View - Marka Holding
View - Marka Holding
(To be carefully read by all investors) x This Prospectus is primarily intended to furnish investors with the basic information that could help them to invest in the Offer. Prior to applying for subscription, each investor must carefully examine and consider all data included in this Prospectus as well as the Articles of Association of the Company to determine whether it is appropriate to invest in the Offer Shares or not. Each investor must also consult his financial and legal advisor on the investment in the securities offered for subscription. The Prospectus reader must note that words and phrases stating that information is estimated and reliant on future assumptions indicates that it is uncertain data and such future estimations cannot be entirely reliable. This Prospectus is subject to revision since it is not possible to ascertain future circumstances causing a material difference between the actual and expected results. x Investment in the Offer Shares may entail considerable risks. Therefore, the investor must not invest any funds in this Offer unless he is able to bear the loss of his investment (kindly refer to section ''Risk Factors''). x This Prospectus contains data submitted according to the issuance and disclosure rules issued by the UAE Securities & Commodities Authority. All Founders and Board members whose names are stipulated in the contents of this Prospectus shall be severally and jointly liable for the accuracy of information and data contained therein and they must ensure to the best of their knowledge and belief, and upon doing due diligence and conducting possible and reasonable investigations, that there have been no omissions of other material facts or information that would mislead or affect the investment decision of subscribers. x The information contained in this Prospectus shall not be subjected to revision or addition without securing the approval of the UAE Securities & Commodities Authority and informing the public thereof by publication in a daily newspaper according to the rules issued by the Authority. x Offer Shares under this Prospectus is presented to the Authority for the purpose of offering shares in the United Arab Emirates. In case shares are offered in another country, the Company shall take all procedures and measures and obtain all approvals from the authorities concerned in such countries before offering the securities therein. x This Prospectus is not intended to constitute a financial promotion, an offer, sale or delivery of shares or other securities under the Dubai International Financial Centre ("D I F C") Markets Law (DIFC Law No. 12 of 2004, as amended) ("M ar kets L awRU XQGHU WKH 0DUNHWV 5XOHV ³M ar kets Rules´ RI WKH 'XEDL )LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV Authority ("D FSA"). The Offering has not been approved or licensed by the DFSA, and do not constitute an offer of securities in the DIFC in accordance with the Markets Law or the Markets Rules. x This Prospectus does not constitute an offer to sell or an invitation by or on behalf of the Founders or the Company to subscribe to any of the Shares in any jurisdiction outside of the UAE. This Prospectus may not be distributed in any jurisdiction where such distribution is, or may be, unlawful. The Founders, Company, Financial Advisor and the Receiving Banks require persons into whose possession this Prospectus comes, to inform themselves of and observe all such restrictions. x The information and opinions contained in the Prospectus and any other information or opinions subsequently provided in connection with the Offering may not be published, duplicated, copied or disclosed in whole or in part or otherwise used for any purpose other than in connection with the Offering without the prior written approval of the Founders and the Financial Advisor. x This Prospectus was approved by the UAE Securities & Commodities Authority on April 7, 2014. The AXWKRULW\¶VDpproval of the Prospectus shall neither be deemed as an approval of the investment¶V feasibility nor a recommendation of subscription, but it means only that the minimum subscription requirements according to the issuance rules and information disclosure applicable to the prospectuses and issued by the Authority have 2 been met. The Authority shall not be held liable for the accuracy, completeness or sufficiency of the information contained in this Prospectus, nor shall be held liable for any damage or loss suffered by any person due to reliance upon this Prospectus or any part thereof. x This Prospectus was issued in April 2014 N O T I C E T O US P E RSO NS x The Offer Shares have not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or with any securities regulatory authority of any state or other jurisdiction in the US and may not be offered or sold within the US. Neither the US Securities and Exchange Commission, any State securities commission nor any other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the securities nor have any of the foregoing authorities passed upon or endorsed the merits of this offering or the accuracy or adequacy of this Prospectus. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offence in the US. x This Prospectus may not be forwarded or distributed to any other person and may not be reproduced in any manner whatsoever, and in particular, may not be forwarded to any US Person or to any US address. Any forwarding, distribution or reproduction of this document in whole or in part is unauthorised. Failure to comply with this directive may result in a violation of the Securities Act or the applicable laws of other jurisdictions. 3 PR ESE N T A T I O N O F F I N A N C I A L A N D O T H E R I N F O R M A T I O N This Prospectus includes certain projections. The projections are based on the expectations of external conditions and events relating to the Company and the retail (food and beverage and fashion) sector in the UAE and the rest of the GCC in general. These projections are forward-looking statements that involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Prospective Subscribers are cautioned that a number of important factors could cause actual results or outcomes relating to the Company to differ materially from those expected in these projections. Please see the section entitled ³5LVN)DFWRUV´UHODWLQJWRDQLQYHVWPHQWLQWKH&RPSDQ\ ,QWKLV3URVSHFWXVDOOUHIHUHQFHVWRµ'LUKDPV¶RUµ$('¶DUHWRWKHODZIXOFXUUHQF\RIWKH8$(DQGDOOUHIHUHQFHVWR µ86 GROODUV¶ RU µ86'¶ DUH WR WKH ODZIXO FXUUHQF\ RI WKH 86$. Any discrepancies in the tables included herein between the amounts listed and the totals thereof are due to rounding adjustments. F O R W A R D-L O O K I N G ST A T E M E N TS This Prospectus contains forward-ORRNLQJVWDWHPHQWVLQFOXGLQJVWDWHPHQWVDERXWWKH&RPSDQ\¶Vbeliefs and expectations that are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical or current fact included in this Prospectus are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements express the current assumptions, expectations and projections relating to industry trends and regional financial markets and global economies and the condition, results of operations, plans, objectives, future performance and business of the Company in the industry in which it will operate as well as expectations in relation to external conditions and events relating to the Company and its operations and future performance. Prospective Subscribers can identify forwardlooking statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. The statements may LQFOXGHZRUGVVXFKDV³DQWLFLSDWH´³HVWLPDWH´³EHOLHYH´³SURMHFW´³SODQ³LQWHQG´³SURVSHFWLYH´PD\´³VKRXOG´ ³H[SHFW´³FRQWLQXH´DQGRWKHUZRUGVDQGWHUPVRIVLPLODUPHDQLQJLQFRQQHFWLRQZLWK any discussion of the timing or nature of future operating or financial performance or other events. As prospective Subscribers read and consider this Prospectus, they should understand that these statements are not guarantees of future performance or results, and that they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Prospective Subscribers VKRXOGEHDZDUH WKDWPDQ\IDFWRUVFRXOGDIIHFWWKH&RPSDQ\¶VDFWXDOILQDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQRUUHVXOWVRI operations and cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. These factors includeDPRQJRWKHUWKLQJVWKRVHGLVFXVVHGXQGHUWKH³5LVN)DFWRUV´VHFWLRQRIWKLV3URVSHFWXV Because of these factors, prospective Subscribers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made. New risks and uncertainties arise from time to time, and it is impossible to predict these events or how they may affect the Company. Except as required by the Companies Law, there is no duty or intention to update or revise the forwardlooking statements in this Prospectus after the date thereof. 4 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV EXHIBITS ................................................................................................................................................................ 6 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 THE FOUNDERS .................................................................................................................................................... 10 THE OFFERING ..................................................................................................................................................... 17 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 25 LETTER OF THE FEASIBILITY STUDY REVIEWER ..................................................................................................... 31 RISK FACTORS ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY ...................................................................................................................... 38 USE OF PROCEEDS................................................................................................................................................ 40 DIVIDEND POLICY ................................................................................................................................................ 41 DESCRIPTION OF THE SHARES .............................................................................................................................. 42 TAXATION ............................................................................................................................................................ 45 AUDITORS ............................................................................................................................................................ 46 KDWEz͛^WWZKy/DdE EXPENSES ................................................................................................................ 47 LEGAL MATTERS................................................................................................................................................... 48 COMPANY OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................................... 49 INDUSTRY OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................... 57 5 E xhibits EXHIBIT 1: MARKA FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT ........................................................................................................... 27 EXHIBIT 2: BALANCE SHEET (PRO-‐FORMA) ........................................................................................................... 28 EXHIBIT 3: PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT (PRO-‐FORMA) .................................................................................... 28 EXHIBIT 4: CASH FLOW STATEMENT (PRO FORMA) .............................................................................................. 29 EXHIBIT 5: SOURCES AND USAGE OF PROCEEDS ................................................................................................. 30 EXHIBIT 6: SWOT ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................................. 54 EXHIBIT 7: DUBAI GDP BREAKDOWN BY SECTORS (2011) .................................................................................... 55 EXHIBIT 8: MARKET CAP OF RETAILERS AND WHOLESALERS AS % OF GDP (2012) ............................................... 56 EXHIBIT 9: SNAPSHOT OF THE GCC RETAIL SECTOR .............................................................................................. 57 EXHIBIT 10: GROWTH IN POPULATION ................................................................................................................ 58 EXHIBIT 11: YOUTH AND EXPATRIATE POPULATION BY COUNTRY ....................................................................... 59 EXHIBIT 12: GDP PER CAPITA (PPP) COMPARISON (2012) .................................................................................... 59 EXHIBIT 13: GCC TOURIST ARRIVALS BY COUNTRY ............................................................................................... 60 EXHIBIT 14: EXPECTED GROWTH OF TOURIST ARRIVALS IN THE GCC ................................................................... 61 EXHIBIT 15: TOURISM SPENDING IN THE GCC ...................................................................................................... 61 EXHIBIT 16: VISA CARD SPENDING IN THE UAE BY THE TOP 10 INBOUND SOURCE MARKETS .............................. 62 EXHIBIT 17: GCC RETAIL SALES ʹ FORECAST & COMPOSITION .............................................................................. 64 EXHIBIT 18: GCC COUNTRIES FEATURING ON THE 2012 GLOBAL RETAIL DEVELOPMENT INDEX ........................... 64 EXHIBIT 19: COUNTRY-‐WISE CONTRIBUTION TO THE GCC RETAIL MARKET .......................................................... 65 EXHIBIT 20: COUNTRY-‐WISE RETAIL SALES GROWTH ........................................................................................... 65 EXHIBIT 21: COMPLETED GLA AND PROJECTED ADDITIONS IN THE GCC (2011) .................................................... 66 EXHIBIT 22: GLA PER CAPITA COMPARISON FOR THE GCC COUNTRIES (2011) ..................................................... 66 EXHIBIT 23: FORECAST OF OCCUPIED GLA IN THE GCC SHOPPING CENTERS......................................................... 