PORSCHE PATTER The Monthly Newsletter of the Chesapeake Region, PCA Celebrating our 50th Anniversary! April 2011 Number 576 PORSCHE PATTER April 2011 Number 576 Officers Committee Chairs and Staff President Don Malson Autocross Claude Taylor Membership Jan Borchardt Sponsorship Vacant Exec Vice President John Patterson Community Service Vacant PCA License Plates Bruce & Laurie Tarsia Tech Sessions Scott Borden & David Dukehart Vice President Cheryl Taylor Concours Ron Gordon Publicity Bernie Blain Secretary Donna Brandt Drivers’ Ed Tim Costa Patter Editor Mark Hubley Treasurer Jim Condax Historian Bob Rassa Rally Master Vacant Past President Andrew Toth Insurance Bernie Blain Social Steve Condax Tour Meister Allen Gunzelman Webmaster Gloria Merriken Zone 2 Representative Tom Zaffarano The Porsche Patter is published monthly. Articles from members are welcomed and encouraged and should be sent electronically to the Porsche Patter Editor by the fifteenth day of the month preceding publication. The editor reserves the right to edit or reject all material submitted for publication, including advertisements, and the right to cancel advertisements at any time, for any reason, at his sole discretion. Statements appearing in Porsche Patter are those of the contributing authors and do not constitute the opinions or policy of The Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America, its Board of Directors, or the editor of the newsletter. Permission granted to reproduce material published, provided full credit is given to the Porsche Patter and to the author. The Chesapeake Region, Porsche Club of America, neither endorses any advertiser nor warrants any product or service they may provide. Cover photo: The New Members Party at Porsche of Annapolis. Photo by Manrico Mirabelli. 2 In this issue . . . President’s Message.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 New Members Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50th Anniversary Celebration.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Tech Session. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 New Member Mentoring Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Upcoming Events.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Zone 2 Club Race. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Mart.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Trivia Question.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Autocross. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 From Patters Past. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 3 President’s Message by Don Malson Happy Spring to All: Now that spring is here I hope that we have seen the last of Old Man Winter. Now’s the time to remove the winter covers and get those Porsches out and running. Steve Condax, our Social Chair, has planned two events for this month targeted for different areas of the region – Octane and Coffee in Annapolis and a GTG on the west side of the region at the Players Bar and Grill. I hope you have the chance to attend one or both of these fine social events Autocross will begin the 2011 season on April 16. All of Claude Taylor’s hard work looking for a lot this past winter has paid off. The new lot near BWI will be used for a seven-event race schedule. Along with the new lot, Claude has developed a new registration form that can be completed prior to each event. The new form is designed to help us shorten the registration time. So come out and test your skills at the first autocross of 2011. The Hershey Swap Meet, hosted by the Central PA Region, will take place on the 23rd of April. Once again, Al Gunzelman is inviting members to join him and Jan for breakfast at the Coach Light Diner off exit 4 of I-83 (Shrewsbury). So enjoy the delicious breakfast with fellow Chesapeake members on the way to Hersey to purchase your new goodies. By the way, Al said that he is generous, but you will be required to pick up your own tab, his too if you’re so inclined! It’s just two months before our 50th Anniversary Celebration. All the committee members are hard at work finalizing the last details for our June 18 event. Watch for a special e-mail announcement with registration details. Don’t forget that it’s not too late to submit your well wishes or advertisements for the 50th Anniversary Celebration program book. Remember, all details about these and other CHS events can be found on the club website and on the Chesapeake Region PCA Google calendar. Donald Malson, President Chesapeake Region, PCA 4 New Members Party by Jan Borchardt THE CHESAPEAKE REGION PCA NEW MEMBERS PARTY was held on March 19 in the service area of Porsche of Annapolis. The weather was beautiful for an early spring day — the sun was shining and the doors to the service area were wide open! Special thanks to the GM of Porsche of Annapolis, Frank Donatoni, and his