pottehybahn - Sweetwater Bungalows
pottehybahn - Sweetwater Bungalows
P OT T E H Y BAH N A BackyardBedroom i.a|;;: r';:,: l.: lt. : f i.-:i';:,:i: i: i.: :_t ll : 1.,-:i.:tti :i!* - :'a:i]fi t- : - il : \ rl -li.rl.l'ci I l,l.: ii.r,:lr:'.." 1i,,'i::fl rvil: sp*r*-i;*yings*iuti*::s,*huai \}fitl: r**1r cn*ugh f*1"* i:e*, ***i-r,*n, ilt:i ::lu.'*i $r**:::*cls* su:xplu**:. Architecturalwisdom saysthat a good designmust be well built and useful- and offer alargemeasureof delight. This tiny warm-weatherbedroom,built asa permanenttenr with removablecanvaswalls,incorporatesmuch to delight in, with all the comfortsof its indoor equivalent.Despite its smallsize,the room conveysa remarkablesenseof spaciousness, thanksto its useof efficient organization, small-scalefurnishings,and whimsicaldecor. To makeany room appearlargerthan it reallyis, the first trick is to useeffectivelighting anda pale,subtlyvaried color palette.Fitted with glasswindowsand a Frenchdoor, this tent alsoreceivesplenty of illuminationthrough its fabric walls, which fill the spacewith light during the day. Although fabric isn't generallyan option for indoor walls, you could achievea similar effect with pure white walls and sheercurtainsor linen shadesin any room with good sun exposure.The daytimeeffectof light filteredthrough canvas wallsrepeatsat night, when lamplightfilters gentlythrough the canopyof mosquitonettinghung abovean iron bed. A kerosenelantern,hung outsidefrom the eaves,lights the entry and servesasa welcomingbeaconto visitors. /eft.Offeringlayersof warmth Quiltsare the perfectsmall-roomaccessory, and bringingcolorand patternto the room,they'rea cheerfulreminderof countrystyle.Extenda small space,right,by annexingan entryway. Thisdeck is treatedlikea room in itself,with chairsand pillowsset up for lounging. 26 SPACF t( l ::j"lj 'ii.. rl: ::i ij :f .a t. : .li. ::.:-', ln l.rsma1lspace,the right plan can .ritiully incorporate more furnishings :han vou might expect. Stackedwhite .rol'age cubes dras. attention upward .rn.i nake an under-eavespaceappear :.rller,u.hiie providing ample room :,, :to re c lot hing.Cam p fu rn i s h i n g s . .',rch as folding tables and chairs, are ' . ri h l c and hav ea s lirl m e r p ro l i l e :ir,in indoor items. A secretaryserves .rsboth desk and nightstand, and restored -ltrsesto hide clutter. A >:rillrer trunk offers seating and .:r)r'i r!c__' . _/nv t___^A hinp 'b t___hat c a n s c rv e ' -'-'' ::rorc than one purpose is especially ::tir:: .,elcome in a small space. \lrrch of this room's specialappeal .i t l i ve s lr om it s s ur pr i s i n gs tru c tu re , :-r-rtvou could easily replicate its ,.isLralpunch in an attic room or loft. I,rkeit literally (seeRoom Resources, :'.i s.e1 8 2.f or inl: or m a ti o tto n :.urchasingthesetents), or adapt lhc idea to suit your ou/n setup. for comfort,/eft,thisguesttent Decorated -. '- otsof ameniries: plenty o'space electriciry, ':' books, glass ofvintage androomfora display wooden signisfittedwith ,:t es.A painted -:oksfor hats.A nettingcanopy, an lght,creates -.imate, light-filtering enclosure overanironbed. i * ZJ Where spaceis limited, it might seem like accessories u'ould be, too, but this is not necessarily the case.If you look carefully. you'llfind plentyof cornersin u,hichto tuck favoritefinds. i In fact, the smallsizeof a room draws more attentionto collectibles,especially if you usethem daily.Mirrors are a wonderful exampie.Choosea vintage pair and usethem to flank a door in a smallbedroom.They visuallyexpand the spaceand becomea key part of the decorat the sametime. .-*"'.::, "& ffi Evenu.hennecessities take up all the availablesurfaceareasin a small bedroom,there'sno reasonthe necessities can't alsobe fun. In this room, a rough-hert"n Adirondacktable and stoolaccessorized with a wooden rreenmirrorcreatea compactvanity. A vintagehairbrushset and luxurious toiletriesplay againstthe room'smore utilitariandesignelements. A window shade,ieft,is cleverlyfashionedfrom a painter's canvas dropclothwithrawhidelacing andgrommets setin binding tapeirim.A mottled I950s-stylemirror,right,subtlyreflectslight.The !F. -g: -:.* 30 'is' ,rg creelruckedlnder fre w'rdow p aysLp t"e 'ust;cookand n-a(esa greaL sto'agebas\et. "t, "- - -:r t' -f I .::: {i +.,-"Ia.i .. I I :],i:::,,:-. i ColorPalette The spiritof this outdoorbedroomharks n summercamp.A pure backto childhood and naturalcolor palettereinforcesthe The of a relaxedBetaway. atmosphere removablecanvaswallsand sheerfabric curtainsare a naturaloff-whitethatturns with a warmershadewhen illuminated the lightof dawnor earlydusk.A bluegray,whrte-edged lloor Broundsthe with a senseof permanence. structure The tent's honey-coloredwood frame with wood furnitureand harmonizes brightlycoloredaccents. : Materials : ,:r iter.nin a sma1lspacemustu/orkhard to make '. - .rr)s[of the __-.'