MAN 3-13-13 - Molokai Advertiser-News
MAN 3-13-13 - Molokai Advertiser-News
The M.A.N. Online: HC01 Box 770 K'Kai email: [email protected] Molokai, HI 96748 ph. 808-558-8253 Aloha: it's FREE! Mail To: Molokai Advertiser-News Volume 28 Number 11 The Militia of Molokai's Community Newspaper—Every Wednesday March 13, 2013.. .... Legal Notice to Molokai Homeowners 2013 Real Property Assessment Notices Nobel Committee Asks Obama to Return Nobel Peace Prize: Obama Does Not Deserve It This satire is based on Obama's murderous foreign policy actions, and the opinions against Dictator Obama expressed by millions of American Citizens. Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee has reportedly asked Barack H. Obama II to return the Nobel Peace Prize that he was given in 2009 at the beginning of his first term usurping Office of President. Obama, recognized by the Nobel Committee as the first “black” president ran on a peace ticket, and the Nobel Comittee was trying to encourage Obama, and consequently affect US foreign policy, toward peaceful actions, under the guise of optimism. But, Obama has not fulfilled any of his peaceable campaign promises, such as closing down Guantanamo’s torture factory, and he has started new wars unlawfully. Nobel committee members exclaimed “Boy oh boy! Did we regret that press release!” and admitted they were all “legless drunk” the day they voted Obama’s Peace Prize, as it was the start of Norway’s annual aquavit-tasting festival. The “totally toasted” members listened over and over to replays of Obama’s Cairo speech, tearing up and drinking shots to the glorious future: a black man from Kenya ruling America and the world into a new era of peace and hope. Obama is the only Nobel Peace Prize winner I'm aware of who has repeatedly ordered bombings after winning the prize. Americans do not like what they see. The President of Bolivia along with a Russian political leader reportedly launched a campaign to get the Nobel Peace Prize stripped from Barack Obama in the wake of Obama’s attack on Libya. International leaders noted that "Obama has now fired more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace prize winners combined.” Liberal Democratic Party of Russia leader and Vice-Chairman of the State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky released a statement recently calling for the Nobel Prize Committee to take back the honor bestowed on fraud usurping US President Barack Obama in 2009. Zhirinovsky said the attacks were "another outrageous act of aggression by U.S. controlled NATO forces and, in particular, the United States’ Barack Obama personally," and that the attacks demonstrated a "colonial policy" with "one goal: to establish U.S. control over Libyan oil and the Libyan regime." He said the prize was now hypocritical as a result. Bolivian President Evo Morales echoed the call: "How is it possible that a Nobel Peace Prize winner leads a gang to attack and invade? This is not a defence of human rights or self-determination." The Nobel Committee awarded the coveted Peace Prize in 2009 to Barack Obama after he made a series of speeches in the first months of his presidency, which convinced the Peace Prize Committee that he was: “creating a new climate of…multilateral diplomacy…an emphasis on the role of the United Nations…of dialogue and negotiations as instruments for resolving international conflicts…and a vision of world free of nuclear arms.” The Nobel Committee apparently has finally noted that Obama’s drones have killed nearly 200 children since he won his Nobel Peace Prize, and that Americans live in a state of permanent war, and Obama continues this system, “I Have a Dream Drone Over America”, has become Obama’s newest mantra. Thorbjorn Jagland, chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, said last Friday that Obama “really ought to consider” returning his Nobel Peace Prize Medal immediately. The announcement dated March 8 appeared in The Truther publication, but is not being mentioned by Obama-supporting national media. Jagland, reportedly flanked by the other four members of the Committee, said they’d never before asked for the return of a Peace Prize, “even from a damnable war-criminal like Israeli zionist [Henry] Kissinger,” but that the 10% drawdown in US troops in Afghanistan that Obama announced last week capped a period of “nonPeace-Prize-winner-type behavior” in 2011, and the US will be occupying Afghanistan and spreading terror and bloodshed until 2014 and beyond. Obama reportedly is now focusing on Norway to target suspected alQuaeda terrorists for termination by drone. [ Arrest war criminal Barack H. Obama II ] WAILUKU, Maui, Hawai‘i -- The County of Maui Real Property Tax Division announced today that 2013 real property assessment notices will be mailed to property owners on March 15, 2013. The real property assessment notice will show the net taxable value of land and (if applicable) improvements, the amount of allowed exemptions, the person who received the exemption and the classification assigned to the property. Property owners are encouraged to carefully review the document and contact the Division by phone at (808) 270-7297 or in person if they have any questions. If a property owner disagrees with the assessment, general land class, or exemption shown on their real property assessment notice, they may file an appeal with the Board of Review. The appeal deadline is April 9, 2013 and the filing fee is $75.00. Appeal forms may be obtained at the Real Property Tax Office or at The assessment notice is not a bill. If you prefer a paperless version for your next year’s notice go to the website shown on the assessment notice card and enter the code that appears on the card. This effort will give owners an option to receive future notices via email. If you do not receive your assessment notice, or have any questions, contact the County of Maui Real Property Tax Division by phone at (808) 270-7297, in person, or view assessment information online at The Real Property Tax Office is located at Maui Mall on the Safeway side of the mall, 70 East Kaahumanu Ave., Suite A-16 ======================== Comet Near Moon Visible on Left Is a Once in a Lifetime Event The bright comet is an icy mass, called C/2011 L4 Pan-Starrs, and it should be visible with binoculars or a telescope when clouds are clear on the left side of the Moon for several evenings this photo taken on tonight. The comet is passing at a distance of about 45 million kilometres from earth. The comet will appear to move through the constellations of Pisces, Pegasus and Andromeda on March 12 and 13, which could provided the best viewing opportunity where the clouds moved away. For the next week, it should be easier to spot higher in the night sky, a little higher each night, even as the Moon sets on the horizon, providing it is a clear cloudless night. Solar wind and pressure from sunlight gives the comet its characteristic double tail. Once in a lifetime. It is thought to be a non-periodic comet, which means this could be the first time it has ever passed through the inner Solar System, and it might not return for another 100,000 years. Yes, once in a life time. The comet was first discovered in June 2011, spotted by the Pan-Starrs telescope in Hawaii as a faint object more than a billion kilometres away. If you find it with binoculars, you might be able to see it with the naked eye. Astronomers believe it originated in the Oort Cloud, a region of space packed full of comets, and has been hurtling towards the Sun for millions of years. "After sunset, scan the horizon roughly in the western direction. On the 12 and 13 March, there was a nice association with the thin crescent Moon," advised Prof Bailey. "You can use the Moon as a guide, and search just down or to the left of the Moon. Through binoculars you should be able to see the head of the comet and certainly the two types of the tail." He added: "I would always advise people to hunt for comets with binoculars, but if you have found it with binoculars, have a good hunt around and see if you can see it with the naked eye. That's quite a challenge - but it is a wonderful thing to have seen." After this, the comet will begin to appear later and higher up in the night sky. And then it will vanish back into the depths of space. Look up all this week! The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 2 Orly Taitz vs Obama update: Obama Can Not Cut Millions of Dollars on Study of Why Lesbians Are Fat? Obama’s DOJ attorney sneak Dictator criminal alien Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro