Archbishop Listecki will preside at the 10:30 AM Mass which will be
Archbishop Listecki will preside at the 10:30 AM Mass which will be
Archbishop Listecki will preside at the 10:30 AM Mass which will be followed by a luncheon reception in the cafeteria. Plan on joining us as we welcome back former pastors and priests who have served at St. Mary’s, as well as other honored guests. There will be parish memorabilia on display. Memories of Immaculate Conception (St. Mary) Catholic Church . . . Share your parish memories on Facebook: Please go to our parish website: and the Facebook link for the 175th Anniversary page to share your memories, photos, and comments on this special event!! We'd love to hear from you and your family! Rita McCarthy, age 90: I was born in the shadow of St. Mary’s church steeple, the youngest of six children. We lived on McHenry Street across from the rectory and the Annex building, so St. Mary’s Parish has always been a big part of my life. Before I was even five years old I knew just about every kid in school. I remember my mother telling how she enjoyed seeing the older sisters of parishioner Don Uhen driving up in their horse and buggy bringing their younger brothers to school. I’m pretty sure one of them was probably Fr. Cletus Uhen! This was during the depression time, but, we didn’t know we were poor – so was everyone around us! We all went to St. Mary’s grade school and graduated from St. Mary’s high school from 1932 to 1941. We took part in all the activities of the parish and schools. After I retired, I found time to help with the school hot lunch program, funeral luncheons, welcoming committee, meal program at Love, Inc., and the prayer network. I have been a Eucharistic adorer since its start at the monastery to the present time … one hour a week well spent! I also helped by answering phones at the rectory in the evenings. It was at that time that I came across a handwritten document from 1846, some in German, showing the parish membership. Rita McCarthy On page one was listed William McCarthy and family; he was my great grandfather who immigrated from County Cork, Ireland!! St. Mary’s has always been a big part of the Burlington community. We found that out at the time of the church fire when everyone pulled together to rebuild the church!! I’ve been around for 90 years and have seen how God continues to bless St. Mary’s Parish, its people and priests. I love it! Loraine Sennott, age 101: I was a member of the second freshman class as St. Mary's High School. We were very proud of the new school that was built in 1927. Father Van Treek was the pastor that was instrumental in building the high school. The high school shared a heating system with the church. I remember being very cold with the shared heating system. Our lips were turning blue and we had to wear gloves. The heating system was eventually corrected. We started with 15 students in the freshmen class. Only 8 were left in the graduating class. It was very common at that time for farm children to not complete high school so they could work on the family farm. I am very grateful for Loraine Sennott St. Mary's. This is the last weekend of our Annual Stewardship Renewal Drive. If you have not yet returned the time/talent and financial stewardship renewal forms, please do so this week. Mass Intentions 11/18 Monday The Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter and Paul, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne 8:30 AM Mass (Church) 8:00 AM Rosary The deceased members of the Toth Family (Theresia Wolf-McKenzie) † Imelda Alby (WM) 11/19 Tuesday 8:30 AM Mass (St. Charles) 8:00 AM Rosary 11/20 Wednesday 8:30 AM Mass (St. Charles) 8:00 AM Rosary 11/21 Thursday The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:30 AM Mass (St. Charles) 8:00 AM Rosary 11/22 Friday St. Cecilia 8:30 AM Mass (Church) 8:00 AM Rosary † Stella Banks (Friends of the Haggard Family) Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King 11/23 Saturday 4:30 PM Mass (Church) † Betty Bazal Keleske (Rita McCarthy) 11/24 Sunday 8:00 AM Mass (Church) Living and Deceased Members of St. Mary Parish 10:30 AM Mass (Church) † Father Cletus Uhen (1 Year Anniversary) (Family of Father Uhen) Daily Readings 11/18 