Immaculate H eart of Mary Church


Immaculate H eart of Mary Church
EMAIL: [email protected]
1571 S. Martine Ave. Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 Phone: (908) 889-2100 FAX: (908) 889-9477
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church
The People of God called to form the Christian Community of
Fifth Sunday of Easter, April 24, 2016
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Saturday: 5:30pm (Anticipated Mass)
Sunday: 7:45am, 9am, 10:30am*, 12 noon
*Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Weekdays & Saturdays: 7am & 8:30am
Holy Days of Obligation - See Mass Schedule on page 3
Morning Prayer: Monday - Saturday at 8:15am
Rosary: Monday - Saturday after the 8:30am Mass
Novena to the Miraculous Medal & St. Jude - Saturday after 8:30am Mass
Eucharistic Adoration Chapel Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 11pm; Sat 9am - 1pm
Served by: Rev. Michael G. Ward, K.H.S., Pastor
Rev. Valentine Ugwuanya, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Richard Kelly, Weekend Assistant
Deacon Jack Lynch
Katie Wills - Director of Music Ministry
Mary Clinton - Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation
Matt Boyle - Director of Youth Ministry
Website: www.ihmpar
Facebook: Instagram: @IHM50th
“W e reach out to all through prayer and service, as we live our
Catholic faith in Christ with Mary”
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
A Note from Fr. Mike
St. John shows us that all things are made new in
Christ. The old order has passed away and the
new and heavenly Jerusalem has come. This
transformation is not just individuals, but the
whole community and indeed, the universe. We
are invited to allow Jesus to make this
transformation in our own lives. It begins with
baptism and is fully realized in eternal life. During
our journey we are called to allow God’s grace
and love to transform our own lives by loving one
another as Jesus has loved us.
Fr. Mike
Save the Date
The IHM Golf Outing
Monday, September 12, 2016
Suburban Golf Club
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
Archdiocesan Youth Retreat Center
499 Belgrove Drive, Kearny, NJ 07302
Are you suffering from an abortion experience? Do
you have feelings of guilt and anxiety? Do you suffer
from depression? There is hope! Rachel’s Vineyard
Retreats helps heal the pain
from abortion, one week-end at a time. The cost is
$150 and includes all retreat materials and meals.
For more information contact the Respect Life Office,
Cheryl A. Riley at 973 497-4350 or email
[email protected]. All calls and emails are
Knights of Columbus
Union, New Jersey
Registration forms will be available soon.
Save the Date
IHM Parish Fiesta
Saturday, June 4th
Mass at 11am
Followed by Our Annual Parish Fiesta
Come celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary with your fellow parishioners.
The Knights of Columbus, Council 5730, thanks you for
your generosity in supporting last week’s Intellectual
Disability Fundraiser! Through your generosity, we were
able to donate $1,124 to the ARC of Union County and
Special Olympics District #5.
The K of C Council 5730 is proud of the work we do
helping so many local organizations but we can not
accomplish our goals without your continuous support and
If you are not currently a Knight and would like to
participate in our efforts to help others, please contact Pat
Harrington, Membership Chairman at 908 325-6088.
Thank you and may God bless you and your families.
RCIA Spotlight
Mike Yick was welcomed into the Catholic Church at the Sunday, April 16th Vigil Mass. He attended
our RCIA program taught by Heba Fortunato and “sharers” Lee Gillingham and Phyllis Biunno. Lee Gillingham has
taught RCIA and shared for 25 years and Phyllis Biunno has been sharing with the group for about 12 years. Heba
Fortunato is in her 4th year of working with our RCIA program. Mike Yick received his First Holy Communion
and his Confirmation Sacraments from Fr Mike. We are happy to have Mike join us in our One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Church.
Also in the RCIA program, two Catechumens received their Rite of Acceptance last Thursday. They and two
Candidates will become Roman Catholics during the 2017 Easter Season.
