20 1 7 Gir o c y clin G 2017 cyclinG
20 1 7 Gir o c y clin G 2017 cyclinG
2017 cyclinG Giro Sport Design 5550 Scotts Valley Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Online Dealer Support: www.actionsports-dealersupport.com Dealer Tel. 800-776-5677 Credit Tel. 866-525-2357 Consumer Tel. 800-456-2355 2017 Giro cyclinG Sales and Customer Service North America 1001 Innovation Road Rantoul, IL 61866 Sales and Customer Service EMEA / Asia River House, St. Mary’s Road Newcastle West, County Limerick Ireland Tel. +353-69-61544 GLOBAL WoMen’S Road SHoeS GloveS eSSentiAlS Men’S Road aPPaRel Road GloveS SockS 30 ember MiPS 58 Factor Techlace 91 Factress Techlace 121 Chrono Pro Jersey 154 Lx LF 200 Hrc Team 246 aerohead MiPS 31 Sonnet 59 Empire SLx 92 Empire W ACC 122 chrono classic Jersey 155 Lx 201 Hrc Team 3-Pack 247 Air Attack Shield 33 Saga 60 Empire ACC 93 Raes Techlace 123 Chrono Expert Jersey 156 Monaco ii Gel 202 Meryl Skinlife Classic Racer Low 248 Montara MIPS 61 Sentrie Techlace 95 Espada E70 124 chrono Sport Sublimated Jersey 157 Zero cS 203 Meryl Skinlife Classic Racer 249 cartelle MiPS 62 Trans E70 96 Civila 125 chrono Sport 1/2 Zip Jersey 158 Strade dure SG lF 204 Comp Racer High Rise 250 Verona 63 Trans E70 HV 97 Solara II 126 Chrono Pro LS Thermal Jersey 159 Strade Dure SG 205 Comp Racer 251 Republic Lx 98 Flynt Tri 127 Bravo GEL LF 206 Comp Racer 3-Pack 252 Republic 99 Sante II 128 Chrono SL Base Layer 160 Bravo Gel 207 HRc+Merino Wool 254 Apeckx II 100 Whynd 129 Chrono LS Base Layer 161 SIV 208 Seasonal Merino Wool 255 Apeckx II HV 101 Chrono Pro Bib Short 162 Jag 209 Hightower Merino Wool 256 Inciter Tri 102 Chrono Expert Bib Short 163 Winter Merino Wool 257 Treble II 103 Chrono Sport Bib Short 164 Grynd 104 Chrono Expert Short 165 Chrono Sport Short 166 Venture Short 167 Road HelMeTS Synthe 36 Aeon 37 Aspect 38 bexley MiPS 65 cinder MiPS 39 Sutton 66 Savant 40 Shackleton 67 Foray 41 Silo 68 Reverb 69 URban HelMeTS diRT HelMeTS RecReaTional HelMeTS Switchblade MiPS 45 disciple MiPS 46 Phase 71 Blok MTB Goggle 47 Revel 72 Montaro MIPS 48 Trinity 73 Fathom 49 Bishop 74 chronicle MiPS 50 Verona 75 Timberwolf 52 Hex 53 Section 54 Quarter FS 55 YoUTH HelMeTS diRT SHoeS empire W vR90 132 diRT GloveS SHoe coveRS Remedy X2 211 Ultralight Aero Shoe Cover 258 xen 212 Ambient Toe Cover 258 135 Rivet II 213 Knit Shoe Cover 259 d’Wool 214 Blaze Shoe Cover 259 DnD 215 Proof Winter Shoe Cover 260 Sica VR70 133 Terradura 134 Manta R Empire VR90 107 Reila R 136 Code VR70 108 Petra VR 137 Code VR70 HV 109 Roust Jersey 170 Proof MTB Winter Shoe Cover 260 Alpineduro 110 Xar Jersey 171 Alpineduro Rain Gaiter 261 Terraduro Mid 111 Havoc Short 173 Terraduro 112 Terraduro HV 113 Privateer R 114 Privateer R HV 115 Raze 77 Chamber 116 Dime FS 78 Jacket 117 Scamp 79 Carbide R 118 Rumble VR 119 Helmet Technologies WoMen’S diRT SHoeS SHoeS aerohead Ultimate MiPS FooTbedS Supernatural Fit Kits 138 Toe Spike Kit 139 Empire Laces 140 Shoe Sizing 141 Shoe Technologies 142 Men’S diRT aPPaRel Truant Short 174 arc Short 175 Men’S URban aPPaRel WinTeR GloveS 100 Proof 217 Proof 218 Pivot 219 SPF Ultralight Cap 263 Ambient 220 SPF Ultralight Skull Cap 263 Candela 221 chrono Uv arm Sleeve 263 caPS Mobility Trouser 177 neo Blaze 222 Peloton Cap 264 Tech Tee 179 Blaze 223 Classic Cotton Cap 265 Westerly Wool 224 Seasonal Merino Wool Cap 266 Ambient Skull Cap 267 Ambient Headband 267 80 WoMen’S Road aPPaRel aPPaRel Road SHoeS WoMen’S HelMeTS AppArel GloveS aeRo HelMeTS ShoeS WoMen’S GloveS chrono classic Jersey 182 Chrono Expert Jersey 183 Monica ii Gel 227 chrono Sport Sublimated Jersey 184 Strada Massa SG lF 228 chrono Sport 1/2 Zip Jersey 185 Strada Massa SG 229 Chrono Arm Warmer 268 Chrono SL Base Layer 186 Tessa Gel LF 230 Chrono Knee Warmer 269 Chrono Sport Short 187 Tessa Gel 231 Thermal Leg Warmer 270 Chrono Expert Halter Bib Short 188 Jag’ette 233 Thermal Knee Warmer 270 chrono Sport Halter bib Short 189 xena 235 Thermal Arm Warmer 271 Riv’ette 236 La DnD 237 WoMen’S diRT aPPaRel Roust Jersey 192 Xar Jersey 193 arc Short 195 DnD Jr II 240 Tech Tee 197 Bravo Jr 241 YoUTH GloveS WaRMeRS eSSenTialS helmetS HelMeTS 2017 GIRo CyCLInG 2017 GIRO CyCLING Science & SoUl Throughout Giro’s history, we’ve placed equal value on both Science and Soul. We have an industry-leading test lab in our California headquarters with more than 50 test fixtures, several 3D printers and our own in-house wind tunnel. But the ride is equally important to any data report or CAD file: it’s how we cut loose, how we connect with our community, what we plan our time around. We believe it’s the ultimate opportunity for physics, aesthetics and emotions to align into one beautiful experience. Science is lifeless without Soul. cinder MiPS HelMeT _ Matte White / Silver claSSic coTTon caP _ White / Black Men’S cHrono SPorT SUbliMaTed JerSey _ White Echelon Men’S cHrono Sl baSe layer _ Griffin Men’S cHrono eXPerT bib SHorT _ Black Siv GloveS _ White / Titanium Stripe coMP racer HiGH riSe SockS _ Black / White Echelon FacTor TecHlace SHoeS _ White / Black cHrono arM WarMer _ Black cHrono knee WarMer _ Black men’S roAd eMber MiPS HelMeT _ Bright Pink / Matte Black PeloTon caP _ Black / Boxfish WoMen’S cHrono eXPerT JerSey _ Ultraviolet Boxfish WoMen’S cHrono Sl baSe layer _ Griffin WoMen’S cHrono eXPerT HalTer bib SHorT _ Ultraviolet Boxfish JaG’eTTe GloveS _ Ultraviolet / Bright Pink Hrc TeaM SockS _ Black / Dark Shadow raeS TecHlace SHoeS _ Bright Pink / Black cHrono arM WarMer _ Black cHrono knee WarMer _ Black Women’S roAd SWiTcHblade MiPS HelMeT _ Matte Lime / Black blok MTb GoGGle _ Lime Men’S roUST JerSey _ Lime Fade Men’S Havoc SHorT _ Dark Grey reMedy X2 GloveS _ Mil Spec Olive / Black Hrc+Merino SockS _ Bright Lime / Black TerradUro Mid SHoeS _ Dark Shadow / Black men’S mtB MonTara MiPS HelMeT _ Matte Blue Teal WoMen’S roUST JerSey _ Turquoise Fade WoMen’S arc SHorT _ Black la dnd GloveS _ Turquoise / Blue Teal Hrc+Merino SockS _ Black / Charcoal eMPire W vr90 _ Black / Marble Galaxy Women’S mtB dnd Glove claSSic coTTon caP Sub Pop White / Orange / Black XS: S: M: L: XL: XXL: 7083030 7083031 7083032 7083033 7083034 7083035 Sub Pop Black / Orange OS: 7082183 Bike riding and rock-’n’-roll… In our world, few things match so perfectly, and few things in this world mean more to us. We’re proud to call the good folks at Sub Pop Records our friends, and after talking about collaborating on limited edition product for nearly a decade, we’re excited to finally introduce the Giro x Sub Pop Collection. Since the Seattle-based record label was founded in 1988, Sub Pop has walked the fine line between being big, but not being corporate. “Not the best, but pretty good,” in their words, Sub Pop put the “Grunge Movement” on the map and continues to produce a host of our favorite bands. Whether you’re a fan of Nirvana, Iron and Wine, the Shins, or Wolf Parade, this limited edition product collection will keep you riding comfortably while sending a message that’s pure counter-culture. coMP racer HiGHriSe Sock Sub Pop Orange / Charcoal Foray MiPS HelMeT Black / White / Sub Pop S: 7081954 M: 7081955 L: 7081956 S: M: L: XL: 7082184 7082185 7082186 7082187 Giro AthleteS & teAmS BRADLEy WIGGINS – TEAM WIGGINS RICHIE RUDE – yETI / FOx SHOx FACTORy RACE TEAM ROHAN DENNIS – BMC RACING TEAM helmetS ROAD BMC Racing Team – USA Canyon / SRAM Racing – Germany Holowesko-Citadel Racing Team – USA Hot Tubes Devo – USA IAM Cycling Team – Switzerland Katusha Cycling Team – Russia Rad Racing Junior Cycling – USA Team Wiggins – UK LINSEy CORBIN CANyON / SRAM RACING KURT SORGE DIRT Adam Craig – USA Anton Thelander – Sweden BMC MTB Team – Switzerland Cannondale-Cyclocrossworld – USA Garett Buehler – Canada Graham Agassiz – Canada Greg Watts – USA Juliana-SRAM Pro Team – USA Kona – Canada Kurt Sorge – Canada Luna Pro Team – USA Mitch Chubey – Canada Paul Basagoitia – USA Raleigh-Clement Pro Cycling – USA René Wildhaber – Switzerland RaboLiv MTB Team – Holland Stockli MTB Team – Switzerland yannick Granieri – France yeti / Fox Shox Factory Race Team – USA TRI Andreas Raelert – Germany Leanda Cave – UK Linsey Corbin – USA Michael Raelert – Germany Nils Frommhold – Germany FootWeAr ROAD Alexis Vuillermoz – France Bradley Wiggins – UK Chris Jones – USA Mathias Frank – Switzerland Talyor Phinney – USA DIRT Aaron Gwin – USA Adam Craig – USA Garett Buehler – Canada GRAHAM AGASSIz ALExANDER KRISTOFF – KATUSHA CyCLING TEAM SPENCER PAxSON – KONA ENDURANCE TEAM Graham Agassiz – Canada Greg Watts – USA Kona – USA Kurt Sorge – Canada Mitch Chubey – Canada Paul Basagoitia – USA Raleigh-Clement Pro Cycling – USA René Wildhaber – Switzerland Team Stockli – Switzerland yannick Granieri – France Giro cyclinG helmetS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN Giro cyclinG helmetS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN Switchblade MIPS Helmet, Blok MTB Goggle, Havoc Short, Remedy x2 Glove, HRc+Merino Sock, Terraduro Mid Shoes 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS ROHAN DENNIS BMC RACING TEAM 1 2 3 4 AeroheAd 5 1 TExTREME® CARBON FIBER SHELL — a stronger, stiffer material provides a slimmer shape with less frontal area 2 INTERNAL CHANNELING AND ROC LOC® AIR FIT SySTEM — enhanced stability and ventilation 3 MIPS® TECHNOLOGy – provides more protection in certain impacts 4 HyDROPHILIC, ANTI- 5 zEISS OPTICS WRAP-AROUND MICROBIAL BROW PAD EyE SHIELD — provides remarkable clarity, with magnetic attachments Aerohead Ultimate MIPS Giro.com/Aerohead record SettinG Speed 19 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS ROHAN DENNIS BMC RACING TEAM 1 2 TIFFANy CROMWELL CANyON//SRAM RACING 3 Giro pioneered the aerodynamic helmet category with the original advantage in 1985, and now we are redefining it with the Aerohead Ultimate MiPS – our fastest time trial helmet ever. We leveraged every resource available to create a helmet that tops the podium in speed, weight, style and comfort. heAd AeroheAd This helmet is so fast that the first time the Aerohead was used in competition – at the 2015 Tour de France prologue – Rohan Dennis of the BMC Racing Team rode the fastest average speed in the race’s history. But that’s not the only record set with Aerohead. Tom Bohli of the BMC Racing Team smashed the opening time trial at the 2016 3 Days of West Flanders, crossing the line with the fastest time ever recorded at the event. And at the 2016 Tirreno-Adriatico, the BMC Racing Team rode the fastest team time trial in the history of this race. That’s three speed records set before this helmet was even commercialized. The Aerohead Ultimate MIPS is the fastest helmet ever made by Giro, built so that you can go faster than ever before. 