newsletter-2015-0813 - Sherwood State School
newsletter-2015-0813 - Sherwood State School
Creative happy life-long learners Cnr Sherwood & Oxley Rds Sherwood 4075 Ph: (07) 3716 2111 Fax: (07) 3716 2100 Absence Line: (07) 3716 2160 Emails: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] P&C: Web: Parents & Citizens Association meets on the last Monday of each month at 7.30pm. All parents are welcome Please note that ALL newsletter articles are to be received in the office by 11am on Wednesdays. You can email your article to [email protected]. Late articles will appear in the following week’s newsletter. No. 25 13 August 2015 FORTHCOMING EVENTS AUG Thu 20 Thu 20 Sun 23 Mon 24 – Thu 27 Thu 27 Mon 31 Mon 31 Junior Athletics Carnival (Prep-Yr 3) (9.00am-1.30pm) Yr 5 Gold Rush Excursion Opti-Minds Challenge at St Peter's College Indooroopilly (8.00am-4.00pm) Yr 6 Camp to Tallebudgera Yr 2 Lone Pine Excursion Australian Girls Choir Visit (11.00-11.45am – Music Room) P&C Meeting (7.30pm-Staff Room) SEP Fri 11 Fri 11 Fri 18 Fri 18 School Disco (Old Hall) (4.00-5.30pm – P-Yr 3) School Disco (Old Hall) (6.00-7.30pm – Yr 4-Yr 6) Yr 1 Planetarium & Botanical Garden Excursion Final Day Term 3 OCT Mon 5 Tues 6 Labour Day Public Holiday First Day Term 4 2015 SCHOOL TERMS Term 3: Mon 13 Jul to Fri 18 Sep Term 4: Tue 6 Oct to Fri 11 Dec E-NEWSLETTER - To receive our Newsletter via email type the link below in the address bar of your browser. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Dr Greg Nelson Email: [email protected] NAPLAN results have arrived for the school. There are many exceptional results for our school, and none more so than the remarkable achievements of our Year 3 readers: As you have been reading in my recent articles, reading has been our focus in the last two years and the results are coming through. Our strategies include implementing the strategies that are known to work to lift student performance: Early diagnosis of student strengths and areas for improvement Making adjustments to meet the specific needs of students Using research proven teaching strategies Monitoring student progress closely Providing comprehensive student support for students with learning difficulties. Once again many of our students have excelled in the UNSW Science Competition – congratulations to these students for your great achievements. MERITS Silas Ross-White Heather Woods Angus Curwen CREDITS Cooper Hill James Chapman Lara Bellamywells Brendan Garson Seth Mahony Alex Chand Jordan Holmes Toby Moss Thomas Waite Mina Laurence DISTINCTIONS Aidan Chilcott Kon Misopapas Harrison Vu Ben Butcher Ann Jose Kaitlyn Adams (Yr 5) (Yr 5) (Yr 5) Erin Hoffensetz Thinula Weerasekara (Yr 5) (Yr 5) (Yr 3) (Yr 3) (Yr 3) (Yr 4) (Yr 4) (Yr 4) (Yr 5) (Yr 5) (Yr 5) (Yr 6) Miyuli Weerasekara Amy Holmes (Yr 3) (Yr 3) Amy Freudenberg Kimberley Straker Connie Hanocq Corban Learmonth William Walles (Yr 4) (Yr 4) (Yr 4) (Yr 5) (Yr 5) Ryan McCreath (Yr 6) (Yr 3) (Yr 3) (Yr 3) (Yr 3) (Yr 4) (Yr 5) Arjun Gopalan Muhammad Mudassar Morran Barter (Yr 3) (Yr 3) (Yr 3) Jaiden Loveday (Yr 5) Dylan Smyth Yogansh Bhalla Evangeline Pritchard HIGH DISTINCTIONS James Hansen (Yr 5) (Yr 6) (Yr 6) Liam Sims Leah Eaves Emilie Paxton Ross (Yr 5) (Yr 6) (Yr 6) (Yr 3) This week our Skill Streaming lesson is Dealing with Your Anger 1. 2. 3. Stop and count to 10. Think about your choices: a) Tell the person in words why you are angry. b) Walk away for now. c) Do a relaxation exercise. Act out your best choice. Congratulations to Grace Hodgson from 4M on being selected in the 2015/16 Brisbane Capitals Under 12 Girls BRONZE respresentative basketball team. Well done Grace! SHERWOOD ARROWS TRIVIA NIGHT David Hass Oh, I, I got a funny feeling when you walked in the room. Hey, my, as I recall, it ended much too soon. Oh, what a night. Table Name Total Where the Wild Things Are 159 159 154 154 153 150 150 148 147 146 145 145 145 145 141 139 133 130 126 124 Peter Pan 20 tables = 20 lucky door prizes 20 tables = 5 best dressed winners 20 tables = 5 best table decoration winners 20 tables = tied winners (for the first time) 20 tables = 1 loser (oops) Game of Thrones Mr Men & Little Miss Lone Ranger Pride & Prejudice & Zombies Wizard of Oz Through the Looking Glass Alice in Wonderland Lonely Planet Cinderella Grimm's Fairy Tales Snow White For the first time in the history of the Sherwood Arrows trivia night we had tied winners and I finally had to put my tie-breaker question to the test. After a few hints and guesses “Where the Wild Things Are” were triumphant to be declared the 2015 champions. Congratulations and a well done to “Peter Pan” who almost got there. Where's Wally The Great Gatsby Thesaurus Twilight Harry Potter The top five best dressed tables were: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Wizard of Oz, Game