Volume 6, Issue 4 - the Kingwood HOG Chapter
Volume 6, Issue 4 - the Kingwood HOG Chapter
Kingwood HOG Newsletter KingwoodHOG.com April 2014 Volume 6 Issue 4 Sponsored by: Harley-Davidson of Kingwood 111 Northpines Kingwood, Texas 281.359.0457 Inside This Issue Cajun Cook-off Wrap-up The 2014 Cajun Cook-off is just behind us. I’m sure everyone would agree with me that a FABULOUS time was had by all. This event is a great example of what being part of the Kingwood HOG Chapter is all about. We’re a group of people who share a passion. That passion is not only for riding our Harleys, but for being part of and supporting this Chapter. We enjoy getting together with each other for the afternoon to listen to some good music, break bread, enjoy a little friendly competition amongst friends, shop our local vendors, support our Chapter & others by purchasing raffle tickets, 50/50 tickets, baked goods and silent auction purchases. March Chapter Meeting Recap 2 2014 Chapter Officers 2 April Road Captain Group 2 March Chapter Meeting cont.f 3 Big Weiner 4 50/50 Winners 4 Welcome New Members 4 What a great Chapter we belong to and community to live in! The Cajun Cook-off was WELL attended by not only KingHogs but our sister Chapter CNS, as well as regular customers of H-D of Kingwood, and many friends, family and general members of the community. Cajun Cook-off Wrap-up 4 Blood Types 4 Officers Corner Director Mark Pakula Secretary/Editor Robyn Pakula 5 Officers Corner cont. Activities Norma Fernandez Head Road Captain John Stepp 6 Officers Corner cont. LOH Pam Sandoval Asst HRC Don McCord 7 Did You Know... 7 Officers Corner cont. Safety Officer Jerry Gilmore 8 Safety Corner 8 Upcoming Events 9 March Event Pics 10 Prize winners included: iPad - Rickey Baker 50/50 Big Prize - Ron Cherry Door prizes were won by many as we had a lot of prizes to hand out. Cajun Cook-off Pics 11 Cajun Cook-off in the News! 12 A lot of planning, coordination, volunteering and attending went into this event. Every aspect met the criteria of success. As an Officer Team and Chapter, our objective was completely fulfilled. There are many thank-yous to extend: KingHog Merchandise Page 13 Congratulations to all the Cook Teams who provided delicious Cajun dishes. They were ALL winning dishes! Winners of the trophies were: Judges’ Choice 1st: Knaugty Hawgs - 2 Seafood Gumbo Mickey & Joan Leisure 2nd: Knaugty Hawgs - 1 Crawfish Pizza Robin & Rickey Baker Best Tasting 1st: Cajun Swamp Food Cookers Cracklin & Crawfish Pie Lisa & Jim Januska, Clayton & Sheila Verdin, Terri Nunnalee 2nd: Ajin Cajins Bread Pudding Susan Cherry, Chris & John Stepp, Rhonda Thompson Best Presentation 1st: Cajun Swamp Food Cookers Lisa & Jim Januska, Clayton & Sheila Verdin, Terri Nunnalee 2nd: Ajin Cajins Susan Cherry, Chris & John Stepp, Rhonda Thompson Chapter Officer Team who headed the Cajun Cook-off committees: Director Mark Pakula, Secretary/Editor Robyn Pakula, Treasurer Janice Metzger, Activities Officer Norma Fernandez, LOH Officer Pam Sandoval, Membership Officer Chris Sandoval, Merchandise Susan Cherry and Assistant Head Road Captain Don McCord. Continued on Page 4 c Kingwood HOG Chapter Meetings Kingwood HOG Chapter meetings are held the 2nd Saturday of every month at the VFW Post 4816, located at 24411 Cunningham Drive, Porter, TX. Meetings begin promptly at 10am. We hope to see you there! Page 2 2014 Chapter Officers Director: Mark Pakula [email protected] Treasurer: Janice Metzger [email protected] Secretary: Robyn Pakula [email protected] Activities: Norma Fernandez [email protected] LOH: Pam Sandoval [email protected] Head Road Captain: John Stepp [email protected] Asst Head Road Captain - Don McCord Editor: Robyn Pakula [email protected] Safety: Jerry Gilmore [email protected] Membership: Chris Sandoval [email protected] Webmaster: Ron Cherry [email protected] HOG Merchandise: Susan Cherry [email protected] Contributing Photographers: Bo Menard & Robyn Robertson April Road Captain Group Group 3 Lead Road Captain: Terry Witmer Road Captains: Chad Wilson Kathy Witmer Mark Meddleton Pete Daughtery Kingwood HOG Newsletter March Chapter Meeting Recap Officers present: Dave Forkner, Mark Pakula, Robyn Pakula, Norma Fernandez, Pam Sandoval, Chris Sandoval, Susan Cherry 10am Pledge: Rick Fulton Prayer: Mark Pakula Director Mark Pakula First