October 4, 2015 - The Church of Saint Mary


October 4, 2015 - The Church of Saint Mary
October 4, 2015
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
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October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mission Statement
The Church of St. Mary, a community of believers drawn together by a common faith in Jesus Christ, seeks to
be a visible sign of God’s presence throughout the community and the world. With the help of the Holy Spirit,
we commit ourselves to this task through worship, education, service and fellowship.
St. Mary’s Pastoral Council 2/95
St. Mary Parish Office
322 Waterman St., Sycamore
815-895-3275; Fax 815-895-4561
Rev. Paul M. Lipinski, Pastor
[email protected]
Erin Johnson, Par ish Secr etar y
[email protected]
Louise Fitzgerald, Legacy Office
[email protected]
St. Mary’s Catholic School
222 Waterman St., Sycamore
815-895-5215; Fax 815-895-5295
Patricia Wackenhut, Pr incipal
[email protected]
St. Mary Religious Education
222 Waterman St., Sycamore
815-895-3726; Fax 815-895-5295
Leila Rivers, Dir ector Religious Ed.
[email protected]
St. Mary Parish Ministry
322 Waterman St., Sycamore
815-895-3726; Fax 815-895-4561
Sara Blaser, Youth Minister
[email protected]
Bess Andersen, Social Minister
[email protected]
Support Ministry
322 Waterman St., Sycamore
Sister Judy Herrmann, RSM
815-751-1618 [email protected]
Lee Deatherage, Deacon
815-508-6899 [email protected]
Mike Timmerman, Deacon
224-230-0566 [email protected]
Mike Zibrun, Deacon
630-208-1182 [email protected]
5:00 PM Saturday
8:00 AM Sunday
9:30 AM Sunday (Spanish)
11:00 AM Sunday
7:30 AM
9:00 AM (Fridays)
(during school year)
7:30 AM and 9:00 AM
(during school year only) and
7:30 PM on the Eve of the Holy Day
Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30PM, or by appointment.
We wish everyone to receive the Sacraments at least once a month. Those, who because of illness or older age, are unable to attend Mass for a month should receive the
Sacraments in their own home. Ministers of Care are available for weekly calls. Call
Laura Skokowski at 815-501-0333 to be added to the visitation list.
All adults (high school graduates and older) and new parishioners are requested to
register through the parish office.
The Sacrament of Baptism may be celebrated once a month at 12:00PM on Sundays.
Before a baptism can be arranged, the parents must be registered members of the parish, practicing their faith, and are required to attend an instruction session for the Sacrament. Please call the Parish office for further information.
The process for becoming Catholic, or for adults seeking to complete initiation into
the Church, is tailored to the individual adult’s calling and background. The process
includes formation in the Catholic Faith and celebration of the appropriate rites.
Please contact the Religious Education office or for more information please visit
In order that the process of sacramental preparation for marriage may be scheduled
and accomplished, marriage arrangements should begin SIX MONTHS in advance of
the desired date. It is the stated policy of the Diocese of Rockford that those to be
married must be at least 19 years of age, and should attend the Pre-Cana Conferences
as the usual means of preparation for this Sacrament. Please call the Parish office for
further information.
Arrangements are to be made by the funeral director, the family and the Parish Office.
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Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 4, 2015
The Welcome Ministry cordially
invites all new parishioners to our Welcome Breakfast to
be held Sunday, October 11th from 9:00 - 10:45 AM in
the Parish Ac vity Center. Invita ons have been mailed
to our new parishioners.
This is a wonderful me to make some new acquaintances, meet St. Mary staff members and make new
friends. Come join us! We look forward to mee ng all
our new parishioners! If you are a new parishioner and
did not receive an invita on, please call Jim or Louise
Fitzgerald at (815) 899-7022.