of Thrones, Lone Ranger and Alice in Wonderland. The Hindi Bindi Club Steve Jobs The top five best decorated tables were: Game of Thrones, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Wizard of Oz, Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. A huge thanks to the businesses that donated items for the night, your support is greatly appreciated. Thanks to the skipping parents and kids for helping set up for the night and thank you to all of you for coming along, dressing up and helping make the night enjoyable and entertaining. PS – don’t forget to check the expiration date on your vouchers. UNIFORM SHOP NEWS Asta Parker, Uniform Shop Convenor, 0402 858 240 OPEN: Monday 8am-9am; Wednesday 2.45pm-3.45pm; Friday 2.45pm-3.45pm Email: [email protected] AFTER SCHOOL CARE Contact Details: Leanne Davey, Coordinator, 3278 1658 Hi Sherwood Families Sherwood State School OSHC is now on Facebook. We encourage parents/guardians to “Like” our page for regular updates of activities at Outside School Hours Care. The link to our facebook page is but please remember you need to be logged into facebook first in order to be able to view and “Like” this page. The link to our website is if you would like to view this as well. The Vacation Care Program will be released on Friday 21st August and bookings at the permanent price will be taken up to Friday 11th September. After this date, we will still accept bookings at the casual rate if your children need care over the School Spring Holidays. Fortnightly Statements – Our fortnightly statements for this week have been emailed. This Friday, 14th August, Fortnight B accounts will have been charged with payments withdrawn. If you have any queries or would like more information, please email [email protected], phone 3278 1658 or text 0428 023 832. TUCKSHOP NEWS Cathie Perkins, Tuckshop Convenor, 3716 2111 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (Closed Monday & Tuesday) Although we have 10 new bakers on our roster once again last week we experience extreme demand resulting in baking being out of stock on Friday. Due to a couple of issues last week I have started to use the "out of stock" function on school24, so if at any point you are unable to order your desired item (usually a Friday) this will be because we have run out. On any given day online orders receive preference in the stock takes as they are processed prior to bag orders. Always a good reason to order online and early ☺ Due to changing work/study schedules I have vacanies for a couple of volunteers, a dynamic duo is required for Fridays. There are only 3 or 4 more of these rosters to do till the year ends so now that you have settled into the school routine and think you could manage helping out, this is the time to see me. Tuckshop can not function without the help of our many volunteers and this would be a brief trial to see how you like it. Call into the tuckshop to discuss volunteering as soon as you can ☺ THINKING CHALLENGE Leah Bertrand, Prep Teacher This fortnights ‘Thinking Challenge’ is all about ‘The Future’. I have received some fantastic entries so far that include teleporting watches, dinosaur cars and futuristic trams! I look forward to seeing more entries from the upper grades! Remember this term there will be winners picked from both the Prep-Year 2 and Year 3-Year 6 catagories. Last fortnights winners were: Samuel Sherwin(PT) Charlotte Gowdie (1M) Zachary Koehlitz (2B) Make sure you write your name and class on the back of your entry! Good Luck!!! COMMUNITY NOTICES WEST BRISBANE REGION ASPERGER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Please see the details below for our next West Brisbane Region Asperger Support Group Meeting. Date: Thursday August 27th Time: 7pm - 9pm ( if possible please arrive ready to start the meeting at 7pm) Venue: St Matthew’s Church Hall ( cnr. Oxley & Sherwood Rds. Sherwood) Speaker: Jane Stavrinoudis - Music Teacher and parent to a child on the ASD spectrum Topic: “ Music and the ASD mind" Cost: Gold coin appreciated Biography: Jane Stavrinoudis has two children, one with ASD in Yr 12. She has been a passionate music educator for many years. Her fundamental philosophy is to build relationships that are friendly, uplifting, informative and fun for any age and skill level. With a thriving private practice of more than 50 weekly students, Jane has many ex-students who are now professional musicians, educators and pioneers in the music industry. A significant number (over 30%) of her current students have additional needs which include medical conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Non Verbal Learning Disorder, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dysgraphia, Anxiety, Depression, Blindness, Deafness, all of whom have achieved Honours results in examinations. Jane regularly