Living Disease Free in a Sick World


Living Disease Free in a Sick World
Living Disease Free
in a Sick World
Pastor Bill Yeary, BND, CFCC, CNHP, CS, CCII
This publication is dedicated to the LORD and to all His people that need healing.
Living Disease Free in a Sick World
Copyright © 2013 by Bill Yeary
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means without written permission from the author.
Printed in USA by Life Training Institute
1297 Calder
Beaumont, TX 77701
Phone: 409-813-1184
Disclaimer: This publication and the information contained herein are not intended to be
used in any way to diagnose or treat diseases nor for the prescribing for any disease or
medical condition. It should in no way become a substitute for a licensed physician or
health care professional. The author and publisher assume no responsibility if you make
health related decisions for yourself or others with the information contained in this
publication. The author and publisher are neither liable nor responsible to any person or
entity for any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused by the information in
this publication. This publication is for educational purposes only.
Table of Contents
Seeing the Problem 9
Death by Deception 10
Health in America 11
Daily Pollutants 21
Water 21
Sweeteners 22
MSG 25
Hydrogenated Oils 27
Vegetable Oils 28
Canola 29
Milk 30
Meat 31
Soy 31
Nanoparticles 33
GMOs 34
Mercury 42
Aluminum 43
Table Salt 44
Toxins in the Home 45
Vaccines 46
Food -Toxic and Deficient 51
Toxic Children 52
The Main Causes of Disease 53
Seeing the Solution 58
The Concepts of Health and Disease 59
Revelations to Living Disease Free 60
Applying Solutions 65
Step 1 - Change Your Diet 66
Step 2 - Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse 73
Step 3 - Increase Your Nutrition Levels 84
Step 4 - Rest and Sleep 93
Step 5 – Exercise 95
Step 6 - Medicinal Plants and Killing Pathogens 98
Step 7 – Receive Your Redemption and Your Inheritance 116
Some Extraordinary Substances 124
Earth (Grounding) 124
Black Salve 124
Sodium Chlorite (MMS) 124
MSM 126
DMSO 126
Coconut Oil 127
Type II Collagen 129
Systemic Enzymes (Zymessence) 129
Redox Signaling Molecules (ASEA) 130
Stem Cells (Stem Kine) 130
Silver Sol 131
Vitalo 132
CellFood 132
Are You Ripe for Cancer? 134
Conditions 144
Acid Reflux 144
Acne 144
Addison’s 145
Allergies 145
ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 145
Alzheimer's 146
Anemia 147
Angina 148
Anxiety Disorders 148
Appendicitis 148
Arteriosclerosis 149
Arthritis – Osteo 149
Asthma 150
Athlete’s foot 150
Bad Breath / Halitosis 150
Bed wetting 150
Bell’s Palsy 150
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (see Prostate Enlargement) 151
Bladder Infection 151
Bleeding / Bruising Under the Skin 151
Blood Clots, dissolves 151
Blood Sugar Control 151
Blood thinner 151
Boils 151
Bone spurs, dissolve 152
Bronchitis 152
Bug bites 152
Burns 152
Canker Sores 152
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 152
Cartilage - Rebuilding 153
Cataracts 153
Celiac Disease 153
Cholesterol 154
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 154
Circulation 155
Cirrhosis 155
Cold Sores 155
Colds / Flu 156
Constipation 156
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) / Emphysema 157
Cortisol Excess 157
Cough 157
Crohn's Disease / Colitis / Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome 157
Croup 158
Dandruff 158
Depression 158
Diverticulitis 158
Dry Eyes 158
Dry skin 159
Ear Infection / Earache 159
Eczema / Dermatitis 159
Emphysema (see COPD) 159
Endometriosis 159
Epilepsy 160
Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence 160
Estrogen Dominance 160
Fatty Liver Disease 161
Fibrocystic Breasts / Breast Tenderness 161
Fibromyalgia 161
Floaters 162
Flu (see Colds) 162
Fungal Nail Infection 162
Gallstones / Gallbladder Problems 162
Glaucoma 162
Gout 162
Graves Disease / Hyperthyroid 163
Gums, tighten 163
Hair Loss / Alopecia 163
Hiatal Hernia 164
Hashimoto's Disease / Hypothyroid 165
Halitosis (see Bad Breath) 165
Headache / Migraines 165
Heart attack, stop 166
Heart Disease 166
Hemorrhaging, free bleeding skin or bowel 166
Hemorrhoids 166
Hepatitis C 166
Hiccups 166
High Blood Pressure 166
Hives 168
Hyperthyroidism (see Grave’s Disease) 168
Hypothyroidism (see Hashimoto's Disease) 168
Impotence (See Erectile Dysfunction) 168
Insomnia 168
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (see Crohn’s) 169
Kidney Stones 169
Libido for Women (for men see Erectile Dysfunction) 169
Liver Spots or Age Spots 169
Low blood pressure 169
Lupus 169
Lyme’s Disease 170
Macular Degeneration 170
Malaria 170
Memory and Brain Shrinkage 171
Menopause 171
Migraines (see headaches) 172
Moles 172
Motion Sickness and morning sickness 172
Multiple Sclerosis 172
Muscle Cramps and Spasms 172
Neuropathy 172
Osteoarthritis (see Arthritis) 172
Osteoporosis 172
Parkinson’s Disease 173
Poison Ivy / Oak 174
Polyps 174
Premenstrual Syndrome 174
Progesterone Deficiency 174
Prostate Enlargement / Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 175
Psoriasis 175
Rashes that itch 176
Raynaud’s Syndrome 176
Restless Leg Syndrome 176
Rheumatoid Arthritis 177
Ringing in the ears (see Tinnitus) 178
Ringworm 178
Rosacea 178
Scabies 178
Scar Tissue, Adhesions, and Fibrosis 178
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) 179
Seborrhea Dermatitis 179
Shingles 179
Sinusitis 180
Skin cancer 180
Skin tag 180
Spider bites 180
Spider Veins 180
Splinters 180
Stroke 181
Testosterone Deficiency 181
Toenail fungus 182
Thinning of Skin 182
Tinnitus 182
Triglycerides 182
Tuberculosis 183
Ulcers, mouth 183
Urinary Tract Infection (see Bladder infection) 183
Vaginal Dryness 183
Varicose Veins 183
Vitiligo 184
Warts 184
Wrinkles 184
Appendix 186
Thyroid Temperature Test 186
Enemas 187
Dissolving Kidney Stones and Gallstones 189
Liver/Gallbladder Flush 190
Managing Pain 192
Resources 194
Why are so many people sick?
How can I get well?
How can I live disease free in a sick world?
Living Disease Free in a Sick World
A Message to the Church
My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge. (Hosea 4:6)
Seeing the Problem
The agriculture industry and the food industry with a focus on profit are
providing foods that are void of nutrition, toxic laden with herbicides,
pesticides, and insecticides. And now significant amounts of our foods
are being genetically altered so that increased amounts of herbicides
and insecticides can be sprayed on them. Our foods are giving us
diseases. Our protectors are silent.
The medical industry and the pharmaceutical industry with a focus on
profit are ready for the increase in diseases with their approved
medications. Currently, medications and the medical system are the
number one cause of death. The system and the medications are killing
us. Our protectors are silent.
The politicians have ignored the obvious and the science and have
yielded to the lobbyists. The Affordable Health Care Act is poised to
ensure that all pay into the system. Who are the protectors?
Death by Deception
Most people live as if our current toxic environment has no significant effect upon
their health. They also live a lifestyle of consuming deficient/harmful foodstuffs
promoted as something good to eat by the food industry and allowed by the FDA.
Over the course of time, their weakened body gets symptoms from the toxins and
lack of basic nutrition.
They make a trip to the medical doctor to get a prescription for a foreign synthetic
inorganic substance to heal the symptoms of their organic body.
The initial symptoms are abated by the drug(s), but the disease process continues
and the weakened body is now more toxic from the drugs (“medicines”).
As things worsen and additional symptoms arise, a battery of tests are conducted to
find a disease label to fit the symptoms.
A diagnosis is made. They find out that there is no cure, but that their disease can
be treated. Eventually they learn to live with the dysfunction and the many drugs it
takes to control the symptoms used to treat the “incurable” disease.
Sooner or later they are hospitalized due to their degenerative state. But now they
are exposed to new risks from medical mistakes and infectious agents in the
hospital. They are also fed more deficient/harmful foodstuffs at the hospital.
While their symptoms are continuing to be treated, they pray for the doctors, ask
God to heal them, wonder how this disease came upon them, and hope the
medicines (drugs) will heal them.
After heroic and expensive efforts they eventually die.
If they are a born-again Christian, they are taken to heaven. In heaven they get the
revelation that God is the healer and that inorganic synthetic substances cannot heal.
They also realize that cleansing the temple, not eating unclean things, eating foods as
God created them, and that the “leaves of the trees for the healing of the nations” were
truths for living on planet earth.
Health in America
Top 10 Leading Causes of Death per Year According to CDC
1. American Medical System: 783,936
Adverse Drug Reactions
Medical error
Unnecessary Procedures
2. Heart disease: 597,689
3. Cancer: 574,743
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 138,080
5. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 129,476
6. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,859
7. Alzheimer's: 83,494
8. Diabetes: 69,071
9. Kidney disease: 50,476
10. Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,097
Preventable medical mistakes are the third-leading cause of death in the US, right after
heart disease and cancer. In all, preventable medical mistakes may account for one-sixth
of all deaths that occur in the US annually. Dr. Mercola October 09, 2013
The US has the most expensive health care in the world. It spends more on health care
than the next 10 biggest spenders combined, yet ranks last in health and mortality when
compared with 17 other developed nations. Dr. Mercola October 09, 2013
Despite having the most expensive health care system, the United States ranks last
overall compared to six other industrialized countries—Australia, Canada, Germany, the
Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom—on measures of health system
performance in five areas: quality, efficiency, access to care, equity and the ability to lead
long, healthy, productive lives, according to a new Commonwealth Fund report. While
there is room for improvement in every country, the U.S. stands out for not getting good
value for its health care dollars, ranking last despite spending $7,290 per capita on health
care in 2007 compared to the $3,837 spent per capita in the Netherlands, which ranked
first overall. June 23, 2010 -
Martha Ross & Siddharth Kulkarni July 1, 2013-
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published,
or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take
no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two
decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” “No one knows the total
amount provided by drug companies to physicians, but I estimate from the annual reports
of the top 9 U.S.-based drug companies that it comes to tens of billions of dollars a year
in North America alone. By such means, the pharmaceutical industry has gained
enormous control over how doctors evaluate and use its own products. Its extensive ties
to physicians, particularly senior faculty at prestigious medical schools, affect the results
of research, the way medicine is practiced, and even the definition of what constitutes a
disease.” - Marcia Angell, MD Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption
In 1999, the percentage of people who took at least one prescription drug was 44%. That
number rose to 48% by 2008 and now stands at 70%. June 20th, 2013 by Richard Lenti
The number of prescriptions written for stimulant medication to treat ADHD increased of
500 percent since 1991, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. Diane Weaver
Dunne updated 12/09/2008 -
Women who take statin drugs have 83-143% increased risk of breast cancer, according
to research published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
According to a 2011 study published in the journal Prostate, men who take statin drugs of
any kind are significantly more prone to developing prostate cancer compared to other
men. Even men who used to take statin drugs, but no longer do, have a higher-thannormal risk, according to the data. Compared to men who have never taken a statin drug,
statin users were found to have a much as an 86 percent increased risk of developing
prostate cancer. And the longer a man user statin drugs, the higher his risk, as
cumulative doses of the drug appear to substantially elevate cancer risk over time. August
13, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson
One in four Americans aged 45 and older (32 million Americans) take statin drugs to
lower cholesterol and supposedly "prevent heart disease." This Popular Drug Creates
Over 60,000 New Diabetics Each Year. Dr. Mercola May 06, 2012
A review of the published statin research revealed a categorical lack of evidence to
support the use of statin therapy in primary prevention of heart attacks. Statins may
actually increase cardiovascular risk in women, the young and people with diabetes. The
cholesterol-lowering drugs are also linked to an increased risk of cataracts, memory
impairment, diabetes, erectile dysfunction and over 300 adverse health effects. Dr. Mercola
May 06, 2012 -
71 million American adults (33.5%) have high LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention - Page last updated: October 16, 2012 -
67 million American adults (31%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 American
adults. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Page last updated: March 20, 2013
According to a report released by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the
rate of antidepressant use in this country among teens and adults (people ages 12 and
older) increased by almost 400% between 1988–1994 and 2005–2008. The federal
government’s health statisticians figure that about one in every 10 Americans takes an
antidepressant. October 20, 2011 - Peter Wehrwein, Contributor, Harvard Health
Diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes in the United States, all ages, 2010
Total: 25.8 million people, or 8.3% of the U.S. population, have diabetes. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention - Page last updated: May 23, 2011
Based on rates from 2008-2010, 40.76% of men and women born today will be
diagnosed with cancer of all sites at some time during their lifetime. This number can also
be expressed as 1 in 2 men and women will be diagnosed with cancer of all sites during
their lifetime. National Cancer Institute -
The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year
survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.
Morgan, G. et al. (2004). Clinical Oncology 16, 549-560
"[T]he researchers found that chemotherapy can cause fibroblasts (cell DNA) to increase
production of a molecule called WNT16B by 30-fold in tissues surrounding a tumor,"
explains the group Cancer Research U.K. in a recent report on the study. "This then
helps cancer cells to grow, invade neighboring cells and resist chemotherapy," it adds.
As if this is not bad enough, the same team found that another major side effect of
chemotherapy is cancer cells grow more virulent than they were before the treatment.
Like "superbugs" and "superweeds," which we now know developed resistance in
response to conventional drug therapies and chemical sprayings, respectively, these
"super" cancer cells no longer respond even to the most aggressive forms of
chemotherapy, which means cancer itself is becoming more deadly.
October 18, 2013 by: Jonathan Benson
The median survival time of 580 patients with malignant disease treated during a 6-month
period in 1988 was 12.4 months. The overall 5-year survival rate was 27%.
• For 105 patients treated definitively with radiation therapy, the median and 5-year
survival rate figures were 26.0 months and 40%.
• For 149 patients treated with adjuvant radiation therapy (additional cancer treatment
given after radiation), the 5-year survival rate was 62% (median survival rate not
• For 279 patients treated palliatively (just relieving of symptoms without effecting a
method of cure), median and 5-year survival rate figures were 5.2 months and 3%.
Australas Radiol. 1997 Feb;41(1):29-34. Audit in radiation therapy: long-term survival and cost of treatment. Stevens G,
Firth I. Department of Radiation Oncology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
The Cochrane Collaboration, a well-respected international organization that examines
the science behind various medical interventions, reviewed seven randomized clinical
trials (involving 600,000 women) that compared mammography screening with no
screening. They discovered:
 Three studies showed that routine mammography screening did not significantly
reduce the death rate.
 Four studies, which the researchers said had “suboptimal randomization” (a
design flaw), showed a significant reduction.
 The combined data revealed that routine mammography screening conferred a 15
percent reduction in risk of death. But it also led to 30 percent over diagnosis and
overtreatment, and the absolute risk reduction was just 0.5 percent.
 The Cochrane group reported that significantly more of the women who had
mammograms had lumpectomies and mastectomies.
 For every 100 women screened, 10 will be told their mammograms are suspicious
and that they need additional testing.
 A woman who has a mammogram every year for 10 years has a 65 percent
chance—more than 1 in 2—of having at least one false positive.
 Research has also found that routine mammography screening for women who
are in their 40s or older than 75 has not been demonstrated to provide significant
As a result, in 2009, the USPSTF updated its mammography screening guidelines,
stating that mammography should begin at age 50, not age 40, through age 74. It also
recommended that women have mammograms every two years, rather than annually.
Dr. Julian Whitaker - 10/04/2013 -
 The Institute of Medicine is finally acknowledging the toxic effects of mammogram
radiation as a significant factor in the development of breast cancer; just one
mammogram can expose you to the radiation equivalent of 1,000 chest x-rays
Mammograms have been scientifically proven not to save women’s lives, and do
not improve breast cancer survival rates over annual physical examination alone
Your immune system is your greatest weapon against breast cancer; research
now shows that 30 percent of breast tumors go away on their own, because a
healthy immune system is so adept at eradicating cancer
Dr. Mercola - March 03, 2012 -
More concerning, the researchers found that the more times women were screened the
greater their odds of getting "false positives" on mammograms. As reported by the LA
Times: For example, among women between the ages of 66 and 74 who already had
health problems, 48% of those who had annual mammograms had at least one falsepositive reading during a 10-year period. But among those who were screened every
other year, only 29% had a false-positive result. And among women between the ages of
75 and 89 with preexisting health problems, 48.4% of those screened every year had at
least one false-positive reading during a 10-year span, compared with only 27.4% of
those who had less frequent tests." The LA Times article went on to estimate that if all
American women between 66-89 had annual mammograms instead of biannual ones,
this would result in 3.86 million more false-positives and 1.15 million more
recommendations for biopsies. Another "invisible" problem is the fact that the so-called
"low-energy" radiation wavelengths used in breast mammography are far more
carcinogenic than "high energy" waves to which they are compared. This means that xray mammography is planting the seeds of future radiation-induced breast cancer into
millions of women, all in the name of "prevention" and "awareness." February 7th 2013 Sayer Ji
One in 50 American kids has autism. Recent statistics on autism released by the CDC
show an increase from the previous estimate of 1 in 88. RACHEL POMERANCE / U.S. NEWS AND
WORLD REPORT March 29, 2013 -
A well researched report published by Arjun Walia reveals that there are at least 22
published scientific studies that show a link between vaccines and autism. Arjun Walia
Activist Post September 12, 2013
It is estimated that some 5 to 8 percent of adolescent children have GERD. March 2011 American Academy of Otolaryngology
Number of people in the U.S. who have either allergy or asthma symptoms: one in five.
Percentage of the U.S. population that tests positive to one or more allergens: 55%. Rank
of allergies among other leading chronic diseases in the U.S.: 5th. Odds that a child with
one allergic parent will develop allergies: 33%. Odds that a child with two allergic parents
will develop allergies: 70%.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances
are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human
aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and
thimerosol (mercury)." Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has
extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his
research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's
disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals
who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime. September 26, 2012 by: Dr. David Jockers
At least half the US population fails to meet the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)
for vitamin B-6, vitamin A, magnesium, calcium, and zinc, and 33% of the population
does not meet the RDA for folate. Adequate dietary intake of both folate and vitamin B-6
prevents the accumulation of homocysteine in the bloodstream. Elevated blood
concentrations of homocysteine represent an independent risk factor for the development
of CVD, stroke, and deep vein thrombosis. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition - Accepted August 24,
2004 -
Top 10 Drug Money Makers
1 Abilify
2 Nexium
3 Humira
4 Cymbalta
5 Crestor
6 Advair Diskus
7 Enbrel
8 Remicade
9 Copaxone
10 Neulasta
Most Prescribed for
Acid reflux
Decreases the immune system
Lower cholesterol
Asthma or COPD
Inflammatory diseases
Auto-immune diseases
Multiple Sclerosis
Fight infection while on chemotherapy
August 2013
Top 10 Most
Prescribed Drugs
1 Budesonide
Prescribed for
Asthma /
3 Hydrocodone
Pain relief
4 Omeprazole
Acid reflux
5 ProAir HFA
Asthma /
6 Atorvastatin
7 Cymbalta
Pain relief
Depression /
Anxiety /
Safety / Side Effects
acute infection of the nose, throat or sinus
infection caused by a virus
bleeding not related to menstrual period
joint pain
The most serious side effect is liver damage.
Nausea, stomach upset, headache, drowsiness, and constipation, vision
changes, mental/mood changes, dizziness, excessive sweating, muscle
twitching. trouble breathing, extreme dizziness, fast heartbeat, trouble
dizziness, confusion
fast or uneven heart rate;
jerking muscle movements
feeling jittery
muscle cramps, muscle weakness or limp feeling
cough or choking feeling; or seizure
Nervousness, shaking (tremor), headache, mouth/throat dryness or
irritation, cough, nausea or dizziness may occur.
Upset stomach
Muscle and joint pain
Alterations in some laboratory tests
Tendon problems
Memory loss
Nausea, dry mouth, constipation, loss of appetite, tiredness,
drowsiness, or increased sweating may occur.
Muscular pain
8 Nexium
Acid reflux
9 Advair Diskus
Asthma or
10 Lantus
Dizziness or lightheadedness may occur, especially when you first
start or increase your dose of this drug.
Duloxetine may increase your blood pressure.
Tell your doctor right away if any of these serious side effects occur:
confusion, easy bruising/bleeding, decreased interest in sex, changes
in sexual ability, muscle cramps/weakness, shaking (tremor),
difficulty urinating, unusual decrease in the amount of urine, signs of
liver problems (such as stomach/abdominal pain, persistent nausea,
vomiting, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine).
NEXIUM may increase your risk of getting severe diarrhea.
In adults 18 and older, side effects with NEXIUM include headache,
diarrhea, and abdominal pain
In children 1 to 17 years of age, side effects with NEXIUM include
headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and sleepiness
In pediatric patients 1 month to less than 1 year of age, side effects
with NEXIUM include abdominal pain, regurgitation, rapid heart rate
and abnormal liver function test results
swelling of the face, mouth, and tongue
breathing problems
effects on heart
increased blood pressure
a fast and irregular heartbeat
chest pain
reduced adrenal function
changes in blood
weakened immune system and a higher chance of infections.
Worsening of existing tuberculosis, fungal, bacterial, viral, or
parasitic infections, or ocular herpes simplex may occur.
lower bone mineral density.
eye problems including glaucoma and cataracts.
slowed growth in children
Do not use this medication when you have low blood sugar. You may
experience blurred vision, dizziness, or drowsiness due to extremely low
or high blood sugar levels.
August 2013
Daily Pollutants
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (birth control pills, antidepressants,
painkillers, shampoos, etc.) are entering rivers from sewage treatment plants or leaching
into groundwater from septic systems. Testing has revealed that at least 46 million
Americans have been exposed to trace amounts of pharmaceuticals in drinking water
The truth is that more and more evidence shows that fluorides and dental fluorosis
are actually associated with increased tooth decay. The most comprehensive US
review was carried out by the National Institute of Dental Research on 39,000 school
children aged 5-17 years. It showed no significant differences in terms of DMF
(decayed, missing and filled teeth). What it did show was that high decay cities (66.587.5 percent) have 9.34 percent more decay in the children who drink fluoridated
water. Furthermore, a 5.4 percent increase in students with decay was observed
when 1 ppm fluoride was added to the water supply. Nine fluoridated cities with high
decay had 10 percent more decay than nine equivalent non-fluoridated cities.
The world's largest study on dental caries, which looked at 400,000 students,
revealed that decay increased 27 percent with a 1ppm fluoride increase in drinking
water. In Japan, fluoridation caused decay increases of 7 percent in 22,000 students,
while in the US a decay increase of 43 percent occured in 29,000 students when
1ppm fluoride was added to drinking water.
The enamel defects observed in hypothyroidism are identical to "dental fluorosis."
Endemic fluorosis areas have been shown to be the same as those affected with
iodine deficiency, considered to be the world's single most important and preventable
cause of mental retardation, affecting 740 million people a year. Iodine deficiency
causes brain disorders, cretinism, miscarriages and goiter, among many other
Fluoride: Worse than We Thought - by Andreas Schuld - 14 April 2004
25 human studies have linked fluoride with lowered IQ in children, including recent
research from Harvard, and 100 animal studies linking it to brain damage
Dr. Mercola December 03, 2011
 According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk to people
who drink chlorinated water is 93 percent higher than among those whose water does
not contain chlorine.
 The residents of a small town in Pennsylvania who ate diets rich in saturated
animal fats and milk had no heart attacks – until they switched from mountain spring
water to chlorinated water.
 Research from the University of Nijmegen in the Netherlands discovered that
people who swam in chlorinated pools or polluted waters as children had 2.2 to 2.4
times the risk of developing melanoma compared to those who did not swim in
chlorinated waters.
 Male smokers who drank chlorinated tap water for more than 40 years had double
the risk of bladder cancer as smoking males who drank non-chlorinated water.
Aspartame is the technical name for NutraSweet and Equal. According to the FDA,
aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives.
Some of the symptoms reported are: headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures,
nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue,
irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations,
breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo,
memory loss, and joint pain.
According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame,
the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame:
Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s
disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and
diabetes. Dr. Mercola - November 06, 2011 -
The average American now consumes 175 pounds of sugar per year, which equals
46 teaspoons a day. Not only does sugar lack nutrients, but it actually robs the body
of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Sugar is the “food” to fuel cancer.
Sugar has been documented to cause such problems as:
1. Is addictive
2. Lowers the immune system
3. Feeds cancer cells
4. Feeds the overgrowth of yeast in the colon
5. Significantly promotes obesity and diabetes
6. Causes inflammation, which is a direct component toward all diseases
7. Acidifies the body, which promotes osteoporosis and cancer
Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup
1. Significant risk of weight gain and obesity - A study conducted by Princeton
University found that rats that were fed HFCS gained fat 300% more quickly than
those fed an equal (or slightly larger) serving of fruit-derived sugar.
2. Increased risk of developing type-2 diabetes - Consumption of high-fructose corn
syrup can lead to a huge increase in the likelihood of developing diabetes.
3. Hypertension and elevated “bad” cholesterol levels - High-fructose doesn’t just
make your body fat, it also makes your heart fat. There is a strong link between high
fructose corn syrup and elevated triglyceride and LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.
4. Liver damage - HFCS is especially destructive to your liver. When combined with a
sedentary lifestyle, permanent liver scarring can occur.
5. Mercury Exposure from HFCS - One study found mercury in over 50% of samples
tested. Dr. Edward F. Group III - Updated on August 22, 2013
HFCS turns up in some very unexpected places, such as the products below.
• Progresso Bread Crumbs (Plain)
• Sunsweet Prunes
• Kraft Catalina Anything Dressing
• Kraft Miracle Whip
• Vlasic Bread & Butter Pickles
• Mott’s Original Applesauce
• Krusteaz Cranberry Orange Supreme Muffin Mix
• Heinz 57 Sauce
• Campbell’s Healthy Request Vegetable Soup
Linda Bonvie, May 14, 2013 -
A study published in 2008 found that Splenda:
• Reduces the amount of good bacteria in your intestines by 50 percent
• Increases the pH level in your intestines
• Affects a glycoprotein in your body that can have crucial health effects,
particularly if you're on certain medications like chemotherapy, or treatments for
AIDS, and certain heart conditions
They also found unmistakable evidence that Splenda is absorbed by fat, contrary to
previous claims. In response to this study, James Turner, chairman of the national
consumer education group Citizens for Health issued the following statement:
"The report makes it clear that the artificial sweetener Splenda and its key component
sucralose pose a threat to the people who consume the product. Hundreds of
consumers have complained to us about side effects from using Splenda and this
study ... confirms that the chemicals in the little yellow package should carry a big red
warning label." Dr. Mercola April 26, 2011
A new study published in the journal Diabetes Care, lead by researchers at the
Center for Human Nutrition, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,
Missouri, set out to test the metabolic effects of sucralose in obese subjects who did
not use nonnutritive sweeteners. Seventeen subjects underwent a 5-hour oral
glucose tolerance test on two separate occasions preceded by consuming either
sucralose (experimental condition) or water (control condition) 10 min before the
glucose load in a randomized crossover design. A single dose of sucralose lead to a
0.6 mmol/L increase in plasma glucose concentrations, a 20% increase in insulin
levels, a 22% greater peak insulin secretion rate, and a 7% decrease in insulin
clearance, an indication of decreased insulin sensitivity. They concluded that
sucralose affects the glycemic and insulin responses to an oral glucose load in obese
people who do not normally consume NNS. Sayer Ji, May 2, 2013
Saccharin or Sweet n Low
In the late 1970s, a scientist in Canada named Douglas Arnold performed a study
finding that saccharin caused bladder cancer in 50 percent of the laboratory animals
fed high doses of saccharin (although this has not been shown in humans). Moreover,
in 1992, tests performed on rats showed that they had physiological differences from
humans that made them more susceptible to bladder cancer from saccharin.
Nonetheless, somewhat ironically considering its reputation, saccharin is probably the
safest artificial sweetener on the market. Dr. Mercola, July 04, 2009
Per capita consumption of refined sugars in the United States from 1970 to 2000.
Adapted from the US Department of Agriculture
In 1959, the FDA labeled MSG as "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS). Dr. Russell
Blaylock, a board-certified neurosurgeon and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills.
explains that MSG is an excitotoxin, which means it overexcites your brain cells to the
point of damage or death -- and potentially contributing to learning disabilities,
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and more. Adverse
effects that have been linked to regular consumption of MSG include: obesity, eye
damage, headaches, fatigue, disorientation, and depression.
Even the FDA states: "Studies have shown that the body uses glutamate, an amino acid,
as a nerve impulse transmitter in the brain and that there are glutamate-responsive
tissues in other parts of the body, as well. Abnormal function of glutamate receptors has
been linked with certain neurological diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease and
Huntington's chorea. Injections of glutamate in laboratory animals have resulted in
damage to nerve cells in the brain."
The FDA also admits that "short-term reactions" known as MSG Symptom Complex can
occur in certain groups of people, namely those who have eaten "large doses" of MSG or
those who have asthma. According to the FDA, MSG Symptom Complex can involve
symptoms such as:
 Numbness
 Burning sensation
 Tingling
 Facial pressure or tightness
 Chest pain or difficulty breathing
 Headache
 Nausea
 Rapid heartbeat
 Drowsiness
 Weakness
Studies from the 1970s suggested that 25 to 30 percent of the U.S. population was
intolerant of MSG. The use of MSG has expanded dramatically and it is estimated that
up to 40 percent of the population may be affected.
How to Keep MSG Out of Your Diet
The main component of MSG is glutamic acid. There are over 40 labeled ingredients that
contain glutamic acid, but you'd never know it just from their names alone. In general, if a
food is processed you can assume it contains MSG (or one of its pseudo-ingredients). So
if you stick to a whole, fresh foods diet, you can pretty much guarantee that you'll avoid
this toxin.
The other place where you'll need to watch out for MSG is in restaurants, particularly fast
food restaurants. To be on the safe side, you should also know what ingredients to watch
out for on packaged foods.
Here is a list of ingredients that ALWAYS contain MSG:
Autolyzed Yeast, Calcium Caseinate, Gelatin, Glutamate, Glutamic Acid, Hydrolyzed
Protein, Monopotassium Glutamate, Monosodium Glutamate, Sodium Caseinate,
Textured Protein, Yeast Extract, Yeast Food, Yeast Nutrient
These ingredients OFTEN contain MSG or create MSG during processing:
Flavors and Flavorings, Seasonings, Natural Flavors and Flavorings, Natural Pork
Flavoring, Natural Beef Flavoring, Natural Chicken Flavoring, Soy Sauce, Soy Protein
Isolate, Soy Protein, Bouillon, Stock Broth, Malt Extract, Malt Flavoring, Barley Malt,
Anything Enzyme Modified, Carrageenan, Maltodextrin, Pectin, Enzymes, Protease,
Corn Starch, Citric Acid, Powdered Milk Anything, Protein Fortified, Anything UltraPasteurized
Dr. Mercola, Posted: 03/16/10 -
Hydrogenated fats are made by bubbling hydrogen gas with nickel as a catalyst to make
the oil more solid at room temperature. This is how margarine and Crisco are made. The
oil is heated to 248 to 410 degrees F and combined with hydrogen to harden it. It
becomes a poison to the body, a source of free radicals, a ticket to heart disease, and
should not be consumed. Hydrogenated oils and trans-fats cause a cell-by-cell failure of
the human body by destroying the porosity and flexibility of healthy cell membranes.
Consider this list of detrimental health effects caused by hydrogenated oils:
 Directly promotes heart disease
 Promotes cancers: breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer
 Results in low birth weight infants
 Raises LDL (bad) cholesterol and lower HDL (good) cholesterol
 Raises blood sugar levels and promotes weight gain
Interferes with the absorption of essential fatty acids and DHA
Impairs brain function and damages brain cells
Accelerates tumor growth
Accelerates the progress of type-2 diabetes
Impairs immune system function
Promotes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Impairs development of the brains of fetuses
Causes gallbladder disease
Causes liver disease
Clogs blood, makes blood cells stick together
Blocks the body's creation of natural pain-reducing hormones (eicosanoids)
Causes the creation of free radicals that promote inflammation
Creates nutritional deficiencies of healthy oils and essential fatty acids (EFAs)
Promotes cystic fibrosis
Lowers essential fatty acids in the breast milk of nursing mothers
Clogs artery walls and promotes atherosclerosis
Cause gum disease and rotted teeth
Lowers tissue oxygen intake
Causes infertility
Directly damages blood vessels
Causes high blood pressure
Weaken cell walls and compromises cellular structure
Causes dandruff and acne
Mike Adams, July 27, 2005-
Butter consumption at the turn of the century was eighteen pounds per person per year,
and the use of vegetable oils almost nonexistent. Yet cancer and heart disease were
rare. Today butter consumption hovers just above four pounds per person per year while
vegetable oil consumption has soared--and cancer and heart disease are endemic.
Sally Fallon -
The problem is that polyunsaturated fats are highly unstable and oxidize easily (goes
rancid) in the body (if they haven’t already oxidized during processing or by light
exposure while sitting on the grocery store shelf). These oxidized fats cause inflammation
and mutation in cells. Vegetable oils contain a very high concentration of Omega 6 fatty
acids and polyunsaturated fats, which cause an imbalance of these oils in the body.
Omega 6 fats are easily oxidized with heat or light exposure. This is another reason that
when these types of fats/oils are incorporated into tissue like skin cells, the heat and light
from sun exposure can increase skin cancer risk.
Like all modern vegetable oils, canola oil goes through the process of caustic refining,
bleaching and degumming — all of which involve high temperatures or chemicals of
questionable safety. And because canola oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which easily
become rancid and foul-smelling when subjected to oxygen and high temperatures, it
must be deodorized. The standard deodorization process removes a large portion of the
omega-3 fatty acids by turning them into trans fatty acids. A large portion of canola oil
used in processed food has been hardened through the hydrogenation process, which
introduces levels of trans fatty acids into the final product as high as 40 percent. The
consumer has no clue about the presence of trans fatty acids in canola oil because they
are not listed on the label. Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD, 28 July 2002 21:49
“One of the main arguments for USDA recommendations is that drinking milk or
equivalent dairy products will reduce the risk of fractures. But in fact there’s very little
evidence that milk consumption is associated with reduced fractures.” Walter Willett, MD,
PhD, professor of epidemiology and head of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public
“Ingredients” Added to Cow’s Milk
• A veritable hormone cocktail: Including pituitary, steroid, hypothalamic, and thyroid
• Gastrointestinal peptides: Nerve and epidermal growth factors, and the growth
inhibitors MDGI and MAF
• rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone): A genetically engineered hormone
directly linked to breast, colon and prostate cancer. This is injected into cows to
increase milk production.
• Pus: National averages show at least 322 million cell-counts of pus per glass! This
is well-above the human limit for pus-intake, and has been directly linked to
paratuberculosis bacteria, as well as Crohn’s disease. The pus comes from
infected udders on the cows known as mastitis.
• Blood Cells: The USDA allows up to 1.5 million white blood cells per milliliter of
commonly-sold milk. Yes, you are drinking cows blood in the milk and the USDA
allows this!
• Antibiotics: Currently, cows are in such a state of disease and mistreatment that
they are continually being injected with antibiotic medicines and rubbed down with
chemical-laden ointments to deal with their chronic infections. Currently,
regulating committees only test for 4 of the 85 drugs in dairy cows. This means
that the other 81 drugs in cow’s milk are coming directly into your glasses and
bodies. Estimates show that 38% of milk in the U.S. is “contaminated with sulfa
drugs or other antibiotics,” according to a study by the Centre for Science in the
Public Interest and published in the Wall Street Journal on December 29, 1989. A
study from the FDA data showed that over half of all milk was laden with traces of
pharmaceuticals yet nothing has been done to control this. Dr. Edward F. Group III,
Updated on September 10, 2013 -
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) does not permit the use of hormones in
raising hogs or chickens, turkeys and other fowl. Hormones are still used as growth
promoters in cattle and sheep. It's estimated that two-thirds of the cattle raised in the U.S.
are given hormones. The USDA does allow farmers to use antibiotics to prevent or treat
diseases in all farmed animals, although the drugs must be withheld for a period of time
prior to slaughter so that any residues fall below federal limits. Hormones are not added
to poultry feeds. 10/31/2006
Since the 1950s, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a number of
steroid hormone drugs for use in beef cattle and sheep, including natural estrogen,
progesterone, testosterone, and their synthetic versions. FDA web site, Updated: 02/08/2011
A new study recently published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP)
reveals that inorganic arsenic is still prevalent in virtually all conventional chicken meat,
as an arsenical drug similar in composition to roxarsone is still being widely used and fed
to conventional chickens. September 2013 - Ethan A. Huff
One of the primary reasons it would be wise for you to avoid soy is that more than 90
percent of soybeans grown in the United States are genetically modified. Since the
introduction of genetically engineered foods in 1996, we've had an upsurge in low birth
weight babies, infertility, and other problems in the U.S., and animal studies have shown
devastating effects from genetically engineered soy including allergies, sterility, birth
defects, and offspring death rates up to five times higher than normal.
Soybean crops are also heavily sprayed with chemical herbicides, such glyphosate,
which a French team of researchers have found to be carcinogenic. Soybeans -- even
organically grown soybeans -- naturally contain "antinutrients" such as saponins,
soyatoxin, phytates, trypsin inhibitors, goitrogens and phytoestrogens. Traditional
fermentation destroys these antinutrients, which allows your body to enjoy soy's
nutritional benefits. However, most Westerners do not consume fermented soy, but rather
unfermented soy, mostly in the form of soymilk, tofu, TVP, and soy infant formula.
Unfermented soy has the following 10 adverse affects on your body:
1. High Phytic Acid (Phytates): Reduces assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper,
iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods
such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking, but only with long fermentation.
High-phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
2. Trypsin inhibitors: Interferes with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic
disorders. In test animals, trypsin inhibitors in soy caused stunted growth.
3. Goitrogens: Potent agents that block your synthesis of thyroid hormones and can
cause hypothyroidism and thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has
been linked with autoimmune thyroid disease. Goitrogens interfere with iodine
4. Phytoestrogens/Isoflavones: Plant compounds resembling human estrogen can
block your normal estrogen and disrupt endocrine function, cause infertility, and
increase your risk for breast cancer.
5. Hemagglutinin: A clot-promoting substance that causes your red blood cells to
clump, making them unable to properly absorb and distribute oxygen to your tissues.
6. Synthetic Vitamin D: Soy foods increase your body's vitamin D requirement, which
is why companies add synthetic vitamin D2 to soymilk (a toxic form of vitamin D).
7. Vitamin B12: Soy contains a compound resembling vitamin B12 that cannot be used
by your body, so soy foods can actually contribute to B12 deficiency, especially among
8. Protein Denaturing: Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature
processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein (TVP). Chemical
processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly
carcinogenic nitrosamines.
9. MSG: Free glutamic acid, or MSG, is a potent neurotoxin. MSG is formed during soy
food processing, plus additional MSG is often added to mask soy's unpleasant taste.
10. Aluminum and Manganese: Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum, which is
toxic to your nervous system and kidneys, and manganese, which wreaks havoc on
your baby's immature metabolic system.
Soy's anti-nutrients are quite potent. Drinking just two glasses of soymilk daily provides
enough of these compounds to alter a woman's menstrual cycle. But if you feed soy to
your infant or child, these effects are magnified a thousand-fold. Infants fed soy formula
may have up to 20,000 times more estrogen circulating through their bodies as those fed
other formulas. You should NEVER feed your infant a soy-based formula! In fact, infants
fed soy formula take in an estimated five birth control pills' worth of estrogen every day.
