May 8, 2016 - Holy Name of Jesus
May 8, 2016 - Holy Name of Jesus
OF JESUS CHURCH HOLY NAME WINDSOR TERRACE BROOKLYN, NEW YORK Fr. Lawrence D. Ryan, Pastor Deacon Abel Torres Mr. Michael Saez, Deacon Candidate Most Rev. James Massa, In Residence Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Nagle, In Residence Rev. Austin Emeh, In Residence REV. Msgr. Michael J. Curran, Weekend Assistant Mrs. Louise O’Connor, Office Manager Mrs. Ann Dolan, Parish Trustee Mr. Philip Lehpamer, Parish Trustee Mrs. Kathryn Sisto, Religious Education Coordinator Ms. Ivonne Rojas, Director of Music St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Academy Mr. Robert DiNardo, Principal Ms. Jennifer Gallina, Assistant Principal Mrs. Louise Witthohn, Academy Secretary Website: We are also on Facebook and Twitter SUNDAY EUCHARIST - MISA DOMINICALES Saturday: 5:30pm. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 (Spanish), 10:30am &12:00 Noon THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION - PENITENCIA Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 pm. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST - MISAS DE LA SEMANA Monday thru Friday: 9:00am. Saturday: 9:00am. Holidays: as announced in this bulletin. BAPTISM OF INFANTS Is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Spanish baptisms are celebrated on the second Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Please call the Rectory to make an appointment to meet with one of the clergy and bring the child’s birth certificate to the appointment. CHRISTIAN INITIATION For school age children, teens or adults follows the RCIA process, also called the Catechumenate, for those thinking and joining the Roman Catholic Church by celebrating Baptism, Confirmation and/or first Eucharist: inquiries may be made by calling the Religious Education Office. PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Call the Rectory to arrange for a minister to bring the Eucharist to someone homebound or in the hospital. In cases with those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, please contact one of the priests to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Engaged couples call the Rectory for an appointment with one of the priests or deacons at least six months in advance of the sacramental celebration. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES For information, call 718-894-4888. CHURCH ILLUSTRATION AND DESIGN BY: FRANKLYN PELAÉZ HORAS DE OFICINA DEL DIACONO FELIPE ALMENDAREZ EN ESPANOL DE 6:30PM – 8PM. (MIERCOLES) DEVOTIONS - DEVOCIONES Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00am mass. Sacred Heart: Fridays after the 9:00am mass. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:Thursdays 9:30am to 11:45 am followed by Benediction. LOS BAUTISMOS DE INFANTES. Seran celebrados en Espanol el Segundo Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm y en ingles, el primer Domingo del mes a la 1:30 pm. Por favor de, llamar a la rectoría para hacer una cita con un miembro del clero y, de traer el certificado de nacimiento del niño a la cita. INICIACION EN LA VIDA CRISTIANA Niños de edad escolar, jovenes y adultos que esten interesados en sequir el proceso de RICA, aquellos que quieren pensar en envolverse en la iglesia Catholica Romana, en clases sobre celebracion del bautismo, confirmacion, primera comunion y continuar activos en nuestra parroquia, llame a las Oficinas de Educacion Religiosa. CIUDADO PASTORAL A LOS ENFERMOS Llame a la Casa Parroquial para los arreglos, que unos de los ministros de eucaristia brindara la Comunion a quien la necesite en el hogar o en el hospital. En casos particulares de ancianos o enfermedad de condicion seria, por favor pongase en contacto con los sacerdotes para los sacramentos de uncion. MATRIMONIOS Los preparativos de matrimonios deben hacerse con seis meses de anticpacion. Deben llamar con anticipacion para hacer una cita con los sacerdotes. HOLY NAME RECTORY 245 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-3071 • Fax (718) 369-2039 SAINT JOSEPH THE WORKER CATHOLIC ACADEMY 241 Prospect Park