The weekly bulletin of Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church
The weekly bulletin of Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church
October 21, 2012 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time The weekly bulletin of Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church 1 8 3 9 - 2 0 1 2 6705 Old US Hwy 45 S • Paducah, KY 42003 Parish Staff Pastor, Rev. Tom Buckman ............... .............................. [email protected] Secretary, Hazel Wurth .......................... ........................... [email protected] Bookkeeper, Paula Englert .................... .................................. [email protected] Religious Educ Director, Gwen Taylor…… ...................... [email protected] Music Director, Samantha Veal ........... .............. [email protected] Maintenance, David Redden Office ...................................... 554-3810 Rectory .................................. 554-7988 Fax .......................................... 534-9163 Website ......... Mass Schedule Weekend: Sat. 5:00 pm Sun. 7:30 & 9:30 am Weekday: Monday-Friday 7:30 am Adoration: Tuesday 6 pm-7pm First Saturday: 7:30 am Holy Day: Vigil 6:30 pm Day 7:30 am Reconciliation Saturday afternoon 3:30-4:30 pm. The Sacrament is celebrated communally during Advent & Lent and by appointment. Baptism Contact the pastor for an appointment and preparation. Marriage Notify the pastor six months in advance of proposed wedding date. Must be 19 years of age or one year out of high school. Bulletin Deadline Monday Noon: Submitted “in writing” to the parish office or [email protected] NEWS & NOTES PARISH & COMMUNITY EVENTS SURPRISE Retirement Tea An invitation is extended to all St. John Parishioners in saying farewell to Sister Clara Schotzko OSF, this Sunday, October 21st from 1:00—3:00 pm in the cafeteria. Sister has retired (Lourdes Hospital) and will be returning to the Motherhouse in Rochester, MN. All are welcome! Prayer is essential to the process of spiritual renewal called ARISE Together in Christ. Please take some time and pray with your family as our parish together with our entire diocese enters into this time of spiritual renewal. ARISE prayer cards are available near the entrance to the church and parish center. Please help yourself. Journey To Social Justice To learn more about poverty in America, consider watching the video found at the following website: The Line documents the stories of people across the country living at or below the poverty line. Bishop Medley’s Calendar Paducah Office-Lourdes Hospital 12:00-3:00 pm: October 23rd Paducah Cooperative Ministry PCM food item for the months of Oct, Nov & Dec...Meal in a can. (Example: soups, etc.) Parish Pastoral Council Donny Neihoff, Chair….... …534-1244 Tracy Courtney (Family Life) … 674-5188 John Kaler (Family Life) ………...554-3302 Staci Baker (Social Justice).…….534-0297 Bill Clark (Social Justice)..………… ..554-4602 Janice Darnell (Spiritual Life) ..564-7112 Gwen Taylor (Youth F/F) ………… 534-1275 Bruce Tincher (Finance) ………..554-2955 Finance Committee John Durbin, Chair ............ 554-7039 Patrick Riley ….................. 994-1413 Frank Strasser ................. 331-0371 Bruce Tincher .................. 554-2955 St. Mary School Board Mark Grisham ...................554-8423 Ella Garland ...................... 