cc20000417 - City of Lloydminster
cc20000417 - City of Lloydminster
CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES The Eighth Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Lloydminster was held on Monday, April 17, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. resent Mayor Aldermen City Clerk Director of Engineering & Public Works Director of Finance and Administration Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Planning and Development Media Guest Call to Order Times/Booster CKSA CKSA Key 83 Horizon News I. Plant K. Baker H. Flieger B. Myers K. Niekamp D. Stewart T. Lysyk E. Thornhill D. Newlin G. Dudding P. Vana K. Lelond S. Fagen - P. Bianski T. Kucharuk D. Fehr M. Aschenbrenner K. Jones RCMP Corporal Mayor Ilston Plant called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and Director of Engineering and Public Works, Ed Thornhill, offered the Prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING 195-2000 Approval of Minutes MOVED by Alderman Baker, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That the Minutes of the last Regular Meeting of Council dated April 3, 2000, be approved as corrected. CARRIED. ORIGINAL DELEGATIONS, COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS The R.C.M.P. Report for the month of March, 2000, was presented by R.C.M.P. Corporal, Keith Jones. 196-2000 R.C.M.P. Report MOVED by Alderman Stewart, SECONDED by Alderman Flieger, That the R.C.M.P. report for the month of March, 2000, be adopted as presented. CARRIED. MAYOR'S REPORT Thank You Card A "Thank You" card was received by Mayor Plant from Shannon Fagen, thanking the City for the past two year in assisting her in her media reporting. Shannon Fagen is leaving Lloydminster and her job with CKSA to move to St. Albert. Thank You Letter A "Thank You" letter was received by Alberta City Link thanking the City for considerations at the Lloydminster Airport, in particular Denis Foss. Alberta Ministry of Gaming Mayor Plant advised Council he had received three separate letters from the Alberta Ministry of Gaming in which MLA Minister, Murray Smith, informed him that Premier Klein and the Government of Alberta had given their approval for the City of Lloydminster to receive funds through the Alberta Lottery Fund for the following projects: 1. $1,832 grant to assist with the purchase and installation of infant change tables at the Leisure Centre; 2. $6,800 grant to assist with the purchase of bleachers (two); 3. $1,300 grant to assist with the purchase of bases for the ball diamonds. 04/17/2000 PAGE 39 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES CITY COMMISSIONER No report. ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE — ALDERMAN MYERS 197-2000 Consultant Proposal for Transportation Master Plan 2000 MOVED by Alderman Myers, SECONDED by Alderman Flieqer, That we accept the proposal by Reid-Crowther and Partners Ltd. of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, for the Transportation Master Plan 2000 at an estimated total cost of $93,420.00, plus GST. CARRIED. 198-2000 2000 Gravel Purchase MOVED by Alderman Myers, SECONDED by Alderman Flieqer, That we award the contract to Feldspar Excavating & Redi-Mix of Lloydrninster, Alberta, for the supply of 7000 cubic metres of 25 mm crushed gravel at the low tender price of $11.72 per cubic metre, for a total value of $82,040.00, plus GST. CARRIED. 199-2000 Signs for New Subdivisions MOVED by Alderman Myers, SECONDED by Alderman Flieqer, That we approve the installation of street signs in Parkview Estates, College Park, and the intersection of 42 Avenue and 52 Street. CARRIED. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE — ALDERMAN NIEKAMP No report. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE — ALDERMAN BAKER 200-2000 Contract Award for the 2000 Painting Contract MOVED by Alderman Baker, SECONDED by Alderman Stewart, That we approve the 2000 Painting Contract to Meridian Painting and Decorating Ltd., for the total tendered amount of $25,000.00 plus GST, and further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal all necessary documents. CARRIED. 201-2000 Lakeland College Custom Works Contract 202-2000 Theatre/Concert Hall Architect Appointment MOVED by Alderman Baker, SECONDED by Alderman Stewart, That we approve the Lakeland College Custom Works Contract for the term of April 1, 2000, to May 31, 2005, and further that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal all necessary documents CARRIED. MOVED by Alderman Baker, SECONDED by Alderman Stewart, That we approve the Friggstad Downing Henry Architect Proposal for Service dated April 7, 2000, for Phase I Architectural and Engineering Services, at an estimated cost of $10,800.00 plus G.S.T. and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal all necessary documents CARRIED. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE — ALDERMAN FLIEGER 203-2000 Discretionary Use — Office-inthe Home ( P. & E. Rosendahl 04/17/2000 MOVED by Alderman Flieqer, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the request of Peter & Esther Rosendahl to operate an Office-in-the-Home at 5022 — 46'n Street, Unit 5, Condo Plan 972-4441, as a discretionary use in a DC1 — Direct Control 1 Zoning District CARRIED. PAGE 40 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES 204-2000 205-2000 iscretionary se — Eating stablishment Panagopoulos izza iscretionary se — Dwelling ddition (Cheryl all MOVED by Alderman Flieqer SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the request of Summit Brooke Construction to operate an eating establishment minor business at 4010 — 50th Avenue (Lot 37, Block 4, Plan 5368 NY) as a discretionary use in the DC2 — Direct Control 2 Zoning District . CARRIED. MOVED by Alderman Flieger, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the request of Cheryl Hall for an addition to the dwelling on the NW Part of 2649-1W4M, as a discretionary use in the A — Agricultural Zoning District. CARRIED. 206-2000 Permitted Use — Relocation of Dwelling 707692 Iberta Ltd. MOVED by Alderman Flieger SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the request of 707692 Alberta Ltd. to relocate a single detached dwelling from 5012 — 46m Street (Lot 3, & E' 4, Block 10, Plan LXXXVI) to 5503 - 46th Street (Lot 11, Block 42, Plan 320 HW) as a Permitted Use in an R1 — Single Detached Residential District. CARRIED. 207-2000 Proposed Subdivision — NW % 25-49-14M (College Park Phase VI MOVED by Alderman Flieger SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the application from Interprovincial Surveys, on behalf of Helen Petrukovich, to subdivide a portion of the NW 1/4 25-49-1-W4M, subject to the developer completing the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 208-2000 209-2000 Proposed Subdivision — Part of Plan 982-0783 & Part of the South 1/2 35-49-1-W4M (Parkview) Proposed Rezoning — Ulmer Chev Olds Entering into a Development Agreement with the City of Lloydminster; Provision of a site drainage plan approved by the City Engineer; Dedication of the berm fronting 25th Street as Municipal Reserve, and provision of a bond for the construction of the berm; Submission of a detail park plan approved by City Council; The Plan of the Subdivision is to show the park area as Municipal Reserve; and The property is to be zoned to permit single detached residential and park uses; The Plan of Subdivision must provide access between Lots 4 & 5 to 57B Avenue, and future access to the west; and further, that the Mayor and City Clerk, be authorized to sign and seal all necessary documents. CARRIED (5 —1) OPPOSED Mayor Plant Aldecr"a. NteKo_nqa MOVED by Alderman Flieger, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the application from the City of Lloydminster to subdivide part of plan 982-0783, and part of the S 1/2 35-49-1-W4M, and further, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal all necessary documents subject to: 1. Proposed Lot 14 be designated as School Reserve; and 2. A Deferred Reserve Caveat to be registered on the balance of the S 'A of 35-49-1-W4M. CARRIED. MOVED by Alderman Flieger, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we initiate the rezoning request by Ulmer Chev Olds to rezone 4908-21st Street (Lot 45, Block 1, Plan 80B00296) from R1-Single Detached Residential to C5 — Service Commercial, subject to: 1. Ulmer Chev Olds making a formal rezoning application; 2. The Development Permit making the provision for a restrictive covenant to be placed on the title to limit the use of lot 45 to off-street parking for the car dealership; and further that the City Clerk be instructed to prepare the necessary bylaw. CARRIED. 