October - Holford village
October - Holford village
Quantock Coast Benefice Quantock Coast Benefice Magazine October 2013 “Footprints” - Kilve Flower Festival Photo by Robert Crowther Quantock Coast Benefice Quantock Coast Benefice The Parishes of Stogursey with Stolford, Fiddington, Dodington, East Quantoxhead, Holford, Stringston, Kilve and West Quantoxhead (St. Audries). Rector: Rev’d Nicky Morgan 01278 732873 The Rectory, High Street, Stogursey. TA5 1PL Email: [email protected] Quantock Coast Benefice Office 01278 732742 22, St. Andrews Road, Stogursey, TA5 1TE Email: [email protected] Associate Priest: Revd. Stephen Campbell Hodderscombe Lodge, Holford TA5 1SA Associate Priest: Revd. Dawn Brimson Ridges, Holford TA5 1DU 01278 741329 01278 741413 House for duty Priest: Vacancy Readers, Mr. Gordon Anderson & Dr. Winifred Anderson Inkberrow, West Quantoxhead TA4 4EA Benefice Treasurer: Mrs. Ann Steer [email protected] Magazine Editor: 01984 632376 01278 741393 Revd. Stephen Campbell Magazine production team includes: David Talling, Ann Steer, Winifred Anderson & Kenn Everard Items for the Benefice Magazine by 12th of the month (the last date) Emails can be sent to the Magazine email address: [email protected] Benefice Web Site: http://qcb.org.uk Magazine 50p each. A years subscription (£5) is due in January. Quantock Coast Benefice The Quantock Coast Monthly Letter 28th On the of this month the Church will celebrate the Feast-day of SS Simon and Jude. ‘WHO?’ you might well ask, who are they? For in drawing up any first eleven of apostles, they would surely be sent in to bat at 10 and 11; even Judas Iscariot would rank higher, because we know so much more about him. Simon and Jude seem to have been men who, although travelling with Jesus during his 3 year ministry, said or did little worthy of being recorded in the Gospel stories. So why should they interest us? Because in spite of, or perhaps because of this lack of outstanding gifts, Christ CHOSE THEM. It leads me to ask a question you may find odd. What sort of a person are YOU, or more to the point, what sort of a person do you think you are? - in temperament I mean. An odd question because each of us is unique. But there are broad types of character or temperament, and most of us can say on which side of any dividing line we are. If all who thought themselves to be dynamic, hot-headed, extrovert, were asked to stand up, I would have to remain seated. But Jesus had apostles like that. Think of volatile James, so fiery in temperament that he was nicknamed ‘Boanerges’, or ‘Son of Thunder’. Or are you an outgoing, talkative person? One who can be relied on to fill the gaps in a conversation, able to make a party go with a swing, ready to speak out at a meeting? Jesus called an apostle like that, St Peter, inspirational and ready to rally his friends in difficult moments. But all the apostles were not like James and Peter; there were also people like Simon and Jude. Simon does not seem to have uttered a single word worth recording by the gospel writers. Clearly, he must have said and done a lot in the course of those 3 years, but nothing profound, arresting, significant. Yet he had the title Simon the Zealot, meaning he had once been a member of an underground political party dedicated to over throwing the Roman overlords by insurrection. When he accepted the call, he must have come to terms quickly with the team in bringing about God’s kingdom through peaceful means. So Simon the Zealot says to us today:’ Christ has room in his Church for impatient, even short tempered people. He wants you there so that you may learn from his teaching sensitivity to their companions and the art of living in harmony with those holding different views. Or are you S. Jude? A man who only seems to have spoken once, and that on the night before Jesus’ passion, when he asked a question lots of us want to ask but don’t like to: ‘How is it that God has made himself known to us, and not to the world? How is it that the majority of our fellow men and women will not go near the church today, will not even consider the important questions about life posed by Christ and his ministry? This is how Jesus answered ‘ If any one loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we 1 Quantock Coast Benefice will come to him and make our home with him’. In other words. God is known to those who open their lives to his influence. He wants to show himself to all, but can only do so to those who are prepared to receive him. Christ didn’t go only to the GOOD people of Galilee, he went amongst all, good, bad, or indifferent alike. It is our inner heart that determines whether God makes himself known or not. SS Simon and Jude. Which are you? One of extremes of character like Simon; finding it hard to restrain your impetuosity, especially when confronted by injustice and wrong. Simon says: ‘God has a place for you in his Church’. Or are you a Jude? A quiet, shy, retiring person, never seeking the limelight? God has a place in his Church for you, and so many will be thankful to find that so many like-minded quiet people have always found a place in his Church. Of course, most of us are in-between, but no problem there, for such have always been the back-bone of the Church. However, in whatever category we choose to place ourselves we all have the duty of noting what that rather neglected but hard-hitting letter in the New Testament, perhaps written by another Jude, when the author uses an interesting word when he urges his readers to ‘contend’ for the faith. This may be a subject for another occasionfor now, let me remind you that here was a Church member, a leader, passionately concerned about preserving the faith, prepared to speak out against the evil influences that were attempting to destroy the Church. He reminds us today that all of us have to strive to stand up and speak up whenever the Church and its members are unfairly criticized or attacked. Not being aggressive, but not evading debate. I cannot imagine either St Simon or St Jude refusing to ‘contend’. Wednesday Parish Visits Schedule 2nd October West Quantoxhead 30th October East Quantoxhead 2013 Wednesday Eucharist Service Schedule Date Time Parish Officient 2nd October 8.00am West Quantoxhead Rev. Nicky Morgan 9th October 10.00am Stogursey Rev. Stephen Campbell 16th October 8.00am Holford Rev. Stephen Campbell 2 Quantock Coast Benefice DIARY October 2013 2nd Wed 3rd Thu 4th Fri 5th Sat 6th Sun 8th Tue Rector’s Parish visit - West Quantoxhead 8am - Eucharist Service - West Quantoxhead 2pm - Movement & Dance - Holford & District Village Hall (then every Thursday) 7.30pm - Table Tennis - Holford & District Village Hall (then every Thursday) 10am until 1pm - Holford Art Group meet - Holford & District Village Hall (then every Friday) 2pm until 5pm - Holford Craft Group meet - Holford & District Village Hall (then every Friday) 2pm - Stogursey School Harvest- Stogursey Parish Church 7pm - Quizaid Evening - St. Andrew’s Church Rooms, Stogursey 10am - 12 noon - Coffee Morning - Holford & D. V. Hall 6.30pm for 7pm - Harvest Supper - Fiddington Village Hall 4pm - Harvest Praise - Fiddington Parish Church 7.30pm - Whist - Holford & District Village Hall 10am - Eucharist Service - Stogursey 2.15pm - St. Audries W.I. - St Audries Village Hall 9th Wed 7.30pm - Stogursey, Burton & District W.I. - St. Audries Centre, Stogursey. 