ICB - Royal Tutoring.
ICB - Royal Tutoring.
NESS Q ED O R I F I C AT I ITED AL B SI U U NS AC C Secure your future 2013 Internationally recognised | Locally essential Contents Introducing the ICB We’ve been around since 1931. You can trust that we know what’s what in this industry. We’re here to improve and maintain the quality of bookkeeping, accounting, office administration and financial management training and qualifications in southern Africa. We also work hard to build the credibility and reputation of these fields. The ICB is a Quality Assurance Partner of FASSET. We are an external assessment (examining) body for many of the business qualifications that FASSET awards. 2 | www.icb.org.za 03 04 05 06 08 10 12 Secure your future in 2014 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 21 22 Study options 23 23 24 28 29 29 29 30 What the ICB and ICBA do Accredited qualifications The ICB’s four learning programmes Accounting Programme Public Sector Accounting Programme Office Management Programme Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programme Qualifications vs designations Coursework, exams and assessment What’s a Portfolio of Evidence? Get credit: Recognition of Prior Learning Learnerships Find a job with the ICB ICB bursaries Frequently-asked questions Glossary of terms Introducing professional body membership with the ICBA How the ICB and ICBA work for you Where to study The process going forward ICB fees Policies and procedures31 Online resources 2014 assessment timetables Interesting work. Clear career progression. And great employability. If you’re looking for all these, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s your chance to study towards a career that’ll give you stability, stimulation 83 and growth. A career that could see you being in high demand in every industry – even during economic cycles when just staying employed is achievement enough for some. Who says you can’t have it all? years of quality, education and professionalism 500+ Secure your future in 2014 Financial qualifications are no longer ‘just for university graduates’. Times – and tuition – have changed. Financial literacy is a scarce skill – and if you have it, it can open doors for you in almost every sector of the economy. So whether you’ve just left school or are already working, you can study towards an internationally recognised ICB qualification and become a financial accountant in the private or public sectors; an office manager; or learn how to manage the finances of a small business. accredited tuition + sites where you can study ICB courses 40 000 learner + assessments are assessed every year With the ICB, qualifications build on each other and you’ll be surprised how quickly you can start achieving them. www.icb.org.za | 3 Accredited qualifications Recognised locally and worldwide ICB qualifications are registered on South Africa’s National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the Zambian Vocational Qualifications Framework. Our graduates are recognised by: • The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants. • The International Association of Bookkeepers. • The International Association of Accounting Professionals. SOUTHERN AFRICAN INSTITUTE FOR BUSINESS ACCOUNTANTS • The Southern African Institute for Business Accountants. Once you have achieved our NQF Level 6 qualification and have met their work experience criteria, you can apply to SAIBA for registration as an Accounting Officer for Close Corporations. • The South African Institute of Tax Practitioners. Once you have achieved our NQF level 5 qualification, you can apply to SAIT for registration as a Tax Practitioner. • The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Our NQF Level 6 Accounting Programme graduates can study further through the ACCA to become chartered certified accountants. • Chartered Secretaries Southern Africa. • …and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. 4 | www.icb.org.za 4 Four programmes Which will you choose? This is y that to certif lliams Anna Wi 0 456 730123 Has been 789 the awarded okkeeper Senior Bo ƟŽŶ YƵĂůŝĮĐĂ 13 uary 20 On 27 Jan 98765 ϯ ICB ref no: ďĞƌϮϬϭ ͗ϯϭĞĐĞŵ sĂůŝĚƵŶƟů ƌƵĂƌLJϮϬϭϯ ƵĞ͗ϭϬ&Ğď ĂƚĞŽĨŝƐƐ e Manager Assuranc Quality utive Chief Exec *LYHQXQG Accounting Programme Want to be able to offer indispensable bookkeeping and accounting skills, or become a certified accountant someday? Public Sector Accounting Programme Office Management Programme If you want to work in finance and administration in government or municipalities, this is the course to study. Perfect for those of you who want to learn a little bookkeeping, and a lot of all-round office knowledge. Financial Accountant Technical Financial Accountant Senior Bookkeeper Office Manager Technical Public Accountant RNNHHSHU HUWLÀHG%R VWLWXWHRI& ORI7KH,Q RZQ HUWKHVHD &DSH7 32%R[ V/LPLWHG Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programme Just the ticket if you want to learn about finances and how these can contribute to a small business’s stability and success. Or if you want to learn how to manage your own business’s finances without studying a formal accounting qualification. Senior Office Administrator Junior Bookkeeper Public Accounts Administrator Junior Office Administrator Start here Start here Start here Start here Pgs 10-11 Pgs 12-13 Pgs 6-7 Pgs 8-9 Small Business Financial Manager www.icb.org.za | 5 Consider the ICB’s Accounting Programme This programme’s 12 learning areas (subjects) let you qualify at successive levels of bookkeeping and accounting as you progress. Complete the first four subjects to become a Junior Bookkeeper and then work your way up through other levels to the ultimate qualification of Financial Accountant. If you’re keen you can choose to do the following: 1 Accounting Programme Financial Accountant National Diploma: Financial Accounting NQF L6 (SAQA ID: 20366) • Obtain a designation (letters after your name) through the ICBA. • Become a certified accountant by taking some additional courses through the ACCA. • Switch from financial accounting to management accounting through CIMA. • Specialise in taxation via a UNISA Higher Diploma. • Become a tax practitioner through SAIT. Technical Financial Accountant National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting NQF L5 (SAQA ID: 36213) • Become a chartered secretary through CSSA. • Apply to become an accounting officer through SAIBA. Senior Bookkeeper It’s perfect if you are... Further Education and Training Certificate: Bookkeeping NQF L4 (SAQA ID: 58376) aiming to be employed in a finance department. juggling the finances of a growing company. running a small business. considering starting a business of your own someday. thinking of opening your own bookkeeping practice one day. Junior Bookkeeper National Certificate: Bookkeeping NQF L3 (SAQA ID: 58375) known to have a good head for numbers. 6 | www.icb.org.za Start here Accounting Officers: Hot commodities! Take note: Every close corporation in South Africa has to appoint an Accounting Officer. The Accounting Officer reports on the company’s financials and ensures that the business is compliant with the relevant financial acts of law. Accounting Officers are in demand, so if you have successfully completed the Financial Accountant qualification, you can apply to SAIBA to become one. Your ICB qualification is just one of SAIBA’s requirements – check their website for more details (www.saiba.org.za). Learning areas/subjects 12 Accounting Theory and Practice* *By dissertation 11 Financial Reporting and Regulatory Frameworks 10 Management Accounting Control Systems 9 Corporate Strategy 8 Business Law and Accounting Control 7 Income Tax Returns Prequalification • Successful completion of the previous learning areas (1-8) – or be a qualified Technical Financial Accountant. • National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting NQF L5 - or equivalent. • Successful completion of the previous learning areas (1-6) – or be a qualified Senior Bookkeeper. • Grade 12 (Std 10) or equivalent - with accounting as a subject. 6 Cost and Management Accounting 5 Financial Statements • Successful completion of the previous learning areas (1-4) – or be a qualified Junior Bookkeeper. • Grade 11 (Std 9) or equivalent. 4 Business Literacy • Grade 10 (Std 8) or equivalent. 3 Computerised Bookkeeping • No prior accounting knowledge needed. 