OCTOBER 5 - OCTOBER 11, 2015
Monday, October 5
7:30 AM In Memory of Cathy Grimm
(by Peter & Sandy Smith)
Tuesday, October 6
7:30 AM All Souls’ Day Intentions
Wednesday, October 7
7:30 AM In Memory of Mary Lou Tognarelli
(by Angeline Kuhn)
Thursday, October 8
7:30 AM In Memory of Barabara Yusunas
(by friend)
Friday, October 9
9:00 AM In Memory of Susan Finn
(by Richard Finn)
Saturday, October 10
5:00 PM In Memory of Geri Krupa
(by Beverly Stone)
Sunday, October 11
8:00 AM In Memory of Marilynn Quinn
(by RJ Johnson Family)
9:30 AM Spanish Speaking Mass
11:00 AM People of St Mary-Living and Deceased
October 10: Mar cia Wilson, J effr ey & Diana
October 10: Diane Wunsch, Robin Yeager ,
Martha Byrd & Mary Grimm
Homebound Visits: Team A:Vir ginia Rock
Team B: Michelle Cusumano
Grand Victorian: Kathy Laing
Kindred: Heidi Kinn
Oak Crest - Every Friday: Gaby VanBlyenbur gh
DeKalb County Home Ministry of Care
Every Friday except the Third Friday 10-11am
Rosa Linda Bazan, Lorie Conley, Susie Adkins, Doug
Smith, Rita Henne, Elizabeth Sauber, Barbara Sundly,
Marilynn Rexroat, Ann Stipher, Frankie Russell.
Ministers for the Week of October 5 - October 11, 2015
Oct 5 - Oct 8
Oct 9
7:30 am
9:00 am
Oct 10
5:00 pm
Dave Murphy
Rick Loellke
Halle Goff
Carol Sibley
Oct 11
8:00 am
Mike Sullivan
Alan Damon
Jeannine Prombo Lori Swedberg
Kathy Hammes
Oct 11
11:00 am Chuck Tull
Jeff Donahoe
CJ Johnson
Rob Conrad
Donahoe Family Jayne Higgins
Joanne Brown
Henry Fischer
Jim Fitzgerald
Jeanine Fair
Steph Forsberg
Joan Hall
Leila Rivers
Marilyn Rexroat
Frankie Russell
Altar Servers
Doug Smith
David Ruetten
Paul Ruetten
Ben Herrmann
Thomas Herrmann
Rachael Hartness
Charlee Wig
Sam Etienne
Paige Collie
Cara Fant
Lexi Carlsen
Alec Torres
Drew Donahoe
Will Donahoe
October 4, 2015
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
ord from the pastor
Catholics always have something to celebrate:
Catholic Education Week in February
St. Joseph in March
The Blessed Mother Mary in May
The Sacred Heart in June
The Precious Blood in July
Guardian Angels in October
Communion of Saints in November
All Souls Day
Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Guadeloupe
St. Nicholas and Santa Lucia in Advent
Mardi Gras before the beginning of Lent
The Resurrection
All the Marian feasts
Weddings and all the other sacraments
The many festive celebrations for the patron
saint of an institution or country
You might realize that out of 365 days in any
given year, we honor and recognize some
We bless pets, motorcycles, bikes, cars, medals,
rosaries, houses, and etc.
The celebratory music wafting it way from our
choir lofts and sanctuaries
The Most Holy Eucharist
And the list goes on and on
I have vivid memories of my childhood in Hawaii
when the people of the Philippines celebrated the
Infant Jesus during the month of December with a
novena and then a huge full blown meal in the
church hall. Usually the celebration of the Infant
Jesus happened at and after the early morning
mass. Just think of the joy and delight of children at
Christmas with the fascination of the baby Jesus as
well as the presents, or Halloween and the costumes, or the Resurrection and the Easter baskets.
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These joyous celebrations in the church reflect the
importance of what is taking place during the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. The festivities
and the exercise of how we have introduced those
celebrated events and their meanings into the active participation for those who believe is truly a
spiritual and educational experience.
Now, we continue the festivities with the adoration
of the Most Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance
during Eucharistic Adoration beginning on Thursday
and ending on Friday morning. In many of our
churches after mass, donuts and coffee along with
fellowship are readily available.
All these events help to brighten up the faith of believers. It lets us believers know that what we cherish in our hearts, souls, mind, and spirit resides in a
valued belief worth celebrating. Just think! These
celebrations also preclude the celebration that will
take place one day for us in the Kingdom of Heaven.
So, in the meantime, let us approach each and every church celebration with an exuberance and climate that purports the positive nature of the Good
News and that we as believers are to celebrate it
with rejoicing.
