Thematic study visit for NGOs - Asociace Manažerů Absolventů, zs
Thematic study visit for NGOs - Asociace Manažerů Absolventů, zs
Thematic study visit for NGOs Tento projekt je spolufinancován z prostředků ESF v České republice prostřednictvím operačního programu Lidské zdroje a zaměstnanost a státního rozpočtu České republiky. 2 SUMMARY Summary 3 Project Implementer 4 Project partner Nitranská komunitná nadácia 9 Project partner SISU Idrottsutbildarna 12 Project partner MTÜ Agathe 15 Czech NGO´s engaged in the project 18 Project description 114 Organizations visited 118 3 Project Implementer About us (the AMA) The AMA (Asociace manažerů absolventů - The Association of the graduated managers) was registered as a NGO on January the 21st,2001. It was founded by the school leavers with a certificate of a two-semestral managing education, aimed at the managing of the NGOs. These people create the members´ base of the organization. The mission of the AMA is the following: - To support the personal development and the professionalization of the NGOs managers - To develop the interdisciplinary and the interregional cooperation of NGOs - To support the education of the NGOs workers - To support the increase of the NGOs standard level through the system of specialized accreditations - To support the mutual exchange of experiences, assistances and supervisions - To support the professional development of the NGO sector and the international cooperation in this area - To support the informal education of the young people. AMA is a respected educational institution in the area of adult education. A lot of its programs is accredited by the Czech Department of Education. It is having a professional team of long-time cooperating lectors, a largely developed cooperation with the Czech NGOs, a high-quality network of partners from abroad with whom it has been cooperating for a long time. AMA is also a sucessful solver of the projects, financed from the European Union´s financial means. The AMA programs AMA is realizing its projects and activities in the three key programs – lifelong education, international cooperation and the specific educational programs. The lifelong education The programs, aimed at the lifelong education, belong to the AMA´s key activities. The target group of these programs are the adult workers of NGOs, of the 4 contributory organizations and of the state administration and self-government. It is needed to emphasize that the AMA workers are having large experiences in that area and a stable team of lectors as well. The AMA founders were iniciating and realizing the educational activities, whose target was to professionalize the non-profit workers and to contribute this way in favor of the NGOs in order to become the stable members of the civic society a lot of years before the official origin of the civic associations in Czech Republic. After founding of the civic association the educational program „The managers – a course of effective managing“ has continued under the AMA heading further without any interruption. The quality of the course is being guaranteed by the stable team of lectors, whose strength consists not only of a theoretical erudition, but also- most of all- of their knowledge of the organizations´ real needs. In all topics is being emphasized their practicality and practical usability. The actuality of the choice of the lectured topics is being guaranteed by the supervision of the graduates. Some of them became later the lectors themselves. A part of this course are also the original study materials which are usable during the managing of the organization in practice. The course is finished by processing and oral defence of the dissertation on the topic solving a concrete problem in the home organization (the defended dissertations are published on the AMA websites). The sucessful graduates receive a diploma and they are offered an AMA membership. Through this education have passed until now hundreds of students across both regions and sectors. The lifelong education, emphasizing the better quality and modernisation of learning at schools and of the schooling facilities is also the main topic of the project „A way towards the modernisation of education in the Modele - Bohemian region“. The AMA is realizing this project during the time period since January the 1st, 2010, till June the 30th, 2012, from the European Union´s financial means. The concrete target of this project is to increase the qualification and the competitive ability of schools´ and schooling facilities´ workers in the areas of informative technologies, managing and personal policy through the complex offer of education During the project´s realization is being emphasized the highest possible usability of the acquired knowledge in practice. The sucessful graduates- the managing workers- will be able to be managing in an effective and rational way and to keep organizing the operations of the facilities in accordance with the modern and progressive managing methods and at the same time they also acquire knowledge and skills needed for managing and organization of the European Union projects. The second group of the sucessful graduates- the pedagogical workers- are going to acquire the needed progressive knowledge 5 and skills for working with the informative technologies both in the usual administrative practice and in teaching. Another long-time education, whose target is to strenghten the professionality and the internal capacity of the NGOs,is at present time being realized in two projects in the Pardubice region, being financed from the European Union means. An independent area is the long-time cooperation with the Metropolitan University in Prague. The AMA prepares and realizes for its students a semester in the specialisation „The relationship between the state and the NGOs sector“. In the frame of the programs of the international cooperation are regularly being realized some projects developing the partnership and enabling the mutual exchange of experiences in the area of common interest especially among the NGOs. The individual projects issue from the long-time partner relationships and from knowledge of the concrete conditions and the individual organisations in Europe (the beginnings of these contacts and of the organisation of the individual international projects are dating back from the beginning of the 90´s), for instance in Sweden, Estonia, Slovakia, France,Great Britain, Germany, and even in the United States- in the state of Oregon. AMA holds for the partner organisations a coordinating role in the multiple projects where – thanks to AMA- puts through the communicating with another organisations. In behalf of all of them we can name the project, realized in 2009- Democracy in practice. In that project were engaged 6 European countries- out of each of them a four-membered team, consisting from three young people and one experienced lector. The target of that project was to stimulate and to inspire to the active attendance at the forming of the civic society both from the universal and from the local community point of view . The participants received a certificate about passing through an international workshop. An actual project (being co-financed from the ESF means through the operative 6 program „Human resources, employment rate and Czech Republic´s state budget“) is the Thematic study visit for NGOs. More about this is described in a separate chapter. During the realization of the specifical educational programs is an increased attention being devoted to the problem of the integration (into the society and to the job market)of the socially disadvantaged young people. During the last years was being realized a lot of projects from the area of the informal education. All of them were drawn up as international projects, being financed from the means of the Czech national agency „Mládež“ (The Youth). We may divide them into two main groups. The first of them are the educational projects, assigned to the target group of the socially disadvantaged young people. More concretely it was about the young people without sufficient family surroundings or about the young people living in the institutional care. The international projects which were being realized in cooperation with Slovakia and Estonia, led young people towards gaining a complex of social habits, experiences and skills including the language equipment which enables them to rectify their starting line with their contemporaries. The other group of problems is assigned to the experts who are working with the marginal young people. Very sucessful was the project „The bridges for young people with limited chances“ which was realized in 2008. In its realization were –except Czech Republicengaged yet six other countries. Almost 50 participants were from 19 NGOs. The target of this a week-lasting educational workshop was to analyze the specific needs of the socially disadvantaged young people in the individual countries, to learn preparing the suitable project for this target group and to increase the qualification of the experts,working with the disadvantaged young 7 people. An interesting aspect of that project was the fact that both its preparation and its realization was attended also by an international group of the disadvantaged young people. Partly they were having their own program, partly they participated in the common activities and this way they might have provided an immediate and spontaneous feedback to the experts. An independent chapter in this area are the activities concerning childish trauma and the diminishing of its results. In that area AMA has been cooperating for a long time with the paediatric social worker and an expert in that topic- Ms. Julie Farnam from the state of Oregon, USA. Thanks to her activity and to the financial support of the Fulbright Foundation a library of the contemporary psychological literature from that area arose and was given to the experts. In January 2009 was edited and printed in 1 500 copies the first therapeutic story „A cone for happiness“. 8 Project Partner Name of organization: Nitra Community Foundation Contact mail address: Farská 5, 949 01 Nitra, Slovensko E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: +421 37 741 43 45 Contact person: Mgr. Ľubica Lachká – administrator of the foundation Language: Slovak, English, Polish Description and history of the organization: Nitra Community Foundation was established in 2002 as a successor of the Nitra Community Fund. Its mission is to improve the quality of life in the City of Nitra and Nitra region through the development of philanthropy and volunteerism. It is a grant organization that promotes community projects to people in different areas - culture, environment, protection and promotion of health, leisure time of children and youth, community development initiatives … So far the organization has supported 654 projects with a total volume of 398 131,69 € . The activity of the organization is more than just mere money distribution. In the form of grants, the organization mobilizes citizens in order that they actively participate in solving of problems that worry them and so that they are useful for their community. Projects aimed at unemployment reduction The Foundation is predominantly a grant organization, and thus the projects aimed at unemployment reduction are not its priorities. However, there is certain experience with implementation of such a type of a project. In the scope of the PHARE program, it, cooperating with other organizations, organized a project for young unemployed university graduates. The project consisted of several parts. The first part was aimed the graduates' acquiring of language skills and project management ones. In the second part of the project, a practice for candidates was provided in non-profit organizations in the City of Nitra over a period of three months. Within three months, they set up community projects in collaboration with tutors so they tested their theoretical project management skills in practice. Nitra Community Foundation supported submitted projects in the form of grants. 22 candidates of the total 28 people acquired a job during project implementation and shortly after its completion. 9 Other projects of the organization (selected): Open Grant Rounds Nitra Community Foundation announces them at least three times a year. Projects on various topics are applied mainly by citizens of the City of Nitra and Nitra region as well. Let people help one another The program supports the development of corporate philanthropy. Companies buy artistic items in the form of life-size "Ludo" pieces. Different target groups (University students studying art, kids from art school, autistic children...) implement creative suggestions of these objects. The proceeds from the sale of the pieces are used annually for a grant program which is always announced on a different topic. The Donors’ Club The program brings together people who are willing to help their city and region in long-term and who also want to actively decide on donor funds. The program is focused on developing individual donations. This is our home It is a grant program supporting projects in the City of Hurbanovo which are realized in collaboration with Heineken Slovensko, corp. Community programs of the citizens of the City of Hurbanovo are supported in the scope of this program in these fields: children and youth’s leisure time, culture, the development of community activities... The objective of the program is to create a network of active people willing to participate in improving the quality of life in the city where they live. Young philanthropists from Nitra Volunteer program for peers is a program for young people in which volunteers work under the guidance of tutors of Nitra Community Foundation. The young philanthropists administer their own grant program for their peers. Young philanthropists inform the public about the program, set the selection criteria, provide consultation and personal monitoring of supported projects. They also organize Exchange of supported projects where they annually inform the public about the grant round results and present supported projects. Campaign "Hand in hand with Nitra" This is a campaign which supports building of the park Pod Borinou in the vicinity of the housing estate of Klokočina. The symbol of the campaign is "clapping 10 hands"; by buying them, people contribute to building of the park. The campaign is being implemented for the second year. Famous personalities from culture and popular music are its supporters. The campaign helps to highlight the Foundation in the community. 11 Project Partner The official name of the organization: SISU Idrottsutbildarna Contact Address: Box 418, 541 28 Skövde, Sweden Contact e-mail: [email protected] Website: Contact Phone: +4610476 41 02 Contact Person: Sture Gustafsson Communication languages: English SISU Idrottsutbildarna – Swedish Sports Education Swedish sport has its own education organization (SISU). Its main aim is to cater for the needs of clubs and specialised sports federations in training leaders, coaches, trainers, instructors, officials and referees. SISU arranges both courses and conferences in the areas of performance development, health matters and club development. SISU is also an internal consultant for member federations and clubs in such fields as organizational development and process management. SISU is an adult education association that organizes so-called study circles for clubs. This educational method is based on the concept of a syllabus being followed by a group of club members who share their knowledge and experience. It is led not by a teacher but by one of the participants. This means that the participants know each other well, have common interests and are striving towards the same goal. The circles are adjusted to the particular needs of the club. Every year SISU reaches 6 000 clubs with its local educational activities - study circles and cultural programmes. It organizes some 40 000 study circles with about 450 000 participants. Approximately 127 000 leaders (i.e. every fifth sports leader) took part in regional leadership courses organized by SISU. SISU Idrottsutbildarna was founded in 1986 and is today an organization made up of a nationwide organization that is divided into 21 district organizations. In terms of the business is the largest out of district organizations Västergötland with 12 about 40 full-time workers. Västergötland is the district between Lakes Vänern and Vättern, and where the major cities called Borås, Trollhättan, Skövde and Lidköping. In he district is also Vara Folkhögskola, SISU Idrottsutbildarnas main partners From a European perspective, the Swedish sports movement in many ways unique. The basis for the sport is the 20 000 local sports clubs that operate and the 400-500 000 non-profit leaders, who stand as leaders for the activity of these compounds. More than half of all children and young people in Sweden are active in sports. The sporting-free as well as municipal government, but given a substantial financial assistance each year. It is important to have this light on the extent of sport in the country to understand SISU Idrottsutbildarnas role and activities. Half of the activity SISU Idrottsutbildarna currently pursuing is aimed at all the non-profit leaders who are in sport. Offers courses on basic as well as the continuation level. The non-profit leader in the sports movement are both in roles as leaders of the business but also in its role as a member of a board or task force. Another major activity of the target all the children and young people who are in sport. Here are the courses in democracy, to work together in a team, fair play, good habits, including attitude to alcohol, tobacco, healthy eating habits, etc. Social projects SISU Idrottsutbildarna also has a tradition of working with various social projects. Projects aimed at people who are unemployed and in need of support and jacking to get back to work. Integration Project which is aimed at people who immigrated to Sweden and who need support and jacking to become established in Swedish society. Young people who failed in school and who need an aid, and jacking to get back into society. These are examples of projects that are in operation and in most of these projects we have worked very closely with Vara Folkhögskola. SISU Idrottsutbildarna and Vara Folkhögskola also have a common tradition of working together with international projects. This is a tradition which start for more than 10 years ago. Together we have worked with groups that had the possibility, 13 often as part of a longer-term projects or training, establish international contacts. This has been a conscious pedagogy to work on personal development, greater understanding of our environment and understanding of democratic values. This international work has now provided us with important international network of contacts, not least in the Czech Republic but also countries as Kosovo, Ukraine, England and Germany. SISU Idrottsutbildarna and Vara Folkhögskola Why do we have together been successful in these social projects. We think that there are many different explanations of successful work and one of the most important fact is: Sport in Sweden has a large and extensive network that can open new paths and establish new contacts that might lead to employment. Sport Movement extensive business also offers meeting places where contacts are created and friendships are built. For the migrant, this may be an important input in Swedish society. SISU Idrottsutbildarna and Vara Folkhögskola has historically a common understanding of knowledge and long-life-learning, which largely differs from the general compulsory education. In parallel with the learning and training actively work with the individual's self-image and self-confidence is a belief that unites us in this work. 14 Project Partner The official name of the organization: MTÜ AGATHE Contact Address: Jakobi 41, Tartu, Estonia Contact e-mail: [email protected] Website: Contact Phone: +372 555 663 63 Contact Person: Aleksandra Sooniste Communication languages: English ABOUT US The history of Tartu Catholic School goes back to 1938 when three sisters of the congregation of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary bought the present schoolhouse and started a Catholic Kindergarten there. The Kindergarten was closed after two years because of the Soviet occupation. The schoolhouse was turned into the military building. Tartu Catholic School was reopened in 1993 with 15 children. The idea of the school was educate the children of our city and parish according to the christian and democratic principles. Today, the school is 15 years old. From a school with one grade of 15 children it has become a basic school with 270 children. The increase in the number of students has necessitated a need for constant enlargement. In spring 2007, in connection with school enlargement, a new structure and management system was developed. Under Tartu Catholic School (Education Centre) there operates: kindergarten, pre-school, basic school, culture centre, Finnish school. The School (Education Centre) has a president. Each subunit has its head. 15 The principles of Tartu Catholic School are as follows: • Cooperation of school, home and church. • Religious education • Supporting discipline. • English teaching by total immersion method. • Musical immersion programme. • Adapting children with special educational needs into the regular classes Tartu Catholic School is open for families, who have faith in the principles of the Church and the School`s experience so far, and when considering the ideal of the child receiving a Christian education starting from an early age (K) until at least the end of the basic school, the concept of the Tartu Catholic School is to give each pupil a solid basis upon which to build his/her life. Great interest towards the Tartu Catholic School and its kindergarten is conditioned by the following circumstances: • Secular society that places value on success, money and pleasure, is not in harmony with the wishes of parents for a safe model for child development, which prizes such traditionally Christian values as love, compassion, responsibility and truthfulness. The Tartu Catholic School is a unique private basic school in Tartu and in Estonia as a whole, which has steadily grown and expanded because of private initiative and sense of mission. • The number of children and thus also the number of congregation members of Tartu Catholic congregation is constantly growing. • Tartu Catholic School has earned the trust of parents during its 16 years of operation. • Owing to longstanding traditions of Catholic pedagogy and cooperation with other schools, teachers and methodologists from the whole world, the school has integrated different models of child upbringing and education (assertive discipline, total language immersion method, parental guidance) with careful consideration to Estonian culture and tradition. Resources of NGO Agathe for the administration of the kindergarten and basic school. 1. State support for teachers` wages. 2. Local government support. 3. Tuition fee. 4. Revenue from rent. 5. Support for specific purposes/projects. 6. Donations. Projects aimed at reducing unemployment (reduction of unemployment may not be the main objective of the project; simply reducing unemployment is one of the outputs of the project or the project has an impact on reducing unemployment, at least one of the target groups). 16 Enlargement of Tartu Catholic Education Centre In October, 2008 Tartu Catholic School started the process of buying the new building for Tartu Catholic School and Kindergarten. With the enlargement process Tartu Catholic School will give work for 15 teachers in addition to those (30) who are already working in our school, and 8 kitchen and cleaning workers in addition to those 10 who are already working in our school. Other projects of the organization Projects in the last three years: • Phare CBC • Youth in Action (Euroopa Noored) • Benefits from the Council of the Gambling Taxes • Culture Capital of Estonia • Estonian National Culture Foundation • Non-Estonians' Integration Foundation • Association of Estonian Music Schools • Comenius 17 Czech NGO‘s engaged in the project 18 The list of organizations Centrum J.J.Pestalozziho, o.p.s. ŽIVOT 90 - Jihlava HESTIA, o.s. FORMIKA, o. s. Asociace rodičů a přátel zdravotně postižených dětí v ČR, o.s. Domov sv. Karla Boromejského Povídej Svaz neslyšících a nedoslýchavých v ČR, Krajská organizace Vysočina Základní škola a Praktická škola SVÍTÁNÍ, o.p.s. Máme otevřeno?, o.s. Fokus Mladá Boleslav, sdružení pro péči o duševně nemocné KOUS Vysočina JAHODA Oblastní unie neslyšících Olomouc Centrum multikulturního vzdělávání, o.s. Asistence o.s. Asociace rodičů a přátel zdravotně postižených dětí, Klub č. 70, PRAHA 3 Alfa Human Service Denní centrum Barevný svět APPN, os.. Šance na vzdělání o.p.s. Soukromá vyšší odborná škola sociální, o.p.s. ARPZPD v ČR, o.s. - Klub Klubíčko Beroun Diecézní charita Brno - Oblastní charita Jihlava O.s Green Doors Občanská poradna Třebíč Oblastní charita Pardubice Organizace nevidomých VIDA občanské sdružení Romodrom Tyflo Vysočina Jihlava o.p.s. Rozkoš bez rizika CENTRUM VOLNÉHO ČASU PRAHA 9 21 24 26 28 31 33 36 38 42 44 49 51 53 56 58 59 61 63 65 67 69 72 75 77 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 19 Koalice nevládek Pardubicka, o. s. Charita Ostrava o.s. Člověk zpět k člověku BONA, o.p.s. Občanská poradna Nymburk Náboženská obec CČSH v Říčanech 99 101 103 105 107 109 20 CENTRUM J. J. PESTALOZZIHO, O.P.S. Štěpánkova 108, 537 01 Chrudim Tel.: +420 469 623 083 email: [email protected] Contact person: PaedDr. Pavel Tvrdík ABOUT US For fifteen years we have been helping tormented and abused people (victims of violence) - children and young people from orphanages and institutions who have found themselves in a critical situation and haven't got any shelter. We work preventively against problems as criminality, prostitution and addictions. J. J. Pestalozzi Center, public benefit organization, is an NGO which provides endangered and disadvantaged groups of inhabitants with psychosocial, consulting and educational services predominantly in the Regions of Pardubice and Vysočina. It endeavours to reintegrate these people into the society and to improve quality of their life. We closely cooperate with The Charta 77 Foundation; we have got financial support from The O2 Foundation, The CEZ Foundation, Tereza Maxova Foundation, and The Our Child Foundation. We also get financial support e.g. from The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Region of Pardubice and the City of Chrudim. The mission of the Expert Social Consulting is to prepare young people to live independently. Furthermore, it provides aid to those who have found themselves in a difficult situation which they are not able to cope with by themselves, and to help them to avoid social conflicts. The service is designed for users: − of any age who found themselves in a difficult situation, which they are not able to cope with by themselves − whose life habits and modus operandi result in a conflict with society − who live hazardous way and/or are endangered by this way of life (e.g. addictions, homelessness etc.) − who after reaching legal age leave reformatories, orphanages or dysfunctional families and they have neither any background nor support − who live in socially excluded communities − former clients of Halfway houses − clients of Probation and Mediation Administration (perpetrators or persons after a penalty) A subsidiary aim is creating, developing and improving of working habits and skills. There is a sequence of activities enabling the user of the service to acquire 21 psychosocial skills resulting in completing defined objectives and integration of the user. In addition to assistance, social skills training and social consulting, we also develop working skills via ergotherapy. It comprises not only those skills necessary for performing work duties, but also social skills at workplace, skills directly related to work and skills indirectly related to work. After acquiring and absorbing those skills the users have wider opportunities on the labor market, and consequently unemployment in the region is reduced. Easy Admission Center for Youth and Children is one of the services provided by J.J. Pestalozzi Center, o.p.s. Chrudim. Based on the permission to perform socially-legal protection of children, it provides ambulatory and terrain services in the form education, consulting and psychosocial aid. The services are provided to endangered and disadvantaged groups of people and persons in a difficult situation in the Region of Pardubice. The main strategic aim is systematical preparation of children whom institutional education was assigned to so that they can cope with a difficult situation in advance - even before they leave the institution. The users who are frequently endangered by socially-pathological phenomena and premature abandoning school education are provided with preventive services. Target group of users: They are youth and children at the age from 10 to 20 whom institutional education was assigned to and who originally come from the Region of Pardubice and from other regions as well. Children who lack family background or it is so pathological that it is appropriate to reduce the influence of the family on the child and to motivate the child to live independently on the original family after the institutional education is finished are chosen for the prevention. The Crisis Center in J.J.Pestalozzi Center, o.p.s. Chrudim, provides consulting, educational and psychosocial services to users in the Region of Pardubice who have found themselves in a critical situation which significantly endangers their life or diminishes its quality, and a solution is urgently needed. The main strategic aim is reintegration of the users of the services into the society and improvement of quality of their life. Who is this service suitable for? It is for persons of any age finding themselves in a critical situation – children, youth, young people, adults, seniors. The services are preferentially provided to users with permanent residence in the Region of Pardubice, but users from other regions can use them as well. Services provided in the Crisis Center: ambulatory services: • crisis aid call – phone number: 469 623 899 • e-mail consulting – [email protected] • direct crisis intervention /elaboration of acute critical status/ • individual and collective psychotherapy • further psychotherapeutic activities /relaxation exercises, clubs, and so on/ 22 • background for self-help groups • complete special pedagogical diagnostics • prevention and remedy for specific learning malfunctions • mediation of contacts to further expert centers terrain services: • assistance and support within contact with offices according to needs of the client (Municipal Office, probation officers, Employment Office) • assistance within court sessions • mediation of expert consultations (lawyer, psychiatrist...) • visiting families stay services: • program of accommodation at a secret place – max. 6 months • crisis stay – 3-5 days, so called crisis bed – a temporary asylum to bypass a critical situation further services: • crisis bed - a temporary asylum to bypass a critical situation (3-5 days) • public lectures – for kindergartens, elementary schools and further organizations • specialized library /available to the public/ nd • a technically equipped lecture room is available /on 2 floor of the Center/ 23 ŽIVOT 90 - JIHLAVA Žižkova 98, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 775 919 734 email: [email protected] Contact person: Ing. Zuzana Pěchotová ABOUT US ŽIVOT 90 - Jihlava is a civic association founded in 1995 and its target is to provide services to seniors and health-handicapped people and to enable them to live in an environment which they are familiar to, i.e. to be at home as long as possible. Our main project is Emergency Care AREION. Via a simple device connected to a landline or a mobile phone, the communication center of this emergency care receives messages from clients' flats 24 hours a day. An important component is a wireless button which the user keeps with him/her and in case of emergency – a fall, an acute health setback, an assault – he/she can immediately contact our center by one touch of the button. Our center is operated by qualified nurses who solve the situation. Our center cooperates with prompt rescue service, police, fire brigade, GPs and many further institutions and individuals. We obviously contact the family and neighbours of the users as well. Thanks to our system, we are able to resolve even such situations when the client cannot press the button because of an acute health setback. An important factor of the emergency care is prevention of criminality (detection of an illegal intrusion into a flat). Another provided service is a personal assistance to children attending preschool and school institutions and to seniors at their homes. The personal assistance is a terrain service provided to persons of diminished self-sufficiency because of their age, a chronic disease or a health handicap who need support of another person. The service is provided non-stop in a social environment the users are familiar to, and according to clients needs. We provide personal assistance services in the Region of Jihlava. Furthermore, we organize leisure activities and lectures for seniors. st The project of the personal assistance has worked since September 1 2003. We employ personal assistants (in cooperation with Employment Office of Jihlava and City Hall of Jihlava) in Kindergarten with Special Classes and in Special Subsidiary School for Multiply Handicapped Pupils. We extended this activity and increased the number of personal assistants to fifteen. Personal assistants (social services workers) must be qualified according st to the legal norm No. 108/2006 Sb. on social services (valid from January 1 2007). The assistants are chosen in cooperation with Employment Office of Jihlava. The personal assistants work in school institutions, in families namely in 24 Jihlava and its vicinity (Dolní Smrčné, Kamenice). The mission of the personal assistance provided by o.s. ŽIVOT 90 – Jihlava is to enable the users to live at the same standard as their equals in age. The system of the personal assistance is derived from individual needs of the users; it respects and keeps their dignity and their fundamental human rights. It actively supports their social integration. Staff members who work as personal assistants are chosen from jobless people registered at Employment Office. This happens via the public benefit works project which the Employment Office participates in by co-financing personal assistants' wages. The cooperation is very good and it enables jobless people to establish themselves in the field of social work – on condition they retrain as social workers. Cooperating with Employment Office, we created approximately 50 positions and enabled unemployed people to get a job. However, there has been set a condition: completed re-qualification in the field of social services. 25 HESTIA, o.s. Na Poříčí 12, 110 00 Praha 1 Tel.: +420 728 006 514 email: [email protected] Contact person: Šárka Jakubcová ABOUT US The association HESTIA was founded in 1993 as an initiative of a group of marriage counselors who wanted to support positive interpersonal relationships. At first, this institution worked as a foundation, subsequently the form of civic association was chosen. It is managed by general meeting. The mission of civic association HESTIA is creation of positive and workable interpersonal relationships in the family range and in the wider context of civil society as well. HESTIA supports and realizes research, training and educational programs, consulting and therapy, supervisions and internships for volunteers and professionals as well. HESTIA issues topical publications, contacts initiatives and institutions with similar aims in Czech Republic and abroad, and supports promotion and publicity of the activities mentioned above. HESTIA is currently realizing projects as follows: a) HESTIA – National Volunteer Center realizes Program “pět P”(of Five Ps), Compass and further volunteers' projects: Volunteers in Hospitals, Program for Seniors and so on. It methodically manages Program of Volunteer-ship Development in the range of the Czech Republic. National Volunteer Center supports development and coordinates the activity of regional volunteer centers and programs as well. b) HESTIA – Methodical and Educational Center is focused on education and supervision of professional workers in social and socially-health services and further subsidiary professions. HESTIA o.s. realizes this project in the framework of partnership with Metropolitan University Prague for the second time. Unlike the first project realized in the SPD 3 framework, the current project is supported by OPPA (2009-2010) and focused not only on searching for training workplaces, but more widely on complete preparation health handicapped persons to enter the labor market. The specific targets of the project are: − − to elaborate and realize individual career-plans for the participants of the project to provide general (a non-specific profession) education which can enhance their personal skills 26 − − − to ensure such work training which enables them to acquire sufficient working habits to spread information in order that potential employers are more aware of specific problems of health handicapped people trying to enter the labor market to enhance participants' foreknowledge of their future occupation via consulting and meetings with selected employers Implementation of the specific targets is going to be achieved by: 3. diagnostics, individual consulting and individual career-plans preparation 4. general (a non-specific profession) education courses in the extent of 220 hrs. per participant 5. preparation and realization of a workshop for potential employers 6. working skills training during 18 month 7. preparation and realization of a mini job fair whose purpose is meeting of potential employers with participants of the project The main target of the project is to support removing barriers which block entering labor market, respectively to further the availability to employ fifty health handicapped persons. Program Pět P/Five Ps (pomoc/aid, přátelství/friendship, péče/care, podpora/support and prevence/prevention) is a preventive program for socially and/or health disadvantaged children at the age of 6-15 years and it's based on a close and friendly relationship between a child and an adult volunteer. The principle of whole the program is that an expertly created duo meets for one afternoon a week and performs leisure activities which they agree on according to their common interests. Regular contact of the child with the volunteer lasts at least 10 months. Program Pět P is predominantly focused on solutions of social and communication troubles of children. In the long run, the relationship of the child and the volunteer creates suitable conditions for social skills growth and it enhances self-confidence of the child and increases their motivation to make natural relationships with peers, and consequently it supports their integration into society. Increasing of these competencies of the child obviously influences their position on the labor market in the future and in life in general. A new project Compass (Communication, Partnership, cooperation) is based on the same principles as Program Pět P; there are, however, meetings of six children with two volunteers. 27 FORMIKA, o. s. Filipova 2013/3, 148 00 Praha 4 Tel.: +420 271 910 016, 775 350 115 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Petra Vitáková, Bc. Barbora Jančová, Mgr. Klára Fialová, Bc. Anna Novotná, Mgr. Veronika Samcová ABOUT US Civic association FORMIKA was founded in 2003. In the first year, it provided a service „Job Club“ and worked as volunteer organization; its members worked without any wage. In 2004 the civic association received a grant and consequently it could hire two job consultants. Complete services of job support began to be provided. In 2005 those services began to be provided for clients from Region Middle-Bohemia as well. At the end of 2006 year the civic association moved to Filipova Street, which the present address is. Civic association FORMIKA has been a registered social service since 2007. What is the mission of the service? The mission of the service is to provide people disadvantaged on the labor market with such support so that they can work in the same conditions as other people and together with them. What are the objectives of the service? 1. User of the service will get a proper and stable job on the open (not protected) labor market, which means: - that the job will be based on a standard labor-law relationship; - that the job will last longer than 1 year and the wage is adequate; - that the user will work together with people who are not handicapped; - that the job will be in accordance with the user’s prerequisites and preferences. 2. The user of the service is supposed to keep the job for at least 1 year after providing the service is finished. 3. The user of the service will enhance the skills needed for getting and keeping a suitable job on the open labor market. How does the service operate? A potential client finding themselves in a difficult social situation is provided with basic social consulting. After a telephonic prearrangement, consulting is provided in a form of personal meetings in the rooms of civic association FORMIKA. The potential client who is registered on a waiting list of candidates is provided with group expert social consulting once per month. The attendance is obligatory for the candidates. 