04/17/2000 PAGE 41 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES 210-2000 and Use Bylaw mendment — ounty of ermilion River MOVED by Alderman Flieqer, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we object to the request from the County of Vermilion River to amend their Land Use Bylaw by reclassifying a portion of the NW 12-49-1-W4M from Urban Vicinity Development District (A2) to Country Residential District (CR) in view of the proximity to the City of Lloydminster and the possibility of eliminating an alternate corridor for Highway #16. CARRIED. PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE — ALDERMAN STEWART 211-2000 Lloydminster Blazers Jr. "A" Hockey Club — Community Event Permit MOVED by Alderman Stewart SECONDED by Alderman Flieqer, That we approve the request of the Lloydminster Blazers Jr "A" Hockey Club for permission to obtain a Community Event permit for their Brahma Rama event to take place in the Saskatchewan Building at the Lloydminster Exhibition Grounds on Saturday, May 13, 2000, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. CARRIED. 212-2000 Ulmer Chev Olds— Proposed Lot Purchase MOVED by Alderman Stewart SECONDED by Alderman Flieqer, That we approve the Agreement for Sale between Joseph Alan Holdings Ltd. and the City for the purchase of Lot 45, Block 1, Plan 80B00296, for the total price of $18,000.00. CARRIED. UTILITIES AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE — ALDERMAN NIEKAMP 213-2000 Cathodic Protection Release of Holdback MOVED by Alderman Niekamp, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we approve the release of Lien Fund Holdback to Viking Infrastructure Systems Ltd. for the 1999 Cathodic Protection Project in the amount of $1,588.00, plus GST. CARRIED. 214-2000 Contract for 2000 Household Hazardous Waste Round Up MOVED by Alderman Niekamp, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That we accept the proposal from ExTech Environmental Services of Edmonton, Alberta, to provide collection services at the 2000 Household Hazardous Waste Round Up at a low tendered price of $2,450.00, plus GST. CARRIED. The Blue Box Program Progress Report dated March, 2000, was presented to Council by Alderman Niekamp. PUBLIC HEARING A Public Hearing was held to hear submissions for Bylaw No. 10-2000. No one present addressed the bylaw and no written submissions were received. A Public Hearing was held to hear submissions for Bylaw No. 11-2000. No one present addressed the bylaw and no written submissions were received. BYLAWS 215-2000 Bylaw No. 9-2000 (Lane abutting Block 10, Plan B1127 — Harty Developments MOVED by Alderman Flieqer, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That Bylaw No. 9-2000, a bylaw to further amend Bylaw No. 31-87, being the "Zoning Bylaw of the City of Lloydminster", for the purpose of closing to public travel a lane in accordance with Section III of the "Lloydminster Charter", be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED. 04/17/2000 PAGE 42 216-2000 ylaw No. -2000 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES MOVED by Alderman Myers, SECONDED by Alderman Stewart, That Bylaw No. 9-2000, a bylaw to further amend Bylaw No. 31-87, being the "Zoning Bylaw of the City of Lloydminster", for the purpose of closing to public travel a lane in accordance with Section III of the "Lloydminster Charter", be read a second time. CARRIED. 217-2000 ylaw o. 10-2000 MOVED by Alderman Baker, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That Bylaw No. 10-2000, a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 31-87, being the "Zoning Bylaw to the City of Lloydminster" to rezone part of Plan 982-0783 and part of the S1/2 35-49-1-W4M (Parkview) from RR — Residential Reserve to R1 — Single Detached Residential, R2 — Duplex and Semi Detached, and I — Institutional, be read a third time. CARRIED. 218-2000 Bylaw No. 10-2000 MOVED by Alderman Niekamp, SECONDED by Alderman Baker, That Bylaw No. 10-2000 be adopted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the bylaw on behalf of the City. CARRIED. 219-2000 Bylaw Tabled Bylaw No. 11-2000 MOVED by Alderman Stewart, SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That Bylaw No. 11-2000, be tabled until after the completion of the reserve disposal. CARRIED. 220-2000 Bylaw No. 14-2000 (Ulmer Chev Olds) MOVED by Alderman Stewart, SECONDED by Alderman Flieoer, That Bylaw No. 14-2000, a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 31-87, being the "Zoning Bylaw to the City of Lloydminster" to rezone Lot 45, Block 1, Plan 80B00296, from R1 — Single Detached Residential to C5-Service Commercial, be introduced and read a first time. CARRIED. 