IQCAIS/AUToPipe/TS04 IQC AUToPipe IQC AUToPipe is a complete solution for automatic ultrasonic testing of pipes. Both Cladded and uncladded pipes can be tested for debonding, volumetric defects as well as for thickness deviations. Highresolution Cscan images from each test allow expert evaluation and generation of customized reports. NOTE: This document contains proprietary information and specifications on the IQC AUToPipe system. While every effort is made to ensure that data in this document is accurate, IQCAIS reserves the right to change the specifications without notice. This document contains confidential proprietary information that may not be copied or otherwise used without prior written consent of IQC Advanced Inspection Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai, India. © 2009 IQC AIS. Specifications are subject to change without notice. IQC AUToPipe IQC AUToPipe 2 is a stateoftheart automatic ultrasound testing system capable of detecting clad and volumetric defects over the full pipe length or at the pipe ends alone. AUToPipe is a complete solution consisting of ○ UT hardware: consists of ultrasonic probes with data acquisition cards and computer interface ○ UT Hardware The UT hardware comprises a computer with integrated ultrasonic (UT) and data acquisition cards, interface electronics to link the subsystems, the UT probes, cables and other accessories. Socomate® cards provide the backbone of the UT framework. The cards used in AUToPipe have the same technology that is used for space, nuclear and oil industry applications. Probe head: comprises the probe holder and coupling mechanism ○ Software suite: Control and analysis software including test, process, analyze and report modules ○ Motion Control System: pipe placement, motion and probe head actuation and control The system can have normal probes (for thickness or clad debonding measurements) and shear probes (for volumetric defect measurement) or a combination of the two. The entire system comes with an integrated workstation to house all the hardware and the computer systems, allowing for a single operator to control the testing process. The system can detect defects as specified in ASTM E578, API5L & API5LD standards. AUToPipe has proven capability to detect defects smaller than 1/8th inch in size. Scanning speeds are dependent on pipe type, surface quality and probe wear considerations. However, nominally, a 16 inch diameter pipe can be scanned at a speed of 400mm/min (base single normal channel system) and at upto 4x6x speed in a 8 channel system. UT Card ● PRF from 20 to 20kHz with internal trigger and 0 to 20kHz for external trigger ● Builtin analysis hardware enabling high speed UT pulsing upto 20000 Hz with onboard processing ● Separate transmission and reception connectors along with an additional data connector to send processed signals ● Software settable pulse voltage to allow for increased voltage in conditions of high scatter, thickness or electrical noise ● A fully user controllable gain range of 105 dB (70 dB direct gain control and two attenuators of 15dB and 20 dB) ● 30 segment Dynamic Amplitude Correction (DAC) gain curve for time/distance dependent gain control within the 105 dB range ● Signal suppression via postsignal gain to damp out unwanted echoes (higher order echoes or artifact signals) ● Operation in single probe (sendreceive) or dual probe (pitchcatch or send on one crystal, receive on second crystal) modes ● Ascan acquisition from 20 ns to 1.31 ms duration in halfwave (positive or negative), RF or fullwave rectified modes Schematic of AUToPipe Installation ● Three fully independent gates The interface gate to detect delay line and interfaces, Gate 1 and Gate 2 to detect and measure signal responses from backwall, defects, debonds etc ● Each gate has a width range of 80 ns to 0.655 ms at © 2009 IQCAIS IQC AUToPipe 3 20 ns increments ● Gate triggering using multiple options like the initial pulse, interface gate echo etc ● Realtime processed data output via the analog connector ● On screen Ascan display is also provided at upto 20 refreshes a second ● Analog measurements include peak detection above a certain threshold with multiple averaging criteria to improve signaltonoise ratio ● Peak Time of Flight (TOF) may be defined based on threshold limit, absolute high value or zero crossing etc Probes Probe Head The probe head is designed to firmly hold the probes while simultaneously allowing flexibility to account for the vibration and pipe ovality effects during testing. ● The entire probe head assembly is mounted on the MCS crosshead (or endpipe mechanism) which controls the linear motion ● Vertical positioning is controlled by a motorized ball screw mechanism ● Probe head motion completely controlled from remote panel ● Sturdy housing holds probes and connectors ● Both normal and shear