Saint Margaret Mary Parish
Saint Margaret Mary Parish
Saint Margaret Mary Parish 845 High Street, P.O. Box 386 Westwood, MA 02090-0386 Office 781-326-1071 Fax 781-329-1879 PARISH STAFF M S Saturday : Sunday : Weekdays: : 4:30 PM 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM 9:00 AM - Mon., Thurs., Fri. MORNING PRAYER WITH HOLY COMMUNION: Tue. & Sat. 9:00 AM H D S : As announced C P E : 3:45 - 4:15 PM - Saturday W : : [email protected] B : Second Sunday of the month at 1:00 P.M. Bap sm instruc on required. Contact the office. S and, or, a pastoral visit to a homebound/sick person: Contact the office. P L M : advance. : [email protected] Please contact us at least six months in P : Rev. Stephen J. Linehan - Ext. 103 [email protected] D : Rev. Mr. Joseph E. Holderried D R E Karlene Duffy, Director - Ext. 101 K.Duff[email protected] Y R E A Denise Ra ery - Ext. 102 D.Ra [email protected] P A M A : : : D Mark Nemeskal - Ext. 111 [email protected] P A A Jacqueline Kerr—Ext. 100 [email protected] : : P B M : Chris ne Harkins - Ext. 100 [email protected] “We strive to be a faith filled community living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Roman Catholic tradi on. We are commi ed to loving God through par cipa on in the sacramental life of the Church. We pray and grow together suppor ng and caring for all.” THE PASTORS PAGE DearParishioners, Atsomepointinlife,manylookforencouragement, inspirationandsupportastheyfacethechallengeslife brings.Thereisnoagelimitonwhenwereachthat point...Itcanhappenwhenweareyoungandnotso young!Whatarethechallenges?Whydopeoplehaveto suffer...whymustwedie...howdoIhandlefailure–or success,howdowedealwithillness,injury,heartache? Yes,allthe“slingsandarrowsofoutrageousfortune...” Godhelpmeplease...Itcanbealonglist!Ourlife togetherinfaithhereatSaintMargaretMarydirectsusto anumberofsources...Twostandout:thebible/The Word of the Lordandtheexperienceofthecommunity– theChurch–thatwecalltradition...Thereareother sources...butthesestandoutforus!Othersincludethe bestoflearningfromthesciences,philosophyandthe arts,etc. OurHolyFather,PopeFrancis,inarecenttriptoAfrica sharedtheinsightthatwecanalsolearnfromthosewho strugglewithpoverty,the poorthemselves!Heseesin thepooradeterminationtoclingtothebestintheGospel andremainsteadfastinfaith...Ihaveseenarealdignity, alongwithfearandhope,inpeoplewhostrugglewith illness,aging,thelossofachild,thelossofajob,theloss ofahome...God,weneedeachother!Istillhavethe memoryofhavingseen‐asaboyofabout9–asIwalked withmygrandfatheronacold,lateautumnday,infront ofanabandonedLeopold‐MorsestoreinScollaySquare Boston...anelderlywomanwrappedinoldblankets sellingpencilsandapples.That’sallgonenow...the Leopold‐Morsestore,ScollaySquare,theoldwoman... (BostonCityHallsitsonthesitetoday.)Thatwasalong timeago...buttheimagestilllingers...Myworkasa priesttodayisnotunconnectedtotheresponseIwanted tomakethatdaysolongago... Makenomistakeaboutitpoverty,illness,diseaseand oppressionarecrushing...Isuspectthatevensomeofus heremayhaveevenliveditatonepoint...andcertainly witnessedit.Itisclear.OurCatholicfaithcallsus...the Gospelmessage...todoallwecantohelprelievethat suffering...andevenpreventit! Thistimeoftheyear...andthisweekendinparticular affordsusseveralopportunitiestorespondto challenges–ifnotinourmidst–verymuchnearby. PleasewelcometwoLittleSistersofthePoor,Sister MaryVincentandSisterRosemaryJeannewhowillask foryourprayers,helpinghandsand inancialsupport andtellyoutheirstoryandtheirmissiontotheelderly poor.Thisisthe irsttimetheLittleSisters...haveever cometo“beg”atSaintMargaretMaryParish.Ihave seentheresultsoftheirwork...notjustnearbybutinmy serviceintheNavyyearsago...andevenonmyrecent vacation...Pleasehelpthemasbestyoucantoday, tomorroworwhenever! Youdonatedsome90coatsoverthepastfewweeksfor thosewhowillbecoldthiswinter!Thankyou.God blessyou!Some35familiessigneduptoprovidegifts for kids...Theopportunitiesarestillthere...Seebelowfor details.TheGiving Treeisinthecornerwith “ornaments”andrequestsforgiftsforapproximately45 childrenwhohaveless...Nextweekend...wewillreach outtowomeninjail...whooftenreceivenothingat Christmas...Lifeisverymuchcontrolledinjail...You cangivethegiftofsocks...Yes!Socks!Seethebulletin below. Ihavecometorealizethatneedsofthepoorand sufferingaretrulyendless...Theconstantbarrageof demandsdoesnotdetermefromdoingwhatIcan,and encouragingotherstofollowsuit...Icanonlydothe bestIcan...Ichoosetodosomething...Theprojectswe undertake,Ijudgeareworthwhile.IhavelearnedthatI getfarmorethanIgive...Interestinglyenough,the moreIgivethemoreIwanttogive...notjustinmoney... butintime,inlove,inmercy...incompassion. ThosewithwhomIhavesharedhavetaughtmemuch:I havelearnedtosharebetterandmore...Ihavelearned patience,compassion,thevalueofjustlistening...not holdinggrudges,sharinghowIhavebeenforgiven,and sayingandmeaningIunderstand... OLorddelivermefrommediocrityinmyfaithand actions.HelpmetonottodosomuchthatIdon’tnotice whatIreallyneedtodo.AMEN IhopeallaregettingreadyforChristmas...andthatlife isnottoobusy. Godblessyou. YourPastor, Fr.Linehan D 5—6 S S A St. Margaret Mary Parish Office of Faith Formation for Children and Youth Good Samaritan Craft Guild December 9th Meeting First Penance Retreat: This week 2nd grade students will ask an adult in their life to become his/her “Penance Prayer Partner”. A retreat for these 2nd graders and their prayer partner or a parent will take place on Sunday, December 6th at 12:30 PM It will last about 1 hour, 10 minutes. There will be a meeting of the Good Samaritan Craft Guild on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 3:00 PM in the Parish Office Meeting Room. All are welcome to participate in this ministry of making prayer shawls, baby blankets and other items for various hospitals, nursing homes and our own homebound Parishioners. Please contact Marney Barrett at [email protected] with any questions or call 508-359-4218. Bridge Mass: The idea is to keep the dignity and sanctity of Mass but to use the Lectionary for Masses with Children to help our younger parishioners to better understand the Word of God. The Bridge Mass also provides an opportunity to involve younger persons in the liturgy. Special thanks to those who proclaimed the Word, welcomed parishioners, served Fr. Linehan in the sanctuary, and brought forth the gifts. First Penance: The Sacrament of Forgiveness will be celebrated on Saturday, December 12th at 11:00 AM for all 2nd graders, their prayer partners and families. First Communion retreat: May 1st at 12:30 PM First Communion: May 7th (10:00 AM & 1:00 PM) Confirmation retreats: (candidates must attend one) April 8th & April 15th (5:00 PM -10:00 PM) Confirmation rehearsal: May 13th at 6:00 PM Confirmation: May 15th at 2:00 PM May Procession/Second Communion reception: May 8th at 11:00 AM All 2015-2016 schedules can be found on our parish website. Update from the Social Justice Committee Coat Drive Completed! The Coat Drive was a great success! The congregation donated 89 Coats to be cleaned and distributed to support those in need. The Congregation donated down coats, dress coats, children’s coats and snow suits. Several were new with tags on them. Thank you for your generosity. Gifts for Kids Delivery Update: 35 families signed up to purchase Christmas presents for a young person from a local family in need. REMINDER: Return the purchases to the basement of St. Margaret Mary Church on December 11, from 4-6 PM. Gifts must be placed in a large bag with gift wrapping materials in the bag if possible and tagged on the outside and inside with the number and name of the recipient. If you have any questions or want to participate, please contact Erin Fitzgerald at [email protected] or call her between 4-9 PM at 781-915-7923. Giving Tree Going up this Weekend Dec 5-6: Please select an ornament from the tree this weekend, and return the gift wrapped with the ornament attached by December 20, 2015. These gifts are donated to students in need who attend the Mission Grammar