SAINT FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 4, 2013 Our Journey of Grace: Moving Forward Together OUR PARISH MISSION We, the community of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish, wholeheartedly live and celebrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We commit ourselves to live in communion with God, others and all of creation to create a more just world through sacraments and worship, learning and service. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday, August 5 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Dan Lucas Edward & Alvera Graf and Carol Natke Nicholas Tkachuk Rosemary Lucas Lorraine Donegan Tuesday, August 6 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. John & Eleanor Battistella Maureen Beack and Vivian Stefanini Tom Cunningham Paulette Mallahan & Beth Gniot The Darovic Family Wednesday, August 7 Saint Sixtus II, Pope, and 7:45 a.m. Companions, Martyrs; Saint 9:00 a.m. Cajetan, Priest Robert Devine Emma G. Cunnea Antonio & Terese Franzese The Byrne Family Mary F. Russell Thursday, August 8 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Donna O’Connor John Grayhack Bill Blyth Tom & Elaine Mulligan Friday, August 9 7:45 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Phillip Butler Jack Lukanich Tom Cunningham Jim & Joan Potsch The Byrne Family Jeanne Lussen Saturday, August 10 9:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:15‐4:45 p.m. Lawrence Barry Sally Tully Sacrament of Reconciliation Wedding—Noreen Conniff & Brendan Keleher Sacrament of Reconciliation The Barry Family The Robert Tully Family Fr. Bacchi Fr. Hoffman The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major The Transfiguration of the Lord Saint Dominic, Priest Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr PLEASE PRAY FOR… Marilyn Bellandi Michael Briody Janet Lee Darovic Judy Diekmann Blake Donegan Roderick Doughterty William Elliott Mildred Erhart Ellen Frantzen Cardinal Francis George Lilli Gregory Wilson Gregory Genny Hanna Jane Jacobson Benny Kilman Shirley Kollenberg Brian Konrad Rita McCambridge Beth Mooney Patrick Morgan Baby Ryker Mullinax Tom Pantoni Richard Riess Rosemary Sherman Shirley Smolen Christine Suddreth Anne Titzer Prayers are requested for our relatives and friends who are sick. To add a name to the prayer list, call the rectory at 708‐352‐0168. Names of the sick are listed for two months in the bulletin. If there is a recurrence of illness, names can be listed again. Know that our parish prays daily for the sick and the dying. BORN INTO ETERNAL LIFE Please remember in your prayers those who have died, as well as their families. WEDDINGS Noreen Conniff & Brendan Keleher Danielle Ritter & Waldon Fenster Sarah Szulc & Alex Zavala PASTOR’S NOTES Greetings! It was a luxury to have a month of recreation, not fishing but some hiking in some of the National Parks. It was wonderful to hear so many different foreign languages being spoken by the folks visiting the parks from all over the world! One of the moving parts of my journey was a beautiful ritual of remembrance for the 19 fire fighters who were killed in the fires out west. Our hearts and our prayers also go out to those who have died in train wrecks in Canada, India and Spain, among other places. And for those who have lost family members or friends in floods. Pope Francis has certainly hit the road and given a great message that we all need to be reminded of: “Live your faith!” Teens from our parish, from St. John of the Cross and St. Cletus are concluding their KAIROS Retreat today. This is an excellent opportunity for them to get deeply in touch with their own faith and begin another chapter in their lives of living their faith each day. These KAIROS retreats have been profound experiences for many, helping teens to take a special personal look at their relationship with God and to see how they can be spiritual super‐heroes for the Gospel. Thanks to all of you who make this possible. Fairly frequently we publish a “box” in this bulletin titled, “For Your Consideration.” This is a response to the frequent and numerous requests we receive for financial help or other forms of assistance, like volunteering time or needing some material things like a bed. Please take a look at this. This week in particular there is a request from our Sharing Parish, St. Agatha, for assistance with their school children. Here are a couple of celebrations that we are in the octave of: Bob Bacchi celebrated his 65th birthday on Friday, August 2. Growing in Wisdom and Grace! Happy Birthday, Bob! Allen Sterwalt, our music director par excel lance celebrated on Thursday, the 1st, his 10th anniversary of being here at St. Francis. You have brought great, rich musical prayers to us, Allen! Thank you! Bill Killeen is beginning his vacation and will be returning to us on August 20. Hope you are able to enjoy the remaining days of Summer. SCRIPTURE REFLECTION When Pope Pius XII died in 1958, there was the usual buzz of speculation about likely successors. Cardinal Agajanian, Patriarch of the Armenians, was highly thought of as a likely choice. This took many Catholics by surprise, since he had never celebrated the same liturgy as Pope Pius, but followed ancient Armenian customs according to the Eastern Church, which veils the Eucharistic liturgy from sight by a series of curtains, and in which the priest kneels while the people stand for Communion. In the years that followed, the Second Vatican Council would affirm the dignity and independence of the Eastern Churches, in complete union with Rome, yet different in patterns of life and worship. We have the same faith, the same sacraments, and the same pope. Yet everywhere in the world our separate Churches are combined into families held together by the ministry of bishops. All of this serves as warning: If you ever say, “But we’ve always done it this way,” you are on very thin ice indeed! —James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. IMPLEMENTING OUR PROPHETIC PLAN THE WEDDING MINISTRY The Wedding Ministry is designed to extend a warm welcome and hospitality to those choosing to celebrate their marriage in the presence of God in our beautiful church. Currently, there are six women