probes are used to measure UT responses ● Multilayer spring system allows vertical motion range of 40 mm pkpk to safely test even pipes with scales and ovality ● Shear probes using a single crystal to detect volumetric defects ● Bearing supported assembly takes 90% of contact force reducing the wear rate on probes ● Normal probes with single crystal to send/receive signals or two crystals (in a single housing or separate) to detect thickness and clad debond defects ● Small dead zone (region near the pipe ends that cannot be tested by the probe due to mechanical restrictions) ● Integrated housing dual crystal probe with two semicircular profile probes available for normal channel ● Integrated proximity sensors detect when probes are in contact with pipe ● ● Multiprobe housing for 8 probe application ● Integrated water pipe inlets with a quickrelease mechanism for coupling between the pipe surface and the probe housing surface ● Wear pins on the housing allow for greater wear resistance to the pipe's surface conditions and prolong probe life ● Designed for pipes thickness range of 1075mm with the standard probes. Higher thicknesses can be accommodated using special probes. Probe head schematic. Ultrasonic transducer in AUToPipe P3 Probe head with inset of probe holder. Note that for clarity the connectors and cables have been removed. © 2009 IQCAIS IQC AUToPipe 4 Software Suite The AUToPipe software controls the entire system through its various modules, all of which are launched and closed through a menubar. 1. Test 2. Process 3. Analyze 4. Report Display with gate parameters and alarms AUToPipe Menu Bar The test module performs complete ultrasonic data acquisition. This module integrates the UT, DAQ and interface electronics for synchronization of signals from the motion control system and the probes. ● Each scan provides one set of positional and Ascan data upto 20000 times a second ● Data includes gate amplitude, TOF, threshold detection and limit exceptions ● Dynamic menu gives access to over 100 parameters ordered in easytouse groups including the editing of all channel parameters ● Multiple configuration files allow the user to rapidly switch between different setups Process, Analyze and Report modules transform the raw data into a 24bit Cscan maps with user annotations for easy dissemination and retrieval of test results in graphical as well as HTML formats. ● Wide range of userselectable settings to convert the raw data file into the Cscan image ● User can analyze and add information to the raw Cscan maps ● Both amplitude and TOF Cscan maps available ● Image filtering techniques to classify regions into zones ● Dimensional markers can be added to features exceeding threshold limits ● Onscreen display with zoom and query function ● All raw data saved to a file seamlessly ● Storage of Cscan in PNG format ● Pseudoreal time update of the digital alarms, amplitude/TOF data and Ascan for feedback to user ● Formatted HTML reports using the report generation module ● Report module gets critical test parameters from the datafile maintaining the test parameter integrity while allowing user comments to be part of report ● Compact format makes for easy archival and retrieval Test module graphical interface. Feature menu to add markers on Cscan. Screenshot showing processed Cscan image with features superposed. © 2009 IQCAIS IQC AUToPipe 5 AUToPipeLite AUToPipeLite is a offline version of AUToPipe that has same functionality for processing, analysis and reporting. It is provided for the benefit of experts using systems with no ultrasound hardware. It also supports the addition of information to an existing report allowing for multiple personnel to interact with the test data. Filter and thresholding menu Processed Cscan FourColor Map. Sample Report © 2009 IQCAIS IQC AUToPipe 6 ● Servomotor controlled linear motion through a rack/pinion system, fully controlled via the control panel. ● Proximity sensors (on the Probe Head) detect the front and rear edge of the pipe limit and start/stop data collection automatically Motion Control System The motion control system (MCS) controls the pipe and probe head motion during setup as well as testing. The MCS comes with a graphical interface to access all user controls. The MCS and UT system hardware are connected via the interface electronics into a single workstation enabling the operator to operate both the interfaces. The Motion Control System runs on a computer running a customized Real Time Linux Operating System. This software controls the entire MCS along with required interfacing to the UT hardware. A closed water circuit (or open depending on the customer specification) is provided to provide the couplant flow for the ultrasonic sensors. A tank is provided with a built in motor operated from the control panel. Inlets to the water pump are provided