outstanding crew, for all their work making a fully functional service area amenable for a spotless party venue, complete with chairs and tables with tablecloths! The party was a big success for the new members who attended, many of whom participated in their first car show, and many of them won prizes for their cars. In addition to the new members, board members and other volunteers helped organize, set up, clean up, and most of all DIRECT TRAFFIC because parking space was at a premium and PoA had even moved unnecessary cars to the roof for us! The car show took place first, with lunch following soon after. Results from the show are on the next page. After lunch Bernie Blain was the emcee of the presentation of various board members and other volunteers who spoke to the new members about the programs and events that the Chesapeake Region puts on. Ellen Beck and Bob Gutjahr presented their Fantastic 50th show, Joanie and Bob Purgason presented the Boxster Registry; Steve Kinsley did Allen Gunzelman's Tours presentation due to laryngitis. David Dukehart talked about the upcoming tech presentation and distributed handouts. Bruce Tarsia spoke about how to obtain PCA license plates. Donna Brandt and Andrew Toth talked about the fun and learning potential of Auto Crossing. Mark Hubley explained how to find the Patter, the Chesapeake Newsletter, and co-editor, Manrico Mirabelli took a prodigious number of pictures. The final event of the party was a raffle. The raffle winners were Joe Gorleski, Greg Jameson, Mark Leighty, and Jack MacCarron. Each winner chose from four items donated for the event by members and Porsche of Annapolis. Our hard working helpers were as follows: Laura DiValerio and Kay Murphy greeted all the new members graciously and put together the handouts for the new members. Alan Robinette helped us set up at 9:00 AM and then with Steve Kinsley, Don Murphy, Bernie Blain, David Dukehart, and several others directed traffic. Ron Gordon judged the car show with Bob Purgason, Don Murphy, and Bob Gutjahr. And last, but certainly not least, John Moore drove me to get the coffee and then picked up the sandwiches. Our next New Member Party is scheduled for October 1, 2011. If you are a new member since 10/1/2010 and have not yet attended a New Member Party, you WILL receive an invitation to attend! Please look for me at tech sessions, Get Togethers, coffee events, and tours. You might even find me at an autocross! If you have any questions or problems with your membership, please email or call me, Jan Borchardt, at [email protected] or 410 812-6364. Photo by Manrico Mirabelli. 5 NEW MEMBERS CAR SHOW RESULTS CLASS PLACE OW NER CAR 1 st Linda Sobus Red 1987 944 2 nd Paul Sobus Black 1987 944 1 st Alan Skulsky Balck 2009 2 nd Tim Nichols Silver 1999 1 st Michael Crider Black 2007 S 2 nd Thom as Vitale 2011 Silver 996 Coupe 1 st Greg Jam eson 2002 911 996 Turbo 1 st Robert Beckm an Silver 2003 Turbo 1 st Jim Caprone Black 2010 911 4S 2 nd Fred & Becky Eckhauser Black 2007 911 997 Turbo 1 st Joe Gorleski & Christine Grey 2007 Turbo 997 Cabriolet 1 st Dale Blackm an Black 2006 911 944 BOXSTER CAYMAN 997 Coupe 6 Historical Display of Porsches, People’s Choice Porsche Only Car Show & Gala Banquet June 18, 2011 U.S. Naval Academy Stadium, Annapolis, MD Chesapeake Region PCA 50th Anniversary Celebration The day officially begins at noon, but Porsches for the “50 Porsches for 50 Years” Historic Display and the People’s Choice Car Show will begin arriving for set up and placement at 10:00 AM. The impressive Naval Academy Stadium in Annapolis is the venue and all are welcome! Please plan to bring out your Porsche for this once in our lifetime event. The afternoon will feature a bevy of gorgeous Porsches on display, historical information on the cars and our history, a welcoming Hospitality Tent, a Chesapeake Region Scavenger Hunt, voting for People’s Choice in model categories, shuttles to downtown shopping, and tours of the Annapolis Naval Academy. The day will culminate in a very special banquet. The Gala Banquet begins with a cocktail hour from 5:00 – 6:00 PM with served and stationed hors d’ouerves and a cash bar. Dinner follows, including a Caesar salad, prime rib and herb-crusted salmon duo, grilled vegetables, twice baked potato, breads, ice tea, coffee/tea and a choice of specialty desserts, served by an attentive staff in the first class Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium banquet facility. The evening program will be very special indeed, honoring our past and looking forward to the future. A commemorative DVD of Chesapeake memories and follies will be shown, trophies for the Car Show will be presented, and special guest speakers will celebrate the five decades of our history, including a representative from Porsche. Our unique Commemorative Program will be included for banquet attendees, and available to all others, and will include detailed information on our 50 for 50 Porsches and owners, as well as PCA and Chesapeake history, and including congratulatory copy from our many advertisers and supporters. The registration form, a listing of event hotel information, and an updated calendar of events will be kept current on our website. 