June 2014 Newsletter - Kalispell Chamber of Commerce
June 2014 Newsletter - Kalispell Chamber of Commerce
June 2014 At a Glance May 2014 Government Affairs Report Mountain Madness Airshow 2014 Mission 1: “Snapshot” If you haven’t heard by now let me be the first to tell you that we are having an Airshow this year. The United States Air Force Thunderbirds flying the F-16 Fighting Falcon are coming to Kalispell August 30-31, 2014. Joining the Thunderbirds will be many other top notch professional performers that will be sure to “knock your socks off” with their spectacular and amazing flying skills. Here is a snapshot of the action packed weekend. Our gates will open at 10:00am and entry into the show will stop at 2:30pm. The performances will be complete by 5:00pm. There will be lots of activities to keep you busy between performances including a kid’s zone, static displays, dressing up in real flight gear and getting your picture taken in a real military jet cockpit, and much more. There will be plenty of good food, beverages, and all day excitement. continued page 9 >> Children, Families, Health and Human Services interim committee met May 9 to work on the issue of prescription drug abuse, specifically utilization, cost and privacy. CFHHS will continue its consideration of a bill draft based on Washington state legislation to require uniform rules among licensing boards for prescribing opiods. The committee also heard from an Oklahoma representative of the Bureau of Narcotics who reviewed the Oklahoma Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) model that does not allow for refills for hydocodone and continued page 9 >> Chamber Snapshot Visitor’s Center Information requests: May ‘14 YTD Phone Calls: 90 427 Walk-ins 255 883 VACATION Packets 258 564 Email Inquiries 61 165 RELOCATION Packets 72 135 Web Activity Page Views 212,439 1,078,630 Top six pages Bus. Directory 113,642 75,890 Events 14,272 76,604 Hot Deals 6,542 49,891 Jobs 2,925 40,375 Info Request 870 1,553 News 21,150 67,421 >> UNWINDS Tuesday June 10, 2014 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Holiday Inn Express 275 Treeline Road Kalispell, MT >> Wednesday June 25, 2014 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm Prestige Assisted Living 125 Glenwood Drive Kalispell, MT In This Issue 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 New Members New Members, continued Renewals Airshow Sponsors & Exhibitors Invite Arts in the Park Make the Most of Your Chamber June Calendar Mountain Madness Airshow High School Rodeo State Finals Volunteers Needed Visitor Information Center Canadian/American Shootout Government Affairs, continued Government Affairs, continued Mountain Madness Airshow, cont. Fourth of July Parade UNWINDs Ribbon Cutting Leadership Flathead Ambassador Spotlight 15 Depot Park Kalispell, MT 59901 Phone: 406.758.2800 Fax: 406.756.2805 Visit Us Online: www.KalispellChamber.com Officers and Directors Reed Gunlikson, Chairman of the Board, R. Gunlikson CPA Brian Pelc, Vice-Chairman of the Board, First Interstate Bank Lisa Brown, Secretary/Treasurer, Red Lion Hotel Dave Mitchell, Immediate Past Chairman of the Board, CTA Architects and Engineers Joe Carbonari, Carbonari Associates Kris Carlson, A+ Plus Healthcare Mark Gronley, Northwestern Energy Scott Hagel, Crowley Fleck Law Firm Mark Johnson, Flathead Electric Cooperative Kristen Jones, Flathead Valley Community College Jason Manger, Applied Materials-Semitool Chris Ohler, Insured Titles Mike Mower, NorthWest Drywall Jim Oliverson, Kalispell Regional Healthcare Bob Nystuen, Glacier Bank Jim Peterson, Valley Ford Loren Sallee, Loren’s Automotive Jerry Sorensen, Plum Creek Timber Company Holly Walsh, Western States Insurance Dave Waldenberg, Central Heating & Cooling Rick Weaver, Daily Inter Lake Ex-officio Directors Mark Buckwalter, Flathead Area Young Professionals Mike Pence, Flathead County Administrator Doug Russell, Kalispell City Manager Professional Staff Membership and Executive Office: Joe Unterreiner CCE, President and CEO Chris Parson, Vice President Lennie Eaton, Membership Specialist Janet Schwalk, Accounting Courtenay Sprunger, Media and PR Kalispell Convention and Visitor Bureau: Diane Medler, Director Rob Brisendine, Meeting Sales Vonnie Day, Visitor Services Specialist Government Affairs: Mark Baker, Anderson, Baker, Swanson Aidan Myhre, Anderson, Baker, Swanson Kalispell Chamber Foundation: Michelle Drager, Director Business Expansion and Retention: Vacant, Director Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement The central mission of the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce is the cultivation and development of entrepreneurs and communities through the spirit of enterprise. New Members Please welcome these new members with your business. Colter Coffee Roasting Lindsay MacDonald 424 S Main Kalispell, MT 59903 406-755-7826 [email protected] www.coltercoffee.com Montana’s finest award winning coffee. Colter coffee specializes in espresso and coffee for retail sales. Eclipse Tax & Accounting INC Katy Croft PO Box 1578 Kalispell, MT 59901 406-393-2828 [email protected] www.eclipsecpa.com Full service tax & accounting firm providing full-charge bookkeeping, payroll, & tax services. Our attention to detail & superior client service provides our clients with the comfort they are taken care of and they have a friend and advisor they can rely on. Glacier National Park Lodges Amy Dempster PO Box 2990 Columbia Falls, Montana 59912 406-897-8350 [email protected] www.glaciernationalparklodges.com GNPL manages the five lodging properties inside Glacier National Park as well as