67 6 D E F I N I T I O NS AED Arab Emirates Dirhams Articles of Association The Articles of Association of the Company as adopted by the Founders Authority Securities and Commodities Authority of the United Arab Emirates (also UHIHUUHGWRDVWKH³6&$´ BHD Bahraini Dinars Board The Board of Directors of the Company CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate CAPEX Capital Expenditure Company Marka (public joint stock company-under establishment in the UAE) Companies Law Federal Law No. 8 of 1984 concerning Commercial Companies, as amended, and its implementing regulations Competent Authority The Department of Economic Development in Dubai and any ministry and/or authority and/or governmental related entity as applicable DFM Dubai Financial Market Directors The members of the Board of Directors of the Company Dirhams (or AED) The lawful currency of the United Arab Emirates EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation ECAP ECAP 1Limited F&B Food & Beverage FF&E Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Fils The lawful currency of the United Arab Emirates (100 Fils equal one dirham) Founders The founding shareholders of the Company, whose names are listed at the beginning of this Prospectus Founders Committee The persons as listed in the beginning of this Prospectus appointed to a committee formed by the Founders to act on their behalf and to represent them in carrying out the necessary tasks for the establishment and registration of the Company FY Fiscal Year GCC Gulf Cooperation Council GDP Gross Domestic Product GLA Gross Leasable Area Government The Government of the United Arab Emirates GRDI Global Retail Development Index IP Intellectual Property 7 IPO Initial Public Offering IT Information Technology iVESTOR Card A VISA pre-paid smart card issued for investors registered with DFM and subject to the iVESTOR Card Terms and Conditions available on the DFM official website ( KPI Key Performance Indicator KSA Kingdom of Saudi Arabia KWD Kuwaiti Dinars Marka Marka PJSC (under establishment in the UAE) MBR Mohammed Bin Rashid Memorandum of Association The Memorandum of Association of the Company as adopted by the Founders MENA Middle East and North Africa Ministry The Federal Ministry of Economy Offer or Subscription The public offer for subscription of up to 275,000,000 shares made pursuant to this Prospectus and managed by the Founders Offer Period The period from April 13, 2014 to April 24, 2014 during which the Offer will remain open Offering The present Initial Public Offering of the Company Offering Costs The fees paid by shareholders to cover the pre-incorporation expenses of the origination and placement of the Company OMR Omani Rials P&L Profit and Loss PoS Point of Sale PPM Private Placement Memorandum PPP Purchase Power Parity QAR Qatari Riyals Receiving Banks National Bank of A bu Dhabi PJSC , Union National Bank PJSC, Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC , A bu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC , Islamic F inance House Pvt. JSC , Commercial Bank International PSC , F inance House PJSC and National Bank of F ujairah PSC responsible for receiving the subscription funds and issuing refund checks in case of over-subscription SAR Saudi Riyals Shares The ordinary shares of one (1) dirham each in the share capital of the Company Shareholders The holders of Shares; and ³6KDUHKROGLQJ´VKDOOEHFRQVWUXHGDFFRUGLQJO\ SPV Special Purpose Vehicle Sq. ft. Square foot 8 Sq. m. Square meter SRM Super Regional Malls UAE United Arab Emirates UAE National A person holding a UAE passport or khulasat al qayd, and business entities incorporated, established or registered in the UAE USD or US$ United States Dollars WC Working Capital WE Weekend 9 T H E F O U N D E RS The Founders have subscribed to 225,000,000 of the Company's shares, representing 45% of the Company's capital at a price of one Dirham per share, which have been fully paid up, including the applicable Offering Costs. L ist of Founders The Founders of the Company are: Nationality Nb Shares O wnership Percentage Chimera Investments LLC United Arab Emirates 25,000,000 11.11% Dubai Investments PJSC United Arab Emirates 15,000,000 6.67% Ahmad Obaid Humaid AlMazrooei United Arab Emirates 10,500,000 4.67% Sultanate Of Oman 10,000,000 4.44% Gargash Investments LLC United Arab Emirates 10,000,000 4.44% AbuBaker Seddiq Mohamed Hussain AlKhoori United Arab Emirates 5,000,000 2.22% Saleh Mohammed Saleh Bin Nassra AlAmeri United Arab Emirates 5,000,000 2.22% Ali Hamad Ali Hamad Lakhraim Al Zaabi United Arab Emirates 5,000,000 2.22% Dr Omar Mohd Ahmed Bin Sulaiman AlMalik United Arab Emirates 5,000,000 2.22% Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 5,000,000 2.22% JAFZA 5,000,000 2.22% International Private Group LLC United Arab Emirates 3,000,000 1.33% Mohamed Abdulla Jumaa AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 3,000,000 1.33% H.E. Saeed Ahmad Ghobash United Arab Emirates 3,000,000 1.33% Sultanate Of Oman 3,000,000 1.33% Essam AbdulAmir Hamadi AlFadhli AlTamimi United Arab Emirates 3,000,000 1.33% HE AbdulRahman Mohamed Nassir AlOwais United Arab Emirates 3,000,000 1.33% HE Saif Jaffar Suhail Markhan AlKetbi United Arab Emirates 3,000,000 1.33% Khaled Salem Musabeh Humaid AlMheiri United Arab Emirates 2,500,000 1.11% Ahmad AbdulKarim Mohd Julfar United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% AlSoor Investments LLC United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Ahmed Mohd Ramadhan Al Rafei United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Founders 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Muscat Trading Company LLC Salah Abdulhadi A AlQahtani ECAP 1 Limited Nilesh Kumar Nawal Meghji Ved 10 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Mr. Jamal Mohd Matar Al Hai United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Khalid Jassim Mohd Bin Kalban United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% State of Qatar 2,000,000 0.89% Republic of India 2,000,000 0.89% Saleh Abdulla Ahmed Saeed Alabdooli United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Awadh Tareef Mohamed Alktebi United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Mohammad Ahmad Saeed AlQassimi United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Mohammad AbdulKarim Mohammad Julfar United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Sultan AlJaber United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Siddiq Mohamed Hussain AlKhoori United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Canada 2,000,000 0.89 % United Arab Emirates 2,000,000 0.89% Sultanate Of Oman 2,000,000 0.89% Arbah Investment LLC United Arab Emirates 1,500,000 0.67% Wise Investment LLC United Arab Emirates 1,500,000 0.67% HE Khalifa Saeed Mohd Ahmad Sulaiman United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Taryam Matar Mohamed Taryam United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Husain Ali Mohamed Abdulla AlSayegh United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Hamad Khlfan Ali Matar Al Shamsi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Hamad Salem Mohamed Saeed AlAmeri United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Hamad Abdulla Rashed Obaid AlShamsi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Sultan Ahmad Khalfan AlGhaith AlMarri United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% AbdulHamied Ahmed Qassim Seddiqi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Mazrui Investments, LLC United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Abdulla Ali Ebrahim Abdulla AlSaadi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Ali Eid Khamis Thani AlMheiri United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Ali Mohammed Saeed Bujsaim United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Mubarak Matar Mubarak Balqubaa AlHemeiri United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Mohamed Hasan Abdulla Omran AlShamsi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Cayman Islands 1,000,000 0.44% Hussain Ali A A Al-Abdulla Shirish Saraf Tej Bahadur Saraf Elias Georges Chabtini Amjad Mohamed Yusri Mahmoud AlDwaik Samir Jimmy Fancy Evolvence Asset Management Ltd 11 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Shahab Ahmad Lutfi Ali Harmoozi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Khalid Mohammad Abdulla AlZahed United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Musallam Saeed Abdulla M. AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Al Masar Holding LLC United Arab Emirates 1,000,000 0.44% Ahmad Bin Eisa Bin Nasser AlSerkal United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Rashed Darwish Ahmed Saif Al Ketbi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Tariq Khalifa al Meheiri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Badr AbdelHameed Dhia Jafar United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Islamic Republic of Pakistan 500,000 0.22% Ahmed Khalifa Mohamed Obaid AlMehairi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Rahmah AlShamsi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Ahmad Mohamed Saif BinShafar United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Alhur Mohamed Hamad AlSuwaidi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Amal AbdulRahman Abdulla AlJallaf AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Lebanese Republic 500,000 0.22% French Republic 500,000 0.22% The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan 500,000 0.22% Jassem Mohamed Obaid Bu Ataba AlZaabi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Jamal Saeed Saleh Mohammed AlNuaimi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Jamal Mohammad Hassan Ali AlSharif United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan 500,000 0.22% Mr. Hussain Abdulla Ali AlShafar United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Hamad Mubarak Mohd BuAmim United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Khaled Abdulla Jumaa AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Khaled Abdulla Haji Mohamed AlKhoori United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Khalifa Sultan Ahmed Sultan AlSuwaidi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Rashed Mohamed Harmash AlMansoori United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 500,000 0.22% Nasir Ali Shah Bukhari Khadim Ali Shah Iyad Malas Boutros Boutros Tamer Waleed Mohammad Bazzari George Zaki George Mushahwar Al Sayed Radi Saleh R 12 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% State of Kuwait 500,000 0.22% Saeed Ahmed Saif Mohammed Belhasa United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Saeed Mohd Ahmad AlTayer United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Suhail Suhail Faris Ghanem AlMazrouei United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Saif Mohamed Ali Al Kmait AlHajeri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Shareef Hashim Sayed Shareef Al Hashimi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Shukri Salem Musabah Humaid AlMheiri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Saqer Salem Mohamed Bin Ham Al Ameri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% State of Kuwait 500,000 0.22% Tareq Abdulla Mohamed Saeed Al Muhannadi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Tareq AbdulRaheem Ahmed Rashed AlHosani United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 500,000 0.22% Adel Hassan Mohamed Ali Al Nuwais United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Ayesha Mohd Ahmad Sulaiman United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% AbdulAziz Ahmed Saleh AlSawaleh AlShehhi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% AbdulAziz Bin Yagub Bin Yousef AlSerkal United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Rashed Ahmed Salem AlGhanah AlGhafri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% AbdulHakeem Khalfan Rashed Khalfan AlShamsi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Abdulla Ahmed Ebraheem Jasim AlHosani United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Ali Khalifa Ali Beyat AlFalasi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Ali Khamis Ali Khalfan AlDhaheri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Ali Nasser Saleh Lootah United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Fatma A. Mohamed Ahmed Bin A.H.AlKhazraji United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% H.E. Falah Mohammed Falah Jaber M. AlAhbabi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Fahad Sultan Mohd Ahmed Bin Sulaiman United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Fahad Abdulrahim Abdulla Kazim United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohammad A M N S ALQahtany State of Kuwait 500,000 0.22% Mohamed Habib Fekih French Republic 500,000 0.22% Sami Ahmad Dhaen AlQamzi Saad M F T AlAjami Tareq Khalid Ahmad AlHamad Adel Esam A Ghazzawi 13 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 Mohamed Khalfan Abdulla Sultan AlDhaheri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohamed Rashed Mohamed H. AlMansouri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan 500,000 0.22% Mohamed Saif Mohamed BinShafar AlMarri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohammed Shelaiweeh Khalifa Y. AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohammad AbdulRahman Abdulla Al Jallaf United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohamed Ali Mohamed AlShorafa AlHammadi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohammad Yousuf AbdulGhafoor Abdulla Behrooziyan United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mahmood Mahfoodh Mohamed Ali Al Junaibi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Marwan Ahmad Lutfi Ali Harmoozi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Muammar Ibraheem Mohamed AlHadeedi AlShamsi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Muna Salem Musabbah Humaid AlMheiri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Nader Ahmed Mohamed Ebrahim AlHammadi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Nader Saleh Nasser Husain AlAwlaqi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Nasser AbdulRahman Mohammad Rafi AlKhazraji United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Najeeb Mohammed Easa Mohammed AlAli United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Harjeev Singh Kandhari Republic of India 500,000 0.22% Harry George Sellwood United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 500,000 0.22% United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% United States of America 500,000 0.22% Zahra Mohd Hassan Ali AlSharif United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Hamad Hussain Ali AlSalman United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohammed Hamad Salem Rawda AlAmeri United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Arab Republic of Egypt 500,000 0.22% United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 500,000 0.22% United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Moh'd Ra'ed Mahmoud Sharif AlBarqawi Othman Seddiq Mohamed Hussain Al Khouri Benjamin Jean Suk Lee Mustafa Ahmed Talaat AbdelWadood Abdulla Rashed Obaid AlShamsi 5DHG:DOLG0RK¶G6DTIHOKDLW Dalmook Mohamad Humid Bin Dalmook AlFalasi 14 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Abdulla Hamad Saif Sultan AlAwani United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Humaid Sultan Jaber AlMutaiwei United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% H.E. Mohamed Ahmed Hamel Khalfan Al Qubaisi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Jamal Khalifa Ali Beyat AlFalasi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Saif Ali Saif Ateeq AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohamad Dalmook Mohamad Bin Dalmook AlFalasi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Sultan Mohamed Ebrahim AlSaman AlNuaimi United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Mohammad Harib Fadhel AlMazrooei United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Abdulla Khalaf Ahmed Khalaf AlOtaiba United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Abdulla Mohammed Saeed Binkhediya AlMarar United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Yasser Mohd Saeed Bin Khediya United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Abdulla Majed Ahmad AlGhurair United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Abdulla Mohammed Ibrahim Obaidalla United Arab Emirates 500,000 0.22% Sultan Helal Drai Yaser AlQubaisi United Arab Emirates 250,000 0.11% Wassim Ghalayini Republic of Lebanon 250,000 0.11% 225,000,000 Founders Committee 7KH )RXQGHUV KDYH HOHFWHG D FRPPLWWHH WKH ³Founders Committee´ WR WDNH DOO QHFHVVDU\ VWHSV DQG DFWLRQV RQ their behalf or on behalf of the Company and to complete all required procedures with respect to the Offering, including dealing with the relevant authorities. The Founders Committee is comprised of the following 5 members, and is chaired by Mr. Jamal Al Hai. Na me and Designation Mr. Jamal Al Hai - Chairman Mr. Khaled Almheiri ± Vice Chairman Mr. Jamal Shaafar - Member Mr. Abubaker Al Khoori ± Member Mr. Hamad Al Shamsi - Member The Founders Committee has already taken certain actions consistent with their rights and obligations pursuant to applicable law and existing practice in order to, inter alia , incorporate the Company and appoint advisors in connection with the Offering and the incorporation of the Company. 15 F irst Board of Directors The Founders have appointed the first Board of Directors, which will comprise the following individuals. Na me and Designation Mr. Jamal Al Hai ± Independent Non-Executive Director Mr. Khaled Almheiri ± Independent Non-Executive Director Mr. Jamal Shaafar ± Independent Non-Executive Director Mr. Abubaker Al Khoori ± Independent Non-Executive Director Mr. Hamad Al Shamsi ± Independent Non-Executive Director Mr. Mohammad AlQahtani - Independent Non-Executive Director 7KH&RPSDQ\¶V6KDUHKROGHUVshall deliberate during the constitutive general assembly to be convened pursuant to the Offering, on the appointment of the First Board of Directors for a term of 3 (three) years. 