the cross word - Lutheran Church of the Cross


the cross word - Lutheran Church of the Cross
The Cross
From The Pastor
 LCC Phase II
Pg. 1
 Lenten Video
Series, Pg. 2
 “Improving
Comm. In
Study, Pg. 3
 SS Bowling
Party, Pg. 4
 Council Mtg.
Pgs. 6-10
 Worship &
Music Comm.
Minutes, Pg.
 Multiple Mye-
loma Month,
Pg. 11
The CrossWord
is a monthly publication, distributed
to the members
and friends of
Lutheran Church
of the Cross,
to inform and enlighten.
Publication deadline is the
18th of each
Dear brothers and sisters hands of the elders and
in Christ,
chief priests and scribes,
and be killed and on the
Are we stressed? With third day be raised.” Peter
this seemingly never end- tries to talk Jesus out of it
ing winter, constant
but is “rebuked.” And so
schedules, demands for
their group continues on to
time commitment and
Jerusalem. They are left
maybe even the occawondering and worrying.
sional boredom of waiting How do they control the
for an event to happen
events around them?
next, we can be tempted
to tap our feet, chew the
inside of our cheek or
wander around at night,
unable to sleep. How do
we fix things? Can we
change people’s minds?
What emotions are surging through us? What is
our next plan of attack?
Surely some of those
questions must have
been floating through the
disciples’ minds as they
walked with Jesus to Jerusalem. In the middle of
a perfectly good sermon
on the mount, Jesus tells
them once, twice, three
times that “he must go to
Jerusalem and undergo
great suffering at the
Pastor Donna
What do they do with their
not claim us because
“perfect love casts out
all fear.” When Jesus
comes walking on the
water, he says, “Take
heart, it is I; do not be
afraid.” When the way
looks uncertain, Jesus
says, “So do not worry
about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own.”
This is who we walk
with into the month of
March and beyond. It is
our Savior and Lord
who promises to be with
us and guide us each
day. We don’t have to
plan and control everything. God’s love is bigger than that. It is a love
that will take us all the
way to the cross and
into the hope of the
empty tomb.
I was reminded in yesterday’s devotions that I
Have a blessed Lent.
should “refuse to worry.”
Well that is certainly easier Blessings,
said than done. But our
Lord speaks to us each
Pastor Donna
day of hope. Fear need
LCC Facility Dedication—March 23rd!
A very special event is being
planned for Sunday, March 23rd at
Lutheran Church of the Cross. Plan to
join us as we dedicate the newly renovated Gathering Space, Multipurpose Room and Kitchen at the
10:30am worship service—we will
have one service only that day.
Bishop Mark Narum, of the Western ND Synod, will be with us on the
23rd, preaching and officiating at the
dedication. We will enjoy a potluck
lunch after the service, so please plan
to bring a hotdish, salad or dessert to
share with
Daylight Saving Time goes into effect Saturday,
March 8th at 2am. Make sure you set your clocks
AHEAD one hour, so you are on time for worship
Sunday the 9th!
The People vs Judas Iscariot:
The Punishment Phase
Have you ever wondered about what happened to poor Judas, one of the
most hated men in history? There is sharp debate even among Christians
about whether or not he could be forgiven for his role in betraying Jesus to the
point of death on the cross. Were his actions part of God’s plan or did his actions condemn him for all eternity?