28 Before a contract on providing a social rehabilitation service is concluded, the potential client who is registered on a waiting list of candidates is provided with individual expert social consulting repeatedly as long as the nature of their unfavorable social situation requires it. After the contract on providing the service is concluded, the user of the service is provided with individual expert social consulting in a form of personal meetings in the rooms of the civic association, namely once per week, 1 hour minimum. Moreover, he/she is provided with group consulting once per month, 2 hours minimum (a so called job club). Conducted by a job consultant, training of the skills needed for getting and keeping a suitable job also takes place, according to an individual plan of the course of the service which is designed for each user of the service. Training of the skills takes place in the job club as well. Moreover, our workers assist user of the service within contact with potential employers, with public services (e. g. employment offices) and with other institutions, if need be, they communicate on his/her behalf (e. g. they address potential employers or communicate with specialists of various fields related to the needs of the user). After a suitable job is got, the user of the service is provided with so called job assistance, thus support directly in the workplace, and, if need be, aid within transporting to the workplace so that the user can keep the job.The user of the service goes on training the skill needed for keeping the job and is provided with expert social consulting as well. The service will be terminated after a contract on finishing the service is concluded. We contribute to unemployment reduction by means of integrating people who are disadvantaged on the labor market into standard workplaces. The most important achieved projects st “Increasing the capacity of job support services in civic association FORMIKA” 1 th July 2005 - 30 June 2007. The objectives: Increasing the capacity of job support services in Prague; enhancing quality of job support services in civic association FORMIKA; creating a plan of further quality development for the period until the end of 2010. Activities: recruiting and training a new job consultant; providing job support services in the region of Prague, the state capital; training workers of the social department of Town Hall Prague 11 for indicating job support services; creating a methodology of services; an audit of quality of the service; creating a strategy of development. • • • • Providers of financial support: ESF, state budget of Czech Republic st Program: SPD 3 – Global Grant - 1 round of call “Job Support in Region Middle-Bohemia” st st 1 September 2005 - 31 July 2006 29 The objectives: by means of job support services, enabling health handicapped people living in Region Middle-Bohemia to get a suitable job on the open labor market; by means of individual and group training, enhancing their skills for getting and keeping a suitable job; cooperating with Employment Office Prague Eastern County, defining a strategy of modus co-operandi with regional employment offices for getting jobs for unemployed health handicapped people and verification of efficiency of the strategy. • • • Providers of financial support: ESF, state budget of Czech Republic Program: Phare 2003 Human Resources Development st th 1 August 2007 - 30 June 2008 The Objectives: enhancing a newly created position “financial affairs worker”; creating an internal code on financial management procedures in civic association FORMIKA; enhancing the authority of managers as for financial management in civic association FORMIKA. • • Providers of financial support: ESF, state budget of Czech Republic rd Program: SPD 3 – Global Grant - 3 round of call 30 ASOCIACE RODIČŮ A PŘÁTEL ZDRAVOTNĚ POSTIŽENÝCH DĚTÍ V ČR, O. S. Karlínské nám. 12, Praha 8, 186 03 Tel.: +420 224 817 393 email: [email protected] Contact person: Marie Havlíčková ABOUT US The Association of Parents and Friends of Handicapped Children in the Czech Republic was founded in 1991 and works nationwide. By means of 60 Regional Clubs, it supports the interests of children and youth with health handicap and their families in all spheres of life. Since 2002, as a result of legislative amendment allowing a care assistant to make extra earnings, we have organized accredited retraining courses for the positions “Personal assistant of health handicapped children and youth” a “Social consultant for families with a health handicapped child”. Since 2006 we have attempted to reduce unemployment of the target group predominantly by means of retraining courses which we have succeeded to finance through ESF. Presently we have got sufficient funds for the period until st 31 July 2010 and we have submitted further applications. Achieved projects in the field of education and employing target group members: − − − − − Retraining and creating jobs for the position “Assistant of health handicapped persons”; 2006; 2 722 678 CZK; retraining 50 persons and creating 4 jobs. Educational courses for members of the Association for the position “Consultant for families with a health handicapped child” and “Assistant of health handicapped children and youth”; 2006; 1 782 710 CZK; retraining 50 persons. Retraining persons for the position “Assistant of health handicapped children and youth”; 2007; 953 270 CZK; retraining 25 persons. “Assistant of health handicapped children”; 2009 - still in operation; 1 876 200 CZK; 50 persons. Regular subsidiary workshops which ensure enhancing the skills of target group members; 2008 – still in operation; 736 074 CZK. The objectives of our projects: 8. unemployment reduction and social integration of health and socially disadvantaged people into society, 9. to stop the increasing number of the long-term registered unemployed; to 31 focus on the unemployed endangered by long-term unemployment, 10. to enhance professional skills and abilities as prevention of loosing jobs, implementation of new active employment policy instruments; to increase targeting and effectiveness of already existing instruments and to apply them also to the registered unemployed, employees endangered by unemployment and persons re-entering the labor market. 11. to extend preventive counseling and information services and, as prevention of unemployment, to enhance incentive and activation measures applied to entities on the labor market Target groups: - persons who take care of a dependent family member on a long-term basis - health handicapped persons - the long-term unemployed - the registered unemployed and employees endangered by unemployment and persons re-entering the labor market As mentioned above, we contribute to unemployment reduction by means of social integration of socially excluded group – families with a health handicapped child, education in a sense of retraining and increasing of qualification of persons excluded from the labor market in the long-term, special counseling aimed for specific attributes of families with a health handicapped child, and incentive and activation measures. 32 DOMOV SV. KARLA BOROMEJSKÉHO K Šancím 50/6, 163 00 Praha 17 - Řepy Tel.: +420 235 323 248 email: [email protected] Contact person: S. M. Konsoláta Mgr. Miroslava Frýdecká ABOUT US The St. Charles Borromeo Home is a church charitable institution; its founder is Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of St. Charles Borromeo. The Home used to work as a prison for female convicts in the past and as Research Institute of Agricultural Technology in the period of socialism. After fall of communism, the totally ruined building of the Home was returned to Borromean Sisters. After reconstruction, the Home was prepared to serve the needy. Nowadays, the Home has become a center of care of seniors whom it offers complex all-day nursing in wards and ambulatory care in the day-care center. The Home was opened and started its operation in 1996 and its mission is to take care of elderly people whose long-term unfavourable health status results in their predominant or total loss of self-sufficiency and thus dependence on permanent support of another person. The Home is rebuilt and has modern equipment, hence well equipped for providing this care as for space and staff, and technically. Thanks to comprehensive and individual approach to each client, we achieve very good results. The Home also creates jobs for female convicts who serve their term in the Section for Serving Term Řepy which is situated directly in the area of the Home. We offer the convicts occupations in the nurses' stations, in the kitchen, in the laundry room, and in providing the necessary cleaning of the Home. We organize certificate St. Zdislava Training Courses for chosen women in the Home 33 so that they may work as qualified medical orderlies in the wards. The purpose of this project is to create training jobs for female convicts serving their term. As a result of imprisonment, these women are excluded from reality of standard life. Thus we consider it desirable to include them in labor process which is, under different circumstances, an integral part of everyday life. The Section for Serving Term Řepy is a part of Prison Ruzyně and is a separate part of the area of the Home. Convicted women who are allowed to serve their term here are selected from prisons of whole the Czech Republic according to references and psychological tests. In a sense, they are an ”elite”. Subsequently these women witness old age, the ageing process, and even dying in the Home. They have an opportunity to think about the meaning of life and to reconsider their previous life attitude. The capacity of the Section for Serving Term is 56 women; 35 of them, as a maximum, can be employed in the operation of the Home. They can take part in training work in ancillary and serving operations of the Home on a daily basis. The main objective of employing convicted women is to create solid working habits, to enable them to acquire a new qualification (skills and abilities) to help them to keep contact with people and standard reality. Achieving these objectives results in successful reintegration of convicted women into society who, after serving their term, come back home and to the labor process. In the scope of the training job project, we provide jobs to 83 convicted women per year. Based on selection interviews and, if need be, psychological tests results, women are chosen by an expert committee (psychologist, pedagogical worker, social worker, members of security forces, educator and personnel officer). Then they are classified into two groups: first, ancillary works, second, qualified medical orderlies. After classification, they are assigned to particular operations of the Home (nurses' stations, kitchen, laundry room, cleaning) where they work according to the job description. We consider the main output of the project to be successful employing of convicted women and their preparation for future jobs after serving their term. The Home also provides the convicts with medical orderly St. Zdislava Training Course which is certified by the Ministry of Health and the certificate does not display the course was passed during serving term. After serving their term, this certificate enables the women to find a suitable job according to their qualification in the field of health or social services which is mostly the only opportunity to get such a job in case of women sentenced for property crime. The benefit of the project: We can state that enabling convicted women to be employed while serving their term is quite unique and without parallel anywhere in the world. It is estimated that the number of unemployed prisoners in the Czech Republic is approximately 40%. The cardinal reason is the fact that the conditions in the local prisons practically do not enable imprisoned persons to work. There is no economic activity in most prisons, hence no opportunity to employ prisoners, which implicates reintegration persons serving their term into society is difficult. 34 The major importance of the project is that this issue concerns all our society (educational factors, preventive factors etc.). Such a project where the sphere of convicts meets the sphere of free people has not been realized in any other institution so far, then it is unique in this respect. By means of realization of our project we improve the situation of persons leaving prison who are going to enter the labor market with a certain handicap. Thus, through the training job project and retraining courses, we help to reduce unemployment of this group, and we increase their hope to get a job. The Home provides dependent seniors with social and health services. In the scope of facilitation services, it operates 34 beds for temporary (cca 3 months') stays, and, in the rooms of the day-care center, it offers 25 permanent places for such seniors whom their family can take care of in its spare time, but the family needs help while its members are at work. Thus, the day-care center is open and provides its services on weekdays. Except social services, the Home also provides medical care services within rehabilitation stays, namely through operating 60 hospital beds for long-term patients. The set of these services includes rehabilitation physical exercises, ergotherapy, spiritual services, cultural events so that clients and patients have complete care in respect to their individual needs. 35 o. s. Povídej Česká 235, 284 01 Kutná Hora Tel.: +420 327 511 111, 602 874 470 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Eva Bicanová ABOUT US Civic association Povídej/Talk was founded in 1998; its purpose is to provide help for people who are in acute psychic and social crisis which they are not able to resolve by themselves. The first project was “the Crisis Hotline in Kutná Hora/Linka důvěry v Kutné Hoře” which was supported predominantly by SWIF fund using PHARE resources. This project has worked in wider form up to the present day. In 2002 it was extended to include internet based consulting and since 2007, the telephonic crisis aid service Crisis Hotline has been a registered social service according to the law 108/2006 Sb. In 1999, the telephonic services were extended to include the crisis aid face to face – it means crisis intervention, emergency and short-term psychotherapy and special social consulting. This crisis aid service, which is provided in the Center for People in Need, has also been a registered social service since 2007. Thus, since 2007, civic association Povídej has been a founder of the Crisis Intervention Center in Kutná Hora which provides two registered social services – the telephonic crisis aid on the Crisis Hotline and the crisis aid in the Center for People in Need. The objectives of civic association Povídej/Talk, according to the articles, are: A. To help children, young people and adults in situation of acute psychic and social distress, especially if they ask for prompt aid by phone. The task of the crisis hotline is to diminish the intensity of the crisis state and to stop its worsening, to assist the calling person in such a difficult life situation and to support an efficient solution of the problem. B. The activity in the scope of the first psychological and psychotherapeutic aid face to face for people in crisis, crisis aid and prevention in the field of interpersonal relationships. C. Providing information service and mediation of a further contact in the psychosocial network. D. Organizing further education for both the expert and lay public. From the beginning of operating the Crisis Hotline, people who are endangered by unemployment or who just have become jobless, who are long-term jobless and are actively trying to find a job and are not successful because of their acute psychic distress – all of them are the users of the hotline as well. Many of these people, besides losing their job, are experiencing a personal crisis, possibly a 36 marital or a family one. The objective of the expert telephonic crisis aid, which is easily accessible, is to help the user to cope with the crisis state, which is caused by a sudden loss of job or by joblessness, and to prevent the crisis state from developing into pathological behavior or from becoming chronic which could result negatively for the user and society. We support the user to so that they can develop their key competencies; we create a plan consisting of little steps with them which results in return to fully-fledged life. Every year, there are approximately 10% users facing this problem, i.e. 100 contacts. Like in the case of the telephonic crisis aid, the objective of the crisis aid face to face is to cope with the crisis state. Moreover, in the scope of the short-term care (approximately 6 sessions), it enables the user, due to coped and worked out crisis, to restore the pre-crisis - or even evolutionarily higher - level of coping with a particular issue. The users of the consulting services are also people facing the unemployment issue whom we provide with crisis aid, urgent psychotherapy and expert social consulting. We collaborate with Employment Office Kutná Hora – presenting services, cooperation in cases. We deal with approximately 20 cases of this issue per year. 37 SVAZ NESLYŠÍCÍCH A NEDOSLÝCHAVÝCH V ČR, KRAJSKÁ ORGANIZACE VYSOČINA Úprkova 6, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 567 300 247 email: [email protected] Contact person: Čenkovic Oldřich, Kocmanová Jiřina ABOUT US The very beginning of the movement of hard of hearing people (nowadays the Union of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Czech Republic) took place in associations of the deaf. The first one of them, Association of the Deaf and Dumb in Prague, was founded in 1868. At the end of the 1960s, the Union of the Hearing Impaired was founded as a member organization of the Association of the Disabled by officials' agreement. Further development of the organization was discontinued by the so called normalization process in the 1970s when it was incorporated into the Association of the Disabled. In 1990 the Association of the Disabled terminated its activities. In the same year, the law number 83/1990 Sb. on civic associating passed which was an impulse for rising of quite a number of independent civic associations with specific interests and defined programs and also for restoration of the Union of the Hearing Impaired in the Czech Republic. At the congress in1994, its delegates decided to change the original title to the Union of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Czech Republic which is valid up to present day. Hearing impaired people represent most of the members of the Union. Social work of UDHH has an old tradition. It arose by transformation of the former care of the members. Social services are provided to all interested persons and users without any discriminating factors like the range and the type of hearing impairment, age, sex, membership in organizations etc. The users are predominantly hard hearing persons using hearing aids, deaf persons who use lip reading to understand, users of cochlear implants, prelingual deaf persons using sign language as a primary means of communication and persons with tinitus and 38 combined impairment as well. The Union of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Czech Republic is a nongovernmental non-profit civic association with legal personality and nationwide activity which was divided according to the new establishment of the state. The Union of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the Czech Republic Regional th Organization Vysočina was founded at a conference on September 15 2001 and its main mission is to defend the rights and interests of hard hearing people (see above). The objective of the organization is, most of all, to optimally integrate people with serious hearing impairment into society and to enable them, by means of expert social consulting, high technology and alternative communication forms, to use standard educational systems and health care, to acquire suitable jobs, and to perform leisure activities. A special accent is put on employing hearing impaired people, especially those who are completely deaf. The most important projects are services provided according to the law No.108/2006 Sb. on social services. a) Expert social consulting − − − − Focused on concrete needs of hearing impaired users Consulting for workers in the educational system Consulting for employers Consulting for family members, friends of hearing impaired persons, the general public or clerks. Kinds of provided services: 12. Consulting in the field of retirement insurance – the disability pension issue 13. Consulting for acquiring a contribution to a compensatory/hearing aid 14. Consulting in the field of employing persons with hearing impairment and combined disability 15. Consulting in the field of the educational system for children with hearing impairment and combined disability 16. Based on the law on sign language, consulting in the field of removing information barriers 17. Consulting in the field of various contributions for health handicapped persons Highly expert consulting is provided by trained workers in cooperation with health experts, employment offices, regional and municipal offices, insurance companies 39 and firms providing compensatory/hearing aids. b) Interpreting services They are provided to persons with a communication defect caused by hearing impairment which prevents them from standard communication unless they have assistance of another person. We provide - mediation of contact with social environment, the assistance within claiming rights, legitimate interests and within managing private affairs, interpreting (sign language, Czech sign language or lip-reading), articulation interpreting Provided services: the interpreting services diminish the communication barrier and the information deficit, make easier to contact other people and facilitate fullyfledged integration into common society. 1) Ambulatory service: direct work with a client according to the nature of their Leeds, Interpreting within mass events (lectures, educational activities, meetings etc.) 2) Terrain service: Work with a client at a prearranged place, time and term, Service on-line: via e-mail, chat, SMS, phone, fax c) Socially activating services for persons with hearing impairment - Psycho-rehabilitation courses (mental training, lip-reading and speech therapy) - Educational programs (sign-language course, PC courses, …) - Lectures and educational activities (predominantly in the field of health, socially- legal affairs, family and leisure activities) - Cultural activities – always with the presence of a sign-language interpreter and an articulation interpreter (pantomime performed by deaf people) - Sports events (darts, cards) - Educational trips Educational sojourn courses – lip-reading, speech therapy, compensatory/hearing aids, assertiveness, stress management etc. d) Services related to compensatory/hearing aids - Consulting related to compensatory/hearing aids - An opportunity to try aids; offers of various firms - Mediation of acquiring a compensatory/hearing aid in cooperation with specialized firms, possibly, installation of the aid in a client's flat included. - Mediation of a repair to a hearing aid or a compensatory/hearing aid - Providing necessary accessories to hearing aids The above mentioned services ensure support and assistance to persons with hearing impairment who find themselves in an unfavorable life situation; we endeavor to further their independence (self-reliance and self-sufficiency) and to integrate them into society and labor process. Another project, which we realized and which we have proceeded with in a somewhat changed form, is a part of Global grant – the operation program 40 “Human Resources Development”. Its title is “The Center for Support of Persons with Hearing Impairment”. The prime objective of this project was, by providing expert specialized services which enhanced knowledge and motivation of persons with hearing impairment and supported them to cope with the information and communication barrier, to increase the possibility that these persons could get a job on the open labor market. Main activities and methods are: a) Consulting for persons with hearing impairment entering the labor market b) Consulting for persons with hearing impairment who have been laid off or have looked for a new job in collaboration with employment offices. − Information on services of employment offices, according to the law on employment − Retraining opportunities − Compensatory/hearing aids for persons with hearing impairment at the workplace c) Consulting for potential employers of persons with hearing impairment - Information according to the law on employment d) Motivation workshops “How to succeed better on the labor market” e) An opportunity to use a computer and e-mail so that the user of the service can write a curriculum vitae or a job application, or look for job advertisements. Furthermore, this project was aimed to increasing and enhancing of professional knowledge of workers in our organization. Nowadays, this knowledge results in higher quality work of our employees within consulting activity focused on unemployed clients with hearing impairment and on potential employers. 41 ZÁKLADNÍ ŠKOLA A PRAKTICKÁ ŠKOLA SVÍTÁNÍ, O.P.S. Komenského 432, 530 03 Pardubice Tel.: +420 466 049 911 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Miluše Horská ABOUT US Primary School and Practical School SVÍTÁNÍ/Dawn, P.B.O. provides educational, social and other services to children, young people and adults with a mental and combined disability to develop their personality and to integrate them into standard life according to their individual needs and capabilities. The education in SVÍTÁNÍ consists of physiotherapy, ergotherapy, music therapy, hippotherapy, canistherapy, speech therapy etc. The school provides these social services: personal assistance and Social therapeutic workshops - the Transit Program SVÍTÁNÍ. School SVÍTÁNÍ arose from the need of parents having health handicapped children. st It opened 1 September 1992. In the first year, the school was attended by 26 pupils with a combined handicap. In the school year 2008/2009, it provided its services to 149 pupils and clients. By means of practical training of social and working skills, the Transit Program SVÍTÁNÍ supports clients with mental and combined disabilities so that they are independent in standard life. The objective of the provided service is that the clients acquire and develop capabilities and skills which enable them to integrate into society as for applying social skills (personal 42 hygiene, communication, development of client's personality, client's integration into society) and working skills (cooking practice, gardening, cleaning, manual skills). The activity contributes to unemployment reduction by means of social integration of socially excluded people (education, practical training of skills applicable on the labor market). The School SVÍTÁNÍ provides education in the primary school, in the primary special school, in the primary practical school and in the practical two-year school. The education consists of physiotherapy, ergotherapy, music therapy, hippotherapy, canistherapy, speech therapy, psycho-relaxation and other services supporting development of clients' personalities according to their individual needs and capabilities. Pupils in a class are cared for by a teacher, the teacher's assistant and a personal assistant. 43 MÁME OTEVŘENO?, O.S. Hradešínská 2144/47, 101 00 Praha 10 Tel.: +420 222 511 516 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Filip Budák ABOUT US 1998 - The organization Máme otevřeno?/Are We Open?, civic association, was th founded 6 June. − in September: The first program Jiné odpoledne/A Different Afternoon started its activity 1999 - Second program Akce pontony/ “The Pontoons” was realized 2000 – Rooms for Coffee House Vesmírna/The Universe were acquired 18. The first integration festival Podzimní kafemletí/ “The Fall Coffee Grind” 2002 – A consulting website was started • The job training program was started in Coffee House Vesmírna • Another service – Transitional Program - aimed to support of employing mentally disabled people started. • Volunteer center dealt with systematic development of volunteerism. • The first information and educational appointment book was issued. 2003 - COSMOS (club of friends of civic association Máme otevřeno?) started its activity. 2004 – The first number of MYM.O.! magazine was issued. • joining the DMS project 2005 - The first Charitable Auction – Beneficial Games 2007 – The offices were moved from Prague 2 to Prague 10. − Regular Job Clubs were organized. − The website was upgraded, and consequently a new comprehensive consulting program Information and Consulting Center arose. − Program Assistance was initiated. 2008 - Media campaign An employee with mental disability? Try it! was realized. 3) Preparation for the merger of two volunteer programs (Volunteer center – st The Pontoons) into one planed for 1 January 2009 was realized. Since 2002, the project Coffee House Vesmírna has supported integration of mentally handicapped people into society by means of job training. In the current two-year Job Training Program, mentally handicapped people have an opportunity to test, with an assistant's support, what true work is, to experience real work for a wage, to acquire quite a number of social skills. After the program is finished, our clients can use the services of the following Transitional program, see below. 44 Mutual integration of the two worlds – mentally handicapped people and not handicapped people – take place in a nice no smoking area in the center of Prague. Mentally handicapped people develop their working and social skills and so they enhance their chance to find and keep a job on the open labor market in future. To be able to work and to have a job means to establish a new dimension of quality of one's own life. The Coffee House Vesmírna is a temporary stop between the certainty of home and the challenge of open society. The project Job Training Program in the Coffee House Vesmírna reduces unemployment of mentally handicapped people by means of their social integration and direct support, i.e. preparation for a job by training of work. Thus, it prepares them for their future job especially on the open labor market. The Transitional Program supports integration of adults with a mental and combined handicap into standard working environment. st The Transitional Program started on January 1 2003. Originally, it was a service designed only for persons who had completed the Job Training Program in the Coffee House Vesmírna. Thanks to growing interest in the program displayed by other persons with a mental handicap coming from outside, in 2006, the service became available for these candidates. For people with a mental or combined handicap, it is usually difficult to orient themselves in available jobs offers, especially in a large city. It is often arduous for them to arrange a job interview and to succeed in it, to write and send a curriculum vitae, to understand a labor-law relationship etc. Although most of them would be able to work and would want to, not always can they cope with the demands of entering a standard job. Thus, they do not get the opportunity to prove they can perform, after suitable training, quality work independently. The Transitional program reacts to this situation and helps its clients to handle the transition to employment successfully and teaches them to be independent. Cooperation with a client lasts 1.5 year maximum; it is based on individual planning. It encompasses the process of finding out their ideas of future and abilities, a process of writing a CV, aid within contacting employers, managing job interviews and formalities within entering a new job and subsequent support of keeping an acquired job. If necessary, the Transitional Program provides up to three-month job assistance. Therefore, it makes recruiting a mentally handicapped person and their initiating easier for an employer. The program also consists of regular monthly Job Clubs sessions where clients and candidates adopt working environment knowledge. Employers are actively addressed with a collaboration offer; they are provided with clarification of relevant legislation, information on the program and specific attributes of mental disability. The program strains to develop employers' social responsibility. A DIFFERENT AFTERNOON (SOCIALLY ACTIVATING SERVICE FOR 45 SENIORS AND PERSONS WITH HEALTH HANDICAP §66) th A Different Afternoon is the oldest program of the civic association; it had the 10 anniversary of its activity this year. The program helps to integrate children at the age of 5 – 18, having special needs and with a mental or combined handicap or autism, into standard interest circles with support of trained assistants. In essence, the service offers a regular assistance in the circle and accompanying on the way there and beck home again. The assistant helps a child to integrate into children's collective and within the very work and play in the circle. An integrated child can quickly adapt to unknown environment, can better communicate with other people and becomes independent. Therefore, their chance for successful and fully fledged adult life grows. The child becomes a member of the collective and, according to their capabilities, communicates with other children and fully shares the interest activity. On condition an activity in the circle is too difficult for the child, the assistant modifies it according to the child’s capabilities and limitations. For members of the circle, being in company of a handicapped child is an opportunity to encounter heterogeneity of handicapped people's world; it helps them to become tolerant and teaches them new ways of communication. The integration is not only a term here, but an experience to be together without distinction. After spending a year in the program, a child makes progress due to an assistant's support according to the Individual Plan which respects the child's needs and the level of disability. The greatest benefit is an improvement on communication with other people and building up a closer relationship to the assistant who can better motivate the child to be independent, to be oriented as for time and space, to develop physical and mental skills within “work” in the circle. Children attend standard interest circles: pottery, dancing, swimming, physical exercise, painting, photographic or a breeder circle. Within integration, we cooperate with circle managers of Children and Youth Houses, Sokol (Falcon) and with swimming schools in the area of Prague, the capital. THE VOLUNTEER CENTER - “THE PONTOONS” (SOCIALLY ACTIVATING SERVICE FOR SENIORS AND PERSONS WITH HEALTH HANDICAP §66) The mission of the program “The Pontoons” is to implement the objectives of citizen advocacy for persons, at the age over16 years, with mental handicap and autism – i. e. support for handicapped persons so that they are able to defend their right sand interests and to integrate themselves into standard life. There is a great demand for the service made by users not only due to the uniqueness of the program but mainly for the reason that the service flexibly and directly reacts to their requests and resolves their problems in all possible fields. The program directly reacts to the current and continually growing need of 46 disabled young people to speak for themselves, decide for themselves and to defend their rights and interests in society and in their personal life. In addition to fulfilling of the users' objectives, the program exerts positive influence on a volunteer - “advocate” and gives a large amount of information to the general public where the user and the volunteer frequently appear. The service is provided all the year round, in time periods according to the user and the volunteer's possibilities, 3 hours weekly minimum. In meetings, the client and the volunteer spend their leisure time together – they go for a walk, visit cultural events, go in for sports. Having support of these activities, the volunteer purposefully works with his/her companion – mentally handicapped partner and determines topics which help the client to aware and use their rights and to be able to make their own personal decisions and to take responsibility for them. They work together to fulfill the objectives of the Individual Plan – to learn how to, for instance, independently travel, orient themselves in travel schedules, look for information on the Internet, orient themselves in time, go shopping etc. The user is encouraged to express his/her wishes and emotions. Supported by the volunteer, the user practices coping with day-to-day situations and becomes more involved in the decision which will influence his/her life and therefore he/she enhances his/her independence. The Volunteer Center is a program which has worked since 2002 as a contact place for persons interested in volunteering in the field of services for disable people. Volunteers can take part in programs which are organized in the scope of association Máme otevřeno?, o.s. or in some of 20 cooperating organizations. In the last year, the Volunteer Center has been focused mainly on development of volunteering in firms and successfully has cooperated with several organizations (for instance Fórum dárců – Donors' Forum). In the range of Máme otevřeno?, volunteers can take part in single beneficial and educational events (The Fall Coffee Grind, Auction, thanks-giving party for donors, Christmas party for clients, Christmas bazaar in Jiří z Poděbrad Square and at Kampa etc.); they can help in administration within translations, website adjustment, promotion or can participate in direct work with clients. THE ASSISTANCE (RESPITE CARE §44) Assistance is a modern type of a social service which directly reacts to the current and individual needs of families by means of respite care. Undoubtedly, the need for the service and the quality of the program are testified by the soaring demand for this program which is excessively higher than its capacity. The program provides an opportunity to support clients developing their potential and to motivate them towards a greater degree of independence in their natural home environment. Their family members may have a rest from difficult all-day care of a handicapped person. Providing assistance, we support family care instead of placing a client with mental handicap or autism in an institution. 47 Most clients involved in the program are persons with autism or belong to the spectrum of autistic disorder with higher degree of disability. A family is a unique and indispensable institution; it provides children with a sense of certainty and safety and enables them to acquire desirable skills, views and values; it is able to further their development maximally. The greatest benefit of the service is support of families and enabling clients to remain in their family background that is so important for support of adaptation skills which are very limited in this target group. Thanks to the program, handicapped clients can, with assistant's help, use standard support resources and are enabled to communicate with the wider community. The service also strongly supports integration of people with higher degree of disability because the very fact that people with disability are present in standard environment (means of transport, stores, playgrounds, restaurants etc.) is the primary condition of integration. The supporting and partnership attitude to clients enables the Assistance to focus on individual ones and on their current needs and wishes and to support their independence and quality of life. The program provides clients with meaningful using of time which they spend with their assistant. Handicapped people develop their potential together with the assistants; they get more independent and then new opportunities of life in the community become available for them. THE INFORMATION CONSULTING § 37) AND CONSULTING CENTER (EXPERT SOCIAL Not only does the Information and Consulting Center deal with the issue of mental handicap and autism but it also provides further consulting in the social sphere. It provides information and consulting directly to mental handicapped people and to their families as well as to the general public, students and media. It works by means of personal consulting, phone, e-mail, Internet consulting and the information website The service is provided gratis on workdays from 9:00 to 17:00. 48 FOKUS MLADÁ BOLESLAV, SDRUŽENÍ PRO PÉČI O DUŠEVNĚ NEMOCNÉ Ptácká 138, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav Tel.: +420 326 725 814 email: [email protected] Contact person: MUDr. Jan Stuchlík ABOUT US The civic association Fokus Mladá Boleslav is a non-profit non-governmental organization, which provides long-term seriously mentally ill people with social services in the regions of Mladá Boleslav and Nymburk. It has worked since 1992. The provided services constitute a whole which is usually called a comprehensive psychiatric rehabilitation. The objective of these services is enhancing clients' quality of life, enhancing their independence and reduction of the psychiatric hospitalization necessity. All the services are provided in accord with free client's will. During more than 10 year, a set of rehabilitation programs, which are based on individual needs of clients, was created. The Agency for Supported Employment Fokus Mladá Boleslav was founded by the civic association Fokus Mladá Boleslav in 2005 in the range of a project supported by the program Phare 2003 HRD. The preparation took place in the scope of the project EQUAL which was realized by the association Rytmus. In 2008, the title was changed to The Team of Social Rehabilitation – Supported Employment. The supported employing is based on individual needs of job candidates. It is focused on development of candidates' working skills and career. The objective is to enable handicapped people to acquire and keep such a job on the open labor market which complies with their interests, capabilities, talents and personal possibilities. Furthermore, the objective is to enhance the level of clients' independence (to mediate creating or development of their skills needed for finding, getting and keeping a job, to enhance their working habits and to extend their interest in professional development). The association runs 4 social therapeutic workshops with capacity of cca 60 places. The workshops serve both for working rehabilitation and for the long-term protected work. Here, the clients can restore and improve their working skills, ability of communication with other people and enhance their self-confidence. Some of the clients come to the workshops with a target to get prepared for a standard job; others want to find a way from their loneliness through a tolerant community. To those of the clients who would be overly stressed by the protected work in the 49 workshop for the present centers of social rehabilitation offer a daily program including working rehabilitation. The terrain team of Fokus provides clients with case management (coordination of services provided not only by the association Fokus but also by other providers in the region; a client uses these services according to a rehabilitation plan elaborated and regularly revised together with the client). Moreover, it ensures the attendance service and, if necessary, actively searches for those clients who have lost their contact with some of the services. The social service provided by the association does not consist of mere social and legal consulting in the field social security benefits, apartment assignment applications etc. Also, it often includes assistance to the client within negotiations with institutions or their representation and mediation or provides practical assistance for instance within moving, apartment painting etc. It is also provided to clients who are not involved in other programs. 