221-2000 Bylaw No. 14-2000 MOVED by Alderman Myers , SECONDED by Alderman Stewart, That Bylaw No. 14-2000, a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 31-87, being the "Zoning Bylaw to the City of Lloydminster" to rezone Lot 45, Block 1, Plan 80B00296, from R1 — Single Detached Residential to C5-Service Commercial, be read a second time. CARRIED. ACCOUNTS — ALDERMAN NIEKAMP 222-2000 Accounts Listing MOVED by Alderman Niekamp, SECONDED by Alderman Baker, That we approve the payment of accounts in the amount of $ 448,593.53 as presented. CARRIED. INQUIRIES The media was given the opportunity to conduct interviews with any Council Members or Administration. OTHER MATTERS Alderman Stewart informed Council that the City of Edmonton is recycling approximately 25% of their used street sand. 04/17/2000 PAGE 43 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES Alderman Niekamp informed Council she had attended the recent SAMA meeting. The following resolutions were presented and voted on: a. Valuation of Agriculture land (Passed) b. Provincial/Local Market Index (Defeated) c. Local Market Index (Defeated) d. Internal to delete Tech Advisory Committee. (Passed) Alderman Niekamp pointed out that she thought the SAMA meetings appeared in general to be run more professionally this year. Alderman Flieger informed Council that SAMA did not get their requested funding increase from the Province and they will be increasing their rates to the municipalities next year. Alderman Baker informed Council that the City had recently held its Plan Lloyd 2000 Public Meeting. He indicated that it was unfortunate that only a total of 8 people had turned out for the meeting. He was disappointed at the turnout. ADJOURNMENT 223-2000 MOVED by Alderman Baker SECONDED by Alderman Myers, That the Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m. CARRIED. The next Regular Meeting of Council will be held on Monday, May 1, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers and will be opened in Prayer by City Commissioner, Roger Brekko. MAYOR drop,4.1 . ERK 04/17/2000 PAGE 44 APR. -14' 00 (FRI) 12:48 LLOYDMINSTER RCMP TEL:306 825 2388 P. 001 RECEIVED LLOYDMINSTER RCMP Box 960 LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan S9V 0Y9 APR 14 2000 CITY OF LL071.-I)MINSTER OFFICE OF TEE CITY CLERK April 11, 2000 THE MAYOR CITY HALL LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan RE: POLICING THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER MONTH OF MARCH, 2000 Statistical data for the Month of March, 2000 is attached. There were 744 files opened during this month Municipal transport travelled 26,707 kilometers. There was 26.5 at time and a half and 18.5 hours at double time. There were 27.0 hours of lieu time off taken during the month. During the month the Auxiliary Members worked 109.0 hours within the City. Sometime between March 3rd, 2000 after 5:00 p.m. and March 4, 2000 before 7:00 a.m., unknown persons broke into a business compound located in the 6200 block of 50th Avenue, Lloydminster, Alberta. The lock was cut on the gate of the fenced compound. Stolen was a 1992 black Homemade Utility Trailer, 8' x 10' bearing Alberta plates. The two Arctic Cat snowmachines were on the trailer when it was stolen. At 10:00 p.m. on March 11, 2000, members were called to a hit and run accident at the intersection of 44th Street and 50th Avenue. A 1981 two ton brown truck travelling Northbound on 50th Avenue struck a car travelling West on 44th Street. The truck fled the scene and was apprehended 25 Kilometers North of Lloydminster by Lloydminster Rural Detachment members. Alcohol was a factor. The driver was charged for Driving while Over .08 mgs% and Fail to Remain under the Criminal Code. Two occupants in the car sustained minor injuries. On March 16, 2000, three young offenders from Saskatoon were found to be in Possession of a stolen automobile. The vehicle was observed stuck in a snowbank in a parking lot in the City of Lloydminster. The occupants were checked and it was determined that the vehicle was stolen. Two of the persons were reported as runaways from Saskatoon and the third had outstanding Warrants. All three were charged in Alberta Court with Possession of Stolen Property. APR. -14' 00 (FRI) 12:49 LLOYDMINSTER RCMP TEL:306 825 2388 P. 002 PAGE 2 On March 18, 2000, Lloydminster RCMP, acting on a tip, executed a Search Warrant at a residence in the City of the Saskatchewan side. Approximately $4000.00 of Marihuana and Cocaine was seized. A 21yr old Lloydminster man was charged with Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking. Sometime between March 22nd and 23rd, unknown person(s) entered a garage and stole goaltender hockey equipment valued at $2500.00. information was received and a search was conducted. The equipment was recovered. A male has been charged with Possession of Stolen Property. The Lloydminster RCMP have designated the month of April as "Operation Red Light". Members will be on the look out for motorists who do not obey traffic lights and stop signs at controlled intersections in the City of Lloydminster. ) S/S CO I/c Lloydminster D aclunent 52 St. -,, c) -7t- 0 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER 52 St. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS REQUIRED 42 AVE & 52 ST DATE 00-04-06 Q) CO co YIELD RA-2y LCD YIELD RA-2 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS FOR NEW SUBDIVISIONS COLLEGE PARK DATE: 00-04-07 1,-01 43 St. CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS FOR NEW SUBDIVISIONS PARKVIEW ESTATES 00-04-06 DATE: THE BLUE BOX PROGRAM PROGRESS REPORT MARCH, 2000 During the month, the following materials were processed at the Recycle Depot DESCRIPTION 1 Newspaper 2 Cardboard 3 Bond/Computer 4 Shiny Paper 5 Tin Cans 6 Glass (clear) 7 Plastic Bags 8 Plastic Jugs TOTALS MARCH 2000 108724 I bs 142394 lbs 1361 lbs 1750 lbs 7800 lbs 2325 lbs 3153 lbs 3505 lbs 83413 lbs 127587 lbs 1522 lbs 1850 lbs 5350 lbs 1450 lbs 1943 lbs 2450 lbs YEAR TO DATE 2000 274188 lbs 397445 lbs 3983 lbs 5950 lbs 19150 lbs 5050 lbs 6543 lbs 8424 ibs 271012 lbs 225565 lbs 720733 lbs FEBRUARY 2000 A total of 8741boxes were emptied in March for an average of 380 per day compared to 385 in February. Inquires should be directed to the Recycle Depot at 825-9777 City of Lloydminster Engineering and Public Works YEAR TO DATE 1999 306486 lbs 349426 lbs 3680 lbs 1200 lbs 15750 ibs 5955 lbs 9100 ibs 8208 lbs 699805 lbs BYLAW NO. 10-2000 A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER IN THE PROVINCES OF SASKATCHEWAN AND ALBERTA TO AMEND BYLAW NO. 31-87, BEING THE "ZONING BYLAW OF THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER in the Provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta enacts as follows: That Bylaw No. 31-87, entitled "The Zoning Bylaw of the City of Lloydminster ", is hereby amended in the manner set forth: 1. The Zoning Map being Schedule "D' to Bylaw No. 31-87 is amended to incorporate the following changes as to Zone: a) All that portion in Section 35-49-1 W4M proposed as a Plan of Subdivision and shown as Lots 9 - 13, inclusive, Lots 16 — 21, inclusive, and Lots 24 — 27, inclusive, Block 11, as outlined in Schedule "A" attached and incorporated as part of this bylaw, is rezoned from: RR — RESIDENTIAL RESERVE to RI — SINGLE DETACHED RESIDENTIAL b) All that portion in Section 35-49-1 W4M proposed as a Plan of Subdivision and shown as Lots 14, 15, 22 & 23, Block 11, as outlined in Schedule "A" attached and incorporated as part of this bylaw , is rezoned from: RR — RESIDENTIAL RESERVE to R2 — DUPLEX & SEMI—DETACHED DWELLING c) All that portion in Section 35-49-1 W4M proposed as a Plan of Subdivision and shown as lots 13 & 14, Block 6, as outlined in Schedule "A" attached and incorporated as part of this bylaw, is rezoned from: RR - RESIDENTIAL RESERVE to I - INSTITUTIONAL This Bylaw shall come into force and effect upon the final passing thereof. INTRODUCED AND READ a first time this 20th day of March, 2000, A.D. READ a second time this 20th day of March, 2000, A.D. Read a third time this 17th day of April, 2000, A.D. SCHEDULE " A " ATTACHED TO BYLAW NO. 10-2000 PROPOSED PLAN OF PART OF SEC.35—TWP.49—RGE1—W.4M. LLOYDM/NSTER, ALBERTA 2000 SCALE 1:1000 ARM REVD BLOCK a MW.1/4 35-49-1-4 .4 *4.9371x(f1120acms) AREA REOt BLOCK ME I/4 35-49-1-4 th1.253119(33.10ocres) AREA REM) S.W.1/4 35-49-1-4 *1.7161v(3*4.24acres) Adasono(4anocr.) ARM REO 0 .5E1/4 35-49-1-4 TOTAL 4, 38.23617e(310.36acres) a N. W.1/4 SEC.35-49-1 —4 RR £ZR -ho FZ24 7 WIA 4 2 KK 1.(4?° IA it 25 • 14 "AavAinardia. '11:www4minimealon 9th S EET 102.05 52' re' 52' ,90-71,f52' 8 -ro ttS Vt-v■ rI LOT 13 LOT 14 42.32624 5412725 71. 82-0783 6 —49-1-4 89' 18' 52' 55.48 AP150 DATE 00/04/14 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES 1QUE DATE -UMBER 095342 095343 095344 095345 095347 095348 095349 095350 095351 095352 095353 095354 095355 095356 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00/04/14 095357 00/04/14 095358 00/04/14 1 095359 00/04/14 1 095360 00/04/14 1 095361 00/04/14 1 095362 00/04/14 1 095363 00/04/14 1 "45364 00/04/14 1 ■ 365 00/04/14 1 i ..