Join us as we explore the twin goals of Justice and Grace in this compelling courtroom series by Wm. Clayton McCord. The video series, directed by
Gary Heaton and Deb Carpenter, will be presented during the Lenten Service
at 7pm each Wednesday. We begin each Wednesday with Soup Supper at
5:30pm. Thank you to the following members and friends of LCC for participating in this video series:
Court Liaison—Judge Cynthia Feland
KFYR Liaison—Wayne Wolff
Camera Operator—Lee Ellison
Editor—Ken Wosepka
Judge I.M. Pilate – El. J. Arntson
Bailiff – Jeff Thomas
Attorney Justice – Wayne Wolff
Attorney Grace – Deb Carpenter
Judas Iscariot – Matthew Nygard
Saint John – Doug Johnson
Mary Magdalene – Linae Wolff
Unnamed Woman (Mary of Bethany)
– Rachel Thomason
Saint Peter – Kerry Carpenter
Young Boy – Micah Johnson
Mary (Mother of Jesus) – Jean Kraft
Friend of Judas – Kent Flickinger
Chief Priest – Baron Blanchard
Apostle Paul – Ken Will
Surprise Witness – Gary Heaton
Court Reporter/Recorder –
Tchina Nygard
Jury: John Behan, Myrtice Behan,
Karen Will, Barb Thomas, Art
Dohrmann, Brett Gurholt
Library Book Review
At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks
Reviewed by: Ann Hillesland
Jeremy Marsh, a main character, was sure he’d never leave New
York City, but he finds himself in
the tiny town of Boone Creek,
North Carolina, engaged to the
love of his life, Lexie. Anticipating
the start of their family, many
strange events test their love, but
Jeremy will discover an extraordinary truth: the emotion that can
break your heart is sometimes the
very one that heals it.
Nicholas Sparks, the author, does
an excellent job of making the characters appear so real. It is an easy-toread, full of conversation for the reader to interpret, but be prepared for a
surprise ending in At First Sight as the
author delves deep into the more serious realities of life and love.
You are invited to join a couples Bible Study entitled, Improving Communication in your Marriage. This Bible Study will meet Sunday evenings
from 6:45 to 8:30pm, March 16th to May 4th (there will be no study on Easter
Sunday). If you are interested in participating, or have questions, please contact Kent or Christa Flickinger in person or by phone @221-3258 by March
2nd. The cost for books for this study is $15 per couple. Books will be distributed on the first evening of the study.
Friday Night @ The Movies
Due to scheduling difficulties, Friday Night @ The Movies will not be held
in March—we will see everyone back at “Movie Night” in April!
March 2014 Worship Ministers
Gladys Bain (8:30)
Melissa Long (10:30)
Roger Riveland (8:30)
Mavis Pommerer (10:30)
3/16 Baron Blanchard (8:30)
Kerry Carpenter (10:30)
3/23 Art Wheeler (8:30)
Janet Doerner (10:30)
3/30 Krisi Kunz (8:30)
Roger Krueger (10:30)
David & Tricia Johnson (10:30)
John & Janet Doerner; Darryl &
Karen Dolan (10:30—1 Service!)
Jim Miller (8:30)
Steve & Cheryl Neu; Bryce Hill;
Corinne White (10:30)
Manley & Ann Hillesland (8:30)
Laurie & Jon Spilde (10:30)
Curt & Nancy DeGree (10:30)
3/16 (8:30)
AJ Marx and Barb Norby (10:30)
John Kraft; Tricia Johnson;
3/23 (8:30)
John Behan (10:30)
Kent & Christa Flickinger (10:30)
Pam Lee; Doug Johnson;
LaVonne Hultin (Ash Wed 7pm) 3/30 (8:30)
Wayne & Sharon Narum (10:30)
Al Samuelson (8:30)
3/12 Pam Lee (6pm Fusion)
3/16 Cory Stotz; Darryl Dolan;
Caleb Johnson (10:30)
LaVonne Hultin (10:30)
Caleb Johnson (10:30)
3/19 Doug Johnson (6pm Fusion)
3/16 Mike Collins (10:30)
3/23 Carol Samuelson (8:30)
3/23 Mike Collins (10:30)
3/26 Doug Johnson (6pm Fusion)
3/30 Matthew Nygard (10:30)
3/30 Art Dorhmann; Tchina Nygard;
Mike Humann (10:30)
Denise Arntson (8:30)
Kay Miller (8:30)
Berdeal Bergo (8:30)
Ken & Karen Will; Jeff & Barb
Myrtice Behan; Peggy Hetland
Thomas (10:30)
Tchina Nygard; Logan Flickinger; Mackenzie Johnson; Jacob 3/16 ?? (8:30)
?? (10:30)
Holtz (Ash Wed 7pm)
3/23 Congregational Potluck Lunch
Al Samuelson (8:30)
3/30 ?? (8:30)
Jon Spilde; Myrtice Behan;
?? (10:30)
Jim & Laurie Stenehjem (10:30)
Krisi Kunz (8:30)
Mike Collins; Hattie Martinson;
ALTAR GUILD: Pam Hanson; Jean Kraft;
Sunday March 16th 12:30-2:30
If you like to bowl, come join Lutheran Church of the Cross
at Midway Lanes. If you can be extra hands and eyes, or just
want to bowl, please let Tim know.
