June 2012 Newsletter - Kalispell Chamber of Commerce
June 2012 Newsletter - Kalispell Chamber of Commerce
June 2012 Flathead Summer State Government Event Expo June 19 Affairs Report Our visitors are heading to Glacier National Park, to Flathead Lake, to play a round of golf or to enjoy all the recreational offerings that the Flathead Valley has to offer. With the vast outdoors, our museums and cultural opportunities and the special events planned for this summer, it seems that the list of where to go and what to do just keeps growing and growing. In order to update its members on all of the Valley’s outdoor, artistic and historical offerings the June Kalispell Chamber luncheon will feature a Flathead Event Expo. At a Glance School is almost out and summer here. So it’s time to stretch those wings and explore some of the great Montana wide-open spaces. With breathtaking beauty surrounding the Flathead valley and exhilarating outdoor experiences, get outdoors and celebrate Memorial Day. At the Governor’s office, the 2013 biennium budget is being prepared. Governor Schweitzer prepares the budget for the incoming Governor and Legislature for approval in 2013. continued on page 6 The Expo and luncheon are sponsored by Hagadone Directories. The Black Book, your local directory, is excited to be a part of this community for 15 years. Hagadone Directories takes pride in publishing an environmentally friendly book that is the information source for the entire Greater Flathead area. The Event Expo will be held in the Red Lion Kalispell Center Hotel main ballroom on Tuesday, June 19. continued on page 9 >> >> Chamber Snapshot Visitor’s Center Information April ‘12 Phone Calls: 118 Walk-ins 204 VACATION Packets 116 Email Inquiries 45 RELOCATION Packets 37 Phone Books 2 Web Activity Unique Visits 5,330 23,123 Total Visits 26,298 6,222 YTD 417 661 373 207 204 6 >> UNWIND Tuesday, June 5, 2012 5-6:30 PM Bill’s Superheat 817 W Center St, Kalispell, MT >> New Member Orientation Thursday, June 14, 2012 3-5 PM Chamber Conference Room 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT >> June Luncheon Flathead Summer Event Expo Tuesday, June 19, 2012 11 AM – 1:30 PM Red Lion Hotel 20 N Main, Kalispell, MT >> UNWIND Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5-6:30 PM Buffalo Hill Golf Club 1176 N Main, Kalispell, MT In This Issue 2 New Members 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 New Members, continued Renewals Flathead Cost of Living 1st Qtr. Far West Rockin’ the Boat June Calendar Government Affairs Government Affairs, continued Other Government Affairs Business Expansion & Retention Make the Most of Your Chamber Flathead Summer Expo, continued Business Expansion, continued Volunteer Opportunity Ribbon Cuttings Win a Stay-cation Leadership Flathead Arts in the Park Chamber is Going Mobile MT Chamber Choices UNWINDs Visit Us Online: www.KalispellChamber.com Officers David Mitchell, Chairman of the Board, CTA Architects and Engineers Jim Ness, Vice Chairman of the Board, Glacier Bank Mark Johnson, Secretary, Merrill Lynch Reed Gunlikson, Treasurer, R. Gunlikson CPA’s Tom Lund, Immediate-Past Chairman, Rocky Mountain Bank Directors Lisa Brown, Red Lion Hotel Kris Carlson, A+ Plus Healthcare Brian Clark, Fun Beverage Mark Gronley, Northwestern Energy Scott Hagel, Crowley Fleck Law Firm Kristen Jones, Flathead Valley Community College Jason Manger, Applied Materials - Semitool Denise Nalty, Nalty Real Estate Chris Ohler, Insured Titles Jim Oliverson, Northwest Health Care Jim Peterson, Valley Ford Kelly Robinson, Plum Creek Timber Company Loren Sallee, Loren’s Automotive Dave Waldenberg, Central Heating and Cooling Holly Walsh, Western States Insurance Rick Weaver, Daily Inter Lake Ex-officio Directors Mike Pence, Flathead County Administrator Professional Staff Joe Unterreiner, President and CEO . . . . 758-2804 Cary Aubrey, Executive Assistant. . . . . . . 758-2801 Diane Bebee, Administrative Specialist. . 758-2803 Rob Brisendine, KCVB Group Sales. . . . . 758-2820 Vonnie Day, Travel Counselor.. . . . . . . . . . 758-2809 Diane Medler, KCVB Director. . . . . . . . . . 758-2808 Jill Seigmund, Kalispell Chamber Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758-2810 DeAnn Thomas, Business Expansion and Retention. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250-8077 Consulting Staff Anderson, Baker & Swanson - Government Relations Edge Communications - Media & Public Relations Janet Schwalk - Bookkeeping JCCS - Tax & Audit Counsel Partners Creative - Creative Agency Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Mission Statement The central mission of the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce is the cultivation and development of entrepreneurs and communities through the spirit of enterprise. New Members Please welcome these new members with your business. Complete Practice Solutions 1935 3rd Avenue East Suite 110 Kalispell , Mt 59901 (888) 679-3904 [email protected] http://www.cps-mt.com We provide billing services to a wide range of specialties and family care providers. Allow us the opportunity to make your business profitable. Defiance Machine 3881 Montana Hwy 40 W Columbia Falls, MT 59901 (406) 756-2727 [email protected] http://www.defiancemacnine.com Description Requested llskdfjsadl;fjsdklfjadlkfjl;akds lakdsjf;alksdfjalskdffja a;sldjfalskdfjalsk;fj;ladksfj alsdfkj;jlsd;afd Jesco Marine & Power Sports 2610 Hwy 93 S Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 752-2112 [email protected] http://www.jescoboatingcenter.com Jesco Marine and Power Sports has served the Flathead Valley for over 30 years. We are a leading boat, ATV, Motorcycle, Side by Side, PWC and outdoor equipment dealer. Under new ownership since 2011, we are proud to continue growing and expanding, acquiring Kurt’s Polaris in February 2012. We sell the following products: Can Am, See-Doo, Ski- Doo, Spyder, Aquapatio, Centurian, Regal, Godfrey, Weldcraft, Sweetwater, Bennington, Polaris, Victory, Mercury, Evinrude, and Honda Motors. Riders and customers through Montana trust Jesco Marine and Power Sports for boat and PWC repairs, boat part sales, and ATV sales and service. If you live near Flathead County, Missoula County, or Western Montana, stop by our store at 2610 US HWY 93 S., or browse our extensive online catalog at www.jescoboatingcenter. com from anywhere in the world! continued next page >> 2 New Members >> from page 2 Pace Insurance Agency PO Box 7492 Kalispell, MT 59904 755-5222 [email protected] Capitalizing on 25 years of experience in the insurance industry, Terry Pace has opened his own agency. Pace Insurance Agency specializes in employee benefits consulting, group and individual health plans, life and disability insurance, and all Medicare products. Simply Sweet Baking Company Flathead Regional Business Center 15 Depot Park, Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-2800 (406) 758-2805: Fax Business Expansion and Retention DeAnn Thomas, Director (406) 250-8077 [email protected] www.nwmontanabear.com Flathead Community Foundation Lucy Smith, Executive Director [email protected] www.flatheadcommunityfoundation.org 45-6th Ave W Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 257-5107 [email protected] http://www.simplysweetbakingco.com Flathead Job Service Workforce Center Mora McCarthy, Business Resource Consultant Mike Jackson, Business Resource Consultant (406) 758-6241 [email protected] www.employflathead.com Since childhood we have both delighted in baking and spending time in the kitchen. That passion is what is behind Simply Sweet. We bake the most scrumptious goods in Kalispell using natural ingredients. Simply put… we trust cows not chemists! Kalispell Chamber of Commerce Joe Unterreiner, President (406) 758-2800 [email protected] www.kalispellchamber.com We feel very lucky to be part of this community. We enjoy participating in festivals and events across Flathead Valley, Keeping our families and our neighborhood abounding with everything sweet is what keeps our pleasure for baking alive. Thrivent Financial For Lutherans Kalispell Chamber Foundation Jill Seigmund, Director (406) 758-2810 [email protected] 18 Village Loop Kalispell, MT (406) 756-9089 [email protected] http://www.thrivent.com Kalispell Convention & Visitor Bureau Diane Medler, Director (406) 758-2808 [email protected] www.discoverkalispell.com Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a faith-based, not-for-profit membership organization that supports the financial security of our members and their families through products and services. We also sponsor national outreach programs and activities that help our members to demonstrate care for others through the support of congregations, schools, charitable organizations and community members Montana Manufacturing Extension Center Bill Nicholson, Field Engineer (406) 756-8329 [email protected] www.mtmanufacturingcenter.com Northwest Montana SCORE Liz Scholter, Chapter Chair (406) 756-5271 [email protected] Procurement Technical Assistance Center Doug Bolender, Director (406) 755-4221 [email protected] 3 Renewals 10 Plus Years Able Body Shop Aero Inn De Pratu Ford Dental Distinctions, PC Glacier Pines RV Park Hooper’s Garden Center Jackola Engineering & Architecture, PC Kalispell Auto Parts (NAPA) Payne Financial Group 5 to 9 Years Montana Ace Hardware Rocky Mountain Super Vac 1 to 4 Years Greenwood Corp 1 Mo Fisch Charters Olson Search International Flathead County Cost-of-Living Figures For First Quarter 2012 Released Information released by the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce revealed that Flathead County costof-living is 1 % above the national average. The ACCRA Cost of Living Index measures regional differences in the cost of consumer goods and services, excluding taxes and non-consumer expenditures, for professional and managerial households in the