the historic Red Bus Tours. Glacier Ridge Runners Jared and Kim Turner 1075 Rose Crossing Kalispell, MT 59901 406-257-7444 [email protected] www.glacierridgerunners.com The thrill of the scenic Glacier Park route on the Going-to-the-Sun Road or a cruise around the Hungry Horse Reservoir. The smell of fresh mountain air, wild flowers and woods. The sounds of the waterfalls, babbling brooks, lapping waves of the lake. The cool breeze on your face and the spray of the weeping walls. All of the excitement of a motor cycle, with the security continued page 4 >> of seat belts, roll cage, mesh doors, cup holders, 2 New Members >> from page 2 Flathead Regional Business Center 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-2800 (406) 758-2805: Fax security trunk for your personal items, the convenience of openness for spectacular views of scenery and wildlife, but with the option of a soft top roof. Available for full and half-day rentals. Parking is easy at all hiking trails and park sites. Island Noodles Hale Lake 237 Arbour Drive E Kalispell, MT 59901 406-250-1119 [email protected] www.islandnoodles.com Professional food vendor for high profile venues. Business Expansion and Retention www.nwmontanabear.com Premier Builders LLC Nathan Garber 128 N Meridian Kalispell, MT 59901 [email protected] www.premierbuildersllc.com Premier Builders, LLC meets all your building needs – from the endurance of all steel structures to the affordability of post frame structures. Whether your plans are large or small – a new garage or an indoor riding arena – Premier Builders is here for you! Whitetail Bookkeeping Services, LLC Michele Fisher 1019 6th Ave W Kalispell, MT 59901 406-756-0169 [email protected] Renewals Aero Inn Glacier Pines RV Park Hooper’s Garden Center 10 to 19 Years Able Body American Homestead Mortgage Corental Property Management Inc Dental Distinctions, PC Dr Peter Nelson DMD Eisinger Honda ERA Lambos Real Estate First American Title Company of Montana Jackola Engineering & Architecture, PC Kalispell Auto Parts (NAPA) Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Joe Unterreiner, President (406) 758-2804 [email protected] www.kalispellchamber.com Kalispell Chamber Foundation Michelle Drager, Director (406) 758-2810 [email protected] Quickbooks Pro, Payroll, Medicaid Billing, Quarterly Tax Reports. 20+ years Flathead Job Service Workforce Center Mora McCarthy, Business Resource Consultant Mike Jackson, Business Resource Consultant (406) 758-6241 [email protected] www.employflathead.com Payne Financial Group Radioactive 5 to 9 Years Addus Healthcare Inc. Flathead CARE Montana Ace Hardware Rocky Mountain Super Vac Whitefish Credit Union 1 to 4 Years Complete Practice Solutions Defiance Machine Flathead Health & Fitness Greenwood Corp 1 Jesco Marine & Power Sports John C Barrett, CPA Olson Search International 3 Kalispell Convention & Visitor Bureau Diane Medler, Director (406) 758-2808 [email protected] www.discoverkalispell.com Manufacturers Alliance [email protected] 406-758-2800 Northwest Montana SCORE Liz Scholter, Chapter Chair (406) 756-5271 [email protected] Procurement Technical Assistance Center Doug Bolender, Director (406) 755-4221 [email protected] Sponsors & Exhibitors Invited to Mountain Madness Air Show AuguSt 30-31, 2014 spONsORshIp lEVEl COsT TENT TENT/AREA lOCATION TICkETs pARkINg lIThO mEDIA ADs OFFICIAl pROgRAm WEb sITE Title - sOlD OUT Wing Commander squadron Commander Flight leader $15,000 $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 20 x 30 20 x 20 NA NA show/premier show line NA NA 200 80 10 VIp 4 VIp 20 VIp 10 VIp 5 VIp 2 VIp X X All select program program Full 1/4 listing listing Featured logo listing listing $10,000 $7,500 $4,500 $2,500 $750 30 x 30 30 x 30 30 x 30 20 x 20 10 x 10 premier show area show area Village Village 10 VIp 4 VIp 2 VIp 6 passes 2 passes 5 VIp 2 VIp 1 VIp 6 passes 2 passes X X select select Full 1/2 1/4 listing listing pA pROgRAms ANNOUNCE 50 40 20 10 8 4 2 50 40 30 20 10 10 8 4 2 EXhIbITORs level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 level 5 CONTACT JOE UNTERREINER 406-758-2804 4 [email protected] Arts In The Park July 18 - 20, 2014 Friday and Saturday 10 - 7, Sunday 10 - 5 • Over 100 Juried Art & Craft Booths • Food and Specialty Booths • Live Music and Entertainment • Premium Beer and Wine Garden • Children’s Activity Area The Hockaday Museum of Art proudly presents the 46th Annual Arts in the Park festival. Arts in the Park is the Flathead Valley’s premiere arts, crafts, and music festival held in Kalispell’s historic downtown Depot Park. Over 100 local and visiting artists and craftsmen offer their unique and quality works for sale. Food and beverage vendors from around the valley provide delicious treats, and live musical entertainment gives the festival a light mood. A spirited fair for all ages! Arts in the Park is a benefit event for the Hockaday Museum of Art. All admission proceeds support the Museum in its mission and programs. Daily Admittance $3 Weekend Pass $5 Children 6 & Under Free Purchase of the $5 Weekend Pass button gives the wearer unlimited admission to the festival all three days, as well as admission to the Hockaday Museum of Art (Friday/Saturday 10am – 6pm and Sunday 11am – 5pm) during the festival. Make the Most of Your Chamber Benefits Your investment in the Kalispell Chamber is an investment in the future of your business, our community and the Flathead Valley. We want to make sure that you are aware of all the opportunities your membership has to offer. Please take a minute to visit our website at www.kalispellchamber.com. At no additional charge you already have the ability to: • Post Hot Deals • Add Your Events to the Web Calendar • Manage and Update Your Business Information • Track Web Traffic to Your Business • Create Your Own Personalized Webpage • Post Job Openings Looking for new ways to boost your marketing? Take advantage of all the advertising and sponsorship opportunities your Chamber Membership has available: • Newsletter Insert • UNWIND Sponsor – Held at your place of business averaging 75 – 150 people attending • Luncheon Sponsor – Held monthly with an average of 150 attending • Banquet Sponsor – Our annual Banquet averages from 375 – 450 people. 