50 KOUS VYSOČINA Žižkova 98,586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 605 485 691 email: [email protected] Contact person: Soňa Baueršímová ABOUT US The coordination union of NGOs in the Region of Vysočina, the civic association (hereinafter “KOUS Vysočina, o.s.” or “KOUS”), follows up with long-term cooperation of non-profit non-governmental organizations (hereinafter “NGOs”) which began in 1995. At first, there was an informal group without legal personality which was formed at the third regional NGOs conference in 2002. However, an executive board of these groups has worked since that year and its meetings have taken place almost every month. In 2008, founding of a civic association was approved at sixth regional NGOs conference of the Region of Vysočina. In 2008, the association had 33 NGOs members and entered into relations with a large number of partners especially in the field of civil service. KOUS represents all NGOs at the regional level within negotiation with the officials of the region, within meetings dealing with EU funds allocation for financing of projects in NUTS II Jihovýchod and within sessions of the Government Council for Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations which is a permanent consultative, initiative and coordination body of the Government of the Czech Republic for addressing non-governmental non-profit sector issues. KOUS performs several continual activities by means of which it takes part in development of all NGOs in the Region of Vysočina (thus including also organizations participating in social integration and employment in the Region of Vysočina): − regular providing information on events in the region, the CR and the EU which have an influence on NGOs activities − consulting on legal, accounting and tax issues − assistance with elaboration of projects including information on resources of support − education in the field of project management, usage of PC, management etc − processing of a strategy paper on behalf of non-profit non-governmental sector at the regional level, its update and realization − administration of the website for NGOs in the Region of Vysočina − consultation hours for NGOs in the Region of Vysočina − organizing of the Regional NGOs Conference (biennial) − media campaign to highlight the work of non-profit organizations Currently, KOUS has 60 members (representatives of NGOs from the Region of Vysočina), 21 of them working in the socially-medical field, 17 in the field of care 51 for seniors and health handicapped people and 9 in the field of consulting and education). PARTICULAR REALIZED ACTIVITIES th 19. Regional Diabetology Day (November 13 2009; the second year of this successful event). 20. Since the 2008, the organizations in the field of social services have been involved in meetings to create a system of financing of social services in the Region of Vysočina. 21. In the January session of the Government Council for NNOs and its Committee for Legislation and Funding, a member of KOUS presented a contribution requiring re-negotiation of the possibility of tax assignations – see: th th 22. On June 26 and 27 2009, KOUS organized two all-day workshops aimed at training in the field of project management designed for representatives of NGOs from the Region of Vysočina. 23. In May 2009, a two-day workshop focused on PC usage education for beginners took place. 24. KOUS joined the preparation activities for establishing the Community Foundation Vysočina. 25. KOUS has participated in preparation of the project of developing an educational module of NGO management. 52 JAHODA Vybíralova 969, 198 00 Praha 9 Tel.: +420 281 916 352 email: [email protected] Contact person: Bc. Markéta Kalinová ABOUT US JAHODA is a non-profit organization which has helped socially disadvantaged children and families since 1997. It is based on the following principles: − Children first – the main subject and purpose of all activities of JAHODA is assistance to needy, endangered and socially disadvantaged children, with an emphasis on prevention. − Transparency - an open and fair attitude, meaning “fair play”, is an integral part of all activities. − Civic activity/social responsibility - willingness and the belief in the possibility of “changing the world” by oneself – it is a principle which unites all volunteers and members of JAHODA. − Teamwork - group work allows all team members to develop dynamically and always to use their potential effectively - whether they work with children or perform other activities. JAHODA operates at the housing estate Černý Most. The focus of its work is providing services under the Act No 108/2006 Sb. on Social Services. However, further offered programs are also important. These are registered social services: 26. The easy admission club JAHODA for children from the housing estate Černý Most (age 6-15) 27. The easy admission club Džagoda for children and youth from the housing estate Černý Most and its vicinity (age 12-18) 28. Terrain contact work for children and young people (age12-18) Further programs: 53 • • family center Jahůdka for parents with preschool children from the housing estate Černý Most and its vicinity Jahodárna – activities for the neighborhood community JAHODA contributes to unemployment reduction by means of these programs: THE EASY ADMISSION CLUBS AND THE TERRAIN PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH By means of consulting, social workers support creating of young people's hierarchy of life values. These values are especially education and work. Because most clients come from families where either one of the parents or both of them are unemployed, we motivate the clients to address these issues more responsibly, to try hard to finish school and above all, after its graduation, to be interested in acquiring a job. Social workers particularly help the clients to cope with school duties, a choice of school, searching for part-time jobs and a full-time job. Jahůdka – in the scope of secondary activities, the family center Jahůdka offers ones which are designed for parents with very small children and which contribute to unemployment reduction, such as: • jahůdková školička/nursery – morning babysitting (babies over 1 year, three times a week). In the meantime, the parents can deal with their own activities, education or, possibly, job duties. English language education – we offer parents morning courses of English while babysitting is ensured. Language skills are another prerequisite for a successful entry onto the labor market after parental leave. Jahodárna – in the scope of the community center, we offer activities for the public. Because most people at the housing estate Černý Most belong to the lower class, we offer leisure activities in the center for a symbolic entrance fee. These activities include mainly professional lectures, consulting, PC, art workshop, etc. JAHODA offers single part-time jobs for parents on parental leave. They include mainly babysitters in the morning nursery and lecturers of the courses. At present, the organization has submitted the project “Support for Parents Returning onto the 54 nd Labor Market after Parental Leave” in the scope of the 2 call of the Operational Program Prague-Adaptability. In case the requested subsidy is assigned, we will extend Jahoda services to include training modules for parents returning onto the labor market. Particular activities: counseling, informal education, social integration of socially excluded groups, direct support. Easy admission clubs and the terrain program for children and youth –these programs provide assistance in case of problems which children and young people encounter with. Social workers are prepared to listen to them, to advise, to provide information, to assist in case of a crisis, to accompany a client wherever needed, to assist within negotiations with an institution or with a person who is close to the client. If necessary, they recommend other related services. We organize weekend and summer stays and, if necessary, remedial classes or assistance with school duties. We also offer leisure activities to clients: PC, music rehearsal studio, art workshops, sports activities, etc. The services are provided free of charge and anonymously. The clubs can be visited at opening hours, no prearrangement needed. Jahůdka - The family center Jahůdka enables parents and children to spend time together in an environment different from home, to experience new situation in interaction with other people, to create and consolidate social contacts and links in order to prevent social exclusion of parents on parental leave and of preschool children. Another target is engaging parents in the program of the club so that they take part in creation of its content. 55 OBLASTNÍ UNIE NESLYŠÍCÍCH OLOMOUC Jungmannova 25, 77200 Olomouc Tel.: +420 585 225 597 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Panský Ota ABOU US První písemný záznam o Výborové schůzi organizace neslyšících v Olomouci z The first written record of the Committee meeting of the organization of the deaf in th Olomouc is from November 25 1950. The organization for people with hearing impairment has worked continuously with various names. In November 1997, the organization completely spun off from the Czech Union of the Deaf and the th independent Regional Union of the Deaf in Olomouc was registered on April 7 1998. Subsequently, in autumn 1998, creation of the Czech-Moravian Unity of the Deaf, domiciled in Brno, has been initiated. The Multifunctional Training Center for not only deaf people: In the scope of the project, modifications to the existing office building of the Regional Union of the Deaf in Olomouc were made: enlargement of the existing building, adjustments of its vicinity and furnishing of the newly built and renovated rooms for the purpose of establishing of the Multifunctional Training Center. The main objective of the project was creating of the multifunctional training center for deaf people from the Region of Olomouc and its vicinity. The project increased the capacity of services which promote social integration of the deaf, enhanced the capacity of services in the field of active employment policy designed for hearing impaired people and the capacity for hearing impaired people's lifelong learning. Project created a total of 2 new working positions. Activities of the training center are intended for all categories of hearing impairment, i.e. on the scale from the completely deaf to the slightly impaired, from Olomouc and the Region of Olomouc, their families and friends. Due to the uniqueness of its supply, the Center is also used by the hearing impaired from throughout the country. The established Center also serves persons interested in learning sign language, professional staff of public institutions coming into contact with hearing impaired people and other interested parties from the general public. Demand for the offered services is great, especially with regard to the limited supply, particularly in the very city of Olomouc. The project is unique even from the nationwide perspective. Our organization has registered 5 social services for which subsidies from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and now even from the Individual Project (subsidized by the EU) of the Region of Olomouc through public procurement, are requested. Further funding was also obtained from the statutory town of Olomouc 56 for ensuring the operation of social services. The registered services: − − − − − Basic and professional social counseling for persons with hearing impairment Interpreting for persons with hearing impairment Socially activation services for persons with hearing impairment Telephone and SMS crisis assistance for persons with hearing impairment Social rehabilitation for persons with hearing impairment - now from the Individual project the Region of Olomouc through public procurement All these services contribute to integration of persons with hearing impairment and to reduction of their unemployment. Our organization receives funding from other grants. These grants are initiated for example by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Health, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, the City of Olomouc and the like. They are focused on education (this has the effect of reduction of unemployment and integration of persons with hearing impairment into society), cultural activities, leisure activities, rehabilitation stays etc. and are designed for all people with hearing impairment without distinction of age. 57 CENTRUM MULTIRKULTURNÍHO VZDĚLÁVÁNÍ, O.S. Telečská 1802/68, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 774619933, 602503699,739600146 email: [email protected] Contact person: Ing. Dana Fiedlerová, Mgr. Jana Horská Ph.D., Radim Fiedler ABOUT US The organization arose as an independent entity in 2007 as a result of separating of educational programs that were originally implemented under the umbrella of the Christian Aid Center Jihlava. The educational programs originally designed for the unemployed were extended to be available also for immigrants. In 2009, the organization defined three main activities – integration of immigrants, integration of Romanies and sustainable development. An important part of the educational programs is to help clients to address the problem of joblessness or to avert the threat of losing their job. The organization is the only one in the region that provides a comprehensive range of services for immigrants and which is, in cooperation with the Region of Vysočina, preparing a concept of the region policy in the field of social inclusion of Romany ethnic group. SOCIAL REHABILITATION Within this service, we provide clients from different socially-cultural background (immigrants, Romanies, the homeless) with teaching languages (Czech language in case of immigrants), teaching computer work; furthermore, by the form of various interactive events and club programs, we provide teaching of the basic socially-cultural skills needed for integration into society. According to those programs, we lead clients to find a proper job that matches their education or we improve their competitiveness so that, in case of losing a job, they can more likely find a new one on the labor market. The central program, in addition to teaching languages, is psychotherapeutic care which is provided to clients in a gentle way and leads to enhanced client's self-esteem. As a part of the services, we provide clients with specific consulting for addressing their current problems that are usually associated with competition on the labor market (filling in forms, writing CV, certificate validation etc.). In addition to addressing issues related to employment, we are able to provide clients with care within addressing other issues of happy life, such as housing etc. One of the forms of our activity is also exerting influence on the major society for the purpose of building up culturally diverse and yet functioning society. We hold miscellaneous multicultural events with participation of performers from various countries and lectures on topics such as culture and social work in our country and other ones, Romany history, culture and mentality, etc. Visitors are pupils or students from schools and the public. 58 ASISTENCE O.S. V Pevnosti 4, 128 41 Praha 2 Tel.: +420 605 295 019, 241 083 573 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Markéta Francová ABOUT US Since 1995, we have provided services to people with physical and multiple disabilities who want to work and to actively live in society. The impetus to the founding of the association was the need to help students of Practical School of Jedlička Institute in Prague during their transition from school to practical life (the Transition Program). At first, we ensured opportunities of practice for these students and assistance within finding a job. Currently we provide services to clients whose number is still growing and also we react to their needs through extension of services. Since 2006, we have offered our services not only to students and leavers of schools of Jedlička Institute but also to other people with physical and multiple disabilities. Since 2007, we have been registered providers of social rehabilitation services and personal assistance. A multi-disciplinary team of social workers, special educators, a psychologist and ergotherapists operates in our association. Supported employment is one of the services we provide in the scope of social rehabilitation. This service is intended for people who are looking for a job on the open labor market. Together with a consultant in individual meetings, the client learns the skills needed for finding a suitable job – for instance how to write a CV, how to submit your ad, how to prepare for a job interview etc. The consultant may also accompany the client within all negotiations related to a job; he/she is usually present when the client is getting trained at a new workplace. Also a job assistant can assist to the training. The consultant provides services - in addition to support of the client - to the employer as well: he/she can cope with all the formalities related to employing people with disabilities, can identify job description appropriate for that person, can suggest possible barrier-free workplace adjustments, etc. This service helps to reduce unemployment because it helps people with physical and multiple disabilities to find a suitable job. Assistance is also provided to employers who are going to employ disabled people. Other services resulting in reduction of unemployment, which provides our organization, are: career planning consulting (one-off job consulting), non- 59 standard jobs (finding job opportunities in a protected environment), PC worktraining and other working skills. Because most of our clients belonging to the target group cannot get to work without aid, an integral part of all of these services is the provision of personal assistance. Other services we provide are: in the scope of social rehabilitation we provide consulting in the field of education, appropriate housing, leisure time activities. In the range of personal assistance, in addition to the provision of personal assistance itself, we offer consulting in the field of barrier-free adaptations, mobility aids, information on obtaining finance for personal assistance. 60 ASOCIACE RODIČŮ A PŘÁTEL POSTIŽENÝCH DĚTÍ, KLUB Č. 70 Biskupcova 84, 130 00 Praha 3 Tel.: +420 242 441 486 email: [email protected] Contact person: Bc. Kristýna Veinlichová ABOUT US The mission of the club is to find a way to improve the lives of families caring for children with disabilities. Club Prague 3 is a part of the nationwide umbrella organization - the Association of Parents and Friends of Handicapped Children in the Czech Republic. Each club has its own legal personality. A common vision of the Association and its individual branches is associating of families and professionals caring for children with health problems and also their friends and other concerned persons who are willing to improve the lives of disabled children and their families. The Club of Parents and Children Prague 3 arose from the needs of parents and their disabled children to relax from everyday worries, to spend their leisure time comfortably and meaningfully, to learn and acquire information from professionals. These are the target groups which the Club works with: − children with disabilities, − healthy children, − volunteers, − parents of children with disabilities, − social services workers. In 2007, the club became a certified provider of social services with a focus on basic and specialized social counseling. The Club was founded in 2002. The first event of our club was a psychorehabilitation sojourn for parents and children with disabilities in the barrier-free center Březejc. Our further activities were swimming for disabled children in the pool Hostivař, organizing of summer camps for children with disabilities, and basic and specialized social counseling. Currently, the Club Prague 3 significantly contributes to the development of knowhow for work with parental self-help groups, which is a part of the provision of social services to a whole family with a handicapped child. The Club Prague 3, together with the organization Alfa H.S., creates a methodological and practical background for training facilitators of self-help groups, for supervision of their work and for consulting on education of people who care for a close person. 61 The objective of the service is to provide families with aid and support by means of: 29. assistance within overcoming difficult life situations (therapeutic work and work in a self-help group), 30. education of parents in the area of special care for children with disabilities 31. employment consulting 32. basic and specialized social counseling 33. information service (delivering information and contacts) Services are realized by means of: - psycho-rehabilitation stays - weekly stays include both the professional part and the respite one. The parents attend workshops aimed to promoting their own personality (prevention of burnout syndrome, communication, partnerships, psycho-hygiene etc.), job consulting (harmony between special care for children with disabilities and succeeding on the labor market). The respite part allows the parents and their children to relax through creative and gaming activities. - basic and specialized social counseling that is provided by telephone and by personal contact. - activation services (camps, swimming, training for parents, creative workshops). The output of these activities is activation of the parents with a focus on succeeding on the labor market in accordance with the special care for a child with a disability and developing and delivering know-how for work with self-help support groups to other professionals and organizations caring for parents with children with disabilities. 62 ALFA HUMAN SERVICE Biskupcova 84, 130 00 Praha Tel.: +420 242 441 486 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Martina Chmelová ABOUT US The Alfa Human Service is a civic association whose main mission is to offer support and assistance to persons providing care, both laymen and experts, by means of delivering information in the fields: − care for a child with disabilities, including aids and toys, − social and legal assistance and job consulting for carers, − education and integration, − support and assistance to caring parents and professionals, − employment of carers, − computer courses. The Alfa Human Service was established in 2000. At that time, the main activity was consulting via the website Gradually, the organization was acquiring a professional dimension and since 2007 it has been an accredited educational institution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (No. 2007/792 - I) and a registered provider of social counseling and social activation services for families with children. The main target groups are: 34. parents of children with disabilities and weakening, 35. parents of healthy children, 36. social workers, 37. professionals providing care to families with children with disabilities, 38. unemployed women. Since 2005, the Alpha Human Service implements educational projects to reduce unemployment through the European Social Fund. In the years 2005-2008 these projects were implemented: "Education and Practice for Carers of a Dependent Family Member, "Support for People Potentially Endangered by Unemployment" and "Active Support for People Endangered by Unemployment". The educational projects were implemented through IT training courses and job counseling. The IT education was designed as a retraining course, and thus the participants could obtain the ECDL certificate. At present, the civic association Alpha Human Service has implemented 2 projects which are supported by the ESF in the range of the OP HRE. Our further project is the information website "Alfabet" ( which is regularly supported by grants from the MLSA. 63 The main objective of the project is to provide knowledge and skills to at least sixty parents of children with disabilities through a training course focused on prevention of burnout syndrome and on assistance within entering the labor market. The goals of the project contribute to the parents' chance to leave dependence on the state social system, to prevention of clients' dependence on the social service and to increasing of the availability and quality of regional social services provided to the parents of children with disabilities. The project is being realized in the Middle-Bohemia Region and in the Region of Pardubice through outpatient and residential workshops which focus on topics: • • • • • • Prevention of burnout syndrome Basic elements of psycho-hygiene Work with a person in crisis and perception of trauma Communications, partnerships, the status of the healthy sibling Aggression and sexuality of children with disabilities Support for parents entering the labor market The main outcome of the project is to reduce unemployment in the target groups and to enable them to further their personal development through training courses and consultancy. The main objective of the project is to provide forty persons who seek work with knowledge and skills allowing them maximal independence and good orientation on the labor market. The support is provided in the form of a long-term comprehensive program focused on teaching IT, basic work and communication skills. The project is designed for parents on parental leave, for persons caring for dependent family member and for unemployed women from the Middle-Bohemia Region. The course is finished after passing a certified ECDL test. Within the project, the clients are provided with financial support for babysitting during the courses and with a transport allowance. The output of the project is to reduce unemployment in the target groups and to enable them to further their personal development through training courses and motivation activities. The information website Alfabet provides information and advice in the field of caring for children and adults with disabilities to the general public. The target group is predominantly parents of disabled children from the entire country. Another group which the website is intended for is providers of social services, physicians, social workers, special educators, volunteers, etc. The output of this project is a regularly updated information service that allows orientation in the issue of care for families with children with disabilities. 64 DENNÍ CENTRUM BAREVNÝ SVĚT Okružní 962, 674 01 Třebíč Tel.: +420 724 125 922 email: [email protected] Contact person: Alena Hostašová ABOUT US st The Denní centrum barevný svět was founded on September 1 2005 as a nongovernmental non-profit organization that provides social services to people (1664 years) with mental and multiple disabilities. Our services are designed for people with mental and multiple disabilities who live within the 40 km radius of the town of Třebíč. The capacity of the day-care center is 25 users of the services. We provide users with transport to and from the city center. The main objective of the day-care center Colorful World is integration of mentally disabled people into society. We want our clients to achieve maximum development of their skills, knowledge and habits by means of ergotherapy, hippotherapy, artetherapy, canistherapy, work in the garden, teaching of reading, writing and numeracy and work in the training kitchen. The operational objective of our work is to maximize our clients' independence, to support development of manual dexterity and professional ability, interaction of personality components and promoting positive friendly relationships. The activity of the day-care is predominantly focused on working in therapeutic workshops. By means of work in therapeutic workshops, the users of the services improve their dexterity and motion and coordination abilities, develop their perception, attention, memory, thinking, their own will and imagination. The daycare center offers work in the pottery and art workshop, the sewing and woodprocessing workshop. Another offer is work in the garden and in the training kitchen. We produce promotional items for companies on contract. Products from the single workshops are sold directly in the day-care center. In the scope of social integration, we take part in various sales events - markets and fairs where the users actively participate in the sale of the products. Under guidance of the day-care center workers, they learn how to pack the sold products, communicate with customers and count money. People with mental and multiple disabilities belong to the group with the highest long-term unemployment rate and thus to the one which is most endangered with social exclusion. Our day-care center implements training courses and education to increase the skills enhancing their potential of employment on the open labor market. This means general education as well as basic personal computer operation and a money management course. Within the course "Introduction to personal computer operation”, we use a textbook which is designed for people with mental disabilities. 65 In the scope of the project Money Management, they learn to recognize money, get to know the value of money, recognize goods and services important for them and learn to calculate a purchase and to pay properly. They get to comprehend how money appears in their life and what money is expended for (income expenditure). They learn the methods of saving and the rules to avoid being robbed or cheated. The clients’ favorite activities in our day-care center also include trips, sport and culture. Just this is the place where persons with intellectual disabilities often face normal people. Common meetings support not only social integration but also teach the general public to communicate and remove barriers. 66 APPN, O. S. Vratislavova 12, 128 00 Praha 2 Tel.: +420 605 253 123 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Marie Horáková ABOUT US APPN is a non-profit organisation, whose main object is to influence actively the creation and development of a healthy and stable job market for non-hearing persons and their integration into the world of hearing people by increasing accessibility and quality of social services. We realize that for achieving this object we need a complaisant and open behaviour from the side of a majority group of hearing people. Therefore we concentrate especially on bringing support in job obtaining and job retaining, on increasing of mutual respect and about an acquaintance with this minority group. Within the framework of our work we communicate with responsible institutions and state authorities. The core of the APPN project is to improve the status of non-hearing persons on the job market. Its part is also to support the unemployed persons in looking for a new job with complementation of all needed skills, to place them on a job market, to improve their position in job market and to increase their qualification, especially as to working with internet and as to the communication with their ambience. But this is not all: for improving the status of non-hearing persons is necessary also to adjust the large hearing society in order to acknowledge which limitations are brought by hearing disorders and which merits are connected with the culture of non-hearing persons. Other our activities are aimed at the firms in order to get know what are the non-hearing persons like, where are their advantages and where the limitations in order to avoid misunderstandings. To our further activities belong lectures, workshops about the job market, actual informations and multimedial conferences. APPN does not concern only Czech Republic, but collects also job informations from the European Union. APPN´s job counselling is aimed at increasing of the concurrence ability of non hearing persons, especially job obtaining and retaining. APPN emphasizes an individual access to non-hearing clients and using of different communication ways. It contributes to the publicity about the non-hearing persons community and helps spreading information about their culture and language. APPN also helps to overcome the language and cultural barriers, including suppressing of rooted prejudices about the non-hearing community, which may appear among the hearing people. APPN services are aimed at the people with hearing or combined disorder(s), but we keep trying to help also their families, their employers and the experts in job 67 APPN ensures also the online interpreting service from and into sign language. It is scheduled mainly for non-hearing persons, if they want, for instance, to contact a new possible job, but it might be used by their employers as well, if they want, say, to consult some working procedures with their employees. It is accessible in the whole Czech Republic from Monday till Friday since 9 a.m.till 5.p.m. 68 ŠANCE NA VZDĚLÁNÍ O.P.S. Škroupova 631, 500 02 Hradec Králové Tel.: +420 773 695 300 email: [email protected] Kontaktní osoba: Vlasta Krejčová O NÁS ŠANCE NA VZDĚLÁNÍ (A Chance of Education) is a generally profitable society, recently founded by the Andragogy Centre, which is having a long-time experience with rendering complex services in the area of personal education, education within the framework of firms, managing human resources etc. Thanks to these facts is this society able to use a lot of knowledge and acquired experiences from the founding society. ŠANCE prepares projects, bringing innovative elements of reflection on the needs of education for persons with some disabilities, mainly health and social ones, and their gradual including into job market. The society´s task is to lead these persons to the orientation in real world, to self-finding and self-recognizing, to social and working incorporation and towards psychical harmony. The society´s targets are: • The development of information about the social offer of education, cooperation with organisations rendering educational activities, with social partners and another institutions. • Job- effeciency increasing (mainly through re-qualification) • Open courses, actions and workshops, aimed at problems of socially weak groups, social responsibility, harmonisation of family- and working life. • Education, consultations, web-site informations, propagation materials • International cooperation- transfer of know-how and methods • Cultural, sport and social actions, travel activities The Rehabilitation Institute from the city of Kladruby is treating clients after severe physical injuries, immediately followed by sudden and large disabilities, and it is going to support its clients during their future social rehabilitation. The project´s aim is to ease social rehabilitation by enabling of re-qualification, followed by starting of a job, gained in accordance with the skills and abilities of the clients. A special target is to create a data-basis of co-operating firms, suitable jobs and convenient re-qualification, followed by entrance of the clients on the job market, even after the end of this project.The clients are going to pass through both the balance and working diagnostics and then they will be able to enter some in advance chosen jobs. The part of the project will be also some activities, motivating the clients to assert 69 themselves on the job market. Through counselling, re-qualifying education and proper incorporating disabled people to the job market should the project contribute to reduce unemployment. A complex project, being prepared for physically disabled people is already being negotiated with the ministries, public institutions and societies. The concrete accordance was achieved. • • • Another partial prepared project reflects the contemporary situation as to the education of physically and/or socially disabled people, including potential financial support and creating new educative model. There are courses for mentally disabled people as well, considering dealing with money, how to travel into the job,etc. Voluntary educative projects for people of age 50 years and more with their subsequent assertion on the job market. International cooperation-affiliations and know-how transfers, concerning the education and re-qualification of physically disabled people. Obtaining inspiration from the EU countries. Other specialized projects, having no relationship with the unemployment decrease, are not being described here. ŠANCE NA VZDĚLÁNÍ (A Chance of Education) is a generally profitable society, recently founded by the Andragogy Centre, which is having a long-time experience with rendering complex services in the area of personal education, education within the framework of firms, managing human resources etc. Thanks to these facts is this society able to use a lot of knowledge and acquired experiences from the founding society. ŠANCE prepares projects, bringing innovative elements of reflection on the needs of education for persons with some disabilities, mainly health and social ones, and their gradual including into job market. The society´s task is to lead these persons to the orientation in real world, to selffinding and self-recognizing, to social and working incorporation and towards psychical harmony. The society´s targets are: • The development of information about the social offer of education, cooperation with organisations rendering educational activities, with social partners and another institutions. • Job- effeciency increasing (mainly through re-qualification) • Open courses, actions and workshops, aimed at problems of socially weak groups, social responsibility, harmonisation of family- and working life. • Education, consultations, web-site informations, propagation materials • Cultural, sport and social actions, travel activities 70 The Rehabilitation Institute from the city of Kladruby is treating clients after severe physical injuries, immediately followed by sudden and large disabilities, and it is going to support its clients during their future social rehabilitation. The project´s aim is to ease social rehabilitation by enabling of re-qualification, followed by starting of a job, gained in accordance with the skills and abilities of the clients. A special target is to create a data-basis of co-operating firms, suitable jobs and convenient re-qualification, followed by entrance of the clients on the job market, even after the end of this project.The clients are going to pass through both the balance and working diagnostics and then they will be able to enter some in advance chosen jobs. The part of the project will be also some activities, motivating the clients to assert themselves on the job market. Through counselling, re-qualifying education and proper incorporating disabled people to the job market should the project contribute to reduce unemployment. A complex project, being prepared for physically disabled people is already being negotiated with the ministries, public institutions and societies. The concrete accordance was achieved. • Another partial prepared project reflects the contemporary situation as to the education of physically and/or socially disabled people, including potential financial support and creating new educative model. There are courses for mentally disabled people as well, considering dealing with money, how to travel into the job,etc. • Voluntary educative projects for people of age 50 years and more with their subsequent assertion on the job market. • International cooperation-affiliations and know-how transfers, concerning the education and re-qualification of physically disabled people. Obtaining inspiration from the EU countries. 71 SOUKROMÁ VYŠŠÍ ODBORNÁ ŠKOLA SOCIÁLNÍ, O. P. S. Matky Boží 15, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 567 312 629, 567 308 921 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Jana Dvořáková ABOUT US Soukromá vyšší odborná škola sociální (Private High Social School) in the city of Jihlava The school emphasizes the personality education of a future social worker and struggles to create a permanent set of personal attitudes, corresponding with the ethical codex of social work. The study lasts 23 semesters and the students (both internal and external) should be provided with the proper communicative abilities for dealing with the clients, for presentation of a group work within the student´s own projects, for training in social therapy and in prevention of negative phenomena in favour of a high quality life style. The object of the school´s educational program is also the education of a personally stable social worker, equipped with a set of key expert competences including the moral qualities. A good social worker should be prepared both to the performance of a helpful profession and to the high quality of his/her personal life. The students at school are being educated in all subjects belonging to the minimal standard of a social worker (philosophy, ethics, sociology, psychology, methods of 72 social work, expert practice and its supervision, method and techniques of a social research, law, social policy, social pathology, problems of minorities, health and illness). Moreover the school devotes a great attention to foreign languages teaching (English, German) and applied computing techniques including the basis of correspondence, which- altogether with the eligible subjects, like personalistics, economy, non-profit organisations management and pedagogy- are increasing the possibilities of assertion of the school graduates on the job market. In a long-time perspective appears a practical teaching in an extent of 30% of all school lectures as a very good contribution. The students are practicing in all classes and in several forms (running practice, continuous, unrepeated, above standard, projecting) in extent cca 900 hours for every student. Practices are being performed in eight areas of social working (public management, health service, educational system, justice, non-government non-profit organisations, church organisations and charity, economy and private sector). Knowledge and skills achieved by formal education increase the possibilities of assertion on a job market. Through this form of direct support the school decreases the unemployment of its graduates. We also offer the students counselling in their choice of further study possibilities and skills increasing, They may go on studying on the ZMVS school in the city of Třebíč. The school offers the possibilities to complete and enlarge the graduate´s qualification in the following courses and trainings: • • • The course of care of family and children (200 hours) Working with the clients (systemic approach) (100 hours) Human resources 73 managing for the non-profit organisations(the request was given) (60 hours) The school includes into the frame of teaching also the co-operation of its students with children from socially disadvantaged environment, with physically handicapped people, with seniors or with ethnic minorities. Great part of its work is devoted also to conceptual projects and to different grant programs. 