West, Brooklyn, New York 11215-5807 • (718) 768-7629 School Website: WWW.SJWCA.ORG • School Fax: (718) 768-3007 CCD OFFICE HOURS IN SCHOOL: Sunday 8 – 12Noon Monday 10-2PM Tuesday 10-2PM Wednesday 10-2PM Thursday 1:30-5:30PM Friday No Office Hours May 8, 2016 7th Sunday of Easter WELCOME! To register as a member of the parish, please use the form on the table in the back of the church OR stop in the Rectory during office hours. Father Larry Ryan, the priests and the staff would like to wish all the mothers, grandmothers, aunts and special women in someone’s life a very Happy Mother’s Day. Today, the second collection is a Diocesan Collection for Catholic Communications. This Diocesan collection supports projects as diverse as television, radio, social media, podcasts and print media to more effectively use technology and media in spreading the gospel message. Please be as generous as your means allow. SUNDAY, May 8th This Sunday is Mother's Day & we will have Hospitality after all the Masses. The Spanish Community will be having a Mother's Day Raffle after their Mass. Please drop in and enjoy a cup of coffee and light refreshments with members of the parish community. Newcomers are always welcomed. 10:00-11:30AM 6:00PM-8:00PM RCIA Spanish, Boardman Room SAT Class, Rectory Basement MONDAY, May 9th 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM Bible Study, Rectory Base. Girl Scouts Serv. Unit, School Mtg. Rm. Irish Parade, St. Joseph’s Convent TUESDAY, May 10th 1:00-3:00PM 7:00PM Rosary Society, Shep. Hall AFF/Arise, Boardman Rm. WEDNESDAY, May 11th 9:30AM 1:00-3:00PM 6:00-7:30PM 6:30PM 8:30PM Bible Study, Rectory Base. Seniors, Shep. Hall Girl Scouts/Juniors, Kindergarten Rm Al-Anon, Rectory Base. AA Open Mtg., Rectory Base. COLLECTION RESULTS Sunday, April 24, 2016 TOTAL TO PARISH: $6,933.00 (Includes: $4,391.00 Regular First Collection and $964.00 Faith Direct); Renovation and Repair Second Collection $1,547.00, Faith Direct $31.00) IMPORTANT…… No one will be allowed to enter or use the school meeting rooms tomorrow, Monday, May 9th. A water test is being conducted between the hours of 6PM Monday and 5AM on Tuesday to test for lead and the water must not be used in order to get an accurate reading. School is open on Tuesday. Why not be part of something that promises to have a positive effect on the renewal of the Catholic Church in our diocese? ARISE Together in Christ Season one will start in October 2016! It is an opportunity to develop a closer relationship with Christ, grow in community and reach out in service to others. ARISE small groups will meet regularly for six week sessions primarily in homes and other locations around the parish. Facilitators will be provided with seasonal information to prepare for each session utilizing the well-organized materials and training provided by RENEW International (a Catholic ministry organization). In addition to ongoing support and online resources, RENEW will provide specific training workshops for parish leaders and facilitators each season. If you are interested in becoming a parish leader or facilitator, please contact Alayne Cox at [email protected] THURSDAY, May 12th 1:00-4:00PM 5:30-8:30PM 6:00-7:30PM Cancer Guild Rectory Base. Girl Scouts, Rectory Base. Girl Scouts/Seniors, School Mtg. Rm. FRIDAY, May 13th 5:00-9:00PM 7:00-8:30PM 7:00PM Irish Step Dancing, Shep. Hall Cub Scouts, School Base. Spanish Prayer Group, Rectory Base. SATURDAY, May 14th 8:00AM-2:00PM 6:00PM 7:00-9:00PM Communion Pictures, Shep. Hall AA Closed Mtg. Rectory Base. Crew, Sch. Mtg. Rm & Sch. Base. SUNDAY, May 15th 10:00-11:30AM 6:00-8:00PM RCIA Spanish, Boardman Room SAT Class, Rectory Basement MEMORIAL BOOK The memorials for “The Restoration of Holy Name of Jesus” phase one campaign are now online on the Holy Name website. We invite anyone who contributed to the campaign to check the website to make sure your name and or your personalized memorial is spelled correctly before the Church Memorial is made. The deadline for this is May 30th. Thank you to those who have submitted updates. Feel free to check back with the website