As dangerous as unfermented soy is, fermented soy from organic soybeans is a different
story altogether and can be a beneficial part of your diet. Fermented soy is a great source
of vitamin K2, and K2 (combined with vitamin D) is essential in preventing osteoporosis,
cardiovascular disease, dementia, and various types of cancer. Note that tofu is NOT on
this list and is among the soy foods I do not recommend. Traditionally fermented soy
products include: Miso, Tempeh, Natto, and Soy sauce (as long as it's fermented in the
traditional way, and not all are). - Dr. Mercola - The Health Dangers of Soy 08/23/2012
A new study published in Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy titled, "Effects of Titanium
Dioxide Nanoparticles in Human Gastric Epithelial Cells In Vitro," reveals for the first time
that the nanoparticle form of the common "whitening" agent known as titanium dioxide is
capable of inducing "tumor-like" changes in exposed human cells. TiO2 is a naturally
occurring oxide of titanium, and has a wide range of industrial applications as a
"whitening" pigment in plastics, ceramic glazes, and paints. It is used in sunscreens as a
UV absorbing "sun protection factor," due to its high refractive index. Most of our risk of
exposure comes from its use in toothpaste, drugs, and excipient-heavy supplements as a
pill coating, and food products, including even milk (to 'improve' appearance and texture).
As reported by, "You ingest around 100 trillion nanoparticles every
day, researchers at Binghamton University and Cornell University say." So, what are
some common brands who use it? Nanotitanium is found in products produced by Jello,
Nestlé, M&M's, Mother's, Mentos, Albertson's, Hostess and Kool Aid. Sayer Ji, September 24th
2013 -
Genetically modified (GM) foods are food items that have had their DNA directly altered
through genetic engineering, which is the result of combining genes from different
organisms. To create genetically engineered crops, genes from bacteria, viruses, plants,
animals and even humans have been inserted into plants like soybeans, corn, canola,
and cotton. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Virtually all
commercial GMOs are engineered to withstand direct application of herbicide and/or to
produce an insecticide. Despite biotech industry promises, none of the GMO traits
currently on the market offer increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or
any other consumer benefit.
Are GMOs safe?
Most developed nations do not consider GMOs to be safe. In more than 60 countries
around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European
Union, there are significant restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of
GMOs. In the U.S., the government has approved GMOs based on studies conducted by
the same corporations that created them and profit from their sale. In the U.S., GMOs
are in as much as 80% of conventional processed food in our grocery stores.
High-Risk Crops
 Alfalfa (first planting 2011)
 Canola (approx. 90% of U.S. crop)
 Corn (approx. 88% of U.S. crop in 2011)
 Cotton (approx. 90% of U.S. crop in 2011)
 Papaya (most of Hawaiian crop; approximately 988 acres)
 Soy (approx. 94% of U.S. crop in 2011)
 Sugar Beets (approx. 95% of U.S. crop in 2010)
 Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash (approx. 25,000 acres)
ALSO high-risk: animal products (milk, meat, eggs, honey, etc.) because of
contamination in feed.
Monitored Crops (those for which suspected or known incidents of contamination have
occurred, and those crops which have genetically modified relatives in commercial
production with which cross-pollination is possible):
 Beta vulgaris (e.g., chard, table beets)
 Brassica napa (e.g., rutabaga, Siberian kale)
 Brassica rapa (e.g., bok choy, mizuna, Chinese cabbage, turnip, rapini, tatsoi)
 Curcubita (acorn squash, delicata squash, patty pan)
 Flax
 Rice
 Wheat
Common Ingredients Derived from GMO Risk Crops
Amino Acids, Aspartame, Ascorbic Acid, Sodium Ascorbate, Vitamin C, Citric Acid,
Sodium Citrate, Ethanol, Flavorings (“natural” and “artificial”), High-Fructose Corn Syrup,
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Lactic Acid, Maltodextrins, Molasses, Monosodium
Glutamate, Sucrose, Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP), Xanthan Gum, Vitamins, Yeast
• There are NO peer-reviewed scientific papers establishing the safety of GMO crops.
There are, however, both clinical and peer-reviewed scientific papers showing the
hazards of GMO crops, including harmful secondary effects
• Epidemiological patterns show there’s an identical rise in over 30 human diseases
alongside our increased usage of glyphosate and the increased prevalence of
genetically engineered proteins in our food
• Glyphosate is not “just” an herbicide. It was originally patented as a mineral chelator.
It immobilizes nutrients, making them unavailable for your body. It’s also patented as
a potent antibiotic that can devastate human gut bacteria
• The EPA recently doubled the amount of glyphosate allowed in food. Soybean oil is
now allowed to contain a whopping 400 times the limit at which it can impact your
Dr. Mercola, October 06, 2013 -
The EPA, whose mission is to "to protect human health and the environment," has
approved Monsanto's request to allow levels of glyphosate (Roundup) contamination in
your food up to a million times higher than have been found carcinogenic. Sayer Ji, July 2nd
2013 -
Glyphosate residues of up to 4.4 mg/kg have been detected in stems, leaves and beans
of glyphosate-resistant soy, indicating metabolism of the herbicide. This means that the
Roundup Ready™ plants are absorbing the herbicide and you cannot simply wash it off.
Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup™.
Genetically Modified Organisms and the deterioration of health in the United States - N.L. Swanson, 4/24/2013 - Graphs and info was first
published as a series of articles on Seattle at
1. Industrial exposure to mercury is significant and mostly comes from coal burning (220
million pounds a year) and chlor-alkali plants. Over the past 100 years, there has
been a 30-fold increase in mercury deposition, 70%t of which is from human sources.
In fact, there was an exponential peak in mercury occurring in the last 40 years due to
major industrialization. Much of this mercury comes from coal-fired industrial plants
and from chlor-alkali plants that use mercury in the process of making chlorine used
in plastics, pesticides, PVC pipes, and more.
2. The main ways that humans are exposed to mercury are from contaminated fish and
dental amalgams or silver fillings. We get mercury in our bodies from many different
sources including mercury vapors in ambient air, ingesting it via drinking water, fish,
dental amalgams, vaccines, occupational exposures, home exposures including
fluorescent light bulbs, thermostats, batteries, red tattoo dye, skin-lightening creams,
over-the-counter products such as contact lens fluid and neosynephrine, and more.
3. You absorb about 80 percent of inhaled mercury vapor and nearly 100 percent of the
mercury in fish through your gut.
4. Mercury can affect nearly all your organs, especially the brain, heart, kidneys, and
gut. Many chronic diseases may be caused or worsened by mercury, including
neurologic disease, ADHD, autism, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and more.
5. Some of us are genetically better adapted to detoxify mercury than others, leading to
variable effects within the population.
6. You should reduce your exposure by avoiding large ocean fish (like tuna, swordfish,
shark, and tilefish) and river fish. Eat only small wild fish. If it fits in your pan, it is
probably okay.
7. Blood tests are relatively worthless for analyzing mercury toxicity, unless you have
had a significant recent exposure or eat a lot of sushi or tuna. Hair tests only check for
mercury from fish, not from fillings so they only give you a partial picture.
8. The only way to find out your total body load of mercury is to take a medication with
sulfur molecules that binds to the mercury like fly paper. This is called DMSA or
9. This test should ONLY be done by a trained physician and involves taking one dose
of this medicine, followed by a 6- or 24-hour urine collection to see how much comes
out. (In my opinion, the most reliable testing is done by
10. If you are toxic and sick, you may consider addressing your dental health by seeing a
biological dentist who can safely help you deal with mercury in your mouth.
Going to see a conventional dentist who drills out your fillings without any precautions or
protection can lead to serious health consequences. I strongly advise against it.
However, amalgam filling removal CAN be done safely and effectively done by a dentist
trained in the correct techniques. Dr Mark Hyman, 02/20/10 -
Aluminum is found in food items, cosmetic products and vaccines. Aluminum cookware is
another common source. There is more aluminum in the environment today than ever
before in human history. While there has always been aluminum in the environment, the
amount available for absorption into the human body is at an all time high. Foods that
contain aluminum include processed cheese, table salt, baking powder, bleached flour,
cake mixes, prepared dough and baby formula. Medicines that contain aluminum include
antacids, buffered aspirin and painkillers.
The cosmetic and personal care product industries are unregulated for harmful
ingredients and many contain aluminum powder, which the Environmental Working
Group lists as having high health concerns as a neurotoxin. Aluminum powder is found in
1,718 products listed in the EWG database. The EWG provides an independent database
with ratings of safety for personal care products based on toxicity of ingredients. The
products found to contain toxic aluminum include eye liner, eye shadow, mascara, lip
gloss, nail polish, hair spray, deodorant (antiperspirants), and hair color.
Aluminum pans used for cooking have been shown to leach harmful aluminum into the
food items that are cooked in them, so these should be eliminated whenever possible.
Almost all vaccines contain the heavy metal aluminum hydroxide in them. Michelle Goldstein,
September 27, 2013 -
Your antiperspirant probably contains aluminum, and that aluminum may be absorbed
into your breast tissue where it could potentially increase your risk of breast cancer or
other health problems. Women with breast cancer have higher levels of aluminum in their
nipple aspirate fluid (NAF), a fluid present in the breast duct tree. Studies show aluminum
from antiperspirants is deposited in breast tissue, and animal studies have also found
that aluminum can cause cancer. In a 2007 study published in the Journal of Inorganic
Biochemistry, researchers tested breast samples from 17 breast-cancer patients who had
undergone mastectomies. The women who used antiperspirants had deposits of
aluminum in their outer breast tissue. Concentrations of aluminum were higher in the
tissue closest to the underarm than in the central breast. Dr. Mercola - October 17, 2011
Unrefined sea salt is healthy. Table salt, whether marine or not, is toxic—it's poisonous to
the body and is responsible, in great part, to the onset of many terrible diseases including
thyroid and metabolic dysfunction. Dr. David Brownstein weighs in heavily on this matter
saying, "Nobody makes a distinction between unrefined and refined salt. They 'lump' all
salt together as a bad substance. This is a terrible mistake. There are two forms of salt
available in the market place: refined and unrefined. Refined salt has had its minerals
removed and has been bleached to give it the white appearance that we are accustomed
to seeing with salt. It is the fine, white salt that is available at almost any restaurant or
grocery store. Refined salt has been bleached and exposed to many toxic chemicals in
order to get it to its final product. It has aluminum, ferrocyanide, and bleach in it. I believe
this refining process has made it a toxic, devitalized substance that needs to be avoided."
"Unrefined salt, on the other hand," Brownstein continues, "has not been put through a
harsh chemical process. It contains the natural minerals that were originally part of the
product. Its mineral content gives it a distinct color. The colors of unrefined salt can vary
depending on where it is taken from. This is due to the changing mineral content of the
various brands of salt. It is the minerals in unrefined salt that provide all the benefits of
this product. The minerals supply the body with over 80 trace elements needed to
maintain and sustain health.
Furthermore, the minerals elevate the pH (correct acidity) and lower blood pressure. Our
maker gave us salt to use in our diet—unrefined salt—with its full complement of
minerals. It should be the salt of choice. It is a vital ingredient that needs to be part of
everyone's diet." Good salts to use are:
• Celtic (natural sea salt)
Himalayan Crystal Salt (mined 5,000 feet deep below the Himalayan mountain
range )
Redmond Real Salt (mineral rich salt deposit formed by an ancient sea in Utah).
Dr. Mark Sircus, February 15th 2013 -
1. DEET (N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) is the most common active ingredient in insect
repellents. One-third of all Americans use this repellant, which has been shown to be
toxic to the central nervous system. Natural insect repellant solutions exist; otherwise,
candles with eucalyptus oil or citronella oil in the area will do the trick.
2. Glyphosate is the chief ingredient used in Monsanto's Roundup, which has been link
to birth defects, DNA damage, hormone disruption, cancer and neurological disorders.
Ditch this weed killer for good. Get rid of weeds naturally, using boiling water, vinegar,
salts or pulling them out by hand.
3. Phthalates are most commonly found in air fresheners. They also exist in vinyl, wood
varnishes and lacquers. Pthalates disrupt the endocrine system, which can cause
reproductive and neurological damage. Avoid the word "fragrance" on air fresheners, as it
can be a synonym for pthalates. Candles are a better alternative.
4. Bisphenol A (BPA), which is found in nine out of ten Americans, is used in food
containers, baby bottles, plastic bottles and CDs. Scientists have linked BPA to heart
disease, diabetes and liver abnormalities, as well as brain and hormone development
problems in fetuses and children. Be sure to buy BPA free plastics with recycling codes
1, 2 or 5. Recycling codes 3 and 7 are more likely to include BPA or phthalates.
5. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gasses from certain solids or
liquids. These unsafe substances add to indoor air pollution and are linked to asthma and
cancer. Paints, pesticides, lacquers, building materials and office equipment can all
contain VOCs; however, the biggest culprit of VOC emissions in the home are scented,
petroleum-based laundry detergents. Instead, buy plant based, unscented laundry
detergents and look for no-VOC paints. Avoid plywood and particleboard when possible
and keep VOCs contained by waterproofing any plywood furniture with safe sealant
6. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) flame retardants, which are linked to
hormone disruption, developmental deficiencies and cancer, are used in furniture and
electrical equipment. Tests showed that toxic fire retardant chemicals contaminate the
bodies of ninety-nine percent of pregnant women. When buying new products, always
ask the manufacturers what type of fire retardants they use.
7. Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are used in non-stick cookware like Teflon, as
well as in stain-resistant fabrics. PFCs are believed to cause birth defects and cancer and
have shown to be highly concentrated in the breast milk of nursing mothers. Instead, use
stainless steel or iron cast cookware and avoid buying stain resistant furniture.
8. Perchloroethylene (PCE) is a chemical used in dry cleaning that has already been
banned in Europe and Canada. PCE causes toxic effects in the liver, kidney and central
nervous system. It is much easier now to find green dry cleaners that use chemical free
9. Formaldehyde is used in carpentry, soaps, detergents, cabinetry and glues.
Formaldehyde is an extremely toxic carcinogen that was rated as a high level threat for
causing cancer by the Environmental Working Group. To reduce your exposure,
purchase solid wood furniture or make sure that pressed wood products are sealed.
10. Triclosan is used to make antibacterial soaps, which promote antibiotic resistance in
bacteria, thus creating super bacteria. When triclosans are mixed with chlorinated tap
water, the toxic gas chloroform is created. Stop using antibacterial soaps and switch to a
natural alternative.
11 & 12. Chlorine and ammonia are deadly ingredients commonly used in household
cleaners, including toilet bowl and oven cleaner. The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) found that chlorine byproducts are 300,000 times more carcinogenic than the
chemical pesticide DDT. Instead, use cleaners such as baking soda, lemon juice,
vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and castile soap.
80,000 different untested chemicals, not proven to be safe, are sold in the U.S. Many of
these chemicals are known to be dangerous, yet they continue to be sold.
September 05, 2013 by: John McKiernan
“In the United States, the number of mandatory vaccine injections has risen to 36 per
child. Each of these injections contains neurotoxins such as aluminum, formaldehyde,
aborted fetal tissue, animal by-products, heavy metals, and many others. What happens
to a child’s fragile immune system when it’s overloaded with these toxins?”,
“The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts
made to prevent them through mass immunization… There is no convincing scientific
evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease.”
-Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D. -
A study performed by Miller and Goldman analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Event
Reporting System (VAERS) database. They discovered that babies who received
multiple vaccines during a single well-baby visit were the most likely to be hospitalized
following their injections. The data below is a graphical representation of the number of
vaccines given before 6 years of age, under 5 mortality rate, and infant mortality rate of
the respective countries.
It is a heavily guarded secret within the medical establishment (especially within the
corridors of the CDC) that the Cochrane Database Review (CDR), considered by many
within the evidence-based medical model to be the gold standard for assessing the
effectiveness of common medical interventions, does not lend unequivocal scientific
support to the belief and/or propaganda that flu vaccines are safe and effective. To the
contrary, these authoritative reviews reveal there is a conspicuous absence of conclusive
evidence as to the effectiveness of influenza vaccines in children under 2, healthy adults,
the elderly, and healthcare workers who care for the elderly. What is even more
disconcerting is that only one CDR validated safety study on inactivated flu vaccines has
been performed in children under 2 (the population most susceptible to adverse
reactions), even though in the USA and Canada current guidelines recommend the
vaccination of healthy children from six months old. Another alarming finding following the
global pandemic declared by the World Health Organization in 2009, is that receipt of the
seasonal flu vaccine among Canadians actually increased the rate of medically attended
pandemic H1N1 infection. Vaccines, therefore, may actually decrease resistance to viral
infection via their immunosuppressive actions. Sayer Ji, December 29th 2011
When all the evidence is taken together, these studies
( provide powerful evidence that sequential, multiple
vaccinations in newborns and small children maximizes the inflammation of the brain and
as a consequence dramatically enhances the excitotoxic pathology, and does so for
prolonged periods (decades). The more vaccines that are added to the vaccine schedule,
the more frequently this devastating effect will be seen and in worse forms. - March 12, 2008 Russell L. Blaylock, M.D - The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to
Autism Spectrum Disorders -
Wakefield and his co-workers demonstrated a connection between the MMR vaccines
and abnormal gut function in a landmark article appearing in the journal Lancet in 1998
(Wakefield AJ et al. Ileal-lymphoid nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive
developmental disorders in children. Lancet 1998; 351: 637-641). In this carefully conducted
study they biopsied the lining of the intestines of autistic children having GI symptoms
and demonstrated lymphocytic infiltration as well as elevated levels of inflammatory
antibodies and cytokines. TNF- release was particularly high from these gut-based
immune cells. The entire GI tract, from the stomach to the colon, was infiltrated by these
immune cells. March 12, 2008 - Russell L. Blaylock, M.D - The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain
Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders -
In 1871-2 England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated
against smallpox, it experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000
deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there
were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox. (The Hadwen Documents)
In Germany, compulsory mass vaccination against diphtheria commenced in
1940, and by 1945, diphtheria cases were up from 40,000 to 250,000. (Don't Get
Stuck, Hannah Allen)
In 1967, Ghana was declared measles-free by the World Health Organization after
96% of its population was vaccinated. In 1972, Ghana experienced one of its
worst measles outbreaks with its highest ever mortality rate. (Dr. H. Albonico,
MMR Vaccine Campaign in Switzerland, March 1990)
In the UK between 1970 and 1990, over 200,000 cases of whooping cough
occurred in fully vaccinated children. (Community Disease Surveillance Centre,
In the 1970s, a tuberculosis vaccine trial in India involving 260,000 people
revealed that more cases of TB occurred in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated.
(The Lancet 12/1/80 p73)
In 1977, Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed the first polio vaccine, testified along with
other scientists that mass inoculation against polio was the cause of most polio
cases throughout the USA since 1961. (Science 4/4/77 "Abstracts")
In 1979, Sweden abandoned the whooping cough vaccine due to its
ineffectiveness. Out of 140 cases in 1978, it was found that 84% had been
vaccinated three times! (BMJ 283:696-697, 1981)
The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association
found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians refused to take the
rubella vaccine.
In Oman between 1988 and 1989, a polio outbreak occurred amongst thousands
of fully vaccinated children. The region with the highest infection rate had the
highest vaccine coverage. The region with the lowest infection rate had the lowest
vaccine coverage. (The Lancet, 21/9/91)
In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue, a study found that over
80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had
been fully vaccinated.
In 1990, the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article on
measles which stated, "Although more than 95% of school-aged children in the
US are vaccinated against measles, large measles outbreaks continue to occur in
schools and most cases in this setting occur among previously vaccinated
children." (JAMA, 21/11/90)
Rich Stossel - October 31, 2013
The following graphs, based on the official death numbers as recorded in the Official
Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, are taken from Greg Beattie's excellent
book "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma" and represent the decline in death rates from
infectious disease in Australia. They clearly show that vaccines had nothing to do with the
decline in death rates. (Note: Graphical evidence on the decline in death rates from
infectious disease for USA, England, New Zealand and many other countries shows the
exact same scenario as above).
A 2004 study, “Changes in USDA Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to
1999,” showed the average nutrient decline in fruits and vegetables was about 15
percent. Protein content in wheat and barley declined 30 to 50 percent since the 1930s.
A recent study by researchers at Clemson University, published in the Journal of Animal
Science, found that meat from steers finished on pasture contained less saturated fat, 54
percent more B vitamins and beta carotene, and a whopping 117 percent more
conjugated linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid and antioxidant linked to improved
immune function.
There is arsenic in rice, and it's generally higher in brown rice than in white rice.
Consumer Reports tested 223 samples of rice products in 2012 and found significant
levels of arsenic in most of them, including inorganic arsenic (the really toxic kind). As
Consumer Reports found, it's not unusual to see arsenic at levels of 200 ppb or more in
rice-based baby cereals. Mke Adams, September 15, 2013
Two-thirds of Americans are now overweight, and five percent of American children
can now be considered “severely obese,” which puts their health at grave risk
Carb-rich processed foods are a primary driver of these statistics; while many blame
Americans’ overindulgence of processed junk foods on lack of self control, scientists
are now starting to reveal the truly addictive nature of such foods
The obesity rate among Swedish and Japanese women is between five and six
percent, compared to almost 40 percent for American women, suggesting there’s
something in the American diet that is different from other affluent nations
At the heart of the problem is the issue of toxic food—foods that are heavily
processed and purposely designed for maximum “craveability”
Dr. Mercola, September 26, 2013 -
Laboratory tests commissioned by the Environmental Working Group have detected
bisphenol A (BPA), a plastic component and synthetic estrogen, in umbilical cord blood of
American infants. Nine of 10 randomly selected samples of cord blood tested positive for
BPA, an industrial petrochemical. BPA has been implicated in a lengthening list of
serious chronic disorders, including cancer, cognitive and behavioral impairments,
endocrine system disruption, reproductive and cardiovascular system abnormalities,
diabetes, asthma, and obesity. In all, the tests found as many as 232 chemicals in the 10
newborns, all of minority descent. The cord blood study has produced hard new evidence
that American children are being exposed, beginning in the womb, to complex mixtures of
dangerous substances that may have lifelong consequences.” 232 Toxic Chemicals found in 10
Babies, Dr. Mercola - December 31 2009 -
The #1 Children's Vitamin Brand in the US (Top Pharma-Brand - Flintstones Vitamins)
contains ingredients that most parents would never intentionally expose their children to.
Cupric Oxide
Coal tar artificial coloring agents (FD&C Blue #2, Red #40, Yellow #6)
Hydrogenated Oil (Soybean)
GMO Corn starch
June 20, 2013 -
The Main Causes of Disease
Deception that medications can heal and promote wellness
Ignorance to God’s design for health and therefore deceived to rely on
the World’s system of sick care designed to take your money and your
Fear of getting cancer, fear of not having medical coverage, and fear of
not trusting the medical system
Deception that are foods are mostly okay, not so toxic, and are not a
cause of symptoms, and are the not a major cause of disease
Ignorance that nutritional deficiencies are common, a source of
symptoms, and are a cause of disease
Fear of catching something. Pathogens have always been around and
can be defeated, but become a stronghold when there is a compromised
immune system due to toxins, nutritional deficiencies, lack of exercise,
and stress
Most health issues arise from nutritional deficiencies and toxins, which provides an
environment for pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites) to proliferate.
Medications for health issues do not address these root causes, but work to alleviate the
symptoms. The medication’s (drug’s) toxic effect on the liver causes other symptoms
(side effects). Attempting to heal living organic tissue (your body) with synthetic inorganic
substances (drugs) is irrational.
In summary, the main causes of most diseases are due to being compromised by toxins
and nutritional deficiencies which gives place for pathogens to proliferate. Therefore a
path to recovery would be: cleanse and eliminate; nurture and rebuild; tone and balance.
Toxins can be pulled from the tissues, but will not effectively be eliminated if the channels
of elimination are not open. Creating a “dirty” blood stream will make people feel worse
and that doesn’t have to happen. A “healing crisis” can be avoided with sufficient
drainage support with the organs of elimination functioning well enough to dispel the
toxins from the body. You can attempt to eliminate the pathogens, but the toxic load
could be giving the pathogens enough of a fortified environment to put up a good fight. It
is always better to allow the body to get in on the fight, and that sometimes isn’t possible
until the toxic load has been reduced or the body’s systems have been strengthened. It
takes energy and properly operating elimination channels to cleanse and eliminate. Some
people are too weak to undergo that process and should be nurtured and built up first.
Organs and systems must have nutrition to function and stay strong. Organs and
systems are made up of cells with specific instructions and specific nutritional
requirements according to their function. The adrenals have a greater need of vitamin C
and pantothenic acid. The kidney has a greater need of B6, while the thyroid has greater
need of iodine and selenium. Cells need chromium to regulate blood sugar. When the
cells are healthy the tissues can be healthy. When the tissues are healthy, the organ is
healthy. When the organ is healthy, a particular system can be healthy. When all the
systems are healthy and functioning in harmony with each other, the whole body is
We must have quality nutrition on a cellular level to nurture and rebuild our cells. What
else can be done for support? Sleep is a must for restoration as many of our systems get
some down time while we are getting restorative sleep. When we are under stress, it
hinders our systems, releases damaging hormones, and causes a greater need for
nutrition. Sleep and reduction of stress can be pivotal for health restoration.
Glandulars can be used to help strengthen glands. Glandulars support tissues of
similarity and they can be used to give the organ “a rest”, while it is being nutritionally
supported. Even when herbs are used to support various gland and organs, they still
must have nutrition for regeneration. Some herbs have a nutritional base, but nutritious
foods and therapeutic supplements is many times needed to bring the gland or organ to a
place of holding its strength. Living on glandulars for continual support makes the gland
“lazy”. After it has had a rest it needs to brought back into function or the gland will
become somewhat dependent on the glandular to do its job. People are told that once
you start thyroid medication you will have to be on it the rest of your life. But the thyroid
can be coaxed back into production when the root issue is removed and it is properly
supported while the thyroid medication is weaned.
Many of the herbs that are very medicinal in their influence on certain glands, organs,
and systems are not meant for continual use. Once the gland or organ has been
regenerated the medicinal herb needs to be decreased and/or discontinued. Nutrition is
Every organ has its own electromagnetic frequency. When healthy it is operating at peak
efficiency, at its correct vibrational frequency, and in chemical balance. When it is not
healthy it, it is not operating at 100% efficiency and may not be in harmony with other
organs. When recovering from a diseased state, many organs and systems can be
affected. Some may be over producing (stimulated) while others may be under producing
(sedated). The body as a whole must be in harmony or in homeostasis to be healthy. All
organs and systems must function in relation to the others. In other words, all feedback
systems must be communicating and in proper working order for the whole to be healthy.
Each organ must be in tune to do its part and it must be in balance with the rest of the
symphony. The endocrine and neurotransmitter systems are the big players here with
their feedback systems and the direct influence upon the body.
Example: If the thyroid is down metabolism is down and the bowels can get sluggish.
Initial prompting of the bowel to move with purging herbs may give some temporary relief,
but continually prompting the bowel to move without addressing the thyroid will only
become increasing difficult, weaken the system and make the bowel more dependent
upon outside stimulation. The thyroid must be at sufficient enough function to maintain
proper influence. Now if the thyroid is down because the adrenals are exhausted (reverse
T3 is counteracting T3), excessive thyroid stimulation may raise metabolism, but will only
weaken the adrenals further because they have to do their part in maintaining
metabolism. Because the individual has exhausted adrenals it is causing excess cortisol
levels and begins to affect their ability to get quality sleep. Now neurotransmitters levels
are being affected. Just doing something for constipation is short sighted, and that may
be the biggest complaint. What is needed here is a prioritizing of systems with the
adrenals being the key. You may provide some symptom relief for constipation and sleep,
but those issues won’t be resolved until the adrenals are strengthened and brought to a
level of higher function to maintain performance over a period of time. So the real
question becomes, “What is the root problem?” The answer will most likely be toxins and
nutritional deficiencies that have allowed pathogens to infect a weakened system with
weakened tissues.
The priority of the body is:
• 1 survive
• 2 function
• 3 regenerate and rebuild.
May times medications are a valuable need of the body for survival and sometimes
required for function. But it is impossible for a medical drug to heal. An analogy is that
while the medication may blow away the smoke, the fire is still burning. Herbs have the
ability to work with the body to clear the smoke and put out the fire, and without side
effects when used appropriately.
Sometimes health must be restored in stages. It may begin with crisis management, then
a recovery phase, ending with a maintenance phase. It may start out with therapeutic
levels of support that is reduced over time to maintenance levels. Starting recovery with
too much can make the program too difficult to follow and maybe too expensive.
Sometimes you will have to prioritize and work to restore health in stages and levels.
Everything probably can’t be fixed overnight. It has been said that for each year you have
struggled with a health challenge, it will take a month of recovery. The time to heal
depends on doing the right thing and how proactive you are.
Seeing the Solution
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Ps 119:105
The Concepts of Health and Disease
How we get sick spiritually correlates to how we get sick physically. Thus if you
understand how to get well spiritually, by following the same analogy, you would know
the principles of how to get well physically. This is very important to recognize. Below are
the correlations:
Sin - that which defiles if not repented
Evil spirits – that which seeks to infest,
control, and find habitation
Word of God – that which feeds and
nourishes our spirit
Repentance – the act of removing of
sin and turning away from that which
Crucify the flesh – a discipline that if
not maintained would control behavior and
cause spiritual dysfunction
Toxins - that which defiles if not
Pathogens - that which seeks to infest,
control, and find habitation
Nutrition – that which feeds and
nourishes our physical body
Detoxification – the act of removing
and ceasing of taking in of toxins
Daily elimination/Exercise – a
discipline that removes metabolic wastes
that would cause dysfunction if not
Worship – an act of connecting to God
Stress relief – an act of relieving the
for refreshing and relieving of burdens
body from the effects associated from
physical and emotional strain
Warfare prayer – special and fervent
Herbs – special plant substances taken
prayer to bring a specific desired result
for a purpose to bring a specific desired
Faith and love – that which works
Immune System – that which works
together to build up and to prevent
together to protect and defend from
In simple terms, the body that is toxic and nutritionally deficient has a low immune system
and is compromised. The weakened environment and tissue then gives way to
pathogens to proliferate.
Revelations to Living Disease Free
People perish for lack of knowledge
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected
knowledge… (Hosea 4:6 NKJ)
God does want you to be healthy
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as
your soul prospers. (III John 2 NAS)
For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ’plans for welfare and
not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. (Jer. 29:11 NAS)
We are a 3 part being (sprit, soul, body) and each part can affect your health.
If we violate God’s principles for maintaining health there are consequences.
Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in
you? If any man destroys the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of
God is holy, and that is what you are. (1 Cor. 3:16-17 NAS)
God is the healer and He has a health care system for His people to follow.
 By obeying God and following His ways, He blesses our land and food, thereby
taking away sickness.
… and said, "If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is
right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put
none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the
LORD who heals you.“ (Exodus 15:26 NKJ)
Then it shall come to pass, because you listen to these judgments, and keep and do
them, that the Lord your God will keep with you the covenant and the mercy which He
swore to your fathers. 13 And He will love you and bless you and multiply you; He will
also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your land, your grain and your new
wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flock, in the
land of which He swore to your fathers to give you. 14 You shall be blessed above all
peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your
livestock. 15 And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with
none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all
those who hate you. (Deuteronomy 7:12-15 NKJV)
 As God’s children following His way, sickness is not part of our lifestyle, but if we do
get sick we are given instructions.
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray
over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. (James 5:14 NKJ)
And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his
malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians.
(2 Ch 16:12 NKJ)
God heals naturally and supernaturally and we can incorporate both.
Then Isaiah said, "Take a lump of figs." So they took and laid it on the boil, and he
recovered. (2 Kings 20:7 NKJ)
When the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases
brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.
(Luke 4:40 NKJ)
For health issues, do not eat unclean foods.
‘For I am the LORD who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God.
You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the law of the animals and the
birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that
creeps on the earth, to distinguish between the unclean and the clean, and
between the animal that may be eaten and the animal that may not be eaten.’
(Leviticus 11:45-47 NKJ)
God created the body to have innate healing when His principles are followed.
...from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies,
according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth
of the body for the edifying of itself in love. (Eph 4:16 NKJ)
“No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; and every tongue that accuses
you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
and their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17 NAS)
God gave us herbs for medicine and we should learn how to use them.
The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Revelation 22:2 NKJ)
According to God’s design, our bodies are meant to work 6 days and rest every
Six days shall work be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy
convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the LORD in all your
dwellings. (Lev. 23:3 NKJ)
Don’t eat the fat or blood of animals.
This shall be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings:
you shall eat neither fat nor blood. (Leviticus 3:17 NKJ)
Some disease states are harder to overcome because there is more than one
issue involved (this can create a 3 stranded cord that becomes a physical
And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three
strands is not quickly torn apart. (Ecc. 4:12 NAS)
Sickness and disease can originate from sin.
"And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all
that was due to him. "So My heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from
his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses." (Matt. 18:34-35 KJV)
The way of the LORD is strength for the upright, but destruction will come to the
workers of iniquity. (Pr 10:29 KJV)
We are new creatures in Christ under the order of Melchizedek. Jesus paid for
our redemption, spirit, soul, and body. We are meant to live in the blood line of
Jesus free from sickness and disease.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new. (2 Cor. 5:17 NKJ)
who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins,
might live for righteousness--by whose stripes you were healed. (1 Peter 2:24 NKJ)
For He testifies: "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek."
(Heb 7:17 NKJ)
Applying Solutions
Levels of
Levels of
All of us are at
some level of
health or
For precept must be
upon precept,
precept upon
precept, Line upon
line, line upon line,
Here a little, there a
Isaiah 28:10
Step 1 - Change Your Diet
The Institute of Medicine advises that men consume roughly 3.0 liters (about 13 cups) of
water a day and women consume 2.2 liters (about 9 cups) of water a day. Another rule of
thumb is to drink ½ your weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 lbs, you would drink 75
About 40 percent of bottled water is regular tap water. The pH of the bottled water you
buy may be making you acidic.
Appalachian Springs Water
Aquafina (made by Pepsi)
Arrowhead Water
Biota water
Crystal Geyser Water
Dannon Spring Water
Dasani (made by Coca Cola)
Deep Park Water
Deep Rock Water
Distilled Water
Eden Springs Water
Eldorado Springs Water
Evamore Water
Fiji Water
Gerber Pure Water
Glaceau Fruit Water
Great Value RO Water (Wal-Mart brand)
Ice Age Glacial Water
Le Blue Water
Metro Mint Water
Penta Water
Poland Springs Water
Pure American Water
Purified Water
Reverse Osmosis Water and Purified water
Smart Water
Supermarket Spring Water
Tap Water
Vitamin Water
Whole Foods 365 Water
Zephyrhills Water
4.5 - 6.0 (depending on source)
7.00 (neutral)
It cost 40% to 100% extra for the privilege of eating organic food grown without
pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, antibiotics, and chemical fertilizer.
The health benefits of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables outweigh the risks of pesticide
exposure, but eating conventionally-grown produce is far better than not eating fruits and
vegetables at all. The Environmental Working Group analyzes Department of Agriculture
data about pesticide residue and ranks foods based on how much or little pesticide
residue they have. The group has estimated that individuals can reduce their exposure by
80% if they switch to organic when buying 12 specific foods. In order of having the most
pesticides they are: 1. Apples, 2. Strawberries, 3. Grapes, 4. Celery, 5. Peaches, 6.
Spinach, 7. Sweet bell peppers, 8. Nectarines-imported, 9. Cucumbers, 10. Potatoes, 11.
Cherry tomatoes, 12. Hot peppers
Genetically modified plants, or GMOs, are not often found in the produce section of
grocery stores. Field corn, nearly all of which is produced with genetically modified seeds,
is used to make tortillas, chips, corn syrup, animal feed and bio-fuels. Because it is not
sold as a fresh vegetable, it is not included in EWG's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in
Produce. Nor is soy, another heavily GMO crop that makes its way into processed food.
The genetically modified crops likely to be found in produce aisles of American
supermarkets are zucchini, Hawaiian papaya and some varieties of sweet corn. Most
Hawaiian papaya is a GMO. Only a small fraction of zucchini and sweet corn are GMO.
Since U.S. law does not require labeling of GMO produce, EWG advises people who
want to avoid it to purchase the organically-grown versions of these items.
The top fifteen pesticide free foods (produce) in order from most contaminated to least
were: 1. Mushrooms, 2. Sweet potatoes, 3. Cantaloupe, 4. Grapefruit, 5. Kiwi, 6.
Eggplant, 7. Asparagus, 8. Mangos, 9. Papayas, 10. Sweet peas frozen, 11. Cabbage,
12. Avocados, 13. Pineapples, 14. Onions, 15. Sweet Corn.
EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
So, first and foremost, you have to realize that a healthy diet equates to fresh whole,
preferably organic foods, and foods that have been minimally processed. This means;
1. It's grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers (organic foods fit this
description, but so do some non-organic foods)
2. It's not genetically engineered (GMOs)
3. It contains no added growth hormones, antibiotics, or other drugs
4. It does not contain any artificial ingredients, including chemical preservatives
5. It is fresh (keep in mind that if you have to choose between wilted organic produce
or fresh conventional produce, the latter may be the better option)
6. It did not come from a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO)
7. It is grown with the laws of nature in mind (meaning animals are fed their native
diets, not a mix of grains and animal byproducts, and have free-range access to
the outdoors)
8. It is grown in a sustainable way (using minimal amounts of water, protecting the
soil from burnout, and turning animal wastes into natural fertilizers instead of
environmental pollutants)
Almost all fish should be avoided, as almost all fish are contaminated with mercury, PCBs
and DDT. The only exceptions to this rule are fish like sardines and anchovies, as they
are small enough to have minimal contamination. Other fish that are less likely to be
contaminated with high levels of mercury are:
• Summer Flounder
• Sardines
• Wild Pacific Salmon
• Haddock
• Croaker
• Tilapia
GMO foods
Aspartame, Splenda/Sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, fruit juice
Artificial colorings and flavorings
Hydrogenated oils / trans-fatty acids and cooking with vegetable oils
Commercialized pasteurized milk
“Fat-free” foods
Diet drinks
Scavenger meats - pork, oysters, shrimp, crabs, lobster, and catfish
Farm raised fish
Soy products
Commercial salt [use sea salt (Celtic salt) or Himalayan salt]
1. Canned vegetables
1. Preservatives
2. Iceberg lettuce
3. Roasted nuts and seeds
Excessive grain intake, especially wheat
Processed, packaged foods
Peanuts (frequently contaminated with a carcinogenic mold called aflatoxin, and
are one of the most pesticide-contaminated crops)
Cheese and ice cream from pasteurized milk
Refined carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, bagels, waffles, pretzels, refined breads,
and many other processed grain products break down to sugar, which increases insulin
levels causing insulin resistance; which is the number one underlying factor of nearly
every chronic disease and condition, including weight gain.
Gluten is the primary protein found in wheat and there is a hidden intolerance of wheat
products to most people. Rice, corn, buckwheat and millet have glutens, but the glutens
in these foods do not contain the gliadin molecule that can provoke the inflammatory
reaction. Other safe grains include quinoa and amaranth.
The American diet is sorely lacking in good fats, which will reduce cancer, heart disease,
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, obesity, depression, and inflammation. Healthy fats
• Olive oil
• Coconut oil
• Avocados
• Flax seed oil
• Purified cod liver oil and fish oil (not already rancid from heat processing)
• Organic raw nuts
• Organic pastured egg yolks
• Pastured meats
• Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk
• Fish (free of mercury and not farm raised)
Fresh vegetables (such as Kale, Swiss chard, collards, spinach, dandelion
greens, green and red cabbage, broccoli, red and green leaf lettuce, romaine
lettuce, endive, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, fennel, celery, cucumbers,
cauliflower, zucchini, brussel sprouts
Fruits as a snack in-between meals (separate from meals for digestion
purposes) or for dinner to rest the digestion throughout the night.
Freshly processed vegetable juice (juicing)
Spelt is a more nutritious grain than wheat and not allergenic
Green tea and herbal teas
Raw milk (not pasteurized or homogenized) in limited quantities (goat milk is
much better than cow)
Beef in moderation as it is harder to digest (grass fed if you can afford it)
Poultry (free range if you can afford it) chicken, turkey, ostrich
Game meats such as venison, buffalo, lamb
Acceptable fish and sea vegetables from clean waters
Eggs (organic or from free range chickens if you can find it)
Seeds (raw) sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, flax, etc.
Nuts (raw) cashews, Brazil nuts, almonds, pecans, etc.
