Brand Guidelines How to get that effect
Transcription Brand Guidelines How to get that effect Brand Guidelines How to get that effect Issue 1 - May 2013 Contents Introduction and Be the Brand.........................................3 The Logo.............................................................................7 Colours................................................................................9 Typography...................................................................... 10 Price Points..................................................................... 11 It's all in the Shadows.................................................... 12 Key Selling Points (KSPs)............................................... 13 The Power of a Swoosh.................................................. 15 Applications.................................................................... 16 Graphic Elements........................................................... 19 Maps................................................................................ 20 Direct Marketing............................................................. 21 Photography.................................................................... 31 A Question of Copy......................................................... 33 Aircraft............................................................................. 40 Online............................................................................... 44 Contact............................................................................ 47 2 But first, allow us to introduce ourselves... The soaring story of Things have really taken off since the first flight in February 2003! Even in those early days, we set new standards to touch the sky. Word travelled fast about our famous Friendly approach - our convenience and great value were talk of the town too! That’s why we’ve now welcomed more than 20 million customers onboard. Such a flying success has seen us expand amazingly! We now offer low fare flights to more than a nifty 50 sun, city and ski destinations from eight UK bases. But no matter how big we get, our regional roots give our service a personal touch. Customers keep coming back for the experience. It’s all down to that Friendliness. And the fact we never miss a chance to shout “value!” Be the Brand... The way We’ve got plenty of personality and we aren’t afraid to show it! Our eye-catching prices and quality service means we can make big, bold statements without being brash. But even better, we show our true character in everything we do: Convenience - We don’t go round the houses. Thoughtful features make flying with us even easier. Convenient flight times and allocated seats set us apart from the rest. Local - Wherever we are, our service has a local touch. Our Friendly - Friendliness flows throughout our entire airline! customers feel at home on our flights. It’s all about friendly words backed up with great service. Value - Our low fares are worth shouting about! Plus, we add more value with enjoyable experiences. Opportunity - We seek the best destinations that fit our customers perfectly. However, there is always a competitor challenging us, so we always make sure we stay ahead of them. 3 Friendly fares, Friendly flights... Friendly Friendliness is our capital focus. That’s why we always start it with a large letter! It’s in every aspect of our customer journey. Just look at our welcoming website, talk to our Friendly contact centre, or experience the kindness of our crew and you’ll know exactly what we mean. So how do we go about being Friendly? We’re upbeat and informal to ensure we’re always approachable. Plus, we’re able to be honest and direct without being rude. In short, we behave just like a best Friend would! But our Friendliness goes far further than that. We care for our customers with attention-to-detail and swift responses anything from offering a jacket in the rain to helping someone conquer a fear of flying. Why we’re valued... Value We shout “Value”! Because after all, when we offer amazingly low fares, we want to tell the world about it! Whether it’s a quick trip to the city or a journey for some far sun, our price points are bursting with pride. Alongside our eye-catching prices, we add even more value with the experience we offer. So underneath the incredible prices there’s endless inspiration for our destinations and our key selling points! We get our message across with the vibrant red and big headlines to show the great value of our flights. 