Board Minute Book 2015-2016 - North East School District
Board Minute Book 2015-2016 - North East School District
NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:12 PM on Thursday, June 16, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately 12 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Mr. Mobilia announced that the North East Board of School Directors met in an Executive Session prior to the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. AGENDA REVISIONS Dr. McClard announced that the name of Mr. John Torrelli should be added to Personnel Item #2, to be employed at Step M-1, and the word “temporary” should be removed from the recommendation. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Mr. Henry Sallusti of RBC Capital Markets spoke briefly to the board regarding the bond refunding proposal on this evening’s agenda for approval. He shared that the district has received an A+ rating and a stable outlook. If the board approves the resolution today they can lock in an interest rate of 2.08%. This plan will shorten the district’s debt service by one year will and save approximately 1.5 million dollars. Mr. Fox added that rather than using more fund balance to pay down bond debt, in the light of fiscal instability at the state level and considering future renovation projects, he recommends keeping a larger cash reserve on hand than what was previously planned. Architects from HHSDR have recently completed a walkthrough and assessment of all three buildings and will present a report of findings at the second board meeting in September. Refunding bonds and retaining a greater cash balance for general purposes would be the most fiscally responsible response to the uncertainty at the state level. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan said that local superintendents have been asked for input in the superintendents’ evaluation process. He will forward this document to Dr. McClard in the coming days for his review. There was no IU meeting to report on this evening. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report Dr. McClard commended the high school staff, Mr. DeGrosky and all involved for all of the hard work and planning which went into the high school graduation ceremony last Tuesday night. All went exceptionally well, the reception afterward was incredible, and the evening was a very fitting tribute to the class of 2016. Summer maintenance projects have begun across campus. The summer staff is doing a great job so far; barring any major weather issues they plan to finish all scheduled projects either on time or early. Mr. Emick introduced Ms. Allison Buttaccio at this time, who is the new guidance counselor at the Elementary Center, and she was welcomed to the district. District librarians Kira Borgia and Nicole Fitch spoke briefly regarding concerns with proposed revisions to Board Policy 6410 which addresses the selection of books and materials for district libraries. The wording still being discussed is the question of whether or not all library books should be read cover to cover prior to being put into circulation. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 Dr. McClard shared that new special education supervisor Rebecca Kelley has been in to speak with department staff and beginning to familiarize herself with the district. Her official start date will be August 1st. Mr. Jeff Fox was publicly thanked for all of his work both on the budget and the bond refunding plan. The expertise and accuracy that he brings to his position as business manager on a daily basis is very much appreciated. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of June 2, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Riedel to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Attorney Timothy Sennett spoke prior to the vote on Business items to give further information regarding the bond refunding recommendation and to highlight some of the laws and regulations which this resolution will keep the district in compliance with. Mr. Fox confirmed that the district’s alliance with DAC for compliance assistance is working well and is a nice check and balance system. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 8 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Riedel to approve business items #1-8 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-A) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-B) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-C) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated May 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-D) 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated May 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-E) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending May 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-F) 6. The Board approved a resolution establishing the homestead and farmstead exclusions at $14,682.98 for the 2016-2017 school year. 7. The Board approved the attached resolution relative to bond refunding. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-G) 8. The Board approved commitments totaling $5,090,000 of the General Fund Balance as of June 30, 2016 as detailed in the attached document. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5350-H) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 APPROVAL Business Item #9 Final Budget 9. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve business item #9 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Mr. Fynan. Motion carried. The Board approved the 2016-2017 Final Budget for the North East School District in the amount of $23,782,237. Be it further resolved that the North East School District proposes levying a tax of 13.69 mills per dollar of market value on real estate (0.88% increase from 2015-2016), and under Act 511 of 1965, a one percent earned income tax (school district share .5%), and a one percent real estate transfer tax (school district share .5%) under the same Act 511. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5351-A) Personnel Item #7 was tabled with the intent of voting on this item at the end of the meeting. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 4 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Corbin to approve personnel items #1-4, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board accepted the retirement request of Mrs. Jane Sceiford, Secretary – North East Middle School, effective September 2, 2016. 2. The Board employed Mr. John Torrelli as a Full-time Teacher, Secondary English – North East High School, Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,900 (Step M-1) pending negative drug screen and with respective benefits effective August 25, 2016. 3. The Board employed Ms. Jil Davis as the District Substitute Scheduler at a salary of $4,500.00 for the 2016-2017 school year. 4. The Board extended the temporary professional contracts of the following individuals for the 2016-2017 school year: Name Karen Croscut-Miller Adam Denevic Corey Garland Brittainy Herrmann Demi Hunt Lindsay Kalika Jennifer Lindenberger Amanda Walker APPROVAL Personnel Item #5 5. Assignment Learning Support – North East Middle School Social Studies – North East High School Grade 7 Language Arts – North East Middle School Grade Four – North East Intermediate Elementary Mathematics – North East High School Autistic Support –North East Intermediate Elem. Learning Support – Davis Primary Learning Support – North East Intermediate Elem. Employment Date August 21, 2014 August 21, 2014 August 24, 2015 August 24, 2015 August 24, 2015 August 24, 2015 August 21, 2014 August 24, 2015 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel item #5, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Mr. Fynan. Motion carried. The Board granted tenure to the following teachers: Name Philip Blumer Brittany Gray Jessica Hair Teaching Position Industrial Arts – North East High School Grade Two – Davis Primary Learning Support – North East Middle School NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 Emily Hudson Timea Kardos Caryn Krahe Paige Macadaeg Rachael Merry Ryan Mitchell Nathan Otis Matthew Puskar Patrick Schodt Erin Strimel Alyssa Veshecco Cassidy Wyman APPROVAL Personnel Items #6, 8, 9, 10 & 11 6. Grade Two – Davis Primary Grade Six – North East Middle School Art – North East Middle School Grade Seven Mathematics – North East Middle School Grade Two – Davis Primary Physical Education – North East Elementary Center Grade Eight Social Studies – North East Middle School Guidance Counselor – North East High School Mathematics – North East High School Learning Support – North East Intermediate Elementary Grade One – Davis Primary Grade Seven Social Studies – North East Middle School In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve personnel items #6, 8, 9, 10 and 11, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the 2016-2017 North East School District Cafeteria work schedule which is a result of the annual bidding process with the exception of the head cooks who are not a part of the bidding process: POSITION HIGH SCHOOL 1 Head Cook 2 Cook’s Helper 3 Cook’s Helper 4 Cook’s Helper 5 Cashier 6 Cashier 8 Dish Room MIDDLE SCHOOL 9 Head Cook 10 Cook’s Helper 11 Cashier 12 Cook’s Helper 13 Dish Room ELEMENTARY CENTER 14 Head Cook 15 Cook’s Helper 16 Cook’s Helper/Breakfast 17 Cook’s Helper 18 Cook’s Helper 19 Cashier 20 Cashier 21 Dish Room 8. 2016-2017 SCHOOL ROSTER TIME EMPLOYEE HOURS 6:30 – 2:00 8:30 – 1:45 9:30 – 1:45 10:00 – 2:00 10:45 – 1:45 10:30 – 1:45 11:00 – 2:00 Debbie Meehl Pam Feath Emily Irwin Melissa DiOrazio Lisa Gross Sarah Trevelline Sherry Bailey 7.50 5.25 4.25 4.00 3.00 3.25 3.00 6:00 – 1:30 9:30 – 1:30 9:45 – 1:30 10:15 – 1:30 11:00 – 1:30 Loretta Gleischner Kathy Rizzo Shelly Kimmy Donna Young Terry Kramer 7.50 4.00 3.75 3.25 2.50 6:30 – 2:00 9:15 – 1:30 8:00 – 1:30 10:15 – 1:30 10:30 – 1:30 10:30 – 1:15 10:30 – 1:30 11:15 – 2:00 Sally Schillinger Marlene Gilkinson Brenda Duda Jan Lanich Tracy Phillips Hillori Heinrich Tonya Jones Kim Spisak 7.50 4.25 5.50 3.25 3.00 2.75 3.00 2.75 The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Rachel Evans – PreK-8 Special Education and PK-4 Early Childhood NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 9. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 10. APPROVAL Personnel Item #12 with a separation on Individual #15 12. Position/Location Aide – North East Intermediate Elementary Duration May 6 – June 7, 2016 (Intermittent) The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals retroactively for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: 1 11. Staff Member Karen Henning ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL High School PJAS Co-Advisor Recommendation Noel Mraz Step ½D Stipend $1,180.66 The Board accepted the resignation of Ms. Amanda Walker as the girls head soccer coach for the 2016-2017 school year. In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel item #12 with a separation on Individual #15, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Boys Basketball Head Coach Boys Basketball 1st Assistant Coach Boys Basketball Assistant – Grade 9 Boys Basketball Assistant – Grade 8 Boys Basketball Assistant – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Head Coach Girls Basketball 1st Assistant Coach Girls Basketball Assistant – Grade 8 Girls Basketball Assistant – Grade 7 Girls Basketball Assistant – Grades 7&8 Football Co-Assistant Coach Football Assistant Coach Football Assistant Coach Boys Soccer Assistant Coach Girls Soccer Head Coach Swimming Head Coach Swimming Assistant Coach Volleyball Assistant Coach Volleyball Assistant Coach Wrestling Head Coach Wrestling 1st Assistant Coach Winter Weight Training Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 24 Musical Director 25 Senior Play Director 26 Yearbook Advisor ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 27 Screen Printing Intramural Gr 6-8 approx 20 hrs *Non-employee 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Recommendation Jason Keim* Nicholas Haller* Steven Righi Thomas Pyle Caryn Krahe Terry Frontino* Abigail Stadler* Abigail Stadler* Caryn Krahe Terry Frontino* James Bailey* Mark Hughes Zachary Lucas Phillip Sarver Joshua Richardson Kimberly Girts Amanda Warren Amy North Robert North* Ryan Mitchell Thomas Woodward* Shawn Humes Recommendation Richard Davis* Richard Davis* Patricia Callan Recommendation Step B B D D C D D D C ½A A B D D C C Step D D D Step Stipend $5,308.25 $3,715.78 $3,747.00 $3,747.00 $3,372.30 $6,245.00 $4,371.50 $3,747.00 $3,372.30 Volunteer $1,498.80 Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer $3,347.32 $4,777.43 $3,434.75 Volunteer Volunteer $5,620.50 $3,372.30 $936.38 Stipend $2,560.45 $1,686.15 $3,434.75 Stipend Recommendation Caryn Krahe Step D Stipend $16.36/Hr NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 APPROVAL Personnel Item #12 Individual #15 12. In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mr. Behnken to approve personnel item #12 – individual #15, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individual for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: 15 APPROVAL – Graduating Class of 2016 THIRD READING Policy 6410 Selection and Review of Materials for the North East School District Libraries – Revised COACHING POSITIONS Boys Soccer Assistant Coach Recommendation Jonathan DeGrosky* Step - Stipend Volunteer In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve the graduation of 94 North East High School seniors at the 97th annual commencement held on Tuesday, June 7, 2016, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Policy Mandated Review of Policy 6410 – Selection and Review of Materials for the North East School District Libraries – Third Reading Following further discussion it was agreed to table approval of this policy revision until the next meeting. At this time Mr. Fox requested that the next three policies on tonight’s agenda be combined for one motion with the second and third readings waived and approved in order for the district to remain in compliance with federal regulations for fiscal year 2015-2016. FIRST READING, WAIVER of 2nd and 3rd READINGS and APPROVAL: Policy 3400 Federal Fiscal Compliance – New, Policy 3401 Travel Reimbursement – Federal Programs – New, and Policy 9260 Conflict of Interest - Revised In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Riedel to waive the second and third readings and to approve Policy 3400 – Federal Fiscal Compliance - New, Policy 3401 Travel Reimbursement – Federal Programs – New, and Policy 9260 Conflict of Interest – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 2016 ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION Next Scheduled Meeting: August 4, 2016 August board actions to include: Approval of 2016-2017 Substitute List Annual approval of authorized P-card users Security Guards for 2016-2017 Community Education instructors for 2016-2017 Renewal of MOU with Erie County Sheriff’s Department Mr. Greg Beardsley stood at this time to publicly thank Mrs. Jane Sceiford for the outstanding job that she has done as a secretary at the Middle School for many years. She will be missed. Mr. Fynan also expressed thanks and appreciation to Mr. Rodgers for handling the role of board treasurer for the past several years. At 8:04 PM Mr. Mobilia announced that the North East Board of School Directors would break for an Executive Session concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. Following discussion the board intends to reconvene the public session to vote on one remaining item. Mrs. Janes left the meeting at this time. The public meeting was reconvened at 8:37 PM. APPROVAL Personnel Item #7 7. In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Behnken to approve personnel item #7, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, and Mr. Riedel. “Nays” – Mr. Rodgers. Mrs. Janes was absent for this vote. Motion carried. The Board approved annualized salary increases for the Non-Union Salaried and NonUnion Hourly employees as per the attached spreadsheet. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5355-A) ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:38 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, June 2, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karnes, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately 30 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors met in an Executive Session prior to the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. RECOGNITION OF STUDENTS AND STAFF PJAS Advisors Ian Williams and Katie Gallagher introduced students who earned first place awards at state PJAS competition that was held at Penn State main campus in May. The board recognized and congratulated High school students Varen Lilley and Kendra Toy and Middle School students Claire Dodds, Frances Schoenfeldt and Lauren Seliga on the achievement of first place awards. The following retiring staff members were introduced by their building principals, presented with small gifts and thanked sincerely for their many years of service to the students of the North East School District: Mr. James Nowakowski Mrs. Joan Rudenski Mrs. Beth Poor Mrs. Barbara Zorzie PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Budget Update & Discussion – Mr. Fox shared that there have been no changes to the preliminary budget as presented and also no update from the budget at the state level, although that process is expected to move along since this is an election year. There is a meeting scheduled for June 13th to begin to discuss PlanCon process issues. Homestead & Farmstead Resolution – Mr. Fox reported that there are 2,870 combined homestead/farmsteads in the district this year. The actual property tax reduction will be $201.01, which is approximately the same amount as it was last year. Mr. Fox also took this opportunity to remind board members of several business items which will appear for action on the next meeting agenda. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Mr. Riedel reported the following: All staff is now in place for the Summer Rec 2016 program and supplies have been ordered. Shirts have been ordered for the beach lifeguards. Outdoor soccer is going well; two practices have already taken place. There are 154 students enrolled. Signups for Summer Swim team were held on May 31st and June 1st, and there is one final opportunity to enroll on June 3rd. Team swimsuits and t-shirts will be offered. A discussion took place regarding liability insurance for Little Gridders. It is the commission’s understanding that this responsibility falls on the school district. Mr. Riedel has a copy of the Recreation Commission’s financial report and welcomed board members to review it if they wish. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – No Report NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 Erie County Technical School – Mr. Rodgers shared that specs are being put together and bids will be sent out for repair of the wind damage done to the roof at the Tech School. Bids will also be sent out for replacement of an HVAC system for which repair parts are unavailable. Mr. Rodgers also reported that the senior awards ceremony for ECTS students was very nicely done. School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard shared that North East High School commencement ceremonies will take place on Tuesday, June 7 beginning at 8:00 PM. Board members who are planning to attend should see him for tickets following this evening’s meeting. Tuesday June 7th is also the final school day for the 2015-16 year and is a half day for students. Mrs. Maureen Rizzo, administrative secretary to the superintendent, came forward to give the board a preview of the fresh new school district website which she has designed. It is hoped that the new site will be ready to go live by early next week. Dr. McClard thanked Mrs. Rizzo for all of her work on this extensive project and also Mr. Stark for his support. AP course submission for this year is now complete, with all seven courses that we offer approved. These courses will also be renewed in the fall as required. Although student scheduling has been done a little later than usual this year pending staffing decisions, this process is expected to take place significantly earlier next year, possibly bringing approval before the board as early as October depending upon budget availability. As of today 95% of juniors and seniors are scheduled for next year. Dr. McClard hopes to have more information to share with the board prior to the final vote on the budget. With high school Art teacher Pat Fordyce’s appointment as Athletic Director for next year, two Art electives have been dropped from next year’s course of study. However, in the interest of accommodating all student needs, students who wish to take either of those two electives may still do so next year on an independent basis. Additional electives offered for next year include Interior Design, Music Theory, Independent Living, Drama, Journalism, Publications, Medal of Honor, and Oral Communications, as well as additional health and physical education courses. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of May 19, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 19, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 5 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve business items #1-5 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board accepted the following bids for copy paper supplies for the 2016-2017 school year (IU#5 reverse auction bid): W.B. Mason Co., Inc. 1288 State Street Erie, PA 16501 Lindenmeyer Munroe Paper 1005 Beaver Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15233 $15,702.30 $201.40 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 2. The Board established breakfast and lunch prices for the North East School District for the 2016-2017 school year as shown below. School Meal Davis Primary and NE Intermediate Elementary Student Breakfast NE Middle School and NE High School Student Breakfast Adult/Staff Meal Prices 2015-2016 2016-2017 $.90 $1.00 $1.80 $1.90 $.90 $1.00 Student Lunch $1.95 $2.05 Adult Breakfast $1.30 $1.45 Adult Lunch $3.00 $3.25 Student Lunch 3. The Board approved Mr. Jeffrey Fox as Board Secretary from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019. 4. The Board approved Mrs. Shelley Allen as Assistant Board Secretary from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2019. 5. The Board approved the parent/guardian transportation contract with Mr. Patrick Bell to provide temporary student transportation at a daily rate of $8.10 effective Monday, April 11, 2016 through the end of 2015-2016 school year per the McKinney-Vento Act. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 14 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel items #1-14 with separations on Item #10 – individuals #2 and #3, and also Item #12 – individuals #3 and 10, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Erin Strimel – Learning Support Teacher, North East Intermediate Elementary, effective June 7, 2016. 2. The Board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Nicolena Stuczynski – Family & Consumer Science Teacher, North East Middle and High Schools, effective May 27, 2016. 3. The Board employed Ms. Rebecca Kelley as Special Education Supervisor – North East School District at a salary of $88,500 prorated (12-month employee) with respective benefits including family health benefits effective on or about August 1, 2016 pending release from previous employment. 4. The Board employed Mr. Joshua Richardson as a Full-time Health & Physical Education Teacher - North East Middle School, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $42,800 (Step B-1) with respective benefits pending negative drug screen and effective August 25, 2016. 5. The Board employed Ms. Carly Eades (District Substitute List) as a Full-time Special Education Life Skills Teacher - North East Middle School, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,900 (Step M-1) with respective benefits pending negative drug screen and effective August 25, 2016. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 6. The Board employed Mr. Zachary Lucas (District Substitute List) as a Full-time Learning Support Teacher – North East Intermediate Elementary, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $42,800 (Step B-1) with respective benefits pending negative drug screen and effective August 25, 2016. 7. The Board employed Mr. James Kitchen (District Substitute List) as a Part-time Custodian – North East High School (6 hours/day) at a rate of $12.79 per hour without benefits for a one-hundred-twenty-working-day probationary period as per contract effective June 6, 2016. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 8. The Board rescinded the contract extended to Dr. Michele Campbell at the board meeting of May 19, 2016 and approve employment of Dr. Campbell as a substitute administrator at a salary of $464 per day effective retroactive to May 18, 2016 through the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year as needed. 9. The Board approved the following individuals as 2016 summer band camp staff at $10 per hour from August 1 through August 12, 2016, not to exceed a total of $3,000.00: 1 Randy Fedei* 2 Shawn Marie Gorring* 3 Kayla Hardner* 4 Matt Jones* 5 Brandon Maxwell* pending FBI/fingerprint clearance 6 Tim Skelly *Non-employee 10. The Board approved the following non-employee individuals as volunteer band staff for 2016-2017: 1 4 5 6 7 8 Samantha Adams pending Child Abuse clearance Maria Komorowski Allora Lee Ryan Lutz Ashley Meyer Ronuel Viera 11. The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. Braden Lynn as an assistant football coach for the 2016-2017 school year. 12. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), intramurals and department chairs for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Aquatics Director ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 2 AFS Advisor 4 Band 1st Assistant Co-Director 5 Band 1st Assistant Co-Director 6 Band 2nd Assistant Director 7 Band Extra 8 Color Guard Advisor 9 Freshman Class Advisor 11 PJAS Co-Advisor 12 High School Student Council Advisor ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 Recommendation Kimberly Girts Recommendation Sherry Elchynski Matt Jones* Timothy Skelly Brandon Maxwell* Kayla Hardner* Shawn Marie Gorring* Patrick Schodt Noel Mraz Kari Trimble Recommendation Step Step D ½D ½D D D D C ½D D Step Stipend $5,000.00 Stipend $624.50 $1,873.50 $1,873.50 $1,873.50 $1,873.50 $1,873.50 $562.05 $1,186.55 $1,873.50 Stipend NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 13 Elementary Music INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 14 Intramural Girls Basketball Grades 5&6 DEPARTMENT CHAIRS 15 Grades K-5 English Language Arts Dept Chair 16 Grades K-5 Mathematics Department Chair 17 Grades K-5 Science Department Chair 18 Grades 6-12 English Department Chair 19 Grades 6-12 Mathematics Department Chair 20 Grades 6-12 Science Department Chair 21 Grades 6-12 Social Studies Department Chair *Non-employee 13. B Step - $365.41 Stipend Volunteer Stipend $624.50 $624.50 $624.50 $624.50 $624.50 $624.50 $624.50 The Board approved the following non-employee individuals as workers (gate workers, scorekeepers, film makers, statisticians, crowd controls, track event workers) for high school and middle school athletic events scheduled during the fall, winter and spring 2016-2017 seasons and in accordance with Policy 4330.12 – Coaching Staff – Code of Conduct: 1 2 3 4 5 14. Timothy Skelly Recommendation Maggie Lawrence* Recommendation Rita Nicolussi Susan Brown Jonathan Currier Tracy Stetson Paige Macadaeg Noel Mraz Jennifer Wilson Jeff Mazza Stacy Swan Emie Tanner James Weinheimer Mike Wydro The Board employed student Jordan Dixon as a part time custodian at the high school and middle school at a salary of $8.00 per hour for 5 hours per day, twice per week for twelve weeks beginning June 14, 2016 pending Child Abuse clearance. This is part of the preemployment transition grant program sponsored by the PA Department of Labor and Industry. The grant will cover 100% of the employee’s wages for the 12-week period. In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel Item #10 – APPROVAL individuals #2 and #3, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Personnel Item #10, Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Individuals #2&3 Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. 10. The Board approved the following non-employee individuals as volunteer band staff for 2016-2017: 2 3 Jennifer DeGrosky Jonathan DeGrosky In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel Item #12 – APPROVAL individuals #3 and #10, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Personnel Item #12, Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Individuals #3&10 Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky and Mrs. Janes. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 12. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), intramurals and department chairs for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 3 Band Director 10 PJAS Co-Director Recommendation Stephan DeGrosky Katie Gallagher Step D ½D Stipend $4,184.15 $1,186.55 At this point in the meeting Mr. Beardley introduced newly hired instructional staff for the Middle School – Ms. Carly Eades and Mr. Joshua Richardson – and Mr. Emick introduced Mr. Lucas who will be teaching at the Intermediate Elementary School. All are excited to be on staff and were welcomed to the district. APPROVAL Staff Travel Requests #1&2 In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve staff travel requests #1 and #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Steven Karns DATE/TIME/PLACE June 9, 2016 Allegheny Grill 40 Main Street Parker, PA 16049 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS Transportation (car) TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $95.04 -0- $95.04 PURPOSE: AmeriCorps training meeting (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Patricia Schultz DATE/TIME/PLACE July 28-29, 2016 Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel 215 Innovation Blvd. State College, PA 16803 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) Registration Meals Lodging TOTALS PURPOSE: PASBO School Operations Academy EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $206.28 $220.00 $8.00 $366.72 -0- $801.00 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 APPROVAL Additional Educational/ Operational Function #1 ELECTION – Board Treasurer Nominations: - SECOND READING Policy 6410 - Selection and Review of Materials for the North East School District Libraries – Revised In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve summer mathematics and reading programs for students entering Grades 1, 2 and 3 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. All expenses for these programs will be covered by Title I funds. Upon a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes was nominated as Board Treasurer. Upon a motion by Mr. Fynan, Mr. Rodgers was nominated as Board Treasurer. It was moved by Mr. Mobilia and seconded by Mr. Corbin to close the nominations. An all “aye” vote was taken and it was RESOLVED to close the nominations. For the nomination of Mrs. Janes, the Board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Mr. Corbin and Mr. Fynan. Mrs. Janes was declared Board Treasurer effective July 1, 2016 through July 30, 2017. Policy Mandated Review of Policy 6410 – Selection and Review of Materials for the North East School District Libraries – Second Reading and Discussion A discussion took place at this time regarding the advisability of changing the format of board meetings from all voting meetings to some study sessions and/or committee meetings. Following discussion Dr. Blystone requested that board members email their thoughts to her on this subject with the intention of making a decision either at the next meeting or possibly in August. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION June 16, 2016 Final Budget Adoption Homestead/Farmstead Resolution Commitment of General Fund Balances / Capital Projects Transfer Approve graduation of the senior class Bond Purchase Proposal by Henry Sallusti – RBC Capital Markets Approval of tenures earned June 2016 Approval of annualized salaries for non-union staff for 2016-2017 Extension of temporary contracts for non-tenured staff Mr. Fox stated that he was just made aware today of some policy amendments which must be enacted in school year 2015-16 in order for the district to remain in compliance with federal funds requirements per the Uniform Grant Guidance. Drafts of new policies and/or policy amendments will be sent to the board early next week so that they may be voted on at the next meeting. Next Scheduled Meeting: August 4, 2016 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2016 Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:04 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, May 19, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Emick, Mr. Renne, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were 17 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. RECOGNITION OF STUDENTS AND STAFF North East High School students Kallan Corwin, Sarah Penfield, and Sarah Scarnati were recognized and congratulated by band director Stephan DeGrosky and the school board for their achievements at All-State Band competition. Mr. Tanner also recognized and thanked Mr. DeGrosky for his outstanding leadership in the music program. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mrs. Jenny Riedel of 12295 Mallick Road stood to voice a complaint regarding the food service department at the high school. She requested better communication to parents regarding school policies. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Budget Update: Mr. Fox stated that there have been no changes made to the proposed final budget which was approved at the meeting of May 5th. He is hopeful but not optimistic that budget timelines will be met at the state level. Lunch Prices: Mr. Fox shared that the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act requires schools to price paid meals so that subsidy received for free or reduced meals is not offsetting the cost to produce paid meals. Following an audit of the food service department this spring, breakfast prices were raised slightly in April. Discussion took place regarding the price and cost of adult lunches as well as compliance with PDE school nutrition program regulations. Administration is recommending an increase of 10 cents to student breakfasts and all lunch prices, and a 15-cent increase to adult breakfast prices for next year. General Appointments and Depository Agents: Mr. Fox informed the board that annual approval of depository agents is an annual, routine action required by PA School Code. There is no change in any of the depository agents listed on this meeting agenda. Administration is also recommending approval of the same auditing firm which has been approved for the past few years. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan reported that the IU board will be discussing Act 93 in the near future. He also shared that the aides and interpreters did not ratify their recently proposed contract. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard thanked Mr. Emick for framing the PSBA policy poster which board members had signed and is now displayed in the board meeting room. This is a very busy time of year for student activities. Among these, the boys’ baseball team will play at Greenville on Monday in the first round of playoffs. Next Tuesday is the Middle School choral concert, Wednesday is the ECTS awards ceremony held at McDowell Intermediate High School, and next Thursday evening is the High School choral concert. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 Interviews are underway for the vacant special education supervisory position. The interview team will recommend two candidates for final interviews with members of the school board. Dr. McClard thanked Mr. Emick, Mr. Tanner and Mr. Beardsley for their assistance with initial interviews. Dr. McClard participated last Sunday through Tuesday in the Superintendent’s Academy in Harrisburg. This was a very intense session with 75 superintendents from across the state as well as PDE Secretary Pedro Rivera. Superintendents were tasked with looking at ways to improve education in Pennsylvania in comparison to world models. Dr. McClard was very impressed with the level of commitment by the state to this initiative. Among other things, he received an interesting article discussing how the United States currently ranks in educational systems as compared with 30 other countries. He will forward this article to board members for their information. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of May 5, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 5, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 11 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve business items #1-11 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5336-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5336-B.) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5336-C.) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated April 30, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5336-D.) 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated April 30, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5336-E.) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending April 30, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5336-F.) 6. The Board approved the firm of Buffamante Whipple Buttafaro, P.C. as auditor for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. 7. The Board approved the First National Bank as the 2016-2017 North East School District Depository Agent for the General Fund, Cafeteria, Student Activities Accounts, and the Capital Reserve Fund. 8. The Board approved the Northwest Savings Bank as the 2016-2017 North East School District Depository Agent for the General Fund and the HRA Fund. 9. The Board approved Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund (PSDLAF) as the 2016-2017 North East School District Depository Agent for the General Fund. 10. The Board approved PNC Bank as the 2016-2017 North East School District Depository Agent for the General Fund Procurement Card Program. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 11. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 6 The Board approved a contract with Dr. Michele Campbell to provide substitute principal services on an as needed basis at a rate of $500 per day and not to exceed $7,500 for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve personnel items #1-6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Ms. Allison Buttaccio as a Full-time Guidance Counselor - North East Elementary Center, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,900 (Step M-1) with respective benefits pending Physical/PPD and drug screening, effective August 25, 2016. 2. The Board employed the following individuals as summer technology assistants at a salary of $10.00 per hour effective June 13, 2016 through approximately August 19, 2016: 1 2 3. Name Gregory, Tracey Klein, Kerri Summer Schedule Four (4) hours per day Eight (8) hours per day The Board approved the use of current instructional staff, non-instructional employees and/or substitute employees to staff the following Extended School Year (ESY) special education programs: Program Autistic ESY Approx. 9 students Dates June 14 – July 14, 2016 Special Education ESY Approx. 30 students June 13 – August 12, 2016 Staffing Details • Two (2) Instructional Staff not to exceed combined total 120 hours at $21/hour • Three (3) Instructional Aides not to exceed combined total 180 hours at $8/hr for subs and/or $13.05/hr for contracted employees • Nurse (1) - 60 hours @ 21.00 • Instructional Staff as needed not to exceed a combined total 350 hours at $21/hour 4. The Board approved the transfer of Ms. Ruth Zaborowski from Part-time Custodian (6 hours per day) – North East High School, to Full-time Custodian (8 hours per day) – North East Elementary Center, at a salary of $12.79 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period with benefits as per contract effective May 23, 2016. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 5. The Board employed Ms. Lisa Pfeiffer (District Substitute List) as a Part-time Custodian – North East High School and Bus/Maintenance Garage (5.5 hours/day) at a rate of $12.79 per hour without benefits for a sixty-working-day probationary period as per contract effective June 8, 2016 pending negative drug screen results. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 6. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 1 Life Smarts Advisor 2 Model United Nations Advisor 3 National Honor Society Advisor 4 Senior Class Advisor 5 Sophomore Class Advisor ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 6 Middle School PJAS Advisor 7 Middle School Science Olympics Advisor 8 Spelling Bee Advisor 9 Middle School Student Council 10 Middle School Yearbook INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 11 Intramurals Director 12 Intramural Girls Basketball Grades 5&6 13 Intramural Girls Basketball Gr 5&6 approx 30 hrs Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Gregory Henning Gregory Henning Nicole Fitch Stephanie Adams Leslie Shickler Recommendation Ian Williams Jonathan Currier Carolyn Szklenski Nathan Otis Cassidy Wyman Recommendation David Uglow Madison McFeely* Dawn Page Step D D D D A Step D C A B D Step D D Stipend $936.75 $624.50 $624.50 $2,373.10 $749.40 Stipend $624.50 $562.05 $499.60 $843.08 $1,249.00 Stipend $4,059.25 Volunteer $16.36/Hr *Non-employee APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT High School Envirothon team 5 students Phil Sarver John Hallenberg DATE/TIME/PLACE May 24 – 25, 2016 Susquehanna University 514 University Avenue Selinsgrove, PA 17870 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS Transportation (Buses) Registration Substitute(s) Meals Lodging EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $270.00 $350.00 $180.00 $107.00 *$303.67 TOTALS *$303.67 $907.00 *Lodging Paid for by Erie County Conservation District PURPOSE: Envirothon State Competition Prior to the vote, Mr. Sennett clarified that item #2 is simply affirmation that the district will be in compliance with PDE required notices which the IU advertises on behalf of all the local districts. APPROVAL Additional Educational/ Operational Functions #1-4 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve Additional Educational/Operational Functions #1-4 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 1. The Board approved the participation of the North East School District in the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit Emergency Substitute Teacher Consortium during the 2016-2017 school year. 2. The Board approved adoption of the Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit’s policies and procedures under the federal requirements of 34 CFR PART 300, implemented to fulfill the requirements of 22 PA Code Chapter 14 and the regulatory requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – Part B. (There is no change to policies that were approved last year.) 3. The Board renewed the Educational Partnership Agreements between the North East School District and the 4 N.I.N.E. Thrift Store for the Kindergarten Readiness and Kindergarten Enrichment “Superstars” programs and the Young Writers P.E.T.S. Shop program for incoming third graders for the 2016-2017 school year. There is no cost to the school district for these programs beyond the use of facilities and equipment. 4. The Board approved to amend the expulsion agreement for Student A who was expelled at the September 17th North East School Board meeting for a period of one calendar year beginning September 3rd, 2015 and ending on September 2nd, 2016, to read Student A will be expelled for the 2015-16 school year. It is also recommended that the board approve the waiver and stipulation agreement executed between the parents/guardians and the school district dated May 18, 2016. FIRST READING Policy 6410 Selection and Review of Materials for the North East School District Libraries – Review Only Policy Mandated Review of Policy 6410 – Selection and Review of Materials for the North East School District Libraries – First Reading and Discussion ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION June 2, 2016 Retiree Recognition Establish Lunch Prices for 2016-2017 Approval of annualized salaries for non-union staff for 2016-2017 Board Secretary and Assistant Board Secretary 3-year appointments Policy 6410 Library Materials – Mandatory Review – 2nd Reading June 16, 2016 Final Budget Adoption Approve graduation of the senior class Bond Purchase Proposal by Henry Sallusti – RBC Capital Markets Approval of tenures earned June 2016 Extension of temporary contracts for non-tenured staff Next Scheduled Meeting: August 4, 2016 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 19, 2016 Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, May 6, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Renne, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Jennifer Gornall. There were seven visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors met in an Executive Session prior to the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. AGENDA REVISIONS Dr. McClard noted that personnel item #6 contains three late additions to the summer recreation staff being recommended for approval. All of these individuals worked in this program last year and have all required clearances. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Budget Update – Mr. Fox distributed to board members a brief summary document of changes made to the proposed final budget since the last meeting. The adjustments include an increase of $64,441 in funding to the district based upon the release of Basic Educational Funding information from PDE on May 2nd. Mr. Fox discussed the adjustments made in revenues and expenditures and reviewed the budget process timeline. The full proposed final budget is currently available for board member review in the board portal. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Mr. Riedel Summer Recreation: Five new substitutes have been hired. The two AmeriCorps employees will also work with this program. Katriel Corwin will be returning as a full time counselor with her wages reimbursed 100% by the Office of Vocational Rehab. New rules will be enforced this summer that parents must agree to which include disciplinary actions ranging from one-day to permanent suspension from the program. A list of summer recreation employees and wages was distributed. Mr. Riedel distributed information to board members regarding the Recreation Commissions finances. Lifeguards: The Aquatics Director will be responsible for overseeing the pool and pool lifeguards only. Halli Reid was approved as the Beach Director to oversee the beach and beach lifeguards. Summer Swim Team participants must be at least five years or older and must be able to easily swim 25 yards freestyle and 25 yards backstroke to qualify for the team. A list of swim team employees with corresponding wages was distributed. Outdoor Soccer/Gridders: To date 84 students have enrolled for Outdoor Soccer. Late enrollments will still be accepted through Saturday. This program will utilize the lower soccer fields and will run from May 23 through July 30, 2016, Mondays – Thursdays from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Judy Stetson has donated $768.44 which will be split between the Outdoor Soccer and Little Gridders programs. Fireworks to be offered on the Mercyhurst North East campus in July 2016 will cost $25,000. The North East Community Foundation has offered to match up to $12,500 of donations toward the cost of fireworks. The Rec Commission will donate $500. Beach cleanup is scheduled for May 21 beginning at 9:30 AM. Allison Smith tendered her resignation as township representative as she has now moved to the borough. The commission will need to find a new representative from the township. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan reported that all school districts had approved the proposed IU budget for 2016-17 and the IU board approved this budget at their meeting last week. They also discussed restructuring within the IU. There is a proposed employee contract for aides and interpreters which was still out for employee approval as of last week. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 School Health Council – Mrs. DeGrosky A discussion took place regarding concerns with elementary snacks. The website was one of the suggestions that will be researched. Robin applied for two grants that would aid with school snacks, among other things. She is still waiting for results of those applications. Volunteers are needed for the Youth Triathlon to be held on June 4th. There are mixed feelings regarding Naloxene. Although two doses are free, the shelf life is only six months and the cost to continue the supply is approximately $600 per dose. “Move it Outside” Day had to be moved due to testing conflicts. This event may possibly take place in the fall. Mr. Fynan noted for that the use of Naloxene and possible ways of reducing the cost for school districts was a topic of discussion at the spring seminar recently offered by the Knox Law Firm. They may have information on this issue which would be helpful to the School Health Council. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. McClard In honor of Staff Appreciation Week this week, the board provided lunch for all staff members district wide. This event was very positively received and the staff was extremely appreciative. Dr. McClard thanked his staff for their assistance and thanked the board for their support of this endeavor. Most board members have already initialed the poster of the PSBA Principles of Governance and Leadership which was endorsed by the board at their last meeting. Anyone who has yet to sign the poster was asked to please do so this evening so that it may be displayed. Dr. McClard asked Mr. Beardsley to report on the Middle School Science Olympic team’s recent trip to state competition. Mr. Beardsley thanked the board for their continued support of this program. This was North East’s 27th consecutive year of participation in Science Olympics and 16 of those teams have gone on to the state level. This year’s team placed 30th out of 36 teams at the competition. The High School Envirothon team won the Erie County championship today and will go on to compete at the state level. This student group is advised by Phil Sarver and assisted by John Hallenberg. Dr. McClard distributed to board members a confidential list of applicants to date for the vacant position of Special Education supervisor. The deadline for receipt of applications is tomorrow. Administration would like to meet with several candidates and bring the top two before the board for final interviews. Erie County Technical School – Mr. Rodgers Last Thursday evening was incoming freshmen night. Students and their parents were invited to have dinner and spend time in the classroom of their choice. This is always a very well attended event. During the last grading period 135 students had perfect attendance (approximately 18% of the school), 132 students made the honor roll, and 42 students had both perfect attendance and made the honor roll. The breakdown by district is available in the ECTS minutes which are posted online. An effort is still being made to adjust the ECTS schedule to make it more aligned with the start and dismissal times of sending districts. This has been a challenging project, but our district’s schedule is the closest in sync with the Technical School at the present time. The senior awards ceremony will take place at Millcreek Intermediate on May 25th. Any board members interested in attending this event were invited to contact Mr. Rodgers. Mr. Rodgers attended the spring legal roundup sponsored by the Knox Law Firm. He continues to be concerned with the number of lawsuits related to special education issues and would like to see an internal audit done of our district’s system to be sure that we are in compliance with all regulations. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of April 21, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 Prior to the vote on the proposed final budget it was clarified that retroactive pay increases for the instructional staff will be distributed with Friday’s paychecks and are reflected in the 2016-17 proposed budget. APPROVAL Business Item #1 1. APPROVAL Business Item #2 2. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve business item #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Fynan. Motion carried. The Board approved the 2016-2017 Proposed Final Budget for the North East School District in the amount of $23,782,237. Be it further resolved that the North East School District proposes levying a tax of 13.69 mills per dollar of market value on real estate (0.88% increase from 2015-2016), and under Act 511 of 1965, a one percent earned income tax (school district share .5%), and a one percent real estate transfer tax (school district share .5%) under the same Act 511. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve business item #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board accepted the following bids for athletic supplies and custodial supplies for the 2016-2017 school year: Athletic Supplies Collins Sport Medicine Demans Erie Sports Store Medco Supply Company M-F Athletic Co. Riddell / All American Sporting Goods, Inc. Sportsmans Items Unbid TOTAL FOR APPROVAL Custodial Supplies Calico Industries, Inc. DeSantis Solutions Janitor Supply Co., Inc. TOTAL FOR APPROVAL APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 8 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 590.80 336.00 8,709.02 1,740.42 1,949.60 8,498.65 9,319.10 5,670.00 2,157.01 $ 38,970.60 $ 1,423.70 $ 2,199.00 $ 6,576.00 $ 10,198.70 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel items #1-8 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 1. The Board approved Dr. Dina Nuhfer to provide dental exams for Grades K-3 and 7, new students and non-public school students for the 2016-2017 school year at a cost of $4.00 per student for the dentist and $1.00 per student for the assistant. 2. The Board approved physicians as assigned by Vineyard Primary Care to provide physical exams for Grades K, 6 & 11, new and transferred students, non-public students and athletic physicals at a cost of $15.00 per exam for the 2016-2017 school year. 3. The Board employed the following individuals as summer maintenance help, 8 hours per day as at a salary of $8.00 per hour: 1 2 4. Name Eby, Justin Gruber, Alex Summer Schedule June 6 – August 26, 2016 pending remaining clearances June 13 – August 5, 2016 The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 3 4 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Beth Poor – Elementary Education & Mid-Level Science 7-9 Barbara Zorzie – School Nurses (RN) SUPPORT STAFF Brian Randall – Bus Drivers Graham Young – Instructional Aides 5. The Board approved the transfer of Mr. Brian Randall from Bus Driver and Part time Custodian (6 Hours/day) to Full time Custodian (8 Hours/day, third shift) – North East High School and Elementary Center at a rate of $12.79 per hour with benefits for a 60working-day probationary period as per contract effective June 8, 2016. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 6. The Board approved the following individual(s) as Summer Recreation Staff for the 2015-2016 summer program: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Karen Henning Tammy Aldrich Jewl Baum Dylan Bemiss Katriel Corwin Kody Durst Emily Gowen* Jillian Keddie Josh Lutz Ryan Lutz Breana Marzka Madison McFeely Allyson Roskie Jonah Sargent Matthew Slaughter Christa Smith Christopher Steele Patrick Steele Caleb Wieszczyk Hannah Ziccardi Summer Recreation Employees $3,850/yr Director $7.50 / $10.00/hr Afternoon Desk & Cptr Supv $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard $7.50/hr Rec Aide $10.00/hr Activities Supv & Cptr Supv $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard $7.50/hr Rec Aide $7.50/hr Rec Aide $11.50/Hr Pool Supervisor $7.50/hr Rec Aide $7.50/hr Rec Aide $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard / Arts & Crafts Supv $11.50/hr Beach Supervisor $7.50/hr Rec Aide $7.50/hr Rec Aide $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard $7.50/hr Rec Aide $10.00/hr Gym Supervisor NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Sue Concilla* Drew Foster* Kim Girts Marcus Haeseler Joan Hitchcock Adam Hodges* Alyssa Johnston* Megan Marzka* Emily Rhoades Aubrey Roach* David Terry* Mark Townsend Jacob Watts 34 Kim Girts 35 Drew Foster* 36 Jonathan Currier 37 Kristen Currier* 38 Loree Lutz 39 Emily Rhoades 40 Allison Smith * Pending Clearances Summer Recreation Substitutes $8.50/hr Computer Sub $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard Sub $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard Sub $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard Sub $10.00/hr Rec Director Sub $7.50/hr Aide Sub $7.50/hr Aide Sub $7.50/hr Aide Sub $7.50/$9.00/$10.00/hr Aide Sub & Lifeguard Sub $7.50/hr Aide Sub $7.50/hr Aide Sub $7.50/hr Aide Sub $9.00 / $10.00/hr Lifeguard Sub Summer Swim Team Employees $9.25/hr Head Coach $8.25 / $9.25/hr Assistant / Head Coach Sub $8.25/hr Assistant Coach $8.25/hr Assistant Coach $8.25/hr Assistant Coach $8.25/hr Assistant Coach $8.25/hr Assistant Coach 7. The Board approved termination of the employment of Ms. Crystal Tamilin as a full time custodian – North East Elementary Center, effective retroactive to April 29, 2016. 8. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 1 Intramural Girls’ Basketball Grades 5&6 Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Megan Post* Step A Stipend $13.09/Hr *Non-employee APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mr. Behnken to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Grades 3-5 approx. 400 students Classroom teachers and aides DATE/TIME/PLACE June 2, 2016 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Jerry Uht Park 110 East 10th Street Erie, PA 16501 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (buses) Admission EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$589.86 *$2,800.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *$3,389.86 -0- TOTALS -0- *All expenses paid through student activities fundraisers PURPOSE: “Kids on the Go” celebration 4th quarter APPROVAL Additional Educational/ Operational Functions #1& 2 In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve Additional Educational/Operational Functions #1 and 2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the Operating Agreement for the Erie County Special Education Transition Center with the Erie County Technical School for 2016-2017. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5333-A.) 2. The Board approved the attached agreement with Lifetouch School Portraits as the School Photographer for Grades K-11 in 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5333-B.) ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION May 19, 2016 Budget Update and Discussion Approval of an Audit Firm for 2016-2017 (per Board Policy 8370) Annual approval of depository agents for 2016-2017 Appointment of a Board Treasurer for 2016-2017 Participation in IU Emergency Sub Consortium for 2016-2017 June 2, 2016 Retiree Recognition Establish Lunch Prices for 2016-2017 Approval of annualized salaries for non-union staff for 2016-2017 Board Secretary and Assistant Board Secretary 3-year appointments Policy 6410 Library Materials – Mandatory Review June 16, 2016 Final Budget Adoption Approve graduation of the senior class Bond Purchase Proposal by Henry Sallusti – RBC Capital Markets Approval of tenures earned June 2016 Extension of temporary contracts for non-tenured staff Next Scheduled Meeting: August 2, 2016 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:35 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 21, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were 11 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. AGENDA REVISIONS Dr. McClard noted that there had been a late update to the wording of Personnel item #7. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Confederate History Conference – Middle School Social Studies instructor Mr. Nate Otis, in full Confederate reenactment attire, provided the board with an energetic summary of his professional development experience that took place in March. The conference took place at Seminary Ridge Museum in Gettysburg, PA, which specializes in teaching history instructors how to teach Confederate history in the 21st Century. Participants learned how to accurately teach historical milestones while not confusing them with mainstream ideologies. Mr. Otis shared examples of the controlled demonstrations by reenactors and invested parties that took place during the conference. The conclusion of the symposium was a round table discussion regarding the symbolic meaning of the Confederate Flag. Mr. Otis has six flags in his classroom, three of which represent the Confederacy. He is satisfied with the new information he has learned and feels confident in moving forward with accurate information regarding the Civil War. He also received access to online resources which contain voluminous records of real-life actual soldiers. He feels that some of this history has “whitewashed” the topics. For example, the teaching focused on the fact that during the war all flags were used as lifelines; they should not be confused now with symbols of resistance to integration. Mr. Otis has now added a research assignment to his classroom in which the students are to report on actual meaning of the flag and what it represents. With the knowledge he gained from this conference, he hopes to impart a richer and deeper understanding of confederate history to the students. Following his report, Mr. Otis answered questions from the board regarding teaching the history of the confederacy. Budget Update & Discussion – Mr. Fox provided the board with three handouts comparing the initial stages of budgetary planning to-date and discussed the areas of major revenue variances and expenditure variances. Mr. Fox shared that because state funding is not concrete yet, it is not reflected in the budget update. He feels confident that North East School District is in a nice position for planning and fortunate we are no longer relying on this year’s budget working with concrete numbers. He feels optimistic that the state will have 2016-17 school year budget by approved by October of 2016. In regards to a Plan Con update the outcome does not look like it will become available anytime soon. The state could possibly issue a bond, but they are not in a favorable status to provide one at this time. Mr. Fox is moving forward with a recommended tax increase of 1.62%, but encouraged the board to wait and see what the state provides. This percentage could actually be lowered prior to budget approval accordingly if funding materializes. The board has the option to wait until the actual meeting when the budget will be approved and the tax rate may be lowered at that time if it is possible to do so. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – The Intermediate Unit has been approached by Career Link with a request that the IU take a larger role in adult education opportunities for the 1,600 employees recently furloughed from General Electric. Mr. Fynan requested input from board members regarding this request. He feels that the IU’s main focus is to provide student/staff programs. His concerns rested on whether the board wants our IU to potentially become more involved with programs designed for adults rather than the K-12 student population. He shared that when federal and state programs funds come in they are then divided to run each program. Implementing this program would create two new positions at the IU. Financial support for the adult education based program and its needs would be made available via federal NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 and state funding. Mr. Fynan did not want to see the district support a program and then be required to fund it should allocations expire. He will ask a number of questions regarding the outline of this program at his next meeting as the IU5 representative, and will keep the board apprised of any new information regarding this program as it develops. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Dr. McClard reported on the following: The High School Musical “Beauty and the Beast” will run 7 pm Thursday, April 21st, 7 pm Friday, April 22nd, and 1 and 7 pm Saturday, April 23rd. Dr. McClard praised the various departments, students, and staff for their conjoined efforts and dedication with their involvement with this musical. Pittsburgh Business Times released the Northwestern PA Guide to Best Schools edition on Friday, April 8th. According to the guide in comparison to 489 schools North East School District is ranked #1 in the Overachiever category! This calculation is formulated based upon available funding and percentages of free/reduced lunches. Dr. McClard reiterated that this title says a lot about North East’s board, administration, staff & students, doing the best job with the resources available. Staff and students are into the second week of PSSA testing and one week to go. Keystone testing is up next and staff and students are prepared. He feels the empathy of the students who experience the stress of taking tests and praised everyone for their dedication to the demands of this high-stress time. Dr. McClard also stated that he understands the high stress and anxiety that is associated with testing time. Overall he is confident that everyone is working hard and the PSSA testing is going very well. Just a friendly reminder that the board will be asked to approve the PSBA Principles of Governance and Leadership this evening. He urged board members to initial this statement following formal approval. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of April 7, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Prior to approval of Business items, Mr. Fynan had questions regarding several items recommended for approval, and received clarification from Mr. Fox. APPROVAL Business Items #1 – 7 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve business items #1 – 7 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5322-A) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5322-B) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5322-C) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated March 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5322-D) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated March 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5323-A) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending March 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5323- B) 6. The Board approved following purchases from the Capital Projects fund for the 20162017 school year: Buildings & Grounds Middle School Sidewalk Repair Middle School Dishwasher (Reimbursed by Food Service Fund) High School Gym Floor Maintenance Road Asphalt Repair District Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Access Control Upgrade Technology High School Student Laptops (30) High School Office Computers (2) High School Printer (1) Middle School Student Laptops (30) Middle School Tech Ed Computers (12) Intermediate School Teacher Laptops (35) Intermediate School Student Laptops (30) Davis Primary Student Laptops (35) Davis Primary Printers (2) District Email Server District Storage Device District Smartboards (12) District Printer (1) 7. Estimated Cost $15,000 $28,000 $24,000 $26,000 $35,000 $23,000 $18,750 $1,550 $1,200 $18,750 $7,500 $26,250 $9,750 $21,875 $2,400 $12,000 $10,000 $18,000 $1,200 The Board accepted the following low bid specifications: Department 2 Buildings & Grounds Transportation 3 Transportation 4 Technology Elementary Center Hot Water Heaters (3) 72-Passenger Bus (1) 48-Passenger Wheelchair Accessible Bus (1) Network Switch* 5 Technology Backbone Cabling* 1 Company Awarded the Bid Bid Item Low Bid Amount Wm. T. Spaeder $45,995.00 Myers Equipment $87,469.00 Myers Equipment $93,361.00 Velocity Network Neely Communications $188,441.65 *Technology items are contingent upon e-rate funding. $14,269.00 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 6 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. Janes to approve personnel items #1-6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Mr. Zachary Lucas (District Substitute List) as a Long-term Day-toDay Substitute Autistic Support Teacher – North East Intermediate Elementary, at a salary of $180 per day retroactive to March 7 through May 13, 2016, followed by a salary of $230.02 per day (Step B-1, $42,783.00) from May 16 through June 7, 2016 without benefits and excluding tuition reimbursement as per Board Policy 4171. 2. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 3. SUPPORT STAFF Michelle Coletta – Aides, Cafeteria, Secretarial, Custodial Lois Nighman – Cafeteria The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 Science Olympics Advisor INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS None recommended for this meeting *Non-employee 4. COACHING POSITIONS Girls Soccer Head Coach Girls Soccer Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 3 Intramural Girls Basketball Grades 5&6 *Non-employee Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Bonnie Rearick* Recommendation Step Step Stipend Volunteer Stipend Recommendation Amanda Walker Ryan Neal Recommendation Step A A Step Stipend $3,347.32 $2,248.20 Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Terry Frontino* Step - Stipend Volunteer The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 6. Step The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: 1 2 5. Recommendation Staff Member Joyce Fioretti Position/Location Teacher – North East High School Duration 4/15/2016 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) The Board accepted the retirement request of Ms. Cynthia Skrekla, Secretary – North East High School, effective September 30, 2016. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 7. The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. Steven Chizewick, Special Education Supervisor, effective no sooner than May 31, 2016 and no later than June 10, 2016; pending successful completion of required work approved by the Superintendent. APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mr. Riedel to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Grade 3 approx. 131 students Classroom teachers and aides DATE/TIME/PLACE May 27, 2016 Erie Art Museum / Box of Light exhibit 411 State Street Erie, PA 16501 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Buses) Admission TOTALS *All expenses paid out of student activities fund / fundraisers PURPOSE: Enhance and highlights art, culture and science within our community APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *$1,730.54 -0- -0- In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve staff travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Frank McClard EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$420.54 *$1,310.00 DATE/TIME/PLACE ITEMIZED CATEGORIES May 15-17, 2016 PaTTAN 6340 Flank Drive Harrisburg, PA 17112 TOTALS *All expenses to be paid by PaTTAN and/or Dr. McClard PURPOSE: Superintendent’s Academy EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- -0- -0- NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 Mr. Fynan motioned and Mr. Rodgers seconded to approve the K-12 Curriculum for the 2016-2017 school year. Prior to the vote, Mrs. Janes and Mr. Fynan expressed concerns with regard to the scheduling process and electives to be offered at the High School level. A discussion took place regarding items included in the proposed curriculum recommended for approval, specifically the DIBELS series, the Middle School Math and High School Earth Space Science series, and the High School English position. Mrs. Janes motioned to separate these items to be included for consideration of approval for the K-12 Curriculum. APPROVAL K-12 Curriculum 2016-2017 School Year A. For approval of the DIBELS Series K-12 as an item of the 2016-2017 Curriculum the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried B. For approval of the Middle School Math Series and High School Earth Space Science series as items of the 2016-2017 Curriculum the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried C. For approval of the addition of a High School English position as an item of the 2016-2017 Curriculum the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes. Motion carried. APPROVAL K-12 ExtraCurricular Program 2016-2017 School Year In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve the K-12 Extracurricular Program for the 2016-2017 school year the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Endorsement of PSBA Principles of Governance and Leadership In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Behnken to formally endorse the PSBA Principles of Governance and Leadership and to demonstrate this support by affixing their signatures on the chart provided the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION Budget process timeline: May 5, 2016 – Proposed Final Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 2016 Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:21 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, April 7, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were ten visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS ALICE Training Report – Officer Jeremy Markham reported to the board concerning his recent training in ALICE (Alert – Lockdown – Inform – Counter – Evacuate) procedures to be followed in the event of an intruder. ALICE procedures are common sense responses to an immediate threat which may include putting up barricades, confronting the threat or fleeing if possible rather than always simply staying in place. Officer Markham would like to see all district staff trained in this method of response and then practiced with students as age appropriate. Dr. McClard said that following discussion with the building principals he will return to the board with the administrative team’s thoughts and recommendations about this issue. Budget Update – Mr. Fox shared information regarding progress at the state level of the budget process. The school district is finally now scheduled to receive basic education funding for 2014-15. These funds will greatly assist with cash flow concerns and will enable normal operations to continue through early 2017. This will also enable the board to consider the bids for capital projects which were recommended for this coming summer. At this time it is still unclear exactly what funds the district will actually receive for the current school year 2015-16. The major issue among state legislators at the moment is disagreement over where additional revenue may be generated from for public education. Mr. Fox will present more budget information at the board meeting of April 21st, and the board will be asked to adopt a proposed final budget at the first meeting in May. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Mr. Corbin reported that the basketball program is now wrapping up the current season with 125 students participating. Soccer for students in grades 7 and 8 will be starting soon as well as swim lessons which are offered every spring. Indoor soccer has been going well with 290 students and 44 adults participating. Signups for outdoor soccer will be held as soon as the weather breaks. A discussion took place regarding the summer recreation program, beaches and lifeguards. Beach cleanup day is scheduled for April 23rd. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – No Report Erie County Technical School – Mr. Rodgers shared that the Tech School recently sustained major damages to the roof and some plumbing lines as a result of high winds. Fortunately insurance will cover most of the repair expenses and there was no disruption to classroom schedules as a result of this event. In addition, the ECTS proposed budget for 2016-17 has now been approved by all 11 sending districts. School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Dr. McClard reported the following: Robin Hedlund, who is the district’s Food Service Director, recently applied for a “New Look of School Milk” grant and received $2,587 which was used to replace the milk cooler at the Elementary Center. A state audit of the Food Service program was conducted yesterday and it was found to be exceptional in all areas. The reviewer was very impressed with the administration of the district’s food service program as well as with the staff and department overall. Dr. McClard recently received notification that the district will receive a Safe Schools grant in the amount of $25,000 which was applied for in November. These funds will be utilized to improve the security camera system and update swipe cards for all buildings. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 The Academic Letter awards dinner took place on Monday evening of this week. Mr. Tanner and his staff were commended for organizing an excellent ceremony and dinner in honor of those students who earned a letter in academics this school year. The students and their families were very appreciative. Almost 200 individuals including students, parents and Title I staff were in attendance at last night’s Title I dinner held at the Elementary Center in celebration of the achievements of students in this program. This very positive event was well received by the families who attended. Dr. Ritter applied for and recently received PDE approval to attend the P-3 Governor’s Institute which will take place in Erie this summer. Two teams comprised of Davis staff as well as North East community members will attend this collaborative effort June 27-29, 2016, which will focus on programming and initiatives for students in Pre-K through grade three. On tonight’s agenda the board is being asked to consider approving use of the High School facility for a week during the summer of 2017 for the purpose of housing students and staff of Group Workcamps. Mrs. Joann Jeska of this group is in attendance at this evening’s meeting to answer any questions the board may have with regard to this request. Group Workcamps is a housing restoration program to be made available to North East homeowners, with applications for home repairs granted based upon need. This will be advertized locally and application forms will be made available to the community via such places as the schools, local churches and the food pantry. This Saturday a group of approximately 90 students from grades 4-8 along with AmeriCorps staff plan to participate in a beautification endeavor in the North East area. We are excited to see the results of students and staff working together on behalf of the community. Dr. McClard distributed a handout of PSBA’s Principles of Governance and Leadership for the board’s review. He would like to recommend that the board formally adopt this statement of guidelines at an upcoming meeting. Dr. Sue Baldwin, an alumna of North East High School and current Wellness Coordinator for the Buffalo School District, would like to offer her assistance to our School Health Council in applying for a federal grant to improve the health and physical education programs of the school district. Dr. Baldwin would charge a fee of no more than $500 for her assistance. Application for a federal grant is a very lengthy and involved process, and the district would need to find a community organization to partner with. The deadline for this particular grant is May 20th. Dr. McClard is looking for feedback from board members regarding whether or not to accept this offer of assistance in pursuit of grant funds. Lastly, Dr. McClard shared that he has been accepted to attend the Superintendent’s Academy in Harrisburg, which is a PDE initiative overseen by the PA Secretary of Education. There would be no cost to the school district for his participation in this academy other than his absence from the district for the purpose of attending the meetings. This would present an opportunity for North East School District to participate in cutting edge programs and may also provide access to early information on funding initiatives. Dr. Blystone added that only 100 (out of 500) superintendents were selected to participate. Board members were requested to contact Dr. McClard if they have any questions or reservations regarding his acceptance of this offer. At 7:43 PM Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would break for an Executive Session to discuss areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. The public meeting resumed at 8:03 PM. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of March 17, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mr. Riedel to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 17, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Item #1 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve business item #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Mr. Behnken, Mrs. DeGrosky and Mr. Riedel. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 1. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 12 The Board approved the tuition reimbursement agreement between the North East School District and administrators Steven Karns and William Renne as detailed in the attached document. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5317-A). In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. Janes to approve personnel items #1-12 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved termination of the employment of Mr. John Spencer as an 8-hour Custodian (North East Elementary Center and North East High School) effective retroactive to March 28, 2016. 2. The Board employed Ms. Tracy Phillips (District Substitute List) as a Cook’s Helper (2.75 hrs/day) – North East Elementary Center at a salary of $11.21 per hour and for a 60-working-day probationary period effective April 8, 2016. Following the probationary period the rate will be $12.45 per hour. 3. The Board employed Ms. Loretta Gleichsner as the Summer Lunch Program Head Cook at a salary of $15.45 per hour (5 hours per day) beginning June 13, 2016 through August 5, 2016. 4. The Board accepted the retirement request of Ms. Tamie Lander, Instructional Aide – Davis Primary, effective May 19, 2016. 5. The Board accepted the retirement request of Ms. Barbara Zorzie – Medical Assistant, North East Middle and North East High Schools – effective June 7, 2016. 6. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 3 SUPPORT STAFF Mary Eidell – Instructional Aides Ashley Minnis – Sec/Clerical and Medical Asst pending PDE6004 and Act 168 Tina Tackett – Instructional Aides, Dining Hall, Personal Care Aides & Sec/Clerical pending Child Abuse Clearance 7. The Board rescinded the supplemental contract of Ms. Julie Kulin as Director of the Musical for the 2015-2016 school year. 8. The Board adjusted the supplemental contract of Ms. Julie Kulin as Vocal Director for the Musical from Step A (100%) - $1,690.21 to Step A (25%) - $422.55 for the 20152016 school year. 9. The Board adjusted the advisory position of Mr. Philip Sarver as Ecology Club Advisor from Volunteer to Step D - $621.40 for the 2015-2016 school year. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 10. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 1 Ecology Club Advisor 2 Musical Director 2 Musical – Stage Manager (25%) 3 Musical – Stage Manager (25%) 4 Musical – Stage Manager (25%) 5 Musical – Stage Manager (25%) 6 Musical – Co-Vocal Director (75%) ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 7 Intramural Lego Club – Gr 4&5 approx 15 hrs *Non-employee 11. Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation John Hallenburg* Richard Davis* Patricia Callan Cindy Carlson Kristin Fry Michael Hipwell* Brittany Gray Recommendation Step D ¼-D ¼-D ¼-D ¼- A A Step Stipend Volunteer $2,547.74 $528.19 $528.19 $528.19 $422.55 $1,267.66 Stipend Recommendation Jonathan Currier Step A Stipend $13.02/Hr The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Athletic Director Assistant Athletic Director ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS None recommended for this meeting 1 2 Recommendation Patrick Fordyce Philip Sarver Recommendation Step A D Step Stipend $5,745.40 $5,620.50 Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend *Non-employee 12. APPROVAL Student Travel Requests #1 - 3 The Board accepted the retirement request of Ms. Joan Rudenski, Learning Support teacher – North East Intermediate Elementary, effective June 7, 2016. In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve student travel requests #1 - 3 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Senior Class approx. 104 students Cathy Duma Emalie Nagle Stephanie Adams James Nowakowski Paul Pennington DATE/TIME/PLACE April 14, 2016 Tinseltown Theater and Golden Corral Peach Street Erie, PA 16509 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Buses) Substitute(s) Meals Movies TOTALS *All expenses to be paid from senior class funds PURPOSE: Senior Class Movie Day EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$221.74 *$360.00 *$867.36 *$956.80 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *$2,405.90 -0- -0- NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT High School Student Council 54 students Kari Trimble Nicole Fitch DATE/TIME/PLACE May 26, 2016 PNC Park 115 Federal Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Coach EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$1,370.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- bus) Substitute(s) Admission Meals (boxed lunches) TOTALS *$180.00 *$784.00 *$109.20 *$2,443.20 -0- *All expenses to be paid by Student Council PURPOSE: Student Council Day at Pittsburgh Pirates baseball game (3) NAME/PARTICIPANT Senior Class approx. 104 students Cathy Duma Regan Tanner William Renne Invited Staff DATE/TIME/PLACE May 31, 2016 Mercyhurst North East Cafeteria 16 W. Division Street North East, Pa 16428 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Meals EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$1,352.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *$1,352.00 -0- TOTALS *All expenses to be paid from senior class funds. Students responsible for their own transportation. PURPOSE: Senior Class Banquet APPROVAL Student Travel Request #4 -0- In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve student travel request #4 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. Janes. Motion carried. (4) NAME/PARTICIPANT Senior Class approx. 104 students Cathy Duma William Renne Adam Denevic Daniel Hering Katie Gallagher Stephanie Adams DATE/TIME/PLACE June 3, 2016 Darien Lake Theme Park 9993 Alleghany Road Darien Center, NY 14040 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Chartered EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- Buses) Substitute(s) Admission Meals TOTALS *All expenses to be paid from senior class funds PURPOSE: Senior Class Trip EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$2,150.00 *$360.00 *$1,662.96 *$1,038.96 *$5,211.92 -0- NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 At this point Mr. Fynan recommended an amendment to the next agenda item prior to the vote. The original recommendation for approval of a boys’ volleyball co-operative agreement with Millcreek School District included language stating that the North East School District would have no financial responsibility or liability for any aspect of this program. AMENDMENT Boys Volleyball Cooperative Agreement In a motion by Mr. Fynan and second by Mr. Riedel to amend approval of the proposed cooperative sports agreement between the North East School District and the Millcreek School District to include the commitment of $50 for the processing fee, the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Boys Volleyball Cooperative Agreement In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Behnken to approve the proposed cooperative sports agreement between the North East School District and the Millcreek School District for the sport of boys’ volleyball beginning in the spring of 2017 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The North East School District will pay the $50 application fee for this cooperative agreement. APPROVAL Additional Educational/ Operational Functions #1&2 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Behnken to approve Additional Educational/Operational Functions #1 and #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved Mr. William Renne as the Erie County Principal’s representative to the District 10 Athletic Committee. 2. The Board approved the agreement between the North East School District and Group Cares – Workcamps for use of the North East High School facilities for a weeklong work camp during the summer of 2017. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION Teaching Confederate History Report – Mr. Nate Otis Budget process timeline: April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:11 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 17, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were eight visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Budget Presentation – Mr. Fox distributed preliminary budget books to board members and briefly reviewed the layout of the books. The preliminary budget as presented this evening includes a deficit in the 2016-17 budget for which the fund balance would be utilized. Mr. Fox highlighted major variances in revenues and expenses as compared the current year’s budget. He also discussed the significant changes included in the governor’s proposed budgets and how they would potentially affect the North East School District. The commonwealth currently owes the district $8,330,000. Board members will need to carefully consider capital project expenditures, budget and tax rate decisions for 2016-17 in response to uncertainty at the state level. Discussion took place regarding the current status of cash reserves which should carry the district through mid-July, and Mr. Fox outlined several steps that he would recommend moving forward with should the issues still not be resolved at the state level by that time. Board members were encouraged to read through the preliminary budget books and contact Mr. Fox with any questions by March 31st if possible so that he has opportunity to respond and include any concerns in his next report at the meeting of April 7th. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – No Report Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard The annual Spring dinner for Title I students and their families is April 6th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM in the Elementary Center cafeteria. All board members and their spouses are invited and were asked to please respond either to Dr. Ritter or to Dr. McClard if they would like to attend. The 2016 Dance Team Symposium will be presented tomorrow and Saturday at 7:00 PM both evenings at the High School. Students on the dance team have been working hard in preparation for this event which will feature 25 different dance routines. All were encouraged to attend in support of the students. The Indoor Percussion group will participate in their final competition in Ohio this weekend. Board members were invited to attend this group’s practice session at the high school at 8:30 PM following this evening’s meeting. Of the five students who went to regional band competition last week, three will be going on to the state PMEA conference in Hershey: they are Sarah Scarnati (1st chair bass clarinet), Alyssa Johnston (2nd chair contra-clarinet) and Kallan Corwin (3rd chair in the horn section). Dr. McClard commended these students and thanked band director Stephan DeGrosky for his hard work and dedication to the music programs of the district. The high school Science Olympics team finished in 5th place out of 19 teams in regional competition, placing in the top ten in 16 events and earning medals in 8 events. Alex Gruber and Josh Lutz earned first place in three different events: Electric Vehicle, Robot Arm, and Wright Stuff. The middle school Science Olympics team missed first place by only two points, earning medals in 12 events. First place medals went to Liz Schwartz and Sarah Bahm for Bottle Rocket, Claire Dodds and Cassie DiOrazio for Invasive Species, and Paige Grice and Ryan Rearick for the Road Scholar event. The middle school team will go on to state competition at Juniata College in April. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 Dr. McClard publicly thanked and commended Mr. Fox for all of his hard work in formulating and presenting the tentative budget for 2016-17. This was an especially difficult task this year due to the budget issues at the state level. The district is fortunate to have Mr. Fox’s talent and expertise in the business manager’s position. Dr. McClard also thanked and commended all nine board members and Mr. Fox for their attendance and participation in the PSBA board workshop last evening, demonstrating their commitment to the students, the staff and the community of North East. Making the effort and taking time to learn and grow as a group is always a priority for the board with the best interest of students at the center. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Riedel to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 3, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Prior to the approval of Business items, Mr. Fynan expressed reservations regarding business item #6 which as recommended would have authorized purchases from the Capital Projects fund. Following discussion it was agreed that item #6 should be amended to authorize only the solicitation of bids at this time. Actual purchases may be approved at a later date pending more information and/or progress at the state level. AMENDMENT Business Item #6 In a motion by Mr. Fynan and second by Mr. Mobilia to amend business item #6 to authorize only the solicitation of quotations or bids where appropriate, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Mr. Fynan went on to request clarification regarding one of the paid invoices recommended for approval, and brief discussion followed regarding the potential need to prioritize expenditures and carefully consider where cuts may possibly be made if necessary. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 7 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. Janes to approve business items #1-7, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5310-A) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5310-B) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5310-C) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated February 29, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5310-D) 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated February 29, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5310-E) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending February 29, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5310-F) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 6. The Board authorized the Business Manager to solicit quotations and bids where appropriate for the following proposed purchases from the Capital Projects fund: Buildings & Grounds Middle School Sidewalk Repair Middle School Dishwasher (Reimbursed by Food Service Fund) Elementary Center Hot Water Heaters (3) High School Gym Floor Maintenance Road Asphalt Repair District Asphalt and Concrete Repairs Access Control Upgrade Technology High School Student Laptops (30) High School Office Computers (2) High School Printer (1) Middle School Student Laptops (30) Middle School Tech Ed Computers (12) Intermediate School Teacher Laptops (35) Intermediate School Student Laptops (30) Davis Primary Student Laptops (35) Davis Primary Printers (2) District Email Server District Storage Device District Smartboards (12) District Printer (1) Transportation 72 Passenger Bus (1) 48 Passenger Wheelchair Accessible Bus (1) 7. Estimated Cost $15,000 $28,000 $45,000 $24,000 $26,000 $35,000 $23,000 $18,750 $1,550 $1,200 $18,750 $7,500 $26,250 $9,750 $21,875 $2,400 $12,000 $10,000 $18,000 $1,200 $89,500 $89,500 The Board approved Phase I of a district-wide network switch and backbone cabling upgrade project utilizing Category 2 e-rate funding and authorized the Business Manager to solicit bids. Estimated project cost is $205,000 less 80% e-rate funding for a net cost of $41,000 to be funded by the Capital Projects fund for the 2016-2017 school year. Prior to approval of Personnel items, Dr. McClard highlighted that the salary for item #4, approval of part-time employment for a high school student, is completely funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor. North East was one of the only districts to take advantage of this exciting opportunity. The district will look into other positions where a similar arrangement could be made. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 5 1. In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. Janes to approve personnel items #1-5 with a separation on item #3, individual #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the transfer of Ms. Pamela Feath from Cook’s Helper (4 hrs/day) – North East Elementary Center, to Cook’s Helper (3.5 hrs/day) – North East Middle School, at a salary of $12.45 per hour and for a 45-working-day probationary period effective April 4, 2016. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. Ms. Feath will retain her Breakfast Cashier position at the Elementary Center. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 2. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Staff Member Joyce Keith Carol Komorowski Sara Land Jon Sedelmyer Sarah Trevelline Position/Location Bus Driver Secretary – Davis Primary Secretary – Business Office Counselor – North East Middle School Bus Driver & Cooks Helper Duration 3/9/2016 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) 3/16/2016 – 6/30/2016 (Intermittent) 2/29/2016 – 6/30/2016 (Intermittent) 3/30/2016 – 4/8/2016 3/7/2016 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) The Board approve the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 2 Intramural Track - Van Driver approx 10 hrs Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Nate Otis Step A Stipend $13.02/Hr *Non-employee 4. The Board employed student Nathan Carlson as a part time custodian at the high school at a salary of $8.00 per hour for 3 hours per day, every other weekday for twelve weeks beginning March 21, 2016. This is part of the pre-employment transition grant program sponsored by the PA Department of Labor and Industry. The grant will cover 100% of the employee’s wages for the 12-week period. 5. The Board approved the transfer of Ms. Marlene Gilkinson from Cook’s Helper (2.75 hrs/day) – North East Elementary Center, to Cook’s Helper (4 hrs/day) – North East Elementary Center, at a salary of $12.45 per hour and for a 45-working-day probationary period effective April 4, 2016. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. APPROVAL Personnel Item #3 Individual #1 3. In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. Janes to approve personnel item #3, individual #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. It is recommended that the Board approve the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: 1 APPROVAL Student Travel Requests #2 & 3 ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL NEHS Musical - Instrumental Director Recommendation Stephan DeGrosky Step D Stipend $2,112.76 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Corbin to approve student travel requests #2 and #3 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Science Olympics 16 students Jonathan Currier Beth Poor DATE/TIME/PLACE April 22 - 23, 2016 Juniata College 1700 Moore Street Huntingdon, PA 16652 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (2 vans) Lodging Meals EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $1,985.66 EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$1,202.49 *$180.00 *$1,380.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT TOTALS $433.92 $1,055.74 $496.00 PURPOSE: Science Olympiad State Competition (3) NAME/PARTICIPANT Grade 5 approx 115 students Grade 5 faculty and staff DATE/TIME/PLACE May 25, 2016 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM Carnegie Science Center One Allegheny Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15212 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (buses) Substitute(s) Admission Anticipated needs for meals & misc *$1,150.00 TOTALS *All expenses paid out of student activities account / fundraisers PURPOSE: Culminating class trip as students prepare to complete elementary school years APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 *$3,912.49 -0- In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Corbin to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Band 3 students Stephan DeGrosky -0- DATE/TIME/PLACE March 30 – April 2, 2016 Hershey Lodge 325 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 PURPOSE: PMEA All-State Festival and Conference ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Van) Substitute(s) Registration – Director Registration - Students Lodging - Director Meals – Director Meals - Students TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $450.00 $270.00 $190.00 $1,125.00 $485.07 $95.00 $69.00 $2,684.07 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Riedel to approve staff travel request #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Timothy Skelly DATE/TIME/PLACE March 30 –April 2, 2016 Hershey Lodge 325 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS Substitute(s) Registration Meals TOTALS *No Transportation or Lodging costs – Will carpool and room with Mr. DeGrosky (see student trip #1 above) PURPOSE: Attend workshops at PMEA All State Festival and Conference APPROVAL Erie County Technical School 2016-2017 Budget EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $270.00 $160.00 $95.00 -0- $525.00 In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mrs. Janes to approve the Erie County Technical School 2016-2017 General Fund Budget the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION April 7, 2016 – ALICE Training Report – Jeremy Markham Budget process timeline: April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 3, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were seven visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Capital Projects Presentation – Mr. Fox reviewed recommended facilities projects and equipment purchases needed for 2016-17 as well as transportation needs for the coming school year. A discussion took place regarding projected renovations to the Middle School and the questionable availability of PlanCon funds for that purpose. Facilities supervisor Bill Wingerter reviewed the list of facilities needs and answered questions from board members. Technology supervisor Matt Stark reviewed and discussed recommended technology needs for 2016-17 and related equipment replacement cycles. Mr. Fox informed the board regarding major network upgrades projected for the next two years to be financed in large part by the government’s e-rate program. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Mr. Riedel reported the following: Four coaches have been lined up for the Little Gridders program. They are currently working on a registration date. Donations are being sought for this program; $1000 was received from the American Legion, and there is still $700 left in the fund from last year. The Indoor Soccer program currently has 278 students and 44 adults enrolled. This is the largest number of adults ever to participate in this program. Signups for Outdoor Soccer are projected to take place tentatively in mid-April. Outdoor Soccer will run from May 23 to June 30, playing 12 games and utilizing the lower two soccer fields. This is for children ages 4 – 12 (the same age groups as the indoor program) and will cost approximately $25 to participate. Applications are currently being accepted for summer 2016 beach lifeguards. Four applications have been received to date. Karen Henning has been employed as the Summer Recreation direction again this year. Swim lesson signups will be held in April for students in grades K-2. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit Mr. Fynan reported that North East School District’s share of the SIS budget increased approximately $747.00 to a total of $31,873.99. Per a letter to the IU from the State Bureau of Budget and Fiscal Management, the districts shares are based upon an estimated Weighted Annual Daily Membership (WADM) and may change as the state still has not finalized calculations from the 2014-15 fiscal year. Mr. Fox concurred that because the budget includes projected federal and state grants, the actual dollar amount may differ slightly. Mr. Fynan recommended that the North East board approve the IU budget as presented. Erie County Technical School Mr. Rodgers said that the ECTS board reviews enrollment numbers for each curricular offering annually to decide whether programs need to be curtailed or modified. As a result of last week’s meeting, three programs were placed on the warning track: Precision Machining, Computer Networking, and Tourism & Hospitality. The burden of increasing enrollment falls on the instructors of those programs. Dr. Jackson is considering minor adjustments in the ECTS daily period schedule to bring their schedule more closely in line with that of the sending districts. This would help to address the problem of students arriving late on the buses from sending schools. Another possible benefit is that a schedule adjustment may allow afternoon students to be dropped off at the same time as morning session students are picked up, thereby reducing the number of transportation runs needed from sending districts. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 School Health Council – Mrs. DeGrosky reported the following from the meeting of February 23, 2016: Cafeteria Update: Breakfast Challenge winners will be announced in the spring. A state audit of the Food Service program will be performed in April. They will be looking at the district’s wellness policies among other things. Nutrition month in March will bring out the oatmeal bar, yogurt bar, and Meatless Mondays. Naxolene standing orders are in limbo due to new programs that supply these products for schools free of charge. Procedures are in progress to make sure that the people who would be using these products are trained properly. The wellness program for staff members was an overwhelming success. Wellness options were offered during the first hour of the last teacher in-service day. There were many things to choose from including boot camp, yoga, and health classes. The Youth Triathlon will be held on June 4th with a limit of 100 participants. Volunteers are needed. The 4 N.I.N.E. Thrift Store, as always, is providing great things for our community. Vicky Stetson is working on providing transportation for seniors in need. The Zika virus was discussed. There have been 82 cases in the United States. Travelers who contracted it were most likely bitten by infected mosquitoes. As of May 2015 there were 5000 reported cases of Zika virus in Brazil. A warning was issued to women who are pregnant or may become pregnant to use extreme caution when traveling to these parts of the world. Babies born to mothers who are infected with Zika have a great chance of having neurological difficulties. Community Nursing Services of North East recently held an open meeting for the community at North East High School regarding drug use, addiction, traumatic loss, and mental health among other issues. Although some people downplay this epidemic destroying our families, others are speaking out to bring awareness to the community. These people should be commended. As long as we stand together and bring light to this serious issue, those who stand in the dark preying on our kids will eventually be exposed. Superintendent’s Report Dr. McClard said that the Elementary Center hosted a family literacy night last evening. Dr. Ritter shared that Davis Primary students held a weeklong celebration of reading in grades K-2 this week. Approximately 150 parents and children were on hand last night reading to their children, playing board games and creating crafts. A donation of over 800 books for students was accepted from Helping Hands. Please check the district’s FaceBook page for pictures from this event. The Erie Times News and the Erie BayHawks recently held an essay contest aligned with the NBA Fit program. Students from local districts were challenged to write about ways to be healthier in 2016. Out of over 200 essays received, the grand prize winner was Zachary Egan, a 7th grade student at North East Middle School. Zachary won a Fitbit tracker and a pep rally with the BayHawks for his school. We are very proud of Zachary and of the teachers who have helped to influence him. The Indoor Percussion group earned a second place award at competition in Springfield, Ohio this past weekend. Mr. DeGrosky would like to invite the board to see an indoor percussion performance at practice following the next board meeting on Thursday, March 17th, 8:30 PM at the Middle School if the meeting is concluded by that time. In athletics, 20 swimmers will be competing at the district level this coming Friday and Saturday. Additionally, four wrestlers will be competing at the regional level on those same dates. They are Garrett Kopp, Sam Svetz, Adam Ballew and Jeff Kraemer. We wish all of our athletes the best. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of February 18, 2016 In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 18, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 At 8:46 PM Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would break for an Executive Session prior to the vote on Personnel as permissible under Act 84 to discuss confidentiality issues protected by law. The public session reconvened at 8:53 PM. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 4 1. In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. Janes to approve personnel items #1-4, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Ann Gavazzi – English 7-12 and Reading Specialist PK-12 pending Act 168, Phys/PPD and PDE-6004 2 3 4 5 2. Carter Tyzinski – Health & Phys Ed K-12 Rebecca Whitney – Elementary K-6 pending FBI clearance, Act 168 & PDE-6004 SUPPORT STAFF Morgan Simonsen – Aides and Secretarial/Clerical Roberta Whitmeyer – Aides, Sec/Clerical & Cafeteria pending Act 168 The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: 1 COACHING POSITIONS Assistant Softball Coach 2 Assistant Track Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 3 Intramural Track Coach *Non-employee Recommendation H. Lee Walker* Connor Bradford* pending PPD & Act 168 Step - Stipend Volunteer - Volunteer Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Jamison Drab* Step - Stipend Volunteer 3. The Board accepted the retirement request of Ms. Remlee Peck, Guidance Counselor – North East Elementary Center, effective February 23, 2016. 4. The Board accepted the retirement request of Mr. James Nowakowski, Health/Phys Ed and Drivers Education Teacher – North East High School, effective June 7, 2016. APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT NEIE Approx 400 students grades 3-5 Faculty & Staff DATE/TIME/PLACE April 29, 2016 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Splash Lagoon 8091 Peach Street Erie, PA 16509 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Buses) Admission EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$649.92 *$6,380.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *S7,029.92 -0- TOTALS -0- *All expenses paid out of student activities account / fundraisers PURPOSE: Celebration for students earning “Kids on the Go” APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mr. Corbin to approve staff travel request #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Steven Karns DATE/TIME/PLACE March 10, 2016 Allegheny Grill 40 Main Street Parker, PA 16019 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Car) EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $98.82 TOTALS PURPOSE: AmeriCorps meeting - mandatory for all districts who have AmeriCorps members $98.82 APPROVAL Intermediate Unit 2016-2017 Budget In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Fynan to approve the Intermediate Unit 2016-2017 Budget the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Expulsion of Student A In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. Janes to approve the Waiver and Stipulation Agreement for the Expulsion of Student A, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION March 17, 2016 – ECTS Proposed 2016-2017 Budget Approval April 7, 2016 – ALICE Training Report – Jeremy Markham Budget process timeline: March 17, 2016 – Tentative Budget Presentation April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:57 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, February 18, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were ten visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Curriculum Presentation – Building Administrators presented a brief overview of curricular and extracurricular changes that they would like to see implemented for the 2016-2017 school year: Dr. Ritter would like to utilize a new system of assessing reading skills and monitoring student progress in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency and reading comprehension at Davis Primary. The system acronym is DIBELS which stands for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. The cost to purchase this system is approximately $2,500. Mr. Emick shared that Intermediate Elementary staff will continue to work toward alignment of the current ELA and Mathematics standards to PA Core standards, anchor assessments and eligible content. Additionally they are piloting a Go for the Grape program this year which recognizes and rewards student achievements in the areas of academics, regular attendance, meeting behavioral expectations and classroom goals. This extracurricular program is completely funded through the student activities account and offers multiple opportunities for students to be successful. Mr. Tanner outlined plans to offer a new “Medal of Honor” elective to the High School Social Studies curriculum and also to reclassify Physics I as an AP course. In extracurricular offerings they would like to formally recognize the percussion line team which has been piloted during the current school year, and would also like to offer a boys’ volleyball co-op with McDowell High School which would be at no cost to the district. Proposed personnel changes at the High School include the addition of one full-time English teacher and sharing of one Spanish teacher with the Middle School for one period per day. Mr. Karns presented a proposed schedule change for the Middle School which would be more closely aligned with the schedule of the High School. The proposed schedule would maximize available time for specials teachers who work in both buildings and would also eliminate extended breaks during core classes while increasing opportunities for extracurricular offerings for Middle School students. The staff at the Middle School is also working toward the selection of a new Math textbook series which would be aligned to PA Core and more reflective of the required rigor of PSSA testing. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan reported that the full proposed 2016-2017 budget was presented to the IU board on Tuesday evening. IU#5 is the only intermediate unit in the state which discloses their full budget, and this is thanks to the hard work of Dr. Blystone, Mr. Brotz, Mr. Polito and Mr. Sennett. The proposed budget has been shared with Dr. McClard and Mr. Fox for their review and includes an overall increase of $425,058 or 3.4% more than the current year’s budget. If approved, North East’s portion would be $31,873.99. The proposed IU budget will be presented to the North East board in March. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard extended congratulations to the girls’ basketball team for their playoff win last evening. They will play again this Saturday, February 20th at Meadville High School, 2:30 PM vs. Cambridge Springs. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 The budget process has begun for the 2016-2017 school year. We will have this completed and submitted by the deadline of June 30, 2016. Mr. Fox will present a tentative budget to the Board at the meeting of March 17th. The Indoor Percussion team finished in third place at their first competition this past weekend, just a percentage of a point behind North Allegheny which is a much larger district. This is very impressive for a first time program. The Community Nursing Services presented a panel discussion at the High School on Tuesday evening regarding drug abuse and community loss. Mr. Renne and Mr. Sedelmyer represented the school district well at this event which was also attended by Dr. McClard, Mr. Tanner, and school nurse Janice Brabender. This was an informative and timely presentation on a very difficult topic. Dr. McClard expressed thanks and appreciation to the board of directors and to the North East Education Association for all of the hard work and cooperation which went into putting together the contract agreement that is on tonight’s agenda for approval. The agreement was not easily accomplished but is a credit to everyone working together toward this common goal. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of February 4, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mrs. Janes to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 4, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Prior to the vote on Business items #1-6, Mr. Fynan requested an update on the projected installation and implementation of the new Transfinder bus routing program, which Mr. Fox provided. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 6 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve business items #1-6, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5300-A). b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5300-B). 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5300-C). 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated January 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5300-D). 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated January 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5300-E). 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending January 31, 2016. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5300-F). 6. The Board approved the sale of property from the Erie County Repository per the offer made to the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau by Roger & Georgia Hill in the amount of $275.00 for property index No. 37-025-087.0-008.000. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 4 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve personnel items #1-4, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 1. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 2 3. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Zachary Lucas – Elementary N-4, Special Education N-8 pending physical/PPD Staff Member Patricia Callan Leslie Shickler Position/Location Teacher – North East High School Teacher – North East High School The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 1 Intramural Track Statistician approx 12 hrs 2 Intramural Track Announcer approx 12 hrs *Non-employee 4. Duration 2/1/2016 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) 2/9/2016 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Cindy Olson Ian Williams Step D D Stipend $16.28/Hr $16.28/Hr The Board approved the transfer of Mrs. Patricia Schultz from Transportation Secretary (236 Days per year, 6 Hours per day at $17.58 per hour) to the position of Coordinator of Transportation Services, eight hours per day, 260 days per year at a salary of $45,000.00 prorated and with respective benefits effective February 29, 2016. Mr. Emick introduced Mr. Zach Lucas at this point in the meeting. Mr. Lucas will be filling in as a long-term substitute in the Intermediate Elementary autistic classroom during Mrs. Kalika’s upcoming maternity leave. Mr. Fynan requested and received clarification on several items detailed in the proposed union contract before the board for approval including the effective date for the pay increase (July 1, 2015), procedures for the appointment of department heads, and the potential effect that the Affordable Care Act may have on health insurance costs in the near future. Mr. Mobilia thanked everyone for their hard work on the agreement. He stated that his vote will not be a reflection of that effort but rather that he does not believe the government will come through with the necessary funding. Mr. Fynan is adamantly opposed to approval of the agreement as currently proposed and feels that approval should at minimum be delayed until such time as the state budget impasse has been resolved. APPROVAL Personnel Item #5 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve personnel item #5, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Riedel and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – Mr. Behnken, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan and Mr. Mobilia. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 5. APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 The Board approved the agreement between the North East Education Association and the North East School District effective retroactive to July 1, 2015 with the understanding that any 2015-2016 salary adjustments will not be distributed until the 2015-2016 final budget appropriations for educational funding are approved by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In a motion by Mrs. Janes and second by Mr. Riedel to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Band 5 students Stephan DeGrosky DATE/TIME/PLACE March 9 – 11, 2016 Marion Center HS 22800 PA Route 403 Marion Center, PA 15759 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Van) Substitute(s) Registration Lodging Meals TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $210.00 $180.00 $620.00 $204.92 $73.00 $1,287.92 PURPOSE: PMEA Region II Band APPROVAL Student Travel Request #2 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve student travel request #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. Janes. Motion carried. (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Ten NEHS Students Noel Mraz Katie Gallagher Ten NEMS Students Ian Williams Beth Poor Greg Beardsley DATE/TIME/PLACE May 15 – 17, 2016 Penn State Main Campus Old Main University Park, PA 16802 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Substitute(s) Registration Transportation Meals TOTALS PURPOSE: PJAS State Competition EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $5,160.08 $720.00 $4,200.00 $190.08 $50.00 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2016 APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Behnken to approve staff travel request #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Robin Petroff-Hedlund DATE/TIME/PLACE February 26, 2016 Monroeville Convention Center 209 Mall Plaza Blvd Monroeville, PA 15146 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT Transportation (car) TOTALS PURPOSE: Pittsburgh Regional Food Service Directors (PRFSD) Commodity Meeting $165.24 -0- $165.24 ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION March 3, 2016 – Capital Projects Presentations by Department Supervisors Budget process timeline: March 17, 2016 – Tentative Budget Presentation April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:02 PM on Thursday, February 4, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Mr. Behnken was excused. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were twelve visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr. Stephen Watts of 12100 Trinity Road requested information regarding an incident that he had heard about at the high school. Attorney Sennett explained that while the board does welcome public comments at this time, the meeting is not the correct forum for questions and answers. Mr. Watts was encouraged to contact either the superintendent or the high school for answers to his questions. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS North East Recreation Commission Mr. Corbin reported that the Basketball program is wrapping up now with 127 students participating. The Recreation Commission has reorganized with all of the same officers as last year with the exception of Suzanne Kitts who has replaced Kathie Weinheimer on the board. Discussion took place regarding Little Gridders Football. Mr. Humes has come forward and offered to head up this program. As with all others, the program will have to be self-supporting. Members of the commission are very excited and pleased to have Mr. Humes in charge of the football program going forward. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit Mr. Fynan reported that Assistant Director Dean Maynard’s contract has been renewed for four years. There has been some restructuring and shifting of personnel within the Special Education department. A decision was made to include some managers under the terms of the Act 93 agreement who were previously under separate employment contracts. The Intermediate Unit will continue to subcontract under Erie County for Early Intervention related services. A $25,000 Safe Schools grant was received and will be used primarily for upgrading IU5 building security. Erie County Technical School Mr. Rodgers reported that the main topic of discussion at last week’s meeting was the budget for next year. The technical school will be asking districts for a 3.14 percent overall increase for the 2016-17 budget. The contribution from North East School District would actually decrease by 11.3% for next year, primarily due to the average daily membership of students participating from our district. ECTS was recently approached by some cyber schools about the possibility of allowing cyber schooled students to be enrolled at the Tech School. Attorney Sennett confirmed that ECTS is not legally obligated to provide services to cyber schooled students. The request was therefore denied. School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report Dr. McClard received news this week that the state has approved the district’s recently submitted Comprehensive Plan. The plan should not need to be revised again until 2019. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 North East students did very well in regional PJAS competition at Penn State Behrend on January 23rd. From the High School, nine students earned first place medals and six earned second place awards. Additionally, two high school students received special awards. Katie Gallagher and Noel Mraz were thanked for their continued leadership at the science competitions. From the Middle School, nine students earned first place awards and seven earned second place under the leadership of Beth Poor and Ian Williams. All of these students will be moving on to state PJAS competition in May. All five high school band students who recently competed at PMEA Districts in Emporium, PA represented the district very well under Mr. DeGrosky’s tutelage. All five will advance to Regional competition in March. We are very proud of all of these students and their accomplishments. A request was received this week from an organization that is working on putting together a Work Camp event for the summer of 2017. The mission of this organization is restoration of communities through home repair. They are requesting the use of the high school facility for one week next summer. Approximately 400 students would be staying at the high school for that week, utilizing the gymnasium, locker rooms and cafeteria facilities. They would spend that week working on restoration or repair of approximately 55 to 60 homes in the North East community. The group does carry their own liability insurance and the students would be accompanied by chaperones. Dr. McClard distributed printed information to the board. He feels that it is something the board may wish to consider allowing, but said that he did not need an immediate decision this evening. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of January 21, 2016 In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 21, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 7. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mr. Fynan. Mr. Behnken was excused. Motion carried. Prior to the vote on Personnel items, Mr. Fynan expressed concern regarding the number of coaches listed for approval for the 2016-17 school year, especially in light of continuing budget concerns. Dr. Blystone asked Mr. Tanner to explain the specific coaching placement of all of the assistant football coaches listed on this evening’s agenda, which he did. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 - 3 1. In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve personnel items #13, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Behnken was excused. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2. SUPPORT STAFF Dennis Williams – Bus Driver The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Summer Weight Training Co-Coach Summer Weight Training Co-Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 3 Middle School Student Council Advisor INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 4 Math Counts Intramural approx 20 hrs *Non-employee 1 2 Recommendation Sherry Elchynski Matthew Shesman Recommendation Step ½D ½D Step Stipend $517.63 $517.63 Stipend Recommendation Nathan Otis Recommendation Paige Macadaeg Step A Step B Stipend $745.68 Stipend $13.84/Hr NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 3. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2016-2017 school year at the steps listed below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 COACHING POSITIONS Fall Cheerleading Head Coach Fall Cheerleading Assistant Coach Cross Country Head Coach Cross Country Assistant Coach Boys’ Golf Head Coach Boys’ Golf Assistant Coach 7 Girls’ Golf Head Coach 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Girls’ Golf Assistant Coach Football Head Coach Football 1st Assistant Coach Football Assistant Coach Football Assistant Coach Football Assistant Coach Football Co-Assistant Coach Football Co-Assistant Coach Football Co-Assistant Coach Football Co-Assistant Coach 18 Football Assistant Coach 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Boys’ Soccer Head Coach Fall Weight Training Coach Volleyball Head Coach Volleyball 1st Assistant Coach Volleyball Assistant Coach Gr. 7 Volleyball Assistant Coach Gr. 8 Volleyball Assistant Coach, JV & Varsity ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS None recommended for this meeting *Non-employee Recommendation Donna Widomski* Ashlee Hoelke* Richard Gregg* Matthew Puskar Jon Sedelmyer David Mazza* Troy Hassenplug* pending Step D D D B D - Stipend $1,864.20 $854.43 $4,039.10 $2,218.40 $2,299.18 Volunteer D $2,299.18 D D D D D ½B ½D ½C ½D Volunteer $6,214.00 $4,349.80 $3,728.40 $3,728.40 $3,728.40 $1,584.57 $1,864.20 $1,677.78 $1,864.20 - Volunteer Brian Kramer* Paul Pennington Sherry Elchynski Daniel Hering Sherry Elchynski Paige Macadaeg Paige Macadaeg Recommendation A D D D D C Step $3,330.70 $1,035.25 $4,349.80 $3,044.86 $2,796.30 $2,516.67 Volunteer Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend updated clearances Adrienne Hassenplug* Matthew Shesman Shawn Humes John Beaumont Thomas Pyle Steven Righi Braden Lynn* Joseph Shesman* Michael Whitney* Michael Wydro* Robert Sensor Jr.* pending updated clearances Prior to the vote on Student Travel, Mr. Rodgers expressed concern that the trip as listed violates the administrative procedures to be followed relative to the board policy for student travel and specifically out-ofstate trips. Discussion followed regarding wording of the current board policy and administrative procedures. There is no violation of the actual board policy with regard to this trip. Mr. Rodgers feels that the policy should be amended to specifically address athletics and out-of-state travel. APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Mr. Behnken was excused. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Band – 25 Students Stephan DeGrosky Band Staff DATE/TIME/PLACE February 27, 2016 Springfield Holland HS 1470 S. McCord Road Holland, OH 43528 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Bus) EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $1,256.72 TOTALS $1,256.72 PURPOSE: Ohio Indoor Percussion Association (OIPA) Competition Prior to the vote on Staff Travel, Mr. Fynan requested that Mr. Otis provide the board with a brief summary of the symposium on teaching confederate history following his attendance at this event. APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. Janes to approve staff travel request #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Behnken was excused. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Nathan Otis DATE/TIME/PLACE ITEMIZED CATEGORIES March 12, 2016 Seminary Ridge Museum 61 Seminary Ridge Gettysburg, PA 17325 Transportation (car) Registration Meals EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $382.68 TOTALS $292.68 $75.00 $15.00 PURPOSE: Teaching Confederate History Symposium ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION February 18, 2016 – Curriculum Presentation by Building Principals Budget process timeline: March 17, 2016 – Tentative Budget Presentation April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption March 17, 2016 – Presentations by Department Supervisors Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:26 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, January 21, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Mr. Fynan was excused. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were six visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS/ITEMS OF INFORMATION Financial Reports Review – Mr. Fox presented an overview of the monthly Treasurer’s Report, the Food Service Report and the Capital Projects Report. He provided detail on the various fund balances and explained how to interpret each of these reports. Board members were invited to contact Mr. Fox if they ever have a question or concern regarding any of the financial reports that they are asked to approve. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – No Report Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Dr. McClard presented framed certificates to each of the board members in recognition of their years of service to the school district, with sincere thanks for volunteering their time and talents on behalf of the students of the North East community. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Riedel to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 7, 2016 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 8. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Fynan was excused. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Items #1-6 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve business items #1-6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Fynan was excused. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5291-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5291-B.) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5291-C.) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated December 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5291-D.) 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated December 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5291-E.) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending December 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5291-F.) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 6. The Board approved the purchase of Transfinder bus routing software at an initial cost of $13,795 plus an annual maintenance fee of $3,600 per year. Prior to the vote on Personnel items, Mr. Beardsley publicly recognized Mrs. Beth Poor for 16 years of teaching at North East Middle School as well as her many contributions to the extracurricular science programs offered at the Middle School. Both Mr. Beardsley and Dr. McClard agreed that Mrs. Poor will be greatly missed upon her retirement. In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel items #1 and 2, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Fynan was excused. Motion carried. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1 & 2 1. The Board accepted the retirement request of Mrs. Beth Poor, Teacher – North East Middle School, effective June 7, 2016. 2. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Winter Cheerleading Head Coach Winter Cheerleading Assistant Coach Softball Co-Head Coach Softball Co-Head Coach Softball Co-Assistant Coach Softball Co-Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 7 Intramural Boys Basketball Grade 6 *Non-employee 1 2 3 4 5 6 APPROVAL Student Travel Requests #1-3 Recommendation Donna Widomski* Ashlee Hoelke* Demi Hunt Amanda Walker Demi Hunt Amanda Walker Recommendation Step D D ½-A ½-A ½-A ½-A Step Stipend $1,864.20 $621.40 $1,665.35 $1,665.35 $1,118.52 $1,118.52 Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Robert Rodemoyer* Step - Stipend Volunteer In a motion by Mr. Riedel and second by Mrs. Janes to approve student travel requests #1-3, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Fynan was excused. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$502.44 *$2,800.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *$3,302.44 TOTALS *All costs to be paid by fundraising / student activities fund PURPOSE: Tubing field trip for all students who have earned the “Kids on the Go” reward for the second quarter -0- Grades 3-5 approx 400 students Classroom teachers and aides DATE/TIME/PLACE January 28 & 29, 2016 Peek ‘n Peak Ski Resort 1405 Olde Road Clymer, NY 14724 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Buses) Admission -0- NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Chorus – 5 Students Julie Kulin DATE/TIME/PLACE February 3- 5, 2016 Corry High School 534 E. Pleasant Street Corry, PA 16407 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (Van) Substitute(s) Registration/Lodging Meals TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $30.00 $270.00 $710.00 $73.00 $1,083.00 PURPOSE: PMEA District 2 Chorus (3) NAME/PARTICIPANT AP Government and European History classes approx. 40 students Adam Denevic Jennifer Wilson Bill Renne DATE/TIME/PLACE April 7 – 9, 2016 Washington, DC ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Admissions, Lodging, Transportation & Meals Substitutes TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$20,000.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $360.00 *$20,000.00 $360.00 *Expenses to be paid by student fundraising PURPOSE: Tour of nation’s capital APPROVAL Staff Travel Requests #1-3 In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve staff travel requests #1-3, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Fynan was excused. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Laura Panek DATE/TIME/PLACE ITEMIZED CATEGORIES February 18 – 20, 2016 Hershey Conference Ctr. 325 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 Transportation (car) Registration Lodging TOTALS PURPOSE: 60th Annual PA School Counselors Association conference EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $857.72 $301.32 $270.00 $286.38 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Matthew Stark DATE/TIME/PLACE ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) Registration Lodging Meals TOTALS PURPOSE: PA Educational Technology Expo & Conference (3) NAME/PARTICIPANT Heidi Martin February 21 – 24, 2016 Hershey Conference Ctr. 325 University Drive Hershey, PA 17033 DATE/TIME/PLACE February 28 – March 1, 2016 Penn Stater 215 Innovation Blvd. State College, PA 16803 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $301.32 $285.00 $540.00 $116.00 $1,242.32 -0- EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS Transportation (car) Registration Lodging Meals PASAP Membership TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $236.52 *$275.00 *$197.48 *$60.00 *$35.00 *$567.48 $236.52 *Expenses paid by IU#5 PURPOSE: PA Association of Student Assistance Professionals (PASAP) State Conference ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION Budget process timeline: March 17, 2016 – Tentative Budget Presentation April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption Mr. Mobilia announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, January 7, 2016, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were nine visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Budget Update – Mr. Jeffrey Fox provided the board with an update on the budget. His presentation included a breakdown of budgetary cuts in state funded programs (Agriculture, State Affiliated Universities, Higher Ed, Human Services, Corrections Department, etc) and how this impacts public education in Pennsylvania, specifically the North East School District. The District received its last Basic Education Funding payment on January 5, 2016 totaling $5.58 million. There will be no more BEF ($4.4 million) until a final budget is approved, but all other state and federal funding will continue. The good news is that there will be enough cash to finish out this school year. Mr. Fynan commented about the State’s lack of discussion regarding Plan Con funding. It was stated that we are still number eleven on this list. Mr. Fox encouraged all to have patience regarding budget issues. He is hopeful that near April or May there will be movement toward a final budget. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan reported that The IU has not had to draw on its Revenue Anticipatory Note and is assuming that if the PA budget is resolved soon it will not have to. Erie County Technical School – Mr. Rodgers stated that the next meeting will be in three weeks and he will report after. He also mentioned there is a Student of the Month Program at the Tech School and a North East Student, Ryan Trevelline (11th Grade) was bestowed this award in December. On another subject Mr. Mobilia asked how the Tech School was with receiving districts payments and Mr. Rodgers confirmed payments are being made thus far. School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Dr. McClard welcomed everyone back after being off for the holiday break. He shared that the District is back up and running and indicated that with winter sports and activities underway that there is most likely something going on every night including the new Indoor Percussion group. He made special note of the updated Board Mission and Vision plaques that are in the board room. They have been updated by Mr. Emick and Mr. Karns, and he commended them for their involvement with this. Dr. McClard encouraged everyone to take advantage of the multiple class offerings through Community Education and Hi-Ed, and also to be sure and read the Newsletter that had just recently been mailed to North East residents. The newsletter is also available on the North East School website and social media site. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of December 17, 2015 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mrs. Janes to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 17, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016 APPROVAL Business Item #1 1. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-5 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve business item #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the filing of a facsimile signature with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for Dr. Jane Blystone to sign on behalf of North East School District in the areas of General, Payroll, and Cafeteria funds. In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Corbin to approve personnel items #1-4, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved Ms. Erin Janes and Mr. Paul Behnken as alternate delegates to the Erie County Tax Collection Committee. 2. The Board approved Ms. Paula Neff and Ms. Selina Uglow to the list of board approved Community Education instructors for school year 2015-2016. 3. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 1 Musical Director 2 Musical Vocal Director ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 3 Intramural Hooked on Fishing 4 Intramural Track Coach Grades 6-8 5 Intramural Track Coach Grades 6-8 6 Intramural Track Coach Grades 6-8 7 Intramural Track Coach Grades 6-8 *Non-employee 4. Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Julie Kulin Julie Kulin Recommendation Step A A Step Stipend $2,038.19 $1,690.21 Stipend Recommendation Nicholas Rybak* pending Step Stipend clearances Jessica Hair Denise Pyle* Carolyn Szklenski David Uglow - Volunteer D D D D $1,553.50 $1,553.50 $1,553.50 $1,553.50 The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: SUPPORT STAFF 1 5. Tracy Phillips – Cafeteria The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 Staff Member Heidi Sanford Position/Location Teacher – Davis Primary Duration 12/22/2015 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016 APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Corbin to approve professional travel request #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Jeremy Markham DATE/TIME/PLACE February 15 & 16, 2016 Quaker Valley Middle School 618 Harbaugh Street Sewickley, PA 15143 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Registration Hotel Mileage Meals EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $1,071.92 TOTALS PURPOSE: Advanced ALICE (Alert Lockdown Inform Counter Evacuate) Training APPROVAL – 2016-2017 North East School District Calendar $595.00 294.12 $145.80 $37.00 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve the 2016-2017 North East School District Calendar the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr.Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5290-A.) ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION Budget process timeline: March 17, 2016 – Tentative Budget Presentation April 21, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion May 5, 2016 – Preliminary Budget Adoption May 19, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 2, 2016 – Budget Update and Discussion June 16, 2016 – Final Budget Adoption Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:03 PM on Thursday, December 17, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Mr. Behnken was absent. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were eight visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors met in an Executive Session prior to the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law, student issues, personnel, legal matters, and other matters relevant to the operation of the district. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Budget Update – Mr. Jeffrey Fox provided the board with an extensive update on the status of various aspects of the state budget impasse and the district’s plans to respond if the stalemate continues into the Spring. Mr. Behnken arrived at 7:10 PM during Mr. Fox’s report. The board took a brief moment at approximately 7:24 PM to have a group photograph taken for the yearbook staff and district media pages. The meeting reconvened at approximately 7:27 PM. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan reported that there was an audit presentation at the IU’s board meeting. The PSERS pension fund liability continues to be a serious issue. Three new board members were sworn in. Erie County Technical School – Mr. Rodgers Mr. Rodgers reported that approximately 150 students attended the annual Open House hosted for ninth graders and their parents. Two new members were sworn in to the ECTS board. An overview of ECTS facts and figures will be provided for these new members at the next meeting. A discussion took place regarding the number of students who do not have internet access at home. Dr. McClard offered to look into what the percentage is in North East. A decision was reached to stay with the current schedule of offering two sessions per day rather than three, as had been under consideration. The much needed renovation project continues to be a topic of discussion and a challenge. Due to the inability of some sending districts to financially contribute at this time, this project may need to be deferred until 2017-18. School Health Council – Mrs. DeGrosky We welcomed our new member Selina Uglow. Selina gave a presentation entitled "The Way to Healthy Living". Being a wellness advisor, she has a lot of knowledge and resources for living a healthy life. She promotes positive change and goal achievement. Breakfast numbers are up in the high school. A drug assembly was held at the high school. We discussed other possible ideas and programs we could promote to increase awareness to this epidemic that is preying on our children. The results from the staff wellness survey were discussed, as well as possible solutions and ideas to keep current and get better results. The Mistletoe Mile will be held this Sunday, December 20th at 6:00. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard A draft academic calendar for 2016-2017 was previously distributed to board members. The tentative first work day for instructional staff on this draft is August 25, 2016. The first day of school for students would be August 30, 2016, and the final student day and graduation would be June 8, 2017. The school district’s calendar must follow the Erie County Technical School’s calendar as closely as possible, which this draft accomplishes. Board members were asked to contact Dr. McClard if they have any questions regarding this document. The final calendar will be recommended to the board for approval in January. A volunteer is needed to represent the school board as an alternative delegate to the Erie County Tax Commission. Thanks were expressed to Mr. Eric Riedel for his willingness to represent the school board on the North East Recreation Commission board. Dr. McClard pledged to promptly pass along any news that he might receive regarding the state budget impasse. Board members and all were wished a very happy holiday on behalf of Mr. Fox and Dr. McClard. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular and Organizational Meetings of December 3, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular and Organizational Meetings of December 3, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Prior to the vote on Business items, Mr. Rodgers requested that Mr. Fox consider providing a review of the Treasurers Report for the board at a January meeting. Mr. Fox agreed to do that at the meeting of January 21st. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 9 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Janes to approve business items #1-9 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-A) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-B) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-C) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-D) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated November 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-E) 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated November 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-F) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending November 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-G) 6. The Board approved the Auditor General’s response for years ending June 30, 2013 and 2014 as attached. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5285-H) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 7. The Board accepted the 2014-2015 annual Audit Report as presented by the auditing firm of Buffamante Whipple & Buttafaro, PC, on November 19, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5286-A) 8. The Board approved changes to the district’s chart of accounts and budget transfers as detailed in the attached document and as per new chart of account regulations mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5286-B) 9. The Board acknowledged receipt of approval by the Pennsylvania Department of Education of PlanCon K for the General Obligation Bonds, Series of 2015, as required by PDE. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5286-C) APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-4 1. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Riedel to approve personnel items #1-4, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 2 2. Staff Member Noreen Tuttle Kelly Wagner Position/Location Secretary – North East Middle School Teacher – North East Intermediate Elem. Duration 12/17/2015 – 12/21/2015 12/7/2015 – 12/22/2015 The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Baseball Assistant Coach Baseball Assistant Coach Boys Basketball Assistant Coach – Grade 7 Track Head Coach Track Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 6 Senior Chorus ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 7 Middle School Chorus INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 8 Intramural Hooked on Fishing 1 2 3 4 5 Recommendation Nicholas Grow* Shaun McElhinny* Caryn Krahe Richard Gregg* Amanda Warren Recommendation Julie Kulin Recommendation Julie Kulin Recommendation Constance Kocon-Rybak* Step B D D Step A Step A Step - Stipend $2,376.86 Volunteer Volunteer $6,214.00 $3,107.00 Stipend $745.68 Stipend $745.68 Stipend Volunteer *Non-employee 3. The Board added the name of Ms. Elizabeth Tanner to the list of board approved game workers for school year 2015-2016. 4. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 3 4 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Tiffany Crozier – Elementary K-6 Carly Eades – Elementary K-6 and Special Education N-12 pending physical/PPD SUPPORT STAFF James Beach – Van Drivers and Van Aides Ashley Connors – Cafeteria NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2015 Dr. McClard brought to the board’s attention a handout detailing Community Education opportunities scheduled to be offered in the new year. There will be a wide variety of wonderful courses offered thanks to the hard work of Mrs. Rizzo. The public is encouraged to take advantage of this programming. APPROVAL – BOARD REPRESENTATIVE TO NORTH EAST RECREATION COMMISSION APPROVAL – EXPULSION STUDENT A In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mrs. Janes to approve Mr. Eric Riedel as representative from the North East Board of School Directors to the North East Recreation Commission the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr.Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr.Mobilia, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mr. Riedel. Motion carried. In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve the Waiver and Stipulation Agreement for the expulsion of Student A, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION January 2016 – Transfinder Bus Routing Software Proposal. This software would assist with maximizing loaded miles and enable the school district to collect the most revenue possible. January 2016 – Academic Calendar approval for 2016-2017 Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:10 PM on Thursday, December 3, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately thirty visitors present. AGENDA REVISIONS Dr. McClard announced that Dr. Jane Blystone’s name should be added to Business Item #1 for approval of her electronic signature to be submitted to the PA Department of Education. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Mr. David Uglow of 11229 East Law Road stood and congratulated the new board members on behalf of his wife, Selina Uglow, who was out of town on this evening and unable to attend. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Mr. Corbin reminded everyone that a representative from the school board is needed to sit on the Recreation Commission board beginning in January if possible. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan said that a draft of this year’s single audit was just received this week and has been forwarded to Mr. Fox for his review. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard welcomed all of the new members to the board and extended an invitation for them to contact him with any questions or concerns that they may have. He also congratulated Dr. Blystone on her appointment as board president. Board members were asked to please arrive ten minutes early for the meeting of December 17th in order to have a group photograph taken for the yearbook. The academic calendar for 2016-2017 is now in the planning stages. Dr. McClard hopes to have a rough draft available for the board to review at the next meeting. The auditorium was packed for last night’s Band performance, and the holiday Choral concert for the middle & high school choruses is scheduled for Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00 PM. Regarding the state budget stalemate, there is word that there may possibly be a tentative vote this weekend. The current proposal lifts state sales tax exemptions on a number of services; it remains to be seen how it would affect the local economy and Erie area tourism. Dr. McClard was cautiously optimistic that a state budget may finally be approved this month. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 19, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Item #1 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve business item #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 1. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-5 1. The Board approved the attached resolution approving the use of an electronic signature for Board President Jane Blystone to be accepted as legally enforceable on contracts, agreements, grants and/or licenses with the Pennsylvania Department of Education. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5282-A.) In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve personnel items #1-5 with a separation on item #1, individual #3, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 2 Staff Member Tammy Aldrich Kira Borgia Position/Location Aide – North East Intermediate Elem. Teacher – North East Middle School Duration 12/16/2015 – 2/10/2016 (Intermittent) 10/15/2015 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) 2. The Board added the name of Mr. Michael Wydro to the list of board approved game workers for school year 2015-2016. 3. The Board approved an unpaid leave of absence for Ms. Lindsay Kalika beginning approximately April 12, 2016 through June 7, 2016. 4. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Boys Basketball Assistant Coach Girls Basketball Assistant Coach Swimming Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 4 Intramural Basketball Gr5&6 approx 30 hrs 5 Intramural Basketball Gr5&6 approx 30 hrs 6 Intramural Weight Lifting Gr6-8 approx 25 hrs *Non-employee 1 2 3 5. 1. Step Step Stipend Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation David Lanahan* Amanda Walker John Beaumont Step C A D Stipend $14.65/Hr $13.02/Hr $16.28/Hr The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 APPROVAL Personnel Item #1 Individual #3 Recommendation Jon Sedelmyer Madison McFeely* Thomas Steele* Recommendation SUPPORT STAFF Nicholas Geraci – Instructional Aides pending child abuse clearance, PDE6004 and physical/PPD In a motion by Mr. Corbin and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve personnel item #1, individual #3, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. Janes. Motion carried. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 3 Staff Member Kathleen Gallagher Position/Location Teacher – North East High School Duration 11/19/2015 – 6/7/2016 (Intermittent) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to approve student travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Band – 5 students Stephan DeGrosky DATE/TIME/PLACE January 28 – 30, 2016 Cameron County HS 601 Woodlawn Avenue Emporium, PA 15834 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (van) Substitute Registration Lodging (staff) Meals (staff) TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $172.50 $160.00 $735.00 $259.42 $66.00 $1,392.92 PURPOSE: PMEA District 2 Band In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Riedel to approve the North East School District Comprehensive Plan to be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of APPROVAL Education the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Behnken, COMPREHENSIVE Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mrs. Janes, Mr. Mobilia, PLAN Mr. Riedel, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5283-A.) Mr. Fynan reminded everyone that Monday is Pearl Harbor Day, and he hoped that the district would mark the occasion in some way with the students. Mrs. DeGrosky affirmed that the students do discuss this event at school. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION December 17, 2016 – Board Photo prior to the regular meeting January 2016 – Audit Report acceptance January 2016 – Academic Calendar for 2016-2017 Dr. Blystone announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. Mr. Rodgers expressed thanks and appreciation to Mr. Corbin for all of his time and contributions during his tenure as board president. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:25 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in an Organizational Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, December 3, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately thirty visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. ELECTION – Temporary President Nominations: Upon a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Dr. Blystone, Mr. Rodgers was nominated as Temporary President. Upon a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Mr. Mobilia, it was RESOLVED to close the nominations. An all “Aye” vote was taken. Mr. Rodgers was declared Temporary President. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION read by temporary president David Rodgers: I, Edward DiMattio Jr., the undersigned Chairman of the Erie County Board of Elections of Said county, hereby certify, that after tabulating the votes cast at the Municipal Election, held on the 3rd day of November, 2015, in said county, that Paul Behnken, Jennifer DeGrosky, Andrew Fynan, Erin Janes and Eric Riedel were duly elected to the office School Director at Large for the North East School District in the county aforesaid. The newly elected board members were sworn in by Judge Stephanie Domitrovich: Paul Behnken, Jennifer DeGrosky, Andrew Fynan, Erin Janes, and Eric Riedel. I do solemnly swear that I will support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity. ELECTION – President Nominations Upon a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mrs. Janes, Dr. Blystone was nominated as President. Upon a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Mobilia, it was RESOLVED to close the nominations. By acclamation Dr. Blystone was declared President. ELECTION – Vice President Nominations Upon a motion by Mrs. DeGrosky and second by Mr. Riedel, Mr. Mobilia was nominated as Vice President. Upon a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky it was RESOLVED to close the nominations. By acclamation Mr. Mobilia was declared Vice President. ELECTION – Regular Meetings, Locations, & Times Upon a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mrs. DeGrosky, it was approved that the regular meetings of the Board of School Directors take place on the first and third Thursday of each month in the North East Elementary Center Board Room at 7:00 PM with the following changes: No meetings during the month of July 2016 ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the organization meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:05 PM on Thursday, November 19, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately thirty visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Mr. Corbin announced that the North East Board of School Directors met in an Executive Session prior to the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. RECOGNITION OF STUDENTS AND STAFF Donation Presentation – Ms. Luanne McIntosh presented a $1200 donation to the school district from the American Legion. The funds are to be used toward the purchase of winter outerwear for students in need. Mr. Jonathan Currier was introduced by Mr. Beardsley and recognized with a certificate for the achievement of a Golden Apple Award presented by WJET and Edinboro University. Mr. Currier currently teaches fourth grade at North East Intermediate Elementary. 2015-2016 American Field Service Students and their host families were introduced to the board by AFS Advisor Ms. Sherry Elchynski. Host families and the board were thanked for their support of this very worthwhile program. Exchange Student Amanda Botelho Pedro Murga Mara Parentic Luisa Sobirey Danielle Visser Sending Country Brazil Brazil Croatia Germany Australia Host Family Mr. & Mrs. Chris Zelenak Mr. & Mrs. Brian Penfield Mr. & Mrs. David Scotch Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Penrod Ms. Kimberly Girts The following Board members whose terms are expiring in December were recognized and thanked for their service to the school district and the community: Mr. James Mazza – four years on the school board since December 2011 Mr. George Sucha – twelve years on the board from 2001 to 2009 and again from 2011 to the present Mrs. Kathleen Weinheimer – twelve years on the board since December 2003 PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Audit Report – Mr. David DiTanna of Buffamante, Whipple & Buttafaro reviewed highlights of the independent audit report for the fiscal year 2014-2015. The district earned an excellent audit with all financial statements found to be in compliance with generally accepted accounting practices. High School School Performance Profile Report – Mr. Regan Tanner reviewed SPP score results now available for 2014-15. SPP scores are the result of Keystone assessment tests administered statewide to high school juniors only. North East High School did very well with an overall score of 90.2 which was the best overall score of all the Erie County school districts. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan said that as of earlier this week the I.U. still has not had to draw on the revenue anticipation note. They expect to need to borrow approximately $6 million if the state budget impasse continues. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – Although there was no committee meeting to report on, Mrs. DeGrosky shared that some members of the School Health Council met last week to review the school health index score card survey. They discussed strengths and weaknesses and possible improvements, and look for many great things to come. Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard A representative from the school board is needed to serve on the North East Recreation Commission to take the place of Kathie Weinheimer, hopefully effective in January. Dr. McClard thanked Mrs. Weinheimer for her dedication to this extra responsibility over the years. The North East High School play – “Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat and Charles M. Schultz’s A Charlie Brown Christmas” will be presented on Friday, November 20th at 7:00 PM and on Saturday, November 21st at 2:00 PM and 7:00 PM. Dr. McClard said that he is looking forward to this and encouraged everyone to attend. The proposed Comprehensive Plan is still on review the mandated 28-day review period. There are some adjustments to be made to this document. These adjustments will be made and shared with the board prior to the meeting of December 3, 2015. Dr. McClard recognized and welcomed Mr. Nathan Otis in the audience. Mr. Otis is a member of the North East Middle School teaching staff. He is currently enrolled in an administrative course at Edinboro University and had to attend a board meeting as part of the requirements for that class. Dr. McClard thanked everyone for the good school year we have enjoyed to date. He wished everyone a happy Thanksgiving and a well deserved break. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of November 5, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 5, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 8 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve business items #1-8 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5276-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5276-B.) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5276-C.) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated October 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5276-D.) 4. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated October 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5276-E.) 5. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending October 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5276-F.) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 6. The Board appointed Attorney Gary Eiben of The McDonald Group, LLP, as special counsel on behalf of the North East School District in the matter of tax exemption status for Millcreek Manor. 7. The Board approved the Resolution not to exceed the Act 1 Index for 2016-2017. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5277-A.) 8. The Board approved the submission of PlanCon K for the General Obligation Bonds, Series of 2015, to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5277-B.) The Board broke for an Executive Session at 8:17 PM and resumed the public meeting at 8:25 PM. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-6 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve personnel items #1-6 with a separation on item #6, individual #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Ms. Kimberly Spisak (District Substitute List) as a Cook’s Helper – 2.75 Hours per day (North East Elementary Center) at a salary of $11.21 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective November 20, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $12.45 per hour. 2. The Board adjusted the work hours of the following instructional aides at their regular rate of pay effective November 20, 2015: Previous Adjusted Hrs/Day Hrs/Day Bailey, Douglas Davis Primary 2.5 3.75 Beardsley, Susan Intermediate Elementary 7.0 7.5* Seth, Michelle Davis Primary 2.0 3.0 *Mondays – Thursdays for the balance of the current school year only Employee 3. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 2 4. Staff Member Cathy Duma Jennifer Wilson Position/Location Teacher – North East High School Teacher – North East High School Duration 11/13/15 – 6/7/16 (Intermittent) 10/26/15 – 6/7/16 (Intermittent) The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 5. School SUPPORT STAFF Bridget Dobrowski – Cafeteria Walter Charles Randall – Van Aides & Drivers (No CDL) pending PDE6004 and Act 168 The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. Cody Regan as an assistant swim coach for 2015-2016. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 6. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 2 Intramural Ski Club Gr6-12 (substitute) 3 Intramural Volleyball Gr. 5&6 approx 25 hrs 4 Intramural Volleyball Gr. 5&6 approx 25 hrs Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Carolyn Szklenski Paige Macadaeg Amy North Step D B D Stipend $16.28/Hr $13.84/Hr $16.28/Hr *Non-employee APPROVAL Personnel Item #6, Individual #1 6. In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve personnel item #6, individual #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky and Mr. Fynan. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: 1 APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 Recommendation Paul Becker DATE/TIME/PLACE January 19, 2016 Doubletree 910 Stanton Drive Mars, PA 16046 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Stipend $2,734.16 Transportation (car) Substitute Registration EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $450.10 TOTALS PURPOSE: BER seminar – Practical Strategies to Address the Challenges of Today’s School Nurse THIRD READING WAIVED – POLICY 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits Revised Step A In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve staff travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Janice Brabender COACHING POSITIONS Swimming Assistant Coach $131.10 $80.00 $239.00 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Ms. Weinheimer to waive the third reading of Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Mr. Rodgers. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 AMENDMENT TO POLICY REVISIONS Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits Revised In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Ms. Weinheimer to amend the wording of Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits – Revised to match the wording in the NEEA contract with regard to the definition of a work day, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Mr. Fynan. Motion carried. APPROVAL Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits Revised In a motion by Mr. Sucha and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits – Revised As Amended, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Mr. Fynan and Mr. Rodgers. Motion carried. (Copy attached herein page/ref# 5279-A.) ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION December 3, 2015 - Reorganizational Meeting ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:41 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, November 5, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately 12 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. AGENDA REVISIONS Dr. McClard announced that an additional staff trip was added to this evening’s agenda for Mr. Karns to attend an AmeriCorps meeting on November 15th. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Ms. Nicole Willett-Evans of Seven North Mill Street thanked the Board for offering bus service for students living on Mill Street, then voiced complaints regarding the transportation department. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Comprehensive Plan – Dr. Jennifer Ritter provided an overview of the proposed Comprehensive Plan which is currently posted on the district’s website for a mandatory 28-day review period. This plan is the collaborative effort of a diverse committee of over 40 members including staff and students, administrators, parents, community members and business leaders. Any suggestions for edits to this plan should be brought to the attention of the superintendent in time for consideration by the entire planning committee. The Comprehensive Plan will be recommended to the Board for approval at the meeting of December 3rd. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Kathleen Weinheimer Indoor Soccer – It was brought up that more advance notice is needed when the school gym will be unavailable for soccer. Swimming – The swim season ended October 20. Everything went well. Volleyball – This program is up in the air. If anyone knows someone who may be interested in running the program, please let us know. Basketball – The basketball logo received from Pat Fordyce was great. However, because we recently found out that a maximum of only two colors can be printed, we were unable to use it. Balls will be ordered without a logo this year in order to meet the order deadline. Little Gridders Football – No proposals have been received for this program. Outdoor Soccer – Details are still being coordinated for this program. Under new business, the committee voted to keep wages the same for next year’s Summer Recreation program. The Budget was discussed and accepted. This was Kathie Weinheimer’s last meeting. The school district should begin looking for someone else to take her place. The next meeting will take place in January. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Andrew Fynan At the October meeting the PIL contract was finalized through Gentile Consulting. Financial concerns still continue but cash flow from the districts has helped the IU to get along without having to borrow money up until now. They will probably need to take out a note later in November and will be looking to borrow approximately six million dollars. There will be no meeting of the I.U. board in November. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 A discussion took place regarding financial concerns of the school district in light of the ongoing state budget impasse. Mr. Fox shared that the district will receive federal funds due from the 2014-15 school year in midNovember. Federal and state funds for the school lunch program also continue to flow. Mr. Fynan pointed out that even after a budget is finally approved at the state level it will take some time for funds to be disbursed. Mr. Fox feels that the district would not need to take any financial action until February but he will begin serious contingency planning if nothing is settled by mid-December. Erie County Technical School – David Rodgers Discussion at last week’s work session centered around the advisability of contracting with SmartEdge for a guaranteed energy savings program. This company evaluates energy usage and makes proposals for upgrades which are guaranteed to save energy and money in the long run. Mr. Rodgers feels that the school district would also do well to consider such a program. ECTS went live with a new website this week which is more interactive and user friendly. Board members were encouraged to check it out. The revised ECTS budget for 2015-2016 is recommended for approval on this evening’s meeting agenda. There is no change in the monthly payments due from sending districts. Some internal fund transfers had become necessary, and this was a voluntary re-opening of their budget in the interest of transparency. School Health Council – Jennifer DeGrosky The youth triathlon was a success with 80 kids in attendance. Push-ups for charity was also a success. Respiratory stomach virus was extremely bad in September. Jan Brabender attended a national health conference this summer and brought back an immense amount of information. Through the summer months, Jan Brabender researched what the best new direction would be for the WellSAT (Wellness School Assessment Tool). She found a WellSAT tool that was a direct school health index. It included health and safety policies, physical education, nutrition, school health services, school counseling, health promotion for staff, family and community involvement, and planning for improvement. This tool includes everything we need, and council members agreed that this is the best path to take. More meetings to follow with more information. Wellness Wednesday continues with information blurbs and flyers. Toilet talk at the high school also gives the students information on health issues during their powder room visits. The opiate problem was discussed and whether our school should have standing orders for Narcan. Narcan helps to reverse the effects of certain drug overdoses. The council discussed how we should pursue our outdated AED (automated external defibrillator) models. Thanks to our very efficient superintendent and business manager, the new AEDs were sitting on Jan Brabender's desk a week and a half later. Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Thanks were extended to Dr. Ritter and the members of the Comprehensive Planning committee for all of their hard work, time and effort in putting the plan together. Today’s Erie Times News listed North East High School as having the highest School Performance Profile (SPP) score among local school districts. The high school’s score has also qualified them for the governor’s achievement award. Mr. Tanner will be presenting SPP data at the next board meeting. Thanks to Mr. Tanner, the high school staff and students for a job well done. Congratulations are also due to the North East High School Marching Band for winning their sixth consecutive LMBA championship this past weekend. The band earned many awards for their fantastic show. North East High School will be presenting “Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat and Charles M. Schultz’s A Charlie Brown Christmas” on November 20th at 7:00 PM and November 21st at 2:00 and 7:00 PM. This promises to be a wonderful performance and all are encouraged to attend. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 Very positive feedback continues regarding the district’s new FaceBook page which is updated daily throughout the week. Parents seem to be very appreciative of this format for sharing news and information. In athletics, the Girls’ Cross Country team captured the District X title this fall and will go on to compete on Saturday in Hershey. Girls’ Volleyball defeated Harbor Creek last evening and will advance to semi-finals tomorrow night against Conneaut in Meadville. The Football team has one more regular season game tomorrow night vs. Reynolds. They have also qualified for the playoffs and will face off against Hickory next weekend. The local audit report has been received from BWB. It is hoped that they will be able to schedule an audit presentation to the school board either on November 19th or in December. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of October 15, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 15, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Prior to the vote on Business, Mr. Fynan advised that all references to North East School District should be removed from the old band trailer before it is sold. APPROVAL Business Item #1 1. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-4 1. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve business item #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the attached resolution authorizing the disposal of surplus property. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5271-A.) In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve personnel items #1-4 with a separation on item #2, individual #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 3 4 5 6 2. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Tiffany Duran – Early Childhood Education PK-4 Sandra Johnson – Elementary K-6 and Early Childhood N-3 pending Act 168 SUPPORT STAFF JoAnne Hassett – Instructional Aides pending Physical/PPD and Act 168 Sandra Johnson – Cafeteria pending Act 168 William Mowris, Jr. – Van Aides and Van Drivers (No CDL) Dane Sauter - Custodial The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: 2 3 4 5 6 COACHING POSITIONS Baseball Head Coach Track Assistant Coach Track First Assistant Coach Spring Weight Training Coach Wrestling Assistant Coach Recommendation David Scotch* Matthew Puskar Thomas Pyle Shawn Humes Mark Hughes Step D B D B - Stipend $4,163.38 $2,640.95 $3,417.70 $879.96 Volunteer NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None recommended for this meeting INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 7 Intramural Cross Country Ski Advisor 8 Intramural Art Club 9 Intramural Art Club 10 Intramural Dance Team Gr 7&8 approx 25 hrs 11 Intramural Dance Team Gr 7&8 approx 25 hrs 12 Intramural Hooked on Fishing 13 Intramural Girls Volleyball Gr3-6 approx 25 hrs *Non-employee 3. Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Tamara Maas* Susan Johannes Caryn Krahe Jessica Hair Kristen Righi* Bryan Slater* pending clearances Sherry Elchynski Step D A C D B D Stipend $16.28/Hr $13.02/Hr $14.65/Hr $16.28/Hr $13.84/Hr Volunteer $16.28/Hr The Board employed Mrs. Denise Fox (District Substitute List) as a Long-term Day-to-Day Substitute Grade Two Teacher – Davis Primary School, at a salary of $230.02 per day (Step B-1, $42,783.00), effective retroactive to October 5, 2015 through approximately January 21, 2016, without benefits and excluding tuition reimbursement. 4. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 APPROVAL Personnel Item #2, Individual #1 2. Staff Member Gloria Duink Position/Location Secretary – N.E. Intermediate Elementary Duration 11/23/15 – 12/4/15 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve personnel item #2, individual #1, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mr. Mazza. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individual for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS 1 Boys Basketball Assistant Coach *Non-employee Recommendation David Mazza* Step - Stipend Volunteer Mr. Fynan spoke in favor of the Medal of Honor Program and said that he is glad to see two teachers interested in possibly bringing it to North East High School. APPROVAL Staff Travel Requests #1-3 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve Staff Travel requests #1-3 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Greg Henning Kenneth M. Hughes DATE/TIME/PLACE November 20, 2015 8:30 – 3:00 Allegheny IU3 475 Waterfront Homestead, PA 15120 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) Substitute Meals TOTALS *Substitute cost to be reimbursed by the program following completion PURPOSE: Medal of Honor Program - To help develop a class to be offered at NEHS (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Steve Chizewick DATE/TIME/PLACE December 2, 2015 PaTTAN 3190 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) Tolls Meals TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $169.05 *$160.00 $8.00 *$160.00 $177.05 EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $157.75 EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $106.38 $143.75 $6.00 $8.00 PURPOSE: Planning for the Future – Transition Meeting (3) NAME/PARTICIPANT Steve Karns DATE/TIME/PLACE November 15, 2015 Allegheny Grill 40 Main Street Parker, PA 16049 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) TOTALS $106.38 PURPOSE: AmeriCorps Meeting FIRST READING Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits Revised Policy 4171 – Personnel – Substitute Teacher Compensation and Fringe Benefits – Revised – First Reading. Discussion took place regarding pay rates for both day-to-day and long-term substitutes. Mr. Fox will make more information and options available to the board for the next meeting. APPROVAL Erie County Technical School 2015-2016 General Fund Budget Revised In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve the Erie County Technical School 2015-2016 General Fund Budget – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5273-A.) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION November 19, 2015 – Introduction of Foreign Exchange Students November 19 OR December 3 or 17, 2016 – Audit Report by BWB, PC November 19, 2015 – SPP Presentation for NEHS results December 3, 2015 – Reorganizational Meeting December 3, 2015 – Comprehensive Plan approval Mr. Rodgers inquired as to the timeline for the application process to take out a loan should it become necessary, and discussion followed. Mr. Sennett advised that the most time consuming task would be for the business manager to contact the banks, after which the actual application does not take long. Mr. Corbin announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, October 15, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were eight visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Ms. Stacy Pondo of 4335 Emily Drive thanked the board for taking care of the baseball and softball fields over the past month and encouraged them to see that regular upkeep of the fields continues. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS/ITEMS OF INFORMATION North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan shared information regarding a web conference being hosted by the Intermediate Unit next Tuesday, October 20th and encouraged board members to register. The topic of discussion will be the impact of the state budget impasse on public schools. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard said that the In-Service day this past Monday was a very productive one with administrators working closely with staff on a number of important topics including data analysis of PSSA achievement and growth results, differentiated supervision planning and SLO completion, alignment of curriculum within and across departments, department and grade level meetings, and Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) training for teachers in grades K-2. Work continues on the district’s Comprehensive Plan. The intention is to have this completed and ready to be presented to the board at the meeting of November 5th. Individual meetings are being scheduled at various businesses as a follow up to the business leaders’ breakfast which was hosted by the district in September. Dr. McClard and/or Mr. Fox will be visiting local businesses that requested a meeting to discuss different ways that they may partner with the school district. Dr. McClard has been very encouraged by the response from local business leaders and feels that these meetings will lead to some interesting and mutually profitable partnerships. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of October 1, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 1, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Prior to the vote on Business items, Mr. Fynan asked if any budgetary adjustments were being looked at in response to the state budget impasse. Mr. Fox responded that the district did recently defer a large payment of employer funds to PSERS as permitted by law. With the receipt of local taxes, Mr. Fox does not believe that any adjustments will need to be made to the budget prior to the end of the calendar year. Mr. Fynan also inquired about a contingency plan which would affect personnel. Dr. McClard replied that this has not been discussed but may be considered later on if it becomes necessary. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 APPROVAL Business Items #1 - 7 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve business items #1-7 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-B.) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-C.) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Bill Listing in the amount of $90,646.00. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-D.) 4. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated September 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-E.) 5. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated September 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-F.) 6. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending September 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-G.) 7. The Board approved the Exoneration of Delinquent Property Taxes for Trailers Either Removed or Destroyed as prepared by the Assessment Office of Erie County. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5265-H.) APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-9 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel items #1-9 with separations on item #9, individuals #1, 3, and 19, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Ms. Sarah Bull as a Full-time Elementary Teacher, Grade One – Davis Primary, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,880 (Step M1 prorated) with respective benefits. This position is for the 2015-2016 school year only, effective October 16, 2015 through June 7, 2016. 2. The Board employed Ms. Michelle Seth (District Substitute List) as a Part-time Instructional Aide (2 hours per day) – Davis Primary, at a salary of $11.75 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective October 16, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $13.05 per hour. 3. The Board employed Ms. Paula Kraft (District Substitute List) as a Long-term Day-toDay Substitute Grade One Teacher – Davis Primary, at a salary of $230.02 per day (Step B-1, $42,783), effective retroactive to September 8 through October 16, 2015 without benefits and excluding tuition reimbursement. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 4. The Board employed Mr. Jonathan Jones as a Part-time Utility Maintenance employee (6 hours per day) at a salary of $12.79 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective October 26, 2015 pending remaining clearance paperwork. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 5. The Board approved the transfer of Ms. Lisa Gross from Cook’s Helper – 2.75 Hours per day (North East Elementary Center) to Cook’s Helper – 3 Hours per day (North East High School) at a salary of $12.45 per hour without benefits for a forty-five-working-day probationary period as per contract effective November 9, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 6. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 Staff Member Rachael Merry Position/Location Teacher – Davis Primary Duration 10/27/15 – 6/7/16 (Intermittent) 7. The Board acknowledged tenure granted to Mr. Ryan Neal on October 5, 2015 by the Cameron County School District as per the regulations of Pennsylvania School Code. 8. The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 3 9. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Emily O’Neil – Elementary K-6 pending physical/PPD and Act 168 disclosure SUPPORT STAFF Kravis Pfeiffer – Custodial/Maintenance pending Act 168 disclosure Lisa Pfeiffer – Transportation Aides and Custodial The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Girls Basketball Assistant Coach Cross Country Assistant Coach Gr 7&8 ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 5 Intramural Cross Country Ski, approx 25 hrs 6 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard 7 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard 8 Intramural Swim Coach, approx 35 hrs 9 Intramural Swim – Substitute Coach 10 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard 11 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard 12 Intramural Swim – Substitute Coach 13 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard 14 Intramural Swim – Substitute Coach 15 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard 2 4 16 Intramural Swim Coach, approx 35 hrs 17 Intramural Swim Lifeguard, approx 35 hrs 18 Intramural Swim – Substitute Lifeguard *Non-employee Recommendation W. Scott McFeely Jr.