Freshly made beans and lentils in moderation (beans become mostly
carbohydrates when cooked)
Butter and/or ghee (organic and from grass-fed cows if you can afford it)
Whole grains in moderation (such as millet, oatmeal, brown rice)
Sprouted grain breads
Raw nut butters, raw honey, blackstrap molasses, maple syrup, and sucanat in
Fermented foods like tamari, tempeh, natto, sauerkraut, kim chee, kombucha
tea, raw vinegar, fermented vegetables, full-fat plain yogurt
Home-made salad dressings (raw egg yolks, cream, raw vinegar, and olive, flax,
or walnut oils)
Coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, high-oleic safflower and sunflower oils, and
expeller-pressed nut oils, cold pressed sesame oil, palm kernel oil, grape seed
Cod liver oil, Brewer’s yeast, spirulina, bee pollen, raw wheat germ, and kelp
Cheese (unpasteurized is better)
Herb and spice seasonings
Eat desserts in moderation prepared using natural ingredients such as butter
and raw honey, and on special occasions only
26. Stevia is a great sweetener substitute as it is an herb without carbohydrates that
is very sweet
Recommended choices for cooking are: coconut oil, palm kernel oil, and butter.
Oils least damaged by heat and oxygen in the following order are:
• Butter
• Tropical fats (coconut, palm kernel)
• Cold pressed or expeller pressed sunflower oil (not regular sunflower)
• Cold pressed or expeller pressed safflower oil (not regular safflower)
• Peanut oil
• Sesame oil
• Canola oil (It is a genetically modified food and it is not recommend.)
• Olive oil
1. Use cast iron, stainless steel, glass, or ceramic. Do not cook with aluminum, copper,
or Teflon-coated (non-stick) cookware.
2. It is better to steam or sauté your vegetables than boiling them.
3. Vegetable and fruit wash: 1 cup water, 1 cup vinegar, 1 tsp. baking soda, 20 drops of
grapefruit seed extract. Mix water and vinegar in spray bottle. Add in grapefruit seed
extract. Slowly add in baking soda as mixture will fizz.
4. Eat some raw foods every day.
5. Do not skip meals.
6. Drink plenty of water in-between meals rather than with meals so it will not dilute the
digestive juices.
7. For digestive purposes it is better to eat vegetables with proteins, vegetables with
carbohydrates, but not starches with proteins (eat fruit in-between meals as a snack
and not with protein).
8. Have a big glass of water when you first get up in the morning to help the body flush
out the toxins it has been preparing throughout the night.
Step 2 - Cleanse, Cleanse, Cleanse
Runny nose
Joint pains
Itchy nose
Skin rashes
Frequent colds
Irritated eyes
Sore throat
Immune weakness
Tight or stiff neck
Mood changes
Angina pectoris
Sinus congestion
Bad breath
Circulatory deficits
High blood fats
Chronic fatigue
Muscle twitching
There are four main organs used for the elimination of toxins. They are the colon, liver,
kidney, and lungs. Toxins are also eliminated through the skin, but if all the other
channels are working properly, the skin would serve mostly as a protective system and
cooling system, rather than a detox organ. If you have skin issues, more than likely you
have issues with elimination of toxins.
The lymphatic system collects metabolic byproducts and wastes from the tissues and
carries it to the organs used for elimination. Primarily, toxins are processed through the
liver, and then moved to the gallbladder, which dumps them to the colon to be flushed out
the bowel. When a person is not having regular bowel movements with good evacuation,
toxins can be recycled back into the body.
Colon – The bowel is the primary organ of elimination. The liver dumps toxins to the
colon and the lymphatic system dumps toxins to the colon. At least 50% of the body’s
immune system is in the bowel. The bowel is usually the first place where disease
processes begin. The colon is sometimes called the second brain because it has its own
neurotransmitter system and it can have a significant influence on the brain. If people are
not having at least one good bowel movement per day, they are constipated.
Constipation is infrequent passage of stool and incomplete evacuations.
Major causes of constipation are from:
• Magnesium deficiency is number one
• Poor fluid intake
• Low fiber diet
• Lack of exercise
• Endocrine problems (thyroid, adrenals)
• Food allergies (dairy is common)
• Abnormal colon motility (pathogens and imbalance of flora called dysbiosis)
• Emotional issues
• Neurological disorders
• Medications
Herbs can also stimulate peristalsis and support the colon. Senna, mandrake, and
cascara sagrada work as irritants, which the colon attempts to expel. Senna works as a
laxative, while cascara sagrada can assist in restoring proper peristalsis. Turkey rhubarb
root, peppermint, aloe, and wheatgrass act more as tonics to support the colon. A tea
from flaxseed works like a laxative as well as raw juice from celery, apples, carrots,
rhubarb, spinach, prunes, figs, and raisins.
The effect of a laxative may move the bowel, but it doesn’t “clean” the colon. Colonics
and enemas are the most direct way to do that. Fiber products such as ground flaxseeds
or psyllium seeds or the use of psyllium husks bulk up the stool and work to “sweep or
scrape” the colon. Extra water must be taken to keep the stool from excessive hardening
and decreasing motility. Charcoal and bentonite clay are good for collecting toxins
deposited in the colon.
Supportive Foods
Supportive Juices
Supportive Herbs
Fiber, bran, fruit, water,
vegetables, grains,
ground flax seed, beans,
peas, legumes, prunes,
lentils, okra
Celery, apple, carrot,
rhubarb, spinach, prune,
fig, raisins,
Aloe, slippery elm,
fennel, fenugreek,
bayberry, marshmallow,
rhubarb root,
peppermint, wheatgrass,
collinsonia (cascara
sagrada & senna will
move bowels but are
laxative irritants)
Vitamins, Minerals,
Probiotics, aloe vera
juice, psyllium seed
husks, glutamine,
magnesium, activated
charcoal, bentonite clay,
Liver – The liver is the chemical factory of the body. The liver is intimately involved in
cleansing our blood of the pesticides, pollutants, steroids, pharmaceuticals, and all other
toxins. The liver chemically changes poisons so they can be safely removed from the
body. With the prevalence of processed foods, medications, and environmental
pollutions, our liver is working harder than ever to detoxify our body.
Supportive Foods
Supportive Juices
Beets, broccoli,
cabbage, cauliflower,
kale, artichokes,
rhubarb, radishes,
sprouts, omega 3 fish,
flaxseed oil, apples,
garlic, onions, turnips
Citrus, spinach,
grapefruit juice, carrot,
apple, beet, parsley,
Supportive Herbs
Vitamins, Minerals,
Agrimony, barberry,
Vitamin C, SAMe,
garlic, bupleurum, black lecithin, inositol, choline,
radish, burdock,
N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)
dandelion root,
undenatured whey,
fenugreek, maitake,
MSM, alpha lipoic acid,
milk thistle,
red clover, turmeric root, L-taurine, reduced
schisandra, culver’s root, glutathione
fringe tree, milkweed,
Kidney – The primary function of the kidneys is to filter the blood. Every 24 hours about
45 gallons circulate through the kidneys. The kidneys have nephrons, which are the
functional units of the kidney that contain tiny filters that are used for detoxification. Tubes
in the nephrons either reabsorb water and salt to go back into the body or discharge them
to be eliminated in the urine. When the liver is overly taxed and the bowel toxins are
being re-circulated back into the body, the kidneys have to work harder. The kidneys are
also involved in electrolytes and tissue hydration.
Many herbs are specific to the kidneys for offering support to strengthen, cleanse, or
increase the flow of urine (diuretics), and even for dissolving kidney stones.
Supportive Foods
Supportive Juices
Supportive Herbs
Water, apples,
cranberries, celery, low
animal protein diet,
Apples, cucumbers,
watermelon rind,
parsley, cranberry,
celery, aloe vera,
pomegranate juice,
wheatgrass, dandelion,
asparagus, spinach
Cornsilk, juniper berry,
uva ursi, buchu,
cleavers, gravel root,
parsley, slippery elm,
oat straw, dandelion
root, marshmallow,
quack grass, stoneroot,
hydrangea root, wild
celery seed
Vitamins, Minerals,
Vitamin B6,
magnesium, potassium,
Skin – The skin is the largest organ of the body. The skin eliminates some of the same
toxins expelled by the kidneys. The skin contains many cytochrome P-450 detoxification
enzymes (needed and used by the liver). If the kidneys and liver are not eliminating
toxins efficiently, the body tries to move them out through the skin. That is why many
practitioners call the skin the second kidney. When the bowel, lungs, kidneys, lymph
system, and liver are sluggish, many toxins are then forced to be eliminated through the
skin. When someone is having skin issues, one of the first places to look is upstream,
which is the kidney, liver, and the colon.
Lungs – The lobules of the lungs contain bronchioles, alveoli, blood, and lymphatic
vessels. The alveolar membranes allow carbon dioxide and other gases to be eliminated
from the blood into the lungs. The lungs also contain cytochrome P-450 detoxification
enzymes, which allow them to convert some chemicals to water-soluble compounds that
can be excreted in the urine. The lungs primarily eliminate carbon dioxide, a by-product
of carbonic acid in the body. The lungs therefore help maintain the acid-alkaline balance
in the body. The lungs can be supported by such herbs and teas made from fenugreek,
comfrey, lobelia, pleurisy root, elecampane, horehound, and yerba santa.
Lymphatic system – The lymph system is composed of the spleen, thymus, tonsils, lymph
nodes, and the lymph vessels. The lymph vessels are filled with lymph fluid and run
parallel to the veins. The lymph is also in the space between cells and it carries off the
cellular waste to the lymphatic vessels. Lymph fluid travels back to nodes, which are also
called lymph glands. There are more than 600 lymph nodes in the body, with the majority
found in neck, groin, armpits, and the abdomen. The immune system scavenger cells
called macrophages are found in the lymph nodes. Lymph nodes also contain Blymphocytes, which are a type of white blood cell that produce anti-bodies that protect the
body from micro-organisms.
The lymph system does not have a pump. Therefore, exercise or muscular movement is
what the body uses to move lymph fluid. When lymph is not moving out of the body as it
should, the cells become congested with their own wastes.
Supportive Foods
Supportive Juices
Supportive Herbs
Water, exercise, olive
oil, carrot, clove,
parsley, garlic, spinach,
cranberry, apple,
Carrot, clove, parsley,
lemon, garlic, aloe vera,
spinach, wheatgrass,
cranberry, apple,
Dandelion leaf, mullein,
fennel, fenugreek, horse
chestnut, blue flag,
poke root, chaparral,
burdock, echinacea,
chestnut leaf, cleavers,
Vitamins, Minerals,
Vitamin B complex
When attempting a “cleanse” or “detoxification program” (from pathogens or toxic
chemicals), it is prudent to make sure the channels of elimination are open and
functioning efficiently in order to prevent having a detox reaction. A severe detox reaction
is called a “Healing Crisis”. If you feel sick or have a worsening of symptoms or even new
symptoms from detoxifying, you will think that what you are doing is harmful and is
making things worse. You can either continue to press through the detox reaction or use
water, fruit, vegetable juices, vitamin C, and herbs for relief by assisting the channels of
Alpha Lipoic acid is a rather weak chelator, but it will cross the blood brain barrier
and can be effective for removing lead and mercury.
Chlorella is a good chelator particularly for lead, mercury, aluminum, and
cadmium. Chlorella pulls toxic metals through the mucosal surface of the
intestines from the blood and protects the kidneys.
Cilantro is capable of mobilizing mercury, cadmium, lead, and aluminum in both
bones and the central nervous system. It has the ability to mobilize more than it
can carry out, so use it with caution.
DMSA, good for lead and mercury, needs to be given every 4 hours around the
clock to prevent redistribution of mercury and lead back into the central nervous
EDTA given orally has about a 5 to 10% absorption rate. Particularly good for
lead and somewhat for mercury, aluminum, and cadmium. It can also help remove
calcium deposits in the arteries. EDTA will increase nitric oxide in the arteries
causing vasodilation. More absorption can be achieved with suppositories.
Malic acid has been shown to cross the blood brain barrier and has a strong
affinity for aluminum, as does chlorella and cilantro.
Zeolite is a naturally occurring crystal formed from volcanic ash that has a
negatively charged honeycomb structure that naturally attracts harmful
substances – metals and toxins. The heavy metals with the highest affinity for the
zeolite in order are: mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, and cadmium. Another
aspect of zeolites is that it doesn’t bind to calcium, magnesium, iron, lithium, and
Heavy Metal Removal Chart
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Chelator)
Apple Pectin (Chelator)
Chlorella (Chelator)
Chlorine Dioxide (Oxidizer)
Cilantro (Mobilizer, Chelator)
DMSA (Chelator)
EDTA (Chelator)
Garlic (Chelator)
Glutathione (Detoxifier)
Infra-red sauna (Detoxifier)
L-Cysteine (Detoxifier)
L-Glycine (Mobilizer)
Malic Acid (Chelator)
Mod. Citrus Pectin (Chelator)
Vitamin C (Detoxifier)
Zeolites (Chelator)
Zinc (mobilize)
1. Drink Clean - Drink plenty of clean water, at least eight to ten glasses a day.
2. Eliminate Properly - Keep your bowels moving, at least once or twice a day.
3. Eat Clean - Eat organic produce and animal products to eliminate the toxins,
hormones, and antibiotics in your food.
4. Eat Detoxifying Foods - You should eat 8 to 10 servings of colorful fruits and
vegetables a day, particularly cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, collards, kale,
cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi. Also eat garlic and onions, which help
increase sulfur in the body which is needed for detoxification.
5. Minimize Drugs - Avoid stimulants, sedatives, drugs, caffeine, nicotine, and
reduce or eliminate alcohol intake.
6. Get Moving - Exercise regularly with focus on conditioning your cardiovascular
system, strengthening exercises, and stretching exercises.
7. Avoid the White Menace - This includes white flour and white sugar.
8. Sweat -- Sweat profusely at least three times a week, using a sauna, steam, or
9. Supplement - Take a high-quality food-based multivitamin and mineral supplement
and/or supplement with juicing and green drinks.
10. Relax - Relax your nervous system every day to a state of calmness.
Consider fasting as an aid to cleanse the body. Fasting refers to complete abstinence
from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. Fasting is nature’s oldest, most
effective and least expensive method of treating disease. A common cause of all
diseases is the accumulation of waste and poisonous matter in the body.
Fasting promotes self healing by the casting off of poisons. Periodic fasting not only helps
break food addictions, but can also extend life spans through calorie restriction and
increased reserves of metabolic enzymes. There are several types of fasts: water-only
fasts, fruit -only fasts, raw vegetables/fruits only fast, vegetable juice-only fasts, 1 day
fasts, 3 day fasts, or much longer fasts. Most people are too toxic to fast more than one
day without the detox reaction being more than they want to endure. Most people should
consider only periodic one-day fasts or juice-only fasts before they try to fast for longer
periods. Apples may be juiced along with vegetables, but fruit juice alone raises blood
sugar and spikes insulin. A short fast of two to three days can be gradually increased with
each succeeding fast by a day or so. The fasting period, however, should not exceed a
week. This will enable the chronically sick body to gradually and slowly eliminate toxic
waste matter without seriously affecting the natural functioning of the body.
The first day’s hunger pangs are perhaps the most difficult to bear. The craving for food
will, however, gradually decrease as the fast progresses. A simple rule for using fasting
as a means for healing is to stop eating until the appetite returns or until one feels
completely well. Only very simple exercises like short walks should be undertaken during
the fast.
The best, safest, and most effective method of fasting is juice fasting. Although the old
classic form of fasting was a ‘water only fast, most of the leading authorities on fasting
today agree that juice fasting is far superior to a water fast. During fasting the body burns
up and excretes large amounts of accumulated wastes. This process is best supported
by drinking vegetable juices rather than water alone.
A precautionary measure which should be observed in fasting is the emptying of the
bowels at the beginning of the fast by an enema to relieve the body of decomposing
matter. Enemas can be administered at least every other day during the fasting period.
There are several benefits of fasting. During a long fast, the body feeds upon its
reserves. Being deprived of needed nutrients, particularly of protein and fats, it will burn
and digest its own tissues. But it will not do so indiscriminately. The body will first
decompose and burn those cells and tissues which are diseased, damaged, aged, or
dead. The essential tissues and vital organs, the glands, the nervous system and the
brain are not damaged or digested in fasting. Here lies the secret of the effectiveness of
fasting as a curative method. During fasting, the building of new and healthy cells is
speeded up by the amino acids released from the diseased cells. The capacity of the
eliminative organs, that is, lungs, liver, kidneys and the skin is greatly increased as they
are relieved of the usual burden of digesting food and eliminating the resultant wastes.
The remaining success of the fast depends largely on how it is broken. The main rules for
breaking a fast are not to eat high stress or heavy foods and to not overeat. Breaking a
fast is best done in the morning, which is probably why it is called break-fast.
Those that should not fast are pregnant women, nursing moms, those underweight, and
diabetics. Those that should not fast without approval or monitoring of a health
professional are the critically ill, those with tuberculosis, advanced heart disease, or
kidney dysfunction.
Far-infrared rays are part of the sunlight spectrum which is invisible to the naked eye. Far
infrared heat is completely healthy and safe for all living things. In fact, it is so safe it is
used in hospitals to warm newborn infants. FIR causes resonance with water molecules.
The human body contains about 70% water by weight and thus FIR activates the water
molecules in our body. Blood flow and oxygen levels are improved. Tissues are warmed
and activated by the resonance thus eliminating fats, chemicals, and toxins from our
blood and fat cells. In an infrared sauna, the average person sweats out 20% toxins and
80% water. In a conventional sauna, the average person sweats out 3% toxins and 97%
Studies have shown a 30 minute far infrared sauna session can burn up to 200-600
calories. Blood flow during whole body hyperthermia is reported to rise from a normal 5-7
quarts per minute to as much as 13 quarts per minute. (Journal of the American Medical Association,
August 1981) In comparison, a person running 2.6 miles in 30 minutes would burn about 378
Infrared saunas have provided relief to those suffering from arthritis, chronic fatigue
syndrome, fibromyalgia, and certain skin conditions by penetrating into joints, muscles
and tissues to increase circulation and oxygen flow. A clinical study in Japan reported a
successful solution for seven out of seven cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with
whole-body far infrared therapy.
“Far infrared sauna technology is the only proven, most efficacious way of getting rid of
stored environmental chemicals.” (Sherry Rogers, MD, Detoxify or Die, 2002, pg. 222)
100% of human fat biopsies in EPA studies contained:
• Styrene (styrofoam, styrene, plastic wrap)
• Dioxins (bleached paper products, herbicides – potent cause of cancer)
• Xylene (gasoline, paints, glues)
• 1,4 dichlorobenzene (deodorizers, sanitizers)
• PCBs (potent cause of cancer)
(Sherry Rogers, MD, Detoxify or Die, 2002, pg. 138)
The research studies on pulsed magnetic fields (many conducted in Russia) indicate they
are effective to improve circulation, accelerate tissue regeneration, regulate the nervous
system, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Studies in the U.S. indicate pulsed
magnetic fields speed the healing of fractures and have proved effective in fractures that
would not otherwise heal.
The magnetic pulsar from helps the body's immune system to fight localized difficult
infections such as infections inside teeth, infections of spirochetes and nanobacteria
inside calcifications, and it penetrates into calcified tumors. The generated pulses of a
standard device covers a volume that is about 3 inches in diameter and 9 inches in
One solution to alkalize and detox your system is an ionic footbath. How does the ionic
footbath work? An ion-producing module is placed in a tub of clean water with added
salt. You immerse your feet into the water. The device works by sending a small current
through the body that generates positively charged ions. The high concentration positive
ions attaches to the negatively charged toxins thus neutralizing them. The body is then
able to discard them through the approximate 2000 pores that are on the bottom of your
feet. In addition, elimination of toxins is also increased through the body’s normal routes.
It alkalizes the blood and tissue thereby correcting the pH balance.
It appears that the ionic cleanse detoxifies the body very effectively and can be faster
than herbal or fasting protocols, with little or no stress to the individual. Used properly, it
provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins without precipitating a
healing crisis. The entire process takes about 30 minutes. Reported benefits are:
• Enhances the immune system
• Assists in recovery time from injuries and surgery
• Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis
• Improves sleep pattern
• Removes heavy metals
• Removes blood clot material
• Improves liver and kidney function
Step 3 - Increase Your Nutrition Levels
We get plenty of calories in our food, but little nutrition. Air, soil, and water pollution in
addition to erosion, and modern farming techniques, have depleted our soils of vital
minerals. Reasons that people are nutritionally deficient are:
• Not consuming nutrient based “foods” (eating junk food)
• Consuming nutrient based foods that are void of nutrition
• Not absorbing and assimilating the nutrients due to digestive issues
• Medications causing nutritional deficiencies
• Stress and toxins cause nutritional deficiencies
• Diseases creating higher need for certain nutrients
Night blindness, poor light adaption -- Vitamin A
Keratosis Pilaris (chicken skin) -- Essential Fatty Acids
Dry eyes – Essential Fatty Acids
Red, bleeding gums -- Vitamin C
Easy bruising, little red dots on skin -- Vitamin C
Decreased smell, taste -- Zinc
Deep fissures in tongue -- B Vitamins
Rapid blinking eyes, muscle twitching -- Magnesium
Seasonal affective disorder -- Vitamin D
Cracks in corner of mouth – Vitamin B2
Constipation - Magnesium
Raw juicing is perhaps the most effective way to restore health and rejuvenate the body.
The eliminative and cleansing capacity of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and the skin is greatly
increased. The favorable effect of raw juices in the treatment of disease is attributed to
the fact that raw juices alkalize the body and contain enzymes, phytonutrients, vitamins,
minerals, trace elements, and natural sugars.
Juicing is a wonderful way to extract live whole food nutrients from vegetables in a way
that is very absorbable to the body and without having to expend digestive energy.
Juicing will help “pre-digest" the vegetables so you receive most of the nutrition. What
about fruits? Juiced fruits are high in sugar content and thus could spike insulin levels.
Too many carrots or beets if not mixed with other vegetables can have the same effect.
Juicing allows you to consume more live whole food nutrients from vegetables than would
ordinarily be consumed. Some ask, “Why not just eat all those vegetables raw?” Most
people won’t because it would be more mass than they would want to consume, it takes
longer than they have time for, and the nutrients wouldn’t be absorbed into the body as
well if it has to go through the digestion process. Then you may ask, “What about the
fiber?” The fiber can be added back into the juice to assist the bowels if you are not
getting enough fiber from other sources.
Vegetables juices to start with that are easy to digest are:
• Celery
• Carrot
• Fennel
• Apple (not a vegetable, but improves
taste not so sweet)
• Cucumbers
Once you are used to juicing, then other vegetables can be added:
• Red leaf lettuce
• Chinese Cabbage
• Green leaf lettuce
• Bok Choy
• Romaine lettuce
• Garlic
• Endive
• Tomato
• Escarole
• Beet
• Spinach
• Alfalfa
• Cabbage (good for healing
Synthetic vitamins are more affordable than whole food vitamins.
There are vast differences between health-food quality synthetic vitamins and
commercialized synthetic vitamins with “toxic” additives.
Commercialized heat treated synthetic vitamins contain dyes, petroleum
solvents, and other chemicals that make the product damaging to your health.
Isolated synthetic vitamins can rob the body of other nutrients, thus creating
other deficiencies. Therefore a multi-vitamin/mineral is usually more prudent
to cover the bases than taking just one or two vitamins.
Quality synthetic vitamins do not heal, but they do offset symptoms of vitamin
deficiencies and function as vitamin-likes.
Whole food vitamins are very absorbable and contain all the factors to make it
a true vitamin and not just fractionated parts.
Whole food vitamins contain the discovered and yet undiscovered nutrients in
food needed and useful to the body.
Synthetic vitamins do not absorb as well, thus high potencies are required to
increase their effects.
For those that are severely nutrient deficient – quality synthetic vitamins do
provide “support” for the body’s deficiencies and does provide a significant
vitamin-like effect to offset symptoms. Synthetic vitamins greatly assist in
supporting body functions.
As a person’s health improves and reaches a higher state of health, the body
“prefers” whole foods to heal and regenerate rather than synthetic fractions.
Taking vitamins with meals helps to supply other nutrients needed for
assimilation. Taking synthetic vitamins on an empty stomach may cause
nausea because it is not per say food. Taking whole food vitamins on an
empty stomach will not upset the stomach because the vitamins are food.
The more toxic a person is the more nutrition needed to support the body. A
whole food vitamin pill will not have the potency of a synthetic vitamin.
Vitamin D is one of the greatest deficiencies in America. It is not really a vitamin but a
hormone. It is essential for immune health. Vitamin D3 is made in the skin when 7dehydrocholesterol (cholesterol) reacts with UVB ultraviolet light. How much vitamin D3
do we need? On the average we need about 20 to 30 minutes of sunshine in the middle
of the day.
Fish, liver, egg yolk, and cod liver oil are the best sources of vitamin D foods. If you do
not eat vitamin D rich foods often or get adequate sunshine, you should consider taking a
vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol is the correct type of vitamin D
Vitamin D Dose Recommendations
Below 5
Age 5 - 10
Pregnant Women
Age Dosage
35 units per pound per day
2500 units
5000 units
5000 units
WARNING: There is no way to know if the above recommendations are correct. The
ONLY way to know is to test your blood. You might need 4-5 times the amount
recommended above. Ideally your blood level of 25 OH D should be 60ng/ml.
One-third of Americans have serum 25(OH)D concentrations below 20 ng/ml. The
consensus from a wide variety of studies for the optimal concentration is at least 30 ng/ml
and more likely over 40 ng/ml based on observational studies. Orthomolecular News Service,
June 10th 2012 -
In fact, children taking just 1,200 IUs of vitamin D3 per day, which is considered a low
dose, were shown to be 42 percent less likely to come down with the flu. I firmly believe
that optimizing your vitamin D levels is the single most important and least expensive
action you can take to help strengthen immune function and protect against getting sick
during the flu season, and would STRONGLY urge you to have your vitamin D level
monitored to confirm your levels are therapeutic at 50-70 ng/ml year-round. Dr. Mercola
October 22, 2013
“Current research has implicated vitamin D deficiency as a major factor in the pathology
of at least 17 varieties of cancer as well as heart disease, stroke, hypertension,
autoimmune diseases, diabetes, depression, chronic pain, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis,
muscle weakness, muscle wasting, birth defects, periodontal disease, and more.”
 Iodized salt is the chief source of iodine in the industrialized world.
Yet rates of iodine deficiency have reached epidemic levels, increasing fourfold
over the past 40 years. A startling 74% of normal, “healthy” adults may no longer
be consuming sufficient quantities.
Recent scientific analysis reveals that many commercial table salt brands now
contain inadequate amounts of iodine.
Iodine is critical to healthy thyroid function.
Inadequate iodine intake causes weight gain, low energy, depression,
cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and a variety of cancers.
Iodine is vital to breast health in older women, with low intake correlated to
increased risks for breast cancer and fibrocystic breast disease.
Life Extension Magazine October 2011 -
Those having the lowest levels of magnesium had the highest risk of dying from a heart
attack or a deadly arrhythmia while in the hospital. Government studies prove the
average diet provides less than a third of the magnesium you need in a day and its
deficiency is a major cause of sudden death with no other obvious medical problems. A
respected medical study reported that 77% of diabetics were deficient in magnesium.
Ronald Grisanti -
Magnesium is absolutely essential to optimal health as we age. Compelling studies
reveal that this mineral plays numerous pivotal roles in sustaining bone health, a healthy
heart, and a properly- functioning nervous system. Magnesium can help offset ailments
ranging from migraines to asthma to cancer. Life Extension Magazine May 2008
Harvard researchers found that taking 180 mg of magnesium along with 10 mg of vitamin
B6 daily reduced kidney stone formation by 92.3 percent per year! Another study showed
about a 90 percent reduction with magnesium alone (500 mg daily). Dr. Julian Whitaker Last
Reviewed 09/27/2012 -
Is it possible to prevent atrophy of key brain regions related to cognitive decline and
Alzheimer's disease (AD)? Researchers from the University of Oxford have determined
that B vitamin supplementation can slow and possibly reverse the progression of
Alzheimer's symptoms along with cognitive impairment. Our results show that B-vitamin
supplementation can slow the atrophy of specific brain regions that are a key component
of the Alzheimer disease process and that are associated with cognitive decline."
Jun 03, 2013 -
 Sulfur deficiency is common, and may be a contributing factor in obesity, heart
disease, Alzheimer's and other chronic health conditions.
 Sulfur, cholesterol, and vitamin D produced in your skin as a result of sun
exposure, are all intricately connected and necessary for optimal health,
particularly heart health.
 When exposed to sunshine, your skin produces two types of sulfur: cholesterol
sulfate, and vitamin D3 sulfate.
 It is believed that vitamin D3 from oral supplements, which is unsulfated, cannot
be converted to D3 sulfate, and may therefore not have the identical health
benefits as the vitamin D your skin synthesizes.
Dr.Mecola, September 17, 2011 -
Recent studies from the U.S. Framingham trial show one in four adults in the United
States are deficient in this vitally important nutrient, and nearly half the population has
suboptimal blood levels. Vitamin B12 is fittingly known as the energy vitamin, and your
body requires it for a number of vital functions. Among them: energy production, blood
formation, DNA synthesis, and myelin formation. Myelin is insulation that protects your
nerve endings and allows them to communicate with one another. Dr. Mercola May 19, 2009
Zinc deficiency is common in the developing world, and it’s thought that about 12 percent
of the U.S. population, and up to 40 percent of the elderly, are also at risk for zinc
deficiency. Common signs that you may need more zinc:
 Lack of appetite
 Depression
 Impaired sense of taste or smell
 Frequent colds and infections
 Growth failure in children
Dr. Mercola October 08, 2009 -
Research suggests zinc deficiency can contribute to Alzheimer’s by promoting
accumulation of clumps of defective proteins in your brain, which is one of the
hallmarks of the disease
The rise in Alzheimer’s prevalence may be related to genetically engineered
foods, as herbicides like Roundup are mineral chelators, which means they bind
specific nutrients, especially zinc
Dr. Mercola - October 17, 2013
Millions of Americans suffer from an almost completely ignored epidemic of drug-induced
nutrient depletion that can cause grave health problems. Perhaps 30% of pharmaceutical
side effects are the direct result of these drug-induced nutrient deficiencies. Among the
most common drugs linked to nutrient depletion are oral contraceptives, cholesterollowering statins, and antibiotics.
ALUMINUM ANTACIDS (Gaviscon®, Maalox®, Mylanta®)
Taking aluminum antacids may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or
interfere with the activity of: vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, chromium, iron,
magnesium, phosphorus, zinc
ATENOLOL (Rhoxal-atenolol®, Tenolin®, Tenormin®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: coenzyme Q10, melatonin
CIPROFLOXACIN (Cipro®, Ciloxan®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: Biotin, inositol, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12,
vitamin K, zinc, Bifidobacteria bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin
E, vitamin K, iron
ETHINYL ESTRADIOL plus NORGESTREL (Ovral®, Lo/Ovral®, Low-Ogestrel®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: folic acid, magnesium, tyrosine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin
B12, vitamin C, zinc
FAMOTIDINE (Pepcid®, Pepcid® AC)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: melatonin
GLYBURIDE plus METFORMIN (Glucovance®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: folic acid, vitamin B12, sodium, coenzyme Q10
HYDROCODONE plus ACETAMINOPHEN (Hydrogesic®, Lortab®, Vicodin®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: Glutathione, selenium
MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE (Phillips® Milk of Magnesia)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc
OMEPRAZOLE (Prilosec®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: beta-carotene, folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B12, iron, sodium, zinc
PHENYTOIN (Dilantin®, Diphenylan Sodium®, Tremytoine®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: Biotin, folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium,
phosphorus, carnitine
PREDNISONE (Deltasone®, Liquid Pred®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: vitamin A, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K,
calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, zinc
PROPRANOLOL (Detensol®, Inderal®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: coenzyme Q10, melatonin
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: vitamin B6, magnesium
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: Thiamin, folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc
THE “SARTANS” (Micardis HCT®, Diovan HCT®)
Taking these medicines may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, coenzyme Q10
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: beta-carotene, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 (researchers fear that the
long-term use of statin drugs may cause congestive heart failure due to the reduction of
coenzyme Q10 levels)
TETRACYCLINE (Nu-Tetra®, Topicycline Topical®)
Taking this medicine may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere
with the activity of: Biotin, folic acid, inositol, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6,
vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, Bifidobacteria
bifidum, Lactobacillus acidophilus
Life Extension Magazine March 2006
Step 4 - Rest and Sleep
Why should we honor a seventh day rest period? “In six days the Lord made the
heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.
Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy”. (Exodus 20:11)
Isaiah 58:13, 14 - “If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as
you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the Lord’s holy day
honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or
speaking idle words, then you will find your joy in the Lord, and I will cause you to ride on
the heights of the land”.
A good night’s sleep consists of 4 to 5 sleep cycles. Each cycle includes periods of deep
sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when we dream. As the night goes on, the
portion of that cycle that is in REM sleep increases. This pattern of cycling and
progression is critical to the biology of sleep. Although personal needs vary, on average,
adults need 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night. Babies typically sleep about 16 hours a day.
Young children need at least 10 hours of sleep, while teenagers need at least 9 hours.
Humans are biologically programmed to nap during the daytime. For some people, not
allowing your body to take a nap can lead to inability to easily fall asleep at night.
• Research indicates that sleeping less than six hours may increase insulin
resistance and diabetes. It may also double risk of angina, coronary heart
disease, heart attack or stroke.
• The American Cancer Society did a study of a million American adults, and short
sleepers showed a dramatic increase in risk of cancers across the board.
• When you are sleep deprived, your body decreases production of leptin, the
hormone that tells your brain there is no need for more food. At the same time it
increases levels of ghrelin, a hormone that triggers hunger.
• Sleeping fewer than five hours a day more than doubles your risk of being
diagnosed with angina, coronary heart disease, heart attack or stroke. And
sleeping more than seven hours also increases your risk of cardiovascular
disease; more than nine hours of sleep results in a 50 percent increase in risk.
Recent research shows that your brain has a unique waste management system,
similar to the lymphatic system in your body. This system, dubbed the glymphatic
system, is activated during sleep.
By pumping cerebral spinal fluid through your brain’s tissues, the glymphatic
system flushes the waste from your brain back into your body’s circulatory system
and into your liver, where it’s ultimately eliminated.
During sleep, your brain cells also shrink by about 60 percent, which allows for
more efficient waste removal.
Amyloid-beta, for example—proteins that form the notorious plaque found in the
brains of Alzheimer’s patients—is removed in significantly greater quantities
during sleep.
Dr. Mercola - October 31, 2013
Step 5 - Exercise
Exercising is a part of the natural process of detoxification. Our bodies depend on
exercise to move toxins out with lymph fluid. The lymphatic system doesn’t have a
pump, like the heart for circulation; therefore exercise is what moves lymph.
Exercise helps with detoxification by moving lymph through the body.
The lymph system doesn’t have a pump, so exercise is the body’s method to
move lymph through the system.
Exercise burns calories.
Exercise builds bones.
Exercise prevents muscle loss.
Regular exercise helps the body’s response to insulin.
Regular exercise can lower blood glucose.
Regular exercise can lower blood pressure.
Exercise improves the circulation of the blood throughout the body.
Exercise reduces stress.
Exercise supports the balancing of brain chemistry.
There are precautions before embarking on an exercise routine.
Discuss the exercise program with your doctor.
Drink plenty of water.
Don’t do too much too soon. Work your way into it.
If you have or had joint problems, choose a program that is less impacting on the
Spend the money for a quality pair of shoes if your exercise involves walking,
running, or aerobics.
If you take insulin or glucose-lowering medication, monitor your blood sugar
before and after exercising.
Consume sufficient easy digestible protein so that as your body is building
muscle, it isn’t robbing it from other places (heart).
It is best to not have strenuous exercise right after eating because blood and
energy are needed for digestion purposes.
Don’t exercise too close to bedtime or you may find that it keeps you up at night.
Provide sufficient recovery time between times of exercise, particularly with
strength training.
Attempting a strenuous exercise program while having weak adrenals (excess
cortisol levels) will back fire on you causing a decrease of metabolism. Getting
sufficient sleep is needed for recuperation and weight loss.
Basically, by exercising in short bursts, followed by periods of recovery, you recreate
exactly what your body needs for optimum health. Twice-weekly sessions, which require
no more than 20 minutes from start to finish, can help you:
• Lower your body fat
• Improve your muscle tone
• Boost your energy and libido
• Improve athletic speed and performance
This type of exercise will also naturally increase your body's production of human growth
hormone (HGH)—a synergistic, foundational biochemical underpinning that promotes
muscle and effectively burns excessive fat. It also plays an important part in promoting
overall health and longevity. Conventional cardio will NOT boost your HGH level.
While the entire workout is only 20 minutes, 75 percent of that time is warming up,
recovering or cooling down. You're really only working out intensely for four minutes:
Warm up for three minutes
Exercise as hard and fast as you can for 30 seconds. You should feel like
you couldn't possibly go on another few seconds
Recover at a slow to moderate pace for 90 seconds
Repeat the high intensity exercise and recovery 7 more times
You just need a 20-minute session performed twice to three times a week
Dr. Mercola October 18, 2013 -
After reviewing 305 randomized controlled trials, researchers found no statistically
detectable differences between physical activity and medications for prediabetes
and heart disease, including statins and beta blockers
Exercise was also found to be more effective than drugs after you’ve had a stroke.
The only time drugs beat exercise was for the recovery from heart failure, in which
case diuretic medicines produced a better outcome
Exercise is in fact so potent, the researchers suggested that drug companies
ought to be required to include it for comparison when conducting clinical trials for
new drugs
High-intensity interval training, which requires but a fraction of the time compared
to conventional cardio, has been shown to be FAR more effective. It’s also the
only exercise that really gives you an efficient cardiovascular workout
Dr. Mercola October 18, 2013-
Step 6 - Medicinal Plants
and Killing Pathogens
A remarkable human clinical study published in the journal
Diabetes Care, the journal of the American Diabetes
Association, revealed that turmeric extract was 100%
successful at preventing prediabetic patients from
becoming diabetic over the course of a 9-month
intervention. In addition, the curcumin treatment appeared
to improve overall function of β-cells, with very minor
adverse effects.
The full study can be viewed for free on the American Diabetic Association's Diabetes Care
The Bible supports the use of herbs and we should use them appropriately as God’s
medicines. Herbs are noted throughout the Bible and have evidence of human use in
every civilization. Plants or herbs are the primary medicine of over 80% of the world's
population and have the longest use of any other modality for the promotion of health and
the treatment of disease.
Whole plant medicines usually have a more gentle and balanced effect than isolated
chemicals of synthetic drugs. Herbs promote homeostatic mechanisms and do not
suppress the body’s efforts to heal. When compared to medical drugs, there are very few
reports of adverse effects from the use of medicinal plants as compared to medical drugs
which cause thousands of deaths each year. It is prudent to be aware of potential herbdrug interactions.
When the hay is removed, and the tender grass shows itself, And the herbs of the
mountains are gathered in, (Proverbs 27:25 NKJ)
For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful
for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; (Hebrews 6:7 NKJ)
Now Isaiah had said, "Let them take a lump of figs, and apply it as a poultice on the
boil, and he shall recover.“ (Isaiah 38:21 NKJ)
In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which
bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were
for the healing of the nations. (Revelation 22:2 NKJ)
Aloe Vera
Black Cohosh
Blue Cohosh
Common Uses
Maintaining beauty, counteracting wrinkles, female hormone regulation
Liver and gallbladder problems, lower cholesterol, rheumatic conditions, in small doses
before meals for digestive weakness, obesity
Increases energy and builds resistance to weakness and disease, specific for all wasting and
exhausting diseases
Strengthening vision, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, adultonset diabetes
Nervousness, spasms, neuralgia, menstrual pains, just before or during labor, asthma, and
Menstrual irregularities, genital-urinary disorders, worms
Fevers, colds and flu, tightness of the liver and abdomen
Hyperactive thyroid, sedative, bleeding from the lungs, tuberculosis
Detoxifying the liver, toning up the leg muscles
(Tea Tree)
Cascara Sagrada
Castor oil plant
Cat’s Claw
Corn Silk
Cramp Bark
Devil’s Claw
Dong Quai
Gravel root
Gymnema Sylvestre
Honeysuckle Flowers
Horse Chestnut
Skin diseases, blood purification, urinary problems, blood tonic
Fungus infections, bruises and injuries, arthritic aches and pains, itches and bites on the
scalp for dandruff
Bruises and injuries, burns, earaches, shingles, eruptive skin diseases
Nervousness and irritability, digestive disorders, teething and irritable children, menstrual
cramps, back pains
Constipation, liver congestion
Constipation, externally, for dissolving growths, warts, cysts and various excrescences
Colitis, Crohn’s disease, influenza, colds, fevers (as an antiviral), AIDs, cancer, arthritis,
cardiovascular conditions
Blood purifier, cancer and tumors, antioxidants, arthritis and rheumatic pains, colds and flu,
diarrhea, urinary tract infections
Urinary tract infections, venereal diseases, skin diseases, hepatitis, externally for burns and
Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, diarrhea
Promoting healing, broken bones, lungs, diarrhea, hemorrhage and bleeding, lack of pepsin
for protein digestion
Urinary infections
Menstrual cramps, PMS, threatened miscarriage, asthma, sedative, nervine
Lowered libido, depression, mucus congestion
Liver problems, urinary tract infections, skin eruptions, stomach pains, breast cancer,
Arthritic and rheumatic conditions, sciatica, neuralgia, headaches, high cholesterol, obesity
Treatment of almost every female gynecological ailment particularly menstrual cramps,
irregularity, delayed flow and weakness during menstrual period, menopause.