Monday Stewardship Drive through December 1st 9:00-9:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 8:30 AM Mass (Church) 11/19 Tuesday 9:00-9:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 8:30 AM Mass (St. Charles) 6:30 PM Divorced/Separated Ministry (SSR) 11/20 Wednesday 9:00-9:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 8:30 AM Mass (St. Charles) 6:00 PM Rosary (Chapel) 11/21 Thursday 9:00-6:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 8:30 AM Mass (St. Charles) 6:30 PM Choir Rehearsal (Church) 11/22 Friday 9:00-4:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 8:30 AM Mass (Church) Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King 11/23 Saturday 3:30-4:00 pm Reconciliation (Chapel) 4:30 PM Mass (Church) 11/24 Sunday 8:00 and 10:30* AM Masses (Church) *Preschool/Children’s Liturgy of the Word 9:00 AM Ready to be Hero Program (Café) 9:15 AM REP Gr. 1-8 (SMS) Office Hours: 8AM-12PM & 1- 4PM Mon.-Friday 1st/2nd READING PSALM GOSPEL 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 11/17 Malachi 3:19-20a / 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Ps 98:5-9 Luke 21:5-19 11/18 1 Maccabees 1:1015,41-43,54-57,62-63 Ps 119:53,61,134, 150,155,158 Luke 18:35-43 11/19 2 Mac 6:18-31 Ps 3:2-7 Luke 19:1-10 11/20 2 Mac 7:1,20-31 Ps 17:1,5,6,8,15 Luke 19:11-28 11/21 1 Mac 2:15-29 Ps 50:1,2,5,6,14,15 Luke 19:41-44 11/22 1 Mac 4:36,37,52-59 1 Chron 29:10-12 Luke 19:45-58 11/23 1 Mac 6:1-13 Ps 9:2-4,6,16,19 Luke 20:27-40 Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King 11/24 2 Samuel 5:1-3/ Colossians 1:12-20 This Week at Saint Mary Catholic Church Ps 122:1-5 Luke 23:35-43 St. Mary Preschool: 108 McHenry St. Burlington, WI 53105 (262) 763-1501 St. Mary Grade School: 225 W. State St. (262) 763-1515 Catholic Central High School: 148 McHenry St., (262) 763-1510 Visitation/Communion Schedule Hospital 11/16-17 Robert Zarek 11/23-24 Marlene Ketterhagen Monday: Ellen Voslar Wednesday: Cheryl Theigs Friday: Bob Zarek Kindred Care (Visit) 11/18-24 Judy Donnelly Tuesday Pine Brook (11 AM) Shirley Kanthack, Shirley Meyer, Sr. Emma Wednesday: Riverview(10:30); Chestnut Club(11:15) Bob Thompson, Al Raboine, Tom Durand Wednesday: Kindred Care (3:15 PM) Annette Kempken, Bob Zarek Announcements After Mass: The deadline for pulpit announcements is Noon on Fridays. Send requests to [email protected] so they may be approved by Father Jim. Articles/pictures for the bulletin may be emailed to: [email protected] by 4 PM Monday. Early Holiday Deadline: Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, all information for the December 1st bulletin is due by Noon on Friday, November 22nd. A Message from Fr. Jim . . . 1) I would like to thank all of those who attended the Evening of Reflection for Liturgical Ministers last Sunday evening. It was a wonderful gathering of dedicated folks who serve our parish in a number of different capacities. I would like to take this opportunity to offer a word of appreciation for the many people who serve as Eucharistic ministers, lectors, ushers/greeters, altar servers, choir members/cantors/ musicians, sacristans and church decorators. Our liturgies are very prayerful because of the help of these folks. I am very grateful for the serious and reverent manner in which they approach their service. I pray that Almighty God may bless them in their roles and reward them for their willingness to offer their time to St. Mary’s. If you are interested in helping in any of these areas, please do not hesitate to contact the rectory office. 2) I also want to say a word of thanks to all of the parishioners who attended our Annual Parish Meeting last Sunday. It was good to see so many of you. As I said at the meeting, I feel that there are many good things happening here at our parish and schools and we can all be very proud of that. I am so grateful to be part of a parish that has so many dedicated people who are willing to help insure a strong Catholic presence in our community. One item that was mentioned at the meeting was a concern regarding communication in the parish. How do we get information out to the parishioners who did not attend that annual meeting, do not read the bulletin, or do not attend Mass here on a regular basis? This is an ongoing problem in any parish. I think we have to do our best to keep spreading the word. Please visit our parish website to keep apprised of events and news regarding our parish and schools. Also, if you would like a copy of the handouts from the Annual Meeting, including the current financial status, stop at the rectory office and pick them up. Together we can spread the information about the parish that is vital for its continued growth and stability. 