39 - The Vault
39 - The Vault
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: PURPLE GANG FILE:62-HQ-29632 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF DOCUIVIENTS. DACFQ II92J 92"T TIDE TI-TAT 1i_192_.I1_Jk! 1I192.,1_192_11J.uJ_1 1111-1; ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, OR OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO READ ARE THE RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN nwnn '92 I92TT <17192 KLIKUU U LL11. BE J7 Q _'13: - F L3;-*3 H xi Jim/out . epbenber 21.1933. "/I nmmnm ma ma.HATHAR. 1 it 92 92! }*-92,._ I; . , ._ tatod Pr :1» mu; g puupnmm and bxqyc! thno lumbar: of tha V 10 Gangof lutruii warnlrrutaci at the 3horahan"ii'v5%a1 ihii main: and that Federal agent: were pm-cant and 111106 in this arrest, and he desired to'get,£u:-ther htlil on the natur... - era nude at 1:15 1.21. mrtnln that the He stated I advised Federal agents that that I ..__._ the arreat.'= ma quite: were not our men, mt suggestedthat he nakoinquiry of the»3;;-cotio - Ru:-canand the Prohibition Unit. _ w-pr-' 1- .._._ l... _92____.__4_-_ IIX7 wruay yearn, _ Diracton .1 _/ n pnh-- v>.~9~%3;2-/ * 92_ __ {925"-F2'? !"1 _ / ;'~ an ~ I .H ~ A . 92~~.__n"'I _-,".'..-Vm-t. / _ L 92 92F'V& /8 92!'|"'T.92L IllE:< m. """'l--'-D H """4"92 rs N -' 92 92_ " bu ..: .9 } -,3 92 . *' E;._'.92' / I - pm 1C! _,,/ 1 1 -.-0 w - r _ _.,,,__,-,..J92-~_=z_~¢= G7 . .._ -,,_»;* : =~' 77 .._._- __ [ u1'_plpAG%aj1gstersMM0wed Down 1n Gang Rlde ., 1.. - 92 LAST "PUBLIC" APPEARANCE OF EDDIE FLETCHER AND ABE AXLER Arraigned nu public enemies," l etclmr Ir-ft! and |'IuIl today 'l: are without clues lo flue lull:-r-I nml Axler urn shuwn in rnurl jlist n _92'r-nr ago. It wn-92 In lhis Inst public" appc-nr:m<'e lhr-92g um: I l1n_92"9292-urn found slain early _92'mil492.I'da_v In llm rrnr llu~ nppr-llntlnn nl 'm92nn1l9a, Axl r as An 1 and of Axlcr'a cnr in |'92 lnnely Oakland Count_92? rnnd, Ilclcllvr an _i,-.-____ No 2 This ls a. '1ilIIl'§ gncmro! - LEE DETROIT TIJUJS November 2'? 1933 _ é2.- :2?6$'»Z 4- .-.-.-r-_;; _-,.-..,.-,- _ . '92.-».-_-., r. E=-as <92 :,-.% ~.~ -.~':.»=.-. .---1-..1 - T--n.i.o'. ? ~- ayes---:. .;~. .:' .*?=.l.'*-.~* . .:D ._ ..3*;" A..l-:5 ' F .. --1:-1} §.'.J" 2~"" ~-3.1"-j-~,_.92; A-~ ";,i>_. li592t >a ' l=~"f .-kill" .-." -§"" -- s-on-Q L 7'?-i;:;;'?§4.§:l1.§E= YI';f:-5355; -troit as °.-92he Gold as a - ':. .v' . .:;-=1. -=" ~='l;'5. "'11: §'~;?-to - r i" i?- __ F11 orderly person, dlschargrd . _.~'. _,_:.:_92 ._w .f__ .1...-1... -1.-.. {'; ;:2'., ._ . ;;~ ._*="$-; _*,"-1; .5_.,_ 92j:_-1--~_;_-_ 5;,-1 superinienrient. __H p .;. -""' 5-ir .:~,-gs-¢ ;;,._ I -1"1"92' ..-.. :1 --".§= =...i-< --. .1; 1"=" "'g5;*5r-9!~i 5*; §=,_¢¢ 4".' - l-"Ti. -7-' "--.-~..... *.-.=.;-r=.<.= ;--.R;..&_ -:_.-.v3, -_o_.__;';r .;,,»g_-.._ -r$_.:-.; .'92*§~-*. -;_=. .¢. it--= --92 -7*. -", " " - I -.....-3-__.._-_~. . ....e,,-sr.~:i-.e. 92_:. . .. __ Oct. 31. 1926. arrested in 4 »_,§,».,-.._ -*4-e-15; , .92.-_ _ ,-..1 ; ;.., _.-.._;.s.:,... _ . 1: -L-'= -' ..92-~? l,.. ' E* . -.: ----,.=. _--' -- ,"r-".~1 -92-92-?:'--r... § -92_''_=<': ;..»'" " " - xx,-:3'¢~. .. -ts, .-,:-.'. -- ":-. F- -~ 5=" __&-*3-'--.. .92_ . rF.~; -. . ,' trolt as "s.be.onl_cr;,lis a poll ;e K..»._§..-."-.1:-r... _;:4'.'12.;-" A.92l ,-.._{»-~"!. . --»-_'a.- "§="-i"'.r.s.. .'.-E-*.':l '. -..;-" -a-I "" . .°. ;":» T.r' __ w1i .nl_-53, discharged by super?-I-I R» --4.;'="".Y 5'*'~;-' -';+.-3 *._ 1 -"aw .i- -if-i,~..~?=HQ 92 ?-:."....==. ._,_ A ', " ' -H W"-1,,; ..~.. ..,_--._. . Jo . ~_, - . 1 !" ' " .-a'-92;-...!.*=_'. _-- :_".~ ,92_r§,..5_._. -§_';. _5;__' : .-1 ,,._, .:,_ _ ,;.._..;.._, in H, I -fl? - ha;='I* *%='-111$. :. 1- .--1..~'*' " '-* - . Mgrnh29,1921,arrested JI '.92 -' '92v"'9292~'{!§;,-;§:"92 r.--~--. as "Harry Iovinn robbery ' GANGSTERS, SL rocarnzx, caucur in .-'=->'.-=-;=c~;=.-~.~z=-..<~.>'.§s_~troit .$,_u=.__>..',»:.1 - ' >----'~ " ...o:.......;.w.92s>...-..--an re Axler' iieit! and Fletch 92' .0 ' f. 5 RECENT RAID ~ '-V -' lntendent. o Gang gunmen.are being taken to police .5lug them. The gang pair, slain on a ride in a ii.-,u-re;-; |u'_ql,1|:s alter O!92il1§ a publicenemy charged by superintendent. lone Oakland County road early yesterday. at this Aug,I8, 1927,robbery arn'Q£T time faced police together as they faced their discharged by superlntenden murderers yesterday. This is a Times picture! la accompany p 92-.2 t ~>... ':'~.r"-.~,-' -92=".-'~<* ?92r. ;<_ Q :f! - -.- ..nil"ti AIN er,diminutive ilDeiitivaMike Flannegari gs-med, discharged by aupggp ' ~?r »7 'May 9,1921, robbery armed. {.- C~p Jt. ..-.i o. /§YlNGS"LlE1i9292/E.LA'§TlilOF PURPLES lEAoER,Ll;§i 1-»=ll awesome news that Abe and Eddie Fletcher "_were ¢ bumped oft" _eiec_trlIled les 0.! Detroit ; underworld boy!wantto seeruein actionjust small. black hours. '7' .- once. - -~ gang seems to have sme-lirst betore dawn yester- "He boxed Don Burchard at Harry St. Louis ls 1, rumor which was soon Harris Falrview Club. Mack and merged with the Detroiterr. melC. Simob if is rlr medvis the grapevine of the Fairview avenues, and the mob saw combination being strengthened by FederalJudgeCharles M1 c world. The previous chief hlrn gel. decisively outpointecl in the addition of s dozen or so oi serve one year and .10 mob !-118 in" accreditedtough ones from Ne r the Federal Penitentiary at Leavenin the l-loodlums delicatessen eight rounds. vii York. * ".' 1" K Y. luarters- ~"they stuck up G01- It was from this ght, some say, er or l The new gang proceeded to worli l handbook and killed a guy"- that the name "Purple" each. i " "." <. Q -'f1_' 1. gang origi- from the viewpoint that there is 1$5.o00 rnmedlately superseded. natei Fletcher roliowed the then coumowoon sm_ss.92crm_ '3 - _" gr and Fletcher, inseparable popular New York prize ring cus- more protlt in levying tribute thany They served their sentences and? in being paid for bodyguard; tom of dressing the lighter and his did not get into serious trouble , In'l.92T Alxler and Fletcher occul and killers, were "biggies"of, seconds in colored jerseys. The pied if ..._. a suite in the Mira oree Apartational underworld: _ color of the jerseys. on thin occl- ments. 106 East Alexandria avenue. her. 1931. At that time the Purple hr Detroit theyhadearned thatslon. ivas a bright purple. 1 In this building they and their s reputations or Public Ene-, l_._. l Joe lji gang reputedly wiped out Frank, the Colllngwood massacrl!.'f No. 1 and '2, respectively. MORE VICIOUS manna CohenandJosephNigger! Lebovlts, Herman l-iymleli were sawed-oil Napoleons of- Adler never was a pug. His nose Wright,Reuben lnfqmous Purple Gang and. had not been knocked asitew ls Bloom, three opposing gangsters, in; Paul and Izzy Sullrer, members of the rival "Navy" gang. had beenl Fletcher's was and his sizable its rise te power in 1926 until J cauli what his become known as the} dim with their shoes on, lead- ears had never been massacre." In l the trio, reputedly Chicago gang-disposing owerlzed, but nonethelesshis was ptMlrallores lctors in its criminal i"li!iOl"§' mastory vicious enoughto cause the more sinister lace of the two 5islets. the Purplesintroduced aert Asbury, historian of Amer- He had an acquiline nose, high chlne guns in Detroit gangster waryimr. to call it the molt Q-F.cheek bones, deep shadows under fare. -' ' , blamed. his small eyes, simlien cheeks, and FORGED DYEBS TRIBUTE ntly organizedgsng,,o1killer-all Axlerand Fletcherwere_ques_--,"Axler and Fletcher, along with he United States. . ~": 1. _'='-; a thin Light mouth which turned Ray BernBurke, were arrested itionedand released. CH IN COlVD iOi92' r r . .,i up-at the corners.g ~-Fred ='Klller"'stein, Harry Keyweli and Irving , Rvrenuie he was a more vicious as suspects in the massacre. Police Miiberg were prosecuted. found qqrlire, gunmen. had much tn nine,-_-lioili were ngltivo !Q§_l_-5__ i filler __ . _and I. rougher _ ., fighter A than_. Vgrilled them without result, and the guilty, and sent to Marquette Prison Fletcher. It is said that once, when ll three were evnniunllv released. for life. ' < -" "lI_ mt';y1,'i,aller than vl 351-ind 1.U1! '3 liii" H at? ~ > _."r_,;_'j~. Nl ldiltord Jones, at no_torious- . . 1,.tsesaed the aggressive urge £1 l Louis gunman, was murdered '1-ii; it police__inlets; eA say» Qhlgh is so oiten. 5.L.___92Rt92i_o-.dd.__do ~ lhe stood at thebsr oi the swan '= s l Stork Club, 41 Rowena street. l --.n bad dark, turtive, beady. 1June, 1932. and again Fletcher and life_senl Burke is no?"serving-pa 1' B th abnormal ears, Axlefs l Axler were brought inter grill- -us-_ .q;A..and .;_ overgrownby na- Agxler purportedly came", here tence for murder at -'1iiaf-iquetle I. er». Fletcher : attened and 'Dl.lrLri _' Q '__Q,'$§ r_rjr-ma t§lrn1,iI' r:' . ..I" 1 l'ili1 i close i 1' to his head by 13" Tit , tcher s ti ht against Burcbard. -.cl92cs_oimany pugllisis during early rlnr career. And, above, Phtecllbnf m§uey:,§ ;-,nttern §l- rdto reenterpro!ess:'or..} and began contribut- rem hotly are larceny-minded Lgot together-' -.emers,'. killers with an ing major performances to the l e lurid history. ' veteran Morris $herrnan, , ._ ,- $0 anoi er story porn ;- Iwue _1 _e .ind..'nce of what police and "Purples"' his brbher, Jackie, a nO'éiC','rl° 1*0n:ur:n FOR DEFENSE .vspEi.pQ:'l call "crazy B£l nerve." lli ' -.=1'=-.;-- ",2.- Mays; 4 Des Moines middleweight." The time was 1926. Axler was 25, gang : nen-re. ...--... ihorily after the close of the were end zuzther boxerwho was linowri _ junior, but a --Bo-calied purple irangs"'. arid War Fletcher was a popu- three years Fletcher's ago. some historians to iheboxlngfraternity as "thefor- ;' ~ 118/-pound preliminary ghter at more experienced gangster, having R11DW1=_i0ng champion; D!'Ql'!. they say, have been imgr rght.heavyweight > old Military A. C. in Brooklyn. been e. consortoi "mobs" while Cill1'!lPrison."Other"lc5.:iil-i - soon was taken into the stable Eddie was still a reputedly honest associated always with the purple for Jvclrson .-_»," managers had better boxers dye because it was the first dis- imp . a well-known manager, Silvey prizelighier. l .in=, who .-aldt The Purple gang was organized covered hy the Phoenicia , whg en: Fletcher nally said, there : and retired" pposedly es a derensive organi- originated the art of dyeing_Pu.-p1¢_no dough here for me,'_' "I tool; the kid l.il'ldci' my wing from the managerial end. Fletcher myansohe's willing lo ght four atlon, employed by local gamblers therefore. has become the gyjnbr "ls last seen in the ring at Arena to defend their establishments from I oi the dyer. Thus. according in this lnr-s a week if you'd lct him 3ardens as a second tgr_ Louis mi when he! gets plid OH he _being plliered by agang oi in- explanation. the "purple" Ian: be. ' Mays. " ~' gang, ' rings his dough home to his vaders from St. Louis Known as comrs the "dye1"s"' But shortly bwiore he Jwas er,-I CONTINUED ACTIVITIES 1 ll-tilt-l'_" Egan's Rats." I ._ as a publtc enemy again. a The lucrative cleaners and dyery 'ested The St. Louis Rats were blamed [.'lT RING IX 19'-33 . Around Brooklyn, where Fletcher, for the kidnaping in March, 1926, protectionracketwas brokenup by rm weeks ago. Fletcher begsn_iswith the arrest of 12 gurtg circulars to promoters anas known as a shy youth. i-he of Meyer Fish! Bloomfield, then A the police nm . cinghlrnseit as the manager of Besides AxlerandFletcher, "stick man" at Charles T. "Doc" iPu1-pies. wring fraternity wastremendously} Sherman and sec]-tingbouts 1:-prised.when he eventually broke Brady's gambling place, 326 Grand those arrested were Abe Bernstein, 3=iFr: ~. no print here as s notorious hood- River avenue, above the store reputed leader; his brother, Ray; lm. ' manager" at the tme_o'f where Dr. Julius C. Harris was Abe Kaminsky, Abe Miller, Harry L "bozzlng _ George his arrest as an "enemy." Fletcher nallyreachedi_the main shot and killed during an attempted Keywell. Irving llliilberg, Alien several members, of_____the_ vent class in New YOIK, but was holdup oi "Golclle'| handbook" Cordell, Joe ""l-loneyboy" Miller, gang has been convicted on the brother! and --.er a great ghter. He quit in Saturday night. ' .' Sarn Axier Abe's Public Enemy charge and were E3. and shortly after moved to TURNED T0 BACKET Irving Shapiro. = House of CorrecThey were acquitted after a sentenced to the -The "snatching" or Bloom eld tion tor 90-day sentences,Axler and ~' I' was the rst of a lucrative series stormy trial. Although the edge bed been Fletcher, awaiting trial and under oi lrldnapings or rich gamblers for Lhe a bond or $1.000each to appear be-i ransom money, and it soon became taken off the proiection'r_s,cket, doubtful as to whether thei Pur- Purples continued to operate as fore Judge John P. Scalien. lUmP@<i bootleggers.rum runners. hijackers. their bond. They were "lemstcra f lclrolt. He began fraternizing with llplcf were taking a defen vernr FI.W and Mllber;-' were aentencerig ,??" mo north, Kan,andto pg rgrlci-lr,;,.,<& Z .3 ; andpartners, pint-sized toughi with thelaw again until _S_epten ._ gang was accused ofperpetra shot down and the Purples wereg- P Gmpas]-ted iiaririt La EFL bya_'°Junlur P ' what _ gr_92,¢§iC ii -iC linen ' *7" gin:New York ayear ortvro alterPrison.! ,-".,;'c-. -:~Botgifxere releoiiiiji. goats, -.ill&# =01-as p.a,-.1;-steryif if'i¬ :2 .¢,5; ' ; e two klitaoia teathez-" so-on d;jj§;T;*"'%,J@ Lyn Detroit 'c.leai':'ers nail? 'L'est Axicr eat Win managers. VTheir boxers 92.92.. _,n§"m ' _hll!charters and _d§ersiboxingsd _vriir li eF-'-!llTl|1l'_ul9_ orthe ,§i'_ ll. l= i'¢r iie ghter. Hostyled aimed! A r !. L o .|g5. 9" 1!"; , 1 ,_ .V 44» "=1 .x * ~- >92g._y _~.-.92-~-.92 r-"." " -"'/ " "'92 W .-"M ~ ~ 5l".-"'!I!"'.1 w.. ---1-~r'92¢"r --' " 4.__,,§_i5-'-.'::-<.._,.;.;=~*'*-92 " Q 3 92 e5 I1. & , N; >§I~ ??T, $,_. Q-1* -.. .;92.in. ~,»92 l .. ... -_,,;- i 1 =.!__.3,_.-;.~..=1 .. . -. * . 3~" -;--.-T.-r *1. ,r' _¢ Q¢§. _, 1-~ ' 1 _ . .H Q ;._-._~ '_9292 - ~.-.-' S '- .r_. -' _E;-3 "31; {£1 : . 92 ;xi 92 f""j -..~: "~_Y~;*.-1::r."*-=¢-r;:>:§ .' ._._.92 _-92;92. :. 92: "... " -..;-.-~ .__:. I.l.92 .s_ 1.. - re. . 1 .3. _ I--. E ' 6 4 P l __.. ., _.,:;__.. Mr? 1- ;.~i* §f 3-9* :;:#;<911° §- 3*' - <.=.