Can’t Cut Behind Congress to Obstruct Lesbian-ObesityandStudy? When responsible adults begin running short on money, they stop buying Justice in Election Lawsuit things they don’t need. This is common sense to a lot of us, but there are still some Attorney Orly Taitz today personally talked to Member of the Judiciary Committee Rep Lou Gohmert, Sen Jim Inhofe, Rep Steven King and retired Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim Demint regarding the criminal acts of Barack Obama and AG Holder and his DOJ staff. As multiple reporters recorded the meeting, Orly Taitz showed Gohmert Obama's tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and SSNVS and E-verify, showing that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, solid verifiable evidence that Obama is using a stolen Social Security number, i.e., I.D. theft Taitz also advised Gohmert that in January, Obama’s DOJ appered before Judge England, stating that they represent the US Congress and on behalf of the US Congress they opposed the injunction of the certification of Obama's electoral votes. She asked, if Rep. Gohmert, as a US Congressman and member of the Judiciary committee, felt that it is proper for Obama to use the SSN that was not assigned to him, whether Gohmert directed the US Department of Justice to represent him and oppose the injunction. Gohmert stated in front of all the reporters that he did no know anything about this and that Obama’s Attorney General and the Department of Justice staff attorneys never gave him any court papers. Senator Inhofe stated that he too did not know anything about the court hearing and DOJ representing Congress and him. Taitz talked to Rep. Steven King, who said no court papers were served on him, and that if Obama’s Department of Justice were to give him any papers he would remember it. Rep. King stated that his staff will review all the info and will prepare an executive report for him. He should have an answer in 1 week. Sheriff Joe’s Cold Posse lead investigator LT. Zullo and talk show host Carl Gallos stood next to Taitz during this conversation and witnessed Taitz giving the documents to King. Orly Taits summarized: “As of now the picture is such that the Department of Justice went behind the backs of the U.S Congressmen and never gave them any pleadings or documents and did not act as an attorneyor the US Congress, but rather as a private criminal defense attorney for Obama.” Currently Taitz has problems connecting to the control panel of her web site and asking everyone to spread the word. “If Department of Justice went behind the backs of the US Congress, this is a scandal much bigger than the Watergate,” she added after completing several news interviews that may or maynot be aired by the major media that support and perpetuate Obama’s criminal treasonous actions. Dr Orly TaitzESQ website: 29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 for The Moloka'i Advertiser-News S us an G eo rg e G & S Enterprises.....Publisher............George Peabody....Editor email to [email protected] Patriot-guerrilla journalism web page: Phone: 558-8253.....Call The M.A.N. online Published Every Wednesday Made on Molokai for theWorld Subscriptions....FREE Online Published Weekly. Founded in 1984...Contents © 2013 All Rights Reserved who do not understand. It is these helplessly irresponsible who migrate to the D.C. area and hold elected office as Democrats. So, point one: responsible leaders conserve their country’s money in financially burdensome times. Point two: If you are going to credibly tell the country that cutting a paltry $44 billion from a 2013 budget of a whopping $3.8 trillion will be devastating, your actions had better be to start treating all federal money as sacred. The actions of the Obama administration do not match the President’s warnings that the sequester cuts of less than half of one-tenth of one-sixth (less than a week’s worth of spending) of the federal budget absolutely must remain in place. Forty-four billion. If such a small amount (relative to the budget) is sacred, surely the government won’t be using one penny of its budget to find out why lesbians are fat. Except it is: $1.5 million from the budget of this financially tight country is going to the study of why gay women are obese. Forty-four billion. If such a small amount (relative to the budget) is sacred, surely the government won’t be using one penny of its budget to hire new government employees, especially when there are more than enough of them. Except it is: the government is looking to hire 2,600 new employees. A responsible government would be cutting non-essential government jobs (a great many of them) and cutting the paychecks of the employees who aren’t let go. But some White House staffers are making six-figure salaries. Forty-four billion. If such a small amount (relative to the budget) is sacred, surely the government won’t be using one penny of its budget to look at animal magazines. Except it is: $227 thousand will be used to “study” animal photographs from National Geographic. A quarter of a million truly is a drop in the bucket, but if we can’t cut all of the drops of water accumulated by literally thousands of government programs and research projects, how are we going to cut anything? Democrats won’t let us cut from the programs that do the country the most financial damage, such as the various entitlement programs, so we must cut something else. Why not the lesser-important programs? Because Democrats are not serious about repairing our fiscal mess. Democrats would sooner have the government default than cut their own salaries and pensions and stop giving grants to researchers to study things that, compared to the financial stability of this country’s future, truly are worthless. Discovering the great “mystery” of lesbian obesity is not going to put money in the wallets and food on the table for future generations. Fine, Let’s Cut Entitlements ! Yes we can! Whose fault is it that Obama-nation “government” is wasting money? Wake up America! Our rightful GOVERNMENT is the Constitution for the United States of America the Supreme Law of the Land. WE are the governors that rule through this instrument. What you call the "government" is the thirty million, underworked overpaid public servants who have formed an illicit oligarchy to usurp the GOVERNMENT of the PEOPLE. This corporate monstrosity is more properly called the REICH. "Police" are US. We PEOPLE are police because we retain the police power to govern ourselves and our country. We also, arguably, hold sovereignty and the powers that used to be the powers of the crown. How about cutting a lot more, to reduce the National debit? What if the Federal Department of Education stopped operating tomorrow? Prior to Jimmy Carter’s administration, there was no Department of Education, and we got along just fine. The budget in 2011 was around $71 billion. And what does the federal DOE do? “The primary functions of the Department of Education are to ‘establish policy for, administer and coordinate most federal assistance to education, collect data on US schools, and to enforce federal educational laws regarding privacy and civil rights.’” Would anybody miss these “primary functions” except government bureaucrats? The longer we can go with less government, hardly anyone has noticed. The lights and heat in my house are still on. My car still works. The internet is on. The grocery shelves are full. Life is good! Get ride of the federal TSA “services” by reverting to security by the airlines for passengers on their airplanes. Actually, people who purchased tickets would pay for it. It would be like a tax with no political strings attached. That’s another way to cut the Federal budget, and protect our Constitutional rights. Time to march with arms and stop the Obama Dictatorship ! The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 3 Molokai's Forum For Freedom Obama Stockpiling Ammo, Weapons, Assault Trucks In yet another stunning victory for the alternative media the story of the U.S. Individual’s Sovereignty vs Slavery by George Peabody ph. 558-8253 email: "We have staked the whole of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."— Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Wake up militia! Use it , or lose it ! Got your gun, yet? "...with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, or fortunes and our sacred honor." (Unanimous Declaration.of Independence) If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, and, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than live as slaves. “The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.”