørgsmål, der handler om
bl.a. leverpostej, papvin, potteplanter og røde pølser. Det er et
supersjovt spil med høj genkendelsesfaktor, som helt sikkert
sætter gang i nogle lystige diskussioner!Spillet er perfekt som
gave og er samtidig en festlig måde at lære både sig selv og sine
venner bedre at kende.
Spillet er oplagt til festen, middagen eller grillaftenen. God
Tøse midda g, k r. 199,00 (Kylsk å pspoesi)
Boxsæt. Mere end 400 spørgsmål til den ultimative pigeaften
Er I klar til den ultimative pigeaften? Tøsemiddag er et festligt spil
med mere end 400 spørgsmål til den ultimative pigeaften! Lær
både dine veninder og dig selv bedre at kende på en
underholdende måde, hvor grin, skøre historier og sjove
anekdoter garanteres. Spillet byder på emner, der omhandler
ekskærester, sladder, sjove minder, pinlige historier, sex og
meget mere.
Det perfekte spil til pigemiddagen, forfesten eller vinaftenen med
dine veninder!
Tøsemiddag er en perfekt gaveidé, og du får samtidig et sjovt
indblik i dine veninders tankegang!
Legenda ry - A M a rvel Deck Building Ga me, k r. 600,00
(Upper Deck Compa ny, LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game is set in the Marvel
Comics universe. To set up the game, players choose a number
of hero decks – Spider-Man, Hulk, Cyclops, Wolverine, etc. – and
shuffle them together; since players use only a handful of hero
decks out of the fifteen included, the hero deck can vary w idely
in terms of w hat's available. Players then choose a mastermind
villain (Magneto, Loki, Dr. Doom, etc.), stack that particular
villain's attack cards underneath it, then modify the villain deck as
needed based on that villain's particular scheme.
Over the course of the game, players w ill recruit pow erful hero
cards to add to their deck in order to build a stronger and more
resourceful deck. Players need to build both their recruitment
pow ers (to enlist more heroes) and their fighting ability (to
combat the villains w ho keep popping up to cause trouble).
Players recruit heroes from an array of six cards, w ith empty
slots refilled as needed. At the start of a player's turn, he reveals
a villain and adds it to the row of villains. This row has a limited
number of spaces, and if it fills up, the earliest villain to arrive
escapes, possibly punishing the heroes in some w ay. Some
villains also take an action w hen show ing up for the first time,
such as kidnapping an innocent bystander. The villain deck also
contains "master strike" cards, and w henever one of these
show s up, the mastermind villain (controlled by the game) takes
a bonus action.
As players fight and defeat villains, they collect those cards,
w hich w ill be w orth points at game's end. Players can also fight
the mastermind; if a player has enough fighting pow er, he claims
one of the attack cards beneath the mastermind, w hich has a
particular effect on the game. If all of these cards are claimed,
the game ends and players tally their points to see w ho w ins. If
the mastermind completes his scheme, how ever – having a
certain number of villains escape, for example, or imposing a
certain number of w ounds on the heroes – then the players all
Letter of M a rque, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30-45min.
Letter of Marque is a sw ift-moving game of treasure, temptation,
and trickery on the high seas. Players sail their gold-laden
galleons across the ocean w hile sending out raiders and
avoiding the cannon fire of fellow privateers. With only tw o
defended ships and five piles of treasure, each player must bluff
their w ay to port to bank their hard-earned riches, w hile also
venturing to make off w ith as much of their enemy’s gold as
Letter of Marque is a card game for 3-6 players, ages 13 and up,
and is playable in 30 to 45 minutes.
1 rulebook
30 treasure cards
30 plastic ships and bases
18 cannon cards
Expa nsion 2 - Liquid Coura ge - TILBUD, k r. 20,00
(Gorilla Ga mes)
This expansion to Lifeboat introduces an additional character
(Madame Wong) w ith the special ability to drink from other
character's w ater or Liquid Courage cards, complete w ith love,
hate, navigation, identity, and placeholder cards. Also included
are Liquid Courage cards.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Fellowship of the Ring Deck Building Ga me, k r. 320,00
(Cryptozoic Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-45 min. In
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellow ship of the Ring Deck-building
Game, you take on the role of Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn, or one of
their brave and heroic allies in the struggle against the forces of
the Dark Lord Sauron! While you begin armed only w ith basic
combat maneuvers, you w ill add new , more pow erful cards to
your deck as you go, w ith the goal of defeating the deadly
forces that serve Sauron as you make your w ay tow ards Mount
Doom. In the end, the player w ho has accumulated the most
Victory Points from the cards in his or her deck w ins the game.
Each player takes on the role of an iconic hero from The Lord of
the Rings: The Fellow ship of the Ring, including Aragorn, Frodo,
Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Samw ise, and Boromir. Each hero
comes w ith a special pow er unique to that character and usable
only by that player.
Each player starts w ith his or her ow n basic ten-card deck and
draw s a hand of five cards each turn. Pow er is the currency
you w ill use to buy new , stronger cards to add to your deck. The
goal of a deck-building game is to craft your personal deck into a
w ell-oiled machine. There are five different types of cards that
can be acquired: Enemies, Allies, Artifacts, Maneuvers, and
To bolster their existing deck of cards, players use Pow er to
acquire cards from "The Path," a large, central stack of cards
that supplies a five-card line-up from w hich players make their
purchases. Each player w ill alw ays have five face-up cards to
choose from each turn, so every turn there are new options and
When a player has amassed enough Pow er, he or she may
defeat more pow erful enemies from the "Archenemy" deck.
"Archenemy" cards are represented by the notable enemies
from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellow ship of the Ring, including
Saruman, and the Balrog, among others. When an "Archenemy"
is defeated, a new one appears and makes an Attack against
each player in the game! Players can defend themselves w ith
Defense cards like Boromir's Shield, Mithril Armor, "You Shall Not
Pass!" and several others.
Aga inst the Sha dow 1 - Stewa rd's Fea r Adventure
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Stew ard’s Fear is a tale of corruption w ithin the heart of
Gondor that follow s immediately upon the events of the three
scenarios from the Heirs of Númenor expansion. Middle-earth’s
heroes receive a summons from the Stew ard of Gondor, w ho
suspects that Mordor sympathizers have begun to plot against
the realm. When he asks the heroes to investigate, their search
for clues leads them out of the main streets and back alleys of
Minas Tirith…deep into an underw orld w here nefarious plots and
deadly villains aw ait them.
As the first chapter of the larger narrative in the Against the
Shadow cycle, The Stew ard’s Fear enters a new realm of
storytelling for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. New
mechanics and villains present all new challenges to Gondor, its
heroes, and the players w ho w ould guide them to success.
You’ll explore underw orld locations, encounter hidden
ambushes, and rally the troops during battles and sieges.
Meanw hile, Gondor comes to life on the players’ side, too, as the
White City receives support from those w ho live in the
neighboring outlands.
Aga inst the Sha dow 2 - Drua da n Forest Adventure
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Working against the shadow of Mordor, Middle-earth's
heroes pursue the Dark Lord's agents into The Dr adan Forest,
the second Adventure Pack in the Against the Shadow cycle for
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. In the w oods, the heroes
learn a startling truth and face surprising new challenges. The Dr
adan Forest introduces a new hero, three copies of each player
card, and an all-new scenario in w hich players encounter the
Woses and their sneaky Prow l mechanic.
Ba ttle for La k e Town, The, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Prepare yourself for a fight to the death w ith the legendary
dragon Smaug in The Battle of Lake-tow n, a scenario originally
designed for a special event at Gen Con Indy 2012! In this special
scenario for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, Middleearth’s heroes must defeat the legendary dragon Smaug to save
the citizens of Lake-tow n, but the odds are against them. The
tow n is burning, Smaug’s fires leap from building to building, and
as the dragon soars overheard ready to make his next attack,
his hide of impenetrable scales protects him from nearly all
attempts at retaliation!
The Battle of Lake-tow n is a challenging scenario that w e
originally ran as part of a special event and have now made
available via Print on Demand. The 52 cards of The Battle of Laketow n immerse you in the thrills and perils of Middle-earth as your
heroes undertake a three-part quest that sets them right in the
middle of one of the most dramatic and action-packed scenes
from The Hobbit.
Will you find a w eakness in Smaug's armor? Can you save
innocent men, w omen, and children? Can you w in The Battle of
Lake-tow n?
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Dwa rrowdelf 1 - Redhorn Ga te Adventure Pa ck , The,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
"Tonight w e shall be on our w ay high up tow ard the Redhorn
Gate. We may w ell be seen by w atchers on that narrow path,
and w aylaid by some evil."
–Gandalf, The Fellow ship of the Ring
When some of Middle-earth’s greatest heroes volunteer to escort
Arw en to Rivendell, their voyage through The Redhorn Gate
becomes the start of an epic new journey that w ill take them
through bone-chilling snow storms and hordes of enemies, into
the tw ists and turns of the entire Dw arrow delf cycle.
The Redhorn Gate offers players exciting new challenges as the
heroes’ escort mission takes a startling turn into adventure in an
all-new quest like none before it. Kicking off the Dw arrow delf
narrative arc, The Redhorn Gate introduces 60 new cards,
including an all-new scenario, a new hero, and three copies of
each new player card.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the Rings:
The Core Set and The Lord of the Rings: Khazad-dûm are
required to play.
Dwa rrowdelf 2 - Roa d to Rivendell Adventure Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Having traversed the freezing snow s and treacherous
mountain pass of the Redhorn Gate, the heroes of Middle-earth
continue their w inding journey through the hills w est of the Misty
Mountains. But the w ay is long and perilous, and dangers aw ait
those sent to escort Arw en Und-miel along the Road to Rivendell.
Road to Rivendell is the thrilling second chapter of the
Dw arrow delf narrative arc. Ferocious enemies lie in w ait
throughout the high hills w est of the Misty Mountains, ready to
ambush the intrepid heroes, and players must shield Arw en from
danger even as their heroes fight for their lives. Road to
Rivendell introduces 60 new cards, including an all-new
scenario, a new hero, three copies of each new player card,
and an exciting new Ambush mechanic that changes how
enemies engage w ith players.
Dwa rrowdelf 3 - Wa tcher in the Wa ter, The - Adventure
pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Elrond is troubled by the great numbers of Orcs that
plagued his daughter's journey across the Misty Mountains. He
requests heroes to explore the mines of Moria, hoping they can
determine the source of the increased Orc activity, but before
the heroes can explore Moria's vast netw ork of mining tunnels,
they must first gain entranceE
The Watcher in the Water represents an action-packed turning
point in the Dw arrow delf cycle of Adventure Packs for The Lord
of the Rings: The Card Game. The heroes seek a means into the
dark and abandoned realm of Moria, but they must first survive a
ferocious battle w ith seething masses of tentacles. Combining
tense combat w ith clever riddles, the 60 new cards of The
Watcher in the Water include a thrilling scenario, a new hero,
and three copies of each player card.
Dwa rrowdelf 4 - Long Da rk Adventure Pa ck , k r. 119,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
After a brutal conflict outside the gates of Moria, several of
Middle-earth's heroes press forw ard into the dark, Dw arven
mines to scout the ancient tunnels for the source of the
increased Orc activity in the Misty Mountains. The w ay is dark
and choked w ith foes and hazardsE
The Long Dark continues the ongoing narrative of the
Dw arrow delf cycle, adding 60 new cards to The Lord of the
Rings: The Card Game, including a new hero and three copies of
each player card. Players w ill also experience an all-new
scenario that pits brave heroes against bands of Goblins, the
hazards of traveling in the dark, and the risk of getting lost. As
Middle-earth's heroes travel through the dark, underground realm
of Moria, they must navigate carefully or suffer the
consequences of losing their w ay. Any w rong turn may result in
Dwa rrowdelf 5 - Founda tions of Stone Adventure Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Having set out from Rivendell to discover the root of the
increased Orc activity in the Misty Mountains, Middle-earth's
heroes pursue the trail deep into the darkness of Moria. Their
search leads them beneath the mines, dow n into Moria's
Foundations of Stone. The 60 new cards in this fifth compelling
Chapter Pack in the Dw arrow delf cycle for The Lord of the
Rings: The Card Game introduce a new hero and three copies of
each player card. Meanw hile, they continue the cycle's ongoing
saga w ith an all-new scenario that traps your heroes in
treacherous underground currents that w ash them into a dark
and dangerous realm w here the nameless things lair!
Foundations of Stone allow s 1-4 players to explore the
subterranean perils beneath the mines of Moria and offers fresh
new challenges and surprises for multiplayer games.
Dwa rrowdelf 6 - Sha dow a nd Fla me Adventure Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Throughout the Dw arrow delf cycle for The Lord of the Rings:
The Card Game, the heroes of Middle-earth have been tasked by
Elrond to find the root of the increased Orc activity in the Misty
Mountains. Through treacherous mountain passes, goblin
ambushes, dark tunnels, and underground w aterw ays, their
journey leads them at last to the depths of MoriaE and the terrible
discovery that aw aits them!
Shadow and Flame is the climactic final Adventure Pack in the
Dw arrow delf cycle. Its 60 cards introduce a new hero, three
copies of each player card, and conclude the epic saga's
narrative arc w ith an all-new scenario that pits the heroes of
Middle-earth against a demon from the times of Morgoth in the
fight of their lives!
Heirs of Numenor Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. "Believe not that in the land of Gondor the blood of N
menor is spent, nor all its pride and dignity forgotten." Boromir,
The Fellow ship of the Ring
Heirs of N menor transports your games of The Lord of the
Rings: The Card Game to the embattled realm of Gondor!
This deluxe expansion introduces 165 new cards, including tw o
new heroes, a host of new allies, and three copies of each
player card. With Heirs of N menor, your heroes can join the
might of Gondor in an escalating w ar against the forces of evil,
and three thrilling scenarios lead you from the relative safety of
the streets of Pelargir to the heat of an epic battle w ith an army
of Orcs and Southrons.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Hobbit - On the Doorstep Sa ga Expa nsion, k r. 239,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 2. The Hobbit: On the
Doorstep is the second Saga Expansion for The Lord of the
Rings: The Card Game, continuing the story begun in The Hobbit:
Over Hill and Under Hill. Players directly relive the exciting events
of the beloved classic, The Hobbit. Encounter giant spiders,
burgle treasures from the mighty Smaug, and fight the Battle of
Five Armies. The Hobbit: On the Doorstep introduces three new
scenarios, five new heroes, and player cards all pulled from the
pages of the second half of The Hobbit!
Hobbit - Over the Hill a nd Under Hill, k r. 239,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. This is the story of how a Baggins
had an adventure, and found himself doing and saying things
altogether unexpected. J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit
The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill is the first Saga Expansion
for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game and it gives players
the chance to participate directly in the thrilling narrative laid out
by J.R.R. Tolkien in his beloved classic. Its characters, enemies,
and scenarios are draw n directly from the first half of the novel.
The three new scenarios in The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill
can be played one at a time, or they can be linked to form a
campaign that allow s players to relive Bilbo's dramatic story arc.
The Hobbit: Over Hill and Under Hill also introduces five famous
heroes, three copies of each player card, and an exciting new
card type treasures!
Kha za d-Dum Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+.
"For a w hile w e had new s and it seemed good: messages
reported that Moria had been entered and a great w ork begun
there. Then there w as silence, and no w ord has ever come from
Moria since."
–Glóin, The Fellow ship of the Ring
Lost Cities (Eng), k r. 199,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20-40 min.. In Lost Cities, another
card game in the Kosmos tw o-player series, the object is to
mount profitable expeditions to one or more of the five different
lost cities. Card play is quite straightforw ard, w ith a few
agonizing moments sprinkled through w hat is mostly a fastmoving game. If you start a given expedition, you'd better make
some progress in it, or it'll score you negative points. If you can
make a lot of progress, you'll score quite w ell. After three
rounds, the highest total score takes the day.
Love Letter, k r. 80,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20 min. All of the
eligible young men (and many of the not-so-young) seek to w oo
the princess of Tempest. Unfortunately, she has locked herself
in the palace, and you must rely on others to bring your romantic
letters to her. Will yours reach her first?
Love Letter is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2 4 players.
Your goal is to get your love letter into Princess Annette's hands
w hiledeflecting the letters from competing suitors.
From a deck w ith only sixteen cards, each player starts w ith
only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn,
you draw one card, andplay one card, trying to expose others
and knock them from the game.
Pow erful cards lead to early gains, but make you a target. Rely
on w eaker cards for too long, how ever, and your letter may be
tossed in the fire!
Fast, easy game play Family-friendly w ith lavish artw ork Part of
the Tempest game line By renow ned Japanese designer Seiji
Kanai Clamshell packaging show s off the embroidered bag
Contents: Embroidered velvet bag w ith draw string, 16 game
cards, 4 reference cards, 13 w ood tokens, and rules booklet.
It has been many years since the Dw arves last heard from Balin.
Now the heroes of Middle-earth must search for signs of him
and his fledgling Dw arven colony. Khazad-dûm is the first deluxe
expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, expanding
your game w ith 165 new cards. Tw o Dw arf heroes offer their
services, and players gain the benefit of new player cards
(three copies of each) w hile facing new scenarios filled w ith
perilous locations and a menacing host of enemies. Visit our
Khazad-dûm w ebsite to learn more.
This is not a standalone set. A copy of The Lord of the Rings:
The Core Set is required to play.
Lord of the Rings LCG Core Set, The, k r. 319,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 1-2. Spilletid: 30-90. An
ancient evil stirs in the black lands of Mordor, and the people of
Middle-earth speak of a terrible doom approaching from the east.
The only hope lies in a heroic few w ho must w ork together to
stem the tide of evil... Forge new legends in Middle-earth w ith
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game! Gather your friends and
together take on the forces of shadow . As the first cooperative
Living Card Game, The Lord of the Rings puts 1-2 players (or up
to four w ith tw o Core Sets!) in control of the most pow erful
characters and artifacts of Middle-earth. Players w ill select
heroes, gather allies, acquire artifacts, and coordinate their
efforts to face Middle-earth's most dangerous fiends. Follow ing
the Living Card Game format, The Lord of the Rings: The Card
Game w ill be expanded by monthly Adventure packs that w ill
expand player card pools w hile introducing new challenging
scenarios for the players to undertake.
2012 Core Set Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
The Battle Rages On
The Magic: The Gathering game expands every year, introducing
new w orlds filled w ith deadly perils, ancient adversaries, and
fantastic new adventures. At its center is the Magic core set, the
game in its purest form: evocative spells, menacing creatures,
and infinite possibilities. But even at its core, the experience is
ever-changing. The Magic 2012 core set boldly continues this
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
2012 Core Set Intro Pa ck - M ystica l M ight, k r. 120,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Attack early, attack often! That's the motto of the "Mystical Might"
deck, w hich seeks to overw helm your opponents w ith
elusive—and illusory—creatures before they can mount a
The deck's Illusions are pow erful fighters, but they have a catch:
If they ever become the target of a spell or ability (even by you),
the magic that's keeping them intact w ill fail and they'll be put into
the graveyard. That's w here Lord of the Unreal comes in. Not
only does this creature give your Illusions +1/+1 so they hit
harder, but it also gives them hexproof, so your opponent isn't
even allow ed to target them!
Once you have a small fighting force, you have a few options to
keep your opponent off -balance. You can use counterspells,
like Cancel, and temporary removal spells, like Unsummon and
Oblivion Ring, to keep potential blockers off the battlefield w hile
your army finishes the job. It doesn't take that many hits from 2pow er creatures to knock your opponent all the w ay from 20 life
to 0! Or you can ramp up the aggression by casting gigantic
flying creatures such as Sphinx of Uthuun. Just keep attacking
and some of your creatures are bound to get through!
A simple w ay to make the deck more pow erful is to increase the
Lord of the Unreal count. Their bonuses stack up, so if you have
tw o of them and one Phantasmal Bear on the battlefield, the Bear
is 4/4! Phantasmal Image also supports this theme, since it can
enter the battlefield as an Illusion copy of the best creature any
player has. If you like the fearsome flier theme instead, Djinn of
Wishes is a perfect addition to your air force.
Main Deck
60 cards
14 Island
10 Plains
------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 lands
Æther Adept
Arbalest Elite
Aven Fleetw ing
Benalish Veteran
Coral Merfolk
Lord of the Unreal
Phantasmal Bear
Phantasmal Dragon
Rusted Sentinel
Serra Ange
Siege Mastodon
Skyw inder Drake
Sphinx of Uthuun
Stormfront Pegasus
------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 creatures
2 Cancel
2 Elixir of Immortality
1 Levitation
1 Mind Control
1 Negate
2 Oblivion Ring
2 Unsummon
------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 other spells
2013 Core Set Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
The Magic 2013 Core Set features 249 black-bordered cards,
2013 core set Booster Ba ttle Pa ck - Two-Pla yer Ga me,
k r. 100,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Booster Battle Packs are designed as an introduction to the
limited format of Magic: The Gathering, and are quick and fun for
Magic players of any level. To play Booster Battle Packs, each
player selects a deck, opens a booster, chooses up to five
cards from it, and shuffles them into their deck - then the spellslinging begins! Each pack contains tw o 20-card, semirandomized decks w ith appropriate land cards, tw o 15-card
Magic 2013 Core Set booster packs, a Magic learn-to-play guide,
and one rules insert.
2013 Core Set Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r. 850,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
The Magic 2013 Core Set features 249 black-bordered cards,
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
2013 Core Set Event Deck - Sweet Revenge, k r. 250,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. The key card in this deck is Burning Vengeance, a
enchantment w ith the ability "Whenever you cast a spell from
your graveyard, Burning Vengeance deals 2 damage to target
creature or player." Are you scratching your head? Now count
how many cards w ith the flashback ability are in the deck. And
check out how many of your spells deal damage on their ow n,
too. With spells like these, w ho needs the combat phase?
You'll need to approach the game in tw o stages. During the first
stage, you'll play defense, fill your graveyard w ith goodies, hit
your land drops, and get a Burning Vengeance or tw o onto the
battlefield. During the second stage, you'll take over the game.
Start casting those flashback spells from your graveyard, and kill
anything that moves. If there's nothing in front of you but
scorched earth, point your Burning Vengeance triggers straight
at your opponent.
Fettergeist is a great attacker, but leave it back to block if your
opponent has anything to attack w ith. Preserving your life total
during the early game is a top priority. Armored Skaab pulls
double duty in this deck, serving as a tough blocker w hile also
dumping some cards into your graveyard. Both of these
creatures have 4 toughness, w hich allow s them to survive
Slagstorm w hen you cast it to clear the board. Geistflame, Pillar
of Flame, and Silent Departure are all efficient w ays to deal w ith
individual threats. Firew ing Phoenix is your backup plan if you
must resort to attacking for the w in.
Putting cards into your ow n graveyard w ith Forbidden Alchemy
and Armored Skaab may feel counterproductive at first, but so
many of your cards can be cast from your graveyard that it's
almost like you're putting them into your hand. Cast Think Tw ice
and Desperate Ravings from your hand early on to find more
lands to play and more removal to defend yourself w ith. But hold
off on casting them from your graveyard until you have Burning
Vengeance on the battlefield.
Sideboarding w ith this deck is straightforw ard. Do you need to
kill more things early on? Bring in Dismember and Arc Trail. Is
your opponent also playing a control deck w ith lots of card
draw ing and answ ers and just a few threats? Turn the tables
and bring in Screeching Skaab, Bloodcrazed Neonate, and
Secrets of the Dead to apply constant pressure. Sw ap these
cards in for your main-deck removal, w hich is unlikely to be
useful in that matchup.
If you're looking to make the deck even more controlling, the
Magic 2013 card Magmaquake can deal w ith creatures and
planesw alkers at the same time. Thundermaw Hellkite is a hasty
Dragon that hits like a truck. It could give the deck a different,
more proactive angle of attack that mixes w ell w ith the Burning
Vengeance game plan. If you like everything about the deck but
w ant to try w inning w ith something besides Burning Vengeance,
take a look at Talrand, Sky Summoner. With this legendary blue
creature, every instant and sorcery you cast comes w ith a 2/2
flying Drake token.
1 Darkslick Shores
1 Desolate Lighthouse
4 Evolving Wilds
7 Island
9 Mountain
1 Sulfur Falls
1 Sw amp
------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 lands
2 Armored Skaab
4 Fettergeist
1 Firew ing Phoenix
------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 creatures
4 Burning Vengeance
4 Desperate Ravings
4 Faithless Looting
3 Forbidden Alchemy
2 Geistflame
3 Pillar of Flame
1 Red Sun's Zenith
1 Rolling Temblor
1 Silent Departure
2 Slagstorm
4 Think Tw ice
------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 other spells
2 Arc Trail
4 Bloodcrazed Neonate
2 Dismember
4 Screeching Skaab
3 Secrets of the Dead
------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 sideboard cards
2013 Core Set Intro Pa ck - Pa th to Victory, k r. 140,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Attack early and often w ith your ever-grow ing battalion. Under
the command of Odric, Master Tactician, your troops w ill
overw helm your opponents, even dictating their blocking
decisions if you attack w ith three or more creatures. Blue fliers
provide air support as you march to victory.
2013 Core Set Intro Pa ck - Sole Dominion, k r. 140,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Choose a single fearsome attacker to lead the charge in this
2013 Core Set Intro Pa ck - Wild Rush, k r. 140,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Massive creatures hit the ground running w ith this explosive
Ava cyn Restored Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
Ignite the Daw n
The archangel Avacyn has returned! A bright, fiery daw n
banishes Innistrad’s shadow s. Humanity takes up arms and
drives back the creatures of the night. With flights of angels
overhead, the righteous band together and w ield holy light and
miraculous magic to restore the balance of their w orld.
The Avacyn Restored TCG set features 244 black-bordered
cards, including randomly inserted premium versions of all cards
in the set.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ava cyn Restored Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r. 850,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Ignite the Daw n
The archangel Avacyn has returned! A bright, fiery daw n
banishes Innistrad’s shadow s. Humanity takes up arms and
drives back the creatures of the night. With flights of angels
overhead, the righteous band together and w ield holy light and
miraculous magic to restore the balance of their w orld.
The Avacyn Restored TCG set features 244 black-bordered
cards, including randomly inserted premium versions of all cards
in the set.
Ava cyn Restored Intro Pa ck - Fiery Da wn, k r. 120,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Fiery Daw n
The "Fiery Daw n" deck focuses on the pow er of Humans
w orking together. Since this is an aggressive deck, your primary
focus w ill be to cast creatures and start attacking w ith them as
early as possible.
Many of your cards provide bonuses w henever another
creature show s up on your side. Some bonuses, such as those
provided by Kessig Malcontents and Vigilante Justice, deal
damage to take out potential blockers so you can attack w ith
ease or shorten the game by taking a chunk out of your
opponent's life total. Kruin Striker temporarily makes itself bigger,
w hile Goldnight Commander temporarily makes your entire army
bigger. Cathars' Crusade is an enchantment that goes one step
beyond that: it makes your entire army bigger permanently!
Perhaps the most dynamic card in the deck is Thatcher Revolt.
Since it puts three Human tokens onto the battlefield, it can cause
your other cards' abilities to trigger three times at once! Of
course, it also provides a small army of creatures raring to
charge at your opponent. Add in Zealous Conscripts, w hich
recruits one of your opponent's creatures to fight on your side
for a turn, and a few damage-dealing spells like Incinerate and
Pillar of Flame, and justice w ill come sw iftly indeed.
If you'd like to jack up the damage-dealing potential of this deck,
Burn at the Stake and Bonfire of the Damned are both ferocious
w ays to end the game in a torrent of fire. If, instead, you'd like to
increase the number of pow erful Humans in the deck, the
Innistrad card Champion of the Parish is one of the fiercest
fighters you could add.
Main Deck
60 cards
24 lands:
12 Mountain
12 Plains
21 creatures:
2 Benalish Veteran
1 Devout Chaplain
2 Elite Vanguard
2 Goldnight Commander
2 Kessig Malcontents
2 Kruin Striker
1 Manic Vandal
2 Moorland Inquisitor
3 Riot Ringleader
1 Somberw ald Vigilante
2 Thraben Valiant
1 Zealous Conscripts
15 other spells:
1 Angelic Armaments
1 Banners Raised
1 Cathars' Crusade
1 Commander's Authority
1 Fireball
2 Incinerate
1 Pacifism
1 Pillar of Flame
3 Thatcher Revolt
2 Vigilante Justice
1 Zealous Strike
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ava cyn Restored Intro Pa ck - Solita ry Fiends, k r.
120,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Solitary Fiends
With the "Solitary Fiends" deck, your nefarious scheme is to
have exactly one creature on the battlefield. Your most pow erful
threats thrive if you meet this condition. For example, Demonic
Rising supplies you w ith a 5/5 flying Demon, and Lone Revenant
provides you w ith extra cards. Other creatures such as
Fettergeist and Havengul Skaab are at their best w hen by
themselves, and provide an easy w ay to ditch your other
Enchantments like Homicidal Seclusion (w hich gives a solitary
creature +3/+1 and lifelink) or Predator's Gambit (w hich gives a
solitary creature +2/+1 and intimidate) can make any creature
terrifying enough to rip your opponent apart. And once you have
a creature w ith immense pow er, take advantage of it w ith
Triumph of Cruelty and Essence Harvest!
Playing w ith just one creature can be risky since you leave
yourself open to counterattacks, but the deck has a number of
w ays to fend off your opponent. Frost Breath and Crippling Chill
lock dow n opposing creatures. Into the Void and Peel from
Reality return creatures to their ow ners' hands. (This is also
helpful for getting you dow n to a single creature!) Alchemist's
Apprentice and Crypt Creeper are especially useful minions—not
only can they block potentially painful attacks, but they can
sacrifice themselves at a moment's notice w hen you'd benefit by
having just a single creature.
If you're interested in customizing this deck, try adding Descend
into Madness, an enchantment that w ill devastate your
opponent's side of the board w hile supporting your solitary
strategy. Another strong choice is Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, a
Planesw alker w ho can distract your opponent's creatures and
refill your hand w ith cards.
Main Deck
60 cards
24 lands:
11 Island
13 Sw amp
17 creatures:
3 Alchemist's Apprentice
1 Corpse Traders
1 Crypt Creeper
2 Fettergeist
1 Havengul Skaab
1 Lone Revenant
2 Marrow Bats
2 Mist Raven
2 Renegade Demon
2 Undead Executioner
2 Tormentor's Trident
1 Triumph of Cruelty
Da rk Ascension Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
Innistrad has been overrun by creatures of the night. Vampires,
w erew olves, and zombies run w ild across the land. While the
forces of good struggle to hold back the threat, villagers cow er
behind w alls and pray for the morning light. In this nightmare
w orld of monsters and dark magic, only the most pow erful
Planesw alkers w ill survive.
Dark Ascension features 158 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Da rk Ascension Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r. 850,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Innistrad has been overrun by creatures of the night. Vampires,
w erew olves, and zombies run w ild across the land. While the
forces of good struggle to hold back the threat, villagers cow er
behind w alls and pray for the morning light. In this nightmare
w orld of monsters and dark magic, only the most pow erful
Planesw alkers w ill survive.
Dark Ascension features 158 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Dra gon's M a ze Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Ten Guilds, One Destination!
A massive puzzle spans the city-w orld of Ravnica, and all ten
guilds race to be the first to crack the mystery. Rumors abound
that w hoever navigates the maze of clues could command w orldshaking pow er. Will your guild take the prize?
Dragon's Maze features 156 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Dra gon's M a ze Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r. 850,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Ten Guilds, One Destination!
A massive puzzle spans the city-w orld of Ravnica, and all ten
guilds race to be the first to crack the mystery. Rumors abound
that w hoever navigates the maze of clues could command w orldshaking pow er. Will your guild take the prize?
Dragon's Maze features 156 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Dra gon's M a ze Guildpa ck - Azorius, k r. 175,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Azorius: The law makers of Ravnica, the Azorius Senate are a
hierachical bureaucrazy obsessed w ith order, stability and the
rule of law .
The Dragon's Maze Guildpacks feature the five new guilds, as
w ell as the five from Gatecrash. So w hen you buy a Dragon's
Maze Guildpack you choose the guild you w ant (from the five
new ones), but the pack w ill also contain a random supporting
Gatecrash guild booster.
It w ill alw ays be one tha shares a color w ith your chosen guild!
In short, this is w hat you get:
19 other spells:
2 Crippling Chill
1 Demonic Rising
2 Doom Blade
2 Essence Harvest
2 Frost Breath
1 Homicidal Seclusion
2 Into the Void
2 Peel from Reality
1 Predator's Gambit
1 Sw iftfoot Boots
•One Return to Ravnica Guild Booster Pack
•Four Dragon's Maze Booster Packs
•One Gatecrash Guild Booster Pack
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Dra gon's M a ze Guildpa ck - Golga ri, k r. 175,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Golgari: Members of the Golgari Sw arm lurk in the fungusencrusted tunnels of Ravnica's undercity, and revere the natural
cycles of life and death.
Dra gon's M a ze Guildpa ck - Selesnya , k r. 175,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Selesnya: The Selesnya Conclave is a vast, interconnected
commune that constantly strives to recruit new members, valuing
the strength of the w hole over the individual.
The Dragon's Maze Guildpacks feature the five new guilds, as
w ell as the five from Gatecrash. So w hen you buy a Dragon's
Maze Guildpack you choose the guild you w ant (from the five
new ones), but the pack w ill also contain a random supporting
Gatecrash guild booster.
It w ill alw ays be one tha shares a color w ith your chosen guild!
The Dragon's Maze Guildpacks feature the five new guilds, as
w ell as the five from Gatecrash. So w hen you buy a Dragon's
Maze Guildpack you choose the guild you w ant (from the five
new ones), but the pack w ill also contain a random supporting
Gatecrash guild booster.
It w ill alw ays be one tha shares a color w ith your chosen guild!
In short, this is w hat you get:
In short, this is w hat you get:
•One Return to Ravnica Guild Booster Pack
•Four Dragon's Maze Booster Packs
•One Gatecrash Guild Booster Pack
•One Return to Ravnica Guild Booster Pack
•Four Dragon's Maze Booster Packs
•One Gatecrash Guild Booster Pack
Dra gon's M a ze Guildpa ck - Izzet, k r. 175,00 (Wiza rds
of the Coa st)
Izzet: The impulsive and reckless inventor-mages of the Izzet
League create magics that pow er Ravnica's infrastructure and,
sometimes lay w aste to city blocks.
Dra gon's M a ze Intro Pa ck - Gruul Siege, k r. 130,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Ruric and Thar are the tw o heads of an ogre chieftain w ho's
alw ays prepared for a brutal battle. Know n to the rest of
Ravnica as Ruric Thar, they charge in at every opportunity,
slaughtering w hoever gets in their path. Get in the w ay of that
bloodied axe and your opponents w on't be in one piece for long.
The Dragon's Maze Guildpacks feature the five new guilds, as
w ell as the five from Gatecrash. So w hen you buy a Dragon's
Maze Guildpack you choose the guild you w ant (from the five
new ones), but the pack w ill also contain a random supporting
Gatecrash guild booster.
It w ill alw ays be one tha shares a color w ith your chosen guild!
26 lands:
12 Forest
4 Gruul Guildgate
10 Mountain
In short, this is w hat you get:
•One Return to Ravnica Guild Booster Pack
•Four Dragon's Maze Booster Packs
•One Gatecrash Guild Booster Pack
Dra gon's M a ze Guildpa ck - Ra k dos, k r. 175,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Rakdos: The bloodthirsty Cult of Rakdos celebrate their flair for
sadistic entertainment, spreading depravity and mayhem
w herever they riot.
The Dragon's Maze Guildpacks feature the five new guilds, as
w ell as the five from Gatecrash. So w hen you buy a Dragon's
Maze Guildpack you choose the guild you w ant (from the five
new ones), but the pack w ill also contain a random supporting
Gatecrash guild booster.
It w ill alw ays be one tha shares a color w ith your chosen guild!
In short, this is w hat you get:
•One Return to Ravnica Guild Booster Pack
•Four Dragon's Maze Booster Packs
•One Gatecrash Guild Booster Pack
24 creatures:
2 Cobblebrute
2 Feral Animist
1 Ghor-Clan Rampager
2 Kraul Warrior
1 Ripscale Predator
3 Rubblebelt Maaka
2 Ruination Wurm
1 Ruric Thar, the Unbow ed
2 Saruli Gatekeepers
1 Skarrg Goliath
1 Slaughterhorn
2 Viashino Shanktail
3 Zhur-Taa Druid
1 Zhur-Taa Sw ine
10 other spells:
1 Armed // Dangerous
2 Ground Assault
2 Gruul Cluestone
2 Gruul War Chant
1 Pit Fight
1 Predator's Rapport
1 Volcanic Geyser
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Dra gon's M a ze Intro Pa ck - Orzhov Power, k r. 130,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Teysa Karlov embodies the scheming, ruthless side of the
Orzhov Syndicate. She show s no mercy, and those that attempt
to fight back are crushed—and then promptly brought back to
fight for Orzhov once more.
27 lands:
4 Orzhov Guildgate
11 Plains
12 Sw amp
23 creatures:
3 Bane Alley Blackguard
1 Basilica Guards
2 Basilica Screecher
1 Bazaar Krovod
1 Crypt Ghast
2 Dark Revenant
1 Kingpin's Pet
2 Maw of the Obzedat
2 Sin Collector
1 Smog Elemental
2 Steeple Roc
1 Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts
2 Tithe Drinker
2 Ubul Sar Gatekeepers
10 other spells:
1 Assassin's Strike
1 Crypt Incursion
1 Dying Wish
2 Fatal Fumes
1 Gift of Orzhova
2 Orzhov Cluestone
1 Profit // Loss
1 Riot Control
Dra gon's M a ze Intro Pa ck - Ra k dos Revelry, k r. 130,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Rakdos: The bloodthirsty Cult of Rakdos celebrate their flair for
sadistic entertainment, spreading depravity and mayhem
w herever they riot.
