Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 1 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014- HELLO EVERYBODY ! Anna Dziuba Hi! My name is Ania and I’m 17. Since childhood I live in Silesia. I have sister. I love dogs and I have one named “Nero”. I like taking photos, listening to music and meeting with friends. I like all type of music. Piotr Brzuchacz Hi! My name is Piotr Brzuchacz I come from Poland.I'm 17 years old.I was born on 02.05.1997 in Tychy. Presently I live with my parents in block of flat. I have three younger brother. I’m interested in sport. I like meeting new people. ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 2 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014- Polish Version: Trojak Zasiali górale owies,owies Od kooca do kooca, tak jest, tak jest! Zasiali górale żyto, żyto, Od kooca do kooca wszystko, wszystko! Stoi w polu Mendeliczek, W domu dwa, w domu dwa. Żadna mi się nie podoba Tylko ta, tyko ta. German Version: Das rote Pferd English Version ( Trojak) : Triple The mountaineers sowed oat from one end of the field to the other The mountaineers sowed rye from one end of the field to the other There is one haystack in the field But at home there are two, there are two. I don’t like any girl Except this one , except this one English Version ( Das rote Pferd) : The red horse Da hat das rote Pferd sich einfach umgedreht There was a red red horse who simply turned around Und hat mit seinem Schwanz die Fliege abgewehrt. And waved away a fly his tail. Die Fliege war nicht dumm, The fly was not dump, it went „zum zum zum“, Sie machte summ, summ, summ And flew buzzing around the red horse. Und flog mit viel Gebrumm Um's rote Pferd herum. *Second song ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 3 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014- The little Sailor German Version: Der kleine Matrose A little sailor sailed around the world. He loves a girl, who had no money. The girl must die and who's fault was this? A little sailor in his love delusion Ein kleiner Matrose umsegelte die Welt. Er liebte ein Mädchen, das hatte gar kein Geld. Das Mädchen muss sterben und wer war schuld daran? Italian Version Ein kleiner Matrose in seinem Liebeswahn! Hungarian Version: Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt Tavaszi szél vizet áraszt, virágom, virágom |tavasi sel vizet a:rast vira:gom vira:gom| Minden madár társat választ, virágom, virágom |minden mada:r ta:rsat va:last vira:gom vira:gom| Hát én immár kit válasszak, virágom, virágom |ha:t een imma:r kit va:lassak vira:gom vira:gom| Te engemet, én tégedet, virágom, virágom |te engemet een teegeedet vira:gom vira:gom| Zöld pántlika könnyű gúnya, virágom, virágom |zold pa:ntlika konju: gu:nja vira:gom vira:gom| Mert azt a szél könnyen fújja, virágom, virágom |mert azt a seel konjen fu:jja vira:gom vira:gom| De a fátyol nehéz gúnya, virágom, virágom |de a fa:tjol neheez gu:nja vira:gom vira:gom| Mert azt a bú földig húzza, virágom, virágom |mert azt a bu: foldig hu:zza vira:gom vira:gom| *English version ( Der kleine Matrose) : VILOTIS Tintine, tintone, cui balial là sù? Son siôrs, a son sioris, si tratin dal tu. Stretine di vite, di nâs e di bocje, beât chel ch’al tocje, chel agnul dal cîl. La puarte sierade, lis clâfs a son sù, al passe chel zovin, al vierç e al va sù. La mari in cusine, ce fâstu là sù? ‘l è il gjat sù pes scjalis, ch’al cor sù e jù. La mari in cusine, ce fâstu là sù? ‘l è il gjat su pes scjalis ch’al cor sù e jù. Al gjave lis scarpis, guai fâsi sintî. La cjape, la busse, la met a durmî. Po cagne di fie, ce fâstu là sù? Lis coltris coladis, cumò lis cjol sù. Po cagne di fie, ce fâstu là sù?. Lis coltris coladis, cumò lis cjol sù. Cjale la Pine, ce birichine ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 4 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014ce ch’e sgjambete, cjalile