round of business is thank you for riding today. The weather is iffy but rain isn’t supposed to come in until 6pm. Change in our Treasurer position. Everyone meet and on more of a personal level, introduce yourself to Janice Metzger. Veronica stepped down because of a job change. Red was available to step up. Her past history is with HOG chapters in Florida and as an officer. Quick update on HOT training in Kansas City. HOG is relaxing things. Can’t throw out all the rules & regs Simplify things Stop using terms like qualified, demand, requirements Opened up with Saddle up! Let’s Ride! Theme: Built from the Ground Up 2 new bikes available—the Street line. Trying to appeal to the younger Market—under 35. These bikes are priced below $10,000 LA HOG Rally People leaving on Thursday & Friday. Michael Lamb has a group leaving Thursday. We’ll provide a blast with sign-in, LBO times. Check website often. Robyn doing a great job keeping Ron informed. Ron is live from Singapore. Our webmaster is half way across the world but still working hard for us. Happy Birthday, Greg Looney. 39 years young, again. Dealer Representative Dave Forkner Harley’s direction to capture the young market, they must think we are going to expire soon. Seen the announcement for new low riders Anxious to see what is coming with the new street glide in August We will have ours out there next week. Our forklift is broken so we can’t unload bikes. Come by & see them. If you’re interested in a CVO now is a good time. All CVOs on the floor right now. Got a Limited CVO, 2 Road Kings, Dustin is ready to deal. Serving hotdogs & popcorn today. Cherrys donated popcorn machine. Thanks! You’ll see some changes in the store. New stools. New HOG area in progress. Food for St. Patrick’s day next Saturday. Watch your emails Spring promotions: Spring cleaning kit, good time to get tires, still running cam special. Dealership has a FB page. Like it & get those messages. Bike Night is on the 28th. Saddle Up! Let’s Ride! LOH Officer Pam Sandoval Seeing a lot of new faces. Welcome! Sweetheart Ride good turnout - 11 couples stayed. Not sure how many actually showed up for the day ride. Had a slight accident - prayers for Mary. Patch is available now, the year will be available next month Volume 6, Issue 4 Page 3 March Chapter Meeting Recap cont. Thanks to Gail for your help with Queen of Hearts ride You can still buy hands for the ride. $10 ea. & you can buy as many as you want. Will be back to dealership by 3:30pm Still need help for Cajun Cook-off. Sign-up sheet is on the table. Need everyone to drop off water or soft drinks at the dealership for the Cajun Cook-off. Moving LOH meeting is at Los Cucos on March 31st . Activities Norma Fernandez March’s dinner socials is at Zachary’s. 15th of March is the Officer Lunch ride to Orsak’s in Fayetteville. March OAM is going to Bubba’s on the 22nd Cajun Fest - we need volunteers to help sell hamburgers, Sam needs help to cook and to relieve us. This is a fun thing. We need your participation. Membership Chris Sandoval Howdy King Hogs! Update on membership: Carryover from last year - 199 members Currently 147 members renewed 5 new members 2 today and 3 during NMO Resetting the roster after today Some have renewed but if your national is due in the next month, don’t forget to renew that. Today 5 new members. New members are Karen and David Russell (not here today), Bob Joyner, and Nikki & Steve Weatherly. Introduce yourselves:. Bob Joyner: I ride an ‘07 Electraglide Classic and an ‘05 deuce. Been riding since I was 15. Nikki Weatherly: I ride a ‘08 1200 Low Sportster. I call her Ladyblue. Been riding 5 years. Steve Weatherly: I ride a ‘96 custom. Been riding a long time. We would like to see someone from the Chapter win. I won a 2005 Ultra Classic and enclosed trailer for a $5 ticket. VFW activities this month Steak night is the 18th, begins at 5:30pm. MDA St Patrick’s Open on March 14th. Sponsor a Team or choose to participate as an individual We no longer have a Head Road Captain or Safety Officer. If anyone is interested, contact Dave or myself. NMO cancelled for this month - will pick it back up in April held at the Dealership on Tuesday following the Chapter meeting @ 6pm Parking Lot Practice is cancelled. Cajun Cook-off: please contribute a case of water or 12pak of soda. Drop off at the