4 5 Aerohead Ultimate MIPS 1 TeXTreMe® carbon Fiber SHell — a stronger, stiffer material provides a slimmer shape with less frontal area 2 inTernal cHannelinG and roc loc® air FiT SySTeM — enhanced stability and ventilation 3 MiPS TecHnoloGy — provides more protection in certain impacts 4 HydroPHilic, anTi-Microbial broW Pad — Absorbs 10-times its weight in sweat 5 ZeiSS oPTicS WraP-aroUnd eye SHield — provides remarkable clarity, with magnetic attachments Giro.com/Aerohead record SettinG Speed 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS CODy KELLy yETI / FOx SHOx FACTORy RACE TEAM 1 2 3 5 BlAde SWitch 4 1 POV+ VISOR – allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet MIPS® TECHNOLOGy – provides more 2 protection in certain impacts ROC LOC® AIR DH SySTEM – enhanced stability and ventilation while preventing 3 accidental adjustments when your helmet contacts your backpack or neck brace REMOVABLE CHINBAR – extremely easy 4 5 to remove and reinstall while wearing the helmet WIND TUNNEL CHEEK PAD VENTILATION – extra cooling power when the chinbar is removed Switchblade MIPS BUilt For the doWn 25 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS CODy KELLy yETI / FOx SHOx FACTORy RACE TEAM 1 2 RICHIE RUDE yETI/FOx SHOx FACTORy RACE TEAM In 1998, Giro created the first mainstream mountain bike helmet with a removable chin bar – it was called Switchblade. in the years that followed we’ve seen many options come and go, all based on the same premise of taking a cross country-style helmet and adding a chin bar. The new Switchblade MiPS bucks that trend completely. instead of taking a cross-country helmet and adding a chin bar, we’ve done precisely the opposite. everything about the Switchblade is optimized for the descent. BlAde SWitch This is the most complex helmet Giro has ever created. In order to achieve ASTM downhill certification with a rigid, removable chinbar, we leveraged stainless steel hardware and a series of internal anchors molded directly into the EPS foam. The chinbar is easy to remove—just push the buttons under the chinbar, rotate up, and remove—and it’s just as easy to reinstall. The Roc Loc® Air DH fit system combines excellent cooling power with a robust dial featuring a bumper to prevent accidental adjustments if your helmet contacts your backpack or neck brace. When the chinbar is removed, Wind Tunnel Cheek Pad ventilation allows air to flow from the front of the helmet, over the ears and exhaust out of the back. Additionally, hydrophilic padding keeps this helmet comfortable while absorbing up to 10-times more sweat. 3 5 4 1 P.o.v. PlUS™ viSor – allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet 2 MiPS® TecHnoloGy – provides more protection in certain impacts 3 roc loc® air dH SySTeM – enhanced stability and ventilation while preventing accidental adjustments if your helmet contacts your backpack or neck brace 4 reMovable cHinbar – easy to remove and reinstall while wearing the helmet 5 Wind TUnnel cHeek Pad venTilaTion – extra cooling power when the chinbar is removed Welcome to a new era in aggressive trail riding with Switchblade MIPS—the first removable chinbar helmet built for the down. Switchblade MIPS BUilt For the doWn 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS cinder mipS & emBer mipS Heavy on FeaTUreS, liGHT on WeiGHT The Cinder MIPS and women’s Ember MIPS provide the style and performance you demand—all at an incredible value. Avid road riders demand helmets that are comfortable, lightweight, and packed with performance—and with the Cinder™ MIPS and women’s Ember™ MIPS, you get all that and more in an affordable package. Their compact shape features a sleek design that feels fast on the road, with Wind Tunnel ventilation and internal channeling to keep you cool. They’re outfitted with Air-FX padding, which has great wicking properties to draw moisture away from your skin, offering comfort on even your longest rides. The Roc Loc® 5 fit system allows you to easily dial-in fit and adjust vertical position with a single hand, offering comfort and convenience with a secure feel. This helmet also features the MIPS Multi-directional Impact Protection System, which redirects impact energy to provide more protection in certain impacts. Cinder MIPS chronicle mipS & cArtelle mipS Ember MIPS eSSenTial Trail PerForMance The Chronicle MIPS and women’s Cartelle MIPS provide all the essentials needed to hit the trail with confidence and style. Chronicle MIPS Cartelle MIPS Today’s trail riders demand more from their mountain bike helmets: more coverage, better ventilation and the ability to work seamlessly with goggles or eyewear. We designed the Chronicle™ MIPS and women’s Cartelle™ MIPS with these needs in mind, and wrapped these features into a sleek shape at a smart price. These helmets boast a compact shape that still provides deep, confident coverage; with Wind Tunnel ventilation and internal channeling to keep you cool. These helmets come equipped with extra plush Coolmax padding, which provides all-day comfort and great wicking properties. The Roc Loc® 5 fit system allows you to easily dial-in fit and adjust vertical position with a single hand, offering comfort and convenience with a secure feel. The Chronicle MIPS and Cartelle MIPS are designed to work seamlessly with goggles or eyewear, and the P.O.V. Plus™ visor allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet. These helmets also feature the MIPS Multi-directional Impact Protection System, which redirects impact energy to provide more protection in certain impacts. 23 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS Bexley MIPS Bexley mipS Disciple MIPS THe ciTy never SleePS The Bexley™ MIPS is our top tier urban helmet including all the features you’d expect in a premium helmet—plus a few more. The compact shape of the Bexley MIPS creates attractive style while still providing extended coverage, and the plush, antimicrobial padding keeps you comfortable. A retractable and replaceable shield protects your eyes from wind and glare, especially during higher speed commutes on an e-bike. The integrated rear light is designed so that you don’t even know it’s there when it’s off—but turning the light on makes the entire back panel of the helmet glow for substantially increased visibility on the road. Roc Loc® Air provides superior fit and ventilation, and four large vents are easily adjustable on the fly. Add the cozy ear pads and Bexley is supremely comfortable, even in inclement weather. The Bexley is equipped with the MIPS system to redirect impact energy, which can provide more protection in certain impacts. 24 diSciple mipS JUMPinG aHead The Disciple™ MIPS is the helmet of choice among our most aggressive riders, and it’s at home at events like the Fest Series or Redbull Rampage. It is built around the ASTM-1952 DH Standard to meet the demands of freeride, downhill and enduro, with a fiberglass shell, plush interior padding, and vented brow ports for comfort. Vinyl Nitrile padding along the jaw line contributes to impact management in this critical area, and the integrated, breakaway P.O.V.™ camera mount plus built-in speaker pockets let you dial in your sound and images. It is equipped with the MIPS system to redirect impact energy, which can provide more protection in certain impacts. Altogether it’s an impressive option for a new era of riding. kurt Sorge 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS tri Glide In 1994, Giro pioneered the use of fit systems in cycling helmets with the first Roc Loc® design. Fit systems allow you to tailor the helmet’s fit to your head, providing increased stability and comfort. We continue to innovate new Roc Loc® systems not only for premium products, but for sport and recreation helmets too—and we’re proud to introduce the new Roc Loc® Sport fit system. Roc Loc® Sport offers a 7cm adjustment range with easy one-handed operation. Its confident clicking feel and sound lets riders know that the helmet is adjusting as they find a comfortable fit. With comfort similar to Roc Loc® 5 and ponytail compatibility, the new Roc Loc® Sport fit system brings premium function to sport level helmets. The following helmets now feature roc loc® Sport: revel / revel MiPS Trinity / Trinity MiPS verona / verona MiPS bishop / bishop MiPS raze / raze MiPS Sometimes the little things make all the difference, and that’s why we’ve redesigned our helmet webbing adjusters. The new Triglide helps helmet webbing lie flat against your face, which not only improves comfort, but also cuts down on wind noise and improves aerodynamics, as proven by our wind tunnel testing. The Triglide is extremely easy to adjust, and once it’s in the right position, it stays there. Just set it and forget it. All helmets in our 2017 collection feature the new Triglide—a little thing that results in big improvements. Giro Aero helmetS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN Tiffany cromwell – Canyon / SRAM Racing – Aerohead Ultimate MIPS Helmet neW neW 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: eQUipped Super Fit™ Engineering