North Yorkshire Countryside Directory for People


North Yorkshire Countryside Directory for People
North Yorkshire
Countryside Directory
for People with Disabilities
Second Edition
Whatever your needs, access to and enjoyment of the
countryside is rewarding, healthy and great fun. This
directory can help you find out what opportunities are
available to you in your area. Get yourself outdoors and
enjoy all the benefits that come with it…
Foreword written by: Lord Crathorne, Lord Lieutenant of North
This directory was put together by people with a
disability for people with a disability, though the
places and information included will be useful
to anyone.
Covering 803,499 hectares, North Yorkshire is the largest
county in England. It is hardly surprising then, that the local
countryside has so much to offer. It is more than worth
taking that first step and getting yourself involved,
regardless of your abilities.
For people interested in wildlife and conservation there is
much that can be done from home or a local accessible
area. Whatever your chosen form of countryside recreation,
whether it’s joining a group, doing voluntary work, or
getting yourself out into the countryside on your own, we
hope you will get as much out of it as we do.
There is still some way to go before we have a properly
accessible countryside. By contacting Open Country or
another of the organisations listed here, we help to
encourage better access for all in the future.
First Published in February 2004
This Edition Published March 2009
Using the Directory
Throughout the Directory you may see some symbols. These are to help you
see what kind of facilities or information is available. Please also check the text
about a place to see what they can offer people with disabilities or call them
and ask.
A wheelchair accessible toilet is available
A Braille guide is available
A leaflet is available
Scooter / powered wheelchair hire available
To help readers work their way round such a large geographical area, we have
separated Yorkshire into 5 separate areas in the Walking and Outings sections.
These are somewhat arbitrary, and none of the areas strictly follows any
statutory boundaries.
We have called them:
1. Harrogate District
Tyne & Wear
2. Dales area
3. Hambleton
4. York and Selby
5. Moors and coast
West Yorkshire
South Yorkshire
Walking and Outings
Walking clubs and contacts
Easy Going Walks
Sports and Outdoor Pursuits
Clubs & contacts
Outdoor Pursuits
Horse riding
Wildlife & Conservation
Clubs and organisations
Accessible bird watching
Accessible wildlife sites
Volunteering - advice and contacts
Volunteering in the countryside
Countryside Employment
Useful Information
Community Transport
Public Transport
Toilets, parking and wheelchair hire
Tourist Information Centres
Disability Links
Websites worth a surf…
The Countryside Code
A Bit About the Authors and Funders
Walking and Outings
1. Walking and Outings
Walking clubs and contacts
Easy Going Walks
- Harrogate District
- Dales area
- York & Selby
- Moors & Coast
- Contacts
- Harrogate District
- Dales area
- Hambleton
- York & Selby
- Moors & Coast
Open Country have produced three
Breakfree packs
for Harrogate District.
Great for short walks, nature trails, children,
cycles and people with disabilities.
The packs have clear, colour maps for each
place, with all the information you need to help
plan your day.
Get your packs from Harrogate Library, Tourist
Information Centres, Out & About (outdoor
shop near ASDA in Harrogate) and Cotswold
Outdoor, Harrogate or call
Open Country on 01423 507227 and
we will gladly post them to you.
Breakfree, get healthy and
discover your local green space!
Walking Clubs & Contacts
Open Country, Harrogate
Contact: David Shaftoe & Sam Parkhouse
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
Open Country runs two different walking clubs and between them they should
be suitable for most people.
The Walking Group consists mainly of people with learning disabilities and
mental health issues. They meet at least once a month for cross-country
rambles of about 7-9 miles.
The Easy Going Walks group meets once a month for 2/3 mile walks along
fully accessible paths, so the walks are suitable for everyone, including
wheelchair users.
Hambleton Strollers
Tel: 01609 771624
Email: [email protected]
A walking for health scheme covering Hambleton District. Walking on mostly
level footpaths around towns and mostly wheelchair accessible.
Harrogate & District Society for the Blind
Contact: Anne Worden
Tel: 01423 565915
The society runs a walking group for any registered visually impaired person.
Harrogate Rambling Club
Contact: Julia Riddington, Membership Secretary
Tel: 07952 476889
Email: [email protected]
The club meet most Wednesdays and Sundays for graded walks of 6—14 miles
with some ascents. The walks usually start between 9 and 10am. The club also
arranges club rambles further afield e.g. Lake District. Details can also be found
at the Harrogate Tourist Information Centre.
Health Walks in Selby
Contact: Rachel Kumar
Tel: 01904 724132
Wheelchair accessible walks starting from various locations around the Selby
Walking Clubs & Contacts
Ryedale Forum Footsteppers
Contact Terry Wray
Tel: 01653 693635
Email: [email protected]
A walking for health scheme covering Ryedale District. Weekly walks.
Scarborough Health Walks
Contact: Rachel Maw
Tel: 01653 604610
Email: [email protected]
Skipton Craven Walkers
Tel: 07984 781350
Email: [email protected]
A small group run by volunteers who arrange short walks in Skipton, along the
canal and in the Yorkshire Dales. They usually meet on Mondays in Skipton at
2pm at the Coffee Shop, Coach Street.
WOW 50!
Contact: Helen Steventon, Walking for Health Co-ordinator
Tel: 01423 502253
Walk Out Well for people aged 50 years and older is a scheme to enable people
to meet together and enjoy short walks around the District.
York Health Walks
Contact: Laura Telfer
Tel: 01904 553388
Email: [email protected]
2 – 3 mile walks starting from various locations around York.
Fell & Dale Club
Contact: Ed Board
Tel: 01423 885858
Email: [email protected]
Has walks every Sunday and short walks on a Tuesday evening, May - August.
The club welcomes new members to rambles, weekends and other events.
Walking Clubs & Contacts
Ramblers Association
2nd Floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7TW
Tel: 020 7339 8500
Email: [email protected]
The ramblers association provides information, publications and promotes
walking for all throughout England, Wales and Scotland.
Historic Guided Walks
For information about Historic Guided Walks (in groups), led by volunteers, in
Harrogate, Knaresborough & Ripon, contact the local Tourist Information
Centres for a leaflet and programme:
Harrogate TIC:
Knaresborough TIC:
Ripon TIC:
01423 537300
01423 866886
01765 604625
Open Country members and volunteers enjoying
a walk along Eccup reservoir
Easy Going Walks
Please note that paths are subject to natural erosion and their quality may vary
over time. Maintenance of the paths should be on-going. Please ring your local
Access Officer or Open Country if you would like to report or comment on any
accessible paths.
Harrogate District
Valley Gardens Walk, Harrogate
Map: O.S. Explorer 297 Grid ref: 298554
Within Harrogate are 3 short, pretty and accessible walks that can be linked to
create a point to point walk of around 2 3/4 mile.
Valley Gardens (section 1). This section of 3/4 mile takes you through
the lovely Valley Gardens in Harrogate. Start at the corner of Valley Drive
opposite the Pump Room Museum.
The Pinewoods (section 2). This section of around 1/2 mile is joined from
the Valley Gardens by walking across Harlow Moor Road. The path takes you
through field and woodland paths until you reach Crag Lane near the entrance
to Harlow Carr Gardens.
Harlow Carr Gardens (section 3). This final section is 11/2 miles. It
takes you along fairly rough but lovely surroundings and a trip to the Harlow
Carr Gardens is always an option afterwards.
If you intending to do the walks in a wheelchair it is recommended that you
take along a strong able-bodied pusher, as some paths are not so smooth and
there are some steady ascents. However the route is well worth investigating.
Millennium Green, Pateley Bridge.
Map: O.S. Explorer 298 Grid ref: 157656
Follow Millfield Street until reaching ‘The Sidings’ on your left. Follow this path
up to the Millennium Green. You can now make a circular walk by crossing the
new bridge and returning to Pateley Bridge alongside the river.
Set in the heart of Nidderdale, this 1 mile walk (with optional diversions around
the green) explores a nice open space on the edge of the town. The paths are
made of crushed stone, with regular resting points.
Pateley Bridge to Glasshouses
Map: O.S. Explorer 298 Grid ref: 158655
A flat, firm riverside walk, this 2 1/2 mile there-and-back enables everyone to
enjoy the history and natural beauty of this part of Nidderdale. Wheelchair
accessible. For a leaflet contact Open Country on 01423 507227.
Easy Going Walks
Toft Gate Limekiln
Toft Gate Limekiln, built in the 19th century, is situated on the Pateley to
Grassington road near Greenhow village. The circular path is partially
wheelchair accessible and there are display boards and picnic tables.
Viewing Point, Greenhow Hill
Starting from the Toft Gate car park, a signposted walk leads to a stone-built
enclosure with amazing views of Nidderdale. It is a short but steep walk. Not
wheelchair accessible. As of March 2009 the view point is being repositioned
and rebuilt.
Ripon Canal & Littlethorpe Circular walks
Contact: British Waterways Canal Information
Tel: 0113 2816886
Map: O.S. Explorer 299 Grid ref: 315708
Starting at the canal basin, this is a great chance to see lots of wildlife and
watercraft along a 3 mile walk, using the towpath and minor roads, which is
accessible for all. There is a small information centre, nature reserve, 2 river
crossings and 2 wheelchair accessible bird hides looking over the wetland site.
Swinsty Reservoir
Map: O.S. Explorer 297 Grid ref: 187538
A 3 mile circular walk in the beautiful Washburn Valley. Accessible toilets, picnic
tables and blue badge parking available at Swinsty Moor car park. Accessible
fishing available. Contact: Swinsty Fishing Office on 01943 880658
Scar House Reservoir
Map: O.S. Explorer 298 Grid ref: 069767
Set amid the wildest part of Nidderdale, three sides of the reservoir are fully
Dales Area
Bolton Abbey
See Outings section – Page 19.
Easy Going Walks
Cumberland Trail
Map: O.S Explorer 297 Grid ref: 058564
Off the B6160 Bolton Bridge to Threshfield Road.
A ½ mile circular woodland walk, punctuated by informative displays about all
aspects of a working forest. Two accessible gates. Scooters available seasonally
– ring (01756) 718009.
Burnsall Riverside Walk
Map: O.S. Explorer OL2 Grid ref: 033612
Starts by the bridge next to the pub.
1/2 mile walk beside the River Wharfe. Two accessible gates might be too tight
for an electric wheelchair. Pay & Display car park 100 yards away.
Cotter Force
Map: O.S. Outdoor Leisure 30 Grid ref: 850916
Attractive waterfall in a beautiful setting. Reasonably level path (400 metres)
with ramps alongside the beck suitable for wheelchair users.
Grimwith Reservoir
Map: O.S. Explorer 298 Grid ref: 064640
Open views over the reservoir and surrounding moors. If wheelchair users can
be sure of negotiating the steep section down to the heather thatched barn (two
accessible gates), then a stone track can be followed for almost two miles.
Leeds – Liverpool Canal
Map: O.S. Explorer OL2 Grid ref: 925543
A short 1/2 mile walk, beginning by the A65 at Gargrave. The surface between
bridges 169A and 169 is good. The adjacent ‘Anchor Inn’ pub is very accessible.