_ floor olan and to add to the overall r .. :::.. of space.The simple painted gray floor here is u'ith a narro\v band of u.hite offering -:: Llr-raclorned, ' . .'.rl t: l J c f init ion. r lt a s u mmc r " ru g . C o n n e c ti n g -:,,orsu.ith outdoors v".orksespeciallyurell to . .:..inclsmall spaces,r,vhetherthrough a rvindou', . :.h. or entryway. Bomowing spacefrom the outside ..,:: inake a smail spacefeel larger and more gracious. ,1.. :r1rinformal approach inside and out, u,ith - .,.ir.rlpiecesthat set the tone before you enter. palmfronds, table, andanantique left,form a leggy entryway ,','' -.ht rronminorbytheFrench a fauxwindow. doorcreates .1colorful obove,line uponthe foldingchairandIantern, ' -: :orchandinvite to comecalling. company anddurable Canvasln allitswaterproof glorycanvasis a suresignof warm-weather usedformanufacturing activity. Commonly goods,awnings, andoutdoor sporting cottonmaterial furnishings, thishearry-duty lun andrelaxation. connotes cottonis Sheercotton Sheer,lightvueight ln pure reminiscent of warmclimates. fabricreveals itsweave white,thisnatural drapeor room whenhungasa breezy permitting lightto shinethrough. screen, Linenoffersa similarlook quiltgivesa QuiltA colorfulpatchwork rooman instantsenseof traditionand mayhavebeen homeyness. Patchwork to recyclescrapsof bornol a necessity fabrigbut sewingtogetherdifferentfabrics artformanda soonbecameanAmerican giftof loveandremembrance. traditional SPAC E 33 RoomResou rces i.: DofteryBarn,we believethat casual,relaxedstylers s:-ething you canweavethrougheveryspacein yourhome, '':- frontroomto bedroom.Forthisboo( we scoured -,:Creds of locations to find the perfectsettingsto create --.<p cnp.i:lrnnmc\A/eexperimented with colors, furnishings, '-:: drapes, andaccessories to findthe bestcombinations j-- - ^- . , lr r >pdLc. ---L -^- - ^ rrrcrc>urts? Thiscollection of styleideas,which - =oLr ,'.erope willinspireanddelightyou. TL^ l::- iocation chosenfor thisbookwasunique,andeach :e qhtfulin its own way.Hereis a littlebit more aboutthe Basics of Bedroom Style A Backyard Bedroom =:-e n ts thatm ak eeac hd e s i g nti c k . This shingled hillside guest cottage Several guest tents like this one dot and a slightly larger main cottage a mountainside property with a : -:ie aboutcolor:whereverpossible in thislistof resources, have small footprints that allow the main house and a communal long, beauty of the surroundings to star. house with a kitchen, fireplace, The bedroom overlooks a vineyard. patio, pool, and outdoor shorvers, SpaceBuiltin 1940 from mail-order, SpaceThe tent restson a permanent '13' 5" x I l' 3" wooden platformthat ^:-es we visited, the stylerdeaswe created, andthe individual .'.e.e offeredthe actualpaintmanufacturer and paintcolorthat .'.:s in -sed the roomshown.We alsolisttheclosestBenjamin for eachroom. '.':.:'e paintcolormatch(in parentheses) preJabkits,the 600-square-foot guest- 3e::-se photography and colorprintingprocesses can houseand the 85O-square-foot matn includesa smallentryporch.lt has :-:-::ically changethe waycolorsappear, it is veryimportant housewere remodeledin 1998. electricity and operablewood-framed :: :esis\\'atches of anypaintcoloryou areconsidering in your :,.,.- :oire whereyou can see how the lightaffectsthem at C ol orWal l s,tri m,and cei l i ngB enj ani n windows.The interior'sexposedwood MooreSwissCoffeeOC-45satin. structureprovidesledgesfor storageanc ::e'eit timesof the day. FurnishingsPB Basichemstitchsheets, duvet,and shams;fauxJurthrow and pillowshams;charcoalchenillethrow; Metropolitanleatherchairsand ottoman; Color Paintedplywoodfloors(Benjamin MooreP rovi nce B l ue2135-40s emi - rug;and PB Basicwhite towels,all from gloss). PotteryBarn.King bed with button-tufted FurnishingsPlantation patchworkquilt, leatherheadboard, tortoise-finish rattan Kauaiplaidsheetset,jeweledorgandy and bamboosidetableand bureau, canopy,X table,wall cubbies,and can-p primitivebenchfrom New Mexico, Ianterns, all from PotteryBarn.Vintage ship'sprism(on mantel). ironturinbed, secretaryand Adirondack- LightingBuiltin overheadlighting. styletableand stool.Antiqueiron-lashed Vintagealabaster-base table lampswith woodenchest.Vanityarea:treenshaving silkshades.Antiqueiron-scroll floor lamp mirror,1950sgilded-back minor panel, with PotteryBarnaccordionshade. galvanized marinelantern,Englishiron- chalkboard wall shelf,all from Pottery Barn.Photoof olives(on mantel)by -_ r,,tRES0 URCFS slone platter,and ltalianceramicpitcher. Florist'sbucketas wastebasket. LightingBedsideindustrialpendants. .Jeffrey Cibson.Salvaged architectural "steak DisplayRedhand-painted n cd i m p n i dinners"signfrom flea market. lahmre pagesl 4-21 r sweetniaterBungalows(800/587-505a ; wl vv.sweetwaterbungalows.com). solidvoiledrapes;colorboundseagrass DisplayParisprint,galleryframe,and 1 82 display.To buy a similartent,contact h a ,]\ pages 26-33