+~} ¢0" Tine: The Detroit »*."i-.;1-.i»=* u¢°92 >~ -~ - 1% .- '¢>-mla1>92" as Qan ~~_ ._;>r~. *" - -.us r liiovenzber 2?, 193; = ,o: . ."$92&92> - >~-ht dc; .92..,@o°°H~.o$92"sa "e 3 . -s n .1 3-Q o Y-.=+_.j;. T.-9-3:-z >-.- _"----'I92=~= .92 _..;;-1- -' L ?92 92 '- ~-*"-~'. ' ~ .=-.92r. ~": ?l'i'<.<5""-er dill<m<> ~e.9292'** .- lgw° . .. T"_l'92*S§92" 105-a .9°ill 300'-la "*5 '5 -'-.-92$w,.""Y. -" " --" . - ~_ H1. .-.. -_ -- u92o°39 920,ii ; illaoqelgg @113.-5" * -s. 'P" -.;.:;;,.' -. ___ __,__. 4vaqn vol?= -92 91;! 9;. 92v;;929292 ll iAX1@1~ 92 " qu0,, 92 ° bl "-X1 '- -.'*"-'-'¥ '5I»- ":-' 92-.~§.;:.-4: : ~' ,' ' ' -' ~= ~l*1"-. " =""--.tQ. .--<.'>'-~ ' 929292|$*-92 ol .,.; .<gt'.'r '_~-.§ _. . H. § "2 v 92 _..P0iic< -F Q11-§192Tq in g'i1»1 .92.92 .~921a92¢ _' _ ._'G 21" 92* _a 1:?§1I92 _. 32,; r . av3Lt'92 hiu92a=, ~no d92._9292_;92. I 1Dl%925! '92;:! :f:: Qqgu . ¢l>92:::-;| ->1 .--1-... _ ,,_ oi - l»°9292°1 '92q$°°~ 11°92c'i92 D_ y -1,", 3,1 ym-k and . ]};g11 =1. , ' -§ .-¢<>-.;r=~"*.,-.3," -j- - . - ,1; Yto 1*, gm1° ,,,=..92~.<,¢. ' " in ""."'*==*= "Ir" *" &# .° in ?-.»921"3 =¢ 0° °. 1° =*°92l "a iuli. 1920. amsuIn I ts.2 . if_."j fl, ' ' i missed by magistrate ._ _W, _W533$3 _ 01O 0 -:_-.}- $34!.-.-.March1921, :1. arr in . _-.a+-:-o .. "l " 31lilo ¢3,, ~~*.-- -. ---, 92i92oil" oi fl .519 1:1 Q4? . _er -- -._ .- .. -l . l _._ '* ' ,>' - ,- "MHei'E are tl1o"i'oc o li- ._¢ ' -' "Er F-~'T.~ |. - . 1' L on " - -1'Pa -' o ¢"' 91° 15Q19 _. 1--1 ti --=;~.- .'-.< --=.....,>-..-. .., .§ - _ Q. -r on -1 =.1'- ' B» A s3 Q qt} in allil 93°56 1¢1D92- QT; _?W ;_::_ !M_ 11$ . 5 . i Q92'92 q lgs " u agftfa I _?_92".,;'-'£,92.;.. qfl , ._- 9' G 11 -g 1-}? ; .. <sf. 92igui e°"1 92>1° *5 1.95" O92$» Qoi vi qr-5O ,,,_.92'. 1..- . / f oi -~-. c li-i5.3»- oil 1 gt P _ " _ Fletcher, Purple gangsters 4 ~; ,u!er_,was arrested is l ' -'.'-1*"--:'l.+ 1'5" -' . 1» " 5 ,-Jr.-Hie policerecord follows: 1192 o1 . G - 3an O-K=14Qtn °iv . -.1. -=' " ~-Y-'0!§1rl 1* . and9blJ6l assau on to i on .6 . eiiés-.-.. .--. ' s92 t - 92--"'92 "'7" ~l wk. 1-om-1m». '92 92'~Ae92$_ as ~o -Q Q, .3 "' :;"T -" ft. by 5magistrate. -8'=-:o>:" K V-tie - -"-L as Dec. 6. 1931. sentenced tn §~ xsgqklr 2 "§ 92.~.;,92*92 _92 {:592 i 92 WK §;92_ ,; to 5years in Sing Sing Prism 1% burglary. ' ' <1 92 '~ W. '- Dec. 7, 1935. Brrroled in B1 5+ 5.-' I311, attempted attack r P ._V,!,_Ai_.ii}_ __-.__;_~,$_92_,_ _ ..92 l weft. ,,;_-,5 K ,§.92::;. , 92._.ti:_~..>:_a :9292,_ ,92_.._»,.___-1. ;~.&. ti. »_i_, .»._. L ..}' nr woman, discharged by a .'~ '_ 492 -fHJ 3 _I,-_ _.-'', .92'._-_ _ 92_ r .. H ." _, ,_ _. _ _ 3'1. ~ tr_. I: . ;_;!_; _V -,q,:;M_,92§ gi___ ;-- . _4;, I,_§ .»¬§,_;; _ . ._ ~,._... ,,,N,-.!-§92§ .3_. _..' .- _.. __ ,1 _5.;{. k§;_>-. .-___ ;». irate. L - it .__ | m. v92{*.;- . - Oct. 27, 1926, arrested 2 =._f;:s.§;**=¥ = ; *§g:-4., i".,. .i- = § -...;-"I ¢°-=- gr--' ~= :.. .xx-1. -i "l= _l.Qqi'. " -'~':¢92-' *=*-" - 1n 92. _ I-,_ . troit ea Abe Gold as .-| -- -' *.-._-L. ->;,.-{_. . - ~_-.92",t-ant-§§l'-$};_% -' .*,';;r-'-v,,¢s-.-'-..:= '"'..1:: . .<~F.~&.."-; in --:-n"-"'*'~-.". "-_ = >--. '92'o_~rr§?§,_._. -.-- - - _-92' ;;. .;. -,.,92--;--. '92 Q-_ 92_.92 r »?¥-iii. ;.-.1 _ -"'.,l-' ~_-',---- .--; orderly person, discharged . . -=* -~ *=. superintendent. ' ' - §3:§~ ; .1, - >.,..¢--~.. --cit-it-=..:.-=.=E=§13*i=r-. -;-.!-s'.=".-15$-.l*"?.~,-1 =**'*.3.'il"?:'-r.=1~'3 =.i-..< - .;-or-;;;-.5} ':?:_::'92 f._:;92;' .-_."-92..;.! ¢ %_'92.-».-_.---fl:-".1-..'..'.:1-"ll;-5-"~,-_ §- -. .- ?¢. 92. .-.-1.-:.'&-'. 1';-s»2-92-'..'-.~=r¢ =i*P--r~'.,r-.12 " _-;.~|, -.i..~...;;.- ygz,-.. ~:92l¢92~.92-!¢ . °~?$ '- '-'1-.-..92" ' ' -"Yer.-. ,5 "-"<14? 1' --:9 92. d92'92-" . --ri.+'-*:. a 41 Oct. 31. 1926. arrested in :4, H4 92 -. M Yb , oi t _ _,..-:_-., -,. -.~ ».;'<.'='.:~-'-_. -': _1 .£':~ .-92. -.' -, -5 ' 1 '--' -..-92_. 4 ";~;!. ;'., "", , --_.~_.:,; -. as "_.92be GnId'I&# a pi -. -Q,' 92 i' ,.. 3; _,V. . §¢_._.-... I .= -=.,- i1;» 7'. -,3$~; _f~§-%~ "T =L51 > _ IQ =-~ -"-'< -, '1. =.;_;I_-.-.-_:_.;-5_k53".-=1 gr?" ! troll 5., L "<!.<1'* ht i.» I92FI92|92.I9292 F Ii .3 . Witness, discharged" liy er . i a. '§* lntcndent. -" _ . . If, .,.E__,§,: ,_V_'.__ _.,;..,>__,t._. ,.,¢_1;..}__,._92. =>-.--e H ' _-._::Y__V:_;l -7-. ,-.7 92 -I =' :.i."¢-..°$"'§'92='-..'§_ . _:. .;~.- T~.., .-. V. .:._,';'.;;,:<1:.' l¥-?=e>.=~i%$~,¢-.s.-.. --=-..:..';.-,,<,, 1-» March 29, 1921, arrested in = . ' _ @-' _:_-_ -.;. . .3 ,-. » .. ., , i_,.._. -. ..=.. .;§~~ troll: as Harry Levine" rolv "' Y . n -1".-.-Y '.j = I.92'I,, .-==-3, . -. :-.i;§t¬*i . "" " ... ~ ~ »1 --1? ....1.¢.....'.1 . armed. discharged by 51 1 RECENT RAID - ' intendent. _, . . CAUGHT IN 7 *- fGANGSTERS, SLAIN TOGETHER, May 9, 1921 . robberyarmed. In I lng them. The gang pair, slain on a ride Rena Axler left! and Fletcher, diminutive charged by superintendent. lone Oakland County road early yesterday. at this urpio Gang gunmen, are being; taken to police Aug. 18, 1921, robbery or as they faced their faced poll co together nnrte rsor questioning after - apublic enemy time 1 M . .' .,,.§% or ts.-=~ ~= *92** '--.____ '. Cir-92 - 92.'.--: _: .11:1 .92_§ I -: '92 ISQ. '§:"." .1»krt}; _Ml.-92, I?%~'-3.-. 92 92- ~_ xi ~~§ . - :l3 _-. 1- -'4 P . ». . :..-3: --2 . _:_ --3 __ A -_ __ ..-. . .,_:,;;.-s..,_ . . -_ .".'92, -. '";.s-;..' ~ -- .- -_, --92.;.;_.-. . q._. V? I __ _ In. . .>_._1;,-1-7.: _;_ '- .VQ .,.,.~:.= ;Q~3._r;.e_-.v+.. ,_ _1 ¬§.§_.;;"?{_'§?*.;c~._1"§e§_£' . 5;.-=_.;r _ 3,5; --l I . ., . _ ; . ». . iha 1'-ts». _ _;§__-_.,§,_ §92 _.,.92,,;.,;:_':-;.:t L _ $3._:__r_ j5,;_: §?_._V 2;!"- -1|-§'i|j;§L'1;_"I!g1,é;ti92-e Flannegan hcCOIIlpl.l'i}'ls Mike yesterday. murderer laThin aTimes picture.! ! - - -- ' ' ~ ' " '"7 ' ' ' EX. 3 ; -1.~-3',-.-; discharged 4 ... W J? . or :1 - by auperlntenrivv LEADERL §,l._AYlNGS LEAVE LAST or PURPLES 0 want to see s§;'I_'l1a news awesome that Abe boys once ' me in action just -- He boxed Don Burchard at Harry Harris Fairvlew Club. Mack and the email. black hours. 'l Falrview avenues, and the rnob saw get decisively outpolnied in 3. :.'k-Z s-',-92 .-1-; 1g ;.game- rst beiore dawn yester-| him eight rounds. » u which was soon gill -1 .|[';y g~rumor It was from this fight. some say, Kqn rmed via, the grapevine of the Eddie Fletcher were ._,{_ _ ller and r=92;. .,_ rbumped oil electrified 1-:._.. _ .£0-,l>itues Detroit oi : underworld y §' §§2-?§ !.I bdious To! Public 'reputatlon.i Ene- St. Louis gang seems to hav merged with the Deirolters. th combination being strengthened Q the addition of adozen or so accredited tough ones trom Ne York. -' The new gang proceeded to wor from the viewpoint that there by - rrg. _ -~».-Q --1-7--~,.- _., .,-»_..,.-----.--..--..,.. .L.,._z... -1 -A»-,.-.~-.,_,>.,. *1»-.. . - it n. .:_ r -2 ~.92*~§5.~i-'t_'_?.-§92i.~.-,.~==@'>_,-=Y*' ". ' --l -.. .,.92~: 1 -" '~-"W >l: ,-.>,_... . "= -#r».»="-;-i » ¬**~* %"$92*4-* 7*"'-<"* Y1 ;Q .'-:5-92E="1 . 5...-'-. . $5" 1}. =.==~ -1'-» .'%..' 'i< .-T.;4; ' - "' ,c 92 i N 1, 5,,._Y A i wii no-r lsni:2; twig;.s w......,k~. Foe Detroit Times . ~ - or #3 November i '; ':'-.;.¢.-.~, "L -.. ..--/ 92j92 . .- .. . ,, ""§"§?":-f-I ". °' 6' ' g...,='¢~ ' - "='" i<§z -'5? 1,*.'*~92.~¥-' -W'_ ' ° -~:.v . -92 ,. -*1 *3:I$. ...- r",0 _ ..~92?~ .92-r . 5: r---~ .i rfr: <.;é$§»'i$;,_ .-.. _. -' . -57¢:.i:.;wi- .. . ':. ~ A- ,. 1'?-. ~.':. l "=»<,[email protected]§ '. 'i;~hm ~.~¢'».> .l--Qq 7'+e¢-5% -'-~ , ecu. . ._ - _. . - _3»-2 ,$_¬ - ' ,--N13-_=-_,._.r :;*"~.~-> ....-..92,; ..'*92"».. i II-. ;. .-. i- "" ' *' - ""l - l 7l 2?, _1933 »:-s">i.'.§~:-;",,l F "'AXi'e1"so on ?- : '? '*92 ,5 '. I .. 3*i§.i?" ..% ;§§ 5-"3§".':. ' Mimi!" A "at-=<> ...-92 if rm U t... ""*°*'zv» w;'&._ _ _.!§¢_ __ ,-._.:..~..: . _;, '*'..r., l vi frag 92- _ __ 2?;,,. . iv " -:11. , _»_...-_»».-_ >1.1; '7 ;.~ .r _. - t . J5. ..f;"§:". ' - I ..-..92 .,.. I .~.~ . i 5 'le*ic §~:1<.=*§:.r~,... ».:g. - 9.->§..asr?~ . in t. k " " ~" E9-V 1. ~. ~:-oz-'?" ' § qr agf 33% ii . r " r 7* Z "W '§'+.'= . » -;;'="-xii ' no? aretherecords dlj; ¬ <§»;=:-Z7? 7'f Abe Ailey ""a;' and $2 _é -, _;; , _ 3., m.,_"bury ,,.,,,_, Flglchpr, Purple gangsters: - * *" i Arietlwas nrrosled .lB link» . , ».. .» or , -in _. W . 3.». * -_ ,__.. ", '-j ~ ;;§ ;:.i..f,-Z-E "win-{ZV¢g and Q5 Detroit, ,York by sup-erlnt .--.-.~-.--- -'~= . .' " .~~-a.x"'=i _. " ,5 ' " fwdq moiichrd three times. '_ _ P-ff! Z,;-of? 28. 192$. Pickbmii ah "av §°"i= . -5? »i. 3'>a ";1 92"r-' c l**"* A'-W 4....b ;-!, .:. W . . H ? '1' ' TA ills Emilee record folln'wlr:"" A '§*Ip 5 P°' °a ls P" .. Au _l- . -l-. _-... _F.,.;~_.L ;;._A H 2| 19 an ted$11. ,L zo_ 19:3, 1-ol,b¢-ry rpife ' . Tin "F! 5 ' an diwtfllli by Judjea d .. .~ . . cu...-§:== -92 * 92 Qan - -' I-_,V, - ark,.roheryandass:t, nib, _ --92 ' A-4My '~:--.H1.-.. " g. . . Ei' r LQ l; n W = 1.. 92',§.|.4 run, 1929, robber lrm l " §,"fl°"ihb§,n}§§;st::::§re¢ ~. ~|'. ..' l iiifsggd yJudtg Th . ~11 %;_.J;=.< __,_ __ A t :1°' _~ -.'.>."-~'= ~,": o ,.-*' ~'r'. 1.1'~ i. °"--3.-.~" .,; ...': :.- »;_ =-;.,.-, ii-1 York, _ £7} 1'I... Q uuusna-1--n.n nrnwlnépnéq -grand larceny, dischnrged _ ._.. -Int l"9a'$-" U; no , |"" -- r. ¢_. :_ ' t-,' . I1, la 1939, sentenced to one _n i Dec. 6, 1931sentencrd0 Q4 _1s;..3 _yand mouth, in Lmwm I . P§l' _i . .'=:=.-.;~=={? :<§-=~r. to 5 3-earsin Sing Sing Prison ion th, and lined $5.000 for viola,=' 192i¥»;';§- ¬'v"-927f I , burglary. ,'£ _ _. ' " - .-15¢;-7 .»-'.,:.? of the Unit-cd State! code. 1.. 1. .-31. Duo. 7 1925,arrested in Brook;-L; _lconunl_l_r5l_rrpr;_:_ page It ,." .' " ';.-~.: rs r-:r-'=4-.=,- .1.-':'.F 3 -.-;-- ' ,' _ 92_ ' , t 3 18,158i,robbery armed I41 Ky, it! deal Eli? i-. *i'-R: -tr -'¥..*. *~"~'= --iiiiiiiiiitbb . -I2 géj -;. ;:-_92 ,_ - the lyn, niempml Qunclr by uporm notox-I535 gang ill VlV. 1'I92.I,B l:y ovc . ' 1 . "* _1~.i»;+»-W. 5 -1 Z;.1§2¢. '....;-M in 1. !!! ~°' '" 1"th§, policeclaim,the 11313 "° . ._...._-..:.._-.4'...I._§ ii Z - §, _" ;__to "" '°"1* °d " " i 10 ml chargedwith -.*. .'- '.'; <5: 5*, ...T__; _=?___,_.;.4r :.,r,;-._:.-n'.".;=-,-. -. ;f@£'l:<¬:'5 ." ':- -Y - V 'd"l-l 'tchorWI] n-rented11 timrs. ':"?5 .5," ~'I'!r = ;£'!1i£ Q _'a§_'~ _,r - '~{¬ ,-*{"'?,;, :_?'.' . __ _$f_!=; 3 »- -. N early all of its domln-intmem- ;@'?"'ho u AbeGold u ~ #3111: Detroit, ind WI! con- »-...~..._. . -,,.,,¥,,._;?;>§i~. ___.,, __-._i__=:k .; bers have cithcr left D°"° ' °" ?il1%} ;.-{*:'5" ;§"*" .. i mP"mumdmt' 5 . A W 'en'wori H1:policerecord 1 1-{an-v Kcywell |,_j;-. ' Oct.31. 1926.arrested in .-: .» W r _ RS, st/mv rocrrnzn, mud Berncl E_n' -I 1._-_.1and-; In .!F92v4H }1'g, ~.|-*-.1: -.--_=* troit an"Al>e.Goid in _. s pl-l:B¢-1* ing the mg _921i|L92 L0lil115'.'.'u::'1 F letchcr, diminutive ._ witness, '&§§cIn:|r;.~i by |upi'.f92_;_ being token to poiico lono O are life-tizrlcrs and§ _. ; alter 1 public enlzmy tlrno in srlmc prison, Philip1-{eywcll 92_ ' ' Biolris Raiderare servinglilo or-_rl-Vt March 29. 1927, arrested in _ 3 mnegnn is lt x'0mp&n}murder; - Fawn lust .."li'." -ti only moo when - ho wen to been killed orimprisonedRay °rd"U E921 I0 atMixrqll Inthetl . intendent. --it-'. - . ' for killing a Negro boy W110 ' , troit an Barry Lorine" robbor1i._i_armed, discharged by ' Hr . tcnccs came sci-ossone ot their liquor; 152;,orrcotod no onllce released 22,,.'ll.lj>9 - 'May 9,1921, robbery armed, intendent. '. . __ >' . . __ In . Bernstein stays aw?-Y i'1'0Y"i ,|_u,1, Dztrolt, and his brother,JO38]ih.is' me , Aug. 18, 1921, robhcry arrn¢d,5- I}. plants. Ab ' said to have quit BaT1$d°m ¢I921"°iYml;-,4 .. .3. H25, robbery lrmod. dischargedby uuperintondeni!._,_".'.=*.1 h "1-{one bog Miileri I-!"~'_.. !Joscp 3' "' , i'92 .¢_chargedby superintendcnt. f-'S,a-'35; !!,§§ariod bysuperintend JEIQ[5Qhomefor the insane.' Q 1;; _t oc. ll, iiFA92/F |-L|,l92I'l. IA I-In . S I-i'92'i'i1g Shapiro. ilku A1-tic! F} W i-RE LLFI ~ Fletcher,"went out the hard,WA! -,= rower 1 Omit. ,h.me4_l He boxedDon Burchard . Harris 1%ii,robber arm tr-: AD E RI. iabrulry my ' Bcrrlstei Harry Suimnilarrwl .d92: . é|92F] §i5he3 Sam Drapliin , and-DavcI ~, police : ,Abc . want i:|oys toseemein colt Rcmainln say,arkonly hav Fairview Club. M -l B 3... ... ; mot miiFairview avenues,and the '1 The c--~.~ D35, robbery Am-led. f ll-Ifa bysuperintendent. r__j_ 1;; 1931,charged will WI-lrdrr. dlsclurredon writ. _' ' * n inf r. May 9. 9210 av. 29, 1921 lnr and Milberg were aentence<§f_;_-_8_j' u_ I o lfupcriniendenl . FederalJudguCharlesC. Simoriito -',l_ no 1; 1!-£8.lrrelted as die oi. delicatessen headquariqr . so of laervl oncyenr and 10 months ini' the Federal Penitentiary at Leaventen-ieni. -»1 nd llYi'1992 him get decisively outpol where the gang-moi. NewviI ° yo:ter- , eight rounds. » . ipt. I} and Nov. 11,1923. ml. {riendiy gangsters from other citi éi W01 J 800!!! ' It was from this right, s sat out the night withtho Pur.pl'es.. W flh, I mod, l hlliod by duper of the Iam, and to pa;_,zln5=.__l>r i" TE at dent. ' I=_. PmceQ39, F 3 Chief,lthat the name "Purple" ga ha; bet;-nalmostde _¢T.i§'!.1 H . $5.000 3' IL 1329-.oentencnd to on Fletcherand Astor,1!¬l_l.t1iY d_!than l}5l§a-i .each. noted. Fletcher followed "atessen; 0 ular New York prize. uA_ss.92cn1t' r §*f;i_"_ ll cou.nmwoon_ r _pcrIumed and g92-cr-bothered, won P P . F up Goi-l .They served tlicir s_entence&' cad guy--___ 3 tomof dressing the ghter "Onthelam"mid,nnknbwlnglyutn occu- intny Ionno,dlichnrged by... pnrt l l_ _ ~ ldld _not_get'_'lntonirioug troutglql with the luv" agiid until Sept her, 1931. At thattima the Purplp gm: WI-8: !-l;b_92.'l8Qd of pezpstra *r _x__ L_ _H_ :0, _ "N, Y-hr 92 .IZr. V > F F} ' __l 92 |_ _~ -L Yi.é.E£{IHG'l C.OItl PO{: D.- IFt =14"-ry __;_,1931,. Der1?0ir*ea1~;=ilse -I » ,Ga11g Snrashed t,By Uwn Greed 92 L, I r }_l';'01ice Leaders Tnuld Say Not , r .92 92 Stand Pr0s]1eril_92' .._.-r J*-* i 01" Take Orders. 92 Il it _. - -, f. Detroit, Feb. 24 !l",|. Ti1e I u'r j ghle gang is dead by its own iwruiri. it Jealousy and greed did theirv ori-1 Even before repeal prohi'hition o mined the bootiegging and alcohol ' .:§ool-ring says bi1.=ine.-.5, Chief oi Dcgqectives W. Fred Frahm. 5 t.5"The Purpies crumbled from i within. The big shots couldn't stand t prosperity and eouldn t take o:riers.,' iIhe nal blow came last fall 92vlion'i 5Abe Axler and Eddie Fletcher. iypi-;i I J " t ;cal Purple gangsters. who rose to-4 tpower in aweakened organi /ation.. |- t were put on the spot in their own ear." Kicinaping, robbery, extortion. aiI.:<.