Hudswell Woods
Contact: Jonathan Brewer 01423 780688
A mile long circular walk next to the River Swale near Richmond. Start at the
parking area off the A1608 Richmond to Reeth road. One accessible gate. Shale
surface for 300 yards, then well-trodden grass. Could be difficult in the wet.
Ingleborough Estate Nature Trail
Map: O.S. Explorer OL2 Grid ref: 745695
Tel: 01524 251242 for details.
Near Clapham Village, the trail passes through woodland on the way to
Clapham Cave. About 30 minutes each way, the trail is steep, stony and muddy
in parts being too steep for self propelling wheelchair users. Car park at
Clapham Village - ½ mile. Entry charge – daily March to October, weekends
during winter.
Easy Going Walks
York & Selby Area
Barmby Tidal Barrage, Barmby-on-the-Marsh
Tel: 01757 638579
The barrage prevents the tidal River Ouse from entering the River Derwent.
Accessible toilets, bird hide, fishing platforms and paths.
Brayton Barff Woods
Map: O.S. Explorer 290. Grid ref: 585305
A 2km circular walk through Brayton Barff Woods which (as of November 2007)
has been recently refurbished. Leaflet and Walking pack available from
Yorkshire Water or download it from:
Rawcliffe Meadows
Map: O.S. Explorer 290. Grid refs: 575548 or 590523
A 2 mile linear walk through ancient flood meadows hosting a wealth of
wildflowers in summer. Access from Clifton Moor Park & Ride or the Museum
Gardens in York.
Skipwith Common
See Accessible Wildlife Sites – Page 50
Moors & Coast
Easy Going North York Moors
- a superb access guide and a must for anyone wishing to visit the area. Pick
one up from a local Tourist Information Centre for £4.50, or check out or visit
Cleveland Way Access Guides
Contact: Cleveland Way Officer, The Old Vicarage, Bondgate, Helmsley, YO6 5BP
Tel: 01439 770657.
A FREE guide covers nine different Easy Going and wheelchair accessible walks
on this National Trail. An access guide for the visually impaired is also available.
Cawthorne Roman Camps, near Cropton
Map: O.S. Explorer Outdoor Leisure 27 Grid ref: 783894
1.6 km circular route around these 2,000 year old Roman earthworks. Audio
trail guide available – call The Moors Centre on 01439 772737.
Easy Going Walks
Dalby Forest
Contact: Forestry Commission, Low Dalby, Pickering
Tel: 01751 472771
Enjoy a 9 mile drive through the forest with walks, picnic stops and car parks. A
leaflet is given when admission charge is paid, and an Easy Access Gazetteer is
available from the office, detailing more accessible routes. The Information
Office and small museum is in Low Dalby village and is wheelchair accessible.
Forge Valley Woods (off A170 near East Ayton)
Map: O.S. Outdoor Leisure 27 Grid ref: 985871
2.7 km linear route through this spectacular National Nature Reserve. Fairly
level wooden boardwalk with passing places.
Sutton Bank & the White Horse
Map: O.S. Outdoor Leisure 26 Grid ref: 516831
On the A170, 9 km east of Thirsk, 12 km West of Helmsley.
The 2.7 km linear path takes you to the top of the most northerly White Horse
in England, allowing you to savour one of the finest views in the country.
Tearoom, shop and visitor centre are fully accessible. Electric wheelchair,
scooter and manual wheelchair available for use around the site. NB: Unfenced
cliff path in places.
Crow Wood at The Moors Centre
OS Grid reference: NZ 717 084
Contact: The Moors Centre
Tel: 01439 772737
After you’ve explored the centre and had a bite to eat in the tearooms take a
turn around Crow Wood. An audio trail guide has been produced. Circular route
of 400m.
Farndale (Low Mill)
OS Grid reference: SE 673 952 (Low Mill) – SE 670 957 (pond)
The Farndale daffodil path is suitable for wheelchair users from the car park at
Low Mill to a small pond part way along. Following on, a linear route is about
1.5km there and back. The path leads you to a café and pub (as does the
nearby country road). The path from Low Mill involves a relatively steep slope
so a strong companion for wheelchair users will be required. There is a RADAR
accessible toilet at Low Mill.
Easy Going Walks
Kettleness Coastal Trail
OS Grid Reference: NZ 832 155
Linear route of 2.6km (there and back). If you fancy getting to grips with the
splendour of the Heritage Coast then this is the route for you! Enjoy fresh
seaside air and great views of Runswick Bay.
Esk Valley to Beck Hole
OS Grid Reference: NZ 822 043
Linear route of 5km (there and back). This is a fantastic outing, along a section
of disused railway line, in the company of the tumbling Murk Esk. Take a
journey through bluebell woods and fields as well as catching a glimpse of
steam trains on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway. An audio trail guide has also
been produced, call The Moors Centre on 01439 772737 for more details.
Rosedale Mineral Railway
OS Grid Reference: SE 722 948
Linear route of 1.8km (there and back). Choose a clear day and the panoramic
views of Rosedale will reward your efforts on this glorious route. As an
introduction to the wide sweep of heather moorland you’ll be hard pressed to
find a better spot than the moors above Rosedale.
Staindale Lake in Dalby Forest
OS Grid Reference: SE 883 904
Circular route of 1 kilometre. Take a trip round Staindale Lake in the heart of
Dalby Forest and you won’t be disappointed. The views are superb and the
resident ducks are sure to make you feel welcome if you visit with a packed
The Nuttery, Thornton-Le-Dale
OS Grid Reference: SE 835 829
A 200 metre circular route around the village duck pond which has been
recently spruced up to attract more wildlife. Car park available with level access
to the rest of the village.
Permissive access
Increasingly, permissive rights of access are created under the Department for
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) farm conservation schemes. On
the website you can find details and maps of more than 1,800 walks and rides
and areas of open access. Only a small proportion have access for all. Printed
copies are held by some councils. These rights of access are often only for a few
years, and more are being added.
Easy Going Walks
There are 152 DEFRA sites with access in North Yorkshire, though only three
are listed as being possibly accessible to all. Many state good paths that are of
a short (less than 1 mile) distance. Look up the website for details of other
walks or contact DEFRA directly.
Foul Green
Near Whitby
Map: OS Landranger 94
Grid Ref: NZ661104
Tel: DEFRA on 020 7238 6907
Three open access sites with two disabled routes within, allowing both views
and relaxing picnic sites along Commondale Beck. The area is greatly valued for
its traditional nature and undisturbed wildlife and landscape value within the
North Yorkshire Moors National Park.
Keasbeck Hill Farm A & Farm B (Two Routes)
Near Harwood Dale
Map: OS Landranger 101
Grid Ref: SE967962
Tel: DEFRA on 020 7238 6907
At Keasbeck Hill Farm a hard surface trail, for use by able and less able bodied
people, provides a circular route, linking with other routes through Harwood
Dale Forest. The trail Passes through farmed habitat and takes in wetland with
a pond and new woodland. There is a guide wire to help partially sighted
walkers and an audio tape available. In addition, open access is provided on
three fields which are linked by public rights of way to provide a second circular
walk. The fields are being managed to enhance their value for wildlife.
Educational access is also provided, with information available on the farms,
website at Further information is available at
the farm tea room.
Markets are a fun countryside outing and a chance to see a new place and buy
local fare. You could also join up the visit with a nice walk in the area.
Last Sunday of each month
Tel: 01748 884414
Farmers market
Tel: 01677 424604
General retail
Catterick Racecourse Market
Tel: 01748 812127
240 Stalls
General retail
Tel: 01347 821444
General retail
Fridays (Easter – Christmas)
Tel: 01723 518000
General retail
3rd Sunday of each month
Tel: 01748 884414
Farmers market
Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays
Tel: 01287 651601
40+ stalls
General retail
2nd Thursday of each month
Tel: 01423 556028
Farmers market
Tel: 01969 666210
General retail
Tel: 01653 600666
51 stalls
General retail
High Bentham
Tel: 01524 262549
General retail
Tel: 01524 41049
General retail
Tel: 01439 770173
General retail
Tel: 01423 556055
100 stalls
4th Saturday each month
Tel: 01748 884414
General retail
Farmers market
Tel: 01751 473780
General retail
Wednesdays & Saturdays
Tel: 01765 680200
General retail
Wednesdays & Saturdays
Tel: 01609 767303
100+ stalls
4th Wednesday each month
Tel: 01748 884414
Tuesdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Mondays & Fridays
General retail
Farmers market
General retail
Cattle market
Tel: 01653 600666
31 stalls
Tel: 01562 777130
82 stalls
Tel: 01748 884059
Tel: 01748 850808
Tuesdays – Saturdays
Market Hall
3rd Saturday of each month
Tel: 01748 884414
Sundays (Easter – Autumn)
Market Hall
Tel: 01423 556055
120 stalls
3rd Sunday of each month
Tel: 01423 556028
Mondays – Saturdays
Tel: 01723 373579
60 stalls
General retail
General retail
General retail
General retail
General retail
Farmers market
Craft fair
General retail
Farmers market
General retail
General Retail
Contact: Jim Buckle on 01757 292168
120 stalls
Extended market over bank holiday weekends.
Tel: 01729 825192
2nd Sunday of each month
Tel: 01748 884414
General retail
Farmers market
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays
Tel: 01756 706355
General retail
1st Saturday of each month
Tel: 01748 884414
Farmers market
Tel: 01757 292168
40 stalls
Mondays & Saturdays
Tel: 01609 767303
50+ stalls
Tel: 01937 583584
29 stalls
Tuesday & Saturday Mornings
Tel: Whitby TIC 01723 383637
General retail
General retail
General retail
General Retail
Everyday (Newgate market)
General retail
Tel: 01904 551355
110 stalls
Last Friday of each month (Parliament Street) Farmers market
Tel: 01904 551355
Specialist markets throughout the year. Check for more information.
Open Country Outings Group, Harrogate
Contact: Sam Parkhouse & David Shaftoe
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
This group is especially for those with limited mobility, wheelchair users and
people with visual impairments (though we don't refuse anyone else who’d
really like to join in). The group enjoys twice-monthly trips to country houses,
parks, gardens and other countryside places. Fully accessible transport is
Tel: 01423 529153
Breakaway Holidays offer people who require support a unique holiday of their
choice. Holiday-makers are supported by a team of committed and trained
volunteers. Holidays include walking breaks, farmhouse holidays and stays at
Oasis / Center Parcs
Breathing Space
Tel: 01609 779420
A flexible leisure scheme, helping to meet the wishes of adults with learning
disabilities, who live in the districts of Hambleton and Richmondshire. They
have their own adapted minibus. Teenage Breathing Space is an offshoot
open to teenagers with learning disabilities who are 14 – 18 years.
York Hospital & Community Disabled Support
Tel: 01904 781172
Helps adults with a physical disability. Their accessible minibus is available for
day trips, shopping, holidays etc.
