pages 32-33
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Or check out our duplication deals on custom printed sleeve, digipaks, wallets, and other CD/DVD packages Call or email today to get your project moving! 615.244.4236 [email protected] or visit for a custom quote On Nashville’s Historic Music Row For 33 Years 118 16th Avenue South - Suite 1 Nashville, TN (Located just behind Off-Broadway Shoes) Toll Free: 888.868.8852 Become our fan on 2 37203 Fax: 615.256.4423 and follow us on to receive special offers! 1 Letter from the Editor Let's start out by letting everyone know that Big Joe Matthews has left the building. We would like to sin- cerely thank him for all his hard work at NMG. We support him completely with his future endeavors and in fol- lowing his dreams. But don't worry, if you get to missing him, hit him up on Facebook to see what kinda trouble he's stirring up. This issue is the First Annual Blues Edition of Nashville Music Guide and RXUYHU\¿UVW6SHFLDO(GLWLRQEXWQRWWKHODVW If you track down the root to all great music and you will ¿QGD%OXHVLQÀXHQFH,QWKHHDUO\VWKH¿UVW%OXHV song was published, It is called 'Dallas Blues' and was ZULWWHQE\+DUW:DQGDURXQG/\ULFVZHUHDGGHGWR WKHVRQJLQE\/OR\G*DUUHWW%OXHVPXVLFLDQVIURP %HVVLH6PLWKWR5D\&KDUOHVKDYHKDGDKXJHLPSDFWRQ the up and coming artists of today. The musicians featured here are no exception. -LP4XLFNLVJUDFLQJRXUFRYHU+HDQGKLVEDQG&RDVWOLQH OLNHWRJHWFUD]\'RZQ6RXWK7KH\KDYHWDNHQWKH%OXHV DQG$PHULFDQDZRUOGE\VWRUP:HKDYH%OXHV&RQQHF- tion, the amazing Kenny Olson and Paris Delane, along with other talented Blues musicians, featured somewhere on these pages and they will be jamming with us on May WKIRURXU%OXHV-DPDW:LQQHU V%HVXUHWRFRPHRXW WRWKHNLFNRIIRXU¿UVW6SHFLDO(GLWLRQDWRXU%OXHV-DP :HZLOOKDYHDVHULHVRI6SHFLDO(GLWLRQVWKURXJKRXWWKH year and parties to celebrate. We are emphasizing Music in 0XVLF&LW\E\FUHDWLQJVSHFLDOLVVXHVZLWKDVSHFL¿FIRFXV on different genres and/or themes. Make sure to pick up a copy each month, to see what surprises are in store. NMG is excited to be one of the sponsors of a fun new WRXUQDPHQWWKDWZLOOEHKHOGGXULQJ&0$:HHNRQ-XQH WK DW 7KH +DUG 5RFN 7KH WRXUQDPHQW ZLOO IHDWXUHG D JDPH FDOOHG <RX YH %HHQ 6HQWHQFHG &RXQWU\ (GLWLRQ´ This version will not be available for purchase until the )DOO3URFHHGVIURPWKHWRXUQDPHQWZLOOEHQH¿W&KLOGUHQ V 0LUDFOH1HWZRUNDQG6XFFHVV:RQ W:DLW 7KH&0$0XVLF)HVWLYDOLVMXVWDURXQGWKHFRUQHU,KDYH heard that there will be changes to how they are doing au- tographs this year. Instead of standing in line and possibly camping out for tickets to get autographs from the 'hot' ce- lebs, they have changed it to an online ticket system. For PRUH LQIR RQ WKLV JR WR ZZZFPDZRUOGFRP 6RPH KRW up and coming stars will still be available for autographs without tickets and if you catch me running around town, you may even get my autograph. I am willing to bet that my line won't require a ticket. 5DQG\0DWWKHZV Executive Editor & CEO Randy Mat- thews [email protected] Managing Editor Amanda Andrews [email protected] Director, Sales & Marketing Janell Webb [email protected] Sales & Marketing Hannah Ryans [email protected] Accounts Rhonda Smith [email protected] Contributors Phil Sweetland, Preshias, Rick Moore, Andrew Miller, Leslie Arm- stong, Brion Dixon, Harrison Baker, Jes- sica Northey, Hank & Edna Beach, The Gherm Guys, Bronson Herrmuth, Krys Midgett Photography Bob Coan, Jerry Overcast, HOW TO REACH NMG Press releases, CD Reviews [email protected] Advertisement/Rates [email protected] Event Submissions [email protected] General Info [email protected] [email protected] NMG Radio Delivery Serivce [email protected] Nashville Music Guide 1700 Hayes Street, Suite 103 Nashville, TN 37203 2I¿FH615.244.5673 Fax 615.244.8568 Disclaimer: Nashville Music Guide, Inc is not liable for any inaccuracies submit- ted by freelance journalists, advertisers, publicists, and/or persons using this issue for the free publicity and/or any royalty payments or fees due to the publication of material in the form of a press release, events, publicity, or advertising. @NashMusicGudie 2 Contents 34 Features 7 8 The Blues Connection 10 Judge’s Vinegarroon Music City Smokehouse Smoking Blues & BBQ Johnny Hiland & Ron Lutrick Spicing Things Up In Music City 12 Jim Quick & Coastline Gettin’ Crazy Down South 16 Harold ‘Hal’ Rugg The Past With A Personal Touch 17 Bobby Braddock The Present With A Personal Touch 27 B.B. Kings Nashville King of Blues, Queen of Motown, Soul of Funk Departments 2 4 Editor’s Letter Musician’s Spotlight Tyrone Carreker 14 18 May Music Events Songwriter’s Nights and Open Mics 32 Mark Robinson Hoosier Transplant Puts 20 NMG’s Sounding His Stamp On Nashville Board Blues Scene 21 NSAI 34 Blues Brothers Set Your Songs on Fire Kenny Olson & Paris Delane 22 NMG RDS 36 Brian Ashley Jones Compliation Information A Cut Above 26 Nashville Music Venues 28 Inside Track on Music Row 29 Artist Spotlight Shaun Murphy 30 NMG Cam 32 April Music Events 37 Biz Buzz When Radio Rigs the Charts 38 Nashville Country Club 32 3 Q: +RZROGZHUH\RXZKHQ\RX¿UVWVWDUWHGSOD\LQJPXVLFDQGZDV\RXUIDPLO\PXVLFDO" Tyrone: Oh man, I was young. I started off playing the upright bass in 4th grade, so that probably puts me starting at 8 or 9. My mom, she got a scholarship to Michigan State for music, which she ended up switching to teaching after a while, but yeah, she was very musi- cal and my whole mom’s side of the family is musical, they all sang in church. Q:'LG\RXKDYHPXVLFLQVFKRRO" Tyrone Carreker plays the blues. From Detroit, Mich., Tyrone came to Nashville four years ago and his QHZ&'LVGXHRXWLQ0D\ 6WDUWLQJ RXW SOD\LQJ WKH XSULJKW bass, his guitar playing is now his focus, along with his songwriting and performing. Blessed with a ton of talent and DJUHDWYRLFH7\URQHSOD\VD¿QH guitar and he and his band mates — Jarvis Mosby on bass guitar and Jason Bolejack on drums — have put together a great trio. The following is from an exclu- sive interview that Nashville Mu- sic Guide writer, Bronson Her- rmuth had with Tyrone. To learn more about 7\URQH&DUUHNHUYLVLW To read/listen to Bronson’s entire LQWHUYLHZZLWK7\URQH Tyrone: Yeah, all the way up from 4th to 11th grade I played bass. I simply played that, but in 11th grade I heard a guitar solo. You ever heard, “Feels So Good” by Chuck Mangione? Man I heard that guitar solo and I wanted to play guitar ever since then. That solo just blew me away, but I didn’t get around to picking it up until a couple of years later when I was 22 in college, but yeah, so the music has always been the forefront for me at least. Q: 'R\RXUHPHPEHUWKH¿UVWVRQJ\RXHYHUZURWH" Tyrone: <HDKEXW,GRQ¶WZDQWWRWDONDERXWLWODXJKLQJ,ZDVIRUWKH¿UVWRI¿FLDOVRQJ I ever wrote. I remember when I was in high school, I didn’t have a tape recorder that you could do your melodies into, so I would — this is strange (laughing) — but I would write down what the melody sounded like, and I would go back and I would remember it from that. I remember doing that when I was in high school and middle school. Q:6RZKHQ\RXZULWHWKHPXVLFFRPHVWR\RX¿UVW" Tyrone: ,JHWDIHHOLQJ¿UVWWKDW,KDYHVRPHWKLQJWRVD\OLNHVRPHWKLQJ¶VERWKHULQJPH You know I’ll be sitting there and I’ll just be in a mood so I’ll start playing on my guitar, so ZKDWFRPHV¿UVWWRPHLVMXVWWKHIHHOLQJRIZKDW,ZDQWWRZULWH,I,¶PDQJU\WKHQ,¶OOKDYHDQ angry lyric, I’ll have an angry melody on my guitar. As a matter of fact there’s a song on my album right now called “Liars.” That came from me feeling really just a little bit in the mo- ment, of just being not quite angry, but just really confused on the inside. In the song, the way the music came out especially recording-wise, that angst is so prevalent and it’s just good ‘cause that lets me know that feeling was accomplished in the song. You can feel the pressure on my shoulders when I’m playing and singing. I can feel it come back to me and that’s good. Q:<RXUQHZ&'LVGXHRXWLQ0D\:LOO\RXEHJRLQJRQWRXU" Tyrone: )RUVXUH:H¶UHGH¿QLWHO\JRLQJEDFNKRPHWR'HWURLW,¶PDOVRORRNLQJDW&KL- FDJR6HHWKHJRRGWKLQJDERXWJRLQJWRFROOHJH¿UVWLV\RXKDYHDORWRIIULHQGVWKDWDUH scattered across, so obviously the good thing to do in terms of touring is to play in those cities and they tell the people that they know. Obviously you get a good group of people to come RXWDQGVHH\RXUVKRZ:H¶UHJRLQJWRGR&KLFDJRGH¿QLWHO\ZDQQDGR1HZ<RUNEXWZH¶UH gonna do it around here too, Clarksville. We’re gonna go down to Alabama, so it’s gonna to EHDJRRGWLPH,SOD\URFNDQGEOXHV(YHU\WKLQJ\RX¶OOKHDUPHSOD\LVEOXHVLQÀXHQFHG\RX know, so that’s where it always starts, but the progression of the song might turn it to some- thing different. It may sound a bit more rock. 44 5 5 Smoking Blues & BBQ 0XVLF &LW\ 6PRNHKRXVH LV NQRZQ IRU LWV IRRG DQG blues. Located on Hermitage Ave. in Nashville, its RZQHUV-LPDQG'HOHQD6ODYLQKDYHEHHQZRUNLQJWR make it Nashville’s new home of the blues. They offer EOXHVHYHU\6DWXUGD\QLJKWDQGRQFHDPRQWKWKH\KDYH a well-known player such as Miranda Louis and Mark 5RELQVRQ2Q6XQGD\VIURPSPWKH\KDYHZKDW they like to call the BBQ’d Blues Jam where they al- all ages. They also offer corn hole on the outside patio. ways have a core house band and have sign-ups open to any blues musician that wants to sign up and play. 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ+LFNRU\VPRNHGPHDWVWKDWWKHRZQHU Jim smokes himself, they also offer ribs, pork, beef bris- 7KH6PRNHKRXVHKDVEHHQDUHVWDXUDQWDQGWDYHUQIRU ket and smoked chicken. Delena cooks all the old-fash- PRUHWKDQ\HDUV,WLVVDLGWKDWLWZDVDSODFHZKHUH ioned sides, such as mac and cheese, baked beans, and stars such as George Jones would stop by and play a jam occasionally homemade chicken and dumplings. This is session. a great place to grab a bite to eat. Everyone is welcomed to enjoy good food and good blues. The small atmosphere gives the owners, Jim and Dele- QDWKHFKDQFHWRJHWRXWRQWKHÀRRUDQGPHHWDQGZHO- 6WRU\E\6XPPHU5LVRQ come new and old guests. “Our repeat customers will tell you, Jim and I pride ourselves on making everyone feel at home, comfort- DEOH DQG OLNH WKH\ DUH DURXQG IDPLO\´ 'HOHQD 6ODYLQ says, “We pride ourselves in the atmosphere we have KHUHZKLFKLVDODLGEDFNEOXHV\IHHO´ 'HOHQDKDVDPDVVLYHSLJFROOHFWLRQLQWKH6PRNHKRXVH and receives many pigs throughout the year to add to her collection. 