top income quintile. It is based on more than 90,000 prices covering 60 different items for which prices are collected quarterly by chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, and university applied economic centers in each participating urban area. The composite index is based on six component categories – housing, 1st Qtr Data utilities, grocery items, transportation, health care and miscellaneous goods and services. Local data, collected by the Kalispell Chamber of Commerce, is combined with information from 306 other communities across the United States to create the ACCRA Cost of Living Index. ACCRA is the national association of community and economic research professionals. Bozeman is the only other Montana area participating in the survey. The ACCRA Cost-of-Living Index for the Kalispell area during the first quarter of 2012 is as follows (average of 306 urban areas = 100): 2010 2011 2012 Change 98.8% 98.5% 98.1% -0.4% Groceries 116.3% 109.6% 108.4% -1.2% Housing 95.2% 95.7% 94.3% -1.4% Utilities 82.2% 85.5% 86.8% +1.3% Transportation 103.6% 103.2% 97.7% -5.5% Health Care 104.6% 107.4% 107.2% -0.2% 98.7% 97.9% 99.6% +1.7% Composite Miscellaneous For full report details please visit http://www.kalispellchamber.com/kalispell/costofliving/. Rockin’ the Boat Chamber Summer Cruise on Far West Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship at “Rock’in the Boat”, the Chamber’s summer party on Flathead Lake on the Far West. The event will be held Thursday, July 26, 7:009:00 pm, departing and returning from The Docks in Lakeside. The cost is $25 per person. Your reservation includes passage on the cruise and light dining fare. There will be a cash bar. Reserve your spot by registering online or by calling 406-758-2803. The first 145 people to register will be onboard for a fun evening cruise. See you there! 4 Chamber Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday All Meetings Look for these Events in July: are at The Chamber unless otherwise stated. 3 4 IWT Meeting 1:00pm – 2:00pm 5 Kalispell 2 Go Webinar 11:00am – 12:00pm 6 Ed. & Com. Committee Meeting 8:00am–9:00am Friday 1 4 4th of July Parade 10 UNWIND - the Zone Family Fun Center 18 UNWIND - Stifel Nicolaus 26 Rockin’ the Boat June 2012 Saturday 2 2012 Leadership Flathead Graduation 5:30pm – 7:30pm 7 8 9 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 Ribbon Cutting Jesco Marine & Power Sports 3:00pm Banquet Committee Flathead Co. Foundation 12:00pm – 1:00pm 10:00am – 12:00pm Associated Chamber UNWIND – Bill’s Meeting Superheat Kalispell Tourism B.I.D. 10:30am – Noon 5:30pm – 6:00pm Board Meeting 3:00pm – 5:00pm 10 11IWT Meeting 1:00pm – 2:00pm 12BEAR Meeting 13 14New Member Agri-Biz Committee 4:00pm – 5:00pm Meeting 7:00am -8:00am Orientation 3:00pm – 5:00pm Flathead Co. Foundation 10:00am – 12:00pm Kalispell 2 Go Webinar 3:00am – 4:00pm Ambassador Meeting 4:00pm – 5:00pm Flag Day 17 18 IWT Meeting 1:00pm – 2:00pm 19 Executive Board Meeting 7:30am – 8:30am 20 Flathead Community Foundation 10:00am – 12:00pm Luncheon Summer Events Expo 11:00am – 1:30pm Flathead Co. Foundation Foundation 2:45pm – 5:00pm Father’s Day 24 25 IWT Meeting 1:00pm – 2:00pm 26 Board Meeting 7:00am – 8:30am 27 Flathead Community Foundation 10:00am – 12:00pm Kalispell Tourism Business Improvement District Board Meeting 3:00pm – 5:00pm 5 6 Government Affairs Report Montana’s 2013 Legislature will begin January 7 and House and Senate caucuses will meet on November 14, 2012 to select leadership. To date, 126 bill draft requests have been submitted, including requests to generally revise workers’ compensation insurance, revising common carrier pipeline regulation by PSC, revising property taxation and revising renewable portfolio requirements. Most of these drafts have been submitted by legislators; however some are at the request of committees. Revenue and Transportation Interim Committee (Senator Bruce Tutvedt R-Kalispell) met in Helena on Thursday, April 26 to work on HJR 13 – study of individual income taxes and SJR 23 – study of tax exemptions for nonprofit organizations. Following a report showing an analysis of imposing a 6.5% income tax on nonprofit organizations and limiting property tax exemptions based on the ratio of charitable contributions to gross receipts, the committee chose not to move forward with a bill to strike the exemption. For the HJR13 study, the committee heard about the policy background for various income tax exemptions and tax credits. Options for revising Montana’s income tax structure were discussed and the committee chose to move forward with a committee bill to revise uniform penalty and interest tax provisions related to enforcement of tax laws. The committee also discussed at length the process for developing the revenue estimate and received an annual report on the Charitable Endowment Tax credit, which sunsets at the end of 2012. In 2010, 630 individual income tax payers claimed the