74 ARPZPD V ČR, O.S. - KLUB KLUBÍČKO BEROUN Bezručova 928, 266 01 Beroun Tel.: +420 322 312 702 email: [email protected] Contact person: Alena Pecková ABOUT US Klubíčko (pronounce Klubeechko) is a non-profit organisation, which came into existence in 1997, when families with both handicapped and healthy children from the Beroun region gathered together at the first time. And from a civic association which originally wanted only to offer some integrated free-time activities and to mediate for people with similar problems some new social contacts and a mutual support with an exchange of information became an aid giver, supplying the missing services. Now we are the only organisation in the Beroun region who provides complex social services, special education, expert care, job assertion and some possibilities of spending free time for families with handicapped children, youth and adult people in productive age. All these activities are mutually intertwined. And so came into existence the integrative centre KLUBÍČKO, whose mission is to support families, caring for their closest person(s) with some handicap, to support functionality of the family system and to increase the quality of life of the families with a handicapped member. The average daily capacity of the KLUBÍČKO centre is about 45 persons in the age from 0 to 45 years with different kinds and degrees of permanent health damage from the regions around the cities Beroun and Hořovice. As to the project concerning how to diminish unemployment: Within the framework of our project was created 16 and ¼ new working positions for persons endangered by the social exclusion. Their new job (or partial job)got: • 11 parents of handicapped children, who had not been working for a long time because of caring for the close(st) person • 4 disabled people who had never been working before • 3 long-time unemployed people • 2 university graduated people • 2 women after the end of maternal vacation Using of this locally, timely and financially achievable complex of services enabled 17 parents of disabled children to return into their jobs, both in KLUBÍČKO Beroun and outside of it. This situation helped to improve considerably both the quality of life of families, caring for a close person with some disability and their integration and social position. 75 One of the key activities of our project was the individual education of the staff of our centre. Altogether 22 people, endangered by social exclusion, improved the opportunity and achieved their needed qualifications for working in our centre, what in fact may enable them in the long-time perspective to assert themselves better on the job market. st th During the time since April the 1 ,2006, till April the 30 , 2008, our organisation has created altoghether 27 new working positions for 32 people from the regions around the cities Beroun, Rakovník and Rokycany 76 DIECÉZNÍ CHARITA BRNO - OBLASTNÍ CHARITA JIHLAVA Jakubské náměstí 2, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 736 523 681, 567 523 671 email: [email protected] Contact person: Bc. Marek Holemář ABOUT US The regional diocese charity of Jihlava, subordinated to the diocese charity of (the Moravian Capital) Brno, is a professional organisation, giving aid and support to needed people and to the people around them. Both its workers and volunteers emphasize the human dignity and the spiritual value of every human being and struggles for change of the attitudes of people, leading to the increase of social cohesiveness. th The regional charity Jihlava was established on August the 13 1992 as a volunteering activity of people who want to help their neighbours in an emergency, regardless of their race, nationality or religion. At present is the regional charity Jihlava one of the biggest NGOs, acting in the county of Vysočina (Bohemian-Moravian Highland). Being subordinated to the Brno Charity it is at the same time a part of the Czech (Catholic) Charity, belonging to the international (Catholic) Charity group named Caritas Internationalis. Its main object groups are the seniors, health disabled people, the youth, endangered by the social exclusion, the unemployed youth with low working skills, the Romale (gipsy) community and its specific problems, drugs abusers and other people in disadvantageous social situation. To the regional charity Jihlava belong also 8 professional social service facilities in different smaller cities,7 professional social prevention facilities (clubs for risky youths, requalifications, seniors activations and so on) and 4 volunteering parish charities. In 2008 had the Charity Jihlava almost 80 employees and its budget exceeded 31,5 millions of Czech crowns. (1,25 mil. Euro) The project called MALÁ ŘEMESLA (The Small Crafts) is a chance for the 77 unemployed youth, who has no higher level of education but the elementary/basic school because of the different social handicaps, like behaviour problems at school, family problems, drugs and alcohol abuse, minor criminality, belonging to ethnic minorities, institute education (instead of – dysfunctional- family care) etc. The Small Crafts Program is from these reasons a combination of motivation, education and employment. It is a professional facility, whose aim is to give to the unemployed youth with incomplete education an equal access to education and skills and the chance to assert themselves on the job market. We are running 5 months lasting re-qualification courses (of carpentry, room painting, gardening, sewing etc.) with an individual access to their members, because our objective is not only to teach, but also to motivate. Teaching runs in small groups with 4-6 members. An active aid in job searching after the end of teaching course is the part of our program as well. This fact changes their social state: from overlooked and excluded groups they are becoming accepted and useful citizens. The project co-operates closely with the Working Bureau in Jihlava and contributes to the diminishing of unemployment in the city of Jihlava and around it. PARK IN PARK The project “Park in Park” was being realized in the years 2006-8 with support of the European Social Fund and it was orientated on supporting the long-time unemployed youth with a low qualification level. The target of this project was to improve through an appropriate form of education the situation of the target group and at the same time to contribute to their social integration. The first phases, called Orientation, was aimed mainly at the motivationorientation activities which were being realized during 50 hours of a motivational course. The second phase, called Qualification, lasted 78 for 6 months, and it was aimed at the increase of the attendants´ skills and knowledge. A part of this phase were also the long-time, 700 hours lasting requalification courses. On the third phase, called Integration, participated also the local employers. Other Charity project, like for instance, the project called ERKO Jihlava, or the “Low-threshold club” called Vrakbar (Wreck bar) are aimed at the integration of children mainly from the Romale ethnic minority and/or to prevent social risks and to create conditions for the actual problems´ solution. There is also a centre named “U Větrníku” (Beside the weathercock) for young drug abusers or the “Dobrovolnické centrum (Volunteering centre) Jihlava”, acting since September 2006. 79 GREEN DOORS, O. S. Jelení 15/196, 180 00 Praha 1 Tel.: +420 777 913 059 email: [email protected] Contact person: Svetlana Pokorná - Vrablecová ABOUT US The civic association, named in English “Green doors”, was established in 1993 from the iniciative of employees of the Daily psychotherapeutic sanatorium,called “Nad Ondřejovem” who felt the need to enlarge the sanatorium´s health service by the subsequent rehabilitation care. In the first stage of its existence the association realized a row of projects, aimed mainly at the social rehabilitation and free time. In 1997 was opened the first “training café” in Czech Republic, named “Café na půl cesty” (Café on a halfway). Since that time is the association devoted mainly to the working rehabilitation of young people with a short-time experience with a psychical illness. Between the years 1998-2001 was the offer being gradually enlarged by the following programs: a training workshop, targeted th to cleaning works (1998),a training café named “The 5 column club”(1999), a training café “Club in Jelení” (in the Deer Street) (2000) and “Trafika na bráně” (Tobacconist´s in the Gate) (2001-4). Except the cafés were created also another programs aimed at enlarging and improving of the possibilities of social rehabilitation and of pre-job preparation. Between the years 1999-2006 were gradually coming into existence the following programs: “Transient employment in Friendly Cafés”(1999), “Program of a Personal working development” (2001), “Job Club”(2003), “Terrain Social Work” and “Social Counselling” (both in 2004). Another of them were for instance “The training group of social skills” (2005),or “The supported employment” (2006). There is also a counselling for the work with PC or outdoor trips for the psychiatric patients. In the “Café on a halfway” are being offered to the patients different jobs with the support of therapists. Patients may be working as barmen/barwomen or distributing leaflets. There is being offered also cleaning of the café´s environs, of the park or of the neighbouring city quarters (Mo-Fri 2-3 hours daily). This training is mainly devoted to young people, who are having short experience with mental illness and who are at the same time interested in training of working skills, who want to prepare themselves to some usual job or to study and who want to verify their skills, to improve them or to acquire some new ones. The training leader is the therapist. The key worker (the “patron”) together with the therapist set the individual goals and plans, how to achieve these goals, and how the “café” may be helpful during this process. The patron helps to solve the actual problems, gives a feedback, teaches concrete skills and helps during the transition to the new job. 80 As to diminishing the unemployment, we are in 70% of all cases successful. Through the cultural actions which are being organized by the café, we contribute to “de-stigmatization” of mental illnesses and at the same time by doing this we are opening new possibilities for these people, including new jobs. We are offering a wide scale of complementary programs as well. And- last, but not least- we offer also the short-term attachments for students. It helps them to prepare to their future jobs. “Supported employment” offers a rough version of an employment as a training for some real employment. It discovers the individual extent of readiness and helps to improve the patient´s adaptability. An important role plays here the consultant, who negotiates, organizes and coordinates the contacts with the employer. If needed, he/she may assist just on the workplace. This program helps to find a suitable job, supports the client in his/her negotiations with the employer, helps with the administration and its worker may also asccompany the client to the negotiations with authorities. The beginning is always an informative meeting, further is being given an aid, support and informations. 81 OBČANSKÁ PORADNA TŘEBÍČ Přerovského 126/6, 674 01 Třebíč Tel.: +420 724 304 718 email: [email protected] Contact person: Bc. Eva Krčková ABOUT US The civic counselling centre (of the city) Třebíč started its activity under the auspices of the city Třebíč in October 1999 and since that time it has been giving advices, information and an active aid to anybody, who turns to it in an adverse life situation. Since January 2000 it has been independent and it has become an integral part of the social services offer in the city of Třebíč. It keeps giving aid and preventively ensures its users not to suffer from an unawareness of their rights and duties, unawareness of accessible services or because of their unability to express effectively their needs. This service is being given to any citizen in the counselling centre´s office in Přerovského street in Třebíč, No. 126/6. The counselling service´s goal is to enable the people in an adverse life situation to solve it through free of charge, impartial, independent and discrete information and advices and, if needed, also through some further help, including the field counselling and assistance. Considering the Czech Legislation (The Social Services Act) must this kind of service be being given completely free of charge and therefore it is entirely dependent on donations. The counselling service is a member of the Civic Counselling Association (Asociace občanských poraden, AOP). The AOP is a founding member of the Pan-European organization “Citizen Advice International”. “TO BRING THE JOB INTO HARMONY WITH THE FAMILY REQUIRES A TOIL”. Through our attachment into the project with that name in 2009 we enlarged the net of so called pro-Equality counsellors, who are giving individual counselling to some disadvantaged persons, struggling for return into their jobs. Through our individual access we want to help people, who have been out of job market for a long time and who need on their way towards the new employment to be better and more systematically orientated both in their own actual situation and in the job market possibilities. The project is aimed mainly at the target group of the women with babies, being after maternal holidays and struggling for their return into job market. The project is being co-donated by the European Social Fund and by the Czech State Budget in the framework of an operative program “Human resources and employment”. To the unpaid aids of this counselling service belongs also the counselling, considering the employment and the working-legal relationships. During the last 82 year were in that area given 178 consultations. The clients here are mostly either young people with babies or people in the age over 50. Our organization contributes through unpaid counselling to diminish the unemployment and gives advices and information how to keep oneself in the job market and what are the rights and duties of the citizens. We continue in our counselling services in this year as well. We are engaged in the special conditions of women and young people, in the right for financial compensation and for holiday, in the relationships on the place of work and others. To our other projects belongs also: The debt problems and counselling as to the financial literacy, field civic counselling, counselling in favour of the victims of criminal deeds and home violence, and an eco-counselling for the consumers. 83 OBLASTNÍ CHARITA PARDUBICE V Ráji 732, Pardubice Tel.: +420 466 335 026, 775 296 843 email: [email protected] Contact person: Anna Čevorová ABOUT US The regional charity of the city Pardubice was founded by the bishop Karel Otčenášek in May 1992. It belongs to the international family of the (Catholic) Caritas organizations. The Catholic Church is founding the charitable centres almost everywhere where it acts. The Charity´s mission is embodied in its name. The Latin word “caritas” means love, being manifested in the service of one human to another, mainly to such one, who suffers. The mission and goal of the Regional charity Pardubice is to help people in material, social, health, psychical and spiritual emergency. Its target group is being formed by the citizens of the Pardubice region, who are because of their age, loss of self-sufficiency, illness or some health handicap unable to ensure (either themselves or with an aid of their family members) their life needs which are not being ensured in an adequate way otherwise either. The other target group are the people in a hard material, social or health emergency, or, as the case may be, people afflicted with catastrophes in Czech Republic or anywhere in the world. PODANÉ RUCE (HELPING HANDS) The content of this project is an enlarging of the contemporary care service being given by the Regional Charity Pardubice into the rural areas around the city Pardubice, establishing a laundry in the Senior Centre Moravany for the clients of the Regional Charity and of the NGOs. In the case of free capacity will be these services being ensured for the civil sector as well. Furthermore will be in Třebosice built up the business premises for the purpose of manipulation, assortment and processing of textiles, coming mostly from a humanitarian aid, for further using. The project presumes an enlarging of the charity caring aid and introducing of a respite (relieving) care in Moravany. The charity aid and respite care centre will be established in Třebosice (acting in the micro-region “Behind the airport”) and a new Charity care centre will be established in the Lázně (=Spa) Bohdaneč. “COMMUNEM REDDERE” (BRINGING BACK THE SOLIDARITY) The goal of this project, which is being sponsored by the European Social Fund and in which the Regional Charity Pardubice cooperates with the German Charity “Caritasverband” in Osnabruck, is to ensure an accessibility of social services also in the smaller villages (under 1 000 inhabitants). The Osnabruck Charity has 84 a good, long-time experience with ensuring of such service. The model of their work is based on the partnership with local organisations and on the using of local resources. On the basis of this good experience from Germany would the Pardubice charity like to work in accordance with this model as well and to enlarge this way the accessibility of its offered services. The Regional Charity of Pardubice has been co-operating for many years with the Working Bureau. As to the reduction of unemployment, no other special projects are being created at this time.But as to the whole complex of all Charity activities, it would like during near future to improve and to enlarge the home health nursing care and the home hospice (palliative) care. 85 ORGANIZACE NEVIDOMÝCH Havlíčkova 38, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 567 303 795, 608 805 838 email: [email protected] Contact person: Pavel Hegner ABOUT US The Organisation of unseeing people in the city of Jihlava is a civic association, established in 2003 as an expression of a free will of its members to develop activities in favour of the blind and dim-sighted people. It advocates their rights, needs and interests, takes part in establishing and functioning of a complex system of prevention and treatment of visual handicaps, in social rehabilitation and in integration of unseeing and dim-sighted people. It associates unseeing and dim-sighted people, provides them services in such a way to achieve a maximal possible extent of equivalence of these persons with the healthy public. The associations acts in the whole Czech Republic. The main goal of the organisation is to mitigate the negative limitations caused by the sight damage. One of the main tasks of the Organisation of unseeing people is the development, working out and realisation of the programs of health, social and working rehabilitation, training, education, re-qualification and re-condition of the unseeing and dimsighted persons of all age groups. We provide working-legal counselling for the unseeing and dim-sighted people, we ensure them an aid during their search for job, we are mapping the situation on the job market and cooperating with the authorities. We put on the specific courses (job club), in which we teach our clients the skills which they need during their negotiations with the employer. We put on also re-conditional educational stays, trainings and re-qalifications. Other projects from our side are not being developed at this time. Within the framework of this project we provide the following services: a)Social work and counselling: We advice, how and where may the citizen with sight damage acquire the certificate ZTP or ZTP/P (especially severely physically handicapped person/especially severely physically handicapped person with the need of having a guide) and which advantages has the holder of such a certificate and what benefits, contributions and compensational requisites may gain the citizen with damaged sight. As the case may be, we may accompany him/her to the appurtenant authorities. b) Social rehabilitation: An instructor of practical education (of self-service) and of space orientation will help the person with sight damage to acquire such skills, that he/she may be depended on his environs as little as possible. To the instructor may turn also the family members and guides of the person with sight damage in order to acquire the information. 86 c) Compensational requisites: Teaching the clients to work with PC with vocal or magnifying program, demonstration of other demanding compensational requisites, the clients´ training. We issue the recommendations of compensational requisites for the social department. d) Assistance service: Guiding, household aid, tidying-up, shopping, reading, help during the choice of clothes, help during the hand workings. e)Guding and reading services: Accompanying to the offices, to the physicians,etc. f)free-time activities: Social and informatory club, trips, competitions, culture, sport. 87 VIDA V Horkách 12, 140 00 Praha 4 Tel.: +420 233 372 668, 775 585 352 email: [email protected], Contact person: Mgr. Jitka Styblíková, Mgr. Mirka Podgornych ABOUT US The civic association VIDA (in Spanish it means: life) is a non-profit NGO, which has been working since 2003 in the area of mental health and illness. It was founded in order to ensure the project of the Information centres, created in 2001 by the CRPDZ organization. Its mission and long-time goal is to use the personal potential of the health care users. VIDA is a whole-national organization, using in a meaningful way the client´s personal story for helping other similarly ill people, their parents, relatives and the large public as well. Our motto is: “Who may be adviced, may be helped.” The intention of all VIDA´s activities is an answer to four human needs: • To use the health potential within of the health care users, their intimate knowledge of the illness, care and of the life situation of a mentally ill human. • To give to the health care users the needed expert information about the treatment and the life, about solving the different stress situations, which are being brought by an illness, from the view of this person, who himself/herself passed through something like that and so he/she knows more exactly than the health care professionals, what might happen and which problem solving(s) and attitude(s) are the most viable and at the same time the most contributive for the life and for the rehabilitation (good experiences). • To give to the health care users a structured activity, in which they might help someone else actively and in which they would be able at the same time to rehabilitate themselves through their giving help. • To help to activate the movement of the health care users. The VIDA centres are informative and counselling ones. Except this there is a media group, prevention group and activation and support of the health care users movement. And the centres also participate with the system changes. The VIDA centres are now situated in many Czech cities (Brno, Jeseník, Kolín, Pardubice, Plzeň, Praha, Rakovník and Ústí nad Labem). Since 2007 are the VIDA centres a registrated social service (expert social counselling). They are being led by the psychiatric health care users with the support of a professional. 88 They provide support, “low-threshold” accessible information and advices in the area of mental health and illness, about the service providers and users. They help the client to orientate in a demanding life situation. The target group are both mentally ill people and their parents and relatives, even the large public. The services are being provided both in the office and by so called mobile team, when the counsellors are visiting their clients in bed facilities, especially in psychiatric hospitals, psychiatric wards or stationeries. Clients may get in touch also through the phone or e-mail. The counsellors are participating with different actions like “Weeks of mental health”, “Between the fences” etc. We employ mentally unhealthy people, who have no great chance to get a job on an open job market. We educate them and develop their skills and abilities. We help reducing the stigmatisation of mentally sick people. Co-operation-VIDA helps cooperation between the users and self-help groups. Every year it arranges a meeting with training. All the participants are motivated to cooperation through the commonly created mini-project. 89 OBČANSKÉ SDRUŽENÍ ROMODROM Fantova 1783, 155 00 Praha 5 Tel.: +420 222 212 823 email: [email protected] Contact person: Marie Gailová ABOUT US The civic association Romodrom is a non-profit NGO founded in 2002 for the following purpose: Providing social services and counselling for people in difficult life situation, supporting children and youth from socially excluded environs and supporting the principles of a democratic society. (Motto: Džanas peskero drom=we know our way). During the fulfilment of our mission we follow these principles: To acknowledge the client´s environment, to take into account its specific condition, to understand the reasons of an unfavourable situation, to solve it in a complex way a to search for solutions leading towards the client´s gaining independence. From the history: In 2002 was our organization founded, the Program for free time arose. We participated with the solution of the situation of the inhabitants from a socially excluded locality named “Cihelna” (The Brickfield) in Prague 10. 2003: The first program in the social area-The Prison program-arose. 2004: The Prison program is being realized through the aid of volunteers. Our office moved to the centre of Prague. 2005: Professionalization ( of the Prison program. Own website 2006: Both the Free time and the Prison programs are running. Program “Romodrom for the regions” arose. 2007:Except the already running, above mentioned programs arises the Human Rights Program and the project: “Through Knowledge against Discrimination”. Social programs were registered as social services. 2008: Program “Romodrom for the regions” works in 6 Czech areas. The “Low threshold” (an organisation for children and youth in Prague) was established. 2009: All the above mentioned programs are running. The organisation is engaged in a local partnership with the Agency for abolishing the socially excluded localities. 90 THE PROGRAMS “ROMODROM FOR THE REGIONS” AND “PRISON PROGRAM”. The goal of the program “Romodrom for the regions” is the integration of persons endangered by social exclusion through field social work. (These persons are mostly the members of the Romale /=gipsy/ national minority). It concerns both the persons living in the socially excluded localities and the individual persons endangered by social exclusion. The areas of support: Habitation, solving of debts and executions, social financial benefits in the state of a material emergency, housekeeping and hygiene, job market, education, school affairs, results of criminal activities. The goal of the “Prison program” is to reduce the social risk of relapse in people leaving prison and their successful integration into the society. To its target group belong also the family members of these people. The program was created as a prevention of socially pathological phenomena as well. It belongs to the field social services. The field social workers support in their clients the deepening of their self-reflection and the conscience of their own responsibility for the solution(s) of their life situation(s). An increased attention must be paid to the clients around the time when they are about to leave the prison. Social worker helps them to find accommodation and job, to get in touch with social services givers, to ensure for them civil clothes etc. 91 TYFLO VYSOČINA JIHLAVA O.P.S. Havlíčkova 38, 586 01 Jihlava Tel.: +420 567 155 083, 608 805 838 email: [email protected] Contact person: Pavel Hegner ABOUT US Tyflo Vysočina (The Tyflo Highland) is a generally useful society, who has been providing since 2002 different services and hobby activities for unseeing and dimsighted citizens in the whole Czech Republic, but especially in the county of Vysočina (Highlands).The main goals of these services are to reduce the negative limitations caused by the sight damage and to integrate the citizens with sight handicaps into the society. Our instructors and assistants are working with their clients either directly in their homes, or in the seat of the Tyflo Vysočina, in Havlíčkova street No.38 in the city of Jihlava, where our clients may dispose of a classroom with PCs, a workshop for knitting baskets, weaving and making ceramics,a small training kitchen, and a club room. We are teaching and enlarging skills of the people with sight handicaps in the whole width of the practical life. The essence of our project is to reduce the negative limitations caused by the sight damage, to re-integrate people with such a damage into the social and working process through gaining needed skills in using compensational requisites and to achieve this way the highest possible integration of the people with sight damage. The goal is to gain skilled instructors, increase the expert education of the employees, to give a job for volunteers (some of them are having impaired sight as well) and to ensure for the clients a personal experience of a more meaningful use of time. The unemployment reducing is a service, within whose framework we provide: Legal-social counselling service, aid in a negotiation with the authorities, searching for suitable compensational requisites, help with their purchase and gaining contribution for these requisites, help with receiving a ZTP or a ZTP/P certificate (especially physically disabled person, especially physically disabled person who needs a guide), help with the job searching. To our other projects belongs also: a)Teaching of Braille´s script, reading through touching, training of a signature, self-service teaching (cooking and the household care), teaching of the space orientation (training of usual routes and of walking with cane), canistherapy, psycho-rehabilitation. b) Self-care, attending to the client´s personal affairs, help in the personal hygiene, food preparation and household running, education of the client, contacts with society, field social care. 92 c)Accompaniment to a physician, to the authorities, for some trips, cultural and sport activities, social action, reading services d) Aid in favour of the client´s touching sensitivity and fine motorical development, working with ceramic clay, making pots on the potter´s wheel, modelling, making wicker hand-made products, sewing, knitting. e) teaching work on PCs with a vocal output, working with telephone with a vocal output, training in using of compensational requisites, sport activitiesbowling, chess, light athletics, outdoor trips and re-conditional stays. f) In the centre of daily services we ensure an aid during the client´s personal hygiene, food providing, help during eating, creative working, visits of theatres and concerts, lectures and meetings in the framework of different social activities. 93 ROZKOŠ BEZ RIZIKA Vlhká 10, 602 00 Brno Tel.: +420 545 578 565, 737 525 429 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Tereza Gorgoňová ABOUT US The civic association Delight without risk (Rozkoš bez rizika,R-R) was founded on th April the 10 , 1992, from the initiative of Ms. Hana Malinová, PhD. Approximately a year later was in the city of Brno established a small office (carrying on a counselling phone line) and at the same time also a street-worker working team, which regularly twice monthly walked round the Brno night clubs and the Prague street sexual workers. In 1995 was established a counselling centre in Prague.Since 1998 the association began to carry on a mobile examining unit, with whose aid became the health service accessible for much larger and more endangered spectrum of the female clients. In 2005 the association enlarged its service and managed to open a counselling centre in the centre of Brno, similarly or even better equipped and, of course, more modern than the Prague centre. The mission of this association is to reduce the social and health risk afflicting the women working in sexual business in Czech Republic. The goal of the civic association “Delight without Risk” (further only “R-R”) is to diminish the recurrence of sexual illnesses and to prevent HIV/AIDS and to reduce the negative social consequences connected with performing prostitution as well. The association is going to achieve this goal through: • • counselling and educational activities (distribution of the information and of preventive means, psycho-social counselling). rendering social services connected with: a) harmonisation of their working and personal life, prevention of social exclusion b)abandoning prostitution and integration into the society. Health service is being provided in the ordinations in Brno and Prague and in the mobile ambulance. The organisation also struggles to put across the rights of the sexual workers in the society´s legal and social system. The social expert counselling is gratis. We offer to everybody who comes in the basic social counselling (needed information and contacts). The service may be also anonymous. The client chooses herself which services she´s going to use. It is the client who is having the last word. And the social workers respect their decisions. The purpose of this counselling is to help people in an unfavourable situation, 94 including the possibility that the clients may abandon their work in the sexual business. The organisation is doing its best to meet the clients´ needs and to help them in the areas which they can manage only with difficulties. (Here is the goal for the clients to solve these problems independently). The social workers are motivating their clients to change their job and helping them with their CVs. They also enforce their self-evaluation. The clients may dispose the PCs and internet for searching for jobs. The range of this organization is nationwide. The field teams are visiting the sites with a sexual service offer and contacting there their clients. The social and health workers are passing to their clients the preventive means against violence and for safe sex, making quick tests for HIV and syphilis, providing social counselling and recommending their clients to visit the centres in Brno or in Prague. There is a theatre ensemble named Rozkoš(=Delight),about whom is being said: ”The theatre is like a substitutional drug” and whose actors-members are the clients themselves together with the social workers and with the supporters of the organisation. The ensemble is being regularly onstage during the international seminar “AIDS, drugs and us” in the city of Pardubice. 95 CENTRUM VOLNÉHO ČASU PRAHA 9 Lovosická 610/21, 190 00 Praha 9 Tel.: +420 286 581 591, 604 298 492 email: nevosadova@cvcpraha Contact person: Mgr. Radka Nevosadová ABOUT US The founders of this civic association were missing in Prague 9 on the housing estate Prosek activities for youth and/or some facility,offering free-time programs both for youth and adults. So the association offered since 2005 activities for children and youth, like “The children´s day” and “The Prosek bivouacking”. In 2006 was ceremonially opened the building and grounds in the area of the High industrial school on Prosek. Thanks to the Prague magistrate was the whole area reconstructed and our civic association began to use it as a lessee. There were being made workshops for instance about the internet presentation in the non-profit sector, about mobbing and about the possibilities of family conflicts solving. Since 2006 till 2008 there was a language competition “In a nice Czech” whose participants were the high schools students from Prague. Since the autumn 2006 began working the family club “Andersen”, who offered to the children of all age categories the possibility to come and to spend time in a collective of children. The club organized also some unrepeated actions and thematic afternoons, like All Souls (=Halloween), St.Nicholas, Easter creations, Christmas sitting, sport afternoons etc. In 2007 there were made workshops for 96 teachers about the communicative disorders in younger children and about the education of autistic children. There were also other activities, educational counselling or logopaedics. With the support of Czech Ministry of Schools there was being taught Czech for foreigners. Several language- and PC courses were using mainly the parents, because to these courses was offered the possibility of babies-sitting. Similarly was being used the internet as well. Very popular has always been the conditional exercises for women, mostly the novelty-the Pilates. A multifunctional sports ground with an oval for runners has been always a part of the offer for the visitors (the adults had to pay a fee). In 2008 became the Centre a functional Community Centre. With the support of the Czech Ministry of Work and Social Affairs was made the project ”Back to the World”, aimed at the education of persons on the parental holidays and at the persons endangered by social exclusion and diminished price on the job market. There was a lot of unrepeated community activities and since 2009 have been established new circles for children. The most important of our projects was the project “Back to the world”. There were specific language courses, PC courses and courses of personal development, moreover the psycho-hygiene and working integration. Among the language courses was the most preferred the English one. We offered baby-sitting to all courses and programs to enable the mothers to attend and to increase their concurrence ability on the job market. We help the social integration not only of young mothers, but also of retired seniors. Baby sitting enables mothers to accept part-time jobs. Our centre provides services for the children from the age of 2 years. There is English for mothers with children, singing or painting groups, individual tutorials, aerobic or pilates. The project “Handy little fellows” was supported by the Prague Magistrate. The goal of this project is leading the children towards the purposeful and meaningful spending of free time, with sport activities as an important supplement. It is also 97 an important way how to prevent in the children later unacceptable social behaviour (mostly drug abuse and other criminal activities). 98 KOALICE NEVLÁDEK PARDUBICKA, O. S. Komenského 432, 530 03 Pardubice Tel.: +420 461 031 821 email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Contact person: Bc. Jana Machová ABOUT US The NGOs coalition of the Pardubice county (Koalice nevládek Pardubicka, KONEP) is an open society of the non-profit organizations, acting in the Pardubice county. The long-time goal of that coalition is to support mutual cooperation, exchange of experiences and to help in development of the nonprofit organizations. The coalition came into existence in 1998, as an independent one functionates since 2004. The coalition is being supported by the Pardubice county and by the European Union. In 1998 gathered together several non-profit organisations, which were having their own histories, and founded an informal group of non-profit NGOs in the Pardubice region. The reason of the association was the need to improve the situation of NGOs and to enforce the prestige of the non-profit sector as a whole. st On the end of 1999 was held the 1 regional conference of the non-profit NGOs in the Pardubice region. In 2003 expressed the Pardubice county its support to the origin of an informative service centre for the NGOs. th The NGOs coalition arose on October the 18 2004 from the hitherto 10 th individual NGOs. Since November the 28 ,2007, is for them being opened a permanent counselling office. The office is providing for the NGOs an accounting, economical and tax counselling, including the advices which concern the drawing off the donations from the EU foundations. The project “Parental holidays- a period of growth” is aiming at the education of parents in the Pardubice county, and at their return to the job market after parental holidays. Its purpose is to help especially the young mothers with babies to return into the job market without problems. The project is aiming at the area of activation, education and involving the target group into the activities in maternal and parental centres. The project is needed, because- as it was verified in the research with 175 respondents- the parents, caring for a baby, are getting themselves into a social isolation, losing contacts with their profession(s) and their situation within the job market is impaired. The main parents´ need in that situation is: • to activate themselves, to increase self-confidence • to engage themselves in some meaningful activities • to keep the professional skills • to keep and to develop “the soft skills” (communicative, organisational) 99 The project is going to fulfil these needs through: • • • creating 1 activation-educational course “Parents into work” with training of 80 persons creating 1 educational system “The model positions” and its pilot introducing in 3 partners and training of 17 ensuring baby-sitting during these educational activities The purpose of the centres´ program is to enable mothers with babies to get out of isolation into which they got through their all-day caring for the babies, and to support them this way in their return to the job market. The main goals of this project are to re-socialize the parents on the parental holidays and to establish and enlarge the cooperation within the network and with the self-governments. To the goals belongs also to increase the interest of the self-governments in the families support. COMMUNEM REDDERE (BRINGING BACK THE SOLIDARITY) This project is aimed at the transfer of know-how and of the examples of a good practice of creating the true partnership among the individual non-profit NGOs. 100 CHARITA OSTRAVA Kořenského 17, 703 00 Ostrava - Vítkovice Tel.: +420 596 621 094, 731 625 763 email: [email protected] Contact person: Bc. Martin Pražák, Dis ABOUT US The (Catholic) Charity of the city of Ostrava is a registered legal person with an independent legal subjectivity. It came into existence in 1991. On the very beginning it was being realized on a voluntary basis and preferred the humanitarian activities, targeted at the aid to the refugees from abroad. But as early as since 1992 was its main orientation changed and the aid was re-aimed mainly at the following three target groups: the persons, endangered by a social exclusion (including homeless persons), seniors and physically handicapped people. Since 2004 was the spectrum enlarged by the psychically handicapped persons and since 2005 by the people in the terminal stage of life. The Charity in the Ostrava region has two centres and provides contemporarily 19 kinds of social services, 2 kinds of hospice services and leads two volunteering centres. The activities are being assured by 242 permanent employees and 100 volunteers. The Charity Ostrava belongs to the Ostravian-Opavian diecese. THE PARENTAL CENTRE KLUBÍČKO (“A SMALL BALL OF THREAD”) The goal of this centre is to help the parents, caring for the children in pre-school age, to return to the job market. We realized that the parents during maternal/parental holidays do have the need of education in order to prepare themselves for the return to their job(s). Our target groups are the low-skilled women with basic education, the unemployed women, the women with small children, the man, caring for children and the parents- self-bread-winners. This group is very endangered and is having only little chance to re-gain their job(s).These people are the clients of the parental centre “Klubíčko”, in which the project will be being realized.There will be also the courses for gaining higher selfesteem, mutual support of families with babies and a gratis baby-sitting during the courses will be being provided as well. The project “A WAY TOWARDS HOME”(CESTA K DOMOVU) contents the reconstruction and modernization of St. Francis Charity House for the homeless people. Modernization enables better using of the house´s facilities and the goal is to minimalize their dependence on the social aid. The project “DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES” (ROZVOJ KOMUNITNÍCH SLUŽEB) was determined for people with specific needs, living in the area of a rehabilitation treatment centre. There arose a protected workplace, in whose framework found their job 10 physically disabled people. 