February Financial “Stats”
$ 6,595.00
6pm Wed.
6pm Wed.
6pm Wed.
6pm Wed.
$ 8,318,34
$ 2,614.00
$ 2,433.00
Building Fund Income in February: $ 1,047.84
Donation to Bismarck Emergency Food Pantry: $100.00
“Heat The Church” Donations in December: $235.00
Ed Ottenbacher Memorials to Building Fund: $1,080
February Birthday Wishes
2 Bryce Hill
3 Gladys Bain
Mackenzie Johnson
4 Bev Peterson
Virginia Smith
5 Carroll Winkler
6 Jerry Hanson
Krista Martinson
7 Aanen Bergrud
10 Stuart Hanson
Jack Johnson
12 Ken Traynor
14 Ruth Jensen
Melissa Volk
17 Sally Grenz
Hope Olson
18 Marjo Hewitson
Arnie Metzger
19 Lucille Bakke
Keelin Traynor
20 Irene Hellekson
Grace Humann
Casey Odegaard
21 Fynn Sagsveen
22 Kendall Bergrud
Karen Dolan
Christa Flickinger
Rich Fockler
Jan Gilbertson
Brandon Kunz
24 Donna Dohrmann
Brett Gurholt
Micah Johnson
25 Cassandra Johnson
Molly Traynor
27 Megan
Earl Larson
Nora Traynor
28 Nathan Humann
29 John Doerner
30 Layne Sarsten
Kayla Tiffany
We are sorry if we have inadvertently
left your name off the Birthday List.
Please call the church
office so we can update
our list of birthdays.
Council Minutes
Lutheran Church of the Cross
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
President Art Wheeler called the meeting to order at 5:08 pm by delivering a brief welcoming message.
Present: Art Wheeler, President; Roger Pommerer (by phone), Vice President; Matt
Sagsveen, Secretary; Bryce Hill; Pam Lee; Tim Newman; Janet Bassingthwaite and Lori Meza.
Shelby Johnson and Pastor Donna were absent.
Devotions: Tim Newman (Compass Theme. A new Direction)
Additions to the Agenda: Council meeting date and time was added by Art Wheeler to New
Approval of Agenda: Brett G. moved to accept the agenda. Motion was seconded by Bryce
H. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes: Brett G. moved to accept the minutes for the January 7 and 19 th reorganizational meetings. Bryce H. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Lori Meza
Lori went through her report page by page to explain the document starting with the cover sheet,
balance sheet, liabilities page, payroll liabilities, profit and loss, expenses, budget balance, payouts
for building fund, donations for chairs, interest on loan payment, profit and loss for building account.
Bryce asked about January heating bill. Lori advised that half was collected.
Excerpt from Lori’s Report:
All bills received as of January 31 were paid
The building loan payment of $2,843.74 was paid. A transfer of $2,900 was made to the Promissory Note Reserve Fund. Total building fund collected for the month of January was
$4,853.75 which netted in a shortage of $1,146.25.
December Heat LCC For A Day Campaign $700; MDU bill $1,414,36
$200 Outreach payment was made to the Food Pantry
$858.33 Prepaid 2014 giving transfer was made into the operational checking as directed in previous Council meeting.
* A 2013 end-of-year benevolence was paid to Carrie’s Kids in the amount of $282.50 with the Sunday School offerings.
Action Items:
Workforce Safety Audit
Matt S. moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion was seconded by and Roger P. Motion passed.
There was further discussion by Lori about Workforce Audit, which was set as an action item.