- John Locke "Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable." -- Robert F. Kennedy "Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J. Enforce the Bill of Rights ! ———————————— "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative [insert your favorite alphabet Gang DEA, BATFE, H.S., TSA, FBI, IRS, NSA, CIA, LEOs etc. here], when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people hadnot simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose [neither do you now] and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand. The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transports and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" -- The Gulag Archipelago, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn government stockpiling huge quantities of ammunition (1.6 billion rounds and counting) has finally broken through media censorship and gone mainstream. writer Ralph Benko is calling for a “national conversation” on why the Obama federal government would need to stockpile enough ammunition to wage a 20-year domestic war against the American people. NPR, MSNBC, CNN etc. all pretended these 1.6 billion bullets were imaginary and didn’t exist, just “conspiracy theory,” and anyone who reported the truth on the government’s ammo purchases was labeled a fringe lunatic. The truth is Obama’s Department of Homeland Security has purchased over 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, thousands of full-auto assault rifles, and thousands of armored assault vehicles for use inside the United States of America. Benko also points out that Obama’s stockpiling of weapons, ammo and armored vehicles is taking place right in the middle of Obama’s “sequester” which Obama claims has sharply curtailed his ability to spend money. So while Janet Napolitano releases illegal alien criminals onto the streets of America, behind the scenes the government is actually building up an ammo stockpile so huge that it could wage a 20-year war against the American people. In 1997, WND exposed the fact that 60,000 federal agents were enforcing more than 3,000 criminal laws. In 1999, Joseph Farah warned there were more than 80,000 armed federal law enforcement agents, constituting “the virtual standing army over which the founding fathers had nightmares.” Today, that number has nearly doubled to almost 160,000 armed federal agents. In 2008, WND reported on proposed rules to expand the military’s use inside U.S. borders to prevent “environmental damage” or respond to “special events” and to establish policies for “military support for civilian law enforcement.” It’s time that government-worshipping leftists stopped behaving as if they were delusional children in a make-believe fairy land and started facing reality. It’s time we all asked the question loudly and repeatedly: Why is the federal government arming up against the American people? We know who gives the orders! And at what point do Alex Jones, Sarah Palin, Joseph Farah and others get their long-deserved apology for accurately and courageously warning the public about all this, even in the face of being labeled lunatics for telling the truth? Finally, what has become of journalism in America when people who ask real questions are attacked and marginalized while those who parrot government lies are looked upon as “authoritative” sources? The solution is clear: Senators and Representatives –- if they are pro-USA – MUST vote to defund all of Obama’s dictatorship, and ARREST the criminal. Gun Rights Refresher 1. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. 2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone. 3. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words. 4. "Free" men do not ask permission to bear arms. 5. If you don't know your rights you don't have any. 6. Those who trade liberty for security have neither. 7. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand? 8. The Second Amendment is to enforce the other 9 Amendments. 9. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday. 10. Guns only have two enemies; rust and politicians. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive. 911 - government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer. Assault is a behavior, not a gun device. Criminals love gun control -- it makes their jobs safer. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson. Only a government that is afraid of citizens prohibits guns. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for. Remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves. The American Revolution was about gun control. Crimes of Politicians Must Be Stopped by The People (You are The Militia) The crime on our streets is a tiny fraction of the crime in the offices of our politicians and bureaucrats - the massive majority of crime is committeed by the criminal classes in power. Just look at the constant abuse of power in our State government offices and you will realize the extent of crime in Government. Just consider just how many BILLIONS of dollars a day Government extorts from the people and how little WE get in return; and just how comfortable the politicians make themselves at the expense of the peoples they extort! The goal of the founders of America was to restrict government within severe limits and to protect the rights of soverign individuals. Government has NO rights! Judges are impeachable. Furthermore, judges may be removed immediately for violating oaths of office, involvement in conspiracies, extortion, and failing to uphold their duty to the common law. Judges can also be arrested, they are not exempt from this nor are any other officials, including the President of the United States. Do the people have the power to do this? Yes, the people have the power to do everything to defend our country against all enemies foreign or domestic politician, and government has no power to say otherwise. Fascist bureaucrats might send out its armed marauders, but a huge group of The People (Militia) armed with guns as guaranteed their Right to keep and bear arms by the 2nd Amendment is likely to stop them unless the governments decide that it is time to begin mass killings of all people who believe in the rights of Man. Wake up ! Enforce the Bi l l of Ri ghts ! S A F E T Y ! Private Lessons; Livefire Practice Call 558-8253 Bill of Rights 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Use it or lose it ! F R E E D O M The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 4 Women who survived LAPD’s bullets still waiting to get truck LAPD Chief Charlie Beck pledged to provide a truck to Margie Carranza, 47, and her mother, Emma Hernandez, 71, who were delivering newspapers when officers mistook their truck for fugitive murderer Chris Dorner's. Hernandez was shot twice in the back, and Carranza was injured by broken glass. Police officers in pursuit of fugitive ex-cop Christopher Dorner fired on this blue Toyota Tacoma, injuring Carranza and her mother, Emma Hernandez, who were delivering newspapers in Torrance. The LAPD pledged to provide a new truck to the women, but they still haven't received it. Does the LAPD owe these women a new truck? Yes No 98% (2,087 votes) 2% (38 votes) Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck hasn't come through on a promise to provide a new truck for two women injured by officers in pursuit of fugitive excop Christopher Dorner, an attorney for the women said Monday. Beck pledged to provide the truck to Margie Carranza, 47, and her mother, Emma Hernandez, 71, who were delivering newspapers in Torrance last month when LAPD officers riddled their blue Toyota Tacoma with bullets. Dorner was believed to be driving a gray Nissan Titan. Beck called the shooting "a tragic misinterpretation" by officers working under "incredible tension" hours after Dorner allegedly shot police officers. He promised to provide a truck from a donor regardless of potential litigation by the women. But Glen Jonas, the women's attorney, said they are still without a truck. "After they shot my clients ... this broken promise of a truck donation and the nonsense that followed is a slap in the face," he said. Jonas said the women were first offered a used truck, then a non-four-wheeldrive Ford to replace their four-wheel-drive Toyota. The women also had to agree not to sell it for a year. His clients agreed to that truck, he said. But then the dealership and LAPD officials said the truck would be considered a prize for tax purposes, Jonas said. "Essentially, they'd have to pay taxes like they won it on a game