2 Payroll and Monthly SARS Returns 1 Bookkeeping to Trial Balancee • You must be at least 16 years of age. What you’ll be able to do See above Financial Accountant, apply to SAIBA to become an Accounting Officer. Compile annual financial statements; sign off same for close corporations (if you are registered with SAIBA as an Accounting Officer); work closely with a Chartered Accountant and Registered Auditor; have a thorough knowledge of accounting theory and practice, corporate strategy and regulatory frameworks. Accounting Technician, Tax Technician. Operate with management in an accounting environment; become a SAIT-recognised tax practitioner; know the ins and outs of accounting, taxation, auditing and business law; understand how tax works for individuals and companies. Junior Accountant, Assistant Accountant. Perform all monthly and annual bookkeeping; asset disposal; year-end adjustments; analysis of financial statements; understand cash flow; complete basic management accounts; working knowledge of cost accounting, financial management and business ethics. Accounts Clerk, Debtors Clerk, Creditors Clerk, Payroll Clerk. Complete monthly bookkeeping to trial balance; reconcile supplier statements, inventory systems and bank statements; calculate PAYE / SDL / UIF remuneration; monthly EMP201 returns and EMP deductions; annual EMP501, IRP5, IRP6 and IT3a documents and VAT returns. www.icb.org.za | 7 2 “I started with the ICB in June as I heard great things about them and their courses. It has made me so positive towards my job. I feel confident and that NOTHING is impossible! Public Sector Accounting Programme I feel like my input in my job has more value. I strongly recommend ICB courses. Their course material is user-friendly and they Technical Public Accountant cater for YOUR NEEDS!” Diploma: Public Sector Accounting NQF L5 (SAQA ID: 20353) Jill Public Accounts Administrator National Certificate: Public Sector Accounting NQF L4 (SAQA ID: 20352) Start here Take note: Easy conversion to the Accounting Programme 8 | www.icb.org.za Check out the It’s ideal if you are... Public Sector Accounting Programme This programme consists of eight subjects, but you can get your first qualification (Public Accounts Administrator) after completing just four. Build on these first four subjects with the remaining four and you’ll qualify as a Technical Public Accountant. Learning areas/subjects Prequalification considering getting a job in the public sector. already working in government and want to switch to finance. interested in helping your municipality / local government run smoothly. keen to serve your community. known to have a good head for numbers. What you’ll be able to do • National Certificate: Public Sector Accounting, which consists of the previous 4 learning areas. Work as a qualified accounting technician in the public sector. Make a positive contribution to the country by improving public finance management, adding value, efficiency and productivity to government departments. Business Literacy • Grade 11, NQF 3 or equivalent. 3 Computerised Bookkeeping • You must be at least 16 years of age. Administer public accounts. Help improve public sector financial management by adding value, efficiency and productivity to government departments. 2 Public Accounting Administration • No prior accounting knowledge needed. 1 Bookkeeping to Trial Balancee 8 Business Law and Accounting Control 7 Technical Public Accounting 6 Cost and Management Accounting 5 Financial Statements 4 Public Sector Accounting graduates can take their studies further by switching to the ICB’s Accounting Programme by completing just one or two extra subjects: 1. Public Accounts Administrators can become Junior Bookkeepers by completing the Payroll and Monthly SARS Returns course. 2. Technical Public Accountants can become Technical Financial Accountants just by completing the Payroll and Monthly SARS Returns and Income Tax Returns courses. www.icb.org.za | 9 “ICB has the best courses and they are willing to go extra miles for their students 3 and treat everyone equally. If it is your first time studying Accounting, believe you me you will enjoy every moment and find out it was not bad like you thought before. It will make you a better person in years to come.” Office Management Programme Calvin Office Manager Diploma: Office Administration NQF L6 (SAQA ID: 35958) Senior Office Administrator Higher Certificate: Office Administration NQF L5 (SAQA ID: 23619) Junior Office Administrator Certificate: Office Administration NQF L5 (SAQA ID: 23618) 10 | www.icb.org.za Start here Consider the Office Management Programme As you work your way through this programme’s 12 learning areas (subjects), you’ll move up from Junior Office Administrator to Office Manager. This is a great choice if you believe in the huge benefits of running any company in an organised way. The knowledge you gain in each successive qualification builds on the last, allowing you to take on key functions and increased responsibility in your workplace. Learning areas/subjects 12 Management 11 Financial Accounting 10 Business and Office Administration 3 9 Economics 8 Human Resources Management and Labour Relations 7 Business and Office Administration 2 6 Cost and Management Accounting 5 Business Law and Administrative Practice 4 Marketing Management and Public Relations 3 2 Bookkeeping 1 Office Communication Prequalification It’s for you if you’re... looking to land your first job. wanting skills that make you employable in any kind of business. ambitious and want to be top of the list for promotions. keen to move up into management. eager to learn the basics of marketing, bookkeeping, human resources and public relations. What you’ll be able to do • Higher Certificate: Office Administration, which consists of the previous 9 learning areas. Senior Office Manager, Public Relations Officer. Use your advanced knowledge of management techniques, financial accounting and reporting skills and office administration techniques. • Certificate: Office Administration NQF L5, which consists of the previous 6 learning areas. Secretary, General Office Manager, Human Resources Administrator, Labour Relations Administrator. Use your understanding of office management techniques and your thorough knowledge of human resources, labour relations and economics. • Grade 12 (Std 10) or equivalent – and you must be at least 16 years of age. Receptionist, Office Assistant, Office Administrator, Public Relations Officer, Marketing Administrator. Understand business communication; basic bookkeeping up to trial balance; use your basic knowledge of cost and management accounting and computing; show proficiency in basic marketing and public relations, business law and administrative practice. • No prior accounting knowledge needed. Business and Office Administration 1 www.icb.org.za | 11 “My ICB course has definitely taught me that computers can’t do everything! Doing the practical work has taught me so much that I can use in my job every day. What’s been rewarding is seeing the 4 end results and knowing I’ve accomplished something in life. The ICB has given me a great head start.” Bernard Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programme Small Business Financial Manager National Certificate: Small Business Financial Management NQF L4 (SAQA ID 48736) 12 | www.icb.org.za Check out the Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programme It’s ideal if you’re... This programme encompasses three learning areas (subjects) that lead you to becoming a Small Business Financial Manager. a small business owner or opening a small business. Maybe you’ve started a business already, or are planning to soon, to contribute to the economy and create jobs. determined to help a small business grow and increase profits. Or perhaps your partner runs a business and you’d like to support him or her in it. driven to run your company’s operations economically. If you have entrepreneurial plans but need financial knowledge, the ICB’s Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programme is perfect for you. looking to understand how finances influence a small business’s success. Because if you have a great idea or product to sell, you want to make sure you can do it profitably (and help you achieve that dream home or lifestyle!). keen to improve your small business’s chances of securing loans and finance. Learning areas/subjects 3 Business Literacy 2 Computerised Bookkeeping 1 Essential Business Finance Prequalification • Grade 11 (Std 9), NQF L3 or an equivalent. What you’ll be able to do Manage the finances of a small or medium-sized business, using your basic skills in accounting, reporting, finance and costing. Read and understand business financial documentation so that you can ask your bookkeeper the right questions to keep your business on track. Assistant Financial Manager; any managerial role requiring basic financial skills. www.icb.org.za | 13 Study ways to study your ICB courses your way via or correspondence Classroom ? Full time at a college of your choice. This is the fastest way to get your qualification. Most school leavers opt for this route, because they aren’t yet working or tied down with too many commitments (lucky them!). Perhaps you’re a student ready to hit the books – and college – 24/7. Or maybe you’re a working mom with a kid or two, lots of ambition, but very little time. You might be hoping to qualify in six months – or are thinking