(366 00/04/14 1 095367 00/04/14 1 095368 00/04/14 1 095369 00/04/14 1 095370 00/04/14 1 095371 00/04/14 1 095372 00/04/14 1 095373 00/04/14 1 095374 00/04/14 1 095375 00/04/14 1 095376 00/04/14 1 095377 00/04/14 1 095378 00/04/14 1 095379 00/04/14 1 095380 00/04/14 1 095381 00/04/14 1 095382 00/04/14 1 095383 00/04/14 1 095384 00/04/14 1 095385 00/04/14 1 GROSS AMOUNT 777.88 121.71 17,098.65 20,830.43 230.00 2,212.97 42.75 29.70 5.00 470.80 105.00 802.50 544.42 18.63 25.70 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 127.33 59.69 74.93 426.96 204.94 80.25 11,110.82 4,648.12 1,040.60 229.47 282.01 237.32 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 7.70 451.81 281.85 48.00 305.58 2,709.62 2,097.20 44.18 5,032.56 210.60 35.04 2,414.99 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 227.70 212.46 4,330.41 410.29 NET PAYMENT 777.88 121.71 17,098.65 20,830.43 230.00 2,212.97 42.75 29.70 5.00 470.80 105.00 802.50 544.42 18.63 25.70 227.70 212.46 4,330.41 410.29 127.33 59.69 74.93 426.96 204.94 80.25 11,110.82 4,648.12 1,040.60 229.47 282.01 237.32 7.70 451.81 281.85 48.00 305.58 2,709.62 2,097.20 44.18 5,032.56 210.60 35.04 2,414.99 NAME OF BENEFICIARY ACXLANDS-GRAINGER INCORPORATED ADT SECURITY SERVICES CANADA INC. ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING ALBERTA LTD. ATCO GAS ALBERTA FIRE TRAINING SCHOOL ALBERTA TRAFFIC SUPPLY LTD ALBERTA REGISTRIES AGENCY AGLAND EQUIPMENT LIMITED. ALBERTA ATTORNEY GENERAL AMTECH MECHANICAL AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION BENDIXEN; M.R. BORDER PAINT & COLOR CENTRE INC BEARING & TRANSMISSION (LLOYD) B.C.STEEL BILL'S PRINTING & STATIONERY BARTLE & GIBSON CO. LTD. BEXSON CONSTRUCTION LTD. al CLEANERS BROADCAST CENTRE BURTON; TERRY BUMPER TO BUMPER CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY WESTERN CRYSTAL GLASS THE CHIEF SURVEYOR'S OFFICE CANADIAN WASTE SERVICES INC CRESTWAY FENCING CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS CANADIAN TIRE ACCEPTANCE LIMITED. CANADIAN LINEN SUPPLY CARLSON WAGONLIT TRAVEL COMPLETE SPRING & MECHANICAL CIVIC TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE (1972) LTD. CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY COMMUNIPLEX GOLF & WINTER CLUB CORPORATE EXPRESS CANADA INC. DIAMINE CERTIFIED COMPUTERS LTD ELSRO ASPHALT LTD FELDSPAR STEEL FOSS; DENIS W. FISHER'S REGALIA & UNIFORM FURNITURE CLINIC FENNIG FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 1 AP150 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER DATE 00/04/14 2 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES 2UE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER. CODE AMOUNT AMBER DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT 095386 00/04/14 1 262.87 .00 262.87 095387 00/04/14 1 1,644.06 .00 1,644.06 GREAT NORTHERN DATA SUPPLIES (AB) LTD. 095388 00/04/14 1 1,048.57 .00 1,048.57 GRAND & TOY 095389 00/04/14 1 249.51 .00 249.51 095390 00/04/14 1 18.16 .00 18.16 GENERAL PAINT 095391 00/04/14 1 24.55 .00 24.55 HUDSON; NEIL 095392 00/04/14 1 749.00 .00 749.00 HUMENY; W.D. 095393 00/04/14 1 121.84 .00 121.84 HOME HARDWARE 095394 00/04/14 1 56.68 .00 56.68 095395 00/04/14 1 2,566.05 .00 2,566.05 INITIAL SECURITY 095396 00/04/14 1 1,896.99 .00 1,896.99 FLEEN-BEE 095397 00/04/14 1 369.15 .00 369.15 095398 00/04/14 1 4,140.38 .00 4,140.38 095399 00/04/14 1 9,148.91 .00 9,148.91 095401 00/04/14 1 121.87 .00 121.87 LLOYD LOCK & KEY (1982) LTD 095402 00/04/14 1 380.72 .00 380.72 LYSYK; TOM 095403 00/04/14 1 36.00 .00 36.00 095404 00/04/14 1 213.59 .00 213.59 095405 00/04/14 1 32.58 .00 32.58 095406 00/04/14 1 210.45 .00 210.45 LEACOCK; CHUCK 095407 00/04/14 1 982.33 .00 982.33 MIDWAY DISTRIBUTORS (1980) LTD. og5408 00/04/14 1 71.32 .00 71.32 MICROAGE COMPUTER CENTRES ' 109 00/04/14 1 315.77 .00 315.77 NELSON LUMBER COMPANY LTD. /410 00/04/14 1 1,249.18 .00 1,249.18 095411 00/04/14 1 16.66 .00 16.66 NYXOLAYCHUK; LINDA 095412 00/04/14 1 331.81 .00 331.81 NATIONAL CHEMSEARCH 095413 00/04/14 1 483.49 .00 483.49 NEDCO 095414 00/04/14 1 483.31 .00 483.31 095415 00/04/14 1 89.93 .00 89.93 PREMIER AUTO ELECTRIC 095416 00/04/14 1 68.21 .00 68.21 PARKIN; ALAN 095417 00/04/14 1 1,264.28 .00 1,264.28 095418 00/04/14 1 62.98 .00 62.98 095419 00/04/14 1 25.68 .00 25.68 QUIK PICK WASTE DISPOSAL 095420 00/04/14 1 43,177.71 .00 43,177.71 RUSWAY CONSTRUCTION LTD. 095421 00/04/14 1 150.42 .00 150.42 RADIO SHACK. 