5 Kalispell Chamber Nite at the Races Canadian/American Shootout June 21, 2014 Chamber Night at the Races! Kokanee, the Kalispell Chamber and Raceway Park present the Canadian/ American Shootout on Saturday June 21, 2014. Super Late Models, Flathead Beacon Bombers, Hornets and Bandoleros. If you haven’t received your free tickets please make sure you stop by the Chamber and get yours. It is going to be a fun and exciting night. Let’s all get out and see some racing!!! Chamber Calendar Sunday 1 Monday 2 Leadership Flathead Advisory Board 3:00-5:00pm 8 9 Tuesday 3 Leadership Flathead Graduation Alpine Lighting 5:30 pm 10 Govern Affairs Business Expansion & Retention 12 noon-1:00pm 3:00-5:00pm Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Ed-Meeting 8:00-9:00am Associated Chambers 10:30-12 noon Business TBID Board Hampton 3:00-5:00pm 11 June 2014 12 Friday 6 16 17 13 29 14 Ambassadors 3:00-5:00pm Flag Day 18 19 20 21 Chamber Night Raceway Park 6:00-11:00pm Father’s Day 22 7 Leadership Flathead Session 8:00-5:00 pm UNWIND Holiday Inn Express 275 Treeline Rd 5:00-6:30pm 15 Saturday 23 30 24 25 26 Board Meeting 7:00-8:30am UNWIND Prestige Assisted Living 275 Treeline Road 5:00-6:30pm 27 31 Look for this event in July 4 6 Fourth of July Parade 28 All Meetings are at The Chamber unless otherwise stated. Mountain Madness Airshow Thunderbirds return to Montana at Mountain Madness 2014 Airshow August 30 & 31, 2014. Returning to the skies at full force after being grounded by federal budget cuts, the United States Airforce famed Thunderbirds aerial demonstration squad will be the headline act when the Mountain Madness Airshow kicks off in August. Organizers will host aerial demonstrations from the US States Air Force, Kent Pietsch, Iron Eagle Aerobatic, Will Allen, and Flash Fire Jet Truck, with the famous voice of aviation Gordon Bowman Jones. The U.S, Thunderbirds headline the event and will perform aerobatics in the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The demonstration includes dozens of maneuvers in formation and solo flights. Along with the performers we have designated an area for kids zone, plenty of food to choose from, exhibits to look at (including a gaming exhibitor), or have your photo taken in full dress as a pilot. These are just a few of the fun and entertaining things available to do at the Mountain Madness Airshow. Sponsorships are going fast so if you are interested you need to talk to Joe Unterreinner, Chris Parsons, or Lennie Eaton. There are a couple opportunities still available Title Sponsor Fun Beverage Wing Commanders Northwest Pipe Fittings Northwest Energy Kramer Enterprises Scott Hollinger Team, Re/Max of Bigfork Valley Ford Glacier Bank Flathead Municipal Authority Raymond James Financial Services Eisinger Motors Flight Leaders Kalispell Regional Hospital Plum Creek Scott Hollinger Team, Re/Max of Bigfork We are going to start out with the Friday night Pre-Flight Party that will be in Depot Park. Starting at 6:00 pm we will have music, food vendors, Tshirts for sale, and beer gardens. The Thunderbirds and other performers will be available starting at 7:00 and will be signing autographs and getting photos taking. Come on down for a fun night at Depot Park for a chance to meet the hometown pilot Jason, get his signature, listen to some great music and have some food from the food vendors. Tickets for the two-day event set for August 30 and 31 are available at www.montanaairshow.com. Advance ticket prices are $20 for adults and $15 for youth ages five to 13. Tickets purchased at the gate will be $25 for adults and $20 for youth. Kids four and under will be admitted at no charge. VIP tickets will also be available for $100 and include front line seating, access to the VIP area and complimentary food and beverage. In addition to regular ticket prices, a Family Fun Four Pack offer is also available for a limited time. This pack, valued at $70, will be offered for $55 includes two adult general admission tickets and two youth tickets. 7 High School Rodeo State Finals Coming to Majestic Valley Arena Montana’s finest young rodeo riders will converge in Kalispell June 3-8 for what promises to be the state’s biggest rodeo event of the year. Over 300 contestants and their families will travel from all parts of the state to participate in all the major rodeo disciplines including barrel racing, pole bending, goat tying, breakaway roping, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, tie-down roping, steer wrestling and team roping. It’s the first time the finals have been in northwest Montana for over 35 years! Hope you’ll come out and support these great student athletes and help us show a warm Kalispell welcome. WHEN: June 3 and 5 – 8, 2014, Majestic Valley Arena. Competition begins each day at 9 a.m., except Sunday when competition begins at 11 a.m. Visit www.mtrodeo.com for complete event schedules. ADMISSION: $30 all-week wristband; day passes $8 Tuesday & Thursday, $10 Friday through Sunday. Kids under 12 free. Available