4 How convenient... Convenience It’s as easy as pie to fly with us! Firstly, that’s because our eight UK bases make us the local choice for our customers. But we’re convincingly convenient in many more ways than that! For instance, we’re always happy to highlight our great flight times, allocated seats and market-leading 22kg baggage allowance. All three add up to stress-free flights! a trip to our customers’ needs. This includes everything from reserved seating and in-flight meals, to incredible value car hire and travel insurance. Enhancing the experience should always be effortless – something that we show in our written style. Simplicity is key, with plenty of clear directives. Then we lay on a huge choice of travel extras to really tailor Coming to an airport near you... Local We put dazzling destinations on the doorsteps of millions! Our flights take off from eight regional airports in the UK, meaning that for many we’re less than an hour away. Being local goes beyond just distance. Even though we’re an international airline, we actively adapt our approach so it fits perfectly with each part of the country. For example, if you’re lifting off from Leeds Bradford, you can expect some good old Yorkshire hospitality, but if you’re flying from Manchester, we’ll lay on the Lancashire charm. That’s why we’re quick to celebrate when we expand at our bases. We show this by giving our airports the starring role. They’re even at the forefront of our headlines and maps! 5 Opportunity We make sure we don’t miss a thing! Seeing the opportunity is vital to us. It can be anything from responding swiftly to customer feedback to featuring one-off flights for special events. This distinctive dynamism comes across in what we tell everyone about too. Where there’s a white space, we’ll fill it with fabulous offers to really make the most of it. And we’re always ready to react if there’s ever a chance to tell our customers some exciting news. Opportunity is about always having the right message, in the right place, at the right time. The Magic 485c You will see it throughout this document, on every page. The RED is Pantone 485c 6 The Logo Positioning and usage Preferred version Secondary version The integrity of the logo should be withheld at all times. The logo should not be stretched, angled or distorted in any way. This includes use in any colour other than Pantone 485 or white. If you are in any doubt then contact [email protected] for guidance. Wherever possible this version should be applied across all communications. For use when printed on white and the primary version is not feasible. Exclusion zone An exclusion zone of the height of the ‘dot’ in should be used. x x x x x NB: When is featured ensure that an ® is to the right of 2 and always ensure where 'Friendly low fares' is shown there is an ® above the ‘s’ on fares. 7 The Logo ‘Friendly low fares’ strapline The main generic brand message strap should appear as below. NB: DO NOT USE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOGO INSTANCES Restricted space On very rare occasions we show the logo without a ‘Friendly low fares’ strap line. We only do this when space does not permit the full logo with strap line or ‘Friendly low fares’ becomes illegible. DO NOT stretch the logo DO NOT rotate or skew the logo DO NOT squash the logo DO NOT apply effects to the logo DO NOT crop the logo DO NOT reset the logo in type DO NOT place the logo on any non-brand colour DO NOT place the logo directly on an image If in doubt email [email protected] for guidance. 8 Colours Palette The colours below are the preffered colours for the brand. The Magic 485c Pantone 485c is the Primary Colour of, thats why it's on every page. C: 0 M: 95 Y: 100 K: 0 Secondary Colours C: 0 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 0 9 C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 100 C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0 Typography Fonts & typefaces The Frankin Gothic italic font is integral to our brand identity. Only italic fonts should be used for headlines and prices. Ensure Franklin Gothic BT is used for the primary font. Other variations of Franklin Gothic should not be used. Primary font Franklin Gothic BT, italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%^&*() Secondary font Can be used as body copy in more copy-heavy literature Franklin Gothic, Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 01234567890!@£$%^&*() 10 Price Points Pricing Lead Prices Disclaimers Pricing should be clear and form a large part of the communication, prices can be shown in either of the following formats. All lead prices must be in similar proportions to the example below. ‘Selected flights only, subject to availability. Terms & conditions apply, see websites for details.’ A yellow block colour can be used as well for more standout. from £29 one way inc. taxes from £29 one way inc. taxes must be used on all press when stating price and destination. ‘Price correct at time of print.’ Used when a stand alone price is used and outdoors. Listing Prices All listed prices must be in similar proportions to the example below. Alicante................................................................ from £45 Barcelona............................................................ from £45 Düsseldorf........................................................... from £45 Geneva.................................................................. from £45 Ibiza....................................................................... from £45 Malaga.................................................................. from £45 Paris...................................................................... from £45 Zante..................................................................... from £45 one way inc. taxes 11 It's all in the Shadows Positioning and usage We don't hide behind our shadows. When applying a shadow to any element in our communications we keep them consistent. The shadow offset must equal the stroke depth of the applied element used. All shadows must be 50% black. S: FARES PLU T S E W O L U THE OFFERS YO JET2.COM Times Great Flight ance* w o ll A g a B 22kg 9 2 £ eats Allocated S olidays H e g a k c a P Great ss e Stroke Thickn t Shadow Offse PLUS: EST FARES W O L E H T U OFFERS YO JET2.COM Times Great Flight ness nce* a Stroke Thick w o ll A g a 22kg B t Shadow Offse eats Allocated S g Service in k o o B p u o Gr LUS: T FARES P S E W O L E H UT OFFERS YO JET2.COM Seats 12 Key Selling Points KSP Boxes The KSP box helps to deliver and underpin our main message. They set us apart from the competition. They should always appear as a check list with the ticks to the right. The KSPs should always be in order running from Great Flight Times, 22kg Bag Allowance*, Allocated Seats and Great Package Holidays. JE PLUS: EST FARES W O L E H T U OFFERS YO JET2.COM eEsLOWEST FARES PLUS: im T t h g H li T F U t Grea FERS YO T2.COM OF When these KSP boxes are used the following Terms and Conditions must be placed at the bottom of the communication no smaller than 6pt. * charges apply lloewsance atg TAim B g h k g li 2 F 2 t a e Gr sce* Soewaatn d e t ll A c o g ll a A B 22kg e Holidays g a k c s t a a P e t S a ated ocre AllG s age Holiday S: k c a P t a FARES PLU e r T S G E W O L OU THE * JET2.COM When 'Great Package Holiday' is not applicable then substitute for 'Group Booking Service'. These are available from [email protected] OFFERS Y US: eEsLOWEST FARES PL TUim t h g H li T F t O a Y e S r G OFFER JET2.COM ance* w o ll s A e g im a T B t Gre2a2tkFgligh sce* aatn e S w d o e t ll a A c o g ll B kg 22A g Service ktin o s o B a e p S u o d r e t G Alloca g Service in k o o B p u Gro S PLUS: WEST FARE O L E H T U OFFERS YO JET2.COM eats Allocated S LUS: imes T FAREeS HPolidays T S t E h g W li O F L t a E Gre ag OU TH Great Pack OFFERSeY * c JET2.COaM n a ts w a o e ll S Allocated 22kg B g A s 13 JET2 imes T t h g i l F t a Gre * e c n a w o l l 22kg Bag A eats S d e t a c o l l A Restrictive space iceonto two lines When restrictive space occurs then the KSPs can ebervplaced S g n i k o o B or if furtherG restrictions roupapply then one line. RES PLUS: A F T S E W O L S YOU THE R E F F O M JET2.CO eats Allocated S Times Holidays e g Great Flight a k c a P t Grea * e c n a w llo 22kg Bag A Great Flight Times 22kg Bag Allowance NB: KSP BOXES MUST BE SET AT AN ANGLE OF 5° 5° Allocated Seats Great Package Holidays When using a single line make sure the tick is after the key selling point, not before. When above is used the 5˚rule does not apply. All KSP boxes should be placed on a 485c background with white copy or if colour does not allow a white background with red copy. 14 The Power of a Swoosh The Swoosh is a fun element that can signpost towards a hero message, KSP box or the logo. Whether its convexed or concaved using the swoosh emphasises key points in our marketing. When building a swoosh irrespective of a convex or concave the left hand side must be double the depth of the right. 1/2 1 15 Applications Press Advertising Press advertising should be bold, clear and price focused. We use strong imagery and bold use of yellow to attract the viewer to points of importance. 16 Applications Tourist Boards Tourist Boards are an integral part of our marketing campaigns. We work alongside our Tourist Board partners on co-funded activity. We will use Tourist Board logos and images where required. However, we cannot lose the importance of the brand as this is the key identifier in the regions where we advertise. We often incorporate both flights and holidays prices in our Tourist Board communications if the target market is right and the space permits. 