16 T H E O F F ERIN G K ey T erms of the O ffering The Company Capital Offer Shares and Percentage of Share Capital Offer Price Offering Costs Marka PJSC, under incorporation in the Emirate of Dubai as a public joint stock company under the applicable laws of the UAE. 7KH&RPSDQ\¶VFDSLWDOLV$('GLYLGHGLQWR 500,000,000 ordinary shares of AED 1 each. All the shares are in cash and have equal rights. 275,000,000 ordinary shares, representing 55% of the Shares. AED 1 per Offer Share (with additional AED 0.03 Offering Costs per Offer Share. The Offer Price and Offering Costs shall be payable in full upon subscription). In addition to the Offer Price of AED 1 per Offer Share, Offering Costs in the amount of AED 0.03 per Offer Share will be payable by the Subscribers for Offer Shares. The Offering Costs payable by the Subscribers will be used towards, inter alia: (i) the settlement of the costs of professional advisors relating to the structuring and preparation of the Offering including lawyers, auditors, managers and financial advisors; (ii) the costs and fees associated with the solicitation, distribution and processing of Offer Shares by, and the opening and maintaining of bank accounts with, the Receiving Banks in connection with the Offering; and (iii) other costs associated with the Offering, including publishing, printing, advertising, mailing and postage costs. Offer Period Receiving Banks In the event the Offering Costs exceed the costs actually LQFXUUHGWKHEDODQFHZLOOEHGHSRVLWHGLQWKH&RPSDQ\¶V account. The Offering will commence on April 13, 2014 and close on April 24, 2014. The Receiving Banks are the following: National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC (800 2211 within UAE and + 971 2 6666164 outside of the UAE) Union National Bank PJSC (600 566 5565) Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC (04-6092222) Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC (800 2030) Islamic Finance House Pvt. JSC (800 434) Commercial Bank International PSC (800 224) Finance House PJSC (800 3434) National Bank of Fujairah PSC (800 8623) Electronic Subscription The DFM will make its official website available to Subscribers with a national investor number ³1,1´ UHJLVWHUHG RQ WKH ')0 ZHEVLWH DQG KROGV D valid iVESTOR Card for them to submit their electronic subscriptions to the Lead Receiving Bank. By 17 Eligibility For Subscription Minimum Subscription Maximum Share Ownership and Allotment Allotment Policy Use of Proceeds Founders Lock-up Period Distribution of Dividends Voting Rights Ownership Restrictions Listing of the Shares submitting the electronic subscription form the investor is accepting the Offering terms and conditions and is authorizing the iVESTOR Card issuing bank to pay the total subscription amount, including the Offering Costs by debiting the amount from the respective iVESTOR Card and transferring the same to the IPO account held at the Lead Receiving Bank, as detailed in the Subscription Application. The Offering will be open to UAE, GCC and non-GCC individuals and institutional Subscribers and to governmental authorities as described herein. Founders are not permitted to subscribe for Offer Shares. Minors are permitted to subscribe in accordance with the procedures applied by the Receiving Banks and the laws in force in this regard. The minimum subscription for Offer Shares is set at 5,000 Offer Shares at AED 1 per Offer Share, in addition to AED 0.03 per Offer Share in Offering Costs, fully paid upon subscription. Any subscription exceeding this minimum shall be in multiple(s) of 1,000 Offer Shares. No shareholder of the Company may own more than 5% RIWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVKDUHFDSLWDO2ZQHUVKLSRIVKDUHVLQ excess of 5% will be void. In case of over-subscription on offered Shares, the Shares must be proportionately distributed to the Subscribers. Allocation shall be to the nearest complete share provided that none of the shareholders, as a result of the allocation, be deprived of participating in the Company irrespective of the number of shares subscribed to save for the shares subscribed to by the Ministry of Finance (if any). The Company expects to use the proceeds towards capital expenditure for roll out of retail stores and restaurant outlets. The Company also expects to utilize some of the proceeds for financing of working capital and general corporate purposes. As per applicable UAE laws, Shares held by the Founders will be subject to a mandatory lock-up period extending from the date of the incorporation of the &RPSDQ\ XQWLO WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V audited financial statements relating to the second financial year following such incorporation. A Founder will not be allowed to sell or transfer Shares during such period, except to another Founder(s). Dividends, if any, shall be distributed in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors and approval of the general assembly. All Shares are of the same class and shall carry equal voting rights and shall rank pari passu in all other rights and obligations. A minimum of 51% of the Shares of the Company shall be held by UAE/GCC nationals and/or legal entities. Following the Offering and the finalization of the 18 &RPSDQ\¶V$GYLVRUV Risk Factors incorporation of the Company with the relevant Authorities in the UAE, the Company will submit an application to list all of its Shares on the DFM as per its requirements. Trading in the Shares on the DFM will be effected on an electronic basis through the DFM Share Registry. CAPM Investment PJS Please review section related to the Risk Factors from page 34 to page 38 Receiving Banks With the exception of the DFM, the only persons authorized to distribute Subscription Applications for the Offer Shares on behalf of the Company are the Receiving Banks. Distribution and collection of all Subscription Applications and orders and collection of proceeds during the Offer Period shall be performed solely by and processed through the Receiving Banks, and notification of the final allocation of Offer Shares and the refund of proceeds for unallocated Offer Shares (if any) following the closing of the Offer Period and prior to the listing of the Shares shall be performed solely by, and processed through, the Receiving Banks. E lectronic Subscription The DFM will make its official website available to Subscribers with a NIN registered on the DFM website and holds a valid iVESTOR Card for them to submit their electronic subscriptions to the Lead Receiving Bank. By submitting the electronic subscription form the investor is accepting the Offering terms and conditions and is authorizing the iVESTOR Card issuing bank to pay the total subscription amount, including the Offering Costs by debiting the amount from the respective iVESTOR Card and transferring the same to the IPO account held at the Lead Receiving Bank, as detailed in the Subscription Application. Notification of the final allocation of Offer Shares and the refund of proceeds for unallocated Offer Shares (if any) following the closing of the Offer Period and prior to the listing of the Shares shall be performed solely by, and processed through, the Lead Receiving Bank. Neither the DFM, the Founders, the Board, the Lead Receiving Bank nor the iVESTOR Card issuing bank shall in anyway be liable for the use of the electronic subscription facility by the Subscriber nor the debiting of the iVESTOR Card by the iVESTOR Card issuing bank, in respect of all and any losses or damages suffered, directly or indirectly as a result of the electronic subscription facility and/or the iVESTOR Card. This disclaimer appears on the DFM website at and shall be considered an integral part of this section. A llotment Policy 7KH 2IIHULQJ RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V 6KDUHV LV RSHQ WR ERWK 8$( DQG *&& Subscribers and non-GCC Subscribers, subject to GCC share ownership restrictions (51% GCC nationals and 49% non-GCC nationals). In case of over-subscription on offered Shares, the Shares must be proportionately distributed to the Subscribers. Allocation shall be to the nearest complete share provided that none of the shareholders, as a result of the allocation, be deprived of participating in the Company irrespective of the number of shares subscribed to save for the shares subscribed to by the Ministry of Finance (if any). The Founders shall refund all amounts paid on un-allotted shares in addition to the proceeds generated thereon. In all cases, no more than 5% shall be allotted to each Subscriber in DFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH&RPSDQ\¶V0HPRUDQGXPDQG$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQ. ,QDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH8$(&RXQFLORI0LQLVWHUV¶5HVROXWLRQ1RRIWKH8$(0LQLVWU\RI)LQDQFH³0R)´ or the Emirates Investment Authority have the right to subscribe for 5% of the Offer Shares. This percentage shall be allocated to the MoF in full before commencing allocation of shares for other Subscribers in accordance with Article 80 of the Companies Law. 19 A llotment Notices and Refunds Should the total size of subscriptions exceed the number of Shares offered, then the Founders will allot the Shares according to the allotment policy specified above and will refund to Subscribers the excess subscriptions inclusive of the associated Offering Costs and all proceeds generated thereon. The Founders will refund rejected Subscription Applications, if any, for the full amount, including associated Offering Costs. The Founders will notify Subscribers in writing of their Share allocation on the date of allotment and start of refunds on 8 May 2014. All allotment notices and cheque refunds will be sent through Empost, at the 6XEVFULEHU¶VULVN at the address provided in the Subscription Application. The excess subscriptions inclusive of the associated Offering &RVWV DQG DOO SURFHHGV JHQHUDWHG WKHUHRQ VKDOO EH UHLPEXUVHG WKURXJK D EDQNHU¶V FKHFN LVVXHG E\ WKH 5HFHLYLQJ Bank or by a bank transfer WRWKH6XEVFULEHU¶Vaccount at the Receiving Bank RUWRWKH6XEVFULEHU¶VL9(6725&DUG in the event subscription is made using said Card. 8SRQ OLVWLQJ RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V 6KDUHV RQ WKH ')0 WKH )RXQGHUV ZLOO UHSODFH DOORWPHQW QRWLFHV E\ DQ HOHFWURQLF system as applicable on the DFM. The information contained in this electronic system will be binding and irrevocable, unless otherwise specified in the applicable rules and procedures governing the DFM. O ffering T imetable The dates set out below are indicative only of the expected timing of certain key events relating to the Offering. The Founders reserve the right to change any of the dates or times and/or shorten or extend the time periods in accordance with applicable UAE law and after obtaining the approval of the official authorities. - April 13, 2014: Commencement of the Offering. - April 24, 2014: Closing Date. - From April 13, 2014 to April 24, 2014: During the Offer Period, copies of the Prospectus, the Subscription $SSOLFDWLRQVDQGWKH&RPSDQ\¶V0HPRUDQGXPand Articles of Association will be made available to prospective 6XEVFULEHUVDWWKH5HFHLYLQJ%DQNV¶EUDQFKHV - From April 25, 2014 to May 7, 2014: The processing of Subscription Applications by the Receiving Banks involves the allocation of the Offer Shares amongst all those Subscribers who have duly completed such Subscription Applications and transferred/deposited the corresponding amounts with the relevant Receiving Banks. - May 8, 2014: As of this date, a notification will be sent to all Subscribers of the total amount of Offer Shares allocated to them and the refunding of any surplus to Subscribers who have subscribed for Offer Shares in excess of Offer Shares allocated to them in addition to all the proceeds generated thereon. Within thirty days following the Closing Date, the requisite notice for calling for the constitutive general assembly of Shareholders of the Company shall be sent to Shareholders. E ligibility for Subscription This Offering is open to UAE, GCC and non-GCC Subscribers. 3XEOLFVXEVFULSWLRQWRWKH&RPSDQ\¶V6KDUHVLVUHVWULFWHGWRWKHIROORZLQJ 1-Individuals who are citizens of the UAE, GCC or any other country (with the exception of US Persons within the meaning under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended). Minors are permitted to subscribe in accordance with the procedures applied by the Receiving Banks and the laws in force in this regard; 20 2-Sole proprietorships and companies owned by citizens of the UAE, the GCC, or any other country regardless of the nationality of these entities, with the exception of US Persons (within the meaning under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended); 3-In DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH 8$( &RXQFLO RI 0LQLVWHUV¶ 5HVROXWLRQ 1R RI WKH 8$( 0LQLVWU\ RI )LQDQFH ,QGXVWU\³M oF´KDVWKHULJKWWRVXEVFULEHIRURIWKH2IIHU6KDUHVDQG 4. Public bodies and authorities of the Federal government of the UAE or any one of the Emirates or any country within the GCC or any other country; according to the terms and conditions set forth in this Prospectus. Subscriptions Submitted by Representatives Any Subscriber may delegate a representative who may fill out the Subscription Application and attach and submit the required documents, along with the payment amount, to any of the Receiving Banks, on behalf of the Subscriber. The Subscription Application must be accompanied by a true copy of a properly-notarized power of attorney by UAE-regulated persons/bodies: such as a notary public or as otherwise duly regulated in the country, granting the representative the right to subscribe on behalf of the Subscriber and to receive the allotment notice and the refund amount (the representative must submit the original power of attorney for verification). Subscription A pplications Each Subscriber may submit one Subscription Application only in his or her personal name (unless he or she is acting as a representative for another Subscriber). In case a Subscriber submits more than one application in his or her personal name, the Lead Manager shall disqualify all the subscription applications submitted by this Subscriber and not to allot any shares to this Subscriber. Sole proprietorships are considered identical to their proprietors and as a result the proprietor of a sole proprietorship may not subscribe simultaneously in his personal capacity and through a sole proprietorship. In case a Subscriber subscribes simultaneously in his personal capacity and through a sole proprietorship then the two Subscription Applications shall be dealt with as one Subscription application, or otherwise the two Subscription Applications presented by that Subscriber will be disqualified and no shares will be allotted to that Subscriber. . Minors are permitted to subscribe in accordance with the procedures applied by the Receiving Banks and the laws in force in this regard. Subscribers must complete all of the relevant fields in the subscription application form along with all required documents and submit it to any Receiving Bank together with the subscription amount during the subscription period. The completed Subscription Form should be clear and fully legible. If it is not, the Receiving Bank shall refuse to accept the Subscription Application from the Subscriber until the latter satisfies all the required information or documentation. Subscription for shares requires accepting the Memorandum and Articles of Association and complying with all the UHVROXWLRQV LVVXHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\¶V JHQHUDO DVVHPEO\ $Q\ FRQGLWLRQV DGGHG WR WKH DSSOLFDWLRQ VKDOO EH GHHPHG null and void. No photocopies of subscription applications shall be accepted. The subscription application should only be fully completed after perusal of this Prospectus and the Company Memorandum and Articles of