to enable water flow from main water inlet and also to allow recirculation of already used water. The MCS comes in two configurations: ● MCSf: For full pipe testing ● MCSe: For end pipe testing MCSf Features ● Steel rollers (one on each side of pipe) with rubber layer to take the pipe weight and allow smooth rolling of pipes. ● The roller assemblies transfer the load onto the steel bars and then to the foundation ● Additional push down force (useful at high speeds) via pneumatically controlled rollers on the upper half of the pipe. ● Crosshead with precision linear motion measurement carries the probe head ● Rotary drive system drives one roller to impart rotary motion to the pipes ● Second crosshead with selfcentering chuck assembly to restrict pipe rigid body motion during test ● Precision encoder monitors the angular displacement down to 1/10th degree accuracy ● Gross weight of pipes upto 10 tons can be tested ● Maximum pipe dimensions determined by the roller quantity and placement (maximum of 12 meters length with diameter upto 30 inches in the standard configuration) MCSe Features ● Raster scan mode of motion used* ● Stepper motor with chuck assembly for precise rotary motion control ● Ball screw assembly powered by a stepper motor for precise indexing of the linear motion. The probe assembly is fixed to this assembly ● Entire ball screw assembly mounted on wheels seated on the pipe outer surface. ● The ball screw assembly is held on the pipe surface through a flexible belt/ link assembly with rollers on one end while the other end is connected to the rotary stepper motor shaft *End pipe scanning requires motion on one end of the pipe over about 2040cm. A raster scanning pattern is employed where a linear scan along the axis is done and then the probe head is indexed by an increment in the rotary direction. The sequence of motion is orchestrated by the two stepper motors. © 2009 IQCAIS Schematic of endpipe option for AUToPipe. IQC AUToPipe 7 Spiral probe path for a full pipe test. Note the ultrasonic wave paths (Return paths slightly offset for visibility). This is a tri probe configuration. Normal probe raster path on a endpipe test (Single probe configuration). AUToPipe Flowchart © 2009 IQCAIS IQC AUToPipe 8 Configuration options About IQC A IQC, established in 1989, is an organization specializing in training, certification, services and consulting in Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE), Welding Inspection, Quality Management, Residual Life Analysis (RLA), Third Party Inspection etc. IQC has over 100 years of collective experience in the field of NDT. IQC conducts training and certification as per ASNT SNTTC1A in RT, UT, MT, PT, ET and VT. IQC conducts American Welding Society, USA (AWS) courses for Certified Welding Inspectors and Senior Certified Welding Inspectors. Training and certification programs for Coating Inspectors are organized in association with NACE International, USA. Other training programs includes Heat Treatment, Metallography, Corrosion Engineering, Painting Inspection, Internal Quality Audit, Total Quality Management etc. Over 5000 people have been certified by IQC. IQCAIS has experience in sensor integration, computerized data acquisition, signal and image processing and automatic decision making. IQCAIS is engaged in the development and deployment of affordable, qualified, high end automated solutions in all areas of NDE including UT, Eddy Current, Visual Inspection etc. IQCAIS also provides consulting solutions in the fields of Finite Element Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Image Processing and Quality Control. IQC offices are present in India & in United Arab Emirates with affiliated partners in Singapore, Malaysia and Nigeria. UToPipe has multiple configurations based on number of channels and type of inspection. Choose from the following configurations based on your requirements. Models Normal Channels Shear Channels Inspection Type AUToPipe C0100e One None End Pipe AUToPipe VC2100f One Two Full Pipe AUToPipe C0800f Eight None Full Pipe AUToPipe C0800e Eight None End Pipe AUToPipe VC8800f Eight Eight Full Pipe Customized configurations can be designed for special requirement. Foundation drawings, power requirements will be provided for machine installation. Supply of air, water and power sockets will be verified at installation time. Isolation transformers for noise cancellation are also provided as an option. Contact Information INDIA IQC Advanced Inspection Solutions, “Shivani” Block – 1, 1st Floor Rear, 40, East Coast Road, Thiruvanmiyur Chennai – 600 041, India. Ph: +91444215 8714/15 EMail: [email protected] UAE & GCC Industrial Quality Consultancy FZE P.O.Box.10559, RAK FTZ RAS AL KHAIMAH UAE Ph: +971502986301 Fax: +971 72041010 (Attn: IQC FZE) © 2009 IQCAIS
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