26 lands:
10 Mountain
4 Rakdos Guildgate
12 Sw amp
25 creatures:
1 Bloodfray Giant
2 Carnage Gladiator
1 Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch
1 Grim Roustabout
3 Gutter Skulk
2 Guttersnipe
2 Minotaur Aggressor
2 Rakdos Drake
3 Riot Piker
2 Slum Reaper
2 Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers
2 Spaw n of Rix Maadi
2 Spike Jester
9 other spells:
1 Aw e for the Guilds
1 Havoc Festival
2 Morgue Burst
1 Punish the Enemy
2 Rakdos Cluestone
1 Sinister Possession
1 Toil // Trouble
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Dra gon's M a ze Intro Pa ck - Simic Domina tion, k r.
130,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
The biomancer Vorel w ants every living thing to achieve its
greatest potential. He w ill ensure that your creatures grow to
gargantuan proportions. All you have to do is evolve them a little
yourself first.
26 lands:
10 Forest
12 Island
4 Simic Guildgate
22 creatures:
1 Archw eaver
2 Battering Krasis
2 Beetleform Mage
3 Centaur Courser
2 Cloudfin Raptor
1 Crocanura
1 Crow ned Ceratok
2 Elusive Krasis
1 Gyre Sage
1 Murmuring Phantasm
2 Opal Lake Gatekeepers
1 Sapphire Drake
2 Species Gorger
1 Vorel of the Hull Clade
12 other spells:
2 Bred for the Hunt
1 Give // Take
1 Hindervines
1 Krasis Incubation
2 Mutant's Prey
1 Phytoburst
2 Runner's Bane
2 Simic Cluestone
Duel Deck - Phyrexia Vs The Coa lition, k r. 199,50
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Relive the most epic battle in Magic: The Gathering
history! The scourge know n as the Phyrexian plane of Rath has
been overlaid upon Dominaria. Single-minded and w ith an
unyielding goal to eliminate all in their path, the mono-black
Phyrexian army is filled w ith a variety of efficient killing
machines. For Dominaria, victory is the only option. The Coalition,
representing the five colors of Magic, has united under the
leadership of Gerard Capashen to combat the Phyrexian
invaders. When tw o forces that are polar opposites w age w ar,
sheer devastation can be the only outcome. The question then
remains, w here w ill you stand? Each Magic: The Gathering Duel
Deck set contains tw o 60-card ready-to-play decks, a strategy
insert, and a Magic "learn to play" guide. Offered in 6-count
Duel Deck s - Sorin vs. Tiba lt, k r. 199,50 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
Designed for engaging, head-to-head duels betw een
experienced players, Magic the Gathering CCG: Duel Decks Sorin vs. Tibalt contains tw o, competitive, 60-card decks ready
to play right out of the box, including 12 rare cards and tw o
alternate art, premium foil, Mythic rare Planesw alker cards.
Ga tecra sh Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Tensions build on the city-w orld of Ravnica, w here each guild
plies its ow n agenda to outsmart and outmaneuver the others.
Uncover the remaining five guilds w ith the Gatecrash set so that
your guild can be the first to unravel Ravnica’s deep-rooted
Gatecrash features 249 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Ga tecra sh Booster Ba ttle Pa ck - Two Pla yer Ga me, k r.
100,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Each one contains everything you need for a tw o-player game
of Magic. There are tw o Gatecrash booster packs and tw o semirandomized "decks" of 22 cards. Each one is associated w ith
one of the Gatecrash guilds: Orzhov, Dimir, Gruul, Boros, and
Simic. Each player takes one, then opens a booster pack and
selects up to five cards to add. Then each player has a deck of
22 to 27 cards. And then the battling begins!
Ga tecra sh Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r. 850,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Tensions build on the city-w orld of Ravnica, w here each guild
plies its ow n agenda to outsmart and outmaneuver the others.
Uncover the remaining five guilds w ith the Gatecrash set so that
your guild can be the first to unravel Ravnica’s deep-rooted
Gatecrash features 249 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Ga tecra sh Guildpa ck - Gruul - TILBUD, k r. 150,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Each Guild Pack contains five Gatecrash booster packs, a guildGa tecra sh Intro Pa ck - Gruul Golia ths, k r. 130,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Each of the five Gatecrash Intro Packs comes w ith a ready-toGa tecra sh Intro Pa ck - Orzhov Oppression, k r. 130,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Each of the five Gatecrash Intro Packs comes w ith a ready-toInnistra d - Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Horror Lurks Within
Innistrad is a plane of menace and dread w here every creature
hides a darker aspect. Here, hedonistic vampires stalk the
shadow s to quench their thirst, and the full moon can transform
a simple villager into a savage w erew olf. Best to huddle inside,
Planesw alker, lest the horrors of this w orld rend you limb from
Innistrad features 264 black-bordered cards, including randomly
inserted premium versions of all cards in the set. It is available in
booster packs, intro packs, and fat packs. And for the first time
ever, Innistrad brings double-faced cards to Magic.
Innistra d - Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r. 850,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Horror Lurks Within
Innistrad is a plane of menace and dread w here every creature
hides a darker aspect. Here, hedonistic vampires stalk the
shadow s to quench their thirst, and the full moon can transform
a simple villager into a savage w erew olf. Best to huddle inside,
Planesw alker, lest the horrors of this w orld rend you limb from
Innistrad features 264 black-bordered cards, including randomly
inserted premium versions of all cards in the set. It is available in
booster packs, intro packs, and fat packs. And for the first time
ever, Innistrad brings double-faced cards to Magic.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Innistra d Intro Pa ck - Eldritch Onsla ught, k r. 120,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Know ledge is pow er! Use cards w ith flashback to
repeatedly pummel your opponent until your supernatural forces
can conjure up a suitably horrifying end.
Main Deck
60 cards
24 lands
---------------13 Island
11 Mountain
15 creatures
--------------------2 Armored Skaab
1 Charmbreaker Devils
3 Deranged Assistant
2 Fortress Crab
2 Merfolk Mesmerist
2 Murder of Crow s
1 Pitchburn Devils
1 Scourge of Geier Reach
1 Sturmgeist
21 other spells
------------------------2 Burning Vengeance
1 Cellar Door
2 Curse of the Bloody Tome
2 Desperate Ravings
3 Dream Tw ist
1 Geistflame
1 Ghoulcaller's Bell
2 Grasp of Phantoms
1 Harvest Pyre
1 Into the Maw of Hell
1 Rolling Temblor
2 Silent Departure
2 Think Tw ice
La nd Sta tion 2011, k r. 160,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. Contents:
M irrodin Besieged Event Deck - Into the Brea ch, k r.
250,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. The Right Deck, Right Now
Event Decks let you enter the w orld of tournament play know ing
you've got a pow erful deck designed to let you be immediately
competitive. Each Event Deck contains 60 pow erful cards and a
supplemental 15-card sideboard. Rest assured that each one of
these w eapons w as handpicked to inflict pain upon any
opponent w ho takes you on.
Into the Breach
Victory or death! Blast the rot-fiends off the face of Mirrodin w ith
ligtning and fire. Unleash the forces of fury as you sw arm the
Phyrexians w ith overw helming rage and shimmering steel.
This deck contains:
22 lands:
1 Contested War Zone
21 Mountain
26 creatures:
2 Goblin Bushw hacker
2 Goblin Guide
4 Goblin Wardriver
1 Iron Myr
4 Kuldotha Rebirth
4 Memnite
4 Ornithopter
4 Signal Pest
1 Spikeshot Elder
12 other spells:
2 Darksteel Axe
2 Devastating Summons
2 Galvanic Blast
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Panic Spellbomb
15 card sideboard:
2 Act of Treason
4 Goblin Ruinblaster
2 Into the Core
1 Leyline of Punishment
4 Searing Blaze
2 Unstable Footing
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M irrodin Besieged Intro Pa ck - M irroma ncy, k r. 120,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Some Magic decks w in the game w ith pow erful creatures.
Others, like the "Mirromancy" deck, w in w ith pow erful spells.
Burn spells like Lava Axe and Red Sun's Zenith take fiery bites
out of your opponent's life total, w hile cards like Quicksilver
Geyser and Sleep give you the time you need to w in.
Small utility creatures like Blisterstick Shaman and Neurok
Commando deal w ith your opponents' creatures and stock your
hand full of threats. Don't forget that even though your Neurok
Commando can't be targeted, Rally the Forces still boosts its
pow er, grants it fi rst strike, and allow s it to w in its fair share of
The key card in your deck is Galvanoth, a 3/3 creature that lets
you cast instants and sorceries from the top of your library for
free. Spells like Preordain and Foresee help to make sure that the
top of your deck is the card that you'll need. Another creature,
Fire Servant makes the burn spells you cast hit a lot harder. With
Fire Servant on the table, Lava Axe deals a w hopping 10
damage, and Arc Trail gets to deal 6 damage total.
The beauty of a deck like this is its flexibility, and it's easy to
customize it. Are your opponents w ielding decks full of annoying
artifacts? Into the Core, an instant that exiles tw o artifacts, is a
great answ er. Are your opponents trying to sw arm you w ith a
creature rush? Slagstorm deals 3 damage to each creature on
the battlefield for only three mana (or it can deal the last 3
damage to your opponent in a pinch). Finally, if the game is going
long, Blue Sun's Zenith lets you draw as many cards as you
have mana to pay—and shuffles right back into your deck so
you can do it again later!
24 lands:
11 Island
13 Mountain
17 creatures:
2 Blisterstick Shaman
1 Fire Servant
1 Galvanoth
2 Iron Myr
2 Koth's Courier
2 Lumengrid Gargoyle
2 Neurok Commando
2 Ogre Resister
2 Peace Strider
1 Silver Myr
19 other spells:
2 Arc Trail
1 Burn the Impure
2 Call to Mind
1 Crush
2 Foresee
2 Lava Axe
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Melt Terrain* 2
1 Preordain
2 Quicksilver Geyser
1 Rally the Forces
1 Red Sun's Zenith
1 Sleep
1 Turn the Tide
M irrodin Besieged Intro Pa ck - Pa th of Blight, k r.
120,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
The Phyrexian infection has spread to encompass all the colors
of Magic. Like any aggressive green-w hite deck, the "Path of
Blight" deck deploys cheap creatures to the table and then uses
combat tricks to ensure that your cards trump theirs. The
difference is that since all your creatures have infect, they need
to deal only 10 damage to your opponent to ensure your victory!
If you can't get the last few poison counters using your
creatures, Decimator Web can seal your victory once and for all.
Start out by casting Blight Mamba or Plague Myr on your second
turn, and keep up the pressure by continuing to cast creatures
like Rot Wolf and Priests of Norn. Your deck has creatures at a
variety of mana costs, so you'll be able to make use of all of your
mana on almost every turn.
Use your spells to make sure that your creatures can keep
getting through to deal damage to your opponent. Clear blockers
out of the w ay w ith a Banishment Decree, especially if it lets you
push through the massive Phyrexian Hydra. If you see your
opponent is planning to "chump block," use Mighty Leap to send
your creatures to the air before blocking, or w ait for the block to
happen and then use Unnatural Predation to make that blocker
less eff ective.
Of course, other Mirrodin Besieged cards can help you
customize your deck. Creeping Corrosion, a sorcery that
destroys all artifacts, is the perfect answ er to any sort of
artifact-based strategy your opponent may be using. And of
course, the ultimate fi ghting machine in any infect deck is
Blightsteel Colossus, an 11/11 creature w ith trample and infect
that's capable of taking dow n your opponent w ith a single attack!
25 lands:
14 Forest
11 Plains
21 creatures:
2 Blight Mamba
1 Blightw idow
1 Core Prow ler
1 Corpse Cur
2 Phyrexian Digester
1 Phyrexian Hydra
2 Phyrexian Juggernaut
2 Plague Myr
2 Priests of Norn
2 Rot Wolf
2 Tangle Angler
2 Tine Shrike
1 Viridian Corrupter
14 other spells:
2 Banishment Decree
2 Choking Fumes
1 Decimator Web
2 Hunters' Feast
1 Mighty Leap
1 Pistus Strike
1 Safe Passage
2 Trigon of Infestation
2 Unnatural Predation
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
New Phyrexia Event Deck - Rot From Within, k r. 250,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
The "Rot from Within" deck combines features of aggressive
decks and combo decks into a w inning package. It can come out
of now here, delivering a lethal ten poison counters to a hapless
opponent before he or she even know s w hat's going on.
Inexpensive creatures like Glistener Elf and Ichorclaw Myr can
sneak in a point or tw o of damage early, then rise to enormity
thanks to cards like Groundsw ell, Primal Bellow , and Mutagenic
Grow th.
Some creature-based decks play out the same w ay every game,
putting their threats on the table and attacking until the opponent
is defeated. This deck, how ever, requires you to be more subtle.
Your strategies may change based on your opening hand.
Sometimes you'll have Glistener Elf on the first turn, tw o
Groundsw ells in hand, and it's full speed ahead tow ard a turnthree victory. Other times you'll need to be more patient, w aiting
for your opponent to tap out and striking after a surprise Carrion
Call. Still other games w ill see you doing basically nothing at
all—until you're running over your opponent, tapped out or not,
w ith a single Putrefax. Boosted by a Primal Bellow or tw o, it can
easily deliver a lethal dose of poison counters!
Your pow er-pumping spells are one of your deck's greatest
strengths, but your opponents may see it as a w eakness. If your
opponents are using their sideboards to make sure you don't
have any creatures to pump up, bring in Trigon of Infestation to
make sure you never run out of gas. Other decks may try to
slow dow n your momentum w ith w ave after w ave of blockers.
Betw een your Contagion Clasp and Unnatural Predation,
how ever, you should be able to either get those blockers out of
the w ay or trample over the top for lethal damage in spite of their
best defensive eff orts. The rest of your sideboard consists of
specific answ ers to specific problems— including Melira, Sylvok
Outcast, just in case your opponent also has poison in mind!
While this version of the infect deck tries to be as explosive as
possible, there are other w ays to go about building it. Stocking
up on Inkmoth Nexus as your primary w in condition allow s you to
perhaps dip into black and fill your deck w ith more removal
spells. Alternatively, embracing black could lead you to more
pow erful creatures w ith infect like Phyrexian Crusader,
Phyrexian Vatmother, and Hand of the Praetors.
60 cards
22 Forest
1 Inkmoth Nexus
------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 lands
Blight Mamba
Glistener Elf
Ichorclaw Myr
Overgrow n Battlement
Rot Wolf
Viridian Corrupter
------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 creatures
4 Carrion Call
1 Contagion Clasp
1 Green Sun's Zenith
4 Groundsw ell
4 Mutagenic Grow th
4 Primal Bellow
------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 other spells
3 Contagion Clasp
1 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
2 Obstinate Baloth
1 Pistus Strike
3 Trigon of Infestation
2 Unnatural Predation
2 Vines of Vastw ood
1 Viridian Corrupter
------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 sideboard cards
Return to Ra vnica - Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
Ravnica: the metropolis of the Multiverse. Though the Guildpact
spell has been broken, the ten guilds live on in this city-covered
plane. Five of them lie w ithin. Choose your allegiance carefully,
Planesw alker.
Return to Ravnica features 274 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Return to Ra vnica - Booster Displa y - TILBUD, k r.
850,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Ravnica: the metropolis of the Multiverse. Though the Guildpact
spell has been broken, the ten guilds live on in this city-covered
plane. Five of them lie w ithin. Choose your allegiance carefully,
Planesw alker.
Return to Ravnica features 274 black-bordered cards, including
randomly inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Return To Ra vnica Event Deck - Creep a nd Conquer,
k r. 250,00 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
Boxsæt. The Golgari Sw arm are the ultimate scavengers, finding
the utmost value in every life and in every death. This deck puts
that philosophy into action, making the most of every creature on
the battlefield and every creature card in your graveyard.
Your first mission is defense. Although the deck has removal
spells like Tragic Slip and Ultimate Price to make that job easier,
your primary w eapon w ill be w ave after w ave of w illing
blockers to trade w ith your opponent's creatures. Creatures w ith
the scavenge ability, like Slitherhead, Drudge Beetle, and Dreg
Mangler are key to this effort. Also consider blocking w ith
Daw ntreader Elk even if it's not pow erful enough to take dow n
the creature it's blocking: you avoid taking damage, and you can
sacrifice Daw ntreader Elk to get an extra land.
Once you've blunted your opponent's initial assault, it's time to
start attacking. Remember all the scavenge creatures that ended
up in your graveyard? Now that you have some breathing room,
you can start piling up +1/+1 counters on Daggerdrome Imp and
Vampire Nighthaw k, w hich are both flying creatures w ith lifelink.
Your opponent w ill have a hard time w inning a damage race
against them. Creatures w ith the soulbond mechanic, like Trusted
Forcemage, Druid's Familiar, and Wolfir Silverheart, also
contribute to your plan to turn your creatures into strong
offensive threats.
Korozda Guildmage provides useful support at all stages of the
game, w hether you're trying to stabilize, on the attack, or locked
in a standstill. Its first ability not only lets one of your creatures
sneak past potential blockers but can also deter your opponent
from attacking by threatening to make your creatures bigger. Its
second ability turns a big creature into a number of 1/1
Saprolings that you can use as desperation blockers or to
outflank your opponent's creatures on offense. Korozda
Guildmage's abilities can even w ork together: giving a creature
+1/+1 before you sacrifice it gives you an extra Saproling!
When it's time to sideboard, think about your opponent's strategy.
If your opponent is killing all your creatures, bring in Strangleroot
Geist. Its undying ability makes it tw ice as difficult to get rid of. If
your opponent relies on returning cards from the graveyard, Vile
Rebirth w ill muck up those plans w hile providing you a surprise
attacker. Your main deck has plenty of creature removal, but if
the major threats against you are planesw alkers, artifacts, or
lands, turn to Bramblecrush, Duress, and Ghost Quarter instead.
The "Creep and Conquer" deck excels at creating battlefield
advantages through a mix of resilient, reusable creatures and
efficient creature removal. If you prefer the creature angle,
Vorapede (from the Dark Ascension set) and Jarad, Golgari
Lich- Lord are both strong threats w ith built-in defense
mechanisms. If you like having answ ers for your opponents'
best threats, look for Abrupt Decay and the planesw alker
Vraska the Unseen.
Golgari: Creep and Conquer
Return to Ravnica Event Deck
Main Deck
1 Woodland Cemetery
------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 lands
Daggerdrome Imp
Daw ntreader Elk
Deadbridge Goliath
Disciple of Bolas
Dreg Mangler
Drudge Beetle
Druid's Familiar
Korozda Guildmage
Trusted Forcemage
Ulvenw ald Tracker
Vampire Nighthaw k
Wolfir Silverheart
------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 creatures
2 Golgari Charm
4 Tragic Slip
1 Ultimate Price
2 Victim of Night
------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 other spells
3 Bramblecrush
2 Duress
2 Ghost Quarter
4 Strangleroot Geist
1 Thragtusk
3 Vile Rebirth
------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 sideboard cards
Sca rs of M irrodin Booster, k r. 30,00 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
The Corrosion Begins
The metal plane of Mirrodin shines under the light of five suns ...
but it’s now tarnished by the deadly scourge know n as Phyrexia.
As you travel this threatened land, you know a conflict is
brew ing.
Dark forces have begun to assemble. Which side w ill you
Collector's Highlights
•Scars of Mirrodin is the first set in the Scars of Mirrodin block.
•The set features 249 black bordered cards, including randomly
inserted premium versions of all cards in the set.
•The set introduces new mechanics including: Metalcraft, Infect,
and Proliferate.
60 cards
Evolving Wilds
Golgari Guildgate
Grim Backw oods
Sw amp
Ea ster Eggs Booster Pa ck , k r. 40,00 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 1-2 timer. It's Easter,
and you know w hat that means – Bunnies! Kill them and take
their sw eet, sw eet candy! Wear your Sundae Dress and Bunny
Slippers w hile you fight Peter Cottonmouth and Little Bunny
'Thulhu! Just don't eat the Fake Grass . . .
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Guild Booster, The, k r. 50,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Munchkin is the classic card game of killing monsters and taking
their stuff. The Guild is the hot Web series about a gaming group
that puts the FUN in dysFUNctional. (Because otherw ise it'd be
"dysctional," and that's hard to say.)
M unchk in 5 - De-Ra nged, k r. 145,00 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. More of the tw isted humor of Steve Jackson and John
Kovalic in a 112-card supplement for Munchkin!
De-Ranged has everything you love about Munchkin, including:
Now they've come together in a glorious spew of AWESOME,
w ith the new 15-card booster, Munchkin The Guild! Add Codex,
Vork, Clara, Bladezz, Tink, and the mighty Zaboo to your
adventures. You may meet some of their foes along the w ay...
Munchkin The Guild is designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated
by Len "Geek a Week" Peralta.
M unchk in 2 - Unna tura l Axe (Revised), k r. 160,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Steve Jackson and illustrator John Kovalic conjure 112
more cards for the Munchkin slay-field! Play a new race: Orcs!
Face new foes like the Hydrant and the Tentacle Demons. Equip
yourself w ith dread armor likethe Spiked Codpiece. Recruit allies
like the Shoulder Dragon. Wield mighty w eapons like Druid Fluid,
the Catapult and, of course, the dread Unnatural Axe, and show
them w ho's the greatest munchkin of all!
M unchk in 3 - Clerica l Errors (Revised), k r. 160,00
(Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Munchkin Rides Again
You w anted more Munchkin, so here it is! Created by Steve
Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic . . . Munchkin 3: Clerical
Errors has 112 more cards for the best-selling game of killing
monsters and taking their stuff. Play a new race: Gnomes! Try on
the Bard class. Face the Tequila Mockingbird, the Bad Ass, and
the dreaded Auntie Paladin! Equip yourself w ith amazing items
like the Chainmail Bikini and the Stab-A-Matic . . . and show them
w ho’s the mightiest, munchkinest dungeon delver of them all.
And this set has a special treat. We asked five of our favorite
Comic Guys to do one card each. So in this set you'll find:
Phil Foglio's Magnificent Hat
Pete Abrams' Perfectly Ordinary Rabbit
Tom Ricket's Stick Figure
Jon Rosenberg's Fow l Fiend
and Randy Milholland's Redneck Tree!
Designed by Steve Jackson.
M unchk in 4 - Need for Steed (Revised), k r. 145,00
(Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Munchkin 4: The Need for Steed is 112 John Kovalic-illustrated
cards for killing monsters, stealing treasure, and backstabbing
your fellow players. This set introduces Steeds, the trusty
mounts of legend . . . Oh, w ait - this is Munchkin! So these
Steeds include not just the Dragon and the Tiger, but the Giant
Mutant Gerbil (draw n by guest artist Shaenon K. Garrity of
Narbonic), the Chicken, and Big Joe, w ho might be a Steed or
might be a Hireling. It's hard to tell.
Hireling? Yes indeed, The Need for Steed has lots and lots of
Hirelings, w ho look quite a bit like Sidekicks from Super Munchkin,
or Minions from Munchkin Bites! Add these valuable characters
to your retinue, use their special abilities, and sacrifice them
w ithout a thought to save your ow n skin! Or, better yet, kill
somebody else's Hireling. That's the w ay a Munchkin does it!
Feel the need . . . The Need for Steed!
A new Class! Rangers can tame monsters and ride them!
Treasure! Track dow n the Philosopher's Scone, put Racing
Stripes on your Steed, and fill your Canteen of Spleen w ith
Carbonated Holy Water!
Monsters! Bew are the Telemarketer, the Poultrygeist, and the
Undead Clow ns.
And more monsters: imports! That's right, unique monsters
created by the European Munchkin publishers, available for the
first time in English. Quake in fear at the Brothers Grimm and the
Snerks! Or just kill them and take their stuff. Your choice.
Munchkin 5 - De-Ranged. All the munchkin-ism of a prestige
class, w ith none of that annoying roleplaying stuff
M unchk in 6 - Demented Dungeons, k r. 90,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Demented Dungeons introduces a new tw ist on
Munchkin. Now you can enter the Dungeon of Elvish Excess,
w here everyone is an Elf. Or take a Portal to the Dungeon of
Manga Wrangling, w here tentacles are even more dangerous. Or
pow er up in the Dungeon of Unexpected Epicness -- although it's
hardly "unexpected," given the name. Or all of them at once!
Each of the 20 double-sized Dungeon cards adds a new rule
that affects the entire party, and maybe the monsters too! Use
the 16 Portal cards to jump from one Dungeon to the next in your
search for gold and glory.
Munchkin 6 - Demented Dungeons is an expansion for the
classic Munchkin set, and w as designed by Steve Jackson and
illustrated by John Kovalic.
20 double-sized cards, 16 standard-sized cards, and a rulesheet
in a tuckbox.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M unchk in 7 - Chea t with Both Ha nds, k r. 160,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2 hours. Stir Things
Admit it. You really like to combine all your Munchkin sets . . . the
stupider things get, the better. Playing Star Munchkin Cthulhu
Booty Zombies is really w eird and really fun . . . but it can also
slow things dow n.
There are a lot of w ays w e COULD have addressed this
problem. But this is Munchkin, so the solution w e chose w as to
create a lot of really overpow ered new cards. Why be a Super
Munchkin w hen you can be an Ultra Munchkin? If a Half-Breed
isn't enough, you can be a 1/3-Breed. And if a single Cheat! card
doesn't do it for you, you can Cheat With Both Hands!
There are also a lot more monster enhancers . . . and ITEM
enhancers, too. There are several new low -level monsters to
help you get those easy kills. Until somebody takes that Sock
Puppet and turns it into the Ultra-Rare Extremely Sneaky Sock
Puppet With Extra Cheese . . .
Munchkin till you drop – just add players!
This is a supplement, not a stand-alone game. It is meant to be
combined w ith tw o or more Munchkin games, w ith or w ithout
other supplements.
Also, We Think 7 Is a Neat Number
This set replaces both Munchkin Blender and More Good Cards,
w hich w as the original Munchkin 7. We didn't w ant to reprint
More Good Cards, because it w as only 56 cards and most of
those w ere originally from Munchkin Blender, anyw ay*. We didn't
w ant to re-use the name Blender, since this new set – by
popular demand – has the classic Munchkin brow n card backs
rather than Screaming Purple Cards. And w e didn't w ant to eat
our vegetables, because vegetables are yucky.
We hope you are confused now , because w e are, too . . . but
w e thought it w ould be SLIGHTLY less confusing to release a
new Munchkin 7 than to call this expansion Munchkin 8 and have
frustrated people w riting us for the rest of our lives asking, "Why
can't my store get Munchkin 7 in stock?"
M unchk in 8 - Ha lf Horse, Will Tra vel, k r. 159,50 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2 timer.
These tw o classic fantasy races get the Munchkin treatment in
Munchkin 8 Half Horse, Will Travel! Plus new Race and Class
Enhancers: you can be Elite, Legendary, or Elder! Go for all'll need all the help you can get w hen you fight That
Gecko On The Telly, the horrifying Centaurpede, or the dread
Knight Mare!
M unchk in Ca rd Ga me, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 3 - 6. Go dow n in the dungeon. Kill everything
you meet. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the
treasure and run. This new card game, designed by Steve
Jackson, captures the essence of the dungeon experience...
w ith none of that stupid roleplaying stuff. You and your friends
compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And w hat magic
items! Don the Horny Helmet and the Boots of Butt-Kicking. Wield
the Staff of Napalm... or maybe the Chainsaw of Bloody
Dismemberment. Start by slaughtering the Potted Plant and the
Drooling Slime, and w ork your w ay up to the Plutonium Dragon.
And it's illustrated by John Kovalic! Fast-playing and silly,
Munchkin can reduce any roleplaying group to hysteria. And,
w hile they're laughing, you can steal their stuff.
Na ughty & Nice Booster Expa nsion, k r. 40,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
15 new holiday-themed Munchkin cards, all illustrated by John
Penny Arca de, k r. 50,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Steve Jackson's new est Munchkin license is Munchkin Penny
Arcade, based on Jerry Holkins' and Mike Krahulik's w ebcomic,
Penny Arcade. Now the fun and the blow torch come to the game
table! With Mike Krahulik's "Gabe and Tycho" images, and card
text by Steve Jackson, Munchkin Penny Arcade w ill make your
Munchkin game just a little more surreal.
Reindeer Ga mes Booster, k r. 50,00 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Those scary Reindeer are back! And they've brought new Santa
monsters like Teeny Tiny Tim, Recalled Toys, and (eek!) Mrs.
Claus. You know w hat you have to do. Kill them and take their
stuff! Armor yourself in Tinsel, and grab the Snow Shoes and
the Reindeer Hat. Celebrate Christmas the Munchkin w ay – w ith
Reindeer Games!
This is an expansion for Munchkin, not a stand-alone set.
Reindeer Games is not collectible or randomized; every pack is
the same as every other.
M unchk in Apoca lypse, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2 timer. It's
the end of the w orld!
In Munchkin Apocalypse, a 168-card standalone game that can
be mixed and match w ith other Munchkin games, every possible
natural (and unnatural) disaster has happened. You are a
rugged survivor in a w orld full of people -- and things -- that
w ant to kill you and take your stuff. So do it to them first!
And w hat's w ith all these seals running around? Don't they
know the w orld's about to end? You should really keep an eye
on that seventh one in particular...
M unchk in Axe Cop, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2h. Axe
Cop is a cop. With an axe. And he know s how to use it.
Axe Cop is the hit w ebcomic w ritten by Malachai Nicolle (age 5)
and draw n by his brother Ethan (age 29). With his friends
Dinosaur Soldier and Sockarang, Axe Cop fights crime! He hunts
dow n the bad guys (like Giant Robot Zombie, Vampire Man Baby
Kid, and Dr. Stinky Head) and CHOPS THEIR HEADS OFF. Just
don't get blood on you, or you might turn into something totally
different, like Bat Warthog Man or Avocado Warrior.
There's only one game that can match the anything-goes action
of Axe Cop -- and it's Munchkin. So clearly w e had to bring you .
. . Munchkin Axe Cop. Using original art from the series (and a
few brand-new pieces by Ethan Nicolle), this game drops you
into the w orld of Axe Cop.
You know w hat to do. Chop the bad guys' heads off and TAKE
Boxed game w ith 168 cards, rules, and die.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M unchk in Bites!, k r. 200,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 3-6 (2). Spilletid: 1h. It's the World of Dorkness!
The Munchkins are now vampires . . . and w erew olves . . . and
changelings. Bash through the haunted house and slay the
monsters. The OTHER monsters. You can't slay your fellow
munchkins, but you can curse them, send foes at them, and take
their stuff. Of course . . .
This is a stand-alone game, w hich (of course) can be combined
w ith other Munchkin games. And it's illustrated by John Kovalic.
OF COURSE. See Igor, Gilly, and all the other Dork Tow er
characters in their munchkin-vampire finery . . .
So bring along your Coffin (+3!) and w ield The Sw ord Of
Beheading People Just Like In That Movie. Face foes like the
Banshee, the Heck Hounds, and the dreaded Were-Muskrat.
Smite them all, and be the first to Level 10 . . .
Boxed game w ith 168 cards, rules, and die
M unchk in Booty, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1h. Sail the Seven Seas. Plunder
the treasure. Make your crew w alk the plank.
Munchkin Booty brings the greatest gold-grabbers in history –
pirates! – to the w orld of Munchkin. Use your Silver Long Johns
to beat the Lobster Mobster, drink your Demon Rum to fight off
the Viking Kittens, and defend yourself w ith the Cutlass (or
Cutlad, for the gents) against the Prince of Whales. But w atch
out for Sharks!
Plunder the seven seas as a Pirate, Naval Officer, or Merchant.
Taunt your foes w ith your horrible Accent – British, Spanish,
Dutch, or French. Equip your Half-Galleon w ith a Crow 's Nest
and Figurehead. But above all . . . level up!
Munchkin Booty is a stand-alone card game designed by Steve
Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic. It is completely
compatible w ith the original Munchkin.
M unchk in Cona n, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2 timer.
What is good in life?
To kill the monsters and take their stuff!
Conan challenging the w orld, slaying monsters, defeating armies,
laughing in the face of death. He steals the treasure, spends it,
and steals more. Conan is THE Barbarian.
Robert E. How ard's epic hero gets the full Munchkin treatment in
Munchkin Conan, the new core set w ritten by Steve Jackson
and illustrated by John Kovalic. Play a Cimmerian Warrior or a
Stygian Wizard! Wield the Sw ord of the Phoenix and poison your
foes w ith Black Lotus! Slay Thoth-Amon's minions, Pict raiders,
and abominable monsters, and hear the lamentations of their
w omen!
Crypts of Concea lment, k r. 80,00 (Steve Ja ck son
Ga mes)
The eldritch secrets of Munchkin Cthulhu deserve a special
hiding place! The Munchkin Cthulhu Crypts of Concealment are
sturdy cardboard, sized to hold 500 Munchkin cards apiece! One
is labeled Doors, and one is for Treasures.
Bonus: Tw o new Munchkin Cthulhu cards that are unique to this
M unchk in Cthulhu, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Munchkins have hacked their w ay through dungeons, kung fu
temples, starships, haunted houses, and super-foes. Now they
face their greatest challenge – Cthulhu! Will they survive? Will
they retain their sanity? Will they . . . level up?
Munchkin Cthulhu is the new est stand-alone game in the
Munchkin line, this time lampooning Lovecraft's Mythos and the
horror gaming that surrounds it. Brought to you by Steve
Jackson and John Kovalic, this set features four new Classes including the Cultist - and a lot of classic monsters from outside
reality. And they all have Stuff you can take from their tw itching
You can play Munchkin Cthulhu by itself, or combine it w ith any
number of other Munchkin games for mind-bending silliness.
Boxed game w ith 168 cards, rules, and die
M unchk in Cthulhu 2 - Ca ll of Cowthulhu, k r. 90,00
(Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Aw , shucks! Y'all loved Munchkin Cthulhu so much, w e
jes' had ta bring ya more of that dow n-home Munchkin craziness!
Munchkin Cthulhu 2 - Call of Cow thulhu puts the Great Old Ones
out to pasture, Munchkin-style! In this 56-card supplement you'll
More monsters! Hog-Sothoth, the Sheep Ones, Shoggoats - even
Cow thulhu itself!
More w hackers! Squish unnatural creatures w ith the Rolling Pin,
chop them dow n w ith the Scythe, or clean them up w ith the
Super Duper Pooper Scooper.
A new card type - Madness! These are played like Curses, but
every Madness has its advantages as w ell!
And more of everything else. Watch out for Old Man Nodens
w ith his faithful Doggoth, resting on the porch. Defeat the
Arkhamster w ith your Prize-Winning Preserves. And fear . . .
Bovine Intervention!
Call of Cow thulhu. Country life w ill never be the same.
M unchk in Cthulhu 3 - Unspea k a ble Va ult Expa nsion,
k r. 90,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Kick open the Unspeakable Vault!
For years, Goomi has been unleashing his ow n vision of Cthulhu
upon the w orld, in his comic The Unspeakable Vault (of Doom)!
Now his unique take on the Elder Gods comes to Munchkin, in the
form of Munchkin Cthulhu 3 - The Unspeakable Vault.
This 56-card expansion brings Great Cthulhoo, Dagoon, Narly,
and Tindaloo into the pun-filled w orld of Munchkin. Feed your
friends to Cthulhoo, grow Footicles, and use your Inhuman Moan
to defeat the Teeny Weeny Mi-Goo.
What darkness lurks in the Vault?
- More Madness! Fear books (logical enough, given the number
of tomes that can eat your face), ichor, even phobias
- More Monsters! Face Goomi's versions of the Mythos gods and
creatures . . . Ygo, 'Zathoth, Nightgaunts, Ghouls, Deepoines,
and many more!
- More Things That Put The Hurt On Monsters! Wield the Roman
Candle, the giant Hypodermic Needle, and the . . . Can Opener?
Sure, w hy not? After all, this is Munchkin!
The Unspeakable Vault - more "yum yum" for your Munchkin
Cthulhu game.
Designed by Steve Jackson. Illustrated by Goomi.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M unchk in Cthulhu 4 - Cra zed Ca verns, k r. 90,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
Those crafty Old Ones are hiding out from the various
investigators w ho w ant to plunder their ancient artifacts and
forbidden secrets. So w here do you go w hen you w ant to stay
hidden? Underground! Yep, the Old Ones are hitting the caves in
Steve Jackson Games' fourth expansion for the popular
Munchkin Cthulhu card game, Crazed Caverns.
The hunt for forbidden know ledge goes underground into the
Crazed Caverns! Explore the Midden of the Mi-Go! Dig yourself
out of the Dunw ich Ditch! Brave the blue light of Kn-Yan!
Munchkin Cthulhu 4: Crazed Caverns adds Portals and Dungeons
(first seen in Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeons) to Munchkin
Cthulhu. Every new Dungeon card changes the rules, making the
game even more insane—to say nothing of the players! This
expansion contains 16 Door cards and 20 Dungeon Cards.
Sta r M unchk in, k r. 200,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1h. Written by Steve Jackson
Illustrated by John Kovalic
The Munchkins are back - but now they're in space! Now they're
Mutants, Androids, and Cat People . . . grabbing Lasers,
Vibrosw ords, and Nova Grenades . . . fighting Fanged Fuzzballs,
Bionic Bimbos, and the Brain In A Jar. This is a complete game
using the best-selling Munchkin rules (w ith a few new tw ists like
Sidekicks). Yes, it CAN be combined w ith Munchkin! And, of
course, it features the tw isted humor of Steve Jackson and the
w acky cartoons of John Kovalic.
Super M unchk in 2 - Na rrow S Ca pe, k r. 145,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
There comes a time in every munchkin's career w hen he's taken
on more than he can handle, bitten off more than he can chew ,
gotten in over his head. So run aw ay! And laugh! It's time for —
the Narrow S Cape.
