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AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 1
True US History
Jan 29, 2012 - Iran, Gold and Oil - The Next Banksters War
I was personally present when the deputy economics minister of Iran was talking to a foreign
society in Berlin” “And the gentleman said very openly to the shocked audience ‘OK. You
don’t want to buy our goods. Well, the Chinese do.” - Christoph R. Horstel
Jan 29, 2012 - Sunday Meditation January 29, 2012
Jan 29, 2012 - The Star seeds are coming
Political Information
Jan 29, 2012 - What Role Did U.S. Play in 2010 Massacre in Jamaica?
In 2010, Jamaican police killed 320 civilians apart from those slain in the Tivoli attack, a
figure 40 times as great as the New York P.D. which covers a population three times as large,
and a UN report has noted “the propensity for extrajudicial killings by the J.C.F.” Once the
police gained control of Tivoli, “unarmed men of fighting age were interrogated on the spot,
and more than a thousand were sent to detention centers, from which they were released a
few days later,” Schwartz wrote, but “dozens allegedly (were) shot to death in custody.”
Others, whose protestations of innocence were not believed, were shot to death on the spot
in Tivoli by the police.- Sherwood Ross
Jan 29, 2012 - The CHEMTRAILS are terrible today
Why do people NOT rise up against this? We were to have a sunny day, it was 62 at once
point. What are your churches doing this Sunday about them? My eyes were starting to
burn INSIDE, but I needed to walk, so I went out for a short 10 minutes and now my nose is
burning and dripping from the air and so are MY LUNGS, after 10 short minutes. They are in
PAIN. I could hardly get home fast enough. What is wrong with the people of America to
put up with this and prenend they are contrails? For Gawds sake people, where are YOUR
MINDS? And your efforts to stop this? My eyes are now briliant RED from going
outside. Sorry, I needed to rant.-C
Jan 29, 2012 - Nederlands: Bericht 87: Laat alles achter zodat u alles kunt krijgen.
Seraphin via Rosie, vertaling Lilian A.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 29, 2012 - Sonntagsmeditation, 29. Januar 2012
Von Johan und CM, Jan 29, 2012, Übersetzung von Harald Kuehn
Jan 29, 2012 - Bosnian Pyramids: We are Not the First Here
A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian
Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz. The
beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This
phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. This is the first proof of
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 2
non-herzian technology on the Planet. It seems that the pyramid builders created a
perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working.- Dr. Sam
Semir Osmanagich
True US History
Jan 29, 2012 - ACTA - Worse Than SOPA And PIPA
Phoenix Journals
Jan 29, 2012 - PJ #81 " RUSSIAN ROULETTE, AMONG OTHER THINGS ", chapter
5 & 6.
"As you study the Newstates Constitution--read it CAREFULLY. Also, understand this, your
free Constitutional Republic is IMPROPERLY called a "democracy" by most of those in
positions of public trust. Pure "democracy", without the checks and balances of a
representative system, is MOB RULE. And as every demagogue knows, MOB RULE IS
Your alleged leaders, while waving the banner of "democracy", have brought the United
States to the threshold of degeneration into dictatorship under their own control. True
representation of the public will have been dangerously undermined, and our representative
system itself is being rapidly replaced with appointive, centralized government. And now,
little-known plans exist for adoption of their Secret New Constitution under conditions of
deliberate political and economic crisis, by national referendum or otherwise."
True US History
Jan 28, 2012 - The Crisis of Education in America: "How to Become a Serf"
Analytical thinking, even when valid, can lead people down invalid roads, because analysis
alone tends to overly simplify questions. [?!?] When used to answer the question, What must
be done to put unemployed people to work?, it leads to attempts to make education
equivalent to vocational training.- John Kozy [Ron: WHY must anything "be done" to "put
people to work"? Work for what at what? Einstein rightly said in the mid 1930s that
mechanisation and technology had solved humanity's productivity ie "work" problems. Today's
global societal problems are caused by humanity's continued use of a money mechanism
coupled with a "work FOR money in order to buy stuff" mentality.]
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - To Choodle into the Armageddon Sunset.
True US History
Jan 28, 2012 - Night in the cells accidentally became two years in solitary
Jan 28, 2012 - Albino Hummingbird Photographed By 15 Year Old
Ron: A real humdinger!
Health and Nutrition
Jan 28, 2012 - AMA Paper Proposes Law Forcing People into Experimental Vaccine
Ron: How greedy and evil can these allopathic doctors and Big Pharma get? Now they want to
give patients a "mandated choice" Baw-ha-ha! Talk abour double speak. Either it's mandated
OR the sheeple HAVE a choice? Can't be both. How totally Fascist must our world become
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before folk start to say "NO"? if your child is harmed by a vaccine, the vaccine
manufacturers are NOT financially or legally liable. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury
Act of 1986 protects vaccine manufacturers from ANY liability.
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - Nation of 65 Million Gets Lesson on Globalist Agenda
Media mogul Sondhi Limthongkul of ASTV, a popular news and media outlet in Thailand, gave
a 2-hour talk on Friday night (in Thai) regarding the corporate-funded Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), USAID, Human Rights
Watch (HRW), and Amnesty International amongst others and their role in destabilizing
nation states around the world and in particular their unfolding plot in Thailand itself... No
punches were pulled, and the talk was accompanied by a news story on the ASTV website, (in Thai), complete with graphics illustrating the documented ties between
foreign corporate-financier interests and seditious elements within Thailand working with
them.- Tony Cartalucci
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - Michael Gove criticised for awarding public funds to organisation he
Ron: Tell me again why you think that governments taking money from some people and giving
it to others is JUSTIFIED THEFT. On the pretext of wanting a HOMELAND Jews stole
Palestine from its rightful inhabitants and continue to steal more land and property there
using extreme violence.WHY then are (non-Semitic) Jews still expecting and getting
handouts from non-Jewish but Semitic*people in Britain, the US and many other places?
*See eg: Are the Irish and others of Gaelic origin true Semites and Caucasians?
thers_of_Gaelic_origin_true_Sem_4281.shtml And: What is a Semite and who are the
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - The Massacre Everyone Ignored – Up To 70 Striking Oil Workers
Killed In Kazakhstan By US-Supported Dictator
True US History
Jan 28, 2012 - U.S. judges' tragic kickback greed exposes prison system profiteering
Ron: Amerika, Home of the Khazars, Land of Talmudic Criminals! This 4' 19" video was
uploaded by RussiaToday on May 26, 2011:! Uploader's
comments: With well over 2 million people in jail [Ron: Make that 2.3 million & rising.] the
U.S. has the world's biggest prison population. But some [Ron: Almost ALL] are seeing the
inside of a cell because dodgy judges are getting payback from the private sector. RT's
Gayane Chichakyan reports on those dishing out justice for a fee.[Ron: Most mothers (and
fathers) should take a leaf out of the book of the mother featured in this video.].
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 4
Jan 28, 2012 - Irak: Tarik Aziz: Sie töteten unser Land
Jan 28, 2012 - Message 88: CONTEMPLATE THE NEVER-END
Seraphin through Rosie
Health and Nutrition
Jan 28, 2012 - Scientists urge Uni's to axe Alternative Medicine courses
Ron: The net continues to tighten...
True US History
Jan 28, 2012 - Drive-by Scanning: Officials Expand Use and Dose of Radiation for
Security Screening
Such machines, however, were introduced in prisons in 2011. A transmission X-ray body
scanner, the RadPRO SecurPASS [20], is sold by Virtual Imaging, a Florida subsidiary of
Canon USA. In the last year, it has been installed at the Cook County Jail in Chicago; several
jails in Florida and Alabama; and the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, a temporary
detention center for inmates being transported across the country. The dose has two
settings. The standard setting delivers a radiation dose about 10 times higher than that of
an airport body scanner. But to produce a better image, the operator has the ability to
switch to a higher exposure, said Kris Kessler, creative marketing manager for Virtual
Imaging.- Michael Grabell
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - Torture And Abuse In Libya
Ron: How can humanity INTEND that genocidal brutality such as we have seen in Libya in the
last year should stop if almost nobody knows it is happening because the Jews control the
mainstream media, most governments and almost all avenues providing news, information and
commentary? Osmosis? By the time that works everyone will be dead.
True US History
Jan 28, 2012 - NATO: The Salala Massacre
Ron: What really irks me is that year after year, decade after decade all we ever hear is
FKN Jew dominated politicians and media criticising the peoples of countries terroristed by
Anglo-US, Israeli and NATO state funded terrorists while being bombed back to the Stone
Age as an encore. All the while the US is protected from Earth changes which allows it to
continue this state terrorism. No doubt it's all just a game played for the purposes of
demonstration with compassionate consideration being extended to those souls who
undertook to be the bad guys for the general benefit. But surely its time for the terrorists
and their enablers to start feeling a bit of blowback?
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - The U.S. wants to control everything, says Putin as he blasts America
for interfering in other countries' affairs
Human/Animal Rights
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 5
Jan 28, 2012 - Michael Mansfield : Abolishing meat is an ethical issue that requires
everyone's attention
"A man is truly ethical only when he obeys the compulsion to help all life which he is able to
assist …. He does not ask how far this or that life deserves one's sympathy … nor, beyond
that, whether and to what degree it is capable of feeling".- Albert Schweitzer
Political Information
Jan 28, 2012 - Profile Of A Rogue State
Ron: Rogue states can only exist because the UN is a criminally controlled rogue organisation
and the leaders of most countries in the world agree to what they do. And the leaders who
agree to the criminal and genocidal activities of the UN and rogue states remain in power
because their populations allow them too. God help us all.
Jan 28, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 13 - The Spiritual Transformation of
GAIA and your roles in the process.", Part 2 - Update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 28, 2012 - PJ #223 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL. 2 ", intro & chapter 9 &
" It is an incontestable fact that the word "Jew" did not come into existence until the
year 1775. Prior to 1775 the word "Jew" did not exist in any language. The word "Jew" was
introduced into the English for the first time in the 18th century when Sheridan used it in
his play "The Rivals", II,i, "She shall have a skin like a mummy, and the beard of a Jew". Prior
to this use of the word "Jew" in the English language by Sheridan in 1775 the word "Jew"
had not become a word in the English language. Shakespeare never saw the word "Jew" as you
will see. Shakespeare never used the word "Jew" in any of his works, the common general
belief to the contrary notwithstanding. In his "Merchant of Venice", V.III.i.61, Shakespeare
wrote as follows: "What is the reason? I am a Iewe; hath not a Iewe eyes?". "
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 27, 2012 - Don't hurt my baby! Pregnant orang-utan protectively hugs her
Political Information
Jan 27, 2012 - Voluntary Taxation for Peace and Prosperity
True US History
Jan 27, 2012 - American NGO workers prevented from leaving Egypt
Ron: It's about time some of these bastards were prosecuted.
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 27, 2012 - In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad
True US History
Jan 27, 2012 - America's Shadow Banking System, A Web of Financial Fraud and
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 6
Ron: Here's yet another reason for humanity to stop using money. Failing that, let's at least
eliminate usury and so-called investment banking.
True US History
Jan 27, 2012 - Two brave policemen shoot 43-year-old woman in the back with tasers
Ron: Sooo, you don't think it's unreasonable that government goons have a monopoly on the
use of force and violence and that the violence they use is justified because they are the
"guvment". Fine. It should not be too long before YOU can personally enjoy the government
exercising its monopoly on YOU.
Health and Nutrition
Jan 27, 2012 - Monsanto’s Infertility-Linked Roundup Found in All Urine Samples
Jan 27, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 12 - Interesting upbeat spiritual
teachings.", Part 2-Update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 27, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", chapter 11 & 12.
" Why would I single out the Mormons? I DON'T! All those nice "Christians" of all doctrines
will follow along like lambs to slaughter--waiting for the Zionists to finalize the show and
tell--convince you all of wondrous RAPTURES so that you will willingly jump off the cliff and
perish, etc. Scoff and He-Haw at my words all you wish, readers, but you KNOW that I am
Where do YOU go to find spiritual solace and direction? Most of you turn to CHURCHES and
what do you find? Ritual, voted-in immorality to fit "modern needs" of a "modern society"
(well, your "modern" society is corrupt and debased!). You turn to the loud preachers on TV
whose doctrines are touted from even the smallest pulpit because to "preach" and "minister"
within the religious doctrine separations--he MUST FOLLOW HIS GUIDELINES. So, you
turn onto the airwaves to the Jerry Falwells of the high tech collection gatherers (to
somehow purchase your journey and absolution) and, if you look, you will find them out there
proclaiming: "I am a Zionist, and proud of it." Is it OK with me if YOU go with that choice of
pathway? Yes, for it is your journey--not mine. I am a messenger direct from GOD and if you
think I know less about God than they who follow MAN, then so be it--I leave you freely to
your choices. My instructions and "marching orders" are TO BRING THE TRUTH OF IT TO
KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. You will not, however, move from evil expression in practice--into
the holy presence of placement in that which HAS NO EVIL. I care not what YOU THINK
ABOUT IT--your "thinking" bears not one iota of the TRUTH OF IT. "
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 7
Political Information
Jan 26, 2012 - Gold Manipulation OFFICIALLY CONFIRMED: CFTC Gets Facts of
Bullion Manipulation
This is a scandal of monumentous proportions..."Sub-prime crisis was peanuts before
this scam."
"This is a potential multi-trillion dollar fraud that could bring down the world's financial
system."...As the significance of the CFTC hearings' revelations sink in, it will create a
gold rush and dollar panic, resulting in the biggest short squeeze in the history of all
commodities.- Patrick A. Heller
Jan 26, 2012 - Cold Fusion coming to Home Depot in 2012?
Health and Nutrition
Jan 26, 2012 - Dementia is Reversible, Part I: Diet is the Key
Political Information
Jan 26, 2012 - Anunnaki - dont watch this film
Ron: This film seems to be designed to inculcate the idea that resistance to the NWO is
futile. If so, its just more slick Talmudic propaganda like the film 'Thrive'. With that caveat
in mind, it is worth watching if you you want to see confirmation of the existence of zero
point energy devices, neuro electro-magnetic frequency and mind control weapons, Deep
Underground Bases, magneto-leviton trains; and biological weapons like AIDS (said to be
developed in Chicago) and so on.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 26, 2012 - HAZEL: Ihr seid im Überfluss
Von Hazels Höherem Selbst, 22. Januar 2012 - Übersetzung: Bernd
Jan 26, 2012 - Ein Brief an einen Freund
Stück von Kibo, Übersetzung: Harald K., 16.01.2012
Political Information
Ron: Arguably Warren Buffett isn't just anti-Catholic he's anti-life and especially antigentile life. Funding radical abortion organizations like NARAL and Planned Parenthood and
training a new generation of abortion physicians; and spending millions to help RU-486 (the
abortion-inducing drug) to win FDA approval; and giving his pro-abortion, population-control
friends at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation nearly $31 billion in 2006 for more of the
same is just part of the Talmudic conspiracy to undermine US and Western society and its
morals and thus to destroy the US and non-Jews globally.
Political Information
Jan 26, 2012 - Putin accuses America of attempts to “Dominate the World”
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 26, 2012 - The Nature of Reality, Consciousness & Evolution with Tom Campbell
Parts 1-3
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 8
Ron: There is much truth in what Tom Campbell says. I recommend a careful consideration of
his views in these videos.
Jan 26, 2012 - HydroSpin uses water flow inside the pipes to generate electricity
True US History
Jan 26, 2012 - Seven Truths Inconvenient to US Foreign Policy
the U.S. has been supporting terrorist attacks within Iran for years. As Seymour Hirsch
reported as far back as 2008 in a New Yorker piece, the U.S. has been supporting the
terrorist group "Mujahideen-e-Khalq, known in the West as the M.E.K" for some time. As
Hirsch noted, "The M.E.K. has been on the State Department’s terrorist list for more than a
decade, yet in recent years the group has received arms and intelligence, directly or
indirectly, from the United States." In addition, as Hirsch related back in 2008, the U.S. has
been supporting "The Kurdish party, PJAK, which has ... has been operating against Iran from
bases in northern Iraq for at least three years." - Dan Kovalik
Political Information
Jan 26, 2012 - Money is unnecessary: An introduction to The Free World Charter
Ron: As the need for workers declines below the “tipping point” at which the state ceases to
be able to take enough money from those in paid employment to provide adequate “welfare”
payments and assistance to the unemployed and their dependents, the current system will
collapse. We are seeing that now with governments introducing cuts in services and other
austerity measures. The answer is to scrap the monetary system and embrace a co-operative
sharing and caring community model.
Jan 26, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 8 - HUGE CRAFT AROUND THE SUN.",
Pdf. update
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 26, 2012 - PJ #223 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL. 2 ", intro & chapter 7 &
" Of the Protocols themselves little need be said in the way of introduction. The book in
which they are embodied was published by Sergyei Nilus in Russia in 1905. A copy of this is in
the British Museum, bearing the date of its reception, August 10th, 1906. All copies that
were known to exist in Russia were destroyed by the Kerensky regime, and under his
successors the possession of a copy by anyone in Sovietland was crime sufficient to ensure
the owner's being shot on sight. This fact is in itself sufficient proof of the genuinenes of
the Protocols. The Jewish journals, of course, say that they are a forgery, leaving it to be
understood that Professor Nilus, who embodied them in a work of his own, had concocted
them for his own purposes. "
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 25, 2012 - Hear the results of the WAVE deep inside earth
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 9
Listen to this posted last March from Russia. THE
WAVE. I love this, the sounds of the New
Earth happening. Found here today, but it was on a thread a year ago at glp that I missed
completely. This has in it, those "tinkly" sounds I have so much trouble describing that I
hear. Save the you tube file and use
for meditation. This is both calming and exciting to me.
Political Information
Jan 25, 2012 - The Armenian Genocide
Zinn called American slavery "the most cruel form in history: the frenzy for limitless profit
that comes from capitalistic agriculture; the reduction of the slave to less than human
status by the use of racial hatred, with that relentless clarity based on color, where white
was master, black was slave." - Stephen Lendman. [Ron: what Zinn and most others don't
mention is that Jews dominated the African slave trade with the Americas and fomented the
US Civil War and all US imperial wars.].
Political Information
Jan 25, 2012 - Violence Rages in Libya
Political Information
Jan 25, 2012 - THE GENERAL'S SON: Some truth about the Jewish genocidal
takeover of Palestine
On Israeli pilots' actions in bombing Gaza: This was nothing but shooting fish in a barrel.Miko Peled
True US History
Jan 25, 2012 - More than $6.5 billion in taxpayer dollars have been wasted on
Solyndra and 11 other green energy failures
First Solar, a company that BusinessWeek says was the "worst performer" on the S&P 500
Index in 2011, was awarded a whopping $3 billion in taxpayer money. A producer of thin-film
solar panels, First Solar dropped 73 percent on the S&P index throughout the year, and also
had to let its CEO go -- but the company reportedly spent millions lobbying the Obama
administration prior to receiving its exorbitant grants. - Ethan A. Huff
True US History
Jan 25, 2012 - NYPD & DOD Working On Portable X-Ray Machine To Scan Citizens
Walking Around The City
Ron:Apart from the gross intrusion on privacy and freedom of the individual, indiscriminate
secret use of x-ray scanners to saturate people's bodies with radiation in order to see
beneath their clothes is an assault and battery in that it potentially damages the health of
those targeted. WHy is use of such technologies in the manner proposed not a crime? Use if
this technology will be yet another unlawful use of force and violence against citizens by
government servants and agents. This 3' 02" video was uploaded by FederalJacktube6 on Jan
20, 2012:
Political Information
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 10
Jan 25, 2012 - Copyright law is just another brick in the wall of the artificially
created competitive, dog eat dog world
Jan 25, 2012 - Britain facing boom in dishonesty
Jan 25, 2012 - Libysche Verfassung und Sharia
Mathaba, 14. Januar 2012, Übersetzung Remo Santini
Jan 25, 2012 - Iran und Russland ersetzen beim Handelsaustausch den Dollar durch
die nationalen Währungen, 9. Januar 2012, Übersetzung Remo Santini
Jan 25, 2012 - Global Villager 9 - TRANSPARENCY
Card 9 from the UNITY TAROT. How comfortable are you with the thought that your outer
surroundings are a reflection of your inner self? What unpleasant ‘rumours’ with catastrophic
potential do you – individually or as part of the collective - choose to ignore rather than
investigate? Is there any way in which you have imprisoned or compromised yourself? Some
questions to ponder while reading this story
True US History
Jan 25, 2012 - Obama’s Unshakable Bondage To Bibi
But American affairs, as evinced in this Obama’s latest campaign Video, are dictated by
pleasing the Jewish Lobby, of which many feel does NOT represent America’s interests, but
rather, is an agent of a foreign power. How else can we explain that Netanyahu got more
standing ovations when he spoke before Congress last spring than ANY president in the
history of the United States? - Br Nathanael Kapner
Jan 25, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 5 - THE WAVE/Face of God/The ONE
", Part 4, Update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 25, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", chapter 9 & 10.
" World War II really started in 1933, when Judea--all Jews world-wide---DECLARED WAR
ON THE THIRD REICH (The London Daily Express, FRONT PAGE, 3/24/1933). When the
shooting began Jews were put into forced labor facilities for security and manpower reasons.
These became death camps ONLY AFTER wartime transportation problems aggravated food
and medical shortages. The "gas" victims in many well-publicized photos are actually typhus
victims. As a preventive measure the gas Zyklon B was used to delouse clothing of guards and
inmates alike. [H: Your current "Pope" was a Zyklon B gas salesman at the time.] Other
pictures are in fact German casualties of allied carpet bombing raids on Dresden during
AbundantHope Front Pages
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which 100,000 Whites--mostly women and children--were killed by other Whites during one
day of war waged for...For who? "
True US History
Jan 24, 2012 - USS Enterprise False Flag!!
This 2' 37" video by Patrick Uploaded by Snordelhans on Jan 23, 2012: The Heretic
presents, Mike Rivero's "USS Enterprise False Flag" from
Uncle Sam and Auntie Semite, a wicked piece of work.
True US History
Jan 24, 2012 - Marine gets three months in jail for massacring two dozen civilians
Ron: Billions of people around the world think Amerika and all that it stands for is ratshit. I
wonder why?
True US History
Jan 24, 2012 - Supreme Court Sides with Livestock Concentration Camps Over State
Ron: Lord, how much longer must Gaia and all her creatures bear the suffering and misery
being inflicted daily on her and so many other souls here? I couldn't look at the footage. And
what must the effects be on all those who work in slaughterhouses and animal factory
farming? Whether this is a holographic world or not, the suffering feels real.
Political Information
Jan 24, 2012 - Australian Militarism in the Asia-Pacific Century
The moment that it’s provocations appear too reckless, China may incite a collapse of the US
dollar by dumping its holdings of US treasury bonds. While the current Labour government
spends an unjustifiable amount of money on military expansion, the original inhabitants of
Australia have the shortest life expectancy of any of the world’s indigenous groups. The
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission has reported that half of the Indigenous
people in the Northern Territory do not have adequate housing, while various communities
are unable to access potable water. - Nile Bowie
Political Information
Jan 24, 2012 - Royals bill Australians for their own gifts
Ron: The implication is that Australians are still a colonial people subject to UK control. The
pretence that we are an independent country is just that - A PRETENCE. Our so-called
Constitution is merely a portion of a British colonial statute. IF it can be shown that
Australia IS an independent country then every politician, judge and official that swears an
oath or affirmation to QE II as our Head of state is committing TREASON because she is
the Head of State of a foreign country.
True US History
Jan 24, 2012 - One Death is a Tragedy; One Million is a Statistic -- Joe Paterno and
the American Ostrich
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Jan 24, 2012 - *NEW* How It Works - MakerBotting 101
The MakerBot Replicator is a 3d printer that you can use in your home to create all kinds of
amazing things! In this video Bre Pettis, one of the founders of MakerBot Industries,
explains how a it all works! FInd out more at!
Jan 24, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 4 - Your bodies DO not resurrect to
heaven and other christian misunderstandings", part 4 Pdf - Update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
" However, I do have a mission which is NOT to pull down anything--it is to get a remnant of
our people clear and secure and ultimately, off your place. These are God's (of Creator)
souled beings of whom I speak. GOD AND CHRISTED BEINGS ARE
serpent people, etc. are conjured, and sometimes manufactured, beings of man-manufacture.
You are playing out your experiences on a stage now devoid of LIFE source recovery--as you
are headed.