101 The goal of the project “The way out of hopelessness” (Cesta z beznaděje) was a complex integration including counselling for the socially excluded peopledistressed unmarried mothers and homeless people. Within the project´s framework were provided services for 1674 people and 11 197 consultations were given. The Ostrava Charity realizes the following three main programs of aid: a)The complex program of an aid to partly or completely immobile seniors in the centre Tereza in Charity home of St.Elisabeth b)The complex program of an aid to people in crisis situations- for instance the Charity centre of counselling and social services or the Charity home of St.Zdislava for mothers in distress. A part of this program is the social rehabilitation as well. c)The program of an aid to people in the terminal stage of life, including the Mobile hospice unit. This service is being practised by schooled volunteers. 102 O.S. ČLOVĚK ZPĚT K ČLOVĚKU Samopše 15, 285 06 Sázava Tel.: +420 327 321 922 email: [email protected] Contact person: Ing. Blanka Stárková ABOUT US The civic association A Human back to Human (Člověk zpět k člověku) was founded through the registration on the Czech Home Office in 1992. Since 1996 it keeps providing during the whole year social services and a non-resident health care for the pacients suffering from the Alzheimer disease. The place of living of these seniors is the village Samopše by the river Sázava. Into the facility which provides its services to some 45 clients, are coming regularly from the Kutná Hora region three doctors- a general practitioner, psychiatrist and surgeon. The organisation employs approximately 40 employees, who are coming from the villages in the environ where they have not any other job chance. The House of home care in Sampoše is registered according to the Czech law No.108/2006 Sb. as a home for seniors with a special regime. The goal of our other project, called Meeting (Setkávání) is to enable mothers with babies to use the “Protected water garden”. They can find there 2 small basins for children and a deeper one for beginning swimmers and swimming children, a new social facility, showers, dressing rooms and in the case of bad weather also a tee-pee and a roofed terrace. The part of the garden will be also a sand-pit for babies,a wooden maze for children or a place for sunbathing for the adults. We would like to provide for the mothers with children a good place for mutual meeting and communication. Except that we would like to support in children a good relationship with water, the swimming ability and the communication with other children. From the technical point of view the water will be being heated through the solar collectors. We are planning that the whole project will be proceeding in stages since 2009 till 2011. To the project belongs also the plan to create there several new working possibilities- a lifeguard, a cashier, a service man etc. The civic association gained in 2007 the buildings and estates including the garden as a gift from the foundation Mariastar Humanity,who was previously the only owner of these premises. The project is partly solving the problem of this region, concerning the river Sázava. Its beaches are full of broken branches and unregulated, the river is 103 unclean and the weir in the village needs a general repair. The “Protected water garden” might, unlike of the river, offer a safe bathing both for youth and for the young mother with babies. Moreover we may offer also the first aid, because we might dispose of the nurses and caregivers from the above mentioned home for seniors, situated nearby. 104 BONA, O.P.S. Pod Čimickým hájem 177/1, 181 00 Praha 8 Tel.: +420 283 853 163, 731 448 449 email: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Aleš Lang, Kateřina Ozimá, DiS., Magdaléna Štochlová, DiS. ABOUT US The generally useful society Bona (in Latin: The good one-the feminine gender) was founded in 1999 by the BONA foundation and by Mr. Zdeněk Bašný, M.D., at that time the director of the Psychiatric Hospital in Bohnice, in order to ensure functioning of the rehabilitation services for mentally ill people in the structure of a psycho-social net. Our mission is to re-incorporate the people with a mental illness back into the society and to improve the quality of their life while preserving their dignified life conditions through the social services- protected habitation, support of an independent habitation and social rehabilitation. Until 2006 was Bona the biggest services-giver in the area of habitation and had several working places in their own laundry, several cleaning and gardening ones and also several rehabilitation ones in the textiles- and cabinet-making workshops. In 20O6 we opened, thanks to the support of the European social Fund, 4 protected workshops: a glassmaking one, a workshop for the verdure maintenance, and the Centre of workshop Turkmenská with a candle-making and textiles workshop. There is also a workshop of the “Sheep granny”, a library and clubs “The tomcat” and “Job club”. The candle-making workshop proved unprofitable. When looking for some more profitable program, we founded a paper-making workshop and joined the textiles workshop with the “Sheep Granny” workshop. At present we provide 60 rehabilitation-working places in 4 protected workshops: a glassmaking one, a paper-making one, a textiles one and the Technical service (earlier “the verdure maintenance”). THE SOCIAL REHABILITATION The social rehabilitation is being provided on 4 protected workplaces: a)The glass-making workshop (window-panes, glass mosaics, etc.) b)The paper-making workshop (hand-made paper, paper-made congratulations, etc.) c)The technical services (gardening, in winter cleaning up the sidewalks from snow and spreading of sidewalks with salt and sand) 105 d)The textiles workshop (producing clothes and accessories, knitting, crocheting, embroideries) Our clients are working in a partial time job and they have both working and rehabilitation contracts- it means, that they are both being paid and may use the support of a therapist. They attend also the selling and representative actions- is has a positive influence both on their self-esteem and on the education of adults (in the extent of a large public, visiting these actions). Recently we began to cooperate with an ecological enterprise, recycling the electric waste- it helps us to be more independent financially. In the protected habitation the mentally ill people learn the basic social customs and skills. The therapists are helping them during this process. Moreover, in our centre on the Žitná street is a shop, selling the products of the handicapped people. In our socio-therapeutic centre “The Tomcat” we teach our clients English and German. We are planning also the courses of working with PCs. We provide our service not only in favour of the mentally ill people. Our library or “The Tomcat” centre may be visited by anybody. In our club are running, for instance, interesting popular-educating parties with travellers, projecting photos from their journeys. The informative-educational centre in the Žitná street serves not only for our clients, but also for the public. 106 OBČANSKÁ PORADNA NYMBURK, O.S. nám. Přemyslovců 14/11, 288 02 Nymburk Tel.: +420 325 511 148, 731 588 632 email: [email protected], [email protected], Contact person: Mgr. Hedvika Stuchlíková, Mgr. Adriena Budinová ABOUT US th The civic counselling service Nymburk was founded on June the 18 , 2003. Its target group are mainly the citizens of Central Bohemia. There are two registered social works: civic counselling (Občanská poradna) and the intervention centre (for an aid to victims). Both of these services are being provided both as an outpatient clinic and as the field services. We have our out-patient offices in 5 Czech cities and we are about to open 3 more ones. Except the registered social services we are building the interdisciplinary teams for an aid to people from the Central Bohemia endangered by home violence (in the framework of the interventional centre). We struggle for the positive solutions of public affairs and contribute to the civic society development. We keep trying to fulfil our mission by organizing seminars, schoolings, popular education parties and other educative actions , aimed both at the experts and the laymen/wide public, and also for the children, teachers and seniors. th Since June the 7 , 2004, we are the members of Czech Civic Counselling Association. We are also the members of the Coalition of Organisations Against Home Violence. Our main goals are both counselling and the practical help to the citizens in some hard life situations which they are unable to solve with their own power. We are struggling in favour of the citizens not to suffer from their ignorance of the law. We point out the state authorities to the fact that there are failures of the legislation and unsolved problems of the citizens. Our basic principles are being free of charge, objectivity, independence and intimacy (we must keep silence about the clients´ information and moreover the clients posses the right to be anonymous,if needed). Our contribute to the unemployment reduction is an expert social counselling which is- mainly in the cases of the unemployed or of the people endangered by the unemployment- primarily aimed at the return to the job market or at keeping in there. We may provide also the direct support through the negotiations with the employers or by accompanying our clients to these negotiations. We may help the clients actively in their searching for job(s), and, if needed, to create their CVs, etc. We are organizing educational meetings and lectures for the persons endangered 107 by the unemployment or directly for the unemployed, including the lectures in prison shortly before the ending of the client´s punishment. Our target group are, of course, also the mothers on maternal vacations, who need to return into their job(s). Our clients have a gratis access to the internet directly in our counselling office in order to search for the job offers. If there are unable to deal with PC and/or internet, there is a specialized computer expert-counsellor,who helps there and explains them the basic computing principles, what means that the clients are at the same time being taught the new needed skills-the work with PC and internet. 108 NÁBOŽENSKÁ OBEC CÍRKVE ČS. HUSITSKÉ V ŘÍČANECH 17. listopadu 252/43, 251 01 Říčany Tel.: +420 323 602 875, +420 732 192 872 email: [email protected] Contact person: Ing. Ilja Procházka ABOUT US The Czechoslovak Church split from the Roman Catholic Church in 1920 as a result of historical development that culminated in World War I and in the following disintegration of the Habsburg Monarchy which the Roman Catholic Church was closely politically linked with. The Czechoslovak Hussite Church consists of Christians who strive to fulfil the current efforts of morals and scientific knowledge with the Spirit of Christ as we have preserved it in the Scripture and in the administration of old Christians, and as it was certified by the Hussite movement, the Bohemian Brethren, and by further reformists' effort. The Church is reformist, undogmatical, liturgical; the principle is freedom of conscience in the perspective of the Spirit of Christ. The head of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church is the Patriarch and the Central Council.At the diocesan level, the representative is the bishop who administers the diocese together with the Diocesan Council. The corps is headed by the pastor or the administrator and by the Council of Elders. Thus the clergy and the laity are equally represented at each level of government. The highest authority of the Church is the Assembly composed of lay people and the clergy. The Czechoslovak Church, since 1971 The Czechoslovak Hussite Church, consists of particular religious communities which have legal personality and together they represent the whole Church. Because the service for the needed is the hallmark of the Christian Church since its beginning, the Czechoslovak (Hussite) Church provided care for ill and elderly people and also for people in need through the so-called social service corps which worked directly in specific religious communities. Morover, Dr.K. Farský Children's Home was founded in Jílové (1937), care for the poor in Uhlířské Janovice (1943), children's sanatorium in Moravia (1945). In 1942, nursing and health services in families were established (OZSR), etc. In 1949, the church operated 175 service corps, 30 OZSR, 4 social institutions. On June 30th 1950, these activities came to an end. Without any help and influence of the Church, socialist state wanted to take care of people itself After 1990, the Church began to re-build and operate such facilities. Its social program is available for all people regardless of religion. Facilities operated by Diakonia and the Czechoslovak Hussite Church Mission: Domov „U Spasitele“, Frýdlant in Bohemia, care for elderly and handicapped persons Penzion Horizont, Prague 6, the retirement home 109 Domeček, Trhové Sviny, the day-care center for children and youth with disabilities Nazaret, Borovany, sheltered workshops Trango, Zábřeh Moravia, the halfway house Strom Naděje, Trutnov, the center for persons with disabilities Centrum volného času Hláska, Roudnice, leisure center for children and youth Bethanie, Brno, Christian aid center Psyché, Prague 7, psycho-educational counselling Other activities take place in religious communities. Easy Admission Center for Youth and Children The general objective of our project is the integration of people from target groups into society. The specific objective is to obtain the necessary and social skills, support in difficult or emergency situations, reduction of social risks arising from high-risk behavior and social situations of conflict. The target group: disorganized children and youth up to 26 years, which are threatened with social exclusion because of social and partially health causes, and who are unable or unwilling to engage in normal activities of children and youth organizations. Above all, they are children and young people growing up or grown up in orphanages, substitute families, in families with an incidence of social pathology, in families with very low income and single-parent families, and children and young people with specific educational or training problems. The only admission requirement is not to hamper or endanger one’s peers and the adult staff at the Center. Most clients are neither believers nor members of our Church. The Center is available also to children and young people from troublefree families; their number does not exceed 30%. The operation of the Center is yearlong. Participation in activities is essentially voluntary; the clients have wide opportunities to initiate activities themselves. The Yearlong Easy Admission Circle It provides clients with a wide possibility of recreational and informal educational activities, but also the opportunity to "just come" to talk or get advice, catch up on the school matter or organize your own event. Basically anything is possible if it is not against the law and if the funds are sufficient. There are computers with the Internet access, a clubroom, a large lounge and small workshops suitable for modeling or other creative work. The Center is open on weekdays in the afternoon, at weekends and on holidays it is possible to participate in multi-day events (including international ones) prepared by the Centre. The program also offers structured activities to older children (10-15), adolescents (16-18) and young adults (19-25). Anyone (in the appropriate age) may join the activities of the Centre regardless of social and family circumstances. A novelty in the supply of leisure activities is the Easy Admission Modeler Circle since 2007. The main objective of this project is to allow the target group to engage in leisure activities which otherwise would be unavailable for them for various reasons (lack of their parents’ interest, lack of funds, etc.). 110 Social Counselling We provide it in our congregational home in Říčany; we also can accompany the client to another location (for example, negotiation at an office). In case of a complex problem we are able, through our partnership with many NGOs, to mediate a specialist’s advice (lawyer, clinical psychologist, etc.) to the client. The Halfway House It is a small family-type suitable for maximum of 6 young people aged from18 to 26 years who have neither a place to stay nor anyone who might provide them with assistance. In addition to accommodation with sanitation facilities, food and other basic living needs, our clients find a wide choice of leisure activities and support for studies or in a search for a job. Informal educational projects for socially disadvantaged young people In addition to the regular activities of the Centre, we realize or support other informal educational projects for children and youth. One of these projects was the project "Říčany club for young Europeans together against the social exclusion of disadvantaged young people" - an international project of an informal group of young people under the leadership of Ondřej Tuša. Our religious community provided this project with the organizational, personal, material and financial support. The main objective of this project was the participants’ personal development so that they, in their adult life, could fully integrate into society and could be for its benefit. In total 27 young people from Ukraine, Estonia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic were involved in this project which lasted for one year in the form of weekend and holiday meetings. Activities were designed as follows: - 1 / 3 was focused on education, mainly informal, with a focus on information technology, communication, language and social skills and knowledge, and learning about history, culture and landscape of the Czech Republic. - 1 / 3 of the time was devoted to helping others NGOs, with the emphasis on helping disadvantaged young people. - 1 / 3 of the time was devoted to social events and relaxation with the emphasis on mutual understanding among young people. The project was open; anyone who was seriously interested and met the design criteria could participate. 111 Project description, organizations visited 112 The list of organizations Project description Effeta - středisko Sv. Františka Saleského v Nitre SINA Nitra, n.o. Mateřské centrum Klokanček Centrum slniečko, n. o. Diecézní Charita Nitra Vydra Čiernohorská železnica Misericordia, n. o. Komunitné centrum n.o. Tartu Katoliku Kool (Katolická škola v Tartu) Maarja Küla MTÜ TARTU KRISTLIK NOORTEKODU (Dětský domov v Tartu) Tartu Emajöe Kool (Škola pro nevidomé v Tartu) Welfare Service of Seniors and Disabled Persons (Sociální zařízení pro seniory a mentálně handicapované) School in Tallinn (Škola v Tallinnu) Fryshuset Margretelund SIS Sockerbruket Gymnázium De La Gardie Freja Sunt Liv Vara Folk High School Policejní oddělení Böras - práce s kriminalitou mládeže SISU - Idrottsutbildarna Elfesberg 114 118 119 123 124 154 155 157 159 160 166 168 170 172 174 179 185 188 190 192 194 195 196 198 199 200 113 THEMATIC STUDY VISIT FOR NGOˇS The Czech name of the project: Tématická studijní cesta pro neziskové organizace The English name of the project: Thematic study visit for NGOs The data of realization: June the 1st,2009- May the 31st,2010 The number of the project:CZ.1.04/5.1.01/12.00028 The basic target of this project is strenghtening of the NGOs´ capacities in order to be able to realize sucessfully the projects leading towards the unemployment reduction in Czech Republic, mainly the unemployment of the persons disadvantaged on the job market and the development of both international and regional partnerships. The project is being realized in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia and Sweden. The primary target groups are the NGOs in Prague, Middle Bohemia (with an overlap into the neighbouring regions) in the Pardubice region and in the Vysočina (=Bohemian-Moravian Highland) region, who are realizing programs reducing the unemployment in Czech Republic and contributing to the social integration of the physically and socially disadvantaged persons into the society and mainly to the reduction of the unemployment of the disadvantaged persons. The key activity of this project is a study visit for 30 NGOs- more exactly, for 40 members of the NGOs from the above mentioned localities. The concrete specialized program is prepared together with the partners from abroad. The study visit will be carried out after the selection of its individual participants. This fact will enable to fit the study program both to the Czech organizations and to the organizations from abroad. In each visited country are tipped some specific traits which are in some way connected with creating of capable and stable NGOs and where an interest in the experience exchange can be found on both sides. There was an intention to have chosen quite different partners from abroad, both as to the locality and as to the specificity of their problems,what will ensure a large offer of the experience exchange(s) in the area of managing and creating NGOs and in the area of working with the target group as well. As to the form is the study visit drawn up as a combination of visitations with the examples of a good practice and workshops in the concrete town. Its target is to share the accesses and experiences and mainly to tie up concrete partnerships for the future international projects. A great attention is devoted also to the propagation of the project. Its output is going to be- beside others- a large textual and photographical documentation. 114 NITRA Nitra (in German Neutra, in Hungarian Nyitra) is a Slovak city, a managerial city of the Nitra region. It is situated on the south of the country, by the river of the same name and it is having 86 000 inhabitants. HISTORY Region Ponitrie Mayor Jozef Dvonč Area Number of inhabitants Density of population 108 km² 83 265 771/km2 The beginnings of its settlement are reaching down to the primeval times, as are proving the numerous archeological sites on the city´s territory.. As early as 30 000 years ago was the territory densely settled. The settlements of the first agricultural inhabitants were on the contemporary city´s territory as early as almost 6 000 years ago. In the 4th century B.C. were on our territory for a longer time being settled the Celts, handy smelters and blacksmiths, whose huts and work shops were found under the Martinský hill. The traces from the Dacs (the ancestors of contemporary Rumanians) were found here as well. The Slovak history of Nitra begins since the end of the 5th century, when the first Slavs were coming into its territory. As early as in the 1st half of the 7th century are the Western sources mentioning a state formation of the Slavs, the Samo´s empire. The Samo´s empire was some kind of predecessor of another state formation – The Great Moravia, one of whose centres was situated in Nitra. And just in the time of the Great Moravia Empire were founded the basises of celebration of the ancient Christian Nitra in songs, documented by the extraordinarily rare written memorables from the 9th century. About the state of settlement and the prominence of Nitra during that time period speak in an eloquent way a mighty Slavic fortified settlements- on Tržiště, another one on the Martin Hill under the Zobor, the third on Borio and the fourth one on Lupky. On some of these fortified settlements might have lived the duke Pribina, in whose era was Nitra an important political, military and economical centre. Pribina proved a great statesmanlike wisdom and knowledge of the European policy, when in the years 829-833, although a pagan himself, ordered to consecrate a Christian church in Nitra.. The church was consecrated by the archbishop Adalram from Salzburg, Austria. The Pribina´s church is the first historically documented proof of Christianity among the Slavs on the territory of contemporary Slovakia. During the further development was the Nitranian principality in a violent way united by the duke Mojmír to the Moravian Empire(around .833) and thereafter was created an united state, mentioned in the historical sources as the Great Moravia. After unthroning Mojmír became Rastislav the ruler of the Great 115 Moravia. With his reign is connected a significant event, the arrival of the Byzantian missionaries, the brothers Konstantin - Cyril a Method. In 863. Konstantin - Cyril created the first Slavic writing called „hlaholice“. He also translated the first liturgical texts into the ancient Old Church Slavonic language. On the top of its glory was Nitra in the time of reigning of the king Svatopluk. In one of the most precious written documents for the Slovak history, the letter from the Pope John VIII. to Svatopluk from the year 880, called „Industriae tuae“ is Svätopluk being addressed as the king and the pope announces him that he appointed the priest named Viching as the bishop in Nitra. Nitra was probably having as early as at that time a character of a city and it consisted from five f ortified settlements and more than twenty housing estates with developed handicrafts. Nitra remained a seat town of the frontier principality of the forming Hungarian kingdom as long as until the beginning of the 14th century.. Even during the medieval age it was a scene of some significant historical events and frequently it was devastated by the different armies. In 1248 the Hungarian King Belo IV, because of his gratitude for the city´s salvation against the Tatars raised Nitra to the free royal city with the similar privileges like had the Hungarian city Szekesfehervar. But Nitra didn´t enjoy these privileges for a long time, because as early as 40 years later the king Ladislav IV gave it altogether with all its accessories to the bishopric.. The change of Nitra from the royal city to the landlord city had its far – flung results. The city fell down into the lower law category. The medieval Nitra was divided into the Upper and Lower Town. The latter one was further divided into several independent city quarters with their own mayors and municipal seals.. There arose four independent parishes by the churches of St.Michael on Tržiště (Market Place), St. Jakub (James) on the square, St. Stephan on the Párovce and Mother of God on the Calvary. Since the half of the 18th century was Nitra spared from the military hardships, what enabled the renewal of the town and improvements of the castle, especially of the cathedral. A significant intervention into the building development of the Lower Town was the construction of the Župní dům (Regional House) on the town´s border with the Upper Town. As a result of the building development the number of inhabitants in the 19th century exceeded 10 thousands and the conduct became more complicated.. In 1873 Nitra became a city with a magistrate, led by a mayor and with numerous municipal board of representatives. The further development of the city was strongly afflicted by two world wars.. In the new Czechoslovakia Nitra became a seat of the region.. After the second world war came a period of a stormy building development, but during this time were on the other hand destroyed a lot of ancient memorable buildings. But Nitra still gained a lot of schools, scientific and cultural institutions and became a centre of the Slovak agricultural schooling, science and production.. Nitra is the centre of the whole region and there can be 116 found a lot of important institutions, like for instance the Slovak Agricultural University of the Philosopher Konstantin, Slovak Agricultural Museum, different research institutes and the exposition area called Agrokomplex..There is being represented a lot of industrial branches, but most of all the food industry, mainly thanks to the agricultural character of the environs. MEMORABLE BUILDINGS • The villa of Dr. Verö – An architectonically valuable object.. It is a twostoreyed puristical house, constructed from the two wings, opened into the corner garden.. A specifical trait of this house is a large living terrace on the floor, with which were connected the bedrooms of the individual family members. Thanks to this attribute the building became a prototype of the later terrace houses. The project was realized in 1927. The building was on the beginning of the 90´s of the century demolished and substituted by a replica. • The Great Provost Palace – was built after an impulse from the side of the (Austro-Hungarian) Empress Maria Terezia in the years 1779 and 1780 on the project of Franz A. Hillebrandt as a two-storeyed rocococlassicist building with an attic roof. On the balustrade was formerly placed two hundred centimeters high riding statue of the Empress as a patroness of the Great Provostship. During the bombing of the town in 1945 was the building considerably damaged. After the second world war was the building partially renewed, but preserved in the or igi nal form is only the middle part of the ground floor. • The market building – The building was built up in 1890 on the project of J. Lyka for the needs of placing of the 60 th battalion of the Nitra´s .homeguards. At the time of its building this object became a standard of type of similar buildings in Hungary (at that time Hungary included also the territory of contemporary Slovakia) 117 EFFETA - STŘEDISKO SV. FRANTIŠKA SALESKÉHO V NITRE Sámova 4, 949 01 Nitra E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Anna Šmehilová ABOUT US The activity of the organization Effeta began as early as in 1994 by its first informal contacts with auditorily disabled people through the mediation of its founder Mrs. Anna Šmehilová, in whom was born the idea of the whole project and of the content of the organization. Since 1996 Effeta acted as a branch of the civic association ´Kresťanské centrum nepočujúcich Slovenska´ (KCNS- The Christian centre of the auditorily disabled people in Slovakia). In 2001 the Effeta became independent because of extending its activities and profiled itself under its contemporary name. The organization Effeta is dealing with the auditorily disabled people.It is an integrative- educative centre, working socially with this group. They are mainly interested in 4 areas: cultural actions, social services,, education and the project called „protected workshops“ During the regular cultural actions, like,for instance, the International festival of culture of the auditorily disabled people,are being presented the works of the auditorily disabled people. For their creative activities are serving the rooms in the centre, where these people can dispose both of the workshop and of the printery, where can be the products of the auditorily disabled people also being sold in a new shopping room. This activity not only naturally diminishes the unemployment of the auditorily disabled people, but also provides them a possibility of integration into the working process.The profits, gained from this shop and printery, are transferred to the education of children. Another activity of the Effeta centre are the courses of sign language, education and teaching of foreign languages in a written form . 118 SINA NITRA, N.O. Nedbalova 540/17, 949 01 Nitra E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Mgr. Erika Šodorová ABOUT US The organization was founded in 2006 by the Union of unseeing and weak-sighted people in Slovakia as a practical component of this union.Their goal is to associate the unseeing and weak-sighted people and to organize with them different activities and programs. The NGO SINA Nitra is a part of a nation-wide organization and there is in Slovakia eight such 119 centers like the SINA in the city of Nitra. To the most frequent activities organized by the SINA belongs a working group of handiwork. Except that the SINA organizes also the cultural evenings and seminars. The cultural evenings are ensured by a music band of the unseeing people called RADOST (the joy), who are appearing with their program for instance in the hospitals. In 2009 organized the SINA Nitra 55 actions. To one of SINA´s another projects belongs for instance the collecting of lids from the PET bottles, which from the SINA Nitra buys a local firm. The SINA is every months editing a monthly magazine called OČKO (The Little Eye) for the unseeing and weak –sighted citizens of the Nitra region. 120 MATEŘSKÉ CENTRUM KLOKANČEK Nedbalova 540/17, 949 01 Nitra E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Ing. Daniela Koňečná ABOUT US The organization Maternal Centre (Materské centrum) Klokanček (The Little Kangaroo) has been functioning since 2002. The centre is since February 2010 situated in new rooms in the Nedbal street on a busy housing estate named Klokočina in the city of Nitra. The rooms, in which the centre is seated, are being given from the side of the City completely gratis, including (non )payment for the energies. The goal of this centre is to associate mothers with children who are having here not only the possibility to share their experiences, but at the same time they can also arrange some different free-time activities. They are being arranged also under the leadership of the members of the centre Klokanček for lonely mothers with children..Both the volunteers and the leadership of the centre are regularly arranging some musical or painting groups, where is always presumed the activi ty of the mothers themselves. At present has Klokanček 7 active mothers, but the group is more frequently having as much as 20 feminine participants.. The Community work 121 The Matenal centre Klokanček arranges collective bonfires with roasting sausages for the families with children, especially for these who have little or no possibilities to hike in the nature. This mass actions would have attendance as much as 10 families and the parents themselves thereafter used to continue in these activities and they are becoming the active members of the centre as well. 122 CENTRUM SLNIEČKO, N. O. P.O. BOX 17 F, 949 01 Nitra E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Mariana Kováčová ABOUT US The NG organization ´Centrum Slniečko´ (centre ´The Little Sun´) arose in 1992 by gaining an object. In 1998 was opened in Slovakia the first crisis centre for mothers with children. The target group of the whole organization are maltreated and misused victims of home violence. At present the centre Slniečko runs an asylum home for mothers with children(the object has a capacity of 12 people, the duration of stay is maximally 6 months). After six months is possible to enter the house „Na půl cesty“(„On a halfway“), which is also in the custody of this organization. Another object is a home for children which at present time , when a new law about the professional family care is valid in Slovakia, supplies a family. The centre Slniečko provides law, psychological and social problems counselling. Since 1996 they provide also a telephone line of trust for children.. The goal of the organization is to provide a complex care for the home violence victims. Their judgment is adjusted to the low threshold.: • A concrete aid in a crisis situation • Counselling • Re-integration back to the society I AM LOOKING FOR A FAMILY It is an unique campaign of the organization, aimed at informing the public about the possibilities how to help children and families in crisis situations and at gaining the new potential fosterparents or stepparents. The organization aspires to gain as many people showing interest in a substitute family for the children without parents as possible. 123 DIECÉZNÍ CHARITA NITRA Samova ul.594, 950 50 Nitra Tel.:+ 421 903 447 577 Contact person: Mgr. Ing. Juraj Barát ABOUT US The following data are taken from the annual news of the Diocesan Charity Nitra.We got acquainted both with its history and with its contemporary activity thanks to i ts Director, Mgr. Ing. Mr. Juraj B a r á t. Thereafter we personally visited the Charity Home of St . Luise for children in Nitra and the Hospice – the House of Peace and Reconciliation, named by the St.Bernadette.. The Diocesan Charity Nitra is an independent juridical personality,deriving its juridical subjectivity from the Roman-Catholic Church.Its basic mission is to provide services for poor people,ill people and for the people in emergency. Together with other Slovak charities it creates the confederation- the Slovak Catholic Charity. The Diocesan Charity Nitra is in the sense of the § 74 of the law No. 195/1998 Digest of Law about the social aid in the version of the later regulations written down as a NGO subject into the register of the juridical and physical personalities, providing social services under the registration number 10 with validity since July the 1st, 1999. I.The non- resident services The Charity´s social centres The services,provided within the frame of the Charity´s social centres: 1. The Charity Service in the families –the community care service 2. Social counselling and social prevention 3. Other social services visiting transporting -lending of health aids spiritual service -clothes 4. Special activities AD 1. The Charity Service in the families The legislative registration the community care service - The service being provided in the sense of the law No.195/1998, Digest of Law, about the social aid in the version of the later regulations, § 15 The Community Care service can be being provided in favor of: - a citizen, who needs because of his/her unfavourable health state an aid of some other person during the secure of: 1. the unavoidable life activities, 2. the unavoidable works at home or 124 3. the contact with his/her environs, provided especially through the safe conduct,, interpreting of sign language for the non-hearing persons and through reading. 