Fr. Paul Lipinski
Our recent meeting was held on Sept 14th. We briefly
reviewed the recent Coffee & Conversation and want
to thank all those who attended! However, our main
focus for the meeting was on a new event for November 1st; it will be a free Hispanic/ A merican Luncheon
to follow the 11:00 a.m. mass. All are welcome to attend and spend time visiting with other parishioners
while sharing a meal - a great way to represent Christ
in coming together!
Food Pantry Donations
We will be collecting nonperishable food for the Food Pantry the last weekend of each
month . Please leave items in the
gathering room.
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Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 4, 2015
Deacons’ Corner
You might be surprised to know how much of a
prayer life we really may not have in today’s world of the
carpet bombing of information overload. And that’s just a
reality of the world we live in. Suffice it to say, there almost seems to be a conspiracy to make sure that there is no
free time between thoughts, or time to mentally just “coast”
for a bit. Last time I checked, the world is still spinning at
about the same speed as it did eons ago, when God set the
whole shebang in motion. However, the invasion of our
private spaces, our measured thoughts, our quiet reasoning
seems to working toward Mach 1.
It’s sure tough to have a healthy and virtuous prayer life
when we’re already told there “aren’t enough hours in the
day”. Even Ferris Bueller said “The world moves pretty
fast.” And, it’s pretty sad when we fall into the trap of just
accepting that, that’s just the way it is….’cause it doesn’t
have to be that way. That’s a choice, not an inevitability.
You can take back control of your prayer life, any time you
want. You just need to say…”enough already.” I think
we’ve been conditioned to feel obligated to always be “in
noise.” Yet, any time you want, you can cancel that contract
and say enough, already! But why would we want to
leave all that excitement behind? Because it tr uth we do
cherish, the quiet…the time to decompress…the chance to
appreciate those moment when we can just “be”. Those are
often the times when we allow that gentle breeze from God
to actually be felt…the beauty of a sunset, the sound of
laughter, the quiet spiritual moment that just came outa nowhere…the chance to say “ Hi” to the one who never, ever
stops thinking of you – lest you would disappear if He ever
did… stop… thinking of you. Remember, He said “Before
you were formed in the womb I knew you”. So how about
your thinking, seeing, feeling Him today, in everything you
do…and thank HIM, that He created you to also be able to
pray to Him.
As of June 30, 2015
Total Pledges and Donations:
Total Paid To date:
Total Pledges to Goal of $3,100,000 $ 513,981
Note: When the 1st floor was completed in June 2014,
Legacy had to borrow monies from the Church account
to pay the construction bills. We still owe approximately $148,000 to pay back the Church account for
the 1st floor. This amount is in addition to the $513,981
we need to collect to complete the 2nd floor of the Faith
Formation Center.
Elizabeth Ministry Rose Bud Program is available here at St.
Mary's. This program helps pray
for and support those who are
pregnant, celebrating birth or
adoption, grieving miscarriage,
stillbirth, abortion, infant or child death, or
wanting to become pregnant or adopt. We
also pray for and assist grandparents in
need. There are situational prayer cards for
you to take and prayer intent cards by the
Statue of Mary in our Church. Please fill out
a card and drop in the box, if in need of
prayer or would like an Elizabeth Minister
who has experienced what you are currently
experiencing to reach out to you in love and
support. In addition, please let us know if
there are any other needs you may have for
yourself, your children, grandchildren or
family. Donations to the Elizabeth Ministry
may also be placed in the box. Please call
Lori at 815-757-6820 for more information,
assistance, or if would like to join our ministry.
October 4, 2015
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Collection - September 27, 2015
$ 7,963.38
Amount Needed
To Meet Budget
$ 9,990.00
Total Since
July 1, 2015
Year To Date
$ 129,864.00
As of 8/31/15
($ 2,026.62)
($ 18,075.99)
71.9% of goal
48.1% of goal
Sacristans Needed Sun 8:00 Mass:
If you are interested in serving the Parish
as a Sacristan we are looking for volunteers.
This is a great way to serve the church.
Please contact Chantal Manhart at 815-9915132. Thank you for your interest!