=!1-':l rookinz, an-'5 l:=oc*tl -,_,,_Zn_._, nintdereeail were written in the n1nh's record here, until the law and guns in the hanzs of their own memilers caught up with those around whom the gang had been built. , "No ;rnt its one is certain how the gang name," said Frahm. "It ihave started when some may ,§ s merchants gun the East side called ahunch of 'pctty thieves Purple, rneaning oil-color. Anyway. this bunch of kids, numbering 40 or 50, grew boirior as they grew older, and in- I926 the name Purple Gang had gained a sinister aspect." 1In July, 1930. Jerry Buckley. tradio commentator, who had waged -a campaign against gambling, was ishot to death in ahotel lobby. The ¬. kcase still is unsolved,'three men having been tried and acquitted, tbut the police began pushing the gang so hard that quarrels among its members were rumored, revenue fell off, and many of the members left town. IPolice said the conviction of Ray ,-, Bernstein withIrving Milhert: rind I ;IT:u'1'yinKeywoll the C0i]i|u1'=u92'n0:i |Man0r Massacre would "whip" the i ,Purples. Three brothers, all-reed a -. .., .'-. QDFJD -,. ' '1z i ileaders ofthe gang.left Detroit, :__ Axler and Fletc-her,whoge h riipgi t were found only afew month; Ram é were said by police to have i_m@|-1 the last or 11ie__c-Id-time rm-|m~.<, who tried to remain in Detroit and .re0r_;:an_i_2;§!__the gang,old {Tl--- I--_1l'-I _ _._-.1. .. t L. i.'~5.".i "e--e . ,£~.» art"- v Y W 9292 92- I1-. ézw¢4@9# , -,5/_ 92 1 c...- - 0FbundS_lain on . Ride Nrern'Defroi ¢ bwrnorr, :~:m-. 26. P!- -The bodiesof Abe Ax]:-r, 34, and Eddie Fletcher, 33, Detroit and New York police characters, wwerefound in an automobile near fn.=-hinnableBloomeld Hills today. Both had beu l l el-iot to death. The men appm-:22};-' .bc-an ul n several hour5 before. Each 11 been -shot five times. Poll ; ,w ile riding in the car and th b ieved the men had been slai their slayers had been with the . Q -Ill I --Q n f92 92 {H92_ _92 @_| 92'92°*V1 -° fr '°K"<"_§_=> ,--. I 4 §Q £ 1:.lJ~»" r'~ II ~ ,1 Ll n ' i 1 |- i .. 92'~~ 1 92 | d_ , r P ,1 -1 4 ¢ 0 '1 . i :" ' _. _-I 92 -2]ofPurpleGang 5 ? Killed in semi: .nx=rmrrr.du1¢. >1- .1 5: F L" _.. DETROIT, Nov. in the mannerof Lrangland,Hie, qbodies of Abe underworld sinee ac he:'e Fletcher, 33, iilcntiii _;w:Lh ' ' ' o 1.1926, |. Axier, 34, Dei-rnit! public enemyand Songknown to! -New York police and _E"Ir1ic J in -. I 26 AP!.-°51:92i192 an automobile dashionable -r were foun ,, ,VJ Azuer _today ,_ IIBloomfield B11153 The bodies were-~ it acar owned by 5I"B in roar of fe. Au ' zautnpsy indica.ted' f en Imd_ '. been dead thirty mhutes. had been shot five Each times. ' 1 Both men reputed were members of the Purple Gang" 1 5I .»92 ,UI1 __ .-.»~ am: *1 . 92-~92 _A P * v---...»,........-._...... ......h...~ .. t_ ,. 92 » gi Y:_r ~ ,_~;'_ ___ ___ _=3" f _ in H 1- _ _~9-. . _.-_».~-92..AIII_-_ .---...~i._-»»_ .-______ -. _..._._:_:_7 e-' ,**= I92'PI _,_,__ . vi _....._,_,_ ... _.....-.._..... .....,. , ...._ r..._.-_ NH 1: nf é u rs gui h. "fits; F |:_ 3111"-.!7rr.~ ZQcpnrhncntnf H _T , Detroit Michiucn DJ. 92 i . trv p, |'p:~92 92 o2o Lafayette b@ November 28 Fi3T. ' c H r, .,t 1933 K .u E 4. ,_9292 . L . '- Lo Mr. . '__,.,__---4" Director T92-{qr-{rm-1 92v92 H4 LIL! LDLVM UJ. U. S. Depar Washington, Dear Sir: . ia. Yv-92wv-no-Q-O~-E 4-4 r92I-'92 . -. ..LHVUi3h.l.,5E1 ULUU tment of Justice D. C. , r,§ .L. '!r'~ l clippings taken which concern - %Jt »=92Eurole ' IL7! Gene from The Detroit the murder of two There ere being tr beylxler and ,, It 5 eneuitted herewith newspaper alleged members of Times of November Eddie;<1 1''_ 27,1985 E | the Detroit are allegedlyretognized as Detré the cr T nevi», 7.D'l"92 Uh 1'11 -L4-.l_T-n 92'!r't+.'|-'J. "aA92o' vb kw 92/ _.92¢-' also abovewill individuals be noted ere setthat For the fingerprint information ,Police number of it ioolic iminql records Enemies Hos. of the l end two 2. these clippings. Livision's i hxler is out in please be advised that 1 Qetroit 29655 and informetion with regard to WL:MED '5 Encls. Fletcher, Q.-92 ' Q L: L Hr Very truly yours, "92 Q; .. ';;z1/2~92 géijy . /.2?/;4I</ oi Z n. Larson Special ggent {ff in Charge ' I . 92 IU 1- 1?"92__l IP", .'- !1J_e_;92_.-92.. ¥3?2%32_# L ii lllll llll Fill l l EH illll Ill lllll lllllil E llll? lFFT so u|i|.;|..i..i Abe Axler | I _ , il and Eddie Fletcher, machine I gun terroristso__f»the Purple gang andrecogEnemies One andl > nized asDetr_oit s Public Two, had di'ed'"toda§ as theylived-by the: gun. The Debro it Q l 1 " Their bullebriddled bodies, returnedfrom their! last ride inan isolated road inOakland County earl yesterday, layin the Lewis Uncle:-taking Parlors, 77 Times ' -' ~ John R. street, awaiting shipment to New York s Eas , Side, their former home, for burial. l .>"-~ . 11/27 /as lllennwliile, policeof Oaklaml owl 9292'il,92'I1e counties sought5 the motive oi Detroit ga:i;;laiicl's latest slayings and girdedl ;=__ -,1=:' "- ' t-liemseivcs to prevent reprisals [1-om the few surviving 1'5 ~ 7.»_, members oithe once powerful l urples. The doubleslaying marks therst; timePnrples have ll l"ll taken{or a ride. 1 I->=,-'_ __V , :£iLi.r;n isnasnrs Pars F Detectives were ehcekinyr informalion today that a gang; of alcohol distillcrs had the two lulled for donolr.-crossiii l l them lastSummer. Thereport is[ll3l!'l1llB lhe_clistillcrs were l1 in jail "or hidingfrom poiice.* * "r'* " Fletcher and k --.r "_' ' _ -tr. __ ,-II. 1'3. -»._, t to contain petlers, at 2~ 'Axler took charge ilieving it a. m. _vestei-day. l Several Detroit homicide Sqll dl detectives, Oakland County dep i utieg and underworld cronies of: the gangsters believe Axlrir and! Fl£!lICllf l' w killed re in reprisal for"an old debt." 'l'l92!'_92 a great m:|.u_92' had enelllllti nudhyhnd lieen accused of numerous murders. inclildlnp; the " mnchiue gun massacre of three l of their distillerics but failed to 92 _ _2 '_* turn over the pro ts. 3>1 I T-he two gunmen. inseparable . since their arrival from New York when they joined Fred "Killer" Burke and the lale"Gu.= Winl<ler in 92 iddnaping and hilaciaing, and who have been clmrged with practically every crime of record. were found _ _ one claspinq the other ! hand. their bodies riddled, in the rear seat of a new car belonging to Mrs. Evelyn Axler. wife_of Abe. . -1, It was parked just off the Query ton road. 100 yards east of Tellegraph road. facing. east, in the exclusive Blooinfield Hill section, and powder burns convinced police the death guns; were pressed against the victims bodies. Identification was traced first through the license number of Axlnr's ear. The identifications were quickly corroborated by police, long familiar with the pair, and later by the widows. Fred Lincoln, Bloomfield Township residential policeman. found the bodies, still warm, when he opened the door of the sedan, be- l l l _-1 1:" J ---;__ - ~ln East glexawe street in1 men l_othe Mira or s Apartment | l929."".lol ln 1-To man. lieutenant in"char'ge the:-special o'l' investi- , gallon squad, said. "ll is likely some friends or relatives "of murder 92-lctims caught up with them." _ Intimates of the two revealed in the Tlntes that both hoodlums had been hack Ln, Detroit the last 10 days after having jumped their $1,000 bondswhile awaiting trial as public enemies. The real reason they ll:-cl, the Times was told. was that they feared arrest inconnection with the 3~_year»old kidnapin: of Ah» Ft-in. sportsman. for whose ahdurlirm Joseph "Red" O'Rlordan. I.; _,_ __,_,?5:.., .1_é __H_, 4,: 1 " "' ' , '1:- . .'I92&# ..,_" -. - --;-;-' 1» ~~» - ,7 FE: _ <»<§'e , ~~ - ' ' ' _." _, 5 ..I-. ; _:i ._»__-' !;[; :~1Q J. r ' §'_' '-:-,1;-,.79 ' . 92 -2. <2 -.-: ,-,' --W-_..:--.-,92 1.-51.»? -~"' -/','~ v -> ' 92|4'-.--'-1» l' -",7~.'=2/~:-: ..A ~»:-:;... _, ~. Hwy:'. §.§:_,;1 . 3-7_ , ¢;~';efe7:_-i 7_ 77 ...._;.;.; ,;.§_7 » --.-gs-=§~: ;__ .~. _;- e -}~weg '. -w" ,' -* *~ - - P -1- " F :~ 1,7 w' 5 '__~_<_._ _-_;_-I. _>_,:;§_ _; ~_ - _~;'-1." _; __.: _.92»,5 ,§__ nI ,5 _92_.-_~__ ,_..._. 2.7 _ __:;__?1~21 .r_jV, ,-,.- _r-~p;,;;_- wk-' n ;.._ ?%.j*:#2i$ ¬ . .»~,i1, §*% §* -?» 1.+_92.*r_7;==; 7 7 ' -.@~7<7;~7 *3"-~~ "-- $ * -. 4.. rv-Ki-* Jw§ q.,_, ;_,'_ .§__,-%:Q,;j,;i__I ,- I Q.-._/-_" }'é,;'_3." ,7 '-1.,92§_ rs, vi 1rig".. r - ~ . Z. .. "-5% -- 7 "*'"'* "" ""* l Iietrqrit31110110____ 351189 : 92 _ __ ax' -;E'~_-?i_-,7-.;::._'. _ :4 H __4hi.1 Qrf:5 ; i _ .__. __.__ _792~§}=.3r§*7, . .7~" "" ' '.s»1~-. =:92e§-E» »-~<»v~ ;~ ~»*;~<4-= .»' Q' -i'. 32?"! '¢ F" 5?=:»*?5'+ -,1---I--1~ LII Q'= ,* M :_ -. 7. ~..:' ; ' - ;,;-:== --=.-;~ *,T "-' - ' e"-' . ' .e ~'*~--,..;5+ _: -;-7» ._ t,.-1.-7---=7----_>.___ 4*92= 4**_e;e~~~*=***'=§., Y.-A -<1 . ..7 .. =,,~ -;_r --/=_-1 -<.: ..'~_- _ 7-__. _'"Q@"_ bl . ..-~ 1 -- 492*_ l _ .-_. ._ .-7 .--_'-__w ,1-_ ¢;-:|~f-s92"l";--.92» 1;. -.- ', '< ~ ~" ;;: ;.-i-; :1.e~..";'}="=. .2» .1. *J »:~: .i*.-»t"'"-r. 3? *~'.W'* *"of .7. '-i5:¥°{3 >'.->" .4.r.=5_ 7Y. -.»,i-'.+.-.=*- --"- Q-».'».1"J. ... 92'vs 1*.-.: 1<-1;--; 92'"~>.77.7'Y* 7~ L 1'55-21, -§?'?1'1-.>..4l~=*-1?? *"-"f"5*:-1'1:-'1 _. -"*§1. -'_ J __.. .;_., F' .7 ___ .__ . :5._ k;e. ' -"' ~.--I'..92"' * I 7 3Q-.7 '92 . -."*; - -.»-=1~¢"s1~*:-.~7? 11'.._?=_ 7' -.»-. .-J-=<I7'-~f§=o @:~i*1;1-=-1v;~'*'::e' -'%~I;i'C-.-r'i.1Ié¢ 3" ° ¥r""Tif"s.~ 5- :'.g.;§';i7§h H1 ; _EQAQHOQTCT, _ I 3, ' .:_."~:f. _;-3 ~ t,-'§"" '____ 3,; -+ tr --_ -.-;5,T¢92I.=,'.I'_.'. - ,.';L.' -7 1" .=r".-- 1-»._¢ -* " - 6"» ' ="- " -*~ -- -=> .92-*1}. ~ -n: " DeP't' Juejhice of , -1~7:7i==_i~7<< ingt on wash ,n.c, ; 7e. 1'r92§~<--'92¬f ~ *'*,'.'7,; .315:- = -F514-q. - '. --7» -"F -. v.--'- *,_ _ v_.'¢'-up _92., .;_,--:._;--151-I »§- .§~ .7.. "- .j ._r:' :f_H:-: .7 ; .92'»_ IN:-V _; _I ,>_._', _. f_ _ 71! r !- ..- ' '~ ' ' 1 . 11 ' l-"' . ' ;;:=_-1 _, .W5 1, -2 .5- ;z ||r92l1 1: em --=:. . .,7. ' 92 7, . '_.- 9; . 92.g:92 - - IQ;I" -~' -r__.. 7' 7~;£-.-_-_:_.;7; ;_7-::_1;z7..7A.:.'_-_ ~P-q-.,. :.' »--¢92 11" . 3.- '. ! _ ' - 7 ,._,_._ _.. - __.~T_'7.__77;__~:,:-4 7_J;%}' .7 V v1"i 1" 'T"":*" -""'." ' . é~ 92,'x' -1.1 ._.|._..,_7.,-,,. ..,__-.7}... W, _ ""-,_.*_k_, ¢ . .., _ _.-;_a792, _-_v-___¢!;?., ;v; - - -.".'-J*=-9-"-~-2 -9* ..»'-' ...-92 . =..--92. .-.-r»_ 92,_ -.- _ r-, _,"= *9», , 4., J ~, :,-w~ L_1. _""_"l=%..'1_.'.r_.__.92 1;; .1. -5 -. 1-. _-.-. +; < -. <1. .=_1.. ..~. t Y. _ -3, _ -_ _ ,- . .3., '~7.-."' ' :'.~~ .3 '. _::_ . 211. " . 4, .' :-' --:' -7 F !,;..~.. P ' ~-~'-..~:_ 92 .' , 7- :-~ 4:11! i1? - ._ 1-I. -r 4. .31! .KL. .H. .-=¢_'~'-7.*_-?.".;" * "" -"j 7 ;7 ,_ ;4. ' . 1._7=.-.;:§;l ~-.,. . f>.7-7 . .:,-"..17c-; -,.>¢__-. ,7 _,,= -7, Mn: .r,*_-~~'».# =4.-rg,. '1-1"; 7- pf ;;g~ .45~_._' r~ . -.1'; _,__. .715 _--LY-_. r: 1 . _ L. .- I '7'... 7_' ___ .__ ___~ ,.__ . .; _r_ 3_ _;_ :;_, ;. -_;__ _:ea. A ,_ . ,2 __. .__7.~_, ,;_. bl}'v .,.. IA V L, l ,4»-*7 ' * '2 ;',_, I ..'92 -r.ér. _..V.. ,3..gu;><1*.¢~.»-|L .7 ...7 . .;3_% P_ g e-,.719-"-2 ."" ~'r"-;'§ :71?- .-' L1: =-1'--, -; ..;-T~-_-;»'_,_{* -. j."'.$r* -.- .; . I --v~" if.i Dear sir: .7 ~ with ¬'__-_%f;§q.._ ....._ ,_._ :55:.J.__. _7 the ,7 .,etrid ea , the d epartment _ _ n. of which youI I are ~=:+:;e*~>m~=~ ,7:;*§q,~1%"* ~ QA 7 ~ head "F_ie_..making _, _. Q1. 3. !?_t " keeeme>-1_.'"w ea if~> . Detroit has been____over1>_ooked__1i;1. ¢_the_,?_g1ee;;up _ei _ _ ~75?-2 take thie- liberty eewrite roe eefi em one. moao._.ieg,i'i§m1 ?*?o.,.Q!;¬;.i +_-=5-;'_}_7 1?e.le" -~ in' fon-up rtiieI cled. "" was given"th"é"opborti1nity to'biwer"jemit. .. 5-j. _ :§;.é- G. ICDOWII 5*'§ 8.8 tha theDetroit river. .1<';P.u1'P1= ms? Ow. i==v Gang . J1-<4 QMy bus ineea is ~, 7. %;_.;_§_}1ee been legalized jf,§»'$'"*_ in Detroit. Several serving race reaulta to cl'iep_tejwhic1iZ §i_§§§& 7_ _7_r in various 7year: _ eec_tione' the" of c'otmtry, ief_j_conei;!'e ago.thie_' _nob,'_eone to *1" my.offieef._'§n§ n§oi 21¢.-7wk=77.=h=.ro@ if21% 7.I._§1¢n..'$.7 nd71i1==.4.* .71?.<..=.<1=ru!'_ _7i= 1- ___ ills _ _ orAthie 1,e W_.-,_the92Petreit river; _ _mob Je Lee!!! _ _mi W3,__{ 92_ k{Y e..7.e.;...<.bre1;1= .kille_:.-of e.re the are _w01 type..._s_evere.1j_eg. B$compelled $6"-;-_lb§jf.,o_J - ,e erfit ."__Il.ife en A ~1% 31 1"&# *:~..:¢-1%-5;-ca terms - 1nthe state pi-is o'ne"2"Yet'i Paras itee__1_'un_ .mr buei neeeandthe taloe biggest ,putiqf.§;he profit ' . i__;,.-,77;';..i ; .. .' ' , " -_ ,' - - 8--"=1 JFAS-= Pi + 4=v*='i" fa - _~ .7 F»; ~ , ' ' -. _'._ My;-;i4; p_§j=-_j'irf__;§'--¢m:';fr92._ e_ A J »g__ __ ,-_? .-__,*-. '92_._ ._. ~".*0... --I-: 4-~'92 ---.. M L;. '-<? ,1 -1.*-__.792_l--_._ 1 ,~1__ -.~771-771* 1» '*T~"92""" "P" _,.*.1'-21 -- -' - "e -= :-- '* "e._qLk_ -"7' :.""' J?"92 "' -"-' . 1-.-' 7'. ' 7- ~ -" -~ 7--92 "*' .1" '-:; :.F '5' §". -1. .» .' 1 #_ -"»"i" =~5.},_ .=-.*§_ q->;,92__;~___ 1_,V927 the em _ A. _, they took over ._ ,.___,92if _. __ 3,, _¢ ,,; v... _,i__92_921§'f92f_:;__;f_ 3 T_ my buaineae there were eeveral other. ,- . ,__ of thesame type which were ;-o1:dere l_oee¢i__fby$;;t1: .;:;- *1».-;»7-Y! -"'.' : .1.",7-4" "i,.-;-_{'lU;- 1_ ~-':~er 7pene1ty.o£ I deat I10" . "-92~=-. '. En ? -7,g....~--."|--, 92 *" W '7 ..'%.}7'w" -'- ' 0AH. - .w*1'-. .1 - -. :, .' __-; - ,. . ' .- Q- -' _ __. ,.-- 7!.~ .7,.:_-1,~ 5 ,ln -. '11: ~* J- '- ."--. 5_.__». e_ *3 .- _,_¢ ._.-;,=_. --ig_-'7 __.. '; ~"'-13-: .." ' ?-.4_"." -- ._' 1*--»~ "I._ _ __'b'l_ -r-":'¥:§?1"= K **:'*".l*"' . 7 -~. _ ._ _.T; . e-_-,r~',*92". . ='¬""'5; _ ..... _ II op:-ey -that yo l2§§§;}i%~%;; : §*;ai=,i'inveetiget o£_ the " ion ...o-f:e;:¬?;the earns _dose your d will mu ' ur'deperthie t :=."?# ' e¢eLoe'ieQi#feT; Q -'7 -- " - ;- ¥£.f-:=- both __ ale o eonne ct ed --, ._ 7 7._ .. - __., 11-; =7 -+ ~..":;1¢~7"=,:.u._-.7 .:~ , _"-Q1' 1; Q, _g ' Purple Gangzoactivitiea inofleeh 'and-' ep -r'bmen1i7..h&B some given -,i'hey _. .8_ with the dope an i liquor _I'e.ckete her -3- I'd-are give not you my name but ii_n_faet? 'e oi1¬&# an 7:1. inreetigati -_w_il1_ £'$ 5'?L* . and I trultl,7 7yo;:._wi1l1_d9_A what 10 1dyou .7 . ! have ..7-P» _- . above - ~.. .. in .:_ ..true--. 7._.. I , ' _'0~<;---_-1 IE;-k$,? ..53-yf--. .-'# -M 7 * r? A f_?3'~"f-IF;"@=;:"=:.