show." Jonas said the situation is all the more difficult because the women haven't been able to work since being injured. LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith said the department, working with a car dealership, was able to secure a new truck for the women and even covered the taxes and fees. But, he said, the dealership has advised that the vehicle must be legally declared for tax purposes. "We are trying to work it out," Smith said. The seven officers involved in the incident are assigned to desk duty during an internal investigation into the shooting, which also left holes in several homes on the cul-de-sac. Wildass cops violating gun safety in panic negligent shooting. The officers were protecting the home of a high-ranking LAPD official named in a threatening manifesto authorities said was written by Dorner, and they believed that official could have been a potential target. Dorner at the time had already killed the daughter of an LAPD captain and her fiance — a USC police officer — and a Riverside police officer, officials said. ========== Veterans’ Administration refuses to follow N.Y. gun law Mental-health professionals won’t report names of patients The federal Department of Veterans Affairs said Monday its mental health professionals won’t comply with a new gun law in New York that requires reporting the names of patients they believe likely to hurt themselves or others. That provision is set to take effect Saturday. Several veterans and their advocates warned it would deter many from seeking counseling and medications to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder or other psychological issues. Veterans fear their rights would be taken away, because under the law pushed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the information would be used by state officials to determine whether someone should give up a gun license or weapon. If the VA did give records, these veterans would be deprived of their life, liberty and property without due process of law! It is time for us to exercise our Second Amendment rights to protect our First Amendment rights that we can then exercise to support our Fifth Amentment rights! It is time to get REALLY PISSED! IT IS TIME TO BE REALLY AFRAID! IT IS TIME FOR ACTION - NOT WORDS. We must file petitions of Re-call against every Democrat in public office anywhere from Dog Catcher to President! These people are Enemies of Freedom! They are my enemies! They are your enemies! We must get them out! VA Spokesman Mark Ballesteros said Monday that federal protections of veterans’ treatment records take precedence. The agency’s lawyers had been studying the New York statute, which passed in January. “Federal laws safeguarding the confidentiality of veterans’ treatment records do not authorize VA mental-health professionals to comply with this New York State law,” Ballesteros said . “Under the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution, federal laws take precedence over conflicting state and local laws.” Cuomo, addressing reporters Monday, acknowledged limits to the law, which he advocated in part to keep guns away from the mentally ill and avert mass shootings like the killing of 26 children and adults last year in Newtown, Conn. “Depending on the institution or the organization, they have pre-existing legal parameters,” Cuomo said. “Some organizations just say at the beginning of the day, ‘All communications are confidential,’ period, ‘all information is confidential,’ period. So it’s going to have to be viewed in light of their legal structure in the first place. It’s up to them.” Paul Rieckhoff, founder of the 200,000-member Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, based in New York City, said New York’s gun law has been a topic among veterans in New York and across the country. He said it would definitely have had a chilling effect on them seeking or continuing treatment because of confidentiality and overcoming the stigma of getting treatment for mental injuries. “We’re already struggling to get folks to come out and get help,” said Rieckhoff, an Iraq vet, citing just a 52 percent utilization rate at the VA. He said the issue is even more complicated for veterans because they have been trained to use guns, which in some places are an important part of their culture. Robert Green, a 64-year-old Vietnam combat veteran, who has joined protests in Albany against a state law he also regards as an infringement on his Second Amendment rights, agreed it would have deterred veterans from seeking help. He noted none of the mass shootings involved vets. He would not say whether he had any issues connected to his service for the same reason he thought others would, explaining, “It could be used against me.” New York’s law also sets a seven-bullet limit on magazines, tightens the definition of illegal “assault weapons” and requires owners of formerly legal semiautomatic guns to register them. Derek Coy, a 28-year-old Marine Corps veteran now living in New York, who was in Iraq in 2005-2006 and diagnosed with PTSD in 2009, said he has gotten counseling and medication for symptoms including feeling numb and “crippling anxiety.” He said that it is hard enough for vets to admit they have a problem and get help, and that New York’s law threatened to put up another obstacle. “I never had feelings to harm anyone else. I have had suicidal ideations,” he said. “I own guns. I like to hunt. This will deter people from being honest.” At the Mental Health Association of New York State, chief executive Glenn Liebman said the concern is not just veterans who won’t get treatment for fear of the stigma of being listed in the state database or who will hide serious issues from their therapists. [MORE on page 5 ] Every Wednesday Tree Trimming-recycle chips eastend call 558 8253 for appointment/ estimate l Da Kine Ads l SERVICES OFFERED Architectural Drafting Office Ph. 553-9045 email: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LICENSED ARCHITECT Rich Young - Custom homes Portfolio available online at 553-5992 [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pono Tree Triming /remove chipping: ph 558 8253 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enforce the Bill of Rights ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ House for Rent 2-bdrm house, newl y renovated, fully furnished. Carport, storage, laundry $1250/mo. min. 6 mos. Lease. Non-smokers only. No pets. Last house Seaside Place Koheo Wetland [email protected] or phone 1-808-553-5992. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COLORADO Acre on trout fi shi ng stream. wi th $195. down and $195. monthl y. Beauti ful mountai n area. Good roads. Owner. 806-679-0128 or 806-676-0304. Cal l 24/ 7. di ane. steed@att. net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Company is in good company with The M.A.N. The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 5 Veterans’ Gun Rights continued from 4 “We think it has been a mistake to equate mental illness and violence. There are so many other predictors that are so much more significant,” Liebman said. “Clearly, with regard to PTSD, the rates are much higher among veterans than the general population. … But there’s so much stigma associated with mental illness in general, and it’s very difficult for veterans to come forward.” In February, a VA report said that in 2010 about 22 veterans committed suicide each day, at rates higher than the general population and higher still among women vets. That was based on 27,062 suicides by those with U.S. military service among 147,763 suicides total in 21 states. The VA’s National Center for PTSD said experts think that 11 to 20 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans — the number clicks up to 30 percent among Vietnam veterans — will experience that disorder. The New York State Psychiatric Association, representing more than 4,000 practicing psychiatrists, said confidentiality is a core guiding principal in medicine, particularly in psychiatry, where patients’ disclosure of thoughts and feelings, including anger, hostility and resentment, is often essential to treatment. According to the association, psychiatrists already have a duty to notify police when they conclude a patient presents “an imminent risk of harm to self or others,” but the new law contains no such time distinction. Richard Gallo, the group’s lobbyist, said “imminent risk” occurs when a patient reaches “a crisis stage,” and the association has proposed an amendment to say that. Cuomo said Monday, “The law says it’s totally up to the health provider if they