Polycarbonate shell Super Fit™ Engineering Eye shield made by zEISS Optics Eye shield made by zEISS® Optics Magnetic lens anchor attachment Magnetic lens anchor attachment Hydrophilic, x-Static anti-microbial padding MIPS equipped ® ® Includes helmet pod for traveling and second clear shield conSTrUcTion: HelMeTS eQUipped FeaTUreS: Textreme® carbon fiber shell In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner MIPS equipped conSTrUcTion: FiT SySTeM: Hybrid construction Textreme® carbon fiber shell with in-molded EPS liner Roc Loc® Air venTilaTion: FiT SySTeM: Vented shield AeroheAd UltimAte mipS venTilaTion: AeroheAd mipS record SeTTinG SPeed Vented shield beaT THe clock and STay cool Giro pioneered the aerodynamic helmet category with the original Advantage in 1985, and now we are redefining it with the new Aerohead™ Ultimate MIPS. It boasts the most aerodynamically-efficient profile we’ve ever created, making it your fastest option when every split-second counts. The shell is constructed with Textreme® carbon fiber, an advanced material that is lighter and stronger than other carbon composites. The ZEISS Optics wrap-around eye shield offers remarkable clarity and field of view, and a magnetic anchor attachment keeps the eye shield secure, yet allows easy removal and storage in the “flipped up” position. The helmet is outfitted with a hydrophilic, anti-microbial brow pad that can absorb up to ten-times the amount of sweat as standard urethane padding, and it is equipped with the MIPS system to redirect impact energy, providing more protection in certain impacts. Roc Loc® Air Over-brow ventilation Internal channeling SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm Over-brow ventilation 4 Wind Tunnel™ vents with internal channeling The Aerohead™ MIPS is for triathletes and time-trialists who demand a balance of aerodynamics and cooling power. It features an aerodynamically efficient profile, constructed with a lightweight polycarbonate shell. The Wind Tunnel™ ventilation and internal channeling keeps you cool when the competition heats up. The Aerohead™ MIPS features a unique wraparound eye shield that offers an unblocked field of view and unrivaled clarity. A magnetic anchor attachment keeps the shield secure, yet easy to remove and store in the “flipped up” position, making for quick transitions to the bike. It is equipped with the MIPS system to redirect impact energy, which can provide more protection in certain impacts. SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm Price: L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm $250 USD Price: eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped $550 USD Matte Black / Gloss Black S: 7074502 M: 7074503 L: 7074504 30 Matte White / Silver Matte Black / Titanium Matte White / Silver Matte Black / Vermillion S: 7078398 M: 7078399 L: 7078400 S: 7074541 M: 7074542 L: 7074543 S: 7074559 M: 7074560 L: 7074561 S: 7074550 M: 7074551 L: 7074552 Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion S: 7074568 M: 7074569 L: 7074570 31 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: zEISS® Optical Shield with magnetic attachment Removable x-Static® comfort padding Featherweight webbing with Slimline™ buckle HelMeTS Ponytail compatible conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Air venTilaTion: Air AttAcK Shield 6 vents with internal channeling SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: bUilT For SPeed S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm The Air Attack™ Shield offers aerodynamic efficiency to help you win the sprint finish, with strong cooling power to keep you comfortable along the way. The magnetically fastened zEISS® optical shield provides wraparound eye protection with exceptional optical clarity, and it’s easy to flip up or remove with one hand when appropriate. And with the enhanced airflow and exceptional fit of the Roc Loc® Air system, you don’t have to sacrifice comfort or cooling power to get the benefits of an aero helmet. M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $240 USD Matte Black / Gloss Black S: 7074804 M: 7074805 L: 7074806 Matte White / Silver Bright Red / Black Matte Vermillion Black / Blue / Purple S: 7070350 M: 7070351 L: 7070352 S: 7066388 M: 7066389 L: 7066390 S: 7074813 M: 7074814 L: 7074815 S: 7074795 M: 7074796 L: 7074797 Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion Highlight Yellow / Black S: 7074822 M: 7074823 L: 7074824 S: 7070338 M: 7070339 L: 7070340 opposite: Air Attack Shield Helmet, Chrono Expert Jersey, Chrono Expert Bib Short, zero CS Glove 33 Giro roAd helmetS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN alexander kristoff - Katusha Cycling Team - Synthe Helmet eQUipped Synthe FaSTer iS cooler The Synthe™ is the pinnacle of road helmet design, combining the performance gains of an aerodynamic profile and light weight with great cooling power to enhance rider comfort and efficiency in road rides and races. The compact form slips through the air with ease across multiple yaw and head angles, and offers greater cooling power than the Aeon.™ Key features include the Roc Loc® Air fit system with 2-way fit tuning and Aero Mesh Panels with a dedicated port for securely docking sunglasses as you ride. Synthe MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black Matte White / Silver S: 7066352 M: 7066353 L: 7066354 S: 7066367 M: 7066368 L: 7066369 eQUipped Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion S: 7074905 M: 7074906 L: 7074907 36 eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: Featherweight webbing with Slimline™ buckle x-Static® padding Ponytail compatible Featherweight webbing with Slimline™ buckle MIPS equipped (optional) Ponytail compatible conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner Thermoformed SL Roll Cage™ reinforcement Thermoformed SL Roll Cage™ reinforcement FiT SySTeM: FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Air Roc Loc® 5 venTilaTion: venTilaTion: 26 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling 24 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: Aeon S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm GeT More, and leSS M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm If you want a cool and comfortable helmet, and the lightest helmet in our road line – then you want the Aeon ™.We relentlessly optimized every one of our best features including the shape of the helmet itself, to reduce weight by 28 percent compared with the Aeon’s predecessor. We also sculpted massive vents with interior channeling for impressive cooling power, and integrated the full adjustability and comfort of a Roc Loc® 5 fit system for a secure, luxurious fit. $250 USD $270 USD – W / MIPS eQUipped HelMeTS 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $200 USD eQUipped Matte Titanium / Silver Bright Red / Matte Black Matte Vermillion / Charcoal Matte Black / Blue / Purple Matte Black / Bright Pink S: 7071674 M: 7071675 L: 7071676 S: 7066358 M: 7066359 L: 7066360 S: 7078916 M: 7078917 L: 7078918 S: 7074878 M: 7074879 L: 7074880 S: 7074887 M: 7074888 L: 7074889 White / Highlight Yellow Matte Black Matte White / Silver S: 7054485 M: 7054486 L: 7054487 S: 7054521 M: 7054522 L: 7054523 Bright Red / Matte Black Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion Highlight Yellow / White S: 7066343 M: 7066344 L: 7066345 S: 7066297 M: 7066298 L: 7066299 S: 7074950 M: 7074951 L: 7074952 Matte Black Matte White / Silver Matte Titanium Fade S: 2038935 M: 2038936 L: 2038937 S: 2038929 M: 2038930 L: 2038931 S: 7075004 M: 7075005 L: 7075006 Matte Black / Bright Red Matte Flame / Vermillion Fade S: 7066376 M: 7066377 L: 7066378 S: 7075013 M: 7075014 L: 7075015 eQUipped S: 7066279 M: 7066280 L: 7066281 Matte Black / Blue / Purple S: 7074995 M: 7074996 L: 7074997 Highlight Yellow S: 7054548 M: 7054549 L: 7054550 37 neW 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: Removable soft visor eQUipped Ultrasuede® padding and chin strap pad Compact shape Air-Fx padding Ponytail compatible Ponytail compatible MIPS equipped conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner Molded plastic or brushed aluminum side panels HelMeTS In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner Thermoformed SL Roll Cage™ reinforcement Roll Cage™ internal reinforcement FiT SySTeM: FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® 5 Roc Loc® Air venTilaTion: venTilaTion: ASpect PerForMance Under THe Hood The Aspect™ helmet is a fully evolved helmet design that challenges convention. The sleek, simple exterior form belies the top-level performance “under the hood.” With details like the Roc Loc® Air fit system, the Aspect offers a secure, comfortable fit while increasing airflow inside the helmet. Other subtle amenities include soft Heathered webbing, Ultrasuede® interior and chin strap padding, and a built-in cloth visor to keep the sun (or rain) at bay. 19 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling cinder mipS SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: Heavy on FeaTUreS, liGHT on WeiGHT S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm 26 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm The Cinder™ MIPS provides all the features an avid road rider wants in a lightweight package. The design is inspired by the classic aesthetic of our premium Synthe™ helmet, offering similar performance and style. Key features include the Roc Loc® 5 fit system, which allows you to easily dial-in both fit tension and adjust vertical position with a single hand. Air-Fx padding offers comfort on your longest rides, and the helmet is equipped with MIPS to redirect impact energy, providing more protection in certain impacts. M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: Price: $150 USD $175 USD eQUipped Matte Black Matte Glacier Grey Matte Titanium Gloss Vermillion S: 7036002 M: 7036003 L: 