-1%, your power. in t o rid Detroit _oi .th_ia ___jm92ene_~ee. pu.__t K1 18. 91-¢.If.,.it -'~.»e.-~ ~- ~"__.I.._...._ 4. _.._ ._ __ ll ,5 t _;a_92.-_ .IucrAc any .?l E.§~H=? .'.,7-17 23: _re_B.4. ~*f7',*' - -' '. ._ ._.7 7" _-_" k .o..1re1*FI -- -- !~- . --- --92-~ 71 7 r! 7"v.A .l-t J5 - f" E. TH ~»7 = .7 11- R 1~-.-';;*~'?'¬,5:;.§F e;»e= ¬e¥=e& fi?1.* r.» j-;-;new .___~_ 3, -.__..»-;::=._:.§*-..;.;r;;¢3,;e:_-92 _, 4 . ;;_j;_';._;,--V3.5.-t U ix; :_._e. __;4..' ._ ,;~%g;7t. "*9;--4% ,_-. _, ... .-,. wen .. .,r..= , .. , -. 7~ <,. av.-?=.§ £3.z.7..7,_».1_..-.,.~ ;;,_, *§-, -.£74-.-x~;~.» l"="' _ 7 7K.-J '-'. :_'t_"l92J§| .."?-.- --..,.3 -*|d._£"'_|!_: . 7a -._.,":A 9E _ ..-A"4 ',~r:-7f ---' ¥f.'3 -' '9' '-1.',.-,92'= *3» 9" ', 77 'I".f.: -_ .- 1-. .31 :-,!'_|92 .:-@594, -i-Ea .-, "7; " ~*- *92'._ 7» " " 1_ I_'_ _92c_-7; .c~,-.~Q_ .; '__ :>_.;-". ;-'_~;_. '|. ~__.-:_§ e-1: _,g':_=: .1 ; __ _.<. _ =. _._;- . __. Q>i__,'_:.. _ ;.?_i-{VV__%;;;:._-_I-;§.; ,.;_£=,."..'Ie._~,,1;-7.5 ' __ _,,, 1=_i -"kwiv; ---' "-~.1-'e':@ - 1-1:f92'we.:v If 4.»'n--.-_:.r: 1' P- - »-.=- or-,,, "- C J * we = _ .2;-_I3.;_'-_¢~>;'=.;':'£;g = .* J'-_¢_|'» $7.1~_;_'g',-LJH-T 53.:;?é|:77;,V-,7 3 _.t§___-?:;§<,1r.,;._i _ £; t"_. ,;;;§;, V_ A. ._._ V___, . _, --'1-.; __7_ 92 -M, 7__,, Lfr. .,_I J._."_P3-_, .' ;7_ -_ 7";-.. -;_._.-~ P__'.- ».~.= -*-*@:"»%f?=-7512?*eif-: E.*:$L.-~;,§1»ef;e.= ?-'§?;?.477 - ./.»'§5§ _' ~7," -& ,- .:$ ..7'7 :'i...7-ma.-=7: ..=:,,,, ¢-1wyg, ~ 3, >7 »J . 1'-"=:¢**'*'5?S 'k""-11'3" E- i": :;92"' ' ' - ' " ¢75. ' §;"-,5-Q-_"5.§f". ' *-"- i'"_f-'*7"+§i3".' *1;$7.! _ . .~.__7.,.7... .._e.»; M@@e,"¢;@¢ ..;».= 13,-1,-'» =7==..;1rq;;*§§.§.7i_7...1g~%t;r_:§,;g;j:- T '5.-!'I'|',"31" QI&I,,_§|l 151$ G111.-6! I0>7-»='~¢f3"*-7" l§c'. %;e=e?§. 7-;'* e.»-1--"~---.=:-s gr; i-i.'5' 3 _é ="_s'_&# _ _,__' --- .' -$5-lé -'5,-G-92-"."i"i - i ,.' ' .:51- -'1 ="-f -".-"F ""1?-1 : ':4 '-' _ -e1 '-'-Z»'92.-51*. _§,, g-i-§l:',g' --»=*~.=.~m~*%-*»i'~:a»:.~~~' ir*:*.." :="~r» A e =» -.'-*-= "=:;...*-,1: .1" '='-:7 e**:¢.@;@&# H __ , _ v.=:~f » _ '. '. :::: .,. r .7" .7'1 1-v.-: ...",',-; .' 1. * 7 ''. r -.-'>7».f-'5. :.7<-.5.-. ; ,,,,,,-7"*Q}; _ ->4:- h-." -- *1-".'-:-7»-»- < -"-"».*'-*l _»-=a1'*~= it-#1*~. - e~:'@.*-111$" '"""*'7l3i!-*""-"*.;t"-»; ?""a1f1 ~<-_ " 77 ._-.1-. ,.~ H ,,__92,.-4 Hg ..,92 ,7 »-. -. LlS92'_= $54.? , __, __ ___,-,,_.... ;;r.; .1 ..-.-e.-_.;_ I-92r : 7 _--92-1 +=¥P¢3=5§" -_ -¢%;._ '3". . .5' t 1;;-,§ _§e- t-_=;~;y" - A7r ."§§?.-.'.?§,;1 Q -?-'-'3'!-*"§il a'--I-7¬'w= . f¥,--:.-';' ¢ .u:<~;;- Y-air-"" --e*~',1"*~-.=;,;$r:.-'=-;.'_t . _~':-' __.,.';:':_ . ..# 7-.:-.*:'.-7..'..=»:.*'" .....7 -3, .591 ' ' F. '1"I 12* ' '9 j_ ._..,_ .#_ _ _: "" '53» ea $751 0Q '31, '1- -o * _ ck r -5" - 7 . 7. . ; ._1'.l f"'7'.'=E1,_,,_h.,"§f"'-.1" F-;1--J?"-;i~. *1 ". z?*f¬j~_1 _'_5".I.7;:_;921.'.-."'v I l44|,|, rx " @056 H! r..92 i. l. "" W I .i.";92j-ii* L <@ * ,;g!/}.92~ P»-|f;|. _ L;__{_. _. _ -.1-_., -4..,..92.». .._, _ 311B A Hoover, ' L c0 Department of SmCI11109: 4 W-shine'=°n= D 9- / 2/$1 ""$'T*1-r-~ **'**--* '!92 °.;:...........- ,._ I»: ">»-» 3 * __ > ~ ~u-u-mrma: urn-1rlI'I&# ~~:7~ ~ _, ,,__.-.' .~"-92.£.:-.1 9 -:. ""-3... . =5-:1J"T_;. wad '5~! q'§'§..'b"§-1*-4: %u IJn L;tI""..:. .92 l»¢. ,_ ",."£ 1_..f -M »-. ..Z'-' ' 92 __ **P~ in 5"-,1» ligw Vw r *2 n .-4" H LR.: b¢92 r;-' gm _ f-Qwr-1_f§~._1 gr _¬2.¢§rLI 55$; 4 "= mg-ww-~ -- -lif' YM" ","~-'-»1>---~ IPIPI-w1II I'l&# i -~11 J iai mg n J-_l__ '§» awm:$*§ m$Y£*$ wm ~ Q45, iii iii __.92. rm. v. '1 _gg wa.,-g;'t»,.r _1:=!'9s?".-£192-rw: 4;'.' 2: Q__ ,»92 L... *-.&-§__F,_,]_J.§v*.» 1. _'q_ '14 -Q"'i":S 3 l"92»: -1"1:"~ ii *i Z 177 _=. _ _1*i _- -pp-|_ __ : _ £1 -p-5_L _iea____'-{923'$l Q__-run T __...1m. *_ _,, 7; n. "1 _,, , _,1-an-|.__ --._.-w-nr "! K. > ' 92 ,__ 92 1 1 t. "I .<*1|-. "I ."T". '7 l-|. ' M-¢. 1*-~ Nix .|<- ' iv ! l_t- i 1 i .-.:-"- =i 92. P __ g_ _.a-~~_..I/T ......-..._ i. 622 Women Arrested Here in Past 20 Months; Conditions 4 in First Precinct Scored Rumors that a white slave ring operating out of Detroit. Mich, controls a large portion 01' Washington's vice are being investigated by Commissioner Melvin C. Haocn. The District head today received a. report Irom Captain William E. Holmes. commander of the First Policeprecinct.on the work of two detectives assigned to the investi- [gation of vice in the rlowntovrn section which revealed thatof n. total of 1.453 arrests niacie offthe pair in the last 20 months. 622 were women. First Precinct Bad Numerouscomplaintsabout the evii in the First precinct have been made to Commissioner Hazen, and police have been instructed to investigate the operations oi out-of-town persons engaged in white slave practices. Police heacicuarters detectives are tracing the rumor tliat the Detroit gang is operating here by investigating the records of each person arrested on charges oi soliciting_ Most of those arrested are found to some from other cities. and it is said that there is a constant intlux of recruits for the :1licit trade. The detective bureau is in constant communication by telegraph with the police of other cities in an attempt to_ get conciusive evidence of the local operations oi the Purple Gang. Law Seen VUeak ; One of the deterents to stamp- | ing out the socialevilhere,it was 92. 1,. .,/' i r-.. i- 92»/ " vi/4514 uneven! fines pointed out by District officials. is the local law which fixes the police collateral for soiiciiing at $25. Corporation Counsel E.. F _-2'_".£l-TP1'et=£.;,:_-.':.2.a.whas drafted a bill I01 congresisona! action which wilt in- lcrease thispenalty to $100. ¢ I I-I° 3-5 ;1-;?é32 1 . __, .-. , ~* 92_,," - - -4 I EWW .3 ~»-~ i _ TIMES, FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1935. Gang Purple Bandit Held. spevinl Ln Tm:NnwYon:TIMES. ii I NE92VARi N.J.,April , 4=. Vict r Connelian. 35years old, of Detrot, said to be our of the last surviv0.s of the Purple Gang" of that ci . was arrest:-d ']l uesda_v in Hoboken by police and Federal Secret Ser3vice men, iL was disclosed today at l the Secret Service office here. The 1of e hoide >- :1 warrant-for the reof Cnnneilan to Detroit, imal l w re he has been sought since Mi-.| la November on a counterfeit g 'c irge. Pending removal, he is being held at Hoboken Police He ciquarters. . | v iiiM I-J 3 ¢r it C Ma 7.71:.I . - N_ _, i ' "' " -1 . r < 1 i 1 '|.-.-VA ,: X. ' _ - _/ .1 I _I m~1lm~~o ' V " " v- i _; | c i F 1 ! 1 i 1 .-ml :J»-~ ;_' JOHN EDGAR HOOVER Q ; ' . ! L!{ 92 nlnacron ,1,# i M I._ , ' .7Frhrral Tlhrrrau 3lunratiga1i1m uf é,ii Ml . "' I-flu .K 11. £*.Erpau'1nwut nf Iiiuuhrr 4PM|_ _M" Rm Ii anl]1ngtn1:.1Tl.L¬. 5 June 5: ll 1:"5' _ M, , M; _ll Plme-6:05R.A.E M / IMr" I-W .. I»EI'- IURAI-U'JT T'l FOi¬1,i?_|__I:.¢.1§ ' =M-, lAfT92I -~ ,_ HE: Detroit Purpll" -"wing }; A I advised that the driver as a The Acting Captain of the two men in an automobile claimed to be an ex-policeman woman. This Guard t-1e honed me this morning ""&"~"' were at the Ninth itreet ate; that and the man with him was dressed ex policemon states that thin men with him is a nether ~?' Detroit's former Purple Gang and he brought bi. to the Federal fureau of Investigation for questioning by our ggents. mhe Loting Captain of the Guard stated that the ex-policeman semned to Lniuk he had a roui thin? For the Bureau. I telephoned Ir. Ladd of the Taehinrton Field Lfficc rirht away and received instructions that they mere to be held at the Ninth Street Taft and that he would have two Lgents come down ri*ht away to contact then. I transmitted this information to the Acting Cnykuir of the Guard Jno st"tvV that he would have these non wait until the Aiouts showed up. II ' Respectfully, t -I ,? 'I./59 ~-4-K:L¢' " O '/ R. K. Finkel. RECORDED emnnxen é$2-0?? 6 3L"?Z 1-l / was q » " 92 r 92x92 9292_ 92 92_ H .__A. 77" W7 W .. r_-7 -- r A "4 -1-vrr JOHN EDGAR HOOVER 1" b DIRECTOR "§ é'|]'rhcrz1l i urczuz of gf!192i'1r~z- 5z1ii1111 ' _ TDQ:RCL ii, ,§>'_ §lnpnrf11:m1i nf Rhm rn llinnhinginxr, June 24 T E. , 0 gEm.1oR*g,;_:p_"g;q1_o _1?_o;1_ gq1_.__ToLso§ . "Z/"/,»' w '5 j General's office operator for telephone call t! *lX<L§ the [Attorney On June Elstpin telephoned an s,rtod that the telephone the Attorney General had just received o which had been traced to Woodward and Lothrop from someone stating that she possessed considerable information relative to the workings of the7Purple Gang in Detroit and in chasing this some violation wanted to matter authorized if we would be interested e§ "1Yc.§ I inforrne.dFth:.|t unless it was over which e has primary investigative ; know down to take eoerul Bureau of Investigation jurisdiction, the Bureau wee un- any action. e Respectfully, |||i:92_ t. 1 | l _, H!-_a . H '0 E : a_' r .9 . .92_ _M __ __ . .1 ._,,,.'...'~...._.......¢._..a_-4....-....p.4.1.~ -,.;-:...-. '. - -@ :1 ' -,3 "0 "' -.._92 v. ,*1. -.= .-R ___. .~II - ' . T7~'J .I»' ' 92 aI 1 _. " 227 Broad Street . 92 Iiatiornl Bmml uilding ~.' ;.-_ r» '_" ' .<_r 92 . ._r-~:.j.'; -:7; ; I :-.k -.-. 92._;_-_. $51 ».. :, ' F. '1 it . .¢£. J. .! ',-L" :: ~=o+ -' . -'.' "--._-. - §7.:} 5* _%,-5*. ~.n "é .;.;:_ __ W _u-carbon -_:|92 1- -TK1-.1.*: 7' V- :3 . - 73 F.. hr -¢ Z:i - '0 '=~:-.-_- 1 '1"i'LF I I935 -$7} ' pg.-_;,.,_ T _.. 1, H18 192 ,|,QgQ 0r1r1n,_,a wry specialfrom Acme in b' iletrolt hml r' B011 S1} {~11 x1 J1.-k. - " ..192_.=zlm winiiurnlnd E-ti '~*M ~!! :AUG mmmn. 5 I955»--Rh Q _"." _v' ~>-' :f.-.- *;_.. . _. . 1. .; U1; § <x/ F M" FILE ?""""' ""Q' W _7*" Tnntan who ! hnzzsganvo New -1 -. ~.-' _1. j_ ".92-s1' 5%" :9-._ ;»=.' i ta. , 9292 - I:-92:F.'-Y !->7-.-' :67w, ,. 92-- ._ §.Ti.92¢ '. ..-J 14¢ .. .: q_,_ .= .l -.21. . R5'~*0RDI:.D mumI""""59C13t I Q; 201N .-D -'_-E mu am ...of n.pqwllAUG8 at II?! 800121.55 mmzt, 3-. '1. In 5?!-3Igr S.y gr . "1". the . _ -_., _ . Ezé -.@= xi? _ M-= 5:4.-? pm» of cliarcputo,¢z1:1oua1;:de;irod who z-31¢.-.f§? the be °m" °t°""1' |4AJ !i c a!~eno=nprive.te RX ~P *5. Ch an 1' D°'°1'°3-1% in was mzmar, ma. prob-ably thisoffice would be intoroabocl, lnibmntiun adon;-*pa5, the office u inscribed b: V - r bY'2X I =- -Iii _-0':-s: -92 I U . k_ .~. 92..-u-. ..._.-4.._... . -_...-.--92...-. Ha.-.-¢.¢-1-_.;-.u ;_..;.._|-|---nu-n-|,.-an-up-¢-1----H--> ---A _ __ ,_ i .. I 92' . <1» _ :---TI if-_' - -. 1 .:: wig i _*_-1" ";'~ ~ 92 D V l vI 1 I 7' l 92 ? ,_., ,.- U." A . spawn.mm in 0har;,0,92Dutru1t. . o |. _ _ % . 2 .' iii 7 ?~: Theseaond - 114%?-";#192=: l I K . Y . v92 é '».....@_,-.92..~_.ui-.-»;-n-92-':.~~---J--/~ 1., -' .. ' 1. . .*'=°i::! =I »'. _ 56°: v +1. *1 .7-_'.. ~ * AZ;W! _ _" _..,_ *. -_._,. __ ._ -- Jvgf ¥ ~"a - ,4 _ U F 1 Light mm - , 92 I-13¢ -_I ' Cmmcterisigiosi 92 ie15ht| I i I . _E ¢a:.*.p1a::i0n: ' 5 Kolgltba En-in . .r .15 .. : Builds ' -*9 r - ..;?»<' , av 6'2 . .135 V -' 2, Lgu ' Very nice looking; possibly o1'JlrQrtruticu. sh aw If 15 M Hair: Er l . .Ra. ona1Mry:' - - 7..., State But Sh * - 35 bar mm as bX:Y<3< ..... J son, daiczibods ./. Q.-§ ' 1"- gi;-!92ts'a, 1'. ' ''95! /. ._. .¢- L :?-"b>.' '. ' 1~ ;_; .1._. ---§ér_._._ ,-1% -81*!1 - _ Y- I -:;§§ ~ -; . ; j .. ,_ A-20: . 92 92 forth: F- 1 ' Poc'a1La.r1t.92ou Twitch 1 .» § _ i ,__ ,_ .-. 1_-. ' .| ._"»' g" 1.4.. -1 1- 1- ! fl- I.9.' .1 m1t:;1cun_P 92 92_ 92.. ,1. 92 I Pnulbly of Italian czbruetlon, f l iv iv ~ _s;»_1_=.1 Lgfntin cm;-5»,am:-¢11=. 92 , |,»92 '_» 1 -5y-Ir , his 1i it n~¢1_ 4'in deaih biou,d92";h.w1: reviewyuuri'i.le=:-1 £0 _, _ ascertain teiwthwr or not ~ _,v=-iv . , _. @n1i=..<=17 -11 -1 '1? %iw'+=¢ wr vm am i_~;,;_;i' ;1r911_="@1 .I 1+92w. j *5 " A ,Hi . K_." ., :.- I. -._.* 1 -=-- - - 21¢ f§ '*" ,A_»,,.*:, .__ :I____92¥ Via1 ._ _ . - . I __.-.' ; *' ,/1'1 is ; th tlyuu mIJi us ;; asquS.::k1y p--» " =- " *--*'p0ss£b16 _n.at1eu2@" "e.haTt*';;w::1i a3 de-41'» - b6 13111: 'a£'fioq' 110 ' lake. t _ I _ :J ._Vgarft;-1.11;, fours. _ 1-g,;92 92 ~ "n '1 ' . -.-.9 w | v- , ~ 92 - _ " ~11. _1.;r.:rr1:*r=~:-vi-f, .;»puc:iu.-. =-""r -gun» "41 in '."-hr': _jf<<, ¢ r_r 3 '-1' --1-1-_-1 N150:111130 __/f 1. 9. .» ; Q0 BUPQQ1-I ' ., : ' 1 c : -rt . T .I .1 , a .' F I w w . a- _ 1 - :sIiI_J~~--92i_--i...¢'_A - -- ~92-- 92 _ ___ -_1 . H ¢K,"' K" 2 |92I -0 yqr-v-92rvv-I- I r...-, -. Nmght Clerkadvlses 01 two men in our at Nlnth Street door - one of them clulming the other to be amoni of the ¢_-dd.-" _s'»-£5 ' Detrolt Purp e G nv. -.4 =___ _ .._.- __ atter eferredto the Fleld office. J.-ii --1? *1, - U. eld office =---¢--.n--»¢- 8dVlS8S they were a couple ofdrunks and a memorandum 1s belng -.I- submltteu. ii ..'. ? ?? *' .,"- F-I9i-F "~¥92? M42 !£=.vi¢*»< gay uueiy-;~ étwwg; _:/ $4 '32it P5 - U, 2 a "" """" """nun--1 3»-'.-¢1 ij ;:nl -u-nu;-mu 192 J I ea -~-»»;-::= - -- -.-»-.-_-1-_~ -9; I . C. 1 »/ - - I, ...¥,__ _ ;_¬-'¢¢=o _ "W; 1 ¢_,, _' 4». P '¢'v"'5'q 3- 7 _ iii _ %1 ~i§§§w駧EQ @,;,,,$ a£;?§i;5§§f Min. §§§gfgm@»§; _-e;1n?.1'1 " ' m,,%x he _¢ _~~ J' 1 I ----._ u | .-1- '. __ .r _ ~77' J92 i __-in 7__Ii *__ _ F._ _ -1-L!...__ _,.H, 77 , .44, .__A-._._,_.,.._...._..-_u_....__.-:.-o....1Lo¢.-at iO O b:i__ if: 1/'92 92_,' Q; J 1 . I, Poet r Eu 0 £33.18 Detroit I-lie hignn -August.. F, 19.1-Ii, 92 .~ | ! Special Agent Trenton, New Pour am in Chm-go Jersey " -7 _'kRoilatu-once. mono to your letteror Augu.at 2, 1935, réla nthe to t 2 who rare soaking the' release hold at the New Jersey State" an woman of aprisoner, E E Prison,Trenton. at bx.-IYLX Y 1 Athoroughmarch has been made of ta ?rile in the of all known members of Detroit'sPurple Gang 1 aas and the nma_dooa not apps r _amambo rof thin Detroit Ot oo " ' -7 » b b11Y<-L5 name or - +____r1-on i IVILYD that they oengrnit the "Purple Gang" -a 1% by the the deaoxiption 0.1 mg1 Qu-_I ,l1:1.rl192!iéu&l5 , seek! inH oloano, it 1| impossible to identify themt the with ' " Ln/-11¢! ' Very truly /D. ,92 yours L. Nicholson Spacial [agent in Charge oo-Burtau RECORDEDK; 1:721:12.-;m_ ' AUG 121965 L: .4935 i U.'.=.RP - inI".11*§';§I;;,,||f;=L 1 - -v . * ----1n--- ---~---v...--H ._.-..._.--... .._ ._._.,,___,.,__________,_ r . -I 92 -I i ' -.-1 _.__ .4.;_v ..- >..-L81.-»1.~;-_.-~ 92-31 --~.._..__ ¢¢.¢_A¢n§ . rr 2- , ¢_,.J -0 A ! ' | .92'l ' =§- yj. . ---LXI-i.92'92.;|1921.J;I~ ' --92. 4- ., . ~ .....92 _.P, .0. a¢;'12'1e ,K ; :;-- ---' ~1;.I-'_.-" ._ .'.' "*1-2' __' .- --.: ---.'.~./' 41 I V'* 92. ., _-.~ _. ,_w,.:_.