dealership. Silent Auction items needed & can be dropped off at dealership too. Public address system - we need one. Let us know if anyone knows of one we can borrow Our participation with our Sister Chapters Woodlands and CNS is a request from Mr. Moore. We are just looking for a couple of opportunities to meet up for lunch, not ride with, but meet up with. We are trying to be supportive of each other. We appreciate your support for our Chapter. Can’t forget to talk about the Challenge coin. New members, a great thing to have is your Challenge coin. Don’t leave home without it. For $15 it can save you from buying a round of beverages for the group you are riding with if someone decides to pull it out and slam it down. Goes back to the days of WW1 armed services. If you slam it and so does everyone else, you get stuck paying for the round. Juan Goat is not with us anymore. Suggestion for a contest to name a new Mascot. Will vote at next meeting. At the conclusion of our April meeting, we have an honorary ride to participate in. You may have seen it on FaceBook. It is Daniel’s Memorial Ride. Leaves at Noon and ends up for a lunch in Livingston. This was the son of Lisa & Doug Andrews, the first people who ever spoke to me from the Chapter. I haven’t missed one of them. We have had 150 to 175 riders. Have the help of local police. Doesn’t cost anything to participate. Lisa: I do invite you all to join. We will have a photographer take pics of you & your bike, she sells them and will have pics to post on the website. Daniel’s children will be there. Come and join us for a good time. Merchandise Susan Cherry Business first: Pass around Cajun Cook-off flyers. Everyone take 2. Wherever you give your business to ask them to post our flyer. Thank you everyone for supporting the merchandise. We get a lot of the money for our chapter from merchandise sales. It helps to pay for our Officers to go to HOT. Ron is not here - in Singapore today - but he is still taking care of everything. The LOH patches are ordered. Surprise is this: We have a drawing for a brand new iPad Meeting adjourned Air. Costs $500. Tickets are $5/ea. or 5 tickets/$20. 10:59am Mark Closing: iPad tickets will be for sale after the meeting, at the dinner socials, at Bike night and at the Cajun Cook-off if any tickets are left. The winner will be drawn at the Cajun Cook-off. Robyn Pakula Chapter 5013 Secretary/Editor Volume 6, Issue 4 Page 4 Cajun Cook-off Wrap-up cont. The name pulled from the Big Weiner hopper in March was………... drum roll please…… Christine Stepp! Chris was there to collect her winnings. The pot will start anew in April. Chris has won before because she comes to the Chapter Meetings! Remember, you need to be at the meeting to win. The next name out of that hopper could be yours! Chapter members volunteering their time were Randy McCord, Chris McCord, Art & Jess Klos, Tom Jones, Sidney & Donna Gary, Buddy McElhaney, Gail & John Molyneaux, Harry Laxton, Claudia Layton, Wendy McNichols, Billie & Mark Froggatt, Tammie Seibert, Keitha Wells, Sam Fernandez, Tina & Darren Williams, Loretta & Roy Castor and Zeke Guzman. Cook teams, mostly Chapter members, included: Susan Cherry, Chris & John Stepp, Rhonda Thompson, Lisa & Jim Januska, Clayton & Sheila Verdin and Terri Nunnalee, Mickey & Joan Leisure, Robyn & Doyle Robertson, Robin & Rickey Baker. We had 12 wonderful vendors including Chapter member, Anne Sanders, our very own Scentsy representative. A special thanks to Anne who helped procure many of our vendors. And the many members who attended to taste this delicious Cajun cuisine provided by our competing Cook Teams, buy the iPad raffle tickets, the 50/50 tickets, baked goods, silent auction items, hamburgers and shopped the vendors. EVERYONE needs to give themselves a huge pat on the back! There is nothing we can’t accomplish as a group if we have this kind of response. New members joining the Chapter in February were: David and Karen Russell, Nikki and Steve Weatherly and Bob Joyner. KingHogs, please take time to go up and introI’m both honored and proud to belong to this awesome Chapduce yourself to our new- ter. KingHogs rule! est members. There’s Robyn Pakula lots of rides & events Secretary/Editor coming up - great opportunities to get to know Do you know your blood type? It’s an important thing to