come forward or not; it’s totally up to them.” However, the statute says mental health professionals, absent laws to the contrary, “shall be required to report, as soon as practicable,” the names of patients who, in their judgment, are “likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to self or others.” There is an exception when physicians, psychologists, clinical social workers or registered nurses believe reporting will endanger them or increase the danger to potential victims. Gun Makers Refusing Sales To Obama’s Government Goons Triples In Two Weeks On February 22, “Right Views” reported that a growing number of firearm companies have suspended the sale of guns to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens’ rights to own them. In just two weeks, the number of companies participating in what has been named the “Firearms Equality Movement,” has more than tripled from 34 companies to 118. The Police Loophole lists every company and links to the statements that each has released regarding their new policies. Wilson Combat, a custom pistol manufacturer located in Berryville, Arkansas, joined the movement on February 28 stating the following: “Wilson Combat will no longer provide any products or services to any State Government imposing legislation that infringes on the second amendment rights of its law abiding citizens. This includes any Law Enforcement Department, Law Enforcement Officers, or any State Government Entity or Employee of such an entity. This also applies to any local municipality imposing such infringements.” Wilson lists the states included on its no sale policy as: California, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Washington D.C. and The City of Chicago, Illinois. The statement also reads: “Wilson Combat will in NO way support the government of these states or their anti-gun agenda that only limits the rights of law-abiding citizens. Wilson Combat will continue to supply any product and/or service they can legally sell in these states to all non-government affiliated citizens.” see more: ======================================================= Tired of the Politics: ARREST Obama! Vegas is no longer the world’s biggest gambling resort; America is. Barack Obama says we need to “win the future,” and one more roll of the dice should do it: a trillion dollars of chips on the stimulus came up empty but let’s pile another couple trillion on Obamacare, and “high-speed rail,” and “green jobs,” and etc!!? Stop all the politicing and file criminal charges against Obama, Holder, Pelosi, Clinton to be arrested and held without bail for trial. That is what needs to be done post haste to save USA. And get Rubio and Mazio Hirono to admit publicly that they are not natural born American Citizens and therefore not eligible to be a future POTUS, and that Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro is also not a natural born American Citizen and is therefore a criminal usurper of the Office of POTUS who is guilty also of many many other felony crimes, e.g., impersonating a federal officer POTUS, election fraud, federal tax fraud, I.D. Theft and Criminal Use of another person's Social Security, murder, War Crimes, criminal fraud, Benghazi, Osama bin Laudin, Fast & Furious, violating Oath of Office, Domestic Terrorism Enemy Combatant, and on and on...... ARREST Obama et al on criminal charges, hold without bail in jail for trial, then after 10years solitary, deport Obama et al to his homeland Kenya, and banish them from USA for life or summary execution by firing squad. I am sick and tired of all the politics and fund raisers I have contributed. Not working! CRIMINAL CHARGES and ARREST Obama into CUSTODY without bail as flight risk and extreme threat to the United States of America, into solitary with Obama-CAM 24 hrs/7-days week for public viewing to keep Obama safe from all of us natural born American Citizens who are angry that after all the damage he has done and more he plans to do against USA and the Constitution for the United States of America, Obama still is breathing. Sincerely, George Peabody Kaunakakai, Molokai, Hawaii 96748 Some Communities Consider Mandating Gun Ownership A town of 140 people in the U.S. state of Maine is considering an ordinance making gun ownership mandatory, the latest of a handful of communities nationwide to pass or consider such a rule even though the measures are widely considered unenforceable. Communities from Idaho to Georgia have been inspired to "require" or recommend their residents arm themselves ever since a gunman killed 26 youngsters and educators Dec. 14 in a school in Newtown, Connecticut, and raised fears among gun owners about an impending restriction on Second Amendment rights. Although it is only a handful of communities these measures reflect a growing divide in the U.S. between those like President Barack Obama who believe guns need to be more strictly regulated and supporters of the powerful gun lobby the National Rifle Association, which maintains that more guns keep people safer. While generally more liberal states with large urban centers like New York and California lawmakers have been introducing more stringent gun control laws, more conservative, rural areas have been going in the opposite direction. South Dakota on Friday passed a law allowing teachers and other personnel to carry firearms in the state's schools, the first of its kind since the Connecticut school shooting. Backed by gun rights supporters, the Maine ordinance is intended to pre-emptively block gun-control laws, Maine Attorney General Janet Mills said, adding that it will be "null and void" even if it passes. It is pre-empted by a 2011 state law that bars municipalities from adopting firearm regulations. "I think the town is going to have to shoot it down," Mills said Friday. That's what happened this week in Sabattus, another town in Maine, where the selectmen took the police chief's advice and voted not to send a similar proposal to voters. David Marsters, a retiree in Sabbatus, had proposed the ordinance, saying it would act as a hedge against crime. The idea has also caught on in Nelson, a city of just over 1,300 north of downtown Atlanta, Georgia where supporters of the gun-ownership proposal say light police patrols leave city residents virtually unprotected for most of the day. The proposal contains several exemptions for people who object to owning firearms because of personal beliefs, religious reasons or mental disability. In a statement, Mayor Pro Tem Jonathan Bishop said convicted felons would also be exempted. "I am in no way attempting to face off with the federal government, only doing what an elected official is supposed to do," Councilman Duane Cronic, who proposed the ordinance, said in an email Friday. The rule passed unanimously on its first reading and awaits a final vote April 1. In Kennesaw, Georgia., city officials worried at the time of a similar law's passage in 1982 that population growth in nearby Atlanta might bring crime to the community, which now has about 30,000 people. "They wanted to send an anti-crime message, also," Graydon said. And it has worked, he argued, with crime staying low. Graydon acknowledged Kennesaw's ordinance is "unenforceable" and said no attempt has ever been made to do so. Some communities don't go so far as to call for required gun ownership. Spring City, Utah, moved forward with an ordinance this year "recommending" the idea of keeping firearms. Other ordinances have been passed in Virgin, Utah, and Cherry Tree, Pennsylvania, largely as symbolic gestures. A southwestern Idaho town of 900 people, Greenleaf, adopted an ordinance in 2006 that encourages residents who don't object on religious or other reasons to keep a gun in the house and to seek training on using firearms. City officials said they don't know how many residents own guns. In Maine, Byron's Simmons-Edmunds said that probably 90 percent of the households in town already have a gun and that passage would not mean the town would enforce it by checking every household. "We not going to invade anybody's privacy," Byron's Simmons-Edmunds said. "We just want to send a statement that we're not going to give up our guns." The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 6 Yes, lots of evidence points to Kenya as Obama/Soetoro's birth place, not Hawaii. Lots of evidence shows the Obamagang is motivated by a lawless hostility toward the Constitution for the United States of America the Supreme Law of the Land; applies race biased invidious discriminatory animus toward middle class and poor Caucasians; and, exempts