School in Roxbury. The school Principal has also expressed a need for copy paper and Staples Gift Cards for ink purchases. Socks for Women in Prison Fund Raiser Dec 13-14: Monday Night Rosary At 8:10 PM on Monday nights we gather to pray for all families and for peace. We ask, through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, for peace in our hearts, our homes, our communities and our world. Our prayers include the Rosary, scripture, poetry, music and more. You need not know the Rosary to join us. Prayer sheets and rosary beads are provided. All are welcome. The Parish is donating white crew socks to the women prisoners at Framingham Correctional Facility. For many of these 800 women these socks will be their only Christmas gift. We are seeking monetary donations for the socks on the Weekend of Dec 13-14. We were able to purchase the socks at a significant discount ($10.00 for 6 pairs of socks). We appreciate any donation that you can provide. We truly appreciate your generosity in supporting these charitable efforts this season. Any questions or desire to participate in the Social Justice Committee? Please contact Cindy Senerchia [email protected] D 5—6 S S A Everyday Stewardship A note from the Director of Music and Liturgy: Keep us alert, we pray, O Lord our God, as we await the advent of Christ your Son, so that, when He comes and knocks, He may find us watchful in prayer and exultant in his praise. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. I offer this prayer for all of us as a parish family as we celebrate the Second Sunday of Advent, keeping in mind the refrain from our Communion antiphon today, “Jerusalem, arise and stand upon the heights, and behold the joy which comes to you from God” I will be employing the Communion antiphons for Advent, composed by my good friend and colleague, Richard J. Clark. Richard is Director of Music and organist at Saint Cecelia’s Parish in Boston and a noted and prolific composer of sacred music. Additionally, he serves as organist at Saint Mary’s chapel at Boston College. These antiphons use the “proper” text called for in the Roman Missal and are thus, “proper” for that particular day. These settings were recently published and so I am very pleased to offer them for their intended use during the four Sundays of Advent. Richard is hard at work on a set of Communion antiphons for Lent and so I await those most eagerly. Even though some people seem to live graced lives with little struggle, the truth is we all have struggles in life. Financial problems, health issues, emotions of fear and inadequacy, and even twists of fate are part of the human condition. The fact is that we are imperfect beings living in an imperfect world. But there is the One that came into the world to fill the valleys and lower the mountains. He makes winding roads straight and rough roads smooth again. In fact, he makes new again that which was created at the beginning of time but then fell into disarray due to our sin. He is Jesus, and he not only makes all things new, he provides glimpses of perfection in our imperfect world. With all that we have been given as gift, the greatest gift was the Incarnation, God made man. Through the birth of a baby, our reality was altered in this world forever, and a hope for life eternal with our God was possible. And now, we are called to spend our days as cocreators with God, cultivating all that has been given to us so the good work begun in us may be drawn near to completion. Paul's words to the Philippians is for all good stewards: "And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God." We are imperfect beings in an imperfect world, but the One who makes all things perfect is doing great things in us. The Children’s and Junior Choirs here at Saint Margaret Mary Parish have surpassed the 40-member mark between the two groups. The Junior Choir provided the music at last Sunday’s CYO Mass. They will be the choir leading our December “Bridge” Mass this