of studying on the side while you hold down a full-time job. Part time at a college of your choice. Study after hours, with 4 hours’ face-to-face time at a college each week. Perhaps you’re already employed, but looking to upskill and increase your job security – or even change jobs. Part time studies can really increase your options. Via the over 500 ICB-accredited tuition providers, you can study in the way that best suits your needs. If only everything in life was so flexible. Video studies are an option at some colleges. Set your own tuition times and watch recorded lectures that you simply pre-book at your college. This is a good option if you can’t always make scheduled, fixed classes. fu up! er nd kl! c WWWo a b r o f ll Ca h any of theseesestud stuydy Wit 14 | www.icb.org.za Correspondence from home. BCI y of th ith a,nyou s to Wions havaevacc cesto cess opt uh ea o y , s n o ti le online tutoring op tor ing uab val online tu le b a lu a por t r t sup or vtelephone e suppo lephonege te r o ase.well. from your collcolleg r u o y m o fr This is the most flexible and affordable route and lets you complete your ICB studies at your own pace, wherever you are. Register with a correspondence college and they’ll send you the relevant tuition material. You’ll normally also have access to the college’s helpline and support structures, so you’re not really going it alone. Qualifications vs Designations Your ICB qualification is completely separate from professional body membership of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants. Here’s the low-down: ICB academic qualifications ICBA designations and membership What is it? When you’ve completed a full ICB course and are assessed as ‘competent’, you are awarded an ICB qualification. E.g. Diploma: Office Administration. All our qualifications are registered on the National Qualifications Framework in South Africa. An ICBA designation is a title that shows your level of academic qualification, work experience AND that you are a current member of this professional body. It is represented by letters placed after your name. E.g. CSBIcba(SA) for a Certified Senior Bookkeeper. You can use these letters only if you are already qualified and are up to date with your relevant ICBA membership fee. Students may join the ICBA and get the benefits of being a member of a professional body – you just won’t have a designation. How do I get it? You are awarded a qualification when you have completed all the subjects that make up the course and are assessed as ‘competent’. Assessment fees are often included in college fees; for some other study routes they are charged separately. Once you have achieved an ICB qualification or similar, you can apply for professional body membership with the ICBA. Some work experience may also be required for membership. You must reapply and pay to renew your membership every year. As you gain new qualifications, you can ask for your membership level to be upgraded. When do I get it? You’re only awarded a qualification at the end of your studies, when you are assessed as competent in all the subjects the qualification requires, or through Recognition of Prior Learning. You can apply for ICBA student membership at any time. Once you have achieved an ICB qualification, or a qualification recognised by the ICBA, you can become a qualified member of the ICBA. What does it cost? The cost of a qualification depends on how and where you study, how many subjects you take at a time, and how long you take to complete your course. Ask your college about their tuition fees. You do not need to pay a yearly fee to keep your qualification current. In 2014, the annual subscription fee for ICBA membership is R500 for all qualified members. Student membership is R430. What do I get? You receive a National Certificate or Diploma depending on the qualification. Because you don’t have to pay to keep it current, it can’t be taken away from you. You receive a membership certificate (valid for a calendar year), and a range of other membership benefits for every year that you are a paid-up member depending on your level of membership. Student members do not have the use of a designation. What’s the benefit? A qualification shows that you have a good understanding of particular subject matter. It also shows that you can apply yourself to a course of study. And it makes you more attractive to employers. Current ICBA membership shows employers and clients that you actively keep your professional knowledge up to date and boosts your credibility. What happens as I progress in my studies? As you complete qualifications, you will receive certificates or diplomas. Of course, you can add them to your CV. Designations change as you complete qualifications – and when you upgrade your ICBA membership to reflect these. For example, a Junior Bookkeeper would likely want to upgrade her ICBA membership and designation from CJBIcba(SA) to CSBIcba(SA) when she successfully completes her Senior Bookkeeper certificate. Who is responsible? Your tuition and study materials are provided by the ICB-accredited provider you register with, for either classroom learning or correspondence. The ICB administers all assessments and awards NQF-registered qualifications on behalf of FASSET. Membership, designations and all member benefits are awarded and administered by the ICBA. www.icb.org.za | 15 Making the grade Coursework, exams and assessment So how does the ICB make sure you know your stuff? It’s pretty simple. 30% of your final mark comes from the activities and evaluations you undertake during your course. Your Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) is a folder given to you at the start of the course, once you’ve registered for an assessment with the ICB. You’ll need to put any activities (assignments) given to you as well as the evaluations (tests) you take during your studies into it. The activities and evaluations are essential, as they fully prepare you for the final assessment, and also provide evidence of the hard work you’ve done leading up to it. Your final assessment – a sit-down exam – counts for the remaining 70%. Your PoE is complete when your final exam paper is added to it at the end of your course. You’ll hand all this in at the exam venue and then an ICB registered assessor will check it to assess your knowledge. REMEMBER! you can only be assessed if you have paid your ICB annual student registration fee. 16 | www.icb.org.za Activit y1 Activit y2 Activit y3 Evalu Summ ation 1 ative Evalu asses ation sment 2 (final exam ) 30 % 7 % 0 100 % 60% Pass mark 50% 5 minimum Green light The pass mark A passing grade (‘competent’) is 60% for the overall course, and you need to get a minimum of 50% for the final assessment. If you’re assessed as ‘not yet competent’, you still have the chance to write one (just one) re-assessment, which has a pass mark of 60%. You must do this within 12 months of your original final assessment date. We do recommend that re-assessments are written ASAP, as subject content will change and it’s your responsibility to make sure you are aware of what’s changed. Final assessments are held at ICB-approved assessment centres around southern Africa. You can find a list of the centres on www.icb.org.za. Assessments take place at these centres in February, May, August and November – see the timetables on pages 30-31 for dates. Most colleges hold assessments on-site every month. If you are absent for the See re-assessment, you will need to re-register pages for the entire PoE and start from scratch. 30-31 INESS IO C RE of Evidence? Q L I F I C AT DITED B US UA What’s a Portfolio NS AC It’s what your studies revolve around! You will be sent a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) for every ICB subject that you register for an assessment for. It is a folder which contains important documents like the Administration Book, which tells you how to complete your PoE. It also contains important forms which you must fill in and submit. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have a correct PoE, so ask your college or contact us if you’ve not received any communication from us within 3-4 weeks of registering for an ICB assessment, or if any personal details on it are incorrect. Start working through your PoE right away – use it to guide your learning. Read through the Administration Book very carefully and follow the instructions in it. At the end of your course, ICB assessors will figure out if you know your stuff or not. We do this via a formal exam (summative assessment) as well as via exercises, assignments and practicals (formative assessments) that you’ve done over the period of your course. All the formative assessment work must be added to your PoE as you go along. This is proof that you have done the work and understand the subject material. So keep it in a safe place! Secure your future Por t f o of evidenlcio e Internat ionally r ecognis ed | Lo cally essentia l ! IMPORTANT ICB Assessment the Be sure to read ebsite) ures (see ICB w ed oc Pr & s ie lic Po plete your PoE. before you com ed to do. on what you ne Be 100% clear When you go to write your final exam, you must hand in your completed PoE. Both your exam and PoE are assessed together, to see if you are competent in the subject. www.icb.org.za | 17 Working already? Get credit Recognition for work experience and prior studies Perhaps you’ve previously picked up registered qualifications or part qualifications. Or you’ve got some solid experience working in a relevant field. Did you know you might be able to get credit for these towards an ICB qualification? All you need to do is follow the ICB’s procedure for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). To apply for RPL you’ll need to submit our relevant form and pay an RPL administration fee. Send these in along with your detailed CV and transcripts of any formal registered qualifications you hold. We’ll review your application and offer you credits based on subjects you’ve already passed, or we may ask you to complete a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE), which we will supply. If you wish to accept these credits, you will need to pay another fee to be granted full or conditional exemptions, and remember: you must be registered with the ICB too. ent Entr Assessm no: Your ID ue: ment ven Assess y: e of stud Colleg Learner Details Form Tick entry ion Pro BSL3 ESBF JBCB update my contact details register for assessment (fill in both sides of this form) apply for Recognition of Prior Learning Tick entry type First name Fax number (including area code) Last name Title Cell number Gender Email address Date of birth ID type Malawi Zimbabwe Postal address line 1 Other Namibia Tanzania Postal address line 2 Black – African Coloured White Eastern Black – Asian/ Indian SA ID ID number Tick entry Postal address line 3 type Equity (for reporting to the SETAs) A ries Total ent entered sments time asses entered er of first sessments ent: Total numb for er of re-as applied ils for paym Total numb onements Bank deta Bookkeepers, er of postp fied ch, Total numb ute of Certi , Rondebos The Instit nal Bank nt no.: , First Natio : 201509, accou AJJ I have read rm that branch code, SWIFT code: SIRNZ y. and I confi 8757 polic form nt 6241 502 assessme pleted this B Home language R ration fee al regist R = x R 595 Citizen residence R = x R 400 statusR = x R 350 R Other 2014 annu A B C 320.0 0 South African Resident Non-resident Disability status R Not disabled ICB due to l amount status R TotaSocio-economic paid Amount paid Datelet Please us know where licant) you matriculated ..... (app ICB. Postal address line 4 Postal code Nationality C Ent ment for ICB’s com e to the I have fully d and agre understoo or give our office a call. Telephone number (including area code) Middle name gra Literacy Business Finance keeping Business ed Book Essential Computeris keeper: Jnr Book www.icb.org.za Existing ICB registration no. (leave blank if new learner) ICBA professional body membership no. (if applicable) 1 unication nistration Office Comm Office Admi ess and OA: Busin Relations keeping & Public OA: Book gement ice eting Mana tive Pract OA: Mark & Administra g1 ess Law Accountin OA: Busin gement 2 OABL and Mana nistration Relations OA: Cost Office Admi & Labour OACM ess and gement Mana OA: Busin rces OAB2 an Resou OA: Hum s tion 3 OAHR omic nistra OA: Econ Office Admi OAEC ess and OA: Busin g untin OAB3 Acco Financial e FNAC Programm gement s Mana eur repren MGMT Fina register with the ICB Please complete the table below: (Please tick appropriate boxes below) OCOM OAB1 OABK OAMM age ncial Man DOWNLOAD OUR RPL FORMS from type I WOULD LIKE TO: Payro (PSACP JBTB keeper: nistration Jnr Book keeping unting Admi JBPR ed Book Public Acco Computeris PAAD keeper: Jnr Book s JBCB Literacy Statement g Business Financial Accountin BSL3 keeper: gement Snr Book Cost & Mana SBFS keeper: only) Snr Book ns (ACP Tax Retur P only) e SBCM TFA: Incom unting (PSAC ol TFIT Public Acco g Contr Technical & Accountin Systems TPAC ess Law Strategy g Control TFA: Busin k t: Corporate TFBL nt Accountin latory Framewor Accountan cial geme Finan t: Mana & Regu n) FACS Accountan Reporting (Dissertatio Financial t: Financial & Practice FAMC g Theory Accountan Financial t: Accountin FAFR Accountan Financial FATP mme inistrat ent Postponem R 350 ment Re-assess R 400 First entry R 595 name es Programm Subject ounting code tor Acc Tick Balance Public Sec ing to Trial (ACP only) Returns ting and Bookkeep keeper: hly SARS Accoun Jnr Book ll & Mont only) Office Adm Dual (SA & other) Disabled Geographical area (state SA province or other) Country Physical address line 1 Physical address line 2 City Physical address line 3 Area Postal code Postal code ents. ....... ....... TO THE arrangem Municipality ....... ....... PAYMENT on payment 13.v3 OF OF ....... ....... e you 1002.20 Please see www.icb.org.za for the E..... ....... WITH PROwho will advis Fees ETHER Highest education Employed Unemployed SIGNATUR ator fee relevant to your application. FORM TOG se administr us. .... IL THIS cour ents to org.za ....... ....... OR EMA back to your es and paym ....... ....... www.icb. SE FAX form your entri er, PLEA I have fully completed this form and enclose the correct fees / proof of payment. I hereby make pleted rg.za process Form. [email protected] dence learne hand this com ge will Bank details for payment: entr spon Entry il: colle application for registration as a learner with the ICB on the basis of the particulars given on this form this Ema a corre er, pleas the ICB. Your too with If you are a college learn The Institute of Certified tly to ils form 659 1301 which I certify to be correct. I undertake, if admitted, to observe the regulations of the Institute. ents direc Learner Deta +27 21 If you are paym Fax: the Bookkeepers, First National make submit Do not 1300 ers must 21 659 Bank, Rondebosch, All learn ne: +27 SIGNATURE........................................................... (applicant) DATE ..................................................... DATE ....... ....... ....... 0861 000 ICB / 422 Pho branch code: 201509, account no.: 502 6241 8757, SWIFT code: SIRNZAJJ SUBMIT THIS FORM WITH PROOF OF PAYMENT AND A COPY OF YOUR ID DOCUMENT TO: FAX: 021 659 1301 or EMAIL to [email protected] I nternationally recognised | Locally essential If you need to enter for an assessment, please submit the Assessment Entry form too. 18 | Learnerships offer benefits to employees and incentives to employers. Some students even get their studies subsidised by their companies. For more information download the PDF about learnerships from our website – or speak to your boss. no.: final Date of t assessmen Subject If you’re working already, you could attain an ICB qualification via a Learnership, which includes both theory and practical experience. On the theory side, you undertake the ICB’s usual assessments and compile a regular PoE - or have your previous learning assessed by us (see ‘Get credit’ – on the left). On the practical side, you complete a workplace Portfolio of Evidence (PoE), which is reviewed by an ICB-registered assessor. y Form istration ICB reg e: Full nam Learnerships: theory + on-the-job experience www.icb.org.za 0861 000 ICB / 422 1001.2013.v2 Hire me! Find a job via the ICB Did you know that you could find your next job via the ICB website? In association with Career Junction, South Africa’s most popular job site, you can search and apply for financial positions directly on the ICB’s website. Check it out at www.icb.org.za/careers ICB “As I continue my studies with the ICB, I really have to say that you are very well organised. I love the ICB and I will continue my studies with you until the end.” bursaries Lara Making studying possible We know that some of the keenest and most deserving learners find it difficult to pay for their studies. So the ICB makes six bursaries available every year, worth R5,000 each. The best part? Our bursaries do not have to be repaid – we’d just like recipients to put them to really good use and study hard! To be eligible to apply for an ICB bursary, you must already be studying an ICB programme or qualification and have a good academic and attendance record. ICB bursaries are awarded according to academic merit, financial need and any special circumstances. They are paid directly to an ICB-accredited institution and/or other relevant ICB accredited service providers. HOW TO APPLY The bursary application form is available on www.icb.org.za and the deadline for 2014 applications is 30 April 2014. Successful applicants will be contacted by 30 June 2014. www.icb.org.za | 19 What if there’s no assessment centre near where I live? The ICB arranges assessment venues throughout southern Africa and a detailed list is available on www.icb.org.za. If you live and