consults for medical practitioners, educational bodies and government educational departments. She has assisted over 40 QLD state schools in establishing piano, theory and instrumental programs. Jane has published and co-published more than 15 piano tuition method books, has launched a piano sheet music website for teachers and students. and continues to mentor teachers throughout Australia in how to teach contemporary music, how to teach students with special needs, and how to develop a thriving practice. We look forward to seeing you If your child turns 4 by July 31st 2016 enrol now for pre-prep next year at Corinda Christian Kindergarten. The experienced staff provide a caring, play based educational environment which enriches all aspects of a child’s development. • • • A mini-kindy program for 3 year olds may be offered during 2016 if there is sufficient interest. This would be available for 2 afternoons a week. All families are welcome to visit or ph. 33796527. The Kindy is at the rear of the Church on 4 Clewley St. Corinda. News from Indooroopilly State High School Year 8 Medieval Day On Friday 31 July Year 8 students participated in a Medieval Day incursion. This activity gave students an opportunity to see history come alive and complements the unit Year 8s study in term 3 on The Medieval World. The sessions were presented by the Knights Guild of Wessex and Mercia – a medieval research and re-enactment group. Students rotated through a number of activities across the day, providing invaluable opportunities for hands-on learning and to ask questions of experts. Activities included medieval dancing, games, calligraphy, as well as presentations about medieval armour, weaponry and heraldry. Our roving reporters Ms Condon and Mrs Rossi-Price, armed with quills and parchment collected a few student comments on the day. “I enjoyed looking at the weapons since you got to touch them as well as holding armour, which was cool.” (Milanna) “The lessons were very educational and fun. My favourite was the heraldry.” (Max) “Weapons and Armour was my favourite session. I even got to wear full knight’s armour!” (Ainslie) “I enjoyed learning about the weapons because of the tactics the army used to fight and how it is different to modern times.” (Anastasia) “The activity most preferred by grades 8s: heraldry.” (Mael) “My favourite rotation was heraldry as we were able to create our own coat of arms and we learned about all the different rules we had to follow to create our own.” (Stephanie) “A good activity was playing with the old armour. Medieval Day was a good way to gain knowledge for our history unit.” (Isabella) “I enjoyed the dancing the most because everyone was joining along and having fun.” (Sarah) Our thanks to the Knights Guild of Wessex and Mercia for the engaging presentations and to Mrs Rossi-Price for organising. For more student news or to receive the school newsletter please go to Lois O’Reilly Principal, Indooroopilly State High School 8C and 8H playing Hunt the Slipper Sajan, Stewart, Johana and Will ALSO AVAILABLE AT SHERWOOD SCHOOL Listed below are a number of extra curricula activities available to our school community both before and after school. Please contact directly. Art Classes for Children & Adults (Room 15) Mon/Wed/Thu 3.15pm-4.15pm Telephone Kim Woolley 3379 6585 Basketball Western Magic New Hall Thursday 3.30-6.30pm Telephone Gavin de la Cruz Computer Junior Engineers (Computer Lab) Tues 3.30-4.15pm Telephone Leigh: 0488 411 206 DDJ Performing Arts – Dance/Drama/Music (Music Room) Tues/Wed/Thu 3.15-4.30pm Telephone Katrina 0424 249 299 Email: [email protected] Fitness & Dance (FAD) Cheerleading & Dance (New Hall) Mon 5.15-9pm, Wed 3.30-7.00pm, Fri 4-6pm Telephone Samantha 3297 7393 Go Sports (Oval) – Soccer & Netball Fridays 7.45am to 8.45am Telephone Greg Martin on 0417 614 509 iChinese – Mandarin Chinese Lessons Tue 3.15-4.15 (Rm 15) Telephone Belinda or Ruby 0402 367 332 Jim Joyce Tennis Coaching (Tennis Courts) Before and after school lessons Telephone 3375 3644 or Mobile 0417 771 022 Korean Language School (Old Hall) Saturdays 9-1pm Telephone Joung 0431 177706 Play Beautiful Football Academy (Oval) Wed 3.15-4.15pm Telephone Sam 0425 908 308 RHEE TaeKwon-Do (Old Hall) Wednesdays and Fridays 6.30pm-7.30pm Telephone Adrian Knack 0402 126 300 or Rhee TaeKwon Do HQ on 1300 132 779. Speech Pathology-Helping Speech, Language and Literacy difficulties Fri 8.00-9.00am Telephone Keirra Middleton 0425 860 310 Traditional Shotokan Karate (Old Hall) Monday and Thursday 6.30 – 8.30pm Telephone Sensei Steve 0417007012 or email [email protected] Tennis Court Hire Contact Caitlin Simonson Ph: 3379 9559 or 0417 544 423 Violin Tuition (Music Room) Tue 3pm & Thu 7.15am Telephone Liz Young 0417 922 508
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