Farlington Focus September October 2015


Farlington Focus September October 2015
September/October 2015
Message from Louise Higson, Headmistress
I cannot quite believe that the half-term holiday is already upon us. Time flies when you are having fun!
The new school year got off to an excellent start with some superb examination results. In the Key Stage 2 SATS,
GCSEs and A Levels the girls worked hard and got the results they deserved. We are extremely proud to be third
in the Telegraph Smaller Schools League Table for A Levels and, of course, the top school in the South East! The
GCSE and A Level successes will be celebrated at our Prize-Giving on Friday 13th November.
In September, we opened ‘Fishponds’, our new junior Boarding House, giving our younger boarders their own
accommodation in a smaller, home-from-home environment. Thank you to those of you who joined us for the
official opening ceremony – do not forget to use your complimentary boarding voucher
soon! This year we also introduced extended day provision, which has proven extremely
popular and is providing a valued service to busy parents.
The Farlington community has been very industrious over the past few weeks. From Nursery
to Sixth Form, the girls and boys have epitomised our school motto – Vive ut Vivas. They
have been living life to the full! I know you will enjoy reading about the many and varied
activities in this bumper edition of the Focus. There is certainly something for everyone.
The next half of the Autumn Term also promises to be action-packed. I look forward to
seeing you at the PTA Christmas Fair, the Christingle and Carol Services. Meanwhile, I wish
you and your family a relaxing, enjoyable and well-deserved half term break!
Louise Higson, Headmistress, was pleased to welcome
governors, parents and girls to the grand opening of
‘Fishponds’, Farlington’s new Junior Boarding House on
Friday 25th September.
Parents and girls from Years 4 to 8 were invited to attend
and were given a tour of ‘Fishponds’, a self-contained
Boarding House with a kitchen, living room and facilities for
12 boarders ranging in age from 8 to 13 along with a
residential Housemistress. The ribbon was cut by former
Boarder Londy Tang, who was a full boarder at Farlington
from 2000 till 2008. She spoke of her happy memories of life
at Farlington and the positive experiences she had here
before cutting the ribbon to formally open the building.
Louise Higson commented, “I am delighted so many people
could attend the opening. Our team has worked
exceptionally hard to provide this high standard of
accommodation for our boarders.
“Our team has worked exceptionally hard to provide this
high standard of accommodation for our boarders. This new
Boarding House will allow us to extend our boarding
provision. Our older boarders will continue living in the main
Mansion House building.
“We are keen that girls have the chance to experience
boarding and boarding and so we will be offering ‘Taster
Evenings’ as well as full, weekly and flexi-boarding options.
‘Fishponds’ is beautifully situated within our grounds and is
the perfect boarding location. I am sure our British and
international boarders will be very happy here.”
Frances Mwale, Prep Headmistress
The theme running through the
Prep School this term is ‘all
friends together’. Assemblies
have tried to unravel the
mysteries of what makes a true
selflessness of the Good
Samaritan and made us think
about how we can avoid being a
‘fair weather’ friend - only there
in the good times. Reverend
Beresford focused on the story
of Ruth and Naomi, drawing parallels with the current
migrant crisis and Splash gave us ideas about being there to
help one another. Girls thought about how to welcome those
new to their classes, some even new to the country!
The Autumn Term is a time for firsts: first day at school; first
time wearing a kilt and not a tunic; first Harvest Festival (the
last one too, for our Prep 6 girls); and this term, the first
occupants of ‘Fishponds’ Junior Boarding House. ‘Fishponds’
has a home-from-home feel; it is a lively, welcoming place to
retire to at the end of a busy day and I am delighted that
around 20 families are making regular use of the extended
day-care provision offered there. Making friends right across
the age range is just one, special, Farlington facet. The Prep
School is always grateful for the endeavours of our Senior
girls, who volunteer to help out in various ways: hearing
readers, taking younger girls from one venue to another or
making toast and drinks in the ‘Fishponds’ kitchen.
Friendships, to be successful, must work two ways: giving to
one another as much as receiving. I am delighted that this
term, as ever, we have many opportunities to raise funds for
others. Our Harvest collections for Barnardo’s and Open
House Crawley and the proceeds from our card designs going
Environment & Responsible Tourism) are just a few examples.
