PASTOR: Fr. Chris Bugno, SDS ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Fr. Gabriel
PASTOR: Fr. Chris Bugno, SDS ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Fr. Gabriel
PASTOR: Fr. Chris Bugno, SDS ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Fr. Gabriel Kamienski, SDS DEACON: Donald Boland PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr. Yvonne, Roscoe, SND CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST: Saturday Vigil:……5:00 p.m. Sunday:……………7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Weekdays (Monday through Friday): 7:00 a.m. & 8:30 a.m. Saturday:……….....8:30 a.m. Spanish Mass (last Sunday of the month):………. 6:00 p.m. RECONCILIATION: Daily (Mon.-Fri.):…… 7:45-8:15 a.m. Saturdays:…… 3:45-4:45 p.m. First Friday:….. 3:30-4:30 p.m. And by Appointment Administrative Assistant & Liturgy Sr. Yvonne Roscoe, SND, 268-3441 Faith Formation (Religious Education, Adults, RCIA, Sacramental Preparation) Mrs. Doris Petrocelli 268-0440 School Principal Mrs. Jacqueline Zackel, 267-1643 Director Of Music Barbara Bradley, 267-9256 Annulments Sr. Lucy Vazquez, O.P. Youth Ministry Sean Lunceford, 268-3441 Bookkeeper, Melinda Tinsley Receptionist, Anna Mae Smoller Bulletin Editor, Karen Downs Director of Facilities/Maintenance Matt Horner PARISH ADDRESS: 203 Ojibway Street Titusville, FL 32780 PARISH OFFICE: 321-268-3441 PARISH FAX: 321-268-3270 Visit our Website at — Mass Intentions for the week of June 10 — June 17 Sunday 7:30 AM People of the Parish Monday Tuesday 7:00 AM George Kavaliaus Kas 7:00 AM Marie DiPalma by by Mom & Dad 9:30 AM Deceased Members of 8:30 AM Alfredo Nevalga by the Kenkel Family by Family Short Family 11:30 AM Margaret McNeela by Joan McNeela LITURGY OF THE WORD ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Thinking about the Readings 1. What does it mean that I am to “walk by faith and not by sight”? How have I lived out this command? 2. How has my faith been tested? How confident have I been during these tests? 3. How do my roots in God enable me to flourish? Readings for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time June 17, 2012 First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22—24 I have lifted high the lowly tree. Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6—10 Whether we are at home or away, we aspire to please the Lord. Gospel: Mark 4:26—34 It is the smallest of all seeds, and becomes the largest of plants. Kathy & George Kavaliaus 8:30 AM Marilyn Troup by Sister, Ann Wednesday 7:00 AM Special Intentions for Robert Theisen by Family 8:30 AM Sharyn Mosca by Rob & Dawn Stevens & Reno & Susan Mancini DEVOTIONS Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) at 8:10am (before the 8:30 mass), Mon.-Thu. (unless no school on Fri.) Recitation of the Rosary: Mon. – Sat., 9am in the Chapel. Novena – Our Lady of Perpetual Help Tuesday, after the 8:30am Mass. Spanish Adoration & Prayer Group, Thursdays 6:00pm Holy Hour 9-10 – Thurs. (except holidays) after the 8:30 Mass, Divine Mercy, Rosary, Silent Prayer, Benediction. Holy Days — Same as Sundays (7:30am, 9:30am & 11:30am) Holy Day Vigil — 7:00pm Fatima Sundays—Every 3rd Sunday of the Month from May through October, 3-4:30pm. Litany of Loreto in honor of Mary: Mon.—Sat. during May Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: Mon.—Sat. during June Litanies—After the 8:30am Mass Today’s good news On the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Jesus, we focus on God’s gift of self to us in the Eucharist. In the Eucharist, Christ is present to his church in a unique way, under the appearance of bread and wine, we are invited to be one with him in communion. United with him, we are called, challenged, and strengthened to become more like him. In Exodus, as a sign of the covenant the Israelites are sharing with the Lord, Moses makes a sacrifice, sprinkling some of the blood of the sacrifice on the altar and the remainder on the people. This covenant binds the two parties together. The people having heard “all that the Lord has said” (v 7), agree to live by the commandments. He will be their God and they will be his people. It is a foundational moment for the people of Israel. The writer of Hebrews writes of how Christ’s sacrifice replaces the sacrifices of the prior covenant. Christ’s own blood obtains for us “eternal redemption” (v 12); as the perfect sacrifice he offered himself on our behalf in order that “those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance” (v 15). For Reflection: What significance does the Eucharist have for me? Do I allow myself to be taken, blessed, broken, and given in service of the gospel? View this bulletin online at M O S T H O LY B O D Y & B L O O D O F CHRIST Mass Intentions for the week of June 10 — June 17 Thursday Friday 7:00 AM Brice Metcalf by Joan 7:00 AM Special Intentions for Gray Dr. Arieden Breeijen, M.D. by Patients 8:30 AM Leonard Zackel (1st Anniv.) by Family 8:30 AM Special Intentions for Deacon Don Boland by Chris Boland Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM Special Intentions for Parish Sacrificial Giving (Regular Sunday Offering) In gratitude for the gifts we have received from God, the parishioners and visitors gave $12,715.66 for the ministries of St. Teresa. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. God bless. QUESTION OF THE WEEK? What signs of honor and respect for the Eucharist are traditional in this parish community? WELCOME We welcome Fr. Gabriel Kamienski, SDS our new Associat e appoint ed Parochial Vicar to St. Teresa’s by Bishop John Noonan. He belongs to the Religious Order of the Salvatorians (The same Religious Order as our Pastor, Fr. Chris). Fr. Gabriel was ordained to the Priesthood in 1982 in Poland, and after his Ordination was sent to Tanzania as a Missionary until 2008. He was sent to the United States and joined with the Salvatorian community in Texas. You may have seen him here at St. Teresa’s during July when he came to help out whenever Fr. Chris was on vacation. We welcome Fr. Gabriel and wish him the best in his ministry among and for us. May God bless his time here with us. Miguel Olivella by Olivella Family 9:30 AM Herman J. May by May Family 11:30 AM Father’s Day Novena David & Louis Alvarez by Family 5:00 PM Mary Giorgianni by Georganna Family STEWARDSHIP Stewardship Thought: In today’s Gospel, the disciples suggest that Jesus disperse the crowd so that they might individually seek food and lodging. The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand is Jesus’ powerful reminder that when we share our gifts in His name there is always more than enough! 7:30 AM SCHOOL NEWS OPEN ENROLLMENT St. Teresa School is accepting applications for enrollment for the 2012/2013 school year. Please call the school office for more information 321-267-1643. SUMMER OFFICE HOURS The school office will be open during the month of June, Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 3:00 p.m. WEBSITE Please visit our website at for information and updates regarding St. Teresa School. SUMMER CAMPS Knight’s Quest for Adventure, Fun & Friendship will take place June 11, 2012 through Jun 29, 2012. There are several sessions available including Vacation Bible School, Environmental, Sports, Drama, and Culinary Arts & Sewing. Please call the school office for more information at 321-267-1643. THANK YOU Thank you for your generous response to our school wish list. The following items have been purchased for the classrooms. Kindergarten – document camera 2nd grade – document camera 3rd grade – laptop 5th/6th Language Arts – document camera & projector Spanish – document camera, projector & MIMEO interactive Religion – document camera & projector Thank you for your generous response to the cookie dough fundraiser. A computer tower, keyboard & mouse were purchased for the following teachers. Mrs. Zackel Mrs. Reda Mrs. Ford Mrs. Ball Mrs. Mawn Sr. Hilda Mrs. Tomes Thank you for your generous support of the book fair. A SMART board was purchased for the 4th grade classroom. View this bulletin online at FAITH FORMATION VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Babylon begins this Monday, June 11 and continues through June 15. Late registrants should register in Avila Hall at 8:30 am. Those children who have pre-registered should arrive by 8:50 on this first day! ADULT FORMATION We are looking forward to new and continuing groups of Growing Faith meeting in the Fall. Registration will take place at the same time as registration for Religious Education classes after all the Masses on August 11 and 12 and 18 and 19. We are also planning a Sunday afternoon program once a month using the visually beautiful DVD series; Catholicism, from Word on Fire ministries. Look for more information in upcoming Bulletins. JOIN BISHOP NOONAN TODAY FOR THE ANNUAL CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION Bishop John Noonan will lead an annual Corpus Christi procession to observe the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ today, June 10 and to celebrate the diversity of our universal Church. Following the 5 p.m. Mass at St. James Cathedral in downtown Orlando, Bishop Noonan will depart the Cathedral with a monstrance holding the Blessed Sacrament. He will lead a procession six blocks to St. James Cathedral School located at 505 East Ridgewood Street. The procession will end with Benediction. All are invited to attend. The Diocese of Orlando represents many ethnic groups all united in the universal Catholic Church. In addition to English, Mass is celebrated in eight foreign languages: African