know. everyone. Here is some interesting information regarding blood types in case you’re in an accident, need to get blood or in case you can Welcome to the KingHog donate blood. Courtesy of Former Safety Officer Bruce Cain. Chapter! Harley key chain won by Michael Lacy Harley tin sign won by Donna Gary Harley iPad cover won by Robyn Robertson Big Prize won by Herb Smith Congratulations winners! Volume 6, Issue 4 Page 5 Officers Corner Director Mark Pakula OAM rides and the Cajun Cook Off event was a smash hit. I’m very excited to see the increased participation at the rides and event. KingHogs, By the time you receive this newsletter, we will have finished a very busy March. Now that the weather is participating a little better we had great attendance for the Officer and April starts off with the Rawhide Ride (patch ride) to the Louisiana State HOG Rally in Lafayette, LA on April 3,4,5th as well as the monthly Officer and OAM rides. There are also several fun events coming in the very near future I hope you have the opportunity to attend. On May 3rd the Cut N Shoot Chapter will be utilizing the Harley Davidson of Kingwood facility to celebrate their Chrome Anniversary. This is going to be a BIG celebration so check the flyer for this event on the website, On May 15, 16, 17th, the Texas State HOG Rally will be held in Abilene, Texas and on May 24, 25th we’ve scheduled a weekend overnight ride to the YO Ranch in Kerrville, Texas to ride some of the great Hill Country roads. As always, the information for events can be found on kingwoodhog.com and will be on the upcoming weekly blasts. Saddle Up, Let’s Ride! Mark Pakula aka Pakman Director Secretary/Editor Robyn Pakula members John Stepp and Jerry Gilmore step up to fill our Head Road Captain and Safety Officer positions respectively. They’re both great additions to our Officer team and will bring a lot of experience and knowledge to the Chapter. I’m looking forward to Spring and the great riding weather that comes with April in Texas! March was a busy month. Weather was typical for March but was perfect for the Cajun Cook-off. I’m appreciative of that as we enjoyed just about the best event we’ve had to date! We’ll be able to take things easy the next few months and enjoy the rides planned. I hope as many Chapter members as possible plan to attend the Texas State HOG Rally in Abilene, TX May 1518th. It is important to support our own rally if we want to have one. It’s a lot of work and expense for a Chapter to take on to promote the state HOG rally. I sure wouldn’t want Texas not to have a rally next year because of poor attendance this year. It’s not about the destination—it’s about the ride. I’ve never been to Abilene but I’m happy to go there as a KingHog and show our Texas pride. I’m happy to have Chapter May’s OAM is an overnighter to the YO Good April, KingHogs! Ranch in Kerrville on Memorial Day weekend. Our room block expires 4/24 so get your reservation booked soon! Event details are on the website! June brings the Arkansas State HOG rally - June 5-7th. Lots of great riding up there. I’m sure we’ll have a great showing of KingHogs on that ride as well. Get your reservations made early. Our WDS have been seen big attendance #s this year. It’s great to see so many Chapter members enjoying that midweek greet & eat with each other. The OAMs have been equally well attended. March’s OAM had 28 bikes with 38 people. It was awesome! I hope to see this trend continue as we head into the heart of the riding season! Saddle up! Let’s ride! Robyn Pakula aka ‘Ms. Pakman’ Secretary/Editor Page 6 Kingwood HOG Newsletter Officers Corner continued Activities Officer Norma Fernandez For those who contributed your Silent Auctions, the 50/50 Donations, your help to set up and clean up, working the Tents, etc. You all know this was "Your" Cajun Fest and I couldn't of been any prouder of ALL of you for showing to making this such a "Special" event and how devoted everyone is to "Your Chapter"!! Without everyone's help this would not of been such a success as it was!! It was great seeing old friends as I just wanted to say: WOW! What a "GREAT" well as meeting new ones. Our Family is growing and I know this is going to Cajun Festival we become the BEST Chapter and I AM had! There are not enough words to say or SO PROUD to see this happening and describe