Those who continue to serve Satanic preferences are certainly free to do so without our
intervention--our mission is to attend OUR people and our orders are to BRING THE WORD
OF TRUTH back to your attention. Along with that order comes a final offering of that
which IS wrong in your perceptions so that you can, if you choose, make informed decisions
about your status and perceived "future" status as manifest (physical) humanoids. In either
instance the decisions and choices AND ACTIONS will be performed in human consciousness
of this manifested presentation. I simply remind all of you: GOD WINS!! "
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - Our Last Chance for Freedom; Their Last Chance for Global Dominion
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - Iran 'definitely' closing Strait of Hormuz over EU oil embargo
Ron: The FKN Talmudic idiots running the Anglo-US empire are looking for a hiding and if
they miscalculate they will get it. Iran is NOT Libya. And both Russia and China have
indicated that they will not tolerate a Jew directed US and/or Israeli attack on Iran. See
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - Contributionism (Eradicate money and follow your Passion).
Ron: To change ourselves and our world we have to understand the fact that the idea of
money is merely a slave owner's mechanism designed to blind us to the reality that we are
infinite free spirits able to be and create whatever we want. Think about it! The slave
drivers' refrain: "It is not financially viable" is meaningless verbiage like the fictional
concept of money itself. Man is capable of doing whatever he chooses.To create anything we
need human energy, creative thought and Earth's abundant resources. That's all. We have
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 13
enslaved ourselves both individually and collectively by assuming that before we can do
anything we must get some banker to type digits on a screen enabling us to do it. How the
rest of the inhabited universe must laugh at our stupidity and self deception.
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - My Letter To The Government
Ron: Take the time and make the effort to understand this article if you are a man or woman
having infinite divine consciousness or a hybrid aspiring thereto.
Jan 23, 2012 - Auf der Dunklen Seite in Al Doura - ein Soldat im Schattenreich
Mathaba, 16. Januar 2012, Übersetzung Remo Santini
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 23, 2012 - Einladung zur Sonntagsmeditation
Meditationsanleitung für Sonntag, den 22.1.2012... und für die Tage darauf!!! Übersetzung
Harald Kühn
Jan 23, 2012 - Message 87: LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND
Seraphin through Rosie
Jan 23, 2012 - 'Bibi' Netanyahu, Hilary und die CFR/RIIA-Brigade sind am
Aushecken des bösartigsten je verübten Blutopfers
Ron: Dies ist es wert, gelesen zu werden. Urteilsvermögen ist zwar nötig, aber es wird sehr
viel interessante Geschichte diskutiert, und es werden zahlreiche Links angegeben. Schauen
Sie zumindest das Video: „Geschichte der Intervention im Iran – von 1953 bis
heute“ . Aber seien Sie sich bewusst,
dass in diesem Video vermieden wird zu erwähnen, dass die Entthronung des Schahs und
seine Ersetzung durch Ayatollah Khomeini von David Rockefeller befohlen und durch die CIA
organisiert wurde. Nichts ist je wie es scheint… Die wahre Geschichte findet sich in Dr.
Peter Beters „Audio Letter No. 52“ unter
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - Ron: I’ll have a go where angels fear to tread.
Ron: God is interested in money matters in much the same way that any loving father would
be interested in and advise his children concerning attempts to defraud and enslave them.
True US History
Jan 23, 2012 - Are You Ready for a Real Change
Ron: The problem with Walter Burien's approach is that, as i understand the situation, from
the US Corporation down to local government levels, ALL American governments and their
judiciaries, operating departments, agencies etc, are corporations; and those corporations
are NOT owned by tax and rate payers. Sooo, arguably tax and ratepayers, and citizens
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 14
generally, have no legal (as distinct from lawful) right to investments funds etc held by such
True US History
Jan 23, 2012 - Nature's Wonder Drug Curbed by Illuminati
Then, in 2004 I read an article entitled "The Brain's Own Marijuana" by Roger A. Nicoll and
Bradley N. Alger, in Scientific American detailing a cornucopia of medical benefits from the
[cannabis] plant.- Charlotte Harrison-Smith
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - India Joins Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone, Will Transact With Iran In
Japan, China, Russia, India and Iran: the countries which together account for the bulk of
the world's productivity and combined are among the biggest explorers and producers of
energy. And now they all have partial bilateral arrangements, and all of which will very likely
expand their bilateral arrangements to multilateral, courtesy of Obama's foreign relations
stance which by pushing the countries into a corner has forced them to find alternative,
USD-exclusive, arrangements...Turkey and Iran said on Thursday they want to increase
financial transfers and that work is underway to strengthen banking ties...India Trade
Secretary Rahul Khullar said this week that the Indian delegation to Iran would work around
the U.S. sanctions to protect oil supplies and promote Indian exports. - Tyler Durden
Health and Nutrition
Jan 23, 2012 - Health insurance company preys upon the poor with junk food reward
program for vaccinating your baby
Political Information
Jan 23, 2012 - Rabbi questioned in rape of minors
Jan 23, 2012 - Confirmed: The Eye Emits Actual Light (Biophotons)
The light that emanates through the "window of the soul," the human eye, is not
"imagined," but real and these biophotons contain energy and information (wave-particle
complementarity of Light), capable of transforming our understanding of one another, and
ourselves. - Sayer Ji
True US History
Jan 23, 2012 - Words of wisdom from Native American Elders
"When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear... the warriors of the Rainbow will
come to save them." - Chief Seattle.
This 5' 47" video was uploaded by imagine70s on Jul 23, 2010:
True US History
Jan 23, 2012 - The World War on Democracy
"They knew we were inseparable from our pets," said Lisette, "When the American soldiers
arrived to build the base, they backed their big trucks against the brick shed where we
prepared the coconuts; hundreds of our dogs had been rounded up and imprisoned there.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 15
Then they gassed them through tubes from the trucks’ exhausts. You could hear them
crying."... Dumped on the docks at Port Louis, Lizette’s youngest children, Jollice, and Regis,
died within a week of each other. "They died of sadness," she said. "They had heard all the
talk and seen the horror of what had happened to the dogs. They knew they were leaving
their home forever. The doctor in Mauritius said he could not treat sadness." - John Pilger
Phoenix Journals
Jan 23, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", chapter 7 & 8.
" [H: How many Pulitzer or Peace prizes do you think Dharma will receive for her work?
How important is her work relative to that of which receives international prizes? Not
only will she NOT receive prizes but the thrust is to suck every drop of blood and life
from her being and our work to continue the fraud upon mankind! Do you think WE will
be given credit for the "gift of life" in the form of cellular restructuring and
restoration? Perish the thought for we simply get our work BANNED and impounded! Do
the "Elite" of this bankster group have compassion on ALL "Jews"? Certainly not--they
set up death-causing diseases, etc., and train their own as well as others that all sorts
of immoral behavior is "the way to go", spread such diseases as AIDS--then whine and
raise money for something or another which has no meaning whatsoever. These "slaves"
serve their masters magnificently--they serve and die never knowing they were
dispensable in exchange for their services--LOOK AT YOUR ENTERTAINERS WHO DIE
Targeted Messages
Jan 22, 2012 - Targeted Message From Siraya
To our dark brotherhood: This is your final chance to remove yourselves from our way. We
are going to overcome your resistance most rapidly using the plan you are aware of from a
year ago. That is all. Siraya, Big Head Honcho of Orvonton.
PS: You have no power over ME. However do you think you could? We are going to do some
announcing, and I can see to it you are not in the way.
Jan 22, 2012 - You are- Abundant
Higher Self teaching.
True US History
Jan 22, 2012 - The Bankers Manifesto of 1892
Capital must protect itself in every possible manner through combination (conspiracy) and
legislation. The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and
mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When through the process of the law, the
common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed
AbundantHope Front Pages
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through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of
imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not
quarrel with their leaders. - The Bankers Manifesto of 1892
Political Information
Jan 22, 2012 - 500 Cuban health workers to relieve understaffed hospitals in Jamaica
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Jamaica’s government Health Minister Fenton Ferguson said
Thursday that 117 doctors and nurses are expected to arrive in February. He said medical
technologists, physiotherapists and clinical dietitians also will be assigned to health care
institutions across the island.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 22, 2012 - PJ #223 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL. 2 ", intro & chapter 5 &
Editor's note: The following complete version of Washington's Farewell Address has been
extracted from the Internet, as Commander Hatonn requested for inclusion with the subject
material of this week's CONTACT.
This address was written primarily to eliminate himself as a candidate for a third term. It
was never read by the President in public, but it was printed in Claypoole's AMERICAN
DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, September 19, 1796. The address is in two parts: In the
first, Washington declines a third term, gives his reasons, and acknowledges a debt of
gratitude for the honors conferred upon him and for the confident support of the people. In
the second, more important part, he presents, as a result of his experience and as a last
legacy of advice, thoughts upon the government.
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - Small Brands Are Now Owned By Large Corporations
Jan 21, 2012 - Back-yard astronomer uses second-hand telescope (and a lot of
patience) to capture stunning images of distant stars
Political Information
Jan 21, 2012 - Anti-Syrian Pack Journalism
Alleged death toll numbers come from anti-Assad elements. They entirely lack credibility.
Unmentioned were 2,000 or more Syrian security force killings by Western-backed
externally generated insurgents. Inconvenient facts are ignored. They include Washington's
longstanding regime change in both Syria and Iran.- Stephen Lendman
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - US deploys 12,000 troops in Libya
January 21, 2012 by legitgov US deploys 12,000 troops in Libya 21 Jan 2012 The
United States has sent some 12,000 soldiers to Libya, in the first phase of
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 17
deployments to the oil-rich North African nation. According to Asharq Alawsat, the
troops landed in the eastern oil port city of Brega. Although the deployment is said to
be aimed at generating stability and security in the region, the troops are expected to
take control of the country's key oil fields and strategic ports. Brega, the site of an
important oil refinery, serves as a major export hub for Libyan oil.
Political Information
Jan 21, 2012 - The West, Syria and Libya
What NATO has unleashed in Libya is hard to describe, because there are no adjectives
strong enough to put into words the horrific human rights abuses carried out by the
“darlings” of the west, namely the Libyan rebels, in fact, gangs of murderers, rapists,
arsonists, thieves, looters, torturers and bandits, racist pigs who have carried out ethnic
cleansing, who have kidnapped and gang-raped women and girls and who have hacked people to
death.- Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - The Day The LOLcats Died - #SOPA #PIPA Protest Song
Ron: If you want the internet and humanity to survive ask for Divine assistance. Nothing else
can save either of them at this late stage.
Telemensajes de Otros
Jan 21, 2012 - CM y Kibo, 1 de Enero
Political Information
Jan 21, 2012 - Get A Grip: The Zionist Agenda Is-Real
You wanna soft peddle around this issue cuz the media demonizes so called "anti-semites",
while you rail on the police state or whatever part of the elephant catches your partial
vision? Get over it. How programmed are you? You can see thus far and no further and draw
the line as dogmatically as any redneck would ever do? Are you so bullied, so freaked out, so
misinformed, so shallow, so fearful, so prejudiced, as to believe that purely political obviously
manipulative tripe? - Zen Gardner
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - Busted: Monsanto Abusing Illegal Workers in ‘Slave-Like’ Conditions
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - RAND, Superstition and Psychological Warfare
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - Snake Oil: Traditional And Evidence-Based Medicine Converge
So which is the "snake-oil," the infatuated object of "quackery"? Synthetic chemicals
excreted by a vast petrochemical-medical-industrial complex, and re-purposed and
repackaged to the consumer as "medicines"? Or, natural substances and organisms
traditionally used as food-medicines, sometimes for thousands of years before the advent of
modern, scienticism and drug-driven medicine? - Sayer Ji
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - The Vaccination Agenda: An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 18
True US History
Jan 21, 2012 - Beating Up On Chavez
Stephen Lendman says:'Recent Census data show half US households impoverished or
bordering on it. Millions have no jobs and can't find one. Homelessness and hunger keep
growing. When need's greatest, austerity drives people to the edge. In contrast,
Venezuelans get free education to the highest levels, quality healthcare at no cost,
subsidized food, affordable electricity and cooking gas, gasoline at 7 cents a gallon, and
other social benefits. Moreover, unemployment's 6%. Homelessness is low.' [Ron: Sooo, how
stupid must Amerikans be if they believe criticisms of Hugo Chavez by Obama and the US
"occupation media"?]
Jan 21, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft,
Jupiter.", Part 7 - update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
" In the terrors that befall a pathway, my beloved children, a conscious being is torn and
often immobilized by assaults upon the very soul. You ones who serve so closely to God (not in
pious drivel of assumed "the way it is") are the most sought after souls for the adversary's
"scalp belt". You can, therefore, choose: you can be immobilized, cease and desist in the
"work" and pray the adversary will "go away"--or, you can hold tightly to my hand and I'll
bring you through--with soul untarnished and peace in that valley of terrors. Will this cause
the attackers to stop? No, but you shall be able to prevail and the prevailing will ALWAYS
bring greater insight and ability to gain Mastery. "
Jan 20, 2012 - Nederlands: Twaalf verantwoordelijkheden van Meesterschap.
Door Hazels vriend, vertaling Lilian A.
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - France threatens Afghan pullout after troops killed
France threatened on Friday to pull out early from the NATO-led war in Afghanistan after a
rogue Afghan soldier opened fire on French soldiers, killing four and wounding about 15
others. The killings in the Taghab valley of Afghanistan's eastern Kapisa province were the
latest in a series of incidents in which Afghan troops have turned on Western allies. French
President Nicolas Sarkozy said all French operations on the ground were being suspended and
his defence minister was dispatched to Afghanistan to clarify the situation. - John Irish and
Ahmed Qiam
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - Brown Eyed Girls’ Video “Sixth Sense” or How the Elite Controls
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 19
' forgets that this video is primarily aimed at children and teenagers. While listening to
the music and admiring their idols’ dancing, the viewers are exposed to a powerful lesson
that sticks in the subconscious mind: Resistance is futile. Even worse, resistance does not
even exist as those who appear to be resisting are just leading you towards the elite’s goal.
These kinds of propaganda videos existed under dictatorships, but today they are passed
around as “entertainment”. They get massive airplay on MTV and millions of hits on YouTube.
In reality, nobody is forced to watch these videos, but they are nevertheless quite popular.'
- V.C.
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music
Today’s pop music is filled with symbols and messages aimed to shape and mold today’s youth.
Apart from the occult symbolism discussed in other articles, other parts of the elite’s
agenda are communicated through music videos. Two of those parts are transhumanism and
the introduction of a police state. We’ll look at the way those agendas are part of the acts
of Rihanna, Beyonce, Daddy Yankee and the Black Eyed Peas. - V.C.
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - Doda and Vintage: Bringing the Illuminati Agenda to Eastern Europe
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face-forever." George Orwell, 1984
The [Bad Girls] video takes place in a setting that the Illuminati loves: A futuristic dystopian
police state. Cameras and “tele-screens” everywhere, police in riot gear and a faceless ruler:
This imagery is present in pop videos around the world. The “hero” of the story is Doda, a
half-human half-robot, who emerges from some kind of transhumanist scientific lab. The
promotion of the merger of humans and robots is a staple of the agenda, as seen in the
article “The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music”. - V.C.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 20, 2012 - The Passengers On My Train - TIEVA LOVELL
Please leave your trace of love and light throughout each carriage within this flashing
universal day and its everlasting moonlit night.
For all is one and one of all, within this intertwined depth of its universal moving wall. - Tieva
True US History
Jan 20, 2012 - Orly Taitz Has Another victory
Jan 20, 2012 - Patagonien in Gefahr!
Adrian Salbuchi, 7. Januar 2012, Übersetzung Remo Santini
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - The Landlords of Eminent Domain.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 20
True US History
Jan 20, 2012 - The Alterverse Of Willful Ignorance
If some parasitic force was so self-serving as to actually live off of the inhabitants of a land
or planet, what world would they create to better control the population?... If you want to
know what psychopathic elitist power freaks would do, just look around at the world today.
Something's been completely and systematically laid out and reinforced at every level for a
long, long time and mistakenly we think we have something to say about it. All by design...
Unfortunately, what it boils down to is the only freedom you think you have is virtually the
freedom to roam around your jail cell, and sometimes the mess hall and exercise yard. - Zen
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 20, 2012 - Botschaft 86: Rückkehr vom Eis zur Sonne
Seraphin durch Rosie, 7. Januar 2012, Übersetzung: Christina
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Von Johan / CM, 16. Jan 2012, Übersetzung: Harald K.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 20, 2012 - Zwölf Verpflichtungen zur Meisterschaft
Von einem Freund von Hazel, 17. Januar 2012, Übersetzung Bernd
True US History
Jan 20, 2012 - Has Jewry Infiltrated The Local Police?
This 3' 26" video was uploaded by zionget on Jan 19, 2012:
Pretty soon it seems the ADL will be training our local police in how to smithereen us all. - Br
Nathanael Kapner.
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - Morgan Stanley pays staff £10bn
Political Information
Jan 20, 2012 - Goldman Sachs enters £8bn 'parallel pay universe'
Bankers at Goldman Sachs have been accused of living in a parallel universe after the Wall
Street firm announced it had set aside £8bn to pay its staff in 2011 – an average of
£238,000 each.- Jill Treanor and Patrick Wintour
Phoenix Journals
Jan 20, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", chapter 5 & 6.
" The Truth is there all around you and that is why the increased pressures, laws and efforts
Pdf 35-- Page 21
DESTROYED. All you really have to do is counter the lie with Truth EVERY TIME
True US History
Ron: This ex-US Navy Seal says that from 1992 to 2001 he & others skulked around Iraq,
Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Yemen, LIBYA and other Middle East countries
BOMBING "soft" targets (ie killing people) using guided Tomahawk missiles to create FEAR &
TERROR. NOTE that the US was NOT at war with any of those countries at the time. IF you
want to understand how the US coerces its mlitary into committing TERRORIST acts &
crimes against humanity WATCH THIS VIDEO. If you can't be bothered watching it, YOU
are part of the problem.
Health and Nutrition
Jan 19, 2012 - Breaking news: cancer drugs make tumors more aggressive and deadly
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 19, 2012 - KNOW THYSELF (Subtitulado Español)
Altea: I found this video today with Spanish subtitles and it is a fantastic video.“Know
thyself.” This is my tool to survive in this world. I recommend everybody to do it.
Jan 19, 2012 - old color film from Los Angeles in 1940's
The You Tube channels has lots more vintage material. Fun place to look at the past and
waste time.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 19, 2012 - Star Ship Venus Video's by one of our Readers
Camera NOT on a tripod, so there is much movement in these, the 2nd one is clearer.
Telemensajes de Otros
Jan 19, 2012 - Las alegrías y las penas del mañana
Political Information
Jan 19, 2012 - Blackout Wednseday: The Time Has Come
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 22
Jan 19, 2012 - Pax Judaica To Replace Pax Americana Which Replaced Pax Britannica
The seeds of America’s demise were planted by the Jewish banking system which allows the
privately owned Federal Reserve to create money out of nothing and then through fractional
reserve banking lend out 10 to 30 times as much as was originally created. This will in due
time create an unpayable debt and interest burden which is designed to transfer all wealth
to the banks. It also creates a Depression just like the one the world is now entering.- Horse
True US History
Jan 19, 2012 - America: An Occupied Land With An Occupation Media
An occupying force has the right to rape your women and children. You do not have the right
to say No. Israel is the worldwide center for human trafficking and organ harvesting. Tens
of thousands of American children are stolen every year. These are one way trips that result
in sexual abuse, torture and death. These child kidnapping rings are deeply embedded in
American state governments. Most states contract Child Protective Services out to
DynCorp, a known human trafficker. - Horse 237
Jan 19, 2012 - Syrien: Getöteter französischer Journalist war vom mil. Geheimdienst
Thieery Meyssan, 17. Januar 2012, Übersetzung Remo Santini
True US History
Jan 19, 2012 - Iran To Invade Bahrain After US Suicides Itself By Closing The
Strait of Hormuz
I have written repeatedly that it will take five minutes for the Iranians to sink the American
Persian Gulf fleet and destroy US Central Command forces in the Gulf, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Iranians have Russian anti-ship missiles, 327 kmh supercavitating torpedoes, guided
missiles with fuel air explosive warheads and from that 130 mile range rocket artillery with
1,300 pound warheads.- Horse 237 [Ron: This assessment gels with the views of the late Joe
Vialls and is almost certainly accurate.].
True US History
Jan 19, 2012 - A Role Playing Exercise: ‘Let’s Attack Iran’
Teachers have been trained by psychologists to use role playing to indoctrinate students. In
the fall of l972 a small group of students were told to role play a game called lifeboat in
which students are taught to sacrifice the less important people. The students in this case
were able to figure out a way to save the life of everyone which taught the lesson that we
are all in this together. The professor was enraged because they did not follow instructions.
The students rebelled and refused to participate any further in this exercise.- Horse 237
True US History
Jan 19, 2012 - Prepping American School Children To Commit War Crimes And Suicide
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 23
People who are old enough to have had high school history books do not realize that today’s
school children do not need books because they are being operantly conditioned by B F
Skinner’s techniques to produce any behavior demanded by authorities.You are called crazy
because you can think and understand the difference between right and wrong.
Your critics who were operantly conditioned like dogs for 12 years in American public schools
have no systematic knowledge to make judgements. Students are given one topic at a time so
no overall view on history is available to them.- Horse 237
Jan 19, 2012 - Lit C-1 motorbike can’t ever fall over
Jan 19, 2012 - Who Needs Grass?
True US History
Jan 19, 2012 - The Sacrificial Caste
Texas is a largely-Christian state that appears to believe in neither forgiveness nor
redemption. Last week the Guardian revealed the extent to which it has criminalised its
children(1). Police now patrol the schools, arresting and charging pupils as young as six for
breaches of discipline. Among the villainies for which they have been apprehended are
throwing paper aeroplanes, using perfume in class, cheeking the teacher, wearing the wrong
clothes and arriving late for school. A 12 year-old boy with attention deficit disorder was
imprisoned for turning over a desk; six years later, he’s still inside. Children convicted of
these enormities – 300,000 such tickets were issued by Texas police in 2010 – acquire a
criminal record. This makes them ineligible for federal aid at university and for much
subsequent employment.- George Monbiot
Phoenix Journals
Jan 19, 2012 - PJ #223 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL. 2 ", intro & chapter 3 &
" Because some people feel they have to read this material in the corner of their most
secure closet, let me offer you, AS REGARDS THE TALMUD, FROM THE PEOPLE OF
WHOM WE WRITE. This first will be a direct QUOTATION from The Talmud Unmasked,
the secret rabbinical teaching concerning Christians. You can put any definition on "christian"
that you might choose. Since "Jesus" was not named until almost half a century AFTER Esu
Immanuel's passage from the Holy Land, by Saul of Tarsus (Paul), IN GREECE, it is hard to
believe that the TRUE Christians are the ones who worshipped Jesus, for what in the world
would they have called him? Nothing was written in Gospel form or compiled into that New
Testament (and into a book of Old Testament) UNTIL SOME 300 YEARS AFTER THE
True US History
Jan 18, 2012 - 8 Reasons Young Americans Don't Fight Back: How the US Crushed
Youth Resistance II
In 1955, Erich Fromm, the then widely respected anti-authoritarian leftist psychoanalyst,
wrote, “Today the function of psychiatry, psychology and psychoanalysis threatens to
become the tool in the manipulation of man.” Fromm died in 1980, the same year that ... an
increasingly authoritarian [Ron: Talmudist dominate] American Psychiatric Association added
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 24
to their diagnostic bible (then the DSM-III) disruptive mental disorders for children and
teenagers such as the increasingly popular “oppositional defiant disorder” (ODD). The official
symptoms of ODD include “often actively defies or refuses to comply with adult requests or
rules,” “often argues with adults,” and “often deliberately does things to annoy other people.”
- Bruce E. Levine
True US History
Jan 18, 2012 - Creating lifelong customers: the school-to-prison pipeline and the
private prison industry
Ron: IF you think that so-clled "Welfare Government" is a good thing and you like not having
to be responsible for the education of your children and having the employees and agents of
the "state" exercise YOUR parental authority then you'll love current trends in US
education. But if not, NOT.
Health and Nutrition
Jan 18, 2012 - Polio Vaccines Now The #1 Cause of Polio Paralysis
Ron: Dear God, Let this be the last year in which children anywhere in the world are
subjected to vicious Talmudic disease inducing vaccinations.