credit. Environmental Quality Council met in Helena on May 2 for >> from cover an update on Agency and Councils assigned by statute to the committee. They also heard an update on eminent domain issues and discussed enhancing public awareness of the eminent domain issue. On May 3 the council toured Virginia and Nevada Cities and Lewis & Clark Caverns State park. The council’s final day, May 3, addressed HJ32 – study of state parks and recreation areas. EQC considered three bill draft requests addressing the administration and oversight of state parks, outdoor recreation and heritage resources. It will continue its deliberations about how to streamline the management, consolidate budgets and other changes within the prevue of HJ 32. Children, Families, Health and Human Services met in Helena on May 14 to continue its look at childhood hunger. There was support for two bill drafts: appropriate funds to encourage increased participation (grants to programs) in the school breakfast program and appropriate TANF funds for out-of-school food support activities. These programs would be available for those children whose family income is between 131 and 185 percent of federal poverty. The committee also took public comment and supported an action to increase provider rates on Medicaid reimbursement. Finally, an update on Montana’s marijuana act was shared. Numerous legal challenges and federal raids have led to a significant decrease in cardholders. The number of people registered to use marijuana has declined to 10,640 in April from 31,522 in May 2011. Select Committee on Efficiency in Government (Representative Mark Blasdel R-Somers, Representative Scott Reichner R-Big Fork (excused), and Senator Jon Sonju R-Kalispell) met on May 14-15 in Helena. The committee was presented with bill 6 drafts on Medicaid reform and heard from department representatives and the public about each proposal. Public comment was generally supportive of the proposed changes. The committee heard a report on state job training programs. There are three primary job training programs for Montana businesses that include workforce training grants for education and skills based training. Grant money is available through Business Resources at the Dept of Commerce and the 21st century workforce technology bureau at the Dept of Labor and Industry. In final action, the committee voted to move forward on three bill drafts: Create a Medicaid pay for performance pilot project; Require DPHHS to measure outcomes for children’s mental health services; and Revise requirements of 72-hour presumptive eligibility for crisis stabilization services Energy and Telecommunications Interim Committee (Senator Verdell Jackson R-Kalispell) gathered in Butte on May 17-18 to tour a natural gas plant and geothermal site; discuss rural electric cooperatives, discuss One Call Legislation for utility lines and excavating; and discuss a variety of bill drafts on the Montana Tech campus. Most of the bill drafts address the regulatory requirements of public utilities and the renewable energy standards and were drafted by the MT Public Service Commission. ETIC will accept public comment on the draft legislation for the month of June and finalize action in July. Upcoming Montana Legislative meetings in June 2012: Legislative Finance Committee will meet in Helena on June 11-12. Economic Affairs Interim Committee continued on next page >> Government Affairs Report >> from page 6 will meet in Helena on June 11-12. State Administration & Veteran’s Affairs will meet June 12-13 in Helena. Education and Local Government will meet June 18 in Helena Water Policy Interim Committee will meet in Bozeman on June 19; Kalispell on June 20; and Hamilton on June 21. Law and Justice Interim Committee will meet on June 21-22 in Helena. Children, Families, Health, & Human Services will meet June 25 in Helena. State-Tribal Relations Interim Committee will meet on June 28 in Helena. Other News: North Dakota has passed Alaska to become the second leading oil producing state in the nation trailing Texas. Oil production in Montana has been generally declining since 2006 with a flattening trend for the first three quarters of 2011. The fourth quarter of 2011, however, showed a 7.4% increase from the previous quarter. Analysis of the production statistics from the Montana Department of Revenue and the Board of Oil and Gas shows this increase coming from horizontal production in the Bakken formation. From 2001 to 2010, Montana’s gross state product growth has increased 65% (2001 GSP=$22.4 billion; 2010 GSP=$37.2 billion). FY11 Actual year-to-date revenue growth (as of 12/1) was 12.37%. Other Government Affairs News Chamber supports improvement of Kalispell City Airport. The Chamber issued its support for accepting approximately $16 million of federal airport funds to improve the City Airport. These improvements would also garner $150,000 in annual operating funds from the air service trust fund. The Chamber believes this alternative provides the best balance for the current and future needs of Kalispell’s general aviation facility. At the City Council on May 21, the decision was made to put this issue out to the voters on the general election ballot November 6. We will continue to keep you updated on this ballot issue. Surface Transportation Reauthorization. Staff for the conferees on the surface transportation reauthorization bill were hard at work last week and apparently making good progress. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and the chair of the conference committee, Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), all had positive and hopeful things to say about the prospects for an agreement. The conferees might need to reach at least an agreement in principle by the week of June 4 to finish work on the bill by June 30. 7 Glacier Park Airport prepares application for LAX service. A group of air service expansion advocates is pledging to provide financial support for an effort to secure direct air service to Los Angeles. Los Angeles is one of the largest markets in America and a top market for the Glacier Park Airport. New service to the Los Angeles market will benefit every industry and traveler in the Flathead. If you are interested in helping to support this effort, contact Joe at 758-2804 or [email protected]. Don’t forget to vote June 5. The Primary Election is June 5 and includes races for President, Governor, US Senate, US Congress, MT House, MT Senate, and MT state-wide elected offices. You can vote early at the County Fairgrounds if you choose. For questions or additional information, please contact the County Election Office at 758-5535. NW Montana Business Expansion and Retention Partnership Another Success Story Helping NW Montana Business Thrive “I was more than a little skeptical 18 months ago when I first heard about BEAR, because some of the partners are government agencies and I thought, how can they help me? Well, I was wrong,” testifies Bob Upton, owner of Corporate Image Outfitters, an industry-leading, in-house embroidery service. “The BEAR Partners have been a tremendous help! Everyone is an experienced professional, everyone is very responsive, every partner is very aware of how the other partners can help my business grow. Most amazing is most of the services cost very little, or nothing.” For Bob Upton it all started when he made the call to set up a BEAR visit with Mike Jackson, a Business Advocate with Job Service, and BEAR partner. Mike had a wealth of resources to start Bob on the process of working with the BEAR Partnership. First Mike guided Bob to the Small Business Development Center. Bob Upton readily confirms he benefitted from many outstanding business services, such as, business planning, “Profit Mastery” and others offered by Chris Parson, Director. Bob relates that, “One service I’m still participating in is “PeerSpectives”. I love meeting with this group of dedicated business professionals. With Chris as the facilitator, we share a wealth of knowledge, solve real business problems and share new and innovative ideas, the whole experience has been very valuable for me.” Chris and other BEAR Partners agree that Bob Upton possesses important business skills. He values and grows his employees, he is open to assistance and new approaches in doing business…in short Bob is a fully engaged business owner. Bill Nicholson with the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center, a BEAR partner, stepped in with expert knowledge and the end goal of helping “Outfitters” identifying new products and services to increase profit. Bill Nicholson, Bob Upton and a team of company employees engaged in an intense evaluation to prioritized the most pressing “Outfitter” challenges and developed solutions. One of several internal processes in need of change was a customized “Outfitter” inventory tracking program. This time and money saving tracking system was developed my by Bill Nicholson based on the “Outfitter” team process. Bill Nicholson knew Bob Upton would also greatly benefit from the Dept. of Commerce Program, “Business to Business”. Bill helped “Outfitters” fill out an application for free marketing services. The marketing service application was successful. The Dept. of Commerce marketing team, working with “Outfitters”, developed a strategic plan for “Outfitters” to expand into the Balkan oil field flame retardant clothing market. The BEAR Partners helped Bill Upton apply for Employee Training Funding (IWT Funding). To date, “Outfitters” has received $4,830 in employee training funds! Bob learned from Bill Nicholson that Montana West Economic Development, another BEAR Partner, would be an important contact. Kim Morisaki, Manager of Client Development & Resources at Montana West, and Bob have started the process of seeking funding for a new “Outfitter” building. continued on next page >> 8 Make