Parents have been rooting around for no longer needed
items and toys for the Christmas Fair and kindly donating
chocolates and filled jam jars. We know that when the whole
community pulls together, we can do marvellous things!
It has to be said, I am looking forward to the half-term
holiday now, with some travelling planned, but also some
rest and relaxation as main features of the break. So as I fly
off to visit a friend I haven’t seen for years, I shall be mindful
of all the learning that has gone on so far and no doubt bring
back some fun tales to share with my Farlington friends here.
Have a lovely half-term break!
The Broadbridge Heath Concert on 10th
October, featuring Farlingtonic, students
and guest performers, raised an amazing
£800 for the charity ‘Children on the Edge’.
Visit www.farlingtonschool.net for full review.
Prep 2 had a fantastic start to their Victorian topic in
September when they visited Guildford Museum for a
Victorian Schoolroom experience. The girls dressed up in
Victorian costume and spent the day learning what it was like
to be a child in the 1800s and how different school life was
then. They were expected to sit in rows in silence, with their
hands behind their backs ; they also took part in traditional
Victorian lessons including recitation, drill and needlework,
writing on slates and then with ink pens. The girls were given
the opportunity to play with Victorian toys and looked at a
range of artefacts which inspired their curiosity, including
some ‘Alice in Wonderland’ exhibits, relating to the novel
they are studying this term.
An inter-schools show jumping competition was held at the
All England Jumping Course at Hickstead on 24th September.
The Farlington Gold Open Team comprising just three riders Clarissa Burnell-Price on Warpaint, Ella Bubb on Sky and Ella
Heron on Nemo - all jumped amazing clear rounds to secure
first place for Farlington School. Hickstead is a prestigious
international jumping venue and all riders aspire to jump
there, so a win is particularly exciting for Farlington’s riders.
They were all awarded Hickstead rugs, winner sashes and
beautiful rosettes. This is a fantastic achievement for the
Farlington riding department and as always a big thank-you
must go to Mrs Marion White, the team manager, parents
and supporters.
The Prep School had an excellent turnout for its fifth annual
Family Dog Show on Saturday 3rd October. Over 40 dogs
registered for 9 classes which included Most Handsome Dog,
Dog with Waggiest Tail, Best Sausage Catcher, an Agility
Course, Most Appealing Eyes and a Fancy Dress Parade.
Headmistress Ms Higson and Mr and Mrs Michael Comyn
oversaw the judging of the Fancy Dress Parade and Mr Steve
Goulding, an ex-police dog trainer, and his wife judged the
other categories. The entries in the Fancy Dress category
included a pug Minion, Little Red Riding Hood and ‘Grandma’
and the winner, Judith Haers-Galambos, who dressed as a cat
burglar with her convict greyhound! Best in Show was won by
Erin Clarke’s Max, and runner-up was Purdey, owned by
Sophie Plowright and family.
A big thank-you must go to Comyn & James for their
sponsorship and for providing wonderful rosettes to the top
five winners in each class, to Mrs Mason who supplied
delicious cakes and to the parents who sold refreshments all
afternoon. The afternoon raised just over £380 for the girls’
School Council projects.
On Friday 9th October, the whole Prep School gave a musical
and thought-provoking Harvest Festival assembly to family,
friends and staff. Colourful imagery, harvest harmonies and
poignant poems abounded. The girls delivered their lines and
lyrics with aplomb: big smiles, confidence in abundance and
a sense of enjoyment and celebration, too.
Mrs Frances Mwale, Prep Headmistress, commented, “As we
thought about the needs of the wider world and the haves
and the have-nots, strong messages undoubtedly struck a
chord with us all about extending the ‘hand of friendship’ to
others, looking after the world’s precious resources and
sharing what we have. Prep 1’s rows of vegetables summed
up many of the sentiments wonderfully well: have ‘peas’ of
mind, ‘lettuce’ be kind, ‘squash’ selfishness and ‘turnip’ to
help one another; watering all with patience and cultivating
with love.