Please keep the RCIA Team and students in your prayers.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 24th
7:45am For the People of IHM Parish
9:00 am Mark Tropiano+
By his Grandma
10:30am James R. Kennedy+
By his Family
12:00pm Anthony & Anna Marmora+ By John & Fran Marmora
Monday, April 25th
7:00 am S. & C. Bilarczyk+
By the Foulks Family
8:30 am Jeremiah O’Neil+
By Patrick & Marybeth Boyle
Tuesday, April 26th
7:00 am Joseph D’Annunzio+
By Betty & Tony Perfilio
8:30 am Grace Majka+
By IHM Parish Office Staff
Wednesday, April 27th
7:00 am Manus McDaid+
By Eleanor Duddy
8:30 am Clara Ramer+
By Evelyn Doughtery
Thursday, April 28th
7:00 am John Mielach+
By Patricia Markey
8:30 am Grace Majka+
By Dan & Rosemary Kelly
Friday, April 29th
7:00 am John Trotto+
By the Cannon Family
8:30 am Nicholas & Concetta Gannacci+
By Mary DiPace
Saturday, April 30th
7:00 am Theresa Conti Patrizzo+
By the Sorace Family
8:30 am Fanny R. Gonzaga+
By the Razal Family
5:30 pm Robert Leone+
By Grace Majka
Sunday, May1st
7:45am Marie Christine Joseph+
By Michalle, Giscard & Urzule
9:00 am For the People of IHM Pairsh
10:30am Kelly O’Neill+ & Tommy Heeger+ By Gary Cogswell
12:00pm McCallion & Connors Families+ By Vincent & Rosemarie
Rose Appezzato
Eileen Arnold
Charles Barrett
Thomas Bodenberd
Fran Boglioli
Doris Burkert
John Byrne
Anna Cassella
Paul & Carol Cassidy
Robert Coats
Gregory Collantes
Edward Clark
Elle Crofton
Jeanne Crofton
Kathleen Curialle
Edith Czeropski
Taylor Dill
Soledad Domingo
Claire Dowd
Albert Fischer, Jr.
Albert Fischer, Sr.
John Gonnella
Colleen Guidera
Nancy Hogan
Mary Hughes
Gerald Hughes
Wim Kamp
Janet Kanelos
Michael Lang
Margaret Malone
Robert Nolan
Riley McFarland
Jim McLean
June McManus
Tom McNamara
Mark Muhlenforth
Eileen Parrelli
Theresa Pesserl
Hilda Pizza
Al Posbergh
Diane Pricken
Cheryl Reid
Sr. Clare Ricciardelli
Fr. Tom Roberts
Joan Spanarkel
Jennifer Torlucci
Joseph Vetere
Stella Walczuk
Hospital Privacy
Please remember that current privacy laws
regarding patients in hospitals do not allow
hospitals/pastoral care offices to contact parishes.
If you or a loved one are going into the hospital
and want a priest to visit , please call the office at
889-2100 .
Kathy Dudash+
Flowers for the Blessed
Sanctuary Light: Week of April 24th:
The Sanctuary Light will burn this week for:
Marie Christine Joseph+
By Michalle, Giscard & Urzule
For the week of April 23-24:
In Memory of David A. Young, Sr.+
Mary Young
Requested by:
Pat & John Hennessy
Fifth Sunday of Easter
IHM Basketball Camp
Hosted by John McNulty
1st - 5th Grades
Boys: July 25-29 9:30am - 1pm
Girls: August 1-5 9:30am - 1pm
$125 per camper
Includes Shirts and Prizes
Limited to first 30 Campers
Registration forms available soon
April 24, 2016
A huge thank you to Kathy Mitchell and Kathy
Meyer for running our Sheltering the Homeless
Program this week. You did a fantastic job
organizing this huge endeavor. Thank you also to
everyone who volunteered to help make this
program a success!
Questions? Email John McNulty at
[email protected].
Good News in this Year of Mercy
St. Bartholomew’s Academy
SBA Hoops
Congratulations to the SBA basketball teams who recently
finished their season. This year, the basketball program
was expanded to include a Pee Wee boys’ CYO team for
3rd and 4th graders. The boys worked hard as they
learned about the game from coaches Kevin Archer, Mike
Byrne, Paul Erbafina, and Rich Pitonzo. They advanced
all the way to the CYO League semifinals where they lost
after an exciting game.
The girls Junior Varsity and Varsity teams struggled
through a tough season, but showed great determination
and were excellent models of good sportsmanship. The
JV team was coached by parent volunteers Joanne
Guarnuccio, Karen Ryan, and Rich Pitonzo. Sixth graders
Jodi Carmant and Sanari Mason were named the league
All-Stars. The Varsity team, coached by parent volunteers
Lisa Mahaffey and Michelle Mack, had two league AllStars: eighth graders Gabby Mack and Caitlin Roder.