British Red Cross Open Gardens scheme
This programme offers a wonderful chance to see some of the best gardens in
the country
Harrogate District
RHS Garden Harlow Carr
Crag Lane, Otley Road, Harrogate, HG3 1QB
Tel: 01423 565418
Email: [email protected]
Trails and 58 acres of landscaped gardens. The premises are fully accessible
with ample seating and shelter, disabled toilets and free admission for carers.
There is free loan of manual and electric wheelchairs. Working dogs allowed.
Great Yorkshire Showground
Tel: 01423 561536
Home to the Great Yorkshire Show in the second week in July. Other events,
including Countryside Live are held throughout the year. The showground is
largely accessible.
Brimham Rocks
8 miles south west of Ripon
Summerbridge, Harrogate, HG3 4DW
Tel: 01423 780688
Email: [email protected]
A National Trust reserve with excellent views of the surrounding countryside,
moorland and fascinating rock formations as well as an annual events calendar.
Over 700 yards of all-weather paths provide a circular walk suitable for most
wheelchair users and there is one manual wheelchair available for loan by prior
arrangement. Shop and information has 5 steps. Working dogs welcome. Braille
and large print guides available.
Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal
Near Ripon, 10 miles north of Harrogate
Tel: 01765 608888
Email: [email protected]
Fountains Abbey is the largest monastic ruin in Britain. A World Heritage Site,
no other site in Europe contains such a rich variety of historic monuments in a
beautiful landscape. Guided tour available and many paths are fully accessible.
Due to the terrain, 3-wheeled scooters are not permitted. 6 manual wheelchairs
available - book first. A wheelchair accessible minibus runs a ferry service from
the Visitor centre to the valley floor. Free entry for essential helpers. Braille and
large print guide available. Each October an Autumn Floodlit drive-in is held,
giving free access to disabled people to the abbey and its environs.
Lightwater Valley Theme Park
North Stainley, Ripon, HG4 3HT
Tel: 0870 4580040
125 acres of country park with the world’s biggest rollercoaster! Undercover
entertainment. Guide dogs and hearing dogs are permitted and there is an
accessible toilet and café. It is possible for disabled people to access most rides
although some have stairways. Parking is 100 yards from the main entrance.
Newby Hall & Gardens
Near Ripon
Tel: 01423 322583 / 0845 4504068
Email: [email protected]
Historic country house and award winning gardens with good wheelchair
access. Facilities include a miniature railway (special carriage for disabled
visitors), children's adventure garden, restaurant and picnic area. There are
four motorised and three manual wheelchairs available free of charge, but do
book ahead. The gardens are on sloping ground, but negotiable by wheelchairs
following a signed wheelchair route. Working dogs are welcome. Open 1st April
– 30th September.
Dales area
Bolton Abbey Estate
Near Skipton
Tel: 01756 718009
Email: [email protected]
A country estate with ruins and moorland, a forestry trail and a riverside beach,
amongst other features. Many of the paths are accessible by wheelchair users
and there are electric scooters and wheelchairs available for loan from the shop
next to the Pavilion – booking advised. The pavilion, shop, toilets and café are
all accessible.
Dales Countryside Museum
Station Yard, Hawes, DL8 3NT
Tel: 01969 666210
Email: [email protected]
Experience what life was like in the beautiful, but sometimes harsh, landscape
of the Yorkshire Dales. The museum has wide aisles, ramps, wheelchair stair
lifts and a two level information counter.
Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway
Bolton Abbey Station, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6AF
Tel: 01756 710614
Email: [email protected]
Trains run between the award-winning Bolton Abbey Station built in 1988 and
Embsay Station. Buffet, shops, picnic areas. Accessible toilet at Bolton Abbey
Station only. Wheelchair access by arrangement.
Kilnsey Park & Trout Farm
Kilnsey, Nr Skipton. BD23 5PS
Tel: 01756 752150
Email: [email protected]
A trout fishery in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, much of the site is
wheelchair accessible. The park has jetties, an aquarium/craft barn (some
steps), accessible toilets, a restaurant and gardens where you can see red
squirrels and goats.
Wensleydale Creamery
Gayle Lane, Hawes. DL8 3RN
Tel: (01969) 667664
The spiritual home of Wensleydale cheese. The shop, restaurant, toilets,
museum and viewing gallery are fully accessible.
Yorkshire Dales Falconry and Conservation Centre
Crow’s nest, nr Giggleswick, Settle, LA2 8AS
A65 2 miles north of Settle
Tel: 01729 822832 / 0871 7162681
Birds of prey on display with flying demonstrations. Also offers hawking holidays
and handling courses. A chance to see the largest bird of prey in the world, the
Andean Condor, flying everyday. Portable ramp at entrance. Shale path to
display area on fairly steep slope. Accessible toilet. Gravel car park
The World of James Herriot
23 Kirkgate, Thirsk 01845 524234
This museum pays a superb tribute to the famous vet. Access generally level,
augmented by lifts. Wheelchair loan available.
York & Selby area
Beningbrough Hall & Gardens
Beningbrough, York, YO30 1DD
3 miles West of Shipton on the A19, 8 miles NW of York
Tel: 01904 472027
E-mail: [email protected]
Imposing Georgian mansion built in 1716. Ground floor accessible by a ramped
route avoiding main entrance. Shop, laundry, gardens and refreshments
accessible but some cobbled paths. Braille guides and guided tours for the
visually impaired by arrangement. Manual wheelchairs on loan - book first.
Working dogs welcome.
Castle Howard
Castle Howard, York, YO60 7DA
Tel: 01653 648333
Email: [email protected]
When you visit Castle Howard you will be swept away by the breathtaking
beauty of the architecture and landscape, as well as the delightful gardens
linked by many pathways. Free outdoor guided tours, high energy adventure
playground, events and exhibitions, plus a wide choice of shops and cafes all
add to the enjoyment of a family day out.
Murton Park (incorporating Yorkshire Museum of Farming)
Murton, York. YO19 5DF
Tel: 01904 489966
Email: [email protected]
8 acres, with many hard surface paths. Livestock, Viking village, Derwent Valley
Light Railway (working Sundays only), restaurant, picnic area and shop.
Hill Rise, Moor Lane, Great Ouseburn, York YO26 9TT
Email: [email protected]
Nuzzlets charity provide loving homes for unwanted animals and free access to
young people for therapy and education on a farm just outside York. Visits by
appointment only.
Moors & Coast
Dalby Forest Drive & Visitors Centre
Contact: Forestry Commission, Low Dalby, Pickering
Tel: 01751 472771
Email: [email protected]
A full day out. A 9 mile drive through the forest with walks, picnic stops and car
parks. See Easy Going Walks – Page 10. Astronomy evenings also hosted.
Scarborough Sea Life Centre
Scalby Mills, Scarborough. YO12 6RP
Tel: 01723 373414
Email: [email protected]
Glimpse the magical world beneath our seas. Includes a seal rehabilitation unit,
penguin pool, and sea turtles. Full access throughout with some manoeuvring –
ask for a map. Wheelchair stairs lift to restaurant & viewing gallery.
Sports and Outdoor Pursuits
2. Sports and Outdoor Pursuits
Clubs & contacts
Outdoor Pursuits
- Archery
- Ballooning
- Canals & River Cruises
- Caving
- Orienteering
- Flying
- Camping
- Sailing
- Scuba Diving
- Skiing
- Outdoor Centres
- Clubs & Contacts
- Maps & books
- Events
Cycle Routes
Horse riding
Clubs & Contacts
Open Country, Harrogate District
Contact: David Shaftoe & Sam Parkhouse
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
Join the Adventure Club and turn your hand to rock climbing, canoeing,
orienteering, boating, archery and much more. Activities run once per month
and are open to anyone regardless of your disability.
Outdoor Pursuits Project, Harrogate
Contact: John Cuzen
Tel: 01423 502581
Walking, climbing and horse riding activities for people receiving mental health
services. Meetings held fortnightly at Belmont Road Centre, Harrogate.
Tel: 0208 667 9443
Will provide information about local groups where disabled and non-disabled
people can meet and undertake activities on equal terms.
Ripon Activity Project (RAP)
Contact: Joy Rayden
Ripon CVS, Sharow View, Allhallowgate, Ripon, HG4 1LF
Tel: 01765 603631
Open to anyone with a disability from ages 16—65 yrs living in Ripon,
Boroughbridge, Pateley Bridge, Masham or the surrounding rural areas. Various
sports, leisure activities, walking, swimming, riding, skiing and games for
people with learning or physical disabilities. The group is also an excellent place
to meet new friends and to relax and chat.
Harrogate District Sport & Leisure - Disability Project
Contact: Danielle Barker, Leisure Development Officer
Harrogate Borough Council, Brandreth House, St Luke's Avenue, Harrogate.
Tel: 01423 556719
Email: [email protected]
The project runs an activity planner for people with disabilities including many
sports and outdoor pursuits ranging from swimming, fitness, games and bowls
to water skiing and scuba diving!
Clubs & Contacts
Summer Activity Project (SAP), Harrogate
Contact: Ann Gray
Tel: 01423 524149
A joint project between Community Education and Barnardos, SAP provides
joint leisure pursuits for young people between 12 - 18 yrs with a disability.
Each group integrates 8 able-bodied and 8 disabled young people together to
take part in leisure pursuits often involving canoeing. An annual weekend
residential is also available. Referrals are welcome. You can also contact Ann for
information about Inclusive Playschemes and Inclusive Youth Clubs for
children and young people with disabilities.
The Federation of Disability Sports Organisations
Yorkshire Contact: Unit 9, Milner Way, Ossett, Wakefield, WF5 9JN
Tel: 01924 279305
Minicom: 01924 275070
Email: [email protected]
The national body responsible for developing sport for disabled people in
England. The federation works closely with the following seven organisations:
British Deaf Sports Council, British Blind Sport, Cerebral Palsy Sport, British
Wheelchair Sports Foundation, British Amputee & Les Autres Sports Association,
The English Sports Association for People with a Learning Disability & Disability
Sport England.
British Blind Sport
Tel: 01926 424247
Email: [email protected]
British Deaf Sports Council
Tel: 01943 850214
Wheelpower – British Wheelchair Sport
Tel: 01296 395995
Email: [email protected]
Outdoor Pursuits
Yorkshire Archery association
For a list of clubs and contacts plus tips on how to get started.
Aire Valley Archers & Aire Valley Disabled Archers
(formerly - St Ives Bowmen)
Contact: Barry Lyden
Tel: 01535 680687
The club encourages people of all abilities to try Archery. Courses for beginners.
Panda Bowmen Club & Panda Disabled Archery Club
Contact: Barbara Skinner
32 Springfield Rise, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5DS
Tel: 0113 2585624
Email: [email protected]
Club runs sessions for all levels based at West Park and Bramhope Rugby Club,
Bramhope, Leeds. Attendees should have use of the upper part of the body and
good concentration skills. Please come with a carer or friend to assist if needed.