1. The unavoidable life activities are at first: a) The usual acts of the personal hygiene including shaving, an aid during dressing and undressing,aid with transfer to a wheelchair ,to the bed, help during the use of WC b) Bathing including hair washing, c) Bringing of the lunch,import of lunch or another warm meal,aid during eating and drinking d) Care and education supplying the natural family environment e) Supervision 2. The unavoidable works at home are: a) Bringing of coal, of firewood, carrying out the ash,bringing water, heating b) Shopping and other unavoidable activities connected with the home running c) Home works connected with home keeping d) Preparing and cooking of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner e) Washing of personal clothes, ironing of clothes and of other linen 3. The contact with the environs is being ensured by: a) An accompany 1. to the medical examination 2. to the bureau dealings 3. to the school, from the school, to the job and from the job 4. to cultural actions and to other public actions On the territory of the diocese of Nitra we provide a caring service in an extent in the sense of the above mentioned law within the charitative –social centres,completed –in order to achieve a complex way of caring- by the charitative care in the families Our service is being provided predominantly for the lonely living persons, for the citizens who are having no relatives in their place of living, or for the people in material or spiritual state of emergency. Our caring service is linked up with other social services, which are targeted at the complex satisfaction of all the clients´ needs.. The statistical data: • The Charity service in the families in Nitra The number of clients during the year 2008: 40 The number of clients who died: 6 To some other caring service passed: 7 The number of clients at December the 31st, 2008:27 The number of hours worked: 11 311 The number of counselling hours for clients and relatives:512 • The Charitative-social centre in the city of Žilina – Charity service in the families The number of clients during the year 2008: 65 The number of clients who died: 6 To some other caring service passed: 7 125 The number of clients at December the 31st,2008 52 The number of re quest s for the Charity care: 88 The number of hours worked: 10 160 • The Charitative-social centre in the city of Nemšová – Charity service in the families The number of clients during the year 2008: 20 The number of clients who died: 2 To some other caring service passed: 3 The number of clients at December the 31st ,2008:15 AD 2.Providing of the social counselling and functioning of the social prevention The legislative classification /registration/: The social counselling in the sense of the § 12, law No.195/1998 Digest of Law, about the social aid is an expert activity aimed at the discovery of extent and character of the social state of emergency, at the discovery of the reasons of its origin,at providing informations about the possibilities of the social emergency solving,at the orientation of the citizen as to his/ her choice and at the applying of the forms of the social aid. . The Diocesan Charity Nitra is entitled to providing of the social counselling and social prevention, given in accordance with the § 84 of law No. 195/1998 Digest of Law about the social aid in the version of the later regulations on the basis of permission of the Slovak Department of Work and Social Affairs and of the R SR No. 265/99 - I/52 to performing of the social prevention through searching and corrective activities and as to the providing of the social counselling also in accordance with the § 12,paragraph 1 of law No. 195/1998 Digest of Law about the social aid in the version of the later regulations.. Social counselling and prevention are being provided in the framework of the following charitative-social centers and facilities: • The Charity Home of St. Raphael, Nitra Social counselling Social counselling creates the basic item of all activities in our facility.It is aimed at the discovery of the reasons of the social and material emergencies. The target group of clients are mainly the homeless people,the people after release from imprisonment or from arrest, socially weak families and other marginalized social groups. We are searching in cooperation with the client for some suitable and accessible solutions,aimed at the alleviation or total elimination of problems. The counselling is being provided as: a) basic – informative and b) long-term – through the activation of his/her motivational abilities we are leading the client towards greater independence and responsibility for himself/herself and for the solution of his/her situation. . We are helping the clients to settle their personal documents, administrative procedures,medical treatment, looking for job or acommodation. We are offering them the possibility to deposit temporarily in our centre their personal documents and finances. We are cooperating with the community (in their permanent place of 126 living), with the Bureau of Jobs and social affairs, with the families, courts, police,and also with another institutions and organizations working with the people in emergency.. In 2008 we gave 1 478 interventions for 170 clients. Out of this number we gave a long- time counselling with more than 3 interventions for 90 clients.. 1. Social prevention Social prevention is being performed as a searching activity and as a resocialization activity.. Searching activity – or streetwork – is a field social work, on the street. We are searching for our clients and we offer them possibilities to aid. We are performing the basic- informative counselling. This way we address our new clients, but also these, who are only rarely looking for aid in our facilities and who prefer the individual way of life to the community. Within the framework of the field social work we are also visiting our clients during their hospitalization.. During the year 2008 we made 1 589 field contacts. We divide the resocialization into 3 stages. Its goal is to strenghten the working habits, to motivate the client to a more active access during the solution of his/ her social situation,to increase his/her self-confidence and to teach him /her to economize his/her financial means. 1. The 1st grade of activity is created by undemanding auxiliary works in the object of our facility and/ or in its close environ. The clients without financial means can this way earn some money through their own work as a contribution for their received services. During this year we engaged this way 69 of our clients in 1 194 activities in an extent of 635,5 working hours. 2. The second grade of the activities are the activities organized as whole day´s working brigades, more demanding both as to the time and as to the work which must be done. There is a difference also in the form of reward, which is determined by the number of hours worked and the client doesn´t receive the reward directly, but through buying some things of personal need, whose concrete choice is directed by the client´s wish. This way is possible to earn the fee for receiving new identity card, or the payment for the railway or bus travel ticket . In the second grade were engaged 11 clients during 2 group working brigades and they all together worked for 400 hours. 3. The part of the third grade are the clients engaged in selling of a magazine named Nota Bene. They are deciding themselves how to divide their working time and they are also themselves economizing their finances. During this year were in the project Nota Bene engaged 32 of our clients. We sold in the city of Nitra altogether 21 364 copies of this magazine. • Charitative-social centre Žilina Social counselling is following up with the first social aid and it is assigned to the people who are after the alleviating of their material emergency willing to solve their situation. We are searching in cooperation with the client for the 127 reasons and possible ways of sol ving of that state. Social counselling is being given after the return from the improsonment, in the cases of long-time unemployment, during the delivery of social support or of new personal documents, during the process of registration on the Bureau of labour, and so on. In 2008 we provided social counselling to 174 of our clients. Social prevention is being performed in several stages. It is being given to these, who are willing to cooperate in the change of their way of life. We are accompanying them during the discharge of their personal documents, we are looking for a temporary accommodation for them, for a job, we enable our clients to acept letters (used by 60 of our clients) on the address of Charity and we enable them also to deposit here temporarily their financial means (used by 57 of our clients). By employment of a field social worker we improved our work on the streets. Through our searching activity –or streetwork we contacted on the street altogether 159 new or earlier addressed clients. In the 1st.grade we continued in the resocialization activities for the homeless people, for the people released from the imprisonment, for the alcohol or drug addicts and for the people with decreased ability to incorporate into the society. We engaged them in the cooperative activities in the daily asylum centre, which were less demanding both of the time and physically. The number of the engaged clients was 172. the second grade is represented by the working brigades, lasting for several days and being under the supervision of a social worker. Within the framework of these activities 6 clients worked altoghether 218 working hours. in the third grade we realize the distribution of a street magazine named Nota Bene. The goal of this activity is to enable an improvement of their social situation for the people without steady accommodation through their own endeavour. During the year 2008 sold 37 active street-sellers altogether 34 252 copies of that magazine. 128 The activities of re-socialization of our clients • Charitative-social centre Trenčianska Teplá The counselling services are aimed at the discovery of the extent and character of the material and social emergency, at the reasons of its origin,at providing informations about the possibilities of solving the situation of the material or social emergency and at the correct direction in the moment of choice and applying of different forms of social aid.. The basic concepcion of the counselling service in Charity issues from respect for a human being who is able to solve with an aid of the colunsellor his/her problems. It means to activate the client towards an active sharing of his/her emergency situation solving. The counsellor works with the actual informations, with the laws about the possibility of aid from the side of the Charity, the state, or other responsible organizations. The client in cooperation with the counsellor is looking for the possible variants of the crisis solving.In social counselling we put the emphasis on the client´s evaluation of his/ her situation and gradual convincing of the client about the correctness of some change(s) of his/her behaviour. But at the same time we must fully respect the client´s freedom. 1. Social counselling social counselling was provided to 91 citizens, more exactly to the following groups of people: a/ the individuals – people with a diminished ability to mix in the social environment, people with personality disorder, mentally afflicted people, socially neglected people and others. b/ The families - multimembered, incomplete, socially and economically weak ones. We struggle to solve the problems of the families in a complex way. We keep trying to help to improve the relationships in the family through a suitable counselling-educative activity. We also keep trying to alleviate their state of a material emergency through a material aid (furniture, clothes, footwear in a cooperation with the parish charities) . c/ The old and ill people/ZŤP- a Slovak abbreviation for the physically disabled) – The aid here consists in searching activity and in the following aid through a social counselling on the basis of the Law about the social aid 195/98, 129 which merges into a social prevention. We mostly assure a personal visitation in the client´s appartment. 1. Social counselling has been being provided in the following areas: a./ The law No.195/98 about the social aid and with him connected amendments. The aid during the delivery of the compensational requisites in severely disabled elderly people. The citizen is instructed about the possibilities of the compensations,like social services, allowances or a combination of both.The help in writing an appeal against the decision of the Department of Work,Social and Family Affairs, informations about the advantages, resulting from the document of a physically disabled human, like, for instance, a telephone bill discount,a help to achieve their disposal, etc. Counselling is aimed at the complex solving of the situation in order the citizen could live in his/her home environment with dignity. b./ Through unrepeated financial aids from the community and city offices given in order to bridge over an unfavourable time period. c./ Through a job and/or a help in searching for a job. d./ For a parent to get (again) in touch with his/ her nonaged child. e./ In family problem(s) solving f./ Help in writing official letters to different institutions. g./ Help in the disposal of a complete invalide retirement. h./ Help in writing a request for an acceptance into a senior citizens home. ch./As to compensatory alimonies for children. i./ As to the scholarships. j./ In the cases of an eviction from the appartment, purchasing an appartment, reallocating of an appartment, rental debts, quashing of common right of using an appartment, etc.. k./ Help in writing of different proposals. 2. Social prevention stage–social counselling is merging into the prevention – searching for the ways how to eliminate the crisis and realization of the needed steps. II.nd stage – help in realizing the agreed steps. III.rd stage – staying in touch with the client either through the visitation in his/her home or through the client´s visitation in our centre. 3. The cooperation with the Euro- children In the framework of the prevention in favour of the children and young people we are cooperating with a Belgian organization named Euro-children in Antwerpen. Through this organization are being mediated 4-weeks stays for the children dependent on a social aid and the children from multimembered or incomplete families in Belgian families. The stay of these children in families is gratis. The expenses are carried by the Belgian family. Slovak parents pay only the journey, which is organized in common by bus. For some children may the Belgian 130 families contr ibute to the journey as well. For the families who cannot pay this journey for their children, contributes Euro-children within a social support. In 2008 were through our centre being organized these stays for the children from the whole Slovakia.. During that year spent their holidays this way 81 children, out of this number 51 children in the first turn since June the 30th till July the 26th 2008 and 30 chil dren i n the second turn since July the 23rd till August the 19th 2008. Out of this number were 6 Romale (gypsy) chil dren from the village Poštárka nearby the city of Bardejov. It was in the framework of a new project of social working with the Romale children. We were to prepare to this stay not only the children, but al so their parents.We realizeda personal meeting in the village Poštárka. In this project we are cooperating with the Salesians, with the sister of mercy Atanasia from Bardejov and with the civic association named Bernardo,which ensures teaching of English for the Romale children. These stays met a positive response both in children and in their parents. Out of these 6 Romale children 4 are visiting the Romale High School in the city of Kremnica. As to the stay of the children in Belgium we are working systematically through the whole year. Until March we are looking for new children, considering the instructions from Belgium. At the same time we must work with the whole family and prepare both the children and their parents for the children´s stay. Except that we are still in touch both with the families of the newly invited children and with the organization Euro-children. We ensure everything needed for the journey into Belgium and back. We ´ve got good experiences with the children´s stay. The children aren´t roaming through the streets, they improve in a foreign language, because they are thrown upon it,they gain bigger experiences and knowledge,and they make new friendships. In the days between February the 23rd-February the 29th 2008 visited Slovakia the director of the organization Euro-children,Mr.Arnold Poelman, who, apart from other, met in Nová Dubnica with the children, who were to travel to Belgium that summer. He visited also the village Poštárka,where he met the Salesians,the sister of mercy Atanasia Holubová and the teacher of English Martin Demský. The whole meeting was organized under the auspices of the Charitative–social centre Trenčianska Teplá. AD 3. Other social services Under the term ´other social services´ we understand providing social services,which are not specifically mentioned or modified in the law about the social aid or in the connected laws and which are complementary to the complexity of the provided social services for the client for satisfaction of his(her needs. 1. Visiting service - Is assigned to the clients who are living alone, who are being i solated in their environment, and it should help the gradual establi shing of the client´s contact(s) with his/ her environment. 131 - In the case of hospitalization of our long-term clients or in the case of their placing in a social service facility we ensure them our regular visiting service. 2. Transporting service - Is assigned only to the permanent clients. In accordance with our possibilities and our evaluation of the client´s situation we ensure him/her transport into the hospital or health centre and we may also use this service during the client´s disposal of his/her official and private affairs. statistical data: • Charity Nitra: 27 transports 3. Lending of health requisites We provide this service for a limited time for the citizens, whose state of health requires a sudden use of a health requistite. This service is being provided in the centres, where the ADOS is established, in a close cooperation with the ADOS. - We would lend wheelchairs, the transportable WC seat,lavatory pan,rubber wheels,crutches,beds– electromotorical,positionable,rehabilitative and mechanical ones, antidecubital mattresses - passivne and active, oxygen concentrator, pads, etc. - Lending of health requisites is for the limited time. The clients would receive a basic counselling about the possibility of getting a requisite via the health insurance company. Statistical data: • Charity Nitra: To 70 clients has been lent altogether 105 requisites 4.Spiritual service - Consists in accompanying the client on his/her way of life,with respect for the spiritual needs. As to the client´s need and interest we may provide him/her also a service of the priest, the sanctity of reconciliation (confession)and the holy extreme unction for the severely ill. AD 4. Special activities in the frame of the charitative-social centres • Charitative-social centre Nemšová I. Providing of the basic social counselling in the following areas: - An aid during the discharge of social benefits, of the contributions for habitation, discharge of contributions in the state of a material emergency,looking for a temporary accommodation, placing in a social service facility. In. 2008 was the social counselling provided to 17 clients in the extent of 70 hours. II. a) an aid to the missions b) The Christmas Eve dinner 132 a) – an active engagement in the public financial collection in the whole Slovakia in favour of the STRUGGLE AGAINST STARVATION – Let us help Haiti /the total profit of this collection in the whole Slovakia was 9 700 000,Slovak crowns/ - organization of a financial collection in favour of the poor people in Siberia - a collection of plastic lids from bottles - 300 kg b) In the cooperation with the city office in Nemšová and with the parish charity in Nemšová we organized already the 5th Christmas session for socially weak, lonely and inadaptable citizens.We prepared the dinner, refreshment and small gifts in the form of food- hygienical little parcels. • Charitative-social centre Trenčianska Teplá 1.We created a project via the parish charity in Nová Dubnica for the city office in Nová Dubnica,for which we received 5 000,- Slovak crowns. 2. For 10 children from the families from a disadvantaged social environment was provided via the Social-habitation commission by the City council in Nová Dubnica i n the framework of prevention near by the city a 2-weeks summer camp called ´Frantík´ with the Salesians from Nová Dubnica. The camp was financed by the City office. 3. As a deputy of the City council in Nová Dubnica was the Charity leaderess from Trenčianska Teplá sharing on working out of the Conception of social services for the city of Nová Dubnica. The Charity leaderess from Trenčianska Teplá al so attends as an associate judge the trials on the District court in Trenčíne in criminal–law processes. Legislative facility-- registration: - care given in the sense of § 20 and § 24 of the law No. 195/1998 Digest of law about the social aid in the version of the later regulations In the social service home is possible to give a care for the citizen with health handicap, if: a) he/she is being thrown upon thi s kind of social service b) the kind of social service is for him/her useful, because: 1. in favour of this citizen cannot be provided any other kind of social service when we consider the law about social aid 2. Providing of some other social service under a law about social aid would not solve the state of social emergency of this citizen in a sufficient way. In the home for senior cizizens is possible to give a care to a citizen, whom is impossible to provide other social service under the law about social aid or in his/ her case wouldn´t providing of other social service solve in a sufficient way the state of social emergency in a citizen,who: a) Is a recipient of an old-age pension b) For his/her unfavourable health state he/she requires a consistent care from the side of another person, which can be ensured neither by the patient´s family, nor by the usual health care, or c) He/ she needs the care in the home for senior citizens from some other serious reasons In the sense of the law No. 195/1998, Digest o f Law,about the social aid in the 133 version of the later regulations, is in the social service home and in the home for senior citizens being provided: a) The unavoidable care, what means: 1. giving meals 2. habitation 3. maintenance b) another care, which is 1. counselling 2. hobbies 3. cultural activities 4. rehabilitation activities 5. The home provides personal equipment, if the care in the home for senior citizens is being provided to a citizen all the year round and this citizen has no personal equipment from the reason that he/she cannot himself/herself or with the aid of his/her family ensure through his/her income and/or through the income from his/her property. 6. The home supports an active participation in the social life 7. secures a safekeeping of valuables The capacity of the facility: The number of clients in 2008: 26 places 37 clients The Charity home of St. Kamil began to provide its services in autumn 1997. Since that time we are doing our best in order to enlarge and to improve the services being provided. The care of the clients in our facility is aimed mainly at providing of complex caring-caregiving services,but at the same time we realize the importance of directing our attention at the all-round development of the provided services and at the using of the newest knowledge in the area of social work with the disabled and elderly people. In our facility we may dispose of a rehabilitation room,in which the clients may use a stationary bicycle, pearl bathing,a pulley, training by the wall – bars, or to try walking with a support of socalled G-apparatus. For relaxation can a skilled rehabilitation worker make them a massage, paraffin pack,or light therapy (through an apparatus named BIOPTRON). In their free time are the clients practicing art-therapy under the auspices of a social worker. We still make every effort to k eep as close contact as possible with the client´s original family and to cooperate with them, for instance when we are organizing different activities for our clients.. The Charity home of St.Kamila cooperates wit h several high schools (Pedagogical and social academy of St. Maria Goretti in Čadca, High School for Nurses in Žilina, Grammar School of St. Francis from Assisi in Žilina,etc, whose students may perform an expert practice in our facility and they may act there as volunteers as well. We celebrate together with our clients all feasts, we are meeting with each other in their personal jubilees, and we al so prepare common sessions connected with 134 a cultural program at some important opportunities: The New Year, The Day of the iIll people, Easter, St. Kamil´s Day,,The Day of St. Elisabeth the Hungarian(the patroness saint of the charity), St. N icholas Day, Christmas and others. In the spiritual area we cooperate with several religious communities (the Missionaries of Love of Mother Theresa,The Missionaries of the Holiest Heart (dominicans). The clients have the opportunity to visit a chapel directly in the Charity Home of St.Kamil, where are the dominicans regularly celebrating the Holy Masses. We cooperate also with the volunteers, who are helpful during the Holy Masses being celebrated in our chapel, but they also acompany the clients for a walk, into the city, etc. 2. The Home for Children Legislative classification: With the validity since September the 1st, 2005, was accepted a new legislative amendment, connected with the social- juridical protection of children and with the social guardianship- the law No.305/2005 about the social-juridical protection of children and about the social guardianship. The object of this law is an amendment of the social-juridical protection of children and of the social guardianship in order to ensure the prevention of the crisis situations in the family, the protection of rights and of the interests of children, being protected by the law, prevention of deepening and repetition of the psychical development disorders, protection of the physical and social development of children and also of the physical persons of age and in order to stop growing of the social-pathological phenomena. The home for children is in the sense of the § 49 of the above mentioned law an environment, created and arranged for the purpose of exerting the court´s decision about the order of an institutional care, preliminary measures and about the order of an educational measure. The home for children is temporarily supplying for a child his/her natural family environment or his/her substitute family environment. In the home for children is possible to provide care for a child until the achievement of age and sometimes even further until his/her independence, but at the longest time until his/her 25 years of age.From the point of view of this law the independence means to ensure a habitation for himself/herself.. The purpose, for which were these facilities created, is being ensured by: a) performing of 1. social work 2. an aid in order to manage a crisis 3. education 4. aid during preparation for the school learning 5. recreation activities b) creation of conditions for: 1. food preparation 135 2. activity of interest ( hobbies) 3. cultural activities 4. having a creditable record at work 5. safekeeping of valuables c) ensuring 1. of the meals 2. of the health care in cooperation with the health care facilities 3. of the education and preparation for job (in cooperation with school facilities and another educational institutions) d) giving care 1.of habitation 2. of meals 3. serving activities 4. personal equipment the In July 2006 we got an accreditation to performing measures of social-juridical protection of the children and of social guardianship in accordance with the § 9 of the law No. 305/2005 Digest of Law about social-juridical protection of children, about the social guardianship and about changing and completing of some laws. The home of children is performing its activity in accordance with the § 47 par. 3 letter a) from the first to the fifth item,letter b) from the first to the fifth item, letter c) from the first to the third item,letter d) from the first to the fourth item and par. 4 lett. c) ; In a home for children is being performed an institutional care under the § 53 par. 1. lett. a) and par. 5 of the law about the social-juridical protection of children and about the social guardianship under the § 11 par. 1 letters. a), b), c), d), e), f) and par. 2 of the law about the social-juridical protection of children and about the social guardianship.. The care in a home for children is being organized in autonomous groups. During the care in the home for children we are issueing from the psychological diagnostics, pedagogical diagnostics and special pedagogical diagnostics, which is being ensured by the diagnostic centre,in case of need the home for children itself for every child.. About the development of every child in a home for children is being written a personal diary. The homes for children create by the Diocesan Charity of Nitra are being run like the homes for children of a family type. The children placed are descending from the families, where the education from the side of the parents because of 136 the influence of alcohol, of a psychical disorder, of the loss of habitation, or the parents show no interest in their children, or sometimes the children have no parents. The task of the team, who cares for the children, is to prepare the children into the life in such a way,that the children should be able to care for themselves after their coming of age both from the financial and from the practical aspect. And, of course, what is very important is also the psychical and physical composure. To this task is being adapted the whole facility and the whole educational process in the homes for children. We respect every child´s personality with his/her specific conditions and the need of an individual acess. We keep trying to create a pleasant and a harmonical environment. We are leading with the children personal dialogues about their everyday problems and we are also concentrating on their feelings and experiencing of the situations in which they find themselves. The children are engaged in the usual houseworks,like preparation of meal, cooking, everyday shopping, cleaning of their own rooms and of the common rooms, small repairs of their clothes etc. We are teaching the children to access responsibly to the performing of their school duties and to organize their free time. They are visiting different working groups and groups of interest. We are cooperating with the district offices,county offices, autonomous counties, social trustees with a pediatrician, Diagnostic centre, and with the civic associations ´Úsmev ako dar´ (A smile as a gift) and´ Návrat´ (The Return). We are cooperating with the volunteers who are helping the children during the learning, as an accompaniment to the working groups and during the different activities of interest(s). The free-time activities of children The Charity Home for children Považská Bystrica, The SNP Square 1451/61, 017 01 Považská Bystrica Mgr. Oľga Pecíková 042/ 436 11 46 137 − A specialized facility of the Diocesan charity Nitra with all the year round running The Charity home for children in (the city of) Považská Bystrica is a facility, in which are being performed the measures of the so called SPO of children and the social guardianship in three autonomous groups for a child, who: − Was withdrawn from his/her parents´ care for a temporary time,needed for the normalization of the child´s situation − Requires a more intense care on the basis of the result(s) of an expert diagnosis because of the behaviour disorder., − He/she is already a young adult man/woman The capacity of the facility: 30children and young adults The number of clients at December the 31st.2008: 23 children and young adults Statistics from the point of view of the school attendance: Elementary school: 6 Special elementary school: 6 High school: 10 Working young adult: The children are living in three autonomous groups after finishing of building of one part of the house. By finishing that the children gained more space of living, better conditions, possibility of greater self-realization, more individual access from the side of the educators, possibility (as young adults) to continue in education after finishing High School, and also the possibility to bridge over the time because of the employment when they are becoming independent. So the young people don´ t have to end up on the street. We put a great emphasis on the work with the child´s biological family. In this work are engaged all educators in the framework of the child´s individual plans. We are visiting together with children the families with children, we are involving the parents into an educative process: an aid during the preparation of the child to school, a visitation of the parents´ association, an active aid during the preparation of their children for taking sanctities... For the work with the child´s biological family is assigned a social worker directly in his/her natural environment. We access to the biological parents from the position of an aid, we are trying to mobilize the parents to create within the family such conditions which might enable their children to return to their family environment as soon as possible. We are engaging into this aid also the larger circle of the family members. If it´s evident that the reasons for which was the child taken away from the family are persistent and are not going to get changed in the near future,we lead the parents towards the acceptance of a thought that their child may grow up in a substitute family. We consider a success also if the parents´ visitations in our facility become more frequent and if the weekend stays of the chil dren in their biologicval family become more regular. During the year 2008 we were making an impact in 25 children to restore the family environment out of which the children were taken because of the family´s 138 function failure. In cooperation with the communities we managed to deliver a contribution for travelling money during the parents´ visitations in the facility and we also managed to deal in favour of some families the unrepeated contribution in the pre-Christmas time. We realized the visitations of children at their ill parents, in the framework of social counselling, we help in delivery of social support to some parents, in delivery of so called AČ, one mother in our facility was working thanks to the AČ. In three yo ung adults we also in the framework of counselling realize an aid in favour of ensuring the habitation and becoming independent. There is in our facility also a room for a short stay of a parent during his/her visit of his/her child. During the year 2008 two young people finished their stay in our facility. One girl went abroad to work and to live, one boy is working in Považská Bystrica and in the framework of cooperation with the city he received a habitation. One girl returned to her father after an improvement of the family conditions and her institutional education was cancelled.. Through the cooperative project with the Austrian Charity and with the foundation founded by theAustrian Erste Bank the children were during the year attending some educative projects, healing-recovering stays, summer camps,a tourist stay in Svidník altogether with a tourist group from Bratislava, or a ski course on Orava. Spiritual service: 1 child took the sanctity of the first Communion, 3 children the sanctity of confirmation, the educators attended spiritual exercises. The employees of the facility are attending the expert trainings, seminars and conferences. 3 educators graduated in 2008 in an enlarged study- in the special pedagogy. 2 others are continuing in a study of social work,and 1 our employee is a doctorand. Our facility is intensely cooperating with the leading authorities of the individual regions ( ÚPSVR – SPOaSK and, ÚPSVT TN),with the city of Považská Bystrica, with the villages where the children are coming from,with the schools, with the OPPP Považská Bystrica , with the physicians and with the LVS. The Charity Home for children of St.Louise,Nitra Samova str.4, 950 50 Nitra Mgr. Ivana Kreháková 037/ 77 20 214 - A purposeful facility of the Diocesan charity Nitra with running The capacity of the facility : The number of clients at December the 31st,2008: all the year round 12 places 10 139 Statistics from the point of view of the school attendance: Elementary school: The special elementary school: Re-educational centre: Secondary technical training institution with the GCE examination: Secondary technical school with the GCE examination: University: 4 1 1 1 2 1 The Charity Home of St.Louise is a home for children with a family-like kind of education, whose main priority is providing of an all – round care for a child in accordance with his/her individual needs with the goal of his/her h armonical development and return of the child to his/her family environment. In the case that there is no possibility of the child´s return to his/her biological family – is the goal a mediation of a substitutive family care (substitutive individual care,foster-parent care, adoption, professional family). During the year 2008 finished the stay in our facility 2 children. Out of this was 1 chil d placed in a foster family and 1 young adult person became independent. During the same year was into our facility accepted on the basis of a court´s order about an ordered institutional care one 16 years old boy. We are cooperating with the departments of the social-juridical protection and social guardianship, with a pedagogical-psychological counselling office, with the civic associations Návrat (The Return) and Úsmev ako Dar (A Smile as a Gift) and mainly with the child´s family. And today like in the previous years has been helping us in a great extent the fatther Bishop Marian Chovanec by his regular visitations and by the spiritual consolation.1 boy took the sanctity of the first Communion. In the year 2008 we continued in the common project with the Austrian Charity and the Erste Bank, aimed at the education of both children and employees under the name:“ Let us shake hands with the children“. Thank to this project may the children attend different working groups,language courses, free-time activities, outdoor trips and holiday stays. One day trips: MDD – Šaľa ÚaD – The nicest concert of the year - Nitra, Bratislava Holiday stays: - skiing- Trangoška in the Low Tatras - a visitation of the Therma park in Veľký Meder -summer camps for children-the international language camp in Villach, Austria Summer camp for children with behaviour disorder in Ružomberok - Summer camp Žblnky – Vlnky (Splosh and Waves) - a convalescent home for children 140 -a week stay in Korni and in Betliar 3 educatoresses got through a seminar whose topic was: "Plays for managing of aggressiveness“, another seminar with the topic "Children with behaviour disorder“ and 2 educatoresses got through a course named: "The community social work“. We finished the year 2008 with the common Christmas Eve dinner.The Christmas themselves the children spent thereafter by their parents, relatives and foster parents. The year 2008 was also under the sign of the 10th anniversary of founding the Charity Home of St.Louise for the children. In this ocassion we organized a small celebration, connected with the festive Holy Mass. At the same time there was created a space for common meetings and dialogues among the fosterlings of the Charity Home for Children, our former employees and all the friends who have been helping us. 3. Shelter (common lodging house) The legislative classification/registration/: - social service provided in the sense of the § 30 law No.195/1998 Digest of Law about the social aid in the version of the later regulations - in the shelter is possible to provide care for a citizen, who is without a roof over his/her head and a) he/she is in a state of material emergency as to the special regulation b) an institutional or prophylactic care was in his/her case cancelled, because he/she has come of age In the shelter is being given:1.The shelter as such 2. provision 3. counselling 4. socia prevention The above mentioned services is possible to provide :a)at night b) temporarily The Charity Home of St. Raphael, Nitra Štúrova str. 57, 949 01 Nitra Mgr. Klára Labošová 0907 451 771 The St. Raphael Charity Home was established by the Diocesan Charity Nitra on June 23rd. 2008. In the festive opening of the common lodging house participated also the mayor of the city of Nitra Ing. Jozef Dvonč, CSc. . 141 The activity of this facility follows up with the experiences and activity of the Daily Asylum centre of the Diocesan Charity Nitra. Thanks to cooperation and financial supportof the City office of Nitra we might have moved the providing of our services to the more suitable rooms and at the same time we might have enlarged our services by the night shelter /low-threshold night shelter/ - § 30 of the Law no. 195/1998 Digest of law about social aid in the version of the later regulations. The capacity of the facility - 24 places The night shelter /low-threshold night shelter/ was established in order to provide the night´s lodging for these people who from different reasons cannot keep the rule and regime in other facilities and who are unable to abstain from (mis)using alcohol and/or other addictive substances. The only condition for the client´s acceptance here is that he/she must not endanger himself/herself and/or his/her environs. Since July 2008 we provided 3496 night´s lodgings. Other services of the St.Raphael Charity Home: - social counselling and prevention /see the special part/ - providing of hygiene - 1120 times. - Providing of meals - 2 081 lunches, 1 343 breakfasts, 1 792 diners - Providing clothes During the providing of the social aid in our shelter are to our professional social workers considerably helpful both the volunteers and the member of the monastic communities in the city of Nitra. A special cooperation is developed especially with the sisters of mercy from the Society of daughters of the Christian love. The Charity home Jeremiah Trenčín Soblahovská str. 65, 911 01 Trenčín Mária Bernátková 032/ 652 63 63 The Charity home Jeremiah was established by the Diocesan Charity Nitra on J anuary the 7th, 2008 in order to provide social services in the sense of § 30 of the l aw No. 195/1198 Digest of law as a night shelter /common lodging house/. The capacity of the facility- 30 places The main goals of our activity - to provide the first social aid for the homeless people and for the people in crisis - to provide acommodation at night for the homeles people who are on the beginning of the re-socialization process - to provide acommodation at night for the ill and dying homeless peopole The partial goals of our activity: - to realize the re-socialization of the people from marginal groups of the population - to provide the basic social counselling for our target groups 142 - to monitor the health state of the homeless people as a prevention against spreading of infectious diseases In the first period /January -April 2008/was our social work aimed mainly at the renewal of the basic hygienic habits of our clients, at the care for their health,strenghtening their volitive abilities, renewal of their communicative skills, recreation of their relationships to individuals and to the society,acknowledgement and respecting of the society´s norms, basic social counselling. In the second period /May - December 2008/ was our social work aimed at the social prevention, it means the renewal of working habits, engaging the clients in the re-socialization activities and at the streetwork – mapping of the homeless people in the town and entering into contacts with them. The number of clients in 2008: 155 The number of night´s lodgings: 8 481 The basic social counselling /an aid during discharging of personal documentation, support in the material emergency, discharge of the citizenship / 10 clients Return into their family 2 clients Social prevention: A temporary job on the basis of the deal about working activity:3 clients A temporary job of a member of a working team: 14 clients A job through an activation support : 1 client Re-socialization activities of the1.Ist grade /auxiliary works in the object and in its environs/: 80 clients Re-socialization activities of the 2nd grade /selling of the ´ Nota Bene´magazine/ 16 clients The Charity Home o f St. Gianna in Čadca Kukučínova str. 6, 022 01 Čadca Eva Ondrušková 041/ 4323 40 88 The Charity Home of St.. Gianna in Čadca was founded on July the 1st 2007 by the Diocasan Charity Nitra for the purpose of providing social services in the sense of § 30 of the law No.195/1995 Digest of Law about a social aid –an overnight shelter for men and women and a temporary habitation for women for a limited time. The shelter for men and women at night – a common lodging house The shelter for men is situated in the basement. Its maximal capacity is 10 men.. The shelter for women is situated on the floor. The entrances into the building for men and women are separated. The capacity of the common lodging house for 143 women is 5 beds. The shelter is being directed in acordance with the operational rules and with the daily rules. The operational time is 24 hours daily and 365 days in a year. . During the year 2008 was our common lodging house used by: 11 women who spent there altogether 270 nights 32 men who spent there altogether 1 688 nights Shelter for women as a temporary habitation This acommodation is situated on two floors.Its capacity is 10 beds. The womenclients are living in 2- or 3 bedded rooms. They may dispose of a social room, where the working therapy is running. It consists from knitting, embroidery,weaving of simple carpets,crocheting and other different handiworks. The women-our clients- have divided services in ensuring of the facility´s running –here it means cleaning the house and food preparation. The average age of the acommodated women is 35 years. The clients are being motivated to the renewal and keeping of their working habits and we are helping them to achieve a new employment. We are teaching them responsibility,the basic hygienical habits,and to set the table and serve. What is very important is a permanent communication. In the everyday contact with the clients is the position and work of a social worker irreplaceable. Regarding the fact that some of these women are not from the Žilina region we need also to arrange for them a visit of the district physician and sometimes also of a specialized physician and other expert social aid. The time of stay in the Charity home is determined according to the time which is needed for the women´s gaining independence in such an extent to be able to incorporate themselves into the ordinary life in the society. Our service was used by 23 women in altogether 3 023 days, what means on average 8 women monthly. Out of the number of all the above mentioned 23 women we managed to place 2 women into the Charity Home of St. Kamil and 1 woman into the Resocialization centre in Banská Bystrica. 