the Most of Your Chamber Benefits Your investment in the Kalispell Chamber is an investment in the future of your business, our community and the Flathead Valley. We want to make sure that you are aware of all the opportunities your membership has to offer. Please take a minute and visit our website at www.kalispellchamber.com. At no additional charge you already have the ability to: • Post Hot Deals • Add Your Events to the Web Calendar • Manage and Update Your Business Information • Track Web Traffic to Your Business • Create Your Own Personalized Webpage Looking for new ways to boost your marketing? Take advantage of all the advertising and sponsorship opportunities your Chamber Membership has available: • E-News Sponsor-The E-News is sent out to close to 2000 recipients twice a month • UNWIND Sponsor-Held at your place of business averaging 75 – 150 people attending • Luncheon Sponsor-Held monthly with an average of 150 people attending • Banquet Sponsor-Our annual Banquet averages from 375- 450 people For more details, please contact Diane at 758-2803, info@kalispellchamber. com at the Chamber for details and pricing on one or all of these exciting opportunities to grow your business. A New Member Orientation will be held in the Chamber Conference Room on Thursday, June 14 from 3-5 pm. At the orientation we will show you how to access these benefits and answer any questions you may have. This orientation is not restricted to only new members. Long-time members who want to learn more about maximizing their membership benefits are welcome to attend. NW Montana Summer Event Business Expo >> from cover Members and guests will have an Expansion opportunity to visit the booths of local activity and event providers including and Retention area museums, outfitters, artistic organizations, national and state park Partnership representatives. Expo booths will be open starting at 11:00 and after the luncheon program until 1:30. Lunch will be served starting at 11:45 am. All participants of the Expo will be offering prizes that will be raffled off during the event with drawings held periodically between 12:00 and 1:00. The Kalispell Chamber/CVB will also announce the winner of the “Discovery in Every Direction” stay-cation contest. This is the second year for the contest in which entrants are being asked to suggest an itinerary for a summer day in the Flathead Valley that starts and ends in Kalispell and takes advantage of the surrounding recreation and events. Contest details can be found at www. discoverkalispell.com/news. Entries are being accepted until June 8 at [email protected] or Discover Kalispell Facebook. The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the upcoming release of a Custom Mobile Application for our Community. The New App, Kalispell2Go, will be a useful tool in connecting businesses, marketing your business, finding events and happenings in the community or GPS locating the business or place you are trying to find. >> from page 8 Bob Upton has put pencil to paper to determine the value of the BEAR services he has received. By his own detailed calculations “Outfitters” has realized over $30,000 cash value in services and training. Bob’s praiseworthy summary of his BEAR experience is “All the BEAR Partners have contributed significantly to the success and growth of Corporate Image Outfitters!” If you would like to know how BEAR can help your business please call 406.758.6252 or 406.250.8077 or email www.kalispellchmber.com or [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you. Luncheon tickets are $17 each for Chamber members and $22 for nonmembers. Tables of eight are available for $130. Because many of the recent luncheons have sold out, the Chamber urges members to register online or call 758-2803 by Friday, June 15. Members are encouraged to take advantage of the new Business Card Express Check-in system that allows individuals to bypass the check-in table. 9 Volunteer Opportunity The Kalispell Visitor Information Center is looking for a few volunteers who love the Flathead Valley! We’re very fortunate to have a small group of faithful volunteers in the Visitor Center who help greet travelers and share information about our area and all the exciting things to do. We need a few more friendly individuals who can spare 3 hours per week this summer. Please call Vonnie at 758-2809 for more information. Here’s what’s needed: - a friendly, outgoing and hospitable personality - ability to give clear instructions concerning locations/directions - familiarity with the Flathead Valley and Glacier National Park - basic computer/internet skills are helpful but not required Here are the rewards: - rediscover all the wonderful and unique sites and activities in our area - meet people from all over the world who are very happy to be here - work in the beautiful new Visitor Center - help promote Kalispell, the Flathead Valley and Glacier National Park Ribbon Cuttings