17 Applications Outdoor Here are some examples of outdoor advertising. As with press the messaging should be clear and price driven with limited copy. 18 Graphic Elements and KSPs Here is a collection of graphic elements that can be utilised in collateral. Polaroids KSPs and Groups Circles and Swoosh 19 Maps Here are some examples of map styles. As you will see the predominant colour should always be Pantone 485. This map is applicable for more corporate presentations. We expand rapidly so for the latest map email [email protected] 20 Direct Marketing Direct Mail - Graphic Elements Price Points Pricing should be clear and form a key part of the communication. Main price points should stand out at all times as per the examples shown. On DM the use of roundels allows clarity of messaging and means artwork variants can be created easily and cost effectively. When promoting flights and holidays use a lock up device as shown in the examples below: Disclaimers All prices should be linked to a disclaimer which should be approved by legal. Example disclaimer: *Flights and Prices shown are subject to limited availability and are available at time of print (February 2013) Flight prices are one way including taxes. Destinations vary by departure airport. Booking conditions apply, please see for details Offers may not be available over peak periods (e.g. Christmas and Easter). †£60 per person deposit is applicable on holidays departing 10 weeks or more from booking date. Available on holidays to selected properties. All holidays include 1 free piece of hold baggage (up to 22kg) and 1 free piece of hand luggage (up to 10kg) excluding infants. 22 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements Fonts and typefaces DMLTPack The Helvetica Neue font forms a large Typography part of the DM brand identity. Italic fonts should onlyand be used for Fonts typefaces headers. The Helvetica Neue LT font forms a large part of the DM brand identity. fonts should only be NB: ThisItalic font is DM used for headers. This font is DM specific specific and and has been has selected for its legibility when beenusing selected large amounts of copy. for its legibility when using large amounts of copy. Headers Franklin Gothic BT Italic Intro copy Intro copy is displayed in Helvetica Neue LT 65 Medium. Body copy Body copy is displayed in Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light. 23 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements Positioning of the Swoosh The swoosh should always appear at the bottom of any communication and should use Pantone 485c as the predominant colour. Price points should be positioned to sit comfortably with the swoosh graphic - also taking in to account its position in relation to the background imagery used. 24 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements The Aircraft The aircraft graphic should only be used when it adds extra value to a piece of communication. The aircraft should be clearly visible on any photography, and preferably placed on the sky for maximum standout. Take care not to position the plane inappropriately inrelation to the photography, eg. flying in the direction of any buildings., engines and Tail 2 must always be filled pantone 485c 25 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements Outer - Front The front of the outer should be used as the main focus of the DM pack. Plane graphic to be clearly visible if used - must not interfere with other elements/imagery. The front should comprise the following elements: • Strong photography • Swoosh graphic • Price point • Header • Logo • Plane graphic (if appropriate) Price point to sit comfortably with the swoosh graphic and background imagery Price points should always read in. 26 Outer - Reverse The reverse of the outer should also contain strong messaging alongside the relevant postage details. Space within the flap can be used to hold supporting copy if required Postage indicia should be positioned on the flap - making sure that the appropriate guidelines regarding size/clear space are adhered to The reverse should comprise the following elements: • Postage indicia • Header • Supporting copy • Price point • Swoosh graphic • Logo • Imagery (if required) Price point to sit comfortably with the swoosh graphic - can be increased in size if required Supporting copy to sit within the swoosh Primary logo to sit bottom right 27 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements 13 13 DMDM Pack Pack Graphic elements Graphic elements 15 15 Maps - Single bases