__ 1. ;£i.;:,-_. .--°u" _'_1.' h°"" °1¢,y"'__0|;1¢i1,°,,, U .q _ ._ _ .. x;-wk .| -. 2.-T!5_? »1" -§"§§-,;__,i~@5,11$!!>5 f92_.3,-_»~_!':f;f:;-Q"0]] I u = '" -f= *-'-ms :-2-2?'s~v:n=t¬ = *Tfi--~'*'*'$1@§..~:e--mi» .- -- -» .,.§F-~aw.»=@~v§4~--~~=--*-----1--=*¢*.~?-*~=-* A -~-*--*--- ----" ,f -.. z" - . _ .. 9292 ,,"-,3.- - __.x.__:>w= my;-zmsz .., II |0 0- . ~1 . ». ' ii-I . _" _92;__ -- .1' . . .'--,-. -.¢___! ,~_ '_ '»-3; _._:-.¢ _.. ,1. 7:. ;--~_ -I ___ .:. __~,i._. _92.-¢_,.A. ;.- :-.9-1. Q} .=-: '. .'.1-|, .;-, '_'-:_¢'92;92n.¢,. _-_: _&__~,_ _.--. v:. !_ -"*i*§"¥ ' 1 . r ._§_ 92_§,,n. ._ _ J-. .__..,, ,. ;_ . .~ ».,'. 92,.92,_ _1;. _,._,_.4-._'1g __w1-'._-_ _r,,__ _,,;'|_ ,@_ @ 1| _. ._92_ __- _,,. ,. ,.._. L.;_n__. __ __. :.,___}!.____ _I; .¢.,,;¢~3, _}92,_ 5__.Q,! .~ -_~ -y Q. . ~v~ *< . U L" 'T.~" ' *-:3 -,L ' ' 92 "-lg-Q '0,1;-=1???-¢ Hf, : '-;~.--=3-...:$.¢_.;-":12-">&# -4- "5. *-" 92 l _. _h ;:3:.;.3POQ1$§-;-.,§-$Irh U]§LI.! R§,§ 1L .-2%. ..._ _.ti;;: ' '----'92'-_._._,;;_&hc=z"'i' :__ 7-..¢, _ . ' .. A. :.' .-..1 .. ,-.. 7A ._'_;;: :z,;_§--_;.__:;. ' ' -.'. J3.-_ 92-_,'.92_-1:" j .1--". 92-::'92"3,"92'F' ' " '7" ""7' "#92'.',i'_ ."' - vi-1:,-=1 "_---' X.'}-,-. '-.#_.-.' _ -¢._-_ ',, _.,~_1 -1;." -. . .- » ,-. um--'au_-1!, 92_, I 1 Z2 - -. 1 1-:___ r:r, ,.x. ,_'-1tip _GM-_.__ ,_,,.,,.,¢.@-.¢-..-- ---~'~*.~;»~= " -1 # 1! J-h- -i -'4 _ 5% ~-'-.I92Qll . v e ' that __ ___,' ielltt-Ch ;_v*_._._$=-;.: ~ two ,. Ibl ' !3.t-11 urru i iii t. 1" _ coo standing fugitives. However, as amat. er 0pa reierenee to ntton it is 1 outre- ,r ' ,- quarited bhatjcru ndvisawire by whe1..herftI}ere are any 01-IE6 ?-@111-3-Ri . . _ ,1."-.-"-p-a.:<:£J-¢~..92 ;¢Q1;¢;¢g=.g£92A'bhia.. gang mn bed.at. .Dnt.r0it, and whether the _.1;-axau _S_ $15-11¢ ._ {;+':_<¢-_.'1-5.-'-111pa :-ti1.n seeking thgirqipprahenaion. -":;_92-4;-é ,--501,1, ,It ui11_Pe__u9p1'e¢i&};g §@=@i; -'31:-iq-;-»:====-;»m:?-==1:w-"¢1=1= --i=1:i'-V °*'*-°.F "P---11 ' " ' ' _ Very truly youra,' {MIGHT BIULHTLEX, FSpecial I Agent in Charge- , I/' /' 1Q7. -'92,"§1 -rt. - -u: - C E" &92L;.~>!.-1...+-p' Pu v- - H£n.:3.'= E-~l"i92i.».! Z :..92.'--~ .1 r --I-"'uf7-|' - '_.- -- -._ - . . . _ _ ' L.-L-i .20 zzlou - - ' I 1_ . 92 -. _ __= _1 'F"-.>'9'=."92 9279292: ~?-1,~~=s 9?I§*}1fr!$:frn~¢'§f_=;9r_1-v?"r':.-_r-r.- -*"-mr'92v;--7 --" P-1v*'= .. '_.-.:-ALL. -'."_."....:=.:_'___1" H»-» j_- ~ ..'_-_§.92.r'_, ___-__ r,3 ;':{'.:!92'!F-/" _ I I . 92 -- *4 - - =92'~1~:=-. 'w--a..>..'; v---~,~ ' 92.- H v_'.'§__-_ _' I 92 in I .!"_ WLIL -. 1 -;_;r£,_> _ I 92- 92r_;;;._. PastOf colo: 2118 . I I 57;,3? non-on - Ilohlgcn " Octoberas, mas nsunznl -~ » _. ---92 21: -.1. "1: _::-.¢;;l£:- Spi illl. Aglnt in chug: OklahomanGit!, T Oklaha . B5 -3 , I. F ibtu-onco 92 § J at or "tho 1?? that this ot oo usouftuln Itnthnr than an any outstanding numbers at this gm; in no Iaatud. -- '2 n. 0 u t 1. thin data, plum .l intend by Dopcrtncnt, X"'l~ Furplc On; of tho c:~1¢:u1 hr pmsez-.t1: =:t¥. , " 92 Y !!a_I!'!!;'' * an Philip - Browns, with nu -um t -_ . p-;I - at, are not ruprdod as who associated 0. |... __. -. |.. tho Dqtmit that 1'9, - I Q, under ht: Purplcdungan pruontlyin C?|.u-anon uni I.-equating K A mac to your latter lumbar! as U P u ll Octobor 2.5, 1935, Ihnoln thisct oo In ndvlnod that tho 2/ Detroit, t7 ta with unborn %%f.t at that mm: gang, an , D-,'~.-%:t 1: ear...- of n-um .-pun cl s-pen»: 21, mas, at Iiiehlgan. "**;*--_*"-]1~_, 1 an-uh attho£1,100 attheDltroit Ot n.IQ! 92 I reu o1 up nu aqua, _ that tho Bureau to takinganbfmoth! _g} -- §;=-;-,1, *._; -; Ditroit Téiioi ERIK! 1,tun iéi-ii-milontloaod cans *" iii . 6 ihotégnpan" ._¢;;,=~r~-Qppnhnsiau or*the above 2__,, * of -}:f;=_-Z, . :1? -T thatrunban »;;£,.-r'§§-_"" uuttod hornrith. ,4 uarmnts an outs __wdnndu~ob01.ngt:92u- _ 1.... ....._ 0611006.._..__""* that "John er 0 "" __ " ' of k Imp Don J>v' t "51 F , ppa ;z1rq,».~0F§192'_¥§1, Oloan ad tht t"1tautodn nltaly utabllnhlj at imsy!Bx-anal urinal V -ll"I 'v< ll _-V l, |"lIuolvl s c _' FOREIGN H VITIL VI| VILIGIIII PllLL"lTICl_.I DI! l.I'I'l DIZIIIIIDCIILI II ru: P: "1-"* "mm no wlllhtno ___i?_i;._ ~~--" ~="=~ I,.... W '~-~-~--* no ..,.,,.. Imam uhuu rlvecl rim oi kOnb lcr , other-in! PJMI --, --1| n-mu-am u -1-u-m -»--'==r 1- ' Send thefollowing men-age,4-abjectto the term: on back l are herebyagreedto - Detroit, .Oct. / % D. Brantley Bureau of Inveatigation yFederal 7U. =224 hereo which S. Department I Michigan ;, 25, 19:55 01' Justice Federal Building Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ' l92 NO OUTSTANDING ME1~¢BE1Eq>URPLE WANTED GANG AIRHAILING PHDTDS FINGERP /1? AN Hi'JN AND PmLI%mWNE '0'lA.N ¬l llJU.AS MURDER DETHJ FORE-M AT IT ASSOCIATED WITH IJFJJBERS PURPLE GANG 92'-11??-Rf.ABOU'1 UNKNOY ~I E> WEST __ co-Bugoiu /p 5:45 . . , l. [_¢¬_,{/_ ;- - =.. .l 1 s 1v.. 92,"..1{_-;-.92..v /J , 6% _-' D,-A __ __., 1- -;-r=I--- ---- J1 - .. +urF.w-*'-=r.¥";i-aw-§-,*11 ,;w,;.g'1q";"w§;='92:j;' -R5,, ._,,. -;@..,,,,e§=_s~"--=~.-,-_'-».-."31-'_ 1;,-. ,rq ,_.H--v:;;-;*? .-.,~;-- I ~ 92 -.92 ,| . ' 1 '¥I 1$ . ';7'__;92_-L 7 _77§=_7 :_ '<7_i',L; _; ;_ 71 ......i ,,_ },'¢,,¢,.,_1-115 r_-"V,-1*. :rr§']Q;.;"* h,'vru,' 1*» '% ; #',;~ , >/1.-Pr q_,I,'.j.q, ' ,_.»,.., .~~ "l" l"""" " "92' "9" -, .r- | _. ..T 77:- u - _..i....-._.i_i_._._ __ .._.i_-..__. __.._ _ _,______ _ I r. s ' V" l 92 "ET" " ' " _v I. tv ' L- " -H g-_.i J w _ ~' 92-»* -.! --""'"'"'-r---~--= " " *=- ' "'"-" "" _"*_i - - _, ,_,,.> |_ _ -I -- »* ?"f-"1": *0 -4 ____ .___Q34 .. .. -92' ~'-~'~.--, -~=~ . *' ' .K~ "- -£92.. V_~ V ._ . -4 .=9:-. -#"="¢-_;--at-irvep-92-av".-o,{.oe,.=-a 1*-H,-"..J..,-~., w. ._-.. ~-~--92-~- UNITED STATESBUREAU OFINVESTTGATIONU ,;. 3-4 ' ' , -- l:I II'| I-H-I F-. ' i .ill C.---;-.|: QTHGINATED A'r 01{].8hOl?718. City, okl h .__,______,_F__ ____ __::_ _ i . 1 _ - -_ . __ __ V _- _..l,;~.i -'., -n.,92 ._.-_----- _,__ 7.-|l__E N¢,_ " _ _ ' |-runAT: L I'92lL|lQ DATE |w92D:.: WHEN IPERIOD FORMADE: m;|=nn1' wmcnMADE BY; i Q I i i - Q 11/2?/as 10/is to 11/15 as U QUE. A_*" r UI-otroit,_Ifichiga,nJ ____ T j_ A =' u __________ ,__W_____ _ " I:f ' Tulsa t ,---V, --.5-V i3 {E213I < J 51EHSOF I -1 r '- H 7 "' ":.;;_*;E;°,;;,; e UiII£NO'.'IN SUBJ Identification ECEl 3%l 1 _Alleged Members rple Gang, Fingerprints! I I A , 1:», CITY , _ V___ -"" were operating nation that mam ere oi the11%! at night club between and Claremore,OI<la,92_ Photographs _ani' fingerprints oi -- Anth0n3F'"I hcmaa. and T hi'li1bB1'owne.were-.obtaine frun.Vti1e-=De. .>.:;.o.-- ' troitoffice, and alias of ? 92 92 § the photograph ...of Philip Harry Miller nae tentatively one of the personain the vicinity of I n Browne under the';_ -._;. 7 _..~ id.entified'_aa-being ~e "-.-; -'-9' ;,o Ifulaa.: __Bronne and _r'_ ;f___j_;Tj:f Thomas wantedfor murder by Detroit Police Department. -' I:--' Q 92 c 1».o.-L-m.s: Oklahoma At Ol<lahoma,. city,f- 92 F4 cu, had information to the e1 i ect.that. two_,n1_eln1J>erB..,t :';t ;'.,--1-roit Purple Gang are presently in Claremore, Oklahoma. He requested that in-T $ ;.'m;".tion beobtained as to whether any of the outstanding w;g,},_£_.','Lf; t-.3,-ht bepresently wanted. Aletter was directed to the that there"wer'e"preaent1yj"'nofjge stating members of this gang * Detroit Office on ." 92 25, 1935 requesting infoznmtion concerning memb6I _oi'_5 &_ 1! P1-l1 P ' ' "Lni - --iZe1'. a -Qullg . andaletter was received from the Detro_itkofi _i mi pie Gang whowere wanted_for any of fp es F-,olioe Departman't, Pho ' aha wi and hot -J ..'.:';LY 1OnY ThOl'.'18S §,__Phf1%,P_ __ .: were traxzemittedto the.;Qklahome :C1ty _ -; I z H .-.l92 . - . 92 t Y. it F 'r ! , I1.4_. ;_. 25 _,. Q. 4- 5_| rt .-"¢T'~3'-' !"--" -»-';~.~'.';'l'- i W" *- V' _ "' gs *-_ ".'I*1=-. I 1 -.=':.+2§'.~' .*1! , ihég ét§§§¥§¢:i§§th§5@iat£?r-that indibidualsnot these arere dmembera g ard e*a5 the original Bang, and with the Purple Gang, but are presently wanted by the Detroit Police Department in murder of Frank Olsen on Septemher 25, 1935 at Detroit tempted -holdup; -o_, ~'_ ._92 "F'_!'..'-., " " * conne in an at- b1> 6Y these alias Brown had vicinity of _ f that they were associated with membersof t Ialias Harry been ten rely identit lea and as that Cleremore, Oklahoma of apersov reee * " _At Thlae,_0klahoma.'M-H.,_.' I o -- ~-." ¢- - ~.-#5: ---»'-'-" . -T.9"'-'--r.-t-:» =- i~ "1- alias Percyf : ¢1 inn! vs. | *'*iitt.iiieetiiiiiilllllIlllll otw.5" 92I.-.;and'haaidentify not bee'n'able-to thenfby name 31otherwise . He stated t92.=,r ¢92 ~="¥'"~ '1.1 the' Iilldw'Nighfclub the Sheridan N1g,ht andO1db' are as dancinr' 41 = seaeral ' ago operated gambling house and th Purple ang t had 3. come to Tuls ' W Tr he they stopped at the Mayo Hbtel. plhese leased men Willow Night the Club, QQRE >41 located on the main highway between Tulsa and Claremore outside stated that not been he in dividual's at the Night Club; with some that these silent partner ' yunxnown; that they taken in the operation of the t or three Sheriff from 1" weeks the by the ~p 92 out to p or Claremore, e d a l e I, | and wt foreclosure proceedings, to force the club members fos e1uuntil they loaded all the b some unknowndestination. The leased, and these have -cm!- of Tulsa have obtain aid not share with this partner the pfOflZi Willow Night Club ,peraand that after 0ti rg in order Olaramore went custody supposed to partner attempted 0 c l ose up the club, taken into men were who was e resident identit is least May: Horn] acomplete gambling equipment had beeninstalled ? a the Willow about two L thi asettlement; to close gang, who that it, whereupon kept him c" aDepntv he wr- confired at gambling equipment inuatrucks and took it I club was than closed, the Deputy Sheriff re KORE --2v-- "~ ' 92 _*_4...-_..___...... _ _ .5 .,. ;._...--,A..._.....__._- -=, _. _ _ - ., 4 .. .kn_4__.n_-n..._.___,_H__.,,.,_._,.J___-,-_ _ '0 5 s $ 1 K -_ _ ,___~-._b_.'; n . '1 92 _, -.._.A ..:| _- _.._ ' Tn_, |. :. ,V_ i-. -i "* -,* -. 4 1 A" { 92I =§'*""" - N-' -1 I .. .5 : 92. <- -,._- 4' ~. . __. _ J_.,, <, , t-:-._ P" '92 F _J___|__ A _ H _ . 92 -. 3"_-:- . _ _ __ .. 92. I-. ,. . . andBrowne,and flB_.?ft1:_l!_' PettoittfolicePe_part_n_av.t tohcause their apprehension. 92 __92 '_'-._-I»,-A_-".;_-r;~_,;._.-;";_;;n-jo tnatg;-ne§ .D_e.L1eveq';__n§.T!l1811?;<be a_bJ.e to ascertainetne '.-me._atat_au p;feB6nfbU_}i-Y92< 1.9! 1F-f:L¬;, . ;Wh . 1 ¢ b011Of_.»1=he_-men ¢.l_ .who.opera_ted"' the Willow N1 ht Club as he ad "h'o '1-they a'r ' bed gone'i*'to1-Detro'1-t';'*.'an dba"ck the t i".' might be b é tain sorrathing definite as 0 _esen w ex-o-= t abouta. statedthat them was arumor that two ofth-= - men bad ga n come Club, but that he ' 1" aa. for had not been the purpose 01 reopening the Willow Hm. f. - able to verify this information. S1noa:'i't thht appaara: ou Federalviolation is involved, andth *1 - .'-'puqoee or-this foroidentifiontion pnrpoeee only, this ;'1<a!: ~ "H-g _"151.---'~,t-l'92.e~ . <, lnquiryvres -'31-"J;5_-'--*~; ""1a'conaidered*c1oe'ed by-the-OklahomaQity office." "" t t- ' . ";"#; " K-, -- =3~?'~7 -_- ,9-L".-.'I=-"'-" *5-'§'.l:;" .'_ . m"f>':§ A-':-':=:.-.-"" -'_» T *'.-:_='r"»',-' ' '~ ---' ;V *_~_;=' w" 1? 0ffic"- Ravi /nu-92 - -' " .-1 ..r: .-. -r ' . _-. _ ' -1 _ _ , '§:"1" ' fa a'»_J I ,.,_. _ 31,-. 1. v-:1.' ' -w -. -I .'--1 .-_92: 1 ' '-_92 3 .-;_.--I _; . --v<--xv 92>~»U § -3.. .-_ ~ .~.5' , _ _', . . ; . _, 92_ ._ . _' .-"Q; -1:;-- _;,, ?,'., -~ _._»_.. r:.___ _, -Wm,-,__. ~;I "~""*'! =:=.*§r wr1 _."I-'_*:_==r'-'~"*>= -'..--v-:=-< 2 ; L. ;_ __.-n - _ - _ ' . 92 CLOSED ;- 1. ,_ ,, .'!;_¥92'jI=I-_.1gff'4¢=s'92;.'¬'C'a -' g.-'>f>:~_/".--->. .L.--4'_ -1 1'Ia !H=u-§-'~,;§- -3.. - - -- ""717if; f! __F_,o £3 ____i_._ ._ Ju-r l"""_i.v _ ' v-i~#___l-92f__;_ , , .1. - M . I J an xv Y. u 92__92. - '. ,:,92 - -' '11;- Pout orrxoe Detroit, nnnmknw special Agent Bo: * '».}m-.15,--. 21.1.8 1 lliohtgan '92 1* ,, 1 CR5 r -' -'. 9 I in Charge mziahoma City, * klainoma 1 u I' S11 : N/,~92 lkllaggd Iéombomq uwlo Gang, Detroit,_M!.oh1gun! _ »9292~ * Ra: |. H U1§KHOWI~ISUBJ'EC 1'S Identification {Fingerprints} Reference 1a made to mport of Special a Agent Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,dated 11/2':/55. Pleasate cmtained 92» in reference rem Eulcity orDetroit more insthe-duorzmiso _r _ ,. ,.'_ :7, 14'92 .__-,"_, 92>1 .'*¢V. Jv., -_-va - ,/'.=-. . ohorimasalted 1n__tho arrest o1 ___ é Anthem. ihozaasI alao bean nrreated -1 kn -q4'."|-| 9292I92 _!l I921.l _Q G111-L And.-4Lana ULIIJIL n'l92no~n.|_a-J" BLLGLJIGBU Illllll lA92J'lnJ-UJ|92A92lI oulunuoownunwou- mat - '39rJ"'a':b0r 1°35"~=rc1"-o 1we~n$.=n|! mrdlor at 54'? Hood- 1§=~1a.;-: st;-55¢, Detro 1:, iI¢h1§Q§; -thatAntgony Thoma hadbeenidontitiod .. i 5 f 1 -.--when as he r 1' wos murder.Ln rare in that rurde:-' 3 0 also that it is believed Phil! P Browne r . tho man who drove tho oar inthis b.oldnp.; ;-._,_¢_ * o *r min- or,ihioh hapianodapirr92o" ' ~--'-3; , rm wauks,ogo, tato6. that lnamlob. n.:l_ Anthon%onas f;_ _:: ma Phi.l1p'§'31-owns -Y _. as I ..' ler,r have _ boon V asaoolatod. . V.,in Yuri. .urned 1'9 V. 3"'l ::to" 1 cine:-1 in the city of Detroit, {strait and was also involved it is quite possible Browne rat in the second murder, as t_ho_<1r1_1o1._'_ 1,"car .1; hasnotboon identifimi to data. r - bl/-;*I¢VX:b_ I -'< ";'¢l§ it ->. -. -.-- -.-.1».-_ .- 192 ~.;.-a J:'-*§=; l=*s ;. . __REc;oRn.1;p_ truly 3L&t_7 .I 11¥?:92I7 ,s.L6_8;:.;¬:§6. F£ ;-u:r:'.-1. ..!.IU; .:~.92-s.< .19 j -= I.1 I ,.. .u~:. s - _»~,92 . __--- L-I -_;M- ~e+__..~e .1Qu- 1 . ' -' , J . i FEDERAL I < -.92..'.'.'-1. t ,' 92"-I-.=~_- =1-"1.v'£-.-,-H. '_¢I -, BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Q_Ig1ghr_§_@g gggy, '1 - Il'4hm.,,'_. .:. , I. I! _FILE T:-us CA$.;F. OHIGINATEDA1 II ¢lEi*'..F. MADE AT|"DATE WHEN MADE oz-<1 z.. City,Okla . . .- NO. REPQRT MADE PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE 1/10/as 12/19, 20,so/a :1'|_|r. BY . _ A CHARACTER 6|?G152 U1'i1{1~I0' SUBJECTS I<I _ g--- Identification [AllegedManhers Pu_r_p1e iieng, _ 17, 9?-,I=1f=>I11>,__i£i_<=hie1- H11 _I Fingerprints! _I I I A - ~ Em OFm's FACTSAll gambling establishments in Bile;County, 'O1_:le. havebeen I closed due to e G1-and Iuryinvestigation 1n. ?