là ‘l è lì chel Toni, ch’al sta sul stomi, o ce fantate par morosâ. Cjale chei doi, cun chei siei voi ce che le cjalin inamorâts, son biei i zovins, cuant che a provin a morosâ. Cjale le Pine, ce tant ninine, cemût ch’e bale, batint il tac, zirant a destre, po a sinistre, viodint a ducj, cun chel so biel pas. Cjale chê moro, il so tesoro, ce che le cjale inamorât. Son biei i zovins, cuant che a provin a morosâ. O lin bevi, tornâ a bevi, di chel vin ch’al è tant bon. Al è vin di Latisane, vendemât su la stagjon. Se tu fos bambine sole, a cjatâti vorès vignî, ‘l è chel birbo di to pari, che nol va mai a durmî. Se jo ves di maridâmi, un cjaliâr no cjolarès, sarès bon di bâti suelis, e ancje me mi batarès, Giulietta, alè hop Sassa nineta, ancje me mi batarès. Se jo ves di maridâmi, un student no cjolarès. Cun chei cuatri ch’al vuadagne, nol manten nancje un poleç, Giulietta, alè hop, Sassa nineta, nol manten nancje un poleç, nol manten nancje un poleç. E l'alegrie E l'alegrie e je dai zovins, e l'alegrie e je dai zovins, e l'alegrie e je dai zovins, e no dai vecjos, no dai vecjos maridâts. E l' àn piardude lant a messe, e l' àn piardude lant a messe, e l' àn piardude lant a messe, e in chê di, e in chê di che son sposâts. E cjolmi me, cjolmi ninine, e cjolmi me, cjolmi ninine, e cjolmi me, cjolmi ninine, che jo ti doi, che jo ti doi di mangjâ ben; e a misdì ti doi vuaìnis, e a misdì ti doi vuaìnis, e a misdì ti doi vuaìnis, e a la sere, e a la sere cuntun len. E sù pes scjalis jo no la tocji, e sù pes scjalis jo no la tocji, e sù pes scjalis jo no la tocji, ma intal jet in mans a mi. E ghiti, ghiti e sot da plete, e ghiti, ghiti e sot la plete, e ghiti, ghiti e sot la plete, e fin che il muini al bat il dì. E i maridâts che a stein in bande, e i maridâts che a stein in bande, e i maridâts che a stein in bande, che a àn piardude la virtût. El plui biel di Udin E ducj mi clamin Cont, no ai nie ce contâ o ai centmil morosis, o ai centmil morosis e ducj mi clamin Cont, no ai nie ce contâ ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 5 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014o ai centmil morosis, dutis golosis di fâ l'amôr cun me. E jo no vuei nissune, o cerci la fortune e jo no vuei nissune, o cerci la fortune e jo no vuei nissune, o cerci la fortune o cerci la fortune, la fie di un marchês ch'e vedi un grum di bês, un grum di dote. E jo no soi un pote, o fâs il marangon mi plâs il biel e il bon, mi plâs il biel e il bon e jo no soi un pote, o fâs il marangon mi plâs il biel e il bon, la biele ande. Frutats tiraisi in bande, tiraitsi jù il cjapiel o soi il plui biel di Udin, o soi il plui biel di Udin frutats tiraisi in bande, tiraisi jù il cjapiel o soi il plui biel di Udin, di Udin il plui biel de puarte di Puscuel. Sul puint di Braulins, al è passât un asin, cu la cossute plene di luvins. “Trop ju vendeiso, trop ju vendeiso, paron?” “Une palanche, plene la sedon.” “E cuant tornaiso, cuant tornaiso par chi?” “Doman di sere, prime dal imbrunî. E ce beveiso, paron? E ce beveiso, paron? Un blanc e un neri baste che al sedi bon. Par segnâl une crosute je scolpide li tal cret: fra chês stelis nas l'erbute, sot di lôr jo duâr cuièt, fra chês stelis nas l'erbute, sot di lôr jo duâr cuièt. Cjol sù, cjol une stelute: jê a ricuarde il nestri ben, tu i darâs 'ne bussadute, e po plàtile tal sen. Cuant che a cjase tu sês sole e di cûr tu preis par me, il miò spirt ator ti svole: jo e la stele sin cun te, il miò spirt ator ti svole: jo e la stele sin cun te. » Turkish version: Mini Mini Bir Kuş Donmuştu Şarkı Sözleri Mini mini bir kuş donmuştu Pencereme konmuştu Aldım onu içeriye Cik cik cik ötsün diye Pır pır ederken canlandı Ellerim bak boş kaldı a tiny tiny bird had been frozen (it) has landed on my window I took it inside for it to sing as "cik cik cik" while whirring, it became alive look how my hands became empty