serving in this ministry, working in pairs to assist at every scheduled wedding ceremony. Their roles can vary and range from answering questions guests may have about the history of our church building to assisting with last minute details. As you can imagine, the presence of a wedding planner can simplify the role of those involved in this ministry. The women assigned to a scheduled wedding arrive at the church approximately one hour prior to the ceremony to set up the altar and are available to assist the florist, photographer, lectors, musicians and visiting celebrants by familiarizing them with the church. They may provide assistance to the bridal party from pinning on boutonnieres to lining up for the opening procession. They can also serve as communion ministers when needed. Through their assistance at each and every scheduled wedding, those involved in this ministry help “to deepen our commitment to service” and assist the married couple and their guests in “celebrating meaningful worship experiences with active participation.” The wedding ministers strive to assure that everyone in attendance feels welcomed here at St. Francis Xavier. If you would like more information on the wedding ministry, please contact the rectory. FOOD PANTRY AT A GLANCE As of July 30, 2013 253 Clients have registered with the Food Pantry. This month we served an average of 92 Families consisting of 290 Individuals each week. Special thanks to: Everyone who donated school supplies! Your generous donations provided assistance to 92 Families! Class of 2013 Girl Scouts for their donation of $109.55 and years of service at the Food Pantry! Needs: Cereal, rice, pasta, beans, soup, peanut butter, coffee, snacks, condiments (ok...basically EVERYTHING!) PART-TIME JOB OPPORTUNITY RECTORY RECEPTIONIST A part‐time receptionist position is available at the rectory. Hours would be 4:15‐8:30 p.m. on Friday evenings starting in September. If you are interested in this position, please contact Missy Westerhoff at the rectory at 708‐352‐0168. LIVING THE TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH “The joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the people of our time, especially of those who are poor or afflicted, are the joys and hopes, the grief and anguish of the followers of Christ as well. Nothing that is genuinely human fails to find an echo in their hearts.” (Constitution on the Church in the Modern World #1) STEP BY STEP ON YOUR JOURNEY OF FAITH Does Catholicism interest you? Have you ever thought of joining the Catholic Church? Do you know someone who has expressed such an interest? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process group for asking questions and learning about the Catholic Faith. Take the first step and we will be there to walk with you on your journey of faith. A new group will start soon! Please contact the rectory for more information at 708-352-0168. DOMESTIC ABUSE Your Parish Finances St. Francis Xavier is committed to serving the needs of the abused in our parish and beyond. We have recently formed a domestic violence outreach ministry at SFX. For more information on our efforts, please call: 708‐352‐0168. DID YOU KNOW? In the United States, one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the U.S. between the ages of 15 and 44—more than car accidents, rapes, and muggings combined. Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own partners and children as adults. Sunday Collection, July 28 This week last year $ $ 21,951 19,283 Total Collection: Year-to-date Previous year-to-date $ $ 113,900 117,484 Needed for Budget: Year-to-date $ 121,008 Thank you for your continued generous support! SIGNS OF ABUSE: Is your partner . . . Controlling you? Isolating you from people/activities? Blaming you for his/her problems? Making all the important decisions? Humiliating you? Threatening or using violence? Making you feel as if you are crazy? Expecting you to “do as you’re told”? Abusive to children/past partners? We hope you are enjoying the summer. Things are busy in the school as we prepare for the not-sodistant return of the students. LEAVE A LEGACY We are grateful for the generous support that you give to St. Francis through your weekly contributions. Have you considered providing for the continuation of that support by including the parish in your Will? Bequests given to the parish through Wills are for the sole use of St. Francis Xavier Parish. To include the parish in your Will, the correct language is: “I give (a percentage or amount) to the Catholic Bishop of Chicago—A Corporation Sole, for the sole benefit of St. Francis Xavier Parish, LaGrange.” Thanks for giving consideration to leaving a legacy! If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you are not alone. Call 911 if you feel you are in immediate danger. If you or someone you know needs help, call a 24 hour hotline: Pillars: 708‐485‐5254 or Family Shelter Services: 630‐469‐5650. FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION A friend of St. Agatha’s is helping the students get ready for a new school year. She would like to purchase as many school supplies as possible before they are presented to the students at a back to school mass on August 25. If you would like to make a monetary contribution to help in the purchasing of these school supplies, please drop off or mail a check to the rectory made out to ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, with a notation that it is for St. Agatha school supplies. We will then forward the donation to Fr. Larry Dowling at St. Agatha’s. Thank you for your consideration. INTERFAITH CAREER NETWORK REQUEST FOR JOBS Summertime and the living is easy, but not for all in our community. Unemployment statics have improved from a few years ago, but many of your neighbors remain unemployed or underemployed. Interfaith Career Network (ICN) offers many tools to assist job seekers, but we need your assistance to provide the most important element in a job search which is open positions. If you are a hiring manager or aware of open positions in your company, please send the information to [email protected] or [email protected]. Any and all postings are welcome. ICN job seekers are at all stages of their career, in