7KH6PRNHKRXVHLVDDQGXSHVWDEOLVKPHQWEHFDXVH they allow smoking in the restaurant, but they occa- sionally have guests play outside, for which they allow 6 7 which in just a couple years has already created a whole ORW RI EX]] DQG DWWHQWLRQ WKHLU VRQJ ³:DLWLQ¶ 2Q7KH 0DQ´ZDVLQWKH7RSRQWKHLQGHSHQGHQWFKDUWVIRU ZHHNV ³7KH %OXHV &RQQHFWLRQ´ WKH EDQG WHOOV XV ³EULQJV D blend of country/blues with smokin’ guitar and dynam- ic vocals. They are backed by some of the best Nash- ville has to offer, and they look forward to seeing you DWDVKRZUHDOVRRQ´ In addition to that of the fans, the band has garnered the attention of some major instrument and equipment EUDQGV 2YHUWXUH *XLWDUV KDV UHOHDVHG D 5RQ /XWULFN 6LJQDWXUH5/%DVV*LJ);LVRQHRIWKHEDQG¶VVSRQ- sors, and Johnny has a new signature Wah pedal made by the company. The pair recently performed at the *LJ);ERRWKDW:LQWHU1$00 Hiland, Lutrick Team Up to Make a Blues Connection When guitar wizard Johnny Hiland and his longtime EXGYRFDOLVWDQGEDVVSOD\HU5RQ/XWULFNMRLQHGIRUF- HVDFRXSOH\HDUVEDFNWRIRUP%OXHV&RQQHFWLRQIDQV of Blues, country, rock, and many other styles of music were thrilled. ,QVWLWXWHVRI+HDOWK:HEVLWHVD\V³1\VWDJPXVLVDWHUP to describe fast, uncontrollable movements of the eyes that may be side to side, up and down, or rotary. Depend- ing on the cause, these movements may be in both eyes or in just one eye. The term `dancing eyes’ has been used WRGHVFULEH1\VWDJPXV´ 6RZHUH-RKQQ\DQG5RQZKRIDQVZLOOUHPHPEHU¿UVW PHW RYHU \HDUV DJR DV PHPEHUV RI WKH 'RQ .HOOH\ +LV¿QJHUVDOVRGDQFHGPDJLFDOO\DFURVVJXLWDUVWULQJV DVWKHOHJHQGDU\EOXHJUDVVDQGFRXQWU\VWDU5LFN\6NDJJV Band. QRWHGRQ-RKQQ\¶V:HEVLWHVD\LQJ³,WKLQN-RKQQ\+L- ³7ZR \HDUV DJR´ +LODQG ZURWH UHFHQWO\ ³-RKQQ\ DQG land is the most versatile guitar player I’ve ever heard. KLVORQJWLPHIULHQG5RQ/XWULFNVWDUWHGWKLV%OXHVEDVHG From Bill Monroe to Eddie Van Halen, he can play it EDQG %OXHV &RQQHFWLRQ EDVHG RQ D PXWXDO FRQQHFWLRQ DOO´ with each other’s talents. Johnny is very proud to be WHDPHG XS ZLWK 5RQ DQG ORRNV IRUZDUG WR PDQ\ WLPHV +LODQGVWDUWHGSOD\LQJJXLWDUDWDJHZDVRQ79E\DJH ZRQQDWLRQZLGHFRQWHVWVDQGPRYHGWR1DVKYLOOHE\ DKHDG´ %\WKDWWLPH/XWULFNZDVDOUHDG\ZHOOHVWDEOLVKHG Blues artists in the home of country music, Nashville, here. are already distinctly in the minority. The music is very popular with fans of all races, but the vast majority of 5RQ FRPHV IURP D VWDWH ZLWK HYHU\ ELW DV PXFK PXVL- OLYH YHQXHV DQG VRQJZULWHUV FOXEV LQ 0XVLF &LW\ QDWX- cal history as Tennessee. His home state of Louisiana produced icons including Jerry Lee Lewis, Louis Arm- rally feature country music. strong, Faron Young, and Tim McGraw. ,QIDFW-RKQQ\DQG5RQ¶VKXJHYHUVDWLOLW\VKRZVXSLQ WKHLU SP 0RQGD\ VKRZV DW /D\OD¶V %OXHJUDVV ,QQ As a bassist, singer, and songwriter, Lutrick worked with on Lower Broadway, when the pair leads a traditional 2SU\VWDUVVXFKDV'HO5HHYHVDQG%LOO\:DONHUGLGQX- country band which also features, Mike Oldham, Doug merous vocal recording sessions, and was nominated as LQGHSHQGHQW0DOH9RFDOLVWRIWKH<HDULQ -HUQLJDQVWHHODQG6KDXQ%DNHUGUXPV Hiland has been overcoming long odds ever since he was This combination of a guitar wizard from the far north born in backwoods Maine. From birth, Johnny was legal- DQGDEDVVLVWDQGYRFDOLVWIURPWKH'HHS6RXWKKDVSURY- ly blind with a condition called 8Nystagmus. The National HQ WR EH D PXVLFDO 'UHDP 7HDP LQ %OXHV &RQQHFWLRQ As the pair launched into a rockin’ blues song that RSHQHG ³<RX JRW PH UXQQLQ¶\RX JRW PH KLGLQ¶´ +L- ODQG WHOOV WKH IDQV ³,Q WKH PHDQWLPH IRONV , ZDQQD introduce one of my best friends here on Planet Earth. :H¶UHLQDEDQGWRJHWKHUFDOOHGWKH%OXHV&RQQHFWLRQ *LYHDELJURXQGRIDSSODXVHWR0U5RQ/XWULFN´ With that, Johnny plays an opening guitar lick that Eric &ODSWRQ6WHYLH5D\9DXJKDQRU%%.LQJZRXOGEH SURXGRI5RQZDONVWKHEDVVEHDXWLIXOO\DQGWKHWZR guys break into soulful harmonies. The industry crowd is delighted. 7KH*XLWDULVD5RQ/XWULFN6LJQDWXUH5/%DVVEXLOWE\2YHUWXUH 7KLV VXPPHU %OXHV &RQQHFWLRQ ZLOO QRW RQO\ EH DS- pearing at several fairs and festivals, but also at the Dal- ODV,QWHUQDWLRQDO*XLWDU6KRZDQGWKH*XLWDU:RUNVKRS Plus in Toronto. 6WRU\E\3KLO6ZHHWODQG 9 Meet Judge’s Jam Band Marc Williams on Bass and Vocals, Quincey Meeks on Guitar and Vocals, Michael Sharp on Keys and Vocals and Herschal Vandyke on Drums. Spicing Things Up In Music City The Judge’s Vinegarroon ORFDWHG DW &KXUFK 6WUHHW LV D EUHDWK RI VSLF\ but fresh air with the Tex- as-style food that they’ve added to Nashville’s dining scene. Their spread includes EULVNHW WDPDOHV 6KULPS Diablo, jalapeno stuffed shrimp, chips and salsa, and just about anything you could think would be good with spicy barbecue sauce on it. Beware, we do have live vinegarroons in the back, VR QR FRPSODLQLQJ´ -XGJH remarked with a smile. Judge’s laid-back atmo- sphere allows customers to feel the Texas charm as soon as they step onto the patio, which is covered with comical signage that greets customers on their way inside. With an open patio, the restaurant has ample room inside and out The Judge, Aubrey Bean, to stretch after a tasty meal. is the owner of this Texas- They also have music. infused barbecue vinegar- roon. He grew up learning Judge Bean may be all to cook from his grandfa- about Texas, but the restau- ther.Inhonor of him and his rant is in the heart of Mu- describtions of the entrees VLF&LW\VRWKHFRHUFLRQRI they would prepare, The music has not been in vain. Judge’s Vinegarroon was Every Thursday and Fri- born.. day evening, singing for your supper commences. “The Vinegarron was 2Q 7KXUVGD\V IURP named after a whip-tail SPWRSPWKH\KRVW scorpion from Texas. The Judge’s Blues Jam, which scorpion wasn’t poisonous, consists of the house band but it's bite was piercing to performing with singer- the body, so needless to say songwriters showcasing our food is on the spicy side. their original music. By Summer Rison 10 How they came to be: We all attended and graduated from MTSU. We’ve all crossed paths and played together in different projects in the past. Quincey and I played in a band for sev- eral years together. Herschal and Sharp both sat in and jammed with us at different times over the years in that band as well. Back last Dec my old friend Andy Holmes and I got back in touch. Andy co-owns Judges Vinegarron along with founder Judge Aubrey Bean, general manager Eric Wiser, and Dan France. They already had an acoustic writers round started by Miss Elizebeth Porter but wanted to feature more music. So after thinking about ideas and discussing upgrades that would need to be made to create a true venue Judges Jam was born. Come Play with them: Each Thursday night we like to provide an opportunity for a different singer/songwriter to come take the stage with a full band and play an original set of their own PXVLF,¿JXUHGWKHUHDUHHQRXJKZULWHUVURXQGVDQG ‘jams’ in town so I wanted to come up with something a little different. We kick the night off at 8pm with a short set from the house band. We don’t do to bad for a bunch of side guys but I like to save mic time for the real sing- ers in the house. I then get our featured artist up next for a 40-60 min set. After that the rest of the night turns into a full on open jam till 11. I can’t promise everyone will get to play but I do my best to get people up. It helps if I see you a couple times. “NAKED COWGIRL” $andy Kane Hit Single “I Love Nick” from NBC’s America’s Got Talent with Nick Cannon For Bookings & All Other Info Call 212.561.1838 [email protected] What it is all about: I am all about the written song. I am also equally into the performance of the written song. It takes both as- pects to put a powerful piece of art into the world. The ¿QDOGDUH,VD\PDJLFDOSDUWRIPXVLFWKDWDOOPXVL- cians thrive on is that moment of inception when the music gods sweep in and suddenly a song or jam spon- taneously erupts from no where between a group of people. These are the things that are at the core of the Judges Jam. We just want to have a blast because that is what its all about! If you’re an artist wanting to book yourself at the jam you can email me at marcwilliams. [email protected] or come on out Thursday and say hey!! 11 Gettin’ Crazy ‘Down South’ Story by Krys Spain Midgett Photo Credit: Misty Hudson & Crystal Jones 'Lead us not into temptation because we always seem to ¿QGLWRQRXURZQ,' - Turn Myself In-LP4XLFNDQG&RDVW- 'RZQ6RXWK LVD&KLFDJR blues album with a southern accent. Jim Quick seam- lessly merges the great horn- driven rhythm and blues sound of the Windy &LW\ZLWKWKHHOHFWULFPXG\RX¶GH[SHFW IURPWKH'HOWD.H\7UDFNV³/LYLQ¶2Q /RYH´³'RZQ6RXWK´³,W¶V7RR/DWH´ line. 7HPSWDWLRQOHG-LP4XLFNDQG&RDVW- line into musical areas they didn’t an- ticipate. Their current album, 'RZQ South GLG QRW KDYH D GH¿QLWH GLUHF- tion when it released last year, ac- FRUGLQJWR4XLFN5HFHQWO\WKHUHKDV been an underground resurgence and the album has found it's own direction into the Blues Americana crowd. 'RZQ 6RXWK was produced by Gary Nicholson, who has worked with Del- EHUW0F&OLQWRQ:\QRQQD-XGG3DP Tillis and many more. The album 12 features special appearances by Del- EHUW 0F&OLQWRQ DQG %HNND %UDPOHWW and songs written by Nicholson, Mc- &OLQWRQ%LOO\&XUULQJWRQ3DXO2YHU- VWUHHW5DQG\+RXVHUDQGPRUH Quick says, “to me it's a cornucopia RI HYHU\WKLQJ WKDW V VRXWKHUQ 6RXWK- HUQURFN&RXQWU\%OXHVDQG5% I want my music to be a bridge for many genres;; a place where tradition- al and contemporary music can unite. But, I do love the pure emotion and simple-yet-deep concepts of country PXVLF,¶PD6RXWKHUQER\DQGLWDOO hits home;; the lyrics and roots of the music—from the melodies to chord progressions—seem to strike an an- FHVWUDOQHUYHZLWKPH´ $VDQDWLYHRI1RUWK&DUROLQD4XLFN JUHZXSOLVWHQLQJWR%HDFKPXVLF5 %DQG6RXO+HZDVDOVRLQÀXHQFHG E\ 0F&OLQWRQ -RKQ +LDWW DQG %LOO\ -RHO ,Q IDFW WKH ¿UVW DOEXP KH HYHU purchased was Glass Houses by Billy -RHO <RX0D\%H5LJKW LVRQHRIKLV favorite songs. ::,, 9HW 6JW /OR\G 0HUOH 4XLFN helped him conquer a career-altering obstacle -a debilitating stutter and shared battle tales with him. HU *XLWDU DQG 9RFDOV 6DP %U\DQW 6WRUPH :DUUHQ V 1DVKYLOOH 1DY\ Drums and Percussion and, of course, VKRZRQ-XQHWKGXULQJ&0$ZHHN Quick says the best thing about tour- Jim Quick. ing is seeing the different places and Quick is a nine-time recipient of the faces. “I like to see faces in places &DUROLQD 0XVLF $ZDUGV ³(QWHUWDLQHU they don't belong. The people who 2I7KH<HDU´EXWKDVQRWOHWWKHIDPH have traveled great distances to come to a show and I know they are not change him. from that area. I've seen them in a dif- “When it comes to me, the person on ferent place. The worst thing about the street and the person performing touring is sitting in vehicles and hotel are completely the same. As an artist, rooms. I am very antsy. And I feel like I am a true, exaggerated version of LWLVDZDVWHRIWLPH´ P\VHOI0DJQL¿HG0DNHQRPLVWDNH WKH\DUHERWKPHMXVWGLIIHUHQWVL]HV´ “You may be right, I may be crazy. But it just may be a lunatic you're looking says Quick. for,” Billy Joel. +HUHFHQWO\EHFDPHHQJDJHGWR&U\V- tal Jones, his girlfriend of four years. 