online at www.majesticvalleyarena.com or www.mtrodeo.com. VOLUNTEER: Fill one of our volunteer positions and get a free all-week wristband. Contact Vonnie at 758-2809 for more information. We Still Need Groups of Volunteers Dear Volunteer Organization: The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce has a wonderful fundraising opportunity for your community group this summer. Aug 30-31, 2014, The Mountain Madness ’14 Airshow will present the USAF Thunderbirds. This Airshow is very exciting; the show includes a variety of aerial acts, static displays of planes, in addition, to the Thunderbird’s performance. The last airshow in the Flathead Valley was in 2005; your group may have assisted the Chamber of Commerce with that airshow. The Chamber again says, “THANK YOU.” The Chamber of Commerce is offering your group the fundraising opportunity in exchange for supplying manpower for the concession booths, program sales, surveys, and parking. Upwards of 400 people are required to man these positions each day. We are looking for groups of 6 or 12 to help us with our concession booths. The event provides an opportunity of attendance for each volunteer, plus, the opportunity of a fundraiser for your organization. Your group will be paid a percentage of the sales. The airshow of 2005 paid-out about $50 per volunteer per day. This year’s airshow plans to exceed the 2005 airshow in attendance and sales. Manpower form. Please complete the form and return to the Chamber of Commerce office as soon as possible; no later than June 15, 2014. “The 2014 Mountain Madness Airshow will provide incredible entertainment and substantial economic benefit to our community. One integral part of the airshow is the opportunity for area nonprofits to raise funds and awareness at the event,” said Parson. News from the Visitor Information Center The Kalispell Visitor Information Center is looking for summer volunteers! We need a few more friendly individuals who can spare 203 hours per week this summer. We’re hosting a Volunteer Training Workshop Thursday June 12th at 1:00. Please contact Vonnie at 758-2809 or [email protected] for more information. Here’s whats needed: - A friendly, outgoing and hospitable personality - Ability to give clear instructions concerning locations/directions - Familiarity with the Flathead Valley and Glacier National Park - Basic computer/internet skills are helpful but not required Here are the rewards: - Rediscover all the wonderful an unique sites and activities in our area - Meet people from all over the world who are thrilled to be here - Work in the beautiful new Visitor Center - Help promote Kalispell, the Flathead Valley, and Glacier National Park - It’s a lot of fun! New summer hours: We’re open Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm throughout the year. Starting the last week of June we’ll add Saturday and Sunday to our schedule. June 29th through September 8th, the Visitor Information Center will be open: Monday - Friday – 8:00am to 5pm Saturday – 9:00am to 4pm Sunday – 10:00am to 2pm Please stop by to see all the wonderful visitor resources we have to offer and send our summer guest our way! Bring us your brochures: Several thousand travelers will come through our doors this summer looking for things to do, see and buy. Displaying business brochures in the Visitor Center is one of the great benefits of membership in the Kalispell Chamber. Don’ miss the opportunity! 8 Government Affairs Report has developed a stronger prescription records database. The Montana Prescription Drug Registry, operated by the MT Department of Justice was created in 2012 and includes approximately 4.8 million prescriptions in the database; 620,000 patient records (includes duplicates); and about 3,000 users of the registry. The users represent about 25% of eligible providers and pharmacies. Enhancing the MT Prescription Drug Registry is being considered for ways to further curtail abuse. There was no consensus about draft legislation to address the problem and more discussion and review of proposed legislative concepts will occur at the June 25th meeting in Helena. Rep. Scott Reichner (R-Bigfork) serves on this committee. Economic Affairs interim committee met for two days in May to receive updates on licensing board concerns; and agency updates from the Division of Banking and Department of Livestock. EAIC also heard a report on Montana food laws and ways to modernize our food laws. The report was in response to HB 630 to determine what Montanans think is needed for food safety and home businesses that sell products at farmers markets or in small quantities. The afternoon of May 12 and the entire second day were dedicated to further analysis of Montana’s workers’ compensation insurance system. HJR 25, passed in 2013, was a study of restructuring the Montana State Fund (MSF). The committee heard from the State Auditor’s office, the Attorney General’s office and the MSF about its current role and structure. The committee also had a discussion on the competition in the workers’ compensation market and the impacts of HB 334 from the 2011 session on treating physician changes. Senator Bruce Tutvedt (R-Kalispell) chairs this committee. >> from cover The Education and Local Government interim committee will meet on June 16-17 in Helena. Rep. Dan Salomon (RRonan) serves on ELG. advisory council has prepared a list of ideas for changing the licensing structure to provide more revenue while streamlining the system. Energy and Telecommunications interim committee met May 8-9 in Great Falls to continue its review of Montana’s Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). The