10th Thu 2.30pm - Kilve & District W.I. - Kilve Village Hall 12th Sat 7.30pm - Take Art Production - Kilve Village Hall 7.30pm - Holford Gardeners Group Celebrity Evening (Chris 15th Tue Beardshaw) - Holford & District Village Hall 16th Wed 8am - Eucharist Service - Holford 2.30pm - Mothers’ Union - Kilve Village Hall 17th Thu 7pm - Quantock Sugarcraft 2000 - Kilve Village Hall Stogursey School Break up for Half Term 18th Fri 7pm - Social Evening & Night at the Races - Crowcombe V. Hall 10am - 12 noon - Village Market - East Quantoxhead V. Hall 19th Sat 7.30pm - Fag Ends & Families - Holford & District Village Hall 23rd Wed 10am - Route 60+ workshop - Stogumber Village Hall 26th Sat 10.30am - 12 noon - Coffee Morning - Kilve Village Hall 27th Sun BST Ends Rector’s Parish visit - East Quantoxhead 30th Wed 7.30pm - Holford Local History illustrated talk - Holford & D.V.H. 3 Quantock Coast Benefice The ‘Alternative’ Bishop’s Message John Reed, Archdeacon of Taunton Caterpillars & Twiglets - Both are edible, as I now know since my visit to Zambia in July. When presented with a tray of crispy fried caterpillars by Archbishop Albert one night in Kitwe, I had to go for a new experience. I have a rule never to turn down food offered, no matter how strange. The trick is not to look too closely, then equate the food to something you like. I love Twiglets, and happily the caterpillars had a similar texture and not much taste – apart from the fatter ones which were a bit bendy and chewy. I had longed to visit Zambia, since being instrumental in setting up a link between Ilminster and Msoro in 1996. I thought I would never get there. So, when asked to go with the Reverend Simon Hill, our Diocesan Director of Clergy Training, to represent the Diocese at two conferences and to visit some key links, I jumped at the opportunity. Simon and I certainly worked for our passage and it was a privilege to spend time with so many Zambian Christians in very diverse settings, exchanging our understandings on ministry and mission, opportunities and obstacles. We have much in common and much which is incomparable. The Zambians we met in over 15 urban and rural centres were not lacking in vision, ideas and plans. What I observed and am still working through in my mind is why so many projects appeared to get off to a flying start and then slow up or come to a temporary halt. Often the blockage is said by them to be caused by lack of funds and materials; but I also sensed a different feel about organisation, timescales, targets and urgency. I am comparing this with what I often observe around the parishes of Bath & Wells. Many talk the talk about organisation, timescales, targets and urgency, but have less to say about vision, ideas and plans. And this is not my judgment: it is what Churchwardens have said to the Archdeacons in this year’s Articles of Enquiry. 55% of parishes say that they do not have plans for the development of their churches – whether in worship, ministry, outreach, service or the buildings. I confess always to find this incomprehensible. But, then, parochial church councils can run out of ideas and be preoccupied with the immediate care and running of their churches. This article may be read by those of a church congregation and people on the fringe of their local church who would not be inclined to offer their thoughts on how their church can serve Our Lord and local people in the future. But maybe you should. In Zambia people eat caterpillars: catch a caterpillar and fry it. In England we eat Twiglets: buy a packet containing things made from wheat flour, yeast, vegetable and spice extracts and oil, niacin, riboflavin, salt and pepper. Quite a contrast. Do we here complicate things and miss the simpler questions and answers? 4 Quantock Coast Benefice HEAVEN? and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book. 'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?' 'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.' 'How about my friend here?' the traveller gestured to the dog. 'There should be a bowl by the pump,' said the man. A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had died. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight. When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side. They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it. The traveller filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself and gave some to the dog. When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree. 'What do you call this place?' the traveller asked. 'This is Heaven,' was the answer. 'Well, that's confusing,' the traveller said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.' 'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's Hell.' 'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?' 'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.' When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?' 'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered. '’Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked. 'Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.' The man gestured, and the gate began to open. 'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveller asked. 