Our JV boys team also had a challenging season under the
coaching of Reggie Cabral, Cesar Monge, Stefan
Williams, and Paul Patrone. The young team worked hard
and improved throughout the season, even beating one of
the best teams in the league! Sixth graders Marcus Louis
and Robert Valliciergo, and fifth graders Michael
Mahaffey, Zachary Patrone, and Ryan Cabral were named
league All-Stars.
The boys’ Varsity team, coached by Adele Gatens and
Karen Ryan, finished 2nd in the League and won the
Father Whelan Tournament. League All-Stars were 8th
graders Aidan Christman, Byron and Bryson Shipman, and
Sean Ryan. Byron Shipman was also named League MVP
and Fr. Whelan Tournament MVP. Sean Ryan was named
to the Suburban Catholic All-Star League team and was
the 3-point Champion at the Fr. Whalen Tournament.
We are so proud of our student-athletes and wish the
graduating 8th graders the best as they continue their
athletic careers in high school.
The Freshman class at UC recently participated in an
essay contest run by Seton Hall, called the “Seton Hall
Univiversity Dept. of Catholic Studies 2016 Jubilee of
Mercy Essay Contest.” There were over 500 essays
from 15 area Catholic schools. Bobby McGuinness, a
freshman at UC, won honorable mention in the contest.
Bobby’s motivation for writing the essay came from his
experience at our Confirmation Retreat here at IHM a
few months ago. During the retreat conducted by the
“Hard as Nails” ministry team, Bobby was inspired and
touched by a ministry team leader who shared her
struggles with a physical disability that often left her
isolated from her friends and required her to show her
friends mercy and forgiveness when they abandoned her
at one point.
Congratulations to Bobby and his family! May God
continue to bless him and all of our Confirmation
candidates as they make their final preparations to be
sealed with the Holy Spirit on May 21st and June 5th.
IHM Book Group
The IHM Book Group will discuss the following
books. Enjoy reading and hope to see you at the
Wednesday noon meetings!
April 27 - Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the
Lusitania by Erik Larson
May 25- The Wright Brothers by David McCullough
Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 24, 2016
Extraordinary Ministers, Lectors, and Altar Servers
Weekend of – April 30 & May 1
CLOW Sat-Sun Lectors
5:30 pm Foley
Parish Information
Religious Education Classes
Questions? [email protected]
Baptisms: Please call the office.
B. Apgar
T. Clark
J. Good-Piga
C. Haight
B. Root
B. Root
Adoration Chapel:
M. Bergen
G. Keogh
P. Regal
E. Wagner
R. Banasiak
A. Coquia
M. Dobbs
E. Dougherty
E. Whitehorne
C. McGuinness
M. Abreu
R. & P. Aiere
A. Carlino
J. Rizzolo
(S) C. Clancy
J. Miele
J. Miele
Prep: May 3rd at 7pm
Baptisms: May 15th at 1:30pm
Open: Weekdays: 9 am - 10 pm;
Saturdays: 9 am - 1 pm
Chapel closed on Holy Days and Holidays.
Please note, if SPF schools are closed due to
weather conditions, the chapel will be closed.
Appointments should be made at least one year
in advance. Contact the priest about a date and
Pre-Cana information.
New Parishioners:
Registration forms available on our website or in the Nazareth Center.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound:
R. Valera
E. Wallden
G. Fajardo
L. Gillingham
M. Lundgren
R. O’Connor
J. Sapienza
I. Alomar
R. Carlino
F. Carlino
L. Hernandez
K. Yeager
K. Yeager
Please notify the parish office of those who are
sick or homebound, in hospitals or are unable
to worship. For urgent calls, contact 908 8892100 at any time.
RCIA-Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Religious education for adults who are either
not Baptized or who are Catholic but have not
received all of their sacraments and would like
to be Confirmed or receive Communion. We
have flexible hours. Call the office at 8892100. All are welcome.
Reconciliation: Saturdays: 4:45-5:15 pm
Arrangements can be made at any time for
private confession. Please call the office.
The IHM Holy Name Society
The next meeting will be Sunday, May 1st at 8:30am
in the Fr. Byrne Auditorium.