7 women returned to their homes, 4 women voluntarily finished their stay. Resocialization activities:renewal of an abandoned shabby cross, St.Nicholas´s feast party, Christmas academy, renewal of the outer facade of the facility. Daily asylum centre A part of the Charity Home of St.Gianna is also the Daily asylum centre,which is caring for the people without home,who are being because of their social inadaptability without the roof overhead as well. Through providing the DAC´s services we struggle for the complex solution of the human problems, we provide the basic social counselling, we are helping during discharging personal 144 documents, during their searching for job(s) or accommodation. We also provide the first social aid(food,clothes) and give the clients the possibility of carrying out their personal hygiene. The social prevention is being made through the resocialization –performing some simple working tasks in the DAC, engaging in selling the ´Nota Bene´ magazine.At present we record 29 magazine-sellers,but out of this number are only 3 people being active. An overlook of the provided services: The centre of the personal hygiene Food giving/1x warm meal/ Clothes times Laundry times The basic social counselling 373 times 905 times 564 323 27 clients The Charity-social centre Žilina Predmestská str.No.12, 010 01 Žilina Mgr. Peter Birčák 041/ 724 47 956 - shelter at night - the daily asylum centre This project is complementary to the already existing parts of the social net for the people from the marginal groups of population.The shelter is assigned to the people who are included into the process of resocialization in the framework of the Daily Asylum Centre and who are able to keep up a partial abstinency before and during the stay in the shelter, to the citizens, who are separated from the society, but also for those, who from any reasons have lost their home and the stay in the shelter is for them a transient form of habitation. In the year 2008 we provided the night´ s lodging for 157 clients. Daily asylum centre is assigned to the people without their home and released from the custody. 145 - It provides a social service in the sense of the § 37 of law No. 195/1998, Digest of Law, about a social aid in the version of the later regulations–a centre of personal hygiene In the framework of the first social aid we secure: - Carrying out the basic body hygiene (washing,shaving, bathing). During the year was this service provided for 147 clients. Issueing of clothes and footwear for the homeless people and socially weak strata of inhabitants. During the year was this service used by 128 clients. - Providing of food ( giving one warm meal daily) - 233 clients. - We permitted our regular clients to wash their personal belongings and underclothes - 37 clients. A Christmas session with the clients III. Health services Agencies of home nursing care (The Slovak abbreviation is ADOS) Legislative classi fication (registration): - Care provided in the sense of the law No. 576/2004 Digest of Law about the health care and the services connected with the health care providing The agency of home nursing care is a part of the primary health care and belongs to the net of the health facilities. It is defined as an outpatient care provided in the home environment or in some other natural environment of the person in favour of whom is being provided. It provides a complex nursing care for a client, families or groups in their natural social environment. Contents of activity: - - A complex nursing care in the home environment for the patients and clients of all the age groups in which is being indicated especially the care after the finishing of the institutional treatment, care for the acutely ill people without need of a hospitalization,for the chronically ill people, for the patients in terminal states and for the socially and medically risky groups of the population). An adjustment of the home environment and the way of living as to the character of the illness. 146 - Securing of personal hygiene Caring for the basic functions of life Application of medication and healing of the wounds rehabilitation taking some material for medical examination or maybe for some other screening inquiry health education and counselling Another tasks: - running the documentation - administrative works,accounting - coordination of work - purchasing of material, planning of activities - lending requisites • THE ADOS NITRA , THE ADOS ILAVA Providing of health care in the facilities of an outward care – the Slovak abbreviation is ADOS- is being developed and is reacting on the actual changes in connection with the changing legislative basis of the provided services. In the sense of the valid law precepts we worked out in the framework of our facilities a manual of quality. We have been making a considerable progress as to the completing of qualification of the nurses on the level of specializations and of their University studies of the 1st and 2nd grade. The nurses are in the framework of their outward field care dealing with the complex needs of the patient, including his/her education, support of his/her family´s care and its engaging in the nursing process. In the framework of the ADOS´s care we differ the prevention on the primary, secondary and tertiary levels and we use the newest knowledge from the area of the nursing care. During the realization of the caring process we use the international classification systems- NIC, NOC, NANDA. The ADOS Charity Nitra and the ADOS Charity Ilava are stabilized subjects of providing nursing care in the framework of their territorial activity. Except the permanent improving the provided care we still have to, taking into consideration its considerable financial undervaluation, initiate negotiations with the health insurance companies about accepting the provided care and its financial refundation. The ADOS Charity Nitra: The number of clients during the year 2008: 258 The number of examinations: 11461 The ADOS Charity Ilava: The number of clients during the year 2008: The number of examinations: 126 12271 147 Thanks to the high quality both of the material and of the instrumentation of the health care needs for the ADOS, secured from the means from the DCV project, we could have provided for the clients the possibility of lending of the high quality health care needs, what would considerably contribute to the improving and completing of the care, being provided for the clients at their homes. ADOS Nitra, Samova str. 4, 950 50 Nitra Andrea Jašíková 037/ 77 21 792, 77 21 738 ADOS Ilava, Farská str. 84/5, 019 01 Ilava Bc. Anna Štúriková 042/ 446 63 37 Hospic – the house of peace and reconciliation at St. Bernadette Chrenovská str. 22B, 949 01 Nitra MUDr. Katarína Mičiaková 037/ 653 10 42 The legislative facility: - an institutional health facility in the sense of the law No. 578/2004 Digest of Law,§7,par. 3, lett. c) The very thought of hospice issues from the respect for life and from the respect for a human as an unique, unrepeatable being. It respects the right of every human to a dignified death. The hospice care is assigned to the patients in the terminal phase of their illness, it means in the time when their illness ceased to react to the causal treatment. The hospice gurantees to the ill person that: He/she will not suffer from an unbearable pain In every situation will be saved and respected his/her human dignity During the last moments of his/her life he/she will not stay lonely. The Diocesan charity Nitra is devoting to the issues of the hospice care since 1999. The hospice- house of peace and reconciliation- was ceremonially blessed and opened in February 2007. The hospice-house of peace and reconciliation- at St.Bernadette is having capacity of 15 beds. From the point of view of the complex architectonical and operational solution was the main goal of the building to create a cosy, pleasant environment with the homely feeling for the patients and their family members 148 and at the same time an effective health facility, in which will be possible to provide the hospice care in accordance with the most modern medical knowledge. The project was adapted to this goal both as to its technical and as to its building side and this intention fills also the project of the interior equipment of the hospice and our endeavour is to breathe into this house an ambience of acceptance for every its visitor. The hospice´s goal is: - To provide for an ill man/woman an alleviation of the pain and other serious symptomps of his/her illness - To improve the quality of life of the patient until his/her last moments - To assure the patient a complex treatment and care with taking account of his/ her individual social, psychical and spiritual needs - To provide support for the relatives and another persons close to the patient - To provide a supportive system and to create such conditions in which the patient could live as actively as possible as long as until his/her death The paliative care in the hospice is being assured by the team of physicians, nurses, male nurses, but also by a social worker, a priest and some volunteers. The care for an incurably ill and dying patient is being aimed mainly at the alleviation of the symptoms of an illness, at providing the physical well-being and after all at the assurance of the psychical, social, emotional and spiritual support for the patient and his/her closest persons in the terminal stage of illness, during dying and in the period of sadness. The daily regimen is different from the usual health facilities. It is fully adapted to the individual needs and state of the patients. The conditions of acceptance: Here are being accepted the incurably ill patients in the advanced stage of a chronical,actively progressing illness, in whom is being presumed a timely limited survival. The patients are accepted into the hospice on the basis of their own request and of the recommendation of the practical or of some other treating physician. The hospice – house of peace and reconciliation at St. Bernadette in Nitra has an agreement with all the Slovak health insurance companies and so it can accept the patients from the whole Slovakia in the case of an indicated diagnosis. During the year 2008 we provided our care for 105 pacients. The most significant events during the year 2008: The year 2008 was passing in the spirit of the permanent expert and personal development of the provided services and we emphasized also the development of the social and spiritual aspects of the accompanying ill people and their family members. From the point of view of an expert cover is significant the activity of the expert 149 guarantee Ms. Mičiaková, M. D. The increase of the qualification of the staffs is being achieved by their attendance at the expert seminars, through specialized education and through completing of their expert education. The delegates of the hospice attended the international conference "Christian in health service" in Brno and actively attended the International conference of the hospice caregivers in Krakow,Poland. They also attended the meeting of the hospice caregivers in the city of Bardejov, Slovakia. In the framework of an expert cooperation we realized in the hospice a meeting of the representatives of the Slovak society for study a treatment of pain, department of paliative care,and the representatives of our hospice are members of the preparatory commitee of the Czecho -Slovak dialogue about pain in Nitra. The hospice in Nitra worked out through the public competition an offer for securing of the "Practical teaching of the students from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health from the University of Constantin Philosopher(the Slovak abbreviation is UKF) in Nitra in the study branch of the Care in a Hospice" and in the school year 2008/2009 it became a teaching centre for the performance of an expert practice of the UKF students in Nitra. During the year we also aimed at the systematization and coordination of the work with volunteers. After an informative campaign and an active recruiting campaign for the volunteers was during November organized a schooling for volunteers.. The volunteers engaged themselves actively in the hospice´s services and now they are a significant part of the life in the hospice mainly during accompanying of the ill people.We aimed at the supportive and supervisional meetings with the volunteers as well. Through their own help as volunteers engaged themselves in the project of the hospice also the students from the High School in Zoetermeer (the N etherlands), who were during June actively working on the adjustment of the hospice´s environs and in the landscaping. A significant day in the hospice´s life was February the 10th,2008, when the auxiliary Bishop of the Nitra diocese Mons. Marián Chovanec celebrated the ritual of blessing the Chapel of St.Bernadette in the hospice. By the spiritual management of the Chapel of St.Bernadette was commissioned a salvatorian, reverend Andrzej Drogoś, SDS. The chapel became the heart of the hospice. It is a place of living meetings,the ill people are meeting each other there, the ill people meet the healthy as well and it i s a place for meeting with the God. The Chapel of St.Bernadette is an ecumenical one, open for everybody regardless of his/her confession of faith. It is a space opened for the public, so anybody may stand here for a while during his/her everyday walk along the hospice and confront his/her life. An important part of the hospice care i s also the spiritual accompany of the ill people and their family members during this hard period of their lives, at the time, when people are asking themselves many questions and are searching for the answers and for an understanding. With an echo of a grateful acceptance met the organization of the regular meetings with the survivor. A part of these meetings is always the Holy Mass in favour of the deceased, connected with an inscription into the Book of Life. And thereafter is created a space for the mutual 150 sharing, for memories, but also for an encouraging and for creating of new relationships. But the most important moments in the hospice remain the everyday moments of days and nights, when we can accompany our ill people and their close persons, to be being close to them ourselves and to help them in their living. During the year 2008 were realized some projects thanks to the support of the League against cancer – from the yield of collection from the Day of the narcissuses. Propagation of the hospice care within the town of Nitra was also a goal of an infortmative stand in the framework of the Christmas town in December 2008, which was connected also with a financial collection in favour of the hospice. The Chapel In the hospice IV. The centre of methodics and quality of the charity activities Samova str. 4, 950 50 Nitra PaedDr. Milena Beresecká 037/ 77 21 792 The centre of methodics and quality of the charity activities (the Slovak abbreviation is SMKCHČ) arose on the beginning of the year 2008 in the framework of the organization changes, connected with the transformation of working of the Charity –social centre in Nitra into the Charity service in the families and through the transfer of the social services for the homeless people from the Daily asylum centre on Samova str.No. 4 to the Charity Home of St. Raphael on Štúrova str. No.57. The goal of these working activities is the increase of quality of the charity-social services, realizing of educational activities both in the individual and in a group form in order to increase the expert competences and the psychohygiene of the employees, preparation of new projects and realization of some small projects aimed at the social counselling and social trainings with specific 151 target groups. The activity of the SMKCHČ has been being realized in the following areas: 1. Methodical help during the inception of working of the St.Raphael´s Charity Home in Nitra and of the Charity Home Jeremiah in Trenčín. 2. The common meetings with the leaders of the individual facilities in order to work out a strategic plan of the development of the Charity activities in the Nitra and Žilina dioceses for the time period since 2009 till 2012. 3. The common meetings of the social workers of the organization aimed at the exchange of experiences in a form of counselling among the colleagues, further education and a psychohygiene. Number of meetings during Kind of meetings 2008 Leaders of the facilities 5 Social workers working with the homeless 4 Social counsellors and social workers 3 Leaders of nursing care 2 The volunteers in the CHSC Žilina 2 4. Individual meetings with the leaders of the facility and with the social workers aimed at the improving of quality of the social work, solving of the problem sitiuations together with the clients, keeping the documentation about the clients and contacts with the deputies of the self- government. Facility Number of meetings in 2008 The Charity Home St. Raphael in Nitra 3 The Charity Home Jeremiah in Trenčín 14 T he Charity - social centre in Nemšová 5 The Charity - social centre in Žilina 2 TheCharity Home St. Gianna in Čadca 3 5.Supervisions of the employees of the organisation, carried out on the basis of the order of the employees themselves. During the year were carried out four supervisions in the following facilities: The Charity Home for Children in Povážská Bystrica,The Charity-Social Centre in Žilina, The Charity Home of St. Kamil in Žilina, The Charity Service in the families in Nitra. 6.An administrative activity aimed at the creation of an effective, united documentation about the clients, working out the data for the internal guidelines and working out the data for the negotiations about the different comments during the creation of the proposal of the law about the social services. 7.Performing of a social counselling for the clients in specific situations and performing of the informative social counselling personly,through a telephone and 152 through an e-mail. 8.Preparation of new projects through building the partnerships with the selfgovernments and the partner organisations through the presentations of the activities of our organisation: Charity – social centre in Trenčianské Teplice Common lodging house and the daily centre for the homeless people in Nové Zámky, in the preparative phase an attendance at the creation of an action plan of development of the social services for the homeless people. Projekt of a long-time reintegration of the victims of the trade with humans 9.Project activity: a plea for an irreversible financial contribution from the Fund of the social developoment for the project „Innovative low-threshold social services for the homeless people“ 10. Realisation of the pilot project of the organisation aimed at the resocialization- and social trainings of clients of probation in cooperation with the Regional court in Nitra. In this project were engaged during the year two clients. The centre of methodics and quality of the Charity activities should react quickly and effectively to the actual needs of the organization,requests and needs of the employees, concerning the providing of social services for the clients. It should react to the legislative changes in the social area as well. I believe that in the first year of the centre´s activity we managed to achieve some shift in the development of quality of the charitative activities in the organization´s facilities and in the bulding of a trustworthy relationship. The protected workshop The protected workshop of St. Joseph Samova str. 4, 950 50 Nitra 037/ 77 21 792 Legislative facility/registration/: - Creating jobs for the handicapped people in the sense of the law No.. 5/2004 Digest of law about the services in favour of the employment The protected workshop of St.Joseph with a view to the bookbinder works was established on J anuary the 15th, 2002. The main motive for the rise of such a workplace was creating of jobs and the possibility of including the people with an impaired working ability into the working process and the subsequent abolishing of discrimination of these people in connection with their working possibilities on the job market. During the year 2006 was the protected workshop having 2,5 employees – out of this number were 2 with an impaired working ability. The main specialization of the protected workshop of St.Joseph are bookbinding works. The protected workshop, thanks to its work of high quality,secured for itself a clientele not only in the place of its activity and in its near environs, but also from the more distant places. We are specialized mostly in the bookbinding of the 153 extended essays, dissertations and doctorate works. We addressed different institutions, enterprises, municipal and city offices etc. In connection with our offer of bookbinding of the digests of laws and of different archival materials. Ano ther group whom we addressed were the parish offices and church institutions with the possibility of restoration and repairs of the ancient books or of the whole libraries. Except these addressed groups has our workshop been being visited by a lot of individuals,who brought there to get bookbound different magazines, newspapers, or who have been having some special wishes in the area of bookbinding works. To the special orders can our workshop access in a very flexible way. In 2006 we bough some apparatuses, with which we enlarged our offer of the bookbinding works by laminating and by the heat- and the comblike book binding. Also in the year 2008 we may claim that the protected workshop of St.Joseph is successfully operating in the competitive environment and brings into the contemporary time even many other elements – willingness to help, providing the space and chance for the ill people and making the Charity more socially visible. Statistical data: Binding of books and magazines: Dissertation works: Boxes, cases and covers : Digests of Law: 569 pcs 326 pcs 64 pcs 80 pcs Comblike bookbinding: Laminating: Heat binding: 26 pcs 7 pcs 2 pcs Repairment of covers, flats, metal book corners and others 154 VYDRA Hlavná 56, 976 52 Čierny Balog E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Zuzana Sitarčíková ABOUT US The NGO Vydra („Otter“) was founded in 1992 from the initiative of the volunteers. Their main target was to create some supporting activities and complex services for the visitors of the region. Their first goal was to associate all the service givers from the environs and to help them in their effort to offer services and propagation.Vydra organized for them courses during which was being described for them the modern demand for services and the possibilities how to make themselves more visible and /or how to achieve success in tourism activities. Through doing that they indirectly caused a great development of the town Čierný Balog. The NGO Vydra is at present cooperating with the narrow-gauge forest railway by the river Black Hron, with the local community and on the microregional level also with another subjects in the environ. It creates an association named Vydrovská Dolina (Otter Valley) which is – as a locality- a touristically attractive one. They are also running in the town an information centre, which, beside other, serves for selling of the traditional handicraft products which are being made gratis by the local artisans. This support of these traditional artisans trades is very sucessful and the Vydra´s voluntary activities are sucessful as well. The volunteers, in the number of 25 people, are participating in the care 155 and maintenance of the town through different publicly useful works. In these works are participating also the members of the children´ (scouting or scoutinglike) summer camps, in which are during the whole summer interchanging 5 turns. Except these works are in these camps being played some team-building and environmental games and entertainments in which are the children getting acquainted with the nature and learning the secondary recyclation.. . 156 ČIERNOHORSKÁ ŽELEZNICA Hlavná 56, 976 52 Čierny Balog E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Ing. Aleš Bílek ABOUT US The first part of this narrow-gauge railway was built up in 1908.As early as a year later began the railway transporting regularly not only people, but also timber from the environs in which is this region rich. The total length of the railway achieved 132 km (82 miles). In 1982 was the railway closed as the last narrow-gauge railway of forestry in Slovakia. But as early as in 1983 arose in Čierný Balog a new tradition of a voluntary working summer camps called Strom života (The Tree of Life),whose voluntary attendants participated in the uplifting of the environs. 7 km (4,5 mi) of this narrow-gauge railway was later written on the list of cultural heritage. In the following years was the railway being repaired and reconstructed and its new era started in 1992. At contemporary time is the railway 16 km (10 mi) long and it is being used for tourist activities. Its main route leads from Čierný Balog to Hronec (10 km-6 ¼ mi) and its adjacent branch leads from Hronec to Chvatimy (2 km- 1 ¼ mi). On its end you can find another point of interest of this locality- Lesnický skanzen (The open- air museum of Forestry). Čierný Balog may pride on a very colorful offer for tourism. This is,after all, the most important item of the whole little town. Except the narrow-gauge railway itself are the locals cooperating also with the village and organization which both are called Vydra (Otter) and subsequently are both of them connected in the organization called Vydrovská Dolina (The Otter Valley). 157 The narrow-gauge forest railway by the Black Hron River plays a very important role in the region. Thanks to this railway is possible to develop the tourist activity in an region which is otherwise very poor as to the job openings. . 158 MISERICORDIA, N. O. P. Jilemnického 134/749, 976 52 Čierny Balog E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Tatiana Štalrajterova ABOUT US The NGO Misericordia (i.e.“Mercifulness“ -from Latin) was founded by the civic association named Paradiso as a local organization in Čierný Balog in order to support social services. The task of this organization was to get a property basis for the social services in Čierný Balog. On this foundation was created a project plan for building a new social centre. The House of the social services would serve not only as a centre for these services, but also as a caring home and as a home for the senior citizens. The expected capacity of this object is 59 clients. Out of this number would 30 people need a more intensive control, whereas the remaining 29 would be the inhabitants of a home for the senior citizens. The vision of the whole project is to provide the complex services from accommodation facilities till laundry, rehabilitation or boiling room. These services might be being used also by the seniors who want no more to leave their homes. The NGO Misericordia struggles to support the home environment and we would like to prove this by performing the above mentioned things. 159 KOMUNITNÉ CENTRUM N.O. Hlavná 56, 976 52 Čierny Balog E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Lubica Pánčiková ABOUT US In January 2002 was founded the organization Komunitné centrum (The Community centre) by the communities Čierný Balog and Vydra in order to make independent the community programs of Vydra which are being realized in the village since 1998. In the building of this centre are being realized not only programs for children, youth and for the adults, but also some minor services and counselling for the citizen and at the same time there are being organized also some cultural-societal activities. In 2003 was by the Komunitné centrum established also a senior citizens club called Dôvera (Trust).In the same year was the centre included into the register of the social service providers in the Banská Bystrica region. The goal of the centre is to provide the social and humanitarian aid in favour of the handicapped or socially disadvantaged people, services for supporting of the regional development and to create at the same time the programs for support of the tuition, education, and for the development of physical culture. At present they are having three target groups. The first of them is working with the unemployed people, 160 within which are being supported some individual persons, their skills and personalities are being developed and at the same time they receive also an individual counselling and informative services. Into this group belong also the protected workshops which keep helping the handicapped people. The other group are senior citizens, for whom the centre regularly presents different cultural actions and and keeps trying to engage them in the life in the community The last group is working with our Romale (=gypsies) citizens. In Čierný Balog are existing 4 Romale settlements which the community tries to connect with each other through the centre´s programs. On the basis of coordination, established mainly through the Romale family named Pustajovi ,are being regularly presented different mini-festivals of the Romale culture and there is functioning also a childish theatre assembly. Football matches among the all four settlements are no exceptions either. 161 ESTONSKO Estonia is at present time administratively divided into the regions (in Estonian: maakond), which are further divided into self-governments (omavalitsus). Selfgovernment may be either a statutory town (linn), or a village community (vald),to which nevertheless may belong towns (linn), market- towns (alev), townlets (alevik) and villages (küla). The regions are units of the state administration. The executive organ of the state power in the region is the regional board of representatives (maavalitsus) and at the head of them is a district administrator (maavan), whom designates into his function the government of the Estonianb republic. In the statutary towns and villages is a responsible body of power the board of representation (volikogu, in the cities linnavolikogu and in the villages vallavolikogu), which is elected in a secret voting in the direct and general elections for the functional period of four years.. The executive organ of the board of representation is so called city or municipal government (valitsus, resp. linnavalitsus or vallavalitsus) in whose head stands the mayor (in the cities linnavan or linnapea, in t he villages vallavan). Currency: Estonian crown Languages: Estonian 85% Structure of inhabitants: 68,4 % Estonians, 25,7 % Russians, 2,1 % Ukrainians 162 TARTU Tartu (earlier better known under the German and Swedish name Dorpat, or Region Tartumaa Mayor Urmas Kruuse under the Russian names Дерпт (Dierpth) or Юрьев Area 38,8 km² (Yuriev), or also with an aid of Latin- and of ancient Slavic Number of inhabitants 101 297 (2004) languages created name Tarbat) is the second biggest city in Estonia.. In 2004 here Density of population 2 610,7 inh./km² were living 101 297 inhabitants. Unlike of the Estonian political and financial centre Tallinn is Tartu frequently being considered the centre of education and culture. In the city is seating the oldest and the most famous Estonian university. The city is situated in the inland of Estonia, approximately 180 km to the southwest from Tallinn and it is considered the centre of the whole southwestern Estonia.. Through the city flows the river Emajõgi, which is connecting two largerst Estonian lakes. HISTORY Archeological findings are dating back the first settlement in the Tartu region to the 5th century AD. From the century was proved the existence of a wooden fortification on the eastern side of the central hill called Toomemägi. The first written mention, referring to that estate, appeared in 1030 in the chronicles of the Kiev Russia. In that year the Kiew duke Yaroslav the , called the Wise, burned out the original wooden fortress of the Estons named Tarbatu and built on its place a stone fortress, which was named Yuriew. This fortress became the Russian base point in the region named Ugandi and the centre of taxes collecting as well .The Estons and the Russians were also further waging frequent fights for this strategically important point, during which the fortress changed its owner for several times.. In 1061 was Yuriew as to the preserved recordings burnt out by the Estons (in Russian sources they are being named as Čuď- English pronounciation would be like Chudh). In 1224 was Yuriew conquered by the Order of Sword Brothers, who were expanding in the eastern side of the Baltic region. The original ancient Estonian name of the city -Tarbatu –was in German transformed as Dorpat, or Derpt. Under the reign of the crusaders became Tartu in the late medieval age an important trade centre. It was member of the Hansa and seat of the bishoprie. Similarly like in the whole former Livonia was the city elite mostly German.. These so called ´literati´ were dominating the city culture, religion life, e ducational systém and policy as long as u ntil the end o f the 19. century. Many, if not the most of the students were of the German origin and as much as 90% of the teachers of the Tarbatuan schools as well.. 163 In the 16 th century passed Livonia including Tartu under the Polish reign. In 1583 was in the city established a Jesuit academic grammar school. Except that was in Tartu established also a translating seminary and the city received from the Polish king Stephan Bathory its red and white flag. When the Swedish-Polish war burst out, the academical activity of the grammar school and seminary was in 1601 temporarily ceased. Poland was defeated and Tartu came under the Swedish reign. The activity of the academic grammar school was renewed in 1630 and as early as in 1632 was the grammar school thanks to the edict of the Swedish king Gustav Adolf the II nd changed into University. After signing the Nystad agreement in 1721 the city passed under the reign of the Tsarist Russia and since that time was also renamed by a Russian modification of its former German name- Dierpt. During the century became many of the medieval memorable burnings sacrifices of fires and the city was renewed in the late Baroque and in the neo- Classicist style. During the second half of the 19th century, in the era of National Revival, became Tartu the significant Estonian cultural centre. The city was in 1869 the scene of the First Estonian General Singing Feast (Esimene eesti üldlaulupidu). In 1870 there was established a theatre named Vanemuine, the first theatre playing in Estonian, and in 1872 gathered here also the establishing assembly of the Estonian Union of Writers. In 1893 in the framework of the intensification of the Tsarist policy of Russification the city oficially returned to its older Russian name Yuriew. In 1895 was even changed the main teaching University language to Russian. But the political representatives of the Estonians used the chaos on the end of the World War I in favour of declaration of the independent Estonian 1918. The Soviet Russia tried thereafter to reverse this development by an invasion, but eventually it was defeated in the Estonian Liberation War and on February the 2nd, 1920 signed Russia in Tartu a peace agreement with Estonia in which forever gave up all its territorial demands towards Estonia. The russified University was moved away from Tartu to Voroněž in 1918, but as early as in 1919 was in Tartu renewed University teaching and the teaching language became again Estonian. At the same time became the official city´s name its contemporary Estonian name Tartu (created from shortening of the original name Tarbatu). Soviet Union violated in 1940 the Tartu peace agreement by its new invasion to Estonia, ,to whom the young Republic succumbed.. After a short intermezzo of a Nazi ocupation came back into the country including Tartu the Soviet occupants. The city suffered during the war severe damages. Destroyed was for instance the historical stone bridge (Kivisild) over the river Ema,built in the years 1776-1778; the bridge was at first partially destroyed by the retreating Russian Army in 1941 and its doom was completed during the fights in 1944. During the Soviet occupation was Tartu a forbidden city for the foreigners, because on its suburb was located an important Soviet military Air Force base (at present is on the former runways a large car- bazaar). During that time the number of the inhabitants almost doubled from the former 57 000 to more than 100 000. 164 After the independence renewal in 1991 Tartu became again an intellectual and cultural centre. Of the Estonian Republic.The whole city centre, including the University, passed through a large reconstruction which has helped Tartu to renew its former beauty. The city is mainly a domicile of a significant University,founded by the Swedish king Gustav. Adolf the II nd in 1632. In Tartu is also a seat of the Estonian Agricultural University, Baltic Military Academy, and the Estonian Ministry of Schools and Research. Its seat in the city has also the Highest Estonian Court, renewed in 1993, and the Estonian National Archive.. MEMORABLE SITES AND BUILDINGS The majority of the memorable buildings in the historical city centre are dated back to the era before gaining independence, when the upper and middle classes were being created mainly by the German speaking inhabitants. • Luteran St.John´s Church (in German Johanneskirche, in Estonian Jaani kirik), the Town Hall from the 18th century, the University buildings, the remnants of the Cathedral from the 13th century, the Botanical garden, the main shopping avenue and the buildings in the environs of the Town Hall Square. • on the suburbs is prevailing the typical Soviet architecture from the period of the occupation between the years 1944-1991. In recent years have been built even in the centre several high buildings from „ glass, concrete and steel“, but in spite of these changes the centre was still able to preserve its historical character. Considering the fact that Tartu is an university city, is the local night life relatively rich. There can be found a lot of bars, restaurants and night clubs. Touristically most attractive are The Wilde´s Irish pub and The Powder magazine. 165 MTÜ TARTU KATOLIKU KOOL Jakobi 41, 510 06 Tartu E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Liivi Löhmus ABOUT US Beginnings of Church school in Tartu dates back to 1938 when this place Franciscan sisters arrived from Czechoslovakia. They are initially set up a kindergarten, which was closed during Soviet occupation in 1940. In 1991, members Catholic parish of Tartu founded an educational establishment which has had as main target to learn its pupils to know values of church and modern democratic society. The school started its work well th September, 9 1993. The first class was opened in Autumn 1994. At this time, an elementary school was founded in addition to kindergarten Currently the school operates a kindergarten, pre-prep, elementary school and a center for leisure activities. There are about 350 children per year altogether and 150 children are involved in leisure activities. Parents participate in various events and they do it very actively. The main objectives are to harmonize school, home and churche, equable development of intellectual and spiritual sites and teaching of foreign languages, especially English. Native speaker is employed in the school. 166 The school has three buildings and it is going to open a high school in 2015. 