Third Quarter Activities - Honorary Colonels of Utah
Third Quarter Activities - Honorary Colonels of Utah
Third Quarter Activities Army Utah National Guard 2011 Information Update Colonel Journal Headquarters, 65th Fires Brigade will be preparing Nov 2011 for the upcoming return of the 2nd Battalion, 222nd Field Artillery, conducting unit-level training and preparing for Annual Training exercises taking place next year. The unit will also host its annual family support Christmas activity in December. The 1-145th Field Artillery will be conducting artillery certification training beginning in November, with family support Christmas activities in December, and equipment preparation for movement to Korea in January. The 2nd Battalion, 222nd Field Artillery is scheduled to return from its deployment during November and December of 2011. They will then be involved with post-mobilization activities, yellowribbon training and administrative requirements. In November, the 19th Group will attend both the Special Operations Command Europe and Special Operations Command Operations Conferences in Stuttgart, Germany. These very important conferences identify what Theater Cooperative Overseas Engagements the Group will participate in 2013 as well as confirming upcoming missions in Veterans Day Concert Friday, 11/11/11 U of U, Jon M. Huntsman Center Social 6:00 p.m. - Concert: 7:00 p.m. 2012. An example of the exercises are Flintlock 12 in Mali, Africa, a multi-ODA (Operational Detachment Alpha, 12-man teams) exercise as well as another multi-ODA exercise in the Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria and Germany. Also in November is the United States Army Special Forces Command, Commander’s Readiness Conference, that our commander, senior staff, battalion commanders, and command sergeant majors will attend. In December, 1st Battalion will attend the Foal Eagle 12 final planning conference in Korea for its continued preparation for participation in that exercise during March 2012. In January the Advance Detachment for Flintlock 12 will deploy to Mali, Africa in preparation for the main body in February. The initial planning conferences for the European exercises will be conducted in those respective host countries. Also a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course will commence January 23 at Camp Williams. 118th Sappers Company Soldiers Awarded 25 Purple Hearts A Purple Heart ceremony recognized 18 Soldiers who were injured during their recent deployment to Afghanistan where the 118th Sapper Company performed route-clearance missions. Blackhawk Jump for 197 Special Troops Soldiers 2012 Annual Dues $200 Check made out to: Honorary Colonels Corps Mail to: Utah National Guard Office of the Adjutant General 12953 S. Minuteman Dr. Draper, UT 84020 Thank you for your continued support! th Members of the 197th Special Troops Company jump from a Blackhawk Sept. 26. Army continued As the 97th Aviation Troop Command (97th ATC) plans its upcoming training, the focus will be on domestic operations, more specifically, the command will be preparing for “Utah Shake Out 2012.” The training scenario will center around the impact a 7.0 earthquake will have on the Wasatch Front. The 97th ATC will play an important role in mitigating the human suffering as they employ their formidable aviation assets to serve the citizens of Utah. The 2nd Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment (2211th) is entering the new training year having just turned over many key positions in the Battalion. As the new commander of 2-211th, LTC Behunin recently completed a visit of C and F Companies, spread between the states of Arkansas, Iowa and Kansas. Over the course of the next few months the 2-211th will be accomplishing many administrative tasks and briefings while conducting driver’s training, unit-level maintenance, convoy operations as well as continuing to prepare for domestic training events such as “Utah Shake Out 2012.” The 2-211th is also currently working to finalize annual training plans with a focus on conducting decentralized operations. The goal of decentralized operations is to help units subordinate to the 2-211th learn to work independently of the Battalion staff and some of the other services that the Battalion has to offer. Such exercises develop junior leaders and encourage greater ingenuity in small-unit settings. Winter comes early in the mountains of Afghanistan. Roads used to supply our strategic outposts become impassable as snow chokes off the mountain supply routes. The risk of isolating our Soldiers in hard-to-reach places is real. These outposts were designed to keep eyes on the Taliban as well as provide a base from which U.S. and allied forces could strike deep into Talibancontrolled areas. Isolated and truly alone, these bases become prime targets for the Taliban. If it weren’t for the heroic efforts of helicopter crews from the 2nd Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment, these Soldiers could find themselves without supplies until late spring when the snow melts and the roads become passable once again. Alpha Company, 2nd Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment has been deployed since June of this year. These next few months will be the busiest time for the 2-211th during its one-year deployment. Now, more than ever, the unit’s unique skills are in high demand. The crews, along with their Blackhawk helicopters, are the only lifeline to these isolated outposts. Everything from ammunition, food, medical care and troop replacements must take place by helicopter. In the deep of night and in all weather, when our isolated troops rely on aviation support, members of this elite Utah Army National Guard aviation unit make it their mission to never disappoint. The detachments of the 1-171st (subordinate to the 2-211th General Services Aviation Battalion) are looking forward to receiving their third UH-60L Blackhawk helicopter. Over the next few months the 1-171st will continue to train Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) tasks and begin hoist training. Towards the