3) This is the last weekend of our Annual Stewardship Renewal Drive. If you have not yet renewed your commitment to the parish, please take a moment to prayerfully consider how you might be able to help this next year. We all have been blessed greatly by Almighty God – “What return shall I make to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?” (Psalm 116) God bless you always! Father Jim Volkert **Our anniversary celebration is coming up quickly. Please plan on coming to the celebration on Sunday, December 8th beginning with 10:30 AM Mass, Archbishop Listecki presiding, followed by a luncheon reception in the school cafeteria. It will be a great time! Sign-Up Now to Light Advent Wreath Candle Each year the Advent Wreath candles are lit by parish families. The family joins Fr. Jim about 10 minutes before Mass begins and joins in the procession up to the altar. A prayer is said and a member of the family lights the candles. A sign-up sheet is available in the back of church. We invite families to take part in this Christmas tradition. Knights of Columbus are Collecting Items Support our priestly vocations by donating items this November. “Sentiments for Seminarians” program and the Knights of Columbus are collecting the following items: Toothbrushes, shaving cream, soap, shampoo, gloves, scarves, Ziploc bags, small food storage containers, tissue, pens, paper, gas and gift cards. Please bring items to Church. Along with remembering our faithful departed in particular during the month of November, Pope Francis has also asked that we include the following in our intentions: “That priests who experience difficulties may find comfort in their suffering, support in their doubts, and confirmation in their fidelity.” St. Mary School 8th Grade Project Please join us for the next Life Teen Tri-Parish Mass on Sunday, Nov.17, at 5:00. The Life Night follows mass. All high- school teens are welcome for the Life Night. Looking ahead: Wednesday nights- teen bible study and praise and worship practice Dec. 1 - Life Teen Mass at 5:00 and Life Night Dec. 4 - love inc Christmas service project for teens Dec 15- Life Teen Mass at 5:00 and Life Night Mascot Pecans: Life Teen is again offering fresh Mascot pecans in a variety of flavors as well as plain pecans for baking. Also added this year are Fancy English Walnuts and Roasted and Salted Cashews. You’ll love these delicious treats, which are packaged for gift giving. They are available after weekend masses. All proceeds benefit Tri-Parish Life Teen and are used for the Catholic Youth Rally in the spring. We are grateful for your support! Travel With Sister Mary Joyce Merten, SSND You are invited on a Pilgrimage Nov. 3-14, 2014, to visit Blessed John Paul II birthplace in Wadowice and the Shrine of Divine Mercy in honor of St. Faustina in Krakow. This trip includes Warsaw, the capitol of Poland, Czestochowa, Auschwitz, Budapest, Vienna and Prague. We are traveling with NAWAS, a very respectable Catholic Agency. $3,259 per person. Bus to Chicago O’Hare. The price listed above includes Air/Land tour which is $2579 plus $680 government taxes & surcharges. Details available on brochure. If you have questions, please call 262-758-6100 or 262-909-6998 or [email protected]. By the time we are on our PILGRIMAGE we will we will be saying St. John Paul II. This is a most wonderful trip with terrific opportunities to enjoy many places and events. The students built a replica of a Jewish Sukkah. The word “sukkah” means a tent or booth. It is a harvest festival celebrated in the fall & a remembrance of the 40 years the Israelites wandered in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt and teaches us that we should never forget that everything comes from and goes back to God. Look carefully for the