With 112 cards to enhance your Super Munchkin game, The
Narrow S Cape is much more than just this season's favorite
fashion accessory! It teems w ith new villains like the
contemptible Cheese Wiz, Gothzilla (w ith earthquake-causing
platform boot action!), and the Ratw oman. And lest you feel
overw helmed by villainy, this expansion also features new
items, new Pow ers and a new Class: the Brain!
Wield the Slide Rule and Pow er Ring against Sister Blister! Tackle
Tackyman w ith the Trampoline! Survive the Tw o-Hour Monolog
because you w ere Raised By Armadillos! And flee from Shaenon
K. Garrity's fearsome Foot and the unfortunate, mind-controlled
Too Much Coffee Man!
Good, The Ba d & The M unchk in 2 - Bea ting a Dea d
Horse, k r. 90,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. A Horse Is A Horse . . .
A corpse, of course! The row diest crow d of munchkins ever to
w reck a saloon is back for more in The Good, the Bad, and the
Munchkin 2 -- Beating a Dead Horse! Fight new varmints like the
Cattyw ampus or the Eyes of Texas! Ride new steeds like Ol' Plug
and the One-Trick Pony! And if all else fails, call in the new Class
. . . the Cavalry!
Munchkin has parodied the classic dungeon, the kung-fu w arrior,
the space epic, and the creatures of the night. Now it’s the
superheroes’ turn!
This is an expansion for The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin. It
is not a stand-alone game.
Good, The Ba d & The M unchk in, The, k r. 200,00 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1h. Oh, give me a home w here
the Jackalopes roam
And the Dudes and the Buckaroos play,
I'll slay and I'll loot, give the monsters the boot,
And the dice are not loaded, no w ay.
Be a Mutant, an Exotic, a Mystic, or a Techno. The higher your
Level, the more Pow ers you can have. Battle dastardly
masterminds, devastating monsters, and invading aliens from the
next dimension – from the w impy Bucketman all the w ay up to
Big Ol' Planet Eater Guy himself – and TAKE THEIR STUFF! With
the Electro-Mento-Hat, the Telezapinator, and the (jet-pow ered)
Pogo Stick, no foe can stand before you!
The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin brings classic munchkinism
to the old West. Play Cow boys and Indians, Outlaw s and Dudes.
Duke it out w ith Paul Bunion, the Jackalope, and the Killer
Jalapeno. Put on your Tw enty-Gallon Hat and your Sheriff's
Badge . . . arm yourself w ith everything from the Civil War
Cannon to the Cow Chip . . . round up your Steed and your
Sidekick, and have at it!
Boxed game w ith 168 cards, rules, and die
Super M unchk in, k r. 200,00 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1h. Fly through the city. Smash
the villains. Backstab your teammates and grab their gadgets.
Super Munchkin is a stand-alone game, w hich (of course) can
be combined w ith other Munchkin games. Designed by Steve
Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, this one is destined to
RULE THE WORLD! Mw ahahaha!
You can play The Good, the Bad, and the Munchkin by itself, or
combine it w ith any number of other Munchkin games to add a bit
of Western-flavored silliness.
M ea t Lock er, k r. 79,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Where do zombies store those tasty, tasty brains? Right here!
The Munchkin Zombies Meat Lockers are sturdy cardboard
boxes, one for Doors and one for Treasures, big enough to hold
500 Munchkin cards apiece!
Bonus: This set includes tw o new Munchkin Zombies cards!
Mmmm... more brains!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M unchk in Zombies, k r. 199,50 (Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2 hours.
Kill the Living! Eat their Brains! Braaiiinns!
It's the sickest, silliest Munchkin yet! You are zombies, kicking
dow n doors and eating brains. The "monsters" you're attacking
are people, some helpless and some hazardous, w ith a few
rogue zombies throw n in. The armor is w hatever you've
blundered across during your lurching search for brains. So
bravely you'll go forth, w ith mousetraps on your feet and a
bow ling trophy protecting your poor rotting head . . . to level up,
or to die.
M unchk in Zombies 3 - Hideous Hideouts, k r. 90,00
(Steve Ja ck son Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 1-2h.
Now here Is Safe From The Munchkins! The smash Munchkin hit
of 2011 w as Munchkin Zombies -- the fans liked it so much that
it's gone back for tw o printings in less than a year! Now , this
new set introduces the popular double-sized "Dungeon" cards to
the Zombies genre.In Hideous Hideouts, the "Dungeons" become
places w here the zombies can find more yummy braaaaaains!
Fort Deadly, the Creepy Isolated Cabin of the Dead,
Resurrecticon . . . you get the idea. And cards like Breach the
Perimeter and Walking in Circles w ill keep the band of hungry
undead on the move as they hunt for tasty, tasty survivors.
This is an expansion for Munchkin Zombies. It is not a standalone game.
Blood Country, k r. 240,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45min.
Cities have fallen, cities have stood, but outside of those
protections, humans must face the creatures of darkness on
their ow n terms. In the law less countryside of Nightfall, the beast
w ithin can w reak havoc like never before.
Blood Country brings all new strategies and tactics to Nightfall,
introducing cards that can have additional impact and ability
based on the use of specific w ounds. Blood Country expands
the dark and intriguing w orld of Nightfall by taking the story out of
the embattled cities and into the rural areas of America. The song
says “a country boy can survive,” and Blood Country show s just
how the blue collar class takes the fight to the vampires,
w erew olves, and other horrors!
Blood Country releases as a pure expansion, featuring only new
cards and dividers, in a reduced-size box. Nightfall and/or
Nightfall: Martial Law are required to play.
Coldest Wa r, The, k r. 320,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
Eastern Europe and the former Russian states are know n as the
birthplace of vampires, w erew olves, and many fears that have
been realized in Nightfall. Face those fears, and bring tactics
used in generations past to fight the darkness.
Nightfall: The Coldest War is a stand-alone expansion to the
competitive deck building game Nightfall. The Coldest War brings
you a complete all-new set of cards w ith special pow ers, and
features a full set of 6 exciting new starting minions! The Coldest
War also introduces Moon Phase cards that change the game
globally, and includes new fully illustrated Wounds cards.
•30 all-new cards, w hich includes 6 new starter minions!
•Moon Phases add new global effects that alter your game play
•Playable stand-alone or combine w ith other Nightfall sets for
increased strategy!
•More amazing art that illustrates the dark w orld of Nightfall
•144 minion cards
•84 action cards
•24 draft cards
•32 card dividers
•6 moon cards
•60 w ound cards
•rule book
Crimson Siege, k r. 240,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
Crimson Siege is a new expansion to the competitive
deckbuilding game Nightfall. Crimson Siege brings you a complete
all-new set of cards w ith special pow ers, and features new
vampires, lycanthropes, hunters and ghouls. Crimson Siege also
introduces Summon cards, a new feature that lets you amass
hordes of ghouls like never before! Will you let the ghouls
overrun you or use them to your advantage?
24 new minion and action cards, plus 30 summoning cards!
Summon cards let you grow an army like never before! Crimson
Siege concludes the "European Invasion" trilogy. More amazing
art that illustrates the dark w orld of Nightfall.
Contents: 84 minion cards, 84 action cards, 24 draft cards, 26
card dividers, 30 Summon cards, rule sheet. Players: 2-5 Ages:
12 & Up Playing Time: 45 minutes
Note: This is not a complete game and requires Nightfall, Nightfall:
Martial Law , or Nightfall: The Coldest War in order to play
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Da rk Ra ges, k r. 240,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45 min. Dark
Rages is a new expansion to the competitive deck building game
Nightfall. Dark Rages brings you a complete all-new set of cards
w ith special pow ers, and features new vampires, w erew olves,
hunters and ghouls. Dark Rages also introduces new Avatar
cards that allow you to customize your decks’ themes like never
before! Will you be a Vampire Overlord or a Werew olf Alpha, and
w hich other groups w ill you ally w ith?
This is an expansion: Nightfall, Nightfall: Martial Law , or Nightfall:
The Coldest War are required for play.
•36 all-new cards, w hich includes 12 Avatar cards!
•Avatar cards add a new customizable element to create a
theme for each player’s deck!
•Dark Rages marks the second game in the European invasion
•More amazing art that illustrates the dark w orld of Nightfall.
Contents: 84 minion cards, 84 action cards, 24 draft cards, 26
card dividers, 12 Avatar cards, rulesheet.
Eterna l Da rk ness Bundle, k r. 400,00 (Aldera c
Enterta inment Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
Nightfall is the deckbuilding game of modern horror action from
Alderac Entertainment Group. Designed by David Gregg, Nightfall
puts players in control of minions of the night, fighting one
another for control of an Earth shrouded in eternal night.
Werew olves, vampires, ghouls, and those w ho fight them see
no need to hide from the public, w aging their w ar in the streets.
Featuring direct head-to-head game play, card drafting, and the
unique chain mechanic, Nightfall is unlike any other deckbuilding
game on the market.
Now the Eternal Darkness Bundle has combined the Nightfall
base set w ith the first expansion, Martial Law , into one master
base set. More card selection, new mechanics introduced in
Martial Law , and more interesting chain effects make these tw o
games better w hen played together. Plus, w ith the Nightfall on
the iOS introducing so many new players to the game, this is the
best w ay to present Nightfall to them. A great price to get into a
great game!
No Tha nk s, k r. 120,00 (Z-M a n Ga mes Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 20min. Good
card games can be so simple: either take a card or pay a chip.
Anyone can make that decision, right? How ever, there's a
catch - in fact there are tw o. Nobody w ants the cards, not even
for free, because they give you points in a game w here you
need to have the few est points to w in. And the chips? They are
scarce, very scarce.
An excellent filler game that appeals to non-gamers as w ell.
Contents: 33 cards, 55 chips
Nuclea r Prolifera tion (Reprint), k r. 239,50 (Flying
Buffa lo Inc.)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-6. NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, the second
`expansion set' for Nuclear War, this explosively funny card
game is for 2-6 players of all ages. Choose w hich w orld pow er
you'll play: Little Bittyland, Bananaland, Bermuda Triabland,
Bagmad, or one of many others included. Use your country's
Special Pow er, secrets, top secrets, & propaganda to gain
control of, or eliminate your enemy's population. When that
inevitably fails, all-out w ar breaks out as players launch stealth
bombers, submarines, scud missiles, and fire atomic cannons at
each other. Stop attacks w ith patriot anti- missiles, stealth
fighters, decoy missiles, saboteurs, and other special cards.
Includes one of our special "Nuclear Misfunction" dice, w hich
may glow in the dark if you get one of the lucky ones. Nuclear
Proliferation adds special trading sessions, new top secret and
other special cards. It's a sarcastic, humorous look at the futility
of Atomic Warfare in the post-cold w ar 1990's, Can be played by
itself, or combined w ith Nuclear War, Escalation, or both!
Nuclea r Wa r (Reprint), k r. 239,50 (Flying Buffa lo Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: L. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: -1. Satirisk
kortspil om en atomkrig. Kan kombineres med Nuclear
Proliferation & Nuclear Escalation.
Each player represents a "major w orld pow er" and attempts to
gain w orld domination through the strategic use of propaganda
or nuclear w eapons...
OddVille, k r. 200,00 (Wha t's Your Ga me)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Oddly enough, several of you have been hired to build the city of
OddVille, home to four pow erful w orker guilds.
Cleverly place your buildings in order to obtain greater pow er
and fame, w hile thw arting your opponents' plans. Manage your
w orkers to obtain the resources, coins, and building projects you
need in order to make your mark on the city. Plan the city streets
to get access to resources or coins from nearby buildings, even
if not yours.
Impress the right guild, and you w ill get a visit from a guild
member, w ho w ill gladly help you out w hile enjoying your
hospitality. The guild comes first, though: At a moment's notice,
every guild member w ill return to the guild hall, regardless of
how much that inconveniences you. Of course, the person w ho
"inspired" the guild meeting may be chuckling gleefully at the
"unfortunate" timing of your guest's departure.
OddVille is a card-based city-building game in w hich all actions
are carried out by playing one of your four Worker cards. Each
Worker card has a different pow er and can be used in different
w ays: to get a project, to obtain resources, or to collect coins.
During your turn, you can either play a card or add a building to
the city. Connect it to adjacent buildings w ith roads and you w ill
gain their bonus.
The city grow s w ith each player's contribution, ever changing
the values of players' buildings. As soon as a player builds his
sixth building, the game ends and the player w ith the most points
w ins.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Crea te Yout Own Storytelling Ca rds, k r. 79,50 (Atla s
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Once Upon a Time is the aw ard-w inning storytelling
card game that encourages creativity and collaborative play. One
player is the Storyteller, and begins telling a story using the
fairytale elements on her Story cards, guiding the plot tow ard her
Ending Card. The other players use their ow n cards to interrupt
her and become the new Storyteller. The w inner is the first
player to use all her Story Cards and play her Ending Card. The
object of the game, though, isn't just to w in, but to have fun
telling a story together.
Encha nting Ta les Ca rd Ga me, k r. 105,00 (Atla s Ga mes)
Boxsæt. In Once Upon a Time, players w eave a story together
using cards that show fairytale elements and endings. Now add
more magic to your game w ith the Enchanting Tales expansion,
featuring 38 Story Cards and 17 Ending Cards that can be
shuffled into your Once Upon a Time storytelling card game deck
to add new themes and more variety to your game.
Once Upon a Time 3rd Edition, k r. 199,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 20-40 min. Once Upon a Time is
the aw ard-w inning storytelling card game that encourages
creativity and collaborative play. One player is the Storyteller,
and begins telling a story using the fairytale elements on her
Story cards, guiding the plot tow ard her Ending Card. The other
players use their ow n cards to interrupt her and become the
new Storyteller. The w inner is the first player to use all her Story
Cards and play her Ending Card. The object of the game, though,
isn't just to w in, but to have fun telling a story together.
Opus Dei - Existence a fter Religion, k r. 199,00 (Dema
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 16 år. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 40-80min. I
spillet skal man som spiller agere som en Zeitgeist (tidsånd) og
skabe den bedst mulige verden af alle verdener, for at vinde
over de andre potententielle verdener. En god verden måles efter
hvor mange kloge hoveder der er blevet skabt i den, og hvor
kloge disse hoveder er, hver især.
Pa la , k r. 105,00 (Ca mbridge Ga mes Fa ctory)
Sværhedsgrad: 11 år. Spillere: 3-5. Spilletid: 30min. In the tricktaking card game Pala, players are art students w ho are learning
to mix their pigments on the palette to get the right color for their
canvases. The cards are the paint colors, and the palette is the
table. By playing cards together (that is, mixing colors), you can
effectively change the color of your cards as w ell as the trick
The published version of Pala includes tw o w ays to play. Both
variants use the same mechanisms for playing tricks, but have
different bidding and score rules. Thus, once you w rap your
head around the basics of the game, you can play tw o w ildly
different games w ith those core rules.
•In Impressionism, players collectively determine the value of
different colors (suits) by discarding cards from their hands
before the round begins. Points are bad, analogous to Hearts.
•In Pointillism, players bid w ith colored chips to indicate the colors
they expect to w in, but over-bidding risks losing all your points
for the round. Points are good, analogous to Spades.
Pira tes of the Spa nish M a in Ca rd Ga me, k r. 85,00
(WizKids LLC)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30min. Set
sail for adventure and intrigue in this brand new take on the
beloved WizKids Games Pirates of the Spanish Main property.
Discover ancient treasures w hile trying to avoid the dangers of
the sea in this fast, fun and family-friendly Shuffling the DeckTM
card game. Hide your true intentions and try to determine w hich
ships the other players control if you guess correctly, you can
plunder half their gold!
90 cards 2 to 4 players Half hour play time
Dra gon Age II Pla ying Ca rds, k r. 40,00 (Dia mond
Comics Distributors)
Boxsæt. The BioWare development team has helped us design a
Purge - Sins of Science, k r. 360,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. The first real time
strategy card game! In the distant future, unexpected terror
arises from unintended consequences as three factions battle
for dominance and survival. From across the stars a great threat
descends upon Earth. The Machine Horde- relentless in its
determination to consume and expand- now threatens to
exterminate Mankind. The Ancients, hyper intelligent beings of
unknow n origins, manipulate the schemes of both Human and
Machine to achieve their mysterious machinations. All that now
stands betw een annihilation and survival for the Human race is
the Emergency Earth Coalition a fragile unified human
government rooted in fear and subjugation. Chose your Faction
Commander and lead your armies to total w ar.
Brink of Wa r Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 30-60 min.
Third expansion to the Race for the Galaxy game.
As conflicts spread, galactic prestige becomes all-important,
both to extract concessions and to fend off attackers.
Meanw hile, the Alien departure point is located and the Uplift
Overseers arise. Can you build the most prosperous and
pow erful space empire in a galaxy on the brink of total w ar?
This expansion adds new start w orlds, goals, game cards, and
rules for galactic prestige to Race for the Galaxy and its first tw o
expansions, The Gathering Storm and Rebel vs Imperium. New
solitaire game counters and drafting rules for six players are
also provided.
Ga thering Storm Expa nsion, The, k r. 199,50 (Rio
Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 30-60min.
This first expansion for Race for the Galaxy adds cards, a 5th
player, and other w ays to expand your universe. This expansion
adds one more player, more cards, plus some goodies besides
cards. The first expansion includes solitaire rules. It also includes
some blank cards and a contest card for players to submit a
card idea to RGG. Tw o slots have been left open in the second
expansion for the w inners.
Ra ce for the Ga la xy, k r. 279,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30-60min.
The players all compete to explore the galaxy by exploring new
w orlds and developing new technologies. Each turn each player
chooses one action, but the others w ill share in the actions
chosen. In the end, the player w ith the most points is the w inner!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Rebel vs. Imperium (Expa nsion 2), k r. 199,50 (Rio
Gra nde Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 30-60 min.. As the
Imperium crushes outlying systems, Rebel w orlds begin to
ally,politically and militarily. Meanw hile, the Uplift Code, w ithin the
genomesof the Alien Overlords’ former servitor races, is being
sequenced.Can you build the most prosperous and pow erful
space empire in agalaxy w here border conflicts rage?
Ra iding Pa rties, k r. 120,00 (Impressions Advertising &
M a rk eting)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 20-45min. Hire your crew of
Ava lon, k r. 160,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 5-10. Spilletid: 30min.
The Resistance: Avalon pits the forces of Good and Evil in a
battle to control the future of civilization. Arthur represents the
future of Britain, a promise of prosperity and honor, yet hidden
among his brave w arriors are Mordred's unscrupulous minions.
These forces of evil are few in number but have know ledge of
each other and remain hidden from all but one of Arthur's
servants. Merlin alone know s the agents of evil, but he must
speak of this only in riddles. If his true identity is discovered, all
w ill be lost.
The Resistance: Avalon is a standalone game, and w hile The
Resistance is not required to play, the games are compatible and
can be combined.
Resista nce 2nd Edition, k r. 160,00 (Publisher Services,
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 5-10. Spilletid: 30 min. The
Resistance is a very intense social deduction game for 5-10
players. While it shares similarities w ith games like Werew olf,
Mafia and even Battlestar Galactica it has many very unique
features such as a quick 30 minute play time, no moderator
required and no player elimination. Set in the near future, The
Resistance pits a small group of resistance fighters against a
pow erful and corrupt government. The resistance has launched
a series of bold and daring missions to bring the government to
its knees. Unfortunately spies have infiltrated the resistance
ranks, ready to sabotage the carefully crafted plans. Even a
single spy can take dow n a resistance mission team, choose
your teams carefully or forever lose your chance for freedom.
Included in this release is a full expansion - "The Plot Thickens" is
15 additional action cards that increase the pressure and pacing
of the game, and requires the spies to be even more deceitful if
they are to achieve victory.
The Resistance artfully balances pure deduction elements w ith
the social elements into a game that creates the adrenaline filled
moments of high stakes poker but in a full interactive and social
event. Its not for the faint of heart, or slow of mind - but if you
are quick on your feet you'll be proud of your hard fought
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Revolver, k r. 239,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 45 min. How dy, ya'll.
C'mon in and sit a spell. Let me tell ya about Jack Colty and his
gang, and get ya up to gallop on all the interestin' events. Those
filthy drovers and gunslingers are dangerous and desperate,
each one generally havin' killed a man, and be content to live on a
diet of Navy plug and w hiskey. I ain't never seen no queen in her
damned undies, so the feller says. But I'll tell you w hat - after
hearin' this here stupefyin' story I'm about to unfold, w ell, I guess
you folks can make up yer ow n minds w hy I retired early. The
year is 1892. The bank at Repentance Springs has been robbed.
Many good citizens, including Sheriff Anton Dreyfus and schoolmarm Sue Daggett, w ere brutally slain as Colty's gang shot its
w ay, w hooping and hollering, out of tow n. Colonel Ned McReady
and his men are tasked w ith bringing Jack Colty - a man so mean
he'd steal a fly from a blind spider, or a coin off a dead man's
eyes - and his gang to justice. Revolver is a non-collectable card
game set in the Old West.
Consisting of tw o balanced 62 card decks, the game pits tw o
players against each other in a life or death struggle. One player
takes the role of Colonel Ned McReady and his law men, and his
opponent assumes control of the notorious and deadly Colty
At their disposal, the Colty gang - the meanest bunch of low
dow n dirty dogs in the West - have a roster of w eaponry to
bring dow n the law men on their tail: .38 Specials, .45 Long Colts,
1866 double barrel Derringers, and even a Gatling gun! Some
example cards from the gang's deck: Cherokee Scout, "Adios,
Amigoes!", "Thanks for yer coffee and eggs, ma'am", and "Chew
on this, Gringo!"
The Colonel player's objective is to eliminate all the gang
members before they can escape across the Mexican border.
He can utilise such cards as Buffalo Stampede, Rattlesnake Bite,
"I can smell those yellow bellies on the w ind", "He shot my hat
clean off!" Apache Scout, and Rickety Bridge.
The game has an asymmetrical design, w ith both decks featuring
different cards and abilities. Revolver is played using a 5-column
system, representing consecutive gunfights in the follow ing
battlegrounds: The Bank at Repentance Springs, Whiskey
Canyon, Buzzard Point, Rattlesnake Creek, and the 3:15 Express
from Rattlesnake Station. Gameplay is quick and bloodthirsty w ith
bandits gunned dow n frequently, and law -men peppered w ith
lead by the w ell-placed use of "Fire at w ill, boys."
Numerous tricky decisions must be made throughout. For
instance, the Colty player could choose to deploy the Jackson
Clan during the Whiskey Canyon battle, but the resources that
this w ould require might make it a very risky, but rew arding, play.
Similarly, the Colonel McReady player can deploy the Colonel at
any time during the conflict - he's free to play aboard the 3:15
Express Train, but hugely expensive if used at Buzzard Point, for
instance. Also, during the final confrontation, Jack Colty can
force the train to crash - as a last ditch effort, probably killing
some of his ow n crew in the process - he's as crazy as
popcorn on a hot stove!
Primarily a combat-driven card game, each player must manage
his deck of cards effectively to w in. In addition to simple, unique
abilities, each card also has tw o values: pow er and cost. Some
simple icons are used to display such things as 'coming-into-play'
effects, and if a gringo has 'True Grit'.
Revolver can trace its parentage back to San Juan, Magic: The
Gathering, Battle Line, and is a new implementation of Aliens:
This Time It's War.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Victory Conditions:
The Colty Gang player w ins if he manages to "Escape across
the Mexican border." The Colty Gang player w ins if he reaches
and survives the battle on the 3:15 Express train. The Colonel
McReady player w ins if Jack Colty and all the gang members are
either hanged or killed. The Colonel McReady player w ins if
Cortez is killed before boarding the 3:15 Express train.
Revolver 2 - La st Sta nd a t M a lpa so, k r. 239,50
(Publisher Services, Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 45 min. In 1894, farmers
from the small village of Malpaso face the prospect of again
losing their livelihood to a band of roving thieves, led by the selfstyled General Mapache - himself w anted by the Mexican
National Defense Army. Their solution is to go to the much
admired, but fallen from grace, Padre' Esteban, and see if he can
hire gunfighters to protect them.
Revolver 2: Last Stand at Malpaso is a tw o-player card game set
in the Old West, in w hich one player takes the role of General
Mapache and his band of thieving outlaw s, and the other player
is controlling the villagers and guardians hired to protect the
tow n of Malpaso, led by the infamous Padre Esteban.
Rise of the Zombies, k r. 320,00 (Da n Verssen Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 1-8. Spilletid: 30-90 min.
All players play cards during a common "Survivor Turn".
Declare w hich card you are playing, and w hich zombie you are
attacking, and roll dice. This simulates the chaos of combat. Most
cards can be used to perform more than 1 function. You can
perform as many actions during the Survivor Turn as your cards
can support. You can even trade w eapons and items w ith other
Survivors in your Location.
Once all players have resolved their actions, the Zombies get to
attack. It then starts again w ith the common Survivor Turn. You'll
need to not only act like a hero, but also w ork w ell as part of
your co-operative team if you hope to survive. If you go running
off ahead and no one else has the cards to follow , you'll be
fighting a herd of Zombies on your ow n - and probably dying.
On the other hand, if you can't keep up w ith the other Survivors,
you'll soon hear w ords like, "You w ait right here, w e'll come
back for you." Um, yeah.
COMBAT Combat is fast and easy. Roll a 6-sided die, add your
bonuses and check your Weapon card to see how many
Wounds you inflicted. The higher you roll, the more Wounds you
inflict. If you inflict the killing attack on a Zombie card, you claim
the card and its Experience value.
EXPERIENCE Turn in your Zombie cards to upgrade w eapons,
buy items, and purchase skills. How you play the game is up to
you. You don't gain anything by having other Survivors die, but if
you spend too much time trying to help others, it might cost you
your ow n survival.
Help them? Leave them behind? It's all up to you.
Rising Kings, k r. 125,00 (M oxiBox)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 20-40min.
The King has died w ithout an Heir!!
Gather enough allies and pow er to claim the throne for yourself.
Will your reign be one of chivalry and bravery? Or one of
diplomacy and deception? Will it be of prosperity and fertility or
w ill the endless struggle throw the country into a devastating
Time is against you as you join the chaotic era of the Rising Kings!
Rising Kings is a fun and entertaining cardgame for adults and
kids age 12 years and up.
Each box contains 97 cards, a rulebook (English, Danish and
German) and 15 overview cards (English, Danish and German).
Game length: 20-40 minutes depending on number of players.
Rock ba nd M a na ger, k r. 159,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. Spillere: 3-6. Spilletid: 30-60 min. In
the card game Rockband Manager, 3-6 players attempt to guide
their bands to rock stardom. the manager w ho hires the best
musicians, books the biggest gigs, and cuts the highest selling
album w ins the game. Since there are multiple paths to glory in
this game, players have to develop their ow n strategies for
Collect new gear for your band to help establish them as rock
pow erhouses. Throw a cheap shot at your rival managers in an
effort to get ahead. Establish connections to industry insiders to
ensure your band's success. In this fast-paced game anything
goes, and only one band can become rock legends.
Rockband Manager includes:
•40 Rockstar Cards
•35 Career Debut Cards
•35 Career Apex Cards
•6 Plastic Guitars
•54 Cash Envelopes
•9 Rew ard Tokens
•1 Rulebook
Oa th a nd Anvil Expa nsion, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 14+. While the dw arves of the
Dunw arr Mountains labor tirelessly in their massive subterranean
forges, the orcs of the Broken Plains are themselves tempered
by tribal conflict in a hostile land. But can they set aside their
ancient rivalries to w ork together in the face of an all new evil?
Enhance every aspect of Rune Age w ith the Oath and Anvil
Expansion! While the existing factions are bolstered by new units
and abilities, tw o new empires join the conflict: the Orcs of the
Broken Plains and the Dw arves of Dunw arr. At the same time,
new scenarios challenge your deck-building prow ess and new
Mercenary cards provide even more strategic options. Unite the
tribes, fire the forges, and experience Rune Age like never
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Rune Age, k r. 279,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 20-60 min. Rune Age
is the first deckbuilding game from Fantasy Flight. Set in the same
fantasy w orld as their other popular games Runebound,
Runew ars, and Descent, the new stand-alone card game
combines the deck-building mechanic of Dominion w ith a
scenario-based format.
Each player represents a race struggling for dominance in the
w orld of Terrinoth, each w ith unique strengths and
w eaknesses. The challenges the players face are determined by
a scenario, chosen before each game. The scenarios present
unique objectives and challenges for the players, and can range
from fully competitive to fully cooperative, allow ing for a variety
of game styles.
Rune Age is for tw o to four players. It includes more than 250
cards, tokens, and a custom six-sided die. Designed by Corey
Sa n Jua n, k r. 239,50 (Rio Gra nde Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45-60min.
Puerto Rico’s golden age returns. Through you! Players travel
now to the capital city of this beautiful island. Who w ill build the
most important buildings? Players build palaces, poor houses,
silver smelters, gold mines, and many others - each w ith its ow n
special features. The cleverest player w ill build w ell and w in!
As w ith the board game, players choose roles w hich can help
all players, but the choosing player gets a special privilege w ith
the role chosen. Players build buildings, produce and sell goods,
and so on. The game is based on Puerto Rico, but different
enough to give players new challenges and opportunities for fun
and enjoyment.
Oversized Villia n Ca rds, k r. 105,00 (Grea ter Tha n
Ga mes LLC )
The first draft of Sentinels of the Multiverse included oversized
villain cards that had the art for that villain and all of that
character's game text on one big card. Due to printing costs, w e
w ere unable to produce those; how ever, as part of the
overfunding of our Enhanced Edition and Infernal Relics
Kickstarter, w e w ere able to produce this set! Since then, w e've
kept these oversized cards going, and they're better than ever!
These 21 4" by 6" cards represent the villains from the core
game, the Rook City, Infernal Relics, and Shattered Timelines
expansions, and even the Ambuscade, Mad Bomber Blade,
Cosmic Omnitron, and Miss Information promos!
Schola r, The, k r. 39,50 (Grea ter Tha n Ga mes LLC )
A 41 card mini-expansion to Sentinels of the Multiverse featuring
a brand-new hero, The Scholar!
The Scholar is a standalone hero character w ith his ow n unique
deck of 40 hero cards and a character card. Also comes w ith a
divider card for organization in the Enhanced Edition box.
Sha ttered Timelines Expa nsion, k r. 159,50 (Grea ter
Tha n Ga mes LLC )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 30-60 min. A
boxed expansion for Sentinals of the Multiverse, Shattered
Timelines introduces new mechanics and exciting new
challenges, including tw o new , time-traveling heroes, four
villains, and tw o time-displaced environments.
Silver Gulch, 1883, k r. 35,00 (Grea ter Tha n Ga mes LLC )
A 15 card mini-expansion to Sentinels of the Multiverse featuring
a brand-new environment, Silver Gulch!
Silver Gulch is a standalone environment w ith its ow n unique
deck of 15 environment cards. Also include a divider card for
organization in the Enhanced Edition box.
Author: Andreas Seyfarth. Players: 2-4 aged 10 and up
Ambusca de, k r. 39,50 (Grea ter Tha n Ga mes LLC )
A 27 card mini-expansion to Sentinels of the Multiverse featuring
a brand-new villain, Ambuscade!
Ambuscade, the superhuman hunter, seeks the ultimate prey . . .
in the heroes of the Multiverse!
The expansion contains a 25 card villain deck plus a villain
character card and rules card.
Fina l Wa stela nd, The, k r. 35,00 (Grea ter Tha n Ga mes
A 15 card mini-expansion to Sentinels of the Multiverse featuring
a brand-new environment, The Final Wasteland!
The Final Wasteland is a standalone environment w ith its ow n
unique deck of 15 environment cards. Also comes w ith a divider
card for organization in the Enhanced Edition box.
M iss Informa tion, k r. 39,50 (Grea ter Tha n Ga mes LLC )
A 27 card mini-expansion to Sentinels of the Multiverse featuring
a brand-new villain, Miss Information!
The expansion contains a 25 card villain deck plus a villain
character card and rules card. Also include a divider card for
organization in the Enhanced Edition box.
Unity, k r. 39,50 (Grea ter Tha n Ga mes LLC )
A 41 card mini-expansion to Sentinels of the Multiverse featuring
a brand-new hero, Unity!
A technopath, she uses her innate abilities to control technology
and create mechanical golems to fight for her.
Unity is a standalone hero character w ith her ow n unique deck
of 40 hero cards and a character card.
Set! (Tysk med engelsk e regler), k r. 150,00
(Ra vensburger)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10-99. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 20 min..
SET is a highly addictive, original game of visual perception; a
fascinating challenge for either solitaire or competitive play. To
create a SET, a player must locate three cards in w hich each of
the four features is either all the same on each card or all
different on each card, w hen looked at individually. The four
features are, symbol (oval, squiggle or diamond), color (red,
purple or green), number (one, tw o or three) or shading (solid,
striped or open). Age is no advantage in this fast paced family
game. SET is great fun for the w hole family because there is no
previous know ledge required.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Set (da nsk e regler), k r. 150,00 (Enigma )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 1+. SET is a game of
visual perception; a fascinating challenge for either solitaire or
competitive play. To create a SET, a player must locate three
cards in w hich each of the four features is either all the same on
each card or all different on each card, w hen looked at
individually. The four features are, symbol (oval, squiggle or
diamond), color (red, purple or green), number (one, tw o or
three) or shading (solid, striped or open). Age is no advantage
in this fast paced family game. SET is great fun for the w hole
family because there is no previous know ledge required.
Struggle for Ca ta n, k r. 120,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 30 min. The
Struggle for Catan™ is a fast-paced game betw een the 2-4
factions developing new ly settled Catan. Manage your
resources to build settlements, cities, city improvements, knights,
and roads that generate victory points or special abilities. While
your settlements, cities, and city expansions remain yours,
valuable roads and knights change hands. Varied expensive city
improvements give you additional victory points and lasting
advantages, so they’re generally key to victory. As in The
Settlers of Catan® board game, you w in by being the first to
acquire and play 10 victory points.
The Struggle for Catan™ is the perfect w ay for 2-4 players to
sw iftly and casually explore, settle, trade, and build on the
beautiful and ever-changing island of Catan.
MFG3141 Struggle for Catan™ contains:
• 67 Resource Cards
• 42 Building Cards consisting of:
• 9 Road Cards
• 14 Settlement/City Cards
• 5 Knight Cards.
• 9 City Improvement Cards
• 4 Building Cost Cards
• 1 Destiny Card
• full-color rules
Age of Da rk ness Expa nsion, k r. 95,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 45-60min. 3Theme, 90-Card Expansion for the tw o player card game.
Requires ow nership of The Rivals of Catan basic card set.
The Era of Intrigue Determine Catan's spiritual balance! A
Religious Dispute causes both players to lose cards. Churches
and Temples minimize losses. Temple cards strengthen your
access to your ow n draw stacks. Church cards lure opposing
heroes and earn gold. With a Church and a Temple, you may
build the Great Thing stead and end the conflict.
The Era of Merchant Princes! Control Catan's commerce! This set
focuses on the Commercial Harbor and the Merchant's
Residences, decisive buildings in the struggle for trade
advantage. Maritime Trade Monopolies and the Master Merchants
enhance trade ships. The Shipbuilder reduces the building costs
of ships. Dominate trade using clever card combinations!
The Era of Barbarians Barbarians invade! Both players must
muster and fend off their attacks. Employ Castles, Border
Fortresses, the Strategist, the Caravel, and new heroes. Will you
prevail or be ransacked?
Age of Darkness contains: - three 30 card expansions Almanac & rules book
Age of Enlightenment Expa nsion, k r. 120,00 (M a yfa ir
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. The Era of Explorers
Set sail from Catan! Explore! Discover new lands!
Your Explorer Harbor serves as a starting point for your
exploration of 9 adjacent sea cards.
Pirates, islanders, and Shipw recks aw ait across the w aters.
Embark on missions and try to be the best explorer. Ship tokens
chart your position. Victory aw aits the most skilled and intrepid
The Era of Sages
Influence events! The w isdom currency of the many and varied
sages gives you the opportunity to influence the strength and
frequency of events. Fend off famines! Deflect attacks. Promote
Connect w ith nature and balance prudence, pow er, foresight,
and vigilance in a your noble struggle!
The Era of Prosperity
Be a good prince. Govern w isely. Build schools, a Hospital, even
promote the arts. Raise your people's spirits and spur expansion.
But bew areE Discontent dooms prosperity!
Era of Enlightenment contains:
•three expansions w ith a total of 145 cards
•Almanac & rules book
Riva ls for Ca ta n, k r. 160,00 (M a yfa ir Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 45-60 min.
Build your domain to best your Rivals.
The Rivals for Catan puts you in charge of one of the tw o
factions developing new ly-settled Catan. Use your under card
mix to create your ow n principality. Explore and settle new
lands, acquiring resources through card play and the luck of the
dice. Use gold, response combinations, and trade to develop
your domaine. Expand your settlements and cities recruit heroes,
and defend your lands through politics, invention, and intrigue.
Your cunning and a dash of luck decides w ho w ill be Prince of
•• 180 Cards
•• Production Die
•• Event Die
•• Commerce Token
•• Knight Token
•• Rules & Card Index
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Seven Dra gons Ca rd Ga me, k r. 120,00 (Looney La bs)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 6 år. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 10-30min.
Seven Dragons is a fast domino-like game, w here players
attempt to be the first to create a connected territory of seven
panels of their dragon. Secret Goals add the opportunity to bluff,
and w ith aggressive Action cards in the mix, subterfuge is a
Each player is given a secret goal card of one of the five colored
dragons: RED, GOLD, GREEN, BLUE, and BLACK. The cards are
played on the table connected like dominoes, w ith each player
trying to w in by connecting seven panels of their dragon. Action
cards allow players to shake up the action in five different w ays
and the WILD and SILVER dragons bring strategy to the table.
The game is fast, fun, colorful, and easy to learn - w ith enough
bluffing and strategy to keep adults engaged.
Preschooler variations included for children as young as 3 years!