“My grateful thanks go out to all the staff for their original
ideas and diligent rehearsing; particular gratitude to Mr
Dallimore, who usually begins planning for Harvest some
time in July! It was a great team effort and a lovely occasion. I
am immensely proud of the children and staff!”
The food collected this year by the pupils will go to Crawley
Open House, a charity which provides support and services
for those suffering the effects of homelessness,
unemployment, loneliness, discrimination or other forms of
social exclusion. In addition, the children will also bring home
a loose-change collecting pot and these funds will be
donated to the charity Barnardo’s.
The netball and hockey season has got off to a good start this
term with the girls training hard and enjoying some
challenging competitive matches. In hockey we had some
good wins against Christ’s Hospital and Brighton & Hove. The
U14 and U13 squads are making steady and solid progress.
In netball there have also been some good results for the
U15’s against Duke of Kent. The U13’s did particularly well
against Burgess Hill, while the U12’s very much enjoyed their
versatility tournament at Windlesham House where they
came 3rd. We have had great success in swimming beating
Roedean, Moira House and Mayfield on 5th October across
the age groups. We are still waiting to hear if our
intermediate team has qualified for the National Relays
Finals. We must also commend our junior cross-country
runners who have qualified for the Regional Final to be held
on 14th November, and our triathletes. The girls have
displayed great energy and tenacity and we look forward to
more success after the half-term break.
Sara Whittaker
Our swimmers took part in the annual Sussex Schools
Swimming Relay Championships. The junior team - Amelia
Wright, Amelia Eltham, Issy Hayes and Imogen Rimer - came
4th in the medley and freestyle events with good swims from
all four. The intermediate B team put in a very creditable
performance. The intermediate A team, which made the
National Finals last year, was up against local rivals, Millais.
Lauren Pedel, back from her ankle injury, put in a good
performance, as did the rest of the team: Gaby Eltham,
Gemma Cumber and Lilly Cherriman. The girls finished 2 nd in
both freestyle and medley and now are waiting to see if they
have one of the top 18 times in the country, enabling them
to compete at the National Finals once again.
On 8th October Farlington junior
and intermediate cross-county
running teams entered the
National Schools Cross-County
Cup at Roedean School. The
setting and weather were perfect
and both teams ran exceptionally
well, despite an uphill struggle
into a head wind! The junior team came in with a fantastic
score of 59 points which is enough to see them enter the
regional final on 14th November in Bexley, Kent. Well done to
all runners and good luck to the juniors for the next round.
Honesty South won her age group in
the regional gymnastics competition in
the level 3 category, making her
Regional and Sussex champion.
Katie Bedwin and her horse, Layla,
came 3rd in a 2-day, 100-mile
endurance race across the Black Mountains in Wales and
was the youngest competitor by 20 years.
Issy Hayes cam 3rd at the world’s largest
children's triathlon at Hever castle and
won the Crowborough Triathlon.
Issy Hayes, Amelia Wright and Gaby
Eltham represented the South East of
England in the Triathlon England meet.
Issy came 2nd, Amelia 4th and Gaby 4th in
their respective age categories.
Rania Hyde has been invited to take part in the Sussex
Track and Field Squad 2015-16.
Fencer Eleanor Harvie trained in Hungary with other top
international fencers. In the women’s épée competition,
she was knocked out by the eventual
winner, finishing 17th.
Anna Wilson is the national diving
champion, after wining the ASA National
Finals (Diving) in Manchester. She is the
best 12-year-old skills female diver in the
Sophie Kitson won the 14&U and 16&U
girls’ singles at her club tournament and
represented her club in the Sussex League,
in both the girls’ and ladies’ teams.
Amelia Wright, 13, came an impressive 26th at the under 20
British Triathlon Festival.
Gemma Cumber has had outstanding
results in open water swimming: winning
the Bell Water and the River Arun Festival
(women and junior categories); coming 4th
in the juniors at the Eastbourne Sea 2k
event and winning the juniors section (2nd
in women’s) at the River Adur event.
On Saturday 2nd October,
the U11 netball A team
went to Burgess Hill
School for Girls to play in
a tournament. The team
played some fantastic
netball, really pulling
together as a team. They
matches, but with grit and determination they didn't give up.