Maps - single bases Maps - single bases Here’s an example of map Here’s an example of styles. map Here’s an example of map As you styles. As you will see the the styles. As you will see will see the predominant colour predominant colour should predominant colour should should be Pantone 485c. always be Pantone 485c. always bealways Pantone 485c. There are 11 versions of this There are 11 versions of this map,map, 8 for8each of the for each of bases the bases 3 for bases. There areand 11and versions of bases. this map, 8 for 3grouped for grouped each of the bases and 3 for grouped bases. Reykjavik Reykjavik St Petersburg St Petersburg Reykjavik Reykjavik St Petersburg St Petersburg Belfast Intl Belfast Intl Leeds Bradford Leeds Bradford Berlin Amsterdam Amsterdam Berlin Düsseldorf Düsseldorf Prague Belfast IntlBelfast Intl Jersey Manchester Manchester Prague Prague Jersey Leeds Bradford Leeds Bradford Paris Paris Berlin Berlin Manchester Manchester Salzburg Salzburg AmsterdamAmsterdam Geneva Geneva Venice DüsseldorfDüsseldorf Venice La Rochelle La Rochelle Chambery Chambery Prague Pula Prague New York New York Pula Jersey Bergerac Jersey Bergerac Grenoble Paris Paris Split Grenoble Pisa Split Toulouse ToulouseNice Salzburg Pisa Nice Salzburg BudapestDubrovnik Budapest Dubrovnik Geneva Geneva Barcelona Barcelona Rome Rome Venice Venice Menorca Menorca Sardinia La Rochelle La Rochelle Chambery Chambery Pula Sardinia Pula New York New York Corfu Algarve Corfu AlgarveBergerac Majorca Alicante Bergerac Alicante (Faro) Bodrum Majorca (Faro) Bodrum Zante Grenoble Grenoble Ibiza Split Zante Pisa PisaSplit Toulouse Toulouse NiceIbiza Nice Dubrovnik Dubrovnik Dalaman Dalaman Malaga Murcia Murcia Barcelona Rome Barcelona Rome Malaga Larnaca Crete Reus Reus Larnaca Funchal Crete Rhodes Funchal Menorca Menorca Rhodes (Madeira) (Madeira) Sardinia Sardinia Paphos Paphos Algarve Algarve Corfu Corfu Alicante Alicante Majorca Majorca (Faro) (Faro) Bodrum Bodrum Marrakech Marrakech Zante Zante Ibiza Ibiza Kos Kos Murcia Murcia Dalaman Dalaman Lanzarote Lanzarote Malaga Malaga Tenerife Larnaca Larnaca Tenerife Crete Crete Funchal Funchal Rhodes Rhodes (Madeira) (Madeira) Paphos Paphos Gran Canaria Gran Canaria MarrakechMarrakech Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Tenerife Maps - Grouped bases DM Pack Graphic elements LBA LBA LBA/MAN LBA/MAN Maps - grouped bases Paris Salzburg Geneva Chambery Chambery New York New York Algarve (Faro) Funchal (Madeira) Geneva Venice Budapest Venice Pula Toulouse Grenoble Grenoble Pisa ToulouseNice Nice Reus Barcelona Barcelona Rome Reus Menorca Menorca Algarve Alicante (Faro) Prague Salzburg Budapest Majorca Alicante Majorca Ibiza Ibiza Pula Split Split Pisa Dubrovnik Dubrovnik Rome Corfu Corfu Zante Zante Kos Malaga Murcia Malaga Murcia Crete Funchal (Madeira) Bodrum Bodrum Kos Dalaman Crete Rhodes Rhodes Paphos Dalaman Larnaca Larnaca Paphos Tel Aviv Tel Aviv Lanzarote Lanzarote Tenerife Tenerife Gran Canaria Gran Canaria Lanzarote Lanzarote Tenerife Gran Canaria Gran Canaria LBALBA Paris MANMAN 15 MAN MAN LBA/MAN LBA/MAN Reykjavik Reykjavik St Petersburg St Petersburg Reykjavik Reykjavik Reykjavik St Petersburg St Petersburg St Petersburg Newcastle Newcastle Cork Cork Edinburgh Edinburgh Glasgow Glasgow Belfast IntlBelfast Intl Blackpool Blackpool Prague Krakow Prague East Midlands East Midlands Krakow Belfast Intl Leeds Bradford Manchester Manchester Manchester Venice Prague Paris New York New York Paris Geneva Pula New York New York Pula Grenoble Grenoble Pisa Toulouse Toulouse Nice Nice Reus Algarve (Faro) Algarve Alicante (Faro) Barcelona Barcelona Reus Menorca Menorca Split PisaSplit Dubrovnik Dubrovnik Rome Rome AlicanteMajorca Majorca Ibiza Ibiza Corfu Zante Malaga Murcia Malaga Murcia Funchal Funchal (Madeira) (Madeira) Corfu Zante Kos Crete Bodrum Bodrum Kos Dalaman Dalaman Larnaca Larnaca Crete Rhodes Rhodes Paphos Paphos Tel Aviv Lanzarote Lanzarote Tenerife Tenerife NCLNCL Gran Canaria Gran Canaria MAN/BLK MAN/BLK DM Brand Guidelines DM Brand Guidelines BLK/MAN BLK/MAN Lanzarote Lanzarote Malaga Murcia Malaga Murcia Tenerife New York Crete Crete Rhodes Rhodes Paphos EDI/gLA EDI/gLA Algarve Alicante (Faro) Algarve (Faro) Tenerife Paphos Lanzarote Lanzarote Tenerife Funchal (Madeira) Gran Canaria Gran Canaria Tenerife NCL NCL EDI/GLA EDI/GLA EMAEMA LBA/MAN Menorca Chambery Bergerac Majorca Alicante Majorca Grenoble Ibiza Ibiza Toulouse Nice Malaga Murcia Malaga Murcia Reus Lanzarote Lanzarote Tenerife Gran Canaria Gran Canaria Menorca La Rochelle Algarve (Faro) Prague Paris Nice Geneva Nice Dalaman Dalaman Berlin Chambery Chambery Jersey New York New York Pula Gran Canaria Gran Canaria Tel