_eenneetion with . the death of two men occurringet 'I or CriminalIdentification andImy_eetigetion"st'ete that-1-"_ __ 3 i the S:eride.n;01921inb the early-pert or December,1915 -Ere Q ficere oi--the' SteteQueen'- I therehasbeenno indicationthat }th_e pe1"a'c§1e_Ianted tor -Y"~ = murder atDetroit have been in.the Vicinity ofTulsa." v.. . V ' I ." .~ - -1 II1 c_ _'.»'3 .HE!92TCE:,i Letter from Detroit; iI I r __ _ office dated » -n92.--I 92-_,.-."I . , '1 I1E: ,*.ILS: it ihlse, Oklahoma. ,-_I* ,"";;;,-.'..-, "H - :_1 1 .|'",-' - - _ . .. ' A F December 2, 1935, ._ = . V ,_.I,92_.., ., _- :-" -92I,5 ft ' ;,1II '1 __. For the general informetitin oi the B11-ean; and the Detroit or- E1::-e,gambling activities in Tulsa County,Oklehoxy were suspended in the early 1,e:L of December, 1935, and ll hubituesynot-hei arrested have departed for ; :rrfsunknown. Eneee ectiv ties were suepen due to e QrendJury investiga- '_92-. 11I.-{'1 in connectionwith t I murderof Geor tewart, 1 omer_poiioe_}_;oi ticer at .!O. , ' T-nee, Oklahoma; endLani I ppen, special-=amp1oyeeIot+the __ -may _92I "'Interna 1. .. Fiwenue Bureau,occurring e. the 3heride.n-_C1ub.Three'_' ' 'c1ubI 'I . .I ». -92" . have been indicted by the GrandJury -.wr 1'01";mureem; these~92angl ' . . da1 the ed closing of the SheridanClub and all similar I .» I ' .':1" = I EI I _. .l"_; "I ha!-..;-1.; ;..* 0 |§?PRO iFOI-iii I |' I | I in . I . U *5 II|:_92 -ii; M61'7;tit|T§ii4'T|-I55 SPACES; -,- _ : ' - ;_.~I- r _ _____ ,___ , ,_4._.......___..._..___...___._.. 4._- .,._il.l__ AA_ _ _ _ .. _ _Q Y Q I r _ x .._. 1 ., P ~14 ._. _. ___.____ __.__.-.-...--. -. .~ 2 _ " . w.--1' :9 -ARON-f _.'-'t _- .-,¢'Tf'-___*9 . ____-L -J "' ._ 4 . i . .- ,. ..x,=_1¢~- .1 . .. . - _ -.- .-0". r-'|» > - -11 .- ".,__ .__'V} J:--"v. - ._. -..i4r-_-.L.-.-.-.1..~:;.--.4 .=.-->.-.t.I4oe-. -.4A54-::92'*=i2Lh.ii-1.1v-ta-=e ~~4-92' 1~.. ,_ - 1- _>,_.-..- -- " V _ 5. "1 ," i - ;'JE';'-_*.,; e. f~':-'*.-;-.u.1»92'!r._v_*.-;r_~-".<~.--2'-:,.'r poo rence inTulsa ofAnthon Thunaa and Phillip Browne wes iJ c Iaecontained in the report orthietagecnt or ALL 1 £"v»e1nbar 27, l935. ere actively engaged intheDL the information which he had obtained previously gem;-&3_ invest 18 time to gambling informants :a1:11vities io Bu secure t1l1 to the of Stewart activities, and they and others connected in Tulsa County. They or T:mr.'n alias Harry relative Miller to have contacted oeaible and I- appan re1a- ' e many many confidential ' with the underworld and particularly gambling stated that they had exhibited the photograph many or these informants, _ - but had not been able 1 any information indicating that Brownenae in the vicinity or Tulsa, ,3Ill . retains -the photographmland stated that11' Browne should,:.:__- I-J':i.,s.: _ eerance in '1 hevould u1ae.,_ _oauee.hie_ app:-_eh_eneio_n,iand rt--. chtha Po1ice'Departn|ent' atjDetroitbi_"y -f ijfg; ;__ -.*_. 1; ».--1-&-~-1- . - *.;-_-4,"l-:-.-- ;,";.'1<-51; .¢ ~'Q,-,-~;.'» "Y"? .."92', .- .. "Itapp-ears that there is no further inventigatiqn ;_tha"t_'.c be_"pon~"fji=e an ,9,- ductedby the Bureauin connectionwith this matterr '-?--=.-~*--»---;+-;- n 41 - -..- 92 . .i. . ..--"'1'--. Z."* :. .;4in'4!-' - ¢- . :::.*.5== -. §':l?.3--:'ii|l-'192"> .'¢-.-».-~...:..-¢-oa-"1="l-.1t@=-;. .'t ,|=i>'qA§? eiA.ei~.@ -311-,~.>-¢!2 _, V." .5 92. I _ I. 7-|_._~ A _ _:..;921 -P___-_.L--Etlt-:!ik;lV,L92c__"'>,;: - '1.- "-i J."-F .-" 1_: -t 3' ---1%!-.-...~.~r.+-rtr-:»~..-as».-~.+*-& ' w.- 4.- 0?. £1 W ' . J .re.+1 '.'. ».1 92 .. -t 1 r 92 ' C ' Ia 0 3E D -'I -'-.j. __...-. . . . __ .-. .- .e-'- o- t iv a .'-'.' , I Q LI 1.J J' -~ '...-'4. .- - -.-92-_.. ~45-E A-I F--'.i n-' ___..f»'_»i.»~ . ~~;-,-.,,=-...92¢_.-=_92_,T.g*_,_:¢;v-;'92_ . ;,,_':-_-T1: ._.-_1_~_-.5-w, ,7,£13: . ; " . 3 1 _,- a. ' _92--. .:-1. '-'_ . V -.-I»:_ V_- -,'._H,~!.f: -.-'3 'A_ ., ._ !_.- ~" T3.,'_ .-=' ..,, EA I-L I; _ _.._._ -_.~v_i.._.: . l. _ r, _ :1 _92: _ . _ -;4_;"-5:" '_;'.__j_92 _..?._.924 , 5.92 ,..r _ _1 .r ._, . ._:;'»"; t _' . . V . . .,. . M -5" =1'f'!~:!..=. '*" *:'; --'"-~$~*!'Fa:~';' --f~Pi'L" -1-.>=:-.;2'? .f.5 Q," L. on -'5' i - .{ '~ .' - _' ~-4'1. -~' t", . " ,"-' - '4 '-_ '_ R, 1 ¢ 92' 92 vii iI,_~"fJ*_'3_~ ~ _---.1= -; --;_-11-". . '1», .~ ' y '. 5 .4 -:= '35.. -....e£"£N...:92-.' IF _.' 1 it 1-0-'4 . .§ i}92'i.l'~, ~'§-o?u f9i*_92 r'¢|1 3i=ii1 '. _ ~. -.4, '3'}. 3-1-in -'. '.§'U92'_'5 #¢;~,-E--»1§§_Y§'*:i|; _ .' y -7---.~s.~.-'»., -_!:-J; L,-' -K;~1- r_-1'» - '-,.,é-".~-.-fr} . ~-- 4' .-_. _, ._,!!.:,5; --w1l-.---=-.-- ~ .-' - I ~.-. a..».-~o< . .t -...,-1.4--.--.4..--_.».t.. .92r _. '-?~.--~-2:1s~¢g'i|-.|!t-"'1-}t1?'-JLgzzfr;-,.E F _ 2,-1:- ,4 .¢_ ?. f; * . 1_I,f: ' _ 92-»_.;.f. -_ . -_ . . _. J.- . . -T - __ .'1' .' .1 vi.=-_-:'.*anq-1:1 $-,a.<.1r-§;,.~ . ,1. -me4-s_ i -__;-_'..'o; --5:11: -J-ting"-~ =-',";g;-gg'f;.»;.:;-.---.'_~.t'-I; ~ 3ev:1,e=~.-:;_,~I ".|}¢;,",",.-' .'. ' ' '92+*" ' ..n - I; "~ £" '-1?" ' '.$.*.."' ,; '-.' wl-1%.---.r--;=-I- *---- a---;»"'."'J .-'I.-4~f-*¬""" l". "*'r$~i§i >'"&# .. -:.',-.'. , ' - 92 . -_*' . --.. A-.. ,-|-92. .v-1'.-. ,.-_!. _<92.,-_|--_-_:_ 7-__ l;_T_| *i :~ " an ar if Q ___! 1S _ '7 I!etr5§t_,§i_loh:' June .2s=1:<sr=. 1h'¢JeE Hoover ger /B . l.-X;-9; G Deptoof Juetloe wI.8hiI'Jg QC 0" 1 l'»OI'leB NI UOHT -UI92TI@A. e-~ 1:;E3§OU»:. A..|L VEL-J?"ETJ A'll .é1O'*i.?. Deer Sir-; Howcan youexpectus to run our busi.nes so that we 0l992p incense JC tsozee. if you allow violate this mu Robert92Eishe_r,roputod front mmfor b110'_'E1;r the Federal 1a.1rsby bringing in here seven-.1 prints p zlotures. andthen holélng;us up for theme? of tho gzht Formerlythe prints were madehere which gave somebodysome work n-"L least but nmr they are so greedy that they bring them all in endlwhen -rm offer to do the seine they threaten as with Vi l e Hon comethat you p rotoct them by letting, them do this in v1r:].e='t5-0:1 of the law if we are not protected. against them. We think that this is an outrage and you should im: estig,e.tethis .'-11" 'fr.f¢"_. right nowand not let these gangsters makethousandsevery year at this racket end pay no income ta:r:,get away with ltd Gent 1:9 here so prot-eotiongpleese 9 We are thusting you will not lot enyon e see this letter beoause we rlon-L want no stink bohba put in our theatres or else the back blown up ,or evm: 'l'IOI S6e' , Everybodyhere seemsto knowthat is going on except your menwho nhou..h;: be giving us protection and we dont dare to complainto them locally. Queof these days there is going to be somethingserious happenend.there will he Ir. fine stink about it- If they can bring in the prints why cant we? We can buy them v.'.1.1 #.g1rbut they wont stand for us bringlng;them 1.n',so it is by your department+..he.1:. they have ue where they want us»: Detroit Theatre Om-more; 1'mcoR.nr=._r A_ .!'.92II!:.9211 l |' r ; g * I : an ea, I ~»::o 0 " J --,-"'-I -XX _. 'i ._. E/ 92_ .d_1,92.T-1Q F ' P .--'' , W-k_;u.*4~ .I té/ 3b U """'__ NI , " . .. ASK . '2» um L Egs; i I ' . -,__:_ J: nxwf _- Mr¢J.-Edgar Hoover _ . [*1 r., -;:;$. Departrreub or Juatioe W9,shington 0D k-u u-v ----v ..' -- ~--»<--~-~92~ cc 0 l:;r;92 H§' 1 :5 ' ,-_ , ' 9,:-, IJ'_ = s . 1¢ . t_'|=!. F 4. ;'--1"'.'.' .. wIIIM'! I l ~uw-0-"1IlIv¢ "" ' _A V _ 1 ___ ,4, __ r_____ ~ W, ~ ~-I,-=¢_T_ - 1L~-r- r~ --raw :'."' --ng-q,+';: . 7; ,,;* _,_. <§__A.h * .- _r,:',:_,;'..'. i Mt. _ A. 929292-->_i_,'.:__-+L--.;,, "1 ,,~_ _-' _ -.' _92 ;_-___.92_._-|_. -;92;:_..__92~_-' ' I; - _:. .' __.,.-_ _ :- ;3z£E¢.*fl. .L:1!~L>;.iar1..o3lLu_ ._" ;~:.',.y;-._.,; t,--5; f_i-__§'_ mfg 1;;-;., Q7§_1.*.A_j__: %'l_;_ 5 -"51,-92__; ;92:._;__ , L__ 1'» =_ ._ .- r _|__-._-_ ., -.11; .. "I92.I _. "Kf_ -H'__1 .-. »~ V_ _ -Q;3 ,_"FAf,j¬|'-';F .?.-515,2,-;:* ..'92.92". . Z_| -""1" F{!>:. "" -""'Z,}.;-,?=;_§°';;, " I-' ' ' _' -vwuwvvw Iwll-Irv _~ -nhi-.|__-I i~ ' __,; - A , __ i-------- 1_; 1.,»'~f" ,"-.-~, ___ _=.__= __,-~_V,_ -L 7-' J ' - A. '.;:,,.». _ grdf I. ,._- .'--,.' .' u .3: __=-1-.1I ':_»._ »;.= ..-V._.9. ~_~_92 92 l . -,"_'~ _ »r.<a~@-@@~=P*;~*»¢ #@»~:~v@@-<J-1"-»-¢=».:»»»*w:;*w?:?=~*:"/*~*'~*1 -Y-#1 P»- ~~*:--*==" ~,- _>__-__ 4 21¢» *f'~J'in~' . ;T*.n*u m, 1 =§*,.?".Jvh'3 ..? ?,J"i¬'f;;'I*.f¥:~ ->"='_~ w-:m*=*.='*;*s.: ha» ~_ -r*:'-.~1_"'i'* :<=+ - --wt ;-» ~ -» =*~ H | _' T4 1, 7 """ , -J " ;___W 92- ii-'7': Z --- ml--A_ W77;T7'7 -73? --~. --_ 7m 2- -.~ ».~-1 .-.. -~= . ~ -"c. -. -1 V_ _L___ ...._ _ __ ____ " * ""- 3'* ?"'' 7' '7'-~ Y-* ' -.. 7, , . -~ "" -,.»> . . r I .1 - _ *-_:-:_ ;rr::-:_ ~ - - *=_-_~-- ~~~~ -__-- ._.- _-_ ..._.___&.M=@;$1 - rral '2 of 1:r1':-111 gJ1|{n~-siigaiiiull /if :11. prpn1'11ur1|! nfajn-:-1in~ __ 610 Alonzo Ward. Hotel Building ' Aberdeen, South Dakota 92 92. _ 92 , In. I_[H _, . ~ .. i;_.,»_ . my 25, 19515 J " -- . Director, I / i Federal Bureau of Investigation wi3 3n. no C6 ADear s11-= by? .» .5-.'-' XC/v v. ,_l'.92l' . 4,-" "M ' ewvras E " 92<;f Jy this S was s. member of in purposely arrested with a stolen Deadwood, S. Dak-, in order that Detroit, and possession he might be given a prison was at sentence to keep the Purple Gang from putting him on thespot. Silverthorn was later paroled about December, J I That in l9Z5§¢ l932_or 1955' Silverthorn was the driver of getawq; oarsfor the Purple Gongand that Kennethl hompson and a men by the nameo£]1ShaJ_qr" 1grere members of the Purpang ls G also, and are presently living at 2021414 Keating Ave., Detroit, Mich. That 161*: Sioux Falls on a.bus April , 193.5, for his mother : S11 vs rth om omo Midway, in Pa.bY1] ¢ wig 11 a negro named Vigliamehee, s." '* i former inmate of the South Dakota 510 Stockton Street East, ison, is . ° memberof the Purple Gang and isas F3; Jy Chins. at present San Franq soc, Calif. residing at ' That Lee is also so for this gang, a smuggling dope, guns, jewelxI iiooi bilet vestsi steel helmets etc-,Ds._v to and bena from_/b3 &# That Q; Beach, Flas, iss. cou owe _ |f *'ohemist, who makesexplosive pills F -§"7> thrown on the floor. l om an sa ro or who is s. that kill iI¬.i£92'UlllJ1ii!&INl!92-.XEI! 62¢ I 'l hs.t 5ilve:'*.=horn was fonserly / instantly upon being c--;-mooted with /292 a munte"»- G, Qmi on -I6 siting ringat 602 Monroe Street, Minneapolis QMimi .1 "_, partyformerly living there isat the present time iuoaroerated in P "92° Leaven wor th en P1 tenntiary, but e there is supposed to be some counterfeit money buried in the basement of 602 MonroeStreet. '1 ii . ___...._~.__.. i ck! O y a i _.§_:. -.¢....a.;. II l N00 2 Silverthorn .5 7. k. L 1 1: _ in Detroit, South Dakota in s. stolech Chevrolet where a 19 year old girl was kidneped and transported. to Canada, later Silverthom K-. . 1 came to coupe and abandoned the automobile at Beulah, Wyo., and he was returned to Deadwood, S. Dak., and sent to prison. According to this inf Ornnnt Silverthorn was supposed to be connected with a kidneping ~s> N being released on teh nt of $18 pa1_nne _000r, _, to and other membersoi the Purple Gang. That Silverthorn was apprehended and brought to trial However, the t the Victim had fallen on this kidnaping charge. in love with him during the time that she was held, and would not identify accordingly Silverthorn was released. presem s wit e, him es the kidxmpor, and _, That three days after Silverthorn married his n, amedBertha. his fe.th.er-in-law was slain, of insurance was paid to Bertha. That Silver-thorn and $16,000 . was questioned I! T!II _._..-_...regarding the death oi his father=in=1s.'vT at }92C{J,I.I.TIi92y re. nonever, having e. perfect alibi, T ti is at e he was released. , 117Forest Street,Lead, S. Da.1c., o be a member of the Purple Gang also, present time at Midway, Pa.., vi.sit.'u:1g Silverthorn. Silverthorn that he is supposed to be an expert gun buried shot. has and s. machine at Midway, Ps.., and That Silverthom is practicing shooting every day, and is supposed t9_92be e.killerofthe worst type. ' J is very muo ILV--A/r 92/T3 92'-DU-*'/92"" IL / n ores e __ _ .- __ E ; y I -ft» Silverthorn asheis suspected of having murdered oneJoel_Kl!J-the . } V. $-1 onMarch 27' 1956. atSioux Falls,S.Dodo. That abullet removed;_ J Vx ' from themurdered man's heed had been fonvarded bytheSioux Falls Police Department to the Technical: Laboratory in Washington, and that, 9 it being knownthat Silverthorn had e. .32 automatic, if the fatal 3 T! NO; 3 bullset is found to be from a gun of such will be brought against Department. being enclosed Silverthorn by calibre, the Sioux murder charges Falls Police Photographa oi Silverthoni and of William Lee are with this letter to -the Director. The numbers on photographs are South Dakota Penitentiary This information whatever action it deems numbers. is conveyed to the Bureau for advisable. . Very truly yours, 4 ,/ / WERNER HANNI Special Agent ,2 W-H: B En le __ _ _ ____ _,. __*__j_ 7 Y>. in Charge the -..;., .A -. i -0. .-Q ___ V_~. 3;! _ .2-.. 1 ' .;_._'I -4 J.1 '*e,-,~ - - - _ _V »i ;4w5 . 1» ._: >,¬V_.,. 4 JL .. .92'_ L. 92!:._ I ..-.q ~w. -¢ _§.+~7_" _ _ E-f r Q, __ ¢,3 ~ __ .._._ . A. . 1,: _. __. ;..1S@q@ ~g* q 1-xeuux gage; 0261 eénom exif *¢;;; -.t¢:e -E . ?% ' __- ,. .'._.-.;_ ~*' ~_- .§%5E J¢~;..;.. . 4. T; ' i . 1. Ki ~--. uo axdmé WIQQIOE H7 r». ._-'1." . ____.. :. 1!. . .-" _' J.__,4 §f:'-. K Q. _'11 1-: 3: :- »92 eigh -t Ame - mes '1?@@ Eyes I uuEq"31=u°%31Q guE£I& '~:~& ¢- <. 1 2' 5's 5/4" ..92;~ '; 59 Uéight 157 Lbs. ' . Yaroon Heir -Black C11 l?ET:PF9Q T1?? l E Complexion ..'v -[$3.135 T_:,;! -Ci;?"5,'k:J'.'§-; Black 1qsqizm ..,. -__ 1q5II'%U@11es Build Medium QpEBq B9?P91 '1@@ ° . ' ' #1 1 92 ..}§i..-hM..-Hu;_L_illiam Lee uwued pxom IFQQ U? ?@9q- 92}l: ." ; _._;» u .- " . Q- Irreg scar 2 Eirfh -1ein6.wxee19J 333}? 41? p.ID|'-'~.~ 1 ," =3; .». .._ . 7*~OHp@IIQQ-QU9dI9Q lGddn V kx ~- J 92 -1 nose "un&¬r %§wA%@;~J -' &%§»$3 r .. .92 _. =.| '+_ I upper ii? marks on | rt eye % E_.. Ev !:.>& .3 1-*';= "%7$?¬ mn1?@H*f1PI? § ;§--{;}1c_I'QC[ -UO'§X9_TU-I100 uan H5?1~uBw° 1¢°§F5§ -1 geq "16 .1195 - 5? *5sq1 OET -4q5T°5§% w L F- H5I9H' 1 5+1; -.3 r- 1.2". _!' -:4-an _, 1.. .¢ . _':;L£f r-- ' T; Q, . .. A.» -- .. _--.;_.; -5...,-;_-. .@"*~§~.-§__:* -. @%%-. J .M. ., "1.»'.-...-V. J :&w~ »~ -;. '.-:. -'.I*- 034.@;@%v_1. '_;..118 ulou 111!: - --pa ..:-_,~. 5,1 %? .m VlJ L Itil; "1 I1 __ 92f.M* ll ..__..-i_. it. 52111544 _ __.i__.._.. ! 00 -.=.EGO;w >.. EFE:RD A9 mm? 12 '3 9; ' L.