how this Fest being a part of it!! Thanks To All!! meant to me especially it being my first ever! I I want to send out a "Special" Thankcan start by wanting to you to Tina Williams for taking over the Thank you ALL who cooking of the Burgers! She did an helped out with Your "outstanding" job! Thanks, again Tina! Cajun Fest! It has been Now I know who to really sign up for the BEST ever so far that position when needed again. since I have been a Member. As for this month's Wednesday Night Dinners will be at Spring Creek in Atascocita on 1960-West. We are under Kingwood Hogs. This first week (Wednesday, April 2nd) we will be set up to the back-room. Let's show them that we can fill that room so we can continue to have it. Hope you will continue to show up and support "your" Chapter. Also, by the time this comes out we will of returned from the Louisiana Trip and I am sure there will be plenty of pictures and stories coming from that ride! Can't wait! Also plenty of news regarding that trip on our next months News Letter. I know we all need this week-end to come by fast! So let's Saddle-up and Ride! Please be safe and Ride with Pride!! Respectfully Your Activities Officer, Norma Fernandez Head Road Captain John Stepp My name is John Stepp and I will be filling the role of Head Road Captain for the remainder of 2014. As many of you know, my wife Christine (a.k.a. Vanna) and I are Charter Members of Kingwood HOG and served together as Membership Officers for three years (2010 – 2013). We are both recently retired (Chris in 2012, me in 2013) from the Oil & Gas Industry and now fill our time with riding, playing golf, travelling and grand children. and the country. Oh, and my wife is no longer a passenger, but an accomplished rider in her own right, thanks largely in part to the support and encouragement of our Kingwood HOG Family (especially the other women riders). I have been riding over ten years and after a couple of metric bikes, I bought my first Harley in 2008 (Road King), which led me to HOG. Currently, I am the proud owner of a 2009 CVO Road Glide. In joining this chapter, we have truly found a riding family. Prior to joining Kingwood HOG, we would just ride around locally…same old roads, me riding, Christine as a passenger, with no particular place to go. Since joining, we have found new roads to travel, not only locally, but destinations all over Texas During the remainder of 2014, I will work with the Lead Road Captains as well as all Road Captains in promoting safe, fun riding for our chapter. You can contact me at roadcaptain@ kingwoodhog.com. I look forward to serving the chapter in this role and seeing everyone on the road. Saddle up, let’s ride!! John Stepp aka Stepper Head Road Captain Page 7 Volume 6, Issue 4 Officers Corner continued LOH Officer Pam Sandoval Hello Ladies of Harley, We made it thru another month and boy was it busy. I started off by attending the HOT Training in Kansas City. Met a lot of interesting people and learned a lot about Harley and came back with some fresh ideas. It is a lot to take in in just a couple of days. After getting back from HOT Training, we had our monthly meeting and our Queen of Hearts Poker Ride. I’d like to thank the volunteers who helped plan the ride and passed out the cards. For those of you who don’t know who won, the highest hand went to Joan Leisure and the low hand went to Anne Sanders. Way to go ladies. We also had some really nice rides this month. The weather has made some of the rides a little more interesting, but still enjoyable. donated. I want to express my thanks to Gail, Wendy, Keitha, Billie, Tammie and Claudia for all their help at the LOH booth. We have the best volunteers, it took a village to make it a success. Way to go King Hogs. Now for some fun and relaxation. La. State Rally here we come. For everyone that is going, hope you have a great ride. Be safe. Our next LOH meeting will be on April 28, at 6:30 at Los Cucos off of the feeder road, close to the dealership. Please if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me or pull me aside. I welcome Last on the list was the Cajun Cookthe good or the bad, after all, this is Off. What a great day. Couldn’t have asked for better weather. Thanks to all your LOH. the wonderful people who helped pull it all together. Lots of baked goods, Pam Sandoval 