Rodda Paint Ribbon Cutting Vince Saccheri, Lis Weller, Paul Childs, Shawn Levesque & Mike Seynel cutting the Ribbon at the new Kalispell Rodda Paint store, 2165 US Highway 2 East BigPhoto.ME Ribbon Cutting Jim Leary & Vicki Meyerhoff Smith cutting the ribbon at the new Kalispell location of BigPhoto.ME/Bigfork Today, 860 N Meridian, #A4 Edgewood Vista Ribbon Cutting Linda Corcoran, Sylvia O’Neal, Jenni Hoffman and Starla Robinson cutting the ribbon at Edgewood Vista, 141 Interstate Lane Literacy Volunteers Ribbon Cutting Christine Hensleigh, Executive Director cuts the ribbon at Literacy Volunteers’ new facility in the Gateway West Mall, 1203 Highway 2 W, Kalispell Win a Stay-cation What is your perfect summer day in the Flathead? If you could spend a day in the Flathead Valley doing whatever you wanted what would it include? Create your ideal itinerary and submit it to the Kalispell Chamber/CVB Discovery In Every Direction contest and be entered to win a stay-cation package which includes lodging, dining and activity certificates. Winning itinerary will be presented at the June 19th Kalispell Chamber Flathead Event Expo. Itinerary should: • Start and end in Kalispell • Incorporate both our natural resources and local businesses or cultural amenities • Include a suggested location for at least one meal • Be logistically feasible to be completed in one day Bonus points will be given for the itinerary that is most unique and clearly demonstrates the Kalispell brand: Discovery in Every Direction 10 Post your itinerary on Discover Kalispell Facebook or email to [email protected] Deadline for entries is June 8, 2012. Leadership Flathead Graduates Another Outstanding Class! Please join us in congratulating the following members of the Leadership Flathead Class of 2011 who have completed their two-year commitment and will officially graduate on June 1: Maureen Bryan, Park Side Federal Credit Union Aimee Cawrey, Blue Cross Blue Shield Eileen Donohoue, The Nurturing Center Tim Eichner, Department Natural Resources & Conservation Rishara Finsel, Flathead County Library System Tyler Frank, Kramer Enterprises Kristi Hanchett, Whitefish Mountain Resort Brenda Hanson, Flathead Valley Community College Karin Holder, Edward Jones Investments Alison Howard, Flathead County Attorney John Howard, Western States Insurance Diane Kautzman, Rocky Mountain Bank Rich Kehr, Flathead National Forest Jill Klocke, Glacier Bancorp, Inc. Angela LeDuc, Kalvig & LeDuc, P.C. Brittainy Miller Rick Nelson, Plum Creek Gerry Nichols-Pagel, CTA, Inc. Cindy Owens, Evergreen Disposal, Inc. Laurie Pierce, North Valley Hospital Melody Pieri, Glacier Bank Joshua Schroeder, Jordahl & Sliter, PLLC Tim Sievers, Big Brothers Big Sisters Matt Springer, Flathead Valley Community College Jennifer Standley, Applied Health Services with Northwest Healthcare Margy Stevens, Margy Stevens Counseling Susie Turner, City of Kalispell Chip Weber, Flathead National Forest Jolynne Worrell, First Interstate Bank Rory Young, Jackola Engineering & Architecture Tod Young, Flathead Electric Coop Keagan Zoellner, Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation 44th Annual Arts in the Park July 20 - 22, 2012 Friday and Saturday 9-6 Sunday 10-5 The Hockaday Museum of Art proudly presents Kalispell’s premiere arts, crafts, and music festival held in historic downtown’s Depot Park. Over 100 local and visiting artists and craftsmen offer quality, unique works for sale. A pleasing variety of musical and dancing entertainment gives the festival a light mood, while food vendors offer delicious sustenance and thirst-quenching beverages. Purchase of the $5 Weekend Pass button gives the wearer unlimited admission to the festival all three days, as well as admission to the Hockaday Museum of Art (Friday/Saturday 10am – 5pm and Sunday 11am - 4pm) during the festival. Daily Admittance $3 Weekend Pass $5 Children 6 & Under Free We thank outgoing Class Officers Aimee Cawrey (Blue Cross Blue Shield) and Matt Spring (Flathead Valley Community College) for their excellent service over the past year, and we welcome incoming Class Officers Barbra Bennett (Clark Real Estate Appraisal, Inc.), Stephanie Parson (NBS), and Nathan Steele (Plum Creek Timber) who are ready to serve the Class of 2013. We also thank outgoing Chair Cindy Walp (North Valley Hospital) and we welcome incoming Chair Chris Parson (Small Business Development Center.) NOW RECRUITING FOR CLASS OF 2013 11 Worksite Health Promotion Conference A Success! Are you ready for the next step? Kalispell Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce that we are going MOBILE! We are launching our very own chamber mobile app. Highlights of our app: • Search and network with fellow members • Look up and respond to chamber events • GPS locator to drive more business to you • And so much more We would like our members to have maximum exposure through our app, and we have contracted with our developer to defray the cost of upgrading your basic listing from$250 per year to only $59 per year. Your company will receive two app pages (like the ones displayed above for Union Station), and you will have the ability to include images, video, maps, online inventory, purchasing, and more. PLUS you can change and update your pages as often as you want at no additional charge. This is an introductory, limited time offer to go mobile with us – for only $59 per year. Email “Upgrade” to [email protected], as well as your company name. (ex.