dialect, Portuguese, Filipino, Spanish, Polish, Korean, Vietnamese and Creole. C A RE P A C K A G E D R I V E FO R O U R M I L I T A RY T R O O P S The goal of St. Teresa School is to equip 15 classrooms with the combinations of the following basic components of a 21st Century classroom. Mounted LCD Video Projector minimum 2500 lumens - $500 (4 purchased, 1 needed) Projector Mount - $150 (2 purchased, 2 needed) Projector Mount Installation - $250 (4 needed) Networked Desktop / Laptop or Tablet for Teacher workstation - $625 (1 purchased, 12 needed) Wireless VGA adaptor - $100 (4 needed) Computer Lab Work Station - $425 (25 needed) Optional Digital Document Camera $250 (5 purchased, 6 needed) Optional Response Systems (class set of 18 to be shared) - $1800 ($500 received, $1300 needed) If you would like to donate towards the purchase of these items, please send the donation to the school office. View this bulletin online at Benjamin Bair a member of Boy Scout Troup 481, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, for his Eagle project is organizing a care-package drive for our overseas military troops. A collection box will be in the Church entrance lobby for donations. Here is a list of acceptable items: International phone cards (minimum 30 minutes) Toothpaste (small tube) Toothbrushes Wet wipes Deodorant (roll-on/stick) Disposable razors Shaving Cream Hand sanitizers Lubricating eye drops Lip balm Sunscreen Coffee (single cup instant coffee) Drink mixes Soaps Waterless hand cleaner Playing cards Small paperback books Word puzzle books B . E . T . A . (Birth, Education, Training, Acceptance) of Titusville is in desperate need of donations of summer clothing for infants and children sizes 18 months up to eight years, both boy or girl. B.E.T.A. offers free maternity clothing, kid’s clothing up to eight years, infant layette items and equipment at no cost to any family in need or expecting an unplanned pregnancy. We also offer free pregnancy tests. B.E.T.A. is located at 620 Garden St., Titusville and is open Monday through Thursday from 9:30am to noon. Call 264-0446 for more info. RUMMAGE SALE Titusville High School Project Graduation 2013 will be holding a Rummage Sale in mid-July to help provide a substance-free graduation night for our high school seniors. They are accepting donations of furniture, clothing, toys, tools, etc. For more information or to donate items please contact Matt Horner at 268-2820. M O S T H O LY B O D Y & B L O O D O F CHRIST JUNE DEVOTIONS J U N E M IS S I O N For June, keep in mind, that June is the month of Jesus. Every morning (Monday through Saturday) after the 8:30am Mass we will pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The weekend of June 16/17, Fr. Paul Moses Chakkalackal, CMI from Madagascar will be sharing his two decades long missionary experience with us. He has been the Rector of St. Paul Cathedral (Canada) for three years. He will be assisting with Confessions and the weekend liturgies. Please extend a warm welcome to Fr. Paul. LOST AND FOUND We have many articles in our Church Lost and Found. Below is a list. Please see Sister Yvonne to claim then within these next 2 weeks (by June 18th) or they will be sent to our Bargain Shop. Thank you! 11 pair of Sunglasses 10 pair of Reading Glasses Glass cases 13 umbrellas 7 rosaries Black St. Joseph Sunday Missal Black Healing Prayer Book Pink Headband The Pocket Prayer Book Set of 3 keys Pill Box Mercy lapel pin Winn-Dixie point card 2 pierced earrings Black quilted jacket Black hooded sweatshirt Green sweater White sweater My First Baby Bible Eye glass case from Pearle Hair bow Very used New American Bible (Name inside is: to “Mondo”) Hot glue gun F O R T N I G H T FO R F R E E D O M — M E S S A G E F R O M BI S H O P N O O N A N A Fortnight for Freedom, fourteen days dedicated to prayer, penance, and rededication to our Lord, Jesus Christ, begins on June 21 and ends on July 4, the celebration of Independence Day in the United States. During this time, we are called to pray that the practice of our beliefs; of our faith will be preserved for generations to come. We will join together with Catholics throughout our nation to pray together these fourteen days. (See prayer on the next page.) I ask all parishes in the Diocese to schedule the celebration of Mass in each of our Catholic churches on July 4. Please plan to participate in the celebration of Mass on July 4 (even though it is not a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation). On this day, I also ask our pastors to toll the churches’ bells at 12:00 noon throughout the Diocese. The Mass times of all of the Orlando Diocese parishes will be published for July 4 on the Diocese website home page As we stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ here in Central