All inflammatory conditions
Respiratory complaints, chronic coughs, digestive weakness
Gas, worms
Asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, hay fever, allergic rashes
Conjunctivitis, sinus congestion
Weight loss
Improving blood circulation to the brain, improving peripheral blood circulation, coldness,
tinnitus, Alzheimer’s and senility, to improve one’s mood and sociability, Raynaud’s disease,
arthritic and rheumatic problems, arteriosclerosis, eye weakness caused by poor circulation,
vertigo, anxiety and tension, lung and bronchial congestion
King of tonics, overcome stress and fatigue, recover from weakness and deficiencies,
nourishes the blood and is thus used to treat anemia
Dyspepsia and acid indigestion, gastritis, colitis, duodenal ulcers, menorrhagia and as a
general tonic for the female reproductive tract, leucorrhea and penile discharge, eczema and
skin disorders
Most urinary tract problems, especially those of a more chronic nature including gravel,
stones, hematuria, frequent and nighttime urination. It strengthens the nerves of the urinary
Blocking sugar cravings, diabetes, obesity
All acute infections and inflammatory conditions such as skin diseases (poison oak and
various other rashes)
Hemorrhoids, rectal diseases
Iris Moss
Lemon Balm
Marshmallow Root
Milk Thistle
Muira Pauma
Olive Leaf
Oregon Grape Root
Pau d’arco
Pleurisy Root
Raspberry Leaf
Red Clover
Saw Palmetto
Shepherd’s Purse
Siberian ginseng
Slippery Elm
St. John’s Wort
Uva Ursi
Witch Hazel
Wood betony
Lung diseases associated with dryness, tuberculosis, sores and ulcers
Fevers, depression and melancholy, nervous tension, helping digestion
Treating adrenal insufficiency, stomach and intestinal ulcers, coughs and bronchial
congestion (can be smoked for relief of sore throat and hoarseness)
Asthma, spasmodic coughs, spasms and tetany, food poisoning (vomit), catalyst for other
herbs in formula
Inflammations, irritations, ulcers and sores, urinary and gallstones
Liver protective and regenerative
Aphrodisiac, impotence, diarrhea
Lung and bronchial congestion, spasmodic coughs, sore, irritated throat, flowers for
earaches, lymphatic congestion
Antiseptic, menstrual congestion, pains, gas, mouthwash with echinacea for infections
(Primary use) Lungs, stomach, urinary tract, prostate, scalp
Lowering blood pressure, treating inflammation, viruses and fevers
Liver problems, menstrual irregularities, skin diseases, arthritis, cancer
Promoting digestion (fruit), worms and internal parasites (seeds)
Urinary inflammations
Insomnia, nervous disorders
Slowing and inhibiting the growth of cancers and tumors, for skin diseases
Urinary tract infections, hepatitis, stings, bites and wounds
Pleurisy, lung and bronchial congestion, colds and flu
Dry constipation
Enlarged prostate (noncancerous), prostatitis, urinary tract infections, impotence
Pregnancy and delivery, menstrual irregularities, leucorrhea, fevers
Cancer and tumors, skin diseases, fevers, colds, coughs
Purify and nourish the blood, strengthen the kidneys, and heals the bones and tendons.
Constipation, worms, dysentery, diarrhea, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea
Arthritis and rheumatism, acne and various skin eruptions, colds and flu
Wasting diseases, underweight conditions, prostate, urinary tract infections, impotence and
Bleeding, endometriosis, cystitis
Low energy, increasing endurance
Nervousness, insomnia, alcohol and drug withdrawal, epilepsy and chorea
Irritated sore throat, as a nutritive anti-nauseous food, gastrointestinal ulcers, dryness of the
respiratory tract, externally to heal ulcers, sores and wounds
Nerve pains, neuralgia, depression
Non-caloric sweetener, diabetes, flavoring teas and herbal preparations
Cystitis, nephritis
Insomnia, stress and nervousness, menstrual cramps, pain relief
Liver disorders, irregular and painful menses, increased milk, colds, flu and fever
(Primary use) PMS, enhances progesterone cycle, emotional balance before and during
(Primary use) antifungal, anti-parasitical, anti-dysenteric, skin diseases/parasites
Healing cuts and abrasions, varicose veins, hemorrhoids
Anxiety-induced headaches, nervousness, various minor aches and pains
Fevers, liver problems, inflammatory conditions of the GI tract, worms and parasites
Yellow dock
Colds, flu and fevers, painful or suppressed menses, bleeding hemorrhoids
Anemia, skin diseases, liver congestion
An aphrodisiac, stimulating erection, impotence, frigidity
Primary Herbs
Cajeput Oil, Colloidal
Silver, Olive Leaf
Aloe Vera
Tea Tree Oil topical
Licorice (Chinese),
Licorice Root
Aloe Vera (Whole Leaf),
Cat's Claw, Olive Leaf
Allergic Reactions
Nettle, Bee Pollen, MSM
Alzheimer's Disease
Ginkgo Biloba,
Yellow Dock
Lobelia, Crampbark
Kava, Passion Flower
Damiana, Maca Root,
Tribulus, Yohimbe
Garlic, Agrimony,
Capsicum, Gravel Root
Rose Hips
Cat's Claw, Devil’s Claw,
Teasel, Yucca
Ephedra, Licorice Root
Acid Reflux
Addison's Disease
Arteries, Clogged
Arteries, stressed
Arthritic joints
Bacterial Infection
Fenugreek, Buggul,
Colloidal Silver,
Golden Seal, Usnea, Tea
Tree Oil, Olive Leaf
Herb Considerations
Alum Root, Asian Dandelion, Echinacea, Forsythia, Golden Seal
Slippery Elm
Burdock, Vitex, Echinacea
MSM, Turmeric
Aloe Vera (Whole Leaf), Colloidal Silver, MSM, Red Clover, Cat’s
Bee Pollen, Cat's Claw, Goldenrod, Plantain, Rose Hips, Royal
Jelly, Cat’s Claw, Schizandra Berry
Asian ginseng, Astragalus, Siberian Ginseng
Rehmannia (Prepared), Red Clover, Shiitake
Ginseng, Red Sage Root, Kudzu
Bee Pollen, Reishi Mushroom
Golden Bough, Grindelia, Guggalu, Hyssop, Paeony Root
St. John's Wort, Valerian, Chamomile, Hops, Oats, Scullcap
Slippery Elm
Bugleweed, Olive Leaf
Bilberry, Stoneroot, White Pine
Arnica, Thuja
Elecampane, Ginkgo Biloba, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Mullein,
Yerba Santa
Bilberry, Butcher's Broom, Fo-Ti, Ginger, Hawthorn, Rosemary,
Asian Violet, Cornus Berry, Echinacea, Cat’s Claw, Forsythia
Agrimony, Klamath Weed (St. John’s Wort), Plantain
Bell’s Palsy
St. John’s Wort
Bile secretions
Barberry, Dandelion root
Blood clots, Dissolves Capsicum, Chestnut Leaf Horse Chestnut, Sassafras
Blood Sugar, lowers
Blueberry Leaf, Golden Seal, Lycium Berry
Blood Thinner
Chestnut Leaf, Horse Chestnut, Sassafras
Blood vessels,
Bone Builder
Butcher’s Broom, Hawthorn
Comfrey, Oatstraw
Flax, Horsetail
Bowel, Herniated
Breast, fibrocystic
Evening Primrose, Red
Coltsfoot, Pleurisy Root
Rose Hips, Bilberry
Calcium, Dissolve
Aloe Vera
Gravel Root, Stoneroot
(Collinsonia Root)
Burdock, Red Clover,
Reishi Mushroom,
Shiitake mushroom Cat’s
Claw, chaparral
Canker Sores (mouth
Cholesterol, Lowers
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Vein
Cold Sores
Connective tissue
Congestive Heart
Garlic, Guggalu,
Licorice, Ashwagandha
Dulse, Horse Chestnut
Blue Violet, Cat's Claw, Chaparral, Olive Leaf, Fenugreek,
Immortal Root, Lomatium
Arnica, Horse chestnut, Comfrey, Sweet clover, Chestnut leaf,
Hydrangea, Uva Ursi
Condurango, Green Tea (Decaffeinated), Holy Basil, Lapacho,
Samento, Suma, Whole Apricot, Sheep Sorrel
Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Echinacea, Myrrh, Cranesbill, Lemon
Balm, Red Root, Coptis
Evening Primrose, Fenugreek, Flax, Ginseng (Tienchi), Green
Tea (Decaffeinated), Rehmannia
(Prepared), Reishi Mushroom, Shiitake Mushroom
Siberian Ginseng, Cat’s Claw, Suma, Lomatium
Rose Hips, Bilberry,
Horse chestnut
Olive Leaf, Cat’s Claw,
Comfrey, Oatstraw,
White Oak Bark,
Butcher’s broom, Chestnut Leaf, Gotu Kola, White Oak Bark
Aloe, Cascara, Flaxseed,
Psyllium Senna, Turkey
Dandelion, Fenugreek, Fo-Ti
Lemon Balm, Echinacea, Elderberry, Goldenseal, Licorice, Myrrh,
Soapwort, St. John's Wort
Rhubarb, Buckthorn
Coltsfoot, Yerba Santa,
Cinnamon, Fennel,
Elecampane, Wild
Cherry Bark
St. John's Wort
Osha, Slippery Elm, Sundew, Thuja, Mullein, Slippery Elm, Irish
Slippery Elm, Agrimony,
Cornsilk, Buchu
Strawberry Leaf
Wood Betony,
Wormseed, Horsetail
Black Cohosh,
(painful menstruation) Crampbark, Evening
Ear Infections,
Echinacea, Cajeput Oil
Edema (water
Cornsilk, Buchu
Gingko Biloba, Damiana, Yohimbe, Broad Beans
Cleavers, Parsley, Bladderwrack, Dandelion, Alfalfa, Dandelion,
Goldenrod, Horse Chestnut, Horsetail, Juniper, Meadowsweet
Blue Cohosh, Chaparral, Dong Quai, False unicorn, Cyperus,
Red Raspberry Leaf, Thuja Yarrow
Garlic, Mullein, St. John's Wort
Cleavers, Parsley, Bladderwrack, Dandelion, Alfalfa, Dandelion,
Goldenrod, Horse Chestnut, Horsetail, Juniper, Meadowsweet
Boneset, Gardenia,
Catnip, Lemon Grass
Fluid around heart &
Buchu, Bugleweed,
Pleurisy Root
Fibrocystic Breast
Red Clover, Dulse
Donq Quai, Vitex
Asian ginseng, Siberian Ginseng, Licorice
Gravel Root, Stoneroot
Hair Loss
Chicory, Juniper Berry
Ginkgo Biloba, Gotu Kola
White Oak Bark, Bilberry
Licorice, Olive Leaf, Milk
Cat's Claw, Peppermint
Blessed Thistle
Garlic, Hawthorne
Milkweed, Culver’s Root, Peppermint oil, Artichoke, Barberry,
Dandelion, Fumitory, Fringe tree, Greater Celandine, Milk Thistle,
Oregon grape
Herpes simplex
Hiatal hernia
Hypertension (high
blood pressure)
Coleus Forte, Kelp,
Chamomile, Coptis, Feverfew, Horse Chestnut, Isatis,
Meadowsweet, Olive Leaf, Rehmannia (Prepared), Willow
Bilberry, Horse Chestnut, Thuja, Stoneroot, Yarrow
Reishi, Schisandra, Shitake, Barberry, Bupleurum, Guggalu,
Oregon Grape
Broad Beans, Garlic, Lemon Balm, Licorice Root, Lomatium,
Olive Leaf, Plantain, Shatavari
European mistle toe, Rauwolfia
Black Walnut Hull, Bladderwrack, Dulse, Guggalu
Immune Function
Echinacea, Astragalus,
All Ginsengs, Cat’s Claw,
Maittake Mushroom,
Reishi Mushroom
Maca root, Yohimbe
Valerian Root, Passion
Flower, Lemon Balm
Gravel Root, Stoneroot,
Uva Ursi, Marshmallow
Ashwagandha, Ligustrum, Fo-Ti, Green tea, Garlic, Suma,
Schizandra Berry
Cornus Berry, Hydrangea Root,
Sarsaparilla (Indian), Solomon’s Seal, Wild Celery Seed
Blue Vervain, Mullein, Peppermint Oil
Uva Ursi, Juniper Berry,
Elecampane, Pleurisy
Root, Coltsfoot, Yerba
Cat’s Claw, Olive Leaf
Lyme’s Disease
Lymph Nodes
Cat’s Claw, Teasel Root
Oregon Grape, Cleavers,
Chaparral, Cajeput Oil
Black Cohosh, Chaste
Alfalfa, Licorice, Red Clover, Sage, Wild yam, Damiana, Dong
Quai, Holy Basil
Migraine Headaches
Feverfew, Peppermint oil
Klamath Weed (St.
John’s Wort), Passion
Flower, Scullcap, Thuja
Black Walnut Hull, Male
Fern, Tansy, Wormseed,
Cloves Wormwood, Olive
Leaf, Oregano,
Broad Beans, Passion
Flower, Cilantro
Cayenne, Ginger, Ginkgo Biloba, Lavender oil, Linden Flower
Peptic Ulcer
Prostatic Hyperplasia
Pygeum, Saw Palmetto
Calendula, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Comfrey, Garlic,
Marshmallow, Thyme
Nettle, Pumpkin seeds, Gravel Root
Cayenne (topical), Cat’s
Claw, Lemon Balm
Olive Leaf, Usnea, Grape Stinging nettle, Eucalyptus
Fruit Seed Extract,
Kidney Stones
Kidney Support
Lung Support
Morning Sickness
Motion Sickness
Nerve Pain
Parkinson’s Disease
Capsicum, Olive Leaf
Asian ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, Damiana
Chamomile, Eclipta, Gardenia, Guggalu, Hops, Kava Kava, Poria,
Cleavers, Asparagus root, Birch leaf, Couch grass, Goldenrod,
Horsetail, Parsley, Hydrangea
Black Walnut Hull, Cajeput Oil, Colloidal Silver, Evening
Primrose, Lapacho, Usnea
Black Walnut Hull, Cajeput Oil, Colloidal Silver, Lapacho
Blue Flag, Chestnut Leaf, Echinacea, Horse Chestnut, Stillingia
Horehound, Peach Leaf, Red Raspberry Leaf, Spearmint
Black Cohosh, Morinda, Sweet Root
Amargosa, Chaparral, Garlic, Goldenseal, Papaya, Pumpkin
Barberry, Burdock, Milk Thistle, Oregon grape, Psyllium,
Sarsaparilla, Bupleurum, Colloidal Silver
Burdock, Capsicum, Cat's Claw, Lemon Balm, Olive Leaf,
Passion Flower, Samento, Thuja, Yarrow
Testosterone Excess
Toenail Fungus
Triglycerides, High
Ulcerative Colitis
Varicose veins
Viral Infection
Colloidal Silver
Saw Palmetto, Licorice
Maca Root
Cajeput Oil, Grape Fruit
Seed Extract
Fenugreek, Garlic,
Guggul, Oats, Psyllium
Aloe Vera, Cat’s Claw
White Pine, Grape
Seed, White Oak Bark,
Chestnut Leaf
Yarrow, Olive Leaf,
Usnea, Astragalus
Black Walnut Hull, Thuja,
Buckthorn, Drynaria,
Mayapple, Milkweed
Green tea, Reishi, Wild yam, Flax
Boswellia, Aloe, Calendula, Chamomile, Flaxseed, Licorice,
Marshmallow, Myrrh, St. John's Wort, Yarrow
Chestnut Leaf, Witch Hazel, Butcher's Broom, Bilberry, Horse
Chestnut, Yarrow
Cat's Claw, Echinacea, Forsythia, Lemon Balm, Lomatium,
Peppermint Leaf, Samento
According to preliminary statistics released by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), approximately 300,000 new cases of Lyme disease are diagnosed in
the US each year. This is about 10 times higher than the officially reported number of
cases. While it is usually transmitted by ticks, the bacteria may also be spread by other
insects, including mosquitoes, spiders, fleas, and mites. Dr. Mercola, September 04 2013
Pathogens have been around since the beginning and we are constantly exposed. Thus
many, many people have pathogens and are not aware of it. A person is more able to
overcome pathogens by the cleansing of toxins and boosting their immune system.
A primary resource for dealing with pathogens is God’s gift of herbs. There are many
herbs that have strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-parasitical properties.
The environment we create in our tissues has everything to do with whether pathogens
take up residence to create a stronghold or not. Due to the prevalence of pathogens and
the accumulation of toxins and nutritional deficiencies, most people have one or several
pathogens operating in their body.
A virus is a small infectious agent that can only replicate inside the cells of another
organism. Viruses infect all types of organisms, from animals and plants to bacteria.
About 5,000 viruses have been described in detail although there are millions of different
types. All viruses have genes made from either DNA or RNA, which are long molecules
that carry genetic information. All viruses have a protein coating that protects these
genes and some have an envelope of fat that surrounds them when they are outside a
cell. Viruses vary from simple helical shapes to more complex structures. Most viruses
are about one hundred times smaller than an average bacterium.
Examples of human diseases caused by viruses include the common cold, influenza,
chickenpox, Ebola, hepatitis B and C, AIDS, avian influenza SARS and cold sores.
Normal virus symptoms can be diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal pain, fever, body aches,
fatigue, headache, and sore throat.
But sometimes a virus may lie “dormant” until the body is weak enough for it to manifest,
such as shingles, which is the herpes zoster (chicken pox) virus. Viruses also seem to
“anchor-in” certain areas of the body such as the small bowel. There are many types of
viruses that manifest in different ways and one herb that will kill one may not kill another.
Georgetown University and independent laboratory research prove that Oregacillin™ kills
a wide range of germs, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Oregacillin reduced the
human flu virus 99.9% in 20 minutes from 10,000,000 to 5,000 infectious units per ml at
1% dilution. Wild oregano and wild oregano-based spice extract formulations exhibit
significant antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial activity against a variety of
microorganisms. & &
“Advanced Cellular Silver 200 is a powerful and comprehensive antimicrobial going far
beyond colloidal silver formulas in both antimicrobial and healing effect. ACS 200® is
anti-viral, bactericidal, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic, killing Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Candida, and Rhinovirus at 99.99999% in less than 3
minutes. (
Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a wide range of shapes, ranging
from spheres to rods and spirals. There are approximately ten times as many bacterial
cells in the human flora as there are human cells in the body, with large numbers of
bacteria on the skin and as gut flora. The vast majority of the bacteria in the body are
rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system. A few are beneficial.
However, a few species of bacteria are pathogenic and cause infectious diseases,
including cholera, syphilis, anthrax, leprosy, and bubonic plague. The most common fatal
bacterial diseases are respiratory infections, with tuberculosis alone killing about 2 million
people a year.
The classic symptoms of a local bacterial infection are redness, heat, swelling, and pain.
Local pain in a specific part of the body can be a significant indicator. Kidney infections
are usually bacterial, which could cause fever and low back pain. But bacteria can
invade and infect other internal organs and systems that are not usually attributed to
bacteria. One example is the arteries. A common avenue of bacterial infections is through
the gums, which affects the arteries and the heart.
“People with poor dental hygiene and those who don't brush their teeth regularly end up
with bleeding gums, which provide an entry to the bloodstream for up to 700 different
types of bacteria found in our mouths. This increases the risk of having a heart attack,
according to microbiologists from the University of Bristol and the Royal College of
Surgeons in Ireland.” - (Sept 2008,
“Our results support the hypothesis that infectious agents are involved in the
development of atherosclerosis. We showed a significant association between infectious
burden and the extent of atherosclerosis. Moreover, the infectious pathogens were
especially involved in patients with advanced atherosclerosis.”
(Johannes Gutenberg University - Mainz, Germany)
Parasite: An organism that lives in or on a host (animal or plant); the parasite obtains
nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host. There are thousands of
varieties of parasites that are worms, protozoa, and amoebas looking for a host.
Symptoms of infestations include diarrhea, (sometimes alternating with constipation), an
ashen complexion, gas, a gurgling or growling stomach, an increase or decrease of
appetite, an inability to gain or to lose weight, low grade fevers, coughing, hyperactivity or
lethargy, grinding of teeth at night (bruxism), fatigue after eating, allergies, asthma,
snoring, abdominal pains, restlessness, anemia, nausea, dizziness, seizures, rectal
itching, insomnia, vaginal itching, shortness of breath, intestinal bleeding, low grade
infection, blood sugar problems, colon blockages, tumor-like masses, irritability
(especially around the full moon, when worms are active), hair thinning or loss, bad
breath, body odor, mucous in stools, joint pains, abdominal pains, rashes, and a
multitude of others. If you have parasites, you may have one or more of these symptoms
or none at all.
Some of the main indicators of parasite infestation are:
_____ Foul smelling stools - worse in afternoon and evening
_____ Alternating consistency of stools and bowel habits
_____ Itching around the anus, especially at night
_____ Stomach aches or bowel cramping
_____ Excessive nose irritations or picking
_____ Grinding teeth at night
_____ Restlessness even in sleep
Parasites have been found associated with the following health conditions: diabetes,
hypoglycemia, juvenile diabetes, anorexia, asthma, depression, anemia, chronic fatigue
syndrome, AIDS, cancer, tumors, anorexia, bulimia, colitis, epilepsy, hyper-activity
syndromes, learning disabilities, baldness, prostate trouble, appendicitis (the appendix is
a favorite place for parasites), elevated white blood counts, Hodgkin's disease, Multiple
Sclerosis, psoriasis, some eczemas, leukemia, lymphoma, arthritis, leprosy, ulcerative
colitis, low hemoglobin, poor blood quality, iron deficiencies, most bowel disorders, and
the list could continue.
Parasites can be difficult to detect and can live in the liver, pancreas, lungs, bile duct,
brain, muscles, joints, appendix, small intestine, large intestine, prostate, uterus, fallopian
tubes, vagina, and gall bladder, and about anywhere else in the body. Parasites feed on
the nutrients from our food, our blood, and our tissues; and then their excrement
becomes our toxins.
Some parasites excrete a toxin that keeps the eggs from hatching. After you remove the
adults, the eggs will hatch later on, therefore use a 10 day on and 5 day off treatment
program is needed to break the cycle. The best approach for recovery from parasites is
to kill the parasites, remove the toxins, repair the damage, and then strengthen the
immune system. Don’t kill parasites in the colon without making sure the colon is moving
well enough to move them and their toxins out.
Exposure and thus potential infestation can come from a number of sources such as
walking barefoot in contaminated soil, eating unclean fruits and vegetables, raw meat,
raw fish (sushi),improperly cooked foods, drinking contaminated water supplies, sexual
intercourse, sleeping with or kissing pets, working in the garden, touching your eyes,
nose, or mouth after touching something contaminated.
The following are a few precautions to help avoid parasitic infestations:
1. Don’t drink tap water.
2. Never drink from rivers, creeks, or streams.
3. Salad bars may contain improperly washed produce.
4. Many aged cheeses may have parasites.
5. Don’t go barefoot at the beach, horse stable, etc.
6. Avoid raw fish (sushi).
7. Avoid raw or undercooked meat.
8. Always wash hands thoroughly after using the bathroom.
9. Parasites can be transferred through intimate contact.
10. Use separate feeding dishes for your pets -- never yours.
11. Use separate cutting boards for meats, veggies, and breads.
12. Clean cutting boards with vinegar followed by hydrogen peroxide.
13. Properly cleanse cutting knives used on meats, etc.
14. Don't let your pet sleep on your bed.
15. Have your pets de-wormed on a regular basis.
16. Clean your pet's bedding often and thoroughly.
17. Clean your carpets often.
18. Wash hands thoroughly immediately after gardening.
19. Don’t let your pet lick you and if it happens, then wash thoroughly.
20. After handling raw meat, wash properly.
The most common organism implicated in fungal infections is candida, which is found in
the human digestive tract. Under normal circumstances, levels of candida in the bowel
are controlled by beneficial bacteria. However, if the bacteria-fungus balance is upset (by
the use of antibiotics or a high sugar-carbohydrate diet) an overgrowth of candida can
occur. Candidiasis is a fungal infection of any of the candida species, of which candida
albicans is the most common. Candida infections range from superficial, such as oral
thrush and vaginitis, to systemic and potentially life-threatening diseases including
cancer. A white coating on the tongue is a very good indicator.
High-Level Yeast Indicators
• taken antibiotics for acne or urinary tract infections for one month or longer
• taken a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug for any reason
• coated “white” tongue
• taken steroids or asthma medications
• chronic fungous infections of the skin or nails
• crave sugar/sweets and consume it every day
• crave breads, pasta, and other carbohydrate
• exposure to chemicals such as perfumes, insecticides which cause a reaction
• have a history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease
• constipation or diarrhea or it alternates
(female) vaginal burning, itching
(female) vaginal discharge that is white, or cottage-cheesy
(female) had vaginal yeast infections
(female) current pain in bladder, kidney, or urinary tract
(female) ever had endometriosis
Some good anti-candida remedies are oregano extract, pau d’ arco, olive leaf, grapefruit
seed extract, garlic, goldenseal, and tea tree oil. The infected person should also
replenish the bowel flora with probiotics such as acidophilus and follow the anti-candida
diet for a minimum of 2 weeks.
• Carbohydrates must be limited to about 80 grams daily since the body processes
carbohydrates into sugar/glucose.
• Eat lots of vegetables and protein.
• Eliminate sugar, corn syrup, honey, natural sweeteners, and high fructose fruits,
alcohol, yeast products (breads, crackers), fermented and mold foods (cheese,
vinegar, cultured dairy), refined foods (white rice, white flour), processed meats
(contain antibiotics), trans-fats, peanuts and peanut butter, and fruit except for
apples low in fructose.
Molds are fungi that are found everywhere – both indoors and outdoors all year round.
The terms fungi and mold are often used interchangeably, but mold is actually a type of
fungi. Exposure to mold can cause a variety of adverse health effects. There are many
thousands of species of mold and most if not all of the mold found indoors comes from
outdoor sources. It seems likely to grow and become a problem only when there is water
damage, high humidity, or dampness.
Molds produce and release millions of spores small enough to be air-borne, water-borne,
or insect-borne. They also produce toxic agents known as mycotoxins. Spores and
mycotoxins can have negative effects on human health. People at greatest risk are
individuals with allergies, asthma, sinusitis, or other respiratory conditions, as well as
infants and children, and the elderly.
Some good anti-mold remedies are oregano extract, grapefruit seed extract, and the use
of certain essential oils. When one considers the size of parasites, bacteria, and viruses,
one could imagine that parasitical worms have bacterial infections and that bacteria have
viruses in them. When doing a cleanse, it is possible to release other microbes or germs
when killing the bigger host. A comprehensive program with several agents can be more
effective and more prudent.
One item, not an herb, but of particular interest is chlorine dioxide. According to the
American Society of Analytical Chemists in 1999, they proclaimed chlorine dioxide to be
"the most powerful pathogen killer known to man." It works by robbing an oxygen
molecule from cells that are acidic (pathogens are acidic in nature and also the toxic cells
in our body), thereby disrupting cellular structure. and
With the reality of germ warfare, there is possibility of exposure to weaponized bacteria
and manufactured resistant viruses and other microbial germs designed for mass
destruction. In addition, medical prescriptions for antibiotics, antifungal drugs, parasitical
drugs, and vaccines have proven to be either not effective or too damaging for safe use.
It is prudent to understand the power of herbs and essential oils.
Bee propolis
Black walnut hull
Cajeput oil
Caprylic acid
Carrot juice
Cat’s Claw
Chlorine dioxide (not an herb)
Coconut oil
Colloidal silver (not an herb)
Golden Seal
Grapefruit seed extract
Honey, raw & organic
Lemon balm
Male Fern
Nano-Silver (not an herb)
Neem oil
Olive leaf extract
Oregano extract
Pau d’ Arco
Peppermint oil
Pumpkin seed
Shitake mushroom
Tea Tree Oil
Undecylenic acid (not an herb)
Uvi Ursi
Zinc (not an herb)
Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers
presumably shatter wine glasses. New research has mathematically determined the
frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death. "The capsid of a virus is
something like the shell of a turtle," said physicist Otto Sankey of Arizona State
University. "If the shell can be compromised [by mechanical vibrations], the virus can be
inactivated." Recent experimental evidence has shown that laser pulses tuned to the
right frequency can kill certain viruses. However, locating these so-called resonant
frequencies is a bit of trial. Science on MSNBC News, updated 2/5/2008 -
Zappers have been around for years and are very effective and easily obtained. Some
are better than others. They use special low frequencies to resonate within parasites,
bacteria, viruses and fungus that literally cause them to shake to death or explode.
Step 7 – Receive Your Redemption
and Inheritance
Healing was a part of the old covenant
Healing is in the atonement and cannot be separated from salvation
Jesus preached the gospel of the kingdom and healed all who were sick and
oppressed of the devil
He commissioned all who believe to the same ministry He had of evangelism,
healing, and deliverance
Love results in obedience to the Lord’s commands and healing is a part of
We are healed by the name of Jesus and our faith comes through Him and from
Jesus that healed yesterday still heals today
God wants us healed in all parts of being
And He said, "If you will give earnest heed to the voice of the LORD your God,
and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all
His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the
Egyptians; for I, the LORD, am your healer." Exodus 15:26 NAS
"Then it shall come about, because you listen to these judgments and keep and
do them, that the LORD your God will keep with you His covenant and His
lovingkindness which He swore to your forefathers. "He will love you and bless
you and multiply you; He will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your
ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your herd and
the young of your flock, in the land which He swore to your forefathers to give you.
"You shall be blessed above all peoples; there will be no male or female barren
among you or among your cattle. ”The LORD will remove from you all sickness;
and He will not put on you any of the harmful diseases of Egypt which you have
known, but He will lay them on all who hate you.” Deuteronomy 7:12-15 NAS
In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa became diseased in his feet. His disease
was severe, yet even in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians.
2 Chronicles 16:12 NAS
LORD my God, I cried to You for help, and You healed me. Psalms 30:2 NAS
The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to
health. Psalms 41:3 NAS
No evil will befall you, nor will any plague come near your tent. Psalms 91:10 NAS
Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases; Psalms 103:3 NAS
He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
Psalms 107:20 NAS
My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let
them depart from your sight; Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life
to those who find them and health to all their body. Proverbs 4:20-22 NAS
Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24 NAS
`For I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds,' declares the
LORD, `Because they have called you an outcast, saying: "It is Zion; no one cares
for her."' Jeremiah 30:17 NAS
"By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees
for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They will bear every
month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food
and their leaves for healing." Ezekiel 47:12 NAS
And a leper came to Him and bowed down before Him, and said, "Lord, if You are
willing, You can make me clean." Jesus stretched out His hand and touched him,
saying, "I am willing; be cleansed." And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.
Matthew 8:2-3 NAS
When evening came, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed; and
He cast out the spirits with a word, and healed all who were ill. This was to fulfill
what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: "HE HIMSELF TOOK OUR
Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues
and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and
every kind of sickness. Matthew 9:35 NAS
Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean
spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every kind of disease and every kind of
sickness. Matthew 10:1 NAS
"These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast
out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if
they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick,
and they will recover." Mark 16:17-18 NAS
"And on the basis of faith in His name, it is the name of Jesus which has
strengthened this man whom you see and know; and the faith which comes
through Him has given him this perfect health in the presence of you all. Acts 3:16
Is anyone among you suffering? Then he must pray. Is anyone cheerful? He is to
sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? Then he must call for the elders of the
church and they are to pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the
Lord; and the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord
will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they will be forgiven him. James
5:13-15 NAS
and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin
and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. I Peter 2:24 NAS
Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as
your soul prospers. 3 John 2 NAS
in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing
twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were
for the healing of the nations. Revelation 22:2 NAS
When we have hurts and torments, the first thing we need to do is identify the
problem, and realize the need for inner healing. Below is a common list of common
symptoms to look for in somebody who has an emotional wound:
Inner rawness: there's often a sense of inner rawness and hurt that doesn't seem
to go away.
Irritability: it's easy to become irritable with others, even if they aren't doing
anything wrong!
Little or no tolerance: there is a low tolerance issue with others, where you expect
and demand from them.
Feelings always rising up: feelings of anger, hate, resentment, etc. seem to "rise
up" within you at the slightest offense from others.
Overly sensitive about an event in your past: If there are events in your past which
cause you to become very sensitive or angry, or even cause you to lash out, then
it is likely revealing a deep emotional wound tied in with that event or memory.
Hard to forgive: it becomes very difficult, if not impossible to love and therefore
forgive others. It can also be hard to forgive and love yourself. It can even be hard
to forgive and love God, even though He has done nothing wrong against you!
Hard to feel loved: it is hard to clearly see and realize the love of others and God
in your life. You may be surrounded by people who love you, but it can be difficult
to fully feel and receive that love. There seems to be a wall that blocks the flow of
love into your life.
Lashing out: when there's an inner wound that has festered, it becomes easy to
lash out or have sudden outbursts of anger, hate, resentment, etc. You may find it
easy to lash out at people who love you, and have done you no harm.
Feelings of anger towards God: when a person has been wounded, it becomes
easy to blame God for their troubles and hardships. This is the last thing that you
want to do when seeking to be healed, because it virtually puts a wall in your mind
that can block the healing power of the Holy Spirit to operate. Although He desires
to heal your wound, He will not override your freewill, and if you hold hate in your
heart against Him, it can block His efforts to heal your wounds.
Self-hate: many times when a person is hurt from past abuse, they will begin to
think that perhaps what happened to them was deserved because of something
they did or the way that they were. This is not true. Abuse is never acceptable,
even if a child was being out of order. Parental love disciplines and corrects, but
never abuses.
Easily frustrated: because an inner turmoil that an inner wound causes, it is easy
to become easily frustrated with everyday chores and responsibilities.
Escapism: as a result of inner turmoil, it is easy to desire to escape or suppress
reality. This can be in the form of overeating, drinking, smoking, porn, spending
binges, etc. When a person indulges in escapism, addictions can form, and open
the door to spirits of addiction, which makes the addictions virtually impossible to
Cutting: a person who is a cutter is usually someone that is holding much pain,
feels that they deserve the pain (self-hate/religious bondage), and needs to admit
the pain and release it.
Retaliation urges: because of built-up hate and anger as a result of unforgiveness,
somebody who has a festering inner wound will find it easy to retaliate or snap
back at those who offend them or step on their toes.
Irresponsible behavior: inner pain has a way of consuming a person's mind, and
eventually this can take on a careless approach to life. It is hard to feel good about
yourself if you have an inner wound, and if you don't feel good about yourself, it
will begin to show in your lifestyle.
Irrational expectations of others: somebody who has been wounded may set high
expectations for those around them. They feel that others ought to hold up to
unrealistic standards, and are very intolerable to any mistakes made. They find it
hard to forbear (put up with) one another as the Bible commands of us (see
Colossians 3:13).
Perfectionism: a person who has an emotional wound may also be performance
driven. Perhaps they felt like no matter what they did, they could never please a
parent or authority figure, and later on in life, that rejection wound causes the
person to be a performer to the point where they are never satisfied and burned
out by their efforts.
Feelings of hopelessness: I believe this is also a common result of unresolved
inner wounds. Since the love of God is blocked in your life, it becomes hard to see
why He would love or care for you, and therefore you become an easy target for
feelings of hopelessness.
Driven: when you suffer from an emotional wound, it can create a sense of void in
your life's meaning, thus driving you to find meaning and purpose and happiness.
This could be in the form of college degrees, careers, financial success, etc.
Instead of appreciating the person who God has made (YOU!), you find yourself
chasing what you think will bring true happiness and purpose to your life.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD: OCD sometimes involves emotional
wounds that were never fully healed. This is especially true with people who have
bondages to self-hate, self-resentment, self-unforgiveness, etc.
Hostility towards God, self, and others: because of bound up emotions, a person
can tend to feel hostile towards God, other people in their life, or even themselves.
This is usually rooted in a form of bitterness against God for not preventing
something from happening to you, bitterness against somebody who has wronged
or harmed you emotionally, or bitterness against yourself for failures that you've
fallen into yourself.
Lord Jesus, You came and died to heal our wounded and troubled hearts. You forgave
me of all my sin and so now I ask for help to forgive all those who have hurt me and
offended me. I now choose to release these people and release the pain I have been
holding. I no longer want to hold them responsible. I ask You to forgive me for holding on
to these hurts and for not forgiving these people. Now that I have chosen to forgive them,
I ask you to heal my heart and remove the pain and torment caused by own sin. Heal the
pain of my memories, so that nothing that has happened to me will cause me to remain in
pain, anger, and fear. I ask you to look to those inner sores that make me unable to
forgive myself and others and remove that from me. I ask you to heal those wounds that
cause me physical illness and take that from me. I ask you to release me now so that I
may love myself and others.
In the name of Jesus, I ask you to remove from me and heal me from blood sugar
problems, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, back problems, feet problems,
lung problems, kidney problems, liver problems, insomnia, insanity, fears, anxiety, and
emotional problems.
Num. 14:18 NAS - ’The LORD is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness,
forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty, visiting
the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generations.’ 19
"Pardon, I pray, the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of Your
lovingkindness, just as You also have forgiven this people, from Egypt even until
now." 20 So the LORD said, "I have pardoned them according to your word;
Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I come to You in the name of your son Jesus
Christ. I come as a sinner seeking forgiveness and cleansing from all sins committed
against You. I honor my earthly father and mother and all of my ancestors of flesh and
blood and by adoption, but I utterly turn away from and renounce all their sins. I forgive all
my ancestors for the effects of their sins on my children and me. I confess and renounce
all of my own sins. I renounce and divorce myself from Satan and all of his works in me
and my family.
I renounce and forsake all involvement in Freemasonry or any other lodge or craft or cult
by my ancestors and myself. I renounce the idolatry, blasphemy, secrecy, deception, and
witchcraft resulting from involvement in other organizations. I specifically renounce the
insecurity, the love of position and power, the love of money, covetousness, and greed,
and the pride that would have led my ancestors into a cult or occult organization. I
renounce all the fears that held them captive, especially the fears of death, fears of men,
and fears of trusting.
I renounce the oaths, rituals, curses taken by any of my ancestors or myself and the
curses and penalties involved with those oaths. I pray for the healing of my organs and
my physical body affected by oaths and curses.
I renounce all allegiances to individuals or organizations that are in conflict with the
primary allegiance of my life, Jesus Christ, as revealed in God's word, the Bible. Father
God, I ask you cut off all these curses and their effects on my family and me. In the name
of Jesus Christ, I command the evil spirits to be bound up, and to leave me now, leaving
nothing of evil remaining and never to return to me or my family. I claim the promise of
God's word that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus, shall be delivered. I ask
to be delivered of every curse of sickness, infirmity, affliction, addiction, disease or allergy
associated with these sins that I have confessed and renounced. In the name of Jesus
Christ, I pray for the healing of any area in my life where healing is needed.
Lord, I repent and renounce, and I ask You to forgive me and my generational line for
involvement with sexual impurity, gossip, slander, murder, critical judgment, envy, strife,
holding offenses, accusation, jealousy, lying, denying You, speaking accusations against
You, conceiving and uttering falsehoods from the heart, speaking oppression and revolt,
and entering into witchcraft.