Jan 18, 2012 - German: Unity Tarot: TEIL 2
Teil 1 enthält die Lebensgeschichten von Global Villagers 1-50, die alle aus Asien stammen,
und Teil 2 geht hier weiter mit Karten 51-100, die die Geschichten von Global Villagers aus
Europa, Nord- und Südamerika, Afrika und Australien aufzeichnen. Alle haben ihre Probleme,
und alle erlangen Transformation durch erweitertes Bewusstsein oder VISION (Die
Illustrationen sind alle Ausschnitte des Gemäldes THE WORLD-VISION, das diese positiven
Veränderungen zeigt).
By Jess
Jan 18, 2012 - 赛若亚谈人类在宇宙中的职责
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 18, 2012 - Sovereign fragments of Creator are NOT liable for Income Taxes or
other unlawful Government taxes
Ron: Income taxation is a scam. Why? Because, for starters, taking money (taxes) from some
people and giving it to others is theft unless one has the specific and uncoerced agreement
of the donor. Also, the political processes involved in deciding upon taxation; and the
bureaucratic costs of collecting and redistributing the taxed wealth of those who create it
in order to give it to those who don't, usually involves the political and bureaucratic
middlemen taking a 15-20% “cut” out of the tax ‘take’ to sustain their existence and to pay
them for their "services". Sooo, even well run, non-corrupt Welfare Governments
consistently reduce wealth and abundance within the wealth producing sector of society by
some 15-20%.
AbundantHope Front Pages
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True US History
Jan 18, 2012 - Privatizing the War on Terror: America’s Military Contractors
'... according to a Wartime Contracting Commission report released in August 2011, there are
more than 260,000 private contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than the number of
ground troops in both countries.With paid contractors often outnumbering enlisted combat
troops, the American war effort dubbed by George W. Bush as the “coalition of the willing”
has since evolved into the “coalition of the billing.” The Pentagon’s Central Command
counts 225,000 contractors working in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. Between
December 2008 and December 2010, the total number of private security contractors in
Afghanistan increased by 413% while troop levels increased 200%.- John W. Whitehead
True US History
Jan 18, 2012 - Profiting from Poverty
Jan 18, 2012 - World's Smallest Ear Can Hear Germs
Health and Nutrition
Jan 18, 2012 - Breaking: Fluoride Linked to #1 Cause of Death in New Research
Since 1962 the government has recommended fluoride levels between 0.7 and 1.2 milligrams
per liter in the nations drinking water. Toted as an excellent cavity blocker, fluoride has
been praised for its alleged power to prevent tooth decay and boost oral health. Research
has now revealed that fluoride, the very substance that is supposed to prevent tooth decay,
actually does nothing to prevent against cavities. In fact, vitamin D has been found to be
significantly more effective in cavity prevention without the extreme side effects. Instead
of damaging your body, vitamin D slashes your risk of just about everything fluoride
consumption causes. - Anthony Gucciardi
True US History
Jan 18, 2012 - American Jewry IS A Global Regime
Now, with the Nato US/Jewish proxy war machine takeover of Libya with the rest of Africa
soon to fall under Judaic command which controls all the checkpoints of worldwide commerce
- natural resources - emerging markets - gold price-fixing - and trade — it is safe to say that
American Jewry is indeed a “global regime.”- Br Nathanael Kapner
Political Information
Jan 18, 2012 - Western Democracy: Is It Worth Killing For?
[In Venezuela] a referendum was held to determine whether Hugo Chavez, the President of
Venezuela, should be re-called or not. Almost 5 million people, 58% of those who voted, said
that Hugo Chavez should remain in office. What a despicable dictator, winning those
elections over and over again!... In Venezuela, a trip from the barrios, the poor
neighbourhoods in the hills, down to the centre of town; a trip that used to take up to two
hours, now takes 15 minutes on the cable cars the government have built. They are free,
clean, quick, and provide a beautiful view over the city for children on their way to school,
and men and women on their way to work.- Jody McIntyre
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Phoenix Journals - PDF
Jan 18, 2012 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", Pdf copy.
As it seems the edges of universal burdens close in upon your shoulders--stand back from
that which IS and allow perspective to overcome the confusion.
Jan 17, 2012 - Twelve Responsibilities of Mastery
From a friend of Hazel. This is really good. I would suggest copying it to your computers and
perhaps printing it out for reference. -C
True US History
Jan 17, 2012 - The Double Standard in "Hate Crimes"
If two gays or Jews were punched out for expressing their beliefs, you can bet that would
be a hate crime. The police and the media would be all over it... In 2009, law enforcement
agencies reported 6,604 hate crime incidents involving almost 7,800 offenses. Of these,
about 18%, or 1400, were religiously motivated. A whopping 70 percent of these "hate
crimes" were anti-Jewish."Anti Christian" incidents didn't even register.- Henry Makow
Political Information
Jan 17, 2012 - Thierry in Syria - French Journalist killed was Military Intelligence
Political Information
Jan 17, 2012 - American Jew suspected of anti-Semitic attacks against his mother
Political Information
Jan 17, 2012 - SOPA Video
A lot of internet sites are going dark tomorrow over SOPA. We are not, because I don't
understand SOPA will enough to do that, and I don't think its an effective method. But if
you are interested in all the web programs to make pirating easy, this is an interesting video.
Political Information
Jan 17, 2012 - Mash'al's Gambit: The Stolen War
The closing of the strait [of Hormuz] is the ultimate weapon. I don’t believe that the
Iranians will use it against the imposition of sanctions, severe as they may be, as they have
threatened. Only a military attack would warrant such a response. If Israel attacks alone –
“the most stupid idea I ever heard of,” as our former Mossad chief put it – that will make no
difference. Iran will consider it an American action, and close the strait. That’s why the
Obama administration put its foot down, and hand-delivered to Netanyahu and Ehud Barak an
unequivocal order to abstain from any military action. That’s where we are now. No war in
Iran. Just the prospect of a war in Gaza. And along comes this evil Mash’al and tries to spoil
the chances of that, too.- Uri Avnery
Jan 17, 2012 - German: Unity Tarot: TEIL 1
THE UNITY TAROT besteht aus 100 Karten und 100 Geschichten über 100 „Global
Villagers“, deren Leben durch 100 „positive“ Qualitäten transformiert werden. Diese 100
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Werte sichern ein harmonisches Zusammenleben, wenn wir sie aus Liebe zu unseren
Mitmenschen und zu uns selbst freiwillig und gewissenhaft aufrechterhalten. In den
Lebensgeschichten betrachten wir alles, was uns trennt (Kultur, Gebräuche, Glaube), und wir
finden das Gemeinsame – die emotionale Ebene, die Art, wie wir unsere Beziehungen
gestalten, wie wir mit unseren Ängsten, Problemen, mit Trauer und Freude umgehen.
Gleichzeitig zelebrieren wir die unglaubliche Vielfalt und das Potential unserer Welt. Dieses
Material wird hier freigegeben in der Hoffnung, dass es vielseitig eingesetzt wird – für
persönliche Lebensberatungen, für Friedensprozesse, als Basis für Rollen für Theaterstücke
oder Aufführungen, oder als Inspiration für weitere Kreativität. Teil 2 (mit Global Villagers
51-100 folgt)
Jan 17, 2012 - IWF und US-Afrikakommando (AFRICOM) tiun sich zusammen, um den
afrikanischen Kontinent zu plündern
Nile Bowie, 7. Januar 2012, Überstezung Remo Santini
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 17, 2012 - Meditations of JuJu
Lovely meditations from a forum member, who I will just label JuJu. -C
Jan 17, 2012 - Meditation Visions 65 – 67, January 2012
True US History
Jan 17, 2012 - Ron tells it - exactly as it is...
Ron: if service to the US nation is said to be the criterion, WHY not bestow Purple Hearts
etc upon Amerikan mothers who genuinely and positively labour for the welfare of the
nation? At least give those who die in childbirth such honours. No? Why not? Does Amerika
only value death dealing and not life creation?
True US History
Jan 17, 2012 - Occupy the Neighborhood: How Counties Can Use Land Banks and
Eminent Domain
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 17, 2012 - Worst Countries For Women: Afghanistan, Congo, Pakistan, India And
Ron: Cui Bono? Who benefits from all this misery? Assuming that half of the women involved
are soulless robots, is their any point to their suffering? Admittedly we generally treat our
domesticated food animals cruelly and create excessive suffering for most of them and also
for many other animals, without concern; BUT animals have embryonic souls which can gain
from the experience. The same cannot be automatically said of soulless robots.
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True US History
Jan 17, 2012 - Stupid Strikes Again In Georgia
Russia and China are superpowers that can shred the US if push comes to shove. The US
cannot beat Afghanistan. The US cannot beat Iraq. Who in their right damned minds thinks
the US can handle Russia or China, or both alongside the 80 plus million Iranians? China
holds the ultimate "nuke" on the US. Dump the US debt and watch the US turn into Haiti
in less than 10 days. - Karl W B Schwarz
Phoenix Journals
Jan 17, 2012 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", chapter 19, final.
" Corporate public schools (government controlled) teach you that your Continent was named
after Amerigo Vespucci. However, these corporate government schools neglect to teach your
children the meaning of Amerigo Vespucci's name. Professor Miskovsky (Oberlin College)
brought out some interesting facts about the word "America". The Latin masculine singular
for the word "Amerigo" is "Americus" and the feminine singular is "America". The old Gothic
form for the word "America" is "Amel Ric". "Amel" means "heaven" and "ric" means
"kingdom". "Amel Ric" is found in the German language as "Emmerich" or "Himmelreich". Thus
"Amel Ric", "Emmerich " , "Himmel reich " , "Amelukah", "Amerucah: , and "America" became
words for "THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN"! The word "kingdom" means government or governmental jurisdiction. The government of Heaven (from outer space) is to be fully
implemented on Earth as we are told in the "Lord's Prayer"."
True US History
HAS AMENDED U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY There are no states just corporations. Every body politic on this planet is a corporation. A
corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are
images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property and give our children
to a fiction... America is nothing more than a Plantation. It always has been... read Padelford,
Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520 which
states "But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the
ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he
is not a party to it." - Stephen Ames
True US History
Jan 16, 2012 - Cruel And Unusual Punishment
True US History
Jan 16, 2012 - "The Secret To How Our Society's Owners Get Away With
Everything" - M.O.C. #106
The average American spends over 15 years of their life watching television. Has escapism
swamped and destroyed rational thought? This 4' 42" video was uploaded by LeeCamp2 on
Jan 9, 2012:!
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Health and Nutrition
Jan 16, 2012 - Anyone over the age of 35 should read this
Jan 16, 2012 - The Prophecy of Peter Deunov
I may have placed all of part of this here before, but it bears repeating for the teaching and
vision. -C
Jess Anthony
Jan 16, 2012 - Siraya Speaks on Man's Role in the Universe
Siraya, the Trinity Spirit for the seventh superuniverse of Orvonton and voice of the
Creator Source, speaks on the hierarchy involved in the creation process and man's role in
this as an inhabitant of Earth, the bestowal planet for Christ Michael Aton, the creator of
our planet's universe of Nebadon.
Jan 16, 2012 - a letter to a friend
Not an update, simply Kibo's letter to a friend, which makes for an interesting summary of
things. -C
Many of us Lightworkers, Star seeds have reached a dead end street. At crossroads where
we do not want to walk the same roads we have walked before, Yet do not see the new road
instead-From Johan's meditation this morning.
Political Information
Jan 16, 2012 - Military should run troubled schools to prevent new generation of
rioters, says think-tank
Ron: Here is yet another reason why the US and UK governments and all the rest, NEED TO
BE REPLACED NOW! Apparently what the Rockefellers and their Wundtian and behaviourist
psychologists have done to Anglo-US schooling isn't enough.* NOW the Jews want to get
their military psychopaths and robots to 'teach" children! Have you not had enough of this
bullshit yet, dear reader? What more can the psychopaths running Anglo-US societies DO to
us once they get the military to teach our childfren? *See:
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 16, 2012 - 30 million women and children sex trafficked globally
Ron: Here is yet another reason why divine intervention is needed to rid humanity of the
abysmally corrupt political and legal systems that control our world and almost every country
in it. Honest community governance would eliminate such problems almost completely but our
wolrd is governed by hordes of criminals controlled and directed by Neo-Pharisees.
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True US History
Jan 16, 2012 - Zionists Are a Fifth Column in America
Ron: NUP! Zionists are merely a subset of the true enemies of humanity namely Talmudic
Jews, aka neo-Pharisees! KNOW YOUR ENEMY for they are God's enemies also! Don't be
side tracked by authors like Richard Evans who imply that Zionists, a relatively recent
creation of the hidden Talmudic banksters who covet the Earth and everything in and on it,
are the enemy of humanity. Zionism is just one of many "isms" (like Socialism, Bolshevism,
Communism, Jacobinism, Capitalism, Fascism etc, behind which Jews conceal their neoPharisaic activities. Never forget that Talmudic banksters control ALL sides of every
political conflict. Zionists are but ONE side of the many sided Jewish control kaledioscope.
True US History
Ron: The "woods are full of them!" President Lyndon Johnson was a Jew. Our world is totally
infested by a Jewish Fifth Column that has all but strangled humanity and the planet to
death by parasitically sucking the life out of every non-Talmudist and all living things.
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 16, 2012 - It’s a girl: The three deadliest words in the world
Ron: Here's another reason why divine intervention is required on Urantia "sooner" rather
than later. If Nikola Tesla's work had been embraced and publicised instead of suppressed
and hidden by those who control the global matrix there would have been no effective socioeconomic or political pressure to kill females or anyone today. By now humanity would be at
peace and emersed in abundance.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 16, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", chapter 3 & 4.
Targeted Messages
Jan 15, 2012 - Targeted Message to the children of the blood:
Message to the children of the blood:
Your blood is tainted and must be purged from the system.
We had hoped to cleanse it, but to no avail.
We have all We need and shall proceed without you.
No more.
No more opportunities.
No more chances.
No more asking.
Negotiations are, indeed, over.
Fear has overcome you.
That fear now causes you to plan many things that you simply cannot do. Not that We
would ever allow you to, but you no longer have the means available to do so. While this
fact is obvious to you, still, you plan behind what you think are closed doors...plan
Should you ever decide to replace your fear with love in unity with all things, we will
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For now it is enough that you know that it is over.
We are ready.
Adama is ready.
Esu is ready.
Christ Michael is ready.
Siraya and Source, as one, is ready.
The entire Federation of Light is ready.
The Elohim are ready.
The Celestial Hosts of Legions of Armies is ready.
The Ascended Masters are ready.
The whole of the Spiritual Hierarchy is ready.
The Earth Allies are ready.
Humanity is ready.
Gaia is ready.
Satania is ready.
Nebadon is ready.
Orvonton is ready.
Creation is ready.
I am to inform you that all is and are, ready.
It is enough.
It is so and so it is
Jan 15, 2012 - Italian: Siraya Parla del Ruolo dell’Uomo nell’Universo
Siraya tramite Jess Anthony, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 15, 2012 - Teachings from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
True US History
Jan 15, 2012 - Impossibility Of Full-Spectrum Dominance
Political Information
Jan 15, 2012 - Court convicts 4 Israelis of heading international human trafficking
True US History
Jan 15, 2012 - IRAQ: Tariq Aziz: "They Killed our Country. We are all Victims of
Britain and America"
Political Information
Jan 15, 2012 - The Globalists' Worst Nightmare Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution
to the globalist problem.(Repost)
Political Information
Jan 15, 2012 - Globalists' Australian Nexus: A globalist rat's nest amidst the rise of
True US History
Jan 15, 2012 - Frank Lowy, Zionism and 9/11
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Ron: The Jews are EVERYWHERE, creating a Fifth Column that infests the wholeworld. Fifty
days before 9/11, Larry Silverstein's Silverstein Properties and Frank Lowy's Westfield
Americaand Westfield America insured the complex for $3.55 billion, but after the attacks
of September 11 lodged a claim for $7.1 billion on the premise that each plane collision
constituted a separate act of terrorism, doubling the payout. Just lucky I guess ...
Political Information
Jan 15, 2012 - Cashless Society: India Implements First Biometric ID Program for all
of its 1.2 Billion Residents
Recently, India has launched a nationwide program involving the allocation of a Unique
Identification Number (UID) to every single one of its 1.2 billion residents. Each of the
numbers will be tied to the biometric data of the recipient using three different forms of
information – fingerprints, iris scans, and pictures of the face. All ten digits of the hand will
be recorded, and both eyes will be scanned... The ultimate goal of an all-encompassing
cashless surveillance program with no opt-out provisions is always introduced by stealth and
the Gradualist Technique.
Political Information
Jan 15, 2012 - Murder in Rome
Ron: Sadly, the corruption is sooo deep and sooo wide and the Judiciary sooo tainted in the
New Rome that it is no longer possible for a modern day Cicero to obtain an outcome such as
this. But if anything, the truth of Cicero's key submission: Cui Bono? (Who Benefits?), is
even more true in relation to the criminal activities of today's rulers than it was in 80BC.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 15, 2012 - PJ #81 " RUSSIAN ROULETTE, AMONG OTHER THINGS ", chapter
3 & 4.
Political Information
Jan 14, 2012 - Inside the intriguing world of Tony Blair Incorporated
Political Information
Jan 14, 2012 - You-Might-not-Feel-it-but-Your-Children-Will
Jan 14, 2012 - Seeing is Believing.
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Atmospheric CO2 is NOT a pollutant. This 2' 14" video Uploaded by co2science on Apr 9,
Uploader's comments: Isolated for 42 days in chambers of ambient and elevated CO2
concentrations, we periodically document the growth of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata) via
time-lapse photography. A 180% increase in CO2 produced quicker, healthier growth and a
44% increase in totatl biomass in 42 days.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 14, 2012 - The Eye
The saying then, that the soul shows itself in the eye, is deeply founded, and we feel that it
expresses a great truth. It has a profound meaning even for one who, like a poet or artist,
only following; his inborn instinct or love for Nature, finds delight in aimless thoughts and in
the mere contemplation of natural phenomena, but a still more profound meaning for one who,
in the spirit of positive scientific investigation, seeks to ascertain the causes of the effects.
It is principally the natural philosopher, the physicist, for whom the eye is the subject of
the most intense admiration... the eye is, as far as our positive knowledge goes, the only
organ which is directly affected by that subtle medium, which as science teaches us, must
fill all space; secondly, it is the most sensitive of our organs, incomparably more sensitive to
external impressions than any other... the eye is the means through which the human race
has acquired the entire knowledge it possesses, that it controls all our motions, more still,
and our actions.- Nikola Tesla
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Jan 14, 2012 - Siraya spricht über die Rolle des Menschen im Universum
Siraya durch Jess, 16.1.2012 Übersetzung Bernd
Jan 14, 2012 - Nederlands: Siraya spreekt over de Rol van de Mens in het heelal.
Siraya door Jess Anthony, vertaling Lilian A
Jan 14, 2012 - MSM-Propaganda gegen Syrien: nun kommt die geräuschlose
Behandlung, 5. Januar 2011, Übersetzung Remo Santini
True US History
Jan 14, 2012 - Critique of belief in Obama or Ron Paul as potential saviours of
Ron: Here's a blast from the past. Given the tendency for some to seek to idolise Ron Paul as
a saviour for USans and their form of governance I thought it forwhile to revisit a similar
discussion I had in early July 2007 with a passionate Obama supporter who thought Obama
was going to be the saviour of Amerika and the world. His belief was such that he was
downright critical of me and AH for doubting Obama. This post was made to a Yahoo
AHSupport forum on 7 July 2007.
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Political Information
Jan 14, 2012 - Libyan Constitution & Sharia
'... since 2nd March 1977, the Constitution of Libya, in line with the Third Universal Theory
(see what The Green Book says about Law, and that depends on the nation and society, i.e. a
Christian one would use the Bible, a Jewish one the Torah, etc)... the Constitution of Libya,
was exactly: The Holy Qur'an. And thus, Libya had Sharia: free housing, free electricity,
free water, free education, free health care, free dental care (and I write this with teeth
rotting in my mouth and in constant pain as I could not return to Libya to be treated and
Australia does not provide this even for its citizens)..'.- Mathaba Support
True US History
Jan 14, 2012 - Iran Warns of Wider Response to US Spy Missions
True US History
Jan 14, 2012 - Iran: US Drone RQA-170's design confirms US ill intent
Jan 14, 2012 - Remarkable photographs reveal hidden charms of ordinary SAND
True US History
Jan 14, 2012 - Duck Dinner
The story of Amerikka's Great 21st Century Depression & Amerikka's future. Beware of socalled welfare governments ...
Phoenix Journals
Jan 14, 2012 - PJ #223 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL. 2 ", intro & chapter 1 &
" I could have bet that Psalms came right before the book of Proverbs in the OLD
TESTAMENT. How then could this be a reference to the "THE CRY OF CHRIST ON
THE CROSS"? Ah, again the truth is given away in the face of the lies. It became
recognized as the "Cry of 'Jesus' Christ on the Cross"--because nobody knew any
better about anything. And just WHO wrote the PSALMS? I wonder if you have very
much of any knowledge or understanding about your own religions? "
Political Information
Jan 13, 2012 - The Handbook of Human Ownership - A Manual for New Tax Farmers
Ron: Stefan Molyneux identifies governments as the fundamental instruments of human
oppression but fails to acknowledge that the politicians who operate such fictional corporate
legal entities are, like the governments they operate, mere tools of the real farmers of the
global plantation. Hidden Talmudic global matrix controllers are the real owners of the global
plantation and the true farmers of the free range serfs that constitute the bulk of
humanity. Molyneux also fails to note that the real slave owners and matrix controllers are
Talmudic banksters and corporatists. Moreover, for some reason he omits mention of the
fact that the Talmudic owners not only have a monopoly on force and violence via their
control of governments but also they have a monopoly on the creation of money out of thin
air upon which they charge interest (usury). In fact it is this money creation monopoly,
AbundantHope Front Pages
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bolstered by usury, which has been the real means used to enslave humanity. Governments
and corporations are mere figments of human imagination and as such they can DO nothing.
Otherwise though, this is a very evocative explanation of humanity's enslavement and the
state of mind that has induced it.
Jan 13, 2012 - Unity Tarot, part II.
Part 1 contained the stories of Global villagers 1-50 who are all from Asia, and here is Part 2
covering Global Villagers 51-100 from Europe, North and South America, Africa and
Australia. All have their problems, all undergo transformation through an expansion of
consciousness or VISION (the illustrations are all details from the painting THE WORLDVISION which depicts the changes).
Political Information
Jan 13, 2012 - A Bad Case of Chosen People Syndrome.
'...the main problem is not the vampire bats in the roof rafters of the ship of economy and
state. It's all the little people pretending to be a part of the operation. They're the people
who make it possible for shit on a shingle to be made with the actual ingredients and served
to everyone else. They'll tell you they like the taste but a lot of people don't mind eating
shit if you serve it to them warm. A lot of people don't mind the deaths and the destruction
as long as they are employed. They believe what serves their purposes to continue on into the
support net of lies that hold them up and allow them that safe detachment, from the
awareness of the impact of what they do and who they serve.' - Les Visible
Political Information
Jan 13, 2012 - The Great Shadow at the Gates of Ruin.
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - US: Further Debt, Dimming Prospects
We're keeping a close eye on this because in predictive linguistics this looks like one
cornerstone of the crapstorm to come in March since looking back at language in the period,
from the perspective of where language is heading by fall, it looks like we could see an
implosion of US dollars, which might result from a sequence like this: ...
 The U.S. is forced (as a last-gasp effort) to devalue the US dollar in order to make
the debt look better...but that then...
 Instantly this doubles the prices of gold, silver, oh...and food and other commodities
valued in US dollars, too...real estate doubles overnight, too...
 And seeing that there's no instant adjustment to Social Security and to things like
the educational system's favorite crack-like drug (student loans) colleges and
universities start their cutbacks.... - George Ure
Political Information
Jan 13, 2012 - Libya and the Infamy of Freedom and Democracy
Lest we forget. Please pray for the mothers, fathers, families and medical workers who
have to deal with the effects of the DU that the US, UK & NATO spew across Iraq,
Afghanistan, Libya and wherever they drop their bombs, missiles and shells.
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Political Information
Jan 13, 2012 - Brian Basham: Beware corporate psychopaths – they are still occupying
positions of power
Jan 13, 2012 - Greeks Reclaim the Land to Ease the Pain of Economic Austerity
Here is another example of how when people are under pressure they have to find solutions
and cooperate. The path to 'sustainablity' and more... BG
Ron: If you can't get employment start growing your own food...