'I'm sorry, sir’, was the reply, ‘but we don't accept pets.' The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog. After another long walk, 5 Quantock Coast Benefice From Nick Evelyn your Village Agent I have not had any instruction as to my driving since I passed my test in 1960. There is little doubt that I have got into bad habits. For example my wife is always telling me that I never indicate which is of course nonsense! I have arranged for Somerset Road Safety to visit us under the name of ROUTE SIXTY + FREE workshop at Stogumber Village Hall Date: Wednesday October 23rd Time: 10:00 for 10:30 OBJECTIVE: to enable older drivers to continue their driving career safely and for longer · A presentation covering a variety of driving situations and coping strategies · Free driving Assessment · An invitation to have a driving refresher course For further information call 01823 423430 www.somersetroadsafety.org Your Village Agent helps sign post and refer people to agencies and services that can improve the quality of life and help maintain living independently in a rural area. If you need assistance or know someone who does please contact me Nick Evelyn. Tel: 07572 791096 Email: [email protected] Harvest Supper Fiddington Village Hall Saturday 2nd November, 7pm for 7.30pm in Holford & District Village Hall Saturday October 5th 6.30 for 7pm. 'Stringston's Shenanigans' Tickets £8 (to include a finger buffet - BYOB) Not to be missed An Evening of Entertainment from talented Stringston & District Performers. Bring your own drinks. The tickets will be available from the beginning of October contact 652691 - 741557 - 741309. Fiddington Harvest Praise 4pm on Sunday October 6th 6 Quantock Coast Benefice The Rev’d Richard Warhurst, Chaplain to Dorothy House Hospice and his wife Anna write... In September 2011, our son, Jerome, died at over 5 months in to our pregnancy. We decided that we wanted to raise money for Bath Sands & Alton Abbey two charities very close to our hearts - by doing a sponsored slim, in his memory. …................................................ Bath Sands is a local Sands group, offering support to bereaved parents in Bath and the surrounding areas. Sands supports anyone affected by the death of a baby, works in partnership with health professionals to try to ensure that bereaved parents and families receive the best possible care and funds research that could help to reduce the numbers of babies dying and families devastated by this tragedy. When Jerome died, they gave us a memory box which contained various items, such as hand knitted blankets, two identical teddy bears (one to be buried with him and one for us to keep), a candle and hand & footprint cards. ................................................................ Alton Abbey is an Anglican, Benedictine monastery in Hampshire, just outside of Alton. They support many people from across the country, offer various retreats and run a guest house. Richard has been attending Alton since 2002; he is an Oblate and Carol Anna is a Companion. We are also both "Friends" and Richard is on the Friend's council. As the Chaplain at Dorothy House Hospice, Richard attends Alton Abbey on a monthly basis for Clinical Supervision with Abbot Giles. We are very close to all the brethren and were touched by their love, support and kindness when Jerome died, especially when Fr William agreed that Jerome could be buried there. Alton Abbey is currently experiencing a huge financial strain and we want to be able to support them in this small way. They receive no funding from the diocese or provincial church and are dependent on charitable contributions and donations to meet the everincreasing cost of maintaining and refurbishing the building and updating the facilities. 7 Quantock Coast Benefice A New Hospital for Bridgwater and a New Era for Healthcare finally announced by the government in March 2012. The good citizens of Bridgwater and its surrounding parishes could hardly have imagined what they had set in motion when they held a public meeting in 1813 to agree to create a medical institution "for the relief of the labouring poor requiring medical and surgical assistance". And it looks like Bridgwater’s new hospital has arrived just in time. The population of Sedgemoor is expected to change considerably over the next 20 years, with the numbers people aged over 65 set to rise rapidly. Just a few years later and at a cost £700 they agreed to purchase "a spacious house and garden" in Salmon Lane, Bridgwater to become their new hospital or ‘infirmary’ as it was then called. It was supported for decades by ‘voluntary contributions’, small donations of money or gifts made by local people before eventually being transferred to the new ‘free’ National Health Service in July 1948. In 2007 the over 65s accounted for 19.8% of Somerset’s population. However, by 2017 it is expected to make up 24.4% of the population and 28% by 2027. We should celebrate the fact that we are all living longer, but we also need to take care of our health as we also know that as people get older so they start to use their local health services more. Sitting within a green field site off Bower Lane in Bridgwater construction company Lang O’Rouke have now carrying out the interior fitting and decorating of the new 30 bed hospital. 200 years on and after delivering care and treatment to many hundreds of thousands of local people, the £32 million pounds needed to build a brand new Bridgwater Hospital was 8 Quantock Coast Benefice But what can patients expect from their new community hospital? The majority of the new hospital’s services will continue to be delivered by Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. However, Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the new body set up to give family doctors more control over the planning and funding of local health services, wants to see more health services delivered closer to the community. Helena Fuller, Somerset CCG’s Hospital Project Director, said: “It doesn’t matter if you are in your own home, at your GP surgery or within your local community hospital; we want high quality health care to be delivered where it is most convenient for the patient. That should eventually mean patients will have more conveniently located services with less need to travel by bus, car or taxi to clinics in Taunton’s Musgrove Park Hospital. · A midwifery led maternity unit · A Minor Injury Unit · Therapy and integrated rehabilitation services · Outpatients clinics · Day treatments (particularly for patients with long-term conditions) · Much more space within the hospital and plenty of free car parking to patients and visitors The building of Bridgwater’s new community hospital marks a new milestone the history of the community and the local NHS. Just as the citizens of 1813 could never have imagined what extraordinary medical, technological and scientific advancements would take