6SHDNLQJ RI FUD]\ 4XLFN JRW WKH DW- The wedding date is scheduled for tention of Nicholson by sending next June. Jones works as their band him an unsolicited cryptic message manager and helps Quick handle the through his personal web site claim- LQJWR³KDYHVRPHRIKLVPRQH\´ business side of the music business. They have recently being doing shows with Montgomery Gentry, performed on several cruises and did festivals. 7KLV \HDU WKH\ KDYH MXVW XQGHU shows scheduled, including the with Gary. He invited me to his home—his home!—and we talked PXVLF RI FRXUVH´ +H VWDWHG ³1H[W thing I knew, we started picking songs from his catalog for my album! Life is VRJRRG,FRQVWDQWO\¿QGP\VHOIVXU- rounded by my musical heroes. I get to work with my mentors… as peers! +RZOXFN\DP,"´ His devoted fans know it is more than MXVW OXFN &RDVWOLQH &UD]LHV LV WKH name of their growing fan-base. “They have gotten so big that they started their own social network site My fans are nuts, man, they are very unique. They literally started their own Face- book type thing. It's an elite group, “ says Quick. The current album was released a year ago and available at www.jimquick- Quick’s clever and intriguing com-, Amazon and iTunes, and munication got him noticed. Within various online music stores. days, he was on his way to Nashville to meet the acclaimed music producer. They have a couple of albums gearing up to be released in the next year. Be “I got to Nashville and touched base watching for them. “I grew up between the swamplands DQG WKH VDQGKLOOV RI 6RXWKHDVWHUQ 1RUWK &DUROLQD , SOD\HG D ORW LQ WKH *XP6ZDPSDUHDP\\DUGDQGQHDU- E\¿HOGV,GLGQ¶WKDYHDZKROHORWRI friends in such a sparse, rural area, so I spent most of my time with my LPDJLQDU\IULHQGV,ZDVDWUXH6RQRI WKH 6RXWK H[SORULQJ WKH ODQG RQ P\ bicycle or on foot, pretending I was one of Mark Twain’s characters or a chunky, little descendant of Lewis DQG&ODUN´ The original band was introduced as WKH&RDVWOLQH%DQGDQGSOD\HG&DUR- lina beach bars all day and night. Quick was pushed to the forefront in no time. He was known for his off-the-cuff wisecracks and quick-witted, knee- slapping sense of humor combined ZLWKKLV6RXWKHUQFKDUPDQGKLVORYH for music. As a child, Quick, his younger sister and childhood friends, spent countless The band members are Glen Tippitt, hours loping across the grasslands. 9RFDOV .H\ERDUG DQG 6D[ $OEHUW During visits with his grandfather, a 5RJHUV%DVVDQG9RFDOV&DVH\0H\- 13 14 15 The Past With A Personal Touch: Harold “Hal” Rugg 6WRU\E\Hank Beach This great artist as a person is silent now, but his recorded music will live on as long as music exists. Many country music fans may not know his name, but I assure you, if you have ever listened to country music in your life, you have heard him perform. To country music and the music world Hal was without a doubt among the cream of the crop, one of a kind musical genius. +HZDVERUQ-XO\WKHVWLQ1HZ<RUN&LW\1< Hal passed away in Tucson, Arizona, Tuesday morning, $XJXVWWKHWK+DOORYHGWKHHOHFWULF³SHGDO´VWHHO guitar and it certainly was obvious that he knew how to slide that steel bar and pump those pedals, and when he did, out came the most beautiful musical sounds you ever heard. +DOFDPHWR1DVKYLOOHLQZLWKDGHVLUHWRSOD\IRUWKH stars of country music. After working on the road for dif- IHUHQWDUWLVWKHMRLQHGWKH*HRUJH-RQHV%DQGLQDQG GLGKLV¿UVWUHFRUGLQJVHVVLRQ$IWHUWKDW¿UVWVHVVLRQ+DO became a studio musician. Now at last, the whole world would get to hear and enjoy this genius. When you hear Loretta Lynn, you hear Hal. I think Hal 5XJJZDVMXVWDVLQVWUXPHQWDOLQPDNLQJ/RUHWWD/\QQD star as anyone else, including Loretta. My proof is, when you think of the late and great +DQN:LOOLDPV6HQLRU\RXWKLQNRIWKHJUHDWVWHHOJXLWDUVRXQGVRI'RQ+HOPV<RX WKLQNRIWKHVRQJ³7RJHWKHU$JDLQ´E\%XFN2ZHQV\RXWKLQNRIWKHJUHDWVWHHOJXLWDU work that Tom Brumley played that made it a hit. Those are just a few of the many songs that made it big in the music industry because of a certain musician’s skill, and it KDSSHQVPRUHRIWHQWKDQ\RXPLJKWWKLQN,ZURWH³-RXUQH\7R7KH(QG2I0\:RUOG´ IRU/RUHWWD/\QQEDFNLQDQG+DO¶VVWHHOJXLWDUZRUNRQWKHVHVVLRQZDVDSHUIHFW match to Loretta’s voice. +DO5XJJSOD\HGRQVRPDQ\UHFRUGLQJVDQGKHUH¶VMXVWDIHZRIWKRVHVWDUVWKDW+DOSHUIRUPHGZLWKRQUHFRUG7KH :LOEXUQ%URWKHUV/RUHWWD/\QQ'RQQD)DUJR5R\&ODUN5RQQLH0LOVDS5D\3ULFH%DUEDUD0DQGUHOO.'/DQJ(G- GLH5DEELW-RDQ%DH]-RKQQ\5XVVHOO5LFN\9DQ6KHOWRQ6DPP\.HUVKDZDQGWKHOLVWJRHVRQDQGRQ/HDVWRIDOO +DO3OD\HGIRUPHRQDORWRIP\UHFRUGLQJVHVVLRQV:KHQ*DU\6WHZDUWDQG,GLGGHPRQVWUDWLRQVHVVLRQVDWWKHIDPRXV Bradley’s Barn, Hal was there. To me, Hal was always a gentleman, kind of quite when doing session work, but always doing his job well. I’m a ballad song writer and singer, so this means my songs are in a slow tempo. Hal interjected this question into our conversation DWRQHRIWKHVHVHVVLRQV³'RQ¶W\RXJX\VHYHUZULWHDQ\IDVWRUXSWHPSRVRQJV´"*DU\DQG,ORRNHGDWHDFKRWKHUDQG EXVWHGRXWODXJKLQJ,UHSOLHG³ZKHQLWFRPHVWRPH,JXHVVQRW´+DOMXVWVKRRNKLVKHDGEDFNDQGIRUWKWKHQZHQW back to playing those beautiful complementary steel guitar sounds so many of us admired. The day came when my wife Edna and I visited with Hal’s family and friends at the Hermitage Memorial Funeral Home just outside of Nashville. Tennessee. We paid our last respects, shed our tears with the family and some old friends, while OLVWHQLQJWRUHFRUGLQJVRIWKHJUHDW+DO5XJJSOD\LQJKLVVWHHOJXLWDUDJDLQIRUXVRQWKHVSHDNHUV\VWHP 16 The Present With A Personal Touch: Bobby Braddock 6WRU\E\Ms. Edna My husband Hank and I have casually known and seen Bobby Braddock around Nashville for many years. I recently had the opportunity to speak with him about his career as a writer, musician, and a everyday guy, living and working in Nashville, Tennessee. 7KH¿UVWTXHVWLRQWRKLPZDV³$UH\RXPDUULHG"´ His answer, “No…., I am divorced, and I prefer it WKDWZD\´,DVNHG³'R\RXKDYHDQ\FKLOGUHQ"´ ³<HV,KDYHRQHGDXJKWHU´ He said he grew up in Florida, and traveled the south as a rock ‘n’ roll musician, playing with several bands. He said he became a songwriter in 1DVKYLOOH LQ WKH PLGV 0DQ\ RI KLV VRQJV VXFK DV ³',925&(´ ³*2/'(1 5,1*´ ³7,0(0$5&+(621´DQG³,:$11$7$/. $%2870(´DUHFRXQWU\PXVLFVWDQGDUGV³+( 67233('/29,1*+(572'$<´KDVOHGPRVW VXUYH\V DV ³7+( %(67 &28175< 621* 2) $//7,0(´ ,Q KH HPEDUNHG RQ D QHZ FDUHHU DV D SUR- GXFHUGLVFRYHULQJVLQJHU³%/$.(6+(/721´ DQG PDNLQJ VHYHUDO QXPEHU RQH 5HFRUGV ZLWK KLP %REE\¶V PRVW UHFHQW FRPSRVLWLRQ ZDV ³3(23/( $5( &5$=<´ LQ ,Q KH ZDV LQGXFWHG LQWR ³7+( &28175< 086,& +$//2))$0(´DQGUHFHLYHGWKHDQQXDO³%0, ,&21$:$5'´ %REE\ %UDGGRFN LV WKH RQO\ OLYLQJ SHUVRQ NQRZQ WR KDYH ZULWWHQ D QXPEHU RQH FRXQWU\ VRQJ LQ ¿YH FRQVHF- utive decades. This certainly shows that hard work along with persistence, and loving your trade, pays off . He has never been too busy not to have time for his friends and colleagues. When I asked him, “Do you have any KREE\¶VRXWVLGHRI\RXUEXV\VFKHGXOH"´+HDQVZHUHG³<HV,OLNHWRUHDGDQGZDWFKPRYLHV´ ,DOVRDVNHGKLPKRZLWIHHOVWREHDQ,&21DQGLIKHFRXOGWHOOPHZKRKHFUHGLW¶VWKHPRVWDVEHLQJWKHJUHDWHVW LQÀXHQFHLQKLVOLIHDQGFDUHHU" +HVDLG³$VDVRQJZULWHU,¶GKDYHWRVD\³&85/<3870$1´$VDSXEOLVKHU³,¶GVD\³%8''<.,//(1´ $VDSURGXFHU³,¶GKDYHWRVD\³%,//<6+(55,//´ Its so obvious to our readers that you are a very busy, and talented man. What major advise could you give to the XSDQGFRPLQJZULWHUVLQWRGD\¶VJHQUHRIPXVLF"%REE\VLPSO\UHSOLHG ³:$17,7025(7+$1$1<7+,1*´ ,ZLOOOHDYH\RXZLWKDVWDWHPHQWWKDW%REE\VKDUHGZLWKPHTXRWLQJDQRWKHUJUHDWFRXQWU\PXVLF¿JXUHDQGVRQJ- ZULWHU³6211<7+52&.025721´³,)<28+$9(727(//7+(0:+2<28$5(««<28$,1¶7´ 17 Hotel Indigo (Downtown) 301 Union St. 7\%UDQGR¶V6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW 6XQGD\1LJKWVSP %RRNLQJVW\WXQHV#FRPFDVWQHW -DFN6FRWW6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW 0RQGD\7XHVGD\7KXUVGD\1LJKWV %RRNLQJVPDLO#ZULWHUDUWLVWFRP Hotel Indigo (West End) 1719 West End Ave /HH5DVFRQH6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW :HGQHVGD\7KXUVGD\)ULGD\SP %RRNLQJV'URSE\9HQXH%ULQJ&' Commodore Bar & Grill 2613 West End Ave 'HEL&KDPSLRQ¶V6RQJZULWHUV1LJKWV 7XHV:HG7KXUV6XQ1LJKWV :ULWHUV5RXQGDWSP2SHQ0LFDW SP 6LJQXSE\SP %RRNLQJVFKDPSLRQGHEL#KRWPDLOFRP 2SHQ0LF0RQGD\VSP 6LJQXSE\SP :UWLHUV1LJKW6XQGD\VSP 6FKHGXOHE\DXGLWLRQRQO\ (DUO\VKRZV7XHVGD\6DWXUGD\ By audition Late shows - featured writers Bookings HDUO\VKRZERRNLQJV#EOXHELUGFDIHFR The Family Wash ERRNLQJ#IDPLO\ZDVKFRP 7XHVGD\±6DWXUGD\SP0LGQLJKW The 5 Spot 1006 Forrest Ave 7KHVSRWQDVKYLOOH#JPDLOFRP 7XHVGD\7KXUVGD\)ULGD\±6XQGD\ Ri’chards Café 4420 Whites Creek Pike Rusty Nail 4054 Andrew Jackson Way 2SHQ0LF6DWXUGD\VSPDQG 7XHVGD\±)ULGD\SP Featured artists/rounds 7XHVGD\±6DWXUGD\SP %RRNLQJVERRNLQJ#ULFKDUGVFDIHFRP KWWSZZZULFKDUGVFDIHFRPERRNLQJV 7HUUL-R%R[6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW 7XHVGD\VSP %RRNLQJVWMER[#KRWPDLOFRP Douglas Corner 2106 8th Ave 5LFN&DPSEHOO6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW 2SHQ0LF7XHVGD\1LJKWVSPFORVH 6LJQXSSPRQ7XHVGD\V &DOO 5LFN7DPP\¶V6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW )ULGD\V6DWXUGD\VSP %RRNLQJV'URSE\9HQXH%ULQJ&' 10*$FRXVWLF3HUIRUPDQFH6KRZFDVH )LUVW7KXUVGD\RI(YHU\0RQWKSP %RRNLQJ6DP&RRSHU VDP#MHULFDWPXVLFFRP Blue Bar 1911 Broadway Dan McGuinness 1538 Demonbreun 6LQJ)RU<RXU6XSSHU Hosted by Bobby Pinson Wednesdays Nights %RRNLQJ 7HUULVLQJIRU\RXUVXSSHU#\PDLOFRP Terri Jo Box Girl’s Night 0RQGD\VSPFORVH %RRNLQJWMER[#KRWPDLOFRP $ODEDPD/LQH6RQJZULWHUV1LJKW Thursdays Nights &RQWDFW5D\6PLWKHUPDQ 7XHVGD\VSP2SHQ0LF Bluebird Café 4104 Hillsboro Rd. +LW6RQJ&DVD:ULWHUV1LWH 7XHVGD\VSP2SHQ0LF +RVW-R\FH0HGORFN Café Coco (Backstage) 210 Louise Ave The Basement %RRNLQJ0LNH*ULPHVPLNH#VORZEDUFRP Exit/In 2208 Elliston Place %RRNLQJ0DLO3UHVV.LWRUHPDLOKWWS Springwater 115 27th Ave N %RRNLQJRUVSULQJZDWHU- ERRNLQJ#JPDLOFRP Taps & Tapas 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\SPSPSP %RRNLQJV(PPD%HOODHHJ#\DKRRFRP Sam Ash Music Writers Night/Open Mic (YHU\:HGQHVGD\1LJKWSP Legends Restaurant 3436 Lebanon Pk Full weekly Line-ups Available Online. If you would like to add your writer’s night, open mic, or event to NMG please submit your events to [email protected], Subject Line: Event Submission 18 19 Set Your Songs On Fire At NSAI’s Advanced Song Camp Application-Only Registration Now Open For June 15-17 Advanced Camp Who I Am by The Bart Walker Band %DUW:DONHUZRQWKH%HVW%OXHV*XLWDULVWDZDUGDWWKH,%&&RPSHWLWLRQDQGKHSURYHVZK\ RQWKHGHEXWDOEXPZLWKKLVHSRQ\PRXVEDQG7KHDOEXPLVIXOORI6WHYLH5D\9DXJKQLQÀXHQFHG southern blues songs, and Walker’s chops are showcased in the uptempo tracks and the slow, wailing ballads. 