Association. ,WWKHQQHHGVWREHVXEPLWWHGWRDQ\RIWKH5HFHLYLQJ%DQNV¶EUDQFKHVPHQWLRQHGKHUHLQ7KH6XEVFULEHUVRUWKHLU representatives shall affirm the accuracy of the information contained in the application in the presence of the bank representative in which the subscription was made. Each subscription application shall be clearly signed or certified by the Subscriber or his representative. Documents A ccompanying Subscription A pplications Subscribers shall submit the following documents along with their subscription applications: 21 Individuals who are UAE Nationals 1. The original and a copy of the national family book ( khulasat al qayd) including the first page, the page that contains the details of the family head, and the page that contains the details of the subscriber; 2. The original and a copy of a valid passport copy or Emirates ID; and 3. In case the signatory is different from the Subscriber: a. b. c. the duly notarized power of attorney held by that signatory or a certified copy by one of the following UAE-regulated persons/bodies: a notary public or as otherwise duly regulated in the country; the original passport of the signatory for verification of their signature and a copy of the original passport; and the items specified in 1 and 2 above in respect of the Subscriber. Individuals who are G C C Nationals or National of Any Country 1. The original and a copy of a valid passport copy; and 2. In case the signatory is different from the Subscriber: a. b. c. the duly notarized power of attorney held by that signatory or a certified copy by one of the following UAE-regulated persons/bodies: a notary public or as otherwise duly regulated in the country; the original passport of the signatory for verification of their signature and a copy of the original passport; and the items specified in 1 above in respect of the Subscriber. For Companies and Sole Proprietorships 1. The original and a copy of a trade license or commercial registration for verification or a certified copy by one of the following UAE-regulated persons/bodies: a notary public or as otherwise duly regulated in the country; 2. The original and a copy of the document that authorizes the signatory to sign on behalf of the Subscriber and to represent the Subscriber, to submit the application, and to accept the terms and conditions stipulated in this Prospectus and in the subscription form; and 3. The original and a copy of the passport of the signatory. Location of Subscription for Shares 6XEVFULSWLRQIRUVKDUHVPD\EHPDGHWKURXJKWKHIROORZLQJ5HFHLYLQJ%DQNV¶EUDQFKHV National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC, Union National Bank PJSC, Dubai Islamic Bank PJSC, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank PJSC, Islamic Finance House Pvt. JSC, Commercial Bank International PSC, Finance House PJSC and National Bank of Fujairah PSC. Payment Methods The Subscription Application must be submitted to any of the Receiving Banks listed in this Prospectus, together with the payment for the shares subscribed for and is to be paid by one of the following ways: 1. 2. Certified bank cheque drawn on a bank operating in the UAE LQ IDYRU RI ³0DUND 3-6& XQGHU incorporation)". Account transfer IURP WKH 6XEVFULEHU¶V DFFRXQW at a Receiving Bank to the subscription account opened with the same Receiving Bank)XQGVWREHWUDQVIHUUHGLQIDYRURI³0DUND3-6&XQGHULQFRUSRUDWLRQ´ 22 3. iVESTOR Card via the DFM website through the electronic subscription process as stated above in accordance with the Key Terms of the Offering. Neither the Company nor the Lead Manager, nor the Founders, nor the Receiving Banks shall assume liability for any applications paid by any method other than those described above. The subscription may not be paid in cash. The bank in which the subscription is made will issue to the Subscriber a subscription receipt which the Subscriber must keep until the Subscriber receives the allotment notice. The last copy of the subscription application after being submitted, signed, and stamped by the Receiving Bank shall be considered as a receipt for subscription. This receipt shall include the data of the Subscriber, number of shares subscribed to, amount paid, details of the payment method, and date of subscription. If the address of the Subscriber is not filled in correctly or legibly, the Lead Manager, the Receiving Banks and the Founders take no responsibility for non-receipt of such allotment. The Subscribers should follow up with the Receiving Banks to ensure refund of their monies. E xtension of Subscription Period If Offer Shares are not fully subscribed within the specified subscription period, the Founders may extend the subscription period in accordance with the Companies Law and with the approval of the Competent Authority. 6XEVFULEHUV¶2EOLJDWLRQV SubVFULEHUV DJUHH WR EH ERXQG E\ WKH WHUPV DQG FRQGLWLRQV FRQWDLQHG LQ WKLV 3URVSHFWXV WKH &RPSDQ\¶V Memorandum and Articles of Association, and the Subscription Application form. The Lead Manager, the Founders and the Company will deem any condition attached to any Subscription Application as null and void. By subscribing for and owning shares of the Company, Subscribers agree to accept the Memorandum and Articles of $VVRFLDWLRQ DQG UHVROXWLRQV LVVXHG E\ WKH &RPSDQ\¶V JHQHUDO DVVHPEOLHV 8SRQ FRPSOHWLRQ DQG submission of Subscription Applications, each Subscriber shall be deemed to have acknowledged and accepted the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7KH6XEVFULEHUKDVDSSOLHGWRSXUFKDVHWKHQXPEHURIWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVKDUHVVSHFLILHGLQWKHVXEVFULEHU¶V application (or as allotted to him after the closing of the subscription period), based on and according to the FRQGLWLRQVVWDWHGLQWKLV3URVSHFWXVDQGWKH&RPSDQ\¶V0HPRUDQGXPDQG$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQ The Subscriber undertakes to pay the amounts due and acknowledges that the Company will not release any shares allotted to the Subscriber or any funds that the Subscriber might be owed until the Subscriber settles all outstanding payments. The Subscriber has authorized the Founders and the Receiving Banks to send to the Subscriber the DOORWPHQWQRWLFHDQGWKHUHIXQGHGDPRXQWE\PDLODWWKH6XEVFULEHU¶VRZQULVNRUWRWKHVDPH5HFHLYLQJ Bank where the Subscriber submitted their subscription (if the Subscriber indicates this on the application). The Subscriber has undertaken not tRZLWKGUDZFDQFHORUPRGLI\WKH6XEVFULEHU¶VDSSOLFDWLRQDWDQ\WLPH after submission at a Receiving Bank. The Subscriber is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of all information and documents submitted as part of the VXEVFULSWLRQDSSOLFDWLRQLQFOXGLQJWKH6XEVFULEHU¶VQDWLRQDOLW\DQGDJH 7KH6XEVFULEHUKDVDVFHUWDLQHGWKDWWKH6XEVFULEHU¶VVXEVFULSWLRQFRPSOLHVZLWKWKHODZVRIWKHMXULVGLFWLRQ where the Subscriber resides and the laws of the jurisdiction to which the subscriber belongs. The 6XEVFULEHUVKDOOEHDUDOOUHVSRQVLELOLW\DQGOLDELOLW\DULVLQJLQFDVHWKH6XEVFULEHU¶VVXEVFULSWLRQGRHVQRW comply with the laws of the jurisdiction where the subscriber resides or the laws of the jurisdiction to which the Subscriber belongs. Incorporation of the Company The Company is being incorporated as a public joint stock company pursuant to its Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Companies Law. The SCA granted their preliminary approval for the incorporation of the Company on March 20th, 2013. Following the Offering, the Founders will complete all procedures necessary for the completion and finalization of the incorporation of the Company and its registration with the relevant authorities 23 and governmental agencies in the UAE. Following the closing of the Offering and the completion of the allotment of Offer Shares, the constitutive general assembly of shareholders shall be held. The agenda for this general assembly shall include a discussion on the incorporation of the Company, approval of the first Board of Directors and appointment of auditors and any other business that may be lawfully transacted at such Assembly. L isting of the Shares Subsequent to the Closing Date and the finalization of the incorporation of the Company, the Company will submit an application to the SCA to list all of its Shares on the DFM in accordance with the requirements of the SCA and WKH')07UDGLQJLQWKH6KDUHVZLOOEHHIIHFWHGRQDQHOHFWURQLFEDVLVWKURXJKWKH')0¶VVKDUHUHJLVWry, with the FRPPHQFHPHQWRIVXFKWUDGLQJHVWLPDWHGWRWDNHSODFHDIWHUFRPSOHWLRQRIWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQSURYLGHGWKDWWKH')0¶V records are suitably complete, accurate and satisfactory to allow the listing of and trading in the Shares. 24 E X E C U T I V E SU M M A R Y The following summary is qualified in its entirety by, and is subject to the detailed information contained elsewhere in this Prospectus. This summary may not contain all the information that Subscribers should consider before deciding to invest in the Offer Shares. Accordingly, any decision by a Subscriber to invest in the Offer Shares should be based on a consideration of this Offering as a whole. Subscribers should read this entire Prospectus carefully, including the Risk F actors section, before making any decision to invest in the Offer Shares. T he Company The Founders intend to develop Marka as a leading retail operator in the GCC region, with a primary focus on Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the UAE. 7KH&RPSDQ\ZLWKLWVSURSRVHGOLVWLQJRQWKH')0LVSODQQHGWREHDILUVWRILWVNLQG³OLVWHGSOD\RQ*&&5HWDLO´ LQ WKH 8$( 7KLV LV H[SHFWHG WR SURYLGH LQYHVWRUV ZLWK WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR EHQHILW QRW RQO\ IURP WKH VLJQLILFDQW JURZWKRSSRUWXQLWLHVLQWKHVHFWRUEXWDOVRIURPLQGXVWU\GLYHUVLILFDWLRQ ,W LV SURSRVHG WKDW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ RI 0DUND¶V FDSLWDO FLUFD $(' PQ ZLOO EH DOORFDWHG WRZDUGV IDVKLRQ UHWDLORSSRUWXQLWLHVZLWKWKH EDODQFHFLUFD$('PQWRZDUGVIRRGDQGEHYHUDJHRSSRUWXQLWLHV0DUND¶V LQYHVWPHQW VWUDWHJ\ LQFOXGHV LQWURGXFLQJ IUDQFKLVHV RI JOREDOO\ HVWDEOLVKHG EUDQGV DV ZHOO DV RSSRUWXQLVWLFDOO\ GHYHORSLQJLQ-KRXVHEUDQGV7KH&RPSDQ\¶VSULPDU\IRFXVZLOOEHRQWKHPLG-WR-KLJK-HQGVHJPHQWVRIWKHPDUNHW T he O ffering The Offering is of 55% of the Shares of the Company at an Offer Price of AED 1 per Offer Share (with additional AED 0.03 Offering Costs). Prior to this Offering, the Shares of the Company were not offered in any market. Following the offering and the completion of the incorporation process, the Company will apply to list its Shares on the DFM. The Offering is open to UAE, GCC and non-GCC individual and institutional subscribers in accordance with the terms and conditions mentioned in the Offering section of this Prospectus below. The SCA has approved the publication of this Prospectus. The Shares have not been registered with any other regulatory authority in any other jurisdiction. Use of Proceeds The Company expects to use the proceeds towards capital expenditure for roll out of fashion retail stores and restaurant outlets. The Company also expects to utilize some of the proceeds for financing of working capital and general corporate purposes. F inancial Y ear The financial year of the Company will start on January 1st and end on December 31st of each year. The first financial year of the Company will start upon the issuance of the Ministerial Decision declaring the incorporation of the Company and end on December 31st of the following year. Dividend Policy Holders of the Shares will be entitled to receive dividends declared in respect of the first financial year, if any, and subsequent financial years, if any in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors and approval of the general assembly. The Company intends to declare and distribute annual dividends with a view to maximizing shareholder value FRPPHQVXUDWH ZLWK LQYHVWPHQW UHTXLUHPHQWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ 6XEMHFW WR WKH DSSOLFDEOH ODZV DQG WKH &RPSDQ\¶V 25 Articles of Association, any decision to pay dividends to shareholders and the amount of such dividends will be at WKH GLVFUHWLRQ DQG XSRQ WKH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV DQG DSSURYDO RI WKH JHQHUDO assembly. The amount and percentage of any dividends may vary from year to year. The declaration of dividends PD\DOVREHLQIOXHQFHGE\RWKHUIDFWRUVLQFOXGLQJWKH&RPSDQ\¶VEXVLQHVVSURVSHFWVZRUNLQJFDSLWDOUHTXLUHPHQWV profitability and general financial performance, the condition of the market and the general economic climate, and other factors, including regulatory considerations. F inancial O verview The Company plans to open retails stores and restaurants under its Fashion Retail and F&B divisions, respectively, by setting up franchises of well-known global brands. The Company intends to roll out the retail stores and restaurants, first within the UAE and then followed by fast growing cities in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. Additionally, the Company may also develop its own brands at a later stage; however, it is expected to initially operate only under a franchise model. The Company believes that the key drivers to ensure the success of its operations are in place within the GCC. These fundamentals include growth in population, favorable demographics, increasing disposable income, surging tourism sector, and the continued modernization of the retail and F&B industry. The Company plans on a rapid rollout of stores under Fashion Retail across UAE and the overall GCC region through different formats including luxury apparel, accessories, sports merchandize and airport concessions. The Company also plans on a rapid rollout of F&B outlets under different formats, including mid to high end dining options across global cuisines through contemporary restaurants and cafes. The Company plans on opening franchises of reputable brands across the GCC, with UAE as the primary market. The restaurants and fashion outlets are expected to be set up in various high end malls, shopping districts and high street locations over the next five years to capitalize on the significant growth in the retail industry in UAE and the larger GCC region. Summary Pro Forma F inancials 7KH&RPSDQ\¶VILQDQFLDO\HDU³)<´UXQVIURP-DQXDU\WR'HFHPEHU 7KHIROORZLQJWDEOHVVHWIRUWKVXPPDU\SURMHFWHGILQDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQIRUWKH\HDUVHQGHG'HFHPEHU<HDU <HDU<HDU<HDU<HDU<HDU7KHVHILQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWVKDYHEHHQ SUHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK,)565HJXODWLRQV 7KH&RPSDQ\SODQVRQRSHUDWLQJDVDQHQWLW\OLVWHGRQWKH'XEDL)LQDQFLDO0DUNHWZLWKWKHREMHFWLYHRIRSHUDWLQJ UHWDLO EXVLQHVVHV ZLWKLQ WKH *&& ZLWK SULPDU\ IRFXV RQ WKH 8$( 7KH &RPSDQ\ ZLOO RSHUDWH XQGHU WZR OLQHV RI EXVLQHVV±5HWDLODQG)% 7KH VHFWLRQV EHORZ SURYLGHV GHWDLOV UHJDUGLQJ WKH ILQDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ RI WKH FRPSDQ\ RQ D FRQVROLGDWHG EDVLV LQFOXGLQJWKHSURIRUPD%DODQFH6KHHW,QFRPH6WDWHPHQWDQG&DVK)ORZ6WDWHPHQW Expected F inancial Performance 2QDFRQVROLGDWHGOHYHOWKH&RPSDQ\¶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he Company expects EBITDA and net profit to increase from AED -10 mn and AED -15 mn, respectively, in Year 1 to AED 134 mn and AED 65 mn, respectively, in Year 5. The Company expects to incur capital expenditure to the amount of AED 356 mn by Year 3 to facilitate the rollout of its Fashion Retail and F&B stores. The capital will be primarily used to fund fit-outs for all the stores, and payments of brand franchise fees as well as store franchise fees to the franchisors. The Company expects to utilize AED 73 mn for financing working capital up to Year 2. The charts and tables below summarize the projected financials of the Company. E xhibit 1: M ar ka F inancial Snapshot Projected G ross Profit & G ross Profit M argin Projected Revenue G rowth AED mn 503 600 324 166 189 Year 1 Year 2 335 56.5% 300 216 549 472 56.0% 111 Retail Year 4 55.5% 158 27 34 92 Year 1 Year 2 -‐ Year 3 261 227 100 329 41 68 57.0% 397 200 109 -‐ 57.1% 400 56.1% 355 200 57.5% 57.3% 500 595 400 57.5% 600 800 653 58.0% 57.7% 975 1,000 AED mn 700 1,144 1,200 Year 5 55.0% F&B Year 3 Retail Year 4 F&B Year 5 Gross profit margin (%) Projected Net Profit & Net Profit M argin Projected E B I T D A & E B I T D A M argin 15.0% 150 10.8% 11.7% 5.7% 130 10.0% 5.0% 65 8.8% 90 76 5.5% 58 70 0.0% 50 3.7% 1.4% 5.0% AED mn 110 AED mn 10.0% 85 0.0% 33 45 -‐2 .7% -‐5.0% 15 25 31 30 47 10 9 10 27 Year 2 Year 3 Retail F&B 58 Year 1 Year 1 Year 4 EBITDA m argin (%) Year 5 -‐10.0% 1 8 21 Year 3 Year 4 5 -‐8 .9% (10) 32 -‐1 4.2% -‐5.0% Year 2 -‐10.0% -‐15.0% Year 5 (15) -‐20.0% Retail F&B Net profit margin (%) 27 E xhibit 2: Balance Sheet (Pro-Forma) (nu mbers are in AE D) Cash Balance Receivables Inventory Prepayments Ttl Cur rent Assets Projected B alance Sheet Year 1 Year 2 Year 0 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 415,179,411 5,368,973 5,851,415 426,399,800 285,042,581 4,013,744 19,035,149 17,097,595 325,189,070 185,796,912 12,393,363 38,403,961 30,241,939 266,836,175 111,963,628 22,435,507 59,474,042 43,663,768 237,536,945 173,228,211 33,471,519 76,116,509 50,337,712 333,153,951 265,111,400 39,111,090 84,204,100 55,371,483 443,798,073 70,535,000 70,535,000 172,613,000 (14,107,000) 158,506,000 261,774,000 (48,629,600) 213,144,400 355,574,900 (100,984,400) 254,590,500 362,479,420 (172,099,380) 190,380,040 372,950,380 (244,595,264) 128,355,116 496,934,800 483,695,070 479,980,575 492,127,445 523,533,991 572,153,189 132,300 132,300 2,351,161 2,351,161 8,039,534 8,039,534 16,147,003 16,147,003 26,387,781 26,387,781 35,231,346 35,231,346 Capital Retained Earnings Ttl Shareholders Equity 500,000,000 (3,197,500) 496,802,500 500,000,000 (18,656,091) 481,343,909 500,000,000 (28,058,959) 471,941,041 500,000,000 (24,019,558) 475,980,442 500,000,000 (2,853,790) 497,146,210 500,000,000 36,921,843 536,921,843 Ttl Shareholders Equity & Liabilities 496,934,800 483,695,070 479,980,575 492,127,445 523,533,991 572,153,189 Gross Fixed Assets Accumulated Depreciation Ttl Non-cur rent Assets Ttl Assets Payables Long Term Debt Ttl Liabilities E xhibit 3: Profit and Loss Statement (Pro-For ma) (nu mbers are in AE D) Projected Income Statement Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 1,155,584,577 Sales - 110,171,486 358,315,276 659,676,210 985,139,255 Credit Card Commission - 1,101,715 3,583,153 6,596,762 9,851,393 11,555,846 Net Sales - 109,069,771 354,732,123 653,079,448 975,287,862 1,144,028,731 Cost of Goods Sold - 40,785,944 129,684,631 237,848,955 352,063,668 414,414,517 Royalty Fees - 3,848,879 13,109,373 24,417,317 36,532,936 42,808,781 Inventory Writedown - 3,265,728 9,323,038 16,577,403 24,305,739 28,770,018 Gross Profit - 61,169,219 202,615,082 374,235,773 562,385,520 658,035,415 Staff Salaries - 16,053,671 55,915,345 104,833,164 158,834,637 186,497,880 Rent - 19,345,441 59,642,182 105,749,705 154,266,104 173,676,462 General & Admin - 8,286,430 26,651,300 48,781,040 72,626,423 84,819,239 Advertising Expenses - 1,924,361 6,900,490 13,042,381 19,844,079 23,329,865 Miscellaneous Expenses - 2,280,495 7,455,466 13,620,315 20,278,562 23,416,172 Ttl Store O perating Expenses - 47,890,398 156,564,782 286,026,605 425,849,805 491,739,618 Store Level EB ITD A - 13,278,821 46,050,300 88,209,168 136,535,714 166,295,797 HO Overheads 5,697,500 22,934,000 26,631,420 30,530,905 31,494,239 32,488,844 Company Level EB ITD A (5,697,500) (9,655,179) 19,418,880 57,678,263 105,041,475 133,806,953 Interest Income (Expense) 2,500,000 Depreciation Net Profit (Net Loss) (3,197,500) 8,303,588 5,700,852 3,715,938 2,239,273 3,464,564 14,107,000 34,522,600 52,354,800 71,114,980 72,495,884 (15,458,591) (9,402,868) 9,039,402 36,165,768 64,775,633 28 E xhibit 4: C ash F low Statement (Pro Forma) (nu mbers are in AE D) Net Profit Add: Depreciation Increase in Payables Deduct: Increase in Receivables Increase in Inventory Increase in Prepayments Projected Cash Flow Statement Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 (3,197,500) (15,458,591) (9,402,868) Year 3 9,039,402 Year 4 36,165,768 Year 5 64,775,633 132,300 14,107,000 2,218,861 34,522,600 5,688,373 52,354,800 8,107,469 71,114,980 10,240,779 72,495,884 8,843,565 (5,368,973) (5,851,415) (4,013,744) (13,666,176) (11,246,180) (8,379,619) (19,368,812) (13,144,343) (10,042,144) (21,070,081) (13,421,829) (11,036,012) (16,642,468) (6,673,943) (5,639,571) (8,087,591) (5,033,771) Wor k ing Capital Requi rements (11,088,089) (26,707,239) (35,204,401) (36,426,586) (24,111,644) (9,917,368) Interest Income (Expense) Cashflows from O perations (2,500,000) (16,785,589) (8,303,588) (36,362,418) (5,700,852) (15,785,521) (3,715,938) 21,251,678 (2,239,273) 80,929,831 (3,464,564) 123,889,585 Capital Expenditures Cashflows from Investments (70,535,000) (70,535,000) (102,078,000) (102,078,000) (89,161,000) (89,161,000) (93,800,900) (93,800,900) (6,904,520) (6,904,520) (10,470,960) (10,470,960) 5,700,852 5,700,852 3,715,938 3,715,938 2,239,273 2,239,273 3,464,564 3,464,564 Capital Injection/ (Withdrawal) Change in Long Term Funding Interest Income (Expense) Cashflows from Financing 2,500,000 502,500,000 8,303,588 8,303,588 Change in Cashflow Beginning Cash Balance Ending Cash B alance before Dividend 415,179,411 415,179,411 (130,136,830) 415,179,411 285,042,581 (99,245,669) 285,042,581 185,796,912 (68,833,284) 185,796,912 116,963,628 76,264,583 111,963,628 188,228,211 116,883,189 173,228,211 290,111,400 415,179,411 285,042,581 185,796,912 5,000,000 111,963,628 15,000,000 173,228,211 25,000,000 265,111,400 Proposed Dividends Ending Cash Balance After Dividend 500,000,000 29 Sources and Usage of Proceeds %DVHG RQ WKH DVVXPSWLRQV DQG H[SDQVLRQ SODQV RI 0DUND WKH PDQDJHPHQW WHDP H[SHFWV WR XVH $(' PQ WRZDUGVFDSLWDOH[SHQGLWXUHIRUUROORXWRIVWRUHVDFURVV0DUND)DVKLRQ5HWDLODQG0DUND)%7KH&RPSDQ\ H[SHFWVWRXWLOL]H$('PQIRUILQDQFLQJRIZRUNLQJFDSLWDOXSWR<HDU7KHEDODQFHSURFHHGVDUHH[SHFWHGWREH DOORFDWHGWRZDUGVJHQHUDOFRUSRUDWHSXUSRVHV E xhibit 5: Sources and Usage of Proceeds SU M M A R Y A E D mn Source of Proceeds - IP O 500.0 Usage of Proceeds 500.0 M ar ka F ashion Retail C apex 133.0 M ar ka F & B C apex 222.6 Total C apital E xpenditure Requirements 355.6 Wor king C apital Requirements 73.0 General Corporate Requirements 71.4 30 R IS K F A C T O RS An investment in the Offer Shares may be subject to a number of risks. Before deciding whether to invest in the Offer Shares, prospective Subscribers should carefully consider and HYDOXDWH WKH ULVNV LQKHUHQW LQ WKH &RPSDQ\¶V proposed business, including the risks described below, together with all other infor mation contained in this Prospectus. Such risks could have an adverse effect on the Company's business and financial condition or results. In such case, a Subscriber could lose all or part of his or her investment. Additional risks and uncertainties may also have an adverse effect on the Company's proposed business. It should be noted that the following risk factors are not comprehensive, as additional risks and uncertainties not presently known or that the Company currently believes to be immaterial may also have an impact on the Company and its operations. If any of these uncertainties GHYHORSLQWRDQDFWXDOHYHQWWKH&RPSDQ\¶V operations and actual results could differ materially from the financial projections contained in this Prospectus. It should also be noted that the Company intends to undertake steps and/or measures necessary in order to mitigate the risks referred to below (apart from those that may be caused by factors WKDWDUHEH\RQGWKH&RPSDQ\¶VFRQWUROLQFOXGLQJLQSDUWLFXODUIDFWRUVRIDSROLWLFDODQGHFRQRPLFQDWXUH Nevertheless, Subscribers should carefully read the risks described below. Prospective Subscribers should consider carefully whether an investment in the Offer Shares is suitable for them in light of the information in this Prospectus and their personal circumstances. 5LVNV5HODWLQJWRWKH&RPSDQ\¶V2SHUDWLRQV No Track Record Due to the start-up nature of the Company, it does not yet have an established track record. Its prospects and the projections included in this Prospectus should be considered in the light of the risks associated with companies in general in their early stages of growth. Accordingly, any investment in the Offer Shares carries with it the usual risks associated with investing in the early stages of development of a new business. The Company's planned growth will place additional demand on its management, administrative and technological resources. If it is unable to manage its growth effectively, its business operations or financial condition may be adversely affected. Dependence on Key Personnel The Company will depend on the services of key management in line with the strategy to be set by its Board of Directors. The loss of the services of any of the key management could have a material adverse effect on the Company 's future business, operations and financial results. Non-Performing Brands The Company is committed to bringing major brands in the fashion and food and beverage areas available from around the world into the GCC markets. It is very unusual for a particular brand to fail from the start, but this can occur at times and some brands may decline over a number of years, due to competitive activity or lack of partner support. In order to mitigate this risk, the Company may have to take decisions to discontinue certain brands, where future prospects are limited, in order to maintain the profit performance of the Company. Unprofitable Stores Depending on various external factors including change in market conditions, geographic concentration, customer behaviour or fashion/restaurant trends, some stores/restaurants may not perform as was initially expected in which tiPH WKH &RPSDQ\ PD\ FKRRVH WR VKXW GRZQ RU PRGLI\ WKHVH VWRUHVUHVWDXUDQWV WR PHHW WKH &RPSDQ\¶V RYHUDOO objectives. Terminal Stock ,QWKHIDVKLRQUHWDLOEXVLQHVVRQHRIWKHELJJHVWULVNVLVWKHIDVKLRQUHWDLOHUV¶DELOLW\WRVHOOLWVSURGXFWV Redundant stock at planned levels ties up capital and impacts the potential growth of the business. The Company shall seek to sell its merchandise within the season it is purchased. It is important for a fashion retailer to clear its merchandise, using markdown and reduced margin to keep its aged stock in line, otherwise its cash flow would be affected and the business would find it difficult to continue trading. This risk may be mitigated by certain suppliers selling to the Company on a consignment basis or having stock buy-back agreements with the Company. 33 Expansion Strategy 7KH &RPSDQ\¶V ILQDQFLDO FRQGLWLRQ DQG IXWXUH JURZWK FRXOG EH DGYHUVHO\ DIIHFWHG LI LWV H[SDQVLRQ VWUDWHJ\ LV XQVXFFHVVIXO 7KH &RPSDQ\¶V DELOLW\ WR PDQDJH WKLV H[SDQVLRQ ZLOO GHSHQG RQ WKH Lts ability to implement and improve operational, financial and management information systems on a timely basis and to train, motivate, expand and manage the workforce. Failure to increase sales in existing and/or new markets may result in the Company not being able to recover distribution, promotional and marketing expenses, as well as administrative costs incurred in developing such markets. Limitation Imposed by F ranchisors It is common for international franchise agreements to include non-competition clauses restricting a local franchisee from representing other principals that sell products that compete with the foreign principals' products. Some of the franchise agreements to which the Company may become a party may include such non-competition clauses. If any such non-competition clauses are breached, the relevant foreign principal may be allowed to consider the Company to be in default of the entire franchise agreement, which may lead to the early termination of such agreement. Exchange and Interest Rate Risk Fluctuations between the value of the United Arab Emirates Dirham and foreign currencies may have an adverse HIIHFW RQ WKH FRVWV DQG SURILWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ 7KH &RPSDQ\¶V RSHUDWLRQV LQYROYH WKH SXUFKDVH RI JRRGV denominated in currencies other than the United Arab Emirates Dirham, principally the US Dollar, Pound Sterling and Euro. The Company, as part of its hedging strategy may not hedge all of its currency exposure. An unfavourable shift in exchange rates or interest rates would have a negative impact. The Company shall maintain its accounts and report its results in AED. The United Arab Emirates Dirham is FXUUHQWO\³SHJJHG´WRWKH86 Dollar. The Company may set up retail stores and F&B outlets in various geographic regions and may earn incomes in the local currencies of those geographic regions. Fluctuations in foreign currency vis-à-vis the US Dollar or the United Arab Emirates Dirham, or any de-pegging of the United Arab Emirates Dirham from the US Dollar PD\KDYHDQLPSDFWRQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VSURILWV Launch of New Concepts 3DUWRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶VJURZWKVWUDWHJ\PD\LQYROYHODXQFKLQJQHZFRQFHSWVDQGSURGXFWRIIHULQJOLQHV7KHODXQFK of a new concept generally is characterized by relatively high start-up costs. However, the Company cannot guarantee that all new concepts will be profitable, and the start-up costs will be recovered. The launch of a new concept generally is characterized by relatively high start-up costs. Staffing Issues An expatriate workforce forms the backbone of the retail sector with large and small retailers relying a great deal on migrants from Asian and non-GCC MENA nations. Attrition rates may be high amongst expatriates since many of them return to their own countries after making significant savings. Increasing wages and a lack of a specialised workforce poses a further risk to operational success. A mismatch between industry requirements and skills taught, and little inclination in pursuing service-oriented and customer-facing jobs have led to high unemployment rates among the local population in the region. The situation is especially a concern in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Oman. While local employment programs floated by governments could elevate employments levels, some positions may still remain vacant due to shortage of skilled local labor while companies may also have limited ability to employ expatriate staff owing to regulatory restrictions. Risks Related to the M ar ket Market Share for New Brands Consumer preferences change, and should the Company fail to anticipate, identify or react to these changes could UHVXOW LQ UHGXFHG GHPDQG IRU WKH &RPSDQ\¶V SURGXFWV 7KH VXFFHVV RI QHZ SURGXFWV LQWURGXFHG GHSHQGV RQ WKH &RPSDQ\¶V DELOLW\ WR DQWLFLSDWH WKH WDVWHV DQd habits of consumers and to offer brands that appeal to their preferences. There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to gain market acceptance or significant market share for the new brands introduced. 