Sh'ma, a Jewish prayer printed in Hebrew by one of our 8th grade students. Program Will Be Offered at St. Marys Witness the Exciting Foundations of the Church with “Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom.” Join us this coming January for a program titled: “Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom,” by Jeff Cavin at Immaculate Conception (St. Mary) Catholic Parish beginning Wednesday, January 8th from 7:00 to 8:15 PM and continuing every Wednesday for twenty sessions. For more information, or to register for the study, call Paul Dujardin at 414.940.2356 or email [email protected]. The Acts of the Apostles is more than a history of the First Christians. Its is an incredible story of the power of the Holy Spirit. After the Ascension of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe Christ, the Apostles appeared worried and confused. They had spent three years in the presence of our Students in the 6th grade reading class wrote and practiced skits from "The Lion the Witch and the Ward- Savior and our God, and now He had returned to His robe". Every student enjoyed and actively participated Father. But He did not leave them alone. Christ sent the Apostles the Holy Spirit to guide, instruct, in this readand empower them. In “Acts: The Spread of the ing lesson. Kingdom,” you will witness how the Apostles, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, continued the The 6th saving mission of Christ on earth. You will see how grade stuthe Kingdom of God is truly among us in the Holy dents will also put on a Church established by Christ, and you will come to a performance greater appreciation for the entire Catholic Faith. for their 2nd Dear Jesus, hear our prayers for the sick and for Grade budthose who care for them. Bless them and keep them dies. under your care. Amen. Our Adopt-A-Family Advent Program Love, Inc. has asked us to help the many families on their list who will not have Christmas unless we help. St. Mary Preschool Helps Senior Citizens Ornaments with a number and gift request will be available for pick up after November 21. Gifts should be returned, UNWRAPPED, with the number attached. GIFTS WITHOUT THE ORNAMENT ATTACHED CANNOT BE DELIVERED. We need the unwrapped gifts returned by December 8th. Items should be new, not used. Please be compassionate and understand that this is the only time that a family in need can ask for some thing that is not an absolute necessity. Thank you for your generosity. Questions? Call Pat Ebbers at 763-3916. DO NOT WRAP GIFTS Blood Drive at Catholic Central High School Monday, November 23rd, 8-1 in the new gym Contact Heidi Meier at 262-763-1510 Or [email protected] to make an appointment or for information. Appointments encouraged. Our school is eligible to win an Ultimate Share scholarship. Thank You from Soles for Catholic Education Thank You to the Supporters of Soles for Catholic Education walk that was held on November 4th. Our School raised over $1100.00 for tution assistance and donated over 550 pairs of new or used shoes. It was a great event we walked with over 7000 supporters at Mount Mary College. Preschool students in the 4K class made placemats for homebound & nursing home parishioners. Our St. Nick’s Breakfast is December 1st Kick-off the Christmas season with the 2013 St. Nick Breakfast in the school cafeteria sponsored by SMS Home and School Assn.: Sunday, December 1st 8 AM-Noon St. Mary’s Cafeteria Special guests, awesome food, and crafts for kids. Year of Faith Closing Mass Nov. 24: Year of Faith Closing Mass, 10:30 am, Christ King Parish, Wauwatosa Birthday Blessings We wish to acknowledge the special members of our Parish community who will be celebrating their 90th birthday and up! On the 21st Madelyn Rome will be 94 May God Bless You, Madelyn! God Bless Our Troops Please pray for the safety of all military personnel who are serving our country, especially the following parishioners, relatives or friends of our parish Jim & Beth Graves, Gregory A. Roberts, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army James Graves, U.S. Devon J. Seitz, U.S. Air Force, Navy Benjamin Hall, Cpl. Jacob A. Thorpe, Robert J. Hintz, U.S. Private, US Marine Marine Corps Corp, Infantry Steven Kojis, Sergeant