7KH1DVKYLOOH6RQJZULWHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ,QWHUQDWLRQDO16$,LVQRZWDNLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQVIRU$GYDQFHG6RQJ&DPSDQHYHQWZHFDOO*RLQJ)URP*RRG 7R*UHDW6HWIRU-XQHDGPLWWDQFHWR$GYDQFHG6RQJ&DPSLVE\ application only. .H\7UDFNV³/HIW7XUQ´³5HG'UHVV´³6ORZ0RYLQ¶7UDLQ´ We often say good songs get heard, great songs get cut, and Advanced &DPSLVGHVLJQHGWREULQJ\RXDQG\RXUZULWLQJWRWKHQH[WOHYHO5HVHUYHGIRUDVSLULQJZULWHUVZKRKDYHDOUHDG\ DFKLHYHGDKLJKOHYHORIGHYHORSPHQWRQO\DSSOLFDQWVZLOOEHDFFHSWHG Brandon Giles by Brandon Giles $GYDQFHG6RQJ&DPSDQGRXU-XO\6RQJ&DPS-XO\DUHZHHNHQGHYHQWVWKDWRIIHULQVWUXFWLRQDQGLQVSLUDWLRQ through small-classroom teaching, song-feedback breakout sessions, and networking. Our camps are taught by a core faculty of some of the best songwriters and mentors in the business. You’ll hear a little bit of everything on this self-titled effort from Brandon Giles: 12-bar blues directly LQÀXHQFHGE\-HUU\/HH/HZLVJRVSHODQGDIHZWUDFNVDWKDWDUHDVPXFKFRXQWU\DVWKH\DUHWKH blues. The record was produced by Giles and Grammy winner Tom Hambridge, who has produced %XGG\*X\%%.LQJ*HRUJH7KRURJRRGDQG'HOEHUW0F&OLQWRQ .H\7UDFNV³1DWXUDO%RUQ7DOHQW´³+HOO2Q+HHOV´³$OFRKRO$EXVH´ Kenny Olson Cartel by Kenny Olson Cartel $W¿UVWOLVWHQ\RXPD\WKLQNWKDWWKLVLVDFRPSLODWLRQDOEXPEXWQRWKH.HQQ\2OVRQ&DUWHOUHDOO\ does have that many lead singers in the band. But somehow it all works, and the result is an album WKDWLVUHPDUNDEO\FRKHVLYHEXWFDQ¶WEHFODVVL¿HGDVDQ\WKLQJEXW³JRRG´%HVXUHWRFKHFNRXWWKH article on Paris Delane and Kenny Olson, also featured in this issue of Nashville Music Guide. .H\7UDFNV³5HEHO:LWK$&DXVH´³8S$OO1LJKW´³3KRHQL[:LOO5LVH´ 7KHIDFXOW\IRUWKLV\HDU¶V$GYDQFHG6RQJ&DPSLQFOXGHV5LFN%HUHVIRUG³,I'ULQNLQ¶'RQ¶W.LOO0H>+HU0HPRU\ :LOO@±*HRUJH-RQHV'RQ+HQU\³$OO.LQGVRI.LQGV´±0LUDQGD/DPEHUW$QJHOD.DVHW³6RPHWKLQJ,Q5HG´± /RUULH0RUJDQ5DOSK0XUSK\³+DOI7KH:D\´±&U\VWDO*D\OH+XJK3UHVWZRRG³7KH6RQJ5HPHPEHUV:KHQ³ ±7ULVKD<HDUZRRG6WHYH6HVNLQ³'RQ¶W/DXJK$W0H´±0DUN:LOOVDVZHOODVVSHFLDOJXHVWV )HDWXUHVRIWKHHYHQWLQFOXGHLQWLPDWHRQLQVWUXFWLRQSHUIRUPDQFHRSSRUWXQLWLHVDQGFULWLTXHVLQGHSWKLQVLJKWLQWR publishing and other business models;; and a chance to form relationships with other songwriters who may become your lifelong friends and colleagues. +HOSLQJVRQJZULWHUVEXLOGDVXFFHVVIXOEXVLQHVVLVWKHIRFXVRI16$,$WWKHEHJLQQLQJRIDVRQJZULWHU¶VFDUHHUZH KHOSWKHPLPSURYHWKHLUFUDIWWKHLUEXVLQHVVNQRZOHGJHDQGWKHLUQHWZRUNLQJVNLOOV$GYDQFHG6RQJFDPSLVRQHRIRXU tools, and we have other special events held during the year, as well as a workshop every Thursday night that is free to our members. ,I\RXWKLQN\RX¶YHJRWZKDWLWWDNHVIRU$GYDQFHG&DPSVLPSO\GRZQORDGDQG¿OORXWWKHRI¿FLDODSSOLFDWLRQDYDLO- DEOHDWQDVKYLOOHVRQJZULWHUVFRP$FFHSWDQFHWR$GYDQFHG6RQJ&DPSLVRQDUROOLQJDGPLVVLRQEDVLVVRDSSO\WRGD\ Big Shoes: Walking And Talking The Blues by Scissormen 7KLVFRPELQDWLRQ&'DQG'9'VHWUHDOO\FDSWXUHVWKHUDZQHVVWKDWPDNHVWKHEOXHVJUHDW-XVWRSHQ WXQHGRYHUGULYHQVOLGHJXLWDUVDQGGUXPV\RX¶UHUHDOO\DEOHIHHOWKHHPRWLRQRIWKHPXVLF7KH&' version tries to be both a live set and a studio recording, which makes for unexpected stories and audi- ence fades, but that annoyance can be overlooked for the music. .H\7UDFNV³0DWWLH6ZHHW0DWWLH´³-XPSHU2Q7KH/LQH´³7XSHOR´ 1RDSSOLFDWLRQVZLOOEHDFFHSWHGDIWHU)5,'$<-XQH0RUHGHWDLOVUHJDUGLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVDQGVRQJVXEPLV- VLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHRQWKHDSSOLFDWLRQIRUP6XEPLWWKHFRPSOHWHGIRUPDORQJZLWKWKHUHVWRI\RXUDSSOLFDWLRQIRUD FKDQFHWRWDNHSDUWLQWKHPRVWLQWHQVLYHGD\VRQJZULWLQJH[SHULHQFHRIIHUHGWKURXJK16$, ,I\RXFDQ¶WPDNHLWWR$GYDQFHG6RQJ&DPSSODQWRFRPHWRRXU-XO\6RQJ&DPS&DSDFLW\IRUWKDWLVSHRSOH 9LVLWQDVKYLOOHVRQJZULWHUVFRPIRUGHWDLOVRQ6RQJ&DPSVDQGRXURWKHUVHUYLFHV What The Hell Is Goin’ On? by Paul Thorn :KDW7KH+HOO,V*RLQ¶2Q"LVDQDOEXPRIJUHDWVRXWKHUQEOXHV7KRUQLVIURP7XSHOR0LVVDQG you can tell from the record that he was born with an understanding of the blues. Perhaps the best part of the album is the fact that it isn’t overproduced;; there’s no Nashville studio sheen. This record is raw, and it’s the next best thing to being in a smokey blues bar in Tupelo. .H\7UDFNV³6QDNH)DUP´³-XNLQ¶´³:KDW7KH+HOO,V*RLQ¶2Q"´ 20 About NSAI: 7KH1DVKYLOOH6RQJZULWHUV$VVRFLDWLRQ,QWHUQD- WLRQ16$,LVWKHZRUOG¶VODUJHVWQRQIRUSUR¿WVRQJZULWHUVWUDGH RUJDQL]DWLRQV(VWDEOLVKHGLQWKHPHPEHUVKLSRIPRUHWKDQ VSDQVWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVDQG¿YHIRUHLJQFRXQWULHV)RUPRUH WKDQ\HDUV16$,KDVEHHQGHGLFDWHGWRSURWHFWLQJWKHULJKWVRI and serving aspiring and professional songwriters in all genres of music. For more information, visit 21 22 Artist: Jim Quick Song: Livin’ On Love Time: 3:47 Label: iSuwanee Records Artist: Lindsey Harding Song: You Can’t Argue With That Time: 3:20 Label: Independent :ULWHUV*DU\1LFKROVRQ&UDLJ)XOOHU :ULWHUV&KXFN)OR\G-HQQLIHU6FKRWW Artist: Aaron Owens Song: I Turned Her On Time 2:57 Label: Independent Jim Quick describes his music as “a virtual American collaboration of every facet of 6RXWKHUQ PXVLFDO FXOWXUH &RXQWU\ %OXHV 6RXWKHUQ6RXO 6RXWKHUQ5RFN ZLWK GLVWLQF- tive hints of ‘Appalachian’ impressions and 1HZ2UOHDQVµ5DJ¶-D]]±ZKHUHWKHIDUPER\ meets the frat house! Artist or in person, Jim is the kind of guy you genuinely want to call a IULHQG:LWKWKHFKDUPRQO\DWUXH6RXWKHUQHU can possess, he brings his talent to the stage with a quick-witted, knee-slapping sense of humor coupled with the clear sincerity of his love for his craft. Jim has established his mu- sical reputation and permanent place at cen- WHUVWDJHLQYHQXHVDFURVVWKH6RXWKHDVWZLWK a devoted group of concertgoers (known as WKH³&RDVWOLQH&UD]LHV´KHDSOXVOLVWRI VKRZ GDWHV RQ WKH ERRNV IRU 3HUIHFW- ing his live show, he’s been recognized by the &DUROLQD 0XVLF$ZDUGV WLPHV DV ³(QWHU- WDLQHURIWKH<HDU´$VPRUJDVERUGWRVXLWDQ\ music enthusiast’s appetite, Jim’s debut solo DOEXP 'RZQ 6RXWKZDV SURGXFHG E\ *DU\ Nicholson. Featuring special appearances by 'HOEHUW 0F&OLQWRQ DQG %HNND %UDPOHWW DV ZHOODVWXQHVSHQQHGE\1LFKROVRQ0F&OLQ- WRQ%LOO\&XUULQJWRQ3DXO2YHUVWUHHW5DQG\ +RXVHU DQG PRUH 'RZQ 6RXWK SURYHV -LP Quick has stand-up, staying power on any stage in any entertainment sector. /LQGVH\ +DUGLQJ LV D \HDUROG UHG head with a heart of gold and fiery spirit. A self-proclaimed closet singer until her early teens, Lindsey practiced her perfor- mance on the family’s karaoke machine behind closed doors in the confines of her bedroom--in secret, unbeknownst to family and friends. Once her undeniable talents were revealed, Lindsey’s par- ents were quick to support her decision to pursue a music career. A woman on a mission who knows exactly what she wants and the determination to get there, Lindsey is currently enrolled in an artist GHYHORSPHQW SURJUDP 3&*1DVKYLOOH Among her early accomplishments, Lindsey has performed on stages where many have not;; she’s competed on Amer- ican Idol, performed in Branson and at various Opry houses throughout the FRXQWU\DVZHOODVWKHUHQRZQHG&RXQWU\ Music Hall of Fame. Lindsey made her JOREDOLQWURGXFWLRQRIILFLDOYLD0XVLF&L- W\5DGLRFRPLQ$SULOZKHUHFULWLFV 0DFRQ&OHYHODQG DQQRXQFHG WKH \RXQJ YRFDOLVWLV³GULSSLQJZLWKWDOHQW´DQGRQH of the best singers to come across their desk in a long time. Aaron Owens performs throughout the coun- try and has accumulated opening credits with PDQ\ PDMRU DUWLVWV VXFK DV %ODNH 6KHOWRQ %LOO\ &XUULQJWRQ -RKQ 0LFKDHO 0RQWJRP- ery, Aaron Tippin, Jeff Bates, Johnny Hiland, 7*UDKDP%URZQ%LOO\-RH5R\DODQGPDQ\ RWKHUV $DURQ IXO¿OOHG D GUHDP 6HSWHPEHU ZKHQ KH KDG WKH KRQRU RI RSHQLQJ for Willie Nelson in Illinois. Aaron started gaining ground when Major Label interest sparked huge opportunities and a great base of eager and loyal fans across the country. Born and raised in LA (Lower Arkansas) Aar- on was bitten by the musical bug at the age of +LVPRWKHUWRXUHGUHJLRQDOO\LQWKHFRXQWU\ EDQG$72&LQWKHPLG¶VDQGWKDWKHOSHG spur his musical aspirations. After touring re- gionally Aaron began to reach out to venues and fans with his live show from Georgia to Wyoming and continues to perform locally, regionally and nationally. Aaron’s music de- buted and remained on overseas radio and FKDUWV LQ FRXQWULHV VXFK DV 6SDLQ +ROODQG and Austrailia with a sweeping appeal. Aaron keeps contact and music with the European &RXQWU\ 0XVLF$VVRFLDWLRQ DQG LV EULQJLQJ KLVEUDQGRIPXVLFWR1RUWK$PHULFDQ5DGLR LQWKHVXPPHURI7KHIXWXUHLVEULJKW for one of country music’s hottest rising stars. #FRDVWOLQHEDQG!/lindseyharding!/pages/Lindsey-Harding- 0XVLF #/LQGVH\+PXVLF :ULWHUV$DURQ2ZHQV #WKHDDURQRZHQV 23 Artist: Carole Champagne Song: I Think I Love Rednecks Time 2:37 Label: A Sip of Champagne Artist: Jason Roberson Song: I Just Saw Red Time: 3:48 Label: Independent With just the right mix of modern and tradi- tional country sounds as well as heartfelt emo- WLRQDQGDZLQNRIKXPRU&DUROH&KDPSDJQH is an important singer-songwriter/composer with something to say . . . in two languages. Growing up in a small town in northern On- tario, she is a strong woman who has faced WRXJK RGGV &DUROH LV D FDQFHU VXUYLYRU ZKRVHGULYHDQG¿HUFHGHWHUPLQDWLRQOHGKHU to Nashville, Tenn. This opened doors for her to co-write with hit songwriter, Don Good- man, whose catalog includes “Angels Among 8V´E\$ODEDPD³5LQJ2Q+HU)LQJHU7LPH RQ+HU+DQGV´E\5HED0F(QWLUHDQGPRVW UHFHQWO\ ³2O¶ 5HG´ E\ %ODNH 6KHOWRQ :LWK some of Nashville’s top musicians and top producers, she has recorded a phenomenal new independent release entitled “Forever :LWK0H´ZKLFKLQFOXGHVGXHWVZLWKULVLQJ VWDU &KULVWRSKHU :D\QH 0RUULV DV ZHOO DV country icon Dolly Parton herself, sharing JLJJOHVZLWK&DUROHRQ³,0LJKW%H%ORQGH %XW ,$LQ¶W %OLQG´ &DUROH ZDV SURXGO\ LQ- GXFWHGLQWR³7KH*UHDW1RUWKHUQ2SU\´DWWKH &RXQWU\0XVLF$ZDUGV³&RXQWU\0X- VLF 1HZV´ PDJD]LQH UHFHQWO\ IHDWXUHG &DU- ROH DV DQ XSFRPLQJ ULVLQJ VWDU DQG ³&%21 5DGLR&DQDGD´ FRPSDUHG &KDPSDJQH WR modern country legends Garth Brooks and IHOORZ1RUWKHUQ2QWDULDQ6KDQLD7ZDLQ&DU- ROH&KDPSDJQHLVDZRPDQRQDPLVVLRQ -DVRQ5REHUVRQZDVDQDFWLYHFKLOGZLWK an instant loce and interest in music. At WKHDJHRIKHUHFHLYHGKLV¿UVWJXLWDUDQG VRRQDIWHUKHUHFHLYHGKLVYHU\¿UVWVRQJ- book, Hank Williams. A young Jason and his father learned how to play and sing VRQJVOLNHµ<RXU&KHDWLQJ+HDUW¶µ/RQJ Gone Lonesome Blues’, and ‘Detroit &LW\¶ -DVRQ DGYDQFHG VR TXLFNO\ WKDW before long he was correcting his dad’s chords, and as he grew he realized his full vocal capablities. Working on construc- tion with his father, Jason traveled across the country, visiting honky tonks and taking in real life music experience and knowledge. Jason has recently recorded KLV ¿UVW GHPR VRQJ WLWOHG µ, -XVW 6DZ 5HG¶DQGLWKDVEHFRPHDORFDOIDYRULWH With an extensive social media presence, people from all over the country are rav- ing about this real country music song. ‘I -XVW6DZ5HG¶LVDERXWDPDQZKRFRPHV KRPHWR¿QGKLVZLIHDQGEHVWIULHQGLQ EHG DQG NLOOV WKHP ERWK 5DZ DQG HGJ\ yes, but that’s just the way Jason is and the way he writes. 