34 Competitive Environment There can be no assurance that the Company will be able to compete effectively against future competitors and changes in the competitive environment may result in price reductions, reduced margins or loss of market share, any of which could materially adversely affect tKH &RPSDQ\¶V SURILW PDUJLQV &RPSHWLWLRQ PD\ OHDG FRPSHWLWRUV WR increase their advertising expenditures and promotional activities and/or to engage in irrational or predatory pricing behavior. Increasing rents The global financial crisis and a fall in consumer confidence prompted some mall owners to lower rentals in the GCC. This was especially true in the cases of older and poorly performing properties which experienced falling sales and occupancy levels. Given that lease rentals form a significant portion of overall costs in the retail sector, weakness in rental rates lent support to the profits of retailers. However, with the industry quickly back on its growth path, rentals have started to move up in top-tier malls. A recent survey by Cushman & Wakefield covering over 300 prime locations in 62 countries ranked Dubai as the 40th most expensive retail area in the world. This is a big jump for the emirate due to the surge in retail rentals from 2011 as it did not even feature on the list the prior year. As global economic uncertainty gradually recedes and consumer sentiments gain traction in the future, rental expenses are expected to surge further. These upward revisions in rental rates at major malls might squeeze margins. Counterfeit Products The market for counterfeit products has increased over the last several years in the GCC. Ranging from apparel to pharmaceuticals and consumer electronics, these products not only pose health hazards and damage brand reputations of several leading firms, but also remain unaccounted for in the financial system making them difficult to track. A thriving parallel market warrants strict regulatory intervention, and governments across the GCC have implemented measures to check trades of counterfeit products in the retail sector. Dependence on Food Imports Several GCC countries experienced shortages in the supply of cereals when commodity prices increased globally during 2007±08. The regular exporting countries to the region curbed supplies of various food commodities to meet domestic demand during the period. Export restrictions led to panic which further fuelled food price increases. High prices pushed inflation in the GCC higher from 5.3% in 2006 to 10.7% in 2008. Excessive food inflation was seen to be a major cause of social unrest in the MENA region during 2007±08. Containing inflation remains one of the biggest fiscal challenges in the GCC. A sustained uptrend in food prices and consumption can pose serious threats to the social and political stability of the GCC, which imports more than 90% of its food requirements. Food production in the region is minimal due to less available arable land and water and unfavorable weather conditions. In contrast, food requirements have been rising due to population growth, rising income levels, and urbanization. The UAE is the most import-dependent country for food in the GCC, while Saudi Arabia is the least reliant on food imports. The issue of food security has become vital for the region. Risks Related to O rdinary Shares Absence of Prior Trading Market; Potential Volatility of Stock Price Following the Offering, and the finalization of the incorporation of the Company, the Company will apply to list its Shares on the DFM. Prior to the Offering, there has been no public market for the Shares and there can be no assurance that an active trading market for the Shares will develop or, if developed, that such market will be maintained after such listing. If an active trading market is not developed or maintained, the liquidity and trading prices of the Shares could be adversely affected. Subscribers in the Offering may not be able to resell their Shares at or above the Offer Price due to a number of factors, including variations between actual and anticipated operating results, changes in or failure to meet earnings estimates of securities analysts, market conditions in the industry, regulatory actions and general economic conditions. Sharp market fluctuations may adversely affect the trading price of the Shares on the DFM regardless of the actual operating performance of the Company. Additionally, several factors can affect the prices of traded securities and their volatility. These factors include, but are not limited to: - changes in operating results; - downturn in the economy; 35 - slowdown in the growth of the Company; and /or - announcement of new product offerings and services from competitors Distribution of Dividends Holders of the Shares will be entitled to receive dividends declared in respect of the first financial year, if any, and subsequent financial years, if any in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors and approval of the general assembly. The Company intends to declare and distribute annual dividends with a view to maximizing shareholder value commensurate with the investment requirements of the Company. Subject to the applicable laws DQGWKH&RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQDQ\GHFLVLRQWRSD\GLYLGHQGVWRVKDUHKROGHUVDQGWKHDPRXQWRIVXFK dividends will be at the discretion and upon the recRPPHQGDWLRQRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶V%RDUGRI'LUHFWRUVDQGDSSURYDO of the general assembly. The amount and percentage of any dividends may vary from year to year. The declaration RIGLYLGHQGVPD\DOVREHLQIOXHQFHGE\RWKHUIDFWRUVLQFOXGLQJWKH&RPSDQ\¶VEXVLQess prospects, working capital requirements, profitability and general financial performance, the condition of the market and the general economic climate, and other factors, including regulatory considerations. Control Risk After the successful completion of the Offering, the Founders will continue to own, in aggregate, 45 percent of the Shares until at least the expiry of the Lock-Up Period and consequently will retain a significant degree of control over the Company and its operations. Following the successful completion of the Offering, the Founders will appoint all members of the initial Board for a period of three years. Regulatory Risk Following the Offering and the allotment of the Offer Shares, the Founders will proceed with the necessary steps and requirements for the purpose of completing its incorporation as a public joint stock company, prior to the H[SHFWHG OLVWLQJ RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V 6KDUHV RQ WKH ')0 $OWKRXJK WKH &RPSDQ\ EHOLHYHV WKDW LW PHHWV DOO SUHrequisites for the completion of such incorporation and it has received preliminary approval for incorporation from WKH6&$DQGVXEVHTXHQWDSSURYDOWRSURFHHGWRWKH2IIHULQJWKH³ nashrat al-ektetab´WKHUHFDQEHQRDVVXUDQFH that these pre-requisites will be satisfactory to the relevant authorities, that the incorporation of the Company as a SXEOLFMRLQWVWRFNFRPSDQ\ZLOOEHFRPSOHWHGDQGRUWKDWWKH&RPSDQ\¶V6KDUHVZLOOEHOLVWHG Risk factors relating to the E conomy and Political C limate Growth of UAE and G C C Economies 7KH &RPSDQ\¶V UHYHQXH Zill be derived from offerings it will provide in the UAE and the greater GCC, and therefore the performance of the Company is linked to the economic environment of the UAE. Any downtrend in the economy of UAE could impact the growth of the Company, as the &RPSDQ\¶VUHYHQXHVZLOOLQLWLDOO\EHFRQWLQJHQW on its operations in the UAE. Any negative effect on the domestic industry or general economic condition of the 8$(FRXOGKDYHGHWULPHQWDOHIIHFWVRQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VSHUIRUPDQFH Oil Price Risk The GCC regional economies are heavily reliant on oil and accordingly, the future oil price scenario will determine to a large extent the economic conditions in the region. While oil prices are currently at historic highs and GCC economies have witnessed rapid growth on the back of high oil prices, any downturn in oil prices may have a GDPSHQLQJHIIHFWRQUHJLRQDOJURZWKDQGWKHUHE\RQWKHJURZWKRIEXVLQHVV$VWKH&RPSDQ\¶VEXVLQHVVHPDQDWHV in part from the oil & gas and the infrastructure sector, such a fall in oil pULFHVPD\LPSDFWWKH&RPSDQ\¶VEXVLQHVV and growth. Political Risk The operations and earnings of the Company and their suppliers may in the future be affected in varying degrees by political instability and by other political or international developments and laws and regulations, such as forced divestiture of assets, sanctions, restrictions on production, imports and exports; military or other international conflicts; civil unrest and local security concerns that threaten the safe operation of Company facilities; price controls, expropriation of property, or revision or cancellation of contract rights. 36 L egal Risks Companies Law Any change in the current Companies Law or any other relevant law governing the Company or its operations may have a material impact on the structure of the Company and on its Shareholders. The Company is unable to forecast what these changes will be and how they will impact its operations. Taxes No income taxes will initially be levied on the Company's operations that take SODFHLQWKH8$(7KH&RPSDQ\¶V profits arising from its operations in the UAE might change should the tax laws of the UAE change. Subscribers should note, however, that any future operations of the Company outside the UAE may be subject to taxes. Forward-looking Statements As mentioned in the Forward-Looking Statements section above, this Prospectus contains forward-looking VWDWHPHQWVLQFOXGLQJVWDWHPHQWVDERXWWKH&RPSDQ\¶VEHOLHIVDQGH[SHFWDWLRQVWKDWDUHVXEMHFWWRLQKHUHQWULVNVDQG uncertainties. These statements express the current assumptions, expectations and projections of the Company. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or results, and involve risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the control of the Company, and assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. 0DQ\IDFWRUVFRXOGDIIHFWWKH&RPSDQ\¶VDFWXDOILQDQFLDOFRQGLWLRQRUUHVXOWVRIRSHUDWLRQVDQGFDXVHDFWXDOUHVXOWV to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors include but are not limited to, the following: x changes in the general political, economic and business conditions in the UAE and/or the GCC; x changes in the laws or policies of governments or other governmental or quasi-governmental activities in the UAE and/or the GCC; x prevalence of a competitive pricing environment and the introduction of competing services by other similar entities; x changes in currency exchange rates, interest rates and inflation rates; and/or x changes in the business strategy of the Company and various other factors 37 M A N A G E M E N T O F T H E C O M PA N Y M anagement The management of the Company shall rest in a Board of Directors, which shall consist of 6 (six) members elected by an Ordinary General Meeting by secret cumulative voting. The composition of the Board of Directors shall at all times comply with the required balance between Executive, Non-Executive and Independent Directors. The Non-Executive Directors will consist of individuals who have experience in the relevant fashion and food LQGXVWULHVDQGZLOOEHFRQFHUQHGZLWKDPRQJRWKHUPDWWHUVPLQRULW\VKDUHKROGHUV¶ULJKWVDQGFRUSRUDWHJRYHUQDQFH 3XUVXDQWWRWKH&RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQDQGDVDQH[Hmption from the above said method of election, the Founders have appointed the first Board of Directors consisting of the following individuals who have been DSSRLQWHGWRWKH&RPSDQ\¶VILUVW%RDUGIRUD\HDUWHUP 1. H.E. JAMAL MOHD MATAR AL HAI, U A E National, holder of passport number 0027083, his address P O Box 2525, Dubai, United A rab E mirates (Independent Non-E xecutive M ember ). 2. MR. KHALED SALEM MUSABEH HUMAID ALMHEIRI, U A E National, holder of passport number Z25P22166, his address P O Box 31309, Dubai, United A rab E mirates (Independent Non-E xecutive M ember). 3. MR. JAMAL ABDULLA ALI ALSHAAFAR, U A E National, holder of passport number A2314844, his address P O Box 3945, Dubai, United A rab E mirates (Independent Non-E xecutive M ember). 4. MR. ABUBAKER SEDDIQ MOHAMED HUSSAIN AL KHOORI, U A E National, holder of passport number A0000692, his address P O Box 4394, A bu Dhabi, United A rab E mirates ( Independent NonE xecutive M ember). 5. MR. HAMAD ABDULLA RASHED OBAID AL SHAMSI, U A E National, holder of passport number C J H275299, his address P O Box 6481, A bu Dhabi, United A rab E mirates (Independent Non-E xecutive M ember). 6. MR. MOHAMMAD ALQAHTANI, U A E National, holder of passport number 003212371, his address P O B O X 482013, Dubai, United A rab E mirates (Independent Non-E xecutive M ember). The duties and role of the Board include, among other matters: the appointment of a senior management team; the opening of branches and the creation of affiliates; the setting of corporate policy on investment, finance and personnel; the approval of major investments, joint ventures, asset sales and major expenditures; the approval of basic policies and procedures, business plans and annual budgets, expense controls, approval of limits and delegation of responsibilities; WKH PRQLWRULQJ RI WKH &RPPLWWHHV DQG WKH &RPSDQ\¶V FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK DSSOLFDEOH ODZV UHJXODWLRQV DQG guidelines; and the setting of performance criteria and the retention, compensation and dismissal of senior management. 38 Corporate Governance The corporate governance requirements applicable to joint stock companies listed on the DFM are set out in the Governance Rules and Corporate Discipline Standards issued on 29 October 2009, pursuant to Ministerial Decree no. 518 (the " Governance Rules" ) and will apply to the Company. These requirements include, inter alia : x the majority of the Board of Directors must be comprised of non-executive directors, and at least one third of the Board of Directors must be independent in line with the requirements of the Governance Rules; x the Board of Directors must hold a minimum of 6 (six) meetings each year; x an Audit Committee must be established with at least three Non-Executive Directors, at least two of whom shall be independent; x a Nomination and Remuneration Committee must be established with at least three Non-Executive Directors, at least two of whom shall be independent; x the Company will be required to submit an annual report to the SCA which will include the Company's compliance with the Governance Rules, any violations which have taken place during the year and the Board of Director's review of the internal audit system; and x the Company will be required to adopt a code of conduct for its Directors and employees. Committees The Company wishes to ascertain that principles of corporate governance would be followed by the Management in the course of its operations. Board Committees are planned to be established with clear missions, authorities and responsibilities. The CommitteeV¶ UHVSHFWLYH DXWKRULWLHV VKDOO JHQHUDOO\ EH RI D FRQVXOWDWLYH QDWXUH ZLWK DOO UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV ZKLFK require Board approval being submitted through the Chairman for review, decision and ratification. The Company shall have several functional Committees including the Follow Up and Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee as more fully described below. However, the full Board will be fully appraised of all decisions governing WKH&RPSDQ\¶VRYHUDOORSHUDWLRQVDVVXEPLWWHGDQGUHFRPPHQGHGE\WKHYDULRXVCommittees. Audit Committee: The Audit Committee shall monitor, on a quarterly basis, the compliance of the Company with the %RDUG¶VSROLFLHVDQGZLWKDSSOLFDEOHODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQV7KLV&RPPLWWHHVKDOOZRUNFORVHO\ZLWKWKH&RPSDQ\¶V auditors, both internal and external. Amongst its responsibilities, the Audit Committee shall approve the yearly audit plan, ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system, review the internal control policies, and assess the findings and action plans developed by the auditors of the Company. Follow up and Remuneration Committee : This Committee shall deal with all personnel and compensation policies, organization structure and all other matters relating to management and other employees of the Company. Internal Controls Upon listing, the Company will establish an internal audit department which will report directly to the Board of Directors. The duties of the internal audit department will include the assessment of the Company's risk management procedures and the assessment of the Company's implementation and compliance with the Governance Rules and other applicable laws and regulations, including the Company's internal policies. The internal audit department will also be responsible for reviewing the financial information of the Company. In addition, the Company will appoint a compliance officer with responsibility for the assessment of the Company's and its employees' compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 39 USE O F PR O C E E DS The Company expects to use the proceeds towards capital expenditure for roll out of retail stores and restaurant outlets. The Company also expects to utilize some of the proceeds for financing of working capital and general corporate purposes. 