Aviv NB: There is a different map creative NB: There is a different map creative for Jet2holidays. for Jet2holidays. Tenerife Tenerife Amsterdam Geneva Düsseldorf Geneva Venice Prague Pula Prague Pisa Salzburg Salzburg Pisa BudapestDubrovnik Budapest Dubrovnik Rome Rome Venice Venice Reus Reus Menorca Menorca La Rochelle La Rochelle Chambery Chambery Pula Pula Corfu Algarve Corfu Algarve Alicante Majorca Alicante (Faro) Bodrum Majorca (Faro) Bodrum Ibiza Ibiza Toulouse Toulouse Dubrovnik Dubrovnik Dalaman Dalaman Malaga Murcia Murcia Barcelona Rome Barcelona Rome Malaga Crete Crete Rhodes Menorca Menorca Rhodes Sardinia Sardinia Paphos Paphos Algarve Algarve Alicante Alicante Majorca Majorca (Faro) (Faro) Marrakech Bodrum Bodrum Marrakech Ibiza Ibiza Salzburg Salzburg Budapest Budapest Geneva Venice Venice Chambery Chambery New York New York Prague Chambery Chambery Barcelona Menorca Alicante Malaga Ibiza Murcia Marrakech Majorca Salzburg Dubrovnik Budapest Dubrovnik Venice Corfu Pula Corfu Pisa Rome Crete Sardinia Bodrum Bodrum Split Dubrovnik Dalaman Crete Rhodes Rhodes Paphos Corfu Zante Dalaman Larnaca Larnaca Paphos Bodrum Kos Crete Rhodes Dalaman Larnaca Paphos Tel Aviv Lanzarote Gran Canaria EMA EMA LBA/MAN 28 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements Letters Letters should prioritise lead messaging and price points. Imagery/graphics should not be overused and cluttered. Laser printed address displayed clearly adhering to specified clear space. Check positioning in relation to outer window. Price point given top priority Header copy highlighted in lead colour Supporting graphics (dependant on brief) to be placed within white space, being careful not to overcrowd the communication Swoosh graphic positioned at the bottom Icon imagery can also be used to highlight our main benefits Sign off copy to sit with the swoosh graphic Primary logo to sit bottom right 29 Direct Mail - Graphic Elements Icons A suitable image should be used to reinforce benefit messages on a letter. 30 Photography Photography Photography should be added to inspire customers to book with us. Images used for are iconic destination/landscape shots, first choice should be a daytime shot but always mix up with a few evening shots where relevant. There should be a few or no people in the shots as the destination should be recognisable at a glance. However, this rule is broken in the case of ski imagery, when use of dynamic ski/snowboarding shots is encouraged. Destinations Ski 32 A Question Of Copy A Question of Copy... So now you’ve got a good idea of our brand values, how do you put them into action? Well, simply follow these style guidelines for your writing and you’ll find it all falls into place! That way, we can ensure our communications are consistent throughout the airline, for a clearer tone of voice: Brilliant bolding and italics Here are some handy brand conventions to follow: Just like our logo, should always be bolded and italicised. It shouldn’t be written in plain font, and it shouldn’t be written without the web address – Jet2. Whenever we use our strapline, it always should be italicised – Friendly low fares. We also use a leading capital to draw attention to our favourite word – Friendly! 34 Going active We think it’s always better to use active sentences, rather than passive ones. It’s all about showing ‘who is doing what’ to make our message clearer: Instead of: A 10% discount can be taken off flights Use: You can take 10% off flights Instead of: In-flight meals are offered onboard Use: We offer in-flight meals onboard Nice numbers For consistency, follow the simple rule of numbers from zero to nine in written format: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. For numbers from 10 upwards, follow the numerical format: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 20. But when it comes to prices be BIG and BOLD! 35 A case of contractions When we write, we always want to be Friendly. And that means being informal. By adding contractions, we’ll give our tone a relaxed, conversational style: Instead of: As we are famous for our Friendly low fares, you will certainly find a great value flight. Use: As we’re famous for our Friendly low fares, you’re certain to find a great value flight. Short sentences As a general rule, we like to keep our sentences short and snappy. That means aiming for less than 20 words per sentence. And don’t be afraid. Mix it up! Very short sentences can be effective too. 36 Break it up Aim to break your text into easily digestible chunks. You’ll achieve this by separating every three to four sentences into a paragraph, with clean line breaks for extra white space. Example: ! ! ! ! !! has