Director: S Katherine Shealy
Director: S Katherine Shealy
New EARTH Director: S Katherine Shealy Board Of Directors: CHARLOTTE KROFT | President THERESA MOSS WITMYER | Vice President, Artistic Development STEPHEN WILBURN | Vice President, Business Development PETER CLARKE | Treasurer KARIN FORTWANGLER | Secretary Concert Etiquette: The members of the Concordia Choral Arts strive to provide a program of musical excellence. For our mutual enjoyment of the concert, we kindly ask: If you have a young child who begins to cry, exit the performance hall and return when (s)he has settled; Wait for applause to enter or exit the performance hall; Silence your cell phone and other personal electronic devices; and Refrain from flash photography and video recording, as both are strictly forbidden and violate copyright law. Members & Volunteers SOPRANO 1 Jane Buatti* Amy L. Peteritis Kristin Sell Harne Anna Spackman ALTO 1 Holly Branham Barbara Drosey Jennifer Ford Samantha Hanson Diane Piersol Tamar Miller TENOR 1 Steve Canale Jeremy Clarke Randolph Cornell BASS 1 Tom McCormick Richard Morgan Christopher Portante Stephen Wilburn SOPRANO 2 Elizabeth Blake Lenore Clarke Lynn Shealy Patricia Spackman ALTO 2 Molly Bugbee Noreen Davish Christina Jackson Joanne Jenkins Beth McAdoo* Mary McGinty TENOR 2 Ian Bowen Arthur Busch Peter Clarke* David Natalie BASS 2 Luke Bauerlein Doug Johnson* David Shealy Ryan K. Battin* * Denotes Section Leaders Staff and Distinguished Volunteers: S. KATHERINE SHEALY | Director DOUG JOHNSON | Interim Assistant Director GAIL HABECKER | Accompanist AMY PETERITIS | Attendance Manager LYNN SHEALY | Concert Attire Manager PATRICIA SPACKMAN | Librarian and Fundraising Coordinator BETH MCADOO | Social Coordinator LUKE BAUERLEIN, BARB DROSEY, JENNIFER FORD | Social Media Outreach JANE BUATII | Rehearsal Facilities Coordinator ROGER TAYLOR | Publicity Thank You to Our 2016 Sponsors CONDUCTOR’S CIRCLE David & Lynn Shealy Tyler & Alexa MUSICIAN’S CIRCLE Annabelle P. Irey Caroline S. Butz Pamela Smyth Martha Nussbaum BENEFACTORS Alan & Lorraine Warren Joanne & Tom Jenkins Pete & Laura DeYoe Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Zackroff Connie White Mimi & Gordon Wright Lenore & AJ Clarke Peter Clarke Gwen & Bill Carpenter Ann & Bret Pleines Annette Bauerlein Michael & Jennifer Bergkoetter Kevin & Kristin Loftus Harry & Nancy Hayman Doug & Joan Johnson PATRONS In memory of Alfons & Elsa Rieger In memory of Herb & Louise Kroft Bill & Jo McAdoo Todd & Molly Bugbee Pat & Carey Burke Fred & Karen Ford In memory of Carla Short Betsy & Richard Straub Rosario & Joseph Nicholas FRIENDS Peter & Carole Lubin Tana B. Hinman Paul & Carolyn Thompson Donna L. Matthias Debby O’Keefe Dorothy & Lisa Bergkoetter Diane Piersol CORPORATE BENEFACTOR Johnson & Johnson (matching gifts) CORPORATE SPONSOR Vertex (matching gifts) With our gratitude CCA’s sincere thanks are expressed to the following people and organizations: Paoli United Methodist Church for providing rehearsal and performance facilities; Christ Community Church and Church of the Good Samaritan for providing our concert venues; Uptown! Entertainment Alliance for their continued support of our organization; Choir Committee Members and CCA volunteers who have donated time to help our organization run efficiently; Rose Harris for program and marketing materials design; and Roger Taylor for media outreach. Leadership S. KATHERINE SHEALY Director of Concordia S. Katherine Shealy obtained her Bachelor of Music in Choral Music Education from the University of Delaware with Paul Head and her Master of Music in Choral Conducting from West Chester University with David DeVenney. Ms. Shealy has sung in, assisted with, or directed ensembles through the Concordia Choral Arts its inception in 2006, including having directed and led CCA’s envoy of singers on a tour of four cities throughout China as part of the Fourth Annual Eric Whitacre International Choral Festival in 2006. Currently, she is the director of Concordia, co-founder and co-director of Chamber Choir, an advanced ensemble that specializes in outreach performances throughout the community, and the founder and director of Ariana Women’s Choir. She taught vocal and choral music, musical theatre, and integrated arts courses in both Delaware and Pennsylvania for six years, and presently teaches voice privately in Chester and Delaware counties. GAIL HABECKER Accompanist Gail Habecker, of Coatesville, joined CCA the summer of 2007 to accompany Ariana Women’s Choir and is in her third season accompanying Concordia. Born into a musical family, Gail has been playing piano since the age of four. She graduated