7036004 S: 7054920 M: 7054921 L: 7054922 S: 7066484 M: 7066485 L: 7066486 S: 7075040 M: 7075041 L: 7075042 Matte Black / Charcoal S: 7079344 M: 7079345 L: 7079346 eQUipped eQUipped Matte White / Silver Matte Titanium S: 7079389 M: 7079390 L: 7079391 S: 7079380 M: 7079381 L: 7079382 eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / Bright Red Matte Black / Blue / Purple S: 7079371 M: 7079372 L: 7079373 S: 7079362 M: 7079363 L: 7079364 eQUipped Highlight Yellow S: 7079353 M: 7079354 L: 7079355 38 39 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS eQUipped FeaTUreS: Coolmax padding eQUipped Streamlined design Classic road styling Coolmax padding MIPS equipped (optional) MIPS equipped (optional) conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc 5 Roc Loc® 5 venTilaTion: venTilaTion: 25 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling 21 vents ® HelMeTS FeaTUreS: SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: SAvAnt SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: UnMaTcHed and aUTHenTic L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm The Savant™ offers authentic race-inspired style and performance with a plush, comfortable fit that’s ready to go the distance. The slim design combines great ventilation from 25 Wind Tunnel™ vents, with the secure feel and convenience of the adjustable Roc Loc® 5 fit and stability system. And with the light weight and durability of In-Mold™ construction, it won’t weigh you down. Savant MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / White Matte White / Black Bright Red / Black S: M: L: XL: S: 7062952 M: 7062953 L: 7062954 S: 7066517 M: 7066518 L: 7066519 Matte Titanium / White Black / Bright Red 7062937 7062938 7062939 7062940 Matte White / Black S: M: L: XL: 40 7055028 7055029 7055030 7055063 S: 7056196 M: 7056197 L: 7056198 S: 7066502 M: 7066503 L: 7066504 eQUipped Matte Vermillion / Flame Fade S: 7075061 M: 7075062 L: 7075063 Matte Vermillion / Flame Fade S: 7075049 M: 7075050 L: 7075051 xL 24” – 25.5” / 61 – 65cm Price: $100 USD $120 USD – W / MIPS ForAy M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Sleek and STyliSH Price: The Foray™ drafts off the bold design language of our premium Synthe™ helmet, and offers many of our key features including durable in-mold construction and the Roc Loc® 5 fit system with two-way fit adjustment. The slim design is very light, offers great ventilation and is available in three Super Fit™ sizes so that you can get a helmet that looks, fits and feels like it was made for you. MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / White Matte Black / White Matte White / Silver S: M: L: XL: S: 7072780 M: 7072781 L: 7072782 S: 7072786 M: 7072787 L: 7072788 7055010 7055011 7055012 7055060 S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm Highlight Yellow Matte Black / White Matte White / Silver S: 2039046 M: 2039047 L: 2039048 S: 7053249 M: 7053250 L: 7053251 S: 7053267 M: 7053268 L: 7053269 eQUipped eQUipped Matte Titanium / White Bright Red / White / Black S: 7072783 M: 7072784 L: 7072785 S: 7072789 M: 7072790 L: 7072791 Matte Titanium / Silver Bright Red / White / Black S: 7054356 M: 7054357 L: 7054358 S: 7066601 M: 7066602 L: 7066603 eQUipped $65 USD $85 USD – W / MIPS eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / Vermillion Black / Blue / Purple Highlight Yellow S: 7075077 M: 7075078 L: 7075079 S: 7072777 M: 7072778 L: 7072779 S: 7075071 M: 7075072 L: 7075073 Matte Black / Vermillion Black / Blue / Purple Highlight Yellow Black / White / Sub Pop S: 7075092 M: 7075093 L: 7075094 S: 7053240 M: 7053241 L: 7053242 S: 7081954 M: 7081955 L: 7081956 S: 7075083 M: 7075084 L: 7075085 41 Giro dirt helmetS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN Switchblade MIPS Helmet, Blok MTB Goggle, Havoc Short, Remedy x2 Glove, HRc+Merino Sock, Terraduro Mid Shoes 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: eQUipped Removable chinbar P.O.V. Plus™ visor Spare visor with camera mount Hydrophilic, x-Static anti-microbial padding HelMeTS Certified to CPSC, EN-1078 and ASTM-1952-DH with & without chinbar MIPS equipped conSTrUcTion: In-mold construction FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Air DH system SWitchBlAde mipS venTilaTion: 20 vents with internal channeling Wind Tunnel cheek pad ventilation bUilT For THe doWn The Switchblade™ MIPS is our new ASTM downhill certified full face helmet with a removable chinbar. Everything about the Switchblade is optimized for the descent, and that’s why it’s certified to CPSC, EN-1078 and ASTM-1952-DH with and without the chinbar. The chinbar is easy to remove—just push the buttons under the chinbar, rotate up, and remove—and it’s just as easy to reinstall. The Switchblade MIPS features the new Roc Loc® Air DH fit system, which has a bumper around the dial to prevent accidental adjustments if your helmet contacts your backpack or neck brace—all while keeping you cool. When the chinbar comes off, Wind Tunnel cheek pad ventilation adds even more cooling power as you start to climb. Plus, the full-cut style gives this helmet an aggressive look and provides ASTM certified coverage even when the chinbar is removed. When your ride is all about descending, your helmet should be too, and the Switchblade MIPS is the only removable chinbar helmet that is truly built for the down. SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $250 USD eQUipped Matte Black / Gloss Black S: 7074580 M: 7074581 L: 7074582 eQUipped Matte White / Grey S: 7074634 M: 7074635 L: 7074636 eQUipped Matte Vermillion / Purple S: 7074625 M: 7074626 L: 7074627 eQUipped eQUipped Matte Olive Matte Lime / Black S: 7074607 M: 7074608 L: 7074609 S: 7074598 M: 7074599 L: 7074600 eQUipped Matte Dark Slate / Maroon S: 7074586 M: 7074587 L: 7074588 Removable Chinbar richie rude – yeti / Fox Shox Factory Race Team 45 neW 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: Integrated P.O.V.™ camera mount Expansion View Technology (ExV) Tool-free, bolt-on visor Double layer face foam with micro fleece facing Channeled ventilation at brow line Anti-fog coating Emergency removable cheek pads Helmet-compatible design x-Static® anti-microbial padding Double silicone-backed strap D-ring buckle Tuneups™ audio speaker compatible HelMeTS eQUipped FeaTUreS: lenS: O-Snap™ audio cable management True Sight™ polycarbonate Tear-off compatible Meets ATSM 1952 standard Spare clear lens included MIPS equipped 10-pack of tear-offs included MIPS-specific padding FraMe FiT: conSTrUcTion: diSciple mipS Fiberglass shell with EPS liner Custom injected gasket trim Vinyl Nitrile-lined chinbar JUMPinG aHead The Disciple MIPS™ is built around the ASTM-1952 DH Standard to meet the demands of freeride, downhill and enduro. It has a fiberglass shell, plush interior padding, and vented brow ports for comfort. Vinyl Nitrile padding along the jaw line contributes to impact management in this critical area, and the integrated, breakaway P.O.V.™ camera mount plus built-in speaker pockets let you dial in your sound and images. It is equipped with the MIPS system to redirect impact energy, which can provide more protection in certain impacts. Altogether it’s an impressive option for a new era of riding. FiT SySTeM: Fit Kit™ Padding (aftermarket pad kits available) Adult ExV BloK mtB GoGGle Price: $65 USD SiGHT yoUr line The Blok™ MTB goggle utilizes a frame designed around our Expansion View Technology (ExV) delivering an exceptional field of view with clear, sharp optics and a tear-off compatible polycarbonate lens. The fit is comfortable and stable too, so you can focus on your lines without distraction. venTilaTion: 14 vents with internal channeling SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: xS 20” – 20.75” / 51 – 53cm eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped S 21.25” – 22” / 54 – 56cm eQUipped M 22.5” – 23.25” / 57 – 59cm L 23.5” – 24.75” / 60 – 63cm Matte Black / Gloss Black Matte Grey / Turquoise XS: S: M: L: XS: S: M: L: 7075237 7075238 7075239 7075240 7075273 7075274 7075275 7075276 Matte Titanium / Flame XS: S: M: L: 7079027 7079028 7079029 7079030 Matte Vermillion / Flame / Purple Matte Olive / Bronze XS: S: M: L: XS: S: M: L: 7075285 7075286 7075287 7075288 7075261 7075262 7075263 7075264 Matte Black Matte Vermillion / Purple Matte Olive Matte Lime / Black Matte Maroon / Dark Slate U: 7075470 U: 7075473 U: 7075472 U: 7075469 U: 7075471 Price: $220 USD eQUipped Matte Black / Mountain Sea XS: S: M: L: 46 7075249 7075250 7075251 7075252 47 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: P.O.V. Plus™ visor adjustment Removable visor Hydrophilic, x-Static® anti-microbial padding Quick Dry, Air Fx padding Ponytail compatible Full camera mount integration with breakaway feature conSTrUcTion: Full goggle integration with strap grippers In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner MIPS equipped HelMeTS eQUipped FeaTUreS: Thermoformed SL Roll Cage™ reinforcement conSTrUcTion: Full wrap in-mold FiT SySTeM: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner Roc Loc® 5 Roll Cage™ reinforcement FiT SySTeM: montAro mipS From long climbs to rowdy, technical descents, the Montaro™ MIPS helmet inspires your ride no matter where the trail takes you. Its compact shape offers deep, confident coverage, and the Roc Loc® Air fit system boosts ventilation while improving fit. In addition to this helmet’s already impressive cooling power, it’s outfitted with hydrophilic, anti-microbial pads that can absorb up to ten-times their weight in sweat. We designed the Montaro MIPS to have full goggle integration, with strap grippers on the back of the helmet, and a P.O.V. Plus™ visor that allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet. yet another great feature is the full camera mount integration – a clever break-away interface for your favorite light or camera. 