to see your updates. Please see our website for details or stop into the Rectory. A Note from Fr. Larry We’re looking forward to two First Communion Masses this Saturday. In next weekend’s bulletin we’ll be listing the names of the First Communicants and recognizing those who are working so hard to prepare for this very important day in these children’s lives. This Sunday is Mother’s Day and we’ll be offering a special prayer of blessing after Communion at each of the Masses. We’ll also be including the names from the Mother’s Day Remembrance envelopes in the bulletin and placing those prayer intentions on the altar for the month of May. At some point during the next two weeks you may be receiving an appeal letter on HNJ letterhead over my signature asking those who have not yet done so to contribute to the Diocese of Brooklyn’s 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal. The Diocese has asked pastors to send out this letter. The letter makes clear that, if you have already given to the 2016 Appeal (as many of you so generously have), consider this letter simply to be a letter of thanks. If you have not yet given, the letter asks that you please consider doing so to help the Appeal meet its goals for supporting a number of important Diocese-wide initiatives (such as Catholic Charities) that rely heavily on the Appeal. And again, thank you for your generosity. From Friday, May 6th, through Saturday, May 14th (the nine days between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost), we will praying a simple Pentecost Novena. The Pentecost Novena is modeled after the “First of All Novenas”, which took place (as described in Chapter 1, Verse 14 of the Acts of the Apostles) when the Apostles, Our Blessed Mother Mary, and other disciples “devoted themselves to prayer” from the first Ascension Thursday until the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost. At Holy Name of Jesus parish we will simply recite the “Come Holy Spirit” prayer plus one Our Father, One Hail Mary, and one Glory Be, after Communion at each of our 9 AM weekday morning Masses (and at the 7:30 AM Mass on Sunday morning, May 7th). During this novena we will be asking especially for the graces of the Holy Spirit for the success of the ARISE Together in Christ program that we are organizing now to be run for six weeks this coming fall, and for the graces of the Holy Spirit in our continuing efforts to address the financial challenges facing Holy Name of Jesus parish. These are intentions with important implications for the spiritual and temporal well-being of the parish. If you can’t pray with us at those Masses, please consider praying the brief “Come Holy Spirit” prayer privately each day from May 6th through May 14th for those two intentions. There are a few variations to the prayer. The version we will be using is: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit, and they shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth. “Let us pray: O God, who did instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us in the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His Consolation, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Amen.” 7th Sunday After Easter In the First Reading from Acts, we hear the witness of the first known Christian martyr, a young man named Stephen. There are parallels between Stephen and Jesus. When faced with the threat of death because of his beliefs, he looked to the heavens and commended himself to God’s care. He asked God to forgive those who were stoning him! What strong faith made Stephen able to give up his life? Have we ever received a grace to do something we wouldn’t ordinarily do? Every once in a while, a Stephen comes along, someone so dedicated to the principles which can bring us together, willing to surrender his or her life for the cause. Archbishop Oscar Romero received many threats in El Salvador before he was killed saying Mass. He had only asked for people to stop the violence in that country, no matter who was perpetrating it. Earlier this year, the environmental activist Berta Caceres in