Sha dows Over Ca melot The Ca rd Ga me, k r. 200,00
(Da ys of Wonder, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 1-7. Spilletid: 20 min. game
released in 2005, the Card Game follow s in the footsteps of the
original, as players w ork together to defend Camelot against
rumors sw irling about the kingdom.
Dea th Angel the Ca rd Ga me, k r. 199,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 1-6. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Space Hulk: Death Angel—The Card Game is a cooperative card
game set in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40,000. Players
must w ork together as an alien menace threatens to devour their
hopes of survival. If all Space Marines perish, the players
collectively lose. Likew ise, if at least one of the surviving Space
Marines completes the objective, the players all w in!
Playable in under an hour, Death Angel takes 1–6 players
straight into the action. Each player takes control of a combat
team (or tw o combat teams if playing w ith less than four
players). If playing solo, the single player controls three combat
teams. Combat teams are made up of tw o unique Space Marines,
each w ith their ow n flavor and style.
Dea thwing Spa ce M a rine Pa ck , k r. 95,00 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
A fearless new team has joined the fight against the vile
Genestealers! A "Print on Demand" expansion for Space Hulk:
Death Angel - The Card Game, the Deathw ing Space Marine
Pack includes an alternate set of Space Marines to replace the
ones from the Death Angel base game. Each pack includes: 12
Deathw ing Space Marine Cards, 18 Deathw ing Action Cards,
and six Deathw ing Team Cards
M ission Pa ck 1, k r. 39,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The fast-paced game invites players to take on the role of sons
& daughters of the legendary Knights of the Round Table;
together, they must unite to defeat the game's threats,
represented by a deck of Rumor cards that sw irl around
Camelot. Once again, the Knights face Traitors in their midst as
loyalties are tested and may even sw itch sides during the game.
Shadow s over Camelot The Card Game includes a deck of 62
Rumor cards; 9 Knight cards; 9 Loyalty cards; 10 Quest Tokens
and 16 double-sided (black and w hite) sw ords. It is a standalone game that takes approximately 20 minutes and can be
played w ith 2-7 players, as w ell as a solo game.
Tra ding Ca rd Soft Sleeves, k r. 10,00 (Ultra Pro)
Your mission is not over, and failure is not an option.
While you may have survived the harrow ing challenges of Death
Angel, the mission is far from over. The Mission Pack 1
expansion brings tw elve new Location cards to provide
alternate missions for players. These cards are seamlessly
incorporated into your Death Angel game - simply choose
w hether you w ant to use the standard Location cards or the
ones found in this Mission Pack and build your mission as normal.
But bew are! New terrors have emerged in the form of Adrenal
Genestealers: deathly agile and relentless. These dangerous
new foes w ill pop out from every dark corner, unleashing attack
after attack.
Ultra-PRO® Stor-Safe Card Sleeves
Awesome Level 9000, k r. 160,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 45 min. Featuring four
new factions and eight new bases, Smash Up: Aw esome Level
9000 a.k.a. Smash Up II integrates into the Smash Up base game,
bringing exponential new combinations of factions and
playstyles! Smash Up: Aw esome Level 9000 includes:
Killer Plants Better deal w ith these guys fast because if you
leave them alone, they'll grow all over the w eeds!
*rimshot* Ghosts Unlike in just about every card game in history,
Ghosts benefit from having few er cards in your hand. Can you
be immaterial? Steampunks Can't leave a good base alone? The
Steampunks w ill add new abilities to bases to help your
strategies. Bear Cavalry What's scary? A bear. What's really
scary? A cossack riding a bear! Bear Cavalry w ill use fear to
drive opposing minions to other bases.
Sma sh Up, k r. 240,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-4. Spilletid: 45 min. What
do pirates, ninjas, robots, zombies, aliens, w izards, tricksters,
and dinosaurs have in common? TheyÕre all trying to take over
the w orld!ÊBut they canÕt do it alone, so theyÕre teaming up!
Every combo brings a different experience in Smash Up, the
shufflebuilding game of total aw esomeness! Take tw o 20-card
decks, smash them together,Êand then rock your opponentsÕ
faces! Choose a side, and start the carnage!
Also included in Mission Pack 1 is an all-new Terrain card that
w ill threaten to thrust unfortunate space marines out into the cold
embrace of space.
Spa ce M a rine Pa ck 1, k r. 39,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Rally your battle brothers w ith the Death Angel Space Marine
Pack 1 expansion!
Space Marine Packs introduce brand new combat teams to your
game, ready to blast their w ay into the carnage that is Death
The Space Marine Pack 1 comes complete w ith tw o new Combat
Teams and their respective Action cards. The deadly Chaplain
Raziel brings his ironclad faith to the fight w hile Brother Adron
readies his Cyclone Missile Launcher for absolute devastation.
These new Combat Teams can be seamlessly incorporated into
your Death Angel games to provide more versatility and more
Also included in the Space Marine Pack 1 are 8 Combat Team
cards, w hich replace the original 6 Combat Team markers from
the Death Angel game, making it easier to randomise and select
your teams.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Tyra nid Enemy Pa ck , k r. 95,00 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Fight the Tyranid Threat! The Death Angel Tyranid Enemy Pack is
a "Print on Demand" expansion for Space Hulk: Death Angel The Card Game. This expansion pack includes tw o additions for
Death Angel: a new Tyranid deck containing a variety of enemies
to challenge even the most seasoned Space Marines, and Hive
Lord Location cards that introduce the Tyranid's epic and deadly
overlords! The Space Hulk: Tyranid Enemy Pack Expansion
comes complete w ith (32) Tyranid Cards, four Hive Lord Cards,
and a Deathleaper Card.
Spa nk the M onk ey + M onk y Business Box, k r. 200,00
(Giga ntosk op)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 15-45min. At the same time as
releasing Monkey Business, the expansion for Spank the
Monkey, Gigantoskop also releases the Spank the Monkey
combo box, w hich collects both the basic game and the
expansion. Exclusive to the combo box you'll also find a brand
new red Monkey dice w ith the monkey logo on one side, an oversized Monkey Height card and a Monkey marker to keep track of
the monkey’s height. The basic game in the combo box also
features some brand new artw ork and the Gigantoskop Junk
card previously only available as a dow nload from the
Gigantoskop w eb site. All in all, everything you need to monkey
Assa ult of Echo Ba se Force Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
"I've reached the main pow er generators. The shield w ill be
dow n in moments. You may start your landing." General Veers,
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Imperial w alkers march across the frozen w astelands of Hoth,
and the Rebel Alliance and its allies prepare to defend
themselves in Assault on Echo Base, the fourth Force Pack in
The Hoth Cycle for Star Wars : The Card Game! Will the Rebel
shields hold against the Imperial onslaught? Will the Rebel
defense of Hoth buy enough time for light side forces elsew here
to gather recruits and spread hope throughout the galaxy? Or
w ill General Veers lead the Empire's w alkers and troopers to a
commanding victory w hile bounty hunters and Black Sun
mercenaries chase dow n the remnants of the light side
Assault on Echo Base adds complete playsets of six new
objective sets to Star Wars: The Card Game, opening up all-new
strategies based around Walkers, Troopers, Droids, manipulating
shield tokens, and removing damage from objectives. Meanw hile,
tw o new objective sets feature pow erful effects that trigger
w hile their objectives are undamaged, encouraging players to
center their strikes and defenses around them.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Star Wars : The Card Game
Core Set is required to play.
Da rk Time Force Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The Battle of Hoth heats up in A Dark Time! Rebel forces
prepare for evacuation as Imperial w alkers advance and open
heavy fire. The sixty cards in A Dark Time reinforce the Hoth trait
even as light and dark side forces prepare to clash for control of
the desolate ice planet. New Characters, Fighters, and Locations
populate the battlefield and encourage strategies built around
assaulting damaged objectives and w inning the Force struggle.
A Dark Time draw s inspiration from the early scenes of The
Empire Strikes Back w hile relating the ongoing tale of the light
side's desperate stand on Hoth, but its cards also do more. They
simultaneously expand the game's exploration of Hoth and of the
Star Wars universe beyond the characters, vehicles, and events
captured in the classic films.
Star Wars: The Card Game allow s you to recreate you favorite
moments from the movies. It also invites you to invent new
stories in the Star Wars universe, and the cards from A Dark
Time suggest new scenes. It hints at hidden Sith schemes and
traces the efforts made to ready the Cloud City carbonite
chamber for activation. It draw s attention to the black ops w ork
of the Renegade Squadron and to the Gotal survivors of the
Clone Wars w ho hid from Imperial detection amid the w ilds of the
Outer Rim. A Dark Time presents the challenges facing those
besieged Rebels fighting on Hoth, but it also paints a larger
picture of galactic conflict betw een the light and dark sides of
the Force throughout multiple star systems.
Desola tion of Hoth Force Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. "Echo BaseEI've got something! Not much, but it could
be a life form." Zev Senesca, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes
Back The battle for Hoth begins! The first Force Pack for Star
Wars : The Card Game is inspired by the early scenes from The
Empire Strikes Back. The Desolation of Hoth brings you iconic
new creatures, droids, snow speeders, and characters like
Wedge Antilles and Darth Vader. As Rebel forces and their allies
establish their defenses, and the Empire scours the galaxy for
signs of their hidden base, the frozen w astelands of Hoth set
the stage for the game's future battles.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Star Wars : The Card Game
Core Set is required to play.
Each Force Pack expands the Star Wars universe and increase
players' deck-building options w ith sixty new cards. As a Living
Card Game (LCG), Star Wars: The Card Game follow s a fixed
distribution model, and each Force Pack provides players a
complete playset of each new objective, unit, enhancement,
event, and fate card it contains.
Because Star Wars: The Card Game introduces a new setbuilding design to our collection of LCGs, the distribution of cards
in each Force Pack also differs from the model used for our
other LCGs. Instead of gaining three copies of each new card,
you'll gain ten complete objective sets, including one copy of
each "Limit 1" objective set and tw o copies of each other
objective set.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Sea rch for Sk ywa lk er Force Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. In The Search for Skyw alker, the Rebels and their allies
look to reinforce their position at Echo Base, getting their shields
up online and adjusting their gear to the cold. Meanw hile, the
Imperial Navy deploys its fleet and sets course for the ice planet.
The sixty cards of The Search for Skyw alker introduce tw o
copies each of five complete objective sets to permit greater
deck customization and carry players deeper into The Hoth Cycle
as light and dark side forces prepare for all-out w ar.
Inspired by the early scenes of The Empire Strikes Back, The
Search for Skyw alker expands the universe of Star Wars: The
Card Game w ith new characters, vehicles, Star Destroyers, and
Rebel defenses. Meanw hile, the dark side's Scum and Villains
mass on Tatooine at Jabba's palace w here they receive orders
to pursue new bounties.
Sta r Wa rs the Ca rd Ga me LCG, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-60min.
“This station is now the ultimate pow er in the universe.”
–Admiral Motti, Star Wars: A New Hope
The Imperial fleet sifts through the galaxy for signs of the Rebel
Alliance’s hidden base, hoping to obliterate it w ith one pow erful
blast from their new ly constructed Death Star. As the Empire’s
imposing Star Destroyers draw near, the Rebels realize there is
no time to spare, so they mobilize for a desperate attack.
Squadrons of starfighters launch into space. Their pilots know
that many of them may soon make the ultimate sacrifice for
galactic freedom…
The characters, starships, and situations of the original Star
Wars trilogy come to life in Star Wars: The Card Game™. A game
by aw ard-w inning designer Eric M. Lang, Star Wars: The Card
Game is a head-to-head Living Card Game® of tactical combat,
and strategic planning that allow s tw o players to w age cinematic
battles betw een the light and dark sides of the Force.
Decide the Fate of the Galaxy
“I’m taking Captain Solo and his friends. You can either profit by
this... or be destroyed! It’s your choice.”
–Luke Skyw alker, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
In Star Wars: The Card Game, light side and dark side players
duel for the fate of the galaxy. While the light side player races to
make tactical strikes against dark side objectives, the dark side
player w orks to reinforce his position of command.
Throughout the game, the dark side w orks to snuff out the last
remnants of its opposition and secure total control of the galaxy.
This is represented by advancing the game’s Death Star dial. The
dark side advances the dial at the beginning of each of its turns
and can accelerate its advancement by launching successful
attacks against the light side. If the dial advances to “12,” the
dark side w ins. Given enough time, the dark side player w ill
discover the last remnants of the light side’s resistance, and
w ipe them out of the galaxy w ith one final, commanding gesture.
Thus, just like in the movies, time is alw ays running out for the
light side, and its heroes must find the means to strike quickly
and for maximum damage. The light side player w ins by
destroying three dark side objectives, cards that represent a
player’s missions or strategies. How ever, destroying an
opponent’s objective requires getting sufficient firepow er past
Imperial defenses.
Most of this firepow er w ill come from unit cards, representing
the characters, creatures, droids, vehicles, and starships that
players may use to strike against their opponents. Enhancements
like skills, w eapons, and other items make your units more
effective in battle, w hile other enhancements like locations can
allow you to expand your play area and accelerate your
strategy. The faster you can accelerate your strategy, the faster
you can launch massive starships like Home One or Devastator.
Meanw hile, it pays to carry some tricks up your sleeve (or
hidden in your armor), and events represent the unexpected
developments of the battlefield – daring maneuvers, special
pow ers, disasters, traps, and other sudden effects.
Elegant Mechanics
“This is the w eapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or as random
as a blaster.”
–Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: The Card Game offers a straightforw ard and
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
accessible play experience. Each turn, players mobilize their
forces, draw ing upon their resources to deploy characters and
starships and launch them into battle. Several new mechanics
propel the game forw ard, adding to the drama w hile keeping
players focused on the action.
an opposing unit in the same combat. If a unit takes an amount of
damage equal to its hit points, it is destroyed.
To play cards, players must spend the resources they generate
by placing “focus” tokens on their ready affiliation cards and
objectives. Some units and enhancements also contain icons
w ith resource values, and players can use these cards to
generate resources, as w ell.
Tactics: Place one focus token on an enemy unit. This cunning
ploy may prevent an enemy unit from striking in combat, or it can
disrupt your opponent’s plans by exhausting a unit your
opponent had intended to utilize later in the turn.
Placing a focus token on a card indicates that it has been
committed to a specific activity or course of action. Until a card
has a focus token on it, it is considered “ready,” but once given a
focus token, the card is then exhausted. Exhausted cards can’t
be used again to generate resources or take actions until after
their controllers have removed all focus tokens from them.
Typically, players remove one token from each of their cards
during the refresh phase, but some cards can be “focused”
tw ice in a single moment, and some cards allow players to place
focus tokens upon their opponent’s units, luring them deeper
dow n the paths they have chosen. This can leave them unable
to fully refresh on their next turn and, thus, unable to respond to
alternate threats.
The dark side player places a focus token on Grand Moff Tarkin
to generate a resource.
While the focus mechanic permits greater tactical depth than the
simple binary dynamic of “used or available” found in most card
games, it also adds an exciting dimension to the game’s combats
w here units must focus to strike against their opponents.
“Bew are of the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark
side of the Force are they. Easily they flow , quick to join you in a
fight. If once you start dow n the dark path, forever w ill it
dominate your destiny.”
–Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
The original Star Wars trilogy is loaded w ith thrilling and direct
confrontations betw een opposing starfighters and squads of
Rebel and Imperial troopers. Smugglers confront bounty hunters,
and Jedi face off against Sith in epic lightsaber duels. The trilogy
is also full of daring tactical maneuvers and cunning ploys to buy
the heroes just enough time for their plans to come together.
Likew ise, during combats, the focus mechanic permits players to
feint or otherw ise manipulate their opponents.
Combat in Star Wars: The Card Game is deadly and dramatic. It
begins w hen a player forms a team of units to assault an
opponent’s objective. Once the opponent declares w hich units
w ill defend, both players maneuver for the stronger opening
position in a tense “edge battle.”
Blast damage: When it strikes, an attacking unit may deal one
point of damage per blast damage icon to the attacked objective.
It pays to w in the higher ground, and the player w ho gains the
edge may earn benefits beyond the right to strike first. The
player w ith the edge may also gain the upper hand w ith
additional, situational combat icons.
The edge battles of Star Wars: The Card Game ensure that no
cards in a player’s hand are ever w ithout value. The dramatic
tactical advantages w on by the player w ith the edge may
sometimes grant more w orth to a card in a player’s hand than it
w ould have on the table. As light and dark side players look for
every w eakness they can find in their enemies’ defenses, they’ll
develop clever strategies to draw cards out of each other’s
hands prior to key edge battles. Just like in the movies, you may
find your foe full of surprises, and to w in the edge you’ll need to
master the vital skills of hand management.
Finally, at the end of each turn players enter the Force phase,
w here they seek to sw ay the balance of the Force by committing
their units to the light side or the dark side. Committed units add
their Force icons to the Force struggle, and the player w ith more
committed Force icons flips the game’s Force card in his side’s
favor. How ever, such commitment to the Force comes w ith a
burden, and w hen a unit committed to the Force strikes in combat
during subsequent rounds, it receives tw o focus tokens instead
of one.
Still, the Force flow s through all things and binds them together,
and the balance of the Force has a profound effect upon the
game. When the balance of the Force tilts in favor of the light
side, the light side player may deal one damage to a dark side
objective each turn. When the balance of the Force favors the
dark side, the dark side player advances the Death Star dial an
extra point each turn.
Bellor's Retribution, k r. 79,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
This reinforcement pack is the perfect addition to your Summoner
Wars Master Set, allow ing you to bring new troops from the
Mountain Vargath and Sw amp Orcs to the War for Itharia, and
experience the excitement of deck construction.
The circling crow s cry out as more w arriors join the w ar.
Choose your w eapons and prepare for glory!
The AT-ST gains an additional unit damage icon w hen the dark
side player w ins the edge.
Make any Summoner Wars purchase directly from and get a free mercenary promo card.
In an edge battle, players vie for initiative by secretly bidding
cards from their hand facedow n, one at a time, beginning w ith
the active player. Once both players have passed or run out of
cards to bid, they compare the number of Force icons on the
cards they’ve bid, the cards they bid are discarded, and the
w inner gains the edge, earning the right to strike first.
Set Contents:
To strike, an attacking or defending unit focuses. Then it applies
the effects of all its combat icons.
Unit damage: Deal one point of damage per unit damage icon to
1 Bellor - Champion 1 Luka - Champion 1 Varn - Champion 5
Wardens - Common 5 Storm Mages - Common 1 Murk - Champion
1 Glurp - Champion 1 Splack - Champion 5 Sw amp Beasts Common 5 Conjurers - Common 1 Kogar - Champion 5 Rogues Common
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cloa k s Fa ction Deck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. They are the Cloaks - a nation of the discarded victims
of the vile Bender Empire that rules the continent of Far Esta.
Forced to live in hiding they have mastered the art of guerrilla
w arfare. They come in the night landing harsh blow s against
their foes, only to melt back into the darkness from w hence they
came. Gunners take out sentries w ith w ell-aimed shots, and
Scrappers w aylay unsuspecting soldiers. And only w hen the
fight is over do their enemies realize they have been looted by
Heading this force is Vlox, former apprentice to old Leonardo,
the dead genius w ho created their black pow der w eaponry.
Vlox is the ultimate jack of all trades, and he intends to use his
new Summoning Stone to carve a bloody path through the heart
of the Bender Empire.
Contents: 35 cards (1 complete faction deck)
Cloaks Faction Deck Includes:
1 Vlox- Summoner
1 Dagger - Champion
1 Violet - Champion
1 Scam - Champion
7 Scrapper - Common
7 Gunner - Common
4 Thief - Common
2 Assassinate Events
2 Cloak of Shadow s Events
2 Magic Drain Events
2 Raid Events
1 Spy Event
3 Wall Cards
1 Summoner Reference Card
Fa llen Kingdom Fa ction Deck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9+. He is Ret-Talus, the Rotten King, a
decayed thing over tw o thousand years old, and one of the most
intelligent creatures ever to exist. He uses his tw isted pow ers to
dredge up the dead and force them to continue fighting. No
sacrifice is too gruesome for this mad king in his quest for glory!
Will you lead the undead hordes of the Fallen Kingdom, making
any fiendish sacrifice necessary, as you w ield the dark necrotic
arts in pursuit of the subjugation of the w orld?
This Summoner Wars Faction Deck provides everything you
need to play the Fallen Kingdom. (A Summoner Wars Starter Set
is also needed to play the game.)
Fallen Kingdom Faction Deck Includes:
1 Ret-Talus - Summoner 1 Skhull - Champion 1 Dragos Champion 1 Elut-Bal - Champion 7 Skeletal Archers - Common 6
Zombie Warriors - Common 5 Reapers - Common 3 Dark
Sacrifice Events 2 Legions of the Dead Events 2 Forced Summon
Events 2 Magic Drain Events 3 Wall Cards 1 Summoner
Reference Card
The circling crow s cry out as more w arriors join the w ar.
Choose your w eapons and prepare for glory!
Filth, The Fa ction Deck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher Services,
Boxsæt. They are a barbaric tribe of demon w orshippers. They
burn and despoil w hat traces of civilization they can find. They
have no name for themselves, but other call them the Filth. At
night their camps echo w ith the screams of prisoners and the
gibbering of madmen. Bodies bend and snap as they are
w racked by mutation - dark payment earned w ith dark rituals.
The Filth Faction Deck Includes:
•1 The Demagogue - Summoner
•1 The Abomination - Champion
•1 Horror Mutant - Mutation
•1 Bestial Mutant - Mutation
•1 Edible Mutant - Mutation
•1 Claw Mutant - Mutation
•1 Tentacle Mutant - Mutation
•1 Winged Mutant - Mutation
•1 Spew Mutant - Mutation
•1 Corpulent Mutant - Mutation
•6 Zealots - Common
•6 Cultists - Common
•3 Shield of the Hopeful Events
•2 Possessed Wall Events
•2 Heretic's Rebuke Events
•2 Channel Corruption Events
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card
•1 Mutation Rules Card
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Guild Dwa rves Vs. Ca ve Goblins, k r. 199,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Spillere: 2 (4). Spilletid: 30 - 60 min.
The Battle Ignites in the Mountains of Sorrow !
The Mountains of Sorrow are aptly named, for they have been
the site of the unending clash betw een Goblin and Dw arf. The
Cave Goblins seek merely to throw themselves upon any foe
w ith the w ill to fight. The Guild Dw arves sit in their mountain
halls, jealously guarding their ancient riches. But w ith the
discovery of the Summoning Stones comes a new kind of
combat, and now these tw o great races w ill help set off the War
for Itharia.
Summoner Wars: Guild Dw arves vs. Cave Goblins gives players
everything they need to join the War for Itharia, as either of these
great races. Will you play the Guild Dw arves, w hose know ledge
of siege w arfare know s no rival? Or w ill you play the Cave
Goblins, and sw arm your foe w ith your fanatical hordes?
This Summoner Wars Starter Set provides 2 complete Faction
decks, as w ell as all the materials needed to play games of
Summoner Wars.
This Starter Set Includes:
•1 Battlefield
•20 Wound Markers
•5 Six-Sided Dice
•1 Full-Color Rulebook
•2 Complete Faction Decks
Guild Dw arves Faction Deck Includes:
•1 Oldin - Summoner
•1 Gror - Champion
•1 Baldar - Champion
•1 Thorkur - Champion
•8 Defenders - Common
•6 Spearmen - Common
•4 Engineers - Common
•2 Besiege the Walls Events
•2 Heroic Feat Events
•2 Magic Drain Events
•2 Reinforcements Events
•1 A Hero is Born Event
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card
Cave Goblins Faction Deck Includes:
•1 Sneeks - Summoner
•1 The Eater - Champion
•1 Mook - Champion
•1 Blarf - Champion
•8 Fighters - Common
•6 Slingers - Common
•4 Berserkers - Common
•3 Goblin Horde Attack Events
•3 Goblin Rage Events
•2 Goblin Rush Events
•1 Goblin Invinciblity Event
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card
The summoning stones have been found and w ar is upon you.
Carve out your empire - and let your enemies despair!
Ha wk 's Strik e Reinforcement Pa ck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 9+. This reinforcement pack is the perfect
addition to your Cloaks and Jungle Elves Faction Decks, allow ing
you to bring new troops to the War for Itharia, and experience
the excitement of deck construction.
Haw k s Strike Includes:
1 Haw k - Champion
1 Sin-Sin - Champion
1 The Admiral - Champion
5 Slashers - Common
5 Snipers - Common
1 Kadara - Champion
5 Jungle Guards - Common
5 Elephants - Common
5 Gorillas - Common
1 Grubs - Champion
5 Stonecloaks - Common
The circling crow s cry out as more w arriors join the w ar.
Choose your w eapons and prepare for glory!
Jungle Elves Fa ction Deck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Drums echo ominously through the jungles,
and savage beasts roar at the prospect of the feast to come.
Shadow s flit through the trees as the Jungle Elves prepare for
w ar. An age has passed since last they w ere seen, but soon all
of Itharia w ill recall that the Phoenix Elves do not stand alone for
all of elfkind. Trained lions move through the greenery, the
strongest bearing w arriors upon their backs. Those w ho might
spy this secret muster w ill find themselves riddled w ith arrow s,
courtesy of elite archers. And there are those w ho say even the
trees themselves have come alive to join the coming battle. At the
head of this army is Abua Shi, a pow erful Summoner w hose
Summoning Stone w as earned through betrayal and lies. He is
driven by a secret shame, one that can only be set right through
the act of violent revenge.
Jungle Elves Faction Deck Includes:
•1 Abua Shi—Summoner
•1 Makeinda Ru—Champion
•1 Shikw a—Champion
•1 Miti Mumw ay—Champion
•8 Lionesses—Common
•6 Archers—Common
•4 Lioners—Common
•2 Chant of Haste—Events
•2 Chant of Deception—Events
•2 Chant of Life—Events
•2 Chant of Negation—Events
•2 Chant of Salvation—Events
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card
The circling crow s cry out as more w arriors join the w ar.
Choose your w eapons and prepare for glory!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M ercena ries Fa ction Deck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
A Summoner gone rogue calls on the mercenaries of Itharia to
aid him in his cause.
Phoenix Elves Vs. Tundra Orcs, k r. 199,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30 - 60 min.
Blood w ill Flow in the Wasted Summerlands!
Mercenaries Faction Deck Includes:
•1 Rallul - Summoner
•1 Etch - Champion
•1 The Seer - Champion
•1 Mundol - Champion
•7 Apprentice Mages - Common
•6 Stone Golems - Common
•5 Rune Mages - Common
•2 Magic Pulse Events
•2 Channeled Summon Events
•2 Wall Transference Events
•2 Reform Stone Events
•1 Fury of Godshome Event
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card
•1 Mercenary Rules Card
What w as once a fertile land of unparalleled beauty w as
replaced by a w asteland of ice. Now the Phoenix Elves, trapped
for millennia in their volcanic halls, have found a Summoning
Stone and are ready to seek revenge for the destruction of the
Summerlands. But in their w ay are the Tundra Orcs: frozen
reavers w ith a Stone of their ow n, as w ell as plans for grisly
Summoner Wars: Phoenix Elves vs. Tundra Orcs gives players
everything they need to join the War for Itharia, as either of these
great races. Will you play the Phoenix Elves, w hose magic and
ferocity burn as brightly as their anger? Or w ill you play the
Tundra Orcs, and bury the w orld in a graveyard of ice?
This Summoner Wars Starter Set provides 2 complete Faction
decks, as w ell as all the materials needed to play games of
Summoner Wars.
This Starter Set Includes:
•1 Battlefield
•20 Wound Markers
•5 Six-Sided Dice
•1 Full-Color Rulebook
•2 Complete Faction Decks
Phoenix Elves Faction Deck Includes:
•1 Prince Elien - Summoner
•1 Maelena - Champion
•1 Kaeseeall - Champion
•1 Fire Drake - Champion
•6 Guardians - Common
•6 Warriors - Common
•6 Archers - Common
•3 Spirit of the Phoenix Events
•2 Burn Events
•2 Magic Drain Events
•1 Greater Burn Event
•1 A Hero is Born Event
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card Tundra Orcs Faction Deck
•1 Grognack - Summoner
•1 Blagog - Champion
•1 Krung - Champion
•1 Ragnor - Champion
•8 Fighters - Common
•5 Shamans - Common
•5 Smashers - Common
•3 Freeze Events
•3 Ice Wall Events
•2 Reinforcements Events
•1 A Hero is Born Event
•3 Wall Cards
•1 Summoner Reference Card
The summoning stones have been found and w ar is upon you.
Carve out your empire - and let your enemies despair!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Piclo's M a gic, k r. 79,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
This reinforcement pack is the perfect addition to your Summoner
Wars Master Set, allow ing you to bring new troops to the War
for Itharia, and experience the excitement of deck construction.
Piclo’s Magic Includes:
•1 Piclo - Deep Dw arf Champion
•1 Deep Troll - Deep Dw arf Champion
•1 Gren - Deep Dw arf Champion
•5 Battle Mages - Deep Dw arf Common
•5 Cross Bow men - Deep Dw arf Common
•1 Kalu - Bender Champion
•1 Talu - Bender Champion
•1 Gw alark - Bender Champion
•5 Parasites - Bender Common
•5 Mind Witches - Bender Common
•1 Rygos - Mercenary Champion
•5 Demon Hands - Mercenary Common
Sa ella 's Precision, k r. 79,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
This reinforcement pack is the perfect addition to your Summoner
Wars collection, allow ing you to bring new troops from the Filth
and Mercenaries to the War for Itharia, and experience the
excitement of deck construction.
The circling crow s cry out as more w arriors join the w ar.
Choose your w eapons and prepare for glory!
Make any Summoner Wars purchase directly from and get a free mercenary promo card.
Summoner Wa rs M a ster Set, k r. 399,50 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9 år. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30-60min.
Summoner Wars is the exciting card game of fantastic battlefield
combat that puts you in the grandiose role of a Summoner.
Strategy shapes the composition of each deck of cards and how
they are used. Tactics determine the effectiveness of those
cards in battle. Call w alls of stone to protect you in combat and
serve as magic portals for you to summon your w arriors. Call
your forces forth and send them in a surging w ave against your
enemy. Cast spells that bolster your forces and cut dow n those
w ho w ould oppose you.
Victory can only come from the death of your opponent s
The Summoner Wars Master Set contains 6 different complete
factions to choose from. Play as the Shadow Elves and conceal
your plans in sw irling darkness! Choose the Benders and
confound your foe, turning his ow n troops against him! Command
the Vargath, mountainous goatfolk w ho call lightning from the
heavens! Select the nefarious Sand Goblins and delight in
malicious trickery! Muster the Deep Dw arves and control the
forces of Geomancy! Lead the ferocious Sw amp Orcs to w ar
and hack upon your foes as they are snared in your vines!
Everything you need to play is here. And w hen you order direct
from Plaid Hat Games you get a free promo card. Your choice of
Khan Queso, Sairook, or Khexhu.
Set Contents:
Set Contents:
1 Her - Champion 1 Vomitus - Champion 1 Absorption Mutant 1
Incanter Mutant 1 Spellsucker Mutant 1 Stoneflesh Mutant 1 Void
Mutant 5 Anointed - Common 1 Saella - Champion 1 Duggle Champion 1 Rath - Champion 1 Urick - Champion 5 Sw ord
Grounders - Common 5 Bow Grounders - Common 5 Time
Mages - Common
1 Premium Game Board
20 Wound Markers
5 Six-Sided Dice
1 Full-Color Revised Rulebook
6 Complete Faction Decks
Ta liya 's Spirit Reinforcement Pa ck , k r. 79,50
(Publisher Services, Inc.)
Sværhedsgrad: 9+. This reinforcement pack is the perfect
addition to your Summoner Wars Master Set, allow ing you to
bring new troops to the War for Itharia, and experience the
excitement of deck construction.
Taliya's Spirit Includes:
•1 Taliya - Shadow Elf Champion
•1 Kuldrid - Shadow Elf Champion
•1 Melek - Shadow Elf Champion
•5 Blade Masters - Shadow Elf Common
•5 Hunters - Shadow Elf Common
•1 Sand Wyrm - Sand Goblin Champion
•1 Stink - Sand Goblin Champion
•1 Tark - Sand Goblin Champion
•5 Slayers - Sand Goblin Common
•5 Bombers - Sand Goblin Common
•1 Hulgorad - Mercenary Champion
•5 Bounders - Mercenary Common
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Va ngua rds Fa ction Deck , k r. 79,50 (Publisher Services,
She is only sixteen years of age, yet this maiden w ielding the
ancient Stone of the Dane strides across the battlefield like a
goddess of old. Grow n men gladly sell their lives to protect her,
the love in their eyes dangerously akin to religious aw e. But her
eyes are w orn for one so young - they are the eyes of
innocence lost, the eyes of one w ho must stare into pits of
undying malice. She is Sera Eldw yn: prodigy, general,
Grandmaster of the Vanguards.
Will you take up arms as the righteous humans of the
Vanguards, using protection and healing magic to stand firm
upon the battlefield in defense of the dow ntrodden?
This Summoner Wars Faction Deck provides everything you
need to play the Vanguards. (A Summoner Wars Starter Set is
also needed to play the game.)
Vanguards Faction Deck Includes:
1 Sera Eldw yn - Summoner 1 Archangel - Champion 1 Kalon
Lightbringer - Champion 1 Raechel Loveguard - Champion 8
Guardian Knights - Common 5 Stalw art Archers - Common 5
Priests - Common 3 Holy Judgment Events 2 Divine Strength
Events 2 Summoning Surge Events 1 Intercession Event 1 A
Hero is Born Event 3 Wall Cards 1 Summoner Reference Card
The summoning stones have been found and w ar is upon you.
Carve out your empire - and let your enemies despair!
Alchemy 1977 Engla nd Ta rot, k r. 22,95 (Dia mond
Comics Distributors)
Boxsæt. Alchemy 1977 is famous around the globe for their
stunning gothic artw ork and steampunk accessories. Fans of
this iconic brand w ill recognize and appreciate the pow erful and
seductive images in this extraordinary tarot deck. This
captivating mix of art from w orld famous gothic illustrators
ranges from traditional horror to lush supernatural scenes to
medieval fantasy.
Fa vole Ta rot Ca rd, k r. 185,00 (Dia mond Comics
Boxsæt. Victoria Frances, a rising star in fantasy illustration, has
w ow ed Europe and is rapidly gaining fans in the U.S. The
stunning Favole Tarot show cases this young illustrator's
signature Gothic Romantic style, inspired by Anne Rice, H. P.
Lovecraft, and pre-Raphaelite paintings. Bask in the splendor of
this dreamy, timeless w orld, haunted by beautiful vampires, dark
fairies, and other mysterious creatures of the night. Gorgeously
grim and lyrical, this unique deck w ill help you explore the dark
crevices of the psyche - and find beauty w here its least
Luis Royo Da rk Ta rot, k r. 185,00 (Dia mond Comics
Boxsæt. Luis Royo, one of the most popular fantasy artists of
our time, invites us into a vivid w orld of haunting beauty, w here
justice is sw ift and transformation is inevitable. Shimmering
nightscapes are dominated by deadly female w arriors, noble
armored knights, and luminescent nature creatures, both w ild
and w ise. Loosely based on the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition,
Royo's sensual and empow ering tarot deck urges you to
confront your darkest fears, embrace your primal passions, and
unleash the beast w ithin.
Zombie Ta rot - M ystica l Prediction Ora cle, k r. 135,00
(Del Rey)
Boxsæt. You’ve never seen tarot cards quite like these. Imagine
the celebrated “Rider Deck” infused w ith the horrors of Night of
the Living Dead, and the result is The Zombie Tarot—a crazy,
campy interpretation of a classic divination system.
In this zombified parallel universe, w ands become limbs,
pentacles are biohazard symbols, and the Major Arcana is full of
shambling corpses. Along w ith the 78-card deck, readers w ill
receive instructions in a 96-page full-color book; its contents
explain how to survive the zombie apocalypse and forecast your
future using one of three different card layouts.
The secrets of The Zombie Tarot aw ait you!
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Promo Pa ck 2 (ma x 1 pr. Kunde) - GRATIS, k r. 0,01
(Aldera c Enterta inment Ga mes)
This pack contains:
Thornwood Siege, k r. 280,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45 min. Deep
in the heart of Thornw ood Forest lies the Stone of Blight, one of
the Thunderstones desperately needed for the salvation of the
w orld. With the forces of Doom ravaging the lands, time is
grow ing short. When brought together, the Stones have enough
pow er to cast him out of the w orld- but every stone must be
captured if the heroes hope to succeed!
The heroes are now gathered in Wulfburg at the border of the
forest, prepared to brave the dangers of the w ood and seek out
the Thunderstone, but there is a problem: not only is the Stone
fiercely guarded by Doom’s minions, they are attacking the tow n.
You must break the siege!
This expansion to Thunderstone introduces new monsters such
as the Raiders and Siege Engines w hich bring the battle to you!
These monsters can destroy cards in the village, kill heroes not
yet hired, and even hurt you on turns w hen you are avoiding the
Will you survive to claim the Thunderstone?
Seven New Heroes
Fourteen New Village Cards
Five New Monster Groups
Special Tokens
Card Dividers
Thunderstone Sta rter Set, k r. 240,00 (Aldera c
Enterta inment Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 2-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
Prepare your party for a quest to claim the Thunderstone! Hire
brave heroes, equip them w ith w eapons, prepare your spells,
and delve into the dungeon. Each monster you slay brings you
closer to victory - and the dreaded Thunderstone Bearer! The
Thunderstone Advance Starter Set provides everything 2–5
players need to kill monsters and search for the Thunderstone,
including all-new heroes, monster groups, and village cards for
more experienced players.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ca verns of Ba ne, k r. 320,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
Vicious Burrow ing Worms! Horrifying Bat Monsters!
