registration booklet
registration booklet
Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 38th Annual Quilt Show & Conference Judged Quilt Competition Non Judged Quilts - Special Exhibits Vendors - Classes - Lectures National and Local Teachers Lori Allison, Mary Alsop, Sue Cortese, Doris Deutmeyer, Nancy Eha, Catherine Erickson, Mary Fons, Cathy Geier, Laura Heine, Lola Jenkins, Mary Kerr, Joyce Keske, Doug Leko, Laura Maki, Andi Perejda, Kari Schell, Joyce Teng, Sally Terry, Lorraine Torrence, Carole Wilder REGISTRATION BOOKLET River’s Edge Convention Center St. Cloud, Minnesota June 9 - 11, 2016 Classes begin June 8 Table of Contents Greetings from the MQ President Admissions ...........................2,30 Banquet ..................................17 Breakfast Lecture .....................20 Bus Tours ..................................7 Challenge Quilts .......................6 Charming City Stroll ..................16 Class Summary ...................18-19 Classes ..............................21-27 Dessert Lecture ...................... 20 Driving to St. Cloud ..................30 Exhibits - Youth ....................8-10 Exhibits - Non-Judged .... ......8-10 Exhibits - Overview .......... ..........9 Exhibits - Special ........................5 Faculty ....................................17 Food at Show .............................6 Hanging Sleeve Instructions ..... 29 Important Dates ........................3 Judged Competition ........... 11-15 Lectures .................................20 Lecture Pass.............................21 Lodging ..................................31 Meet Teachers/Sneak Preview ....16 Mobility Accommodations .......31 MQ Annual Meeting ..................16 MQ Board of Directors.................3 MQ Membership .......................28 Parking Information .................30 Photography Rules ....................7 President’s Challenge .................6 Quilt Donation Form ................. 8 Quilt Drop-Off Sites .................8 Quilter of the Year .......................4 Raffle Quilt ...............................4 Registration Form ....................35 Registration Information ......33-34 Schedule of Events ....................3 Show Committee .......................2 Small Quilt Auction .....................7 Special Events ......................16-17 Volunteer Form ........................32 We are back in beautiful St. Cloud, MN, along the riverway for the 2016 show and on behalf of Minnesota Quilters, Inc I want to thank you for reviewing and then hopefully choosing to come to our show. We are a volunteer driven organization and our show rotates around the state to various venues, yet each show offers you the best of what we can make available in terms of teachers, lectures, exhibits, vendors, and of course, a variety of fun activities like the “Charming City Stroll” and the annual banquet speaker to keep you busy! As you can see from this booklet, our volunteer teams and show coordinators have already been hard at work to make the 2016 show memorable for you. Meet up with friends, expose yourself to new ideas in class, enjoy our exciting special exhibits, and by all means, bring comfortable shoes!! If you are not already an MQ member, you may want to join up so that when registration opens in January, you will get the membership priority for registration and discounted fees for classes. [MQ annual membership is $40 for adults and $20 for students; check out our web site for other membership benefits at www.] Admissions Single Day MQ Member: $12.00 $10.00 (MQ membership card required) Children (5-12): Children (0 - 4): Multi-Day: Multi-Day MQ Member: $ 5.00 Free $25.00 $18.00 *Don’t stand in long admission lines - see page 30 See page 7 for bus tour group information. 2 Plan your stay at the 2016 show for a while as there will be lots of quilts to see and classes and lectures to attend. Hope to see you there! Martha A. Eaves President, Minnesota Quilters, Inc Show Committee Show Coordinators Jean Carr (Hugo) Rita Culshaw (Ham Lake) [email protected] Admissions Virginia Gleason (St. Cloud) Jean Hoff (St. Cloud) Judged Quilts Miki Peine (St. Paul) Karen Kopitzke (Afton) Merchandise Linda Kosfeld (Bloomington) Kay Genelin (New Brighton) Non-Judged Quilts Banquet Merle Pratt (Apple Valley) Mary Jane Heng (Woodbury) Adrianne Lemberg (Hudson, Kathy Reisinger (St. Cloud) WI) Bus Tours Nancy Hall (Nisswa) Lorretta Stone (St. Paul Park) Challenge Anne McCandless (Minneapolis) Shirley Arendt (Minneapolis) Secretary Rebecca Finch (Minneapolis) Signage Lou Roos (Elk River) Yvonne Curran (Ramsey) Small Quilt Auction Karen Ohlson (Richfield) Carrie D’Andrea (Bloomington) Special Exhibits Rebecca Finch (Minneapolis) PowerPoint Mary Ann Baraibar (Brooklyn Debra Svedberg (Minneapolis) Park) Photography Peggy Stockwell (Taylors Falls) Vendors Char Wenger (Coon Rapids) Bob Wenger (Coon Rapids) Printing & Publishing Janet Watt (Maplewood) Karen Knoll (Lino Lakes) Volunteers Louise Sommers (Jordan) Jeanne LaMoore (Jordan) Charming City Stroll Judy Okerstrom (Maple Grove) Raffle Quilt Kathy Kolvig (Brooklyn Park) Mike Ellingsen (Blue Earth) Block Swappers (Blue Earth) Door Prizes Nancy Broshat (Minneapolis) Raffle Quilt Tickets Carla Kilkelly (Richfield) Gail Kieper (Eagan) Kathie Simon Frank (MinFacebook neapolis) Sharon Peterson (Minneapolis) Registration Jan Wolfgram (Denver, CO) Faculty Audrey Weinand (Blaine) Laura Nagel (Apple Valley) Jan Schmidt (Coon Rapids) Patty Von Arx (Burnsville) Website Pat Curtner (St. Paul) Karen Kopitzke (Afton) Youth Exhibit Paulette Marini (Minnetonka) Lisa Stene (Eden Prairie) Show Director Linda Wines [email protected] Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Board of Directors Schedule of Events Advance registration is required for Classes, Box Lunches, Breakfast Lecture, Dessert Lecture, Multi Lecture Pass, and the Grand Banquet. 10/1/2015-9/30/2016 President: Martha Eaves [email protected] Co-Presidents-Elect: Secretary: Rose Allen & Pat Curtner [email protected] Treasurer: Vicci Mattsfield [email protected] Education Directors: Sharon Peterson & Anne McCandless [email protected] Karen Knoll [email protected] Thursday, June 9, 2016 7:30am-5:30pm Registration Open 8:00am-4:30pm General Admission Window Open 8:30am-4:30pm Classes & Lectures 9:00am-5:00pm Exhibits & Merchant Mall Open 6:00pm-9:00pm Evening Classes & Lectures Communications Directors: Rebecca Finch & Karen Kopitzke [email protected] Operations Directors: Suzanne Fisher & Judy Lewis [email protected] Membership Directors: Mary Ann Baraibar & Barbara Jackson [email protected] Past President: Bonnie Ellis [email protected] Important Dates 2016 Challenge Quilts (See page 6 for more information) Entry Form Submission Deadline: April 22, 2016 Advance Registration (See pages 33-35 for more information) Members Only: Begins January 15, 2016 General: Begins February 1, 2016 Deadline: May 1, 2016 (mail-in) ; May 15, 2016 (online) Judged Competition (See pages 11-15 for more information) Entry Form Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 16, 2016 Non-Judged Exhibit, Youth Exhibit, President’s Challenge (see pages 6, 8-10 for more information) Entry Form Submission Deadline: Saturday, April 16, 2016 Wednesday, June 8, 2016 7:30am-7:30pm Registration Open 8:30am-3:30pm Classes 6:00pm-7:00pm Meet the Teachers 7:00pm-9:00pm Sneak Preview of Quilts and Merchant Mall Friday, June 10, 2016 7:30am-5:00pm Registration Open 8:00am-4:30pm General Admission Window Open 8:00am-9:00am Breakfast Lecture 8:30am-4:30pm Classes and Lectures 9:00am-5:00pm Exhibits & Merchant Mall Open 12:35pm-1:15pm MQ Annual Meeting (MQ Members Only) 5:30pm-9:30pm Grand Banquet Saturday, June 11, 2016 7:30am-11:00am Registration Open 8:00am-3:30pm General Admission Window Open 8:30am-4:00pm Classes and Lectures* 9:00am-4:00pm Exhibits & Merchant Mall Open Noon Small Quilt Auction bidding closes (items available for pick-up after 3:00pm) 3:00pm Small Quilt Auction Pick Up 4:00pm Raffle Quilt drawing 4:00pm Show Closes 5:00pm Judged Quilt Pick Up 5:00pm Non-Judged Quilt Pick Up NOTES: *The class lunch break on Saturday is 11:30am-1:00pm since classes end one-half hour earlier than other days (4:00pm on Saturday). Event times are subject to change. For updates, please visit our website at: Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 3 Quilter of the Year - Jeannie Spears The Quilter of the Year for 2016 is Jeannie Spears, one of the Founding Mothers of our organization, and a quilter with a national and international impact on the art and craft of quilting. Jeannie began quilting in 1972 and much of her quilting career has involved sharing her skills and teaching others. She and a small group of women gathered in 1978 to establish the Minnesota Quilters, Inc. In 1979, MN Quilters held its first national quilt show, where Jeannie and Pat Cox coordinated with the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce for the “Winter Fantasy” Show as a part of the Winter Carnival festivities. As an early pioneer in MN Quilters, Inc., she also co-chaired another MQ quilt show in 1985, and put on Quilter’s Retreats at Salvation Army Camp with Pat Cox and Helen Kelly to teach quilters. She self-published The Confidence Quilting Home Study Course and The Challenge of Teaching in 1980, and established Oliver Press to publish her work. She also founded and published The Professional Quilter Magazine, 1983-1993. Jeannie was also active in the National Quilting Association, Inc. She was certified as Teacher of Basic Quiltmaking in 1980, and compiled and edited Teaching Basic Quiltmaking. She was certified as Quilt Judge in 1980. Always at the forefront of creativity in quilting activity, in 1987, she directed a group of quilters who made a quilt from Miriam Shapiro’s design for Whisper Minnesota, a performance art at the Crystal Court. The quilt is currently displayed in a museum in England. She worked with the American Quilter’s Society, where she joined the staff of Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine in Colorado in 1991, and served as Senior Features Editor until retiring in 2000. Jeannie moved back to Minnesota and won the Minnesota Quilters Award for her Fine Arts entry at the State Fair in 2012. She has also won prestigious awards for her quilts including a Sweepstakes and First Place at the Minnesota State Fair, and blue ribbons at the Houston Quilt Festival and the NQA Annual Show, and is in the Quilter’s Hall of Fame there. She has made numerous quilts for family, friends and the community at large. She has helped to judge quilts, and teach others to judge quilts all over the world, and with her husband Marv, she developed Soft Fabric Photos to allow quilters to put photos in their quilts. Her life career has promoted the Mission of MQ. When asked about her quilting life, Jeannie commented, “I am a quilter because I love fabric, pattern and design. For more than 40 years, quilting has offered an outlet for my creativity and a community I love to be a part of. I am thrilled to be MQ’s 2016 Quilter of the Year.” Congratulations, Jeannie! 4 Minnesota Quilters Raffle Quilt “Contemporary Amish Sampler” This queen sized quilt is made of Kona Cotton solids by the Blue Earth Block Swappers. Mike Ellingsen machine assembled the blocks, created the border, and bound the quilt; Jan Shaffer of Pine Grove Quilting quilted it. This picture does not do the quilt justice! To view a color photo of the raffle quilt, please check the show website at Minnesota Quilters, Inc. uses the proceeds from the raffle quilt to support its mission to celebrate the art of quilting. Raffle tickets are $2 each and are available at MQ meetings, from the MQ office, and during the MQ Quilt Show and Conference in St. Cloud. Raffle tickets are $2 each and are available at MQ meetings, from the MQ office, and during the MQ Quilt Show and Conference in St. Cloud. You may buy raffle tickets with cash or checks; we may not accept credit card payment for them. To request raffle tickets, please contact Raffle Ticket Co-chairs at [email protected], the MQ office at 1203 5th Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 5414, or by phone (612-4360449). If you are unable to pick up raffle tickets in person, we can mail them to you. We encourage you to take the raffle quilt to your guild or quilt show. This provides extra opportunities to share the quilt and sell raffle tickets. Please contact Gail and Kathie at [email protected] about reserving the quilt or to invite them to visit your guild or quilt show with the quilt. The raffle drawing will be held on SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016 at 4:00 pm at the River’s Edge Convention Center in St. Cloud, MN. You need not be present to win. Thank you for your help in making this fundraiser a success! Good luck!! Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Special Exhibits Mary Chalmers, Willmar MN - ”Prizewinning Quilts” Mary Chalmers has won 90-100 show ribbons in her quilting career. Her entry of “Vestments” into the large wallhanging category at the 2015 AQS Show in Paducah took first place; that same quilt has now won five other ribbons. Her quilts are larger in size (up to 80 x 100) and incorporate piecing, applique and embroidery. These are exquisite examples of traditional quilting; she will offer 15-20 quilts for viewing. Thomas Knauer -”The Medium and the Message” Thomas Knauer writes the “Quilt Matters” column for Quilters Newsletter magazine. He says, “For me quilts are about translating the world around us into form; they reflect our ideas and experiences, our aspirations and anxieties. Each of the quilts in this exhibit speaks directly to some part of my world, whether it be a brief interaction with a child or a weighty political issue. They are first and foremost about telling our stories and speaking about the world around us.” Ruby Short McKim - ”A Century of Designs Worth Doing: 1916-2016” Organized by Morgan Ashley Yeats and Rose Marie Werner; 2016 is the 100 year anniversary of the publication of Ruby Short McKim’s first design, the Bedtime Quilt – also known as the Quaddy Quilty. This exhibit is a retrospective look at the designs she created from 1916 through 1938. In all, Ruby created 64 original quilt designs. Golden Thyme Quilters, St. Paul MN - ”Diversity of a Small Group” St. Paul, MN, is a large “small” town with many active neighborhoods dominated by the race and ethnicity of their history or settlement. Small neighborhood groups develop as a way of sharing community in city life. The Golden Thyme is a coffee shop in the heart of the Selby-Dale neighborhood, and the Golden Thyme quilters evolved around that shop. Our exhibit of 20 quilts and wall hangings will demonstrate the similarities and differences of a small, multi-cultural quilt group. Voyage Art Textiles 2015 Collection - ”Abstracted Nature” Voyage Art Textiles is an internet group of 14 art quilters from 9 countries. This exhibition is the work of this group of textile artists drawn from around the world who vary in both their experience and in the nature of expression of their art. Each year a theme is chosen by the members and each artist creates pieces which express their own vision of that theme. In 2015 the theme is “Abstracted Nature”. Stitched - ”Working In Series” Stitched is an international group of 10 fiber artists. Our aim is to create a body of work for exhibition purposes. Each artist chooses the theme of their own work and may continue that same theme for following years as well. Annually we will make 4 art quilts each in the size of 12” X 24”. Minnesota Contemporary Quilters - ”Changing Times” Every spring, Minnesota Contemporary Quilters are challenged to make a small quilt, no larger than 36”x36”. The 2016-2017 inspiration for these quilts is the phrase “Changing Times”. Approximately thirty members will take the challenge and be inspired to come up with a quilt that they think best fits the phrase. Our members come up with very creative interpretations. Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc. - ”Paint Chip Challenge” Quilters received an envelope with three paint chips chosen at random. All three of the paint chip colors had to be identifiable in the quilt and the paint chips had to be pinned at the bottom. They could add one other color and black and white to make a quilt or table runner. Minneapolis Modern Quilt Guild-”Minnesota Modern Inspiration” Taking the lead from local textile artist Cindy Lindgren’s “City of Lakes” fabric line, members of the Minneapolis Modern Quilt Guild designed a group quilt from fabrics that she generously donated to us. This quilt is the centerpiece for our Minnesota Quilt Show 2016 Special Exhibit. We challenged our members to create a quilted piece of work that was inspired from our home state of Minnesota. Block Swappers Quilts - Blue Earth MN These twelve quilts by the Block Swappers all started with the same 24 blocks- two blocks from each member-just like a traditional cookie exchange. From that point on, the quilters were on their own, free to add, subtract, slice or dice. Notice how the sashing and quilting choices influence the look of the final quilts. For this exchange the Block Swappers actually made 13 of each block. The thirteenth block went into the 2016 Raffle Quilt, which will be displayed at the MN Quilters Raffle Quilt Table. Designing Innovative Visual Arts Sisterhood (DIVAS), Alexandria area, MN - ”Movement” This group of nine quilts was produced as a result of a challenge to interpret the word “Movement” in a 10 x 15 vertical format. Lola Jenkins, Oklahoma City - ”Visionary Quilt Art” Lola Jenkins is a prize winning, self taught art quilter whose unique vision inspires quilters everywhere. Her portrait quilts, fantasy collages, silhouettes and thread art will inspire you to look at quilting in a new way. “Stripes” - Glad Creations Quilt Block, Minneapolis MN Our annual staff challenge-Stripes. Each year we come up with a quilt project to challenge ourselves. As always, we’re a creative bunch and like to broaden the rules. We started out thinking about making quilts using striped fabric and along the way decided we should also include quilts that just made us think “Stripes!” This is a fun exhibit with lots of bold & bright designs. Alphabet Challenge - Prior Lake Quilt Guild, Prior Lake MN We created a collection of 27 quilts, each measuring 26” x 26” as a guild challenge. The rules for the 26 initial volunteers were easy: draw a random letter of the alphabet, and make a 26” x 26” quilt utilizing a technique, style, or pattern that starts with your letter. A 27th member of our guild stepped forward and made an additional quilt containing all 26 letters of the alphabet. Pat Cox Applique Students -”Extraordinary Applique” Pat Cox is a nationally known quilting and applique teacher who over the years has taught her students to work in multiple techniques. Those working with her have exhibited dozens of exquisite quilts at Minnesota Quilters shows and 2016 will be no exception, when they will again show their extraordinary work. Grubers Quilt Shop, St. Cloud -”Kona Color Explosion Challenge” The rules for this challenge allowed the participants to create quilts that were twenty-four inches square. The quilters were limited to a black background but could use the full range of the Kona solid color line. Twenty-one quilts were produced and will be shown. Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 5 Food at the Show Downtown Saint Cloud offers many places for delicious food! The Saint Cloud Area Convention & Visitors Bureau will have an abundance of options for you [their booth will be in the main lobby]. However, if you want to stay close to quilts, the following are offered: The River’s Edge Convention Center offers an on site concession 7:30 am – 5:00 pm Wednesday through Saturday. Ice Cream is always on their menu for Minnesota Quilters!! Prevent standing in another line by pre-ordering Box Lunches which will be provided by Panera and will be disbursed at River’s Edge. The cost is $13.00 each. Your choices are: • • • • Ham & Swiss on Rye Bread Smoked Turkey on Country Bread Mediterranean Veggie on Tomato Basil Bread Napa Almond Chicken on Sesame Bread The sandwiches come with a bag of chips, a cookie, and a bottled water or bottled pop • Classic Salad • Chicken Caesar Salad The salads come with a piece of bread, a cookie, and bottled water or bottled pop Panera Box lunches will be available to you for pickup from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm and can be pre-ordered for Wednesday through Saturday. Minnesota Quilter’s, Inc. Challenges 2016 Challenge Quilts “Minnesota Hail to Thee” Challenge Hey, remember those packets you bought at the last quilt show? It’s time to get them out and create something beautiful with those Cherrywood fat quarters, and then enter it in the 2016 Challenge Exhibits. Instructions and entry form were included in your packet. Entry forms must be received at the MQ Office by April 22, 2016. In addition to the exhibit at the show, the entrants will have the opportunity to exhibit their Challenge entry at the American Swedish Institute. 2017 Challenge You can reserve your 2017 Challenge packet when you register online for the 2016 Show. The 2017 Challenge Packet fabrics can be viewed on the 2016 website: You may also purchase them at the 2016 Show or at the MQ Office after the show if supplies remain. Price $18.00 2016 MQ President’s Challenge: “Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly” ... Anonymous The Neighborhood House/East Side Family Center hosts a community wide baby shower for babies born to families that are connected to the agency in some way, whether for family therapy, financial training, food shelf usage, or other family centered needs. They give out about 45 quilts a year. They are nearly out of quilts and substituting knit blankets but the moms like quilts better! Our challenge is for you to make a baby sized (no bigger than 45”x45” or smaller than 36”x36”) quilt that you are willing to donate to the Community Baby Showers after the show is over. The quilt should be made of butterfly fabric, or use a butterfly pattern, or quilted with butterflies, or even in the shape of a butterfly. The quilts will be a Special Exhibit at our 2016 show before we donate them. Use the Non-Judged entry form on page 10 to register your baby quilt. Thank you for caring about these families! 6 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Bus Tours Small Quilt Auction Bus tours are a great way to visit the Show. You do not have to drive, park, or stand in line for admission — just get off the bus and head for the show floor! Tell your local quilt shop, quilt guild, or bus company about registering a bus tour to the show because-• Tour group members can get a discounted admission price (based on the size of the group). • Tour group members receive a show book. • Tour registration is free. • No need to commit to the number of people until a few days before the show. • Tour information is put on the 2016 show website for those people looking for a tour. For further information, contact the 2016 Bus Tours committee by email at [email protected] or check out the information on the 2016 Show website at on the Planning Your Visit tab. 2016 MQ SHOW MERCHANDISE Show your pride in Minnesota Quilters and support the guild by visiting the merchandise booth to purchase pins, bags, clothing and other show souvenirs. Items will be offered for sale at the Minnesota Quilters monthly meetings in 2016. If you would like to order in advance of the show and are unable to attend a monthly meeting, you can contact the merchandise committee at [email protected]. Quilts that have been donated to support Minnesota Quilters’ mission will be for sale at the merchandise booth. At each Annual Show, Minnesota Quilters, Inc. offers small quilts and other related quilt items that have been generously donated by our membership, teachers, and other interested quilters in a silent auction. The donations can include small quilts (100 inches circumference or smaller), table runners, purses, wearable art pins, fabric postcards, dolls, bowls, pillow cases, pillows and other small items. These items will illustrate to our show visitors the broad variety of quilting art AND offers our members an opportunity to demonstrate skills, generosity, and support of the Minnesota Quilters organization. In addition some items will be placed on a “Buy It Now” table where items can be purchased without bidding. All donations will be welcome beginning January 1, 2016. Please use a safety pin to attach a label with your name, address, telephone number and email (if you have one) and the title (if there is one). Auction proceeds are used to support the mission of Minnesota Quilters, Inc. including grants and scholarship programs, the TV shows on quilting aired in Minnesota and our region, and to meet other needs of this volunteer organization. You may bring your donations to the MQ meetings or mail them to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 ATTN: Small Quilt Auction Donations will be accepted right up to the start of the show. All donations become the property of Minnesota Quilters, Inc. although you can buy yours back if you cannot part with it!! Your donations are tax deductible. Items not sold will be used for other MQ charitable purposes. We will encourage the bidders to be generous. Thank you for donating and for bidding at the show. The show committee thanks you for supporting Minnesota Quilters. Questions? Call Carrie D’Andrea at 952-835-5890 Or Karen Ohlson at 612-866-4151 Quilt Show Photography Rules It’s okay to photograph quilts at the Show if you keep the following in mind: to be used on items that may be purchased, such as mugs, t-shirts, note cards, etc. Some Special Exhibits may prohibit photography. Check for signs. If you post pictures of quilts on your personal website, you must give credit to the person who made the quilts and the designer if different than the maker, and note that the photos were taken at the Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 38th Annual Show. Do not take pictures at vendors’ booths unless you ask permission. Photos are for your personal use only (NO commercial use). Do not post photos of quilts on a website that permits images If you post pictures to your account on a photo-sharing website, you MUST disable any function that would allow viewers to order the images on any goods. Check out the website for the latest information Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 7 Quilt Donation Form Donate a Quilt Help Minnesota Quilters Raise Funds to Celebrate and Promote Quilting Now more than ever, Minnesota Quilters (MQ) needs your help to secure its finances and continue its mission. As you may know, MQ will be moving by October 2016. While we don’t know yet how much the rent will be we do know that our expenses will significantly increase. There are many ways that you can contribute to helping with the expenses of our move. One of them is to donate a quilt that is at least 60” x 60” that can be sold at the Minnesota Quilters Merchandise Booth during the 2016 St. Cloud show. If you finish a UFO and donate it to sell we get double the value. (Quilts not sold will be donated to Minnesota Quilters Quilting for Others.) Fill out the form below and follow the instructions at the bottom of this form for delivering your quilt to us. Your Name _____________________________________________ Telephone Number _____________________ Address _______________________________________ City ___________________ State _________ Zip ______ Insurance value__________________________________ In kind donation value ___________________________ Your signature ______________________________________________________________________ No quilt sleeve is needed. No tied quilts and no afghans please. You will receive a warm thank you from Minnesota Quilters along with an in kind donation form that you can use to claim the value of your donation from the IRS. Please deliver your form along with your quilt to either the April or May Minnesota Quilters member meeting or send the quilt and the form so that it arrives by June 1, 2016 to: Minnesota Quilters, 1203 5th Street SE, Minneapolis MN 55414-2030. Non-Judged Drop-Off Sites Quilts entered in the Non-Judged exhibit and Youth Expo can be dropped off between Saturday, May 27th and Thursday, June 2nd at one of the following quilt shops during their business hours. Creations Quilt Shop 2904 West 3rd ST Duluth, MN 55806 218-628-1687 Red Pine Quilt Shop 915 Washington AVE Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218-844-5260 Pine Needles 1300 Salem Rd SW Rochester, MN 55902 507 226-8480 Eagle Creek Quilt Shop 333 2nd AVE W Shakopee, MN 55379 952-233-3774 Quilt Cove 1960 Cliff Lake Rd Eagan, MN 55122 651-452-8891 Quilter’s Haven 2930 146th ST, Suite 108 Rosemount, MN 55068 651 322-7071 A Little Piece of Mind 1023 N Knowles AVE New Richmond, WI 54017 715-246-7314 Four Seasons Quilt Shop 9708 63rd AVE N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763 557-5899 Sew With Me 1250 Frontage Road Stillwater, MN 55082 651-342-2126 Firefly Quilt Shop 1219 Caledonia ST Mankato, MN 55806 507 344-0441 Sew With Me 1750 Weir DR Woodbury, MN 55125 651-600-3258 8 Gruber’s Quilt Shop 310 4th AVE NE Waite Park, MN 56387 320 259-4360 You may also mail quilts to the MQ Office at 1203 5th St. SE, Minneapolis MN 55414. If you mail to MQ, you must include a prepaid shipping return label OR pick up the quilt at the show. All mailed quilts must be mailed in time to be received during the regular drop off dates noted. Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Quilt Exhibits - General Overview Non-Judged Exhibit Are you considering displaying a quilt in the 2016 St. Cloud Show? First, decide whether you want to receive professional judged feedback and be eligible for competitive prizes (Judged Competition) or if you would simply like to display and share your quilt (Non-Judged Exhibit). Once decided, read through and follow the instructions provided in this booklet for the selected category. This Exhibit gives quilters a place to share quilts they’ve enjoyed creating -- whether it’s their interpretation of a pattern, their results of a group exchange, challenge or mystery, a kit, or a special gift they’ve made. Because of the unlimited variety, these quilts offer inspiration and ideas to all levels of quilting. Non-Judged Quilt details follow. Judged Quilt descriptions begin on page 11. Additional 2016 St. Cloud Show exhibits: • Youth Exhibit Are you (or do you know) a youngster who would like to show his or her quilt? See article on this page. • Challenge Quilt: Folks who purchased 2016 challenge fabric share their creativity in this exhibit. Refer to page 6. • Special Exhibits: Refer to page 5. • Small Quilt Auction: Are you willing to donate a small quilt or quilted item for the show’s silent auction? Refer to page 7. Design Source or Inspiration: If you followed a published pattern from a book, magazine, or pattern company, indicate the designer’s name and/or publication on the form. If it is your original design, you may leave it blank. Hanging Sleeves: Each quilt entered, regardless of exhibit, must have a 4 inch finished sleeve securely attached to the top back of the quilt. Instructions can be found on page 29 of this book and on the MQ website ( Youth Exhibit 2016 Calling All Youth Quilters and Sewers 18 and Younger! No Exhibit Fee No size restrictions Quilt must contain 3 layers (front, batting & backing) held together by stitching 75% of work must be done by the youth participant Preregistration is required (begins February 1, 2016) Use the non-judged entry form and drop-off sites. Prizes and Ribbons Awarded All Youth participants receive a 1-day Pass to Show and a Certificate of Participation Visit our website at for the most up to date information, or contact Lisa Stene or Paulette Marini at [email protected] Registration Book The non-refundable entry fee for each quilt entered in the NonJudged exhibit is as follows: Minnesota Quilters members – Free Youth – Free Non-Members - $10. (US funds) Payment may be made by check, credit card, or money order. Make check or money order payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. For entries from outside the United States, an international money order is required. You may submit up to two entries in the Non-Judged quilt exhibit. Any quilts finished after January 1, 2014 are welcome. Entry form deadline is Saturday, April 16, 2016. Here’s how to enter: Complete one Non-Judged entry form for each quilt that you wish to enter. • Entry form is available online at OR • Mail entry form plus a photo of the quilt (for exhibit layout planning only - quilt does not have to be finished), entry fee (if required) : Non-Judged Exhibit Minnesota Quilters, Inc 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 • Complete all parts of the entry form. Make sure to designate your drop-off and pick-up choices. • Do not forget the photo. • Your entry will result in a letter with information about dropping off and picking up your quilt(s), usually about 10 days before the drop off week. We need time to plan and organize the display. • All Non-Judged quilts must have a hanging sleeve and must have a fabric storage and transport bag with the name, address, and phone number printed on the outside. (Sleeve instructions can be found at and on page 29 of this registration booklet.) • Quilts for the Non-Judged exhibit must be dropped off or mailed to arrive at the shops or MQ office between May 30 to June 2, or delivered to the St. Cloud Rivers Edge Convention Center by noon Tuesday, June 7. Non-Judged Quilts are eligible for one of two Non-Judged Viewers Choice Awards of $250 (Large Quilt and Small Quilt). Special Recognition Ribbons are awarded throughout the show by: the MQ President, 2016 Show Coordinators, Show Faculty, Site Security Team, and a Granite City (St. Cloud) representative. Non-Judged quilts are included with the Judged quilts in the consideration for those ribbons. The Granite City ribbon recipient is also awarded $100. Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 9 Non-Judged Quilt Exhibit, Youth Exhibit, and Presidents Challenge Exhibit Entry Form Mail Deadline: Saturday April 16, 2016 Complete one form and photograph per item (you may photocopy the form). Limit of two items per person. Entry fee for the Non-Judged Exhibit: MQ members and Youth – Free, Non-Members - $10. If paying by check, please make payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. MasterCard Visa Discover Check Money Order Payment: EXP: / CCV: _______ CREDIT CARD # Signature: _____________________________________ Authorized charge amount $ _________ Are you a current member of Minnesota Quilters, Inc.? ___ Yes ___ No (Please Print) Name: Cell phone: Street Address: Daytime Phone: (add’l address) Evening Phone: City, State, Zip: Email: Please complete one form per item. Limit of two items per person. Indicate Exhibit: Indicate Category: � Non-Judged � Quilt Indicate Size of Quilt (in Inches) (Maximum is 110” wide by 110” long) � Youth � Wallhanging Width at Top Edge: (Youth’s Age: ) Length (Top to Bottom:)__________ Presidents Challenge � Title of Work: Inches Sewn/ Pieced/ Appliqued by: Quilted by: � Design Source/ Inspiration: If item is from a published book, magazine or pattern, � indicate the pattern designer’s name and/or the publication. If original design, please leave blank. QUILT DELIVERY AND QUILT PICK UP Quilt Drop Off I will: Please indicate which. � Ship my work(s) to Minnesota Quilters 1203 5th St SE. Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 � � Quilt Pick Up I will: Year Item Was Completed: ______ Quilts finished after January 1, 2014, and not previously displayed in a Minnesota Quilters Show may be entered. Please indicate which. � Drop my work(s) off at the River’s Edge Convention Center on Tuesday June 7th by 12 Noon I will pick up my quilt at the St Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center Saturday June 11th after the show closes. � Quilt Shop (between Fri, May 27 – Thurs, June 2) – Specify Name of shop from page 8 I am enclosing my prepaid shipping label to have my quilt returned to me after the show. � Quilt Shop –Specify Name of shop from page 8 ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Brief Description of entry: (Approximately 25 words for publication in show brochure and displayed with the quilt). Please attach a concise description of your entry. Space is limited and published descriptions may be edited to fit space allowed. Value (for insurance purposes) $ If no value is listed, works will be insured for $100.00 each. A copy of the quilt appraisal performed by a certified appraiser must accompany entries of quilts valued at more than $1000.00. By submitting this quilt for the exhibit and signing this entry form, I grant to Minnesota Quilters, Inc., a limited right to photograph my quilt for archival purposes and for advertising or promotional purposes relating to the promotion of Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Quilt Show and Conference. This grant includes print and electronic rights to display my quilt for a limited period of time for the stated purpose. I agree to all the terms and conditions set forth in this application. Signature: Date: Mail this completed form, photograph(s) of the quilted item(s), entry fee (if applicable) to Non-Judged Exhibit Minnesota Quilters, Inc 1203 5th St SE. Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 You will be receiving a packet with information including drop-off and pickup procedures about 10 days before drop off week. 10 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Judged Quilt Competition Judged Definitions Quilt Each quilt entered must have three distinct layers (quilt top, batting, backing), and must be quilted. No faced or lined quilt backs allowed. Quilt Entrant Entrant is the person who constructed the quilt top. Each entrant may enter up to two quilts but only one in any single category. Two Person Quilt Any quilt that two people worked on, in any way, during the construction, quilting or finishing. This includes quilting done for hire. All work may be done by hand, by machine, or any combination. Track Machine Quilting The machine needle is moved across the quilt surface. Stationary Machine Quilting The quilt is moved under the machine needle such as a home sewing machine. Judged Category Descriptions Appliqué A quilt that uses appliqué, either hand or machine, as the predominant construction technique. It may be hand or machine quilted. It may be completely constructed and quilted by one person, or the quilting may be done by a second person. There are three (3) categories: Large 1 Person, Large 2 Person, and Small. Art A quilt made from an original design, reflecting innovative construction and design techniques, theme or subject matter and/or materials. No commercial patterns or copies of previous works allowed. Quilts must be made predominantly of fabric, have three layers, and contain hand or machine quilting. This is a single category for 1 or 2 persons and any size quilt. Mixed Techniques A quilt that uses a balanced combination of appliqué and piecing. It may be completely constructed and quilted by one person, or the quilting may be done by a second person. There are three (3) categories: Large 1 Person, Large 2 Person, and Small. Modern Modern quilts are functional, and are inspired by modern design. Minimalism, asymmetry, expansive negative space, and alternate grid work are often part of the composition, as are improvisational piecing, high contrast, and solid fabrics. This is a single category for 1 or 2 persons and a quilt of any size. Other Techniques A quilt that uses a special technique(s) to develop the design of the top such as whole cloth, cathedral window, embroidery, etc. It may include piecing, any type of appliqué, embellishments, or surface design techniques. This is a single category for 1 or 2 persons and a quilt of any size. Pictorial A quilt depicting a person, place, thing, or scene in a realistic or abstract manner. It may include piecing, any type of appliqué, embellishments, abstract quilting, or techniques that are not included in any other category. It may be completely constructed and quilted by one person or the quilting may be done by a second person. This is a single category for 1 or 2 persons and a quilt of any size. Pieced A quilt that uses piecing, by hand or machine, as the predominant construction technique. It may be hand or machine quilted. It may be completely constructed by one person, or the quilting may be done by a second person. There are three (3) categories: Large 1 Person, Large 2 Person, and Small. Group Quilt Any quilt created by three or more people. All work may be done by hand, by machine, or any combination. Miniature Any quilt measuring 24 inches or less on each side, overall pattern reflecting proportionately reduced scale, and individual blocks no larger than 4 inches square. All work may be done by hand or by machine and by only one person. Enter Judged Quilt Competition Online at Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 11 Judged Quilt Competition Rules Judged Competition ENTRY DEADLINE is Saturday, April 16, 2016. Forms submitted by USPS mail must be postmarked before midnight on Saturday, April 16, 2016. To register online, go to Please read the category definitions carefully, and contact [email protected] if you have any questions. Each quilt entered will receive a critique by National Quilt Association (NQA) Certified Judges. Non-refundable Entry Fees Minnesota Quilters, Inc. members: $15.00 (US funds) per quilt entry. Non-members: $25.00 (US funds) per quilt entry. Shipping and Handling Fee Minnesota Quilters, Inc. will pack and ship your quilt(s) after the show for a Shipping and Handling Fee of $35.00 (US funds) which includes insurance up to $200 per quilt. If further insurance is needed, it must be paid for by the entrant. Payment Credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover), or checks are accepted. Make checks payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Mail checks to: Judged Competition, Minnesota Quilters, Inc., 1203 Fifth St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030. If mailing in a paper entry form, include the check with the form. Entry Information • A maximum of 200 entries will be accepted. • Each entrant is limited to two (2) entries. Each entry must be in a different category. • Each entry must be accompanied by a 4x6 photograph of the quilt top. The photo should be a full front view of the finished quilt or quilt top and should fill the entire photograph. • We highly recommend that entrants using paper verify the form is totally completed, the entry terms and conditions have been read and accepted, and the form signed. • Submit entries online at: OR photocopy and mail paper form(s) to: Judged Competition, Minnesota Quilters, Inc., 1203 Fifth St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 Rules • • • • • • • All quilts entered in the Judged Competition must have been completed on or after January 1, 2014. Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 2016 Show faculty, sponsors and judges are not eligible to enter the Judged Competition. Each quilt entered must have three distinct layers (quilt top, batting, backing), and must be quilted. No faced or lined quilt backs allowed. No tied quilts. No kits. No rigid frames, rods or mounting devices may accompany quilts. No rods may be sewn into the quilt sleeve. • Hanging Sleeve: Each quilt must have a 4” wide (finished) sleeve securely attached to the top on the back of the quilt with the top edge of the sleeve a maximum of 90 inches above the bottom edge of the quilt. Directions on how to create and place a sleeve can be found on the MQ website (, the show website (, and on page 29 of this registration book. • Label: An identifying label must be attached to the bottom left corner of the back of the quilt. • Minnesota Quilters, Inc. reserves the right: • To refuse to hang any quilt that exhibits poor quality construction, has been misrepresented by the photograph, is soiled or stained, does not adhere to the size restrictions, or has been entered in the Judged Competition at a previous Minnesota Quilters, Inc. show. • To combine or eliminate categories if five (5) or fewer entries have been received for that category. If this occurs, entrants will be contacted by Tuesday, April 26, 2016, to discuss options. PLEASE SEE PAGE 14 FOR JUDGED QUILT SIZES. Enter Judged Quilt Competition Online at 12 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Judged Quilt Awards by Category SPECIAL JUDGED AWARDS: BEST OF SHOW Large Quilt Wall Quilt $1,500 $1,500 HAND QUILTING $1,000 MACHINE QUILTING $1,000 Stationary Machine MACHINE QUILTING $1,000 Track Mounted Machine JUDGE’S CHOICE Judge #1 Judge #2 $ 100 $ 100 JUDGED AWARDS: APPLIQUE - Large - 1 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 APPLIQUE - Large - 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 APPLIQUE - Small - 1 or 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 ART - 1 or 2 Person 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place $ 500 $ 350 $ 200 GROUP - 3 or More People 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 MINIATURE - 1 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 Registration Book MIXED TECHNIQUES - Large 1 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 MIXED TECHNIQUES - Large 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 MIXED TECHNIQUES - Small 1 or 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 MODERN - 1 or 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 OTHER TECHNIQUES - 1 or 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 PICTORIAL - 1 or 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 PIECED - Large - 1 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 PIECED - Large - 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 PIECED - Small - 1 or 2 Person 1st Place $ 500 2nd Place $ 350 3rd Place $ 200 Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 AWARD DISTRIBUTION: One Person Categories: The entrant will receive the ribbon and the prize money. Two Person Categories: Two ribbons will be awarded. The entrant will receive the prize money. Best Hand Quilting, Best Stationary Machine Quilting, and Best Track Machine Quilting: The entrant will receive the ribbon and the prize money. 2016 Challenge 2016 Challenge entries will be judged by NQA judges. 1st and 2nd place will be awarded at the judges’ discretion. No comment sheets will be provided. QUILT OR WALL-HANGING 1st Place $ 100 2nd Place $ 50 WEARABLE ART, 3-D ART & ACCESSORIES 1st Place $ 100 2nd Place $ 50 SPECIAL RIBBONS AND PRIZES Granite City Award – Chosen from quilts made by members of Minnesota Quilters $100 Viewers’ Choice – Chosen from NonJudged Entries Large Quilt $ 250 Small Quilt $ 250 SPECIAL RECOGNITION RIBBONS Both Judged and Non-Judged Entries are included in the consideration for these ribbons. MQ President 2016 Show Coordinators Show Faculty Site Security Team 13 Judged Quilt Competition Important Dates Drop-Off/Delivery/Pick-Up Information April 16, 2016 Saturday ENTRY DEADLINE! Online entry closes at midnight. Paper entries must be postmarked before midnight, Saturday April 16, 2015. May 16, 2016 Monday Submission instructions will be sent to entrants. May 26th, 2016 Thursday FINAL QUILT DROPOFF! All entries (both shipped and hand delivered) must have been received at: Neighborhood Development Alliance attn: Miki Peine 481 Wabasha Street South St. Paul, MN 55107-1142 Office hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. M-Th Directions: See MQ newsletter,, or call Miki Peine (651-353-7665) JUDGED QUILTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT THE MQ OFFICE. June 8, 2016 Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Sneak Preview – ribbons on winning quilts (tickets required). June 9-11, 2016 Thursday-Saturday 2016 Minnesota Quilters Show and Conference open. June 11, 2016 at 5:00 pm Saturday Quilt pickup begins at the St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center at 5:00 p.m. June 14-15, 2016 Tuesday & Wednesday Quilts are packed and shipped for entrants who have chosen this option. JUDGED QUILT SIZES Judged Exhibit Category Appliqué – Large Appliqué – Small Art Group Miniature Mixed Techniques – Large Mixed Techniques – Small Modern Other Techniques Pictorial Pieced – Large Pieced – Small Minimum Size 280” perimeter None None None None 280” perimeter None None None None 280” perimeter None Maximum Size 110” x 110” Less than 280” perimeter 110” x 110” 110” x 110” 96” perimeter 110” x 110” Less than 280” perimeter 110” x 110” 110” x 110” 110” x 110” 110” x 110” Less than 280” perimeter • Hanging Sleeve Requirements for Quilts Longer Than 90 Inches To prevent damage to the bottom edge of long quilts and ensure the quilt will hang off the floor, we are requiring all quilts 90 inches or longer have a sleeve attached to the back with the top edge of the sleeve a maximum of 90 inches above the bottom of the quilt. Instructions for applying this sleeve can be found on the MQ website at, the Show website at mq2016, and on page 29 of this registration book. • Quilts 90 inches or less will continue to have the sleeve at the top edge of the quilt. • Quilts may be no longer than 110” on any one side. 14 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Judged Quilt Competition Entry Form Entry Deadline: Saturday, April 16, 2016 Use this form to submit a paper entry for a quilt in the Judged Quilt Competition. You may enter up to two (2) categories. Use a separate entry form for each quilt. Photocopies of this form may be used. See page 12 for entry rules. Paper entries, accompanied by the entry fee, must be postmarked before midnight on Saturday, April 16, 2016. NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP __________________________________________________________________________________ PRIMARY PHONE: (____) ___________________ SECONDARY PHONE (____) _______________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ Minnesota Quilters, Inc. member? ___Yes ___No Check the category you are entering (see page 11-12 of Registration Book for category descriptions/rules). Applique – Large – 1 Person Miniature Other Techniques Applique – Large – 2 Person Mixed Techniques - Large - 1 Person Pictorial Applique – Small Mixed Techniques - Large - 2 Person Pieced - Large - 1 Person Art Mixed Techniques – Small Pieced - Large - 2 Person Group – 3 or more Persons Modern Pieced - Small Title of Work__________________________________________________________________________________ Year quilt was finished (must be finished after January 1, 2014) ____ 2014 ____ 2015 ____ 2016 Pieced by ___________________________________ Quilted by ________________________________________ Quilting Technique: ______ Hand ______ Stationary Machine ______ Track Machine Width (in inches) at widest part: ____________________ Length (in inches) ______________________________ Design Source/Inspiration (If design is from a published book, magazine or pattern, please indicate the pattern designer’s name and/or the publication)____________________________________________________________________________ Description of entry for publication in the show book. Use the back of this form or attach a separate sheet of paper for a brief and concise statement of your entry (maximum of 25 words). Descriptions greater than 25 words will be edited to fit the space. Photo of entire quilt is attached: _____ Yes _____ No Value (for show insurance purposes) $________________ (If no value is listed, quilt will be insured for $100.00) Entries valued at $1,000.00 or more must be accompanied by a copy of the quilt appraisal performed by a certified appraiser. Delivery to Neighborhood Development Alliance, attn: Miki Peine, 481 Wabasha Street South, St. Paul, MN 55107-1142 ______ Shipped ______ Hand delivered Will be picked up at the show Will pick up at the MQ MQ will pack and ship to: th Saturday, June 11 by: office starting Thursday, June 16th Entry Fee: ______ $15 MQ member ______ $25 not a MQ member Shipping and handling fee for return or forwarding per quilt after the show: ______ $35 each (includes insurance up to $200) Send this completed form with your entry fee, one (1) 4x6 color photograph, and the optional return S&H fee to: Minnesota Quilters, Inc., 1203 Fifth Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030. Payment type: ___MasterCard ___Visa ___Discover ___Check (payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc.) CREDIT CARD # ________ - ________ - ________ - ________ EXP: ______/______ CCV ____ Authorized Charge Amount $_____________ Signature:__________________________________________ Read this agreement! Your signature on this form indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions. I have read the rules and agree, and I acknowledge that I wish to enter the above item and agree to abide by all quilt contest rules as well as any decision of the jury/judges. I certify that this application has been filled out in its entirety and is complete, true and accurate to the best of my information, knowledge, and belief. I acknowledge and understand that my signature below gives Minnesota Quilters, Inc. (MQ) the right to use a photo of my quilt for promotion of MQ events in any publications, advertisements, catalogue of show quilts, non-printable CD-Rom/DVD of show images, and other printed or electronic materials. I further understand that MQ will request permission before using the quilt entered for any other commercial purpose. Signature ________________________________________________________ Date_____________________ Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 15 Special Events Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Meet the Teachers 6:00 - 7:00 pm Sneak Preview 7:00 - 9:00 pm Pre-purchased tickets are $15 and cover “Meet the Teachers” and “Sneak Preview”. After meeting the teachers, be among the first to view the quilts and visit the vendors! Join us for a special time meeting the teachers and lecturers, purchasing books and patterns, and getting autographs. What a great way to start your show experience! At 6:45pm there will be a door prize drawing. You must be present to win. Tickets may be purchased at the show at the registration booth for $10.00 for Sneak Preview only. Tickets may be purchased at the show at the registration booth for $10.00 for Meet the Teachers only. Charming City Stroll Wednesday, June 8, 2016 - Saturday, June 11, 2016 The 2016 Charming City Stroll will take place at the shops in downtown St Cloud. Just a short stroll from the Rivers Edge Convention Center. Thank you for your participation! We are proud to announce that Melissa Polo, owner of the Hingely Road Quilt Shop, will once again provide charm packs and a book with a pattern in it. The charm packs are from a new fabric line that will be announced at the January MQ membership meetings and featured on the show’s website. It’s important to remember that the “Charming Passport” quantities are limited. You may purchase your passport for $18 (MQ members) or $20 (non members) when you register for classes and if passports are not completely sold out during advance registration, they will be available for $21 (MQ members) or $23 (non members) at the show. When you pick up your registration envelope at the show, you will receive your Charming City Passport with a map indicating the locations of the retailers that are taking part in the fun! Visit each of the shops to receive a passport punch representing the 2016 Show in St Cloud! When you turn in your completed passport you will receive a keepsake commemorative 2016 charm, a charm pack of 5” squares, and a book with pattern especially designed for these fabrics. Your completed passport is due at the “Stroll” table at the show, on Saturday, June 11, 2016. Deadline is Saturday at 3PM, however, if you return your passport early – by 1PM on Saturday you will be eligible for special drawings including gift certificates provided by the participating retailers! Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Meeting (MQ Members Only) Friday, June 10, 2016 12:35-1:15pm The MQ Board would like to invite all of our members to attend the Annual Membership General Meeting on Friday, June 10, 2016. To make entry quick, please bring your MQ Membership Card. At the annual membership meeting you will meet the current Board of Directors, along with the nominees for open positions. You will have a chance to nominate members for the open positions from the floor, but only if you have the permission of the person you are nominating. Voting will take place during the meeting. The voting will not be tallied until after the final day of the show to allow for absentee and other forms of voting allowed under our by-laws. Other business will include, but not be limited to: presentation of the Annual Report, proposed bylaw changes, questions about the budget, and if not resolved by then, status of the move of our office and meeting site. 16 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Grand Banquet Event: Friday, June 10, 2016 The Grand Banquet will be held at the Best Western Kelly Inn Grand Ballroom. The cost is $39 for MQ members, $44 for non-members. Social Hour begins at 5:30 pm with a poolside cash bar. Seating will begin at 6:30 pm. We hope you will join us for this fun event. A slide show of the award winning quilts will be playing. We will be honoring our special guests including the 2016 Quilter of the Year and our Scholarship winner. There will be wonderful door prizes! Our speaker Mary Fons will entertain us with her presentation “A Thirty Something Quilter Tells All: Notes on the Industry from a Quilt Mafia Daughter”. The secrets are out of the bag when Mary entertains us with the history of Fons & Porter, her own personal quilting journey, and her desire to ensure the well-being of the next generation of quilters. For your dinner you may choose from the following entrees: • Spinach Tortelloni - tossed with Sun-Dried Tomatoes in a Tomato Garlic Cream Sauce and topped with Fresh Parmesan. • Chicken Parmesan – sautéed and topped with Marinara Sauce and Parmesan Cheese served on Linguini Pasta. • Montreal Pork Chop – thick cut seven-ounce Pork Chop wrapped in Bacon, seasoned with Montreal Seasoning and topped with Mushroom White Wine Demi Sauce and served with Rice and Fresh Vegetable. All meals include a salad, fresh baked bread, coffee or tea, and White Chocolate Raspberry Cream Cake for dessert. Seating reservations for the Grand Banquet may be made at the MQ Board Table / Information Booth in the River’s Edge lobby beginning Wednesday at 8am. Any tables not reserved by noon on Friday, June 10, will be available for open seating. Advance registration is required for this event. Faculty Information (Minnesota Teachers noted with *) Faculty: Lori Allison * Mary Alsop * Sue Cortese Doris Deutmeyer Nancy Eha * Catherine Erickson catherine-erickson/ Mary Fons Registration Book Cathy Geier Kari Schell * Laura Heine Joyce Teng Lola Jenkins Sally Terry Mary Kerr Lorraine Torrence Joyce Keske Baby Lock Educator Carole Wilder * Doug Leko * Lecturers: Laura Maki * Mary Chalmers * Rose Werner * Andi Perejda Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 17 CLASS SCHEDULE BY DAY Color pictures of class projects and detailed supply information will be available online at Please check the website for sewing machine updates. Teacher Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Thursday, June 9, 2016 Lori Allison Mary Alsop Sue Cortese W04A Fabric Dyeing Doris Deutmeyer Nancy Eha W06D Beaded Kaleidoscopes Catherine Erickson W07T Seasonal Gatherings T04A Cut ‘n’ Switch T05E “Canyon View” Landscape Art Quilt T06D Crazy Beading T10D Strip Applique Landscape T13D Searching for Clues T14D Mystery Quilt Mary Fons Cathy Geier Laura Heine W11D Lola Jenkins W12T Mary Kerr W13D Fabric Collage Silhouette Art Quilt Marketing and Development for Professional Quilters: The Business of Being in Business Doug Leko Laura Maki Andi Perejda W16D Circle of Illusion T16A T16P Beginning Hand Quilting Whigged Out Rose Applique Kari Schell W17A W17P Intro to EQ7 Refresher Intro to Easy Draw T17D Intro to EQ7 T19A T19P Pathways to Better Quilting Got My New Machine All Set Up ...Now What Do I Practice Carole Wilder T22A T22P Introduction to Featherweight Maintenance Introduction to Featherweight Maintenance Joyce Keske T23E Balancing Hourglass TL18A 10:00 TL17N 12:00 TL04P 2:00 TL16E 5:00 TL17E 6:30 TL21E 6:30 The Possibilities of Working with TSUKINEKO Fabric Inks (Joyce Teng) Using Specialty Rulers for Speed and Accuracy + Trunk Show (Kari Schell) How Quilters Use the Elements and Principles of Design (Sue Cortese) Judges’ Panel (Andi Peredja & Sue Cortese) Electric Quilt Overview (Kari Schell) Joyce Teng Sally Terry W19A1 Got My New Machine All Set Up ...Now What Do I Practice W19P1 Free Motion Freedom with Wiggle Room Lorraine Torrence W20T Last letter of course: A = morning class P = afternoon class E = evening class D = one day class T = two day class N = noon lecture Lectures WL04P 1:00 Other Special Events 6:00 7:00 18 Building Fabric for Unique Wearables How to Use Hand Dyed Fabrics in Your Quilts (Sue Cortese) Ruby McKim (Rose Werner) Dessert Lecture Meet The Teachers Sneak Preview of Quilts and Vendors Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Wednesday Class Times: One and Two Day Classes 8:30am-11:30am and 12:30pm-3:30pm AM - 8:30am-11:30am PM - 12:30pm-3:30pm Thursday through Saturday* Class Times: Full Day Classes - 8:30am-11:30am and 1:30-4:30pm AM Classes - 8:30am-11:30am PM Classes - 1:30pm-4:30pm (Sat PM classes 1:00-4:00) Evening Classes - 6:00pm-9:00pm Friday, June 10, 2016 Saturday, June 11, 2016 S01D New Hexagon Millefiori Quilt Along F02A F02P Introduction to Wool Applique Embellishing Wool F06D Seed Bead Botany S06A Beaded Snowflakes F07D Rocky Mountain Bear Claw S07A S07P PPP: Paper Piecing Primer Fractured Paintbox F08A F08P The Elegant String – Paper Piece a String Quilt A Quilt Called Whisper F10D Strip Pieced Landscape S10P Aspen & Maple Tree Trunks F12D Thread Art S12D Portrait 1 F13A Saving Our Treasures (4 Hrs 8:30-12:30) S13A S13P Lazy River Hexies Block Party F14D Home for the Holidays S14A Sunday Drive Table Runner S15A Kids Can Quilt S17A S17P Beginning Settings & Borders in EQ7 Pictorial Foundations F17A F17P Patch Draw Applique Blocks F18P Fabric Inking 101 - Textures, Stencils & Color Blending F19A F19P Language of Quilting Free Motion Freedom with Wiggle Room S19A S19P Hooked on Feathers Feather Fills and Meanders F20D Needle in a Haystack Vest S20D Collage Curves Mini Quilt F22A Advanced Featherweight Maintenance (4 Hrs 8:30-12:30) F23A F23P Hole in the Wall Runner Floating Block Tote FL03A 8:00 The Quilts of Mary Chalmers – Competition and Beyond (Mary Chalmers) Breakfast Lecture SL10A 10:00am From Alaska to Wisconsin (Cathy Geier) FL24A 10:00 How to be Quilter of The Year (Jeannie Spears) SL20N 12:00 Finding Your Voice (Lorraine Torrence) FL08N 11:40 You Call That a Quilt? Quilt Styles in America: Traditional, Contemporary, Studio/Art, and Modern (+Book Signing) (Mary Fons) SL06P 2:00 Beyond Bling (Nancy Eha) FL13P 2:00 Anonymous and Me (Mary Kerr) 12:35 5:30 MQ Annual Meeting (members only) Grand Banquet with Lecture “A Thirty-Something Quilter Tells All” with Mary Fons Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 19 LECTURES WEDNESDAY WL04P: How to Use Hand Dyed Fabrics in Your Quilts Lecturer: Sue Cortese Wednesday 1:00 pm In this trunk show Sue will show her quilts to explain how and why she used hand dyed fabric in each quilt. She will explain the basics and benefits of using hand dyed fabric, as well as how to eliminate the pitfalls. THURSDAY TL18A: The Possibilities of Working with TSUKINEKO Fabric Inks Lecturer: Joyce Teng Thursday 10:00 am Let Joyce show you a simple but effective technique that will change plain yardage into one of a kind fabric art! See how Joyce uses Tsukineko inks, several simple tools and household items, combined with exciting TSC DESIGNS stencils that will create your own style of fabric art. Use the fabrics for any project you may be working on: traditional or art quilts, wearable art, clothing or home decor. The list is endless. TL17N: Using Specialty Rulers for Speed and Accuracy + Trunk Show Lecturer: Kari Schell Thursday 12:00 pm Kari will describe her design process as she shows her beautiful quilts and demonstrates several useful tools, including rulers from Deb Tucker’s Studio 180 Design. During this lecture you will see her current quilts as well as sneak peeks at new projects. TL04P: How Quilters Use the Elements and Principles of Design Lecturer: Sue Cortese Thursday 2:00 pm She will show and explain how quilters employ the elements and principles of design in both traditional and art quilting by showing examples of her own work. Viewers will see a wide variety of styles within the contemporary quilting world. With 13 basic elements and principles to talk about and over 30 examples to be shown, this lecture moves at a quick pace. Single Lecture Prices: $10 - MQ member, $12 - non member Lecture Pass Prices: $25 - MQ member, $30 - non-member Breakfast Lecture Prices: $20 - MQ member, $25 - non member Dessert Lecture Prices: $20 - MQ member, $25 - non member 20 TL16E: Judges’ Panel Lecturer: Andi Peredja and Sue Cortese Thursday 5:00 pm Join this year’s judges as they explain their process for judging quilts at national shows. Discover how they determine winning piecing, quilting, binding, use of color, embellishing and overall creativity. Once you discover what they are looking for, you will have a better idea of how to perfect your techniques before the next judged competition. FREE to all entrants in MQ’s Judged Exhibit. TL17E: Electric Quilt Overview Lecturer: Kari Schell Thursday 6:30 pm Do you EQ? Are you thinking about starting? This lecture will answer your questions and help you decide if a quilt design program is for you. It will show you how tools are used to make blocks, change and color blocks, audition fabric options, calculate yardage, provide cutting directions, and so much more CANCELLED TL21E: Ruby Short McKim: 100 Years of Designs Worth Doing Lecturer: Rose Werner Thursday 6:30 pm (Dessert Lecture) On the 100th Anniversary of her first design being published and accompanying the special exhibit of Ruby Short McKim designs, Rose Werner will tell the story of this amazing designer and help you identify her designs. FRIDAY FL03A: The Quilts of Mary Chalmers – Competition and Beyond Lecturer: Mary Chalmers Friday 8:00-9:00 am (Breakfast Lecture) Mary will show you 15-20 of her quilts, many of them reproductions of antique quilts. Most have been in competition and received awards. She will describe the processes she used to make the quilts and what the judges said. Several of the quilts are made of wool, and Mary will talk a little about working with wool, too. A detailed handout on that subject will be provided. FL24A: How to be Quilter of The Year Lecturer: Jeannie Spears Friday 10:00 am It’s been quite a journey from Founding Mother of Minnesota Quilters to 2016 Quilter of the Year. Jeannie will talk about some of the high (and low) spots and what happened in between. No doubt there are lessons to be learned from our outstanding recipient of this year’s honor FL08N: You Call That a Quilt? Quilt Styles in America: Traditional, Contemporary, Studio/Art, and Modern Lecturer: Mary Fons Friday 11:40 am You’ll never look at quilts the same way again. We will examine the four different styles of quilts in America in all their fascinating glory. Book signing will follow lecture. FL13P: Anonymous and Me Lecturer: Mary Kerr Friday 2:00 pm Presenting quilts from several collections, this PowerPoint presentation and trunk show will focus on quilts that were started by one generation and finished by another. You will see numerous examples of both vintage and new compilation pieces that incorporate unfinished blocks, tops and pieces. Mary reviews the history of multigenerational pieces and introduces you to some of the modern innovators of this medium. Learn about documenting and labeling “new” pieces, tips to honor those quilters whose work we finish, and share Mary’s lighthearted approach to age-old UFOs. SATURDAY SL10A: From Alaska to Wisconsin - the Landscapes are Great! Lecturer: Cathy Geier Saturday 10:00 am Cathy’s lecture and trunk show features many of her quilts, their stories and a humourous look at her life as a quilter. She uses a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate tips and tricks for designing landscapes and her quilting adventures from Alaska to Wisconsin. SL20N: Finding Your Voice Lecturer: Lorraine Torrence Saturday 12:00 pm An overview of the steps to discover and develop your own personal creative style with a trunk show of Lorraine’s work that follows her journey in finding her personal voice as an artist. SL06P: Beyond Bling Lecturer: Nancy Eha Saturday 2:00 pm Challenge the preconceived notion that the purpose of beads is to add mere “sparkle” to your fabric based projects. Nancy has defined her unique artistic voice by exploring, inventing, and using new beading processes she has developed via endless hours of asking, “What If?” questions of beads and fabric. She labels this knowledge “Bead Physics.” Learn how she turns her beading discoveries into beaded focal points and primary design elements on her quilts. And often times, obsessively beaded quilts. Discover how to use several easy to learn beading stitches in novel ways. This lecture will delight the eye and inspire the hands! Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference *NEW* Lecture Pass *NEW* We are pleased to offer a new bargain for those of you who love to attend lectures at the show. If you pre-register for the show, we are offering a lecture pass that gets you in to almost all of our lectures. The Thursday Dessert and Friday Breakfast lectures are not included. For $25 (MQ members) or $30 (non-members) you can attend as many lectures as you want. Of course, you can still purchase single lecture tickets. This pass is not available for purchase at the show, you must pre-register to get the savings. TWO DAY CLASSES W07T: Seasonal Gatherings Catherine Erickson (Certified Instructor for Judy Niemeyer) Seasonal Gatherings is a two day class designed to teach the simplicity of foundation paper piecing, curved piecing, and simple stacking and slicing techniques to speed up cutting time. This new pattern features the circling geese design used in many of Judy Niemeyer Quilting’s patterns. Pattern includes foundation papers and cutting templates. Choose the 33” x 33” scalloped edge or the 38” x 38” square option. Skill Level: All Pattern + Supply fee: $31 Class Price: $135/$150 Pfaff machines provided WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JUNE 8 & 9, 2016 W12T: Silhouette Art Quilt Lola Jenkins Students will learn to make a silhouette wall hanging approx. 11 x 17. Learn how to pick the correct picture, how to turn picture into a pattern both manually and by use of the computer, how to cut, how to select fabrics, and how to use different design elements to create stunning silhouette wall hangings. Students can bring their own photo to class to use to make a pattern and will also have time to learn a variety of quilting techniques for the project. Skill Level: All Kit: $20 (Optional, see supply list) Class Price: $120/$135 Baby Lock machines provided CLASSES MORNING, HALF-DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM W04A: Fabric Dyeing Sue Cortese In this class we will go through several exercises to create your own colorful cloth. We will learn several different techniques for using the MX Fiber Reactive dyes with low water immersion. We will talk about the color wheel so that you have a basic understanding of combining colors before mixing them in the exercises. The three exercises include making a light to dark gradation of a single color, making a color to color gradation to find the colors that lie between, and experimenting with pre-soda soaked fabric. Students can choose to make a single color ombre, a rainbow piece or all over multi-colored piece. Skill Level: All Kit fee: $25 Class Price: $50/$65 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016 W17A: Intro to EQ7 Refresher Kari Schell This class is focused on those who have previously taken an Introduction to Electric Quilt class, but are looking for a refresher on the basics of the program. The information is the same as the Introduction to Electric Quilt class, but will be covered in half the time. This class will cover basic navigation of the software, creating a new project, using the libraries, using Quick Quilts for fast projects, adding borders, coloring tools/fabrics, creating quilt labels and printing quilts, blocks, fabric yardage estimates, rotary cutting and foundation patterns. By the end of class you will be comfortable working with the program and be able to explore additional features on your own. Laptop with EQ7 installed required. Skill Level: Previous experience with EQ7 Class Price: $40/$55 Kit and Supply Fees are paid to the Instructor at the Class. Class Prices are listed as MQ Member price/Non Member price Registration Book W20T: Building Fabric for Unique Wearables Lorraine Torrence Learn to combine favorites from your stash in a simple, quick way to make fabric for wonderful garments. See a demonstration that includes fabric combining giving consideration to color, value and scale, piecing onto a foundation for stability and finishing considerations. Many samples to give you ideas. First make a well fitted muslin foundation, then start building your fabric in class. Skill Level: All Class Price: $135/$150 Elna machines provided Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 W19A1: Got My New Machine All Set Up ... Now What Do I Practice Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry Have you ever closed your eyes and envisioned your ditch work divine, your feathers fabulous, your patterns perfect and then you opened your eyes? This class is designed to give you confidence in yourself and how to apply the 5 Basic Shapes of The Language of Quilting™ to patterns, stencils, pantos and more, which cuts your learning curve in half. We’ll perfect your knots, discuss the right thread, needles, and machine speeds. Learn the importance of how to move your arms, where to focus your eyes and keep consistent with your shapes. With Wiggle Room your patterns will look perfected while learning. Plus discover a few simple layout tricks for borders, blocks, sashings and fills, so the quilt is square when you finish, eliminating the need to block your quilt once it is completed. Pattern handout. Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina domestic & longarm machines provided 21 CLASSES THURSDAY, JUNE 9 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016 AFTERNOON, HALF-DAY CLASSES 12:30PM-3:30PM FULL DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM & 12:30PM-3:30PM MORNING, HALF-DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM W17P: Intro to Easy Draw Kari Schell Have you ever found the “perfect” block online, but then realized you wanted to piece it a different way. Maybe you want rotary cutting instructions or a foundation pattern. Or maybe you want a different size to incorporate into a different quilt. With Electric Quilt you can redraft these blocks. This class will focus on how to “read a block” and then come up with the most efficient way to draft it with Electric Quilt. The blocks in this class are those that can be done in a “grid” format – basically just like drawing with a pencil and graph paper. Within Electric Quilt these blocks are drafted within Easy Draw. Laptop with EQ7 installed required. Skill Level: Previous experience with EQ7 Class Price: $40/$55 W06D: Beaded Kaleidoscopes Nancy Eha Recreate your own dazzling kaleidoscope with glass beads. Numerous design options will be presented as you explore Nancy’s elevated beading techniques. The kaleidoscope is created with elevated seed bead lines that do not rest on the fabric, but are supported above the fabric surface by other beads. The finished 3D kaleidoscope is 5-inches in diameter. The techniques covered in this workshop will give you new ideas for adding sparkling beaded texture to your art quilts. Skill Level: All, some prior beading experience helpful Kit: $45 (includes all seed beads, Swarovrski crystals, faceted beads, thread, needles, pattern) Class Price: $75/$90 T04A: Cut ‘n’ Switch Sue Cortese In this class you will learn to piece improvisationally... making it as you go, without a pattern to follow. You will experiment with line, shape and proportion in creating an original design. You will learn how different line placement and value choices can affect your work. Bring colors that interact well but provide contrast. There is no set size for the finished piece, so make a table runner or lap size quilt... it’s a great class to learn a new technique. Skill Level: All Class price: $50/$65 Janome machines provided W19P1: Free Motion Freedom Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry Get exciting free motion fill and meander patterns and forget about stitching perfection because, it is all about the secret of “wiggle room.” Sally shows you how to put wiggle room into your background fill and meander designs for effortless stitching. This valuable overlooked technique allows you to make quick adjustments to fill all those awkward areas and execute the patterns with ease. This is the same class as F19P See the full description on pg 25 Pattern handout Skill Level: Confident Beginner to Advanced Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina domestic & longarm machines provided Class Price are listed as Member/Non-Member price 22 W11D: Fabric Collage Laura Heine Laura’s patterns feature her popular technique of collage! Learn all about fabric selection, color and texture for a look unlike any other. Visit her Website to select and purchase your favorite collage pattern and kit. Skill Level: All Fees will vary based on choice of kit. Class Price: $75/$90 W13D: Marketing and Development for Professional Quilters: The Business of Being in Business Mary Kerr This is a 6 hour workshop for the professional quilter, pattern designer, art quilter, fabric designer, quilt teacher or anyone who is interested in making their mark in the quilting field. This is an opportunity to learn about developing yourself professionally and promoting your business successfully. Skill Level: All Class Price: $80/$95 W16D: Circle of Illusion Andi Perejda Have fun watching your eye-popping circle of illusion come to life with Andi’s own pattern as seen on Simply Quilts (HGTV). A two-color, optical circle of illusion is deceptively simple to make. This is the cover quilt for the book Infinite Variety: Three Centuries of Red and White Quilts. Skill Level: Advanced Beginner Class Price: $75/$90 Janome sewing machines provided T16A: Beginning Hand Quilting Andi Peredja This workshop covers the basic essentials for successful hand quilting, including discussion of needles, thimbles, thread, marking tools, batting types and fabric types. Students will mark, baste and begin to hand quilt a feathered heart which can be completed at home and used as a small wall-hanging or the front of a pillow. Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate Class Price: $45/$60 T19A: Pathways to Better Quilting Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry Do you have quilt tops that you have wanted to quilt but have no clue what quilting pattern to choose? Bring your quilt tops that are anxiously waiting to become quilts. Get easy ways to pick patterns compatible with your quilt top as we choose block, border, sashing and background fills. Discover why you like or dislike patterns combining them for a pleasing overall look. Sally goes step-by-step through the process of choosing design layouts by auditioning quilting patterns, combining texture, density and pattern positioning. Follow along the checklist of questions which when answered will give you the formula for the correct batting loft, thread choice, binding style, backing fabric, thread path distance, and much more. Plus, get tips the pros use as you quilt patterns that look custom but are simple to stitch for sashings, fills, blocks and borders. Pattern handout provided. Skill level: All Supply fee: $5 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina machines provided Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference CLASSES THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 T22A: Introduction to Featherweight Maintenance Carole Wilder Learn how to do your own regular maintenance on your Singer Featherweight to keep it in top running condition. Carole will teach you how to do a thorough cleaning and oiling of your machine. She will also cover adjusting the tension. This is a handson class. This class is a prerequisite for F22A Advanced Featherweight Maintenance. Featherweight sewing machine required Skill Level: All Supply fee: $10 Class Price: $40/$55 AFTERNOON, HALF-DAY CLASSES 1:30PM-4:30PM T16P: Whigged Out Rose Applique Andi Peredja Learn to create Andi’s altered Whig Rose block. A pattern from her quilt “Whigged Out on the West Coast” will be used and methods for creating the block will be learned. Needleturn applique will be covered in class, although students who use other hand applique techniques will be tolerated! Unitized construction, marking and overlay techniques will be taught. Skill Level: All Pattern: $3 Class Price: $45/$60 T19P: Got My New Machine All Set Up ... Now What Do I Practice Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry Have you ever closed your eyes and envisioned your ditch work divine, your feathers fabulous, your patterns perfect and then you opened your eyes? This class is designed to give you confidence in yourself and how to apply the 5 Basic Shapes of The Language of Quilting™ to patterns, stencils, pantos and more, which cuts your learning curve in half. We’ll perfect your knots, discuss the right thread, needles, and machine speeds. Learn the importance of how to move your arms, where to focus your eyes and keep consistent with your shapes. With Wiggle Room your patterns will look perfected while learning. Plus discover a few simple layout tricks for borders, blocks, sashings and fills, so the quilt is square when you finish, eliminating the need to block your quilt once it is completed. Pattern handout. Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina machines provided Registration Book T22P: Introduction to Featherweight Maintenance Carole Wilder See T22A for description and cost FULL DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM & 1:30PM-4:30PM T06D: Crazy Beading Nancy Eha Learn to replicate traditional Crazy Quilt needlework embroidery stitches with seed beads. Coined “Crazy Beading” by Nancy. In this class you will create feather stitches, fans and more with beads! Then explore opulent embellishment options. A spider was considered good luck on Victorian crazy quilts; recreate both spider and web with beads. Skill Level: All Kit: $20 (all beads, thread, needles, patterns) Class Price: $75/$90 T10D: Strip Applique Landscape Cathy Geier Turn your scraps into landscapes, no piecing required! This is a great class for beginners and for quilters who like landscape quilts but never thought they could make one. Students may choose to purchase a kit or purchase Cathy’s book Lovely Landscape Quilts. Sewing machine required Skill Level: All Kit: $25 Class Price: $60/$75 T13D: Searching for Clues Mary Kerr This is a 6 hour interactive fabric dating workshop. During this class students discover the clues hidden in their antique quilts and tops as we discuss trends, fabrics, patterns and styles over the last 200 years. There are lots of show and tell items and a wide variety of fabrics that span 200 years of American textile history. Each participant brings 2-3 pieces to share and discuss. Skill Level: All Class Price: $65/$80 T14D: Mystery Quilt Doug Leko Join Doug for a fun day of piecing together the clues to his Mystery Quilt. As you work through the manageable steps Doug will share his tips on accurate and quick piecing techniques and keep you guessing until the layout is revealed. Sewing machine required Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 Skill Level: All Kit: $25 (includes pattern + specialty ruler) Class Price: $60/$75 T17D: Intro to EQ7 Kari Schell This class will cover basic navigation of the software, creating a new project, using the libraries, using Quick Quilts for fast projects, adding borders, coloring tools/fabrics, creating quilt labels and printing quilts, blocks, fabric yardage estimates, rotary cutting and foundation patterns. By the end of class you will be comfortable working with the program and be able to explore additional features on your own. Users of all levels welcome with special emphasis on beginners. Laptop with EQ7 installed required. Skill Level: All Class Price: $60/$75 EVENING CLASSES 6:00PM-9:00PM T05E: “Canyon View” Landscape Art Quilt Doris Deutmeyer Fused Applique is an exciting and easy technique for creating landscape art quilts. Using Doris’ original “Canyon View” you will learn raw edge applique, tools for success; plus how to choose your fusible and fabric. Several methods of completing your landscape on your own will be presented including a demo on how to gallery wrap your landscape quilt on artist canvas for an updated display option Skill Level: All Kit: $35 Includes: Pattern, all fabric, and choice of fusible to complete one 20” x 20” fabric landscape. Class Price: $40/$55 T23E: Balancing Hourglass Joyce Keske Piecing on a serger is something most quilting/sewing enthusiasts never consider. In this class Joyce will show you the advantages of using a serger for piecing while creating this modern take on a modified flying geese block. By adding large rectangles of solid color to the flying geese blocks the quilt transforms from traditional to modern. Quilt size – 35” x 49: Skill Level: All Kit: $25 – includes fabric for front, back and binding Class Price: $25/$40 Baby Lock sergers provided 23 CLASSES MORNING, HALF-DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM F02A: Introduction to Wool Applique Mary Alsop So you want to learn wool applique, a very forgiving method of applique. This class will introduce you to the addicting craft of wool applique by creating a pin cushion. What is the difference between wool felt and felted wool? Blanket stitch or whip stitch? To fuse or not to fuse, that is the question. We will cover all the basics and you will leave with an understanding of how to complete your first or 21st project. Skill Level: Beginner Kit: $30 Class Price: $40/$55 F08A: The Elegant String – Paper Piece a String Quilt Mary Fons Put your fabric scraps to good use with Mary’s version of the traditional string piecing technique. Using foundation paper, learn how to assemble narrow fabric strips into eye-catching quilt blocks. This is a very freeing and creative technique where you get to make all the decisions from size to color to block arrangement. No more leftovers after this class. Skill Level: All Class Price: $50/$65 Baby Lock machines provided F13A: Saving Our Treasures Mary Kerr This workshop touches on the basics of restoration, conservation and repair of antique quilts. The workshop will include discussion and trunk show of historical repairs. The hands-on portion will cover basic repairs, restoration techniques, conservation, rescue tips and the recreation of patterns that are damaged beyond repair. Participants will be encouraged to bring a vintage quilt in need of repair to discuss and begin work on during the workshop. (4 Hrs 8:30-12:30) Skill Level: All Kit: $10 Class Price: $50/$65 Kit and Supply Fees are paid to the Instructor at the Class. 24 FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 F17A: Patch Draw Kari Schell This class will focus on identifying and drafting blocks that are not “square” or are not based on a rectangular grid. Blocks will include four hearts (applique), LeMoyne Star (plus variations), Hexagon blocks, Rising Sun, Dresden Plate, turkey tracks, half circle blocks, and Hawaiian applique blocks. Laptop with EQ7 installed required. Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced Class Price: $40/$55 F19A: Language of Quilting Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry This class is your free motion “ah ha” moment, when it all becomes evident you really do have the talent and the ability. Get the 5 things you would ever need for perfecting fills, feathers, meanders, pantos, following stencils and free motion patterns. It’s your foundation for machine quilting and choosing patterns that truly compliment the quilt. If you are a true beginner, have you ever wanted to stitch a beautiful pattern on a quilt top and felt that it was too complicated or beyond your capability to stitch it well? Our studios are full of hundreds of beautiful patterns and yet we are afraid to use them. Often times we sacrifice it all and take the easy way out, neglecting the quilt’s real need for the right patterns. This is not about style, but receiving the true building blocks of machine quilting. Pattern handout provided. Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina domestic & longarm machines provided F22A: Advanced Featherweight Maintenance Carole Wilder Join our Featherweight expert and learn how to do more maintenance on your Singer Featherweight sewing machine. This is a continuation with information not covered in Carole’s Featherweight Maintenance Class. You’ll be digging into the inner workings of your machine so you should be somewhat mechanically inclined. Carole’s Featherweight Maintenance Class is a prerequisite for this class. (4 Hrs 8:30-12:30) Featherweight sewing machine required Supply fee: $15 Class Price: $50/$65 F23A: Hole in the Wall Runner Joyce Keske Created by Quilt in a Day, adapted for the serger by Baby Lock, this modern looking runner will fit any room. Using fat quarters, ¼ inch piecing on the serger and quilting on the serger this runner is a breeze to construct. See how easy it is to create quilts using a pattern from the “Modern Quilt Movement.” Skill Level: All Kit: $20 includes pattern, runner top, batting and backing Class Price: $25/$40 Baby Lock sergers provided AFTERNOON, HALF-DAY CLASSES 1:30PM-4:30PM F02P: Embellishing Wool Mary Alsop So you’ve finished appliqueing your wool project, but it’s looking a little plain. Want to jazz it up a bit? Let’s explore ways to embellish your work. Learn some of the many embroidery stitches that can be used to embellish wool. We will also discuss thread, needles, and other resources. The basis of this class will be a small wool project. (If you are in the morning class, Beginning Wool, bring that project to embelish. If not in the mroning class, bring a small wool project to embelish.) Skill Level: All Kit: $30 Class Price: $40/$55 F08P: A Quilt Called “Whisper” Mary Fons The Thousand Pyramid quilt is both modern and traditional. We’ll learn to use the Fons & Porter 60-Degree Pyramid Ruler to cut our triangles and discuss how contrast still matters in monochrome quilts like “Whisper.” Skill Level: All Class Price: $50/$65 Baby Lock machines provided F17P: Applique Blocks Kari Schell Kari barely touched on the basics of Applique Blocks in the PatchDraw class. In this class she will focus on the details from drawing and editing applique designs to creating spectacular blocks while mastering this technique Laptop with EQ7 required. Skill Level: Advanced Beginner Class Price: $40/$55 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference CLASSES F18P: Fabric Inking 101 - Textures, Stencils, and Color Blending Joyce Teng This hands-on, self-paced class will teach you nine techniques to transform plain yardage into one of a kind fabrics that can be used in any project, from traditional quilts to the most unique art quilts and works of wearable art. You will make one 12” quilt block used in the vibrant “Tree of Life” design. Using simple tools and supplies, along with Tsukineko inks and TSC Designs stencils, you will learn everything you need to know to create unique quilts and fabrics of your own. Skill Level: All Kit: $30 Class Price: $35/$50 F19P: Free Motion Freedom Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry Get exciting free motion fill and meander patterns and forget about stitching perfection because, it is all about the secret of “wiggle room.” Sally shows you how to put wiggle room into your background fill and meander designs for effortless stitching. This valuable overlooked technique allows you to make quick adjustments to fill all those awkward areas and execute the patterns with ease. Because we are quilting more surface area than ever before discover how to add even more density and detail to every pattern with one simple technique. Get tips for easy travel from block to block, plus, several double back methods to reduce time consuming starts and stops. Since echo and outline skills are important and can be the most challenging; see how to get beautiful results without perfectly spaced thread paths or marking. This technique works well with appliqué, embroidery and other surface embellishments. Plus, watch how to cross over stitching lines without the quilt police ever noticing. An easy trapunto method will also be demonstrated. You will receive dozens of background and meander design ideas - wiggle room included. Learn the right threads to use, machine speeds and stitch length to accomplish fine, close stipple work without the headache. Pattern handout Skill Level: Confident Beginner to Advanced Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina domestic & longarm machines provided Registration Book FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 F23P: Floating Block Tote Joyce Keske Using bold colors and fabric strips creating this stunning tote is fun and easy. Starting with smaller squares you will build the tote sections using piecing techniques on the serger. The final step; quilt the tote pieces using the serger for a modern quilted look. After assembly and adding suede handles the tote is complete and ready to showcase to all your friends! Skill Level: All Kit: $30 includes fabric for tote front/back, lining, batting and suede handles and bottom Class Price: $25/$40 Baby Lock sergers provided FULL DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM & 1:30PM-4:30PM F06D: Seed Bead Botany Nancy Eha Create a bounty of beaded botanical beauties using mostly small size 11 seed beads. Learn numerous fabric beading stitches to create several varieties of flowers, stamen, leaves, vines, berries, grapes, and foliage for your garden theme or crazy quilt projects. No prior beading experience necessary. Skill Level: All Kit: $15 (all beads, thread, needles, patterns) Class Price: $75/$90 F07D: Rocky Mountain Bear Claw Catherine Erickson (Certified Instructor for Judy Niemeyer) Rocky Mountain Bear Claw is one of Judy Niemeyer Quilting’s newest blocks. This one day class is designed to teach the simplicity of paper piecing, curved piecing, stacking and slicing techniques to speed up cutting AND our newest technique, curved paper piecing ... you will love it! Class handout shows yardage for four (4) blocks (table runner or runner and pillow) and/or two (2) blocks (pillows). Table Runner – 21″ x 72″, Pillow – 20″ Square Sewing machine required Skill Level: All Pattern + supply fee: $31 Class Price: $75/$90 Pfaff machines provided F10D: Strip Pieced Landscape Cathy Geier Using a combination of batiks and landscape fabrics, students will construct landscapes using a strip pieced method. Students may choose to purchase a kit or purchase Cathy’s book Lovely Landscape Quilts. Sewing machine required Skill Level: All Kit: $30 Class Price: $60/$75 Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 F12D: Thread Art Lola Jenkins When you mix quilting with art you get Thread Art. This is a great class for those who want to explore an innovative way to make beautiful art quilts but have little or no experience with quilting. The techniques the students will learn can be used to produce an art quilt of anything (person, place, or thing). Students will learn how to design and stitch out a whole cloth art quilt using thread and colored pencils as the medium. Creating your own landscape, portrait, or still-life art quilt seems intimidating to most, but Lola has taken the fear out of the process using her seven step approach. The techniques learned can be easily transferred to other projects. Students will leave with a completed 11 x 17 thread art quilt. Sewing machine required Skill Level: All Kit: $20 (Optional, see supply list) Class Price: $60/$75 F14D: Home for the Holidays Doug Leko In this engaging original design from Doug’s Winter’s Song book you will be able to create a one-of-a-kind 38” square holiday wall hanging. Using any holiday themed print (Christmas, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, birthday, etc.) and coordinating fabrics will ensure success. If you have been collecting novelty prints, especially those Minnesota shop hop fabrics, this is the perfect quilt to highlight them. Book required. Skill Level: All Class Price: $60/$75 Janome machines provided F20D: Needle in a Haystack Vest Lorraine Torrence Create fabric from trimmings, leftovers, yes, even shreds of fabric too cherished to throw away but too small to possibly use (at least you thought so until now). Sandwich the scraps between two layers of a dissolving film (or one layer of fabric and the dissolving film) and stitch all over it with transparent nylon thread. Dissolve away the dissolving film and make a vest with the remaining “fabric.” Skill Level: All Supply Fee: $10 Class Price: $75/$90 Elna machines provided Class Price are listed as Member/Non-Member price 25 CLASSES MORNING, HALF-DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM S06A: Beaded Snowflakes Nancy Eha This is the perfect detail to attach to your winter theme projects. Using only small size 11 seed beads, needle, and thread you will construct these delicate yet easy to make snowflake shapes. Adapting the pattern for several sizes, and design options will also be covered. Snowflakes average in size from 1/2″ to 1” in diameter. Skill Level: All Kit: $10 (all beads, thread, needles, patterns) Class Price: $50/$65 S07A: PPP: Paper Piecing Primer Catherine Erickson (Certified Instructor for Judy Niemeyer) This half-day class is an introduction to paper piecing using the “Judy Niemeyer” method. You will make ONE component - the geese block that is used in Judy Niemeyer Quilting’s windmill collection. This block is part of the pattern featured in American Patchwork & Quilting April 2015 and the book Geese Migrations, by Judel and Judy Niemeyer. Several techniques will be demonstrated during class, including strip piecing (used in the double wedding ring series), curved piecing, cutting templates, and chain piecing. Skill Level: All Kit: $10 (foundation paper, fabric and Add-A-Quarter ruler) Class Price: $50/$65 Pfaff machines provided S13A: Lazy River Hexies Mary Kerr English Paper Piecing is given new life when you recreate designs from this 1940’s vintage quilt. Learn the basic Paper Piecing techniques while creating this unique variation of a mosaic block – one that inspired the name of the class. Find inspiration in the traditions of yesteryear, and enjoy the peaceful pleasures of hand stitches in this portable piecing project. It’s a scrappy project, and your materials will include plenty of fabric and other necessities to carry you along during the learning process -- and beyond. Skill Level: All Kit: $20 Class Price: $45/$60 Class Price are listed as Member/Non-Member price 26 SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016 S14A: Sunday Drive Table Runner Doug Leko Your table isn’t fully set until you add this charming 18” x 56” tablerunner featuring a Bear Paw block built around a Log Cabin center. Learn to make both of these traditional blocks and assemble them into a unique setting based on Doug’s original design. Discover the tips and tools that will make piecing these traditional blocks a breeze. Skill Level: All Pattern: $6.50 Class Price: $45/$60 Baby Lock machines provided S15A: Kids Can Quilt Laura Maki The goal of this class is to introduce kids to three principles of quilting. These principles include piecing with a quarter inch seam allowance, quilting lines with a walking foot, and machine applique. One hour dedicated to piecing precut squares with an accurate quarter inch seam allowance, one hour dedicated to marking and quilting with a walking foot, and one hour dedicated to appliqueing a precut monogram to the top and sewing it into a pocket throw pillow. Students must be 10 years or older to participate without an adult. Younger children considered with an adult helper in attendance. No children younger than 8 years old. Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate Kit: $20 Class Price: $25 Janome machines provided S19A: Hooked on Feathers Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry Quilting defines the quilt top, and feathering defines the quilter. But just try to stitch them flawlessly without overlapping your stitches, with exact turned corners, perfectly mirrored shapes, and taking the time to draft a design, forget it. With this new feather technique all that has changed. Based on one simple shape, the hook, feathers are as elegant as they are easy to stitch. Experience how to stitch corner turns without even trying, without drafting a design, for beautiful borders, sashings, blocks and small fills. Starting simple then embellishing your feathers for intricate detail using one simple technique for more detailed patterns. Learn how to get different looks plus combine them with other feathering elements for even more exciting texture to fit the style and area of the quilt top. Discover feathers actually stitch better when using free motion than following a pattern. You will love this method for glorious, fun, no-mark, non-backtracking, feathering. Pattern handout. Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina domestic & longarm machines provided S17A: Beginning Settings & Borders in EQ7 Kari Schell Explore taking your Electric Quilt skills to the next level by working with the various setting options in Electric Quilt. This will include Basic Layouts, Adding Borders, Auto Borders, and a number of options that will work for Sampler quilts. Laptop with EQ7 installed required. Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced Class Price: $40/$55 Kit and Supply Fees are paid to the Instructor at the Class. Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference CLASSES AFTERNOON, HALF-DAY CLASSES 1:00PM-4:00PM S07P: Fractured Paintbox Catherine Erickson (Certified Instructor for Judy Niemeyer) This half-day class is an introduction to paper piecing using the “Judy Niemeyer method”. You will make ONE block from Fractured Paint Box, a beginner pattern from Judy Niemeyer Quilting. Several techniques will be demonstrated during class, including strip piecing (used in the double wedding ring series), curved piecing, cutting templates, and chain piecing. Skill Level: All Kit: $10 (foundation paper, fabric, and Add-A-Quarter ruler) Class Price: $50/$65 Pfaff machines provided S10P: Aspen & Maple Tree Trunks Cathy Geier Students will construct one very simple landscape on a whole cloth background and learn to shade tree trunks with dye marker and pastels, and draw simple saplings. Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Kit: $16 Class Price: $45/$60 S13P: Block Party Mary Kerr This workshop is designed to help students discover innovative ways to set antique and new blocks. Participants bring blocks to share and together we develop ideas to best showcase the block sets. The workshop includes a trunk show of innovative sets in antique and contemporary textiles. Students are encouraged to bring unfinished block sets Skill Level: All Class Price: $45/$60 SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016 S19P: Feather Fills and Meanders Designed for both domestic and longarm machine quilters. Sally Terry It is truly free motion freedom when you can confidently make it up as you go. If your goal is to look at an area and go for it, then you will love this class. We will start out following a meander pattern then take the design elements in the pattern to free motion feather. Experience the four main feather types, learn their thread paths and which one works better in certain areas. This will eliminate drafting and extensive marking. Whether you want your feathers to be large or small to fit a space, turn endless corners on a serpentine spine for fills and meanders, or stitch them consistently straight as an arrow in a sashing; you will know which feather to use and how to lay it out. It is easier than you think. In fact it is easier to free motion feathers than to precisely follow a pattern. Learn how to make your feathers even more graceful. Discover how to start and stop without having to use a piecing seam and lots more tips and tricks. Sally will offer pattern suggestions for traditional to modern quilt styles. Pattern handout provided. Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Supply fee: $7 Class Price: $60/$75 Bernina domestic & longarm machines provided FULL DAY CLASSES 8:30AM-11:30AM & 1:00PM-4:00PM S01D: New Hexagon Millefiori Quilt Along Lori Allison Learn all about choosing fabrics, fussy cutting, papers, piecing & stitching for the New Hexagon Millefiori. Kit available from instructor on day of class includes everything you need to make Rosette #5. This is a complete, not a partial, rosette. Need not have made Rosettes 1-4 to participate in this class. Fabrics from the Kaffe Fassett Collective. Millefiori Quilts book required. Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced Kit including book: $99.95. Already have the book -- Kit: $73.95. Class Price: $60/$75 S12D: Portrait 1 Lola Jenkins Students will learn to make a portrait quilt wall hanging approx. 11 x 17 using one of the patterns provided by the instructor. However students will be given all information necessary to make a portrait from a photo. Students will learn how to use ultra-fine sharpie, colored pencils, white out and other products to enhance the features of their subject. This is a class geared to make easy beautiful portraits without the fuss. Students will leave with a completed portrait. Sewing machine required Skill Level: All Kit: $20 (Optional, see supply list) Class Price: $60/$75 S20D: Collage Curves Lorraine Torrence Use one of Lorraine’s Collage Curves Mini-Quilt Series patterns to make a 15” square quilt in this one day class. Learn the technique for doing curvy edge shapes, raw edges together, with self made bias tape covering the raw edges. One pattern free with class. Skill Level: All Kit: Optional $35 kit available at http:// Class Price: $75/$90 Elna machines provided S17P: Pictorial Foundations Kari Schell In this class Kari will show you how to create your own foundation patterns using a picture as a base. Discover all the EQ7 features that make this technique possible. Laptop with EQ7 installed required. Skill Level: Intermediate Class Price: $40/$55 Check online at for class updates and changes. Register early to get the classes you want. Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 27 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Membership Information Minnesota Quilters, Inc. was formed in 1978 to unite and support quilters and quilt enthusiasts throughout the state of Minnesota and elsewhere. MQ is run by members on a volunteer basis. Every event and activity listed here, plus many others, depends on volunteers. We encourage all members to find an area of interest and become involved. Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 612-436-0449 The meetings begin at 7:00pm on the first Thursday of the month and at 10:00am on the following Saturday, at 1203 5th Street SE, Minneapolis, MN. (Please check online to confirm meeting dates and times.) Membership Cost A regular one year membership is $40. Student membership is $20. Business membership is $65. Meetings MQ brings in nationally known quilters who present programs several times a year at the monthly meetings. Other meetings feature programs prepared by our talented members or may be special events such as the Holiday Brunch. Every meeting includes members’ Show and Tell, miscellaneous business, and announcements. Newsletter MQ News is published monthly and is available by Email to MQ members. Library MQ members may check out books, magazines and videos/ DVDs on a monthly basis during each meeting or at the Pat O’Connor Library, located in the Textile Center. Minnesota Quilt Project (MQP) A standing committee of Minnesota Quilters, Inc., MQP’s purpose is to locate, record, photograph, and document quilts with a Minnesota connection. Annual Quilt Show Our Annual Quilt Show and Conference takes place every year in June. The show is open to the public and includes judged, non-judged, national, and special quilt exhibits. There are classes and lectures by nationally recognized teachers, a raffle quilt, small quilt auction, and other events. MQ awards one scholarship each year to a novice quilter. For more information, visit our website at www. In past years our show has been on a four year cycle, rotating through Duluth, St. Cloud, St. Paul and Rochester. Based on bids received from these locations, the next shows will be in St. Cloud (2016, 2018, and 2020), Duluth (2017), and Rochester (2019 and 2021). Grant Program The MQ Board accepts applications for grant funds each year to help with our mission of quilting education. These grants are provided statewide to support quilting programs on television and other quilting education efforts. Grant requests are now accepted from July 1st to September 16th each year. For more information, visit MQ Outstanding Volunteer Award Minnesota Quilters, Inc. has initiated an annual award in recognition of the outstanding contributions of our many volunteers. This award is given annually at the April birthday party to an MQ member who has been a loyal volunteer over time and across responsibilities. The honoree will receive a year’s free membership, a quilt shop gift certificate, and recognition on an MQ Outstanding Volunteer plaque. MQ board members welcome member nominations for the award. Membership Has Its Privileges! A prized benefit of MQ membership is early registration for classes and other show events. Additionally, members receive reduced rates for registration, classes, lectures, the banquet, judged quilt entry fees, and free entry for non-judged quilts. Members can also save money on MQ sponsored events and classes throughout the year. You may become a member or renew your membership online at If you prefer, use the membership form on this page. Name Address City State Zip Phone Email Birthdate if 18 or younger: Please describe volunteer interest and experience on an additional sheet. MEMBERSHIP: $40.00 (regular); $20.00 (students 18 years or younger); $65 (business membership) Complete and detach this form and send it with a check for the proper amount (US Dollars), made payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. to: Membership - Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 28 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Quilt Hanging Sleeve Instructions Sleeve To prevent quilts from dragging on the floor when hung, any quilt longer than 90” must have a secondary sleeve attached no higher than 90” from the bottom of the quilt. You may still have a primary sleeve at the top. Secondary Sleeve Removable Sleeve Option 90” Creating the sleeve(s) Label Cut (and piece, if necessary) a strip of fabric 9 inches tall and the width of the finished quilt including binding. On the short ends, turn ¼” over twice to create a hem and stitch down. Fold the strip in half lengthwise with wrong sides together and press the crease firmly. Open the strip. Bring one long unfinished edge to the pressed fold line in the center. Press firmly. Repeat for the other long unfinished edge. Optional - To keep these long edges firmly creased, edge stitch along the long outside folds. Bring the long unfinished edges wrong sides together and stitch with a ¼” seam to create a tube. Press this seam open. Do not turn the resulting tube. Attaching the sleeve(s) to the quilt back Primary Sleeve With the open seam against the quilts back, pin one long pressed edge just under the finished upper binding edge on the back of the quilt. If your quilt is longer than 90” Create the secondary sleeve as instructed above. Lay out your quilt on a flat surface with the backing up. Measure 90 inches up from the bottom of your quilt and mark the backing. Do this in several locations. Using your ruler, draw a chalk pencil line connecting the markings across the quilt back. Center the tube, and place the top edge of the tube along the marked line. The tube’s unfinished seam faces the quilt. Pin the tube securely in place. Hand stitch the top edge of the sleeve(s) to the back of your quilt. Tack the ends of the sleeve(s) in place so it cannot be lifted from the quilt. Hand stitch the bottom of the sleeve(s) in place. Permanent Sleeve Option Complete before binding is hand sewn to the back of the quilt. Machine sew the binding as you usually would to the front of the quilt. Cut (and piece, if necessary) a strip of fabric 9 inches tall and the width of the finished quilt. On the short ends, turn ¼” over twice to create a hem and stitch down. Fold the strip lengthwise, wrong sides together, bringing one raw edge up to an inch below the other long edge. Press the folded edge well. To keep this long edges firmly creased, edge stitch along the long outside fold. Center the folded strip along the top edge of the quilt, against the backing, aligning its matched raw edges with the edge of the quilt. Have the side of the tube with the “bump” or extra fabric facing out. Pin the layers keeping the binding out of the way so you do not sew over it. From the front, machine sew the sleeve to the quilt on the existing stitching line. Tack the ends of the sleeve in place so it cannot be lifted from the quilt Hand stitch the bottom of the sleeve in place Hand sew the binding over the raw edges of the tube. Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 29 Pre-Purchase Admission Avoid long admissions lines! There are ways you can help reduce waiting time in long admissions lines: • Pre-register (get a 3-day admission pass, a show bag, and a show pin) • Have exact change and use the Exact Change admission lines • Check our website ( for a list of quilt shops who can sell you advance admission passes. • Pre-purchase your 1-day admission pass by sending a check to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 1203 5th St SE Minneapolis MN 55414-2030 We will mail your ticket • We must have your check by May 11, 2016. • All pre-purchased tickets are non-replaceable and non-refundable – don’t lose them! • A ticket must be purchased for each day you plan on attending. • Each single day ticket can be used on any day, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday Mail my tickets to this address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________State: _________________ Zip: _______________________ Quantity Total Single Day – MQ Member ______ @ $10.00 $___________ Single Day – Non MQ Member ______ @ $12.00 $___________ Single Day - Children (ages 5–12) ______ @ $5.00 $___________ Total # tickets ordered ______ $___________ Amount of Check Getting to St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center 10 4th Ave S, St. Cloud MN 56301-3614 If you are interested in taking a bus trip to the show, check with your local quilt shop to see if they are sending a bus, or check our website for bus tours already registered. Shuttle Service is available between the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport and Saint Cloud For schedule and rates contact: Executive Express at 1-888-522-9899 or 320-253-2226 From Interstate 94 1. Take I-94 West to Highway 15 North exit 2. Turn right onto Highway 23 3. Turn left onto 5th Avenue South 4. Turn right onto 1st Street South 5. The convention center will be straight ahead on the left Parking for the convention center is available in the ramp, located below the building, along with metered spots just south of the entrance *Construction for the new parking ramp will be taking place while you are visiting St. Cloud & the west metered parking lot will be closed Updates on parking, construction and vendor move-in will be updated at Refer to City parking ordinances for clarification: click on Departments/Public Works/Parking From Highway 10 1. Take Highway 10 2. Take Highway 23West exit to 4th Avenue 3. Turn right onto 4th Avenue 4. The convention center will be on the right Parking Downtown Saint Cloud – PUBLIC PARKING Online Map available at (click on MN Quilters, Inc logo) Parking Ramps: River’s Edge Convention Center, 10 4th Ave S, St Cloud MN 56301 7’ Height Clearance, 336 spaces, $5.00 per entry. No in/out privileges Grand Central Parking Ramp, 400 St. Germain St. W., St Cloud MN 56301 7’ Height Clearance, 40 spaces, 40 cents per ½ hour or portion thereof. Example; If you stay 35 minutes you will be charged 80 cents. Maximum of $6.00 per 24 hours. 