St. George’s Archery Club
Contact: Clive Roebuck (Chairman)
Tel: 01423 887343
Based in Harrogate, St George’s Archery Club provides archery taster days and
courses for people of all ages and abilities.
Blue Sky Balloons
Contact: Mr Stables – Balloon Pilot
Moor Lane, Arkendale, Knaresborough, HG5 0RQ
Tel: 01423 340140
Email: [email protected]
May be able to provide balloon flights to disabled people.
Outdoor Pursuits
Canals and River cruises
Selby and District Surewaters Project
Contact: David Haigh, Project Manager
Unit 6, The Prospect Centre, Prospect Way, Selby, YO8 8BD
Tel: 01757 708201 / 07900 017622
Email: [email protected]
Accessible trips on the Selby Canal for people with disabilities.
Skipton & Craven Action for Disability (SCAD)
46/48 Newmarket Street, Skipton, BD23 2JB
Tel: 01756 701005
Email: [email protected]
Their canal cruiser, ‘SCAD’s Endeavour’ has been purpose built for people with
disabilities, and is based at Skipton on the Leeds - Liverpool canal. Trips run
from May to September. Can accommodate up to 12 people including four
wheelchair users.
White Rose Line
The Boatyard, Lendal Bridge, York, YO1 2DP
Tel: 01904 628324
February - November cruises for the public. The River Duchess has a lounge
and accessible toilet for wheelchair users. There are some steps to negotiate on
boarding the boat but staff are on hand (and trained) to give assistance.
Ingleborough Cave
Clapham, LA2 8EE
Tel: 015242 51242
Accessible, although some parts are steep and/or narrow and scooters are
banned on health and safety grounds. Wheelchair users may be asked to supply
their own risk assessment. In this case please contact Open Country on 01423
507227 for a copy of ours. Guided tours leave every 50 minutes from the cave
shop. At least a 30-minute walk to cave entrance (see Easy Going Walks - Page
8). It is possible to drive up by arrangement. Note: on the way up, there is a
raised hump that is hard to negotiate in low floor buses. Nearest accessible
toilets in Clapham Village. Entry charge. Open daily March to October, weekends
in winter.
Outdoor Pursuits
CLARO – ‘Orienteering in the heart of North Yorkshire’
Contact: Chris Shovelton
Tel: 01423 502718
Contact: Sheila Smith (Membership Secretary)
Email: [email protected]
Members range in age and ability. You can try it out yourself by having a go on
the permanent orienteering course in the Valley Gardens, Harrogate (contact
TIC for more information - 01423 537300) or contact us on the numbers above
for courses and days aroundOutdoor
Swinsty, Brimham
rocks and many other places.
York Gliding Centre
Rufforth Aerodrome, York YO23 3NA
Tel: 01904 738694
Organises flights for disabled people often through the BDFC but also from
individuals and other groups. Group booking is required, though individuals may
join an organised group with agreement of the group leader.
Frank Morgan's School of Flying
Contact: Chris Stringer
13a Hall Way, Humberside International Airport, Kirmington, N Lincolnshire
Tel: 01652 688859
Email: [email protected]
Lessons and one-off flights available and equipped for people without the use of
their legs. Toilets and club are fully accessible.
British Disabled Flying Association (BDFA)
British Disabled Flying Association, c/o Lasham Gliding Society, Lasham Airfield,
Alton, Hants, GU34 5SS
Contact: Adrian Ellerby, Regional coordinator for NE England and Yorkshire
Tel: 07917 104148
Email: [email protected]
The BDFA promote opportunities in aviation for disabled people.
Outdoor Pursuits
Active Edge, The Mill, Glasshouses, Harrogate, N. Yorks, HG3 5QH
Tel: 01423 711900
Email: [email protected]
Can cater for certain disabilities. Please ‘phone to discuss your needs.
Caravanning for the Disabled
Check out this site for information, tips and lists of accessible caravan sites
Outdoor Pursuits
across the country.
For further information about disabled sailing see:
Otley Sailing Club
Weston Water, Bridge End Quarry, Otley, LS21 2SU
Tel: 01943 850391
Email: [email protected]
The club has various adapted sailing dinghies including wheelchair accessible
Scuba Diving
Scuba Diving for All
Contact: Archie or Yvonne Covell
Tel: 01765 606244
Scuba Diving for All is a voluntary group aimed at enabling people of all abilities
to enjoy the freedom and excitement of diving. Training evenings take place
weekly in Ripon in a swimming pool with a maximum depth of 7’6”. Participants
are supported by trained staff and volunteers. A video demonstrating the
opportunities offered is available. The video is inspiring – take the opportunity
to learn more.
Outdoor Pursuits
The Up-Hill Ski Club of Great Britain
Cairngorm Mountain, via Aviemore, Inverness-shire, PH22 1RB
Tel: 01479 861272
Nearest Contact: Ski Rossendale, Haslingden Old Road, Rawtenstall,
Rossendale, Cheshire, BB4 8RR
Tel: 01706 222022
The Up-Hill Ski Club allows people with disabilities the chance to learn and
master skiing in a safe and supported environment whilst allowing you to
experience the joy and freedom of the sport. The club also runs skiing holidays.
Outdoor Centres
The following are local outdoor pursuits centres that Open Country has tried in
the past. Low Mill and Calvert Trust are classified as ‘Adventure for All Centres’.
Low Mill Outdoor Centre
Askrigg, Leyburn, DL8 3HZ
Tel: 01969 650432
Email: [email protected]
Carlton Lodge Outdoor Centre
Carlton Miniott, Thirsk, YO7 4NJ
Tel: 01845 522145
Email: [email protected]
Outdoor Pursuits
The Calvert Trust
The Calvert Trust runs three outdoor pursuits centres for people with disabilities
from 12 years upwards.
Calvert Trust Kielder
Tel: 01434 250232
Email: [email protected]
Calvert Trust Keswick
Tel: 01768 772255
Email: [email protected]
Calvert Trust Exmoor
Tel: 01598 763221
Email: [email protected]
Open Country does not profess to be an authority on fishing. The entries here
are just a sample of fishing area that we know are accessible. For more
information please call the Environment Agency on 08708 506506 or visit
Inclusion in this guide may indicate easy access, wheelchair accessible
platforms and toilets. We would always advise you to contact the site
management before visiting.
Do remember you must have a National Rod Licence from the Environment
Agency to fish anywhere. They are available from post offices or by ringing
0870 1662662. You may be eligible for a concessionary licence.
Another place for good information and feedback on fishing spots is:
Some fisheries now own ‘wheelyboats’, designed to enable disabled
anglers to fish on equal terms. For more details contact the Wheelyboat
Trust on 01798 342222 or email [email protected]
Trout fishing only
Coarse fishing only
Fly fishing
British Disabled Anglers Association
Tel: 01922 860912
Email: [email protected]
Barmby Tidal Barrage
Fishing is free at the barrage, which prevents the tidal River Ouse from entering
the River Derwent. Accessible fishing platforms and paths. Fishing along the
Derwent available. Contact: 01757 638579
Bellflask Trout Fishery
T, W
East Tanfield, Ripon. Contact Brian Moreland: 01667 470716. Wheelyboats
Brafferton Pond
Helperby. Contact D. Faulkner: 01423 360402
Broken Brea Fishery
Brompton on Swale, Richmond. Contact Clive Simpson: 01748 825647. 4 acre
mixed coarse lake. All pegs are easily accessible with ample lakeside parking.
On site cafe and toilets.
Crabtree Lake
Gilling West nr Scotch Corner. Contact S & B Willis: 01748 850158
Elvington Lake
Elvington, Nr York. Contact Mr Britton: 01904 608255
Farmire Fishery
T, W
Contact Mr Bob MacDougall: 01423 866417. Trout Lake with 18 stances for
wheelchair fishing and a nature reserve. Tickets must be obtained in advance.
There is an anglers cabin and tea and coffee free all day. Wheelyboats
Glaisdale Fishing Platforms
Contact the Environment Agency on 01904 692296.Fly fishing on the River Esk.
OS NZ 785 055.
Kilnsey Trout Farm
Contact Vanessa Roberts: 01756 752150. Children’s fly fishing in two well
stocked lakes. Accessible toilet on site.
Knotford Lagoon
Otley. Leeds. Tel: 0113 2645500. Just off the A659 approximately one and a
half miles east of Otley. Good parking in a large lay-by, alongside the waters
edge. Day tickets available from angling and Country Sports, Pool Road, Otley
and other local tackle shops. Coarse fishing.
Leighton Reservoir
Contact Mr M Driver: 01765 689224. Follow the signs from Masham to Fearby
and Healey, the reservoir is 4 miles from Masham. Disabled anglers can drive
close to suitable pitches but may need some help over a small bridge on the
Low Osgodby Lake
Balk, nr Thirsk. Tel: 01845 597601
Munby Pond
Barlow, Selby. Contact Mr Ralph Tanner: 01757 617232
Newhay Lakes
Contact Colin Forsyth: 01757 638383
Oak Mere
Skipwith. Contact Mr Patrick: 01757 288910
Parklands Lake
Contact: 01609 779140.
Millennium Green
Tel: 01423 711201. Permits from Pateley Bridge Post Office. From Pateley
Bridge bus station the Green can be found by following Millfield Street until
reaching a ‘Nidderdale Way’ marker. This path leads to the Millennium Green.
Three fully accessible fishing platforms on the River Nidd.
Prospect Farm Pond
B6161 Fewston Road, Harrogate. Contact Mr. Sidney: 01423 507870
Raker Lakes
Off A19 at Wheldrake. Contact Philip Thompson: 01904 448793
C, T
Ripon Canal
Contact: Permits from Ripon Angling Centre. Tel: 01765 604666 Toilets: 01904
728229. There are several accessible fishing
platforms on the canal between Rhodesfield and Bellfurrows Locks, close to the
Ripon Racecourse Marina and the new Information Centre. The Information
Centre has adapted toilets but please call in advance to arrange opening. Braille
guides and leaflets available
River Ure
Haylands Fishing Platforms. Two adapted fishing platforms suitable for
wheelchair users are situated on the River Ure at Hawes. Day tickets are
available from the Dales Countryside Museum in Hawes. Tel: 01969 666210.
Day tickets also available from Three Peaks Ltd, Hawes. Contact Geoff Phillips:
01969 650117.
Scaling Dam
C, T
Contact: Don Coe: 0870 2403539
Stonebridge Fishing Lakes
Little Fencote, Northallerton. Tel: 01609 748818.
Swinsty Reservoir
Tel: 01943 880658. At Blubberhouses off the A59 and B6541. There is an area
reserved for disabled anglers. There are adapted toilets at Swinsty Moor Car
Park (1 mile), accessible with a RADAR key.
The Oaks Fishing Lakes
Sessay, Thirsk. Contact Mr D. Kay: 01845 501321
The Willows
Hessay, York. Contact Mr. Gallagher: 01904 738206
Woodland Lakes
Carlton Miniott, Thirsk. Contact Mr. Fletcher: 01845 527099
Cycling Groups
Open Country
Contact: David Shaftoe & Sam Parkhouse
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
The Cycling Club is a monthly off-road cycle club for people with
disabilities. We have bicycles, tandems, a wheelchair accessible Duet and
tricycles available for loan.