* Matthew Puskar Recommendation Step A Step Stipend Volunteer $2,087.90 Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Jon Sedelmyer Dylan Bemiss* Eliza Clark* Kristen Currier* Kim Girts Morgan Girts* Marcus Haeseler* Loree Lutz* Ryan Lutz* Cody Regan* Jonah Sargent* Allison Smith* pdg clearances & Step D D C D B - Stipend $16.28/Hr $8.75/Hr $8.75/Hr $16.28/Hr $14.65/Hr $8.75/Hr $8.75/Hr $16.28/Hr $8.75/Hr $13.84/Hr $8.75/Hr A $13.02/Hr - $8.75/Hr $8.75/Hr physical/PPD Jacob Steger* Jacob Watts* NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel item #9, individuals #1 and #3, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Sucha. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Ms. Weinheimer. Motion carried. APPROVAL Personnel Item #9 Individuals #1&3 9. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS 1 Girls Basketball Assistant Coach 3 Girls Basketball Assistant Coach *Non-employee Step - Stipend Volunteer Volunteer In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel item #9, individual #19, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mr. Sucha. Motion carried. APPROVAL Personnel Item #9 Individual #19 9. Recommendation David Lanahan* James Weinheimer* The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 19 Intramural Swim – Substitute Coach *Non-employee Recommendation Debra Wright* Step D Stipend $16.28/Hr At this point in the meeting Dr. Ritter stood and thanked those individuals who were assisted with the interview process in the search for a new first grade teacher. Ms. Sarah Bull was introduced and welcomed to the district. APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve Student Travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Grades 3-5 approx. 400 students Classroom teachers DATE/TIME/PLACE November 5 & 6, 2015 North East Bowling Lanes 180 West Main Street North East, PA 16428 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (bus) Admission TOTALS EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$155.00 *$2,000.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT *2,155.00 -0- -0- *All expenses paid out of student activities account / fundraising PURPOSE: Celebration for Kids on the Go Prior to the vote on Staff Travel, Dr. Blystone stated that she had researched the cost of alternative travel arrangements for the proposed staff trip to Washington, DC. She feels that the district does not need to send two individuals on this trip, and that it would be less expensive to fly rather than drive. Following discussion the majority of board members were supportive of approving the trip as recommended. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve Staff Travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” –Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Dr. Blystone. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Regan Tanner Patricia Callan DATE/TIME/PLACE ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) Substitute Lodging Meals Parking TOTALS PURPOSE: National Blue Ribbon School Award Conference APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #2 November 8 – 10, 2015 Omni Shoreham Hotel 2500 Calvert Street N.W. Washington, DC 20008 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $448.50 $160.00 $810.68 $114.00 $85.00 $1,618.18 -0- In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve Staff Travel request #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” –Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Regan Tanner EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- DATE/TIME/PLACE December 6 – 8, 2015 Hershey Lodge & Conference Center Hershey, PA ITEMIZED CATEGORIES EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- Transportation (car) Registration Lodging Meals TOTALS PURPOSE: PDE – SAS Institute “Strategies for Student Success” and Blue Ribbon State Ceremony EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $336.38 $100.00 $286.38 $43.00 $765.76 ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION Dr. McClard would like to invite this year’s foreign exchange students along with their host families to meet the board at the meeting of November 19th. Presentation of the proposed Comprehensive Plan is tentatively scheduled for the meeting of November 5th. Mr. Corbin announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:22 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, October 1, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia and Mr. Rodgers were excused. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were eight visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS/ITEMS OF INFORMATION Administrators Presentation of PSSA Test Results – Dr. Ritter opened the presentation by explaining that although Davis Primary students do not take the PSSA’s, her building is responsible for the third grade reading scores. Mr. Emick reviewed test results for the Intermediate Elementary and Mr. Beardsley reviewed same for the Middle School. Because last year was a base line year for the new tests, no comparative date is available. However, preliminary scores for both buildings averaged above both the state and county averages. Because Keystone test scores are not yet available from the state, High School results will be shared at a later date. Mr. Tanner spoke regarding the National Blue Ribbon School award which was officially announced this week. North East High School earned this award for closing the achievement gap. Mr. Tanner plans to attend the recognition ceremony in Washington, DC in November. Fund Balance Commitments – Mr. Fox reviewed and explained the report of recommended fund commitments which the board has been asked to approve as Business Item #2 on this evening’s agenda, at the recommendation of the auditors. Brief discussion followed. The fund commitments being approved may be adjusted again if necessary. Going forward this report should be approved annually in the spring. Regarding repairs needed to the Middle School, the tentative plan is to begin to address these once state reimbursement funds are received from the High School renovation project. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Kathleen Weinheimer reported the following: Beach Lifeguards: Some written complaints were received from some lifeguards and a parent about Fritz Holzhausens’s actions at the beach. Local police were called to the beach to review the circumstances. No further action will be taken by the Recreation Commission. Any further action will be decided by the North East Township supervisors. It was brought up that we need a better phone line and this will be checked into. Soccer Program: Used soccer balls have been successfully sent to Haiti. The soccer program starts the last week in September. There are 285 students and 29 adults enrolled. There is still a need for coaches. They should have one coach for every ten students. Basketball Program: This program starts in January. Jen Spencer agreed to run this program again. Little Gridders: Jen and John Spencer are willing to run a football program. They will be looking into seeing if this will be workable through the Recreation Commission. Erie Youth Soccer Association will not be able to take over the soccer program. They cannot fill the already existing positions at this time. New Business: Swim lessons will begin again on October 5th. Ten lessons will be offered at a cost of $30 per child in grades K-2. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan said the IU board discussed a personnel matter involving the search for a long-term substitute for a speech therapist who was approved for an extended maternity leave. Additionally at last week’s meeting some members expressed objections to the expenditure of funds for speakers contracted for the SAS conference in Hershey. Honorarium funds for guest speakers, which are the IU’s responsibility, may run as high as $16,000 plus expenses. Mr. Fynan and some other board members feel that these events should be offered less frequently and that the funds would be better spent toward resources for students. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 Erie County Technical School – Although Mr. Rodgers was not able to be present at this meeting, he had previously emailed board members to report that the major topic of last week’s meeting was a presentation by Julia Herzing of Knox, McLaughlin, Gornall & Sennett regarding transgender student issues. Current laws regarding these issues are ambiguous and our counselors expect this to evolve significantly as the laws are challenged. Mr. Rogers recommended that arrangements be made for this same presentation to be given at North East. School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report Dr. McClard commended district staff, students and parents for the caring commitment to student programs, positive attitudes and school pride that is evident at North East School District. As evidence of this he pointed to the band’s recent achievement of Class A Champions at regional competition this past weekend. This is a result of everyone working together and does not just happen by accident. This is Homecoming week with the football game tomorrow night and the dance on Saturday. It will be a busy weekend and again represents what our community is all about. Along those same lines, Dr. McClard expressed thanks to Roberts Trucking for supplying the truck to haul the band trailer at no cost. They have been very gracious in supporting the music program for students. Saturday Superstars will resume this Saturday and will run through April. First grade teachers have reported students returning to the classrooms with confidence this fall due to the extra assistance they were able to receive over the summer break. Elementary teachers coming in to assist over the summer break is yet another example of the commitment to student success which is evident district wide. A number of seventh grade and high school students attended Manufacturers Day at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie today. This was a great opportunity for our students to be exposed to an array of career options, and was very well received. The Erie City School District is sponsoring a Fund our Schools rally at Veterans Stadium tomorrow in an attempt to draw legislators’ attention to the problems caused by the state budget impasse. All local school districts have been invited to send representatives to support this initiative. Grandstanding continues at the state level with very little progress toward a settlement to date. This year’s Move the Mountain event is scheduled for the first week of November. The school district will be participating in the One Can Challenge to help support the local food pantry. Dr. McClard has forwarded a letter to board members that he would like to send out to all parents next week regarding weather procedures and state mandated notices. Board members were requested to please let him know as soon as possible if they would like to see any changes made to this letter. A handout was distributed to the board with information regarding the new district Facebook page which Maureen Rizzo has been working hard on. The intention is to use social media along with the district’s website as an additional way to provide information to parents and students and to promote the many positive events happening across campus. All individual comments must be pre-approved by the administrative office prior to being posted on the district’s page. The tentative plan is to go live with this page sometime next week if possible. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of September 17, 2015 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Ms. DeGrosky to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 17, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 6. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia and Mr. Rodgers were excused. Motion carried. APPROVAL Business Items #1 and #2 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Dr. Blystone to approve business items #1 and #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Mr.Mazza, Mr. Mobilia and Mr. Rodgers were excused. Motion carried. 1. The Board appointed Mr. Jeffrey Fox as an administrative representative to the NOREBT board on behalf of North East School District. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 2. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-6 The Board approved commitments totaling $4,886,600 of the General Fund Balance as of June 30, 2015 as detailed in the attached document. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5262A.) In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Ms. DeGrosky to approve personnel items #1-6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia and Mr. Rodgers were excused. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the transfer of Mr. John Spencer from Part-time Utility/Maintenance (6 hours per day) to Full-time Custodian (8 hours per day) – North East High School and North East Elementary Center, at a salary of $12.79 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period with benefits as per contract effective October 5, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 2. The Board accepted the retirement request of Mr. Victor Zuccolotto – Cook’s Helper, North East Middle School, effective April 1, 2016. 3. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS None ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 NEMS Yearbook Advisor INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 2 Hooked on Fishing, approx. 30 hrs 3 NEMS Reading Competition, approx. 25 hrs *Non-employee 4. Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Recommendation Cassidy Wyman Recommendation Geraldine Slater Carolyn Szklenscki Step C Step A D Stipend $838.89 Stipend $13.02/Hr $16.28/Hr The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Brittany Buzzell – Elementary K-6 and Special Education N-12 pending Phys/PPD and Act 168 disclosure forms 5. 2 Leah Johnson – Nurses 3 4 5 SUPPORT STAFF Linda Keith – Cafeteria & Aides Michelle Seth – Aides pending Child Abuse clearance and physical exam Amber Williams – Custodial pending Phys/PPD and Act 168 disclosure forms The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 6. Staff Member Kristin Fry Position/Location Teacher – North East High School Duration September 25, 2015 – June 7, 2016 (Intermittent) The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. Arlen Sanden, Transportation Supervisor, effective retroactive to September 21, 2015. Prior to the vote on Student Travel, Mr. Fynan remarked that he believes the Gettysburg trip is a phenomenal experience for students and hopes that it continues indefinitely. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2015 APPROVAL Student Travel Requests #1 & #2 In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve Student Travel requests #1 and #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia and Mr. Rodgers were excused. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Grade 8 approx. 123 students Classroom teachers Greg Beardsley Jan Brabender 10 Parent Chaperones DATE/TIME/PLACE May 19-20, 2015 Gettysburg National Military Park 950 Sunset Avenue Gettysburg, PA 17325 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (charter EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$2,800.00 EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT $7,520.00 buses) Substitutes Registration/Lodging Meals Misc: T-shirts, tips, etc $480.00 *$11,303.00 *$341.00 *$2,620.00 *$17,064.00 $8,000.00 EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $1,160.13 TOTALS *Expenses to be covered by fund raising PURPOSE: Culmination of 8th grade social studies unit (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Grade 2 approx. 130 students 6 Classroom teachers 3 Aides 1 TSS 16 Parent Chaperones DATE/TIME/PLACE October 22, 2015 Port Farms 2055 Stone Quarry Waterford, PA ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (3 buses) Admission TOTALS $380.12 $780.00 PURPOSE: To share with the children the importance of farming. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING TEAM ROSTER APPROVAL In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Sucha to approve the roster of Comprehensive Planning Team members as attached the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – 6. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia and Mr. Rodgers were excused. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5263-A.) Mr. Corbin announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:28 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, September 17, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Mr. Renne, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were approximately 12 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Jil Confer of 5321 Loomis Street and Lee Green of 8351 Williams Road both spoke in support of transportation supervisor Arlen Sanden. Arlen Sanden of Sidehill Road, North East, spoke in defense of himself. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS Dr. Frederick Johnson, Executive Director of Intermediate Unit #5, was present at this meeting. He is visiting all of the tri-county school boards to provide a brief update on the changes and improvements which have taken place at the I.U. over the past two years. Most significantly they have worked hard to improve transparency, trust and accountability. Dr. Johnson personally commended Mr. Fynan for his contributions as North East’s representative to the I.U. board. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – No Report Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard • • • • • Dr. McClard reminded everyone that the first home football game is scheduled for tomorrow evening vs. Harbor Creek. In addition to the game, the marching band will perform the first three numbers of their new program for this year. Open Houses will take place next week – Monday, September 21 at the High School, Tuesday at the Middle School, Wednesday at the Intermediate Elementary, and Thursday evening September 24 at Davis Primary. Staff members at all buildings have been working hard in preparation for next week and looking forward to seeing many people there. The first meeting of the Comprehensive Planning team took place this past Monday. This year’s team is comprised of approximately 42 volunteers including parents, teachers from all buildings, and business leaders. After Dr. McClard outlined goals and procedures, the team was divided into small groups to begin work. They hope to have an updated plan ready to be presented to the Board in November and then submitted to the state by December. The first Business Leaders breakfast for 2015-16 will take place tomorrow morning beginning at 7:30 AM. Dr. Blystone and Mr. Fynan have agreed to attend this event on behalf of the school board. Approximately 40 participants are expected to attend from various local businesses. Homecoming will take place the week of September 28th. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of September 3, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 3, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 APPROVAL Business Items #1-6 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve business items #1-6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-B.) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-C.) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Bill Listing in the amount of $4,662.50. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-D.) 4. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated August 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-E.) 5. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated August 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-F.) 6. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending August 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5256-G.) APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-11 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel items #111 with a separation on item #10, individuals #2, 10 and 11 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Ms. Melissa Conway as a Full-time Special Education Teacher, Grade Five – North East Intermediate Elementary, Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,880 (Step M-1 prorated) with respective benefits pending receipt of negative drug screen, physical/PPD and Act 168 disclosures, effective September 18, 2015. 2. The Board employed Mr. Douglas Bailey as a Part-time Instructional Aide (2.5 hours per day) – Davis Primary, at a salary of $11.75 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective September 18, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $13.05 per hour. 3. The Board employed Ms. Connie Miller (District Substitute List) as a Long-term Day-toDay Substitute Family & Consumer Science Teacher – North East Middle and North East High Schools, at a salary of $230.02 per day (Step B-1, $42,783), effective retroactive to August 24, 2015 through June 7, 2016 with benefits and excluding tuition reimbursement. 4. The Board approved termination of the employment of Mr. Matthew Kimmy as an 8-hour Custodian (North East Elementary Center and North East High School) effective retroactive to September 3, 2015. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 5. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. Staff Member Barbara Zorzie 1 Position/Location Nurse – North East Middle & High Schools Duration 10/2/15 – 6/7/16 (Intermittent) 6. The Board accepted the resignation of Ms. Emily Rhoades as Co-Head Swimming Coach for the 2015-2016 school year. 7. The Board approved Ms. Kimberly Girts as Head Swimming Coach for the 2015-2016 school year at a salary of $4,474.08 (Step A). This motion replaces previous approval of Ms. Girts as Co-Head Swimming Coach for this school year. 8. The Board accepted the resignation of Mr. Jamison Drab as a paid assistant cross country coach for 2015-16 and approve him to volunteer in this same position. 9. The Board accepted the retirement request of Mrs. Virginia Heinrich, Cook’s Helper, effective November 6, 2015. 10. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Boys Soccer Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 3 Technology Student Association ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 4 Intramural Girls Basketball Gr 5&6 5 Intramural Cross Country Gr 5 approx 30 hrs 6 Intramural Geography Bee approx 15 hrs 7 Intramural Reading Competition HS approx 20 hrs 8 Intramural Ski Club Grades 6-12 approx 25 hrs 9 Intramural Ski Club Grades 6-12 *Non-employee 1 11. Recommendation Brian Kramer* Recommendation Phil Blumer Recommendation Step Step C Step Stipend Volunteer Stipend $559.26 Stipend Recommendation Megan Post* Carolyn Szklenski Kira Newara Nicole Fitch Amy North Robert North* Step D D D D - Stipend Volunteer $16.28/Hr $16.28/Hr $16.28/Hr $16.28/Hr Volunteer The Board employed the following Mercyhurst North East Police Academy Cadets on an as-needed basis as Security Officers for extracurricular school activities and events for the 2014-2015 school year pending receipt of required clearances: 1 2 3 4 Security Guards Matthew Buckley* Ismael Lopez* Jake Newara* Tyler Pickard* $12.00/hr $12.00/hr $12.00/hr $12.00/hr *Pending updated clearances & physical/PPD. 5 Erie County Deputy Sheriff Jeremy Markham $18.00/hr In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel item #10, APPROVAL individual #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Corbin, Personnel Item #10, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Individual #2 Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Mobilia. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 10. The Board approved the following individual for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: 2 ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL Science Olympics Advisor Recommendation Paul Becker Step D Stipend $621.40 In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel item #10, APPROVAL Personnel Item #10, individuals #10 and 11 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Individuals #10 Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, and #11 Mr. Rodgers and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Mr. Sucha. Motion carried. 10. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 10 Intramural Ski Club Grades 6-12 approx 25 hrs 11 Intramural Ski Club Grades 6-12 *Non-employee Recommendation Debra Wright* Steven Wright* Step D - Stipend $16.28/Hr Volunteer At this time Mr. Emick introduced Mrs. Melissa Conway as the newly employed grade 5 learning support teacher and welcomed her to the school district. A portion of Mrs. Conway’s application video was shown. APPROVAL Student Travel Request #1 In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Mrs. Weinheimer to approve Student Travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Ms. DeGrosky. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT NEHS Marching Band – 87 students Stephan DeGrosky and band staff EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT Transportation (buses) EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS *$2,963.45 TOTALS *$2,963.45 -0- DATE/TIME/PLACE ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Bowling Green University 1600 Stadium Drive Bowling Green, OH 43403 -0- *All expenses to be paid by Music Boosters and/or participants PURPOSE: Bands of America Regional Competition APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Mrs. Weimheimer and second by Dr. Blystone to approve Staff Travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0TOTALS PURPOSE: Pittsburgh Regional Food Service Directors Fall Meeting – USDA Commodity Coordinator to speak $131.10 Robin Petroff-Hedlund DATE/TIME/PLACE September 18, 2015 The Chadwick 10545 Perry Highway Wexford, PA 15090 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) $131.10 THIRD READING & APPROVAL – Policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices – Revised In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mrs. Weinheimer to approve Policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Mr. Corbin, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5259-A.) THIRD READING & APPROVAL – Policy 5151.2 Students – Compulsory School Attendance – Revised In a motion by Mr. Sucha and second by Mr. Mobilia to approve Policy 5151.2 Students – Compulsory School Attendance – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5259-B.) APPROVAL – Expulsion of Student A In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve the Waiver and Stipulation Agreement for the expulsion of Student A, the board, in a in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION October 1, 2015 – Principals presentation of PSSA and Keystone test results Dr. McClard reminded everyone again of the Business Leaders breakfast tomorrow morning, and Mr. Fynan reminded everyone about the North East Community Fair which is in full swing this week. Mr. Corbin announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:32 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, September 3, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. Mr. Corbin was excused. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were 11 visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. Dr. McClard stated that the planned presentation of PSSA results by building principals has been rescheduled for the first meeting of October in order to present the most accurate data available by that time. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Kathleen Weinheimer reported the following from the meeting of August 27, 2015: Indoor Aquatics: Everything ran smoothly with the summer swimming program and the picnic was fantastic. The diving program was so successful that students asked if it could be continued through the winter months. This is under consideration. Indoor Soccer signups will take place the third week of September. Vicky Seymour and Josh Morey will be running this program with assistance from Jeremy Morey when possible. Ten soccer balls need to be purchased. It was a tough season for beach lifeguards. Clarity was needed on chain of command. This was discussed and made clear to the staff. Kim Girts agreed to do whatever it takes to make the beach safe. Under New business it was brought to the committee’s attention that Judith Stetson, after 40 years, will no longer be running the Little Gridders Soccer or Football programs. She was wondering if the Recreation Commission could take over. Following discussion the committee agreed that although they could not oversee the football program, they would help to find someone would could. Jeremy Morey will contact the Erie Youth Soccer Association to see if they will oversee the soccer program. If not, the Recreation Commission may consider overseeing soccer at minimum for the students in grades K-6. Basketballs with a logo need to be ordered soon. Kim will speak with High School Art teacher Pat Fordyce regarding the possibility of asking students to design a logo. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – Mr. Fynan reported that the board authorized I.U. management to get a revenue anticipation note. The intent is to open this note only if the budget stalemate continues at the state level and it becomes absolutely necessary. Cash flow at the IU should be okay only until late September or early October. Although unfortunate, the only alternative to a note would have been to consider mass layoffs. Erie County Technical School – Mr. Rodgers said that the school year is off to a good start with 795 total students enrolled, 273 of which are special needs students. The demographic for the North East students enrolled at ECTS is virtually identical to that of the overall school. There is a new requirement that co-op program supervisors must have state-required clearances. It was discussed that schools are not required to make PSERS payments until state subsidy payments resume. Attorney Sennett clarified that local contributions still must be remitted but there is no obligation to make the commonwealth portion of the payments to PSERS until the budget is passed. Mr. Rodgers said that there has been no indication from any of the 11 sending districts that they would need to withhold payments to the tech school. In addition, clean annual audit reports were recently received for both the school and the foundation. Mr. Rodgers has passed these reports along to Mr. Fox for his opinion. School Health Council – No Report NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard shared that the school year is off to a great start. Students and staff, the parents and community have all been fantastic. We are struggling a bit with the current heat wave, but all are to be commended for an overall positive attitude as we wait for temperatures to return to normal for this time of year. Board members were given invitations to the Business Leaders Breakfast which is being planned for Friday, September 18th beginning at 7:30 AM. A unique program is planned for this event with presentations relative to providing post high school opportunities for local businesses and employers at a low cost. Regarding the state budget stalemate, Governor Wolf announced today that although representatives from the house and senate have been continuing to meet, the outlook is not optimistic for a settlement any time soon. Hopefully as they run out of funds to keep their offices open there will be more urgency to come to an agreement. The Office of Children and Youth has been in contact with administration again with a request to establish a satellite office at the school district. Although no formal proposal has been received to date, board members will have the opportunity to review all details when they become available. No commitment will be made without prior board approval. The first meeting of the new Comprehensive Planning group is scheduled for September 14th at 4:00 PM. Dr. Blystone has graciously volunteered to represent the school board on this planning committee. Dr. McClard is confident that the group will be able to accomplish the work to be done in a very reasonable amount of time. Mr. Mobilia asked if OCY was requesting a financial contribution from the district toward the potential satellite office. Dr. McClard clarified that OCY is not requesting funds, but rather it is AmeriCorps that is requesting a total of $13,300 per full time individual who would work in whatever capacity the district needed them for a period of one year. The school district would like to secure two people from AmeriCorps if possible. Dr. McClard said that this is a phenomenal program and an investment well worth taking advantage of. Mr. Mobilia also asked about the status of the school district’s cash balance. Mr. Fox responded that with the projected receipt of property taxes the district should be fine until January or February. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of August 20, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 20, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 8. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin was excused. Motion carried. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-8 In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve personnel items #1-8 with a separation on item #6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin was excused. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Ms. Melissa Miles (District Substitute List) as a Dining Hall Aide (2.5 hours per day) – North East High School and also as a Transportation Aide (4.5 hours per day) at a salary of $10.44 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract pending negative drug screen and effective September 4, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $11.60 per hour. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 2. The Board employed Ms. Susan Scriven as a Dining Hall / Walker Aide (4.75 hours per day) – North East Elementary Center at a salary of $10.44 per hour for a sixty-workingday probationary period without benefits as per contract effective September 4, 2015 pending clearances, physical/PPD and negative drug screen. Following the probationary period the rate will be $11.60 per hour. 3. The Board approved the transfer of Ms. Alicia Gates from Part-time Aide (4.5 hours per day) – Davis Primary to Full-time Aide (7 hours per day) – Davis Primary, at a salary of $13.05 per hour for a forty-five-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective September 4, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be the same. 4. The Board accepted the resignation of Ms. Chelsea Kulak – Elementary Teacher, North East Intermediate School – effective September 4, 2015. 5. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 7. Position/Location Teacher – North East High School SUPPORT STAFF Donovin Cable – Custodial/Maintenance James Kitchen – Custodial/Maintenance The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Fall Weight Training ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 2 School Play Co-Assistant Director 3 School Play Co-Assistant Director 4 Vineyard Vocalists Advisor ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 5 Intramural Concession Stand approx 15 hrs 6 Intramural Concession Stand *Non-employee 1 APPROVAL Personnel Item #6 6. Duration August 24, 2015 – June 30, 2016 (Intermittent) The Board approved the following individual(s) to the 2015-2016 North East School District Substitute List: 1 2 8. Staff Member Katherine Nies Recommendation Paul Pennington Recommendation Cindy Carlson Kristin Fry Julie Kulin Recommendation Step D Step D-Half D-Half A Step Stipend $1,035.25 Stipend $621.40 $621.40 $745.68 Stipend Recommendation Pamela Thompson Selina Uglow* Step A - Stipend $13.02/hr Volunteer In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve personnel item #6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Mr. Fynan. Mr. Corbin was excused. Motion carried. The Board approved an unpaid leave of absence for Ms. Nicolena Stuczynski – Family & Consumer Science Teacher, North East Middle and High Schools – effective retroactive to August 24, 2015 through June 7, 2016. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 APPROVAL Agreement between North East School District and Keystone SMILES In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Dr. Blystone to approve the agreement between the North East School District and Keystone SMILES for the placement of two (2) AmeriCorps individuals for the 2015-2016 school year at a cost not to exceed $13,300 each the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin was excused. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5254-A.) SECOND READING Policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices – Revised Policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices-Revised – Second Reading SECOND READING Policy 5151.2 Students – Compulsory School Attendance – Revised Policy 5151.2 Students – Compulsory School Attendance-Revised – Second Reading SECOND READING & APPROVAL Policy 5164 Students – Use of Medications – Revised In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Sucha to waive the third reading and to approve Policy 5164 Students – Use of Medications – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin was excused. Motion carried. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5254-B.) ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION October 1, 2015 – Principals presentation of PSSA Results for this past school year. Mr. Mobilia announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law, specifically personnel. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:28 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, August 20, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, and Mr. Rodgers. Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer were excused. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Emick, Mr. Karns, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Tanner, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were eight visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – No Report Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – No Report Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Frank McClard Dr. McClard said that a meeting with the state auditors is scheduled to take place at 10:00 tomorrow morning. The audit team will share their findings and present their final report at that time. Any board members interested in attending that meeting are welcome. A quarterly intergovernmental meeting between school district administrators and supervisors, and North East Borough police as well as borough and township supervisors, took place this morning. This was a very productive and well attended meeting at which strategies were discussed for all entities to assist one another with mutual student and community safety goals. Dr. McClard will be presenting a power point to all staff this coming Monday outlining goals and objectives for the upcoming school year. He will email this presentation to all board members tomorrow for their review. Instructional staff returns to work for In-Service days on Monday and Tuesday. The mobile fingerprinting unit will be on campus on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wednesday is a work day for staff, and next Thursday August 27th will be the first school day for students. The staff has been working diligently and is excited to begin the new school year. APPROVAL Minutes – Regular Meeting of August 6, 2015 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Fynan to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 6, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 5. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer were excused. Motion carried. Prior to the vote on business items, a brief discussion took place regarding the status of the state budget process and potential financial steps the district may wish to consider if that issue is not soon resolved. APPROVAL Business Items #1-6 In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Fynan to approve business items #1-6 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer were excused. Motion carried. 1. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5245-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5245-B.) 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5245-C.) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Bill Listing in the amount of $30,594.94. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5246-A.) 4. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated July 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5246-B.) 5. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated July 31, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5246-C.) 6. The Board authorized the following employees to use district procurement cards in accordance with Policy 3600 – Business and Non-Instructional – North East School District Procurement Cards. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-11 NAME ON CARD ASSIGNED TO 1 2 3 4 Frank McClard Jeffrey Fox Sally Abata Shelley Allen Frank McClard Jeffrey Fox Sally Abata Shelley Allen ADDITIONAL USERS 5 High School Office Regan Tanner 6 Regan Tanner Regan Tanner 7 Middle School Office Gregory Beardsley 8 Gregory Beardsley Gregory Beardsley 9 NEMS LSS Class Amanda Walker Susan Johannes 10 Intermediate Office Brian Emick Gloria Duink Kimberly Girts 11 NEIS Autistic Support Class Lindsay Kalika 12 Davis Primary Office Jennifer Ritter 13 Davis LS Class Amanda Warren 14 William Wingerter William Wingerter Michael Coccarelli 15 16 Arlen Sanden Transportation Department Arlen Sanden Christopher Fornalczyk Patricia Schultz Maureen Rizzo William Renne Shelly Newcamp Steven Karns Noreen Tuttle Virginia Schwartz Carol Komorowski In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Fynan to approve personnel items #1-11 with a separation on item #6, individual #6, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, and Mr. Rodgers. “Nays” – 0. Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer were excused. Motion carried. 1. The Board accepted the retirement request of Mrs. Ramona Piazza – Dining Hall Aide, North East High School – effective August 20, 2015. 2. The Board employed Ms. Brittainy Herrmann as a Full-time Teacher, Grade One – Davis Primary, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,880 (Step M-1) with respective benefits effective August 24, 2015. This is a one-year position for the 20152016 school year only. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 3. The Board employed Ms. Amy Rosequist (District Substitute List) as a Full-time Instructional Aide (7.5 hours per day) – North East Intermediate Elementary, at a salary of $11.75 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective August 27, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $13.05 per hour. 4. The Board employed Ms. Tameca Hackett (District Substitute List) as a Full-time Instructional Aide (7 hours per day) – North East Intermediate Elementary, at a salary of $11.75 per hour for a sixty-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective August 27, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $13.05 per hour. 5. The Board approved the transfer of Mrs. Carol Komorowski from Part-time Secretary (4 hours per day) to Full-time Secretary (186 school days at 7.75 hours per day and 34 summer days at 6 hours per day) – Davis Primary, at a salary of $17.68 per hour for a forty-five-working-day probationary period with benefits as per contract effective August 21, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be the same. 6. The Board approved the District Substitute List for the 2015-2016 school year with the inclusion of new staff listed in the chart below, excluding individual #6. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5247-A.) 1 7. The Board approved the following non-employee individuals as Community Education instructors for the 2015-2016 school year. Employment depends upon enrollment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8. INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Connie Miller – Family & Consumer Science Community Education Instructors 2015-2016 Michelle Callahan Sharryn Campbell Kelly Gibson Kitty Maloney Joellen Nelson Darlene Orschek Steve Smith Diane Wickles Daniel Young The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Cross Country Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL None ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS 1 2 Basketball Grades 5&6, approx. 30 hrs 3 Fall/Spring Golf, approx. 20 hrs *Non-employee Recommendation Jamison Drab* Recommendation Step A Step Stipend $2,087.90 Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend Step Stipend Recommendation Andrea Beardsley* pending physical/PPD and Act 114 clearance Jon Sedelmyer A $13.02/hr D $16.28/hr NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 9. The Board approved the transfer of Ms. Melissa Allen from Dining Hall/Crossing Guard Aide (4.75 hours per day) – Davis Primary, to Full-time Instructional Aide (7 hours per day), at a salary of $11.75 per hour for a forty-five-working-day probationary period without benefits as per contract effective August 27, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will be $13.05 per hour. 10. The Board approved the 2015-2016 North East School District Aides Roster as follows: 2015-2016 AIDE ROSTER POSITION 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 EMPLOYEE HIGH SCHOOL DH Aide Vacant IA/DH Aide Jessie Russell Instructional Aide Jil Davis MIDDLE SCHOOL Life Skills Aide Tonya Craig Life Skills Aide Sue Johannes Life Skills Aide Tracey Townsend DH Aide Diane Heaton INTERMEDIATE ELEMENTARY Grade 3 IA Sandy Holmes Grade 3 IA Karen Eriksson Grade 3PC Anne Foster Grade 4 IA Sue Beardsley Grade 5 IA Brenda Wydro Autistic Sppt Aide Tameca Hackett Instructional Aide Amy Rosequist Computer Aide Karen Henning DH Aide/Library Tammy Aldrich DH Aide Jenny Riedel Pool/Library Aide Emily Rhoades Autistic Sppt Aide Deb Arthur DAVIS PRIMARY POSITION EMPLOYEE Kindgergarten IA Tina Gruber Kindgergarten IA Michaeline Skarzenski Grade 1 IA Kerri Klein Grade 1 IA Charlotte Eidell Grade 2 IA Tamie Lander Grade 2 IA Vicki Lilley Grade 2 IA Danielle Hofmann Grade 2 IA Vacant Autistic Sppt Aide Gerri Slater Computer Aide Tracey Gregory HOURS 2.5 7 7 7 7 7 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7.5 7.5 7.5 2.75 7.5 7 HOURS 7.5 7.25 7.25 7 7.25 7 4 2.5 7 7 NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 11 12 13 14 15 11. Table Approval Personnel Item #6 Individual #6 DH/CG Aide Special Ed Aide T1 Math IA Special Ed Aide Autistic Sppt Aide Vacant Paula Kraft Alicia Gates Melissa Allen Vacant 4.75 7.5 4.5 7 2.5 The Board accepted the resignation of Ms. Angela Sanfilippo as a transportation aide effective August 19, 2015. Ms. Sanfilippo will remain on the substitute lists for support staff. Mr. Fynan moved and Mr. Rodgers seconded to table approval of personnel item #6, individual #6 until later in the meeting. Unanimously approved. At this point Dr. Ritter stood and introduced Ms. Brittainy Herrmann to the board and welcomed her to the school district. Policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices-Revised – First Reading FIRST READING Policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices – Revised Discussion took place regarding wording in this policy. Mr. Sucha entered the meeting by cell phone at 7:19 PM and verified that he understood the reason for being called into the meeting to cast a vote. BRING BACK AND APPROVAL Personnel Item #6 Individual #6 6. In a motion by Mr. Rodgers and second by Mr. Fynan to bring personnel item #6, individual #6, back for consideration and to approve this item the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, and Mr. Sucha. “Nays” – 0. “Abstain” – Dr. Blystone. Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, and Ms. Weinheimer were excused. Motion carried. The Board approved the following individual on the District Substitute List for the 20152016 school year. 1 INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF Rodney Blystone – Mathematics 7-12, Physics & Mathematics, and Earth & Space Reg. & Int. Following this vote Mr. Sucha exited the meeting at 7:24 PM and discussion concluded regarding draft policy 5151.1 Students – Use of Electronic Devices – Revised. FIRST READING Policy 5151.2 Compulsory School Attendance Revised Policy 5151.2 Students – Compulsory School Attendance-Revised – First Reading Discussion took place regarding the policy wording and current legal requirements for school attendance of kindergarten-age students. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2015 FIRST READING Policy 5164 Students – Use of Medications – Revised Policy 5164 Students – Use of Medications-Revised – First Reading and brief discussion. In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Mrs. DeGrosky to waive the second and third readings and to approve Policy 5164 Students – Use of Medications – Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, and Mr. Mobilia. “Nays” – Mr. Rodgers. Mr. Corbin, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Sucha and Ms. Weinheimer were excused. Motion failed. This policy will be brought back for a second reading at the next meeting. ITEMS FOR FUTURE PRESENTATION, DISCUSSION, AND/OR BOARD ACTION September 17, 2015 – Principals presentation of PSSA Results Mr. Mobilia announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law, specifically personnel. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 The North East School District Board of School Directors met in a Regular Meeting that began at 7:00 PM on Thursday, August 6, 2015, in the North East Elementary Center with the following members present: Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Mrs. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Mrs. Weinheimer. Also in attendance were administrators Dr. McClard, Mr. Fox, Mr. Tanner, Mr. Renne, Mr. Beardsley, Mr. Karns, Mr. Emick and Dr. Ritter, and Solicitor Timothy Sennett. There were twenty-three visitors present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. PRESENTATIONS/REPORTS North East Intermediate School Principal Brian Emick provided the board with a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Language Arts and Accelerated Reader Programs at the North East Intermediate School. Recently released PSSA test data is being analyzed to determine accurate measures of the newly implemented PA Core based assessments. The five major pillars of ELA testing include Literature Text (fictional), Informational Text (non-fictional), Writing, Language, and Text-Dependent Analysis. Mr. Emick also reported several modifications to the Accelerated Reading Program which will go into effect with the upcoming school year, and he shared ELA instructional strategies to be implemented. It is hoped that an additional staff member through Americorps may be utilized to assist in this area. Discussion followed the presentation and several Intermediate School teachers were on hand to assist with questions from the board. Title I Funding Update – Business Manager Jeffrey Fox provided the board with information regarding onetime-use Title I funds that will be available for the 2015-2016 school year only. This temporary windfall is due to an increase in the number of enrolled students who qualify for free and reduced lunches. Mr. Fox shared potential uses which were considered for the funding. A conservative approach has been taken due to the fact that the state budget is still undetermined at this time. Board members did not indicate any reservations with regard to proposed use of the funds. ADDITIONAL REPORTS North East Recreation Commission – Mrs. Weinheimer reported the following: From the meeting of June 25, 2015: Summer Recreation report: There are well over 300 students signed up for the summer program, with over 120 attending daily. There has only been one problem with fighting to date. The students involved in the altercation were picked up by their parents and were allowed to return after two weeks. There is an ongoing issue with bad language but staff is handling it. The summer Swim Team program is going well and the students are enjoying it. There are 13 students signed up for Diving. Pick-up games of Soccer continue to take place. Stipends of $200 each were approved for Jeremy Morey, Josh Morey and Vicki Seymour for running the Soccer program. Kim Girts has agreed to be the school district representative to the Recreation Commission. She will also take on the responsibility of hiring and overseeing the lifeguards. From the meeting of July 23, 2015: The North East School Board accepted Kim Girts as their representative for the Rec. Commission Board. Summer Recreation report: There are 322 students registered, with an average daily attendance of 112. New coloring books and small puzzles have been purchased for the program and balloons were purchased for “water day”. This was a day of water activities which the students enjoyed. The annual zoo trip took place on July 22nd. There were 105 students registered to attend; the actual count was 85 students and 16 staff members for a total of 101 on the trip at a total cost of $407. Beach Lifeguards update: All lifeguards met with Kim Girts on July 1st to review job expectations. Tshirts were purchased with the word “lifeguard” printed on them. Additionally, three rain ponchos and some fanny packs were purchased to be used each year. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 The Swim Team is doing great this summer. A picnic for this group is planned for July 27th for all 60 students. Diving is also going well with 12 students participating. Soccer Report: Directors are still working on organizing the Fall Soccer program. Permission was requested and granted to donate some old soccer balls from the Indoor program to a group traveling to Haiti. The Twinkle Toes program will unfortunately not be running this year due to lack of an instructor. It is hoped that an instructor will be found for this program for next year. Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit – There was no meeting of the IU Board in July. Mr. Fynan reported that they will be reviewing the clerical staff contract at their next meeting. Erie County Technical School – No Report School Health Council – No Report Superintendent’s Report – Dr. McClard An exit interview with state auditors has been scheduled for August 21st. The audit went well overall with only minor findings. Dr. McClard distributed information to board members regarding the Comprehensive Planning process which includes professional education, teacher induction, student services, special and gifted education, and pre-k. A letter from Dr. Ritter was recently published in the North East News Journal inviting community members to participate on this year’s Comprehensive Planning team. This process, while still very important, will not be as involved as it was in past years. PSSA tests administered in the spring of 2015 were new tests designed to be aligned to PA Core. Although preliminary results have now been received, because these tests were new this data is not easily comparable to previous test results. The state is currently considering whether or not to include this data in SPP scores for 2014-2015, and school districts are waiting for more accurate information at this time. A presentation of test results by the building principals is planned for September. An updated listing of capital projects was provided to board members. Administration is satisfied with the work that has been completed to date. Information previously requested regarding the cost of solicitor fees was distributed to board members. The Achievement Center is sponsoring a legislative breakfast to take place on Tuesday, September 1st from 8:30 to 9:30 AM. Board members are welcome to attend. APPROVAL Minutes – Special Meeting of June 30, 2015 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of June 30, 2015 the board, in a voice vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” - 9. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. Brief discussion took place regarding the food service report prior to the vote on Business items. APPROVAL Business Items #1-9 1. In a motion by Mr. Mobilia and second by Dr. Blystone to approve business items #1-9 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. The Board approved the General Fund Invoices: a. Invoices Paid Prior to Board Meeting (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5240-A.) b. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5240-B.) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 2. The Board approved the Food Service Operating Bill Listings: a. Invoices for Approval (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5241-A.) 3. The Board approved the Capital Projects Bill Listing in the amount of $121,903.81. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5241-B.) 4. The Board approved the Capital Projects Report dated June 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5241-C.) 5. The Board approved the Treasurer’s Report dated June 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5241-D.) 6. The Board approved the Food Service Report for the period ending June 30, 2015. (Copy filed herein page/ref# 5241-E.) 7. The Board appointed Mr. Jeffrey Fox as primary voting delegate to the Erie County Tax Collection Committee. 8. The Board designated Mr. Jeffrey Fox as the district’s Right To Know Officer effective immediately. 9. The Board approved the allocation of $5,000 to be spent at the discretion of the Superintendent for the purpose of administrative staff development. APPROVAL Personnel Items #1-14 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve personnel items #1-14 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. 1. The Board employed Mr. Corey Garland as a Full-time Teacher, Grade Seven Language Arts – North East Middle School, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $42,783 (Step B-1) with respective benefits effective August 24, 2015. 2. The Board employed Ms. Demi Hunt as a Full-time Teacher, Secondary Mathematics – North East High School, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $42,783 (Step B-1) with respective benefits and pending Act 168 disclosure form, effective August 24, 2015. 3. The Board employed Mr. Ryan Neal as a Full-time Teacher, Grade Eight Mathematics – North East Middle School, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $42,783 (Step B-1) with respective benefits pending Act 168 disclosure form, effective August 24, 2015. 4. The Board employed Ms. Karen Potocki as a Full-time Teacher, Grade Eight Mathematics – North East Middle School, Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,880 (Step M-1) with respective benefits and pending Act 168 disclosure forms, effective August 24, 2015. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 5. The Board employed Ms. Julie Kulin as a Full-time Music Teacher – North East Middle and High Schools, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $42,783 (Step B-1) with respective benefits and pending Act 168 disclosure forms, effective August 24, 2015. 6. The Board employed Ms. Lindsay Kalika as a Full-time Teacher, Autistic Classroom – North East Intermediate Elementary, Temporary Professional Employee Status at a salary of $43,880 (Step M-1) with respective benefits and pending physical/PPD and Act 168 disclosure form, effective August 24, 2015. 7. The Board employed Mr. C. Norman Jore (District Substitute List) as a Bus Driver at a salary of $78.98 per day and without benefits for a sixty-working-day probationary period as per contract pending negative drug screen and effective August 27, 2015. Following the probationary period the rate will remain the same. 8. The Board accepted the resignation of Ms. Amy Randolph – Full time Instructional Aide, North East Intermediate Elementary, effective August 10, 2015. 9. The Board approved the attached revised Job Description and compensation package for Mr. Christopher Fornalczyk, Mechanic, effective retroactive to July 1, 2015. 10. The Board corrected the coaching assignment of Mr. Matthew Shesman from Fall Weight Training Advisor to Winter Weight Training Advisor for the 2015-2016 school year. 11. The Board approved the following individuals for the position of coach(es)/ advisor(s), and intramurals for the 2015-2016 school year at the steps listed below: COACHING POSITIONS Cross Country Assistant Coach Girls Basketball 1st Assistant Coach Swimming Assistant Coach ADVISORY POSITIONS – HIGH SCHOOL 4 Ecology Club Advisor ADVISORY POSITIONS – MIDDLE SCHOOL None INTRAMURAL COACHES & ADVISORS None 1 2 3 Recommendation Matt Puskar Abigail Stadler* Cody Regan* Recommendation Philip Sarver Recommendation Step A D B Step Step Stipend $2,087.90 $4,349.80 $2,905.05 Stipend Volunteer Stipend Recommendation Step Stipend *Non-employee 12. The Board approved Family Medical Leave for the individual(s) listed below. 1 13. APPROVAL Student Trip Requests #1&2 Staff Member Sally Abata Position/Location Confidential Secretary – Administration Duration August 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 (Intermittent) The Board accepted the retirement request of Ms. Heidi Christensen, Elementary Teacher – North East Intermediate School, effective August 4, 2015. In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Ms. Weinheimer to approve student travel requests #1 and #2 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Autistic Support Class – approx. 8 students Amanda Warren Two Aides & One TSS DATE/TIME/PLACE Typically once per week during the school year to various locations in and near North East ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (van) EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $2,150.00 EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $2,500.00 TOTALS $2,150.00 PURPOSE: Community Based Education Practices (2) NAME/PARTICIPANT Life Skills Class – approx. 10 students Amanda Walker Two Aides DATE/TIME/PLACE Typically twice per week during the school year to various locations in and near North East ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (van) TOTALS $2,500.00 PURPOSE: Community Based Education Practices APPROVAL Staff Travel Request #1 In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve staff travel request #1 the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (1) NAME/PARTICIPANT Steven Chizewick DATE/TIME/PLACE August 11, 2015 PaTTAN 3190 William Pitt Way Pittsburgh, PA 15238 ITEMIZED CATEGORIES Transportation (car) Meals EXPENSES PAID BY GRANTS, PARTICIPANTS, CLUBS, FUNDRAISERS, DONATIONS -0- EXPENSES PAID BY DISTRICT -0- $152.22 TOTALS PURPOSE: PA Training & Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) Compliance Monitoring Training THIRD READING & APPROVAL – Policy 5153.5 Students - Bullying – Revised $144.22 $8.00 In a motion by Dr. Blystone and second by Mr. Rodgers to approve Policy 5153.5 Students – Bullying - Revised, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Rodgers, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – 0. Motion carried. (Copy attached herein page/ref# 5243-A.) NORTH EAST SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2015 FIRST READING & APPROVAL – Policy 5165 Students – Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response In a motion by Ms. Weinheimer and second by Mr. Sucha to waive the second and third readings and to approve Policy 5165 Students – Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Response, the board, in a roll call vote, voted as follows: “Ayes” – Dr. Blystone, Mr. Corbin, Ms. DeGrosky, Mr. Fynan, Mr. Mazza, Mr. Mobilia, Mr. Sucha, and Ms. Weinheimer. “Nays” – Mr. Rodgers. Motion carried. (Copy attached herein page/ref# 5244-A.) Mr. Corbin announced that the North East Board of School Directors would meet in an Executive Session following the regular meeting concerning areas permissible under Act 84 which include confidentiality issues protected by law, specifically personnel. ADJOURNMENT: By acclamation the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM. _______________________________________________ Jeffrey A. Fox, Board Secretary