every industry, with a broad spectrum of education and experience. All job postings will be communicated to the 400 member ICN Yahoo group. Ideally it will be a WIN/WIN for your company and a qualified job seeker in your community. If you have any questions or for additional information you can also contact Judy Kennedy at 708‐352‐8943 or Tom Rohan at 708‐772‐4231. Lastly, to learn more about ICN please visit us at CONSIDER ST. FRANCIS XAVIER SCHOOL! St. Francis Xavier School welcomes families from near and far‐reaching neighborhoods. Whether you live across the street in LaGrange Park or closer to the city in Oak Park, we invite you to consider St. Francis Xavier School! We pride ourselves on providing our 600+ children with a strong academic foundation while providing a nurturing environment to foster faith, confidence and service. Our Building Blocks...Core Curriculum, Integrated Arts Program, Service Program and Learning Resources C h a l l e n g i n g curriculum m e e t s and exceeds requirements set forth by both the State of Illinois and the Archdiocese of Chicago's Office of Catholic Education Specialized teachers lead students weekly through art, music, Spanish, computers, and PE Award‐winning service program incorporates education, reflection and action, actively engaging students with people and causes throughout the community Academic Excellence Average class size of 21 to allow for low teacher/ student ratios Teaching Assistants in preschool, kindergarten and first grade classrooms Eighth grade EXPLORE test scores continue to exceed township averages both as a composite and in every academic category (Math, English, Reading, Science and Writing) Technologically Advanced 56 new Apple Mac Air laptop computers were recently added to the 175 existing Mac computers throughout the school Every teacher has an Apple iPad and each classroom has wireless projectors and/or interactive white boards with Apple TV to search the web, display teachers notes, steps and processes to problems and allow students to participate from their own seats in a variety of interactive activities. Ongoing and frequent technology training provided to our teachers keeping them current on the latest advances and how to integrate technology into the curriculum Extracurricular Activities “No cut” athletics program with 98% participation for grades 5‐8 including football, cheerleading, cross‐ country, basketball, volleyball, and track & field Enrichment opportunities include student council, newspaper club, chess club, math club, scholastic bowls, Junior Great Books, Art Smart, plays and talent shows, band, scouting, peer mediation, peer tutoring and choir Whether you’re looking for a Preschool, to make a transition into 7th Grade, or anywhere in between, consider St. Francis Xavier School! For more information, call our school at 708-352-2175. GREAT AMERICA DAYS The Archdiocese of Chicago, Office for Catechesis and Youth Ministry will sponsor the annual Youth Ministry Great America Day 2013 on: Tuesday, August 6. The price of the ticket for one day is $30.00. Tickets are non ‐refundable. Please call Terri Simeoni at 708‐352‐0168 if you are interested in purchasing tickets. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION Families NEW to the Religious Education Program are welcome to stop by the Parish Office to pick up registration form(s) for your child(ren). Registration will then need to be returned as soon as possible to help us facilitate size, catechist placement, and book/supply ordering for the 2013‐2014 school year. You also want to get your registration in early so that you are not closed out from the session you wish your child(ren) to attend. Please call the Religious Education Office at 708‐352‐4555 with any questions. SAVE THE DATE! SFX 11th Annual Golf Event September 13, 2013 Carriage Greens Country Club If you have questions, Jeremy Strayer at 773‐456‐9912 or [email protected] or Jim Schaeffer at 312‐953‐0353 or [email protected] ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The St. Vincent de Paul Society’s next meeting will take place on Monday, August 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Rectory Courtyard Room. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY SUMMER 2013 The four volunteer teams from St. Francis have returned to LaGrange after each team spent a week in Clarksdale, Mississippi. The Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Clarksdale is very appreciative of the work we've completed. Quoting Lena von Machui, Habitat Coordinator, “I have almost no words to describe the impact of SFX on our little affiliate this summer. . . , I can't thank you enough for all that you guys have done for us this summer. It truly means a lot to us. The support from St. Francis is essential to keeping our affiliate alive. THANK YOU!” A highlight for every Habitat volunteer occurs when a house is finished and blessed. This year, Team 4, finished the new home of Elliot & Veronica Kahaleua. The family moved into their new home on July 26. Our teams were also hard at work on the initial construction of the next house for future homeowners James & Lille Matthews. (See photos below.) Our teams made so much progress on Lillie's house, it literally made her cry with joy to see it, (also, James stopped traffic on South Choctaw for almost half an hour when he rode by the work site in an 18 wheeler and couldn't stop staring at the house). Next year will mark the20th year that St. Francis Xavier has been involved with Habitat for Humanity in Clarksdale, Mississippi. We will do something special to celebrate! Over the years the Habitat Program has expanded beyond housing. We are now collecting school supplies and books for the children in Clarksdale and Jonestown, a very small town close to Clarksdale. Through a donation from the LaGrange Garden Club, we have been able to plant trees for a number of new and existing Habitat homeowners. In addition to donating their time, our volunteers, this year and in prior years, have purchased household items and furnishings to help new homeowners get started. Thank you to everyone who helped with the Habitat program this year especially those who responded to our fund‐raising appeal and those who held our