his cohorts from the equal enforcement of the law to effect a power shift away from Constitutionally limited government in republican form by We The People to incrementally effect a race/sectarian biased Marxist socialist dictatorship under color of law, i.e., “fundamentally change America” as Obama promised he would do. Obama should be immediately arrested for TREASON, War Crimes, Fraud, etc. etc. along with all his Czars and attorneys and justice obstructing federal judges and complicit members of Congress and Senate, and Bush I&II, and Clintons B&H, Pelosi, Reid, and State of Hawaii governors Linda Lingle, Neil Abercrombie, DNC, RNC, militant Black Panthers, Zionists, and Neo-Cons. If not, USA is on the fast track to 3rd World Order. Bloger Koos is right: White voters let their self-hatred and white coolie guilt overrule good sense and good judgement when they voted for this slimeball illegal alien fraud Obama/Soetoro, and his cabal of far-left Israel-first and Muslim Black Nationalist enemies of the Constitution and the natural born American Citizens and good legal immigrants. You deserve Obama government, unless you repent to God and take immediate action to correct this Constitutional crisis as is our DUTY as described in our 1776 Unanimous Declaration ! George Peabody, editor The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 7 A Medal for “Drone Joystick Operator” Should NOT Outrank a Medal for Valor Barack Obama wants to award a Medal of Valor to drone operators? And, that medal would even be ranked higher that a real Medal of Valor, a Purple Heart, higher in honor than a Bronze Star for bravery in face of armed combat? Drones have changed the face of modern warfare. Killing enemy soldiers, while still a brutal act, is no longer as intimate as it was in the last century. Nowadays the distance between target and targeter can be thousands of miles, and launching an attack can look more like a video game. And from the comments recorded and exposed by Wikileaks of US military using the remote technology to decide life and death of often innocent people even children in foreign countries, it seems to be a computer game far removed from any real battle dangers. In 2013 a "pilot" operating an armed drone, an unmanned aerial vehicle, from a control center at an Air Force base in Nevada can push a button and kill someone he believes to be an al-Qaida commander on a back road in Pakistan. From the perspective of the victim and the collateral damage that results, it doesn't matter whether the assault came from an American soldier in a hideout 200 feet away or a military base 7,000 miles away. In either case, the target is extinguished, the people in the weddng party murdered, blasted into bits and pieces, children, too. Obama, the fraud POTUS and Commander in Chief wants to make U.S. military personnel who operate drones far from combat zones eligible for a Distinguished Warfare Medal. The Purple Heart goes to wounded soldiers, but in Obama’s new hierarchy it will sit lower than the award given to a service member pushing buttons in the safety and comfort of a control room in the United States or England. The logic of elevating the Distinguished Warfare Medal over established honors given for valor on the battlefield is inexplicable. War is hell, but the Pentagon doesn't have to make it worse by losing perspective on loyal troops' sacrifice. Fortunately, the military has stopped production of the new medal for remote warfare troops as it considers complaints from veterans and lawmakers over the award, a government official said yesterday. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered a review of the Distinguished Warfare Medal, which was to be awarded to troops who operate drones and use other technological skills to fight America's wars from afar. Lawmakers and veterans groups have complained that although troops can get the new medal for work far from the battlefield, it has been ranked above medals for those who served on the front line in harm's way, such as the Purple Heart given to wounded troops. If the review agrees with complaints about the medal, it would likely have to be renamed and new medals manufactured. In ordering the review, Hagel said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey would look at how the medal is ranked among others. ======================================================== KITV Asks Where Is The Highest Identity Theft? Hey! Look at Obama ! In the White House is the highest identity thief: Obama’s lack of legitimacy to hold the office of President based on his forged IDs, stolen Connecticut Social Security number Social Security 042-68-4425, the fact the last name he’s using is not legally his and his fraudulent claim to be the U.S. citizen. Evidence includes: A certified copy of the passport records of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, showing her son’s legal last name to be Soebarkah, not Obama. Obama’s school records from Indonesia, showing his citizenship to be Indonesian. Sworn affidavits of top law enforcement experts and investigators, showing Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service certificate are forgeries and that the Social Security number used by Obama on his 2009 tax returns as posted on was fraudulent. The SSN#042-68-4425 used by Barack H. Obama II on his federal income tax forms failed when checked through both EVerify and the Social Security Number Verification Service. Investigator Albert Hendershot found in the database of the name of the individual whose Social Security Obama is using. Acxciom-batch-solutions showed that Harry J Bounel’s Social Security number 042-68-4425 and his residence at 5046 S Greenwood Ave in Chicago, is also the home address of Barack Obama II. Repeat, the Database shows Bounel with the same address and Social Security number as Barack Obama himself. According to the databases the last changes to the information on Harrison (Harry) J Bounel were made in and around November 2009 by Michelle Obama, wife to Barack H. Obama II, who is listed as Bounel’s relative. It appears that changes made by relative Michelle Obama included deletion of information, which was done at a time when attorney Orly Taitz brought to Federal court in the Central District of California before Judge David O. Carter a case of election challenge by her client, former U.S. ambassador Dr. Alan Keyes and 40 state Representatives and high ranked members of the U.S. Military. Recently obtained results of the 1940 census, Exhibit 2, provided the last missing link, between Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro, and Harry J. Bounel whose recorded date of birth is 1890. Exhibit 2 shows the printout of the U.S. census, showing Harry J Bounel, immigrant from Russia, residing at 915 Daly Ave, Bronx, NY, age 50 during the 1940 census, he was born in 1890, as shown in the affidavit of Investigators Daniels and Sankey. There is a pattern of Obstruction of Justice and tampering with the official records and falsification/forgery of the official records related to Obama. That is where the high crimes and felonies and I.D. thieves are located, right there in the White House and Obama’s Dept. of Justice Eric Holder, and Pelosi’s DNC. LETTERS Dear Mazie: Aloha Mazie: You wrote “I became a naturalized citizen in 1959, the year Hawaii became a state. Today, I am honored to be the first Asian American immigrant woman in the United States Senate.” That is a great truth to state publicly. Now, go one step further with an even more significant admission: Please state that you are aware that you are NOT a Natural Born American Citizen and that as such you are not eligible to serve as President of the united States of America. That would be very honest of you to say it for public record. Finally, Mazie, please admit that you are aware that Barack H. Obama II aka Barry Soetoro has no verifiable identification proving that he is a Natural Born American Citizen, that the digitized document he presented as his Hawaii Birth Certificate is proven to be a forgery, that Obama uses SS#042-68-4425 that belongs to someone else and is evidence of his felony I.D. theft and fraud record, that Obama is not legally his last name, certified copy of the passport records of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, showing her son’s legal last name to be Soebarkah, not Obama, and hisschool records from Indonesia, showing his citizenship to be Indonesian are just some of the evidence that prove the unidentified person occupying the White House and impersonating a federal official as POTUS is a criminal in all