-_n iv =!'92§1'., ;.,_' "@, . - ._..., . q-- -- f-4 _-'-__._ 7..,;.7 -5+ -.._|-.92-; I .,é . i .._vr ;-.415? "T i ;-.»;~"~ 171*-s ~. 1 , 7 I 1'. -. 3 ' _ »" ~.' 1 -;'92'. 4.-'-L i I_I'+ '. A. '.___--4; |92 .r*92 ___i ;_{-:1*-?.'.. n _ 7.1;. . , -August 10, 1936 9Lb3h92 ¢792 =1¬*$=¥& Secret Service Division, {I ff, 7i.. 192§-~!-P»---.-: Treasury boportacct, ,1 §.-*,* { -<!__.| u- __. H, _.. 92-_ , _~ _._,,.-.57 . ,~»', ; ;,K - .!' _92-_..-_ HA __i. ._ _'J,_._1 . . _§_r ._ "__' i__...- Dear sirw. 7 The Burucu from is in aconfidential receipt of source to information obtainud the effect that acounter- i'aiting":-ing no formerly operated at 602 Ilonroc Street, .linnoapc}ia, lincccota, --" - r -I I 1 'It in furthar indicatod that although tho lctivitiea of this ring have been greatly curtailed by reason of the tact that the party living at this ndiroaa is, at tho present tine, incarcerated in92the Lcnrunvorth Penitentiary, thera is supposed to be sons counterfeit Rv tj buried in tna basement 8' I at this address. - !1though the-Burocu is fauthenticity for your of thin information and priatoi ' uoubio to vouch ior ctatemont, came in being furniahed any attention the you you may deem appro- TI:-on urn fl.-A. IA-LIJ, KL John Edgar wry lioovcr, Director. . . - %#774'~*;f*i_'- 1I--I-----115: . W -5- ~' 7*-7 '~'-T--7 W 7' -.7 ___. _ , ,. 4. 'v92' ," _ ~._ . I. .5 92 .. .- ._1' _.. J r » I." *0 allnr e 92.L' ", .'_*-_ _>_ -. r ; ¢':.-.' F-FE:RD " 62-29632-12. - 1f. _-n-1* '._1. ; '_. #5 ,.;.,_,.__ 4-92 .1-1"3 _' V' . 1' - lllgolt10, was * -J1'11 .' ' . §=-_,_h_,»,___7_-|_,,t;_,._ 92 92-;_ -,_.,_:92 .. . 92| 62-29632 . 11:! .: '~C. 4%..- Spooialjg-out in Charge, ,.,._,,._,.o ,_..,.., 11:;i-" 4. M. __ '~. ~'. 1392'~' r Q5 . ~'u'. I .~- I-2' ' 1_-y ¢".r.oricio._ é_ ___. _, Q-'?;92_a;dfa:._ ;'_ I . - "g , r. '-Y 92i.92 . , _,. 9 , _._., _ . »f;T;.. I 3., -owmouuAsumscrs; - '_ £1J-aged Ember: § urplo Gong, K Detroit, Hichigan! Identification Door $1.1-I _ _._.'_ ._ ___~ L r -.e u "5! ': . Office 92 - ., Lntorvioi "I Bureau is . flnggorprinto! . . of u letter in from the Aberdeen dated Jul; of G11 that -.. 1 I t, Florida Jam] n:1 In. :7? fl cauu 1 92 instantaneous . . - death upon , . . Vf thrown resides 1-A1 1 n uh! WY xiii ah F on the floor. In V10! of this statement the Bureau desires that appropriate chock be nude at 335 South atlanta Avenue for purpose of d an the veracity tho identity at and has a an tho <s92 ¢ Q. i of I-Ia;-mii="o%.2oi..|. , as W11 of these atataaenta. Very truly yours, John Edgar Hoover, Director. J _ I 92 ca 7¢'{-Wfv J 5 I _ _ _ . 4 _ '-' """'." - " 1 -_ l .3-; ,u-1;-£1 =.1;......" =--1A."."..'.';;-;;---7-; ~- " : -v -.3 .Q ; ' C! EFE:RD 92 62-29622-12 ".=-*'.>'.<:2*Fé. ~ = =.< 2' .-- :1"L*"W V :r@?+, +1 :--or éiwf"-. -- 1"1Qr>; 2 ,' .-".~ _ _ ;:_._'.92_'r-3 air-_"_ ~I -. . - ._.= - . , "- ' 4I .-. ~- -"'*"" -' - A amt 1°:1935 'v£w1+~ V _; ".--92. L1 _._; ~ 62-29632 . .:_-__4;92_ A8po oJ.ul Lgont in bargo, '4 .71 -'*°1."°a 3l111'Ol'n192~-;.' ». . §.".'*:§:-'1 -" ' - Q 'r f" -' ' Identification - [?ingmrprLnt8! .. ._ __ _H. .. Detroit, kichigan! _ Dear 511': _- __ _ . .l921n¢Inrl ll-|I9292p.v92n §nv~n] 92II|n-uw w-In nnannuusn U 'I II you I _ I R --'" R» umou summers; .,,.. . . r -34 , ll I .1; -- . - --' 92. V,-I» ,92.92'.:' _. - - TheBureau is in reooipt of uletterfrom thekbe"d.6en Office dntadiuly25,1936 ail:-11 setsforththereaulto of V tcrvier had. rith one _.. During thecom-no of thisint-v1 v1e'=*.* EITYKYD rnq-tion to the ofteot that a form-r innate cl Ea !outh Da.!o1.a Prison, one I!.J.11m I-go, is at the present time residing at 510 info . ,V .301! ¢- . *,1 , ..;_Stockton BtroatSn-at,BanFrancisco, Guhrornia.Eafurther ,,_ 3-. .1nd!.cu,tod that Loo in a-Ilegodly 2.somber of anda fencefor th _ _ PurpleGang is wgaged_1n_ snuggling dope,guns,juIalry,' "r'¥"""*"bu1J.at-proof vests, and steal helmets to IQ view of 1:-hie;stat-.-root the Buroru éerirca f.-2-atan appropriate checkhe made byyour office , for ntatiuaonts. East. the and from Chino. at 510Stockton -Street r P veracity pu poao o."' determining t...e o1 _ "1'>Y"»> Q6T57 _ Very truly -' 0/ _ _/ irector. _ __,,--' r o John Edgar Hoover, - {J . yours, ' '1 M-.-x / _ _ ; 92., . .- .' ,¢F- 3 . ,_ _ , r" * VI ; ;'*' 1: , __;__ ____,,_, _,_,_';,:',. . ......_...._._.___.. r ' . i 92 I 1 1L EFE : RD W 62-29632-12 .' '5.-, I .l -.1_'__!_. -1 .".$' .' -_ ._¢_.-__-'.l.I 5-_, * 0 '.--_._ _1_' ;_-_ r . mcono ? 5 -1. 62-29632 --/ " i BpooialAgent in ="-':£. .=j¢-' _ if ; " * 3' -I . 9 £1 ; M f-|.17_ 92 - _''.-,1 '"_. ._ 92~"; j" -- J . Charge, 1?-11 Roz UHKHOYN s-- aincrss ~ illuged lube:-a 1 -Mrploung, Detroit, llichigan! Identification Dar . Sir! ._ . _ V- .k_._tK 'Firngerprints! _. __, _ _ . r l. RQIQYCHCO is ado to your letter r of July 25, 1935 92'92 lotting 1 1%!/¢!Z1& on pngu Falls, the South Dakota De- I I .4 A --__ wzgcc Lndioatod therein tor t1:e;mn-do: of one -Joe £1.22-2:.ciZ2 is that the bullet tartar: renewal from the murdered no-n'c had no torrarded by tho Bioux Falls Police Departmentto t-he Technical Laboratory of hia Bureau to clatcrninc whether somewas a .32 caliber automatic bullet. You are advised that a chock zawio in the Technical bullet L8-boratory tails aver baing received the: to reflect any rucord of this for oxmninction. The Bureau there? Ioro desire: that vrricaz-iv»re-cun'0-1-ctc-d in regard tothis nutter. -h It in further desired that your office make an 8pp2 O;JI'1kteffort to ascertain chetlmr any process may be outzstanding for tho arrest oi Silverthorn in connection with the nu:-dcr of Joe Kluthe, with a view to instituting an appropriato invantigntion under the Unlnuhil Flight to Avoid Proaacution trituto. Thin utter _ A should be given your prompt ottonnion. KW ery truly yours, QJ _/ r.L,r.~;"92§9292@9292* oi ii J1 _ John Edgar Iioowr, 923 - - .--------_,: V 92 - ,__, _- -:_= " K1711 1 -" Director. '1.J i._.4______f* __ ii t . ,_____.____ V_ . _ V . ._-_~..-.__..._.._.._.-_.._.....____....._._.:4.-un <w g chcrzzl '§'.311rcau uf §|192ln~sii5:1tinu H. Pepzzrfaltralf nf §111siiu* Post Office Jacksonville, Box 4997, F1o=.~ir_ .-11, _ September 18, 1956. QM % Director, s -Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington, D. 0. DearSir: - q - RE: unxnown SUBJECTS? - Alleged Members f urplg__§_-_ , Detroit, Michigan.! "- Identification re Reference ans Fingerprints! is made to Bureau letter dated August 10, 1956, 2-29652!. Please b ' views advised that Special Agent A! at her home loc » at lorida. stat or a number of years, a hough she would not . state where she had re ded evious tothat time. She stated ill:Téi.lvert11or|1, but did not L-now his bx.-IYC ve . sen I 2 n or 31311531-1~1Ei ; hat she resides nt the homeof her father, sne =-0 one rother and one sister who Aeengbserved and hose occupation she ='_-.'ave as beinw :1 Jrinter; estimated their ages to be approximately five an sx that ears, respectiv»=~- ly. stated who that she had no immediate relatives whatsoever and that the o occupants other e her uncle, and her mother, An examination of the e-e t Directory 'ere on, printer; an i;>§ "192[¢.> each Police Department, c.eons that he had no inforrnat-ion con- Dayt his recor s an av d h s gent cerning either cf the aforemen oned parties. p Rhl-lVeryI r':J92v't:tK !HUHT3 Ea " n1 trnl;¥ yours, 3,I _, __ GK2|"/-t,;_,1.',"i~t»-~---. R B Nathan SpP.C5.£3.l.:92. in Charsge 9nt9292 , "f, TWBIEEJ .-_ . 1 ' 1, n _, ' sill _I {y _ ' -.:'-* 1i- #%>~ *; %I$. 1" " I- JH»! - I I . P, .1 .-._;;==._-.<;f._ __.. -"'if _"_ y "' . ..' § r 5 } '5 t x :- dz 4" I2-. Q 6'10 Alonzo '92' 1501;!-1Zwilalilg -rd ¢"~. berf~1o-2.1, {South M tn zr l .-u.,+"_,." '£= - .- ' , -' ' _;:;- q .=j §, ',';5_!_;, "_. ,."~-~" "JGt0b6; 7' . k I spacialAgentin Charge CklahomaCity, Oklahoma. i. E ';_j,;i§,;: ;_.;;'g.-35-{ i,I 4= , ~HE:92maIo:*n¬ smmcm£Ano&;f',?$£§|¢ -' u =;'-'.-uu;.~.;_.-41,;---_-A,-1 . .-- ._:1; *_*=T*ff'¢»fgf,;;:,; nllogeqiémnbars rple Gang;-, ,, ..K ,. .1-. . -. *._ _-_"* ' '" ' » . 1 ' . ' Falla, Cilutmit, Iiic.-Iraigan! __.- ' During July 1936 0i i ic'> South Dakota Police 0.1. C4» *11.0 ..> "11"- l epm'i: -"e'.zi-. s'ni::hec1 infozmat-ion i; .~.:'.'L: 0. bullet removed from thehead oi J9q92lf:1.u 2139, believed 2». murder ' A victim, had been forwarded to the Teci-:r.i-zalLaboratory of the E .92::'0-'-us nln alrnull _ col92 . 1 II Cllql-kl}-I 1'4-I an -I-n Jn'92'n1I»-alt-:|'4' pi-1-|_n92II -1'l9.4-an I5 nlA92I '_'-19' 0-n'I§'!924-1! n9292~?-Anna;-E- Ia UT 92 V92l'92lll{§ll$ Ill? BLLEII -|.92l 'I Id!I.|, L-ii-J,J-L-IIA bI|Ii.92n92llIZ92||L92l ..i3yletter dated August 10 ' 3 -" -' A bcrdoen oi ce' _t thbulet £5.-ow: no+ Lucia received at the I.a1~e:-a> i~ a.11s failed tolocate tho Y-M1 , .."I:92 -t ryll ¢;392l1m9quen1i U ballot; 193%» the bullet and no believed had been forwarded department and no-1*: I, Bureauvadvizad the . e1 the. i,ha*'.; she: bullot '-'¢31':ne:'1y B. mean -u>::z' of the }92~:~1ic~ -'-venue, I.z:.r':c:1, 1:19-_. ~.?.~:.1:1. It inroquosted t11utFainto;-vierrrcd fr.aucrrtain bullet to .. ae oohnioal Luboruin:-;,' of the whether ho forwarded the ; _ Bureauanci, if I- ~ not, whafhorhe imowswhore it - . is loaatom Veryi::'u1;r yours, .1';"'."R.Z='Ei1 IT.-%I.""l' fipacial TIHH|G A[j¢;n*:in Ghnrgjc ____ CC: Bureau """"' c. .;. . -s __ K j ' _ . .92 __ .<VI, . "*-_ .,_ . _ . at.l"_»"-_92 I 1-_92 ~ ~. *| ' I . ,,_,;' -in-;__, , , ,I r 1, ' H1 * . ' v 92' *4~- _~ *1 1. u--~ if *4' ~ >i i __ ,. _ _ 1 -_ .,._.....________..__...-..._._._. J . 'C7l']'chc1':|l E 11rc:1u of |11£u'~.=ti592uiinu 5 ll. ;3rp::rhnruiof '.T]=|=.=iirr 610 AlonzoWard Hotel Building : Aberdeen, South Dakota LN October 7, 1936 Director I Federal Bureau ofInvestigation g Washington, Do ve ' _ , n I Dear Sir; RE: umoqownsusascrsw ' Alle U] g ed Members Purple Gang, Detroit,Michigan! Identification Fingerprinte - F _1_3_u_x:ea_u file 6f27-297632" ' 7 - '1 a .!w W v se by Reference is t the bullet Bureau by had been forwarded to the ormerlyan officer of the Police De viewed Q madeto Bureau letter dated August 10, I936 92 Special Agen intewim%ed Officorq the Sioux Falls, Sou o o ice Deparjcment and was aOffice at he did not forwardthsi ullet himself but was of the , .1? 1'7 alls '! orinter"rie'.'rin; int-er7 fly Agen County Prosecuting ey, an epn.y heriff .5 - / oux s, South Dakota and neither could furnish inforEach searched their files on as to the location of the bullet. and each inquired of the coroner without results. Officer-Nrther advieedlggent-that no Silverthorn and that process had beenissued for the arrest of Bil he now doubts thattheinformation furnished b as to e oie of value engined recently furnished information which upon e n eoked adbeen found tobefalse and merely aY -1: mental whim ofi - 0O92 B is now located e requesting that office tointervievr asoertaining whether he Oklahoma aE and a letter forwarded the bullet is ein addr to the Bureau or d to e owe its Very a oma o 1-we location- truly yours, 'N1*1 Q ..w:r,~ _,_ WHH:G cT201::2t= Special Agent 1n Charge 92.?~* ~11$,-sti ..1 ~ _i___.-__.i.Z ." ' 1.. I, "' -f v I cV T f-._ ;! 4' _ .. l.0 _ H H _';_"."i2. __, éu »r: V _r%¢ *» .~<1;i-=; ~. .,~,_.. . . _f* -@"'. .5 _ . . 92_.92., f §_'_»,I'1_,l-§*~"all _ _l._,_;-._ 1.;_ M P. O. Bu: 1__,_;. ,,_ A 92 ._ 3,._ Lu :1 .org I t 0 5~ '%g» '§%E§§¢4ii~;&'s§-.z:§=-*l:.-an-6<1i;é§% V-J -».~.»-2--°=*=-:b=r»;==-1 -" "16.-4_ 3' - ~!=-. I' I I -U . - ._¢'.':=;-.-.... _~.92-1.. ~ ..; vw T-»l~».;-h#f;»',r*»~ W. ¢,: . ~ , _ .1 J;--r 4. ¢ n:..92_'.-';;_¢-'0' 1:. .,'._ 4I v~, -->. .11-:1 ~¥ -;-_-.-,_>_ -=>, :*.7"71;,~»_-92-;-1 "' 4I 'i"*~-*"IL __ ;: ,_92'L Q!.-f'._ *",.92_ nL|_,- 92q V "16, '.|,.,_-1-..1.-__:l-1' _, , .1 _!q-.|__'. =-.-?.___341.,.$-_§ -_ .' -__,. _;r-t._'," -; __-_~; -. .__.. LA-q_I r , . _ __' _.92, . __ I. _ .. _.92_ I o. -' . .- - . ~ -- -~. "5.-' Ki '-92's'_'1"! '%.i-!!r$5=92g~;'192..'>s;:.-'--wf ?-'1." ' -'3F:I$' ,5:-*: I '. " Special Agent in Charge, ~ aberdoeu, South Dakota Ma; , ~ up-_ F_._l92 , ;._ _ ~_ L . 5 "",""i92"59'92F.'1.; 1-_,1f.==92 _- ,_--Pf_. .__,, _..._., ¢uuIsGT5;§ qa xambara Purple Qanr, ._*;§g§@jf£9a$}On - {f1pnq§g;i$$§L .» ~ : I-1| :1"' Tr A V' H - "if! -'~ P " Alla :1-.'-1;? +13; ".l.-. j:-%at1" 1t .L7. -'1 .» a2. - "* -" Uu.:~»; H -_'|1'1 Y.--'.:". _'L.'.'_:-__ _ _ _ .,- .": r_"_»§,_-.92g;;_; 1:1. ,_=-31.1,.! . .»§ -'J -,;--..:- -' -~.- ~,-1--'. __-,,,," ' _ _ tar 0"¢ Octave 19513in to your l*%' -éi '7, With reforonce this mat t er, there is trnnsmitci Pmruritha lcztar date: ~3L0L2r -ancaruinw 22, I936, sent to ma by I-11'. bullet of interest I ,,[,...,, , . »'¢-. .,-.. §}I-,1:-.-0* --- J.-Q-. . . 92 --»;'_ __ .__ = . -_ '; . . ,1 .. ,_ _, _ _ _ ;_ ,-,,_,_ _ _, . _,1 P_..__ ' __;_ - _'.'__; ---,1: -~L: '92'* >.-.1-_.. R, -1 l4 -._i in the J . - ' v . .-*- .=' --. 3 *7 -~ '.".;'~ -.7 -" _92_,-92-;_-_ v '92- 1g_ 71:. v 92"n_-g;-»| -Ea.--133-, -_:¢, '_'n ,- { . - _-__ W Very truly yours, "' '* 1 _ ' 4-_ ;-- I .<fa Ztbv Q». UOX-NC/3 A l."U , __ .32 c thc ¢-; r -- ; 1 "1 rs '1-r If--'I"71.-1 .~:h.¢-.-L1-;.-Y, 5pHC1a1Agent in Chnrza. 13101. 92 Bureau / CG /L ff .. .. .. qyq--uq-92_.¢-m_92 ..., .. "y :/J .U41 .-._..~ ,, e , V .%:wI:.~.. ag 92 - . hmwmmm 2' w __ _ _.,..,92L...k._._-___r_ _. -E_.|92F I, _- =. M5351 -.J.h lf ""_ |W 1 I |.-1 -- 1. V I. 7 F ,, . 92. rt . _ l "" I . . | IN -.-7.. 92 s 4-_V f / L.! Q 1 ~ ! I - I 1 . 92 .¥.r.' .- G "I .¢..- .-|_j..»"._. <I __ . ; f --1--92 . -- t .. _. . A __ 'H;f;._§.1 ;O 1=,,+.?.H}-_;_ .,__ Oklahoga ,, » Lnntnn, .'§..-_.-.;>:;,_=;1.f_;J_'i'. cm. 22, 135:6. __,;<"_:-.j"_"1;1 - ,,_.-'_ 1u--_..92.. ..:. v , _3 -.1 --_ 1 92__ .-.-.. I-_u.?_A, 1,_|.- _ 92- . 1.-';,~;-V,-? =-.»;" ~"?";;' .1 -V . ;-5;. .- " 1, .3 _¢-refmaggg :- -.__,.-~-"=*'-f-§-..*-."-@*o;.*~ V" __ ,_ ___ _r 1.. .., .., -., ,'._ .. . . _ x ;32-BO m-. Dwight Brantloy, 0. Bo: 12%, - P. I , -.1 VIL._.-': _.0kJ._a'hqmo __Q}:la11? :'j5: .>'..--r'.'§§ _. -.; ,City, -._5-92_.-_'.d92-. ,.:,_ . -- v%!1 ;:;=92¢ "f" ~*a;Fo92 .. -I ... . 1 . 1; -' '---' -.-_- . 2'» ;" P.""1-.-. L Ping. "-f!"' "-41=~ ! ~.*' .. "$4-21 ¢.-if ..»"Il-Q-._~. - . 'l.'.: -,.=... v_ '"i-Ea 5-'* , , :r§; $»! 92 . ,. 9 Kz *- . .r;-7 . ' 1.2- _t. ,.. a'§ -" 41-..-__ ;_v»p. 1 _.~_ .- |.92_¢,92 ... gv--. --_ ,'-_ 1 .. y -R--1. ~_.