50th Anniversary apparel, logo car badges, our Commemorative DVD and Commemorative Programs will all be available for advance purchase. Please check the website often! Registration will open on April 18, 2011 (tentative). Questions? Email Ellen Beck at [email protected] or Bob Gutjahr at [email protected]. We hope to see you there! 7 Chesapeake Region PCA 50th Anniversary Celebration June 18, 2011 U.S. Naval Academy Stadium, Annapolis, MD U.S. Naval Academy Tours The Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center is located inside Gate 1 (King George Street) of the U.S. Naval Academy. Visitors may view a free film, The Call to Serve, and see informative exhibits including Graduates in Space, with Freedom 7 space capsule flown by graduate Alan Shepard, and The Life & Times of John Paul Jones, Revolutionary War naval hero buried beneath the Naval Academy Chapel. Visitor Center and Gift Shop hours are 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Guided walking tours depart the Visitor Center daily except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day when the Center is closed. Call 410-293-8687or visit for more information. Everyone 16 and older must have a photo ID. No vehicles, except those with DoD stickers or handicapped tags will be permitted to enter the Yard. However, there is a trolley that will take folks from the Navy-Marine Corps Stadium to and from Gate 1 of the Academy. Mianna Jopp Manager Armel-Leftwich Visitor Center United States Naval Academy 52 King George St. Annapolis, MD 21402 Phone: 410-293-8111 Fax: 410-293-3365 8 Tech Session by David Dukehart Our first Tech Session of the year was a tremendous success if only judged by the turnout! Even though we had temperatures in the 30's, over 40 interested, warmly-dressed PCAer's came out for some camaraderie, coffee, donuts, and an informative tech session, which was held at Ralph's Auto Service on 12300 Owings Mills Blvd in Owings Mills. Ralph has been working on Porsches for over 40 years and many customer of his were in the crowd. Ralph offered a great explanation of how to maintain older Porsches, focusing on simple maintenance and great tips to keep your car in tip top shape. Types of oil for the air (Brad Penn) versus water cooled (Mobil 1) P-cars were discussed along with how often your brake fluid should be changed. Ralph discussed the benefit of flushing your brake system with DOT 4 blue fluid and then back to DOT 4 gold fluid (it is easier to know when you have the older fluid completely out of the system). The question and answer session was lively, with questions regarding Jim Foley's leaky fuel pump on his 914 and the merits of 100 lb versus 140 lb springs for the same car. Ralph's response was unless you are racing the car, the factory had the right set up at 100 lb unless you wanted to loosen your teeth. The water-cooled crowd got a question or two in as well. Chuck Marshall volunteered his gorgeous 911 Targa for an oil change demonstration. Ralph put the Targa on the lift and let everyone watch as he performed his magic. Chris Robel answered the door prize question correctly, "What car does a 911 engine go into that has a red engine shroud?" He quickly answered 911S and he also knew that the 911E used a green one. A 2011 Porsche calendar was his for his knowledge. Ralph also showed the water-cooled crowd a rare sight, a Boxster engine uncovered. I was happy to see it as well as this was my car that I dropped off for Ralph to give it the once over. I purchased it two weeks prior and drove it to Ralph's from Miami without a hitch and was looking forward to the afternoon to put a few more miles on the odometer. Please join us on Saturday, May 7th when we meet at SSI Performance located at 735 East Joppa Road, Joppa, MD 21234. Our topic will focus on the water-cooled engines and their issues including the intermediate shaft bearing and rear main seal concerns. See you there! 9 Membership by Jan Borchardt PCA Chesapeake Membership Report for March 2011 Summary: Primary Members 674 Affiliate Members 503 Total Members 1,177 New Members: Paul Balciunas Marriottsville 2009 911 Michael Cook Freeland 1980 911 SC Gregory Diette Baltimore 2007 Cayman S Richard Huganir Cockeysville Thomas Jackson ? ? Vienna 1974 ? Emerson Sandera Elkridge 1986 944 Turbo Bill Sears Essex 1988 911 Jack Taylor Ellicott City 2004 Boxster David White Baltimore 2008 911 Doug Williams Severna Park 1995 911 Transfers: Gerald Hinton Edgewater 2002 911 Pacific Northwest Vu Nguyen Clarksville 1987 911 Potomac March Anniversaries: 5 Years Jeff Asner John Crook Bill Groom Withrow Wier 10 Years 15 Years John Allen Tom Barth Robert Ungaretti John Wolfe Speed Lee Bailey Ira Baron Special recognition to AB TIEDEMANN on his 50th anniversary!!! 