2XWODZ E\ GH¿QLWLRQ is one that is unconventional or rebellious. Jason is currently in the studio recording KLV GHEXW DOEXP µ2XWODZ &UD]\¶ D YHU\ ¿WWLQJWLWOHWRPRVWWKDWNQRZKLP :ULWHUV &DUROH &KDPSDJQH &KULVWRSKHU :ULWHUV-DVRQ5REHUVRQ Wayne Morris #IUHQFKVRQJELUG 24 \RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y ($,Z.=Y&J Artist: Joe Kent Song: Son of The Highway Time: 4:45 Label: Independent :ULWHUV-RHNHQW Many of Joe Kent’s friends and shipmates FDOO KLP ³&DSWDLQ -RFHSKXV´ D IRQG QLFN- name that in many ways captures both sides of this proud Louisianan’s unique song- writing magic. Joe’s an honest-to-goodness &DSWDLQWKHVNLSSHURIDJLDQWIRRWERDW pushing barges across inland waterways from his home port near New Orleans on rivers all over the Eastern, Midwestern, and 6RXWKZHVWHUQVWDWHV$QG-RFHSKXVLVDVSL- noff of Bocephus, the nickname for Hank Williams Jr., Kent’s greatest musical role model, along with other Outlaw heroes in- FOXGLQJ 'DYLG$OODQ &RH DQG :D\ORQ -HQ- nings. It’s been a long time coming. Now at last he’s feeling like he’s “underway and PDNLQJ ZD\´ ZLWK KLV VRQJV LQ WKH ZRUGV RID&RDVW*XDUGH[SUHVVLRQ-RHORYHV7KDW VLQJOHDQGYLGHR³6RQ2I7KH+LJKZD\´LV one of his most autobiographical. “Instead RIDKLJKZD\ZHPDNHRXUPLOHVRQDULYHU´ he says. Joe kept plugging away, working with top demo singers and producers includ- LQJ 3KLO &ROH\ .HYLQ %URZQ DQG $GDP &HIDOX&DSWDLQ-RHZRXOGHYHQWXDOO\EXLOG XSDVRQJZULWLQJFDWDORJRIPRUHWKDQ WXQHV&DSWDLQ-RH.HQWKDVRYHUFRPHKXJH obstacles already to create his songs and get them heard. Now that that’s happening, the fan reaction has been instant and intense, DQGQRZ-RHORRNVIRUZDUG¿QDOO\WRVPRRWK VDLOLQJIRUKLVVRQJVDORQJ0XVLF5RZDQG at country radio. IDFHERRNFRPSDJHV6RXQG$GYLFH6WX- GLR \RXWXEHFRPXVHU&DSWDLQ-RFHSKXV #&DSWDLQ-RFHSKXV Artist: Curtis Lyn Cook Song: Watching America Idle Time 4:21 Label: Sump Pump Records Artist: Tom Fedora Song: A Leap of Faith Time: 3:42 Label: Moondrop Music Artist: Jared Ashley Song: Stained Time: 3:77 Label: Independent :ULWHUV&XUWLV/\Q&RRN-RH.HQW :ULWHUV7RP)HGRUD :ULWHUVMDUHG$VKOH\1LFK6WXUPV ,Q )HEUXDU\ WKH VHDVRQHG YHWHUDQ KRQN\WRQNDUWLVW&XUWLV/\Q&RRNDND&/& was a guest on the nationally recognized 0DUN5HDUGRQ6KRZOLYHIURPWKHKRPHVWX- GLRVRI.02;$0LQ6W/RXLV0LV- VRXUL&/&IRXQGKLPVHOIIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH on a talk radio show, and was there to talk instead of sing. And talk he did;; all about his QHZ VRQJ :$7&+,1* $0(5,&$ ,'/( 5LJKWIURPWKHVWDUWRIWKHLQWHUYLHZLWZDV apparent that there is no labeling this smooth YRLFHG\HWURXJKDQGWRXJKRXWODZKHGH¿- nitely is his own kind of brand. However WKDWEUDQGLVQRGRXEW0DGH,Q7KH86$ Of course American made product is a very hot topic that people are extremely pas- sionate about in light of today’s unemploy- ment rate and economic status. “Watching $PHULFD ,GOH LV QRW D SROLWLFDOVRQJ´ &/& says, “It is simply my observation of the working men and women in these troubling economic times. As a nation we have got to ¿QGVRPHPLGGOHJURXQGLQRUGHUWRJHWWKH jobs back where they belong;; in the hands of the American people. There is no wonder WKDWWKLV&XUWLV&RRN-RH.HQWSHQQHGWXQH has gained national attention;; every line is VRO\ULFDOO\VWURQJDQGULJKWRQWKH³PRQH\´ 2QH WKLQJ LV IRU VXUH &/& LV GH¿QLWHO\ DOO about the music he creates and all about America . Keep an eye on this powerful en- tertainer. He likely has a chart topper in this HOHFWLRQ\HDUZLWK:$7&+,1*$0(5,&$ ,'/( &/& ZH ZLOO VHH \RX DW WKH WRS RI the charts. Tom Fedora was born and raised in the exot- ic suburbs of northern New Jersey. After col- OHJH7RPVHWWOHGLQ&RORUDGRZKHUHKHSHU- formed in various clubs and ski resorts while working also as a whitewater river guide and expedition leader. Moving on to Los Ange- les Tom pursed a full time music career. His unique songwriting style was recognized by *UDKDP 1DVK DQG SURGXFHU &UDLJ 'RHUJH *UDKDP 1DVK UHFRUGHG ³&KLSSLQ¶ $ZD\´ RQKLV¿UVWVRORDOEXP,QQRFHQW(\HV7KH VRQJZDVUHUHFRUGHGLQ1RYHPEHURI E\&URVE\6WLOOVDQG1DVK-DPHV7D\ORURQ guest vocals) as a tribute to the crumbling of WKH%HUOLQ:DOO³&KLSSLQ¶$ZD\´LVWKHRQO\ outside song to be done by the group other WKDQ³:RRGVWRFN´E\-RQL0LWFKHOO,Q Tom moved to Nashville to further pursue his songwriting career. Tom can be seen at various songwriter clubs in and around the 1DVKYLOOHDUHD6RPHRIWKH1DVKYLOOHFOXEV \RXFDQVHH7RPSHUIRUPOLYHDUH7KH&RP- PRGRUH DW WKH +ROLGD\ ,QQ 6HOHFW RQ :HVW (QG 7KH %OXHELUG &DIH 'RXJODV &RUQHU and the Boardwalk. A Leap of Faith takes \RXRQWKHMRXQUH\RIOLIH6RPHWLPHVWKHUH are choice that have to be made that you may not be ready for. If you keep waiting around you may never make that leap. Tom has done many things in his life and he believes that it was his faith to hang in there during the rough times that has gotten him where he is today. And life most songwriters, Tom writes about what he knows. It as song that can appeal to many with its contemporary country, upbeat vibe. Jared Ashley has made his mark in this busi- ness with his hard work and dedication to his live shows and his cult like following fan base. Jared has performed house gigs at the World Famous Tootsies Orchid Lounge. Eventually he caught the eye of Doug John- VRQIRUPHUSUHVLGHQWRI*LDQW5HFRUGVDQG FXUUHQWO\ WKH KHDG RI $5 IRU &XUE 5H- cords. Jared along with his band have been FDOOHGRQHRIWKHWRSEDQGVLQWKH6(&FRO- lege circuit playing at universities all over WKH6RXWK,W-DUHGZDVFKRVHQRXWRI KRSHIXOVWRFRPSHWHRQ86$¶VFRXQ- WU\YHUVLRQRI$PHULFDQ,GRO1DVKYLOOH6WDU With his debut self-titled album, Jared Ash- ley has succeeded in creating an album of unique and distinct sounding songs, while JHQHUDWLQJ D ÀRZ RI HPRWLRQ DQG VHQWL- ment that is at very least on-par with some RIWKHELJJHVWQDPHVLQ1DVKYLOOHLIQRWÀDW RXW SORZLQJ WKURXJK WKH SDFN DQG GH¿QLQJ his own personality. He’s come a long way VLQFH 1DVKYLOOH 6WDU 6HDPOHVVO\ DPD]LQJ fans with the unparalleled energy of his live shows and his honky-tonk country sound, Jared Ashley has been one of the top tour- LQJDFWVLQWKHFRXQWU\IRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUV SOD\LQJRYHUVKRZVD\HDUVLQFHPRYLQJ WR1DVKYLOOH\HDUVDJR7KHVWRULHVDQGUH- DFWLRQZHJRWIURP6WDLQHGKDVFUHDWHGPRUH buzz unlike any song. This song is simply a hit in every sense of the word. Lyrically, sonically and vocally, this song is special and deserves national chart recognition. IDFHERRNFRPFXUWLVOFRRN IDFHERRNFRPSUR¿OHSKS"LG \RXWXEHFRPXVHUMDUHGDVKOH\"IHDWXUH PKHH #-DUHG$VKOH\ 25 B.B. Kings Nashville King of Blues, Queen of Motown, and Soul of Funk The blues was like that problem child that you may have had in the family. You was a little bit ashamed to let anybody see him, but you loved him. You just didn’t know how other people would take it. - B.B. King 1DVKYLOOHLVFRQVLGHUHGWKHKRPHRI&RXQWU\PXVLFDQGLI\RXKDYHHYHUEHHQ GRZQWRZQVSHFL¿FDOO\%URDGZD\\RXNQRZWKDWZHDUHIDUIURPODFNLQJRQRXU number of honky-tonks. However, in recent years Nashville has been trying to OLYHXSWRLWVQDPHRI0XVLF&LW\86$7KHUHLVVRPXFKPRUHWKDQMXVWFRXQWU\ DQGLI\RXGHWRXURII%URDGZD\\RXZLOO¿QGLW B.B. King is a synonymous character in the world of the Blues community. It LVRQO\¿WWLQJWKDWKHXVHVKLVVLJQDWXUHQDPHWRWDNHSDUWDQGVLJQLI\WKHLPSRU- WDQFHRIZKDWUHDO%OXHVPXVLFVRXQGVOLNH%%.LQJ¶V%OXHV&OXEZKLFKLV located right off Broadway in the heart of downtown Nashville, delivers a little spice of original Blues, country, rock and then some in between. B.B. King’s is here to show what Blues is opened on August and why it is a staple Tommy Peters, the %OXHV &OXE for not only music .LQJ¶V ÀDJVKLS ORFDWLRQ LQ D¿FLRQDGRVEXWDOVR industry, but he was laying the foundation I recently sat down with General Manager of B.B. King’s Nash- for current and future YLOOH6WDF\:LOOLDPV DQG/LVD+XUOH\WKH'LUHFWRURI6DOHVDQG0DUNHWLQJWRDVNWKHP a few questions on musicians. the notorious chain of clubs. I asked them what differentiates B.B. .LQJ¶V %OXHV &OXE %% .LQJ¶V &OXE ,W ZDV President of B.B. who opened the Nashville location after much success with their Memphis. Peters had no prior experience in the food or beverage GHWHUPLQHGWRRSHQDEOXHVFOXELQDFLW\GRPLQDWHGE\&RXQWU\ IURPRWKHUFOXEVLQ1DVKYLOOH"7KH\ERWKDJUHHGWKDWWKLVYHQXHLVDIDPLO\RULHQWHGFOXEZKLFKVHUYHVDPD]LQJTXDOLW\ IRRGKDVDIULHQGO\VWDIIDQGVRPHRIWKHEHVWEOXHVPXVLF\RXFDQ¿QGLQ1DVKYLOOH %%.LQJ¶V%OXHV&OXELVSUHGRPLQDQWO\EOXHVEXWEHLQJLQ0XVLF&LW\86$LWRIIHUVDPD]LQJPXVLFUDQJLQJIURP&RXQWU\ WR5RFN)RONWR%OXHJUDVVDQGWKRVHJHQUHVLQEHWZHHQWKDW\RXMXVWFDQ¶WSXW\RXU¿QJHURQ7KHOLVWRIPXVLFLDQVZKRKDYH SOD\HGDWWKLVORFDWLRQDUHD³ZKR¶VZKR´LQWKHPXVLFLQGXVWU\6RPHRIWKHSURPLQHQWDUWLVWDUH%%.LQJKLPVHOI/LWWOH %LJ7RZQ5RQQLH%DNHU%URRNV%DUW:DONHUDQG6WHYHQ&RSSHUMXVWWRQDPHDIHZ ³%OXHVPXVLFKDVDQGZLOODOZD\VEHDVLJQL¿FDQWSDUWRIDQ\PXVLFLDQDQGPXVLFHQWKXVLDVW%%.LQJ¶V%OXHV&OXELVKHUH WRVKRZZKDW%OXHVLVDQGZK\LWLVDVWDSOHIRUQRWRQO\PXVLFD¿FLRQDGRVEXWDOVROD\LQJWKHIRXQGDWLRQIRUFXUUHQWDQG IXWXUHPXVLFLDQV+DYLQJ¿YHORFDWLRQVDQGFRXQWLQJWKLVFOXELVDGLVWLQJXLVKDEOHH[SHULHQFHOLNHQRRWKHU´VWDWHG:LO- liams. 6WRU\E\+DUULVRQ%DNHU 26your venue please submit your information to [email protected] If you would like to list 27 Artist Spotight: Shaun Murphy Discover Nashville’s Best Kept Secret PRAYER OF THE MONTH May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.6DLQW7KHUHVD ARTIST NEWS: :LWK WKHLU WKLUG FRQVHFXWLYH$FDGHP\ RI &RXQWU\ 0XVLF 'XR RI WKH<HDU QRPLQDWLRQ XQGHU WKHLUEHOW0HJKDQ/LQVH\DQG-RVKXD6FRWW-RQHVUHWXUQWRWKHURDGDV6WHHO0DJQROLDVWDUWLQJ0D\DWWKH/LODF )HVWLYDORQ5RFKHVWHU1<:LWKDPL[WXUHRIIHVWLYDOVDQGKHDGOLQLQJGDWHVDQGRSHQLQJIRU5HED0F(QWLUHDQG Gretchen Wilson, the irrepressible duo are getting back to the fans. “For us, this music isn’t complete until we’re SOD\LQJLWIRUSHRSOH´VDLG0HJKDQ³:HFDQ¶WZDLWWRJHWEDFNRQWKHURDGDQGVHHHYHU\ERG\DWWKHVKRZV´0RUH at BENEFIT NEWS'DULXV5XFNHUZLOOIRUWKHWKLUGWLPHEHKRVWLQJ'DULXV$QG)ULHQGV$EHQH¿WIRU6W-XGHSUH- VHQWHGE\*$&7KHFRQFHUWDQGFRUUHVSRQGLQJFHOHEULW\JROIWRXUQDPHQWWDNHSODFHRQ0RQGD\-XQHDQGZLOO UDLVHIXQGVWRKHOS6W-XGHSURYLGHWKHEHVWFDUHSRVVLEOHWRFKLOGUHQZLWKFDQFHUDQGRWKHUFDWDVWURSKLFGLVHDVHVDW QRFRVWWRWKHLUIDPLO\7KHFRQFHUWVDORQHKDYHKHOSHGUDLVHPRUHWKDQIRU6W-XGHZLWKWKHVXSSRUWRI IULHQGVOLNH5RGQH\$WNLQV(DVWRQ&RUELQ5DGQH\)RVWHU5DQG\+RXVHU-DPH\-RKQVRQ-XVWLQ0RRUH-HUURG 1LHPDQQ-DNH2ZHQ.LG5RFNDQGPRUH7KLV\HDU¶VHYHQWVEHJLQHDUO\LQ1DVKYLOOHDWWKH*D\ORUG6SULQJV*ROI /LQNVZLWKWKH6W-XGH'DULXV$QG)ULHQGV*ROI&ODVVLF)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRQUHJLVWUDWLRQDQGVSRQVRUVKLSRS- portunities, visit CD CELEBRATION,QFHOHEUDWLRQRIWKHWKDQQLYHUVDU\RIWKHODXQFKRI6DP3KLOOLSV¶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¿UPHGLQFOXG- LQJDVSHFLDOKRPHWRZQVKRZKHDGOLQLQJ1DVKYLOOH VKLVWRULF5\PDQ$XGLWRULXPZLWK-XVWLQ7RZQHV(DUOHRQ-XQH FESTIVAL NEWS (BLUEGRASS) The International Bluegrass Music Museum has announced the all-star line- XSIRUWKH5203)HVWLYDOWREHKHOG-XQH±DW<HOORZ&UHHN3DUN2ZHQVERUR.