November -


November -
Woodedge Village
November 2010
Volume 2, Issue 11
Official Publication of Woodedge Village Homeowners Association
Tax 2009
Please review and share this information
regarding the HOA ballot with our neighbors!
The Woodedge Village HOA was over $11,000
short last year! We have been negative since 2005
and have used reserve funds. Please vote YES to
the ballot. Ballots not returned are counted as a
vote for no. If not, we will have to reduce services
to balance the books. HOA fees pay for the street/
night lights, trash pick-up, mowing, sprinklers,
pool and more. Submitted by Jason McCoy
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Woodedge Village Community
Improvement Association
Maintenance Fee Fact Sheet
Submitted by Jim Cetrullo
A couple of months ago, the information below was published in the Village Voice
newsletter to prepare you for a vote to change the Woodedge Village maintenance
fees. In this month’s newsletter, you will find a ballot with a proposal that is
designed to keep WVCIA financially solvent and maintain community services.
Please consider the good of your community and vote “Yes” for the proposal.
You may already know that your WV Maintenance Fees pay for regular trash
collection and disposal; the neighborhood street lights; and utilities and upkeep
for the clubhouse, pool, playground and common areas.
You may not know:
• The WV Maintenance Fees collected for 2010 will come up short for paying for
these routine expenses by about $8000.
• The difference will have to be made up by using the WV reserve fund.
• For the past four years, the WV expenses have exceeded the income from fees.
• Because of the long term income/expense gap, it means the WV reserve funds
will be exhausted by the end of 2010.
• Over the past 3 years alone, expenses have increased by about 10% even though
services like mosquito spraying have been cut, pool hours have been reduced,
and repairs have been delayed or performed with the aid of volunteers where
• Unless maintenance fees increase for 2011, WVCIA will have to start dropping
more services that are currently provided to residents beginning next year.
• Service/Cost-cutting example: It costs WV about $15 per household per month
for trash collection. If WV was forced to turn over that responsibility to the
individual homeowners, homeowners would have to contract for that service
themselves and the monthly cost per household would approximately double.
• Another example: Sprinklers in the common areas might be shut off to reduce
utility bills resulting in dead plants and grass; not a welcome sight for visitors or
potential homebuyers.
Please find your ballot now in the newsletter and complete and return as soon
as possible.
Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.
Village Voice - November 2010
Woodedge Village
Important Numbers
Sheriff ’s Department Dispatch (Non-emergency)... 713-221-6000
Emergencies (If it’s happening NOW): .................................911
Harris County Phone Numbers
Animal Control (To report stray or dead animals)..... 713-999-3191
Flood Control:...................................................... 713-684-4000
Graffiti Reporting Hotline.................................... 713-437-6833
Health Department (To report unsanitary, unsafe conditions)
........................................................................ 713-439-6000
Precinct 4 Commissioner’s Office, Jerry Eversole.. 713-755-6444
Poison Control........................................................ 800-222-1222
Street Light Outages Online
Waste Management (Trash Pick-up)........................ 713-686-6666
Southwest Water (Billing Questions / Service Problems)
............................................................................. 713-405-1750
Salena Harman.................President, Deed Restrictions Chairman
Jim Pollman.....................................Vice-President, Legal Liaison
Jim Cetrullo...................................................Secretary, Contracts
Darra Harris................................................................... Treasurer
Dave Casey........................................ Director, Deed Restrictions
Steve Harris.................................. Director, Architectural Control
Jason McCoy............Director, Pool, Tennis Courts, Club House,
Community Activities, Neighborhood Watch
Deed Restrictions Report
Submitted by Dave Casey
4 Clean Flowerbeds
4 move inoperable vehicle
8 mow yards
If you put out garage sale signs please pick them up after
sale is over. Let’s keep our neighborhood clean!
Classified Ads
Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...)
run at no charge to The Woodedge Village residents, limit 30
words, please e-mail [email protected].
Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit)
are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at
512-263-9181 or [email protected].
If you need to get in touch with a director, call
newsletter info
Jason [email protected]
Peel,, 888-687-6444
[email protected], 888-687-6444
Article Info
Woodedge Village HOA News is mailed monthly to all residents.
Residents, community groups, schools, etc., are welcome to submit
information. Personal news are also welcome. All submissions will
be reviewed for content and approved by the Board of Directors
and Newsletter Committee Chair. The deadline for submission
is the 8th of the month before publication.
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Village Voice - November 2010
Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.
Woodedge Village
Woodedge Village Community Improvement Association
P. O. Box 691688 - Houston TX 77269-1688 - 281-469-0829
This ballot is for a Member (Owner) of the Association, in good standing*, to cast a vote in favor
of ratification of the maintenance assessment rate proposal below for the years 2011 and
henceforth. The maximum number of votes is one (1) per Lot. Not voting is considered a “No”
vote. This ballot is to be used in the event you wish to vote in favor, do not appoint a proxy, and
will not likely be attending the special meeting to be scheduled later in 2010.
Mark the first box below to indicate you are in favor of amending Covenants and ByLaws
regarding the Annual Maintenance Assessment Proposal.
] I/We approve the following: a $450.00 Annual Maintenance Assessment Rate beginning
in 2011; Change of payment schedule to allow an option for monthly (or other periodic)
payments of the maintenance assessment for a nominal monthly administration fee (set at
$3/mo in 2011); Beginning in 2013, a change to the maintenance assessment procedure
to allow WV Board of Directors to approve a change in fees not to exceed 5% of prior
year’s fees without conducting a vote of the Association Membership.
Said person duly represents himself/herself as being a person in good standing* with the
Name(s): ____________________________ Signature(s): ____________________________
Address: ____________________________
By October 18, 2010 Please Return Ballot to:
Woodedge Village Community Improvement Association
P. O. Box 691688
Houston TX 77269-1688
A Board Member or Block Captain
*Members in good standing are those Members whose account with the Association is
paid in full.
Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.
Village Voice - November 2010
Woodedge Village
November 2010
Submitted by Bill & Darlene Borrello
Well, today, with the cool weather, our air conditioned has not
run and the back door is open. November and December are two
of our favorite months. We have our Pinion wood and we are ready
to light a fire in our fire pit. The cool evenings in the back yard, with all the birds, hummers
and butterflies, along with the late blooming plants, makes for a
very relaxing end of the day. Then there is the spa, the cool weather
makes a warm spa great, especially with something cooking on the
grill. These are just a few of the great activities you can enjoy if you
take advantage of your back yard.
My Passion Vine was really outstanding this summer and just put
on a ton of new buds. There have been orange worms eating the
leaves and after a few weeks beautiful orange butterflies are all over
the back yard. The Passion vine didn't freeze this last winter, which
really surprised us. It definitely is a keeper.
If your Pine trees are shedding needles, remember, Azaleas really
love that acid. I add layers of pine needles on top of the old ones
every year. First I chop the old ones into the soil and add the new
layers on top. It also takes the place of mulch for your acid loving
Speaking of mulch, now is a great time to add mulch around your
tender plants to protect them from freezes. If you haven't winterized your lawn, now is a good time to do so. Chop! Chop!
Those residents in Woodedge Village, that are having a hard time
keeping their yard up to deed restriction code, remember the yard
people do yards front and back for as little as $25.00. Every other
week and will be surprised at how nice it feels to walk in a nicely
kept yard.
Happy Halloween and happy gardening.
Peel, Inc.