Regenerating Subterranean Trolls! Follow ing on the heels of
Thunderstone Advance: Tow ers of Ruin, Thunderstone goes
underground into the Caverns of Bane! Featuring new
challenges and allies in the grow ing Thunderstone Advance
game, Caverns of Bane introduces three new Thunderstone
Bearers, seven new heroes, six new monster groups, 14 new
village cards, and a new w ay to play w ith treasures - Monsters
now carry treasures, and can use them against you!
Root of Corruption, k r. 320,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 45 min.
Follow ing on the heels of Thunderstone Advance: Caverns of
Bane, Thunderstone emerges into the deepest trouble yet.
The tunnels under the fortress at Cheah Dell are clear. The lost
dw arven kingdom of Caligin is reclaimed. And the djinni lich,
Mow til, has been defeated, sealing the portal of black flame into
The adventurers have collected three more Thunderstones, and
Doom's full plans are revealed. He has corrupted the heart of
Tala, Dun Ordha. A monstrous army marches on the capital city,
even as the final Thunderstone is revealed to be held by King
Caelan himself. Can the adventurers race ahead of an army to
save the city from a siege outside the w alls and sickly corruption
w ithin?
Over 300 new cards, dividers, rulebook, and a poster map
containing a board for a brand new co-op game, using existing
Thunderstone rules!
Towers of Ruin, k r. 400,00 (Aldera c Enterta inment
Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 12+. Spillere: 1-5. Spilletid: 45 min. New
World, Ancient Evil! Doom has made his w ay to other w orlds
follow ing his banishment! Are you brave enough to advance to
the next level of Thunderstone? A completely revised and
compatible edition of AEG's popular deck-building fantasy game
set in a new game w orld, Thunderstone: Advance introduces
over 500 new cards featuring 11 new heroes, nine new
monster groups, and 19 new village cards! Plus, Familiars join the
fight to aid your quest, pow erful new Thunderstone Bearers lurk
in every dungeon, and tw o dungeons offer tw ice the challenge!
Timeline - Discoveries, k r. 120,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 15 min. We
Are Made by History! Was America discovered before Planetary
Motion? With Timeline: Discoveries, find the answ er to this
question and thousands of others by comparing your know ledge
and insight to historical reality.
Timeline - Diversity, k r. 120,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 15 min. “Time
is w hat prevents everything from happening at once.” … but it
doesn’t make Timeline any easier!
The invention of the tank, the 1st appearance of a Superhero,
and the invention of the coffee maker… Can you put all these
events correctly on the timeline? With Timeline, learn the answ er
to this question and thousands more. Each card has a different
historical event and on the opposite side its associated date.
To begin, one card is randomly selected from the draw pile. This
is placed in the middle of the table, date-side up and is the
starting point of a chronological line w hich w ill slow ly be built by
players. The first player then chooses one of their cards and
places it before or after that of the initial card. The player's card
is then turned date-side up. If the player w as right, it remains on
the table. Otherw ise, the card is discarded and a new one must
be draw n to replace it. The more cards w hich are correctly
played, the harder it is to correctly place new ones! The first
player to get rid of their cards w ins.
Timeline - Historica l Events, k r. 120,00 (Asmodee
Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 15 min. JFK's
assassination, the 1st step on the moon, the last crusade... Can
you put all these events correctly on the timeline? Each player is
dealt the same number of cards. At the start of the game, a card
is draw n at random from the stack and is placed at the center of
the table w ith the date show ing. This is the starting point for a
timeline that w ill be gradually completed by the players. The first
player then chooses one of his cards and places it before or
after the card on the initial map. The player's card is then turned
over to show the date of the historical event. If it is correct, it
stays in place. Otherw ise, the card is discarded and the player
must draw another to replace it. The more cards in the timeline,
the harder it is not to make a mistake! The first player w ith no
cards left w ins.
Timeline - Inventions, k r. 120,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 15min.
Guess the date of creation for dozens of inventions!
Was the light bulb invented after or before glasses? With
Timeline, learn the answ er to this question and thousands of
others by comparing your know ledge or hunches to historic
reality. At the beginning of the game, players all get the same
number of cards representing monumnets, inventions, etc. At the
back of each card is a date.
To begin, one card is randomly draw n from those not given to
players. This is placed in the middle of the table, date-side up and
is the starting point of a chronological line w hich w ill slow ly be
built by players. The first player then chooses one of their cards.
If the player thinks that the invention on their card came before
that of the initial card, the player places their card to the left of
the initial card. The player's card is then turned date-side up. If
the player w as right, it remains on the table. Otherw ise, the card
is discarded and a new one must be draw n to replace it. Play
proceeds clockw ise. The more cards w hich are correctly
played, the harder it is to correctly place new ones!
The first player to get rid of their cards w ins.
-An easily portable format w hich can be taken anyw here
-eye-catching artw ork
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Timeline UK 2012 Edition, k r. 200,00 (Asmodee Editions
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 15min.
Timeline is a card game played using 220 cards. Each card
depicts a historical event, invention or discovery on both sides,
w ith the year in w hich that event occurred, invention or
discovery w as made on only one side. Players take turns placing
a card from their hand in a row on the table. After placing the
card, the player reveals the date on it. If the card w as placed
correctly w ith the date in chronological order w ith all other cards
on the table, the card stays in place; otherw ise the card is
removed from play and the player takes another card from the
The first player to get rid of all his cards by placing them
correctly w ins. If multiple players go out in the same round, then
everyone else is eliminated from play and each of those players
are dealt one more card for another round of play. If only one
player has no cards after a bonus round, he w ins; otherw ise
play continues until a single player goes out.
This version of the Timeline game combines cards from the three
already published French Timeline games (Timeline: Inventions,
Timeline: Discoveries and Timeline: Historical Events). Cards are
bigger so it's not compatible w ith previous releases.
Artifa cts Expa nsion, k r. 105,00 (Bezier Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13 år. Spillere: 5-40. Spilletid: 30-90min.
Artifacts, the first-ever mega-expansion to Ultimate Werew olf
(and usable in other versions of Werew olf), brings the game into
the 21st century by using ancient artifacts to propel the game
forw ard.
Each player gets, in addition to his Ultimate Werew olf role card,
his ow n Artifact card. He secretly looks at that card, w hich has
an artifact w ith some special pow er on it. At any time during the
game, he can choose to reveal his Artifact card and use its
special pow er. Some artifacts, like the Cloak of the Prince,
provide a direct benefit to the player w ith the artifact. Others, like
the Cudgel of the Old Hag, impact other players. And still others,
like the Ring of Truth, provide information about another player in
the game. Some artifacts might not be to your benefit to use right
aw ay, like the Claw of the Werew olf, but others, like the Ruby of
Kismet, might cause someone to reveal and activate an artifact
anyw ay!
What this ends up doing is providing a w hole new layer to
Ultimate Werew olf games, adding new strategies and tactics to
your games. Each game is different, w ith unique combinations of
artifacts in the mix.
Ultimate Werew olf Artifacts contains forty unique artifact cards.
In addition to the card game the box also contains a CD w ith the
computer version of the game, w ith even more events,
discoveries and inventions.
Tota l Rumble, k r. 205,00 (Gen X Ga mes S. L. )
Sværhedsgrad: 8+. Spillere: 3-12. Spilletid: 15-30 min. TOO
Being surrounded by huge masses of muscles, martial artists
and fighters of all types of standards w ould normally be more
than enough to start trembling like a baby. If w e add that they all
w ant to kill you, w e may have w anted to think that voluntary
participation in combat has been the greatest of mistakes.
Sure, they're probably all thinking the same about you.
Become an expert in close combat and manages to defeat all
your opponents in a formidable battle using your quick strokes
and techniques. A fight in w hich only one of the participants
achieved their goal: get out alive.
Even if it should end all others.
Game designer: Óscar Arévalo Robles
Tutto (Regler på engelsk , fra nsk , tysk og ita liensk ), k r.
89,50 (Aba cus)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 8 år. Spillere: 2-10. Spilletid: 30 min. Aim
of Game
Players attempt, w ith some lucky dice rolls, and a bit of
strategy, to score as many points as possible. But before you
can roll the dice, you have to draw a card. Sometimes that
means a fat bonus to go along w ith your dice score, but
sometimes it might mean that all your hard-w on points
get scrubbed out.
Wa lk ing Dea d Ca rd Ga me, The, k r. 120,00 (Cryptozoic
Enterta inment )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 15+. Spillere: 2-6/3-10. Spilletid: 10-30
min. The Walking Dead Card Game is an action card game of
zombie survival w here up to 10 players can join in and compete
in either Hero mode or Survival mode to eliminate as many zombie
cards as possible and rack up the most points each round. With
more than 100 zombie cards, players w ill have to make the right
decision each turn to ensure they score as many points as
possible w hile making it more difficult for their opponents.
Assa ult on Ulthua n Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The Assault on Ulthuan expansion explores the bitter
enmity betw een the Dark Elves and the High Elves. The Dark
Elves are a cruel race w ho excel at taking prisoners, sacrificing
them, and inflicting vast amounts of pain on enemy units. The
High Elves are a proud, pow erful race w ho rely on card denial,
cancellation, healing, and ranged attacks. Assault on Ulthuan
contains tw o core starter decks of 40 cards, as w ell as 2 capital
boards for the Dark Elves and High Elves. Players of existing
factions w ill find plenty to aid them as w ell.
Bloodquest Cycle #4 - Vessel of the Winds Ba ttle Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Winds of Magic how l across the Old World. In such
unsettling times, armies look to their greatest personalities for
leadership and guidance. How w ill they face their enemies under
the threat of magical annihilation? Can they tame the w inds? Can
they harness them against their foes?
Vessel of the Winds is the fourth Battle Pack in The Bloodquest
Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion! The sixty cards (3 copies each
of 20 different cards) in this inspiring Battle Pack bolster each
race w ith unique units and Attachments to rally troops to victory.
Meanw hile, other units arrive ready to risk their lives on daring
quests to advance their armies' strategies, and the Orcs, Dark
Elves, and Undead seek means of uniting the tribes, subverting
their enemies' fighting spirit, and achieving immortality.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Bloodquest Cycle #5 - Portent Of Doom Ba ttle Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Bloody w ar rages across the Old World. While ancient enemies
struggle, sw eat, and bleed, Portent of Doom continues to
develop the focus on material rew ards for quests that pervades
The Bloodquest Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game.
The 60 cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards) in this Battle
Pack provide players their first Portent, as w ell as units, support
cards, and tactics that hasten questing. Players also find w ays
to protect their units, an Empire unit capable of filching their
rivals' resources, and a fearsome new Chaos legend.
Enemy Cycle #4 - Redemption of a M a ge Ba ttle Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Redemption of a Mage is the fourth Battle Pack in The Enemy
Cycle, a linked expansion series for Warhammer: Invasion, a
card game of intense w arfare, clever kingdom management, and
epic questing. This 60 card pack contains 20 different neverbefore seen cards designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the Warhammer: Invasion metagame.
Each army seeks the means to conquer its foes. With Portent of
Doom, the course of history may be decided by those few
individuals tasked to find Artefacts of pow er and to recover
them as w eapons to be employed in the heat of battle!
In this exciting continuation of The Enemy Cycle, the Dw arfs build
their mastery of pow erful Runes w hile the Empire expands their
synergy w ith the Mage and Knight keyw ords. For Chaos, father
Nurgle’s arsenal of diseases grow s, w hile the Dark Elves
practice their hexes and the Orcs smash everything in sight.
This, along w ith exciting options for the High Elves and new
three-w ay neutral alliance cards, Redemption of a Mage is an
invaluable enhancement for any Warhammer: Invasion deck.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Ca pita l Cycle #6 - Imperia l Throne Ba ttle Pa ck , The,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The sixth and final Battle Pack in The Capital Cycle for
Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game, The Imperial Throne puts
the focus on the Old World's greatest nation w ith roughly half of
the 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards)
dedicated to the Empire of Man. The Empire of Man is the
greatest nation of the Old World, spanning the continent from the
southern Border Princes to snow -clad Kislev in the north, and
The Imperial Throne reflects the nation's richness and diversity.
Imperial players gain a new Hero, Fortification, and Capital
Center, as w ell as other units and support cards. The Empire's
allies and foes also receive new units and support cards,
including explosive new support cards and a means of making
targeted searches through their decks.
Enemy Cycle #2 - Fa ll of Ka ra k Grima z Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Fall of Karak Grimaz is the second Battle Pack installment of
The Enemy Cycle, a linked expansion series for Warhammer:
Invasion, a card game of intense w arfare, clever kingdom
management, and epic questing. This 60-card pack contains 20
different never-before-seen cards designed to augment existing
decks and add variety to the Warhammer: Invasion metagame.
What's more, The Fall of Karak Grimaz is the second Battle Pack
for Warhammer: Invasion to adopt the versatile new collation
format, meaning fans w ill receive three copies each of all tw enty
cards in one convenient purchase!
Enemy Cycle #3 - Silent Forge Ba ttle Pa ck , The, k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. The Silent Forge is the third Battle Pack in The Enemy
Cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game.
Including pow erful neutral cards like The Marauding Giant and
Battle Pilgrims, as w ell as formidable new units for all six
factions, The Silent Forge is a must-have for fans of the
kingdoms, quests, and epic battles of Warhammer: Invasion!
What's more, The Silent Forge includes a short story by J.R.
Godw in, helpful for immersing fans and new comers alike into the
grim and perilous setting of Warhammer's Old World. New
information has led an intrepid band of High Elves to one of the
Dark Elves' secret forges. Now they have the chance to
eliminate the source of some of the most pow erful w eapons of
their long hated rivals.
Enemy Cycle #5 - Fourth Wa ystone Ba ttle Pa ck , The,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Sources of purity, the w aystones help maintain the Winds of
Magic. If they can be corrupted, the Dark Elves w ill strike at the
source of their sw orn enemies’ pow ers, breaking an age-old
stalemate once and for all.
The Fourth Waystone is the fifth Battle Pack installment of The
Enemy Cycle, a linked expansion series for Warhammer:
Invasion, a card game of intense w arfare, clever kingdom
management, and epic questing. This 60 card pack contains 20
different never-before-seen cards designed to augment existing
decks and add variety to the Warhammer: Invasion metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Enemy Cycle #6 - Bleeding Sun Ba ttle Pa ck , k r. 119,50
(Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Bleeding Sun is the sixth Battle Pack installment of The Enemy
Cycle, the linked expansion series for Warhammer: Invasion, a
card game of intense w arfare, clever kingdom management, and
epic questing. In this exciting conclusion to The Enemy Cycle, all
six factions gain valuable new pow ers... but w ho w ill come out
on top?
Blessing of Myrmidia brings strength to the Knights of the Empire,
w hile the vile Beast of Rot feeds on the pow er of Nurgle.
Meanw hile, the Orcs tame a Giant Spider and the High Elves
harness the pow er of the Moon Staff of Lileath!
This 60 card pack contains 20 different never-before-seen
cards designed to augment existing decks and add variety to the
Warhammer: Invasion metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Eterna l Wa r cycle #1 - Da ys of Blood Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The 60 new cards (three copies each of 20 different cards) in
Shield of the Gods relate the latest chapter of a w orld at w ar.
Greenskin hordes sw eep across the mountains, Chaos cultists
seek to corrupt the Empire, and the Dark Elves launch a w ave of
assaults against their kin in Ulthuan, led by a new legend. Each
army gains strength from new units, and the w ars gain tactical
depth w ith new support cards and tactics, including the
renow ned Shield of Aeons! Meanw hile, w hile players receive
new tools to w age their battles and maneuver their armies, the
soldiers of the true creators march forth. The Lizardmen arrive
from Lustria to reclaim w hat is theirs. The neutral race receives
consistent, battle-oriented card draw and a new quest that
increases the ferocious efficacy of these savage w arriors.
Eterna l Wa r cycle #2 - Oa ths of Vengea nce Ba ttle
Pa ck , k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
"In the shattered groves beneath the Dragon Pass the Nagarythe
sw ore their pact of obedience to Alith Anar, and in oaths of
blood they pledged their lives to the destruction of Malekith and
all his follow ers." Warhammer Armies: High Elves
Oaths of Vengeance is the second Battle Pack in the Eternal War
cycle for Warhammer: Invasion! As the Eternal War cycle pushes
the rival races of the Old World tow ard all out w ar, Oaths of
Vengeance further supports the cycle's new Ambush and
Raider keyw ords. Of the pack's ten new units, six of them
feature these new keyw ords, allow ing them to surprise your
opponents w ith guerrilla tactics and gather resources from their
actions in the battlefield. Additionally, you'll find new supports
and tactics that enrich the battlefield phase, adding more
strategy and dynamism to the game's fast-paced w arfare.
In Oaths of Vengeance, you'll also find the Shadow King of
Nagarythe, Alith Anar. No legend better exemplifies the cycle's
focus on dynamic battlefield action as w ell as the High Elves'
legendary master of guerrilla w arfare.
Eterna l Wa r cycle #4 - Glory of Da ys Pa st Ba ttle Pa ck ,
k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Glory of Days Past is the fourth Battle Pack in the
Eternal War cycle for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game. As
the races of the Old World continue to seek new means of
routing their old foes, Glory of Days Past explores their traditional
strengths w hile helping them develop new strategies based
around dynamic battlefield phases. To stand against the surging
forces of Destruction, the Dw arfs mine and forge, men of the
Empire meet their foes w ith spells and steel, and High Elf mages
harness the Eight Winds.
Eterna l Wa r cycle #5 - Ruinous Hordes Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The hordes of Chaos gather in the far north, posing the greatest
threat the forces of Order have ever faced. Now , the sixty new
cards (three copies each of tw enty individual cards) from The
Ruinous Hordes give each of the game's races new units and
means to confront these hordes and control the flow of combat.
With the fate of the Old World at stake, The Ruinous Hordes
make the battles of Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game faster,
more ferocious, and deadlier than ever!
Eterna l Wa r cycle #6 - Fa ith a nd Steel Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Boxsæt. “The Dw arfs w ere not defenceless. The ancient tales
tell how Grungni taught them how to inscribe magical runes onto
their w eapons and armour. He armed Grimnir w ith tw o mighty
axes and armour harder than the bones of mountains.”
–Warhammer: Dw arfs
Men of the Empire band together against the hordes of Chaos
and the other forces of Destruction claw ing at their borders. As
the sixty new cards (three copies each of tw enty individual
cards) from Faith and Steel bring the forces of Order and
Destruction to the battlefield for a cataclysmic confrontation, the
Empire gains strength from its Mages, supports, and the
legendary Balthazar Gelt (Faith and Steel, 101). Will they be
enough to fend off all the amassed Daemons, Dragons, and
Orcs? It is a desperate time, and rumors tell that the end times
have come. Still, the Men of the Empire do not stand alone. Faith
and Steel introduces new tactics for the High Elves and Dw arfs,
as w ell as new units w illing to defend their kingdoms even unto
With the fate of the Old World at stake, Faith and Steel ushers
the new Eternal War keyw ords, Ambush and Raider, into the
cycle’s final battles. Will tricks and traps and superior tactics w in
the day? Or w ill one army rise to pow er, backed only by the
sheer, brute strength of its units?
M a rch of the Da mned Expa nsion, k r. 239,50 (Fa nta sy
Flight Ga mes)
Sværhedsgrad: 13+. March of the Damned is an exciting deluxe
expansion for Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game, and it w ill
bring new strategic depth to your deck-building experience
w hen it hits store shelves this fall.
With 165 cards (3 copies each of 55 cards) consisting of new
deck-building options for players of all factions, March of the
Damned brings, as neutral forces, the mysterious danger of the
jungle-dw elling Lizardmen and the foul dark arts of the Vampire
Counts to Warhammer: Invasion. March of the Damned also
introduces tw o new keyw ords, “Savage” and “Necromancy,”
bringing a new level of strategy to your game.
This is not a standalone product. A copy of Warhammer:
Invasion The Card Game is required to play.
M orrslieb Cycle #1 - Omens of Ruin Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Cruelty and deceit are the hallmarks of the Dark Elves, everprepared to strike at their hated foes...
Omens of Ruin is the first Battle Pack in The Morrslieb Cycle for
Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game! A strange moon rises,
casting the Old World in a sickly green light. What horrible future
can be foretold? And w hat does this mean for the factions vying
for control of the Old World?
Omens of Ruin introduces the nimble Wood Elves and their
mysterious Forest Spirit allies. Meanw hile, the mighty River Troll
joins the fray and Dark Elf Infiltrators invade the ranks of their
enemies! With three copies each of tw enty never-before-seen
cards, Omens of Ruin is designed to augment existing decks and
add variety to the Warhammer: Invasion metagame.
Contains cards 1-20 of the Morrslieb Cycle.
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M orrslieb Cycle #2 - Cha os M oon Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
On the eve of Moorslieb’s rising, the orcs assault the dw arfen
holds in force. Can a grizzled champion and his w arriors hold
them back until aid arrives?
The Chaos Moon is the second Battle Pack installment of The
Morrslieb Cycle! This 60 card pack contains 20 different neverbefore-seen cards designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the Warhammer: Invasion metagame. For more on this
exciting new series and the design direction it has in store, read
The Chaos Moon is Rising, an article that includes developer
James Hata’s introduction to the series!
In The Chaos Moon, the Dw arf brew er Josef Bugman brings his
legendary ale to the hold, w hile the High Elves deliver the w rath
of the massive Moon Dragon and the Empire’s w izards control
the very forces of nature. Meanw hile, Papa Nurgle inflicts a
horrific new disease upon the Old World, frenzying Witch Elves
bathe themselves in blood, and the Orcs bash everything in sight!
And all the w hile, the enigmatic Wood Elves w atch from the
M orrslieb Cycle #4 - Signs in the Sta rs Ba ttle Pa ck , k r.
119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Signs in the Stars adds a host of new deck-building options to
your Warhammer: Invasion experience. This 60 card pack
contains 20 different never-before-seen cards designed to
augment existing decks and add variety to the Warhammer:
Invasion metagame.
The High Elves’ Bladelord dominates the battlefield w ith his
mastery of the Path of the Autumn Wind, w hile the Dark Elves’
Enraged Manticore lays w aste to everything it sees. Meanw hile,
the Empire hero Luthor Huss charges into battle, and the Dw arfs
observe the battle from the safety of their Gyrocopter!
And in the included short story by Ross Watson, a Wood Elf
Wayw atcher surveys the scene of a mysterious but bloody
skirmish, unaw are that the threat is far from gone...
Look for Signs in the Stars on store shelves this spring, and
keep checking back for more on Warhammer: Invasion The Card
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
M orrslieb Cycle #3 - Twin Ta iled Comet Ba ttle Pa ck ,
The, k r. 119,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Tw in Tailed Comet is the third exciting Battle Pack installment
in the 'Morrslieb Cycle' for Warhammer: Invasion—The Card
Game, w ith each 60-card pack containing 20 different neverbefore-seen cards designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the Warhammer: Invasion metagame.
The Tw in Tailed Comet brings a variety of tactics, units, and
support cards to your deck. The mighty Dw arf Daemonslayer
can bear w ounds that kill his lesser kin, w hile the Orcs' Tribal
Tattoos stand as a testament to their battlefield prow ess.
Meanw hile, the Celestial Wizard rains death on the foes of the
Empire, and the Sorcerer of Tzeentch grow s stronger for each
shrine erected to his dark master.
As a tw in tailed comet streaks across the night sky, it contrasts
against the pale green light of the Chaos Moon. As Morrslieb
w axes full, and the forces of Chaos sw eep dow n from the
north, reavers threaten a caravan of refugees. Only a w itch
hunter, a w izard's apprentice, and a handful of soldiers stand in
their w ay. Can they stand against the dark army that opposes
them, or w ill they become its tw isted servants?
This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The Card
Game core set is required to play.
New M oon Expa nsion, k r. 105,00 (Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 8-18. Spilletid: 30min. In
spite of the inhabitants rallying to uncover the lycanthropes
among them, the village of Millers Hollow w as devastated by the
w erew olves. Now the ferocious creatures prow l the hamlet,
and the villagers barricade themselves inside their cottages,
being careful not to go outside at nightfall. How ever, a feeble
hope still remains. Hidden in the deepest depths of the
w astelands, the Resistance is organized and prepared. New
characters w ith promising abilities join the battle against the
terrible w erew olves. Nevertheless, the fight is sure to be
savage, because it's the new moon!
Werewolves of M illers Hollow, The, k r. 105,00
(Asmodee Editions )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 10 år. Spillere: 8-18. Spilletid: 20-30min.
The tiny tow n of Millers Hollow unw ittingly harbors w erew olves,
w ho, under the cover of darkness, kidnap and devour
tow nsfolk. To discover the w olves in their midst, a meeting is
called, bringing together all of the tow nsfolk to decide the ultimate
fate of the tow n. Based on the Stalinist-era Russian game
know n as Spies or Mafia, The Werew olves of Millers Hollow is a
great party game for both roleplaying crow ds and murder
mystery folk.
Win, Lose, or Ba na na , k r. 10,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Sværhedsgrad: ?. Spillere: ?. Spilletid: 5 sek. The title pretty
Yomi Complete First Edition, k r. 800,00 (Ga me Sa lute)
Boxsæt. Spillere: 2. Spilletid: 30 min. Yomi is a card game that
simulates a fighting game. It tests your ability to predict how your
opponents w ill act and your ability to judge the relative value of
cards from one situation to the next. Free Cursed Pack w ith each
Yomi: Complete!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Absolute Powerforce Booster Pa ck , k r. 50,00 (Upper
Deck Compa ny, LLC)
Absolute Pow erforce features Jack Atlas's "Majestic Red
Dragon" - the latest and greatest upgrade for The Five Dragons!
It also contains new Koa'ki Meiru, X-Sabers, Ritual Monster
cards, Reptiliannes, Spellcasters, Machines, and more. Plus, a
special treat for long-time Duelists, an old favorite has returned:
It's time to dust off their "Necrovalley" cards and add four brandnew cards to their Gravekeeper's Decks! 9 cards per pack.
Ra ging Ba ttle Booster, k r. 40,00 (Upper Deck
Compa ny, LLC)
Raging Battle picks up w here Crimson Crisis left off, w ith all-new
Synchro monsters, spells, and trap cards. Behold the
unstoppable strength of the Dark Signers' Earthbound Immortal
monsters – available for the first time in Raging Battle! Amaze
your friends and foes w ith the new Koa'ki Meiru, specifically
designed to defeat the most popular deck strategies used at
tournaments. PLUS: More Blackw ing monsters to sw arm your
opponent! More Morphtronics! New Synchro Monsters! New
Tuners! And more new cards used by your favorite characters
on TV! Each pack contains at least one Rare Card w ith a chance
for more!
Nine cards per Raging Battle booster pack
The series consists of:
48 Common Cards
20 Rare Cards
14 Super Rare Cards
10 Ultra Rare Cards
Shining Da rk ness Booster, k r. 50,00 (Upper Deck
Compa ny, LLC)
Your deck w ill shine w ith the pow er of darkness w ith this 100card expansion that unleashes new Monsters, Spells, and Traps
for the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's TCG. Blackw ings soared from the skies in
2009 and stormed the field w ith big monsters, fast Summons,
and aw esome card effects. Now Blackw ings get their biggest
boost yet w ith The Shining Darkness, including nine new
Blackw ing-themed cards. And, not to be outdone, the fiendish
Infernity monsters get over a dozen new cards, bringing the
Infernity monsters to the forefront of competitive Dueling and
transforming them into a pow erful new Deck type.
Yusei Duelist Pa ck , k r. 30,00 (Upper Deck Compa ny,
To be the best, play w ith the best. And now you can w ith Duelist
Pack: Yusei! Be the first to create your ow n deck based on the
new Yu-Gi-Oh 5D’s! With Yusei’s cards the w inning moves and
combos are right at your fingertips.
Be street smart and make sure you don’t miss out on the new
generation of Duelist Packs:
• Easily collect the deck of Yusei – Dueling Champion of Yu-GiOh! 5D’s!
• Contains 5 pow erful Synchro Monsters like the magnificent
“Stardust Dragon” and the brand new “Armory Arm” – w hich
boosts the attack pow er of your other monsters.
• Features 5 brand new cards to make Synchro Summoning
easier and more pow erful.
Zeven Ca rd Zombie, k r. 159,50 (M indTwister USA )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 9+. Spillere: 2-8. Spilletid: 30 min. A fun
and light strategy game for 2-8 players, Zeven Card Zombie is a
re-themed version of our popular title Seven Card Samurai.
Featuring elements of Rummy and Poker, it is a game that many
can pick up quickly, but also yields new strategies and tactics
w ith more and more plays. The object is to lay dow n a matching
set of Zombie cards before your opponents do, w hile at the
same time stealing other players brains and defending your ow n.
Commando, Hunter, and Grave Digger cards round out this fun
and slightly ghoulish game.
Zombies!!!! The Ca rd Ga me, k r. 120,00 (Twilight
Crea tions Inc.)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 13+. Spillere: 2-6. Spilletid: 30-60. Do
Efetrå r 2012 - Gra tisbla d, k r. 0,01 (Pa psk )
Magasinet er tilrettelagt af spiljournalister og redaktionen på, som er Danmarks bedste og mest alsidige
w ebsite om brætspil. Vores sigte er at udbrede kendskabet til en
masse gode spil og få flere danskere til at samles om bordet.
Familie og main-stream spækket indhold med interview s,
købeguides og interessante tema-artikler med brætspil som
Er gratis for læserne
2, k r. 179,50 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Featuring new , full-length scenarios, rules variants, source
material, Keeper's tips, and insightful columns, Worlds of Cthulhu
explores Call of Cthuhlu through a roleplaying perspective,
spotlighting all aspects of H.P. Lovecraft's Mythos, from the
popular 1920's Classic and Gaslight, to the modern and Dark
Ages eras.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
5, k r. 145,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Worlds of Cthulhu is the official tw ice-yearly magazine dedicated
to just one thing: Call of Cthulhu in all its settings and systems.
Issue #5 contains:
- Scenario 1 (1920s): "They Sleep by Tw ilight" by Aaron Vanek.
This Tw enties scenario set in New England is a case of tangled
concerns, barely formed fears and mistaken identities, and is
designed to be a change from usual Mythos hunting duties.
- Scenario 2 (Modern): "Out of the Ages" by Gary Sumpter.
Classic Call Cthulhu scenarioist Gary Sumpter brings us his
Cthulhu Now version of the aftermath of the Philadelphia
Experiment. It starts w ith the strange death of a former senator.
- Scenario 3 (Strange Aeons): "Master of Hounds" by Keris
McDonald. A one-off, nightmarish dream-quest into the roots of
London's history, starting in 1665 w hen London is in the grip of
the Great Plague.
- The Sw ords of Snefru: an ages-old conspiracy now seemingly
involved in international terrorism. Are they implacable defenders
of humanity or in league w ith the Cthulhu Mythos?
- A War to End All Wars: a World War One previous experience
generator for Tw enties Call of Cthulhu characters.
- Astrologica Cthulhiana—Cthulhian Astrology by Manfred
- The Germaine Institute by Christopher Smith Adair. Mankind is
fighting a w ar, and it is losing. The victims and the casualties are
everyw here. The most tragic victims are the youngest, most
helpless members of a society on the brink. These innocents are
being sacrificed, w hile the average person and the authorities
turn their backs. They w on't hear the screams until it is too late.
One small, dedicated group stands against the grow ing
darkness, placing themselves betw een Hell and the children it
hungers for. It is a lonely mission, and the enemy is everyw here.
The serpent is coiled in the hearts of men, and only the w hite-hot
light of truth w ill burn them out.
- Constantinople—In Hoc Signo Vinces by Chad Bow ser.
Situated on the w estern bank of the Bosporus, Constantinople is
a city w ithout equal, and capital of an empire at the height of its
glory. In the year 1000, almost all investigators travelling from
Western Europe into the Near East, or from the East to West, w ill
encounter Constantinople in one w ay or another. Rther than a
strict geography, this article explores the personalities of the
men and w omen w ho make Cthulhu Dark Age Constantinople an
exotic and deadly place to visit.
- Keepers Corner: Dreaming of Times Gone By. Another angle on
time travel by Derek Mayne.
- Cult Exposed! The Believers of Red Hook by Dan Harms
- Directives for a Cell by Scott Glancy
132 pages, perfect bound
18 - TILBUD, k r. 20,00 (Priva teer Press)
No Quarter Magazine is a bi-monthly, full-color magazine
focusing on all Privateer Press product lines. Both
WARMACHINE, HORDES, and rpg players w ill enjoy the Iron
Kingdoms content in each issue.
Content ranges from fiction set in the WARMACHINE w orld of the
Iron Kingdoms, to modeling advice for novice and expert alike.
Play challenging new scenarios for WARMACHINE and get new
gear for your rpg characters w hile GMs find new foes to throw
against their players. No Quarter magazine is your ticket for a fullsteam-ahead journey into the Iron Kingdoms.
19 - TILBUD, k r. 20,00 (Priva teer Press)
No Quarter Magazine is a bi-monthly, full-color magazine
focusing on all Privateer Press product lines. Both
WARMACHINE, HORDES, and rpg players w ill enjoy the Iron
Kingdoms content in each issue.
Content ranges from fiction set in the WARMACHINE w orld of the
Iron Kingdoms, to modeling advice for novice and expert alike.
Play challenging new scenarios for WARMACHINE and get new
gear for your rpg characters w hile GMs find new foes to throw
against their players. No Quarter magazine is your ticket for a fullsteam-ahead journey into the Iron Kingdoms.
1, k r. 100,00 (Pla yground)
Playground Magazine is a quarterly magazine for and about the
New Wave in roleplaying, covering live-action and tabletop
roleplaying around the w orld.
The theme of the first issue of Playground is bleed, the w ay
fictional experiences affect people and how our lives affect our
fictional experiences. What happens w hen you fall in love w ith a
videogame character? When you ask your neighbor to murder
you in the name of art? Is it possible to make a game about a
subject like gang rape? Apart from bleed, w e also talk about larp
in Poland, the S&M games of J. Tuomas Harviainen and getting
laid through roleplay.
2, k r. 100,00 (Pla yground)
Playground Magazine is a quarterly magazine for and about the
385, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
391, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
392, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
393, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
395 - November 2012, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
402 - Juni 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
396 - December 2012, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
403 - Juli 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
397 - Ja nua r 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
398 - Ferua r 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
Tenta cle Plush (Green) (1 stk ), k r. 199,50 (Steve
Ja ck son Ga mes)
It's a 30" long plush posable tentacle. Why did w e do it? Because
Evil Stevie likes tentacles. And this one is soft, and furry.
Make it a fashion statement, poking out of your shirt. Use the loop
in back to hang it from your belt. Put it in your next haunted
house... or in your cubicle! Threaten your other plush toys, just to
remind them w ho's the boss.
It's completely poseable. Bend it to your ow n w icked w ill.
Kølesk a bspoesi - Kærlighed, k r. 199,00 (Kylsk å pspoesi)
Denne pakke indeholder 540 magneter med kærlighedsord.
399 - M a rts 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
400 - April 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
401 - M a j 2013, k r. 60,00 (Ga mes Work shop)
White Dw arf is Games Workshop's very ow n monthly hobby
magazine. Every issue is packed w ith exciting articles and
features that keep you up-to-date w ith w hat's going on.
You'll be able to read about the latest games and supplements,
and see color photos of all the latest Citadel Miniatures.
Whatever Games Workshop games you play, you'll alw ays find
something to interest you in the pages of White Dw arf.
Anvend magneterne til dine egne kærlighedsdigte, eller giv
pakken til en du holder af. Ordene er sensuelle, søde och sjove
og gør det let for dig at give små kærlige tegn. Gør dit køleskab til
et kærlighedsbrev i konstant forandring.
Series 10, k r. 20,00 (Lego)
With 17 all-new , special minifigures in Series 10, the LEGO®
Minifigure Collection continues to grow . Each minifigure comes in
a sealed 'mystery' bag w ith its ow n special accessories, display
plate and collecto r's leaflet. Inspired by movies, sports, history
and just everyday life, this collection includes: Warrior Woman,
Decorator, Sad Clow n, Roman Commander, Bumblebee Girl,
Motorcycle Mechanic, Grandpa, Revolutionary Soldier,
Baseball Fielder, Librarian , Sea Captain, Medusa, Skydiver,
Trendsetter, Paintball Player, and Tomahaw k Warrior.
* Each Minifigure includes unique character accessories, a
display stand w ith LEGO studs and a Series 10 collector's leaflet
* A surprise each time! You never know w hich Minifigure is
hiding inside the sealed "mystery" bag.
* Collect and trade w ith your friends!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Series 8, k r. 20,00 (Lego)
With 16 all-new , special minifigures in Series 8, the LEGO®
Minifigure Collection continues to grow . Each minifigure comes in
a sealed "mystery" bag w ith its ow n special accessories,
display plate and collector' s leaflet. Inspired by movies, sports,
history and just everyday life, this collection includes: Actor,
Pirate Captain, Conquistador, Evil Robot, Alien Villainess, Diver,
Vampire Bat, Fairy, Football Player, Businessman, Dow nhill Skier,
Red Chee rleader, Santa, Lederhosen Guy, DJ and Cow girl.
* Each Minifigure includes unique character accessories, a
display stand w ith LEGO studs and a Series 8 collector's leaflet
* A surprise each time! You never know w hich Minifigure is
hiding inside the sealed "mystery" bag.
* Collect and trade w ith your friends!
Series 9, k r. 20,00 (Lego)
With 16 all-new , special minifigures in Series 9, the LEGO®
Minifigure Collection continues to grow . Each minifigure comes in
a sealed 'mystery' bag w ith its ow n special accessories, display
plate and collector's leaflet. Inspired by movies, sports, history
and just everyday life, this collection includes: Alien Avenger,
Forest Maiden, Plumber, Mermaid, Battle Mech, Roller Derby Girl,
Waiter, Fortune Teller, Judge, Chicken Suit Guy, Policeman,
Roman Emperor, Mr. Good and Evil, Heroic Knight, Hollyw ood
Starlet, and Cyclops.