~ } 91.1,, U; ,..:_,!,._ .. Iv 92. .7,r .5 »_:-___.. ____i_, _- . . . 92-_ _. .__.. . .,. . . . ' -Pf*~_ F*> ¢>*'**-"='.**'I£t1I5?'1 ~,.ooa1o92*oom111un1oot1on§-'.b' roa V which was 1.- JI. romoved fromtho head of Joe Klutho, will P"; 4 state thot thin ;_ let Ian sent to the Ballistic Departmvnt of the Technical L b0T3tOlf| __- . Fadgrgl B31-a u ofImraatigatlon, 5c.sr..ir./Lon, 13.0. abouttoo or *.. *1! I-@~ . I after I had roqigyo it from D puty 5"*T1Ff L83 Hou h1&5 5Dri ?--. . .. _ .. .. . twnrvo ==~-~~ :1 l"'*""' i"" i"""' *g""=' ll '.""'#11-:21."-¢;" ' inwhich @1115bulletins 5§=>.11a forum-::.Lc-3 '-'1-I -o-¢im=a1m ;;': twotoot -'lbulloto 1'! ;!*.a292J:g-;"i.*92" had-boon " toun in-tho ditch e1ong an tnrrinaing or 1?- P 92 I'_¢.-vr ,1,-. for information *r92"'92 . r- outlying atroot the next day aftw! 1 Elutho--in tn. =-1_nr.-~ Those bullet: rare,p;'QJ{01'lY..1?i* ."3 at Woohington, D.G. ' In connection, the bullet rzmovod from Iluthos head H29 Pr- parontly identical to anumber or carzridg I und in the 4I OVEIQQP? P§"1 thot K1utho Ion wearing at the timeof bio removal from tho rivoz. 11»I I " . 6-I!-J0'92-. 92-av ,| -<._ L Ii:-ed i'1':m a.33 caliber revolver,*..:~+ - oremissing rrartha box. -Thou-found in ti1o_ovuz-ooat Pooifot zzoojovof £4¬%? ?% rage, qqi! §Q:y °akQ gtP35 1mpQ551hl8 to obtain q toot ouiiot rrum.»u trovolnr motioned abom and,s1m_1_:_1or cnrfgri *9" "4 "=° °b?*=1 *5" toot bullets-cont forward. =»o;~~. -. i .._ H._ §_w _,_ V .v; uoo ti -o;L5i'§_.I___ the i ontification l1 rm office shortll-" """"."' after and although I nnntioned itoovornl no one aoomod toknow whether 92~ 92w -F . times thoro or not nreply ingtom -" _ write no nyou need that inf ~ -. Very truly .. Mo .. . 1 can oopply K1E»3' Box 21, Fbrt Sill, any further 92 __ at the depqrtm~1@ had boon received fro" l .. yo rs, | 1- _/--92 kt? LP! EPC EA}! Em 52 P9032; |q _uovunbar -' u. 18, 1936. .B1$uoia1_Ag0nt_in 0harge,- ; .Lb_ordo'_en,t-So92:'th.nakota. V »- q»~.~,»92¢92 - »1- . ..-"- 1,. H Ha: umfrsuwn . . -U311-.=.I - ='; 1' {Alleged embern Purple E Gang, Detroit, Lie!-=igan} Idontii ie_c_92_t_§_q_r}___¢ lldngernrt into] Dear Sir: - __ _ ' °'with reference to tn» concerning the evidence and been forwarded to the letter or October so, loan, test bullets Bureau for reported examination in to have its Technical laboratory by n former r.cmbar£{H}fEL oi 0" la Police De ,ond presently residinr the G1 ux .211 at Fort .-' - search has been made oi the -, . S111, Oklahoma, you are advised that additional Bureau's record» upon the oi . the intonation turniahed in your letter, but not appear that thin evidence was ever rooeive-1 Bnr u a_ It is to the d-.- sired that Sioux Fnlla, cc -- bah"i it would in the this information South nukota be furninhcd Yolice epnrtmcnt. Very truly yours, John lid;-or Director. Hoover, Oklahoma City. r*92 i 5- 92g.t,iw Z1: I iluv Lnlvd "--¢ :/: 92;-- -._,:-P-. .3 P .... .,,___ "" "' .- _; 1 1. _ I _ v 92 ,--- E E > _r_' J nmecvon ' " F lhlrrnl ' uf ; 921'1921 :!311rna1r eii_g2 § l i K-D JOHN EDGAR HOOVER 31!. 5prpzzrllucui gin:-ii:-c of IwC:0N 62-29632 l nel xtgimt, §.Q. November 13, 1936. unnomumun r-111.. n11vra FOR ? §; Re: Unknown }i Subjects; Alleged I.-ZembersPurple Gang, Detroit, Michigan! Identification - Fingerprints! - Bureau file #62-29632. ' Reference is made to the attached letter from the Aberdeen E11 ?-.-'"~ .92 Office relative to aquestioned bullet removed from the heed of one Joe _; < Kluthe, whichs ted this Bureauby I to ave beensent to the Technical Laboratory; of ar tn lent some nap 1g me n. the SiouxFells, SouthDakota Police B <.e92 -We Althoughacheck had previouslybeen made in the laboratory _ .. larb August for such aquestioned bullet with negative results, upon receipt of the instant letterhad I eke sure f the search inan fort laboratory a conduct second specimen. gain reports that bullet this is notthe in Tech:.1 ' correspondence whatever from _;submitting such evidenc to the Bureau, theFiles Sectionhavinga v"sat they havesearched under ev'"1 we werenot overlookingthe questic-'.-H1 Laboratory ammunr. on iles. 1'-"oreover, search.2: ofboth the laboratory s»-1 Iinvestigative files on the aveled matter fails to reveal any possible reference available. Accordingly, itwould appear that the quesl-#1:-ne_ bullet referred to has never been received by this Bureau. bY"Y<1 _v Respectfully, $- _ If .1? If E. P. Cof ey. I ."» 92 Q, . .' . . 92 I , H P" EK¢>$? ~2 9é3$1 2 :_92 ., J ml'g§i111 nf§fn[u ei.15.-ihun u111 31.5, Zflcpartnuenf u{Qllmiicc 610 Alonzo ?'.'ard Hotel Building, Aberdeen, South F71-.}=,cta. October 30, 1956. Director, Federal Bureau ofInvestigation, F5 r W shington, D. C. I 92[ D681 Sir: RE: I.T}'?1II'IU¥' SUBJECTS 3;! _ - ! r, Alleged Members Purple Gang, Detroit, Michigan! s Identification - Fingerprintc! Vll 1" 7 _0 i1W 7A U __ __P}1l eau e7j!6_2-2_9*6i5,2 92 i/ " Reference is madeto a letter Office dated October 7,1,36. from the Aberdeen B1'.rc::=.:' byqyczw o OnOctober25, 19756,the AberdeenBureauOf cam ii ceived from the Oklahoma. City Bureau0i fice' a letter signed by of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, who was formerly t member of the sioux Falls, out: 1 which was removed from the head ofJo oWmrded totheBallDakota Police Department. In this let advises that the» ullct istic Department of the Technical Laboratory, Federal Bureau of Investiga bion, T:'as11ington, D. C.! last spring, exact date not furnished. J That the bullet was forwardedin a small box, and that this box else contained two test bullets v-'}~.:1c}-1 had been red from a .52 caliber revolver, found-on an outlying street, the day after Kluthe s body was found in the river. The letter further advises that the bullet fl'f. ' !|1 removed Kluthe's head was apparently identical with a number of cartridges found in Kluthe's overcoat pocket, and that five of these cartridges were missing from the box of bullets in the the pocket were so water pocket. soaked that Further it that the bullets If further r information is bullets forwarded totheBureau, has desired as Box Sill, Oklahoma. f 1,Fort mo PL L r J 3; . _ J. WEI: 11Ew.92* zit ,_ =92 to the furnished hisaddress 92/ 0 » &¢ é$?. Verytruly yours, ' __'r;;; mzsmms mun-:1.,'.~..$i ' , 'Special Ag _ Charge. ! <J_§i92. _. " J ' "41 ' 11' r" 92 _.92 vs$0Xi ! relative mD1_...,E,IJ - in corn- ,_ 92,_ 92 , parison test of the revolver which was previously mentioned. _[ found had been impossible to make a 1' .,. 4 " . -3 1' E - -' A! ___ --.....-92_ ¢§§'t§r __ QE -gr» "-qij*§3§'¥¬?s: ;-_. " ,r ;3~ .,..-..:,#_;'.[<,i~ ed by the Sen received from No further investigation is being conductFrancisco Bureau Of fi ce, unless specific request is the Bureau. Very truly yours, /If ll; Ll; 'l'T.I92 RT Ll JJ.92.|.U |.l1_l92 , Special Agent FCD:IST Refer file #6 2-1456 0 _l .r .~92 P in Charge. 17-" _... ¬ .J . = -,.._ -, gl hcral '§i3n1'czut nf §.:11i!E5 52liilJ11 "'= i H. §, ,'§1rp::ri111:utuf ffluslin: llO5 M1113 'I 0we1 220 Bush Street | San Francisco,California , ' -'. _.?_ __ November 9, 1956. ' "" I '-'l|:» -' ;. ' -'_ n _ 92; _. - 'jy:.4. -'. . JFederalBureau Investigation, of Director, ri+ Washington, 13.0. Dear Sir: Re: UNKNOWN /[Alleged .--' / '1 SUBJECTS, - Manners Purple Gang, +. it. , 92.1}e..ro..- -i 'h1omn92 M-c..-c,_.., 6 S b3C"~92g¢13>!_ -' Idejnt ifi cat ion 3S Fi§1_gerpr:i}ij;B L. Reference is August 10 Q 1956 _e, made to ter date e= n-erven a yenereen - anished informationthe to effect that one 1- WiI|_lianT"Lee,' allegedly e. member of, and a"fence" for the Purple *. " Gang, engagedin smuggling dope, guns, jewelry, bullet-proof vests, and steel helmets, to Stockton Street and from China, was allegedly living East, San This .0 I Street in San Francisco, Direction, and East nvestigation of this at 510 Francisco, California. will advise which street that there runs in aNorth is aStockton and South there is no street designated as Stockton Stree at~5l0 Stockton office rev sled that Qapartment house. Qwe Street by same is Special Agent arather respec - amen Agent_ ~- hat she has been emanager or over aperiod of two years, ....a...... that she can recall no one by the name of William Lee hav- ing resided at that place during that period. was determined that that - _ 92 b92 -192 Q At the San Francisco Police Department Department has arecord of more than it twenty William Leos, and it was impossible, on the information furnished the San Francisco Bureau Office, to determine any further information regarding this particular individual- 42- 2%3.2-*/7, ,.l»'Ul iES.UPjS I 1¬i FYT[*?I? . 3.48 nuns? we-1 - __ _, 1 - 92 *n92G92° .~< _.1 _-_~__._.__...._,__.......____..i :"92_I __/3; _,;;{ »S, it F -m92|~|m-m row! N0. 04 . r. A .0]jliC6 ]92/.[677201/' -UN'lTED STATE'S&# 7326 ZZd772 E nTo Director, FBI - DATE; J.¬;%_ FRONI , =SAC f92 J Miami Simple soB]Ec r= ion: ldentific tion npril 15, Division Piw~~rnrint .._rl _J- 5°CfiO1 ,. sol:-_.' A_EJ._naP1so 0.-mo Ni-~T*om.L STOLEN P.".OP?JR'TY ACT According to following individuals PURPLE GANG: information rcocfved are presently by the Kiami Office, members o?the notorious SLTROIE the . Hp..=anY92FLs1scH1sn, ,,2§Q ;>,>"3 1-.-3.5 Harry§F1eisher, Hnrr§92Flnish, Herrykflaisk, Harnywlcish, Hen1'y92F:Lr11~:; Michigan State Detroit PD No. FLEJ srum, Semlfleish; Michigan State Police No. 16151 1557A] wa. .99//PUZ7 Police No. l1Tél6 ;;,1lU.B1=_oioL.'l1 z, was.//661 Samt namourtz, Samlnlpert, Sa.m92.s'92 5a.".i1'L'or hover, mo?-.'ii;z, ,Michigan Loui&,'=.b:'o*.':itz s ,Louig, £a.br;::.::"' 2.; State Police No. 31 Detroit PD No. 32178 ci:La_1<,_L_3§¬l~;1T>;zz, //i Z2"/I V38-Q Charles ieter; Kichigan State Police No. Detroit PD No. 3256A 9312? IIEGGHKDEHD 1sA1io12§}t_c!r~'A:zTz; //£5 3°? /76 Michigan State Police No. 1.i1S1?¥192EP Detroit PD No. 2lhS3 EQQRISERAIDER, w Maurice92Raider; Michigan State Police No. 69610 Detroit PD No. 10320 f Q2-2.%39w 21 nu. LU R148 Director, FBI Fiike xsalik, r.1y1~oP92n lik;51676 Se]. Michi;an State Poiice No. Detroit PD No. £1572 !92. TT'.'. X. mm "7'-I!'92 -1." lI'1I J;-UL V2-Ll'92Yll4' 1' ,WU. 92l_1-Lk/I I Qéle KillerApril 15, 195% MichiganPolice State 7}3lO No. 3 Detroit PD No. h076hi ti , HYMl_EI_~_.e1_L'F_I-.f1LN ,was. J 5 Harr§92A1tman, Harr§<Stein; ' Michigan State Detroit PD No. Police No. 6637 _t-g,¢.3.=¢.'. 7553 L;LL'FZE.&, Harry."elcher, mom ,g3! iu0 Michigan State Chucki elchor; Police No. 250560 lIi;:1:.3;;92iocl -;;=.; Detroit PD No. 73118 Michiga State Detroit PD No. _il92i.__ LEOEBAEE, vus. e/44%/ Police No. H3813 9lL3L ]5"7,1...¢/'! /_-'~,/I. /»' Henry§Lukas, Henr§92Lukes, Henny tuks, Leo¥lokes; lolice No. 101A73 Michigan State Detroit PD Ho F h5!95 JOSEPH 92sor.::-m1To, wa.5.9 9% y/ -Michigan State Police No. Detroit PD hQl23 No= 9A896 .2 Ax 1"//5! .._L_§@i_'lD " ;uP1i3R; Michiga éState Police No. Detroit PD 7-M58 IMRIIY Pl Hollywood, Florida, also reported to have No. llL}CllI-I11 and I~:1lK1Jl 257J69 ;3-~11 111 are r3g'920rt-"ad to Ixavc during the l9L6 h7 winter been in Kiami Beach sognon. Hnnil with two b»,-on 1: FLLIQJHMR " associates durinf Lh: --- ..... .w.-->& r / .K ? 92, Director, FBI ' RPPi1 15, l9h8 Miami area in recent years. However, in view sf their reputations as etick=up men and burglars, itis requeeten that their fingerprints be pared with the unidentified latent fingerprints in the various jewel con» theft C<'5l.S¬S- CAH:mb 8?- -3 92 -4 I 92 _, _ F _ K:_A ¥_ _H___._.._._;__i__i__.___.....92,.,. .I/_~ I. IUNITED ! STATES DE.PAR'1I921ENT GE JUSTICE Date recorded: /,-22-.=lL. --;':Y!- J Single FingerprintReport Case: RE: DETROIT PVHPLE GANG Number:éQ" HATlOi~IAL SIULFJ-i =c Specimens: "Compare PK! P!-111'! A 0+ i ingel'ori1'1ts 1 ollowin1' ".-wed mlspec /N FEDERAL unidentified latents ?-Tiami area: <9 BUREAU INVESTIGATION OF in the variolm is-wel Theft ' H ,_,_§- »;*FARl£Y FLEIIE 1-:as., :C_I'&'I'R, }-lidligfa-". fitete Polio *Detroit Y."-J #16151 H.,f-Y"S1U.! F l_.T-IISHER, = iclli:1an c-13., 'tat*= Police sl _;..,B'AHT3, AcBhi92I.i0 was., ~-ichizrzzrl .."I 1tett.e Police "'1 '132l'? 8 ;_qé5,2~¢¢ -' /y1,rqp P'-921'3]"1i'92l{L7"S wa., -'*].Cili{f f>*.:;llc fIPolice _ LFEITEETH, l . I" Detroit P Detroit pl 325o/i Examination requested Date received: .. ._ by: SAC, Miami ts with cases in 4-92 48 H1111 the the e,-ails-ma1'51"" 1'/e16 F/?i' * ' .,._a._._....__.. _.__.__....._.--,,..i..'.__... /.-Tl_§-/.5 £U1til<:#HCb' UUR1i uIll ablUll» " / _' .1 I we roe? ;,/51:"/6 -I- -'18 cc J- F _1! _ M ; -Detroit I? 1 PD 4,121/.83 _~T OW 127 fx,'/' n~.=-/,1"-*-" --i.T RRT|l'3 R.- 921]3RH, i+ . -chigan 1-:a.,I Police Fi*.ate1."-'69 F/J-"I3 '5-" >1 ' 3 .Detroit / In I PD #10320 v / *" " JHKFT SELIK,wasc, Michigan State Police ' Detroit #81576 ~* --J.1. qfu. "".-",1 -,92' Pl: -1-'1i@-25;, __._»F92'"* ~lIY}.{IErequested: Atmm, was., lfidqigan State Police #75535/f/-I Examination 1""="19*1t OX7 ""' -" - » PD .=" 4l_'5'72 ___ _,_,_, 4,, ,c.-- JJAE HAZROFF, wa.,i 1-1ichi;:{an State Police 4473310 /~ -v Detroit I Detroit Pn =;-@237 » _V. '92I W 3 A 7,1?- examination: HARRY W:-15., It[ic11iL'an State i r;]_ice .-.'-IT*1¥'i, -f.125Q55d'_§1 Result of f.='.'I'".L'[ byzk i" " ' DetroitExamination P1: {#13115 _ IEvidence Noted by: - .~ .¢" ff.» ..-_j_ _p2 . 1, .1 'I. 1- -1 4. U '£' ' .. '~._ ' -'.. ~',1.'.* . =7 -PW - 41 ' .~" '_-;V,qY;,,V:.1:':j_;-'>. I .?'.j f-§_:.92?_;, e ' - :1 '>. 92 . ,. , -¢ *1 rt -r, . .fI¢'lT;. 3% r_*'§~ Ti ~. /,_ v .£- $1,. H _ :F k" ' ' _ma " U . V. ' _-1' _. |-'w ,_-I§¢-.n"' :1 " 1*"-_ .' " i.5 » -' '. 5"-%"=_?%5-5;" V ,33-. - Q._[:1 ,, "~"-3;2: :~". :'. 1» _ »".'. |'. 92;92,': ' 1" -. .* I.- 3 _ ma W ="Z "fT .%4'*=~ pf; L a _. _+-_ .-:,,,-_~ .=.'_-:.-.I,_ . ~- »= ** ~- ;=z§' m 2 ' .¢:=-__= : _ L mm:-r mm mm M 51-um: rnomm A01 -- > . _- . ',. 't'~ . wn¢1.su=mW*- ' uuuthw'"1° """1°"1 1.1:! -0l:.n|:l1v§.annI-In V _ l ,_ . 1'11!-Idl3n'_" 92 . 92 R H. "I _, E A.--.; . ' ;~.=.@_;-'-i W;-1 JP 1. -. _ < :-5 5:92;_~, ..>-fu ; _92 '_- ~l_._;92 .2 , V.-. ,', .;_*f&' av.;,;§§-Q . "< -7-;_< 92 I . HI! i 353$ $31 14613- i:".'_&# ; '{ . 3 s 0 92 > - . . §.y ._F_;-, i. ,;;¢;'-' 1. W mm mpg *; .. ";', |. {~_ ;,. -' . ~9 t~ . - 3: ._ _F _: . ,!:i- _~;f_:.V.;__ ->.» .'l. '»' "'.' ;./.-£.fv . g .. -j.;;1 3-..-*'~f I 1- 289$ J "" ¢ ;*¢_,1 a "-"'*" -'.;r.