end of the quarter, MEDEVAC crews will conduct a winter survival exercise. The 1st Battalion, 211th Aviation Regiment (Attack/ Recon) is just coming off a disappointing chain of events that resulted in the cancellation of their deployment in support of Operation New Dawn (Iraq). The “Air Pirates,” as they call themselves, were uniquely prepared for this much-anticipated deployment but due to the reduction of U.S. Forces in Iraq, they learned their services were no longer needed. The Battalion now finds itself scrambling to fill the void that the deployment would have filled. What was once a clear view of the coming year is now a bit of a waiting game as the Battalion waits for word to see if their services could be used in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). In the meantime, the Air Pirates continue to perfect their lethal skills as they further enhance their reputation as one of the premier attack helicopter battalions in the Army. T he 300th Military Intelligence (MI) Brigade continues to demonstrate competence and relevance to the Intelligence community, the Army and the Utah National Guard. As a result of the experience and reputation gained through past operations and deployments, Brigade Soldiers continue to receive opportunities to provide full-time and part-time support to wartime requirements and training programs from home station both as linguist and military intelligence professionals. Utah has been designated as a FOUNDRY Center of Excellence, one of only 11 in the country and two in the National Guard. The FOUNDRY site provides training opportunities to the intelligence community. The 300th Soldiers have participated in training 350 personnel over the course of the year. Participants that have trained at the Utah FOUNDRY site include National Guard and ActiveDuty Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen. The 300th is also involved in establishing an Intelligence Readiness and Operations Capability (IROC) in Utah. Utah was selected as the only National Guard unit to support and manage one of the IROCs. These successes continue to bring credit to Utah and the 300th in addition to great training opportunities and operational support to the war fight. The 204th Maneuver Enhancement Brigade (MEB) activities for the next few months include the 204th Headquarters and 489th Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) participating in phase II, the “Walk” phase of its Command Post and Staff Integration Training in November. The photo below was its completion of Phase I, the “Crawl” phase. The 489th BSB will set up in Dugway and communicate back to the 204th Command Post, located at Camp Williams. All units in the 204th MEB will conduct family support activities, uniform inventories and inspections. The 118th Sapper Company has returned from deployment and will really enjoy being home for the holidays. 204th MEB Command Post and Staff Integration Training 118th Sappers Company Soldiers are awarded 25 Purple Hearts to 18 Soldiers. Outside the 204th Command Post, Camp Williams. Inside the 204th Command Post tent. Miscellaneous Major General Tarbet will be traveling to National Harbor, Md. in November to attend the National Guard Bureau Senior Leadership Conference with his key staff members. He plans to celebrate the 375th Anniversary of the founding of the National Guard at several armories throughout the state on December 13th. We processed 176 community support requests during Aug, Sept, Oct. Air Utah Air Guard Supports Exercise Double Whammy More than 160 Airmen and 100 short tons of cargo are positioned on the Utah Air National Guard Base flightline August 7 as part of Exercise Double Whammy. The exercise tested the Wing’s ability to process and deploy personnel and cargo in the event of an attack on the homeland. The 101st Information Operations Flight (IOF) is fully engaged in all aspects of information operations planning for NORAD/ U.S. Northern Command (N/NC) air component, First Air Force. The N/NC is the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Homeland Defense combatant command. The 101st will play a key role for the air component in the upcoming National Level Exercise Vigilant Shield 2012, which employs air, land and sea assets to defend against conventional and asymmetric attacks against America. It will also include defense support to civil authority missions when DoD is asked to support a lead agent for response and recovery operations during natural or man-made disasters. The exercise kicks off on Nov. 1, 2011. It will include operations that counter Russian Long-Range Aviation activity in and around the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone and network defense activities to support the Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR) air defense network. A team of 101st IOF experts recently trained CONR personnel on information operations capabilities at Tyndall Air Force Base. This was part of the CONR’s continuing, weapons and tactics training program. The 151st Operations Group will be busy Cargo is moved through the Cargo Deployment Function during the night shift August 5, 2011. As part of Exercise Double Whammy, operations ran through the night to simulate a real-world deployment situation. flying the Utah ANG Tail Flash worldwide from November through January 2012. The 151st Air Refueling Wing (ARW) is currently operating in the CENTCOM Theater of Operations supporting Operation New Dawn and Operation Enduring Freedom. They have missions in and out of the SOUTHCOM Theater moving 151st ARW members to and from duties supporting counterdrug activities. In addition to deployments, the KC-135s are flying a full-training schedule refueling heavy and fighter receivers over the skies of Utah, Arizona, Idaho, and New Mexico. Due to our strategic geographical location, the 191st Air Refueling Squadron is performing special missions for Air Mobility Command. They will be doing Fighter Drags, Aero Medical Evacuations, and frequent refueling of the USAF Thunderbirds on these missions.
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