from Juniata College with an emphasis on vocal accompaniment. Through the years, she has accompanied soloists, as well as numerous church and school choirs. She has also played in instrumental ensembles at chamber concerts of Immaculata University. Ms. Habecker is also a graduate of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. She has a career in investment management and is part owner of PMG Advisors in West Conshohocken, PA. New EARTH Spaséñiye sodélal , Op. 25, No. 5.................................Pavel Chesnokov (18771944) Psalm 74:12 Kasar mie la gaji...................................................................Alberto Grau (b. 1937) Chantez à Dieu................................................................J.P. Sweelinck (1562-1621) Psalm 96 The 23rd Psalm...............................................................Bobby McFerrin (b. 1950) Hold On!.................................................................arr. Moses Hogan (1957-2003) Traditional Spiritual Featured Soloists: Kristin Sell Harne Lenore Clarke, Patti Spackman, Jane Buatti Randy Cornell, Arthur Busch, Peter Clarke Light of a Clear Blue Morning................................................................Dolly Parton arr. Craig Hella Johnson (b. 1962) Amy Peteritis, soloist Beth McAdoo, flute Intermission Sunrise Mass.............................................................................Ola Gjielo (b. 1978) The Spheres Sunrise The City Identity and The Ground Please hold your applause until the completion of all four movements. Turn the World Around....................................Harry Belafonte/Robert Freedman arr. Larry Farrow Program Notes Spaséñiye sodélal , Op. 25, No. 5 Pavel Chesnoko Pavel Chesnoko is the most prolific composer associated with the Moscow Synodal School of Church Singing. His compositional output includes over 500 choral works, over 400 of which are sacred. Spaséñiye sodélal is one in a cycle of ten Communion Hymns composed by Chesnokov during his tenure as precentor at the Church of the Holy Trinity “at the Mud Baths” in Moscow. This is a richly sonorous harmonized setting of a traditional Kievan chant. Spaséñiye sodélal yesí posredé zemlí, Bózhe. Salvation is created in the midst of the earth, O God. Allilúiya, allilúiya, allilúiya. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Kasar mie la gaji Alberto Grau Composer, director, and teacher, Alberto Grau is one of the leading musical personalities in the history of contemporary Venezuelan music. In 1967 he founded the Schola Cantorum de Caracas , a prestigious choral group which was awarded first prize at the Concurso Internacional Guido D’Arezzo in Italy, in 1964. He has participated in many international choral activities, as a performer, a guest conductor, and as an adjudicator at festival competitions in Europe and North America, as well as in Latinamerica. Of his work, Kasar mie la gaji, he provided an inscription: “For an international mobilization to save THE EARTH and a conscientious effort regarding the problems of the environment. The inhabitants of the African Sahel say: Kasar mie la gaji , or ‘The Earth is tired.’” Chantez à Dieu J.P. Sweelinck Straddling the lines between Renaissance and Baroque, Northern and Southern Europe, Catholicism and Protestantism, Sweelinck was a composer caught between worlds. An organist and improviser of extraordinary talent, his music mingles influences from all the European cities in which he lived and visited into a seamlessly synthesized personal voice. Though Dutch by origin, he had an enormous array of musical contacts in London, Venice, Paris, and several German cities, each of which gave him new musical influences to absorb. The compositional constructs found in Psalm 96 are primarily evocative of music of the baroque era. Chantez à Dieu chanson nouvelle, Sing a new song to God, Chantez, ô terre universelle, Sing, O world, Chantez, et son Nom bénissez, Sing, and bless his holy Name, Et de jour en jour annoncez And from day to day tell Sa délivrance solennelle. Of his solemn deliverance. The 23rd Psalm Bobby McFerrin This ethereal transcription, as recorded by Bobby McFerrin, provides a new and different setting for this cherished Psalm. The very free, almost chant like rhythms and repetitive harmonies of this a cappella piece, coupled with an original paraphrase of the text, produce a very contemporary and meditative perspective on the well known words of assurance. The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all I need, She makes me lie down in green meadows, Beside the still waters, She will lead. She restores my soul, She rights my wrongs, She leads me