volunteers in prayer. Know that your prayers and gifts have been and continue to be critically important. Thanks to our collective efforts another family in Clarksdale has realized its dream of home ownership. TAIZÉ PRAYER St. Francis Xavier and Grace Lutheran All are invited to our Taizé Evening Prayer Friday, August 9—7:30 p.m. at ST. FRANCIS XAVIER Taizé Prayer is contemplative and most importantly communal, combining simple repetitive melodies that are sung by all, prayerful silence, scripture reading and intercessory prayer. This prayer can promote a kind to inner unity of person, allowing the spirit to be more open and attentive to what is essential. It is our hope that you will join us, especially at this time when our world is much in need of prayer. BAPTISMS We celebrate and welcome the newest members of our faith family, who were baptized: Alessandro Salvador Anaya Son of Salvador Anaya & Edith Ruiz Francesca Alana Cortese Daughter of Frank & Joy (Ackley) Cortese Idy Magdaline Edemekong Daughter of Peter & Anna (Johnson) Edemekong Maggie Mae Fay Daughter of Brian & Lauren (Lanigan) Fay Rory Mairin Gallen Daughter of Patrick & Nicole (Blanco) Gallen Maxwell Reed Georgi Son of Brent & Joyce (Roach) Georgi Olivia Sue Groetsema Daughter of William & Carly (Christoff) Groetsema Henry Ignatius Haussermann Son of Adam & Katherine (Klimas) Haussermann Kartar Maxwell Singh Son of Rasdip & Jennine (Fields) Singh ST. FRANCIS XAVIER PARISH CHILDREN’S CHOIRS 2013-2014 *Cherub Choir (Girls and Boys *Grades 1-3) Weekly commitment: Tuesday Rehearsals 3:35 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. Sing once a month at the 5:00 p.m. Mass (Saturday) FIRST REHEARSAL: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 in the Church. *St. Francis Choristers (Boys and Girls *Grades 4-8) Weekly commitment: Thursday Rehearsals 3:35 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sing once a month at the 5:00 p.m. Mass (Saturday) FIRST REHEARSAL: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 in the Church. Sign up NOW! REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND BY THE EXITS OF THE CHURCH. Allen Sterwalt, Director of Music 708-352-0168 / [email protected] Camden James Richard Vavrik Son of Jason & Abbey (Gurss) Vavrik George Keefe Alexa Son of Austen & Nicole (Milan) Alexa Harrison Dale Keeler Son of Matthew & Lindsey (Gorton) Keeler Sophia Marie LaLonde Daughter of Luke & Nicole (Finn) LaLonde Sebastian David Linares Son of David Mercado & Monica Linares George William Shell Son of Brian & Emily (Kleese) Shell Samantha Day Young Daughter of Robert & Veronica (Sova) Young MUSIC NOTES Organ Recital on Wednesday, August 7 at 7:00 p.m. in Church Allen Sterwalt, Organist (Free-will offering will go towards the SFX Music Ministry) CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS The Catholic Women's Club will be holding their Annual Pre‐Lenten Luncheon on February 1, 2014. If you would like to share you time and talent in planning this event, please contact Nancy Owen at 708‐579‐9987 or [email protected]. All women of the parish are members of the Catholic Women’s Club. If you would like to get involved or if you would like to receive monthly newsletters about our upcoming events via email, please contact Jana Fix at [email protected]. EILEEN AND MARY'S TEAMS WON NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS IN COLORADO LAST WEEKEND On July 21, the Windy City Pride Youth 13 Division Girl's Soccer Team took home the Club Soccer Team Championship in Aurora, Colorado. The team won the game against California team, the Santa Clara Sporting 99 White, with a final score of 1 to 0. Throughout the season, over 1,000 teams competed for the coveted spot in the final tournament. The tournament began on Thursday, July 17 with teams from California, New Jersey and Washington competing against Windy City Pride. Each team played each other once with the leaders advancing to the final game. Windy City Pride came home champions after winning against California twice throughout the tournament. The team, which practices in Lemont, Illinois, has several players from the LaGrange area, including Eileen Murphy from LaGrange Park and Mary Devine from LaGrange. The Youth 13 Division is open comprised of girls going into 8th Grade. Windy City Pride also has a Youth 17 division team for high school aged girls. The Youth 17 Division team also took home the championship in their division from the Aurora tournament. This was the first year the Youth 13 Division had gone to the championships. You can go to soccerchampionship‐LAG‐07252013:article for more information. Who: All Men of the Parish over the age of 21 What: Night Golf When: Thursday August 29 Time: 8:30 p.m. (Shotgun start) Where: Meadowlark Golf Course Cost: $40 per person (Includes 9 holes of golf, Beer and Pizza) $160 for a foursome. This event is for Men in the Parish over 21. It's a great way to reconnect with old friends and an opportunity to meet new Men in the Parish. This event was a great time last year and I believe all that played had a good time. If you have never played night golf you really need to put together a foursome and come on out. For those of you that have played before, you know how much fun it is. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a spot for your foursome contact Mike Milligan by email at [email protected]. Only a limited number of spots are available. Hope to see you there! SFX Men’s Club CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH Our women’s CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH will be held the weekend of November 9‐10, 2013. Here is a testimony from one of our past participants: “A fun experience and a way to get to know other women in the parish. When others share their spirituality in this format, I am energized and challenged to deepen my own faith.” Barbara Boyd Reserve the date! If you are interested, please call Fr. Bob Bacchi at 708‐352‐0168. HELP BRING MARY HOME You are invited to join Bethlehem Woods Retirement Community “Bring Mary Home” by celebrating 100 years of the beloved grotto located at Bethlehem Woods Retirement Community. Earlier this year, the Mary statue and others from the grotto had to be moved to make