weekend at 8:30 am. There is a palpable energy emerging with the enthusiastic response of the young people here at Saint Margaret Mary’s. I am especially grateful this Advent season to have the able assistance of Sue Bertone and Jennifer Crummet (Children’s Choir), and Sheila Matthews (Junior Choir). Without these three women, there would be no children’s choirs. Please speak with them or me if you have a child interested in joining us. It is NEVER too late to join either ensemble. If you like to sing and are able to attend a weekly rehearsal: Wednesdays for Junior Choir; Thursdays for Children’s Choir, then please consider being part of the Children’s Music Ministry here in Westwood. Of course, the adult choir is always seeking new members to add to the “Joyful Noise” made at the 11:00 Mass each week. Please contact me if interested in any of these musical options. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS—© Liturgical Publications Inc God’s Blessings always, Second grade families—please remember we are preparing for First Penance. Please contact the Religious Educaon Office if you have any ques ons. Mark Nemeskal, Director of Music and Liturgy First Penance Retreat: Sunday, December 6th at 12:30 PM First Penance First Penance: Saturday, December 12th at 11:00 AM D 5—6 S S A Liturgies for the Week Dec. 5 Saturday 9:00 AM Morning Prayer 4:30 PM Fred Leonard III Dec. 6 Sunday 8:30 AM Children/Family Mass 11:00 AM Ralph Bogue Dec. 7 Monday 9:00 AM Mass Dec. 8 Tuesday 9:00 7:00 Dec. 10 Thursday Ministers’ Schedule for December 12—13 Saturday, December 12 4:30 PM Priest Fr. Linehan Lector Dick Toland Eucharistic Minister AM Holy Day PM Immaculate Concep on Peter Meade, Chuck Spiegel & Michael Stallings Principal Trish MacDonald & Mil Reissfelder 9:00 AM Mass Special Bill McDonough ** EM Needed ** Dec. 11 Friday 9:00 AM Chris Butler Altar Servers Evan Plecinoga & Michael Stallings ** Altar Server Needed ** Dec. 12 Saturday 9:00 4:30 AM Morning Prayer PM Chet Pawlowski 25th Anniversary Sunday, December 13 8:30 AM Priest Fr. Clifford Lector Bob Reissfelder Eucharistic Minister Tom Daly, Chip Sterling & Mary Kiley Principal Lois & Ken Foscaldo Altar Servers Chas Sterling, Rowan & Conor Sterling Sunday, December 13 11:00 AM Priest Fr. Linehan Lector Steve Whelan Eucharistic Minister Deacon Holderried, Carole Winslow Ann Delaney Lendrum Principal Mark Donovan & Michael Walsh Altar Servers Kathryn & Sean Lendrum ** 1 Altar Server Needed** Dec. 13 Sunday 8:30 AM Buddy Godby 11:00 AM Ma hew Michael Cox Holy Day of Obligation Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday, December 8th, 2015 Masses at 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 8th, is a Holy Day of Obligation to celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please join us at either the 9:00 AM. Mass or the 7:00 PM Mass. D 5—6 S S A Sharing the Gospel When Mary visited Elizabeth, Mary had wonderful news to share. Jesus was coming into the world. You have good news to share about Jesus, too. The next time you visit a friend, gently share how happy you are that Jesus came to save you. Prayer God, help me to share the good news about Jesus when I visit my friends. Something to Draw Draw a picture of yourself telling a friend about Jesus. Mission for the Week Say a special prayer for missionary families. People all around the world need Jesus. ©2008 - PO Box 510817, New Berlin, WI 53151-0817 - 1-800950-9952 x2469 - CHRISTMAS FLOWERS AND MUSIC DONATIONS As we prepare for Christmas, we will be accep ng dona ons to make the Christmas celebra ons even more special with lovely flowers and special music. There are envelopes in the entranceways of the Church or you may use this form. All memorial names will be included in a list on Christmas Day. Please have all dona ons in by Friday, December 20, 2015. Christmas Flowers & Music Dona on Amount: $___________ In Memory of: (please print) ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________