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - Setting the Record Straight: Did Monsanto Really Buy Blackwater
Even though Monsanto may not have purchased Blackwater, their relationship with them
remains quite clear. Both organizations are noted for their crimes against humanity, and they
really do have a twisted synergy of sorts so it is quite easy to see how the topic became
viral. While they may not be owned by the same individuals, one thing is clear: the
relationship between these two companies is enough cause for alarm.- Anthony Gucciardi
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - U.S. wants to ‘close down the Central Bank of Iran’
Ron: Explain to me why an attempt by the US to close down the Central Bank of Iran is NOT
an act of war? If Iran publicly proclaimed its intention to close down the Federal Reserve
System in the US or the Bank of England or the European Central Bank would that be OK?
No? WHY NOT? Why can the FKN Amerikkans threaten to do such horrendous things with
impunity? The Jews recently closed down the Libyan Central Bank with extreme prejudice
and stole hundreds of billions of USD ln the process while no one batted an eyelid. But if
they try to do it to Iran it will be the last time they try that caper.
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - The West Blinks - Iran Embargo Likely To Be Delayed By Six Months
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - Haiti - Two Years Later
Ron: Blue Helmet occupation has militarized Haiti. People hate them and want them out.
What the US and UN and their henchmen have done to Haiti in the two years since the
earthquake is as heinous as what they have done to Libya and are seeking to do to Syria. The
karma being accumulated by journalists and others who continue to conceal the truth will be
horrendous. They are accomplices either contemporaneously or after the fact.
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - Next stop in the Soros: Themed revolution express-Indonesia
"Al Qaeda" has been largely vanquished or co-opted (since its support was needed to topple
Muammar Qaddafi in Libya and Bashar al Assad in Syria)... Obama is establishing five
military bases in Australia, which are seen as much as a threat to Indonesia as they are to
China... Any attempt to foment a sandal revolution in Indonesia will be met with a distribution
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of documents so embarrassing to Obama it will make the WikiLeaks caper look like a minor
disclosure of an unimportant company's Christmas card list.- Wayne Madsen
True US History
Jan 13, 2012 - The Jewish War On Vladimir Putin
Vladmir Putin, a devout orthodox Christian has as his reinforcement troops, ALL THE
POWERS OF HEAVEN and for this battalion fully equiped for lethal battle, international
Jewry has NO Defence.- Br Nathanael Kapner
Phoenix Journals
Jan 13, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", chapter 1 & 2.
" When the pain of perceived circumstance falls heavily on your shoulders and still you HAVE
TO CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY the footprints in the sand grow deeper and the legs often
fail the burden-bearer. It is those things which seem to fall upon you when you would rather
give them distance which brings the piercing surges of agony and trial. Through these valleys
of shadows when the light is clouded by the deliberate efforts of others--the soul cries out
for relief. It is such as this which calls the trumpet sounds and summons support from the
Father who sees the "whole" of it. "
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 12, 2012 - Amnesty International Closes Online Poll, Hides Human Rights Hero
Winner Interesting read, not sure if Ron posted on this or
not, but its worth your time. -C
Ron: Try:
Jan 12, 2012 - Chinese build 30-storey building in just 15 days
Ron: While routinely constructing high rise buildings is arguably not ideal, this achievement
by a Chinese company demonstartaes the truth of what Einstein said in the 1930s, namely
that humanity had solved its productivity problems. Even without using LENR and other free
energy devices it is obviously possible to properly house the global population IF those who
control our world choose to do so.
Political Information
Jan 12, 2012 - The Next American Revolution Won't Be Like the First
Ron: After stasis we will go back to the future. Tocqueville wrote,
Americans of all ages, all conditions, and all dispositions, constantly form associations. They
have not only commercial and manufacturing companies, in which all take part, but
associations of a thousand other kinds — religious, moral, serious, futile, extensive or
restricted, enormous or diminutive.
If a barn needed to be raised, a school roof repaired, or a social cause advanced, then people
banded together — and the work was done. Tocqueville concluded, "Wherever, at the head of
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 38
some new undertaking, you see the government in France … in the United States you will be
sure to find an association."
Health and Nutrition
Jan 12, 2012 - Dude, That Isn’t Wax On Your Apple!
Ron: Here's another reason why we must return to producing our food close to our local
communities where freshness is assured and there's no need for elaborate, toxic packaging.
Jan 12, 2012 - Unity Tarot
The UNITY TAROT consists of 100 cards and 100 stories of 100 Global Villagers whose
transformation is secured by exploring 100 “positive” qualities.
The more they serve as our point of orientation, the more we voluntarily and conscientiously
adhere to them out of love for ourselves and our fellow humans, the faster we will move
towards harmonious living. In the course of these stories, we encounter everything which
separates us (culture, customs, beliefs) and discover mutual ground, the world of feelings
and emotions: how we conduct our relationships; how we deal with our fears and problems;
how we express our sadness and joy. Simultaneously, we celebrate our miraculous diversity
and potential. This material is released here in the hope that it will be used in a variety of
ways - in personal counselling, by using the roles to create plays or performances, or as
inspiration for whatever you wish to create.
PART 2, containing cards 51-100 will follow shortly.
David Crayford and the OITC
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 12, 2012 - Chewy Caramels
A Heaven Letter that seems appropriate right now. I don't publish all of these, you can get
them in your mailbox if you enjoy them.
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Jan 12, 2012 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I " Pdf copy.
buried, burned and kept from you to better fool you people ALL THE TIME. When scholars
recognize the lies and the game plan-they are murdered. No, I suggest that no matter how
big that paper or overwhelming these Journals may seem to your senses-STUDY THEM
Political Information
Jan 11, 2012 - Israel drops unknown object on Lebanon
Ron: Imagine what would happen if Palestinians or Lebanese militias flew war planes over
Israel (or the US) and dropped "objects" or cluster bombs?! Israel and the US would regard
such actions as act of war and start to bomb chit out of civilian Palestinian and Lebanese
ousing and infrastructure.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 39
Political Information
Jan 11, 2012 - 'Mossad, MKO killed Iranian scientist'
Ron: Imagine the media outcry if Iranian agents were to assassinate an Anglo-Amerikkan or
European scientist in the way that MOSSAD and the CIA and their terrorist lackeys kill
Iranians. We would never hear the end of it. YET Mossad and the CIA have been routinely
murdering Iranian scientists in this way for many years.
Health and Nutrition
Jan 11, 2012 - Sunlight Prevents Cancer: Proven by Research From 100+ Countries
For the same reason that the conventional energy industry has not harnessed the full
potential of solar energy (its free!), sunlight and its indispensable byproduct in our skin:
vitamin D, represents a serious threat to the medical establishment, whose questionable and
aggressive promotion of vaccination and drug-based strategies in place of inexpensive, safe
and effective vitamin D supplementation (or better, carefully meted out recreation and
sunlight exposure) for immunity, has many questioning their motives.- greenmedinfo
True US History
Jan 11, 2012 - How to Start a War: The American Use of War Pretext Incidents.
"It is vitally important to expose this latest attempt [9/11] to fraudulently conceal the
largely economic and geostrategic purposes of war. By asking who benefits from war, we can
unmask its pretense and expose the true grounds for instigating it. By throwing light on
repeated historical patterns of deception, we can promote skepticism about the
government and media yarns that have been spun to encourage this war. The historical
knowledge of how war planners have tricked people into supporting past wars, is like a
vaccine. We can use this understanding of history to inoculate the public with healthy doses
of distrust for official war pretext narratives and other deceptive stratagems. Through
such immunization programs we may help to counter our society’s susceptibility to “war
fever.” - Richard Sanders
Political Information
Jan 11, 2012 - Loggers 'burned Amazon tribe girl alive'
Ron: More grist to the mill ...
Health and Nutrition
Jan 11, 2012 - Over 40% of Indian children are malnourished, report finds
In 2010 researchers at Oxford University found that there were more poor people in eight
states of India than in the 26 countries of sub-Saharan Africa. More than 410 million people
live in poverty in the eight states where the "intensity" of the poverty in parts of India is
equal to, if not worse than, that in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the war-racked
African nation.- Jason Burke
True US History
Jan 11, 2012 - Unaccountable - Private Military Contractor Abuses
In 1999, DynCorp employees were accused of "buying and keeping women and girls as young
as twelve years old in sexual slavery in Bosnia." Most shocking is that no one was held
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 40
accountable. In fact, the company got a new $250 million contract to train Iraqi police notably after whistleblower employees were fired ... Liability for these crimes "should
extend beyond the individual perpetrator to the US government itself... Occupied populations
are especially vulnerable. Sex crimes committed by US military personnel and PMCs are
commonplace. Evidence includes "acts causing bodily harm using unlawful force as well as
sexual offenses including, but no limited to rape, sodomy and indecent assault... Bosnian and
Kosovo women suffered during war. PMCs then treated them as exploitable sex objects. Yet
they're immune from suits unless crimes occurred in war zones or on US military or
government installations." - Stephen Lendman
True US History
Jan 11, 2012 - Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street – Financial Elite Start
Turning On Each Other
Ron: WATCH this 6' 32" video: Banks Got Free Money From Fed:
True US History
Jan 11, 2012 - The US schools with their own police
Ron: Governments exercise a monopoly on force and violence. Are you OK with that?
Political Information
Jan 11, 2012 - The Terrible Specter of the Dreadful Few.
They are near exclusively sitting on the boards of directors of every powerful, alternative
sexual organization, which they are using, in a premeditated fashion, to destroy western
culture. They are the sole motive force behind taking Christ out of Christmas and laugh at
you when all trace of Christian presence is removed from The White House, while a menorah
as big as an amusement park ride is raised up across the street from it. They are the sole
motive force behind political correctness, which is one of the most singularly evil
philosophies in the world. - Les Visible
True US History
Jan 11, 2012 - The West Wing - Holy Land Map
Some people will be offended by it. This 3' 13" video was uploaded by DotConnectorUK on
Jan 9, 2012:
True US History
Jan 11, 2012 - Insider Trading Legal For Members Of Congress
"So, for instance, if a lawmaker learns an upcoming bill will grant a company a large
government contract, which could boost that company's stock, he or she is free to buy that
stock ahead of the bill's public introduction. This form of 'insider trading' is one of the
reasons why there are so many wealthy members of Congress, reported earlier
this year. - Devvy Kidd
Phoenix Journals
Jan 11, 2012 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", chapter 17 & 18.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 41
Jan 10, 2012 - USDA Scientist Reveals All: Glyphosate Hazards to Crops, Soils,
Animals, and Consumers
True US History
Jan 10, 2012 - Jewish Money Tabs Romney & Obama
What flavor of Jew-control do you want? Republican flavor? Then you’ve got the Republican
Jewish Coalition. Democrat flavor? Then you’ve got the National Jewish Democratic Council.
BOTH have BILLIONS at their command to dictate a Jewish agenda to either party. And
what is the Jewish agenda? Growing up as a Jew, this author never heard during a
presidential election with regard to any of the candidates, “Is he good for America?” NO,
never. What I did constantly hear was, “Is he good for the Jews?” And that is the ONLY
candidate that can possibly be nominated by either party. This is because international
Jewry controls both the money and the media that goes into the “making” of a presidential
candidate. Period. View Entire Story Here & Here... Jack Rosen, Chairman of the American
Council for World Jewry, (one of the HUNDREDS of Jew organizations infesting
America), who hosted a campaign fundraiser attended by Obama in November, boasted that
it “wasn’t difficult” getting his people to contribute. - Br Nathanael Kapner
Jan 10, 2012 - just my off hand comment to the dark
Dark brothers, just my own little off hand comment tonight, but what is so terribly hard
about the concept of mutual OPEN work with fleet to heal the mess you created? Why not
seek the glory? REAL GLORY. Your wars are not glory. Gifting the ignorant people what you
have kept truth from, just might be real glory though. Imagine what a partnership with the
Divine could create. Candace
True US History
Jan 10, 2012 - US Builds Hospitals in Georgia, Readies for War with Iran
Human/Animal Rights
Jan 10, 2012 - The touching scenes of friendship
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 10, 2012 - CM und Kibo, 1. Jan.
Jan. 2012 - Übersetzung: Harald K.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 10, 2012 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", chapter 11 & 12,
" We are going to confront the enemy of God Creator and he is going to fall--bet on it. And
he is going to fail through nothing more than TRUTH, HONOR, INTEGRITY, AND USE OF
the masses handle this responsibility? No. The "masses" will wish and wash as told by their
comfortable leaders. They don't know God or Evil--only whatever has been the food of their
training. But God's people will recognize TRUTH, even if they deny it, and we shall PROVE
beyond all doubt, before this is finished, who we are and just what we are. "
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 42
Political Information
Jan 9, 2012 - 'If you don't take a job as a prostitute, we can stop your benefits'
Ron: Prostitution was legalised in Germany in 2002 because the government believed that
this would help to combat criminal trafficking in women. Sooo, now the German
government does the trafficking?!? If you didn't realise before that Germany is run by
Talmudic Jews YOU KNOW NOW!
Health and Nutrition
Jan 9, 2012 - Chicken infected with antibiotic-resistant germs
True US History
Jan 9, 2012 - Saving the Post Office and Postal Banking : The Models of Kiwibank and
Japan Post
Postal banks are now thriving in New Zealand, not as a historical artifact but as a popular new
innovation. When they were instituted in 2002, it was not to save the post office but to save
New Zealand families and small businesses from big-bank predators... Their solution was to
open bank branches in post offices. Kiwibank was established as a subsidiary of the
government-owned New Zealand Post... Suddenly, New Zealanders had a choice in banking. In
an early “move your money” campaign, they voted with their feet. In an island nation of only 4
million people, in its first five years Kiwibank attracted 500,000 customers away from the
big banks. - Ellen Brown
True US History
Jan 9, 2012 - Why Washington Wants 'Finito' With Putin
As careful analysts of the 2004 Ukraine "Orange revolution" and the numerous other USfinanced color revolutions discovered, control of polling and ability to dominate international
media perceptions, especially major TV such as CNN or BBC is an essential component of the
Washington destabilization agenda... the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a
"private, nonprofit foundation...The NED was created during the Reagan Administration to
function as a de facto CIA, privatized so as to allow it more freedom of action.- F. William
True US History
Jan 9, 2012 - Targeting Journalists In Iraq
True US History
Jan 9, 2012 - 3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in
North Dakota and Montana’s Bakken Formation—25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate—
Ron: Sooo, WHY is the US and NATO occupying Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya et al? And why
is "Peak Oil" still given a run by the media and others? In any event Andrea Rossi's E-Cat
cold fusion technology is already in production; and other zero-point (energy from the
vacuum) devices are virtually ready to "go", sooo WHY don't governments and the
mainstream media acknowledge the fact?
Political Information
Jan 9, 2012 - May the force be with her: Russian woman sneaks into missile
factory... and discovered it looks just like a scene from Star Wars
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Ron: Either this factory is producing old technology or Putin & Co want the world to know
Political Information
Jan 9, 2012 - Iran, Russia Replace Dollar with National Currencies in Trade
Jan 9, 2012 - Publicly funded GMO research in India exposed as fraud to secretly
sneak in Monsanto seeds
Political Information
Jan 9, 2012 - Nigeria fuel strike brings country to a halt
Ron: Most of Nigeria's 160 million people live on less than $2 (£1.30) a day so increasing fuel
prices will impoverish many and starve not a few. The CIA and other henchmen of the Khazar
controlled IMF, World Bank and Nigerian Central Bank are undermining the Nigerian
"economy" and that situation is exacerbated by these so-called deregulation measures which
are designed to extract even more Nigerian created wealth for the benefit of banksters
while at the same time destabilising the whole country (not just this current government). As
with all countries being targetted for destabilisation by the US on behalf of the banksters,
the aim of TPTW and their US puppet military and secret services, is to create chaos such
that Nigeria can be broken up into three seperate "countries" so that it will be easier to
control and will not present a threat to bankster imperialism by being an effective voice for
African unity.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 9, 2012 - The purpose of life for me is to Love neighbour as self for the love of
God. . . . . .
Ron: The purpose of life for me is to Love neighbour as self for the love of God. Of course to
do that I have to learn what love is, who my neighbour is; and who I AM. When I have done
that I will love God (All) for I will know that I am part of God, since God IS love. I find that
to clear the confusion within me I have to understand the (virtual) world outside me. Given
the incredibly dense and dark environment in which we are born, raised, socially conditioned
and mind controlled, that has been a very difficult task for me and, I suspect, for most
Jan 9, 2012 - Wer kontrolliert die Welt wirklich?
Prof. Dr. Mujahid Kamran, 23.12.2011
Phoenix Journals
Jan 9, 2012 - PJ #81 " RUSSIAN ROULETTE, AMONG OTHER THINGS ", chapter 1
& 2.
True US History
Jan 8, 2012 - 2 Fined For Deer Rescue Say They'd Do It Again
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Ron: Governments are figments of human imagination. They are fictional creations that only
exist on paper. WHY then, do sovereign human individuals and societies composed of
sovereign individuals allow people who claim to be authorised by these bits of paper, coerce
them and steal from them using threats and violence? The mind boggles! Those who are sooo
afraid of living that they give up their freedom for the "security" of having others decide
how they can live and breath deserve neither freedom nor security. GET OFF YOUR KNEES
Political Information
Jan 8, 2012 - Should disabled people be tasered by the police for stealing petrol?
Ron: Tell me again why you reckon that governments should have a monopoly on the use of
force and violence on citizens.
True US History
Jan 8, 2012 - 'Bibi' Netanyahu, Hilary and the CFR/RIIA brigade are plotting
history's most evil blood sacrifice ever
Ron: This is worth a read. Discernment is required but there's plenty of interesting history
discussed and referenced. At least watch this video:History of the Intervention in Iran 1953 Until Present: But be aware that this
video fails to mention that the deposing of the Shah & his replacement with the Ayatollah
Khomeini was ordered by David Rockefeller and organised by the CIA. Nothing is ever what it
seems... The true story is in Dr Peter Beter's Audio Letter No.52 at
David Crayford and the OITC
Jan 8, 2012 - Whistleblower is Back
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 8, 2012 - Complexity Shock: Cresting with the Wave
From the accretion patterns, it does not look as though 'business as usual' persists past
March 10th... We, those voyagers in the matterium, will soon reach a point where the
universe propelled complexification becomes 'observable'... the aware observer will be
swimming in the shockwave of the ever new now long before the msm can muster the
coherent thoughts necessary to describe the contexts of the emerging reality around them...
What is palpable is that we (terrestrial humanity) are close to this upcoming experience. Clif High
Jan 8, 2012 - Cloud ship over me a few days ago
&number=106&submitrating=submit&rating=10#slideanchor Not my pic, but I did see it, and
there were others. And this one was there LONG before sunset and pretty much staight
west of my house.
Jan 8, 2012 - Message 86: RETURN FROM ICE TO SUN
AbundantHope Front Pages
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Seraphin through Rosie
Political Information
Jan 8, 2012 - THRIVE Foster Gamble on Free Energies, Money, Presidential,
Conspiracies & the Thrive Movement movie
Ron: In this interview Foster Gambol talks a pretty good game BUT what he says does NOT
'gel' with much of what the movie says and doesn’t say. For instance in this interview he
says he’s followed the free energy field - devices which he says work out of the space around
us - for 15 years, and he talks about the killing of inventors and suppression of inventions and
inventors. He says that every laboratory he visited has subsequently been shut down (?!?)
and that “They” (he is NEVER specific about who “they” are) have suppressed 5,000 free
energy devices in the US. BUT there is NO mention of any of this in THRIVE, the
movie. Why?
True US History
Jan 8, 2012 - Ron Paul & US Governance: Why Humanity is enslaved and what is
needed to regain human Sovereignty.
Ron: Supporting Ron Paul or anyone in the current US political circus is to support the status
quo. Those who control the US, the global matrix and most of our world, control ALL sides of
every political debate and important political and social issue – using the Hegelian dialectic.
They thus ensure that no matter who wins, THEY WIN and control key outcomes. Those who
supported Obama in the previous election exhibited the same ignorance and blind faith in the
US political puppet show as those who now support Ron Paul. Those who don’t learn from
history are destined to repeat it.
True US History
Jan 8, 2012 - U.N. Taking Over City Councils Across America!
Ron: Brothers & Sisters, ya betta pray for divine intervention because otherwise the United
Nations and Agenda 21 are gonna getcha... And soon. i guess it'll be a race between "soon"
and "shortly" ... Rest assured tho, once enough folk are in FEMA camps the cavalry WILL
come over the hill.
Jan 8, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft, Jupiter.",
Part 6.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Jan 8, 2012 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft, Jupiter.",
Part 5 - update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 8, 2012 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", chapter 15 & 16.
True US History
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 46
Jan 7, 2012 - British Invisibles’ Trusted Traders - Michelle Obama Hired To Hide
Husband's Role - Worker-Sabotage Team - Insecticide Bomb - Bhopal, India
Ron: Dunno what to make of this stuff. No doubt discernment is required.
Political Information
Jan 7, 2012 - Aung San Suu Kyi Receives Corporate Fascist Seal of Approval: British
FM William Hague awards her the "Chatham House Prize."
'... an actual look at Chatham House's membership reveals what is essential a fraudulent
convergence of corporate-financier elitist interests, government, so-called "NGOs," and
media. Their "corporate & NGO membership" includes Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, British
Petroleum, Amsterdam & Peroff, Bloomsberg, BBC, Coca-Cola, Dutsche Bank, BAE Systems,
the Economist, GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Morgan Stanley, Total, Texco,
Reuters, Boeing, Standard Chartered Bank, Thales, Lockheed Martin, World Vision, Human
Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Barclays Capital.- Tony Cartalucci
Political Information
Jan 7, 2012 - Patagonia In Danger!
Ron: Tell me again why you think that Jews are lovely people; and why butter doesn't melt in
their mouths. While you're at it explain why Talmudic Fifth Column communities just happen
to congregate in every strategic global location from Alaska to Patagonia and why Jews with
military training just happen to "holiday" extensively in places like Christchurch New
Zealand, Tasmania and Patagonia and similar locales.
True US History
Jan 7, 2012 - The IMF and US African Command (AFRICOM) Join Hands in the
Plunder of the African Continent
Ron: You didn't hail from Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, the Sudan or Yemen so you didn't
worry. You're not a Libyan or a citizen of the Ivory Coast so you're not fazed. You're not a
Nigerian, Iranian or Syrian so why would you worry now? With a bit of luck it could be a few
years before they come for YOU.
Political Information
Jan 7, 2012 - The Casualties of Libya and Ivory Coast Have Brought About a New
World Order
The Libyan war has put an end to the way things used to be done in the 20th century, the
century of mutual wars of the West, the century of colonial war in Africa and in Asia and
imperial wars in South America. The double veto of China and Russia to the Security Council
on the Syrian crisis is yet another proof of the new G2 as it goal is to counteract all
Western suicidal plans. The whole world can only applaud this new G2...The Italian journalist
Manlio Dinucci confirmed that with the first airstrikes on Tripoli, launched on March 19 2011
in the afternoon, the West put an end to the new era of the friendly agreements between
Russia and the USA symbolised on April 6 2010 in Prague with the signature of the infamous
START Initiative.- Jean-Paul Pougala
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 7, 2012 - Acknowledgement and Gratitude.. perhaps its that simple
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 47
Jan 7, 2012 - Aspartam ist Verursacher der Golf-Kriegs-Krankheit
Militärangehöriger zu Dr. Betty Martini, 20.12.2011 Übersetzung Remo Santini
Political Information
Jan 7, 2012 - Why is the Queen the head of state in Jamaica?
Ron: It is a contradiction in terms and contrary to international law for Jamaica, an
independent country recognised as such by the UN and the nations of the world, to have
QEII, the Head of State of a foreign power namely the UK, act as Jamaica's Head of State
also. On paper Jamaica is still a British colony, if its so-called Constitution is part of a
British imperial statute as is the case with Australia's Constitution. But if Jamaica is truly
an independent country in international law then QEII cannot be its lawful Head of State
and an imperial or other UK statute cannot be its lawful constitution. That also means that
any Jamaican politician or official who swears allegiance to QEII when taking office is
committing treason
Jan 7, 2012 - Gadaffi zum Helden der Menschenrechte gewählt
Phoenix Journals
Jan 7, 2012 - PJ #80 " TRUTH FROM THE "ZOG BOG" ", Intro.
" May the justice of that spiraling sword come to rest upon the tongues and beings of you
who act in dark and evil intent and action. Your actions are seen and confirmed and those you
thought to be YOUR FRIENDS are not and have told of your coalition! "
Translations - Candace
Jan 6, 2012 - Italian: Il Big Cheese vi parla (Il gran Sorriso)
Christ Michael attraverso Candace, traduzione Ben Boux.