an illustrious history that spans over 30 years, with our roots lying in the commercial aircraft company Channel Express (Air Services). We changed our name to the much snappier just a few months before our first flight in February 2003. We launched from Leeds Bradford Airport, flying daily to and from Amsterdam. Things really took off for us from here – we carried 360,000 happy passengers in that first year. By September 2004, had carried 1 million passengers and we surpassed 20 million passengers in October 2010. And everything’s still looking up for An exclamation! ! It’s fine to go wild with exclamation marks! They add excitement and an upbeat nature to our writing, especially when we’re making puns. However, it’s all in context, so a serious statement won’t need an exclamation. Example: Take to the skies with 10% off! We’re spreading our wings at! ! ! ! ! 37 Aiming for alliteration Alliteration (and its lesser known brother, assonance) are fantastic tools for us, especially in our headers. Try starting two words consecutively with the same letter for a completely catchy headline. Alliteration example: Get set for sizzling Spain! Assonance example: Crete is right up your street! Breaking the rules You don’t have to follow all the old rules of English grammar either. Starting a sentence ‘And’, ‘But’ and ‘With’ is fine as it creates an enthusiastic, informal tone. The same goes with ‘So’ and ‘Plus’ Example: We offer a whopping 22kg baggage allowance, so you’ve plenty of extra space for souvenirs. And our great flight times will ensure you arrive for a sunlit lunch by the sea. 38 A great gateway to our destinations We always aim to be completely clear about our destinations. After all, our customers need to know where they want to go! That’s why we follow a consistent naming procedure of listing the airport or gateway first. Some destinations are more famous than others, so we add the airport’s region or country where necessary, as follows: Paris Rome Larnaca (Cyprus) Faro (Algarve) Olbia (Sardinia) Paphos (Cyprus) 39 Aircraft Aircraft Fleet Jet2 737-300 Our aircraft are the most important thing to us and we hold their livery designs in high esteem. We have 737-300, 737-800 and 757-200 aircraft in our fleet. All our aircraft are Mica Silver and we never vary from this. At the top of our fuselage we have our Friendly low fares strapline on either side or our Key Selling Points. Upgrading our aircraft livery is a complex job involving marketing and engineering projects, so for any queries you have please, contact Jonathan Alcock in marketing. 737-300 Jet2 737-800 Jet2 757 Great package holidays 757-200 Great package holidays 737-800 41 Aircraft Jet2Scotland, Jet2Yorkshire and Jet2Manchester Aircraft Within our fleet we have 3 special 737-300 aircraft which pull out 3 of our bases – below are the livery drawings for these:- 737 - Scotland 737 - Yorkshire 737 - Manchester 42 Aircraft Sometimes we lease aircraft which do not allow us to do full liveries – if we do this we only apply our logos if the aircraft is fully white. We will not add our logos to aircraft which are not fully de-branded from the lessor as it will devalue our brand! 43 Online Website • The website is our main sales channel with 99% of all our bookings processed in this way • Instances of should be bold and italicised • The base font for the site is Verdana font stack for the copy (12px or equivalent) and Franklin Gothic BT for graphic headlines • Font hierarchy should be clear, cascading sizes for titles and sufficient spacing to allow for clarity in reading / scanning content • CTAs should be yellow (orange gradient) with dark grey text • Text links should be easy to identify (underlined / different colour) • A good level of contrast should be maintained for text instances (usability / readability) • The logo should be either white on red or vice versa and should have sufficient negative space to frame it • Price points should be visually emphasised unless otherwise advised We keep our banners fresh, so if you have any queries email [email protected] 45 Website Flash Banners We host flash banners on key websites to drive sales. There are a set number of templates that are available when starting the design of flash banners. The rotation are standard and should follow the pattern:Rotation 1 - Key Message and Image Rotation 2 - Key Message, Image and Price Rotation 3 - KSPs on 485c Rotation 4 - KSPs and CTA 1 2 3 4 46 Contact Page For any artwork or branding queries please e-mail [email protected] For any photography queries please e-mail [email protected] For any aircraft livery queries email [email protected] 47
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