554-0915 Communion of Saints The Communion of Saints mural features Kateri Tekakwitha, "Lily of the Mohawks" (1656-1680). She is the first Native American saint that will be canonized October 21st. Her holy card is in the narthex. St. Kateri Tekakwitha pray for us. Training Sessions/Liturgical Ministers Training sessions for "new" liturgical ministers only: Altar Servers: October 27th at 9:00 am, Lectors: November 4th at 5:00 pm, Eucharistic Ministers: November 5th at 6:00 pm. Training is required! All Saints-All Souls Day Mass Schedule All Saints Day is on November 1st, a Holy Day of Obligation. The Mass schedule is Vigil October 31st at 6:30 pm (please note new time); November 1st at 7:30 am. All Souls Day to pray for our beloved dead is November 2nd. The Mass Schedule is 7:30 am and 6:30 pm. Names of our deceased loved ones may be entered in the Book of Dead and will be prayed at every Mass in the month of November. Arts/Environment Committee The Arts and Environment Committee is in special need of men to assist with decorating for Christmas, Holy Week and Easter. Please contact the Parish Office if you are able to help or indicate on the Stewardship Card. In addition, new members willing to serve on the Committee are needed. KC Fish Fry The St. John Knight of Columbus is sponsoring a fish fry each Friday during the month of October and the First Friday of November from 4:00 pm—7:30 pm at the KC Hall. Stewardship Follow-Up Stewardship follow up is weekend, October 20th—21st. Participation to date is 55% of the parish. Thank you for your generosity! Picnic Country Store Did you know… may donate items to the Country Store all through the year, not just 2 weeks before the picnic? PLEASE no stuffed animals, bed linens, or clothing!!! Only clean, unbroken items. Bring the items Monday—Friday 8:00—-4:00 pm to the red school building. St. Mary Booster Club Mark your calendars for a great night out! The booster club will host our annual Purple Toad fundraiser on October 26th. We will have dinner, music, and wine tasting. Tickets are only $20 per person. All proceeds will go to the St. Mary Booster Club, which helps to fund all middle and high school sports. Tickets are currently on sale and can be purchased at the St. Mary High School Office or at the Purple Toad Winery. Please contact Kelley Lang @ 331—3925 or Kara Johnston @ 331—1809 with any questions. Save the date “Trunk or Treat”, a safe alternative to traditional trick-or-treating, will be held on Wednesday, October 31st in the parking lot at St. Mary Middle/High School. For more information, please call Amy Sullivan at 210—7478. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ADULT FORMATION RCIA We meet each Thursday at 6:00 pm in Mercy Hall. Please contact Fr. Tom for anyone you think might be interested in attending classes. STEWARDSHIP (Time, Talent, Treasure) “ Let all Your works give You thanks, O’ Lord, and let Your faithful ones bless You,” says the Psalmist. Stewardship is this “attitude of gratitude” of the many gifts God has given us. Amen. Weekly Collection: October 14th Adults …….............................$7,639.00 Loose …...............................$1,333.53 Children ….…...…….......................$3.00 YOUTH SJHSY Next meeting is this Sunday, October 21st from 5-7 pm in the youth room. Please bring a 2 liter drink, cookies or chips to replenish our stock. Lost and Found: Lounge chair and blue pad found in the gym after the Lock—In. Please call the parish office to pick up these items. Diocesan Youth Conference Anyone interested in attending the Owensboro Diocese Youth Conference in Bowling Green, KY on Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th, please contact Gwen Taylor (ASAP). Next meeting is Sunday, November 4th from 5—7 pm. There is a small cost per youth. First Reconciliation Parents, please be working with your child on the book given at the first meeting. The Retreat will be here fast and it is VERY important that you read this book with your child. Confirmation Total …..............................