167 MAARJA KÜLA Riia 185, Tartu 51014 E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Huko Laanoja ABOUT US Maarja Küla is a village for Adult with special needs. Since the law on the obligation to educate children with special needs applies in Estonia, the promoters of project as village Maarija Küla more easily win support. Parents of children with special needs founded a school for the first group of students. It was 1992-94 and it had originally capacity 10 students. Foundation was established and the parents had become its members. They then bought land on which the village stands today. Since 2004, the Foundation has also started to employ assistants for the care of disabled people. At present, the organization has behind about 70 projects, of which the construction of the building gradually realized. 32 persons with special educational needs (learning disabilities) are living in a village now. Local school owns sheltered workshops where people learn in various crafts. In 2007, horticulture and the care of the house extended the possibility of training courses on. There are the first 3 graduates. 168 10 teachers teach at the school, 7 other employers lead a workshops and 20 people is responsible for buildings. A large part of the cooperation is based on working with volunteers. This whole project has its own philosophy: Residents should learn to act independently in everyday life and be able to do it without assistants' support. The hierarchical principle is not applicable here, everyone has the right freely to express and speak up running all over the institution. In any case, there is no effort on the segregation of individuals. Conversely, the organizers are very appealing for the implementation of the individual in society. 169 MTÜ TARTU KRISTLIK NOORTEKODU Era 2, 510 10 Tartu E-mail: [email protected] ABOUT US This one was founded in 1995 and is operated by nonprofit organization. The building is the property of the organization of blind in Tartu. Non-profit organization that operates the facility, was founded ten years ago. Home is not the type of family care. Children are divided into groups by age and interests. It's a classic children's home. Flagship program for the children's home are three types of activities. Home primarily provides care of children who have no parents or parents don't care about them. Day center, where children develop normal activities, is available to these children. Operation of the orphanage which children attend to the end of high school, is another major activity. Some of them then go on to college. Children's Home has supported housing, so that children can learn how normal society works. Residents have the opportunity to try to stand on its own two feet. The last and equally important part of the activities is tutoring, where certain elements of culture and its values are communicated to children in the home environment. Leisure activities in an orphanage: choir, music lessons and dance 170 classes. There was cultural events. founded a cultural association which organizes regular The home of 55 children living at present, of which 25 live in home and 14 in another house, rest in sheltered housing. The age range of children: 7-17. They can remain in sheltered housing until graduation (25 year). 171 TARTU EMAJÖE KOOL Vabaduse pst 9, 510 04 Tartu E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Anne Köiu ABOUT US School Emajöe in Tartu is the elementary and secondary school for the visually handicapped. School derives its name from the local river. It is the only one public school in Estonia, which is dedicated to the visually impaired. Curriculum consists of three programs, which are then divided according to various degrees of intensity (according to national curriculum for normal primary schools, simplified for the visually impaired and for people with mental handicap). 35 teachers teach 61 students, 12 of them are completely blind. Each class usually consists of 5-6 students.At school, however, does not only teachers, team includes psychologists, special educators and project managers. Pupils are admitted on the recommendation of counseling center, and they need a medical certificate as well. The school organizes a rehabilitation program as well. The school also has 30 accommodation places, now fully recovered. 172 The school is primarily trying to contribute to the integration of blind and visually impaired children. Currently, several graduates continuing their studies at university. The school strives to create a functional cooperation at three levels personal, institutional and international. According to Estonian law, each child has the right to education in the school nearest his home, including the visually impaired pupils. School in Tart provides counseling for parents of visually impaired children who are integrated under this Act within mainstream schools. Students can also use any of the practical courses such as wood carving, pottery or weaving. School and Rehabilitation Center is funded from the resources of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Social Affairs. 173 WELFARE SERVICE OF SENIORS AND DISABLED PERSONS Raekoja plats 3, 510 03 Tartu E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Indrek Sooniste ABOUT US The institution is not only for elderly but also disabled people who are clients. The building was built a full 30 years, the last wing was built in 2009. It consists of three interconnected buildings. Clients have all the possible services including hairdressing, massage, laundry and even the salt cave. The institution has 177 clients and employs 114 staff. The institution also operates an emergency care which is important to support seniors in their natural environment. The aim of this service is to support seniors in their homes, provide them services that facilitate their lives at home and at the same time so naturally reduce the number of people in nursing homes. It is not only the delivery of food, but also as the already mentioned laundry. Home owner is the city. The institution also works with other homes for the elderly, but most of them with the home in Tallinn. 174 175 TALLIN Tallinn (in Czech rarely also Tallin or Talin, formerly also Revel, in German formerly Reval, in Swedish formerly Lindanäs) is the capital of Estonia and a harbour on the southern coast of the Finnish Bay of the Baltic Sea. . THE HISTORY OF TALLIN Region Harjumaa Mayor Edgar Savisaar Area 159,2 km² Number of inhabitants 400 911 (2007) Density of population 2 518,3 inh../km² The archeological findings are proving, that the territory of Tallinn was relatively densely inhabited as early as since the beginning of the Iron Age,, it means already in the early part of the millenium B.C. At the latest time in the 10. century was in the centre of the contemporatry Tallin formed a seat of an early urban type. The findings of the Byzantian, German and Anglo – Saxon coins from the 10th. – 12th century are proving, that the city was .a significant harbour and a strong trade centre . The oldest historical mention of Tallin is the description of Estonia from the Arabian geographer Al-Idrísí from the year 1154, in which appears also a fortified settlement named Qaliwani; but in accordance with several historiographers is probable, that in his description appeared a mistake and th at Tallin is in fact described there as „ a blossoming city“ called Anhil, whereas Qaliwani is identical with the fortified settlement Hanila. Tallin probably as early as at those times composed of the castle on the hill named Toompea and from the „lower town“,it means a market place- housing estate under the castle, where were as early as in the first years of the century standing Christian churches. Another historical mention of Tallin originates in the chronicle of Henry the Latvian and it concerns its being conquered and destroyed by the Danish king Valdemar II in 1219. On the place of the former Estonian castle the Danish king ordered to build up a fortification, in the beginning only a wooden one, what is proved by the descriptions of the attacks from the years 1221 and 1223, in which the Estonians tried to re-conquer Tallin back. The Danes lost the city in 1227 after their defeat in the battle by Bornhøved in favour of the Order of the Sword brothers. The experienced builders from that Order built up during the following two years on the hill named Toompea at first not very big, but from the military point of view a modern stone castle. But after a diplomatical pressure from the side of the Pope had the Sword Order to pass the Northern Estonia includuing Tallinn in 1238 again on Danemark. The Danish king as early as in the same year gave the city the basic city privileges, and in 1248 the city received full city privileges in accordance with the model of the German Hansa city Lubeck . 176 The trade- and harbour seat, quickly growing up on the place of the former market place- housing estate was in 1265 administratively detached from the royal castle and it became an independent medieval city in the full sense of this word.. In the same year was started building of the new city´s fortification, whereas the Danes began to rebuilt the castle into one of the biggest fortresses at that time with the fortification walls of the total length 2,5 km and as much as 16 m high with 45 bastions. In 1285 became Revalia the northernest member of the Hansa (very economically important German medieval association of port cities). When in 1346 Danemark, weakened by the mutiny in the day of St .George, sells its Estonian possessions to the Order of the German Knights, and they for their reciprocal services shortly entrusted them to the Livonian order, meant it another enlarging and rebuilding of the independently managered castkle, but the life of the lower city wasn´t influenced by this fact almost at all. During its Hansa year experiences Talinn its greatest heyday. Most of the contemporarily appreciated memorable buildings of the Tallin´s Old Town are dated back just from this era.. As to the number of the inhabitanmts Tallinn becomes one of the biggest cities in northern Europe. In 1525 the town accepts the Lutheran reformation. The progress of the Protestant reformation considerably weakened the power of the Livonian Order in the Baltic region and for the possessions, hitherto owned by the Order, began to compete the neighbouring powers — Russia, Sweden, Danemark and Poland. In 1558 bursts out the Livonian war which thereafter torments the country for 25 years.. In 1561 the Tallinn councillors voluntarily submit to the power of the Swedish king, who promises them to preserve the city´s privileges. Swedens are then governing in the whole northern Estonia, but as early as in 1569 are the attacking Danes bombarding Tallinn with their artillery, on the break of years 1570 and 1571 is the city and its environs being besieged by the Russians. Another devastating Russian attempt at the conquest of the city came about in 1577. Only as late as in 1583 comes on the peace under the Swedish reign . The parallel decline of the Hansa means the gradual change of Tallinn from the metropolis of North to the provincional centre of the Swedish government. But the Swedens are actively engaging themselves in the development of education and technology. In 1631 they are founding the first grammar school in the city and in 1635 the printing house, which prints also the books in Estonian language. On the building face of the city is the Swedish period displaying mainly by building of a ring of the bastions around the city on the end of the 17th century and by the development of the suburbs from which became the contemporary city quarters Kalamaja, Tõnismäe, Köismäe, Jaani and others.. The Russion Orthodox church of Alexander Něvsky. In 1700 bursts out a severe and devastating Northern war, in which Russia struggles to snatch away from the Swedens the reign over the Baltic region. After the beginning of a Russian attack against Tallin and burning out a part of the city are the Tallinn city fathers giving themselves up to the Russians in September 1710 .The war altogether with a plague epidemy ceases the decrease of the Tallinn inhabitants to the mere one 177 tenth of the pre-war state. Only as late as on the end of the 18th century the city recovers from the results of the Russian invasion and achieves the greatness which it had before the war. And its growth continues fluently, so that in 1917 there lives around 160 000 inhabitants. The Russian era signs itself on the face of the city by several significant buildings, out of which the most famous one is the Tsarist palace in the Catherine´s valley, which was during its building up situated outside of the city, on the eastern edge of the contemporary city quarter Kesklinn. The Russian reign ended up with the declaration of Estonian independence in 1918. Tallinn was declared the capital of the Estonian republic. During the following Estonian liberation war was the city in the beginning of the year 1919 endangered, but the Russian army did not enter it already. The events of war and the following penury led towards the decrease of the number of inhabitants of Tallinn approximately by one third in comparison with the year 1917. But after 1920 the city began to re-grow both through enlarging the suburbs and through condensing of the housing on the so far urbanized territory. Into the city were also included some of the former independent villages in its environs and in 1940 even the city named Nõmme. Struggles for Tallinn in1941. But just in the above mentioned year comes on the Soviet occupation of Estonia ,then another occupation by a Nazi Germany and in 1944 the Soviets returned to power. The damage of the city and its memorable buildings during the World War II fortunately wasn´t as massive as in the cases of some another Estonian cities; the worst damage was caused by a massive Soviet air-raid in March 1944. After the re-occupation of the city by the Soviet Army on September the 23rd, 1944 Tallinn became de facto again the capital of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. The growth of the city was accelerated by building up of large panel housing estates and by the directed immigration of the native Russian speakers from another areas of Soviet Union. From less than 130 thousands on the end of the war the number of the inhabitants grew until 1956 to 267 and until 1976 even to 408 thousands, out of which the ethnical Russians created more than one half.. Moreover, in 1960 was the city of Saue united with Tallinn and in 1963 the city of Maardu as well. On the face of the city was the Soviet period signed except the new circle of housing estates, encircling the old city (Mustamäe, Lasnamäe, Õismäe) also by some individual urbanistically controversional projects (the City Hall in the harbour, the skyscraper of the hotel Viru etc.). A considerable change both for the life and for the sight of the city was the renewal of the Estonian independence in 1991. Tallinn became again the capital of the sovereign Estonian Republic. The first conspicuous result was relatively large decline of the number of inhabitants (from almost 500 thousands to less than 400 thousands), caused mainly by the withdrawal of some parts of the Russian speaking inhabitants into Russia, partly also by regaining independence of some city estates (Saue, Maardu). Arm in arm altogether with these changes was changing the national structure of the inhabitants as well, so that on April the 1st was in Tallinn already 53,7 % of Estonians and only 36,5% of Russians. 178 SCHOOL IN TALLINN Vene 22, 101 23 Tallinn E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Kersti Nigesen ABOUT US Gymnasium in Tallinn has a basic education, kindergarten, theater school, and of course high school. The institution owns 8 buildings. The institution was founded by parents' associations in 1985 and the pupils were children of the teachers. Parents' association is called the Society of St. Michael. The school was originally a non-governmental, it is under state administration now. Premises by the school themselves will determine its development, locality was originally the Dominican monastery. The main idea of this whole school is to reveal the individual needs of pupils, to show them Christian values and offer them new opportunities and spiritual development. They are also dealing with children with special needs, but also provide dormitory space and they are trying to somehow develop a cultural life. Another feature is a program to support and develop parenting skills for single mothers. In school, are studying 1,000 children and 200 teachers working, including 80 teachers teaches music lessons. 179 180 SWEDEN Sweden is administratively divided into 289 communities (municipalities).Each community has its own elected community council, the executive body is an executive committee. Into the executive of the community falls a lot of areas, like building of flats, building, care and maintenance of the local roads (highways and state roads belong to the state executiveVägverket),providing with water,sewerage, elementary schools, social care, care for youth etc. The communities possess the right to collect the income taxes and the real property taxes, they also determine the level of fees for different services.They assure the public services for which they receive appropriations from the state. The intermediate stage between the state and municipal administrations create the regions (in Swedish "län").There is 21 of them.The state power in the regions is being represented by the district administrator (landshövding). The district administrators are appointed by the government for a 6 years period.. They are mostly recruited from among the politicians, but after their appointment they usually abandon the political scene. The most important executive body of the regional administration are the regional boards of administration,at whose head stands the district administrator. Their members are appointed by the regional council, which is an elected body. The regional administrations are responsible mostly for the health care including supporting the hospital services, and further they are responsible for some kinds of education and for the specialized school systém. Currency: Swedish crown Language: Sweden (93%) Structure of the inhabitants: Sweden (90%), autonomous Finns (2%), Laplanders 181 STOCKHOLM Stockholm [stokholm] (in Latin County Stockholm Holmia) is the capital and also the biggest town Mayor Sten Nordin both of Sweden and of the region Area 377.30 km² Stockholm.(Stockholms Län). Stockholm is located on the Number of eastern coast between the lake 786 509 inhabitants Mälaren and the Baltic Sea.The number of its inhabitants Density of 2086/km2 moderately grew from 670 000 population (1990) to 761 721 (2004). Stockholm is an important trade and industrial centre of Sweden. Stockholm is the seat of the Swedish government and Parliament and also of the head of the state- of the King. HISTORY The first written mention dates back from the year 1252, when Stockholm was an important market place with the iron, coming from the iron ore mines in Bergslagen. Allegedly it was founded by the jarl (=duke) Birger in order to defend the city of Sigtuna on the lake Mälaren against the raids from the sea and ransacking. Therefore the first building there was a fortress, watching the pathway between the Baltic Sea and the lake Mälaren. At this place were built up some defense facilities from the tree stems (in Swedish:stock) can be found a lot of minor islands (in Swedish:holme) – out of that probably arose the name of the city Stockholm. Since 1523 is Stockholm the capital of Sweden.. Stockholm, more exactly the foundation of the contemporary Old Town (Gamla Stan), was built up on the central island beside Helgeandsholmen in the century. Between the years 1296 to 1478 was in Stockholm working the city council with 24 members, out of which was one half chosen from the German speaking burghers. Stockholm gained its strategical and economical importance during its relationships with the Danish king, when the city entered to the socalled Kalmar Union in the century. The Danish King Christian the II nd entered the city in 1520. On November the, 1520 burst out in Stockholm a bloody massacre and some other uprisings which eventually led towards decomposition of the Kalmar Union.. In coherence with the King Gustav Vasa, who entered the city in 1523 and established there his royal power began the number of the inhabitants of Stockholm to increase. In the century was Sweden with its capital Stockholm the main European power..Since 1610 to 1680 multiplied the number of its inhabitants six times. In 1634 Stockholm became oficially the capital of the Swedish empire. Stockholm received also the monopoly on the business with the merchants from abroad and with others Scandinavian countries. This way the city began to blossom even more. In 1710 was Stockholm afflicted by the Black death (plague). After the end of the Great Northern War was the city stagnating.. The population growth stopped and 182 the economical growth slowed. The city was beginning to lose its position of a power. But still it was keeping its role of the economical centre of Sweden and furthermore it was developing culturally under the reign of the king Gustav the IIIrd. But its leading economical role Stockholm regained as late as in the second half of the century. New industrial branches arose and Stockholm was changed into the significant centre of economy and services. Moreover it still kept its position of the key gate into Sweden. In the second half of the 20th century Stockholm became a modern, technologically advanced and ethnically heterogeneous city. Many historical buildings were demolished, including the whole historical city quarter Clara, and they were supplied by the modern architecture.The city thereafter expanded into another districts, like Rinkeby and Tensta. MEMORABLE SITES AND BUILDINGS The city centre is situated on fourteen islands and from there it gained its name.The word ´stock´ might be translated as a log and ´holm´ as a small island. Although Stockholm is located almost on the south of the country, in summer is still possible to experience here 18 hours long days and very short nights, during which the sun almost doesn´t fall behind the horizon.. • Skogskyrkogården – the Forest cemetery..It was designed in such a way that it reflects all the building styles from the Romanesque to functionalism. There is also an exhibition, devoted to the origin of the cemetery and to its builders. The architects Gunnar Asplund and Siguld Lewerendz used the natural environment around the old cemetery and changed it into an untrite place, sensitively put into its environs..Out of the late popular personalities is buried here for instance the actress Greta Garbo. • Drottningholm – The Queen´s Island. This is the seat of the Swedish royal family and a tourist attraction as well . Building this palace was ordered by the Kingh John the III rd of Sweden with his wife, the queen Katarina Jagiello from Poland. Relatively shortly after its building up, still in the 16th century, the palace burnt out, but subsequently was rebuilt again. Thereafter it has been serving as a seat of the Swedish kings and queens. In the area of Drottningholm can be found the palace itself, a theatre, an English parck, a Baroque garden, a church, and a Chinese pavilion. • Gamla Stan – the Old Town. As the time was flowing on,in Stockholm began to manifest more and more the influence of the continental Europe, mainly of Berlin and Vienna.. Therefore are many buildings from the 19th century inspired just by these cities and by their architecture. This is clearly visible for instance on the building of the Royal Opera. The face of Stockholm was, of course, influenced also by the modern architecture, especially by the Art Nouveau, functionalism and subsequently modernism. In that spirit was built up the above mentioned Forest cemetery, the City Library or the Municipal Theatre.. • In Stockholm can be found an incredible amount of museums. For the 183 three quarters of a million inhabitants are here more than seventy museums. One of the biggest is the National museum with the giant collection of pictures and artistic objects from the world artists.Besides the National museum there are countless small expositions, but aslso the M useum of modern art and Skanzen. In Stockholm (more exactly in the hall of the Town Hall – Stadshuset) are being declared every year some of the Nobel Prices. In 1912 there were performed the Summer Olympic Games. One of the priorities of the new Swedish chairmanship of the European Union is the reduction of the emissions of the greenhouse gases. Sweden wants to be an example for the rest of Europe. This is the most visible phenomenon just in the capital. Thank to its investitions into the ecological technologies and into the better quality of life Stockholm came in for the title of the first green metropolis..The systém of supplying with heat is using from 80% the renewable sources and the city wants to be completely independent on the fossile fuels until the year 2050. There is a partial prohibition in Sweden. Systembolaget is the state non-profit monopoly, selling alcohol. The alcohol beverages may be being sold in the usual shops only if they contain 3.5% of the pure alcohol or less.. All other alcoholic beverages can be bought only in the Systembolaget. Similarly like in Finland are also here very popular the (slightly alcoholic) ciders, which are containing cca 2.5% of alcohol.. The tins are returnable and the plastic bottles as well. Like in Estonia is in Sweden also forbidden to consume alcohol on public places, except some places reserved for this purpose. 184 FRYSHUSET Märtensdalgstan 2-8/Box 92022, 120 06 Stockholm E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Ivar Forstadius ABOUT US Vision of the organization is to be something more than just a building. This idea is based on the belief that humanity and justice can be achieved only through commitment, encouragement, healthy self-confidence and enthusiasm that comes from everyday life experiences and encounters. Fryshuset offers a lot of activities and meetings with people throughout the community. Fryshuset Foundation is managed by the YMCA. Fryshuset was founded in 1984 on the initiative of the Stockholm branch of the YMCA and a few enthusiastic people. One of them was the "father of the founder" - Anders Carlberg. Organization initially housed in an old warehouse (the word Fryshuset means in Swedish frozen food warehouse), 2) in 1994, it moved to larger premises (24 000 m . Various activities are financed by a combination of grants, fees and sponsorships. Fryshuset has 350 employees and it is monthly visited by about 40,000 people. At the beginning, the organization focused primarily on sport and music. Over time young people have begun to transform the place social involvement grew as a reaction to general needs of society. Organization is known for its social work, and for educational programs, sports activities such as skateboarding and basketball, and work in the field of music. Fryshuset has its own secondary school with 900 students, training programs and programs of the theater, sports, culture, concerts and discos, organizes lectures and discussions. 185 Fryshuset even has its own priest. The current form of organization is the result of continuous process. Fryshuset activities can be divided into three field: social projects, education and leisure activities. 186 VARA On a giant plain in the middle of the Västergötland county is situated a town named Vara in the environemnt of the old cultural traditions and of the historically interesting people, who were here living and working, incvluding the King Stenkil, who was living still in Levenn. County Västra Götaland Mayor Sten Nordin Area Number of inhabitants Density of population 701 km2 17000 1,289/km2 The contemporary community of Vara consists from as many as 24 former villages. Each of them arose in 1863 and was equivalent to the given parish. The city was founded in 1894 by separation from the former country village.. In 1952 came about integration and division of the cities in the following way: Kvänum (former communities Edsvära, Fyrunga, Jung, Kvänum, Northern and Öttum Vanga), Larva (Larva, Längjum and chimneys), Levene (into Levene, Long, Slädene and Sparlösa) , Rýda (from Hällum, Naum, Rýda, Skar City, Southern Kedum and Onum) and Vedum (bitter, Eling, soft-Vedum and southern Lundby), where we see that there were created 5 big centres. But Vara remained unchanged. Agriculture still creates a significant part of the local economy, but there is also a successful industrial world. In Vara can be found more than 700 enterprises (here we mean in the whole region, not just directly in the city of Vara). For these, who want to join a good work with a valuable free time Vara offers a lo t o f possibilities..To the associations in our community - altogether there are some 400 of them-belong for instance our successful rock and roll dancers or lovers of motorbikes. There is a pressure in most of the communities to develop an activity in these or those projects or associations. . 187 STATENS INSTITUTIONS STYRENE - MARGRETELUND SIS Wennerbergsvägen 28, 531 38 Lidköping E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Peter Gustafsson ABOUT US Swedish National Organization for institutional care is currently one of the most important branches of work with criminal youth. The first such home was established in 1887. Today, the organization manages 47 houses for young people who have problems with crime, drugs, or are disadvantaged starting conditions of the original family. This route is one possibility that these young people can not get into jail. Margretelund in Lidköping is one of those homes. The area is located on the outskirts of town. There are four accommodation units that hold up to 25 clients. Current state are 17 boys. Each of the newcomers must pass a two-month analysis, whereby an individual plan is created. Everyone has some obligations to be fulfilled - compulsory school attendance, work in the workshop. Some even have the chance to work off-campus. The area seems to be open from outside, but on the contrary, security measures have a better level than elsewhere. Basic and the main objective of the home is to combine three elements: social skills, anger control, development of moral and ethical sensibilities. Inmates learn these skills in order to take part in a daily life. 188 189 SOCKERBRUKET Sockerbruksgatan 1, 531 40 Lidköping E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Andreas Hansen ABOUT US Sockerbruket is an organization that focuses on recreational activities for youth from 12 to 25 years. This center was created by local governments as an opportunity for leisure. The original premises were a factory for the production of sugar. The form of the center reflects the wishes and needs of groups of young people who attend the center. The aim of this organization is that young people spend time positively, while giving them facilities and new opportunities, which they would normally have no access. Center occupies the entire building. Skatepark, which was built exactly to young clients, occupies the lower part of the building. Another floor is reserved for doing selected activities such as video editing, sound 190 recording room, studio, or room for artistic creation. On the top floor, we find opportunities for sports and social rooms for youth meetings. Centre doesn't lack even such a thing as Web radio. Children are registered and the center is completely free, including all activities. The organization is trying to devote time to the organization of various festivals, concerts and social evenings. Volunteers také part in organizing of these activities with a substantial level. 191 GYMNASIUM DE LA GARDIE Stenportsgatan 21, 531 50 Lidköping E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Hans Henriksen ABOUT US High School De La Guradie is situated in center of city Lidköping. About 2100 students attend the school. The building was reconstructed two years ago, so its modern facilities attract students from miles around. At school, children are taught according to five different methods aimed at target groups. One of those departments dealing with handicapped children, there are 53 such children. Handicapped children are studying a year longer to absorb all relevant information. There are children with mild disabilities with an IQ over 70 and children with multiple disabilities. They learn how to cope with basic daily living skills, and communicate with their assistants with icons. The group with mild 192 disabilities can then choose to either work with wood or work in hotel, catering or aesthetic program. One of the five groups are divided into seven subgroups: There are individual programs for students, such as migrant children, young people with conduct disorder, children with mild disabilities, etc. They also address those who are not interested in school. The program aspires to return children to the national education while giving them increased confidence and opportunities to learn. 193 FREJA Frejagatan 6, 521 41 Falköping E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Göran Pettersson ABOUT US Freja organization, which occupies an important place in the daily activities of disabled people in Falköping was based 1972. In 1986, the organization acquired a new facility, where it is today. Since 1990, the organization has set new rules, which correspond to the Swedish law LSS. It gives disabled persons the right to a full life, including leisure and for that reason, the center aims to meet the needs of its clients in full. The Act does not apply only to people with severe disabilities, but on a lighter handicaps, and therefore one of the other goals is to reduce unemployment and prepare clients for some professions. The programs are designed to be not stereotypical for clients, so each client is engaged in several activities during the week. The main objective is to meet the individual needs of each client. In addition to space in the Freja center that are regularly available, the organization owns a small farm outside the city, where clients can learn to care for animals. Center also cooperates with local companies that employ its clients such as packaging of goods. In the center is then possible to use color therapy or advisor to career choices. 194 SUNT LIV Frejagatan 6, 521 41 Falköping E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Barbro Skoglund ABOUT US This program (Healthy Life) is a project designed specifically for young people with intellectual disabilities who live in Falköping in Sweden. The program lasts for three years and they talks about an extension for its success. The basic effort is to teach these people the principles of healthy nutrition, but also help them become independent. Healthy eating is not the only element of this project, but also the shopping and cooking school. The group meets three days a week and learn together to eat, cook and play sports.Members have a gym and fitness, but promoters are trying to take the group into the wild, where they can pay far more interesting activities. What is Sunt Liv for the actual organizers? „We learn good habits in relation to healthy eating, physical activity and talk about healthy living.“ Organizators wishing to clients learned teamwork and enjoyed the fun. 195 VARA FOLK HIGH SCHOOL Torggatan 41, 534 23 Vara E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Annika Jansson ABOUT US The school was established in 1915 as an agricultural school but has developed into a free democratic centre for adult education. The central function of the school is to give adults who have not completed their primary and/or secondary schooling a second chance. We are proud to see that many of our students who were considered “failures” have gone on to university studies and successful careers. But we are equally proud of the students who have made personal developments and taken charge of their own lives. We practise a pedagogy which sees to the whole person and puts emphasis on the social, emotional as well as the theoretical. The curriculum centres around four courses: Primary and secondary school redemption This course ranges from one to three years depending on the students starting point. In a person centred pedagogy the adults retake the subjects that they didn’t pass or dropped out of (for any number of reasons) as children/ teenagers. At the end of a successful course the student has a qualification equal to secondary school and is eligible for university studies. Course for adults with special needs This course which also ranges from one to three years is intended for adults with a mild mental handicap. The aim is to increase their independence and increase their possibilities to a rich and meaningful life. Many of our students have either lived at home or in institutions and a goal is that they can move to their own apartments (with of course the necessary aid help which they have a legal right to). Another important 196 goal of this course is the integration of the students with society. Professional course in youth work, a leader education This is a two year third level course designed to give the necessary competence to work within the field of youth work. The education was originally devised as a training course for professionals within the state run and financed “Free time centres”. These centres offer youth (especially marginalised) a place of refuge; getting them off the street and promoting meaningful recreation. These clubs often have room where bands can practice and even record music, pool tables, internet and organise drug free discos and other activities. In recent years many of our students have found employment within the secondary school system working socially with the pupils, preventing harassment and mobbing/bullying. We have three profiles on our education, the first being handicap and the second working with juvenile offenders and the third working with peoples health. All these fields are also large areas of employment for students from this course. Radio journalism A two year third level course for radio journalists. The course is based in journalism but also gives technical competence. Many of our ex-students are employed by the Swedish national radio (SR) but also by small independent local radio stations as the commercial music stations. Other short-term courses and international cooperation In addition to these long term permanent courses the school offers a number of other courses including rehabilitation for long term sick, activation for unemployed, dynamic democracy courses where citizens and politicians meet and discuss as well as further education for different professions within our competence bracket. We have recently completed for the second time a student exchange program with Zambia and are participating in a Grundtwig programme with partner institutions in Denmark, Portugal, Latvia and Romania. Personnel We have a staff of about forty-five people, including 20 teachers, economic assistant, secretary, porters, cleaners, cooks) The school also has a full kitchen staff and accommodation for 60 students. 197 POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR WORK WITH YOUTH FROM CITY BORÄS Borås Stad, 501 80 Borås E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Henrik Wettervik ABOUT US Boras City currently has approximately 100 thousand inhabitants. The main industrial activity is textile manufacturing. There are many sporting clubs but unfortunately, the high juvenile delinquency. The city has the biggest problems with drug dealers and alcohol among adolescents. Police group, which deals with young people, currently has 6 employees. They deal with young people from 14 to 20 years in particular. They have several groups that specialize in specific crimes and criminal activities. They use new methods of social networking, which means that their main area are the Internet and social networks, where they try to uncover crimes. It is still possible on the Internet to sell drugs with other than the prohibited composition. Also, dealers are often disagree among themselves about their areas. goal is to detect crime and to report it to social workers, who also decide what to do with the young deliquent. 198 SISU - IDROTTSUTBILDARNA Katrinedalsgatan 14, 504 51 Boräs E-mail: [email protected] w Contact person: Mats Persson ABOUT US SISU is an organization that is engaged in the sport activities in Sweden. Organization seeks to bring together teams and create an environment for the development of sports activities and the people of Sweden leads to a better life. They have aim not only to help sports clubs, but also their networking, promoting a healthy lifestyle, understanding the relationship between the individual and team, training and support for leaders and trainers. Organization that deals with promoting employment for disadvantaged groups, is working both with the team, and with individuals. It is not only trying to coordinate leisure, but also to combine with work and family, which is just unique. There is a motto that everyone can be good at something, and therefore the organization employs disabled people, who thus have the opportunity to learn new things and be integrated into the work process. IGU project, running since 2004, was originally planned only for one year, but given the success it takes yet. Participants in this project fall under the law of LSS, which has already been mentioned. Currently the project for the city of Boras works with twenty clients aged 20-46 years. 199 ELFESBERG Älgärdsvägen 32, 506 30 Boräs E-mail: [email protected] Contact person: Göran Lohne ABOUT US This sports club was established in 1904. It's a typical Swedish football club, which graduated 65 seasons during its 103 year history. In 2001, the club Elfsberg became an important team and it is able to draft players and earned money to invest in their stadia. In 2005, the new stadium was finally built after 40 years of planning. At that time the income is markedly increased by 100%. The club won the national league six times. The club currently has 3300 members. The club tries to attract young players aged 16-19. The club provides them with quality training, but also school and accommodation. The club holds (except for football games, including the National League), various football camps and events for sponsors. They play about 35 games during the season. The main principle is to maintain security at the stadium, because it brings many spectators to the club. Currently there is not just a football club but also basketball and hockey ones. The cornerstone of work with youth is in contact with organizations that deal with youth, implementing social projects and highlighting the core values of the team. Credo is to unify the club to such an extent that it was single. 200 201 202