ARCC NEWS - Abbey Road Christian Church
ARCC NEWS - Abbey Road Christian Church
ARCC NEWS 573.335.3422 (Disciples of Christ) The garage sale was a great success! $1330 was raised to go toward improvements to the building &/or grounds. Thank you to everyone who donated treasures, helped set up and put away, and all who shopped the sale! We couldn’t have done it without you! Start saving your stuff for the next sale! Many thanks to Marilyn Starnes-Biggs who graciously provided our new name tags. Marilyn (a member of Central CC) owns Bull's Trophy Shop in Springfield and wanted to give this as a gift to Abbey Road CC. Our original list was not complete, so if you do not have one, please let the church office know, and we will order them in a couple of weeks. There will be a metal board in the Narthex where you can pick them up and return them each Sunday. With new members coming on board and a new Minister and family, they will be a great help for everyone to learn names. July 27 , 2016 Volume 41, Issue 29 All-Church Fellowship Dinner Sunday, July 31 11:30 a.m. Pork Butt & Brisket will be provided. Please bring a salad, side dish, or dessert to share This Sunday is Pastor Ron’s last Sunday with us at ARCC. Please plan to be at this farewell dinner to say goodbye & wish him well. 5th Sunday Offering This Sunday is the 5th Sunday in July, and traditionally, the “5th Sunday” is when special offerings are received for specific purposes. This Sunday, some of the needs you may choose to support are: Helping Hand Fund, BackStage Faith, the Labyrinth, or AC replacement—approximately $3,300 over the budgeted amount of $6,000 is needed to help fund replacement of 2 AC/furnace units which service the sanctuary. Please designate in the memo line where you wish your contribution to be credited. Adult Sunday School July 31 The Middle Room class will continue study of Rachel Held Evans’ book, Searching for Sunday, with discussion of Anointing of the Sick, “Oil”, beginning on page 203 & continue on 10-20 pages. The Green Room class will continue study of Christianity’s Family Tree: What Christians Believe and Why by Adam Hamilton. Please read Chapter 7 (“Pentecostalism: The Power of the Spirit” pp.95-110). The book examines Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, Anglicanism, Baptists, Pentecostalism, and Methodism. New Adult Sunday School Class Begins August 14: Paul—The Apostle “come lately” Learn of Saul’s conversion to Christianity and his commissioning for special work among the Christian Gentiles. Study his letters to the early Christian churches guiding them in how to be Christ’s church. Consider what this means for us today and how it applies to our missionary work all over the world. The class will be led by Betty & Jim Stricker, who were sent out from this church and spent three years as Disciples missionaries in the country of Nepal. If you are interested in the class, books are available for pick up in the church office. Golden Boys will meet at 8:00 on Tuesday at My Daddy’s Cheesecake. Please join us for breakfast and conversation. (Disciples of Christ) 2411 Abbey Road Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Rev. Ron Routledge, Transitional Minister John & Deborah Browne, Del Brunton, Bernice Osborn, Connie Gibson, Kenny Werner, Gene Farrar, Luther Hunt, Mary Ann Heinsman, Jimmy Smith, Bonnie Hennessy, Barbara Farrar, Mary Estes, Nancy Stevenson Matherne, Maxie McKenzie & family, Charles Blattner, Bill Ludlow, Bill Pratt, Mark Faith, Ed Tilley, Tom Simpson, Billy Bess, Dorothy Lowes, Calvin Wells, Bill Cox, Nelda Simpson, Carla Jordan, Wilma Dooley, relatives & friends serving in the military, all who are hurting, lonely, and afraid Do you have someone to add to our prayer list? Please inform the church office or fill out a form found at the back of the sanctuary. Please note: Names will be removed from the prayer list after 3 months unless an update is made to the church office. Phone: 573-335-3422 Fax: 573-335-6996 E-mail: [email protected]!/pages/Abbey-Road-Christian-Church/332270383559624?fref=ts 2016 Board of Elders’ Officers Chair: Stephen Jordan Chair-Elect: Allen Taylor Past-Chair: Donald Gentle Finance Chair: Billy Bess Board Secretary: Leslee Pollina Trustee Chair: Dennis Underwood Elder At-Large: Karen Piker Serving on Sunday, July 31 At Table: Steve Jordan (c), Jim Main (o) Distribution: Norman Brooks, Kilja Israel + ushers Communion Prep: Kilja Israel Scripture Reader: Steve Piker Greeters: J. Ronald & Edna Ruth Fischer Ushers: Barbara Farrar, Steve Piker Worship Capt.: Melanie Sherinski Soundboard: Breedon/Dean CALENDAR Sunday, July 31 9:30am Worship Service 9:30am Abbey Rd. Adventures for children, K-6th grade 10:30am Fellowship 10:45am Sunday School 11:30am All-Church Farewell Dinner for Pastor Ron Tuesday, August 2 8:00am Golden Boys at My Daddy’s Café & Bakery Wednesday, August 3 9:30am Bible Study 6:00pm New Life Singers practice Thursday, August 4 8:00am Women’s Breakfast Group at IHOP Worship Notes July 24 Attendance: 70 Regular friends: 11 Offering: $ 2,003 Scripture for July 31 Acts 20: 17-24; 36-38 Dear Friends, I am so grateful for the cards, notes, texts, emails, visits, and especially for your prayers during my recent illness; all were appreciated. Thank you to everyone! Wilma Dooley To Pastor Ron and my friends at ARCC: Thank you for the cards and your visits to the hospital while I was a patient there. It meant so much to me and I feel truly blessed. It was a difficult time that was made easier by Pastor Ron and my church family. Thank you, Wilma Baldwin
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