$8,975.53 **Please remember to write tithing amount on your Sunday envelope. **Weekly Collection needed to meet budgeted expenses $10,212.00. Attention Home Schoolers Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Home school group meets monthly for support and fellowship. Information contact Tammi Halvorson: 270-841-0904 or email [email protected] St. John K of C Next meeting is the Retreat on Saturday, November 3rd at Gasper River. Please have youth at St. John at 8:15 am. ALL forms MUST be signed before youth can leave. The KC meeting times are twice per month on the first and third Wednesday @ 7 pm, St. John KC Hall. Children’s Liturgy of the Word Catechists Daughters of Isabella It's time to renew your medical information and Code of Conduct forms. Your old forms are in the Children's Liturgy room and IF everything is the same, you can initial and date for one year. If you have had health or insurance changes, please complete a new form and return to Gwen. Thank you! The first Tuesday each month, 6:30 pm at the KC Hall, Jefferson St, Paducah. The Compassionate Friends of W KY First Tuesday each month, 7:00 pm in the St. John Cafeteria. Contact: Darla Martin 534-1386/331-0883 Box Tops, Receipts, Soup Labels Your assistance in saving General Mills box tops (worth 10 cents), Super Valu receipts (receive 1%) and Campbell Soup Labels for the SMSS is greatly appreciated! Please ask your family, friends and neighbors to join the team. Together we can do much more. Computer and school supplies are purchased through these savings. You may drop them off at the SMSS School, our parish office or drop them in Sunday collection basket. Thank you!!! St. John Homemakers The second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm in the cafeteria. All are welcome! West Kentucky Right To Life Quarterly July and October. Next meeting to be announced. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD “THE SON OF MAN DID NOT COME TO BE SERVED BUT TO SERVE. ” MARK 10:45 Serra Club Meeting: 1st Monday of the month prayer and Eucharistic Adoration, one hour at St. Mary High School from 4:30—5:30 pm. Meet the 3rd Monday of the month for lunch and a planning meeting at the Pasta House from 11:30 am—1:00 pm. No luncheon meetings during June, July, Sept, & Dec. Our Liturgical Worship Prayer Requests Keresa Bradford, Pete Beerse, Fr. Jerry Calhoun, Vincent Corts, Karen Dennis, Chelsea Duncan, Jackie Englert, Sappy Felts, Carol Gautney, Waylin Grace, Kaye Haas, Sheila McKeown-Habecker, Mary E. Harris, Richard Hobbs, George Kaufman, Louise Kaufman, Ronnie & Carol Lambert, Jennifer Lamphere, Fr. Ben Luther, Rebecca Boudreaux-Melton, Jim Metcalf, Neal & Wilma Mock, Bobby Neihoff, Jayden Oswald, Betty Rutherford, Conrad Schaaf, Bea Shoulta, Wanda Shoulta, Helen Simmons, Frank Strasser, Bill Taylor, Rylee White, Gary Wood, Carolyn Wurth, Diann Wurth, Harold Wurth, Mary E. Wurth, Tony Wurth Shut-Ins George Bourgois, Sid Edds, Larry Ellington, Margaret Sue Gibson, Patricia LaFave, Ashley Martin, Maurice Scheer, Donnie Shoulta, Gretchen Slawinski, Pearl Toon, Reva Verschueren, Alberta Wurth, Lavera Wurtz Our Military Air Force: SSGT Brandon Wurth Army: Drill SGT Jennifer Alvey, PFC Jeremy Artis, 1st LT Roger Estes, SGT Tae B. Glass, Capt. Josh Grace, SGT William Hendrickson, SPC Doug McCreary, CW-2 Mike Melton, PV2 Alana L Miller, CPL Brandon K. Norris, PFC Benjamin Reams, LT COL David W. Reed, SGT Steven D Sanders, SGT Ryan Sanders, SGT Ron D. Spurlock, SGT. Charles Dewayne Stephens, PFC Jared Thweatt, Capt Mark A. Wurth Marines: Capt Nathan Neihoff, LCPL Steven P. Riley, LCPL James G. Willett Navy: LT Billie June Farrell, LCDR Paul Farrell, FCI (SW) James Bryan Williams. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Events Calendar 4:00–7:30 pm: KC Fish Fry ~ October/Fridays October 21 9:30 am: Children’s Liturgy Stewardship ~ Follow-Up October 22 6:00 pm: Choir Rehearsal October 23 5:00 pm: Finance Council Meeting 6:00 pm: Adoration 7:00 pm: Parish Council Meeting October 24 6:15 pm: Faith Formation October 25 6:00 pm: RCIA 6:00 pm: KC Bingo October 26 4:00—7:30 pm: KC Fish Fry Anniversaries this Week October 21: October 22: October 23: October 25: October 26: October 27: Daryl & Kelly Weitlauf Paul Louis & Martha Wurth Paul & Alice Roof Ray & Martha Levesque Wayne & Michelle Wiley Justin & Emily Townzen Monday, October 22• Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: Mary E. Wurth Tuesday, October 23• St. John of Capistrano 7:30 am: † Fr. Walter Hancock Wednesday, October 24• St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:30 am: Paul & Alice Roof Family Thursday, October 25• Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: Keresa Bradford Friday, October 26• Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: † Adrian Roof Saturday, October 27• 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm: † Steve McKinney Sunday, October 28• 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: Charles & Annella Waldridge Family L/D 9:30 am: Parishioners Weekly Ministries: October 28th Lectors 5:00 pm Ginny Ponting, Karen Hodges 7:30 am George & Sharon Durbin 9:30 am Kerie Sturm, Patrick Cafferty Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 pm Charlotte Haas, Charles Roof, Mary L Anderson 7:30 am Kaye Haas, Kathy Wilkinson, Lynn Wurth 9:30 am Kendra Ballard, Joyce Ripley, Mary Ballard Eucharistic Ministers for the Homebound 7:30 am Dorothy Wurth, Bob Tackett, Doris Trussell Gift Bearers 5:00 pm Bill Anderson Family 7:30 am Kenny & Carol Shoulta Family 9:30 am Chris Potter Family Servers 5:00 pm Blake & Taylor Grisham 7:30 am Emily & Peter Strasser 9:30 am Katie Clark, Caleb Dunn Children’s Liturgy of the Word Tammie Poat, Ashley Dunn Ushers for October 5:00 pm Bennie Durbin, Aubrey Willett 7:30 am Earl & Ruth Kaufman 9:30 am Gwen Taylor, Dennis Hardison Greeters for October 5:00 pm Louis & Linda Townzen 7:30 am Doris Trussell, Joe McKinney 9:30 am Matt & Emily Barks Count Team for October Patty Corts, Carol Utley Birthdays this Week October 21: October 22: October 23: October 24: October 25: October 26: October 27: Leigh Anne Seitz, William C Willett James Boyett, Jacqueline Ponting Kerry Simmons Julia Cavanaugh, Sue Gill, Barbara Felts Tim Ball, Amanda Ballard, Emily Gipson Judy Poat, Tonya Wurth Michelle Grisham, Chris Riley, Chase Tucker, Betty Wurth Barry Burnett, Tom Neihoff, David West, Kayla Wurth Our Liturgical Worship Prayer Requests Keresa Bradford, Pete Beerse, Fr. Jerry Calhoun, Vincent Corts, Karen Dennis, Chelsea Duncan, Jackie Englert, Sappy Felts, Carol Gautney, Waylin Grace, Kaye Haas, Sheila McKeown-Habecker, Mary E. Harris, Richard Hobbs, George Kaufman, Louise Kaufman, Ronnie & Carol