There were also some fabulous goals scored and some great
wins. Well done to Florence McKenzie, Roseanna Savage,
Evie Apps, Alexia Homerstone, Lucy Bugler, Emilie Williams,
Phoebe Bloor-Black and Alyssia Brown.
On Wednesday 16th September the weather was awful and
the rain came down in buckets as the intrepid Year 7 girls set
off together on their first senior school trip. They were full of
fun and laughter and excited about their day of adventure!
They were brilliant! Although slightly hesitant about crawling
through the mud and getting wet and filthy, the girls quickly
threw themselves wholeheartedly into all the activities. They
fostered a wonderful team spirit, involving everyone in each
task. They built rafts, overcame obstacle courses, found
pilots and medical barrels in the woods and crossed ravines
on tree stumps and planks! Their communication, planning
and organising was a wonder to behold! A great day was had
by all, despite the weather conditions. Let’s hope the
weather will be kinder to them all on their next school trip.
What a wonderful group of girls. Well done Year 7!
Year 8 girls visit High Ashurst Outdoor Learning Centre every
year for fun activities which help the girls to bond as a year
group, whilst gaining confidence personally and accepting
challenges. The centre is based in a forest near Dorking, on
the top of Headley Heath behind Box Hill.
The girls take part in two activities during the day, one
involving forest skills and the other a rope challenge course.
On many occasions the girls astound themselves with their
daring on the ropes and feel as if they have achieved more
than they thought possible. The camp and fire-making
activities are always ones which the girls enjoy, considering
with interest how well they could survive in the wild!
Whatever the weather (and we have had it all!) the girls
come back to school with memories of an adventure they
will always remember and the support of their year group.
On Friday 18th September senior girls, and staff, took part in
‘Jeans for Genes’ day. The event, organised by Genetic
Disorders UK, raises money to give care and support for
children and families who are affected by a genetic disorder.
The school has supported the annual event for the last nine
years. The girls paid a £2 contribution to wear jeans instead
of their school uniform.
Claudine Maude, Farlington’s Charities Co-ordinator, said,
“The girls always enjoy wearing jeans to school and
supporting this worthwhile charity. At Farlington, we feel it is
important that students are encouraged to work with
charities and to do something for the wider community.”
On 8th October, the Year
12 and 13 Textiles
students spent the day
at the Knitting and
Stitch Fair at Alexandra
Palace, London. It was a
super trip that inspired
the girls in many ways.
artists, designers and
graduates had stands
there. The highlight was
sequinned, life-size fish counter!
They attended a talk and learnt how to embellish felt with
gold wire. The designer was using the same sewing machines
that we have at school, which was marvellous to see. The
lessons since the trip have been filled with new ideas and
Dawn Richards, Upper Sixth Textiles student, said, “I really
enjoyed the day and it was inspiring to see all the designer
with their work. I now have some great ideas for my project
and I am excited to try them out.”
The Boarders spent a weekend at the Avon Tyrrell Activity
Centre. On the Saturday, they got stuck into some team
games as a big group, before separating into smaller
ones. The girls rotated through three different activities –
raft building, climbing and a high ropes course. The raft
building tested the girls’ initiative and team work as they
created a weight-bearing raft constructed from oil barrels
and wooden planks. All the girls were eventually successful,
despite a few design malfunctions! The climbing wall and the
high ropes challenged the girls to face their fears, some of
them able to whizz to the top and others content with going
as far as they found comfortable. “The weekend was an
excellent way to bring the girls together and for the new
boarders to integrate into the group. It helped strengthen
existing friendship bonds and create new ones,” said Mrs
Roberts-Barter, Head of Boarding.
Farlington recently hosted a seminar for 14 postgraduate
trainee teachers from the University of Chichester. The
seminar, entitled “The Effective Use of ICT in Modern Foreign
Language Teaching”, was led by Farlington’s Head of Faculty,
David Walker-Smith. The trainees, accompanied by University
Senior Lecturer, Elaine Minett, were able to experience how
various pieces of software are applied to language teaching in
a real school setting, learn all about some important dos and
don’ts, as well as having a practical workshop session in
creating good quality language resources.