10 50 Years Albert (Ab) Tiedemann New Member Mentor Program by Bernie Blain Announcing the Chesapeake Discovery Tour and Mentors Program Our new members often wonder what events may be best suited for them, and it’s not always easy to decipher how best to enjoy our club experience. With this in mind, we’re launching a trial “Chesapeake Discovery Tour” program to run through September for participating new members. It’s a fun-filled points contest, which I hope offers new members a road map to enjoyment while encouraging networking and getting involved with club events. A critical facet of this new program is mentoring. It is essential that each new member have access to a member who greets them when they join, answers their questions, introduces them to other members and attends one event with them. So now, I need your help toward assuring each new member gets off to a great start at Chesapeake PCA. Please consider joining our New Member Mentor Program. Send your email to me, Bernie Blain, at [email protected] by April 23rd titled New Member Mentor Program. Include your name, email address and county/city. You’ll be added to our mentor resource list and notified about a new member assignment in your area. Our new members are waiting so don’t put it off. Thanks in advance for helping to make this program a success. Linda Sobus at the New Members Party. Photo by Manrico Mirabelli. 11 Upcoming Events For the latest news concerning upcoming Chesapeake Region events, please refer to the events calendar on the Region’s web site. Here are some highlights . . . Monthly board meetings are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of the month. Hershey Swap Meet, Saturday, April 23 The annual Hershey Swap Meet is set for Saturday, April 23, 2011. Wow! Already 120 days after Christmas! Well, why not experience it again in the spring. That's the time to really get what you want or need. I know how hard it is to convince yourself to spend, spend, spend. Mosy likley, the Central PA Porsche Club's Hershey Swap Meet will have something you can justify buying after you get back to your love. Woops, I mean Porsche. Jan and I still convince each other that her Porsche bought at Hershey was a great decision each time she gets her foot into it. Remember her at the autocross! I have arranged a great little place to meet at 7:00 AM for breakfast on the way up. Get off I-83 at exit 4 (Shrewsbury, PA) and make a LEFT (go under I-83), then RIGHT at the light. The Coach Light Family Restaurant (710-235-4711) seats 60, so come on in and spend about $5 for a great breakfast. Please give me an idea if you will join us. Allen Gunzelman, Tour Meister, [email protected]. Tech Session, Saturday, May 7 Join us on Saturday, May 7, when we meet at SSI Performance located at 735 East Joppa Road, Joppa, MD 21234. Our topic will focus on the water-cooled engines and their issues including the intermediate shaft bearing and rear main seal concerns. Three Rivers Driving Tour and Buffet, Saturday, May 21 The 2011 spring tour, scheduled for May 21, will take place along the shores of three rivers, Big Gunpowder River, Bird River, and Middle River. The drive will be follwed by a delightful brunch at the Long Beach Restaurant & Tavern, 818 Bowleys Quarters Rd, Middle River, MD 21220 (410-335-9444). This is a new venue for Chesapeake Region, and I have arranged this brunch for my Yacht Club with raves about the food and great location. Continued on the next page . . . 12 Upcoming Events, continued Three Rivers Driving Tour and Buffet, Saturday, May 21, continued The gathering of Porsches and other marques will begin at 9:30 AM at Dunkin Donuts, 5003 Honeygo Center Dr., Honeygo Village Center, Perry Hall, MD 21228 (410-529-6333). A drivers meeting will be held at 9:45 AM, and cars will be leaving on the tour at 10:00 AM. I recommend against filling up on donuts at the Dunkin Donuts, since the Long Beach Restaurant & Tavern is serving a "scrumptious brunch" exclusively for PCA at 11:00 AM. This will include made-to-order omelets and waffles with fresh strawberries or blue berries, meats, eggs, French toast, chip beef, biscuits, fresh fruit, and assorted cakes and pastries. Juice, coffee, tea, and sodas are included. This all-you-can-eat brunch is $17.75 per person, including tax and tip! Please pre-pay by sending a check to me for $17.75 per person. Make checks out to the "Long Beach Restaurant." I must get your check by May 7 to guarantee the buffet room exclusively for PCA. Mail your check to Allen Gunzelman, Tour Meister, 1708 Oakfield Ave., Baltimore, MD 21221. Please send an e-mail to let me know your check is on its way, and I will e-mail you back to confirm receipt. 