Lord, I repent for myself and anyone in my family line that offered sacrifices that were not
favorable and right. I repent for any withholding of the tithe, first fruits, and the best
portions, and for all wrong motives and attitudes of the heart. Father God, I repent for my
ancestors that were hasty to get wealth, lovers of this world, lazy, and selfish. I ask you to
break all curses of poverty and lack off of me and my family. I ask you to remove any
curses that would keep me from enjoying the fruits of my labor.
Now Father God, in Jesus name, I ask humbly for the blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, to
cleanse me from all these sins I have confessed and renounced, to cleanse my spirit,
soul and every part of my body which has been effected by these sins. I ask You to heal
me and my family and to release your blessings upon us. Heavenly Father, I now ask
You to go back in my bloodline on my father's and mother's sides and release all of the
generational blessings that have been blocked, dammed up, and held back because of
these sins, transgressions and iniquities.
Thank You, Father God, for your mercy, your forgiveness and your love, in the name of
Jesus Christ. Amen.
Some Extraordinary Substances
Walking barefoot on the Earth transfers free electrons from the Earth’s surface into your
body that spread throughout your tissues providing beneficial effects. This process is
called ‘grounding.’ Grounding has been shown to relieve chronic pain, reduce
inflammation, improve sleep, thin your blood, enhance well-being and much, much more.
Inflammation thrives when your blood is thick and you have a lot of free radical stress,
and a lot of positive charges in your body. Grounding effectively alleviates inflammation
because it thins your blood and infuses you with negatively charged ions through the
soles of your feet. Research has demonstrated it takes about 80 minutes for the free
electrons from the earth to reach your bloodstream and transform your blood.
Grounding's effect on blood thinning is so profound that if you are taking blood thinners
you must work with your health care provider to lower your dose otherwise you may
overdose on the medication.
Dr. Mercola - October 19, 2013 -
"I don't like people to ground when they're taking Coumadin," Dr. Sinatra warns. "It's a
relative contraindication because we have had people ground, taking Coumadin at the
same time, and their blood became like water. Dr. Mercola August 04, 2013
There exists a blend of herbs so powerful, effective, and safe for treating skin cancer that
no other conventional treatment even comes close. Black Salve is one of the most
powerful natural cancer treatments known that can be applied directly to malignancies for
rapid healing. Learn more:,
MMS is the common name for Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2), which is produced when Sodium
Chlorite is mixed (activated) with an acid (usually citric acid—a common citrus fruit
extract). In 1997, it was discovered that Chlorine Dioxide quickly cured malaria. Further
research revealed that many other ailments could either be improved or cured. Extensive
anecdotal case history 12,13,14 exists showing statistically significant improvements and
even cures in cancer, autism, infections, dental issues... even HIV/AIDS. Although the
word Chlorine is in the name, it is very different from common household Clorox Bleach
or pool chlorine, which are poisons known to be carcinogenic.7,8 Chlorine Dioxide works
differently than Chlorine in that it destroys the pathogens completely through oxidation,
and is itself destroyed in the reaction leaving nothing behind to build up or cause side
effects. The by-products are table salt, discharged oxygen atoms, and the remains of
dead pathogens that are easily removed by the body. (Chlorine Dioxide = ClO2, Chlorine
= Cl, Bleach (sodium hypochlorite) = NaOCl. ClO2 does not equal Cl and does not equal
Can a person get hurt or sick from MMS?
If used incorrectly, MMS can hurt you, which can be said for most anything, including
water, aspirin or peanuts. The key to using MMS is going low & slow. MMS is a strong
detoxing tool. As such, it requires respect, knowledge and proper use. However, MMS
and healthy human tissue both have a positive electrical charge and therefore repel each
other. On the other hand, the surface of pathogens carry a negative electrical charge 9,10
which attracts them to MMS where they can be oxidized. Also, no deaths have ever been
attributed to MMS while each year over 700,000 deaths are attributed to traditional
medical intervention, in the US alone.1
What does the FDA say about MMS?
To date, the FDA released an official notice 2 saying MMS is dangerous and that nobody
should use it. However, Chlorine Dioxide is a weaker oxidizer than both oxygen and
ozone, both of which are used in the human body for health benefits. Chlorine Dioxide
has an oxidation potential of .95 volts, oxygen has an oxidation potential of 1.28 volts and
ozone has an oxidation potential of 2.07 volts. Healthy human tissue is able to withstand
1.28 volts, (the oxidation potential of oxygen) and therefore cannot be harmed by
Chlorine Dioxide. Pathogens, on the other hand are no match for the .95 volts of Chlorine
Dioxide, in fact, Chlorine Dioxide has been known to kill bacteria in a petri dish in 2-5
seconds. Ironically, the FDA approves of Chlorine Dioxide in food processing and many
other applications.
Most current version is available at
MSM, which is a metabolite of DMSO approved for use in humans, primarily impacts your
health by reducing inflammation. It’s widely used as a supplement for arthritic conditions.
MSM also appears to improve cell wall permeability, so it can be used to help deliver
other active ingredients. MSM may be providing a missing link for optimal health, which
appears to be related to sulfur. MSM is 34 percent sulfur by weight, but it is more than
just a simple sulfur donor. It also affects sulfur metabolism in the human body, although
it’s still not entirely clear how. But without sulfur, glutathione cannot work.
Dr. Mercola March 03, 2013 -
Its proven benefits are:
• Powerful anti-inflammatory
• Relieve aches and pains / sore muscles and achy joints
• Anti-aging
• Detoxification
• Reduce or eliminate environmental allergies
DMSO is an inexpensive compound that holds great promise in managing a diverse array
of health conditions, yet has largely been ignored by the medical community. DMSO is
currently approved for only one clinical indication: interstitial cystitis, a painful chronic
inflammatory condition of the urinary bladder. Originally discovered as a byproduct of
paper manufacturing, DMSO has remarkable pain relieving abilities. It is also has antiinflammatory and antioxidant properties.
According to Dr. Stanley Jacob, DMSO holds promise in treating the following conditions:
Alzheimer’s disease - DMSO has been shown to dissolve amyloids, the proteins that
occur in the hallmark brain lesions of patients with Alzheimer’s and almost invariably lead
to the functional loss and eventual death of brain cells.
Arthritis - With its ability to penetrate tissues, DMSO shows value in reducing pain and
inflammation in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and possibly gout.
Down’s syndrome - Researchers have noted that when children born with Down’s
syndrome were treated with DMSO, mental and neurological functions improved in a
number of areas.
Fibromyalgia - According to Dr. Jacob, 70% of fibromyalgia patients he treated with
DMSO for several years experienced benefits with no side effects. He believes these
effects were due to pharmacological actions of DMSO such as free-radical scavenging,
analgesia, anti-inflammation, softening of scar tissue, reduction of muscle spasms, and
stimulation of healing.
Herpes - DMSO has been used to enhance penetration of alpha-interferon ointment in
the treatment of herpes.
Scleroderma - In basic work done at the Cleveland Clinic, topical DMSO was found to
have an anti-inflammatory effect while increasing blood supply to the skin.
Spinal cord injury - Data shows that if DMSO is given intravenously within the first 45-60
minutes after injury, the number of laboratory animals that recover was much higher than
in those not receiving DMSO. Dr. Jacob says this is an area he would like to pursue,
noting, “If we have 10,000 severe spinal cord injuries per year in the US—quadriplegic
and paraplegic—there could be fewer patients who will need long-term care.”, For more information, visit Dr. Jacob’s website at
Fat-burning: Ironic, isn't it? A saturated fat which can accelerate the loss of
midsection fat (the most dangerous kind). Well, there are now two solid, human
studies showing just two tablespoons a day (30 ml), in both men and women, is
capable of reducing belly fat within 1-3 months.
Brain-Boosting: A now famous study, published in 2006 in the journal Neurobiology
of Aging, showed that the administration of medium chain triglycerides (most
plentifully found in coconut oil) in 20 subjects with Alzheimer's disease or mild
cognitive impairment, resulted in significant increases in ketone bodies (within only
90 minutes after treatment) associated with measurable cognitive improvement in
those with less severe cognitive dysfunction.
Clearing Head Lice: When combined with anise spray, coconut oil was found to be
superior to the insecticide permethrin (.43%).
Healing Wounds: Coconut has been used for wound healing since time
immemorial. Three of the identified mechanisms behind these healing effects are its
ability to accelerate re-epithelialization, improve antioxidant enzyme activity, and
stimulate higher collagen cross-linking within the tissue being repaired. Coconut oil
has even been shown to work synergistically with traditional treatments, such as
silver sulphadizine, to speed burn wound recovery.
NSAID Alternative: Coconut oil has been demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory,
analgesic and fever-reducing properties.
Anti-Ulcer Activity: Interestingly, coconut milk (which includes coconut oil
components), has been shown to be as effective as the conventional drug sucralfate
as an NSAID-associated anti-ulcer agent.
Anti-Fungal: In 2004, 52 isolates of Candida species were exposed to coconut oil.
The most notorious form, Candida albicans, was found to have the highest
susceptibility. Researchers remarked: "Coconut oil should be used in the treatment
of fungal infections in view of emerging drug-resistant Candida species."
Testosterone-Booster: Coconut oil was found to reduce oxidative stress in the
testes of rats, resulting in significantly higher levels of testosterone.
Reducing Swollen Prostate: Coconut oil has been found to reduce testosteroneinduced benign prostate growth in rats.
Improving Blood Lipids: Coconut oil consistently improves the LDL:HDL ratio in
the blood of those who consume it. Given this effect, coconut oil can no longer be
dismissed for being 'that saturated fat which clogs the arteries.'
Fat-Soluble Nutrient Absorption: Coconut oil was recently found to be superior to
safflower oil in enhancing tomato carotenoid absorption.
Bone Health: Coconut oil has been shown to reduce oxidative stress within the
bone, which may prevent structural damage in osteoporotic bone.
Sunscreen: Coconut oil has been shown to block out UV rays by 30%. Keep in mind
that this is good, insofar as UVA rays are damaging to the skin, whereas UVB rays
are highly beneficial (when exposure is moderate).
Sayer Ji, September 3rd 2012
People who traditionally consume large quantities of coconut oil as part of their ordinary
diet have a very low incidence of heart disease and have normal blood cholesterol levels.
This has been well supported by numerous population studies. The research shows that
those people who consume large quantities of coconut oil have remarkably good
cardiovascular health. Bruce Fife, N.D-
 Scientists have now discovered that both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are
caused when the body launches an autoimmune attack against exposed fragments of
 Un-denatured type II collagen,” or “UC-II®,” is a protein supplement that acts against
the autoimmune reactions that can lead to join pain and degeneration.
 Animal and human studies convincingly demonstrate that induction of oral tolerance
with UC-II® reduces pain and improves joint function in osteoarthritis and, more
recently, in people without arthritis but who suffer joint pain and stiffness following
October 2013 - Life Extension Magazine -
In a randomized, double-blind, clinical study 40 mg of (UC-II) was more than two-times as
effective as 1,500 mg of glucosamine + 1,200 mg of chondroitin in supporting joint health,
comfort and flexibility. Crowley DC, Lau FC, Sharma P, Evans M, Guthrie N, Bagchi M, Bagchi D, Dey DK,
Raychaudhuri SP. Safety and efficacy of undenatured type II collagen in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: a clinical trial.
Int J Med Sci 2009; 6(6):312-321. doi:10.7150/ijms.6.312.
Systemic enzymes are the most important part of maintaining a healthy body; of fighting
the processes of both aging and disease; and of undoing the planned obsolescence
nature has built into our bodies to make sure we don’t stay on the planet for too very
long. Systemic enzymes are the only non-toxic way of controlling inflammation of every
type and from whatever reason. More importantly, systemic enzymes are the only tools
available in both natural and allopathic (conventional) medicine for fighting fibrosis. We
also have to remember that of the two things that cause fibrosis, inflammation is the #1
major thing that brings about the formation of fibrosis and scar tissue. So control the one
and you prevent the further formation of the other. Benefits of Systemic Enzymes are:
• Anti-Fibrosis -Systemic Enzymes eat scar tissue and fibrosis. Fibrosis is scar
tissue and most doctors learn in anatomy that it is fibrosis that eventually kills us
• Systemic Enzymes are the first line of defense against inflammation.
• Blood Cleansing - Cleaning excess fibrin from the blood and reducing the
stickiness of blood cells.
Immune System Modulating - the enzymes will tone down immune function and
eat away at the antibodies the immune system is making to attack its bodies own
Virus and Bacteria Fighting
ASEA is trillions of stable, perfectly balanced Redox Signaling Molecules suspended in a
pristine saline solution—the same molecules that exist in the cells of the human body.
Redox Signaling is a function that is central to all life on the planet. Redox Signaling
molecules are created within every cell of the body and are vital to the immune system
and to cellular healing mechanisms. They are so essential to life that without them, you
would die within seconds. A proper supply of Redox Signaling molecules enables cellular
healing: damaged, dysfunctional cells fading away and healthy, vibrant cells taking over.
Redox Signaling molecules are vital for the health of your cells; that’s why your body
makes its own supply. But after the age of 12, our cells make fewer and fewer of these
molecules. ASEA is the world’s only source for replenishing Redox Signaling molecules.
• ASEA’s first most important job is to increase cellular communication
 ASEA’s second most important job is as an antioxidant activator, which increases
the production of Glutathione by 67% and the bioactivity and bioavailability of
Glutathione and SOD by 500%.
 ASEA has zero toxicity and will not interact with medications
 ASEA is Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-Fungal
 ASEA helps the body heal itself and allows the body to move towards
 ASEA helps the body detoxify,
Stem-Kine is a blend of nutrients that has been demonstrated to stimulate your body's
natural repair capabilities. Stem-Kine has been clinically proven to increase the amount
of circulating stem cells in the body for an extended period of time. Just as fertilizer
stimulates a tree to bear more fruit, Stem-Kine nourishes your bone marrow to release
more of its own stem cells into circulation and to protect those cells from oxidative stress.
Stem-Kine has been clinically tested in collaboration with: Indiana University, University
of California - San Diego, and University of Utah - Salt Lake City. Individuals with high
levels of circulating stem cells experience:
• An overall increase in well-being
• Reduced signs and symptoms of aging
• Improved recovery time following injuries and surgery
• Improved nail and hair growth
• Heightened energy levels
• A healthier complexion
“Silver Sol, in essence, is simply silver particles dispersed in purified water. The term
“Sol” is a chemical designation of a pure mineral permanently suspended in water where
the mineral’s charge is transferred to the entire body of water.” The benefits of silver are
numerous and include:
• Broad-spectrum antimicrobial (some silvers have been shown in vitro to destroy
bacteria, both forms of viruses, fungus and other significant diseases including the
following: MRSA, SARS, malaria, anthrax poisoning, gram-negative bacteria,
gram-positive bacteria, Hepatitis C, AIDS, and influenza
• Potent anti-inflammatory
• Non-toxic, even at high levels
• No side effects or contra-indications; safe for all individuals
• Doesn’t encourage resistant microbial strains
• Has prophylactic potential in disease prevention
• Immune system enhancer
• Cost-effective
• Internal and topical usage
• Works synergistically with prescribed antibiotics
• More effective than traditional antibiotics and other drugs
Nature of Compound
Date of Development
Older Colloidal or
Ionic Silver
Late 1800’s
Silver Sol
Late 1990’s
Parts Per Million (ppm)
300 – 300,000 ppm 10, 24 ppm
Exceeds 99%
Vibrational Frequency
890-910 THz (same as germicidal UV light)
Works By Catalytic Action No
# of Missing Electrons
Can Cause Argyria
No Known Cases
Brown, Yellow or Silver Colorless
Strong Metallic Flavor Faint Metallic Aftertaste
Dr. Gordon Pedersen - “A Fighting Chance”, 2nd. ed., pg 12-14,,
VITALOE (polysaccharide plus immune)
VitAloe is a powerful blend of research-backed ingredients designed to support your
immune system. VitAloe combines plants and plant extracts that have traditionally been
consumed for their immune enhancing properties in addition to nutrients that stimulate
the growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. Ingredients are:
• Aloe Vera
• Maitake Mushroom
• Nopal Cactus
• Beta-1, 3 Glucan
• Arabinogalactan
• Astragalus Root
• Inulin
Cellfood has the unique ability to dissociate the water molecule into nascent hydrogen
and nascent oxygen. This water "splitting" technology enables the release of hydrogen
and oxygen gases simultaneously in a chain reaction. Cellfood, a proprietary ionic
formula that contains 78 ionic minerals, 34 enzymes, 17 amino acids, electrolytes and
dissolved oxygen and utilizes a unique water-splitting technology. Cellfood provides an
unsurpassed oxygen and nutrient delivery system, and is absorbed quickly and efficiently
by every cell in the body. Cellfood's unique structure oxygenates and feeds the cells.
When taking Cellfood, it goes through the sensitive membranes of the mouth, throat and
oesophagus; so that over 95% of the product immediately enters into the blood stream,
and crosses the blood-brain barrier. Benefits of CellFood are:
• Increases Cellular Respiration
• Kills infectious bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
• Energy Boosting Properties
• Detoxifies the Body
• Balances the Body Metabolism
• Powerful Free Radical Scavenger
• Strengthens the Immune System,,
Are You Ripe For Cancer?
In 1931 Otto Warburg discovered and demonstrated that cancer cells are normal cells
which become anaerobic cancer cells once they lack as little as 35% oxygen. The cells
then start fermenting blood sugar (glucose) as a source of fuel. Simply stated the prime
cause of cancer is oxygen deprivation at the cellular level.
The body requires special fats which make it possible for sufficient oxygen to reach the
cells via the cell membranes. These special fats are essential fatty acids which must be
consumed daily because the body can’t manufacture them. They are parent omega-6,
termed linoleic acid (LA), and parent omega-3, termed alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).
Insufficient EFAs in the diet can reduce the oxygen absorption of cells sufficiently to
cause cancer. Moreover, EFA deficiency can cause the body to substitute into the cell
membranes non-oxygenating fats that impair oxygen transport (such as hydrogenated
fats and trans fats), exacerbating the cancer-causing state. Cellular hypoxia occurs
primarily from consumption of adulterated polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which are
incorporated into cell membranes and interfere with cellular oxygen transmission.
Research strongly supports the use of an unprocessed, organic supplement with a ratio
of greater than 1:1, up to 2.5:1 of parent omega-6 to parent omega-3. With this ratio,
suggested use of this combination is 725 mg per 40 lb. of body weight (e.g., a 160-lb.
person requires 3 grams on a daily basis). From the Townsend Letter August/September 2007 - EFAs,
Oxygenation, and Cancer Prevention: A New Solution by Brian Scott Peskin
Women who used estrogen in combination with synthetic progestin had a 69% increased
risk of breast cancer, compared to women who had never used HRT. When the
researchers analyzed the risk of breast cancer in women under age 51, those with the
highest progesterone levels had a staggering 70% decreased risk compared to the group
with the lowest progesterone levels. Life Extension Magazine Nov. 2013 pg 12-13
The group of women who used synthetic progestin in combination with estrogen had a
startling 290% greater risk of blood clots, compared to the group who never used HRT.
The group receiving natural progesterone in combination with estrogen, on the other
hand, had a 30% decreased risk of blood clots, compared to women who never used
HRT. Life Extension Magazine Nov. 2013 pg 13
Flax seeds, for example, also contain phytoestrogens and, according to Dr. Horner, there
are hundreds of studies showing that flax not only protects against breast cancer more
effectively than any other food we know of, but may also shrink breast tumors. She also
cites research by Lilian Thompson at the University of Toronto, who has done many
studies on flaxseeds and estrogen-positive tumors. In one of Dr. Thompson’s studies,
she found that estrogen-positive breast tumors shrank in every woman given flax seeds
for three weeks.
“Flax seeds contain 100 times more lignans than any other known plant source and are
one of the most power foods you can eat to lower your risk of breast cancer. Here's the
key to understanding this controversy: Plant estrogens are not the same as the
estrogens your body makes, or synthetic estrogens found in hormone replacement
therapy. They are very different. Many actually act more like selective estrogen
modulators or SERMS (Tamoxifen is a SERM) and as aromatase inhibitors like
Arimidex. These plant chemicals act in so many complex ways that we may never fully
understand them all.”
Dr. Mercola October 20, 2013 -
A cell becomes cancerous when its oxygen content falls below 35%. The cell then
begins to use sugar for energy production rather than oxygen. A cell’s oxygen content
depends on cell respiration, which depends on the permeability of the cell membrane.
Cell respiration is decreased due to toxic chemicals, hydrogenated oils, rancid oils, and
an imbalance of fatty acids. When the body’s immune system isn’t sufficient to destroy a
cancer cell, then it multiplies. Estrogen promotes cell proliferation. When estrogen is not
held in check with progesterone, cancer cells proliferate.
Therefore cancer is promoted by:
Lack of oxygen to the cells (oxygen deficient and bad circulation)
Being acidic (an acidic system decreases oxygen into the cells)
Sugar (feeds cancer cells)
Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids
Imbalance of essential fatty acids
Weak immune system
Estrogen not held in check with progesterone
An optimal vitamin D level is critically important in minimizing your cancer risk; a
study of menopausal women showed that maintaining vitamin D serum levels of
40ng/ml cut overall cancer risk by 77 percent.
GrassrootsHealth founder Carole Baggerly believes 90 percent of ordinary breast
cancer is related to vitamin D deficiency; in fact, breast cancer has been
described as a “vitamin D deficiency syndrome”.
Vitamin D can stop breast cancer cells from spreading by replenishing E-cadherin,
one of the glue-like components giving structure to those cells.
Dr. Mercola, May 12, 2013
Women with the highest levels of vitamin D had a nearly 70% reduction in their risk of
breast cancer, compared to women with the lowest vitamin D levels. In one report, the
effects of administering 1,100 IU a day of vitamin D (with calcium) was evaluated in
postmenopausal women.40 After only four years, the risk of developing any cancer was
60% lower in the vitamin D (and calcium) group, compared with those who received
placebo. The scientists then performed a more detailed analysis of the data. When
excluding cancers diagnosed in the first year of the study, which would have included
pre-existing cancers present at the time participants began taking vitamin D (with
calcium), they found an astounding 77% reduction in cancer incidence in the group
receiving vitamin D, compared with placebo. Life Extension Magazine Nov. 2013 pg 44
One ground breaking study conducted in 2007 indicates that sufficient levels of vitamin D
cut the risk of cancer by 60 percent. (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 85(6):1586-91 June 2007)
Curcumin is derived from the Indian spice turmeric and possesses several active
components, all of which contribute to its anti-inflammatory and chemo-preventive power.
Its multimodal effects act to simultaneously counter ten discrete causative factors in
cancer development. It intervenes at each stage in the complex sequence of events that
enable cancer cells to develop, proliferate, and metastasize. Its multitargeted
mechanisms of action have yielded compelling results in combating a remarkably broad
array of cancers, including those of the breast, uterus, cervix, prostate, and GI tract. A
blossoming body of research reveals curcumin’s promise in countering cancers of the
blood, brain, lung, and bladder as well. Life Extension Magazine, March 2011
In a December 1996 article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Larry
Clark presented evidence that supplemental selenium could reduce cancer death rates
by as much as 50%. A Physicians Guide To Natural Health Products That Work By James Howenstine MD,
page 148
The patients receiving selenium had a 67% decrease in cancer of the prostate, a 58%
decrease in colon or rectal cancer and a 45% decrease in lung cancer. This suggests
that possibly up to 100,000 lives a year might be saved in the USA by the simple addition
of selenium to the diet.
A Physicians Guide to Natural Health Products That Work By James Howenstine MD, page 149
An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) by Clark et al.
(1996) showed that 200 mcg of supplemental selenium a day reduced overall cancer
mortality by 50% in humans compared to a placebo group not receiving supplemental
selenium. This 9-year study demonstrated that a low-cost mineral supplement could cut
the risk of dying from cancer in half in certain individuals. Disease Prevention And Treatment by Life
Extension Foundation, page 1255
A Powerful Antioxidant "selenium is a crucial mineral in the battle against prostate
cancer," says Dr. Schachter. In one study of hundreds of men, a daily intake of 200
micrograms of selenium cut the incidence of prostate cancer by 60 percent. Alternative Cures
by Bill Gottlieb, page 518
Although the study failed to show the effectiveness of selenium in altering the course of
either basal or squamous cell carcinoma, selenium impacted the incidence of other types
of malignancies with amazing success (Clark et al. 1996). The overall reduction in cancer
incidence was 37% in the selenium-supplemented group; a 50% reduction in cancer
mortality was observed over a 10-year period. The following are the site-specific
reductions in cancer incidence observed in the study: colon-rectal cancers (58%), lung
cancer (46%), and prostate cancer (63%). A selenium deficiency appears to increase the
risk of prostate cancer fourfold to fivefold. It was determined that, as the male population
ages, selenium levels decrease, paralleling an increase in prostate cancer (Brooks et al.
2001). Disease Prevention and Treatment by Life Extension Foundation, page 242
There is a new cancer treatment that is free, has virtually no side effects, and can be
used in conjunction with other cancer treatments. It involves cutting out carbohydrates,
beginning with the worst carb of all - sugar. When Dr. Dominic D'Agostino and his team
of scientists at the University of South Florida removed carbohydrates from the diets of
lab mice, the mice survived highly aggressive metastatic cancer even better than when
they were treated with chemotherapy.
All cells, including cancer cells, are fueled by glucose. But if you deprive them of glucose,
they switch to the alternate fuel, ketone bodies. Except cancer cells. A defect prevents
them from making the switch to using ketone bodies as fuel and therefore, cancer cells
can only survive on glucose. A ketogenic diet consists of almost zero carbohydrates, but
lots of natural proteins and fats. "Natural" proteins are ones that are in their original form.
On the other hand, "processed" meats, like cold cuts and hot dogs, are off-limits because
often carbohydrates have been added to them. Similarly, "natural" fats are whole foods,
like olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and nuts. Stay away from "trans" fats, such as
shortening or margarine, any oil that is hydrogenated.
The main difference between a regular low carb diet plan and a ketogenic diet plan is the
amount of carbohydrate and protein allowed on a daily basis:
A ketogenic diet plan requires tracking
the carb amounts in the foods eaten and
keeping carbohydrate intake between
20-50 grams per day. The daily protein
requirement will be moderate, and
depends on height, gender and how
much exercise is done. The balance of
calories will be from fats. These ratios
ensure that most people go into ketosis
and stay there, which is the main objective of the ketogenic diet.
 The nutrient intake on a ketogenic diet typically works out to about 70-75% of
calories from fat, 20-25% from protein, and 5-10% from carbohydrate on a daily
basis. Since a ketogenic diet reduces hunger, most find they don't really need to
get involved in calorie counting, unless one feels more comfortable tracking them.
The key to understanding a ketogenic diet plan is to remember that one is swapping out
the carbs in the diet with a higher fat and a moderate protein intake.
Why high fat and moderate protein? Fats have no effect on blood sugar and insulin
levels. Protein does effect both blood sugar and insulin, if large quantities are consumed.
If you overeat protein, about 56% of any excess protein will be converted to glucose
(sugar) in the body, and that extra glucose hanging around will increase insulin, and put
the brakes on the body's ability to release and burn fatty acids (go into ketosis).
In 1987 Lim-Sylianco published a 50-year literature review showing the anti-cancer
effects of coconut oil. In chemically induced cancers of the colon and breast, coconut oil
was by far more protective than unsaturated oils. For example 32% of corn oil eaters got
colon cancer whereas only 3% of coconut oil eaters got the cancer. Lita Lee, Ph.D
Reddy et al(1984) showed that chemically induced adenocarcinomas in the colon
appeared 10-fold less in coconut oil treated animals. Cohen et al (1986) showed that
such, in effect of coconut oil was also seen in breast cancer.
Virtually all degenerative diseases are associated with excess acidity in the body. This
can be changed with diet. The metabolism of cancer cells has a very narrow pH tolerance
for cellular proliferation, which is between 6.5 and 7.5. As such, if you can interfere with
cancer cell metabolism by raising the internal cancer cell pH, you can theoretically stop
cancer progression. Raising the pH of the body can be done, but that is not the same as
raising the internal pH of cancer cells. The next step then is to use some nutritional
mechanism to move the internal cancer cell pH from 6.5 to 7.5, to above 8, which
effectively kills the cancer cell. Many have used the alkaline mineral cesium along with
topical DMSO to carry the cesium through the skin into the body. The cesium is taken up
by the cancer cells very effectively. This therapy works well, but it can deplete the body’s
potassium levels and thus must be replenished while monitored in the blood. Lack of
potassium manifests as heart arrhythmia and leg cramps.
Acidity and alkalinity is a measure of pH. The pH scale is logarithmic and goes from 0
(acid) to 14 (alkaline) with 7.0 being neutral. Being logarithmic means that each step is
ten times the previous. To perform this simple test, all you need is a roll of testing pH
Urine pH
The pH of the urine indicates how the body is working to maintain the proper pH of the
blood. The urine reveals the alkaline building (anabolic) and acid tearing-down (catabolic)
cycles. The urine pH is directly correlated to both tissue oxygen levels and soft tissue
levels of alkalizing minerals. The pH of urine indicates the efforts of the body to regulate
body pH balance through the buffer salts and hormones. Urine can provide a fairly
accurate picture of body chemistry, because the kidneys filter out the buffer salts of pH
regulation and provide values based on what the body is eliminating.
The urine is an excellent indicator to determine if our diet is too rich in foods that make us
acidic or alkaline. Generally speaking, fruits and vegetables are more alkaline forming,
while meats, sugar, caffeine, beans, dairy, and grains are more acid forming, but there is
some leeway in this hard rule due to individual body metabolic types. The principal acid
generator is negative thoughts. The most important organic mineral used to neutralize
acid ash is sodium. The second most important organic mineral for buffering acid ash is
calcium. When body pH is too low (acidic), it can rob sodium from the gallbladder bile and
leave cholesterol in more of a solid form rather than liquid due to the absence of bile salts
and thus gallstones can be formed. Urinary pH tends to be lower or more acidic in the
morning and higher or more alkaline in the evening. The most accurate reading of how
the body has handled the previous evening meal is urine pH recorded immediately upon
awakening--after sleeping at least five hours.
Hold about a 3 inch piece of pH paper in the urine stream and immediately compare to
the color chart on the box to determine the pH. The optimal urine pH is between 6.8 and
7.2 on the pH scale. People that are consistently acidic do not optimally digest
carbohydrates and fats.
Saliva pH
While generally more acidic than blood, salivary pH mirrors the blood (if not measured
around meals) and is also a fairly good indicator of health. Optimal pH for saliva is above
7.2 pH. Optimal pH range for saliva is between 6.8 and 7.2. A reading consistently lower
than 6.8 is indicative of possible insufficient alkaline reserves. After eating, the saliva pH
should rise to 7.8 or higher. Unless this occurs, the body has alkaline mineral deficiencies
(mainly calcium and magnesium) and will not assimilate food very well.
The most accurate readings of saliva is recorded immediately upon awakening--after
sleeping at least five hours and before brushing your teeth. For a midday saliva test, be
sure not to eat, drink, or brush your teeth for one hour prior to the test. Swallow a couple
of times to clear the mouth and stimulate new saliva, then discharge some saliva into a
plastic spoon (It is recommended not to touch the pH paper to your tongue due to the
chemicals in the paper.) Tear off a strip of pH paper, place into the saliva and compare
the color of your immersed pH paper with the color chart provided on the pH testing roll.
What Do the Values Mean?
It is normal for your urine and saliva pH numbers to increase after you eat or drink and
not stay static or decrease. The more acidic the food that is eaten, the more rapid the
response of the alkaline reserve, and the higher the pH should be following a meal.
Urine pH upon awakening
Saliva pH upon awakening
Too acidic and need
alkaline diet
Less than 6.8
Less than 6.8
Alkaline buffers are okay
Greater than 7.2
Greater than 7.2
Urine pH
Saliva pH
Optimum - (Upon awakening)
Between meals
Following an alkaline meal or drink
If the first urine upon awakening is lower than 6.8, then you are low on alkaline minerals and need a more alkaline diet.
If the first urine upon awakening is greater than 7.2, then your levels of alkaline buffers are okay.
Second urine of the day should be 7.2 or higher and if less than 6.8, then you are in acidosis.
Alkaline diet
The alkaline diet, which is primarily plant-based and avoids sugar, dairy, wheat and other
high-gluten grains as well as an excess consumption of fruits, while emphasizing fresh
vegetables and vegetable juices along with cruciferous vegetables and greens, changes
the body's intracellular pH to come close to the ideal blood pH of 7.3/7.41. If nothing else,
increase the amount of dark, leafy green vegetables, such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard,
parsley, sprouts, collard greens, and mustard greens, just to name a few. Organic super
green supplements that contain chlorella, spirulina, barley grass, and alfalfa grass, in
particular, also help to alkalize the body.
1. Eat organic
2. Adopt a ketogenic diet
3. Drink alkaline water (add CellFood for oxygen) and drink green tea
4. Get sunshine and take Vitamin D3 to normalize your levels
5. Take therapeutic levels of curcumin
6. Take coconut oil
7. Normalize your ratio of linoleic acid (omega 6) to alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) by
taking hemp seed oil (Hemp seed oil contains a ratio of 3:1 of LA (omega-6) to ALA
8. Get regular exercise and regular good sleep.
9. Reduce your exposure to food toxins, environmental toxins, and household toxins
10. Take a quality multi-vitamin mineral with adequate levels of selenium
11. Take extra Vitamin C and iodine
12. Progesterone cream if cancer is estrogen related
13. Do a cleanse and consider taking sodium chlorite or the herb bloodroot if cancer
cells need to be removed faster
Biblical and traditional naturopathic practitioners work to support the body to bring forth its innate
healing process. For the most part infirmities are from a combination of three elements: something
is toxic, some pathogen needs to be killed or eliminated, and there have been chronic nutritional
deficiencies. These factors can cause the body to become unbalanced (parts and systems not
functioning and synergistically with each other). Add stress of some sort (emotional, spiritual, or
physical), and a complex set of symptoms can arise.
Because of the influence of the allopathic philosophy and the need to know “what I have”, symptoms
are usually correlated to a disease label. This labeling, for the most part, only provides a categorizing
of the symptoms. It does not speak to the cause(s) of the problem. Many times people want and do
need symptom relief and it does have its place.
Practitioners should remember that treating symptoms and “labeled conditions” will oftentimes not
bring the body to heal itself. Please keep these thoughts in mind when supporting others to regain
their health as they seek someone to relieve their symptoms or treat their “labeled condition”.
Having said that, the following table of information is provided.
Acid Reflux
• Acid reflux is almost always NOT a case of too much acid being produced, but rather too little.
The condition is more commonly recognized by its symptom of heartburn - a burning sensation
that radiates up from your stomach to your chest and throat.
• It’s typically most bothersome at night, and tends to occur in connection with certain activities,
such as after eating a heavy meal and lying down. Other symptoms include: hoarseness, a feeling
that food is stuck in your throat, and tightness in your throat.
• Triggers are heavy protein meals, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and chocolate.
• Support can be found with a high quality unprocessed salt, not diluting the meal with excessive
fluids, adding apple cider vinegar with meals or taking a hydrochloric acid supplement. Fasting
and/or eating more raw foods and less refined cooked foods would also help solve the problem.
Giving the digestion a rest along with some detoxification may also benefit.
• It can be commonly related to hiatal hernia – There’s a valve between your stomach and your
small intestine called the pyloric valve. When the acid in your stomach refluxes over that valve, it
causes symptoms very similar to those of acid reflux.
• Bacteria called helicobacter pylori causes a chronic low-level inflammation of the stomach lining,
and is responsible, or at least a major factor, for producing many of the symptoms of acid
reflux. Garlic or tea tree oil or olive leaf should an effective option.
• Supplemental digestive enzymes may alleviate heartburn by facilitating the digestion of food in
the stomach that may be causing heartburn. The principal digestive enzymes used to facilitate
digestion include: amylase, cellulose, lipase, and protease.
• Acne occurs when the pores in the skin are blocked from oil, dead skin, and bacteria in the hair
Acne can be caused by environmental and genetic factors, but genetics seems to predominate.
The role of hormones in the development of acne is apparent at puberty, when there is a surge
in the production of male hormones, present in both males and females. Female-hormone
estrogens have a beneficial effect on acne, which is why some girls get on birth control pills. But
when a woman’s estrogen levels decline as in just before the beginning of a menstrual cycle,
acne may worsen.
• Tea Tree oil contains chemicals known as terpenoids which kill bacteria has been successful as a
topical application.
• Zinc helps reduce inflammation; kills propionibacterium acnes, the main bacteria associated with
acne, and improves the skin environment that makes it more hostile to this bacterium.
• Progesterone cream applied topically may alleviate acne in adult women by counteracting the
excessive production of androgens that causes most cases of adult acne in women.
• Vitex and saw palmetto can alleviate hormone related acne.
• Burdock has been very useful in alleviating acne.
• Reduce foods high in animal fats, hormones, and iodine. Eliminate trans-fats.
• Overexposure to the sun can worsen acne.
• Addison's disease is a syndrome specifically related to inadequate secretion of corticosteroid
hormones due to overworked, damaged or depleted adrenal glands.
• DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) (25 to 50 mg/day) may improve mood and other symptoms in
adrenal insufficiency.
• Adrenal insufficiency may occasionally occur as a result of sodium deficiency - adrenal
insufficiency patients often have salt cravings.
• Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) may activate the adrenal glands and may “revive” exhausted
adrenal glands.
• Vitamin C will support adrenal insufficiency.
• Adrenal glandular extract may counteract impairment of the adrenal glands.
• Licorice may enhance the function of the adrenal glands and is often employed by naturopaths to
treat adrenal insufficiency.
• Adaptogen herbs such as ashwagandha are stress relievers and will thus support the adrenals.
• Eliminate sugar and caffeine and get sufficient sleep
• The top herbal anti-histamine is stinging nettle and it has been known to work effectively for 70%
of those struggling with allergies. (300 - 1,800 mg per day)
• Quercetin stabilizes the cell membranes of mast cells. The strengthening of cell membranes of
mast cells causes the mast cells to be less reactive to antigens (that are involved in allergies) and
decreases the ease with which they release their stored histamine, and thus works as an antihistamine.
• Bromelain and digestive enzymes may help to “dissolve” and digest the foreign proteins
(antigens) that are responsible for many allergies.
• DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) combined with pantothenic acid and adrenal glandular may
help to prevent allergies by supporting and strengthening the adrenal glands.
• Vitamin C at 3000 to 5000 mg/day has a natural antihistamine effect.
• Other anti-inflammatory substances are fish oil and MSM.
ALS - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
• Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was made famous by Lou Gehrig. ALS is a progressive
degenerative disease of the motor system of the nervous system that quickly progresses and
destroys nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.
Symptoms include clumsiness, tripping, slurred speech, and disabilities related to muscular
function. The most common cause of death among ALS patients is respiratory complications and
infection after the muscles that control breathing are affected.
• ALS patients generally have low brain glutathione levels.
• Valine levels are severely reduced in the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of ALS patients. Therefore
branched-chained amino acids (particularly with leucine, isoleucine and valine) may result in
improved muscle strength and maintenance of the ability to walk and has been effective in up to
85% of patients.
• Genetically controlled deficiencies in the production of superoxide dismutase (SOD) may cause
ALS (due to the lack of SOD allowing free radicals to destroy Neurons). SOD activity in ALS
patients is approximately 40% lower than that of normal, healthy humans.
• Creatine monohydrate is speculated to alleviate ALS and it is presently undergoing investigation
for the treatment of this condition.
• Supplemental coenzyme Q10 may increase the survival time of ALS patients.
• Alpha Lipoic acid will cross the blood brain barrier and has anti-oxidant properties, works to
protect nerves, and will help increase glutathione.
• Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALC) (1,500 – 3,000 mg per day) may be useful for the treatment of ALS (due
to its ability to improve the function of motor nerves).
• Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive form of dementia that is characterized by two key
abnormalities: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques are clumps of a
protein known as beta-amyloid found in the tissue between nerve cells in the brain.
Neurofibrillary tangles are made up of a protein that becomes bundles of twisted filaments
found within neurons.
• It is a manifestation of inflammation in the brain. Some have called Alzheimer’s disease diabetes
of the brain. During the course of Alzheimer’s disease, glucose metabolism in the cerebellum is
significantly reduced.