“This is now the fifth occasion on which we have welcomed
trainees to Farlington,” said Mr Walker-Smith, “and it is
always our pleasure to contribute to the University’s
Postgraduate Certificate in Education programme. We have a
long-standing partnership with Chichester and it is a privilege
for us to play a part in training the teachers of the future.”
One of the trainees, Alba Mesa, is now on a placement with
the Faculty of Languages at Farlington until Christmas and
will be teaching Spanish in the Senior School. Alba, who is
from Córdoba in southern Spain, is pleased to be completing
her teacher training in England and can’t wait to get started!
On Friday 9th October, Year 7 went to Lewes Castle to take
part in a study day investigating medieval life. Students took
part in a guided tour of the castle, learning about its history
and its uses. They enjoyed an artefact-handling session,
looking at some of the objects which had been discovered by
archaeologists, to investigate different types of people from
the Middle Ages. There was also a drama workshop and an
opportunity to visit the museum to investigate what life in
Lewes was like at the time.
On Wednesday 7th Oct, Paul
Kasadha, Head Teacher of
Nalango School in Uganda, visited
Farlington. Mr Dwyer, Head of
Geography, has been part of the
team ‘One Mile Closer’, which has
raised over £80,000 for the
school. It now has 632 pupils, a
boarding section, and has been
granted full secondary school
status by the government. Paul
observed a number of lessons and spoke to many teachers,
so that he might take back ideas to share with his staff in
Uganda. He gave a very moving assembly to students and
staff which highlighted the contrast between education and
schooling in Uganda and here.
Twenty-one Farlington students, three teachers and an
expert expedition leader from specialist company ‘True
Adventure’ had the true adventure of a lifetime this summer
in Tanzania. Lorraine Leivers - mountain guide, Iron Woman
competitor and all-round inspirational woman - once again
led Farlington girls and staff into East Africa. The brief was to
experience the real country, meet the people, do some
meaningful work alongside local people and then have some
rest and relaxation. A fundamental part of the True
Adventure philosophy is that the students run the trip. They
make all the decisions, handle all the money, buy the
provisions and fulfil all the management roles. After a trek
to a height of 2,200 metres in the Uluguru Mountains we
travelled to our project site: Kinole, a quiet, isolated village.
The school of 1,050 students and just nineteen teachers is at
the heart of the community. Muslim and Christian families
live and study side by side. The children and staff clearly had
great pride in their school, coming to the area early to
sweep the whole campus each morning with handfuls of
twigs. Although loved, the buildings were in a sorry state
with huge holes in some of the concrete floors and dirty,
faded walls, which simply did not reflect the atmosphere
and ethos of the place. The Farlington team had just a few
days to transform the site physically so that it better
reflected the positive, upbeat, happy community that it
housed. Classrooms were emptied, concrete and gallons
upon gallons of paint were bought and mixed, local
workmen were hired, holes were filled, walls were scrubbed
and then painted and painted and painted. By the end of
our stay we had painted eleven classrooms inside and out
and four new floors had been laid. Classroom furniture had
been mended and the school now matched the expectations
and high standards of the students and staff. The hard work
was followed by a 24-hour safari and our final night was
spent at Kipepeo beach, a stunning stretch of sand around a
sweeping bay.
For the staff, it was simply a privilege to be part of a
genuinely unique educational experience in the widest
sense of the word education. The key is to challenge, learn
and triumph; all twenty-one girls certainly did that! Watch
this space to see what they do next!
To read Jane Williams’ full account of the adventure, visit
Farlington’s website - www.farlingtonschool.net
The first of this year’s Vive Lectures was given on 2nd October
by Paul Snowsell, personal trainer and advanced nutrition
adviser. He gave students a splendid opportunity to learn
about healthy eating and nutrition. With his hands-on
approach and visual aids, Paul led students on an insightful
and enlightening journey of healthy discovery. Placing the
number of sugar cubes next to particular products and asking
the students and their parents to guess how much sugar was
in their favourite items was an
excellent way both to see and to
understand how much sugar we
eat. With a demonstration on how
to make a super smoothie with
berries, milk, nuts and oats in a
matter of seconds, it was evident
that there really is no excuse to
skip the most important meal of
the day – breakfast! An informative
and thought-provoking lecture.