There was further discussion relating to Augie Ternes audit of our financial statement and that he
has made a few adjustments amounting to $.32. Lori reported that Augie suggested the church
should do a better job with receipts for expenses and also statements the church uses to report
member giving should be in line with the statements other non-profits use. Lori also passed around
the Pledged Giving Report for 2014 (Stewardship Committee Report). The report was received by
the council. Bryce suggested we put this report on our next agenda.
Pastors Report: Pastor Donna
On January 17th we said “Good-bye” to Ed Ottenbacher. He was a good and faithful servant and it
was my privilege to preside. The LCC annual meeting was held on January 19 th. It was the fastest
annual meeting of which I have ever been a part. My compliments go out to our talented and faithful
Council and congregation, who have met many challenges in Christ’s mission and ministry. I can
hardly wait to see where our Savior is leading us next! The WELCA Bible study is a delight. I never
cease to give thanks for these faithful ladies. By the way, all the rest of the LCC ladies are invited as
well. (3rd Thursday, 1:15, Primrose) We can make room. J New member Sunday and Wednesday
went well. I really think it was a good idea to welcome them in the worship service they attend. Welcome one and all. We are blessed. God bless you all.
Pastoral Assistant Report: Tim Newman
So far we have two kids from LCC attending the Minnesota/Wisconsin Mission trip this summer. The
Camp of the Cross PR committee met today about the S,mores and Much Much More Gala. We will
have our annual event on Friday March 28th, with entertainment by the “Strolling Strings”. In the past
we have paid for spots to thank our volunteers around LCC and have sent Council as well to support
our Camp of the Cross outreach. I was wondering if we would like to buy a table or two as a thank
you? The cost is $80/person or a table of 8 for $480. I met with a volunteer from United Church of
Christ and they will host us this year for Vacation Bible School. It will most likely be Sunday June 1 st
– Thursday June 5th. An additional first communion class will happen in March. Donna and I just
need to find a date that works for everyone involved. WINGS, our multi-congregation youth group, is
having a lock in here at Lutheran Church of the Cross on Friday March 21st at 8pm until 8am Saturday morning. The next time we serve LAF is Wednesday April 16 th. The menu will be sandwiches.
The Men’s Retreat was a blast and the “Old” trivial pursuit team even washed our dishes as a stipulation when they lost. It sounds like the women’s retreat will also be well attended. I had a question
regarding our current sound board. It does not have enough channels and so someone has rigged in
another sound board which is also now full. I have chatted with the Worship and Music group back in
November or December about getting a new one after the New Year and found out that there was a
gift of three thousand dollars to be used for worship and music related expenses. In chatting with
Robin and Terry it seems like this would be a good use for that money. Also if we approve streaming
our services we would need further channels to deal with the audio for that project. If we buy a new
mixer we can sell the two old ones to recoup some of the cost. What that dollar amount is I am not
sure. I will be gone for vacation Feb 13th – Feb 18th. I will be gone for continuing education Feb 20th24th
Discussion of Report
There was additional discussion regarding the soundboard and the needs of the church for AV purposes. Art asked the Council’s wishes on the soundboard and there was discussion regarding the
budget. Matt recommended we ask through the Worship and Music Committee; Bryce suggested
we contact Robin. Art will contact Robin. The item will be addressed at our next meeting.
There was some discussion to contribute to Camp of the Cross.
Roger P. moved to purchase two tables for the Camp of the Cross PR event. Motion seconded by
Brett G. Motion passed.
Committee Reports:
Congregational Operations – Brett Gurholt / Art Wheeler
No report.
Christian Education - Janet Bassingthwaite/Pamela Lee
Kids in action met on Sunday. They would like to recognize those students who completed
first communion. Tim and Pastor Donna will work on finding a date for this – traditionally it
has been Maundy Thursday (April 17) – same night as living last supper.
Congregational Nurturing – Matt Sagsveen
Pam Hanson visited on behalf of Helping Hands to report there would be a Spring Fling on
April 26 (2-4). She will work with Shelby. There was also a discussion regarding a benefit for
Lyle Stotz, but that this might be addressed by Faith and Care.
