YEAR OF FAITH AUGUST 2013 True Wealth, True Grit: Faith's Journey Continues Meditation Faith has enabled countless Christians to promote action for justice, in order to put into practice the word of the Lord, who came to proclaim deliverance from oppression and a year of favor for all (see Benedict XVI, Door of Faith, 13). In mid-August, we celebrate the Assumption of Mary, Blessed John Paul II's "Star of the New Evangelization." The Preface for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary extols Mary as the "image of the Church's coming to perfection." Thankfully, she is also a "sure hope and comfort to your pilgrim people," for August's Gospels certainly challenge pilgrims on our journey of faith. How different from Mary's selfless service is the self-absorption of Luke's "rich fool." Though his fortune is the fruit of honest hard work, the "fool" mistakenly defines himself and his life's worth only in terms of his possessions. But Jesus' disciples should have a different, deeper perspective on life, remembering that one day their Master will suddenly return. Being vigilant for that unknown moment will make us diligent in serving Christ as he comes to us daily in the needs of neighbor and stranger, whom we must treat reverently as fellow servants of God. Bearing witness like this is, in Jesus' image, is playing with fire. We may have to experience the burning anguish of choosing what is right rather than what is easy, even to the point of redefining our most personal relationships. This being so, how pointless to wonder, "Who will be saved?" Better to ask, "Will I complete my faith journey faithfully?" Mission Examine honestly and, if necessary, realign my values and priorities, definitions of success and worth, my goals and relationships. --Peter Scagnelli, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Excerpts from the English translation of the Preface for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (c) 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Be sure to visit our website www.sfgw.org Don’t forget to register St. Thomas the Apostle Church Lexington, MS Happy Birthday August 10 - Bobby Acy August 10 - Carlos Ingram Happy Anniversary August 9 - Merrell & Sandra Fischer Saturday - 4:00 PM: Communion Service for Sunday TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION When Pope Pius XII died in 1958, there was the usual buzz of speculation about likely successors. Cardinal Agajanian, Patriarch of the Armenians, was highly thought of as a likely choice. This took many Catholics by surprise, since he had never celebrated the same liturgy as Pope Pius, but followed ancient Armenian customs according to the Eastern Church, which veils the Eucharistic liturgy from sight by a series of curtains, and in which the priest kneels while the people stand for Communion. In the years that followed, the Second Vatican Council would affirm the dignity and independence of the Eastern Churches, in complete union with Rome, yet different in patterns of life and worship. We have the same faith, the same sacraments, and the same pope. Yet everywhere in the world our separate Churches are combined into families held together by the ministry of bishops. All of this serves as warning: If you ever say, "But we've always done it this way," you are on very thin ice indeed! --James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading -- Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity! (Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23). Psalm -- If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 90). Second Reading -- You too will appear with Christ your life in glory (Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11). Gospel -- For though one may be rich, one's life does not consist of possessions (Luke 12:13-21). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass (c) 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church 2613 HWY 82 E Greenwood MS 38930 Parish Office: (662) 453-0623; fax: (662) 453-9060 Rev. Gregory Plata, OFM, Pastor Br. Craig Wilking, OFM, Director of Development Br. Steve DuPuis, OFM, Dir. of Mission Building & Grounds Rev. Adam Szufel, OFM Ms. Edith Spells, president, Parish Council Sr. Charlotte LeBoeuf, MSC, Hispanic Ministry Sr. Mary Beth Kornely, OSF, Parish Secretary St. Francis of Assisi School: (662) 453-9511 Sr. Mary Ann Tupy OSF, principal Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity St. Francis of Assisi Convent: (662) 453-1221 E-mail: [email protected] Mission Statement of St. Francis: The mission of St. Francis of Assisi Parish is to live as a charitable, harmonious and faith-filled community as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people. As partners in faith, we encourage our members to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure for service to the Kingdom. Sunday Mass Schedule St. Francis of Assisi............. Sunday, 11:00 AM ............. Spanish 1:30 PM St. Thomas the Apostle............. Saturday 4:00 PM Sacred Heart of Jesus............. Sunday 11:00 AM Immaculate Heart of Mary............. Saturday 6:00 PM ............. Sunday 9:00 AM Please see page 2 for further calendar information. Website: http://sfgw.org Needed: e-mails Men’s Group Meet Today