• Alzheimer’s disease is associated with a significant level of damage to the deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) content of the mitochondria.
• Excessive levels of aspartic acid and glutamate within the brain accelerate the development of
Alzheimer’s disease.
• Alzheimer’s disease patients typically have 50% lower levels of DHEA compared to healthy
people of the same age.
• Elevated homocysteine contributes to the onset and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
• Excessive cortisol levels increase the rate of neuron destruction in Alzheimer's disease.
• Aspartame can further exacerbate Alzheimer's disease.
• Excessive consumption of animal fats, trans-fatty acids, and arachidonic acid will increase the risk
and worsen Alzheimer’s disease.
• Mercury and aluminum accumulation in the brain may be one of the primary causes of
Alzheimer’s disease.
• Alzheimer's disease is strongly associated with lowered production/activity of acetylcholine - due
to a deficiency in the enzyme choline acetylase.
• Regular exercise of the body and mental abilities is strongly encouraged for those with
Alzheimer’s disease.
• Significant consumption of blueberries, turmeric, pomegranates, and fish oil is strongly
Niacinamide (2000 to 3000 mg) showed evidence of restoring memory in mice to the effect of
being cured.
• Nattokinase removes amyloid-beta, which is an abnormal protein common in brains of
Alzheimer’s patients.
• Ginkgo Biloba maximizes blood flow to the brain and helps protect neurons from free radicals.
• Acetyl-l-carnitine at 2,000 - 3,000 mg per day improves brain cell communication and memory
and retards the further progression of Alzheimer's disease.
• A low methionine diet has been shown to slow and even reverse early to moderate stage
Alzheimer's disease in an animal model. Methionine is an essential amino acid that occurs in
relatively high amounts in red meat, fish, eggs and other foods.
• Curcumin helps to prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease due to the ability to counteract the
toxic effects of amyloid-beta protein.
• Lithium inhibits the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by protecting neurons against cell death
from amyloid-beta protein.
• Huperzine A (300 mcg per day) inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzyme that degrades
acetylcholine. Huperzine A has shown to be very effective for restoring memory loss for those
with Alzheimer’s.
• Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) (coconut oil) improves cognitive function in Alzheimer’s
disease patients by substituting beta-hydroxybutyric acid for glucose as a source of energy to the
brain. Coconut is showing great promise.
• Phosphatidylserine (PS) (300 - 400 mg per day) may alleviate the symptoms of early Alzheimer’s
disease as it has been shown to restore the EEG patterns to normal and improve brain glucose
• Coenzyme Q10 helps to prevent the neuron damage that leads to Alzheimer's.
• Vitamin B12 deficiency has been linked to the development of Alzheimer’s and a deficiency
mimics Alzheimer’s disease.
• Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) deficiency increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and it increases
the removal of amyloid-beta protein.
• Anemia is a blood condition that develops when you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells
to transport oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body.
• Anemia is associated with the following symptoms
o Weakness and fatigue
o Irritability
o Shortness of breath
o Headaches
o Sore tongue and bleeding gums
o Pallor
o Nausea and loss of appetite
o Faintness and dizziness
o Confusion and dementia
o Increased heart rate
• Two simple indicators of anemia are: 1.) After pressing on fingernail, redness should return
within a second or two; 2.) Pull down lower eyelids to if they are pale.
• One cause of anemia is poor digestion of the stomach and poor absorption in the small bowel
due to issues with the small intestines.
• Besides iron deficiency anemia, other forms of anemia include: pernicious anemia (vitamin B12
deficiency) and folic acid deficiency anemia
Anemia may occur as a result of Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
Coffee inhibits iron absorption when taken with the iron. Caffeinated or decaf coffee, both
reduce iron absorption when taken with a meal by 60% to 90%.
• Tea is a greater inhibitor of iron absorption than coffee (due to tannins), but only for non heme
iron, which is iron not from red meat.
• Calcium taken with iron or high calcium foods in a meal (cheese and milk) can reduce the
absorption of iron in the meal by about 50 to 60%.
• Chocolate also has tannins and can reduce iron absorption somewhat.
• Heme (deep red, ferrous component of hemoglobin) sources of iron, such as red meat, are
absorbed and utilized the most effectively by the body.
• Vitamin A mobilizes iron from storage sites.
• Iron supplements are better absorbed if taken with vitamin C and on an empty stomach.
• Ferrous sulfate is not as absorbable as ferrous gluconate, iron citrate, fumarate, iron glycinate,
iron gluconate, and iron picolinate. Chelated iron can be constipating.
• Yellow dock is a good herbal source of non-constipating iron.
• Angina is the medical term for chest pain or discomfort due to the heart muscle not getting as
much blood (hence as much oxygen) as it needs.
• Symptoms may be mild or severe chest pain or tightness in the chest. Pain may feel worse after
exercise or a heavy meal.
• Improve blood supply to the heart with:
o Magnesium aspartate or citrate (200-400 mg - 3 times/day)
o Hawthorn extract
o Vitamin E (800 IU/day)
o Arginine (6000 mg/day) increases nitric oxide, which relaxes the arteries
o Fish oil (1 tbsp/day)
o Clean out the arteries to the heart - chelation (EDTA, zeolites), nattokinase, serrapeptase
(EDTA also increases nitric oxide, which relaxes the arteries)
• Improve energy metabolism within the heart with:
o COQ10 (at least 150 mg/day)
o Ribose – 5000mg - 2 to 3 times per day
o L-carnitine ((2 - 3 grams per day)
Anxiety Disorders
• Anxiety disorders are illnesses that cause people to experience exaggerated fright or
apprehension in response to external or internal stimuli or sometimes for no apparent reason.
Basically it can be classified as an inappropriate stress response.
• Cause is usually exhausted adrenals coupled with a lack of GABA or perhaps along with a need
for serotonin.
• Excessive caffeine, sugar, and stress are major contributors. Thyroid issues, low blood sugar, and
allergies can be also be a contributor.
• Supporting the adrenal glands is very important
• Suggested supplements: magnesium, B-vitamins, pantothenic acid, GABA, 5HTP
• Reduce sugar and caffeine, which stress the adrenal glands
• Appendicitis is an ailment characterized by Inflammation of the appendix with primary symptom
of excruciating abdominal pain. It usually begins with a sudden pain in the center of the
abdomen, which gradually shifts to the lower right side. The pain may be preceded by general
discomfort in the abdomen, indigestion, diarrhea or constipation. There may be a mild fever
varying from 100 to 102 F. Nausea is common, and vomiting may occur.
• If the inflammation continues to increase, the appendix may rupture and discharge its pus into
the abdominal cavity. This may result in a serious state known as peritonitis. The temperature
rises and the person becomes pale and cold. This condition may call for an urgent operation or
death may follow.
• Appendicitis is caused by a toxic bowel condition.
• Protocol: coffee enema to reduce pain and help clean bowel, juiced carrots with raw garlic, tea
made fenugreek seed, grape fruit seed extract (or other anti-parasite, anti-bacterial agent),
castor oil pack on appendix before going to bed. Should see significant improvement by morning.
• Atherosclerosis is characterized by “hardening” of the arteries in which plaque (raised patches)
develop on the (normally thin) inner walls of the arteries and obstruct blood circulation.
• When the inner arterial wall is damaged (oxidation, heavy metals, bacteria, etc), oxidized lipids
(cholesterol), white blood cells, and smooth muscle cells form a plaque deposit to cover the
damage area. In time calcium accumulates on the deposit and forms a brittle cap. Risk factors
o Blood clots
o Homocysteine and heart disease
o High blood pressure
o High cholesterol
o Inflammation
• Protocol should include anti-oxidants to reduce oxidation. Gravel root or hydrangea or EDTA to
remove the calcium.
• Enzymes to eat away the fibrous clots such as nattokinase or serrapeptase
• Nutrition to restore endothelial tissue and lower the homocysteine levels such as:
o Heavy metal chelators as needed
o Folic acid, Vitamin B6 and vitamin B12
o EPA and DHA
o L-arginine and vitamin K for the health of the endothelial tissue
o Lipoic acid
o Garlic
o Ginkgo biloba
o Green tea extract
o Quercetin
o Vitamin C and vitamin E
• Low testosterone levels have been directly associated with atherosclerosis.
• In the Rotterdam study of 4,807 subjects aged at least 55 over a 7-10 year period; vitamin K2
significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease by 57% and severe aortic calcification by
Arthritis – Osteo
• Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis and it is characterized by the degeneration,
destruction, and erosion of the cartilage in the joints with sometimes bony outgrowths at the
edges of the Joints. Osteoarthritis is more prevalent in weight-bearing joints such as those of the
knees, hip, ankles, elbows, wrists, spine, and shoulder.
• Glucosamine sulfate, glucosamine hydrochloride and N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) are presently
the natural “treatments of choice” for osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is the body’s primary tool for
regenerating cartilage. It has been extensively studied in over 300 clinical trials.
The recommended glucosamine sulfate or glucosamine hydrochloride dosage for the
alleviation/cure of osteoarthritis is 500 - 1,000 mg three times per day. Therapeutic effect of
glucosamine is not immediate. It usually takes from 1 to 8 weeks to appear.
• Chondroitin sulfate has the special property of attracting and holding water. This is important, as
water gives cartilage its resiliency and cushioning effect. Take 600 mg of chondroitin sulfate, with
• Hyaluronic acid content of synovial fluid is reduced in osteoarthritis.
• Enzymes such as bromelain, chymotrypsin, papain, and trypsin (especially when used in
combination) minimize the pain and inflammation.
• Capsaicin (0.025% cream applied topically 2-4 times/day) may alleviate the pain
• Strontium may be an effective treatment for osteoarthritis (due to its ability to stimulate the
production of cartilage).
• Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) applied topically may alleviate the pain.
 Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) (2,000 to 6,000 mg/day) relieves inflammation and pain and
improves the integrity of cartilage.
 Turmeric (curcuma longa) has perhaps the strongest anti-inflammatory activity of all of the
medicinal herbs. Take 200 - 400 mg once or twice a day.
 Take high doses of fish oil daily to address inflammation - two 1,000 mg capsules of fish oil daily.
• Asthma is a type of respiratory ailment that is characterized by spasms of the bronchial tubes,
coughing, and excessive excretion of mucous that can lead to difficulty breathing. Asthma is
considered to be an inflammatory condition.
• Most long-term respiratory problems are associated with undetected food allergies. The primary
culprits are dairy products, wheat, eggs, citrus, corn, and peanut butter.
• N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that liquefies mucus in air passages - recommend 500 mg
• Take magnesium - When your body has a magnesium deficiency, your cells release more
histamine, which causes constriction of the bronchioles and triggers an asthma attack.
• Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in the prevention of asthma by reducing the tendency toward
• Butterbur at 50 mg daily was shown to reduce asthmatic symptoms.
• Quercetin has anti-allergenic and anti-histamine properties – 100 mg 3 x a day.
Athlete’s foot
• liquid grapefruit seed extract, Cajeput Oil, Lapacho, Sanguinaria, Thyme, Usnea
Bad Breath / Halitosis
• Causes of bad breath could be constipation, dental problems, gum disease, liver issues, diabetes,
kidney issues, and ileocecal valve stuck open.
• Try chlorophyll, or activated charcoal.
• Use digestive enzymes and probiotics.
• Move and clean the bowels.
• Deodorize your intestinal tract with ginger, coriander, cumin, and/or fennel.
• Liver cleanse formula and/or do a coffee enema.
Bed wetting - St. John’s Wort with Plantain
Bell’s Palsy
• Bell’s palsy is a condition in which one half of the face abruptly becomes paralyzed due to
temporary paralysis of the facial nerve. This sudden paralysis may be preceded by pain behind
one ear for a day or two, but it usually occurs quickly. The condition is associated with presence
of the herpes simplex virus 1.
Topical DMSO mixed with St. John’s Wort extract, and with methylcobalamin (B12) (dissolve a
tablet in the mix).
• Methylcobalamin (B12) sublingual lozenges 5 mg tablets - Take one every hour. A suggested dose
is 40 to 80 mg daily until symptoms subside.
• Take an anti-viral such olive leaf extract or oregano oil.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (see Prostate Enlargement)
Bladder Infection
• Most bladder infections are bacterial – E coli.
• D-mannose at 500 mg 4 times a day. Prevents bacteria from attaching to the wall of the bladder
or urinary tract.
• Drink plenty of cranberry juice (contains D-mannose) to keep flushing the bladder
• Uva Ursi kills bacteria in the urine.
• Other anti-bacterial agents are oregano oil, colloidal silver, and olive leaf extract.
Bleeding / Bruising Under the Skin
• Vitamin C foods with bioflavonoids
• Eat fermented foods
• 3000 mg of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
• Vitamin K2 at 1,000 mcg a day
• Bilberry - The usual therapeutic dosage of Bilberry tincture/liquid extract is 2 - 4 ml per day. The
usual therapeutic dosage of Bilberry fresh berries is 20 - 60 grams per day.
Blood Clots, dissolves - Capsicum, Chestnut Leaf, Horse Chestnut, and nattokinase or serrapeptase
Blood Sugar Control
• Exercise 6 days a week
• Low glycemic load diet or a low glycemic index diet
• Coconut oil
• Curcumin
• Plenty of fiber
• Magnesium is involved with insulin production and utilization – 500 mg daily magnesium citrate
or aspartate
• Essential fatty acids – 1000 mg daily
• Chromium: 400 to 800 mcg daily
• Alpha lipoic acid (ALA): 200 - 400 mg daily
• Gymnema Sylvestre improves insulin production and lowers blood sugar levels - 400 mg daily
• Cinnamon extract – 500 mg daily
• Vanadyl sulfate: 100 mg daily
• Apple cider vinegar consumed during a meal inhibits increases in blood sugar.
Blood thinner - In place of Coumadin, take 2 to 3 tablespoonfuls of cod liver oil daily and add 800
Vitamin E to keep the oil from turning rancid in blood stream. (Per Jonathan Wright, MD)
Boils are a type of pus-filled abscess that initially affect the hair follicles of the epidermis of the skin.
The infection then spreads to the skin’s deeper layers. The pus in boils consists of dead white blood
cells and detrimental bacteria (usually Staphylococcus aureus). Boils occur most often on the scalp,
buttocks, face or underarms. They are tender, red and painful and generally occur suddenly.
• Silver (applied topically) may alleviate boils (by destroying Staphylococcus aureus, the
detrimental bacteria that causes boils). (Smart Silver from Desbio is a structured silver that will
kill staphylococcus aureus.)
• Chaparral and/or Tea Tree Oil (applied topically) may accelerate the healing of boils.
Recurring boils may occur as a result of zinc deficiency and people who suffer from recurrent
boils may respond to 25 - 50 mg supplemental zinc per day. This level of zinc supplementation
may also prevent future occurrences of boils.
Bone spurs, dissolve – gravel root or hydrangea root or stoneroot
• Bronchitis refers to an infection in the bronchi, the tubes that connect the trachea (windpipe) to
the lungs.
• Use expectorants such as coltsfoot, thyme essential oil, or astragalus (also boosts immune
• N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that liquefies mucus in air passages - recommend 500 mg
• The herbs mullein and slippery elm promote mucus discharge and has a soothing effect on the
respiratory tract.
Bug bites
• Plantain topically to draw out poisons
• Cajeput oil or tea tree oil topically as an anti-septic
• Aloe vera topically to sooth and heal
• Aloe Vera to soothe and heal
• Honey as anti-biotic and to promote healing
• Vitamin E to stop scarring
• Emu Oil (applied topically) will accelerate the healing of (first and second degree) burns and will
minimize the pain (usually within 2 - 3 minutes of application), scarring and blistering associated
with burns is also minimized.
• Lavender essential oil (25 drops) mixed with witch hazel (2 oz) mixed with water (2 oz)
Canker Sores
Canker Sores or mouth ulcers are small, white or yellow-white, superficial painful ulcers that involve
the inflammation or destruction of the mucous membranes that line the mouth. They usually afflict
the movable parts of the inside of the mouth (the tongue or the lining of the inner cheeks or lips).
Mouth ulcers are usually painful for three to four days and symptoms generally diminish in seven to
ten days. Mouth ulcers are more common in women than in men.
• Take zinc and B vitamins and lysine to help prevent canker sores.
• At first sign, place an activated charcoal tablet on the sore till the sensation goes away (about 15
to 20 minutes). It stops the virus and stops the eruption.
• Deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) licorice - two tablets, chewed about 20 minutes before meals three
times a day; it must be mixed with saliva. Licorice has anti-viral properties and healing properties.
• • Bee propolis applied directly may stop eruption and will heal the outbreak.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of the median nerve, which runs through a
small channel in the wrist on the palm side.
• Underlying conditions usually associated with CTS are tendonitis, diabetes, and pregnancy.
 Tests that may be used to confirm condition is Phalen's test, or wrist flexion, which checks for
pain, tingling, or numbness by pressing the back of hands together to flex wrists inward.
 Vitamin B6 - 200 milligrams (mg) daily. Caution should be exercised, however, because high
doses of vitamin B6 have been linked to neuropathy.
 Serrapeptase enzyme - 3 tablets twice daily on empty stomach
 Omega-3 fatty acids - 4000 mg daily, containing at least 1400 mg EPA and 1000 mg DHA
Ginger extract - 1000 mg daily for inflammation
Curcumin - 800 to 1600 mg daily for inflammation
Cartilage - Rebuilding
Unlike other types of connective tissue, cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves. At the ends of
bones, cartilage forms pads that help to reduce the friction between the bones to prevent bones
rubbing against each other and act as shock absorbers. Cartilage is also a component of the flexible
part of the external portion of the ear, and is a major component of the intervertebral disks that
protect the backbone. Water comprises 65% to 85% of cartilage.
Chondroitin Sulfate is the principal component of cartilage, comprising 92% of the proteoglycans
content of normal cartilage. It has been used to maintain resiliency and to rebuild damaged cartilage.
Glucosamine (in the form of glucosamine sulfate) is the main constituent of chondroitin sulfate which
in turn is the primary non-water component of cartilage. Consuming glucosamine sulfate has been
used to repair damaged cartilage. Glucosamine "instruct" chondroclasts to cease destroying cartilage
while at the same time reactivating chondroblasts to recommence "building" new cartilage. The
normal amount of glucosamine sulfate is about 1500 mg/day.
Type II collagen works well to rebuild cartilage
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) injected directly into the damaged joint may significantly
regenerate the cartilage by up to 90%.
Manganese is essential for the proper formation of cartilage as it is a cofactor for the production
of the proteoglycans.
Supplemental silicon increases the collagen content of cartilage.
Strontium stimulates the production of cartilage.
Sulfur is involved in the integrity of cartilage. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) not only reduces
inflammation, but enhances the health of the body’s cartilage by contributing its sulfur content
to cartilage.
Vitamin D is required for the optimal function and production of cartilage.
The herbs Solomon’s Seal along with Horsetail (silica content)
As long as there is cartilage to build on, adding cartilage can be more easily accomplished. Building
new cartilage where none exists can be accomplished, but one doesn’t need to over exercise or
overuse the joint to “scrape off” the new growth. Suggest glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, MSM,
Solomon’s Seal, Horsetail, Vitamin D, strontium, and manganese to build new cartilage in situations
where bone is rubbing on bone. It helps to stay hydrated and refrain from overuse of the joint.
• Studies show that a topical, time-release form of carnosine—n-acetyl-carnosine—can stop the
glycation process in the lens, gradually reversing existing cataracts and preventing new ones
from developing. Cataract patients who received a 1 percent solution of n-acetyl-carnosine eye
drops found that after six months 90 percent of the treated eyes showed significant
improvement in overall visual acuity.
• L-carnosine eye drops - 1 to 2 drops in each eye one to four times daily to remove cataracts.
Celiac Disease
• Celiac disease is a digestive system ailment in which the jejunum of the small Intestine fails to
absorb and digest food. It is characterized by lesions that vary from partial to total atrophy of
the small intestine’s vili that is affected by an allergic reaction to gluten. It is estimated to affect
up to about 4% of the population.
• Avoid consumption of barley, oats, rye, and wheat.
Look for underlying pathogen. Deal with the inflammation and restore tissue with glutamine and
aloe vera.
• Support the nutritional deficiencies.
• As we get older and thus have lower hormone levels, cholesterol goes up. Raising our hormone
levels will lower cholesterol.
• Hypothyroidism, toxic liver, poor diet (sugar, hydrogenated oils, foods fried in vegetable oils),
diabetes, and a need for anti-oxidants due to oxidation also raise cholesterol levels. 70% of the
body’s cholesterol is produced by the liver. 25% of the body’s cholesterol is in the brain.
• Policosanol has been shown to normalize cholesterol as well or better than cholesterol-lowering
drugs, without side effects such as liver dysfunction and muscle atrophy.
• High intake of soluble fiber is a very effective way of lowering serum cholesterol. The soluble
fiber and omega-3 oils in flaxseed can dramatically lower cholesterol. Grind up a quarter cup
once a day.
• Niacin (vitamin B3) improves cholesterol profiles when given in doses well above the vitamin
requirement. Nicotinic acid lowers total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride levels,
while raising HDL-cholesterol levels (start with 500 mg three times a day with meals). If you have
a peptic ulcer, gout, or liver disease, use niacin with caution.
• Artichoke leaf extract reduces elevated cholesterol levels - 300 mg 3 times a day.
• Garlic extract made by Kyolic caused a 12 to 31% reduction in cholesterol levels in the majority of
test subjects after 6 months.
• A study of 125 patients receiving gugulipid showed an 11% decrease in total serum cholesterol, a
drop of 16.8% in triglycerides, and a 60% increase in HDL cholesterol within 3 to 4 weeks (140 mg
- 1 to 2 times a day).
• Fish oil has been shown to reduce high levels of triglycerides by an average of 35%. Fish oil does
not appear to reduce overall cholesterol to a great extent, but it does raise HDL (good
• Chromium (1 - 2 mg per day) may reduce total serum cholesterol levels by 15%
• Cinnamon has been shown to lower triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and raises HDL cholesterol.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• CFS is defined as a set of symptoms that include prolonged, overwhelming fatigue not resolved
with rest. Other symptoms associated with CFS include mood swings, muscle spasms, pain,
headache, sleep disturbances, and loss of appetite. It is a cousin to fibromyalgia. The
hypothalamus is exhausted and it controls sleep, hormonal function, and the autonomic nervous
• An underlying virus is usually at work; or perhaps bacteria. Try olive leaf or oregano oil.
• Best approach seems to deal with any existing pathogen, boost energy levels, support the
immune function, and improve restorative sleep.
• Cat’s claw has been very helpful for CFS, as it boosts the immune system. Astragalus is also a
great immune booster.
• Naturally the adrenals will need supporting (not stimulated), as well as the thyroid due to
increased levels of reverse T3.
• Improve sleep by boosting serotonin levels with 5HTP or tryptophan. If it causes a reverse
reaction when taken at bedtime; then take with evening meal.
• 5HTP and DL-phenylalanine to lessen pain.
• Sugar and caffeine need to be eliminated.
• Magnesium to help the muscles relax.
B Vitamins, vitamin C, manganese, and magnesium aspartate for energy production. CoQ10 can
also help with energy levels.
• Ribose (3000 mg/day) or PXP royal by Enzacta to restore energy.
• Arginine improves blood circulation by stimulating the production of nitric oxide.
• EDTA - the synthetic amino acids used in chelation therapy improves blood circulation by
removing calcium plaque and also through increased nitric oxide (dilates the arteries).
• Vitamin E improves blood circulation by thinning the blood.
• Fish oil and cod liver improve circulation by reducing the blood’s ability to clump.
• Bilberry improves blood circulation to the hands, feet, brain and heart.
• Butcher's Broom improves blood circulation to the legs.
• Cayenne or capsicum improves circulation by dilating the blood vessels.
• Ginger stimulates blood circulation within the digestive system and pelvic area.
• Ginkgo Biloba improves blood circulation to the brain.
• Gota kola improves blood circulation to the head.
• Hawthorn improves blood circulation to the heart.
• Garlic improves blood circulation by thinning the blood.
• Proteolytic enzymes improve circulation by removing plaque from the arteries. Nattokinase will
thin the blood somewhat, but serrapeptase doesn’t.
• In place of Coumadin: use 2 to 3 tablespoons of cod liver oil daily and add 800 IU vitamin E to
help thin the blood and keep the oil from turning rancid in the blood stream. Coumadin
(Warfarin) works by counteracting vitamin K in the plasma of the blood.
• Plavix works on the platelets in the blood stream by causing them to be less "sticky". Those on
Plavix should be careful of “rebound” when coming off of it without a sufficient substitute.
• Cirrhosis is a liver disease that involves fibrosis where normal soft tissue is replaced by hard,
fibrous tissue. Much of the liver damage associated with cirrhosis is actually caused by free
radicals from lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress that arises from glutathione depletion in the
• Rule out a pathogen(s) in the liver
• Lipoic acid (very important)
• Silymarin - 900 mg/day (very important)
• Selenium (very important)
• Phosphatidyl choline
• L-glutathione
• SAMe
• Vitamin B complex
• Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 6000 mg/day
• Vitamin E - 800 IU/day
• Omega 3 fish oil
• Curcumin
• Coffee enemas
Cold Sores - Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 is a type of herpes simplex virus characterized by cold
sores, usually on and around the lips. HSV1 is characterized by the appearance of single or multiple
clusters of small blisters filled with a clear fluid on a reddened base. These blisters eventually burst,
leaving small, painful ulcers that heal in 10 - 21 days. This phase of the virus is known as an outbreak.
The virus then reverts to its' dormant state. Although HSV1 usually affects the lips, it can also infect
the genitals (in which case it can be confused with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2). Up to 90% of the
world's population is infected with HSV1. Approximately 40% of persons who have had one HSV1
outbreak never suffer from a second outbreak, while others may suffer from up to six attacks per
year for several years following the first outbreak. HSV1which is dormant in most people, but
activated in some by stress, physical irritation, and the sun. Lysine inhibits the virus’ ability to
replicate itself. In a study of 1,543 people with herpes simplex, 88 percent of the people who took an
average of 936 mg a day of supplemental lysine showed an improvement in symptoms, with lesions
healing in an average of five days or less in 83 percent of those people. If you are prone to cold sores,
take a preventive daily dose of 750 to 1,500 mg of lysine a day, and increase it to 3,000 mg when an
outbreak is imminent.
• Topical bee propolis (tincture applied topically twice per day or ointment applied topically
four times per day to the affected area) may effectively treat the Herpes Simplex Virus Type
1. Propolis may alleviate the Pain associated with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 in almost
100% of cases. Propolis may alleviate the Itching associated with Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
in up to 85% of cases. Propolis may accelerate the healing of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1
lesions and may prevent their recurrence in 90% of cases
• If a cold sore has already erupted, try the garlic/vitamin E paste
• Lysine inhibits the virus’ ability to replicate itself.
• Zinc to accelerate healing
• Fight it with Cat’s Claw, olive leaf, or oregano oil
Colds / Flu
• Vitamin D as a preventative and to stop an ensuing one (therapeutic dose may be as much as
50,000 IU on a temporary basis)
• Vitamin C, zinc lozenges
• Herbal immune boosters – Echinacea, Astragalus
• Anti-virals – olive leaf, oregano, Elderberry, garlic, sodium chlorite, etc.
• Magnesium deficiency is the number one cause of constipation
• Sluggish thyroids, exhausted adrenals, excessive red meat, iron supplementation, and yeast
candida can cause or contribute to constipation.
• Increase intake of fiber-rich plant foods.
• Probiotics to help restore proper bowel flora
• Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
• Habitual exercise will help keep things regular.
• Vitamin C intake of 5,000–10,000 mg/day. Large doses of vitamin C are an approved laxative in
• Osmotic type laxatives (increases water) such as sorbitol and magnesium citrate
• Magnesium oxide will help loosen things up.
• Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative that is high in fiber.
• Herbal formulas such as cascara sagrada, turkey rhubarb, and aloe will stimulate the bowel to
• The kitchen solution consists of applesauce, wheat bran, and prune juice. Safe for daily use.
Another home remedy is 2 tablespoons of coconut oil with 1 rounded tablespoon of ground flax
seeds mixed with very warm water.
• Castor oil serves as a laxative, though not for continual use.
• Flaxseed oil 1 to 2 tablespoons helps lubricates things.
• Dandelion root stimulates bile flow, which moves bowels.
Milk and molasses enema will move most anyone.
Constipation can also be caused by medications such as antibiotics, antihistamines, antacids,
drugs for high blood pressure, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, tranquilizers, and
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) / Emphysema
• The umbrella of COPD encompasses emphysema, in which the alveoli in the lungs are destroyed
and enlarged; and chronic bronchitis, which is permanent inflammation of airways accompanied
by a chronic cough. The major cause of COPD is cigarette smoking.
• N-acetylcysteine 200 –1,800 mg per day to liquefy the mucous
• Fish oil or cod liver oil for the anti-inflammatory effect
• Herbal formula called LNG-M from Good Herbs that consists of red sage root, forsythia, spirulina,
Indian tobacco, and scullcap.
• Serrapeptase or nattokinase to remove scar tissue
Cortisol Excess
• Substances that may minimize the toxic effects of excessive cortisol.
o Acetyl-L-Carnitine (stress induced)
o DHEA (maintain balance)
o Melatonin
o Pregnenolone
o Testosterone
o Conjugated linoleic acid (catabolic effects)
o Phosphatidylserine
o Vitamin C (toxic effect & also lowers)
o Ashwagandha
o Ginkgo Biloba
o Horny Goat Weed
o Korean Ginseng
o Magnolia bark
o St. John‘s Wort (when stress induced)
• Licorice (500 mg or as a tea or chewable tablets) reduces coughing, is soothing, and is an
• Cherry bark (500 mg or as a tincture)
• N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to liquefy the mucous (1000 mg/day)
• Echinacea with goldenseal for immune support
• Astragalus for acute bronchitis
• Lavender oil massaged into the throat area
• Mullein is good for the lungs and is also soothing
• Make onion syrup by covering several large chopped onions with liquid honey. Low heat under
130 degrees F. for several hours and strain. Hold the syrup in the mouth and let it trickle down.
You can also add horehound or wild cherry bark to the honey and onions.
Crohn's Disease / Colitis / Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
• Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis and IBS are in the same family of conditions marked by
inflammation and ulcerations in the intestinal tract.
• Cause is commonly a pathogen and usually more than one type (parasites, bacteria,
yeast/candida, and viruses). Consider oregano oil, olive leaf, grapefruit seed extract and others to
deal with the pathogens. Go slow or there will be too much inflammation.
• Food allergies are very common. Common allergens include gluten (a protein in wheat, oats,
barley, and rye), milk, citrus, and tomatoes. Processed foods, food additives, and preservatives
should be avoided as well.
• Avoiding grains, potatoes, soy, milk, and all forms of sugar - as well as allergens unique to each
individual - stops further damage to the gut and gives it a chance to heal.
• Stay away from caffeine, spicy foods, fried foods, and alcohol. Be careful with red meat.
• Probiotics such as L. acidophilus and B. bifidum to help replace the beneficial bacteria.
• Take fish oil and curcumin for their anti-inflammatory effect.
• Glutamine to restore the lining the intestinal tract. Also aloe vera, marshmallow, and slippery
elm have been known to help the tissue to heal.
• Ginger to reduce gas and bloating. Peppermint oil to reduce gas and cramping.
Croup - Catnip or peppermint tea with a few drops of tincture of lobelia.
Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp is covered in flakes of dead skin. Dandruff occurs as the
result of acceleration of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp. Normally, all of the
(dead) skin cell cells of the scalp are shed every 24 days. With dandruff, this process is accelerated.
In a normal scalp, the process of sloughing off old Cells and the production of their replacements is
orderly and complete. With dandruff, disorder occurs and often the sloughed cells are not dead
before they are shed.
• Get sufficient essential fatty acids
• Selenium deficiency could be a cause – take 200 mcg/day
• Zinc at 15 to 30mg/day will usually clear it up (Zinc Pyrithione shampoo is effective)
• Getting sufficient B vitamins and/or sulfur may clear it up.
• Add to your 8 oz bottle of shampoo – 10 drops of tea tree oil (antiseptic), and 4 drops of clary
sage oil (regulates oil production)
• Check thyroid and iodine levels
• Omega 3 fatty acids, particularly DHA
• 5HTP or tryptophan to increase serotonin (also promotes better sleeping)
• Tyrosine to increase norepinephrine
• Multi-vitamin with good amounts of B complex and magnesium
• SAMe
• St John’s Wort
• Depression is a common symptom of anti-depressants. Can also be due to too low cholesterol
levels from taking statin drugs.
• Diverticulitis is inflammation of a diverticula (sac or pouch formed in weak parts of the colon)
caused by infection of existing diverticula.
• Constipation may occur as a result of diverticulitis.
• Diarrhea may occur as a result of diverticulitis.
• Psyllium seeds (husks) may help to prevent diverticulitis and may help to reduce the discomfort
associated with diverticulitis.
• Cat’s Claw reputedly alleviates diverticulitis.
• Peppermint reputedly alleviates the symptoms of diverticulitis.
• Slippery elm soothes an irritated and inflamed bowel.
• MSM helps restore elasticity to the intestinal wall.
• Colonics to clean out the colon can be helpful, but getting plenty of fiber is the issue. The
muscles of the colon need bulk to press against to prevent diverticulitis.
Dry Eyes
Caused by a deficiency of essential fatty acids, particularly omega 3s – take 2 grams/day
Dry eyes patients have lower carnitine levels in their tears.
Dry skin is a condition characterized by lack of water/sebum in the stratum corneum layer of the
skin. 77% of people over the age of 64 experience dry skin.
• Dry skin is a usual condition of low thyroid function (get plenty of iodine)
• Optimal DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) levels may help to prevent dry skin (due to DHEA’s
involvement in the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands). supplemental dhea
(administered either orally or applied topically via dhea skin cream) may alleviate dry skin where
dry skin is caused by depleted DHEA levels).
• Sufficient levels of essential fatty acids may alleviate dry skin.
• Rough or cracked skin may occur as a result of zinc deficiency.
• Topically use coconut oil or emu oil.
Ear Infection / Earache
• Garlic or mullein extract – 1 to 2 drops in ear 2 x a day
• Garlic oil on a cotton ball and place the cotton just inside the ear (pure garlic oil can burn). Dilute
garlic oil with olive oil for direct application.
• Colloidal silver drops into the ear
• Tea tree oil or cajeput oil drops into the ear
• Hydrogen peroxide drops at 3% solution into the ear
• If an infant develops an ear infection a simple solution is to put a few drops of breast milk in the
ear canal every few hours. This usually works to clear up the infection within 24 to 48 hours.
Eczema / Dermatitis
• Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a very common, painful skin condition, which usually comes on in
early childhood and is marked by itchy, inflamed rashes.
• Food allergies are a common cause. Not having the enzyme to be able to convert linoleic acid to
gamma-linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid to stearidonic acid may be the principle cause.
Colon, liver, and kidney issues (organs of elimination) are many times behind skin issues.
• Eliminate food allergens. The primary culprits are dairy products, wheat, eggs, citrus, corn, and
peanut butter.
• Alpha-linolenic acid found in flax seed oil may alleviate eczema in approximately 50% of the time.
• Essential fatty acids – DHA and EPA (fish oil), and GLA (borage seed oil or evening primrose oil)
• Probiotics may eliminate dermatitis
• Selenium at 200 mg/day (most children afflicted with eczema have low glutathione peroxidase
levels - selenium helps to restore those levels)
• Vitamin B12 (1000 mcg/day) may alleviate approximately 60% of cases. Vitamin B12 cream
applied topically may also be an effective treatment.
• Vitamin E and zinc to support skin health
• Nettle can be safely used with children.
• Burdock root, which is a blood cleanser, has history of being effective.
• Topical Neem oil has also been used successfully.
Emphysema (see COPD)
• Endometriosis is growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, which can cause lower
abdominal pain, infertility, and gastrointestinal complications. About half of those with this
condition also have candidiasis. Some believe that those with endometriosis are allergic to their
own hormones.
• Anti-fungus agents such as grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf, oregano oil, Pau d Arco, garlic, etc.
(add probiotics)
Natural progesterone - ¼ to ½ teaspoon of cream twice daily on days 15 to 28 of the menstrual
• Chaste berry (vitex) – balances estrogen/progesterone ratio, 200 mg/day. (do not take if on birth
control pills)
• Indole-3-carbinol to assist liver in estrogen detoxification
• Omega 3 essential fatty acids to decrease inflammation
• Serrapeptase or nattokinase to remove scar tissue
• Epilepsy is characterized by recurring seizures caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
• Seizure triggers include low blood sugar, dehydration, fatigue, lack of sleep, stress,
environmental allergies, aspartame, extreme heat or cold, depression, and flashing or flickering
• Check for celiac sensitivity.
• Diet - low carbohydrate, high in good fats (except GLA), low protein, and lots of vegetables
• Remove the stimulants (caffeine) and initiate a detoxification program
• Magnesium, vitamin B6 and dimethylglycine all have strong anti-seizure properties
• Omega-3 fatty acids—2100 mg EPA and 1500 mg DHA daily
• L- Taurine - 1-3 gm/day (does not easily cross the blood brain barrier)
• L- Carnitine -1 to 3 gm/day for adults
• Adequate brain gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels are required to prevent the seizures
associated with epilepsy.
• Herbs that have been helpful are passion flower, skullcap, hyssop, ladies slipper, and blue
Erectile Dysfunction / Impotence
• L-arginine: 1000 mg two to three x a day (best absorbed on an empty stomach). Increases nitric
oxide which is a vasodilator.
• Ginkgo Biloba at120 mg day will also improve circulation.
• Boost the “active” testosterone levels with zinc (30-50mg/day), progesterone cream applied to
scrotum, tribulus terrestris, velvet deer antler, horny goat weed, suma, DHEA, and Korean
• Increasing dopamine levels will increase testosterone. Increase dopamine levels with tyrosine, or
extract of broad beans (fava beans) or buy fava beans at grocery store.
• L-carnitine - 2,000–4,000 mg daily, in two studies showed more effective than testosterone
• Yohimbe increases blood flow to the penis, allowing more rapid and rigid erections. It also
increases libido and sexual intensity in men. (Yohimbe can cause nervousness and may raise
blood pressure.)
• Many have found the use of Maca root to restore sexual function, as it balances hormone levels.
• Sometimes just relieving stress and supporting the adrenals is all that is needed.
Estrogen Dominance
• Progesterone opposes estradiol (and thereby inhibits the negative effects associated with
excessive estradiol).
• Magnesium helsp to reduce elevated Estradiol levels.
• D-Glucaric Acid (200 - 400 mg per day) will lower elevated estradiol levels.
• Aromatase Inhibitors lower estradiol levels (zinc)
• Phytoestrogens (Black Cohosh) bind to estradiol receptor sites on the body's cells, thereby
blocking estradiol reception.
Vitamin B6 helps to reduce elevated estradiol levels.
Vitamin E helps to reduce elevated estradiol levels.
Fatty Liver Disease
• The most common cause of fatty liver disease is alcohol consumption, but it can be caused by
obesity, diabetes, and elevated triglyceride levels. If associated with obesity, it is sometimes
called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD. Up to 1/3 of patients with NAFLD also have type
2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels, or both. Fatty liver disease is characterized by inflammation
within the liver, which may hasten its progression to cirrhosis.
• Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease affects at least 20% of the general population, 50% of diabetics
and 50% of obese persons.
• Excessive consumption of carbohydrates promotes NAFLD.
• The best treatment for preventing and treating NAFLD is weight loss and to cut down on sugar
• Carnitine may alleviate and prevent fatty liver (1000mg - 2 to 3 times a day). Some evidence
suggests that carnitine deficiency within the liver may be the underlying cause of fatty liver.
• Liver support
o Lipoic acid
o Milk thistle
o Selenium
o Omega 3 fish oil
o Curcumin
Fibrocystic Breasts / Breast Tenderness
• Fibrocystic breast disease is a mildly uncomfortable to severely painful, benign tumor of fibrous
connective tissues of the breasts. It is the most prevalent ailment of the breasts, affecting
approximately 30% of pre-menopausal women.
• Fibrocystic breasts may occur as a result of being estrogen dominant.
• Caffeine usually exacerbates the condition.