<7KHOLQHXSLQFOXGHV 9LQFH*LOO2OG&URZ0HGLFLQH6KRZ3XQFK%URWKHUV&DUROLQD&KRFRODWH'URSV3RNH\/D)DUJHDQGWKH6RXWK &LW\7KUHH/RQHVRPH5LYHU%DQG7KH'HDGO\*HQWOHPHQ*UHHQVN\%OXHJUDVV)DUHZHOO'ULIWHUVDQGPDQ\PDQ\ PRUHLQFOXGLQJWKH0XVHXP VPDVVLYHVWXGHQWEULJDGHWKH.HQWXFN\%OXH*UDVV$OO6WDUV7KH)HVWLYDOZLOODOVR feature instrument workshops and late-night events in addition to main stage performances by some of the most exciting acts in bluegrass and roots-and-branches-of-bluegrass music. More info at WWWEBSITES TO CHECK OUT | | | 7RUHDGWKHIXOOLQVLGHWUDFNYLLVWZZZQDVKYLOOHPXVLFJXLGHFRP,QVLGH7UDFN0D\ Send me stuff. I love to get it! 28 [email protected] TN/USA Google “Preshias” Our Nashville music community has a very well-kept se- cret, and that’s the fact that one of the greatest blues art- ists/singers/songwriters in the world lives and bases out RI0XVLF&LW\86$,W¶VQRQHRWKHUWKDQ6KDXQ0XUSK\ 6KDXQ0XUSK\KDVKDGVXFKDQLQFUHGLEOHFDUHHU6RPH of the very impressive list of artists and songwriters she KDV VXQJ DQGRU WRXUHG ZLWK LQFOXGH %RE 6HHJHU (ULF &ODSWRQ3DXO0F&DUWQH\7KH0RRG\%OXHV3KLO&RO- OLQV 0LFKDHO %ROWRQ &RFR 0RQWR\D $OLFH &RRSHU %UXFH +RUQVE\ %RQQLH 5DLWW -RH :DOVK *OHQQ )UH\ Maria Muldaur, including television appearances with -RKQ +LDWW DQG +HUELH +DQFRFN )URP WR 6KDXQ ZDV OHDG VLQJHU ZLWK /LWWOH )HDW DQG YHU\ HDUO\ on in her career she starred on Broadway in the musi- FDO+DLUDQG6JW3HSSHU¶V/RQHO\+HDUWV&OXE%DQG2Q 7KH5RDG,QDGGLWLRQVKHZDVVLJQHGWR5DUH(DUWK5H- FRUGVDGLYLVLRQRI0RWRZQ5HFRUGVDV6WRQH\ZLWKWKH DFW6WRQH\DQG0HDWORDIWKHQODWHUMXVWDVDQDUWLVWLQKHU own right. tivated her audience song after song. I had the honor of LQWHUYLHZLQJ 6KDXQ D IHZ GD\V DIWHU WKDW SHUIRUPDQFH and it was one of the most enjoyable interviews I’ve done because she’s such a special person, on and off the stage. Hearing her talk about all the places she has toured around the world, all the great artists, songwriters, per- 6LQFHUHORFDWLQJIURP/RV$QJHOHVWR1DVKYLOOH6KDXQ formers that she’s shared the stage with, all her years of 0XUSK\KDVUHFRUGHGDQGUHOHDVHGWKUHH&'V/LYLQ¶7KH paying her dues as a singer and entertainer. %OXHV 7URXEOH :LWK /RYLQ¶ DQG KHU PRVW UHFHQW &' '9'UHOHDVH/LYH$W&DOODKDQ¶VZKLFKZDVUHFRUGHGLQ I had to ask her if she had any advice to share with the 'HWURLW0LFK$IHZQRWDEOHTXRWHVDERXW6KDXQLQFOXGH rest of us and she said, “Don’t give up. I mean it’s a hard world out there and it gets harder every day. You have to ³$WUXO\JUHDWYRLFHGRLQJDSXUHEOXHVDOEXP+HDYHQ´ believe in yourself and be realistic and don’t keep those URVHFRORUHGJODVVHVRQWRWLJKW´&ODVVLFDGYLFHIURPD %RE6HJHU ³6KHEULQJVKHDUWDQGVRXOWRWKHVWDJH´&RFR0RQWR\D very classy lady who’s destined to be one of the greats of our time, no doubt in my mind. ³6KDXQ¶VRQHRIP\IDYRULWHVLQJHUV´%RQQLH5DLWW ³$YRLFHWKDW¶VDJLIWIURPWKHKHDYHQV´-LPP\+DOO <RXFDQZDWFK6KDXQ0XUSK\YLGHRVRQ<RX7XEHEXW :KHQ6KDXQKLWVWKHVWDJHVKHWDNHVLWDQGPDNHVLWKHU what you really need to do is go out and see her live. Buy own. Her voice is one of a kind, and she owns every song KHU&'VDQG\RX¶OONQRZLPPHGLDWHO\ZKDW,¶PWDONLQJ she sings like it was her creation, which it becomes as about as you listen to her outstanding voice and the great she weaves and bends and sells it vocally and visually. VRQJVVKHZULWHVDQGUHFRUGV6KRZ\RXUVXSSRUWIRUKHU 6KHEHFRPHVWKHVRQJVKHOLYHVDQGEUHDWKHVWKHVRQJ music and visit her on line at her Web site, www.shaun- she is the song. You know you’re listening to one of the, where you can see her tour dates and EHVWEOXHVVLQJHUVHYHUIURPKHU¿UVWQRWHWRKHUODVW+HU buy her merchandise. You won’t be sorry, I promise, be- H[SHULHQFH VSHDNV IRU LWVHOI DQG 6KDXQ FDSWLYDWHV \RX cause she’s as good as it gets in the world of blues music. with her performance. Her lifetime of touring and living the life of a professional vocalist carries the day, and she To learn more about 6KDXQ0XUSK\YLVLW absolutely shines bright like the star she is. , ¿UVW PHW 6KDXQ LQ RQ VWDJH LQ 1DVKYLOOH DW WKH %RXUERQ 6WUHHW %OXHV %RRJLH %DU RQ 3ULQWHUV$OOH\ To read/listen to Bronson’s entire I was playing harmonica, and it was all I could do to LQWHUYLHZZLWK6KDXQ keep blowing my harp as she sang her heart out and cap- 29 Anna Henderson Leona Williams Kevin Sharp Gerald Smith Brenda Best Glenn Douglas Tubb June Stearns Billy Yates Kevin and Larry Judy Rodman Ron Williams Michael Peterson Marty Raybon Larry Stewart Bryan White The Stars came out bright to benefit Kevin Sharp Rich Fagan 30 Jeff Batson Joe Rucker Jim McBride John Berry An Evening with the Stars - For more on how to help go to Jim Parker Jerry Foster Dallas Frazier Jeannie C. Riley 31 Mark Robinson Hoosier Transplant Puts His Stamp on Nashville Blues Scene Nashville is full of great guitar players, and a lot of them can play and sing the blues as well as anybody in any city. But few can claim to have SDLGWKHNLQGRIGXHVWKDW0DUN5RELQVRQKDV 5RELQVRQ ZKR HDUQHG ZRUOGZLGH FULWLFDO DF- FODLPIURPWKHPXVLFSUHVVIRUKLVDOEXP Quit Your Job – Play Guitar, has gained a reputa- WLRQLQ0XVLF&LW\DVDPDQZKRQRWRQO\WUXO\ knows how to play and sing the blues, but as a player who can play just about anything, though the blues is the place he calls home. 5RELQVRQ ZDV LQLWLDOO\ LQWURGXFHG WR WKH EOXHV which was originated by black musicians, the VDPH ZD\ VR PDQ\ JXLWDUV SOD\HUV KDYH EHHQ througah the music of white guitar legends. 32 5RELQVRQ LV DOVR D ZULWHU RI FRXUVH DQG ZKLOH writing blues songs is a little different than what 0XVLF5RZ¶VZULWHUVEXWWHUWKHLUEUHDGZLWKKH still qualifies as a singer-songwriter in his own right in the blues field, occasionally venturing out with an acoustic guitar to play a few tunes. 5RELQVRQ¶V ILUVW SURIHVVLRQDO JLJ wasn’t playing the blues at all, though, but was working with chart- topping country/pop singer Bobby +HOPV ³0\ 6SHFLDO $QJHO´ ³)UDX- OHLQ´ LQ %ORRPLQJWRQ ,QG ZKHUH ERWK RI WKHP OLYHG 5RELQVRQ ODWHU worked with another well-known In- diana musician, former John Mellen- FDPS5RVDQQH &DVK JXLWDULVW /DUU\ &UDQH$IWHUDGHFDGHRISOD\LQJJXL- WDUSURIHVVLRQDOO\5RELQVRQEHJDQD EOXHV DSSUHQWLFHVKLS LQ &KLFDJR WKDW found him working onstage along- VLGH VXFK :LQG\ &LW\ EOXHV OHJHQGV DV /RQQLH %URRNV 6XQQ\ODQG 6OLP -LPP\ -RKQVRQ .RNR 7D\ORU 6RQ 6HDOVDQG%R'LGGOH\DPRQJRWKHUV and in recording sessions for blues ODEHO$OOLJDWRU5HFRUGV $ FRXSOH \HDUV DJR 5RELQVRQ PDGH news in Nashville when he released Quit Your Job – Play Guitar, which featured the talents of such musicians as former Allman Brothers Band key- boardist Johnny Neel, former Johnny &DVK EDVVLVW 'DYH 5RH DQG WKH ODWH KRUQPDQIURP'HOEHUW0F&OLQWRQ¶VEDQG'HQ- QLV7D\ORU)URPWKHVZDPS\³3RRU%R\´WRWKH VOLGHGULYHQ ³5XQDZD\ 7UDLQ´ DQG ³0HPSKLV :RQ¶W/HDYH0H$ORQH´5RELQVRQVKRZHGKRZ it should be done with this album. Today, in ad- dition to having a reputation as one of the city’s EHVW EOXHV SOD\HUV 5RELQVRQ DOVR SOD\V JXLWDU with local alt-Americana legend Tommy Wom- DFN LQ:RPDFN¶V EDQG7KH 5XVK WR -XGJPHQW ,Q WKLV EDQG 5RELQVRQ VXSSRUWV :RPDFN ZLWK tasty rhythm and perfect solos. ³0DUN¶VDPDVWHUEOXHVPRQVWHU´:RPDFNVD\V “But he’s more than just a master blues monster;; he’s a total band player. He can follow wherever I lead, and he’s doesn’t just play his instrument, KHSOD\VWKHVRQJ´ “Duane Allman from the Allman Brothers Band ZDVUHDOO\ELJIRUPH&ODSWRQZDVDQLQIOXHQFH Womack himself, known primarily as a singer- VRQJZULWHUGUDZVKLJKSUDLVHIURP5RELQVRQIRU FDPHWRWRZQLQ IRUPHWRR´KHVD\VRIWKHZKLWHJXL- tar heroes. “But then I discovered Freddie King and he became one of my favorite players, I listened to )UHGGLHDORW´ ³6RQJZULWHUV¶QLJKWVDUHQ¶WUHDOO\P\IRUWHEXW, KDYHGRQHLWDIHZWLPHV´KHVD\V³,¶YHSOD\HG the Bluebird, Taps and Tapas and some other SODFHVDURXQGWRZQDQG,UHDOO\HQMR\HGLW´ :LWK KLV RZQ JURXS WKH 0DUN 5RELQVRQ %DQG 5RELQVRQ LV DFWLYH ORFDOO\ LQ VXFK FOXEV DV7KH )LYH 6SRW DQG 7KH )DPLO\ :DVK LQ (DVW 1DVK- ville, and packs them in at what may be Nash- ville’s reigning neighborhood club for live blues DW WKH PRPHQW WKH 6PRNHKRXVH RQ /HEDQRQ 3LNH 5RELQVRQ FRQWLQXHV WR SOD\ RFFDVLRQDO JLJVLQ,QGLDQDDQG&KLFDJRDVZHOO,QDGGLWLRQ he teaches guitar and is also an audio engineer- ing instructor, with a longtime background in both audio and video work. For now, between local shows, teaching, recording and doing the RFFDVLRQDORXWRIWRZQVKRZ5RELQVRQLVKDSS\ to call Nashville home. his own guitar work. “Tommy’s a great guitar player, a great lead SOD\HU DV ZHOO DV UK\WKP´ 5RELQVRQ VD\V ³, guess maybe I’m sort of Mick Taylor to Tommy’s .HLWK 5LFKDUGV LI \RX ZLOO´ KH VD\V UHIHUULQJ WREOXHVPDQ7D\ORU¶VZRUNLQWKH5ROOLQJ6WRQHV ZLWK5LFKDUGVZLWK7D\ORUEHLQJWKHEOXHVLQIOX- HQFHGSOD\HUZKLOH5LFKDUGVFDPHPRUHIURPWKH &KXFN%HUU\VFKRRORIURFNµQ¶UROO In addition to working with Womack and with KLVRZQEDQG5RELQVRQKDVDOVRSHUIRUPHGZLWK such Nashville songwriters as Kent Blazy (Garth %URRNV0DUWLQD0F%ULGH&RU\%DWWHQ5KRQ- GD 9LQFHQW %ODNH 6KHOWRQ DQG RWKHUV VLQFH KH “Nashville is where the great- est musicians DQ\ZKHUH DUH´ he says, “and it’s been a real privi- lege to play along- side some of these guys. I couldn’t have done it DQ\ZKHUHHOVH´ 5RELQVRQ LV FXUUHQW- ly at work on a new &' WKDW KH SODQV WR release early next year, entitled Blue Moon Howl. For more information go to www.mark- 6WRU\E\%URQVRQ Herrmuth 33 BLUES BROTHERS Kenny Olson & Paris Delane I can’t begin to tell you the number of artists that Paris Delane and Kenny Ol- son have played with over their impres- sive careers. They probably can’t name all of the artists themselves. There are just too many. And it was just fate that they both ended up moving to Nashville and meeting each other at all. 'HODQHJRWKLVVWDUWLQWKH:LQG\&LW\ &KLFDJRWKRXJKDFDUHHULQPXVLFZDV never his plan. “I never wanted to get in the 34 music business — at all — because I felt that many of the people that I had met in this business act like they didn’t use a ZDVKURRP´KHVD\V³,ZDVOLNHWKDW¶V not for me. Anyway, to make a long story short, somehow I ended up in the VXEZD\VRI&KLFDJRDQGVWDUWHGVLQJLQJ I was down there singing ‘Jesus On The Main Line’ and ‘Amazing Grace,’ and this man named Dan Pritzker, as he was RQKLVZD\WRD&XEVJDPHKHDUGPH He heard me and two of my other col- leagues and fell in love with it, and he said, ‘Hey, I want to make some music with you guys.’ “ That chance encounter led to the IRUPDWLRQ RI 6RQLD 'DGD D URFNVRXO rhythm and blues band. They scored a few hits with “You Don’t Treat Me No *RRG´ ² ZKLFK \RX PD\ NQRZ IURP Jerrod Niemann’s cover of the song, UHQDPHG³/RYHU/RYHU´²DQGWKHPH VRQJ IRU WKH &KLFDJR %XOOV ¿UVW 1%$ title, which they performed on Oprah. 7KHEDQGODVWHG\HDUVDQGUHOHDVHG four records, but after the death of his mother, Delane decided his own songs needed to be heard. Olson’s history is very similar. He grew up in Detroit, and moved to L.A. as a teenager hoping to make it in music. “I moved back and forth, L.A., New York, pret- W\ PXFK ULJKW XS XQWLO µ when the earthquake came in 1RUWK5LGJH´VD\V2OVRQ³,W wrecked the apartment that I was living in. The ceiling col- lapsed on my bed. I wasn’t in my bed, I was actually on the road when it happened, but I really didn’t have anywhere to go back to. I ended up EDFNLQ'HWURLW´ 6KRUWO\DIWHUPRYLQJ back home, Olson teamed up ZLWK .LG 5RFN ZKR KH¶G NQRZQ IRU D long time, and they became an interna- tional sensation. From platinum albums WREHLQJIHDWXUHGRQ7KH6LPSVRQVWKH band a was huge success, but Olson also had songs of his own. ³, ZDV WKHUH LQ WKH EDQG IRU DOPRVW \HDUVDQGWKDWZDVDQDPD]LQJWULS´KH says. “We did every gig you could ever dream of playing all over the world, toured and performed and shared the stage and collaborated with people I never thought I’d get to play with when I was a kid. We did it all. But it got to a time where it was time for me to move RQDQGJHWRQWRRWKHUVWXII´ Both Delane and Olson ended up mov- ing to Nashville, and one night the fates brought the two artists together. “A friend said, ‘You need to come down here to Blue Bar and hang out with me,’ ´'HODQHUHFDOOVRIWKHQLJKW³,ZDVUH- OXFWDQW,ZDQWHGWRMXVWJRKRPH6KH VDLG µ-XVW FRPH RQ GRZQ¶ 6LQFH VKH was so persistent I decided to get in my car and go to Blue Bar. When I got there she said, ‘I want to introduce you to one of the greatest guitar players on the planet.’ Lo and behold, it was Kenny Olson. We connected. Me and Kenny walked out to my car to listen to some tracks I just had been recording in the studio ,and we were out there for about an hour and a half or something like WKDW´ ³<RX ORVW \RXU GDWH´ 2OVRQ adds, laughing. “When I walked in, they were like, ‘Where have \RX EHHQ"¶ ´ 'HO- ane continues. “And I said I was out in the car, hanging with Ken- ny. And we de- cided we wanted to do something together. He invit- ed me over to the stage the very next night, and it was magic. We were actually writing songs on stage as we were perform- ing. People didn’t know that we were actually just coming off the top of our heads creating music. 7KH\WKRXJKWLWZDVDOUHDG\ZULWWHQ´ ³, UHPHPEHU ZH GH¿QLWHO\ ZURWH VRPH DPD]LQJ VRQJV ULJKW RII WKH EDW´ VD\V Olson of that night. “We just started how we normally write. I just went up there and started playing a riff, all of the sudden you just started writing to that riff, and it was just magic. Nice hooks and changes came to us right when they were supposed to, so no one in the au- dience knew that we’d never played the songs before, let alone that we were just writing them on the spot. That was FRRO´ The connection between Delane and Olson was immediate and it was deep. Their relationship is more than friend- ship, the two are brothers, and that’s what they call each other. They both wanted to perform their own songs, and they had found someone to share that with. The two began performing blues as Gypsy Bone and collaborated with sev- eral other artists — Jon Nicholson (vo- FDOV UK\WKP JXLWDU %UDQGRQ &DOKRRQ (vocals, rhythm guitar), Hugo Ferreira 9RFDOV (PDQXHO &ROH 'UXPV -RKQ ³:ROI´$EHO%DVV3HWHU.H\V.H\- boards) — to form the Kenny Olson &DUWHO7KHJURXSUHFHQWO\UHOHDVHGWKHLU self-titled debut album. “The new record that we have out, it’s got all the spices of the old-school classic rock, old-school blues, the funk, weird dissonant chord voicings of some old, crazy Miles Davis kind of tracks, to the spaghetti western, to the swampy, to the country twang, because I love everything from coun- WU\WZDQJWREOXHVDQGURFN´2OVRQ says. “It’s all been a part of what’s been poured into me and Paris and HYHU\ERG\HOVHLQYROYHGZLWKLW´ 6RQJV IURP WKH DOEXP DUH SHUIRUP- ing well at radio, and summer concert dates are being put on the calendar. Delane hosts a blues night every second Wednesday of the month at 7KDW¶V &RRO DQG HYHU\ )ULGD\ KH¶V does Taps and Tapas at the Belcourt. Both artists enjoy being mentors to up-and-coming musicians in Nash- YLOOH DQG 'HODQH VSHFL¿FDOO\ PHQ- tions two artists he’s taken under his ZLQJ6DUDK%HWK/DZVRQDQG$OLFLD Michilli. Most of all, the two are happy to be making music they love with one another. “I’m just at a place now where I want to make music and I want to make music ZLWKSHRSOHZKRMXVWUHDOO\JHWLW´VD\V Delane, “and hopefully me and Kenny will be making music to the point where ZH¶UH\HDUVROG´ ³5RFNLQJ LQ D URFNLQJ FKDLU´ 2OVRQ says. ³([DFWO\´ 6WRU\E\$QGUHZ0LOOHU 3KRWR&UHGLW&KULV+XOEHUW 35 A Cut Above: Brian Ashley Jones Brian Ashley Jones sat down to discuss KLVWKRXJKWVRQEOXHVKLVLQÀXHQFHVDQG his future in music. Jones’ unique blend of blues, country and rock brings Nash- ville a fresh new taste on the regular sound. With a touch of Gregg Allman’s YRLFHDGDVKRI&ODSWRQVW\OHJXLWDUOLFNV and a little of his own sound, Jones is a cut above the rest. we wrote, and co-wrote together with 6X]L5DJVGDOH'RQQD+RSNLQV-LPEHDX Hinson. I also really enjoy playing with JXHVWPXVLFLDQVVXFKDV,NH6WXEEOH¿HOG and Kevin McKendree. 10*Are there any artists you would love to make an all-blues album with? %$-7KHQHZ&'ZH¶UHZRUNLQJRQKDV a lot of co-written songs, which gives it a little more diversity than the last one. I’m really enjoying writing songs with other writers these days. Occasionally I’ll write RQHRUWZRDORQH0\XSFRPLQJ&'ZLOO IHDWXUHDGXHWZLWK-RQHOO0RVVHUZKLFK 36 %$-,WU\WR¿QGLQVSLUDWLRQHY- erywhere. I’m always inspired by my family and friends. Liv- LQJ LQ 1DVKYLOOH LQVSLUHV PH everyday because there is so much talent in this town. Phil Sweetland’s 10*Most artists think they write the best music on just an acoustic guitar. Do you agree with this statement? %$- It all depends. I write most of my music late at night so cranking up my electric guitar is not an option. As a re- sult, most of my tunes are conceived on an acoustic. %$- Yes. Allen Toussaint because he’s %ULDQ KDV GH¿QLWHO\ FDUYHG RXW KLV RZQ JRWWKH1HZ2UOHDQVVW\OHDQGYHUVDWLOLW\ 10* Having come from a smaller sound. His independent release, Courier, as a songwriter. city (Spartanburg S.C.), do you believe PDGHWKH7RSRIWKH5RRWV0XVLF5H- smaller cities offer more creativity in SRUWEURNHWKH7RSRIWKH$PHULFDQD 10*:KRZHUHWKHELJJHVWLQÀXHQFHV the music making process? Music Association’s album chart, and on you as an artist? UHFHLYHG ZLGHVSUHDG FRPPHUFLDO &RO- %$-Growing up in a smaller city was lege, public, and international radio play. %$-Eric Clapton was a big one. I love ¿QH ZLWK PH 7KHUH ZDV D ORW RI PXVLF %ULDQ¶VVRQJVKDYHEHHQIHDWXUHGLQ¿OP that he is an all around musician/writer/ happening. I was always out absorb- and television. He was nominated for singer who expresses his versatility. He’s ing as much as possible. Most musicians %HVW$PHULFDQ5RRWV*XLWDU3OD\HULQWKH been able to follow different paths stylisti- were easy to approach, which was help- $OWHUQDWH 5RRW¶V 5HDGHU¶V &KRLFH cally and still remain rooted in the blues. ful. Awards. The Allman Brothers Band was also a big LQÀXHQFHRQP\VOLGHJXLWDUSOD\LQJDQG 10* Has Nashville changed your 10* Mr. Jones, how has blues in- songwriting. style of writing and producing music? spired your style of music? If so, how? 10* While growing up, did you al- %$- %OXHV KDV JUHDWO\ LQÀXHQFHG P\ ways want to become a professional %$-<HV%HLQJLQ1DVKYLOOHIRUDZKLOH guitar playing, singing, and songwrit- musician? has given me an eye for detail. The stan- ing. Early on I was drawn to bands like dard of excellence for writing, produc- Eric Clapton, Allman Brothers Band, %$- Yes. I had a neighborhood friend ing, performing, etc. is pretty high here. -LPL+HQGUL[&UHDP/HG=HSSHOLQ'LUH who played the guitar, and I knew right I think it’s great because it makes you try Straits, Stevie Ray Vaughn, The Rolling away I wanted to do that too. Music be- harder to deliver your best material. 6WRQHV DQG WKH OLVW JRHV RQ 'LJJLQJ came the number one priority in my life. deeper helped me discover some of the more traditional blues songwriters too. 10* Other than blues, It was important for me to know who in- country and a little bit of ÀXHQFHGP\KHURHV7KLVOHGPHWR:LOOLH your own style, are there any 'L[RQ%R'LGGOH\0XGG\:DWHUV+RZ- other genres you would like lin’ Wolf, Little Milton, Allen Toussaint, to dive into? and B.B. King. I typically like artists that aren’t scared to push the boundaries. %$- At this point, probably Gatemouth Brown is a genre bender that not. My music is a blend of comes to mind. He mixed it up quite a bit. southern blues and country. I We did a show with him in Atlanta not too love to listen to other genres, long before he passed. I’m so thankful to WKRXJK 1HYHU VD\ QHYHU , have met him and heard him live. guess. 