Even Sca rier Solstice, An (CD with songbook ), k r.
200,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
This CD features a cast of more than 30 professional singers
w ith each number beautifully arranged and fully orchestrated by
Troy Sterling Nies (composer for the HPLHS film The Call of
Cthulhu). Styles range from rockabilly to middle-eastern to
grandly gothic and just plain w eird. We've even set Lovecraft's
poem, "A Brumalian Wish" to music to create (w e think) the
w orld's first original Lovecraftian Christmas carol.
The sing-along songbook features a handy pronunciation guide,
an introduction by celebrated mythos author Ramsey Campbell,
and the fully lyrics to all of the carols, complete w ith ample
footnotes teeming w ith bizarre trivia about the carols and their
underlying mythos connections!
Ogha m Wa ite a nd the Amphibia n Ja zz Ba nd - Live a t
the Gilma n House CD, k r. 175,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
Live at the Gilman House CD
Ogham Waite and the Amphibian Jazz Band recorded live at the
lounge of the Gilman House Hotel in legend shrouded Innsmouth,
Mass. Join Ogham and the band for a moody yet lively romp
through these jazz standards.
My Slimy Cephalopod Some Wonderland Overseas
Blue Seas When You've Got the True Marsh Eyes
Somew here Under the Ocean We'll Be Stalking You
The Very Scent of You You Notice My Head
This recording features eight memorable tunes, sung by
Innsmouth's favorite singing talent playing for the hometow n
crow d w ith his band. As Robert Olmstead said, "It's a night I
could never forget".
CD, cocktail napkin, matchbook and lyric sheet
Cover art by Darrell "Ol' Marsh Eyes" Tutchton, ©2011 HPLHS,
Shoggoth on the Roof Combo Pa ck , A, k r. 220,00 (H.P.
Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
There are some things man w as not meant to adapt to musical
The Shoggoth on the Roof Super Combo Pack delivers it all. In
one convenient package you get: the HPLHS Cast Album CD, the
full libretto of the show , and a free DVD of the Shoggoth on the
Roof documentary, featuring Chris Sarandon and Stuart Gordon.
If you have no idea w hat any of this is about, you can read the
full story here, but in brief, the stories of HP Lovecraft collide
w ith the cherished Broadw ay musical Fiddler on the Roof. The
result is an improbable, delightful and disturbing full-length
Broadw ay-style musical featuring Lovecraftian horrors set to
familiar tunes. For nearly 30 years, theatre companies have met
their doom in attempting to stage this strange and terrible tale of
love, family and tentacles. Here, for your enjoyment is a
recording of all the numbers from the show .
The CD is, w ell, you know , just a normal CD w ith a pretty booklet,
the libretto is a 76 page side-stapled book w ith glossy color
cover, and the documentary is a non-regional, NTSC format,
roughly 21 minutes long.
Shoggoth on the Roof, A (CD), k r. 150,00 (H.P.
Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
There are some things man w as not meant to adapt to musical
The HPLHS Shoggoth on the Roof Cast Album has been
w hispered of in dark alleys off Off-Broadw ay. Law yers have
bent paper clips into strange shapes at the very mention of its
name. The CD features an ensemble of professional singers
(and a few zombies) singing eleven tentacle tapping musical
numbers in a grand and fully-orchestrated production.
In brief, the stories of HP Lovecraft collide w ith the cherished
Broadw ay musical Fiddler on the Roof. The result is an
improbable, delightful and disturbing full-length Broadw ay-style
musical featuring Lovecraftian horrors set to familiar tunes. For
nearly 30 years, theatre companies have met their doom in
attempting to stage this strange and terrible tale of love, family
and tentacles. Here, for your enjoyment is a recording of all the
numbers from the show .
The CD is, w ell, you know , just a normal CD, but features a fold
out booklet w ith strange and terrible facts about the show . It
features 11 songs and 41 minutes of music.
Listen to FREE MP3 Samples!
http://w w w
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Very Sca ry Solstice, A (CD with songbook ), k r. 200,00
(H.P. Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
The CD
We returned to the studio w ith a bigger-than-ever cast of actors
and professional singers. Thrill to the magnificent sounds of the
Dagon Tabernacle Choir. Marvel at the exsquisite harmonies of
the Arkham Carolers. Tap your tentacles along w ith the Dunw ich
Children's Chorale. All tw enty-five numbers are professionally
produced and recorded w ith the same maniacal care that made
A Shoggoth on the Roof such a disturbing achievement in
musical theatre. From beatific choirs to maniacal mariachis,
there's something for everyone in this first-ever CD of
Lovecraftian Solstice Carols.
The Song Book
In 1988 the HPLHS published its first collection of holiday songs
rew ritten to include the dark forces lurking at the boundaries of
perception. This year w e expanded the collection to a full tw entyfive numbers. In addition to providing the lyrics in an easy singalong format, w e've extensively annotated the songs. Learn the
strange but true stories behind favorite holiday carols and relish
bizarre tidbits of Lovecraftian holiday ephemera. The 40-page
songbook includes a preface by the esteemed Lovecraft scholar
S.T. Joshi, w ho reveals HPL's personal thoughts about the
holidays and seasonal poetry w ritten by HPL himself.
Ca ll of Cthulhu CD, The, k r. 195,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
"The most merciful thing in the w orld, I think, is the inability of the
human mind to correlate its contents..."
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: The Call of Cthulhu brings
Lovecraft's tale to life as it might have been adapted for radio in
the 1930s. In the style of The War of the Worlds, The Shadow
and our ow n At the Mountains of Madness, The Dunw ich Horror,
The Shadow Out of Time and The Shadow Over Innsmouth, Dark
Adventure Radio Theatre dramatizes HPL's story w ith a huge
cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects and thrilling
original music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for The Call of
Cthulhu and The Whisperer in Darkness). This globe-trotting tale
of cosmic horror is one of Lovecraft's most enjoyed w eird tales.
Perhaps you've seen our silent film of the same story. Now you
can close your eyes and listen as the horror unfolds before you,
from the bayous of Louisiana to the remote South Pacific. It's a
w hole new w ay to experience a story cherished by Lovecraft
fans as one of his best.
In addition to the full 77 minute radio drama on CD, you'll get these
carefully made props from the story to enhance your listening
MP3 Samples
http://w w w
Whisperer in Da rk ness Soundtra ck , The, k r. 150,00
(H.P. Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
The Whisperer in Darkness Soundtrack brings you all the
magnificent orchestral score from the HPLHS film The Whisperer
in Darkness. Available both as a CD or instantly dow nloadable
MP3s. Troy Sterling Nies, w hose tremendous compositions have
delighted fans of the HPLHS' motion picture of The Call of Cthulhu
and Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, brings listeners into the
thrilling soundscape of a 1930s style film.
• A clipping from the Sydney Bulletin, describing the strange idol
found on the steam yacht The Alert
The Soundtrack features the music as originally w ritten by the
Mr. Nies (and Nicholas Pavkovic w ho contributed one track to the
score). The music is performed by the seldom-recorded Arkham
Philharmonic Orchestra. If you enjoy the music in the movie, you
w ill w ant to have this recording on CD.
These great props are complimented by the fantastic artw ork of
illustrator Darrell Tutchton in the style you've come to know and
love from other episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre.
At the M ounta ins of M a dness CD, k r. 195,00 (H.P.
Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
"An expedition to the ends of the earth resulting in death and
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: At the Mountains of Madness
brings Lovecraft's tale to life as it might have been adapted for
radio during his lifetime. In the style of The War of the Worlds and
The Shadow , Dark Adventure Radio Theatre dramatizes HPL's
story w ith a cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects
and original music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for The Call
of Cthulhu). Relive the excitement of 1930s radio w ith one of HP
Lovecraft's most exciting and fascinating stories: At the
Mountains of Madness.
In addition to the full 75 minute radio drama, the CD packaging
includes clippings from a 1930s new spaper chronicling the
expedition's progress in the Antarctic and reproductions of
photographs of the ancient city taken by Danforth and Dyer
w hich corroborate their findings. There's even a reproduction
from Danforth's sketchbook, depicting the Elder Things and their
fantastical murals. And of course it's beautifully produced and
packaged w ith the same deranged attention to detail that you'll
find in other HPLHS products.
• A page from Wilcox's dream journal w here he recounts his
bizarre nightmares of R'lyeh for Professor Angell
• A photograph of the Esquimaux tupilak recovered by Professor
Webb from the Greenland cult
• The booking record and mug shot of the cultist Castro after his
arrest by Inspector Legrasse
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ca se of Cha rles Dexter Wa rd, The, k r. 265,00 (H.P.
Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
"I have brought to light a monstrous abnormality,
but I did it for the sake of know ledge."
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: The Case of Charles Dexter
Ward brings Lovecraft's novella to life as it might have been
adapted for radio in the 1930s. This special 2 CD set dramatizes
HPL's longest story w ith a huge cast of professional actors,
exciting sound effects and thrilling original music by Reber Clark.
This tale of ancestral evil and supernatural horror in Lovecraft's
beloved Providence is a favorite among HPL fans. It's our
understanding that this story has not previously been recorded
in English.
Charles Dexter Ward is a bright high school student in 1920s
Providence. He investigates genealogical records about his
ancestor, Joseph Curw en, a dubious character w ho fled Salem
before the w itchcraft trials. Charles' inquiry takes a number of
dark and nefarious turns, leading to grave robbing, ritual magic,
murder and madness. Can a horror that started centuries ago be
stymied, or w ill occult fiends succeed in their hideous ambitions?
In addition to tw o 77 minute CDs (the total show is more than tw o
and half hours) containing the radio drama, you'll get these
carefully made props from the story to enhance your listening
• A clipping from the Providence Journal, describing the escape
of a patient from a mental hospital
• A letter from Simon Orne to Joseph Curw en discussing their
diabolical undertakings
• A photograph Charles Ward w ith the restored portrait of
Joseph Curw en
• A page from Borellus' grimoire, detailing the use of essential
saltes, w ith notations by Joseph Curw en
These great props are complimented by the fantastic artw ork of
illustrator Darrell Tutchton in the style you've come to know and
love from other episodes of Dark Adventure Radio Theatre.
Dunwich Horror CD, The, k r. 195,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: The Dunw ich Horror brings
Lovecraft's tale to life as it might have been adapted for radio
during his lifetime. In the style of The War of the Worlds, The
Shadow and our ow n At the Mountains of Madness, Dark
Adventure Radio Theatre dramatizes HPL's story w ith a huge
cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects and thrilling
original music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for The Call of
Cthulhu). Relive the excitement of 1930s radio w ith one of the
most popular tales of the Cthulhu Mythos: The Dunw ich Horror.
In addition to the full 75 minute radio drama on CD, you'll get these
carefully made props from the story to enhance your listening
• A clipping from a 1917 copy of the Arkham Advertiser
describing the Whateley family and the strangeness of the
Dunw ich region
• A vintage map of Dunw ich, Sentinel Hill and the surrounding
• A page from Wilbur Whateley's diary w ith its bizarre occult
• A replica of a key page from the Whateleys' copy of John Dee's
And of course it's beautifully produced and packaged w ith the
same deranged attention to detail that you'll find in other HPLHS
Sha dow Out of Time CD, k r. 195,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
"Had my body been the vehicle of an alien consciousness from
palaeogean gulfs of time?"
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: The Shadow Out of Time brings
Lovecraft's tale to life as it might have been adapted for radio in
the 1930s. In the style of The War of the Worlds, The Shadow
and our ow n At the Mountains of Madness and The Dunw ich
Horror, Dark Adventure Radio Theatre dramatizes HPL's story
w ith a huge cast of professional actors, exciting sound effects
and thrilling original music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for
The Call of Cthulhu). Journey across the globe and through
strange aeons w ith Lovecraft's last major story: The Shadow
Out of Time.
In addition to the full 77 minute radio drama on CD, you'll get these
carefully made props from the story to enhance your listening
• A clipping from a 1908 copy of the Arkham Advertiser
describing Professor Peaslee's collapse during a lecture at
• An article from the British Medical Journal describing Peaslee's
amnesia and strange dreams, including a sketch of the Great
Race's architecture
• An urgent ship-to-shore Marconigram sent to Peaselee aboard
the HMS Empress
• A page from Von Junzt's Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten
revealing secrets of Yithian technology w ith Peaselee's
hieroglyphic annotations
And of course it's beautifully produced and packaged w ith the
same deranged attention to detail that you'll find in other HPLHS
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Sha dow over Innsmouth CD, k r. 195,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
"You w ant to know w hat the real horror is, hey? Well, it's this—it
ain't w hat them fish devils have done, but w hat they're a-going
to do!"
Dark Adventure Radio Theatre: The Shadow Over Innsmouth
brings Lovecraft's tale to life as it might have been adapted for
radio in the 1930s. In the style of The War of the Worlds, The
Shadow and our ow n At the Mountains of Madness, The
Dunw ich Horror, and The Shadow Out of Time, Dark Adventure
Radio Theatre dramatizes HPL's story w ith a huge cast of
professional actors, exciting sound effects and thrilling original
music by Troy Sterling Nies (composer for The Call of Cthulhu).
Discover w hat fate has in store for you as you delve into this
cherished tale of ichthyic horrors.
In addition to the full 77 minute radio drama on CD, you'll get these
carefully made props from the story to enhance your listening
• A clipping from the New York Evening Graphic describing the
government raid on Innsmouth
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 12, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 2, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 3, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 4, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 5, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 6, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 7, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 8, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 9, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
• A genuine matchbook from Innsmouth's historic Gilman House
• A souvenir postcard from the New buryport Historical Society
w ith a picture of their prized Innsmouth tiara. The illustration w as
created for HPLHS by noted fantasy artist Keith Thompson
• A hand-draw n map of Innsmouth on the w rapping paper of the
First National grocery chain. And yes, it really is "scratch-nsniff". Just scratch the oily stain to release the fishy aroma. Ew .
And of course it's beautifully produced and packaged w ith the
same deranged attention to detail that you'll find in other HPLHS
products. Maybe even a little more than usual.
Ark ha m Sa nita rium Sta ff Pa tch, k r. 50,00 (H.P.
Lovecra ft Historica l Society, The)
At the Arkham Sanitarim, sometimes it's not easy to differentiate
the patients from the staff. To avoid confusion (and accidental
lobotomies), staff members are encouraged to w ear the easily
recognizable Arkham Sanitarium Staff Patch.
These patches are made to our exacting medical standards and
are embroidered in three colors. It's adhesive backed for easy
iron-on application to your lab coat, though w e recommend
stitching, lest a deranged patient attempt to tear it off your coat.
Vinta ge Fonts - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (H.P. Lovecra ft
Historica l Society, The)
On the endless and insane quest for authenticity, w e have
created more than 50 custom fonts to use in props.
Typographical fashions change, and since the digital age
overtook typesetting and graphic design, many of the fonts
common in the time of Lovecraft have fallen into disuse. We've
revived many of them from vintage sources, including the 1923
American Type Founder's specimen book and the Mergenthaler
Linotype catalog from the mid-1930s. Many of these fonts have
slightly rough edges or irregular shapes, to capture the feel of
old lead type and bygone printing technologies.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 1, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 10, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Tempora ry Glitter Ta too 11, k r. 20,00 (Tea ra de )
Tatoveringsarket måler 7,5 x 14,5 cm, flotte drager og kranier.
Alwa ys Coca -Cola Puzzle, k r. 140,00 (Buffa lo Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Make puzzle night a family
tradition. It's a fun, w holesome w ay to enjoy sharing time
together. And w hen you make this 1,000-piece Drink Coca-Cola
Puzzle part of puzzle night, it's even more fun! Featuring a largerthan-life image of a bottle of Coca-Cola set against a background
of vintage Coke signage. Brightly colored signs give a brilliant
snapshot of '50s-era Americana. Puzzle comes w ith a bonus 18'
L x 11¾' W poster inside the box. Made in U.S.A.
Bohniversum, k r. 120,00 (Amigo)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Bohnanza puslespil
Dra gon of Fire Puzzle, k r. 110,00 (Buffa lo Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 500pc. Enjoy an evening w ith a puzzle!
London, k r. 110,00 (Buffa lo Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 300 pc.
Sentry Puzzle, The, k r. 110,00 (Buffa lo Ga mes)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 500pc. Enjoy an evening w ith a puzzle!
Apple, green, k r. 70,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 44 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Apple, red, k r. 70,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 44 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Bird, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 48 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Butterfly, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 38 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ca stle, k r. 165,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 105 pieces. Tease your brain and
delight your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The
uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a
nice decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles
are harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Ca ts, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 49 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Clover, k r. 70,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 42 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Cra nium, bla ck , k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 49 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Dia mond, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 41 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Dolphin, blue, k r. 170,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 100 pieces. Tease your brain and
delight your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The
uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a
nice decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles
are harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Ea rth, clea r, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 40 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Eiffel Tower, k r. 170,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 96 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Golden Retriever, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Tease your brain and delight your eyes w ith these fun
3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking
pieces combine to make a nice decoration for any room. But don't
be fooled. These puzzles are harder than they seem. Includes a
stand for easy display.
Gra pes Green, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Tease your brain and delight your eyes w ith these fun
3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking
pieces combine to make a nice decoration for any room. But don't
be fooled. These puzzles are harder than they seem. Includes a
stand for easy display.
Gra pes Purple, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Tease your brain and delight your eyes w ith these fun
3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking
pieces combine to make a nice decoration for any room. But don't
be fooled. These puzzles are harder than they seem. Includes a
stand for easy display.
Hea rt, pink , k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 46 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Horse, clea r, k r. 160,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 100 pieces. Tease your brain and
delight your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The
uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a
nice decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles
are harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Lion, k r. 170,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Tease your brain and delight your eyes w ith these fun
3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking
pieces combine to make a nice decoration for any room. But don't
be fooled. These puzzles are harder than they seem. Includes a
stand for easy display.
M oon, yellow, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 48 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
M ussle, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 48 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Piggy Ba nk , pink , k r. 160,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 94 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Pira te Ship, k r. 170,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 101 pieces. Tease your brain and
delight your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The
uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a
nice decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles
are harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Pyra mid, yellow, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 38 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Rose, Pink , k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 44pc. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Rose, red, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 44 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Sa turn, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 40 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Sta r, yellow, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 38 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Sun, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 40 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Swa n, bla ck , k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 44 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Swa n, clea r, k r. 75,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Tease your brain and delight your eyes w ith these fun
3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquely-shaped plastic interlocking
pieces combine to make a nice decoration for any room. But don't
be fooled. These puzzles are harder than they seem. Includes a
stand for easy display.
Teddy Bea r, bla ck , k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 41 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Trea sure Box, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 46 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Wa ter Drop, k r. 80,00 (Crysta l 3D Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 26 pieces. Tease your brain and delight
your eyes w ith these fun 3 dimensional puzzles. The uniquelyshaped plastic interlocking pieces combine to make a nice
decoration for any room. But don't be fooled. These puzzles are
harder than they seem. Includes a stand for easy display.
Legion of the Dea d, k r. 159,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. The World renow ned Alchemy
Gothic brand from England has been producing exceptional
designer items for special tastes since 1977. A business w hich
began w ith alternative skull jew ellery now encompasses a w ide
range of accessories, clothes, stationery, calendars, crockery,
leather goods and other gift items. And last but not least, puzzles!
Red Eye, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Spanish artist Luis Royo is
particulalry fond of placing strong and beautiful w omen in the
centre of his detailed rich w orks. With a perfect airbrush
technique, he creates unusually expressive characters,
creatures of fantasy and dream w orlds w hich attract and firmly
hold the attention of the view er. The subsequent return to reality
can sometimes be hard...
Rock , k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Spanish artist Luis Royo is
particulalry fond of placing strong and beautiful w omen in the
centre of his detailed rich w orks. With a perfect airbrush
technique, he creates unusually expressive characters,
creatures of fantasy and dream w orlds w hich attract and firmly
hold the attention of the view er. The subsequent return to reality
can sometimes be hard...
Flora , k r. 119,00 (Schmidt Spiele)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Arantza Sestayo's beautiful
artw ork is romantic, dreamy and full of glorious detail. She is one
of the most prominent contemporary fantasy illustrators in Spain.
A young experinced artist w ho has opened the doors for female
illustrators in the w orld of fantasy and science fiction. Her
thematic range has no limits, from fantasy to romanticism passing
by gothic. Both for male and female puzzle fans.
Ba ck a t M a ge Tower, k r. 79,00 (M a rk en Ideen
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. High quality through nonbending and accurate puzzle parts. Every part of the puzzle has
been individually formed and is made of recycled paper. Puzzles
train your memory as w ell as orientation and intellectual pow er
and they also train your sleight of hand.
Accola de, Edmund Bla ir Leighton, k r. 119,00
(Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1500 pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Bea uty a nd the Bea st (Dra gon La dy), k r. 109,00
(Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Ca stle in the M oonlight, k r. 109,00 (Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Dra gon a nd the Wiza rd, The, k r. 69,00 (Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Spilletid: 500pc. Castor Printing and Publishing House
Fema le Pira te, k r. 109,00 (Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Golden Da gger, k r. 109,00 (Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Unicorn, k r. 109,00 (Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Wolf Rider, k r. 109,00 (Ca storla nd)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1500pc. Castor Printing and Publishing
Sunset Dra gon, k r. 129,00 (Educa )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. This puzzle features the
intricate art of Ciruelo.
Educa puzzles are made using "green and blue board", a thick
high-quality paperboard that ensures a perfect fit betw een
puzzle pieces and creates virtually no puzzle dust.
Flight, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Mélanie Delon
Spell, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Spanish artist Luis Royo is
particulalry fond of placing strong and beautiful w omen in the
centre of his detailed rich w orks. With a perfect airbrush
technique, he creates unusually expressive characters,
creatures of fantasy and dream w orlds w hich attract and firmly
hold the attention of the view er. The subsequent return to reality
can sometimes be hard...
Wings, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Spanish artist Luis Royo is
particulalry fond of placing strong and beautiful w omen in the
centre of his detailed rich w orks. With a perfect airbrush
technique, he creates unusually expressive characters,
creatures of fantasy and dream w orlds w hich attract and firmly
hold the attention of the view er. The subsequent return to reality
can sometimes be hard...
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Bloodsuck er - TILBUD, k r. 80,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
Portra it, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
Tea rs, k r. 229,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 2000 pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
Wolf, k r. 229,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 2000 pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
Ha rp, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. The young Spanish artist Cris
Ortega is starting out on a highly promising career. She began
w ith comics and illustrations for diverse magazines, fanzines
and books. Her first ow n publication ''Forgotten'' enchants w ith
its profound beauty and atmospheric depth and is a collection of
her best w orks to date.
Rea ding, k r. 129,00 (Heye)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000 pc. The young Spanish artist Cris
Ortega is starting out on a highly promising career. She began
w ith comics and illustrations for diverse magazines, fanzines
and books. Her first ow n publication ''Forgotten'' enchants w ith
its profound beauty and atmospheric depth and is a collection of
her best w orks to date.
Goddess Ama -No-Uzume, The, k r. 179,00 (Educa )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1500pc. Luis Royo (born in 1954 in
Gua rdia n Angel, k r. 179,00 (Educa )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1500pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
La Dolorosa , k r. 129,00 (Educa )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
Va mpire Girl, k r. 179,00 (Educa )
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1500 pc. Spanish Artist Victoria
Frances depicts stories in the Gothic Romantic style,
characterised by desolate and melancholic atmospheres. Her
w ork is hugely popular around the w orld, and each piece
translates into a w onderful jigsaw .
Ba ra ck Oba ma - 44th President Puzzle (550 pieces), k r.
95,00 (White M ounta in Puzzles)
President Barack Obama makes his first appearance on a high
Sk y M essenger, k r. 119,50 (White M ounta in Puzzles)
Boxsæt. Sværhedsgrad: 1000pc. Art by Michael Matherly
AD&D 1st Ed. Dungeon M a ster's Guide HC, k r. 359,50
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
In 1974, the w orld changed forever w hen Gary Gygax
introduced the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The
legacy of his innovative ideas and the extensive reach of his
pow erful influence can be seen in virtually every facet of gaming
today. To help honor his w ork and his memory, Wizards of the
Coast has created limited-edition reprints of the original 1st
Edition core rulebooks: the Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster
Manual, and Player's Handbook. These premium versions of the
original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) rulebooks have
been lovingly reprinted w ith the original art and content, but
feature an attractive new cover design commemorating this rerelease. Your purchase of this monumental book helps support
the Gygax Memorial Fund - established to immortalize the "Father
of Roleplaying Games" w ith a memorial statue in Lake Geneva,
AD&D 1st Ed. M onster M a nua l HC, k r. 279,50 (Wiza rds
of the Coa st)
In 1974, the w orld changed forever w hen Gary Gygax
introduced the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The
legacy of his innovative ideas and the extensive reach of his
pow erful influence can be seen in virtually every facet of gaming
today. To help honor his w ork and his memory, Wizards of the
Coast has created limited-edition reprints of the original 1st
Edition core rulebooks: the Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster
Manual, and Player's Handbook. These premium versions of the
original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) rulebooks have
been lovingly reprinted w ith the original art and content, but
feature an attractive new cover design commemorating this rerelease. Your purchase of this monumental book helps support
the Gygax Memorial Fund - established to immortalize the "Father
of Roleplaying Games" w ith a memorial statue in Lake Geneva,
AD&D 1st Ed. Pla yer's Ha ndbook HC, k r. 279,50
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
In 1974, the w orld changed forever w hen Gary Gygax
introduced the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The
legacy of his innovative ideas and the extensive reach of his
pow erful influence can be seen in virtually every facet of gaming
today. To help honor his w ork and his memory, Wizards of the
Coast has created limited-edition reprints of the original 1st
Edition core rulebooks: the Dungeon Master's Guide, Monster
Manual, and Player's Handbook. These premium versions of the
original Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D) rulebooks have
been lovingly reprinted w ith the original art and content, but
feature an attractive new cover design commemorating this rerelease. Your purchase of this monumental book helps support
the Gygax Memorial Fund - established to immortalize the "Father
of Roleplaying Games" w ith a memorial statue in Lake Geneva,
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Aga inst the Sla ve Lords Ha rdcover, k r. 399,50 (Wiza rds
of the Coa st)
Premium compilation of four timeless adventures!
Against the Slave Lords is a collection of classic AD&D
adventure modules that form a series.
•A1: Slave Pits of the Undercity,
•A2: Secret of the Slavers Stockade,
•A3: Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords, and
•A4: In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords.
All of these adventures are contained in a single premium
hardcover volume w ith the original vintage art.
Includes a brand new adventure, Danger at Darkshelf Quarry!
A0: Danger at Darkshelf Quarry is a brand new adventure, by
Skip Williams, that creates a fresh entry point for the series by
adding content for level 1-3 characters. Players w ill be able to
start the series off w ith this new adventure and then continue
playing through the original nostalgic modules in a continuous
epic quest.
Dungeons of Drea d HC, k r. 319,50 (Wiza rds of the
Coa st)
Dungeons of Dread is a hardcover collection of four classic,
stand-alone Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventure
modules -- S1: Tomb of Horrors, S2: White Plume Mountain, S3:
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, and S4: The Lost Caverns of
Tsojcanth -- complete w ith original black-and-w hite interior art.
S1: Tomb of Horrors: In the far reaches of the w orld, under a
lost and lonely hill, lies the sinister Tomb of Horrors. This
labyrinthine crypt is filled w ith terrible traps, strange and
ferocious monsters, rich and magical treasures, and somew here
w ithin rest the evil Demi-Lich.
S2: White Plume Mountain: It has alw ays been a subject of
superstitious aw e to the neighboring villagers. People still travel
many miles to gaze upon this natural w onder, though few w ill
approach it closely, as it is reputed to be the haunt of various
demons and devils. The occasional disappearance of those w ho
stray too close to the Plume reinforces this belief. Now , the
former ow ners of Wave, Whelm and Blackrazor are outfitting a
group of intrepid heroes to take up the challenge of recovering
these magical w eapons from White Plume Mountain.
S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks: From the preface by Gary
Gygax: "This module w as begun early in 1976 w hen TSR w as
contemplating publication of a science fantasy role playing game.
Jim Ward had already show n us some rough notes on
Metamorphosis Alpha I thought it w ould be a splendid idea to
introduce Jim’s game at Origins II, and introduce the concept to
D&DO players by means of the tournament scenario. I laid out the
tournament from old “Greyhaw k Castle” campaign material
involving a spaceship, and Rob Kuntz helped me to populate the
ruined vessel."
S4: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth: In the Yatil Mountains south
of Perrenland there is rumored to be a magical hoard of
unsurpassed value, a treasure of such fame that scores of
adventurers have perished in search of it. Find the perilous Lost
Caverns of Tsojcanth and you may gain the hidden w ealth of the
long-dead arch-mage—if you live!
Unea rthed Arca ne HC, k r. 399,50 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
As the original volumes of the game system (Monster Manual,
Players Handbook, and Dungeon Masters Guide) have altered
from their first editions, so the game has changed in form and
substance. This new material grew from my ow n campaign,
articles published in Dragon Magazine, and input from many
Dungeon Masters and players also. The book has a single
purpose: Unearthed Arcana brings new dimensions to the AD&D
game system. The compiled material w hich lies herein offers
fresh new approaches to play w ithout materially affecting any
ongoing campaign adversely. This w ork does not alter former
"law s of the multiverse," but it does open insights and vistas
beyond those previously understood and seen. . . .
Every Dungeon Master w ho has created a campaign milieu out of
w hole cloth, so to speak, can certainly understand that the more
one learns, the more one comes to understand how little he
know s. So too the multiverse of this game system. The farther
afield one goes in exploration and discovery, the greater the
realization of how vast is the realm of unknow n know ledge
w hich aw aits discovery, as it w ere. How ever, such as w ith our
actual w orld, the expanses of the game multiverse w ill alw ays
have frontiers and unexplored territories. This fact, indeed, is
w hat makes the AD&D game system so w onderful and appealing.
AD&D 2nd Ed. Dungeon M a ster Guide Ha rdcover, k r.
399,50 (Wiza rds of the Coa st)
For many gamers, the 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons &
Dragons core rulebooks w ere their introduction to the roleplaying
game hobby. The AD&D Dungeon Master Guide presents all of
the information a DM needs to run adventures, challenge players,
and advance his or her campaign.
AD&D 2nd Ed. M onstrous M a nua l Ha rdcover, k r. 399,50
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
For many gamers, the 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons &
Dragons core rulebooks w ere their introduction to the roleplaying
game hobby. The AD&D Monstrous Manual presents hundreds of
iconic monsters, each one presented w ith full-color art and a
detailed one-page description.
AD&D 2nd Ed. Pla yer's Ha ndbook Ha rdcover, k r. 399,00
(Wiza rds of the Coa st)
For many gamers, the 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons &
Dragons core rulebooks w ere their introduction to the roleplaying
game hobby. The AD&D Player's Handbook presents all of the
information a player needs to create an AD&D character from
scratch and advance the character in level.
Eye of Pa in 4-8.l./4-6 sp. - TILBUD, k r. 25,00 (TSR)
Sværhedsgrad: 4-8. Spillere: 4-6. Første i en ny beholder modul
Da rk of the M oon 5.-9.l./4-6 sp. - TILBUD, k r. 25,00 (TSR)
Gregor Zolnik har overtaget Vorostokov. Er han i ledtog med
Dungeons & Dra gons Terra in Toolbox, k r. 95,00 (SNK)
Terrain Toolbox is the first in a planned series of books that offer
advice and tools for GMs to create more memorable encounters.
Terrain Toolbox is designed to increase the creative use of
terrain in your game, making battles more dynamic.
The book begins w ith general advice for designing terrain effect
and special abilities. It discusses w hy w e use terrain, different
things terrain can do, and how the terrain might change
throughout an encounter.
Terrain Toolbox also contains forty-eight sample terrains,
including a blood mage's circle, solid clouds, and lightning pillars.
Each sample terrain includes advice on how to use the terrains,
and most include mechanical and cosmetic variations.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Pa thfinder Terra in Toolbox, k r. 95,00 (SNK)
Terrain Toolbox is the first in a planned series of books that offer
advice and tools for GMs to create more memorable encounters.
Terrain Toolbox is designed to increase the creative use of
terrain in your game, making battles more dynamic.
The book begins w ith general advice for designing terrain effect
and special abilities. It discusses w hy w e use terrain, different
things terrain can do, and how the terrain might change
throughout an encounter.
Terrain Toolbox also contains forty-eight sample terrains,
including a blood mage's circle, solid clouds, and lightning pillars.
Each sample terrain includes advice on how to use the terrains,
and most include mechanical and cosmetic variations.
Out of The Pit - M onsters of Adva nced Fighting
Fa nta sy, k r. 200,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Out of the Pit they come! From the darkest corners, from the
deepest pools, and from dungeons thought only to exist in
nightmares come the Fighting Fantasy monsters - the dow nfall of
many a brave w arrior. 250 of these loathsome creatures from
the w ild and dangerous w orlds of Fighting Fantasy are collected
here - some are old adversaries, many you have yet to meet each of them described in minute detail.
Adventure! D20 - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (White Wolf
The d20 System Game of Pulp Action!
A new era begins in the 1920s - an era of imagination, of globetrotting exploration and mad science. An era in w hich excitement
aw aits everyw here from the lofty skyscraper penthouses of
New York City, to the sw eltering jungles of the Congo. It is an
era of Adventure!
Heed the Call to Adventure!
Requires the use of the Dungeons and Dragons Player's
Handbook, published by Wizards of the Coast. This product
utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
In this pulp action campaign setting, you take on the role of an
Inspired hero battling dastardly villains and bizarre monsters.
Adventure! has rules for playing any kind of pulp hero you can
think of, along w ith rich source material, new core and prestige
classes, new feats and pow ers, systems for building amazing
inventions and more!
Contains original fiction by acclaimed comic author Warren Ellis
(The Authority, Planetary, Transmetropolitan).
Part One of the Trinity Universe game trilogy.
After the Bomb RPG - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (Pa lla dium
Book s)
After a long and painful nuclear w inter, the last bastions of
human civilization craw l out from the ashes - but they're not
alone. A new breed of life dominates much of the w orld:
intelligent mutant animals! Now , humanity is the endangered
species! In the w ake of the popular Ninja Turtles RPG, After The
Bomb relaunches w ith a completely self-contained game system
introduced in a 160-page w orldbook complete w ith updated
character creation and revised campaign rules, more mutants,
strange pow ers, psionics, w orld information, villains,
adventures, and more. Completely compatible w ith original "After
The Bomb" sourcebooks and supplements.
All Flesh M ust Be Ea ten RPG Revised (også D20
regler), k r. 240,00 (Eden Ga mes Studio)
As they approach your home, the evening w ind carries their
stench through the air. Your dog barks w ildly, frenzied by the
smell. You aw aken from a restless sleep, look out your w indow
and see staggering corpses on the move.
You are halfw ay dow n the stairs w hen you hear footsteps on
the porch. You run into the living room and pry open your gun
cabinet. As you fumble, the front door collapses from the w eight
of a pair of rotting corpses.
They shamble into the hall, arms outstretched, reaching for you.
You unload your shotgun into them. They fall back.
To your horror, they rise . . .
Welcome to the World of Survival Horror!
All Flesh Must Be Eaten is a complete roleplaying game. In it, you
w ill find:
Eleven different Deadw orld settings allow ing customization of
the storyline
A comprehensive zombie creation system to surprise and alarm
A list of equipment crucial to surviving a w orld of shambling
Detailed character creation rule for Norms, Survivors and the
A full exposition of the Unisystem rule mechanics, suitable for
any game in any time period
Anima Beyond Fa nta sy RPG, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
ANIMA is a narrative role-playing game conceived as a
combination of Japanese and Western art, myth, and styles of
play. It offers innovative rules and background that incorporate
the most striking elements of both styles.
ANIMA's style is Manga, but that doesn't mean it lacks any of the
elements every die-hard role-playing, card game, or miniatures
fan expects in a game.
Several great Japanese illustrators, w hose w ork has appeared
in w ell-know n videogames and animated series, have
collaborated on the project together w ith European authors. The
result is a refreshing visual blend w e are sure w ill please even
the most discriminating reader.
Prometheum Exxet - The Superna tura l Artifa cts, k r.
319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
A supplement for the Anima: Beyond Fantasy roleplaying game,
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Fa llen Angel, The, k r. 129,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Living Lore HC, k r. 299,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Pow er from Beyond the Earthly Sphere
The pow er of Hermetic magic does not extend to the Lunar
sphere, so w hat happens w hen a pow erful demon incarnates
himself in a body w hich is apparently from that realm? Can the
magi defeat such a pow erful enemy on their ow n, or must they
rely instead on a miracle from God?
In Mythic Europe, kings rule their feudal lands, but their w ives
can be stolen by magic. The church preaches repentance, and
saints manifest on Earth to enforce their w ill. Countries can be
changed into lakes, and w hole islands hidden from all w ho are
unw orthy to find them. A cat can be a guardian of great pow er,
and a leopard the agent of divine justice. The dead might return
to further serve their infernal masters, or be led across the
continent in Hellequin's Hunt.
The Fallen Angel is a story for use w ith Ars Magica Fourth
Edition, but w hich can be easily adapted for use w ith any other
edition of Ars Magica. The Fallen Angel takes place in 1220 in
Ireland and the Isle of Man, but information is included w hich
allow s this scenario to be adapted to alternate locations and
times w ithin Mythic Europe
Living Lore is a hardcover supplement for Ars Magica, containing
dozens of medieval legends adapted for your saga. Whether you
w ant a tempting faerie or a new mystery cult, there is something
for you in this book.
Ka bba la h - M ythic Juda ism, k r. 219,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
The Mysteries of Judaism
In 1018 AD, w hile secretly aiding the Christian forces against the
Moors of Spain, the Flambeau of Val-Negra stumbled upon a
small, secretive group of hedge w izards practising their magic
w ithin the Christian city of Barcelona. Offended by this affront to
the Order, the magi initiated contact w ith the new rivals rather
bluntly: "join or die!"