Lector/Commentators Needed:
We are in need of Lector and Commentators If you feel
this is a ministry you would like to help with, please contact the Church office.
Usher/Greeters Needed:
Work 1 hour every 2, 4 or 6 weeks—you choose!
No experience necessary! A great family ministry!
All ages welcome! Does this sound of interest to you?
Additional Ushers & Greeters are needed for ALL masses!
If you are interested in assisting in this important ministry, please contact Terri Gibble: email
([email protected]) or phone (815-991-5173)
Prayer Network….
If you or someone you know is in
desperate need of prayers, feel free to submit the information to our Prayer Network
at 815-895-6489 or [email protected]
Advertiser of the Week
Page 5
Remember in your prayers
all the sick in our parish,
the convalescents and shut-ins:
Linda Rose Berry, Nancy Brown, Quintin Byrne,
Theresa Cavenaugh, David Cavenaugh, Mary
Cavileer, Bill Coates, Kay Coates, Mary Curzon,
Lee Deatherage, Pat Desideri, Maribeth Desjardin,
Sara Elliott, Dorothy Exner, Mary Fischer, Adolph
Gawrych, Pam Goffinski, Dorothy Gorbet, Bertha
Gorenz, Joan Hallaron, Theresa Kelly, Nancy
Kissel, Aaron Lane, Joseph Logsdon, Ryan
McMillan, Cheri Mills, Jon Meredith, Mike
Montgomery, Katheryn Noeth, Rick Olson, Larry
Peterson, Donna Petersen, Evelyn Poliska, C.J.
Potter, Bill Powers, Michael Powers, Natalie
Rangel, James Robers, Nadine Saucedo, Joe Shade,
Ruthanne Slayton, Kathy Sparrow, Mary Supple,
Doug Teckenbrock, Lorene Tuggle, Art Turek,
Eleanor Uhlarik, Juan Vargas, Alice Warren and
the patients at Kindred Hospital, the County Home,
Oak Crest, Grand Victorian, Pine Acres, Bethany
Healthcare, Heritage Woods and the homebound.
If you wish to add or remove names from our
prayer list, 815-895-3275.
Please pray for those who
Protect and serve us and our country
Did you know that you can consecrate yourself to
God while living in community? Living Bread Lay
Carmelite Community in Sycamore, is accepting
inquiries from prospective members. Please join us
October 11th , November 8th or December 13th beginning at 2:30pm, in the Parish Activity Center,
St. Mary’s Parish: 244 Waterman, Sycamore, Illinois. Bring your questions or contact Michelle
Wiora at 815-501-1176.
The Sacristans of Carmel
St. Therese of Lisieux
Please support our Church Bulletin Advertisers.
To advertise in the St. Mary Church Bulletin,
Contact J.S. Paluch Co., at 800-566-6170
Here below our sweet office is to prepare for the altar the bread and wine
of the Sacrifice which brings “Heaven” to earth!
O supreme mystery,
Heaven hides in humble bread.
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Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
The information coffee that is scheduled
for the first Wednesday of each month
will be held on Wednesday, October 7
after 7:30 am Mass. Please join us for information and
questions you may have.
Save the Date for
GOD IS: Day of Renewal
Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016
October 4, 2015
Second Thursday Prayer Group
All are welcome, high school age or older, who would
like to begin or deepen his or her life of prayer and service centered in Christ. We meet on the second Thursday of every month year round from 7:00-8:30 pm in the
Parish Activity Center large conference room.
Each meeting includes spiritual sharing, study and the
practice of lectio divina—a traditional Christian prayer
form using scripture. Bring your own bible
or use one of ours. Rides available.
Facilitated by Deacon Mike Zibrun
Next Meeting date: October 8
Marriage Encounter
A retreat for the men of St. Mary’s of Sycamore has
been reserved for October 9-11, 2015 at the Bellarmine Hall Jesuit retreat house in Barrington, Illinois.
Come to the quiet of Bellarmine Hall for a weekend
retreat lead by Fr. David Meconi of St. Louise University at a relaxing country estate. Take the opportunity to deepen your relationship with God. Do not
miss this opportunity. Contact Peter Smith at 815784-6416 for more information and to register.