220 spaces evening parking. Lost ticket $6.00 Centre Square Ramp, 601 1st St S., St Cloud MN 56301 8’2” Height Clearance,, Lower Level 7’ Height Clearance, 234 spaces, 40 cents per ½ hour or portion thereof. Paramount Parking Ramp, 930 1st St N., St. Cloud MN 56303 7’ Height Clearance, 195 spaces, 40 cents per ½ hour or portion thereof. Example: if you stay 35 minutes you will be charged 80 cents. Lost ticket $6.00 From Highway 15 1. Take Highway 15 South 2. Turn left (east) onto Highway 23 3. Turn left onto 5th Avenue South 4. Turn right onto 1st Street South 5. The convention center will be straight ahead on the left Metered Public Parking Spaces: Available throughout the downtown area. Meters are NOT enforced on weekends 30 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Mobility Accommodations The River’s Edge Convention Center is accessible for those using wheelchairs. For the safety of all attendees, strollers without a child in them and rolling bags are not allowed on the show floor. Motorized mobility devices are permitted in all areas. Attendees who wish to make arrangements for mobility assistance at the show can contact directly Tim Hoese at Minnesota Mobility, 320-356-7274, to make arrangements for wheelchairs or scooters. Lodging in St. Cloud Minnesota Quilters, Inc. has blocked hotel rooms with special rates for the 2016 Annual Quilt Show & Conference participants. Rooms are blocked during the week of the show. Please mention “Minnesota Quilters” when making your reservation to receive the special room rates. Make your reservations early! Remaining rooms will be released 30 days prior to the event. Hotel Partners Phone Rate Amenities *Headquarter Best Western Plus Kelly Inn 100 4th Ave S 320-253-0606 $101.00+tax Downtown St. Cloud, attached to the River’s Edge Convention Center. Pool, Green Mill Restaurant on site. *Headquarter Courtyard by Marriott Formerly Le St-Germain Suite Hotel 404 West St. Germain Street 320-654-1661 $149.00-$159.00+tax Downtown St. Cloud, skyway to the River’s Edge Convention Center. 5th Avenue Grill on site, Pool Country Inn & Suites East 120 7th Ave SE 320-252-8282 $109.00+tax Located off Hwy 10, minutes from downtown & restaurants. pool. continental breakfast. Country Inn & Suites West 235 Park Ave S 320-259-8999 $95.00+tax Located near Crossroads Shopping Center. restaurants, pool, continental breakfast. Grandstay Residential Suites 213 6th Ave S 320-251-5400 $109.90-$129.90+tax Downtown St. Cloud. Pool. Continental Breakfast. Hampton Inn & Suites 143 37th Avenue North 320-252-4448 $119.00-$159.00+tax Located off Hwy. 15, Crossroads Shopping Center, within walking distance of many restaurants, pool, continental breakfast Holiday Inn & Suites 75 South 37th Ave 320-253-9000 $92.95-$104.95+tax Located off Hwy 15. Crossroads Shopping Center, pool, arcade area. Legends Bar & Grill along with Legends Cafe on site Homewood Suites by Hilton 115 37th Avenue North 320-252-5900 $124.00-$199.00+tax Located off Hwy. 15, Crossroads Shopping Center, within walking distance of many restaurants, pool, continental breakfast Quality Inn 4040 2nd Street S 320-251-1500 $109.00+tax Located off Hwy 15. Crossroads Shopping Center, pool, continental breakfast. Old Chicago Restaurant attached. Housing is available at the College of St. Benedict Contact Jessica Reiter, Assistant Gorecki Director at CSB 320-363-5791 *2016 Shuttle Service * Shuttle Service will be available from the hotels to the River’s Edge Convention Center Updates & information available at (Click on the MN Quilters, Inc. logo on the homepage) For further information on St. Cloud or if you have questions, contact the St. Cloud Area Convention & Visitors Bureau 1-800-264-2940 Nikki Fisher, ext 112 [email protected] Registration Book Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 31 Volunteer Form Our show is brought to you by volunteers. YOU are the most valued and treasured resource Minnesota Quilters has. It will take over 600 volunteers working together to put on the successful quilt show in June 2016. Each volunteer with 2 hours of service will receive a Volunteer Pin as a token of appreciation for time given. We have volunteer shifts ranging from one to four hours and can start on the half hour, so you will have more opportunities to volunteer and enjoy the show. For each two hours of service, your name will be entered into daily prize drawings. In addition, your name will be entered into the drawing for the Grand Prize of a sewing machine. Call, write or Email your volunteer registration information to: MQ Show Volunteers 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis MN 55414-2030 612-436-0449 Email [email protected] or find the form online at Name ___________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP or Postal Code _______________________________________________________ Email _______________________________ Day Phone ________________ Evening Phone _________ Please indicate the Volunteer Opportunities you are interested in ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ White Glove (1 or more hours) ____Show Admissions (4 hours – 7:30 – 11:30 a.m.) Ticket Taker (lectures/special events) ___ Registration ___ Info Booth/Bag Check Small Quilt Auction ___ MQ Merchandise _____Minnesota Quilt Project table Raffle Quilt ___ Volunteer Booth ___ Judged area Mon am or pm ___ Judged area Tues am Set-up Monday ___ Set-up Tuesday ___ Set-up Wednesday ___ Take Down Saturday Classroom Helper (Must be registered for class) ___ Bus tours (must be able to get on the bus) Please indicate the times you are available to volunteer Monday, June 6th ________________________________________________________________ Tuesday, June 7th _______________________________________________________________ Wednesday, June 8th _____________________________________________________________ Thursday, June 9th ______________________________________________________________ Friday, June 10th _______________________________________________________________ Saturday, June 11th _____________________________________________________________ Please let us know if you have any physical limitations i.e. can’t climb ladder, need to sit, etc. _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Many thanks to all the hard-working 2016 Show Committee members. As one of the largest volunteer shows in the nation, we can’t say thank-you enough to those who give so much time and talent to this event. If you’d like to lend a hand before, during, or after the show, please send in the completed form above or email us at [email protected] 32 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference Advance Registration Instructions January 15, 2016: Advance Registration for MQ Members Begins February 1, 2016: Advance Registration for Non-Members Begins May 1, 2016: Mail-in Registrations must be at the MQ Office May 15, 2016: Online Registration closes at midnight Online registration ends May 15, 2016. Mail-in registration must be received by May 1, 2016. You may also enroll in any remaining open classes at the Conference. Advance Registration: For MQ members, registrations will be accepted beginning January 15, 2016. General Advance Registration will begin February 1, 2016. Online registrants will receive immediate confirmation. Mailed registrations may take a week or more to process. Online payments will reserve your spot immediately; if you are mailing in your payment your registration will hold your reservations for one week or until payment is received, whichever occurs first. Advance Registration Fee: All advance registrants will be charged a non-refundable advance registration fee of $35 for members and $40 for non-members. This fee covers registration processing, the opportunity to register for classes, lectures, and events, 3-day (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) admission to Exhibits and Merchant Mall, a show pin, a tote bag, and a place on the mailing list to receive a 2017 MQ Show Registration Book when they are available. Advance registrants receive their name badge, tickets, show pin, and a tote bag when they arrive at the show. Refunds: Refunds on credit cards will be processed immediately to the card used for registration. Refunds for registration payment by check will be processed within 30 days of the request. Cancellation of Advance Registration: Refunds will be according to the following schedule: • On or before March 12, 2016: 75% of all fees for classes, lectures and special events will be refunded. No refund of registration fee. • March 13 through April 9, 2016: 50% of all fees for classes, lectures and special events will be refunded. No refund of registration fee. • After April 9, 2016: No refunds unless cancellation insurance has been purchased. No refund of registration fee. Refunds for registration payment by check will be processed within 30 days of the request. Note: The cancellation fee for classes, lectures and special events will be waived if the registrant has purchased the optional cancellation insurance and cancels before May 22, 2016. If a registrant cannot attend, they may transfer their registration at no charge to another person. If you need to cancel or transfer your registration to another person, send an Email to [email protected] or to the MQ office address shown on page 34. Cancellation Insurance: Cancellation insurance may be purchased for $20. This insurance guarantees a full refund for classes, lectures and special events if you cancel before May 22, 2016. The registration fee will not be refunded. Insurance must be purchased when registering. If you have the insurance and wish to cancel, you must notify the registrar on or before May 22, 2016. No refunds will be made for cancellations after May 22, 2016 Online Registration 1. Go to the MQ website at 2. Click 2016 Show link. 3. On the Summary page, click the “Advance Registration” button on the lower right and follow the online instructions. 4. Enter your information & selections on the form. 5. Complete your payment information. 6. Click the “Finish” button. You will receive a confirmation receipt via Email. Print out this confirmation receipt and bring it with you to the conference. You will need this receipt to receive your name badge and registration materials. How to Pay: You will be able to pay immediately via our secure server using your credit card. Online payment will immediately guarantee your available conference selections. If you prefer, you may register online and mail a check to the MQ address shown on page 34. Make your check payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc and include your registration confirmation number along with your check. MQ cannot invoice Advance Registrations. If paying by check, your class or event spot will be held for one week Registration Book following registration or until payment is received, whichever occurs first. Adding/Dropping Classes: You may personally change your online registration until May 22, 2016. You will need the confirmation number from your confirmation receipt. After May 22, any requests for change must be made in writing, either through Email ([email protected]) or by letter to the Minnesota Quilters, Inc. office. Registration Packet, Badge and Tickets: Bring your confirmation receipt to the Registration booth at the Show to exchange for your registration packet containing your name badge and any required tickets. Registration packets will not be mailed to participants. Your name badge is required for admission to the Show floor and to attend events at the Show. You do not need tickets to attend your classes. Simply sign in with the class helper when you arrive. Class Supply Lists: Please download supply lists at Minnesota Quilters, Inc Office 612-436-0449 33 Advance Registration Instructions Continued Deadlines: Online - May 15, 2016; Mail-In - May 1, 2016 Mail-In Registration We encourage everyone to register online. If that is not possible, you may register by mail, using the form on page 35. Please keep a copy of your registration for your records. Mail your registration form to the MQ address on this page. How to Pay: Include payment with your registration form. If paying by check, make your check payable to Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Adding/Dropping Classes: To add or drop a class, contact [email protected] with your request, or mail your request to the MQ office. Requests for changes must be made in writing. Registration Packet, Badge and Tickets: You will receive a confirmation receipt in the mail itemizing classes, lectures, merchandise, and events for which you are registered. This may take 2-3 weeks. Bring the confirmation receipt to the Registration booth at the show to exchange for your registration packet containing your name badge, show pin, tote bag, and any required tickets. Your name badge is required for admission to the Show floor and to attend events at the Show. You do not need tickets to attend your classes. Simply sign in with the class helper when you arrive. Class Supply Lists: These will be mailed with your confirmation. You can also download them at Checks and Credit Card Payments Minnesota Quilters, Inc. accepts checks, money orders, MasterCard, Visa, and Discover for payment of advance registration, classes, and event fees. When using a credit card for payment, please double-check the card number and expiration date when completing your form. A fee of $25 will be charged on all returned checks. Remember, when submitting your payment by check or money order, please make it payable to: Minnesota Quilters, Inc. When possible, save Minnesota Quilters 4% in credit card fees by paying by check. Questions Questions: If you have any questions about registration, please contact the Registration Chairs at [email protected] or leave a message at the Minnesota Quilters office (612-436-0449). *Emails to [email protected] will be responded to within 2 business days Address for mailing registration or Online registration with check payment: Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-0230 34 Minnesota Quilters, Inc. Annual Show and Conference 35 Email: State/Province: Zip/Postal Code: ________ _________ MQ Member? ____ Yes ____No Please note that class prices are discounted for MQ members. Refer to the class descriptions for the correct price. Class Number Price Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Class Number Price Thursday, June 9, 2016 Smoked Turkey Veggie Napa Chicken Check Money Order MasterCard Signature Visa Discover Classic Salad $39 $44 $20 $25 $20 $25 Total Number @$13 @$13 @$13 @$13 ea ea ea ea @$10 ea. @$12 ea. @$25 ea @$30 ea Price Price Yes No Credit Card Expiration Date: MQ Members - $35 Not a MQ Member - $40 Optional Cancellation Insurance: $20 Grand Total/Amount Due Registration Fee: Class Number Saturday, June 11, 2016 Total number of tickets x x x x x x Price Chicken Caesar Salad Class Number Friday, June 10, 2016 I would like to learn more about volunteer opportunities at the 2016 Show, please have someone contact me. Security Code (3 digit code on back of card): Credit Card Number: Payment Method (Circle one): Questions? 612-436-0449 or email [email protected] # Tickets for ea lecture @ $10 MQ Member # Tickets for ea lecture @ $12 Non-Member Lecture Pass @ $25 MQ Member Lecture Pass @ $30 Non-Member Box Lunches ($13 each) Ham & Swiss Wed. 6/8/2016 Quantity Thur 6/9/2016 Quantity Fri 6/10/2016 Quantity Sat 6/11/2016 Quantity Lecture Number 1st Choice for day 2nd Choice for day Meet the Teachers/Sneak Preview x $15 (Enter number of tickets @ $15 ea.) Charming City Stroll Passport $18 (MQ member) Charming City Stroll Passport $20 (nonmember) Banquet Event - MQ Member (Enter # of tickets @ $39 ea.) □ Tortelloni □ Chicken □ Pork Banquet Event - Not a MQ Member (Enter # of tickets @ $44 ea.) □ Tortelloni □ Chicken □ Pork Breakfast Lecture - MQ Member (Enter # of tickets @ $20 ea.) Breakfast Lecture - Not a MQ Member (Enter # of tickets @ $25 ea.) Dessert Lecture - MQ Member (Enter # of tickets @ $20 ea.) Dessert Lecture - Not a MQ Member (Enter # of tickets @ $25 ea.) Classes / Line Total If registering by mail, send Advance Registration Form and payment to: Minnesota Quilters, Inc., 1203 5th Street. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 Phone: City: Address: Name: Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 38th Annual Quilt Show and Conference Advance Registration Form Minnesota Quilters, Inc. 1203 5th Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55414-2030 612-436-0449 [email protected] Have Questions? Wonder if changes have been made since this book was printed? Check out the web site for the latest information Corrections 12/21/15 F02P class description 1/6/16 Breakfast Lecture price pg 35 1/12/16 Revised Catherine Erickson class descriptions (pgs 21,25-26) 1/22/16 T22A,F22A supply fees 2/25/16 Added T22P Introduction to Featherweight Maintenance 3/9/16 W19A & W19P cancelled W19A1 & W19P1 added Innova longarms replaced by Bernina longarms for classes T19A,T19P,F19A,F19P,S19A,S19P 3/14/16 TL17E cancelled Table of Contents: Page 2 Registration Information: Page 33-34 Important Dates: Page 3 St. Cloud Information: Page 30-31