095422 00/04/14 1 153.72 .00 153.72 R.L.F2LECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING(1995) LTD 095423 00/04/14 1 145.93 .00 145.93 REXIMOWICH; CINDY 095424 00/04/14 1 1,586.97 .00 1,586.97 095425 00/04/14 1 35,734.33 .00 35,734.33 095426 GUSTAVSON; TODD GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS IRON OFFICE SOLUTIONS LLOYDMINSTER ANSWERING SERVICE LLOYDMINSTER BOOSTER LLOYDMINSTER & DISTRICT CO-OP ASSOCIATION L, ITE LOTHROP; LORNE L J R ELECTRICAL LTD LLOYD BUS & DELIVERY SERVICE LTD. NALCO CANADA INC. NORTHWIND RADIO LTD. SALES & SERVICE PRAIRIE CHEM INC. PEAVEY MART ROBERTSON MOSKAL SASKATCHEWAN POWER CORPORATION 00/04/14 1 2,564.00 .00 2,564.00 095427 00/04/14 1 39.50 .00 39.50 095428 00/04/14 1 428.67 .00 428.67 SCOTTY'S RENTALS & SALES 095429 00/04/14 1 944.44 .00 944.44 STUART WRIGHT LIMITED . SGI AUTOFUND DIVISION S.P.C.A. LLOYDMINSTER, AP150 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PAC, DATE 00/04/14 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES SUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT .07MBER DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT 095431 00/04/14 1 1,155.23 .00 1,155.23 095432 00/04/14 1 37.45 .00 37.45 SIGN LANGUAGE 095433 00/04/14 1 323.64 .00 323.64 STAPLES # 143 095434 00/04/14 1 2,860.59 .00 2,860.59 095435 00/04/14 1 14.52 .00 14.52 095436 00/04/14 1 167.22 .00 167.22 TELUS COMMUNICATIONS INC. SIGNAL INDUSTRIES (1998) SASK LTD SASKATCHEWAN TELEPHONES SQUARE ONE BUILDERS 1998 LTD 095437 00/04/14 1 711.76 .00 711.76 TELUS MOBILITY INC. 095438 00/04/14 1 449.74 .00 449.74 UNIVERSAL INDUSTRIES CORP 095439 00/04/14 1 1,699.16 .00 1,699.16 VIKING INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS LTD 095440 00/04/14 1 4,922.00 .00 4,922.00 WILKINSON LIVINGSTON STEVENS 095441 00/04/14 1 146.11 .00 146.11 WINDSOR BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED 095442 00/04/14 1 285.65 .00 285.65 WESTBURNE. 095443 00/04/14 1 251.45 .00 251.45 WESTBURNE 095444 00/04/14 1 89.88 .00 89.88 095445 00/04/14 1 3.64 .00 3.64 095446 00/04/14 1 544.10 .00 544.10 SIGNS'N MORE LTD 095447 00/04/14 1 386.21 .00 386.21 POWERCOMM 095448 00/04/14 1 117.70 .00 117.70 FIVE L FARMS LTD. 095449 00/04/14 1 149.80 .00 149.80 HIM.; MARVIN 095450 00/04/14 1 146.60 .00 146.60 LOCKE; STEPHAINE WUNDER CUSTOM SHEET METAL LTD. ZELLERS 095451 00/04/14 1 277.50 .00 277.50 DAVIDSON; KIM "q5452 00/04/14 1 131.82 .00 131.82 AQUAE INC. '153 00/04/14 1 1,134.16 .00 1,134.16 A-PLUS MACHINING .454 00/04/14 1 2,010.82 .00 2,010.82 STRONGCO EQUIPMENT 095455 00/04/14 1 1,031.15 .00 1,031.15 GRAHAMS, CAR WASH 095457 00/04/14 1 223.10 .00 223.10 C W ASSOCIATES 095458 00/04/14 1 113.69 .00 113.69 ESTELLE DESIGNS & SALES LIMITED 095459 00/04/14 1 53.50 .00 53.50 095460 00/04/14 1 9.83 .00 9.83 095461 00/04/14 1 65.53 .00 65.53 095462 00/04/14 1 12,660.24 .00 12,660.24 095463 00/04/14 1 17.90 .00 17.90 095464 00/04/14 1 137.35 .00 137.35 095465 00/04/14 1 52.86 .00 52.86 095466 00/04/14 1 44.88 .00 44.88 095467 00/04/14 1 528.88 .00 528.88 095468 00/04/14 1 26.24 .00 26.24 095469 00/04/14 1 4.44 .00 4.44 095470 00/04/14 1 16.86 .00 16.86 CREATIVE DESIGNS 095471 00/04/14 1 71.15 .00 71.15 ROBERGE HOLDINGS LTD 095472 00/04/14 1 724.18 .00 724.18 STUDER; GORDON 095473 00/04/14 1 3.19 .00 3.19 PENZIE; SYLVIA 095474 00/04/14 1 28.59 .00 28.59 BLYTHE VACUUM SERVICES LTD ROYAL LEPAGE RELOCATION D & J IMAGES MUELLER FLOW CONTROL BARNETT; YVETTE LAKELAND IMPLEMENTS LTD TELUS ADVERTISING SERVICES HANDEL; PAT KELLER DEAVILLE; KATHY HAWRELUIK; RILEY & JOCELYN 707692 ALBERTA LTD 3 AP150 DATE 00/04/14 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PAC:.: CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES 2UE ..orMBER DATE 095475 095476 095477 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 095478 095479 095480 095481 095482 095483 095484 095485 095486 095487 095488 095489 095490 095491 095492 095493 095494 095495 "5496 1. i197 / ,498 095499 095500 095501 095502 095503 095504 095505 095506 095507 095508 095509 095510 095511 095512 095513 095514 095515 095516 095517 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 00/04/14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GROSS AMOUNT 24.49 44.60 12.17 13.66 6.51 19.93 9.16 70.62 28.59 168.02 132.29 17.54 23.90 60.82 61.91 90.46 35.80 42.00 21.40 32.10 100.00 32.10 28.59 37.97 38.85 40.00 4,235.66 895.73 53.50 446.45 55.76 164.25 1,768.08 121.69 47.55 1,830.17 104.86 2,155.78 955.81 106.89 107.00 466.16 158.00 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 24.49 44.60 12.17 13.66 6.51 19.93 9.16 70.62 