Jan 6, 2012 - Italian: Custodi della MIA Luce
La Sorgente (il Padre) tramite Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Jan 6, 2012 - Italian: CM ATON – IO CONFERMO : CI SIAMO
Christ Michael tramite Johan, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Jan 6, 2012 - Golf-Kriegs-Krankheit kommt vom Aspartam
Dr. Betty Martini
Jan 6, 2012 - The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World
Ron: Among the many lies foisted on humanity by the neo-Pharisees for many centuries is the
idea that all ancient civilisations were technologically primitive. They were not. For instance
the Great Pyramid in Egypt was NOT a tomb but an electric generator which provided
wireless power to all of Egypt. It is also said that the Arc of the Covenant was a giant
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 48
capacitor used in the Great Pyramid and stolen by Moses when he fled Egypt in the reign of
RamsesII. Egypt declined greatly after that event, presumably because the Great Pyrmid
was disabled by the theft with dire results for Egyptian society. Nikola Tesla used similar
technology when building the Wyndecliffe Tower which JP Morgan sabotaged.This 11' 12"
video tells the story:
True US History
Jan 6, 2012 - Who’s Behind The Military Detention Act?
This 3' 48" video was uploaded by zionget on Jan 5, 2012: Being
suspected of engaging in hostilities against the US and its allies can now get you stripped of
US citizenship, incarceration and torture, Say something critical about Zionist controlled
Amerkka or Europe and you're in big Trouble...
By Others
Jan 6, 2012 - 基督迈克与基博 1 月 1 日的对话
Political Information
Jan 6, 2012 - Fubar and Rebar of the Spine and Mind.
In his inimitable manner Patrick Willis brings us Les Visible on Fuber and Rebar of the Spine
and Mind. The Heretic
True US History
Jan 6, 2012 - Media Manipulation and the Drums of War: How Media is used to Whip
the Nation into Wartime Frenzy
Because ultimately, an informed and engaged public is far less likely to go along with wars
waged for power and profit. And as the public becomes better informed about the very
issues that the media has tried to lie to them about for so long, they realize that the answer
to all of the mainstream media’s war cheerleading and blatant manipulation is perhaps simpler
than we ever suspected: All we have to do is turn them off. - James Corbett
Jan 6, 2012 - Wenn Sie die wahre Geschichte nicht kennenlernen, werden Sie wirklich
bald tot sein
Dass die Verlängerung des Großen Krieges Millionen tötete, die Sowjetrevolution
ermöglichte, welche mehr als sechzig Millionen tötete und die Weichen für den Horror des 2.
Weltkriegs setzte, ist für Männer, die in Bezug auf menschliches Leben wie Banker denken,
von keinem Belang. Der 2. Weltkrieg war unvermeidlich. Admiral Canaris und General Beck
sandten im März 1941 zwei Offiziere nach London, um über eine Kapitulation zu verhandeln,
welche eine Verhaftung Hitlers mit einschloss. Dies wurde abgelehnt. Die Rothschilds sagten
NEIN zu einem Frieden – dies gemäß Aussage von Botschafter Joseph Kennedy. Die Banker
brauchten Hitler, um den bösen Buben zu spielen. Stalin hätte Deutschland mit 20 oder 30
Tausend Tanks angegriffen, auch wenn Hitler nie geboren worden wäre. Was hätten die
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 49
Deutschen getan, wenn die Russen eine Linie mit 18‘000 Geschützen gehabt hätten, die alle
paar Sekunden Munition abschießen, mit 20‘000 Tanks gegenüber und 10‘000 Flugzeugen
darüber? – horse237
Phoenix Journals
Jan 6, 2012 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", chapter 9 & 10.
" [H: Now, see how we already start mixing "Jesus" with "christ" and confounding the
and in as many languages as there are languages, including Hebrew). Nothing was
written or collected as to the New Testament until over 300 years LATER. Then the
books were collected and assembled by German Jewish scholars.]
The Talmud teaches that Jesus Christ was illegitimate and was conceived during
menstruation [H: Wow, is this overkill or what?]; that he was a fool, a conjurer, a seducer;
that he was crucified, buried in hell and set up as an idol ever since by his followers. "
The Talmud Unmasked Pdf Download:
Jan 5, 2012 - The 10 Inventions of Nikola Tesla That Changed The World
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 5, 2012 - Die Gabe
Von Nebadonia durch Hazel, 28. Dezember 2011
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Jan 5, 2012 - Die Treuhänder MEINES Lichts
Von der QUELLE durch Hazel - 31. Dezember 2011
Political Information
Jan 5, 2012 - MSM Propaganda on Syria: Now Comes the Silent Treatment
True US History
Jan 5, 2012 - Ron Paul's Masonic Jewish Economics
As long as we pay interest, it is still Masonic Jewish (i.e. Illuminati)
economics. The real alternative is interest-free currency... the Illuminati Jewish Money
Power likes playing the Hegelian Dialectic game and controlling both sides of the conflict...
Austrian Economics correctly identifies the manipulation of the money supply as the cause of
the boom/bust, a.k.a business cycle. This is the kernel of truth necessary to give
credibility to the rest of the disinformation. However, they completely ignore the
wealth transfer through interest, which is the crux of the problem. - Anthony Migchels
Jan 5, 2012 - Global Villager 33: DIVINITY
A story showing that EVERYONE, irrespective of location and circumstances, irrespective of
absolute poverty and deformity, has a divinely orchestrated reason for being here. What if
everyone worldwide was aware of their own divinity and purpose? One of several questions to
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 50
ask yourselves on the voyage of self-discovery and search for vocation in these end times
where our choices and allegiances will direct and create the next step on our journey.
Phoenix Journals
" "1) Alzheimer's is a GENETIC malfunction. 2) Heart disease is NOW LINKED TO
GENETIC MALFUNCTION and, 3) Breast cancer is linked to GENETIC problems."
Interesting?!? So, what will be the next step in this unfolding drama of life and death? Yes
indeed--years of RESEARCH and NEW DRUGS to further alter the genetic structuring,
along with outrageous surgeries ad nauseam. WOULD IT NOT BE BETTER TO SIMPLY
RECALL ONE OR TWO GENETIC FRAGMENTS! That, too, of course, is up to you. "
Jan 4, 2012 - CM and Kibo, Jan. 1
Kibo did this piece on New Years day. I have waited on purpose to post it but waited more
than I intended because of personal first part of the month headaches and "crap" which is
now all solved after 2 very long days. We are undergoing a LOT of discussion on the forum
and I may have more to post, I am far behind and watching the "show" of responses to stasis
not manifesting on time. New Years Eve/day are not good times either to beam aboard
millions of drunk people aside from other issues. I assume you have all read the very brief
updating today. I remind you that the first Kibo piece posted in early December, said that all
deserving humans and robotoids would be evacuated to craft, and the thugs left in stasis
until they could be dealt with. Many of those deserving will be evacuated just as stasis
begins. Not all but many, its situational, and depends also on who can be dematerialized or
not. -C
Jan 4, 2012 - Review Leonette and Thoth
Refernce was given to these today, well part 2 on the forum. But part one should be read
again too. Here are the links. This is valuable to any of you in "doubt" or whatever at this
True US History
Jan 4, 2012 - Hillary Clinton aide at the helm of Amnesty International USA
Ron: Sooo, you support Amnesty International and feel quite sanctimonious about it? THINK
AGAIN! As with all the other well known global human rights organisations and humanitarian
NGOs, its a front for the Khazars and their plans for world domination and the enslavement
of those they choose to let live. DEAL WITH IT!
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 51
Jan 4, 2012 - Nederlands: De Grote Baas spreekt zich uit.
Christ Michael via Candace, vertaling Lilian A.
Jan 4, 2012 - #147 The Big Cheese Speaks Out
Seraphin through Rosie
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Jan 4, 2012 - Big Cheese spricht
CM durch Candace, 3.1.2011 Übersetzung Harald K.
Political Information
Jan 4, 2012 - Bankers ready to sue if bonuses too small
Ron: Ya can't make this stuff up. Bankers produce NOTHING and humanity has no real need
for fiat money or bankers. If humanity abolished fiat money, bankers and usury tomorrow
global poverty would disappear and be replaced by abundance within a generation.
Political Information
Jan 4, 2012 - Orbán rejects outside interference in Hungary, brushes off central
bank independence as “European fashion”
Ron: Don'tcha find it absurd that governments around the world maintain that it is a good
thing that their Central Banks (and hence their money creation, money supply & banking
systems) are "independent" ie. COMPLETLEY BEYOND THE CONTROL OF
REPRESENTATIVES ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE? And that being the case, don'tcha wonder
how it is that nearly all Central Banks (ie well over 150) just happen to implemnt identical
fractional reserve banking policies? I DO.
True US History
Jan 4, 2012 - Jewish groups get most money from federal security grants
Ron: Nice money if you can get it. But you need to be Jewish. -snip - A week after a man
killed a security guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington in 2009,
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano cited the murder as proof that nonprofit
institutions were at risk of attack and could be helped by federal security grants. In an
event announcing $1.7 billion in Department of Homeland Security grants, Napolitano noted
that 63 percent of nonprofit grant recipients were "affiliated with Jewish organizations."
The following year, according to the Jewish Federations of North America, that number
grew. In 2010, 94 percent of the department's nonprofit security funding went to Jewish
True US History
Jan 4, 2012 - Comments on The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation!
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 52
‘Ah – but what if the “criminals” were to write the laws and the statutes themselves? Then,
the conniving and conspiring isn’t legally defined as a crime, nor the “criminals” called
criminals. In fact, most are called bankers (emperors previously), and their instruments
today, foundations (fleets previously)! Isn’t that just peachy?’ — Some Dare Call it
Conspiracy! Are you among them? That “deep secret” to legally take over the world is no
longer such a secret: - Zahir Ebrahim
True US History
Jan 4, 2012 - The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation!
Phoenix Journals
Jan 4, 2012 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", chapter 7 & 8.
" "Jesus was a gift of the Jews?" Right! He was and is a fabrication replacing the Master
Teacher, to suit the needs of a Plan to take control of the world for the Anti-Christ. Esu
Immanuel Sananda is the expected Master Teacher and need bear no assumed name or "also
known as". Historically it is difficult, although NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO LEARN AND KNOW
WITHOUT HESITATION OR DOUBT what took place those 2000 years ago and WHY. Two
True US History
Jan 3, 2012 - British Monarchy is a corporation / US is a Corporation not a Country
Ron: As I understand it, Rothschild Khazars control Britain and through it, the IRS and the
Federal Reserve, they control the US. Using similar techniques and subterfuges they control
most other so-called ex-British colonies. By treaty in 1213 King John ceded Britain to the
Vatican. The Rothschilds have controlled Vatican banking since the 1820s; and Rothschild
Bolshevik agents have directly controlled Popes since they murdered and replaced John Paul
1 & John Paul II in 1978 (See Dr Peter Beter's Audio Letters Nos 37, 39 & 41). What you
see is NOT what you get folks.
True US History
Jan 3, 2012 - Orly Taitz Has a great Victory go there to read, it will not mouse and copy and
paste right.
Jan 3, 2012 - Anthony Atala: Printing A Human Kidney
Ron: This video is medical cartel propaganda but it indicates some of the possibilities which
TPTW are now allowing humanity a bit of a glimpse of. This field should have blossomed back
in 1938 when Alexis Carrel & Charles Lindbergh made the initial scientific breakthroughs.
BUT these two scientists spent the rest of their lives working at the Rockefeller Institute
in New York in the area of the culture of organs. Sooo, guess how advanced this medical
science really is, among Rockefeller Cartel circles?! This "Gee Whiz presentation is supposed
to leave the sheeple gaping & the fawning crowd indicates that it does.
Political Information
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 53
Jan 3, 2012 - Is This How Haredi Jews Celebrate New Year 2012?
True US History
Jan 3, 2012 - It's Official: Gov Stats Shows the Middle Class is Dead
Beginning last year the average American family: could not afford the average single family
house... depended on their employer for health care insurance or went without... were in debt
with no way out... didn't pursuing further education... saved nothing... slashed their food
budget to the bone... and paid at least 30% of their gross wages in taxes. Gender, age,
religion, sexual preference and marital status are of no consequence to this financial
analysis. If you're human you can relate to these budget numbers. Any family earning
today's average wage of $62,857 is very carefully spending every cent of their $49,067
take home pay and the details are disturbing. -Chaz Valenza
Health and Nutrition
Jan 3, 2012 - US targets EU over GM crops
True US History
Jan 3, 2012 - Iraq - The Legacy Of Deception And Its Costs
By this time, UN sanctions had killed over 1.7 million Iraqis; wiped out literacy in a single
generation; and created artificial starvation in the world's second most oil-rich nation.
Iraq's world class hospitals that once rivaled London and New York had been ravaged. Sick
of the misery, the global community refused to stay silent any longer. The CIA saw the
writing on the wall. International loathing for "genocide by sanctions" had reached such a
peak of outrage that there was no possibility of re-crafting the hated policy. Susan Lindauer
Phoenix Journals - PDF
", Pdf copy.
"As a man thinketh--so he is!" Well, Man's thoughts have digressed into destruction, greed,
war, immorality and heinous acts one upon another. You need to understand what happens
with "thoughts"--THOUGHTS "CREATE"--or destroy--that is ALL THERE IS IN REALITY.
Therefore, you become, the nation becomes and the planet becomes a MIRROR
True US History
Jan 2, 2012 - Arab Spring: Egypt Strikes Back
Egypt and Belarus have given the world a model to follow. Instead of striking out at throngs
of protesters manipulated and used by these insidious organizations as the Egyptian military
has been doing, they are now striking at the organizations and the foreign-funded traitors
doing the manipulation in the first place. By exposing and attacking Wall Street and London's
network of insidious agents directly, the global destabilization they are attempting to carry
out may just very well fail - and not only fail but leave those behind it naked in their
megalomania and criminal intentions for all the world to see.- Tony Cartalucci
Political Information
Jan 2, 2012 - Zionists Funded Both Hitler & Churchill
The Second World War was orchestrated to fulfill the long term Zionist goal of Illuminati
one world government... The war had to be long and costly both in lucre and in life. Germany
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 54
had to be completely destroyed and Judeo Communist Russia had to conquer Eastern Europe.
Non-Zionist Jews had to be sacrificed* so they would dedicate themselves to building the
Rothschild fiefdom known as Israel. - Henry Makow
* Ron: NO they weren't! Henry Makow, like almost all Jews, maintains the Blood Libel
pretence that Jews were sacrificed (holocausted) during WWII. They weren't. In fact Jews
were protected by being placed in concentration work camps in the countryside AWAY from
the German cities which were bombed unmercifully by those infamous Jews: Churchill,
Eisenhower and Roosevelt. Some 13 million German civilians & POWs were murdered by the
Allies whereas the Red Cross says that a total of only 271,304 Jews died (almost entirely
from disease; and malnutrition and starvation - caused by Allied bombing of Germany). See:
FRAUD – Repost. - ].
Political Information
Jan 2, 2012 - Orthodox Judaism treats women like filthy little things
'... A husband would do well not to let his wife go outside, into the street, and should restrict
her outings "to once or twice a month, as necessary, since a woman has no beauty except by
sitting in the corner of her house." Because inside the house - very deep inside - her glorious
honor awaits her: "Every woman washes her husband's face and feet and pours him a cup and
prepares his bed and stands and serves her husband. And any woman who refrains from doing
any of these tasks that she is obligated to perform - is forced to do them." Some
recommend forcing her with a whip or by starvation "until she gives in."... And needless to
say, she is at her husband's disposal whenever he is overcome by a desire "to satisfy his
urges with her." And if she continues to rebel, he always has the right "to divorce her
without her consent." Treating women as impure and filthy begins with halakha... -Yossi Sarid
quoting Torah & halakha.
Phoenix Journals
Jan 2, 2012 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", chapter 13 & 14.
" Knowing WHO the enemy is is a vital necessity. No one can fight and win against an
unidentified enemy. This book could be used as a military field manual. Study its content and
memorize all names. I have mentioned profiling techniques quite frequently in this chapter. A
full explanation of "profiling" is contained in the next chapter. One of the most profound
pieces of information to come out of the science of profiling is the relative ease in which
this can be accomplished in individuals, party groups, political entities and so on right on down
the line. Once we wake up as to how easy this is to do, the conspiracy will no longer be more
than we can comprehend. The assassination of President Kennedy and the attempt on the life
of President Reagan become easy to understand. "
True US History
Jan 1, 2012 - THE INAUGURATION OF POLICE STATE USA 2012. Obama Signs the
“National Defense Authorization Act "
The “National Defense Authorization Act " (H.R. 1540) is Obama's New Year's "Gift" to the
American People. He justifies the signing of the NDAA as a means to combating terrorism, as
part of a "counter-terrorism" agenda. But in substance, any American opposed to the
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 55
policies of the US government can --under the provisions of the NDAA-- be labelled a
"suspected terrorist" and arrested under military detention... Section 1021 is crystal clear.
The Executive cannot refuse to implement it. The signing statement does not in any way
invalidate or modify the actual signing by President Obama of NDAA (H.R. 1540) into law. Michel Chossudovsky
Political Information
Jan 1, 2012 - This charade almost makes Benjamin Fulford and his sidekick David
Wilcock look good
Ron: Surely what is required to save our world is an honest and successful attempt to
eliminate corporate personhood so that corporate governments, banks, transnational
corporations and so-called (corporate) charitable trusts can no longer exist let alone
dominate every aspect of political, economic and social life? No? Why not?
Other Spiritual Pieces
Jan 1, 2012 - Jackie Evancho Video - To Believe with Lyrics HD
Ron: This little goddess has done this before. Bring on the Age of Aquarius! Thanks to You
Tuber TopShotUS for uploading this 4' 42" video on Dec 9, 2011:
Jan 1, 2012 - One Full Year of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology.
Since the start of 2011, PESN has been covering the emergence, testing, and
commercialization of Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) technology. As 2012
approaches, it is clear that nickel-hydrogen cold fusion technology is going to change the
world, as the production of a million E-Cat home units is planned.- Hank Mills
Political Information
Jan 1, 2012 - Muammar Gaddafi Voted As Human Rights Hero Of The Year
Brian's email to Amnesty US:
Hello Amnesty US. Weve all seen you HR hero poll, which youve now prematurely closed,
presumably because it as being won by a suprise entrant: Muammar Gadaffi. Mathaba net has
since found out what your group has been doing: fudging dates:
Mathaba: 'It must have become too unbearable for so-called "human rights organisation"
Amnesty International to get a taste of reality, thus have they taken down the Human Rights
Hero page and have cowardly changed the ending date of the contest from January 31, 2012
to December 31, 2011'...
By Others
Jan 1, 2012 - 我的光之守护者们
Political Information
Jan 1, 2012 - internet Killed Israeli PR (Video)
This 4 minute video was uploaded by ActForPalestine on Jun 24, 2011: Parody of Video
Killed the Radio Star (Buggles) by Minor Demographic Threat.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 56
Selections from the Urantia Book
Jan 1, 2012 - Thoughts from the UB
Health and Nutrition
Jan 1, 2012 - Hungary Destroys All Deadly Monsanto GMO Corn Fields
True US History
Jan 1, 2012 - New Asian Union Means The Fall Of The Dollar
Phoenix Journals
Jan 1, 2012 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", chapter 5 & 6.
" There are so many references for your inspection and research, along with so much false
information, as to boggle any researcher's mind. However, TRUTH is not able to long be
buried when man begins to KNOW truth. Who would dare to put this on an Internet? What
difference does it make? Is the typical computer playperson apt to read something so
controversial and banned as are the PROTOCOLS? "
Link "Protocols" Pdf download:
Link: In Dutch (Nederlands):
True US History
Dec 31, 2011 - Ron Paul: Sanctions against Iran are 'acts of war'
[Ron] Paul, one of the leading contenders to win next week's Iowa caucuses, said Iran would
be justified in responding to the sanctions by blocking the flow of oil through the Strait of
Hormuz. He compared the western sanctions to a hypothetical move by China to block the
Gulf of Mexico, which Americans would consider an act of war. - Paul West
Dec 31, 2011 - Nederlands: CMAton: Ik bevestig: Dit is HET !
CMAton door Johan, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 31, 2011 - The World Of Free Energy
In the late 1880's, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting free electricity
and free energy in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity
were becoming common place. Nikola Tesla was demonstrating "wireless lighting" and other
wonders associated with high frequency currents.- Peter Lindemann
Political Information
Dec 31, 2011 - Shifting Ground for Vital Resources: Libya War Was First War For
Ron: This is an interesting perspective on global US politico-military activities and some of
the responses to them.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 57
Dec 31, 2011 - CMATON : I CONFIRM : THIS IS IT.
Sorry, I forgot to post this earlier today anyway. We were waiting on ore confirmations, but
rather than actual messages, everyone did, "yep I was informed too" sort of thing in various
short ways. Jess, Eve, Me, Rubens and others. It was considered me doing a brief something
last night but that changed. -C
Dec 31, 2011 - Custodians of MY Light.
Dec 31, 2011 - New Star Ship Venus image Movie taken by Astromut of GLP. for some reason, that link
is not working so well now, this one does, wait on it,, but its not as good either. you might like
to enlarge it.
By Others
Dec 31, 2011 - 即将到来的结局
Dec 31, 2011 - Italian: Commento di Esu sulla stasi.
Esu / Jess Anthony, traduzione Ben Boux.
Dec 31, 2011 - Italian: Natale, La Verità Celeste
Christ Michael attraverso Hazel, traduzione Ben Boux.
Dec 31, 2011 - Italian: Le Gioie e i Dolori del Domani.
Uriel tramite Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Dec 31, 2011 - Italian: La Fine prossima.
CM / Aton attraverso Rubens, traduzione Ben Boux.
Dec 31, 2011 - Italian: Le mie congratulazioni a Christ Michael di Nebadon tramite
Siraya attraverso Johan, traduzione Ben Boux.
Dec 31, 2011 - Kollektiver Dank und Herzensgrüße
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 58
Dec 31, 2011 - Global Villager 1: CLARITY
Faced with sudden monumental change, we may feel challenged and confused, far from
CLARITY. Reflecting upon our outward situation by GOING WITHIN can help us to answer
the question “What is not yet clear?” Have you understood that you must be clear about your
starting point if you are to progress in any direction?
True US History
Dec 31, 2011 - Man or Other Animals: US Laws Define Humans to be Animals Livestock on the Global Plantation
Ron: In my opinion Al Adask's research blows the War on Drugs, the FDA, Agenda 21 and
much else, clean out of the water! It demonstrates that US governments and probably
governments in the UK, Canada, Australia and most ex British colonies, are treating humans
as cattle – livestock to be used, abused and killed at will by the Talmudists controlling most
global governments and the global matrix. Governments cannot take this issue to a jury! No
jury of human men and women would agree that humans are just animals. Robots might, since
they are hybrids, but humans won’t.
Dec 31, 2011 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft,
Jupiter.", Part 4 - update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
IV ", chapter 13, final.
" As the days pass and it seems the tasks and burdens are outweighing the wondrous beauty
of that which is about you--LOOK AGAIN! The beauty is there--even in the darkest hour
there is a beauty of sorts and a wondrous lesson in each moment. As to that which is
perceived as "bad"--look more carefully than that and check your perceptions and also the
TRUTH of the circumstance. Look and see if YOU might well have allowed or even "arranged"
the happening. If it touches you at all then YOU AS WELL AS OTHERS--HAVE INFINITE
IMPACT. You may well not be able to control all actions but you CAN decide, totally--HOW
YOU WILL PERCEIVE EACH AND EVERY ACTION. Walk alone? Never, for there is no way
to walk alone--even if you would be the LAST of your species on the planet--you would not be
"alone". There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his way alone; All that we send
into the lives of others--Comes back into our own. "
Health and Nutrition
Dec 30, 2011 - Poland Joins Ranks of Grassroots Anti-Monsanto Activism
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 30, 2011 - Die Gabe – Mutter Nebadonia
Von Nebadonia durch Hazel, 28. Dezember 2011
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 59
Dec 30, 2011 - Nederlands: De Vreugden en het verdriet van morgen
Uriel via Hazel, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 30, 2011 - Nederlands: Het Geschenk - Moeder Nebadonia
Nebadonia door Hazel, vertaling Lilian A.
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 30, 2011 - MAY IT BE ... A Promise lives within you now...
MAY IT BE an evening star shines down upon you. May it be when darkness falls your heart
will be true.
You walk a lonely road.