23 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling venTilaTion: FAthom 16 vents with internal channeling do iT all and do iT in STyle Roc Loc® Air biG MoUnTain advenTUre venTilaTion: SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm If you ride everything and need cool comfort and performance – whether you’re on the open road or your favorite singletrack – the Fathom™ is a great choice. This helmet is a twin to our legendary Atmos™ II, a breakthrough helmet with a clever internal reinforcement structure that allows great ventilation without compromising the helmet’s integrity. The key difference is that the Fathom includes a sleek, removable visor. With the added comfort and security of the two-way adjustable Roc Loc® 5 fit system, the Fathom is equally comfortable on rough trails or on smooth pavement. L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $150 USD xL 24” – 25.5” / 61 – 65cm Price: eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / Gloss Black S: M: L: XL: 7068024 7068025 7068026 7079854 eQUipped eQUipped Matte White / Lime S: 7068069 M: 7068070 L: 7068071 S: 7068060 M: 7068061 L: 7068062 eQUipped Matte Vermillion Matte Olive S: 7075315 M: 7075316 L: 7075317 S: 7075306 M: 7075307 L: 7075308 $150 USD Matte Black / Gloss Black S: 7066706 M: 7066707 L: 7066708 Matte White / Black Bright Red / Black Matte Vermillion S: 7054836 M: 7054837 L: 7054838 S: 7066721 M: 7066722 L: 7066723 S: 7075424 M: 7075425 L: 7075426 eQUipped Matte Black Riptide Matte Blue / Lime S: 7075297 M: 7075298 L: 7075299 S: M: L: XL: 48 Matte Titanium / Flame eQUipped 7068051 7068052 7068053 7079857 49 neW FeaTUreS: eQUipped Deep coverage P.O.V. Plus™ visor Extra plush Coolmax padding MIPS equipped conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® 5 venTilaTion: 14 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling chronicle mipS SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: eSSenTial Trail PerForMance M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm When your trail rides include technical descents and challenging climbs, the Chronicle™ MIPS provides all the essential performance and protection you need in an affordable package. It drafts off the design language of our premium Montaro™ MIPS helmet, and offers many of our key features. Its compact shape provides deep, confident coverage, and the Roc Loc® 5 fit system allows you to easily dial-in both fit tension and adjust vertical position with a single hand. The Chronicle MIPS is designed for goggle compatibility, and the P.O.V. Plus™ visor allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet. The Coolmax padding has great wicking properties, and it’s extra plush to provide all-day comfort on the trail. The helmet was designed with MIPS, which redirects impact energy to provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped Matte Black / Gloss Black S: 7079452 M: 7079453 L: 7079454 eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $100 USD eQUipped Matte Grey Matte Vermillion Matte Olive Matte Lime / Black S: 7079434 M: 7079435 L: 7079436 S: 7079488 M: 7079489 L: 7079490 S: 7079479 M: 7079480 L: 7079481 S: 7079470 M: 7079471 L: 7079472 eQUipped Matte Blue S: 7079461 M: 7079462 L: 7079463 50 opposite: Chronicle MIPS Helmet, xar Jersey, Arc Short, DND Glove, HRc+Merino Sock, Terraduro Mid Shoes 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: Seamless compatibility with eyewear and Giro goggles P.O.V.™ visor w/15° vertical adjustment Brushed fleece liner Removable ear pads conSTrUcTion: Goggle Notch with retainer clip In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner HelMeTS conSTrUcTion: FiT SySTeM: In-mold construction with EPS foam liner Roc Loc® 5 FiT SySTeM: venTilaTion: In Form™ Fit system with ergonomic adjustment dial and vertical tuning feature 24 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: timBerWolF venTilaTion: Thermostat Control on-the-fly adjustable ventilation Stack Ventilation across brow never caGed S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm hex M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm xL 24” – 25.5” / 61 – 65cm ready For advenTUre Freezing air and falling snow won’t keep you stuck inside. Whether commuting year round or riding powdery backwoods singletrack, the Timberwolf™ is the helmet for your coldest rides. The Timberwolf leverages Giro’s industry-leading snow helmet design to keep you warm and comfortable in spite of winter’s chill. This light, low-profile helmet is loaded with features, including Stack Vent™ technology to help reduce goggle fogging, an In Form fit system (for easy adjustment with gloved hands), plus on-thefly adjustable Thermostat Control™ ventilation. And with a brushed fleece liner and removable ear pads, you’ll be comfortably covered for any winter adventure. SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm The Hex™ combines rugged style and durability with the coverage and ventilation you want on the trail. It’s stocked with all the features you need for a day on the dirt, including the comfort and stability of Roc Loc® 5 and our patented P.O.V.™ visor that doesn’t require any tools for adjustment. Price: $80 USD L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $100 USD Matte Black Matte Mil Spec Olive Matte Flame Matte Black Matte White / Lime S: 7074763 M: 7074764 L: 7074765 S: 7074769 M: 7074770 L: 7074771 S: 7074775 M: 7074776 L: 7074777 S: M: L: XL: S: 7066859 M: 7066860 L: 7066861 7036579 7036580 7036581 7036639 Matte Titanium / Flame Matte Vermillion / Flame Matte Purple / Bright Pink S: M: L: XL: S: 7075442 M: 7075443 L: 7075444 S: 7075433 M: 7075434 L: 7075435 7066838 7066839 7066840 7066841 Matte Blue / Lime S: 7066808 M: 7066809 L: 7066810 52 53 2017 GIRo CyCLInG HELMETS FeaTUReS: FeaTUReS: Lighter weight than traditional designs eQUippeD MIPS equipped (optional) conSTRUcTion: conSTRUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner ABS shell with EPS liner Roc Loc® Vert Fit Kit™ Padding venTilaTion: venTilaTion: 9 vents 8 vents SUPeR FiT™ SiZeS: SUPeR FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm SeCtion L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm QUArter FS L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm liGHTen UP doWn and diRTY The Section™ takes the classic skate-style helmet to a new, lighter dimension. Starting with a straightahead low-profile shape, we ditched the traditional ABS hardshell and went with a polycarbonate shell permanently fused to the liner using In-Mold technology, which cuts the weight of the helmet while improving durability. And with three sizes available and a range of vibrant colors, there’s a Section™ to suit almost any size, taste or preference. The Quarter™ is one of the lowest-profile helmets we’ve ever made, and it’s also the lightest we’ve made with an ABS shell. The essentials are here – an EPS liner for impact management, a tough outer shell, riveted webbing anchors and plush, sweat absorbent pads for long lasting comfort. Another standout feature – the Roc Loc® Vert dial fit system allows you to easily adjust the helmet for a secure and stable fit. Available in a bunch of great colors and three Super Fit™ sizes. Quarter FS MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUippeD Matte Black 54 Matte Lime Matte Vermillion HelMeTS FiT SYSTeM: FiT SYSTeM: M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm Dial fit system eQUippeD eQUippeD Matte Black Matte Vermillion Matte Blue Teal Matte Vermillion Matte Turquoise Matte Blue Teal Matte Black Matte Grey 55 Giro Women’S helmetS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN Ember MIPS Helmet, Chrono Sport Sublimated Jersey, Chrono Sport Halter Bib Short, Jag’ette Glove neW 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: eQUipped Women’s Series™ eQUipped Women’s Series™ Compact shape Ponytail compatible Air-Fx padding MIPS equipped (optional) Ponytail compatible conSTrUcTion: MIPS equipped conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner HelMeTS In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® 5 Thermoformed SL Roll Cage™ reinforcement venTilaTion: FiT SySTeM: 25 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling Roc Loc® 5 emBer mipS venTilaTion: 26 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling a blend oF STyle and PerForMance SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: The Ember™ MIPS provides all the features an avid road rider wants in a lightweight package. The design is inspired by the classic aesthetic of our premium Synthe™ helmet, offering similar performance and style. Key features include the Roc Loc® 5 fit system, which allows you to easily dial-in both fit tension and adjust vertical position with a single hand. Air-Fx padding offers comfort on your longest rides, and the helmet is equipped with MIPS to redirect impact energy, providing more protection in certain impacts. With graphic options that coordinate with the Giro women’s road collection, the Ember MIPS is the pinnacle of style on the road. eQUipped Matte Black / Bright Pink S: 7079407 M: 7079408 58 eQUipped Titanium Rio S: 7079416 M: 7079417 eQUipped eQUipped S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm Price: Sonnet SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm in rHyTHM WiTH THe road The Sonnet™ is a favorite in our Women’s Series collection, offering acclaimed fit and performance for riders who enjoy great routes as much as a swift pace. The slim shape offers great ventilation thanks to 25 Wind Tunnel™ vents and the comfortable convenience of the adjustable Roc Loc® 5 fit system. And with the light weight and durability of In-Mold construction, it won’t weigh you down. Sonnet MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. Price: $100 USD $120 USD – W / MIPS $150 USD eQUipped eQUipped Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion Bright Pink / Matte Black Matte Black / Bright