IMA2G IO 2012 Conference / 2012/09/25 International Conference on Integrated Modular Avionics – Moscow The EC FP7 R&D project SCARLETT 2012-10-29 This document is the property of Thales Group and may not be copied or communicated without written consent of Thales S.A. IO 2012 Conference / 2012/09/25 An introduction to Avionics Scarlett presentation Conclusion This document is the property of Thales Group and may not be copied or communicated without written consent of Thales S.A. Avionics ? 3 / Aircraft = Structure + Engines + … ? Avionics Avionics: up to 30% of Aircraft total cost 3 Avionics ? 4 / Aircraft System Architecture: many highly cooperating systems Flight Control etc… Interior Fire Avionics Oxygen Hydraulics Cockpit ECS Landing Gears Breaking Steering ELEC FUEL DOORS Auxiliary Power Unit Power Plant Avionics : Core System supporting overall aircraft operations 4 Architecture trade-offs 5 / Federated architecture • • Dedicated computers for each system Extensive pt-2-pt wiring Integrated architecture • • Shared computers Less wiring Avionics community engaged the transition end of 1990’s Avionics Architecture evolution – a short history 6 / 1980 1985 FEDERATED ARCHITECTURE 1 FUNCTION = Many LRUs 1 FUNCTION = 1 LRU A310 A320/340 In 1970’s and 1980’s, 2 major trends: Increase of complexity Increase the number of equipments installed on aircraft Increase the number of wires to interconnect all equipments Higher level of requests and constraints Time to market (including management of obsolescence) Safety Performances Maintenance costs Avionics Architecture evolution – a short history 7 / 1980 1985 1995 FEDERATED ARCHITECTURE 1998 2000 1 FUNCTION = 1 LRU A310 A320/340 2010 IMA ARCHITECTURE Integration Modularity 1 FUNCTION = Many LRUs 2005 1 FUNCTION = 1 LRM Many FUNCTIONS = 1 LRM B787 REGIONAL A380 A400M A350 Between 1990’s and 2000’s, a new step is reached: capability to integrate several applications inside a common unit IMA is identified as a concept permitting to Reduce the number of equipments installed on aircraft Integration Reduce the number of types of equipments installed on aircraft Modularity and costs Reduce the number of connexions Simplicity IMA = Integrated Modular Avionics Avionics Architecture evolution – a strong process 8 / Certification Authority System Integrator Application Supplier Platform Supplier Module Supplier RTOS Developer Aircraft Certification is not only product quality insurance, but also deals with multi-actor development process enforcement Overviewof RTCA/DO-297 Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) Development Guidance and Certification Considerations Presented by: JimChelini (Verocel) and Leanna Rierson (Digital Safety Consulting) June 29, 2006 IMA first generation 9 / 30 years of architecture evolution to contribute To bring flexibility for first design or upgrades to reduce aircraft life cycle cost to improve maintainability Reduction of « SWaP » Size, Weight and Power consumption 40% cut maintenance costs Challenges Safety: prevent side effects Multi-role Organization and business model Certification costs IMA first generation is flying what’s next ? Partitionning features Process and Role standardization Incremental certification IO 2012 Conference / 2012/09/25 An introduction to Avionics Scarlett presentation Conclusion This document is the property of Thales Group and may not be copied or communicated without written consent of Thales S.A. SCARLETT consortium 11 / The consortium 39 Companies From 16 countries Complementary profiles Large Industrial Companies Public Research centers Industrial Research centers Universities SMEs Broad range of expertise Airfamers Module / Platform suppliers Function suppliers Modelisation Simulation OS Context 1/2 12 / Order at EIS Aircrafts Orders at Entry In Service 06/12 Figure 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 A320 NEO B737 MAX B787 A350 XWB Very demanding ramp-up phases require huge improvements in system maturity at Entry Into Service Increasing the set of functions hosted by the IMA platform reduces risk on maturity: the development effort for core electronics (HW / OS) is communalised Context 2/2 13 / A380 Next generation IMA platform will need to provide more computing power and interface capability Volume / weight / power consumption constraints will remain IMA1G 14 / IMA 1G Incremental certification Toolset Toolset F1 F2 OS C P M OS I O NonA664 switch … At module level C P M I O switch A664 Common Toolset for all application development F3 Toolset Toolset F4 F5 F6 OS OS C P M I O switch C P M I O switch Reduction of P/N with common processing modules … several different types of CPIOM modules Sharing of resources by several applications (HW, basic SW, avionics network) … For a selected number of application 15 / From IMA1G/IMA1G+ to IMA2G : SCARLETT Objectives Reduce development cycle Increase operational reliability Scalability to various aircraft types 1 – Provide a scalable solution 2 – Define minimal set of modules 