committee is seeking public comment through June 27 on a draft report available at www.leg.mt.gov/etic. The committee will meet on July 18 to discuss findings and recommendations. At its May meeting, ETIC also discussed prepaid 9-1-1 wireless issues; received an update from the Montana Public Service Commission and FERC; and toured the Calumet Montana Refinery, Highwood Generating Station, Malstrom Air Force Base Central Heating Plant, and Rainbow Dam. Next meeting is July 18 in Helena. Finally, the committee received updates on grizzly management; sage grouse management plans; wolf management updates; the state water plan; and bison management. The next full committee meeting will be July 9-10 in Helena. The SJ 15 work group (study of federal lands) will meet May 29, June 12 and June 26. Senator Jennifer Fielder (RThompson Falls) and Representative Ed Lieser (D-Whitefish) serve on EQC. Environmental Quality Council gathered on May 14-15 in Helena to look at natural resource trends; continue its study of Virginia City, Nevada City and Reeder’s Alley in Helena; study FWP hunting and fishing licenses and discuss the study of Federal land Management (SJ 15). Representatives from four western states discussed efforts to transfer federal lands to state ownership. The committee and separate work group are evaluating whether or not that makes sense in Montana. Many of the proponents of a transfer of federal lands to state management reference overreaching federal regulations and rule making, increased opportunities for development and timber harvest, plus developing a tax base to support schools. The HB609 study on hunting and fishing licenses was kicked off with concerns of the FWP that says it is facing a nearly $6 million shortfall in its general licensing account to pay for current level services and wildlife management. A governor-appointed 9 Law and Justice interim committee will meet on June 26-27 in Helena. Representative Steve Lavin (RKalispell) serves on Law and Justice. Legislative Council will meet June 9-10 in Helena. Senator Chas Vincent and Speaker Mark Blasdel serve on the Council. Legislative Finance Committee’s next meeting is June 5-6 in Helena. Revenue and Transportation interim committee met on May 6, 2014 in Helena to focus on two studies (SJR23 study of taxpayer appeal process) and (SJR26 study of oversized loads). The SJR23 study included presentations on the taxpayer appeal process and an overview of taxpayer mediation options. The committee is considering a bill draft to amend the appeal process for industrial property taxpayers. The SJR26 study included public comment from the MT Chamber, Montana Motor Carriers, and representatives from Missoula County and City. The afternoon included agency updates from the Department of Revenue and Transportation and a general fund update from the Legislative Fiscal Division. LFD reported that revenue collections are below FY13 amounts continued page 10 >> Government Affairs Mountain Madness >> from cover Airshow through the end of April, and are below the overall growth estimate contained in SJ2. Total general fund collections are estimated to decrease from FY 2013 levels. Senator Janna Taylor (R-Dayton) serves on RTIC. The next meeting will be July 16-17. To open the airshow Will Allen Airshows will sing the national anthem. Will Allen the “Flying Tenor” sings the national anthem live from the cockpit of his Pitts bi-plane while flying an aerobatic routine that has been choreographed to harmonize with the cadence and crescendos of the national anthem. The “Flying Tenor” will circle the American flag brought in by our local professional parachute team. It is a real treat to have Mr. Will Allen and the parachute team here for our Airshow. >> from page 9 State Administration and Veterans Affairs committee’s next meeting is June 5 in Helena. Senator Dee Brown (R-Hungry Horse) chairs SAVA. State-Tribal Relations interim committee met on April 28 at the CSKT Tribal Council Chambers in Pablo to discuss several issues including water compact, education, healthcare and economic development. The agenda included an overview of the Federal aid in the Sport Fish Restoration Act. The CSKT tribes are concerned about the lack of distributions of tax funds generated by the Act, particularly given the amount of outdoor recreation and subsistence activities occurring on the Reservation. The committee also discussed access to the state education funding for two schools to stabilize and enhance the quality of education programs. The committee will create a work group to identify options for the two Bureau of Indian Education funded schools to enable them to receive both state and federal funding and consider draft legislation to resolve the funding disparity. The committee also received an update from the Governor’s office of Indian Affairs, discussed Medicaid expansion, bison management, the Language Preservation Pilot program and the Water Compact briefly. Senator Bruce Tutvedt serves on this committee. Water Policy Interim Committee met for two days in Helena in May to discuss the role of the Montana’s Water Court and the CSKT reserved water rights compact. The Water Court is only one venue for solving regulatory issues related to water rights and the committee is seeking ways to improve resolution of water issues and disputes. Two water rights attorneys offered perspectives on the landownerditch owner disputes and the HJ 26 study on ditch easements. WPIC also received an update on the State Water Plan and adjudication update from the Water Resources Division administrator. Senator Chas Vincent (R-Libby) chairs