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VP Sales and Marketing
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Village Voice - November 2010
Aggie Mom’s Club
A Festive Holiday Social Evening
The Northwest Harris County Aggie Mom’s Club invites you
to join other Aggie moms for a festive social evening on Tuesday,
December 14th. All current, future, and former Aggie moms are
welcome to join us at 7 pm for some holiday fun in a friendly and
supportive atmosphere. The event will be held at the Houston
Distributing Center conveniently located near Willowbrook Mall at
the corner of Cutten Road and 7100 High Life Drive. Come and
learn more about Aggie student activities, purchase great Christmas
gifts from the Aggie boutique, win door prizes and book money for
your students, and learn about upcoming scholarship opportunities. During the December celebration, we will have an “Aggie” Christmas
ornament exchange. Please bring a wrapped Aggie tree ornament to
exchange with other Aggie moms.
One of the main goals of the Aggie Mom’s Club is to give
scholarships to Aggie students. The NWHC Aggie Mom’s Club is
now accepting Scholarship Applications for the 2010-2011 school
year. Complete applications and eligibility requirements are available
at and also at the general meetings. The
application must be postmarked no later than Monday, Feb 7th,
2011. Last year 6 scholarships totaling $6750 were awarded to area
Aggie students.
Please contact Vickie Hamley at 713-466-4494 or check out our
website for more information!
Advertising Information
Please support the advertisers that make the Village Voice
possible. If you would like to support the newsletter by
advertising, please contact our sales office at 512-263-9181 or
[email protected]. The advertising deadline is the 8th
of the month prior to the issue.
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to your neighbors.
Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.
Woodedge Village
Yard of the Month
Submitted by Sharon Day
Carmela & Horacio Degante at 11911 Carriage Ridge are our
October yard of the month winners. The Degante’s moved to
Woodedge from Chicago 2 ½ years ago. Their yard is lovely and
the home is well maintained with a beautiful border of red begonias
lining the flower bed. The Degante’s have two sons. Horacio is
a chef at Sullivan’s Steak House on Westheimer and Carmela is a
teacher at the Montessori School near by. Let’s keep our eye out for
any new flowers that may appear at the Degante’s as they cash in on
their $15.00 gift certificate from RCW Nursery. And remember, keep those yards looking great, yours could be our
November yard of the month winner.
Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.
not available
Village Voice - November 2010
Woodedge Village
It’s Only Natural…
Submitted by Mechele Beaty
In the August issue, I mentioned the benefits of making healthier
choices about the water we drink. This month I’d like to talk about
healthy options in other types of beverages. I am far from being an
expert on the subject of wine but since it’s been known to have more
health benefits, I usually choose to drink red wine. It contains more
resveratrol (an antioxidant) than white wine because it ferments
longer with the skins of the grapes. Resveratrol may help the body
fight heart disease, cancer, diabetes, allergies and more. Out of all the
red wines, my favorite, Pinot Noir, contains the highest amount of
resveratrol. The pinot noir grapes are very delicate, so they produce
more resveratrol to protect themselves from pathogens.
Aside from selecting a wine that’s full of antioxidants for your
health, you must also avoid those that have harmful chemicals in
them. In California, the grape growers use a pesticide called cryolite.
This pesticide causes the wines that are made from these grapes to
have an increased level of fluoride in them. However, the Europeans
have much stricter regulations regarding the use of cryolite. That is
why I always steer away from California wines and choose an organic
or imported European wine instead.
If you like tea, there are plenty of health-boosting teas to choose
from. They are loaded with heart healthy, cancer-fighting antioxidants
and may also help lower cholesterol and blood pressure. White tea,
Green tea, Oolong and Black, just to name a few, are all great choices.
When using a sweetener in them, try the healthier options like agave
nectar, honey, or stevia, a healthy sweetener that’s extracted from the
leaves of the stevia plant. I prefer to use organic or raw sugar instead
of the regular processed sugar.
When choosing juices, be sure to avoid “juice drinks” since they
contain a lot of added sugar, artificial flavors and colors. Make sure
that it’s organic or has “100% Juice” on the label. Also, dark-colored
juices are very rich in antioxidants.