respects as well as an immediate and extreme threat to the security of our United States of America who should be arrested immediately and held in custody in solitary without bail with an Obama-CAM 24/7 in his jail cell hooked to public internet so all Americans can keep on eye on this domestic enemy of the Constitution, who finally loyalty is to Islam not to the Constitution for the United States of America. Therefore, you are obligated to move the Senate and all enforcement authorities to arrest Obama as a suspected criminal who has committed a long list of high crimes and felonies, and to hold him for trial, conviction, and prison before deportation to his admitted homeland of Kenya where he was born in Mombasa Hospital. Do it Mazie. Be a hero for the USA, not a ZerObama-co-conspirator against USA, our Nation, and your adopted homeland. Sincerely, George Peabody ================= Aloha Sheriff Joe! All of us in Hawaii who know of your work and your Posse's efforts collecting the facts and truth about Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro's forged Hawaii birth certificate and your conclusion that Obama's BC is a forgery are very grateful for your courage and your findings and conclusions, because we in Hawaii know Obama was not born here and he is not a natural born American Citizen. Even with your arm broken, if you continue to stand with God and the Truth, and immediately file criminal charges against Obama [or at least assist attorney Orly Taitz as a witness to file criminal charges] based on the probable cause evidence you have found, you will help save Americans and our Constitution for the United States of America and our limited democratic Republic government from Obama and his anti-Constitution cabal of organized Chicago criminals and his other collaborators/conspirators. Please immediately file criminal charges against Obama, and assist Orly Taitz with your information as a law enforcement witness against Obama. You can do that with one arm tied behind you or broken. If you would turn over all your evidence and conclusions of law to me here in Hawaii, I will file the necessary criminal charges for prosecution against Obama in United States Court District of Honolulu. Send it all to me, asap: George Peabody 10254 Kamehameha Hwy Kaunakakai, HI 96748 ph. 808-558-8253 website: "Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J. Guns Preserve YOUR Sovereignty ! The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 8 60-Foot Voyaging Canoe Sinks Near Palau, Ten Rescued An SOS call March 4 for help for 10 crewmembers from the 60 foot voyaging canoe ”Alingano Maisu” brought immediate response from the U.S. Coast Guard, who contacted the Panamanian-flagged vessel Hyundai Unity, which was in the vicinity of the distress location. The vessel crew diverted from their course toward the distress position in the Philippine Sea, approximately 103 miles northeast and between Palau and Yap . Master navigator Mau Piailug's son Sesario was captain/navigator on this trip. Sesario Sewralur is the son of Master Navigator Mau Pialiug. He said the cause of the sinking was as yet unknown. The mariners in distress began their trip aboard the 60-foot traditional sailing canoe, traveling from Palau to the outer islands of Yap State, in the Federated States of Micronesia. The vessel had 10 crewmembers aboard, including students from the Palau Community College. Aboard the canoe were two Americans, seven Palauans and one Japanese citizen. Navigator was Using a satellite telephone, a crewmember aboard a 60-foot voyaging canoe contacted officials at the Palau Community College and indicated the vessel was breaking apart and sinking, at 6:30 a.m. Chamorro Standard Time, Monday. After receiving the call, the college officials contacted the appropriate Palauan Agencies in accordance with their National Search and Rescue Plan, who requested assistance from the U.S. Coast Guard in accordance with a long-standing Memorandum of Understanding under the Compact of Free Association. The Coast Guard launched the 110-foot Cuter Washington to assist in the rescue and requested long range aircraft support from the U.S. Navy’s Combined Task Force 72, located in Kadena, Japan. The crew of the Hyundai Unity spotted the individuals at 11:32 a.m. and began the process of rescuing the crew members. The Washington’s crew met up Gabby’s Gun Hypocrisy Exposed, and Mark Kelly’s ‘AR-15 Stunt’ Mark Kelly’s campaign against “assault weapons” such as the AR-15 rifle has sparked a local backlash. Today, a Tucson, Arizona radio host published a photograph of former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords holding an AR-15 rifle at a gun range. Giffords has since confirmed that the photograph is authentic. Prior to the aggressive progressive opportunistic fear mongering in the wake of Sandy Hook school shootings, this picture would have raised no eyebrows and garnered little public attention. However, in response to the exploitative political scheming of Mark Kelly, persons connected to Congresswoman Giffords released this photo in response to what they perceived to be her husband’s hypocrisy. Subsequently, Breitbart News confirmed the authenticity of the image through law enforcement sources in Arizona, and obtained a copy of the photograph from a source who requested anonymity. The latter source was present when the photograph was taken, and said that Giffords had requested it for campaign purposes during October 2010. According to the source, the image sent to Breitbart News was cropped to protect the identity of the person on the right-hand side of the original photograph (to Giffords’s left). The source, who is a member of the law enforcement community, told Breitbart News: “We were told she wanted to toughen her image. She asked to come out and she wanted to shoot a rifle. She had one of our guys out there to show her how to shoot an AR-15.” In January 2011, Giffords suffered near-fatal wounds in a mass shooting while meeting with constituents in Tucson. The perpetrator used a 9mm Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol. Giffords and husband Mark Kelly have since formed an organization, Americans for Responsible Solutions, to press for gun controls such as limiting the sale of “assault weapons, ” including the AR-15. Breitbart News reported last week that Kelly attempted to purchase an AR15 from a gun store in Tucson earlier this month. Likewise, the AR-15 that Giffords is shown holding in the image is a standard, semi-automatic civilian weapon, according to the source who saw it. The source saw a campaign official take the photograph, which was later provided to law enforcement personnel as a courtesy, according to the source. The source says the existence of the photograph has been known in the local law enforcement community for a while: “I’m not the only one who knows about this photo.” Multiple law enforcement sources in Arizona told Breitbart News that Mark Kelly’s campaign against “assault weapons” has generated resentment within the law enforcement community–and a desire that the photograph be made public. The source who witnessed the photograph put it this way: “Giffords and Kelly came across with a different demeanor in 2010. To me, it seems like they’ve done a complete 180 because of what happened. And with the latest controversy–with Mark Kelly doing what he did with the AR-15 stunt–this photo with the Hyundai Unity crew to safely transfer the 10 canoeists to Palau. The rescue was in coordination with the Republic of Palau Division of Maritime Law Enforcement and the Royal Australian Navy Maritime Surveillance Advisor, partnered to provide assistance to the Republic of Palau. This successful response was greatly assisted by the foresight and planning of the vessel crew, who filed a detailed float plan prior to departing, and maintained a full suite of lifesaving equipment, including a satellite telephone and personal flotation devices for each person aboard. Navigator Sesario continues his father’s legacy by teaching the traditional and ancestral way of sea navigating at the Palau Community College. The canoe was a gift to Mau from Hawaii’s Na Kalai Wa’a Moku o Hawai’i and Ohana Wa’a, and the Polynesian Voyageing Society and the Hokulea Canoe crew back in 2007 for teaching traditional navigation. A few days after the rescue, the canoe was located and towd back to Palau for repairs and restoration and future voyages. For more information contact Lt. Justin Valentino, at Coast Guard Sector Guam, at 671-355-4824. needs to be put out.” Obviously, Gabby and her husband Mark Kelly’s anti gun rights crusade is proof that what they say at congressional hearings and public events is not applicable to their own personal self defense beliefs. At 1:14 p.m. PDT, Giffords posted two images on her Facebook page with the following statement: Here are two photos of me that a conservative blog has dug up. I remember both of these days fondly. The first is at the Tucson Police Department firing range. They invited me to test rifles and tasers that they bought with federal funds, which I helped secure. The second was in Afghanistan while I was visiting with our troops serving abroad. My work as Southern Arizona’s Congresswoman frequently put me in close contact with some of the world’s most powerful and deadly weapons – supporting police departments, advocating for the Border Patrol, standing up for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and supporting my constituents’ and my own Second Amendment rights. I grew up with guns, and I like owning them. So does my husband Mark. It’s an interest we’ve shared ever since we met. It’s part of my heritage as an Arizonan and it’s my right as an American. Being able to shoot a gun is something I haven’t been able to do since I was shot – because my right arm is paralyzed, and I’m less mobile than I was. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I proudly spent a lot of time with our military, border patrol and state and local law enforcement. I guess the intention of those who have publicized these photos is to somehow call into question my belief that military style assault weapons should be more strongly regulated with background checks and other safeguards. I have never wavered in my support for those who serve our country. I fought to make sure they have the weapons and safety gear needed to carry out their mission, and proper health and mental care when their service ends. Both sides of the gun violence debate usually miss the point. We don’t have to choose between owning, using, and enjoying guns, on one hand, and preventing gun violence, on the other. Both sides need to come together to support commonsense solutions to gun violence, like keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people like the young man who shot me. That’s why I’m fighting this fight. That’s why I’m working to bring people together to support gun rights and reduce gun violence. I hope you join me. COMMENTS What happened to Gabby Giffords and the others who were killed at that time is sheer tragedy. BUT--that should not translate into taking away our rights. This is such is slippery slope. Our First Amendment rights are being attacked daily, our Second Amendment rights may be taken away as early as today with the Senate vote scheduled. What is next--The reversal of the 22nd Amendment so Obama can become a dictator? This is not a fight solely about guns--it is a fight about the foundations of our freedoms as Americans. Please think about your arguments against the right to carry firearms. Obamacrats try seizing all guns in USA, beefup DHS with 1.5 billion rounds and thousands of automatic assault weapons, thousands of drones and armored assault trucks to patrol America and force entry into private homes, the FEMA camps for patriots who resist such Obama Dictatorship tyranny, BUT, OBamaCommie is allowing millions of illegals, socialists/Marxis terrorists to run rampant in America. Our elected servants are hell bent on destroying our Nation, and we must stand up and fight for our rights, freedoms, and take America back from these Demobamacrats. ARREST criminal Obama et al! Now! God Bless all Americans, we need His Blessings in the very worst way....... "Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God." T.J. Guns Preserve YOUR Sovereignty ! The M.A.N. March 13, 2013...Page 9 Obama Admits: Born in Kenya; Not Eligible to be President PETITION DEMANDING THAT CONGRESS OPEN AN INDEPENDENT Whereas, , lead investigator Mike Zullo also said his team believes the PETITION FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF BARACK OBAMA’S CONSTITUTIONAL ELIGIBILITY TO SERVE AS PRESIDENT, IN LIGHT OF THE FIRST OFFICIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT PROBE INTO THE MATTER DISCOVERING “PROBABLE CAUSE” THAT BOTH OBAMA’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE AND SELECTIVE SERVICE REGISTRATION FORM ARE FORGERIES. To All members of the U.S. Congress: Whereas, the first official U.S. law enforcement investigation into Barack Obama’s legal eligibility for the presidency, led by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio and involving a six-month investigation by three professional criminal investigators and two attorneys, established “probable cause” that the document released with great fanfare by the White House April 27, 2011, as Obama’s “long-form birth certificate” is a forgery; Whereas, specifically, these investigators, after interviewing dozens of witnesses, examining hundreds of documents, and taking numerous sworn statements from witnesses around the world, including multiple document experts, concluded that said “birth certificate” did not originate in a paper format, but was created – that is, forged – as an electronic file on a computer; Whereas, the Arpaio-led law-enforcement investigation cited numerous experts demonstrating that an additional fraud was allegedly committed in the forgery of Barack Obama’s Selective Service registration card; Whereas, the investigation also found that, according to a sworn affidavit by the longtime mailman for the parents of ex-Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, Ayers’ mother enthusiastically claimed she had helped pay for the Harvard Law School education of “foreign student” Barack Obama; Whereas, Arpaio’s lead investigator Michael Zullo explained at a March 1 press conference that the 1961 Hawaiian newspaper “announcements” of Barack Obama’s birth confirm nothing, since the investigators “can prove beyond a doubt” that these newspapers also announced arrivals of foreign babies as well as native-born; and that the investigators even possess “documented evidence of two adopted individuals who were breathing three years prior” to their supposed Hawaii “birth” and subsequent newspaper “birth announcements”; Whereas, the investigation determined that immigration files in the National Archives recording overseas arrivals into Hawaii are missing from one particular week – the week of Obama’s birthday, August 4, 1961; Hawaii Department of Health has engaged in a systematic effort to hide from public inspection any original 1961 birth records for Obama it may have in its possession; Whereas, investigators have advised Sheriff Arpaio they believe at least two crimes of fraud were committed: 1) The White House allegedly created a forgery it claimed was an officially produced governmental birth record; and 2) the White House allegedly presented to the residents of Maricopa County, Ariz. – and to the entire American public – a forgery represented as “proof positive” of President Obama’s authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate; Whereas, Sheriff Arpaio said March 1: “The president can put all this to rest quite easily. All he has to do is demand the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has in its possession”; Whereas, Sheriff Arpaio concluded: “Absent the authentication of Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth records for Barack Obama, there is no other proof he was born anywhere within the United States”; Whereas, despite a virtual media blackout on the issue, repeated national polls show that almost half of registered U.S. voters remain unconvinced that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is authentic: We, the undersigned, demand that the 112th Congress immediately undertake a full and impartial investigation into the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to serve as president of the United States. Despite the fact that anyone expressing concern over this issue is ridiculed as a “conspiracist” and even a “racist” by the major news media, every scientific survey shows that around half of American voters simply do not believe Barack Obama is telling the truth about his past – and specifically they remain unconvinced he is even legally qualified to occupy the presidency. Not to finally resolve this monumental and unprecedented constitutional issue would be intolerable, and would constitute the most extreme disrespect and contempt for the U.S. Constitution which every Congress member has sworn a solemn oath to defend.
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