work more than 200km from an official assessment centre, you can submit a Private Invigilator Application to the ICB with the prescribed fee, which will be considered on an individual basis, taking your circumstances into account. If a new centre opens after you’ve submitted your application we reserve the right to allocate you to it. When will I receive my PoE? We’ll send your PoE within 2-3 weeks of receiving your assessment entry. If you’re doing classroom based study, we’ll send your PoE to your college. Correspondence learners will receive their Portfolios via courier or registered mail. Please allow a little extra time for delivery. See Section 2.4 of the Assessment Policy. I’ve studied similar subjects to the ICB’s elsewhere and done a bit of bookkeeping in my work. Can I get credit for these if I want to study ICB courses? Yes, this may be possible. For more information, check out the ‘Get credit’ section on page 18 for Recognition of Prior Learning. How do I register for assessment? Correspondence learners must complete the Assessment Entry form available on www.icb.org.za and submit it along with the correct assessment fee to the ICB, indicating the date you want to sit the assessment. If you’re doing classroom-based study, you’ll hand these forms to your college, who will enter your class as a group. All learners will receive an email to confirm their assessment entry. WHAT? HOW? WHERE? FAQs | www.icb.org.za If, before your assessment date, you realise you need to postpone your assessment, you can do this by paying a postponement fee. This must be done at least two weeks before the start of the assessment cycle (not two weeks before your assessment date). If you need to postpone your assessment because you’re ill on the day, you can apply for a free postponement (include a doctor’s certificate with your request), which may be issued at the ICB’s discretion. See section 5 of the Assessment Policy. y. IMPORTANT: Only one postponement per assessment can be requested from the ICB and your assessment will automatically be moved to the next scheduled assessment date. What happens if I am absent for a re-assessment? If you miss I entered for an exam but forgot to say when and where I want to write my final assessment. What happens now? You will be allocated to the next available date at the venue closest to you. When are the assessment dates? The ICB has assessments scheduled monthly for learners studying through face-to-face providers. If studying via correspondence, you need to preregister for assessments conducted in February, May, August and November. It’s best to register as soon as possible with the ICB, so that your PoE can be sent to you and to give you enough time to complete it. Have a look at the assessment schedules on pages 30-31. 20 Once registered, can I postpone my entry? your re-assessment, you can’t redo it. You’ll need to register for the subject again and start your PoE from scratch. I submitted my PoE but didn’t include all my assessments. Can I submit these later? No, you need to make 100% sure that everything is included in your PoE before you submit it. The ICB cannot accept any additional materials for marking after you’ve handed it in. Do I return each assignment once I’ve done it? No, you’ll need to add it to your Portfolio of Evidence. This must be completed and handed to your invigilator on the day of your summative assessment. Can you send me course materials please? The ICB doesn’t send out course materials – courses are run by our accredited training providers and they will send your materials. See our website for a list of accredited training providers. When and how do I get my results? Results are sent out via email by the exam result release date (see page 31 for these). Results are never given over the telephone. Results for college learners are sent to the college and if you’re studying by correspondence, they’ll be emailed directly to you (make sure we have your correct email address!). How do I become a Commissioner of Oaths? If you are a current Technical Financial Accountant or Financial Accountant member of the ICBA, contact our offices to find out how to become a Commissioner of Oaths. How long do ICB courses last? They range from 6 months to 3 years, depending on which course you are registered for. Each learning area (subject) in the course should take about 48 hours of study prior to the assessment being written. Say what? ms f ter o y r a s s Glo Summative assessments. Portfolios of Evidence. CPD, RPL, and other TLAs*. Not sure what some of the terms in this prospectus mean? You’ve come to the right page. Assessment: A test of your knowledge, e.g. an exam, marking of assignments. Formative assessments: Tests and assignments. Bursary: Funds awarded to help deserving students pay for their courses. Bursaries do not need to be repaid. Learnership: Studying while working for a company that is an accredited ICB workplace training provider. Programme: A learning stream. Competent: You know your stuff – you’ve passed your assessment. Correspondence learning: Studies done without physical contact – e.g. via correspondence. ICB qualification: This is what you get when you have completed a course – e.g. a certificate, diploma, etc. All ICB qualifications are registered on the South African National Qualifications Framework. ICBA designation: Once you’ve achieved an ICB qualification, you can apply to join the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants, which is a professional body. Once you’re accepted, you will be able to put letters after your name that show your professional status. e.g. Certified Senior Bookkeepers can put CSBIcba(SA) after their names. Dissertation: A written thesis, based on original research. Learner: Student. Learning areas: Subjects. Not yet competent: You haven’t passed. PoE / Portfolio of Evidence: A workbook which a learner fills with proof of learning and submits for assessment. Re-assessment: To rewrite your exam. RPL / Recognition of Prior Learning: Credit for your work experience or previous studies elsewhere. Summative assessment: A written exam; the final exam for a subject. (ICB) Training provider: A college or other educational company that has been accredited to provide ICB courses. (ICB) Workplace training provider: An employer who has been accredited to train staff on the practical side of ICB courses in the workplace. *Three-letter acronyms! Face-to-face learning: Studies done in a classroom environment. www.icb.org.za | 21 ITED B NESS Q NS AC C membership with the ICBA O professional body I R ED I F I C AT Introducing SI AL NE U U ! W Previously, the ICB fulfilled two roles: 1. 2. ICBA Developing and assessing NQF-registered qualifications – and accrediting training providers to run them. Operating as a professional body – certifying qualifications, awarding designations, offering a range of benefits to our members (and generally improving the perception and professionalism of our field). Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants C E OF ERTIF UT INST IT C E OF ERTIF UT ICBA Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants ants aan nts nt n t NTS TA ACCOU N separate organisations. OOKKEE P DB IE S& ER under the banner of The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants (ICBA). The ICBA and the ICB will work very closely together, but for legal and administrative reasons, they are two Tax Tax Guide T Guide 2014 2014 ACCOU N This new organisation is going to be taking over the professional body elements from the ICB, S& ER OOKKEE DB P IE ICBA Institute of Certified Bookkeepers and Accountants Certificate of Membership This is to certify that Anna Williams 7301234567890 ǁĂƐĂĚŵŝƩĞĚĂƐĂ ĞƌƟĮĞĚ^ĞŶŝŽƌŽŽŬŬĞĞƉĞƌ ĞƌƟĮ /ƌĞĨŶŽ͗ϵϴϳϲϱ s sĂůŝĚƵŶƟů͗ϯϭĞĐĞŵďĞƌϮϬϭϰ ĂƚĞŽĨŝƐƐƵĞ͗ϭϬ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϮϬϭϰ www.icba.org.za | [email protected] Quality Assurance Manager Chief Executive *LYHQXQGHUWKHVHDORI7KH,QVWLWXWHRI&HUWLÀHG%RRNNHHSHUVDQG$FFRXQWDQWV *LYHQXQGHUWKHVHD 32%R[&DSH7RZQ 22 | www.icb.org.za What the ICB and ICBA do: • An organisation that develops SETA-accredited (FASSET) qualifications and registers them on the National Qualifications Framework. • Screens and accredits training providers (face-to-face and correspondence colleges) who then offer tuition for ICB qualifications to learners. • Conducts and assesses learner assessments, as an independent examining body for many of the business qualifications that FASSET awards. • Awards NQF-registered qualifications. ICBA • A professional body for bookkeepers, accountants, office administrators and financial managers. • Recognises ICB and other qualifications from people who want to join this body, and awards designations to paid up members, e.g. CSBIcba(SA). • Provides a range of benefits to members, e.g. annual diaries, tax booklets, discounts on seminars and workshops, and more. • Works to promote the professionalism and reputation of its field. How the ICB and ICBA work for you: • Choose what you’d like to study from the ICB’s prospectus and register for it with one of the ICB’s accredited training providers. • Register with the ICB for your assessments. • At the end of your ICB course, your assessments will be marked by the ICB as usual. If you’re assessed as ‘competent’, you will receive a certificate of completion. Remember that all ICB qualifications are also registered on the National Qualifications Framework. • Once you’ve completed an ICB qualification, the ICB will award you your qualification Certificate or Diploma (depending on the qualification completed). • As the ICB qualifications will be recognised by the ICBA, you may then apply to join the ICBA as a member, subject to their membership criteria. This will let you put those all-important letters (designations) after your name and give you all sorts of other benefits associated with being a member of a professional body. Discounted ICBA membership for ICB students The ICBA is offering a BIG discount on a year’s professional body membership to students who are already registered with the ICB. Instead of their regular R430 annual fee for student membership, you pay: • R110 if you are not yet qualified. • R180 if you already hold an ICBA-recognised qualification, are studying with the ICB, and meet the ICBA’s criteria. If you are already a registered student with the ICB, you can take advantage of this offer. Quote your ICB student number on your ICBA membership application form to get this discount. www.icb.org.za | 23 Where to study Academy Training Group 011 394 1383 www.academytraining.co.za Cornway Training & Placement Centre 021 424 1230 / 1 www.cornwaytraining.co.za CTU Training Solutions 0861 100 395 www.ctutraining.co.za We give you tons of choic e – over 500 lo cations! Intec 0800 012 311 www.intec.edu.za Jesua Consultants 0861 537 822 www.JesuaC.co.za Amadi 011 312 3774 www.amadiafrica.com Damelin 0860 326 354 www.damelin.co.za Boston City Campus & Business College 011 551 2000 www.boston.co.za KIB College (Pty) Ltd 031 584 6400 www.kib.co.za Damlin correspondance Damelin Correspondence College 0860 61 61 61 www.dcc.edu.za Leap Skills Development Institute 0861 555 327 www.leapinstitute.co.za MSC Business College 0860 672 265 www.msccollege.co.za Oxbridge Academy 021 110 0200 www.oxbridgeacademy.co.za Private College of Accounting 021 827 1975 www.pcollege.co.za Qualitas Career Academy - Bloemfontein 051 447 2034 / 5412 www.QualitasWorld.co.za Namibia BSW Business Solutions Tel: 061 231 369 www.bsw.com.na College SA 0800 21 23 22 www.collegesa.co.za 24 | www.icb.org.za IBTC 0861 111 411 www.ibtc.co.za Instructability 011 422 5385 www.instruct.co.za The Learning Group 0801 12 12 12 www.learninggroup.co.za Milpark 011 718 4000 / 021 673 9100 www.milpark.ac.za Qualitas Career Academy - Garden Route 044 873 5789 www.QualitasWorld.co.za Qualitas Career Academy - Vaal 016 932 4499 www.qualitasvaal.co.za ICB courses are available at the following accredited training providers in southern Africa. Please check our website for their contact details and information about where they are located, as some have several regional centres. Correspondence Traditional education, Modern delivery. SACOB South African College of Business 0861 07 22 62 www.sacob.com Skills Academy 0800 040 040 www.skillsacademy.co.za UniCollege West Rand 011 955 5326 www.unicollege.co.za Unigrad College 013 755 3503 www.unigradlowveld.co.za Varsity College 021 685 7554 www.varsitycollege.co.za Academy of York Aldes Training Academy Apollo Technical College Award Training BBN Consultants Berea Technical College Better Best Educational Projects Bhukulani Umusa Trading and Projects Billionaire’s Academy Business Training BSW Correspondence - Namibia Central College of Business & Computer Studies Centre for Positive Care Certified Business Management Institute Correspondence Training Academy Court Campus - Correspondence Dam Technical College Damelin Correspondence Group DMBC Consulting DSDC College of SA Educampus - SA Extreme 24 Education & Training Serv Fernwood Business College Harmony College Hatfield Tuition & Skills Development Centre Institute for Focused Development Instructability International Business Training College Intec College IQAcademy Jesua Consultants KZ Computer Academy Latitude Varsity LearnEx-Gratia Lite Campus MANCOSA Marapong Business School Maritime & Skills College MCD Training Centre Menlyn Technical College Mokopane Red Cross Society Monitronic Success College MPC College MSC College Correspondence Group Open College (SA Inst of Adv Edu) Oxbridge Academy Quality Management for Industry Regenesys Regent Business School SA College of Home Study SA Learning Group Sandton Technical College Skills Academy South African College of Business South African German Training Services Stellenbosch Technology Institute Synergy Human Resources Teccom Training College The Boardroom Institute The Business Zone Training Academy The Learning Group Thobologo Trading Enterprises True Image College UNISA Victory Training College Xynamix Training and Consulting Face-to-face AA & Associates (Micro 3 Strategy) Academy Institute of Computers Academy of Accounting and Tax Academy of Business & Computer Studies - Durban Academy of Business & Computer Studies - East London Academy of Business & Computer Studies - Johannesburg Academy of Business & Computer Studies - Pretoria Academy Training Group Advisor Progressive College - Middelburg Advisor Progressive College - Rustenburg Advisor Progressive College - Witbank Afedile M Learning Centre African Institute of Management Sciences Afrimat College AGB Mathe Business Services AMADI AMCO Training Providers Amitek Business College Atcor ATTI - Bloemfontein ATTI - Kimberley ATTI - Nelspruit ATTI - Polokwane Aum I.T. Solutions Batho Fela Consulting BDCE Believers Care Society Belmor College Besek College Birnam Business College Bohumi Business College Boland FET College - Caledon Campus Boland FET College - Paarl Campus Boland FET College - Stellenbosch Campus Boland FET College - Strand Campus Boland FET College - Worcester Campus Boston School of Finance - Alberton www.icb.org.za | 25 Boston School of Finance - Arcadia Boston School of Finance - Bedfordview Boston School of Finance - Bellville Boston School of Finance - Benoni Boston School of Finance - Bloemfontein Boston School of Finance - Botswana Boston School of Finance - Braamfontein Boston School of Finance - Cape Town Boston School of Finance - Durban City Boston School of Finance - East London Boston School of Finance - Gaborone Boston School of Finance - George Boston School of Finance - Germiston Boston School of Finance - Johannesburg City Boston School of Finance - Kempton Park Boston School of Finance - Kimberley Boston School of Finance - Klerksdorp Boston School of Finance - Krugersdorp Boston School of Finance - Ladysmith Boston School of Finance - Maponya Mall Soweto Boston School of Finance - Mbabane Boston School of Finance - Nelspruit Boston School of Finance - Newcastle Boston School of Finance - Orchards Boston School of Finance - Paarl Boston School of Finance - Port Elizabeth Boston School of Finance - Pietermaritzburg Boston School of Finance - Pinetown Boston School of Finance - Polokwane Boston School of Finance - Port Shepstone Boston School of Finance - Potchefstroom Boston School of Finance - Pretoria Boston School of Finance - Queenstown Boston School of Finance - Randburg Boston School of Finance - Richards Bay 26 | www.icb.org.za Boston School of Finance - Roodepoort Boston School of Finance - Rustenburg Boston School of Finance - Sandton Boston School of Finance - Somerset West Boston School of Finance - Springs Boston School of Finance - Stanger Boston School of Finance - Tshaneni Boston School of Finance - Tzaneen Boston School of Finance - Umhlanga Rocks Boston School of Finance - Umtata Boston School of Finance - Vereeniging Boston School of Finance - Welkom Boston School of Finance - Witbank Brits Education and Training College Brooklyn City College BSI College BSW Business Solutions - Namibia Business Education School of Training Cape Learning Institute Capsicum Culinary Studio Careers 2000 - Chatsworth Careers 2000 - Phoenix CAT College Centurion Academy Centurion Academy - Rustenburg Centurion Academy - Wilkoppies Centurion Academy - Witbank CharterQuest Financial Training Institute Churchil Resource College College Campus - Auckland Park College Campus - Vega Pretoria College of Cape Town Coltech Skills Training College - Cape Town Coltech Skills Training College - Wynberg Columbus Commercial College Cornway Training & Placement Center Court Campus Cresta Vaal College CTU Career Campus - Auckland Park CTU Career Campus - Bloemfontein CTU Career Campus - Boksburg CTU Career Campus - Cape Town CTU Career Campus - Durban CTU Career Campus - Nelspruit CTU Career Campus - Polokwane