“Upgrade XYZ Builders”) Send your email by June 8 to go mobile for only $50. After that, Matthew, who is helping us develop the app, will be offering these same Premium Pages for $250 a year. Worksite Health Promotion continues to grow among Montana businesses every year. This year the Montana Worksite Health Promotion Coalition brought in many great speakers for the 2012 conference in Helena. This conference is an opportunity to recognize the businesses who have implemented successful worksite wellness programs as well as help educate those who would like to create a wellness program for their employees. Many small businesses and organizations in Montana are getting on the health promotion band wagon and creating successful programs for their employees. During the Montana Worksite Health Promotion Conference on May 23 in Helena, 25 different Montana employers from across the state who met the criteria for the excellence in worksite health promotion award were recognized. Each award Gold, Silver and Bronze had different criteria for a business to meet. The Gold award focused on businesses whose health promotion programs focused on a comprehensive, effective worksite health promotion program and that were seeing a return on their investment in the program. The focus of the Gold award centered on population health and productivity aspect. The Silver winner category represented businesses whose goals were to focus on skill-building and targeting risky behaviors. The bronze category represented businesses/ organizations whose goals were to enhance charitable or quality of worklife balance. 12 Montana Chamber Choices has sponsored the Worksite Health Promotion conference the last few years and is a big supporter of health promotion. We encourage all Montana employers to get involved in health promotion programs to benefit your business overall, and your employees. For more resources on worksite health promotion, go to www. montanaworksitewellness.org. UNcover What’s Interesting, New and Developing May Day (May 1) was a beautiful day for an UNWIND on Flathead Lake at the Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp. Those who made the drive down to the lake were rewarded with a fantastic spread prepared by camp chefs, Will, Chuck & Tonja. The menu included Smoked Pork tenderloin, Chicken with Leeks, Smoked Salmon Spread with Crackers, Warm Garlic Shrimp with Crusty French Bread Slices, Hummus & Roasted Pepper and Onions - Pita Chips, Assorted Cheese Tray & Crackers, Fresh Vegetable Tray with Dip, Fresh Fruit Tray, Chocolate Mousse in Chocolate cups, Almond Cloud Cookies, Molasses & Lemon crème Cookies, Huckleberry Lemonade, Montana Beer, Red & White Wine. Lucky prize winners included Ashley Grassen of West Venture Properties with Split the Pot, Chris Vernon of Paper Chase with a gift basket, Vanessa Ceravolo with a Gift Basket and Bilynda Anderson of Bill’s Superheat who won the Campership gift certificate grand prize of the evening. May 23 saw a nice crowd at the Historic Kalispell Grand Hotel for the Glacier Country-Travel Montana UNWIND. Rising Sun Bistro, Simply Sweet Baking Company and The Great Northern Brewery provided a nice variety of food and drink for the evening. Prize winners included: Split the Pot winner, Russ Larson of Russ Larson Music; Natasha Tanner of Flathead Land & Home and Nichole Koelzer of Alpine Lighting Center each won a water bottle; District Court Judge candidate Vanessa Ceravolo and Amy Galt of Morrison Maierle, Inc each won an IPhone case; Sandra Lundstrum of Montana Wilderness Association and Patty Miller from the Wellness Center each won a thermos; Kirk Gentry from Gentry River Ranch won the Raft trip & hotel stay in Missoula. Plenty of beverages to wash down the good food at the Glacier Country-Travel Montana UNWIND Upcoming UNWINDS Tuesday, June 5, 2012 5-6:30 PM 817 W. Center St Kalispell, MT Wednesday, June 27, 2012 5-6:30 PM Great food and conversation in the fantastic new dining hall facility at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp 1176 N Main St Kalispell, MT Mingling in the Lobby of the Kalispell Grand Hotel during the Glacier CountryTravel Montana UNWIND New dining hall building and decks at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp 13 http://kalispellchamber.chambermaster.com/events/details/4th-of-july-parade-in-downtown-kalispell
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