Honduras was killed. She had tried to protect indigenous people and our earth. Our own Holy Name parishioners spend time, money and attention to help the poor and hungry to maintain their dignity while moving through a rough patch in their lives. These volunteers are not killed, but they give a portion of their lives for their beliefs. Let’s thank God for the example of these wonderful people! With our Second Reading, we move further through the Book of Revelation, chock full of symbols. Jesus again identifies himself as the Alpha and the Omega and invites us to draw closer to him, to “wash our robes”, to perform good deeds and repent. We do not yet experience Christ’s coming completely even though he comes to us in the sacraments, the word, inspiration and nature. All of us can think of some times in our lives where an appropriate plea to God would be, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Can we listen to others’ pleas for help and quench their thirst here and now? Do we leave time for prayer that would help us sense the “gift of life-giving water” which Jesus offers? Today’s Gospel from John is considered a “high priestly prayer” for unity. According to Pope Francis’ homily last year, “Jesus prayed saying: ‘Holy Father, I pray not only for them, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one.’ ” What is the price Jesus paid for our unity? Why such a high price? Is it a challenge? Why? Does unity come with grace? Maybe, we do not pay enough attention to these words: Jesus prayed for me! This is really a source of confidence: He prays for me…before the Father in Heaven. He prays for us. And what does the Father see? The wounds, the cost. Jesus prays for me with his wounds, with his wounded heart and he will continue to do so. …We must be one, just one being, as Jesus and the Father are one. This is precisely the challenge for all of us Christians: to not give way to division among us; to not let the spirit of division, the father of lies, come between us. Continuously seek unity. Everyone is different in his own way, but [we must] try to live in unity. “ In our world, we often face off against each other, dividing ourselves with labels. Let us pray, “Come, Lord Jesus! Come with the life-giving water that will wash away our divisions and make our unity complete. “ Let us see each other as God’s children and lead each other into God’s presence. Memorials FOOD PANTRY Happy Mother's Day. The Food Pantry will distribute food on May 14 & 28 and June 11 & 25 out of the rectory basement between 2 and 3 pm. At this time tuna, pasta and vegetables are needed. We give a special thank you to a group of parish ladies who raised money for the Pantry at their recent annual spring fling. We are averaging 35 individuals who come for food every other Saturday so monetary donations like this are important in keeping Holy Name's Pantry going. Thank you to everyone who has supported us for nearly 30 years (yes, 2017 will be 30 years). Mother’s Day … Below is the list of names which were on the Mother’s Day Envelopes. During the month of May please remember the good women below, living and deceased, who we have been asked to pray for: Mary Flanagan Genevieve Pynn Blanche Horan Florence Horan Blanche Horan Josephine Arent MaryAnn Horan Maureen DiGiacomo Doloras Sisto Carmela Marsillo Mary Camastro Etter & Thomas Families Carmela Marsillo Angela Casagrande Helene Galligan Ruth McCarthy Beatrice Reynolds Antoinette DeMatteo Julia Lozinski Barbara Samuelsen Arlene Olsen Eileen Murray Hazel Eisele Blanche Hamilton Betty Dibilio Clara Azzinaro Imelda Murphy Joanne Devine Dunn Josephine Bove Dwyer Dorothy Bove Valenti Sarah J. Kent Dorothy E. Tracy Francine Donovan Anne Marie Donovan Alice Donovan Virginia Regis Leovigilda Santiago Mary Moffatt Muriel Golembeski Marge DeStefano Gladys Jackson Margaret Jackson Dorothy Sullivan Catherine Brown Anna Brown Catherine Donovan Nora Martin Sarah O’Toole Therese Hough Kathleen McDonagh Lucia Marsillo Gennarima DiRe Kathryn Donovan Francia Sancho Anna Cooke Marie Cooke Ann Duffy Mary Dolan Bivute Lukosius Catherine