10*Where do you see yourself going 10* What inspires you to in the future? write and produce music? IRUWKH¿UVWWLPHEXWJLYHVDPDMRU bump to their joint tour, which be- gins in June. When Radio Rigs the Charts Many of you certainly watched the $FDGHP\ RI &RXQWU\ 0XVLF$ZDUGV show in early April, when superstars 7LP 0F*UDZ DQG .HQQ\ &KHVQH\ debuted their new single, a duet FDOOHG³)HHO/LNH$5RFN6WDU´ almost literally overnight. That sure JRWWKH5RZ¶VDWWHQWLRQ For all of you gifted indie artists, this should be a lesson. Unless you have millions of dollars that you are willing to invest in your radio pro- motion with absolutely no guarantee of success, don’t even try to compete on the mainstream Billboard and Air- check charts. You will lose that game, and usually lose your shirt in the pro- cess. 7KH QH[W PRUQLQJ 0RQGD\ $SU the song was impossible to miss on DQ\ &OHDU &KDQQHO FRXQWU\ VWDWLRQ $V &RXQWU\ $LUFKHFN UHSRUWHG RQ $SU &&¶V KXJH EDQN RI FRXQWU\ VWDWLRQV±LQFOXGLQJDZKRSSLQJRI WKH URXJKO\ UHSRUWLQJ $LUFKHFN stations – all were instructed to play 7KLQN KRZ PXFK &OHDU &KDQQHO H[- the song at the top of the hour for the pected in return from BNA Nashville, WKH GLYLVLRQ RI 6RQ\ ZKLFK LV SUR- QH[WKRXUVLQDURZ PRWLQJWKH&KHVQH\0F*UDZVLQJOH “The untold story behind the headline- How many station visits were prom- JUDEELQJ GHEXW RI .HQQ\ &KHVQH\¶V LVHG DV D UHVXOW" +RZ PDQ\ 7VKLUWV and Tim McGraw’s ‘Feels Like A DQGKDWV"$QGKRZLUDWHGR\RXUHFN- 5RFN 6WDU¶ LV &OHDU &KDQQHO¶V $UW- RQ WKH RWKHU 5RZ ODEHOV ZHUH ZKHQ LVW ,QWHJUDWLRQ 3URJUDP´ $LUFKHFN they learned of this one-of-a-kind QRWHG³7KHVRQJ¶V1RFKDUWHQWU\ promotion by the largest radio com- – a career high for both artists – was SDQ\" largely propelled by unprecedented once-an-hour spins across the radio %HOLHYH PH && GLGQ¶W GR WKLV RXW of the goodness of their hearts. The JLDQW¶VFRXQWU\SODWIRUP´ FRPSDQ\LVQRWIDULQJWKDWZHOO¿QDQ- $LUFKHFN¿JXUHGWKHVRQJKDGJRWWHQ cially, and has been laying off station H[DFWO\ SOD\V RQ LWV UHSRUWLQJ SHUVRQQHOLQPDQ\PDUNHWV6DGO\UD- VWDWLRQV WKDW ¿UVW ZHHN 7KDW¶V PRUH dio has been able to use record com- WKDQ7,0(6WKHVSLQVWKHRQO\ panies more or less as their ATMs for other single to debut in Aircheck’s decades, and don’t expect that prac- 7RSUHFHLYHG,WZDV'LHUNV%HQW- WLFHWRGLVDSSHDUQRZ&OHDU&KDQQHO OH\¶V³´ZKLFKEHJDQLWVFKDUW is hardly the only radio company to UXQDW1RRQWKHSRVLWLRQOLVW- do this. ing, far more typical for an opening- week single in the logjam of today’s On the other hand, let’s not be too cynical. Tim and Kenny are huge country charts. country stars and have been for a Normally, the country charts are long, long time. Each has recorded among the slowest moving of any earlier hit duets with other artists format. A Lee Brice single was on the – Tim with Faith, for instance, and charts for more than a year before it .HQQ\ZLWK*HRUJH6WUDLW±EXW³)HHO UHDFKHG1R%XWWKH&KHVQH\0F- /LNH $ 5RFN 6WDU´ QRW RQO\ WHDPV *UDZVLQJOH]RRPHGLQWRWKH7RS &KHVQH\ DQG 0F*UDZ RQ WKH FKDUWV 6WLOOWKLVZKROHDGYHQWXUHVKRZV how much more the big shots con- WLQXHWRGRPLQDWHERWK0XVLF5RZ DQGFRXQWU\UDGLR5DGLRLVUXOHGE\ a handful of artists – Taylor, Kenny, &DUULH 7LP 7RE\ *HRUJH DQG D tiny number more. Anyone else is ¿JKWLQJ IRU WKH FUXPEV DW WKH WDEOH DQGVSLQVDWLQWKHPRUQLQJ Jake Owen is breaking through this year, but it’s taken a long time, hun- dreds of shows, and a boatload of PRQH\WRJHWKLPWKHUH³<HH+DZ´ KLV ¿UVW 5&$ VLQJOH GHEXWHG RQ WKH FKDUWVLQ0DUFKRI To say it’s an uphill battle for any art- ist not in that elite group is a huge un- GHUVWDWHPHQW 7KH && VWXQW VKRZHG how powerful the big boys can be. That promotion would never have happened with a new artist. It would be too risky. Awards shows at times create mas- sive buzz for singles. Alan Jackson GHEXWHG KLV SRVW PDVWHUZRUN “Where Were You (When The World 6WRSSHG7XUQLQJ´DWWKH&0$VWKDW November, and the single quickly rocketed to the top of the country charts. 7KH³)HHO/LNH$5RFN6WDU´SURPR- WLRQWKHGD\DIWHUWKH$&0VZDVGLI- ferent. It was far more manufactured and far more contrived than the AJ HYHQW &KHVQH\ 0F*UDZ DQG %1$ ZHUHQ¶WWKHRQO\IRONVWREHQH¿WIURP WKHXQXVXDO&OHDU&KDQQHOVRQJVDWX- UDWLRQ7KH$&0VOLNHZLVHUHFHLYHGD big boost in credibility. $QGLVQ¶WLW¿WWLQJWKDWWKH$&0VWRRN place in Vegas, the town where mil- lions of dollars are lost on the tables HYHU\ QLJKW"$QRWKHU /DV9HJDV E\- line is that if you can’t afford to lose, stay the heck away from the tables in WKH¿UVWSODFH In the long run, the house wins every time. 37 39 Kelsey Durnin of Country Music’s Home Town [email protected] Hard to Love, Curb Records (Lee Brice) Songwriter Lee Brice has taken his music to the next level with his upcoming album Hard 2 Love. Not only does the album present variety from beginning to end, many songs dare to step outside of a defined genre. The opening and title track “Hard To Love” displays Brice’s strong, warm vocals from the start. His vocals are accompanied by an impressive display of instrumentation, which combines the rock-country sound with a warmer, more unique bluegrass sound. This personal track leads into the No. 1 single “A Woman Like You” which continues to exhibit soothing melodies and rich vocals for a classic, more light-hearted love tune. The sentimental tracks continue until “Parking Lot Party,” which along with “Beer” and “Life Off My Years,” makes sure listeners don’t find themselves lacking in catchy, upbeat party ballads. Although “Friends We Won’t Forget” and a few others fall into less creative, cliché melodies, the unique song intros and passionate heartfelt ballads make the album stand out. “That Way Again” emphasizes Brice’s soulful vocals, accompanied by simple background instrumentation until the end of the track, which closes out with a beautiful, unexpected string solo. Wrapping things up, “One More Day” is rightfully the closing track as a slow, personal ballad that turns slightly upbeat through the chorus. Following up his last critically acclaimed album, Love Like Crazy, the 13-track (eight of which were co-written by Brice) Hard 2 Love drops April 24th. Leslie Armstrong of [email protected] Country Artists Golf for Children Troy Gentry, Tracy Lawrence and many other celebrities took to the golf course at the Pine Cove Golf course, just out side of Nashville, to do their best golfing in order to raise funds for the well respected Christmas 4 Kids organization. Troy Gentry of Montgomery Gentry has participated in every single aspect of the cause by performing with his duo partner, Eddie Montgomery, onstage at the other event inside the Ryman for the Charlie Daniels’ Christmas 4 Kids show. Country singers like Troy also have also been involved with the Christmas 4 Kids tour bus meet and greet in Hendersonville’s Wal-Mart parking lot which allows fans to meet artists on tour buses for a bargain rate, which all goes back to the organization’s cause. As Tracy Lawrence told us, “Anything we can do to make a child have a better Christmas is a wonderful thing.” The year-long fundraisers usually are closer to Christmas but the Golfing benefit was begun last year to help raise more funds to help give presents to underprivileged children. For more information, visit FOLLOW THE NASHVILLE COUNTRY CLUB ON: Different Places (Adam Gregory) Although the opening track ‘Can You Take It’ is pretty standard upbeat country-rock, the album certainly does not lack variety. After easing listeners in with familiar melodies, Gregory follows by crooning the slow, emotional title track “Different Places.” Although some of the songs are a little cliché and don’t produce a completely original sound, their uniqueness from each other displays the wide range of abilities Adam has developed. “Just Say It” exhibits his ever-smooth vocals accompanied by equally smooth instrumentation. The slow, soft vocals continue through the rest of the album, which wraps up with the upbeat, lyrically clever “Throwaway Day” leaving listeners with the same familiar feeling the album brought them in with. “Different Places” is the first EP Adam has released since 2009’s Crazy Days. The six-track album, four of which were co-written by Adam, dropped at the end of February. Heroes, Blue Note Records (Willie Nelson) Willie Nelson’s ever-soulful and classic sound is not lost in his upcoming album. Opening with “A Horse Called Music,” fans can appreciate the unmistakable unique vocals and classic, original sound they have come to expect from Willie. The following track “Roll Me Up” launches listeners into an all-out upbeat country classic with exceptional instrumentation. The album continues with more soft ballads such as “That’s All There Is To This Song,” “No Place To Fly” and “The Sound of Your Memory,” which with its original lyrics and harmonies pulls the album together. “My Window Faces South,” a more jazzy upbeat song, and “Home In San Antone” add danceable, exciting tracks to balance out the array of soft ballads. “Come On Back Jesus” is the core of originality on the album featuring the choral singing, wailing harmonica and ballad-like feel present throughout the rest of the tracks. The album wraps up with a cover of Coldplay’s “The Scientist” only simplified into true original Willie Nelson style. The fifteen-track Heroes will be released May 15th. Craig Morrison, Indepdent (Craig Morrison) With an undeniably unique voice, Craig Morrison’s self-titled album provides little variety, but several catchy tunes. The opening track “Just Another Sundown” is pretty upbeat with strong bluegrass instru- mentation amidst the rock-country jamming. The following tracks have similar sounds as the first, only relying more on a rock influenced melody. “Fences” adds a little variety to the album by slowing down the pace a little. The variation continues with “Wasted On Me” and “Reminisce” which brings back a predominant bluegrass sound as well as some nice harmonies. Although a little cliché, “I Love You More” displays Craig’s unique voice better than most of the other tracks. The album wraps up with “Stay Up Late” and “Hot Kinda Love.” Both tracks are very catchy and add a bit more of variety to the 11-track album. “Hot Kinda Love” is appro- priately the closing track as it has the most distinctive sound and turns almost to straight rock n’ roll. 38 39 I$''6 is now offering Exclusive Winery Tours. Choose from several including Arrington Vineyards and the Belle Meade Plantation and Winery. Go on one tour or go to several. WINERY TOURS ARE UNIQUE AND FUN. Tours are a great idea for corporate events, wedding weekends, birthdays and bachelor/ bachelorette parties! Belle Meade Plantation is a historic site west of Nashville. The Belle Meade Mansion was built in 1853. Come experience southern history and enjoy fine wine. Includes a guided tour of the Plantation and the winery along with a wine tasting. Founded by Kix Brooks, Arrington Vineyards is located south of Nashville among the beautiful hills of Arrington, Tennessee. Come experience award-winning wines, spectacular vineyard views from a covered deck, and breathtaking sunsets. Includes a guided tour of Arrington Vineyards and the grounds along with a wine tasting. Long Hollow Winery is owned and operated by Opry Star, Stu Phillips and his wife, Aldona. Featuring dry, semi-sweet, and sweet red and white wines. Their varieties include Merlot, Vidal, Chardonnay, Chancellor and Reisling. Tours include a wine tasting along with cheeses and flavorful jellies for sample. Beachaven Vineyards & Winery is critically acclaimed for quality, variety and consistency thanks to responsible stewardship of their vineyards, grape-grower relationships, commitment to excellence, cutting edge technology, and old world know how! Guided tours include a wine tasting. For more information, call 615-754-2221 or email us at [email protected] 40 41 42