Pink Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion S: 7079425 M: 7079426 S: 7080422 M: 7080423 S: 7075207 M: 7075208 S: 7075225 M: 7075226 Matte Titanium Rio Purple / Blue S: 7075158 M: 7075159 S: 7075152 M: 7075153 eQUipped Purple / Blue S: 7075213 M: 7075214 Matte Black / Bright Pink Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion S: 7075146 M: 7075147 S: 7075164 M: 7075165 59 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: eQUipped Women’s Series™ eQUipped Women’s Series™ Streamlined design P.O.V. Plus™ visor adjustment Coolmax padding Hydrophilic, x-Static® anti-microbial padding Ponytail compatible Full camera mount integration In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner MIPS equipped conSTrUcTion: FiT SySTeM: Full-wrap in-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner Roc Loc® 5 Roll Cage™ reinforcement venTilaTion: 22 vents SAGA SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm FreSH STyle STarTS Here FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Air montArA mipS venTilaTion: 16 vents with internal channeling conQUer THe MoUnTain in STyle The Saga™ drafts off the bold design language of our premium Synthe™ helmet, and offers many of our key features including durable in-mold construction and the Roc Loc® 5 fit system with two-way fit adjustment. The slim design is light, offers great ventilation and is available in three Super Fit™ sizes so that you can get a helmet that looks, fits and feels like it was made for you. Saga MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. Price: $65 USD $85 USD – W / MIPS HelMeTS Full goggle integration with strap grippers conSTrUcTion: From long climbs to rowdy, technical descents, the Montara™ MIPS helmet inspires your ride no matter where the trail takes you. Its compact shape offers deep, confident coverage, and the Roc Loc® Air fit system boosts ventilation while improving fit. In addition to this helmet’s already impressive cooling power, it’s outfitted with a hydrophilic, anti-microbial brow pad that can absorb up to ten-times its weight in sweat. We designed the Montara MIPS to have full goggle integration, with strap grippers on the back of the helmet, and a P.O.V. Plus™ visor that allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet. yet another great feature is the breakaway camera mount integration – a clever interface for your favorite light or camera. SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm Price: $150 USD eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / Bright Pink Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion S: 7075106 M: 7075107 S: 7075114 M: 7075115 Matte Black / Bright Pink Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion S: 7075122 M: 7075123 S: 7075140 M: 7075141 60 eQUipped Matte Titanium Rio S: 7079070 M: 7079071 Matte Titanium Rio S: 7075128 M: 7075129 eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped Matte Bright Pink / Black Matte Black / Bright Pink Matte White Tidepools Matte Berry / Bright Pink S: 7075118 M: 7075119 S: 7075378 M: 7075379 S: 7075405 M: 7075406 S: 7075387 M: 7075388 eQUipped Matte Blue Teal S: 7075396 M: 7075397 Matte Bright Pink / Black S: 7075134 M: 7075135 61 neW 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: eQUipped Women’s Series™ Women’s Series™ eQUipped Deep coverage Full coverage shell P.O.V. Plus™ visor Snap-fit visor with reinforced anchors Extra plush Coolmax padding Reflective rear decal MIPS equipped MIPS equipped (optional) HelMeTS conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® 5 neW FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Sport™ venTilaTion: 14 Wind Tunnel™vents with internal channeling cArtelle mipS SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: eSSenTial PerForMance, eSSenTial STyle The Cartelle™ MIPS provides the essential trail performance and protection you need in an affordable package that doesn’t skimp on style. It drafts off the design language of our premium Montara™ MIPS helmet, and offers many of our key features. Its compact shape provides deep, confident coverage, and the Roc Loc® 5 fit system allows you to easily dial-in both fit tension and adjust vertical position with a single hand. The Cartelle MIPS is designed for goggle compatibility, and the P.O.V. Plus™ visor allows you to lift the visor and place your goggles on the front of the helmet. The Coolmax padding has great wicking properties, and it’s extra plush to provide all-day comfort on the trail. The helmet was designed with MIPS, which redirects impact energy to provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black / Bright Pink Matte White Tidepools S: 7079497 M: 7079498 S: 7079515 M: 7079516 eQUipped Matte Bright Pink S: 7079503 M: 7079504 eQUipped Matte Blue Teal / Turquoise S: 7079509 M: 7079510 S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm Price: $100 venTilaTion: veronA UniverSal FiT™ SiZeS: UW 19.75” – 22.5” / 50 – 57cm FiT and FeelinG Good The Verona™ helmet combines sleek design and lightweight construction to match your style, on the road or off. Made in a single, Universal Fit™ size with our convenient new Roc Loc® Sport fit system, it adjusts simply with the turn of a dial so you can tune it in just right. A range of colors lets you choose exactly how your on-bike style comes together. Verona MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. USD eQUipped eQUipped Price: $45 USD $65 USD – W / MIPS eQUipped Black Tidepools White Tonal Lines Ice Blue Flowers Black Tonal Lines White Tonal Lines UW: 7079074 UW: 7075647 UW: 7075650 UW: 7075629 UW: 7075638 Matte Titanium Tonal Lines Purple / Blue Fade Ice Blue Flowers Black Tidepools UW: 7075626 UW: 7075632 UW: 7079077 UW: 7075635 62 22 vents 63 neW 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: eQUipped Plush, antimicrobial padding Extended coverage Integrated rear light Retractable & replaceable shield MIPS equipped Giro UrBAn helmetS HelMeTS conSTrUcTion: Hybrid in-mold construction FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Air venTilaTion: Ten vents, four of which have “on-the-fly” adjustability Bexley mipS Adjustable wind tunnel ventilation Deep internal channels with four closable upper vents THe ciTy never SleePS 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN The Bexley™ MIPS is our top tier urban helmet including all the features you’d expect in a premium helmet—plus a few more. The compact shape of the Bexley MIPS creates attractive style while still providing extended coverage, and the plush, antimicrobial padding keeps you comfortable. A retractable and replaceable shield protects your eyes from wind and glare, especially during higher speed commutes on an e-bike. The integrated rear light is designed so that you don’t even know it’s there when it’s off— but turning the light on makes the entire back panel of the helmet glow for substantially increased visibility on the road. Roc Loc® Air provides superior fit and ventilation, and four large vents are easily adjustable on the fly. Add the cozy ear pads and Bexley MIPS is supremely comfortable, even in inclement weather. The Bexley MIPS is equipped with the MIPS system to redirect impact energy, which can provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped eQUipped Bexley MIPS Helmet, Mobility Trouser S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $250 USD eQUipped Matte Black Matte White Matte Titanium S: 7079081 M: 7079082 L: 7079083 S: 7079099 M: 7079100 L: 7079101 S: 7079090 M: 7079091 L: 7079092 Back SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: Integrated rear light Retractable & replaceable shield 65 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: Removable, reflective, soft visor Removable, reflective soft visor Integrated clip for lights Integrated clip for lights Reflective, reinforced port for use with U-Lock Reflective, reinforced port for use with U-Lock Reflective, heathered webbing Modular, adjustable winter liner Ultrasuede padding Warm, hear-through, ear pads with neck roll ® MIPS equipped (optional) HelMeTS eQUipped FeaTUreS: Reflective webbing conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: Full-wrap in-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner neW Full-wrap in-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® City Cord Loc™ SUtton venTilaTion: STreeT-level Savvy SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: 8 vents with internal channeling The Sutton™ features a low-profile design loaded up with clever features to help urban riders and commuters get more out of their ride, and now it’s available with the Roc Loc® City fit system. This new fit system has three positions of vertical adjustability, and a comfortable, rubberized dial to adjust tension. It is made of a flexible and durable material to avoid damage while being locked up. The Sutton™ also features a tough outer shell and a soft visor. An integrated light clip at the back allows you to snap your light to the helmet for enhanced visibility, and a reinforced vent becomes a durable lock port so you can lock your helmet to the bike for convenience. The Sutton™ is also available with MIPS technology, which can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: ShAcKleton venTilaTion: keeP eXPlorinG in Polar TeMPS Don’t stop the ride when the temperatures plummet. The Shackleton™ helmet is ready for the cold with its cozy inner liner and separate neck roll with ear covers. The winter liner provides a variety of venting options, so you can customize the warmth of your helmet based on what the thermometer reads. As winter turns to spring and the temperatures rise, you can remove the liner and neck roll for a yearround riding solution. Other features include a removable, soft visor to shade your eyes; an integrated Light Clip at the back that allows you to snap your light to the helmet for enhanced visibility; and a