way for a security roadway. With your help we are building a new prayerful place of serenity for residents and the community to enjoy. You are invited to a special mass to celebrate the Queenship of Mary, as we look to bring Mary home. Celebration of the Holy Eucharist Feast of the Queenship of Mary Thursday, August 22 at 7:00 p.m. Congregation of Saint Joseph Chapel 1515 West Ogden Avenue in LaGrange Park To help preserve this important piece of community history, please send contributions to Bethlehem Woods attention “Grotto,” 1571 West Ogden Avenue, LaGrange Park, IL 60526. Or go to and click “Donate Now.” To learn more, contact Mary Jester at 708‐ 579‐3663. LOST AND FOUND The Lost and Found cabinet located outside the church restroom is emptied each month. Please check it if you think that you have left something in church. In the upcoming week, items in lost and found will be brought to the Community Nurses’ resale shop. WELCOME We welcome the following parishioners who have recently registered during the month of July: Mitchell & Erin Karam Jose & Sarah Godinez Samuel & Tara Hergott Anthony & Jennifer Dapice Samuel Marino Matthew & Erin Joyce Timothy & Gaelen Orbon Robert & Veronica Young Jerry & Laura Ball Bryan Forbes & Jennifer Zimnowski John & Marilyn Thomas Raymond & Amelia Russell THANK YOU Dear Friends, I can’t thank you enough for your gift of $500. Your friendship brings hope and love to the children of Mercy Home—and I will always remember this wonderful act of kindness. I’d like to tell you about a new member of our family who couldn’t have made it without good friends like you. As a small boy Jeremy suffered constant beatings from his father. And after the beatings were through, he would lock Jeremy in the dark basement for days. It breaks my heart to know what Jeremy’s been through. But, friends, your friendship has given Jeremy the hope and strength he needs to leave all that pain behind him. Thanks to your love and support, Jeremy is finally getting the chance to experience a true childhood and he knows he owes it all to wonderful friends like you. So, on behalf of Jeremy—and all the children just like him, I want to thank you for your enduring friendship. You make miracles happen for my boys and girls, and for that we feel truly blessed. Blessings, Rev. Scott Donahue P.S. Please know that dear friends like you are always in the hearts and prayers of the Mercy Home family. TEA WITH THE AMERICAN LEGION American Legion Auxiliary Robert E. Coulter, Jr. Unit 1941 cordially invites the wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters, granddaughters and great‐granddaughters of American Legion members, current active‐duty military, veterans, friends of veterans and all current Auxiliary members, To Tea Sunday, August 11 1:00 p.m. Robert E. Coulter, Jr. American Legion Post 1941 900 South LaGrange Road Enjoy tea, sweets and savories, meet friends, view Poppy Posters and Americanism Essays, and learn how the Auxiliary helps veterans. RSVP by August 5 to Rita at 708‐ 354‐1884 or [email protected]. At some point the early Christians learned that being thrown to the lions was not a productive way to Christianize the Roman world. They realized that they had to reform the Roman world from within. Unfortunately, after Christianizing the Empire they let the world they converted begin a process of reforming the words and actions of Jesus. Some 2000 years later, what are we doing? “Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their livers, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.” ‐‐‐Associated Press, 7/28/13 Since 2007 there has been a 32 percent increase in the number of families with children living in shelters and emergency housing. Each year, roughly 1.5 million Americans spend time in emergency or temporary shelters. The Nation, 5/13/13. The U.S. Interior Dept. has given almost $30 billion in government handouts to the coal industry through its coal leasing program. ‐‐‐Independent, UK Kalydeco is a new drug that improves the health of those stricken with cystic fibrosis. Vertex Pharmaceuticals got a charitable donation of $75 million from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation which it used in developing the new drug. Now Vertex is charging victims of this disease $841 a day for 2 pills, $25,230 a month and $307,000 a year for the rest of their lives. ‐‐‐‐‐Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5/10/13. An estimated 17 to 27 billion gallons of polluted water will be generated by 40 existing hard rock mines (e.g. gold, copper, uranium mines) in the U.S. each year, every year, in perpetuity. Water treatment needed for these mines will cost as much as $67 million a year. ‐‐‐‐‐Earthworks and Earth Island Journal, 5/2/13 In the last month alone (March), oil companies have littered the world with more than 1,850,000 gallons of crude oil, tar sand and other fossil fuel waste. ‐‐‐Common Dreams, 4/11/13 There are 633,782 homeless people in the U.S. Any one of America’s richest collected enough in 2012 to pay an entire year’s rent for all the homeless. Walmart’s CEO, Michael Duke gets paid 1,034 times more than his average worker. In the past 30 years, compensation for CEO’s in America has increased 127 times faster than the average worker’s pay. The Institute for Policy Studies. On July 21, 2013, The New York Times reported that Goldman Sachs and other financial players shuffle aluminum ingots from warehouse to warehouse to lengthen the storage time as well as delaying shipments in order to exploit pricing regulations. As a result, Goldman makes millions at the expense of manufacturers and consumers who pay higher prices for aluminum products. As reported in the New York Times in 2009, following the 2008 financial crisis, Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs chief executive boasted that the financial sector is doing “God’s Work.” The St. Francis Xavier Peace & Justice Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rectory. For more information, please contact Ed Osowski at 708‐352‐2998. WHY BUY FAIR TRADE COFFEE?? The coffee sold at St. Francis Xavier is purchased from Equal Exchange Fairly Traded. There is alot behind this coffee. “We work closely with our farmer partners, year