40 D I V I D E N D PO L I C Y Holders of the Shares will be entitled to receive dividends declared in respect of the first financial year, if any, and subsequent financial years, if any upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors and approval of the general assembly. The Company intends to declare and distribute annual dividends with a view to maximizing shareholder value commensurate with the investment requirements of the Company. Subject to the applicable laws and the &RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQDQ\GHFLVLRQWRSD\GLYLGHQGVWRVKDUHKRlders and the amount of such dividends ZLOO EH DW WKH GLVFUHWLRQ DQGXSRQ WKH UHFRPPHQGDWLRQ RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV DQG DSSURYDO RI WKH general assembly. The amount and percentage of any dividends may vary from year to year. The declaration of GLYLGHQGV PD\ DOVR EH LQIOXHQFHG E\ RWKHU IDFWRUV LQFOXGLQJ WKH &RPSDQ\¶V EXVLQHVV SURVSHFWV ZRUNLQJ FDSLWDO requirements, profitability and general financial performance, the condition of the market and the general economic climate, and other factors, including regulatory considerations. 41 D ESC R IP T I O N O F T H E SH A R ES &HUWDLQLQIRUPDWLRQUHODWLQJWRWKH6KDUHVLQFOXGLQJDVXPPDU\RIFHUWDLQSURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI Association is set out below. Share C apital The total capital of Marka PJSC (under incorporation) is AED 500,000,000 divided as follows: )RXQGHUV¶VKDUH$(' ,32VXEVFULEHUV¶VKDUH$(' The price per share in Marka PJSC (under incorporation) is AED 1 (one) in addition to the Offering Costs. Share C apital Increases and Pre-emption Rights Pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Companies Law and the Articles of Association, the share capital of the Company may be increased by a resolution of the extraordinary general assembly pursuant to a recommendation of the Board of Directors. Such resolution must state the amount of the increase of the share capital and the issue value of the Shares issued. However, the Company's share capital may not be increased until the original capital is fully paid. The increase of capital may take place in one of the following ways: (i) the issuing of new Shares; (ii) the merging of the reserve into the share capital; or (iii) the conversion of debentures into sSares. New Shares shall be issued with a nominal value equal to the nominal value of the original Shares. The extraordinary general assembly may resolve to add a premium to the nominal value of the Shares and specify its amount provided that the approval of the SCA is obtained. This premium should be contributed to the legal reserves even if it will thereby exceed half of the capital. The Shareholders shall have priority in the subscription for the new Shares. Any provisions to the contrary in the Articles of Association or in the resolution adopted to increase the share capital shall be void. The chairman of the Company's Board of Directors shall publish in two local daily newspapers in Arabic an announcement informing the Shareholders of their priority in the subscription for the new Shares, the dates of the subscription period and the price of the new Shares. The Shareholders must inform the Company within such period of their desire to purchase such Shares. The Shareholders are allowed to purchase new Shares in proportion to their existing Shares in the Company. The remaining Shares may be purchased by Shareholders who wish to purchase more than their proportion. Any remaining Shares shall be offered to the public. Rights Attaching to Shares Shares are indivisible. Each Share VKDOOJLYHLWVKROGHUHTXDOULJKWVLQWKH&RPSDQ\¶VDVVHWVDQGGLYLGHQGVDVZHOO as rights to vote at the general assembly of Shareholders on a one-Share-one-vote basis. General Assembly of Shareholders Annual General Assembly Meetings of the general DVVHPEO\ RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V 6KDUHKROGHUV PD\ EH E\ ZD\ RI DQQXDO RUGLQDU\ RU extraordinary meetings. An annual general assembly is held at least once a year, within four months of the end of the financial year. The annual general assembly shall consider maWWHUVLQFOXGLQJ'LUHFWRUV¶ DQG $XGLWRUV¶UHSRUWVWKH balance sheet and the profit and loss accounts, the amount of dividends to be distributed, the appointment and removal of Directors and/or auditors and the remuneration of Directors. 42 Extraordinary General Assembly Extraordinary general assemblies are convened to discuss and approve matters other than those considered in annual general assemblies, including: (i) amendment of the Memorandum or Articles of Association of the Company; (ii) increase or decrease in the share capital of the Company; (iii) extension or shortening of the term of the Company; or (iv) any sale or disposal, dissolution, liquidation or merger of the Company. Invitation and Notice Period A general assembly (annual or extraordinary) is convened by a notice from the Board. Such notice shall be distributed by registered letters to shareholders and shall be published in two daily UAE newspapers published in the Arabic language at least 21 days prior to the proposed date of the general assembly. The invitation must include an agenda. Copies of the invitation and the agenda shall also be sent to the SCA and other competent authorities. Registration A shareholder who wishes to attend an ordinary or extraordinary general assembly shall register his/her name in the electronic register made available by the management of the Company at the place of convening the meeting within ample time before the meeting. The register shall include the name of the shareholder or his representative, the number of Shares he/she owns or represents, the names of the represented shareholders (if any), and the appropriate proxies and powers of attorney. Convening of Ordinary General Assembly In addition to an ordinary general assembly called by the Board, a minimum number of 10 shareholders together holding at least thirty (30) percent of the Shares may require by notice to the Company that an ordinary general DVVHPEO\EHFRQYHQHGE\WKH%RDUG$JHQHUDODVVHPEO\PD\DOVREHFRQYHQHGLIVRUHTXHVWHGE\WKH&RPSDQ\¶s Auditors. In both cases, the invitation to convene must be issued within 15 days from the date of submitting the request. Convening of Extraordinary General Assembly An extraordinary general assembly shall convene pursuant to an invitation by the Board of Directors. The Board must convene an extraordinary meeting of the general assembly if requested to do so by shareholder holding at least forty (40) percent of the Shares. In this case, the Board must send out the invitations to the shareholders within 15 days from the date of submitting the request. Rights of Shareholders at General Assemblies Every shareholder of the Company has the right to attend the general assembly. Each Share entitles its holder to one vote. Any shareholder may appoint a proxy, who must not be a member of the Board, to attend the general assembly on his behalf. In order for the proxy to be valid, it must be a written special power of attorney issued pursuant to any terms and conditions determined by the Board and, if the proxy is not a shareholder, the signatures on that power of attorney must be notarized. In any event, a proxy may not hold more than five (5) percent of the share capital of the Company for more than one shareholder in that capacity. The quorum for a general assembly in its various capacities and the majority necessary to adopt resolutions shall be subject to the provisions of the Companies Law. T ransfer of Shares As per applicable UAE laws, Shares held by the Founders will be subject to a mandatory lock-up period extending IURP WKH GDWH RI WKH LQFRUSRUDWLRQ RI WKH &RPSDQ\ XQWLO WKH DQQRXQFHPHQW RI WKH &RPSDQ\¶V DXGLWHG ILQDQFLDO statements relating to the second financial year following such incorporation. A Founder will not be allowed to sell or transfer Shares duULQJVXFKSHULRGH[FHSWWRDQRWKHU)RXQGHUV7KH&RPSDQ\¶V$UWLFOHVRI$VVRFLDWLRQSURYLGH that the transfer of Shares shall be governed by and shall comply with the regulations governing companies listed on a UAE-regulated stock exchange, and/or any other investment exchange on which the Company is listed. The Shares PD\ EH VROG WUDQVIHUUHG SOHGJHG RU RWKHUZLVH GLVSRVHG RI LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH &RPSDQ\¶V $UWLFOHV RI Association. Transfers made other than in accordance with the Articles shall be void. The share participation by nationals of the UAE must not, at any time, fall below fifty-RQHSHUFHQWRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶VVKDUHFDSLWDO 43 W inding-up of the Company The Company is incorporated for a ninety nine (99) year term, which is renewable automatically for similar consecutive terms unless a resolution of an extraordinary general assembly is issued to dissolve the Company. The Company shall cease to exist upon the occurrence of any of the following events: (i) the expiration of the specified term of the Company, unless it is renewed in accordance with the provisions set out in its Articles of Association; (ii) fulfillment of the objects for which the Company was established; (iii) the issue of a resolution of the extraordinary general assembly to dissolve the Company; and (iv) the merger of the Company with another company. In the event that the Company incurs losses amount to at least half the capital of the Company, the Board shall convene an extraordinary general assembly to consider whether the Company should continue or be dissolved. No resolution to dissolve the Company prior to the end of its term as stated of its Articles of Association, or shorten the term of the Company, shall be effective unless adopted by the majority of Shareholders required pursuant to the Companies Law. Protection of M inority Shareholders Article 12 of the Corporate Governance Regulations addresses the rights of Shareholders and how such rights should be protected by the Company to ensure that each shareholder, regardless of the percentage of Shares he holds, may exercise his Shareholder rights. These rights may be summarised as follows: x all the Shareholders shall have full rights with regard to their Shares, mainly the right to: (i) dividends; (ii) a percentage in the assets of the Company upon liquidation; (iii) attend shareholders' general assembly meetings; (iv) contribute in discussions and vote at general assembly meetings; (v) dispose of the shares; (vi) review the financial reports and the financial statements of the Company; and (vii) have access to the ledgers and documents of the Company with the permission of the Board of Directors or the general assembly as may be stipulated in the Articles of Association; x all Shareholders shall be treated equally with respect to permitting them to exercise their rights without discrimination; x all Shareholders shall be aware of the rules and regulations governing the general assembly meeting and the voting mechanism in such meetings; x a minimum number of 10 Shareholders together holding at least thirty (30) percent of the Shares may require by notice to the Company that an ordinary general assembly be convened by the Board; x holders of at least forty (40) percent of the Shares may require by notice to the Company that an extraordinary general assembly be convened by the Board; x all Shareholders shall have the right to contribute to the discussions of the general assembly meetings and vote on resolutions; x all Shareholders shall be familiar with the candidates for membership to the Board of Directors in order to allow them to be aware of the expertise and qualifications of each of them; and x the Board of Directors shall disclose material information related to the Company and its activities. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for setting up a clear policy for dividend distribution that serves the best interests of the Shareholders and the Company. 44 TAXATION The UAE levies no personal income or withholding taxes of any sort. It also does not levy zakat, a religious tax on income and property levied according to Sharia law in many Islamic countries. Although the UAE has promulgated income tax decrees concerning corporate entities, some dating back as long ago as the 1960s, none of the Emirates has yet enforced these decrees, except in the case of oil companies and, in Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah, on foreign banks, which are currently paying corporate taxation on profits. Moreover, as the relevant machinery and procedures to implement the tax laws has not been constituted, there is reason to believe that they may not be enforced in the near future. However, the decrees indicate that if taxation is introduced, tax laws could be enforced retroactively and exemptions could be sought from the respective authorities in appropriate cases. The main corporate income tax decrees are those of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. They differ in the method of tax computation on taxable income. In 2002, Federal Decree No. 55 was issued, imposing 5% customs duty on all assets imported by a company operating in the UAE, unless such company is exempted by the MoF from such customs duty. Subscribers should be aware that aside from UAE taxes, there may be taxes in other jurisdictions relevant, depending on the nationality and the particular circumstances of the investors. These issues are often complex and if Subscribers are in any doubt, they should consult specialist taxation advisors. 45 A U D I T O RS The general assembly of the Company will appoint a reputable international audit firm to perform the audit of its accounts, starting with the first financial year beginning from the date of incorporation of the Company and ending on 31 December of the following year. The auditor shall be appointed for a renewable term of one year. 46 C203$1<¶6$3352;,0$7((;3(16(6 The Company's expenses incurred due to its incorporation and issuance of its securities are, approximately, as follows:Lead Receiving Bank AED 600,000 Receiving Bank 1 AED 250,000 Receiving Bank 2 AED 250,000 Receiving Bank 3 AED 250,000 Receiving Bank 4 AED 250,000 Receiving Bank 5 AED 250,000 Receiving Bank 6 AED 250,000 Receiving Bank 7 AED 250,000 Fees For Services Rendered by the IPO Processing Center In the Subscription and Allotment Periods AED 1,000,000 Lead Manager Fees AED 5,000,000 Legal Consultation Fees AED 500,000 Auditor Fees AED 250,000 Advertising Expenses and PR campaign AED 5,137,000 Typing Expenses (including printing and translation fees) AED 300,000 Government Fees (SCA Fees + DFM Listing Charges) AED 110,000 Total: A E D 14,647,000 Said expenses shall be deducted from the general expenses account. 47 L E G A L M A T T E RS 7KHIROORZLQJVXPPDU\LVTXDOLILHGE\WKHUHOHYDQWSURYLVLRQVRIWKH&RPSDQ\¶V0HPRUDQGXPRI$VVRFLDWLRQDQG the Articles of Association and the Companies Law. A rticles of Association 7KH &RPSDQ\¶V $UWLFOHV RI $VVRFLDWLRQ GHVFULEH WKH ULJKWV DQG REOLJDWLRQV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH RZQHUVKLS RI WKH Shares in detail. 7KH&RPSDQ\¶V&DSLWDO The capital of the Company is AED 500,000,000 divided into 500,000,000 shares of 1 Dirham (AED 1) each. In addition, Offering Costs in the amount of AED 0.03 per Offer Share will be payable by the Subscribers for Offer Shares. Voting Rights Each shareholder shall have the right to attend the general assembly of the shareholders and shall have a number of votes equal to the number of his Shares. Share Register Upon listing on the DFM, the Shares will be dematerialised and the share register will be maintained by the DFM. F inancial Y ear The financial year of the Company will start on the 1st of January and end on December 31st of December of each year. The first financial year of the Company will start upon incorporation of the Company and end on December 31 of the following year. Dividends Each shareholder shall have the right WR GLYLGHQGV ZKHWKHU ³FDVK´ RU ³ERQXV VKDUHV´ in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law and regulations issued by the SCA in this regards. General Assembly The Board of Directors may convene an ordinary general assembly whenever it deems necessary. In any event, the general assembly must convene at least once a year upon an invitation by the Board of Directors within the four (4) months following the end of the financial year at the place and the time specified in the invitation to the meeting. Board of Directors According to the Articles of Association, the Company shall be managed by a Board of Directors of 6 members. The members of the Board Directors are to be elected by way of secret cumulative voting during an ordinary general assembly. The first Board of Directors will be appointed by the Founders for a period of three years commencing on the date of incorporation. The majority of the Board members must be UAE nationals, as must the Chairman of the Board. 