July 13, 2016 - Abbey Road Christian Church
July 13, 2016 - Abbey Road Christian Church
July 13, 2016 Volume 41, Issue 27 (Disciples of Christ) 573.335.3422 www.abbeyroadchristianchurch.com ARCC NOTES Garage Sale July 23 Adult Sunday School July 17 “In the Good Ole Summer Time” Sermon Series Pastor Ron concludes his time with us here at Abbey Road with a 5 week sermon series. The remainder of the series schedule is as follows: July 17 Time to Fly Deuteronomy 32:1-14 July 24 Time to Claim Yes 2 Corinthians 1:18-22 July 31 Time to Say Goodbye Acts 20:17-24; 36-38 Ron’s last Sunday at ARCC is July 31. A dinner will be held in his honor at 11:30. Please bring a dish to share. Our new pastor, Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Long, will begin his ministry with us on August 1, & will be installed on Sunday, August 7. A dinner will be held on the 7th to welcome Jeff & his family to Abbey Road Christian Church. 7am ’til noon Proceeds for building & grounds improvements The Green Room class will continue study of Christianity’s Family Tree: What Christians Believe & Why by Adam Hamilton ($10.12/ paperback; $9.61/Kindle). Please read Chap.5 (“Anglicanism: Common Prayer” pp. 71-80). The book examines Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Baptists, Pentecostalism, & Methodism. If you would like a copy of the book, please email [email protected] You may start bringing your stuff next Monday, July 18! The Middle Room class will begin on page 192 (“With God’s Help”) & continue for 10-20 pages in Rachel Held Evans’ book Searching for Sunday. There are a few nice plastic food containers in the kitchen; please pick them up — or leave them for the garage sale! A new Sunday School class will begin August 14, based on the life of Paul. Jim & Betty Stricker will be facilitators/teachers, and it will run for 12 weeks. Plan now to join the class, and stay tuned for more information. John & Deborah Browne, Del Brunton, Bernice Osborn, Connie Gibson, Kenny Werner, Gene Farrar, Luther Hunt, Barbara Farrar, Bonnie Hennessy, Mary Ann Heinsman, Jimmy Smith, Jim & Linda Green, Nancy Matherne, Maxie McKenzie & family, Bill Ludlow, Charles Blattner, Bill Pratt, Mark Faith, Tom & Nelda Simpson, Billy Bess, Dorothy Lowes, Ed Tilley, Calvin Wells, Bill Cox, Carla Jordan, Emily Long, Naida Wills, Wilma Dooley, relatives & friends serving in the military, all who are hurting, lonely, and afraid Do you have someone to add to our prayer list? Please inform the church office or fill out a form found at the back of the sanctuary. Serving on Sunday July 17 9:30 a.m. At Table: Jim Main (c) Martin Needels (o) Distribution: Marian Kramer, Carolyn Taylor + ushers Communion Prep: Marge Janssen Scripture Reader: Margaret Needels Greeters: Marianne, George, & Ellie Dean Ushers: Steve & Karen Piker Worship Capt.: Felicia Fox Soundboard: Breedon/Dean Golden Boys meet Tuesdays at 8am at My Daddy’s Cheesecake. Please join us for breakfast and conversation. Please sign up now to help with worship services in August—on the bulletin board. Worship Notes July 10 Attendance: 74 Regular friends: 11 Offering: $2,648 Scripture for July 17 Deuteronomy 32:1-14 CALENDAR Friday, July 15 10:00am ARCL: Genealogy, meet to carpool Sunday, July 17 9:30am Worship Service 9:30am Abbey Rd. Adventures for children, K-6th grade 10:30am Fellowship 10:45am Sunday School Tuesday, July 19 8:00am Golden Boys at My Daddy’s Café & Bakery Wednesday, July 20 9:30am Bible Study 6:00pm New Life Singers practice
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