in a path of good things, And fills my heart with songs. Even though I walk, through a dark & dreary land, There is nothing that can shake me, She has said She won’t forsake me, I’m in her hand. She sets a table before me, in the presence of my foes, She anoints my head with oil, And my cup overflows. Surely, surely goodness & kindness will follow me, All the days of my life, And I will live in her house, Forever, forever & ever. Glory be to our Mother, & Daughter, And to the Holy of Holies, As it was in the beginning, is now & ever shall be, World, without end. Amen. Hold On! Moses Hogan Hold On! is a traditional spiritual, which were songs that expressed the religious faith of enslaved Africans in the United States beginning in the 19thcentury. Spirituals were normally sung by African-American slaves to pass the time while working throughout the day or during private worship services. Often, themes of death or Exodus were used to symbolize freedom from the pain and suffering experienced as a result of severe oppression and enslavement. Although elements of traditional African music may have been incorporated, African-American spirituals are a form of music indigenous to the religious beliefs of enslaved Africans in the United States, fusing both African and European musical traditions. Hogan’s contemporary settings of spirituals, original compositions and other works have been revered by audiences and praised by critics. Although he died at a tragically young age in February 2003, he lives on in his wonderful arrangements, which have become staples in the repertoires of high school, college, church, community and professional choirs worldwide. Hold on! Hold on! Just a’ hold on! Nora, Nora let me come in; de door’s all fastened an’ de winders pinned! Just keep yo’ hand on de plow, an’ you hold on, yes, you just hold on! Nora said, “You lost yo’ track, you can’t plow straight an’ keep a lookin’ back.” Well, my brother hold on! Yes, you gotta hold on! Yes, just keep yo’ hand on de plow, an’ you hold on, yes, you gotta hold on! If you wanna get to heaven, let me tell you how: Jus’ a keep yo’ hand on de gospel plow. If dat plow stay in yo’ hand, land you straight in de promised land. Well, my sister, hold on! Yes, you gotta hold on! Just keep yo’ hand on de plow, an’ you hold on, yes, you just hold on! Mary had a golden chain an’ every link spelled my Jesus’ name. Keep on climbin’ an’ don’t you tire, ‘cause ev’ry rung goes higher and higher! Yes! Prayin’! Singin’! Shoutin’ Lawd! Light of a Clear Blue Morning arr. Craig Hella Johnson It’s been a long dark night And I’ve been a waitin’ for the morning. It’s been a long hard fight But I see a brand new day a dawning. I’ve been looking for the sunshine ‘Cause I ain’t seen it in so long. But everything’s gonna work out fine, Everything’s gonna be alright, It’s gonna be okay. ‘Cause I can see the light of a clear blue morning. I can see the light of a brand new day. I can see the light of a clear blue morning. Everything’s gonna be alright, It’s gonna be okay. Sunrise Mass Ola Gjeilo Ola Gjeilo (pronounced Yaylo) was born in Norway in 1978, and moved to New York in 2001 to begin his composition studies at the Juilliard School, from which he graduated with a Master’s Degree in 2006 after two years at the Royal College of Music in London. He especially enjoys writing music for choir, orchestral/symphonic winds, and the piano. Presently a full time composer in the United States, Gjeilo is also very interested in film, and much of his music draws inspiration from movies and cinematic music. Of his Sunrise Mass, he writes: “The reason I used English titles, seemingly unrelated to the (mostly) Latin texts, has mainly to do with the initial idea behind S unrise. I wanted the musical development of the Mass to go from the most transparent and spacey, to something completely earthy and grounded; from nebulous and pristine to more emotional and dramatic, and eventually warm and solid, as a metaphor for human development from child to adult, or as a spiritual journey. I always want there to be positive evolution in artistic expressions; to move everything forward, to transcend conflict and dissonance, by going through it, not avoiding it. Ideally, it has the capacity to help bring us deeper into ourselves rather than the other way. I really do think that’s the main point of art, and I hope with all my heart that a sliver of that sentiment comes out in this piece, somehow.” The Spheres Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy. Sunrise Gloria in excelsis Deo. Glory to God in the highest. Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. And on earth peace to all those of good will. Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. We praise thee. We bless thee. Adoramus te. Glorificamus te. We worship thee. We glorify thee. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam. We give thanks to thee according to thy great glory. Domine Deus, Rex caelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens. Lord God, Heavenly King, God the Father almighty. Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe. Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father. Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Who takes away the sins of the world, Qui tollis peccata mundi, Thou who takes away the sins of the world, suscipe deprecationem nostram. Receive our prayer. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. Quoniam tu solus sanctus. Tu solus Dominus. For thou alone art holy. Thou alone art the Lord. Tu solus altissimus, Jesu Christe. Thou alone art the most high, Jesus Christ. Cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris. Amen. With the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen. y. hty. have er. The City Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, I believe in one God, The Father Almighty, factorem caeli et terrae, Maker of heaven and of earth, visibilium omnium et invisibilium. And of all things visible and invisible. Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum, And I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, Filium Dei unigenitum. The only begotten Son of God, Et ex Patre natum ante omni saecula. Born of the Father before all the ages. Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero. God from God, light from light, true God from true God. Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri, Begotten, not made, Of one substance with the Father, per quem omnia facta sunt. By whom all things were made. Qui propter nos homines, et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis. Who for us and for our salvation Came down from heaven. Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto And was incarnated by the Holy Spirit ex Maria Virgine. Et homo factus est. Of the Virgin Mary. And was made man. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis: sub Pontio Pilato passus et sepultus est. Crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate, He suffered, and was buried. Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas. And on the third day he rose again, according to the scriptures. Et ascendit in caelum sedet ad dexteram Patris. He ascended into heaven and He sits at the right hand of the Father. Et iterum venturus est cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos, He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; cujus regni non erit finis. And of his kingdom there will be no end. Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum et vivificantem, And I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life, qui ex Patre Filioque procedit. Who proceeds from the Father and the Son. Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorif icatur, Who together with the Father and the Son Is adored and glorified, qui locutus est per Prophetas. Who spoke to us through the Prophets. Et unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam. And I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum I await the resurrection of the dead Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen. And the life of the ages to come. Amen. Identity and The Ground Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Holy, Holy, Holy Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Lord God of Hosts. Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory. Osanna in excelsis. Hosanna in the highest. Benedictus qui venit In nomine Domini. Blessed is He who comes In the name of the Lord. Osanna in excelsis. Agnus Dei, Hosanna in the highest. Lamb of God, Qui tollis peccata mundi, Dona nobis pacem. Who takest away the sins of the world, Grant us peace. Turn the World Around arr. Larry Farrow Turn the World Around is a 1975 song performed and co-written by African American musician and social justice activist Harry Belafonte. The lyric is a litany of, “We come from...” listing water, fire, and mountain, as well as phrases such as, “Spirit is of the sunlight.” These elements of the natural world and those living in it are brought together with the sentiment of the phrase, “Do you know who I am? Do I know who you are? See we one another clearly, do we know who we are?” The song serves as a reminder and a directive that it is our responsibility alone to “turn the world around.”
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