The Tandem Group provides tandems for people with visual impairments,
and, together with sighted volunteer, members can enjoy the freedom and
excitement of cycling.
Breathing Space
Tel: 01609 779420
Breathing Space have a ‘Duet’ wheelchair tandem, a tandem tricycle and
several mountain bikes available to members in and around Bedale, Easingwold,
Northallerton, Richmond, Stokesley and Thirsk.
Harrogate Cycling Officer
Contact: Harrogate Borough Council
Tel: 0845 300 6091
Email: [email protected]
Contact Harrogate Borough Council regarding any issues, complaints or
compliments regarding cycle routes within the Harrogate Town boundary. All off
road cycle routes should be accessible to all.
Harrogate Cycle Group
The Harrogate Cycle group exists to promote better cycle facilities in the
Harrogate and Knaresborough areas.
Sustrans, P.O. Box 21, Bristol, BS99 2AH
Tel: 0117 9268893
Email: [email protected]
SUSTRANS works on practical projects to encourage more people to walk and
cycle. They also produce information on the National Cycle Network.
Tandem Club
Contact: Alan Tibble, Disabilities Liaison Officer
Tel: 01522 695781
Wheel Easy!
Contact: Malcolm Margolis
Tel: 01423 870333
Email: [email protected]
Wheel Easy! is a cycling group for people who like the idea of a leisurely cycle
ride in and around the Harrogate area.
Cycle Maps
Harrogate and Knaresborough Cycle Map from Harrogate Borough Council:
01423 556967
Scarborough to Whitby cycle map from Trailways Cycle Hire: 01947 820207
York Cycle Route Map from York City Council: 01904 613161 or download
York City Centre Cycle Route Map from York City Council: 01904 613161 or
download from:
Cycling Books
Cycling without traffic: NORTH
Colin & Lydia Speakman
Dial House books
Wilde’s Cycle Route Guide to Yorkshire Dales, Humberside, North &
West Yorkshire
Gillian Rowan – Wilde
Gildersleve Publishing Limited
Cycling Events
York Cycle Show
Tel: 0870 873 0066
Email: [email protected]
The York Cycle Show is ‘Britain’s Biggest Cycle Show’ bringing together cyclists
from all walks of life and interests, clubs, events, cycle rides and equipment
suppliers. Normally held each June the show lasts 2 days and is based at York
Racecourse. Free parking and events.
National Bike Week
National Contact: Nick Harvey
Tel: 01243 527444
Bike week brings together cyclist for events and a celebration of cycling all
around the country. Harrogate holds an annual Bike Week celebration.
Great Yorkshire Bike Ride
Contact: John Taylorson MBE
Tel: 07774 806023 (preferably 6-9pm only)
Email: [email protected]
An annual event, the Bike Ride is one of the biggest around. A fantastic route
across the best of Yorkshire. A great day out raising money for charity.
Cycle Routes
The following are the longest, best-surfaced and most enjoyable traffic-free
routes that we know of in North Yorkshire. Most of them are fully accessible to
wheelchair users.
All but the Greenfield Forest route are part of the National Cycle Network. Maps
of all these routes can be downloaded in the ‘Route Mapping’ section of the
SUSTRANS website
Spofforth – Wetherby (The Harland Way)
Map: O.S. Explorer 289 Grid ref: 366507
A 3 ½ mile route along an old railway tack.
Wetherby – Thorp Arch (National Route 66)
Map: O.S. Explorer 289 Grid Ref: 413486
A 2 ½ mile route along the old railway track. Connects with the Harland Way
above. Café with accessible toilet at Thorp Arch Industrial Estate. Leaflet
available from Sustrans or download from:
Harrogate – Knaresborough (The Beryl Burton Cycleway)
See Harrogate Cycle Map
Around 6 miles incorporating a river, a viaduct, a castle, a cave and ice creams.
Accessible toilets in Knaresborough and Starbeck.
York to Ricall
See York Cycle Map
Begin in York, or park at Askham Bog nature reserve (see Accessible Wildlife
sites). Alternatively, begin from the car park off a minor road to Stillingfleet,
accessed off the A19 south of York just south of Escrick. SE617419.
There is at least 10 miles of glorious traffic free cycling each way. Most of the
route is along what used to be the east coast main line railway. There is a
delightful sculpture trail based on the solar system. Toilets and two pubs at
Riccall. Mostly on flat surfaces of crushed stone, some tarmac.
Greenfield Forest
Map: O.S. Outdoor Leisure 2 Grid ref: 876804
Park off the road at Beckermonds, which lies between Buckden and
Oughtershaw in Langstrothdale Chase.
5 mile linear route. Route ends where the trail meets the Pennine Way. Surface
is tarmac and gravel. Gradients undulating. Cattle grids.
Cycle Routes
Scarborough to Whitby
OS Outdoor Leisure Map 27 (North York Moors East)
See Trailways leaflet
Tel: 01947 820207.
Up to 20 miles point to point. Follows the old Scarborough to Whitby Railway,
axed in 1965. The spectacular North Yorkshire Heritage Coast has many
highlights, including the magnificent 13 arch Larpool Viaduct at Whitby. Can
start in Station Road Scalby, or Burniston, Ravenscar. Robin Hoods Bay,
Hawsker or Whitby. Surface is variable – gravel, but stony in parts NB: vehicles
and horses use the route in places and there are several minor road crossings.
Howden to Selby Cycle Route
Map: O.S. Explorer 290 Grid ref: 618325
Starting from Selby Swing Bridge, a 3 mile off road route meanders along the
flood bank to Cliffe, with a partially on-road extension to Howden. The route is
rutted in places and would not be suitable for wheelchair users.
Selby Canal
Map: O.S. Explorer 290 Grid ref: 617618
The stretch from Bawtry Road Bridge to Burn Bridge (3.1km) is also open to
cyclists. Parking available by the Selby Canal, just off Brayton Lane.
NB: Permits to cycle along canal towpaths are available online from
Open Country volunteer and member enjoy a tandem bike ride.
Horse Riding
Follifoot Park Disabled Riders Group
Contact: Leslie Evans
Petroleum House, Chatsworth Place, Harrogate, HG1 5HR
Tel: 01423 509222
Email: [email protected]
The object of the Disabled Riders Group is to give the opportunity of riding and
/ or carriage driving to any disabled person who might benefit in their general
health and well-being.
Riding for the Disabled Association
Contact: Mrs Robson, County Chairperson,
Ruddhall, East Appleton, DL10 7QD
Tel: 01748 811339
The Association's objects are to provide disabled people of all ages with the
opportunity to ride and/or carriage drive for the general benefit of their health
and well-being. There are several centres in North Yorkshire area offering
Riding for the Disabled sessions.
Kilnsey Park Trekking Centre, Conistone
Tel: 01756 752861
Email: [email protected]
Experienced staff and trustworthy ponies ensure a memorable day out for
disabled riders. Max weight allowed on a pony is 13st 8lb (86kg).
Horse Racing
Ripon Racecourse
Boroughbridge Road, Ripon, HG4 1UG
Tel: 01765 602156
Email: [email protected]
The entrance is approximately 25 yards from the car park with level access and
there are elevated stands for wheelchair users in the Tattersalls and Club
enclosures. There are wheelchair accessible toilets, lift access and ramps.
Thirsk Racecourse
Thirsk Race Course Ltd., Station Road, Thirsk, YO7 1QL
Tel: 01845 522276
Parking 50 yards from viewing area. Accessible viewing area near winning post.
Horse Riding
York Racecourse
York, YO23 1EX
Tel: 01904 620911
Disabled parking available. Various viewpoints around the stands / course
(including finishing post) for disabled visitors. Accessible toilets in most of the
stands. (NB: gentlemen have a dress code of jacket and tie!)
Wildlife and Conservation
3. Wildlife & Conservation
Wildlife Clubs and organisations
Accessible wildlife watching
Accessible wildlife sites
Wildlife Clubs & Organisations
Open Country
Contact: David Shaftoe & Sam Parkhouse
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
The Conservation Volunteers group meet every Friday to ‘work for wildlife’.
Tasks include scrub clearing, bracken control and clean-ups. Most members
have learning disabilities and mental health issues.
Wild Things is a club open to anyone regardless of ability. We aim to make
all the activities wheelchair accessible. The group meets once per month to
study wildlife, especially animals in their natural environment. Sessions have
included mammal trapping, pond dipping and bird watching.
BTO - British Trust for Ornithology
BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 2PU,
Tel: 01842 750050
The BTO involve people in national Garden Bird Surveys. The surveys involve
noting down which birds and how many you have seen over a given time. The
surveys are fun and a great way to help wildlife whilst learning about birds.
Harrogate & District Naturalists' Society
Contact: Mike Brown
Tel: 01423 567382
The group’s aim is to promote the study and enjoyment of wildlife in all its
forms and to disseminate the knowledge of natural history. The society takes an
active and practical interest in the conservation of wildlife resources and
supports efforts to safeguard the natural diversity of species. There is a very
active Junior Section which welcomes all young people under the age of 18 and
a series of talks and lectures during the winter months followed by outdoor field
activities during the summer.
Harrogate has a number of groups dedicated to conserving the wildlife and
landscape in parts of the town. As well as doing practical work many also hold
informative meetings. The web-site ‘’ holds details of many
local groups. See also the ‘Volunteering’ section of this Directory.
Bilton Conservation Group
Hookstone Wood & Crimple Wood Preservation Group
Killinghall Moor Conservation Group
Pine Woods Conservation Group
Wildlife Clubs & Organisations
Nidderdale Countryside Volunteers
Council Offices, King Street, Pateley Bridge, HG3 5ZR
Tel: 01423 712950
Email: [email protected]
The AONB works on initiatives to conserve the environment and support the
local community.
North West England Regional Office
Westleigh Mews, Wakefield Road, Denby Dale, Huddersfield, HD8 8QD
Tel: 01484 861148
Yorkshire Mammal Group
Email: [email protected]
The Yorkshire Mammal group is affiliated to the Mammal Society. They take
part in all sorts of field and conservation work parties including surveys.
Meetings are held regularly through the winter months with a wide range of
guest speakers.
Yorkshire Bat Group
Contact: John Drewett
Tel: 01325 718133
Email: [email protected]
The Yorkshire Bat group holds regular indoor meetings with talks by bat
experts. There are also practical events such as bat box making, conservation
work, surveys and bat walks. They can provide advice and information about
bats and also care for sick and injured bats, as well as being able to provide
training for anyone wishing to become a licensed bat worker.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust & Wildlife Watch
1 St George’s Place, York, YO24 1GN
Tel: 01904 659570
Email: [email protected]
Our aim is to conserve and promote the diversity of Yorkshire wildlife and
habitats for the benefit and well being of both wildlife and people. There are
staff and volunteers dedicated to nature reserve work, environmental
education, conservation, advice and much more. A new reserves guide is due
out soon detailing all the reserves, their interest and accessibility.