• Progesterone cream applied topically to the breasts may prevent and alleviate fibrocystic
breasts. Some have observed that the breasts return to normal within three or four cycles after
topical application of progesterone.
• It may occur as a result of iodine deficiency.
• Vitamin E at 600 IU/day has alleviated fibrocystic breast disease in approximately 70% of cases.
• Evening primrose oil at 3,000 mg/day for at least 6 months has alleviated approximately 45% of
cases of fibrocystic breast cases.
• Fibromyalgia is a relatively common disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, stiffness,
and disturbed sleep. It is similar to chronic fatigue syndrome in that the primary symptom of
fatigue is replaced with musculoskeletal pain in fibromyalgia. Many people with fibromyalgia
report that their symptoms began after they had experienced trauma, particularly injuries to the
head and neck. It is a cousin to chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical professionals have found the
hypothalamus to be exhausted and the hypothalamus controls sleep, hormonal function, and the
autonomic nervous system.
• Approximately 90% of fibromyalgia patients are women and 85% are young women.
• Fibromyalgia is more of a nerve and sleep disorder than a muscle disorder.
• A virus along with a sleep disorder is the commonly suspected cause. Try olive leaf extract or
oregano oil to combat the virus.
• Adrenals will need supporting and most likely the thyroid.
Ribose (3000 mg/day) or PXP royal by Enzacta to restore energy.
Magnesium with malic acid, MSM, 5HTP, DMSO, and DL phenylalanine to relieve the muscle pain.
Improve sleep with various alternatives. May have to alternate between 5HTP, melatonin,
valerian root, and passion flower.
• Sugar and caffeine need to be eliminated.
• Support nerves with B vitamins and omega 3 oils.
Floaters - Simply take 8 oz distilled water and place 1 teaspoon MSM in this, along with 1-2 drops of
35% H2O2 for purification purposes. Be sure the dropper bottle you are using is sterile. You could
purchase Visine or other drops and empty it out for a good dropper bottle.
Flu (see Colds)
Fungal Nail Infection
• Usually need to deal with the fungus in the body while dealing with it on the nail
• Topical applications include:
o Grapefruit seed extract
o Cajeput oil
o DMSO with potassium iodide: mix equal parts of each and rub on and under the nail a couple
of times a day.
Gallstones / Gallbladder Problems
• Eighty percent of gallstones are cholesterol and 20% are calcium salts with the pigment bilirubin.
• Turkey rhubarb strengthens the gallbladder and works to prevent gallstones.
• Dandelion root, globe artichoke, milk thistle, and turmeric improve bile flow.
• Dissolve stones with gravel root or stoneroot (dissolves calcium) while taking lecithin to emulsify
the cholesterol.
• Glaucoma is characterized by an increase of pressure of the fluid within the eyeball. With chronic
glaucoma, actual vision loss is gradual and there’s time to take protective measures.
• Vitamin C may reduce intraocular pressure by 21% - 84%. Long-term use of vitamin C is safe and
therapeutic doses have been successful to restore almost-normal pressure levels. As little as
2000 mg/day may be enough, but others have needed up 35 gm/day intravenously.
• Magnesium is needed to relax blood vessel walls.
• Fish oil or cod liver oil may provide a significant drop in intraocular pressure.
• When coleus forskohlii eye drops were applied directly to the eye, it was shown, in clinical
studies involving both animals and humans, to reduce intraocular pressure.
• Vitamin E and CoQ10 together can help lower the intraocular pressure.
• Mix equal parts of cassia tora seed extract, bilberry extract, and eyebright extract and apply
topically around the eyes.
• Gout is a painful condition characterized by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joints,
which causes joint inflammation. Gout is observed as a result of either an inability to excrete uric
acid in the kidney or increased production of uric acid, or a combination of both. There is some
degree of kidney dysfunction in 90% of people with gout.
 Those with gout should avoid drinking alcohol, avoid foods high in purines, lose weight (if
overweight or obese), and increase exercise. Avoid baker’s and brewer’s yeast, organ meats,
alcohol, mackerel, sardines, and shellfish. Also avoid asparagus and spinach. Diuretics should be
• Drink plenty of water to help flush uric acid from body.
• Cherries have also been shown to reduce gout with at least 250 gm/day. A half-pound of canned
or fresh cherries or a quart of cherry juice a day can resolve acute attacks.
Vitamin C - 2000 to 3000 mg twice per day will increase uric acid excretion.
• Bromelain at 1000 mg/day will dissolve uric acid.
• Quercetin at 450 - 750 mg/day can help keep uric acid from forming.
• Nettle root increases excretion of uric acid from the kidneys.
• Chicory, Juniper Berry, Thuja have been found helpful for gout.
• Apple cider vinegar at 1 tablespoon/day is effective in preventing a gout attack.
Graves Disease / Hyperthyroid
• Grave’s disease is an overproduction of thyroid hormones (resembles hyperthyroid). It is
considered to be an autoimmune disease. Toxins and/or pathogens in the thyroid should be a
consideration, and if so, must be dealt with for successful recovery.
• Bugleweed may alleviate Grave’s disease due to inhibiting of the binding of anti-bodies to the
thyroid gland.
• Pregnenolone has been reported to rapidly resolve the protrusion of the eyes.
• Aspartame may cause Grave’s disease due to cases that have been completely resolved following
the withdrawal of aspartame use.
• Yersinia enterocolitica, a type of bacteria, may cause Grave's disease by provoking a response
from the immune system that attacks the thyroid.
• Be careful of introducing iodine as it will stimulate an over-productive thyroid, and may also
accelerate the heart.
Gums, tighten - Alum Root, White Oak Bark
Hair Loss / Alopecia
 Many commonly prescribed prescription drugs can cause temporary hair loss, trigger the onset
of male and female pattern baldness, and even cause permanent hair loss.
 Hair loss may occur due to hypothyroidism.
 Hair loss may occur due to hyperthyroidism (50% of persons afflicted with hyperthyroidism
exhibit diffuse hair loss)
 Excessive stress may cause some types of hair loss (usually occurs 2 - 3 months after the period
of stress)
 Hair loss may occur as a result of a deficiency of linoleic acid (flax seed oil), potassium, iron, silica,
biotin, folic acid, and a zinc/copper imbalance.
 Zinc and silica are needed for new hair growth.
 Some have found new hair and thickening of hair with flax seed oil (4000 mg) and borage seed oil
(500 mg).
 Herbal extract formula of horsetail, dulse, sage, and rosemary rubbed into the scalp has been
used to stop hair loss (formula is available through Good Herbs).
 Ginkgo and gotu kola have been used to stop hair loss.
 Cysteine - Many people with thin or slow growing hair report noticeable improvement in hair
growth with 3,000 - 5,000 mg of cysteine daily; and in some cases the amount the amount of hair
has doubled.
 Saw palmetto retards hair loss in men and women afflicted with male pattern baldness (400
mg/day) or applied topically as an extract may retard further loss in sufferers.
 When progesterone levels fall as a result of lack of ovulation (menopause), the body may
respond by increasing its production of androstenedione, which is a precursor for the production
of some male-like symptoms such as male pattern hair loss. When progesterone levels are raised
by progesterone supplements, the androstenedione level will gradually fall, and normal hair
growth will eventually resume.
 Many women that were losing their hair have reported thick and lustrous hair by applying ¼
teaspoon of progesterone cream to their scalps each night.
Hiatal Hernia
When you swallow, your food passes down a long tube known as the esophagus into the stomach.
This tube must pass through a muscle known as the diaphragm. This opening in the diaphragm,
which permits the esophagus to pass through, is regulated by a sphincter muscle or valve which
relaxes and opens to permit the food to pass through the diaphragm into the stomach. The sphincter
then closes to prevent stomach acid from coming back up into the throat. A hiatal hernia occurs
when the top of the stomach rolls or slides up into this opening and becomes stuck there, and thus
the sphincter cannot close properly.
When the sphincter cannot close properly stomach acid may travel back up into the esophagus
causing heartburn, esophageal spasms, and ulcers.
The cramped position of the stomach can also stress the vagus nerve, which stimulates the release of
hydrochloric acid. This can cause both over and under secretion of hydrochloric acid and stomach
enzymes. It may also affect the sphincter or valve at the bottom of the stomach so that digestive
secretions "leak" out of the stomach and are lost before they have completed their job.
A hiatal hernia can mimic many disorders. A person with this problem can get such severe pains in
their chest that they think they are having a heart attack. They may think they have an over acid
stomach because they will regurgitate stomach acid after they eat.
 There may be a mechanical cause - improper lifting, hard coughing, straining with
constipation, or perhaps poor posture may contribute to the development of this problem.
 Hiatal hernia may accompany a stuck open or spastic ileocecal valve. The material from the
colon leaks back into the small intestine creating gas and indigestion, which puts pressure on
the stomach and presses it tighter against the diaphragm.
 Low stomach acid
 Emotional issues such as anger where a person draws up their stomach may be a
consideration. When people are stressed, they tend to contract the muscle fibers of the
Energetic response testing is one way. Another way may be recognizing when the person has
to lift the chest and shoulders to take a deep breath, rather than being able to expand the
lower belly at the solar plexus.
Immediate, but temporary, relief of pain and discomfort can often be achieved by the use of a
mucilaginous herb like slippery elm, comfrey, aloe vera, Swedish bitters. These herbs absorb the
digestive secretions and help to prevent their traveling back up the esophagus and burning it. Pepsin
may also work. Useful homeopathic remedies include lycopodium, nux vomica, and nux moschata.
The herbs and remedies are not a substitute for pulling the stomach down and for making the diet
and lifestyle changes needed.
Have the person lie on their back.
Place the bony spur of the heel of your right palm (near your wrist) just off the edge of the
bottom of their breastbone in the soft area. Place your left palm on top of your right hand.
• Have the person take a deep breath and as they let it out, apply firm pressure inward and
downward (45-degree angle) toward their left foot. Hold this for one minute while they breathe
• This pulls the stomach back into position. If done correctly, relief will be noticed in a few hours.
• The procedure can be repeated and the individual can also attempt it on themselves.
• Sometimes the treatment needs to be done daily, then once a week, then every two weeks, and
so on till it stays in place.
Hashimoto's Disease / Hypothyroid
• Hashimoto’s is a form of thyroiditis that involves chronic Inflammation classified as an
autoimmune disease. It is regarded as a form of hypothyroidism. It is eight times more prevalent
in women than men. The difference between Hashimoto’s and just hypothyroid is Hashimoto’s is
an autoimmune condition where the thyroid is most likely being attacked by a pathogen.
• Infections with helicobacter pylori have been found in a high proportion of Hashimoto’s
thyroiditis patients.
• The most “observable” sign of hypothyroidism is a low basal temperature upon awakening in the
morning. Lowered basal metabolic rate is the principal symptom of hypothyroidism.
Approximately 50% of people with hypothyroidism are unaware that they have it. Most cases of
hypothyroidism are due to nutritional deficiencies, with iodine and selenium being the big ones.
• Consumption of soybeans and soybean oil increases the risk of hypothyroidism.
• Hypothyroidism may cause elevated LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
• Hypothyroidism may increase the risk of atherosclerosis, bradycardia, cardiovascular diseases,
heart attack, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, female infertility, constipation, memory
problems, and depression.
• The thyroid must have iodine, selenium, and zinc to function. Magnesium, copper, and iron are
also needed to produce T3.
• Herbs useful for supporting and stimulating thyroid function are ashwagandha, forskolin, and
Halitosis (see Bad Breath)
Headache / Migraines
• Aspartame is one of the most common causes of headaches. MSG is another common cause of
headaches and migraines.
• Declining levels of estrogen at the onset of menses is likely the cause of menstrual migraines.
• Lack of magnesium to relax the neck and shoulder area from stress is a common cause of
• Not drinking enough water and being constipated can cause headaches.
• One method that has worked very well is with peppermint oil. Apply to temples, then find pulse
on each temple and gently hold for a few minutes till the pulses balance. Particularly good if
headache is behind the eyes or on side of the head. Headache may be gone very quickly due to
expanding the vessels and balancing of pulses.
• Lavender oil when applied to temples and neck relaxes tension and removes stress that may
relieve a headache or migraine.
• Many times a toxic liver is behind headaches. Doing a liver detox can resolve the problem. A
coffee enema might work more quickly.
Riboflavin (vitamin B 2) - 400 mg/day has been used to successfully reduce migraines.
5-HTP or tryptophan may prevent headaches, especially those caused by blood vessel
• Feverfew at 100 mg/day has had great success in up to 70% of cases, but it may take 1 to 3
months before headaches are abated.
• Butterbur at 150 mg/day has been very successful for migraines. It may take 1 to 3 months to be
Heart attack, stop – carry liquid capsicum ready to drink as it will expand the arteries
Heart Disease - Consuming 2 tablespoons of olive oil a day can lower your odds for heart disease by
44 percent. Just 1 tablespoon a day can slash your risk by 28 percent.
Hemorrhaging, free bleeding skin or bowel – capsicum or white oak bark extract
• Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the anus. They are usually caused by a low fiber diet and
constipation with straining.
• Psyllium seed husks may alleviate the pain and bleeding associated with hemorrhoids by
softening the stool.
• Will disappear -- sometimes literally overnight -- when a mixture of 20 drops of SSKI (potassium
iodide) and 1 ounce of flaxseed oil is applied to them at bedtime.
• Three proven herbs for hemorrhoids are horse chestnut, collinsonia root, and butcher's broom.
They have been shown to improve micro-circulation and improve capillary flow and improve
vascular tone and strengthen connective tissue. Should be taken orally and used as a
suppository. Mix 1 teaspoon of 100% cocoa butter with the herbs of choice. Shape into a
suppository about the size of the first joint of your ring finger. Roll in wax paper and put in
refrigerator to harden.
• Vitamin K deficiencies have also been linked to varicose veins.
Hepatitis C
 Hepatitis C is a viral disease that slowly destroys the liver. It is spread primarily by contaminated
blood or contaminated blood products such as needles. The following protocol should provide
excellent results to resolve this condition.
 Adopt a liver protective diet. (no red meat, no pork, no hydrogenated oils, no fried foods, no
alcohol, and no sugar)
 Lipoic acid (300 mg twice a day) increases levels of glutathione, the liver’s most active
 Silymarin (450 mg twice a day) stimulates liver regeneration.
 Selenium (200 mcg twice a day), an antioxidant mineral that slows down the replication of the
hepatitis C virus.
 Vitamin D (2000 IU twice a day) boosts the immune system.
 No iron supplementation due to the fact that the hepatitis C virus inflicts most of its damage by
latching onto molecules of iron.
 Take an anti-viral such as olive leaf, oregano oil, or sodium chlorite.
By far the best instant remedy for hiccups is a half-teaspoon of butter followed by a half-teaspoon of
blackstrap molasses. It dissipates any foaming [acid] building up in the stomach that aggravates the
esophagus and stomach and causes the twitch. Sometimes you only need the butter.
High Blood Pressure
Causes of high blood pressure can stem from:
Lack of magnesium to expand arteries
Lack of flexibility of the arteries (EFA’s and calcium deposits)
Kidney issues
Bladder issues
Liver issues
Clogged arteries
Oxidation damage (heavy metals, bacteria, etc)
Water retention (sodium/potassium balance)
Lymphatic congestion
Excessive caffeine
Calcium buildup in arteries
Chronic dehydration
Overactive nervous system (try hyssop or taurine)
or a combination of any of the above.
Blood Pressure Classification
Systolic (mm Hg)
Diastolic (mm Hg)
110 - 130
70 - 85
High Normal
130 – 139
85 – 89
Greater than 140
Greater than 90
What can you can do?
• Drink plenty of water to relax the system and so that the blood isn’t so thick.
• Get sufficient magnesium, essential fatty acids, and potassium-based foods
• Clean out the arteries of heavy metals if needed (Zeolites, cilantro extract, EDTA)
• Clean out the arteries of calcium (EDTA, gravel root, hydrangea)
• Olive Leaf Extract, Garlic, and Hawthorn are supreme among herbs
• CoQ10, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C can also lower blood pressure
 Drink celery juice every day. It is loaded with potassium, magnesium; and it has 3-n-butylphthalide, a compound that relaxes the smooth muscle cells in the arterial walls.
 Beets have a chemical that turns to nitric oxide in our bodies. It also helps protect the lining of
the arteries and can also thin the blood. This formula has the potential to lower blood pressure:
(just juice and drink)
o two raw organic carrots
o three organic celery sticks
o one-half of an organic cucumber
o one organic beetroot
A new study published in Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences has revealed that garlic is at
least as effective as the blockbuster blood pressure lowering drug atenolol in reducing systolic and
diastolic blood pressure in patients diagnosed with essential hypertension, a condition linked to the
#1 cause of death in developed countries. Researchers at the Department of Pharmacology, College
of Pharmacy, King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia gave test subjects either, one of five doses of
garlic (300/mg, 600/mg, 900/mg, 1200/mg, 1500/mg) in divided doses per day, a tablet of atenolol,
or a placebo, for 24 weeks. Blood pressure readings were recorded at weeks 0, 12 and 24. The study
results showed significant decreases in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure in both dose and
duration dependent manner in all the treatment groups.
The results of the treatments on systolic and diastolic blood pressure were reported as follows:
As can be seen by the results, in each garlic treated group, significant reduction in systolic and
diastolic blood pressure were observed when compared with atenolol and placebo. In fact, the
higher doses of garlic (1200 mg/1500 mg) were technically superior to atenolol in lowering blood
Hives are an acute or chronic allergic reaction in which red, raised lumps (whelts) develop on the skin
- these lumps itch intensely and may last for hours or days. Each lump typically has a whitish, raised
patch of skin surrounded by a reddish halo. The lumps may be tiny or large, and may occur all over
the body or be confined to one area. The individual whelts usually subside within 48 hours, although
new ones may continue to appear and disappear for an extended period of time. Anti-histamines are
commonly prescribed for the treatment of hives.
 Supplemental Hydrochloric Acid may be useful for the treatment of Hives (as many cases of Hives
are believed to occur as a result of Food Allergies resulting from insufficient endogenous
production of Hydrochloric Acid).
 Vitamin B12 (at least 1000 mcg per day) may alleviate many (up to 90% of) cases of Hives.
 Nettle is a natural anti-histamine that may be helpful.
Hyperthyroidism (see Grave’s Disease)
Hypothyroidism (see Hashimoto's Disease)
Impotence (See Erectile Dysfunction)
• Getting a good night’s sleep starts with good sleep hygiene.
o Go to bed and rise at the same times every day, even on weekends.
o Maintain a bedtime routine, doing the same (relaxing) activities every night.
o Sleep in a dark, quiet room. Mask ambient noises and use earplugs if necessary.
o Avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol in the hours preceding bedtime.
o Exercise routinely during the day to improve onset and quality of sleep.
• If you continually wake at about 2 am, that is usually a liver issue. If you continually wake at
about 4 am, that is usually an adrenal issue.
• Common natural items used for support are:
o Melatonin
5HTP or tryptophan
Valerian root
Passion flower
Kava kava
Lemon balm
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (see Crohn’s)
Kidney Stones
• The easiest way to prevent kidney stones is to drink lots of water—two to three quarts a day.
• The majority of stones are calcium oxalate stones (calcium phosphate, uric acid, struvite, and
cysteine stones are much less common).
• Researchers from the University of California found that drinking four ounces of lemon juice per
day, diluted in water, dramatically reduced kidney stone formation.
• Harvard researchers found that taking 180 mg of magnesium along with 10 mg of vitamin B6
daily reduced kidney stone formation by 92.3 percent.
• Gravel root, stoneroot, and hydrangea can be used to dissolve calcium stones
• Take Marshmallow at rate of 40 drops every hour if you are passing a kidney stone as it will coat
the stone and "ease" it on through the urinary tract.
• Two ways of preventing uric acid stones 1.) more alkaline pH 2.) limit intake of purines
• Cornsilk reduces friction as the stones move along and uva ursi can help relieve the pain
Libido for Women (for men see Erectile Dysfunction)
• Items that may enhance libido are:
o Damiana
o Deer Antler
o Arginine (increasing nitric oxide)
o Increasing testosterone
o Proper balance of estrogen and progesterone
o Maca
o Mexican wild yam
o Tribulus terrestris
o Ashwagandha
Liver Spots or Age Spots - Liver spots are light brown to black hyper-pigmented lesions that occur on
areas of the skin that have been exposed to light in older persons. The liver (organ) plays no role in
the onset of liver spots. Liver Spots occur primarily on the exposed skin of older caucasians.
 Glucosamine (NAG form applied topically) may help to remove liver spots (by inhibiting the
tyrosinase enzyme that stimulates the production of excessive melanin in liver spots).
 Mix a salve/lotion with:
o Coconut oil – 2 parts (will fade and reduce age spots when used long enough)
o Emu oil – 2 parts (will fade and reduce age spots when used long enough)
o Lemon juice – 1 part (will lighten the spots)
o Calendula extract – 1 part (works toward removing the hyper-pigmentation)
o Solomon’s Seal extract – 1 part (works toward removing the hyper-pigmentation)
Low blood pressure
• Adrenal insufficiency is the usual underlying cause of hypotension.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can affect many organ systems. Lupus affects the
connective tissue, or the tissue that provides strength to joints, tendons, ligaments, and blood
• Anti-pathogens that may be effective are: cajeput oil, colloidal silver, olive leaf, usnea, oregano
oil, and sodium chlorite.
• Samento has been shown to be very helpful.
• Fish oil or cold liver oil for inflammation
• DHEA (improves symptoms of lupus in women)
• MSM for inflammation and support for connective tissue
• B12 for lesions
Lyme’s Disease
• Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease caused by the bacteria borrelia burgdorferi. Its
characteristic symptoms are fever, fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, and swollen
lymph nodes. Most experience a rash where they were bitten by the tick or other insect.
Evidence shows borrelia’s presence within cells such as macrophages, lymphocytes, endothelial
cells, neurons and fibroblasts. Here it hides, protected in these intracellular niches from the
effects of antibiotics. It is often accompanied by two fellow travelers, babesia microti and
ehrlichia. One is a parasite and the other is a bacteria.
• Stay off aspartame as it works to “lock” the spirochete bacteria into the tissues.
• Essential oil suppositories with ImmuPower from Young Living twice a day is very effective
• Increase lymphatic drainage - (homeopathic or herbs)
• Teasel root tincture or extract – start with one drop and increase slowly as it will kill too many
too quick, which will cause a detox reaction. (Herxheimer reaction)
• Use the homeopathic remedy – Borellia. It may take 3 or 4 series.
• Advanced Cellular Silver (ACS) 200 ( has been shown to be effective for
• Samento (600 mg/day) has been successfully used against the borrelia. It strengthens the
immune system, crosses the blood brain barrier, and is effective against the bacteria.
• Grapefruit seed extract and olive leaf extract will hinder the bacteria.
• Several systems are usually affected and will need attention.
Macular Degeneration
 Macular degeneration is a condition characterized by the deterioration of the macula portion of
the eye. It results in loss of central vision and inability to see fine details.
 Lutein (15 mg/day) which is high in egg yolks is a strong preventative for macular degeneration.
Lutein is also found in leafy greens such as spinach, kale, broccoli, mustard greens, and collard
 Zeaxanthin (600 mcg/day) is found in fruits and vegetables with yellow hues, such as corn,
mustard greens, peaches, persimmons, and mangoes is a strong preventative for macular
 Bilberry (320 mg/day) improves circulation to the retina as does grape seed extract (250
 Zinc (80 mg/day) is required for proper vision and will inhibit the degeneration of the macula.
• Taurine (1000 mg/day) helps to prevent and reverse age related macular degeneration.
• Fish oil or cod liver protects the vessels and is a preventative.
• Malaria is an (often fatal) infectious parasitic disease that is caused by the presence of any of
four types of protozoa of the genus plasmodium (plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium vivax,
plasmodium ovale or plasmodium malariae) within the red blood cells. The parasite is
transmitted by the anopheles mosquito. It is characterized by intense fever, headache, enlarged
spleen, and perhaps cachexia.
• Supplement with arginine because malaria patients with the lowest levels of arginine had the
highest death rate from malaria.
• Cat’s Claw for supporting the immune system
• Sodium Chlorite has 100% success rate for eliminating the parasite.
• Alpha-linolenic acid has been demonstrated (in animal studies) to kill the protozoa.
• Olive leaf extract together with wormwood and curcumin may be successful in eliminating the
• Milk thistle to protect the liver.
Memory and Brain Shrinkage
High levels of the amino acid homocysteine are linked to brain shrinkage and an increased risk of
Alzheimer’s. B vitamins are known to suppress homocysteine. In a 2010 study, participants received
relatively high doses of B vitamins, including:
 800 micrograms (mcg) folic acid -- US RDA is 400 mcg/day
 500 mcg B12 (cyanocobalamin) – US RDA is only 2.4 mcg/day
 20 mg B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) -- US RDA 1.3-1.5 mg/day
After two years those who had received the vitamin-B regimen suffered significantly less brain
shrinkage compared to those who had received a placebo. In those who had the highest levels of
homocysteine at the start of the trial, their brains shrank at half the rate of those taking a placebo.
The latest study takes this research a step further, showing not only that B group vitamins may slow
brain shrinkage but that it may specifically slow shrinkage by as much as seven-fold in brain regions
specifically known to be most impacted by Alzheimer’s disease. Among participants taking high
doses of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12, blood levels of homocysteine were lowered as was the
associated brain shrinkage – by up to 90 percent.
 Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when the ovaries cease to produce an egg,
menstruation ceases, and the woman is no longer able to become pregnant. It usually occurs
between the ages of 45 and 55.
 Estrogen levels decline with menopause, which produces symptoms of hot flashes, irritability,
night sweats, and possible depression.
 Progesterone is a precursor for the production of estrogen. Progesterone levels fall to almost
zero during and for some time prior to menopause, and are lower than that of males.
 After menopause, approximately 35% of females have reduced sexual desire due to the cessation
of testosterone production by the ovaries. The other 65% manufacture enough testosterone in
their adrenal glands to sustain libido.
 Many women these days need their adrenal glands supported to allow the symptoms of
menopause to be more bearable. The adrenals are the backup supplier of female and male
 Vitamin E at 200 IU five times a day has been successful for some to eliminate hot flashes.
 Black cohosh (40–80 mg/day) mimics estriol and has history of significant relief.
 Dong quai and chasteberry support progesterone production and have been helpful. Chasteberry
(vitex) also has been helpful to reverse vaginal changes. Dong quai has been reported to alleviate
vaginal dryness.
 Some have supported their adrenals with DHEA and found the necessary relief.
 A formula by Good Herbs that combines Siberian ginseng, dong quai, and black cohosh addresses
the symptoms and supports the adrenal glands.
 The use of topical progesterone cream has been sufficient for many.
Maca has been successfully used to alleviate menopausal symptoms. It balances the hormones,
provide energy, and increase sexual desire.
 Suma has provided enough support for some.
Migraines (see headaches)
Moles – Blood Root (paste applied topically and covered with a bandaid) may help to remove Moles
(many anecdotal reports claim that patients’ moles disappear after approximately 30 days of topical
Blood Root paste treatment). Try topically formula SKC-ML from Good Herbs.
Motion Sickness and morning sickness – ginger
Multiple Sclerosis
• Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune neuromuscular ailment in which the myelin sheaths
surrounding the nerves in the brain and spinal cord are damaged.
• Toxins, particular heavy metals seem to be the significant factor. Heavy metal detox program
will most likely be required. Go slow enough to minimize the damage and inflammation when
removing the metals.
• May also have to address any pathogen(s) at work.
• Investigate for food allergies
• Completely avoid saturated fats (except coconut oil) and processed oils.
• Will need to rebuild the myelin sheaths. Myelin is made from choline and lipids.
o EPA/DHA (3000 to 4000 mg/day), GLA (1000 to 3000 mg/day), and coconut oil. Add
lipase to help with digesting all the good fats.
o Also for building myelin sheaths, add black walnut and scullcap.
o Vitamin B12 (40 mg/day) in the form of sublingual methylcobalamin tablets
o Lipoic acid (300 mg/day) helps to regenerate nerves and it does cross the blood brain
o Lecithin contains nutrients essential for the integrity of myelin sheaths.
 Vitamin D at 4000 to 10,000 IU/day
 DHEA or adrenal support to improve alertness, stamina, energy levels, muscle strength, and
reduce fatigue.
Muscle Cramps and Spasms – powdered magnesium citrate
• Neuropathy is a condition in a nerve or group of nerves that causes pain (perhaps numbness) and
dysfunction. It is a common condition with diabetics. Improving circulation and supporting the
nerves are the main issues.
• Prescription acid blockers for heartburn negate B12 absorption and vitamin B12 deficiency does
cause peripheral neuropathies.
• Methylcobalamin (B12) must be present to restore nerves (5 mg to 40 mg per day as sublingual
tablets, depending upon how extreme the condition)
• Acetyl-L-carnitine is known to have neuroprotective properties and can hasten nerve
regeneration (2000 mg/day).
• Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps with nerve regeneration (600 mg/day).
• GLA improves diabetic neuropathy (500 mg/day)
• EPA/DHA reduces demyelination in the nerves of diabetics (fish oil at 4000mg/day).
• B complex supports nerves in general (can help reduce neuropathy pain and lower the risk for
• Capsicum topical treatment for pain and internally for circulation.
• Topical DMSO will probably help also.
Osteoarthritis (see Arthritis)
Osteoporosis is defined as a reduction of bone mass, or bone density, which causes the bones to
become brittle and fragile. Seventy seven percent of osteoporosis patients are female. That
indicates hormones are a big issue. Osteoporosis in women typically starts in their mid thirties,
which is about 15 years before menopause, which is also the about the time that progesterone
levels begin to decline.
• Progesterone cream promotes osteoblasts and protects against osteoporosis.
• Vitamin D3 (4000 IU/day)
• Strontium promotes bone growth and bone density. (680 mg/day taken at least two hours before
or after eating and not with calcium. Calcium hinders its absorption).
• Vitamin K2 (1 to 10 mg/day)
• Magnesium (500 mg/day)
• Calcium (600 to 1200 mg/day) Calcium carbonate is basically chalk and not as absorbable. Two
of the best is calcium citrate and hydroxyapatite (the form of calcium found in bone meal).
• An acid system leaches calcium off the bone. Eat more alkaline foods.
• Do “bone jarring” exercise, which tells the body to make the bones stronger.
• Essential fatty acids improve calcium absorption and deposition into the bone.
• Phosphoric acids in sodas promote calcium loss from bone.
Parkinson’s Disease
• Parkinson’s disease is a brain disorder that gradually robs people of the ability to control their
own movements. The primary defect in Parkinson’s is a loss of dopamine-producing neurons in a
part of the brain called the substantia nigra. Impaired function of the mitochondria is closely
associated with the progression of the disease. Parkinson's disease occurs when the myelin
sheaths of neurons are damaged by oxidation. Usually 75% of the dopaminergic neurons have
already been destroyed before a diagnosis has been made. Symptoms very similar to those of
Parkinson’s disease may occur as a result of Lyme disease. Conventional therapy focuses on
increasing the production and utilization of dopamine. Heavy metals and/or toxic chemicals in
the brain seem to be a main contributor of the disease. A detox program would be in order.
• There is evidence that vitamin D deficiency is a strong contributor to Parkinson's disease.
• Broad beans (fava beans) is a rich source of organic L-dopa. Sixteen ounces has as much L-dopa
as one dose of sinemet, the common dopamine enhancing drug prescribed for Parkinson’s.
• People with Parkinson’s should avoid foods with tyramine which contributes to the breakdown of
the neurotransmitters epinephrine and norepinephrine, which further deplete dopamine levels.
(food such as: aged meats, sharp cheeses, red wine, dark chocolate, nutmeg, and smoked fish)
• Strong coffee upon waking has been shown to reduce symptoms.
• CoQ10 significantly slows the progression of Parkinson’s disease. (at least 1200 mg/day may be
• Ginkgo biloba (200 mg/day) to improve circulation to the brain
• Antioxidant support - Vitamin E, C, and Glutathione (250 to 500 mg/day) or cysteine (500 to 1200
• Selenium (200 mcg/day) retards the progression of the disease
• Lipoic acid (150 to 600 mg/day) is a strong antioxidant that crosses blood brain barrier
• Melatonin - 3 mcg to 10 mg/day taken at night to improve sleep
• Tyrosine (500 to 1000 mg/day) to boost dopamine levels
• B complex to support nerves and brain and energy levels
• DHEA (25 to 50 mg/day) - Increase dose according to blood test results
• Phosphatidylserine (100 to 300 mg/day) boots energy
• Curcumin to reduce inflammation
Fish oil (at least 700 to 1400 mg/day of EPA and 500 to 1000 mg/day of DHA)
NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen) (10 to 20 mg/day) - Parkinson’s disease
patients have a significant reduction in the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase. NADH increases
serum tyrosine hydroxylase levels in Parkinson’s patients by 75%. A study showed that of those
taking NADH, 80% show moderate to excellent improvement and there was apparently no
further deterioration while they continue to use NADH. Following is how NADH affects dopamine
o NADH is a cofactor for H2 pteridine reductase.
o H2 pteridine reductase catalyzes the conversion of folic acid to tetrahydrobiopterin.
o Tetrahydrobiopterin is a cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase.
o Vitamin D regulates tyrosine hydroxylase. Iron is an essential cofactor for tyrosine
o Tyrsosine hydroxylase catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine to L-dopa.
o L-dopa is the precursor to dopamine.
Poison Ivy / Oak
• Jewelweed works well as a topical application
• Plantain or grindelia or sassafras may help – topical application
• Bill’s Poison Ivy Remedy: Mix together: (this will dry it out)
o 1 tablespoon of salt
o 1/8 teaspoon of peppermint oil
o 1 tablespoon of lime or lemon juice
o 1 tablespoon of baking soda
o 2 tablespoons of cool coffee
o 1 tablespoon of Burdock root extract or Turmeric extract
Polyps - Bayberry removes polyps wherever they are in body. Bee Propolis will encapsulate and
remove nasal, sinus and colon polyps.
Premenstrual Syndrome
• Issues with PMS are usually related to nutritional deficiencies, stress, and too much sugar.
Sometimes the ovaries just need some extra support. If the condition is severe, perhaps candida
albicans are causing problems in the ovaries.
• Nutritional items that make the biggest difference are:
o Magnesium – (300 to 500 mg/day)
o Calcium – (1200 to 2000 mg/day, divided into two doses)
o Vitamin D – (400 to 1000 IU/day)
o Zinc – (30 mg/day)
o Vitamin E – (400 IU/day)
o GLA – (1000 mg/day)
• Support for the ovaries if things are more extreme
o Chasteberry (vitex)
o Topical progesterone cream, starting on day 12 of the menstrual cycle and continuing up to
day 28
Progesterone Deficiency
• Topical bio-identical progesterone cream
• Chaste Berry mimics the ability of Luteinizing hormone (LH) to stimulate the production of
progesterone in the corpus luteum during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.
• Mexican Wild Yam and other yams contains a steroidal saponin (named diosgenin) that mimics
the actions of progesterone. However the human body does NOT possess the necessary enzymes
to catalyze the conversion of diosgenin to progesterone.
Sarsaparilla contains a steroidal saponin (named sarsapogenin) that mimics the actions of
progesterone and may function as a precursor for the manufacture of endogenous, natural
progesterone after it has been ingested.
• Suma may stimulate the production of progesterone.
Prostate Enlargement / Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
• Seventy-five percent of men 50 years and older have measurable enlargement of their prostate
gland, a condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The cause is most likely a deficiency
of zinc, essential fatty acids, and low levels of progesterone with excessive levels of estrogen.
o When a man is about 45 years of age, his testosterone and progesterone production
decreases. Progesterone inhibits the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme turns
testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a “wimpy” or mostly inactive
form of testosterone. Testosterone keeps estrogen in check by destroying the cells in
the prostate that estrogen stimulates that causes enlargement. DHT doesn’t
accomplish this. Excessive estrogen stimulates enlargement of the prostate gland.
o Due to nutritional deficiencies and estrogen-like chemicals in our environment we
begin to have an excess of estrogen. An increase in estrogen causes an increase in
sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG is a protein produced by the liver in
response to exposure to any type of estrogen. SHBG binds and transports both
testosterone and estrogens in the blood stream, therefore it regulates the relative
amounts of bio-available and “bound” hormone to target tissues. Testosterone binds
about three times more tightly to SHBG than estradiol (more active form of
estrogen). So the increase in SHBG as a result of estrogen exposure causes the
relative proportion of bio-available testosterone to estradiol to decrease even
further. Bio-available testosterone reduces the cells in the prostate that estrogen
stimulates that causes enlargement.
• Some men supplement with topical progesterone to counteract the effects of estrogens on the
prostate. Rub ¼ teaspoon on scrotum and other soft tissue.
• Zinc - start with 90 mg/day and decrease to 30/mg day as symptoms subside. Also supplement
with copper to maintain balance with zinc.
• Saw palmetto blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT. (320 mg/day) In one study saw
palmetto inhibited the conversion of testosterone to DHT by up to 66%.
• Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc and also inhibit the transformation of testosterone into DHT. Eat a
handful or two per day.
• Pygeum blocks DHT and studies show it’s as effective as Proscar. (200 mg/day)
• Nettle inhibits the binding of testosterone to SHBG, resulting in higher levels of bio-available
testosterone. (250 mg/day)
• Beta-sitosterol inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT. (60-130 mg/day)
• Flax seeds are also good for the prostate.
• D-Glucaric acid lowers elevated estradiol levels.
• Psoriasis is a type of chronic skin condition in which itchy scaly red patches form on the elbows,
forearms, knees, legs or scalp that are characterized by thickening of the epidermis. The
underlying cause is uncontrolled cell growth. It is regarded as an autoimmune condition.
• Advanced Cellular Silver (ACS) 200 ( - internal and topically
• Olive leaf extract
• Neem oil or oregano oil – internal and topically
• Progesterone cream has shown significant benefit
• Vitamin D (4000 IU/day)
Zinc – start with 90 mg/day and reduce to 30mg/day for maintenance
Flax seed oil – 2 tablespoons to start and eventually reduce to 1 for maintenance
Blue Cap (known to work very well) – a spray that contains zinc pyrithione (
Rashes that itch – topically apply thyme extract or thyme oil
Raynaud’s Syndrome
Raynaud’s syndrome is a condition that causes periods of severely restricted blood flow to the
fingers and toes (and sometimes to other parts of the body such as the nose or ears) Raynaud’s
syndrome affects approximately 15% of the population of western nations and it is five times
more prevalent in women than in men.
Niacin produces a beneficial therapeutic effect on the microcirculation (750 mg/day or less) If
you cannot tolerate the flush, then take 1500 to 4000 mg of inositol hexanicotinate.
Evening primrose oil dramatically decreased the number of attacks with the onset of cold
L-arginine has been shown to reverse tissue damage caused by RS and also improved symptoms
in subsequent attacks.
In one study, ginkgo biloba reduced the frequency of RS attacks per week by 56 percent.
Many have used capsicum to improve circulation.
A suggested combination therapy: capsicum, gota kola, evening primrose oil, and L-arginine
Restless Leg Syndrome
• Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a disorder of the central nervous system that is characterized by
the irresistible urge to move the legs. The urge usually occurs during sleep or periods of inactivity
and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations that are relieved by movement.
• A number of conditions are associated with it including: deficiencies of iron, folate, and
magnesium; end stage kidney disease; sometimes pregnancy; and some medications. End stage
kidney disease and pregnancy both can be associated with low iron levels. It is believed by some
that RLS is caused by an impaired iron absorption in parts of the brain that help control
movement. In autopsies of people with RLS, iron levels have been particularly low in a region of
the brain called the substantia nigra. An enzyme involved in dopamine synthesis (tyrosine
hydroxylase) requires iron for proper function. Many have found relief through drugs that are
dopamine agonists (drugs that activate dopamine receptors in the absence of dopamine).
• Cerebrospinal fluid and blood serum were obtained from 16 patients with idiopathic restless legs
syndrome (RLS) and 8 age-matched healthy control subjects. Patients with RLS had lower CSF
ferritin levels and higher cerebrospinal fluid transferrin levels compared with control subjects.
There was no difference in serum ferritin and transferrin levels between groups. The presence of
reduced ferritin and elevated transferrin levels in cerebrospinal fluid is indicative of low brain
iron in patients with idiopathic RLS.
(Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA. - Earley, C. J.,
et al. Abnormalities in CSF concentrations of ferritin and transferrin in restless legs syndrome.
Neurology. 54(8):1698-1700, 2000.)
• Studies showed relief from symptoms of RLS after supplementation with 200 milligrams (mg) of
intravenous iron administered over a few days (Allen RP et al 2001a,b; Nordlander NB 1953;
O'Keeffe ST et al 1994).
• Iron absorption - Coffee consumption particularly worsens RLS. Caffeine is a nerve irritant and
also coffee inhibits iron absorption when taken with the iron. Caffeinated or decaf coffee, both
reduce iron absorption when taken with a meal by 60% to 90%. Tea is a greater inhibitor of iron
absorption than coffee (due to tannins), but only for non heme iron, which is iron not from meat.
Calcium taken with iron or high calcium foods in a meal (cheese and milk) can reduce the
absorption of iron in the meal by about 50 to 60%. Chocolate also has tannins and can reduce
iron absorption. Heme (deep red, ferrous component of hemoglobin) sources of iron, such as red
meat, are utilized the most effectively by the body. Vitamin A is able mobilize iron from storage
sites. Iron supplements are better absorbed if taken with vitamin C and on an empty stomach.
• NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen) (5 mg/day) Following is how NADH affects
dopamine levels:
o NADH is a cofactor for H2 pteridine reductase.
o H2 pteridine reductase catalyzes the conversion of folic acid to tetrahydrobiopterin.
o Tetrahydrobiopterin is a cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase.
o Vitamin D regulates tyrosine hydroxylase. Iron is an essential cofactor for tyrosine
o Tyrsosine hydroxylase catalyzes the conversion of tyrosine to L-dopa.
o L-dopa is the precursor to dopamine.
• Some have benefited from folic acid supplementation – (5 mg/ day)
• Magnesium (250 to 500 mg/day magnesium citrate) at bedtime has also been shown to partly
relieve RLS.
• Some have found alleviation of RLS with vitamin E – 400 IU/day (it took 1 to 2 months)
• B complex and DHA/EPA should be taken to support the brain and nerves
• Other considerations are St. John’s Wort and skullcap for nerve pain
• Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and excessive calcium usually worsen RLS
• Personal experience: Work on cleaning the bowel and liver and get plenty of magnesium
Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Rheumatoid arthritis (RS) is a degenerative autoimmune condition in which the joints
(particularly the synovial tissues) are attacked and slowly destroyed.
• There is much evidence that RS is caused by amoeba, bacteria, and mycoplasma. Mycoplasmas
are the smallest self-replicating prokaryotes. They differ from classical bacteria by lacking rigid
cell wall structures.
• Many people treated with specific anti-biotic medications and with a change to a healthy diet
have alleviated their RS. It took months to see resolution.
• Some are finding resolution with low-dose naltrexone, which is a chemotherapy drug.
• A study of people with RS showed that eating a Mediterranean diet (high in olive oil, fish, poultry,
fruits, vegetables, and beans) resulted in improvements in pain and function.
• Abstaining from sugar seems to be a real key for any treatment to have benefit for those
suffering with RS.
• Glyconutrients enable cell to cell communication (ant-auto immune effect) and reduce
inflammation. Some have found significant benefit, but it only continues while continuing with
the glyconutrients.
• Cetyl Myristoleate (CMO) may be effective for the treatment of RS. Some medical researchers
claim that CMO is the most effective treatment for RS and have claimed total cure.
o CMO lubricates the joints that have been damaged.
o CMO helps alleviate the pain and inflammation
o Semi-permanent remission from the pain and inflammation is claimed to occur within 17 - 31
days of commencement of CMO treatment.
o CMO is speculated to cause its dramatic improvements by correcting erroneously
programmed memory T-cells that cause the autoimmune response.
 Advanced Cellular Silver (ACS) 200 ( – orally and applied to the joints with
• Anti-biotic combination: cellular silver, olive Leaf extract, and samento
Glucosamine (1500 mg/day) to support cartilage
MSM for joint support and pain and inflammation
EPA (2100 mg/day) and DHA (1500 mg/day) for inflammation
GLA (900 to 1800 mg/day) for inflammation
• Curcumin (900 mg/day) for inflammation
Ringing in the ears (see Tinnitus)
• Ringworm is a highly infectious fungal disease, characterized by itching, red, scaly skin on the
afflicted areas.
• Try one of the following herbs topically:
o sanguinaria (blood root)
o usnea
o Amargosa
o black walnut
o cajeput oil
• Clinical studies have demonstrated that topical application of Neem oil may cure 75% of cases of
ringworm within three days.
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition characterized by redness on the cheeks, nose, forehead, and/or
chin. Rosacea is most prevalent in women over the age of thirty. Those that suffer from rosacea are
often found to be deficient in lipase. Other items known to provide significant benefit are:
o Progesterone cream
o Vitamin C cream
o Lipase
o Zinc
• Neem oil has been proven to be effective.
• Cajeput oil, coptis, isatis, sanguinaria (blood root) may work
Scar Tissue, Adhesions, and Fibrosis
As we age the tendency to have more scar tissue, adhesions, and fibrin increases due to having less
enzymes. External and internal injuries and surgeries also create scars and fibrin activity.
Scarring is connective tissue and the result of the over-proliferation of fibroblast cells.
An adhesion is a type of scar that forms an abnormal connection between two parts of the body.
They typically occur at the site of a surgical procedure although they may also occur elsewhere.
Fibrin is a type of adhesive repair protein. It is the compound produced within the body which is
responsible for blood clotting. Fibrosis itself is scar tissue.
Fibrin activity is particularly noticeable in women, who frequently develop conditions such as
fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroids, adhesions, and endometriosis. Men and women alike
grow arterial sclerotic plaque (which is scar tissue). We are all prone to have fibrin begin to spider its
way into our internal organs, reducing the organs size and function over time. As we age, our wounds
heal with thicker, less pliable, weaker and more visible scars. By replacing lost enzymes we can help
control and reduce scar tissue and fibrosis, thus preventing many of the problems associated with
lack of enzymes and excess fibrin.
Adding therapeutic levels of enzymes can also help reverse and control existing conditions caused by
fibrosis. Even old scar tissue can be dissolved and "eaten away" from surgical wounds, pulmonary
fibrosis, kidney fibrosis and even keloids years after their formation. Among the best enzymes for
removal of scar tissue are serrapeptase and nattokinase. Nattokinase can thin the blood somewhat
as serrapeptase does not. The enzymes chymotypsin and pancreatin are considered to be especially
valuable to “eat away” cancer tumors, especially pancreatic cancer tumors.
Studies have shown that serrapeptase reduces scar tissue, improves tissue healing and significantly
reduces inflammation. Serrapeptase also has the unique ability to digest non-living tissue that is a
by-product of the healing response without harming living tissue. Serrapeptase is used to dissolve
scar tissue, fibrosis, blood clots, cysts and arterial plaque. Serrapeptase is particularly sensitive to a
low pH, thus the supplement versions which are enterically-coated are considered superior.
Nattokinase can be equally effective, but it can thin the blood somewhat; which in many cases this is
a good thing. This is usually a time process that may take months.
Other items know to soften scars to help promote breaking down of fibrin are chickweed (good for
kidneys), DMSO, Arginine, MSM, and vitamin E.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
• Seasonal affective disorder is a type of depression that usually occurs during autumn or winter as
a result of insufficient exposure to sunlight.
• Light therapy is most effective when scheduled immediately upon waking.
• Melatonin may be an effective therapy, but it has made some worse. Small amounts work best.
• Tryptophan or 5HTP may alleviate SAD
• St John’ wort has been shown to be helpful.
• Fish oil or cod liver oil to support neurotransmitter function
Seborrhea Dermatitis is a type of Dermatitis that occurs as a result of Seborrhea (the production of
excessive amounts of Sebum by the Sebaceous Glands). Seborrheic Dermatitis usually occurs during
infancy (especially between the ages of 2 - 12 weeks when it is known as Cradle Cap) and in the
middle-aged or elderly.
The most common cause of Seborrheic Dermatitis is Biotin deficiency.
In infants Biotin supplementation alone often cures Seborrheic Dermatitis, while in adults,
supplemental Biotin must be administered concurrently with the other “B” Vitamins in order to
effect a cure for this condition.
Borage oil (0-5 ml) was applied to the nappy region twice daily. Within 10-12 days all the
children were free from skin lesions, even in areas not treated with the oil. When treatment was
discontinued, the lesions recurred within 1 week. With intermittent therapy 2-3 times/week,
there were no recurrences. Treatment was stopped at about 6-7 months of age, and there were
no relapses thereafter.
Patchouli oil has been used to treat Seborrhea.
Shingles is caused by the same virus as chicken pox (Herpes zoster). It involves the appearance of
lesions on the skin along the paths of the nerves infected with the virus. These lesions take the form
of crops of small blisters (vesicles) which usually set in on just one side of the chest, back or face and
are accompanied by intense pain and Itching. It is characterized by burning, tingling pain or
numbness in the skin followed by a rash with fluid-filled blisters.
• Propolis applied topically to lesions eliminates the pain in 100% of cases, eliminates the itching in
85% of cases, and accelerates the healing in 90% of cases.
• DMSO with capsicum topically will reduce/remove the pain.
• MSM (2000 mg 2 times a day) will reduce/remove pain.
• Neem oil taken internally and topically may alleviate shingles.
• B12 as methylcobalamin (1000 mcg every hour) sublingual tablets will accelerate recovery.
• Olive leaf with cat’s claw will disrupt the virus and boost immune system.
• L-lysine curbs outbreaks of shingles (3,000 mg/day).
• Zinc with selenium supplementation reduces the number of infections by nearly two-thirds.
• Acute sinusitis is almost always caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. Environmental allergies
may inflame the sinuses and create an environment for bacteria.
• Consider garlic, colloidal silver, goldenseal, olive leaf, grapefruit seed extract, and oregano oil
• N-acetylcysteine (NAC) or to help clear the sinuses
• Horseradish may help clear the sinuses
• Snorting saltwater may also help clear the sinuses
• Breathing the vapors of tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil may temporarily relieve the sinuses
Skin cancer – Overall, skin cancer is the sixth most common type of cancer to affect men and the
seventh most common type of cancer to affect women. Approximately 50% of persons in western
nations who reach the age of 65 will develop some form of skin cancer at some stage.
• Black Salve is very effective.
• Sanguinarine (Blood Root) (applied topically) is effective.
• Try SKC-ML formula from Good Herbs.
Skin tag is a small tag of skin which may have a peduncle (stalk) - they look like a small piece of soft,
hanging skin. They can appear on any part of the surface of the body (skin), but most typically exist in
areas where skin may rub against skin.
Bayberry is known to remove skin tags. Apply topically and take orally.
Wheat Germ topically
Laetrile or apricot seeds
SKC-ML formula from Good Herbs
Nail polish on skin tags 2-3 times a day. They eventually dry up and fall off.
There is an over the counter item called "liquid bandage". You put it on top of each skin tag
(completely cover it) 2 times a day. After about 3 - 4 weeks they fall off. There is no scar and just
a little pink mark for about a week.
Spider bites
• Plantain with Good Herbs formula PO-K Plus-L (Echinacea, Golden Seal, Virginia Snake Root) to
neutralize poison
• Neutralize the poisons with a zapper or Wellness Pro or Magnetic Pulsar
• Keep bacteria killed with colloidal silver or silver sol
Spider Veins – (Telangiectasias) are broken or ruptured Capillaries that leak Blood which then travels
along the exterior of the surrounding Capillaries. When this Blood dries on the outside of the
Capillaries, it becomes visible through the Skin. Most people find this cosmetically unappealing.
• Marine Fish Extract (Brands are: Vivida, Imedeen, Nourelle) has been shown to reduce spider
veins. Marine Fish Extract is a proprietary formula of Proteins and Polysaccharides (including
glycosaminoglycans) extracted from a species of fish. The usual therapeutic dosage of Marine
Fish Extract is 500 mg per day (two tablets of a Marine Fish Extract product). Manufacturers of
Marine Fish Extract products recommend the concomitant use of oral Marine Fish Extract tablets
with topical application of Marine Fish Extract-containing products. The oral products are
claimed to mainly improve the Dermis, while the topical products are claimed to mainly improve
the Epidermis. The manufacturers of Marine Fish Extract products claim that the therapeutic
effects of Marine Fish Extract do not become discernable for at least two months after the
commencement of daily use of Marine Fish Extract.
• Citrus bioflavonoids that have hesperidin, rutin, and diosmin will help reduce spider veins by
strengthening the walls of veins. You can also get citrus bioflavonoids from oranges and
Splinters - use Plantain to draw it out
• A stroke is a consequence of a sudden interruption to blood circulation in the brain. Stroke is
primarily an ailment of the cardiovascular system.
• Vitamin E improves blood circulation by thinning the blood.
• Fish oil or cod liver to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and support the brain.
• Ginkgo biloba improves blood circulation to the brain.
• Gota kola improves blood circulation to the head.
• Cayenne or capsicum improves circulation by dilating the blood vessels.
• Bilberry improves blood circulation to the hands, feet, brain and heart.
• Ozonated water or food grade hydrogen peroxide to provide more oxygen
• Phosphatidylserine to support the brain (300 mg/day)
• Acetyl-carnitine to support the brain (2000 mg/day)
• B vitamins to support the brain
• Serrapeptase to open up the circulation
Testosterone Deficiency - How to Boost Testosterone Levels as You Age
1. Exercise raises testosterone and HGH, especially muscle building exercise.
2. Vitamin D acts a steroid hormone that keeps testosterone up. In one study, 12 overweight men
who were given vitamin D supplements had a significant increase in testosterone levels after one
3. Zinc is essential for male testosterone production
4. Maca has been proven to raise testosterone
5. Ashwagandha - research published in 2010 found that men taking the herb experienced a
significant increase in testosterone levels
6. Saw palmetto increases testosterone levels by inhibiting up-conversion to dihydrotestosterone
7. Tribulus - Some studies have shown that daily intake of 750 mg of tribulus terrestris results in an
increase in bio-available testosterone levels by 30% (only in males).
8. Mucuna Pruriens promotes fertility in both men and women, increasing male sperm count and
testosterone levels due to its L-dopa content.
9. Astaxanthin in combination with saw palmetto. There is solid research indicating that if you take
astaxanthin in combination with saw palmetto, you may experience significant synergistic
benefits. A 2009 study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
found that an optimal dose of saw palmetto and astaxanthin decreased both DHT and estrogen
while simultaneously increasing testosterone
10. Chrysin (3,000 mg per day) and nettle root extract reduce the aromatization (conversion) of
testosterone to estrogen and enhance free testosterone levels.
11. Progesterone cream inhibits the conversion of testosterone to “wimpy or inactive” testosterone
called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by inhibiting the activity of 5-alpha reductase. It can be applied
as a cream to the scrotum and other soft tissues.
12. Pumpkin seeds contain a chemical substance called cucurbitacin that can prevent the body from
converting testosterone into a more potent form called dihydrotestosterone, which contributes
to prostate enlargement.
13. Boron does not raise testosterone to higher than normal physiological values but works to
restore testosterone levels in older males.
14. Broccoli - along with cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts contain indole 3 carbinol, indole
3 acetate, and diindolymethane; which effectively inhibits estrogen metabolism thus helping to
keep estrogen down
15. DHEA is a hormone that can raise testosterone, but should be used intermittently to keep the
adrenal glands from lowering their own production of DHEA
Things That Lower Testosterone
1) Wheat consumption promotes estrogen levels to rise, which in turn can cause testosterone levels
to decrease
2) Low-fat diet - when total fat intake is too low, testosterone levels decrease. Choose foods high in
good fats like avocadoes, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and especially coconut oil. Dietary fats should
comprise 25% - 30% of total calorie intake in order to maintain optimal testosterone production.
3) Low cholesterol - testosterone (like many other sex hormones) is made from a base of
cholesterol. Ingest foods with cholesterol such as eggs.
4) Ground flax seed consumption - the lignans contained in flax have a considerable estrogenic
5) Soy - contains estrogenic isoflavones that negatively impact testosterone levels
6) Licorice has been shown to lower testosterone
7) Produce laced with pesticides and herbicides
8) Meat from conventional farms using antibiotics and hormones
9) Alcohol for a short time increases testosterone but causes it to drop
Toenail fungus
• Usually need to deal with the fungus in the body while dealing with it on the nail
• Topical applications include:
• Grapefruit seed extract
• Vicks VapoRub
• Cajeput oil
• DMSO with potassium iodide: mix equal parts of each and rub on and under the nail a couple of
times a day.
Thinning of Skin involves the loss of endogenous Fats from the subcutaneous layer of the Skin,
usually accompanied by transparency of the Skin. Thin Skin can also occur from the age-associated
thinning of the Dermis.
1. Type II Collagen is what is needed
2. Vivida (natural polysaccharides (brand name Vivida) from fish cartilage)
3. Emu oil
4. yü InfiniSerum from Desbio (increases good estrogen-like actions in the skin)
• Tinnitus is characterized by a buzzing, ringing, or humming in one or both ears.
• Dodder seed extract – 1 to 2 drops in ear daily (some have gotten great results)
• At least 3 mg of melatonin every day for 4 to 8 weeks may alleviate it.
• Therapeutic doses of B complex with zinc
• Ginkgo biloba at 240 mg daily
• If your triglyceride levels are elevated, it likely represents a severe abnormality of insulin balance
in your body. Too much sugar, refined carbohydrates, and trans-fatty acids are the primary
causes of elevated triglycerides.
• Items that can lower triglyceride levels are:
o Alpha-linolenic acid (flax seed oil) may lower triglyceride levels by up to 65%.
o Nicotinic acid form of vitamin B3 (1,200 - 2,000 mg/ day) lowers serum triglyceride levels
by up to 52%.
o Chromium
o Capsicum
o Omega-3s have also been shown to lower triglycerides.
• Tuberculosis is an acute or chronic infectious disease caused by inhalation of infected droplets of
the bacteria - mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis normally remains localized (and without
symptoms) in the lungs but can, after years of dormancy, progress to its active form.
• Must support the lungs and boost the immune system.
• Formula by Good Herbs called ETB-M prevents and eliminates turberculosis. Ingredients:
plantain, echinacea, coltsfoot, horehound, blessed thistle, juniper berry, myrrh, yerba santa, and
olive leaf.
• Sodium chlorite has been known to eliminate tuberculosis.
• Advanced Cellular Silver (ACS) 200 ( may also be effective.
• Cat’s claw or astragalus with vitamin D will boost the immune system.
Ulcers, mouth
• Ulcers are single or multiple open sores affecting the mucous membranes that are exposed to
gastric juices (pepsin and hydrochloric acid) within the digestive tract. About one out of 10 ulcers
are caused by the bacteria H. pylori.
• Eliminate the bacteria with mastic gum – 500 mg 3 times a day
• Other agents that may kill the H. pylori bacteria are olive leaf, golden seal, licorice, thyme, and
Neem oil
• Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) increases the amount and quality of the mucous membranes
that line the stomach. Chew three or four tablets 20 minutes before each meal, and at bedtime.
• Slippery elm has a soothing and healing effect on the mucosal lining
• Aloe Vera juice helps heal the mucosal lining – ¼ cup 3 times per day.
• Cabbage juice will reduce the healing time for peptic ulcers by about 75%
Urinary Tract Infection (see Bladder infection)
Vaginal Dryness
• The root cause of vaginal dryness is declining estrogen production, which leads to thinning and
drying of the vaginal wall.
• Progesterone is a precursor to estrogen. Supplementing with transdermal progesterone cream
may resolve vaginal dryness.
• Dong quai has produced good results and when added to chasteberry may be even better.
• Estriol cream (requires a prescription)
• DHEA supplementation may raise estrogen enough to help resolve the condition.
Varicose Veins are a disorder in which the veins (usually in the legs) become distended, lengthened
and tortuous. The underlying cause is a lack of tone in the tissues supporting the vein and
subsequent failure in the preceding valves
• Three proven herbs for healthy veins: horse chestnut (for symptoms), gotu kola (for circulation),
and butcher's broom (can be taken orally or applied topically) as an herbal extract have been
shown to:
o reduce cramps and tingling in legs
o help circulation on long flights
o alleviate heaviness and pain in the calves
o improve micro-circulation and improve capillary flow
o improve vascular tone and strengthen connective tissue
• Bromelain extract (from pineapples) supplement helps to break down fibrin which is what
collects around the varicose veins causing lumps and bumps.
• Bilberry has also been used to alleviate varicose veins by strengthening the capillaries. The usual
therapeutic dosage of Bilberry tincture/liquid extract is 2 - 4 ml per day. The usual therapeutic
dosage of Bilberry fresh berries is 20 - 60 grams per day.
• Vitamin K2 deficiencies have been linked to varicose veins. Take 1000 mcg/day.
• Inclined bed therapy (Google it) Head of bed at least 6 inches above foot of bed.
• Serrapeptase enzymes will improve circulation by removing of scar tissue and adhesions in the
Vitiligo is a physically harmless (but cosmetically unappealing) depigmentation (characterized by
smooth, irregular white patches) of areas of the skin that have lost the ability to produce the natural
skin pigment melanin.
• Vitiligo patients are often found to have sub-optimal levels of hydrochloric acid in their stomachs
and replenishment of hydrochloric acid (15 cc with each meal) may result in the cure of some
cases of vitiligo.
• Picrorrhiza (herb native to the north-western Himalayan region) may alleviate vitiligo (it causes a
significant reduction in depigmented patches in approximately 90% of vitiligo patients)
Warts are common benign skin eruptions caused by any of several papilloma viruses. Up to 30% of
warts disappear by themselves within six months. Most warts disappear without any treatment
within three years. Warts are most common in children and occur between the ages 12 – 16 years.
• Take Olive Leaf extract along with zinc to beat the virus
• Blood Root applied topically
• Garlic oil applied topically
• Black walnut hull extract internal and topical
• Buckthorn applied topically
• Thuja extract internal and topically
• Homeopathic remedies thuja occidentalis along with antimonium crudum
• Neem oil internal and topically
• Tape the inside of a banana peel to the wart
Ten Things You Can do to Remove Wrinkles
1. Limit intense sun exposure
2. Type II collagen works well
3. Consume and use coconut oil as a lotion
4. Use emu oil as a lotion
5. Get plenty of omega-3
6. Get sufficient Vitamin E and zinc
7. Avoid cigarette smoke
8. Avoid hydrogenated and rancid oils
9. Consume plenty of anti-oxidants
10. Take aloe vera gel at 1/4 tsp per day (shown to be effective)
11. Take Vivida or polysaccharides from fish cartilage
12. Increasing HGH works well
The information in this table was derived from the following sources:
• (Life Extension Foundation)
• (Dr. Mercola’s informative web site)
• Hyperhealth Pro V8.0 (More information may be found at
• Prescription for Natural Cures by James Balch MD and Mark Stengler ND - 2004
• The Alternative Pharmacy by Lynne Paige Walker and Ellen Hodgson Brown – 1998
• Alternative Cures – The Most Effective Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems by Bill Gottlieb –
Dr. Whitaker’s Guide to Natural Healing by Julian Whitaker – 1995 (also his monthly newsletters
and special reports)
Herbal Solutions – Dr. John Christopher’s Writings – by John Christopher – 1992
A Practical Guide To Herbs And Natural Supplements by Micki Jones and Lee Pemberton, Ladies
Slipper Press, Kingwood TX, 2006
Functional Analysis - Bill Yeary - 2010 - Biblical Naturopathic Doctorate Program –
Bill Yeary’s personal notes and collection of information over the last 10 years
Low thyroid function affects 40 to 60% of the people in the U.S., most of which are women. The
following test by Dr. Broda Barnes called the Basal Metabolism Self-Test can be used to detect a lowfunctioning thyroid.
1. Over the course of three days, take your oral temperature in the afternoon with a regular
digital thermometer. It should read very close to 98.6. If below 98.6, it could indicate an
under active or hypo-thyroid. Record below.
2. Additionally, place the digital thermometer beside the bed before going to sleep.
3. Immediately upon waking, turn on the thermometer and place it deep in your armpit
and leave in place for 3 minutes (10 minutes if using a “shake down” mercury
thermometer - shake it down first). The less movement you make, the more accurate the
test. Lie as still as possible. (The beeper may sound but continue to monitor the
temperature.) Record below.
4. For menstruating women: you can begin measuring your temperature at anytime during
your cycle. However, the most accurate readings occur within the first seven days
following the start of menses. Women will get the most accurate reading when not
Afternoon Temperature
Before Arising Temperature
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Your basal body temperature should be between 97.8 and 98.2. Axillary (armpit) is roughly one point
lower than oral readings. The following axillary readings are indicative of thyroid states:
97.8 - 98.2
Above 98.2
Below 97.8
Normally functioning thyroid
Hyperthyroid or possible infection
Possible hypothyroid
If your temperature is below 97.8 degrees for three consecutive days, it is a significant indicator of
having an under-active thyroid, particularly if you have other symptoms of low-thyroid function.
An enema is the procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus. The volume
of liquid causes expansion of the lower intestinal tract, often resulting in peristalsis and a feeling of
urgency and complete evacuation of the lower intestinal tract. Not always comfortable, yet beneficial.
Soap suds enemas (from a food-based source) prove to be more effective at emptying the bowels for
some people than water alone.
Enemas can be beneficial in restoring healthy bowel regularity and can be used every day for a year
by those who have problems with a sluggish, irregular, or underactive bowel. Many ingredients can be
added to the warm enema water to increase its effectiveness for certain purposes. The rule of thumb
is don’t put in your rear-end what you shouldn’t put in your mouth to swallow. Coffee enemas help
detoxify the liver. Flaxseed tea enemas relieve inflammation in the bowel. Bentonite clay when added
to enema water assists in absorbing and mobilizing toxins from the bowel wall. Peppermint and
lavender essential oils work well to stimulate and nourish the colon. Using 1 teaspoon of Celtic sea
salt per quart of water will restore electrolytes. Fresh lemon juice is said to help dissolve fecal masses
- use 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice per quart of water. There are a number of additives that have been
used to enhance an enema; such as acidophilus, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and variety of
herbal teas.
Coffee Enemas
The coffee enema appeared at least as early as 1917 and was found in the prestigious Merck Manual
until 1972. Coffee enemas are not given for the function of the intestines but for the stimulation of the
liver. The effects of having a coffee enema are not the same as drinking coffee.
The caffeine from the coffee enema is absorbed into the hemorrhoidal vein, then taken up to the liver
by the portal vein. The caffeine from the coffee stimulates the liver and gallbladder to produce and
release bile (which contains processed toxins). The bile is moved out to the small intestine for
elimination, which from there is moved out from the body. This frees up the liver to process more
incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the body. The coffee also contains alkaloids that
stimulate the liver to produce enzymes (glutathione-S-transferase), which is responsible for
neutralizing free radicals, carcinogenics, and other harmful chemicals now commonly implicated in the
initiation of cancer. Physiological Chemistry and Physics has stated that "caffeine enemas cause
dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and
dialysis of toxic products across the colonic wall."
So basically, a coffee enema speeds up the detoxification process and reduces the backlog of toxins.
Many report that it provides immediate relief to such things as congestion, indigestion, pain, and
Re-usable enema bag with tube and applicator tip for insertion
Lubricant (KY jelly or olive oil)
Purified or distilled water (2 quarts)
Brewed organic coffee, fully caffeinated (4 tablespoons)
Coffee maker (will need 1.5 to 2 quarts)
Preparing the Coffee
Brew organic coffee to the rate of 2 tablespoons per quart. Allow it to cool down. The temperature
should be approximately at body temperature up to about 104 degrees F. Cold water will cause the
colon to contract somewhat, reducing the amount of fluid that you can take in. Test the water
temperature with your finger. It is better to have it too cool than too warm; never use it hot or
Location, Filling and Hanging the Bag
Most people choose the bathtub or perhaps the bathroom floor with towels or chux pads. Coffee does
stain, so use old towels. Before you fill the bag, make sure that the clamp is closed. Pour the coffee
into the enema bag. Loosen the clamp to allow the coffee to run out to the end of the catheter tip and
re-clamp the bag when all the air has been removed from the enema tubing. Use a coat hanger or
something to hang the enema bag at least two feet above your bottom. The higher the bag is, the
faster the speed of intake into the colon. You want it to flow gently into the rectum. You should use the
clamp to regulate and control the flow.
How to Take a Coffee Enema
You may not want to take a coffee enema at bedtime as there may be some effect from the caffeine
that might hinder sleep. Taking a coffee enema may be best in the morning or right after a bowel
movement. The enema is more effective if the colon has been evacuated. When no normal bowel
movements are forthcoming, the enema is still effective for moving the colon and detoxifying the body.
There are a variety of positions that one can assume to begin an enema. Most people find it easiest to
lie flat on their backs with their knees flexed and their legs elevated. From this position you can raise
your legs overhead into a partial or full shoulder stand. This position allows gravity to move water
farther along the colon. For those less agile, a pillow under the hips can be effective. It is good to
change positions while retaining the coffee. Regardless of the position used, one should lie on the left
side for at least 5 minutes, then on the back for another 5 minutes, than on the right side for at least 5
minutes. After the enema is retained for 15 minutes or longer, it may be expelled. I also recommend
lightly massaging your colon from the bottom left corner of your abdomen toward your chest
(descending colon), across to the upper right (transverse colon) and down the right side (ascending
Lubricate the tip of the nozzle with preferably a non-petroleum lubricant. Gently insert the tube into the
rectum a few inches. Open the clamp very slowly and let a small amount (approximately ½ to 1 cup) of
water into your colon, wait, relax, and rest. When ready, add another cup. This is important for a
successful enema because if you add the coffee solution too quickly, you may stimulate the sigmoid
and rectum to cramp. Clamp the tubing off as soon as there is the slightest amount of discomfort or
fullness to give your colon time to adjust. Take as much as you can hold, hopefully the whole two
quarts. You may not be able to take all the solution. That is okay. You can repeat the process and will
most likely be able to take more the next time. Start massaging and change positions when you feel
When you are ready to empty the bowel, move to the toilet and release carefully. You may need to
stay for a little while as you continue to release contents. In cleaning the equipment, the applicator tip
or nozzle should be sterilized after each use. It can be boiled or washed thoroughly with soap and
water, then soaked in a solution of 4 drops grapefruit seed extract and 2 cups water.
• The liquid that you put into your colon may not all come out the first time that you release
on the toilet. Treat all urges to “pass gas” as a potential release of bowel contents.
• You may not be able to hold all the fluid in with one enema. The procedure can be
repeated again after emptying the bowel in between.
• If you have cramping, the solution may be flowing too quickly.
• If you get a sudden gas bubble causing an urge to expel, try breathing very fast through
your nose using your abdominal muscles. If you find you have a lot of gas and it is difficult
to retain the enema, try putting 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses into your coffee
The following protocol will dissolve calcium kidney stones and if lecithin is added, it will also work
toward dissolving gallstones.
Hydrangea root, gravel root, and stoneroot (collinsonia root) are known to dissolve calcium that has
been deposited in the wrong places (such as joints). Gravel root is probably more effective in
dissolving calcium than the others with hydrangea as second. Mix all three together in equal parts and
grind in a coffee grinder or use just gravel root or hydrangea. (One may also take the herbal extracts
rather than making a tea.)
1. Simmer 1 heaping tablespoon of the mixture in a pint and a half of water until it is reduced
to one pint.
2. Strain and cool, and drink as much as two pints daily.
To assist in dissolving gallstones, lecithin granules can be taken in ½ to 1 tablespoon doses 3 times
daily with the drinking of the tea. Gallstones are mostly cholesterol and the lecithin will thin the bile
and work toward breaking the cholesterol down. It will take about 2 to 3 weeks to dissolve the kidney
stones and gallstones. This procedure is for a specific purpose and not to be used on a continuous
This is a natural way to effectively and painlessly remove from the gallbladder and liver, most stones,
gravel, crystals, and debris. It cleanses the liver bile ducts and eventually purifies the blood stream by
making the liver cleaner and more efficient. This flush not only purges the gallbladder of its contents,
but also does major house cleaning in the liver. A person may find their allergies and headaches
diminish with each subsequent flush and may disappear altogether. A liver cleanse will usually result
in a lowering of cholesterol levels.
• 100% unsweetened apple juice - 3 quarts
• Fresh lemon juice – ½ cup (about 5 lemons - use the real thing)
• Extra virgin olive oil – ½ cup
• Green apples and radishes (if you desire)
• 4 tablespoons of Epson salts
• 4 ornithine capsules (if you desire)
1. For days One through Three:
Do not eat any foods with fat such as meats, dairy, peanut butter, and eggs. This allows the bile to
build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more gallstones as it is
relieved with this procedure. Do eat unrefined grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. Drink at least 1
quart of 100% unsweetened apple juice per day. The apple juice, which is high in malic acid and
pectin, acts as a solvent in the bile to weaken adhesions between solid globules while softening the
stones. The apple juice should be coarse, unfiltered, and free of additives and preservatives.
You could actually start on the apple juice a week or two in advance to give this more time to work. An
alternative to apple juice that is just as effective is Orthophosphoric acid (75%) - take 30 drops a day
for 3-4 days, and gradually increase the dosage to 50 drops daily - continue for the full 14 days. Each
30 drops contain 390 mg of Orthophosphoric acid.
But at a minimum, on day one sip on one quart of the apple juice throughout the morning and
afternoon. Drink plenty of water. It would be helpful to consume organic green apples and radishes as
they will also help shrink and soften the stones.
2. On day Three:
Eat mostly fruits and vegetables. DO NOT EAT ANY SOLID FOOD AFTER NOON. You may drink
water or the apple juice as much as you like. At about 8 pm, drink 4 tablespoons of Epsom salts
(magnesium) mixed with water. Epsom salts serve to relax the tubules so that the passage of larger
stones is painless and smooth. The Epsom salts also serve to help evacuate the intestines of feces.
The use of Epsom salts is necessary for the magnesium to help relax the sphincter of the gallbladder
and also relax the bill duct to support passage of the softened, shrunken stones. This enables larger
stones that may otherwise create spasms to pass through a relaxed bile duct.
3. Bedtime:
At bedtime, mix ½ cup extra virgin olive oil with ½ cup fresh lemon juice (about 5 lemons). You may
blend it in a blender if you choose in order to mix it better. Keep one of the citrus rinds handy to chew
on after you finish drinking the oil. It will help cut the oily taste left in your mouth. The olive oil also acts
as a solvent of cholesterol, the chief constituent of gallstones. The olive oil will cause a powerful
contraction of the gallbladder and liver, forcing out stored wastes, bile, and stones, which easily pass
into the small intestine. As an option, using ozonated olive oil will kill off any bacteria, parasites or
other micro-organisms that may be lingering in the bile when it enters the intestine.
A few people may experience some nausea after drinking the olive oil lemon juice mixture - Optional:
Take 4 ornithine capsules or 1 to 2 hydrochloric acid capsules (for nausea) if you have them with the
first sips to make sure you will sleep through the night. Go to bed immediately after drinking the mix.
Don’t clean the kitchen, etc. The sooner you lie down, the more stones you will get out.
Lay on your right side with your right knee pulled up to your chest for at least ½ hour after you drink
the oil lemon juice mixture. Due to the oil emulsion, the liver and gallbladder will spasm and throw off
all the available bile - plus stones, gravel and crystals. If you do feel somewhat nauseated during the
night (this is what the Ornithine or hydrochloric acid capsules works to prevent), this is due to the
release of stored toxins from the gallbladder and liver. This is normal and a sign that the protocol is
4. Next morning:
The next morning you should have a bowel movement/diarrhea and you should see stones. The
stones float and will be dark black or greenish or tan, which look like shriveled peas. You most likely
will see more stones with more bowel movements throughout the day. You should plan on staying
home and close to the bathroom throughout the day.
This liver/gallbladder flush could make you feel a little uncomfortable for a day or two. Stirred-up toxins
are now in solution. If you are a diabetic, check your insulin levels before taking any insulin after you
do a gallstone cleanse. Otherwise you may suffer an insulin spike from insulin levels being too high.
Never purge when you are ill. Pregnant mothers should consult their pediatrician. The elderly should
do this purge under the supervision of a health specialist. All stones will most likely not be eliminated
with one attempt and you may repeat this liver/gallbladder flush at one or two-month intervals until
there are no more stones. Having a lot of stones the first time is an indicator of the need to repeat the
flush. People that have had their gallbladder surgically removed, still eliminate green, bile-coated
stones with this liver purge, which indicates that they are also in the liver.
This procedure is safe and effective and many people have done it for many years. There is the
possibility that a few individuals should not attempt this procedure if they have particularly large
gallstones, because of the possibility of lodging of the stones in the biliary tract. Consuming
phosphoric acid (available in capsules and liquids) will dissolve gallbladder stones in time as will
consuming 100% apple juice over the course of time. Once the “too large stones” are smaller, the
flush will work well to remove toxins, bile, and stones.
Pain is usually associated with inflammation, particularly with injuries. For injuries use cold treatments
for acute tissue damage to reduce swelling and heat for chronic conditions to improve circulation.
Water treatments along with topical treatments can be effective.
Most pain can be controlled without resorting to medications. Drugs may be faster acting, but there
are usually side effects. Substances that alleviate pain are known as analgesics. Examples of
analgesic drugs include aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), naproxen (Aleve,
Naprosyn), the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib, and narcotic drugs including morphine, oxycodone, and
hydrocodone (Vicodin). Natural pain relievers are listed below.
Grounding or earthing relieves pain – maintaining contact with the earth with naked feet for
about 1 to 2 hours a day. (try sleeping with grounded stick pads on bottom of feet at night)
Capsaicin applied topically alleviates pain.
Glutamine has been effective for post surgical pain. Twelve to 20 gms/day starting 2 weeks
before surgery and continuing after surgery until pain has subsided.
5HTP or tryptophan increases the body's pain threshold by increasing serotonin.
Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) alleviates pain by reducing inflammation, aids in the production
of sulfur-based amino acids for detoxification, and thus inhibits the transmission of nerve
impulses associated with pain.
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) applied topically alleviates pain by inhibiting the conduction of
nerve impulses associated with pain in the smaller nerve fibers. It probably also promotes
The "D" or "DL" forms of Phenylalanine alleviate chronic pain by blocking the enzyme that
breaks down the opioids involved in the suppression of Pain. Although quite effective, this
effect does not occur in some people. In one study, 20 patients with longstanding pain; most
reported that their pain was cut in half after taking the amino acid for just two weeks. Other
research shows that it helped reduced chronic pain associated with migraines, multiple
sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and even late-stage cancer patients.
Boswella reduces pain by blocking inflammatory leukotrienes.
Turmeric (contains curcumin) reduces inflammatory processes and thus reduces pain.
Probably one of the best in regard to herbs.
Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme (digests protein) that reduces pain by minimizing
inflammation and improving blood flow by digesting blood clots.
Serrapeptase, another proteolytic enzyme, has been used to alleviate the pain associated
with edema, inflammation, and surgery.
Ginger serves as an anti-inflammatory and thus relieves pain and has been shown to be as
effective as some arthritis medications.
Cod liver oil or fish oil reduces the severity of musculoskeletal pain.
Wintergreen essential oil applied topically relieves pain.
St. John’s Wort has been used to relieve nerve pain.
Coffee enemas can provide quick pain relief of acute and chronic pain, even for cancer, by
removing the toxins and chemicals from the liver that promote pain.
Castor oil packs have been effective for relieving area inflammation, and thus the pain.
The Wellness Pro is a frequency generator approved by the FDA as a TENS unit. The
Wellness Pro device provides a non-invasive, drug-free effective solution for controlling pain.
Magnetic Pulsars have also been effective for relieving area pain.
Wellness Support Services (body, soul, spirit) –
(Rapha Support Services in Beaumont, TX – 1-409-832-5772)
Nutritional and Detoxification Products & Support –
(Life Care Nutritionals – 1-409-832-7281)
Herbs and Herbal Formulas –
(Good Herbs - 1-800-466-0095)
Natural Health Training and Credentialing –
(Life Training Institute – 1-409-832-9060)
Biblical Naturopathic Practice –
(Getting Well Naturally – 1-409-832-7281)
Christian Faith-Based Counselor Certification –
(International Institute of Faith Based Counseling – 1-409-832-9060)
Clinical Christian Counseling Services –
(Compassion Christian Counseling in Beaumont, TX – 1-409-832-5772)