Florida and across America, we are called to prayerfully protect religious freedom. Our history teaches us religious liberty requires constant vigilance and protection, or it may disappear. The primacy of our faith; the primacy of religious freedom must at all times be upheld. Let us be heralds of the Gospel. Let us be a people of prayer. Let us pray that these issues will be resolved in the Lord’s name. Let us shine forth the Light of Christ to one other. Let us join with each other to write our legislators consistently about the regrettable consequences of the HHS mandate. May we bear our share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God. T H E O L O G IC A L F O R M A T IO N P RO G RA M Fr. Chris’ next Theological Formation session is scheduled for Monday, June 18 at 6:30pm in the Church. The topic for this month is "Theology and devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus." June is the month of the Sacred Heart. F A T H E R’ S D A Y BRE A K F A S T Boy Scout Troop 481 is hosting a Father’s Day Breakfast on Father's Day, June 17th from 8am – 11:30am at the Knights of Columbus Hall here in Titusville. We will be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits & gravy, grits, fresh fruit, hot chocolate, orange juice and coffee. Tickets are only $5 for Adults (ages 10 & up), $3 for Children (ages 4-9); Children 3 years old and younger are free. Tickets will be sold after all Masses this weekend and in the Gift Shop. Please come out and join us on Father’s Day and treat Dad to a delicious hot breakfast. We appreciate your support of Scouting! 500TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. TERESA’S BIRTH The celebration of St. Teresa of Avila’s 500th Anniversary of her birth takes place in 2015. We are planning a special trip to honor our Parish’s patron saint with a trip to Avila, Spain, including going to Lourdes, France and Fatima, Portugal in September of 2014 (Since it will be cheaper to go earlier than in 2015.). So, start saving your money for approximately a 10 to 12 day trip in 2 years. Oaklawn Memorial Gardens invites you to a Free Luncheon Seminar Get the answers you need on pre-arranging your cemetery needs: *Freezes the Price Forever *Removes Burden from Your Loved Ones *Provides Peace of Mind *Your Wishes will be Known Join us on Thursday, June 14th at 12 Noon Dixie Crossroads Restaurant 1475 Garden Street Titusville, FL 32796 Call Kim Carpenter at 321-267-8751 to reserve your place. *Seating is limited to the first 25 people View this bulletin online at Consecration of the United States of America to the Immaculate Conception Holy Trinity: Our Father in Heaven, who chose Mary as the most blessed of your daughters; Holy Spirit, who chose Mary as Your spouse; God the Son, who chose Mary as Your Mother, in union with Mary we adore your majesty and acknowledge Your supreme, eternal dominion and authority. Most Holy Trinity, we put the United States of America into the hands of Mary Immaculate in order that she may present the country to you. Through her we wish to thank you for the great resources of this land and for the freedom, which has been its heritage. Through the intercession of Mary, have mercy on the Catholic Church in America. Grant us peace. Have mercy on our president and on all the officers of our government. Grant us a fruitful economy born of justice and charity. Have mercy on capital and industry and labor. Protect the family life of the nation. Guard the precious gift of many religious vocations. Through the intercession of our Mother, have mercy on the sick, the poor, the tempted, sinners--on all who are in need. Mary, Immaculate Virgin, Our Mother, Patroness of our land, we praise you and honor you and give our country and ourselves to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary pierced by the sword of sorrow prophesized by Simeon save us from degeneration, disaster and war. Protect us from all harm. O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, you who bore the sufferings of your Son in the depths of your heart, be our Advocate. Pray for us, that acting according to your will and the Will of your Divine Son, we may live and die pleasing to God. Amen. (After each 7:00 AM and 8:30 AM Mass from June 21st - the 4th of July we will pray this prayer.) View this bulletin online at Everyone can join! 321.690.2328 Florida Single Catholics • Trusts • Guardianships • Wills • Powers of Attorney • Medicaid/Nursing Home Planning Phone: 321.269.1511 • Probate • Real Estate Closings Jerry W. Allender Parishioner Steven C. Allender
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PASTOR: Fr. Chris Bugno, SDS ASSOCIATE PASTOR: Fr. Gabriel
Daily (Mon.-Fri.):…… 7:45-8:15 a.m.
Saturdays:…… 3:45-4:45 p.m.
First Friday:….. 3:30-4:30 p.m.
And by Appointment