Wildlife Watch groups are run by volunteers allowing children to meet and have
fun exploring their environment and local wildlife. Contact Gordon at the
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to find your local club and find out about their access.
Accessible Wildlife Watching
Wildlife watching is an enjoyable and peaceful past time where you can develop
your skills in your own time. Below are some of the best accessible sites in
which you can enjoy, watch and study wildlife and nature.
This picture denotes an accessible bird hide is on site:
Barmby Tidal Barrage, Barmby-on-the-Marsh
Tel: 01757 638579
The barrage prevents the tidal River Ouse from entering the River Derwent.
Accessible toilets and paths.
Bolton-on-Swale Lake
O.S. Landranger 99
Grid ref: 253985
Contact: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Tel: 01904 659570
This Yorkshire Wildlife Trust reserve has a recently constructed bird hide
reached by an accessible path. The reserve can be reached from Back Lane off
the B6271 near Catterick. There is good access to Catterick from the A1.
Colt House Farm, Nidderdale
This viewing platform overlooking Gouthwaite reservoir near Pateley Bridge,
offers a great chance to see birds of prey and waterfowl. Donations requested.
Filey Dams
O.S. Explorer 301
Grid ref: 107807
Contact: Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Tel: 01904 659570
Access to the reserve is via the Wharfedale Housing estate, off the A1039
Muston Road. Provides a resting place for large numbers of migrant waders
and wildfowl. Wheelchair access to the main hide only.
High Batts
Contact: Colin Slator, Nidderdale AONB
Tel: 01423 712950
This small but lovely reserve near Ripon has one small hide, the ground floor of
which is accessible. Access is for members only or by special arrangement.
Marfield Nature Reserve
Map: O.S. Explorer 298
Grid ref: 279795
A small bird hide overlooks this reserve. Follow the A6108 Masham—Leyburn
road for 1 mile out of Masham, turn right down a track opposite Mile House
farm. The hide is 70m from a car park on the right.
Accessible Wildlife Watching
Map: O.S. Explorer 302
Grid ref: 216824
Contact: Steve Worwood, Warden.
Email: [email protected]
Off Moor Lane, Between West Tanfield and Nosterfield. The hide is only open
between dawn and dusk.
Ripon Canal
Map: O.S. Explorer 299
Grid ref: 327697
Access and parking via the B6265 off the Ripon bypass.
Two accessible bird hides have been constructed overlooking the new nature
reserve by the racecourse marina.
Scaling Dam
Map: O.S. Explorer OL27
Grid ref: 739126.
At western end of Scaling Dam reservoir. 15 km east of Guisborough on a171.
Park in Scaling Dam Sailing Club car park. 270 metres to hide.
Skipwith Common
See Page 50. The viewing platform is a wonderful place to see
and hear Woodcock, Long-eared owls and the elusive Nightjar.
Notable others…
Outside North Yorkshire, these reserves have been included as they offer some
of the finest and most accessible bird watching in the country.
Bempton Cliffs
RSPB, Flamborough
On the cliff road from Bempton village, on the B1229 from Flamborough.
Tel: 01262 851179
Email: [email protected]
This sea-cliff bird reserve gives great views, especially from April to July. There
is an accessible information centre and toilet. A 200 yard path gives wheelchair
access to two cliff top viewpoints.
Accessible Wildlife Watching
Blacktoft Sands
RSPB On a minor road off the A161 to Redness & Ousefleet,
S. of Goole.
Tel: 01405 704665
Email: [email protected]
A reserve of tidal reed beds and salt marsh, there is lots of specialised wildlife.
There are six accessible hides and an adapted toilet. There is also wheelchair
loan available.
Eccup reservoir
A great place for observing Red Kites. There is a small viewing area on the Dam
Wall facing towards the A61. The site is just south of Harewood and can be
accessed via a small road off the A61 from Harrogate - Leeds.
Fairburn Ings
RSPB, Fairburn Ings, Castleford
Tel: 01977 603796
Email: [email protected]
600 acres of wetland close to the A1. A small public car park offers an excellent
viewpoint for observing a great number of waterfowl. There is a 500m
boardwalk over marshy ground which leads to a bird hide. The lower level
viewing hatch is suitable for wheelchairs. The visitor centre is accessible, with
an adapted toilet and wheelchair loan.
Old Moor Wetland Centre
Tel: 01226 751593
Email: [email protected]
This area has a wide variety of wetland habitats with accompanying birds,
plants and animal life. All paths, five hides and the visitor centre are fully
accessible. Electric scooters and folding wheelchairs are available free of
Accessible Wildlife Sites
Askham Bog
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.
Tel: 01904 659570
Map: O.S. Explorer 290
Grid ref: 575481
This reserve lies next to the A64 south of York. This is one of the oldest and
most prestigious reserves belonging to the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. It is
renowned for its ancient relict fen and bog flora and fauna. An accessible
boardwalk gives a circular walk around the reserve suitable for wheelchairs.
There are permissive footpaths, though wellies are advised in the winter months
as the reserve is very wet and boggy.
Bolton Percy Station
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.
Tel: 01904 659570
Map: O.S. Explorer 290
Grid ref: 527416
This reserve lies adjacent to the Leeds-York railway line about 3 miles from
Tadcaster. Open areas of open short grassland and scrub make this a superb
place to see a great variety of butterflies and day-flying moths during the
summer months.
Burton Riggs
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Tel: 01904 659570
Map: O.S. Explorer 301
Grid ref: 029832
This reserve lies next to the A64 just south of Scarborough and close to Seamer
Village. From the roundabout by Morrisons, turn left into the reserve car park.
These old sand and gravel workings are a haven for wetland birds, especially
during migration.
Map: O.S. Explorer OL 26
Grid ref: 673952
North of Kirbymoorside. Between the car park at Low Mill and a small pond, the
level riverside path is well-known for the daffodils between late March/early
April. Accessible toilet. 1.5km linear route with a hard surface. North of
Accessible Wildlife Sites
High Batts Nature Reserve
Map: O.S. Explorer 298
Grid ref: 299767
Contact: Colin Slator, Nidderdale AONB
Tel: 01423 712950
Along the A6108 from Masham to Ripon. Open to members only or by special
arrangement, High Batts is a Private Nature Reserve comprising some 12.5 ha
of mixed woodland following the river Ure. It has mainly grassy paths that may
be suitable for wheelchair users with a strong pusher but can only be reached
by your own vehicle along a rough, working path. Local volunteers help with the
maintenance of the reserve.
Killinghall Low Bridge
Map: O.S. Explorer 297
Grid ref: 287597
Off the A61 Harrogate - Ripon road. This old bridge is a great place to sit, watch
and hear bats.
Malham Tarn Nature Reserve
Contact: Estate Office
Tel: 01729 830416
Email: [email protected]
A 200 metre section of easy access boardwalk. Permits required from Estate
Map: O.S. Explorer 290
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Tel: 01904 659570
Grid ref: 580587
A Victorian forest garden, the great attraction for visitors is the wonderful
display of daffodils and narcissi, rhododendrons and azaleas in the spring and
early summer. A small admission charge is made during the rhododendron
Rossett Nature Reserve
Map: O.S. Explorer 297
Grid ref: 297536
At the junction of Arthurs Avenue and Rosset Drive, Harrogate.
A small site rich in amphibian life. A pond dipping platform allows access right
to the waters edge.
Accessible Wildlife Sites
Skipwith Common
O.S. Explorer 290
Grid ref: SE 644375
Contact: Brian Elsey on 01757 288939
This reserve is 5 miles north of Selby and 9 miles south of York. Skipwith
Common is home to a wealth of rare plants & animals characteristic to one of
the last remaining ancient lowland heathlands in the north of England. There is
a 1km disabled access ‘Easy Going Nature Trail’ around ‘Bomb Bays Heath’.
Studley Royal Deer Park
Fountains Abbey, Ripon, HG4 3DY
Tel: 01765 608888
Next door the Fountains Abbey, the deer park offers lots to see including
Fallow, Red and Sika deer, as well as wildfowl.
Badger watching near Dalby Forest
Contact: Ben Blackburn
Tel: 01751 471540
An accessible hide in Cropton Forest, near Pickering, that watches over a known
and protected badger hide enabling viewers to get a unique glimpse of these
lovely animals. The road to the path is bumpy and the path down to the hide is
wheelchair accessible but a strong pusher is advised as it is grassy and sloping.
Groups should book well in advance to book a session which costs £50 including
a guide. A great evening out.
4. Volunteering
Council for Voluntary Services
Volunteering in the countryside
Countryside Employment
Council for Voluntary Services
There are always lots of opportunities to get involved in your local countryside
through volunteering for a conservation or community group. Try the following
places and contacts to find out about local groups and projects in your area.
Two websites worth a look at for volunteering opportunities are •
‘Do It!’
Volunteering England
Volunteer Centres
Your local Volunteer Centre will have someone on hand to discuss your interests
and abilities and help you make the right choices about where and how you
would like to volunteer. The centres have up to date contact information about
small and local groups as well as national charities.
Bedale Volunteer Bureau
Bedale Hall, North End, Bedale, DL8 1AA
Tel: (01677) 425329
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10am - 1.30pm
Harrogate and Area Volunteer Bureau
Contact: Harriet Bisson
Community House, 46-50 East Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5RR
Tel: (01423) 509004
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 9.30am – 3.30pm
Fridays: 12 noon – 3pm
Harriet advises and supports people who would like to do voluntary work and
has a wealth of contacts and experience to help match you to an ideal
placement. She produces a pamphlet entitled ‘Volunteering in the Harrogate
Area’ which details all the available organisations and volunteer positions.
Richmondshire Volunteer Centre
6, Flints Terrace, Richmond, DL10 7AH
Tel: (01748) 822335
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9am – 1pm
Council for Voluntary Services
Ripon Volunteer Centre
Contact: Joy Rayden
Sharow View, 75 Allhallowgate, Ripon, HG4 1LE
Tel: (01765) 603631
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Monday - Friday: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Joy is available for support and advice to people in the Ripon area who would
like to do voluntary work and has the experience to help match you to an ideal
Ryedale Volunteer Centre
Ryedale Community House, Wentworth Street, Malton, YO17 7BN
Tel: (01653) 600120
Email: [email protected]
Scarborough CVS Volunteer Bureau
Allatt House, 5 West Parade Road, Scarborough, YO12 5ED
Tel: (01723) 369034
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours:
Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9.30am - 4.30pm
Tuesdays and Fridays: 9.30am – 1pm
Stokesley Volunteer Centre
The Volunteer Centre, Community Care Association, Town Close, North Road,
Stokesley, TS9 5DH
Tel: (01642) 710085
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Mondays - Fridays: 9am – 5pm
Thirsk & District Volunteer Bureau
14a Market Place, Thirsk, YO7 1LB
Tel: (01845) 523115
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10am – 12 noon
Volunteer Centre Craven
33 Coach Street, Skipton, BD23 1LQ
Tel: (01756) 701648
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Monday -Thursday: 9.30am - 1pm (afternoon by appt.)