place in the future, so we can only imagine what incredible medical advancements await us over the next 200 years and all from our local community hospital. Bridgwater’s new community hospital will deliver: 30 inpatient beds Diagnostic and X ray facilities, including facilities to permit mobile scanners to visit the hospital Before receiving it first patients in the spring of 2014 there are plans to let the people of Bridgwater and its surrounding villages come and see inside the new hospital. The date of this public viewing day will be publicised through local press and media nearer the time “Community health care is now being provided in a much more integrated way and all of the county’s 13 community hospitals work in a much more joined up way. We want to fund services which do as much as possible to help the people living in the rural villages as those living in towns like Bridgwater.” · · 9 Quantock Coast Benefice ST.AUDRIES W.I. Kilve & District Wednesday October 9th. 2.15pm St.Audries Village Hall Thursday Oct. 10th 2.30pm Kilve Village Hall " Somerset Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation " Esther Hoyle - Archivist ‘Somerset Women’ Competition " An item beginning with " I " Competition: “A Somerset Artefact” Trading Stall A warm welcome waits you A warm welcome to you all Stogursey, Burton & District Wed. 9th October 7.30pm St. Audries Centre, Stogursey AGM Whist Drive Tuesday 8th October 7.30pm Holford & District Village Hall Holford Club (Table Tennis) Every Thursday at 7.30pm Holford & District Village Hall Competitive & Social All welcome All welcome Take Art Production Hunting The Giant’s Daughter by Adverse Camber Saturday 12th October 7 30pm in Kilve Village Hall We are pleased to be putting on this exciting Take Art Production, which is ‘an energetic and inspiring new telling of one of the oldest King Arthur legends, through intoxicating storytelling, passionate singing and enchanting music’. Take Art recommend this show for all adults and children over ten. Tickets £8 Adults £4 children under 16 - Family Ticket £20 Tickets available from Kilve Coffee Mornings or Alison 01278 741317 10 Quantock Coast Benefice Leading Denominations Unite to Save Christmas Following survey findings which reveal importance of bringing the Church knowledge of the Christmas story is together to save Christmas, the group fading, leading denominations are to has taken a new direction. unite this autumn to reverse the trend Part of this will be the first ever and focus on ‘saving Christmas’. nationwide Christmas Starts Sunday on 1 December which kicks campaign and starts Advent. The Christmas Starts with Christ Campaign will run from 1st December to Christmas day. Resources available include a new free-to-use logo, specially produced Christmas cards, a chocolate advent calendar with a copy of the Christmas story in the box and a national advertising campaign using posters and radio ads. off the The Bishop of Taunton, Rt Revd Peter Maurice, says: “The Christmas Starts with Christ campaign is an invitation to the Church to put Christ and the wonderful story of his birth at the heart of the nation’s favourite time of the year. The story of the birth of Jesus is where it begins for Christians. Up and down the country, the star which lights the stable reminds us of the light of love and compassion that churches seek to bring into their communities throughout the year and it is important that we don’t forget ‘the reason for the season.’ Our purpose is to continue to tell the story because it reveals a God who chose, out of sheer love, to make his home with humanity offering hope and promise even into its darkest corners.” A turning point It might be difficult to believe, but knowledge of the Christmas Story is fading. Just 12 per cent of adults know the nativity story; and 36 per cent of children do not know whose birthday is being celebrated during the festival. Christmas is being lost to secularism and the trend is for this to get worse. Some 51 per cent of people now say that the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to their Christmas. This is a tipping point. Arun Arora, director of communications at the Church of England, says: “The logo is available for use free of charge, and the more churches that use it the greater the chance that we can cause the 51 per cent of people who say ‘the birth of Jesus is irrelevant to my Christmas’ to think again!" Christmas is becoming simply ... 'mas'; a consumer-fuelled and family-filled happy holiday which is meaningless – albeit enjoyable. Together we can reverse the trend A movement made up of some of the nation's leading Christian groups, including the Church of England, the Evangelical Alliance, and the Children's Society, is coming together because they recognise something must be done. If you would like to download resources for your church, find out more about the campaign or help save Christmas, visit www.christmasstartswithchrist.com Leading the campaign is ChurchAds.net – the group behind the annual Christmas advertising poster campaigns. This year, recognising the urgency and For further advice on how you can get behind the campaign, contact James Butterworth of the Diocesan Communications Team. 11 Quantock Coast Benefice Will Aid 2013: Making a Difference Together for 25 years This November, Will Aid will again offer the opportunity for people to make a quality basic Will with a local participating solicitor in return for a donation to good causes. The suggested donation is £90 for a single basic Will. Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF and Trocaire) and provides vital funds to help people to build their communities and improve their future in the UK and around the world. Over the past 25 years, Will Aid solicitors and their clients have contributed £13.6 million in donations to charities and during the same period £95m has been promised as gifts in Wills to charity, making Will Aid the UK’s most successful charity will-writing scheme. Only with professional help can people feel confident that their Will is valid and their wishes will be carried out. Many people don’t make a Will because they assume that their partner will automatically inherit everything. This is not true. For example, people who are not legally married or in a civil partnership are not automatically entitled to anything from the estate of their partner. There are even financial limits on what a surviving legally married person can receive. This may be less than the value of the family home – possibly forcing its sale to pay off other relatives. As a result, many surviving loved ones may have to Last November alone, the general public responded with enthusiasm and around 24,000 people were given the push they needed to finally write their Will and in so doing raised almost £2.1 million in donations (including Gift Aid). The money raised is shared between the participating charities (ActionAid, Fag Ends and Families ....! Simon Egerton Saturday 19 October, 7.30pm Holford & District Village Hall A humorous solo music theatre show about a family remembered from a time when cigarette smoke still clouded everything! Simon’s story is funny, touching, wryly observed and very moving – a big hit at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Tickets: £8 £7 child/student Tel: 01278 741184 / 741183 Coffee, tea and cakes available – BYOB Sponsored by and 12 Quantock Coast Benefice endure a drawn out legal process and a good deal of emotional stress. With preparation and the help of a Will Aid solicitor, making a Will need not be difficult or time-consuming. In fact, it can often be done in a lunch hour. Details of participating solicitors are available online. The Will Aid website www.willaid.org.uk has lots of information to help, including a useful Will Planner or call 01460 271178 for further information. It is also very important to keep the Will up-to-date. This is particularly important when family circumstances change. There may be births, deaths, divorces, marriages and of course people named as guardians for children or executors of the Will may become unsuitable through age or ill health. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED It’s not often we have a book written by a local person reviewed in the Benefice magazine, so to include one must infer its rather special, and it is. Richard Jeanes from Dodington has written a superb book entitled “I Should Have Known Better”. The book chronicles all the many vintage cars Richard has rebuilt and restored over the past 50 years. He tells the story around each one going into fascinating detail interlaced with many anecdotes regarding parts and history. A jolly good read even for non petrolheads. Copies are available from Richard at Perry Mill Farm on 01278 732313 at £10 per copy, all proceeds to go to Macmillan Nurses. Piggy Banks are Back A Quizaid evening Friday October 4th St. Andrew's Church Rooms Where do you store your savings? Surprisingly, more of us are saving cash in a jar or under a mattress than in a bank or building society. It seems that 33million people in the UK adults (that is 69 per cent of us) have a jar full of coins somewhere about the house, while only 21 million of us (that’s 44 per cent of us) put our money away each month in a savings account. The survey, done by Gocompare.com suggested that the nation’s coin jars may hold £1.26 billion, with the average pot containing £38.35. One answer to this is that since these days we have so little to save, why bother to go to the bank? This is a simple,fun quiz in aid of the Quilombola community in the Amazon Rainforest to protect their livelihood, fight off exploitive companies, and prevent the destruction of the Rainforest Suggested donation £5 per team, tea and coffee provided, BYOB. All ages welcome 13 Quantock Coast Benefice Kilve Village Hall Coffee Morning Coffee Mornings are held in the Village Hall on the last Saturday of each month and all are welcome 10 30 am until 12 noon. THE MOTHERS’ UNION Thurs.17th Oct. 2.30pm Branch Meeting - Kilve Discussion Meeting (“How does your garden grow”) Richard McDonnell Worship: Nether Stowey The Archaeology of The Quantock’s Northern Heath & Woodlands Teas: Spaxton COFFEE MORNING Holford & District Village Hall Saturday Proceeds towards the 5th October 10am until 12noon Holford & District Village Hall Wednesday 30th October 7.30pm Tickets £4 for non members & £2 for members of H.L.H.S. From Peter 01278 741249 & Mo 01278 741233 Refreshments available - BYOB Book Stall Drinks Super Cakes etc. Holford Local History Society 14 Quantock Coast Benefice ‘Kilve’s Got Talent’ It has been a long 6 years since a Flower Festival had taken place at St Mary’s Kilve, so when the idea was mooted in April, one of the first things that the P.C.C. had to think about was if there was enough ‘talent’ in the village to warrant such an undertaking. After several lengthy discussions it was then suggested that the P.C.C. would approach the various organisations within the village to see if any of them would be willing to sponsor and/or arrange a display. The theme of the Festival was based on the internationally famed poem ‘Footprints in the Sand’ by the American poet Mary Stevenson and the result was amazing. Each arrangement had its own personal interpretation of this famous poem and each one was truly exceptional. The Festival attracted a goodly number of visitors and some £1480 was raised for church funds. The comments of visitors were very rewarding for the arrangers and their army of helpers and perhaps best summed up in an e-mail which the P.C.C. received which simply said: ‘Kilve’s got talent – a truly inspirational Festival’. It goes, without saying, that all at St. Mary’s are so grateful for all the hard work that was put into this event – such a wonderful community effort! EAST QUANTOXHEAD - VILLAGE MARKET EVERY THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH - 10am – 12 pm At East Quantoxhead Village Hall 19th October 2013 Court House local produce - Cannington Bakery fresh bread Village cakes and jams - Herby4 apple juice from local orchards Market café – coffee, breakfast pancakes and savoury scones Ever popular second hand books - Crafty Corner offering cards and gifts 15 Quantock Coast Benefice Benefice Holiday Club “SEASIDE ROCK” Heather The Weather gave us a forecast each day this was accompanied with appropriate “weather” showers, a gale force wind, and “snow”, producing these was really enjoyed by the children who all helped. The big craft was a huge Golden Palace created by all the children combining large and small boxes etc. and sprayed with gold paint. This was of course built on sand and totally collapsed when knocked into during the final drama session. There were some very artistic pebble paintings, beautifully iced biscuits, lovely shell and fish bead bracelets, and pompoms, this group developed into an enthusiastic “knitting circle” We had 28 children joining in during the four days, and a great time was