28.59 168.02 132.29 17.54 23.90 60.82 61.91 90.46 35.80 42.00 21.40 32.10 100.00 32.10 28.59 37.97 38.85 40.00 4,235.66 895.73 53.50 446.45 55.76 164.25 1,768.08 121.69 47.55 1,830.17 104.86 2,155.78 955.81 106.89 107.00 466.16 158.00 NAME OF BENEFICIARY RIVERS OF LIVING WATER NORM'S AUTO BODY KENYON; CHRIS BOWERS; DAVID GOTTLOB; SHAWNA LOBE; ALFRED O'CALLAGHAN; DEAN 89966469-003 C/O REYFACTS CANADA FURMAN; LYDIA KOR-ALTA CONSTRUCTION LTD TINDALL; WAYNE LAEVENS; MIKE FISHER; JASON MITCHELL; EDWARD & ROSE REINIGER; TREVOR BUDZEY; HEIDI SIROIS; JUDY BATEMAN; KAREN EWEN; DOLORES BLEAELEY; DAWN DAVIES; LINDA WEINHANDL; MITCH MURRAY; RANDY JOA; DWAYNE RESOURCE CENTRE FOR VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATION!: DR S SUTHERLAND SQUEAKEE CLEAN JANITORIAL & MAINTENANCE LEVER; DAVE WILLIS; MEGAN STRONGCO SUPPLIES HUSK; TIM T & L COMMUNICATIONS LTD DARV'S AUTO BODY LTD. SHOPPERS DRUG MART CLAUDE'S T.V. SERVICE KAL TIRE LLOYDMINSTER GLASS J&J AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION THE SILK VINE T.B. SYSTEM SOLUTIONS INC. ROY'S TRUCKING WOLFE; CORINA WHITING; DON SET+"':::E 4 AP150 CITY OF LLOYDM/NSTER 5 DATE 00/04/14 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES ,QUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT NUMBER DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT 095518 00/04/14 1 337.64 .00 337.64 NISKU SAFETY SUPPLY & SERVICES LTD. 095519 00/04/14 1 309.60 .00 309.60 OLSON; LANA 095520 00/04/14 1 128.50 .00 128.50 095521 00/04/14 1 90.95 .00 90.95 095522 00/04/14 1 1,239.50 .00 1,239.50 095523 00/04/14 1 25.68 .00 25.68 095524 00/04/14 1 107.00 .00 107.00 095525 00/04/14 1 341.54 .00 341.54 095526 00/04/14 1 4,277.54 .00 095527 00/04/14 1 56.22 .00 56.22 095528 00/04/14 1 111.00 .00 111.00 095529 00/04/14 1 42.80 .00 42.80 095530 00/04/14 2,284.45 .00 2,284.45 4,277.54 ABSA RCB TELEPHONE SERVICES LTD LLOYDMINSTER & AREA BRAIN INJURY SOCIETY XLEAN-RITE DRY CLEANERS & COIN LAUNDRY PELORUS NAVIGATION SYSTEMS INC. HANCOCK PETRO PRODUCTS INC. LANDFILL & CONSTRUCTION EQUIP. INC. CENTRAL CREDIT RECOVERY INC. PEREGRYM; MICHELLE OXFORD; RHONDA 095531 00/04/14 1 1 35.26 .00 35.26 PARSONS; ROGER 095532 00/04/14 1 49.00 .00 49.00 PAYLESS CAR & TRUCK WASH 095533 00/04/14 1 3,756.77 .00 3,756.77 095534 00/04/14 1 59.80 .00 59.80 CHAPUT; TROY 095535 00/04/14 1 34.14 .00 34.14 LAPOINTE; GAIL 095536 00/04/14 1 23.54 .00 23.54 MINUTE MUFFLER 095537 00/04/14 1 34.51 .00 34.51 WEIR VETERINARY SERVICES LTD 095538 00/04/14 1 143.01 .00 143.01 ' 95539 00/04/14 1 317.55 .00 317.55 54o 00/04/14 1 14.03 .00 14.03 \ LAUMBACH; HARVEY D.C.STEAMING LTD BOSTON PIZZA BROWN; ALEX P R DEVELOPMENTS LTD j541 00/04/14 1 187.45 .00 187.45 VANA; PETER 095167 00/04/14 1 M 403.68 .00 403.68 KONDRO; EUGENE 095168 00/04/14 1 M 3,433.90 .00 3,433.90 095169 00/04/14 1 M 78.00 .00 78.00 095324 00/04/14 1 M 5,601.14 .00 5,601.14 095325 00/04/14 1 M 204.00 .00 204.00 095326 00/04/14 1 M 20,744.98 .00 20,744.98 095327 00/04/14 1 M 25.34 .00 25.34 095328 00/04/14 1 M 120.00 .00 120.00 095329 00/04/14 1 M 123,265.42 .00 123,265.42 095330 00/04/14 1 M 30,888.12 .00 30,888.12 095331 00/04/14 1 M 4,224.73 .00 4,224.73 095332 00/04/14 1 M 210.00 .00 210.00 RUSWAY KINGS RECREATION FACILITY PERSONNEL 095333 00/04/14 1 M 110.00 .00 110.00 095334 00/04/14 1 M 345.61 .00 345.61 095335 00/04/14 1 M 1,912.86 .00 1,912.86 NUMBER OF CHEQUES 211 448,593.53 448,593.53 211 448,593.53 448,593.53 REGISTER TOTALS NUMBER OF CHEQUES C.U.P.E. LOCAL #1015 LLOYDMINSTER & DISTRICT UNITED WAY MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER SOCIAL CLUB MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY COUNTY OF VERMILION RIVER GAS UTILITY IMSA WESTERN PRAIRIE SECTION LLOYDMINSTER PUBLIC SCHOOL DIVISION LLOYDMINSTER CATHOLIC SCHOOL DIVISION THE STREETSCAPES CO. WARREN SHEPELL CONSULTANTS CORP ATCO GAS AP150 DATE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER 00/04/14 6 CHEQUE REGISTER - TOTALS DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT _ABER DISCOUNT NAME OF BENEFICIARY NET PAYMENT GRAND TOTALS NUMBER OF CHEQUES CONTROL 001 211 448,593.53 448,593.53 G/L ACCOUNT ORDINARY 42501 AMOUNT 376,147.76 TRACER G/L ACCOUNT CONTRACT 62501 AMOUNT 72,445.77 TRACER G/L ACCOUNT DIR DISBURSEMENTS 31201 AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT DISCOUNT 15510 AMOUNT G/L ACCOUNT PAYROLL G/I, ACCOUNT BANK AMOUNT 31201 AMOUNT 0.00 0.00 0.00 TRACER TRACER TRACER 448,593.53- TRACER
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