Council for Voluntary Services
Volunteering Hambleton
Community House, 10 South Parade, Northallerton, DL7 8SE
Tel: (01609) 780458
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays: 10am – 3pm
Whitby Volunteer Centre
Church House, Flowergate, Whitby, YO21 3BA
Tel: (01947) 605599
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Mondays and Thursdays: 9am – 5pm
York Volunteer Centre
Priory Street Centre, 15 Priory Street, York, YO1 6ET
Tel: (01904) 621133
Email: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Tuesdays - Thursdays 9am – 3pm
Open Country Conservation Volunteers
Volunteering in the Countryside
Open Country, Harrogate
Contact: David Shaftoe & Sam Parkhouse
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
Trailblazers. The Trailblazers meet each Tuesday to help create and maintain
accessible paths for all in the Harrogate District. Many of the volunteers have
mental health issues and learning disabilities.
Conservation. The Conservation Volunteers meet each Friday on
conservation projects around Harrogate District and beyond. We work closely
with many wildlife organisations helping to preserve the countryside for wildlife
and people. Many of the volunteers have mental health issues and learning
Volunteer on activities. We run many activities in the countryside for people
with disabilities and are always looking for volunteers who can help lead a
member with visual impairments, help push a wheelchair and provide moral
support. It’s a great chance to make friends, help others and get out yourself.
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers (BTCV)
York. Contact: Ruth Cantrell, 3 Leake Street, York, YO10 3BR
Tel: 01904 644300
North Yorkshire. Contact: Anne Lawrence, The Apple Loft, Kiplin Hall,
Scorton, Richmond, DL10 6AT
Tel/Fax: 01748 811970.
Leeds. Contact: Jenny Twadell, Hollybush Conservation Centre, Broad Lane,
Kirkstall, LS5 3BP
Tel: 0113 2742335
The BTCV is Britain's largest environmental organisation involving the public in
practical nature conservation work. The York branch operates all year round,
often in the Harrogate area. Transport, training and refreshments provided free.
Residential working holidays also available throughout North Yorkshire. Most
activities need able bodied volunteers.
Bilton Conservation Group
Email: [email protected]
Protects and conserves the wildlife and countryside between Bilton and
Knaresborough, especially beside the water courses of Oak Beck, Bilton Beck
and River Nidd. Active conservation work & wildlife surveys undertaken.
Volunteering in the Countryside
Bolton Abbey
Estate Office, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6EX
Tel: 01756 718009
Contact the estate for details of voluntary opportunities.
Killinghall Moor Conservation Group
Find up to date contact details from the Harrogate & Area CVS
Tel: 01423 504074
The group aims to protect and enhance the wildlife habitat of Killinghall Moor
including the community park. Volunteers take part in a variety of tasks and
regular meetings.
National Trust
The Volunteers Department: The National Trust Estate Office, Visitor Centre,
Fountains Abbey & Studley Royal, Ripon, HG4 3DY
Tel: 01765 608888
The Regional Volunteers Department: The National Trust, Goddards,
27 Tadcaster Road, York, YO24 1GG
Tel: 01904 702021
The National Trust has many voluntary options open including gardening,
leading walks, holiday assistance, wardening, information stewards and
conservation tasks. Training provided.
Nidderdale Countryside Volunteers
Contact: Colin Slater
Tel: 01423 712950
The group is concerned with the conservation of nature and landscape quality in
the Nidderdale AONB (Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty). There are practical
conservation tasks for volunteers.
RHS Garden Harlow Carr
Contact: Administration Manager
Crag Lane, Harrogate, HG3 1QB
Tel: 01423 565418
Email: [email protected]
The premises are accessible to disabled people with a number of extra facilities.
Work place rehabilitation, training for work, work experience and NVQ level I
and II in horticulture are offered.
Volunteering in the Countryside
Yorkshire Dales National Park
Personnel Department, Bainbridge, Leyburn, DL8 3EE
Tel: 01969 652300 for general information
Email: [email protected]
Contact the Park for details of the many different voluntary opportunities.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Contact: Julia Davis - Volunteering Development Officer
1 St. George’s Place, York, YO24 1GN
Tel: 01904 650451
Fax: 01904 61346
Email: [email protected]
There are many voluntary opportunities with the Trust. Some of these may be
done from home e.g. monitoring local press. Some opportunities involve
working with children e.g. helping one of the many Wildlife Watch groups
around the county. Some involve practical work on reserves, office help,
collecting money and much more. Contact for more information.
Woodland Trust
The Volunteer Team
Tel: 01476 581111
Email: [email protected]
The Woodland Trust is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity.
Countryside Employment
For details of work in or related to the countryside and wildlife we recommend
the following:
Countryside Jobs Service
Niall Larson & Team
CJS, The Moorlands, Goathland, Whitby, North Yorkshire YO22 5LZ
Tel: 01947 896007
Email: [email protected]
The CJS brings together available countryside jobs, both paid and voluntary,
from a wide range of sources and organisations.
Environment Post
ADC Environment, 58 Kingsley Close, Wickford, Essex, SS12 0EN
Tel: 01268 468000
Email: [email protected]
Includes job and voluntary vacancies from environmental journals and papers
worldwide. Also details student placements.
Environmental jobs & volunteering
Web based information about both paid and voluntary job opportunities.
Guardian newspaper
Find details of environmental and conservation jobs available on Wednesdays.
Yorkshire Post
On a Thursday, details of local job opportunities are advertised.
Useful Information
5. Useful information
Community Transport
Public Transport
RADAR, Parking & wheelchair hire
Tourist Information Centres
Disability Links
Websites worth a surf…
The Countryside Code
The Funders & Authors
Community Transport
Community Transport organisations across North Yorkshire provide transport
services to anyone in the county who does not have easy access to other forms
of transport, including the elderly, those with disabilities, people with special
needs or people living in remote communities with little or no public transport.
Their minibuses are fully accessible. You are advised to book in advance,
preferably giving at least 24 hours notice. Most Community Transport schemes
will accept Concessionary Bus passes and offer free or reduced cost travel for
any helpers you may need to enable you to enjoy your journey.
Harrogate District
Harrogate & District Community Transport & Little Red Bus Scheme
Unit 4, Saltergate Business Park, Burley Bank Road, Killinghall, HG3 2BX
Tel: 01423 526655
Email: [email protected]
Ripon Council for Voluntary Services
Tel: 01756 603631
Boroughbridge Community Care Minibus
Tel: 01423 324505
NB: Out of office hours, calls to all three of the above will automatically be put
through to the Little Red Bus Scheme number.
Happy Wanderers
Mr Peter Inman, Hon Treasurer.
The Happy Wanderers, 80 Hill Top Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 3BS.
Tel: 01423 520995 with as much notice as possible.
British Red Cross
Tel: 01904 692550 (transport co-ordinator in York)
Community Transport
Craven District
Age Concern, Settle
Tel: 01729 823066
Bentham Community Transport
Tel: 01524 262753
Skipton & Craven Action for Disability (SCAD)
Tel: 01756 701005
Richmondshire & Hambleton Districts
Wheels 4 All
Tel: 01609 761832
Selby District
Selby Volunteer Centre & Community Transport
Tel: 01757 708036
Scarborough District
Scarborough Dial-a-Ride
Tel: 01609 761832
Ryedale District
Ryedale Minibus Project
Tel: 01653 696188
Tel: 01653 699059
Public Transport
Public Transport Services
Contact: Traveline
Tel: 0870 6082608
For details of public transport services, an increasing number of which are being
operated using accessible buses, please contact the County Council Traveline.
Harrogate Rural Transport Services
Contact: Harrogate & District Travel Customer Service Centre
Tel: 01423 566061
Provides a bus service with an accessible low floor bus, to Nidderdale. Both a
weekly and a Sunday service available. During the summer months ask about
the ‘Nidderdale Rambler’ and the ‘Fountains Flyer’.
Transport Department
Contact: North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) Social Services
Jesmond House, 33 Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 5QE.
Tel: 01423 536400
Door-to-Door: A Guide to Transport for People with Disabilities
By the Dept. of the Environment, Transport and the Regions’ Mobility Unit.
Tel: 0181 890 6100
National Express East Coast Trains
Customers with special needs:
National Express Telesales and enquiries:
08457 225 444.
08457 225 225.
08451 202 067.
There is wheelchair space in First Class and Standard. Assistance for disabled
customers at stations when booked in advance.
National Rail Enquiries
Tel: 08457 484950 open 24hrs.
Badge Parking &
Wheelchair Hire
Contact: RADAR
Tel: 020 7250 3222
Email: [email protected]
The RADAR National key scheme ensures that one key will open wheelchair
accessible toilets throughout the country. Radar padlocks are also increasingly
used on nature reserves and cycle paths. Radar keys can be obtained from
many Town Halls or direct from RADAR.
There are now too may accessible toilets for them to be listed individually.
However a directory is published annually. The NKS Guide 2008 is available
from RADAR either online or by post. Either way, keys cost £4.11 each and the
guide is £12.25. Both prices include P&P.
Parking with a Blue Badge
Blue badge holders may:
• Park as long as they wish in a disc parking zone provided that the blue badge
is displayed
• Park on a single or double yellow line for up to three hours provided that the
blue badge and disc is displayed and the vehicle causes no obstruction
• Always check individual car parks to see of you are required to pay or not, as
practice differs widely throughout North Yorkshire
NB: remember your blue badge, blue badge disc and identity card at all times.
Wheelchair hire
Many of the places in this Directory have wheelchairs and scooters available for
loan either free or relatively cheaply. For other outlets ring your local Tourist
Information Centre. See Pages 68-69.
Shopmobility schemes allow anyone who has difficulty walking,
access to manual or powered wheelchairs and scooters. The
Shopmobility units can also provide you with useful information
about accessible areas within the city or town centre.
Level 10, Victoria Car Park, East Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5LQ
Tel: 01423 500666
Open: Monday – Saturday 10am – 5pm (Closed for lunch 12.30pm – 1pm)
Booking advisable but not necessary.
3 - 4 Pybus Place, The Esplanade, Redcar, TS10 3AE
Tel: 01642 498894
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
Open: Tuesday – Saturday 9am – 5pm, Bank Holidays and Sundays running up
to Christmas 10.30am – 3.30pm.
Booking advisable.
5 Somerset Terrace, Scarborough, YO11 2PA
Tel: 01723 369910
Email: [email protected]
Open: Monday - Saturday : 10.00am to 4.00pm. (Opening times may vary
according to season. Please ring in advance to avoid disappointment)
Contact: David Shaftoe or Sam Parkhouse
Community House, 46 East Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5LT
Tel: 01423 507227
Three Harrogate District Breakfree packs grade fully accessible walks and
places of interest by the gradient and surface of the paths whilst also
detailing all amenities and potential obstacles on clear, colour maps.