50/50 items, cokes and waters were LOH Officer Asst Head Road Captain Don McCord Howdy ya'll. I'm Don McCord (aka Trouble) I joined the chapter in 2009 and have made some great friends and know I will make many more. I look forward to all the rides ahead and serving the King Hogs to the best of my ability. Lets ride and have fun. Don McCord aka Trouble Assistant Head Road Captain On kingwoodhog.com you can see the next few upcoming events listed on the right side of the home page. If you click on one of the events you will see more detail about it. If a ride, the destination will be shown with a link to the website for the destination (if they have one) as well as a link to the ride route in the Harley-Davidson Ride Planner. Ron Cherry Webmaster Kingwood HOG Newsletter Page 8 Safety Officer Jerry Gilmore I am a civil engineer by education and am president of a small project management and consulting engineering company that is a subsidiary of a larger publicly traded oilfield service company. I have worked for 40 years in oil and gas with a pipeline company, Pennzoil, and now TSB Offshore. I have been married to my wonderful wife Kaye for 35 years and we have two children with spouses and they each have one child. We absolutely love spending time with our granddaughter and grandson and tolerate their parents if they have to tag along. when the kids were growing up and got my license but did not purchase my own Harley until 3 years ago and at that time I joined the Kingwood HOG Chapter. I have since owned two Harleys and traded my original to get a Trike for Kaye. Over the years I have been heavily involved in Church and activities with our children and now grandchildren. I have spent much of my spare time hunting, fishing, traveling, playing golf and now primarily enjoy riding my Harley Davidson with my wife and friends. I have ridden motorcycles in a limited amount since high school and college. I still rode some We absolutely love riding, seeing the country and getting out into the rural areas. There is nothing more fun than going out of town and staying 2-3 days with no specific plans or deadlines. We have enjoyed the interaction and friendships we have made with others especially in our HOG Chapter that share this enthusiasm. SAFETY CORNER Jerry Gilmore aka Poopsie Safety Officer You ride a motorcycle, so you know that out on the road you might as well be transparent, because car drivers often look right past you. They might notice the car or truck behind you, but YOU, may not register in the visual cortex of even the most alert drivers. Sadly, drivers might behave this way even when they’re not distracted by their cell phone, GPS, satellite radio, or other form of in-car infotainment. So how do you compensate for being “invisible” to drivers? Be as conspicuous as possible. Wear bright clothing and a light-colored helmet. Always have your headlight on, and use your high beam or an aftermarket headlight modulator during the day (where allowed). Take an approved rider training course. Learn how to maneuver your motorcycle in normal and emergency situations, and practice braking and swerving maneuvers often. Also understand that safe riding depends as much on the mental skills of awareness and judgment as it does on the physical skill of maneuvering the machine; respond early to possible hazards instead of having to react instantly to an emergency. Pretend you’re invisible. If you assume others on the road can’t see you, and any car that can hit you will hit you, you will tend to ride in a hyperaware mindset and learn to notice every detail in your surroundings. In other words, you will take extra responsibility for your safety and ride defensively. You will vary your speed and lane position to place yourself in the best spot on the road to avoid collisions, plan escape paths in case a driver violates your right-of-way, cover your brake controls to quicken your reactions, use your horn to alert a driver who doesn’t notice you, and always ride within your limits. CAR DRIVERS ONLY SEE WHAT THEY EXPECT TO SEE, AND MOST DON’T EXPECT YOU TO BE PART OF THE TRAFFIC MIX. RIDE WITH THE RIGHTS SKILLS, STRATEGIES, AND ATTITUDE. BE SEE – BE SAFE. Provided by Texas Thunder Chapter 8196, Nacogdoches, TX - February, 2014 issue. Volume 6, Issue 4 Page 9 Upcoming Events 2nd - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Spring Creek BBQ, Atascocita, TX 3rd-6th - LA State HOG Rally (O) - Sign-in/Ride times for Thurs & Fri 9th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Spring Creek BBQ, Atascocita, TX A P R 10th - Officer’s Meeting (M) - 6:30pm @ H-D of Kingwood Dealership 12th - KingHog Chapter Meeting (O) - 10am @ The VFW, Porter, TX NMO Class/Training (C) - H-D of Kingwood dealership @ 12noon 13th - KingHog OAM (C) - Wrangler Steakhouse, Navasota, TX. Sign-in @ 8:30am; LBO @ 9am 16th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Spring Creek BBQ, Atascocita, TX 23rd — KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Spring Creek BBQ, Atascocita, TX 27th - Merchandise Officer Ride (C) - Bluebonnet picnic, Brenham TX. Sign-in @ 8:30am, LBO @ 9am 28th - LOH Dinner/Meeting (C) - 6:30pm @ Los Cucos, Kingwood TX 30th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Spring Creek BBQ, Atascocita, TX 1st - Officer’s Meeting (M) - 6:30pm @ H-D of Kingwood Dealership 4th - Secretary’s Ride (C) - Picket House, Woodville, TX. Sign-in @ 8:30am; LBO @ 9am 7th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Monteray’s Little Mexico, Humble, TX 10th - KingHog Chapter Meeting (O) - 10am @ The VFW, Porter, TX NMO Class/Training (C) - H-D of Kingwood dealership @ 12noon 14th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Monteray’s Little Mexico, Humble , TX 15th-18th - Texas State HOG Rally (O) - Abilene, TX. 19th - LOH Dinner/Meeting (C) - 6:30pm @ Los Cucos, Kingwood TX 21st — KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Monteray’s Little Mexico, Humble , TX 24th-26th - KingHog OAM (C) - YO Ranch, Kerrville, TX. Sign-in @ 8:30am; LBO @ 9am 28th - KingHog Dinner Social (O) - 6pm @ Spring Creek BBQ, Atascocita, TX All event details can be found on the Chapter website @ kingwoodhog.com Legend: O - Open to Chapter members and invited guests. C - Closed to Chapter member & 1 guest per member (there may be a charge for guests depending on event ex: Member Appreciation & Christmas parties) M - Closed to Chapter members only M A Y Page 10 Kingwood HOG Newsletter March Event Pics The March Dinner Socials were at Zachary’s Cajun Café. We had 30+ members for dinner on more than 1 Wednesday! Great turnouts! Officer lunch ride on 3/15/2014 to Orsak’s Café in Fayetteville, Texas. 11 bikes and 15 people enjoyed the ride & lunch. March LOH meeting Lot of ladies coming to the LOH dinner meetings. Some new faces with the regulars. March’s OAM to Bubba’s Shrimp Palace on Saturday, March 22nd saw 28 bikes and 38 members. WOW! Now that’s an OAM! Volume 6, Issue 4 Page 11 Cajun Cook-off Pics iPad winner: Rickey Baker Big Prize winner: Ron Cherry Judge’s Choice 1st Place: Knaugty Hawgs - 2 Mickey & Joan Leisure Best Tasting & Presentation 1st Place: Cajun Swamp Food Cookers - Lisa & Jim Januska, Clayton & Sheila Verdin & Terri Nunnalee Judge’s Choice 2nd Place: Knaugty Hawgs - 1 Rickey & Robin Baker Best Tasting & Presentation 2nd Place: Ajin Cajins - John & Chris Stepp, Susan Cherry, Rhonda Thompson What a beautiful day! It was warm & breezy, the air was filled with the aroma of some exceptional Cajun cuisine. The vendors booths were busy with lots of customers. People came in steady waves to spend 5+ hours at the Cajun Cook-off. It was a great event! Congratulations to all the prize winners! And congratulations to the Kingwood HOG Chapter 5013 for the great 2014 Cajun Cook-off! We’re all winners! Page 12 Kingwood HOG Newsletter Our Cajun Cook-off is in the News! Page 13 Volume 6, Issue 4 Kingwood HOG Chapter Merchandise Bezel—$25 Chapter merchandise is for sale at every Chapter meeting. Merchandise Officers Susan & Ron Cherry set up by 9am for a full hour of shopping prior to the start of the meeting at 10am. All merchandise is available for sale - rockers need to paid for when ordered. HOG Boot Kingwood HOG Challenge Coin—$15 Chapter HOG Cap - $20 Koozie - $5 Rocker - $15 Sm Kingwood Sm Kingwood HOG Sticker - $5 Chapter Koozies - $5 Round Chapter Patch - $25 Lg HOG patch - $30 Lg Reflective HOG patch - $30 Bling for Ladies patches - $$ vary - check with Susan HOG Sticker- $8 Must haves for the ladies vests! Or bling anything you want! Kingwood Chapter Pin - $15 Pin Locks - $6 Lg LOH Patch - $25 Sm LOH Patch - $15
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