after year, to better understand each other’s needs. The result is a trusting relationship‐and delicious coffee.” Beth Ann Caspersen, Quality Control Manager Fair Trade builds right relationships between buyers and sellers that are rooted in the principles of human dignity and solidarity. Fair Trade: Respects human dignity Promotes the common good Advances economic justice Empowers disadvantaged people Connects us with the people who create the things we buy Cultivates global solidarity The Catholic Relief Services Fair Trade Program creates opportunities for us to bring these core values of our faith to bear on the choices we make as consumers—choices that have the power to lift our brothers and sisters out of poverty. Effort is made to see that these coffee farmers are given a fair wage!!! Please Pray For...all those serving in the military including: David Tapia, U.S. Army—husband of Marie Tapia Commander Robert O’Donnell—son of Robert & Agnes O’Donnell Major Ryan Boyle—brother of Mark Boyle Sgt. David Phillips—brother of Rebecca Casiple US Army Captain Eric L. Tharp—husband of Elizabeth Tharp Lance Cpl. Matthew Yonkman—son of Brian & Cindy Yonkman, friend of the Tvrdik family Technical Sgts. Brandon & Leslie Orr, USAF; Army Sgt. Randy Dittman— grandson, wife and friend of Clyde Koehn Staff Sgt. Bryan Pickens, U.S. Army Airborne Ranger 1-75th Ranger Battalion RGR REGT— son of Rob & Bernadette Pickens, brother of Robert & Gabriel Sgt. Connor Murray, USAF—friend of the Lawless and McCormick families Lt. Christopher Ocasio, U.S. Army—friend of the Berger Family US Navy David Michael DiSanto—grandnephew of Sr. Mary Ricardo DiSanto, CSJ Airman 1st Class, USAF, Rhonda Russell— daughter of Deidre & John Russell and granddaughter of Mary F. Russell Sgt. Steven Sanders, USMC—grandnephew of Marie & Genevieve Franciscus PFC David Mitchell, U.S. Army—son of Ellen Brewin & Mark Mitchell US Navy James Lynch & Christopher Cugier, Air Force—cousin and nephew of Sr. Helen Sullivan Corporal Adam Diaz, USMC—grandson of Abelardo & Teodora Diaz Ensign Jonathan Devitt Brown—nephew to the Devitt Family LCPL Gregory Allen, USMC—nephew of Barbara Triggs & Anthony Anscombe Petty Officer 3rd Class ISP, Alex Anderson, U.S. Navy—niece of Dan & Erin Cooke Kevin Peterson, U.S. Army Infantry, Major Marcos Melendez, USMC and Major Michelle Melendez, USMC— son, nephew and niece of Jon Peterson Capt. Ed O’Connell, USMC—nephew of Tim & Nancy O’Connell Lance Cpl. Nolan Kemna, USMC—nephew of John & Linda Hill Lt. Col. William Kelly —brother of Jim Kelly Capt. Maura Hoffman & Capt. Christopher Hoffman— niece and nephew of Margie & Steve Hull and cousins of Kate, Janie & Caroline Hull Sgt. Keith Brogdon—dear friend of Mary Ellen Fitzhugh Phil Lukanich, U.S. Navy—husband of Joanna, son of Mark & Martie Lukanich Corporal Ben Snippert, USMC—nephew of Susan & Oswaldo Lastres Cpl. Domenic Andreoni, USMC—cousin of The Andreoni Family PFC Phillip G. Carr—friend of Laurel & Ken Karlo 1st Lt. Greg Pavich, USMC—cousin of Jessica Miller Master Sgt. Andrew Lang—son of Marge & Ray Lang Commander James Donahue, U.S. Navy—brother‐in‐law of Shannon & Tim Gannon Please inform us of others serving in the military...and let us know when friends and loved ones return from deployment overseas. Email the [email protected] LITURGICAL MINISTERS’ SCHEDULE—AUGUST 10-11, 2013 Mass Time Presider Lectors/ Commentators Ministers of Communion Altar Servers Cantors Greeters 5:00 PM Fr. Hoffman B. Bock K. Murphy M. Kanzer J. McElhaney B. Medlock K. Medlock D. Mulvenna T. Pappas S. Carr J. Gatsos M. Gannon A. Cherry P. Devitt 7:30 AM Fr. Hoffman G. Rutkowski M. Carroll J. Van Gorp L. Allabastro D. Walsh M. Westerhoff T. Kisla C. Weismantel I Havenaar J. Palmer J. Anderson 9:00 AM Fr. Bacchi K. Palmer P. Zadeik D. Sherman L. Krepps M. Lukanich B. McMahon D. Nighswander E. Olsen B. Olson P. O’Malley D. Sherman J. Sosnowski T. Urchell C. Zadeik W. Hanfland G. Prendergast C. Hull B. Foley J. Burson 10:30 AM Fr. Hoffman K. McCarthy S. Henehan M. Reilly B. Boyd T. Byrne A. Clark J. Clark N. Cummings J. Dunne M. P. Flaherty J. Gerreau J. Healy M. Joscelyn K. Witowski C. Paliakas M. Kelly G. Cuba J. Pfluger K. Titzer 12:00 PM Fr. O’Connor J. Word K. Kriho M. G. Chizewski K. Johnson M. Jordan N. Kampe J. Kelly P. Kelly B. Miller J. Walls A. Walls P. McCaffray J. Svehla THE 6:00 PM MASS WILL RESUME IN THE FALL. PLEASE WATCH THE BULLETIN FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 4, 2013 Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21‐23/Col 3:1‐5, 9‐11/Lk 12:13‐21 Monday: Nm 11:4b‐15/Mt 14:13‐21 Tuesday: Dn 7:9‐10/2 Pt 1:16‐19/Lk 9:28b‐36 Wednesday: Nm 13:1‐2, 25—14:1, 26‐29a, 34‐35/Mt 15:21‐28 Thursday: Nm 20:1‐13/Mt 16:13‐23 Friday: Dt 4:32‐40/Mt 16:24‐28 Saturday: 2 Cor 9:6‐10/Jn 12:24‐26 Next Sunday: Wis 18:6‐9/Heb 11:1‐2, 8‐19 or 11:1‐2, 8‐12/Lk 12:32‐48 or 12:35‐40 Pastoral Ministry Pastor Rev. John R. Hoffman Associate Pastors Rev. Robert Bacchi Rev. William Killeen Deacon Mr. Andrew Allison Weekend Sacramental Ministers Rev. James O’Connor Rev. Keith Muccino, S.J. Lay Ministers Mrs. Margaret Branecki Mr. Robert O’Malley Education Ministry Day School Principal Ms. Debra Rodde Assistant Principal Mrs. Donielle Jarzen Day School Secretaries Mrs. Peggy Evans (Main Campus) Mrs. Mary Hoffman (Main Campus) Mrs. Kathie Kinahan (East Campus) Tuition Accounts Mrs. Clara Jurivich Rel Ed Coordinator/Sacrament Prep Ms. Terri Simeoni Youth Minister Ms. Emily Brabham Religious Education Office Staff Mrs. Cindy Johnson Mrs. Lucile Nichol Music Ministry Directors Mr. Allen Sterwalt Mr. Jeremy Michor (Spirit Choir) Mrs. Micki Doherty (Spirit Choir) Associate Musicians Mrs. Ann Maney Mr. Bob Voves Parish Office Staff Business Manager Mrs. Clara Jurivich Parish Accountant Mrs. Jane Bandyk Pastor’s Secretary Mrs. Maureen Pipal Parish Secretary Mrs. Melissa Westerhoff Staff Secretary Ms. Debra Soulje Food Pantry Coordinator Mrs. Mary Freeman CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office 124 N. Spring ...........................................................................708‐352‐0168 St. Francis Xavier Day School ..........................................................................708‐352‐2175 School of Religious Education ........................................................................708‐352‐4555 S.P.R.E.D. (Special Religious Education) ....................................................708‐352‐0168 Fax Number ............................................................................................................708‐352‐4904 e‐Mail Parish Web Site ...................................................................................................www.sfx‐ LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday through Friday ............................................................................7:45 and 9:00 a.m. Saturday...............................................................................................................................9:00 a.m. Sabbath Liturgy Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m.,12:00 Noon and 6:00 p.m. Holy Days of Obligation as scheduled in bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday morning……………….……………………………….…….…….After 9:00 a.m. Mass Saturday afternoon…………………………………..……………………....………4:15‐4:45 p.m. The Reconciliation room is located off the walkway behind the tabernacle prayer area. INFANT BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for scheduled 1:30 p.m. Sunday Baptismal dates. Baptism Preparation Classes: 4th Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. We encourage participation in this program before the baby’s birth or adoption. MARRIAGE Please call the rectory office at the time of your engagement to schedule your wedding. We ask that you are a registered parishioner for 6 months before requesting your wedding date. Saturday wedding times are 1:00, 3:00 and 6:30 p.m. Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Friday evening. Some Fridays and Sundays are also available, but these days and times are limited. We do not schedule weddings during Lent. We are glad to review possible dates with the bride or groom. Please schedule the church before you sign a contract with a banquet facility. FOOD PANTRY The St. Francis Food Pantry is open every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. The pantry serves clients who live in the 60525 and 60526 zip codes. Contact Mary Freeman at 708‐352‐0168 or [email protected] if you would like more information. HOME OR HOSPITAL VISITATION & COMMUNION CALLS If you would like a priest or Minister of Care to visit, please contact the Parish Office directly. In the case of hospitalization, specifically request that the hospital contact the parish. Hospitals do not routinely inform churches of admissions due to Privacy Laws. PARISH COUNSELOR All counseling services are confidential, respectful, understanding, and take place in a safe environment. Counseling and psychotherapy services are available for individuals, couples, and families experiencing difficulty with anxiety, depression, grief, relationship conflicts, work stress or job loss problems, or feelings of being overwhelmed. For further information or to make an appointment, call our parish counselor, Sr. Ann, 773‐643‐6259, ext. 31 or Monica Seggio, 773‐643‐6259 ext. 30 at the Claret Center. BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline for submitting all bulletin articles is 12:00 Noon on the Monday preceding the Sunday of publication. If a holiday falls on a Monday, articles are due by 12:00 Noon on the previous Thursday. All articles must be emailed to [email protected]. Hitzeman Funeral Home Ltd Family Owned and Operated For Over 109 Years Established 1904 — Five Generations of Dignified Service Pre-Need Insurance and Burial Trust Available 9445 W. 31st St., Brookfield, IL 60513 “WHERE NEIGHBORS BECOME FRIENDS” (708) 482-7127 (708) 485-2000 Carol L. Martin 56 South La Grange Rd., La Grange, IL 60525 Attorney Licensed in Illinois & Florida Real Estate • Wills • Trusts • Probate Steve & Jenny Palmer - Parishioners 708-246-7570 Complete Psychological Evaluation & Treatment Individual - Marital - Family Lorraine D. D’Asta, Ph.D. and Associates HINSDALE 630-655-9040 Dr. Timothy Kisla Parish Member Board Certified Ophthalmologist Corneal Surgeon & LASIK Offices in New Lenox & Evergreen Park (815) 485-2727 “Quality Care Your Loved One Deserves!” • Senior Care Staffing • Experienced Caregivers Available 24/7 • Live-In, Hourly, Come-and-Go • Call Us For a Free Assessment! Providing quality gymnastics instruction in a nurturing & positive atmosphere for kids age 3 & up Register Today 708-352-2977 La Grange Family Owned Licensed • Insured • Bonded Over 20 Years Experience 24/7 RNs on Call 630.717.9118 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1175 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 DUPLEX ELECTRIC 708-387-9400 Expert Troubleshooting Electrical Rehab/Repair Greg Fiflis - Parishioner Store Systems Technology Point of Sale Equipment 708-588-1773 Parishioner CAMEO ENDODONTICS Now Open for Lunch and Dinner Private Dining Rooms Available Practice Limited to Endodontic Therapy and Dental Implants Monday - Thursday: 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM Friday - Saturday: 11:00 AM - 12 Mid Sunday: 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM 1 South 130 Summit Ave., Oakbrook Terrace 630.620.7700 • 475 W. 55th Street, Suite 208, LaGrange • 3116 Oak Park Ave., Berwyn • 7234 W. North Ave., Suite 202, Elmwood Park (708) 579-0488 Our Family Keeping Your Family Comfortable Since 1951 Valuable Coupon Save $10 Off Your Annual Furnace or A/C Tune-Up, Save $25 Off A Combo! GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Special Parishioner Discount Call Hoekstra Today! (630) 968-0896 ~ Weddings ~ Golf ~ Live Entertainment Celebrating 30th Year in Business Specializing in the Wester n Suburbs Full Time Realtor • Local Touch Call Any Time Cell: 630-209-1115 Courtney Bohnen Stach Family Owned & Operated Since 1947 ALL MAJOR BRANDS CUSTOM GLASS SECTIONS SALES & SERVICE FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 708.458.2345 Ask For Parishioner Discount 630-985-3400 8700 Carriage Greens Dr ~ Darien ~ Parishioners ~ BILL BRENNAN, Agent • Auto • Home • Life • Health • Long Term Care • Bank 643 S. LaGrange Road, LaGrange 708.354.1180 [email protected] 915 BURLINGTON AVE. WESTERN SPRINGS, IL 60558 708-246-0380 DAN SANTORI TUTORING Mon.