Parish School:
St. Bartholomew Academy 908 322-4265
Rosary Altar Society
~Thanks to all the Rosarians who participated in the Basket Raffle at the Pot Luck Supper on April 5th. We raised $450 for Rosary
~The final donation from generous Rosary members at the MBO luncheon on March 1 was an astounding $1650 to MotherTeresa's
Missionaries of Charity in Newark. Thanks to Antoinette Guarna, our emissary to the convent in Newark.
~Rosary's Annual Communion Brunch, open to all women, will be Sun., May 1 after the 10:30am Mass where new officers will be
installed. Fr. Eugene Bettinger, a Carmelite who is a cousin of our own Janice Good-Piga will speak on Mary & Joseph, since May
1 is the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. The luncheon is at Grillestone on Rt. 22 in Scotch Plains. The cost is $35 per person which
includes a complimentary Bellini. Send your check by April 25 to Mary Jane Bergen, Treasurer, 53 Highlander Drive, SP.
Reservations will be accepted with check only.
~Sr. Mary Jo Kearns RSM is tailoring the off-site retreat at Mt. Saint Mary's on Tues., June 7 for IHM's Rosary Society from
9am - 3pm. The theme is gratitude. The day will consist of spiritual sessions, box lunch & liturgy in the chapel & a sung
Rosary if time permits. It will be in the beautiful main building and there are accommodations for the handicapped .
Registration is limited. Send your $35 check ASAP to Mary Jane Bergen, Treasurer, 53 Highlander Drive, SP.
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Save the Date!
The IHM Holy Name Society is sponsoring a
bus trip to see the show
On Wednesday, September 14, 2016
at the Sight and Sound Theater
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Luxury bus, show & restaurant buffet lunch at
Miller’s Smorgasbord Restaurant
More details available soon.
Liturgy for Those Whose Children Have Died
Notre Dame RC Church
359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell, NJ
Friday, May 6th at 7:30pm
The 26th Annual Liturgy for those whose children
have died will be held on May 6th. All parents
who have suffered the loss of a child of any age
are invited to attend with their families and friends.
A personal witness will also be offered as the
name of each child is read during the Mass. Preregistration is requested by calling the Family Life
Office at 973-497-4327.
April 24, 2016
Calendar of IHM Events:
Sunday, April 24th
8:45 am - 1st Communion Family Prep
9:30am - Bible Sharing
12pm - Year 1 Confirmation-Rite of Service
6pm - LifeTeen
Monday, April 25th
Tuesday, April 26th
9am - Tuesday Coffee
Wednesday, April 27th
11am - Food Pantry
12pm - IHM Book Group Meeting
6:30pm - Children’s Choir Practice
7:30 pm - Bible Study with Fr. Alex
Thursday, April 28th
10am - Thursday Prayer Group
7pm—1st Communion Practice for April 30th
7pm - RCIA
Friday, April 29th
7pm - 1st Communion Practice for May 1st
Saturday, April 30th
10:30am - !st Holy Communion
4pm - Confirmation Year 2 Prep
Sunday, May 1st
9:30am - Bible Sharing
10:30 am - 1st Holy Communion
10:30 am - Rosary Board Installation Mass &
Communion Breakfast
For more information visit:
Support Seminarians Preparing for Priesthood
In Immaculate Conception Seminary
The 36th Annual Roger W. Breslin Cornerstone
Golf Outing and Honoree Dinner will be Monday,
June 27 at Upper Montclair Country Club. Dinner
Honorees are Seton Hall President Dr. Gabriel
Esteban and University Provost Dr. Larry
Robinson. In addition, there will be special
memorial tributes to the Most Reverend Thomas
Donato and Monsignor James M. Cafone. Golf
packages are $450 and include a lunch buffet at
11am, at 12:45pm shotgun start and dinner.
If you don’t play golf, please join us for cocktails
and dinner at 5:30pm for $200. A 7 Day Tour of
Ireland Raffle will be drawn during dinner.
For information, tickets or Tour of Ireland chances
($20), visit us at or
contact Michael Burt at 973 275-2479 or email
[email protected].
IHM Office Hours for April
The IHM office will close at 4pm on Fridays going
forward. Here are the new office hours:
Mon.-Thur. 9am - 8pm
9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 12pm
Sunday 8:30 - 1pm
Offertory Collection
April 17
Weekly Budget Need: $ 12,691.31
Parish Giving:
Year To Date: excludes Christmas
Easter To Date: $48,614.52
Thank you for your generosity.