Kabbalah: Mythic Judaism delves into the Jew ish Quarters of
Mythic Europe, investigating the full spectrum of Jew ish law ,
history, faith, and legend. It reveals the mysteries of Kabbalah,
its scope ranging from gematria to the Tree of Life to the creation
of golems. In addition to providing full rules for creating kabbalist
characters, it details tw o new classes of hedge w izards: baal
shem and necromancers. Players and storyguides alike w ill find
a w ealth of information w ithin.
La nd of Fire a nd Ice HC, k r. 299,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Visit a land of w onders ...
a place w here glaciers stretch to the horizon, w here fissures
pour forth rivers of molten rock, w here giants still tread and
ancient spirits guard forgotten secrets. Iceland sits on the edge
of the frozen sea, its people clinging to the coastal low lands
w hile the interior is still the realm of the giants, trolls, spirits and
fantastic beasts. On the civilized mainland creatures of legend
may rarely show themselves, but in Iceland they rarely hide.
Within Europe the Order of Hermes holds absolute magical
dominion, but Icelandic magicians go about their business
unaw are of the Order of Hermes, its magi and their pretensions.
These Norse w izards concern themselves w ith the politics of
spirits, w arding against troll raids and w resting a good grow ing
season from Iceland's capricious w eather.
Land of Fire and Ice gives your troupe the opportunity to explore
this w ondrous land ruled by the law , rather than by a king.
Magicians live in harmony w ith their mundane neighbors, but
feuds bubble under the veneer of civilization.
Included in Land of Fire and Ice are:
A detailed description of Iceland's mundane and mystical
landscape, culture and law
Tw o major saga outlines and many story seeds
Tw o magical traditions unique to Iceland, the galdramen and the
Written by Robert Angeloni, Keith Baker, Niall Christie, Erik Dahl,
Rich Evans, Timothy Ferguson, Adam Gauntlett, Nathan Hook,
Eric Kouris, James Maliszew ski, Patrick Murphy, Matt Ryan, and
Sheila Thomas
M edieva l Ta pestry, A, k r. 219,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
A Medieval Tapestry: Personalities of Mythic Europe is a 160page sourcebook, featuring dozens of unique characters to be
added to your Ars Magica saga, plus informational inserts and
story ideas, as w ell as magus archetypes. A Medieval Tapestry
serves several purposes:
It illustrates character creation under the rules of Fourth Edition.
The characters are practical examples and creative inspiration
for players and storyguides making their ow n characters.
It is a source of ready-made characters for use by players and
storyguides alike. If a new player drops into your saga for one
game, you can just grab a character from this book rather than
generating one from scratch. Or, as a storyguide, you can turn
to this book w hen you need an NPC on the fly.
The characters and related inserts educate players about the
setting of Mythic Europe and medieval history. Besides being
interesting in their ow n right, the characters shed life on the
typical and the unusual in medieval society. Informative inserts
cover such topics as medieval law , hunting in the middle ages,
the Knights Templar, heresy, and more
Return of the Stormrider, k r. 149,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Nothing Lasts Forever
A century ago the fury of the storm took human form and
became the Stormrider, a dark creature of boundless rage. Then,
some tw enty-three years ago, this great evil w as vanquished
and mortal men became heroes. Now the tempest rises again.
The Storm Steed's hoofprints scorch the earth as the Stormrider
lays w aste to everything in his path. Everyone prayed that the
Stormrider w as gone forever...
...but nothing lasts forever.
This Jump Start Kit is designed to introduce new players and
storyguides to Ars Magica and start them playing w ith a minimum
of preparation. This book includes pregenerated characters
complete w ith detailed backgrounds and goals. It contains
informative handouts to instruct first time players on how to read
their character sheets, roll dice, cast spells, and w age combat.
Finally, the story integrates elements of the original Stormrider
Jump-Start Kit w ith new events, making it equally enjoyable for
first time players and veterans of the original Stormrider scenario.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Aga inst The Da rk - The Tra nsylva nia n Tribuna l, k r.
239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Betw een tw o empires is a land of high mountains and dark
forests, of great rivers and fertile plains. The richest king in
Mythic Europe rules Hungary, but his nobles are restless and the
Teutonic Knights he invited to guard his borders w ant no
overlord. Other small kingdoms play east and w est against each
other, tolerating heresy in their search for freedom. The
mountains are the home of countless dragons, and vampires
stalk the peasants in their villages. To the east, a greater storm
This is the Transylvanian Tribunal.
One force brings light to the darkness. Here, w here a lord need
not sw ear fealty for his land, the magi of the Order of Hermes
may rule openly w ithout violating the Code. Here, in the heartland
of House Tremere, the gifts and talents of all magi may be
brought together, to cooperate for the good of the w orld. Here
can be seen the shape of the new order that the Tremere w ish
to bring.
Let us w ork together as one and grow hale and strong.
Anta gonists Ha rdcover, k r. 239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
Magi of the Order of Hermes often come to the attention of other
inhabitants of Mythic Europe. Some see them as a threat, others
as a target, still others as an opportunity. Some even w ant to
help the magi to better integrate themselves into society. These
might be mundane humans, supernatural creatures, or other
magi, but they all have one thing in common.
Church HC, The, k r. 239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
God rules Mythic Europe in aw esome majesty, served by the
angelic hosts. For most people, how ever, the majesty of the local
bishop is aw e-inspiring enough, and God is served by the
priests, monks, and friars w ho share their communities. The
Church touches every aspect of life, and every individual heart.
Even magi in their covenants must contend w ith the Church, and
many trust it w ith the salvation of their souls.
This book provides background and rules for the Western
Church as a human institution, covering the organization of
dioceses, monastic orders, and daily devotion. It also describes
the role of w omen, and looks at the Knights Templar and
Franciscans in more detail. As a human institution, how ever, the
Church is not immune to corruption, and so this book also
discusses how some of the great orders of the Church might fall
to the Infernal. Bring the faith of your characters to life!
Authors: Love (Diocese), Christian Jensen Romer (Congregation,
Rule, Corrupt), Sheila Thomas (Rule, Women, Franciscans),
Alexander White (Templars)
Cover Artist: Grey Thornberry
Format: 144 pages, hardcover
Cra dle & The Crescent, The, k r. 265,00 (Atla s Ga mes)
Travelers tell of lands to the east, beyond the shattered
Byzantine Empire and the Crusader kingdoms of Outremer,
w here sorcerers ride carpets and w hirlw inds, w here jinn
w orship and trade openly in the great cities, and w here fire is
the sign of God.
Those travelers speak the truth.
They're nothing but trouble.
This book presents ten developed antagonists for use in your
saga. Each antagonist can support an entire saga arc, and the
struggle w ith any of them could become the defining feature of
your covenant's history. Whether you like politics, investigation,
or straightforw ard battles, there's an antagonist for you w ithin
this book.
Ars M a gica 5th Edition HC, k r. 280,00 (Atla s Ga mes)
Come to a land of adventure and mystery, of falling empires and
rising nations, of legendary creatures and incredible myths. This
is Ars Magica's Mythic Europe, w here the pow er of magic is real
and exists alongside historical figures and locations. This new ,
hardcover edition of the aw ard-w inning roleplaying game Ars
Magica ("The Art of Magic") features new and revised rules,
plus all-new graphic design.
Ca leba is the Brok en Covena nt (Revised), k r. 185,00
(Atla s Ga mes)
Fifty years ago, the covenant of Calebais w as destroyed.
No one know s how or w hy such a pow erful and w ell-defended
group of w izards could possibly fall. The truth behind the
tragedy only comes to light w hen you and your friends uncover
this mystery. From faerie-inhabited forests to the longabandoned ruins of a w izardly palace to the inner chambers of a
secretive convent, The Broken Covenant of Calebais goes to the
roots of roleplaying -- to the early days of fantasy stories -w hen realism, romance, mystery, and magic w ere foremost in
This revised edition of The Broken Covenant of Calebais is the
third version of the adventure to be published for Ars Magica.
Calebais w as the first adventure published for the First Edition of
the game, and w as rew orked for Second Edition. Now , to
coincide w ith the release of the game's Fifth Edition, this classic
has been revised and expanded once more. Although the plot,
setting, and atmosphere remain the same, the text has been
almost completely rew ritten to integrate this classic adventure
into the new est and best version of Ars Magica.
Take your saga to the east, w ith details of the Islamic lands of
the Mythic Middle East: Arabia, Persia, and the lands beyond.
Zoroastrian priests still call on Divine pow er, although their days
of glory are long over, and scholars rejoice in libraries and
schools that dw arf the young universities of Europe. Jinn haunt
the deserts and mountains, and live and trade in the cities. But
this is not a land ready for Hermetic magi to seize, for the Order
of Suleiman is no myth, and its sahirs are everyw here.
Were you to tell of these lands for a thousand nights, still you
w ould not exhaust their w onders!
Grogs, k r. 239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
They are the majority in almost every covenant, and w ithout them
things w ould come to an immediate halt. They spend their lives
serving magi, and may lay those lives dow n to defend them.
They are the cooks, servants, w arriors, craftsmen, and hunters
w ho keep the Order of Hermes running smoothly. They are the
magi's trusted grogs. This Ars Magica sourcebook contains
dozens of fully developed grog concepts, complete w ith typical
Abilities, and guidelines to simplify creating and maintaining grogs.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Hermetic Projects HC, k r. 239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
You are an Hermetic magus, one of the greatest w ielders of
magic Mythic Europe has ever seen. You can control the w inds
w ith a w ord, the beasts w ith a gesture. You can create a forest
in a matter of moments, and destroy castles w ith a thought. No
secret of mortal man is safe from your investigation.
So, w hat do you do w ith all that pow er?
Build a covenant inside a volcano, or a tow er that touches the
sky. Construct enchanted ships to sail any ocean, or even on the
clouds. Collect magical beasts from across Mythic Europe and
beyond, or become the most deadly opponent in Wizard's War
that the Order has ever seen. You could even cheat death itself.
This book describes the spells and enchantments needed to
achieve these marvels, using the Hermetic magic taught to every
apprentice of the Order of Hermes.
What w onders w ill you create?
Houses of Hermes - True Linea ges, k r. 299,50 (Atla s
Ga mes)
"The entire Order stands on the brink of dissolution, and w e are
the only force that keeps it from toppling. ... We are the salvation
of the Order!"
- Aldico, Primus of Mercere, addressing his House during the
Schism War
The True Lineages are the backbone of the Order of Hermes. In
these four Hermetic Houses, each magus w as taught by a
magus of the House, and that master-apprentice relationship
goes back to the founders. This sourcebook details the four True
Lineages, including rules for original research, unique forms of
magic, and new Virtues and Flaw s.
House Bonisagus descends from the tw o magi w ho created the
Order, and continues to supply know ledge and leadership. They
explore the theoretical applications of magic, delving deeper into
its arcane secrets. And they advocate peace and cooperation
among the Houses, searching for other w izards w ho might
contribute to the community of magi.
House Guernicus upholds and enforces the Code of Hermes as
the official judges and investigators of the Order. Its Quaesitores
believe they stand against the w heel of fate, slow ing it as best
they can. By the efforts of its magi, the basic structures of
Hermetic society have remained intact for over four hundred
House Mercere holds the magi of Mythic Europe together by
facilitating communication, encouraging trade, and aiding their
sodales. Its heralds, heroes, mercenaries, and merchants reflect
the contractictions of their House: it is exotic, but traditional;
loyal, but self-centered; proud, but humble.
Lords of M en HC, k r. 239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
The undisputed rulers of Mythic Europe are the nobility - those
high-born w ho are bound together by sacred vow s of loyalty,
are supported by the land, and provide support to the Church.
Lesser nobles compete for the favor of those superior to them,
w hile great nobles seek the loyalty of those beneath them. When
not distracted by the politics of landholding and of w ar, they hunt
the mundane and magical beasts of the forests and host
extravagant feasts. For the nobles of Mythic Europe are first and
foremost knights in shining armor.
This book contains complete rules and background for the
nobility of Mythic Europe, ranging from the details of their lands to
their entertainments, political struggles, and dealings w ith the
Order of Hermes. And, of course, it presents special rules for
combat, w hether at a tournament or during a desperate siege. It
also describes the hard lives of the peasants, w ho make the rich
existence of the nobility possible by providing the food at their
feasts, the labor for their buildings, and the soldiers in their
Riva l M a gic HC, k r. 239,50 (Atla s Ga mes)
The Order of Hermes is supreme, unchallenged in its mastery of
magic. All other magicians are hedge w izards ... maybe
interesting to researchers, but certainly no threat. Or so magi of
the Order tell each other. And most of them actually believe it.
The four traditions in this book prove the folly of that
The Amazons, female w arrior w izards beyond the borders of
Europe, harbor a deep hatred of the Order for reasons that no
magus could ever guess.
The Augustan Brotherhood serves as court w izards, supporting
its political ends w ith mundane force as much as w ith magic
discovered in the tomb of Virgil.
In the icy north, the Muspelli plot to release their jotun masters
and destroy the w orld in frost and fire.
And in the the distant east, the pow erful Soqotran sorcerers
dw ell quietly on their island, staying out of politics and looking
nervously at the expansionist Order.
How long can the Order of Hermes maintain its pleasant illusion
of superiority?
Authors: Timothy Ferguson (Soqotrans), Chris Jensen Romer
(Augustan Brotherhood), Matt Ryan (Amazons), Mark Shirley
Ta les of Power, k r. 225,00 (Atla s Ga mes)
Hermetic magi grow pow erful in their age. They can defeat
mundane armies single-handed, challenge spirits of fire in their
lair, and drive the servants of Hell from their strongholds. No
place in Mythic Europe is too distant, and no barrier can keep
them out. From the popes and kings w ho rule to the peasants
w ho till the soil, none may deny a magus for long. Why, then,
w ould magi stay closeted in their laboratories?
With great pow er comes great stories.
House Tremere provides the strength of the Order. It controls
events and prepares for coming battles, gathering influence and
resources to respond to crises as they draw near. Tremere are
pragmatic, dutiful, and courageous magi w ho know that Mythic
Europe is a chaotic and dangerous place.
These are the True Lineages. Without them all, the Order of
Hermes w ould surely fall.
This book contains five stories aimed at pow erful magi, covering
themes from political intrigue to a w ar w ith an Infernalist and his
undead minions. When your magi need something more than
another vis hunt to motivate them, Tales of Pow er has the
answ er.
City Tiles - Gra nd Ba za a r - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (Three
Sa ges Ga mes)
Art of Wor tiles feature the ease of use and beautiful colors of
old style cardboard tiles. You get the versatility of using both Wet
and Dry Erase Markers. The eight erasable tiles feature one inch
grids and the simplicity of traditional battle mats. The artw ork
provides the stunning detail and realism of a three dimensional
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
City Tiles - The Stone Ba rd Inn - TILBUD, k r. 50,00
(Three Sa ges Ga mes)
Bringing the best of four w orlds together, Three Sages Games
(3SG) combines the ease-of-use and beautiful colors of old-style
cardboard tiles, the one-inch grids of plain battle mats, the
versatility of both w et- and dry-erase markers and the stunning
detail of a three-dimensional environment all into one product line:
Art of Wor—City Tiles. 3SG’s first series of City Tiles is the Stone
Bard Inn.
Whether to seek rumors, find companions, or just quaff a few
brew s, adventurers of all game systems know to aim their feet
tow ard the local inn. Is your party ready to rumble? Finally you
have an inn suitable for an all-out braw l. The main floor
measures over 24"x 21" and just screams "BAR FIGHT." Heroes
and villains alike can sw ing from the chandeliers, slide dow n the
banister, skulk in the shadow s, jump behind the 37' full bar
(assuming 1":5' scale), pull a w eapon off the w all or rack, throw
chairs, topple tables, and crack a bottle over the dw arf's head.
And w hen all is said and done, retire to your private room, or if
silver’s running a little low , ask the inn-keep if there’s space in
the common room.
Art of Wor—City Tiles: The Stone Bard Inn provides players and
referees w ith a full-color, highly detailed inn ready for 1-inchsquare scaled figures of any game system. Each full map
section is approximately 10.7" x 8.1" and has a non-skid foam
back and lamination suitable for both w et- and dry-erase
markers. The inn can be used as a standalone gaming space or
placed on a battle mat to add color and detail to your adventure.
The base Stone Bard Inn consists of 7 City Tiles. The 1"x1"-grid
blends into the top-dow n view to be functional yet still subdued.
All Art of Wor Tile Sets are sized so that folding or rolling is not
required, as they are easily stored w ith your game books or in
binder sleeves.
Art of Wor—City Tiles are w ater-resistant and have a versatile
modular design allow ing the use of one, some or all of the City
Tile set. All Art of Wor Tile Sets are designed to w ork w ith paper
tiles and in conjunction w ith other 1"x1" battle mats.
Underworld - M ournwind Ca ve -TILBUD, k r. 50,00
(Three Sa ges Ga mes)
You've been w arned! Nothing good stalks the shadow s of the
Mournw ind Cavern! Whether setting the stage of the final battle
or the start of a large underw orld adventure, this tile set w ill
breathe life into your fantasy campaign w ith the added benefit of
incorporating personal touches w ith w et or dry erase markers.
Asteria , k r. 249,00 (Asteria )
Asteria er et socialt spil for 2-7 deltagere, opbygget som et
bordrollespil. Det foregår sådan, at man sætter sig rundt om et
bord og en af deltagerne er ”Spilmesteren”. Det er ham eller
hende som er historiefortælleren og den som bestemmer spillets
gang. De andre deltagere er ”spillerne”. De har hver deres
karakter i historien/spillet. Alle andre personer og væsner i
historien styrer spilmesteren. Det er også ham eller hende som
beskriver spillernes omgivelser og derved skaber en fiktiv
verden/historie som spillerne er hovedpersoner i. Spillerne har fri
vilje, så de kan gå hvorhen de vil i spilmesterens fiktive verden
og derved vil et spil altid kunne udvikle sig uforudsigeligt, da man
aldrig helt kan forudsige spillernes handlinger.
Der er mange som siger ”nej tak” til at være spilmester pga. de
mangler fantasien til de gode historier og mest af alt, tiden til de
mange forberedelser. Det slipper de for med Asteria.
Asteria er lavet til spilmesteren og severer gode eventyr, kort
over byer, lister med varer i butikkerne, beskrivelser og navn på
butiksindehaverne, begivenheder, labyrinter, magi, monstre og
meget mere.
I Asteria er der ikke kun en, men fire kampagner at vælge mellem
og adskillige små scenarier… Dette vil spare spilmesteren for
adskillige timers forberedelser.
Asteria egner sig til både nye og erfarne spillere, da
eventyrenes sværhedsgrad altid kan justeres af spilmesteren og
selvom der er mange beskrivelser af eventyr og lignende, så er
der stadig massere af plads til egne spontane ideer i Asteria.
Hvis du er en erfaren bordrollespiller og allerede har en fiktiv
verden du elsker at spille bordrollespil i, så er der også mulighed
for at benytte Asteria her. For Asteria foregår på en ø, og en
ekstra ø kan man altid få plads til i en fiktiv verden.
Asteria er et oplagt redskab til undervisningen i bordrollespil på
de forskellige ungdomskoler som har bordrollespil på skemaet.
Her vil underviseren have mulighed for at give de elever der skal
være spilmestere et færdigt forberedt rollespil. Hermed vil der
blive bedre tid til at afprøve diverse bordrollespils systemer og
eleven bliver ikke belastet med nær så stort et pres, som hvis
han eller hun selv skulle forberede en rollespilsverden med
eventyr, magi og labyrinter.
Bogen giver en god beskrivelse af hvordan man spiller
systemløst bordrollespil, så alle kan være med lige fra starten af.
Fordelen ved systemløst bordrollespil er, at spillerne ikke behøver
at læse flere sideres regler igennem før man kan starte. Med
systemløst bordrollespil er papir og blyanter det eneste spillerne
Hvis du gerne vil prøve med et regelsæt, f.eks. for at holde styr
på magi, kamp osv. Så er det nemt at tilføje ethvert fantasy
regelsæt med Asteria, da bogen stort set kun benytter væsner
og magier som går igen i de fleste fantasy rollespilsverdener.
Hvis du ikke selv har et regelsæt ved hånden, kan du altid
benytte det danske og gratis regelsæt: DFB - "De Frie
Bordregler", som er tilgænligt på denne hjemmeside.
Hvis du er live-rollespiller er det også muligt at benytte dit
regelsæt fra live-rollespil med Asteria. I bogen er der en
uddybende forklaring på hvordan det kan lade sig gøre.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ba sic RPG HC Edition, k r. 359,50 (Cha osium Inc.)
Welcome to Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying system, a book that
collects in one place rules and options for one of the original and
most influential role playing game systems in the w orld.
This book comprises a roleplaying game system, a framew ork of
rules aimed at allow ing players to enact a sort of improvisational
radio theater—only w ithout microphones—and w ith dice
determining w he-ther the characters succeed or fail at w hat
they attempt to do. In roleplaying games, one player takes on the
role of the gamemaster (GM), w hile the other player(s) assume
the roles of player characters (PCs) in the game. The
gamemaster also acts out the roles of characters w ho aren’t
being guided by players: these are called non-player characters
From its origin, Basic Roleplaying w as designed to be intuitive
and easy to play. Character attributes follow a 3D6 curve, and
the other Basic Roleplaying mechanics are even simpler. Virtually
all rolls determining success or failure of a task are determined
via the roll of percentile dice. This means that there’s less fiddling
w ith dice of different types, and the concept of a percentile
chance of success is extremely easy for beginners and
experienced players to grasp. There aren’t many easier w ays to
say a character has a 70% chance of succeeding at an activity.
The core virtues of the system are as evident today as they
w ere w hen it w as first introduced. Primary characteristics of
Basic Roleplaying that have emerged from decades of play,
across many different varieties of the system are as follow s:
The system is remarkably friendly to new comers. It is easy to
describe the basics of the game system, and the percentile
mechanics, to non-gamers.
Players of other game systems often find Basic Roleplaying to be
much less mechanistic and less of a barrier to the actual act of
roleplaying. Less time spent on game systems usually equals
more time available for roleplaying and thinking “in character.”
Most of the information players need to know is present on their
character sheets.
Characters tend to evolve based on practicing the skills they use
the most. They do not arbitrarily gain experience in skills and
qualities based on ephemeral elements such as levels or
experience ranks.
Combat can be very quick and deadly, and often the deciding
blow in a conflict is the one to land first.
Basic Roleplaying is remarkably modular: levels of complexity
can be added or removed as needed, and the core system
w orks equally w ell w ith considerable detail as it does w ith a
minimal amount of rules.
The internal consistency of Basic Roleplaying allow s for rules
judgments to be made rapidly and w ith little searching through
the rulebook for special cases.
This book represents a first for Basic Roleplaying—a system
complete in one book, w ithout a defined setting. Previously,
Basic Roleplaying has been an integral part of standalone
games, usually w ith rich and deep w orld settings. Due to
differences in these settings, Basic Roleplaying has had many
different incarnations. Variant and sometimes contradictory rules
have emerged betw een versions, to better support one
particular setting over another.
Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying system reconciles these different
flavors of the system and brings many variant rules together
betw een the covers of one book, something that has never been
done before. Some of these rules are provided as optional
extensions, some as alternate systems, and others have been
integrated into the core system. By design, this w ork is not a
reinvention of Basic Roleplaying nor a significant evolution of the
system. It is instead a collected and complete version of it,
w ithout setting, provided as a guide to players and gamemasters
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
everyw here and compatible w ith most Basic Roleplaying games.
It also allow s the gamemaster the ability to create his or her ow n
game w orld (or w orlds), to adapt others from fiction, films, or
even translate settings from other roleplaying games into Basic
M a gic World Rpg, k r. 315,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
Enter a w orld of fantastic adventure, w here your destiny is
limited only by your imagination! Where pow erful sorcerors
manipulate the very essence of reality and w arriors decide the
fate of kingdoms w ith blade and spear. A w orld of magic, myth,
and menace… a MagicWorld! A self-contained, fantasy
roleplaying game using the classic Basic Roleplaying system,
MagicWorld features complete rules for creating characters in a
w orld of magic and fantasy, including a robust magic system,
streamlined skills and combat rules, a bestiary of more than 60
creatures, Gamemaster advice, and a complete sample campaign
setting (The Southlands) to jumpstart your adventures!
Ba ttletech RPG - TILBUD, k r. 100,00 (FPR Compa ny)
It is the 31st century. Across the vastness of interstellar space,
aw esome pow ers vie for supremacy. Amidst this sw irl of
unending conflict stride BattleMechs®, huge robotic w eapons of
w ar piloted by elite MechWarriors®. Join the action, taking on
any one of an endless variety of roles, from spy to smuggler,
mercenary to MechWarrior. As a character from the Inner
Sphere, the Clans or the Periphery, you w ill decide the ultimate
fate of the galaxy.
Enter the exciting BattleTech® universe, stepping outside of your
BattleMech and embracing the richness of a vast, detailed
science fiction setting. Classic BattleTech RPG™ contains all the
rules and source material players and gamemasters need,
including a unique character creation system that generates
game abilities and background story at the same time. Time to let
your imaginations soar!
Time of Wa r, k r. 360,00 (Publisher Services, Inc.)
Honor. Greed. Betrayal.
It is the 31st century. Mankind has spread to the stars and
spaw ned titanic stellar empires, each controlling hundreds of
w orlds across a thousand light years and beyond. Yet the sins
of man have follow ed him from the cradle of humanity.
Political machinations of feudal lords plunge w hole sectors into
w ar; unscrupulous merchant starship captains smuggle
w eapons to their ow n faction's enemies; greedy military
commanders demand tribute from w orlds they're protecting;
animalistic pirate kings harvest high technologies and human
slaves in lightning raids; betrayals from oath-bound allies leave
honorable soldiers grow ing cold on forgotten w orlds; death at
the tip of knife from a concubine turned assassin to avenge a
w orld and love lost: it is a time of w ar.
What empire w ill you sw ear allegiance to: a w arrior merchant of
House Steiner; the honorbound samurai of House Kurita; the vatbred w arriors of the Clans; a mercenary that fights only for the
highest bidder?
Choose your life in the universe: a MechWarrior piloting the thirtyfoot-tall BattleMechs that turn the tide of any battle; a spy deep
behind enemy lines discovering critical secrets; a merchant
carrying critical supplies; a scientist unleashing the latest cutting
edge technologies?
How w ill YOU become a legend?
A Time of War rulebook contains everything you need to start
your adventure in the BattleTech universe!
Time of Wa r - Compa nion, k r. 360,00 (Publisher
Services, Inc.)
The A Time of War Companion is an advanced rules expansion
for A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG. It offers several rules
expansions designed specifically to enhance the basic game
play experience of A Time of War campaigns, w hile retaining
compatibility w ith the rest of the core rules line.
Launch yourself into the universe of BattleTech w ith new
technologies and prove your heroism to House Lords and Khans
alike! Visit strange and distant w orlds, and battle alien beasts
beyond your w ildest dreams! Demonstrate new combat
techniques both in and out of the cockpit, w hile navigating the
intricate layers of neo-feudal politics! Whether your are a House
regular, a pirate smuggler, a noble scion, a deep space explorer,
or just a thrill-seeking adventurer, bring your experience to a
w hole new level!
A Time of War Companion introduces new advanced rules to
BattleTech role-players and gamemasters alike. Within this core
book expansion are advanced gameplay options including
Advanced Tier martial arts, hero-mode gameplay, metaskills, Trait
Checks, and more! Use character design templates to quickly
generate new characters and NPCs, or even convert older
characters from previous MechWarrior rule sets! Gamemasters,
use the w orld-building rules to bring your players to exotic new
locations, introduce them to equally exotic fauna you have
created to greet them there, and give them the chance to fight for
or against a host of new technologies rarely seen in the field! Th
e tools to enhance your role-playing campaigns are here for the
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Time of Wa r GM Screen, k r. 160,00 (Publisher Services,
For the first time ever, the role-playing game for the BattleTech
universe has its ow n gamemaster screen!
Brilliantly illustrated and constructed of heavy-duty cardboard
stock, this four-panel portrait GM screen brings the most
important reference tables to easy fingertip reference during
game play. Leave thumbing through your rulebook for a
reference for betw een games, w ith a GM screen that keeps the
focus on the action and fun!
For use w ith A Time Of War: The BattleTech RPG
Bla ck Crusa de RPG, k r. 479,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
In its hubris, Mankind claims dominion over the galaxy. How ever,
their realm is naught but a few flickering candles in a vast and
hungry darkness.
– A Treatise on the End of the Imperium, denounced and burned
in 800.M41
Black Crusade is an exciting new standalone addition to Fantasy
Flight Games’ popular Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay line, offering
players an entirely new perspective on the conflict betw een the
Imperium of Man and the forces of Chaos. This groundbreaking
concept delivers the unprecedented opportunity to play as an
agent of Chaos, w hether as a Chaos Space Marine or a human
Throughout the w ildly successful Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay
line, one common factor is Chaos: the ubiquitous antagonist
responsible for much of w hat defines this immersive setting. But
w ith the release of Black Crusade, players w ill examine an
exciting new set of character motivations. Are the agents of
Chaos truly evil, or are they rebels fighting against the Imperium
and its repressive oligarchy bent on blinding all of humanity w ith
its dogma?
Black Crusade offers players a chance to explore the depth of
this universe in a unique new w ay, and it gives Game Masters of
all four Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay titles the ultimate toolkit to
create engaging new villains. The days of the Imperium of Man
are coming to an end, and the corpse-god w ill soon be
overthrow n. Are you prepared to embrace Chaos?
Ga me M a ster's Kit, k r. 159,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
Guide your players dow n the path of Chaos w ith The Game
Master’s Kit for Black Crusade! This helpful resource features a
sturdy Game Master’s screen, displaying stunning Black Crusade
art on one side and a w ealth of useful quick references on the
other. In addition, The Game Master’s Kit includes a 32-page full
colour booklet w ith a complete adventure, a selection of useful
NPCs, expanded rules for running Black Crusade adventures,
and advice for how to run an extended campaign.
The included adventure takes a group of Heretics to the
shattered ruins of an infamous pirate empire. Once there, they’ll
find a harsh reminder that the Screaming Vortex teems w ith
other servants of Chaos, and in each one burns the same bloody
determination to earn glory by any means necessary. While on a
hunt for a cultural relic of great influence that w as lost in the
w reck of a mercenary transport ship, the Heretics w ill begin a
race for pow er against ruthless competition. But rival fortuneseekers may not be the greatest threat they face; their prize is
on the brutal w orld of Sacgrave, a w arp-ravaged planet that’s
home to marauding gangs, horrific mutants, and w orse. Gather
clues, coerce the local populace, and deal w ith the planet’s fickle
overseer, and you’ll earn the favour of your dark masters.
Glory and pow er aw ait those w illing to learn forbidden
know ledge.
Ha nd of Corruption, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
A w indsw ept Imperial penal w orld silently orbits its dimming sun,
perilously close to the dark influence of Chaos. To claim such a
prize for the Ruinous Pow ers w ould bring great favour and glory
to you and your fellow Heretics, and its substantial resources
w ould help lay the foundation for your ow n Black Crusade. But
w elcoming this w orld into the roiling bosom of the Screaming
Vortex w ill be no easy task, and the planet holds its ow n
dangerous secrets. Can you bring the corrupting gifts of Chaos
to this forgotten w orld?
Hand of Corruption is an adventure in three acts for Black
Crusade! Presented in one comprehensive volume, Hand of
Corruption is an epic story that takes you and your fellow
Heretics from the sw irling depths of the Screaming Vortex to the
far reaches of the Calixis Sector, and then to a parched and
w indsw ept Imperial penal w orld called Saint Annard’s Penance.
With a host of challenges designed to appeal to a range of group
types and play styles, Hand of Corruption offers ample
opportunities for both savvy roleplaying and gruelling combat.
Tome of Blood, The, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
The Tome of Blood, a supplement for Black Crusade, is the
second of four books delving into the darkest secrets of the
Ruinous Pow ers. It is devoted to Khorne, the Lord of Skulls,
perhaps mightiest of the Chaos Gods, and his pow erful minions
w ho carry his blood-drenched banner across the w orlds of the
Screaming Vortex. Within its pages, Heretics gain terrible new
armaments and w eapons to w age w ar, new devices to carry
their w rath across the battlefield, and more to aid them in their
struggles against the hated Imperium!
Tome of Excess Ha rdcover, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight
Ga mes)
The Tome of Excess is a sinfully indulgent supplement for Black
Crusade! Devoted to the Dark God Slaanesh and his follow ers,
this comprehensive hardcover book introduces four new Heretic
Archetypes, along w ith cruel w eapons, rules for empow ering
minions, new Daemon Engines, and more. Expanded rules for
social interactions, Infamy, and dark rituals help players of all
alignments, and in the included adventure, the Heretics must best
a Pirate Prince of the Ragged Helix!
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Tome of Fa te HC, k r. 319,50 (Fa nta sy Flight Ga mes)
"Your naivet amuses me, child. There is no Fate. There is only
the Will of Tzeentch." Verial Jenneque, Sorceress of Q'Sal
The Tome of Fate is a mind-shattering supplement for Black
Crusade! It presents invaluable information on Tzeentch, his dark
servants both daemonic and mortal, and how his influence is felt
across the Screaming Vortex. All this and more lies w ithin The
Tome of Fate, including a dangerous new adventure on the
sorcerous w orld of Q'Sal.
With new w eapons and psychic pow ers to aid them, Heretics
can go forth across that unholy stretch of stars and beyond into
the depths of the fallen Imperium, ready to challenge Fate and
make it their ow n. Do you possess the w ill to stand among
Tzeentch's chosen?
Blue Rose RPG, k r. 299,50 (Osseum Enterta inment)
Blue Rose is a roleplaying game of romantic fantasy, inspired by
novelists like Mercedes Lackey, Diane Duane, and Tamora
Pierce. The game focuses on heroic and good-hearted
characters w orking together to defend the enlightened kingdom
of Aldis from harm. Most characters have at least minor psychic
pow ers and some have intelligent magical animals as their
devoted allies. Blue Rose has everything players need to get
started, including complete rules for character creation, social
interactions, reputations and psychic pow ers. The game also
uses the innovative damage mechanic from Green Ronin’s hit
Mutants & Masterminds RPG. The forthcoming Blue Rose
Companion w ill provide expanded setting information, monstrous
foes, magic items, and live action rules.
Blue Rose uses Wizards of the Coast’s Open Game License
Compa nion - TILBUD, k r. 50,00 (Green Ronin
Every great hero needs a companion. The Blue Rose Companion
expands upon the game systems and options for the Blue Rose
fantasy roleplaying game.
The Companion offers more options for creating your heroes,
from heroic paths to new feats and arcane abilities. It provides
game systems for arcane rituals, places of pow er, and creating
arcane items. It also offers a selection of new arcane items and
an expanded bestiary of monsters for your heroes to fight.
With the Blue Rose Companion you can take your adventures in
the w orld of Aldea to the next level.
Bulldogs! (indie produk t) a nd PDF - TILBUD, k r. 125,00
(Key 20 Publishing )
Bulldogs! is a science fiction role-playing game set in a distant
galaxy. The emphasis here is not on the science, the emphasis is
on the action. Bulldogs! is sci-fi that kicks ass.
Bulldogs! can w ork w ell as a quick pick-up game, or as a long
campaign. The book includes several long-term campaign ideas,
but there really is no limit to w hat you can do in the Bulldogs!
galaxy. This 216-page book contains:
10 new character races.
Rules to create your ow n unique races, usable for any d20
6 new primary classes, including the Bounty Hunter, the Space
Pilot, the Engineer, and the Space Pirate.
New skills and feats appropriate for the science-fiction setting.
20 pages of new w eapons.
Starship combat rules.
Bloodsta ined Sta rs (indie produk t), k r. 200,00 (GHQ)
Bloodstained Stars contains expanded source material for
Burning Empires (indie produk t), k r. 360,00 (GHQ)
An epic science fiction roleplaying game based on Christopher
Moeller’s critically acclaimed Iron Empires graphic novels,
designed by aw ard-w inning game designer and author of the
Burning Wheel, Luke Crane.
BURNING EMPIRES uses the Burning Wheel system as its core
and expands it to encompass the sw eep of stories that decide
the fate of w orlds! In this game you w ill find mechanics for
ingenious technology, subtle infiltration, fiery revolution, searing
debate, blazing firefights and strategic w arfare.
The player characters are the protagonists in a story that w ill
decide their ow n fate, the fate of their loved ones and friends
and the fate of their very w orld. It is a trial of conviction and
belief. To save all that you hold dear in BURNING EMPIRES, you
must pass through the fire.
And you w ill be changed.
BURNING EMPIRES is a 5.5" x 8.5" (digest sized) hardcover book
w ith full color glossy interiors. The game contains nearly 400
pieces of artw ork, both never-before-seen sketches from Chris'
sketch books and fully painted artw ork from the comics.
Burning Wheel RPG Gold Edition (indie produk t), k r.
200,00 (GHQ)
Fight for What You Believe!
The Burning Wheel is an aw ard-w inning fantasy roleplaying
game in w hich players take on the roles of vibrant, dynamic
characters w hose very beliefs drive the story forw ard, and
w hose choices tangibly affect every outcome, from glorious
victory to ignominious defeat. The Burning Wheel details solid,
dramatic systems for task resolution, advancement, trials of
belief, tests of nerve, searing social conflict, dangerous sorcery,
miraculous faith, and brutal, gutw renching martial combat. Behind
the dice, player decisions drive the game's systems.
Re-edited and revised for clarity and organization, this Gold
Edition of The Burning Wheel combines the original tw o-book
format into a single, easy-to-use volume.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Jiha d - Burning Sa nds (indie produk t), k r. 80,00 (Indie
Press Revolution)
The time has come: Choose your side or be sw ept into oblivion.