I love sodas and they are definitely a weakness of mine, however,
since they are not the healthiest of beverages, I limit the amount that
I drink. When I go out to eat, I allow myself to indulge in a regular
cola, but when I buy soft drinks for my family to have at home, I
always buy all natural soda. My favorite is Blue Sky Cola. It’s all
natural and is made with real sugar instead of high fructose corn
syrup. Although I’ve never been one to drink diet soda, a very good
tasting and healthier choice is Zevia Diet Soda. It’s an all natural “0
calorie” soda that is sweetened with stevia. It does not contain any
harmful artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin or Splenda.
So remember, the next time you go to quench your thirst, choose
wisely and choose all natural!
The contents of this article reflect the knowledge and opinions of
the author and are for informational purposes only. For questions,
comments, or resource information, email: mbeaty@naturally4me.
Village Voice - November 2010
Northwest Area Dog Park
Submitted by Tiffany Moore
An event was held recently to raise funds for a northwest area dog
park. Dubbed "The 1st Annual 1960 Barkinglot Pawty", and held
on October 2nd, the nearby dog friendly event was a barking success.
Host Barks 5th Avenue Doggie Daycare and sponsor Houston Dog
Park Association are working together to develop a dog park in the
Willowbrook/Champions area. A dog park is a safely fenced area for
people to exercise, socialize and play with their dogs while their dogs
are legally off leash. Resident Tiffany Moore, owner of Angel Pets of
Northwest Houston, had a booth at the event to promote her new
mobile pet sitting and grooming business. Tiffany also provided face
painting to help raise money for the dog park. Chrissie Decesare of
Paw It Forward Dog Training hosted a free dog training seminar
related to behavior of dogs in dog parks. There were 12 other fun
doggy vendors and rescue groups set up in the parking lot along
with a dog wash station staffed by local Girl Scouts. Some rescues at
the event had dogs for adoption including Houston Sheltie Rescue, Safe Haven Rescue, and Pup Squad. The event raised $1200 that
will be earmarked for a future northwest area public dog park when
a suitable location has been designated. The park land could come
from a private donation (of land or of money to purchase land), or a
county or city land acquisition slated for park development. Last year
the association raised an additional $900 for the future northwest
area dog park. You can make a donation to help bring a dog park to
our area. Learn more at
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Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.
Woodedge Village
-- Austin --
-- Dallas Ft. Worth --
-- Houston --
Avery Ranch
Barton Creek
Bee Cave
Bella Vista
Canyon Creek
Cedar Park Town Center
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane
Circle C Ranch
Davenport Ranch
Forest Creek
Granada Hills
Hidden Glen
Highland Park West Balcones
Jester Estates
Lakeline Ranch
Laurel Oaks NA
Legend Oaks II
Long Canyon
Lost Creek
Mayfield Ranch
Meadows of Bushy Creek
Pemberton Heights
Plum Creek
Ranch at Brushy Creek
River Place
Shady Hollow
Steiner Ranch
Stone Canyon
Sunset Canyon
Travis Country West
Twin Creeks
Villages of Westen Oaks
Vista Oaks
Westminster Glen
Westside at Buttercup Creek
Wood Glen
Brook Meadows
Estates of Russell Creek
Woodland Hills
Blackhorse Ranch
Coles Crossing
Cypress Mill
Cypress Point
Eagle Springs
Enchanted Valley
Harvest Bend The Village
Lakes of Fairhaven
Lakes of Rosehill
Lakes of Savannah
Lakes on Eldridge
Lakes on Eldridge North
Lakewood Grove
Legends Ranch
Oak Forest
Riata Ranch
Shadow Creek Ranch
Stone Gate
Village Creek
Villages of NorhtPointe
Willow Pointe
Winchester Country
Winchester Trails
Windermere Lakes
Woodedge Village
Wortham Villages
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-- San Antonio -Alamo Heights
Cross Mountain Ranch
Mountain Lodge
Olmos Park
Stage Run
The Dominion
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Village Voice - November 2010
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Village Voice - November 2010
Copyright © 2010 Peel, Inc.