Especially suitable for parents, wheelchair users, cyclists and anyone with
limited mobility. Packs are £2 each and are available at Tourist Information
Centres, local outdoor shops, Harrogate Library, or call Open Country.
Countryside Directories
Contact: Open Country
Tel: 01423 507227
Š North Yorkshire Countryside Directory of Opportunities for People with
Š East Yorkshire Countryside Directory of Opportunities for People with
Š South Yorkshire Countryside Directory of Opportunities for People with
Š West Yorkshire Countryside Directory of Opportunities for People with
Š Co. Durham Countryside Directory of Opportunities for People with
Easy Going North York Moors
Tel: 01439 770657
Probably the best access guide ever printed! Contact North York Moors National
Park to get a hold of a copy – cost £6.50.
The National Trust—Information for Visitors with Disabilities
Access for All Office, 36 Queen Anne’s Gate, London, SW1H 9AS
Tel: 020 7447 6742
Email: [email protected]
An annually updated booklet containing very useful information about access
and amenities for everyone throughout the National Trust properties. Can be
used in conjunction with the ‘National Trust Handbook for Members and
Guide for Disabled Visitors, English Heritage.
Tel: 0870 333 1181
Email: [email protected]
Free guide showing which properties offer easier access. Designed to be used in
conjunction with English Heritage Visitors’ Handbook. Large print, Braille and
audio tape / disc also available. For details of their Yorkshire Events, visit
RADAR – Accessible Holidays in the British Isles
RADAR, 12 City Forum, 250 City Road, London, EC1V 8AF
Tel: 0207 2503222
Minicom: 0207 2504119
An annually updated production.Publications
Outdoor adventure for Handicapped People—RADAR
A book available by order from Waterstones Bookshop (£5.95):
15 James Street, Harrogate
Tel: 01423 531953
Published by Souvenir Press. Author Mike Cotton. ISBN 0285649787
A Practical Guide for Disabled People
For free copies as a book, audio cassette and Braille please contact:
Department of Health, PO Box 410, Wetherby, LS23 7LN
Directory for Disabled People
By Ann Darnbrough & Derek Kinrade
Prentice Hall, Campus 400, Maylands Avenue, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire,
HP2 7EZ or try
A comprehensive handbook of information for anyone concerned with disability.
Access for All – Garsdale, Dentdale and Sedbergh
Contact: Rachel Briggs, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Tel: 01969 652363
A guide detailing access opportunities to heritage sites in the Garsdale,
Dentdale and Sebergh area. Other formats available on request.
Access for All – Wensleydale
Contact: Rachel Briggs, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Tel: 01969 652363
A guide detailing access opportunities to heritage sites in the Wensleydale area.
Other formats available on request.
Access for All – Yorkshire Dales
Contact: Rachel Briggs, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Tel: 01969 652363
A guide detailing access opportunities to heritage sites in the Yorkshire Dales
National Park. Other formats available on request.
Access for All – Wharfedale
Contact: Rachel Briggs, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Tel: 01969 652363
A guide detailing access opportunities to heritage sites in Wharfedale National
Park. Other formats available on request.
Access for All – Swaledale & Ribblesdale
Contact: Rachel Briggs, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Tel: 01969 652363
Future planned guides that will detail access opportunities to heritage sites in
Swaledale (due 2010) and Ribblesdale (due 2011). Other formats will be
available on request.
Gateway to the Countryside of Leeds
Leeds Leisure services, Leeds City Council
Tel: 0113 3957400
A guide to the accessible walks and places of interest in the Leeds area.
Leaflets available from Open Country:
Tel: 01423 507227
• Open Country Information Leaflet
• Harrogate & Knaresborough Cycle Map
• York Cycle Route Map
• Spofforth to Wetherby footpath and cycle route
• The York to Selby Cycle Path
• Easy Going Trail from Pateley Bridge to Glasshouses
• Easy Going Nature trail on Skipwith Common
• Easy Going along the River Wharfe at Ilkley
• Easy Going facilities and routes around Bolton Abbey
Tourist Information Centres
Aysgarth Falls
Tel: 01969 663424
01729 860333
Tel: 01677 424604
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 015242 41049
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 015242 62549
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 01423 866886
Tel: 01423 323373
NB: only open seasonally
Danby (The Moors Centre)
Tel: 01439 772737
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 01347 821530
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 01723 518000
NB: only open seasonally
Leeming Bar
Tel: 01677 424262
Tel: 01969 623069
Tel: 01729 830363
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 01653 600048
Tel: 01609 776864
Tel: 01756 752774
Pateley Bridge
Tel: 01423 711147
NB: only open seasonally
Great Ayton
Tel: 01642 722835
Tel: 01751 473791
Tel: 01423 537300
Tel: 01748 884059
Tel: 01969 667450
Tel: 01748 850252
Tel: 01439 770173
Tel: 01765 604625
Tel: 01430 860479
Tel: 01723 373333
Tourist Information Centres
Sutton Bank
Tel: 01845 597426
Scotch Corner
Tel: 01325 377677
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 01539 620125
Tel: 01845 522755
NB: only open seasonally
Tel: 01757 703263
Tel: 01947 602674
Tel: 01729 825192
Tel: 01904 550099
Tel: 01756 792809
Disability Links
Disability Action Yorkshire
Unit i4A, Hornbeam Park Oval, Harrogate, HG2 8RB
Tel: 01423 855410
DAY provides service aimed at improving quality of life by enabling people to
access fundamental activities such as work, education, personal care, leisure
and holidays.
Disability Information Service
Contact: Pam Toms
Victoria Park House, 8 Victoria Avenue, Harrogate, HG1 5QY
Tel: 01423 501894
This service aims to provide up-to-date accurate information about services and
resources including welfare benefits for people with disabilities, their carers and
professionals. Free, confidential and independent.
Disabled in York - Information & Advice Service (York CVS)
Tel: 01904 638467
Information, advice and consultation service on all aspects of disability for York
& District.
Disability Links
Open Country
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
Open Country aims to enable anyone with any type of disability to access and
enjoy the countryside. We run a fun activities programme all year long suitable
for all ages and abilities, ranging from walking and cycling groups to outings,
wildlife investigation, an adventure club and conservation tasks.
In addition, we provide an advice service about access issues and creating
paths accessible for everyone. We have also published a number of publications
listing accessible places to visit in the local countryside.
Disability Action in Richmondshire
Contact: Linda Curran
Tel: (01748) 824626
Email: [email protected]
Harrogate & District Access Group
c/o Harrogate Borough Council, Department of Technical Services, Knapping
Mount , Harrogate, HG1 2AE
Tel: 01423 500600
Textphone: 01423 556543
Regular meetings and advice given regarding access issues for all people in the
Harrogate area. If you have an access problem then the group is there to help
and has representatives from many organisations representing people with
disabilities and businesses, services and the Council.
Harrogate Borough Council Access Officer
Contact: Judy Smith
Tel: 01423 556617
Responsible for the Right’s of Way network within the town boundaries of
Harrogate & Knaresborough.
North York Moors National Park
Contact: Karl Gerhardsen, Recreation & Access Officer
Tel: 01439 770657
Disability Links
Ripon & District Disability Action Group
Contact: Rosamund Haw, Chairperson
Tel: 01765 603042
An action group for people with physical disabilities enabling them to share
common problems and take appropriate action.
Scarborough & District Disablement Action Group
Tel: 01723 379397
Selby & District Disabilities Forum & Access Advisory Group
Tel: 01757 705421
Whitby & District Disablement Action Group
Tel: 01947 821001
Email: [email protected]
York Access Group
23, Front Street, York, YO2 3BS
Tel: 01904 792023
Yorkshire Dales National Park
Contact: Rachel Briggs
Tel: (01969) 650456
Websites worth a surf…
Ability Online
Bringing together information for people with disabilities on the Internet.
Disability Action Yorkshire
English Heritage
English Nature
Fieldfare Trust
Working with people with disabilities & countryside managers to improve
Forestry Commission
Harrogate Cycle Group
Help the Aged
National Trust
Remap volunteers design, manufacture or adapt equipment for people with
disabilities providing it’s not available commercially.
Sensory Trust
Provides creative solutions to the problems of access to public greenspace.
Websites worth a surf…
Information on the National Cycle Network and sustainable transport.
Tourism in the Harrogate District
Travel Line
Voluntary bodies in the Harrogate District
(Council for Voluntary Services website)
The Yorkshire Dales
Yorkshire’s Great Houses, Castles and Gardens
Yorkshire Net
The Internet gateway to Yorkshire
Yorkshire Tourist Board
The Countryside Code
For anyone visiting the countryside it is worth remembering
the Countryside Code. By following these basic guidelines, the
countryside stays open to everyone whilst helping the people,
animals and wildlife who live there. For more information visit or Telephone: 0845 100 3298
Be safe – plan ahead and follow any signs
Leave gates and property as you find them
Protect plants and animals, and take your litter home
Keep dogs under control
Consider other people
To avoid erosion keep to the trail
Cyclists also have a code to help guide them whilst in the
Always give way to walkers
Give adequate warning of your approach
Always ride in control and wear a helmet
Be extra careful when approaching bends and path junctions
Ensure that your bike is safe to ride
The Funders and Authors
The Funders:
This project received funding from Yorkshire Forward (Yorkshire & Humber
Regional Development Agency), the Environment Agency and North Yorkshire
County Council.
We thank them for their support in our project and enabling us to share this
information with others so that many more people may be able to enjoy the
great outdoors as much as we do.
The Authors:
Open Country
Open Country was set up in 1990 to enable anyone with any disability to access
and enjoy the countryside. In 2006, Open Country was presented with the
Queens Award For Voluntary Service, followed by the Duke Of York’s
Community Initiative in 2008.
Sam and David are the Open Country project officers. Both have joined the
project from a countryside background of work and personal interest. This
Directory is just one of the ways that we try to let people know about what is
available to them and how they can get involved.
There are also directories available for East Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West
Yorkshire and Co Durham. They can be downloaded from, requested by telephone on 01423 507227 or by
email: [email protected]
We hope you use this Directory to get more involved with the countryside and
enjoy all the benefits and fun that comes with it.
The Queen’s Award for
Voluntary Service 2006
The authors of this Directory have made every effort to ensure that the
information included was right at the time of going to print. However, we
cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions, or any loss or
damage arising from the use of this information. We advise Directory users to
ensure the suitability of all services described for their individual needs.
Open Country Tandem Club 2006
We hope to be able to up-date this Directory in the future. If you have any
comments, additions, up-dates or suggestions as to how we may improve this
directory please contact us at:
Open Country
David Shaftoe and Sam Parkhouse
Community House, 46 East Parade, Harrogate, HG1 5LT
Tel: 01423 507227
Email: [email protected]
Open Country is a Company Limited by Guarantee No: 05155859 (Registered in England and
Wales) and a Registered Charity No: 1107331 and is partly supported by North Yorkshire Social
Services as well as a number of other grant giving bodies.