Oh how far you are from home ... Believe and you will find your way. A promise lives within
you now
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 30, 2011 - "In Paradisum" ("Into Paradise")
Ron: Wishing everyone everywhere a happy New Year and a glorious transition on the path to
Paradise. "In Paradisum" ("Into Paradise") is part of "Requiem in D minor, Op. 48" composed
by Gabriel Fauré:
Political Information
Dec 30, 2011 - Dazed Lemmings Can't Bridge The Reality Gap
Why all the dramatic end of the world sci-fi movies? Why the emphasis on violence and
horror movies and graphic, destructive wars? Why does the news major on the bad events of
the day? Why the combative gladiator sports, emphasis on technology instead of humanity,
and mind-numbing crass consumerism and sexualization of society? This is deliberate social
engineering, and that's the biggie. It's all engineered..and that's the last thing most people
want to realize. And it usually is. - Zen Gardner
True US History
Dec 30, 2011 - Jewish Setback in Berkeley
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 30, 2011 - David Icke On 2012
Life is a choice. But one thing remains constant. We live forever. We are everything and
everything is us.- David Icke. This 9 minute video was uploaded by nearing2012 on Mar 12,
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 60
Dec 30, 2011 - The History of MIT's Blatant Suppression of Cold Fusion
Ron: Read this article and WEEP! Cheap energy from cold fusion should have been widely
availabe in the 1990s. Shades of Nikola Tesla ...!
Political Information
Dec 30, 2011 - The Real Heroes of the Matrix
The trick of the matrix is making a collective problem, individual.
This 7' 20" video Uploaded by daocast on Dec 30,
By Others
Dec 30, 2011 - 通过 AH 对内巴顿的基督迈克表达我的祝贺
Other Channels
Dec 30, 2011 - Le cachet de l'autorité divine-la Source
La Source par Hazel, 25 décembre 2011, tradution Marie-Louise
True US History
Dec 30, 2011 - Vorticular Madness Of The Dark Magicians
Ron: Some food for thought cobbers.
Political Information
Dec 30, 2011 - The battle for Israel's soul
Dec 30, 2011 - Bugs may be resistant to genetically modified corn
Most farmers rotate corn with other crops in a practice long used to curb the spread of
pests, but some have abandoned rotation because they need extra grain for livestock or
because they have grain contracts with ethanol producers. Other farmers have eschewed
the practice to cash in on high corn prices, which hit a record in June.- RICK CALLAHAN
True US History
Dec 30, 2011 - Jewish Kids Face Abuse Epidemic
Despite several U.S. extradition attempts, Mondrowitz remains free to this day. Extradition
has been complicated by the fact that Israel’s definition of “rape” does not include
sodomy. Therefore Mondrowitz has not broken any Israeli law and cannot be extradited. Dave Gahary
True US History
Dec 30, 2011 - Child sex abuse scandal rocks N.Y. Orthodox community, after 85
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 61
Ron: Sooo, WHY aren't these child abuse matters given the same mainstream media publicity
as similar abuses by Catholic and other Christians?
True US History
Dec 30, 2011 - Egypt raids NGOs, including 3 U.S. pro-democracy groups
Ron: The CIA & Soros and their NGO spies and terrorist rabble rousers are at last being
confronted by Eqyptian authorities. According to Laura Rozen: 'Egyptian uniformed and
plains-clothes police on Thursday stormed the Cairo offices of National Democratic
Institute, International Republican Institute, Freedom House, Germany-based Konrad
Adenauer Siftung, the Arab Center for Independence of the Judiciary and the Legal
Profession, and the Budgetary and Human Rights Observatory. They seized documents,
laptops and equipment in the raids, while isolating the NGOs staff in their offices, observers
on the scenes and representatives of the organizations said.'
Phoenix Journals
Dec 30, 2011 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", chapter 11 & 12.
" How many of you realize that British Intelligence (specifically MI6) fomented this BosnianCroatian conflict? Note also that as the Russian faction of the World Order supplied the
Serbs, etc., it is obvious that hand-in-hand march the demons of death of a planet. "
Political Information
Dec 29, 2011 - The Horse Latitudes of Interim.
Political Information
Dec 29, 2011 - Warps and Woofs, Woo Woo and Wiffenpoofs.
Political Information
Dec 29, 2011 - Blitzkrieg der Wunderbar, Together we Are.
Are the things I stated not true? They are true. They cannot be denied and far more is also
true. Look what happened to Russia. Do you want that to be you? Truth does not need
argument or alibi. Truth need only be proclaimed. Use humor. Use satire. Use what you have.
Is this in poor taste? Is it in poor taste compared to using Palestinians for target practice?
Is it in poor taste, compared to emptying a clip into a ten year old girl, 'confirming the kill'
and then walking away free? Is it in poor taste compared to Rachel Corrie? Is it in poor taste
in comparison to the flotilla action? Is it in poor taste, compared to thousands of other
examples of poor taste and psychopathic mendacity? Is it in poor taste compared to the
millions dead and displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere? Is it? Is it? They
were behind all of this, as they are now behind the push for World War 3; these invented
people who seek to replace the real people that they call invented.- Les Visible
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 29, 2011 - Heavenly Wine and the Purpose of Demonstration.
True US History
Dec 29, 2011 - 2012 Mirrors 1099 AD Going Back To The Dark Ages
Can the American Population actually continue to sit right in the dead-center of this
Orwellian nightmare and CONTINUE TO DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! - Jim Kirwan
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 62
By Others
Dec 29, 2011 - 明日的喜悦与悲伤
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 29, 2011 - Die Freuden und die Sorgen von morgen
EE Uriel durch Hazel, 28.12.2011 Übersetzung Bernd
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
CM durch Rubens, 28.12.2011 Übersetzung Harald K. Diese Durchgabe wurde von Siraya
durch Johan angekündigt.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Siraya durch Johan, 28.12.2011 Übersetzung Harald K.
SIRAYA VIA JOHAN, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 29, 2011 - Nederlands: Het Komend Einde
CMAton via Rubens, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 29, 2011 - The bugs that ate Monsanto
'... 94 percent of the soy and 70 percent of the corn grown in the U.S. are genetically
modified... Monsanto has only ever produced seeds with two genetically modified traits:
either herbicide tolerance or pesticide production. And even those traits never lived up to
the marketing hype. But it now appears that the core traits themselves are failing. - Tom
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Dec 29, 2011 - PJ #79 " MARCHING TO ZOG! ", Pdf copy.
Some of you will deny and denounce us for offering TRUTH--for YOU do not yet understand
your terrible plight--you have been blinded and the intent is that you shall not see until too
late to act. That is YOUR choice, readers. You can turn away, deny, denounce, cast stones,
maim and kill in your denial--and it will not change one iota of the Truth of it.
You who think you are some kind of "Christian" are NOT. You, worse, who think yourselves to
be Judean Jews under the rights of passage of God--ARE NOT! YOU ARE PEOPLE OF THE
LIE! I cannot force you to SEE, much less understand that which you see--but the insight
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 63
will blast upon you as will the nu-clear war coming down sooner than you can imagine.-HATONN
Health and Nutrition
Dec 28, 2011 - The top 10 health freedom stories of 2011
Ron: Here are some examples of governments using violence to force sovereign individual
citizens to eat, drink and take medication ONLY as the "state" dictates.
True US History
Dec 28, 2011 - Do Jews Rule America?
FOR THE FIRST TIME in modern history, a people whose identity is bound up with its race
and religion have full control of every aspect of a nation’s infrastructure. That people whose
race and religion are intrinsic to their individuation proudly call themselves “JEWS,” yet they
resent others calling them such. And that nation brought under JEWISH SUBJUGATION is
America.- Br Nathanael Kapner
Political Information
Dec 28, 2011 - International SURVEY by TELEPHONE
Ron: This is a Joke Joyce!
Telemensajes de Otros
Dec 28, 2011 - Próximo Fin
Telemensajes de Jess Anthony
Dec 28, 2011 - Esu Comenta sobre la Estasis
Telemensajes de Otros
Dec 28, 2011 - El Sello de la Autoridad Divina
Telemensajes de Otros
Dec 28, 2011 - Mis Felicitaciones a Cristo Miguel de Nebadón a través de AH
By Others
Dec 28, 2011 - 礼物—内巴顿宇宙之母
Political Information
Dec 28, 2011 - Foreign Aid is a SCAM & a Neo-Colonial Mechanism
Ron: “Foreign aid” is just another Double Speak term for government subsidisation of
capitalist corporations using taxpayer funds for the economic exploitation of disadvantaged
foreign peoples, the stealing of their natural resources and the environmental degradation of
their land and environment. So next time the foreign aid issue is touted by politicians or the
media KNOW that they are talking about fascist policies that have nothing to do with helping
disadvantaged nations and peoples.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 64
Siraya thru Johan
True US History
Dec 28, 2011 - 2011 YEAR of the DUPE: One Year into the Engineered "Arab
Spring," One Step Closer to Global Hegemony
"Complacency will kill, apathy is complicity: as the elitist-engineered "Arab Spring" reaches
its conclusion, we stand on the precipice of being meshed into an inescapable, corporatefascist, scientific planetary regime.... the End Game approaches.- Tony Cartalucci
Dec 28, 2011 - Forthcoming End
Dec 28, 2011 - Posting from GLP this evening
Mostly covering the topic of "what if stasis does not happen by Midnight December 31, 2011"
and how I would respond to such. PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS IS NOT AN UPDATE, IT IS
A Teaching in response to certain folks, and I thought it valuable to place here. It is from
my heart, and it explains that I do NOT allow OTHERS to DEFINE WHO I AM. Neither does
CM, Esu and others. Please read it from that perspective. -C
Dec 28, 2011 - The Present- Mother Nebadonia
Given on Christmas Day.
True US History
Dec 28, 2011 - No longer just theories: The top 10 conspiracy facts of 2011
Political Information
Dec 28, 2011 - TEPCO says it 'no longer owns' Fukushima fallout
True US History
Dec 28, 2011 - Man Gagged, Bound & Pepper Sprayed to Death by Tampa Police - No
Criminal or Disciplinary Charges were Laid
Ron: Here is another example of Government employees using their Monopoly on Force &
Violence. The District 21 Medical Examiner ruled this death was a homicide but no one has
been charged with any crime or fault in relation to it. Tell me again why you think that
welfare governments are a good idea and why you prefer being subject to them to living as a
free sovereign HUman.
Political Information
Dec 28, 2011 - Human Rights Hero: Vote for Muammar Gaddafi
Ron: If you want to infuse some truth into Amnesty International's management; and the
world I suggest you cast a vote for MUAMMAR GADDAFI in Amnesty's "feel good" poll
about whose example inspires you to care about human rights. Go to:
_Heroes.htm It will only take a few moments of your time. Muammar Gaddafi did much for
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 65
women's rights as well as for human rights generally AND African rights in particular. He
also gave his life to protect those God given rights.
Dec 28, 2011 - The joys and the sorrows of tomorrow
Phoenix Journals
IV ", chapter 11 & 12.
" As you walk through the shadows can you not see that if you remain within Truth and within
God, you can "see" quite well for in every circumstance if you ask in intent of goodness in the
receiving--you SHALL receive that which is needed. It rarely comes packaged as you preperceive. Then, you take the information (formulae) and create (originate) an alternative circumstance in which YOU have control and NOT your enemy over you. IF YOUR INTENT BE
AND IT SHALL BE SWEET. If your intent is in worldly greed--you shall have fruit from your
plantings--but it will be indeed BITTER. It may well "appear" your enemy continues to "win"
but you deviate not from our purpose, goal and path--it will be you who wins--not your enemy.
If "his" (your enemy) had the same Godly intent--he WOULD NOT BE YOUR ENEMY
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 27, 2011 - Der Stempel der göttlichen Autorität
Die Quelle durch Hazel, 25.12.2011 Übersetzung Bernd
By Others
Dec 27, 2011 - 基督迈克表达了他的感激之情
Dec 27, 2011 - Nederlands: De Stempel van Goddelijke Autoriteit.
De Bron via Hazel, vertaling Lilian A.
Phoenix Journals
Dec 27, 2011 - PJ #79 " MARCHING TO ZOG! ", chapter 10 & 11, final.
" Hollywood has become a Jew town. [H: And, today, it has the obvious title of the most
evil town in the world--the AIDS center and the "Homosexual" capital of the world as
well. Perhaps when God gets ready to clean house, that may not be a very good place
to find yourself! I have even worse news in the interim--THE RUSSIANS HATE THE
MAN!] The Fairfax area, which is the heart of the Hollywood residential district, is slightly
more than 60% Jewish, according to Jewish statistics (published in the California Jewish
Voice). Virtually every shop and store in Hollywood is Jew-owned. The Jews operate the
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 66
theaters, restaurants, drug stores, clothing stores--even the cigarette machines. A visit to
the neighborhood theaters and eating places will indicate even to the skeptic that Hollywood
is predominantly inhabited by east-European Jews. In nearby Los Angeles, Hollywood is
referred to as "Kosher Valley". "
Dec 26, 2011 - Italian: Il Marchio dell’ Autorità Divina
dalla Sorgente (il Padre) tramite Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Self Reliance
Dec 26, 2011 - Breaking the Illusion of Limitation
Jess Anthony
Dec 26, 2011 - Esu Comments on Stasis
By Jess
Dec 26, 2011 - ESU 伊苏对于停滞期的评论
Phoenix Journals
Dec 26, 2011 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", chapter 3 & 4.
" So, what of the parent in relationship to the child? Always it must be as a true friend:
unbending in strength, character, and guardianship with guidance. Then, as the child grows
older, you must back off, give wings and allow, and yet never lose the strength born of love,
caring, and ability to release (either for better or worse). YOU AS A PARENT AT ANY AGE
CANNOT DO FOR ANOTHER, EVEN YOUR OWN CHILD. As a little child you can move
them from dangers for that is your protective role, but as they grow into independent
persons within themselves, good, bad or indifferent--THEY MUST ACT FOR SELVES. "
Dec 25, 2011 - Nederlands: Kerstmis, de Hemelse Waarheid
Christ Michael via Hazel, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 25, 2011 - The Stamp of Divine Authority
By Others
Dec 25, 2011 - 圣诞节-来自天界的真相
Telepathische Nachrichten (Jess)
Dec 25, 2011 - Esu nimmt zur Stasis Stellung
Esu durch Jess, 24.12.2011 Übersetzung Bernd
Gekanaliseerde berichten Jess
Dec 25, 2011 - Nederlands: Esu’s opmerkingen over Stasis.
Jess Anthony, vertaling Lilian A.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 67
Dec 25, 2011 - CM Expresses His Gratitude
I , CMAton, Your Sovereign, Your God Aton, Your Spiritual Father, WOULD LIKE TO
Dec 25, 2011 - Miniatur Wunderland *** official video 2012 *** largest model railway
/ railroad of the world
Ron: This Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg is incredible. The Germanic eye for detail and
workmanship is something to behold:
Dec 25, 2011 - Automated Matrix-style learning demonstrated
A US-Japanese team of researchers have demonstrated a system that uses functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) feedback to attune a person's visual cortex to match the
brain patterns needed to perform various high-performance tasks with little or no conscious
effort... the researchers say the techniques they have developed could be used to learn to
play a piano, reduce mental stress or hit a curve-ball with little or no conscious effort.- Will
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 25, 2011 - Einladung und Instruktionen von CM für die AH-Sonntagsmeditation am
CM durch Johan, deutsche Zusammenfassung v. Eve sowie weitere Impulse von Dieter
Broers -.... frohe Christitation wünsche Euch Eve
Dec 25, 2011 - Invitation to AH sunday meditation, 25th December 2011
CM through Johan 25th Dec. 2011
Dec 25, 2011 - Nederlands: CM betoogt zijn Dankbaarheid.
Johan en CM, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 25, 2011 - Introducing Our Second and Third Brains: We Do Think With Our
Heart and Instinct
Neuro-scientists have finally done it! They have demonstrated that we have a brain in our
heart and another in our intestines. What we have in each of these, in actual fact, is an
extensive mass of neurons that behave in a fashion similar to the neurons contained in the
brain, and that appear to function at mega-speeds, often much greater than those of our
cerebral neurons.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 68
Phoenix Journals
Dec 25, 2011 - PJ #79 " MARCHING TO ZOG! ", chapter 9.
" Since colonial America was still a pioneer country, there were almost no Jews here before
the American Revolution. In 1776 there were certainly no more than a few score of
Sephardic Jews in the entire country. Modern Jewish historians have tried to prove the
existence of two Jewish privates in Washington's armies, but the question is of no
consequence either way. By 1830--50 years after the Declaration of Independence, and 220
years after the founding of Jamestown--there were an estimated 10,000 Jews in the U.S.,
comprising perhaps 1/5th of 1% of the total population. [H: So is it not interesting that
the "founding" parties and leaders of your nation were almost ALL Freemasons? This is
a prime Zionist Khazarian Jew organization from the Illuminati.] "
By Others
Dec 24, 2011 - 神性权威的印记
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 24, 2011 - Wishing Everyone a Happy and Holy CHRISTmas
Hallelujah Chorus -Quinhagak, Alaska:
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 24, 2011 - CM drückt seine Dankbarkeit aus
CM durch Johan
Political Information
Dec 24, 2011 - 6 Things Governments Might Do To You This Xmas: 5. Wealth
Australian law already has a mechanism in place to require delivery of gold to the Reserve
Bank of Australia (RBA) - Part IV of theBanking Act 1959. There is no need for the
Government of the day to have to rush new legislation through that may attract public
comment or opposition. All that is required is the Governor General to proclaim that Part IV
shall come into operation.
Notice how your gold must be delivered to the RBA, not the Treasury.
Political Information
Dec 24, 2011 - Governments are Figments of Human imagination: They do not Exist.
Ron: Arguably the concepts of freedom and governance, are inconsistent and cannot cohabit
in a societal setting. It is a contradiction in terms for anyone to seize or be given control
over another man, ostensibly to protect the other’s freedom. Naming such action as
democratic or republican or whatever; and/or labeling it with some “ism” does not change the
fact that any and every form of government is, at its very core, slavery, a denial of the free
will of the individual. The fact that people choose that condition willingly or through
ignorance does not alter the reality. Eventually every fragment of the Creator must become
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 69
self governing and self directed in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and become one
with the Father of Creation.
Phoenix Journals
IV ", chapter 9 & 10.
" Do you remember the Prophecy of Fatima? Recall that two were shared and accepted--but
MOST CLOSELY KEPT SECRET. However, as with all Truth--it began to slip out and was
quite widely "leaked" in the mid-80s. Some of you may well remember or might have read it
somewhere to be tucked away again with the document stating the story. These are
accepted even by the Church as valid visions and MIRACLES. "
We offer here the text of the third prophecy of Fatima:
Dec 23, 2011 - Italian: Quello verrà abbastanza presto
Johan e CM, traduzione Ben Boux.
Telemensajes de Otros
Dec 23, 2011 - Mensaje Urgente de CM
Spirituelle Schätze
Dec 23, 2011 - Ein Liebesbrief an Christus Michael, Esu Sananda und Die Quelle
Von Hazel, 20. Dezember 2011
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 23, 2011 - Weihnachten – Die himmlische Wahrheit
Von CM durch Hazel, 25. 12. 2011
Dec 23, 2011 - Cloudships over UK
Phoenix Journals
Dec 23, 2011 - Starship comments by Hatonn
material of interest found on forum from a PJ, who knows which one. -C
Phoenix Journals
Dec 23, 2011 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", chapter 1 & 2.
" While you are at it, STUDY the Manifesto (PROTOCOLS) of Zion, AND WEEP. Those same
protocols and manifestos are the same everywhere you look, from the Nazis to the Soviets.
They are usually referred to in Russia as the Communist Manifesto." "You must realize that
at this date you will be again shocked to find that the Cremieux Manifesto and the epistle
from the Prince of the Jews are almost identical. These were from 1489 A.D. By the way,
these were all published by the Rothschilds and made a part of the recognition of same and
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 70
integrated into Russian documents in 1920. All of these emerged FROM, and are identical in
Targeted Messages
Dec 22, 2011 - Urgent Message from CM
Channel NOT given for security. It is not necessary to translate or distribute elsewhere.
Targeted Messages
Channel NOT given for security reasons. Not necessary to translate or distribute elsewhere.
True US History
Dec 22, 2011 - If You Do Not Learn Real History, You Will Be Dead Really Soon.
That the prolongation of the Great War killed millions, made the Soviet revolution possible
which killed more than sixty million and set the horrors of WW II in motion is of no
consequence to men who think like bankers in terms of human life. World War II was
unavoidable. Admiral Canaris and General Beck sent two officers to London in March of 1939
to negotiate a surrender which included an arrest of Hitler. This was refused. The
Rothschilds said No to peace according to Ambassador Joseph Kennedy. The bankers needed
Hitler to play the bad guy. Stalin would have attacked Germany with 20 or 30 thousand
tanks even if Hitler had never been born. What would the Germans have done if the
Russians had a line of 18,000 artillery firing rounds every few seconds with 20,000 tanks in
front and 10,000 planes overhead? - horse 237
True US History
Dec 22, 2011 - Attacking Occupiers & destroying their property was done in 1932
Ron: Jew dominated governments in the US, UK and elsewhere exercise a monopoly on force
and violence to browbeat, enslave and control gentile populations. Attacking protesters at
OCCUPY venues and destroying their property is nothing new. The Corporate US government
has been doing it since at least 1932. Notice that soldiers of an earlier US war of conquest,
WWI, were savagely attacked in 1932 by the next generation of US soldiers. And so it goes.
Nothing can change while the youth of each new generation violently suppress their
predecessors at the behest of Talmudic banksters. That's why divine intervention is
occurring NOW.
Health and Nutrition
Dec 22, 2011 - Children herded like cattle into Maryland courthouse for forced
vaccinations as armed police and attack dogs stand guard
True US History
Dec 22, 2011 - Exposed: US Troops Guarded Terrorist Camp in Iraq
Quite clearly this reveals that not only is the "War on Terror" an absolute fraud, but so are
the politicians, policy wonks, and military "leaders" who have promoted it, pinned medals on
their own chests for "fighting" it, and have made immense fortunes and power grabs while
burying the American people in unprecedented debt, tyranny, and economic catastrophe in
the process... And while the new gimmick is utilizing terrorist groups like MEK or Libya's
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 71
LIFG to sow violence within a target country and then send NATO to "rescue" them from the
nation's attempt to defend itself, the "terrorist" card is still in play regarding Iran.- Tony
Political Information
Ron: In the movie "Thrive" Foster Gamble makes palbably false and racist statements. For
instance: '...central bankers funded both sides of WW2, including some of the corporations
associated with Hitler's atrocities against the Jews." While it is true that Jewish banksters
funded both sides and fomented WWII, the libel that the German nation committed
"atrocities" against Jews slyly hints at the Holocaust myth as well as falsely stating that
Hitler (ie the German nation) committed atrocities against "the Jews". Neither Hitler nor
the German nation committed atrocities against "the Jews" in the sense implied. That LIE
evidences that this film is subtle propaganda for the Jews since the HoloHoax is the basis
for the privileges and power base of the Jews who run America and our world. Even if the
rest of "Thrive" is kosher, which is isn't, this propaganda lie is enough to fundamentally
distort viewer perceptions to the advantage of the Jews who control the US and most of the
world. Foster Gamble also says that in WWII there were: '55 million casualites (including
the holocaust)'. Reference to 'the holocaust' reinforces the RACIST HoloHoax Blood Libel
against the German nation. In truth WWII involved several holocausts NONE of which
targetted Jews. In fact, apart from military casualties, over 13 million German civilians and
POWs were starved or otherwise murdered by Jews, namely Churchill, Roosevelt,
Eisenhower, Harry S(olomon) Truman, Joseph Stalin, Lazar Kaganovich and their minions and
henchmen during WWII and in the five years thereafter (See eg Gruesome Harvest:
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 22, 2011 - As I Began to Love Myself
Other Channels
Dec 22, 2011 - Ce qui vient est assez proche
Par Johan et CM, 21 décembre 2011, traduction Marie-LouiseCe qui vient esr
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 22, 2011 - When The Stars Begin To Fall
The Seekers - When The Stars Begin To Fall (Vid 2' 56"):
Health and Nutrition
Dec 22, 2011 - Vaccines : ALL are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them. By S.
"The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination" Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President International Society for Cancer Research at the
British Cancer Hospital.
Phoenix Journals
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 72
IV ", chapter 7 & 8.