Sallasana mendilini sözleri Stelutis alpinis «Se tu vens ca sù ta cretis, là che lôr mi àn soterât, al è un splaç plen di stelutis: dal miò sanc 'l è stât bagnât. The Words of ‘Wave your Handkerchif WAVE’ Bir dalda iki kiraz (two cherries in a branch) ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 6 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014- Biri al biri beyaz (one of them is red,the other is white) Eğer beni seversen (if you love me) Mektubunu sıkça yaz (write your letter frequently) Sallasana sallasana mendilini (wave your handkerchief wave Akşam oldu göndersene sevdiğimi It is the evening so send my love) Sallasana sallasana saçlarını Wave your hair wave) Akşam olsun söyleyeyim suçlarını When it is the evening,I will tell all your guilts(blames)) (Two apples in a branch) Birin al birin alma (Take one of them.Don’t take the other one) Kurban olduğum Allah Oh my beloved God, Canım al yarim alma (take my life,but don’t take him out of me) Sallasana sallasana mendilini Akşam oldu göndersene sevdiğimi Sallasana sallasana saçlarını Akşam olsun söyleyeyim suçlarını Bir dalda iki ceviz (Two walnuts in a branch) Aramız derya deniz Between us a profound sea Sen orada ben burada You are over there and I am here Ne bet kaldı ne beniz There is no colour of the faca Sallasana sallasana mendilini Akşam oldu göndersene sevdiğimi Sallasana sallasana saçlarını Akşam olsun söyleyeyim suçlarını Bir dalda iki elma ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 7 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014- OUR TRIP TO PEINE ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014 Comenius News 2 Project FOlKLOR 2014 8 Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr III im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego w Tychach - June 2014- Everybody was very excited but also tired of long journey to Peine when we arrived there. It was dark and we didn’t see anyone, we thought taht they forgot about us and we'll have to sleep in the bus. Luckily, we saw a group of people. We greeted each other and we were assigned to our host families. The first day was uncertain, we were a little nervous but also focused on really fun. After some time, all of us knew it will be an amazing week with an amazing people, an amazing teachers. After meeting with all participants we went for lessons with our host friends. For example I was on chemistry lesson and we were doing incredible experience with fire and balloons. After school sometimes we were meeting eath other and spent some time together, we visited the city, took photos etc. We were in a chocolate factory where we could do ourselves a chocolate. All of us had a funny caps and aprons which allowed us entrance to the premises where we had to do chocolate. Chocolate was so delicious but also expensive. We played the filed game which consisted in finding Peine’s monuments and answering the questions. We got lost but thankfully we managed to go back to school in the right time. One day we could talk with people who perfectly apprised the stories and legends associated with Peine. After it we had to do poster of the selected person we talked. We had shared dinner with all the host families with home made food which were doing by our host mums. The food was very good and we spent a very nice time together. We were kind of One Big Family. We were doing a lot of interestig and crazy things, during the exchange was formed many friendship which I hope will last for many many years. In conclusion I wanted to say that it was amazing experience for me to know how people live in another country so close to Poland but still quite different with other habits, different style of life and other landscape around them. I think that this exchange will be in my memory for the end of my life. (-) Klaudia Sobieska Done by: Anna Dziuba & Piotr Brzuchacz ©PROJECT FOLKLOR 2014