-Fri. 8-6 - Sat. 8-5:30 Sundays (Seasonal) 10-4 Prepare Your Student Outstanding Homecare For The New School Year 8995 W. 95th Street Palos Hills, IL 60465 (708) 344-1000 Owned & Operated by the Oremus Family Math K through 12th Grade Special Needs Experience CERTIFIED TEACHER [email protected] 708.363.3266 ALLAN E. POWER PLUMBING & HEATING Plumbing, Repairs, Sewer Rodding Bathroom Remodeling Parishioner 708-352-1670 Live in, Daily and Hourly service available Conboy’s Westchester Personal care, transportation, Funeral Hom light housekeeping, 10501 W. Cermak Rd. meals and more Westchester, IL 708-562-5900 Live Independently with Quality Find us on Yelp! and Affordable Care For a free in-home assessment 708.869.8100 804 Arlington e [email protected] Licensed and locally owned TONY’S 100 Calendar Court • LaGrange • 708.354.0500 KIRSCHBAUM’S BAKERY AAA ACCURATE APPLIANCE Quality and Variety Wedding & Party Cakes 825 Burlington Ave. Western Springs 708-246-2894 230775 St Francis Xavier Church (B) 708-344-1690 Your LaGrange Neighbor KitchenAid, Kenmore & Whirlpool Breakfast Cafe & Family Restaurant Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner Open 24 Hours! 7 Days! • Beer • Wine Senior Menu Daily 25 to 40 Party Room 9414 W. Ogden Avenue • Brookfield Featuring the finest cuisine using only the freshest ingredients at a great price! 10% OFF w/ad • Carpet • Upholstery • Tiles • Mattress • Wall • Flood Damage FREE In Home Estimates 708.387.0155 Call Today! 630-389-0420 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 ROBERT J. GROYA, MD Kevin E. Collins, DDS The Lehman Group Community Orthopaedics, Ltd. 348 Sherwood Ct. LaGrange Park 708.482.8686 708-447-0123 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED PROVIDING DISTINGUISHED SERVICE SINCE 1923 COUNTRYSIDE 1025 W. 55th Street 708-352-6500 TJ Banquet Hall Reasonable Rates! Parties, Weddings, Showers, Communions, Baptisms, Graduations, Corporate Meetings, Luncheons Accommodates up to 175 People 536 East Ave. La Grange Par ishioner ishioner PLUMBING & REMODELING DR. KEVIN J. SALVINO Hinsdale Foot and Ankle Specialist Board Certified Practice specializing in orthodontics 219 W. Hillgrove, LaGrange, IL 60525 KEENAN ROOFING AND SOLAR IF YOUR HOME’S EXTERIOR IS UNBECOMING TO YOU YOU SHOULD BE COMING TO US! • WINDOWS • SIDING • GUTTERS • SOFFIT • FASCIA Parishioner 913 Hillgrove LaGrange, IL. [email protected] Working with Families & Business Owners Since 1980 FREE CONSULTATION Lifetime Parishioner 708.937.9400 THREE SOUTH WAIOLA AVE., LA GRANGE ROBERT T. CORTE, D.D.S. PARISH MEMBER • Breakfast • Lunch • Carry Outs 49 S. LaGrange., LaGrange CHOOSE A TRUE LOCAL PLUMBER Western Springs, Brookfield & Western Suburbs Parishioner / Full Time Realtor 20 Plus Years of Experience 708.205.9028 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 219 West Hillgrove Avenue LaGrange, IL 60525 Lina’s Weight Loss Assured Weight Loss Are you tired of being overweight? Best customized weight loss program in the area. Continuous support Guaranteed success! Countryside 847-414-0332 (cell ) 708.417.8441 Lic. # J16531 - Bonded - Insured FRANK TRAMONTANA OVER 25 YRS. OF SERVICE NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Oakbrook Terr. 630.691.1114 John F. O’Connell III, D.D.S. Parishioner Restorative & Implant General Dentistry 930 N. York Rd., Suite 120 Hinsdale 630-455-1666 • Meals • Personal Care • Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Laundry • Errands 630.323.7231 Michael & Mary Doepke, RN State Licensed WINE TASTINGS • EVENT PLANNING • GIFTS On York • ½ Block North of Ogden Ave. 3821 S. York Road, Oak Brook 630-325-6550 AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE FOR SELF EMPLOYED INDIVIDUALS FAMILIES AND SMALL BUSINESSES VISION, DENTAL & LIFE COVERAGE AVAILABLE CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE QUOTE! MATTHEW L. McGUIRE 708.404.5039 [email protected] • Companionship • Medication Reminder • Meal Preparation • Bathing and Dressing Assistance • Transportation and Escort • Light Housekeeping • And Much More 708.482.7424 Licensed • Insured • Bonded Need a Calculus or PreCalculus tutor? Call John at 312-933-4688 Six Years of Experience Breaking Down Difficult Math Content and Making It Fun! Sign Up Early! Village HARDWARE Paolo’s Cut & Color Family Salon • Women Cut, Shampoo & Blowdry $22 • Men Full Service Cut $13 • Kids 12 and Under $8 • Perms $50 and Up • Color • Waxing Senior Discounts Walk-Ins Welcome or by Appointment 708-250-0410 Paolo Romano Tues - Sat at 10 AM • Evenings & Weekends Avail. “Help is just around the corner” 26 E. Plainfield Rd. Bella Salon Suites #2 S.E. Corner on Plainfield Rd. Countryside 708-246-0892 835 Burlington Western Springs Mon/Thurs 8 AM-8 PM; Tues. Weds. Fri. 8 AM-7 PM Sat. 8 AM-5:30 PM; Sun 9 AM-3 PM Carolyn Bronke Wind, DDS, SC Member: American Dental Assoc. Illinois State Dental Society 47 S. 6th Ave., Suite F 708-354-1335 230775 St Francis Xavier Church (A) 708-354-1003 COMPASSIONATE HOME CARE (708) 352-4900 SPECIALIZING IN LaGrange, LaGrange Park, RESIDENTAL BROKERAGE 922 S. La Grange Road • La Grange 708.352.4500 708-352-1762 JOE THORNE 708-507-0162 Richard A. Battistoni, DDS William Beam, DDS, MS Drs. Battistoni + Beam Ltd. Specialist in Creating Tax Advantaged Retirement Income Solutions Mike Corrigan 708-482-3800 Selling homes in St. Francis Parish for 40 years! Patricia Lehman & Kathleen Henneberry 630-789-1700 Affiliated with Hinsdale Hospital JIM DONAHUE, AGENT Park District of La Grange Recreation Center Af ter Hours Emergenc y 354-2281 20 Years Experience Lic.# PL187568 Home Improvements Maintenance Repairs Parishioners Discount Hablamos Español Visit us @ DOWNERS GROVE 301-75th Street 630-964-6500 Parishioner 708.354.1616 1005 E. 31st St., LaGrange Park 475 W. 55th S t., L a Grange Grange Office 354-5575 LAGRANGE PARK, LTD. 539 N. LAGRANGE ROAD SUITE 1 708.354.1070 KOZY HEATING & AIR COND. SINCE 1989 AUTHORIZED GENERAC® GENERATOR DEALER JOE CANTELE, OWNER EMERGENCY SERVICE 708.514.1591 KARA KENNEDY O’CONNELL Broker, Parishioner DIRECT LINE (708) 588-2067 CELL (708) 207-5311 WWW.KARAKOCONNELL.COM For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170
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