48 C O M PA N Y O V E R V I E W Introduction 7KH)RXQGHUVLQWHQGWRGHYHORS0DUND3-6&WKH³&RPSDQ\´RU³0DUND´DVDOHDGLQJUHWDLORSHUDWRULQWKH*XOI &R-RSHUDWLRQ&RXQFLO³*&&´UHJLRQZLWKDSULPDU\IRFXVRQ'XEDLDQG$EX'KDELLQWKH8$(7KHUHWDLOVHFWRU LQ WKH *&& LV SRLVHG WR H[SHULHQFH VLJQLILFDQW JURZWK PDLQO\ SURSHOOHG E\ D IDVW H[SDQGLQJ ORFDO DQG H[SDWULDWH SRSXODWLRQ ULVLQJ GLVSRVDEOHLQFRPH DQG D VXUJLQJ WRXULVP VHFWRU )XUWKHUPRUH LQFUHDVLQJ JRYHUQPHQW LQLWLDWLYHV DQGSULYDWHVHFWRUSDUWLFLSDWLRQKDVPDGHWKH*&&RQHRIWKHZLGHO\SXUVXHGUHWDLOGHVWLQDWLRQVLQWKHZRUOG 7KH&RPSDQ\ZLWKLWVSURSRVHGOLVWLQJRQWKH'XEDL)LQDQFLDO0DUNHWLVSODQQHGWREHDILUVWRILWVNLQG³OLVWHGSOD\ RQ*&&5HWDLO´LQWKH8$(7KLVLVH[SHFWHGWRSURYLGHLQYHVWRUVZLWKWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WREHQHILWQRWRQO\IURPWKH VLJQLILFDQWJURZWKRSSRUWXQLWLHVLQWKHVHFWRUEXWDOVRIURPLQGXVWU\GLYHUVLILFDWLRQ ,W LV SURSRVHG WKDW DSSUR[LPDWHO\ RI 0DUND¶V FDSLWDO FLUFD $(' PQ ZLOO EH DOORFDWHG WRZDUGV IDVKLRQ 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³7KH%HVW:DWHULQWKH:RUOG´VSULQJZDWHUDQG VLOYHUPHGDOZLQQHUIRUVSDUNOLQJZDWHULQWKH86$ 0U$O6KDDIDUKROGVD%6LQ%XVLQHVV0DQDJHPHQWIURP6RXWKHDVWHUQ8QLYHUVLW\:DVKLQJWRQ'&86$ Mohammad A l Q ahtany (M ember of the F irst Board of Directors) is the Managing Director of Abwab Capital, a DIFC regulated Investment Company. Under his leadership he oversaw a fundamental restructuring of Abwab Capital (formerly Univest Capital ) into an investment boutique firm focusing on GCC investment banking transactions and asset management. Mr. AlQahtany is also the Chairman and Managing Director of F irst Equilease, a leading leasing company in Kuwait with a focus on providing equipment leasing solutions for the GCC construction market. Previously, Mr. AlQahtany was the founder and CEO of Ala man Investment Company, a leading Shariah-compliant investment bank listed on the Kuwaiti Stock Exchange. Under his leadership, Alaman was considered to be one of the largest Islamic firms in terms of assets under management in the GCC. Prior to joining Alaman, Mr. AlQahtany was the Deputy General Manager of Industrial and F inancial Investments Company (IFIC), a publicly listed investment company on the Kuwaiti Stock Exchange. During his time at IFIC, Mohammad was part of the team that launched the first ever private equity fund in Kuwait ( Direct Investment Fund) in1998, the first Islamic venture leasing fund ( Commvest Ijara ) in 2000 and the first Kuwaiti internationally recognized index fund in Kuwait ( I F IC Dow Jones Kuwait Index Fund) in 2005. Mr. AlQahtany is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) from American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). He holds a Masters degree with honors in Accounting from the University of Miami (Florida, USA) and a EDFKHORU¶VGHJUHHLQ$FFRXQWLQJIURP Kuwait University. 53 SW O T A nalysis E xhibit 6: SW O T A nalysis SW O T NEGATIVE POSITIVE INTERNAL EXTERNAL 54 Project M erits to the Local E conomy :KROHVDOHDQGUHWDLOWUDGHLVRQHRIWKHSLOODUVRIWKH8$(HFRQRP\KDYLQJFRQWULEXWHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRLWV *'3LQUHFHQW \HDUV,WVVLJQLILFDQFHLVIXUWKHUUHLWHUDWHGE\LWVLPSRUWDQFHWRWKHHPLUDWH¶VHFRQRPLFUHEDODQFLQJ VWUDWHJ\ ± DZD\ IURP UHDO HVWDWH DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG FORVHU WR VHFWRUV ZKLFK FDQ GHOLYHU VXVWDLQDEOH RXWSXW DQG JURZWK 7KH VHFWRU DORQJ ZLWK KRVSLWDOLW\ DQG UHDO HVWDWH KDV EHHQ D PDMRU FRQWULEXWRU WR GHYHORSLQJ WKH 8$(¶V LPDJHDFURVVWKHZRUOG E xhibit 7: Dubai G DP B reakdown by Sectors (2011) Source: UAE National Bureau of Statistics It may be expected that a sector of this size and importance would be well represented on the UAE stock exchanges. This is, however, not the case for multiple reasons. The main reason, related to privately owned entities, is that most of the major wholesalers and retailers have been family owned businesses for generations with good access to FDSLWDOHLWKHUWKURXJKWKHIDPLOLHV¶RWKHUUHVRXUFHVDQGRUWKHIL[HGLQFRPHPDUNHW 55 E xhibit 8: M ar ket C ap of Retailers and W holesalers as % of G DP (2012) 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% USA Japan Germany France UK GCC (excl UAE) UAE Source: IMF, Bloomberg Merits 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 A unique opportunity for global and regional, individual and institutional investors to participate in one of the fastest growing segments in the MENA region Facilitating the mobilization of permanent capitaOWRDQLQGXVWU\ZKLFKLVDNH\FRQWULEXWRUWRWKHHPLUDWH¶V GDP First of its kind (listed play on GCC retail) in the UAE ± could pave the way for further listings in the future Having a positive impact on different sectors of the economy, including, but not limited to: o Retail: Increasing the attractiveness of the existing retail offering mix by introducing new concepts to the market o Tourism: Contributing to the shopping and entertainment paradise image of Dubai; a number of 0DUND¶V SODQQHGRXWOHWVDUHH[SHFWHGWRFRQVWLWXWH³PXVWJR´GHVWLQDWLRQVIRUWRXULVWVYLVLWLQJWKH Emirate o Real Estate: Participating in the growth and appeal of the retail real estate sector o O ther Services: Participating in the growth of different other service based sectors including logistics and transport and financial and other professional services Direct and indirect job creations o Direct: It is anticipated that the Company will have circa 100 employees (including UAE nationals) with various backgrounds working at its Dubai based head office and hundreds of others throughout its outlets by Year 5 o Indirect: This is expected to be significantly higher due to the support activities generated mainly in the tourism, real estate and contracting and logistics sectors ,QFUHDVLQJWKH(PLUDWH¶VSXEOLFLW\JLYHQWKHSURILOHRIWKHEUDQGVSODQQHGWREHEURXJKWRQERDUG Sponsoring local talents / designers 56 I N D UST R Y O V E R V I E W 7KHUHWDLOVHFWRULQWKH*&&LVSRLVHGWRH[SHULHQFHVLJQLILFDQWJURZWKPDLQO\SURSHOOHGE\DIDVWH[SDQGLQJORFDO DQG H[SDWULDWH SRSXODWLRQ IDYRXUDEOH GHPRJUDSKLFV ULVLQJ GLVSRVDEOH LQFRPH DQG D VXUJLQJ WRXULVP VHFWRU ,Q DGGLWLRQWRWKLVJRYHUQPHQWVLQWKHUHJLRQDUHXQGHUWDNLQJLQLWLDWLYHVWRVXSSRUWIXUWKHUGHYHORSPHQWRIWKHUHWDLOIRU IXUWKHUGLYHUVLI\LQJWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHHFRQRPLHV E xhibit 9: Snapshot of the G C C Retail Sector Source: World Bank, BMI, 2011 figures F undamentals & G rowth D rivers Growth in Population 7KH*&&KDVRQHRIWKHIDVWHVWJURZLQJSRSXODWLRQVLQWKHZRUOG7KH*&&UHJLRQ¶VDQQXDOSRSXODWLRQJURZWKKDV DYHUDJHGDSSUR[LPDWHO\IURPWRFRPSDUHGWRDJOREDODYHUDJHRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\7KH SRSXODWLRQLVH[SHFWHGWRJURZZLWKD&$*5RIDSSUR[LPDWHO\IURPWR 57 7KH 8$( LV H[SHFWHG WR ZLWQHVV IDYRXUDEOH JURZWK WUHQGV ZLWK SRSXODWLRQ H[SHFWHG WR JURZ DW D &$*5 RI DSSUR[LPDWHO\ IURP WR ZKLOH 4DWDU¶V SRSXODWLRQ &$*5 LV H[SHFWHG WR EH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ GXULQJWKHVDPHWLPHSHULRG3RSXODWLRQHVWLPDWHVLQWKHNH\*&&FRXQWULHVDUHSURYLGHGEHORZ E xhibit 10: G rowth in Population Source: IMF Note: A=Actual, E=Estimated F avorable Demographics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¶V\RXWK $QRWKHUQRWHZRUWK\FKDUDFWHULVWLFRIWKH*&&LVWKHVLJQLILFDQWSUHVHQFHRIH[SDWULDWHV 2YHUWKHODVWGHFDGHJURZWKRIWKHH[SDWULDWHSRSXODWLRQKDVRXWSDFHGWKHRYHUDOOUDWHRISRSXODWLRQH[SDQVLRQ,Q FRXQWULHVOLNHWKH8$(.XZDLWDQG4DWDUH[SDWULDWHVUHSUHVHQW-RIWKHHQWLUHSRSXODWLRQ&RQIOXHQFHRI GLIIHUHQW HWKQLFLWLHV FRQVXPSWLRQ KDELWV DQG EUDQG SUHIHUHQFHV PDNH WKH *&&¶V UHWDLO PDUNHW DQ DWWUDFWLYH SURSRVLWLRQIRUUHWDLOHUV 7KH \RXWK DQG WKH H[SDWULDWH SRSXODWLRQ KDV EHHQ D PDMRU IRUFH EHKLQG LQFUHDVLQJ PRGHUQL]DWLRQ RI WKH UHJLRQ¶V UHWDLOLQGXVWU\VWUXFWXUH 7KH IROORZLQJ WDEOH VKRZV WKH FRPSRVLWLRQ RI SRSXODWLRQ EHWZHHQ - \HDUV RI DJH DQG DOVR WKH SHUFHQWDJH RI H[SDWULDWHSRSXODWLRQLQWKH*&&FRXQWULHV 1 6RXUFH³$IIRUGDEOHKRXVLQJD*&&SULRULW\´$UDE1HZV2FWREHU 58 E xhibit 11: Youth and E xpatriate Population by Country % Population Between Ages 0-14 31% 28% 26% 20% 21% 13% Country O man K SA K uwait Bahrain UAE Q atar % Population Between Ages 15-24 20% 20% 15% 16% 14% 14% % Population Between Ages 25-54 42% 45% 52% 56% 62% 70% % E xpatriate Population 30% 32% 68% 55% 89% 80% Source: IMF, CIA World Factbook, UN ESA (2010), Euromonitor, UAE National Bureau of Statistics Growing Disposable Income *HQHUDOLQFRPHOHYHOVLQWKH*&&KDYHVXUJHGRYHUWKH\HDUVDVRLOSULFHVKDYHWUHQGHGXSZDUGVLQWKHORQJ-WHUP 0RUHRYHU D JURZLQJ *'3 VXEVWDQWLDO JRYHUQPHQW VSHQGLQJ RQ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH DQG KHDOWKFDUH UHODWLYHO\ ORZ IXHO SULFHV VWDEOH SURSHUW\ SULFHV DQG ORZ RU QR WD[ LQFLGHQFH UHVXOW LQ D VXEVWDQWLDO SRUWLRQ RI LQGLYLGXDOV¶ LQFRPH EHLQJ DYDLODEOH IRU FRQVXPSWLRQ RI GLVFUHWLRQDU\ LWHPV 7KH 0LGGOH (DVW GRPLQDWHG E\ WKH *&& ZDV WKH RQO\ UHJLRQ DFURVV WKH JOREH WR KDYH H[SHULHQFHG D SRVLWLYH JURZWK LQ KLJK QHW-ZRUWK LQGLYLGXDO ZHDOWK LQ FRPSDUHGWRWKHJOREDODYHUDJHRIDGH-JURZWK2 'XULQJ WKH ILYH \HDUV WR 4DWDU LV OLNHO\ WR OHDG WKH *&& FRXQWULHV ZLWK D *'3 SHU FDSLWD 333 &$*5 RI E xhibit 12: G DP per C apita (PPP) Comparison (2012) 120,000 102,211 100,000 USD 80,000 60,000 49,922 49,012 39,889 40,000 31,275 39,028 36,941 29,166 28,744 20,000 9,162 11,875 3,830 il Br az In di a Ch in a an y Ge rm es St at Un i ted ted Ki ng do m an Om Un i t n Ba hr ai Ku wa i ar Qa t Sa u UA E di Ar ab ia - Source: International Monetary Fund Surging Tourism Sector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ource: Capgemini Lorenz Curve Analysis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¶V LPDJH DV RQH RI WKH OHDGLQJ OHLVXUH FHQWHUV JOREDOO\ 7KH*&&LVDOVREHLQJGHYHORSHGDVDFHQWHUIRUVSRUWVWRXULVPZLWKSRSXODUVSRUWLQJHYHQWVVXFKDVKRUVHUDFLQJ )RUPXOD2QH*UDQG3UL[DQGFULFNHWWRXUQDPHQWVVHHLQJDODUJHQXPEHURIHQWKXVLDVWVDQQXDOO\)XUWKHUZLWKQHZ LQIUDVWUXFWXUH GHYHORSPHQW LQ KHDOWKFDUH DQG FRQYHQWLRQ FHQWHUV WKH *&& LV ZLWQHVVLQJ D JURZLQJ QXPEHU RI YLVLWRUVIRUEXVLQHVVDQGPHGLFDOUHDVRQV &RQWLQXHG LQIOX[ RI WRXULVWV ZLOO EH D NH\ GULYHU IRU WKH UHJLRQ¶V UHWDLO LQGXVWU\ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR WRXULVWV ZKR VSHFLILFDOO\YLVLWIRUVKRSSLQJRWKHUWUDYHOHUVDOVRWHQGWRVSHQGVXEVWDQWLDOO\RQYDULRXVSURGXFWFDWHJRULHVVXFKDV DSSDUHOMHZHOU\ FRVPHWLFV IUDJUDQFHV FKRFRODWHV DQG HOHFWURQLFV GXH WR WKH ZLGH UDQJH RI FKRLFHV DYDLODEOH DQG FRPSHWLWLYH SULFHV RIIHUHG E\ UHWDLOHUV *RLQJ IRUZDUG LQWHUQDWLRQDO WRXULVW DUULYDOV LQ WKH *&& DUH IRUHFDVWHG WR JURZIURPPLOOLRQLQWRPLOOLRQLQUHJLVWHULQJD&$*5RI,Q'XEDLDORQHDSSUR[LPDWHO\ PLOOLRQWRXULVWVZHUHH[SHFWHGWRYLVLWDQGVWD\GXULQJ3 ,QOLQHZLWKWKHFRQWLQXHGXSWUHQGLQWUDIILFDOOWKH*&&FRXQWULHVKDYHHPEDUNHGXSRQDPELWLRXVSODQVWRLPSURYH DQG H[SDQG WKHLU H[LVWLQJ DLUSRUW DQG DLUOLQH LQIUDVWUXFWXUH 7KH (PLUDWHV $LUOLQHV 4DWDU $LUZD\V DQG (WLKDG $LUZD\V WKH UHJLRQ¶V WKUHH OHDGLQJ DLUOLQHV DUH H[SHFWHG WR H[SDQG WKHLU FDUU\LQJ FDSDFLW\ IURP PLOOLRQ SDVVHQJHUV WR PLOOLRQ SDVVHQJHUV E\ ,QYHVWPHQWV LQ H[FHVV RI 86' EQ KDYH EHHQ HDUPDUNHG IRU GHYHORSPHQWRIDLUSRUWLQIUDVWUXFWXUHLQWKH0LGGOH(DVWE\DVXEVWDQWLDOSRUWLRQRIZKLFKLVOLNHO\WREHVSHQW LQWKH*&& E xhibit 13: G C C Tourist A r rivals by Country Source: Alpen Capital 3 6RXUFH³'XEDL¶VHFRQRP\VHWIRUELJJHVWERRVWLQ\HDUV´.KDOHHM7LPHV1RYHPEHU 60 E xhibit 14: Expected G rowth of Tourist A r rivals in the G C C Source: World Travel & Tourism Council, Alpen Capital Note: E = Esti mate, F = Forecasted E xhibit 15: Tourism Spending in the G C C 100 USD bn 80 60 25 21 21 23 46 52 53 55 59 2010 2011 2012F 2013F 2014F 18 40 20 0 Leisure travel & tourism spending Business travel & tourism spending Source: World Travel & Tourism Council, Alpen Capital Note: E = Esti mate, F = Forecasted 7KH :RUOG (FRQRPLF )RUXP¶V 7UDYHO 7RXULVP &RPSHWLWLYHQHVV 5HSRUW UDQNHG WKH 8$( WK DPRQJ FRXQWULHVDQGWKHKLJKHVWZLWKLQWKH0LGGOH(DVW6WURQJGHYHORSPHQWRIWKH8$(¶VWUDYHODQGWRXULVPLQGXVWU\DQG LQIUDVWUXFWXUHFRQWULEXWHGWRWKH8$(¶VKLJKUDQNLQJDQGLWVDELOLW\WRDWWUDFWODUJHQXPEHUVRIYLVLWRUVIURPDFURVV WKHJOREH ,QLQWHUQDWLRQDOYLVLWRUVVSHQW86'EQRQ9LVDFDUGVLQWKH8$(XSSHUFHQW\HDURQ\HDU$VLQ 9LVD DFFRXQWV KROGHUV IURP WKH 8QLWHG .LQJGRP WRSSHG WKH OLVW IROORZHG E\ 5XVVLD DQG WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV &ROOHFWLYHO\WRXULVWVIURPWKHVHWKUHHFRXQWULHVVSHQW86'EQ ±RUSHUFHQWRIWRWDOWRXULVPVSHQG7KHWRS WHQVRXUFHPDUNHWVDFFRUGLQJWR9LVD9XH7UDYHOGDWDUHPDLQHGWKHVDPHDVWKHSUHYLRXV\HDUFROOHFWLYHO\VSHQGLQJ 86'EQ±SHUFHQWKLJKHUWKDQLQ 61 E xhibit 16: Visa C ard Spending in the U A E by the Top 10 Inbound Source M ar kets Source: VisaVue Travel Data 2010-2011 Continued Modernization of the Industry 2YHUWKHODVWIHZ\HDUVUHWDLOVSDFHVLQWKH*&&KDYHEHFRPHLQFUHDVLQJO\PRGHUQDQGVRSKLVWLFDWHG7UDGLWLRQDO VRXNV DQG VWDQGDORQH VWRUHV DUH EHLQJ FRQVWDQWO\ UHSODFHG E\ OX[XULRXV VKRSSLQJ PDOOV DQG ODUJH K\SHUPDUNHWV ZKLFK KDYH EHFRPH WKH GHVWLQDWLRQV RI FKRLFH IRU VKRSSHUV 7KH 'XEDL 0DOO 0DOO RI WKH (PLUDWHV 'HLUD &LW\ &HQWUHDQG0DULQD 0DOO DOOORFDWHGLQWKH 8$(IHDWXUHDPRQJWKHWRS PDOOVLQWKHUHJLRQ:KLOHWKHH[SHULHQFH SURYLGHG ZLWKLQ WKHVH HVWDEOLVKPHQWV LV 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VPRVWVXFFHVVIXOPDUNHWVDQGWKRVHWKDWRIIHUWKHPRVWSRWHQWLDOIRUWKHIXWXUH )RXURXWRIWKHVL[*&&FRXQWULHVDUHIHDWXUHGLQWKHWRSFRXQWULHV E xhibit 18: G C C Countries F eaturing on the 2012 G lobal Retail Development Index &RXQWU\ *5',6FRUH 5DQN 5DQN 8$( 6DXGL$UDELD 1RWUDQNHG .XZDLW 2PDQ Source: A.T. Kearney 7KHUHWDLOLQGXVWU\LQ.6$LVSURMHFWHGWRH[SDQGDWD&$*5RIEHWZHHQDQG$OOWKHRWKHU*&& QDWLRQVDUHOLNHO\WRUHJLVWHUDQQXDODYHUDJHUHWDLOVDOHVJURZWKRIDURXQG-GXULQJWKHVDPHSHULRG 64 E xhibit 19: Country-Wise Contribution to the G C C Retail M ar ket Source: Alpen Capital Note: E = Esti mate, F = Forecasted E xhibit 20: Country-Wise Retail Sales G rowth Source: Alpen Capital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j-YLVWKHH[LVWLQJFRPSOHWHGUHWDLOVSDFHZLOOEHWKHKLJKHVW LQ4DWDU 65 E xhibit 21: Completed G L A and Projected A dditions in the G C C (2011) Source: Retail International, Alpen Capital E xhibit 22: G L A per C apita Comparison for the G C C Countries (2011) Source: Retail International, International Monetary Fund, Economic Intelligence Unit, Alpen Capital &XUUHQWGHPDQGIRUKLJKTXDOLW\UHWDLOVSDFHUHPDLQVVWURQJLQWKH*&&DQGQHZVKRSSLQJPDOOVDUHOLNHO\WRHQMR\ KHDOWK\ DEVRUSWLRQ UDWHV HVSHFLDOO\ LQ XQGHU-SHQHWUDWHG FLWLHV +RZHYHU WKH SRVVLELOLW\ RI D VXUSOXV LQ VXSSO\ RI UHWDLOVSDFHDQGDVORZGRZQLQWKHWDNH-XSRIQHZVSDFHKDVEHHQIDFWRUHG-LQLQWKHSURMHFWLRQVEHORZ 66 E xhibit 23: Forecast of O ccupied G L A in the G C C Shopping C enters Source: Retail International, Alpen Capital Note: E = Esti mate, F = Forecasted 2FFXSLHGUHWDLO*/$LQWKH*&&LVH[SHFWHGWRJURZDWD&$*5RIEHWZHHQDQGVOLJKWO\KLJKHU WKDQWKHGHPDQG-VLGH&$*5HVWLPDWHIRUUHWDLOVDOHVRI 67 M ar ket T rends &XVWRPHUVDUHDOZD\VORRNLQJIRUQHZH[SHULHQFHVDQGRSSRUWXQLWLHVPDMRUUHWDLOPDUNHWWUHQGVLQFOXGH x &RQVXPHUVVHHNLQJDQLQWHJUDWHGVKRSSLQJH[SHULHQFHDFURVVDOOFKDQQHOVPRELOHGHYLFHVGLJLWDOVRFLDO PHGLDDQGWDEOHWVHTXLSSHGZLWKVKRSSLQJDSSV2QOLQHVKRSSLQJLVVWLOODQDVFHQWLQGXVWU\LQWKH*&&EXW LVH[SHFWHGWRLQFUHDVHFRQVLGHUDEO\HVSHFLDOO\LQWKH8$(WKDWOHDGVWKH$UDEZRUOGLQ,QWHUQHWSHQHWUDWLRQ UDWHV7KHPRVWDSSURSULDWHWHFKQRORJLHVVKRXOGEHOHYHUDJHGWRHQKDQFHWKHH[SHULHQFHLQERWKWKHSK\VLFDO VWRUHDQGGLJLWDOZRUOG x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x ,QFUHDVLQJGRPLQDQFHRIDQXPEHURIEUDQGVLQOLQHZLWKLQFUHDVHLQEUDQGDZDUHQHVVDQGOR\DOW\ x $JHLQJRIWKHFRPSDUDWLYHO\\RXQJ*&&SRSXODWLRQZKRZLOOEHFRPH\RXQJDGXOWVZLWKJURZLQJPDWXULW\ DQGGHHSHUSRFNHWV x &RQVXPHUVWUDYHOOLQJPRUHIXHOOHGE\EXGJHWDLUOLQHVDQGFRQVHTXHQWO\GHYHORSLQJKLJKHUH[SHFWDWLRQVRI TXDOLW\DQGVHUYLFH x *UHDWHU KHDOWK FRQFHUQV GXH WR WKH LQFUHDVLQJ QXPEHUV RI ZRUNLQJ ZRPHQ DQG JRYHUQPHQW FDPSDLJQV DLPHGDWHGXFDWLQJFRQVXPHUVDERXWKHDOWK\KDELWV x *UHHQHUFRQVXPHUVZLOOLQJWRSD\DQHFR-SUHPLXPLIFDUERQIRRWSULQWLVUHGXFHG 68