Mulrane Catherine Keosseian Theresa Carpenter Mima Maria Dudich Lucy Constantino Mary Constantino Luciana Hildenbrand Marie Perrino Catherine Petrie Louise Nevola Joan OConnor Peggy Donovan Margaret Flynn Mendez Family Beatrice Duffy Anna Kopiske Estrella Beniamino Carmela Marsillo Doloras Sisto Dorothy Mullane Edna McKenna Ann DiNatale Louise Iovine Margaret Sullivan DiNatale Girls Annie Deary Mary Shea Maureen DiGiacomo Elizabeth Sullivan Kathryn Donovan MaryAnn Purdy Catherine Mullin Anna Ryan Week of May 8, 2016 The Hosts and Wine have been donated in memory of Peter E. and Peter G. Heaney by Anne Heaney. The Altar Candles have been donated in memory of Christine Budgell by Tom and Teresa Prugno and Family. For Those Who Are Ill: We pray for the sick in our church and community. May God give them renewed health and strength. We pray especially for Joan O’Malley, Joe Giamboi, Kathleen Nevillle, Juan Carlos Muniz, Sandra Muto, Sister Maria Pascuzzi, Dolores DiGiosaffatte, Marilyn Bloom, Jack & Louise Miller, Mary Martin, Jack Mooney, Belkif Jomarron, Peggy Casey, James Gilligan, Victoria Godkin, Richard Crowell, and Jimmy Cunningham. For our departed loved ones… We extend our prayers and deepest sympathies to the families and friends of our parish who have lost a loved one. Please remember those enrolled in our Purgatorial Society on Sundays at 7:30am. LET US PRAY……For these Mass intentions during the Week of …May 8, 2016: Sunday, May 8th Seventh Sunday of Easter 7:30 AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12 Noon Purgatorial Society & Irene Cain Mass for the People & Aquirina Abreu Edward McHale Thomas, Anna & Marie Cooke Monday, May 9th 9:00AM Gerard Artz Tuesday, May 10th St. Damien de Veuster 9:00AM Michael & Mary Hynes Wednesday, May 11th 9:00AM John & Mary Regan Fopeano Thursday, May 12th St. Nereus & St. Achilleus, St. Pancras 9:00AM Frank & Sarah O’Toole Friday, May 13th Our Lady of Fatima 9:00AM Marty Boland Saturday, May 14th St. Matthias, apostle 9:00AM 5:30PM Joseph Yurman Minnie DeCesare Kathryn Donovan Nicola A. Sisto Sr. Clara Azzinaro John Maier Sunday, May 15th 7:30 AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12:00PM Purgatorial Society & James P. Rail & Emil Kahaly Mass for the People & Jose Feliciano Intentions of Andrew Willett Walter Kash Dr. Mitchell Benson Terrace DENTIST Bagels & Cafe One Prospect Park Southwest Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215 718-768-1666 General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Warm & Cozy Atmosphere All Baking Done on Premises Daily BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER More than Cappuccino • Full Deli just a bagel... Homemade Salads & Cream Cheeses Hand-Rolled Bagels STEVE BELSITO SONS, INC. Lic. Plumbing, Heating, & Fire Suppression Lic. #353 Lic. #1995 Lic.#221-B Windsor Homes Realty SALES, PURCHASE AND RENTALS Henri Pinsker Licensed Real Estate Broker 3rd Generation Serving O: 347-227-7910 C: 917-400-0814 718-768-5246 718-788-1779 fax [email protected] 244 P.P.W., Brooklyn, NY 11215 Park Slope F: 347-227-8588 KENNETH G. SUTHERLAND BACKHOES EXCAVATORS L.M.P. #476 N.Y.C. 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Store Hours Open 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week 718-832-5658 Free delivery with $25 purchase We accept all major Credit Cards, EBT & WIC Checks 238 Prospect Park West (Across from Church) • Brooklyn [email protected] • Please Continue To Pray For Servicing the Brooklyn Diocese for over 20 Years 718-768-2291 082A(BC) - Holy Name, Brooklyn Licensed in: New York City, New Jersey Connecticut, Westchester, Nassau and Suffolk es! Free Estimat 36-51 Bell Boulevard, Suite #208, Bayside, NY 11361 Tel: 718-423-5720 • Fax: 718-423-5793 EMAIL: [email protected] World Peace FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside M. J. Smith Sons Funeral Home 718-788-2255 "Serving Brooklyn Since 1875" ~ VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION ~ 255 Ninth Street · Brooklyn, NY Owned by a subsidiary of Service Corp. 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