reinforced vent becomes a durable Lock Port so you can lock your helmet to the bike for convenience. $80 USD $100 USD – W / MIPS 8 vents with adjustable inner shutoff flaps for the brow and exhaust vents SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: $100 USD eQUipped eQUipped eQUipped Matte Black Matte Highlight Yellow S: 7080209 M: 7080210 L: 7080211 S: 7080200 M: 7080201 L: 7080202 Matte Mil Spec Olive Matte Purple Matte Highlight Yellow S: 7080188 M: 7080189 L: 7080190 S: 7079108 M: 7079109 L: 7079110 S: 7080167 M: 7080168 L: 7080169 66 Matte Dark Slate / Blue Teal S: 7075501 M: 7075502 L: 7075503 Matte Black Matte Grey Matte Black Matte Highlight Yellow Matte Navy S: 7080182 M: 7080183 L: 7080184 S: 7075483 M: 7075484 L: 7075485 S: 7064686 M: 7064687 L: 7064688 S: 7064692 M: 7064693 L: 7064694 S: 7064698 M: 7064699 L: 7064700 Matte Dark Slate / Blue Teal S: 7075474 M: 7075475 L: 7075476 67 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: Natural, coconut, fiber webbing Removable soft visor Bio-sourced liner conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: Full-wrap in-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner ABS shell with E-PLA biomass liner FiT SySTeM: HelMeTS FiT SySTeM: Auto Loc™ Fit Kit™ padding venTilaTion: venTilaTion: 9 vents 8 vents SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: Silo SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm xS 18.5” – 20” / 47 – 51cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm dUrable, loW-ProFile deSiGn WiTH biodeGradable e-Pla liner The Silo™ is a revolution in helmet construction, featuring an exclusive E-PLA liner made from plant biomass. E-PLA has a lower environmental burden than traditional expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, yet it performs like EPS when managing impact energy. When the helmet is damaged or ready for replacement, you can disassemble the components for recycling and composting. So you get all of the style and performance you expect from Giro, while reducing your impact on the environment. reverB L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm Price: claSSic STyle For THe ciTy Price: $50 USD $60 USD The Reverb’s™ classic lines are a perfect match to the sleek style that is driving urban cycling. The lightyet-tough In-Mold shell wraps around to the inside of the helmet to resist dents and dings from life on the streets, and a self-adjusting fit system eliminates the need to dial in the fit. The finishing touch is a removable cycling cap-style visor that accents your style without compromising ventilation. Matte Black Matte White Matte Olive Matte Black Matte White Highlight Yellow S: 7070936 M: 7070937 L: 7070938 S: 7070944 M: 7070945 L: 7070946 S: 7070940 M: 7070941 L: 7070942 S: 2039206 M: 2039207 L: 2039208 S: 7067250 M: 7067251 L: 7067252 S: 2039215 M: 2039216 L: 2039217 Matte Dark Blue / Titanium S: 7067241 M: 7067242 L: 7067243 Vermillion / Flame S: 7075537 M: 7075538 L: 7075539 Blue Pearl S: 7075510 M: 7075511 L: 7075512 68 69 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: Snap-Fit 2 visor conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner HelMeTS FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® 5 venTilaTion: 22 vents SUPer FiT™ SiZeS: S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm M 21.75” – 23.25” / 55 – 59cm phASe L 23.25” – 24.75” / 59 – 63cm TrUe verSaTiliTy $75 USD Price: First and foremost, a bike helmet should be cool, comfortable and durable. If you can have all of that without excess weight, you’re onto something good for any kind of ride. The Phase™ is a great performance value, with the capability to handle daunting climbs and dirt descents. And with the easy fit and adjustability of Roc Loc® 5 and the comfort of Super Fit™ sizing, no wonder it’s so popular. Giro recreAtionAl helmetS Matte Black Matte White Lines Matte Titanium / Flame Matte Blue S: 7055427 M: 7055428 L: 7055429 S: 7066976 M: 7066977 L: 7066978 S: 7066967 M: 7066968 L: 7066969 S: 7055448 M: 7055449 L: 7055450 Matte Black / Lime / Flame S: 7066952 M: 7066953 L: 7066954 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN Phase Helmet, Venture Short, xen Gloves 71 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS eQUipped FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: Full-coverage shell Full-coverage shell Reflective rear decal Reflective rear decal Snap-fit visor with reinforced anchors conSTrUcTion: MIPS equipped (optional) conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner neW neW HelMeTS In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Sport FiT SySTeM: venTilaTion: Roc Loc® Sport 22 vents venTilaTion: UniverSal FiT™ SiZeS: 22 vents UA 21.25” – 24” / 54 – 61cm revel UniverSal FiT™ SiZeS: UA 21.25” – 24” / 54 – 61cm any ride, any rider Price: The Revel’s™ confident style and breezy ventilation combine in a compact design that complements nearly any ride. Some of our best features, like In-Mold construction coupled with the ease and comfort of our new Roc Loc® Sport fit system, offer the versatility you need to ride it all, from downtown streets to twisting climbs to singletrack trails. This is one of the best performance values in the Giro line. Revel MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped Matte Black / Charcoal UA: 7075586 Black / Bright Red UA: 7075553 72 $45 USD $65 USD – W / MIPS trinity Price: $40 USD ToP FeaTUreS, For leSS Sometimes the simplest designs are also the smartest. The Trinity™ is an easy fit for riders who want a classic cycling helmet that doesn’t compromise comfort or performance. It includes key features like In-Mold construction to keep the weight low, and the easy one-handed adjustments of our acclaimed new Roc Loc® Sport system for a quick, sure fit no matter where or how far you ride. eQUipped Matte White / Grey UA: 7075594 Matte Vermillion / Flame Fade UA: 7075582 Matte Black / Charcoal UA: 7075558 Matte White / Grey Matte Titanium / White Black / White Matte White / Grey UA: 7075574 UA: 7075570 UA: 7075608 UA: 7075618 White / Silver Flowers Matte White / Turquoise / Vermillion UA: 7075622 UA: 7079117 Lime Black Metallic Flowers UA: 7075566 UA: 7075546 Matte Titanium / White UA: 7075615 Black / Bright Red Highlight Yellow UA: 7075598 UA: 7075613 73 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: FeaTUreS: Full-coverage shell eQUipped Women’s Series™ eQUipped Reflective rear decal Full coverage shell Snap-fit visor with reinforced anchors Snap-fit visor with reinforced anchors MIPS equipped (optional) Reflective rear decal In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner neW HelMeTS MIPS equipped (optional) conSTrUcTion: conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Sport neW venTilaTion: FiT SySTeM: Roc Loc® Sport™ 22 vents venTilaTion: BiShop UniverSal FiT™ SiZeS: UxL (Extra Large) 22.75” – 25.5” / 58 – 65cm WHen biGGer needS To be beTTer veronA eQUipped Price: UXL: 7075659 UXL: 7075653 $45 USD $65 USD – W / MIPS eQUipped Price: $45 USD $65 USD – W / MIPS eQUipped Matte White / Grey Black / Bright Red Black Tidepools White Tonal Lines Ice Blue Flowers Black Tonal Lines White Tonal Lines UXL: 7075656 UXL: 7079125 UW: 7079074 UW: 7075647 UW: 7075650 UW: 7075629 UW: 7075638 Matte Titanium Tonal Lines Purple / Blue Fade Ice Blue Flowers Black Tidepools UW: 7075626 UW: 7075632 UW: 7079077 UW: 7075635 74 UW 19.75” – 22.5” / 50 – 57cm The Verona™ helmet combines sleek design and lightweight construction to match your style, on the road or off. Made in a single, Universal Fit™ size with our convenient new Roc Loc® Sport fit system, it adjusts simply with the turn of a dial so you can tune it in just right. A range of colors lets you choose exactly how your on-bike style comes together. Verona MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. eQUipped Matte Black / Charcoal UniverSal FiT™ SiZeS: FiT and FeelinG Good We created the Bishop™ for riders in search of the classic Giro fit but in need of an extra-large size. Inspired by the sleek style and cooling ventilation of our Revel™ helmet, the Bishop is at home on pavement or the trail. We use In-Mold construction to make it light without compromising durability and the adjustable new Roc Loc® Sport system makes it easy to custom-tune the fit for comfort and stability. Bishop MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. Matte Black / Charcoal 22 vents 75 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS FeaTUreS: Full-coverage shell eQUipped Reflective rear decal Snap-fit visor with reinforced anchors MIPS equipped (optional) HelMeTS conSTrUcTion: In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner FiT SySTeM: neW Roc Loc® Sport venTilaTion: 22 vents rAZe Giro yoUth helmetS UniverSal FiT™ SiZeS: Uy (youth) 19.75” – 22.5” / 50 – 57cm cooler THan cool The Raze™ stays cool in any situation. It’s made with our new Roc Loc® Sport fit system, which offers a 7cm adjustment range with easy one-handed operation. It comes with a removable visor too. We use the same In-Mold technology that is found on our adult models, which bonds the shell to the helmet for a lightweight, durable design. And of course it comes in a range of fun, kid-friendly colors! Raze MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. 