50th Anniversary Celebration, Saturday, June 18 In case you haven't already seen the article on page 6, the Chesapeake Region is holding its 50th Anniversary Celebration on Saturday, June 18, at the United States Naval Academy’s Navy-Marine Corps Stadium. See pages 7-8, the web site, and upcoming issues of the Patter for more information. 13 Zone 2 Club Race Zone 2 will again host the 4th Annual “Rumble at the Oak Tree” Club Race & DE in 2011. This year we have been fortunate enough to secure June 24, 25 & 26. The event will involve more than 130 Club Racers and 50 Advanced Drivers Education Drivers. An event this size needs many volunteers to insure it runs like a well engineered German sports car. We have many of the volunteers from last year returning for our 2011 race but unfortunately, not all of our crew can make this year’s race. We need additional volunteers for Timing and Scoring, Grid, Drivers Education Tech and Race Tech. Rumble At The Oak Tree – Zone 2 Club Race June 24, 25 & 26, 2011 – Virginia International Raceway Volunteers are needed to make sure that this is a safe and successful race weekend. Join your fellow Zone 2 members working in Timing and Scoring, Grid, Registration, DE and Tech. Get up close and experience the excitement of PCA Club Racing. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator Terry Minkin at [email protected] or give her a call at 267-251-1360 to join the team. 14 The Mart 1993 RS America H class, Black, rebuilt engine, rebuilt trans (2009). Ring and pinion, Motons, Sparco seats, big reds, 2 sets Fiske, 1 set cup wheels. Roll cage, Frt spoiler w/ 3.8 wing, Cool Shirt system. Original owner 36,000 miles, no track. Current owner, 17,400 miles mostly DE some CR. Total $ invested $92,083. Professional Graphics are Decals. Car $47K, custom Trailex trailer $5K. Package deal for both. Woody 443-797-7691 [email protected] 1991 944 S2 Cabriolet This is the last and best year of the 944-series Porsche. It's in excellent condition and always garaged and covered. Low mileage at 72k. Original white exterior, blue leather interior with 2+2 seating, and a dark blue canvas power top. Two sets of wheels, including originals, with new Yokohama tires. Price lowered to $13,750. Randy 703-338-5953 Get ready for Spring! Trivia Question In what year did Porsche change from Kommanditgesellschaft (KG), or limited partnership, to Aktiengesellschaft (AG), or public limited company? Who was the first CEO? Answer on the next page . . . 15 Autocross by Claude Taylor Registration has been quickly filling up for our first event of the season being held April 16, 2011, at our new location conveniently located near BWI. Directions to the new lot are easy: From Route 100 take Exit 10B (away from Arundel Mills Mall). Take a left at the 3rd light which is Old Ridge Road (Follow Econopark Express signs). Our lot is on the right across from 7238 Ridge Rd - near the Open Door Baptist Church. Cost per event (pre-registration and pre-payment only) is $35 for PCA members and $40 for non-members. Walk up registration the day of the event is $40 for PCA members and $45 for non-members. To register go to Also, be sure to check out our website to complete the AXREG form which can be found on the following page: Whether you pre-register or walk in the day of the event, please bring the AXREG form found on the link from our website with you to the event to help ensure a smooth check in process. Dates for the 2011 Season are: • #1 April 16th • #2 May 14th • # 3 June 11th • # 4 July 16th • # 5 August 13th • # 6 Sept 10th • # 7 Oct 22nd We look forward to seeing you come out and improve your driving skills at what we anticipate to be a fun and exciting 2011 season. For further information or you’d like to volunteer, please contact Claude Taylor at [email protected] Answer to the Trivia Question The year was 1972, and the first CEO was Dr. Ernst Fuhrmann. 16 From Patters Past by Mark Hubley Last month I included some material from the oldest Patter I could get my hands on, from 1967. Moving forward in history, here are some images from Patters of the early 70's: Here's the cover from the April 1973 Patter. Publicity for the 1974 Chesapeake Challenge. 17 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday April 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 AUTOCROSS #1 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 HERSHEY SWAP MEET 24 25 26 27 28 BOARD MEETING 18 29 30 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday May 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TECH SESSION 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 AUTOCROSS #2 15 16 17 18 19 20 MONTHLY GTG 22 THREE RIVERS TOUR 23 24 25 26 BOARD MEETING 29 21 30 31 19 27 28 OCTANE & COFFEE
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