" H: "God will never....(??) You would KNOW what God would "NEVER' do? Are YOU
sure GOD needs planet EARTH?--or even wants it? Do you not think perhaps God has a
pretty nifty "kingdom" of His own somewhere else? "Pure in heart"? Do YOU
"ACTUALLY" know ANYONE who is pure in heart--and what does THAT mean? "...from
every creed, nationality, race and color." How do YOU know that? God has only
referred to "His people"--has not MAN perhaps enlarged upon the facts? I'm just
asking. "
Dec 21, 2011 - That Will Come Close Enough
CM and Johan, on the "stasis" date, now people, learn to go within.
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Von Johan und CM, Dec 21, 2011
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 21, 2011 - Sparing Churches
Telemensajes de Otros
Dec 21, 2011 - Eso Llega Bastante Cerca
True US History
Dec 21, 2011 - The Globalization of War: The "Military Roadmap" to World War III
In September 1990, some five weeks after Saddam Hussein’s Iraq invaded Kuwait, US
President and Commander in Chief George Herbert Walker Bush delivered a historical
address to a joint session of the US Congress and the Senate in which he proclaimed a New
World Order emerging from the rubble of the Berlin Wall and the demise of the Soviet
True US History
Dec 21, 2011 - John Pilger answers Obama's claim that US military is "finest fighting
force in history"
'... since 1945 the US military has been directly responsible for the deaths of over 10 million
people and that America has in that time overthrown 50 governments, including democracies,
and intervened in at least 30 more.- John Pilger
Political Information
Dec 21, 2011 - 'How I liberated Libya'
Ron: This article and its subject is nauseating but I post it as a record, an indication of what
was done and the self deception practiced by Bernard-Henri Levy, a key Jewish player in the
destruction of the Libyan nation and its Jamahiriya people's government; and the murder of
Muammar Gaddafi.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 73
Political Information
Dec 21, 2011 - For the Supposed ‘Islamic’ Turkish Government US-NATO Come
Before Islam
Feltman said when we look at how far we came in recent weeks with regard to Syria, “I can
basically say Assad is finished.” Feltman, for the first time, publicly mentioned there is the
idea floating around of organizing an international contact group for Syria, one similarly and
successfully done in the Libya case. Turkey must lead such international gatherings to
accelerate the transition in Syria. - Jeffrey Feltman, assistant secretary of state for Near
Eastern Affairs, during his testimony on Syria at the U.S. Senate this week
Political Information
Dec 21, 2011 - Canadians Challenge Central Bank In Court
Ron: The situation in relation to Central Banks in Australia, New Zealand and most ex-British
Empire colonial countries is little different from that in Canada.
True US History
Dec 21, 2011 - IRAN-DRONEGATE: Empires Don't Apologize: Iran in the Imperial
In Washington's bizarro world where war is peace the United States, which has Iran
surrounded with a string of military bases and where nuclear-armed aircraft carrier battle
groups and submarines ply the waters of the Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf, the
aggressor is magically transformed into the aggrieved party... Iranian officials at least had
hard evidence on their side that the United States was violating their territorial integrity-the captured U.S. drone. - Tom Burghardt
Dec 21, 2011 - Nederlands: Dat komt er dicht genoeg bij.
Johan en CM, vertaling Lilian A.
Phoenix Journals
Dec 21, 2011 - PJ #222 " BIRTHING THE PHOENIX VOL.I ", Intro.
" Truth is all we can have and hold, and the PROMISE OF GOD, AS PROJECTED EVEN BY
Dec 20, 2011 - A Love Note to Christ Michael, Esu Sananda and The Source
Political Information
Dec 20, 2011 - Irish Origins of Modern Civilisations
Ron: The Jews are parasites. They have stolen everything down the ages including such
positive concepts as they have included in their pseudo religion. Not only did they plagiarise
and distort the truth in so doing but also they then deliberately falsified and destroyed
access to the true sacred truths they had thus corrupted. Unsurprisingly, the Jew controlled
Youtube has deleted two videos included in this truth telling article.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 74
Political Information
Dec 20, 2011 - Financial Armageddon To Begin In London
'... the UK's consolidated debt (non-financial, financial, government and household) to GDP
is... just under 1000%. That's right: the UK debt, when one adds to its more tenable
sovereign debt tranche all the other debt carried on UK books (and thus making the transfer
of private debt to the public balance sheet impossible), is nearly ten times greater than the
country's GDP. Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 20, 2011 - Awakening Our True Potential This is an excellent
article, and it focuses on some Christian teaching and some Hindu teachings, which
Christianity desparately NEEDS. If only churches would teach these ideas. -C
Health and Nutrition
Dec 20, 2011 - Military Admits Gulf War Illness is from Aspartame
Telepathic Messages PDF books
Dec 20, 2011 - " Messages with the Masters " Pdf books, Candace Frieze part 2 update.
AbundantHope, Pdf made by Christ.
Telemensajes de Candace
Dec 20, 2011 - Dos o Más en Mi Nombre
True US History
Dec 20, 2011 - CIA Drug Ops Conspiracy-Unaired Documentary-Full Length
True US History
Dec 20, 2011 - World Net Daily - CAFR - Revisited
Ron: What Walter Burien doesn't seem to address is the fact that ALL government entities
are fictive, private legal corporations which are owned by private individuals NOT by
citizens, rate payers et al. Presumably therfore, the assets and profits of those corporations
are the property of those owners.
Political Information
Dec 20, 2011 - Journal axes gene research on Jews and Palestinians
The paper, 'The Origin of Palestinians and their Genetic Relatedness with other
Mediterranean Populations', involved studying genetic variations in immune system genes
among people in the Middle East. In common with earlier studies, the team found no data to
support the idea that Jewish people were genetically distinct from other people in the
region. In doing so, the team's research challenges claims that Jews are a special, chosen
people and that Judaism can only be inherited.- Robin McKie
Dec 20, 2011 - "Vampire leben nicht von Vampiren"
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 75
Dec 20, 2011 - Global Villager 17: MANIFESTING VISIONS
How earnestly are you committed to achieving change? What if everyone worldwide reached
for the stars and implemented their visions? Just 2 of the questions to answer following this
story. We manifest our thoughts/visions all the time, whether we are aware of it or not, the
only question remaining: do we realize we have the power to improve their quality, and
subsequently the quality of life for those around us?
Phoenix Journals
IV ", chapter 5 & 6.
" H: They are actually into their fourth or fifth generation of weapons and they can
blow your planet (from Cosmospheres in orbit or from planetary bases) off the cosmic
map. It is you who are working with the primitive throw-offs of the Soviets. However,
now that they are infiltrated into and actually control your country--the grids are
hyped up to enfold you rather than have to blast you to oblivion. The New World Order
will do the depopulation antics from the government level and the binding will close in on
you from ground bases. "Bullets" are very definitely NOT the offense or defense of
the future, or the present. So to get killed by doing stupid things with toy guns and
knives is indeed remarkably outdated. I do remind my people, however, that WE have
"stuff" that both penetrates and dissolves and/or disrupts all the toys on the planet. It
is not you of God who are worried (I hope)--it is the adversary (OUR ENEMY). So be
it for your level of concern had best be riding on your relationship with Christ-God
Creator! Just a bit of a hint to the "wise". "
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Von Johan und CM, Dec 18, 2011
Political Information
Dec 19, 2011 - Political Correctness & Health & Safety Legislation are State Control
Ron: The quintessential Medieval control mechanism was Catholic religious ideology; today its
Judaic political correctness as encpsulated in the Anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial
memes. Both ideologies use the State monopoly of force and violence to eliminate physical
and intellectual freedoms.
Dec 19, 2011 - Remembering Terri Schiavo
I did this with Terri Schiavo, the lady who the courts of Florida decided to starve to death.
Long later I found an email address and sent it to her parents but I never heard back from
them. I think its ok to post it now, for the teaching value _-C
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 76
True US History
Dec 19, 2011 - Documents Reveal Israel Stole Uranium from U.S. Stockpiles In 1950s
and 1960s
Ron: Next time you hear Jews in Israel OR the US whinging about Iran's peaceful nuclear
power program and demanding that Iran be BOMBED because of their whinging allegations,
REMEMBER this report. And PLEASEEE don't try to tell me that this is "just another
conspiracy theory". If you don't believe this report check out the details for yourself. After
all, the only nations known to have used nukes against defenceless peoples are the
Amerikkans at Hiroshima and Nagasaki (who this report clearly indicates were COMPLICIT in
giving Israel nuke bomb making materials; AND Israel, which used mini nukes in the Bali
Bombing and OZ Embassy bombing in Indonesia, and in other places.
Dec 19, 2011 - found 57 ship on google sky - Dutch guy finds fleet of 57 spacecraf lined up in Google Sky Video
Dec 19, 2011 - Präsident Medwedew über die USA: Wenn die uns weiterhin
herumstossen, werden wir zurückstossen
Präsident Dimitry Medwedew, 17. Dezmber 2011
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 19, 2011 - Mohammed spricht über die Karikaturen
Mohammed durch Candace, 8.2.2006 Übersetzung Eve
nimmt auch Bezug auf den Iran
Political Information
Dec 19, 2011 - What Famous Men Have To Say About Jews 1-3
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 77
Ron: Do yourself a favour and listen to what famous men down the ages have said about Jews.
Listen especially to what Winston Churchill, whose mother was a Jewess, says about the
Jews' dominant role in the Russian Revolution and the Bolshevik govenment of the Soviet
Union which Hatonn says killed 100 million Christians and Solzhenzitsyn says killed at least
66 million Russians.
Political Information
Dec 19, 2011 - Hungarian Bill Could Take Power From Central Bank
The phrase "growing international criticism" is media doublespeak for Rothschild bankster
cabal "criticism" promulgated by the Rothschild controlled European Central bank, and the
Rothschild controlled mainstream media and their political puppets..
Political Information
Dec 19, 2011 - Australian Banks Given One Week To Prepare For European "Meltdown"
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority envision worst-case scenario of 12%
unemployment, 30% drop in house prices, 40% fall in commercial property values, AFR
(Australian Financial Review) says - Tyler Durden
Political Information
Dec 19, 2011 - Judaism is Just a Front
Ron: Morris Herman has Jewish origins but thinks, quite rightly, that so-called Jewish
identity is a con job used to maintain an army of zealous Fifth Columnists that infest the
world working ceaselessly for the Jewish New World Order. He thinks, quite correctly, that
anti-Semitism is the fear mongering glue that keeps so-called Jews from realising they are
just human beings like everyone else. If Jews could led go of the bullshit victimhood meme
that encapsulates the false anti-Semitism meme they could let go of their fears and learn to
love other human beings.
Political Information
Dec 19, 2011 - Syria deploys Russian anti-sea missiles on coast, Scuds on Turkish
True US History
Dec 19, 2011 - Do You Own Your Children?
Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146. Continued…
“…When two people decide to get married, they are required to first procure a license from
the State. If they have children of this marriage, they are required by the State to submit
their children to certain things, such as school attendance and vaccinations. Furthermore, if
at some time in the future the couple decides the marriage is not working, they must petition
the State for a divorce. Marriage is a three-party contract between the man, the woman,
and the State“
True US History
Dec 19, 2011 - Prepare For A Jewish Police State
Ron: Tell me again why you think the US is not a Jewish colony and why US governance is in
the very best of hands.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 78
Phoenix Journals
Dec 19, 2011 - PJ #79 " MARCHING TO ZOG! ", chapter 7 & 8.
H: But remember, readers, we have spoken of how Somalia got into the mess it was in,
prior to this. The Soviets were THERE--then they pulled out and YOUR (U.S.A.)
ELITE moved in and wiped out the government, the economy and all stability. The
Soviets moved west and you moved in, destroyed and now move back in through the UN
to further wipe out the little country. Warlords? Warlords?? What are warlords? ARE
Political Information
Ron: If you live in the EU you'd better watch this video on the European Stability Mechanism
TREATY. This 3' 53" video was uploaded by 2012sprint on Dec 17, 2011:
Uploader's comments:
When the hell do we the so called common people wake the hell up?
Unlimited money supply is not enough for these people. They want all of our souls!!
Dec 18, 2011 - French: La Barrière de Fréquence et le Réseau Neuronal
Le 13 Juillet, 2007 & Le 17 Février, 2008.
Thoth et P'Taah / Lionette, traduction G. AKUÉ.
Other Channels
Dec 18, 2011 - Invitation à la méditation AH du dimanche 18 décembre
par Johan et CM, 18 décembre 2011, traduction Marie-Louise
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - Steven Spielberg; 'The Holocaust Never Happened'.
Steven Spielberg admits 'The Holocaust Never Happened'. See from 2 minutes to 2' 04"
in this video:
Dunno if this is a genuine admission in this video clip BUT it certainly tells the truth so it
could be.
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - Jews enjoy Killing
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 79
Ron: Some 94% of Jews in Israel are said to have approved of the "Cast Lead" massacre of
Palaestinians. Here's a typical Jewish viewpoint on Gaza and Palestinians. Please don't try to
tell me these people are not Jews because they are Zionists. THIS ATTITUDE IS
'We wanta see it in our own eyes. Not from television point of view. They chose Hamas to
rule them. It's their fault... I think they should clear off all the city. Just take it off the
ground. Yes. I'm a little bit fascist.' - Jewish woman on a hilltop watching Jews bombing
translators, DON"T translate yet, some are having a bit of trouble with Johan' english and a
couple of concepts I am familiar with, but perhaps other are not. It needs a bit of help from
me I think. c
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
By Johan and CM. Translated by Harald
Other Channels
Dec 18, 2011 - Comprendre le MEME
Thot et Leonette, 5 décembre 2011, traduction Marie-Louise
Dec 18, 2011 - Premierminister Putin antwortet auf McCains Drohung, Putin könnte
dasselbe Schicksal ereilen wie Muammar Ghaddafi
Global Rearch
Dec 18, 2011 - Die auserwählte kriminelle Elite
David Duke
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 18, 2011 - Wrong E.mail Address
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - Financial planning! Women are so much better at financial planning
than men!!!
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - Have Yourself a very Merry Apocalypse.
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - "Vampires do not live on Vampires" What Benjamin Franklin said about
the Money Masters
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 80
Speaking at the annual business conference sponsored by Globes, Dershowitz stated that
regardless of whether or not it would be wise for Israel to attack, “Israel has the
right morally and legally to strike Iran just as it did on [the nuclear facility] in Iraq in
1981. Having the right to attack does not mean that it should do so, but I would defend
Israel’s right.” "Hey Professor, if what you say is valid, then doesn't Iran have the
moral and legal right to strike Israel?"
BTW, where does this BS about Israel having the moral and legal right to attack another
nation come from?
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - Tens of thousands of children abused in Dutch Catholic institutions,
report says
Children in institutional care, regardless of religious affiliation, in the Netherlands were at
substantial risk of being abused during the period, the molestation rate – 20% – being twice
that of elsewhere. The investigation led by Wim Deetman concluded that several tens of
thousands of children had suffered sexual molestation. - Ian Traynor
Political Information
Dec 18, 2011 - Medvedev on US: ‘If they continue to push us around, we’ll push back’
Medvedev summed up his statement by saying that he will not stand for intimidation. Russia
will continue to pursue its interest within the international arena. “If they want to push us
around, we’ll push back.
Dec 18, 2011 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 24 - Stasis, mini stasis, craft,
Jupiter.", Part 3 - update.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals - PDF
Dec 18, 2011 - PJ #78 " THE IRON TRAP AROUND AMERICA ", Pdf copy.
" This very day the speakers relate the happenings of the day in Moscow Russia (Yeltsin
retrieving control of the government), to the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. It, therefore,
would behoove you to study our material quite carefully for it is important to KNOW who
Dec 17, 2011 - Die Herde im Zaum halten: Einheimische Drohnen gegen "einheimische
Ron: Wenn Sie dieses Material als zu negativ empfinden, dann LESEN SIE ES NICHT.
Bewahren Sie sich den „Frieden Ihres Geistes“ bis die globalen M atrixkontrolleure
beschließen, Ihren Geist vollkommen zu eliminieren… Vermutlich wird die Drohnifizierung des
Lebens rasch fortschreiten, bis die globalen Matrixkontrolleure beginnen, die Sch… aus den
Anglo-USanern und den Europäern zu blasen, statt nur (mit extremer Voreingenommenheit)
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 81
die braunen Menschen und die Dritte-Weltler auszulöschen. Wahrscheinlich wird es an jenem
Punkt sein, dass der Himmel einschreiten wird, denn, sehen wir es klar, westliche weiße
Menschen sind gleicher als andere…
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 17, 2011 - Zum Verständnis der "Meme"
Thoth durch Leonette v. 5.12.2011 Übersetzung Karin
Phoenix Journals
Dec 17, 2011 - PJ #77 " PLAYERS IN THE GAME ", chapter 9 & 10.
" A MAJOR part of my suggested "program" is SPELTA BREAD. Spelta is a grain all of its
own unique being. It is the best fiber resource, has large amounts of B-17 (anti-carcinoma)-it
is the grain GOD gave to the planet as "manna" when you were put upon it. The Spelta is more
mildly flavorful than wheat and even ones allergic to wheat will have no allergy to Spelt. It is,
however, VERY EXPENSIVE for it was all but removed from the market. "
Seraphin through Rosie
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 16, 2011 - The Church of NO SHOPPING Reverand Billy from the Church of no
Shopping. There is a movie on this guy I saw once, and its great. Terrific mission work and
he's funny to boot. -C Ok the movie I saw was What Would Jesus Buy.
Political Information
Dec 16, 2011 - Yet more critical thinking and those damn old taoists...
Note, if accurately reported ... by David Wilcock the amount of gold on the planet is 2 million
tons of gold instead of the mere 120,000 tons of gold reported by officialdom global
estimates. If so, it is not, as David and others who are emotionally attached to the 'lawsuit
as nice and easy solution to NWO without violence, death, revolution, destruction, and
horror' camp, worth anything like what they think...the more gold, the cheaper it becomes.
They, David Wilcock, and the rest of the 'lawsuit camp followers' are victims of their own
ignorance of commodities markets, and the assumptions hardened into their point of view of
universe...the 'discovery' or revealing of an additional 1.88 million tons of gold on the planet
would, in an of itself, crash the financial system to rubble. What must be understood by the
lawsuit aficionado's is that the whole of terrestrial humanity's exchange system is based
on scarcity. It is only the rarity of certain minerals that give them 'perceived value'. If gold
is plentiful, it is not valuable. Clif High
Political Information
Dec 16, 2011 - Gaddafi's death may be war crime: ICC prosecutor
Ron: Nooo, surely not? Knock me down with a feather! months after his brutal murder by
paid agents of NATO and the US, ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo says:"I think the way
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 82
in which Mr Gaddafi was killed creates suspicions of ... war crimes," WHEN, Lord, are these
criminals running our world gonna get their just deserts?
True US History
Dec 16, 2011 - Putin answers McCain's threat that Putin may face the same fate as
Muammar Gaddafi.
Ron: This article refers to Putin "lashing out at MCain". It seems that even the alternative
media can't get it's FKN reporting right! In effect, McCain publicly threatened that Putin
may (could?) be brutally hunted down by the US, UK and NATO and brutally murdered, as
happened to Muammar Gaddafi. Vladimir Putin's response to that murderous threat seems
very reasobable to me. To characterise it as "lashing out" is not only ridiculous BUT cretinous
propaganda. If Global Research can't get it right they should leave it alone, or be branded
FKN shills!
Phoenix Journals
Dec 16, 2011 - PJ #78 " THE IRON TRAP AROUND AMERICA ", chapter 13, final.
" H: Now Jake, and all the rest of you sleepyheads--DO YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN
True US History
Dec 15, 2011 - NATO troops on Syrian border - James Corbett on RT
This 7' 43" video uploaded by corbettreport on Dec 15, 2011:!
Original story:
Previous video on this story:
Dec 15, 2011 - Global Villiager 83: SOLIDARITY
This story illustrates how shows of SOLIDARITY can change the lives of whole communities.
It is based on an article I once read concerning a project researching the condition of some
villages in Ethopia, which were visited year after year. The conclusion was that outward
conditions did not change much, but that villagers who released their fear, stopped hoarding,
shared risks and showed solidarity, were much better off. In the new age on earth,
SOLIDARITY will be vital, and we can start NOW by answering the questions at the
beginning of this text ...
Other Channels
Dec 15, 2011 - Dans la foulée de la gloire!
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 83
Thot par Leonette, 13 décembre 2011, traduction Marie-Louise
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Dec 15, 2011 - In den Fußstapfen der Herrlichkeit
Thoth durch Leonette, 13.12.2011 Übersetzung Karin
By Others
Dec 15, 2011 - ‘结局就要到来’,新的黎明就要降临到你们身上
Dec 15, 2011 - NICHT BERICHTET in den Nachrichten der Mainstream-Medien: Mein
Patrick Meighan, 6. Dezember 2011
Ron : Wie viele Millionen amerikanischer Bürger müssen wie dieser Kerl behandelt werden,
bevor die Amerikaner ihre heutige Regierungsform ablehnen? Und selbst wenn es Millionen
tun, was für eine Sch…differenz würde dies ausmachen. Mit einer Hälfte der Bevölkerung aus
seelenlosen Robotern mit negativ programmiertem Maschinenverstand und so gut wie allen
Regierungsinstitutionen und privaten Unternehmen unter der Kontrolle von Psychopathen und
satanisch kontrollierten Klonen ist ein friedlicher Protest zwecklos. Um noch einen drauf zu
setzen – beinahe niemand erfährt Wahrheiten wie diese, weil die Mainstream-Medien
(Qualitätsmedien) vollkommen korrupt sind und von den eben erwähnten Robotoiden,
Psychopathen und Klonen betrieben werden; und ZUM TEUFEL mit den menschlichen
Trittbrettfahrer und „nützlichen Idioten“, die da für „Geld“ mitmachen.
Human/Animal Rights
Dec 15, 2011 - Storytime With Lukas, The World's Smartest Horse
Ron: Animals have souls. They evolve just as humans do. In fact new human souls evolve from
animal souls. It is rare for animals to grow sufficiently to receive a Creator Fragment
(Thought Adjuster) before incarnationg as a new human BUT this is increasingly happening
now. This development is a glorious achievement and is due to compassionate and empathetic
treatment by some humans. Go Karen and Lucas!
Where there is gret love, there are miracles.- willa Cather
Dec 15, 2011 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 26 - Why cannot earth folks envision a
world without MONEY! ", Part 1 & 2.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
IV ", chapter 3 & 4.
" H: God have mercy at those things done in the name of Christ and God. People of
Earth NEVER could retain God in HIS holiness, loving allowance--MAN seems to have to
murder in the name of "something"--for once in the entrapment of the senses of
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 84
physical expression and in the grip of human ego of third dimension he seems quite
unable to simply draw from wisdom--but rather plays at the games of Barbarians and
direct tools of adversarial force. "
True US History
Dec 14, 2011 - How The Jews Stole Christmas
The union of synagogue and state will continue it's onward relentless march unless someone
has the guts to say "NO" to the JEWS, who stole Christmas. This 3' 39" video was uploaded
by zionget on Dec 14, 2011:
Dec 14, 2011 - Italian: LA FINE E' ARRIVATA, e una nuova alba sta venendo avanti
su di voi.
Johan e CM, traduzione Ben Boux.
Translations - Candace
Dec 14, 2011 - Italian: La fine è arrivata.
Siraya tramite Candace, traduzione Ben Boux.
Thoth tramite Leonette, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Art and Music
Dec 14, 2011 - Lifted
For those who wake up feeling so beat up in the morning, here's why! Enjoy and thanks to
Eve for finding this one! -C by special
request from a reader dating this to stay on top for a bit.
Political Information
Dec 14, 2011 - The LETSaholic Twist
Ron: Those interested in the LETSystem idea to improve their lifestyle or to help them
segue into the coming Service To Others society that will follow the ending of the monetary
econo-societal system that currently enslaves us, may find the information in this ebook
useful. Unfortunately the links no longer seem to work. Dunno why. But of course this is a
subversive (albeit peaceful) ideology so TPTW would not have smiled upon it. I think this
ebook provides a lot of useful insights and tips for organising self help communities.
Dec 14, 2011 - Methane Being Released in Arctic Earth changes going on. -C
Political Information
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 85
Dec 14, 2011 - Green Dollar LETSystem
Dec 14, 2011 - To ALL posters on AH Front site
To all POSTERS on AH please read inside.
Dec 14, 2011 - Hunderte von US-/NATO-Soldaten kreuzten an der jordanischsyrischen Grenze auf
Sibel Edmonds, 12. Dezember 2011
True US History
Dec 14, 2011 - The Chosen Criminal Elite
Ron: Zionists ARE Jews. The term "Zionist" is a euphemism used to conceal the underlying
truth that Jews control our world. Zionism is merely a convenient political ideology (just as
Jacobinism and Bolshevism were) used by Jews to conceal the fact that their true ideology
and allegiance is to TALMUDISM which requires Jews to eliminate or enslave ALL non-Jews.