Monday, August 5 Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major 7:00 AM Mass at IHM Tuesday, August 6 Transfiguration of the Lord 7:00 AM Mass at IHM Wednesday, August 7 St. Sixtus II & Companions; St. Cajetan 6:15 AM Men’s Prayer Group at IHM 10:00 AM Prayer Chain 1:00 - 5:00 PM IHM - Eucharistic Adoration 5:15 PM IHM - Mass Thursday, August 8 St. Dominic 7:00 AM Mass at IHM 6:00 PM Choir Practice First Day of School at St. Francis with dismissal at 2:00 Friday, August 9 St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross 7:00 AM Communion Service at IHM Saturday, August 10 St. Lawrence 11:00 AM - Noon - Sacrament of Reconciliation-SF 4:00 PM Communion Service at St. Thomas 6:00 PM Mass at IHM Sunday, August 11 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 AM Mass at IHM 10:30 AM Rosary at St. Francis 11:00 AM Comm. Serv. at Sacred Heart, Winona 11:00 AM St. Francis Parish Mass 1:30 PM Spanish Mass at St. Francis The Men’s Group will meet today after Mass. Faith Formation Registration Starting today, August 4th, Registration for Family Faith Formation will take place after the 11:00 AM Mass and the 1:30 PM Spanish Mass. All children who are not attending St. Francis School are required to attend the Faith Formation classes which are held each Wednesday evening beginning at 6:15 PM on September 4, 2013 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Center. Prayer Chain The Prayer Chain will meet this Wednesday, August 7 at 10:00 AM in the Fr. Nathaniel Conference Room. All are welcome to come and join together in prayer for the many needs we have. Choir Practice There will be Choir Practice on Thursday at 6:00 PM for our Choir Members. The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation, is on Thursday, August 15. Masses are scheduled as follows: Wednesday, August 14 6:00 PM - IHM Thursday, August 15 7:00 AM - St. Thomas, Lexington 9:00 AM - St. Francis 6:00 PM - Sacred Heart, Winona (There will be no 5:15 PM Mass on Wednesday & no 7 AM Mass on Thursday at IHM.) Pro Life Corner 11:00 AM Sunday, August 4, 2013 is for the intentions of St. Francis of Assisi Parish Members Asbestos is a killer. It’s been estimated that in the last 100 years 300,000 lives have been lost, and in the next twenty years an estimated 150,000 will die, due to its effects. Shocking? Yes! That many babies die every 4 months due to surgical abortion. That’s every 4 months, not 100 years. Now that is shocking! We would like to send our college students our bulletin each week. If your son or daughter attends college, please send us their e-mail address by e-mailing the parish at [email protected] or by calling the parish office, 453-0623. Thinking more about being Catholic? Have you been considering becoming Catholic and want to learn more about our Catholic faith? Now is the time to start praying to the Holy Spirit for guidance. We will be announcing sessions when you can come and listen to the stories of others and their journey to the Catholic Faith. for St. Francis August 5 - 9, 2013 Monday - 8:30-3:00 Faculty and staff in-service Tuesday - Work day for the teachers Wednesday - 9:00-2:00 Parents & students invited to visit school & to drop off supplies Thursday - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! - 2:00 PM Dismiss Friday - 3:00 PM Dismissal St. Francis of Assisi Offerings for the week of July 28, 2013 Envelopes & Checks ............................... $ 255.00 Basket Collection......................................$ 207.68 Spanish Collection....................................$ 227.00 Maintenance Collection............................ $ 154.00 Total Income................................................. $ 843.68 $ 2,200 is the amount needed each week from parishioner offerings to meet daily expenses. Other Deposit Votive Candles for July...............................$ 19.60 Thank you for your generosity! Second Collections in August August 25 - Maintenance Collection The Effects of Prayer No Ones Enemy Whoever prays much by night, that person's face is fair by day. --Islamic saying May I be no one's enemy, and may I be the friend of that which is eternal and abides. --St. Eusebius of Vercelli The mortgage is paid off. So are the loans that were taken out for college tuition and children's weddings. The second home that was once a far-off dream is now so close that it seems safe to dig out the real estate magazines. And then . . . a daughter or son can no longer take care of a child. BARNS FILLED WITH RICHES It's time to start over, this time as grandparents in the parents' role. Thousands of older adults face this situation today, becoming temporary or permanent guardians of their grandchildren. Vanity of vanities. The years of toil with sights set on a great reward now belong to someone else: food, clothing, braces, summer camps, and school tuition. But, as one grandmother said of her 13-year-old granddaughter, Megan, "It has all been worth it. She brings such joy. What would I do without her?" And so the barns filled with "riches" are again taken down and new and true riches are discovered. Once again a new self is found in Christ, and the storehouse is filled with life that is truly pleasing to God. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.