CTU Career Campus - Port Elizabeth CTU Career Campus - Potchefstroom CTU Career Campus - Pretoria CTU Career Campus - Randburg CTU Career Campus - Roodepoort CTU Career Campus - Stellenbosch CTU Career Campus - Vereeniging Damelin Benoni Damelin Boksburg Damelin Braamfontein Damelin Bramley Damelin Cape Town City Damelin Centurion Damelin Durban City Damelin East London City Campus Damelin Menlyn Damelin Mowbray Damelin Pietermaritzburg Damelin Port Elizabeth Damelin Pretoria City Damelin Randburg Damelin Secunda Damelin Vaal Damelin Westridge Danie Rothman Accountants DCC Campus Further Education Institute Dean Institute of Learning Dee’s Training Definitive Training Solutions Delcom Training Durban Institute of Skills Training Durban Institute of Technology East London Management Institute Eastcape Midlands College Business Unit Educampus - SA Elangeni FET College ELB Management Consultants Elgin Learning Foundation Emeritus Business College ETASA Evander Technologies Ezone Training Institute Fadimeha Consulting Services Falcon Business Institute False Bay FET College - Fish Hoek False Bay FET College - Khayelitsha False Bay FET College - Mitchells Plain False Bay FET College - Muizenberg Fernwood Business College FIMCORP Consulting Flavius Mareka FET College FPhiri Financial Consultants Gateway City College Golden Step Campus Goldfields FET College Grant Cooper Training Hartland Training & Development Centre Headstart Training Hospitality and Commercial College HYM Consulting ICollege - Benoni ICollege - Bloemfontein ICollege - Braamfontein ICollege - Cape Town ICollege - Durban ICollege - East London ICollege - Hammanskraal ICollege - Hazyview ICollege - Kingwilliamstown ICollege - Mafikeng ICollege - Nelspruit ICollege - Phutatijaba ICollege - Polokwane ICollege - Pretoria ICollege - Queenstown ICollege - Rustenburg ICollege - Thohoyandou ICollege - Tzaneen ICollege - Vereeniging Incredible Skills Innovatus FET College Institute for Career Management Institute for Focused Development Institute for Quality: Edu & Training Institute of Information Technology Institute of Open Learning Instructability Intergest South Africa International Business Training College International Management Training Centre (IMTC) International Protocol Consultants Intuition College IT Careers Jaylee Financial & Advisory Services Jeppe College - Bloemfontein Jeppe College - Johannesburg Jeppe College - Polokwane Jeppe College - Pretoria Jeppe College - Vereeniging Jintek Varsity College Kayoba Financial Consulting KeySkil Consult KIB College Kings & Queens College Kingsbridge College Kingsway College of Computing & Business Studies Kwazulu Natal Technical College Lapaba Education Latitude Varsity Leap Skills Development Institute Lemays Training Centre Life Skills Facilitators Lite Campus LTT Murunwa Private School Majuba FET College Maluti FET College Management & Leadership Academy MBS Accounting Services Milpark Business School Mmaseala Business Academy Mollo Training Mona SS Monash Technology Institute Monitronic Success College Morningside College Motheo FET College MSC Business College - Alice MSC Business College - Bellville MSC Business College - Benoni MSC Business College - Braamfontein MSC Business College - East London MSC Business College - Kempton Park MSC Business College - Kingwilliamstown MSC Business College - Klerksdorp MSC Business College - Lichtenburg MSC Business College - Louis Trichardt MSC Business College - Middelburg MSC Business College - Midrand MSC Business College - Mthatha MSC Business College - Nelspruit MSC Business College - Newcastle MSC Business College - Polokwane MSC Business College - Port Elizabeth MSC Business College - Pretoria MSC Business College - Queenstown MSC Business College - Rustenburg MSC Business College - Uitenhage MSC Business College - Witbank Musa Business College Ndivho Financial Training Northern Cape Urban FET College Northlink College Optimum Learning Technologies Oval Institute of Further Education Overcomers Training College Patnet Training College PC Training & Business College People Learning Challenges Phucula Trading Pinnacle Business College Port Elizabeth FET College Preferred Solutions Pretoria Technical College Private College of Accounting QBit Group Qualitas Career Academy - Bloemfontein Qualitas Career Academy - George Qualitas Career Academy - Kimberley Qualitas Career Academy - Vaal Rand Eminence Business Solutions RAU Technology Institute Remnant Group Ressuct Centre for Skills & Human Development Rhodes Technical College Rorisa Training Rosebank College - Benoni Rosebank College - Braamfontein Rosebank College - Cape Town Rosebank College - Durban Rosebank College - Pretoria RSN College of Accounting & Business S & T School of Accounting Technicians SA Academy of Applied Competence SA College of Business & Technology SAB&T ACC-IT Accounting and IT Academy SAIMET Sanamik Savanna College Sedco College Setlhako SA Komeke Trading This list is correct at time of printing in October 2013. Things do change, so please refer to our website for the most up to date information. Sibuyi PE’s Accounting, Tax and Management Services Sinakho Chartered Accountants Inc Siyanqoba Seminars SMP Business School Softline Pastel South African German Training Services Spectrium Spikenard Training Institute St Anthonys Education Centre Summat Training Institute Taxco Training The True North TKL Consulting & Investments Tshwane Academy of Technology Tshwane College of Commerce & Computer Studies Tshwane North FET College UniCollege Unigrad Unischool United City College Varsity College - Cape Town Varsity College - Durban North Varsity College - Midrand Varsity College - Pietermaritzburg Varsity College - Port Elizabeth Varsity College - Pretoria Varsity College - Sandton Varsity College - Westville Walter Sisulu University Enterprise Development Centre Welkom City College West Coast FET College - Atlantis West Coast FET College - Malmesbury Workplace Integrated Training Solutions ZN Training & Consulting www.icb.org.za | 27 The process going forward Your next steps depend on whether you choose to study at a college (full-time, part-time or video studies) or as a private learner, via correspondence. Classroom study route: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Choose a college from the huge accredited provider listing on our website The college advises you on registration, courses and workload They register you and help you decide which assessments to sit You pay your college fee and ICB registration and assessment fees to the college The ICB confirms your registration and selected learning areas You receive your Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) from the ICB via your college Classes begin, your college provides you with study materials - and you start compiling your PoE At the final assessment you also hand in your completed PoE Your college sends your completed PoE to the ICB for assessment The ICB sends your college your results and certificate if you’ve been assessed as ‘competent’. Private / correspondence study route: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Choose a college from the huge accredited provider listing on our website The college advises you on registration, courses and workload You pay your college fees to the college You pay your ICB registration and assessment fees to the ICB by the applicable closing dates You preregister for your assessments, which happen in February, May, August and November You receive your Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) from the ICB The college will provide your study materials You start compiling your PoE independently, at your own pace When you write your final assessment you also hand in your completed PoE to the invigilator The ICB sends you your final results and issues a certificate if you’ve been assessed as ‘competent’. received It is your responsibility to make sure you have n 2-3 weeks of receiving your your Portfolio of Evidence. We’ll send it withi time for delivery). If you have assessment entry (please allow a little extra ICB know. not received it, please let your college or the IMPORTANT: 28 | www.icb.org.za ICB Fees 2014 The small print Registration fees Annual student registration fee (no member benefits) R 320 Assessment fees Assessment fee per subject/learning areas (all qualifications) Re-assessment fee per subject/learning areas (all qualifications) Assessment postponement fee per subject/learning area Assessment late entry fee per subject/learning area Assessment re-mark and report fee per subject/learning area Private invigilator admin fee (prior approval required) Duplicate transcript of results Certificate re-print R 595 R 400 R 350 R 450 R 850 R 950 R 100 R 200 Policies & procedures In financial circles, we’re all familiar with the ‘small print’. Here’s a word on ours: If you’ve decided to go for it – to study with the ICB – we suggest you take some time to familiarise yourself with the Policies & Procedures relating to ICB courses and assessments. Our P&Ps are regularly updated and can always be downloaded from www.icb.org.za, or obtained from our head office – see the back cover for details. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) / exemption fees RPL/Exemption application fee RPL/Exemption fee per subject accredited prior learning / qualification (no PoE required) RPL PoE fee per subject (PoE to be completed) R 400 R 360 R 900 Some online resources Providers Annual accreditation renewal fee Workplace provider accreditation fee Training provider accreditation fee Admin fee for accreditation changes (i.e. scopes, entity names, status, etc.) R 1,000 R 6,000 R 6,500 R 500 Learnerships - Workplace PoE assessments National Certificate: Small Business Financial Management National Certificate: Bookkeeping Certificate: Office Administration FETC: Bookkeeping National Diploma: Technical Financial Accounting Take note: Worth bookmarking R 700 R 700 R 700 R 900 R 1,100 www.saiba.org www.iab.org.uk www.saqa.org.za www.cimaglobal.com www.pastelpayroll.co.za www.findanaccountant.co.za www.accaglobal.com www.icb.org.za www.icba.org.za www.nqf.org.za www.pastel.co.za www.fasset.org.za www.thesait.org.za www.icsa.co.za There is a compulsory annual student registration fee. In order to receive your PoE or be entered for exams, you must have sent your assessment entry form and fee to the ICB - either directly or through your college. (Only correspondence learners will send fees directly to the ICB.) If you cancel or don’t show up for a scheduled assessment, fees can’t be refunded. Assessment for learning areas can be postponed once only to the next available assessment date, if we have received your postponement fee (two weeks before the assessment would take place). Incorrectly completed forms or insufficient fees will result in assessment applications not being accepted. Fees may change without prior notice. Fees listed include 14% VAT for SA and bank charges for payments from other countries. Bank details for payments: The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, First National Bank, Rondebosch, Branch code 201509, account no. 502 6241 8757. Please use your ICB student number or your South African ID number as your payment reference. www.icb.org.za | 29 Assessment timetables 4 201 Big dates! These dates will be important to you – they’re when you’ll write your final assessments and submit your Portfolio of Evidence. Be sure to enter for each assessment by the closing date. Timetable ENTRY CLOSING ASSESSMENT DATES NEW AND DATE REASSESSMENTS Sat Assessment timetable for accredited colleges For Accounting Programme L3 to L5 only (the following subjects only: JBTB, BUSL, JBPR, JBCB, SBFS, SBCM, TFIT, BLAC). All dates are in 2014 unless indicated. These dates apply only to learners who are studying the Accounting Programme Levels 3-5 full- or part-time through colleges. Correspondence / private learners and anyone following the Accounting Programme Level 6, Office Management or Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programmes should refer to Timetable B. IMPORTAN T! Please doub le check wit h yo ur college that they will be offering an assessment for the subje ct you want to write on these dat es. 30 | www.icb.org.za LAST DATE FOR PoE RECEIVED POSTPONEMENT BY ICB RESULTS RELEASED BY ICB 18 Jan Sun 15 Dec 2013 Fri 03 Jan Fri 24 Jan Mon 20 Jan Sun 15 Dec 2013 Fri 03 Jan Fri 24 Jan Fri 14 Mar Sat 08 Feb Wed 15 Jan Fri 24 Jan Fri 14 Feb Fri 04 Apr Mon 10 Feb Wed 15 Jan Fri 24 Jan Fri 14 Feb Fri 04 Apr Sat 08 Mar Sat 15 Feb Fri 21 Feb Fri 14 Mar Fri 02 May Mon 10 Mar Sat 15 Feb Fri 21 Feb Fri 14 Mar Fri 02 May Sat Fri 14 Mar 12 Apr Sat 15 Mar Fri 28 Mar Thurs 17 Apr Fri 05 Jun Mon 14 Apr Sat 15 Mar Fri 28 Mar Thurs 17 Apr Fri 05 Jun Sat Tues 15 Apr Fri 25 Apr Fri Fri 04 Jul 10 May 16 May Mon 12 May Tues 15 Apr Fri 25 Apr Fri 16 May Fri 04 Jul Sat 07 Jun Thurs 15 May Fri 23 May Fri 13 Jun Fri 01 Aug Mon 09 Jun Thurs 15 May Fri 23 May Fri 13 Jun Fri 01 Aug Sat 12 Jul Sun 15 Jun Fri 27 Jun Fri 18 Jul Fri 05 Sep Mon 14 Jul Sun 15 Jun Fri 27 Jun Fri 18 Jul Fri 05 Sep Sat 16 Aug Tues 15 Jul Fri 01 Aug Fri 22 Aug Fri 10 Oct Mon 18 Aug Tues 15 Jul Fri 01 Aug Fri 22 Aug Fri 10 Oct Sat 13 Sep Fri 15 Aug Fri 29 Aug Fri 19 Sep Fri 07 Nov Mon 15 Sep Fri 15 Aug Fri 29 Aug Fri 19 Sep Fri 07 Nov Sat 18 Oct Mon 15 Sep Fri 03 Oct Fri 24 Oct Fri 12 Dec Mon 20 Oct Mon 15 Sep Fri 03 Oct Fri 24 Oct Fri 12 Dec Sat 08 Nov Wed 15 Oct Fri 24 Oct Fri 14 Nov Fri 9 Jan 2015 Mon 10 Nov Wed 15 Oct Fri 24 Oct Fri 14 Nov Fri 9 Jan 2015 Sat 06 Dec Sat 15 Nov Fri 21 Nov Fri 12 Dec Fri 30 Jan 2015 Mon 08 Dec Sat 15 Nov Fri 21 Nov Fri 12 Dec Fri 30 Jan 2015 accepted at the discretion reserves the right to cancel any are received at the ICB’s offices latest, updated results will be given of ICB Management and late assessment at its own discretion. by their due dates. timetables. over the phone. entry fees will be levied. 10 - 13 Feb 2014 31 Dec 2013 24 Jan 2014 04 Apr 2014 12 - 15 May 2014 31 Mar 2014 25 Apr 2014 04 Jul 2014 18 - 21 Aug 2014 30 Jun 2014 01 Aug 2014 10 Oct 2014 10 - 13 Nov 2014 30 Sep 2014 24 Oct 2014 09 Jan 2015 11 Nov 19 Aug 11 Feb 13 May Senior Bookkeeper: Financial Statements Office Communication Office Admin: Marketing Management and Public Relations Office Admin: Human Resource Management and Labour Relations Essential Business Finance Junior Bookkeeper: Payroll and Monthly SARS Returns Senior Bookkeeper: Cost and Management Accounting Office Admin: Business and Office Administration 1 Office Admin: Business and Office Administration 2 Office Manager: Business and Office Administration 3 Public Accounting Administration 12 Nov 20 Aug 12 Feb Junior Bookkeeper: Computerised Bookkeeping Technical Financial Accountant: Income Tax Returns Financial Accountant: Corporate Strategy Office Admin: Economics Office Admin: Bookkeeping Management 13 Nov Closing dates Last day for Results postponement release date 13H00 - 16H30 Junior Bookkeeper: Bookkeeping to Trial Balance Technical Public Accounting 21 Aug Exam dates 14 May Some colleges will offer these dates for the Office Management and Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programmes too (please double-check the dates with your college as not all colleges will run every assessment). 09H00 - 12H30 Financial Accountant: Financial Reporting and Regulatory Framework 13 Feb This timetable is primarily for correspondence / private learners who are studying any of the ICB’s four programmes and all learners following the final four learning areas in the Accounting Programme’s Level 6 qualification. 15 May For Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Office Management and Financial Management for Entrepreneurs Programmes. Tuesday Assessment timetable for correspondence learners (ICB venues and FET colleges) Wednesday B Thursday Timetable 10 Nov Late entries will only be electronically and no 18 Aug Results will be released website for the 10 Feb Please refer to our due date on condition that PoEs 12 May Results will be released on the subject to change and the ICB Monday These assessment timetables are Business Literacy Technical Financial Accountant: Business Law and Accounting Control Financial Accountant: Management Accounting and Control Systems Financial Accountant: Accounting Theory & Practice (Dissertation to be submitted) Office Admin: Cost & Management Accounting Office Admin: Business Law & Administrative Practice Financial Accounting www.icb.org.za | 31 www.icb.org.za [email protected] Fax: 021 659 1301 0861 000 ICB 0861 000 422 Physical address: Main number 021 659 1300 [email protected] (not for postal enquiries or submissions) Birkdale House 2, River Park, Liesbeeck Parkway, Mowbray 7700, Cape Town, South Africa Student enquiries 021 659 1310 [email protected] Student accounts 021 659 1330 [email protected] Postal address: PO Box 2237, Cape Town 8000, South Africa Student results 021 659 1325 [email protected] U SI New provider enquiries 021 659 1370 [email protected] Provider help desk 021 659 1320 [email protected] Provider accounts 021 659 1340 [email protected] NESS Q U ED R O NS AC C 9 781920 344740 I F I C AT I ITED AL B DISCLAIMER: The ICB logo and all content of this prospectus are owned by the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers. Please contact our office to ask for permission to adapt, reuse or reprint anything. Other logos in this document are used with permission. All information in the prospectus is correct at time of going to print in October 2013. We reserve the right to change any benefits, offerings, courses or fees at any time. We will communicate any updates to you via our website (www.icb.org.za), where you can find the latest information. All information is provided in good faith. E&OE. Doc # 4000.2014.v2
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