this committee. Have you ever seen a plane land on a moving motorhome? It would be like trying to ride your bike on the rail of your chain link fence. Well, Mr. Kent Pietsch, with his Interstate Cadet tail dragger aircraft, will attempt to land on a moving motorhome along with several other amazing acts. Kent will also climb to an altitude of 6000 feet, shuts off the engine, and glide the plane to the ground, demonstrating the ability of an airplane to fly with no power. Look for pilots Bill Segalla and Bill Gordon with the Iron Eagle Aerobatic team to perform aerobatic formation flying in custombuilt aircraft. After three years of work, these men have transformed two sport-aerobatic aircraft into single-seat Super Christen Eagle I Biplanes. There are only four of these planes flying in the country today. This will truly be a spectacular show that will demonstrate the precision flying necessary to perform in such uniformity. Don’t miss the granddaddy of all car modifications, a jet-powered truck built by Neal Darnell and his Team Chaos cohorts called “Flash Fire”. Flash Fire goes from 0-60 in just over one second, has a top speed of 375 miles per hour, and has a jaw-dropping 12,000 horses under its belt. This vehicle will definitely put some hair on your chest. Flash Fire’s jet engine is made by Pratt & Whitney originally used on a Navy T-2 Buckeye jet. We are also lucky enough to have our very own Two Bear Air. Two Bear Air provides world-class aviation support for search and rescue teams in Flathead County and other agencies across the region. Two Bear Air works in close partnership with the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office and Kalispell Regional Medical Center’s ALERT helicopter, adding to the rich history of rural aviation support across the rugged and vast landscape near Glacier National Park. Jim “Bob” Pierce will pilot a Bell 429 and will perform a search and rescue demonstration that demonstrates the capability of our local Search and Rescue team. You’ll see up close and personal just how much of an asset this is to the community. Don’t miss the fun and excitement at the Mountain Madness Airshow August 30-31, 2014 at the Glacier Park International Airport. Stay tuned for follow-up articles with more specifics on what you can expect at the Mountain Madness Airshow. For tickets, sponsorship information, or ways to volunteer please visit our website at www.montanaairshow.com. 10 Time to Start Planning for the Summer! It might still be a little bit chilly in the Flathead Valley, but it is time to start planning for the annual Fourth of July parade! You can go to the chamber website and complete your registration online (recommended) or you can fill out the application and fax or mail it in. Kalispell’s Annual 4th of July Parade Thursday, July 4—Main Street—Kalispell—10 am Line up at 8th St. and 1st Ave. W at 9 am Sponsored by Entry type (circle all that apply): float vehicle(s) animal(s) pedestrian(s) Child(ren) non-motorized vehicle (bike/wagon, etc) Short description: _________________________________________________ Primary Contact Name: ________________________ Phone: _______________ Business/Organization Name (if applicable): _____________________________________ Address: ___________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________ Email: ___________________________________________________ (will only be used to invite you to enter future parades) We encourage online entries at: http://kalispellchamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/4th-of-july-parade-in-downtown-kalispell http://kalispellchamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/2014-fourth-of-july-parade-8189 Mail entry forms to: Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT 59901 or FAX to: (406) 758-2805. For more information contact the Kalispell Chamber at 758-2800 Parade Guidelines • This year we we are are encouraging encouraging young people to decorate decorate their their bikes bikes & & wagons wagons with withaapatriotic patriotictheme and enter inthem the parade. theme andthem enter in the parade. No throwing of candy or any promotional items to the spectators. Items must be handed out. No alcoholic beverages to be consumed or exposed during the line up or procession. Each entry should be decorated with a patriotic theme. A representative for each entry must check in at the Flathead High School Parking Lot. BE CAREFUL AND MINDFUL OF THE STREET CONDITIONS. Every animal entry is responsible for cleaning up after their animals in the lineup area and along the parade route. Animal entries that do not provide for clean up will not be permitted to participate in the parade. 11 UNWINDs Provide Networking Opportunities Networking opportunities abound at the Kalispell Chamber UNWIND events. Chamber members businesses sponsor UNWIND events, giving all business professionals a first –hand opportunity to visit the sponsor site location and learn all about their company. UNWIND events are well attended and therefore a great opportunity for business community networking. The Chamber Ambassadors donate their time to make the UNWIND events a valuable part of Kalispell Chamber offerings. You are encouraged to stop by our next UNWIND. Bring a handful of business cards, and prepare to be welcomed! Check the Chamber website for upcoming events at www.kalispellchamber.com. UNWIND committee chair, Bilynda Anderson, is kept busy as she oversees scheduling and planning of UNWIND events. She has a full calendar of scheduled UNWINDS planned, thanks to the Chamber member companies who have signed up to showcase themselves at a future UNWIND event. If you are a member of the Kalispell Chamber, and are interested in signing up to sponsor and UNWIND event, you may contact Bilynda at 406-270-4923. Upcoming UNWINDS Tuesday June 10, 2014 Holiday Inn Express 275 Treeline Road 5:00 pm-6:30pm Wednesday June 25, 2014 Prestige Assisted Living 125 Glenwood Drive 5:00 pm-6:30pm For more information call Lennie (406-758-2803) or email [email protected] Ribbon Cutting Prestige Assisted Living celebrating the opening of their Expressions Memory Care wing. 12 Leadership Flathead Class of 2015 Begins Second Year Commitment Projects As part of the Leadership Flathead graduation requirement, class participants actively participate in a second year commitment project. Organizations in the community are encouraged to submit a request for proposal (RFP) to be reviewed by the Leadership Flathead RFP Committee. The following organization’s projects were selected. Dream Adaptive Recreation The Leadership Flathead team will work with the board of Dream Adaptive Recreation to help develop, design and implement a new fundraising event to be held in addition to their already successful Dream’n’ the Night Away event. They will collaborate with spokesperson Joe Stone, whose inspirational story of a near life-ending accident to his discovery that there are many ways to get back into the outdoors even with a physical limitation will be the key message of the event. The Leadership Flathead team working on this project includes: Tenis Tennyson, Brien Kreps, Jon Kuntz, David Gibson, Rob Davies, Melissa Brickl, Matt Waldenberg, Kelly Cuffe, Lindsey Simpson, Holly Riffe, Jennifer Carrier, Carla Wilton and Mark Johnson. Humane Society of Northwest Montana The Leadership Flathead team’s role will be to assist in the development and execution of a new annual “signature” event. The Humane Society of Northwest Montana, a privately funded organization, is looking for clever, new, sparkling ideas! They see Leadership Flathead participants as leaders who can think outside the box and who, in years to come, will be proud to be part of the team that develops this signature event. Leadership Flathead will work with the board of directors to: Develop several potential event ideas in parallel and explore their relative appeal and costs; identify creative and inexpensive ways to get the community talking about the event; and assist in organizing and managing the event in year one. The Leadership Flathead team for this project is: Terry Aubrey, Mikel Parrish, Tammy Walker, Carol Treadwell, Erica Wirtala, Lacie Angel, Sally Johnson, Becky Shoemaker, Noreen Cady, Kelly Gallipeau, Teri Dugan, Erick Moy and Margaret Bumgarner. Kalispell Regional Hospital Pink Me Up Run The 2013 event had a goal of 500 participants but more than 1,300 showed up for the race along with over 100 volunteers. The challenge for KRH in 2014 is to have an organizational structure which can provide the same type of successful experience for 3,000 runners. Last year over 100 participants were turned away because the organizers felt unprepared for the unexpectedly high turnout. One challenge was to make sure there was enough paint to adequately cover everyone on the course. Advertising for the event was started late, just three months before, and promotion of the event on social media did not begin until August. KRH hopes with the help of Leadership Flathead they will be able to troubleshoot and develop an organizational structure which will be able to successfully undertake growing this event. The Leadership Flathead team for this project is: Scott Blodgett, Kristal Reed, Brad Bennett, Joe Bilau, Katy Brooks, Donna Briggs, John Briggs, Phil Wilson, Jennifer Winters, Michelle Lam, Karena Bemis and Katie Halling. The Leadership Flathead class of 2014 is honored to be a part of these amazing community projects for their second year commitment. Leadership Flathead participants work to ensure a high quality of life for all in the Flathead Valley. In order to live that vision it is necessary to develop and mobilize a sustainable core of committed leaders who understand the key issues, are willing to listen and learn from others, and who demonstrate a passion for making our community the best it can be. For more information on Leadership Flathead, visit www.leadershipflathead.com. 13 Ambassador Spotlight Scott Blodgett is a business relationship manager for Wells Fargo in Kalispell, Mont. As part of the Kalispell Business Banking team, he works with local businesses to help them grow and succeed by providing them with a full range of products and services, including loans, deposit accounts, investments, insurance, leasing, treasury management, payroll and more. Based on client needs, Blodgett also coordinates the resources of other Wells Fargo specialists, including personal banking, mortgage lending, wealth management and trust and estate planning. Blodgett has over 10 years of financial services and credit management experience. He joined Wells Fargo in 2003 as a credit manager for Wells Fargo Financial in Idaho Falls, Idaho. He then served as a loan underwriter in Las Vegas, Nev., and Boise, Idaho. Prior to joining the Business Banking team in Kalispell, he worked as a loan adjustor, also in Boise. A native of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, Blodgett holds a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Idaho, Moscow. [email protected] 2014 NW MONTANA FAIR & Rodeo Parade “Stirrup Some Fun!” Friday, August 15, 2014 Line Up Time: 7:30 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. Judging Time: 8:30 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. Location: 