Senior Lunch
All Seniors are invited to Lunch on Tues-
day, October 13 at noon in the Parish Ac-
tivity Center. So bring a friend and come for
lunch and fun. Call Bess Andersen with questions
Help our St. Mary Stars with this
great fundraising opportunity! For a
limited time, when you place an order from Schwan's, a portion of the
sale will go directly to our school.
Great food and a great cause! Visit
www.schwans-cares.com/c/22383 and click on
"shop to give"; select either "Buy Now" or
"Shop Now". To request a catalog or to order by
phone call 1-800-870-7208 and provide Campaign ID: 22383 and Fundraising ID: 56119. Order by October 10th and 20% of product or 40%
of eGift Card sales will go to St. Mary's. From
October 10, 2015 to January 8,2016, St. Mary
will earn 5%.
Jesus reminds us that when God joins together man and woman in holy matrimony
“the two become one flesh”. Husbands and
wives do you work at the oneness and love
one another as Jesus commanded? Gain the tool to truly
love your spouse and receive all the joy that oneness can
bring. Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are on
Oct. 23-25 in Brookfield, WI; Nov. 20-22 in Rockford IL
and Jan. 22-24, 2016 in Brookfield WI. Early registration is
highly recommended. For more information visit our website at:
alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653.
SYMBOLON the Catholic faith explained
Sunday’s from 9:15-10:30 AM
Monday’s from 12-1:00 PM
(bring sack lunch)
Wednesday’s at 6:30 PM
Call CJ Johnson 895-4404 or Leila Rivers 895-3726
On Friday, October 9, join the St. Mary Young Adult
Group for an evening of fellowship and fall fun!
Open to all ages 19-39, we will gather in the Ministry Center Cafeteria at 6 p.m. for snacks and activities, then carpool to the Jonamac Orchard in Malta
to test our navigation skills through the corn maze!
Admission is $13. Rain date is October 16. Meeting
Address: St. Mary Catholic Church, 329 Pine Street,
DeKalb, IL. Check www.stmarydekalb.org for details and updates.
October 4, 2015
Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Leila Rivers [email protected]
Theresa Johnson [email protected]
Website: www.stmaryreligioused.com
Mon. - Friday 8:00am—4:30pm
Wednesday, October 7
2nd grade Chastity class
October 11th
Wednesday, October 14
October 18 Class
1st Communion Parent Meeting
9:00 AM in the PAC
11:00 Mass Rite of Enrollment for
1st Communion
**Confirmation Sponsor Names
Due to teachers
Wednesday, October 21
October 25 NO CLASS
October 18
11:00 Mass will be hosted by the
8th grade RE students.
Looking for dona ons for Casino Night.
Please turn yours in today to help support
Religious Educa on
Page 7
Together we are doing whatever it takes
to journey with Christ.
Calendar of Events
Wed. Oct. 7
Adult Team Mtg. 7-8pm PH
Sun. Oct. 11 Middle School Event @ Johnsons’
Corn Maze, Syc.5:30-7pm
Mon. Oct. 12 2015 Catholic Heart Mission Trip
Info Mtg. 7pm PH (8th-12th gr.)
Sun. Oct. 18 Peer Ministry Mtg. 9:15-10:45am PH
Sun. Oct. 25 Pumpkin Fest Food Booth 11-4 PH
Sun. Oct. 25 NO Peer Ministry /Pumpkin Fest
Mon. Oct. 26 Make A Difference Raffle Tickets
?? about YM events, please call Sara at 815-8953726 ext. 224 (office), ww.stmarysycamore.org
or email [email protected]
The Religious Education Office, 815-895-3726, is the
place to call if you are interested in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) which is an ongoing process by
which a person becomes initiated in the Catholic faith.
Anyone is welcome to attend the sessions.
If you know someone who is ill, having surgery, has lost
a loved one, or just needs a note of cheer, contact the
Good Cheer Ministry. Rita Henne (815-895-2324) or
Mickey Beckman (815-761-1327) would be happy to
mail cards to those who need our thoughts & prayers.
The Homebound Ministry is available to bring the Holy
Eucharist to anyone homebound and unable to attend
Mass on a weekly basis. Call Laura Skokowski at 815501-0333 to be added to the visitation list.