Will you fight for the Mahdi-Emperor w ith his fanatical jihadi
w arriors as they seek to remake the galaxy in their ow n image?
Will you help them burn out the hives of these ancestor
w orshippers w ho claim that the entirety of a man’s w orth is
w ritten in his genetic heritage—infidels w ho claim that a
fortunate, select few are bred to w ealth and pow er and the rest
are born only to servitude and slavery in their cause? Will you
fight against such oppression? God has ordained the struggle
Will you raise your sw ord in the defense of the ancient and
glorious nobility w ho have ruled mankind since before Terra w as
lost? Will you fight for the nobility w ho claim the blood of heroes
and the mandate of the ancestors? Will you spend your life to
defeat the tyrannical spread of savage religious oppression and
a merciless theocracy?
Or w ill you heed the w ords of the Matriarchs, play both sides
against the middle, and salvage w hat genetic material you can
from this disastrous w ar caused by a man too w illful to obey the
precepts of the Sisterhood that made him w hat he is?
Choose now , be burned and forever changed.
M a gic Burner (indie produk t), k r. 200,00 (Key 20
Publishing )
The Magic Burner expands on the seven systems presented in
the Burning Wheel and the Monster Burner, offering new
mechanics, options and variants to add to your Burning Wheel
game. This book contains:
Eight new magic systems—Practical Magic, Familiars and
Homunculi, Art Magic, Enchanting, Spirit Binding, Summoning,
Death Art and Abstraction & Distillation
Five variants and modifications for existing systems—Gifted,
Religion, Blood Magic, The Arsenal Method and Alternate
Readings and Practicals
One beautiful new emotional attribute—fearsome Corruption
Extensive guidelines for creating your ow n magic systems and
New lifepaths, traits and skills for w izards and their follow ers
Plunge your hand into this eldritch storm and grasp hold of the
pow er!
M onster Burner (indie produk t), k r. 200,00 (Key 20
Publishing )
Much more than a collection of monsters, this book is the
essential tool for spaw ning your ow n creatures, traits, and
lifepaths. Inside the Monster Burner are the detailed guidelines
you need to understand and manipulate the Burning Wheel
character burning system. Plus:
Four new lifepath sets: Roden, Great Spiders, Trolls and Great
Wolves, complete w ith new skills, spells and traits.
Dozens of illustrated monsters! Some classic, like the Giant and
the Dragon, and some unique, like the Chiropteran and Hsigo, but
all steeped in that distinctive Burning Wheel flavor!
Plenty of suggestions for integrating monsters into your existing
campaign and for starting new ones rife w ith creatures.
The Monster Burner builds on the foundation provided in the
Burning Wheel and the Character Burner. Familiarity w ith the
Burning Wheel Fantasy Roleplaying System is suggested for full
Age of Cthulhu - Dea th in Luxor, k r. 105,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
In the age of the pharaohs, a great and unfathomable evil rose
from the murky depths to cast its gibbous shadow over ancient
Egypt. At the cost of his empire, Ramesses III imprisoned the
horror beneath the sands of Luxor, w here it has slumbered ever
In 1924, a team of visiting archeologists unearthed the last
remaining testament of that ancient mystery, only to unleash a
terror from out of time. Now death stalks the dusty streets of
Luxor and a new age of horror is at hand. Can your
investigators succeed w here the mightiest of pharaohs have
failed? Or w ill they fall victim to Luxor's secret past?
Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden
history of the w orld, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new
secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920's Call of Cthulhu
Each adventure comes w ith copious player handouts, detailed
maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their lives
and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring universe.
Age of Cthulhu 2 - M a dness in London Town, k r. 105,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
Madness in London Tow n is the next in a series of new Call of
Cthulhu adventure modules. Something w icked stirs in the
w oods outside old London Tow n. The telegraph you received
from an old friend raised more questions than it answ ered, and
w hen you arrive in London, the mystery only deepens.
Meanw hile, outside the city the ancient prayers are invoked once
more, fresh blood stains the altar stone, and the great monoliths
tremble in anticipation. Soon, the time of offering w ill be nigh, and
the dark god w ill stalk the Salisbury Plain as in the days of old.
Offi cially licensed Call of Cthulhu adventure. Supports one of the
most popular RPG's on the market. All-new adventure by popular
author Rick Maffei
Age of Cthulhu 3 - Sha dows of Leningra d, k r. 105,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
The death of a brilliant artist summons the investigators to
Leningrad, setting them in pursuit of a mystery older than Russia
herself. But w hen each secret revealed brings the investigators
closer to madness, is the truth w orth the price?
The trail of clues takes them from the dachas of the Orkonov
Estate to the Revolution Hospital and State Museum of Leningrad,
and finally to the w ilds of the frozen forests, w here the
investigators are faced w ith a terrifying puzzle unlike any other.
Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden
history of the w orld, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new
secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920’s Call of Cthulhu
game. Each adventure comes w ith copious player handouts,
detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their
lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring
Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements
of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of
horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical
events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to
exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the
excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming
table. So dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to
venture into the unknow n...
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Age of Cthulhu 4 - Horrors From Yuggoth, k r. 105,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
History tells us that General Umberto Nobile and Roald Amundsen
overflew the North Pole in 1926, making the first trans-polar flight
from Europe to America. In 1928, Nobile w ent back in the Italia,
w hich crashed on the ice north of Svalbard, Norw ay. An
international rescue mission w as launched to find him and his
aeronauts. Your characters are part of this mission—and the
State Department w ants you to rescue the survivors before the
Russian expedition gets them! But soon this humanitarian mission
becomes embroiled in international tensions, mysterious
disappearances, and the cold arcano-science of Yuggoth...
Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden
history of the w orld, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new
secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920s Call of Cthulhu
game. Each adventure comes w ith copious player handouts,
detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their
lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring
Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements
of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of
horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical
events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to
exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the
excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming
table. So dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to
venture into the unknow n...
Age of Cthulhu 5 - Long Rea ch of Evil, The, k r. 130,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
It is the Age of Cthulhu, and the cold tentacles of primeval
madness reach across the globe. In this compilation of three
adventure modules, the investigators journey to Peru, Sumatra,
and Tibet in a desperate quest to uncover mysteries that imperil
the w orld. Incan ruins, erupting volcanoes, and madness at the
top of the w orld aw ait those brave enough to unravel the long
reach of evil. This all-new adventure module uses the Chaosium
BRP system and is officially licensed for use w ith Call of Cthulhu.
Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden
history of the w orld, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new
secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920’s Call of Cthulhu
game. Each adventure comes w ith copious player handouts,
detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their
lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring
Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements
of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of
horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical
events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to
exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the
excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming
table. So dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to
venture into the unknow n...
Age of Cthulhu 6 - A Drea m of Ja pa n, k r. 105,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
It is the Age of Cthulhu, and the cold tentacles of primeval
madness reach across the globe. A search for a missing
socialite leads to the Aokigahara forest at the base of Mount Fuji.
Eerily quiet, strangely lifeless, and infinitely desolate, this
mysterious forest hosts more suicides than any other location in
the w orld—and, as the investigators w ill discover, is home to an
alien intelligence far beyond our comprehension...
Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden
history of the w orld, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new
secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920’s Call of Cthulhu
game. Each adventure comes w ith copious player handouts,
detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their
lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring
Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements
of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of
horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical
events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to
exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the
excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming
table. So dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to
venture into the unknow n...
Age of Cthulhu 7 - Timeless Sa nds of India , The, k r.
105,00 (Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
India: exotic splendors, desolate sands, and the mysteries of the
Subcontinent. The answ ers to unexplained nightmares rest in
India's timeless sands, w here eons-old mysteries still dw ell just
below the veneer of polite society. Curious investigators are
quickly draw n into a shadow -w ar w aged by forces of
darkness. The clues lead to the ferocious sandstorms of the
Great Thar Desert, w ith fires, assassins, spies, and the alien
Lightning Cannon along the w ay!
Set throughout the globe and torn from the pages of the hidden
history of the w orld, Age of Cthulhu adventures bring new
secrets and mind-bending horrors to your 1920's Call of Cthulhu
game. Each adventure comes w ith copious player handouts,
detailed maps, and pre-generated investigators ready to risk their
lives and their sanity to confront the horrors of an uncaring
Age of Cthulhu adventures include many of the classic elements
of Call of Cthulhu: action, investigation, and a forbidding sense of
horror. Though the adventures utilize real locations and historical
events, Age of Cthulhu is first and foremost dedicated to
exploring the horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos, and to bringing the
excitement of heroic pulp-themed adventure to your gaming
table. So dim the lights, load your trusty sidearm, and prepare to
venture into the unknow n...
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Ark ha m Now, k r. 225,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
ARKHAM NOW updates to modern times the famous and fabled
city of Arkham, about w hich so much has been w ritten by many
talented and diverse hands. A conscious effort w as made to
make this book as timely as possible; rents, mortgages, salary
rates, and the like are left purposely vague since these things
change as years go by — this is no longer a city frozen in time,
but yours to move into the future.
Most residents believe there is only one horror lurking in this
legendary haunted tow n – the urban spraw l slow ly eroding
Arkham’s old New England beauty. Rushing by neon signs and
mega-marts on a quest to obtain even more material
possessions, no one has time to notice the more disturbing,
underlying qualities of the city – the grotesque vegetation
sprouting in some places, the sometimes odd taste from the
reservoir’s drinking w ater, the disturbingly high rate of birth
defects, the too frequent child abductions.
Those w ho begin to make inquires are usually scoffed at by
citizens, rebuffed by local and state officials. The truly brave
have continued to put the pieces together, posting their thoughts
on the Internet. Many of these individuals drop off from
cyberspace eventually – often due to the effects some of these
discoveries can have on one’s mental health.
Though they w ould never admit it, many of the long time
residents of Arkham know there is something not quite right
about their tow n…
Atomic-Age Cthulhu, k r. 255,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
It's the 1950s in America! The most destructive w ar in human
history is over and the United States is starting to flex her
muscles as a global superpow er. The GIs have all come home to
new cars, houses in the suburbs, and the high-tech w onders of
jets, television, and rockets blasting into space, making it clear
that the future is very bright ,indeed. All is good! At least, on the
surface. But, beneath the shiny veneer, fear runs rampant!
Atomic-Age Cthulhu features background information, new
professions, new skills, and adventure ideas tailor-made for
unleashing cosmic horror into the 1950s, along w ith seven
scenarios designed to get you rocking n' rolling in no time.
Bumps in the Night, k r. 199,50 (Pa ga n Publishing)
Bumps in the Night is a collection of five new scenarios for the
Call of Cthulhu Roleplaying Game. These scenarios break the
mold in that the horrors the players face are not draw n from the
Cthulhu Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft, but instead these terrors are
draw n from folklore and mythology. Inside you w ill find vengeful
revenants, hungry undead, Sumerian Demon-w orshipping cults,
malevolent mummies, and poltergeists haunting the body of a
crippled girl!
Ca ll of Cthulhu RPG 6th Edition, k r. 279,50 (Cha osium
Horror roleplaying in the w orlds of H.P. Lovecraft! Completely
compatible w ith previous 5th edition supplements, this new
hardback edition of Call of Cthulhu features revised and clarified
text, rules, and sections, plus new interior art and a totally
revamped layout inspired by the Origins Aw ard w inning Call of
Cthulhu 20th Anniversary Edition.
Cthulhu by Ga slight, k r. 235,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
Victorian England. The era of Sherlock Holmes and Dracula, and
a horrific real-life mystery in the form of Jack the Ripper.
Thousands of books, films, and stories have featured these
characters over the past 120+ years -- Holmes and Dracula
have become the most commonly-used fictional characters of all
time. Little w onder then that this era, w ith its foggy atmosphere,
gross social and economic inequality, and the vast history of
England to draw from, should spaw n a setting for Call of
Cthulhu. For w hat is Call of Cthulhu if not the first truly great
roleplaying game combining mystery and horror?
In 1986, avid Sherlockian Bill Barton produced the aw ardw inning first edition of Cthulhu by Gaslight. A second edition,
w ith only slight changes, appeared tw o years later. Since then a
handful of Call of Cthulhu books set in the Victorian era have
appeared, and articles and scenarios still crop up from time to
time. But it's been over 20 years (!) since the Gaslight book itself
w as reprinted or updated.
This new edition of Cthulhu by Gaslight has been thoroughly
revamped, expanding the book by nearly 50% and adding new
material roughly equivalent to the original book's length. We have
more thoroughly developed the Victorian England setting.
Character creation has been rew orked, w ith some new w rinkles
added, and there are new articles on the Victorian w orld, crime,
politics, personalities, and so forth. There are also extensive
new sections on the Cthulhu Mythos in Britain -- creatures, cults,
books, etc. -- including a précis of Ramsey Campbell's Severn
River Valley. Also included are tips on running various types of
Gaslight era campaigns, a gazetteer of intriguing British myths
and legends, a selection of friends and foes from Victorian
fiction, and a lengthy new bibliography/filmography of suggested
reading and view ing. Rounding out this new edition are a pair of
new Victorian era scenarios -- one an urban adventure set in
London, the other set in rural Dartmoor.
With this book and a copy of the Call of Cthulhu core rulebook, a
prospective Keeper can run a campaign set in Victorian England.
This edition provides a strong background in both the Victorian
w orld and the activities of the Cthulhu Mythos w ithin it. So grab
your coat, hat, and w alking stick, and have the doctor bring his
bag and revolver. It's time to step into a w orld of Victorian occult
adventure -- the w orld of Cthulhu by Gaslight!
Includes a fold-out map of 1890s London.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Cthulhu Invictus, k r. 215,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
ROMAN CHILDREN TREMBLE in their beds as their mothers tell
them stories of Medusa, the Hundred-Handed Ones, and the War
of the Titans. They pray that the Fates have w oven a long skein
for them, free from encounters w ith the Minotaur and Cerberus.
Little do they know that things more horrible than the creatures
of myth and legend inhabit the w orld. A dark god stalks the
streets of Rome stealing the souls of the rich and the poor, the
young and the old, to populate his empire on the other side of the
w all of sleep.
Thousands of miles aw ay, on the coast of a freshly invaded
island, Roman centurions huddle around campfires entertaining
themselves w ith dice and ghost stories. They trust their
fortifications to keep the barbarians at bay. But the barbarians
are the least of their concerns. Outside the ramparts, small
shapes scuttle through the darkness, looking for new hosts.
In the midst of the largest sea the w orld know s, an Egyptian
merchant scans the horizon looking for land—and safety. Pirates
prow l the sea, avoiding the Roman navy and preying on
merchant vessels. The merchant’s men are w ell-armed to fend
off any pirates, but he w on’t relax until the coast is in sight. He
doesn’t notice the forms sw irling under the w aves, reaching up
w ith their claw s to pull the boat dow n. His men are ill-prepared to
fight them.
Greek scholars in Athens are ecstatic w hen they uncover
scrolls relating to an African god from the deepest interior of that
dark continent. They’re eager to read all they can in the cause of
science. Their education hasn’t prepared them for the fact that
the god is already in Athens, and they fail to notice that the city
hasn’t changed for hundreds of years.
Young w omen scurry through the streets of Herculaneum to the
Temple of Vesta, shunning the advances of lecherous old men
and soldiers w ho’ve returned from the front looking to spend
their coin. Only these w omen know that their chastity protects
the w orld from an unspeakable horror. Should they fail in their
mission, all of Rome is doomed to fall under a depraved god’s
w him.
Sw eat and grime cover a young Persian w oman as she pulls her
sw ord out of yet another monster that’s risen from the sand. As
she glances around, several more unbury themselves and
charge tow ard her. She casts one last look over her shoulder to
make sure the families that w ere ambushed have escaped
before she raises her sw ord and charges the monsters, her
battle cry echoing over the dunes.
This is the w orld of Cthulhu Invictus, horror roleplaying in the first
century CE, the time of the Roman Empire.
INCLUDES THESE CHAPTERS: Welcome to Rome, Capital of the
Know n World • Short Tour Around Mare Nostrum • Character
Creation • Skills • Equipment and Supplies • Recovering Sanity •
Combat • Roman Siege Weapons • The Grimoire • The Bestiary •
Cults and Secret Societies • The Roman Legions • Prophylaxis
Panacea Efqa • Scenario Seeds
By Chad Bow ser, Andi New ton, Deane P. Goodw in. 168 pages,
w ith handouts. 8.5 x 11" Perfect-Bound Paperback. Includes a
15 x 20" foldout map of the Roman Empire.
Cthulhu Invictus - Lega cy of Arrius Lurco, k r. 239,50
(M isk a tonic River Press LLC)
Several years ago a w ealthy patrician, one of the ow ners of the
Reds chariot racing faction, vanished in Crete. He w as found
w eeks later w andering aimlessly w ith no memory of w here he'd
been or w hat had happened to him. Arrius Lurco returned home
and tried to resume his life but then the nightmares and erratic
behavior began. What starts as an attempt to recover his lost
memories soon becomes an epic struggle pitting investigators
against sinister cults, inhuman minions and the aw esome
pow ers of a Great Old One.
The Legacy of Arrius Lurco is a full four-part campaign for
Cthulhu Invictus, set in Rome, Achaea (Greece) and Cyrenaica
(Crete), w ritten by Oscar Rios, illustrated by Alberto Guerra.
Cthulhu Invictus Compa nion, k r. 105,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
The Mythos Threatens Ancient Rome
AS ROME’S INFLUENCE SPREADS across the know n w orld, so
too spreads the w orship of its gods. Roman leaders know that
converting the people of conquered regions to the state religion
makes them easier to control. But some gods have been
w orshipped longer than Rome has existed, and their supplicants
w on’t easily change allegiances.
The Cthulhu Invictus Companion is a collection of three scenarios
for Call of Cthulhu, pitting investigators against cults from
different regions of the ancient Roman Empire.
Those w ith the w ill to survive being dragged through time and
space can learn to harness imponderable pow er to their ow n
needs — provided they offer the appropriate sacrifice to The
Opener of Ways.
The Akeru have long lived in seclusion at the base of Mount
Serbal, protecting the w orld from a horror that w ould destroy
humanity if ever released.
Initiates w ho w ish to join the Teutates must first survive a
grueling journey to the Severn Valley — and then undergo a
ritual that leaves them undead.
By Chad Bow ser, Andi New ton, and friends. 64 pages.
Curse of the Chthonia ns, k r. 210,00 (Impressions
Advertising & M a rk eting)
CURSE OF THE CHTHONIANS offers a beloved Call of Cthulhu
title to a new generation of Call of Cthulhu gamers. Here are four
adventures w ritten by some of the best Call of Cthulhu authors.
Includes the scenarios Dark Carnival, Curse of Chaugnar Faugn,
The City Without a Name, and Thoth's Dagger. Also includes the
essay Kabbalistic Science of Gematria.
H.P. Lovecra ft's Drea mla nds, k r. 315,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
We all dream. For some, dreams can become reality. This book
provides everything needed for Call of Cthulhu investigators to
travel dow n the seven hundred steps, through the Gate of
Deeper Slumber, and into the land of dreams. It includes a
travelogue of the Dreamlands, a huge gazetteer, statistics for
over thirty prominent non-player characters, a bestiary of over
sixty creatures, information on the gods of the Dreamlands and
their cults, a colorful fold-out map, and more. Also present are
six adventures to help get keepers started adventuring in the
land of Dream.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
House of R'lyeh, k r. 275,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
The House of R'lyeh contains five scenarios that closely follow
the events of H.P. Lovecraft stories. They are set in Boston,
Providence, the British Isles, continental Europe and the Middle
East. None of the scenarios need to be played at set dates or in
a set order, but they could be run in the order presented to form
a loose campaign using optional links betw een scenarios to
draw investigators from one to the other.
Alternatively, the scenarios may be used to supplement classic
Call of Cthulhu campaigns such as The Shadow s of Yog-Sothoth
and The Fungi from Yuggoth, the latter currently in print as The
Day of the Beast, both of w hich suggest their component
scenarios should be interspersed w ith others.
The first scenario in this book, "The Art of Madness" follow s on
from the events of the Lovecraft tale "Pickman's Model". Artist of
the macabre, Richard Upton Pickman, is now a ghoul living a
subterranean netherw orld beneath Boston creating a new
school of art. There are several w ays that player characters
might be draw n into investigating his macabre activities and,
w hile dangerous, Pickman's intent is not particularly lethal. The
difficulty for investigators w ill be to resolve the situation w ithout
becoming compromised.
While in New England, the investigators discover "The Crystal of
Chaos", a retelling of the events of Lovecraft's "The Haunter of
the Dark". Hired by professors of Miskatonic University, the
investigator seek out a fabled crystal w ith origins in Ancient
Egypt, but they soon find a far greater evil lurks in an abandoned
church in Providence. This scenario originally appeared in
Different Worlds issue 34, May/June 1984, and has been
expanded and revised in this publication.
"The Return of the Hound" draw s investigators an auction in
Yorkshire, in England, w here a rare edition of the Necronomicon
is going to be sold. The previous ow ners, the decadent
occultists from Lovecraft's "The Hound", are dead, as that tale
recounts, but w hat they unearthed in a Holland churchyard' has
grow n strong, and has schemes of its ow n to fulfill. The amount
of danger the investigators face is dependent on how
determined they are not to let this Necronomicon fall into the
w rong hands.
"The Jermyn Horror" takes place in Britain, beginning in London
and then moving to Huntingdon w ith the investigators seeking a
rare edition of Regnum Congo, reputedly to be found in the
crumbling estate of the deceased Jermyn family as described in
Lovecraft's "Arthur Jermyn". The search is imperiled by a
creature that a Jermyn brought back from the Congo some three
hundred years ago that haunts the mansion seeking a human
vessel for its escape.
"Nameless City, Nameless Terrors" concludes this collection w ith
an expedition into the heart of Arabia's Empty Quarter in search
of Irem as described in Lovecraft's "The Nameless City". This
scenario requires investigators to risk their bodies and their
minds as, in the midst of the desolate ruins of Irem, the
investigators learn something of the nature of the Great Old
Ones, and perhaps forestall the rising of Cthulhu from his w atery
Investiga tor Wea pons Volume 1 a nd PDF, k r. 200,00
(Impressions Advertising & M a rk eting)
A comprehensive collection of w eapons for Classic Call of
Cthulhu of the Tw enties, Investigator Weapons covers
handguns, rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, machine guns,
flamethrow ers, melee w eapons, explosives, and special
ammunition, and gathers together all the spot rules for injury,
environmental conditions, and firearms combat in one place, as
w ell as introduces many optional rules for enhanced play.
Keepers Compa nion 1, k r. 210,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
This invaluable companion for Call of Cthulhu includes advice for
new keepers, a lengthy study of Mythos artifacts, a learned
discussion of many occult books, an up-to-the-moment
description of every facet of forensic medicine, a thorough
revision and expansion of game skills, and the entire text of the
Keeper's Compendium. Additional short essays and features
round out this tome of blasphemous know ledge and forbidden
Keepers Compa nion 2, k r. 190,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
Prohibition, Firearms, Tomes & Creatures
New to Call of Cthulhu? A battle-scarred veteran of many
campaigns? Here are essential background articles useful to
most keepers.
"The History Behind Prohibition" — A lengthy article bringing antialcohol advocates, law enforcement, gangsters, rum-runners,
and consumers into focus. Lots of good stories.
"The Keeper's Master List of Call of Cthulhu Scenarios" — Lists
are alphabetical by the follow ing topics: scenario era; creature /
maniacs / great old ones; legendary heroes and villains; cults /
sects / secret societies; Mythos tomes; fictitious locations; and
Mythos books from publishers other than Chaosium.
"Iron: a Survey of Civilian Small Arms Used in the 1890's, 1920's,
and the Present". Practicalities of firearms; common
malfunctions; new skills Handloading and Gunsmithing. Firearms
considered are likely to be encountered or thought specially
useful by investigators. Insightful discussions of nine specific
rifles, five shotguns, ten handguns, a sniper rifle, and the
Thompson submachine gun. Hot load damage values for most
w eapons, along w ith comparative ratings for noise,
maintenance, pow der, reloading per round, more, plus standard
"Medical Examiner's Report" discusses the unusual corpse
recovered by the Essex County Sheriff's Department, as does
"Dr. Lippincot's Diary" from another point of view . Also a short
article on deep one / human reproduction.
Brian Sammon's "Mythos Collector" submits w rite-ups for the
Book of Iod, Chronike von Nath, Confessions of the Mad Monk
Clinthanus, Letters of Nestar, The Nyhargo Codex, Soul of
Chaos, Testament of Carnamago, The Tunneler Below , Visions
From Yaddith, Von denen Verdammten, as w ell as for more than
a dozen new spells.
And More: "Mythos ex Machina" gathers about forty examples of
alien technology from Cthulhu supplements. Gordon OlmsteadDean outlines the odd connections betw een H. P. Lovecraft and
the Satanists HPL never knew , in "LaVey, Satanism, and the Big
Lynn Willis ed.; Illustrated by Paul Carrick, Keith DeCesare; Cover
by Paul Carrick. 168 pages, illustrated, indexed. 8.5 x 11" PerfectBound Paperback
Keeper's Screen, k r. 130,00 (Cha osium Inc.)
Here is a 3-panel Keeper’s Screen mounted on thick hard-cover
stock that folds out to 33” w ide x 8.5" tall. One side of this heavyduty screen features a panoramic view of investigators out in
the field, exploring strange and enormous sculptures. The other
side includes the essential tables, states of sanity, order of play,
and other rules references to speed game play and keep secret
from the players the diabolical machinations of the keeper.
This pack also includes a 22 x 34” poster by the mad french
artists Christian Grussi and El Théo, postulating relationships
betw een the deities and minions of the Cthulhu Mythos.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
M a nsions of M a dness 2nd ed., k r. 175,00 (Cha osium
In dim forgotten recesses of the w orld lurk mind-tw isting horrors.
Through the use of human agents, these horrors w ork to thw art
humankind's destiny.
How ever, not all of these human agents are w illing partners.
Many times have the monsters resorted to subtlety and intrigue
to further their ends, rather than gross displays of w anton
Andrew Keetling is one such unw illing agent. A successful
Boston businessman, he has disappeared and is now held
captive, in a mansion of madness.
2nd Edition
Six Classic Explorations of the Unknow n, Deserted, and Insane
M ysteries of M esoa merica , k r. 279,50 (Pa ga n
Inside this book you w ill find everything you need to immerse
your players in the w orld of Mesoamerican archeology during
the classic Call of Cthulhu period. The first 84 pages are
sourcebook material, beginning w ith Clint Staples material
describing the cultures that dominated the New World before the
arrival of Columbus, w ith particular attention to the details of the
religious themes that dominated the region: blood, sacrifice,
death. There is also information on the modern states of the
region including revolutionary Mexico and Banana Republics like
Honduras, and the histories of the most important figures in the
study of these ancient peoples. Brian Appleton has w ritten
articles on the ancient w eapons of the Mesoamericans, as w ell
as cataloging the deities and monsters of local mythology.
Besides his exquisitely bloodcurdling illustrations, Blair Reynolds
has also contributed an article on Maya calendrics, w hich should
be of interest to everyone as the w inter solstice of 2012
continues to approach.
144 pages
For Call of Cthulhu 1920's
M a sk s of Nya rla thotep, k r. 279,50 (Cha osium Inc.)
At last the stars are almost right. Soon Nyarlathotep's plans w ill
come to fruition. Then the w orld w ill be changed irrevocably - but
not quite yet. The investigators have learned much. Now they
must survive long enough to make sense of w hat they know ,
and take resolute action.
This roleplaying classic is a series of linked adventures forming
one long and unforgettable campaign. Horrifying deeds and
dangerous sorcery face those w ho dare attempt to unravel the
fate of the Carlyle Expedition. The non-linear narrative keeps
players baffled and on their toes. Action is the byw ord as the
player-characters evade or combat cultists, magic, mad men,
and the dread pow ers of the Outer Gods.
Dustin O'Chaosium
M other Hydra 's M ythos Rhymes, k r. 99,50 (Pa ga n
The w onders of the Cthulhu Mythos. The horrors of
kindergarden. Tw o great tastes that taste great together. Mad
man Jarred Wallace and his lunatic partner Heather Hudson have
combined forces to present this hilarously w ritten and beautifully
illustrated hyrbid of genres. Guaranteed to make the young'ins
w eep tears of blood. Get your spaw n a copy today! It may take a
village to raise a child, but it takes a child of Yog-Sothoth to raise
the Great Old Ones.
Covering another 120 pages, the four independent scenarios do
not form a cohesive campaign, but as all of the scenarios require
the same skill set (experts in Mesoamerican archeology) from
player characters, a Keeper could easily run all four of the
scenarios in sequence.
New Ta les of the M isk a tonic Va lley, k r. 239,50
(M isk a tonic River Press LLC)
Further Adventures in Lovecraft Country
Return to Lovecraft Country w ith this collection of six all-new
adventures set in the Miskatonic Valley region. Investigators w ill
visit favorite haunts such as Arkham, Kingsport, and Dunw ich,
as w ell as less familiar destinations like Foxfield.
The Reeling Midnight, by Tom Lynch
Wasted Youth, by Christopher Smith Adair
Malice Everlasting, by Oscar Rios
The Night War, by Kevin Ross
Spirit of Industry, by Oscar Rios
Proof of Life, by Keith Herber
Our La dies of Sorrow, k r. 279,50 (M isk a tonic River
Press LLC)
In this modern day campaign of supernatural horror, the
investigators encounter The Sorrow s -- ancient goddesses of
grief, madness, and death w ho, in their multitude of forms, have
preyed on Man since he first began to dream. These lengthy
scenarios mix elements of ghost stories and mythology and
emphasize subtle atmospheric horror and terror on a very
personal level. For as the investigators strip aw ay their foes'
many masks, they themselves become the prey of The Sorrow s,
culminating in a terrible choice that could save their lives -- but
leave them forever haunted by their grim sacrifice...
Written by Kevin Ross (Kingsport: The City in the Mists, Escape
from Innsmouth, Sacraments of Evil, Dead But Dreaming) and
illustrated by Jason C. Eckhardt (Kingsport: The City in the Mists,
Escape from Innsmouth, Necronomicon Press), Our Ladies of
Sorrow includes three lengthy scenarios, an epilogue scenario,
and various appendices and play aids.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Secrets of Kenya , k r. 239,50 (Cha osium Inc.)
The Eastern regions of Africa are largely unexplored by
Westerners. Beneath the desert sands, and lurking w ithin the
highlands lie mysteries far older than Western civilization, and
indeed mankind. Long before the arrival of Arab traders or
European explorers some of the native peoples learned to fear
and w orship great and terrible beings. Here w ithin the heart of
Africa, adventure and horror aw ait those brave or foolhardy
enough to seek them out. Secrets of Kenya details the cultures,
geography, and history of Kenya through the 1930's; provides
an African bestiary; details several secret societies; and
includes four adventures to jump start your ow n explorations of
Kenya and the surrounding African w ilds.
This is a brief overview of the book highlighting it as potential for
a change of pace and scene for the Call of Cthulhu setting, a
w ild and relatively unexplored country full of dangerous tribes,
strange cults, overt mythos activity and predatory animals.
“As Above, So Below ”
Short story concerning a great w hite hunter w ho hopes to kill a
lion w hile on safari.
Chapter 1 – The Making of Kenya
This chapter presents an overview of the colony and a brief
introduction to the many African Cthulhu Mythos sources
incorporated into the book. The history of Kenya covers the
daw n of humanity, first tribes, Arab traders, Portuguese
explorers, the rise of Zanzibar, the British conquering the interior
and their dealings w ith the natives, the British East Africa
Company, the Uganda Railw ay, highlands settlement, inequality
and racism, w ar w ith the German colonies, Kenyan uprisings
and the establishment of w hite Kenya bring history to the 1930s.
Kenyan Geography provides an overview on Nairobi and
Mombasa, the Sw ahili Coast, Rift Valley and Central Highlands,
and the Northern Deserts. Climate, the government, law s, the
police, transportation, currency, technology, new s services and
Credit Rating in Kenya are described. Templates for King’s
African Rifles investigators and new skills are offered, plus an
overview of the Suez Canal, w hich is the gatew ay to the Indian
Ocean from America and Europe.
Chapter 2 – The African People
This chapter is an overview of the sub-Saharan people of Africa
w ith a particular focus on the major Kenyan Africans. Rules for
local languages including Kisw ahili are covered, and tw elve
major tribal groups are described in detail and classified for ease
of gaming including the Maasai, Kikuyu, Somali and Sw ahili
people. The African w ay of life is broken into sections on tribal
villages, home life, food, clothing, religion and beliefs, African
justice, w itchcraft and evil sorcery. Statistics and descriptions
for sixteen African w eapons and shields is offered, as are rules
for generating African investigators w ith new occupation
templates, sample African names, new skills and an overview of
African Tribal Magic.
the suppressed African political parties, and the African and
Asian (Indian) quarters. Key locations from Masks of
Nyarlathotep are described and expanded. A new mythos site
include a w omen’s spiritualist group based on Ann K
Schw ader’s “The Lost Stars”, w hile the historical personalities of
Lord Delamere, Jomo Kenyatta and Karen Blixen are provided.
Chapter 4 – The Kenyan Interior
The interior of Kenya is the focus for adventures in East Africa,
and w ild and relatively unexplored country. Six major terrain
types are described and classified; mountains, savanna,
deserts, coasts, jungles, and lakes and rivers. The Sw ahili coast
provides rules of dhow s (African sailing boats) and overview s
of the tow ns Mombasa and Lamu, the latter of w hich is
presented as a portal to the Dreamlands. Inland the M’gong
Trading Post as described in Lovecraft’s and Heald’s tale “Winged
Death” is included. Central Highlands section describes Mount
Kenya and the Aberdare Forests, and the Mountains of the Black
Wind from Masks of Nyarlathotep. The Rift Valley includes
descriptions of Lake Victoria, the Serengeti and the tow n of
Kisumu, and a new Mythos site of a w hite farmer w ith an alien
pet kept in a w ell. Northern Deserts includes a new mythos site
of an oracle child of the Samburu people w ho secretly gains her
w isdom from her befriended ghoul companion. Rules for safaris
and an investigator template for a Big Game Hunter is provided.
The chapter concludes w ith rules for interior dangers such as
dehydration, altitude sickness, heatstroke, quicksand and tropical
Chapter 5 – African Bestiary
Africa is a land know n for its w ild animals, and statistics for 32
African animals are provided. They include antelope, baboon,
bat, buffalo, bush pig, camel, cheetah, chimpanzee, cobra,
colonial spider, crocodile, driver ant, elephant, flamingo, giraffe,
gorilla, hippopotamus, hunting dog, hyena, jackal, leopard, lion,
mamba, okapi, ostrich, python, rhinoceros, vulture, w art hog,
w asp and bee sw arm, w ildebeest and zebra. Some of these
animals have previously been included in the Call of Cthulhu rules
book but their descriptions have been expanded here and
Chapter 6 – Secret Societies
Secret societies play an important part in normal African tribal
societies and this chapter focuses on several such
organizations that have turned to the w orship of the mythos.
Several of these cults operate not just in Kenya, but across the
African continent. Specific descriptions are for African Cthulhu
Cults (Africa w ide), the Cult of the Blood Tongue (Kenya), the
Cult of the Spiraling Worm (Congo), Ghoul Cults (Africa w ide),
Sisterhood of the Masked Messenger (Morocco) and White Apes
(Congo), although all of these cults are found in Kenya in one
form or another. African Leopard Men cults (Sub-Saharan
Africa) are a real cult of the era and are also described.
Statistics for new mythos monsters such as Masks of Ahtu,
Wereleopards, the Masked Messenger, the Faceless Watchers
and White Apes are provided.
Chapter 7 – Madness of the Ancestors (Adventure)
Chapter 3 – Guide to Nairobi
Nairobi is the major European settlement in East Africa and this
chapter is dedicated to presenting the city as a base for
investigators operating in Kenya. Dozens of locations are
described including the railw ay station, hotels, government
buildings, post office, the library and museum including their
mythos collections, trading posts, hospitals, new spapers,
mosques and churches, police station, the Indian Bazaar District,
This scenario concerns a Miskatonic University expedition into
Kenya to search for the humanities origins in Africa and is
designed as a scenario to draw investigators to Africa.
Chapter 8 – The Cats of Lamu (Adventure)
A dreamlands adventure designed to introduce players to the
Sw ahili Coast.
Fantas k Spilk atalog · 05-07-2013
Secrets of Los Angeles, k r. 199,50 (Cha osium Inc.)
Chapter 9 – Savage Lands (Adventure)
This scenario introduces players to safaris and the w ild African
plains of the interior.
Chapter 10 – Wooden Death (Adventure)
A challenging and dangerous scenario w ith a literary foundation.
Appendix A – Timeline of British East Africa
The first appendix is a history of Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika
Territory as a series of dates from 1414 to 1940.
Appendix B – Cthulhu Afrikis
This appendix provides descriptions of all the major Cthulhu
Mythos sites in the African continent draw n from Cthulhu Mythos
fiction and the Call of Cthulhu game. These include the Broken
Columns of Geph (Liberia), Cairo (Egypt), Canyons of Ituri-kendi
(Belgian Congo), G’harne (Mali), Grey City (Belgian Congo), Great
Zimbabw e (Southern Rhodesia), Jebal Barkal (Sudan), King
Solomon’s Mines (Angola), Kish (Egypt), Mountains of the Black
Wind (Kenya), Nyhargo (Belgian Congo), Pyramids and
Catacombs of Giza (Egypt), Sphinx of Giza (Egypt), Temple of
the Masked Messenger (Algeria), Temple of Thebes (Egypt),
T’garol (Ghana), Tomb and Well of Nophru-Ka (Egypt), Valley of
the Gods (Belgian Congo), Valley of the Red Flux (Kenya) and
Yanyoga (South Africa).
Appendix C –