Outreach – Roger Pommerer
No report.
Worship and Music - Bryce Hill
No report.
Unfinished Business:
Reconsider Tabled Motion on Building Fund Pledges
Motion: Bryce H. moved to reconsider the January 7 th motion previously tabled concerning the implementation of prepaid building fund pledges. Janet B. seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
Consider Motion to Approve the Recall of Two Promissory notes
Art gave background information on note program and discussed the Promissory Note
Administrator Recommendation that was distributed to the Council. Roger P. moved to transfer $11,100 from the Building Fund to the Promissory Note Reserve Fund, to pay off the two
Promissory Notes effective March 1, 2014 in the amount of $11,000 plus accrued interest.
Bryce H. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The Council was updated on the financial impact of the decision.
Consider motion to approve promissory Note Administrator
Recommendation on Building Fund Reserves
Roger P. moved to accept the recommendation of the Promissory Note Administrators, and maintain
in the Building Fund the previously approved $24,000 reserve for monthly note payments, plus an
amount equal to the single largest principal ($20,000) held by any one Promissory Note holder. Balances above the $44,000 set aside may be used for American Bank Center prepayments on unpaid
loan principal, or unused to further redeem Promissory Notes as the need arises and the Council
deems prudent, upon a quarterly review. Bryce H. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
New Business:
Video Streaming – Ken Will made his presentation to the Council before the committee reports. He
indicated the comments he received were very positive. No negative input, rather very good questions. He has consulted with another Lutheran church in Mandan; that church has received great
feedback and wished it had started the program earlier. He also discussed the need for a written
protocol that could be used for such a project. This was distributed to the Council for review and approval. The committee recommends that the Council go forward with the project and that we take
Scott Rose up on helping with the project. There are some remaining unanswered questions, but
Ken envisions there will be a single AV team, including some new members who are very capable
including Jim Stenehjem, Karen Will, and Brent Erickson. Those people could all be part of a single
time to work with the Council. Ken anticipates that it would take about 1 month of experimentation to
get everything up to speed. The goal would be to have active streaming by Easter. Art asked if
there were any questions:
Bryce asked about the total cost. Ken responded that it would cost $150 already budgeted for plus
$49 a month (up to certain cap for price based upon time of streaming (400 hours of storage). Art
added that the 2014 budget had figured an amount in for the anticipated cost. Brett asked whether
there were agreements for archiving. Ken advised that the church owns the info and it can be downloaded for whatever purpose we desire. Not aware of any license or copyright. Art asked whether
any Council member has been asked about negative comments. Janet mentioned she has heard
some conversations about the children’s sermon and how that would be addressed. Ken advised
that he thought the camera would zoom out so children couldn’t be seen. Ken wondered whether
there should be a greater policy coving media photos. Janet raised a further point that as long as
we use a disclaimer we might be ok. Ken indicates that was addressed in the protocol. Some further discussion about whether the church is a public place and whether we need a signed release or
whether we need to inform the public. Ken addressed the concern and suggested we use the protocol as a living document. Art asked the Council about what type of motion was wanted – one or two
Ken mentioned some good documents on the ELCA website for media explaining what is and is not
acceptable for using online media for communication. Art advised the Council can implement new
committees, such as the AV committee, as it deems appropriate. Bryce asked where the protocol
would be posted. Art advised we could post on a bulletin board, and mention in the CrossWord and
also on the website. Event monitor could be used for updating.
Bryce moves the Council to approve the concept of video streaming for the church and accept the
protocol submitted by Ken. Motion was seconded by Janet B.
No discussion, but Brett thanked Ken for his good work.
Roll call vote: All in Favor - Art Wheeler, President; Roger Pommerer (by phone), Vice President;
Matt Sagsveen, Secretary; Bryce Hill; Pam Lee; Janet Bassingthwaite.
Online Contributions – If approved, American Bank Center or other online financial resource. Art
carried the discussion. Some members use a bank service to provide online contributions. Art sat
down with the person who administers the program at American Bank Center to get an update on
their services. This was explained to the Council, including the fees. The Council agreed upon further discussion to check with other banks in the area. There was some discussion about ease of
use and preferences of the Council members.