Lambert, Jennifer Lamphere, Fr. Ben Luther, Rebecca Boudreaux-Melton, Jim Metcalf, Neal & Wilma Mock, Bobby Neihoff, Jayden Oswald, Betty Rutherford, Conrad Schaaf, Bea Shoulta, Wanda Shoulta, Helen Simmons, Frank Strasser, Bill Taylor, Rylee White, Gary Wood, Carolyn Wurth, Diann Wurth, Harold Wurth, Mary E. Wurth, Tony Wurth Shut-Ins George Bourgois, Sid Edds, Larry Ellington, Margaret Sue Gibson, Patricia LaFave, Ashley Martin, Maurice Scheer, Donnie Shoulta, Gretchen Slawinski, Pearl Toon, Reva Verschueren, Alberta Wurth, Lavera Wurtz Our Military Air Force: SSGT Brandon Wurth Army: Drill SGT Jennifer Alvey, PFC Jeremy Artis, 1st LT Roger Estes, SGT Tae B. Glass, Capt. Josh Grace, SGT William Hendrickson, SPC Doug McCreary, CW-2 Mike Melton, PV2 Alana L Miller, CPL Brandon K. Norris, PFC Benjamin Reams, LT COL David W. Reed, SGT Steven D Sanders, SGT Ryan Sanders, SGT Ron D. Spurlock, SGT. Charles Dewayne Stephens, PFC Jared Thweatt, Capt Mark A. Wurth Marines: Capt Nathan Neihoff, LCPL Steven P. Riley, LCPL James G. Willett Navy: LT Billie June Farrell, LCDR Paul Farrell, FCI (SW) James Bryan Williams. Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Events Calendar 4:00–7:30 pm: KC Fish Fry ~ October/Fridays October 21 9:30 am: Children’s Liturgy Stewardship ~ Follow-Up October 22 6:00 pm: Choir Rehearsal October 23 5:00 pm: Finance Council Meeting 6:00 pm: Adoration 7:00 pm: Parish Council Meeting October 24 6:15 pm: Faith Formation October 25 6:00 pm: RCIA 6:00 pm: KC Bingo October 26 4:00—7:30 pm: KC Fish Fry Anniversaries this Week October 21: October 22: October 23: October 25: October 26: October 27: Daryl & Kelly Weitlauf Paul Louis & Martha Wurth Paul & Alice Roof Ray & Martha Levesque Wayne & Michelle Wiley Justin & Emily Townzen Monday, October 22• Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: Mary E. Wurth Tuesday, October 23• St. John of Capistrano 7:30 am: † Fr. Walter Hancock Wednesday, October 24• St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:30 am: Paul & Alice Roof Family Thursday, October 25• Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: Keresa Bradford Friday, October 26• Weekday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: † Adrian Roof Saturday, October 27• 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm: † Steve McKinney Sunday, October 28• 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 am: Charles & Annella Waldridge Family L/D 9:30 am: Parishioners Weekly Ministries: October 28th Lectors 5:00 pm Ginny Ponting, Karen Hodges 7:30 am George & Sharon Durbin 9:30 am Kerie Sturm, Patrick Cafferty Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 pm Charlotte Haas, Charles Roof, Mary L Anderson 7:30 am Kaye Haas, Kathy Wilkinson, Lynn Wurth 9:30 am Kendra Ballard, Joyce Ripley, Mary Ballard Eucharistic Ministers for the Homebound 7:30 am Dorothy Wurth, Bob Tackett, Doris Trussell Gift Bearers 5:00 pm Bill Anderson Family 7:30 am Kenny & Carol Shoulta Family 9:30 am Chris Potter Family Servers 5:00 pm Blake & Taylor Grisham 7:30 am Emily & Peter Strasser 9:30 am Katie Clark, Caleb Dunn Children’s Liturgy of the Word Tammie Poat, Ashley Dunn Ushers for October 5:00 pm Bennie Durbin, Aubrey Willett 7:30 am Earl & Ruth Kaufman 9:30 am Gwen Taylor, Dennis Hardison Greeters for October 5:00 pm Louis & Linda Townzen 7:30 am Doris Trussell, Joe McKinney 9:30 am Matt & Emily Barks Count Team for October Patty Corts, Carol Utley Birthdays this Week October 21: October 22: October 23: October 24: October 25: October 26: October 27: Leigh Anne Seitz, William C Willett James Boyett, Jacqueline Ponting Kerry Simmons Julia Cavanaugh, Sue Gill, Barbara Felts Tim Ball, Amanda Ballard, Emily Gipson Judy Poat, Tonya Wurth Michelle Grisham, Chris Riley, Chase Tucker, Betty Wurth Barry Burnett, Tom Neihoff, David West, Kayla Wurth INSTALL AND SELL Tile ~ Vinyl ~ Carpet ~ Hardwood TOON SMALL ENGINE We Build Shower Stalls 3694 St. Rt. 1684 Boaz, Kentucky 42027 Serving Western KY Since 1957 %BWJE5PPO1BSJTIJPOFSt'BODZ'BSN,: Phonet +PTI.PPSFt1IJMMJQ3PEHFST Joshua A. Moore 1BEVDBIt-POF0BL Saxony COLGAN ORTHODONTICS We Build Homes Mini & Mobile Storage GROUND CONTAINERS Delivered to Your Site! JOHN A. COLGAN, DMD 2655 North Friendship Rd. (270) 534-8776 Residential / Commercial Paula J. Englert, CPA, PLLC 270-554-4720 Certified Public Accountant -POF0BL3Er1BEVDBI,: 1Ir'BY [email protected] Chris (Potsy) Potter Parishioner Business Equipment 3202 Lone Oak Road Paducah, KY 42003 St. John’s Knights of Columbus Professional Caregivers 270-554-7171 The Pork Peddler Council # 10962 6725 US Hwy 45 Paducah, KY 42001 Hall Phone: (270) 554-0700 We’re the someone you were hoping to find! (270) 575-4529 Sunday Grand Buffet! ffe 11:00-5:00 r$BOPO$PQJFST'BY r4UFFMDBTF$PNNFSDJBM%FTJHO r0GàDF4VQQMJFT (Closed on Mondays) 270-443-8461 800-227-4932 SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM DESIGNS AND ENGRAVING 227 Fox Road Mayfield, KY 42066 Phone: (270) 247-8858 Home Phone: (270) 247-0399 Jeff Darnell Cindy Darnell Xerox Copiers and Printers Circle P Enterprises, LLC Darnell Monuments 701 N. 8th St., Paducah 442-7414 .BSL%VSCJOr0XOFS (270) 554-2340 “The Concrete Specialists” "MMFO+VOF%PTTFZ 4BMFT!1VSQMF5PBE8JOFSZOFU XXX1VSQMF5PBE8JOFSZOFU 0ME64)JHIXBZ 1BEVDBI,: Robert G. Poat 1SFTJEFOUt1BSJTIJPOFS 1IPOF $FMM &NBJMDJSDMFQFOUFSQSJTFT!ZBIPPDPN Gipson Farms, LLC Custom Dirt Work Lakes Building Sites Waterways Dewain Gipson PARISHIONER Cellular: 270-994-6700 [email protected] Project your business’s image of Honesty & Reliability To a family oriented market comprised predominantly of homeowners DURBIN SERVICE With this available display ad!! Minor Repair & Service All Brands of Tires Brakes & Oil Changes Tire Repair Serving Paducah Since 1962 Investments Since 1854 Call David Schrader at 1- Ext. T H G H L Email: [email protected] 2929 Broadway | Paducah, KY 42001 270-442-6373 | 800-267-6373 J.J.B. HILLIARD, W.L. LYONS, LLC | NYSE, FINRA & SIPC “ONE CALL DOES IT ALL” t (270) 554-5839 -POF0BL3Et1BEVDBI,: FOR ALL YOUR FLOORING NEEDS CALL: 443-0948 Parishioner BRET A. AVRA, DMD, PSC ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 270-443-1717 KEN’S HOME REPAIR &MFDUSJDBMt.FDIBOJDBM $BSQFOUSZt"QQMJBODFT (FOFSBM3FQBJSTBU3FBTPOBCMF3BUFT -JDFOTFE*OTVSFE DEL, BENNIE & DERRIN dedicated to a beautiful world.™ Western Baptist Hospital - Doctor’s Office Building 3, Ste 302 Tooth Extractions - Wisdom Teeth - Biopsies - Etc. Facial Rejuvenation with CO2 Laser (Laser Eyelid Surgery, Facial Resurfacing & Scar Revision) Cheek & Chin Implants, Botox & Dermal Fillers Accepting New Patients PLLC Joseph M. O’Bryan M.D. 7JMMBHF4RVBSF%SJWFt4VJUF Paducah, KY 42001 270-442-0240 Sara Gipson (270) 994-6701 email: [email protected] Jane N. Martin Registered Representative FURNITURE & BASSETT GALLERY 443-7473 Visit Our 3-1/2 Acre “Super-Store” Showroom HIGHWAY 121 NORTH MAYFIELD 523 Broadway Paducah, KY 42001 ©2012 r FOR AD INFO CALL David Schrader 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, PADUCAH, KY A 2C 01-1062 09-20-201215:50:34