2017 GIRO SPORT DESIGN eQUipped Dime MIPS Helmet eQUipped Price: $45 USD $65 USD – W / MIPS eQUipped Black Zap Matte Blue / Lime Berry / Blue Flowers Black Zap White Zap UY: 7075686 UY: 7075692 UY: 7075689 UY: 7075662 UY: 7075683 Black / Vermillion Zap Matte Blue / Lime Lime UY: 7075674 UY: 7075668 Turquoise / Blue Teal Flowers Berry / Blue Flowers UY: 7075663 UY: 7075677 UY: 7075671 77 2017 GIRo CyCLInG HELMETS FeaTUReS: eQUippeD FeaTUReS: Dial fit system eQUippeD MIPS equipped (optional) In-mold construction Built-in visor conSTRUcTion: Ponytail compatible ABS shell with EPS liner MIPS equipped (optional) FiT SYSTeM: conSTRUcTion: Roc Loc® Vert In-mold polycarbonate shell with EPS liner HelMeTS Pinch-guard buckle venTilaTion: FiT SYSTeM: 9 vents Roc Loc® Jr. SUPeR FiT™ SiZeS: venTilaTion: xS 18.5” – 20” / 47 – 51cm S 20” – 21.75” / 51 – 55cm 8 vents Dime FS SCAmp no FUSS, JUST RiGHT FoR JUnioR SHReddeRS The Dime FS™ is a kid-sized version of our rugged Quarter FS™ adult helmet so it has all of the same great features – an EPS liner for impact management, a tough outer shell, riveted webbing anchors and plush, sweat absorbent pads. Another standout feature – the Roc Loc® Vert dial fit system allows you to easily adjust the helmet for a secure and stable fit. Dime is available in a bunch of great, kid-friendly colors too! Dime FS MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. The Scamp™ is packed with amazing features, including some of the same elements found in our best adult helmets, all in a smaller package designed to fit your child. The Roc Loc® Jr. fit system with pinchguard buckle provides an easy way to fit your kid’s helmet quickly and securely. With a wide size range, your child can use this helmet as they grow from balance bikes to training wheels. The design is inspired by the adults’ Montaro MIPS / Montara MIPS, and since the Scamp™ is available in a range of kid-friendly colors and designs, your child will be excited to wear it every time they ride. Scamp MIPS models are available with the Multi-Directional Impact Protection System. We believe MIPS can redirect energy and provide more protection in certain impacts. Matte Lime Boogie Man eQUippeD Matte Black eQUippeD Matte Blue eQUippeD Matte Berry eQUippeD Matte Black Matte Lime Boogie Man SUPeR FiT™ SiZeS: xS 17.75” – 19.25” / 45 – 49cm S 19.25” – 21” / 49 – 53cm eQUippeD Matte Blue Bright Pink Swirl Matte Black Multi Matte Red Rocket Buddies Green / Lime Lines Turquoise Bubbles Bright Pink Swirl Matte Purple Flowers Matte Blue Matte Bright Pink Butterflies Matte Blue 78 Matte Vermillion Matte Bright Pink Butterflies Matte Berry 79 2017 GIRO CyCLING HELMETS SUPER FIT ENGINEERING WOMEN’S SERIES Our proprietary Super Fit™sizing system is based on “human scale factors” data and over 25 years of handcrafting helmets. By creating helmet molds in up to 4 adult sizes to match the human body’s form, our Super Fit™ sizes comfortably and securely fit riders, and feel like they are custom made just for you. The Women’s Series™ is a diverse collection of helmet styles, fits and prices tailored to the demands of female riders. While the level of detail and range of colors is unique within the Women’s Series helmets, they do not feature a unique “women’s fit.” That’s because there is no anatomic difference between women and men’s heads except for the average skull diameter measurement. And since Giro helmet sizes cover 98% of the human population, we believe the Women’s Series offers more options to women than any other brand. UNIVERSAL FIT SIZING X-STATIC ® PADDING Our Universal Fit™ helmets are sculpted to look good and fit great for almost anyone on the first try. By developing proprietary shell sizes based on specific customer groups, and combining them with an easily-adjustable fit system, it’s easy for you get the right fit, straight out of the box, without the hassle or expense of trying multiple sizes. ROC LOC ® AIR FIT SYSTEM This revolutionary fit system adds a new dimension to helmet performance by enhancing cooling, as well as fit comfort and stability. Using a patented design that suspends the helmet just slightly off the top of the skull, Roc Loc® Air allows cool airflow to pass directly over your head, further enhancing the performance of vents and internal channeling that exhaust heat out of the helmet. Fit and feel adjustments mimic the Roc Loc® 5, allowing you to easily custom tune fit tension and fore-aft tilt of the helmet in seconds using a single hand. ROC LOC 5 FIT SYSTEM ® The industry benchmark in comfort, stability, adjustability and weight savings. In addition to enhancing the fit and comfort of helmets, Roc Loc® 5 allows you to easily custom tune the fit tension and the fore-aft tilt of the helmet in seconds using a single hand. And it’s lighter than comparable systems too, making it the ultimate in skull-hugging luxury. ROC LOC SPORT ® The Roc Loc® Sport fit system offers easy one-handed operation with a 7cm adjustment range. Its confident clicking feel and sound lets riders know that the helmet is adjusting to a comfortable fit. With comfort similar Roc Loc® 5 and ponytail compatibility, the new Roc Loc® Sport fit system brings premium function to sport level helmets. X-Static padding contains a fiber made with layers of pure silver that is permanently woven into the fabric. Silver has natural anti-microbial performance that helps to reduce odor and regulate heat, so your helmet stays fresh and comfortable, naturally. vn ep lA VINYL NITRILE Vinyl Nitrile (VN) is a soft and flexible material with exceptional impact management properties. Unlike expanded polystyrene (EPS) foams which can have diminished performance from each successive impact, VN can rebound to consistently absorb impact energy over more than a single impact when utilized appropriately. E-PLA LINER This revolutionary new helmet liner is made from plant biomass. E-PLA has a lower environmental burden than traditional expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, yet it performs like EPS when managing impact energy. When the helmet is damaged or ready for replacement, you can disassemble the components for recycling and composting. IN-MOLD CONSTRUCTION The In-Mold construction process permanently fuses a light-yet-durable outer shell with the helmet’s impact-absorbing EPS foam liner, enhancing the strength of both parts. This fusion process reinforces areas around vents and ribs, creating a one-piece ‘exoskeleton’ that allows the helmet to be lighter, more durable, and better ventilated than helmets with shells that are fastened or adhered to the liner. HARD SHELL CONSTRUCTION ROC LOC ® CITY The Roc Loc® City fit system features a rubberized dial for easy adjustability and large plush pads for ultimate comfort and stability. The fit system is made of a durable flexible material for long term performance and daily lockability. The three positions of vertical adjustability, and 6cm range make this a perfect fit, for your daily use. AUTO LOC FIT SYSTEM Auto Loc™ is a simple, durable self-adjusting fit system designed to take the hassle out of fitting and wearing a helmet. By combining a supple elastic fit band at the back of the helmet with fixed-position straps, it automatically adjusts to cradle your head once you set the system to one of the three different circumference settings. ROC LOC ® JUNIOR Roc Loc Jr. is a simple, durable, dial fit system specifically shaped to match the curvature of a child’s head. The shape was developed with years of research into anatomic data to ensure a secure, comfortable fit. A large, rubberized knob makes it easy for adults to adjust the helmet for proper tension, allowing kids to quickly start their ride. MIPS TECHNOLOGY 80 Hard shell construction is the traditional method of combining a durable, molded outer shell with an impact-absorbing EPS foam liner. By molding the shell separately from the helmet’s liner we can optimize the shell material, thickness and finish to create helmets that are tough yet stylish, and ideally suited to the style of riding they’re built for. P. O.V.™ VISOR Point Of View™ visors are anchored by a patented internal clutch mechanism that allows 15-degrees of tool-free, on-the-fly vertical adjustment while preventing the visor from rattling and coming loose over rough and technical terrain. They’re also easily removed without tools. WIND TUNNEL VENTILATION Giro helmets are developed utilizing our proprietary Wind Tunnel™ventilation system. This elaborate design combines active vents in the helmet’s shell with exhaust channels inside the helmet that thrust fresh, cool air over and around the rider’s head while forcing heat and stale air out. It’s the most effective cooling system available, and a difference you can feel every time you ride. ROLL CAGE REINFORCEMENT Roll Cage™ is a light-yet-tough web of reinforcement invisibly molded inside a helmet’s EPS foam liner. It helps the helmet to hold together under impact, and provides an extra measure of strength and integrity that you’ll never notice…unless you need it. The MIPS Multi-Directional Impact Protection System consists of three main components: the EPS liner, the Low Friction Liner and an elastomeric attachment system between them. In an angled impact, the elastomeric attachment system stretches to allow the EPS liner to rotate independently around your head. Helmets equipped with MIPS redirect energy to provide more protection in certain impacts, without compromising fit, ventilation or style. THERMOFORMED SL ROLL CAGE P.O.V. PLUS™ HYDROPHILIC PADDING Our P.O.V. Plus visor features an adjustment mechanism that lets you move the visor up and down in indexed steps. These steps include three riding positions plus a high position for goggle storage above your brow. The design allows you to easily adjust your visor with one hand while riding. The Hydrophilic Pad can absorb up to 10 times its own weight in water, helping you manage sweat while riding. The pad retains moisture to prevent sweat from dripping into your eyes, and then dries quickly. The antimicrobial, X-Static lining helps to reduce odor, keeping your helmet fresh. The Thermoformed SL Roll Cage™ is an ultra light polycarbonate skeleton fused into a helmet’s impact-absorbing foam liner. Visible on the bridges between vents, this layer of armor acts like a second shell, enhancing structural support, impact dispersion and penetration resistance while allowing us to carve the biggest vents possible without compromising the helmet’s strength or integrity. 81