Kingwood HOG Newsletter - the Kingwood HOG Chapter
Kingwood HOG Newsletter - the Kingwood HOG Chapter
Kingwood HOG Newsletter November, 2013 Volume 5 Issue 11 Sponsored by: Harley‐Davidson of Kingwood 111 Northpines Kingwood, Texas 281.359.0457 Inside This Issue 2013 Chapter Officers 2 October Chapter Meeting 2 Did You Know..... 2 October Chapter Meeting cont. continued 3 50/50 Winners 3 The Adventures of Juan Goat 3 Welcome New Members 4 Big Weiner 4 October Chapter Meeting cont. continued 4 Upcoming Events 5 Officers Corner Asst Director Mark Pakula Editor Robyn Pakula 6 KingHog October Event Pics 7 October Chapter Meeting Pics 7 KingHog Merchandise Pages 9 KingHog Fall Festival on 11/16 from Noon to 3pm @ the H-D of Kingwood dealership! Yummy eats, great new bikes to demo ride, cool cars & bikes to oogle, or win prizes—we want members to bring their Corvettes up! Delicious goodies at the Bake Sale, Poker Walk, Merchandise & Bling table, Membership table & tunes by the Bossman! What else could you ask for in a Fall Fest! See you there! Kingwood HOG Chapter Miles Our members have ridden 222590.5 miles on 31 scheduled rides YTD. Check it out! Page 2 2013 Chapter Officers Director: James Hicks Kingwood HOG Newsletter October Chapter Meeting Recap Officers present: James Hicks, Mark Pakula, Bruce Cain, Veronica Simpson, CJ Hicks, Robyn Pakula, Dean Siebert, Tammie Siebert, Ron Cherry, Susan Cherry, Don McCord, Dave Forkner Assistant Director: Mark Pakula [email protected] Pledge & Prayer: James Hicks Secretary: Bruce Cain [email protected] Director James Hicks On the LOH Canton ride, they had the pleasure of mee ng the local Harley dealership Treasurer & Activities: Veronica Simpson owner and had some funny stories to tell. [email protected] Safety: Michael Lamb Dealership news—Dave Forkner [email protected] Today is Open house at the dealership. Double MVP points. Chapter Officer posi on. New people, new ideas. Email Pakman or me. Help us Editor: Robyn Pakula manage the Chapter. [email protected] Rider’s Edge classes every month Sgt. at Arms: David Windham Freakin’ Friday ‐ 10/18. Lunch ride a erwards. sgt_ [email protected] Bike Nite ‐ 10/25. Halloween costume contest. Prizes, Hooter wings. Sunday 10/27 ‐ Advanced Ride training. Only $75 ‐ reduced price for HOG mem‐ Membership: Dean & Tammie Siebert bers. Only takes 6 people. You can register on the website. Mail in your receipt & [email protected] HOG will send you a $50 cer ficate. And your insurance will give you a break. Chief Road Captain: Walter Simpson 11/15 & 16 ‐ Demo truck will be here. Rides will be escorted. Need support from [email protected] the Road Captains to lead/sweep rides. Deputy Road Captain: Don McCord Asst. Director Mark Pakula: LOH: CJ Hicks Exci ng things coming up—watch for them on the Website. [email protected] Pickup rides to your favorite ride or restaurant. Lots of good rides from the year from Head RC Don Jones last year & Chief RC Walter Simpson this year. HOG Merchandise: Susan Cherry Florida State HOG rally coming up—last state HOG rally for the year [email protected] Not too late to sign up for the Fall Fling Ride later this month Webmaster: Ron Cherry Passing around a sign up sheet for the Chapter Christmas party. Volunteer to bring [email protected] a dish. We are trying something new. If we get enough volunteers—great. If not, we’ll have a Plan B and s ll have a rockin’ party. Just trying to infuse new ideas. Special Events Coordinator: Robin Baker 11/16 ‐ next month is our 2013 Fall Fes val VFW events coming up Steak dinners on every other Tuesday. Next week VFW ladies will have a Pink Pony Poker Run on Sat. Did you know that you can have Last thing is the Moving Vietnam Veterans wall at the American Legion in Cleve‐ your photos of a ride or chapter land. Weather should be clear ‐ leaving right a er the mee ng. event posted on Just contact [email protected] and I will post them Rocker Award for you. Remember they are proFredericksburg ride, Mark Frogga built the fire – a real Boy Scout. Road name: Pyro tected by a password such that on ly our Chapter members can see and download them. BTW, the pic- Ac vi es ‐ Veronica Simpson: tures on the site are full resolution Dinner Social this month is Golden Corral so any photo you download is just November Dinner Social is at Black Eye Peas. like the original. [email protected] Volume 5, Issue 11 Page 3 October Chapter Meeting Recap cont. November OAM is the Tree Restaurant in Woodville No OAM for December January 1 is the Polar Bear Ride Ride Reports: Susan Cherry I went on a ride with 6 wonderful ladies for 9 days to Mis‐ souri. Had a great me. We shopped, played games and rode a lot. Thanks Rhonda for pu ng it together. We came upon a number of bikers that we le in the dirt. Bruce bought bumper s ckers that are appropriate ‐ You have been passed by girls. Also, thanks to Dave for the Corpus ride from the dealership. Had a lot of fun. Michael Lamb Bandera ride. Will ride, pavement, no pavement. We rode out in the rain on Friday, needed to take a convenience stop. Pulled up next to a large tree, in the mud. One poor soul followed me. It’s not required to follow the Road Captain! Finished the ride & did about 400 miles the next day. Secretary ‐ Bruce Cain The potluck sign up sheet for the Christmas party is being passed around. We need volunteers. We expect to have 75‐ 90 people show up. We have a couple of fundraisers a year—we have Fall Fest coming up & last spring we had Ca‐ jun Fest. We didn’t make a lot of money. The por ons being served affected our bo om line. We need to do the fundrais‐ er in November to help make up difference. We won’t make a lot of income. I’m not one to keep haggling for money but it does take money to run the chapter. Jan and I thought it would be a good idea to put together our own dinner for the Christmas party. If it’s a failure, it’s on me. If it is a success, you can give the credit to the Director and Associate Director for suppor ng it. For the Fall Fest, we’ll sell hamburgers hot dogs and Frito pies. A Poker Walk, car show and bike show. A Bling party too. Come out & support the chapter. LOH Officer CJ Hicks Haunted House Ride 10/19 to Jefferson Hotel LOH mee ng on 10/28 Fall Fest Bake sale. At Cajun Fest, we made $800 in drinks & baked good sales. Need baked goods for the Fall Fest Con nued on Page 4 Nominations for Juan Goat brought 2 names this month. Terry Witmer and Tom Jones. Here’s their MOs: Seems like Terry doesn't’ always start out in first gear from red lights and stalls… Tom faithfully follows the RC through thick, thin and MUD. So Juan Goat has taken up residence for the month of October with….. Terry Witmer Treat him good, Terry. Juan is KingHog royalty! Harley ‘Green Stuff’ won by Mark Froggatt Harley Cleaner won by Mark Froggatt Harley Hat won by Mark Froggatt (no, this is not a misprint!) Big Prize won by Jerry Gilmore Congratulations winners! Page 4 Kingwood HOG Newsletter The October Chapter meeting brought us 5 new members! New members include Chris & Janie Morris. And Doug and Barb Meyers. New member Gail Spitz actually picked up her bike and rode it up to the LOH Canton event without having met anyone in the Chapter yet! From all accounts, they all had a great time! Gail, you’re crazy! You fit right in with our group! Membership Officers Dean & Tammie Siebert with welcome October new members: Chris & Janie Morris, Gail Spitz, Doug and Barbara Meyers. KingHogs, please take time to go up and introduce yourself to our newest members. There’s lots of rides & events coming up - great opportunities to get to know everyone. Welcome to the KingHog Chapter! Now get ready to ride KingHog style! October Chapter Meeting Recap cont. Membership – Dean & Tammie Siebert 65 members showed up today 2 new members today signed up 182 YTD total members Chief Road Captain ‐ Walter Simpson (absent) Mark Pakula announced no NMO class today because of the ride to the Moving Wall in Cleveland. NMO class will be held a er next month’s mee ng. Safety – Michael Lamb Was going to interview Mark Meddleton. Mark wasn’t at the mee ng because he reinjured his leg moving. We have a very safe chapter. We have extensive Road Cap‐ tain training and new members orienta on. Our chapter had one injury accident last year and one acci‐ dent this year—both RCs and both named Mark. Checked out what we can do to reduce accidents. Checked with Bruce then checked with old people—Pakman. There are no guarantees, there is always risk. Unorganized rides have lots of accidents. We try to have at least 2 RCs every ride. Mee ng adjourned @ 11:20am Robyn Pakula ‐ Chapter 5013 Editor The name pulled from the Big Weiner hopper in Octo‐ ber was………... drum roll please…… CHRIS McCORD! Hey… Didn’t we just have a McCord? Yep, last month it was Don McCord. But Chris was not at the mee ng so she did not happily collect her Big Weiner pot. It rolls over to November. Remember, you need to be at the mee ng to win. Come to the Chapter Mee ngs! The next name out of that hopper could be yours! Or mine…. I’m s ll wai ng! Volume 5, Issue 11 Page 5 Upcoming Events N O V 5th - Officer’s Meeting (M) - 6:30pm @ H-D of Kingwood Dealership 6th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Black Eyed Peas, Humble, TX 9th - KingHog Chapter Meeting (O) - 10am @ The VFW. Porter, TX New Member Orientation (C) - 11am 10th - Chief Road Captain Ride (C) - Sign-in 8:30am/LBO 9am to Ralph & Kakoo’s Restaurant, Lufkin, TX 13th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Black Eyed Peas, Humble, TX 16th - KingHog Fall Festival (O) - 11am @ H-D of Kingwood Dealership 20th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Black Eyed Peas, Humble, TX 24th - KingHog OAM (C) - Sign-in & LBO TBD @ The Tree Restaurant, Woodville, TX 25th — LOH Dinner/Meeting (O) - 6:30pm @ On The Rox, Atascocita, TX 27th — KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Black Eyed Peas, Humble, TX 28th — Happy Thanksgiving! 