On 16th September, 20 (extremely excited)
girls from Years 10-13 accompanied by (the
almost equally excited) Miss Lewis and Ms
Williams went to the Barbican to see
Benedict Cumberbatch – sorry - to see
Shakespeare’s greatest tragedy, ‘Hamlet’.
Tickets for the play had sold out within 30 minutes of going
on sale so were very lucky (i.e. Miss Lewis had the Barbican
on speed dial from the second the booking lines opened a
year ago last August) to have acquired as many as we had.
The performance was enthralling, and Cumberbatch’s
portrayal of the tormented eponymous hero justified the
accolades he has received. It was an innovative production,
which had the audience spellbound throughout and on their
feet at the close. The girls were enraptured by what they had
seen and even more ecstatic when they saw ‘Ben’ at the
stage door, had their programmes signed and caught him on
camera. In the words of one of the girls, ‘the best night of
my life!’
On Friday 25th September
Farlington School took part
in the World’s Biggest
Coffee Morning in support
Support. Parents and staff were invited for coffee and pastries
to the Boarders’ Dining Room from 8.30am. The one-day
event runs throughout the UK and encourages people to make
donations for their coffee whilst enjoying a chat in a friendly
Tim Richardson, Chair of the Farlington Foundation, was
delighted to present Victoria Godfrey, Manager of the East
Street, Horsham branch of Cancer Research UK with a cheque
for £1000. The money was raised at Farlington’s second Charity
Golf Day at Ifield Golf Club. Victoria Godfrey said, “I am thrilled
to accept this for Cancer Research UK. This money will go
towards funding scientists, doctors and nurses to help beat
cancer sooner, as well as providing cancer information to the
Year 11 students enjoyed a tremendous visit to the seaside on
Wednesday 23rd September, collecting their controlled
assessment data on Worthing beach. Blessed with really sunny
weather, the group annotated a satellite image, measured the
quality of the environment and interviewed the beach warden.
The students also carried out a large number of questionnaires
to assess the opinion of the public. There was time for a ride
on the promenade train and a packed lunch on the pier. The
hard work of producing a GCSE project based on the data we
collected now begins!
The A level art students are having an exhibition of their work
at The Capitol in Horsham, running from 9th until 28th
November. The work, comprising a selection of portraits,
landscapes and figures, is highly exciting and creative. The
Private View is on Friday 13th November, 6.00-9.00pm and
everyone is welcome.
On the morning of Saturday 22nd July I eagerly awaited my
husband’s return from the local newsagents as I was pretty
sure that The Telegraph would contain the A Level League
Tables that day. I quickly scanned the education section and
to my absolute delight and pride, I noted that Farlington was
3rd in the Small Schools’ League! What a fantastic
achievement for the girls AND staff. I was so excited at the
prospect of all those bright young women, many of whom I
had taught in the Prep School, joining the Alumnae!
As mentioned in “Vive”, we welcomed those attending the
Reunion on 3rd July (as part of the Senior School Speech Day)
with a glass of Pimm’s and on Sunday 22nd August there was a
Tenth Anniversary Reunion for all the girls who received their
A Level results in 2005. A huge thank-you to Linzi Roberts for
organising this event and welcoming everyone to her home.
The champagne flowed throughout the afternoon, as did the
conversation and laughter. A grand time was had by all!
Our next Reunion takes place on Thursday 11th November at
the Royal Festival Hall from 6.00-9.00pm for those alumnae
living and working in and around the south east. It would be
great to see you, even if you can only spare an hour for a
quick drink and catch-up. Please join us if you can!
Joy Baggs
Ten Year Reunion for 2005 Leavers: Slumped left to right (it must have been all of that
champagne!): Tor Martin-Bird, Katie Stone, Linzi Roberts, Joy Baggs, Jo Brown, Frankie
Hyde, Liv Herbert, Mari Wallace, Becky McInnes (née Posgate ) and daughter, Emmy,
Alex Featherstone and daughter, Sophia.
Farlington School, Strood Park, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 3PN Tel: 01403 254967 Fax: 01403 272258
Email: [email protected]