Matt S. moved to check with two other banks (Starion and Blackridge) before agreeing on program.
Motion was seconded by Roger P. Motion passed.
Website Discussion – Updates, Who and When, etc. Matt reviewed the website, facebook,
and online updates. There was a discussion about who’s responsibility it is to update the website
and facebook. Janet also discussed her observations relative to the website. Tim provided comments on workload and raised some questions about workload/expectations.
Matt S. moved that the personnel committee sit down with Tim and examine/develop his job description for the purposes of site administrator and report back to the Council regarding the results of the
discussion. Janet B. seconded the motion. Discussion: Art visited at length with Shelby and Tim
regarding this issue and their job duties and will report back at future meetings. Motion passed.
Lori – Statement on Year-End Giving Statements – “We did accept goods this year” – any discussion? Issue was whether we should have a statement on our statement that the donor is
not given something tangible in return.
Matt S. moves that Lori work with our accountant to develop the appropriate statement in our statement, to comply with all applicable federal IRS rules. Art. W. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Church Dedication – March 23 – Formal Approval? Art reviewed the dedication and the proposed Date.
Matt S. moved that the date be March 23. Motion was seconded by Brett G. Motion carried passed.
Custodian – Art W. reviewed the different options available and the nature of our preferred employment relationship, including the insurance repercussions. It was suggested the Council (Art) research different options, whether contractual or insurance based, to protect the assets of the church
and satisfy our insurance carrier.
Lyle Stotz Medical Benefit
Art asked whether we suggest to Faith and Care that they pursue this benefit. The Council
agreed to solicit the help of this group.
Discussion of meeting dates: Matt S. moved that the March meeting is March 20, 2014, at
5:15 p.m. Bryce H. seconded the motion. Motion passed.
We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Worship & Music Committee Minutes
March 4, 2014
Present: Jon Hanson, Pastor Donna, Sally Grenz, Myrtice Behan, Robin Johnson, Jean Kraft, and
Barb Norby.
Minutes from January 14 were reviewed. There was no meeting in February.
March 16 will be “Throwback Sunday” with older familiar hymns used at both services.
Dedication of Phase II will be celebrated March 23. There will be one worship service at 10:30am.
A pancake breakfast benefit for the Lyle Stotz family will be April 27. The Council is organizing the benefit.
Robin would like to have an “all children’s service” May 18, with children taking all parts in the service, including reading scripture and serving communion. The committee is in favor and recommends it to Council.
The question of continuing the Wednesday night service during the summer was brought to the committee.
The discussion included availability of Fusion band members and whether the purpose of the evening service
was limited to making the option of week-night church school available to families with young children or to
offer an alternative worship experience to the community. The issue is referred to the Council without recommendation.
A request to have communion at the 10:30 service every Sunday was brought to the committee. The consensus was to leave the schedule as it is, with communion alternating Sundays at the 8:30 and 10:30 services.
The question of which version of Lord’s Prayer we use was raised. Minutes from May, 2012, show that the
discussion at that time reaffirmed the use of both versions at the 10:30 service (River) and the older version
at the 8:30 service (Traditional).
The next meeting of the Worship and Music committee will be April 1 at 6:30. The last meeting of the spring
will be May 6. The first meeting of the fall will be August 5.
The meeting was adjourned.
March is Multiple Myeloma Month!
March 2014 is Myeloma Awareness Month—Mayor John Warford signed a proclamation
on Thursday, February 27th, declaring the month of March as Myeloma Awareness Month
in Bismarck, ND.
Myeloma is the second most common blood cancer—annually it affects approximately
750,000 people worldwide. Symptoms vary but the most common are bone pain, anemia,
kidney issues, frequent infections, extreme fatigue and bone fractures, without any apparent reason. Simple blood tests can help with diagnosis; many have never heard of the disease until they are told by their doctor that they have it. It is also a cancer linked to Vietnam Veterans. More information may be obtained from The International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) at 800-452-2873 or their website—