8th St. West from 1st Ave. West - Kalispell Parade Begins: 10:00 A.M. Main - Kalispell Deadline for Registration: Noon, Thursday, August 14, 2014 You are encouraged to register online at www.kalispellchamber.com Entry forms can also be downloaded from the chamber website or picked up at the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce office at 15 Depot Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901. NW Montana Fair Parade Guidelines The NW Montana Fair Parade is one of the focal points of the NW Montana Fair. It is meant to be enjoyed by old and young alike. The following rules will apply: By order of the Kalispell Police Dept: Specific Guidelines will be enforced by them if need be. 1.NO throwing of candy or any promotional objects or “free items” to the spectators. These items must be handed out on the sidelines 2.NO alcoholic beverages may be consumed or exposed during the line-up and procession of the parade 3.Line-up is on 8th Street West only! From 1st Avenue West going west, but heading east. • DO NOT LINE-UP OR HAVE PARTICIPANTS DROPPED OFF AT THE INTERSECTION OF 1ST AVE. WEST AND 8TH STREET WEST. TRAFFIC WILL NOT BE HALTED THERE UNTIL 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE START OF THE PARADE. • THERE WILL BE NO BLOCKING OF ALLEY-WAYS. • ALL VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS LINE UP WEST OF 5TH AVE. WEST SO YOU ARE ABLE TO LEAVE ON 5TH AVE. WEST AS A MAIN ARTERY NORTH OR SOUTH. • PARTICIPANTS AT THE AVENUES MUST BE MOBILE (able to move). • BE MINDFUL OF THE STREET CONDITIONS. GUIDELINES BY ORDER OF THE FAIR PARADE COMMITTEE 1.Each entry should be decorated (wherever possible) with the theme of the parade. 2.Controversial Political or Moral issues may be displayed upon approval of the Parade Committee only. 3.A representative for each entry should check in at 7:30 A.M. at the Flathead High School parking area where the Kalispell Chamber float and/or Ambassadors will be stationed to direct entries. 4.Judging will begin at 8:30 A.M. and continue through 9:30 A.M. 5.Horse and dog entries are responsible for providing your own “Pooper Pickers” (people to pick up droppings). Those not providing ‘pickers’ will be charged $20 per animal payable to the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce. You can arrange to pay this fee at the time of entry if you will not be able to provide your own ‘picker’. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: The Chamber of Commerce (758-2803) With your help, we can make this a parade to remember! Please note: candy is not allowed to be thrown from vehicles, but walkers will be allowed to hand out candy along the sidelines. 2014 NW MONTANA FAIR PARADE ENTRY FORM detach here Entrants are encouraged to register online at www.kalispellchamber.com or mail your entry to: Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT 59901 detach here Name ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone # ________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________City___________________________________State___________Zip___________________ Email Address:__________________________________________ Division & Category ____________________ Cell Phone ______________________________ Sponsor ______________________________________________________Contact Person __________________________________________________________ (Political participants welcome - entry fee $25.00 to Northwest Montana Fair) THIS ENTRY: Note--Parade Marshaling/Judging location for your entry will be o TO BE JUDGED mailed to you after receipt of your entry. o NOT TO BE JUDGED The presents BACK-TO-SCHOOL LITERACY CONFERENCE August 13, 2014 Flathead High School 8:15AM to 3:15 PM Featuring 20 11 PULITZE R PRIZE FINALIST NICHOLAS CARR KEYNOTE ADDRESS 8:30 -10:20 A M A prolific author, Nick has regularly contributed to publications such as The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Guardian, The New Republic, and MIT Technology Review and was previously the writer-in-residence at the University of California, Berkley. A leading thinker on the effects of technology on people and culture, he is best known for the essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and the book The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, a finalist for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize. His work has appeared in more than twenty-five languages. nicholascarr.com. For more about his writing and research, please visit nicholascarr.com. $40 – FULL CONFERENCE $10 – KEYNOTE ADDRESS ONLY FREE ADMITTANCE WITH A STUDENT ID If your district pays registration fees and is a user of PIR Net, please register only on PIR Net by August 1. All others, fill out this form and mail it before August 1 with payment or a valid District Purchase Order to— Northwest Montana Reading Council c/o Michele Paine 105 O’Brien Terrace, Unit D Bigfork, MT 59911 Name ____________________________________________ District _________________________________ Home Mailing Address ________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________ Home/Cell Phone _________________________ State ____________________ Zip Code ____________ Home email ______________________________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS (please circle): $10.00 keynote address only $40.00 full day (includes lunch) if received by August 1 $50.00 full day (includes lunch) if received after August 1 PAYMENT OR VALID DISTRICT PURCHASE ORDER MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM (if your school does not participate in PIR NET)
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