3 – Increase number of supported function 4 – Develop new standards to support 2nd generation IMA Avoid unscheduled maintenance 5 – Provide associated process and toolset 6 – Demonstrate fault tolerance -- and reconfiguration Reduce Set of Part Numbers Reduce cost of spare parts Save weight, volume, power consumption IMA2G improvements 16 / IMA1G Is only used for selected applications Characterized by several types of processing Modules because of Input / Output Does authorize better reuse and less Part Numbers but not re-configurability IMA1G+ Performance upgrading to sustain more functions Upgrade Operating System with separation between Local and Global variable Generalization of Incremental Certification IMA2G Will separate Input / Output from computing resource Will bring enhanced performance enabling a greater number of applications to be hosted on the same module Will provide specific platform services such as reconfiguration Will enable scalability SCALABILITY 1/2 17 / Needs of various A/C types SCALABILITY = Capability of the architecture to be adapted to… Set of Families (Regional / Large+small transport, bizjet) - weight / volume - power consumption - environmental conditions (thermal, vibration, etc) - Specific functions - Specific Input / Outputs requirements IMA2G IMA 1G+ Family of A/C Single A/C IMA 1G 10 20 30 40 50 - high performance applications Large number and many types - time critical applications of applications - avionics server functions SCALABILITY 2/2 18 / IMA2G architecture (Principles and building blocks) R R E D U C Platform level services A664 OS OS CP M CP M Integrated Platform Toolset A/C type 2 A/C type 1 F F F F F Platform level services OS CP M OS CP M F OS CP M R R R E D D U C C A664 R D C F F F F F FF F F F F F F F Platform level services OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M A664 - All target A/C needs can be met by the IMA2G architecture - Adaptation / development cost and lead time are reduced compared to existing standards R R E D U C Integrated toolset: a challenge for IMA2G adoption 19 / Configuration aspects have increased a lot REPARTITION AND AMOUNT OF CONFIGURATION EFFORT WITHOUT IMA Design IMA2G IMA1G Development Integration Sum of efforts Thus, defining a standard for configuring each IMA2G resources is a must to improve the overall effort required for configuring an aircraft. Reconfiguration: a mean to enhance operationnal availability 20 / F X F1 F3 F4 F5 F2 Platform level services F1 F5 F4 F3 F2 Platform level services F1 F4 F3 F5 Platform level services OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M CP M Operational level Resources 100% 50% Spare Spare Not available F5 F5 F4 F3 F2 F1 Fx high priority functions Fy low priority functions F4 F3 F2 F1 Not available Not available F5 F4 F3 F1 Optimized use of shared resources and graceful degradation Allow for reduction of unscheduled maintenance 100% 50% 21 / Scarlett achievements The steps completed in this first project are: Definition and validation of new IMA2G platform architecture concepts Development of key basic components, like Core Processing Module or Remote Data Concentrator, and supporting tools Demonstration of key features: Platform reconfiguration capabilities Decentralized Input / Output IMA new type of modules: Time Critical for Flight control Avionics server for crew and passengers SCARLETT provides the pillars for IMA2G concept IO 2012 Conference / 2012/09/25 An introduction to Avionics Scarlett presentation Conclusion This document is the property of Thales Group and may not be copied or communicated without written consent of Thales S.A. IMA concept: what’s next ? 23 / 1980 1985 1995 FEDERATED ARCHITECTURE 1998 2000 2005 IMA ARCHITECTURE Modularity 2010 2015-2020 Next generation design Integration RDC Functions Server 1 FUNCTION = Many LRUs 1 FUNCTION = 1 LRU 1 FUNCTION = 1 LRM Many FUNCTIONS = 1 LRM Many FUNCTIONS on many LRM’s (statically/dynamically) Imagine 2010’s – 2020’s IMA2G confirmation: need in scale demonstration Technology breakthroughs ? Even more computing power ? With even less Weight and Power ? Passengers needs for connectivity Preparing IMA2G next generation products IMA concept: what’s next ? 24 / VDR/HFDL Cockpit Terminals Crew Station Avionics Servers TWLUs IFE Passenger Terminals Gatelink IMA1G IMA1G+ IMA2G Enlarging IMA2G to all Information domains IMA2G way forward 25 / FUTURE PROGRAMS AIRBUS A350 AIRBUS A400M SUKHOI SJ IMA2G AIRBUS A380 IMA1G+ ASHLEY IMA1G NEVADA SCARLETT FUTURE STUDIES VICTORIA 2020 2016 2013 2012 2005 2000 26 / Contacts Marc Gatti +33(0) [email protected] Didier Hainaut +33(0) [email protected] Laurent Bardet +33(0) [email protected] 27 / Proprietary Notice This presentation includes THALES Avionics Proprietary Information and Background Intellectual Property Rights. This presentation, in whole or in part, is confidential and shall not be used or disclosed without THALES Avionics prior written authorization
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