has by all. The theme was based on the story of the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand. The club was superbly led by Patrick, our Deanery Youth Organiser. It was an excellent learning, creative and fun time for all the children and helpers who came to Stogursey for Summer 2013 Holiday Club. Each day included a story time professionally done on a D.V.D., a progressive drama based on two dodgy builders, a learning time, games and creative activities, we all ate together at lunch time. Holford Church Quiz Night Tuesday 5th November Movement & Dance Thursdays at 2pm Holford & District Village Hall 7 for 7.30pm Teams of Four Raffle BYOB Tickets £7.50 each to include Fish and Chip Supper (£2.50 if only having Coffee and biscuits) Please purchase your tickets For more details contact Jenny 01643 708421 Christina 01278 741292 by Friday 1st November at the latest From Ann Steer 741393 16 Quantock Coast Benefice Answers to the September 2013 Crossword ACROSS: 8, Prince of Peace. 9, INF. 10, Unmarried. 11, Gulag. 13, Treason. 16, In aid of. 19, Arena. 22, Calvinist. 24, Pad. 25, Moses and Aaron. DOWN: 1, Spring. 2, Sinful. 3, Scourged. 4, Commit. 5, Spur. 6, Matins. 7, Feed on. 12, Urn. 14, Erastian, 15, Own. 16, Income. 17, At last. 18, Friend. 20, Empire. 21, Adding. 23, Inst. The Bible version used in our crosswords is the NIV Across 1 Tertullus, who presented the high priest’s case against Paul in his trial before Felix, was one (Acts 24:1) (6) 4 As balm (anag.) (6) 8 Having explored Canaan, he and Joshua urged the Israelites to take possession of it (Numbers 13:30) (5) 9 On becoming king of Judah, he had all six of his brothers killed (2 Chronicles 21:4) (7) 10 ‘Even the — has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself’ (Psalm 84:3) (7) 11 Banishment(Jeremiah29:1)(5) 12 ‘And now I will show you the most — way’(1Corinthians12:31) (9) 17 ‘Titus did not exploit you, did he? Did we not —— the same spirit and follow the same course?’ (2 Corinthians 12:18) (3,2) 19 Mice den(anag.)(7) 21 How Egypt is often described in the Old Testament: ‘the land of — ’ (Exodus 13:3) (7) 22 One of the first Levites to resettle in Jerusalem after the exile in Babylon (1 Chronicles 9:15) (5) 23 ‘As a sheep before her shearers is —,so he did not open his mouth’ (Isaiah 53:7) (6) 24 Paul’s birthplace(Acts22:3)(6) Down 1 Ravenous insect inflicted on Egypt in vast numbers as the eighth plague (Exodus 10:14) (6) 2 Well-being (Philippians 2:20) (7) 3 Small piece of live coal or wood in a dying fire (Psalm 102:3) (5) 5 Sportsman or woman (2 Timothy 2:5) (7) 6 The original name of Abraham’s wife (Genesis 17:15) (5) 7 ‘So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each — belongs to all the others’ (Romans 12:5) (6) 9 According to Peter, a wife’s beauty should not come from wearing this (1 Peter 3:3) (9) 13 ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to — the world’ (John 3:17) (7) 14 ‘The Lord of heaven and earth...does not live in — built by hands’ (Acts 17:24) (7) 15 ‘If your hand — you to sin,cut it off’(Mark9:43)(6) 16 Something like these fell from Saul’s eyes as soon as Ananias placed his hands on him (Acts 9:18) (6) 18 Track(Job41:30)(5) 20 Religious doctrine(5) 17 Quantock Coast Benefice 18 Quantock Coast Benefice 19 Quantock Coast Benefice WORDSEARCH GRID Wordsearch for October This month St Luke has his feast day (18th Oct.) Luke was an educated gentile, a physician. In modern terms, he was Turkish. He accompanied Paul on his missionary journey around the Middle East, and later, when Paul was under house arrest, stayed with him. Luke’s gospel is outstanding for its portrait of the compassion of Jesus; his gospel contains some of the most moving parables, such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. In Acts, Luke gave us the history of how the Christian Church began and grew. Luke is the patron saint of doctors, surgeons and artists (due to his picturesque style of writing). His symbol is an ox. Luke - Feast - Educated - Gentile - Physician - Turkish - Paul - Missionary Journey - Middle - East - House - Arrest - Gospel - Outstanding - Portrait Compassion - Jesus - Parables - Good - Samaritan - Prodigal - Son - Acts Church - Patron - Doctors - ox 20 Quantock Coast Benefice FROM THE CHURCH REGISTERS 2013 Made a member of Christ 4th August Esme Pocock Stringston 18th August Frances Moggridge East Quantoxhead Joined Together by God 24th August Ian Moyse & Sacey Bristow West Quantoxhead Sharing the Life of Heaven 18th August Ellison Baker Stogursey 23rd August Betty Chidgey formerly of Burton PRAYER OF THE MONTH Prayer of thanks for the Bible Thank you, Father, for the precious gift of the bible to guide us and to teach us. Thank you for the obedience of those who wrote the 66 books so long ago, and for the inspiration of your Holy Spirit who interprets them afresh for each generation, including ours. Thank you for the freedom we have to read your word today, and we ask for your help for those who don’t have that freedom. But most of all, thank you Father, that if we put our trust in Jesus, those black words on white paper jump into life and you reveal him to us more and more every day, again by your life-giving Spirit. Please show us, through your word, how to live lives that honour you and reflect your kingdom values. In the name of the Living Word, Jesus. Amen. 21 Quantock Coast Benefice Don’t forget your Christmas Shoeboxes! any difficulties finding a shoebox to fill we aim to have spares here in Fiddington church which can easily be delivered to you. Likewise if you have difficulty getting your shoebox to Fiddington church please let us know and we will arrange collection. The final date for collection will be Friday November 1st and there will be a service of dedication and thanksgiving for the boxes on Saturday November 2nd before they are all packed up and sent off to the charity for distribution. Just think what happiness your box could bring! This year Fiddington Church is taking over the co-ordination of the Christmas Shoebox Scheme, run by the charity Samaritan’s Purse, for the Deanery. For many years this has been done incredibly well by Jean Pennington Ridge at Bicknoller but she is now taking a well earned rest. We are hoping to reach the 1,000 shoebox target this year so please do help us. The shoeboxes go all over the world to children who would otherwise have no gifts at Christmas or at any other time in the year. What a difference this must make to that child to know that