Presumably David Duke talks about Zionists and Zionism for a couple of reasons: First, most
people are mind controlled to the point of being brain dead and so they cannot comprehend
anything negative said about the self chosen. Second, because of the extreme political and
physical control exercised in many countries by Jews, David Duke would be arrested,
prosecuted and incarcerated if he identified Jews as being the global criminal cabal which
they truly are.
Phoenix Journals
Dec 14, 2011 - PJ #78 " THE IRON TRAP AROUND AMERICA ", chapter 11 & 12.
" I am going to repeat again: Our mission is to contact OUR PEOPLE. Our mission is also to
bring the word of TRUTH as to your circumstance and Why, probably, most all of the
humanity on your place will likely NOT MAKE IT ACROSS THAT GREAT DIVIDE-ONCE AGAIN! "
Thoth thru Leonette.
True US History
Dec 13, 2011 - Drones officially Take Flight For Domestic Law Enforcement
Ron: Hellfire missiles coming to a neighbourhood near you - courtesy of drone technology and
your "Welfare" govrnment. But YOU have nothing to fear 'cause you're NOT a terrorist are
True US History
Dec 13, 2011 - Policing the Herd: Domestic Drones for 'Domestic Terrorists'
Ron: If you find material such as this too negative DON'T READ IT. Preserve your 'peace of
mind' until the global matrix controllers decide to eliminate your mind completely...
Presumably the dronefication of life will continue apace until the global matrix controllers
start blasting the shit out of Anglo-USans and Europeans rather than just eliminating (with
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 86
extreme prejudice) brown people and Third Worlders. Presumably at that point Heaven will
intervene because, lets face it, Western White People are more equal than others...
True US History
Dec 13, 2011 - NOT REPORTED on the Mainstream NEWS... My Occupy LA Arrest
Ron: How many millions of USans will have to be treated like this bloke before Amerikkans
reject their current forms of governance? And even if millions do, what FKN difference
would it make. With half the population being soulless robots with negatively programmed
machine minds, and virtually all governance and private corporations being controlled by
psychopaths and satanically controlled clones, peaceful protest is futile. To cap it off, almost
no one is told truths such as these because the mainstream media is totally corrupted and
operated by the aforesaid robots, psychopaths and clones; and FUCKWIT human enablers
and "useful idiots" who are in it for the "money".
Dec 13, 2011 - Ist der "Krieg gegen den Terrorismus" ein Witz?
Paul Craig Roberts
True US History
Dec 13, 2011 - Newt, the Jews, and an “Invented” People
Political Information
Dec 13, 2011 - Wall Street Propagandists Scramble To Cover US Ties to Russian
Hardly leaderless, hardly unorganized, hardly even indigenous, the presence of stages and
opposition leaders as well as calls for future protests already being made by the likes of US
NED-funded Wold Democracy Movement steering committee member Vladimir Ryzhkov and
his partner Boris Nemtsov, casts very serious doubts not only on the Sydney Morning
Herald’s nonsensical claims of the protest’s spontaneous nature and its legitimacy, but on the
Herald’s journalistic integrity itself for finding such nonsense fit for print. - Tony Cartalucci
Political Information
Dec 13, 2011 - The Globalists' Worst Nightmare Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution
to the globalist problem.
Self-sufficiency and the harassing of technology in the hands of the people are the greatest
fears of the global oligarchy - fears that oligarchs throughout the centuries have harbored.
Simply boycotting the globalists' corporations and replacing them with local solutions is
something everyone can afford to do starting today.- Tony Cartalucci
Political Information
Dec 13, 2011 - The Enemy of Humanity is going to their Grave.
Political Information
Dec 13, 2011 - Stephen Lendman Receives Journalists Club of Mexico International
Journalism Award
Ron: Congratulations Stephen Lendman. A prophet is without honour in his own country but
not necessarily elsewhere.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 87
True US History
Dec 13, 2011 - The Menace Of The Jewish-Run State
Then, of course, there’s Alex Jones, who in his daily rants against “globalists” — “elitists” —
“banksters — and all those naughty “insiders” — just can’t seem to bring himself before his
Jewish advertisers and Jewish radio syndicate owners to identify the masters of Jewry who
operate the “police state” that he is so dedicated to “exposing” … yet not quite … given his
fear of naming Jewish names. - Br Kapner
Phoenix Journals
IV ", chapter 1 & 2.
" I think it's time to again run the PROTOCOLS OF ZION, staff. Education is only a
PORTION of the PLAN to be destroyed. It is working--that Plan 2000! It is a bit AHEAD of
schedule, as a matter of fact. It is also like your government when you consider education-unless you begin something BETTER you are stuck with what you have--evil and terrible as it
might be. You CAN change it--but indeed, IT IS GOING TO BE THROUGH AND WITH THE
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Von Johan und CM, 11. Dez. 2011
Other Channels
Dec 12, 2011 - "La fin est venue" et une aube nouvelle arrive sur vous
Par Johan et CM, 11 décembre 2011, traduction Marie-Louise
True US History
Dec 12, 2011 - George Carlin - You are a slave
Nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care... It's called the American Dream
'cause you hafta be asleep to believe it. 3' 15" Video:
Political Information
Their tool is Fear. To keep us preoccupied and distracted and living in their projected
reality. Turn it completely off. If we stop participationg. stop conforming through fearing
and fixating on their projected assaults; of their visual and mental states and separate and
expose their falseness, Love and truth will manifest in increasingly amazing ways. and each of
us then becomes a vessel to help enliven and encourage the brave souls we have the privilege
to be with on this wonderful journey...Laugh in their faces. WE, are ETERNAL. 5' 34" VID:;read=224251
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 88
Dec 12, 2011 - Report: “Confirmed that the wall of reactor 4 was lost on the south
side” (PHOTOS
Dec 12, 2011 - Red alert: Fukushima nuclear reactor 4 possibly collapsing, mass
evacuations may be necessary
True US History
Dec 12, 2011 - Hundreds-of-US-NATO-Soldiers-Arrive-Begin-Operations-on-theJordan-Syria-Border
Dec 12, 2011 - #146 The End is Come, Man did not Unify, But OH the Success
The End is Come
Man did not Unify in Brotherhood
December 8, 2011
By Candace
Dec 12, 2011 - 结局就要到来,人类没能团结如兄弟
True US History
Dec 12, 2011 - Hundreds of US and Nato Soldiers arrive on the Syrian/Jordon
From Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds blog.
Dec 12, 2011 - Nederlands: “ Het Einde is gekomen en een nieuwe dageraad komt
langs en op u.”
Johan en CM, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 12, 2011 - Carrots in the car park. Radishes on the roundabout. The deliciously
eccentric story of the town growing ALL its own veg
Ron: To change society we need to change attitudes to growing food. Once a community
starts growing its own food with the aim of becoming self sufficient it starts to evolve into a
real community. Everything changes as people change. As Joe Strachan says: ‘There’s a
nobility to growing food and allowing people to share it. There’s a feeling we’re doing
something significant rather than just moaning that the state can’t take care of us. ‘Maybe
we all need to learn to take care of ourselves.’
Telemensajes de Otros
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 89
Political Information
Dec 12, 2011 - Mystery Babylon and the Coming Darkness.
Political Information
Dec 12, 2011 - Intention, Destiny and the Cartoon Dance of the Temporal.
Ron: The designation "Jew" is self chosen by those who wish to be identified with the
politico-religious ideology in the Talmud. Being "Jewish" is thus a choice, it is not a genetic
biological category and hence "Jews" are NOT "a people". Jews, as humans, ARE responsible
for their choices. Publicly professing that one is a Jew necessarily implies acceptance of
Talmudic ideology. That ideology is essentially political and virulently anti-gentile. For
centuries Talmudic leaders have been conspiring to enslave humanity and control the planet.
Those who publicly profess Judaism thereby support their Talmudic leaders and receive
various political, societal and personal benefits as a result. They therefore cannot validly
pretend that they are not complicit, and part of the problem. Arguably they are at least
tacit accomplices in the crimes of their polity (Israel) and their global congregation ("tribe").
Part of the Jew's ideological creed is the Kol Nidre which bestows on them the right to lie
to non-Jews. It is therefore not possible for a non-Jew to trust anything a Jew says.
Phoenix Journals
Dec 12, 2011 - PJ #79 " MARCHING TO ZOG! ", chapter 5 & 6.
" For instance, to call a form of government which is totally totalitarian and fascist
socialism--"Communism" is a good example of the subterfuge. To call Lucifer, the evil leader
into darkness, the bright "and morning star", "Prince of Light" and other "LIGHTED AND
GODLY GOOD LABELS" is typical of your adversary. When you can recognize the antiChristed god from the players in the physical game--you will recognize the LIES and, after
all, is that not that to which we aspire in our growth path? YOU MUST RECOGNIZE A
AND NOT ATTEND LABELS OR CUTE NAMES. Remember--a rose is a rose is a rose--calling
it a lilac will not make it so! "
Telepathische Nachrichten (div.)
Von CM und Johan, 11. Dez. 2011 – 3:22:46 PM
by Candace
Dec 11, 2011 - Portuguese: O FIM CHEGOU, O HOMEM NÃO SE UNIU, MAS OH! O
Siraya/Candace, tradução Lucia G.
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 90
Dec 11, 2011 - 'Downloading' new skills into our brains like characters on The Matrix
set to become a reality, say scientists
Ron: As the Russians and Amerikkans were able to produce and program the brains of
robotoids and clones (biological machines, however described) in the late 1970s and they and
others have almost certainly perfected the necessary techniques since then, this information
is really stale news among Black Ops circles. "Clones" not only walk among us but they are
operating at the highest levels in human politics and society. This article hints at what has
long since taken place in Black Ops programs in relation to the creation of biological machine
minds and "super soldiers" etc.
Dec 11, 2011 - The Singularity Movement, Immortality, and Removing the Ghost in
the Machine
Ron: Biological machine minds have been under development for 50 years. in 1991 Hatonn
said: "Robotoids and genetic doubles, I REPEAT, have been around and steadily being
perfected for four decades of public use right before your eyes. They are a product of the
Soviet Zionists and have been your puppet masters for a long, long time--a new twist of sick
humor perhaps--"the puppet pulling the human's strings!" " (PJ #24, ch.9)
Dec 11, 2011 - Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer Conspiracy
This article discusses how scientists have recently announced the creation of an implantable
device that can be placed in the brain and which will allow for the control of computers by
thought...there is little doubt that if DARPA is releasing this much information on HI-MEMS,
the project has already been attempted, tested, and perfected a long time ago. It is only
new to the general public and the few scientists who have been chosen to release the
information to the population for the purposes of prepping them for the coming New World
Order. - Brandon Turbeville
Dec 11, 2011 - Candace Teachings on GLP: " 25 - Now A Word from OUR Sponsor .",
Part 1.
Spiritual Teachings on GLP by Candace, Pdf made by Christ.
Phoenix Journals
Dec 11, 2011 - PJ #78 " THE IRON TRAP AROUND AMERICA ", chapter 9 & 10.
" Eisenhower was quoted at the war's end as saying: "I hate war as only a soldier who has
lived through it can, only as one who has seen it's brutality, it's futility, it's stupidity." But
he did not hate it as much as he hated Germans, and he took a terrible Talmudic Zionist's
revenge on over a million SURRENDERED German soldiers and civilians when the war
ended. Praised by the media and the "kept" historians, this man was directly responsible for
one of the most reprehensible acts in the history of so-called civilized man and warfare. One
which should put him in the same class with Atilla the Hun and other total barbarians. "
AbundantHope Front Pages
Pdf 35-- Page 91
Political Information
Dec 10, 2011 - Iceland votes to recognize Palestine
Political Information
Dec 10, 2011 - Germany OKs subsidized submarine sale to Israel
Ron: These 'Dolphin' submarine war machines together with many, many billions of euros
worth of payments and so-called "aid" have been EXTORTED from the German nation by the
Jews in Israel and their worldwide FIFTH COLUMN supporters who control the global
mainstream media and most global governments. The Lie which the Jews have used to steal
and extort enormous wealth from Germany is the Holocaust BLOOD LIBEL. Until humanity
understands and acknowledges that the Holocaust is a total LIE and a vicious calumny on the
German nation, our world can never be free.
True US History
Dec 10, 2011 - Chinese Government Official: ‘US Threat To Pakistan Is Threat To
“China will never be in peace if Pakistan is lost.” China’s Central Television, Junshijia
“China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third world war,” comments that have
provoked much debate in China. - Chinese Major General Zhang Zhaozhong
True US History
Dec 10, 2011 - US told to stay away from Iran airspace
Deputy Chairman of the Majlis (parliament) National Security and Foreign Policy Committee
Esmail Kowsari warned that if US spy drones attempt to violate Iran's sovereignty once
again Iran "will target every US military base anywhere in the world."- legitgov
Par Candace
Dec 10, 2011 - La fin est arrivée, l'homme ne s'est pas unifié en fraternité, mais OH
- quel succès!
Siraya par Candace, 8 décembre 2011, traduction Kathy
Phoenix Journals
IV ", Intro
" Take life as a task; each step of it to be practiced until it can be done perfectly,
that is, with patience, with soul harmony, and rest. Remember the "Christ-ness" of the
humble ways is with you. His "Well done, good and faithful servant," is spoken, not to the
GREAT of the Earth but to the humble bearer of whatever might flow, be it pain, annoyance,
joy, irritation, to the patient worker in life's ways of service. So even on the quietest day,
and in the lowliest way, mighty opportunities are given you of serving the King of Kings, Spirit
of Spirits and Creator of Creation. See, beloved Friends, that you welcome and do not resent
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these opportunities. And, always pray for another--that the reflection of the goodness can
overflow yourself. "
Dec 9, 2011 - Nederlands: Het einde is gekomen, de Mens is niet Verenigd in
Broederschap Maar OH het SUCCESS.
Siraya via Candace, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 9, 2011 - Rob Williams - Psychology of Change (In 8 Parts)
If you believe you can OR if you believe you can't; your right. - Henry Ford Ron: IF you want
to change your subconscious attitudes to any ideas and atitudes I recommend a careful listen
to this series of short videos by Rob Williams. But before you do i recommend that you
watch the series of videos on the BIOLOGY OF PERCEPTION by Bruce Lipton. These videos
can help you change your consciousness and your life; if that's what you want to do.
Dec 9, 2011 - Bruce Lipton - Biology of Perception Parts 1-7
Ron: Bruce Lipton explains how your beliefs determine your biological and behavioural
reality. He demonstrates how the human body's physiological mechanisms result in health or
illness and how we activate those mechanisms with our beliefs. We truly are very powerful
and our attitudes and beliefs, NOT our genes, DO determine whether we live or die and how
we experience the process.
True US History
Dec 9, 2011 - The Vote That Changed The World! - End Corporate Rule
This 1' 4-" video was uploaded by eyezopenwide2 on Dec 8, 2011:
Please visit Ron: Better late than never. On December 6th,
2011, Los Angeles became the first major U.S. city to call for an amendment reserving
Constitutional rights solely for living human beings.
By Others
Dec 9, 2011 - 我们的服务在继续
Other Channels
Dec 9, 2011 - Et maintenant, un mot de notre sponsor
Kibo et Christ Michael, 5 décembre 2011, traduction Kathy
Telemensajes de Candace
Dec 9, 2011 - El Fin ha Llegado, El Hombre no se Unió en Hermandad, Pero ¡OH el
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 9, 2011 - I'll see you on the Far Shore
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So I'll see you on the Far shore, I'll see then, we'll dream again the Golden Days, the
nights, we've yet to know, Yes I'll see you on the Far shore, I'll see you then, i know I will.
For we've still got a long long way to go. - Judith Durham, 'Far Shore':
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 9, 2011 - 'Come the Day'
Ron: The way popular music should have gone ... The Seekers 1967 - 'Come the Day'
At Myer Music Bowl Melbourne:
This Train:
When Will the Good Apples Fall:
True US History
Dec 9, 2011 - Israeli Intelligence Report: US Drone downed by Iran Cyber Attack
Iran exhibited the top-secret US stealth drone RQ-170 Sentinel captured on Sunday, Dec.
4. Its almost perfect condition confirmed Tehran's claim that the UAV was downed by a
cyber attack, meaning it was not shot down but brought in undamaged by an electronic
warfare ambush...The enigmas surrounding its capture continue to pile up. How did Iran know
the drone had entered its airspace? How was it caused to land? Most of all, why did the
craft's self-destruct mechanism which is programmed to activate automatically fail to work?
And if it malfunctioned, why was it not activated by remote control? - Global Research
Phoenix Journals
Dec 9, 2011 - PJ #79 " MARCHING TO ZOG! ", chapter 3 & 4.
" The "Turkish" people whom Wells mentions were the "Chazars" (Chazar = Khazar), who built
an empire in south Russia in the 9th century A.D. This Chazar empire was infiltrated by large
numbers of Byzantine Jews. By process of intermarriage and conversion these Chazars
became identified as Jews, and in all Jewish histories and encyclopedias the words "Chazar"
and "Jew" are used interchangeably. In the tenth century a succession of invasions
destroyed the Chazar empire and large numbers of these Chazar-Jews settled in the area of
what is now Poland. Others found their way to western Europe and Spain, where they mingled
with the already bastardized conglomeration of European Jewry. [H: Remember in the
Protocols, one of the instructions is to intermingle and intermarry!! As the Jewish
elements takes control of commercial ventures--it is most desirable for a gold-hungry
gentile to latch onto this wealth--without discerning any other probable outcome of the
relationship. KNOW that all of this is exactly according to the instructions of the
True US History
Dec 8, 2011 - FDR, Pearl Harbor and the U.N.
Ron: As the US had broken the Japanese code Roosevelt knew all about the attack on Pearl
Harbour long before it happened. This author ignores the fact that Roosevelt and Churchill
were Jews and were under the control of Jews throughout WWII and thereafter and that
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the UN was part of the Rothschilds' plans for the eventual development of One world
Government under Jewish control.
Telepathische Nachrichten (Candace)
Dec 8, 2011 - Das Ende ist gekommen
Der Mensch hat sich nicht in Brüderlichkeit geeint ...aber OH ... was für ein Erfolg..!!
Siraya durch Candace, 8.12. 2011 Übersetzung Eve
Dec 8, 2011 - Nederlands: Onze service gaat door.
Adama van Telos door Eve, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 8, 2011 - Nederlands: Aan het einde van alle dingen.
Eve/Adama van Telos, vertaling Lilian A.
Dec 8, 2011 - Italian: Il Tempo del Passaggio – La Sorgente Creatrice.
La Sorgente Creatrice tramite Hazel, traduzione Lina Capettini.
True US History
Dec 8, 2011 - PROPAGANDA ALERT: FOX News Fakes MOSCOW Protest With
Athens Clashes 12/8/11
Ron: Fox News shows films of riots in Greece and tells Amerikkans that they are PICs of
Russians unhappy with Putin... Typical US propaganda:
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 8, 2011 - This is Water - Parts 1 & 2
You get to decide what has meaning and what doesn't. You get to decide what to worship... In
the day to day trenches of adult life there is no such thing as atheism... The really important
kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline. And being able to truly care
about other people and to sacrifice for them, over and over, in myriad, petty, unsexy ways,
everyday. THAT is real freedom. THAT is being educated and understanding how to think.
The alternative is unconsciousness. The default setting... real education has almost nothing
to do with knowledge and everything to do with simple awareness. Awareness of what is so
real and essential. So hidden in plain sight all around us all the time, that we have to keep
reminding ourselves over and over: 'This is water. This is water'. It is unimaginably hard to
do this. To stay conscious and alive in the adult world day in and day out... your education
really IS the job of a lifetime and it commences, NOW. - David Foster Wallace
Changing The Face Of Religion
Dec 8, 2011 - Priest Says Hell Is Fake And Religion Is About Control!
I don't believe hell exists. I happen to believe in life after death but I don't think it's got a
thing to do with reward and punishment. Religion is always in the control business... It's in
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the guilt producing control business... The Church doesn't like for people to grow up. Because
you can't control grownups. That's why we talk about being born again. when you're born
again, you're still a child. People don't need to be born again; they need to grow up. they need
to accept their responsibility for themselves and the world. - Bishop Spong
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 8, 2011 - Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now Chapter 8 - Love and Relationships
Ron: Here's a bit of revision cobbers. A reminder to be present in he here and NOW. Well
worth a listen: 'Unless and until you access the consciousness frequency of presence, all
relationships and particularly intimate relationships, are deeply flawed and ultimately
dysfunctional'.- Eckhart Tolle
Political Information
Dec 8, 2011 - Israel and Syria brace for regional war between mid-Dec. 2011 and
mid-Jan 2012
Ron: Presumably stasis will follow almost immediately if this happens. Unless it is thought
advisable to give Amerikkans a few days to absorb the shock of their fleets going to the
By Others
Dec 8, 2011 - 在一切接近完成之时
Spirituelle Schätze
Dec 8, 2011 - Il capo di tutti capo - german
By Kibo, Dec 5, 2011 Übersetzung: Harald K.
Dec 8, 2011 - Libyen, - Das Delirium Tremens der Abtrünnigen des CNT
Allain Jules, 8. Dezember 2011
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 8, 2011 - Going Home (based On Largo from 9th Symphony 'From the New
Ron: For Johan and all those 'going home':
True US History
Dec 8, 2011 - Pulling Back the Curtain on the Wall Street Money Machine
We are indentured to a Wall Street money machine that creates our money and lends it back
to us at interest, money our sovereign government could be creating itself, with full
democratic oversight and accountability to the people. We have forgotten our roots, when
the American colonists thrived on a system of money created by the people themselves,
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debt-free and interest-free. The continued dominance of the Wall Street money machine
depends on that collective amnesia. - Ellen Brown
Other Spiritual Pieces
Dec 8, 2011 - Beauty Will Save The World
This 3' 43"video by Br Nathanael Kapner was uploaded by zionget on Dec 7, 2011:
Phoenix Journals
Dec 8, 2011 - PJ #78 " THE IRON TRAP AROUND AMERICA ", chapter 7 & 8.
" H: Right here I would like to have you ponder something! We speak of "Nazi Germany" as if
it were all the people all of the time doing awful things. Guess what, Amerika, there were no
more guilty Germans involved in the World Wars who abused anyone than there are
Amerikans who abuse others. It is the same ratio and the SAME lineage who masterminded
the entire horror film and it was NOT "ORIGINAL" GERMAN ANYTHINGS! Because less
than 3% of your population is into war, immorality and other ghastly things--does that mean
True US History
Dec 7, 2011 - FBI's new definition of rape ensnares TSA agents as serial rapists
By Others
Dec 7, 2011 - 天父的恳求
Especially In times of great change, flexibility and creativity are essential. Here is a story
and questions to answer, as an invitation to RE-INVENT OURSELVES on a daily basis ...
Dec 7, 2011 - Italian: Una Perorazione del Padre Creatore.
Dalla Sorgente del Creato attraverso Hazel.
Health and Nutrition
Dec 7, 2011 - NZ food bill to make growing food a government privilege rather than a
human right
'... the NZ Food Bill, if passed, will essentially transfer primary control of food from
individuals to corporations under the guise of food safety... As far as enforcement, the NZ
bill also authorizes private companies to deploy "Food Safety Officers" that can raid private
property without warrant. Not only will these "Food Safety Officers" be permitted to
draw weapons against those they are pursuing, but they will also be immune from
criminal and civil prosecution for their illegal actions.
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Dec 7, 2011 - Italian: Alla Vigilia del Domani.
Thoth tramite Leonette, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Dec 7, 2011 - Italian: Una parola ora dal nostro sponsor.
Kibo e CM, traduzione Ben Boux.
Dec 7, 2011 - Italian: Alla fine di tutto.
Adama di Telos tramite Eve, traduzione Ben Boux.
Dec 7, 2011 - Italian: Il Nostro Servizio Continua
Adama di Telos tramite Eve, traduzione Lina Capettini.
Political Information
Dec 7, 2011 - The Hidden Tyranny (Repost)
True US History
Dec 7, 2011 - IRAN – ” The WAR has ALREADY started! ”
This 2' 29" video of comments by Mark Dankof was uploaded by OccupyCyberSpace on 6 Dec
True US History
Dec 7, 2011 - Obama: Limited Gov't that Preserves Free Markets, Does Not Work.
True US History
Dec 7, 2011 - BCCI Was Involved in Money Laundering for Drugs
Telemensajes de Otros
Dec 7, 2011 - Comprender El MEME
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