3rd - Officer’s Meeting (M) - 6:30pm @ H-D of Kingwood Dealership 4th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Jade Palace, Humble, TX 6th - Military Ride (C) - TBD 9th - LOH Christmas Party (O) - 6:30pm @ Italiano’s, Humble, TX 11th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Jade Palace, Humble, TX 14th - KingHog Chapter Meeting (O) - 10am @ The VFW. Porter, TX New Member Orientation (C) - 11am KingHog Chapter Christmas Party (C) - 6:30pm @ The VFW Lounge, Porter, TX 18th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Jade Palace, Humble, TX 25th - Merry Christmas! 31st - New Years Eve! D E C Kingwood HOG Newsletter Page 6 Officers Corner Assistant Director Mark Pakula I hope you had an opportunity to enjoy the weekend shopping trip to Canton, the Haunted weekend ride to Jefferson or the OAM ride to Hempstead. KingHogs, October was a busy month for the Chapter! and Bake Sale, Merchandise & Bling table, Membership table as well as music. This event is the final Chapter fundraiser of the year so I hope I can count on your attendance and support. You won’t be The fall riding weather has been beautiful disappointed! and we’re not slowing down in November. We have the Chief Road Captain’s Last but not least, we still have openings ride to Ralph & Kakoos in Lufkin and the for the 2014 Chapter officers. Anyone OAM ride to the Tree Restaurant in interested in serving the Chapter should Woodville, not to mention any of the contact either Dave Forkner or myself. pick up rides that might pop-up as well. Ride Safe & Have Fun But the big event this month is the 2013 KingHog Fall Fest on Saturday, NovemMark Pakula aka ‘Pakman’ ber 16th. The H-D demo truck will be Assistant Director there along with some great food, Poker Walk, a Bike & Car show - featuring Chapter member Corvettes - LOH 50/50 Editor - Robyn Pakula still plenty of rides and events to attend! Part of attending these events is volunteering in some way to help. Here’s a couple of ways you can support the Chapter: 2013 KingHog Fall Fest Good November, KingHogs! This year is quickly rolling to a close. We’ve had some pretty busy months leading up to these last 2 months of the year. November and December slow down a bit in terms of events but there’s Ladies (and gents if you’re the domestic type!) we need your baking skills to whip up some goodies for the LOH Bake Sale. The Fall Fest is the last fundraiser of the year this year and the Bake Sale is always a good $$ maker for us. Check with LOH Officer CJ Hicks but I think they’re looking for cookie and bar type goodies like brownies as opposed to a whole cake or pie. They’re a littler easier to transport on a bike!. 2013 KingHog Christmas Party Calling all cooks! The Chapter will provide the meat entre if we can get Chapter members to commit to bringing a dish to pass. Here’s your opportunity to show off your culinary skills and share with the Chapter your favorite holiday side dish. We’ve passed a sign-up sheet around at the last 2 Chapter meetings and we’ll have it at the November meeting as well. I’ve also included it in the blasts. We need to know what you’re bringing so we can keep things balanced. You know, as much as we would love to eat just dessert we really need to have some veggies and salads. (Killjoy!). So if you haven’t already signed up and plan to attend the Christmas party, you need to sign up to bring your favorite Holiday dish to the party. Or email us your dish! And don’t forget to RSVP for the Christmas party to Asst Director Mark Pakula @ [email protected] Robyn Pakula aka ‘Ms. Pakman’ 5013 Chapter Editor Volume 5, Issue 11 KingHog October Event Pics Group dinner at the LOH Canton Shopping Event in Canton, TX. LOH Haunted Ride pics from Jefferson, TX Page 7 Page 8 Kingwood HOG Newsletter October Chapter Meeting Pics Volume 5, Issue 11 Page 9 Kingwood HOG Chapter Merchandise Bezel—$25 Chapter merchandise is for sale at every Chapter meeting. Merchandise Officers Susan & Ron Cherry set up by 9am for a full hour of shopping prior to the start of the meeting at 10am. All merchandise is available for sale - rockers need to paid for when ordered. HOG Boot Kingwood HOG Challenge Coin—$15 Chapter HOG Cap - $20 Koozie - $5 Rocker - $15 Sm Kingwood Sm Kingwood HOG Sticker - $5 Chapter Koozies - $5 Lg HOG patch - $30 Lg Reflective HOG patch - $30 Round Chapter Patch - $25 HOG Sticker- $8 Pin Locks - $6 Kingwood Chapter Pin - $15 Lg LOH Patch $25 Sm LOH Patch $15
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