Brandon U.S. Air Force Wiskes, U.S. Marines Christopher LeBlanc, Corporal Dustin Wiskes, PVT 1st class U.S. U.S. Marines Army South Korea Toby May, Spc. Army National Guard Parish Staff Directory (262) 763-1500 Pastoral Council Members Steve Corbisier (895-6850), Susan Gutschow (7630979), Mike Huberty (723-3314), John Kendall (6614320), Katherine Lavieri (878-0289); Terri Newbury (Trustee, 763-6317); Norma Roanhouse (Secretary, 763-3766); Barbara Scherrer (Chairperson, 763-7518); Jim Schuster (Trustee, 763-0897); Jim Vos (ViceChairperson, 763-9710), Tim Warren (539-3314). Finance Council Members Stacy Alan, Steve Corbisier, Loretta Jackson, Tom Pederson, Jim Schuster, Tim Spieglehoff, Tim Warren, and Fr. Jim Volkert. We warmly welcome new members to our faith community. If you would like to join our parish, registration forms are available in church. Please complete the form and return it to the church office. Sacraments: Marriage-Couples should call St. Mary Catholic Church’s pastor 6 months to one year before the wedding date. Baptism-Call the office prior to your child’s baptism. A preparation class for parents is required. Baptisms are held the first and third weekend of the month. Reconciliation-is held the second, fourth and fifth weekend of the month from 3:30-4 PM in the chapel. Communion, Confirmation and Anointing of the Sick-Call the office. If it is after hours, listen for the emergency number. Mass Time Assistance Wheelchair available in the closet of the Good Shepherd Chapel that is for your use if you need assistance getting in to or out of Church. Fr. Jim Volkert (Pastor); Susanne Snyder (Director of Music); Sue Vrzan (Director of Administrative Services); Dianne Smetana (Parish Secretary); Cheryl Theigs (Pastoral Minister to the Aging, Sick and Homebound); Loretta Jackson (Grade School Principal); Deb Butler (Assistant Principal); Barb Porcaro (Preschool Director); Margie Robers (Director of Religious Education); Jim & Kathy Martin Youth Ministry (Life Teen). Parish Website For parish information, go to Stewardship and Debt Reduction Report Amount collected 11/10 from 171 envelopes Offertory Total Amount Given Fiscal Year to Date Amount Budgeted to Date (19 weeks) Difference 10,137.75 721.37 $10,859.12 $287,887.04 -$334,326.85 -$46,439.81 Amount Budgeted for fiscal year (52 weeks) $915,000.00 Amount still needed for fiscal year $627,112.96 Amount needed per week to reach budget (33 weeks) $19,003.42 Parish Debt Reduction Goal $650,000.00 Amount Collected through 11/10/13 from 428 families Amount still needed Fr. Clete Uhen Bequest -$474,865.87 $175,134.13 -$75,000.00 Thank you for the tremendous response to our Debt Reduction campaign. Please continue to pray for the success of our efforts. May God who has begun the good work here bring it to fulfillment. -Fr. Jim Hearing Assistance: If you need a hearing device during Mass, please contact ushers. Ministers Sat. 4:30 PM November 23 Sunday 8:00 November 23 Sun. 10:30 November 24 USHERS Greeters: State McHenry N McHenry S Heck Pederson Nienhaus Donnelly Vogelsang Abernethy Mullenbach Busch Impens Servers G. Speigelhoff S. Safar L. Safar J. Schiltz D. Schiltz E. Swanson E. Guttschow S. Allen S. Allen 4:30 PM - Matt Daniels, Ralph Heck, Glenn Lois, Don Warren, Gerald Weber Bread 1 Bread 2 Bread 3 Cup 1 Cup 2 Dianna Nienhaus Ruth Heck Jerry Liesemeyer Diana Molumby Kay Fox Barb Vos Tim Wegge Norma Roanhouse Kathy Baumeister Pam Aldrich Holly Reesman Anton Nickolai Darlene Geiser Brenda Wright Laurie Cantrell 8:00 AM - Dan Creek, Andrew & Kathy Dorn, Jim Hensgen, Joyce & Les Mastalir, Tim Vos, Bob Thompson J. P. Wolter M. Robers L. Wheelock B. Wheelock D. Vande Velde B. Montee 10:30 AM- R. Reesman, Mary/Ralph Rice, Judy Correll, Deb/ Russ Weis Lector Lector 1 2 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Mary Church #542590 108 McHenry Street Burlington, WI 53105 TELEPHONE 262 763-1500 Cell 262 325 8505 CONTACT PERSON Sara Smith SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 10.0 Windows XP Professional PRINTER Hp Photosmart 8250 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION November 17, 2013 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 6 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS