city of spring hill budget and finance advisory committee monday


city of spring hill budget and finance advisory committee monday
Present were: Amy Wurth, Bruce Hull, Chad Whittenburg, Victor Lay, Rick Graham,
Jim Smith, April Goad, Jeff Foster, Kevin Fischer, John Pewitt, Brandi Smith, Melissa Trull,
Kayce Williams, Susan Zemek and Rich Gootee (AT&T Representative)
Chairman Wurth called the meeting to order and called for attendance.
Item #1 -Recommendation on Resolution 14-40 -Authorize purchase of Next Generation 13
Enabled VoiP Capable 911 phone system (Brandi Smith, Emergency Communications Director)Brandi Smith stated this is for the NextGen system that is in the budget. Staff recommendation is to
go with AT&T based on the RFPs that were received at a price of$175,899.00. Committee discussed.
The monthly maintenance will also go down about $300/month by going with AT&T. Alderman Hull
made a motion to make a favorable recommendation on Resolution 14-40 with the amended pricing.
Seconded by Chairman Wurth. Motion carried 3-0.
Item #2- Recommendation on Resolution 14-47- Approve contract for needs assessment (Jim
Smith, Finance Director) - Jim Smith stated this is the resolution will give authorization to proceed
with Kennon Calhoun the needs assessment that has already been discussed by BOMA. Kennon
Calhoun has submitted a scope of plans in the amount of $47,500 (budgeted $50,000). Chairman
Wurth made a motion to favorably recommend Resolution 14-47. Seconded by Alderman Hull.
Motion carried 3-0.
Item #3- Recommendation on Resolution 14-41- Authorize purchase of a vehicle for the GIS/IT
department (John Pewitt, GIS/IT Director)- John Pewitt is requesting to purchase a 2014 Chevrolet
Equinox from State contract bids in the amount of $20,811 .20. This is the lowest price model he can
get even though it is $811.20 over budget. Alderman Hull made a motion to favorably recommend
Resolution 14-41. Seconded by Alderman Whittenburg. Motion carried 3-0.
Item #4- Recommendation on Resolution 14-42 -Authorize purchase of a truck for the Parks and
Recreation department (Kevin Fischer, Parks and Recreation Director) -Kevin Fischer is requesting
to purchase a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 from State contract bids in the amount of $21 ,471.90
which is $1,471.90 over budget. There is room in the budget to cover this though. Alderman
Whittenburg made a motion to favorably recommend Resolution 14-42. Seconded by Alderman Hull.
Motion carried 3-0.
Item #5- Recommendation on Resolution 14-43- Authorize purchase of a knuckle boom truck
(Jeff Foster, Public Works Director)- Jeff Foster stated this would be a lease/purchase for a total of
$57,000.00. Lease payments would be $24,000 in this fiscal year with the balance of $33 ,000 to be
paid in next year's budget. Committee discussed and asked if we have the funds to fund the whole
amount in this year's budget. Jim stated yes. Alderman Hull made a motion to recommend approval
on Resolution 14-43 with a note to fund completely from this fiscal year with the addition in the next
budget amendment. Seconded by Alderman Whittenburg. Motion carried 3-0.
BFAC Meeting
Item #6- Recommendation on Resolution 14-44- Approve the 2014 Annual Paving Contract (Dan
Allen, Utility Director)- Dan Allen stated we had seven bid responses and staff recommends using
Tennessee Valley Paving. Dan discussed the specs that were bidded. Alderman Hull made a motion
to favorably recommend Resolution 14-44. Seconded by Chairman Wurth. Motion carried 3-0.
Item #7- Recommendation on Resolution 14-32- Authorize advancement for obtaining a Bond .
Rating for the City of Spring Hill (Jim Smith, Finance Director)- Chairman Wurth removed this
item as it is an old item and has already been approved.
Item #8 - Recommendation on Resolution 14-46 -Authorize contract for Marketing Research and
Retail Recruitment (Alderman Susan Zemek) - This resolution will authorize Retail Strategies to
conduct a study at a cost of $46,000 in the first year and $28,000 in year two and year three each. The
first year will be offset with USDA grant funds of $29,581 but the full $46,000 will need to be put in
the budget amendment as an expense. Committee discussed billing due dates for the expense.
Committee discussed how Retail Strategies was chosen thru a RFQ and any al a carte items that are
not included in the initial quote. Mr. Lay will ultimately manage the project and progress will go thru
the EDC. Mayor Graham and Alderman Zemek discussed what made staff choose Retail Strategies.
Mayor Graham stated he would be helping Mr. Lay too. Chairman Wurth asked if we have the funds
for the year one cost in this year's budget. Jim stated yes. Alderman Hull made a motion to favorably
recommend Resolution 14-46. Seconded by Alderman Whittenburg. Motion carried 3-0.
Item added by Chairman Wurth- Recommendation on Resolution 14-30- Authorize the upsizing
of a water main on Commonwealth Drive from 8" to 18" (Dan Allen, Utility Director) - Dan Allen
explained why this increase is being done and being done at this time. This resolution will give the
developer a credit towards reserve and tap fees and saves the City money down the road. The
estimated credit to John Maher Builders is $95,604.00. Committee discussed putting an expiration
date on this credit and decided to add "will expire one year after adoption of resolution". Alderman
Hull made a motion to favorably recommend Resolution 14-30 with the addition of the expiration
date. Seconded by Alderman Whittenburg. Motion carried 3-0. Committee discussed adding a "not
to exceed" to the estimated amount. Motion was reconsidered with this language added. Chairman
Wurth made a motion to recommend resolution 14-30 with both amendments. Seconded by Alderman
Hull. Motion carried 3-0.
Item #9- 201412015 Budget Schedule Update- Committee discussed the upcoming meetings for
BOMA and BFAC and various items that need to be covered still to be in the budget (State Street Aid
and Adequate Facilities). There will be one more special called BFAC at the end of April but an
additional special called meeting could be May 5th if needed.
Item #10- YTD Financial Report Review (Jim Smith, Finance Director)- Using March numbers as
a prediction, Jim has estimated we will have a surplus of around $400,000. Some of the forecasted
expenses have not had to been paid this year. Sales tax are up a little from last year too but he does
not plan on increasing the projected amount for next year to stay conservative. He has received early
preliminary property tax numbers which he has already added in.
Item #11- Approval of BFAC Meeting Minutes from April 7, 2014- Alderman Hull made a motin
to approve the minutes from April 7, 2014. Seconded by Alderman Whittenburg. Motion carried 3-0.
BFAC Meeting
Roundtable Discussion - Mr. Lay discussed the Reserves Blvd. agreement and a discussion he had
with John Maher. They need the City's commitment to contribute to this project ($750,000) to avoid
having to rebid the project. Mr. Lay has put together a draft resolution for review by the BOMA
tonight to forward to the City attorney. Committee discussed.
(Audio recording of meeting is available on Company server file.)
Alderman Hull made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Chairman Wurth. Meeting adjourned at
James H. Smith, Finance Director
BFA C M eeting