someone has spend a little time and money to pack up a box with little gifts for them. There are leaflets in all the churches of the Benefice with details of what to put and if you have Call Pat Scott Tel: 01278 732589 or Jenny Kinahan Tel: 01278 732190 for any help or further information. Thank you. Holford Gardeners Group Tuesday 15th October 7.30pm Celebrity Evening Chris Beardshaw Thursday October 17th 7pm Jean Tomlinson “Christmas Ideas” Kilve Village Hall A warm welcome awaits you 22 Quantock Coast Benefice ST JAMES THE LEAST OF ALL On the perils of Harvest The Rectory at St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren In the unlikely event of ever being put in charge of designing the course for those being trained for ordination, I would make a few significant changes. Modules on doctrine, Church history and Greek would all be dropped as unnecessary. In their place, I would add courses on how to run a tight jumble sale, ways to keep your church council in order – and especially close to my heart at present, how to negotiate Harvest. The first skirmish starts in early Summer when it becomes clear that the flower arrangers’ plans mean that the choir would disappear behind a huge array of chrysanthemums. The choir then retaliate by announcing that their Harvest anthem must take place just when the Sunday School intended to re-enact the parable of the Good Samaritan. They, in turn, raise the stakes by insisting that a stage will be needed for their performance, thus ensuring that I will be separated from the congregation by an impenetrable barricade. In September, therefore, there is the traditional meeting to iron out all these little difficulties. This inevitably results with the annual act of the verger handing in his resignation, of the bell ringers threatening a mass walk-out, and those who organise coffee afterwards de- 23 manding that my sermon lasts no more than 3 minutes, so there will be plenty of time for socialising after the Service. I greet all suggestions with a spontaneous burst of indifference, smile, agree with it all – and do nothing (this, incidentally, is a good policy for all decision-making). Inevitably, everything goes ahead exactly as it has always done for the last century. Come the day, there will be the usual arrangement of eggs round the font, with the strategically placed card saying “Given anonymously by Elsie Jones” and the pyramid of apples temptingly near the choirboys, so designed that when someone tries to pinch one during the sermon, the whole pile disintegrates as they roll all over the chancel. On the following Friday, all will leave after the Harvest Supper saying that the entertainment was worse than the previous year and that the absence of red cabbage had quite ruined the hot pot. Everyone therefore has an enjoyable evening My Harvest training course would be compulsory and a pass mark of 90% would be needed before ordination could be considered. Your loving uncle, Eustace Quantock Coast Benefice QUANTOCK SUGARCRAFT YOUR ADVERT 2000 could be here. We cover West Quantoxhead, East Quantoxhead, Kilve, Kilton, Holford, Stringston, Fiddington Dodington, Stogursey, Stolford, Burton & Shurton Attractive rates. [email protected] Do you have a special cake to make but do not have the right size or shape of tin? Quantock Sugarcraft 2000 have a selection of cake tins for members of the public to hire at a cost of £2.00 per week with a returnable deposit of £5.00. Christopher J Thacker Tax and Accountancy Services Assistance with Book Keeping, Final Accounts, VAT, Self Assessment Tax Returns of All Kinds. Let Property & Furnished Holiday Lettings a Speciality 01984 639989 [email protected] Enquiries - Please contact Margaret Baker on 01278 741647 COLIN WILKINS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CARPENTRY / PLASTERING PAINTING & DECORATING ALL BUILDING ASPECTS ALL TRADES FULLY QUALIFIED AND INSURED FREE QUOTATIONS. OAP DISCOUNT 5 OAK TREE WAY CANNINGTON TEL: (01278) 651229 MOBLIE 07576589979 24 Quantock Coast Benefice Full of Olde Worlde Charm Chris & Michelle welcome you to Traditional Ales, Fine Foods and a Friendly Atmosphere Beer Garden/families most welcome Walkers & Mountain Bikers always welcome - dog friendly Tel: 01278 741652 Holford, (A39) Nr. Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 1RY nick thorne design architectural solutions · Applications for: All aspects of tree surgery undertaken Conversion & renovation and ground · Landscaping services Planning Listed Building Building Regulations FREE no obligation consultation t: 07840 006734 e: [email protected] www.nickthornedesign.co.uk · Fully qualified and insured · Unbeatable prices Please contact: Jack Claydon 07798 942958 or [email protected] 25 Quantock Coast Benefice EVA ELLEN COUTURE Dressmaking and Design With 26 years of dressmaking knowledge and experience, Eva Ellen offers fully made to measure, bespoke dress designs for all occasions, from Bridal gowns to corporate wear, in a choice of beautiful fabrics from around the world. Be simply unique Give us a call to arrange a free no obligation meeting t: 0776 282 9534 e: [email protected] www.evaellencouture.co.uk Sewing alterations and repair Eva Ellen also offers an alteration service for Ladies and Gentlemen 26 Quantock Coast Benefice Dave Court PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & REFURBISHMENT SKILLED PLASTERING GLASS & GLAZING Friendly & professional service guaranteed Mobile 07729 111 678 Office 01278 734 595 Call anytime for a free no obligation quote CHIMNEY SWEEP NACS REGISTERED CLEAN AND EFFICIENT FULLY INSURED/ CERT ISSUED COWLS AND BIRDGUARDS FITTED WOODBURNERS REFURBISHED OIL BOILER ENGINEER OFTEC REGISTERED FULLY INSURED/ CERT ISSUED SERVICE AND REPAIRS OIL BOILERS AGA'S AND RAYBURNS PHONE IAN TEL : 01984 640893 MOBILE : 07502099323 27 Quantock Coast Benefice Craftsmen you can rely on, Quality you can trust.... “Recognised Specialists In Lime Rendering/Plastering & Building Restoration” 01984 629131 * * * * * 07788 810576 Lime Plastering * Lime Rendering Cob Work * Lime Pointing Lime Washing * Stonework Building Restoration Conservation Projects www.woodlouseconservation.co.uk Wiveliscombe, Somerset TA4 2UU AAAAAA Woodlouse Conservation Helena HELENA Trump TRUMP Brenda McLeod IDTA (AB, ALD) QUANTOCK SCHOOL OF DANCE BALLROOM, LATIN, SALSA & LINE DANCING CLASSES @ VARIOUS VENUES PRIVATE LESSONS AS REQUIRED TEL 01278 741273 COUNSELLOR & PSYCHOTHERAPIST MBACP TO MOVE ON IN LIFE I Offer Help With: * Self Abuse - Alcohol, Drugs, Eating Problems * Relationship/Marital Problems * Loss & Bereavement * Emotional or Behavioural Issues S R BAKER Plumbing & Heating New Central Heating Systems. Solar, Renewables & Underfloor Heating General Plumbing, Bathroom Suites & Kitchens. Guttering, Facias & Leadwork. Fully Qualified With Over 25 Years Experience. Telephone Anytime 01278 424197 Mobile 07977 050548 FREE INITIAL 30 MINUTE MUTUAL ASSESSMENT TEL: 01984 624409 www.helenatrump.co.uk Farriers, Langley Cross, Wiveliscombe, Taunton TA4 2UQ 28 Quantock Coast Benefice MAX DAVISON OPTOMETRY NHS and private patients Budget, fashion & designer frames Contact lenses (check our excellent prices) Varilux Centre Prescription sunglasses Saturday morning appointments 55B SWAIN STREET WATCHET 01984 634140 29 Quantock Coast Benefice TRADITIONAL SUNDAY LUNCH Two Courses £16, Three Courses £20 All served with coffee For full details please visit – www.combehouse.co.uk COMBE HOUSE HOTEL & RESTAURANT – HOLFORD Telephone: 01278 741382 INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE S. J. Gunner (Light Haulage) Finding truly Independent information to make the right financial decisions is crucial A Reliable Service you can Trust Small or Large loads - Fully Insured Specialised Transport Pension planning Investment Advice Income Protection · Life Insurance We listen to what you want, provide you with the facts and Actively help you make the most of your Individual financial situation. Over 25 Years Experience SCHAEFER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LTD Tel 01278 451888 Email [email protected] www.schaeferfinancial.co.uk Telephone: 01278 741 219 Please ring for a free initial interview OIL BURNER SERVICES Reflexology, Indian Head Massage & Baby Reflex Available in West Quantoxhead Claire Fisher M.A.R. Member of Association of Reflexologists Telephone 01823 401502 www.clairefisher-reflexology.co.uk SERVICING OIL BOILERS AGA and RAYBURN COOKERS 01984 634219 Mobile 07900 911 143 30 Quantock Coast Benefice TONY BROOKE CARPETS & FLOORING CARPET VINYL FLOTEX NATURALS WET ROOMS SAFETY FLOORING RUGS MATS & MORE! ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Free estimating and planning Expert advice and fitting - over 25 years experience Free home choose service - we'll bring the samples to you Great deals on roll stock, roll-ends and remnants Re-stretches, re-adaptions and repairs Already bought a carpet? No problem, we’ll fit it! Price Promise - we won’t be beaten on price! Tel: 01984 632206 Roughmoor Industrial Estate, Williton, Somerset TA4 4RF www.tonybrookecarpetsandflooring.co.uk Voted West Somerset Free Press Business of the Year 2009 31 Quantock Coast Benefice CAN YOU REACH YOUR FEET? There are times in our lives that it is difficult to do so. A home visiting service, providing nail cutting, hard skin and corn treatment, a good soak and foot massage, could be your answer. To discuss your needs and arrange a visit, contact Veronica McHale, Qualified Foot Health Practitioner 01643 822552 07549 150519 WCI Ltd Sewage Treatment Solutions Septic tanks & Soakaways Sewage treatment plants Reed beds & EA Permits Rectification & servicing Home Buyer surveys RING TODAY FOR YOUR FREE SITE VISIT AND QUOTATION 16 Wood Street Taunton TA1 1UN Tel. 01823-288998 or 08457 90 90 90 (local call) 01984 623404 www.reedbeds.com Family run with 27yrs experience GRANDFIELD & SON INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24 Hour Service throughout the District Private Chapels of Rest Keenthorne, Nether Stowey Tel: Nether Stowey (01278) 732219 32 Quantock Coast Benefice HEMYOCK ANTIQUES M H Kellaway Furniture Restoration Vacuum Chimney Sweep Specialist in Wood-burning Stoves, Agas & Rayburns All Serviced & Repaired also Woodburners Installed “Distance No Object” Repairs, Veneering,French Polishing, Caning, Rushing and Small Upholstery Dorothy Lloyd - 01643 822551 01278 741572 Glen Close, Main Road, Holford Ge-Mare Feeds AP & DA Salvidge Telephone 01278 - 741578 Fax 01278 - 741633 Mobile 07885 497182 Specialists in Animal Feeds at Unbelievable Prices: Equestrian Products Fish Cattle Wild Bird Seed Sheep Outdoor Wear Chickens Gas, Coal, Compost Pets Fencing Equipment Dogs (Dr John Gold & Silver) Working Wear FAIRWAY LANDSCAPES GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE www.fairwaylandscapes.co.uk Please contact us for enquiries 01278 741140 07787 371765 NICEIC Approved Electrical Contractor Domestic, Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural - Part P Domestic Installer Inspecting and Testing - Portable Appliance Testing Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Design, Supply, Install & Maintain 24 hour emergency call out Hunters Moon, Corewell, Holford TA5 1SE Tel: 01278 741284 - Fax: 01278 741164 - Mobile: 07773 367682 Email: [email protected] - www.alanmanchip.co.uk 33 Quantock Coast Benefice Around The Benefice – Church Rotas - October 2013 Holford Cleaning: Mrs. S. Bateman Brass: Mrs. S. Bateman Kilve 6th 13th 20th 27th Oct Oct Oct Oct Cleaning Peter & Julie Flowers Dilys Mair & Sarah Mair Stringston Flowers & Cleaning: Mr & Mrs G Browning St. Audries Cleaning 12th Oct Mrs Norman & Mrs. Wheeler 26th Oct Mrs. Rowland & Mrs. Yeomans Altar Flowers Mrs. McKenzie Door & Lady Chapel Mrs. Barrett Mrs. Yeomans Mrs. Rowland East Quantoxhead Cleaning 6th Oct Margaret Stevens & Brenda Jarvis 13th Oct Julia Bosley 20th Oct Sarah Knight 27th Oct Rachael & Rocky Flowers Sarah Knight Julia Bosley Nicki Kirkwood Stogursey Cleaning 6th 13th 20th 27th Flowers Harvest Festival Oct Oct Oct Oct Mrs. V. Miller Thursday 24th October - St. Andrew’s Sparklers Jacqui, Rosamund, Fran, Janet, Nial, Deb, Carole & Belinda 34 Quantock Coast Benefice 35 Quantock Coast Benefice 36 Quantock Coast Benefice Village Halls for Hire in the Benefice St. Audries Village Hall, West Quantoxhead, To Book: Stella Davey 01984 639944 East Quantoxhead Village Hall, To Book: Mr. A Rock 01278 741419 Kilve Village Hall, To Book: Brenda McLeod 01278 741273 Holford & District Village Hall, To Book: Mr. Peter Pullen 01278 741627 Stogursey Victory Hall To Book: Mr. Allan Searle 01278 732820 Stogursey Church Rooms To Book: Belinda Crowther 01278 734695 Fiddington Village Hall To Book: Mr. Richard Brazier 01278 734565 Most of our local halls have facilities to help those who suffer a disability. Contact the numbers above regarding access and parking. 37 Quantock Coast Benefice End of Summer 38 Photo by K.E.
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